Re: Sad Question

2007-11-22 Thread Sliv

A colleague of mine a couple of years ago ran into problems with 2003
web edition, found that it really tried to lock everything down in an
attempt to be a secure internet server.  Since the server was slotted
for intranet only (behind firewall), he switched to 2003 standard and
found things worked better; he claimed that doing the post-config from
the service pack was still a bit tricky, though, as again, the SP was
attempting to lock things down.

Sorry I can't be more specific, I wasn't involved at the time, was
just something I remember him talking about.

On another note, I feel your pain as I know what it's like to have
Management make retarded decisions after they play golf with a
Microsoft Sales Rep or whatever...

On Nov 19, 2:53 pm, "Christopher E. Franklin, Sr."
> Here's another thought, has anyone run into any trobule with Windows
> 2003 Web Edition (not the full windows server 2003 that includes file
> server stuff, domain controller stuff)?
> On Nov 19, 10:46 am, "Christopher E. Franklin, Sr."
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Well, I tried this weekend to get cake running on Windows IIS7, MySQL
> > and PHP.  It works fine with a fresh install and making a new
> > controller, model and view.  Works fine with Apache on Windows too
> > but, I am seeing a recurring pattern here.
> > If I extend the AppController by placing another app_controller.php
> > file into the app directory and put var $components =
> > array('Session');  then in function beforeRender(){ 
> > $this->Session->check('some_key'); } I get this error:
> > [Mon Nov 19 10:36:34 2007] [error] [client] PHP Fatal
> > error:  Call to a member function check() on a non-object in C:\\apache
> > \\htdocs\\app\\app_controller.php on line 82
> > Doesn't matter if it's apache or iis, that's the error that persists.
> > Apache on Windows, I have mod_rewrite enabled in httpd.conf and I have
> > the AllowOverride settings to All.
> > Now, I also set up another Linux box with apache mysql and php, just
> > copied over the site and voila. Works fine!
> > The only difference is that one is on Windows and the other is on
> > Linux.
> > I am going to paste what's in my app controller.php here so, this post
> > may get a little long.
> >  > class AppController extends Controller
> > {
> > /**
> >  * Adding Ajax and Javascript helpers to the default helpers.
> >  * This will load them on the home page.
> >  *
> >  * @var Array Holds the names of the helpers to be loaded by
> > default
> >  */
> > public $helpers = array('Html',
> > 'Ajax',
> > 'Javascript',
> > 'MenuDisplay',
> > 'Banners',
> > 'DraggableBox',
> > 'FormatCategories',
> > 'Session',
> > 'HeaderSearch',
> > 'TextImage',
> > 'TodaysHotProp',
> > 'classifiedGlance',
> > 'AdminHelper',
> > 'Number',
> > 'Form',
> > 'Pdf');
> > public $uses = array('Menu', 'Category', 'HotProp', 'Classified',
> > 'WvdBanner', 'Edition','Banner');
> > public $components = array('Cookie', 'Session', 'Apphtml',
> > 'MyAuth');
> > /**
> >  * Changing the default extension of templates to php.
> >  *
> >  * @var String Holds the default extension of template files.
> >  */
> > public $ext = '.php';
> > /**
> >  * Setting the default pagination properties.  Mainly for
> > classifieds.
> >  *
> >  * @var Array Holds the default pagination limits
> >  */
> > public $paginate = array('limit' => 20, 'page' => 1);
> > /**
> >  * Setting the default theme
> >  *
> >  * @var String The default theme
> >  */
> > private $current_theme = 'blue';
> > /**
> >  * This method overrides the basic method from
> > Controller::beforeRender()
> >  * There are certain things that every view needs in order to
> > display
> >  * correctly so, we set those values here, right before the page
> > renders.
> >  *
> >  * @internal We can also set a beforeFilter if we need to shut the
> > site down
> >  */
> > public function beforeRender()
> > {
> > // I get the error here for $this->Session->check();
> > /**
> >  * Get rid of the callback when not on the users controller
> >  *
> >  * @todo Add more controllers later on if needed
> >  

Re: Sad Question

2007-11-21 Thread trooney

Hey Chris,

Looks like we're in a similar boat. I don't have a massive
application, but have to deal with deadly decisions from above. Thanks
for your help on the other thread, and good luck getting everything

Tyler Rooney
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Re: Sad Question

2007-11-20 Thread Christopher E. Franklin, Sr.

I tried WAMP and XAMPP, neither work and give me the same errors about
not being able to load the Session component in app_controller.php.

Check this out though!  I am using the most current version of
everything and it did not work, so, I downgraded everything and it
still does not work.  In the end I started to write a new framework of
my own.

Here's the kicker, I started developing in Eclipse and testing on a
Gentoo Linux Apache server.  Everything was great.  I get home and
load up the files off my thumb drive onto my laptop with IIS. Low and
behold, errors!  Specifically with the require_once directive.  So, I
change it to include and it started working again.  Did some more
coding and it was working fine on IIS on Windows Vista.  I get back to
work and upload my changes to the Apache Linux server and the same
errors started coming up about not being able to find files.  So, I
changed the include to require_once and it worked.  I cleared my
browser cache and restarted the apache server and changed the
require_once to include and it worked fine either way now.  Went back
to IIS and had to change include to require_once!  LOL, wtf!?

I can only assume it is now the way the OS's deal with php.  Wierd!

Bottom line, once you start developing in PHP on Linux or Windows, you
have to stick with that OS for production.  Keep in mind that this may
be a bug and change later but, for now, that's all I can figure out.
Also, keep in mind that everything I wrote was straight up php.

Another wierd example is, my co-worker made a simple index.php with
some includes and a session_start() at the very top.  He got an error
saying that output headers already started.  He told me that he was
developing this on his IIS machine at home.  So, he got to work,
copied his index.php file to the linux server and bam! Errors.  He
copied and pasted the entire contents into test.php and test.php ran
flawlessly.  We made sure there were not extra lines at the end of
index.php.  In the end, we couldn't figure it out so, we just renamed
test.php to index.php and it was still fine.

Can this be a problem with some type of codepaging?  UTF-8 and ASCII
or iso-whatever?

On Nov 19, 8:31 am, Baz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I know that I've run into problems trying to configure Apache, PHP, and
> MySQL separately on Windows.
> But the WAMP and XAMPP solutions work (and port) great.  Just ensure you use
> "DS" instead of "/" or "\" and remember that on Windows Apache (or PHP)
> doesn't seem to be case sensitive.
> Those are the only problems I've run into with porting to Linux. Never had
> problems the other way around. But if you trying to run on IIS, good luck
> with that.
> --
> Baz L
> On Nov 19, 2007 4:47 AM, RichardAtHome <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > "Apache on Windows does not work"
> > I've been developing WAMP sites for a looong time with no problems.
> > I think the rumour started because Apache on windows is not
> > 'officially' supported.
> > On Nov 19, 6:07 am, "Wayne Fay" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Sorry for the confusion, I was really responding to the original post,
> > > specifically:
> > > > So, the question:
> > > > Since I have followed every single tutorial I could find on the web
> > > > about installing Cake on IIS for the last 3 days (this includes me
> > > > testing if I could just put Apache on Windows which does not work) I
> > > > really have no other choice but to switch frameworks.
> > > And I'm just replying to let Christopher know that Windows + Apache +
> > > Mysql + PHP + Cake works great/fine for me and many others. I'm
> > > curious why he says "Apache on Windows does not work"...
> > > Wayn
> > > On 11/17/07, Baz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > I assumed he was trying to use PHP under IIS.
> > > > On Nov 17, 2007 5:06 PM, Wayne Fay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > > I run Apache plus Cake and Mysql on Windows all the time. And
> > servers
> > > > > are generally Apache on Linux. I change the config file at the start
> > > > > of a new project, sync the rest over during development, and
> > > > > everything just works.
> > > > > Wayne
> > > > > On 11/17/07, Baz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > > > I say slap WAMP on there and call it a day :D.
> > > > > > Sorry dude, it does suck.
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PHP" group.
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Re: Sad Question

2007-11-19 Thread Christopher E. Franklin, Sr.

Here's another thought, has anyone run into any trobule with Windows
2003 Web Edition (not the full windows server 2003 that includes file
server stuff, domain controller stuff)?

On Nov 19, 10:46 am, "Christopher E. Franklin, Sr."
> Well, I tried this weekend to get cake running on Windows IIS7, MySQL
> and PHP.  It works fine with a fresh install and making a new
> controller, model and view.  Works fine with Apache on Windows too
> but, I am seeing a recurring pattern here.
> If I extend the AppController by placing another app_controller.php
> file into the app directory and put var $components =
> array('Session');  then in function beforeRender(){ 
> $this->Session->check('some_key'); } I get this error:
> [Mon Nov 19 10:36:34 2007] [error] [client] PHP Fatal
> error:  Call to a member function check() on a non-object in C:\\apache
> \\htdocs\\app\\app_controller.php on line 82
> Doesn't matter if it's apache or iis, that's the error that persists.
> Apache on Windows, I have mod_rewrite enabled in httpd.conf and I have
> the AllowOverride settings to All.
> Now, I also set up another Linux box with apache mysql and php, just
> copied over the site and voila. Works fine!
> The only difference is that one is on Windows and the other is on
> Linux.
> I am going to paste what's in my app controller.php here so, this post
> may get a little long.
>  class AppController extends Controller
> {
> /**
>  * Adding Ajax and Javascript helpers to the default helpers.
>  * This will load them on the home page.
>  *
>  * @var Array Holds the names of the helpers to be loaded by
> default
>  */
> public $helpers = array('Html',
> 'Ajax',
> 'Javascript',
> 'MenuDisplay',
> 'Banners',
> 'DraggableBox',
> 'FormatCategories',
> 'Session',
> 'HeaderSearch',
> 'TextImage',
> 'TodaysHotProp',
> 'classifiedGlance',
> 'AdminHelper',
> 'Number',
> 'Form',
> 'Pdf');
> public $uses = array('Menu', 'Category', 'HotProp', 'Classified',
> 'WvdBanner', 'Edition','Banner');
> public $components = array('Cookie', 'Session', 'Apphtml',
> 'MyAuth');
> /**
>  * Changing the default extension of templates to php.
>  *
>  * @var String Holds the default extension of template files.
>  */
> public $ext = '.php';
> /**
>  * Setting the default pagination properties.  Mainly for
> classifieds.
>  *
>  * @var Array Holds the default pagination limits
>  */
> public $paginate = array('limit' => 20, 'page' => 1);
> /**
>  * Setting the default theme
>  *
>  * @var String The default theme
>  */
> private $current_theme = 'blue';
> /**
>  * This method overrides the basic method from
> Controller::beforeRender()
>  * There are certain things that every view needs in order to
> display
>  * correctly so, we set those values here, right before the page
> renders.
>  *
>  * @internal We can also set a beforeFilter if we need to shut the
> site down
>  */
> public function beforeRender()
> {
> // I get the error here for $this->Session->check();
> /**
>  * Get rid of the callback when not on the users controller
>  *
>  * @todo Add more controllers later on if needed
>  */
> if(($this->params['controller'] != "users") &&
>  $this->Session->check('callback'))
> {
> $this->Session->del('callback');
> }
> // Every view has the side menu, get the links and set them in
> an array for the view
> $this->set('menuArray', $this->Menu->getMenuItems());
> // We set recursive to 0 because we don't want unnecessary
> data
> $this->Category->recursive = "0";
> // We get the classified categories for the Quick Links box
> $this->set('categories', $this->Category->findAll());
> $this->set('edition', $this->Cookie->read('edition'));
> //Get the data for the Today's Hot Prop View
> $rMax = $this->HotProp->getNumRows();
> srand(date('His'));
> $randomNumber = rand(1, $rMax);
> $this->set('randomHotProp', $this->HotProp-
> >findById($randomNumber));
> /**
>  * Do some stuff for crumbs
>  */

Re: Sad Question

2007-11-19 Thread Christopher E. Franklin, Sr.

Well, I tried this weekend to get cake running on Windows IIS7, MySQL
and PHP.  It works fine with a fresh install and making a new
controller, model and view.  Works fine with Apache on Windows too
but, I am seeing a recurring pattern here.

If I extend the AppController by placing another app_controller.php
file into the app directory and put var $components =
array('Session');  then in function beforeRender(){ $this->Session-
>check('some_key'); } I get this error:
[Mon Nov 19 10:36:34 2007] [error] [client] PHP Fatal
error:  Call to a member function check() on a non-object in C:\\apache
\\htdocs\\app\\app_controller.php on line 82

Doesn't matter if it's apache or iis, that's the error that persists.
Apache on Windows, I have mod_rewrite enabled in httpd.conf and I have
the AllowOverride settings to All.

Now, I also set up another Linux box with apache mysql and php, just
copied over the site and voila. Works fine!

The only difference is that one is on Windows and the other is on

I am going to paste what's in my app controller.php here so, this post
may get a little long.

 20, 'page' => 1);

 * Setting the default theme
 * @var String The default theme

private $current_theme = 'blue';

 * This method overrides the basic method from
 * There are certain things that every view needs in order to
 * correctly so, we set those values here, right before the page
 * @internal We can also set a beforeFilter if we need to shut the
site down
public function beforeRender()
// I get the error here for $this->Session->check();
 * Get rid of the callback when not on the users controller
 * @todo Add more controllers later on if needed
if(($this->params['controller'] != "users") &&
// Every view has the side menu, get the links and set them in
an array for the view
$this->set('menuArray', $this->Menu->getMenuItems());
// We set recursive to 0 because we don't want unnecessary
$this->Category->recursive = "0";
// We get the classified categories for the Quick Links box
$this->set('categories', $this->Category->findAll());
$this->set('edition', $this->Cookie->read('edition'));

//Get the data for the Today's Hot Prop View

$rMax = $this->HotProp->getNumRows();
$randomNumber = rand(1, $rMax);
$this->set('randomHotProp', $this->HotProp-

 * Do some stuff for crumbs
$this->Apphtml->addCrumb('Home', '/');
if($this->params['controller'] != "pages")
>params['controller']), DS.$this->params['controller'].DS);
if($this->params['action'] != "index")
>params['action']), DS.$this->params['controller'].DS.$this-
$this->set('crumbs', $this->Apphtml-
>getCrumbs(" » "));

public function beforeFilter()
// Clean out the old oneby thumbnail images

// Check the banner status and set banners to inactive if they
are out of date

// We are going to set the default edition for QuickLinks here
// 31556926 = 1 year in seconds
$this->Cookie->write('edition', 'all', true, 31556926);
$this->Cookie->write('askededition', 0, true, 31556926);

// If the current theme is not set in a cookie, use the
default and set the cookie
$this->set('current_theme', $this->current_theme);
// 2592000 is the time in seconds for 30 days
$this->Cookie->write('user_theme', $this->current_theme,
true, 31556926);
// The theme was found in the cookie, use it.
$this->set('current_theme', $this->Cookie-
$this->set('secure', false);

 * This method will delete the images out of tmp_onebys every
 * 7 days
 * @return Void
 * @access private
private function CleanTmpOnebys() {
$clean = false;
$file = new File(APP."tmp/clean_time.txt", true);
$contents = $file->read();
if(empty($contents)) {
$file->write(strtotime("+7 days", strtotime(date('Y-m-d

Re: Sad Question

2007-11-19 Thread Baz
I know that I've run into problems trying to configure Apache, PHP, and
MySQL separately on Windows.

But the WAMP and XAMPP solutions work (and port) great.  Just ensure you use
"DS" instead of "/" or "\" and remember that on Windows Apache (or PHP)
doesn't seem to be case sensitive.

Those are the only problems I've run into with porting to Linux. Never had
problems the other way around. But if you trying to run on IIS, good luck
with that.
Baz L

On Nov 19, 2007 4:47 AM, RichardAtHome <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> "Apache on Windows does not work"
> I've been developing WAMP sites for a looong time with no problems.
> I think the rumour started because Apache on windows is not
> 'officially' supported.
> On Nov 19, 6:07 am, "Wayne Fay" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Sorry for the confusion, I was really responding to the original post,
> > specifically:
> >
> > > So, the question:
> > > Since I have followed every single tutorial I could find on the web
> > > about installing Cake on IIS for the last 3 days (this includes me
> > > testing if I could just put Apache on Windows which does not work) I
> > > really have no other choice but to switch frameworks.
> >
> > And I'm just replying to let Christopher know that Windows + Apache +
> > Mysql + PHP + Cake works great/fine for me and many others. I'm
> > curious why he says "Apache on Windows does not work"...
> >
> > Wayn
> >
> > On 11/17/07, Baz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > > I assumed he was trying to use PHP under IIS.
> >
> > > On Nov 17, 2007 5:06 PM, Wayne Fay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > > > I run Apache plus Cake and Mysql on Windows all the time. And
> servers
> > > > are generally Apache on Linux. I change the config file at the start
> > > > of a new project, sync the rest over during development, and
> > > > everything just works.
> >
> > > > Wayne
> >
> > > > On 11/17/07, Baz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > > I say slap WAMP on there and call it a day :D.
> >
> > > > > Sorry dude, it does suck.
> >

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PHP" group.
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Re: Sad Question

2007-11-19 Thread RichardAtHome

"Apache on Windows does not work"

I've been developing WAMP sites for a looong time with no problems.

I think the rumour started because Apache on windows is not
'officially' supported.

On Nov 19, 6:07 am, "Wayne Fay" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Sorry for the confusion, I was really responding to the original post,
> specifically:
> > So, the question:
> > Since I have followed every single tutorial I could find on the web
> > about installing Cake on IIS for the last 3 days (this includes me
> > testing if I could just put Apache on Windows which does not work) I
> > really have no other choice but to switch frameworks.
> And I'm just replying to let Christopher know that Windows + Apache +
> Mysql + PHP + Cake works great/fine for me and many others. I'm
> curious why he says "Apache on Windows does not work"...
> Wayn
> On 11/17/07, Baz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I assumed he was trying to use PHP under IIS.
> > On Nov 17, 2007 5:06 PM, Wayne Fay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > I run Apache plus Cake and Mysql on Windows all the time. And servers
> > > are generally Apache on Linux. I change the config file at the start
> > > of a new project, sync the rest over during development, and
> > > everything just works.
> > > Wayne
> > > On 11/17/07, Baz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > I say slap WAMP on there and call it a day :D.
> > > > Sorry dude, it does suck.
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Cake 
PHP" group.
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For more options, visit this group at

Re: Sad Question

2007-11-18 Thread Wayne Fay

Sorry for the confusion, I was really responding to the original post,

> So, the question:
> Since I have followed every single tutorial I could find on the web
> about installing Cake on IIS for the last 3 days (this includes me
> testing if I could just put Apache on Windows which does not work) I
> really have no other choice but to switch frameworks.

And I'm just replying to let Christopher know that Windows + Apache +
Mysql + PHP + Cake works great/fine for me and many others. I'm
curious why he says "Apache on Windows does not work"...


On 11/17/07, Baz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I assumed he was trying to use PHP under IIS.
> On Nov 17, 2007 5:06 PM, Wayne Fay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > I run Apache plus Cake and Mysql on Windows all the time. And servers
> > are generally Apache on Linux. I change the config file at the start
> > of a new project, sync the rest over during development, and
> > everything just works.
> >
> > Wayne
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > On 11/17/07, Baz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > I say slap WAMP on there and call it a day :D.
> > >
> > > Sorry dude, it does suck.
> > >

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PHP" group.
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Re: Sad Question

2007-11-17 Thread nate

Alright, Alright, I'll install IIS7 this week, I promise.

On Nov 17, 6:17 pm, Baz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I assumed he was trying to use PHP under IIS.
> On Nov 17, 2007 5:06 PM, Wayne Fay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I run Apache plus Cake and Mysql on Windows all the time. And servers
> > are generally Apache on Linux. I change the config file at the start
> > of a new project, sync the rest over during development, and
> > everything just works.
> > Wayne
> > On 11/17/07, Baz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > I say slap WAMP on there and call it a day :D.
> > > Sorry dude, it does suck.
> > > On Nov 17, 2007 2:19 PM, Christopher E. Franklin, Sr. <
> > > [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > Hi, John. Thanks for the reply and I totally agree with you on this
> > > > one but, the descision was made based on an idiot in Indiana who
> > > > already signed and payed 2.5 million to Microsoft to come in and
> > > > revamp our whole communications network from Great Plains accounting
> > > > servers to all TV channel and newspapers web sites to be transferred
> > > > to a server farm in the middle of no-where.  The requirement is that
> > > > the site can easily be copied from our directories to thiers lol!
> > > > Yes I do need a new job lol!  This pays crap especially for
> > > > California.  This company pulls in 175 mil profit a year (this is a
> > > > subsidary) and I barely make double min wage.  It sucks but, it's the
> > > > only work I can find that deals with computers. The alternative is
> > > > installing alarm systems for Brinks or something in attics at 120
> > > > degrees.  Until I finish with my Bachelors, I am stuck.
> > > > On the error, it seems that once I port over Cake to IIS6, uncomment
> > > > the correct line in core.php and clean out tmp, it still will not load
> > > > components and helpers. Some load, some do not. Namely the Session
> > > > component, Cookie component and the Html helper.
> > > > Doing some tests in app_controller in the beforeFilter() method, I
> > > > tried to manually load all sorts of helpers and components.  Those in
> > > > particular stop the site dead in it's tracks.
> > > > Another peculiar thing, if I uncomment the App.baseUrl config in
> > > > core.php I get an error about the cake_logger not knowing what
> > > > LOG_ERROR is, even though it is clearly defined in core.php. (This is
> > > > from a fresh cake install).
> > > > I will say this, I am at home right now on my laptop that has Vista
> > > > and looking at IIS7, I can get a fresh install of cake to work
> > > > complete with the urls looking like this: index.php?url=/controllers/
> > > > controllerMethod/params1
> > > > But, when I put my BFS (Big F* Site) up there, I get the same
> > > > errors about cake not being able to load components, helpers, models
> > > > and controllers.  Works fine on Apache with mod_rewrite, sucks on IIS
> > > > with nothing.
> > > > I am also hoping that since, IIS7 has HttpRedirect module built in to
> > > > it, I can get something going that is sort of like mod_rewrite. /shrug
> > > > Here's to hoping I can get something going this weekend.
> > > > On Nov 16, 3:16 pm, "John David Anderson (_psychic_)"
> > > > <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > > On Nov 16, 2007, at 4:00 PM, Christopher E. Franklin, Sr. wrote:
> > > > > > I have been working with CakePHP for about a year now and have
> > written
> > > > > > a company website in that year that totals in about 150MB of
> > combined
> > > > > > PHP code.  This whole time, I have been using MySQL, Linux, and
> > Apache
> > > > > > to do my coding and testing but, recently, the corporate
> > higher-ups
> > > > > > issued a mandate that all web servers are going to be IIS(6/7).
> > > > > > Upon hearing this, we installed Windows Server 2003 RC2 w/ IIS6.0and
> > > > > > tried to port over the cake code. Low and behold, it doesn't work.
> > Not
> > > > > > just a little bit but, in a bad way that the site stops dead in
> > it's
> > > > > > tracks from not being able to load select components and helpers
> > such
> > > > > > as , Session, Cookie, Html, Javascript, etc.
> > > > > You're gonna need to provide a lot more details for some help.
> > But...
> > > > > > Today is my 3rd day fighting with this and my question is sad now
> > > > > > because, my manager wants me to abandon cake alltogether.  So,
> > that's
> > > > > > going to be 1.1 years worth of code, down the tube unless I can
> > get
> > > > > > Windows IIS working with Cake (with or without re-write).
> > > > > ...let me get this straight.
> > > > > 1. Freaking huge web application works on current platform (150MB of
> > > > > code - is that like 5 or 6 million lines? I hope I'm reading that
> > > > > wrong).
> > > > > 2. Suits make unilateral decision to use a new (and imho, sub-par)
> > web
> > > > > server.
> > > > > 3. When problems arise, rather than go back to what works, your boss
> > > > > wants to r

Re: Sad Question

2007-11-17 Thread Baz
I assumed he was trying to use PHP under IIS.

On Nov 17, 2007 5:06 PM, Wayne Fay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I run Apache plus Cake and Mysql on Windows all the time. And servers
> are generally Apache on Linux. I change the config file at the start
> of a new project, sync the rest over during development, and
> everything just works.
> Wayne
> On 11/17/07, Baz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I say slap WAMP on there and call it a day :D.
> >
> > Sorry dude, it does suck.
> >
> > On Nov 17, 2007 2:19 PM, Christopher E. Franklin, Sr. <
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > >
> > > Hi, John. Thanks for the reply and I totally agree with you on this
> > > one but, the descision was made based on an idiot in Indiana who
> > > already signed and payed 2.5 million to Microsoft to come in and
> > > revamp our whole communications network from Great Plains accounting
> > > servers to all TV channel and newspapers web sites to be transferred
> > > to a server farm in the middle of no-where.  The requirement is that
> > > the site can easily be copied from our directories to thiers lol!
> > >
> > > Yes I do need a new job lol!  This pays crap especially for
> > > California.  This company pulls in 175 mil profit a year (this is a
> > > subsidary) and I barely make double min wage.  It sucks but, it's the
> > > only work I can find that deals with computers. The alternative is
> > > installing alarm systems for Brinks or something in attics at 120
> > > degrees.  Until I finish with my Bachelors, I am stuck.
> > >
> > > On the error, it seems that once I port over Cake to IIS6, uncomment
> > > the correct line in core.php and clean out tmp, it still will not load
> > > components and helpers. Some load, some do not. Namely the Session
> > > component, Cookie component and the Html helper.
> > >
> > > Doing some tests in app_controller in the beforeFilter() method, I
> > > tried to manually load all sorts of helpers and components.  Those in
> > > particular stop the site dead in it's tracks.
> > >
> > > Another peculiar thing, if I uncomment the App.baseUrl config in
> > > core.php I get an error about the cake_logger not knowing what
> > > LOG_ERROR is, even though it is clearly defined in core.php. (This is
> > > from a fresh cake install).
> > >
> > > I will say this, I am at home right now on my laptop that has Vista
> > > and looking at IIS7, I can get a fresh install of cake to work
> > > complete with the urls looking like this: index.php?url=/controllers/
> > > controllerMethod/params1
> > > But, when I put my BFS (Big F* Site) up there, I get the same
> > > errors about cake not being able to load components, helpers, models
> > > and controllers.  Works fine on Apache with mod_rewrite, sucks on IIS
> > > with nothing.
> > >
> > > I am also hoping that since, IIS7 has HttpRedirect module built in to
> > > it, I can get something going that is sort of like mod_rewrite. /shrug
> > >
> > > Here's to hoping I can get something going this weekend.
> > >
> > > On Nov 16, 3:16 pm, "John David Anderson (_psychic_)"
> > > <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > On Nov 16, 2007, at 4:00 PM, Christopher E. Franklin, Sr. wrote:
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > > I have been working with CakePHP for about a year now and have
> written
> > > > > a company website in that year that totals in about 150MB of
> combined
> > > > > PHP code.  This whole time, I have been using MySQL, Linux, and
> Apache
> > > > > to do my coding and testing but, recently, the corporate
> higher-ups
> > > > > issued a mandate that all web servers are going to be IIS(6/7).
> > > >
> > > > > Upon hearing this, we installed Windows Server 2003 RC2 w/ IIS6.0and
> > > > > tried to port over the cake code. Low and behold, it doesn't work.
> Not
> > > > > just a little bit but, in a bad way that the site stops dead in
> it's
> > > > > tracks from not being able to load select components and helpers
> such
> > > > > as , Session, Cookie, Html, Javascript, etc.
> > > >
> > > > You're gonna need to provide a lot more details for some help.
> But...
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > > Today is my 3rd day fighting with this and my question is sad now
> > > > > because, my manager wants me to abandon cake alltogether.  So,
> that's
> > > > > going to be 1.1 years worth of code, down the tube unless I can
> get
> > > > > Windows IIS working with Cake (with or without re-write).
> > > >
> > > > ...let me get this straight.
> > > >
> > > > 1. Freaking huge web application works on current platform (150MB of
> > > > code - is that like 5 or 6 million lines? I hope I'm reading that
> > > > wrong).
> > > >
> > > > 2. Suits make unilateral decision to use a new (and imho, sub-par)
> web
> > > > server.
> > > >
> > > > 3. When problems arise, rather than go back to what works, your boss
> > > > wants to rewrite the aforementioned freaking huge web application.
> > > >
> > > > > So, the question:
> > > > > Since I have followed every single tutorial I could find

Re: Sad Question

2007-11-17 Thread Wayne Fay

I run Apache plus Cake and Mysql on Windows all the time. And servers
are generally Apache on Linux. I change the config file at the start
of a new project, sync the rest over during development, and
everything just works.


On 11/17/07, Baz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I say slap WAMP on there and call it a day :D.
> Sorry dude, it does suck.
> On Nov 17, 2007 2:19 PM, Christopher E. Franklin, Sr. <
> >
> > Hi, John. Thanks for the reply and I totally agree with you on this
> > one but, the descision was made based on an idiot in Indiana who
> > already signed and payed 2.5 million to Microsoft to come in and
> > revamp our whole communications network from Great Plains accounting
> > servers to all TV channel and newspapers web sites to be transferred
> > to a server farm in the middle of no-where.  The requirement is that
> > the site can easily be copied from our directories to thiers lol!
> >
> > Yes I do need a new job lol!  This pays crap especially for
> > California.  This company pulls in 175 mil profit a year (this is a
> > subsidary) and I barely make double min wage.  It sucks but, it's the
> > only work I can find that deals with computers. The alternative is
> > installing alarm systems for Brinks or something in attics at 120
> > degrees.  Until I finish with my Bachelors, I am stuck.
> >
> > On the error, it seems that once I port over Cake to IIS6, uncomment
> > the correct line in core.php and clean out tmp, it still will not load
> > components and helpers. Some load, some do not. Namely the Session
> > component, Cookie component and the Html helper.
> >
> > Doing some tests in app_controller in the beforeFilter() method, I
> > tried to manually load all sorts of helpers and components.  Those in
> > particular stop the site dead in it's tracks.
> >
> > Another peculiar thing, if I uncomment the App.baseUrl config in
> > core.php I get an error about the cake_logger not knowing what
> > LOG_ERROR is, even though it is clearly defined in core.php. (This is
> > from a fresh cake install).
> >
> > I will say this, I am at home right now on my laptop that has Vista
> > and looking at IIS7, I can get a fresh install of cake to work
> > complete with the urls looking like this: index.php?url=/controllers/
> > controllerMethod/params1
> > But, when I put my BFS (Big F* Site) up there, I get the same
> > errors about cake not being able to load components, helpers, models
> > and controllers.  Works fine on Apache with mod_rewrite, sucks on IIS
> > with nothing.
> >
> > I am also hoping that since, IIS7 has HttpRedirect module built in to
> > it, I can get something going that is sort of like mod_rewrite. /shrug
> >
> > Here's to hoping I can get something going this weekend.
> >
> > On Nov 16, 3:16 pm, "John David Anderson (_psychic_)"
> > <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > On Nov 16, 2007, at 4:00 PM, Christopher E. Franklin, Sr. wrote:
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > > I have been working with CakePHP for about a year now and have written
> > > > a company website in that year that totals in about 150MB of combined
> > > > PHP code.  This whole time, I have been using MySQL, Linux, and Apache
> > > > to do my coding and testing but, recently, the corporate higher-ups
> > > > issued a mandate that all web servers are going to be IIS(6/7).
> > >
> > > > Upon hearing this, we installed Windows Server 2003 RC2 w/ IIS6.0 and
> > > > tried to port over the cake code. Low and behold, it doesn't work. Not
> > > > just a little bit but, in a bad way that the site stops dead in it's
> > > > tracks from not being able to load select components and helpers such
> > > > as , Session, Cookie, Html, Javascript, etc.
> > >
> > > You're gonna need to provide a lot more details for some help. But...
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > > Today is my 3rd day fighting with this and my question is sad now
> > > > because, my manager wants me to abandon cake alltogether.  So, that's
> > > > going to be 1.1 years worth of code, down the tube unless I can get
> > > > Windows IIS working with Cake (with or without re-write).
> > >
> > > ...let me get this straight.
> > >
> > > 1. Freaking huge web application works on current platform (150MB of
> > > code - is that like 5 or 6 million lines? I hope I'm reading that
> > > wrong).
> > >
> > > 2. Suits make unilateral decision to use a new (and imho, sub-par) web
> > > server.
> > >
> > > 3. When problems arise, rather than go back to what works, your boss
> > > wants to rewrite the aforementioned freaking huge web application.
> > >
> > > > So, the question:
> > > > Since I have followed every single tutorial I could find on the web
> > > > about installing Cake on IIS for the last 3 days (this includes me
> > > > testing if I could just put Apache on Windows which does not work) I
> > > > really have no other choice but to switch frameworks.
> > >
> > > Sounds to me like what you need to consider switching... is your job.
> > > Honestly.
> > >

Re: Sad Question

2007-11-17 Thread Baz
I say slap WAMP on there and call it a day :D.

Sorry dude, it does suck.

On Nov 17, 2007 2:19 PM, Christopher E. Franklin, Sr. <

> Hi, John. Thanks for the reply and I totally agree with you on this
> one but, the descision was made based on an idiot in Indiana who
> already signed and payed 2.5 million to Microsoft to come in and
> revamp our whole communications network from Great Plains accounting
> servers to all TV channel and newspapers web sites to be transferred
> to a server farm in the middle of no-where.  The requirement is that
> the site can easily be copied from our directories to thiers lol!
> Yes I do need a new job lol!  This pays crap especially for
> California.  This company pulls in 175 mil profit a year (this is a
> subsidary) and I barely make double min wage.  It sucks but, it's the
> only work I can find that deals with computers. The alternative is
> installing alarm systems for Brinks or something in attics at 120
> degrees.  Until I finish with my Bachelors, I am stuck.
> On the error, it seems that once I port over Cake to IIS6, uncomment
> the correct line in core.php and clean out tmp, it still will not load
> components and helpers. Some load, some do not. Namely the Session
> component, Cookie component and the Html helper.
> Doing some tests in app_controller in the beforeFilter() method, I
> tried to manually load all sorts of helpers and components.  Those in
> particular stop the site dead in it's tracks.
> Another peculiar thing, if I uncomment the App.baseUrl config in
> core.php I get an error about the cake_logger not knowing what
> LOG_ERROR is, even though it is clearly defined in core.php. (This is
> from a fresh cake install).
> I will say this, I am at home right now on my laptop that has Vista
> and looking at IIS7, I can get a fresh install of cake to work
> complete with the urls looking like this: index.php?url=/controllers/
> controllerMethod/params1
> But, when I put my BFS (Big F* Site) up there, I get the same
> errors about cake not being able to load components, helpers, models
> and controllers.  Works fine on Apache with mod_rewrite, sucks on IIS
> with nothing.
> I am also hoping that since, IIS7 has HttpRedirect module built in to
> it, I can get something going that is sort of like mod_rewrite. /shrug
> Here's to hoping I can get something going this weekend.
> On Nov 16, 3:16 pm, "John David Anderson (_psychic_)"
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Nov 16, 2007, at 4:00 PM, Christopher E. Franklin, Sr. wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> > > I have been working with CakePHP for about a year now and have written
> > > a company website in that year that totals in about 150MB of combined
> > > PHP code.  This whole time, I have been using MySQL, Linux, and Apache
> > > to do my coding and testing but, recently, the corporate higher-ups
> > > issued a mandate that all web servers are going to be IIS(6/7).
> >
> > > Upon hearing this, we installed Windows Server 2003 RC2 w/ IIS6.0 and
> > > tried to port over the cake code. Low and behold, it doesn't work. Not
> > > just a little bit but, in a bad way that the site stops dead in it's
> > > tracks from not being able to load select components and helpers such
> > > as , Session, Cookie, Html, Javascript, etc.
> >
> > You're gonna need to provide a lot more details for some help. But...
> >
> >
> >
> > > Today is my 3rd day fighting with this and my question is sad now
> > > because, my manager wants me to abandon cake alltogether.  So, that's
> > > going to be 1.1 years worth of code, down the tube unless I can get
> > > Windows IIS working with Cake (with or without re-write).
> >
> > ...let me get this straight.
> >
> > 1. Freaking huge web application works on current platform (150MB of
> > code - is that like 5 or 6 million lines? I hope I'm reading that
> > wrong).
> >
> > 2. Suits make unilateral decision to use a new (and imho, sub-par) web
> > server.
> >
> > 3. When problems arise, rather than go back to what works, your boss
> > wants to rewrite the aforementioned freaking huge web application.
> >
> > > So, the question:
> > > Since I have followed every single tutorial I could find on the web
> > > about installing Cake on IIS for the last 3 days (this includes me
> > > testing if I could just put Apache on Windows which does not work) I
> > > really have no other choice but to switch frameworks.
> >
> > Sounds to me like what you need to consider switching... is your job.
> > Honestly.
> >
> > Execs that make really bad decisions, and a boss that wants to keep
> > them happy by ditching a year plus of code? I don't think the choice
> > of PHP framework is the problem. :)
> >
> > > Does anyone know of a pretty close match to CakePHP that WILL work
> > > with IIS? Doesn't have to have rewrite.  I just need something that I
> > > can fairly easily port this code over to in about 2 weeks time.
> >
> > I suppose short term you might want to hire someone who

Re: Sad Question

2007-11-17 Thread Christopher E. Franklin, Sr.

Hi, John. Thanks for the reply and I totally agree with you on this
one but, the descision was made based on an idiot in Indiana who
already signed and payed 2.5 million to Microsoft to come in and
revamp our whole communications network from Great Plains accounting
servers to all TV channel and newspapers web sites to be transferred
to a server farm in the middle of no-where.  The requirement is that
the site can easily be copied from our directories to thiers lol!

Yes I do need a new job lol!  This pays crap especially for
California.  This company pulls in 175 mil profit a year (this is a
subsidary) and I barely make double min wage.  It sucks but, it's the
only work I can find that deals with computers. The alternative is
installing alarm systems for Brinks or something in attics at 120
degrees.  Until I finish with my Bachelors, I am stuck.

On the error, it seems that once I port over Cake to IIS6, uncomment
the correct line in core.php and clean out tmp, it still will not load
components and helpers. Some load, some do not. Namely the Session
component, Cookie component and the Html helper.

Doing some tests in app_controller in the beforeFilter() method, I
tried to manually load all sorts of helpers and components.  Those in
particular stop the site dead in it's tracks.

Another peculiar thing, if I uncomment the App.baseUrl config in
core.php I get an error about the cake_logger not knowing what
LOG_ERROR is, even though it is clearly defined in core.php. (This is
from a fresh cake install).

I will say this, I am at home right now on my laptop that has Vista
and looking at IIS7, I can get a fresh install of cake to work
complete with the urls looking like this: index.php?url=/controllers/
But, when I put my BFS (Big F* Site) up there, I get the same
errors about cake not being able to load components, helpers, models
and controllers.  Works fine on Apache with mod_rewrite, sucks on IIS
with nothing.

I am also hoping that since, IIS7 has HttpRedirect module built in to
it, I can get something going that is sort of like mod_rewrite. /shrug

Here's to hoping I can get something going this weekend.

On Nov 16, 3:16 pm, "John David Anderson (_psychic_)"
> On Nov 16, 2007, at 4:00 PM, Christopher E. Franklin, Sr. wrote:
> > I have been working with CakePHP for about a year now and have written
> > a company website in that year that totals in about 150MB of combined
> > PHP code.  This whole time, I have been using MySQL, Linux, and Apache
> > to do my coding and testing but, recently, the corporate higher-ups
> > issued a mandate that all web servers are going to be IIS(6/7).
> > Upon hearing this, we installed Windows Server 2003 RC2 w/ IIS6.0 and
> > tried to port over the cake code. Low and behold, it doesn't work. Not
> > just a little bit but, in a bad way that the site stops dead in it's
> > tracks from not being able to load select components and helpers such
> > as , Session, Cookie, Html, Javascript, etc.
> You're gonna need to provide a lot more details for some help. But...
> > Today is my 3rd day fighting with this and my question is sad now
> > because, my manager wants me to abandon cake alltogether.  So, that's
> > going to be 1.1 years worth of code, down the tube unless I can get
> > Windows IIS working with Cake (with or without re-write).
> ...let me get this straight.
> 1. Freaking huge web application works on current platform (150MB of  
> code - is that like 5 or 6 million lines? I hope I'm reading that  
> wrong).
> 2. Suits make unilateral decision to use a new (and imho, sub-par) web  
> server.
> 3. When problems arise, rather than go back to what works, your boss  
> wants to rewrite the aforementioned freaking huge web application.
> > So, the question:
> > Since I have followed every single tutorial I could find on the web
> > about installing Cake on IIS for the last 3 days (this includes me
> > testing if I could just put Apache on Windows which does not work) I
> > really have no other choice but to switch frameworks.
> Sounds to me like what you need to consider switching... is your job.  
> Honestly.
> Execs that make really bad decisions, and a boss that wants to keep  
> them happy by ditching a year plus of code? I don't think the choice  
> of PHP framework is the problem. :)
> > Does anyone know of a pretty close match to CakePHP that WILL work
> > with IIS? Doesn't have to have rewrite.  I just need something that I
> > can fairly easily port this code over to in about 2 weeks time.
> I suppose short term you might want to hire someone who can consult on  
> that-or offer more details-but seriously. Make someone over there see  
> some reason.
> $0.02
> -- John
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Cake 
PHP" group.
To post to this group, send email to

Re: Sad Question

2007-11-17 Thread Christopher E. Franklin, Sr.

To be honest, I just copied everything over the first time and forgot
about the tmp dir.  After seeing that the Session component was not
being loaded from my copy of app_controller, I deleted the cache in
the tmp dir and double checked my core.php to make sure I had the Env
thing uncommented. Unfortunately, this did not work.

On Nov 17, 3:05 am, RichardAtHome <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> How did you port the code over?
> Did you copy the whole web folder over in one go?
> This doesn't work (unless both systems are 100% identical). You will
> get error all over the place because you copied over the cache from
> the old system and cake (quite rightly) gets confused (files are no-
> longer where the cache thinks they are).
> Best way to do it (in my experience) is to install cake on the target
> machine, copy over your app directory and then delete the cache
> directory (in app/temp).
> Hope this helps :)
> (as an aside, I develop on a windows box but our live systems are all
> *nix - works fine for me) :-)
> On Nov 16, 11:00 pm, "Christopher E. Franklin, Sr."
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I have been working with CakePHP for about a year now and have written
> > a company website in that year that totals in about 150MB of combined
> > PHP code.  This whole time, I have been using MySQL, Linux, and Apache
> > to do my coding and testing but, recently, the corporate higher-ups
> > issued a mandate that all web servers are going to be IIS(6/7).
> > Upon hearing this, we installed Windows Server 2003 RC2 w/ IIS6.0 and
> > tried to port over the cake code. Low and behold, it doesn't work. Not
> > just a little bit but, in a bad way that the site stops dead in it's
> > tracks from not being able to load select components and helpers such
> > as , Session, Cookie, Html, Javascript, etc.
> > Today is my 3rd day fighting with this and my question is sad now
> > because, my manager wants me to abandon cake alltogether.  So, that's
> > going to be 1.1 years worth of code, down the tube unless I can get
> > Windows IIS working with Cake (with or without re-write).
> > So, the question:
> > Since I have followed every single tutorial I could find on the web
> > about installing Cake on IIS for the last 3 days (this includes me
> > testing if I could just put Apache on Windows which does not work) I
> > really have no other choice but to switch frameworks.
> > Does anyone know of a pretty close match to CakePHP that WILL work
> > with IIS? Doesn't have to have rewrite.  I just need something that I
> > can fairly easily port this code over to in about 2 weeks time.
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Cake 
PHP" group.
To post to this group, send email to
To unsubscribe from this group, send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
For more options, visit this group at

Re: Sad Question

2007-11-17 Thread RichardAtHome

How did you port the code over?

Did you copy the whole web folder over in one go?

This doesn't work (unless both systems are 100% identical). You will
get error all over the place because you copied over the cache from
the old system and cake (quite rightly) gets confused (files are no-
longer where the cache thinks they are).

Best way to do it (in my experience) is to install cake on the target
machine, copy over your app directory and then delete the cache
directory (in app/temp).

Hope this helps :)

(as an aside, I develop on a windows box but our live systems are all
*nix - works fine for me) :-)

On Nov 16, 11:00 pm, "Christopher E. Franklin, Sr."
> I have been working with CakePHP for about a year now and have written
> a company website in that year that totals in about 150MB of combined
> PHP code.  This whole time, I have been using MySQL, Linux, and Apache
> to do my coding and testing but, recently, the corporate higher-ups
> issued a mandate that all web servers are going to be IIS(6/7).
> Upon hearing this, we installed Windows Server 2003 RC2 w/ IIS6.0 and
> tried to port over the cake code. Low and behold, it doesn't work. Not
> just a little bit but, in a bad way that the site stops dead in it's
> tracks from not being able to load select components and helpers such
> as , Session, Cookie, Html, Javascript, etc.
> Today is my 3rd day fighting with this and my question is sad now
> because, my manager wants me to abandon cake alltogether.  So, that's
> going to be 1.1 years worth of code, down the tube unless I can get
> Windows IIS working with Cake (with or without re-write).
> So, the question:
> Since I have followed every single tutorial I could find on the web
> about installing Cake on IIS for the last 3 days (this includes me
> testing if I could just put Apache on Windows which does not work) I
> really have no other choice but to switch frameworks.
> Does anyone know of a pretty close match to CakePHP that WILL work
> with IIS? Doesn't have to have rewrite.  I just need something that I
> can fairly easily port this code over to in about 2 weeks time.
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Cake 
PHP" group.
To post to this group, send email to
To unsubscribe from this group, send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
For more options, visit this group at

Re: Sad Question

2007-11-16 Thread John David Anderson (_psychic_)

On Nov 16, 2007, at 4:00 PM, Christopher E. Franklin, Sr. wrote:

> I have been working with CakePHP for about a year now and have written
> a company website in that year that totals in about 150MB of combined
> PHP code.  This whole time, I have been using MySQL, Linux, and Apache
> to do my coding and testing but, recently, the corporate higher-ups
> issued a mandate that all web servers are going to be IIS(6/7).
> Upon hearing this, we installed Windows Server 2003 RC2 w/ IIS6.0 and
> tried to port over the cake code. Low and behold, it doesn't work. Not
> just a little bit but, in a bad way that the site stops dead in it's
> tracks from not being able to load select components and helpers such
> as , Session, Cookie, Html, Javascript, etc.

You're gonna need to provide a lot more details for some help. But...

> Today is my 3rd day fighting with this and my question is sad now
> because, my manager wants me to abandon cake alltogether.  So, that's
> going to be 1.1 years worth of code, down the tube unless I can get
> Windows IIS working with Cake (with or without re-write).

...let me get this straight.

1. Freaking huge web application works on current platform (150MB of  
code - is that like 5 or 6 million lines? I hope I'm reading that  

2. Suits make unilateral decision to use a new (and imho, sub-par) web  

3. When problems arise, rather than go back to what works, your boss  
wants to rewrite the aforementioned freaking huge web application.

> So, the question:
> Since I have followed every single tutorial I could find on the web
> about installing Cake on IIS for the last 3 days (this includes me
> testing if I could just put Apache on Windows which does not work) I
> really have no other choice but to switch frameworks.

Sounds to me like what you need to consider switching... is your job.  

Execs that make really bad decisions, and a boss that wants to keep  
them happy by ditching a year plus of code? I don't think the choice  
of PHP framework is the problem. :)

> Does anyone know of a pretty close match to CakePHP that WILL work
> with IIS? Doesn't have to have rewrite.  I just need something that I
> can fairly easily port this code over to in about 2 weeks time.

I suppose short term you might want to hire someone who can consult on  
that–or offer more details–but seriously. Make someone over there see  
some reason.


-- John
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Sad Question

2007-11-16 Thread Christopher E. Franklin, Sr.

I have been working with CakePHP for about a year now and have written
a company website in that year that totals in about 150MB of combined
PHP code.  This whole time, I have been using MySQL, Linux, and Apache
to do my coding and testing but, recently, the corporate higher-ups
issued a mandate that all web servers are going to be IIS(6/7).

Upon hearing this, we installed Windows Server 2003 RC2 w/ IIS6.0 and
tried to port over the cake code. Low and behold, it doesn't work. Not
just a little bit but, in a bad way that the site stops dead in it's
tracks from not being able to load select components and helpers such
as , Session, Cookie, Html, Javascript, etc.

Today is my 3rd day fighting with this and my question is sad now
because, my manager wants me to abandon cake alltogether.  So, that's
going to be 1.1 years worth of code, down the tube unless I can get
Windows IIS working with Cake (with or without re-write).

So, the question:
Since I have followed every single tutorial I could find on the web
about installing Cake on IIS for the last 3 days (this includes me
testing if I could just put Apache on Windows which does not work) I
really have no other choice but to switch frameworks.

Does anyone know of a pretty close match to CakePHP that WILL work
with IIS? Doesn't have to have rewrite.  I just need something that I
can fairly easily port this code over to in about 2 weeks time.
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