Re: [CinCV] help compiling cinelerra on RHEL 5.5

2011-03-01 Thread Brendan

On 03/01/2011 12:15 PM, Simon Su wrote:

Hi All,

I think I have got all the dependencies configured using the CFLAGS and
LDFLAGS variables. But I am running into undefined reference now. Please
see below.

Am I using the wrong version of faac or compiled something wrong? I am
using version faac-1.28 for this compile.

Are you sure it found faac at configure time?  I don't see a -lfaac.


Cinelerra mailing list

Re: [CinCV] Working with Sony AVCHD in Cinelerra

2009-11-10 Thread Brendan

On 11/10/2009 02:39 PM, Tom Judge wrote:

I am guessing that is true although this machine had a Pentium quad core
processor, NVidia (PCI) dual port and 4 gig of ram. I may try on my
other box which has a newer Nvidia card PCIExpress

Likewise, my system is a Q6600 with a 4GB of memory.  This is probably a 
driver issue more than anything else.  As best I can tell, your graphics 
driver needs to actually support hardware decode to get full frame-rate. 
 It's not clear to me this even exists in any of the X drivers, open 
source or proprietary.  I've gotten a modest performance boost by 
playing back at 50% or 33% of original footage size.  Fewer pixels to 
copy means a closer X driver is a little less of a bottleneck.  The 
decode is still really slow.  Perhaps a format other than mov would be 


Cinelerra mailing list

Re: [CinCV] Working with Sony AVCHD in Cinelerra

2009-11-10 Thread Brendan

On 11/10/2009 01:52 PM, Tom Judge wrote:

I can transcode to raw dv 720x480 anamorphic. No luck so far with the
higher resolutions it plays very slow ehn i try higher resolutions and
the audio looses sync

High res playing slow means either your cpu or video aren't up to the 
task.  I thought my transcode command produced output that was 
out-of-sync, but it turned out it was just the low-fps chop.  Final 
product (NTSC DVD) synced up fine.  Makes editing a little less fun. 
Probably time to learn about proxy editing.


Cinelerra mailing list

Re: [CinCV] Working with Sony AVCHD in Cinelerra

2009-11-10 Thread Brendan

On 11/10/2009 12:35 PM, peter wrote:

I have been trying to transcode the Sony AVCHD files to a .mov container
in cinelerra. So far unsuccessful.

any advanvancs on this ?
I am looking at a panasonic AG-HMC41 shootiing in AVCHD

anybody owns / has access to a pana / sony for testing purposes ?

would be interested in knowing your experiences
(if there are any :-) ? )

I'm currently using ffmpeg to transcode Sony HDR-SR11 footage from mts 
to mov.  Here's my mts2mov sh script:

for i in $*; do
  ffmpeg -i $i -vcodec mjpeg -sameq -ab 14577k -aspect 16:9 -acodec 
pcm_s16be -ar 48000 -deinterlace `echo $i | sed s/mts$/mov/`


This required building a development snapshot of ffmpeg.  Looks like the 
version is SVN-r19749, later than what was commonly available in distros 
a few months back.  Both Cin CV and Heroine 4 can manage the output, 
though the FPS is low.


Cinelerra mailing list

Re: [CinCV] Howto produce HD mpg 1080 from Cinelerra

2009-06-08 Thread Brendan

Ed Vaessen wrote:

Is this typical for mpeg footage?

Are there gaps in the original footage?  I discovered (the hard way) my 
Sanyo Xacti VPC-HD2000 would stop/start recording every time it had to 
open a new file (4GB file limit).  This resulted in gaps every ~23 
minutes with 1920x1080/60P footage.


Cinelerra mailing list

Re: [CinCV] best Cinelerra OS?

2009-03-31 Thread Brendan

Scott C. Frase wrote:
My preference, as usual, is Fedora, 64-bit.  It has a lot of annoying 
little bugs that I've worked through.  But isn't that the joy of it 
though?  (not really)

FWIW, I'm also using Fedora 10 on x86_64.  Works great.


Cinelerra mailing list

Re: [CinCV] Need for speed in mexico

2009-03-22 Thread Brendan

august wrote:

 If you have any ideas or any suggestions, I'd love to hear it.

If you cut the audio track, does playback return to normal speed?  I had 
an audio driver issue once that resulted in 3fps playback- disabling 
audio got it right back to 29.97.  The eventual fix was to tweak some 
audio settings (Believe I was sending too many samples at once).  It's a 
long shot, but thought I'd mention it.

If you're willing to dig a little, oprofile will do a great job of 
telling you what function your CPU is spending all its time in. This 
should point you in the right direction.


Cinelerra mailing list

Re: [CinCVS] Editing out bad spots

2007-07-19 Thread Brendan

Jonathan Ryshpan wrote:

I have a DVD transcribed from a very old videotape in which there are
some places where the tape skipped or didn't advance for a while,
producing bad spots, lasting for between half a second and two seconds. 

What is the easiest way to cut these "bad spots" out using Cinelerra?

If it's both the video and the audio, you can simply highlight the 
portion you want to cut and press delete (or select clear from the edit 
menu).  You might also want to then add a default audio and video 
transition to reduce the impact of the cut (This may require you cut a 
little more footage so your transition has material to use).  This is 
quite possibly the easiest thing you could ever do in cinelerra. 
Default transitions are the second item in both the Audio and the Video 
menu.  Be sure to do both or you'll get your footage out of sync.


Cinelerra mailing list

Re: [CinCVS] General Cinelerra performance

2007-04-30 Thread Brendan

Dennis Schulmeister wrote:

I wonder if there are any optimizations I could do to improve
There's no single optimization that we can recommend that will certainly 
solve your problem.  On my system I had a performance problem that 
turned out to be an audio setup problem (Playback of dv material went 
from 5fps to 30fps just by muting the audio output!).  If you have the 
time, try using OProfile or some other profiler to find out what part of 
cinelerra is eating all that CPU.


Cinelerra mailing list

Re: [CinCVS] dv grabbing (off topic)

2006-09-24 Thread Brendan Conoboy

Piotr Legiecki wrote:

error message:
 frame dropped: timecode 00:25:27.10 date 2006.09.04 09:42:59
This error means that the ieee1394 driver received an incomplete frame.

Is it something wrong with my system?

Are you using Cinelerra or dvgrab to get the data?  I usually use dvgrab 
myself, and used to see this all the time.  Even if I didn't do anything 
else.  The problem on my system was that dvgrab's default buffer size 
was too small (100).  Using dvgrab --buffers 500 took care of it no 
matter how much else I was doing at the same time.  If you're capturing 
with cinelerra, perhaps there is a similar solution.


Cinelerra mailing list

Re: [CinCVS] installation issue with Fedora Core 5

2006-08-09 Thread Brendan Conoboy

Matt k wrote:

i am trying to install cinelerra 2.0 on ym linux box and get the following
message when running the yum installer. i am 90% sure i installed the
neccessary libraries. any help would be appreciated.
thanks in advance,

Try this:

rpm --import /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-freshrpms

Then rerun yum.


Cinelerra mailing list

Re: [CinCVS] Cinelerra & Mpeg2

2006-08-09 Thread Brendan Conoboy

Format PresetDVD

Change to DVD-NAV (Make sure it's the 8th option).


Cinelerra mailing list

Re: [CinCVS] Mpeg2 encoding

2006-08-07 Thread Brendan Conoboy

Graham Evans wrote:
I seem to remember that some really logical choices like "Format Preset: 
DVD" led to render errors.  For me the options given above worked and I 
generally only fiddle with the Bitrate.

One needs to use "DVD-NAV" (Type 8) rather than the "DVD" (Type 9) 
variant.  Type 8 is the mpeg format that DVDs actually use (For 
instance, when using mplex, one uses mplex -f 8 to combine audio and 
video for a DVD compatible mpeg).  If I post a patch for this, will 
somebody with svn write access check it in?


Cinelerra mailing list

Re: [CinCVS] titler fade out flicker

2006-07-03 Thread Brendan Conoboy

Joe Friedrichsen wrote:
I've noticed that in some videos I've made as well - the background 
appears to change the way the title fades in. This is still different. 
In the sample file (, the 
flicker is quite obvious - it's not coming from a contrast with the 
background. Rather, the title slowly and smoothly fades out until the 
final frame of fading out, at which point that single last frame shows 
the title at full visibility.

I can observe this flicker in cinelerra's compositor during playback and 
during frame-by-frame advancement.

I haven't been following this thread closely, but it does sound like 
something I experienced and resolved.  The problem was that I was using 
fading keyframes and setting them by hand instead of using the slider. 
That is to say, I'd press the mouse when the cursor was over the part of 
the timeline I wanted to fade then drag it downward until my compositor 
window faded out.  Because of Cinelerra 2's quirky feature, for some of 
the last frames it would actually go past fading out and back into 
visible again.  The resolution for this was to use the slider instead of 
dragging on the timeline.


Cinelerra mailing list

Re: [CinCVS] Single (Powerful CPU with Hyperthreading) vs. SMP vs. Multiple Cinelerra Render Nodes

2006-06-22 Thread Brendan Conoboy


Why is that?

It's the nature of hyperthreading.  You don't actually have a second CPU 
core with hyperthreading, that's just how it appears.  Inside the CPU 
there are multiple execution units.  When you're running a program there 
are times when some of these units that go idle.  They're idle because 
the kind of work they do is not available or data needed to run is 
unavailable.  If a second process/thread is active that could be run on 
those idle units, you may get a performance benefit.  Conversely, if 
you're running two copies of the same algorithm, you may create resource 
contention for the same missing data and the same execution units.  You 
will also take a performance hit from the context switches as the two 
processes are swapped back and forth.  HT can be a real win when you 
have multiple processes (or threads) doing different types of work. 
That's generally not the case of multithreaded encoders.


Cinelerra mailing list

Re: [CinCVS] Single (Powerful CPU with Hyperthreading) vs. SMP vs. Multiple Cinelerra Render Nodes

2006-06-11 Thread Brendan Conoboy

Kevin Brosius wrote:

Have you tried cinelerra on this system?  Your comments seem odd, as on
my dual systems, cinelerra will use both cpus (or cpu pipelines on HT
machines) during rendering.

For actual rendering you're likely to see a performance hit if you let 
the renderer use both "cpus" of a hyper-threaded system.  Best to check 
the force-single-processor flag in the settings and use the second 
execution unit for non-number-crunching operations (Surely your 
underlying OS has something else it'd like to do)!


Cinelerra mailing list

Re: [CinCVS] Hardware and Distro recommendations

2006-06-06 Thread Brendan Conoboy

Andraz Tori wrote:

If you are working with DV material I am positively convinced you are
using non-optimized build of libdv. 

I've seen this before, all you need is libdv 0.103 or newer, properly
compiled for x86

Another possible thing to check is the audio output method.  When I was 
using OSS with a large block size, my performance would plummet.  Moving 
to a smaller block size (or better yet, alsa) completely resolved the 
problem.  You can check this very easily by disabling the audio tracks 
and checking playback speed.


Cinelerra mailing list

Re: [CinCVS] Pentium D 2.6 GHz or AMD Semprom 3.0 GHz

2006-05-18 Thread Brendan Conoboy

Pierre Marc Dumuid wrote:
Anyone have a suggestion either way?  I initially thought AMD Sempron 
cause as I was personally curious to see how a 64 bit machine performs, 
but now I am actually thinking that the dual processor may be more useful?

The dual core is a quite beneficial when doing any CPU intensive 
encoding.  Some encoders, such as mpeg2enc, are SMP aware, providing 
more benefit.  Likewise, if you have background rendering enabled, a 
second core is going to give you enhanced interactive performance.  Last 
I saw, all Pentium D's were 64 bit, so it seems like a better choice 
over an AMD Sempron.  In either case budget for plenty of RAM since a 
fast CPU won't matter if you're swapping heavily.


Cinelerra mailing list

[CinCVS] null plugin keyframes (how to unexplode your xml files!)

2006-03-07 Thread Brendan Conoboy

Hi everyone,

As a novice cinelerra user, I've run into a heinous problem every now 
and again.  After doing some work on a video, I'll save, do some more, 
save for a day or two.  Normally when I start up again, the xml file 
is a few dozen to a few hundred k.  Every now and again, it's 5 
megabytes large, fails to load, and makes me weep in an unmanly way 
(tm).  The physical characteristic of the problem appears to be null 
keyframes being inserted into the xml file, like this:

Thousands of them.  Tens of thousands.  Hundreds of thousands of them.

As to where they come from, it appears to be the result of tweaking 
plugin parameters *while* cinelerra is doing playback.  I've not 
investigated this problem, but I do have a bandaid of a solution, 
written in perl:

  if ( $_ =~ /PLUGIN LENGTH="0"/ )
  if ( $_ =~ /\/PLUGIN/ )  { $skipped=1; }
  print $_;

To use it, just save it as 'unexplode', make it executable and use 
"unexplode < bloated.xml > lean.xml" to strip out all plugins of length 
0.  Hopefully there aren't any desirable plugins of length 0!


Cinelerra mailing list

Re: [CinCVS] defect #30 (transitions are start-of-edit only)

2006-03-01 Thread Brendan Conoboy

Dan Streetman wrote:
Say I have 2 video tracks, one main track and one overlay track.  The main 
track has all my video data and the overlay track has short bits.  I want 
to transition into each of the short bits.  No problem transitioning into 
them, but I can't transition out of them since transitions can't be 
attached to the end of an edit.

That make sense?

Why not simply fade in and out the main track so that the overlay track 
shows through?  Am I misunderstanding what you're doing?

I just finished up working on a performance done with two cameras- After 
lining up the frames, the first video stream could be faded out so the 
second stream was displayed.  This worked great and seems like what 
you're describing.  I've always thought of the transition as being for 
splicing video in the same track.


Cinelerra mailing list

Re: [CinCVS] It freezes when opening any project !

2006-02-27 Thread Brendan Conoboy

Nicolas wrote:

Anyone has an idea?

The strace output is pretty unrevealing.  You might try building with 
debugging enabled then running it under gdb (or attaching to it). 
That'll give you a better idea of where the problem is.


Cinelerra mailing list

Re: [CinCVS] It freezes when opening any project !

2006-02-21 Thread Brendan Conoboy

Nicolas wrote:

There're 1659 devices in /dev. How can I know which ones are used by
I reduced the number of devices by not taking into account the devices
in 666 mode, or devices whose group is one of the groups which the
"normal" user belongs to. I get 1332 devices nodes "only".

Any idea?

The quick and dirty way is to run cinelerra under strace like so:

strace -o /tmp/strace.output cinelerra

You can then look at the open()'s issued by cinelerra.  It'll show you 
what path was attempted and whether or not it succeeded.

For a better idea of what might be causing a crash, you could run 
cinelerra under a debugger such as gdb.


Cinelerra mailing list

[CinCVS] Best DVD target method?

2006-02-20 Thread Brendan Conoboy

Hey folks,

I've scoured a bunch of sites, including some made with reference to 
older cinelerra versions, about how to make the best DVD possible.  By 
best, I mean the most compatible, highest quality mpeg footage.  I'd 
like to compare notes with others on the list who are rendering to 
finally create DVD-playable video.

My input footage is NTSC minidv brought in with dvgrab, as well as still 
photos scaled and such.  After setting up the timeline, creating labels 
for each chapter, I render the following:

AC3 audio, 192kbit

MPEG2 video, 7500Kbps CBR, bottom field first, denoised (I don't do the 
GOP thing or deinterlacing).  This invokes mpeg2enc, which seems to 
produce good results (I don't mind the rendering taking longer than 
ffmpeg if the output is good).

The one thing I've noticed is on one DVD player, I was unable to fast 
forward more than at 4x (It went up to 32x with ffmpeg).  I think this 
is the constant bit rate in action.  Is CBR necessary for maximum 
compatibility?  Would be happy to move to VBR if the disc will still 
play everywhere DVD-R will work.

What are others doing?  Any playback problems?


Cinelerra mailing list

Re: [CinCVS] query on preferred Distros

2006-02-07 Thread Brendan Conoboy

Andraz Tori wrote:

That is great, what would be really needed is for FC users to be able to
use apt or whatever default "autoinstaller" is on FC platform...

can you change your repository to become valid apt/yum ?

Hmmm.  Maybe.  I'm not sure if anything else is necessary, but I've run 
yum-arch and createrepo and uploaded the resulting headers.  I think 
this means something like this will work for an 

name=Cinelerra x86_64

I'll try making a comps.xml version per new repo format later.


Cinelerra mailing list

Re: [CinCVS] query on preferred Distros

2006-02-07 Thread Brendan Conoboy

Andraz Tori wrote:

Packages for other platforms are a bit more tricky thing to get if you
want to be up to date. Ubuntu is built by Jure Chualev quite regularly
lately. As for Redhat and SuSe, we are looking for people that would
create packages regularly.

I rebuild on FC4/x86_64 pretty regularly.  Files are at


Cinelerra mailing list

Re: [CinCVS] How to speed up Cinelerra on FC4 and others

2006-02-06 Thread Brendan Conoboy

Nicolas wrote:

30 fps when playing DV ? That's very good!
When I play a video, the picture in the compositor window looks like a
slide-show. It plays at around 3 or 4 fps. I render hundreds of time
when working on a video.

Painful, isn't it?  Try playback with the audio tracks disarmed and see 
what you get.  After that, consider profiling cinelerra to see where the 
delay is.  I'm now getting the speedyness of kino with the power of 
cinelerra and it's *wonderful*.


Cinelerra mailing list

[CinCVS] How to speed up Cinelerra on FC4 and others

2006-02-06 Thread Brendan Conoboy

Hi folks,

For quite some time, I've been agonizing over using Hvirtual's 2.0 
release vs the cvs release.  The problem was the hvirtual binary did 
~20FPS dv playback, but cvs only did ~6FPS.  Enter oprofile.

My FC4 system is more or less a stock system, plus bits from the extras, 
freshrpms, and livna to solve all build dependencies.  As others have 
suggested, the slowness was in libdv (In particular, a routine with 
O(n**4) characteristics!), but recompiling with "-O1 -fPIC" did not 
solve it..  Since the libdv in question was from around 2 years ago, the 
libdv from sourceforge's cvs repository seemed like a better choice. 
Now my playback is *much* better, similar to that of the hvirtual result.

Further, playing around with the audio, it appears playback being 
enabled can cause a *dramatic* drop in FPS!  My system uses the OSS 
Audio Driver.  It turns out the larger the "Samples to send to console 
at a time" setting, the slower the playback.  By dropping it down to 
2048, my system gets a full 30FPS.  The 20FPS formerly mentioned is with 
the setting at 32768 and it goes all the way down to 10FPS at 65536.

Anyway, in the interest of helping out and possibly others investigating 
further optimizations, here is a link to my resulting binaries as well 
as a script that runs the profiler.  These sources are the latest for 
both cinelerra svn and libdv cvs.

The script that runs the profiler is attached to this message.

sudo opcontrol --shutdown
sudo opcontrol --reset
sudo opcontrol --setup --event=GLOBAL_POWER_EVENTS:86 --separate=library
sudo opcontrol --start
cinelerra /twinkies/2005/christmas-hafla/tape1/xmas-001.avi
sudo opcontrol --shutdown
sudo opreport -t 5 --long-filenames
sudo opreport -l --long-filenames /usr/lib64/

Re: [CinCVS] Is RawDV export still broken ?

2006-02-03 Thread Brendan Conoboy

Andraz Tori wrote:

hmmm i've just checked

there has to be a bug in your patch.. %d count and number of arguments
do not match..

Oops, here's a patch for that.  The theory here is that if we're doing 
fixed bit rate, we don't want to start talking about quantization level. 
 Likewise, if we're doing quantization, we don't want to specify a bitrate.


Index: filempeg.C
--- filempeg.C	(revision 733)
+++ filempeg.C	(working copy)
@@ -269,11 +269,11 @@
-sprintf(string, " --cbr -b %d", asset->vmpeg_bitrate, 0);
+sprintf(string, " --cbr -b %d", asset->vmpeg_bitrate);
-sprintf(string, " -q %d", 0, asset->vmpeg_quantization);
+sprintf(string, " -q %d", asset->vmpeg_quantization);
 			strcat(mjpeg_command, string);

Re: [CinCVS] Is RawDV export still broken ?

2006-02-03 Thread Brendan Conoboy

Andraz Tori wrote:
can you send it as attachment, and i'll commit 

Sure, here you go.

Index: cinelerra/filempeg.C
--- cinelerra/filempeg.C	(revision 732)
+++ cinelerra/filempeg.C	(working copy)
@@ -240,7 +240,7 @@
 append_vcommand_line(asset->vmpeg_cmodel == MPEG_YUV422 ? "-422" : "");
-	append_vcommand_line("-b");
+	append_vcommand_line("--cbr -b");
@@ -269,11 +269,11 @@
-sprintf(string, " -b %d -q %d", asset->vmpeg_bitrate, 0);
+sprintf(string, " --cbr -b %d", asset->vmpeg_bitrate, 0);
-sprintf(string, " -b %d -q %d", 0, asset->vmpeg_quantization);
+sprintf(string, " -q %d", 0, asset->vmpeg_quantization);
 			strcat(mjpeg_command, string);

Re: [CinCVS] Is RawDV export still broken ?

2006-02-03 Thread Brendan Conoboy
Since it seems nobody is really benefiting by having the '-q 0' setting 
for mpeg video output, I propose the following patch.  If there's other 
braindead command line arguements in there by default, we can tweak them 
as well.

Index: cinelerra/filempeg.C
--- cinelerra/filempeg.C(revision 732)
+++ cinelerra/filempeg.C(working copy)
@@ -240,7 +240,7 @@

append_vcommand_line(asset->vmpeg_cmodel == MPEG_YUV422 ? "-422" : "");
-   append_vcommand_line("-b");
+   append_vcommand_line("--cbr -b");

@@ -269,11 +269,11 @@

-   sprintf(string, " -b %d -q %d", 
asset->vmpeg_bitrate, 0);
+   sprintf(string, " --cbr -b %d", 
asset->vmpeg_bitrate, 0);

-   sprintf(string, " -b %d -q %d", 0, 
+   sprintf(string, " -q %d", 0, 

strcat(mjpeg_command, string);


Cinelerra mailing list

Re: [CinCVS] Is RawDV export still broken ?

2006-02-02 Thread Brendan Conoboy

Nicolas wrote:

I exported as YUV4MPEG stream, used mpeg2enc to encode to mpeg2, used
mplex and so on. And what I get is a jerky video which is simply

Like Pierre suggested, you may be seeing the result of not using bottom 
field first.  It's definitely a prerequisite if your footage comes from 
DV and you're exporting to DVD.  I made the tragic error of rendering a 
bellydance performance without this setting and got some unkind glares 
from the dancers who watched it!


Cinelerra mailing list

Re: [CinCVS] Having fun...couple of questions...

2006-01-27 Thread Brendan Conoboy

Wesley T Allen wrote:

#2. This is in the list also, someone wrote a sed script or something I
recall...  I personally prefer using a YUV4MPEG pipe interface for
recording to mpeg, (you then become the controller of the arguments ot
mpeg2enc rather than cinelerra)

I'll go scour archives

No need.

Basically, your best option is to patch the sources to not use '-q 0'. 
Since I'm stuck with the HV version until I track down my performance 
difficulties, I use the following hack:

cd /usr/lib64/cinelerra
mv mpeg2enc.plugin mpeg2enc.plugin.bin
cat << EOF
/usr/lib64/cinelerra/mpeg2enc.plugin.bin `echo $@ | sed 's/-q 0/--cbr/g'`

I prefer cbr for writing DVD output, but you could just change it to '-q 
1'.  Make the "new" mpeg2enc.plugin executable and you'll be set to go.

Note your path to mpeg2enc.plugin might be different than mine.  This is 
on an FC4 system.


Cinelerra mailing list

Re: [CinCVS] Cinelerra Not Processing Sound

2006-01-26 Thread Brendan Conoboy

Billy Willoughby Jr. wrote:
I don't have another one installed, but I'll check it out.  But MPlayer, 
Audacity, amaroK all seem to work fine, so I wonder if it's a sound 
device problem or just something I've messed up in Cinelerra.

You might try removing or renaming ~/.bcast/Cinelerra_rc

This is the file it consults to get your defaults.  If there's something 
grievously wrong in there, it might be responsible for your sound 
problems.  Once you remove the file, restart Cinelerra and you should 
have a clean slate to test from.


Cinelerra mailing list

Re: [CinCVS] DVD output ?

2006-01-19 Thread Brendan Conoboy

Nicolas MAUFRAIS wrote:

As anyone already done that? What rendering format should I use? I think
raw DV could be fine. I could convert it to mpeg with mpeg2enc, using
the same command lines I used in Kino (when it was still functionning
without crashing each minute).

I just use Cinellera's MPEG Video output.  It has a DVD-specific output 
format.  You'll need to render the audio separately (I use AC3), then 
combine the two with a tool like mplex.  Example command:

  mplex -f 8 -o output.mpeg input.ac3 input.mp2

Note if you're using DV input, you'll want to enable bottom fields first 
and probably denoise.


Cinelerra mailing list