While I agree that what is said in an Internet discussion is different
than TV, I disagree that newspapers differ from the traditional media
that I was referring to.  With the Internet there is no holding back.
 I still say I have not seen the "many" polls on his  biracial
heritage that you refer to.  

I do not think I indicated Black men are "always" down trodden.  In
fact most of the Black men I know personally are not.  However,
statistically - as a group they are.  There is a significant
difference.  While there are cases where Black men have it better than
White Women, there are many case where the opposite is true.  I'm
getting the impression that you do not believe that and problably see
all the data that supports that as flawed so on that issue I have been
wasting my time.  

 I think that in addition to White conservatives, that many Blacks
have problems with Jesse Jackson, so I'm not even arguing for that cause

As I said to you before.  I'm not a big Obama fan, but a professional
who works with issues that you addressed. I came to the conversation
seeking to point out some facts about Blacks, biracials, and women in
power that I did not think you knew.  This was not about my preference
of Obama or Hilary.  To be honest  - I prefer Gore or Edwards.  Thats
not going to happen.  However the more we exchange emails, the more I
believe that for you this conversation has been more about your
dislike of  Obama - which I understand  

> In a message dated 1/4/2008 2:56:53 PM Eastern Standard Time, 
> I was not aware that conservatives liked him as you suggested.  Many
> have tried to portray him as someone with Muslim extremists roots and
> drug taking.  That is an odd way of showing that you like someone in
> my opinion.  While I have seen the talking heads say last night that
> him being "third world " can help us become of the world, I've never
> heard anyone say they like him because he is biracial.  Even if
> someone thought that, I do not think they would say it, because it
> might be perceived as racist.
> Tracy
> What is said in newspaper articles and internet discussions is
> what is heard on tv. From some of the more conservative points of
view,an Obama 
> win would be an end to the Jesse Jackson type of black american. An
end to 
> affirmative action and to blacks complaing about racism aka the Jena
6 kind of 
> marches. 
> In some cases Black men have it easier than White women. I don't
believe that 
> black men are always downtrodden when they step outside the door
until they 
> get home. 
> Alot of thlem do have it easier than white women because they are men. 
> Despite the idea that affirmative action has benefitted white
females. Black males 
> have benefitted from being men. Someties race is not an issue. You
are right 
> that some people don't like Clinto because she is Clinton. However I
don't like 
> the liberal hype that Obama will be any different than any other
person. If 
> the liberal Demoract Congress is any indication that it will be SSDD. 
> If you listen to Juan Willams and other talk about  him, they feel
that is is 
> the kind of "black" that should be leading america. 
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> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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