--- In SciFiNoir_Lit@yahoogroups.com, "Tracey de Morsella (formerly
Tracey L. Minor)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> So let me get this straight (no pun intended....

<<It took me a while to get that one.  Curled my toes>>

if she has her hair
> straightened on relaxed she is a sell out???  if  I decide at the
end of
> the summer that I am tired of wearing a fro and i want to get a
> I'm a sell out too?  Seems to me that are some pretty superficial
> criteria for selling out.
> Tracey

<<The question is not strictly how you wore your hair.  The question
is how radical a departure that would be for you--and just the hair
would not do it.  You would have to go from the Nalo look to total

> >> When you guys see her dressed up with pressed hair like
> >> Rice you will know you heard it from me first.
> >>
> >> --- In SciFiNoir_Lit@yahoogroups.com, "sancochojo" <mccartjf@>
> >> wrote:
> >>    
> >>> I was debating on if I should stand up in my office cube and
> >>>      
> >> applause.
> >>    
> >>> I could not have said it better.
> >>>
> >>> You know the old street cliche, "if you have something to say,
> >>>      
> >> it
> >>    
> >>> to my face." 
> >>>
> >>> Her blog gives everyone the opportunity to challenge her, but
> >>>      
> >> cower
> >>    
> >>> away and say "I don't feel like it, blah blah" when asked to
> >>>      
> >> the
> >>    
> >>> author back and challenge her yet have all the energy to write
> >>>      
> >> about 6
> >>    
> >>> or seven post here to talk junk about her, says a lot.
> >>>
> >>> Nora, it isn't crabs in the barrel, its big giant lobster claws
> >>>      
> >> a
> >>    
> >>> barrel.
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> --- In SciFiNoir_Lit@yahoogroups.com, "Nora" <njem@> wrote:
> >>>      
> >>>>> -----Original Message-----
> >>>>> From: SciFiNoir_Lit@yahoogroups.com
> >>>>> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Chris
> >>>>>          
> >> Hayden
> >>    
> >>>>> <<Hopkinson seems to be disowning Afrofuturism, a movement,
> >>>>>          
> >> genre,
> >>    
> >>>>> thang that she helped start.  One reason why she could be
> >>>>>          
> >> doing this
> >>    
> >>>>> is because she is going to sell out--
> >>>>>          
> >>>> a) You're presupposing that Afrofuturism *is* a movement.  That
> >>>>        
> >>> doesn't seem
> >>>      
> >>>> to be a settled debate yet.  b) Maybe she's disowning it
> >>>>        
> >> she
> >>    
> >>>> *didn't* help start it.  If she had, I don't think she'd have
> >>>>        
> >> been so
> >>    
> >>>> surprised to suddenly find the label applied to her.  And c)
> >>>>        
> >>> "sellout" is
> >>>      
> >>>> right up there with "nigger" and "bitch" in my book -- it's a
> >>>>        
> >> dire,
> >>    
> >>>> them's-fightin'-words insult.  I don't know about you, but I
> >>>>        
> >> didn't join
> >>    
> >>>> this community to insult my favorite authors.
> >>>>
> >>>> Citing your own post with the definition from the Afrofuturism
> >>>>        
> >> listserv,
> >>    
> >>>> Afrofuturism or Afro-futurism is an African American and
> >>>>        
> >>>>> Diaspora subculture whose thinkers and artists see technology
> >>>>>          
> >> and
> >>    
> >>>>> science fiction as a means of exploring the Black experience
> >>>>>          
> >> and
> >>    
> >>>>> finding new strategies to overcome racism and classism.
> >>>>>          
> >>>> By this definition, Afrofuturism is meant to be an
> >>>>        
> >>> thing.  Its
> >>>      
> >>>> members must *see* tech and SF as a means of blah blah blah. 
> >>>>        
> >> you
> >>    
> >>> don't
> >>>      
> >>>> write SF with the intention of exploring the Black experience
> >>>>        
> >>> combatting
> >>>      
> >>>> racism/classism, then you shouldn't be counted as part of the
> >>>>        
> >> movement.
> >>    
> >>>> It's not just being a black person writing SF that qualifies
> >>>>        
> >> you.
> >>    
> >>> Heck, by
> >>>      
> >>>> this definition, you don't even have to be black -- you just
> >>>>        
> >> have to
> >>    
> >>> have
> >>>      
> >>>> that exploratory, developmental purpose in mind.
> >>>>
> >>>> I *am* black, and it permeates everything I do, but I'll be
> >>>>        
> >> frank:
> >>    
> >>>> "exploring the Black experience" is the furthest thing from my
> >>>>        
> >> mind
> >>    
> >>> when I
> >>>      
> >>>> write most of my stuff, even when I'm writing about black
> >>>>        
> >> people.
> >>    
> >>> I'm not
> >>>      
> >>>> trying to combat racism, I'm just trying to have fun telling a
> >>>>        
> >>> story.  So if
> >>>      
> >>>> someone tried to stick the Afrofuturism label on me, I would
> >>>>        
> >>> probably react
> >>>      
> >>>> in much the same way as Nalo.  "Afro whatism?  *Me*?  Huh?"
> >>>>
> >>>> I think it's a disservice, both to authors and to this nascent
> >>>>        
> >>> movement, to
> >>>      
> >>>> hijack people into it.  A movement doesn't *need* to go
> >>>>        
> >> for
> >>    
> >>> members,
> >>>      
> >>>> if it has the ideological strength to grow and develop on its
> >>>>        
> >> own; its
> >>    
> >>>> members will find it, because it serves a need.  But when
> >>>>        
> >> declare
> >>    
> >>>> that so-and-so's work *must* be Afrofuturism, whether that
> >>>>        
> >>> intended
> >>>      
> >>>> it that way or not, they're trying to bogart her into it.  The
> >>>>        
> >> thing
> >>    
> >>> is, by
> >>>      
> >>>> doing this they make the movement, if indeed it is a movement,
> >>>>        
> >> look
> >>    
> >>> too weak
> >>>      
> >>>> to stand on its own.  It has to coerce its most prominent
> >>>>        
> >> members to
> >>    
> >>> join?
> >>>      
> >>>> That's not a movement, that's Scientology.
> >>>>
> >>>> Even worse, by insinuating that she's a sellout if she
> >>>>        
> >> any
> >>    
> >>>> Afrofuturists trying to claim Nalo may effectively achieve the
> >>>>        
> >> complete
> >>    
> >>>> opposite effect, and send her running for the hills. 
> >>>>
> >>>>        
> >>>>> <<It is not clear what she is saying.  First she says it
> >>>>>          
> >> a
> >>    
> >>>>> movement.  Then if it is she doesn't have anything to do with
> >>>>>          
> >> it. 
> >>    
> >>>>> Then she admits that she helped start it--whatever it is. 
> >>>>>          
> >> There is a
> >>    
> >>>>> lot of confusion here that is open to interpretation.
> >>>>> She is in the public eye.  She will be classified,
> >>>>>          
> >> catgegorized,
> >>    
> >>>>> turned into a brand folded spindled and mutilated just like
> >>>>>          
> >> all the
> >>    
> >>>>> rest, from Plato to Oprah--
> >>>>> It's part of the game--
> >>>>>          
> >>>> Bullshit.  It's one thing to discuss the probable intentions
> >>>>        
> >> an
> >>    
> >>> author
> >>>      
> >>>> who's dead, or impossible (for us) to contact, a la Octavia
> >>>>        
> >> Butler.
> >>    
> >>>  But to
> >>>      
> >>>> do this to a woman who's alive, when **you've got her blog
> >>>>        
> >>> there** and
> >>>      
> >>>> you can talk to her directly, and to do it with this
> >>>>        
> >>> insulting
> >>>      
> >>>> polemic, smacks of whispering behind your hand to me.  It's
> >>>>        
> >>> disrespectful
> >>>      
> >>>> and cowardly, not to mention catty as hell. 
> >>>>
> >>>> You defeat your own purpose by doing this, Chris.  You're
> >>>>        
> >> reenacting
> >>    
> >>>> crabs-in-a-barrell syndrome all over again, sniping at someone
> >>>>        
> >> who's
> >>    
> >>>> successful and trying to make them look bad.  I find that to
> >>>>        
> >> far more
> >>    
> >>>> "sellout"-ish behavior than anything NH could do by refusing to
> >>>>        
> >>> accept some
> >>>      
> >>>> random label.
> >>>>
> >>>> If you want to know what she means, post something in her blog
> >>>>        
> >> and
> >>    
> >>> ask her.
> >>>      
> >>>> Nora
> >>>>
> >>>>        
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
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> >
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> >
> >
> >
> >

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