RE: [boost] Re: compare

2003-03-27 Thread Paul A. Bristow
This really neat, and useful, but I really don't like either name.

Two suggestions:

comparisons - because the whole point is more than one compare.


compair - because one is comparing pairs.  (Do I hear you groan? Not punny?)
But perhaps the dreadfulness will make is more memorable?


Paul A Bristow, Prizet Farmhouse, Kendal, Cumbria, LA8 8AB  UK
+44 1539 561830   Mobile +44 7714 33 02 04
Mobile mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

>>  2) I'm not sure that the choice of the name is ideal.  OTOH, I can't think
> >>of a better one...

> > lexicographic?

This implies something to do with lexicons, which is too restrictive, and even

> jan langer ... [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> "pi ist genau drei"
> ___
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Re: [boost] Determining interest in combining_iterator

2003-03-27 Thread Thomas Becker

--- Anthony Williams

> Basically, I think we have two contradictory
> scenarios. IIUC, the situations
> you have encountered are where you have a set of
> values in different
> containers that needed to be combined into a single
> value, in which case it
> makes sense to pass the values as distinct function
> arguments to a functor
> that does the combining.

That's true, that was the scenario that the combining
iterator grew out of, and that has certainly tilted my
perception of the problem in that direction. But when
I conceived of my combining iterator, I *did* think
about the other scenario that you mention:

> OTOH, the situations I am thinking of require that
> the tuple of containers is
> really treated as a container of tuples, complete
> with the ability to update
> the source containers by writing to the tuple
> obtained by the dereferencing,
> but maintaining the value semantics when copied.
> This is really hard to do in
> any other way than by having *it return a "magic
> tuple", IMHO, though if you
> can find a way of doing it as a functor that "just
> works" without the user
> having to know too much, I'll concede the point.

Because of my tilted perception, I sort of dismissed
that scenario by saying to myself, ah, shucks, just
write a functional that returns a suitable reference,
and you're good. You are now forcing me to think about
this more carefully, for which I am grateful to you.
Unless I'm missing something, I believe that my
original rough intuition was ok. Given my combining
iterator, it seems very easy to write your tuple
iterator by providing a simple generic
"reference-tuple-making" functional. As always in
these situations, it's a little messy to provide one
functional that will work for all n (n=number of
member iterators), so for simplicity, here's the case

class FunMakeReferenceTuple_2
  typedef boost::tuple result_type;
  boost::tuple operator()(
Type1_& refFirst,
Type2_& refSecond
) const
return boost::tuple(

I've tested this in several examples, e.g., I created
two vectors of ints, filled them with values to equal
length, then created a combining_iterator from the two
begin positions and the functional 


Once I have this combining iterator, I can read and
write both vector elements to my hearts delight. E.g.,

std::swap(it->get<0>(), it->get<1>());

will swap the values at the current position, or,

*it = boost::make_tuple(42, 43);

will assign 42 and 43 to the respective vector

If you want to, you can easily wrap all this up and
provide a tuple_iterator which internally uses my
combining iterator in conjunction with the
reference-tuple-making functional. I now strongly
believe that that's the way to go. The combining
iterator handles for you everything that has to do
with the parallel-iteration. Via the funcional, you
decide how to process the dereferenced iterators. The
tuple_iterator is the special case (or rather, the
large subclass of cases) where that processing
consists of making a tuple of references. There's
certainly more to think about, like, what about const
tuple iterators, but I believe that the questions and
answers are the same whether you write the tuple
iterator from scratch or use my combining iterator. In
fact, doing it with the combining iterator seems
somehow "intellectually cleaner" to me, because all
the parallel iteration stuff is hidden and out of the
way, so you can focus on the tuple issues.

BTW, in my software, I do have cases where I need to
parallel iterate and write to the current positions,
but in those cases, I always deal with sequences of
possibly different length (think portfolio of assets
with different dates of inception). Now
parallel-iteration is really ugly business. There's
always a bigger can of worms...

Thomas Becker
Zephyr Associates, Inc.
Zephyr Cove, NV

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[boost] Re: [date_time] enabling microsec_clock under C++Builder

2003-03-27 Thread Johan Nilsson

"Russell Hind" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Johan Nilsson wrote:
> >
> > Perhaps, but one should consider that GetSystemTime promises 1ms
> > and delivers 10-15ms (and, IIRC,  that GetSystemTimeAsFileTime promises
> > 250ns resolution).
> >
> The Platform SDK states that the tickcount (GetTickCount) is updated
> every 10ms on NT3.51 and hight so I guess that GetSystemTime is updated
> at this interval also.

That's correct for uniprocessor machines.  It is normally 15ms on SMP
machines (at least on NT 4.0 upwards). As I said earlier, my only experience
is with x86 machines (and NT, not Win9x et al).

> FileTimes are measured in 100 nanosecond intervals since 1 January,
> 1601, but are you sure that GetSystemTimeAsFileTime will return a value
> that is updated at 250ns intervals?  I can't find anything in the SDK to
> say what the update interval is for the SystemTime, I'm just guessing
> that it is updated when the tick count is.

Sorry - just a case of bad memory - 100ns is of course correct.

I am definitely sure that GetSystemTimeAsFileTime will _not_ return a value
that is updated more frequently than the system's tick interval. I just
wanted to point out the similarity between:
- GSTAFT having a 100ns resolution but not being updated more often than
- microsec_clock having a microsec resolution but not being updated more
often than 10-15ms

// Johan

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[boost] Re: compare

2003-03-27 Thread David B. Held
"Gennaro Prota" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> [...]
> But there are more important points I think; first of all this: if all
> I can see "from the outside" is whether v_== minus [note: this is
> 'plus' in the original code] why keeping three states internally?

I wondered this as well, until I thought about this invokation:

compare(x1, x2)(y1, y2)(z1, z2);

Keeping the state internally allows for this function chaining, as
the three states are passed from one functor to the next (which
is necessary to provide the desired functionality).


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Re: [boost] Re: io operations for stl containers?

2003-03-27 Thread Terje Slettebø
>From: "Jason House" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> I had 2 thoughts today...
> 1. Is it at all useful/possible to use a lambda-like notation?

In what way? Could you have given a rough syntax-example?

An example in BLL is:

std::for_each(v.begin(), v.end(), std::cout << _1 << '\n');

>In the past, I've liked the look of that a lot.
>(the comments about alternate notation made me think of it)
> 2. Why are we restricting the output to strings?

That _is_ a natural question, isn't it? :)

>Couldn't the types of the 3 delimiter strings actually be
>implicit template parameters?
>(the char/wchar versions made me think of that)

Yes, that is how it currently works; it deduces the types passed to the
format function template, and returns an object of type format_type
(analogous to many cases, such as bind1st/binder1st).

Since all the string parameters have default to empty string, this is done
by having three overloads of the format function template - for
std::basic_string, const char * and const wchar_t *. That way, you can use
"", L"", etc. as appropriate, for the default.

As mentioned in some previous postings, a possibility for generalising the
formatting could be to pass a "visitor" object to the format-function,
instead of the strings, which is then invoked at the specific times during
output (begin/end sequence, etc.). One could then also support things like
line numbers and indentation, without hardcoding how this is done. It would
also be possible to make a visitor object which took strings in the
constructor, and gave the current semantics.

This approach seems to require dynamical allocation of the format data, and
virtual functions, though. Since this means quite a bit of change, I haven't
done it so far, but I'm open to the possibility.

An example of its use:

// Line numbering visitor (could be included in the library)
// All virtual functions are included for illustration. In practice, the
once with empty body could be omitted.

class numbering_type : public visitor_base
  explicit numbering(int ln) : line_number(ln) {}

  virtual void start_sequence(std::basic_ostream
&stream) {}
  virtual void end_sequence(std::basic_ostream &stream)
  virtual void element(std::basic_ostream &stream,
const T &element)
{ stream << line_number << ' ' << element << '\n'; ++line_number; }

  int line_number;

// The numbering function template returns a numbering_type object

typedef std::vector vector;

vector v;

// Fill vector

std::cout << format(numbering())
  << v;


1 - A
2 - B
3 - C





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[boost] Boost.Python and BCC

2003-03-27 Thread Chris Trengove
A question for David Abrahams (or anyone else who might have a bright idea).

I have resolved quite a few of the issues involved in porting Boost.Python
to Borland, but here is one particularly nasty problem. In
member_function_cast.hpp you have code, which after expansion at the hands
of Boost.Preprocessor, gives

struct member_function cast
static cast_helper stage1(R (S::*)())
return cast_helper();

// Many more definitions of stage1() with increasing numbers of
parameters (arity).

Unfortunately, this runs foul of the infamous BCC "emoticon" bug, whereby
the ")" character (and various others) will terminate the template argument
list. In the above, the compiler therefore sees "cast_helper stage1(...)

But of course here we will need separate typedefs for each of the "arities"
of stage1(), and we need to define them so that they are available to the
stage1 template. It seems to me that the function overloading approach being
used here then becomes infeasible.

Any ideas?


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[boost] Re: io operations for stl containers?

2003-03-27 Thread Jason House
I had 2 thoughts today...

1. Is it at all useful/possible to use a lambda-like notation?
   In the past, I've liked the look of that a lot.
   (the comments about alternate notation made me think of it)

2. Why are we restricting the output to strings?
   Couldn't the types of the 3 delimiter strings actually be 
   implicit template parameters?
   (the char/wchar versions made me think of that)

Just two quick thoughts.

Overall, I like it a lot :)

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[boost] Multithreaded Scaling Issues with regex

2003-03-27 Thread Matt Warner
I am writing a multithreaded Apache log parser that uses the Boost 
1_29_0 regex split function to separate elements in the entry. Each 
thread parses a separate log file. The code seems to be working 
correctly on a 1-CPU system, but when I use a 14-CPU Sun server, I 
see massive locking (LCK column of prstat -amLvu username), and 
performance suffers horribly (as measured by the lines processed per 
second). I spent a lot of time checking to see where the locking was 
occurring. I went so far as to compile the code with Sun's Forte 6u2 
and use their analysis tools to identify the problem area. I've 
compiled all code (including Boost) with both gcc 3.2.2 and Forte to 
create 64-bit binaries, if that makes any difference.

If I read the Forte analysis tools correctly, the place I'm seeing 
all the locking is the call to malloc in the void *operator 
new(unsigned long), which is called by 
boost::re_detail::match_results_base and _priv_match_data. Those are 
in turn called by query_match_aux, which is called by reg_grep2. 
Assuming I'm reading it right...

At this point it seems like the issue is either with the library or 
my usage of it. Has anyone seen this before? Any pointers on what I 
may be doing wrong and how to fix it would be appreciated.



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Re: [boost] [BoostBook] Guinea pig request

2003-03-27 Thread William E. Kempf

Douglas Paul Gregor said:
> On Thu, 27 Mar 2003, William E. Kempf wrote:
>> I'm using 0.20.4 (on Mandrake 9.1) and receive lots of errors.  A few
>> examples:
>> [ERROR] Error in column-width property value '33%':
>> No conversion defined
>> [ERROR] property - "last-line-end-indent" is not implemented yet.
>> [ERROR] property - "linefeed-treatment" is not implemented yet.
>> And others as well (plus a lot of warnings).  If you want a full log,
>> I can send it.
> These errors are "normal" with FOP.

Ick!  Any way to suppress the output in that case?

William E. Kempf

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Re: [boost] [BoostBook] Guinea pig request

2003-03-27 Thread Joel de Guzman
Douglas Paul Gregor wrote:

> FWIW, the basic Jamfile.v2 for using Doxygen would be:
>   project boost/spirit/doc ;
>   import boostbook : boostbook ;
>   import doxygen : doxygen ;
>   doxygen spirit.doxygen : ../../../boost/spirit/
>  : on *.hpp
>  ;
>   boostbook spirit : spirit.doxygen ;
> With a patched Doxygen (see the "Getting Started" docs) and this
> Jamfile.v2 in libs/spirit/doc, I can generate skeletal documentation
> for Spirit.

Cool. I'll try this. Thanks! It seems you have lots of guinea pigs now :-)

Joel de Guzman
joel at

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Re: [boost] [BoostBook] Guinea pig request

2003-03-27 Thread Douglas Paul Gregor
On Thu, 27 Mar 2003, William E. Kempf wrote:
> I'm using 0.20.4 (on Mandrake 9.1) and receive lots of errors.  A few
> examples:
> [ERROR] Error in column-width property value '33%':
> No conversion defined
> [ERROR] property - "last-line-end-indent" is not implemented yet.
> [ERROR] property - "linefeed-treatment" is not implemented yet.
> And others as well (plus a lot of warnings).  If you want a full log, I
> can send it.

These errors are "normal" with FOP.

> A PDF is generated, but lands in
> $BOOST_ROOT/doc/bin/gcc/debug/  Shouldn't this be in
> $BOOST_ROOT/doc/pdf or something similar?

It should, and I'll see what I can do about it.


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[boost] Re: compare

2003-03-27 Thread Jan Langer
Gennaro Prota wrote:
Well, if we are really going to discuss such quibbles, I would also
change "zero" to "equiv" because that's the usual "term" used for
strict weak ordering. And I would avoid constructs like
compare (T const &a, T const &b)
 : v_ (compare () (a, b).v_)  // <--
by doing, for instance,

class compare
enum result { minus, equiv, plus };
result v_;
static result do_compare(const T& a, const T& b) {
if (a < b) return minus;
else if (b < a) return plus;
return equiv;
ok, i didnt think too long about the implementation quality. but i will 
change it for the next time.

But there are more important points I think; first of all this: if all
I can see "from the outside" is whether v_== minus [note: this is
'plus' in the original code] why keeping three states internally?
because i see no reason why they should be needed. and i can also 
exchange the meaning of plus and minus, if it is prefered.

jan langer ... [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"pi ist genau drei"
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Re: [boost] Re: compare

2003-03-27 Thread David Abrahams
Jan Langer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> David Abrahams wrote:
>>>  1) Instead of "operator bool", use the unspecified-bool-type discussed
>>>elsewhere on this list; it's safer.
>> Yup.
> ok, i changed it.
>>>  2) I'm not sure that the choice of the name is ideal.  OTOH, I can't think
>>>of a better one...
>> lexicographic?
> i dont bother about the name. if this is better i will change it.

I don't really like it, FWIW.

>>>  3) I'd like to see a general solution for this problem using real
>>>(late-bound) function objects as well, if you know what I mean.  This would
>>>be a lot harder, though, so maybe it should be put on a wish-list.  Have you
>>>given any thought to this approach?
>>  return compare.less(p1.x, p2.x)
>>   .greater(p1.y, p2.y)
>>   .call(f, p1.z, p2.z);
> now this would be:
> return compare (p1.x, p2.x, std::less  ())
> (p1.y, p2.y, std::greater  ())
> (p1.z, p2.z, f);

The problem with that is that it requires you to name the type of the
arguments (and they have to be the same).

> or nearly the same:
> return compare (p1.x, p2.x)
> (p2.y, p1.y)
> (p1.z, p2.z, f);

Maybe that's better.

Dave Abrahams
Boost Consulting

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RE: [boost] Re: compare

2003-03-27 Thread scleary
> -Original Message-
> From: Gennaro Prota [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> On Thu, 27 Mar 2003 14:01:12 -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Well, if we are really going to discuss such quibbles, I would also
> change "zero" to "equiv" because that's the usual "term" used for
> strict weak ordering. And I would avoid constructs like

I agree.

> But there are more important points I think; first of all this: if all
> I can see "from the outside" is whether v_== minus [note: this is
> 'plus' in the original code] why keeping three states internally?

To allow for short-circuiting any future comparisions.  The three states,
whatever their names, mean:
1) The result is known to be true; no further comparisions are necessary
2) The result is known to be false; no further comparisions are necessary
3) The result is unknown; further comparisions are necessary.

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RE: [boost] Boost Pool Library interface discrepancy

2003-03-27 Thread scleary
> -Original Message-
> From: Michael Glassford [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> As far as I can tell, the documented 
> pool<>::get_requested_size() is not
> implemented.

You are correct.  I will fix this.

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[boost] Re: compare

2003-03-27 Thread Gennaro Prota
On Thu, 27 Mar 2003 14:01:12 -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>> -Original Message-
>> From: Jan Langer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Just one other thing - instead of:
>  enum result { minus, zero, plus };
>I would do:
>  enum result { minus = -1, zero, plus };
>just for the sake of code readability and ease of understanding.  It doesn't
>change the logic at all.

Well, if we are really going to discuss such quibbles, I would also
change "zero" to "equiv" because that's the usual "term" used for
strict weak ordering. And I would avoid constructs like

compare (T const &a, T const &b)
 : v_ (compare () (a, b).v_)  // <--

by doing, for instance,

class compare
enum result { minus, equiv, plus };
result v_;

static result do_compare(const T& a, const T& b) {

if (a < b) return minus;
else if (b < a) return plus;

return equiv;


compare () : v_ (equiv) {}

compare (T const &a, T const &b)
: v_ (do_compare(a, b))

compare &operator () (T const &a, T const &b)
if (v_ == equiv)
do_compare(a, b);

return *this;


But there are more important points I think; first of all this: if all
I can see "from the outside" is whether v_== minus [note: this is
'plus' in the original code] why keeping three states internally?


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Re: [boost] Regression tests failing - tools not building

2003-03-27 Thread Beman Dawes
At 01:28 PM 3/27/2003, Marshall Clow wrote:

>On Monday, I attempted to run the Darwin regression tests off the main
>The tools failed to build - specifically "process_jam_log" failed to 
>because the filesystem library failed to compile.
>In particular, "libs/filesystem/src/exception.cpp" failed on line 192 in
>the constructor:
>>	filesystem_error::filesystem_error(
>>		const std::string & who,
>>		const std::string & message )
>>line 192-->	: std::runtime_error(
>>			other_error_prep( who, message ).c_str() ),
>>			m_sys_err(0), m_err(other_error), m_who(who)
>>		{}


Three days ago I changed boost/filesystem/exception.hpp and 
libs/filesystem/src/exception.cpp. I just checked CVS, and see that both 
changes did get committed.

Yet it looks like you have the changes to boost/filesystem/exception.hpp, 
but not the changes to libs/filesystem/src/exception.cpp, and that is what 
is causing the compiler errors.

Try a cvs update again, and see if that doesn't clear the problem.


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Re: [boost] [BoostBook] Guinea pig request

2003-03-27 Thread William E. Kempf

Douglas Paul Gregor said:
> On Thu, 27 Mar 2003, Martin Wille wrote:
>> Douglas Paul Gregor wrote:
>> > I would like a volunteer ...
>> I gave it a try:
> Thanks!
>> - pdf: lots of messages regarding missing "hyphenation pattern for
>>language en".  A pdf file is created, however.
> This seems to be a problem with fop 0.20.5-rc2. I dropped back to 0.20.4
> and the problem disappeared. Documented now.

I'm using 0.20.4 (on Mandrake 9.1) and receive lots of errors.  A few

[ERROR] Error in column-width property value '33%': No conversion defined

[ERROR] property - "last-line-end-indent" is not implemented yet.

[ERROR] property - "linefeed-treatment" is not implemented yet.

And others as well (plus a lot of warnings).  If you want a full log, I
can send it.  A PDF is generated, but lands in
$BOOST_ROOT/doc/bin/gcc/debug/  Shouldn't this be in
$BOOST_ROOT/doc/pdf or something similar?  The produced PDF is viewable,
and looks pretty good from a casual glance.

William E. Kempf

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Re: [boost] Re: MSVC++ 6.0 compiler errors with 1.30.0 (mostly lexical_cast.hpp)

2003-03-27 Thread Victor A. Wagner, Jr.
At Saturday 2003/03/22 13:11, you wrote:
In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Terje Slettebø
>Regarding the other MSVC 6 warning given in the original report, Gennaro
>Prota has suggested using an explicit "!=", rather than relying on the
>implicit conversion from pointer to bool. This also avoids using a cast,
Or one could use "stream << input && true" ;-) However, I think if one
is going to twist the expression of the code to satisfy the misplaced
oversensitivity of VC, it may be better to be more explicit than subtle,
ie "!(stream << input).fail()".
that doesn't mean the same thing as  if(stream << input)


  Kevlin Henney   phone:  +44 117 942 2990
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  Curbralan: Consultancy + Training + Development + Review

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Victor A. Wagner Jr.
The five most dangerous words in the English language:
  "There oughta be a law"
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[boost] Re: compare

2003-03-27 Thread Jan Langer
David Abrahams wrote:
 1) Instead of "operator bool", use the unspecified-bool-type discussed
elsewhere on this list; it's safer.
ok, i changed it.

 2) I'm not sure that the choice of the name is ideal.  OTOH, I can't think
of a better one...
i dont bother about the name. if this is better i will change it.

 3) I'd like to see a general solution for this problem using real
(late-bound) function objects as well, if you know what I mean.  This would
be a lot harder, though, so maybe it should be put on a wish-list.  Have you
given any thought to this approach?
return compare.less(p1.x, p2.x)
  .greater(p1.y, p2.y)
  .call(f, p1.z, p2.z);
now this would be:

return compare (p1.x, p2.x, std::less  ())
   (p1.y, p2.y, std::greater  ())
   (p1.z, p2.z, f);
or nearly the same:

return compare (p1.x, p2.x)
   (p2.y, p1.y)
   (p1.z, p2.z, f);
if the name lexicographic is ok, i will put it in the sandbox. i assume 
the directory utility is the correct place.

jan langer ... [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"pi ist genau drei"
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[boost] Boost Pool Library interface discrepancy

2003-03-27 Thread Michael Glassford
As far as I can tell, the documented pool<>::get_requested_size() is not


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RE: [boost] compare

2003-03-27 Thread scleary
> -Original Message-
> From: Jan Langer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Just one other thing - instead of:
  enum result { minus, zero, plus };
I would do:
  enum result { minus = -1, zero, plus };
just for the sake of code readability and ease of understanding.  It doesn't
change the logic at all.

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Re: [boost] [BoostBook] Guinea pig request

2003-03-27 Thread Douglas Paul Gregor

On Thu, 27 Mar 2003, Douglas Paul Gregor wrote:

> On Thu, 27 Mar 2003, Joel de Guzman wrote:
> > Spirit desperately needs a reference manual. Yes, I'm very interested.
> > I am also very interested to build Spirit based tools to make the task
> > easier. I'm just afraid of the time that I need to commit. Perhaps I can
> > proceed step-wise? Suggestions?
> It depends on how you want to write your documentation. Are you planning
> to annotate your source with comments and use an extraction tool (e.g.,
> Doxygen), or would you prefer to write interfaces by hand? The former is
> generally preferred, but the latter might be needed if the user-view of
> the interfaces is so different from the implementation that you would be
> fighting the extraction tool the whole time.
>   Doug

FWIW, the basic Jamfile.v2 for using Doxygen would be:

  project boost/spirit/doc ;
  import boostbook : boostbook ;
  import doxygen : doxygen ;

  doxygen spirit.doxygen : ../../../boost/spirit/
 : on *.hpp

  boostbook spirit : spirit.doxygen ;

With a patched Doxygen (see the "Getting Started" docs) and this
Jamfile.v2 in libs/spirit/doc, I can generate skeletal documentation for


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RE: [boost] [BoostBook] Guinea pig request

2003-03-27 Thread Hickman, Greg
> -Original Message-
> From: Douglas Paul Gregor [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Wednesday, March 26, 2003 11:31 PM

> I would like a volunteer to try out the BoostBook tools to 
> see if they can easily build documentation, and report your 
> successes, failures, and general level of frustration to the 
> Boost documentation list or to me personally so I can improve 
> the situation for future users and developers. You'll need a 
> few tools, a very recent checkout of Boost CVS, and possibly 
> a little patience, but everything is explained (I hope) in 
> the "Getting Started" guide here:
> Any takers? Please?
>   Doug

Hi Doug.  My little group is nearing release of a set of libraries, plus an
application that runs on top of them.  We don't have any formal
documentation as of yet, but are required to produce library level docs, so
I'm interested in looking at BoostBook.  I guess the bad news is that it
looks like we're 3 or 4 weeks away from being able to work on it, and we
have absolutely no background or familiarity with BoostBook.  If I get a
chance, I'll start perusing the "Getting Started" guide.  Let me know if
there's anything I might be able to do in the meantime though.

Greg Hickman
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Re: [boost] Re: [BoostBook] Guinea pig request

2003-03-27 Thread William E. Kempf

Remy Blank said:
> On Thu, 27 Mar 2003 10:40:26 -0600 (CST), "William E. Kempf"
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Problems building:
>> * On Mandrake 9.1 I had no issues.
>> * On Cygwin, I get the result:
>> xslt-xsltproc bin\gcc\debug\boost.docbook
>> 'XML_CATALOG_FILES' is not recognized as an internal or external
>> command, operable program or batch file.
>>   XML_CATALOG_FILES=catalog.xml xsltproc  --xinclude -o
>> bin\gcc\debug\boost.docbook
>> C:\cygwin\home\wekempf\boost/tools/boostbook/xsl/docbook.xsl
>> src\boost.xml
> XML_CATALOG_FILES={something} xsltproc ...
> This is bash syntax for temporarily setting an environment variable for
> the duration of the xsltproc program run. Are you using bash on Cygwin,
> or the normal cmd.exe shell? The latter probably doesn't understand this
> syntax.


William E. Kempf

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[boost] Regression tests failing - tools not building

2003-03-27 Thread Marshall Clow
On Monday, I attempted to run the Darwin regression tests off the main branch.

The tools failed to build - specifically "process_jam_log" failed to build, because
the filesystem library failed to compile.

In particular, "libs/filesystem/src/exception.cpp" failed on line 192 in
the constructor:

>   filesystem_error::filesystem_error(
>   const std::string & who,
>   const std::string & message )
>line 192-->: std::runtime_error(
>   other_error_prep( who, message ).c_str() ),
>   m_sys_err(0), m_err(other_error), m_who(who)
>   {}

There are a couple of things here:
1) std::runtime_error is defined (for gcc, AFAICT) in , but 
only includes .
--> This, IMHO, is the cause of the error.

2) filesystem_error is defined (in filesystem/exception.hpp) as inheriting from 
not std::runtime_error.
>   class filesystem_error : public std::exception
>   {

When I add the line "#include " to exception.cpp, I get the following error 

../../../libs/filesystem/src/exception.cpp: In constructor 
   `boost::filesystem::filesystem_error::filesystem_error(const std::string&, 
   const std::string&)':
../../../libs/filesystem/src/exception.cpp:196: type `class std::runtime_error' 
   is not a direct base of `boost::filesystem::filesystem_error'

-- Marshall

Marshall Clow Idio Software   
Hey! Who messed with my anti-paranoia shot?
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Re: [boost] [BoostBook] Guinea pig request

2003-03-27 Thread Douglas Paul Gregor

On Thu, 27 Mar 2003, Martin Wille wrote:

> Douglas Paul Gregor wrote:
> > I would like a volunteer ...
> I gave it a try:


> - pdf: lots of messages regarding missing "hyphenation pattern for
>language en".  A pdf file is created, however.

This seems to be a problem with fop 0.20.5-rc2. I dropped back to 0.20.4
and the problem disappeared. Documented now.

>Is there a chance to specify a different paper size (e.g. A4)?

I haven't documentated passing XSL parameters yet, but you want this:
  bjam --v2 pdf xsl:param=paper.type=A4

> - documentation: I had a little problem to locate the docbook.dtd
>because I didn't find information that it is contained in a package
>named docbook-xml

They don't even both to refer to it as a DTD! I've made a note of this in
the documentation.

> Summary: looks very good, already. However, to be able to set the
> paper size is important. Documentation was sufficient for me.

Great. In the future I'll make it easier to specify XSL parameters, e.g.,
the paper type, once in the Boost.Build configuration instead of requiring
it to be on the command line.


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Re: [boost] [BoostBook] Guinea pig request

2003-03-27 Thread Neal D. Becker
On Thursday 27 March 2003 12:41 pm, Douglas Paul Gregor wrote:
> On Thu, 27 Mar 2003, William E. Kempf wrote:

> > * On Cygwin, I get the result:
> >
> > xslt-xsltproc bin\gcc\debug\boost.docbook
> > 'XML_CATALOG_FILES' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
> > operable program or batch file.
> >
> >   XML_CATALOG_FILES=catalog.xml xsltproc  --xinclude -o
> > bin\gcc\debug\boost.docbook
> > C:\cygwin\home\wekempf\boost/tools/boostbook/xsl/docbook.xsl
> > src\boost.xml
> >
> > failed xslt-xsltproc bin\gcc\debug\boost.docbook...
> Looks like I can't set an environment variable that way in Cygwin (or in
> Windows without Cygwin, for that matter).

Looks to me that you're not using bash under cygwin.  Make sure you're using 
bash for the shell that jam is using (I don't know anything about jam, how 
does it select the shell?)

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Re: [boost] [BoostBook] Guinea pig request

2003-03-27 Thread Martin Wille
Douglas Paul Gregor wrote:

I would like a volunteer ...
I gave it a try:

- html: works like a charm.
- onehtml ditto
- pdf: lots of messages regarding missing "hyphenation pattern for
  language en".  A pdf file is created, however.
  Is there a chance to specify a different paper size (e.g. A4)?
- man: great
- docbook: not tested
- fo: not tested
- documentation: I had a little problem to locate the docbook.dtd
  because I didn't find information that it is contained in a package
  named docbook-xml
Software used: libxml2-2.5.1, libxslt-1.0.24, fop-0.20.5rc2,
j2re1.4.0_03, docbook-xml-4.2, docbook-xsl-1.60.1
Summary: looks very good, already. However, to be able to set the
paper size is important. Documentation was sufficient for me.
oink oink,
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[boost] Re: compare

2003-03-27 Thread Gennaro Prota
On Thu, 27 Mar 2003 18:34:05 +0100, Gennaro Prota

>David Abrahams<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Indeed. We have an order relation < in X, and use what mathematicians
>call lexicographic order induced in X^n by <.

Yup! I should have looked better at the code. It's actually much more
general than that :-)


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Re: [boost] [BoostBook] Guinea pig request

2003-03-27 Thread Douglas Paul Gregor
On Thu, 27 Mar 2003, William E. Kempf wrote:
> Documentation nits:
> * "and including that Jamfile in the list of Jamfiles including for
> testing" under Testsuites... should be "included for testing".

That's one seriously ugly sentence I wrote. Fixed now. Thanks.

> * Navigation links have broken images.  Probably only an issue on your web
> server, right?

It's not quite that easy. Some of the stylesheets just "guess" at the
relative location of $BOOST_ROOT, and they guess wrong. This information
is easy to get in Boost.Build, so I'll pass it through to the stylsheets
and correct this ASAP.

> * The documentation on modifying user-config.jam doesn't make it clear
> that you don't need to do *any* configuration if you wish to just let the
> build process pull the stylesheets off the Internet.

Hmmm, good point. I've just added a section on configuring for local
copies of the DocBook DTD and XSL stylesheets, and I just reference that
section in "Getting Started".

> Problems building:
> * On Mandrake 9.1 I had no issues.
> * On Cygwin, I get the result:
> xslt-xsltproc bin\gcc\debug\boost.docbook
> 'XML_CATALOG_FILES' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
> operable program or batch file.
>   XML_CATALOG_FILES=catalog.xml xsltproc  --xinclude -o
> bin\gcc\debug\boost.docbook
> C:\cygwin\home\wekempf\boost/tools/boostbook/xsl/docbook.xsl
> src\boost.xml
> failed xslt-xsltproc bin\gcc\debug\boost.docbook...

Looks like I can't set an environment variable that way in Cygwin (or in
Windows without Cygwin, for that matter).


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[boost] Re: compare

2003-03-27 Thread Gennaro Prota
On Thu, 27 Mar 2003 10:00:47 -0500, David Abrahams

>> 2) I'm not sure that the choice of the name is ideal.  OTOH, I can't think
>> of a better one...

Indeed. We have an order relation < in X, and use what mathematicians
call lexicographic order induced in X^n by <.

A question worth asking ourselves, I think, is how good are current
compilers at inlining this stuff. I had an application where thousands
of points (coming from a VRML draw) had to be lexicographically
ordered and analyzed. Given the size of the VRML files, that took
generally a whole night on our machines. I don't dare to imagine what
would have happened by implementing operator<() recursively without
compiler optimization.


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[boost] Re: [BoostBook] Guinea pig request

2003-03-27 Thread Remy Blank
On Thu, 27 Mar 2003 10:40:26 -0600 (CST), "William E. Kempf" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Problems building:
> * On Mandrake 9.1 I had no issues.
> * On Cygwin, I get the result:
> xslt-xsltproc bin\gcc\debug\boost.docbook
> 'XML_CATALOG_FILES' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
> operable program or batch file.
>   XML_CATALOG_FILES=catalog.xml xsltproc  --xinclude -o
> bin\gcc\debug\boost.docbook 
> C:\cygwin\home\wekempf\boost/tools/boostbook/xsl/docbook.xsl 
> src\boost.xml

XML_CATALOG_FILES={something} xsltproc ...

This is bash syntax for temporarily setting an environment variable for 
the duration of the xsltproc program run. Are you using bash on Cygwin,
or the normal cmd.exe shell? The latter probably doesn't understand this

> .failed xslt-xsltproc bin\gcc\debug\boost.docbook...
> I have the following installed under cygwin:
> libxml2 2.4.23-1
> libxslt 1.0.13-1
> At this point, I have no clue how to diagnose the problem.

Probably not related to any of these.

-- Remy

Remove anti-spam sequence in reply address for a timely response.

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Re: [boost] [BoostBook] Guinea pig request (novice alert)

2003-03-27 Thread Douglas Paul Gregor

On Thu, 27 Mar 2003, Neal D. Becker wrote:

> OK, I can get boostbook running on RH8.0 using:
> using boostbook : /usr/share/sgml/docbook/xsl-stylesheets/
>   : /usr/share/sgml/docbook/xml-dtd-4.1.2-1.0-14/
> ;
> My interest was to try to learn about boostbook for my own purposes, which
> means running without bjam.  Where would I find info on this, or can I ask
> bjam to show me the commands it is running?

bjam --v2 -n

  That will print out the command lines it is using without actually
running any of them.

Since you are using a *nix system, you could check out the makefiles and
configure script that were in tools/boostbook/build. They're in the attic
now, but you can get to them using the CVS web interface.


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Re: [boost] Re: [BoostBook] Guinea pig request

2003-03-27 Thread Douglas Paul Gregor
On Thu, 27 Mar 2003, Daniel James wrote:

> Hi,
> I had a go. I'm using windows ME, and had to do a lot of stuff manually,
> since I'm not using Cygwin. I had to edit catalog.xml, removing some extra
> punctuation and changing some of the slashes from windows style to uri style
> (ie. c:\src\boost\ to c:/src/boost/). After that I wrote a little batch file
> to run xsltproc and it worked fine. But of course, that should be fixed in
> boost build eventually.

Thanks. I'm still working on the Windows path problems (those are
relatively easy to fix) and the strange punctuation issues. The Windows
9x/ME "echo" command seems to have this nasty behavior of passing along
double quotes (grrr).

> I did do one stupid thing though. When I first went to download the DocBook
> DTD, I downloaded just docbookx.dtd instead of the whole archive. I think
> this was just me being clumsy, but you could say 'download the zip archive'
> or something.
> Daniel

Done, thanks.


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Re: [boost] [BoostBook] Guinea pig request

2003-03-27 Thread William E. Kempf

Douglas Paul Gregor said:
> BoostBook is nearing the point where building documentation is as easy
> as building libraries. The Boost.Build v2 modules for BoostBook (and
> associated tools) are quite functional and work well for me, but I want
> to verify the they will work well for someone else.
> I would like a volunteer to try out the BoostBook tools to see if they
> can easily build documentation, and report your successes, failures, and
> general level of frustration to the Boost documentation list or to me
> personally so I can improve the situation for future users and
> developers. You'll need a few tools, a very recent checkout of Boost
> CVS, and
> possibly a little patience, but everything is explained (I hope) in the
> "Getting Started" guide here:
> Any takers? Please?

Documentation nits:

* "and including that Jamfile in the list of Jamfiles including for
testing" under Testsuites... should be "included for testing".

* Navigation links have broken images.  Probably only an issue on your web
server, right?

* The documentation on modifying user-config.jam doesn't make it clear
that you don't need to do *any* configuration if you wish to just let the
build process pull the stylesheets off the Internet.

Problems building:

* On Mandrake 9.1 I had no issues.

* On Cygwin, I get the result:

xslt-xsltproc bin\gcc\debug\boost.docbook
'XML_CATALOG_FILES' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

  XML_CATALOG_FILES=catalog.xml xsltproc  --xinclude -o

failed xslt-xsltproc bin\gcc\debug\boost.docbook...

I have the following installed under cygwin:

libxml2 2.4.23-1
libxslt 1.0.13-1

At this point, I have no clue how to diagnose the problem.

This is the result of my first attempts to just compile the existing
documentation to html.  After I get the Cygwin build working, I'll move on
to FOP and PDF generation and report other things I find.

William E. Kempf

Unsubscribe & other changes:

Re: [boost] [BoostBook] Guinea pig request (novice alert)

2003-03-27 Thread Neal D. Becker
OK, I can get boostbook running on RH8.0 using:

using boostbook : /usr/share/sgml/docbook/xsl-stylesheets/
: /usr/share/sgml/docbook/xml-dtd-4.1.2-1.0-14/

My interest was to try to learn about boostbook for my own purposes, which 
means running without bjam.  Where would I find info on this, or can I ask 
bjam to show me the commands it is running?

On Thursday 27 March 2003 10:17 am, Douglas Paul Gregor wrote:
> On Thu, 27 Mar 2003, Neal D. Becker wrote:
> > Now try with boostbook:
> > db2pdf boostbook.xml
> > jw: Please specify at least one catalog
> >
> > Any clue what's wrong?
> BoostBook isn't DocBook (although it can be transformed into DocBook), so
> DocBook tools won't work directly on it. We have our own build tools
> (Boost.Build v2) that are roughly equivalent to those scripts. See the
> "Getting Started" section here for info on getting BoostBook up and
> running with bjam:
> You probably have most/all of the prerequisites already, you'll just need
> to tell BBv2 about them.
>   Doug
> ___
> Unsubscribe & other changes:
Unsubscribe & other changes:

[boost] Re: [BoostBook] Guinea pig request

2003-03-27 Thread Daniel James

I had a go. I'm using windows ME, and had to do a lot of stuff manually,
since I'm not using Cygwin. I had to edit catalog.xml, removing some extra
punctuation and changing some of the slashes from windows style to uri style
(ie. c:\src\boost\ to c:/src/boost/). After that I wrote a little batch file
to run xsltproc and it worked fine. But of course, that should be fixed in
boost build eventually.

I did do one stupid thing though. When I first went to download the DocBook
DTD, I downloaded just docbookx.dtd instead of the whole archive. I think
this was just me being clumsy, but you could say 'download the zip archive'
or something.


- Original Message - 
From: "Douglas Paul Gregor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Newsgroups: gmane.comp.lib.boost.devel
Sent: Thursday, March 27, 2003 5:30 AM
Subject: [BoostBook] Guinea pig request

> BoostBook is nearing the point where building documentation is as easy as
> building libraries. The Boost.Build v2 modules for BoostBook (and
> associated tools) are quite functional and work well for me, but I want to
> verify the they will work well for someone else.
> I would like a volunteer to try out the BoostBook tools to see if they can
> easily build documentation, and report your successes, failures, and
> general level of frustration to the Boost documentation list or to me
> personally so I can improve the situation for future users and developers.
> You'll need a few tools, a very recent checkout of Boost CVS, and
> possibly a little patience, but everything is explained (I hope) in the
> "Getting Started" guide here:
> Any takers? Please?
> Doug
> ___
> Unsubscribe & other changes:

Unsubscribe & other changes:

Re: [boost] Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Thread Lib and DLL

2003-03-27 Thread William E. Kempf

David Brownell said:
> "William E. Kempf" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Ahhh, the light bulb just went on, I finally understand.  However, it
> does seem like this usage of TLS is a corner case, that is refactoring
> code to be thread safe.  I can see how this could be useful and may be a
> larger corner that I am aware, but it is something that I have not had
> to do before. However, it seems like the solution to this problem has
> some very severe consequences, namely forcing the user to compile with a
> DLL rather than a static lib on Win32 systems.  I understand that you
> would like to make the thread library as easy and error-free to use as
> possible, but that solution that requires the use of a DLL prevents me
> from using a library that I greatly value.

Actually, it's a very significant use case, not a corner case.  In
addition, other use cases can result in the same problems.  When a library
allocates TLS, it does so because it needs to maintain state for a thread
it did not create.  After all, if it created the thread, there are easier
and more efficient methods to maintain state.

> I have two main issues with using a DLL, one is another corner case, and
> the second is far less practical but more of an aesthetic.  The first is
> this: on a recent project, we had a requirement that the final binary
> was one and only one .exe.  Due to the nature of the project, anything
> else would be unacceptable (the discussion of why would lead to another
> conversation :). I could not have used the threads library in its
> current state.  Secondly, when I ship a product, I want the customer,
> programmer or not, to view its internal workings as magic.  I don't want
> them to know how I am doing anything.  Obviously they can hex edit the
> binary and figure out anything they want to, but that takes a more
> skilled person that the one who is able to see a dll and know that I am
> using boost threads.  Admittedly, this is not a sound scientific
> complaint, but still valid in my eyes.

The first is very valid.  I never claimed to like the DLL requirement ;). 
In fact, I've been in search of a solution that didn't require this (and
for more reasons than just wanting to support static linking!) from the
outset.  Unfortunately, I don't believe there is a solution at this point.

The second is totally uncompelling.  If hiding usage is all your after,
rename the DLL (do this by changing the stage rule in the Jamfile).

> I would be more than happy to try and help with a solution that would
> handle both of the corner cases, or at least allow the library user to
> compile as desired while knowing the consequences of their
> recompilation.  I hope that the case is not closed on restoring the
> static library compilation in future versions of the thread library.

It's not closed, but it's in definate limbo until after V2 is complete,
since that will change which cases require TLS cleanup.  But I definately
want a better solution to this problem as well, so don't be discouraged.

> After all of this, maybe the thread docs need this question answered as
> part of the FAQ? :)

Yes, it does, and I'll work on that shortly ;).

William E. Kempf

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RE: [boost] compare

2003-03-27 Thread scleary
> -Original Message-
> From: David Abrahams [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >   3) I'd like to see a general solution for this problem using real
> > (late-bound) function objects as well, if you know what I mean.  This
> > be a lot harder, though, so maybe it should be put on a wish-list.  Have
> > given any thought to this approach?
>   return compare.less(p1.x, p2.x)
>   .greater(p1.y, p2.y)
>   .call(f, p1.z, p2.z);
> ??

Sorry, I wasn't very clear.  I mean defining a compare_t that could be used
something like:

compare_t<&position::x, &position::y, &position::z>

that would result in a function object type that produced the same behaviour
when given two arguments of type 'position'.  (Usable, e.g., as a template
argument to std::set).  I don't see any way of supporting that simple of a
syntax, though; the nicest I can see is:

compare_t, compare_t >

which is pretty hideous. :(

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[boost] Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Thread Lib and DLL

2003-03-27 Thread David Brownell

"William E. Kempf" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> David Brownell said:
> >> // In library Foo
> >>
> >> void some_library_foo()
> >> {
> >>boost::thread_specific_ptr p;
> >>// other stuff
> >> }
> >>
> >> // In Application Bar which uses library Foo with out any knowledge //
> >> that Foo used Boost.Threads
> >> void bar()
> >> {
> >>some_library_foo();
> >> }
> >>
> >> int main()
> >> {
> >>__beginthread(&bar, ); // leak, but how could the developer
> >> know?
> >> }
> >>
> >
> > I'm not sure I understand this example completely.  Is this the case
> > where library Foo's author has created the some_library_foo function
> > with the intention that it will be accessed by a thread, but leave the
> > actual thread creation up to the user of the foo library (the bar
> > application in your example)?
> >
> > If this is correct, it seems like Foo should either a) not burden Bar
> > with the knowledge that threads are being used and handle thread
> > creation itself or b) allocate locally to some_library_foo without using
> > thread_specific_ptr.
> Foo doesn't create any threads, but Bar does.  So (a) isn't the answer.
> I'm not sure what you mean by "allocate locally to some_library_foo",
> since that's precisely what's being done.  Telling Foo not to use
> thread_specific_ptr is the same as telling them not to use Boost.Threads,
> which doesn't sound like the answer to me!
> To make this more concrete, TLS is most often used to make legacy
> interfaces, such as the classic example of strtok, which maintain state
> across calls, thread safe.  That's what's being done in the hypothetical
> "some_library_foo".  TLS is really the only solution here (other than
> changing the legacy interface, which often isn't an option), which is why
> I said telling them not to use thread_specific_ptr is the same as telling
> them not to use Boost.Threads.
> --
> William E. Kempf
> ___
> Unsubscribe & other changes:

Ahhh, the light bulb just went on, I finally understand.  However, it does
seem like this usage of TLS is a corner case, that is refactoring code to be
thread safe.  I can see how this could be useful and may be a larger corner
that I am aware, but it is something that I have not had to do before.
However, it seems like the solution to this problem has some very severe
consequences, namely forcing the user to compile with a DLL rather than a
static lib on Win32 systems.  I understand that you would like to make the
thread library as easy and error-free to use as possible, but that solution
that requires the use of a DLL prevents me from using a library that I
greatly value.

I have two main issues with using a DLL, one is another corner case, and the
second is far less practical but more of an aesthetic.  The first is this:
on a recent project, we had a requirement that the final binary was one and
only one .exe.  Due to the nature of the project, anything else would be
unacceptable (the discussion of why would lead to another conversation :).
I could not have used the threads library in its current state.  Secondly,
when I ship a product, I want the customer, programmer or not, to view its
internal workings as magic.  I don't want them to know how I am doing
anything.  Obviously they can hex edit the binary and figure out anything
they want to, but that takes a more skilled person that the one who is able
to see a dll and know that I am using boost threads.  Admittedly, this is
not a sound scientific complaint, but still valid in my eyes.

I would be more than happy to try and help with a solution that would handle
both of the corner cases, or at least allow the library user to compile as
desired while knowing the consequences of their recompilation.  I hope that
the case is not closed on restoring the static library compilation in future
versions of the thread library.

After all of this, maybe the thread docs need this question answered as part
of the FAQ? :)

Thank you for your patience and explanations,
David Brownell

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[boost] Re: [date_time] enabling microsec_clock under C++Builder

2003-03-27 Thread Russell Hind
Johan Nilsson wrote:
Perhaps, but one should consider that GetSystemTime promises 1ms resolution
and delivers 10-15ms (and, IIRC,  that GetSystemTimeAsFileTime promises
250ns resolution).
The Platform SDK states that the tickcount (GetTickCount) is updated 
every 10ms on NT3.51 and hight so I guess that GetSystemTime is updated 
at this interval also.

FileTimes are measured in 100 nanosecond intervals since 1 January, 
1601, but are you sure that GetSystemTimeAsFileTime will return a value 
that is updated at 250ns intervals?  I can't find anything in the SDK to 
say what the update interval is for the SystemTime, I'm just guessing 
that it is updated when the tick count is.



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Re: [boost] [BoostBook] Guinea pig request (novice alert)

2003-03-27 Thread Douglas Paul Gregor
On Thu, 27 Mar 2003, Neal D. Becker wrote:
> Now try with boostbook:
> db2pdf boostbook.xml
> jw: Please specify at least one catalog
> Any clue what's wrong?

BoostBook isn't DocBook (although it can be transformed into DocBook), so
DocBook tools won't work directly on it. We have our own build tools
(Boost.Build v2) that are roughly equivalent to those scripts. See the
"Getting Started" section here for info on getting BoostBook up and
running with bjam:

You probably have most/all of the prerequisites already, you'll just need
to tell BBv2 about them.


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Re: [boost] [BoostBook] Guinea pig request

2003-03-27 Thread Douglas Paul Gregor
On Thu, 27 Mar 2003, Joel de Guzman wrote:
> Spirit desperately needs a reference manual. Yes, I'm very interested.
> I am also very interested to build Spirit based tools to make the task
> easier. I'm just afraid of the time that I need to commit. Perhaps I can
> proceed step-wise? Suggestions?

It depends on how you want to write your documentation. Are you planning
to annotate your source with comments and use an extraction tool (e.g.,
Doxygen), or would you prefer to write interfaces by hand? The former is
generally preferred, but the latter might be needed if the user-view of
the interfaces is so different from the implementation that you would be
fighting the extraction tool the whole time.


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Re: [boost] Re: shared_ptr operator bool

2003-03-27 Thread David Abrahams
"James Curran" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> David Abrahams wrote:
>> Am I crazy, or should there be a pair of parens after "ptr"?
> To the latter question, no.  In the example "ptr" refers to a public
> data member of struct A, and is of type shared_ptr.  Parens would only
> be needed if we wanted to say "a.ptr.ptr()"
> The former has always been an open question.

Thank you for your vote of confidence ;-)
Dave Abrahams
Boost Consulting

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Re: [boost] compare

2003-03-27 Thread David Abrahams

> Hey Jan -
> First off, let me say: excellent idea!  Several times I've wanted just such
> a class, and I would be happy to see this added to Boost.
> I have a few suggestions/things to consider:
>   1) Instead of "operator bool", use the unspecified-bool-type discussed
> elsewhere on this list; it's safer.


>   2) I'm not sure that the choice of the name is ideal.  OTOH, I can't think
> of a better one...


>   3) I'd like to see a general solution for this problem using real
> (late-bound) function objects as well, if you know what I mean.  This would
> be a lot harder, though, so maybe it should be put on a wish-list.  Have you
> given any thought to this approach?

return compare.less(p1.x, p2.x)
  .greater(p1.y, p2.y)
  .call(f, p1.z, p2.z);


Just one dumb idea for a comparison DSL...
Dave Abrahams
Boost Consulting

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[boost] Re: [date_time] enabling microsec_clock under C++Builder

2003-03-27 Thread Russell Hind
Johan Nilsson wrote:
Yes, but why not have both on all platforms?

I suppose another solution is to have secs_clock, millisecs_clock on 
windows, all three on another platform that supports microseconds, and 
then a typedef of something like highprescision_clock which on windows 
will be a millisecs_clock, and on other platforms will be 
microsecs_clock, but you won't need to know, you just get the highest 
precision available.



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[boost] Re: [date_time] enabling microsec_clock under C++Builder

2003-03-27 Thread Johan Nilsson

"Russell Hind" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Johan Nilsson wrote:
> >
> > Yes, but why not have both on all platforms?
> >
> It would make using it cross-platform easier, but you aren't actually
> getting microsecond information under windows, so if your program relies
> on that detail, it won't work correctly under windows anyway, so you
> must make your program work with millisecond times and you could then
> just use your millisec_clock on both platforms.
> Basically, I both agree and disagree.  I agree from the point of view of
> using the library cross-platform, but disagree on the principle that
> your using something that promises microsecond detail, but in fact is
> only returning millisecond.  (in my example anyway, if you could make
> the microsecond stuff work from QPC then that would be fine)

Perhaps, but one should consider that GetSystemTime promises 1ms resolution
and delivers 10-15ms (and, IIRC,  that GetSystemTimeAsFileTime promises
250ns resolution).

// Johan

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RE: [boost] compare

2003-03-27 Thread scleary
Hey Jan -

First off, let me say: excellent idea!  Several times I've wanted just such
a class, and I would be happy to see this added to Boost.

I have a few suggestions/things to consider:
  1) Instead of "operator bool", use the unspecified-bool-type discussed
elsewhere on this list; it's safer.
  2) I'm not sure that the choice of the name is ideal.  OTOH, I can't think
of a better one...
  3) I'd like to see a general solution for this problem using real
(late-bound) function objects as well, if you know what I mean.  This would
be a lot harder, though, so maybe it should be put on a wish-list.  Have you
given any thought to this approach?

Regardless of the above (minor) comments, I'd like to see this class in

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[boost] Re: [date_time] enabling microsec_clock under C++Builder

2003-03-27 Thread Russell Hind
Johan Nilsson wrote:
Yes, but why not have both on all platforms?

It would make using it cross-platform easier, but you aren't actually 
getting microsecond information under windows, so if your program relies 
on that detail, it won't work correctly under windows anyway, so you 
must make your program work with millisecond times and you could then 
just use your millisec_clock on both platforms.

Basically, I both agree and disagree.  I agree from the point of view of 
using the library cross-platform, but disagree on the principle that 
your using something that promises microsecond detail, but in fact is 
only returning millisecond.  (in my example anyway, if you could make 
the microsecond stuff work from QPC then that would be fine)



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[boost] Re: VC7/Threads Warnings /Wp64 flag (detect64-bitportability)

2003-03-27 Thread Holger Grund

"Paul A. Bristow" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote

> You are probably right - but the tool tip display shows an __int64
which alerted
> me to this.  For most purposes, I suspect this warning /Wp64 is not
what most
> people want.(Or is it Boost policy that code should provide 64-bit
> Premature?)

Intellisense does not work very well with template and preprocessor

> If one writes:
> std::size_t s = 42;
> cout << s << endl;
> with MSVC7.0 default project settings for an empty console project
on my 32-bit
> system
> /D "WIN32" /D "NDEBUG" /D "_CONSOLE" /D "_MBCS" /GF /FD /EHsc /ML
/GS /Gy
> /Fo"Release/" /Fd"Release/vc70.pdb" /W3 /nologo /c /Wp64 /Zi /TP
> it is confusing to get a warning:
> test_size_t.cpp(19) : warning C4267: 'argument' : conversion from
'size_t' to
> 'unsigned int', possible loss of data
> (I am unclear why there is a warning unless unsigned int is 32-bit
and size_t is
> 64-bit.  How is there a problem if both are 32 or 64?)
Basically the /Wp64 option tries to find portability problems for
that are 32 bit on the Win32 platform and 64 bits on the Win64
Usually the definition is selected based on the preprocessor macros
the platform

#ifdef _WIN64
typedef __int64 xy;
typedef int xy;

The compiler will NOT take the above into account when checking
for W64 compatibility ( at that point the preprocessor has already
run). Instead you should provide a hint to the compiler that a given
will be 8 bytes on the 64bit platform.

You can use __w64 for this purpose. E.g.
int i = (int)(void*)0; // warning
typedef __w64 int ptr_int;
ptr_int j = (ptr_int)(void*)0;// Ok

/Wp64 will not detect cases where you have overloads (and that's true
for your example). That is:
first overloads are selected, then the compiler thinks "what if
(and types qualified with __w64) were be 64 bit?"

::size_t is implicitly __w64 and that cause the bogus warning.

It is IMHO a better idea to do complete Win64 builds. It's pretty
simple to
build solutions/projects from the command line. Just open the Win64
build environment and use devenv with the /useenv switch. The SDK
front end is based on an early version of 7.1 which could cause some

> If one changes to warning level 4/W4 and no test for 64 portability
> /D "WIN32" /D "NDEBUG" /D "_CONSOLE" /D "_MBCS" /GF /FD /EHsc /ML
/GS /Gy
> /Fo"Release/" /Fd"Release/vc70.pdb" /W4 /nologo /c /Zi /TP
> No warnings.
> And ideally request 'strict' - no extensions and for scope:
> /D "WIN32" /D "NDEBUG" /D "_CONSOLE" /D "_MBCS" /GF /FD /EHsc /ML
> /Zc:forScope
> /Fo"Release/" /Fd"Release/vc70.pdb" /W4 /nologo /c /Zi /TP
> Still no warnings.
BTW: You should be able to use /Zc:wchar_t without problems with the
standard library, too. It makes wchar_t a built-in type ( and not a
typedef for
unsigned short ).

> PS Despite RTFM, I cannot see how to change the IDE _default_
> settings. Suggestions?
You could update the script files in
Just add a ClTool.WarningLevel = 4 somewhere.
I haven't tried but I think it should work.


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[boost] Re: [date_time] enabling microsec_clock under C++Builder

2003-03-27 Thread Johan Nilsson

"Russell Hind" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Johan Nilsson wrote:
> >>
> >>Can these be used to get an actual date/time though?  Or just for high
> >>resolution timing?  I've only had a brief look at them, so will read a
> >>bit more.
> >>
> >
> >
> > Yes and yes. But the former (using them to get an actual date/time with
> > _low_ overhead) is ... well ... interesting ;-)
> >
> How do you convert the tick count from QueryPerformanceCounter into a
> date time then?  I can't see how to do this?

In brief: get the value of QPC at the instance the system time changes. The
devil is in the details, of course, but it's a good starting point.

// Johan

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[boost] Re: [date_time] enabling microsec_clock under C++Builder

2003-03-27 Thread Johan Nilsson

"Russell Hind" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Johan Nilsson wrote:
> >
> > I might be a bit off here (coming in late into the discussion), but I'd
> > prefer consistency in my code; using microsec_clock for both Windows and
> > Unix code - even if the real 'resolution' is dependent of the system
> > updates on the Win platforms.
> >
> That is an option, but if a millisecond clock is introduced, it like to
> see it implemented on all platforms, then you could use that on all
> platforms rather than microsec_clock which isn't 'really' supported
> under windows.  At least this way you are dealing with a known resolution.

Yes, but why not have both on all platforms?

// Johan

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Re: [boost] [BoostBook] Guinea pig request (novice alert)

2003-03-27 Thread Neal D. Becker
I'm interested in learning about boostbook and would like to try it out.  For 
some reason I can't seem to get my docbook tools to run.  Perhaps someone can 
give me a hint what's wrong.  I'm afraid I'm a docbook novice.

I'm using Linux RH8.0 with all updates.

I can run a simple test:

db2pdf Test.xml
Using catalogs: /etc/sgml/
Using stylesheet: /usr/share/sgml/docbook/utils-0.6.11/docbook-utils.dsl#print
Working on: /home/nbecker/Test.xml

Here is the start of Test.xml:";>

Now try with boostbook:
db2pdf boostbook.xml 
jw: Please specify at least one catalog

Any clue what's wrong?
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[boost] Re: exception context

2003-03-27 Thread Trevor Taylor
Hello everyone,

A quick note to let you know I hadn't forgotten about my post...

I finally got some time to get back to this - thanks to Russell, 
Alisdair, Thomas, Darren, Greg, Brian, Gennaro for your replies.

At the moment I'm still trying to digest all the info posted (including 
the reference to the "call stack library" thread that I went and found 
and read - thanks Russell, it was called "improved exceptions", around 
July 2002).

I'm still hoping to tie all the info together and somehow reason a way 

... but I might fail to do that and just throw my ideas in as well :-)

Look out for something soon.


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[boost] Re: [date_time] enabling microsec_clock under C++Builder

2003-03-27 Thread Russell Hind
Johan Nilsson wrote:
Can these be used to get an actual date/time though?  Or just for high
resolution timing?  I've only had a brief look at them, so will read a
bit more.

Yes and yes. But the former (using them to get an actual date/time with a
_low_ overhead) is ... well ... interesting ;-)
How do you convert the tick count from QueryPerformanceCounter into a 
date time then?  I can't see how to do this?



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[boost] Re: [date_time] enabling microsec_clock under C++Builder

2003-03-27 Thread Russell Hind
Johan Nilsson wrote:
I might be a bit off here (coming in late into the discussion), but I'd
prefer consistency in my code; using microsec_clock for both Windows and
Unix code - even if the real 'resolution' is dependent of the system time
updates on the Win platforms.
That is an option, but if a millisecond clock is introduced, it like to 
see it implemented on all platforms, then you could use that on all 
platforms rather than microsec_clock which isn't 'really' supported 
under windows.  At least this way you are dealing with a known resolution.



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[boost] Re: [date_time] enabling microsec_clock under C++Builder

2003-03-27 Thread Johan Nilsson

"Russell Hind" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Alisdair Meredith wrote:
> > Russell Hind wrote:
> >
> >
> >>I agree with that.  Would it be better to make it a millisec_clock, or
> >>just use the microsec_clock but the resolution is only milliseconds?
> >
> >
> > WinAPI Note: we can get a higher resolution using the
> > QueryPerformanceCounter API (and QueryPerformanceFrequency if resolution
> > info is required)
> >
> Can these be used to get an actual date/time though?  Or just for high
> resolution timing?  I've only had a brief look at them, so will read a
> bit more.

Yes and yes. But the former (using them to get an actual date/time with a
_low_ overhead) is ... well ... interesting ;-)

// Johan

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[boost] Re: Re: [date_time] enabling microsec_clock under C++Builder

2003-03-27 Thread Johan Nilsson

"Jeff Garland" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> > > I think this is a good addition, but we should probably make the
> > > addition for all Win32 compilers since I think this is actually
> > > part of the Win32 api.
> > >
> >
> > I agree with that.  Would it be better to make it a millisec_clock, or
> > just use the microsec_clock but the resolution is only milliseconds?
> Hmm, I'm thinking that for consistency it would probably be better to
> call it millisec_clock.

Could be.

I might be a bit off here (coming in late into the discussion), but I'd
prefer consistency in my code; using microsec_clock for both Windows and
Unix code - even if the real 'resolution' is dependent of the system time
updates on the Win platforms.

If you plan to timestamp events with low overhead, the easiest and fastest
way to get the system time is GetSystemTimeAsFileTime (assuming you can
defer the conversion from FILETIME to SYSTEMTIME until later). Just remember
that you'll never (?) get more frequent updates of the system time than 10
or 15 (SMP system) milliseconds.

Even though it is possible to affect the possible Sleep() resolution to get
~1 millisecond sleeps by using NtSetTimerResolution or multimedia timers,
this doesn't seem to affect the system updates (I've never seen it update
more often than the standard 10/15 ms even though I've tried). Anyone else
got comments on that?

I've got no experience on non-Intel or 64-bit Windows though.

// Johan

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RE: [boost] VC7/Threads Warnings /Wp64 flag (detect 64-bitportability)

2003-03-27 Thread Paul A. Bristow
You are probably right - but the tool tip display shows an __int64 which alerted
me to this.  For most purposes, I suspect this warning /Wp64 is not what most
people want.(Or is it Boost policy that code should provide 64-bit portability?

If one writes:

std::size_t s = 42;
cout << s << endl;

with MSVC7.0 default project settings for an empty console project on my 32-bit

/D "WIN32" /D "NDEBUG" /D "_CONSOLE" /D "_MBCS" /GF /FD /EHsc /ML /GS /Gy
/Fo"Release/" /Fd"Release/vc70.pdb" /W3 /nologo /c /Wp64 /Zi /TP

it is confusing to get a warning:

test_size_t.cpp(19) : warning C4267: 'argument' : conversion from 'size_t' to
'unsigned int', possible loss of data

(I am unclear why there is a warning unless unsigned int is 32-bit and size_t is
64-bit.  How is there a problem if both are 32 or 64?)

If one changes to warning level 4/W4 and no test for 64 portability /Wp64

/D "WIN32" /D "NDEBUG" /D "_CONSOLE" /D "_MBCS" /GF /FD /EHsc /ML /GS /Gy
/Fo"Release/" /Fd"Release/vc70.pdb" /W4 /nologo /c /Zi /TP

No warnings.

And ideally request 'strict' - no extensions and for scope:

/D "WIN32" /D "NDEBUG" /D "_CONSOLE" /D "_MBCS" /GF /FD /EHsc /ML /Za
/Fo"Release/" /Fd"Release/vc70.pdb" /W4 /nologo /c /Zi /TP

Still no warnings.

In my experience, carefully written code (which Boost code should be - and
generally is) compiled with MSVC 7.0 and warnings at level 4 produces only a few
warnings, and those can be individually supressed - and should be as a matter of
good documentation.


PS Despite RTFM, I cannot see how to change the IDE _default_ solution/project
settings. Suggestions?

Paul A Bristow, Prizet Farmhouse, Kendal, Cumbria, LA8 8AB  UK
+44 1539 561830   Mobile +44 7714 33 02 04
Mobile mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Peter Dimov
> Sent: Wednesday, March 26, 2003 1:58 PM
> To: Boost mailing list
> Subject: Re: [boost] VC7/Threads Warnings
> Paul A. Bristow wrote:
> > I was surprised to find that /Wp64  flag (detect 64-bit portability)
> > means that std::size_t is 64 bit.  This leds to a number of oddities
> > that confused me.  Is this perhaps causing your problem?
> std::size_t is still 32 bit, /Wp64 generates warnings if the meaning of the
> code could have changed had size_t been 64 bit.
> ___
> Unsubscribe & other changes:

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Re: [boost] [BoostBook] Guinea pig request

2003-03-27 Thread Joel de Guzman
Douglas Paul Gregor wrote:
> BoostBook is nearing the point where building documentation is as
> easy as building libraries. The Boost.Build v2 modules for BoostBook
> (and 
> associated tools) are quite functional and work well for me, but I
> want to verify the they will work well for someone else.
> I would like a volunteer to try out the BoostBook tools to see if
> they can easily build documentation, and report your successes,
> failures, and 
> general level of frustration to the Boost documentation list or to me
> personally so I can improve the situation for future users and
> developers. You'll need a few tools, a very recent checkout of Boost
> CVS, and 
> possibly a little patience, but everything is explained (I hope) in
> the "Getting Started" guide here:
> Any takers? Please?

Spirit desperately needs a reference manual. Yes, I'm very interested.
I am also very interested to build Spirit based tools to make the task 
easier. I'm just afraid of the time that I need to commit. Perhaps I can
proceed step-wise? Suggestions?

Joel de Guzman
joel at

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[boost] Re: Determining interest in combining_iterator

2003-03-27 Thread Anthony Williams
Thomas Becker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > On 26 Mar 2003, Anthony Williams wrote:
> > > It strikes me that if you dereference n iterators,
> > you have n values, and the
> > most natural way to store them is a tuple.
> Once again: The big picture is that we want an
> iterator that parallel-iterates over several sequences
> and upon dereferencing, applies some processing to the
> dereferenced iterator. This processing is specified by
> the user via a fuctional. One of the many, many things
> that such a functional can do is package the arguments
> into a tuple, if that is what's needed. (Although we
> still haven't seen a single real-life request for
> that). Why  on earth would I, in the general case,
> introduce a packaging/unpackaging step in the middle
> between dereferencing the iterators and passing them
> to the functional? Am I missing something?

Basically, I think we have two contradictory scenarios. IIUC, the situations
you have encountered are where you have a set of values in different
containers that needed to be combined into a single value, in which case it
makes sense to pass the values as distinct function arguments to a functor
that does the combining.

OTOH, the situations I am thinking of require that the tuple of containers is
really treated as a container of tuples, complete with the ability to update
the source containers by writing to the tuple obtained by the dereferencing,
but maintaining the value semantics when copied. This is really hard to do in
any other way than by having *it return a "magic tuple", IMHO, though if you
can find a way of doing it as a functor that "just works" without the user
having to know too much, I'll concede the point.
> BTW, Anthony: In one of my CUJ columns, I made a big
> fool of myself by gratuitously packaging function
> arguments into a tuple, and I seem to remember that
> you were one of the people who pointed this out to me.
> Looks like we switched sides in this argument... ;-)

Yeah, well, I guess it comes from the use cases I'm thinking of.

Anyway, in the scenarios where a copy would not be required because the
iterators return references, the "magic tuple" would essentially contain
references to the originals (which metamorphose into real copies if you copy
it), so a good optimizer *should* be able to optimize the packing/unpacking
away --- at worst it is a few pointer copies.

I would be quite happy if we had both a combining_iterator and a
tuple_iterator, or if you could find a way of writing a suitable functor as I
stated above.

Anthony Williams
Senior Software Engineer, Beran Instruments Ltd.
Remove NOSPAM when replying, for timely response.

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Re: [boost] Re: MSVC++ 6.0 compiler errors with 1.30.0(mostlylexical_cast.hpp)

2003-03-27 Thread Kevlin Henney
In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Terje Slettebø
>>From: "Rozental, Gennadiy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> > Even if none of the above looks sound for you I still argue that
>> > lexical_cast *should not force* inclusion of typeinfo. It's not
>> > "inconvinience" - it's showstopper. It's much more important
>> > than providing
>> > specific type info. In majority of the cases one knows it anyway.
>> >
>> > > Kevlin
>> >
>> > Gennadiy.
>> So. Are we gonna stuck  with typeinfo in lexical_cast?
>> Could we have at least some discussion about this?

Apologies for the non-response. I'm travelling at the minute so I
haven't had time to check the list. A quick response on this one, and
hopefully I'll get time at the weekend to respond to other postings.

What I need to understand is why type_info is very bad for you but
exception handling is not. These two normally are typically included in
or excluded from an application together. So you need to be clear about
what environmental constraints would lead you to exclude RTTI, include
EH, and also to include the not insignificant body of code that is I/O

>I'd certainly be open to make the type_info part optional. A question is how
>to do it.
>Using policies may complicate the interface, and from earlier discussions,
>and also from the earlier "Future directions" part of the docs, it turned
>out that adding new parameters weren't deemed acceptable (due to it no
>longer looking like a cast in that case).
>Another way may be a macro. However, as has been mentioned in this thread,
>it appears that the config macros aren't geared for macros with optional
>exclusion of RTTI.
>Then one might have a lexical_cast specific macro for it, like
>BOOST_LEXICAL_CAST_USE_RTTI, like you suggested.
>Kevlin or others, any thoughts?

The feature tests are really about compiler conformance rather than
arbitrarily customisable features. I am wary of introducing an opt out
for a well-supported feature unless it really is a clear cut reason.
Optionality in interfaces is generally not a good thing.


  Kevlin Henney   phone:  +44 117 942 2990
  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] mobile: +44 7801 073 508
  http://www.curbralan.comfax:+44 870 052 2289
  Curbralan: Consultancy + Training + Development + Review

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