Re: NSPredicateEditorRowTemplate and NSTokenField

2009-01-30 Thread Vitaly Ovchinnikov
I finally found a solution that seems to work. I subclassed NSTokenField:

@implementation MyTokenField

- (void) notifyTarget: (id) sender {
NSControl *t = [self target];
[t sendAction:nil to:t];

- (void)textDidEndEditing:(NSNotification *)aNotification {
[super textDidEndEditing:aNotification];
[self performSelector:@selector(notifyTarget:) withObject:self


-textDidEndEditing gets called after I change something, I send
nil-action to the predicate editor and it finally calls my observer.
The only problem is that it needs some time to build predcate, so I
call it with delay.

The only thing I can't understand is why do I need to call
[t sendAction:nil to:t]
and can't call
[self sendAction:nil to:t]

the second line doesn't work (observer doesn't get called). Who should
be " sender" of the action for predicate editor? Control? Row

On Fri, Jan 30, 2009 at 11:21 AM, Vitaly Ovchinnikov
> Hello all, that's me again with my predicate editor problems :)
> I subclassed predicate editor's row and replaced default text editor
> with my NSTokenField in -templateViews.
> Predicates, that match my template, look like: ANY Tags IN {"tag1",
> "tag2", "tag3"}
> In -setPredicate I fill token field with tags from predicate:
> NSExpression *right = .;
> [pMyTokenField setObjectValue:[right constantValue]];
> In -predicateWithSubPredicates I create predicate described above with
> right part from my token field. I added traces there and it builds
> exactly what I need.
> Now, the problem: I added observer to the predicate that I edit and it
> gets called at every change of predicate, but not for my token field
> template!
> Predicate editor has several rows, some of them are "standard" -
> numeric, text etc. If I change any of them - my observer gets called.
> If I edit my token field, observer doesn't get called at all. If I add
> some token and switch focus to another row, predicate editor calls
> -predicateWithSubPredicate, I build correct predicate and... nothing.
> Observer doesn't get called. If I press "Enter" after adding token -
> observer will be called. If I switch to some other row (not with my
> template) and then switch back - observer will be called. If I switch
> to another row with the same template and when switch back - observer
> will not be called.
> I added one more control to the row - a button. It does nothing, just
> takes some place. I can change my token fields and observer will not
> be called. But if I press this button - observer will be called
> immediately.
> I tried to override -rightExpressions method and return my list of
> tags, I tried to call -will/didChangeValueForKey: - nothing helped. It
> seems that I need to notify somebody about the change, but have no
> idea - how to do that?
> Please, help me :)
> P.S.: Things are a bit more complex, I have Filter objects, that hold
> predicates. Predicate editor is bound to the filter and my observer
> observes those filters, not the predicates themselves. I tell this to
> cut ideas about incorrect observing. Observing works perfect for any
> other row.

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NSTextFieldCell editing text that is an attribute of the bound object

2009-01-30 Thread Luke Evans

The Cocoa docs seem silent on how to achieve this.

I have an NSTextFieldCell subclass that gets sent an object from  
bindings.  The reason for sending it an object is that I want the cell  
to display a number of the object's attributes - which it does nicely  
through custom drawing.

Now I need to allow editing of the text in the cell.  I have overridden:
and its buddy:

These bring up the text editor nicely.  However, as I have an object  
at the cell, I need to present a string to this mechanism (the name  
property of my object), and similarly I need to somehow obtain the  
value from the editor when editing has finished.  At the moment, the  
default behaviour has the editor coming up with placeholder text, and  
when editing is finished I get an KVC error, e.g.:
Error setting value for key path  of object  (...)  
from bound object (null)): [0x1b385c0> setValue:forUndefinedKey:]: the entity MyClass is not key  
value coding-compliant for the key .

Does anyone know how to wire up the editing so that I can provide  
initial text to the editor and prevent whoever it is from attempting  
to set the final value directly onto the bound object (which it  
clearly doesn't know how to do as it's a particular attribute of the  
object at the cell)?


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Re: Determining Previous Front Process

2009-01-30 Thread Andy Lee

On Jan 31, 2009, at 12:22 AM, Michael Ash wrote:

Use the google! My rule is never to use a site's search unless it
blocks google somehow. The list archives are much better searched
using "" (or "") than trying
to make the built-in search functionality produce worthwhile results.

And for general search, when I don't like the relevancy ranking in  
Xcode's doc window, I find Googling with can  
be very helpful.



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Re: NSOperationQueue bug with leopard 10.5.6?

2009-01-30 Thread Michael Ash
On Fri, Jan 30, 2009 at 11:25 PM, Nick Zitzmann  wrote:
> On Jan 30, 2009, at 6:32 PM, wrote:
>> I attempted to use NSOperationQueue with NSInvocationOperations and after
>> several frustrating days found multiple websights saying NSOperationQueue
>> has a bug with Leopard 10.5, that will be fixed with 10.6.
>> Q1: does anyone know when 10.6 is scheduled for release?
> No, we don't.

The rule for nearly *any* unreleased apple product is: those who know
can't say, and those who can say don't know.

>> Q2: is there in fact a bug with 10.5 and NSOperationQueue?
> Yes, there is, but the likelihood that you'll trigger it is very, very low
> unless you have operations that are adding other operations (that are adding
> other operations, ...). If you don't, then there is nothing to worry about.
> If you do, then the workaround is to enqueue all operations in the main
> thread only.

That is not the case. As far as I've been able to determine, the
probability for causing a crash remains the same no matter where or
how you add your operations, as long as there are at least two active
queues in your application. All that matters for triggering the bug is
the existence of multiple queues and the frequency with which you
enqueue new operations. The probability is *roughly* (as in, I would
not count on my estimate to be closer than an order of magnitude, if
that) one in a million that any given operation will crash your
program. If you're comfortable with those odds then go for it. Or if
you can create only a single queue in your program and are confident
that nobody else is going to create a second one in your process
before Apple fixes the bug then go for it.


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Re: Determining Previous Front Process

2009-01-30 Thread Michael Ash
On Fri, Jan 30, 2009 at 9:00 PM, Seth Willits  wrote:
> On Jan 30, 2009, at 5:48 PM, Matt Neuburg wrote:
>> One possible approach:
> This'll work great. Thanks.
>> (I've already posted my code for doing this, so check the archives.)
> Searching the archives is such a PITA. The search algorithm is lame.
> Searching for "GetFrontProcess" and "Neuburg", for example, should *surely*
> show this thread at the top. Does it? No. It's not even anywhere in the top
> 100 results. What kind of search is that?

Use the google! My rule is never to use a site's search unless it
blocks google somehow. The list archives are much better searched
using "" (or "") than trying
to make the built-in search functionality produce worthwhile results.


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Re: Serial IO seems to be starving UI

2009-01-30 Thread Michael Ash
On Fri, Jan 30, 2009 at 8:00 PM, Kyle Sluder  wrote:
> On Fri, Jan 30, 2009 at 1:21 PM, A.M.  wrote:
>> What is likely happening is that the NSFileHandle processing is starving the
>> main NSRunLoop. This happens because NSRunLoop processes non-user input
>> before it processes user events (which seems backwards for the main run loop
>> but is nevertheless the case).
> Actually it makes perfect sense.  If an event causes a method to call
> -performSelector:withObject:afterDelay:, that selector should
> logically be applied before the next event is processed.

That's an argument for prioritizing that one particular kind of event
(assuming you meant with a 0 delay, anyway) but not an argument for
prioritizing *all* non-user events. And even there, a continuous
sequence of 0-delay performs should not lock the user out of your
program. Seems to me that most non-user events should be interleaved
in with user events based on when they occur, or at the very least
given equal time. It's too easy to lock up the main event loop such
that the user can no longer do anything otherwise.


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Re: NSOperationQueue bug with leopard 10.5.6?

2009-01-30 Thread Nick Zitzmann

On Jan 30, 2009, at 6:32 PM, wrote:

I attempted to use NSOperationQueue with NSInvocationOperations and  
several frustrating days found multiple websights saying  

has a bug with Leopard 10.5, that will be fixed with 10.6.

Q1: does anyone know when 10.6 is scheduled for release?

No, we don't.

Q2: is there in fact a bug with 10.5 and NSOperationQueue?

Yes, there is, but the likelihood that you'll trigger it is very, very  
low unless you have operations that are adding other operations (that  
are adding other operations, ...). If you don't, then there is nothing  
to worry about. If you do, then the workaround is to enqueue all  
operations in the main thread only.

FWIW, I've added thousands of operations to a single queue at once in  
the main thread with no problems.

Nick Zitzmann


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Re: Newbie Object Sharing Question

2009-01-30 Thread Joseph Crawford
Sorry I misunderstood the question then :)  Just a newbie trying to  
lend a hand where I can.  Thanks for correcting me.

Joseph Crawford

On Jan 30, 2009, at 9:47 PM, Ken Thomases wrote:

On Jan 30, 2009, at 1:51 PM, Joseph Crawford wrote:

Why don't you create a base controller that those 2 controllers  
subclass, that way they would inherit the functionality of reading  
those properties, also they would inherit the methods for getting,  
setting, etc.

-- Controller 1
-- Controller 2

in Base controller define those properties and any methods for  
interacting with them
in Controller 1 and Controller 2 have your Class specific stuff  
there, because they both inherit from BaseController you would get  
those properties.

This is completely irrelevant to the original question.  Having a  
common base class does not make two objects share state.

On Jan 30, 2009, at 2:46 PM, Brian Slick wrote:

I want both view controllers to reference MyListItemArray.

You want both view controllers to reference _an instance_ of  
MyListItemArray.  MyListItemArray is a class.

So in each one I do something like:
MyListItemArray *listArray = [[MyListItemArray alloc] init];

As you seem to have figured out, this is creating (allocating and  
initializing) a new instance of the class.  This newly-created  
object is separate and distinct from other objects in your program,  
even ones created by execution of this same line of code at other  

[...]  It starts to sink in that what I have done is create a  
*local* instance of MyListItemArray in each view controller, and  
what's local to ViewControllerTabA has nothing to do with what is  
local to ViewControllerTabB.  I'm getting local copies of the  
array, not the source array.

As near as I can tell, there is no "source" array, nor is there any  
copying going on.

You have explicitly created two separate arrays from the get-go.   
You have then filled them out separately to have similar initial  

It starts to occur to me that I don't actually want an instance, I  
want the real deal.

That statement is nonsensical.  There is no "real deal".  An  
instance is real.  It's not some pale reflection of something else.

You do want an instance.

I suspect that perhaps you don't understand the difference between  
an object and a pointer to an object.  The reason I suspect that is  
because the simple solution to your dilemma, the thing you're not  
seeing, is that you want a single instance referenced from multiple  
places using multiple pointers.

I read through some documentation about model objects and objects  
in general, and stumbled upon the concept of Singletons.  Some  
additional searching lead me to this blog post:
...which seems to describe exactly what I want.  I reconfigured  
MyListItemArray as a singleton, and remapped my data source  
methods accordingly, and everything seemingly works perfectly.   
Items added in one view are displayed in the other, and so on.  It  
works so well that I have to assume there is a catch.

I can't shake the feeling that this seems more difficult than in  
ought to be, and generally when I feel that way there tends to be  
a single line of code solution that I haven't found yet.  Are  
singletons really the only way (that doesn't involve saving to a  
file, I suppose) to share a model object across multiple view  
controllers?  I think I'm missing something really fundamental.

Yes, I think your are missing something fundamental -- the ability  
to share references to an object simply by assigning multiple  
pointers to point to the same thing.

A singleton implementation is _one_ solution to the issue you're  
having, but it's not necessary, and not even recommended for  
something as simple as this.

One stumbling block is that you have two view controllers, but  
evidently no central application controller.  View controllers  
should have logic and state specific to a view and that view's  
relationship to the model.  An application controller manages your  
application overall.  It manages the other controllers, including  
your view controllers.  It has the primary responsibility for  
managing the application-global (as opposed to, for example,  
document-specific) model, and for providing access to that model to  
other parts of the program.

Since you were concentrating on the view controllers, you thought  
you had to create the instance of MyListItemArray in each view  
controller.  It follows that you got one such instance for each view  

You should have a single application controller object (an instance  
of some custom class).  This application controller is often also  
the application delegate.  It is also often instantiated in the main  
nib, where the "delegate" outlet of the main application object is  
connected to it.

If your application has one central li

Re: Newbie Object Sharing Question

2009-01-30 Thread Ken Thomases

On Jan 30, 2009, at 1:51 PM, Joseph Crawford wrote:

Why don't you create a base controller that those 2 controllers  
subclass, that way they would inherit the functionality of reading  
those properties, also they would inherit the methods for getting,  
setting, etc.

-- Controller 1
-- Controller 2

in Base controller define those properties and any methods for  
interacting with them
in Controller 1 and Controller 2 have your Class specific stuff  
there, because they both inherit from BaseController you would get  
those properties.

This is completely irrelevant to the original question.  Having a  
common base class does not make two objects share state.

On Jan 30, 2009, at 2:46 PM, Brian Slick wrote:

I want both view controllers to reference MyListItemArray.

You want both view controllers to reference _an instance_ of  
MyListItemArray.  MyListItemArray is a class.

 So in each one I do something like:
MyListItemArray *listArray = [[MyListItemArray alloc] init];

As you seem to have figured out, this is creating (allocating and  
initializing) a new instance of the class.  This newly-created object  
is separate and distinct from other objects in your program, even ones  
created by execution of this same line of code at other times.

[...]  It starts to sink in that what I have done is create a  
*local* instance of MyListItemArray in each view controller, and  
what's local to ViewControllerTabA has nothing to do with what is  
local to ViewControllerTabB.  I'm getting local copies of the  
array, not the source array.

As near as I can tell, there is no "source" array, nor is there any  
copying going on.

You have explicitly created two separate arrays from the get-go.  You  
have then filled them out separately to have similar initial contents.

It starts to occur to me that I don't actually want an instance, I  
want the real deal.

That statement is nonsensical.  There is no "real deal".  An instance  
is real.  It's not some pale reflection of something else.

You do want an instance.

I suspect that perhaps you don't understand the difference between an  
object and a pointer to an object.  The reason I suspect that is  
because the simple solution to your dilemma, the thing you're not  
seeing, is that you want a single instance referenced from multiple  
places using multiple pointers.

I read through some documentation about model objects and objects  
in general, and stumbled upon the concept of Singletons.  Some  
additional searching lead me to this blog post:
...which seems to describe exactly what I want.  I reconfigured  
MyListItemArray as a singleton, and remapped my data source methods  
accordingly, and everything seemingly works perfectly.  Items added  
in one view are displayed in the other, and so on.  It works so  
well that I have to assume there is a catch.

I can't shake the feeling that this seems more difficult than in  
ought to be, and generally when I feel that way there tends to be a  
single line of code solution that I haven't found yet.  Are  
singletons really the only way (that doesn't involve saving to a  
file, I suppose) to share a model object across multiple view  
controllers?  I think I'm missing something really fundamental.

Yes, I think your are missing something fundamental -- the ability to  
share references to an object simply by assigning multiple pointers to  
point to the same thing.

A singleton implementation is _one_ solution to the issue you're  
having, but it's not necessary, and not even recommended for something  
as simple as this.

One stumbling block is that you have two view controllers, but  
evidently no central application controller.  View controllers should  
have logic and state specific to a view and that view's relationship  
to the model.  An application controller manages your application  
overall.  It manages the other controllers, including your view  
controllers.  It has the primary responsibility for managing the  
application-global (as opposed to, for example, document-specific)  
model, and for providing access to that model to other parts of the  

Since you were concentrating on the view controllers, you thought you  
had to create the instance of MyListItemArray in each view  
controller.  It follows that you got one such instance for each view  

You should have a single application controller object (an instance of  
some custom class).  This application controller is often also the  
application delegate.  It is also often instantiated in the main nib,  
where the "delegate" outlet of the main application object is  
connected to it.

If your application has one central list of items, then it would be  
the application controller's job to create and load that model.  It  
would hold references to the model objects in instance variables.  It  
would provide access

Re: Drag and drop from NSCollectionView

2009-01-30 Thread Brandon Walkin
I'm also interested in doing this. Have any of you implemented  
dragging from a collection view in your app, or have any theories on  
how to go about it?


On 28-Jan-09, at 2:00 PM, Eric Gorr wrote:

I am going to need to the same thing (dragging one or more items  
from a NSCollectionView to some place else) and I found this old  

Unfortunately, no clear solution was mentioned and I was wondering  
if someone might be able to point me to one.

Thank you.


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NSOperationQueue bug with leopard 10.5.6?

2009-01-30 Thread jurincie
I have a MacPro with dual quad processors, and would LOVE to be able to
multiprocess a computationally intense app I have developed.

My current OS is Leopard 10.5.6

I attempted to use NSOperationQueue with NSInvocationOperations and after
several frustrating days found multiple websights saying NSOperationQueue
has a bug with Leopard 10.5, that will be fixed with 10.6.

Q1: does anyone know when 10.6 is scheduled for release?

Q2: is there in fact a bug with 10.5 and NSOperationQueue?


Ron Jurincie


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OpenMP installation question on Leopard 10.5.6

2009-01-30 Thread jurincie
I am developing a computationally intense application which I need to
multi-process to take advantage of the 8 cpu's on my new MacPro with dual
quads.  I am using Leopard 10.5 OS.

After giving up on NSOperationQueue for the time-being, I have chosen to
use OpenMP to run my big processing loop concurrently, by adding the
#pragma omp for above my main processing loop as shown here:

#pragma omp for
for(count = start; count < end; count++)
   member = [someArray objectAtIndex:count];
  [member doMassiveComputations];


I have no problem downloading openMP for leopard. I now have a directory
named "xomp" on my desktop.

I have set the compiler buid option to use: LLVM GCC 4.2.

Q: Could anyone tell me where to install this folder, and what else if
anything needs to be done to use the "#pragma omp for" compiler directive.


Ron Jurincie


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Core Animation/Core Image Crash

2009-01-30 Thread Simon Haertel

Hi all,

In our application we have a window with a layer-backed NSView which  
has a content filter applied. The view also has a CAAnimation  
attached, which alters one of the filter's parameters.

Our problem is: When we repeatedly close and re-open the window, the  
application crashes. (Note that the window's isReleasedWhenClosed flag  
is not set!) We broke down our setup to the following code, which  
always causes a crash after opening and closing the window a few times:

@implementation MyView

- (void) drawRect: (NSRect) dirtyRect
[[NSColor greenColor] set];
NSRectFill( [self bounds] );


@implementation MyController

- (void) toggleWindow: (NSWindow*) window
if ( [window isVisible] ) {
[window close];
} else {
[window makeKeyAndOrderFront:self];

[self performSelector:@selector(toggleWindow:) withObject:window  


- (void) awakeFromNib
NSWindow* window = [[NSWindow alloc]  
initWithContentRect:NSMakeRect( 0.0, 0.0, 500.0, 300.0 )
styleMask:NSTitledWindowMask backing:NSBackingStoreBuffered  
defer:NO]; // not released

[window setReleasedWhenClosed:NO];
[window center];
[[window contentView] setWantsLayer:YES];

MyView* view = [[MyView alloc] initWithFrame:NSMakeRect( 20.0,  
20.0, 200.0, 100.0 )];

[[window contentView] addSubview:view];
[view release];

CIFilter* bloomFilter = [CIFilter filterWithName:@"CIBloom"];
[bloomFilter setDefaults];
[bloomFilter setName:@"bloomFilter"];
[view setContentFilters:[NSArray arrayWithObject:bloomFilter]];

CABasicAnimation* animation = [CABasicAnimation  

animation.fromValue = [NSNumber numberWithFloat:0.0];
animation.toValue = [NSNumber numberWithFloat:10.0];
animation.repeatCount = FLT_MAX;
[[view layer] addAnimation:animation forKey:@"theAnimation"];

[self toggleWindow:window];


We've already tried removing the filter and animation before the  
window closes (by listening to the NSWindowWillCloseNotification), but  
this only seems to delay the crash a bit.

Does anybody have a clue what's wrong here? Thanks in advance.

Simon Haertel

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Re: keydown woes update

2009-01-30 Thread Rob Keniger

On 31/01/2009, at 10:14 AM, David Harper wrote:

It seems i sent my question a moment too soon.  To answer my own  
question in case anyone is curious, NSPanels, by default return NO  
for -(BOOL) canBecomeKeyWindow, whereas NSWindows return YES.

Seems like I should read all my mail before replying :-)

Rob Keniger


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Re: Determining Previous Front Process

2009-01-30 Thread Martin Wierschin

On 2009.01.30, at 6:04 PM, Rob Keniger wrote:

On 31/01/2009, at 12:00 PM, Seth Willits wrote:

Searching the archives is such a PITA. The search algorithm is  
lame. Searching for "GetFrontProcess" and "Neuburg", for example,  
should *surely* show this thread at the top. Does it? No. It's not  
even anywhere in the top 100 results. What kind of search is that?

Use the advanced search and change the search type to "All of the  
words". One result.

Typing "GetFrontProcess AND Neuburg" into the normal search field  
will do the same. Having a disjunctive search is a silly default IMO.



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Re: Registering a protocol handler for an App

2009-01-30 Thread Ken Thomases

On Jan 30, 2009, at 10:58 AM, Dave wrote:

In order to register an Application to handle a protocol, do I have  
to change anything other than add URL Types in the Plist file? I'm  
having problems with my application not being opened when a protocol  
request is sent with a protocol ID that my App is registered for,  
e.g. it's Plist file says it should handle it.

By "protocol" I'm assuming you mean a URL scheme, right?  Perhaps you  
can show the XML for that part of your Info.plist.

Do have to change anything else?

Well, Launch Services should launch your app without you having to do  
anything else, but your app won't do anything unless you register a  
handler for the 'GURL' (get URL) Apple Event.

Do I have to do something special at install or run time?

No.  During development it's sometimes the case that the Finder or  
Launch Services doesn't realize that your app's capabilities have  
changed.  The new Info.plist isn't rescanned to update the system  
caches.  If you duplicate your app in the Finder, does the new copy  
get opened for the URL scheme?

Lastly, are you sure there isn't some other application that claims  
the same scheme?  If there is, it's up to the system to decide which  
to use for a given scheme, unless the user has specified a preference.

There is no central system-provided GUI for the user to specify their  
preference for handlers for URL schemes.  Safari's preferences let you  
specify the preferred handler for http: and Mail's for mailto:.  You  
can implement a similar interface using  
LSSetDefaultHandlerForURLScheme, but you should only do so in response  
to the user expressing their preference.  It's bad form to "steal"  
that preference from the user.



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Re: KeyDown woes =(

2009-01-30 Thread Rob Keniger

On 31/01/2009, at 9:45 AM, Seth Willits wrote:

Off the top of my head, I don't remember how this behaves with first  
responder, but NSPanels have a setting so that they won't become key  
unless required. My only guess is that's the issue.

Exactly. Borderless windows (and panels) return NO from -  
(BOOL)canBecomeKeyWindow. You need to subclass the NSPanel and return  
YES from that method.

Rob Keniger


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Re: animation keys

2009-01-30 Thread Ashley Clark

On Jan 30, 2009, at 2:03 PM, Matt Neuburg wrote:

This is a documentation question, really. So, it turns out that when  
call replaceSubview: through an animator proxy, the @"subviews"  
animation is
triggered. You can modify what happens during replaceSubview: by  
adding your

own animation to a view's dictionary under the key @"subviews".

My question is: how would I find this out? I mean, I can guess that
setFrameRotation: might trigger the @"frameRotation" animation, but  
I would
never have guessed this one. So where can I find a list of what  

trigger what animation keys? Thx - m.

According to the comments in NSAnimation.h the key should usually be  
the property of the receiver that is changing. But I think when I  
looked at it last that this wasn't always the case. Specifically I  
found that a setFrame: method did not use a "frame" key but instead  
used two animations to accomplish its effect, "frameOrigin" and  
"frameSize". I found that purely by trial and error and I'd love to  
know if there's some list of other edge cases like that.


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Re: Determining Previous Front Process

2009-01-30 Thread Rob Keniger

On 31/01/2009, at 12:00 PM, Seth Willits wrote:

Searching the archives is such a PITA. The search algorithm is lame.  
Searching for "GetFrontProcess" and "Neuburg", for example, should  
*surely* show this thread at the top. Does it? No. It's not even  
anywhere in the top 100 results. What kind of search is that?

Use the advanced search and change the search type to "All of the  
words". One result.

Rob Keniger


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Re: Determining Previous Front Process

2009-01-30 Thread Seth Willits

On Jan 30, 2009, at 5:48 PM, Matt Neuburg wrote:

One possible approach:

This'll work great. Thanks.

(I've already posted my code for doing this, so check the archives.)

Searching the archives is such a PITA. The search algorithm is lame.  
Searching for "GetFrontProcess" and "Neuburg", for example, should  
*surely* show this thread at the top. Does it? No. It's not even  
anywhere in the top 100 results. What kind of search is that?

Seth Willits


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Re: Issues with Inheritance and collections?

2009-01-30 Thread Ken Thomases

On Jan 30, 2009, at 5:23 AM, Devraj Mukherjee wrote:

I have two classes DomainLogicBase and Vehicle where Vehicle inherits
from DomainLogicBase [...]

I am adding objects of type Vehicle to an NSMutableArray which are
read up from disk from an SQLite database.

How are you storing/reading them?  Are you sure they are complete and  
valid at this point?

When I try and get the object back out of the NSMutableArray and
access its properties my app crashes. I have tried to use the debugger
and the best I can tell is the properties seem to have invalid values.

If the model class does not inherit from a custom class I have defined
then the app works fine.

Is there something I am missing? Does inheritance do funny things when
I am adding objects of the children class to a collection?

No, inheritance doesn't do "funny things" when you add the objects to  
a collection.

Is DomainLogicBase derived, directly or indirectly, from NSObject?   
You might have accidentally forgotten to specify its super class, thus  
inadvertently making it a root class.

If that's not it, then I suspect memory management problems.  You  
might be over-releasing the objects and the memory is later reused for  
some other kind of object.  Try turning on NSZombieEnabled.



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Re: Determining Previous Front Process

2009-01-30 Thread Matt Neuburg
On Fri, 30 Jan 2009 15:44:03 -0800, Seth Willits  said:
>Does anyone have any experience with getting the previously front
>process? I tried using GetFrontProcess in applicationWillBecomeActive,
>but by that time my app is front. Getting front in
>applicationDidResignActive returns the app that was just activated
>after mine, but I need to know the active one right before I activate,
>not after I deactivate.

One possible approach:

(I've already posted my code for doing this, so check the archives.) Since
you will be notified every time a different app comes to the front, you can
just keep track - when your app comes to the front, the one you *previously*
recorded as being in front is the one you're after. (It may, of course, have
now terminated.)


matt neuburg, phd =, 
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Re: Serial IO seems to be starving UI

2009-01-30 Thread Kyle Sluder
On Fri, Jan 30, 2009 at 1:21 PM, A.M.  wrote:
> What is likely happening is that the NSFileHandle processing is starving the
> main NSRunLoop. This happens because NSRunLoop processes non-user input
> before it processes user events (which seems backwards for the main run loop
> but is nevertheless the case).

Actually it makes perfect sense.  If an event causes a method to call
-performSelector:withObject:afterDelay:, that selector should
logically be applied before the next event is processed.

--Kyle Sluder

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Re: NSFileHandle or a better way?

2009-01-30 Thread Andrew Farmer

On 30 Jan 09, at 06:44, Jaime Magiera wrote:
I've been using NSFIleHandle for a project that inserts data into a  
file and synchs it back to disk. ... My apps ends up taking almost a  
minute to perform all of its functions on a file of 500 megs.

Perhaps my overall approach was wrong to start out. What I've been  
doing is opening a file handle, copying the data after the insertion  
point to an NSData, truncating the file handle at the insertion  
point, adding the new data, then adding back the trimmed data. This  
works fairly well if the insert point is towards the end of the  
file. However, there are instances where I need to insert a few  
hundred kb into a the file at a location only a few hundred kb into  
the file.

xxx ^ x

The time hit comes from copying the trim data to the NSData. Is  
there a better way to do this with NSFileHandle?  Is there a better  
way to do this than NSFileHandle?

Not without changing the structure of your file. There's no way to  
"shift" the contents of a file in the way you're looking for - UNIX  
file systems aren't structured in a way that permits that. (In fact,  
I'm not aware of any that are.) You'll need to either rethink how  
you're storing data, or cope with slow saves.

Incidentally, the way you're doing saving is unsafe. If your  
application crashes in the middle of a save operation, the file may  
end up truncated.


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keydown woes update

2009-01-30 Thread David Harper

It seems i sent my question a moment too soon.  To answer my own question in 
case anyone is curious, NSPanels, by default return NO for -(BOOL) 
canBecomeKeyWindow, whereas NSWindows return YES.

- Dave h.


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CALayer with KVC

2009-01-30 Thread Mohan Parthasarathy

I am storing some Key-Value Pairs when creating a CALayer. If i read it back
immediately, i can read the values intact. Later when i read it in e.g.,
touchesBegan, the values seem incorrect. From my reading of the document, it
says it can store any key/value pairs. Is that wrong understanding ?


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Re: KeyDown woes =(

2009-01-30 Thread Seth Willits

On Jan 30, 2009, at 3:36 PM, David Harper wrote:

The only thing that seems logical is that there is a problem with  
NSPanel windows...  I would greatly appreciate any suggestions.

Off the top of my head, I don't remember how this behaves with first  
responder, but NSPanels have a setting so that they won't become key  
unless required. My only guess is that's the issue.

Seth Willits


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Determining Previous Front Process

2009-01-30 Thread Seth Willits

Does anyone have any experience with getting the previously front  
process? I tried using GetFrontProcess in applicationWillBecomeActive,  
but by that time my app is front. Getting front in  
applicationDidResignActive returns the app that was just activated  
after mine, but I need to know the active one right before I activate,  
not after I deactivate.

Any ideas?

Seth Willits


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KeyDown woes =(

2009-01-30 Thread David Harper

I have been using keyDown for many years now, and thought I knew all the tricks 
to make it work...

But now I have an NSOpenGLView subclass whose window is an NSPanel subclass 
without a title bar, that is the first responder and overrides the keydown: 
method, and yet beeps every time a key is pressed.

I have put a break point in (BOOL)becomeFirstResponder and confirmed the view 
properly becomes first responder.  I have also put a break point in 
(BOOL)resignFirstResponder which is never hit.

The only thing that seems logical is that there is a problem with NSPanel 
windows...  I would greatly appreciate any suggestions.

Dave H.


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Re: Core Data, Garbage Collection and SQL Store

2009-01-30 Thread Kevin Ross

On Jan 30, 2009, at 3:02 PM, Sean McBride wrote:

On 1/30/09 2:49 PM, Kevin Ross said:

If it's not too much trouble are you able to send me your repro  

I'm wondering why it's not happening with my project anymore.

I'm afraid the bug I filed contains not a simple test project, but my
entire (unreleased) application.  I wanted to be sure they fixed my
exact case.



Sean McBride, B. Eng
Mac Software Developer  Montréal, Québec, Canada

No problem, thanks anyway Sean!

Kevin Ross
Feng Shui Software


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Re: Subversion Problems

2009-01-30 Thread Sean McBride
On 1/30/09 5:52 PM, Walker Argendeli said:

>I'm not really sure what's going wrong here, but I'd really appreciate

Your question seems to have nothing to do with Cocoa.  You should ask on
the Xcode list.


Sean McBride, B. Eng
Mac Software Developer  Montréal, Québec, Canada


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Re: Core Data, Garbage Collection and SQL Store

2009-01-30 Thread Sean McBride
On 1/30/09 2:49 PM, Kevin Ross said:

>If it's not too much trouble are you able to send me your repro project?
>I'm wondering why it's not happening with my project anymore.

I'm afraid the bug I filed contains not a simple test project, but my
entire (unreleased) application.  I wanted to be sure they fixed my
exact case.



Sean McBride, B. Eng
Mac Software Developer  Montréal, Québec, Canada


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Subversion Problems

2009-01-30 Thread Walker Argendeli

I'm working through Xcode 33 Unleashed and have run into a problem:
First, I'm supposed to go into terminal and run the following commands:

mkdir -p /Users/Shared/Subversion/Linear
cd /Users/Shared/Subversion/
svnadmin create Linear
chmod -R a+rwX .
ls -l Linear
cat Linear/README.txt
svn status

Then, I modify the config file a little bit.  Next, I'm supposed to go  
to Xcode. Xcode's SCM pane of preferences has changed a great deal,  
however, although not enough sothat I shouldn't have been able to  
follow the book.
I'm supposed to type file:///Users/Shared/Subversion/Linear into URL:,  
and tab out, which will fill Scheme: with file and Path: with /Users/ 

The changes are, I believe: URL has been replaced with root with Root,  
and when I tabbed, instead of scheme being filled with file, (there is  
no scheme) host is. Path remains the same.

Unfortunately, xcode says that there is an incomplete configuration.   
In Xcode's repositories window, there were several red x's: 1 was  
beside login, and while the first  sub-listing was fine

cvs -n update -d -P
the other 2:
ssh: Could not resolve hostname file: nodename nor servname provided,  
or not known

cvs [update aborted] : end of file from server (consult above messages  
if any)

had x's.
list /Users/Shared/Subversion/Linear
followed the same scheme.

I'm not really sure what's going wrong here, but I'd really appreciate  
help.  Thanks!

- Walker Argendeli

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Re: Core Data, Garbage Collection and SQL Store

2009-01-30 Thread Kevin Ross

On Jan 30, 2009, at 9:37 AM, Sean McBride wrote:

On 1/30/09 9:14 AM, Kevin Ross said:

It has recently come up on the list again about a known issue when
using Core Data + G.C. + SQL NSPersistantDocumentStore.  I have a
document based application that I am about to release where I have
been using this exact combination through it's entire development.  I
have noticed this issue with the "hang while saving", but at the time
I had thought that it was caused by me corrupting the document's
object graph. Indeed the problem seemed to stop once I had fixed some
of my App's logic and I haven't seen the issue since.

I think you're getting lucky.  I can certainly still repro this bug.
And my Radar has not come back 'fixed'.

I find it quite bothersome that a bug that causes user data loss is
still unfixed in 10.5.6.  It must be a hard nut to crack.


Sean McBride, B. Eng
Mac Software Developer  Montréal, Québec, Canada

If it's not too much trouble are you able to send me your repro project?
I'm wondering why it's not happening with my project anymore.

I am dirtying the document before each save and it still isn't  
happening.  In certain instances, the MOC's undoManager is cleared  
before saving, but other times it's not (I'm not sure if this matters  
for this instance...).

I am also running 10.5.6 + Xcode 3.1.2.

Thank you all for your comments!

Kevin Ross
Feng Shui Software

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RE: Stroking "on the inside" with NSBezierPath

2009-01-30 Thread Ulai Beekam

The clipping path was indeed what I was looking for to solve this. Thank you 
sirs! :)

>> The default stroke seems to be one that assumes the path you make is
>> the center of the stroke. How can I make the stroke be on one of the
>> *side* of the path? Depending on how you look at it it could be to
>> the "right", "left", "outside" or "inside". Any way to modify that?
>> Thanks,U
> Just set the clip path to your path before stroking it.
> Matthew

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Re: CoreData relationship/KVC question

2009-01-30 Thread Jean-Nicolas Jolivet

Thanks a bunch for the mogenerator tip!

Right now I still haven't subclass my managed objects, probably  
because I'm still very early in my development stage, but this could  
definitely be handy!


On 30-Jan-09, at 5:11 PM, Steve Steinitz wrote:

Hi Jean-Nicolas

On 30/1/09, Jean-Nicolas Jolivet wrote:

Using that accessor I know I can do the following:
[aDepartment addEmployeesObject:anEmployee];

How would I do that using KVC ?

   [[aDepartment primitiveValueForKey: @"employees"] addObject:  

might work.

I think the preferred way is something like:

NSMutableSet * employeeSet  = [aDepartment mutableSetValueForKey:  

[employeeSet addObject: anEmployee];

Is that closer to what you want?

My point is... I don't want to subclass NSManagedObject for all my  

I like to subclass them all -- in fact I use the generation gap  
pattern and doubly subclass them -- but that's just me :)  I've  
tediously implemented generation gap by hand for about 50 entities  
but I recently discovered that Jonathan Rentzsch generously provides  
mogenerator to do it automatically.



Jean-Nicolas Jolivet


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Re: CoreData relationship/KVC question

2009-01-30 Thread Steve Steinitz

Hi Jean-Nicolas

On 30/1/09, Jean-Nicolas Jolivet wrote:

Using that accessor I know I can do the following:
[aDepartment addEmployeesObject:anEmployee];

How would I do that using KVC ?

[[aDepartment primitiveValueForKey: @"employees"] 
addObject: anEmployee];

might work.

I think the preferred way is something like:

NSMutableSet * employeeSet  = [aDepartment 
mutableSetValueForKey: @"employees"];

[employeeSet addObject: anEmployee];

Is that closer to what you want?

My point is... I don't want to subclass NSManagedObject for all my entities

I like to subclass them all -- in fact I use the generation gap 
pattern and doubly subclass them -- but that's just me :)  I've 
tediously implemented generation gap by hand for about 50 
entities but I recently discovered that Jonathan Rentzsch 
generously provides mogenerator to do it automatically.




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Custom UIView and Interface Builder

2009-01-30 Thread Ariel Rodriguez
My problem is this. I need to build a rather complex UIView with lot's  
of labels and widgets, but much of the information to be displayed is  
not now until runtime, and some data might not be available. In the  
case data is not available, i need the label to disappear, not just  
hide. For instance, let's say i have a section which can contain up to  
three labels:

[[Label A]  [Label B]  [Label C]]
In the best scenario, on runtime i will have all the data to fill the  
three label programmatically, but life is not always that nice, and  
then i could just not get data to fill Label B, in which case i to  
"print" out just Label A and Label C, centered in the same section,

[  [Label A]   [Label C]   ]
that's why hidden the label will not do the trick (because even  
hidden, the label will be there claiming screen real state.

Actually, the entire section might need to be "erased".
I do know this seems like a damn RTFM question, but i do read quite a  
few manuals (books) and i have found nothing. I do have found [this  
discussion][0] and i wonder if anyone could help me to find how to  
control my xib (nib) in order to publish labels on demand.



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Re: Serial IO seems to be starving UI

2009-01-30 Thread Rick Mann

On Jan 30, 2009, at 10:21:35, A.M. wrote:

What is likely happening is that the NSFileHandle processing is  
starving the main NSRunLoop. This happens because NSRunLoop  
processes non-user input before it processes user events (which  
seems backwards for the main run loop but is nevertheless the case).  
The only solution is to use a secondary runloop on a second thread  
to process the data, then safely get that info back to the main  
thread and trigger redrawing. You should likely process the data on  
the second thread as well so that the main thread is completely free  
for user events.

I have no explanation of why it should suddenly "not work" other  
than that data is probably flowing in faster or requires more  

If anything, data is coming in more slowly. I used to run it at  
115200, now it's at 9600. I may be able to get one of my other MBPs to  
run 10.5.5, and try it there.



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IKSlideshow and Custom Transitions

2009-01-30 Thread Jeffrey J Barbose

Is there any way to set an IKSlideshow to use different transitions?

I can't seem to find a way to set that.


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Re: CoreData relationship/KVC question

2009-01-30 Thread Jean-Nicolas Jolivet
Thanks a lot!... I've been reading the "Managed Object Accessor  
Methods" over and over but apparently the answer was in "Using Managed  

(To answer my own question, the correct KVC syntax would be)

NSMutableSet *employees = [aDepartment  

[employees addObject:newEmployee];
[employees removeObject:firedEmployee];

On 30-Jan-09, at 4:30 PM, mmalc Crawford wrote:

On Jan 30, 2009, at 1:26 PM, Jean-Nicolas Jolivet wrote:

What I wanted to know, more or less, is (following my previous  
Employee/Department example) can I add employees to a Department  
using KVC


Jean-Nicolas Jolivet


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Re: CoreData relationship/KVC question

2009-01-30 Thread Frédéric Testuz

Le 30 janv. 09 à 20:14, Jean-Nicolas Jolivet a écrit :

I've been working on my first CoreData project and I have a question  
regarding dynamically generated accessors for to-many relationships  
and KVC...

I'll keep it as simple as possible, let's assume I have a Department  
entity which contains many Employees entities
from what I understand in the doc, CoreData should automatically  
generate those methods for Department:

-addEmployees:(NSSet *)values
-addEmployeesObject:(NSManagedObject *)value

My question is, how would I access these  2 methods using KVC  

For example, if I want to set the employee's name attribute I can  
use:  [anEmployee setValue:@"John Doe" forKey:@"name"];

Following this pattern, could I use
[aDeparment setValue:anEmployee forKey@"employees];  // Assuming  
anEmployee is an NSManagedObject*


[aDeparment setValue:someEmployees forKey@"employees]; // Assuming  
someEmployees is an NSSet*

In other words, are relationship also KVC and, will CoreData  
aumatically call the correct method depending on the type of the  
"value" I'm setting (either an NSSet or an NSManagedObject) ?

No. I never tried, but I'm pretty sure you will obtain garbage, at  
least for you first proposition. The second will simply replace the  
old employees set with someEmployees.

I know I can declare an NSManagedObject category with a bunch of  
accessors etc.. to suppress compiler warning but I was wondering  
about the KVC get/set as I am using them too

If you want to use the KVC method use -mutableSetValueForKey or - 
mutableSetValueForKeyPath: . In return you have a proxy object for the  
key (keypath). Send to this proxy usual mutable set methods, the KVO  
notifications will be send for you. EX :

[[aDepartment mutableSetForKey:@"employees"] addObject:someEmployees];
[[aDepartment mutableSetForKey:@"employees"] unionSet:someEmployees];



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Re: WritePipeAsync returns error code e00002c2 (Bad Argument)

2009-01-30 Thread Ian was here
I didn't realize there was a USB mailing list. Thanks for the info. I solved my 
own problem. The second parameter needed to be a 1 for write, not a 2 (which is 
for a read).

--- On Fri, 1/30/09, Dave Camp  wrote:

> From: Dave Camp 
> Subject: Re: WritePipeAsync returns error code e2c2 (Bad Argument)
> To:
> Date: Friday, January 30, 2009, 12:22 PM
> If it's a USB question, you should probably ask it on
> the USB mailing list...
> Dave
> On Jan 30, 2009, at 12:02 PM, Ian was here wrote:
> > For some reasom when I call WritePipeAsync(), I get
> error code e0002c2 (kIOReturnBadArgument). I Googled the
> heck out of it and haven't found any similar issues. If
> I use WritePipe(), it works great. Here is my code:
> > 
> > 
> > char gBuffer[64] = {0};
> > 
> > gBuffer[0] = 1;
> > gBuffer[1] = 1;
> > gBuffer[2] = 's';
> > 
> > IOReturn kr =
> (*interface)->WritePipeAsync(interface, 2, gBuffer,
> sizeof(gBuffer),   
> (IOAsyncCallback1)WriteCompletion, (void *)interface);
> > 
> > 
> > Note: this is taken from Apple's USB sample code.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > ___
> > 
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Re: CoreData relationship/KVC question

2009-01-30 Thread mmalc Crawford

On Jan 30, 2009, at 1:26 PM, Jean-Nicolas Jolivet wrote:

What I wanted to know, more or less, is (following my previous  
Employee/Department example) can I add employees to a Department  
using KVC



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Re: CoreData relationship/KVC question

2009-01-30 Thread Jean-Nicolas Jolivet

Perhaps my question wasn't clear hehe...
What I wanted to know, more or less, is (following my previous  
Employee/Department example) can I add employees to a Department using  

For example

CoreData generates the following method to add an employee object to a  
deparment: addEmployee:(NSManagedObject *)value

Using that accessor I know I can do the following:
[aDepartment addEmployeesObject:anEmployee];

How would I do that using KVC ? My point is... I don't want to  
subclass NSManagedObject for all my entities and I don't want to  
create a category with ALL the possible accessors...

Can I do this?
[aDepartment setValue:anEmployee forKey:@"employees"];

CoreData (in this example) would also generate the following:
addEmployees:(NSSet *)values

To add multiple employees to a department once again, how would I  
do that using KVC??

Hopefully it's clearer now! Let me know if you still have difficulty  
understanding my question, I'll do my best to explain! :)

On 30-Jan-09, at 4:16 PM, Steve Steinitz wrote:

Hi Jean-Nicolas

I may not grasp your question but

are relationship also KVC?

You can do KVC stuff with relationships like

   employees = [department valueForKey: @"employees"];

but I doubt that's what you mean.

and, will CoreData aumatically call the correct method depending on
the type of the "value" I'm setting (either an NSSet or an
NSManagedObject) ?

I don't think so.  But don't take my word for it.  I look forward to  
replies from people who understand your question more clearly.



Jean-Nicolas Jolivet


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Re: CoreData relationship/KVC question

2009-01-30 Thread Steve Steinitz

Hi Jean-Nicolas

I may not grasp your question but

are relationship also KVC?

You can do KVC stuff with relationships like

employees = [department valueForKey: @"employees"];

but I doubt that's what you mean.

and, will CoreData aumatically call the correct method depending on
the type of the "value" I'm setting (either an NSSet or an
NSManagedObject) ?

I don't think so.  But don't take my word for it.  I look 
forward to replies from people who understand your question more clearly.




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Re: How to draw text with fade out effect?

2009-01-30 Thread Douglas Davidson

On Jan 29, 2009, at 5:08 PM, Peter N Lewis wrote:

One option is to draw the end of the string character by character  
with varying alphas.

Glyph by glyph, really, in the general case.  You can take a look at  
the CircleView example for one case of drawing strings glyph by glyph-- 
with different affine transforms rather than varying alphas.

Douglas Davidson


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Printing WebView as a subview

2009-01-30 Thread John Nairn
I found out how to easily print a WebView that follows page margins  
and paginates correctly just be grabbing the documentView of the  
mainFrame, which as I recall was to print the NSView found at

 [ [ [myWebView mainFrame] frameView] documentView]

But now I want to print a WebView that is a subview of another view  
having many other views (NSTextFields, NSTextViews, controls, etc.)  
where the printing is done through the parent NSView. The web view  
displays as a scrolling frame in the parent view, but I want the print  
out to show the entire contents of the web view (without scroll bars)  
and to paginate through that view along with pagination of the parent  

My thought was to build an off-screen window and replace the WebView  
subView with its own documentView resized for the entire contents on  
the view, but then I was not sure how to paginate that documentView as  
it might start anywhere on a page?

John Nairn
GEDitCOM - Genealogy Software for the Macintosh


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Re: Re: Why does NSTableView stop responding to validateMenuItem: ?

2009-01-30 Thread knowles . doug


Yes, I've read up on menu validation (more than once).

I got here because my application has a few table and/or outline views in  
the document window, and I wanted "Select All" to be directed to one in  
particular (a master list) whenever the current first responder does not  
respond to selectAll:. I was handling this by implementing selectAll: in my  
document subclass and re-directing it to the master table. I assumed (ah,  
there's my problem...) that NSOutlineView, since it implements selectAll:,  
would be implemented to enable a Select All menu item that might reasonably  
be targeted at the first responder's selectAll:, and figured that the  
document should/could delegate the validation to the table.

If I had seen the exception soon after adding the code, I probably would  
have figured it out. But the code was in place for months before we first  
noticed an exception being thrown (our QA testers regularly check the  
console for exception messages), so I assumed that that particular piece of  
code was OK.

Reflecting on all this, it would appear that the menu item was (almost)  
always being validated by something in the responder chain ahead of the  
document. And that I should assume less often. :-)

Andy, Jason, thanks very much for your time and help.

Best regards,
Doug K;

On Jan 29, 2009 5:12pm, Jason Foreman  wrote:
On Thu, Jan 29, 2009 at 2:37 PM, Doug Knowles>  


> And why is the exception only thrown infrequently (and persistently  

once it

> starts), when it's normally successfully invoked every time a click on  


> respective menu?

The real question is why is the exception not thrown every time.

NSTableView doesn't seem to implement validateMenuItem:.

NSObjectController is an example of a class that does. Perhaps you

are using an NSArrayController for your table's data, in which case

you can call validateMenuItem: on that. It'd still be a good idea to

check respondsToSelector first.

You've read this?



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Re: NSMouseEntered during drag op, losing window reference

2009-01-30 Thread Luke Evans
OK.  The window nil thing may have been a herring rouge thanks to the  
debugger not showing values correctly .

However, the effect remains:
- I start the drag in the window/view
- Drag to the outside of the window
	- Drag events are dispatched to the window, and always arrive in my  
view (even when the mouse is outside the window)

- Drag back into the bounds of the window/view
	- NSMouseEntered arrives in my event loop when I cross back over the  
tracking area covering the view, but when dispatched to the window it  
fails to arrive in my view

At this point I have no idea who is eating the mouse entered event -  
i.e. where it goes after being dispatched to the window and which view  
handles it (if any). 	

I could send events directly to the view concerned (probably), by  
sending the events directly to mouseEntered:, mouseExited: etc. when  
I'm in my drag loop.
However, I'm not sure if that would subvert any critical handling  
elsewhere (is there any?).


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Re: Stroking "on the inside" with NSBezierPath

2009-01-30 Thread David Duncan

On Jan 30, 2009, at 12:19 PM, Ulai Beekam wrote:

The default stroke seems to be one that assumes the path you make is  
the center of the stroke. How can I make the stroke be on one of the  
*side* of the path? Depending on how you look at it it could be to  
the "right", "left", "outside" or "inside". Any way to modify that?

No, Quartz (which is the underlying technology that NSBezierPath uses)  
does not support stroking on only one side of a path. Depending on  
exactly what you are doing there are various workarounds for this, but  
you will need to be more explicit about what you want to accomplish.

David Duncan
Apple DTS Animation and Printing


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Re: Stroking "on the inside" with NSBezierPath

2009-01-30 Thread glenn andreas

On Jan 30, 2009, at 2:19 PM, Ulai Beekam wrote:

The default stroke seems to be one that assumes the path you make is  
the center of the stroke. How can I make the stroke be on one of the  
*side* of the path? Depending on how you look at it it could be to  
the "right", "left", "outside" or "inside". Any way to modify that?


Adjust the clipping path (to either include or exclude the shape) and  
stroke the line with twice the width.

Glenn Andreas
  wicked fun!
quadrium | flame : flame fractals & strange attractors : build,  
mutate, evolve, animate


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Re: Stroking "on the inside" with NSBezierPath

2009-01-30 Thread Matthew Johnson

The default stroke seems to be one that assumes the path you make is  
the center of the stroke. How can I make the stroke be on one of the  
*side* of the path? Depending on how you look at it it could be to  
the "right", "left", "outside" or "inside". Any way to modify that?


Just set the clip path to your path before stroking it.


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coreData+bindings+IB challenge.

2009-01-30 Thread eblugamma

hey guys,
got a coreData+Bindings+IB challenge that I just can't figure out.   
The apple docs and the obligatory search of the various channels of  
dev data has yielded zip.

so to boil it down to a clear and simple as it can be...

I have 2 entities : entA and entB.
entA has a to-many relationship to entB, called: entBRelationship.  
(with appropriate inverse)

entB has a numerical attribute named: "order"

I have a master detail interface, works great. it consists of :
a tableview bound to an arrayController in turn bound to entA entities.
a tableView bound to an arrayController in turn bound to the  
entBRelationship of the Selection of entA's list.

like I said: works great.
heres what doesn't work, what I can't find any documentation that even  
hints at how to do it, or any reference anywhere that even talks about  
trying something remotely like this:
I have a text field. I want to bind it in IB, to the entB  whose order  
== 1, of the EntBRelationship, of the selected entA.

that sounds like I should have an ObjectController with a filter  
predicate (@"order == 1")bound to the same arrayController that my  
second tableView is bound to.
that "SHOULD" fetch the singular object in the array that fits the  
fetch predicate.
bzzzt. nope, doesn't work. it returns a set. (in an OBJECT  

or an arrayController, with a filter predicate... nope, another NSSet  
is returned.

I subclassed NSArrayController and added a method of "object:" to it  
which returns the object of index:0 of the arranged objects, and then  
bound the text field to THAT, but guess what happened there? the KVC  
was messed up, my text field never updated, even though it allowed me  
to change the value of the object.  unnacceptable, and not really  
helpful. I need to be able IN IB to set the search predicate.

can anyone shed some light on how to use IB, to bind to a singular  
ManagedObject based upon a predicate?

can anyone shed any light on the fact that ObjectControllers appear to  
have No utility whatsoever, because they cannot be bound to objects in  
an arrayController's arrangedObjects array?

can anyone tell me why IB drops the inspector for the selected  
controller when I apply bindings?  its a bug, its unavoidable, it  
SEEMS like it would be trivial to fix compared to most bugs, and its  
been around for over a year!



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Stroking "on the inside" with NSBezierPath

2009-01-30 Thread Ulai Beekam

The default stroke seems to be one that assumes the path you make is the center 
of the stroke. How can I make the stroke be on one of the *side* of the path? 
Depending on how you look at it it could be to the "right", "left", "outside" 
or "inside". Any way to modify that?

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animation keys

2009-01-30 Thread Matt Neuburg
This is a documentation question, really. So, it turns out that when you
call replaceSubview: through an animator proxy, the @"subviews" animation is
triggered. You can modify what happens during replaceSubview: by adding your
own animation to a view's dictionary under the key @"subviews".

My question is: how would I find this out? I mean, I can guess that
setFrameRotation: might trigger the @"frameRotation" animation, but I would
never have guessed this one. So where can I find a list of what actions
trigger what animation keys? Thx - m.

matt neuburg, phd =,
pantes anthropoi tou eidenai oregontai phusei
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WritePipeAsync returns error code e00002c2 (Bad Argument)

2009-01-30 Thread Ian was here
For some reasom when I call WritePipeAsync(), I get error code e0002c2 
(kIOReturnBadArgument). I Googled the heck out of it and haven't found any 
similar issues. If I use WritePipe(), it works great. Here is my code:

char gBuffer[64] = {0};

gBuffer[0] = 1;
gBuffer[1] = 1;
gBuffer[2] = 's';

IOReturn kr = (*interface)->WritePipeAsync(interface, 2, gBuffer, 
(IOAsyncCallback1)WriteCompletion, (void *)interface);

Note: this is taken from Apple's USB sample code.


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Re: Newbie Object Sharing Question

2009-01-30 Thread Joseph Crawford
Why don't you create a base controller that those 2 controllers  
subclass, that way they would inherit the functionality of reading  
those properties, also they would inherit the methods for getting,  
setting, etc.

-- Controller 1
-- Controller 2

in Base controller define those properties and any methods for  
interacting with them
in Controller 1 and Controller 2 have your Class specific stuff there,  
because they both inherit from BaseController you would get those  

Joseph Crawford

On Jan 30, 2009, at 2:46 PM, Brian Slick wrote:

I'm sure there is a really easy concept somewhere that I'm just not  
getting, but well I'm just not getting it.  This is for the iPhone,  
but I believe it is generic to Cocoa.

Let's say I'm making a task list program, and the primary UI is a  
UITabBar.  On one tab, I want a table view presenting the list a  
certain way, and on another tab I want a table view presenting the  
same list in a different way.  Let's assume the user can create new  
items in either view.

I envision a couple of model objects like so:

And a couple of view controllers:

I want both view controllers to reference MyListItemArray.  So in  
each one I do something like:

MyListItemArray *listArray = [[MyListItemArray alloc] init];

I then provide the various table delegate methods, and link those to  
listArray.  I fire up the program, and see a few items in my list.   
I add a couple more items, then tap on the other view.  The new  
items are not there.  Using the log I have verified that the array  
size is the same as it started, so the new items simply are not there.

I throw in a few more log comments, trying to figure out exactly  
what I have.  I see the log messages for the initialization of the  
list items, but then I notice when I tap the next tab, I see those  
same initialization messages again.  It starts to sink in that what  
I have done is create a *local* instance of MyListItemArray in each  
view controller, and what's local to ViewControllerTabA has nothing  
to do with what is local to ViewControllerTabB.  I'm getting local  
copies of the array, not the source array.

It starts to occur to me that I don't actually want an instance, I  
want the real deal.  But I have no idea how to make that happen.   
How do I grab a hold of MyListItemArray and use it in the table data  
source methods without instantiating it?

I read through some documentation about model objects and objects in  
general, and stumbled upon the concept of Singletons.  Some  
additional searching lead me to this blog post:
...which seems to describe exactly what I want.  I reconfigured  
MyListItemArray as a singleton, and remapped my data source methods  
accordingly, and everything seemingly works perfectly.  Items added  
in one view are displayed in the other, and so on.  It works so well  
that I have to assume there is a catch.

I can't shake the feeling that this seems more difficult than in  
ought to be, and generally when I feel that way there tends to be a  
single line of code solution that I haven't found yet.  Are  
singletons really the only way (that doesn't involve saving to a  
file, I suppose) to share a model object across multiple view  
controllers?  I think I'm missing something really fundamental.



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Newbie Object Sharing Question

2009-01-30 Thread Brian Slick
I'm sure there is a really easy concept somewhere that I'm just not  
getting, but well I'm just not getting it.  This is for the iPhone,  
but I believe it is generic to Cocoa.

Let's say I'm making a task list program, and the primary UI is a  
UITabBar.  On one tab, I want a table view presenting the list a  
certain way, and on another tab I want a table view presenting the  
same list in a different way.  Let's assume the user can create new  
items in either view.

I envision a couple of model objects like so:

And a couple of view controllers:

I want both view controllers to reference MyListItemArray.  So in each  
one I do something like:

MyListItemArray *listArray = [[MyListItemArray alloc] init];

I then provide the various table delegate methods, and link those to  
listArray.  I fire up the program, and see a few items in my list.  I  
add a couple more items, then tap on the other view.  The new items  
are not there.  Using the log I have verified that the array size is  
the same as it started, so the new items simply are not there.

I throw in a few more log comments, trying to figure out exactly what  
I have.  I see the log messages for the initialization of the list  
items, but then I notice when I tap the next tab, I see those same  
initialization messages again.  It starts to sink in that what I have  
done is create a *local* instance of MyListItemArray in each view  
controller, and what's local to ViewControllerTabA has nothing to do  
with what is local to ViewControllerTabB.  I'm getting local copies of  
the array, not the source array.

It starts to occur to me that I don't actually want an instance, I  
want the real deal.  But I have no idea how to make that happen.  How  
do I grab a hold of MyListItemArray and use it in the table data  
source methods without instantiating it?

I read through some documentation about model objects and objects in  
general, and stumbled upon the concept of Singletons.  Some additional  
searching lead me to this blog post:
...which seems to describe exactly what I want.  I reconfigured  
MyListItemArray as a singleton, and remapped my data source methods  
accordingly, and everything seemingly works perfectly.  Items added in  
one view are displayed in the other, and so on.  It works so well that  
I have to assume there is a catch.

I can't shake the feeling that this seems more difficult than in ought  
to be, and generally when I feel that way there tends to be a single  
line of code solution that I haven't found yet.  Are singletons really  
the only way (that doesn't involve saving to a file, I suppose) to  
share a model object across multiple view controllers?  I think I'm  
missing something really fundamental.



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CoreData relationship/KVC question

2009-01-30 Thread Jean-Nicolas Jolivet
I've been working on my first CoreData project and I have a question  
regarding dynamically generated accessors for to-many relationships  
and KVC...

I'll keep it as simple as possible, let's assume I have a Department  
entity which contains many Employees entities
from what I understand in the doc, CoreData should automatically  
generate those methods for Department:

-addEmployees:(NSSet *)values
-addEmployeesObject:(NSManagedObject *)value

My question is, how would I access these  2 methods using KVC accessors?

For example, if I want to set the employee's name attribute I can  
use:  [anEmployee setValue:@"John Doe" forKey:@"name"];

Following this pattern, could I use
[aDeparment setValue:anEmployee forKey@"employees];  // Assuming  
anEmployee is an NSManagedObject*


[aDeparment setValue:someEmployees forKey@"employees]; // Assuming  
someEmployees is an NSSet*

In other words, are relationship also KVC and, will CoreData  
aumatically call the correct method depending on the type of the  
"value" I'm setting (either an NSSet or an NSManagedObject) ?

I know I can declare an NSManagedObject category with a bunch of  
accessors etc.. to suppress compiler warning but I was wondering about  
the KVC get/set as I am using them too

Thank you!

Jean-Nicolas Jolivet


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Re: NSFileHandle or a better way?

2009-01-30 Thread Jaime Magiera

On Jan 30, 2009, at 11:08 AM, Keary Suska wrote:

I suspect your bottleneck is the filesystem. To know for sure you  
could try the raw C calls and see if it speeds up. In any case,  
instead of doing a grow/shrink on the file, write to a temp file  
instead then swap them. This way you could also do optimized batch- 
writes. This alone could speed the process up immensely.  
Notwithstanding, how do you recover if your app crashes after you  
truncate the file?

Hi Keary,

Thanks for the response. The project did originally start out writing  
to temp files for these processes. However, I got a complaint from a  
customer about the disk footprint of temp files. So, I tried going the  
other route. (I explained the value of tmp files, but they felt the  
tradeoff wasn't worth it). Now, it seems the original path was the  
best regardless. I shall return to that method.

thanks for the advice,

Jaime Magiera

Sensory Research


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Re: NSMouseEntered during drag op, losing window reference

2009-01-30 Thread Luke Evans

Erg.  This one is driving me loopy.

With mouse events suddenly losing their window pointer when the mouse  
is dragged outside the window and then back, I've tried substituting a  
newly created NSMouseEntered _with_ the correct window (and other  
elements) from the windowless NSMouseEntered that is delivered, but I  
get various asserts in NSEvent, or other effects when I try to  
dispatch the event with sendEvent (on NSApp or the target window).

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

-- lwe

On 28-Jan-09, at 3:57 PM, Luke Evans wrote:

I've been following some Apple sample code with respect to mouse  
dragging logic (within a table - but that's probably not important).
The particular approach involves maintaining full control of the  
drag state by starting a loop that processes all pertinent events  
until the mouse button is released.

By and large this works fine, you can watch and react to the events  
during the drag operation and you can dispatch events for 'normal'  
processing as necessary with:

[NSApp sendEvent:event];

Now, I need to handle dragging beyond the bounds of the originating  
view because I wish to implement auto-scrolling during the drag.   
This actually works great using NSPeriodic events.
There's one fly in the ointment however.  When the mouse leaves the  
bounds of the view, I correctly get an NSMouseExited event from the  
tracking area that is set up.  However, when the mouse reenters the  
view/tracking area, still under drag, I get an NSMouseEntered, but  
the window is nil.  This causes grief, and is in contrast with a  
NSMouseEntered events that happen when I'm not managing the drag.

I'm wondering if I'm missing a way to lock the window as the event  
target while I'm dragging (after all, code associated with this  
window is 'in control' at this point and making decisions about the  
meaning of all mouse movement).

Various ideas for hacking a solution present themselves (after all,  
at least I'm not _missing_ the event entirely), but I'm inclined to  
believe that the source of my angst is likely correctable by more  
respectable, and/or canonical means.


-- Luke


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Re: Serial IO seems to be starving UI

2009-01-30 Thread A.M.

On Jan 30, 2009, at 2:08 AM, Rick Mann wrote:

Sorry for the cross-post, but I thought both these lists might have  
advice to offer.

Please don't cross-post. Try one list, then the other.

I just dusted off an app I'd worked on several months ago. It used  
to work fine (prior to 10.5.6), but now it behaves very erratically.  
I'm not blaming 10.5.6 necessarily, it's just that's all I can think  
of that might have changed.

Basically, it uses NSFileHandle on a serial port to get notified  
when data is available. The data is coming in at 9600 baud. It  
parses the packets, then sends the packets to some code that graphs  
the values. I've been able to determine that valid data is coming in  
fairly frequently, and the packets are parsing correctly. This ends  
up calling -setNeedsDisplay: on my view, but the view's draw code is  
only called once in a very long while (30 seconds or more, but  
sometimes it'll get called faster).

There is also a view that shows the raw bytes, and it, too, updates  
only when the graph view updates.

I tried running Shark, but I'm not very good at using it or  
interpreting the results. It seems to spend 49% of the time on  
__semwait_signal, and 50% of the time in the read routine (with a  
lot of the time going to makeKeyAndOrderFront, for some reason).

Like I said, this used to work pretty flawlessly, and now it's very  
unhappy. Any suggestions would be very welcome.

What is likely happening is that the NSFileHandle processing is  
starving the main NSRunLoop. This happens because NSRunLoop processes  
non-user input before it processes user events (which seems backwards  
for the main run loop but is nevertheless the case). The only solution  
is to use a secondary runloop on a second thread to process the data,  
then safely get that info back to the main thread and trigger  
redrawing. You should likely process the data on the second thread as  
well so that the main thread is completely free for user events.

I have no explanation of why it should suddenly "not work" other than  
that data is probably flowing in faster or requires more processing.


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Re: QCComposition in CAOpenGLLayer

2009-01-30 Thread David Duncan

On Jan 30, 2009, at 1:03 AM, Anshul jain wrote:

i am trying to play  QCComposition in CAOpenGLLayer

Why not use the QCCompositionLayer?
David Duncan
Apple DTS Animation and Printing


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Re: CGAffintransform and UIImage Views

2009-01-30 Thread David Duncan

On Jan 29, 2009, at 10:24 AM, nasser salami wrote:

im a newbie iphone developer and i m trying to smoothly scale an  
image view
up and then return to the original state. here what i did but it did  

work :

so can you tell what it is that i did wrong? i'm sorry if it sounded  


Assuming that all that is done one after the other, you just asked the  
view to scale up to 5x in size, and then before it could actually do  
so to scale back down to 1x in size. If you want to do it this way,  
then you will have to use the animation delegate and  
+setAnimationDidStopSelector: to be notified when the animation  
completes before you ask the view to scale back down to 1x.

David Duncan
Apple DTS Animation and Printing


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Re: Core Data, Garbage Collection and SQL Store

2009-01-30 Thread Sean McBride
On 1/30/09 9:14 AM, Kevin Ross said:

>It has recently come up on the list again about a known issue when
>using Core Data + G.C. + SQL NSPersistantDocumentStore.  I have a
>document based application that I am about to release where I have
>been using this exact combination through it's entire development.  I
>have noticed this issue with the "hang while saving", but at the time
>I had thought that it was caused by me corrupting the document's
>object graph. Indeed the problem seemed to stop once I had fixed some
>of my App's logic and I haven't seen the issue since.

I think you're getting lucky.  I can certainly still repro this bug.
And my Radar has not come back 'fixed'.

I find it quite bothersome that a bug that causes user data loss is
still unfixed in 10.5.6.  It must be a hard nut to crack.


Sean McBride, B. Eng
Mac Software Developer  Montréal, Québec, Canada


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Re: Core Data, Garbage Collection and SQL Store

2009-01-30 Thread

On 30 Jan 2009, at 17:14, Kevin Ross wrote:

Hi all,
It has recently come up on the list again about a known issue when  
using Core Data + G.C. + SQL NSPersistantDocumentStore.  I have a  
document based application that I am about to release where I have  
been using this exact combination through it's entire development.   
I have noticed this issue with the "hang while saving", but at the  
time I had thought that it was caused by me corrupting the  
document's object graph. Indeed the problem seemed to stop once I  
had fixed some of my App's logic and I haven't seen the issue since.

Me question now is, is it known if there are any particular types of  
models that can cause this hang?  I am using SQL since I will be  
storing one picture and multiple images of floor plans per document  
as per the Core Data BLOBs docs.  My data model is has about 12  
entities, but will only have a few instances of each object.  I  
haven't seen this issue in quite a while and I was wondering if it  
might be safe to release it with SQL set as the default backing store?

I am in the same boat.

My app is very simple, probably a lot simpler than yours, but the  
results seem pretty clear.

If I switch my store type to SQLite the second save issue is present  
(are you making sure to dirty the doc and then save that second time?)

If I specify XML then saving is reliable.

I too would prefer the SQLite store but the problem does seem to be a  
definite show stopper.

I am running 10.5.6 + Xcode 3.1.2

Thank you for any insights you may have into this matter.

Kevin Ross
Feng Shui Software


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Jonathan Mitchell

Central Conscious Unit


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Core Data, Garbage Collection and SQL Store

2009-01-30 Thread Kevin Ross

Hi all,
It has recently come up on the list again about a known issue when  
using Core Data + G.C. + SQL NSPersistantDocumentStore.  I have a  
document based application that I am about to release where I have  
been using this exact combination through it's entire development.  I  
have noticed this issue with the "hang while saving", but at the time  
I had thought that it was caused by me corrupting the document's  
object graph. Indeed the problem seemed to stop once I had fixed some  
of my App's logic and I haven't seen the issue since.

Me question now is, is it known if there are any particular types of  
models that can cause this hang?  I am using SQL since I will be  
storing one picture and multiple images of floor plans per document as  
per the Core Data BLOBs docs.  My data model is has about 12 entities,  
but will only have a few instances of each object.  I haven't seen  
this issue in quite a while and I was wondering if it might be safe to  
release it with SQL set as the default backing store?

Thank you for any insights you may have into this matter.

Kevin Ross
Feng Shui Software


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Registering a protocol handler for an App

2009-01-30 Thread Dave

Hi All,

In order to register an Application to handle a protocol, do I have  
to change anything other than add URL Types in the Plist file? I'm  
having problems with my application not being opened when a protocol  
request is sent with a protocol ID that my App is registered for,  
e.g. it's Plist file says it should handle it.

Do have to change anything else? Do I have to do something special at  
install or run time?

All the Best


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Re: Sizing table columns to fit data - a solution looking for suggestions

2009-01-30 Thread Corbin Dunn

On Jan 30, 2009, at 8:33 AM, Steve Cronin wrote:


Hey thanks for replying!

First off, don't use the 'tableView:' prefix for your own delegate  
methods. Consider what would happen if AppKit introduced the same  
delegate method in a future release. Well, I can tell you from  
experience that it won't be good. So, please make it something like  

This method is an existing method provided by NSObject from Apple!   
I didn't make the name up, I used an already existing delegate  

Am I not understanding your point?

Hah! No -- that was totally an error on my part; I thought you were  
making up your own delegate method...I didn't read the name carefully  
enough. Sorry about that mistake!

Use CGFloat not float.

OK, but why?

For 64-bit compatibility. You can read up on CGFloat / NSInteger for  
more info.

Setting the width in a loop is not good for performance; it might  
cause the table to relayout a lot of times.

The code you cited is NOT inside a loop!?? Or am I not understanding  
how something works?

No; your right here too; I wasn't reading it closely enough...

 NSCell *cell = [tableView preparedCellAtRow:i column:column];

10.5 Only -- I wanted a 10.4 compatible solution.  I didn't say that  
and I should have.

Ah, that's a bummer :)

That means you have to use float instead of CGFloat.



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Re: Sizing table columns to fit data - a solution looking for suggestions

2009-01-30 Thread Steve Cronin


Hey thanks for replying!

First off, don't use the 'tableView:' prefix for your own delegate  
methods. Consider what would happen if AppKit introduced the same  
delegate method in a future release. Well, I can tell you from  
experience that it won't be good. So, please make it something like  

This method is an existing method provided by NSObject from Apple!  I  
didn't make the name up, I used an already existing delegate mechanism.

Am I not understanding your point?

Use CGFloat not float.

OK, but why?

Setting the width in a loop is not good for performance; it might  
cause the table to relayout a lot of times.

The code you cited is NOT inside a loop!?? Or am I not understanding  
how something works?

  NSCell *cell = [tableView preparedCellAtRow:i column:column];

10.5 Only -- I wanted a 10.4 compatible solution.  I didn't say that  
and I should have.


On Jan 30, 2009, at 10:10 AM, Corbin Dunn wrote:

Below is a reasonably generic Cocoa solution for implementing this  
The tableView I developed this for uses an arrayController with  
individual column bindings; not the old school -dataSource methods  
for handling the data.

This code should exist in tableView's delegate.
This solution handles both strings and images.
I don't like the reliance on calling the arrayController directly  
but for now it serves my purpose

Overall, I would do it slightly differently; I would subclass  
NSTAbleHeaderView, figure out what column needs it to be autoresized  
and when (ie: double click), and then ask the delegate (optionally)  
what size it wants. But, I would make a default implementation based  
on -cellSize (possibly doing a monte carlo simulation on the number  
of rows, if there were a lot of rows, to help with performance).

Here are comments on your version:

I am interested in both criticisms and improvements - both will  
serve the Cocoa community..

- (void)tableView:(NSTableView *)tableView  
mouseDownInHeaderOfTableColumn:(NSTableColumn *)tableColumn {	

NSEvent *event = [NSApp currentEvent];
if ([event clickCount]==2) {
NSPoint location = [event locationInWindow];
NSTableHeaderView *header = [tableView headerView]; 
location = [header convertPoint:location fromView:nil];
		if (location.x>=2.0) location.x-=2;  // offset point 2 pixels  
'cause the 'split' cursor is a little 'permissive'
		NSTableColumn *thisColumn = [[tableView tableColumns]  
objectAtIndex:[header columnAtPoint:location]];

NSString *maxStr = @"";
id thisObj;
NSCell *dCell;
float newWidth, maxStringWidth =  0.0 ,maxImageWidth = 0.0;

Use CGFloat not float.

// me don't like the next line
		NSArray *theValues = [[myArrayController arrangedObjects]  
valueForKey:[thisColumn identifier]];  //dump the tableColumn  
values to an array

Instead of this hardcoded access, do this (sorry, not complete, but  
you should understand the idea):

CGFloat maxWidth = 0;
for (NSInteger i = 0; i < tableView.numberOfRows; i++) {
  NSCell *cell = [tableView preparedCellAtRow:i column:column];
  NSSize size = [cell cellSize];
  if (size.width > maxWidth) maxWidth = size.width;
[tableColumn setWidth:maxWidth];

The code above is *much* more generic. Note that it doesn't consider  
the indentation for outlineviews.

if ([thisColumn width] != newWidth) {
[thisColumn setWidth:newWidth];

Setting the width in a loop is not good for performance; it might  
cause the table to relayout a lot of times.

Anyways, as usual, it never hurts to log feature requests for AppKit  
to do this for you.


} else {
	//if already max then here double-click sets to half max!   
(maybe NOT do this if images were found?)

[thisColumn setWidth:newWidth/2.0];


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Re: Is there any Objective C supported code review tool?

2009-01-30 Thread Benjamin Stiglitz
> Please name me code review tool (Freeware preferred) that is commonly used
> by Mac/ObjectiveC/XCode developer community.

Review Boards supports any code, and I believe supports Objective-C
syntax highlighting.


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Re: Sizing table columns to fit data - a solution looking for suggestions

2009-01-30 Thread Corbin Dunn
Below is a reasonably generic Cocoa solution for implementing this  
The tableView I developed this for uses an arrayController with  
individual column bindings; not the old school -dataSource methods  
for handling the data.

This code should exist in tableView's delegate.
This solution handles both strings and images.
I don't like the reliance on calling the arrayController directly  
but for now it serves my purpose

Overall, I would do it slightly differently; I would subclass  
NSTAbleHeaderView, figure out what column needs it to be autoresized  
and when (ie: double click), and then ask the delegate (optionally)  
what size it wants. But, I would make a default implementation based  
on -cellSize (possibly doing a monte carlo simulation on the number of  
rows, if there were a lot of rows, to help with performance).

Here are comments on your version:

I am interested in both criticisms and improvements - both will  
serve the Cocoa community..

- (void)tableView:(NSTableView *)tableView  
mouseDownInHeaderOfTableColumn:(NSTableColumn *)tableColumn {	

First off, don't use the 'tableView:' prefix for your own delegate  
methods. Consider what would happen if AppKit introduced the same  
delegate method in a future release. Well, I can tell you from  
experience that it won't be good. So, please make it something like  

NSEvent *event = [NSApp currentEvent];
if ([event clickCount]==2) {
NSPoint location = [event locationInWindow];
NSTableHeaderView *header = [tableView headerView]; 
location = [header convertPoint:location fromView:nil];
		if (location.x>=2.0) location.x-=2;  // offset point 2 pixels  
'cause the 'split' cursor is a little 'permissive'
		NSTableColumn *thisColumn = [[tableView tableColumns]  
objectAtIndex:[header columnAtPoint:location]];

NSString *maxStr = @"";
id thisObj;
NSCell *dCell;
float newWidth, maxStringWidth =  0.0 ,maxImageWidth = 0.0;

Use CGFloat not float.

// me don't like the next line
		NSArray *theValues = [[myArrayController arrangedObjects]  
valueForKey:[thisColumn identifier]];  //dump the tableColumn values  
to an array

Instead of this hardcoded access, do this (sorry, not complete, but  
you should understand the idea):

CGFloat maxWidth = 0;
for (NSInteger i = 0; i < tableView.numberOfRows; i++) {
   NSCell *cell = [tableView preparedCellAtRow:i column:column];
   NSSize size = [cell cellSize];
   if (size.width > maxWidth) maxWidth = size.width;
[tableColumn setWidth:maxWidth];

The code above is *much* more generic. Note that it doesn't consider  
the indentation for outlineviews.

if ([thisColumn width] != newWidth) {
[thisColumn setWidth:newWidth];

Setting the width in a loop is not good for performance; it might  
cause the table to relayout a lot of times.

Anyways, as usual, it never hurts to log feature requests for AppKit  
to do this for you.


} else {
	//if already max then here double-click sets to half max!   
(maybe NOT do this if images were found?)

[thisColumn setWidth:newWidth/2.0];


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Re: NSFileHandle or a better way?

2009-01-30 Thread Keary Suska

On Jan 30, 2009, at 7:44 AM, Jaime Magiera wrote:

I've been using NSFIleHandle for a project that inserts data into a  
file and synchs it back to disk. Everything went smoothly until the  
app started getting used for larger files ( > 200 megs). First, I  
ran into the NSFileHandle -> NSData 256 megs conundrum. That was  
solved by, as others suggested on this list in other threads,  
iterating with readDataOfLength or availableData  instead of a  
single readDataToEndOfFile. That worked well. I've got pools set up  
to keep the memory down. The problem now is that the reads are still  
really slow. For example, with a read length of 50 megs, I can only  
get in 3 reads per second. My apps ends up taking almost a minute to  
perform all of its functions on a file of 500 megs.

Perhaps my overall approach was wrong to start out. What I've been  
doing is opening a file handle, copying the data after the insertion  
point to an NSData, truncating the file handle at the insertion  
point, adding the new data, then adding back the trimmed data. This  
works fairly well if the insert point is towards the end of the  
file. However, there are instances where I need to insert a few  
hundred kb into a the file at a location only a few hundred kb into  
the file.

xxx ^ x

The time hit comes from copying the trim data to the NSData. Is  
there a better way to do this with NSFileHandle?  Is there a better  
way to do this than NSFileHandle?

I suspect your bottleneck is the filesystem. To know for sure you  
could try the raw C calls and see if it speeds up. In any case,  
instead of doing a grow/shrink on the file, write to a temp file  
instead then swap them. This way you could also do optimized batch- 
writes. This alone could speed the process up immensely.  
Notwithstanding, how do you recover if your app crashes after you  
truncate the file?


Keary Suska
Esoteritech, Inc.
"Demystifying technology for your home or business"


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Re: Disabling sorting in a programatically generated table

2009-01-30 Thread Keary Suska

On Jan 30, 2009, at 1:59 AM, Ken Tozier wrote:


I need to completely disable sorting in a programatically generated  
table, but have found that no matter what I try, clicking on the  
column header sorts the table. I've set the following sort  
descriptors to nil

// On the table
[table setSortDescriptors: nil];

// On the column
[column setSortDescriptorPrototype: nil];

// And on the array controller for each column
[controller setSortDescriptors: nil];
[controller setAutomaticallyRearrangesObjects: NO];

How do you shut down all sorting on a table?

When you call -bind: do you pass NSCreatesSortDescriptorBindingOption  


Keary Suska
Esoteritech, Inc.
"Demystifying technology for your home or business"


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NSFileHandle or a better way?

2009-01-30 Thread Jaime Magiera

Hi folks,

I've been using NSFIleHandle for a project that inserts data into a  
file and synchs it back to disk. Everything went smoothly until the  
app started getting used for larger files ( > 200 megs). First, I ran  
into the NSFileHandle -> NSData 256 megs conundrum. That was solved  
by, as others suggested on this list in other threads, iterating with  
readDataOfLength or availableData  instead of a single  
readDataToEndOfFile. That worked well. I've got pools set up to keep  
the memory down. The problem now is that the reads are still really  
slow. For example, with a read length of 50 megs, I can only get in 3  
reads per second. My apps ends up taking almost a minute to perform  
all of its functions on a file of 500 megs.

Perhaps my overall approach was wrong to start out. What I've been  
doing is opening a file handle, copying the data after the insertion  
point to an NSData, truncating the file handle at the insertion point,  
adding the new data, then adding back the trimmed data. This works  
fairly well if the insert point is towards the end of the file.  
However, there are instances where I need to insert a few hundred kb  
into a the file at a location only a few hundred kb into the file.

xxx ^ x

The time hit comes from copying the trim data to the NSData. Is there  
a better way to do this with NSFileHandle?  Is there a better way to  
do this than NSFileHandle?

thanks for any thoughts,

Jaime Magiera

Sensory Research


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Re: Is there any Objective C supported code review tool?

2009-01-30 Thread Geoff Beier
Codestriker supports objective-c. I don't know how commonly it's used
by "Mac/ObjectiveC/XCode developer community".



On Fri, Jan 30, 2009 at 7:30 AM, Ashish Tiwari
> Hi All,
> Please name me code review tool (Freeware preferred) that is commonly used
> by Mac/ObjectiveC/XCode developer community.
> Thanks in advance.
> Ashish
> ___
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Re: Analyzing Core Data Conflict List

2009-01-30 Thread Steve Steinitz

Hi Ben,

Thanks for your reply.  I've made some comments and asked a 
couple questions.  In particular please see the one (at the end) 
about prefetching in an NSArrayController scenario.

On 30/1/09, Ben Trumbull wrote:

While we strongly discourage using no inverse relationships, something
like event logging might be a place to consider it.  So you might model

AuditTrail < - 0 Events

so you would code the to-many side on AuditTrail with a fetch request
using a predicate like "auditRelationship = %@" where the vararg is
AuditTrail's objectID.

It would be your responsible to ensure all the Events get deleted
properly, and you'll miss out on some validation checking without the
inverse.  You also won't get support from the merge policies for
conflict detection.

Great 'heads-ups", thanks.

for multiple users on large rapidly changing relationships,
maintaining the relationships formally might be more expense than it's

That's interesting.  An error in our 'Audit Trail' wouldn't be a 
big problem.  We call it an 'Exposure Log' because it only logs 
suspicious activity.  We don't expect it to be a complete audit 
trail.  So maybe I could remove the to-many inverse 
relationships from Sales and Employees, as long as removing them 
didn't result in a corrupt database i.e. "can't fulfill fault".  
On the other hand, we'd lose convenience in displaying the 
Exposure Log.  Maybe I'll keep that up my sleeve for later.

You may also wish to refresh the objects more frequently.  The larger
the staleness interval the more likely an optimistic locking exception
will occur due to a large window for simultaneous edits.

Is that as simple as just decreasing the ManagedObjectContext's 
staleness interval?  I do that temporarily when calling 
refreshObject.  Perhaps I should just keep it short.  I recall 
your comment last year that a very short staleness interval can 
reveal a minor Core Data refreshObject bug.

One easy way to do this is to use a fetch request with prefetching for
the related objects most likely to change.

For better or worse, our application rarely does programatic 
fetches.  Instead, it makes heavy use of NSArrayControllers.  We 
do some in-memory filtering using mmalc's excellent 
FilteringController technique -- but very little overt 
fetching.  Is there a way to prefetch in that scenario?  I 
suppose NSArrayController might have an NSFetchRequest to which 
I could add prefetching keys, but I can't see how to get at it.

Thanks again,



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Debugging a process that received Signal

2009-01-30 Thread Arnab Ganguly
Hi All,
In Mac OSX suppose a process received a Signal.How do I debug that
particular process?
Thanks in advance

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Re: [Solved - duh!] Core data storage of objects whose class is loaded from a bundle

2009-01-30 Thread Rick Hoge

Thanks for the replies - it's clear that it's a problem in my NSCoding  
support (see comment below)

On 29-Jan-09, at 5:18 PM, Nick Zitzmann wrote:

On Jan 29, 2009, at 2:32 PM, Rick Hoge wrote:

-(id)initWithCoder:(NSCoder*)decoder {

self = [super initWithCoder:decoder]; // Returns instance of parent  

return self;


which was returning an instance of the parent class and not the  

Then you've got something strange going on, because initializing the  
superclass shouldn't be setting the object _to_ the superclass;  
that's the responsibility of whoever allocated the class to set the  
class. So either you're allocating the wrong class, or your  
superclass is doing something unorthodox.

It turns out the superclass, which inherits from NSObject, is  
initializing with [[ParentClass alloc] init] instead of [super  
initWithCoder:decoder] - perhaps this is the problem...

Nick Zitzmann



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Re: How to find whether the file exists on Hard disk or othe mounted devices?

2009-01-30 Thread Jerry Krinock

On 2009 Jan 30, at 3:28, Arun wrote:

How to find whether the file exists on Hard disk or othe mounted  

This is a one of those very short questions that has many long  
answers.  I wrote some stuff a few months ago that will give you some  
code and keywords to begin further research.


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Re: NSTask Leaking...

2009-01-30 Thread Rob Keniger

On 30/01/2009, at 11:02 PM, Kirk Kerekes wrote:

Sorry about that...

Thanks, it works now. I had to modify the CryptoSample code and  
convert a bunch of uint32 types to CSSM_SIZE, but it compiles fine.

Rob Keniger


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Re: Is there any Objective C supported code review tool?

2009-01-30 Thread Jean-Daniel Dupas

Le 30 janv. 09 à 13:30, Ashish Tiwari a écrit :

Hi All,

Please name me code review tool (Freeware preferred) that is  
commonly used

by Mac/ObjectiveC/XCode developer community.

There is the "as-yet-unnamed clang static analyzer" that can help you  
to find common error.

It's not full features yet, but it's already a valuable tool.


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Re: NSTask Leaking...

2009-01-30 Thread Kirk Kerekes

Sorry about that...

Message: 4
Date: Fri, 30 Jan 2009 12:29:00 +1000
From: Rob Keniger 
Subject: Re: NSTask Leaking...
To: cocoadev cocoadev 
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII; format=flowed; delsp=yes

This code won't compile for me. Where is the referenced libCdsaCrypt.h
Rob Keniger

On 30/01/2009, at 10:50 AM, Kirk Kerekes wrote:

// must include Security framework to use this
// Tiger or later for SHA256


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Thai Dictionary

2009-01-30 Thread Gerriet M. Denkmann
I have just made a Thai-Englisch Dictionary, based on stardict- 
lexitron-te-2.4.2.tar.bz2 from .

But when I enter: ผล I get a list of 79 words, which are not in  
alphabetic order at all.
Not even odered via compare: much less the correct order of  

What have I done wrong?

Kind regards,



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Is there any Objective C supported code review tool?

2009-01-30 Thread Ashish Tiwari
Hi All,


Please name me code review tool (Freeware preferred) that is commonly used
by Mac/ObjectiveC/XCode developer community.


Thanks in advance.



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Re: change NSBorderlessWindowMask on NSTitledWindowMask when app is launch. how?

2009-01-30 Thread Carlo Gulliani
as i understood, when i use full screen app, new NSView component is create. As 
i told i use flash in my app and for test when my app is launched i wait some 
time when my flash's animation will changed and switch app to full screen, i've 
seen that my flash began play again from first frame. I think, when app is 
create new NSView, app hasn't declared all methods from old. so how can i make 
fullscreen, also having kept the old NSView?

From: douglas welton 
To: Carlo Gulliani 
Sent: Thursday, January 29, 2009 8:46:22 PM
Subject: Re: change NSBorderlessWindowMask on NSTitledWindowMask when app is 
launch. how?

this line:

[self makeFirstResponder: self];

should probably be:

[self makeFirstResponder: view];

this is assuming that "self" is your window an "view" is the view being 


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How to find whether the file exists on Hard disk or othe mounted devices?

2009-01-30 Thread Arun
Hi All

How to find whether the file exists on Hard disk or othe mounted devices?


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Issues with Inheritance and collections?

2009-01-30 Thread Devraj Mukherjee
Hi all,

I have two classes DomainLogicBase and Vehicle where Vehicle inherits
from DomainLogicBase (there are other classes in the project that
inherit from DomainLogicBase), DomainLogicBase has some helper
functions that all my models use and it also has some common vars like
UID that all my models inherit.

I am adding objects of type Vehicle to an NSMutableArray which are
read up from disk from an SQLite database.

When I try and get the object back out of the NSMutableArray and
access its properties my app crashes. I have tried to use the debugger
and the best I can tell is the properties seem to have invalid values.

If the model class does not inherit from a custom class I have defined
then the app works fine.

Is there something I am missing? Does inheritance do funny things when
I am adding objects of the children class to a collection?

Any input is welcome. Thanks.

"The secret impresses no-one, the trick you use it for is everything"
- Alfred Borden (The Prestiege)

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Finding Thai Words

2009-01-30 Thread Gerriet M. Denkmann

The logical order for Thai words is: consonant, tone mark, vowel.
But if one writes with a pen, one almost always writes: consonant,  
SARA I, MAI EK - because this is a natural order from bottom to top.

The good thing is: the find in NSString (without NSLiteralSearch) does  
not care about the writing order: looking for "MAI EK, SARA I" will  
also find "SARA I, MAI EK".

WIth one exception: "SARA AM, tone mark" will NOT find: "tone mark,  

Bug or feature?

Tested in TextEdit on 10.5.6.

Kind regards,



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RE: QCComposition in CAOpenGLLayer

2009-01-30 Thread Anshul jain

i am trying to play  QCComposition in CAOpenGLLayer

Sorry for the earlier post  here is the snippet of the code

According to the documentation of QCrenderer this should work fine.

but at final output nothing is displayed. Can anyone tell me where i  
am going wrong.

- (id) init
self = [super init];
if (self != nil) {
[self setAsynchronous:YES];
return self;

- (CGLPixelFormatObj)copyCGLPixelFormatForDisplayMask:(uint32_t)mask
CGLPixelFormatAttribute attributes[] = {
kCGLPFADisplayMask, mask,
kCGLPFAColorSize, 2,
kCGLPFAAlphaSize, 8,
kCGLPFADepthSize, 16,
CGLPixelFormatObj pixelFormatObj = NULL;
GLint numPixelFormats = 0;
CGLChoosePixelFormat(attributes, &pixelFormatObj, &numPixelFormats);
if (pixelFormatObj == NULL)
NSLog(@"Error: Could not choose pixel format!");
return pixelFormatObj;

- (void)releaseCGLPixelFormat:(CGLPixelFormatObj)pixelFormat

- (CGLContextObj)copyCGLContextForPixelFormat: 

	CGLContextObj object =  [super  
	NSString *path = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"Blob"  

QCComposition *aComposition = [QCComposition compositionWithFile:path];
	CGColorSpaceRef colorRef =   
	qcRenderer = [[QCRenderer alloc] initWithCGLContext:object  
pixelFormat:pixelFormat colorSpace:colorRef composition:aComposition];

return object;

- (BOOL)canDrawInCGLContext:(CGLContextObj)glContext pixelFormat: 
(CGLPixelFormatObj)pixelFormat forLayerTime: 
(CFTimeInterval)timeInterval displayTime:(const CVTimeStamp *)timeStamp

BOOL success = [self renderAtTime:timeStamp];
if (texture)
texture = [qcRenderer createSnapshotImageOfType:@"CVOpenGLBuffer"];
if (texture)
return YES;
else return NO;
return success;

- (BOOL) renderAtTime:(const CVTimeStamp*)time

NSTimeInterval  videoTime;
if (time) {
		videoTime = (NSTimeInterval)time->videoTime / (NSTimeInterval)time- 
		NSLog(@"%f  %f  %f",videoTime,time->videoTime,time- 

return [qcRenderer renderAtTime:videoTime arguments:nil];

- (void)drawInCGLContext:(CGLContextObj)glContext pixelFormat: 
(CGLPixelFormatObj)pixelFormat forLayerTime: 
(CFTimeInterval)timeInterval displayTime:(const CVTimeStamp *)timeStamp

glClearColor(0, 0, 0, 0);
if (CFGetTypeID(texture) == CVOpenGLTextureGetTypeID()) {
GLenum target = CVOpenGLTextureGetTarget(texture);
GLint name = CVOpenGLTextureGetName(texture);
GLfloat topLeft[2], topRight[2], bottomRight[2], bottomLeft[2];
		CVOpenGLTextureGetCleanTexCoords(texture, bottomLeft, bottomRight,  
topRight, topLeft);

glColor4f(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0);
glBindTexture(target, name);
glTexCoord2fv(bottomLeft);  glVertex2i(-1, -1);
glTexCoord2fv(topLeft); glVertex2i(-1,  1);
glTexCoord2fv(topRight);glVertex2i( 1,  1);
glTexCoord2fv(bottomRight); glVertex2i( 1, -1);
	[super drawInCGLContext:glContext pixelFormat:pixelFormat  
forLayerTime:timeInterval displayTime:timeStamp];



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Disabling sorting in a programatically generated table

2009-01-30 Thread Ken Tozier


I need to completely disable sorting in a programatically generated  
table, but have found that no matter what I try, clicking on the  
column header sorts the table. I've set the following sort descriptors  
to nil

// On the table
[table setSortDescriptors: nil];

// On the column
[column setSortDescriptorPrototype: nil];

// And on the array controller for each column
[controller setSortDescriptors: nil];
[controller setAutomaticallyRearrangesObjects: NO];

How do you shut down all sorting on a table?

Thanks for any help


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CComposition in CAOpenGLLayer

2009-01-30 Thread Anshul jain
i am trying to play  QCComposition in CAOpenGLLayer here is the  
snippet of the code


Anshul jain


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NSPredicateEditorRowTemplate and NSTokenField

2009-01-30 Thread Vitaly Ovchinnikov
Hello all, that's me again with my predicate editor problems :)

I subclassed predicate editor's row and replaced default text editor
with my NSTokenField in -templateViews.

Predicates, that match my template, look like: ANY Tags IN {"tag1",
"tag2", "tag3"}

In -setPredicate I fill token field with tags from predicate:
NSExpression *right = .;
[pMyTokenField setObjectValue:[right constantValue]];

In -predicateWithSubPredicates I create predicate described above with
right part from my token field. I added traces there and it builds
exactly what I need.

Now, the problem: I added observer to the predicate that I edit and it
gets called at every change of predicate, but not for my token field

Predicate editor has several rows, some of them are "standard" -
numeric, text etc. If I change any of them - my observer gets called.
If I edit my token field, observer doesn't get called at all. If I add
some token and switch focus to another row, predicate editor calls
-predicateWithSubPredicate, I build correct predicate and... nothing.
Observer doesn't get called. If I press "Enter" after adding token -
observer will be called. If I switch to some other row (not with my
template) and then switch back - observer will be called. If I switch
to another row with the same template and when switch back - observer
will not be called.

I added one more control to the row - a button. It does nothing, just
takes some place. I can change my token fields and observer will not
be called. But if I press this button - observer will be called

I tried to override -rightExpressions method and return my list of
tags, I tried to call -will/didChangeValueForKey: - nothing helped. It
seems that I need to notify somebody about the change, but have no
idea - how to do that?

Please, help me :)

P.S.: Things are a bit more complex, I have Filter objects, that hold
predicates. Predicate editor is bound to the filter and my observer
observes those filters, not the predicates themselves. I tell this to
cut ideas about incorrect observing. Observing works perfect for any
other row.

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Re: Analyzing Core Data Conflict List [was: Formatting Core Data Conflict List]

2009-01-30 Thread Ben Trumbull

On Jan 29, 2009, at 11:51 PM, Steve Steinitz wrote:

The newVersion and oldVersion shows the version count on the  
objects really has changed.

OK, that makes reading the coflict list clearer.  So that version  
count is an ever-incrementing number -- as long as the app is running?

For atomic stores, yes.  For the SQLite store, it is persisted.

A few things to note.  First, you've set a merge policy on the
NSManagedObjectContext right ?

Yes, its currently objectTrump. I vacillate between that and  
StoreTrump, switching whenever my level of panic clips.  I'm  
thinking of trying 'Overwrite' just for fun (my client might not  
think its so fun :)

objectTrump is probably best.

Some sources of conflicts that surprise people are (a) dirtying  
transients, (b) maintaining last mod timestamps (c) making blind  
changes in -willSave or validation callbacks, or (d) updating the  
contents of a to-many relationship.

Great list, thanks.  Pouring over the conflict list, I'm suspicious  
of (d) ' relationship' which happens to lots of objects  
(because of event logging, customer history etc) whenever my client  
creates a sale or adds a lineItem.

For something like a Sale < - >> lineItem scenario, whenever you add  
or remove to the set of lineItems, the Sale object is dirtied.

While we strongly discourage using no inverse relationships, something  
like event logging might be a place to consider it.  So you might model

AuditTrail < - 0 Events

so you would code the to-many side on AuditTrail with a fetch request  
using a predicate like "auditRelationship = %@" where the vararg is  
AuditTrail's objectID.

It would be your responsible to ensure all the Events get deleted  
properly, and you'll miss out on some validation checking without the  
inverse.  You also won't get support from the merge policies for  
conflict detection.  But for multiple users on large rapidly changing  
relationships, maintaining the relationships formally might be more  
expense than it's worth.

That said, can you clarify (a) 'dirtying transients' a little or  
point me to some doco?

If you have a transient property, calling a setter on it will make the  
object think it's been dirtied for the next save.

You may also wish to refresh the objects more frequently.  The larger  
the staleness interval the more likely an optimistic locking exception  
will occur due to a large window for simultaneous edits.  One easy way  
to do this is to use a fetch request with prefetching for the related  
objects most likely to change.

- Ben


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