33 MB used on a empty partition?

2005-01-07 Thread Joao Clemente
Hi. I was running some system checks on a server where I had created a 
partition for future use...
This partition has 60GB, formatted with ext3 with largefile option 
(created with the sarge debian installer) and the only thing I can see 
there is the lost+found folder...

df shows
Filesystem   1K-blocks  Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/md5  58875084 32828  55897952   1% /backup
or, using this output to be more visible
FilesystemSize  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/md5   57G   33M   54G   1% /backup
However, du shows:
linux:/home/jpcl# du -sh /backup/
20K /backup/
So, where are those 33MB going to? Is it related to largefile? Or 
maybe by being ext3 (maybe the journal size)?
What tool can I use to find out the filesystem details? The partition 
sizes we can find out with fdisk, cfdisk, or whatever... but how do we 
check the what filesystem, what blocksize, what journal size, ...?

Joao Clemente
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Re: 33 MB used on a empty partition?

2005-01-07 Thread Joao Clemente
Rabin Vincent wrote:
On Fri, 07 Jan 2005 19:18:47 +, Joao Clemente [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
What tool can I use to find out the filesystem details? The partition
sizes we can find out with fdisk, cfdisk, or whatever... but how do we
check the what filesystem, what blocksize, what journal size, ...?

Running dump2efs on the partition will give you, among other
information, the block size and the journal inode. Then run debugfs on
the partition, and use the command: stat i, replacing i with the
inode of the journal. This will give you the blockcount. Multiply this
blockcount by the block size to get the journal size in bytes.
Hmmm... too messy for what I was asking... Isnt't there a simple tool 
that shows something like
/dev/hda1 : ext2, 1024byte/block,
/dev/hda2 : ext3, 2048byte/block, 10Mb journal journal specific stuff 
like ... journal sync period time
/dev/hda3 : vfat, ...

even if we call it one by one (show_fs /dev/hda1, show_fs /dev/hda2,..)?
dumpe2fs seems to show information similar to tune2fs -l ... I think 
it shows most of the information I would like to find, altough we're 
alredy assuming this is a ext2/ext3 filesystem...

And, now that we're talking about filesystems, maybe someone can 
enlighten me on one other related thing: I usually use noatime in my 
fstab options, and AFAIK this will prevent the system from updating a 
last accessed time from a file. So... there is must be a way to know 
this last accessed time ... wich tool is it?

Joao Clemente
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incremental backups howto?

2004-12-24 Thread Joao Clemente
Hi people. In the latest thread about Synchronize two servers it was 
talked about incremental backups. Well, can you quick-start me in this 

I have the notion of what an incremental backup is... it would be 
keeping the delta from the last state, but how is this done in 
practice? Is it done with tar with some flag? Can we compress the 
backups (tar.[gz|bz2]) or it needs to be uncompressed to create the 
delta? Can we do a 2nd_delta from a backup + 1rst_delta? Or the 
2nd_delta is created directly from backup therefore overriding the 
need for the 1rst_delta?
Maybe its not even done with tar... I keep thinking on diff's and 
patch's but maybe its not the same here.

If one needs the (uncompressed) initial tar available from a backup to 
find the delta, this means we need a 2xN disk, where N is the info 
we have in disk.. so you could only do incremental backups in a disk 
with less than 50% occupation.. rigth or wrong?

What do you say? Pointer to right commands/howto's? Thanks
Joao Clemente
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Re: Sarge not showing all RAM

2004-12-23 Thread Joao Clemente
Björn Abt wrote:
Hello List,
I have a HP DL360 G4 with 2GB ECC RAM and a P4-Xeon with 3 GHz. I installed 
Debian Sarge netinst on this machine and after examining the system i found out 
that top only shows 906MB RAM, even /proc/meminfo shows only 906MB. I tried 
this with both the 2.4 (kernel-image-2.4.27-1-386) and 2.6 
(kernel-image-2.6.8-1-386) Kernels. After that I ran memtestx86 to see if I had 
malicious Memory, but it showed the full 2GB and it ran a whole day without 
showing any errors.
Do I miss anything ? I believe that the standard kernel should work with 2GB...
Another machine with 1GB Non-ECC-RAM shows the full 1GB in /proc/meminfo
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ uname -a
Linux linux 2.6.8-1-686-smp #1 SMP Thu Nov 25 04:55:00 UTC 2004 i686 
 total   used   free sharedbuffers cached
Mem:   1035796 863212 172584  0  83236 677888
-/+ buffers/cache: 102088 933708
Swap:   979832  0 979832

As you can see, I have access to the full 1GB  (well, not exactly 1024MB 
but I supose the remaing is eated up by the kernel)

My kernel has
# CONFIG_HIGHMEM64G is not set
and it IS a stock debian kernel
I would suggest you to check wich kernl is running in that 1GB 
non-ECC-RAM machine... I (am not sure but) believe the 686 or 686-smp 
kernels have high-mem enabled.

Good luck
Joao Clemente
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Re: Sarge not showing all RAM

2004-12-23 Thread Joao Clemente
JerryN wrote:
Intriguing!  So many words in this track being said but nothing really
of any value whatever...
Very well, Jerry, I feel from your words that my answer has not been 
helpfull... nothing really of any value whatever

So, either you're stating that my english is so bad that I can't read, 
understand or write a sentence that makes sense to other, or maybe 
you're trying to say that I'm just dumping garbage to the mailing list...
Before my clarification I must say I felt and I feel ofended by what 
you've said. I have tried to be helpfull. If you believe I have not 
been, please post your reasons for that claim. If you do that, maybe I 
can improve the contents of my answers and you improve your ways to 
comment other peoples attempts without offending.

Well, I'll clarify my answer then:
1) I have read a post from someone that claims that can't see the 2Gb 
memory it has on the system. He sees less than 1GB. The person said he 
tried kernel 2.4.27-1-386 and 2.6.8-1-386.
2) That person claims it has another machine in wich he can see the full 
1GB kernel.
3) The person stated Do I miss anything ? I believe that the standard 
kernel should work with 2GB...

4) When I posted there had been already a reply stating that to access 
the full 1GB thr kernel must have the highmem option enabled.

I replied SHOWING MY MACHINE DETAILS (therefore providing PROOF of my 
claims) that
a) I am running a 2.6.8-1-686-smp kernel  (a standart debian kernel, not 
a kernel compiled by myself) .
b) In my system I can see the full 1 GB memory that is installed (so, 
SHOWING the problem does not occur if you use the same kernel as I do)
c) the kernel parameters that my kernel has enabled and that are 
allowing the system to see the full 1GB (so that if you decide to 
compile the kernel you're using presently you know what options to look for)

a) Check the running kernel on the good machine (You're probably using a 
different kernel so you may try to install in the bad machine the one 
that is on the good machine - uname -a would be a way to check the 
b) Install a 686 or a 686-smp kernel. I am not sure if all combinations 
of kernel-image-2.x.y[-smp] have HIGHMEM options enabled (the ones I 
SHOWED were enables in my kernel) BUT I BELIEVE they all must have.

Yes, I'm shouting! IF you haven't understood some of my info you could 
just ASK! Instead of DEGRADING my attempt to help!

nothing really of any value whatever  bah!
What did you wanted me to say?
How to install a package? How to compile a kernel? How to check your 
kernel version? How to list the available packages? How to check wich 
processor you have? How do you clean your ass?

I hope you solve YOUR problems! They're not mine! And, for your 
new-year, I hope you learn how to ask things, or comment on answers, so 
that people feel good by helping you!

Joao Clemente
On Thu, 2004-12-23 at 16:02 +, Joao Clemente wrote:
Björn Abt wrote:
Hello List,
I have a HP DL360 G4 with 2GB ECC RAM and a P4-Xeon with 3 GHz. I installed 
Debian Sarge netinst on this machine and after examining the system i found out 
that top only shows 906MB RAM, even /proc/meminfo shows only 906MB. I tried 
this with both the 2.4 (kernel-image-2.4.27-1-386) and 2.6 
(kernel-image-2.6.8-1-386) Kernels. After that I ran memtestx86 to see if I had 
malicious Memory, but it showed the full 2GB and it ran a whole day without 
showing any errors.
Do I miss anything ? I believe that the standard kernel should work with 2GB...
Another machine with 1GB Non-ECC-RAM shows the full 1GB in /proc/meminfo
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ uname -a
Linux linux 2.6.8-1-686-smp #1 SMP Thu Nov 25 04:55:00 UTC 2004 i686 
 total   used   free sharedbuffers cached
Mem:   1035796 863212 172584  0  83236 677888
-/+ buffers/cache: 102088 933708
Swap:   979832  0 979832

As you can see, I have access to the full 1GB  (well, not exactly 1024MB 
but I supose the remaing is eated up by the kernel)

My kernel has
# CONFIG_HIGHMEM64G is not set
and it IS a stock debian kernel
I would suggest you to check wich kernl is running in that 1GB 
non-ECC-RAM machine... I (am not sure but) believe the 686 or 686-smp 
kernels have high-mem enabled.

Good luck
Joao Clemente

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Re: Sarge not showing all RAM

2004-12-23 Thread Joao Clemente
Considering the topic and the thread, Andrea answered exaustively as 
far as I would need to be helped if I was in your shoes. I deeply 
recommend you reading this, I do believe this will help you greatly 
getting help in the future:

Maybe you should start asking questions that may help you (change the 
topic if needed) and stop insulting people that could help you but will 
not do it when faced with your attitude.

Ending my posts in this thread,
Joao Clemente
JerryN wrote:
Amazing how many incorrect assumptions have been made here.  And of what
cynicism without any concept of assistance or acceptance.  The proof of
faux nihilism exists here.  

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cron.daily, howto control mailed reports

2004-12-23 Thread Joao Clemente
Hi people.
In a server I setup recently I tougth of keeping the clock sinc'ed by 
running ntpdate daily. I wrote a script calling
/etc/init.d/ntpdate restart
and I placed it in /etc/cron.daily.

Why do I receive daily reports (in my mail system) from this particular 
script being runned, but not from other also existant in /etc/cron.daily?

Ps: I just notisted an report from another script that I'm running 
hourly.. but it seems to have only reported 1 time, when there was an 
output to stdout... can that be it? If there is something in stdout cron 
will report to the mail system, otherwise it will run silently?

Joao Clemente
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Re: cron.daily, howto control mailed reports

2004-12-23 Thread Joao Clemente
Benjamin A'Lee wrote:
On Fri, Dec 24, 2004 at 02:22:10AM + or thereabouts, Joao Clemente wrote:
Why do I receive daily reports (in my mail system) from this particular 
script being runned, but not from other also existant in /etc/cron.daily?

If you want it to run silently, you can put MAILTO= in /etc/crontab
But otherwise cron jobs only mail if there's output to stdout, so if
you want more out put, not less, you'd have to set each one
individually (I think).
Thanks Benjamin, running silently was what I was looking for.
Robert: no problem, thanks for the answer anyway :-)
Joao Clemente
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Re: crontab every 5 minutes?

2004-12-23 Thread Joao Clemente
Andreas wrote:
On Thu, Dec 23, 2004 at 08:02:55PM -0600, Lance Hoffmeyer wrote:
How do I get crontab to run a process every 5 minutes?
Currently, it is setup as:
5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50,55 * * * 

Surely, there is a more elegant approach?
*/12 * * * *
0-59/12 * * * *
should do it.
Sorry to post over your answer, but Andreas, this is not correct: you 
should have written

(every 5 minutes... your versions was every 12 minutes. The '/' is not 
divide the time into y parts but every time 'x MOD y = 0' then run)

For who is not used to MOD, this is the same as % in some 
programming languages: MOD = Remainder of division
0%5 = 0
1%5 = 1
2%5 = 2
3%5 = 3
4%5 = 4
5%5 = 0
6%5 = 1

(Someone has already posted the solution, I just reply to your mail so 
that this is lot left alone and (possibly) confusing someone)

Now, I must wonder: Is there a way to shift this by a wanted value? 
(for instance, when x MOD y = 1, something like putting into cron the 
instance (*/5)+1  ? It would run at 1,6,11,16,21, ... Is it possible?

Joao Clemente
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traffic stats wan-lan - ntop or better?

2004-12-18 Thread Joao Clemente
I had a look at my ISP billing page today and I got somewhat suspicious 
of something wrong with the reported traffic... I had just finished 
looking to my calamaris report and the calamaris report had 1/3 of the 
traffic reported in the ISP billing page...

I decided to get some tool to analize network traffic so that I can 
understand what am I paying for... I have the feeling that ntop is the 
tool to use, but has someone a better suggestion?

My setup is
ADSL Router   MyServer/Proxy
   \- hub -- Other Lan Machines
so altough my server is not the gateway, I think ntop analises 
everything that gets to the machine interface (promiscuous mode)

Any other suggestions?
Joao Clemente
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Marvell 88E8053 (Asus P5GD1) not detected by sarge installer...

2004-12-16 Thread Joao Clemente
I just assembled a new machine with a Asus P5GD1 Pro motherboard. This 
has a built-in 10/100/1000 NIC Marvell 88E8053.

I booted the machine using a usb pen with sarge-business-card-installer 
iso on it. It booted ok, loaded the drivers from the pen, but the 
installer was unable to find the network card. It showed a big list of 
network cards with no Marvell card on it.

Anyone has a clue on how to get this baby working?
Joao Clemente
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Re: Marvell 88E8053 (Asus P5GD1) not detected by sarge installer...

2004-12-16 Thread Joao Clemente
Googling for help didn't help much. It seem it is suposed to work with 
the module sk98lin. This module fails to load... no device found, it 

Asus has, altough, Linux drivers for this thing. They compile a driver 
using existing kernel sources. So I think I could use another machine to 
get a module from their sources... But how can I get that module into 
the installer?

Maybe I should put another (temporary) NIC in the machine to do the 
installation, then get the module for the Marvell compiled and remove 
the temporary NIC? Would it be easier?

Joao Clemente wrote:
I just assembled a new machine with a Asus P5GD1 Pro motherboard. This 
has a built-in 10/100/1000 NIC Marvell 88E8053.

I booted the machine using a usb pen with sarge-business-card-installer 
iso on it. It booted ok, loaded the drivers from the pen, but the 
installer was unable to find the network card. It showed a big list of 
network cards with no Marvell card on it.

Anyone has a clue on how to get this baby working?
Joao Clemente

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Re: Marvell 88E8053 (Asus P5GD1) not detected by sarge installer...

2004-12-16 Thread Joao Clemente
Joao Clemente wrote:
Maybe I should put another (temporary) NIC in the machine to do the 
installation, then get the module for the Marvell compiled and remove 
the temporary NIC? Would it be easier?
Just to finish this thread (maybe someone gets a P5GD1 also) I already 
got the NIC of this board working:

- Installed with a temporary NIC to do the network installation
- Installed 2.6 version (linux26 at lilo prompt) because with normal 
(2.4) version the ICH6R and therefore the SATA disks were not seen
- Compiled Marvell NIC support using the driver from

Very easy to do it:
a) get the kernel header corresponding to you kernel-image
b) ln -s /usr/src/kernel-headers- /usr/src/linux
c) unpack driver package obtained above
d) run ./install.sh
e) pick user installation, choose Y and your module will be compiled 
, placed in /lib/modules... and loaded!

Have fun!
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Re: howto know if raid is really working?

2004-12-15 Thread Joao Clemente
Alvin Oga wrote:
if you have to touch the keyboard to make it work,
than its NOT working
only cat /proc/mdstat is allowed
any other raid commands says the raid is not working
c ya
Hi Alvin. I'm just wondering this: Is this true for software RAID 
aswell? My doubt is about sofware raid vs disk partitions..

Image you're using software raid and 1 disk fails. You somehow get 
alerted and , AFAIK, you
1 - shutdown the machine (ok, this if you don't have a hot-swap system)
2 - remove the failed disk
3 - insert a new, fresh-from-the-store disk
4 - power-up

Now, if this was a hardware raid solution, yes I believe the array will 
self-contruct again. My question is if, with these steps you'll have a 
software RAID system resync'ing the array... or you need to do extra 
steps like:
5 - partition the disk with same partition layout as the removed one

and only after this step the array can re-construct .. What's your 
experience on this?

Joao Clemente
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Re: howto know if raid is really working?

2004-12-15 Thread Joao Clemente
Thanks for the reply, but I still haven't cleared my doubt.
I'll cut the relevant part of the reply (relevant for what I'm trying to 
understand) and comment at the end:

Alvin Oga wrote:
On Thu, 16 Dec 2004, Joao Clemente wrote:
Image you're using software raid and 1 disk fails. You somehow get 
alerted and , AFAIK, you
1 - shutdown the machine (ok, this if you don't have a hot-swap system)
2 - remove the failed disk
3 - insert a new, fresh-from-the-store disk
for sanity ...  i always fdisk the new disk to be the same as the
remaining disk
4 - power-up
and sw raid will mirror the good disk onto the new disk
Now, if this was a hardware raid solution, yes I believe the array will 
self-contruct again.
sw raid, when PROPERLY created will also resysnc/self-construct
again all by itself
My question is if, with these steps you'll have a 
software RAID system resync'ing the array... or you need to do extra 
steps like:
no extra step is supposed to be needed except to take the old
disk out and plug in a new one
5 - partition the disk with same partition layout as the removed one
probably a good idea ... to keep it the same as before
even if your enw disk is bigger than before
- use the xtra (unused) space for something else

Ok, Alvin, as far as I understand when you said at the top for sanity 
... i always fdisk the new disk to be the same as the remaining disk 
you mean limiting it's size, as you say here at last few lines, right?

My doubt is: If you DONT do this (and, following my steps, you CANT 
fdisk unless you power the machine first :-) what will happen then?
Supose you have your disks with 3 partitions each, {hd?1, hd?2, hda?3} 
from wich you have your 3 software raid partitions {md0, md1, md2}.
One disk fails. You put a new one. New as out-of-the-shop, no 
partitions, no filesystem. What happens? Will the partitions be 
generated? Or you need do setup {hdx1, hdx2, hdx3} on the new disk, 
before software raid resyncs the disks?

Or this is not the way to do it?
From what I remember reading, HW RAID handles disks, SW RAID handles 
partitions. If you replace a disk in a HW RAID, the new disk will be 
copied and be equal to the older ones. Mapping this to SW RAID makes the 
sentence like this: If you replace a PARTITION in a SW RAID, the new 
PARTITION will be copied and be equal to the older ones. So what 
happens if the disk has no partitions?

Joao Clemente
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Re: howto know if raid is really working?

2004-12-15 Thread Joao Clemente
Harland Christofferson wrote:
but, what if i write a file to /dev/hda6 (/home), then i mount /dev/hdc6 
to /mnt/hdc6 ... should i see the newly written file in the same 
place on /mnt/hdc6 as was written on /dev/hda6 ?  
Yo Harland, you're getting all messed up
For what I've understood, you have /dev/hda6 and /dev/hdc6 together as a 
RAID1 partition (/dev/mdx, wich is monted at /home)
- Power down, take hdc out, power up.
- Write a file to /home.
- Power down, insert hdc, power up.
- Let raid resync.

- Power down, take hda out, power up. (now only the second disk is there)
- You should see the file in /home. It has been resynced earlyer.

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mirror a debian mirror...

2004-12-13 Thread Joao Clemente
I'll need to install two debian machines (sarge probably) in a place 
where they have dial-up... I usually do my installation over the network 
as I usually have acess to a broadband connection with unlimited 
nacional traffic.

I tought of mirroring a debian mirror to my laptop, using my broadband 
connection, to use it as a local mirror on that place where there is 
only dial-up.

What's the best way to do it?
I've read recently about FAI on LinuxToday, maybe I should follow FAI 
procedure for setting up the mirror? It suggests the use of
mkdebmirror script (debmirror and rsync).  Is this script only usefull 
for FAI or will I suceed to get the mirror as I want (not for use with 

Joao Clemente
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Re: Linux Router

2004-12-13 Thread Joao Clemente
Croy, Nathan wrote:
From: Michael Madden [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, December 13, 2004 5:31 PM
Thanks for all the advice.  I guess something like
LRP appealed to me more since it was floppy based
and didn't require setting up a distro with many
unneeded utilities. Does anyone know of an active
floppy based firewall (Linux or *BSD)?
I've never used it, but CoyoteLinux [1] appears to be active.
It even has a Windows based Wizard, if you are so inclined.
[1] http://www.coyotelinux.com/products.php?Product=coyote
I've used Coyote for a long time. It was great. Easy to setup and it has 
a 2.4 kernel (so you can use iptables if you need to manually tweek 
something), a wizard that works OK from windows, and a shell menu-driven 
or web interface that allows you to setup most cenarios...
anything more complicated than you find in the interfacem you can go to 
the shell and setup yourself

Using floppy = read-only medium, easy system backup ;-), no noise, low 
heat... I was using it in a diskless/fanless P200 Classic with 16Mb Ram

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Re: Cloning a workstation

2004-12-08 Thread Joao Clemente
Eric Gaumer wrote:
On Wed, 2004-12-08 at 10:14 -0500, Sarunas Burdulis wrote:
I need to clone a workstation (which has some custom configuration and 
scripts added to otherwise basic Sarge/KDE) into another set of 
absolutely identical hardware (Intel Pentium 4, IDE HD). Just one clone, 
not a massive install. What tools would you use? Easiest/quickest? 
Machines are on an Ethernet, have CD/DVD and floppy drives.
Just for a quick/hard copy, I have sucessfully used knoppix to boot the 
2nd machine, replicated the partitions myself and then copied everything 
 from the main machine using scp -R [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/* .   not very 
pretty but it worked... :-)

Ps: I also needed to install grub/lilo by hand after the copy, I was 
forgetting about that.. just one more command line :-)

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Sarge KDE weird icon colors on selecting/highliting?

2004-12-08 Thread Joao Clemente
My KDE installation on two different (and updated) sarge machines 
shows weird KDE colors when selecting an icon (for instance, the 
folder icons gets greenish in one of the machines, one the user one it 
gets some purple zones in some areas of the icon)

It happens with all (well... I havent't checked every one of them) icons.
At first I tought it was some XFree driver problem, so I changed to 16 
and 8 colors, tried ati, radeon and vesa drivers (this was 
specifically on a laptop with a Radeon7500Mobile), and they all produced 
the same results.

Then I notisted that gnome does not show this behaviour. It's ok.
KDE bug?
Joao Clemente
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Re: Directory Permissions

2004-12-06 Thread Joao Clemente
Ben Bettin wrote:
I'm running Sarge and have two 250 gb drives.  One has my system
installed on it, the other is mounted as /backup.  I intended to use
/backup to...well...back things up :)
How do I grant certain users access to /backup?  Right now it's only
accessible to the root user.  I've read through a few man-pages, and I
get the impression that I need to add the users to the directory's
groupbut I'm not sure how to do that.  Any thoughts?
Hmmm I'm doing this by head, plese give it a little brain power if 
these instructions are not 100% accurate.

I think it sufices:
1 - create group backup_users
# groupadd backup_users
2 - put wanted user in group, by editing /etc/group
3 - give permissions to directory
chown -R root.backup_users /backup
chmod -R 660 /backup
Actually, there is already a backup group in the system, but I dunno 
exctly if it's already there for some specific purpose or not...

Good luck!
Joao Clemente
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Re: Fw: gdm and reboot

2004-12-05 Thread Joao Clemente
Leonard Chatagnier wrote:
On Thu, Dec 02, 2004 at 10:55:56PM -0500, Michael Spang wrote:
I have often wondered why exactly it defaults to requiring a password.
Requiring a user who has physical access to a computer root privileges
to shut it down seems fundamentally flawed to me--they could easily shut
it down by removing power.
Sorry, I do not agree with you here! You may have a cenario where a user 
has physical acess to keyboard/mouse/screen but not to the box... I 
actually know this cenario, have seen it several times in 
cybercafe's/kyosk implementations. You cannot reach power cable or the 
power button on the box itself.

I find it especially strange since by
default any user can shut down once logged into gnome via gdm, but they
become stranded once back on the welcome screen.
H... kde does not allow this when comming from a kdm session... At 
least not the one I have in a Mandrake setup... Yes, I must agree with 
you that by this point of view it's very strange...

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Re: hda=stroke for installer?

2004-12-05 Thread Joao Clemente
Richard Hector wrote:
From what I've read, I should be able to use the jumper on my seagate
st380011a to limit it to 33.8G, then use hda=stroke on the kernel
command line (for kernels later than 2.6.7), and linux should see the
whole lot.
Any suggestions?
Well, I've actually been able to use new 80GB disks in very old 
computers (Pentium 200 Classic) with no jumper limiter... Maybe you 
could try to boot without the jumper? Even if the bios can't see the 
whole disk, Linux will see it you just need to get booted.. (in last 
instance you can boot from a floppy )

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Re: stopping xserver from loading

2004-12-02 Thread Joao Clemente
Ronald van den Blink / 106075 wrote:
Why don't you change the runlevel? Just boot into single mode, change
the runlevel in inittab and u're ready to boot to the cli
Now that you mentioned it...
How does one adds boot parameters to grub?
With lilo I would jus get to lilo command line and type mylinux 1 
(where mylinux was the label)

How to do it with grub? It doesn't seem simple...
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Re: Grub Hard Disk Error, after installing from sarge floppies

2004-11-30 Thread Joao Clemente
Hi Alvin. Once again, thanks for your ultra-fast reply. I have not been 
able to understand completly what you've said so I'll comment along your 
mail, ok?

Alvin Oga wrote:
On Tue, 30 Nov 2004, Joao Clemente wrote:
...but when one is suposed to get the GRUB menu, I get simply a
GRUB Hard Disk Error message

grub is unreasonably finicky 
What means finicky? 1rst time I see this word
you have several choices..
1)  boot into dos a: fdisk /mbr
-- wipe it out and try grub-install again
I could try this but it would fail again... as you already said - and 
its obvious that it will...

2) i always use lilo, whenver grub failed .. 
Well, I was willing to try it... but I haven't been able to get to a 
point that I get a shell...

3) install into the boot sector of the partition (/dev/hda1 ) instead 
   MBR of the disk ( /dev/hda )
	- but the mbr must be empty too
I am not certain of you're refering to grub, lilo, or both. I see no 
reason why grub (or lilo) would fail when installed in MBR but suceed 
when installed in /dev/hda1... and, btw, can grub be placed in 
/dev/hda1? I've done this with lilo, but never seen it done with grub...

presumably you can boot off of other media to try to install the MBR
with grub/lilo/loadlin/...
boot media == boot floppies, knoppix, deb cdrom,
where you can get into standalone rescue mode
Well here is also one of the problems I tried to follow 
instructions on http://www.desktop-linux.net/grub.htm about using a grub 
floppy and I was not sucessfull... I found out that I needed (at least) 
to give the commands
- root (hda0,0)
- kernel /vmlinuz
- initrd /initrd.img
- boot
but I must be missing something as even with this the boot fails at some 
point with a kernel panic...

One thing that its crossing my mind is... can I use tomsrtbt floppy and 
chroot to my freshly installed sarge? Can I run apt-get lilo from such 
a chroot'ed environment? Is it worth a try?
(I am not trying this at this moment because I decided to reinstall 
again, to see if I can have a choice somewhere of getting lilo instead 
of grub somewhere during installation)

Joao Clemente
Ps: I can only use floppies as boot media for this machine.. no boot 
from cdrom available... it's an old bad machine..

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Re: Grub Hard Disk Error, after installing from sarge floppies

2004-11-30 Thread Joao Clemente
Joao Clemente wrote:
3) install into the boot sector of the partition (/dev/hda1 ) instead 
   MBR of the disk ( /dev/hda )
- but the mbr must be empty too

I am not certain of you're refering to grub, lilo, or both. I see no 
reason why grub (or lilo) would fail when installed in MBR but suceed 
when installed in /dev/hda1... and, btw, can grub be placed in 
/dev/hda1? I've done this with lilo, but never seen it done with grub...
Ok, it is possible to install grub in /dev/hda1 and in fact the 
installer allow us to say where we want to place it if we say NO to 
install grub in MBR?

My problem is solved!
I have no ideia why, but installing grub in /dev/hda1 allowed me to boot 
the machine without a problem!

Thanks to all that replied!
Joao Clemente
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Grub Hard Disk Error, after installing from sarge floppies

2004-11-29 Thread Joao Clemente
Hi. Just wondering if someone has a clue on how to solve this:
I installed an old machine (p200 classic, 32Mb RAM, 3.5Gb HD + realtek 
8193 NIC) using sarge installer from floppies (boot+root+net drivers)

After partitioning, installing the base system and grub loader, the 
installer says it will reboot to continue from the freshly installed 
...but when one is suposed to get the GRUB menu, I get simply a
GRUB Hard Disk Error message

googling revealed problems when using dual-booting, XP or stuff like 
that. I am using a full-disk install over a win95 installation, so no 
dual-boot and no XP before.
I retried the installation using using default options for partitioning, 
 just to be sure I had not messed up with the boot partition.. same error..

I have no ideia of how to debug this or how to workaround it... One 
tought is to do a woody install 1rst or maybe try to get lilo instead of 
grub... but how?

Any toughts?
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runlevel 2 vs 3 vs 5 deprecated in sarge?

2004-11-26 Thread Joao Clemente
I was testing some stuff that needed rebooting my sarge installation an 
I tought to myself that it was a waste of time to startup X at every 
So I headed to /etc/inittab to change it to runlevel 3... but I was 
amazed to see that the value there was 2 

So, do those standarts of 5 = multiuser + X, 3 = multiuser - X, ... 
stoped being used in sarge? Why?

I'm using sarge intalled with rc2 business-card installer
Joao Clemente
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Re: Enable acpi in 2.4.x? It seems to be on the kernel!

2004-11-26 Thread Joao Clemente
Joao Clemente wrote:
I just installed my Asus L3C laptop from sarge rc2 business-cd installer.
I was going to check for apm/acpi support and by looking at 
/boot/config-2.4.27-1-686 file it seems to be already compiled in the 
kernel so...  do I need to use acpi=on on something like that in 
grub for acpi to work?
I have no /proc/acpi, so the kernel seems not to be loading the acpi stuff.

Joao Clemente
Answering to myself: I needed to put acpi=on in grub kernel 
configuration to activate the acpi kernel support (wich then provides me 
a /proc/acpi )

Strange... Maybe everyone is switching to 2.6.x and these things go 
unnotisted... I had searhed the mailing lists with no result...

Well, I hope this still helps someone!
Joao Clemente
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Re: runlevel 2 vs 3 vs 5 deprecated in sarge?

2004-11-26 Thread Joao Clemente
Martin Fluch wrote:
On Fri, 26 Nov 2004, newbin shang wrote:
On Fri, 26 Nov 2004 12:55:15 +, Joao Clemente 

I was testing some stuff that needed rebooting my sarge installation an
I tought to myself that it was a waste of time to startup X at every
So I headed to /etc/inittab to change it to runlevel 3... but I was
amazed to see that the value there was 2 
So, do those standarts of 5 = multiuser + X, 3 = multiuser - X, ...
stoped being used in sarge? Why?
At least as long as I have used debian (more than five years) my 
computer and all instalations I have made booted by default to runlevel 

- Martin
OOppps sorry for the dumb question then... I guess I installed two 
many woody's servers and too few desktops... I must admit I used a 
couple of other distros as desktops, and I always tought of runlevel5 vs 
runlevel3 difference as standart... Sorry about that.

I'm enlightened now!
Thanks for the fast reply
Joao Clemente
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Enable acpi in 2.4.x? It seems to be on the kernel!

2004-11-25 Thread Joao Clemente
I just installed my Asus L3C laptop from sarge rc2 business-cd installer.
I was going to check for apm/acpi support and by looking at 
/boot/config-2.4.27-1-686 file it seems to be already compiled in the 
kernel so...  do I need to use acpi=on on something like that in 
grub for acpi to work?
I have no /proc/acpi, so the kernel seems not to be loading the acpi stuff.

Joao Clemente
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Re: Firefox, Thunderbird etc.

2004-11-22 Thread Joao Clemente
Sayantan Sur [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
is the firefox (or thunderbird) package going to be in the
unstable/testing of Debian Sarge? I am on sarge (testing) and can see
only Firefox version 0.9.3
I'm also on sarge, but I use apt pinning to let me pull in particular
packages from unstable - in my case, specifically thunderbird, firefox,
and gaim.
See http://www.argon.org/~roderick/apt-pinning.html for more details. It
works for me.
Hi Chris. I hope you can provide another reference to a more complete 
explanation of apt-pinning, or that Sayantan has already basic knowledge 
of it... cause I got lost while reading the link you provided, trying to 
figure out where do some of the pinning values were comming from...
I think somewhere in the debian manual there is an explanation for 
apt-pinning (wich maybe lack these examples)(...

Anyway, maybe you could provide your example? I actually would like to 
have firefox pinned to unstable...

Joao Clemente
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Re: Kernel 2.4

2004-11-19 Thread Joao Clemente
Andreas Janssen wrote:
Michael Spang ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

Although this questionis not specific to Debian, it is relevant and I
figure someone here has the answer. Why is the Linux community so
opposed to moving to Kernel 2.6? Is 2.4 really that much more stable?
Familiar? Upgrading to much trouble? Too many things changed too much?
I think not--the open source community is a very dynamic one, things
always change and are upgraded without a second thought. So why are so
many afraid of moving defaults to the latest stable? 2.4 seems to be
the default everywhere..(well to be honest, I don't know the default
for most distributions, but Debian and Knoppix are still with 2.4)

Almost all other mainstream distibutions (Mandrake, Slackware, Fedora,
SuSE) install 2.6 by default. Knoppix comes with kernel 2.6 (although
you may have to activate it using a boot option). Debian Sarge comes
with kernel 2.6 (although I think right now the default installation
kernel is 2.4). The only mainstream distribution I know that does not
have kernel 2.6 is Debian Woody, the current stable release. It is
nearly 2 1/2 years old.
I would ask the same question Michael did, but the other way around: Why 
should I update to 2.6 when I'm perfectly happy with my 2.4 kernel? My 
hardware is completely supported at this moment, so what features 
(non-hardware-support-related) are there in 2.6 that would make me want 
to change?

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Help reporting bugs

2004-11-19 Thread Joao Clemente
Hi. Can you clear me what is the procedure to follow to report/reopen bugs?
I looked at all bug reporting docs I could bind at debian.org and I got 
a number of different ways to do things, like:
- submitting to debian-bugs-dist mailing list
- mailing to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the installation report
- mailing to [EMAIL PROTECTED] without the installation report

I'm somewhat lost in what to do to be more effective. The bugs I would 
like to submit are
 - reopening the installer should choose the optimized kernel choice 
bug wich number I know (I have it here somewhere)
 - reporting a incorrect LANGUAGE setting done by the installer

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Re: Where are config questions in install of latest sarge, and other questions...

2004-11-19 Thread Joao Clemente
Matt Zagrabelny wrote:
1.  It never asked me the hardware config questions I was used to with both
woody and sarge.  What happened to them, how do I find out what device support
is installed, and get support for devices that might not be installed (i.e.,
download drivers for stuff- although now that I've said it, I guess they're just
apt packages, right?).

hardware support boils down to drivers compiled into the kernel or
compiled as modules. to check if certain modules are loaded do 'lsmod'.
i am not sure how to check if certain drivers are compiled into the
Usually in /boot there is stored the config file that existed when
compiling the installed kernel... I have been finding this to be true
for a large number of distributions.
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sarge gdm language entry, howto add language?

2004-11-18 Thread Joao Clemente
Can someone please tell me how to add a language entry to gdm Language 
option? I have googled and saw a dscussion where it seemed that this was 
hardcoded in gdm, what does not makes sense to me..
I installed kde-i18n-pt and my guess is that I'm mising some package, 
maybe gnome related, that enables pt to show up in gdm language listing..
I've tried
apt-cache search pt | grep gdm and
apt-cache search pt | grep gnome but none of these show any 
interesting results...

(using sarge)
Joao Clemente
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Re: sarge gdm language entry, howto add language?

2004-11-18 Thread Joao Clemente
Answering to myself: dpkg-reconfigure locales will place wichever 
locales you select in gdm language chooser

But, unfortunately, this has not given me the functionality I was hoping 
to get... (well, it almost did...) :

I was hoping to use gdm (because of this language feature) to enter kde 
with the chosen language for the user... But I found out that 
unfortunately this language chooser only works for gnome sessions... kde 
language setting must be made inside kde's control panel...

Is there any workaround known, so that I can have a interface language 
chooser in gdm/kdm/whatever that changes the language displayed by kde?

Joao clemente
Joao Clemente wrote:
Can someone please tell me how to add a language entry to gdm Language 
option? I have googled and saw a dscussion where it seemed that this was 
hardcoded in gdm, what does not makes sense to me..
I installed kde-i18n-pt and my guess is that I'm mising some package, 
maybe gnome related, that enables pt to show up in gdm language listing..
I've tried
apt-cache search pt | grep gdm and
apt-cache search pt | grep gnome but none of these show any 
interesting results...

(using sarge)
Joao Clemente

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Re: sarge gdm language entry, howto add language?

2004-11-18 Thread Joao Clemente
Francois Cerbelle wrote:
Le Thu, Nov 18, 2004 at 02:52:22PM +, Joao Clemente ecrit :
Is there any workaround known, so that I can have a interface language 
chooser in gdm/kdm/whatever that changes the language displayed by kde?

It might be possible to set and export the LANG environement variable
somewhere in /etc/environement or in the /etc/X/gdm scripts.
Merci Francois, ..
I had already tried this (or emulated this) and it seemed to do 
nothing... gdm in fact sets the LANG variable, but KDE (at least in 
sarge) seems to ignore it..

I tried it like this:
opened up konsole, checked LANG by doing env | grep LANG ...
1 - LANG was set to C, I started a konqueror from that console, it 
started with a portuguese interface... (I had defined in kde control 
center to use portuguese)
2 - exported LANG=en_US and started konqueror... it also started with 

So I concluded that KDE is ignoring LANG and using some internal value 
(not even environment variables as env displays nothing with pt values)

? Toughts ? Maybe we need to setup kde with multiple possibilites in 
control center, so that he reads LANG?

Joao Clemente
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Re: Partitioning hard drives

2004-11-18 Thread Joao Clemente
Well, I in particular am a fan of using at least a separated /boot and 
/usr partitions, because I like to make them read-only and noatime.
When having multiuser machines I also keep /home separated.

How much space for each? Well, some 8MB to /boot is more than enough and 
as /usr is pretty much static and I always install test-servers first 
to setup to my like I get the feel of how much /usr needs and add some 
more MB just to be safe... for instance I have woody servers with a 
100MB /usr partition (they use about 70MB in /usr).. Desktops take 2-3Gb 
to /usr...

The other partitions really depend on the machine you're setting up...
But after all this thread, now I am having a question: As I said, I am 
fan of using ro,noatime as much as I can... and things in /bin, /sbin 
and /lib are pretty static, right? But we can't put those in partitions, 
can we? They need to be in / so that they're there at boottime, before 
fstab is read, right?

Complaining about FHS:
I was reading FHS and thinking about these things and... for instance 
they say /etc should contain static stuff... but we have 
/etc/resolv.conf that is rewritten by dhcp

Now that I'm thinking, / could be ro... as long as it exists /home, 
/tmp and /var being mounted as rw it should work... h... i gotta 
double-check this for my servers... hmmm

Joao Clemente
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vim + putty = F2 instead of / using keypad

2004-11-17 Thread Joao Clemente
I wonder is someone faced this problem and actually knows a workaround 
for it... I googled but the answers I got didn't solved my problem:

When using putty to connect do a woody box, the '/' key abive the 
numeric keypad works perfectly... except inside vim. If used inside vim, 
I get a F2 displayed every time I press that key...

Any workaround known? I have no ideia if this is a putty 
misconfiguration or vimrc missing something... It is stange that only 
happens inside vim (and if I use vim directly on that box keyboard it 
works fine)

Joao Clemente
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Cups in sarge stops a lot.. maybe lprng better?

2004-11-17 Thread Joao Clemente
Hi. I've tried so setup a print server in sarge, for a epson cx3200 usb 
printer... Cups gets stopped lots of times (every other day?) and I need 
to manually restart the printer...

I am thinking of getting a cronjob doing /usr/bin/enable PrinterName 
as I think this alone would reduce the support call I receive in 80% ..
but in the first place CUPS shouldn't be stopping that many times..

Anyone facing this problem decided to go back to lprng or something?
Joao Clemente
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Re: Debian and spam

2004-11-12 Thread Joao Clemente
William Ballard wrote:
Including nospam in your email name helps a lot.
And how do you subscribe to the list with nospam in the e-mail 
address?!? You'll never receive an e-mail to that address!

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VPN from win to Linux server: PPTP or OpenVPN or..?

2004-11-11 Thread Joao Clemente
I'm searching for a VPN solution to place in a sarge machine I was 
wasked to deploy. This machine must allow a connection from a windows 
laptop to the office network.
Well, the office network has the sarge machine behind a ADSL router, 
therefore I can't use IPSec (AFAIK IPSec needs to be running in the 
public network, there is no way we can portmap from the router to the 
sarge machine since IPSec uses other protocols besides TCP/UDP)

I then turned my attention to openVPN as they state they run the VPN 
over a simple udp port. I'm trying to set up a VPN with it at this 
moment, but I'm having some troubles... while I troubleshoot this, I 
would like to know if someone had experince with PPTP in this cenario... 
Can it be a wiser choice? PPTP at least seems to be standart from the 
microsoft side for ages, while openVPN (in bridge mode - that allows 
samba broadcasts) only works with XP or above...

So, anyone advicing PPTP over OpenVPN? If so, wich server? Poptop?
Joao Clemente
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Re: debian-user-digest Digest V2004 #1571

2004-11-10 Thread Joao Clemente
Clive Menzies wrote:
I've got the netinst image for the new debian-installer (sarge) which I
can burn for you, if you mail me off list (I'm in N. London).  However,
it will leave you with the problem of downloading the current packages.
There is also a businesscard CD image which I could also burn but I
don't know what it includes.
I've used them both to get to debian-installer and install from the 
network, and while I can't tell you what it includes also, by checking 
it's size I bet the netinstall has a greater possibility of providing 
you with base packages for sarge... Most ceartainly the businessdcard cd 
will need to fetch more thing from the net.

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Can BIND resolve nodomain machine names? myserver, not myserver.mydomain...?

2004-11-03 Thread Joao Clemente
I was using dnsmasq in my networks, with wich I was happy till my ISP 
changed nameservers and I was left without a network of 10 machines 
complaining they had no Internet...

Well, I decided to setup BIND on those machines, but I am missing a 
feature of dnsmasq that I can't find a way to setup bind with:
dnsmasq reads /etc/hosts and is able to respond to queries to whatever 
is in that file... we can setup /etc/hosts with: myserver proxy printServer

and query from the network for these names...
Does anyone knows how to setup bind to do this? It ony seems to be able 
to read configs for domains/zones, and I've tried
with no sucess...

I know how to work around this: I setup my local network names in 
mydomain zone and setup all my clients to search mydomain... but 
before doing all these changes I would like to be sure there is no way 
to do what dnsmasq did...

Anyone knows?
Joao Clemente
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Re: Can BIND resolve nodomain machine names? myserver, not myserver.mydomain...?

2004-11-03 Thread Joao Clemente
Thanks for the reply Andrea, but no... nowadays /etc/host.conf is not 
even relevant as it's (old) behaviour is now (since libc6?) defined in 
It would configure the way the dns client lookups up names, looking at 
local files and then to name server... But it's a client behaviour, it 
does not affect BIND AFAIK...

Andrea Vettorello wrote:
IIRC you need to add a line order hosts,bind on your /etc/host.conf...

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Re: SCSI Disk/Controller advice please

2004-11-02 Thread Joao Clemente
On Sat, Oct 30, 2004 at 07:10:53AM -0500, Tim Kelley wrote:
On Sat, Oct 30, 2004 at 12:01:43AM +0100, Joao Clemente wrote:
Which are the tradeoffs of hard vs software raid1? What happens/How do
we proceed if 1 disk fails (how do we know it, how do we replace/resync
Software raid eats up more CPU, but linux' software raid seems to be
rather good.  Doing the root filesystem on raid in linux is kind of a

Not if you're doing a fresh install with the Sarge
debian-installer CD. SW RAID-1 was downright easy.
Good news then!
I was actually thinking of following the instructions on
that installed woody on a software raid1, using knoppix to start things 
up and then bootstrapping woody (whatever bootstrapping means)

I'll use a vmware virtual PC with 2 virtual scsi disks to try the Sarge 
installer CD, while I wait for the real hardware to get to my hands...

Thanks for the tip!
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Re: SCSI Disk/Controller advice please

2004-10-31 Thread Joao Clemente
Hi Paolo, Alvin, Pigeon, Ron  Tim, thanks for all the replies...
Paolo Alexis Falcone wrote:
Which are the tradeoffs of hard vs software raid1? What happens/How do
we proceed if 1 disk fails (how do we know it, how do we replace/resync

Do note though that RAID 1 won't help you that much - it's better if
you could try higher RAID levels (RAID 5) for data integrity. RAID 1
will only mirror disks - and that would also mean should there be
errors in one disk it gets propagated to the mirror as well.
Alvin, first off all I'm aware of high availability solutions (I've done 
my master thesis on those setups), but together with HA solutions we can 
use RAID anyway...
Alvin and Paolo, I'm quite stunned with these claims that errors on one 
disk will be propagated to the other when using RAID1. It still makes 
no sense to me that something like that could happen. Quoting Tim:

problem with raid1 ( aka mirror )
   - if one disk goes bad, the other disk will copy that bad info
   onto the good disk  the whole point of mirror, both disk
   is identical

Completely false. Physical disk errors mirrored by raid? No, No,
No. Fat fingered deletes? Yes.

Paolo, as far as I understand your statements, you state this behaviour 
(suposing that it does happen) does not happen with RAID5. Why? With 
RAID5 you checksum data and in RAID1 you mirror sectors?
I've googled for these problems you claim in RAID1 and haven't found 
nothing stating that these things could happen!

Altough I'll not be going to SCA (as it appears to add somewhat 
significant $$$ to my environment where I don't neet 24/7 availability), 
 just confirm this: There is no SCA controllers. The controllers have 
68 pins wich connect to the hot-swap rack (wich will also receive power 
from a regular power cable) and the hot-swap rack will have the sca 
connector to connect to a sca disk. Is that it?

Joao Clemente
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SCSI Disk/Controller advice please

2004-10-29 Thread Joao Clemente
For the first time I'm gonna setup a server with SCSI disks (until now 
I've done it only with IDE - regular ATA or SATA)

I'm getting a completly new server (P4 3Ghz, Dual-Channel DDR 400, MB 
with intel chipset) and, while I have a good ideia on these components, 
I would like to setup a RAID-1 system with SCSI disks...

I'm looking for advice on these: wich scsi controller should I buy? 
Software or Hardware RAID-1? Wich disk brand? (I'm getting a couple of 
36GB, it is more than enough space for my setup)

Which are the tradeoffs of hard vs software raid1? What happens/How do 
we proceed if 1 disk fails (how do we know it, how do we replace/resync 

This server can be shutdown for maintenance at off-work hours, so I 
don't need any hot-plugging capability.. (this is a controller feature, 

I'm quite confused about all the SCSI variations..
This is what I've found so far are somewhat like this:
- SCSI disks, all Ultra320Wide:
Seagate Cheetah 10K 68 pin,36Gb - 160 EUR
Fujitsu 10K 68 pin,36Gb - 150 EUR
Fujitsu10K SCA/80pin, 36Gb - 150 EUR
Fujitsu 15K 68 pin,18Gb - 185 EUR
Fujitsu15K SCA/80pin, 18Gb - 185 EUR
Ok, no problem with these... any brand/model suggestions?
- Controllers
Several Adaptec SCSI Cards from 200 to 400 EUR, wich can have:
 - 32 or 64bit
 - 160MB or Ultra320
 - Raid (or not, when they say nothing.. I think) (the RAID ones start 
at 400 EUR and I've seen up to 950 EUR)

I'm confused... none of the descriptions of the Adaptec controller I've 
seen state the connectors (68/80 pins)... now add more controller to the 

Tekram PCI DC395UW   - 56 EUR
Tekram PCI DC390U2B  - 102 EUR
Tekram PCI DC390U2W Ultra 2 Low WIDE SCSI - 126 EUR
Tekram PCI DC390U3W Ultra 3 WIDE SCSI 160 - 182 EUR
Tekram PCI DC390U4W Ultra 4 WIDE SCSI 320 - 223 EUR
Damn... Really confused... Please confirm these toughs also:
UltraWideSCSI = 68 pin ... What is 2, 3 or 4 ?!? These seem 
similar to ATA 66/100/133 - the bus speed, is that it?
So, what's SCA? None of these controllers says SCA...

Any help?
Ps: I supose getting a SCSI crontroller built-in on the motherboard is 
stupid? Those are low-value/performance controllers?

Joao Clemente
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Re: SCSI Disk/Controller advice please - fun

2004-10-29 Thread Joao Clemente
Hi Alvin, thanks for the quick reply. Some comments and questions, tough:
Alvin Oga wrote:
On Sat, 30 Oct 2004, Joao Clemente wrote:
I'm getting a completly new server (P4 3Ghz, Dual-Channel DDR 400, MB 
with intel chipset) and, while I have a good ideia on these components, 
I would like to setup a RAID-1 system with SCSI disks...
there is zero point ot setting up raid-1 if you do not need
to be online 24x7 

?!? What if a drive fails while on those 12h/day where people are 
actually using them? This will be a fileserver where documents are 
constantly changed/added/removed during the work hours!

problem with raid1 ( aka mirror ) 
	- if one disk goes bad, the other disk will copy that bad info
	onto the good disk  the whole point of mirror, both disk
	is identical

Well, I never used it before, I tought it was somewhat smarter... like 
mirror UNTIL a drive goes bad. At that point stop mirroring, ignore 
failed drive, alert someone

if you insist on using raid1 ... 
	do software raid1 so you can monitor it and maintain it 

if you use hw raid1, you will suffer from not being able to monitor it
and  at the mercy of the hw vendor to provide you
monitoring/maintenance tools
I see your point. Very good point!
- for the costs of the $200 hw raid1 controller, you can buy how
many additional disks to do your mirroring with rsync and tar
and other backup apps
How diferent is a every minute cronjob rsync'ing content in both 
drives to RAID1 (regarding the problem you stated above): bad info 
gets sync'ed to the good disk anyway... doesn't it?

Which are the tradeoffs of hard vs software raid1? What happens/How do 
we proceed if 1 disk fails (how do we know it, how do we replace/resync 

with raid1 .. you're gonna be S.O.L if one disk dies in a bad way 
that will make the good disk also go bad
A drive failure may lock the whole disk array?
there is zero point in plugging an expensive 64-bit controller into a
32bit slot
:-) Stupid of me for asking this one... heheheh
Joao Clemente
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Re: Courier-imap setup problem: Maildir not found?

2003-06-03 Thread Joao Clemente
  Courier-IMAP requires that user's $HOME/Maildir/ exists and the
  permissions are set so the user can chdir into this directory (usually
  700). Try `man maildirmake` or `man courier.maildirmake`. Before your
  mails get delivered into a Maildir instead of a mbox file, you have to
  setup your MTA (exim) appropriately. afaik there's even an example
  config in /usr/share/doc/exim/...
   So, the install process of courier-imap seems buggy, but I guess it is
   specific to some condition I have, since I see no bug report or thread
   these issues. What do I need to do to get this working?
  It's not buggy :) You can't expect courier package to create a Maildir/
  for each user upon install...

 Thank you for your reply. I have read the maildirmake man page before but
 maybe I've missed the line saying where should the mailfolder be. I think
 cd /home/$USER; maildirmake Maildir for all users will do the trick
 Thank you

 I was suspecting that bit your refered from exim, but I was not even sure
 exim was left in the installation. I think I got lost with what is running
 in my system..

 PS: Actually, I would expect courier to do it... at lest for the users
 created AFTER courier install... (This would be something like writing to
 the /etc/skel , if I'm not mistaken)... but ok :-)

Just to end the thread:
I kept having problems after changing what seemed obvious in
(This file comments say to uncomment maildir_format). I found the solution


Thanks to Todd Pytel and Igor Stroh for the help given.
Joao Clemente

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Re: Courier-imap setup problem: Maildir not found?

2003-06-02 Thread Joao Clemente

- Original Message -
From: Igor Stroh [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, June 02, 2003 12:24 AM
Subject: Re: Courier-imap setup problem: Maildir not found?

 Courier-IMAP requires that user's $HOME/Maildir/ exists and the
 permissions are set so the user can chdir into this directory (usually
 700). Try `man maildirmake` or `man courier.maildirmake`. Before your
 mails get delivered into a Maildir instead of a mbox file, you have to
 setup your MTA (exim) appropriately. afaik there's even an example
 config in /usr/share/doc/exim/...

  So, the install process of courier-imap seems buggy, but I guess it is
  specific to some condition I have, since I see no bug report or thread
  these issues. What do I need to do to get this working?

 It's not buggy :) You can't expect courier package to create a Maildir/
 for each user upon install...

Thank you for your reply. I have read the maildirmake man page before but
maybe I've missed the line saying where should the mailfolder be. I think a
cd /home/$USER; maildirmake Maildir for all users will do the trick then.
Thank you

I was suspecting that bit your refered from exim, but I was not even sure
exim was left in the installation. I think I got lost with what is running
in my system..

PS: Actually, I would expect courier to do it... at lest for the users
created AFTER courier install... (This would be something like writing to
the /etc/skel , if I'm not mistaken)... but ok :-)

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Mutt e-mail charset. Read is bad, write is ok.

2003-03-31 Thread Joao Clemente
I think I'm missing something here but I can't figure out what that
option is:
My language (Portuguese) has those vocals with signs on top (the
acute, grave, tilde, ...).

My editor is set to vi and I can write those letters fine ( á, ò ).
However, I can't read them, either in index or pager mode.

I'm guessing it's some charset related option.. But how does it
affects only pager and index, and does not affect editor?

Thank you

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Mutt select language for ispell

2003-03-31 Thread Joao Clemente
Is there a way to select the language ispell uses for spell checking? 
I have both English and Portuguese dictionaries installed, but I don't
see a way to tell mutt to choose Portuguese when I want to.. It always
uses English, that is the default one...

Joao Clemente

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gaim other protocols like msn..

2003-03-31 Thread Joao Clemente
Is there a way to apt-get gaim and get the other protocols enabled? Im
particular I was looking for msn support.
I've once had gaim installed from sources and i had msn, irc and other,
and in this one (debian package) I don't have any of those...

Joao Clemente

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Re: Mutt select language for ispell

2003-03-31 Thread Joao Clemente
On Mon, Mar 31, 2003 at 08:17:56AM -0600, Nathan Poznick wrote:
 Thus spake Joao Clemente:
  Is there a way to select the language ispell uses for spell checking? 
  I have both English and Portuguese dictionaries installed, but I don't
  see a way to tell mutt to choose Portuguese when I want to.. It always
  uses English, that is the default one...
 In your .muttrc, you can do:
 set ispell=some command here
 Thus, you could tell it to use ispell -d otherlanguage

I see... but no real-time way to do it... hmmm.. 
Thank you for the reply! 

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Re: gaim other protocols like msn..

2003-03-31 Thread Joao Clemente
On Mon, Mar 31, 2003 at 05:45:14PM +0300, Subredu Manuel wrote:
  Have you tryied to apt-get install gaim, gaim, Tools-Plugins-Load ?

Shame on me :( ... Thank you. 

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Re: Mutt e-mail charset. Read is bad, write is ok.

2003-03-31 Thread Joao Clemente
On Mon, Mar 31, 2003 at 02:35:45PM +0100, Joao Clemente wrote:
 I think I'm missing something here but I can't figure out what that
 option is:
 My language (Portuguese) has those vocals with signs on top (the
 acute, grave, tilde, ...).
 My editor is set to vi and I can write those letters fine ( á, ò ).
 However, I can't read them, either in index or pager mode.
 I'm guessing it's some charset related option.. But how does it
 affects only pager and index, and does not affect editor?

Answering myself: I've notisted that some other things also didn't
worked with Portuguese characters, like joe or even the console...
The problem after all was that I hadn't installed locales..


apt-get locales
select your locales. In my setup was everything pt_PT

that's it!
 (I think I'll put my LANG settings at /etc/profile or .bashrc or

 Thanks for reading!
 Joao Clemente

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wwwoffle or squid?

2003-03-31 Thread Joao Clemente
I just took a look at wwwoffle's homepage, and I found no reason why not
to use it instead of squid... But there must be some guidelines that
one can follow to choose one or the other..

Is squid worth it in terms of extra performace or better reliability,
when compared to wwwoffle? I'll use the proxy to serve half a dozen
clients, not more.

I think squid has features for bigger deployments, like ICP protocol,
for instance. 

So, is there a reason for using squid instead of wwwoffle? 
Or one for using wwwoffle instead of squid? 


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Re: mutt and aliases

2003-03-20 Thread Joao Clemente
On Thu, Mar 20, 2003 at 08:52:50PM -0500, Hall Stevenson wrote:
 I have this line
 source ~/.mutt.aliases
 in my .muttrc file, but when I *add* an alias, it wants to add it to
 .muttrc and not .mutt_aliases. I'm guessing that that line only tells
 mutt where to LOOK when it needs to lookup an alias, NOT to save them
 when I create one.
 Is it possible to have mutt *write* to the alias file I spec'd ??

I have the feeling that its the 
set alias_file=~/.mail_aliases
described in the manual.

Btw, how do you take out addresses automatically?
I've tried to use the mail2alias add-on, but I didn't find it very
good... It would take only the 1rst address it would find and I usually
wanted some other address...

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Re: Where to put environment variables?

2003-02-27 Thread Joao Clemente
On Friday 28 February 2003 01:06, praveen kallakuri wrote:
 your console may not be spawning a login shell. thats when /etc/profile
 is not read (in other words, /etc/profile is read when you spawn a login
 shell). trying using a standard terminal. or alternatively, put your
 environment variables in .bashrc in your HOME. and source .bashrc in
 your .bash_profile.

I think that is not the problem I'm facing:

When I start kde through startx my konsole has the enviroment set up 
When I start kde through kdm, the same console does not have the environment 
set up. 

If I had the problem you talk about, I would face it either way, right?

Thank you for your reply
Joao Clemente
Programming today is a race between software engineers
striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs
and the universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots.
So far, the universe is winning.
- Richard Cook

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