-----Original Message-----
From: Nigel Gatherer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Mon, 04 Feb 2002 12:04:11 +0000 (GMT)
Subject: Re: [scots-l] Tempi

> Steve Wyrick wrote:
> > ...I remember a discussion on the STRATHSPEY mailing list in the last
> > couple years to the effect that even within recent memory the tempo
> > of the Strathspey has slowed down....Some people said they recalled
> > that in the mid-1900s the strathspey tempo was more like what we now
> > do "Glasgow Highlanders" at, ie around 60-66 BPM. (regarding
> > Hardie's tempo for the Strathspey it seems to be double what I'm used
> > to.  Do you think he's counting differently?)
> Mmm. This is where I get all mixed up. Let's see. (Whips out a
> metronome)...
> (For x/4 tunes, one click of the metronome equals a crotchet, or one
> quarter note. Perhaps you're counting it as a minim or half-note?)

Yes, both of the sources I quoted were counting the beats on the half-notes.  Sorry 
for the confusion. -Steve

Steve Wyrick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -- Concord, California

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