With all due respect, this is a 2 dimensional analysis.

It assumes that there is a woman at American Express, for example, Black or
otherwise, going for Kenneth¹s job,  and that the only reason she won¹t get
it is because Kenneth is there. It also dismisses the fact that you have
just named 7 men in senior positions (none of them owners, by the way) out
of HOW MANY corporations? So, by this analysis,  it  would take 7 more Black
Women in CEO positions in order for things to  be balanced. The reality is
that there are close to  20 Black CEOs. But even by this math, Having 14
Black faces on a list of 500 Fortune-rated companies doesn¹t exactly signal
that ³we¹ve made it².

You are also dismissing the amount of Black VPs, SVPs, EVPs, and GMs at the
companies that  do not have Black CEOs, and a significant amount of them ARE
Black women. And in addition, you  are dismissing  Black executives who were
not born in the United States. So again, it goes to the question of how we
are defining ³power². There is strength in numbers, and a greater strength
in strategically placed number of people of color (from the entire Diaspora)
in positions to make change.

On 1/4/08 1:42 PM, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> In a message dated 1/4/2008 1:35:59 PM Eastern Standard Time,
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:ravenadal%40yahoo.com>  writes:
> Stan O'Neal ousted at Merril Lynch and Richard D. Parsons about
> to retire at Time Warner, Kenneth Chenault remains at American
> Express, Ronald Williams at Aetna, Clarence Otis Jr. at Darden
> Restaurants, Aylwin Lewis at sears and John W. Thompson at Symantac.
> I don't believe there is a similar list of African-American women.
> The top eschelon of corporate America remains an old boy club.
> ~rave!
> I could not remember their names. I just did not want to say the Merril Lynch
> guy. 
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> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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