Re: Easiest Way in Perl to check Whether a Disk is Mounted

2024-06-05 Thread Mike

I sure couldn't figure out how to test for a mount
with that module.  And I did go to 'man 2 mount'.
Still couldn't figure it out.


On 6/1/24 18:29, Jeff P via beginners wrote:

Of course, I can use system calls and call the unix mount
or mountpoint applications but is there a proper perl way to do
this since system calls are not as elegant?  Thank you.

How about this module from metacpan?


Re: [announcements mailing list]

2024-03-20 Thread Mike

I am subscribed to the Perl Weekly:


On 3/15/24 06:27, Maxim Abalenkov wrote:

Dear all,

How are you? I hope all is well with you. I’m wondering, do we have 
some kind of an announcements mailing list, that would highlight, what 
happened in the Perl world over the past week, month, quarter? What 
are the new developments, when a new version of Perl will be available 
or released? It would be nice and pleasant to know. Thank you and have 
a wonderful Friday ahead!

Best wishes,

Maxim Abalenkov \\
+44 7 486 486 505 \\

Re: [install and use local::lib module]

2024-02-17 Thread Mike

Hello Maxim,

I say $HOME/perl5 (~/perl5) is where my
personally installed modules are located.
Actually in ~/perl5/lib/perl5/

I am less sure about $HOME/.cpan (~/.cpan),
but I think that is where the cpan settings
are stored.  But looking inside it suggests
it is more than just settings.

Mike F.
Houston, TX

On 2/15/24 04:23, Maxim Abalenkov wrote:

Dear all,

How are you? I re-read the README file of the local::lib module. There 
was one more command missing:

echo 'eval "$(perl -I$HOME/perl5/lib/perl5 -Mlocal::lib)"' >>~/.bashrc

My new Perl settings in the .profile file are:

# Perl 5.38
export PATH=/usr/local/bin:$PATH
export PERL5LIB=$HOME/perl5/lib/perl5
eval `perl -I$HOME/perl5/lib/perl5 -Mlocal::lib`

Now everything works. But I still don’t understand the setup very 
well. What is the difference between the ‘.cpan’ and ‘perl5’ 
directories? What is their purpose? Thank you and have a great day ahead!

Best wishes,

Maxim Abalenkov \\
+44 7 486 486 505 \\


2024-02-09 Thread Mike

I don't.


On 1/31/24 16:51, hw wrote:

Ok and how do you do it with OpenOffice::OODoc?

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2024-01-30 Thread Mike

FWIW, in Spreadsheet::WriteExcel I do this:

$sheet = $book1 -> worksheets(2) -> {Name};
$sheet = $book1 -> worksheets($sheet);
$sheet -> Activate;

$sheet -> Range("B2") -> Activate;
$ex -> ActiveWindow -> {FreezePanes} = "True";


On 1/28/24 16:26, hw wrote:

So how do I freeze rows/columns?

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2024-01-25 Thread Mike

It can be done with a Perl module:

I have not tested that.


On 1/25/24 13:05, hw wrote:


is there a way to create libreoffice spreadsheets (ods) similar to

There is OpenOffice::OODoc and I don't see how to create spreadsheet
documents with that.

Is there still no way to do that?

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Re: regex

2024-01-23 Thread Mike

I stand properly scolded.


On 1/23/24 07:01, wrote:

Please stop using my mail address when replying, I'm on the list and
don't want two copies of the same mail (it's not about you Mike).

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Re: regex

2024-01-22 Thread Mike

Why is my Perl not working on that command?

$ perl -e 'exit(10) if "aaa"=~/a{,2}/;'
Unescaped left brace in regex is illegal here in regex; marked by <-- 
HERE in m/a{ <-- HERE ,2}/ at -e line 1.


But this works:
$ perl -e 'exit(10) if "aaa"=~/a{0,2}/;'

$ echo $?

It sure surprised me that the first one did not work for me.

Do I need to upgrade my Perl?
$ perl -v

This is perl 5, version 30, subversion 0 (v5.30.0) built for x86_64-linux
(with 1 registered patch, see perl -V for more detail)

I just went through my Perl documentation and none of
it allows {,2}.  Learning Perl Second Edition (July 1997)
"If you leave off the second number, as in /x{5,}/, it means "that many 
or more" (five or more in this case), and if you leave off the comma, as 
in /x{5}/, it means "exactly this many" (five x's).

To get five or less x's, you must put the zero in, as in /x{0,5}/."


On 1/22/24 06:23, Jorge Almeida wrote:

Please help me to understand this:
$ perl -e 'exit(10) if "aaa"=~/a{,2}/;'
$ echo $?
$ 10


Jorge Almeida

Re: Knowledge for a basic programmer and advanced programmer

2024-01-05 Thread Mike

If you are coding you should be backing up every
10 minutes or more often.  And you should store
a "historical" full copy of the code every 30 minutes
or more often and save them for days.


On 1/2/24 10:33, William Torrez Corea wrote:

On Tue, Jan 2, 2024 at 5:17 AM Shlomi Fish  wrote:

On Sat, 16 Dec 2023 08:10:49 -0600
William Torrez Corea  wrote:

> What needs to know a basic and advanced programmer?
> I am a basic programmer, I don't have enough experience to be an
> programmer.
> How many years of experience must an advanced programmer have?

hi William,

I answered many of your questions in the FAQs I comaint. List here:


Shlomi Fish
Parody of "The Fountainhead" -

Golden rule #12: When the comments do not match the code, they
probably are
both wrong. ;)              — Steven Rostedt,

Please reply to list if it's a mailing list post - .

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My projects had a lot of compiler errors and I lost time. A long time 
ago I used Borland Turbo C, an IDE out-of-time until today. My 
colleague lost time with this IDE because delete code, so he had to 
code it again from scratch.

Actually i use:

 1. gcc version 12.2.0 (Debian 12.2.0-14)
 2. vim version 9.0.1499
 3. GNU gdb (Debian 13.1-3) 13.1
 4. GNU Make 4.3
 5. git version 2.39.2

/Actually I have problems with the logic, the syntax is closed matter 
and I can't work in a team. /


With kindest regards, William.

⣾⠁⢠⠒⠀⣿⡁ Debian - The universal operating system

Re: [getting PAUSE account]

2024-01-01 Thread Mike

That is true.  I don't see the appeal with Python, but
I have barely dabbled in it.  I code for me and I know
Perl.  I don't have the motivation to learn a new language.
Perl works well, so I use it.


On 12/25/23 22:05, William Torrez Corea wrote:

I am a beginner, I am learning of the book Beginning Perl by Curtis 
"Ovid" Poe. I am learning subroutines.

I want to develop a program or work in a project where the people use 
Perl but the majority of projects are developed in Java or C#.


With kindest regards, William.

⣾⠁⢠⠒⠀⣿⡁ Debian - The universal operating system

Re: [getting PAUSE account]

2023-12-25 Thread Mike

Great question.  I think I did see that Pause accounts
were going away soon, but I'm not sure that has taken
place yet.  I just signed into my Pause account and I
don't see anything about them being retired.

This 3 year old post says it takes a bit of time:

Do you plan to create a module for CPAN?  I'm just
wondering.  Perl is still going strong, though you
might not think so from what you see.  I use it
all day - every day.

Houston, TX

On 12/23/23 10:01, Maxim Abalenkov wrote:

Dear all,

How are you? I hope all is well with you. I’m reading the 
‘Intermediate Perl’ textbook. It suggests applying for a PAUSE 
account. I applied a couple of days ago using the link listed in the 
book. However, I still haven’t received any reply. Am I doing 
something wrong? Shall I be more patient or is the advice in the book 
no longer relevant? Please let me know. Thank you and have a good day 

Best wishes,

Maxim Abalenkov \\
+44 7 486 486 505 \\

Re: Upgrade Perl

2023-10-05 Thread Mike Hübschen

I use

Best regards,

On 10/5/23 21:03, William Torrez Corea wrote:

How to upgrade Perl from Debian?

I have Perl *v5.32.1*


With kindest regards, William.

⣾⠁⢠⠒⠀⣿⡁ Debian - The universal operating system
⢿⡄⠘⠷⠚⠋⠀ <>

Re: My progress in Perl

2023-08-07 Thread Mike

"Try to learn by doing something that you need."

That is great advice.  Write a program to open your directories
given a key word.  I use that program dozens of times every day.


On 8/7/23 00:29, Olivier wrote:


I started testing some extensions of CPAN but I don't understand anything. I
only execute and then proceed with a book. The name of the book is
Beginning Perl of Curtis Ovid Poe.

I started with a lot of passion but then lost interest, the monotony conquered
me. Actually I am learning references and Complex Data Structures in Perl.

I never learned that in Perl and I have been using Perl for 25 years at

I never learned Perl from a book either, I used it for some small
tasks/projects and learned new bits when I needed them.

I have a lot of doubts in my mind:

What is my purpose with this language?

For me, Perl is an unvaluable tool for automatisation of system tasks,
manage users, create accounts, etc. My last scripts are used to
synchronize print quota between two very dissimliar systems.

In my country don't exist use of this language
I am boring and tired

SpamAssassin is a large project in Perl, but even that is not using very
complicated data structures. Perl was designed to manipulate reports,
extract data and create new reports. It is not a general usage language.

I am not sure it is the right way to try to learn Perl without any
project. Try to learn by doing something that you need.

Most of the CPAN extensions (modules), you don't need them, you will
never need them unless you have a direct use for them. Also, depending
on the operating system you are using, some of the Perl modules may be
part of the packages distriubuted for your OS.

Also, for me the real strength of Perl is the strong system of regular
expressions, I have an extensive use for them in each of my scripts (a
software produces some logs, I have to extract some significant lines
from the logs, etc.)

Best regards,


Re: hosting suggestion?

2023-07-03 Thread Mike

I used HostGator for more than 10 years, but they lost
much of their expertise during Covid.  I am on A2-hosting
now.  I think they are expensive, but pretty good.


On 7/1/23 13:49, Rick T wrote:

My web hosting company is closing business, and I less than two weeks to move 
my five sites to another host. All of these use perl. If you have experience 
with a host that supports perl, I’d appreciate any and all suggestions. I’m 
less concerned with cost than with service quality and support because I’m a 
high school teacher rather than a web professional!

Thanks in advance!

Rick Triplett

Re: Communities or support

2023-06-14 Thread Mike

Good question.  I know we are using it here in the USA.
I put in my time on Perl, and now I can whip up a
program mighty fast.  I do so quite often.  And I use it
every day - many times a day.


On 6/14/23 17:44, William Torrez Corea wrote:
Why don't existing communities, use or support the language of 
programming PERL in Central America?

What happened?
Why does nobody use this language of programming in this continent?

Only JavaScript, Java, .NET, Python and other frameworks are promoted 
and used in this continent.


With kindest regards, William.

⣾⠁⢠⠒⠀⣿⡁ Debian - The universal operating system

Re: providing perl api for C library

2022-12-10 Thread Mike

I don't know.

You know what they say - to get the quickest answer, don't
ask the question.  Instead, do it wrong and people will
come out of the woodwork to tell you your an idiot :-)


On 12/9/22 21:19, Henry R wrote:

Hello list,

I have written a C library which encrypts the data stored in object storage 
like S3.
If I want to provide it with a perl OO interface what's the right way? such 
methods like:



Re: Iterating over Arrays

2022-09-25 Thread Mike

Your version produces this output in Perl 5.30.0:

Use of uninitialized value $element in concatenation (.) or string at line 14.

Use of uninitialized value $element in concatenation (.) or string at line 14.

Use of uninitialized value $element in concatenation (.) or string at line 14.

bad idea

Which is what I would expect.

Another version:

use strict;
use warnings;

my @words = ("this","that");

$words[5] = "bad idea";

for my $element (@words){
    if (defined $element) {
    print "$element\n";
    else {
    print "undefined\n";

print "\a";



bad idea


On 9/24/22 20:00, William Torrez Corea wrote:

What happen with my code?

use strict;
use warnings;
use diagnostics;

my @words = ("this","that");

# With this code
$words[5] = "bad idea";

for my $element (@words){
 print "$element\n";

"" 13L, 167B   1,1   All

Use of uninitialized value $element in concatenation (.) or string at line 11.
  at line 11.

Re: How to can develop a program

2022-08-05 Thread Mike

I agree.  Roadmap is good.  I even gave him a
starting roadmap, but I think he is just looking
for the answer.  Which means he is going to be
disappointed for sure.


On 8/2/22 03:41, Ruprecht Helms (privat) wrote:

for bigger developing-project the best thing is a roadmap, because you 
have to plan the steps

what the thing should do.

Start with a sheet of paper and a pencil and after that you can decide 
what programminglanguage

to use and which module you want to start first.


Am 02.08.22 um 10:07 schrieb Christian Walde:
On Mon, 01 Aug 2022 22:50:21 +0200, William Torrez Corea 

On Mon, Aug 1, 2022 at 8:16 AM Christian Walde 


On Sat, 23 Jul 2022 21:03:18 +0200, William Torrez Corea <> wrote:

My goal: I want to create

you should start [...] reading Modern Perl and Ovid's Beginning Perl.

Do you have some roadmap that I can follow?

Re: How to can develop a program

2022-07-20 Thread Mike

I'm going to be traveling, so will not be able to help much
in the next 2 days.

That is a PDF file you supplied.  Is it fair to say you want to
be able to search for all the names listed in a text file and be
able to print out which file contains which name.  And in some
cases the name will not be in any of the files?  Is that the goal?

Define your goal and we will help you.

The file below is a bit old, but maybe it works for your
PDF files.  I have not tested it on your url.  I gather
you don't have HTML tables, so maybe it is not for your case.


#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# This program writes the results of the webpage listed in line 17
# to $outfile.  So basically it converts HTML to text.
# It works reasonably well with HTML tables.

use strict;
use warnings;
use LWP::UserAgent;
use HTML::FormatText::WithLinks::AndTables;

my $page = '';

my $outfile = 'output.txt';

chdir '/home/mike/Documents/copy';

open OUT, ">>$outfile" or die "Can't open '$outfile': $!";

my ($sl, $request, $response, $html);

$sl = LWP::UserAgent->new;

$sl->proxy('http', ''); # enter proxy if needs be / and set it for Soap 
too ...

$request = HTTP::Request->new('GET', $page);
$response = $sl->request($request);
$html = $response->as_string;

print "Got it into \$html.\n";

my $text = HTML::FormatText::WithLinks::AndTables->convert($html);

print OUT "$text";

print "\nAll done.\n";

close OUT;


On 7/20/22 10:13, William Torrez Corea wrote:

The url of the page:

On 7/20/22, William Torrez Corea  wrote:

Exist a page where you put info about the person but if you want to search
a name you must search this manually. So, I want to automate this process
with perl.

With kindest regards, William.

⣾⠁⢠⠒⠀⣿⡁ Debian - The universal operating system

Re: Which distribution of PERL to use

2022-07-04 Thread Mike

Strawberry Perl would be my preference if it works.


On 7/4/22 19:52, Mr. Faiz Ul Haq Zia wrote:

  Which one of the PERL distribution should I use on windows 11.
Faiz ul haque Zeya
Senior Associate professor BUKC

Re: Fwd: Win32::OLE merge rtf files - table structure missing

2022-06-15 Thread Mike

Thank you.  I received a small file: "source.rtf" and a
larger 1.9 MB file: "source.RTF".

"source.RTF" has a table and graphic graphs - 2 pages total.
"source.rtf" is just 2 pages of ASCII text, with an ASCII table:

│ Fetal_Biometry │ Diameter(cms) │ Growth(%) │ Gestational_Age │
│BPD │2.44cm │35.57% │14w1d│
│HCD │9.08cm │20.90% │14w1d│

I can serve up those files on my website if anybody else comes
along and wants to see them.

I gather the comments section at the bottom of "source.rtf"
is this part:

Limitations of Obstetrics ultrasound scanning :
*Although a structural screening scan is undertaken, detection of 
structural anomalies will never be 100%. Detection rates vary and may be 
reduced by factors like maternal obesity, abdominal scars, gestation 
age, inappropriate fetal position and reduced amniotic fluid volume. 
Even in the best of hands, a small percentage of fetal anomalies will 
remain undetected. Internationally accepted detection rate of major 
abnormalities is around 70%. As this is a level I obstetric scan center. 
To the extent visualized no gross sonographically congenital anomalies 
could be detected in the present study and fetal position. However not 
all anomalies could be rule out. To rule out cardiac anomalies fetal 
echo is suggested. Sometimes fetal parts could not be seen in advanced 
stage of pregnancy and due to poor or inadequate acoustic window. 
Sometimes not all four limbs can be clearly visualized due fetal 
position and acoustic window. This has been clearly explained to the 

So what is the problem?  It sounds to me like you have
everything completed that you want to do.


On 6/14/22 23:00, perl kamal wrote:

Hi Mike,

Please find the attached source.rtf file.
I have been trying to parse the rtf file and extract a few clinical 
measurements data and update that information in a formatted way in 
the comments sections which is at the bottom of the file.

The script what I have been developed so far ,

 1. Parses the rtf file, writing the raw content into a temp file.
 2. Extracting the required data into a  temp file1.
 3. Formatting the required data ( table structure) into a temp file2
 4. Merges the formatted data from temp2 into the source rtf file at
the end(expectation is to add at the comments section which is at
the bottom of the file)

Please let me know if you have any questions or clarifications.
Your comments will be much appreciated and thankful .


Re: Win32::OLE merge rtf files - table structure missing

2022-06-14 Thread Mike

There are a bunch of steps there.

When you say "construct a table" - in what format?
Is the finished product an html file?

Do you know how to parse the rtf file already?
If not, send an rtf file to me at

I have attached a file to see if the list accepts attachments.


On 6/14/22 00:26, perl kamal wrote:

Hi, Greetings!!!
I am trying to process an rtf file , get the content from a 
paragraph,construct a table with the processed data and update it at 
the "Comments:'' table which is at the end of the file.

My expected table structure is not updated while merging the contents.
Your comments/suggestions will be much appreciated.Thanks.

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Re: Can use perl for download photos from facebook?

2022-03-20 Thread Mike

I don't use FB at all, but it's clear they spend a lot of their
resources obfuscating their website.  They provide a tool for
backing up your FB wall, or whatever it is called, but the tool
is not effective and reliable.  I'm sure there are people overcoming
this obfuscation, and then FB changes their site to obfuscate it again.

Here is one example of people overcoming the FB obfuscation, and then
FB changes their site to obfuscate it again:

I don't use FB because I don't like their rules.


On 3/19/22 22:25, William Torrez Corea wrote:

So, friend?

On Sat, Mar 19, 2022 at 8:23 PM Adam Hopkins 

I mean the Facebook.html file that you are scanning

On Sat, Mar 19, 2022 at 9:17 PM William Torrez Corea

Here is the short code:

On Sat, Mar 19, 2022 at 8:10 PM Adam Hopkins

Did you download Facebook.html and already have it sitting
on your computer?

Can you upload that to a gist and share it here?

On Sat, Mar 19, 2022 at 8:48 PM William Torrez Corea

I have a short code:

@ARGV = ("Facebook.html");
print "wget $1_n.jpg\n";

But the result expected is null. I don't know why.

On Sat, Mar 19, 2022 at 7:21 AM Jim Gibson

Check out the LWP library of modules on CPAN:


> On Mar 19, 2022, at 6:07 AM, William Torrez
Corea  wrote:
> I have an idea from the program but I don't know
where to start.

Jim Gibson

Re: threds question with Tk

2020-12-15 Thread Mike

If nobody responds, please supply a stripped down
version of the script that produces the problem.

Maybe get rid of
use threads;
use threads::shared;
use IO::Socket::INET;


On 12/14/20 7:00 AM, stefano cerbioni wrote:

hi guys
i have created a script because i want a listbox and inside of them i 
want visualize a stream data , i understand for do that is necessary 
use threads first create a stream and second manages a Tk

the problem is  in Tk listbox appear only one time  a data stream
why ??, if anyone have some idea is welcome  thanks at all

this is a my code (perl 5 strawbaerry in windows 10 64bit )

use threads;
use threads::shared;
use Perl::Tidy;
use Tk;
use Tk::LabFrame;
use Tk::ROText;
use strict;
use IO::Socket::INET;
my$data :shared;
push@workerThreads , threads->create (\&threadSub1) for (1..10);
push@otherThreads , threads->create (\&threadSub2) ;
$_->join() for@workerThreads ;
$_->join() for@otherThreads ;
subthreadSub2 {
my$mw = MainWindow->new ;
$mw->geometry( "600x600" );
my$lbox = $mw->Listbox(-height =>500, -width =>500)->pack();
$lbox->insert('end', $data );
subthreadSub1 {
# auto-flush on socket
$| = 1;
# creating a listening socket
my$socket = new IO::Socket::INET (
LocalHost => '',
LocalPort => '23456',
Proto => 'tcp',
Listen => 5,
Reuse => 1
die"cannot create socket $!\n"unless$socket;
print"server waiting for client connection on port 23456 \n";
# waiting for a new client connection
my$client_socket = $socket->accept();
# get information about a newly connected client
my$client_address = $client_socket->peerhost();
my$client_port = $client_socket->peerport();
print"connection from $client_address:$client_port\n";
# read up to 1024 characters from the connected client
#my $data = "";
$client_socket->recv($data, 1024);
print"received data: $data\n";
my@data_array = split(/;/,$data);
foreach (@data_array) {
# write response data to the connected client
$data = "ok";
# notify client that response has been sent
shutdown($client_socket, 1);

Re: question about stream data and tk

2020-12-09 Thread Mike

I'm thinking that is not easy - maybe not possible.
I hope you prove me wrong.


On 12/9/20 6:52 AM, stefano cerbioni wrote:

hi guys  i have  a question
is  possible insert in listbox a TCP ipStream ? Does anyone  have some 
examples about it ??

because I don't know where to start thanks

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Re: perl-5.32.0 - Failed test ''S' is set in PERL_UNICODE, or in -C, honor it, utf8 should be on'

2020-09-29 Thread Mike

You might be new at Perl, but obviously not
at advance computer topics.  This must be a
hard question, because nobody is stepping
forward with answers.

I'm pretty sure this is a bad idea:
but I wanted to present it as a bad option.

So we are saying that Perl v5.32.0 would not
install on your machine.  Maybe I should stick
with my Perl v5.30.0


On 9/27/20 11:25 PM, Robbi Nespu wrote:

Hello everyone, I am new with perl.

My test server are using SLES11SP4 and it already EOL.
The latest openssl I can get from official repos it too old

$ openssl version
OpenSSL 0.9.8j-fips 07 Jan 2009

I plan to update with newer openssl

# cd /usr/local/src/openssl-1.1.1h
# ./config Wl,enablenewdtags prefix=/usr/local/ssl 

Operating system: x86_64-whatever-linux2
Perl v5.10.0 required--this is only v5.8.8, stopped at ./Configure 
line 12.

BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at ./Configure line 12.
Perl v5.10.0 required--this is only v5.8.8, stopped at ./Configure 
line 12.

BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at ./Configure line 12.
This system (linux-x86_64) is not supported. See file INSTALL for 

so.. seem I need to update perl (here i come)

# cd /usr/local/src/
# wget
# tar -xvzf (/usr/local/src/.tar.gz
# cd perl-5.32.0
# sh Configure -de -Dusethreads
# make
# make test
cpan/Test-Simple/t/Test2/modules/Formatter/TAP . 
# Failed test ''S' is set in PERL_UNICODE, or in -C, honor it, utf8 
should be on'

    # at t/Test2/modules/Formatter/TAP.t line 65.
# Failed test 'IO handle stuff'
# at t/Test2/modules/Formatter/TAP.t line 93.
FAILED at test 1
Failed 1 test out of 2553, 99.96% okay.
### Since not all tests were successful, you may want to run some of
### them individually and examine any diagnostic messages they produce.
### See the INSTALL document's section on "make test".
### You have a good chance to get more information by running
###   ./perl harness
### in the 't' directory since most (>=80%) of the tests succeeded.
### You may have to set your dynamic library search path,
### LD_LIBRARY_PATH, to point to the build directory:
###   setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH `pwd`; cd t; ./perl harness
###   LD_LIBRARY_PATH=`pwd`; export LD_LIBRARY_PATH; cd t; ./perl 

###   export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=`pwd`; cd t; ./perl harness
### for csh-style shells, like tcsh; or for traditional/modern
### Bourne-style shells, like bash, ksh, and zsh, respectively.
Elapsed: 1567 sec
u=15.41  s=3.92  cu=967.80  cs=74.34  scripts=2553 tests=1220626
make: *** [test] Error 1

at this point I have no idea where to check and fix it. checking 
../cpan/Test-Simple/t/Test2/modules/Formatter/TAP.t  but I don't 

Could you give me some advice?

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Re: Error when using the executable perl in client machine

2020-04-24 Thread Mike

Hi Manikandan,

I just received this response on the PAR list:

 Forwarded Message 
Subject:Re: Par with strawberry-Perl
Date:   Sat, 25 Apr 2020 09:44:13 +1000
From:   Shawn Laffan 
To: Mike Flannigan 

Hello Mike,

There are likely missing DLLs that need to be added to the pp call using 
the --link option.

Finding these manually can be a pain, so have a look at pp_autolink or 
pp_simple (the former is mine, but adapted from the latter).


On 4/17/20 12:00 PM, Manikandan Narayan wrote:

Hi We are using strawberry-perl

Error when using the executable perl in client machine that does not 
have strawberry-perl in it

Can't load 
8c73148db1c60163c6ec837fe6a3b7c0d\9c557319.xs.dll' for module 
Net::SSH2: load_file:The specified module could not be found at 
/ line 193.

  at /PAR/ line 140.
Compilation failed in require at C:\Users\ 

Backend/ line 15.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at C:\Users\ Nuser 
line 15.

Compilation failed in require at script/ line 13.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at script/ line 13.

Any Help will be highly appreciated.


Problem with interaction of open3, sysread and DBI (pg)

2020-03-22 Thread Mike Martin via beginners
I have a strange issue with sysread and postgres (and ffpeg/stderr)

If the main program throws an error sysread stops if I write to the
database (a log table)

this is the program (need open3 because ffmpeg writes to stderr not stdout)

use IPC::Open3;
my($file,$in, $out);
my $pid;
use Symbol 'gensym'; $file = gensym;
if ($soptsr->{command}=~/ffmpeg/){
$pid=open3(undef, undef, $file,$soptsr->{command},
@{$soptsr->{optsin}});# or die print "$!";

our $tag=  Glib::IO->add_watch ( fileno($output), ['in', 'hup'], sub {
#local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub {};

my ($fileno, $condition,$tag) = @_;

if ($condition =~ /hup/) {
close $file;
return 1;

my $line ;

sysread $output, $line, 256 or die print $!;
my @line=split /\n/,$line;
foreach my $l (@line){
print $DBI::err,"\n";#,$ins->{errstr},"\n";
#print $condition,"\n";
   #$ins->execute($soptsr->{transref},$soptsr->{fileid},$l);# if $l;
print "\n",$condition,"\t",$line,"\n";### this stops if I write todb with
prog error

return 1;

This is the output

[ in ] Input #0, mov,mp4,m4a,3gp,3g2,mj2, from
major_brand : isom
minor_version   : 512
compatible_brands: isomiso2avc1mp41
  Duration: 01:06:48.30, start: 0.00, bitrate: 237 kb

[ in ] /s
Stream #0:0(und): Video: h264 (Constrained Baseline) (avc1 /
0x31637661), yuv420p, 426x240, 201 kb/s, 30 fps, 30 tbr, 90k tbn, 60 tbc
  handler_name: VideoHandler
Stream #0:1(und): Audio: aac (LC) (mp4a / 0x613470

[ in ] 6D), 24000 Hz, mono, fltp, 32 kb/s (default)
  handler_name: VideoHandler

### If I write to db output stops here ###
### If I dont the output continues ###

[ in ] Stream mapping:
  Stream #0:0 -> #0:0 (h264 (native) -> h264 (libx264))
  Stream #0:1 -> #0:1 (aac (native) -> mp3 (libmp3lame))
Press [q] to stop, [?] for help

[ in ] [AVFilterGraph @ 0x55b6655bf800] No such filter: '-setpts'

[ in ] Error reinitializing filters!
Failed to inject frame into filter network: Invalid argument
Error while processing the decoded data for stream #0:0

[ in ] Conversion failed!

Any ideas?

(I have fixed the error in the program, but I need to be able to log if I
have other errors)

Re: reading data from a web site

2019-11-20 Thread Mike

I think so:

Well, maybe not:

Maybe this is better - maybe it isn't:


On 11/20/19 12:52 PM, hw wrote:

The web site seems to be created by a program running on the server, i. e.
there is not really a web site.  When I access it with lynx or with
WWW::Mechanize, the answer from the server says that neither frames, nor
javascript is supported, and it is not possible to log in.

Can WWW::Mechanize somehow trick the server into assuming that frames and
javascript are supported by the client?

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regular expression

2019-09-08 Thread Mike

You are not doing anything with $t to test whether
it works.  Also you are not telling us what data you
might test it with.


On 9/8/2019 6:41 PM, Jim Gibson wrote:

On Sep 8, 2019, at 3:39 PM, Mike  wrote:

I expect it to return a positive value if $t contains a number anywhere within 
it and put that number in the $1 capture variable.

On 9/8/2019 4:34 PM, Jim Gibson wrote:

On Sep 8, 2019, at 1:30 PM, Gautam Desai  wrote:

Do you guys have any pointers ?

$t =~ m{
(   # capture matched number in $1
  \d*   # match zero or more decimal digits
  [05]  # followed by a '0' or '5'
)   # end of capture
(?: # followed by either:
  \D# a non-digit
|   # or
  $ # the end of the string

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Jim Gibson

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Re: Hi Folks : I'm trying to create a regular expression for finding a # wishing a dataset for only a number that is a multiple of 5

2019-09-08 Thread Mike

It's probably best if you write a short script
that reads a __DATA__ section of data.
Then tell us what it does and what you expected
it to do.

Off hand I don't see anything wrong with your regex,
but I don't know what you expect it to do.


On 9/8/2019 4:34 PM, Jim Gibson wrote:

On Sep 8, 2019, at 1:30 PM, Gautam Desai  wrote:

Do you guys have any pointers ?

$t =~ m{
(   # capture matched number in $1
  \d*   # match zero or more decimal digits
  [05]  # followed by a '0' or '5'
)   # end of capture
(?: # followed by either:
  \D# a non-digit
|   # or
  $ # the end of the string

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Re: symlink to "pack"

2019-09-07 Thread Mike

Maybe you should simplify to:

use strict;
use warnings;
symlink('ab', "foo") || die $!;

If that doesn't work try it after changing

Printing your $target gives a space and this symbol:

I am on Strawberry Perl, so I can't really
help debug this.


On 9/7/2019 3:25 PM, Jorge Almeida wrote:

Sorry about the title, it's the best I can do...

use strict;
use warnings;
my $num=12;
my $target=pack('n', $num);
symlink($target, "foo") || die $!;

It dies with "No such file or directory"
No symlink is created. What I want is a symlink named "foo" pointing
to a 2-byte string. Yes, it would be a broken symlink. (Yes, this is
how I want it).

Symlink() can create broken links, the problem is the target. What to
do? (And why doesn't it work?)


Jorge Almeida

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Re: Geo::WebService::Elevation::USGS

2019-09-03 Thread Mike

This one gives:
Unable to get page at line 35.

I wonder if all of these are redirects:

# Does not work

my $test = get('') or die 'Unable to get 
page'; # Does not work
#my $test = get('') or die 'Unable 
to get page'; # Does not work
#my $test = get('') or die 
'Unable to get page'; # Does not work
#my $test = get('') or die 'Unable to get 
page'; # Does not work
#my $test = get('') or die 
'Unable to get page'; # Does not work


On 9/2/2019 12:31 AM, Olivier wrote:

Mike  writes:

Yes.  Both of these work fine:

my $test = get('') or die 'Unable to get page'; # Works
my $test = get('') or die 'Unable to get page'; # Works

Good, do we know two things:
- your LWP::Simple is correctly installed
- you have no proxy

Next step is to see what is the result of

So you should try with (note the / at the end):

my $test = get('') or die...

Problem is that it is going through redirections and beacuase it is
encrypted, it is almost impossible to debug by hand.


On 8/29/2019 9:33 PM, Olivier wrote:

Mike  writes:

Sorry Mike, but I have hard time to get a clear picture of what you are

Did you manage to use LWP::Simple to load

Yes.  Both of these work:

my $test = get('') or die 'Unable to get page'; # Works
my $test = get('') or die 'Unable to get page'; # Works

This is really the first question, the first step to build the

So far, I cannot even decide whether the version of LWP::Simple
installed on your machine is properly working or not. So I cannot decide
whether it is a network problem or a software problem.

Best regards,


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Re: Geo::WebService::Elevation::USGS

2019-08-30 Thread Mike

Yes.  Both of these work fine:

my $test = get('') or die 'Unable to get page'; # Works
my $test = get('') or die 'Unable to get page'; # Works

On 8/29/2019 9:33 PM, Olivier wrote:

Mike  writes:

Sorry Mike, but I have hard time to get a clear picture of what you are

Did you manage to use LWP::Simple to load

Yes.  Both of these work:

my $test = get('') or die 'Unable to get page'; # Works
my $test = get('') or die 'Unable to get page'; # Works

This is really the first question, the first step to build the

So far, I cannot even decide whether the version of LWP::Simple
installed on your machine is properly working or not. So I cannot decide
whether it is a network problem or a software problem.

Best regards,


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Re: Geo::WebService::Elevation::USGS

2019-08-29 Thread Mike

I was thinking it might give the fill in form
that you get when you go here:

I think you are right.  It is acting as intended
when visited with a browser.


On 8/28/2019 10:00 PM, Olivier wrote:

Mike  writes:

Thanks for the response.

Yeah, I don't understand why
won't open in a browser, but

In fact, it does open in a browser and the result is "General failure:
Invalid Coordinates".

This URL runs the PHP script pqs.php, this script needs input
coordinates, if there is no coordinates supplied, this script returns
the message about invalid coordinates.

This message is not a message from your browser, it is not a message
from the web server, it is a message from pqs.php. Your browser and the
web server are just fine.

And frankly speaking, what result are you expecting? pqs.php is a script
that returns some data depending on the input data you give. You give no
input, you get no output.
will.  I imagine this may have something
to do with redirects, but who knows.

This URL is missing the filename part (after the last /), in that case,
the web server uses a default file (depending on the configuration of
the web server) and the default file is presenting a page that asks for

So you are asking 2 differents URL, that corresponds to two different
pages, each page giving the correct result.

When I put
into a web browser it says:
General failure: Invalid Coordinates

When I put
into a web browser it says the same exact thing.

And it is expected that the URL with http and with https give the same
correct result.

When I go to
and put -90.76983 for X
and put 38.72360 for Y
and hit "Get Elevation"
it gives:

      3DEP 1/3 arc-second

When I go to:
it gives:

      3DEP 1/3 arc-second

So that works.

It works because you are providing correct input.

Best regards,



On 8/26/2019 10:26 PM, Uri Guttman wrote:

have you tried to just telnet to those hosts?

telnet: could not resolve Name or service
not known
telnet: could not resolve Name or service not

so there is something wrong with the urls and not the code (or the
code has bad urls).

and just getting the web pages is also failing

General failure: Invalid Coordinates

General failure: Invalid Coordinates

i dunno the module but it seems that you may not be passing in any
coordinates or something else is needed.


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Re: Geo::WebService::Elevation::USGS

2019-08-29 Thread Mike

In my Firefox it is set at:
"Use system proxy settings"
I turned it off briefly, but didn't really see
any changes.

I do not implement a proxy in LWP::Simple.

I don't think I use a system Proxy:


On 8/29/2019 5:52 AM, Olivier wrote:

And another question... Are you using any proxy in your broswer? If you 
do, how did you implemented that proxy in LWP::Simple? Olivier Olivier 

Mike  writes:

Thanks for the response.

I agree with everything you say.
I just want my LWP::Simple to access every
web link that my browser can access.

I now know that some of you can run the
code below and get all 4 of the websites
I have listed to return the website info.
All 4 of those web links gives:
"Unable to get page at line 21."

I can see I am not alone in having this problem.
Others have had the same problem with only a few
web links.

I don't see why you have a 'die at line 21' while your script has way
less than 21 lines. Also, the script comes all mangled by the mail, so
one cannot say if the error is yours or the mailer.

Make your script simple first, so you can confirm your environment is

use LWP::Simple;
print $test;

When that is working, start changing things one at a time and check at
each stage that it is still working.

You may also explore the documentation of LWP::Simple to get an error
message that makes sense, because what you get so far is only 'it does
not work', one cannot make a diagnostic with that only.

Good luck,


Re: Geo::WebService::Elevation::USGS

2019-08-29 Thread Mike

I sure appreciate your help.

I have done quite a few things listed on the internet
with both Simple and UserAgent.

We see that many of the failing sites are govt
sites.  One guy can access all my Not Working sites,
but he says that glorecords and react
very slow, even when UserAgent uses the FireFox

I know I can use Mechanize and really dive into this.
And I might do that someday.  But for the moment I'm
thinking this is unlikely to get fixed in the next week.
Good thing I don't need this.


On 8/29/2019 5:35 AM, Olivier wrote:

I don't see why you have a 'die at line 21' while your script has way
less than 21 lines. Also, the script comes all mangled by the mail, so
one cannot say if the error is yours or the mailer.

Make your script simple first, so you can confirm your environment is

use LWP::Simple;
print $test;

When that is working, start changing things one at a time and check at
each stage that it is still working.

You may also explore the documentation of LWP::Simple to get an error
message that makes sense, because what you get so far is only 'it does
not work', one cannot make a diagnostic with that only.

Good luck,


use strict;
use warnings;
use LWP::Simple;

# Does not work

my $test = get('') or die 'Unable to get 
page'; # Does not work
#my $test = get('') or die 
'Unable to get page'; # Does not work
#my $test = get('') or die 'Unable to get page'; 
# Does not work
#my $test = get('') or die 'Unable to 
get page'; # Does not work

print "\nAll done.\n\n\$test = $test\n\n";


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Re: Geo::WebService::Elevation::USGS

2019-08-29 Thread Mike

Thanks for the response.

I agree with everything you say.
I just want my LWP::Simple to access every
web link that my browser can access.

I now know that some of you can run the
code below and get all 4 of the websites
I have listed to return the website info.
All 4 of those web links gives:
"Unable to get page at line 21."

I can see I am not alone in having this problem.
Others have had the same problem with only a few
web links.

use strict;
use warnings;
use LWP::Simple;

# Does not work

my $test = get('') or die 'Unable to 
get page'; # Does not work
#my $test = get('') or die 
'Unable to get page'; # Does not work
#my $test = get('') or die 'Unable to get 
page'; # Does not work
#my $test = get('') or die 
'Unable to get page'; # Does not work

print "\nAll done.\n\n\$test = $test\n\n";


On 8/28/2019 10:00 PM, Olivier wrote:

Mike  writes:

Thanks for the response.

Yeah, I don't understand why
won't open in a browser, but

In fact, it does open in a browser and the result is "General failure:
Invalid Coordinates".

This URL runs the PHP script pqs.php, this script needs input
coordinates, if there is no coordinates supplied, this script returns
the message about invalid coordinates.

This message is not a message from your browser, it is not a message
from the web server, it is a message from pqs.php. Your browser and the
web server are just fine.

And frankly speaking, what result are you expecting? pqs.php is a script
that returns some data depending on the input data you give. You give no
input, you get no output.
will.  I imagine this may have something
to do with redirects, but who knows.

This URL is missing the filename part (after the last /), in that case,
the web server uses a default file (depending on the configuration of
the web server) and the default file is presenting a page that asks for

So you are asking 2 differents URL, that corresponds to two different
pages, each page giving the correct result.

When I put
into a web browser it says:
General failure: Invalid Coordinates

When I put
into a web browser it says the same exact thing.

And it is expected that the URL with http and with https give the same
correct result.

When I go to
and put -90.76983 for X
and put 38.72360 for Y
and hit "Get Elevation"
it gives:

      3DEP 1/3 arc-second

When I go to:
it gives:

      3DEP 1/3 arc-second

So that works.

It works because you are providing correct input.

Best regards,



On 8/26/2019 10:26 PM, Uri Guttman wrote:

have you tried to just telnet to those hosts?

telnet: could not resolve Name or service
not known
telnet: could not resolve Name or service not

so there is something wrong with the urls and not the code (or the
code has bad urls).

and just getting the web pages is also failing

General failure: Invalid Coordinates

General failure: Invalid Coordinates

i dunno the module but it seems that you may not be passing in any
coordinates or something else is needed.


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Re: Geo::WebService::Elevation::USGS

2019-08-28 Thread Mike

Thank you.  That helps me a lot to know that it works for you.

Your code, exactly as you sent it, still does not work for me.
It gives:
500 Can't connect to (Bad address) at line 19.

I'm going to try to assign an environment variable to my
system.  I doubt that will fix it, but I am trying just
about everything.

I still can't figure out why it works on some URL's,
and not others.  It's probably going to take me a
long time to figure this out.


On 8/28/2019 6:26 PM, $Bill wrote:

This seems fine on my Win10:

use strict;
use warnings;
use LWP::UserAgent;

my $url;
if (0) {    # set to 1 or 0 to flop urls
$url = '';
} else {
$url = 

my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new(); #  ssl_opts => { verify_hostname => 0, 
} );

$ua->agent("Mozilla/5.0 (Windows)");
my $response = $ua->get($url);
if ($response->is_success) {
print $response->content;
} else {
die $response->status_line;
print "All done.\n\n";


Dumps the page or elevation depending on url:

?>y="34.0">3DEP 1/3 

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Re: Geo::WebService::Elevation::USGS

2019-08-28 Thread Mike

Thanks for the response.

Yeah, I don't understand why
won't open in a browser, but
will.  I imagine this may have something
to do with redirects, but who knows.

When I put
into a web browser it says:
General failure: Invalid Coordinates

When I put
into a web browser it says the same exact thing.

When I go to
and put -90.76983 for X
and put 38.72360 for Y
and hit "Get Elevation"
it gives:

    3DEP 1/3 arc-second

When I go to:
it gives:

    3DEP 1/3 arc-second

So that works.


On 8/26/2019 10:26 PM, Uri Guttman wrote:

have you tried to just telnet to those hosts?

telnet: could not resolve Name or service 
not known

telnet: could not resolve Name or service not 

so there is something wrong with the urls and not the code (or the 
code has bad urls).

and just getting the web pages is also failing

General failure: Invalid Coordinates

General failure: Invalid Coordinates

i dunno the module but it seems that you may not be passing in any 
coordinates or something else is needed.


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Re: Geo::WebService::Elevation::USGS

2019-08-27 Thread Mike

Thank you all for the responses.

I now think this has nothing to do with
Geo::WebService::Elevation::USGS.  See
the script below for other web links that
LWP::Simple cannot reach and parse.  I have
not figured out why, but the problem is not

use strict;
use warnings;
use LWP::Simple;

chdir 'C:/Copy';

# Works

#my $test = get('') or die 'Unable 
to get page'; # Works
#my $test = get('') or die 
'Unable to get page'; # Works
#my $test = get('') or die 
'Unable to get page'; # Works

#my $test = get('') or die 'Unable to get page'; # Works
#my $test = get('') or die 
'Unable to get page'; # Works

# Does not work

my $test = get('') or die 'Unable to get 
page'; # Does not work
#my $test = get('') or die 
'Unable to get page'; # Does not work
#my $test = get('') or die 'Unable to get 
page'; # Does not work
#my $test = get('') or die 
'Unable to get page'; # Does not work

print "\nAll done.\n\n\$test = $test\n\n";


There is stuff posted about this problem.  I have
been through using UserAgent, declaring the browser,
environment variables, and other things and it
still doesn't work.  Good thing I don't need this
or it would be driving me crazy.  I will probably
move on to other things now.

use strict;
use warnings;
use LWP::UserAgent;


my $url = "";;

my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new( ssl_opts => { verify_hostname => 0, } );

$ua->agent("Mozilla/5.0 (Windows)");
my $response = $ua->get($url);

if ($response->is_success) {
 print $response->content;
} else {
   die $response->status_line;

print "All done.\n\n";



On 8/26/2019 10:26 PM, Uri Guttman wrote:

On 8/26/19 8:00 PM, Mike wrote:

use constant USGS_URL => '';
use constant USGS_URL => '';

have you tried to just telnet to those hosts?

telnet: could not resolve Name or service 
not known

telnet: could not resolve Name or service not 

so there is something wrong with the urls and not the code (or the 
code has bad urls).

and just getting the web pages is also failing

General failure: Invalid Coordinates

General failure: Invalid Coordinates

i dunno the module but it seems that you may not be passing in any 
coordinates or something else is needed.


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2019-08-26 Thread Mike

If there is anybody on Strawberry Perl, would
you please go to CPAN and install Geo::WebService::Elevation::USGS

Then run this program:


use strict;
use warnings;
use Geo::WebService::Elevation::USGS;

my $latd = '38.72360';
my $longd = '-90.76983';

my $getelev = Geo::WebService::Elevation::USGS->new();

my $elev = $getelev->elevation($latd, $longd)->{Elevation};

print "All done.   Elevation = $elev ft.\n\n";


I expect you will get this error:
500 Can't connect to (Bad address) at .pl line 12.

If instead you get the elevation, please let me know.

Then go to, take it off Read Only, and change line 133 from
use constant USGS_URL => '';
use constant USGS_URL => '';

Then run the program and I expect you will get this error:
500 Can't connect to (Bad address) at .pl line 12.

If you get either to run correctly, see if you have
Geo::WebService in your environment variables.

Thank you.


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Re: Problem executing command via ssh

2019-08-24 Thread Mike

Wow, a complicated question that I know very little
about.  But since nobody else has jumped in, I will
show my ignorance by suggesting this:

Perhaps change $command to @command.
use something like
local $/;

These beginners questions are getting
pretty complicated :-)


On 8/23/2019 11:16 AM, Mario Galindez wrote:


I need to execute a program in a remote machine, that takes its input 
from STDIN.

I created a user in such remote machine, and set my program as the 
shell for that account (so I don't need to provide shell access).

On my local node, I have this program:


    use IPC::Open3;
    use POSIX;

    $inputfile= $ARGV[0];
    open(FILE, '<', "$ARGV[0]") or die $!;
    $command= "ssh user\ <>";
    $pid = open3('<&FILE', '>&STDOUT', '>&STDERR', $command);

    waitpid( $pid, 0 );

What I expect is that I pass the name of the file as arguments of this 
program ($ARGV[0]), and the contents of this file is fed as STDIN of 
the child I've spawn with open3. This should be received as STDIN of 
my remote program, and the results of the remote program would be 
printed on STDOUT.

This works well. However, my program only reads the first line, and 
then terminates.

If I do a manual test, and do ssh 
<>, and type multiple lines of input, then 
things work as expected.

Any clues?


Question re remove_tree and symlinks

2019-08-23 Thread Mike Martin
Am I right in believing that remove_tree from File::Path does not follow
symlinks, ie: does not remove the linked file only the link if there are
links in the direstories removed

use strict;
use File::Path('make_path','remove_tree');
my $dir='testdellink';# contains links to files in testdel
remove_tree($dir,{safe => 1});

Will not remove files in testdel that are linked to in testdellink



Re: Google Sheets API Data Structure

2019-08-16 Thread Mike

Please state the exact module name.
Is it this one:

My guess is no.


On 8/15/2019 10:18 AM, James Kerwin wrote:

Hi All,

I managed to get the Google Sheets API Perl module working.

I'm currently investigating a data structure that it gives me to see 
what values I can get from it. Through random experimentation I've 
managed to find that it had "title" and "id".

I wrote this to get the data structure containing the worksheets:

my @ws = $spreadsheet->worksheets;

Now if I do:

print $ws[1]->id;

print $ws[1]->title;

I get the value in the id and the title for the specific item in the 
array. I want to know what other information is in there.

If I do this:

for my $href (@ws) {

    print "{ ";

    for my $role (keys %{ $href }) {

        print "$role=$href->{$role} ";


    print "}\n";


I get:

{ atom=XML::Atom::Entry=HASH(0x1b81928)


{ atom=XML::Atom::Entry=HASH(0x1bbbe98)



atom=XML::Atom::Entry=HASH(0x1b86ca0) }


atom=XML::Atom::Entry=HASH(0x1b86988) }


atom=XML::Atom::Entry=HASH(0x1b8c958) }

If I use Dumper it just seems to output SO MUCH information that I 
can't see the wood for the trees. Maybe I'm just tired after a 
dramatic day in Perl land.

Can anyone help me untangle this? My spreadsheet has five worksheets 
and there are five lines in my output so my assumption is that each 
line represents a sheet.

Any advice/help/guidance would be greatly appreciated.


Open and perl sub

2019-08-08 Thread Mike Martin via beginners
Is it possible to have the output of a perl module piped to open (open3 in
my case), so I can use a file handle contains the output passed to sysread

Odd question I know


Re: Install Problems: Net::Google::Spreadsheets

2019-08-07 Thread Mike

I believe somebody else responded to this, but . . .

I'll help if I can.
If you want me to try to install Net::Google::Spreadsheets
I can.  I am on Win7 - Strawberry Perl V 5.26.1


On 8/5/2019 9:47 AM, James Kerwin wrote:

Hi All,

I'm having some difficulty installing a Perl Module; 
Net::Google::Spreadsheets". Inititally it was installing in to my user 
account home directory and I wasn't certain how to change this, so I 
just added the directory to my @INC (this isn't a live server, it's 
purely for me to test on at the moment).

It appears to do a LOT when installing this module and I won't pretend 
to be an expert, but I really want it to work as it would be the 
perfect addition to a script I wrote recently (provides the user with 
a button to extract data from a database and then ideally pushes the 
data to a google sheet).

Would anybody be kind enough to help me troubleshoot this? Here is 
some output (apologies if it's not correctly displayed, I can't 
remember how you all usually request it to be displayed):

Net::IDN::Encode is up to date (2.500).
  Has already been unwrapped into directory 

  Has already been prepared
Running Build for H/HI/HIROSE/Net-Google-Spreadsheets-V4-0.002.tar.gz
Warning: Prerequisite 'Net::Google::DataAPI::Auth::OAuth2 => 0' for 
'HIROSE/Net-Google-Spreadsheets-V4-0.002.tar.gz' failed when 
processing 'DANJOU/Net-Google-DataAPI-0.2805.tar.gz' with 'make_test 
=> NO one dependency not OK (XML::Atom); additionally test harness 
failed'. Continuing, but chances to succeed are limited.
cp lib/Net/Google/Spreadsheets/ 

  ./Build -- OK
Running Build test
t/00_compile.t .. 1/?
#   Failed test 'use Net::Google::Spreadsheets::V4;'
#   at t/00_compile.t line 4.
#     Tried to use 'Net::Google::Spreadsheets::V4'.
#     Error:  Can't locate Net/Google/DataAPI/Auth/ in @INC 
(you may need to install the Net::Google::DataAPI::Auth::OAuth2 
module) (@INC contains: 
/home/james/.cpan /etc/perl 
/usr/local/share/perl/5.22.1 /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/perl5/5.22 
/usr/share/perl5 /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/perl/5.22 
/usr/share/perl/5.22 /usr/local/lib/site_perl 
/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/perl-base .) at 
line 18.
# BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at 
line 18.

# Compilation failed in require at t/00_compile.t line 4.
# BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at t/00_compile.t line 4.
# Looks like you failed 1 test of 1.
t/00_compile.t .. Dubious, test returned 1 (wstat 256, 0x100)
Failed 1/1 subtests
t/01_new.t .. Can't locate 
Net/Google/DataAPI/Auth/ in @INC (you may need to install the 
Net::Google::DataAPI::Auth::OAuth2 module) (@INC contains: 
/home/james/.cpan /etc/perl 
/usr/local/share/perl/5.22.1 /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/perl5/5.22 
/usr/share/perl5 /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/perl/5.22 
/usr/share/perl/5.22 /usr/local/lib/site_perl 
/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/perl-base .) at 
line 18.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at 
line 18.

Compilation failed in require at t/01_new.t line 4.
t/01_new.t .. Dubious, test returned 2 (wstat 512, 0x200)
No subtests run
t/author-00_basic.t . skipped: these tests are for testing by 
the author
t/author-critic.t ... skipped: these tests are for testing by 
the author
t/author-dependencies.t . skipped: these tests are for testing by 
the author
t/author-pod-spell.t  skipped: these tests are for testing by 
the author
t/release-fixme.t ... skipped: these tests are for release 
candidate testing
t/release-kwalitee-extra.t .. skipped: these tests are for release 
candidate testing
t/release-kwalitee.t  skipped: these tests are for release 
candidate testing
t/release-pod-syntax.t .. skipped: these tests are for release 
candidate testing

Re: Device::SerialPort on debian Buster

2019-08-05 Thread Mike

I didn't see a lot of responses to this, so I guess
you really answered your own question.  Must be something
wrong with the Buster OS.

See if these do you any good:


On 7/10/2019 8:51 AM, Martin McCormick wrote:

Before I take this too far, I want to make sure I am not
doing something wrong with use of the Device::SerialPort module
in perl.

The code below talks to what it thinks is a RS-232 serial
port and controlls a radio scanner so that one can program the
scanner's settings and enter frequency and operational data.
Don't worry about all that.  It used to work on debian stretch
which is last year's version of debian.  After an upgrade to
buster which is this year's version, also known as debian 10, all
RS-232 ports appear to be dead.  Interestingly enough, a debian
system running stretch, containing perl was upgraded to buster
and serial communications between that system and a native serial
port on it's mother board are fine.  The very same code ported to
the buster system also fails with
Can't call method "baudrate" on an undefined value at /home/martin/etc/mm line 

It doesn't matter what serial port or whether it is
native mother board hardware or what.  Serial ports are all
broken right now.

Here is the scanner control code.  I am sending it to see
if I am using some deprecated method that is wrong to set the
serial port or we really do have big trouble.

Thanks for any and all constructive ideas.  Code follows:

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use warnings::unused;
use File::Basename;
use File::Copy;
use File::Spec;
use Time::Local;
use Device::SerialPort;

sub waitfor {#Receive from serial port.

 my $received = "";
 our $port;

 until ( "" ne $received ) {
 $received = $port->lookfor;
 return ($received);
}#Receive from serial port.

#no more sub routine code past this point

#main global variables
our @dbstrings;

#main local variables
my $response;
my $cmd= "";
my $ONEARG = "";

#my $counter = 1;

#Setup the comm port.
my $dev = "/dev/ttyACM0";
our $instring = "";
our $port = Device::SerialPort->new("$dev");
$port->read_const_time(500);# 500 milliseconds = 0.5 seconds
$port->are_match( "\r", "\n", );# possible end strings

foreach $ONEARG (@ARGV) {   #each argument
 $ONEARG =~ s/^\s+//;
 $ONEARG =~ s/\s+$//;
 $cmd = $cmd . " " . $ONEARG;
 $cmd =~ s/^\s+//;
 $cmd =~ s/\s+$//;
}#each argument

$cmd = uc $cmd;
$instring = waitfor;
my @chars = split( "", $instring );
foreach my $char (@chars) {#

 #print ord($char);
 if ( $char =~ /[\,\s\.\-\+\_0-9A-Za-z]/ ) {#printable
 $response = $response . $char;
print "$response\n";
$instring = "";

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Re: What are these numbers (gmtime, slice)

2019-07-08 Thread Mike Small
Uri Guttman  writes:

> On 7/4/19 2:41 PM, Mike Small wrote:
>> A co-worker was trying to take some of the elements from gmtime's return
>> value. He did something like the following:
>> $ perl -E'$,="\t";say gmtime[1..5]'
> that is calling gmtime with the argument of [1..5] which is an
> arrayref. so the arg to gmtime is some large address number. it is
> then parsed as the timestamp and broken out. garbage in, garbage out!

Thanks Uri! That makes perfect sense now that I see it explained.

Mike Small

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What are these numbers (gmtime, slice)

2019-07-07 Thread Mike Small
A co-worker was trying to take some of the elements from gmtime's return
value. He did something like the following:

$ perl -E'$,="\t";say gmtime[1..5]'
8   32  12  31  7   2999416 1   243 0

I suggested he try something like this instead...

$ perl -E'$,="\t";say ((gmtime)[1..5])' 
36  18  4   6   119

... and that was what he wanted, but it didn't matter because he
re-rewrote his code to use strftime, which we both thought was more
readable.  But still, what are those numbers in the first example?
Neither of us can figure where they come from. The parens must be a
clue, but all I could think was gmtime was interpreted as an array
reference, but thinking that didn't get me anywhere that made sense to

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2019-07-03 Thread Mike Flannigan

I am having trouble posting to the Beginners
Perl list.  Is there a problem?

I understand that to upload a module to CPAN is need
to obtain a PAUSE account.  I have tried twice to get
that, but I don't receive an e-mail with a password.

If anybody can notify the PAUSE people that the PAUSE
program appears to be broke, please do.


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2019-07-01 Thread Mike

I never did receive the e-mails to my AT&T e-mail,
but a person in Demmark, or someplace like that,
gave me some personal attention and I believe all
is good now.

Thanks so much to Shlomi, Andreas and everybody else.

I first applied to PAUSE on 6/9/2019.


On 6/30/2019 7:07 PM, wrote:

He will be waiting for more days to get a response from PAUSE.
I once tried to apply for that, after a few days I got the verification mail.

On June 30, 2019 at 2:23 PM Shlomi Fish  wrote:

Hi all,

can someone try to help Mike here?

On Sun, 30 Jun 2019 05:10:19 -0500
Mike  wrote:

I understand that to upload a module to CPAN is need
to obtain a PAUSE account.  I have tried twice to get
that, but I don't receive an e-mail with a password.

If anybody can notify the PAUSE people that the PAUSE
program appears to be broke, please do.


Shlomi Fish
Understand what Open Source is -

“Did you sleep well?”
“No, I made a couple of mistakes.”
 — via Nadav Har’El

Please reply to list if it's a mailing list post - .

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2019-06-30 Thread Mike

I understand that to upload a module to CPAN is need
to obtain a PAUSE account.  I have tried twice to get
that, but I don't receive an e-mail with a password.

If anybody can notify the PAUSE people that the PAUSE
program appears to be broke, please do.


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Re: CPAN not working, or is it?

2019-03-11 Thread Mike Flannigan

I wanted you to know that we are out here, but
just unable to help you.

I doubt this old post will help you any:


On 3/11/2019 8:55 AM, Gary Stainburn wrote:

I'm replacing a dead F19 box with a new C7 one and I'm trying to get my Perl
install completed.  Ultimately, I need to get Selenium::Remote::Driver
working, but I'm struggling before that.

I started off as always by using RPM's for everything I possibly can. I then
started to use CPAN for everything else.  It looked like CPAN was working and
things were installing "OK".

However,  as I went for bigger modules, anything that had dependences were
then failing as the dependencie were installed OK but then did not appear to
be available.

The last thing I've just tried is to update CPAN as the RPM is 1.9800 and the
latest is 2.6.  As you can see below, the install worked, but when it
reloaded, or when I came out and went back in, it still showed 1.9800

Anyone got any ideas what  I need to do?

cpan[2]> install CPAN
Running install for module 'CPAN'
Running make for A/AN/ANDK/CPAN-2.25.tar.gz
Fetching with LWP:
Fetching with LWP:
Checksum for /root/.cpan/sources/authors/id/A/AN/ANDK/CPAN-2.25.tar.gz ok Building A/AN/ANDK/CPAN-2.25.tar.gz

Importing PAUSE public key into your GnuPG keychain... done!
(You may wish to trust it locally with 'gpg --lsign-key 450F89EC')
Checking if your kit is complete...
Looks good
Writing Makefile for CPAN
Writing MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json


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Re: covert perl code to binary

2019-01-11 Thread Mike Flannigan


My Strawberry install finally failed with
Stopping: 'install' failed for 'B::C'.

I am running ver 5.26 of Strawberry.

I suspect you mean this Readme file:

|cpan B::C|
|On strawberry I needed|
|||perl Makefile.PL FIXIN="perl -S pl2bat.bat"|
|On Windows and AIX for 5.12 and 5.14 you need to patch and rebuild CORE 

|For 5.14 and 5.15 I recommend also the following patches:|
|||ramblings/revert-B-load-BEGIN.patch (The 5.14.1 version)|
|We generally discourage the use of perl since 5.16 unhandled and|
|unacknowledged security problems with the implementation of "unicode"|
|symbols and packagenames, where they really implemented binary names|
|for all symbols without any checks and further support of such binary|
|names. Identifiers are not identifiable anymore.|
|See the warning at perl Makefile.PL.|
|5.20 improved support for binary names for most syscalls, dumpers and|
|APIs, but TR39 and strict names are still not handled, the problems|
|are not understood and reactions are generally hostile.|
|5.18 made it 20% bigger with the implementation of COW strings.|
|Most strings cannot be stored statically anymore since then.|
|The best perl versions for the compiler are 5.14.4, 5.22.1 and cperl,|
|since these are the most tested versions, where the coretest suite 
passes. The above is only part of the Readme file. I'm not sure what to 
make of that. Especially that part that says: 'We generally discourage 
the use of perl since 5.16 unhandled and unacknowledged security 
problems' Mike |

On 1/11/2019 9:28 AM, Bruce Ferrell wrote:
I built it on a Linux box, it blew up so I read the README... that has 
instructions for how to do it on Windows

As noted by another poster, it seems to work in spite of the test 
blowing up

On 1/11/19 5:37 AM, Mike Flannigan wrote:

I could use some more explanation.

B::C is a module that you install from CPAN.
I assume I don't put Use B::C at the top of
my perl script, but instead perlcc uses it.

Is perlcc also a module?
Or is that an executable?
I think I see that it is composed of 5 files:

After installing perlcc, do I just open a command
prompt and type perlcc -o hello.exe

Does all this work on Windows?  My guess is Yes.


On 1/11/2019 6:57 AM, Andrew Solomon wrote:
Just a warning - I'm no expert on this topic, but it was such an 
interesting question I decided to find out for myself :-)

I installed B::C and ran

It actually does the compilation - as opposed to pp which is just 
packaging it - so you don't see the perl code of the source file.

Does that resolve your question?


On Fri, Jan 11, 2019 at 9:59 AM Uday Vernekar>> wrote:

Hi all,

I have a perl code which I need to covert to binary so that
nobody can see the code.

we used pp package to make the perl code binary but here the
user can see the code which gets created in tmp.

Need help if anybody knows kindly reply

With regards
Uday V G

Andrew Solomon

Perl Trainer, Geekuni <> // +44 7931 946 062

Re: covert perl code to binary

2019-01-11 Thread Mike Flannigan

Thanks.  On Windows I did 'cpan install B::C'
and it went on and on with many test fails.
After about 3 minutes it threw a 'Perl interpreter
has stopped working' error (details below) and when
I closed that box it continued with the test fails
for another 3+ minutes and then stopped (it was probably
still running - I did a Ctrl C on it).  One little
item I picked out is
ExtUtils::Install  generates non-zero binary'

So then I did 'cpan install -n B::C' and that also
ran about 5 minutes with test fails and threw a
'Perl interpreter has stopped working' error.  When
I closed that box it continued with the test fails
for another 5+ minutes (I took a shower in here) and
then slowed down on statements like

#   Failed test '6: use Pod::Perldoc -O3 gives expected 'ok' outpu
#   at t/modules.t line 227.
#   ''
# doesn't match '(?^ms:ok$)'

The install still running, but I think it is safe to say
it does not install real good on Strawberry Perl.


Problem Event Name:    APPCRASH
  Application Name:    perl.exe
  Application Version:
  Application Timestamp:    59c72b89
  Fault Module Name:    ntdll.dll
  Fault Module Version:    6.1.7601.24335
  Fault Module Timestamp:    5c268115
  Exception Code:    c005
  Exception Offset:    0002a407
  OS Version:    6.1.7601.
  Locale ID:    1033
  Additional Information 1:    62e2
  Additional Information 2:    62e210e3d23b68abf45108a88f3afb70
  Additional Information 3:    2f51
  Additional Information 4:    2f51a0ca5e5e9ac099301d839e2f4ce3

On 1/11/2019 8:53 AM, Andrew Solomon wrote:

Sorry Mike, I was a bit too terse!

Here's what I did on a mac OS X 10.13.6 containing perl-5.26.1 
installed with perlbrew.

cpanm -n B::C

where -n means 'no test' because the first time I tried it the testing 
failed and I wasn't curious enough to work out what went wrong :-)

Then I had a file <> which was executable and 

#!/usr/bin/env perl
use 5.26.1;

say "Hello, world.";
say "Hello, world.";
say "Hello, world.";
say "Hello, world.";
say "Hello, world.";
say "Hello, world.";
say "Hello, world.";
say "Hello, world.";

I then ran

perlcc <>

and found a file  "foo".

I ran
and its output was the same as
./ <>

Opening foo, I found the string 'Hello, world.' but only once amongst 
a lot of control characters and error messages.

I'm afraid I don't have a Windows box to experiment with.


On Fri, Jan 11, 2019 at 1:37 PM Mike Flannigan <>> wrote:

I could use some more explanation.

B::C is a module that you install from CPAN.
I assume I don't put Use B::C at the top of
my perl script, but instead perlcc uses it.

Is perlcc also a module?
Or is that an executable?
I think I see that it is composed of 5 files:
perlcc.PL <>

After installing perlcc, do I just open a command
prompt and type perlcc -o hello.exe <>?

Does all this work on Windows?  My guess is Yes.


Re: covert perl code to binary

2019-01-11 Thread Mike Flannigan

I could use some more explanation.

B::C is a module that you install from CPAN.
I assume I don't put Use B::C at the top of
my perl script, but instead perlcc uses it.

Is perlcc also a module?
Or is that an executable?
I think I see that it is composed of 5 files:

After installing perlcc, do I just open a command
prompt and type perlcc -o hello.exe

Does all this work on Windows?  My guess is Yes.


On 1/11/2019 6:57 AM, Andrew Solomon wrote:
Just a warning - I'm no expert on this topic, but it was such an 
interesting question I decided to find out for myself :-)

I installed B::C and ran

It actually does the compilation - as opposed to pp which is just 
packaging it - so you don't see the perl code of the source file.

Does that resolve your question?


On Fri, Jan 11, 2019 at 9:59 AM Uday Vernekar <>> wrote:

Hi all,

I have a perl code which I need to covert to binary so that nobody
can see the code.

we used pp package to make the perl code binary but here the user
can see the code which gets created in tmp.

Need help if anybody knows kindly reply

With regards
Uday V G

Andrew Solomon

Perl Trainer, Geekuni <> // +44 7931 946 062

How to test for existence of file with non-ascii characters

2018-12-26 Thread Mike Martin
Any ideas how to test for the existance of a file, when the file name
contains extended ascii characters

For example if the file contains emdash (U-2014) file -e always returns



Re: What does "use 5.008;" affect?

2018-12-23 Thread Mike Flannigan

I'm still not sure I know, but I learned a lot from
these articles:

Maybe the 2nd one describes what it does.


On 12/22/2018 3:43 AM, wrote:

What does "use 5.008;" affect?
Leam Hall 
12/22/2018, 3:43 AM


I've seen code that has "use 5.008_004;" in the files. Yet the code 
also uses tools like Build.PL that came after Perl 5.008. What does 
the "use $perl_version" actually affect?


Re: Code Assistance Pls

2018-11-21 Thread Mike Flannigan

These 2 lines:

if (/^        file-id $i/) {
elsif (/^        exit/) {

Need to be like this:

if (/^\s+file-id $/i) { # 2 CHANGES HERE - PAY CLOSE ATTENTION
elsif (/^\s+exit/i) {

I am not sure this will fix all your


On 11/21/2018 5:08 AM, Amanda Paziuk wrote:


I'm hoping someone can assist as I'm having difficulty with parsing a 
section of the following configuration:

This is the code I have:

    open (IN, $file); # only sharing this because you need to know 
where @list is derived.

    while () {
        next unless /file-id/;
        my $datum = $_;
        $datum =~ s/(^\s+|\s+$)//g;
        $datum =~ s/file-id //g;
        push @list, $datum; # should only contain '1', and '3'
    close IN;

    # ideally this would take a snippet of that config
    $count = 0;
    foreach my $i (@list){ # loops through dynamically-learned file IDs
        open (IN, $file);
        while () {
            if (/^        file-id $i/) {
                $count = 1;
            elsif (/^        exit/) { # this just keeps matching every 
exit with that same indent

                $count = 0;
            elsif ($count) {
                if (/text/) {
                    push @logfiles, $_; # successfully captures only 
what I want in the array

        close IN;

The first is to find all file-id lines then isolate for the number; 
the second loop is to take a snip:

        file-id 1

What it winds up doing is:

        file-id 1
        file-id 3
/        exit/
/        exit/
/        exit/
/        exit/
/        exit /

This is the nightmare config structure that I need to deal with 
throughout the file..lots of "exits" so it matches an awful lot...

        file-id 1
        file-id 3

The configuration is thousands of lines long, indented like that with 
exit at various levels, so this is just one part of what I'm trying to 
analyze. What it's doing is making the server work harder with all the 
extra stuff it's catching and leaves me wide-open for false positives...

My question: does anyone have a better way to take those snippets, 
stopping after the first match of "exit"? (Please don't flame, I'm 
asking for help.)


Re: Strange behavior when printing a 4G+ integer on 32bits platform.

2018-11-13 Thread Mike Flannigan

I don't have an answer for you, but I find this
interesting.  I note the same issue in 64bit
up near

I'm guessing the guy who wrote
may have the answer.


On 11/13/2018 8:07 AM, Tetsuo Handa wrote:


I want to represent up to a few hundreds gigabytes for file size.

On 32bits platform, I noticed that

   my $value = ...;
   printf("%u\n", $value);

prints 4294967295 if $value >= 4294967295 whereas

   my $value = ...;
   printf("%s\n", $value);


   use Math::BigInt;
   my $value = ...;
   printf("%s\n", Math::BigInt->new($value)->bstr());

print correct value even when $value >= 4294967295.

Is it guaranteed (e.g. described as language specification) that
printf("%s\n", $value) will print correct value for any environment?

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Re: data structure for Template Toolkit

2018-10-31 Thread Mike Flannigan

Are you on Linux or using Strawberry Perl?
I used Activestate for 15+ years and I was surprised
by how easy it was to move to Strawberry Perl about
3 years ago.  It's pretty darn easy to install modules
with Strawberry Perl and seems to work every time.


Uri, thanks for the boatload of useful suggestions! I will am busying 
myself with understanding and applying them.

Regarding Template::Simple, this module isn’t among the many that my 
host has installed, and I have not had success trying to learn how to 
install stuff from CPAN. Fortunately I’m beginning to get the hang of 
Template Toolkit, and I may need it for more complex situations that 
come up. Switching from HTML::template this year was a challenge, and 
I had to rewrite a lot of my perl to go with it. I know that most perl 
people are good at using the CPAN resource, but I’m just a high school 
teacher who dabbles in perl. And at age 74 I have to be choosy about 
which learning curves I take on!

Still, if anyone can point me to a “beginners guide” to using CPAN, 
I’ll take a look at it.

Rick Triplett

Re: data structure for Template Toolkit

2018-10-29 Thread Mike Flannigan

I hope somebody has replied already.
If not, in general you are reading data from DATA,
creating an array and a hash, and then creating an
html file using the Template Toolkit.

I think much of it looks good, but I see no
use Template::Toolkit
or anything similar.
Do you have that?  I suspect you do.
Maybe you should post that part too.

Also, this line looks suspicious to me:
my %list = (list => \@courses);

Maybe that is intended to be an array ref.

Perhaps right after that you should put this:

print "\%list contains this:\n\n";
foreach my $key (sort keys %list){
    print "$key - $list{$key}\n";


This is a way for you to debug it yourself.
If that works as expected, then get back to us.


On 10/28/2018 3:45 PM, Rick T wrote:
As a novice in perl I realize that it’s a bit presumptuous for me to 
attempt references and complex data structures. But I had a need and 
gave it a shot — a failing shot. I’ve been fiddling with my failure, 
almost mindlessly, all weekend; now I need some help.

Below is the template segment I am trying to populate with data, 
and following it is the segment of code that attempts to call it. The 
output I get in my browser is persistently empty, with every instance 
of [% %] being replaced with banks.

start HTML 

[% FOREACH course IN courses %]

[% courses.category %]

  [% course.caption %] 

  L4 (HN)
               value="[% course.title %]_q1l4v[% courses.version %]"> 

               value="[% course.title %]_q2l4v[% course.version %]"> 

               value="[% course.title %]_q3l4v[% course.version %]"> 

               value="[% course.title %]_q4l4v[% course.version %]"> 

[% END %]

Re: sftp code to use

2018-10-28 Thread Mike

One way to unzip with Perl is this method:

use warnings;
use strict;
use Archive::Zip qw( :ERROR_CODES :CONSTANTS );

my $zipfile = '';

my $zip = Archive::Zip->new();
die "Error reading $zipfile:$!" unless $zip->read($zipfile) == AZ_OK;
$zip->extractMember($zipfile) for $zip->members;


On Oct 21, 2018, at 10:56 AM, Asad  wrote:

Hi All ,

   I need to accomplish the following task . i was trying in 
python using subprocess and adive how to proceed will be helpful

sftp 1212
cd /patch1
sqlplus / as sysdba ===> connect to oracle database


Asad Hasan
+91 9582111698

Jim Gibson

Re: sftp code to use

2018-10-21 Thread Mike Flannigan

One way to unzip with Perl is this method:

use warnings;
use strict;
use Archive::Zip qw( :ERROR_CODES :CONSTANTS );

my $zipfile = '';

my $zip = Archive::Zip->new();
die "Error reading $zipfile:$!" unless $zip->read($zipfile) == AZ_OK;
$zip->extractMember($zipfile) for $zip->members;


On Oct 21, 2018, at 10:56 AM, Asad  wrote:

Hi All ,

   I need to accomplish the following task . i was trying in python using 
subprocess and adive how to proceed will be helpful

sftp 1212
cd /patch1
sqlplus / as sysdba ===> connect to oracle database


Asad Hasan
+91 9582111698

Jim Gibson

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Re: Regex for date

2018-08-25 Thread Mike Flannigan

Really, no attempt to do it yourself?


On 8/25/2018 6:06 AM, wrote:

Hi All ,

          I need  a regex to match the date : Sat Aug 25 08:41:03 2018 
and covert into a format :  '%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S'


Asad Hasan

Re: What hash function to use

2018-08-23 Thread Mike Flannigan

I hope somebody helps you with this.

I don't think this will help you.  It sounds
like you already know all of this:

I don't know what $2b$ is.  Still trying to
figure that out.

It looks like Digest::Bcrypt was last updated 3/2017.
I hope it hasn't been abandoned.


On 8/23/2018 3:00 AM, wrote:


I am not sure if my question is really of beginer level.

On a system, I have set my password to "t410" and it has ben hashed to:

What could I use with Perl to get the same result?

I tried Digest::Bcrypt but it does not support $2b$ as far as I can

Thanks in advance,


Re: Regex for date format

2018-06-29 Thread Mike Martin
Worked perfectly thanks, uri, and same technique works perfectly in
postgresql regexp_replace for info

On 29 June 2018 at 16:18, Mike Martin  wrote:

> Thanks
> On Fri, 29 Jun 2018, 15:48 Uri Guttman,  wrote:
>> On 06/29/2018 10:41 AM, Mike Martin wrote:
>> sorry
>> -mm-dd hh:mm:ss.dd
>> eg:
>> 2018-01-01 12-45-10-456789 to
>> 2018-01-01 12:45:10.456789
>> please reply to the list and not to me!
>> then why did you want lookbehind? this is very easy if you just grab the
>> time parts and reassemble them as you want. 
>> $stamp =~ s/\s(\d\d)-(\d\d)-(\d\d)-/ $1:$2:$3./ ;
>> it uses the space to mark where the time part starts.
>> uri

Re: Regex for date format

2018-06-29 Thread Mike Martin

On Fri, 29 Jun 2018, 15:48 Uri Guttman,  wrote:

> On 06/29/2018 10:41 AM, Mike Martin wrote:
> sorry
> -mm-dd hh:mm:ss.dd
> eg:
> 2018-01-01 12-45-10-456789 to
> 2018-01-01 12:45:10.456789
> please reply to the list and not to me!
> then why did you want lookbehind? this is very easy if you just grab the
> time parts and reassemble them as you want. 
> $stamp =~ s/\s(\d\d)-(\d\d)-(\d\d)-/ $1:$2:$3./ ;
> it uses the space to mark where the time part starts.
> uri

Regex for date format

2018-06-29 Thread Mike Martin
I am trying to convert a string of the format
2018-01-01 16-45-21-654278

to a proper timestamp string

so basically I want to replace all -  after the date part

I am getting a bit stuck, lookbehind doesnt seem to work as it includes the
lookbehind on every occurence
last attempt is
s/(?<= )-/:/g;

any help appreciated


Re: difficulty with matching

2018-06-03 Thread Mike Flannigan

Please make an executable code without the hash (just
use a variable) and with the DATA fed below __DATA__
in the script.  Then I would suggest putting an "if"
in front of the match line and print "It Matched.\n".

Maybe put a elsif with only 2 matches.

If you keep playing with it like this you can at least
figure out what it is doing, but maybe not why.  The
manpages will probably be needed to answer that.

Please let us know what you find out.


On 6/1/2018 3:55 PM, wrote:

difficulty with matching
Rick T 
6/1/2018 3:54 PM

Perl Beginners 

This is a newbie question, I’m sure. But I get perplexed easily!

The follow code segment expects to receive a $student_id consisting of 
a surname followed by a hyphen followed by a number. The die is for 
testing what I’m doing.

If I feed it 'jones-123’ it dies with ‘jones, - , 123’ as I expected. 
But if I feed it ‘jones-‘ omitting the number on the end, it dies with 
no matches at all (or blanks): ‘ , , ‘ and I cannot figure out why it 
does not die with ‘jones, -, ' and would appreciate an explanation. 
Many thanks!

    $student_id = lc $student_info_hash{student_id}; # Impose lower case
    $student_id =~ s/\s//xmsg;                       # Remove whitespace

    $student_id =~
            \A([a-z]+)  # match and capture leading alphabetics
            (-)         # hyphen to separate surname from student number
            ([0-9]+\z)  # match and capture trailing digits
         }xms;          # Perl Best Practices
    $student_surname = $1;
    my $hyphen       = $2;
    $student_number  = $3;
die "$student_surname, $hyphen, $student_number”;

Rick Triplett

Unzipping pkzip archives

2018-05-22 Thread Mike Martin
Does anyone know if there is a perl solution to uncompressing zip archives
created with pkzip?

I have tried Archive::Uncompress and IO::Archive and both fail with
compression type 9 errors, apparently due to proprietary format


Re: regex with HEX ascii chars

2018-04-15 Thread Mike Flannigan

before reading the file.
HANDLE is your filehandle.

If that doesn't work you might want to supply the
text file and a sample script.


On 4/12/2018 12:04 PM, wrote:

I have a text file (created by  pdftotext) that I've imported into my script.

It contains ASCII characters 251 for crosses and 252 for ticks.  If I load the
file in gvim and do :as

it reports the characters as

 251, Hex 00fb, Octal 373
 252, hex 00fc, Octal 374

However, when I try to seacch for it using

if ($line=~/[\xfb|\xfc]/) {

or even just

if ($line=~/\xfb/) {

it always fails.  What am I doing wrong?


Re: [^/]* Is Not Working

2018-03-23 Thread Mike Flannigan

Correction, I am now receiving the posts.

On 3/23/2018 8:12 PM, wrote:

Thank you John Anderson and others.
I see your answers in the archives, but for some
reason I am not receiving the list postings
anymore.  I am working to correct that.

It appears the last time I received a post was 3/17/2018.


Re: [^/]* Is Not Working

2018-03-23 Thread Mike Flannigan

Thank you John Anderson and others.
I see your answers in the archives, but for some
reason I am not receiving the list postings
anymore.  I am working to correct that.

It appears the last time I received a post was 3/17/2018.


On 3/17/2018 10:02 AM, Mike Flannigan wrote:

This line works fine:
if ($link =~ m#/([^/]*)$#) {

But this one in its place does not work:
if ($link =~ m/\/([^/]*)$/) { # Oddly this does not work

Gives error:
Unmatched [ in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m//([ <-- HERE ^/ at line 74.

I think it has to do with the "[^/]*".
Anybody have an explanation for this?


Simplified code:


use strict;
use warnings;

my $link = '/tree';

#if ($link =~ m/\/([^/]*)$/) { # Oddly this does not work
if ($link =~ m#/([^/]*)$#) {
    my $match = $1;
    print "\nIt worked - $match.\n\n";


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[^/]* Is Not Working

2018-03-17 Thread Mike Flannigan

This line works fine:
if ($link =~ m#/([^/]*)$#) {

But this one in its place does not work:
if ($link =~ m/\/([^/]*)$/) { # Oddly this does not work

Gives error:
Unmatched [ in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m//([ <-- HERE ^/ at line 74.

I think it has to do with the "[^/]*".
Anybody have an explanation for this?


Simplified code:


use strict;
use warnings;

my $link = '/tree';

#if ($link =~ m/\/([^/]*)$/) { # Oddly this does not work
if ($link =~ m#/([^/]*)$#) {
    my $match = $1;
    print "\nIt worked - $match.\n\n";


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Re: Checking if a website is up doesn't work correctly

2018-02-15 Thread Mike Flannigan

See if some version of the attached program
gives the results you expect.


On 2/13/2018 8:33 PM, wrote:

I tried WWW::Mechanize, and (of course) got also 403.

Really strange.

Is there another tool I could use for checking? I mean some tool in the
Perl universe?

-- Manfred

# This scipt checks links in the html in the __DATA__ section 
# and reports if they are good links or bad links.
#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use strict;

use LWP::UserAgent;
use HTML::LinkExtor;

#-- i am being very lazy in the demo
#-- you should really localize it in a block
local $/;

my $p = HTML::LinkExtor->new(\&hrefs)->parse();

sub hrefs{

my($tag,@links) = @_;

return unless($tag =~ /^a$/i);

my $p = LWP::UserAgent->new->request(
 HTTP::Request->new(GET => $links[1]));

print $p->is_success ? "GOOD: $links[1]" :
  $p->status_line . " $links[1]", "\n";



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Find::Perl find not returning

2017-12-13 Thread Mike Martin
I have the following code

use strict;
use File::Find;
my @vsbe;
my $top='P:\PT-6\PT-60\PT-603\Shared\Data Store\Files Dump Folder';
my $max_depth=9;
my $cnt1=0;

find({wanted=>\&wanted1,preprocess=>\&preprocess1},$top) ;

sub wanted1 {

if ($cnt1 <=1000){
my $file = $File::Find::name;
if (grep {/vsb$/} $file){
push @vsbe, $file if $cnt1 <=1000 ;
print $cnt1,"\n" ;
else {return}

return if $cnt1 >=1000

sub preprocess1 {
my $depth = $File::Find::dir =~ tr[\\][];
#print 'depth',"\t",$depth,"\t",$File::Find::dir,"\n";
return  @_ if $depth < $max_depth;
return grep { not -d } @_ if $depth == $max_depth;

Unfortunately the wanted function never returns, it (at best) stays stuck
on print the last value of $cnt1 (1000)

Any ideas what is happening here

Re: Unescaped Left Brace

2017-11-24 Thread Mike Flannigan

Thanks so much for pointing that out.

After 15 years of Perl I am still learning, though much
slower than before.  I still use Perl every day - most
for mapping of cemeteries, caves, springs, etc.  But also
for basic text manipulation and may other things.  It sure
has served me well over these years.  I looked at Python
once and could not justify even starting with it.


On 11/24/2017 11:29 AM, Andy Bach wrote:

unless ($text =~ /[a-zA-Z\s]{10,}/s) {

If you're here checking if $text has at least 10 letters/spaces, you 
don't need the range

unless ($text =~ /[a-zA-Z\s]{10}/s) {

does the same thing.  There may well be more than 10 (one would hope 
so ;-) but the 2nd will match anyone the first will match and be 
"cheaper", for the RE engine, I'd bet. Now if you were going to do 
something w/ those 10+ chars, then the range

unless ($text =~ /([a-zA-Z\s]{10,})/s) {

would be correct - possibly getting all of the first 10+ char 
sentence/phrase up to the first punctuation mark.

On Thu, Nov 23, 2017 at 6:56 PM, Mike Flannigan <>> wrote:

Thanks for pointing that out.
I'll be darned.  I need to check some of my scripts
for this error.

I'm not sure what I was trying to do with that.
Probably eliminate very small files.

$text is a read from a PDF file:

This is what I wrote a long time ago:

eval {
          ($text = $pdf->getPageText($page));
if ($@) {
   print "$date | Skipping $filename since it won't parse\n\n";
   print OUT "$date | Skipping $filename since it won't parse\n\n"
unless exists $log{$filename};
   goto SKIP;

$text = "" unless defined $text;

unless ($text =~ /[a-zA-Z]{,10}/s) {
    undef @lines;
    undef $texttemp;
    goto SKIP;

Because of this error I think all PDF files are
eliminated from consideration, which is not a
huge problem, but is not intended.

Without doing a whole lot of thinking, I think I
may change that one line to:

unless ($text =~ /[a-zA-Z\s]{10,}/s) {

Thanks for the response.


On 11/23/2017 8:31 AM, X Dungeness wrote:

Hm, that's a misbegotten quantifier.

From 5.26.0 perlreref:

There is no quantifier "{,n}". That's interpreted as a literal

On Thu, Nov 23, 2017 at 3:04 AM, Mike Flannigan>> wrote:

I recently installed the latest version of
Strawberry Perl.  My scripts were developed
in ActiveState Perl.

I have a line:
unless ($text =~ /[a-zA-Z]{,10}/s) {

When I run the script that line is in I get:

Unescaped left brace in regex is deprecated here
(and will be fatal in Perl 5.30), passed through in
regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/[a-zA-Z]{ <-- HERE ,10}/
at <> line 316.

I see this:

I also see that escaping it with my ActiveState Perl
messes up it's function entirely, but still allows it
to run with no errors so I say this is a huge
problem.  Seems like the migration to Perl 5.30 is going to
be interesting to say the least.

Anybody have any other comments about this?

Mike Flannigan

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Andy Bach, <>
608 658-1890 cell
608 261-5738 wk

Re: Unescaped Left Brace

2017-11-23 Thread Mike Flannigan

Thanks for pointing that out.
I'll be darned.  I need to check some of my scripts
for this error.

I'm not sure what I was trying to do with that.
Probably eliminate very small files.

$text is a read from a PDF file:

This is what I wrote a long time ago:

eval {
          ($text = $pdf->getPageText($page));
if ($@) {
   print "$date | Skipping $filename since it won't parse\n\n";
   print OUT "$date | Skipping $filename since it won't parse\n\n" 
unless exists $log{$filename};

   goto SKIP;

$text = "" unless defined $text;

unless ($text =~ /[a-zA-Z]{,10}/s) {
    undef @lines;
    undef $texttemp;
    goto SKIP;

Because of this error I think all PDF files are
eliminated from consideration, which is not a
huge problem, but is not intended.

Without doing a whole lot of thinking, I think I
may change that one line to:

unless ($text =~ /[a-zA-Z\s]{10,}/s) {

Thanks for the response.


On 11/23/2017 8:31 AM, X Dungeness wrote:

Hm, that's a misbegotten quantifier.

From 5.26.0 perlreref:

There is no quantifier "{,n}". That's interpreted as a literal string.

On Thu, Nov 23, 2017 at 3:04 AM, Mike Flannigan <>> wrote:

I recently installed the latest version of
Strawberry Perl.  My scripts were developed
in ActiveState Perl.

I have a line:
unless ($text =~ /[a-zA-Z]{,10}/s) {

When I run the script that line is in I get:

Unescaped left brace in regex is deprecated here
(and will be fatal in Perl 5.30), passed through in
regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/[a-zA-Z]{ <-- HERE ,10}/
at <> line 316.

I see this:

I also see that escaping it with my ActiveState Perl
messes up it's function entirely, but still allows it
to run with no errors so I say this is a huge
problem.  Seems like the migration to Perl 5.30 is going to
be interesting to say the least.

Anybody have any other comments about this?

Mike Flannigan

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Unescaped Left Brace

2017-11-23 Thread Mike Flannigan

I recently installed the latest version of
Strawberry Perl.  My scripts were developed
in ActiveState Perl.

I have a line:
unless ($text =~ /[a-zA-Z]{,10}/s) {

When I run the script that line is in I get:

Unescaped left brace in regex is deprecated here
(and will be fatal in Perl 5.30), passed through in
regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/[a-zA-Z]{ <-- HERE ,10}/
at line 316.

I see this:

I also see that escaping it with my ActiveState Perl
messes up it's function entirely, but still allows it
to run with no errors so I say this is a huge
problem.  Seems like the migration to Perl 5.30 is going to
be interesting to say the least.

Anybody have any other comments about this?

Mike Flannigan

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Re: "Information station" using Perl and Raspberry Pi

2017-07-27 Thread Mike Flannigan

I can't be the best one to answer this, but I might be
the only one that responds.

What you want might be hard, though that would surprise
me.  That seems to be the consensus in this discussion:

I have no direct experience with Raspberry Pi, but
it seems clear it would probably work if you are
abandoning the watching of TV on the set.

I'd like to hear how this works out for you.


On 7/25/2017 2:21 PM, wrote:

"Information station" using Perl and Raspberry Pi
7/25/2017 2:20 PM

Perl Beginners 

I'm looking to get some ideas on how to make an "information station" 
for my mother who has the beginning stages of dementia.  I want to display information on 
her TV, like when her next meal is, time of day, date, etc., which of course would change 
daily and throughout the day.

I was thinking that I'd get a Raspberry Pi and program that to retrieve 
text files from a server depending on the time of day.  I don't know how well 
the RPi handles Perl - it seems to be geared for Python.  I would need to be 
able to display text in any size and style.  My first though was to use HTML, 
but I don't want to use a browser to display the text onscreen.  Would this 
require a GUI, such as Tk?

Has anyone done anything like this before?  Am I on the right track 
with my ideas or is there a better way of doing this?


Re: IPC::Open3 and output

2017-07-10 Thread Mike Martin
Thanks for that, now I have another issue.
Unlike a piped open, open 3 does not seem to produce output immediately

Is there any way to use pipes with open3 so that the FH has content before
ie: this produces output

my $pid=open($file, "-|","$cmd{$sopts->{subname}} 2>&1")

$pid=open3(undef,undef,$file,$cmdprog, @args)

does not until you iterate over the FH


On 10 July 2017 at 07:13, Chas. Owens  wrote:

> On Sun, Jul 9, 2017, 19:37 Mike Martin  wrote:
>> Hi
>> I am trying to use Open3 to capture stderr and avoiding the shell ie:
>> my $str="-v 35 -i /data/Downloads/testinput.mp4 -c:v libx264 -preset fast
>> -crf 28 -g 25  -c:a  libmp3lame -b:a 128000  -threads 4 -af volume=2.5  -vf
>> scale='352:trunc(ow/((1/sar)*dar)/2)*2',fps='fps= 20',setsar='1/1'
>> -profile:a aac_he_v2 -strict -2 -y /home/mike/testopen.mp4";
>>   use Text::ParseWords;
>> @args = quotewords('\s+', "'", $str);
>> use IPC::Open3;
>> local(*HIS_IN, *HIS_OUT, *ERR);
>> my $cmd='ffmpeg';
>> my $pid=open3(undef, undef, *ERR,$cmd, @args) or die print "$!";
>> my $line;
>> while (sysread ERR, $line, 256){
>> print $line;
>> }
>> waitpid($pid, 0);
>> However the output is buffered for around 2 minutes at a time rather
>> immediately being printed
>> Is there any way around this
> Are you certain the buffering is in the read from ERR and not in the
> print? STDERR is not supposed to be buffered. Try adding
> $| = 1;
> Near the top of your program. That will turn off any buffering of the Perl
> 5 script's STDOUT.
> By default, Perl 5 will buffer STDOUT if it isn't writing to a
> pseudoterminal (eg if you are piping the output of the Perl 5 script to
> something else like tee.)

IPC::Open3 and output

2017-07-09 Thread Mike Martin
I am trying to use Open3 to capture stderr and avoiding the shell ie:
my $str="-v 35 -i /data/Downloads/testinput.mp4 -c:v libx264 -preset fast
-crf 28 -g 25  -c:a  libmp3lame -b:a 128000  -threads 4 -af volume=2.5  -vf
scale='352:trunc(ow/((1/sar)*dar)/2)*2',fps='fps= 20',setsar='1/1'
-profile:a aac_he_v2 -strict -2 -y /home/mike/testopen.mp4";
  use Text::ParseWords;
@args = quotewords('\s+', "'", $str);

use IPC::Open3;

local(*HIS_IN, *HIS_OUT, *ERR);
my $cmd='ffmpeg';
my $pid=open3(undef, undef, *ERR,$cmd, @args) or die print "$!";
my $line;

while (sysread ERR, $line, 256){
print $line;
waitpid($pid, 0);

However the output is buffered for around 2 minutes at a time rather
immediately being printed

Is there any way around this

Warnings when sorting by hashref

2017-04-11 Thread Mike Martin

I have the following code as an example against a hash of hashes, to sort
by hashrf key

foreach my $opt (sort {uc($options{$b}->{type}) cmp
uc($options{$a}->{type})} keys %options){
my $type=$options{$opt}->{vtype};
$video_type->append_text($type) if defined($type) ;

The sort function works perfectly, however perl throws up the following
warning for each line

Use of uninitialized value in uc at

Any ideas how to get rid of the warning



Re: Bad display of accents in Subject

2017-03-22 Thread Mike Flannigan

I'm not sure this is the answer, but try


On 3/19/2017 10:58 PM, wrote:

when I run this script: (it's an excerpt)


use strict;
# use warnings;
use Getopt::Std;
use Net::POP3;
use Term::ANSIColor qw(:constants);

binmode(STDOUT, ":utf8");

my %params = ();
getopts('s:l:p:', \%params);

my $server = $params{s};
my $login = $params{l};
my $password = $params{p};
unless (defined $password) {
my $trk_loaded = 0;
eval {
require Term::ReadKey;
import Term::ReadKey;
$trk_loaded = 1;

print RED . ON_WHITE, 'Password: ', RESET;
ReadMode('noecho') if $trk_loaded; # input echo off
chomp($password = $trk_loaded ? ReadLine(0) : );
ReadMode('restore') if $trk_loaded; # input echo on
print "\n";
my $pop;
eval { $pop = Net::POP3->new($server) } ;
defined $pop or print <login($login, $password) };
defined $nmails or print < 0) {
print "No mail for $login. Bye\n";
my @allmsg  = ();
my @taille = ();
my @delete = ();
# my @frompour = ();
# my @subjectpour = ();

my %messages = %{$pop->list};

while ( my ($msgnum, $size) = each %messages) {

push @allmsg, $msgnum;

print "The number of messages for $login is: ", $#allmsg + 1, "\n";
# Get the headers.
my ($from, $to, $subject);

foreach my $msgnum (sort {$a <=> $b} @allmsg) {
my $top = $pop->top($msgnum);
next if not defined $top;
my @lines = @$top;

# Extract relevant headers.
($from) = grep /^From:/i, @lines;
($to) = grep /^To:/i, @lines;
($subject) = grep /^Subject:/i, @lines;

print "$subject" if defined $subject;

if the subject of a message contains accents, they do not display correctly.
How can we solve the problem ?

For example I get a message with the subject:
Subject: L'�t� �a sera bient�t

./ -s -l user

The number of messages for user is: 1
Subject: =?iso-8859-1?Q?L'=E9t=E9_=E7a_sera_bient?= =?iso-8859-1?Q?=F4t?=


Email Sender timeout with more than two paragraphs of text in body

2016-10-03 Thread Mike Martin

I have the below script (extracted pertinent bits).
The connection to the mail server times out if there is more than
about 10 lines of text (sometimes less)

There is no issue with how many attachments I can send, so getting a bit stumped

Example below with specimen text (anonymised)

The body,subject and address come via a sqlite db lookup run by a Gtk
app. And it is a subscribers list so definitely not spam.

Any ideas appreciated

$text ="
Talk and Walk for Our NHS
Friday 7th October. MEETING 4.30 to 6.30
Our Plans for Our NHS: as Derbyshire community hospitals and wards
are threatened with closure, the Big Plan (STP) is to slash Derbyshire's
health spending by £400 million over the next 5 years.
We can't let this happen.
Join us at Belper Strutts, Derby Road. (DE56 1UU)

Leave Belper Market Place at 10.00.
Leave Bakewell Park at 10.00.
Walk to Matlock County Hall for Rally at 3.00.
Or join us on the way.
Derbyshire Keep Our NHS Public:

Tuesday 11th October, 7.30 Derby Guildhall
Townsend Theatre's moving, funny, powerful play about the Spanish Civil War.
"Dare Devil Ride to Jarama."
Tickets (£10.75) from http://
x@xx or phone x
Derby People's History."

use Net::SMTP::SSL;
use MIME::Base64;
use Email::Sender::Simple qw(sendmail);
use Email::MIME;
use IO::All;
use Email::Sender::Transport::SMTPS;

sub sendemail {
my ($fname,$email,$rowid,$momstatus,$labstatus,$subject,$body)=@_;

my $message;

$message= "
Hi $fname


print $rowid,"\n",'lp_status'."\t",$labstatus,"\t".'momstatus'."\n";

my $footer;
if (){

if (check2){


my @attachments= qw/attachments go here/;

my @parts;

push @parts,Email::MIME->create(
body => $message."\n".$footer,
attributes=>{content_type =>'text/plain'}

foreach my $line (@attachments){
my $mime=`file --mime-type $line`;
my @type=split /: /,$mime;
chomp $type[1];
my $mime_type=$type[1];
push @parts,  Email::MIME->create(
body => io('/home/mike/'.$line)->binary->all,
attributes => {
filename => $line,
 content_type => $mime_type,
disposition => 'attachment'


 my $multi = Email::MIME->create(
 header_str => [ To => $email,
 From => '',
'Reply-To' => '',
Subject => $subject
parts  => [@parts,


 ) ;

my $transport = Email::Sender::Transport::SMTPS->new(
host => '',
port => 587,
sasl_username => '',
sasl_password => 'M0m3ntum16',
debug => 0, # or 1}


sendmail ($multi, {transport=>$transport});


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Re: XML::Simple Umlaute

2016-07-30 Thread Mike Flannigan

I'm not sure if it is possible to use Umlaute in XML Files
or not.  Maybe this post with help you:

Is there a way to change encoding to "iso-8859-1"?


On 7/28/2016 8:03 AM, wrote:


I would like to read XML files which look like this:





There is an Umlaut, ß, supposed to be at


which is apparently impossible to read.  The following program ...


use strict;
use warnings;

use feature 'say';

use XML::Simple;
use Data::Dumper;

my $xml = new XML::Simple;
my $data = $xml->XMLin("test.xml");

open my $fh, ">", 'pout';
print $fh Dumper($data);
close $fh;

print Dumper($data);

exit 0;

... gives me this output:

$VAR1 = {
  'Bezeichnung1' => {},
  'id' => 'build_Inventur_1469705446',
  'Stationsnummer' => 'Infostand',
  'meta' => {
'content' => 'text/html; charset=UTF-8',
'http-equiv' => 'content-type',
'instanceID' => 

  'Mitarbeiter_inv' => '5449000134264',
  'Regaletikett_ausgeben' => "gro\x{df}",
  'Erfassung' => {
 'Artikelstapel' => {
'Menge' => '20',
'Preis' => '10.0',
'EAN_Artikel' => 

'Etikettentyp' => {}
 'Artikel_erfassen' => {},
 'Lagerstaette' => '5449000134264'

I´m not getting any better results when adding an encoding tag to the
XML file and when writing the Dumper output to a file.

Is it impossible to use Umlaute in XML Files?

Re: reading directories using perl in windows

2016-03-13 Thread Mike Flannigan

FYI, there is no error.  If the directory
path has no spaces it works fine, if the directory
path has spaces it prints the path up to the 1st space
and just goes back to a cursor line.


On 3/6/2016 5:04 AM, wrote:

Re: reading directories using perl in windows
Akshay Mohit 
3/1/2016 4:49 AM

Arghya Das 
Perl Beginners 

Could you please send the exact error which you are getting as I 
Copy/Pasted the exact code which you had given and it is working 
properly for me. I have only given the directory which is present in 
my system.

use strict;
use warnings;

my $dir = "C:/Python_Exercise/*";
my @files = glob( $dir );

foreach (@files ){
   print $_ . "\n";

Re: Is perl user specific

2016-01-06 Thread Mike D
Please use the Reply All feature so that your replies get sent to the
mailing list.

On Wed, Jan 6, 2016 at 11:21 AM, Ankita Rath 

> Okay I will try it.. Thank u
> Ankita
> On 6 Jan 2016 22:44, "Mike D"  wrote:
>> In the future, please use the Reply All feature.
>> So, run `echo $PATH` on both users.
>> If the path for the Perl executable is different for the user in which
>> the script works, try editing the path variable for the user in which it
>> doesn't to use the path to the working Perl executable:
>> On Wed, Jan 6, 2016 at 10:15 AM, Ankita Rath 
>> wrote:
>>> Thank you. But code is exactly same for both of us. Is there any user
>>> specific system file where perl path has to be added?
>>> On Wed, Jan 6, 2016 at 9:09 PM,  wrote:
>>>> Hello,
>>>> I would assume that you have multiple versions of Perl installed and
>>>> that the other user has the "working version" in their path, while this
>>>> user has a different version in theirs.
>>>> Sent from my iPhone.
>>>> On Jan 6, 2016, at 9:34 AM, Ankita Rath 
>>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi all,
>>>> I am trying to execute some perl scripts. I am getting following error.
>>>> But other user in the same server are not getting the error. So can anybody
>>>> help me understanding this problem. And why other user are not getting the
>>>> error.
>>>> Perl 5.008003 required--this is only version 5.00503, stopped at
>>>> ../Modules/Modules_64/5.8.5/x86_64-linux-thread-multi/YAML/ line 26.
>>>> BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at
>>>> ../Modules/Modules_64/5.8.5/x86_64-linux-thread-multi/YAML/ line 26.
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Ankita

Re: Is perl user specific

2016-01-06 Thread Mike D
In the future, please use the Reply All feature.

So, run `echo $PATH` on both users.

If the path for the Perl executable is different for the user in which the
script works, try editing the path variable for the user in which it
doesn't to use the path to the working Perl executable:

On Wed, Jan 6, 2016 at 10:15 AM, Ankita Rath 

> Thank you. But code is exactly same for both of us. Is there any user
> specific system file where perl path has to be added?
> On Wed, Jan 6, 2016 at 9:09 PM,  wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I would assume that you have multiple versions of Perl installed and that
>> the other user has the "working version" in their path, while this user has
>> a different version in theirs.
>> Sent from my iPhone.
>> On Jan 6, 2016, at 9:34 AM, Ankita Rath  wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I am trying to execute some perl scripts. I am getting following error.
>> But other user in the same server are not getting the error. So can anybody
>> help me understanding this problem. And why other user are not getting the
>> error.
>> Perl 5.008003 required--this is only version 5.00503, stopped at
>> ../Modules/Modules_64/5.8.5/x86_64-linux-thread-multi/YAML/ line 26.
>> BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at
>> ../Modules/Modules_64/5.8.5/x86_64-linux-thread-multi/YAML/ line 26.
>> Regards,
>> Ankita

Re: sure would be nice if Perl had trace command built-in

2015-12-12 Thread Mike Flannigan

On 12/10/2015 5:40 AM, wrote:

On Mon, Dec 7, 2015 at 6:33 PM, Brock Wilcox  wrote:

>Give devel::trace or devel::tracemore a try:)

Is it possible to install this from Active State repository without
having an-up-date ActiveState Perl DevKit license?

Ken Wolcott

FYI, my ActiveState PPM ver 4.17 pointed to repository:
does list Devel-Trace version 0.12.
I did not try to install it.

I have never had an ActiveState Perl DevKit license, or
certainly didn't pay for it.


Re: uniq array creation

2015-11-26 Thread Mike Flannigan

See if this meets your needs:


On 11/25/2015 1:53 AM, wrote:


I want to create a unique array .

I have the code below. It is creating a array which will have 
duplicate data . How can I filter duplicate data ?


use Data::Dumper;

#my $cnt = scalar @$net_int_parsed_output; $net_int_parsed_output = 
[lif_1 ,lif_2,lif_3,lif_4,lif_1,lif_2]; foreach my $n 

my $lif_cnt++;

print "lif of vserver >>> $n\n";

push (@{$lun_PR_resv_info->{'lun'}->{'vserver'}->{'fcp_lifs'}},$n);


print "lun PR resv related info>>>>>>>>>>>>>",Dumper 



Re: converting Genbank format in gff format

2015-08-20 Thread Mike Flannigan

On 8/20/2015 4:01 AM, wrote:

Re: converting Genbank format in gff format
John SJ Anderson 
8/17/2015 10:03 PM

Perl Beginners 

On Mon, Aug 17, 2015 at 3:58 PM, Uri Guttman <>> wrote:

On 08/17/2015 03:57 AM,
<> wrote:

hi all,

is there a possibilty to convert Genbank format in gff format
using perl? I installed perl5 in my linux.

Atteyet-Alla -- there's a 'genbank2gff' script in the Bioperl dist, 
perhaps that at least gives you some hints on where to start? Code is 

You'll need to install the Bioperl module.

the answer is yes, perl can convert anything into anything. that
is true for most if not all languages. do you have more questions?

Wow, Uri, do you suppose Perl could convert your smug condescending 
answer into something useful? Geez.

Maybe a bit snotty, but I don't fault somebody for answering
a question accurately.  Maybe the OP is not aware of CPAN.
I suggest he do a DDG search for CPAN.

Good think he is on Linux, because Activestate does not have
anything on "Genbank" or "gff".


problem with regex qr operator

2015-06-25 Thread Mike Martin
I am currently getting issues with regexes that use the qr operator.

The results with qr are different than without. This is a small sample
program to illustrate it

use strict;

my $str='Database Administrator';
my $pattern= 

my $pattern2=qr/$pattern/;
print 'no qr',"\t", $1,"\n";
print  'with qr',"\t", $1,"\n";

print 'Pattern without qr',"\t",$pattern,"\n";
print 'Pattern without qr',"\t",$pattern2,"\n";

Explanation of pattern
'(?=^(?:(?!(?:datab|network|system)).)*$) - looks for
datab|network|system and then negates the match within the entire
.* - winds the match back to start of string
-  looks for match

In this example the phrase "Database Administrator" fails the regex
without qr (as it should), but if I use qr it passes giving wrong

this is the output of of the last two lines

Pattern without qr

Pattern without qr

The only difference I can see is the addition of a non-capturing group
around the expression (?^:)

Anyone any idea what is happening here

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Re: Getting 2/8 as output

2015-06-17 Thread Mike Flannigan

Thank you.  I stand corrected.

Interestingly, if you do "perldoc -q $," it does
not explain $, but instead goes into some system
with >> as the prompt.


On 6/17/2015 8:43 AM, Andy Bach wrote:

Actually there is a $, - array display separator.

On Wednesday, June 17, 2015, Mike Flannigan <>> wrote:

If I am not mistaken there is no $, variable in Perl.
Correct me if I am wrong.

I suspect that was supposed to be $/.


Re: Getting 2/8 as output

2015-06-17 Thread Mike Flannigan

If I am not mistaken there is no $, variable in Perl.
Correct me if I am wrong.

I suspect that was supposed to be $/.


On 6/17/2015 7:32 AM, wrote:

  local $, = "\n";
  print %test;

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Re: [Bulk] Re: Fwd: Re: LWP/Protocol Errors

2015-05-27 Thread Mike Blezien


On 5/27/2015 7:46 AM, Lawrence Statton

  On 05/27/2015 07:33 AM, Mike Blezien wrote:
  *CONNECTED(0003) --- no peer
certificate available --- No client

certificate CA names sent --- SSL handshake has read 0 bytes and

0 bytes --- New, (NONE), Cipher is (NONE) Secure Renegotiation

supported Compression: NONE Expansion: NONE ---*

  Yeah - I retract everything I've thus far said -- that's pretty
  clear evidence that you're not getting the SSL handshake started.

That's what I thought. Will check that the port is open on that
server and try again.



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Re: Fwd: Re: LWP/Protocol Errors

2015-05-27 Thread Mike Blezien


On 5/25/2015 12:31 PM, Lawrence Statton

  I sent this to the list, but it seems to have gotten clogged in
  the tubes ... here's another copy
   Forwarded Message 
  Subject: Re: LWP/Protocol Errors
  Date: Mon, 25 May 2015 12:13:11 -0500
  From: Lawrence Statton 
  On 05/25/2015 12:02 PM, Mike Blezien wrote:

I recently setup a Paypal IPN script which worked fine for some
time now

but now all of a sudden I keep getting these error message:


**Can't connect to (certificate verify

**LWP::Protocol::https::Socket: SSL connect attempt failed with

error error:14090086:SSL

routines:SSL3_GET_SERVER_CERTIFICATE:certificate verify failed

/usr/local/share/perl5/LWP/Protocol/ line 41.

*I use same IPN script on other servers without any issues
except one.

Is it possible that port 443 is being block or not open due a

on the server?

Any suggestion would be appreciated.


  While it is *POSSIBLE* that a blocked port is causing your grief,
  is not the most likely explanation.
  Has it *NEVER* worked on this server, or worked until recently?
  email was vague on this point.
  The exact error is telling you that the OpenSSL library (which is
  ultimately where LWP gets its SSL support) cannot verify the
  origin of
  the certificate chain that Paypal is offering.
  Compare the contents of /etc/ssl/certs (the exact directory will
  based on which Linux distribution you are using, but it will be
  something similar) on a 'working' server with the 'not-working'
  openssl s_client will allow you to attempt a connection and turn
  substantial diagnostics to see the certificate that is being
  offered by
  the server, and (most importantly) the issuer for that certificate
  the issuer's hash -- which will lead you to find the correct CA
  cert you
  need to add.
  (Alternatively, if your problem *is* a blocked port, you will get
  diagnostic from s_client to show you that it can't even GET the
  cert -- but the error message makes me 99% certain that you are
  past that point in the SSL handshake)

After further investigation running the following command from
  the shell prompt:
  openssl s_client -host -port 443
  I get these results:
  no peer certificate available
  No client certificate CA names sent
  SSL handshake has read 0 bytes and
  written 0 bytes
  New, (NONE), Cipher is (NONE)
  Secure Renegotiation IS NOT supported
  Compression: NONE
  Expansion: NONE
  This is first time using this paypal script on this server and has
  not worked yet. I've used similar script on other servers without
  issues or other problems. Is this a port issue or something




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Re: LWP/Protocol Errors

2015-05-25 Thread Mike Blezien


On 5/25/2015 12:27 PM, Lawrence Statton

  On 05/25/2015 12:02 PM, Mike Blezien wrote:

*I use same IPN script on other servers without any issues
except one.

Is it possible that port 443 is being block or not open due a

on the server?

  Another tidbit of information that just burbled to the top of my
  brain.  On SOME platform (but I can't remember which now) when LWP
  was compiled to use openssl, the builder elected not to have ANY
  default CA path.
  This will require you to explicitly set the PERL_LWP_SSL_CA_PATH
  environment variable (or the 'all-in-one file variant'- read
  perldoc LWP ) to point to the local store of CA certificates.

Ok thank you I'll check this out.


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