[Chodosh] Chodosh Update: Oats in General Mills cereals

2017-08-10 Thread Y Herman
According to the OU the oats is all General Mills cereals, such as
Cheerios, may be Chodosh starting with a packing date of Sept 19, package
Best if Used be date of Sept 26 18.
We do not yet have any confirmed information about other breads of oats
such as Quaker and the others.
Y. Herman

[Chodosh] Final Chodosh starting date estimates

2017-07-25 Thread Y Herman

Yoseph Herman, The Guide to Chodosh, Hot Line 718-305-5133. Email:


We give below the final estimates for the upcoming Chodosh season. These
are based on the US Department of Agriculture harvest reports and
preliminary information from mashgichim. The dates are identical to our
starting estimates of last year.

We expect the Chodosh grain started to appear in products as follows:

1)   *Freshly baked items using spring wheat*, including breads,
challahs, bagels, rolls, pizza and some cakes and cookies may be Chodosh in
the Midwest after the PURCHASE DATE of July 29. Elsewhere in the US, this
date would be Aug 12.

2)   *Packaged foods from spring wheat* may be Chodosh after the
PACKING date of July 29, or the PURCHASE date of Aug 12.

3)   *Noodles and pasta* may be Chodosh after the PACKING date of Aug
13 and the PURCHASE date of Aug 27.

4)   *Barley*, such as pearled barley, may be Chodosh after the PACKING
date of Aug 9 and PURCHASE date of Aug 23.

5)   *Oats*: Oats in all products, including cereals, may be Chodosh
starting with a PACKING date of Jul 20, PURCHASE date of Aug 3. (For
details see below.)

6)   *Barley malt* (also listed in the ingredients as “malt”) may be
Chodosh as of the *packing* date of *Nov 15 for beer and Dec 15 for other
packaged foods*. Package codes should be checked after the *purchase* date
of *Dec 15* for *beer *made from barley malt and *Mar 15* for malt in other

Please note that the early starting date for oats is a chumrah, based on
the start of the oats harvest which is already on the way now. However,
many cereal companies keep old oats in storage and start using Chodosh
later. General Mills (Cheerios, etc) usually starts at least 1-2 months
later. Quaker some years started this early, other years later. To be sure,
purchase oats cereals for storage now. It is too early now for mashgichim
to be able to find out the oats starting date for this year for specific

[Chodosh] Message to mashichim and producers of Yoshon-CLARIFICATION

2017-07-17 Thread Y Herman
I sent out a request today (JUl 17 '17) toask mashgichim and producers of
Yoshon products to please send us your email addresses. We are compiling a
special email list for these people so that we can get to their attention
urgent matters about Chodosh-Yoshon that they need to know. I forgot to
request that in additional to sending us your email address, please send us
the hashgocho organization or producing company that you are affiliated
with. We plan to discard all addresses sent to us on Jul 17 prior to 12
noon (EDT). We can only include in this list those who specify their
hashgocho or manufacturer connection. I apologize for the inconvenience  to
those who already sent their addresses. If you qualify by being a mashgiach
or producer, please forgive us and send us a new message to

Thank you
Yoseph Herman
Guide to Chodosh

[Chodosh] Attention mashgichim for Yoshon and producers of Yoshon

2017-07-17 Thread Y Herman
We are compiling an email list of mashgichim and producers of Yoshon
products so that we can get urgent Chodosh-Yoshon news to you as fast a
possible. Please send your email address to yherma...@gmail.com
Thank you
Yoseph Herman
Guide to Chodosh

[Chodosh] Preliminary Chodosh information 13 Jul 17

2017-07-13 Thread Y Herman

Yoseph Herman, The Guide to Chodosh, Hot Line 718-305-5133. Email:


(The dates given below are preliminary likely to change over the next few

We expect the Chodosh grain started to appear in products as follows:

1)   *Freshly baked items using spring wheat*, including breads,
challahs, bagels, rolls, pizza and some cakes and cookies may be Chodosh in
the Midwest after the PURCHASE DATE of July 29. Elsewhere in the US, this
date would be Aug 12.

2)   *Packaged foods from spring wheat* may be Chodosh after the
PACKING date of July 29, or the PURCHASE date of Aug 12.

3)   *Noodles and pasta* may be Chodosh after the PACKING date of Aug
13 and the PURCHASE date of Aug 27.

4)   *Barley*, such as pearled barley, may be Chodosh after the PACKING
date of Aug 9 and PURCHASE date of Aug 23.

5)   *Oats*: Oats in all products, including cereals, may be Chodosh
starting with a PACKING date of Jul 20, PURCHASE date of Aug 3. (For
details see below.)

6)   *Barley malt* (also listed in the ingredients as “malt”) may be
Chodosh as of the *packing* date of *Nov 15 for beer and Dec 15 for other
packaged foods*. Package codes should be checked after the *purchase* date
of *Dec 15* for *beer *made from barley malt and *Mar 15* for malt in other

Please note that the early starting date for oats is a chumrah, based on
the start of the oats harvest which is already on the way now. However,
many cereal companies keep old oats in storage and start using Chodosh
later. General Mills (Cheerios, etc) usually starts at least 1-2 months
later. Quaker some years started this early, other years later. To be sure,
purchase oats cereals for storage now. It is too early now for mashgichim
to be able to find out the oats starting date for this year for specific


The harvest of spring wheat and barley is about to start. At least one
flour mill in the upper Midwest USA near the growing areas warned that they*
may* start milling Chodosh spring wheat as early as Jul 18, or shortly
after that. I don't expect that most mills in the Midwest will start for at
least 1-2 weeks after that. Mills on the East and West coasts should be at
least 1-2 weeks later to allow for transportation delays. Mashgichim and
proprietors of Yoshon-related foods should take note of the impending start
of the Chodosh season.

Please also note that for the second year in the row, the hard red winter
wheat crop is very low in protein level. Therefore, products usually made
from winter wheat only, are likely to have some spring wheat blended in to
raise the overall protein level. Even flour or other products labeled as
being from 100% winter wheat are, by law, allowed to contain even more than
50% spring wheat and quite likely will! It is the responsibility of the
mashgichim to make sure that products they claim are Yoshon are indeed from
winter wheat only and are therefore Yoshon. Such products include flour,
matzos, matzo meal and foods using matzo meal (eg gefilte fish), pretzels,

[Chodosh] Preliminary Chodosh news

2017-07-11 Thread Y Herman
Except for oats, the harvest of spring wheat and barley has not yet
started. The hard red
winter wheat crop has very low protein for the second year in the row,
making it more necessary to blend in spring wheat to items marked "winter
wheat". We are alerting the mashgichim about this continued winter wheat
problem. We plan to issue the next bulletin in about 1-2 weeks. The Chodosh
season may start sometime in August.
Yoseph Herman

[Chodosh] Update from the Guide to Chodosh

2017-02-15 Thread Y Herman

Yoseph Herman, 15 Feb 17


In mid January ‘17 we were informed by a mashgiach that matzos under his
hashgocho are made from a combination of winter and spring wheat,
contradicting our assumptions generated from the inception of the Guide to
Chodosh that matzos are always exclusively from winter wheat making it
Yoshon. This surprise led to a flurry of preliminary research. The research
showed that indeed the winter wheat over the last several years has been
declining in protein level. Therefore, even some items that used to be made
exclusively from winter wheat now need to have some added spring wheat to
make the product satisfactory. That revelation seemed to overturn one of
the basic assumptions that have always been used by the Guide. Until now
the assumption was that, with some known exceptions, items such as cakes,
cookies, matzos, crackers, pretzels and other such “crunchy” and easy to
break products use only winter wheat and are Yoshon. When we were first
informed, we had no idea how far reaching are the consequences of this
change and whether mashgichim who have been giving Yoshon hashgochos have
been aware of this change. Therefore, we felt that our responsibility to
the Yoshon-observant public that is relying on us, mandates that we issue a
warning of possible unexplored Chodosh problems with items such as matzos,
flour, pretzels, some cakes and cookies. These are all items that used to
use only winter wheat.

Hard work by kashrus organizations and other sources, and our further
research has now led us to conclusion that we can now cautiously  cancel
that warning, but only for items under hashgocho for Yoshon.  It is indeed
true that many matzos, both machine and hand matzos, are made from spring
wheat as well as the usual winter wheat. However, all the matzo bakeries we
had contacted that do add spring wheat are making sure that the spring
wheat is Yoshon (either by storing from the past year, or by using spring
wheat from those few areas where the planting takes place before pesach.)
Regarding other foods, for those with a Yoshon hashgocho, it would seem
that the mashgichim had probably taken this potential winter wheat problem
into account.

It is important to note that the alert is being called off only for items
under hashgocho for Yoshon. Other items not under such hashgocho do need to
be checked individually. This includes cakes, cookies, pretzels, flour,
matzos and matzo meal and foods using matzo meal such as gefilte fish.
Below we present a list of items in this list that have been verified as
being only from winter wheat, with no spring wheat added.

Therefore, at this point BE”H we believe that the listings in the Guide to
Chodosh have are basically correct (with the exception of minor ongoing
corrections and updates such as those listed below.) Naturally we plan to
continue to monitor the Chodosh-Yoshon scene as we have done in the past.
Now we have also been made aware that we must pay attention to the winter
wheat situation as well. If need we will issue any necessary alerts in this
area in the future, as we have done in the past for other problem areas. We
apologize for any inconvenience anyone experienced over the past several
weeks. However, our responsibility to the public demanded that we issue
that alert until we had a chance to clarify the situation.


ALL ITEMS made in Israel under any reliable kashrus hashgocho. All items
under hashgocho for Yoshon.

GEFILTE FISH: A&B, Ungar, Freunds, Dagim, Mrs. Adlers, Manischewitz,
Mothers, Rokeach, Malchus

MATZOS AND MATZO MEAL: Streits, Manischewitz, Horowitz Margarettin,
Rokeach, Mishpacha, Kemach, Heimishe Lokshen (matzo meal only)

MATZOS FOR PESACH: Several hand matzo bakeries that we have contacted say
that they are adding spring wheat to their winter wheat flour. However they
make sure that the spring wheat is Yoshon from last year. We hope to have a
list of such bakeries compiled before pesach.

BAKING FLOUR: Gold Medal flour from factory KC (KC next to the date),
Heckers, Ceresota, General Mills Purasnow bakery flour, Ardent Mills and
Snavely’s all purpose bakery flours.



Note: Vaad HaRabonim of Queens is NOT makpid on malt.

*Section 4.1 Cakes, Cookies, and Crackers*

*Kemach Flatbreads* have a code of 05 FEB 2018 and will likely be Yoshon
for the whole season. Check back for updates. *Pita Chips* (Sea salt and
multigrain) have a Chodosh code of June 16, 2017.

*Old London* Cookies and Crackers have a Chodosh code of Jul 29, 2017 (12
months after packing) for those containing wheat. For products with oats
the code is Jul 20, 2017.

*Section 4.4 Melba Toast*

*Old London* Melba Toast has a date of July 20, 2017 as it contains oats

*Section 5.1 Regular Noodles, Pasta, Mandlen and Croutons*


2017-02-06 Thread Y Herman

Yoseph Herman, 6 Feb 17


About 3 weeks ago we were informed by a mashgiach that matzos under his
hashgocho are made from a combination of winter and spring wheat,
contradicting our assumptions generated from the inception of the Guide to
Chodosh that matzos are always exclusively from winter wheat making it
Yoshon. This surprise led to a flurry of preliminary research. The research
showed that indeed the winter wheat over the last several years has been
declining in protein level. Therefore, even some items that used to be made
exclusively from winter wheat now need to have some added spring wheat to
make the product satisfactory. That revelation seemed to overturn one of
the basic assumptions that have always been used by the Guide. That
assumption was that, with some known exceptions, items such as cakes,
cookies, matzos, crackers, pretzels and other such “crunchy” and easy to
break products use only winter wheat and are Yoshon. At that point, we had
no idea how far reaching are the consequences of this change and whether
mashgichim who have been giving Yoshon hashgochos have been aware of this
change. Therefore, we felt that our responsibility to the Yoshon-observant
public that is relying on us, mandates that we issue a warning of possible
unexplored Chodosh problems with items such as matzos, flour, pretzels,
some cakes and cookies. These are all items that used to use only winter

Hard work by kashrus organizations and other sources, and our further
research has now led us to conclusion that we can now cautiously  cancel
that warning. It is indeed true that many matzos, both machine and hand
matzos, are made from spring wheat as well as the usual winter wheat.
However, all the matzo bakeries we had contacted that do add spring wheat
are making sure that the spring wheat is Yoshon (either by storing from the
past year, or by using spring wheat from those few areas where the planting
takes place before pesach.) Regarding other foods, for those with a Yoshon
hashgocho, it would seem that the mashgichim had probably taken this
potential winter wheat problem into account.

Therefore, at this point we are cancelling our alert. BE”H we believe that
the listings in the Guide to Chodosh have are basically correct (with the
exception of minor ongoing corrections and updates that need to be issued
each year.) Naturally we plan to continue to monitor the Chodosh-Yoshon
scene as we have done in the past. Now we have also been made aware that we
must pay attention to the winter wheat situation as well. If need we will
issue any necessary alerts in this area in the future, as we have done in
the past for other problem areas. We apologize for any inconvenience anyone
experienced over the past several weeks. However, our responsibility to the
public demanded that we issue that alert until we had a chance to clarify
the situation.


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Project Chodosh is an independent activity, not affiliated with any
movement or organization. We thank the Jewish Internet Fund (JIF) for
allowing us to use their E mail distribution services. The JIF provides
free email and web hosting to Jewish education and outreach organizations.
We also thank the sites moruda.com and sefer.org for allowing the public to
use E mail to request copies from their facilities of the Guides to Chodosh.


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[Chodosh] Chodosh Update Bulletin #5

2017-02-01 Thread Y Herman

Yoseph Herman, 1 Feb 17



(See new  information at the end of this note)


The US produces 2 wheat crops. Winter wheat is planted before pesach and
harvested after pesach. After the harvest winter wheat is always Yoshon.
Spring wheat is mostly planted after pesach. It is Chodosh from its harvest
in the July-September time frame until the following pesach. Spring wheat
is higher in protein, winter wheat is lower in protein. The protein is the
“glue” that hold the dough together. Spring wheat is used for chewy
products such as breads, rolls, challahs, bagels and pizza. Spring wheat is
also used for noodles and pasta. Winter wheat has been used when we do not
need a chewy product, such as matzos, crackers, many cakes and cookies. It
is also used where protein is not important, since it is cheaper. Until
recently we took advantage of the rules of thumb developed over many
decades of which products are always made from winter wheat and therefore
have no problems of Chodosh. Apparently over the recent years the protein
level of winter wheat has been steadily dropping due to agricultural
conditions, until foods that used to be produced from pure winter wheat can
no longer be produced unless some spring wheat is added to fortify its
protein level. The Guide to Chodosh was not aware of this change until a
very short time ago. The problem we face is that many old rules in this
area are no longer necessarily valid. We have no idea yet of how broad is
the problem of spring wheat being added to the winter wheat. Some
mashgichim have also not known about this. Therefore we face the formidable
and time consuming task of exploring which food categories are at issue and
if they are, which brands of packages may be using some spring wheat.


All foods that have always used spring wheat are not affected. Therefore,
all Yoshon bakeries and pizza shops will continue to produce Yoshon using
the arrangements in place from before. This includes breads, rolls,
challahs, bagels,  pita, pizza, etc. All noodles and pastas also have not
changed. For all these items, the Guide to Chodosh should still be valid.


We still do not have an idea of broad are the categories of products
affected by this problem. However, the known scope continues to expand. At
this point each item has to be examined individually. This is such a
formidable task that it can take a long time, perhaps beyond pesach, until
we start to have handle on what to recommend. Even items with a Yoshon
hashgocho need to be checked to make sure that the mashgiach has been aware
of this change. Here is a partial initial list which needs to be
investigated: matzos, matzo meal, items using matzo meal such as gefilte
fish, breaded items, meat loaf and other applications where flour or matzo
meal is used as a filling and binding agent. Baking flour, both flour
produced for home baking and for baking cakes, cookies, crackers and
pretzels professionally. Candies that contain flour.


DO NOT ask or write us for halachic guidance. Do not ask us at this point
whether a specific item in your house or store has this problem. Even if
your posek is machmir, do not throw out any foods. As mashgichim respond to
this appeal for information, we will add to the list of items known to have
or not have this problem.


All items made in Israel under any reliable kashrus hashgocho

GEFILTE FISH: A&B, Ungar, Freunds, Dagim, Mrs. Adlers, Manischewitz,
Mothers, Rokeach.

MATZOS AND MATZO MEAL: Streits, Manischewitz, Horowitz Margahrettin,
Rokeach, Mishpacha, Kemach.

MATZOS FOR PESACH: Several hand matzo bakeries that we have contacted say
that they are adding spring wheat to their winter wheat flour. However they
make sure that the spring wheat is Yoshon from last year. We hope to have a
list of such bakeries compiled before pesach.

BAKING FLOUR: Gold Medal flour from factory KC (KC next to the date), All
Kemach flours, all purpose and high gluten.

BAKING FLOUR WITH ADDED SPRING WHEAT: Bob’s Red Mill “100% hard red winter
wheat” flour contains some spring wheat.


*The following added 1 Feb 17*

For the following it has been confirmed that what was assumed before as
being only winter wheat has no spring wheat added:

General Mills cereals-all wheat ingredients winter wheat only

General Mills Pureasnow bakery flour

Heckers flour

Heimishe Lukshon Matzo Meal

Ardent Mills and Snavely’s all purpose bakery flour.

In Long Island establishments: Zomniks, Shloimy’s Bakery, Gotta Getta
Bagels, Cravings.

Masbia flour with Yoshon label

Shoprite Deli and Fish Dep’t in the following New Jersey locations:
Aberdeen, Bound Brook, East Brunswick, East Windsor, Law

[Chodosh] A note of protest against Matzav.com from the Guide to Chodosh

2017-01-29 Thread Y Herman
Sunday morning, Jan 29 '17 an article was posted on Matzav.com with the
text "Yoshon Update from The Guide to Chodosh, By R' Yoseph Herman". What
followed was an accurate word-for-word reproduction of the Chodosh Bulletin
I issued on Mazoi Shabbos, Jan 28. However, the presentation made it appear
that I wrote the article for Matzav.com. The policy of the Guide to Chodosh
not to directly utilize the internet is well known and has been reprinted
clearly on page 4 of the latest issue of the Guide. The information in
article printed on Matzav.com was meant to be public. If the article would
have attributed this notice  to the Guide, I would have no problem.
However, I feel the need to protest the unauthorized or careless manner of
presentation that made it appear that I wrote that article.

Yoseph Herman


2017-01-28 Thread Y Herman

Yoseph Herman, 28 Jan 17




The US produces 2 wheat crops. Winter wheat is planted before pesach and
harvested after pesach. After the harvest winter wheat is always Yoshon.
Spring wheat is mostly planted after pesach. It is Chodosh from its harvest
in the July-September time frame until the following pesach. Spring wheat
is higher in protein, winter wheat is lower in protein. The protein is the
“glue” that hold the dough together. Spring wheat is used for chewy
products such as breads, rolls, challahs, bagels and pizza. Spring wheat is
also used for noodles and pasta. Winter wheat has been used when we do not
need a chewy product, such as matzos, crackers, many cakes and cookies. It
is also used where protein is not important, since it is cheaper. Until
recently we took advantage of the rules of thumb developed over many
decades of which products are always made from winter wheat and therefore
have no problems of Chodosh. Apparently over the recent years the protein
level of winter wheat has been steadily dropping due to agricultural
conditions, until foods that used to be produced from pure winter wheat can
no longer be produced unless some spring wheat is added to fortify its
protein level. The Guide to Chodosh was not aware of this change until a
very short time ago. The problem we face is that many old rules in this
area are no longer necessarily valid. We have no idea yet of how broad is
the problem of spring wheat being added to the winter wheat. Some
mashgichim have also not known about this. Therefore we face the formidable
and time consuming task of exploring which food categories are at issue and
if they are, which brands of packages may be using some spring wheat.


All foods that have always used spring wheat are not affected. Therefore,
all Yoshon bakeries and pizza shops will continue to produce Yoshon using
the arrangements in place from before. This includes breads, rolls,
challahs, bagels,  pita, pizza, etc. All noodles and pastas also have not
changed. For all these items, the Guide to Chodosh should still be valid.


We still do not have an idea of broad are the categories of products
affected by this problem. However, the known scope continues to expand. At
this point each item has to be examined individually. This is such a
formidable task that it can take a long time, perhaps beyond pesach, until
we start to have handle on what to recommend. Even items with a Yoshon
hashgocho need to be checked to make sure that the mashgiach has been aware
of this change. Here is a partial initial list which needs to be
investigated: matzos, matzo meal, items using matzo meal such as gefilte
fish, breaded items, meat loaf and other applications where flour or matzo
meal is used as a filling and binding agent. Baking flour, both flour
produced for home baking and for baking cakes, cookies, crackers and
pretzels professionally. Candies that contain flour.


DO NOT ask or write us for halachic guidance. Do not ask us at this point
whether a specific item in your house or store has this problem. Even if
your posek is machmir, do not throw out any foods. As mashgichim respond to
this appeal for information, we will add to the list of items known to have
or not have this problem.


All items made in Israel under any reliable kashrus hashgocho

GEFILTE FISH: A&B, Ungar, Freunds, Dagim, Mrs. Adlers, Manischewitz,
Mothers, Rokeach.

MATZOS AND MATZO MEAL: Streits, Manischewitz, Horowitz Margahrettin,
Rokeach, Mishpacha, Kemach.

MATZOS FOR PESACH: Several hand matzo bakeries that we have contacted say
that they are adding spring wheat to their winter wheat flour. However they
make sure that the spring wheat is Yoshon from last year. We hope to have a
list of such bakeries compiled before pesach.

BAKING FLOUR: Gold Medal flour from factory KC (KC next to the date), All
Kemach flours, all purpose and high gluten. (For other flours, including
Heckers, we do not have any information yet.)

BAKING FLOUR *WITH ADDED *SPRING WHEAT: Bob’s Red Mill “100% hard red
winter wheat”

flour contains some spring wheat.

[Chodosh] Update #3 from the Guide to Chodosh-baking flour

2017-01-26 Thread Y Herman

Yoseph Herman, 26 Jan 17


(New information since the previous bulletin is marked by ** )

We have just been made aware of the fact many if not most products that in
earlier years have always been made with only winter wheat which is Yoshon,
have this season been made with a blend of winter and possibly Chodosh
spring wheat flours. This affects items such as matzos and matzo meal,
pretzels. It also affects items using matzo meal such as gefilte fish.

Some mashgichim were aware of this change and made sure that only Yoshon
(from stored from earlier years) spring wheat is being added to Yoshon
products under their hashgocho. Other mashgichim were not aware of this,
just as we at the Guide were not. Therefore, it is possible that some items
with a Yoshon hashgocho may in fact have this problem. We were just
informed of this a few days ago and are trying as rapidly as possible to
find out which are the problem products. We will publish updates to this
a very sparse initial list of items confirmed to be fully Yoshon. As soon
as the mashgichim respond we can add more items to this list. Mashichim
please email your responses to yherma...@gmail.com, or fax it to

The reason for this change is that due to agricultural conditions, the
protein level of winter wheat had been declining to the point that even
matzos and similar foods can no longer be produced satisfactorily from
winter wheat flour only. Thus there arose the need to blend in spring wheat
of higher protein. The amount of spring wheat is much less than 50%, but
more than 1/60. This agricultural trend is expected to continue for the
next several years. The Guide will not offer any halachic guidance in how
to treat foods containing this possibly Chodosh spring wheat. We believe
that some poskim are machmir and others are meikil. You must ask your own


DO NOT ask or write us for halachic guidance. Do not ask us at this point
whether a specific item in your house or store has this problem. Even if
your posek is machmir, do not throw out any foods. As mashgichim respond to
this appeal for information, we will add to the list of items known to have
or not have this problem.


All items made in Israel under any reliable kashrus hashgocho

*GEFILTE FISH: A&B, Unger, Freunds, Dagim, Mrs. Adlers, Manischewitz,
Mothers, Rokeach.

*MATZOS: Streits, Manischewitz, Horowitz Margahrettin, Rokeach, Mishpacha.

**BAKING FLOUR: Gold Medal flour from factory KC (KC next to the date), All
Kemach flour, all purpose and high gluten. (For other flours, including
Heckers, we do not have any information yet. Note that the problem in this
bulletin has no effect on Yoshon bakeries producing breads, challahs,
bagels, rolls and pizza. Some cakes that in the past used pure winter wheat
may be affected-to be determined.)

[Chodosh] Second Urgent Bulletin regarding winter wheat

2017-01-25 Thread Y Herman

Yoseph Herman, 25 Jan 17


(New information since the previous bulletin is marked by * )

We have just been made aware of the fact many if not most products that in
earlier years have always been made with only winter wheat which is Yoshon,
have this season been made with a blend of winter and possibly Chodosh
spring wheat flours. This affects items such as matzos and matzo meal,
pretzels. It also affects items using matzo meal such as gefilte fish.

*It also may effect home baking flour. We do not yet have a comprehensive
list of items that may be effected.

Some mashgichim were aware of this change and made sure that only Yoshon
(from stored from earlier years) spring wheat is being added to Yoshon
products under their hashgocho. Other mashgichim were not aware of this,
just as we at the Guide were not. Therefore, it is possible that some items
with a Yoshon hashgocho may in fact have this problem. We were just
informed of this a few days ago and are trying as rapidly as possible to
find out which are the problem products. We will publish updates to this
a very sparse initial list of items confirmed to be fully Yoshon. As soon
as the mashgichim respond we can add more items to this list. Mashichim
please email your responses to yherma...@gmail.com, or fax it to

The reason for this change is that due to agricultural conditions, the
protein level of winter wheat had been declining to the point that even
matzos and similar foods can no longer be produced satisfactorily from
winter wheat flour only. Thus there arose the need to blend in spring wheat
of higher protein. The amount of spring wheat is much less than 50%, but
more than 1/60. This agricultural trend is expected to continue for the
next several years. The Guide will not offer any halachic guidance in how
to treat foods containing this possibly Chodosh spring wheat. We believe
that some poskim are machmir and others are meikil. You must ask your own


DO NOT ask or write us for halachic guidance. Do not ask us at this point
whether a specific item in your house or store has this problem. Even if
your posek is machmir, do not throw out any foods. As mashgichim respond to
this appeal for information, we will add to the list of items known to have
or not have this problem.


All items made in Israel under any reliable kashrus hashgocho

*GEFILTE FISH: A&B, Unger, Freunds, Dagim, Mrs. Adlers, Manischewitz,
Mothers, Rokeach.

*MATZOS: Streits, Manischewitz, Horowitz Margahrettin, Rokeach, Mishpacha.

*BAKING FLOUR: Gold Medal flour from factory KC (KC next to the date)


2017-01-24 Thread Y Herman

Yoseph Herman, 24 Jan 17


We have just been made aware of the fact many if not most products that in
earlier years have always been made with only winter wheat which is Yoshon,
have this season been made with a blend of winter and possibly Chodosh
spring wheat flours. This affects items such as matzos and matzo meal,
pretzels. It also affects items using matzo meal such as gefilte fish.

Some mashgichim were aware of this change and made sure that only Yoshon
(from stored from earlier years) spring wheat is being added to Yoshon
products under their hashgocho. Other mashgichim were not aware of this,
just as we at the Guide were not. Therefore, it is possible that some items
with a Yoshon hashgocho may in fact have this problem. We were just
informed of this a few days ago and are trying as rapidly as possible to
find out which are the problem products. We will publish updates to this
a very sparse initial list of items confirmed to be fully Yoshon. As soon
as the mashgichim respond we can add more items to this list. Mashichim
please email your responses to yherma...@gmail.com, or fax it to

The reason for this change is that due to agricultural conditions, the
protein level of winter wheat had been declining to the point that even
matzos and similar foods can no longer be produced satisfactorily from
winter wheat flour only. Thus there arose the need to blend in spring wheat
of higher protein. The amount of spring wheat is much less than 50%, but
more than 1/60. This agricultural trend is expected to continue for the
next several years. The Guide will not offer any halachic guidance in how
to treat foods containing this possibly Chodosh spring wheat. We believe
that some poskim are machmir and others are meikil. You must ask your own


DO NOT ask or write us for halachic guidance. Do not ask us at this point
whether a specific item in your house or store has this problem. Even if
your posek is machmir, do not throw out any foods. As mashgichim respond to
this appeal for information, we will add to the list of items known to have
or not have this problem.


All items made in Israel under any reliable kashrus hashgocho

GEFILTE FISH: A&B, Unger, Freunds, Dagim

MATZOS: Streits


2017-01-24 Thread Y Herman

Yoseph Herman, 24 Jan 17


We have just been made aware of the fact many if not most products that in
earlier years have always been made with only winter wheat which is Yoshon,
have this season been made with a blend of winter and possibly Chodosh
spring wheat flours. This affects items such as matzos and matzo meal,
pretzels. It also affects items using matzo meal such as gefilte fish.

Some mashgichim were aware of this change and made sure that only Yoshon
(from stored from earlier years) spring wheat is being added to Yoshon
products under their hashgocho. Other mashgichim were not aware of this,
just as we at the Guide were not. Therefore, it is possible that some items
with a Yoshon hashgocho may in fact have this problem. We were just
informed of this a few days ago and are trying as rapidly as possible to
find out which are the problem products. We will publish updates to this
a very sparse initial list of items confirmed to be fully Yoshon. As soon
as the mashgichim respond we can add more items to this list. Mashichim
please email your responses to yherma...@gmail.com, or fax it to

The reason for this change is that due to agricultural conditions, the
protein level of winter wheat had been declining to the point that even
matzos and similar foods can no longer be produced satisfactorily from
winter wheat flour only. Thus there arose the need to blend in spring wheat
of higher protein. The amount of spring wheat is much less than 50%, but
more than 1/60. This agricultural trend is expected to continue for the
next several years. The Guide will not offer any halachic guidance in how
to treat foods containing this possibly Chodosh spring wheat. We believe
that some poskim are machmir and others are meikil. You must ask your own


DO NOT ask or write us for halachic guidance. Do not ask us at this point
whether a specific item in your house or store has this problem. Even if
your posek is machmir, do not throw out any foods. As mashgichim respond to
this appeal for information, we will add to the list of items known to have
or not have this problem.


GEFILTE FISH: A&B, Unger, Freunds, Dagim

MATZOS: Streits

[Chodosh] Message from the Guide to Chodosh

2016-12-18 Thread Y Herman
Last week I emailed out the new, full Guide to Chodosh. If you missed it,
you can get it be sending an email to chod...@moruda.com.

In last week's mailing, I stated that the Project Chodosh would appreciate
donations from those who are downloading the Guide by email. This is not
mandatory. Those who do not wish to make any donation should still feel
free to download and use the Guide. Some people who did want to donate
asked if the donation may be made by credit card or Pay Pal? I am sorry, we
do not have an account with Pay Pal. However, those who do wish to make a
donation by credit card should call the secure voice mail number
646-278-1189. Record a message with your credit card number, name and

Yoseph Herman

[Chodosh] Update from the Guide to Chodosh

2016-09-13 Thread Y Herman



Several weeks ago we were warned by sources in the flour milling industry
that a recent major recall of Gold Medal home baking flour may result in
significant shifts in the use of winter wheat vs. spring wheat in such
flours. As a result of this, we issued a warning to the Yoshon-observant
public for assurance of Yoshon to use all home baking flour if it either
has an hashgocho for Yoshon, or it can be determined from the dating code
that the flour was packed before Jul 29 ’16. In fact, it has now been
determined that the situation has not changed from previous years.
Therefore, those flours which have been from winter wheat in the past,
should continue to be so this year as well. This includes Gold Medal Flour
from factory KC and the Heckers and Ceresota brands.


The Guide to Chodosh is published in two editions. The Preliminary Guide is
due to be released soon, the full Guide for the season after sukkos. The
SECOND *draft* of the Preliminary Guide is ready. It is still incomplete
and has some errors, mostly typographical. I hope to send all of you this
preliminary draft later today. You should be able to use it to get the
Chodosh code for most packaged products. You will note that most
information that depends on mashgichim is missing. Their information has
not yet been forwarded to us. If you find any errors or confusing entries,
please drop me a note to yher...@earthlink.net. I will not be able to
answer each email, but will appreciate your feedback.



The Chodosh season has begun this year somewhat earlier than usual due to
the agricultural conditions in the growing areas. Our estimates of the
start of Chodosh for each crop are based on the reports from the US
Department of Agriculture. This year, this information is enhanced by
reports sent to me by several mashgichim, for which I thank these


1)   *Freshly baked items using spring wheat*, including breads,
challahs, bagels, rolls, pizza and some cakes and cookies may be Chodosh in
the Midwest after the PURCHASE DATE of Jul 29. Elsewhere in the US, this
date would be Aug 12.

2)   *Packaged foods from spring wheat* may be Chodosh after the
PACKING date of Jul 29, or the PURCHASE date of Aug 12.

3)   *Noodles and pasta* may be Chodosh after the PACKING date of Aug
13 and the PURCHASE date of Aug 27.

4)   *Barley*, such as pearled barley, may be Chodosh after the PACKING
date of Aug 9 and PURCHASE date of Aug 23.

5)   *Oats*: Oats in all products, including cereals, may be Chodosh
starting with a PACKING date of Jul 20, PURCHASE date of Aug 3. (The known
exception is for General Mills cereals including all Cheerios, for which
the Chodosh packing date is July 31 or later.)

6)   *Barley malt* (also listed in the ingredients as “malt”) may be
Chodosh as of the *packing* date of *Dec 15*. Package codes should be
checked after the *purchase* date of *Dec 15* for *beer *made from barley
malt and *Mar 15* for malt in other products.

Even though pesach was late on the solar calendar this year, still almost
all of the 3 crops of interest were planted after pesach and are Chodosh.
The early harvest this year is due to weather conditions in the growing


Those who have access to email can have important corrections and updates
sent to their email address automatically. To subscribe to this free
service send a blank email message to:


Those who have subscribed last year to the email distribution list do not
need to renew this email subscription.


To send an E mail message to the Guide, please address it to:

Before you discontinue using an E-mail service, please unsubscribe from
this list by sending a message to:


Then if you wish to resume receiving these messages from your new service,
send a message from the new service to:


CAUTION: Some  anti-spam filters require senders to respond to a challenge
in order for their E mail to be received. This E mail distribution list
cannot provide such responses. Other filters eliminate all mass mailings
such as this one. If you are using such filters, be sure to put these
messages on the allowed list of your filter, otherwise you will not receive
the updates.


Project Chodosh is an independent activity, not affiliated with any
movement or organization. We thank the Jewish 

[Chodosh] Chodosh update bulletin

2016-09-11 Thread Y Herman



The Guide to Chodosh is published in two editions. The Preliminary Guide is
due to be released soon, the full Guide for the season after sukkos. The
*draft* of the Preliminary Guide is ready. It is still incomplete and has
some errors, mostly typographical. I hope to send all of you this
preliminary draft later today. You should be able to use it to get the
Chodosh code for most packaged products. You will note that most
information that depends on mashgichim is missing. Their information has
not yet been forwarded to us. If you find any errors or confusing entries,
please drop me a note to yher...@earthlink.net. I will not be able to
answer each email, but will appreciate your feedback.


Heckers and Ceresota flour will be from winter wheat all season as in the
past. I am still waiting for clarification for Gold Medal flour from
factory KC.




A few weeks ago a very large amount of Gold Medal flour was recalled
because of salmonella contamination. As a result, the normal supply chain
of wheat to mills has been upset, as mills are trying to get wheat to make
up the shortfall. For the Yoshon consumer, this means that the rules that
have helped us for the past many years may not be relied on, at least
temporarily. This affects national brands such as Gold Medal flour from KC
and Heckers and Ceresota flours. It may also affect some of the Jewish
brands. Therefore, until further notice, any flour purchased in groceries
for home baking can NOT be assumed to be Yoshon unless (1) they have a
Yoshon label under hashgocho or (2) have a dating code to indicate that
they were packed before Jul 29 ’16. Some sample codes are given below.

WARNING ABOUT BARLEY: The O-U has warned that significant amount of worm
contamination has been found recently in pearled barley. We have been
warning in the Guide for years that barley must be checked for worms before
use, all year around. PLEASE NOTE that this is not a Yoshon-related
problem, since the worms have been reported even before the Chodosh season
has started and no barley has yet been stored for Yoshon use.

NOTE TO MASHGICHIM: The revised Chodosh packing date for the Bay State
flour mill in Clifton, NJ is Aug 22, not Aug 28.


Gold Medal (all mills) Feb 7 ’18.

Heckers and Ceresota Jan 29 ‘18

Pillsbury Jan 29 ‘18

Shoprite July 29 ‘17

Stop and Shop Jul 29 ‘18

For other brands and other types of flour, modify the code in last year’s
Guide as detailed below, or call the Hot Line.


In general, if you have last year’s Guide, you can use the package cutoff
code for any item given in last year’s Guide and modify the date to conform
to the packing dates given here for each type of grain, spring wheat, oats
or barley. Just change the date and the year. If you do not have last
year’s Guide, you may get it by sending email to chod...@moruda.com. To
change the date, change the year in last year’s Guide by adding 1. For oats
(except those listed below) subtract 6 from the date, for wheat (not
noodles and pasta) subtract 3 from the date, for pasta subtract 2 days, for
barley, add 7 days. Note that any package with a Yoshon label is Yoshon,
with the possible exception of some items where the hashgocho for kashrus
in the Volover Rav.


-Quaker oats (hot cereals) Chodosh  PACKAGING date Aug 31. Date on the
package Feb 22 18.

-General Mills cereals, including all Cheerios. Oats Chodosh PACKAGING date
Aug 31. Date on the package Sept 6 17. Wheat in all General Mills cereals
is Yoshon. (Note that the OU is working to arrange that all Cheerios sold
in Israel should be Yoshon till pesach. This is to be confirmed later.)

-Nature Valley Granola Chodosh PACKING date of Aug 31. Date on the bars
(the date on the individual bars, not on the outside box) Sept 6, ’17.

-Post cereals. Chodosh PACKAGING date for oats Aug 31, date on the package
for oats is Aug 31 17.

-Shoprite oats Jan 20 ‘18

-Village Farms, Sturms oats Jul 20 ‘18

-Kemach, Taanug oats Jul 20 ‘17

may continue to produce Yoshon after these dates by special arrangement.

-General Mills flour from Buffalo, NY may be Chodosh starting from Aug 29.

-Ardent Mills in Albany may be Chodosh starting Aug 12.

-Bay State Milling Clifton may be Chodosh Aug 22.


[Chodosh] Bulletin from the Guide to Chodosh

2016-09-02 Thread Y Herman



A few weeks ago a very large amount of Gold Medal flour was recalled
because of salmonella contamination. As a result, the normal supply chain
of wheat to mills has been upset, as mills are trying to get wheat to make
up the shortfall. For the Yoshon consumer, this means that the rules that
have helped us for the past many years may not be relied on, at least
temporarily. This affects national brands such as Gold Medal flour from KC
and Heckers and Ceresota flours. It may also affect some of the Jewish
brands. Therefore, until further notice, any flour purchased in groceries
for home baking can NOT be assumed to be Yoshon unless (1) they have a
Yoshon label under hashgocho or (2) have a dating code to indicate that
they were packed before Jul 29 ’16. Some sample codes are given below.

WARNING ABOUT BARLEY: The O-U has warned that significant amount of worm
contamination has been found recently in pearled barley. We have been
warning in the Guide for years that barley must be checked for worms before
use, all year around. PLEASE NOTE that this is not a Yoshon-related
problem, since the worms have been reported even before the Chodosh season
has started and no barley has yet been stored for Yoshon use.

NOTE TO MASHGICHIM: The revised Chodosh packing date for the Bay State
flour mill in Clifton, NJ is Aug 22, not Aug 28.


Gold Medal (all mills) Feb 7 ’18.

Heckers and Ceresota Jan 29 ‘18

Pillsbury Jan 29 ‘18

Shoprite July 29 ‘17

Stop and Shop Jul 29 ‘18

For other brands and other types of flour, modify the code in last year’s
Guide as detailed below, or call the Hot Line.


In general, if you have last year’s Guide, you can use the package cutoff
code for any item given in last year’s Guide and modify the date to conform
to the packing dates given here for each type of grain, spring wheat, oats
or barley. Just change the date and the year. If you do not have last
year’s Guide, you may get it by sending email to chod...@moruda.com. To
change the date, change the year in last year’s Guide by adding 1. For oats
(except those listed below) subtract 6 from the date, for wheat (not
noodles and pasta) subtract 3 from the date, for pasta subtract 2 days, for
barley, add 7 days. Note that any package with a Yoshon label is Yoshon,
with the possible exception of some items where the hashgocho for kashrus
in the Volover Rav.


-Quaker oats (hot cereals) Chodosh  PACKAGING date Aug 31. Date on the
package Feb 22 18.

-General Mills cereals, including all Cheerios. Oats Chodosh PACKAGING date
Aug 31. Date on the package Sept 6 17. Wheat in all General Mills cereals
is Yoshon. (Note that the OU is working to arrange that all Cheerios sold
in Israel should be Yoshon till pesach. This is to be confirmed later.)

-Nature Valley Granola Chodosh PACKING date of Aug 31. Date on the bars
(the date on the individual bars, not on the outside box) Sept 6, ’17.

-Post cereals. Chodosh PACKAGING date for oats Aug 31, date on the package
for oats is Aug 31 17.

-Shoprite oats Jan 20 ‘18

-Village Farms, Sturms oats Jul 20 ‘18

-Kemach, Taanug oats Jul 20 ‘17

may continue to produce Yoshon after these dates by special arrangement.

-General Mills flour from Buffalo, NY may be Chodosh starting from Aug 29.

-Ardent Mills in Albany may be Chodosh starting Aug 12.

-Bay State Milling Clifton may be Chodosh Aug 22.




The Chodosh season has begun this year somewhat earlier than usual due to
the agricultural conditions in the growing areas. Our estimates of the
start of Chodosh for each crop are based on the reports from the US
Department of Agriculture. This year, this information is enhanced by
reports sent to me by several mashgichim, for which I thank these


1)   *Freshly baked items using spring wheat*, including breads,
challahs, bagels, rolls, pizza and some cakes and cookies may be Chodosh in
the Midwest after the PURCHASE DATE of Jul 29. Elsewhere in the US, this
date would be Aug 12.

2)   *Packaged foods from spring wheat* may be Chodosh after the
PACKING date of Jul 29, or the PURCHASE date of Aug 12.

3)   *Noodles and pasta* may be Chodosh

[Chodosh] Update from the Guide to Chodosh

2016-08-28 Thread Y Herman


In general, if you have last year’s Guide, you can use the package cutoff
code for any item given in last year’s Guide and modify the date to conform
to the packing dates given here for each type of grain, spring wheat, oats
or barley. Just change the date and the year. If you do not have last
year’s Guide, you may get it by sending email to chod...@moruda.com. To
change the date, change the year in last year’s Guide by adding 1. For oats
(except those listed below) subtract 6 from the date, for wheat subtract 3
from the date, for barley, add 7 days. Note that any package with a Yoshon
label is Yoshon, with the possible exception of some items where the
hashgocho for kashrus in the Volover Rav.


-Quaker oats (hot cereals) Chodosh  PACKAGING date Aug 31. Date on the
package Feb 22 18.

-General Mills cereals, including all Cheerios. Oats Chodosh PACKAGING date
Aug 31. Date on the package Sept 6 17. Wheat in all General Mills cereals
is Yoshon. (Note that the OU is working to arrange that all Cheerios sold
in Israel should be Yoshon till pesach. This is to be confirmed later.)

-Nature Valley Granola Chodosh PACKING date of Aug 31. Date on the bars
(the date on the individual bars, not on the outside box) Sept 6, ’17.

-Post cereals. Chodosh PACKAGING date for oats Aug 31, date on the package
for oats is Aug 31 17.

-Shoprite oats Jan 20 ‘18

-Village Farms, Sturms oats Jul 20 ‘18

-Kemach, Taanug oats Jul 20 ‘17

may continue to produce Yoshon after these dates by special arrangement.

-General Mills flour from Buffalo, NY may be Chodosh starting from Aug 29.

-Ardent Mills in Albany may be Chodosh starting Aug 12.

-Bay State Milling Clifton may be Chodosh Aug 28.




The Chodosh season has begun this year somewhat earlier than usual due to
the agricultural conditions in the growing areas. Our estimates of the
start of Chodosh for each crop are based on the reports from the US
Department of Agriculture. This year, this information is enhanced by
reports sent to me by several mashgichim, for which I thank these


1)   *Freshly baked items using spring wheat*, including breads,
challahs, bagels, rolls, pizza and some cakes and cookies may be Chodosh in
the Midwest after the PURCHASE DATE of Jul 29. Elsewhere in the US, this
date would be Aug 12.

2)   *Packaged foods from spring wheat* may be Chodosh after the
PACKING date of Jul 29, or the PURCHASE date of Aug 12.

3)   *Noodles and pasta* may be Chodosh after the PACKING date of Aug
13 and the PURCHASE date of Aug 27.

4)   *Barley*, such as pearled barley, may be Chodosh after the PACKING
date of Aug 9 and PURCHASE date of Aug 23.

5)   *Oats*: Oats in all products, including cereals, may be Chodosh
starting with a PACKING date of Jul 20, PURCHASE date of Aug 3. (The known
exception is for General Mills cereals including all Cheerios, for which
the Chodosh packing date is July 31 or later.)

6)   *Barley malt* (also listed in the ingredients as “malt”) may be
Chodosh as of the *packing* date of *Dec 15*. Package codes should be
checked after the *purchase* date of *Dec 15* for *beer *made from barley
malt and *Mar 15* for malt in other products.

Even though pesach was late on the solar calendar this year, still almost
all of the 3 crops of interest were planted after pesach and are Chodosh.
The early harvest this year is due to weather conditions in the growing


Those who have access to email can have important corrections and updates
sent to their email address automatically. To subscribe to this free
service send a blank email message to:


Those who have subscribed last year to the email distribution list do not
need to renew this email subscription.


To send an E mail message to the Guide, please address it to:

Before you discontinue using an E-mail service, please unsubscribe from
this list by sending a message to:


Then if you wish to resume receiving these messages from your new service,
send a message from the new service to:


CAUTION: Some  anti-spam filters 

[Chodosh] Chodosh Bulletin Aug 15 16

2016-08-15 Thread Y Herman


In general, if you have last year’s Guide, you can use the package cutoff
code for any item given in last year’s Guide and modify the date to conform
to the packing dates given here for each type of grain, spring wheat, oats
or barley. Just change the date and the year. If you do not have last
year’s Guide, you may get it by sending email to chod...@moruda.com.


-Quaker oats (hot cereals) Jan 10 ‘18

-Cheerios (all types sold outside of Israel) Aug 6 ’17. Cheerios sold in
Israel, the OU is working to make that Yoshon.

-Nature Valley Granola Jul 26 ’17 (the date on the individual bars, not on
the outside box)

-Shoprite oats Jan 20 ‘18

-Village Farms, Sturms oats Jul 20 ‘18

-Kemach, Taanug oats Jul 20 ‘17




The Chodosh season has begun this year somewhat earlier than usual due to
the agricultural conditions in the growing areas. Our estimates of the
start of Chodosh for each crop are based on the reports from the US
Department of Agriculture. This year, this information is enhanced by
reports sent to me by several mashgichim, for which I thank these


1)   *Freshly baked items using spring wheat*, including breads,
challahs, bagels, rolls, pizza and some cakes and cookies may be Chodosh in
the Midwest after the PURCHASE DATE of Jul 29. Elsewhere in the US, this
date would be Aug 12.

2)   *Packaged foods from spring wheat* may be Chodosh after the
PACKING date of Jul 29, or the PURCHASE date of Aug 12.

3)   *Noodles and pasta* may be Chodosh after the PACKING date of Aug
13 and the PURCHASE date of Aug 27.

4)   *Barley*, such as pearled barley, may be Chodosh after the PACKING
date of Aug 9 and PURCHASE date of Aug 23.

5)   *Oats*: Oats in all products, including cereals, may be Chodosh
starting with a PACKING date of Jul 20, PURCHASE date of Aug 3. (The known
exception is for General Mills cereals including all Cheerios, for which
the Chodosh packing date is July 31 or later.)

6)   *Barley malt* (also listed in the ingredients as “malt”) may be
Chodosh as of the *packing* date of *Dec 15*. Package codes should be
checked after the *purchase* date of *Dec 15* for *beer *made from barley
malt and *Mar 15* for malt in other products.

Even though pesach was late on the solar calendar this year, still almost
all of the 3 crops of interest were planted after pesach and are Chodosh.
The early harvest this year is due to weather conditions in the growing


Those who have access to email can have important corrections and updates
sent to their email address automatically. To subscribe to this free
service send a blank email message to:


Those who have subscribed last year to the email distribution list do not
need to renew this email subscription.


To send an E mail message to the Guide, please address it to:

Before you discontinue using an E-mail service, please unsubscribe from
this list by sending a message to:


Then if you wish to resume receiving these messages from your new service,
send a message from the new service to:


CAUTION: Some  anti-spam filters require senders to respond to a challenge
in order for their E mail to be received. This E mail distribution list
cannot provide such responses. Other filters eliminate all mass mailings
such as this one. If you are using such filters, be sure to put these
messages on the allowed list of your filter, otherwise you will not receive
the updates.


Project Chodosh is an independent activity, not affiliated with any
movement or organization. We thank the Jewish Internet Fund (JIF) for
allowing us to use their E mail distribution services. The JIF provides
free email and web hosting to Jewish education and outreach organizations.
We also thank the sites moruda.com and sefer.org for allowing the public to
use E mail to request copies from their facilities of the Guides to Chodosh.

[Chodosh] Official start of the new Chodosh season!

2016-08-02 Thread Y Herman



The Chodosh season has begun this year somewhat earlier than usual due to
the agricultural conditions in the growing areas. Our estimates of the
start of Chodosh for each crop are based on the reports from the US
Department of Agriculture. This year, this information is enhanced by
reports sent to me by several mashgichim, for which I thank these


1)   *Freshly baked items using spring wheat*, including breads,
challahs, bagels, rolls, pizza and some cakes and cookies may be Chodosh in
the Midwest after the PURCHASE DATE of Jul 29. Elsewhere in the US, this
date would be Aug 12.

2)   *Packaged foods from spring wheat* may be Chodosh after the
PACKING date of Jul 29, or the PURCHASE date of Aug 12.

3)   *Noodles and pasta* may be Chodosh after the PACKING date of Aug
13 and the PURCHASE date of Aug 27.

4)   *Barley*, such as pearled barley, may be Chodosh after the PACKING
date of Aug 9 and PURCHASE date of Aug 23.

5)   *Oats*: Oats in all products, including cereals, may be Chodosh
starting with a PACKING date of Jul 20, PURCHASE date of Aug 3. (The known
exception is for General Mills cereals including all Cheerios, for which
the Chodosh packing date is July 31 or later.)

6)   *Barley malt* (also listed in the ingredients as “malt”) may be
Chodosh as of the *packing* date of *Dec 15*. Package codes should be
checked after the *purchase* date of *Dec 15* for *beer *made from barley
malt and *Mar 15* for malt in other products.

Even though pesach was late on the solar calendar this year, still almost
all of the 3 crops of interest were planted after pesach and are Chodosh.
The early harvest this year is due to weather conditions in the growing



Those who have access to email can have important corrections and updates
sent to their email address automatically. To subscribe to this free
service send a blank email message to:


Those who have subscribed last year to the email distribution list do not
need to renew this email subscription.


To send an E mail message to the Guide, please address it to:

Before you discontinue using an E-mail service, please unsubscribe from
this list by sending a message to:


Then if you wish to resume receiving these messages from your new service,
send a message from the new service to:


CAUTION: Some  anti-spam filters require senders to respond to a challenge
in order for their E mail to be received. This E mail distribution list
cannot provide such responses. Other filters eliminate all mass mailings
such as this one. If you are using such filters, be sure to put these
messages on the allowed list of your filter, otherwise you will not receive
the updates.


Project Chodosh is an independent activity, not affiliated with any
movement or organization. We thank the Jewish Internet Fund (JIF) for
allowing us to use their E mail distribution services. The JIF provides
free email and web hosting to Jewish education and outreach organizations.
We also thank the sites moruda.com and sefer.org for allowing the public to
use E mail to request copies from their facilities of the Guides to Chodosh.

[Chodosh] Latest update from the Guide to Chodosh

2016-07-28 Thread Y Herman


We have not yet received official confirmation from the US Dep’t of
Agriculture of the start of the harvest of the Chodosh spring wheat and
barley. However, it is certain that this has begun. We have received a
message from a mashgiach that at least one mill received shipments of
Chodosh spring wheat on Friday, Jul. 22 and a second mill has received
Chodosh on Jul 27. These 2 mills are in the Midwest, near the harvest
areas. I will not issue final Chodosh cutoff dates for the upcoming season
until the official word is out from the US Dep’t of Agriculture, expected
this coming Tuesday.  Meanwhile below are the updated revised *tentative*
Chodosh starting dates.

1)   *Freshly baked items using spring wheat*, including breads,
challahs, bagels, rolls, pizza and some cakes and cookies may be Chodosh in
the Midwest after the PURCHASE DATE of Jul 29. Elsewhere in the US, this
date would be Aug 12.

2)   *Packaged foods from spring wheat* may be Chodosh after the
PACKING date of Jul 29, or the PURCHASE date of Aug 12.

3)   *Noodles and pasta* may be Chodosh after the PACKING date of Aug
17 and the PURCHASE date of Sept 1.

4)   *Barley*, such as pearled barley, may be Chodosh after the PACKING
date of Aug 2 and PURCHASE date of Aug 16.

5)   *Oats*: Oats in all products, including cereals, may be Chodosh
starting with a PACKING date of Jul 20, PURCHASE date of Aug 3. (The known
exception is for General Mills cereals including all Cheerios, for which
the Chodosh packing date is July 31 or later.)

6)   *Barley malt* (also listed in the ingredients as “malt”) may be
Chodosh as of the *packing* date of *Dec 15*. Package codes should be
checked after the *purchase* date of *Dec 15* for *beer *made from barley
malt and *Mar 15* for malt in other products.

Even though pesach was late on the solar calendar this year, still almost
all of the 3 crops of interest were planted after pesach and are Chodosh.
The early harvest this year is due to weather conditions in the growing

Those who want to purchase Yoshon items to store over the Chodosh season
should do so now, as soon as possible.

The next revised update on this topic is due BE”H one week from now.



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use E mail to request copies from their facilities of the Guides to Chodosh.

[Chodosh] Latest update from the Guide to Chodosh

2016-07-19 Thread Y Herman


The harvest of the Chodosh spring wheat and barley had not yet started as
of the beginning of this week. Therefore, below are the revised tentative
starting dates:

Our *tentative* recommended cutoff dates for packaged foods is Jul 20 for
oats and Aug 3 for wheat and barley products (not malt, which is much
later). These are packaging dates. It should take several weeks beyond that
for the Chodosh packages to reach the local groceries. However, freshly
baked goods in bakeries, such as bread, challah, bagels may be Chodosh
(tentative) starting Aug 3 in the mid West and Aug 10 elsewhere in the US.

Even though pesach was late on the solar calendar this year, still almost
all of the 3 crops of interest were planted after pesach and are Chodosh.
The early harvest this year is due to weather conditions in the growing

Those who want to purchase Yoshon items to store over the Chodosh season
should do so now, as soon as possible.

The next revised update on this topic is due BE”H one week from now.

[Chodosh] Update from the Guide to Chodosh

2016-07-12 Thread Y Herman


The progress of the 3 crops, spring wheat, oats and barley is ahead of
normal. According to the latest weekly bulletin from the US Department of
Agriculture, the harvest of the Chodosh oats has just barely started. The
spring wheat and barley harvest may start within 1 week. Our *tentative*
recommended cutoff dates for packaged foods is Jul 20 for oats and July 27
for wheat and barley products (not malt, which is much later). These are
packaging dates. It should take several weeks beyond that for the Chodosh
packages to reach the local groceries. However, freshly baked goods in
bakeries, such as bread, challah, bagels may be Chodosh (tentative)
starting Jul 27 in the mid West and Aug 3 elsewhere in the US.

Even though pesach was late on the solar calendar this year, still almost
all of the 3 crops of interest were planted after pesach and are Chodosh.
The early harvest this year is due to weather conditions in the growing

Those who want to purchase Yoshon items to store over the Chodosh season
should do so now, as soon as possible.

The next revised update on this topic is due BE”H one week from now.

[Chodosh] Chodosh - 3rd note

2016-07-07 Thread Y Herman
The harvest has not yet started for any of the 3 crops. Everything is still
Yoshon. The mid West may see some chodosh wheat as early as the 3rd week of
July. Oats products everywhere,  maybe in about 3 weeks.  Next estimate to
come next week.

[Chodosh] Chodosh early start - - more

2016-07-07 Thread Y Herman
Advance indications are that the harvest of all 3 crops, Spring wheat,
barley and oats will be earlier than usual. Please don't ask me yet about
any specifics. I should know more in 1-2  weeks.
Yoseph Herman

[Chodosh] Early Chodosh start?

2016-07-07 Thread Y Herman
Warning:  The Chodosh season maybe starting earlier than usual! We have
received indications that spring wheat in the New York area may become
Chodosh as early as the end of July. We plan to issue updates as more
information becomes available.
Yoseph Herman

[Chodosh] Chodosh Bulletin: Will Oats Be Yoshon Next Season?

2016-05-08 Thread Y Herman

A short while ago, in an earlier Chodosh Bulletin, I suggested that this
coming Chodosh season perhaps most of the oats used in the USA may be
Yoshon, having been planted before the deadline before pesach, due to the
lateness of pesach on the solar calendar. It now seems that this prediction
was not accurate.

The raw data from the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) indicated that
about 65% of the US oats crop was planted by 2 days before pesach (3 days
before “yom hanaf”, the second day of pesach). Since there are 2 opinions
in halacha of the deadline for planting in order for the crop to be
considered Yoshon, either 2 weeks or 3 days before the “yom hanaf”, it was
thought based on the USDA data that most of the oats used should be Yoshon
in the coming year, at least according to the second opinion. That
preliminary hope overlooked two vital facts: (1) much of the oats grown in
the US is used for animal feed and (2) much of the oats used for human
consumption is imported to the US from Canada. In Canada virtually all of
the oats are planted later than in the US, after pesach.

It is difficult to find hard data for how much of the oats planted in each
state in the US is used for animal feed. However, it is a general consensus
that this practice is common. Some data points of % planted for animal
feed: Texas almost 100% (Texas has the most area in the US planted with
oats), North Dakota=33% (2nd most area for oats), Nebraska=90%. With this
fact factored in, it appears that considerably less than 50% of the oats
planted in the US for human food consumption will be Yoshon this coming
season. Add to this the fact that it is common practice to use large
amounts of Canadian oats for cereals produced in the US, PLUS that very
little old oats are stored from earlier years. Therefore, my earlier
suggestion of hoping for most of the oats being Yoshon during the coming
year is not correct.

For spring wheat and barley, even the raw USDA data indicated that most of
the new crop was planted after pesach, making them “rov” Chodosh.

My thanks to Rabbi A. Schreiber for pointing out to me the animal feed
situation, and to Rabbi D. Gorelik for reminding me of the Canadian imports.

Yoseph Herman

[Chodosh] Chodosh NEXT season

2016-04-19 Thread Y Herman
I have just received the weekly crop report from the US Dep't of
Agriculture. An interesting halachic situation seems to be in the making
for oats this coming season. As of 2 weeks ago (Apr 10) only 38% of the new
oats were planted. As of the end of the past week (Apr 17) 56% were
planted! This enters into a halachic dispute. To be Yoshon, the crop must
have taken root before the 2nd day of pesach. According to one opinion,
this means it should be in the ground at least 3 days before this date.
According to this approach, oats will be MAJORITY Yoshon next season.
However, according to the other opinion, to be Yoshon, the crop must be in
the ground at least 2 weeks before the 2nd day of pesach. Since 2 weeks
before, only 38% of the oats were planted, most of the crop would be
Chodosh. The next relevant weekly crop report is due on Monday chol hamoed
pesach. After pesach this halachic issue will need to be addressed by

The planting of the other 2 crops, spring wheat and barley is lagging
behind. It so far seems unlikely that these will be mostly planted even
only 3 days before the deadline.

I hope to issue further updates after yom tov.

Chag kosher v'someach
Yoseph Herman

[Chodosh] Update bulletin from the Guide to Chodosh

2016-03-06 Thread Y Herman

6 Mar ’16

*Section 4.1 Cakes, Cookies and Crackers*

*Bloom’s *cookies. We have no information about the Chodosh status of any
Bloom’s baked products. The company would not provide us even with dating

*א** Gevinni Cheese cakes* are Yoshon under the hashgocho of the KCL and
the Tartikover Beis Din.

*ד  Kashi *Cookies, Chodosh code Feb 4, 16 (6 months after packing).

*ב  Kemach Oatmeal Cookies *(12oz. & 18oz.) have a Chodosh code of 12 14
16. *Pita Chips (Sea Salt and Multigrain)* have a Chodosh code of
09/23/16. *Flatbread
Crisp (everything)* have a Chodosh code of 06/21/16.

*ד Kitov** and Matamim Products*: French Twists and Melba Snacks have a
Chodosh code of Mar 18 2016 (7 months after packing). Soft bite Cookies:
Dec 18 15 (4 months after packing). Flatbreads, Honey Wheat Pretzels,
Breadsticks and Tin Breadsticks: Aug 18 16 (1 year after packing).

*ד Nature’s Bakery* fig bars have a Chodosh code of March 26, 2016.

*Section 4.2 Pretzels and Potato Chips*

ד *Pretzel** clarification:* *Crunchy pretzels* that break easily *and are
not made with whole wheat flour*, are from winter wheat. If they contain
malt, then they may be Chodosh after a packing date of Dec 15, or a
purchase date of March 15. (The purchase date printed as Jan 15 on page 23
of the Guide should have been March 15.)

*Section 5.1 Regular noodles, pasta, mandlen and croutons*

*ב** Greenfield Noodles,* bowties, farfel. If the packages are marked
Yoshon then they are Yoshon under the hashgocho of Rabbi Berel Broyde.
   Added note: As of December 22: GREENFIELD NOODLE CO. has exhausted its
stock of Yoshon flour, and is now using Chodosh flour. Any product that
does not state Yoshon next to the expiration date is not Yoshon.

 *ב Kemach* egg noodles have a Chodosh code of 12/2/17. Kemach spaghetti,
macaroni, lasagna, ziti, penne, spirals in 1 pound boxes *and bags* have a
Chodosh date of Sept 20 2017. Under the hashgocho of Rabbi Nussen N.
Horowitz*. *

ד* Ronzoni *pasta made in the USA (for Canada see next listing.) Egg
noodles, healthy harvest, and garden delight: Aug 15 17, (2 years after
packing.) Smart taste pasta contains oats and has a Chodosh date of July
26, 2017. For all other pasta use the date of Aug 15 18, (3 years after

ד* Wacky Mac* Macaroni and Cheese from New World Pasta has a Chodosh code
of August 15, 2017, 2 years after packing.

*Section 7.1 Barley*

*ד Unger Barley* is packed in a 100% Yoshon facility, however we cannot
include it in the א section  it until we can get confirmation that it is
Yoshon from a Mashgiach.  *IMPORTANT WARNING: *The Kashrus Magazine
(January ’16, page 18) reported that this barley with a code on the bag of
928017 has been found to be infested with bugs. Please note that this is
not a Chodosh related problem. Page 33 of the Guide warns clearly that all
barley should be checked for bugs, all year around.

*Section 8.1 Breakfast Cereals*

*ד* *General Mills cereals*, including all Cheerios products sold in Israel
are Yoshon PROVIDED the label states that they are made in the USA and that
they are imported by Osem under the Hashgocho of the OU,   OR are under the
Hashogcho of the MK of Manchester and marked as Yoshon.

 *ב Kemach Cereals**: Fruit Whirls, Honey Crunch, Corn Crisp, Bunch of
Crunch, * *Honey Nut Oats and Toasted Oats *Chodosh code 10 01 16. Kemach*
Sugar Puffed Wheat* Chodosh code 10 01 16. The following are from winter
wheat  and are Yoshon except for malt after Dec 15, *Chodosh code 1 15
17*: *Bran
Flakes, Raisin Bran, , Corn Flakes, Crisp Rice, Frosted Flakes. *On the
other hand, Kemach* Nougat Nuggets, Whole wheat flakes, Crunchy Cinnamon
Bites and Cocoa Munchees* do not contain malt and are always Yoshon. Under
the hashgocho of Rabbi Nussen N. Horowitz.

 *ד* *Nature Valley Granola Bars* made in Spain and sold in Israel are
Yoshon if with Hebrew writing on the package under the Hashgocho of the OU.

 *ב **Quaker Oats* sold in Israel under the Hashgocho of the KF with KF and
Yoshon printed on the package (not on a sticker) are Yoshon under the KF of

*ד  Rite Aid Oatmeal*, single serve packets have a Chodosh code of January
26, 2017 (18 months after packing).

 *א Shibolim oats* are Yoshon under the Hashgocho of the Badatz Eida
HaChareidus of Yerushalayim.

*ד* *Shoprite *cereals: Hot cereals have a Chodosh code of Jan 26, 2017 for
oats  and Feb 2, 2017 for wheat. (18 months after packing). Cold Cereals
have a code that can vary. Therefore we give a safe date of 11 months after
packing that covers all cold cereals. This date is June 26, 2016 for oats,
July 2, 2016 for wheat and November 2, 2016 for malt.

*ד* *Sturm and Village Farms *oats cereals and oatmeal in cans (quick and
old fashioned) Chodosh packing code July 26, 17 (2 years after packing.)
For Farina the Chodosh code is Aug 2 16. (1 year after packing.)Oatmeal
packets Feb. 26, 2017 (18 months after packing).

*Section 9.1 Froz

[Chodosh] Update from the Guide to Chodosh

2016-02-08 Thread Y Herman

8 Feb ’16

*Section 4.1 Cakes, Cookies and Crackers*

**NEW Bloom’s *cookies. We have no information about the Chodosh status of
any Bloom’s baked products. The company would not provide us even with
dating codes.

*ד Kashi *Cookies, Chodosh code Feb 4, 16 (6 months after packing).

*ב  Kemach Oatmeal Cookies *(12oz. & 18oz.) have a Chodosh code of 12 14
16. *Pita Chips (Sea Salt and Multigrain)* have a Chodosh code of
09/23/16. *Flatbread
Crisp (everything)* have a Chodosh code of 06/21/15.

*ד Kitov** and Matamim Products*: French Twists and Melba Snacks have a
Chodosh code of Mar 18 2016 (7 months after packing). Soft bite Cookies:
Dec 18 15 (4 months after packing). Flatbreads, Honey Wheat Pretzels,
Breadsticks and Tin Breadsticks: Aug 18 16 (1 year after packing).

*ד Nature’s Bakery* fig bars have a Chodosh code of March 26, 2016.

*Section 4.2 Pretzels and Potato Chips*

*NEW ד *Pretzel** clarification:* *Crunchy pretzels* that break easily *and
are not made with whole wheat flour*, are from winter wheat. If they
contain malt, then they may be Chodosh after a packing date of Dec 15, or a
purchase date of March 15. (The purchase date was changed from Jan 15 to
Mar 15.)

*Section 5.1 Regular noodles, pasta, mandlen and croutons*

*ב** Greenfield Noodles,* bowties, farfel. If the packages marked Yoshon
then they are Yoshon under the hashgocho of Rabbi Berel Broyde.Added
note: As of December 22: GREENFIELD NOODLE CO. has exhausted its stock of
Yoshon flour, and is now using Chodosh flour. Any product that does not
state Yoshon next to the expiration date is not Yoshon.

ד* Ronzoni *pasta made in the USA (for Canada see next listing.) Egg
noodles, healthy harvest, and garden delight: Aug 15 17, (2 years after
packing.) Smart taste pasta contains oats and has a chodosh date of July
26, 2017. For all other pasta use the date of Aug 15 18, (3 years after

ד* Wacky Mac* Macaroni and Cheese from New World Pasta has a Chodosh code
of August 15, 2017, 2 years after packing.

*Section 7.1 Barley*

*ד Unger Barley* is packed in a 100% Yoshon facility, however we cannot
include it in the א section  it until we can get confirmation that it is
Yoshon from a Mashgiach.  *IMPORTANT WARNING: *The Kashrus Magazine
(January ’16, page 18) reported that this barley with a code on the bag of
928017 has been found to be infested with bugs. Please note that this is
not a Chodosh related problem. Page 33 of the Guide warns clearly that all
barley should be checked for bugs, all year around. To check barley, the
Kashrus Magazine recommends that you take a full handful of the barley from
the bag and check in on a white paper plate under a strong overhead light,
while you slowly separate and move the kernels around.

*Section 8.1 Breakfast Cereals*

** NEW* *ד* *General Mills cereals*, including all Cheerios products sold
in Israel are Yoshon PROVIDED the label states that they are made in the
USA and that they are imported by Osem under the Hashgocho of the OU.

** NEW* *ד* *Nature Valley Granola Bars* made in Spain and sold in Israel
are Yoshon if with Hebrew writing on the package under the Hashgocho of the

*ד  Rite Aid Oatmeal*, single serve packets have a Chodosh code of January
26, 2017 (18 months after packing).

*ד **Shoprite *cereals: Hot cereals have a Chodosh code of Jan 26, 2017 for
oats  and Feb 2, 2017 for wheat. (18 months after packing). Cold Cereals
have a code that can vary. Therefore we give a safe date of 11 months after
packing that covers all cold cereals. This date is June 26, 2016 for oats,
July 2, 2016 for wheat and November 2, 2016 for malt.

*ד **Sturm and Village Farms *oats cereals and oatmeal in cans (quick and
old fashioned) Chodosh packing code July 26, 17 (2 years after packing.)
For Farina the Chodosh code is Aug 2 16. (1 year after packing.)Oatmeal
packets Feb. 26, 2017 (18 months after packing).

*Section 9.1 Frozen and other Packaged Foods*

*א* * Dr Praeger’s Sensible Foods* fish products, including gefilte fish,
gluten-free fish products, and breaded fish products are Yoshon. Under the
hashgocho of Rabbi Mordechai Unger.   For all other Dr. Praeger’s Sensible
Foods Products see listing in Section ד below.

ד *Dr. Prager's* Sensible Foods Products not listed under א above, have a
code of Aug 2, 17 (2 years after packing)

**NEW **ד French’s Crispy Jalapenos*: Chodosh code Aug 2, 2015 (1 year
after packing).

*NEW *ד Golden Bowl Spring Roll Wrappers*: Chodosh code Aug 2, 2015 (1 year
after packing).

ב  *Kemach *pie crusts: Chocolate Pie Crust Yoshon as stated on the label.
Graham Pie Crust uses Yoshon flour. The malt may be a problem after a
packing date of 10 20 16 (360 days after packing.) This date may change to
a later date. Updates will be issued when available.  Under the hashgocho
of Rabbi Nussen N. Horowitz.

*Section 9.3 Soups and Soup Mixes*

*ד*  *Tradition Soups.* Have one of two forms of code, e

[Chodosh] Chodosh Bulletin #2 for products in Israel

2016-01-19 Thread Y Herman
The following Yoshon under the O-U
1) Nature Valley granola bars made in Spain and sold in Israel are Yoshon
if with Hebrew writing on the package.

2) All General Mills cereals, including all Cheerios products sold in
Israel are Yoshon PROVIDED the label states that they are made in the USA
and that they are imported by Osem.

Yoseph Herman

[Chodosh] Chodosh Bulletin: Nature Valley Granola sold in Israel

2016-01-19 Thread Y Herman
The O-U had informed us that Nature Valley Granola bars sold in Israel and
made in Spain are all Yoshon provided that there is Hebrew writing on the

Yoseph Herman

[Chodosh] Update to the Guide to Chodosh

2016-01-03 Thread Y Herman

3 JAN ‘16

*Section 4.1 Cakes, Cookies and Crackers*

*ד Kashi *Cookies, Chodosh code Feb 4, 16 (6 months after packing).

*ב  Kemach Oatmeal Cookies *(12oz. & 18oz.) have a Chodosh code of 12 14
16. *Pita Chips (Sea Salt and Multigrain)* have a Chodosh code of
09/23/16. *Flatbread
Crisp (everything)* have a Chodosh code of 06/21/15.

*ד Kitov** and Matamim Products*: French Twists and Melba Snacks have a
Chodosh code of Mar 18 2016 (7 months after packing). Soft bite Cookies:
Dec 18 15 (4 months after packing). Flatbreads, Honey Wheat Pretzels,
Breadsticks and Tin Breadsticks: Aug 18 16 (1 year after packing).

*Section 5.1 Regular noodles, pasta, mandlen and croutons*

*Wacky Mac* Macaroni and Cheese from New World Pasta has a Chodosh code of
August 15, 2017, 2 years after packing.

*Section 7.1 Barley*

*ד Unger Barley* is packed in a 100% Yoshon facility, however we cannot
include it in the א section  it until we can get confirmation that it is
Yoshon from a Mashgiach.  *IMPORTANT WARNING: *The Kashrus Magazine
(January ’16, page 18) reported that this barley with a code on the bag of
928017 has been found to be infested with bugs. Please note that this is
not a Chodosh related problem. Page 33 of the Guide warns clearly that all
barley should be checked for bugs, all year around. To check barley, the
Kashrus Magazine recommends that you take a full handful of the barley from
the bag and check in on a white paper plate under a strong overhead light,
while you slowly separate and move the kernels around.

*Section 8.1 Breakfast Cereals*

*ד **Shoprite *cereals: Hot cereals have a Chodosh code of Jan 26, 2017 for
oats  and Feb 2, 2017 for wheat. (18 months after packing). Cold Cereals
have a code that can vary. Therefore we give a safe date of 11 months after
packing that covers all cold cereals. This date is June 26, 2016 for oats,
July 2, 2016 for wheat and November 2, 2016 for malt.

*ד **Sturm and Village Farms *oats cereals and oatmeal in cans (quick and
old fashioned) Chodosh packing code July 26, 17 (2 years after packing.)
For Farina the Chodosh code is Aug 2 16. (1 year after packing.)Oatmeal
packets Feb. 26, 2017 (18 months after packing).

*Section 9.1 Frozen and other Packaged Foods*

*א* * Dr Praeger’s Sensible Foods* fish products, including gefilte fish,
gluten-free fish products, and breaded fish products are Yoshon. Under the
hashgocho of Rabbi Mordechai Unger.   For all other Dr. Praeger’s Sensible
Foods Products see listing in Section ד below.

ד *Dr. Prager's* Sensible Foods Products not listed under א above, have a
code of Aug 2, 17 (2 years after packing)

ב  *Kemach *pie crusts: Chocolate Pie Crust Yoshon as stated on the label.
Graham Pie Crust uses Yoshon flour. The malt may be a problem after a
packing date of 10 20 16 (360 days after packing.) This date may change to
a later date. Updates will be issued when available.  Under the hashgocho
of Rabbi Nussen N. Horowitz.

*Section 9.3 Soups and Soup Mixes*

*ד*  *Tradition Soups.* Have one of two forms of code, either Chodosh code
of N5227, (N-plant information, 5-year, 227-day of year) or the code BB Aug
15, 2017 (2 years after packing).

*Section 9.5.1 Beer*

*ב** Sam Adams Beer from wheat *has a Chodosh code of MAY 2016, under the
Hashgocho of the Star K.

*Section 12.1.6 Five Towns, Long Island*

*א Gefen Gourmet* 407 Mill Road, Hewlett is NOT yoshon

*א Hapina Steakhouse* 128 Cedarhurst Ave., Cedarhurst is Yoshon with NO

*Section 13.1 Baltimore*

*ב Goldberg’s New York Kosher Bagels*, Pikesville,  Bagels, Bialys, and
Wraps are Yoshon. Inquire in store for other items under the hashgocho of
the Vaad Hakashrus of Baltimore (Star-K).  Note: The store in Timonium is
not under this hashgocho for Yoshon.

*Section 13.5 Chicago*

א  *Tel Aviv Bakery*, 2944 West Devon, Chicago, (773) 864-8877. Yoshon
under the hashgocho of the O-U. In the Guide, this was listed under


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[Chodosh] Update from the Guide to Chodosh

2015-11-05 Thread Y Herman

4 Nov 15

*Section 4.1 Cakes, Cookies and Crackers*

*ב** B’Gan* cookies are Yoshon except for cookies containing oatmeal, Under
the hashgocho of Rabbi Teitelbaum, the Nirbarter Rov

ב  *Baker’s Best* rugelach and cookies only with a Yoshon label, and a CRC
hechsher for kashrus. Yoshon under the hashgocho of the CRC.

ב* Home Style *cookies from Cornwall NY, cookies only with a Yoshon label,
and a CRC hechsher for kashrus. Yoshon under the hashgocho of the CRC.

ב*  Lekach Tov* cookies only with a Yoshon label, and a CRC hechsher for
kashrus. Yoshon under the hashgocho of the CRC.

*ב  Liebers* cookies, crackers and snackers made in the *USA* without oats
are Yoshon at least until malt becomes a problem after Dec 15. From *Israel*
are always Yoshon. Whole wheat crackers from *Brazil* are Yoshon. The malt
in these items may be Chodosh if *purchased* after Jan. 15. Snackers from
Brazil are Yoshon. Whole Wheat Snackers are Yoshon. Under the hashgocho for
Yoshon of Rabbi Weissmandl.

*א** Min Bites* fancy cookies and cakes under the Hashgocho of the PCK  -
Passaic-Clifton Kashrus.

*א **Mishpacha* matzos, regular and whole wheat matzo meal, Graham Cracker
Pie Crust, Chocolate Graham Cracker pie crust, and Tam Tams are all Yoshon
under the hashgocho of Rav Aaron Teitelbaum, the Nirbater Rav. Matzos will
also have a Yoshon label.

*א One Stop Bakery*, Brooklyn, everything Yoshon under the hashgocho of the

*א Bloch* cookies are Yoshon under the hashgocho of Rabbi Weissmandl.

*א Fourre *cookies Yoshon under the hashgocho of Rabbi Weissmandl.

*א ** Gross *cookies are Yoshon under the hashgocho of Rabbi Weissmandl.

*א Kineret Brownies* are Yoshon under the hashgocho of Rabbi Weissmandl.

*א Sabra *pretzels and humus are Yoshon,, under the hashgocho of Rabbi

*א  **Shrem’s Bakery*, Cornwall, NY. All items Yoshon under the hashgocho
of the CRC.

*Section 4.2 Pretzels and Potato Chips*

*ב Haddar Honey Wheat* *Pretzels* Yoshon under the Hashgocho of the CRC
only with a Yoshon Label.

*א**  Liebers pretzels* Yoshon Under the hashgocho or Rabbi Weissmandl,
even those containing premixed oats and Honey Wheat Pretzels, includling
the malt.

*Section 4.5 Ice Cream Cones*

*א** Liebers* cones are Yoshon under the hashgocho of Rav M. Weissmandl.

*Section 4.6 Matzos*

*אּ** Gefen* matzos from Israel are Yoshon, including the whole wheat
matzos, lightly salted matzos and onion poppy matzos.

*א **Mishpacha* matzos and matzo meal, regular and whole wheat, are all
Yoshon under the hashgocho of Rav Aaron Teitelbaum, the Nirbater Rav.
Matzos will also have a Yoshon label.

*Section 5.1 Regular Noodles, Pasta, Mandlen, and Croutons*

ב  *B’Gan* noodles and pasta Yoshon only with a Yoshon label, under the
hashgocho of Rabbi Aaron Teitelbaum, the Nirbarter Rav. Chow Mein noodles
are Yoshon as well.

ד* Hodgson Mills* all noodles and other pastas including whole wheat
Chodosh code 02 15 18 (02=month, 15 day, 18=year, 30 months after packing).

*א **Mishpacha* noodles and pasta, *including whole wheat items, tri-color
noodles, lasagna and egg noodles* are all Yoshon, Packages will also have a
Yoshon label. Under the hashgocho of Rabbi Aaron Teitelbaum, the Nirbater
Rav. Note that the Yoshon label may be written in English on the back of
the packages. (Chow Mein is NOT Yoshon, See Section 5.2 below.)

*Section 6.1 All Purpose White Flour*

*ד Bay State Bouncer Flour*  Chodosh code of AA AA080215, (aa mill code 08
month 02 day 15 year). This is the production date.

ב * Glick’s *flour is Yoshon under the hashgocho of the CRC, with Yoshon
label only.

*א Mishpacha *white baking flour is Yoshon, including the malt, under the
hashgocho of Rav Aaron Teitelbaum, the Nirbator Rav. Product will also have
a Yoshon label.

*Section 6.2 Whole Wheat Flour*

*א **Mishpacha *whole wheat flour and white whole wheat flour are Yoshon,
including the malt, under the hashgocho of Rav Aaron Teitelbaum, the
Nirbator Rav. Product will also have a Yoshon label.

*Section 6.3 High Gluten or Bread Flour*

*ב **Glick’s *high gluten flour is Yoshon under the hashgocho of the CRC,
with Yoshon label only.

*א  Mishpacha *high gluten flour has a Yoshon label and is Yoshon,
including the malt under the hashgocho of Rav Aaron Teitelbaum, the
Nirbator Rav.

*Section 6.5 Cake and other mixes  *

*א B’Gan Cake Mixes* are Yoshon under the Hashgocho of Rabbi Aaron

*Section 6.6 Baking Sprays*

*ד Glick’s Baking Spray* with flour has a code of 21415. These are numbers
9-13 of the code. (214-day of year, 15-year).

*א Mishpacha *baking spray with flour is Yoshon under the hashgocho of Rav
Aaron Teitelbaum, the Nirabator Rav. Product will also have a Yoshon label.

*Section 7.1 Barley*

*א  B’Gan barley* is Yoshon the entire season. It is packed in 1 pound
packages and is available primarily to food service customers, very limited
amount to grocery sales. Yoshon hashgocho, Rabbi Aaron Teitelbaum, the
Nirbarter Rav.

*א  Gefen *

[Chodosh] Chodosh Update Bulletin

2015-10-25 Thread Y Herman


*Section 4.1 Cakes, Cookies and Crackers*

*ב** B’Gan* cookies are Yoshon except for cookies containing oatmeal, Under
the hashgocho of Rabbi Teitelbaum, the Nirbarter Rov

*ב  Liebers* cookies, crackers and snackers made in the *USA* without oats
are Yoshon at least until malt becomes a problem after Dec 15. From *Israel*
are always Yoshon. Whole wheat crackers from *Brazil* are Yoshon. The malt
in these items may be Chodosh if *purchased* after Jan. 15. Snackers from
Brazil are Yoshon. Whole Wheat Snackers are Yoshon. Under the hashgocho for
Yoshon of Rabbi Weissmandl.

*א** Min Bites* fancy cookies and cakes under the Hashgocho of the PCK  -
Passaic-Clifton Kashrus.

*א **Mishpacha* matzos, regular and whole wheat matzo meal, Graham Cracker
Pie Crust, Chocolate Graham Cracker pie crust, and Tam Tams are all Yoshon
under the hashgocho of Rav Aaron Teitelbaum, the Nirbater Rav. Matzos will
also have a Yoshon label.

*א Bloch* cookies are Yoshon under the hashgocho of Rabbi Weissmandl.

*א Fourre *cookies Yoshon under the hashgocho of Rabbi Weissmandl.

*א ** Gross *cookies are Yoshon under the hashgocho of Rabbi Weissmandl.

*א Kineret Brownies* are Yoshon under the hashgocho of Rabbi Weissmandl.

*א Sabra *pretzels and humus are Yoshon,, under the hashgocho of Rabbi

*Section 4.2 Pretzels and Potato Chips*

*א**  Liebers pretzels* Yoshon Under the hashgocho or Rabbi Weissmandl,
even those containing premixed oats and Honey Wheat Pretzels, includling
the malt.

*Section 4.5 Ice Cream Cones*

*א** Liebers* cones are Yoshon under the hashgocho of Rav M. Weissmandl.

*Section 4.6 Matzos*

*אּ** Gefen* matzos from Israel are Yoshon, including the whole wheat
matzos, lightly salted matzos and onion poppy matzos.

*א **Mishpacha* matzos and matzo meal, regular and whole wheat, are all
Yoshon under the hashgocho of Rav Aaron Teitelbaum, the Nirbater Rav.
Matzos will also have a Yoshon label.

*Section 5.1 Regular Noodles, Pasta, Mandlen, and Croutons*

ב  *B’Gan* noodles and pasta Yoshon only with a Yoshon label, under the
hashgocho of Rabbi Aaron Teitelbaum, the Nirbarter Rav. Chow Mein noodles
are Yoshon as well.

ד* Hodgson Mills* all noodles and other pastas including whole wheat
Chodosh code 02 15 18 (02=month, 15 day, 18=year, 30 months after packing).

*א **Mishpacha* noodles and pasta, *including whole wheat items, tri-color
noodles, lasagna and egg noodles* are all Yoshon, Packages will also have a
Yoshon label. Under the hashgocho of Rabbi Aaron Teitelbaum, the Nirbater
Rav. Note that the Yoshon label may be written in English on the back of
the packages. (Chow Mein is NOT Yoshon, See Section 5.2 below.)

*Section 6.1 All Purpose White Flour*

*ד Bay State Bouncer Flour*  Chodosh code of AA AA080215, (aa mill code 08
month 02 day 15 year). This is the production date.

*א Mishpacha *white baking flour is Yoshon, including the malt, under the
hashgocho of Rav Aaron Teitelbaum, the Nirbator Rav. Product will also have
a Yoshon label.

*Section 6.2 Whole Wheat Flour*

*א **Mishpacha *whole wheat flour and white whole wheat flour are Yoshon,
including the malt, under the hashgocho of Rav Aaron Teitelbaum, the
Nirbator Rav. Product will also have a Yoshon label.

*Section 6.3 High Gluten or Bread Flour*

*א  Mishpacha *high gluten flour has a Yoshon label and is Yoshon,
including the malt under the hashgocho of Rav Aaron Teitelbaum, the
Nirbator Rav.

*Section 6.5 Cake and other mixes  *

*א B’Gan Cake Mixes* are Yoshon under the Hashgocho of Rabbi Aaron

*Section 6.6 Baking Sprays*

*ד Glick’s Baking Spray* with flour has a code of 21415. These are numbers
9-13 of the code. (214-day of year, 15-year).

*א Mishpacha *baking spray with flour is Yoshon under the hashgocho of Rav
Aaron Teitelbaum, the Nirabator Rav. Product will also have a Yoshon label.

*Section 7.1 Barley*

*א  B’Gan barley* is Yoshon the entire season. It is packed in 1 pound
packages and is available primarily to food service customers, very limited
amount to grocery sales. Yoshon hashgocho, Rabbi Aaron Teitelbaum, the
Nirbarter Rav.

*א  Gefen *barley is Yoshon under the hashgocho of Rabbi Friedman. (Rabbi
Friedman only supervises the Yoshon aspects of the barley. His name does
not appear on the package.)

ד*  Unger Barley* Chodosh code 08 02 17 (2 years after packing).
  *Section 7.3 Soy, teriyaki and other sauces*

א *Mishpacha Soy Sauce* is Yoshon under the Hashgocho of Rabbi Aaron
Teitelbaum, The Nirbater Rav.

*8.1 Breakfast cereals*

*ב** Kemach* cereals containing oats, Chodosh date is Oct 1 16 (1 year
after packing). Under Rav Nussen Horowitz.

*ד** Quaker* oats that you cook, made in Canada and sold in the US, Chodosh
date on the package March 19 ’17 (540 days after packing.

*Section 9.1  Frozen and other Packaged Foods*

*ב Bodek* croutons and crackers in the Bodek lunch box Yoshon, under the
hashgocho of R

[Chodosh] New Preliminary Guide to Chodosh now available by emai

2015-09-22 Thread Y Herman
Anyone can get a copy of this by sending an email message to ONE of the

Gmar chasima tova
Yoseph Herman

[Chodosh] Urgent Chodosh Bulletin

2015-09-10 Thread Y Herman
The following urgent bulletin has just been received from the OU:

The oats used in General Mills cereals has been Chodosh from most factories
since the packaging date of Aug 3. (There is one factory that is later, Aug
15. We will issue a new bulletin when we find out the factory code for this
factory.) This means that all Cheerios and other General Mills cereals that
contain oats will have a Chodosh "Best if used by" date on the package of
Aug 10 2016. This development took the staff the OU and General Mills by
surprise since no one can remember having such an early Chodosh date from
General Mills.

We are still waiting for an update on the Chodosh starting date on Quaker
oat meal and other oats products. Meanwhile, the general starting date
estimate for oats being Chodosh in cereals  is being scaled back from Sept
1 to Aug 4.

More information will be posted as we receive it. Please note that it was
the fear of such unexpected developments has been holding up the
publication of the first issue of the Guide to Chodosh, which otherwise is
ready to go to print.

[Chodosh] Update from the Guide to Chodosh

2015-08-15 Thread Y Herman



Telephone Hot Line: 718-305-5133, Email: yher...@earthlink.net


MASHGICHIM AND CONSUMERS NOTE: The OU has revised the Chodosh starting date
for at least one major flour mill, General Mills in the New York area. The
new Chodosh date is now Aug 22 or shortly thereafter. This mill is one of
the more popular sources of professional flour to bakeries and pizza shops
in the New York area, including the All Trump brand high gluten flour. Keep
in mind that this early in the season, information is still subject to
change. Nevertheless, we still keep to our earlier estimate that to be safe
it is reasonable to assume that as of Aug 9, these freshly baked items may
be Chodosh everywhere in the USA (MidWest after Aug 2), unless otherwise
indicated by mashgichim or unless they were produced in facilities under
hashgocho for Yoshon.



MASHGICHIM NOTE: We became aware last year that some pizza shops and other
facilities that produce both Yoshon and non-Yoshon items may be using the
same oven for both at the same time. Mashgichim should please check that
this practice should not be allowed. They also should make sure that other
keilim should not be used interchangeably between Yoshon and Chodosh items.

AUG 4.

The following Chodosh starting dates are based on the weekly crop bulletins
from the US Department of Agriculture.

1)   *Freshly baked items using spring wheat*, including breads,
challahs, bagels, rolls, pizza and some cakes and cookies may be Chodosh in
the Midwest after the PURCHASE DATE of Aug 2. Elsewhere in the US, this
date would be Aug 9.

2)   *Packaged foods from spring wheat* may be Chodosh after the
PACKING date of Aug 2, or the PURCHASE date of Aug 16.

3)   *Noodles and pasta* may be Chodosh after the PACKING date of Aug
15 and the PURCHASE date of Sept 1.

4)   *Barley*, such as pearled barley, may be Chodosh after the PACKING
date of Aug 2 and PURCHASE date of Aug 16.

5)   *Oats*: Last year, according to the O-U all oats used in *cereals*
had a Chodosh PACKING date of Sept 1 or later, PURCHASE DATE of Sept 15 or
later. Exceptions to this included General Mills cereals such as Cheerios
and Quaker oats made in the USA for which the Chodosh dates were later. We
are waiting for an update on this for the forthcoming season from the O-U.
Oats used in non-cereal products such as oatmeal cookies, may be Chodosh
starting a PACKING date of Jul 26, PURCHASE date of  Aug 9.

6)   *Barley malt* (also listed in the ingredients as “malt”) may be
Chodosh as of the *packing* date of *Dec 15*. Package codes should be
checked after the *purchase* date of *Jan 15* for *beer* and *Mar 15* for
malt in other products.

The above dates are estimates of the *earliest* time that those items may
already be Chodosh. In case of packaged goods, in most cases you may use
last year’s Guide to see what the package code is for the cutoff dates
given. Just add 1 to the year given in those codes. Those who do not have
last year’s Guide may get *last year’s * Guide by sending an email message
to either chod...@sefer.org or to chod...@moruda.com. We plan to issue a
Preliminary Guide to Chodosh, BE”H, by early September which will contain
the package codes revised for the new season.

(1)   How to subscribe to have the printed material mailed to you

The subscription cost is $18 for all material to be mailed within the USA,
$20 to Canada and Mexico, and $25 to be mailed to Israel and other parts of
the world. The preferred method is to subscribe using a credit or debit
card. This is very convenient for most people and is easier for us. We
accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover. *If you are totally
unable to charge to your card we will accept checks, but only if you have
no other option. We have had problems with checks being mailed for
subscriptions in the past.*

*How to subscribe with credit/debit cards*

(a)*By recorded telephone message*

Call 646-278-1189 and record a voice message with the requested
information: Your phone number, credit card number and expiration date
month and year, your name, and mailing address. *Note we must have your
contact phone number or email address so we can contact you in case of
questions.* *We cannot accept subscriptions without   such contact
information.* *Without it,* *your subscription can not be processed and you
will not receive a Guide. *Do not leave us any Chodosh questions or other
messages at this number. Use instead our Hot Line number 718-305-5133.

(b)   *Fax your credit/debit card information*

You ma

[Chodosh] Update from the Guide to Chodosh

2015-08-07 Thread Y Herman



Telephone Hot Line: 718-305-5133, Email: yher...@earthlink.net

MASHGICHIM AND CONSUMERS NOTE: We have received notification from the OU
that at least one major flour mill, General Mills in the New York area will
switch to Chodosh on Aug 10 or shortly thereafter. This mill is one of the
more popular sources of professional flour to bakeries and pizza shops in
the New York area, including the All Trump brand high gluten flour. Other
mills may start to switch to Chodosh later. Nevertheless, this confirms our
earlier estimate that it is reasonable to assume that as of Aug 9, these
freshly baked items may be Chodosh everywhere in the USA (MidWest after Aug
2), unless produced in facilities under hashgocho for Yoshon.

MASHGICHIM NOTE: We became aware last year that some pizza shops and other
facilities that produce both Yoshon and non-Yoshon items may be using the
same oven for both at the same time. Mashgichim should please check that
this practice should not be allowed. They also should make sure that other
keilim should not be used interchangeably between Yoshon and Chodosh items.

AUG 4.

The following Chodosh starting dates are based on the weekly crop bulletins
from the US Department of Agriculture.

1)   *Freshly baked items using spring wheat*, including breads,
challahs, bagels, rolls, pizza and some cakes and cookies may be Chodosh in
the Midwest after the PURCHASE DATE of Aug 2. Elsewhere in the US, this
date would be Aug 9.

2)   *Packaged foods from spring wheat* may be Chodosh after the
PACKING date of Aug 2, or the PURCHASE date of Aug 16.

3)   *Noodles and pasta* may be Chodosh after the PACKING date of Aug
15 and the PURCHASE date of Sept 1.

4)   *Barley*, such as pearled barley, may be Chodosh after the PACKING
date of Aug 2 and PURCHASE date of Aug 16.

5)   *Oats*: Last year, according to the O-U all oats used in *cereals*
had a Chodosh PACKING date of Sept 1 or later, PURCHASE DATE of Sept 15 or
later. Exceptions to this included General Mills cereals such as Cheerios
and Quaker oats made in the USA for which the Chodosh dates were later. We
are waiting for an update on this for the forthcoming season from the O-U.
Oats used in non-cereal products such as oatmeal cookies, may be Chodosh
starting a PACKING date of Jul 26, PURCHASE date of  Aug 9.

6)   *Barley malt* (also listed in the ingredients as “malt”) may be
Chodosh as of the *packing* date of *Dec 15*. Package codes should be
checked after the *purchase* date of *Jan 15* for *beer* and *Mar 15* for
malt in other products.

The above dates are estimates of the *earliest* time that those items may
already be Chodosh. In case of packaged goods, in most cases you may use
last year’s Guide to see what the package code is for the cutoff dates
given. Just add 1 to the year given in those codes. Those who do not have
last year’s Guide may get *last year’s * Guide by sending an email message
to either chod...@sefer.org or to chod...@moruda.com. We plan to issue a
Preliminary Guide to Chodosh, BE”H, by early September which will contain
the package codes revised for the new season.

(1)   How to subscribe to have the printed material mailed to you

The subscription cost is $18 for all material to be mailed within the USA,
$20 to Canada and Mexico, and $25 to be mailed to Israel and other parts of
the world. The preferred method is to subscribe using a credit or debit
card. This is very convenient for most people and is easier for us. We
accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover. *If you are totally
unable to charge to your card we will accept checks, but only if you have
no other option. We have had problems with checks being mailed for
subscriptions in the past.*

*How to subscribe with credit/debit cards*

(a)*By recorded telephone message*

Call 646-278-1189 and record a voice message with the requested
information: Your phone number, credit card number and expiration date
month and year, your name, and mailing address. *Note we must have your
contact phone number or email address so we can contact you in case of
questions.* *We cannot accept subscriptions without   such contact
information.* *Without it,* *your subscription can not be processed and you
will not receive a Guide. *Do not leave us any Chodosh questions or other
messages at this number. Use instead our Hot Line number 718-305-5133.

(b)   *Fax your credit/debit card information*

You may send the above information by faxing it to our secure fax site at
888-755-7590. Please fill in and fax us the order. Include your full name,
mailing address, contact phone number, credit card number, expiration date
and indicate whether you want to automatically renew next year or n

[Chodosh] Chodosh Season has started-Same message as before, with addendum

2015-08-06 Thread Y Herman



Telephone Hot Line: 718-305-5133, Email: yher...@earthlink.net

This is a repeat of the Bulletin sent out on Aug 4 regarding the starting
dates for Chodosh, with addenda added at the end about how to order printed
copies of the Chodosh literature.

The following Chodosh starting dates are based on the weekly crop bulletins
from the US Department of Agriculture.

1)   *Freshly baked items using spring wheat*, including breads,
challahs, bagels, rolls, pizza and some cakes and cookies may be Chodosh in
the Midwest after the PURCHASE DATE of Aug 2. Elsewhere in the US, this
date would be Aug 9.

2)   *Packaged foods from spring wheat* may be Chodosh after the
PACKING date of Aug 2, or the PURCHASE date of Aug 16.

3)   *Noodles and pasta* may be Chodosh after the PACKING date of Aug
15 and the PURCHASE date of Sept 1.

4)   *Barley*, such as pearled barley, may be Chodosh after the PACKING
date of Aug 2 and PURCHASE date of Aug 16.

5)   *Oats*: Last year, according to the O-U all oats used in *cereals*
had a Chodosh PACKING date of Sept 1 or later, PURCHASE DATE of Sept 15 or
later. Exceptions to this included General Mills cereals such as Cheerios
and Quaker oats made in the USA for which the Chodosh dates were later. We
are waiting for an update on this for the forthcoming season from the O-U.
Oats used in non-cereal products such as oatmeal cookies, may be Chodosh
starting a PACKING date of Jul 26, PURCHASE date of  Aug 9.

6)   *Barley malt* (also listed in the ingredients as “malt”) may be
Chodosh as of the *packing* date of *Dec 15*. Package codes should be
checked after the *purchase* date of *Jan 15* for *beer* and *Mar 15* for
malt in other products.

The above dates are estimates of the *earliest* time that those items may
already be Chodosh. In case of packaged goods, in most cases you may use
last year’s Guide to see what the package code is for the cutoff dates
given. Just add 1 to the year given in those codes. Those who do not have
last year’s Guide may get *last year’s * Guide by sending an email message
to either chod...@sefer.org or to chod...@moruda.com. We plan to issue a
Preliminary Guide to Chodosh, BE”H, by early September which will contain
the package codes revised for the new season.

   How to subscribe to have the printed material mailed to you

The subscription cost is $18 for all material to be mailed within the USA,
$20 to Canada and Mexico, and $25 to be mailed to Israel and other parts of
the world. The preferred method is to subscribe using a credit or debit
card. This is very convenient for most people and is easier for us. We
accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover. *If you are totally
unable to charge to your card we will accept checks, but only if you have
no other option. We have had problems with checks being mailed for
subscriptions in the past.*

*How to subscribe with credit/debit cards*

(a   *By recorded telephone message*

Call 646-278-1189 and record a voice message with the requested
information: Your phone number, credit card number and expiration date
month and year, your name, and mailing address. *Note we must have your
contact phone number or email address so we can contact you in case of
questions.* *We cannot accept subscriptions without   such contact
information.* *Without it,* *your subscription can not be processed and you
will not receive a Guide. *Do not leave us any Chodosh questions or other
messages at this number. Use instead our Hot Line number 718-305-5133.

(b   *Fax your credit/debit card information*

You may send the above information by faxing it to our secure fax site at
888-755-7590. Please fill in and fax us the order. Include your full name,
mailing address, contact phone number, credit card number, expiration date
and indicate whether you want to automatically renew next year or not.  (In
the past some people had trouble faxing us the subscription orders. We
believe that this is because some low-cost phone systems do not allow
calling toll-free numbers such as this 888 number. If the fax number does
not respond, please call this number from any other phone system such as
your cell phone to confirm that the fax system is working on our end.)

(c*Do not send credit card information by email!*

Do not send us credit card information by email since email is not secure
and your information may be compromised.

*How to subscribe by mailing a check*

 *If you are totally unable to charge to your card we will accept checks,
but this is only if there is NO other option. We have had problems with
checks being mailed for subscriptions in the past. *If you must use a
check, make out the check to Project Chodosh for the amounts stated above
and mail it with your full address information and phone number to Project
Chodosh, c/o Mrs. C. Rosskamm, 963 Armstrong Ave, Stat


2015-08-04 Thread Y Herman



Telephone Hot Line: 718-305-5133, Email: yher...@earthlink.net

The following Chodosh starting dates are based on the weekly crop bulletins
from the US Department of Agriculture.

1)   *Freshly baked items using spring wheat*, including breads,
challahs, bagels, rolls, pizza and some cakes and cookies may be Chodosh in
the Midwest after the PURCHASE DATE of Aug 2. Elsewhere in the US, this
date would be Aug 9.

2)   *Packaged foods from spring wheat* may be Chodosh after the
PACKING date of Aug 2, or the PURCHASE date of Aug 16.

3)   *Noodles and pasta* may be Chodosh after the PACKING date of Aug
15 and the PURCHASE date of Sept 1.

4)   *Barley*, such as pearled barley, may be Chodosh after the PACKING
date of Aug 2 and PURCHASE date of Aug 16.

5)   *Oats*: Last year, according to the O-U all oats used in *cereals*
had a Chodosh PACKING date of Sept 1 or later, PURCHASE DATE of Sept 15 or
later. Exceptions to this included General Mills cereals such as Cheerios
and Quaker oats made in the USA for which the Chodosh dates were later. We
are waiting for an update on this for the forthcoming season from the O-U.
Oats used in non-cereal products such as oatmeal cookies, may be Chodosh
starting a PACKING date of Jul 26, PURCHASE date of  Aug 9.

6)   *Barley malt* (also listed in the ingredients as “malt”) may be
Chodosh as of the *packing* date of *Dec 15*. Package codes should be
checked after the *purchase* date of *Jan 15* for *beer* and *Mar 15* for
malt in other products.

The above dates are estimates of the *earliest* time that those items may
already be Chodosh. In case of packaged goods, in most cases you may use
last year’s Guide to see what the package code is for the cutoff dates
given. Just add 1 to the year given in those codes. Those who do not have
last year’s Guide may get *last year’s * Guide by sending an email message
to either chod...@sefer.org or to chod...@moruda.com. We plan to issue a
Preliminary Guide to Chodosh, BE”H, by early September which will contain
the package codes revised for the new season.

[Chodosh] Chodosh updates

2015-07-21 Thread Y Herman
I received the new weekly crops bulletin from the US Department of
Agriculture. The oats harvest is slowly starting. The harvest of the spring
wheat and barley has not yet started, but is imminent. Here is the first
tentative estimate of Chodosh dates. *All the items below are subject to

1)   *Freshly baked items using spring wheat*, including breads,
challahs, bagels, rolls, pizza and some cakes and cookies may be Chodosh in
the Midwest after the PURCHASE DATE of Aug 8. Elsewhere in the US, this
date would be Aug 15.

2)   *Packaged foods from spring wheat* may be Chodosh after the
PACKING date of Aug 8, or the PURCHASE date of Aug 22.

3)   *Noodles and pasta* may be Chodosh after the PACKING date of Aug
15 and the PURCHASE date of Sept 1.

4)   *Barley*, such as pearled barley, may be Chodosh after the PACKING
date of Aug 8 and PURCHASE date of Aig 22.

5)   *Oats*: Last year, according to the O-U all oats used in *cereals*
had a Chodosh PACKING date of Sept 1 or later, PURCHASE DATE of Sept 15 or
later. Exceptions to this included General Mills cereals such as Cheerios
and Quaker oats. We are waiting for an update on this for the forthcoming
season from the O-U. Oats used in non-cereal products such as oatmeal
cookies, may be Chodosh starting a packing date of Jul 26.

6)   *Barley malt* (also listed in the ingredients as “malt”) may be
Chodosh as of the *packing* date of *Dec 15*. Package codes should be
checked after the *purchase* date of *Jan 15* for *beer* and *Mar 15* for
malt in other products.



[Chodosh] Early warning: Chodosh season is about to start!

2015-07-19 Thread Y Herman
I expect the harvest of the Chodosh crops to start very soon. The crop
progress is somewhat earlier that most years. All the products on the store
shelves at this time are still surely Yoshon.  I hope BE"H to issue the
next bulletin after I get the next weekly US Dep't of Agriculture crop
report due Monday afternoon. Meanwhile you may want to start the early
shopping of Yoshon items that are hard to find during the Chodosh season.

Yoseph Herman

[Chodosh] More from Guide to Chodosh regarding the Bulletin

2015-05-21 Thread Y Herman
I just sent out a copy of the Preseason Chodosh Bulletin that is being
mailed out by US mail to all subscribers who have paid for the printed
literature. I forgot to make clear that the renewal instructions are only
relevant to those who wish to keep getting the printed versions of the
Guide and bulletins mailed to their homes.

The email version of these items will continue BE"H to be available free of
charge as in the past. Those who do not want printed literature need not
renew in any way. The  parts of the Bulletin not dealing with renewal of
the subscription may be of interest to all.

Yoseph Herman

[Chodosh] Preseason Bulletin from the Guide to Chodosh

2015-05-21 Thread Y Herman


*From the Guide to Chodosh-Y. Herman*

*Chodosh telephone Hot Line 718-305-5133, email *yher...@earthlink.net

 This Bulletin discusses (1) Our planned schedule of publications for the
new season, (2) How to subscribe to next season’s Guide, (3) Planting of
the new Chodosh crop and preliminary estimates of the start of the new
Chodosh season, and (4) Form to use if you wish to fax in your subscription.

(1) Planned publication schedule for next season’s Guide

We plan BS”D to publish a preliminary brief edition of the Guide as soon as
possible at the beginning of the new Chodosh season, approximately early
September. This should have enough information to start the new season,
including preliminary Chodosh dates and package codes for many packaged
goods. The full Guide will be published when the mashgichim will get back
to us with updated information. This does not happen until a few weeks
after sukkos, approximately sometime in November. In addition, there should
be at least one update bulletin around January. All this will be mailed out
to paid subscribers and be available by email. (The Preliminary Guide will
be available as usual also at the local distributors in some cities.
However, we would like to encourage people to subscribe directly instead,
so that they can be updated on changes that may occur.)

(2) How to subscribe to have the printed material mailed to you

The subscription cost is $18 for all material to be mailed within the USA,
$20 to Canada and Mexico, and $25 to be mailed to Israel and other parts of
the world. The preferred method is to subscribe using a credit or debit
card. This is very convenient for most people and is easier for us. We
accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover. *If you are totally
unable to charge to your card we will accept checks, but only if you have
no other option. We have had problems with checks being mailed for
subscriptions in the past.*

*How to subscribe with credit/debit cards*

(a)  *By recorded telephone message*

Call 646-278-1189 and record a voice message with the requested
information: Your phone number, credit card number and expiration date
month and year, your name, and mailing address. *Note we must have your
contact phone number or email address so we can contact you in case of
questions.* *We cannot accept subscriptions without   such contact
information.* *Without it,* *your subscription can not be processed and you
will not receive a Guide. *Do not leave us any Chodosh questions or other
messages at this number. Use instead our Hot Line number 718-305-5133.

(b) *Fax your credit/debit card information*

You may send the above information by faxing it to our secure fax site at
888-755-7590. Please fill in and fax us the order printed at the end of
this bulletin. (In the past some people had trouble faxing us the
subscription orders. We believe that this is because some low-cost phone
systems do not allow calling toll-free numbers such as this 888 number. If
the fax number does not respond, please call this number from any other
phone system such as your cell phone to confirm that the fax system is
working on our end.)

(c)  *Do not send credit card information by email!*

Do not send us credit card information by email since email is not secure
and your information may be compromised.

*Note for all those who signed up for Recurring Billing using a
credit/debit card:*

If you signed up for Automatic Renewal of your Subscription LOOK AT THE

(a) IF YOU SEE “RB” NEXT TO YOUR NAME, that means that you have been
charged for this year’s guide. The charge went thorough and NO FURTHER
ACTION IS NEEDED ON YOUR PART.  Confirmation phone calls will not be made
this season.

(b) If you do not see "RB" next to your name, you have not been charged. If
you have signed up for Recurring Billing, then your subscription did not go
through. Either the Credit Card expired or it was changed or we were
missing some information. If this occurred, you have been REMOVED from
Recurring Billing and NEED to re-subscribe this year. We will not call you
to remind you. This is your only reminder.

*How to subscribe by mailing a check*

 *If you are totally unable to charge to your card we will accept checks,
but this is only if there is NO other option. We have had problems with
checks being mailed for subscriptions in the past. *If you must use a
check, make out the check to Project Chodosh for the amounts stated above
and mail it with your full address information and phone number to Project
Chodosh, c/o Mrs. C. Rosskamm, 963 Armstrong Ave, Staten Island, NY 10308.
  (3) Preliminary estimates for the start of the new Chodosh season.

According to the US Dep’t of Agriculture, only about 10% of the spring
wheat, 15% of the barley and 20% of the oats were planted 2 days before

We give the following early estimates of when the new Ch

[Chodosh] Sorry, Corrected version of Chodosh Bulletin

2015-02-22 Thread Y Herman
 ד”סב CHODOSH BULLETIN-ADAR 5775 (Feb ’15)

Y. Herman and C. Rosskamm. Phone: Chodosh Hot Line 718-305-5133.

 Email: yher...@earthlink.net

Update of the Malt Problem

The Guide to Chodosh has a full treatment of the malt problem. It mentioned
that some poskim hold that malt added to baking flour, where it is used in
tiny amount for its chemical action, is botul. The Guide gave date codes
for some flours to serve those who want to be machmir on malt in baking
flour. However, in many other applications malt is used for coloring and/or
flavoring. In those cases there is more of a reason to be machmir and not
to hold that it is botul. Such applications include beer, cereals,
pretzels, candies and some baked products. When the ingredients list
“malt”, almost always that refers to malt made from barley. In past years,
all malt manufacturers agreed that the new, Chodosh barley crop is not used
to make malt before Dec. 15. This year, one major manufacturer of malt told
us that they are using new-crop barley as early as Oct. 15 to make malt.
This malt is used in cereals and maybe other applications. Even though
other manufacturers have still delayed the introduction of the new crop to
their malt to Dec 15 or later, to be safe, we have urged consumers to avoid
products containing malt if packed after Oct. 15, or purchased after Jan.

It is possible to make malt from other crops. Companies such as Great
Western sometimes produce malt from other crops such as rice. We do not
know how widespread is the use of non-barley malt. Nor do we know whether
the production of those malts does or does not involve using barley malt
during processing. We urge manufacturers and mashgichim of Yoshon products
that use malt to start looking now into the possibility of substituting
non-Chodosh ingredients next year for the barley malt now being used.

It is also possible to avoid malt in applications when it is unusually
used. One example of this are pretzels in which barley malt has been almost
universally used for both coloring and flavoring. Liebers has been
successful in having other non-Chodosh ingredients be substituted for
barley malt (see below).


For several years we have published a warning that some pizza shops and
restaurants use  frying oil for possibly Chodosh items such as spicy fries
and then use the same oil for food that is supposed to be Yoshon. We have
recently become aware of a similar potential problem. Pizza shops and some
other establishments sometimes heat Yoshon items such as pizza in the oven
at the same time as Chodosh items may be in the same oven. We have not yet
had a chance to investigate how common this practice is. We urge mashgichim
and consumers to look at this potential problem as it affects them.


*4.1 Cakes, cookies and  crackers*

ב *Liebers* cookies and crackers without oats are basically Yoshon. However
some items susch as crackers may have malt (check the ingredients). This
malt may be Chodosh at this time.

*4.2 Pretzels and Potato Chips*

*א Leiber’s Pretzels all varieties *are Yoshon under the hashgocho of Rabbi
Weissmandl. This includes the honey twists and multigrain products. All
these pretzels are produced without any malt.

*ד* *Herrs Pretzels* now have a code of November 24, 2014. This code is 14
weeks after packing.

*4.3 Rice cakes  *

*ס Blooms Rice Cakes *that contain spelt are made in Belgium. We have no
information as far as the Chodosh/Yoshon status of such products.

*5.1 Regular noodles, pasta, mandlen and croutons*

*ב Kemach Heimishe Egg Noodles *are Chodosh starting a code of 01-27-2016,
under the hashgocho of Rabbi Nussen N. Horowitz

*5.2 Chow mein noodles*

*ב Kemach Chow Mein Noodles *are Chodosh starting a code of 1714I (17=day
of the month, 14=year, I=September in alph.order). Exception: SPECIAL
YOSHON PRODUCTION ONLY with code: 0915B & 1015B. Only those 2 codes are
Yoshon after the code of 1614I. Under the Hashgocho of Rabbi Nussen N.

*6.2 Whole wheat flour   *

*ד Shoprite Whole Wheat Flour *has a Chodosh code of April 18, 2015 (8
months after packing)

*6.3 High gluten or bread flour  *

*ד Gold Medal Bread Flour and Bread Wheat Blend Flour *have a code of Feb.
27, 2016 (558 days after packing). Check the bag. If the best if used by
date is followed by a factory code of KC it is always Yoshon.  All other
factory codes use dates given above. The Better for Bread flour line has
been discontinued; however it is still being sold out. Any flour still on
the shelves is Yoshon.

*ד General Mills Flour *All flour manufactured in the Buffalo Mill is
Yoshon through a date code of August 31, 2014. It has a Chodosh code of 31
AUG 4 BF. Bakery flour only has a code of 1 SEP 4 BF.  This only applies to
flour with a factory code of BF after the date code. This has been verified
by the OU.

*7.2 Bread and corn flake crumbs and matzo meal*

*ד Taanug Corn Flake Crumbs *have a code of 1

[Chodosh] Bulletin from the Guide to Chodosh

2015-02-22 Thread Y Herman

Y. Herman and C. Rosskamm. Phone: Chodosh Hot Line 718-305-5133.

 Email: yher...@earthlink.net

Update of the Malt Problem

The Guide to Chodosh has a full treatment of the malt problem. It mentioned
that some poskim hold that malt added to baking flour, where it is used in
tiny amount for its chemical action, is botul. The Guide gave date codes
for some flours to serve those who want to be machmir on malt in baking
flour. However, in many other applications malt is used for coloring and/or
flavoring. In those cases there is more of a reason to be machmir and not
to hold that it is botul. Such applications include beer, cereals,
pretzels, candies and some baked products. When the ingredients list
“malt”, almost always that refers to malt made from barley. In past years,
all malt manufacturers agreed that the new, Chodosh barley crop is not used
to make malt before Dec. 15. This year, one major manufacturer of malt told
us that they are using new-crop barley as early as Oct. 15 to make malt.
This malt is used in cereals and maybe other applications. Even though
other manufacturers have still delayed the introduction of the new crop to
their malt to Dec 15 or later, to be safe, we have urged consumers to avoid
products containing malt if packed after Oct. 15, or purchased after Jan.

It is possible to make malt from other crops. Companies such as Great
Western sometimes produce malt from other crops such as rice. We do not
know how widespread is the use of non-barley malt. Nor do we know whether
the production of those malts does or does not involve using barley malt
during processing. We urge manufacturers and mashgichim of Yoshon products
that use malt to start looking now into the possibility of substituting
non-Chodosh ingredients next year for the barley malt now being used.

It is also possible to avoid malt in applications when it is unusually
used. One example of this are pretzels in which barley malt has been almost
universally used for both coloring and flavoring. Liebers has been
successful in having other non-Chodosh ingredients be substituted for
barley malt (see below).


For several years we have published a warning that some pizza shops and
restaurants use  frying oil for possibly Chodosh items such as spicy fries
and then use the same oil for food that is supposed to be Yoshon. We have
recently become aware of a similar potential problem. Pizza shops and some
other establishments sometimes heat Yoshon items such as pizza in the oven
at the same time as Chodosh items may be in the same oven. We have not yet
had a chance to investigate how common this practice is. We urge mashgichim
and consumers to look at this potential problem as it affects them.


*4.1 Cakes, cookies and  crackers*

*Liebers* cookies and crackers without oats are basically Yoshon. However
some items susch as crackers may have malt (check the ingredients). This
malt may be Chodosh at this time.

*4.2 Pretzels and Potato Chips*

*א Leiber’s Pretzels all varieties *are Yoshon under the hashgocho of Rabbi
Weissmandl. This includes the honey twists and multigrain products. All
these pretzels are produced without any malt.

*ד* *Herrs Pretzels* now have a code of November 24, 2014. This code is 14
weeks after packing.

*4.3 Rice cakes  *

*ס Blooms Rice Cakes *that contain spelt are made in Belgium. We have no
information as far as the Chodosh/Yoshon status of such products.

*5.1 Regular noodles, pasta, mandlen and croutons*

*ב Kemach Heimishe Egg Noodles *are Yoshon through a code of 01-26-2016,
under the hashgocho of Rabbi Nussen N. Horowitz

*5.2 Chow mein noodles*

*ב Kemach Chow Mein Noodles *are Yoshon through a code of 1614I (16=day of
the month, 14=year, I=September in alph.order). Exception: SPECIAL YOSHON
PRODUCTION ONLY with code: 0915B & 1015B. Only those 2 codes are Yoshon
after the code of 1614I. Under the Hashgocho of Rabbi Nussen N. Horowitz.

*6.2 Whole wheat flour   *

*ד Shoprite Whole Wheat Flour *has a Chodosh code of April 18, 2015 (8
months after packing)

*6.3 High gluten or bread flour  *

*ד Gold Medal Bread Flour and Bread Wheat Blend Flour *have a code of Feb.
27, 2016 (558 days after packing). Check the bag. If the best if used by
date is followed by a factory code of KC it is always Yoshon.  All other
factory codes use dates given above. The Better for Bread flour line has
been discontinued; however it is still being sold out. Any flour still on
the shelves is Yoshon.

*ד General Mills Flour *All flour manufactured in the Buffalo Mill is
Yoshon through a date code of August 31, 2014. It has a Chodosh code of 31
AUG 4 BF. Bakery flour only has a code of 1 SEP 4 BF.  This only applies to
flour with a factory code of BF after the date code. This has been verified
by the OU.

*7.2 Bread and corn flake crumbs and matzo meal*

*ד Taanug Corn Flake Crumbs *has a code of 14288 (14-year

[Chodosh] More on Malt from the Guide to Chodosh

2015-01-19 Thread Y Herman
I sent out a reminder last week that since January 15 has passed, even
items that contain malt for which dating codes are not known should no
longer be purchased without verifying that the malt they contain is
Yoshon.  (Note that the safe purchase date of Jan 15 did not apply to
beer.  That date for beer was Nov 15.)

Pretzels almost always contain malt for flavoring and coloring.  That means
that most pretzels may be Chodosh by now. However the malt in LIEBERS
pretzels is always Yoshon,  making these pretzels Yoshon. The mashgiach,
Rav Weissmandl has determined that this uses malt that is Yoshon,  made
from dextrose or corn,  as opposed to the usual malt made from barley.

[Chodosh] Bulletin from the Guide to Chodosh

2015-01-15 Thread Y Herman
Today is January 15. The Guide had recommended that all items that contain
malt,  for which the dating code is not known, may be purchased assuming
that the malt is Yoshon up to the purchase date of Jan.  15. Starting
today,  one should seek confirmation that the malt is Yoshon. (Note,  as
mentioned in the Guide, that malt in baking flour,  is not a problem
according to some poskim.)

Liebers pretzels may contain Chodosh malt.  We expect more details about
this within the next few days.

B'Gan/Eden breaded cauliflower is Yoshon.

Kineret brownies are Yoshon.

Pride of the Farm cookies and Cream ice cream is Yoshon.

Items produced under the hashgocho of Chug Chasam Sofer of Bnei Brak are
Yoshon,  even if produced outside  of Israel,  for example,  Turkey.
(Note,  this applies only to this hashgocho from Bnei Brak)

The Guide incorrectly stated that items from wheat or oats produced in
Canada are Yoshon at least up to Sept 22. This is not correct.

[Chodosh] New Guide to Chodosh now available at both sites

2014-12-21 Thread Y Herman
Those who have not yet seen the new Guide to Chodosh, may download it by
email. Send an email message to ONE of the following:

The PDF file of the Guide will be sent to you in a few minutes.

Yoseph Herman

[Chodosh] From the Guide to Chodosh: I have been hacked!

2014-12-15 Thread Y Herman
I sent out email earlier today from the Guide to Chodosh. Apparently, some
people got some hacked messages appearing to come from me asking for ID and
password, or to open some document. PLEASE DO NOT OPEN ANY SUCH DOCUMENT

I apologize for having been inadvertently involved in this hacking incident.

Yoseph Herman
Guide to Chodosh

[Chodosh] Your advice requested by the Guide to Chodosh

2014-12-15 Thread Y Herman
The expenses of keeping the Chodosh Project going have been covered by
subscriptions to the printed version of the Guide. The Project does not
accepts advertising or donations. However, the job taking credit card
orders and processing them have proved to be difficult to manage. Using
dedicated people, volunteers or paid, has had problems. We are looking for
any commercial business that does this service, taking phoned-in credit
card orders and entering the order information on line.

Processors such as PayPal that require online internet access are not
acceptable.They have to be able to take telephone orders via human
interaction, hopefully at a reasonable cost.

Your suggestion would be appreciated.
Yoseph Herman

[Chodosh] Guide to Chodosh available by email

2014-12-07 Thread Y Herman
The newly published Guide to Chodosh is now available by email from one of
the usual two sites: send email to chod...@moruda.com.

Note, I sent out the new Guide as an attachment to my email at the end of
next week.

Y. Herman

[Chodosh] Chodosh Bulletin-Oct 1 14

2014-10-01 Thread Y Herman

The following are corrections and additions to the Preliminary Guide to
Chodosh for 5775


*Section 4.1 Cakes, cookies and crackers*

*Streits* matzo and matzo product are Yoshon under the hashgocho of the
Kof-K and Rabbi Moshe Soloveichik.

*Section 5.1 Regular noodles*

*Streits* noodles are Yoshon under the hashgocho of the Kof-K and Rabbi
Moshe Soloveichik.

*Section 5.2 Chow mein noodles*

*Streits* chow mein noodles are Yoshon under the hashgocho of the Kof-K and
Rabbi Moshe Soloveichik.

*Section 8.1 Breakfast cereals*

*Quaker *oats cereals *manufactured in the USA* have a Chodosh PACKING date
of October 1. (For Quaker Quick Oats, Oatmeal, Instant Oats and other hot
oats cereals that are cooked, the package date is March 24 16-540 days
after packing.) For items *manufactured in Canada* and sold in the USA, the
Chodosh PACKING date is Aug 27 (package date for hot cereals is Feb. 18 16.)

*Paskesz* cereals with a Yoshon label are Yoshon under the hashgocho of the
O-U. For those without a Yoshon label, no information known yet.

*Section 9.1 Frozen and other packaged products*

*Mechel's Fine Frozen Pastry* Yoshon under the hashgochos of the CRC,
Star-K and the Vaad Hakashrus of New Square.

*Section 13.5 Chicago*

*Tel Aviv Bakery* is Yoshon under the hashgocho of the O-U.


Send an email message to ONE of the following: chod...@sefer.org or

Those who have access to email can have important corrections and updates
sent to their email address automatically. To subscribe to this free
service send a blank email message to:


Those who have subscribed last year to the email distribution list do not
need to renew this email subscription.

To send an E mail message to the Guide, please address it to:

Before you discontinue using an E-mail service, please unsubscribe from
this list by sending a message to:


Then if you wish to resume receiving these messages from your new service,
send a message to:

chodosh-subscr...@jif.org.il .

CAUTION: Some new anti-spam filters require senders to respond to a
challenge in order for their E mail to be received. This E mail
distribution list can not provide such responses. Other filters eliminate
all mass mailings such as this one. If you are using such filters, be sure
to put these messages on the allowed list of your filter, otherwise you
will not receive the updates.


Project Chodosh is an independent activity, not affiliated with any
movement or organization. We thank the Jewish Internet Fund (JIF) for
allowing us to use their E mail distribution services. The JIF provides
free email and web hosting to Jewish education and outreach organizations.
We also thank the sites moruda.com and sefer.org for allowing the public to
use E mail to request copies from their facilities of the Guides to Chodosh.

[Chodosh] New Chodosh Guide available be email request

2014-09-18 Thread Y Herman
Those who did not receive the new Preliminary Guide to Chodosh attached to
yesterday's email, may download a copy by sending an email to
chod...@moruda.com. The sefer site is not ready yet.
Y. Herman

[Chodosh] Chodosh Bulletin as of 9 Sept 14

2014-09-09 Thread Y Herman

(My apologies, I send out an unfinished draft today by mistake.)


Over the past several decades the Guide to Chodosh has stated that barley
malt is Yoshon up to at least the manufacturing date of December 15. This
was based on information gathered from many malt producers and is still the
practice at some. Now at least one major producer of malt informed us that
they will start using Chodosh barley to produce their malt by October 15!
While products using this malt will not reach the consumers for some time,
this is a warning to manufacturers of Yoshon products and mashgichim.
MALT HAS CHANGED FROM DECEMBER 15 TO OCTOBER 15. This affects cereals and
other items using malt. It also affects beer from barley malt (most beers
are from barley malt.)


By now all products using spring wheat, oats or barley must be checked to
make sure that they are Yoshon. This includes freshly baked items from
bakeries, pizza shops and bagel shops that should have hashgocho for
Yoshon. It also includes packaged items. These should only be assumed to be
Yoshon if there is Yoshon hashgocho   on the package, or by confirming with
dating codes that the item was manufactured before the cutoff date.


We are still hoping to get the publication of the Guide completed by. Rosh
Hashanah. We will send out a new email bulletin when the Guide becomes
ready. Meanwhile, we recommend that you use last year's issue of the Guide
for dating code information. For most products, adding one year to the
dates and codes given should provide the correct code. To download last
year's Guide, send email to chod...@sefer.org.


We duplicate below the bulletin we sent out on 12 Aug 14. This should still
be valid. Note that for Cheerios cereals the oats will become Chodosh
starting a packing date of Oct 20. Those types of Cheerios that have WHEAT
GERM in the ingredients, may be Chodosh as of the packing date of Aug 18
(date on the box would be Aug 25 15.)


The latest report from the US Dep't of Agriculture confirms that the
harvest and spring wheat and barley have begun. That is allowing us to
formulate the recommended Chodosh cutoff dates for the forthcoming season.
These are given below. Note that dates given below for oats used in Quaker
and General Mills (such as Cheerios) cereals may still change.

FRESHLY BAKED ITEMS USING SPRING WHEAT including breads, challahs, bagels,
rolls, pizza and some cakes and cookies. May be Chodosh in the mid-West
(such as Chicago, Cleveland, Detroit, Minneapolis) after a PURCHASE date of
Aug 18. Elsewhere in the US, Aug 25.

PACKAGED FOODS FROM SPRING WHEAT not including noodles and pasta may be
Chodosh starting a PACKING date of Aug 18, PURCHASE date of Sept 1.

NOODLES AND PASTA may be Chodosh starting a PACKING date of Aug 25,
PURCHASE date of Sept 8.

BARLEY such as pearled barley may be Chodosh starting a PACKING date of Aug
18, PURCHASE date of Sept 1.

OATS in non-cereal applications, such as oats flour in cookies, may be
Chodosh starting with a PACKING date of Aug 4, PURCHASE date of Aug 28. Oat
meal and other oats products from Quaker may be Chodosh with a PACKING date
of Aug 19, PURCHASE DATE OF Sept 3. Cheerios may be Chodosh starting a
PACKING date of Sept 15, PURCHASE date of Oct 1. Cereals from most other
manufacturers, the oats may be Chodosh with a PACKING date of Sept 1,
PURCHASE DATE of Sept 15. Remember, the oats dates for Quaker and Cheerios
will probably still be revised.


Those who have access to email can have important corrections and updates
sent to their email address automatically. To subscribe to this free
service send a blank email message to:


Those who have subscribed last year to the email distribution list do not
need to renew this email subscription.


To send an E mail message to the Guide, please address it to:

Before you discontinue using an E-mail service, please unsubscribe from
this list by sending a message to:


Then if you wish to resume receiving these messages from your new service,
send a message from the new service to:


CAUTION: Some  anti-spam filters require senders to respond to a challenge
in order for their E mail to be received. This E mail distribution list
cannot provide such responses. Other filters eliminate all mass mailings
such as this one. If you are using such filters, be sure to put these
messages on the allowed list of your filter, otherwise you will not receive
the updates.


[Chodosh] Chodosh Bulletin

2014-09-09 Thread Y Herman
Updates as of Sept 9 '14


Bulletin from the Guide to Chodosh-Please post where it may be interest

2011-08-28 Thread Y. Herman



*From the Guide to Chodosh-Yoseph Herman*

*Chodosh telephone Hot Line 718-305-5133, email *yher...@earthlink.net 



The printing of the first issue of the Guide to Chodosh for the new 
season is scheduled ??"?for approximately the third week of September. 
This delay is intended to allow the mashgichim to complete their 
arrangements for Yoshon hashgochos for the new season, thereby making 
the information in the Guide more complete and relevant. Meanwhile this 
preliminary bulletin is being issued to help consumers until the full 
Guide is issued. It contains general Chodosh starting dates. It also 
gives information and Chodosh codes for some of the most popular products.



According to the reports from the U. S. Department of Agriculture, the 
harvest of the Chodosh wheat, oats and barley has begun. We expect the 
Chodosh grain to start appearing in products as follows:

·*Oats*products _packed or produced_ as of Jul 26 may contain Chodosh. 
If _purchased_ after Aug 9 (which has passed) package codes should be 
checked (see some sample codes listed below). However a later date is 
applicable for the oats in cereals made by General Mills, as noted below.

·*SPRING WHEAT: *Packaged foods that contain spring wheat may contain 
Chodosh if _packed or produced_ as of Aug 15. If _purchased_ after Sept 
1 package codes should be checked. Items containing wheat, wheat germ or 
wheat starch may be Chodosh after this date unless it is known that the 
wheat is Yoshon. Examples of foods that are from winter wheat and are 
Yoshon are matzos and gefilte fish.

·*FRESHLY BAKED *bakery or store-produced items including breads, 
chalahs, rolls, bagels, many cakes and cookies, and pizza may be Chodosh 
as of the _baking date_ of Aug 15 in the mid-West USA and as of Sept 1 
if made elsewhere in the USA.

·*NOODLES AND PASTA*may be Chodosh as of the _packing_ date of Aug 22. 
If _purchased _after Sept 7, package codes should be checked.

·*BARLEY*: pearled barley or barley in cereals may be Chodosh as of the 
_packing_ date of Aug 15. If _purchased_ after Sept 1, package codes 
should be checked. Thusfar, Eden, Gefen, and Mishpacha barley has been 
confirmed as being Yoshon the whole season.

·*BARLEY MALT*(also listed in the ingredients as "malt") may be Chodosh 
as of the _packing_ date of Dec 15. Package codes should be checked 
after the _purchase_ date of Jan 15 for *beer*and March 15 for malt in 
other products.


Packaged foods produced in Eretz Yisrael under any reliable kashrus 
hashgocho are Yoshon. If produced outside of Eretz Yisrael, when the 
packages list a Yoshon label and also have the name/symbol of a major 
kashrus supervision, they are Yoshon. Also, all items under the 
following European hashgochos are always Yoshon: Kedassia-London, Rabbi 
Westheim and Rabbi Schneeblag.


The following are the Chodosh packing codes for a few popular items. For 
other items, you may check last year's Guide for the code system (_don't 
forget to use the revised wheat, oats and barley dates and to update the 
year_) or call the Hot Line at 718-305-5133.

Quaker and Mothers oats old fashioned and 1 Minute oats Jan 16 '13 (540 
days after packing). The code for the hot, cooked instant oats depends. 
For the flavored type the code is Jul 20 '12 (360 days). The original 
unflavored instant oats type may be either 360 days or 540 days. You 
have to call the company with the package in your posession and ask. 
Quaker Life cereals is Jul 20 12 (360 days). If produced in Canada the 
dates will be later, to be announced when known.

General Mills Cheerios products, Kretchmer wheat germ and Nature Valley 
granola bars that contain wheat, wheat germ or wheat starch Aug 21 12 
(372 days). If they contain oats but not any of the wheat products Sept 
21 12.

Kellogs and Post cereals with oats Jul 26 '12 (1 year), with wheat but 
no oats, Aug 15 '12 (1 year).

Shoprite oats cereal Jan 26 13 (18 months). Sturm oats Jul 26 '13 (2 
years). Oats cereals from Kemach, Taanug, Unger and Walmart-Great Value 
Jul 26 '12 (1 year).


In the list above you will note that the start of the Chodosh packing 
dates for oats products is given the "chumra" date of of Jul 26. 
However, the O-U assures us that the oats used in General Mills cereals 
and Nature Valley Granola bars should be Yoshon at least up to the 
packing date of Sept 15, maybe even later. This date should be used with 
caution. For most companies, the oats become Chodosh earlier than the 
wheat. For General Mills it is the opposite. Check the list of 
ingredients of the General Mills cereal of interest to you. If it 
contains wheat, wheat starch or wheat germ, then the

Correction of typographical error in last bulletin from Guide to Chodosh

2011-08-11 Thread Y. Herman


*From the Guide to Chodosh-Y. Herman*

*Chodosh telephone Hot Line 718-305-5133, email *yher...@earthlink.net 



*This Bulletin was issued on Aug 11, with a typographical error in the 
dating code for Cheerios cereals. That error is corrected here. In 
addition, the dating code is given for one more Quaker cereal.*




According to the latest report of the U. S. Department of Agriculture, 
the harvest of the Chodosh wheat and barley has begun this past week. As 
we reported earlier, the oats harvest started about 2 weeks earlier. 
This marks the start of the new Chodosh season. We expect the Chodosh to 
start to appear in products as follows:

·*Oats*products _packed or produced_ as of Jul 26. If _purchased_ after 
Aug 9 (which has passed) package codes should be checked (see some 
sample codes listed below). Exceptions are the oats in cereals made by 
General Mills, as noted below.

·Packaged foods that contain *spring wheat*may contain Chodosh if 
_packed or produced_ as of Aug 15. If _purchased_ after Sept 1 package 
codes should be checked. Items containing wheat, wheat germ or wheat 
starch may be Chodosh after this date unless it is known that the wheat 
is Yoshon. Examples of foods that are from winter wheat which is Yoshon 
are matzos and gefilte fish.

·*Freshly baked *bakery or store-produced items including breads, 
chalahs, rolls, bagels, many cakes and cookies, and pizza may be Chodosh 
as of the production date of Aug 15 in the mid-West USA and as of Sept 1 
if made elsewhere in the USA.

·*Noodles and pasta*may be Chodosh as of the _packing_ date of Aug 22. 
If _purchased _after Sept 7, package codes should be checked.

·*Barley*: pearled barley or barley in cereals may be Chodosh as of the 
_packing_ date of Aug 15. If _purchased_ after Sept 1, package codes 
should be checked.

·*Barley malt*(also listed in the ingredients as "malt") may be Chodosh 
as of the _packing_ date of Dec 15. Package codes should be checked 
after the _purchase_ date of Jan 15 for *beer*and March 15 for malt in 
other products.

Packaged foods produced in Israel under any reliable kashrus hashgocho 
are Yoshon. If produced elsewhere, check for Yoshon printed on the label.


The following are the Chodosh packing codes for a few popular items. For 
other items, you may check last year's Guide for the code system (don't 
forget to use the revised wheat and barley dates) or call the Hot Line 
at 718-305-5133.

Quaker oats old fashioned and 1 Minute oats Jan 17 '13. The code for the 
instant oats is Jul 21 12. If produced in Canada the dates will be 
later, to be announced when known. Quaker Life cereals Chodosh code is 
Jul 21 12.

General Mills Cheerios products that contain wheat, wheat germ or wheat 
starch Aug 21 12. If they contain oats but not any of the wheat products 
Sept 21 12.





In the list above you will note that the start of the Chodosh packing 
dates for oats products is given the "chumra" date of of Jul 26. 
However, the O-U assures us that the oats used in General Mills cereals 
should be Yoshon at least up to the packing date of Sept 15, maybe even 
later. This date should be used with caution. For most companies, the 
oats become Chodosh earlier than the wheat. For General Mills it is the 
opposite. Check the list of ingredients of the cereal of interest to 
you. If it contains wheat, wheat starch or wheat germ, then the earlier 
Chodosh starting date of wheat (this date is given above) should be used 
even if oats are the main ingredient. For example, the regular Cheerios 
contains wheat starch. On the other hand, some of the special Cheerios 
such as the Honey Nut Cheerios do not list any wheat ingredient.




The price for subscribing to the 3 yearly printed issues of the Guide to 
Chodosh has remained at $18 for the last 5 years. Over the years the 
costs have increased. It has now become necessary to increase the charge 
for the yearly subscription to $20. (Note that the services of Y. Herman 
have always been provided at no cost. The Guide does not accept any 
donations. All of the ongoing expenses of this project are covered by 
the subscription charges for the printed issues of the Guide.)


It is time to renew your subscription for the 3 issues of the Guider to 
Chodosh that we will ??"?publish this upcoming season. The cost of the 
three issues this year is *$20 *(overseas $27, Canada $22). Please mail 
your check with your full mailing address to

Project Chodosh Subscriptions

PO Box 150088

Kew Gardens, NY 11415






Those who have 

Firm Chodosh dates from the Guide to Chodosh

2011-08-10 Thread Y. Herman


*From the Guide to Chodosh-Y. Herman*

*Chodosh telephone Hot Line 718-305-5133, email *yher...@earthlink.net 





According to the latest report of the U. S. Department of Agriculture, 
the harvest of the Chodosh wheat and barley has begun this past week. As 
we reported earlier, the oats harvest started about 2 weeks earlier. 
This marks the start of the new Chodosh season. We expect the Chodosh to 
start to appear in products as follows:

·*Oats*products _packed or produced_ as of Jul 26. If _purchased_ after 
Aug 9 (which has passed) package codes should be checked (see some 
sample codes listed below). Exceptions are the oats in cereals made by 
General Mills, as noted below.

·Packaged foods that contain *spring wheat*may contain Chodosh if 
_packed or produced_ as of Aug 15. If _purchased_ after Sept 1 package 
codes should be checked. Items containing wheat, wheat germ or wheat 
starch may be Chodosh after this date unless it is known that the wheat 
is Yoshon. Examples of foods that are from winter wheat which is Yoshon 
are matzos and gefilte fish.

·*Freshly baked *bakery or store-produced items including breads, 
chalahs, rolls, bagels, many cakes and cookies, and pizza may be Chodosh 
as of the production date of Aug 15 in the mid-West USA and as of Sept 1 
if made elsewhere in the USA.

·*Noodles and pasta*may be Chodosh as of the _packing_ date of Aug 22. 
If _purchased _after Sept 7, package codes should be checked.

·*Barley*: pearled barley or barley in cereals may be Chodosh as of the 
_packing_ date of Aug 15. If _purchased_ after Sept 1, package codes 
should be checked.

·*Barley malt*(also listed in the ingredients as "malt") may be Chodosh 
as of the _packing_ date of Dec 15. Package codes should be checked 
after the _purchase_ date of Jan 15 for *beer*and March 15 for malt in 
other products.

Packaged foods produced in Israel under any reliable kashrus hashgocho 
are Yoshon. If produced elsewhere, check for Yoshon printed on the label.


The following are the Chodosh packing codes for a few popular items. For 
other items, you may check last year's Guide for the code system (don't 
forget to use the revised wheat and barley dates) or call the Hot Line 
at 718-305-5133.

Quaker oats old fashioned and 1 Minute oats Jan 17 '13. The code for the 
instant oats is Jul 21 12. If produced in Canada the dates will be 
later, to be announced when known.

General Mills Cheerios products that do not contain wheat, wheat germ or 
wheat starch Aug 21 12. If they contain oats but not any of the wheat 
products Sept 21 12.





In the list above you will note that the start of the Chodosh packing 
dates for oats products is given the "chumra" date of of Jul 26. 
However, the O-U assures us that the oats used in General Mills cereals 
should be Yoshon at least up to the packing date of Sept 15, maybe even 
later. This date should be used with caution. For most companies, the 
oats become Chodosh earlier than the wheat. For General Mills it is the 
opposite. Check the list of ingredients of the cereal of interest to 
you. If it contains wheat, wheat starch or wheat germ, then the earlier 
Chodosh starting date of wheat (this date is given above) should be used 
even if oats are the main ingredient. For example, the regular Cheerios 
contains wheat starch. On the other hand, some of the special Cheerios 
such as the Honey Nut Cheerios do not list any wheat ingredient.




The price for subscribing to the 3 yearly printed issues of the Guide to 
Chodosh has remained at $18 for the last 5 years. Over the years the 
costs have increased. It has now become necessary to increase the charge 
for the yearly subscription to $20. (Note that the services of Y. Herman 
have always been provided at no cost. The Guide does not accept any 
donations. All of the ongoing expenses of this project are covered by 
the subscription charges for the printed issues of the Guide.)


It is time to renew your subscription for the 3 issues of the Guider to 
Chodosh that we will ??"?publish this upcoming season. The cost of the 
three issues this year is *$20 *(overseas $27, Canada $22). Please mail 
your check with your full mailing address to

Project Chodosh Subscriptions

PO Box 150088

Kew Gardens, NY 11415






Those who have access to email can have important corrections and 
updates sent to their email address automatically. To subscribe to this 
free service send a blank email message to:

chodosh-subscr...@jif.org.il <mailto:chodosh-subscr...@jif.org.il&g

Update from the Guide to Chodosh

2011-08-02 Thread Y. Herman


*From the Guide to Chodosh-Y. Herman*

*Chodosh telephone Hot Line 718-305-5133, email *yher...@earthlink.net 



The harvests of this year's Chodosh spring wheat and barley crops are at 
least 1-2 weeks behind normal schedule. This is due to the unusually 
cool and wet spring weather in the US northern Mid West, where most of 
these crops grow. As a result, we have revised the estimated Chodosh 
dates in the table below.


In the table below you will note that the start of the Chodosh packing 
dates for oats products is given the "chumra" date of of Jul 26. 
However, the O-U assures us that the oats used in General Mills cereals 
should be Yoshon at least up to the packing date of Sept 15, maybe even 
later. This date should be used with caution. For most companies, the 
oats become Chodosh earlier than the wheat. For General Mills it is the 
opposite. Check the list of ingredients of the cereal of interest to 
you. If it contains wheat, wheat starch or wheat germ, then the earlier 
Chodosh starting date of wheat (this date is given in the table below, 
but is not yet firm, as noted above) should be used even if oats are the 
main ingredient. For example, the regular Cheerios contains wheat 
starch. On the other hand, some of the special Cheerios such as the 
Honey Nut Cheerios do not list any wheat ingredient.



In the following table the oats dates are firm, the wheat and barley 
dates are subject to further revision as further harvest reports are 

In the table below we summarize the cutoff dates recommended by the 
Guide, based on US Government supplied harvest data.. The "Packing date" 
indicates that all packaged goods with dating codes that were before 
that date should be Yoshon. Produced on the "Packing date" and later, 
they may be Chodosh. The "Purchase date" is the first date for which we 
feel it is no longer safe to purchase the foods without checkingfor 
dating codes. We also give the first recommended date to stop purchasing 
freshly baked items produced at the local bakeries.

_Application__Packing date__Purchase date_


Packaged foods with oats(not General Mills)Jul 26Aug 9

Oats in General Mills cerealsSept 15Sept 30

*Freshly baked wheat productsAug 17 (Midwest)

Sept 1 elsewhere

*Packaged foods with wheat or barley (not malt)Aug 17Sept 1

*Noodles and pastaAug 24Sept 8

Items with malt (no wheat oats or other barley)Dec 15Mar 15

* These dates are subject to revision




The price for subscribing to the 3 yearly printed issues of the Guide to 
Chodosh has remained at $18 for the last 5 years. Over the years the 
costs have increased. It has now become necessary to increase the charge 
for the yearly subscription to $20. (Note that the services of Y. Herman 
have always been provided at no cost. The Guide does not accept any 
donations. All of the ongoing expenses of this project are covered by 
the subscription charges for the printed issues of the Guide.)


It is time to renew your subscription for the 3 issues of the Guider to 
Chodosh that we will ??"?publish this upcoming season. The cost of the 
three issues this year is *$20 *(overseas $27, Canada $22). Please mail 
your check with your full mailing address to

Project Chodosh Subscriptions

PO Box 150088

Kew Gardens, NY 11415






Those who have access to email can have important corrections and 
updates sent to their email address automatically. To subscribe to this 
free service send a blank email message to:

chodosh-subscr...@jif.org.il <mailto:chodosh-subscr...@jif.org.il>

Those who have subscribed last year to the email distribution list do 
not need to renew this email subscription.


To send an E mail message to the Guide, please address it to: 

Before you discontinue using an E-mail service, please unsubscribe from 
this list by sending a message to:


Then if you wish to resume receiving these messages from your new 
service, send a message to:

chodosh-subscr...@jif.org.il <mailto:chodosh-subscr...@jif.org.il>.

CAUTION: Some new anti-spam filters require senders to respond to a 
challenge in order for their E mail to be received. This E mail 
distribution list can not provide such responses. Other filters 
eliminate all mass mailings such as this one. If you are using such 
filters, be sure to put these messages on the allowed list of your 
filter, otherwise you will not receive the updates.


Project Chodosh is an independent activity, not affilia

Bulletin from the Guide to Chodosh

2011-07-19 Thread Y. Herman


*From the Guide to Chodosh-Y. Herman*

*Chodosh telephone Hot Line 718-305-5133, email **yher...@earthlink.net* 




According to the weekly crop progress report issued by the U. S. 
Department of Agriculture, the harvest of the new Chodosh oats crop has 
begun during the week endingJul. 17. Based on previously established 
guidelines, we will use July 26 as the effective Chodosh packing date 
for oats products for the upcoming season. The harvests of the Chodosh 
spring wheat and barley crops have not yet started. That starting date 
is about 1-2 weeks away. We are advising the followingdates for starting 
of Chodosh. In the following table the oats dates are firm, the wheat 
and barley dates are subject to further revision as further harvest 
reports are received.

In the table below we summarize the cutoff dates recommended by the 
Guide, based on US Government supplied harvest data.. The "Packing date" 
indicates that all packaged goods with dating codes that were before 
that date should be Yoshon. Starting with the "Packing date" and later, 
they may be Chodosh. The "Purchase date" is the first date for which we 
feel it is no longer safe to purchase the foods without checkingfor 
dating codes. We also give the first recommended date to stop purchasing 
freshly baked items produced at the local bakeries.

_Application__Packing date__Purchase date_


Packaged foods with oatsJul 26Aug 9

Freshly baked productsAug 10 (Midwest)

Aug 24 elsewhere

Packaged foods with wheat or barley (not malt)Aug 9Aug 24

Noodles and pastaAug 16Sept 1

Items with malt (no wheat oats or other barley)Dec 15Mar 15




The price for subscribing to the 3 yearly printed issues of the Guide to 
Chodosh has remained at $18 for the last 5 years. Over the years the 
costs have increased. It has now become necessary to increase the charge 
for the yearly subscription to $20. (Note that the services of Y. Herman 
have always been provided at no cost. The Guide does not accept any 
donations. All of the ongoing expenses of this project are covered by 
the subscription charges for the printed issues of the Guide.)


It is time to renew your subscription for the 3 issues of the Guider to 
Chodosh that we will ??"?publish this upcoming season. The cost of the 
three issues this year is *$20 *(overseas $27, Canada $22). Please mail 
your check with your full mailing address to

Project Chodosh Subscriptions

PO Box 150088

Kew Gardens, NY 11415






Those who have access to email can have important corrections and 
updates sent to their email address automatically. To subscribe to this 
free service send a blank email message to:

chodosh-subscr...@jif.org.il <mailto:chodosh-subscr...@jif.org.il>

Those who have subscribed last year to the email distribution list do 
not need to renew this email subscription.


To send an E mail message to the Guide, please address it to: 

Before you discontinue using an E-mail service, please unsubscribe from 
this list by sending a message to:


Then if you wish to resume receiving these messages from your new 
service, send a message to:

chodosh-subscr...@jif.org.il <mailto:chodosh-subscr...@jif.org.il>.

CAUTION: Some new anti-spam filters require senders to respond to a 
challenge in order for their E mail to be received. This E mail 
distribution list can not provide such responses. Other filters 
eliminate all mass mailings such as this one. If you are using such 
filters, be sure to put these messages on the allowed list of your 
filter, otherwise you will not receive the updates.


Project Chodosh is an independent activity, not affiliated with any 
movement or organization. We thank the Jewish Internet Fund (JIF) for 
allowing us to use their E mail distribution services. The JIF  provides 
free email and web hosting to Jewish education and outreach 
organizations. We also thank the sites moruda.com and sefer.org for 
allowing the public to use E mail to request copies from their 
facitlites of the Guides to Chodosh and the Mashgichim.

To mashgichim from Guide to Chodosh-Sorry-modified request

2011-05-18 Thread Y. Herman
I sent a bulletin the Chodosh email list a short while ago, addressed to 
mashgichim. I had asked that mashgichim please share with me any 
experiences they had where they uncovered unexpected Chodosh problems in 
items under their hashgocho. Unfortunately, I forgot to add to that note 
the email address where those responses should be directed. 
Unfortunately the system swallows up the answers sent by hitting  the 
"Reply" buttont, I never got those. Please resend your replies, but 
address them specifically to the email address:  yher...@yahoo.com.

Thank you
Yoseph Heman
Guide to Chodosh

Message to Mashgichim from Guide to Chodosh

2011-05-15 Thread Y. Herman
I am now working on revising my Guide to Mashgichim, directed to 
mashgichim working with Yoshon. Can you please send me email about 
experiences you have had uncovering unexpected problems in Yoshon 

Everyone understands that when flour is a primary ingredient, if the 
flour is from spring wheat, oats, or barley, then the mashgiach must 
check to make sure that the flour is Yoshon. What surprises have you 
found that are less obvious?

For example, one surprise at the end of last season had to do with wheat 
starch. One manufacturer  did their best to secure supplies of Yoshon 
oatmeal for their oatmeal cookies to allow production of those cookies 
beyond the normal cutoff for oats. It was not until near the end of the 
season that their mashgiach realized that the wheat starch that is added 
to these cookies as a minor ingredient may have been Chodosh as of 
August. A similar case involved the nutrients added to flour after the 
milling. Those nutrients are added to a base for mixing with the flour. 
Normally that base has no question of Chodosh. However, it was 
discovered that in the production of "Yoshon" flour from winter wheat, 
the nutrients were added to a base that was from wheat and may have been 

If you have such "war stories", please share them with me. I will try to 
spread awareness of such problems to other mashgichim. When sending me 
you contribution, please identify yourself. I will, of course, keep your 
name and other specific details private.

Thank you, and tizku l'mitzvos
Yoseph Herman
Guide to Chodosh

Preseason Update from the Guide to ChodoshPreseascon

2011-05-06 Thread Y. Herman


*From the Guide to Chodosh-Y. Herman*

*Chodosh telephone Hot Line 718-305-5133, email **yher...@yahoo.com* 

With pesach behind us we are enjoying a few months free from Chodosh 
concerns. The planting of next season's Chodosh crops is now under way. 
We were hoping that since pesach was so late on the solar calendar, 
perhaps a majority of the relevant crops would be planted before pesach, 
making them Yoshon. This hope did not materialize. Indeed, according to 
the U. S. Dep't of Agriculture weekly crop bulletins, about 3 days 
before pesach only 5% of the spring wheat, 11% of the barley and 39% of 
the oats were planted in the USA. This assures that the majority of 
these crops will be Chodosh next season, as usual.

We expect that the Chodosh problems will start again when the harvests 
begin. This would be for oats at the end of July, for wheat, early 
August and for barley late August. We hope BS"D to issue updates as 
these dates approach and we monitor the harvest progress.

Meanwhile, may we be zocha for a renewed kabolas Torah and have a 
pleasant summer.

Yoseph Herman


Update from the Guide to Chodosh

2011-02-06 Thread Y. Herman


*From the Guide to Chodosh-Y. Herman*

*Chodosh telephone Hot Line 718-305-5133, email *yher...@yahoo.com 


Beer is made from barley malt. If the dating code is known, it may be 
Chodosh if packed on Dec 15 or later. If the code is not given in the 
Guide you should try to call the company to find out what is the dating 
code for Dec 15. If the dating code is not known, then beer _purchased 
after Jan 15_ should be assumed to be Chodosh. (Note that we usually 
recommended that for items containing malt it can be assumed that the 
malt in packages on the store shelves is Yoshon up to a _purchase date 
of Mar. 15_. This recommendation in the past we also extended to beer. 
However, since some beers have a manufacturer's recommended shelf life 
of only 4 months, we are revising the purchase cutoff date for beers to 
_Jan. 15_, unless dating codes are known and it can be determined that 
the beer was packed before Dec 15.)

All Kemach cereals, the malt has the Chodosh code of Feb 1 12 (1 year 
after packing.) Kemach cereals with oats are listed in the Guide as 
having a Chodosh code of Nov 1 11 (1 year after packing.) In fact those 
cereals which have wheat or wheat starch in the ingredients have an 
earlier Chodosh code, Aug 9 11. Kemach 10 lb. Egg Barley with a code of 
020103z (02=Feb, 01= day, 03=year+2) is still Yoshon.

Unger pie crusts Chodosh code 10308 (10=year, 308=day of the year.)




On Dec 21 we announced that we had received a psak from Harav Elyashiv 
that stated that wheat bran and oat bran have no problem of Chodosh, 
even if they come from Chodosh grain. It turns out that the psak was 
based on the incorrect assumption that such bran today is basically 
produced for animal food. When it was explained to Harav Elyashiv that 
such bran is very commonly used for human food, he stated that bran 
coming from Chodosh grain should be treated as Chodosh. Therefore, where 
oat bran is listed as an ingredient, the usual packing cutoff date of 
Jul 26 should be used and for wheat bran Aug 9, as has been assumed 
thusfar in the Guide.


Malt or barley malt may be Chodosh as of a packing date of Dec 15. 
Therefore any packaged food whose package code is known may contain 
Chodosh malt if packed on or after Dec 15. Where the package code is not 
known, it may be assumed that up to a PURCHASE DATE of Mar 15 '11, the 
malt found in packages on the grocery shelves is still Yoshon. This 
year, since pesach is on Apr 12 due to the extra month of Adar, people 
should purchase enough malt containing items to last up to pesach.

Trader Joe white whole wheat flour Chodosh code Aug 9 12

Liebers pretzels with barley or oats in the ingredients may be Chodosh 
despite the Yoshon label on the package.

Food Should Taste Good Company products with oats in the ingredients, 
the Chodosh code is Jan 26 11 (6 months after packing.) For those 
without oats but containing wheat or barley (not malt) the code is Feb 9 
11. For those without wheat, oats or barley, but containing malt, the 
code is Jun 15 11.

Kemach all purpose flour, both the wheat and the malt are Yoshon at all 

Rabbi Eliezer Schneebalg of England. All products under his hashgocho 
are Yoshon, including candy products.

Maxi Health Vitamin and nutrition products, the expiration date is 4 
years after packing except for Probiotics for which it is 3 years. 
Therefore, for items containing oats or oat bran, the Chodosh code is 
7-14 (July 2014). For wheat it is 8-14. For Probiotics the code would be 
1 year earlier.



All Liebers cookies, crackers and snackers that list malt in the 
ingredients may be Chodosh starting with the code of 349J (349=day of 
year, J=2010.) At this time most Liebers products have a uniform dating 
code where the first 3 digits are the day of the year and the letter 
that follows is the year (J=2010, K=2011...). In time all Liebers 
products will have this code (besides any other codes that may be on the 
package.) One reason for this is to accommodate the Yoshon consumer so 
that we can always tell when the package was packed.

Franczoz whole wheat bread given out with hospital foods is NOT Yoshon.

Kemach cookies, snackers and crackers, the wheat is Yoshon. The malt may 
be Chodosh starting a packing date of Dec 15. The three digits in the 
code indicate the day of the year, the Chodosh code is 349. Kemach Honey 
Nut Toasted Oats cereal contains wheat germ that may be Chodosh after a 
packing date of Aug 9, code Aug 9 11 (1 year after packing.) For other 
Kemach cereals, the malt Chodosh date is Dec 15 11 (1 year after 
packing.) For pie crusts the malt may be Chodosh starting with a code of 

Harav Elyahsiv retracts heter on bran, plus other Chodosh news

2011-01-18 Thread Y. Herman


*From the Guide to Chodosh-Y. Herman*

*Chodosh telephone Hot Line 718-305-5133, email *yher...@yahoo.com 



On Dec 21 we announced that we had received a psak from Harav Elyashiv 
that stated that wheat bran and oat bran have no problem of Chodosh, 
even if they come from Chodosh grain. It turns out that the psak was 
based on the incorrect assumption that such bran today is basically 
produced for animal food. When it was explained to Harav Elyashiv that 
such bran is very commonly used for human food, he stated that bran 
coming from Chodosh grain should be treated as Chodosh. Therefore, where 
oat bran is listed as an ingredient, the usual packing cutoff date of 
Jul 26 should be used and for wheat bran Aug 9, as has been assumed 
thusfar in the Guide.


Malt or barley malt may be Chodosh as of a packing date of Dec 15. 
Therefore any packaged food whose package code is known may contain 
Chodosh malt if packed on or after Dec 15. Where the package code is not 
known, it may be assumed that up to a PURCHASE DATE of Mar 15 '11, the 
malt found in packages on the grocery shelves is still Yoshon. This 
year, since pesach is on Apr 12 due to the extra month of Adar, people 
should purchase enough malt containing items to last up to pesach.

Trader Joe white whole wheat flour Chodosh code Aug 9 12

Liebers pretzels with barley or oats in the ingredients may be Chodosh 
despite the Yoshon label on the package.

Food Should Taste Good Company products with oats in the ingredients, 
the Chodosh code is Jan 26 11 (6 months after packing.) For those 
without oats but containing wheat or barley (not malt) the code is Feb 9 
11. For those without wheat, oats or barley, but containing malt, the 
code is Jun 15 11.

Kemach all purpose flour, both the wheat and the malt are Yoshon at all 

Rabbi Eliezer Schneebalg of England. All products under his hashgocho 
are Yoshon, including candy products.

Maxi Health Vitamin and nutrition products, the expiration date is 4 
years after packing except for Probiotics for which it is 3 years. 
Therefore, for items containing oats or oat bran, the Chodosh code is 
7-14 (July 2014). For wheat it is 8-14. For Probiotics the code would be 
1 year earlier.



All Liebers cookies, crackers and snackers that list malt in the 
ingredients may be Chodosh starting with the code of 349J (349=day of 
year, J=2010.) At this time most Liebers products have a uniform dating 
code where the first 3 digits are the day of the year and the letter 
that follows is the year (J=2010, K=2011...). In time all Liebers 
products will have this code (besides any other codes that may be on the 
package.) One reason for this is to accommodate the Yoshon consumer so 
that we can always tell when the package was packed.

Franczoz whole wheat bread given out with hospital foods is NOT Yoshon.

Kemach cookies, snackers and crackers, the wheat is Yoshon. The malt may 
be Chodosh starting a packing date of Dec 15. The three digits in the 
code indicate the day of the year, the Chodosh code is 349. Kemach Honey 
Nut Toasted Oats cereal contains wheat germ that may be Chodosh after a 
packing date of Aug 9, code Aug 9 11 (1 year after packing.) For other 
Kemach cereals, the malt Chodosh date is Dec 15 11 (1 year after 
packing.) For pie crusts the malt may be Chodosh starting with a code of 
12-15-11 (1year after packing.) Note that the listing for Kemach 
chocolate graham pie crust on page 40 of the Guide is not correct and 
should be deleted.

Cavendish spicy fries, if made in Canada, the Chodosh code is 24-10-2010 
(Oct 24 '10).



Warnings have been issued by kashrus oragnizations that worms have been 
found in boxes of Ronzoni Elbow macaroni. (This has nothing to do with 
Yoshon.) We advise that all pasta and barley should always be checked 
for bugs. The Guide had for a long time stated that noodles and pasta in 
cellophane bags are more secure against bugs entering than cardboard boxes.

Joray Fruit Rollups and other similar licorice type candies usually 
contain wheat flour. Such candies, if not listed as Yoshon in the Guide 
may be Chodosh.

Dependable and Masbia noodles and pasta are Yoshon even without a Yoshon 
label. The Dependable listing on page 25 of the second issue of the 
Guide is incorrect and should be deleted.

Kemach Sugar Puff cereal uses durum spring wheat. The Chodosh code is 
Sept 1 11 (1 year after packing.)

Gluten free oats are regular oats that are grown free of contamination 
from wheat. As such it could be Chodosh if packed starting July 26.

Sensible Portions Veggy Straws and other items from this company, the 

Update from the Guide to Chodosh

2010-12-30 Thread Y. Herman


*From the Guide to Chodosh-Y. Herman*

*Chodosh telephone Hot Line 718-305-5133, email *yher...@yahoo.com 


PSAK HALACHA From Harav Hagoan Elyashiv Shlita (in response to our 
question): Wheat bran and oat bran are not to be considered Chodosh even 
if they came from grain that is Chodosh, because bran is not a 
significant part of the grain. He was not concerned that some particles 
of wheat or oat flour could be clinging to the bran.

All Liebers cookies, crackers and snackers that list malt in the 
ingredients may be Chodosh starting with the code of 349J (349=day of 
year, J=2010.) At this time most Liebers products have a uniform dating 
code where the first 3 digits are the day of the year and the letter 
that follows is the year (J=2010, K=2011...). In time all Liebers 
products will have this code (besides any other codes that may be on the 
package.) One reason for this is to accommodate the Yoshon consumer so 
that we can always tell when the package was packed.

Franczoz whole wheat bread given out with hospital foods is NOT Yoshon.

Kemach cookies, snackers and crackers, the wheat is Yoshon. The malt may 
be Chodosh starting a packing date of Dec 15. The three digits in the 
code indicate the day of the year, the Chodosh code is 349. Kemach Honey 
Nut Toasted Oats cereal contains wheat germ that may be Chodosh after a 
packing date of Aug 9, code Aug 9 11 (1 year after packing.) For other 
Kemach cereals, the malt Chodosh date is Dec 15 11 (1 year after 
packing.) For pie crusts the malt may be Chodosh starting with a code of 
12-15-11 (1year after packing.) Note that the listing for Kemach 
chocolate graham pie crust on page 40 of the Guide is not correct and 
should be deleted.

Cavendish spicy fries, if made in Canada, the Chodosh code is 24-10-2010 
(Oct 24 '10).



Warnings have been issued by kashrus oragnizations that worms have been 
found in boxes of Ronzoni Elbow macaroni. (This has nothing to do with 
Yoshon.) We advise that all pasta and barley should always be checked 
for bugs. The Guide had for a long time stated that noodles and pasta in 
cellophane bags are more secure against bugs entering than cardboard boxes.

Joray Fruit Rollups and other similar licorice type candies usually 
contain wheat flour. Such candies, if not listed as Yoshon in the Guide 
may be Chodosh.

Dependable and Masbia noodles and pasta are Yoshon even without a Yoshon 
label. The Dependable listing on page 25 of the second issue of the 
Guide is incorrect and should be deleted.

Kemach Sugar Puff cereal uses durum spring wheat. The Chodosh code is 
Sept 1 11 (1 year after packing.)

Gluten free oats are regular oats that are grown free of contamination 
from wheat. As such it could be Chodosh if packed starting July 26.

Sensible Portions Veggy Straws and other items from this company, the 
package date is 180 days after packing. For items containing wheat, the 
Chodosh code for a packing date of Aug 9 is Feb 5 11.

Items manufactured on same equipment as wheat products. If you look at 
many packaged foods, you may see a note that it is manufactured on the 
same equipment wheat products. This is printed to warn those who may 
have a wheat allergy, some residue of wheat may remain on the machines 
from earlier production runs. You should consult your own posek to ask 
if there is a need to worry that the wheat residue may have been 
Chodosh. Examples of this are General Mills cereals such as Honey Nut 
Cheerios and Reeses Puffs, also some cashew nuts and other products.

Golden Puff products are listed in the Guide as being Yoshon under the 
hashgocho of the Kedessia of London, where they are manufactured. They 
are being marketed in the USA under the different hashgochos but are 
still Yoshon.

Chuster pasta products with a Yoshon label and a CRC hashgocho for 
kashrus are certified by the CRC as being Yoshon.


LAKEWOOD: The information for facilities under hashgocho for Yoshon by 
Rabbi Gissinger were not properly updated on pages 62 and 63 of the new 
Guide. The information on page 8 is correct. It is reprinted here for 
your reference.

*_Lakewood NJ_*

*? Café Clinton* Yoshon under the hashgocho of Rabbi S. Gissinger.

*? Gelbstein and Gruenebaum* Bakeries Yoshon under the hashgocho of 
Rabbi S. Gissinger.

*? Kosher Village* Bakery Dept Yoshon under the hashgocho of Rabbi S. 
Gissinger, except for the seven grain bread.

*? **River Avenue Café*Yoshon under the hashgocho of Rabbi S. Gissinger



Grab-One Nutrition bars are Yoshon under the hashgocho of the Kof-K.

We were advised by the Kehila Kashrus that the following establishments 

Update from the Guide to Chodosh

2010-12-21 Thread Y. Herman


*From the Guide to Chodosh-Y. Herman*

*Chodosh telephone Hot Line 718-305-5133, email *yher...@yahoo.com 



Warnings have been issued by kashrus oragnizations that worms have been 
found in boxes of Ronzoni Elbow macaroni. (This has nothing to do with 
Yoshon.) We advise that all pasta and barley should always be checked 
for bugs. The Guide had for a long time stated that noodles and pasta in 
cellophane bags are more secure against bugs entering than cardboard boxes.

Joray Fruit Rollups and other similar licorice type candies usually 
contain wheat flour. Such candies, if not listed as Yoshon in the Guide 
may be Chodosh.

Dependable and Masbia noodles and pasta are Yoshon even without a Yoshon 
label. The Dependable listing on page 25 of the second issue of the 
Guide is incorrect and should be deleted.

Kemach Sugar Puff cereal uses durum spring wheat. The Chodosh code is 
Sept 1 11 (1 year after packing.)

Gluten free oats are regular oats that are grown free of contamination 
from wheat. As such it could be Chodosh if packed starting July 26.

Sensible Portions Veggy Straws and other items from this company, the 
package date is 180 days after packing. For items containing wheat, the 
Chodosh code for a packing date of Aug 9 is Feb 5 11.

Items manufactured on same equipment as wheat products. If you look at 
many packaged foods, you may see a note that it is manufactured on the 
same equipment wheat products. This is printed to warn those who may 
have a wheat allergy, some residue of wheat may remain on the machines 
from earlier production runs. You should consult your own posek to ask 
if there is a need to worry that the wheat residue may have been 
Chodosh. Examples of this are General Mills cereals such as Honey Nut 
Cheerios and Reeses Puffs, also some cashew nuts and other products.

Golden Puff products are listed in the Guide as being Yoshon under the 
hashgocho of the Kedessia of London, where they are manufactured. They 
are being marketed in the USA under the different hashgochos but are 
still Yoshon.

Chuster pasta products with a Yoshon label and a CRC hashgocho for 
kashrus are certified by the CRC as being Yoshon.


LAKEWOOD: The information for facilities under hashgocho for Yoshon by 
Rabbi Gissinger were not properly updated on pages 62 and 63 of the new 
Guide. The information on page 8 is correct. It is reprinted here for 
your reference.

*_Lakewood NJ_*

*? Café Clinton* Yoshon under the hashgocho of Rabbi S. Gissinger.

*? Gelbstein and Gruenebaum* Bakeries Yoshon under the hashgocho of 
Rabbi S. Gissinger.

*? Kosher Village* Bakery Dept Yoshon under the hashgocho of Rabbi S. 
Gissinger, except for the seven grain bread.

*? **River Avenue Café*Yoshon under the hashgocho of Rabbi S. Gissinger



Grab-One Nutrition bars are Yoshon under the hashgocho of the Kof-K.

We were advised by the Kehila Kashrus that the following establishments 
in Brooklyn are NOT Yoshon: Ave J Appetizing,1348 Coney Island Ave, Ave 
P Appetizer, 466 Ave P, and The Bagel Café, Kings Highway at E. 3^rd St.

Bay State commercial flour is only Yoshon under the hashgocho of the 
O-Uif there is Yoshon marking on the flour bag.



You can download the second (Nov '10) issue of the Guide, as usual, by 
sending an email message to ONE of the following addresses:

chod...@sefer.org <mailto:chod...@sefer.org>

chod...@moruda.com <mailto:chod...@moruda.com>


Those who have access to email can have important corrections and 
updates sent to their email address automatically. To subscribe to this 
free service send a blank email message to:

chodosh-subscr...@jif.org.il <mailto:chodosh-subscr...@jif.org.il>

Those who have subscribed last year to the email distribution list do 
not need to renew this email subscription.


To send an E mail message to the Guide, please address it to: 
Before you discontinue using an E-mail service, please unsubscribe from 
this list by sending a message to:

Then if you wish to resume receiving these messages from your new 
service, send a message to:

chodosh-subscr...@jif.org.il <mailto:chodosh-subscr...@jif.org.il>.

CAUTION: Some new anti-spam filters require senders to respond to a 
challenge in order for their E mail to be received. This E mail 
distribution list can not provide such responses. Other filters 
eliminate all mass mailings such as this one. If you are using such 
filters, be sure to put these m

Update from Guide to Chodosh

2010-11-30 Thread Y. Herman


*From the Guide to Chodosh-Y. Herman*

*Chodosh telephone Hot Line 718-305-5133, email *yher...@yahoo.com 

The second issue of the Guide to Chodosh was mailed out to almost all of 
the paid subscribers and local distributors at the end of the week of 
Nov 27. We hope to complete the mailing to the remaining handful during 
the current week starting with Nov 29. This second issue went out about 
2-3 weeks behind schedule. We apologize for any resulting inconvenience.


LAKEWOOD: The information for facilities under hashgocho for Yoshon by 
Rabbi Gissinger were not properly updated on pages 62 and 63 of the new 
Guide. The information on page 8 is correct. It is reprinted here for 
your reference.

*_Lakewood NJ_*

*? Café Clinton* Yoshon under the hashgocho of Rabbi S. Gissinger.

*? Gelbstein and Gruenebaum* Bakeries Yoshon under the hashgocho of 
Rabbi S. Gissinger.

*? Kosher Village* Bakery Dept Yoshon under the hashgocho of Rabbi S. 
Gissinger, except for the seven grain bread.

*? **River Avenue Café*Yoshon under the hashgocho of Rabbi S. Gissinger



Grab-One Nutrition bars are Yoshon under the hashgocho of the Kof-K.

We were advised by the Kehila Kashrus that the following establishments 
in Brooklyn are NOT Yoshon: Ave J Appetizing,1348 Coney Island Ave, Ave 
P Appetizer, 466 Ave P, and The Bagel Café, Kings Highway at E. 3^rd St.

Bay State commercial flour is only Yoshon under the hashgocho of the 
O-Uif there is Yoshon marking on the flour bag.



You can download the second (Nov '10) issue of the Guide, as usual, by 
sending an email message to ONE of the following addresses:

chod...@sefer.org <mailto:chod...@sefer.org>

chod...@moruda.com <mailto:chod...@moruda.com>


Those who have access to email can have important corrections and 
updates sent to their email address automatically. To subscribe to this 
free service send a blank email message to:

chodosh-subscr...@jif.org.il <mailto:chodosh-subscr...@jif.org.il>

Those who have subscribed last year to the email distribution list do 
not need to renew this email subscription.


To send an E mail message to the Guide, please address it to: 
Before you discontinue using an E-mail service, please unsubscribe from 
this list by sending a message to:

Then if you wish to resume receiving these messages from your new 
service, send a message to:

chodosh-subscr...@jif.org.il <mailto:chodosh-subscr...@jif.org.il>.

CAUTION: Some new anti-spam filters require senders to respond to a 
challenge in order for their E mail to be received. This E mail 
distribution list can not provide such responses. Other filters 
eliminate all mass mailings such as this one. If you are using such 
filters, be sure to put these messages on the allowed list of your 
filter, otherwise you will not receive the updates.


Project Chodosh is an independent activity, not affiliated with any 
movement or organization. We thank the Jewish Internet Fund (JIF) for 
allowing us to use their E mail distribution services. The JIF  provides 
free email and web hosting to Jewish education and outreach 
organizations. We also thank the sites moruda.com and sefer.org for 
allowing the public to use E mail to request copies from their 
facitlites of the Guides to Chodosh and the Mashgichim.

Bulletin from Guide to Chodosh

2010-11-29 Thread Y. Herman


*From the Guide to Chodosh-Y. Herman*

*Chodosh telephone Hot Line 718-305-5133, email *yher...@yahoo.com 

The second issue of the Guide to Chodosh was mailed out to almost all of 
the paid subscribers and local distributors at the end of the week of 
Nov 27. We hope to complete the mailing to the remaining handful during 
the current week starting with Nov 29. This second issue went out about 
2-3 weeks behind schedule. We apologize for any resulting inconvenience.


Grab-One Nutrition bars are Yoshon under the hashgocho of the Kof-K.

We were advised by the Kehila Kashrus that the following establishments 
in Brooklyn are NOT Yoshon: Ave J Appetizing,1348 Coney Island Ave, Ave 
P Appetizer, 466 Ave P, and The Bagel Café, Kings Highway at E. 3^rd St.

Bay State commercial flour is only Yoshon under the hashgocho of the 
O-Uif there is Yoshon marking on the flour bag.



You can download the second (Nov '10) issue of the Guide, as usual, by 
sending an email message to ONE of the following addresses:

chod...@sefer.org <mailto:chod...@sefer.org>

chod...@moruda.com <mailto:chod...@moruda.com>


Those who have access to email can have important corrections and 
updates sent to their email address automatically. To subscribe to this 
free service send a blank email message to:

chodosh-subscr...@jif.org.il <mailto:chodosh-subscr...@jif.org.il>

Those who have subscribed last year to the email distribution list do 
not need to renew this email subscription.


To send an E mail message to the Guide, please address it to: 
Before you discontinue using an E-mail service, please unsubscribe from 
this list by sending a message to:

Then if you wish to resume receiving these messages from your new 
service, send a message to:

chodosh-subscr...@jif.org.il <mailto:chodosh-subscr...@jif.org.il>.

CAUTION: Some new anti-spam filters require senders to respond to a 
challenge in order for their E mail to be received. This E mail 
distribution list can not provide such responses. Other filters 
eliminate all mass mailings such as this one. If you are using such 
filters, be sure to put these messages on the allowed list of your 
filter, otherwise you will not receive the updates.


Project Chodosh is an independent activity, not affiliated with any 
movement or organization. We thank the Jewish Internet Fund (JIF) for 
allowing us to use their E mail distribution services. The JIF  provides 
free email and web hosting to Jewish education and outreach 
organizations. We also thank the sites moruda.com and sefer.org for 
allowing the public to use E mail to request copies from their 
facitlites of the Guides to Chodosh and the Mashgichim.

Update from the Guide to Chodosh

2010-11-07 Thread Y. Herman
The second printed issue of the Guide to Chodosh was supposed to be 
received by the subscribers and local distributors by Nov. 15. 
Unfortunately, due to personal problems the second issue will be delayed 
somewhat. We hope to complete it about 2 weeks late, by the end of 
November. We apologize for this delay. Meanwhile, below we list the 
draft of the changes and additions to the first issue of the Guide. 
These will be incorporated in the second issue.


*_Israel_*: All *Cheerios* products sold in Israel under the General 
Mills/Nestle label have "Best if used by" date (referred here as the 
"code") that is 372 days after packing. Wheat products in the 
ingredients may be Chodosh starting with at packing date of Aug 9, code 
Aug 16, 2011. For those cereals that contain oats but no wheat the oats 
may be Chodosh staring a packing date of Oct 15, code Oct 22 11. Nature 
Valley Granola bars sold in Israel with Hebrew Lettering and an O-U 
symbol are Yoshon with codes of 8/21/11 or earlier.

*_Canada_:* All items from wheat and oats made in Canada are Yoshon at 
least up to a packing date of Oct 1.

*_Pretzel_*_clarification:_ *Crunchy pretzels* that break easily and are 
not made with whole wheat flour, are from winter wheat. If they contain 
malt, then they may be Chodosh after a packing date of Dec 15. *Chewy 
soft pretzels* are from spring wheat and are probably Chodosh if 
produced after Aug 9. *Pretzels from whole wheat* *flour* such as "honey 
wheat" pretzels may use either winter or spring wheat flour. They may 
also be Chodosh after a packing date of Aug 9.

*_Section 4.1 Baked Products_*

*Bloch* cookies are Yoshon under the hashgocho of Rabbi Weissmandl

*Gross *cookies are Yoshon under the hashgocho of Rabbi Weissmandl.

*Kemach*. All cookies, snackers, crackers are Yoshon, even whole wheat 
and graham, at least until malt becomes a problem after Dec. Bread 
sticks are Yoshon including the malt. Kemach Flat breads have a Chodosh 
code of Nov 1 2011. Chip-a-Riffic, Chunky Chip-a-Riffic cookies are 
Yoshon. SofBite Oatmeal Raisin Cookies have a Chodosh code of 1102B 
(110=day of year, 2=year+2, B=not important.) All cereals with oats have 
a Chodosh code of Nov 1 2011 (1year after packing.) Under the hashgocho 
of Rabbi Horowitz.

*Liebers* cookies, crackers and snackers made in the USA without oats 
are Yoshon at least until malt becomes a problem after Dec. From Israel 
are always Yoshon. Whole wheat crackers from Brazil may be Chodosh. 
Under the hashgocho of Rabbi Weissmandl

*_Section 5 Noodles and Pasta_*

*America's Choice* noodles and pasta the code is Aug 16 2012 (2 years 
after packing.)

*Eden* pasta is Yoshon, even without a Yoshon label, under the hashgocho 
of Rabbi Teitelbaum, the Nirbarter Rav.

*Kemach *egg noodles are Yoshon even without a Yoshon label until Jan 1. 
After that only with a Yoshon label. Kemach spaghetti, macaroni, 
lasagna, ziti, penne, spirals in 1 pound boxes all have a Chodosh code 
of Nov 1 10.Bulk food service 10 pound boxes of bow ties, egg barley, 
fine noodles, medium noodles, broad noodles, have a Chodosh code of 
3030xxZ (303=day of year, 0=year, xx=not important, Z=must be "Z" for 
this code to be valid.).Under the hashgocho of Rabbi Horowitz.

*Liebers Chow Mein* noodles, soups with noodles, soup mixesmay be 
Chodosh. Under the hashgocho of Rabbi Weissmandl

*_Section 6 Flour_*

*Dependable* all purpose and whole wheat flour sold in groceries in 5, 6 
or 7 pound bags are Yoshon if there is a Yoshon stamp on the package.

*Kemach*-All flour sold in groceries, all purpose, whole wheat and high 
gluten all use winter wheat that is Yoshon. The whole wheat flour does 
not contain any malt. The other flours do contain malt that could be 
Chodosh after December. Code to be supplied later.Under the hashgocho of 
Rabbi Horowitz.

*_Section 7.1 Barley_*

*Gefen* barley will be Yoshon the entire season, under the hashgocho of 
Rabbi Friedman. His name does not appear on the package.

*Dependable* barley is Yoshon under the hashgocho of Rabbis Klein and Taub.

*_Section 7.2 Bread crumbs, matzo meal_*

*Kemach* bread crumbs in 50 pound bags and matzo meal in 25 pound bags 
are Yoshon.

*_Section 8.1 Cereals_*

*Dependable* farina, oatmeal, oats bran, malt barley flour, oats flour, 
rolled oats,in industrial sizes haveChodosh code Jul 31 2010. Under the 
hashgochos of Rabbi M. B. Klein and B. Taub.

*General Mills cereals* using oats, the oats will be Yoshon at least up 
to the packaging date of Oct 15. Therefore, when using the table in the 
Guide for General Mills cereals, use the earlier wheat Chodosh date, not 
the oats.

*Kemach cereals*. The following use only winter wheat and are Yoshon, at 
least until the malt becomes a problem after December. Whole Wheat 
Flakes, Raisin Bran and Bran Flakes, Cocoa Munchies, Choco Chippers. 
Kemach cereals with oats have a Chodosh code of Nov 1

Update from the Guide to Chodosh

2010-10-24 Thread Y. Herman


*From the Guide to Chodosh-Y. Herman*

*Chodosh telephone Hot Line 718-305-5133, email *yher...@yahoo.com 


The following are additions and corrections to this first issue of the 
Guide to Chodosh.The items added since the last bulletin are marked at 
the start with "**".

**_Israel_: All Cheerios products sold in Israel under the General 
Mills/Nestle label have a Chodosh CodeofAug 16 11. Nature Valley Granola 
bars sold in Israel with Hebrew Lettering and an O-U symbol are Yoshon 
with codes of 8/21/11 or earlier.

**_Canada_: All items from wheat and oats made in Canada are Yoshon at 
least up to a packing date of Oct 1.

CRC Hashgochos

On page 17 of the Guide it mistakenly states that their hashgocho 
policies are not known. In fact they are known, as detailed in Preface 
A.2, page 4-5.

Section 4.1 Baked Products

**Bloch cookies are Yoshon under the hashgocho of Rabbi Weissmandl

**Gross cookies are Yoshon under the hashgocho of Rabbi Weissmandl

Kemach. All cookies, snackers, crackers are Yoshon, even whole wheat and 
graham, at least until malt becomes a problem after Dec. Bread sticks 
are Yoshon including the malt.

**Kemach Flat breads have a Chodosh code of Nov 1 2011. Chip-a-Riffic, 
Chunky Chip-a-Riffic cookies are Yoshon. SofBite Oatmeal Raisin Cookies 
have a Chodosh code of 1102B (110=day of year, 2=year+2, B=not important.)

** Liebers cookies, crackers and snackers made in the USA without oats 
are Yoshon at least until malt becomes a problem after Dec. From Israel 
are always Yoshon. Whole wheat crackers from Brazil may be Chodosh. 
Under the hashgocho of Rabbi Weissmandl

Section 4.2 Pretzels

WARNING: Honey-wheat pretzels (all brands) use whole wheat flour that 
may be Chodosh after a packing date of Aug 9. No codes known at this time.

**Liebers pretzels are Yoshon, under the hashgocho of Rabbi Weissmandl

Section 5 Noodles and Pasta

America's Choice noodles and pasta the code is Aug 16 2012 (2 years 
after packing.)

Kemach egg noodles are Yoshon even without a Yoshon label until Jan 1. 
After that only with a Yoshon label.

**Kemach spaghetti, macaroni, lasagna, ziti, penne, spirals in 1 pound 
boxes all have a Chodosh code of Nov 1 10.Bulk food service 10 pound 
boxes of bow ties, egg barley, fine noodles, medium noodles, broad 
noodles, have a Chodosh code of 3030xxZ (303=day of year, 0=year, xx=not 
important, Z=must be "Z" for this code to be valid.)

**Liebers Chow Mein noodles, soups with noodles, soup mixes may be 
Chodosh. Under the hashgocho of Rabbi Weissmandl

Shoprite noodles and pasta code has changed. It is now 2 years after 
packing. The Chodosh code should be Aug 16 2012.

Section 6 Flour

** Dependable all purpose and whole wheat flour sold in groceries in 5, 
6 or 7 pound bags are Yoshon if there is a Yoshon stamp on the package.

Kemach-All Kemach flour sold in groceries, all purpose, whole wheat and 
high gluten all use winter wheat that is Yoshon. The whole wheat flour 
does not contain any malt. The other flours do contain malt that could 
be Chodosh after December. Code to be supplied later.

Section 7.1 Barley

Gefen barley will be Yoshon the entire season, under the hashgocho of 
Rabbi Friedman. His name does not appear on the package.

Section 7.2 Bread crumbs, matzo meal

Kemach bread crumbs in 50 pound bags and matzo meal in 25 pound bags are 

Section 8.1 Cereal

**Dependable farina, oatmeal, oats bran, malt barley flour, oats flour, 
rolled oats, in industrial sizes have Chodosh code Jul 31 2010. Under 
the hashgochos of Rabbi M. B. Klein and B. Taub.

General Mills cereals using oats, the oats will be Yoshon at least up to 
the packaging date of Oct 15. Therefore, when using the table in the 
Guide for General Mills cereals, use the earlier wheat Chodosh date, not 
the oats. The package code for Nestle cereals sold in Israel is still 
not known.

Kemach cereals. The following use only winter wheat and are Yoshon, at 
least until the malt becomes a problem after December. Whole Wheat 
Flakes, Raisin Bran and Bran Flakes, Cocoa Munchies, Choco Chippers.

**Kemach cereals with oats have a Chodosh code of Nov 1 2011.

Quaker instant oats, code is now in transition. Some packages on shelves 
still have the old code which is 540 days after packing. Some of the new 
production already use the new code of 360 days. Some guidance in the 
unavoidable confusion: new packages of Cinnamon Spice, Apples and 
Cinnamon and Maple and Brown Sugar should use the new code. In addition 
all boxes with the notation "New Hardier Texture" or when the ingredient 
state 25% less sugar" all are using 360 days.

Section 9.1 Frozen and packaged foods

**Bodek croutons and crackers in the Bodek lunch box Yoshon under the 
hashgocho of Rabbi S. Gissinger. Bodek egg rolls are Chodosh.

Kemach pie cru

The new Chodosh Guide is ready to download

2010-08-18 Thread Y. Herman


*From the Guide to Chodosh-Y. Herman*

*Chodosh telephone Hot Line 718-305-5133, email *yher...@yahoo.com 


The first issue of the Guide to Chodosh has gone to the printer. Those 
who subscribed to the printed version can expect it to be delivered by 
US Mail in about 10-14 days. The local distributors of the printed 
copies should also have them in about 10-14 days. Meanwhile you can 
download the new Guide, as usual, by sending an email message to ONE of 
the following addresses:

chod...@sefer.org <mailto:chod...@sefer.org>

chod...@moruda.com <mailto:chod...@moruda.com>


Those who have access to email can have important corrections and 
updates sent to their email address automatically. To subscribe to this 
free service send a blank email message to:

chodosh-subscr...@jif.org.il <mailto:chodosh-subscr...@jif.org.il>

Those who have subscribed last year to the email distribution list do 
not need to renew this email subscription.


To send an E mail message to the Guide, please address it to: 
Before you discontinue using an E-mail service, please unsubscribe from 
this list by sending a message to:

Then if you wish to resume receiving these messages from your new 
service, send a message to:

chodosh-subscr...@jif.org.il <mailto:chodosh-subscr...@jif.org.il>.

CAUTION: Some new anti-spam filters require senders to respond to a 
challenge in order for their E mail to be received. This E mail 
distribution list can not provide such responses. Other filters 
eliminate all mass mailings such as this one. If you are using such 
filters, be sure to put these messages on the allowed list of your 
filter, otherwise you will not receive the updates.


Project Chodosh is an independent activity, not affiliated with any 
movement or organization. We thank the Jewish Internet Fund (JIF) for 
allowing us to use their E mail distribution services. The JIF  provides 
free email and web hosting to Jewish education and outreach 
organizations. We also thank the sites moruda.com and sefer.org for 
allowing the public to use E mail to request copies from their 
facitlites of the Guides to Chodosh and the Mashgichim.

Chodosh bulleitn-no change from last week

2010-07-27 Thread Y. Herman


*From the Guide to Chodosh-Y. Herman*

*Chodosh telephone Hot Line 718-305-5133, email **yher...@yahoo.com* 


On each Monday I get the weekly reports of the crop progress from the U. 
S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). According to the most recent 
report, as of Sunday Jul 25, the harvests of the 3 Chodosh crops is 
somewhat behind usual schedule. The harvest of oats HAS begun. There was 
still no reported harvest of spring wheat or barley. My current updated 
estimates for package PACKING dates is as follows:

Oats-Jul 26

Wheat (not pasta) and barley-Aug 9

Noodles and Pasta-Aug 15

Freshly-baked bakery products- Aug 9 in the Midwest, Aug 15 elsewhere.

I plan to update these estimates when I receive the next USDA report on 
Monday, Aug 2. (However, I will not issue the next bulletin until Aug 4.)

Note that even for oats, it is very unlikely that you would see any 
Chodosh oats products on the store shelves before August.

/ /

Preseason Bulletin from the Guide to Chodosh

2010-05-24 Thread Y. Herman

From the Guide to Chodosh-Y. Herman
Chodosh telephone Hot Line 718-305-5133, email yher...@yahoo.com

The first issue of the Guide to Chodosh for the new season will be 
available (BS”D) around the end of August. As usual,
it will be available to be downloaded by email free of charge. I will 
send out a message when the new Guide is ready to
be downloaded. However, those who wish to receive the 3 printed issues 
of the Guide, mailed to their home via US mail,

should send in their paid subscription request at this time.

The cost of the three issues this year is $18 (overseas $25, Canada 
$20). Please mail your check to

Project Chodosh Subscriptions
PO Box 150088
Kew Gardens, NY 11415
Please include your full name, mailing address including apartment 
number if applicable, city, state and Zip code. Mention

whether this is a new subscription or a renewal.

All other correspondence should be sent to the Monsey address, listed at 
the top of this page.

The following are our early estimates of up to which date it will be 
recommended that you can purchase foods without
concern for Chodosh. These are preliminary estimates only. Corrections 
and updates to these will be posted when
available, on the News section of the Chodosh Hot Line and by email to 
those who subscribe to the email list (see below.)

* Items using oats should be safe to purchase up to around Jul 15
* Foods using wheat, other than noodles and pasta, safe to purchase up 
to around Aug 1.

* Noodles and pasta safe to purchase up to Aug 15.
* Barley products, other than items from barley malt, safe to purchase 
up to Aug 15
* Barley malt products, including beer should be safe to purchase up to 
Dec. 15.

We hope to publish the first issue of the Guide to Chodosh earlier than 
in the past, in August, before the start of the
Chodosh season. This is to provide the Yoshon consumers with relevant 
information as soon as the Chodosh starts to
become a problem, at the end of August. This year we will start a new 
policy of not including in the Guide any product
or facility unless the responsible mashgiach or hashgocho organization 
has confirmed with us that their Yoshon
hashgocho will be renewed for the coming season. Unless such 
confirmation is received by the end of June, the
resulting omission may lead consumers to assume that the product or 
facility is no longer Yoshon. (We will not
state that, however the omission may give that impression.) Therefore, 
all mashgichim are urged to forward updated lists
of their Yoshon hashgochos to us very soon. Please send these by (1) US 
mail to Y. Herman, 20 Sylvan Road, Monsey,

NY 10952, or (2) email to yher...@yahoo.com, or (3) fax to 845-356-5999.

In order for the new crop to be Yoshon, it should have taken root in the 
ground before the second day of pesach.
According to the reports of the U. S. Dep’t of Agriculture, as of 2 days 
before pesach, not one of the crops of interest
were planted. Therefore we expect the large majority of these crops to 
be Chodosh, as usual, once the harvest starts, in

July and August.
However, the prospect for the year following the upcoming season 
(’11-’12) looks different. Two years ago there was a
perceived shortage of wheat. That caused the price of wheat to 
skyrocket. As a result, the amount of wheat planted the
world over has greatly increased. The increased planting plus favorable 
growing conditions in many areas of the world
has produced a glut of crop that caused a fall of prices. This is 
motivating the farmers to keep the produce off the market
in the hope of better prices in the future. That expected increase in 
stored (Yoshon) crop, plus the fact that next year
pesach will be a month later on the solar calendar (due to the leap 
year) may result in the unusual situation of having a
majority of Yoshon in the market that entire season. (Note that this 
prediction in regarding the ’11-’12 season not the one

starting this year.)

Those who have access to email can have important corrections and 
updates sent to their email address automatically. To

subscribe to this free service send a blank email message to:
Those who have subscribed last year to the email distribution list do 
not need to renew this email subscription.


To send an E mail message to the Guide, please address it to: 

Before you discontinue using an E-mail service, please unsubscribe from 
this list by sending a message to:


Then if you wish to resume receiving these messages from your new 
service, send a message to:


CAUTION: Some new anti-spam filters require

Chometz report ready from Guide to Chodosh

2010-03-14 Thread Y. Herman

From the Guide to Chodosh-Y. Herman
Chodosh telephone Hot Line 718-305-5133, email yher...@yahoo.com

The annual report on chometz and the supermarket scene has been revised 
and is ready for download. To

get a copy, send an email to chom...@sefer.org.

Note, I often get questions about stores and distributors not covered in 
my report. If you have such a
question I urge you to go directly to my primary source of information: 
google-finance. Follow their leads

for information about the nature of the company’s business and officers.

As usual, free printed copies of this report will be mailed to all 
rabbonim, mashgichim and others in the
area of kashrus and piskei halacha. To request such a copy, please 
forward the name of the recipient, his
full mailing address and his connection to one of the professions 
mentioned above. You may send this
information by email to yher...@yahoo.com or by calling the Hot Line at 

For those not in kashrus and the other related fields, the report is 
available for the cost of $1. Please send
the $1 and your full name and address to Y. Herman, 20 Sylvan Road, 
Monsey, NY 10952


Update from the Guide to Chodosh

2010-02-17 Thread Y. Herman

From the Guide to Chodosh-Y. Herman
Chodosh telephone Hot Line 718-305-5133, email yher...@yahoo.com

The third and last issue of the Guide to Chodosh for the season has been
sent out. As usual, a free copy of
this Guide can be ordered by email by sending a message to ONE of the
following addresses:
chod...@sefer.org or chod...@moruda.com.

The following are changes and corrections to the latest Guide:

Kinneret onion rings have a Chodosh code of 09331 (09=year, 331=day of
the year.) Under the hashgocho
of Rabbi Weissmandl.

Schreiber’s Bakery in Brooklyn. All items from this bakery using spelt
flour may be Chodosh. (Note: The
Guide has stated that all spelt grown in the USA is always Yoshon. There
is some spelt grown in Canada
that may be Chodosh. However, since the likelihood of such Chodosh spelt
being imported to the USA is
very remote, we were informed that we may consider even such Canadian
spelt in the USA as being
Yoshon. Schreiber’s is receiving Canadian spelt flour. Kehilla Kashrus,
the mashgiach for Schreiber’s
chose to be machmir and be concerned even for the small likelihood of
such Chodosh spelt. We applaud
those who make efforts to upgrade the standards of hashgochos. However,
we still stand by our advice
that spelt in the USA may be considered Yoshon, even if it comes from

Roma Pizza, Amsterdam Ave (between 101 St and 102 St.) New York City.
The pizza and pasta are
Yoshon under the hashgocho of Rabbi Avrohom Marmorstein.

Kemach egg noodles are NOT Yoshon at this time, unless there is a Yoshon
label on the package. Noodles
with the dating code 20512 (2=Feb, 05=day of month, 12=year+2) are NOT

Pretzel alert: The Guide had stated that all crunchy pretzels use Yoshon
winter wheat flour. They contain malt that
should be Yoshon up to a purchase date of March 15. This only hold for
regular pretzels. However, WHOLE WHEAT
pretzels (not made in Israel) may be Chodosh.

Those who have access to email can have important corrections and
updates sent to their email address automatically. To
subscribe to this free service send a blank email message to:
Those who have subscribed last year to the email distribution list do
not need to renew this email subscription.


To send an E mail message to the Guide, please address it to:

Before you discontinue using an E-mail service, please unsubscribe from
this list by sending a message to:


Then if you wish to resume receiving these messages from your new
service, send a message to:


CAUTION: Some new anti-spam filters require senders to respond to a
challenge in order for their E mail to
be received. This E mail distribution list can not provide such
responses. Other filters eliminate all mass
mailings such as this one. If you are using such filters, be sure to put
these messages on the allowed list of
your filter, otherwise you will not receive the updates.


Project Chodosh is an independent activity, not affiliated with any
movement or organization. We thank
the Jewish Internet Fund (JIF) for allowing us to use their E mail
distribution services. The JIF provides free
email and web hosting to Jewish education and outreach organizations. We
also thank the sites
moruda.com and sefer.org for allowing the public to use E mail to
request copies from their facitlites of the
Guides to Chodosh and the Mashgichim.


Chodosh Guide now available by email at both sites

2010-02-04 Thread Y. Herman

From the Guide to Chodosh-Y. Herman
Chodosh telephone Hot Line 718-305-5133, email yher...@yahoo.com



You can now order a free copy of the latest Guide to Chodosh by sending 
an email to ONE of the following:
chod...@sefer.org or chod...@moruda.com. Those with no access to the 
internet or email who are running Windows XP
can download the new Guide from our BBS as in the past. I regret that to 
my knowledge, Windows Vista and Windows 7

do not contain the "Hyperterminal" that is needed to access the BBS.

The third issue of the Guide to Chodosh has gone to the printer. The 
printed copies are already (Wednesday, Feb 3
’10) available from the front door of my house, at 20 Sylvan Road, 
Monsey, 24 hours a day. The paid subscribers
and local distributors should be receiving their copies during the week 
of Feb 7. The following are the differences

between the third issue and the previous second issue.



Until this year, the CRC-Hisachdus did not certify Yoshon, even for 
items under their hashgocho that had a Yoshon
label. This policy has now changed. For all packaged foods with a CRC 
hashgocho for kashrus and a Yoshon label,
the CRC hashgocho covers the Yoshon as well. The same holds for all 
establishments such as bakeries, pizza shops,
etc that claim to be Yoshon and are under the CRC hashgocho for kashrus. 
This policy went into effect at the end
of the summer, from the beginning of the current Chodosh season. 
Therefore, it covers all items on the market
today. The CRC is also makpid on malt. They will not certify as Yoshon 
any item that may contain Chodosh malt.

Earlier issues of this Guide to Chodosh had reflected the former refusal 
of the CRC to take responsibility for
Yoshon. Therefore, we listed products with a Yoshon label and only a CRC 
hashgocho under the ? category.
Namely that without a responsible hashgocho we could not recommend such 
items as Yoshon. Now that we have
been advised of the new CRC policy, we attempted to reclassify those 
items to categories of ? or ?. However, it is

quite possible that we missed some items and neglected to reclassify them.



4.1 Cakes, cookies and crackers
-Baker’s Best rugelach and cookies with a Yoshon label, and a CRC 
hechsher for kashrus. Yoshon under the

hashgocho of the CRC.
-Craven’s Choice cookies with a Yoshon label, and a CRC hechsher for 
kashrus. Yoshon under the hashgocho of

the CRC.
-Home Style cookies with a Yoshon label, and a CRC hechsher for kashrus. 
Yoshon under the hashgocho of the

-Kemach flat breads, all kinds, have a Chodosh code of Jan 1 2011.
-Lekach Tov cookies with a Yoshon label, and a CRC hechsher for kashrus. 
Yoshon under the hashgocho of the

-Liebers pizza chips and rye chips are Yoshon under the hashgocho of 
Rabbi Weissmandl.
-Yossie’s packaged products (not to be confused with Yossie’s Heimishe 
Bakeries in Boro Park, Brooklyn). All
items with both a CRC hashgocho for Kashrus and a Yoshon label are 
Yoshon under the CRC.

5.1 Regular noodles, pasta, mandlen and croutons
-America’s Choice pasta. The code may have changed. Check with the 
company or call the Hot Line for updates.
Barilla pastas that are packed on Aug 16 or later may be Chodosh. The 
codes for different pastas are as follows:
Plus Pasta code Aug 16 10 (1 year after packing). Whole Grain Pasta code 
Feb 16 11 (18 months after packing.)
Oven Ready Lasagna code Apr 16 11 (20 months). Straight Semolina Pasta 
code Apr 16 12 (32 months).
-Kemach egg noodles and farfel purchased since Jan. 1 are guaranteed to 
be Yoshon only with a Yoshon label.
Kemach one pound boxes of macaroni, spaghetti and lasagna have a Chodosh 
code of Nov 1 2011 (2 years after
packing.) . Bulk bow ties, egg barley, noodles in 10 pound packages as 
well as 20 pound packages have a Chodosh
code of 3359 (335=day of year, 9=year). However 20 pound pasta with a 
different code system has the Chodosh
code of 09/01/11 (day of packing +2 years.) Under the hashgocho of Rabbi 
-Ronzoni Healthy Harvest Chodosh date is Aug 16 11 (2 years after 
packing), if made in the US. Ronzoni, Catelli
and Lancia pasta made in Canada, the Chodosh code is: Regular (white) 
pasta Nov 16 12, Smart, Whole Wheat,
Egg noodles, Egg Fetucini, Vegetable Pasta code Nov 16 11. Multigrain 
code Oct 5 11.

6. Home baking products
-Best flours, some flours contain “Dough Conditioner”. According to the 
mashgiach, Rabbi Gruber, these flours are

Yoshon, including the dough conditioner.
-Bob’s Red Mill whole wheat flour Chodosh code Aug 9 11 (2 years after 
-Duncan Hines revised Chodosh codes: All mixes fo

Update from the Guide to Chodosh

2010-02-03 Thread Y. Herman

From the Guide to Chodosh-Y. Herman
Chodosh telephone Hot Line 718-305-5133, email yher...@yahoo.com


The third issue of the Guide to Chodosh has gone to the printer. The 
printed copies are already (Wednesday, Feb 3
’10) available from the front door of my house, at 20 Sylvan Road, 
Monsey, 24 hours a day. The paid subscribers
and local distributors should be receiving their copies during the week 
of Feb 7. The following are the differences

between the third issue and the previous second issue.

You can request a free copy of this new Guide by email by sending a 
message to chod...@moruda.com. The
second usual sefer.org is not yet ready. I will send out a new notice 
when the sefer.org address has been updated.

Our BBS has also been updated.


Until this year, the CRC-Hisachdus did not certify Yoshon, even for 
items under their hashgocho that had a Yoshon
label. This policy has now changed. For all packaged foods with a CRC 
hashgocho for kashrus and a Yoshon label,
the CRC hashgocho covers the Yoshon as well. The same holds for all 
establishments such as bakeries, pizza shops,
etc that claim to be Yoshon and are under the CRC hashgocho for kashrus. 
This policy went into effect at the end
of the summer, from the beginning of the current Chodosh season. 
Therefore, it covers all items on the market
today. The CRC is also makpid on malt. They will not certify as Yoshon 
any item that may contain Chodosh malt.

Earlier issues of this Guide to Chodosh had reflected the former refusal 
of the CRC to take responsibility for
Yoshon. Therefore, we listed products with a Yoshon label and only a CRC 
hashgocho under the ? category.
Namely that without a responsible hashgocho we could not recommend such 
items as Yoshon. Now that we have
been advised of the new CRC policy, we attempted to reclassify those 
items to categories of ? or ?. However, it is

quite possible that we missed some items and neglected to reclassify them.



4.1 Cakes, cookies and crackers
-Baker’s Best rugelach and cookies with a Yoshon label, and a CRC 
hechsher for kashrus. Yoshon under the

hashgocho of the CRC.
-Craven’s Choice cookies with a Yoshon label, and a CRC hechsher for 
kashrus. Yoshon under the hashgocho of

the CRC.
-Home Style cookies with a Yoshon label, and a CRC hechsher for kashrus. 
Yoshon under the hashgocho of the

-Kemach flat breads, all kinds, have a Chodosh code of Jan 1 2011.
-Lekach Tov cookies with a Yoshon label, and a CRC hechsher for kashrus. 
Yoshon under the hashgocho of the

-Liebers pizza chips and rye chips are Yoshon under the hashgocho of 
Rabbi Weissmandl.
-Yossie’s packaged products (not to be confused with Yossie’s Heimishe 
Bakeries in Boro Park, Brooklyn). All
items with both a CRC hashgocho for Kashrus and a Yoshon label are 
Yoshon under the CRC.

5.1 Regular noodles, pasta, mandlen and croutons
-America’s Choice pasta. The code may have changed. Check with the 
company or call the Hot Line for updates.
Barilla pastas that are packed on Aug 16 or later may be Chodosh. The 
codes for different pastas are as follows:
Plus Pasta code Aug 16 10 (1 year after packing). Whole Grain Pasta code 
Feb 16 11 (18 months after packing.)
Oven Ready Lasagna code Apr 16 11 (20 months). Straight Semolina Pasta 
code Apr 16 12 (32 months).
-Kemach egg noodles and farfel purchased since Jan. 1 are guaranteed to 
be Yoshon only with a Yoshon label.
Kemach one pound boxes of macaroni, spaghetti and lasagna have a Chodosh 
code of Nov 1 2011 (2 years after
packing.) . Bulk bow ties, egg barley, noodles in 10 pound packages as 
well as 20 pound packages have a Chodosh
code of 3359 (335=day of year, 9=year). However 20 pound pasta with a 
different code system has the Chodosh
code of 09/01/11 (day of packing +2 years.) Under the hashgocho of Rabbi 
-Ronzoni Healthy Harvest Chodosh date is Aug 16 11 (2 years after 
packing), if made in the US. Ronzoni, Catelli
and Lancia pasta made in Canada, the Chodosh code is: Regular (white) 
pasta Nov 16 12, Smart, Whole Wheat,
Egg noodles, Egg Fetucini, Vegetable Pasta code Nov 16 11. Multigrain 
code Oct 5 11.

6. Home baking products
-Best flours, some flours contain “Dough Conditioner”. According to the 
mashgiach, Rabbi Gruber, these flours are

Yoshon, including the dough conditioner.
-Bob’s Red Mill whole wheat flour Chodosh code Aug 9 11 (2 years after 
-Duncan Hines revised Chodosh codes: All mixes for brownies, cookies and 
muffins the Chodosh code is Feb 9 11
(18 months after packing.) For cakes and oven-ready items the code is 
Aug 9 10 (12 months after packing.)

Candies in the mix

Bulletin from the Guide to Chodosh

2010-02-01 Thread Y. Herman

From the Guide to Chodosh-Y. Herman
Chodosh telephone Hot Line 718-305-5133, email yher...@yahoo.com

The third and last issue of the Guide to Chodosh has gone to the 
printer. It should be mailed out to the individual subscribers and local 
distributors within about 1 week. The following is the summary of 
changes from the second issue of the Guide.



Until this year, the CRC-Hisachdus did not certify Yoshon, even for
items under their hashgocho that had a Yoshon
label. This policy has now changed. For all packaged foods with a CRC
hashgocho for kashrus and a Yoshon label,
the CRC hashgocho covers the Yoshon as well. The same holds for all
establishments such as bakeries, pizza shops,
etc that claim to be Yoshon and are under the CRC hashgocho for kashrus.
This policy went into effect at the end
of the summer, from the beginning of the current Chodosh season.
Therefore, it covers all items on the market
today. The CRC is also makpid on malt. They will not certify as Yoshon
any item that may contain Chodosh malt.

Earlier issues of this Guide to Chodosh had reflected the former refusal
of the CRC to take responsibility for
Yoshon. Therefore, we listed products with a Yoshon label and only a CRC
hashgocho under the ? category.
Namely that without a responsible hashgocho we could not recommend such
items as Yoshon. Now that we have
been advised of the new CRC policy, we attempted to reclassify those
items to categories of ? or ?. However, it is
quite possible that we missed some items and neglected to reclassify them.



4.1 Cakes, cookies and crackers
? Baker’s Best rugelach and cookies with a Yoshon label, and a CRC
hechsher for kashrus. Yoshon under the
hashgocho of the CRC.
? Craven’s Choice cookies with a Yoshon label, and a CRC hechsher for
kashrus. Yoshon under the hashgocho of
the CRC.
? Home Style cookies with a Yoshon label, and a CRC hechsher for
kashrus. Yoshon under the hashgocho of the
? Kemach flat breads, all kinds, have a Chodosh code of Jan 1 2011.
? Lekach Tov cookies with a Yoshon label, and a CRC hechsher for
kashrus. Yoshon under the hashgocho of the
? Liebers pizza chips and rye chips are Yoshon under the hashgocho of
Rabbi Weissmandl.
? Yossie’s packaged products (not to be confused with Yossie’s Heimishe
Bakeries in Boro Park, Brooklyn). All
items with both a CRC hashgocho for Kashrus and a Yoshon label are
Yoshon under the CRC.

5.1 Regular noodles, pasta, mandlen and croutons
? America’s Choice pasta. The code may have changed. Check with the
company or call the Hot Line for updates.
? Barilla pastas that are packed on Aug 16 or later may be Chodosh. The
codes for different pastas are as follows:
Plus Pasta code Aug 16 10 (1 year after packing). Whole Grain Pasta code
Feb 16 11 (18 months after packing.)
Oven Ready Lasagna code Apr 16 11 (20 months). Straight Semolina Pasta
code Apr 16 12 (32 months).
? Kemach egg noodles and farfel purchased since Jan. 1 are guaranteed to
be Yoshon only with a Yoshon label.
Kemach one pound boxes of macaroni, spaghetti and lasagna have a Chodosh
code of Nov 1 2011 (2 years after
packing.) . Bulk bow ties, egg barley, noodles in 10 pound packages as
well as 20 pound packages have a Chodosh
code of 3359 (335=day of year, 9=year). However 20 pound pasta with a
different code system has the Chodosh
code of 09/01/11 (day of packing +2 years.) Under the hashgocho of Rabbi
? Ronzoni Healthy Harvest Chodosh date is Aug 16 11 (2 years after
packing), if made in the US. Ronzoni, Catelli
and Lancia pasta made in Canada, the Chodosh code is: Regular (white)
pasta Nov 16 12, Smart, Whole Wheat,
Egg noodles, Egg Fetucini, Vegetable Pasta code Nov 16 11. Multigrain
code Oct 5 11.

6. Home baking products
? Best flours, some flours contain “Dough Conditioner”. According to the
mashgiach, Rabbi Gruber, these flours
are Yoshon, including the dough conditioner.
? Bob’s Red Mill whole wheat flour Chodosh code Aug 9 11 (2 years after
? Duncan Hines revised Chodosh codes: All mixes for brownies, cookies
and muffins the Chodosh code is Feb 9 11
(18 months after packing.) For cakes and oven-ready items the code is
Aug 9 10 (12 months after packing.)
Candies in the mix do not affect the code.
? Mishpacha, the malt in all flours is confirmed to be Yoshon till
pesach. Under the hashgocho of Rabbi
Teitelbaum, the Nirbarter Rav.

7.3 Soy terriaki and other sauces
? Gefen Chicken and Bar-b-q Seasoning contains semolina which is from
spring wheat. This product may be

8.1 Cereals
? Barbara cereals update: We list how many months after packing are the
dates on each of the following cereals.
For oats please add these months to Jul 26. For wheat but no oats add to
Aug 9. Ultima

Clarification of CRC Yoshon policy from Guide to Chodosh

2009-12-27 Thread Y. Herman


*From the Guide to Chodosh-Y. Herman*

*Chodosh telephone Hot Line 718-305-5133, email **yher...@yahoo.com* 

NOTE: This Bulletin is arranged in an order that matches the Section 
numbers in the Guide to Chodosh. All items that are new and were not 
presented before are noted with a “**” notation at the start of the line.

*_NOTE:_* This Bulletin is identical to the one sent out on Dec 22, 
except for a clarification on the new policy of the CRC-Hisachdus, that 
follows directly below:

*_ _*

*_3.1.2 “Yoshon” labels and kashrus hashgochos printed on the same package_*

***CRC-Hisachdus* hashgocho policy change. For all packaged foods with a 
CRC hashgocho for kashrus and a Yoshon label, the CRC hashgocho covers 
the Yoshon as well. The same holds for all establishments such as 
bakeries, pizza shops, etc that claim to be Yoshon and are under the CRC 
hashgocho for kashrus. This policy went into effect at the end of the 
summer, from the beginning of the current Chodosh season. Therefore, it 
covers all items on the market today. The CRC is also makpid on malt. 
They will not certify as Yoshon any item that may contain Chodosh malt.*_ _*

*_4.1 Cakes, cookies and crackers_*

*Kemach *flat breads, all kinds, have a Chodosh code of Jan 1 2011.

*_5.1 Regular noodles, pasta, mandlen and croutons_*

   Barilla pastas that are packed on Aug 16 or later may be Chodosh.
   The codes for different pastas are as follows: Plus Pasta code Aug
   16 10 (1 year after packing). Whole Grain Pasta code Feb 16 11 (18
   months after packing.) Oven Ready Lasagna code Apr 16 11 (20
   months). Straight Semolina Pasta code Apr 16 12 (32 months).

*Kemach *one pound boxes of macaroni, spaghetti and lasagna have a 
Chodosh code of Nov 1 2011 (2 years after packing.) . Bulk bow ties, egg 
barley, noodles in 10 pound packages as well as 20 pound packages have a 
Chodosh code of 3359 (335=day of year, 9=year). However 20 pound pasta 
with a different code system has the Chodosh code of 09/01/11 (day of 
packing +2 years.)

*Ronzoni* Healthy Harvest Chodosh date is Aug 16 11 (2 years after 
packing), if made in the US.

*** Ronzoni, Catelli and Lancia* pasta made in Canada, the Chodosh code 
is: Regular (white) pasta Nov 16 12, Smart, Whole Wheat, Egg noodles, 
Vegetable Pasta code Nov 16 11. Multigrain code Oct 5 11.

*_6. Home baking products_*

*Best flours*, some flours contain “Dough Conditioner”. According to the 
mashgiach, Rabbi Gruber, these flours are Yoshon, including the dough 

*Mishpacha*, the malt in all flours is confirmed to be Yoshon till pesach.

*_7.1 Barley_*

*Mishpacha* barley* *on page 33 of the second Guide there is a 
contradiction. In fact Mishpacha barley is Yoshon, as stated in the 
aleph section. Furthermore, Mishpacha cholent mix does not contain any 
barley at all.

*_81. Cereals_*

*Barbara cereals* update: We list how many months after packing is the 
date on each of the following cereals. For oats please add these months 
to Jul 26. For wheat but no oats add to Aug 9. Ultima Flax & Granola=9 
months, Ultima Organic=12 months, Organic Wild Puffs=9 months, Shredded 
Mini Oats=8 months, Multigrain Shredded Spoonfuls=9 months, Shredded 
oats=8 months, Multigrain Puffins and Puffins original=12 months.

*General Mills cereals* oats code. The summary of changes at the 
beginning of the 2d Guide has Chodosh code dates for oats in General 
Mills cereals that are not consistent with those dates in the table on 
page 36. The table on page 36 is the correct one.

*Weetabix cereals* with wheat. For _organic_ Weetabix, the Chodosh code 
for the wheat is Oct 1 10 (1 year after packing.) For the _regular_ (not 
organic) cereals, the wheat is Yoshon. Malt may be a problem starting 
with a code of Jan 1 11.

*_9.1 Frozen and prepared foods_*

*Apollo* Filo dough, the new code is Aug 9 10 (1 year after packing.)

*** Chef’s Kingdom*. All products are Yoshon under the hashgocho of 
Rabbi Moshe Shimon Bineth. The exception is the salami egg roll which is 
not Yoshon.

*Ungers* frozen pie and tart shells in 3, 6 and 9 inch sizes have a 
Chodosh code of 09309 (09=year, 309=day of the year). However, on the 9 
inch shells, the code is not printed on each individual package, only on 
the case in which the packages are packed. Since the customer does not 
have any control to make sure that any specific package on the shelf 
came from any specific box, therefore the 9 inch shells are not 
recommended as Yoshon. For the Unger pizza crust, the Chodosh code is 
Mar 11, 2010. Ungers bread crumbs are Yoshon even without a label.

*_9.6 Baby Foods_*

*Beechnut baby food* update: Code for jars is 2 years after packing. For 
oats the code is Jul 26 11. For wheat Aug 9 11, barley Aug 16 11. 
Cereals in boxes: The barley cereal is 18 months after packing. 
Multigrain cereal is 15 months after packing. Add these intervals to Jul 
26 fo

Update from the Guide to Chodosh

2009-12-22 Thread Y. Herman


*From the Guide to Chodosh-Y. Herman*

*Chodosh telephone Hot Line 718-305-5133, email **yher...@yahoo.com* 

NOTE: This Bulletin is arranged in an order that matches the Section 
numbers in the Guide to Chodosh. All items that are new and were not 
presented before are noted with a “**” notation at the start of the line.

*_3.1.2 “Yoshon” labels and kashrus hashgochos printed on the same package_*

***CRC-Hisachdus* hashgocho policy change. All packaged foods with a CRC 
hashgocho for kashrus and a Yoshon label, the CRC hashgocho covers the 
Yoshon as well. This includes Franczoz baked items, as well as all other 

*_ _*

*_4.1 Cakes, cookies and crackers_*

*? Kemach *flat breads, all kinds, have a Chodosh code of Jan 1 2011.

*_ _*

*_5.1 Regular noodles, pasta, mandlen and croutons_*

   ? Barilla pastas that are packed on Aug 16 or later may be Chodosh.
   The codes for different pastas are as follows: Plus Pasta code Aug
   16 10 (1 year after packing). Whole Grain Pasta code Feb 16 11 (18
   months after packing.) Oven Ready Lasagna code Apr 16 11 (20
   months). Straight Semolina Pasta code Apr 16 12 (32 months).

*? Kemach *one pound boxes of macaroni, spaghetti and lasagna have a 
Chodosh code of Nov 1 2011 (2 years after packing.) . Bulk bow ties, egg 
barley, noodles in 10 pound packages as well as 20 pound packages have a 
Chodosh code of 3359 (335=day of year, 9=year). However 20 pound pasta 
with a different code system has the Chodosh code of 09/01/11 (day of 
packing +2 years.)

*? Ronzoni* Healthy Harvest Chodosh date is Aug 16 11 (2 years after 
packing), if made in the US.

***? Ronzoni, Catelli and Lancia* pasta made in Canada, the Chodosh code 
is: Regular (white) pasta Nov 16 12, Smart, Whole Wheat, Egg noodles, 
Vegetable Pasta code Nov 16 11. Multigrain code Oct 5 11.

*_6. Home baking products_*

*? Best flours*, some flours contain “Dough Conditioner”. According to 
the mashgiach, Rabbi Gruber, these flours are Yoshon, including the 
dough conditioner.

*? Mishpacha*, the malt in all flours is confirmed to be Yoshon till pesach.

*_7.1 Barley_*

*? Mishpacha* barley* *on page 33 of the second Guide there is a 
contradiction. In fact Mishpacha barley is Yoshon, as stated in the 
aleph section. Furthermore, Mishpacha cholent mix does not contain any 
barley at all.

*_ _*

*_81. Cereals_*

*? Barbara cereals* update: We list how many months after packing is the 
date on each of the following cereals. For oats please add these months 
to Jul 26. For wheat but no oats add to Aug 9. Ultima Flax & Granola=9 
months, Ultima Organic=12 months, Organic Wild Puffs=9 months, Shredded 
Mini Oats=8 months, Multigrain Shredded Spoonfuls=9 months, Shredded 
oats=8 months, Multigrain Puffins and Puffins original=12 months.

*? General Mills cereals* oats code. The summary of changes at the 
beginning of the 2d Guide has Chodosh code dates for oats in General 
Mills cereals that are not consistent with those dates in the table on 
page 36. The table on page 36 is the correct one.

*? Weetabix cereals* with wheat. For _organic_ Weetabix, the Chodosh 
code for the wheat is Oct 1 10 (1 year after packing.) For the _regular_ 
(not organic) cereals, the wheat is Yoshon. Malt may be a problem 
starting with a code of Jan 1 11.


*_ _*

*_9.1 Frozen and prepared foods_*

*? Apollo* Filo dough, the new code is Aug 9 1010 (1 year after packing.)

*** ? Chef’s Kingdom*. All products are Yoshon under the hashgocho of 
Rabbi Moshe Shimon Bineth. The exception is the salami egg roll which is 
not Yoshon.

*? Brooklyn Gourmet Pizza* is not under the Star K hashgocho and is NOT 

*? Ungers* frozen pie and tart shells in 3, 6 and 9 inch sizes have a 
Chodosh code of 09309 (09=year, 309=day of the year). However, on the 9 
inch shells, the code is not printed on each individual package, only on 
the case in which the packages are packed. Since the customer does not 
have any control to make sure that any specific package on the shelf 
came from any specific box, therefore the 9 inch shells are not 
recommended as Yoshon. For the Unger pizza crust, the Chodosh code is 
Mar 11, 2010. Ungers bread crumbs are Yoshon even without a label.

*_9.6 Baby Foods_*

*? Beechnut baby food* update: Code for jars is 2 years after packing. 
For oats the code is Jul 26 11. For wheat Aug 9 11, barley Aug 16 11. 
Cereals in boxes: The barley cereal is 18 months after packing. 
Multigrain cereal is 15 months after packing. Add these intervals to Jul 
26 for oats, to Aug 9 for wheat and Aug 16 for barley.

*? Gerber baby food* update: Cereals in boxes the date on the package is 
1 year after packing. Cereals in jars it is 15 months after packing. Add 
these intervals to Jul 26 for oats, to Aug 9 for wheat and Aug 16 for 

*_11 Professional bakery flour and other bakery ingredients_*

*? Wilmark* bakery products are 

Re Technical help needed by the Guide to Chodosh--Thanks to all

2009-12-16 Thread Y. Herman
Many thanks to all who have so kindly and promptly replied to my request 
for technical help. I received so many replies that I could not reply in 
sufficient detail to each one individually, although I did try to 
acknowledge them all. Let me outline my problem and give a summary of 
the ideas sent me.

I am about to have someone start helping me with the Chodosh 
investigations and other duties. As such, this person needs to have 
access to the file of Chodosh-related contacts that I have accumulated 
over the many years. This data is stored in the Contacts file of Outlook 
on my computer and is also synced with my Blackberry. She and I will 
continue to add to and modify this list of contacts, as we proceed in 
our work in parallel. We have a need to synchronize our two versions of 
the contact list on a constant ongoing basis to make sure that we are 
both up to date. With that background, let me outline the ideas sent me:

>Use the Export and Import, or Backup and Restore feature of Outlook to 
transfer my data to the other person. This is very doable on a one-time 
basis, but is not practical for synchronizing and merging two contact lists.

>Use a service provider that provides use of a Microsoft Exchange 
server to synchronize two Outlook files. This is available for less than 
$10 per month and remains an option.

>Use special software that allows such synchronization without the use 
of Exchange. That is also possible.

>Use one or more services offered by Google, such as Wireless Contact 
sync for Blackberry, or Outlook sync between two on-line computers. This 
is also being considered.

>Some people generously offered their expert services, and in one case 
even offered to pay to have a professional work up a custom solution for 
me. At this point, it does not look like my problem is so complicated 
that it justifies the need for a professional custom solution. My 
assistant and I have to work through all these ideas to see which fits 
our work environments best.

Everyone’s input is very greatly appreciated. Above all, it shows that 
there is a caring community out there that jumps in and is willing to 
help to help me continue in this mitzvah project. May Ha-shem give His 
brochos to all of you. I will keep all you messages on file for future 
technical reference. They will also be there to continue to give me a 
warm feeling of having a community behind me

Yoseph Herman/Guide to Chodosh

29 Kislev 5770.

Computer-related advice needed by the Guide to Chodosh

2009-12-13 Thread Y. Herman

I hope to have someone to start helping me with the task of carrying on
Chodosh-related investigations. I am now storing all my Chodosh contacts
in Microsoft Outlook which is synced  with my Blackberry.  I need to
make my copy of  the Contacts file in Outlook accessible with the person
helping me for her to use on her computer. The only way I have found so
far to synchronize 2  copies of Outlook is by using a Microsoft Exchange
server. I have no access to such a server. I have no idea whether I
purchase such a server license and put it up on my computer or is there
a service bureau that would allow me to sync these two Outlooks? Is
there an other viable approach to this? Any advice would be appreciated.

Please send you reply to yher...@yahoo.com

Thank you

Yoseph Herman/Guide to Chodosh

Update form the Guide to Chdosh

2009-11-26 Thread Y. Herman


*From the Guide to Chodosh-Y. Herman*

*Chodosh telephone Hot Line 718-305-5133, email **yher...@yahoo.com* 


By the end of the week of Nov 9, all the local Guide distributors, as 
well as most of the individual subscribers should have received the new 
issue of the Guide

To receive a (free) copy of the latest Guide, send a blank email message 
to ONE of the following: chod...@sefer.org <mailto:chod...@sefer.org> or 
chod...@moruda.com <mailto:chod...@moruda.com>. This is the second issue 
of the Guide. The introductory sections of the first issue have been 
omitted. Those who have not seen the first issue of the Guide may want 
to download the sections missing parts. To receive these first sections, 
send a blank email to chodosh-in...@sefer,org.

REVISED ADVICE: Some people have reported that their email requests for 
the Guide seemed not to have any response. So far, with feedback from 
some of these people, we have identified at least two possible reasons 
for this. (1) The spam filters employed either by the individuals or by 
the services catering to them stopped the return email with the Guide 
attachments. Therefore, whoever did not receive any response to his 
email should carefully check the file of messages stopped by their 
acting spam filter. (2) We have until now always suggested that you send 
a blank email to the addresses given (sefer.org or moruda.com). At least 
in one case, the person’s email service aborted sending his outbound 
request message because it did not have any text in the Subject and 
Message fields. Therefore, we now advise that you do include some text 
in these fields, although what you write there is not relevant. If the 
reason you did not receive any response is not one of the above then, if 
possible please send me an email copy of the response if any that you 
got to yher...@yahoo,com. I will then send you a copy of the Guide directly.


Glaubers Catering in Monsey, Yoshon under the hashgocho of Rabbi 
Binyamin Gruber.

Beechnut baby food update: Code for jars is 2 years after packing. For 
oats the code is Jul 26 11. For wheat Aug 9 11, barley Aug 16 11. 
Cereals in boxes: The barley cereal is 18 months after packing. 
Multigrain cereal is 15 months after packing. Add these intervals to Jul 
26 for oats, to Aug 9 for wheat and Aug 16 for barley.

Gerber baby food update: Cereals in boxes the date on the package is 1 
year after packing. Cereals in jars it is 15 months after packing. Add 
these intervals to Jul 26 for oats, to Aug 9 for wheat and Aug 16 for 

Mishpacha barley* *on page 33 of the second Guide there is a 
contradiction. In fact Mishpacha barley is Yoshon, as stated in the 
aleph section. Furthermore, Mishpacha cholent mix does not contain any 
barley at all.

Kemach flat breads, all kinds, have a Chodosh code of Jan 1 2011. Bulk 
bow ties, egg barley, noodles in 10 pound packages as well as 20 pound 
packages have a Chodosh code of 3359 (335=day of year, 9=year). However 
20 pound pasta with a different code system has the Chodosh code of 
09/01/11 (day of packing +2 years.)

Best flours, some flours contain “Dough Conditioner”. According to the 
mashgiach, Rabbi Gruber, these flours are Yoshon, including the dough 

Queens, NY Update regarding establishments under the hashgocho of the 
Vaad Harabonim of Queens. In the following list, for bakeries and 
restaurants, everything is Yoshon unless noted below otherwise. For the 
pizza shops only the pizza is under hashgocho for Yoshon. Avraham 
Bakery, Bagel Mench, Bagels & Co., Benny’s Pizza, Benjy’s Pizza, 
Benjy’2- New Hyde Park, G&I Bakery, Grill Point, Pita Hot, King David 
Bakery, Main Street Bakery, Shimon’s Pizza, Naomi’s Pizza, Strauss 
Bakery, Pizza Professor. Finally, Violet’s (formerly Beigel’s) 
everything is Yoshon except the multi-grain breads.

Queens NY: Mendy’s Bakery-insufficient information

Lakewood: Hershy’s Bakery is under the hashgocho for KASHRUS of Rav 
Mordechai Betzallel Klein. Rabbi Klein does guarantee that the flour 
used in the bakery is Yoshon. However, he takes no responsibility for 
checking the Yoshon status of other ingredients and materials used in 
the bakery. Therefore, we consider the Yoshon supervision of this bakery 
as being incomplete.

Brooklyn: Simon Sez Pizza Shop on Ave M is now under the hashgocho of 
Rav Pinchos Horowitz. Rabbi Horowitz only supervises the kashrus. So far 
as we know, this establishment has no hashgocho for Yoshon.

Barbara cereals update: We list how many months after packing is the 
date on each of the following cereals. For oats please add these months 
to Jul 26. For wheat but no oats add to Aug 9. Ultima Flax & Granola=9 
months, Ultima Organic=12 months, Organic

Update from the Guide to Chodosh

2009-11-18 Thread Y. Herman


*From the Guide to Chodosh-Y. Herman*

*Chodosh telephone Hot Line 718-305-5133, email **yher...@yahoo.com* 


By the end of the week of Nov 9, all the local Guide distributors, as 
well as most of the individual subscribers should have received the new 
issue of the Guide

To receive a (free) copy of the latest Guide, send a blank email message 
to ONE of the following: chod...@sefer.org <mailto:chod...@sefer.org> or 
chod...@moruda.com <mailto:chod...@moruda.com>. This is the second issue 
of the Guide. The introductory sections of the first issue have been 
omitted. Those who have not seen the first issue of the Guide may want 
to download the sections missing parts. To receive these first sections, 
send a blank email to chodosh-in...@sefer,org.

Some people have reported that their email request for the Guide did not 
have a response or had some other problems receiving the Guide by email. 
First make sure that your email service does not stop such responses due 
to the size of the file or because it comes a site that does mass 
mailings of emails. (Many spam filters automatically stop such email.) 
If this is not the case, if possible please send me an email copy of the 
response you got to yher...@yahoo,com. I will then send you a copy of 
the Guide.


   Barilla pastas that are packed on Aug 16 or later may be Chodosh.
   The codes for different pastas are as follows: Plus Pasta code Aug
   16 10 (1 year after packing). Whole Grain Pasta code Feb 16 11 (18
   months after packing.) Oven Ready Lasagna code Apr 16 11 (20
   months). Straight Semolina Pasta code Apr 16 12 (32 months).

Mishpacha, the malt in all flours is confirmed to be Yoshon till pesach.

Weetabix cereals with wheat. For _organic_ Weetabix, the Chodosh code 
for the wheat is Oct 1 10 (1 year after packing.) For the _regular_ (not 
organic) cereals, the wheat is Yoshon. Malt may be a problem starting 
with a code of Jan 1 11.

Off the Grill at 600 Central Ave, Cederhurst, NY is not certified as 
Yoshon until further notice.

Circa-NY Restaurant, 22 West 33^rd St, New York City is NOT Yoshon.

General Mills cereals oats code. The summary of changes at the beginning 
of the 2d Guide has Chodosh code dates for oats in General Mills cereals 
that are not consistent with those dates in the table on page 36. The 
table on page 36 is the correct one.

Ungers frozen pie and tart shells in 3, 6 and 9 inch sizes have a 
Chodosh code of 09309 (09=year, 309=day of the year). However, on the 9 
inch shells, the code is not printed on each individual package, only on 
the case in which the packages are packed. Since the customer does not 
have any control to make sure that any specific package on the shelf 
came from any specific box, therefore the 9 inch shells are not 
recommended as Yoshon. For the Unger pizza crust, the Chodosh code is 
Mar 11, 2010. Ungers bread crumbs are Yoshon even without a label.

Beechnut baby foods code. Do not use the “Best if used by date. Instead, 
for oats packing date of July 26 the code would be 7-9-26 (7=month, 
9=year, 26=date). For items that contain wheat but not oats, the code 
would be 8-9-9. For barley the code is 8-9-16.

   _ _



Those who have access to email can have important corrections and 
updates sent to their email address automatically. To subscribe to this 
free service send a blank email message to:

chodosh-subscr...@jif.org.il <mailto:chodosh-subscr...@jif.org.il>

Those who have subscribed last year to the email distribution list do 
not need to renew this email subscription.


To send an E mail message to the Guide, please address it to: 

Before you discontinue using an E-mail service, please unsubscribe from 
this list by sending a message to:


Then if you wish to resume receiving these messages from your new 
service, send a message to:

chodosh-subscr...@jif.org.il <mailto:chodosh-subscr...@jif.org.il>.

CAUTION: Some new anti-spam filters require senders to respond to a 
challenge in order for their E mail to be received. This E mail 
distribution list can not provide such responses. Other filters 
eliminate all mass mailings such as this one. If you are using such 
filters, be sure to put these messages on the allowed list of your 
filter, otherwise you will not receive the updates.


Project Chodosh is an independent activity, not affiliated with any 
movement or organization. We thank the Jewish Internet Fund (JIF) for 
allowing us to use their E mail distribution services. The JIF provides 
free email and web hosting to

Update from the Guide to Chodosh

2009-11-11 Thread Y. Herman


*From the Guide to Chodosh-Y. Herman*

*Chodosh telephone Hot Line 718-305-5133, email **yher...@yahoo.com* 


By the end of the week of Nov 9, all the local Guide distributors, as 
well as most of the individual subscribers should have received the new 
issue of the Guide

To receive a (free) copy of the latest Guide, send a blank email message 
to ONE of the following: chod...@sefer.org <mailto:chod...@sefer.org> or 
chod...@moruda.com <mailto:chod...@moruda.com>. Some people have 
reported that their email request for the Guide did not respond or had 
some other problems receiving the Guide by email. First make sure that 
your email service does not stop such responses due to the size of the 
file or due to the fact (in case of the sefer.org site) that it comes 
from overseas. (Many spam filters automatically stop overseas email.) If 
this is not the case, please send me an email copy of the response you 
got to yher...@yahoo,com. I will then send you a copy of the Guide.


   Barilla pastas that are packed on Aug 16 or later may be Chodosh.
   The codes for different pastas are as follows: Plus Pasta code Aug
   16 10 (1 year after packing). Whole Grain Pasta code  Feb 16 11 (18
   months after packing.) Oven Ready Lasagna code Apr 16 11 (20
   months). Straight Semolina Pasta code  Apr 16 12 (32 months).

Mishpacha, the malt in all flours is confirmed to be Yoshon till pesach.

Weetabix cereals with wheat. For _organic_ Weetabix, the Chodosh  code 
for the wheat is Oct 1 10 (1 year after packing.) For the _regular_ (not 
organic) cereals, the wheat is Yoshon. Malt may be a problem  starting 
with a code of Jan 1 11.

Off the Grill at 600 Central Ave, Cederhurst, NY is not certified as 
Yoshon until further notice.

Circa-NY Restaurant, 22 West 33^rd St, New York City is NOT Yoshon.

General Mills cereals oats code. The summary of changes at the beginning 
of the 2d Guide has Chodosh code dates for oats in General Mills cereals 
that are not consistent with those dates in the table on page 36. The 
table on page 36 is the correct one.

   _ _



Those who have access to email can have important corrections and 
updates sent to their email address automatically. To subscribe to this 
free service send a blank email message to:

chodosh-subscr...@jif.org.il <mailto:chodosh-subscr...@jif.org.il>

Those who have subscribed last year to the email distribution list do 
not need to renew this email subscription.


To send an E mail message to the Guide, please address it to: 

Before you discontinue using an E-mail service, please unsubscribe from 
this list by sending a message to:


Then if you wish to resume receiving these messages from your new 
service, send a message to:

chodosh-subscr...@jif.org.il <mailto:chodosh-subscr...@jif.org.il>.

CAUTION: Some new anti-spam filters require senders to respond to a 
challenge in order for their E mail to be received. This E mail 
distribution list can not provide such responses. Other filters 
eliminate all mass mailings such as this one. If you are using such 
filters, be sure to put these messages on the allowed list of your 
filter, otherwise you will not receive the updates.


Project Chodosh is an independent activity, not affiliated with any 
movement or organization. We thank the Jewish Internet Fund (JIF) for 
allowing us to use their E mail distribution services. The JIF  provides 
free email and web hosting to Jewish education and outreach 
organizations. We also thank the sites moruda.com and sefer.org for 
allowing the public to use E mail to request copies from their 
facitlites of the Guides to Chodosh and the Mashgichim.

New Guide to Chodosh available for download

2009-11-03 Thread Y. Herman


*From the Guide to Chodosh-Y. Herman*

*Chodosh telephone Hot Line 718-305-5133, email **yher...@yahoo.com* 


The new, second issue of the Guide is being sent to the printer. Those 
who subscribed, as well as the local distributors in various cities 
should receive the printed copies during the week of Nov. 9.

To receive a (free) copy of the latest Guide, send a blank email message 
to chod...@sefer.org <mailto:chod...@sefer.org>. (The other, moruda 
address seems not to work at this time.)




For malt and beer derived from barley malt, most years we used December 
15 as the packing date after which the malt may be Chodosh. This has 
been consistently reported as being reasonable. However, the last two 
years we were surprised to learn that at least one major source of malt 
began to use the Chodosh crop much earlier. Therefore, we were forced to 
adapt the earlier malt Chodosh date of Oct 15. Anticipating that this 
year may also see an early start of Chodosh malt production, we again 
used Oct 15 as the tentative malt date in the first issue of this year’s 
Guide. However, it appears that this year the normal situation has been 
restored. Therefore we will resume using Dec 15 as the Chodosh _packing_ 
date. We will again advise that where package codes are not known, it is 
safe to assume that whatever has been _purchased_ by March 15 will still 
contain Yoshon malt.


4. Baked Products <#_Toc234724385>

*4.1 Cakes, cookies and crackers* <#_Toc234724386>

* *

* Haddar* products have changed hashgochos recently. Only packages with 
both the KAJ symbol and Yoshon on the label are under hashgocho for Yoshon.

* Kemach* all flat breads, regular and whole wheat, are Yoshon at least 
up to a code of Dec 15 2010 (13 months after packing.) Bread sticks are 
Yoshon the entire season, including the malt. For the graham cracker pie 
crust the wheat is always Yoshon. The malt may be a problem starting Dec 
15, code Dec 15 10 (1 year after packing.) Under the hashgocho of Rabbi 
Nussen Horowitz.

*Kitov *products may be Chodosh according to Rabbi Gissinger

* Liebers* cookies, crackers and pretzels are Yoshon unless they contain 
oats or the label states that they are made in Brazil. Under the 
hashgocho of Rabbi Weissmandl.

* Nabisco Triscuits* are Yoshon under the hashgocho of the O-U.

   /_4.2 Pretzels and Potato Chips_//__/

* Snack Factory Pretzel Crisps*, the wheat is Yoshon, the malt may be 
Chodosh. Package code for the malt Chodosh date of Dec 15 is July30 10 
(9 months after packing).

*4.6 Matzos* <#_Toc234724391>

* Shibolim matzos* whole wheat, light whole wheat and spelt are all 
Yoshon under the hashgocho of the Badatz of Yerusalaim.

*4.7 Spelt baked products* <#_Toc234724392>

* Shibolim spelt matzos* Yoshon under the hashgocho of the Badatz of 

*5. Noodles and other pasta <#_Toc234724393>***

*5.1 Regular noodles, pasta, mandlen and croutons* <#_Toc234724394>

* Chuster noodles and pasta* and *Landau made by Chuster* Co. all 
products Yoshon till Oct 31. Chuster items with Yoshon label, Yoshon to 
pesach. Under the hashgocho of Rabbi Avrohom Z. Glick.

* Dependable* pasta, noodles, egg barley in bulk packages are Yoshon 
under the hashgocho of Rabbis Klein and Taub.

* Eden pasta* Yoshon at least up to the packing date of Sept 29, code 
9272 (9=year, 272=day of year). Yoshon hashgocho, Rabbi Teitelbaum, the 
Nirbarter Rav.

* Haddar* products have changed hashgochos recently. Only packages with 
both the KAJ symbol and Yoshon on the label are under hashgocho for Yoshon.

* Kemach* Egg noodles and farfel Yoshon even without a Yoshon label at 
least until a purchase date of Dec 31, after Dec 31 with Yoshon label 
only. Bulk pasta in 20 lb packages have a Chodosh code of 09/01/11 (2 
years after packing). Under the hashgocho of Rabbi Nussen Horowitz.

* Masbia* pasta, noodles, egg barley in bulk packages are Yoshon under 
the hashgocho of Rabbis Klein and Taub.

* Ronzoni *Garden Delight and Oven Ready pastas Chodosh code is Aug 16 
11 (2 years after packing.)

* Vitelli noodles and pasta* Chodosh code Aug 16 2012 (3 years after 

* WalMart Great Value *Spaghetti and macaroni Chodosh code Aug 16 11 (2 
years after packing). For other items call the company at 877-505-2267. 
Have the product UPC code to give to the agent.

*5.2 Chow mein noodles* <#_Toc234724395>

* Kemach *Chow Mein noodles Chodosh date Aug 29, code 2909H (29=date, 
09=year, H=Aug in alph. order.) Under the hashgocho of Rabbi Nussen 

* Streits Chow Mein* noodles are Yoshon at least up to the purchase date of Jan 
31 2010, under the has

Bulletin from the Guide to Chodosh

2009-11-01 Thread Y. Herman


*From the Guide to Chodosh-Y. Herman*

*Chodosh telephone Hot Line 718-305-5133, email **yher...@yahoo.com* 


The new, second issue of the Guide is being sent to the printer. Those 
who subscribed, as well as the local distributors in various cities 
should receive the printed copies during the week of Nov. 9.

I will send out a new notice when this Guide will be available for 
download by email.




The first issue of the Guide had many items marked with ?* or ?*. 
The “*” indicated that the Yoshon nature of those items has not yet been 
confirmed at the time that the first issue was printed. In this second 
issue all such “*” designations have been removed. If the Yoshon status 
has now been confirmed then that item remains listed in the “?” or “?” 
section without a “*”. Otherwise, the item was moved to the ? or ? 
designation, or completely deleted from the Guide.


For malt and beer derived from barley malt, most years we used December 
15 as the packing date after which the malt may be Chodosh. This has 
been consistently reported as being reasonable. However, the last two 
years we were surprised to learn that at least one major source of malt 
began to use the Chodosh crop much earlier. Therefore, we were forced to 
adapt the earlier malt Chodosh date of Oct 15. Anticipating that this 
year may also see an early start of Chodosh malt production, we again 
used Oct 15 as the tentative malt date in the first issue of this year’s 
Guide. However, it appears that this year the normal situation has been 
restored. Therefore we will resume using Dec 15 as the Chodosh _packing_ 
date. We will again advise that where package codes are not known, it is 
safe to assume that whatever has been _purchased_ by March 15 will still 
contain Yoshon malt.


4. Baked Products <#_Toc234724385>

*4.1 Cakes, cookies and crackers* <#_Toc234724386>

* *

*? Haddar* products have changed hashgochos recently. Only packages with 
both the KAJ symbol and Yoshon on the label are under hashgocho for Yoshon.

*? Kemach* all flat breads, regular and whole wheat, are Yoshon at least 
up to a code of Dec 15 2010 (13 months after packing.) Bread sticks are 
Yoshon the entire season, including the malt. For the graham cracker pie 
crust the wheat is always Yoshon. The malt may be a problem starting Dec 
15, code Dec 15 10 (1 year after packing.) Under the hashgocho of Rabbi 
Nussen Horowitz.

*? Kitov *products may be Chodosh according to Rabbi Gissinger

*? Liebers* cookies, crackers and pretzels are Yoshon unless they 
contain oats or the label states that they are made in Brazil. Under the 
hashgocho of Rabbi Weissmandl.

*? Nabisco Triscuits* are Yoshon under the hashgocho of the O-U.

   /_4.2 Pretzels and Potato Chips_//__/

*? Snack Factory Pretzel Crisps*, the wheat is Yoshon, the malt may be 
Chodosh. Package code for the malt Chodosh date of Dec 15 is July30 10 
(9 months after packing).

*4.6 Matzos* <#_Toc234724391>

*? Shibolim matzos* whole wheat, light whole wheat and spelt are all 
Yoshon under the hashgocho of the Badatz of Yerusalaim.

*4.7 Spelt baked products* <#_Toc234724392>

*? Shibolim spelt matzos* Yoshon under the hashgocho of the Badatz of 

*5. Noodles and other pasta <#_Toc234724393>***

*5.1 Regular noodles, pasta, mandlen and croutons* <#_Toc234724394>

*? Chuster noodles and pasta* and *Landau made by Chuster* Co. all 
products Yoshon till Oct 31. Chuster items with Yoshon label, Yoshon to 
pesach. Under the hashgocho of Rabbi Avrohom Z. Glick.

*? Dependable* pasta, noodles, egg barley in bulk packages are Yoshon 
under the hashgocho of Rabbis Klein and Taub.

*? Eden pasta* Yoshon at least up to the packing date of Sept 29, code 
9272 (9=year, 272=day of year). Yoshon hashgocho, Rabbi Teitelbaum, the 
Nirbarter Rav.

*? Haddar* products have changed hashgochos recently. Only packages with 
both the KAJ symbol and Yoshon on the label are under hashgocho for Yoshon.

*? Kemach* Egg noodles and farfel Yoshon even without a Yoshon label at 
least until a purchase date of Dec 31, after Dec 31 with Yoshon label 
only. Bulk pasta in 20 lb packages have a Chodosh code of 09/01/11 (2 
years after packing). Under the hashgocho of Rabbi Nussen Horowitz.

*? Masbia* pasta, noodles, egg barley in bulk packages are Yoshon under 
the hashgocho of Rabbis Klein and Taub.

*? Ronzoni *Garden Delight and Oven Ready pastas Chodosh code is Aug 16 
11 (2 years after packing.)

*? Vitelli noodles and pasta* Chodosh code Aug 16 2012 (3 years after 

*? WalMart Great Value *Spaghetti and macaroni Chodosh co

Update from the Guide to Chodosh

2009-10-07 Thread Y. Herman


*From the Guide to Chodosh-Y. Herman*

*Chodosh telephone Hot Line 718-305-5133, email **yher...@yahoo.com* 


The first issue of the Guide to Chodosh for the upcoming season is ready 
for you to download free of charge by email from one of two locations. 
Send a blank email message to ONE of the following:


chod...@moruda.com <mailto:chod...@moruda.com>

The printed version of the new Guide to Chodosh was mailed out to all 
paid individual subscribers and to the various local distributors on 
Monday and Tuesday, Aug 31 and Sept 1. Most people should have received 
them by Shabbos, Sept 5. The following are changes and corrections to 
the new Guide.


*CORRECTION: *The oats in *Cheerios *and in other cereals from General 
Mills, the Chodosh packing date is delayed from July 26 to Sept 15. 
Therefore, for all Cheerios cereals sold in the USA the revised code for 
_oats_ is Sept 22 2010. The same date goes for the oats in most General 
Mills/Nestle cereals sold in Israel. The exception is the oats date for 
MultiGrain Cheerios for which the code when sold in Israel is July 22 
10. _However if the ingredients list wheat or wheat flour_ then the 
earlier packing date of Aug 9 for wheat holds. This would translate to a 
package code for the wheat of Aug 16 10 for all General Mills cereals in 
the USA and (Nestle) in Israel. The exception would be MultiGrain 
Cheerios in Israel for which the wheat code is June 13 10.

Nature Valley Granola bars. For bars that contain oats and no wheat, and 
for those that also contain wheat, see the dates and codes given above 
for General Mills cereals.

Masor dough products will continue to be Yoshon under the hashgocho of 
Rabbi M. A. Bussu.

J&J blintzes are Yoshon under the hashgocho of Rabbi Yehuda Shain.

Chuster noodles and pasta and Landau made by Chuster Co. all products 
Yoshon till Oct 31. Chuster items with Yoshon label, Yoshon to pesach. 
Under the hashgocho of Rabbi Avrohom Z. Glick.

Zomicks and Steinberg’s bakeries should be a catergory ?, under 
hashgocho for Yoshon, only with a Yoshon label.

Unger’s frozen pizza dough Chodosh code D9247 (9=year, 247=day of year). 
Regular and whole wheat pizza crust Chodosh code January 19 2010. Frozen 
pie shells and tart shells, Chodosh code 09259 (09=year, 259=day of the 
year.) Under the hashgocho of the New Square Kashrus Council.

Tuv Taam meals and other packaged products with an OK Labs hashgocho and 
a Yoshon label are Yoshon under the OK Labs.

America’s Choice (by A&P, also sold in Pathmark and Waldbaums) oatmeal 
cereals have the Chodosh code of Jul 26 11 (2 years after packing.)

BUGS WARNING: I have come across a kashrus alert newsletter that warns 
that bugs have been found in some heimishe brands of barley (no names 
were given). Barley should be checked for bugs. Note that this is not a 
Yoshon-generated problem, especially since it occurred so early in the 

French’s French Fried onions Chodosh code Aug 9 11 (2 years after packing.)



Liebers update: All cookies, crackers and pretzels are Yoshon unless 
they contain oats or the label states that they are made in Brazil. 
Liebers soup mixes have a Chodosh code of 09x33 (09=year, x=any single 
digit, 33=week of the year.) Under the hashgocho of Rabbi Weissmandl. 
Cup soups may not be Yoshon.

Smackin Good potato knishes always Yoshon, waffles and pancakes are 
Yoshon at least until after sukkos. Under the hashgocho of Rabbi Weissmandl.

Kineret, Kosheriffic pizza Yoshon at least until after sukkos. Lite fish 
sticks and onion rings, are Yoshon. Under the hashgocho of Rabbi Weissmandl.

* *

Kashi cereals. With the following exceptions, the date on all cereals is 
12 months after packing. That includes all cereal bars. The exceptions 
are Golean Rolls-8 months, Soft Baked cereals-10 months, Pilaf-24 months.

Kemach all flat breads, regular and whole wheat, are Yoshon at least up 
to a code of Oct 30 2010 (13 months after packing.) Bread sticks are 
Yoshon the entire season, including the malt. For the graham cracker pie 
crust the wheat is always Yoshon. The malt may be a problem starting Oct 
15, code Oct 15 10 (1 year after packing.)

In the Los Angeles area, the following are Yoshon under the hashgocho of the 
RCC: Schwartz Bakery -Pacoima CA, Classic Le Palais, Reniassance, Unique. The 
following are Yoshon under the Kehilla of Los Angeles: Love Bakery-all items 
baked there, and Jerusalem Pizza and Sushi-only the pizza.

Mechel’s Puffed Pastry Dough is Yoshon under the hashgocho of the Star-K.

Sterits Chow Mein noodles are Yoshon at least up to the purchase date of Jan 31 
2010, under the hashgocho of  Rabbi Soloveichik.



Update from the Guide to Chodosh

2009-09-21 Thread Y. Herman

First and foremost, the best wishes to all for a gmar chasima tova.

Now for the Update:

From the Guide to Chodosh-Y. Herman
Chodosh telephone Hot Line 718-305-5133, email yher...@yahoo.com

The first issue of the Guide to Chodosh for the upcoming season is ready 
for you to download free of charge by email from one of two locations. 
Send a blank email message to ONE of the following:


The printed version of the new Guide to Chodosh was mailed out to all 
paid individual subscribers and to the various local distributors on 
Monday and Tuesday, Aug 31 and Sept 1. Most people should have received 
them by Shabbos, Sept 5. The following are changes and corrections to 
the new Guide.


Cheerios and the oats in other cereals from General Mills, the Chodosh 
packing date is delayed from July 26 to Sept 15. Therefore, for all 
Cheerios cereals sold in the USA the revised code is Sept 22 2010. The 
same date goes for most General Mills/Nestle cereals sold in Israel. The 
exception is MultiGrain Cheerios for which the code when sold in Israel 
is July 22 10.

Liebers update: All cookies, crackers and pretzels are Yoshon unless 
they contain oats or the label states that they are made in Brazil. 
Liebers soup mixes have a Chodosh code of 09x33 (09=year, x=any single 
digit, 33=week of the year.) Under the hashgocho of Rabbi Weissmandl. 
Cup soups may not be Yoshon.

Smackin Good potato knishes always Yoshon, waffles and pancakes are 
Yoshon at least until after sukkos. Under the hashgocho of Rabbi Weissmandl.

Kineret, Kosheriffic pizza Yoshon at least until after sukkos. Lite fish 
sticks and onion rings, are Yoshon. Under the hashgocho of Rabbi Weissmandl.

Kashi cereals. With the following exceptions, the date on all cereals is 
12 months after packing. That includes all cereal bars. The exceptions 
are Golean Rolls-8 months, Soft Baked cereals-10 months, Pilaf-24 months.

Kemach all flat breads, regular and whole wheat, are Yoshon at least up 
to a code of Oct 30 2010 (13 months after packing.) Bread sticks are 
Yoshon the entire season, including the malt. For the graham cracker pie 
crust the wheat is always Yoshon. The malt may be a problem starting Oct 
15, code Oct 15 10 (1 year after packing.)

In the Los Angeles area, the following are Yoshon under the hashgocho of 
the RCC: Schwartz Bakery -Pacoima CA, Classic Le Palais, Reniassance, 
Unique. The following are Yoshon under the Kehilla of Los Angeles: Love 
Bakery-all items baked there, and Jerusalem Pizza and Sushi-only the pizza.

Mechel’s Puffed Pastry Dough is Yoshon under the hashgocho of the Star-K.

Sterits Chow Mein noodles are Yoshon at least up to the purchase date of 
Jan 31 2010, under the hashgocho of  Rabbi Soloveichik.


WARNING: Puratos Bagel Improver is a dough conditioner that is used by 
several bagel shops. Even though the company may claim that it is made 
from winter wheat, the Kof-K that provides the hashgocho for this 
product will not certify that claim. Therefore, as of a packaging date 
of Aug 9, this item may be Chodosh. The code for Aug 9 is 08099221 
(08=month, 09=day, 0=year, 221 not important.) Yoshon stored supplies of 
this item are available from Velenti Co. 718-565-1300 speak to Bob Cory. 
Please check with your local bagel shops. Many may not be aware of the 
fact that this or other dough conditioners may be Chodosh!

Mishpacha barley is Yoshon under the hashgocho of the KAJ, even without 
a Yoshon label.

Kemach updates and changes, under the hashgocho of Rabbi Horowitz: 
Graham Cracker Pie Crust, Chodosh code Oct 15 10. Egg noodles and farfel 
Yoshon without a Yoshon label at least until Dec 31, after Dec 31 with 
Yoshon label only. Bulk pasta in 20 lb packages have a Chodosh code of 
09/01/11 (2 years after packing). Toasted oats, Honey Nut Toasted Oats, 
Fruit Whirls, Honey Crunch (like Honeycombs), Corn Crisps (like Kix), 
Bunch ‘O Krunch, all have a revised Chodosh date of Sept 21 10. Chow 
Mein noodles Chodosh date Aug 29, code 2909H (29=date, 09=year, H=Aug in 
alph. order.)

Rabbi Gruber : Regarding items under the hashgocho of Rabbi Gruber, the 
following are confirmed Yoshon for this year: Paskesz products without 
oats, Best products except Kamut, Kosher Depot wraps, Mendelsohn frozen 
pizza in the store and frozen products, Sweet Choice, Weiss Kosher 
Cuisine, Merkaz Hasimcha, Newborn Caterers, Pavilion 39 Caterers, 
Michyou Pita, Glauber Bakeries, Spring Valley and Brooklyn, Munch and 
Lunch, Monsey Glatt and Wesley Kosher items prepared in the store, 
Mechel’s Takeout.

The following items are no longer under Yoshon under Rabbi Gruber and 
therefore are not recommended as Yoshon: Landau Supermarket takeout and 
bakery, Kaff Café, Main Street Pizza-Fallsburg, Moshe Pizza

Update from the Guide to Chodosh

2009-09-13 Thread Y. Herman


*From the Guide to Chodosh-Y. Herman*

*Chodosh telephone Hot Line 718-305-5133, email *yher...@yahoo.com 


The first issue of the Guide to Chodosh for the upcoming season is ready 
for you to download free of charge by email from one of two locations. 
Send a blank email message to ONE of the following:


chod...@moruda.com <mailto:chod...@moruda.com>

The printed version of the new Guide to Chodosh was mailed out to all 
paid individual subscribers and to the various local distributors on 
Monday and Tuesday, Aug 31 and Sept 1. Most people should have received 
them by Shabbos, Sept 5. The following are changes and corrections to 
the new Guide.


* *

*WARNING: Puratos* Bagel Improver is a dough conditioner that is used by 
several bagel shops. Even though the company may claim that it is made 
from winter wheat, the Kof-K that provides the hashgocho for this 
product will not certify that claim. Therefore, as of a packaging date 
of Aug 9, this item may be Chodosh. The code for Aug 9 is 08099221 
(08=month, 09=day, 0=year, 221 not important.) Yoshon stored supplies of 
this item are available from Velenti Co. 718-565-1300 speak to Bob Cory. 
Please check with your local bagel shops. Many may not be aware of the 
fact that this or other dough conditioners may be Chodosh!

Mishpacha barley is Yoshon under the hashgocho of the KAJ.

Kemach updates and changes, under the hashgocho of Rabbi Horowitz: 
Graham Cracker Pie Crust, Chodosh code Oct 15 10. Egg noodles and farfel 
Yoshon without a Yoshon label at least until Dec 31, after Dec 31 with 
Yoshon label only. Bulk pasta in 20 lb packages have a Chodosh code of 
09/01/11 (2 years after packing). Toasted _oats_, Honey Nut Toasted 
Oats, _Fruit Whirls, Honey Crunch_ (like Honeycombs), _Corn Crisps_ 
(like Kix), _Bunch ‘O Krunch_, all have a revised Chodosh date of Sept 
21 10. All flat breads, regular and whole wheat, are Yoshon at least up 
to a code of Oct 1 2010 (1 year after packing.) Chow Mein noodles 
Chodosh date Aug 29, code 2909H (29=date, 09=year, H=Aug in alph. order.)

_Rabbi Gruber_ : Regarding items under the hashgocho of _Rabbi Gruber_, 
the following are confirmed Yoshon for this year: Paskesz products 
without oats, Best products except Kamut, Kosher Depot wraps, Mendelsohn 
frozen pizza in the store and frozen products, Sweet Choice, Weiss 
Kosher Cuisine, Merkaz Hasimcha, Newborn Caterers, Pavilion 39 Caterers, 
Michyou Pita, Glauber Bakeries, Spring Valley and Brooklyn, Munch and 
Lunch, Monsey Glatt and Wesley Kosher items prepared in the store, 
Mechel’s Takeout.

The following items are no longer under Yoshon under _Rabbi Gruber_ and 
therefore are _not recommended as Yoshon_: Landau Supermarket takeout 
and bakery, Kaff Café, Main Street Pizza-Fallsburg, Moshe 
Pizza-Monticello, Raleigh Hotel.

Shrem’s Bakery, Cornwall, NY will continue to be Yoshon under the 
hashgocho of Rabbi Lipa Klein.

Snack Factory Pretzel Crisps, the malt may be Chodosh. Package code for 
the malt Chodosh date of Oct 15 is July15 10 (9 months after packing).

Taanug cereals with wheat but no oats. There is a mistake in the Guide. 
The Chodosh code should be Aug 9 2010 (1 year after packing.)

Ronzoni oven-ready pasta Chodosh code is Aug 16 2011 (2 years after 

Streits products are Yoshon only if under the hashgocho of Rabbi 
Soloveichik or the Kof-K.

My Own Meals products are Yoshon under the hashgocho of Rabbi Soloveichik.

Glick’s Graham Cracker Pie crust on the shelves at this time is Yoshon. 
No code has been given to help determine when it may start becoming 
Chodosh. Glicks baking spray may be Chodosh.

Pereg bread crumbs may be Chodosh, unless the package states product of 



* *

Cheerios sold in Israel under the Nestle label (other than Multigrain) 
the Chodosh date is supposed to be Aug 2 10 (372 days after packing.)

Shoprite hot oats cereals, all hot cereals the Chodosh date is Jan 26 
11, 18 months after packing.

Great Value flour from WalMart with a “W” in the code, the wheat is 
always Yoshon, under the hashgocho of the O-U. The malt may be Chodosh 
after October, code to be supplied.

Nabisco Triscuits are Yoshon under the hashgocho of the O-U.



* *

The following establishments in Monsey will continue to be Yoshon under 
the hashgocho of Rabbi Chaim Yaakov Horowitz: Pita Land, Chai Pizza and 
European Home Made Kosher.

The following information provided by Rabbi Shlomo Gissinger regarding 
establishments under his hashgocho: In Lakewood, following ARE Yoshon: 
Gelbstein Bakery, Gruenebaum Bakery, Salad Garden, Kosher V

Update from the Guide to Chodosh

2009-09-02 Thread Y. Herman


*From the Guide to Chodosh-Y. Herman*

*Chodosh telephone Hot Line 718-305-5133, email **yher...@yahoo.com* 


The first issue of the Guide to Chodosh for the upcoming season is ready 
for you to download free of charge by email from one of two locations. 
Send a blank email message to ONE of the following:


chod...@moruda.com <mailto:chod...@moruda.com>

The printed version of the new Guide to Chodosh was mailed out to all 
paid individual subscribers and to the various local distributors on 
Monday and Tuesday, Aug 31 and Sept 1. Most people should receive them 
by Shabbos, Sept 5. The following are changes and corrections to the new 


* *

Cheerios sold in Israel under the Nestle label (other than Multigrain) 
the Chodosh date is supposed to be Aug 2 10 (372 days after packing.)

Shoprite hot oats cereals, all cereals the Chodosh date is Jan 26 11, 18 
months after packing.

Great Value flour from WalMart with a “W” in the code, the wheat is 
always Yoshon, under the hashgocho of the O-U. The malt may be Chodosh 
after October, code to be supplied.

Nabisco Triscuits are Yoshon under the hashgocho of the O-U.



* *

The following establishments in Monsey will continue to be Yoshon under 
the hashgocho of Rabbi Chaim Yaakov Horowitz: Pita Land, Chai Pizza and 
European Home Made Kosher.

The following information provided by Rabbi Shlomo Gissinger regarding 
establishments under his hashgocho: In Lakewood, following ARE Yoshon: 
Gelbstein Bakery, Gruenebaum Bakery, Salad Garden, Kosher Village-Weiss 
Bakery (except 6-grain bread). Following are _NOT Yoshon_: Kitov 
products, Bodek egg rolls, Taste Bud Restaurant-Lakewood, Just Good Food 

Ungers Kosher Market bakery department in Cleveland Heights will be 
Yoshon under the hashgocho of Rabbi B. Greenwald.


The Bagel Shoppe located in South Euclid Ohio is no longer Yoshon.

* *


Those who have access to email can have important corrections and 
updates sent to their email address automatically. To subscribe to this 
free service send a blank email message to:

chodosh-subscr...@jif.org.il <mailto:chodosh-subscr...@jif.org.il>

Those who have subscribed last year to the email distribution list do 
not need to renew this email subscription.


To send an E mail message to the Guide, please address it to: 

Before you discontinue using an E-mail service, please unsubscribe from 
this list by sending a message to:


Then if you wish to resume receiving these messages from your new 
service, send a message to:

chodosh-subscr...@jif.org.il <mailto:chodosh-subscr...@jif.org.il>.

CAUTION: Some new anti-spam filters require senders to respond to a 
challenge in order for their E mail to be received. This E mail 
distribution list can not provide such responses. Other filters 
eliminate all mass mailings such as this one. If you are using such 
filters, be sure to put these messages on the allowed list of your 
filter, otherwise you will not receive the updates.


Project Chodosh is an independent activity, not affiliated with any 
movement or organization. We thank the Jewish Internet Fund (JIF) for 
allowing us to use their E mail distribution services. The JIF provides 
free email and web hosting to Jewish education and outreach 
organizations. We also thank the sites moruda.com and sefer.org for 
allowing the public to use E mail to request copies from their 
facitlites of the Guides to Chodosh and the Mashgichim.

The new Guide to Chodosh now available from two locations

2009-08-23 Thread Y. Herman


*From the Guide to Chodosh-Y. Herman*

*Chodosh telephone Hot Line 718-305-5133, email *yher...@yahoo.com 


The first issue of the Guide to Chodosh for the upcoming season is ready 
for you to download by email from one of two locations. Send a blank 
email message to ONE of the following:


chod...@moruda.com <mailto:chod...@moruda.com>

The new Guide will go to the printer on Monday, Aug 24. We hope that 
those who sent in paid subscriptions, as well as the local distributors 
in the various cities in the USA will receive the printed copies by US 
mail by early next week.

In the table below we summarize the cutoff dates recommended by the 
Guide, based on preliminary estimates of the US Government supplied 
harvest data. These estimated dates will be updated as necessary in 
later issues of the Guide. The “Packing date” indicates that all 
packaged goods with dating codes that were before that date should be 
Yoshon. Starting with the “Packing date” and later, they may be Chodosh. 
The “Purchase date” is the first date for which we feel it is no longer 
safe to purchase the foods without checking for dating codes. We also 
give the first recommended date to stop purchasing freshly baked items 
produced at the local bakeries.

_Application_ _Packing date_ _Purchase date_

_ _

Packaged foods with oats Jul 26 Aug 9

Packaged foods with wheat Aug 9 Aug 24

Noodles and pasta or barley

(not malt) Aug 16 Sept 1

Packaged foods with malt Oct 15 Jan 15

Freshly baked bakery products with wheat

-Mid West USA Aug 10

-Other USA Aug 24

* *


The Bagel Shoppe located in South Euclid Ohio is no longer Yoshon.

* *


Those who have access to email can have important corrections and 
updates sent to their email address automatically. To subscribe to this 
free service send a blank email message to:

chodosh-subscr...@jif.org.il <mailto:chodosh-subscr...@jif.org.il>

Those who have subscribed last year to the email distribution list do 
not need to renew this email subscription.


To send an E mail message to the Guide, please address it to: 

Before you discontinue using an E-mail service, please unsubscribe from 
this list by sending a message to:


Then if you wish to resume receiving these messages from your new 
service, send a message to:

chodosh-subscr...@jif.org.il <mailto:chodosh-subscr...@jif.org.il>.

CAUTION: Some new anti-spam filters require senders to respond to a 
challenge in order for their E mail to be received. This E mail 
distribution list can not provide such responses. Other filters 
eliminate all mass mailings such as this one. If you are using such 
filters, be sure to put these messages on the allowed list of your 
filter, otherwise you will not receive the updates.


Project Chodosh is an independent activity, not affiliated with any 
movement or organization. We thank the Jewish Internet Fund (JIF) for 
allowing us to use their E mail distribution services. The JIF provides 
free email and web hosting to Jewish education and outreach 
organizations. We also thank the sites moruda.com and sefer.org for 
allowing the public to use E mail to request copies from their 
facitlites of the Guides to Chodosh and the Mashgichim.

New Guide to Chodosh ready

2009-08-23 Thread Y. Herman


*From the Guide to Chodosh-Y. Herman*

*Chodosh telephone Hot Line 718-305-5133, email *yher...@yahoo.com 


The first issue of the Guide to Chodosh for the upcoming season is ready 
for you to download by email. Send a blank email message to

chod...@moruda.com <mailto:chod...@moruda.com>

For those who have difficulty accessing this site, there will be a 
second email address available to get the Guide in 1-2 days. I will send 
a notice when the second site is ready.

In the table below we summarize the cutoff dates recommended by the 
Guide, based on preliminary estimates of the US Government supplied 
harvest data. These estimated dates will be updated as necessary in 
later issues of the Guide. The “Packing date” indicates that all 
packaged goods with dating codes that were before that date should be 
Yoshon. Starting with the “Packing date” and later, they may be Chodosh. 
The “Purchase date” is the first date for which we feel it is no longer 
safe to purchase the foods without checking for dating codes. We also 
give the first recommended date to stop purchasing freshly baked items 
produced at the local bakeries.

_Application_ _Packing date_ _Purchase date_

_ _

Packaged foods with oats Jul 26 Aug 9

Packaged foods with wheat Aug 9 Aug 24

Noodles and pasta or barley

(not malt) Aug 16 Sept 1

Packaged foods with malt Oct 15 Jan 15

Freshly baked bakery products with wheat

-Mid West USA Aug 10

-Other USA Aug 24

* *

* *


Those who have access to email can have important corrections and 
updates sent to their email address automatically. To subscribe to this 
free service send a blank email message to:

chodosh-subscr...@jif.org.il <mailto:chodosh-subscr...@jif.org.il>

Those who have subscribed last year to the email distribution list do 
not need to renew this email subscription.


To send an E mail message to the Guide, please address it to: 

Before you discontinue using an E-mail service, please unsubscribe from 
this list by sending a message to:


Then if you wish to resume receiving these messages from your new 
service, send a message to:

chodosh-subscr...@jif.org.il <mailto:chodosh-subscr...@jif.org.il>.

CAUTION: Some new anti-spam filters require senders to respond to a 
challenge in order for their E mail to be received. This E mail 
distribution list can not provide such responses. Other filters 
eliminate all mass mailings such as this one. If you are using such 
filters, be sure to put these messages on the allowed list of your 
filter, otherwise you will not receive the updates.


Project Chodosh is an independent activity, not affiliated with any 
movement or organization. We thank the Jewish Internet Fund (JIF) for 
allowing us to use their E mail distribution services. The JIF provides 
free email and web hosting to Jewish education and outreach 
organizations. We also thank the sites moruda.com and sefer.org for 
allowing the public to use E mail to request copies from their 
facitlites of the Guides to Chodosh and the Mashgichim.

Update from the Guide to Chodosh

2009-08-11 Thread Y. Herman


*From the Guide to Chodosh-Y. Herman*

*Chodosh telephone Hot Line 718-305-5133, email **yher...@yahoo.com* 

* *


At this time, the harvest of the three Chodosh crops have begun in the 
USA, marking the official beginning of the new Chodosh season. The start 
of the oats and spring wheat harvests followed our earlier prediction. 
However, the barley harvest is about 1 week later that predicted 
earlier. Therefore, the dates the follow reflect a 1 week delay for 
barley. The first of the dates given below is the first Chodosh PACKING 
date. If you know the dating code system for your package, any item 
packed before that date will be Yoshon. The second date is the PURCHASE 
date. If you do not know the date code, you can assume that all items up 
to the given purchase date will be Yoshon.

OATS: Packing date=Jul 16, purchase date=Aug 9 (THIS HAS PASSED.)

WHEAT packaged goods (other than noodles and pasta): Packing date=Aug 9, 
purchase date= Aug 21.

WHEAT BAKERY, pizza and other _fresh baked products_: purchase date IN 

Purchase date ELSEWHERE in the USA=Aug 21.

WHEAT pasta and noodles: Packing date=Aug 16, purchase date= Sept 1.

BARLEY (pearled): Packing date Aug 16, safe to purchase to Aug 28.



* *

The first issue of the season of the Guide to Chodosh is due BE”H by the 
end of August. I will send out an email to alert everyone when the new 
Guide will be available for download by computer.


* *

I have been receiving email lately from sender addresses that are 
supposed to be yher...@earthlink.net <mailto:yher...@earthlink.net> and 
yher...@onlymyemail.com <mailto:yher...@onlymyemail.com>. Both of these 
are my email addresses. Both have contained spam messages. None of those 
were actually sent by me. Apparently, it is very easy for anyone to send 
out email with any other email address as the “sender”. I was told that 
there is no way I can stop such messages. _Please do not respond to such 
messages and certainly never send any private information as a result of 
such messages._ In case of doubt contact me directly by calling the Hot 
Line number given above.


* *

Our earlier fears for the availability of Yoshon bakery flour in the 
Greater New York area have B”H eased. Apparently the flour suppliers and 
distributors will be able to cover the potential loss of available 
Yoshon flour brought about by the very popular General Mills “All 
Trumps” flour no longer being available in Yoshon form for most of the 
Chodosh season. Nevertheless, the users of Yoshon bakery flour have to 
contact their flour distributors to make sure that their needs will be 
adequately covered. This notice only pertains to bakery flour, not flour 
purchased in groceries for home use.



* *

As noted above, the new Chodosh season will start soon. I would like to 
ask you again that if you have not yet done so, to urgently forward to 
me a list of all products and establishments for which you provide 
Yoshon hashgocho for the upcoming season. I need to make sure that 
up-to-date and accurate information is passed on to the Yoshon consumer 
in the first issue of the Guide to Chodosh.

You may forward this information to me in one of several ways:

- Email to yher...@yahoo.com <mailto:yher...@yahoo.com>

- Fax to 845-356-5999

- By US mail to Y. Herman, 20 Sylvan Road, Monsey, NY 10952

- By recording a message on the Chodosh Hot Line, 718-305-5133.

A few months ago, I sent out the revised issue of the Mashgiach’s Guide 
to Chodosh and Yoshon by mail to many mashgichim and hashgocho 
organizations. (See details about this Guide below.) If you did not 
receive it and want a printed copy (instead of the email version that is 
available), please contact me.

Thank you and tizku l’mitzvos

Yoseph Herman



The Mashgiach’s Guide to Chodosh and Yoshon has been updated and is now 
available by email or US surface mail. The regular Guide to Chodosh (the 
first issue for the new season is due out in a few weeks) is aimed at 
consumers. It contains names of foods and establishments and tries to 
provide guidance about which are Yoshon and which are not. Conversely, 
the Mashgiach’s Guide contains almost no specific brand name 
information. Rather, it provides detailed technical information to help 
the mashgiach provide hashgochos for Yoshon. You are welcome to download 
a copy of the Mashgiach’s Guide by 

Bulletin from the Guide to Chodosh

2009-07-21 Thread Y. Herman


*From the Guide to Chodosh-Y. Herman*

*Chodosh telephone Hot Line 718-305-5133, email *yher...@yahoo.com 

* *


I have been monitoring the weekly crop progress reports from the U. S. 
Dep’t of Agriculture. Based on those reports we estimate the following 
dates when Chodosh can start by crop. We give here 2 dates. The first is 
the date when packing of Chodosh into packaged goods may start. The 
second is the date until which it is probably safe to purchase packaged 
or baked goods in the stores without checking for dating codes.

OATS: Packing date=Jul 16, safe to purchase up to Aug 9.

WHEAT packaged goods (other than noodles and pasta): Packing date=Aug 9, 
safe to purchase up to Aug 21.

WHEAT BAKERY, pizza and other fresh baked products: safe to purchase at 
least up to Aug 9.

WHEAT pasta and noodles: Packing date=Aug 16, safe to purchase up to Sept 1.

BARLEY (pearled): Packing date Aug 9, safe to purchase to Aug 21.

These dates are subject to updates and revisions.


* *

I have been receiving email lately from sender addresses that are 
supposed to be yher...@earthlink.net <mailto:yher...@earthlink.net> and 
yher...@onlymyemail.com <mailto:yher...@onlymyemail.com>. Both of these 
are my email addresses. Both have contained spam messages. None of those 
were actually sent by me. Apparently, it is very easy for anyone to send 
out email with any other email address as the “sender”. I was told that 
there is no way I can stop such messages. _Please do not respond to such 
messages and certainly never send any private information as a result of 
such messages._ In case of doubt contact me directly by calling the Hot 
Line number given above.


* *

Many bakeries and pizza shops in the New York area have been using a 
stored, high-gluten flour called General Mills “All Trumps” to produce 
Yoshon breads, challahs, pizzas, etc. This flour will probably not be 
available as Yoshon this coming season. The flour distributors are 
searching for suitable alternates.

One new Yoshon flour choice that was first tried successfully last year 
is now being made more widely available. It is a special Yoshon flour 
being produced from a blend of winter wheat and stored Yoshon spring 
wheat at a ConAgra mill which never handles any Chodosh wheat at all, 
all season. This flour will be available the entire season without the 
need for long-term storage. It will be sold in bulk truck loads or in 50 
or 100 pound bags. The Yoshon supervision is being handled by the Kof-K. 
The shipped bulk flour will be accompanied by a Kof-K certification. The 
bagged flours will have a sticker or label with the ConAgra company name 
and the legend that it is Yoshon under the Kof-K. This flour may be used 
as is for breads, etc. Alternately some bakers may wish to add to it 
some Yoshon vital wheat gluten to increase its protein level further.

This ConAgra flour has not been tested adequately for pizza. It may be 
that some pizza stores will not want to use it. In that case, such 
stores may be able to start the season as Yoshon with limited stored 
flour, but then they may be forced to switch to Chodosh after a few 
weeks as the stored flour runs out. Customers should check with the 
mashgichim as the season progresses.

In any case, it is necessary for bakeries and other establishments to 
urgently contact their flour suppliers to make arrangements for Yoshon 
flour for the upcoming season.



* *

As noted above, the new Chodosh season will start soon. I would like to 
ask you again that if you have not yet done so, to urgently forward to 
me a list of all products and establishments for which you provide 
Yoshon hashgocho for the upcoming season. I need to make sure that 
up-to-date and accurate information is passed on to the Yoshon consumer 
in the first issue of the Guide to Chodosh.

You may forward this information to me in one of several ways:

- Email to yher...@yahoo.com <mailto:yher...@yahoo.com>

- Fax to 845-356-5999

- By US mail to Y. Herman, 20 Sylvan Road, Monsey, NY 10952

- By recording a message on the Chodosh Hot Line, 718-305-5133.

A few months ago, I sent out the revised issue of the Mashgiach’s Guide 
to Chodosh and Yoshon by mail to many mashgichim and hashgocho 
organizations. (See details about this Guide below.) If you did not 
receive it and want a printed copy (instead of the email version that is 
available), please contact me.

Thank you and tizku l’mitzvos

Yoseph Herman



The Mashgiac

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