The only source I¹ve seen you  reference is Juan Williams and ³TV². I don¹t
think a yahoo discussion thread is the same as what people feel on the
streets. Change in this country has to  happen from all levels, not just
from blogs,  but from the streets. Obama and Edwards are hitting up these
unions, the working people in this country.  Ain¹t a lot of dock workers
maintaining blogs.

You seem focused all day on Obama having an easy go of it for no other
reason than because he is a partially white male. That  was a great
perspective for 1988. Now, honestly? Even the liberal/conservative jazz is
old hat. It¹s more marketing. Being liberal or conservative was the new
³urban². There are some TOTALLY white males -- even on this list -- who will
tell you that just being white  is not enough. It takes money, and it takes
a flawless marketing team. It takes a hook. Clinton has access to ALL of
this, AND a hook, but her true underwear is showing. As Tracey said, Clinton
is mad right wing with hers. Nobody wants to go down that  road again. It
cost the country BILLIONS of dollars,  and thousands of lives. America has
chosen the woman they are going to stand behind, and I say again ‹ her name
is Oprah Winfrey. This is a consumer based economy and she is the #1
influencer across all 50 states. And she has chosen Obama. In 2004 you had
Puffy out here with Vote Or Die T shirts,  Oprah, Tom Joyner, Tavis, all the
Black people who can make people do things...all very vocal...all
registering voters...and none of them endorsed a candidate. So guess what
happened...nobody won. This time, everybody is saying Obama. And so, guess
what¹s happening...Obama is coming out of the gates strong.

Black people have to take responsibility for ourselves, yes,  but that¹s not
what we¹re talking about. We¹re talking about candidates for president of
the United States. Truth be told,  if we were talking about  personal
responsibility,  we¹d be laughing ALL of these democrats off the stage and
having a long talk with Kucinich  to see how serious he REALLY  is.  Truth
be told, if Black people were about self responsibility,  there would have
been three riots  by now since 2004. We¹re not TALKING about that.  We are
talking about sending  four people to the Pro Bowl. The public gets a say in
who goes,  and then the game has to  be played to decide a winner.

On 1/4/08 4:27 PM, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> In a message dated 1/4/2008 3:51:55 PM Eastern Standard Time,
> <>  writes:
> I
> believe that for you this conversation has been more about your
> dislike of  Obama - which I understand
> It is not my dislike of Obama. I just think that there are issues that will
> not be touched because of gender, race and other problems. Hillary my notr be
> likable, but I don't think Obama is like either. From some of the liberal
> blogs/website people say that he is low on substance. Will the mainstream
> press 
> start going after him? I think not. Also I think that there are those liberals
> that see a win as a end to any racist feeling that may exist in this country.
> Other threads I have seen say that that they voted for Obama because they know
> that he can not win the general election.
> I think he has not been attacted because he was not considered the front
> runner, but will they go after him if he is. Obama has been careful to race
> issues. He has not seem to bee to controversial.  Do people really know his
> policies 
> on other issues. Some liberals say he is a republcian-lite. He is not
> different than Clinton. He hope and change message is meaningless. Why should
> he get 
> a free ride while Edwards, Rommney, and Huckabbee have to prove themselves.
> I still don't understand why Edwards is going after Clinto but never goes
> after Obama. He is content to be second place? If he wants the presdiential
> nom, 
> then he needs to go after Obama. Something that only Clinton has done.
> **************Start the year off right.  Easy ways to stay in shape.
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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