[CTRL] Standing Up To The Tyranny

2003-02-22 Thread iNFoWaRZ
-Caveat Lector-

Standing Up To The Tyranny
The Nationwide Movement To Oppose The USA Patriot Act Intensifies

Communities move to counter USA Patriot Act

N.M. May Go On Record Opposing U.S.A Patriot Act

OR: Ashland passes Anti-Patriot Act resolution

Utah: Resolution Passed

The Save the Bill of Rights Campaign:
A model Resolution that you can modify to use in your state or town:

Let's not forget that Bush shoved Clinton's Homeland Defense Initiative down our 
throats under a new name: Homeland Security.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Rumsfeld involved in Nukes to N.Korea

2003-02-22 Thread iNFoWaRZ
-Caveat Lector-

Oh, but it's just a coincidence.  Just like When Bush gave N. Korea 2 more Nuke plants 
less than a year ago.(see 
http://www.thepowerhour.com/postings-three/north-korea-bomb-making.htm )
Rumsfeld Was On ABB Board During N Korea Nuke Deal
By Jacob Greber swissinfo.org 2-21-3

Donald Rumsfeld, the US secretary of defense, was on the board of technology giant ABB 
when it won a deal to supply North Korea with two nuclear power plants.

Weapons experts say waste material from the two reactors could be used for so-called 
'dirty bombs'.

The Swiss-based ABB on Friday told swissinfo that Rumsfeld was involved with the 
company in early 2000, when it netted a $200 million (SFr270million) contract with 

The ABB contract was to deliver equipment and services for two nuclear power stations 
at Kumho, on North Koreaís east coast.

Rumsfeld - who is one of the Bush administration's most strident 'hardliners' on North 
Korea - was a member of ABB's board between 1990 and February 2001, when he left to 
take up his current post.

Wolfram Eberhardt, a spokesman for ABB, told swissinfo that Rumsfeld ìwas at nearly 
all the board meetings during his decade-long involvement with the company.

Maybe, Maybe Not

However, he declined to indicate whether Rumsfeld was made aware of the nuclear 
contract with North Korea.

"This is a good question, but I couldn't comment on that because we never disclose the 
protocols of the board meetings,' Eberhardt said.

"Maybe this was a discussion point of the board, maybe not."

The defense secretary's role at ABB during the late 1990s has become a bone of 
contention in Washington.

The ABB contract was a consequence of a 1994 deal between the US and Pyongyang to 
allow construction of two reactors in exchange for a freeze on the North's nuclear 
weapons programme.

North Korea revealed last year that it had secretly continued its nuclear weapons 
programme, despite its obligations under the deal with Washington.

The Bush government has repeatedly used the agreement to criticise the former Clinton 
administration for being too soft on North Korea. Rumsfeld's deputy, Paul Wolfowitz, 
has been among the most vocal critics of the 1994 weapons accord.

Dirty Bombs

Weapons experts have also speculated that waste material from the two reactors could 
be used for so-called 'dirty bombs'.

Rumsfeld's position at ABB could prove embarrassing for the Bush administration since 
while he was a director he was also active on issues of weapons proliferation, 
chairing the 1998 congressional Ballistic Missile Threat commission.

The commission suggested the Clinton-era deal with Pyongyang gave too much away 
because "North Korea maintains an active weapons of mass destruction programme, 
including a nuclear weapons programme."

 >From Zurich To Pyongyang

At the same time, Rumsfeld was travelling to Zurich for ABB's quarterly board-meetings.

Eberhardt said it was possible that the North Korea deal never crossed the ABB 
boardroom desk.

"At the time, we generated a lot of big orders in the power generation business 
[worth] around $1 billion - [so] a $200 million contract was, so to speak, a smaller 

When asked whether a deal with a country such as North Korea - a communist state with 
declared nuclear intentions - should have been brought to the ABB board's attention, 
Eberhardt told swissinfo:

"Yes, maybe. But so far we haven't any evidence for that because the protocols were 
never disclosed. So maybe it was a discussion point, maybe not," says Eberhardt.

A Pentagon spokeswoman, Victoria Clark, recently told Newsweek magazine that 
"Secretary Rumsfeld does not recall it being brought before the board at any time."

It Was A Long Time Ago

Today, ABB says it no longer has any involvement with the North Korean power plants, 
due to come on line in 2007 and 2008.

The company finalised the sale of its nuclear business in early 2000 to the 
British-based BNFL group.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] US media move away from Bush

2003-02-22 Thread goldi316
-Caveat Lector-

At last, some good news leaking into the mass media.  Slowly but surely,
the tide is turning...

US media move away from Bush

Patrick Barrett
Friday February 21, 2003
The Guardian

The US media has begun to turn against President George Bush's hard line
on military action against Iraq.

A majority of the country's top newspapers now oppose any attack on Iraq
by US and British forces without the full support if the international

Influenced by the massive anti-war demonstrations staged around the
world last weekend and the growing rift between the US and the less
hawkish countries led by France and Germany, American press coverage has
seen a substantial shift away from backing an immediate war regardless
of international opinion.

A survey of 37 leading US papers publishing editorials between February
15 and 19 found that almost two thirds now called for a "world
coalition" to be formed before any military action in the Middle East.

15 newspapers across the US were categorised as "hawkish" in editorial
stance, nine as "doves" and 13 as internationalist in positioning by a
survey carried out by Editor & Publisher, a weekly magazine covering the
north American newspaper industry.

The current press majority against unilateral action is in marked
contrast to the findings of a similar survey carried out on February 7,
immediately after Secretary of State Colin Powell's presentation of
evidence of Iraq's activities involving weapons of mass destruction.

At this stage, those calling for international unity were a distinct

According to the research, the call for UN backing has now become an
established theme in most major newspapers, in marked contrast to right
leaning TV networks and papers such as Fox news and the New York Post,
both owned by Rupert Murdoch's News Corporation.

Papers such as the Detroit Free Press, the Dallas Morning News,
Minneapolis-based the Star Tribune, San Francisco Chronicle and Orange
County Register represented the prevailing opinion. "If war becomes
necessary, it will be better waged by the world than by even a broad
'coalition of the willing. The world remains safer if the peace-seeking
United Nations remains intact," thundered the Detroit Free Press.

Several papers such as the Fort Worth (Texas) and the Oregonian in
Portland, advised the President to recognise the importance of the
weekend's protests. "Heed the voices - peace demonstrations have a
point: Bush hasn't made a strong enough case for war now," said the
Newsday in Melville, New York on February 18.

However, larger papers with international reach such as the Wall Street
Journal and Washington Post were staunchly pro-war.

"The weekend's protests across Europe and elsewhere, impressive as they
were in terms of sheer numbers, only provide yet another, if secondary,
reason for prompt action," said the Journal this week.

Despite growing calls for international unity, "French bashing" amongst
the US press has become a popular theme. Top of the Francophobes were
the New York Daily News, and Murdoch owned New York Post, but others
joined in:

"Now who's the cowboy?" the Detroit News asked. "French prime minister
Jacques Chirac pitched a raging tantrum after several Eastern European
countries defied attempts to bully them beneath France's skirts."

The changing views of the US press reflect a recent survey of TV
coverage, which found that the British broadcast media is taking a hard
line on the US administration with 33% of news stories classed as

  Guardian Unlimited © Guardian Newspapers
Limited 2003


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fw2: !b_a_Act: Censored from US commercial TV

2003-02-22 Thread Joshua Tinnin
-Caveat Lector-

Links broken by word-warpping fixed

- Original Message -

Here's one for those without sufficient reading time...

Film archive: Censored from US commercial TV

Category: US military action

1st) Frontline: "The War Behind Closed Doors" (Airs February 20th on Public
Television) - 57 minutes

2nd) Metal of Dishonor - 50 Minutes

Expose of Pentagon use of depleted uranium weapons which have compromised
the health of tens of thousands of soldiers and civilians in the U.S. and
Gulf region. Contains interviews with Dr. Helen Caldicott, Dr. Michio Kaku
and former Attorney General Ramsey Clark.

3rd) Documentary segment: A Bill Moyers special, "The Secret Government" -
20 minutes

4th) Documentary segment: "The Panama Deception" - 22 minutes

5th) Documentary segment: "Coverup: Behind the Iran-Contra Affair" - 20

6th) Speech segment: Top CIA officer, John Stockwell - 6 minutes

7th) Documentary segment: "School of Assassins" - 14 minutes

Category: September 11th, 2001

1st) British television (BBC Newsnight) - 9 minutes

This Newsnight special delves into the Bush/Binladen family connection and
features the award winning investigative reporter Greg Palast.

2nd) 6/10/02 news conference (audio only) - 1 hour each (MP3)

Part 1)

Part 2)

Part 3)

At the National Press Club in Washington, DC, UPI, CNN, NHK: Japan TV,
Philadelphia Inquirer, American Free Press, Financial Times, Vanity Fair,
Intelligence Online (Paris), Accuracy In Media, International Currency
Review, and numerous investigative journalists and researchers attended a
press conference about the anomalous events of 9-11.  Catherine Austin
Fitts, former Secretary of Housing (HUD) in the first Bush Administration
is the moderator.  J. Michael Springmann, Esq., Fmr. Chief, Visa Section,
US Embassy in Saudi Arabia, Attorney, 20 years in US Foreign Service (CIA
& Global Terrorism segment), and Dr. Stephen Camerado - Director of
Research; Center for Immigration Studies, (Immigration and Terrorism
segment), exemplify the speakers.  Unlike the previous National Press Club
event this video was censored from American television.

3rd) *Frontline: "The Man Who Knew" - 83 minutes

This film represents the first attempt by an American documentary film crew
to deal with the issue of government complicity surrounding the events of
9-11.  It focuses on the death of FBI Special Agent John O'Neill (discussed
in the fifth video), who was the Bureau's most outspoken critic of its
internal politics.

*Related articles about Public Broadcasting politics

4th) AfterMath: Unanswered Questions from 9/11 (parts 1 & 2) - 5 minutes

These video shorts are based on information revealed at the 6/10/02 news
conference.  With Aftermath, 9 people have been asked 11 of the most
pressing questions that emanate from the terrible and, as yet,
unexplained, events of that day.

5th) Documentary segment: 9-11 The Road to Tyranny (produced by a
conservative American syndicated radio/TV host) - 48 minutes

In this film the extremist producer's conclusions are tempered only by the
intriguing data the film uncovers and the input of David Schippers,
co-counsel for Judicial Watch -- the foundation representing FBI Special
Agents against the FBI (it begins after a 7 min prologue).

6th) C-SPAN -- Booknotes - approximately 15 minutes

Perspective on the producer of the fifth video.  *Note: Once the video
begins move the positioner to the halfway point.  The segment begins with
discussion of the "Bohemian Grove."

Why is this important information censored by mainstream American news
corporations?  These short video clips help explain:

1st) John Stauber on PR & the US commercial media - 3 minutes

Mr. Stauber is founder and executive director of the Center for Media &
Democracy, Madison, WI. founding editor of PR Watch quarterly.

2nd) Documentary clip: "Project Censored: Is the Press Really Free?" - 5

[CTRL] Fw: !b_a_Act: Censored from US commercial TV

2003-02-22 Thread Joshua Tinnin
-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -

Here's one for those without sufficient reading time...

Film archive: Censored from US commercial TV

Category: US military action

1st) Frontline: "The War Behind Closed Doors" (Airs February 20th on Public
Television) - 57 minutes

2nd) Metal of Dishonor - 50 Minutes

Expose of Pentagon use of depleted uranium weapons which have compromised
health of tens of thousands of soldiers and civilians in the U.S. and Gulf
region. Contains interviews with Dr. Helen Caldicott, Dr. Michio Kaku and
former Attorney General Ramsey Clark.

3rd) Documentary segment: A Bill Moyers special, "The Secret Government" -

4th) Documentary segment: "The Panama Deception" - 22 minutes

5th) Documentary segment: "Coverup: Behind the Iran-Contra Affair" - 20

6th) Speech segment: Top CIA officer, John Stockwell - 6 minutes

7th) Documentary segment: "School of Assassins" - 14 minutes

Category: September 11th, 2001

1st) British television (BBC Newsnight) - 9 minutes

This Newsnight special delves into the Bush/Binladen family connection and
features the award winning investigative reporter Greg Palast.

2nd) 6/10/02 news conference (audio only) - 1 hour each (MP3)

Part 1)

Part 2)

Part 3)

At the National Press Club in Washington, DC, UPI, CNN, NHK: Japan TV,
Philadelphia Inquirer, American Free Press, Financial Times, Vanity Fair,
Intelligence Online (Paris), Accuracy In Media, International Currency
Review, and numerous investigative journalists and researchers attended a
press conference about the anomalous events of 9-11.  Catherine Austin
former Secretary of Housing (HUD) in the first Bush Administration is the
moderator.  J. Michael Springmann, Esq., Fmr. Chief, Visa Section, US
in Saudi Arabia, Attorney, 20 years in US Foreign Service (CIA & Global
Terrorism segment), and Dr. Stephen Camerado - Director of Research; Center
for Immigration Studies, (Immigration and Terrorism segment), exemplify the
speakers.  Unlike the previous National Press Club event this video was
censored from American television.

3rd) *Frontline: "The Man Who Knew" - 83 minutes

This film represents the first attempt by an American documentary film crew
to deal with the issue of government complicity surrounding the events of
9-11.  It focuses on the death of FBI Special Agent John O'Neill (discussed
in the fifth video), who was the Bureau's most outspoken critic of its
internal politics.

*Related articles about Public Broadcasting politics

4th) AfterMath: Unanswered Questions from 9/11 (parts 1 & 2) - 5 minutes

These video shorts are based on information revealed at the 6/10/02 news
conference.  With Aftermath, 9 people have been asked 11 of the most
questions that emanate from the terrible and, as yet, unexplained, events of
that day.

5th) Documentary segment: 9-11 The Road to Tyranny (produced by a
conservative American syndicated radio/TV host) - 48 minutes

In this film the extremist producer's conclusions are tempered only by the
intriguing data the film uncovers and the input of David Schippers,
co-counsel for Judicial Watch -- the foundation representing FBI Special
Agents against the FBI (it begins after a 7 min prologue).

6th) C-SPAN -- Booknotes - approximately 15 minutes

Perspective on the producer of the fifth video.  *Note: Once the video
move the positioner to the halfway point.  The segment begins with
of the "Bohemian Grove."

Why is this important information censored by mainstream American news
corporations?  These short video clips help explain:

1st) John Stauber on PR & the US commercial media - 3 minutes

Mr. Stauber is founder and executive director of the Center for Media &
Democracy, Madison, WI. founding editor of PR Watch quarterly.

2nd) Documentary clip: "Project Censored: Is the Press Really Free?" - 5

This Sonoma State University project fi


2003-02-22 Thread iNFoWaRZ
-Caveat Lector-

Paul Proctor
February 15, 2003

I suppose it won’t be long now till we all see red here in America. I’m referring, of 
course, to the Homeland Security Advisory System - that color coded contraption the 
federal government introduced last year to keep state and local officials advised on 
how prepared they should be against potential terrorist attacks. However, it is the 
Federal Media that appears to be getting the most use out of it alongside their 
ever-breaking news bites full of eerie music and traumatic film footage. The Homeland 
Security Advisory System, currently at "High Alert Orange" and only one level below 
"Severe Alert Red", is proving to be quite an effective tool for spreading fear and 
panic - which, in my estimation, is by design.

Why would they do such a thing, a friend of mine asked the other day? Well, for one - 
it holds our attention and keeps us glued to the television between tragedies, making 
it increasingly profitable to be in the news business. It also makes our 
administration’s freedom-stealing legislation, regulation, taxation, socialization and 
militarization of society much more acceptable to the trembling masses who learn, in 
their fear and panic, to bend knee before the Lord their Govt. - or else. So, in Big 
Brother’s eyes - everybody wins. The president gains absolute power, the government 
gains unlimited funding, the media gains our undivided attention, their sponsors gain 
our patronage and viewers get entertained to death by television’s longest-running 
Reality TV series - "The War On Terrorism."

Forgive me if I don’t sound more appreciative of our high priests in Washington. It’s 
just that I am more than a little upset these days by the unnecessary fear and anxiety 
their devious devises are causing folks around the country - especially among many of 
our senior citizens who have personally lived through the horror of two world wars. It 
is both cruel and irresponsible to incessantly flash these meaningless colored 
warnings about what’s in danger where, onto the television screens of the aged and 
disabled, causing them think that terrorists have THEIR apartment buildings targeted 
for destruction - especially since they probably have nowhere else to go and little or 
no resources or strength to get there. That’s something that makes ME see red.

I also see red when I hear my president use his "Christian faith" to seduce the church 
into socialism by dangling government money in front of it - a fake-based initiative 
that will one day demand they hire homosexuals, Muslims, Satanists, atheists, witches, 
humanists and who-knows-what, like all other government agencies are required to do in 
the interest of "tolerance, diversity and unity".

I see red when I hear my "Christian" president try to convince Americans that Islam is 
a peaceful religion while thousands of his brothers and sisters in New York City and 
around the world are tortured and murdered for a deviant devil called Allah. I see red 
when I hear my president erroneously refer to our Representative Republic as a 
"democracy" and then rule it like a dictator through executive order, propaganda, 
disinformation and military force. I saw red when he ran for office as a "pro-life, 
Christian conservative" only to end up leading our nation like a pro-death, pagan 
liberal. And that’s supposed to be the "lesser of two evils"?

I see red when my Spanish-speaking president purposes amnesty for illegal aliens 
pouring into the country by the thousands from Mexico and then has the audacity to 
suggest we offer them Social Security. I see red when men of Arab decent receive visas 
without legitimate background checks and walk carelessly and uninterrupted through our 
nation’s airports and out on the streets of America while pregnant women and little 
old ladies are frisked, interrogated and humiliated as if they fit some terrorist 

I see red when my country, under republican leadership, is left with no missile 
defense system in a time of war while our National Guard and military are sent over 
seas on peacekeeping missions and meals-on-wheels programs for the United Nations. And 
the defense Department wants a 45 billion-dollar budget increase for THAT?

It is apparent now that no one is going to be seeing more red in the coming days than 
our men and women in uniform. Those brave souls, above everyone else, need our prayers 
as they go to fight and die overseas on our behalf. I hope everyone reading this will 
turn off their televisions long enough to pray for their provision and protection.

 From a spiritual perspective, the upside of all this, I told my friend, is that maybe 
- JUST MAYBE the tremendous fear and anxiety that is being unduly generated right now 
will cause our trembling masses who worship the wrong god to repent and wash their 
sins in the crimson red of a crucified King, who 2000 years ago shed his own blood 
that we might come 

[CTRL] Fw: Reno residents see shuttle before breakup; Sparks astronomer catches it on video

2003-02-22 Thread Jim Rarey
-Caveat Lector-


If you haven't seen the video shot by the amateur astronomer in 
Nevada, you should. It requires Apple QuickTime viewer. If you have it go 
to this URL.
If you don't have QuickTime you can get a free download at:

 Reno residents 
  see shuttle before breakup; Sparks astronomer catches it on 

  GoodmanRENO GAZETTE-JOURNAL2/1/2003 
  06:10 pm 




  An amateur astronomer who watched the space shuttle cross the sky 
  outside his Sparks home early Saturday picked up on videotape what might 
  be signs of trouble for the doomed flight.
  Jay Lawson, a volunteer at the Fleischmann Planetarium at the 
  University of Nevada, Reno, said he didn’t see any apparent problems while 
  watching the shuttle in the predawn sky a little before 6 a.m. But Lawson 
  said he saw something unexpected while watching his tape a few minutes 
  “There was a flash of light, a puff in the ionization trail,” said 
  Lawson, a 45-year-old manager at Sparks-based Sierra Nevada Corp., a 
  defense contractor.
  After the flash, Lawson noticed a smaller object trailing the shuttle 
  on the video, which he said might have been a piece of the spacecraft that 
  had broken off.
  Mission Control abruptly lost contact with the shuttle at 6 a.m. PST. 
  The spacecraft apparently disintegrated in flames over Texas minutes 
  before its scheduled landing in Florida at 6:16 a.m.
  After viewing the shuttle from Sparks, Lawson went inside to watch it 
  land on television. It was then he learned the grim news. He woke up his 
  “It was a pretty emotional thing to realize, that early in the morning 
  that people had lost their lives,” Lawson said.
  Keith Johnson, the planetarium’s associate director, said he sent NASA 
  a clip of Lawson’s video footage, which was shot about 10 minutes before 
  Columbia disintegrated 39 miles over Texas. The shuttle passed to the 
  south of Lake Tahoe, about 45 miles above Nevada. 
  NASA spokesman Phil West said investigators are interested in the tape 
  as well as all other footage and eyewitness accounts of Columbia’s 
  The tape will be evaluated by a team of experts at a later date, he 
  “It’s unlikely that we would be able to comment on any specific tape or 
  imagery today,” West said Saturday. “But we’re interested in seeing any 
  images and accounts people have of the event.”
  Johnson said the shuttle, as seen from Reno, was smaller than a full 
  moon but bigger than a star. It moved faster than a satellite, slower than 
  a meteor, and left behind a long trail.
  “There’s no question about what it was,” Johnson said. “It was 
  Many others from northern Nevada and eastern California reported seeing 
  the shuttle trail across the sky.
  Adam Kremers, a technician at the planetarium, also woke up early 
  Saturday to see the shuttle reentry.
  He watched the bright orange glow start in the western sky and quickly 
  move to the southeast.
  Then he went back to bed.
  “My wife woke me up at 8, ‘turn on the TV, something had gone wrong,’” 
  Kremers said. “I was crushed. You don’t believe it at first.”
  Other residents saw something unusual in the early morning sky on 
  Saturday but did not know what it was.
  Kathleen Gardiner of Washoe Valley was looking out her window from bed 
  a little before 6 a.m. when she saw a reddish orange ball trailing what 
  looked like smoke and moving extremely fast.
  “A few minutes later I turned on the TV and put two and two together,” 
  she said. “What a sad day. I pray for the families of the shuttle 
  Mike Spanier, a Hawthorne resident, said he was on his way to work at a 
  resource center for children when he saw a streak in the sky.
  “It was neon pink I mean really bright neon pink and to my eye it was 
  the size of a football or basketball. You saw the vapor trail. I would say 
  about two to three miles to my eye,” Spanier said. “I looked up and I had 
  to stop and look at it.”
  He said he wonders whether, if it was the shuttle, any pieces landed in 
  northern Nevada. “If it is possible there are pieces over in Nevada, they 
  need to be looking for those too.”
  With wire servicesCopyright © 2002 The Reno 

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. 

[CTRL] (Fwd) Re: [Elfradbitchlist] ed rosenthal

2003-02-22 Thread Steve Wingate
-Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded message follows ---
From:   Charlie Plyler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:Re: [Elfradbitchlist] ed rosenthal
Send reply to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Date sent:  Sat, 22 Feb 2003 22:29:31 -0500

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This is interesting...  It seems that this post has been blocked by
various ISPs around the world. Just thought you would like to know.
One of the rejections is copied below.

> MailMarshal (an automated content monitoring gateway) has
> stopped the following email it contains unacceptable language
>Message: BA00439ec2.0001.mml
>Subject: [Elfradbitchlist] ed rosenthal dateline video via real video
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> contact [EMAIL PROTECTED] to arrange for the message to be
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Steve Wingate wrote:
> --- Forwarded message follows ---
> To: 
> Date sent:  Sat, 22 Feb 2003 19:20:09 -0500
> Subject:[CIA-DRUGS] ed rosenthal dateline video via real video
> Send reply to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> please forward everywhere
> 1.click below if you want to see the ed rosenthal dateline video
> http://www.pot-tv.net/archive/shows/pottvshowse-1795.html
> 2. click below if you want to see the da war on drugs flash animation by mark fiore 
> of
> the village voice
> http://www.markfiore.com/animation/drugs.html
> http://www.pieman.org/
> http://www.pieman.org/links.html
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> http://www.pieman.org/february15.html
> --- End of forwarded message ---
> "If this were a dictatorship, it'd be a heck of a lot easier, just so
> long as I'm the dictator."
>  -GW Bush during a photo-op with Congressional leaders on
> 12/18/2000. As broadcast on CNN and available in transcript on
> their website http://www.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0012/18/nd.01.html
> Steve Wingate, Webmaster
> http://www.anomalous-images.com
> ___
> Elfradbitchlist mailing list

Elfradbitchlist mailing list
--- End of forwarded message ---
"If this were a dictatorship, it'd be a heck of a lot easier, just so
long as I'm the dictator."

 -GW Bush during a photo-op with Congressional leaders on
12/18/2000. As broadcast on CNN and available in transcript on
their website http://www.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0012/18/nd.01.html

Steve Wingate, Webmaster

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2003-02-22 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 2/22/03 10:44:37 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

7).  Prescott Bush's banking firm Brown Brothers & Harriman gave George de
Mohrenschildt a $300,000 line of credit at a time he was meeting with
Vice-President Johnson and Lee Harvey Oswald; Johnson met de Mohrenschildt twice
prior to the assassination on April 26, 1963 and May 20,  1963 and Johnson was
Prescott Bush's favorite even though they sat on the opposite sides of the

For FBI doc. see the following URL at

8). On April 11, 1963, Prescott Bush left the Senate and returned to work at
Brown Brothers & Harriman while George de Mohrenschildt was hanging out with the
future assassin Lee Harvey Oswald.  http://ciajfk.com/images/PRES-3.jpg

Mr. Sensenbrenner never did act on this matter and now I find a possible
connection to George H.W. Bush and Mohamed Atta's father El-Amir Atta. 

The connection is that Mohamed Al Fayed, father of Dodi Fayed met with George De
Mohrenschildt in 1964 and was pretending to be a Kuwaitian oilman when he was in
reality an Egyptian from Cairo reprensenting one Mohamed El-Amir Atta. 

Both de Mohrenschildt and Bush have ties to Mohamed Al Fayed. Mr. Al Fayed lost
a lawsuit against the CIA and the Pentagon on Jully 13, 2001 five days before
you wrote to Mr. Sensenbrenner and two months  before the September 11, 2001

Mr. Al Fayed believed that the Pentagon/ MI6 and CIA officials were behind the
death of his son on August 31, 1997. You might recall that two of the Sept. 11,
2001 hijackers were Egyptian while the rest were of Saudi descent.  

Is El-Amir Atta the same man that Mohamed Al Fayed was representing in 1964 when
he met George de Mohrenschildt?  Oh, how I pray that he was not.  But if he was
then this is where the Bush familly connection lies. Mohamed Al Fayed's
brother-in-law was Adnan Khashoggi who is and was the personal adviser to the
Saudi Royal family and in charge of the George H.W. Bush Iran-Contra Scandal. 

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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 Archives of

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2">--- Begin Message ---
-Caveat Lector-

Date: Thu, 26 Sep 2002
From: "Bruce Campbell" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
George H.W. Bush/JFK Assassination and Sensenbrenner
To The Honorable Sam Farr:
 On July 18, 2001, you presented four of my books dealing with the JFK
Assassination and George de Mohrenschildt to the House Select Committee.Letter
to Judiciary Chairman James F. Sensenbrenner.

You were quite aware that much of my research dealt with George H.W. Bush's
connections to the JFK Assassination and George de Mohrenschildt, yet you did
not touch on this issue in your letter. You may view your letter by clicking

I find it very disturbing that our government will not give us a complete
accounting on George H.W. Bush's involvement with September 11th nor the JFK

1). George H.W. Bush's role in Operation Zapata the Bay of Pigs invasion in 1961
through Permargo Oil in Mexico City with Edwin Pauley;

2). Bush's association to Oswald's closest friend George de Mohrenschildt since
1942, see
http://ciajfk.com/images/bush-let.jpg ;

3). On November 22, Bush called the FBI office in Houston and told them that one
James Parrott was talking about killing Kennedy.  See

4).  Bush was suing Texas Governor John Connolly in the Houston District Court
prior to JFK's assassination; see at http:ciajfk.com/home4.html/Bush-9.jpg ;

5). FBI Director J. E. Hoover was briefing George H.W. Bush of the CIA on the
JFK Assassination no one knew  that he knew de Mohrenschildt since 1942,
http://ciajfk.com/images/fbi3.gif ;

6).  Presc

[CTRL] Grammy stars free to sing out on war

2003-02-22 Thread Steve Wingate
-Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded message follows ---

- Original Message -
From: aron
Sent: Saturday, February 22, 2003 10:31 PM
Subject: E-mail Story to a Friend

  New York Daily News - http://www.nydailynews.com
  aron thought you may be interested in this article.

  Grammy stars free to sing out on war
  February 22, 2003
  Get ready for antiwar protests at tomorrow night's Grammy Awards ceremony.

   You can view the entire article at 
57554c.html .

  Thanks for reading the New York Daily News

--- End of forwarded message ---
"If this were a dictatorship, it'd be a heck of a lot easier, just so
long as I'm the dictator."

 -GW Bush during a photo-op with Congressional leaders on
12/18/2000. As broadcast on CNN and available in transcript on
their website http://www.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0012/18/nd.01.html

Steve Wingate, Webmaster

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Space shuttle Columbia & Flash Of Light

2003-02-22 Thread Steve Wingate
-Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded message follows ---
Date sent:  Sat, 22 Feb 2003 22:38:05 EST
Subject:[cydonia] Quicktime video: Space shuttle Columbia & Flash Of
Send reply to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 http://www.rgj.com/news/stories/html/2003/02/01/33451.php";>Click here:
Quicktime video: Space shuttle Columbia begins to break up;
filmed Feb. 1 from Sparks -This is the Nevada video of Columbia lighting!

Rick L. Sterling

--- End of forwarded message ---

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] ed rosenthal dateline video via real video

2003-02-22 Thread Steve Wingate
-Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded message follows ---
Date sent:  Sat, 22 Feb 2003 19:20:09 -0500
Subject:[CIA-DRUGS] ed rosenthal dateline video via real video
Send reply to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

please forward everywhere
1.click below if you want to see the ed rosenthal dateline video

2. click below if you want to see the da war on drugs flash animation by mark fiore of
the village voice


--- End of forwarded message ---
"If this were a dictatorship, it'd be a heck of a lot easier, just so
long as I'm the dictator."

 -GW Bush during a photo-op with Congressional leaders on
12/18/2000. As broadcast on CNN and available in transcript on
their website http://www.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0012/18/nd.01.html

Steve Wingate, Webmaster

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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 http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html";>Archives of

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[CTRL] Republic or Empire?

2003-02-22 Thread flw
-Caveat Lector-

This article can be found on the web at

Republic or Empire?

[from the March 3, 2003 issue]

As the senior American diplomat in Baghdad during Desert Shield, I
advocated a muscular US response to Saddam's brutal annexation of Kuwait in
flagrant violation of the United Nations charter. Only the credible threat
of force could hope to reverse his invasion. Our in-your-face strategy
secured the release of the 150 American "human shields"--hostages--but
ultimately it took war to drive Iraq from Kuwait. I was disconsolate at the
failure of diplomacy, but Desert Storm was necessitated by Saddam's
intransigence, it was sanctioned by the UN and it was conducted with a
broad international military coalition. The goal was explicit and focused;
war was the last resort.

The upcoming military operation also has one objective, though different
from the several offered by the Bush Administration. This war is not about
weapons of mass destruction. The intrusive inspections are disrupting
Saddam's programs, as even the Administration has acknowledged. Nor is it
about terrorism. Virtually all agree war will spawn more terrorism, not
less. It is not even about liberation of an oppressed people. Killing
innocent Iraqi civilians in a full frontal assault is hardly the only or
best way to liberate a people. The underlying objective of this war is the
imposition of a Pax Americana on the region and installation of vassal
regimes that will control restive populations.

Without the firing of a single cruise missile, the Administration has
already established a massive footprint in the Gulf and Southwest Asia from
which to project power. US generals, admirals and diplomats have
crisscrossed the region like modern-day proconsuls, cajoling fragile
governments to permit American access and operations from their

Bases have been established as stepping stones to Afghanistan and Iraq, but
also as tripwires in countries that fear their neighbors. Northern Kuwait
has been ceded to American forces and a significant military presence
established in Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates and
Oman. The over-the-horizon posture of a decade ago has given way to boots
on the ground and forward command headquarters. Nations in the region,
having contracted with the United States for their security umbrella, will
now listen when Washington tells them to tailor policies and curb
anti-Western dissent. Hegemony in the Arab nations of the Gulf has been

Meanwhile, Saddam might well squirm, but even without an invasion, he's
finished. He is surrounded, foreigners are swarming through his palaces,
and as Colin Powell so compellingly showed at the UN, we are watching and
we are listening. International will to disarm Iraq will not wane as it did
in the 1990s, for the simple reason that George W. Bush keeps challenging
the organization to remain relevant by keeping pressure on Saddam. Nations
that worry that, as John le Carré puts it, "America has entered one of its
periods of historical madness" will not want to jettison the one
institution that, absent a competing military power, might constrain US

Then what's the point of this new American imperialism? The
neoconservatives with a stranglehold on the foreign policy of the
Republican Party, a party that traditionally eschewed foreign military
adventures, want to go beyond expanding US global influence to force
revolutionary change on the region. American pre-eminence in the Gulf is
necessary but not sufficient for the hawks. Nothing short of conquest,
occupation and imposition of handpicked leaders on a vanquished population
will suffice. Iraq is the linchpin for this broader assault on the region.
The new imperialists will not rest until governments that ape our worldview
are implanted throughout the region, a breathtakingly ambitious
undertaking, smacking of hubris in the extreme. Arabs who complain about
American-supported antidemocratic regimes today will find us in even more
direct control tomorrow. The leader of the future in the Arab world will
look a lot more like Pakistan's Pervez Musharraf than Thomas Jefferson.

There is a huge risk of overreach in this tack. The projection of influence
and power through the use of force will breed resistance in the Arab world
that will sorely test our political will and stamina. Passion for
independence is as great in the Arab world as it is elsewhere. The hawks
compare this mission to Japan and Germany after World War II. It could
easily look like Lebanon, Somalia and Northern Ireland instead.

Our global leadership will be undermined as fear gives way to resentment
and strategies to weaken our stranglehold. American businessmen already
complain about hostility when overseas, and Arabs speak openly of
boycotting American products. Foreign capital is fleeing American stocks
and bonds; the United States is no longer a frie


2003-02-22 Thread Steve Wingate
-Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded message follows ---
To: Distribution list suppressed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
From:   Jim Rarey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date sent:  Thu, 20 Feb 2003 04:28:32 -0500


by Jim Rarey

February 20, 2003


If the conclusion in the Columbia tragedy is not controversial, the investigators
themselves will more than make up for it. What with NASA spokespersons contradicting 
other, theories being put forth, then dismissed only to be postulated again and finally
admitting to the obvious, if the public isn't confused, they aren't paying attention. 
this doesn't even involve the so-called "independent " panel appointed by NASA
Administrator Sean O'Keefe.

Early on the first hypothesis was that tiles had come off that were damaged on takeoff.
Then, that was dismissed since that had been investigated a day or two after liftoff,
using projections and simulations. A few days later that theory was put back on the 
since no better theory arose. That is, no theory they were willing to consider.

Two photographs, one taken in California and the other in Nevada, showed the shuttle
being hit by significant electrical discharges of some kind. NASA's first reaction to 
California picture was that something may have been wrong with the camera or it was
jiggled (although on a tripod) when the photo was snapped accounting for the lightning-
like streak that appeared to hit the Columbia.

However that theory died when the camera manufacturer tested 1.000 identical cameras
(which were digital contrary to initial reports, thus not requiring film to be 
and could not duplicate the phenomenon.

That was before the Nevada photograph surfaced. Then the theory was advanced that the
bolt of electricity could have been a "Pixie" a fairly common phenomenon where, in
certain weather conditions, electrical discharges jump from clouds to the Ionosphere 
vice versa.

That was immediately discounted by outside scientists and meteorologists (who are also
scientists, before I get any hate mail) pointing out that there were no clouds or 
weather conditions at that time. NASA has on several occasions delayed shuttle re-entry
to avoid storm conditions. Since then, NASA and the media have been doing their best to
ignore both images.

Then NASA officials pointed to the fact that, up until then, no debris had been found
west of Texas, which didn't support the eyewitness who said he saw pieces breaking off
the shuttle over California.

However, yesterday (Wednesday) NASA finally admitted the obvious. The shuttle started 
break up over California. Of course any first year physics student, or even common 
would tell one that pieces coming off an object traveling at 21 time the speed of sound
at an altitude of more than 43 miles, would not touch down anywhere near where they 
off. NASA also pledged that any further information would be released through the
"independent" panel.

The NASA charter for the panel has already been revised three times in incremental
efforts to give the perception of independence from NASA. NASA Administrator Sean 
has made all the appointments. In this writer's article of Feb. 8, it was pretty much
established that the panel, as it was constituted then, was loaded with military brass
with connections to the Air Force directed energy weapons programs.

It has been acknowledged that one of the experiments carried out on the Columbia was 
release of two miniature satellites into space from the shuttle. Called 
developed by defense contractor The Aerospace Corporation and funded by DARPA, they are
the precursors of inspector satellites to spy on other full-size satellites.

A local sheriff in Texas has reported some of the shuttle debris recovered is
radioactive. So far there has been no confirmation or denial from NASA. One science
writer claims an experimental night vision multi-spectral telescope that was powered 
by a
new isotope used in nuclear power named Americium -242 was used in the Columbia's
orbiting around the earth to evaluate vapors in Iraq evidencing night-time disposal of
chemical weapons material.

The panel has a momentous task to sort everything out and didn't really need the
unnecessary controversies it has brought on itself (or been visited on it by O'Keefe's

For starters, a NASA spokesperson said O'Keefe appointed the panel the day after the
Columbia crash. However, O'Keefe later told the press that the panel was in place 
the Columbia tragedy as part of a contingency plan following the Challenger disaster.

Two appointments made over the weekend have stirred the pot. The first, Sheila E.
Widnall, a MIT professor seemed innocuous enough although she is also a former Air 
Secretary in the Clinton administration. We now find that she also was a paid 
to the Boeing Corpor

[CTRL] US government mounts conspiracy frame-up of Palestinian activists

2003-02-22 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

US government mounts conspiracy frame-up of Palestinian activists

By the Editorial Board: WSWS

22 February 2003

The indictment and arrest February 20 of University of South Florida (USF) Professor Sami Amin Al-Arian and three other men on terrorist conspiracy charges is an outrageous attempt to railroad individuals to prison because of their political opposition to the murderous policies of the Israeli government and Washington’s complicity in the repression of the Palestinian people.

In addition to the four men arrested in Florida and Chicago, four others living in the Middle East were indicted. Among those charged is Abd All Aziz Awda, a resident of Gaza and a founder of Islamic Jihad. Abd All Aziz Awda is a member of the Palestine National Council.

In the guise of the so-called “war on terrorism,” the Bush administration is employing state repression to intimidate and silence political speech and expression that is expressly protected under the US Constitution’s Bill of Rights. It is seeking to criminalize political opposition to the policies of the US government and its ally, Israel. In so doing, it is utilizing sweeping and unconstitutional powers of police surveillance sanctioned by the USA Patriot Act, which was passed in the aftermath of the attacks of September 11, 2001.

In a case concocted entirely on the basis of guilt by association, the government has employed methods that 18 months ago would have been thrown out of court as violations of constitutional protections. The arrest of Sami Amin Al-Arian and his three co-defendants marks a major escalation in the Bush administration’s attack on basic democratic rights.

Al-Arian, who has steadfastly denied any involvement in terrorism, told reporters as he was being led away in handcuffs, “It’s all about politics.” His attorney, Nicholas Matassini, said, “He’s a political prisoner right now as we speak.” He described the indictment as “a work of fiction” and added that his client, who has diabetes, had launched a hunger and medicine strike to protest his arrest.

The 50-count indictment handed down Thursday makes it clear that the government was engaged in spying on legal activities carried out by Al-Arian and the others for at least 15 years without finding anything to justify an arrest. It has decided to act now for two central reasons.

First, the arrest and prosecution of Al-Arian and his codefendants are being carried out at the behest of the right-wing Israeli government of Prime Minister Ariel Sharon. The indictment, which alleges that the four provided support for the Palestinian Islamic Jihad organization, is designed to silence all supporters of the Palestinian cause.

The arrests in Florida and Chicago came in the midst of a bloody crackdown by Israeli military forces against the 3.5 million Palestinians in the occupied West Bank and Gaza Strip. In a rampage of death and destruction, the Israeli Defense Forces killed 35 Palestinians in the past week and wounded scores more. In Gaza, they erected barriers to internally divide the impoverished territory to make it easier to suppress the population.

While railing against “terrorism” and invoking alleged Iraqi violations of UN weapons inspections procedures as grounds for war, the Bush administration has solidarized itself completely with Israel’s state terror against the Palestinian population, and ignored the Sharon regime’s ongoing violation of UN resolutions demanding an end to the Israeli occupation.

Never has there been a US administration so intimately tied to the Israeli right. Two of the most influential figures in the Pentagon—and key architects of the impending war against Iraq—are Richard Perle, head of the Defense Policy Board, and Douglas Feith, the Defense Department’s Undersecretary of Policy. Together in 1996 they wrote an advisory document for incoming Likud Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu, urging an end to the Oslo negotiations with the Palestinians. Feith went further, calling for the reoccupation of the entire West Bank and Gaza Strip, noting that “the price in blood would be high,” but worth it. While Netanyahu failed to take the advice, Sharon seems to be embarked on just such a project.

Another vocal supporter of right-wing Zionism, Elliot Abrams, notorious for his felony conviction for lying to Congress about the Reagan administration’s illegal support for the Nicaraguan “contras,” has been tapped as the director for Near East affairs on the National Security Council.

Ironically, one of the charges leveled against the Palestinian defendants is that they encouraged “violent attacks designed to thwart the Middle East Peace Process,” precisely the posture adopted by leading members of the Bush administration itself.

If support for the Middle East “peace process” were the real aim of the indictment, there are any number of more prominent targets the government could pick, including right-wing Zionist org

[CTRL] The Madness of Empire

2003-02-22 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

The Madness of Empire 
The War Party’s militarized strategy will unite the world against us.

By Scott McConnell

Recently the novelist John le Carré wrote in the Times of London that the United States has entered a “period of madness” that dwarfs McCarthyism or the Vietnam intervention in intensity. One generally would not pay much attention to the cynical British spy-tale weaver, never especially friendly to America. But concern about America’s mental health is more broadly in the air, spreading well beyond the usual professional anti-Americans. It is now pervasive in Europe, and growing in Asia, and when Matt Drudge posted le Carré’s piece prominently on his website, it got passed around and talked about here in ways it never would have five years ago.

The proximate cause of le Carré’s diagnosis is Washington’s plan for a pre-emptive war against Iraq, a nation whose weapons pose no threat to the United States and that has no substantial links to al-Qaeda or 9/11. The U.S. would fight this war virtually without allies, though a few countries might be dragged into the fray against the will of their populations. But mad or not, this drive toward war is not mania of sudden onset but ratification of a neo-imperialist strategy that has been germinating in neoconservative circles since the end of the Cold War.

A new war against Iraq was a gleam in the eye of a small but influential group long before 9/11. In 1998, the newly established Project for a New American Century (PNAC), an advocacy group chaired by Weekly Standard editor Bill Kristol, began sending open letters from prominent foreign policy hawks. First, it wrote to the Clinton administration calling upon the United States to “remove Saddam’s regime.” When its advice was ignored, PNAC asked Republican Congressional leaders to push for war. The signatories included Donald Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz (now number two at the Pentagon), Elliott Abrams (recently appointed to the National Security Council as a director of Mid-East policy), William Bennett, John Bolton (now Undersecretary of State), and the ubiquitous Richard Perle, chairman of the Defense Policy Board and often considered the central figure the interlocking web of neoconservative think tanks.

PNAC’s ambitions go well beyond Saddam’s overthrow. Immediately after 9/11, the group began pushing to expand the war against other Muslim states, calling for the U.S. to target Hezbollah and its sponsors, Iran and Syria. PNAC also wants the U.S. to stop trying to foster a peace between Israel and the Palestinians, advocating withdrawal of the small amount of aid the U.S. gives the Palestinian Authority and granting full support to Israel’s right wing Likud government.

These tactical measures are elements within a broader vision of a more militarized U.S. foreign policy, carried out without allies if necessary. In the final year of the first Bush administration, Paul Wolfowitz penned a memo under the aegis of then Secretary of Defense Cheney, calling for the United States to ramp up its defense spending in order to deter any other country from “even aspiring to a larger regional or global role.” China, Russia, Germany, and Japan were to be intimidated from seeking more power in their own regions. After the Wolfowitz draft was leaked to the press, it received widespread ridicule, and the Bush I diplomats rushed to reassure allies that Wolfowitz’s views did not truly reflect American foreign policy.

But during the 1990s they did become the views of the neoconservatives, packaged under the slogan “benevolent global hegemony” touted by Kristol and Robert Kagan. The positions of the neoconservative foreign policy team in exile (a sort of shadow subcabinet during the Clinton years) were fleshed out in a PNAC book, Present Dangers, which called for the U.S. to “shape the international environment to its own advantage” by being “at once a European power, an Asian power, a Middle Eastern power, and of course a Western Hemisphere power” and to “act as if instability in important regions of the world … affect[s] us with almost the same immediacy as if [it] was occurring on our own doorstep.” In practice this meant assertive risk-taking virtually everywhere. Jonathan Clarke, reviewing the volume in the National Interest, wrote, “If the book’s recommendations were implemented all at once, the U.S. would risk unilaterally fighting a five-front war, while simultaneously urging Israel to abandon the peace process in favor of a new no-holds-barred confrontation with the Palestinians.” This book has become the blueprint for the foreign policy of George W. Bush.

Only recently has it become commonplace (outside of the Marxist Left) to call this new policy imperialist. President Bush himself still shuns the word, telling a Veterans Day audience, “We have no territorial ambitions. We don’t seek an empire.” But a surprising number of foreign policy analysts, in 

[CTRL] Perfidious Albion

2003-02-22 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Perfidious Albion 
By Taki

If you think comedy is dead, take a trip to that filthy, depressing, and lawless place I wrote about last column. Yes, I’m talking once again about Britain, where the famed Scotland Yard has just launched an investigation that could land me in jail for two years.

My crime? In a Spectator column last month I wrote that violent criminals in London and other big cities in the north of England were mostly black thugs that belonged to gangs. Here is the Independent newspaper reporting on the crime of the century and with a very straight face: “The prospect of a two-year stretch in jail looms for the Greek playboy and columnist. Taki and the Spectator are being investigated by Scotland Yard over an article he wrote on January 11. The investigation was triggered by a complaint from Peter Herbert, a lawyer and member of the Metropolitan Police Authority. The Yard’s Diversity Directorate will assess whether the piece incites racial hatred and thereby breaks the Public Order Act, for which the maximum sentence is two years.” The Independent, of course, is anything but independent. It is a slave to politically correct thought. Many British journalists are not only on the take, they will murder a reputation quicker than you can say Rupert Murdoch.

Journalists, I would have thought, are supposed to safeguard free speech. After all, that’s how we make our living. Not the Brits. Consumed by class envy and full of malice, they piled on as soon as they got the news. The tone of the article made me out to be almost a worse person than the killers of those two innocent girls. That’s par for the course.

The reason I wrote the offending column was very simple. On New Year’s Eve, two young black girls were killed when they were caught in the crossfire of two rival gangs . The brother of one of the girls was a gang member, ergo the gunfire. Now although the newspapers were full of columns by outraged pundits, the fact that the perpetrators were members of a totally black gang was somehow overlooked. Worse, the area where the killings took place was a no-go area for white people, another fact overlooked by reporters and pundits. Here are some more unpleasant truths: violent crime has skyrocketed in Britain, mostly committed by young, West Indian, unemployed youths. Politically correct newspapers have been following government guidelines for years in not mentioning the color of people committing these crimes.

If memory serves, in my article I mentioned that another columnist, one Melanie Phillips writing in the Daily Mail, had insisted that these gangs of “disaffected young people” suffered from lack of self-esteem and came from underprivileged backgrounds. (Phillips is no liberal, but has fallen into the PC trap). Well, I wrote, I remember millions of people who lost everything during the war, had very low self-esteem and absolutely no background, yet managed to live useful and law-abiding lives. This, of course, is anathema to the new breed of coercive European bureaucrooks striving to alter our culture and control our behavior and our thoughts. It is this persistent form of untruthfulness that makes political correctness so poisonous. It’s about pretending that things are different from what they are. It means adjusting what you say to what you think ought to be true, not what you actually know to be true.

My friend and colleague George Szamuely was outraged when he read the Independent’s description of yours truly, but he believes it’s government-inspired. I am against the coming war, against Tony Blair, and against big government. Why not shut the Greek pest up? And what better way of doing it than by having Scotland Yard’s Diversity Directorate decide that I incited racial hatred and thereby broke the Public Order Act. (I was under the mistaken impression that the Public Order Act punished people who went around yelling fire in crowded movie houses). Perfidious Albion indeed.

Actually, I am not a conspiracy theorist, and I think it is an effort by the PC police not only to throttle free speech, but to warn other writers to toe the line. What really made me laugh was the sheer envy of the hack who wrote the story. He brought in the politically incorrect things I have written in my lifetime—and there are hundreds—but like most English hacks, he got many facts wrong because he was obviously much too lazy to read his own copy.

The worst charge against me was, “When building a new house he declared that he would name it Palazzo Pinochet, after the Chilean dictator. General Franco is another of his heroes ...” (That he got right). Another allegation was that my wife is a Serene Highness and that my fortune is inherited. (Meant to incite class warfare, but I’m rather proud of being married to a princess and having got it the old fashioned way).

I must admit that I’ve never been very popular with the press. This was payback. William Kri

[CTRL] Did the US Military participate in starting the Oil Well Fires of Kuwait in 1991

2003-02-22 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Did the US Military participate in starting the Oil Well Fires of Kuwait in 1991?

The following is a transcript taken from a conversation with a Gulf War veteran who claims to have taken part in such a mission.

JR: What was the branch of service that you served in.

GV: For different reasons, I’d rather not state that.

JR: Fair enough. There are a lot of people afraid of retaliation from the Gulf War. Do you understand why they feel that way.

GV: Yes I do. I learned do to what I did in the service, to live in a different world that most people have been lead to believe exists only in their worst nightmares.

JR: Now you were involved in an operation in Kuwait that really no one has heard about until this point in time. We’ve had five, four other reports of people similar to yourself that have brought this to our attention. You were chosen for a mission; and why do you think you were chosen for this mission?

GV: We’re all a product of our environment, as a young man I watched different movies and television shows, and I remember thinking how incredibly cool Rambo was and… things of that nature. There was so many media in the form of movies, and commercials television that primed me to except the idea that to win was everything.

JR: And so the military sort of capitalizes on that feeling?

GV: Oh very much so. They, they find… a lot of times before they even get you into boot camp where they can use your personality and…. your morals and… they capitalize on these things and, and steer you as it were into the training avenues where you will be most beneficial to them.

JR: Lets go to the time of this mission in Kuwait. You were, where were you when you learned about this mission?

GV: We had just gotten back into camp the day before, on a different mission, and we were actually in our quarters resting when we were told to muster out into the briefing tent, at which point a gentlemen who I originally, who I had first assumed to be American but I was concerned because he was wearing a U.N. uniform and insignias. He began to brief us on the operation. He pointed out the strategic points. And we were briefed as a group. There were probably 30 to 40 in the group. And then… we were asked to leave, and our individual commanders were given the objectives for their group. At which point our individual commanders briefed us on our individual objectives, and then we went and… we drew our gear. We were transported via armor personal carrier close to the front at which point we set out on foot, I acted alone.

JR: Why were you told that you were going to be doing this mission? What were you told was the purpose of this?

GV: There was concern that America, the American public, might see this conflict as an unnecessary thing, and we were asked to do this… or we were ordered to do this in order to remove any… to sway any public opinion… American public opinion to remove any doubts whatsoever that Saddam Hussein and his regime were a terrible evil that had to be dealt with.

JR: And what branches of the service were represented in this briefing tent?

GV: I recognized faces from the Navy Seals, Marine Force Recon, and Delta Force.

JR: Ok, now you’re on your way on your mission. You’ve been taken by armored personnel carrier, you’re dropped off to your area and what do you do then?

GV: Well then we moved through gaps in our lines to where we’re actually forward of the front… As the popular expression says “behind enemy lines”. We traveled up, well I say we, well I, I was acting alone. My mission objective was assigned to me personally. I did not have a, an operative with me. I moved forward and I… I carried out my mission parameters, and then I moved, and then I withdrew and concealed myself until such a time as the front moved past me.

JR: Ok let me back up a second. You carried out your mission, lets talk about that mission.

GV: Yes

JR: What was your mission? What were you told that you were supposed to do?

GV: To damage… I was given (number deleted) Kuwaiti oil wells to damage and to start a fire.

JR: And how did you do this?

GV: With the use of explosives and incendiaries.

JR: And how did you utilize these explosives? What were these explosives?

GV: The explosive I used was C4. It’s light weight, its easy to use, its very safe to transport. You take it and… a wellhead is nothing more than a pipe sticking out of the ground with… with valves, and it’s not like a water well where it, where you have a top that you can take off. It is completely sealed due to the environmental concerns involved with crude oil. The… depending on the sight of the well… the, the valve is any where from three to six feet off of the ground. I placed the explosive on the wellhead and the incendiaries near by so that after the… after the wellhead was damaged, that the incendiary could light the crude oil to fire.

JR: And did you light it yourself?

GV: No I a

[CTRL] The Zev and Ari Show: Time for Full Disclosure

2003-02-22 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

The Zev and Ari Show: Time for Full Disclosure  

Saturday, February 22 2003 @ 04:44 AM GMT
"The record, however, shows the Washington Post (02/09/02) covered a lot of the same ground Said did, in an article by Robert G. Kaiser, entitled, “Bush Moves U.S. Closer to Sharon on Mideast Policy.” .."

By William Hughes 

BALTIMORE (PalestineChronicle.com) - Professor Edward Said, a champion of the Palestinian cause, was roundly condemned by Zev Chafets, a columnist for the NY Daily News (02/19/03). Thank goodness, Said isn’t living in the West Bank or Gaza. If he were in occupied Palestine, Ariel Sharon’s goon squad would have probably bulldozed his home into a pile of rumble (and his relatives’ homes, too, just for good measure). 

What got Chafets riled up was Said’s brilliant commentary, entitled, “A Monument to Hypocrisy.” It was published first in an Egyptian newspaper, the Al Ahram Weekly (02/14/03). It can now be found on the Net. It is a marvelous essay that deals with the pro-Israeli influence over the Bush-Cheney administration. It tells how wrongdoings similar to those of Saddam Hussein have actually been the “stock in trade of every Israeli government since 1948.” Ironically, since Chafets’ complained about the article so boorishly, more folks will now want to read it for themselves. 

Said also wrote, “President Bush and his advisers are slaves of power perfectly embodied in the repetitive monotone of their collective spokesman Ari Fleischer (who I believe is also an Israeli citizen).” Well, Chafets thought that last line belonged in the conspiracy camp of the “Neo-Nazi” and “White Aryan Resistance” movements.” For him, it was bad enough that Said had raised questions about “the Perles and Wolfowitzs of this country, leading America into a war.” But, by suggesting Fleischer was “a citizen” of Sharonland, was just too much for him. 

The record, however, shows the Washington Post (02/09/02) covered a lot of the same ground Said did, in an article by Robert G. Kaiser, entitled, “Bush Moves U.S. Closer to Sharon on Mideast Policy.” It revealed how Israeli Firsters in the government, (the author labeled them “Likudniks,” “hard-liners,” and “hawks’), like Richard Perle, Elliott Abrams, David Wurmser and Dough J. Feith, have urged the abandonment of the “Oslo Accords” and for the U.S. to “focus on removing Saddam Hussein from power.” For some reason, President Bush’s “Dr. Strangelove,” Paul Wolfowitz, Deputy Secretary of Defense, wasn’t mentioned in that piece. Kaiser also said that Mideast experts regularly refer to this pro-Israel clique, “as a cabal.” 

So, why the touchy reaction to Said’s commentary from Chafets? 

Well, Chafets was born in Michigan, but lived for 33 years in his beloved fatherland, Zionist Israel. He served in the Israeli military and was also the chief Press Officer for the late Israeli Prime Minister, the old terrorist himself, Menachem Begin. Did Said strike a raw nerve with his “Hypocrisy” article with Chafets? I’d say so! 

Chafets is a classic dual citizen of the U.S. and Israel. He’s also, more importantly, a Zionist. Since Chafets is a journalist, I think that required disclosure to his readers on his off-the-wall Said rant. Chafets insisted, wrongly I think, that Said should have cited an authority for his belief that Fleischer might have been “an Israel citizen.” Within the context of that essay, it was only a throw-a-way, speculative line. And anyway, did Chafets cite any authority for his theological-sounding proposition that a pundit must “ask to be forgiven” for not using a footnote? 

As for Fleischer, it doesn’t bother me if he is a citizen of Israel. He could have been born on Mars for all I care. Here’s what I want to know: “Is Fleischer a Zionist?” This is the crux of the matter. 

The American people are entitled to also know for the sake of our Republic, if Perle, Wolfowitz, Wurmser, Feith and Abrams are Zionists. They all hold sensitive positions in the federal government that require national security clearance. If they are Zionists, then, the next question is: “Do they have a conflict of interest or even an appearance of a conflict of interest in carrying out the responsibilities of their office?” Answers to these questions are imperative. 

Zionism is a political, alien-based ideology, global in scope, racially restricted, and with its spiritual headquarters in Tel Aviv, and not Washington, D.C. Zionists aspire to a land-grabbing “Greater Israel.” 

On Aug. 23, 2002, I demanded that Sen. Joseph I. Lieberman (D-CT), come clean with U.S. Senate about all his Zionist connections. For all the reasons that I gave in that article, and in this one too, Fleischer, and the cited “Likudniks” should come clean with the American people. Full disclosure of any and all Zionist links by them are long overdue. 

As for Chafets, thanks for blowing your top, pal! Now, see what you’ve don

[CTRL] U.S. Military Drafted Plans to Terrorize U.S. Cities to Provoke War With Cuba

2003-02-22 Thread Steve Wingate
-Caveat Lector-


Friendly Fire
Book: U.S. Military Drafted Plans to
Terrorize U.S. Cities to Provoke War
With Cuba

By David Ruppe

N E W  Y O R K, May 1 — In the early 1960s, America's top military leaders reportedly
drafted plans to kill innocent people and commit acts of terrorism in U.S. cities to
create public support for a war against Cuba.

Code named Operation Northwoods, the plans reportedly included the possible 
of Cuban émigrés, sinking boats of Cuban refugees on the high seas, hijacking planes,
blowing up a U.S. ship, and even orchestrating violent terrorism in U.S. cities.

The plans were developed as ways to trick the American public and the international
community into supporting a war to oust Cuba's then new leader, communist Fidel Castro.

America's top military brass even contemplated causing U.S. military casualties, 
"We could blow up a U.S. ship in Guantanamo Bay and blame Cuba," and, "casualty lists 
U.S. newspapers would cause a helpful wave of national indignation."

Details of the plans are described in Body of Secrets (Doubleday), a new book by
investigative reporter James Bamford about the history of America's largest spy agency,
the National Security Agency. However, the plans were not connected to the agency, he

The plans had the written approval of all of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and were 
to President Kennedy's defense secretary, Robert McNamara, in March 1962. But they
apparently were rejected by the civilian leadership and have gone undisclosed for 
40 years.

"These were Joint Chiefs of Staff documents. The reason these were held secret for so
long is the Joint Chiefs never wanted to give these up because they were so
embarrassing," Bamford told ABCNEWS.com.

"The whole point of a democracy is to have leaders responding to the public will, and
here this is the complete reverse, the military trying to trick the American people 
a war that they want but that nobody else wants."

Gunning for War

The documents show "the Joint Chiefs of Staff drew up and approved plans for what may 
the most corrupt plan ever created by the U.S. government," writes Bamford.

The Joint Chiefs even proposed using the potential death of astronaut John Glenn during
the first attempt to put an American into orbit as a false pretext for war with Cuba, 
documents show.

Should the rocket explode and kill Glenn, they wrote, "the objective is to provide
irrevocable proof … that the fault lies with the Communists et all Cuba [sic]."

The plans were motivated by an intense desire among senior military leaders to depose
Castro, who seized power in 1959 to become the first communist leader in the Western
Hemisphere — only 90 miles from U.S. shores.

The earlier CIA-backed Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba by Cuban exiles had been a 
failure, in which the military was not allowed to provide firepower.The military 
now wanted a shot at it.

"The whole thing was so bizarre," says Bamford, noting public and international support
would be needed for an invasion, but apparently neither the American public, nor the
Cuban public, wanted to see U.S. troops deployed to drive out Castro.

Reflecting this, the U.S. plan called for establishing prolonged military — not
democratic — control over the island nation after the invasion.

"That's what we're supposed to be freeing them from," Bamford says. "The only way we
would have succeeded is by doing exactly what the Russians were doing all over the 
by imposing a government by tyranny, basically what we were accusing Castro himself of

'Over the Edge'

The Joint Chiefs at the time were headed by Eisenhower appointee Army Gen. Lyman L.
Lemnitzer, who, with the signed plans in hand made a pitch to McNamara on March 13, 
recommending Operation Northwoods be run by the military.

Whether the Joint Chiefs' plans were rejected by McNamara in the meeting is not clear.
But three days later, President Kennedy told Lemnitzer directly there was virtually no
possibility of ever using overt force to take Cuba, Bamford reports. Within months,
Lemnitzer would be denied another term as chairman and transferred to another job.

The secret plans came at a time when there was distrust in the military leadership 
their civilian leadership, with leaders in the Kennedy administration viewed as too
liberal, insufficiently experienced and soft on communism. At the same time, however,
there real were concerns in American society about their military overstepping its

There were reports U.S. military leaders had encouraged their subordinates to vote
conservative during the election.

And at least two popular books were published focusing on a right-wing military
leadership pushing the limits against government policy of the day. The Senate Foreign
Relations Committee published its own report on right-wing extremism 

[CTRL] smart newsletter, air force academy rape claims

2003-02-22 Thread Smart News
-Caveat Lector-

SMART Issue #49 with resources on abuse, mind control and secretive organizations is now available on the web at http://members.aol.com/smartnews/Sample-Issue-49.htm
Please write me offlist if you would like to subscribe for free by e-mail.

Also, we have a pro-survivor news research list, with information on survivor and political issues. To join, send a blank e-mail to :

from Backlash - Air Force looks into academy rape claims 2/21/03 Tom Kenworthy USA TODAY  Denver "The Air Force pledged Thursday to thoroughly investigate allegations of widespread sexual assaults and a climate of intimidation at the service's cadet academy in Colorado SpringsIt also follows a series of reports on KMGH-TV in Denver in which several women described callous responses to their complaints of sexual assault. Several women told the television station that the academy culture condoned sexual assault and that those victims who reported being attacked were often shunned by their peers and essentially drummed out of the corps. Some said they faced career-threatening disciplinary action for infractions such as drinking and fraternizing if they reported assaults."

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] At the Best Little Whorehouse in ...

2003-02-22 Thread Euphorian
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Friday, Feb. 21, 2003. Page 10

Israel Tackles Trafficking of Women Sex

By Ramit Plushnick-Masti
The Associated Press

Eitan Hess-ashkenazi / AP
Ephraim Ehrlich, an Israeli police intelligence
chief, checking IDs in a Tel Aviv brothel.

HADERA, Israel -- After a five- hour drive over the Egyptian desert, Inna
crawled through a tunnel under a border fence, brushed sand off her
pants and waited with seven other women to be taken to their new jobs.

Running from poverty in her homeland of Moldova, Inna had come to the
Holy Land to enter a profession older than the Bible -- prostitution.

A $1 billion-a-year sex trade, reputedly one of the biggest of its kind in the
world, has sprung up in Israel over the past decade.

Every year, hundreds of women from Eastern Europe and the former Soviet
Union are smuggled into Israel.

The trafficking is linked to the Russian mafia taking root in Israel as a
byproduct of mass immigration from the former Soviet Union.

Many of the women are spirited in across Israel's border with Egypt, which
runs along 300 kilometers of desert that is difficult to guard against

Offenders get off too lightly, a parliamentary committee says. Courts
routinely sentence pimps to community service or short prison terms, the
panel said in a report late last year. It called for minimum jail terms of 16

Often, the women are mistreated, held as virtual prisoners and beaten by
pimps, said Ephraim Ehrlich, an intelligence chief in the police immigration

"The people who work in this field have no conscience. All they care
about is money," Ehrlich said.

Many women, 22-year-old Inna among them, are forced to work off their
airfare and purchase fees.

Some are raped by Bedouin smugglers who get them across the border,
Ehrlich said. Their passports are taken by their pimps and they are not
allowed to go out alone from the brothels, which are generally apartments
in seedy neighborhoods.

Using a fictitious name during an interview while being held at a police
lockup, Inna said she was forced to see up to 15 clients a day. She said
each client paid 150 shekels ($30), with half going to her and half to her

Inna said she was depressed and ashamed and had a venereal disease.

"I couldn't get used to this -- the men, the mentality, the treatment," she

She had arranged for a new passport from the Moldovan Embassy in Tel Aviv
and bought a plane ticket home.

Her pimp didn't object, she said, because she had paid off her "purchase
price" and it is easy for him to bring in new women.

But before Inna could use her plane ticket, undercover police raided her
brothel and arrested 12 women -- 11 from Moldova and one from Ukraine.

All were taken to a holding facility in the central Israeli town of Hadera to
await deportation. Inna and her colleagues refused to testify against their
pimps, fearing both retribution from the pimps and the shame of having
their families find out about their work.

During her six months in Israel, Inna said, she was able to send $3,500 to
her mother and sister back in their Moldovan village.

"After everything I saw here, I don't ever want to come back," she said.

Inna said she was unemployed in Moldova and had come to Israel
voluntarily after hearing of women making money as prostitutes.

A middleman in Moldova sent Inna to Moscow with eight other women. A
day later, they flew to Egypt. They were taken to Bedouin tribesmen in
the desert and driven at night to the Israeli border.

Carrying a small bag with underwear and a toothbrush, Inna crawled
through a narrow tunnel dug under the border fence, and arrived in Israel
sandy, tired and already homesick.

''Then the pimps came and began to buy us, one by one, " Inna said.

The area police commander, Rafi Peled, said about 25 women had recently
been arrested and deported.

"We have cut off a big branch of the tree of trafficking in women," he said.
"We have not yet uprooted the trunk."

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[CTRL] Viceroy Dean of Mean Venom

2003-02-22 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

Skewered by 'Dean of Mean' Bill O'Reilly -- a Survivor's Tale

By Bruce Kluger
Bruce Kluger writes for National Public Radio.

February 21, 2003

Earlier this month, Fox News commentator Bill O'Reilly found himself on the
other side of the firing line for having used the term "wetback" in a
discussion about illegal immigrants on his nightly program, "The O'Reilly

Indeed, the uncomfortable position in which this puts the pugnacious host
is pure poetic justice: For seven years, the former "Inside Edition" anchor
has brought a brand of dyspeptic discourse to the airwaves, lording over a
talk show that's as much about his bully tactics as it is about the issues of
the day.

He has infuriated a litany of guests to the point of distraction: Barney
Frank turned beet-red at having his words twisted by O'Reilly; Susan
Sarandon sadly shrugged at not being able to speak her mind; smarter
public figures flat-out refuse to go on the program. Now saddled with the
"wetback" fiasco, it's O'Reilly's turn to feel misunderstood.

Like most American viewers of his show, I've often imagined how I would
fare in the hot seat, wondering whether I'd have the presence of mind to
return O'Reilly's vitriolic volleys with similar agility, or simply crumble
beneath his assault. Unlike most viewers, I got my chance.

Last month, I wrote an essay in a national newspaper suggesting that
O'Reilly's mean-spirited program was just another part of the low-witted
showcase for shame now infecting TV -- from "Survival" to "Joe Millionaire."
To my astonishment, the day the article appeared, O'Reilly's office called
to invite me on the show. Against the advice of those closest to me (my
father-in-law: "Are you sure you want to go on?"; my wife: "You're nuts"), I
found myself clipping on a microphone 10 hours later and facing off with
the viceroy of venom himself. Our ensuing confrontation confirmed
something I'd always suspected: O'Reilly has achieved his dubious fame on
the backs of his guests (whether he considers those backs to be wet or

Although he professes to offer a "no-spin zone" of equal-time give and take,
in truth the man simply doesn't fight fair. Before the taping began, he
glanced at the notes I'd brought with me and glared. "You won't get to
read them," he snapped. "This will all go by in a flash." Then, when the
cameras blinked on, O'Reilly launched into a 3 1/ 2-minute monologue --
one that I'd repeatedly been told by his handlers not to interrupt -- in
which he trashed me, my essay and my "committed liberal" ilk.
Consequently, I spent the entirety of our subsequent conversation
rebutting his allegations rather than discussing the theme of my article: his
bad manners.

Before I knew it, O'Reilly was giving me a final whipping in his wrap-up.

Then there was the name-calling. In the nine minutes, 58 seconds we were
on the air, O'Reilly resorted to playground pejoratives no fewer than 20
times, calling me, among other things, "cheap," "sleazy," "foolish" and "a
left-wing journalist out for blood." At one point he even referred to me as
"a weasel" -- the name he had reserved for actor George Clooney -- but
then took it back. The retraction disappointed me. For a moment, I was
flattered to share a slur with a Hollywood stud.

Finally, O'Reilly preposterously elevated our on-screen dispute to one of
politics. Instead of responding to my charges -- that he's a belligerent
blowhard -- he took the absurd position that the newspaper that had
originally published my essay did so because it disagreed with his stance on
a war with Iraq. Can you say "narcissist"?

As much as O'Reilly can be credited with pioneering a new wave of
televised rancor, he is no longer alone: His success has spawned a crop of
similarly cranky on-air commentators, all of them bent on turning the
sanctum of public debate into a noisy free-for-all.

Still, the question remains: Did I win my face-off with the dean of mean?
Hard to tell. The most I got from my friends was, "You held your own," "You
looked good" and "Hey, at least you didn't cry."

But I do know I got under the guy's skin. After the taping, when most hosts
drop the showbiz artifice and extend a hand to thank their guests, O'Reilly
kept his head down, pretending to study his notes. The silence was
embarrassing, so I left.

As I said, bad manners.

If you want other stories on this topic, search the Archives at

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Copyright 2003 Los Angeles Times
Forwarded for your information.  The text and intent of the article
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[CTRL] WorkingForChange-Fiore presents: SUV Stimulus

2003-02-22 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Send 'Er to the Slammer to Learn Some Real Skills

2003-02-22 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

Judge Gives Warning to Jeb Bush's Girl
By Associated Press

February 21, 2003, 11:53 PM EST

ORLANDO, Fla. -- A judge gently chided Gov. Jeb Bush's daughter Friday for
missing some court-ordered counseling sessions imposed after she violated
drug rehabilitation requirements.

Noelle Bush, 25, is required to appear before Judge Reginald Whitehead
every two weeks to report on her progress.

"You're doing a lot of good, positive things. You've come a long way, but I
want you to go to all of the treatment sessions -- group and individual," the
judge said.

Whitehead said he wanted to warn her not to backslide in her treatment
program because there was "light at the end of the tunnel."

Neither Bush nor her attorney would comment after the hearing.

Bush was ordered into treatment after she was arrested a year ago,
accused of trying to use a fraudulent prescription to obtain the anti-
anxiety drug Xanax. Whitehead has since sent her to jail twice for violating
the rules in drug rehab.

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[CTRL] Kurds & Iraq Weigh Heavily

2003-02-22 Thread Euphorian
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Copyright © 2002 The International Herald Tribune | www.iht.com

The Kurds don't want to be Iraqis

Peter W. Galbraith

Friday, February 21, 2003

Betrayed again?

WASHINGTON Zalmay Khalilzad, President George W. Bush's special envoy to
the Iraqi opposition, went to Ankara this month and told top Kurdish
leaders to accept that a large deployment of Turkish troops - supposedly
for humanitarian relief - would enter northern Iraq after any American

He also told the Kurds that they would have to give up plans for self-
government, adding that hundreds of thousands of people driven from
their homes by Saddam Hussein would not be able to return to them.

For the Kurds this brought bitter memories. They blame Henry Kissinger for
encouraging them to rebel in the early 1970s and then acquiescing quietly
as the shah of Iran made a deal with Iraq and stopped funneling American
aid to them. (Kissinger's standing among Kurds was not helped by his
explanation: "Covert action should not be confused with missionary work.")

After the Gulf War, the first President Bush called on the Iraqi people to
overthrow Saddam. When the Kurds tried to do just that, the American
military let the Iraqis send out helicopter gunships to annihilate them.

The elder Bush partly salvaged his standing with the Kurds a month later
when he cleared Iraqi forces from the region, thus enabling the creation
of the first Kurdish- governed territory in modern history.

In the latest buildup to war, the Kurds took comfort from their special
status as the only Iraqi opposition group to control a territory, to possess
a significant population and to have a substantial military force.

But Turkish consent to the deployment of American troops for a northern
front is considered an important element in American planning. In addition
to billions in cash, Turkey has demanded ironclad assurance that there will
not be a separate Kurdish state.

The Kurds did their best to meet Turkish and American concerns. They
promised that they would not seek independence, confining their
ambitions to a self-governing entity within a federal Iraq. They also
promised not to take Kirkuk, an oil-rich city that they describe as their

However, this proved inadequate for the Turks. They fear that federalism
could be a way station to Kurdish independence - and they may be right.
The 4 million Kurds who live in the self-governing area overwhelmingly do
not want to be Iraqis. After 12 years of freedom, the younger people have
no Iraqi identity and many do not speak Arabic. The older generation
associates Iraq with poison gas and mass executions.

Still, Washington sided with Turkey. The Kurds were told that federalism
would have to wait for deliberation by a postwar elected Iraqi Parliament,
in which they would be a minority.

The Bush administration may have got the power calculus wrong. The
Kurds have established a real state within a state, which meets all
governmental responsibilities from education to law enforcement. Their
militias number 70,000 to 130,000, and there is a real risk of clashes with
any Turkish "humanitarian" force.

The democratically elected Kurdistan assembly has completed work on a
constitution that would delegate minimal powers to a central government
in Baghdad, and could submit it for a popular vote. Short of arresting
Kurdish leaders and the assembly, a U.S. occupation force might have no
practical way of preventing the Kurds from going ahead with their
federalist project.

The younger Bush's war has always had a moral component to it: liberation
of the Iraqi people from a brutal regime. If it sides so completely with
Turkey in putting down the democratic hopes of Iraq's Kurds, the
administration looks shortsighted and cynical. And not just to the Kurds.
The writer is a former U.S. ambassador to Croatia.

 Copyright © 2002 The International Herald Tribune

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[CTRL] Faulty Towers

2003-02-22 Thread Euphorian
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Nine Lofty Ideals
But one WTC plan best meets the needs of New Yorkers

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Studio Daniel Libeskind (Newsday/Mayita Mendez)


January 5, 2003

Around the perimeter of the World Financial Center's Winter Garden is the
architect's equivalent of the Christmas windows on Fifth Avenue. The
storefronts are filled with model cities clad in white and glamorously lit,
urban fantasies for the site where the World Trade Center once rose.

The city of the future has been outfitted with hanging gardens a quarter
of a mile high, a vast glass cathedral, a crowd of skyscrapers that bumps
hips at the 60th floor, a museum draped between two lofty latticework
towers like a sock caught in the branches of a tree - and more. In one
design team's exhibit, three different visions rise up in stately succession
through a miniature lower Manhattan, each one descending through a
trapdoor in an eerie simulation of what might happen if the new towers
met the fate of the ones they are designed to replace.

This is fine theater, an exciting showcase of ideas and a marvelous way to
get New Yorkers to talk and think about contemporary architecture. It
should not, however, be mistaken for a menu of concrete plans. The
proposals look highly detailed, thanks to the sophisticated imaginations of
the architects and the miracle of computer rendering, but in fact they are
quite speculative.

The reason for this is that New York has yet to decide what it wants. A
city that until now has had little use for the world's pre-eminent
architectural thinkers is now treating them like a conclave of seers.
Architecture is generally a result of the collaboration between architect
and client. Here, we have architects inventing institutions, proposing
projects for which there are no clients, visions for which there are no
funds, and solutions for which there are no problems. We are asking
architects to articulate our needs and desires.

They have done so, flamboyantly at times. Daniel Libeskind has produced
an elegant, even moving arrangement of low-rise wedges, diagonals and
rakish planes. Libeskind's is by far the most soaringly successful of the nine
plans, crowned by a skyward-pointing finger enclosing something he calls
"Vertical World Gardens," a series of stacked ecosystems reachable by
elevator. It's an intriguing idea, but should the tallest man- made structure
on the globe be a tower of botany? Maybe it should, but the idea is far too
new to sink in by the Jan. 31 deadline for the LMDC to choose one of
these proposals.

All the designs tackle the unique problem of this site: The fact that
whatever gets built at Ground Zero will have to incorporate the
recollection of what was there before. The most striking acknowledgment
of this is the THINK team's concept of a "World Cultural Center." It's a pair
of white latticework ghosts, vaporous traces of the Twin Towers made out
of struts and empty space, with a school and a performing arts center
suspended in midair. Near the top, a bubble-like museum of some kind
would bridge the two towers, mapping the points where the two planes
struck. Despite the LMDC's injunction to leave monument-building aside,
this project is a concrete representation of memory, a memorial in all but

THINK's new twin towers would be not office buildings but the effigy of
office buildings - sculpture posing as architecture. In a sense, the idea
represents a cultural capitulation. Terrorists razed two structures they
read as symbols of arrogant empire; we experienced the attack as the
murder of thousands of ordinary, non-arrogant, not-imperial people. Why
would we voluntarily choose to read it their way instead of ours,
memorializing the throng we lost by erecting an empty emblem, a vast,
vacant container for our fears?

The answer, of course, lies in the central unresolved contradiction of the
project: lots of people want to see a tall building or two where the World
Trade Center stood, but nobody wants to work there. The logical
resolution of that conflict would be a pair of gargantuan lighthouses.

This is not some rural cliff we're talking about, but a bustling downtown
neighborhood. Most of the architects attempt to suggest what life at
street level might be like at the foot of their structures. But the scale of
these projects is deceptive. The renderings of Norman Foster's enormous
twinned towers show a pleasant glass-and-steel backdrop to a late May
idyll in the park, but in real life it will probably feel like a gleaming
colossus, standing astride the island's southern tip.

The World Trade Center loomed, of course, in a way that sculpted the
skyline and diminished the people who scurried in its shadows. There's an
inherent contradiction in trying to make a building both tall and
neighborly, and many of the proposals wind up belittling the citizens they
are meant to serve. From the ground-

[CTRL] Rogue ship

2003-02-22 Thread Euphorian
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Rogue ship for the chop

February 22 2003

The Norwegian vessel Tricolor, wrecked in the British Channel, is likely to
cause havoc in busy shipping lanes for at least six months because salvage
experts cannot find a crane big enough to lift it, its owners have admitted.

Since capsizing in December with 2862 BMWs, Audis and Volvos on board,
the ship has become a serious hazard. It has been hit by two other ships
and has leaked hundreds of tonnes of oil.

The ship's insurers say the succession of crashes has left the Tricolor too
badly damaged to be refloated. Instead, salvage companies will cut up the
vessel using abrasive wire and carry it away in pieces.

Christen Guddal, of the Oslo naval insurer Gard Services, said: "There are
no crane barges big enough in the world to lift it in one piece. We can't
refloat it, so we'll have to reduce it in size."

Advisers to the salvage operation said the Tricolor weighed 14,000 tonnes
and was about the size of a large office block. Three salvage consortiums
are bidding to break up the ship, using techniques perfected during the
lifting of the Russian nuclear submarine Kursk in the Barents Sea.

So far it has taken two months to drain all the petroleum oil from the ship's
tanks because of bad weather,
with divers unable to work on three out of four days because of choppy

In a mishap last month, a tug knocked out two valves holding oil inside the
vessel, causing 200 tonnes to escape. Thousands of seabirds were soaked
in oil.

The Guardian

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[CTRL] ‘Scoop’ On Iraq

2003-02-22 Thread Euphorian
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‘Scoop’ On Iraq
by Matthew Rarey
February 20, 2003

First Published: LEWROCKWELL.COM

The tin-pot dictatorship of a poor country with a rich natural resource
becomes the focus of a war plotted by foreign powers and commercial
interests, then fomented by a clueless press. So goes the plot of Evelyn
Waugh’s novel Scoop, a hilarious satirical assault – on Realpolitik, Third-
World governance, and journalism – which offers Cassandra-like
premonitions of today.

Waugh wanted to write a novel inspired by his newspaper experience
covering the greatest feat of Italian arms since Julius Caesar: the 1935
tank-vs.-donkey conquest of Ethiopia. The resulting book resembles The
Quiet American, if written by P.G. Wodehouse.

Scoop stars William Boot, a country aristocrat who writes a nature column
for the Beast newspaper. Through a case of mistaken identity with an
ambitious popular novelist also named Boot, he is assigned to cover the
expected revolution in a fictional East African country, Ishmaelia. Although
he has no idea what he is doing and he cannot understand the cryptic
telegrams from his London editors – who know what to say in their
editorials, but need supporting "facts" – Boot eventually gets the big story.

Arriving in Ishmaelia, Boot finds himself a lamb among apathetic wolves —
fellow correspondents interested only in submitting daily copy rather than
taking a long view of events in order to discover the larger truth. (Their
press passes are aptly printed on forms originally meant for prostitutes:
"The space for thumb-print was now filled with a passport photograph and
at the head the word ‘journalist.’") One day Ishmaelia’s press director, the
snazzy Dr. Benito (an Al Sharpton-type character with Vernon Jordan
pretenses), announces an expedition to a fictional spot where he tells the
press they will get the scoop on Ishmaelia’s impending revolution. The
hacks take this safari to nowhere just to escape Jacksonburg, the sleepy
capital named after the ruling family, a pride of Waspish shysters proudly
educated at Adventist U. of Alabama. All go except Boot, who, having
looked at a map, knows the journey is a sham.

Alone in town, Boot meets a British financier-adventurer who (literally)
parachutes into town. This shadowy figure gives him the real low-down:
the country is rich in gold deposits coveted by the Germans, Soviets, and
British. The British are betting on buying out the Jacksons, Benito is the
Soviets’ man, and the Germans favor an expat named Smiley to lead a
fascist coup.

With the press corps conveniently gone, Benito overthrows the Jacksons
and proclaims the Soviet State of Ishmaelia. Only William is left to tell to
the world. Unsure how to break the news, the savvy financier advises him
how to package the story for home consumption. "I am committed to very
considerable sums in this little gambit," he tells Boot. "I possess a little
influence in political quarters but it will strain it severely to provoke a war
on my account. Some semblance of popular support...would be very
valuable" to guarantee the "only one thing that can set things right –
sudden and extreme violence." As the chap seems to know what he is
talking about, Boot lets him write his dispatch for him.

Alas, His Majesty’s best become unnecessary thanks to a drunken Swedish
missionary who throws a counter-revolution that restores the Jackson
dynasty. In the end, the British presumably get the gold rights, and Boot
returns to England a famous journalist. Yet, despite being showered with
accolades for brilliant reportage, Boot abjures journalism. Observing
badgers for a nature column is preferable to prostituting oneself to
headline-hungry editors, thank you.

Life has a way of imitating art, however jolly good fun, and turning it into
tragedy. Indeed, Scoop’s similarities to the impending war against Iraq are

Like the readership of the Beast, which carried Boot’s "sensational
message into two million apathetic homes," most Americans ignore foreign
affairs beyond the headline news. So most of them are unaware that Iraq
has a treasure akin to Ishmaelia’s gold: the second largest proven oil
reserves in the world – 112 billion barrels to Saudi Arabia’s 262 billion.
(According to estimates by the US Department of Energy, Iraq may have up
to 220.) The fact that this dimension of a war against Iraq is nary
mentioned in media coverage, and studiously ignored by the Bush
administration, fails the full disclosure that citizens living under a
government "of the people, by the people" deserve. Even Scoop’s boozy
correspondents were innocent of such a sin of omission: they did not
know there was gold in them thar hills.

While propagandists hype the "Butcher of Baghdad" as a new Hitler –
although his neighbors are so terrified of Adolf, Jr., that they demand
bribes to allow us to "defend" them – his likeliest successor has made
backroom concessions that have not 

[CTRL] Security Council Resolution 687

2003-02-22 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

Sharon Poses Bigger Regional Threat Than Saddam: Mussa

MADRID - Right-wing Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon poses a far greater
regional threat than Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein, Arab League Secretary
General Amr Mussa warned in an interview published on Friday, AFP

Mussa told the Spanish newspaper El Pais that more than a decade of UN
sanctions and arms inspections in Iraq meant Saddam was "much weaker
than he was in 1990 and doesn't constitute a threat" to the Middle East.

"The serious and chronic danger for this region comes from the Israeli
occupation of Palestine and the irresponsible, aggressive policies of the
Sharon government," he said, in comments translated into Spanish.

Mussa pointed out that UN Security Council Resolution 687 called for the
elimination of weapons of mass destruction in the entire Middle East
region -- not just Iraq.

"Everyone knows Israel possesses many weapons (of mass destruction)," he

"It's a scandalous example of double standards. There's a lot of attention to
the possibility that Saddam could possess weapons of mass destruction, yet
it's accepted that another country in the region should have them.

"Israel is allowed to carry out violent acts with complete impuntiy that no
other country in the world could get away with.

Israel can ignore Security Council resolutions," the Arab leader said.

"All Arabs are outraged by what's happening in the occupied Palestinian
territories. War against Iraq would add insult to injury, or injury to insult,"
he added.

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[CTRL] Libeskind's jagged towers

2003-02-22 Thread Euphorian
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Manhattan ready to pick Libeskind's jagged towers
Polish-born architect's plan will be pared back to meet competing demands
on WTC site demands

Gary Younge in New York
Saturday February 22, 2003
The Guardian

The design of one of the world's most versatile and celebrated architects,
Daniel Libeskind, is expected to be chosen as the replacement for the
World Trade Centre buildings, although some of its central features are
likely to be either radically altered or left out.

Both the governor of New York state, George Pataki, and the city's mayor,
Michael Bloomberg, prefer Libeskind's jagged towers design to the other
shortlisted proposal, a set of latticework towers designed by a rival
practice, Think.

Libeksind's plans have also gained favour with the New York port authority,
which owns the World Trade Centre site, and the Lower Manhattan
development corporation (LMDC), which is overseeing the rebuilding.

Others on the corporation, including a close associate of President
George Bush and the chairman of the board, are thought to favour Think's
design, but it is unlikely that they will go against the wishes of both the
mayor and governor.

In an increasingly fraught process, which has been dominated by inter-
agency rivalry and public disaffection, Libeskind had to apologise on
Thursday for voicing sharp criticism of his rival's plans in a live internet

"There is a dramatic and urgent need to repair the skyline," he had said. "I
do not believe that two skeletons in the sky asserts the vitality of New
York or the courage of America. I do believe that a distinctive and
economically viable skyline has to be built."

Libeskind's other works include the fêted Jewish museum in Berlin and the
Imperial War Museum North in Salford, and he has been commissioned to
make the spiral extension to the Victoria & Albert museum.

His design for the WTC is likely to be approved on Thursday, partly
because it received considerable popular support for the amount of space
devoted to the memorial, and for its striking use of light. "You look down,
you see the void, you look up, you see light. In order to heal, you've got to
have a scar," said one participant in a Municipal Art Society workshop last
month, convened to encourage public participation in the process.

Another factor in its favour is that it will cost half as much to build. And
Think's 85-floor towers have raised understandable security fears.

Officials are keen to point out that whichever design is selected will
provide only a blueprint for whatever is finally built.

"These are plans that are to provide an inspiration for future
development," the port authority's executive director, Joe Seymour, said
earlier this week.

Some of the distinctive elements of Libeskind's design, such as a towering
vertical garden, a series of jagged-edged office towers and the exposed pit
to be left under the building as a memorial area, are unlikely to feature in
the final stages.

"It's at this point when the plan collides with reality," the architect Craig
Whitaker said. "The next phase in this journey is one that's going to be
very difficult."

'Not cast in stone'

At this stage there have been demands for the pit to be made shallower,
because the port authority would
like to use some of it as a car park. The trade centre's leaseholder, Larry
Silverstein, has openly questioned whether businesses want to rent space
next to a hole that reminds them of their vulnerability.

Libeskind's proposal for a narrow 540-metre (1,776ft) tower, which would
be the world's tallest building, topped by six enclosed botanic gardens
representing different ecosystems, is unlikely to see the light of day.

"I think what people have got to understand is what comes out of this is
suggestions," Mr Bloomberg said. "The buildings will be decided not on this
plan necessarily, but by who wants to build them and where the money
comes from and who wants to rent them, or live in them, or shop in them.
It's not cast in stone."

Next week's announcement will mark the end of almost nine months of
public debate about what should replace the World Trade Centre,
balancing the interests of commerce with the need for a fitting memorial
and the demands of residents in the Lower Manhattan area.

The first six proposals, unveiled in July, were so underwhelming that LMDC
began all over again. It returned with a far more encouraging shortlist of
nine models, including one by the British architect Norman Foster, which
was ruled out last month as they whittled the competition down to two.

Central to the public and political discussions has been the issue of
ownership. Responsibility for the site is divided between the governors of
New York and New Jersey, who own the land, and Mr Silverstein who
leased the space.

Although the LMDC is overseeing the process, it has no legal authority, and
while the public's views have been taken int

[CTRL] scientists decry

2003-02-22 Thread Euphorian
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Israeli scientists decry boycott by colleagues

February 22 2003

After a year of suffering hostility, verbal abuse and snubs, Israeli scientists
and intellectuals have begun fighting back against European and United
States colleagues who are boycotting Israel as a
way to force the Israeli Government to make peace with the Palestinians.

Many Israelis say they are breaking with tradition and putting professional
niceties aside to condemn these overseas colleagues as radical anti-

The boycott's stakes, they say, are too high to ignore: the movement aims
to shut down not only international academic exchanges and tourism, but
scientific research, a crucial piece of Israel's weakened economy, worth
about $A9 billion.

In recent months Israeli academic groups have denounced three French
universities as anti-Semitic after they endorsed the boycott. After the
Israeli criticism one of the universities distanced itself from the boycott.

Israeli writers also decried a recent decision by a bookshop in Britain to
boycott an Israeli publisher. And in an incident that riled Israel's leading
campus, Hebrew University, an American professor compared Israel's
treatment of the Palestinians to Nazi Germany's genocidal policy toward
the Jews.

Israeli researchers have gained a symbolically important ally against the
boycott, the Palestine Academy for
Science and Technology.

The Boston Globe

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[CTRL] Examiner Examined by Examination

2003-02-22 Thread Euphorian
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This is a printer friendly version of an article from www.heraldtribune.com
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Article published Feb 21, 2003
San Francisco Examiner lays off staff

The publishers of the San Francisco Examiner fired most of the staff Friday,
and will start distributing a smaller, free paper Monday with a handful of

James Fang, the son of publisher Florence Fang, broke the news at a 2:30
p.m. staff meeting, reading a one-sentence statement saying the daily
paper could no longer continue in its current format.

As the employees were handed their pink slips, the Examiner held a press
conference to announce its plan to stop charging 25 cents per copy and
switch to free distribution at news racks and stores around San Francisco.

About 40 people lost their jobs, said Examiner Executive Editor Zoran
Basich. The paper will continue with about 15 reporters, editors and
photographers and use more material from several other free papers
owned by the Fang family, Basich said.

"It's a tough business climate," Basich said. "We had to make some tough
decisions to ensure the long-term health of the paper."

All the computers and phone lines were turned off before the meeting,
and the staff was given about an hour clear out their desks, the fired
workers said.

They were given their last week's paycheck and told to return Monday to
learn more about severance packages. The average severance package will
be about eight days of pay, Basich said.

The Fangs took control of the paper from the Hearst Corp. in November
2000, in a deal that helped Hearst gain antitrust approval of its $660 million
purchase of the much-larger San Francisco Chronicle.

The deal provided the Fang family with a $66.7 million subsidy from New
York-based Hearst, spread over three years. The agreement was broken
into three payments of $16.7 million the first year, and up to $25 million in
the each of the next two years. Basich said he didn't know whether this
year's $25 million subsidy had already been exhausted.

"Clearly, we knew we were going to have to do something sooner or
later," Basich said.

A call left with Florence Fang's assistant wasn't returned as of late Friday

Friday's layoffs happened so quickly that columnist Warren Hinckle
returned from a late lunch not knowing whether he was among the lucky
few who still had a job. Security guards refused to let him into the office,
so he turned around and left.

"What was I supposed to do? Punch them?" Hinckle said.

Basich told The Associated Press that Hinckle still has a job.

Workers seemed to be taking the news in stride, after years of similar
purges at businesses burned by a high technology slump that has zapped
the San Francisco Bay area's once-thriving economy.

"I think that's pretty standard procedure," said dance critic Rachel
Howard. "I have heard all kinds of dot-com horror stories."

The uncertainties raised by Friday's layoffs marked the latest chapter in
the Examiner's melodramatic history dating back to 1887.

In its early years, the paper often served as a bully pulpit for the agenda of
newspaper legend William Randolph Hearst, known as "The Chief" or the
"Old Man" around the Examiner newsroom.

Hearst established the Examiner as one of the country's most flamboyant
papers in the country while employing some of literature's best-known
names, including Ambrose Bierce, Jack London, Mark Twain and, more
recently, Hunter Thompson.

The paper thrived for years until switching to afternoons as part of a
profit-sharing agreement with the rival San Francisco Chronicle in 1965.

The profit-sharing arrangement made money for Hearst, but spelled the
beginning of the end for the Examiner as a widely read paper.

The paper's circulation dropped from 303,000 in 1965 to 96,000 when
Hearst turned over the paper to the Fang family in November 2000. The
Fangs haven't submitted audited circulation figures. Basich said the paper
sold between 40,000 and 50,000 weekday copies.

The Fangs' previous experience in publishing had been concentrated in a
group of free papers called The Independent that often trumpeted the
family's political views. The Independent group of papers will now help
produce stories for the Examiner.

The Fangs' track record at The Independent had raised concerns whether
the family intended to put out a competitive metropolitan newspaper or
just keep it running until the Hearst subsidy ran out.
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"Do not believe in anything s

[CTRL] Shift in Medium

2003-02-22 Thread Euphorian
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US media move away from Bush
Patrick Barrett
Friday February 21, 2003
The Guardian

The US media has begun to turn against President George Bush's hard line
on military action against Iraq.

A majority of the country's top newspapers now oppose any attack on Iraq
by US and British forces without the full support if the international

Influenced by the massive anti-war demonstrations staged around the
world last weekend and the growing rift between the US and the less
hawkish countries led by France and Germany, American press coverage
has seen a substantial shift away from backing an immediate war regardless
of international opinion.

A survey of 37 leading US papers publishing editorials between February 15
and 19 found that almost two thirds now called for a "world coalition" to
be formed before any military action in the Middle East.

15 newspapers across the US were categorised as "hawkish" in editorial
stance, nine as "doves" and 13 as internationalist in positioning by a survey
carried out by Editor & Publisher, a weekly magazine covering the north
American newspaper industry.

The current press majority against unilateral action is in marked contrast
to the findings of a similar survey carried out on February 7, immediately
after Secretary of State Colin Powell's presentation of evidence of Iraq's
activities involving weapons of mass destruction.

At this stage, those calling for international unity were a distinct minority.

According to the research, the call for UN backing has now become an
established theme in most major newspapers, in marked contrast to right
leaning TV networks and papers such as Fox news and the New York Post,
both owned by Rupert Murdoch's News Corporation.

Papers such as the Detroit Free Press, the Dallas Morning News,
Minneapolis-based the Star Tribune, San Francisco Chronicle and Orange
County Register represented the prevailing opinion. "If war becomes
necessary, it will be better waged by the world than by even a broad
'coalition of the willing. The world remains safer if the peace-seeking
United Nations remains intact," thundered the Detroit Free Press.

Several papers such as the Fort Worth (Texas) and the Oregonian in
Portland, advised the President to recognise the importance of the
weekend's protests. "Heed the voices - peace demonstrations have a point:
Bush hasn't made a strong enough case for war now," said the Newsday in
Melville, New York on February 18.

However, larger papers with international reach such as the Wall Street
Journal and Washington Post were staunchly pro-war.

"The weekend's protests across Europe and elsewhere, impressive as they
were in terms of sheer numbers, only provide yet another, if secondary,
reason for prompt action," said the Journal this week.

Despite growing calls for international unity, "French bashing" amongst the
US press has become a popular theme. Top of the Francophobes were the
New York Daily News, and Murdoch owned New York Post, but others
joined in:

"Now who's the cowboy?" the Detroit News asked. "French prime minister
Jacques Chirac pitched a raging tantrum after several Eastern European
countries defied attempts to bully them beneath France's skirts."

The changing views of the US press reflect a recent survey of TV coverage,
which found that the British broadcast media is taking a hard line on the
US administration with 33% of news stories classed as negative.

MediaGuardian.co.uk © Guardian Newspapers Limited 2003
Forwarded for your information.  The text and intent of the article
have to stand on their own merits.

In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. section 107, this material
is distributed without charge or profit to those who have
expressed a prior interest in receiving this type of information
for non-profit research and educational purposes only.

"Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do
not believe simply because it has been handed down for many genera-
tions.  Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and
rumoured by many.  Do not believe in anything simply because it is
written in Holy Scriptures.  Do not believe in anything merely on
the authority of teachers, elders or wise men.  Believe only after
careful observation and analysis, when you find that it agrees with
reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all.
Then accept it and live up to it." The Buddha on Belief,
from the Kalama Sut

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and

[CTRL] Conspiracy Theories on Space Shuttle (More)

2003-02-22 Thread Euphorian
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Conspiracy Theories on Space Shuttle Columbia Blame Jews, Israel for
Disaster Says Anti-Defamation League
Tue Feb 18, 3:11 PM ET

To: National Desk

Contact: Myrna Shinbaum, 212-885-7747 or Todd Gutnick, 212-885-7755 both
of the Anti-
Defamation League

NEW YORK, Feb. 18 /U.S. Newswire/ -- In an effort to use the Space
Shuttle Columbia disaster for their own purposes, anti-Semites, Holocaust
deniers and Israel bashers are promoting warped conspiracy theories
about "Jewish" or Israeli involvement in the crash. The Anti-Defamation
League (ADL), which monitors and exposes extremism, said today that
conspiracy theories about the shuttle, "are taking on a life of their own on
the Internet."

"Even in times of tragedy for the American people, the anti-Semites and
hatemongers never let up," said Abraham H. Foxman, ADL National Director.
"As we witnessed with 9/11 and the Big Lie, the anti-Semites and the bigots
are quick to contort the facts to suit their own purposes. Conspiracy
theories about the Shuttle Columbia are taking on a life of their own on
the Internet."

Several conspiracy theorists suggest that the shuttle accident was staged
by Israel and America to distract attention from events in the Mideast.
Others suggest that Col. Ilan Ramon, the Israeli astronaut who perished on
the mission, was really a "spy" who was collecting information on Iraq.
Holocaust deniers made much of the fact that Ramon was the son of
Holocaust survivors and singled out his presence on the mission as
"evidence" of Jewish or Israeli complicity in the disaster, suggesting his
death was an intentional bid to gain sympathy for the Jewish State. Shuttle
conspiracy theories have surfaced in chat rooms, bulletin boards, e-mail
messages and on Web sites frequented by extremists and anti-Semites.

Following are examples of e-mail and Internet posts on the Columbia

How then can the Bush and Sharon administrations win support for space-
based weapons? A cynical solution is to make martyrs of an Israeli-American
space shuttle crew. Show them to be victims of outmoded technology and,
more important, obsolete thinking in NASA (news - web sites) and in
Congress about keeping space free of nuclear power and potential war-
making technologies. Is it conceivable that an American president would
deliberately sabotage the Columbia?" -- Yoichi Clark Shimatsu, Hong Kong-
based journalist, The Laissez Faire Electronic Times, Feb. 17, 2003 edition.

"Astronaut Ilon Ramon was conducting secret experiments on the Columbia
to discover new ways to beat Saddam's threat to use biological weapons
and chemical weapons against Israel. For most of his 16 days on board the
Columbia, he had been using cameras linked directly to the Israeli Space
Agency to study desert dust and wind- drifts emanating from the deserts
of Iraq. -- Anti Israel author Gordon Thomas, February 4, 2003.

"A reasonable suspicion is Col. Ramon photographed and measured the
dispersion of inert substances over the Middle East as part of a weapons
development program for the Israeli Defense Force." -- Right-wing
conspiracy e- mail list, February 4, 2003.

"The target of this event was the trinity of evil, as the shuttle carried
Americans, an Israeli, and a Hindu, the trinity of evil against Islam. This is a
message to the American people that Bush's term is nothing but a string of
curses cast upon them, and that it will lead to the exhaustion of their
resources and the elimination of the false American dream... This is a
divine message to the Israelis, saying that they are not welcome in
space." -- Abu Hamza Al- Masri, Islamic fundamentalist leader, in an
interview with Al-Sharq Al-Awsat, London, February 4, 2003.

Human beings are often muttering, "Why is God silent?" On the morning of
Feb. 1, He fairly shouted at a deaf, dumb and blind western world, which,
until then, had been content to celebrate NASA's selection of an Israeli
astronaut in the midst on the ongoing collective punishment of the
Palestinian people. ... A few people will glimpse the awful truth at the
core of the explosion, while the majority will sink deeper into the
inhibiting awe and petrifying idolatry that characterizes American
subservience toward all things Israeli, Zionist and Judaic. But God is not
mocked. Dare we say it? In this case, He would appear to be the
mocker." -- Holocaust denier David Hoffman, Feb. 2, 2003.

So.. is it even remotely possible that either the U.S. or the Israeli
government is responsible for blowing up the shuttle this morning? No
matter what happened, it's a tragedy, but it's interesting to note that it
was the one time we happened to have an Israeli astronaut aboard. -- Right
wing conspiracy e-mail list, February 1, 2003.

"Understand, the psychological warfare technicians do not even need to
publicly blame Iraq for the Columbia disaster. It will serve as a distraction
in the g

[CTRL] U.S. 'Lost ' World War II

2003-02-22 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

Lindbergh Says U.S. 'Lost ' World War II
August 30, 1970 By ALDEN WHITMAN

Charles A. Lindbergh, who was one of America's leading opponents of entry
into World War II, still believes that
he was right in urging the country to stay out of the conflict. Indeed, he
contends that the United States, in the perspective of the last 30 years,
lost the war.

This conviction is disclosed in "The Wartime Journals of Charles A.
Lindbergh" to be published Sept 30 by Harcourt Brace Jovanovich.

The 1,000-page book, which tells for the first time the flier's innermost
thoughts about the war, also reveals in diary form his intensive public and
behind-the-scenes activities aimed at keeping the nation out of the war.
These include his assessment of the Nazi military-aviation potential as
communicated to senior American military men and his controversial
association with the America First Committee.

The 400,000-word journal also recounts Mr. Lindbergh's role in the early
years of the war in the Ford Motor Company's reproduction of B-24
bombers and his subsequent 50 combat missions as a civilian flier in the

The book also describes his postwar inspection tour of Germany.
Recounting his prewar activities, the book repeatedly makes clear his
belief that the Roosevelt Administration, pro-British elements and the Jews
were trying to push the United States into the war. And it provides
intimate glimpses of Mr. Lindbergh's private life.

Meditating on the war in a letter to William Jovanovich, his publisher,
which is printed in the introduction to the book, Mr. Lindbergh writes.

"Your ask what my conclusions are, rereading my journals and looking back
on World War II from the vantage point of quarter century in time? We won
the war in a military sense; but in a broader sense it seems to me we lost
it, for our Western civilization is less respected and secure than it was

"In order to defeat Germany and Japan we supported the still greater
menaces of Russia and China - which now confront us in a nuclear weapon
era. The British empire has broken down with great suffering, bloodshed
and confusion. France has had to give up her major colonies and turn to a
mild dictatorship herself."

"Much of our Western culture was destroyed. We lost the genetic
heredity formed through eons of many million lives. Meanwhile, the Soviets
have dropped their Iron Curtain to screen off Eastern Europe, and an
antagonistic Chinese Government threatens us in Asia.

"More than a generation after the war's end, our occupying armies still
must occupy, and the world has not been made safe for democracy and
freedom. On the contrary, our own system democratic government is
being challenged by that greatest of dangers to any government - internal
coordinating and unrest.

"It is alarmingly possible that World War II marks the beginning of our
Western civilization's breakdown..."

Mr Lindbergh kept his journal for eight years - from 1937 to mid-1945 - as a
private record "in (the) realization that I was taking part in one of the
great crises in world history."

The magic of Mr. Lindbergh's name, deriving from his epic New York-to-
Paris solo flight in 1927, opened to him many otherwise closely guarded
doors in Europe, where he moved in 1935 to escape "excessive newspaper
publicity in America."

His self-exile followed the kidnapping and murder of his first son, Charles
Jr, and the conviction and execution of Bruno Richard Hauptmann for the

In the four years that Mr. Lindbergh and his family lived abroad - first in
Britain and then in France - he was able to confer with (and meet socially)
high officials in Germany, France and Britain. He also talked with officers of
the Soviet Government on a tour of Russia.

The flier, according to journal entries, reported to American officials (and
gave detailed impressions to British and French officials) on German air

He estimated in 1938, for example that "the German air fleet is stronger
than that of all other European countries together." And he urged both
senior British and French officials to find a way of getting along with the
Nazis while increasing their own warplane production.

At the invitation of the Nazis, according to the book. Mr. Lindbergh mad
several trips to Germany, the principal two being in t 1936 and 1938. Both
were undertaken, he maintains, with the knowledge of American

On both occasions he met the highest German air officials and visited
aircraft factories and research establishments. It is clear that the Germans
had a good regard for him, and he for them.

In fact, his journal entry for Oct.8 1938, describes how he received the
Service Cross of the German Eagle, a civilian medal, that was to cause such
a furor when he was campaigning for nonintervention in 1939-41. The
scene was a stag dinner at the American Embassy, and the entry reads:

"Marshal Goering, of coarse, was the last to arrive (at th

[CTRL] Israel Piles Up The Bodies in Gaza

2003-02-22 Thread flw
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As the world focuses on Iraq, the bodies pile up in Gaza
By Justin Huggler in Gaza City
22 February 2003

The question hung over the concrete rubble and twisted iron support rods,
the ruined buildings where Palestinians said three young men were killed
when the Israeli army demolished them this week.

Is the Israeli military taking advantage of a time when the world is not
paying attention to what is going on here, when media coverage is
focusing on Iraq, to step up its campaign in the occupied territories?

In the past week, while the world's press focused on the UN security
council and Baghdad, the violence has suddenly surged. In six days,
at least 30 Palestinians have been killed in a series of Israeli
chiefly in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank city of Nablus.

The dead have been a combination of unarmed civilians, armed militants,
members of the legitimate Palestinian security forces and one a medic
trying to reach a sick patient.

But this week's violence was not a response to a suicide bombing or an
attack by Palestinian gunmen in Israel.

Inside Israel, the situation has been at its most calm for months. There
have been no suicide bombings. Nobody has been killed in a militant

The Israeli army began this week's offensive after four Israeli soldiers
killed when Hamas set fire to an Israeli tank guarding a Jewish settlement
inside the occupied Gaza Strip.

Lior Yavne, a spokesman for B'Tselem, one of Israel's most respected human
rights organisations said yesterday: "As soon as it became clear to us that
there were going to be elections in Israel followed by a probable war in
 it was very clear to us that these months would be very difficult in the
occupied territories. One of the only things that can restrain Israeli
policy in the occupied territories is international public opinion."

The upsurge in violence has been so drastic it has attracted international
attention. Sergio Vieira de Mello, the United Nations commissioner for
rights, said in a statement yesterday he was "extremely concerned" at
Palestinian deaths in Gaza. "Such indiscriminate use of force in civilian
areas can never be justified," he said, and urged Israel "to cease such
actions which can damage any possible peace process in the region".
He appealed to all parties to refrain from any further violent action.

Even the US State Department was critical of this week's Israeli military
operations. "We remain very concerned about civilian casualties ...
among Palestinian children and young people," said Richard Boucher, a
State Department spokesman. "These casualties continue to result from
Israeli military actions."


A week of bloodshed began when Hamas militants succeeded in setting fire
to an Israeli tank outside the Jewish settlement of Dugit in the Gaza Strip
with a massive explosive charge hidden by the roadside. Desperate attempts
by the Israeli army to put out the fire could not save four soldiers
inside. Shaul Mofaz, the Israeli Defence Minister, promised Israel would
"strike hard at our enemy Hamas".


Six Hamas militants were killed in a mysterious explosion in the Gaza
Hamas said they were trying to adapt a model aeroplane they had obtained
from across the fence in Israel to carry explosives for use in attacks, and
accused the Israeli military of booby-trapping the aeroplane and murdering
the men. The Israeli army did not comment on their deaths.

The same day, Tayseer Khalil, a representative of the Democratic Front
for the Liberation of Palestine, a PLO faction that does not support
on Israeli civilians, was arrested by soldiers in Nablus. Palestinian
fired on the soldiers trying to arrest him and four Palestinians were
killed in
the gun battle. Palestinian witnesses claimed the dead men were civilians,
not gunmen.


Hamas activist, Riyad abu Zeid, was killed when undercover Israeli soldiers
hiding in a vegetable van ambushed his car on the Gaza coast road. The
Israeli army claimed the soldiers intended to capture Mr abu Zeid and
opened fire when they saw him reach for his gun. Palestinians accused
the army of assassinating him.

In the past the Israeli army has openly admitted a policy of assassinating
Palestinian militants. "I can't be certain," said Mr Yavne of B'Tselem,
I have noticed over the last few months the army has claimed a lot more
people have been killed while trying to escape." On the same day, 35
Israeli tanks and helicopters entered the Gaza Strip and soldiers
the house of Ahmad Ghadnour, another Hamas militant. Two Palestinians
were killed in the gun battle as militants attacked the soldiers, one
a suspected militant, the other a Palestinian policeman, legitimately armed
under the Oslo peace accords.

Israel's Ha'aretz newspaper reported that the Israeli army was starting a
new offensive against Hamas in the Gaza Strip, and that instead of

[CTRL] Sweden Offers Free-speech Refuge To U.S. Officials

2003-02-22 Thread Jei
-Caveat Lector-


Sweden Offers Free-speech Refuge To U.S. Officials
By Dennis Hans
Scoop.co.nz | Fiction/Satire

Friday 21 February 2003

Sweden Providing Platform for U.S. Officials Cowed by Bush intimidated
bureaucrats regain their voice as protected guests of a genuinely
democratic regime.

STOCKHOLM - Blaine Williams hasn't stopped grinning since he arrived in
Sweden two weeks ago. Several times a day he'll approach a complete
stranger, offer a handshake and a smile, introduce himself as a former CIA
analyst from America, and proceed to tell the bewildered Swede all the
things he knows that directly contradict President George W. Bush's
declarations about Saddam Hussein's intentions and capabilities.

"Free at last!" Williams exclaimed to a reporter as he sat on his front
porch and waved to new neighbors. "I was stuck in a totalitarian
bureaucracy for 14 months. What a relief it is to say in public who I am
and what I think."

Williams is the first of dozens of former U.S. government employees
expected to take refuge in Sweden over the next several months, courtesy
of a bold project of the new social democratic government.

On October 15, the Swedish Parliament appropriated 500 million dollars for
the "Palme Plan." Named for former Swedish president Olaf Palme, it
promotes the virtues of free and honest speech among government officials
in underdeveloped democracies.

"Swedes have always been generous in providing economic aid to countries
with underdeveloped economies," said Erland Carlsson, the parliamentarian
who conceived the Palme Plan. "But we've done little to promote democratic
development in underdeveloped democracies."

Some leaders of underdeveloped democracies have welcomed Sweden's
"democracy teams," encouraging their efforts to create a culture of candor
and transparency in the corridors of power. Those efforts comprise the
overt component of the Palme Plan. The covert component kicks in when a
leader is hostile to the very notions of candor and transparency.

Palme, who was Carlsson's political mentor, believed his greatest failure
as president was his inability, during the Vietnam War, to persuade U.S.
officialdom of the virtues of public candor. "Palme believed that if the
national security bureaucracy had not been cowed into silence in the face
of a torrent of deceit from a determined White House, the U.S. would never
have invaded and destroyed Vietnam," Carlsson said.

An October 8 story in the Houston Chronicle, by Jonathan Landy and Warren
Strobel ( http://www.chron.com/cs/CDA/story.hts/nation/1607676), convinced
Carlsson that the same suffocating environment had enveloped key sectors
of the Bush administration.

Thirteen officials from the CIA, State Department and Pentagon, many with
vast experience in the Middle East and South Asia, told Landy and Strobel
the same thing: The White House has squelched dissent, imposed conformity
and silence, demanded skewed analyses to justify its hard line, and
repeatedly exaggerated or falsified intelligence information to inflate
the Saddam threat.

What most alarmed the Swedish MP was that none of the analysts were
willing to be quoted by name. Some were too frightened even to be quoted

"I couldn't help thinking that if these informed, respected patriots could
raise their voices openly and in unison, they'd stop the administration's
chicken hawks in their tracks," Carlsson said. "Public and congressional
support for the war path would whither, and the president would be exposed
as the world's most crooked 'straight shooter.'"

Borrowing Bush's Brilliant Idea

When Bush insisted that U.N. weapons inspectors be able to take Iraqi
scientists and their families outside of Iraq for interviews, thus
protecting the scientists from possible retaliation by Saddam's secret
police, Carlsson had the solution that had eluded Palme so many years ago.

"That's it!" he told a colleague. "We'll offer U.S. bureaucrats and their
families safe passage to Sweden and a secure environment from which they
can speak freely and publicly to the folks back home. They can stay here
at our expense until a climate of openness and honesty prevails in the
Bush administration."

In addition to Williams, 28 other bureaucrats and their families are en
route to Stockholm. All were spirited out of Washington by a team of
Swedish secret agents who had honed their rescue skills in Yugoslavia and
the Congo.

Once the former officials settle into their new homes and get comfortable
with saying who they are and what they think, they'll spend their time
giving speeches an interviews.

Former CIA analyst Williams is already a sensation on Swedish TV as a
regular guest on the top-rated chat show, Nugen Farger ("Hard Rugby"). On
a recent edition, he parsed a string of Bush's statements on Iraq,
including assertions at a Republican fundraiser that Saddam Hussein hopes
to deploy al Qaeda as his "forward army" against the West, and that 

[CTRL] Complications on U.S. Road to War

2003-02-22 Thread Jei
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Complications on U.S. Road to War
By Reuters

Friday 21 February 2003

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - On the verge of war in Iraq, the Bush
administration finds its goals complicated by its own uncompromising
approach as it builds a legacy that could do long-term damage to NATO, the
United Nations and U.S. leadership, diplomats and analysts say.

Such criticism, made in the heat of rhetorical struggle over Iraq policy
and vigorously rejected by administration officials, could well be revised
if war against Baghdad is quick and reasonably successful.

But as it works to maximize world support in the countdown to military
action against Saddam Hussein and to isolate North Korea, the United
States finds itself nearly as much on the defensive as the ``axis of
evil'' regimes it seeks to curtail.

Tensions between the United States and two of its oldest allies -- France
and Germany -- were on display at a European security conference in early
February, then exploded in a NATO dispute over defending alliance member
Turkey and at a U.N. Security Council meeting on Iraq.

At the United Nations, council members took the extraordinary step of
applauding French and Russian demands to slow the rush to war while
comments by Secretary of State Colin Powell, who more than any U.S.
official pursued a diplomatic solution, were met with stony silence.

Later, French Foreign Minister Dominique de Villepin fumed during a
closed-door meeting with Powell that the United States was trying to
divide Europe as France and Germany sought to unify the continent.

Meanwhile, anti-war demonstrations around the world last weekend drew
millions of people in some of the largest protests since the Vietnam War.


``There's no question that a succession of diplomatic moves by (President
George W.) Bush, including (opposition to) the Kyoto protocol, the
International Criminal Court, the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty and other
similar defections from multilateralism, have created the backdrop for
this standoff on Iraq,'' said European expert Charles Kupchan.

``Does that mean if these other events hadn't come first there would be
unity on the Security Council? I wouldn't go that far. But it helps to
explain the passionate nature of the debate and the widespread protests
that have been sweeping Europe. Anti-Americanism has been on a steady rise
since Bush took office. It's not just about Iraq,'' said Kupchan of the
Council on Foreign Relations.

Even before the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, Bush sought to reassert American
leadership and power in many spheres, often fomenting resentments in the
process by pursuing what critics view as a unilateral agenda with
heavy-handed tactics.

On such issues as the global warming treaty known as Kyoto, the
International Criminal Court and the ABM Treaty, U.S. officials declared
their position repeatedly, brooking no compromise, until opponents were
either persuaded or worn down.

Bush also asserted a willingness to wage preventive wars, reinforcing an
image of America as too quick to use force.

The president's reluctant decision to seek U.N. Security Council support
for a tough line on Iraq was an effort to win over critics but many
believed Bush and his team, keen to finish the job left undone in the 1991
Gulf War, were not serious about a diplomatic solution.


In recent weeks, tensions have risen as NATO allies France and Germany dug
in their heels against military action against Iraq, Turkey bargained hard
for more aid in exchange for U.S. basing rights and Defense Secretary
Donald Rumsfeld rankled Paris and Berlin by dismissing them as ``Old

``I think you can definitely argue the Bush people may have rubbed a
little salt in the wounds and the rhetoric tended to exaggerate rather
than diminish the differences,'' said Walter Russell Mead, also of the
Council on Foreign Relations.

But the idea of Europe ``being increasingly unhappy with American
leadership while the U.S. feels its leadership is more needed than ever
after Sept. 11 -- that's something that's there. It doesn't matter who was
president,'' he said.

U.S.-European consensus on Iraq is still possible but even if America goes
to war without U.N. approval, transatlantic ties will survive, as in
previous upheavals, he added.

NATO Secretary-General George Robertson said the dispute over whether to
give Turkey equipment to defend itself against Iraq showed alliance
disarray but was not a mortal blow.

Kupchan was more pessimistic, doubting NATO would survive the crisis and
warning that Washington's failure to win U.N. support for military action
would be a ``historical turning point that would ... deal a powerful blow
to the U.N.,the West as a coherent political entity ... and risk the
United States' international political legitimacy.''

(In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is
distributed without profit to those who have expressed a p

[CTRL] New JBS Brochure! - The John Birch Society Alert Network (fwd)

2003-02-22 Thread William Bacon
-Caveat Lector-

"I pledge Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to
the REPUBLIC for which it stands,  one Nation under God,indivisible,with
liberty and justice for all."

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[CTRL] DU weapons - radioactive soldiers?

2003-02-22 Thread Steve Wingate
-Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded message follows ---
From: "Eva Lyman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "David Crockett Williams" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: DU weapons - radioactive soldiers?
Date: Thursday, February 20, 2003 10:47 PM

David, thanks for forwarding the Weapons inspection team mail to
Rep Kucinich.

The following is material I have just send to our Prime Minister.

We must keep actively involved in the interest of humanity,
like Sai Baba says.

Cheers, Eva


Dear Prime Minister;

The following two articles must give us pause in sending our young men and
women into these contaminated areas, whether to fight or keep the peace.

There is enough evidence that conditions like the Gulf War syndrome are at
least in part due to the radioactive material faced by our personnel. You
will agree that the enclosed articles paint a disturbing picture. Will our
soldiers come back like so much living, breathing "toxic waste" that cannot
be decontaminated, and will affect the health and welfare of those near

I think Canada should refuse to send soldiers to any "theater" where DU or
non-DU radioactive munitions are/have been (or will be) used. I would
certainly refuse to serve in such places, and would not want my kids to
serve there. Have our military planners no conscience at all?

Some of these young people will plan families. Will we just stand by while
they produce kids with gross deformities? Will the radioactive servicemen
contaminate their existing kids? Their partners?

Please read these articles carefully, and before we send anyone anywhere,
either to the Gulf, Afghanistan or the Balkans, let's make sure they will
not be walking through radioactive dust.

If enough of US' allies refused to send their forces to support wars where
these munitions are used, I think the Americans would stop using them.

Sincerely, Eva Lyman


It's dirty, and it's deadly. When you coat a shell with it, it slices
through armoured plating as if it was cheese, turning tanks, buildings and
bomb shelters into exploding incinerators. It causes cancer among people who
breathe its dust, or touch it. It causes horrible birth defects among the
babies of pregnant women who breathe it or touch it. It causes a host of
chronic ailments and sicknesses among returning troops.

It was used by the US army in Iraq, in Kosovo, and Afghanistan. The United
Nations wants a worldwide ban on it. The US plans to use it again, in its
war on Iraq.

What is it? It's a waste product that arises during the production of
enriched uranium for nuclear weapons and reactors. It's called depleted

It has a radioactive half-life of 4.5 billion years. The Earth is 4.5
billion years old. This means that the cities, battlefields, and locations
where depleted uranium is used will be radioactive and remain radioactive
for the next 4.5
billion years.

That's as long as the Earth has existed. That's twice as long as the entire
evolution of life on Earth. Seventy times longer than the time since the
dinosaurs became extinct.

Depleted uranium is extremely dense; that's what makes it capable of slicing
into heavily armoured vehicles. That's why the American military likes it.

In the Gulf War, in 1991, the US army fired off a million rounds of depleted
uranium, totalling 300 tons. In Baghdad, where they thought they were
attacking a secret bunker, they sliced into it with depleted uranium and
incinerated 800 women and children who were hiding in a shelter. Along the
"highway of death", outside Basra, in southern Iraq, they incinerated every
tank, every soldier.

Along that road, the shell-holes in the blown-up tanks are 1000 times more
radioactive than the background. The desert near the vehicles is 100 times
more radioactive.

70% of the uranium burns on impact, turning into as a fine ceramic dust of
depleted uranium oxide particles which gets blown on the wind, and washed
into the groundwater. In the Basra region, there has been a 100-fold
increase in uranium in the groundwater.

And then there's the birth defects.

Children born with fingers missing.
Children born with legs missing.
Children born with parts of their face missing.
Children born with their eyes missing.
Children born with grossly deformed skulls.
Children born with enormous distended bellies.
Children born with no hands.
Children born with no genitals.
Children born with no skin over their bellies.
Children born with open holes in their backs.
Children born whose bodies are beyond words, in their pitiful awfulness.

There has been a 10-fold increase in such birth defects in the
Basra region since 1988. I have seen the photos of these children.
You can see them for yourself at
http://www.web-light.nl/VISIE/extremedeformities.html. But be
warned - these photos are not for the squeamish, and may give
some people nightmares. They are also at

There has also been a 17-fold increase in cance