
I have not seen all of these polls you refer to. In fact I have seen
the media try to downplay his race or redefine it in less threatening
terms.   However, most general polls on race indicate that Whites see
biracial people who look Black as Black. - That is not to say that
they do not acknowledge that they are biracial.  

I was not aware that conservatives liked him as you suggested.  Many
have tried to portray him as someone with Muslim extremists roots and
drug taking.  That is an odd way of showing that you like someone in
my opinion.  While I have seen the talking heads say last night that
him being "third world " can help us become of the world, I've never
heard anyone say they like him because he is biracial.  Even if
someone thought that, I do not think they would say it, because it
might be perceived as racist.  OK, so maybe Bill O'Reilly would - Did
he?  I think most commentators are more saavy than that

I never said he was a share cropper, but as far as I understand, he
did not come from a privileged background, have lots of money ot
connections as Hilary did.  Most Blacks and many biracials from middle
class backgrounds are still excluded from the benefits Hilary had.  in
fact many Whites from similar backgrounds are excluded from
As I told you, Obama is not my first choice.  I did not want him in
office either.  Like most politicians, I think he is a sell out. 
However, I wanted Hilary even less because she has been voting on many
important issues like a right wing conservative.  She wants to go into
Iran, she wants it to be illegal to burn the flag, she is ok with
invasion of privacy, the list goes on.  I think Obama id a player and
in the pockets of those in power.  I think he is the lesser of two

However, that is not relevant to the issues that you raised.  Which
was that Hilary lost because she is a woman.  That biracial black men
who look Black do not face the issues that other Black men face.  That
Black men have it easier than White women.  That Hilary is not already
part of the power elite.  Those are issues YOU raised.  

Whether I like Obama or not relevant to those issues.  Truth be told,
I'm not a big fan.  I think he is all smoke and mirrors.  The Perfect

You say, "Black men are still men. They are still part of the
network."  I would say the Black men on this list and across the
country would disagree with you.  There is tons of data that refutes
your claim.  Maybe this is more about the candidate you like loosing
than the issues you raised.  I can understand that.  Having a woman in
office  would be a major milestone - Whoever it is.  However
belittling the milestone of Obama's achievement or minimizing and
negating the existence of the many overwhelming odds Black and
biracial men face in our country seems an odd way to cope with
Hilary's setback of loosing one primary.  

--- In, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> In a message dated 1/4/2008 1:12:44 PM Eastern Standard Time, 
> Tracy
> Poll after poll; discussion after discussion sees Obama as a
biracial man. 
> Halle may be the first "black " actress but she is also seen as
biracial.  Tiger 
> woods may be seen blacks by some people but he is still seen as
> also. 
> Conservatives like him because of his biracial background. Not his
> background. 
> Black men get paid less than White men.  a Black man with a
> traditional name is less likely to even get a job interview than a
> white female
>  Obama did not start from humble beginnings either.  He is not the
"my father 
> was a sharecropper" black as many blacks who have achieved many
things like 
> to suggest. 
> When people actually start asking what does Obama stand for. they
> answer. I don't know who I will vote for, but I do not that this
"woe is the black 
> man" stuff will have to end with the election of a black man.  That
why I 
> don't understand why people still think that America is still a
racist society. I 
> don't think that black america can really stomach and end to their
> I am sure that white America cannot wait for the end of the Jena 6 soul 
> patrol. 
> Black men are still men. They are still part of the network.  
> **************Start the year off right.  Easy ways to stay in shape.
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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