Anselm Lingnau wrote:

(Nigel, I think, wrote)
>> As for dancers not knowing the difference between a reel and a jig: why
>> on earth should they? I can't see that it's very relevant to how they
>> dance. One plays 2 or 4 notes to the beat, the other 3, but the beat
>> remains the same, doesn't it?
> Nope. Most SCD dance steps are composed of four separate »actions« (such
> as »hop-step-close-step« or »step-beat-beat-hold«). Simplifying things
> somewhat for the sake of argument, in reel time, these actions take
> place on beats 1, 2, 3, 4 of a bar (assuming 4/4, common or cut-common
> time), and in jig time on beats 1, 3, 4, and 6.

Right, that's what I was trying to get at.  The difference is subtle enough
that some dancers don't notice it until it's pointed out to them (even
though they may be unconsciously making the adjustment to the different
rhythm).  Anselm (or anyone else), this is probably a dumb question, but
having never devised a dance myself, how does a devisor decide if a dance
should be a jig or a reel?  Are there figures that work better for one or
the other or is it just a matter of personal preference?  I suppose this is
really a question for the strathspey list! -Steve
Steve Wyrick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -- Concord, California

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