Re: [action][Proposal] Architecture plan for Struts Action 2.0

2006-05-15 Thread Jonathan Revusky

Jason Carreira wrote:

I have a couple of comments to make about this.

First of all, presumably the whole motivation of this
"merger" is that 
you could unite your energies on a common framework.
If there is still 
ongoing work on 2 different frameworks, it kind of
belies the whole 
point of the merger, doesn't it?

Now, my understanding of the point that Michael
Jouravlev was making is 
that, once you label something as version n+1 of
something, you are 
basically putting out the message that version n is
Typically, verseion n+1 of a product supersedes
version n. I may be an 
excessively simple-minded guy, but if I hit a website
and can download 
FooBar version 1, or FooBar version 2, I guess I'll
go with version 2. I 
will also just assume that all new development is on
version 2, not 
version 1.

What would a casual observer make of this? You
"merge" with a competing 
framework in order to combine your efforts (i.e. not
disperse your 
efforts on 2 different products as before) and you
label Webwork as 
Struts Action 2 when the existing product is version
1. I put it to you 
that, on the basis of this, nobody with common sense
would count on any 
further development of Struts 1.x taking place.
People will just 
naturally draw the conclusion that Struts 1.x
development is being 
abandoned. If it was not your intent for people to
think that, then you 
chose a very strange product naming strategy.

Now, even if, contrary to all outward appearances,
this conclusion is 
wrong, and you guys really do intend to further
develop Struts 1.x, how 
much credibility do you have on this as things stand?

Throughout most of the past 4 years, Struts 1.x was
the only thing 
called Struts and was presumably the only real focus
of development of 
Struts committers. However, development stagnated. To
tell people that 
there is going to be any significant development on
that codebase now, 
when it is competing for attention with another
codebase (labelled 
version 2 of same (!)) is asking people to believe

quite a bit.

But in any case, if whatever project management
practices that were 
followed over the last few years continue to be
followed without 
considering any changes at all, why should a rational
person expect 
results any different than what there has been over
the past few years? 
This would be a valid question IMO even if there was
no merger with 
Webwork and no Shale.

If you continue with the exact same approach, which
has yielded rather 
poor results, and besides that, you don't bring in
new people to work on 
Struts 1.x, why should one expect anything much to

come out of it?

My sense of things is that you should either just
forthrightly tell 
people that Struts 1.x development is being
abandoned. Or, if it isn't, 
you should immediately offer to bring in people who
are interested in 
working on it. Obviously Frank Zammetti is
interested. I suspect that 
Phil Zoio would be interested. Probably other people


But as things are, the contradictory message you are
emitting just seems 
outrageous. To prevent people who are able and
willing to work on Struts 
1.x from getting actively involved, and all the while
emit confused 
messages claiming that Struts 1.x is not really being
abandoned, surely 
this is a bit much for even people around here to

swallow, isn't it?

Jonathan Revusky
lead developer, FreeMarker project,

This is exactly like the split we had a few years ago 

> when Patrick and I decided to start from scratch with
> WebWork 2.

Jason, I think to say "exactly like" is really pushing things. I shall 
point out two very fundamental differences between the two situations:

The first is that when you and Patrick decided to start a Webwork 2 -- 
with, I presume, a new architecture and so on -- this was a situation 
where you were the ones willing to roll up your sleeves and do the heavy 
lifting and make things happen. SAF2 involves the existing Struts 
commmitters, who failed to maintain any development momentum on their 
product, relabelling *your* work on WW as the next version of Struts. 
That's kinda different, isn't it?

Now, I don't know the situation in any detail that you are describing 
with Webwork (you have the advantage on me there) but I would say that, 
sure, there may well have been people in the WW community with 
reservations about the direction that you and Patrick were taking things 
with WW 2. BUT... the fact remains that you were the ones willing to do 
the heavy lifting, and, in a sensibly structured environment, the people 
willing to roll up their sleeves and do the work are the ones who 
determine the future direction of a project. (They could well be taking 
the project in the wrong direction, but they're the ones who are willing 
to do the work, so they make the decisions. It really can't work any 
other way IMO.)

The other significant difference is that the Webwork situation you 
allude to does not really present the 

Re: [action][Proposal] Architecture plan for Struts Action 2.0

2006-05-08 Thread Jason Carreira
> I have a couple of comments to make about this.
> First of all, presumably the whole motivation of this
> "merger" is that 
> you could unite your energies on a common framework.
> If there is still 
> ongoing work on 2 different frameworks, it kind of
> belies the whole 
> point of the merger, doesn't it?
> Now, my understanding of the point that Michael
> Jouravlev was making is 
> that, once you label something as version n+1 of
> something, you are 
> basically putting out the message that version n is
> superseded. 
> Typically, verseion n+1 of a product supersedes
> version n. I may be an 
> excessively simple-minded guy, but if I hit a website
> and can download 
> FooBar version 1, or FooBar version 2, I guess I'll
> go with version 2. I 
> will also just assume that all new development is on
> version 2, not 
> version 1.
> What would a casual observer make of this? You
> "merge" with a competing 
> framework in order to combine your efforts (i.e. not
> disperse your 
> efforts on 2 different products as before) and you
> label Webwork as 
> Struts Action 2 when the existing product is version
> 1. I put it to you 
> that, on the basis of this, nobody with common sense
> would count on any 
> further development of Struts 1.x taking place.
> People will just 
> naturally draw the conclusion that Struts 1.x
> development is being 
> abandoned. If it was not your intent for people to
> think that, then you 
> chose a very strange product naming strategy.
> Now, even if, contrary to all outward appearances,
> this conclusion is 
> wrong, and you guys really do intend to further
> develop Struts 1.x, how 
> much credibility do you have on this as things stand?
> Throughout most of the past 4 years, Struts 1.x was
> the only thing 
> called Struts and was presumably the only real focus
> of development of 
> Struts committers. However, development stagnated. To
> tell people that 
> there is going to be any significant development on
> that codebase now, 
> when it is competing for attention with another
> codebase (labelled 
> version 2 of same (!)) is asking people to believe
> quite a bit.
> But in any case, if whatever project management
> practices that were 
> followed over the last few years continue to be
> followed without 
> considering any changes at all, why should a rational
> person expect 
> results any different than what there has been over
> the past few years? 
> This would be a valid question IMO even if there was
> no merger with 
> Webwork and no Shale.
> If you continue with the exact same approach, which
> has yielded rather 
> poor results, and besides that, you don't bring in
> new people to work on 
> Struts 1.x, why should one expect anything much to
> come out of it?
> My sense of things is that you should either just
> forthrightly tell 
> people that Struts 1.x development is being
> abandoned. Or, if it isn't, 
> you should immediately offer to bring in people who
> are interested in 
> working on it. Obviously Frank Zammetti is
> interested. I suspect that 
> Phil Zoio would be interested. Probably other people
> too.
> But as things are, the contradictory message you are
> emitting just seems 
> outrageous. To prevent people who are able and
> willing to work on Struts 
> 1.x from getting actively involved, and all the while
> emit confused 
> messages claiming that Struts 1.x is not really being
> abandoned, surely 
> this is a bit much for even people around here to
> swallow, isn't it?
> Jonathan Revusky
> --
> lead developer, FreeMarker project,

This is exactly like the split we had a few years ago when Patrick and I 
decided to start from scratch with WebWork 2. There still remains a userbase 
for WebWork 1.x  (Jira, as mentioned, is built on 1.x) and some development 
time is still put into it. Over time, the community shifted to a more and more 
2.x focus, but there are still people answering WebWork 1.x questions. 
Development of 1.x is now mostly bug fixing (although there really aren't very 
many bugs found anymore) and sometimes backporting features from 2.x. So yes, 
you can have both, and yes, over time the community shifts to the next version. 
No one is saying 1.x will be cut off and no more work will be done on it. How 
much development is done there will depend on what the community needs in terms 
of bug fixes and new features, possibly some back ported from SAF 2.x to make 
it easier to migrate to SAF 2.x later. Don't forget that Struts 1.x still has 
the largest user base of any framework. No one thinks that a ship of that size 
can be turned on a dime. :-)
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Re: [action][Proposal] Architecture plan for Struts Action 2.0

2006-05-08 Thread Jason Carreira
> Let's not exaggerate the impact of the API on user
> code though...
> Users record validation errors a little differently;
> you should be
> able to port existing WW2 code pretty easily with
> some clever
> refactorings (which we will document when the time
> comes).
> And we're trying to simplify custom interceptor and
> result
> implementations. How many custom interceptors and
> results does a
> typical user implement? Not many.
> The new API should be simpler, cleaner, better
> separated from the
> implementation, more intuitive, and better organized.
> If you
> understand WW2, you'll have no problem understanding
> the new API. If
> you haven't learned WW2 yet, it will be easier to
> learn the new API
> than WW2.

One thing to remember about the WebWork community is that we're generally much 
more comfortable looking for the hooks into the framework and exploiting them 
to make our app code simpler and more powerful. Interceptors, custom 
validators, even custom object factories and ActionInvocation / ActionProxy 
implementations are not that uncommon. 

I still don't understand the (too many) roles that the Request object plays in 
the new API, but all of those hooks that people get into as their projects 
start to grow are tied to the old APIs. I'll repeat that, for me, it took a 
couple of weeks of instability to jump from the 2.1.x codebase to 2.2 because 
we did some big refactorings in 2.2. That was mostly just details compared to 
the impact API changes would have. Keep that in mind as we think about API 
changes. I'm all for changes that make things better, but not so much for 
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Re: [action][Proposal] Architecture plan for Struts Action 2.0

2006-05-08 Thread Jonathan Revusky

Ted Husted wrote:

On 5/5/06, Michael Jouravlev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

The current versioning/naming system will force them, because it does
not make distinction between Classic and WebWork. Most users and/or
their managers know that higher version number means newer and better
product. Which is why I preferred "Classic" name for 1.x codebase. I
think that before 2.0 and 1.3 are released, it is still possible to
reconsider the names. That is, if 1.3 is still considered worth
working on.

Evidentally, Don, Wendy, Martin, James, and I all feel that 1.3 is a
worthwhile endeavor, since we all voted to support the Struts Action
1.3.2 beta release. A lot of work went into 1.3.x, and much of it
happened long after 2.0 was announced.

I have a couple of comments to make about this.

First of all, presumably the whole motivation of this "merger" is that 
you could unite your energies on a common framework. If there is still 
ongoing work on 2 different frameworks, it kind of belies the whole 
point of the merger, doesn't it?

Now, my understanding of the point that Michael Jouravlev was making is 
that, once you label something as version n+1 of something, you are 
basically putting out the message that version n is superseded. 
Typically, verseion n+1 of a product supersedes version n. I may be an 
excessively simple-minded guy, but if I hit a website and can download 
FooBar version 1, or FooBar version 2, I guess I'll go with version 2. I 
will also just assume that all new development is on version 2, not 
version 1.

What would a casual observer make of this? You "merge" with a competing 
framework in order to combine your efforts (i.e. not disperse your 
efforts on 2 different products as before) and you label Webwork as 
Struts Action 2 when the existing product is version 1. I put it to you 
that, on the basis of this, nobody with common sense would count on any 
further development of Struts 1.x taking place. People will just 
naturally draw the conclusion that Struts 1.x development is being 
abandoned. If it was not your intent for people to think that, then you 
chose a very strange product naming strategy.

Now, even if, contrary to all outward appearances, this conclusion is 
wrong, and you guys really do intend to further develop Struts 1.x, how 
much credibility do you have on this as things stand?

Throughout most of the past 4 years, Struts 1.x was the only thing 
called Struts and was presumably the only real focus of development of 
Struts committers. However, development stagnated. To tell people that 
there is going to be any significant development on that codebase now, 
when it is competing for attention with another codebase (labelled 
version 2 of same (!)) is asking people to believe quite a bit.

But in any case, if whatever project management practices that were 
followed over the last few years continue to be followed without 
considering any changes at all, why should a rational person expect 
results any different than what there has been over the past few years? 
This would be a valid question IMO even if there was no merger with 
Webwork and no Shale.

If you continue with the exact same approach, which has yielded rather 
poor results, and besides that, you don't bring in new people to work on 
Struts 1.x, why should one expect anything much to come out of it?

My sense of things is that you should either just forthrightly tell 
people that Struts 1.x development is being abandoned. Or, if it isn't, 
you should immediately offer to bring in people who are interested in 
working on it. Obviously Frank Zammetti is interested. I suspect that 
Phil Zoio would be interested. Probably other people too.

But as things are, the contradictory message you are emitting just seems 
outrageous. To prevent people who are able and willing to work on Struts 
1.x from getting actively involved, and all the while emit confused 
messages claiming that Struts 1.x is not really being abandoned, surely 
this is a bit much for even people around here to swallow, isn't it?

Jonathan Revusky
lead developer, FreeMarker project,

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Re: [action][Proposal] Architecture plan for Struts Action 2.0

2006-05-07 Thread Dakota Jack

I am a bit surprised that this was not all pretty well worked out in detail
before the merger.  Why not first take the time to see what will need to be
done and what the result will look like before deciding to do it?  That
should not be a daunting task.  A list of what the result will take and what
the result will look like would be worth having before taking a vote on
this.  To just a make a decision and to start coding blindly before knowing
what the parameters of the situation are would be just to return to past
"throw it against the wall and see what sticks" sort of decision making.

The continuing introduction of "Ti" into these conversations is confusing to
me.  I am not sure what Ted means by that.  I know Ted and I know it is an
agenda for sure, but I don't know what that agenda is.

I also don't see the arguments (reasons) for evolution now revolution later
decisions.  Are there any that have been gathered, arranged, collated, etc?
This all seems a bit out of control and not well-planned.  These sorts of
discussion, by the way, have nothing to do with "architecture".

On 5/7/06, Ted Husted <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 5/6/06, Bob Lee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The new API should be simpler, cleaner, better separated from the
> implementation, more intuitive, and better organized. If you
> understand WW2, you'll have no problem understanding the new API. If
> you haven't learned WW2 yet, it will be easier to learn the new API
> than WW2.

All of which seems to imply that the "new API" might be the equivalent of
WW 3.

We've always planned to consider signficant API changes for "SAF 2.0
Next" as Ti Phase 2, but we need to set modest, achievable
expectations for SAF 2.0 (aka WW 2.3). The first phase is an
evolutionary transition. The second phase is meant to be

Of course, without code on the table, it's too soon to say yes, no, or
maybe. No matter what anyone plans to do, the implementation has to
pass muster. The most anyone here can say is "Looks cool, show us the
code" or "Here's the code, how do you like it?".


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"You can lead a horse to water but you cannot make it float on its back."
~Dakota Jack~

Re: [action][Proposal] Architecture plan for Struts Action 2.0

2006-05-07 Thread Ted Husted

On 5/6/06, Bob Lee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

The new API should be simpler, cleaner, better separated from the
implementation, more intuitive, and better organized. If you
understand WW2, you'll have no problem understanding the new API. If
you haven't learned WW2 yet, it will be easier to learn the new API
than WW2.

All of which seems to imply that the "new API" might be the equivalent of WW 3.

We've always planned to consider signficant API changes for "SAF 2.0
Next" as Ti Phase 2, but we need to set modest, achievable
expectations for SAF 2.0 (aka WW 2.3). The first phase is an
evolutionary transition. The second phase is meant to be

Of course, without code on the table, it's too soon to say yes, no, or
maybe. No matter what anyone plans to do, the implementation has to
pass muster. The most anyone here can say is "Looks cool, show us the
code" or "Here's the code, how do you like it?".


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Re: [action][Proposal] Architecture plan for Struts Action 2.0

2006-05-06 Thread Bob Lee

On 5/6/06, Jason Carreira <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Maybe the same philosophies, but the API you laid out is very different for 
users of the framework...

Let's not exaggerate the impact of the API on user code though...

Users record validation errors a little differently; you should be
able to port existing WW2 code pretty easily with some clever
refactorings (which we will document when the time comes).

And we're trying to simplify custom interceptor and result
implementations. How many custom interceptors and results does a
typical user implement? Not many.

The new API should be simpler, cleaner, better separated from the
implementation, more intuitive, and better organized. If you
understand WW2, you'll have no problem understanding the new API. If
you haven't learned WW2 yet, it will be easier to learn the new API
than WW2.


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Re: [action][Proposal] Architecture plan for Struts Action 2.0

2006-05-06 Thread Jason Carreira
> Don't worry, David. We're just talking about cleaning
> up the API and
> making your code a little cleaner. It's fundamentally
> the same
> framework with the same philosophies.
> Bob

Maybe the same philosophies, but the API you laid out is very different for 
users of the framework...
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Re: [action][Proposal] Architecture plan for Struts Action 2.0

2006-05-06 Thread Bob Lee

Don't worry, David. We're just talking about cleaning up the API and
making your code a little cleaner. It's fundamentally the same
framework with the same philosophies.


On 5/5/06, David Evans <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I am a struts user who has recently began programming in webwork, to get
a head start for action 2.  Having just spent many hours researching,
reading about and experimenting with webwork, I personally hope that you
start with a version of action 2 that resembles webwork pretty closely.
I wonder how many other people are in my shoes. If ease of migration is
a major concern for the project, maybe a survey on struts-user would be
useful, something like:

Regarding Struts Action 2 and Webwork do you...
[ ] plan to keep using struts action 1 for new apps
[ ] plan to use struts 2 for new apps when released
[ ] plan to use webwork for new apps til struts 2 is released

I think that having the current webwork user base as a resource that may
help the much larger struts users base to migrate is a consideration
that should be taken in your deliberations as well, because if struts
action 2 is new everyone, that may make adoption slower.


On Fri, 2006-05-05 at 13:04 -0700, Don Brown wrote:
> Ok, let's just make this an official proposal and focus all of this 
> I propose that the architecture plan for Struts Action 2.0 includes the 
>   1. A re-design of the API to simplify the framework the users see
>   2. Backwards-compatibility support for WebWork 2 and Struts 1.x applications
>   3. Continue to use XWork for a) compatibility reasons and b) the core
> implementation of the new API
>   4. A target GA release by August
> This means for current WebWork 2 users:
>   1. WebWork continues to apply bug fixes for the WebWork 2.1.x and 2.2.x 
>   2. Migration to Struts Action 2.0 should take hours, not days, weeks, but
> probably not minutes.
> For Struts Action 1 users:
>   1. Struts Action 1.x will continue to be developed actively
>   2. Migration to Struts Action 2.0 should take days, using available 
> tools and compatibility libraries
> I think this proposal is a good middle ground between folks that want WebWork
> 2.2 with just package renaming, and others that want a completely new 
> Please register your comments and if necessary, I'll call a vote so we can
> decide this once and for all, and get back to coding.
> Don
> -
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Re: [action][Proposal] Architecture plan for Struts Action 2.0

2006-05-05 Thread David Evans
I am a struts user who has recently began programming in webwork, to get
a head start for action 2.  Having just spent many hours researching,
reading about and experimenting with webwork, I personally hope that you
start with a version of action 2 that resembles webwork pretty closely.
I wonder how many other people are in my shoes. If ease of migration is
a major concern for the project, maybe a survey on struts-user would be
useful, something like:

Regarding Struts Action 2 and Webwork do you...
[ ] plan to keep using struts action 1 for new apps
[ ] plan to use struts 2 for new apps when released
[ ] plan to use webwork for new apps til struts 2 is released 

I think that having the current webwork user base as a resource that may
help the much larger struts users base to migrate is a consideration
that should be taken in your deliberations as well, because if struts
action 2 is new everyone, that may make adoption slower.


On Fri, 2006-05-05 at 13:04 -0700, Don Brown wrote:
> Ok, let's just make this an official proposal and focus all of this 
> discussion:
> I propose that the architecture plan for Struts Action 2.0 includes the 
> following:
>   1. A re-design of the API to simplify the framework the users see
>   2. Backwards-compatibility support for WebWork 2 and Struts 1.x applications
>   3. Continue to use XWork for a) compatibility reasons and b) the core 
> implementation of the new API
>   4. A target GA release by August
> This means for current WebWork 2 users:
>   1. WebWork continues to apply bug fixes for the WebWork 2.1.x and 2.2.x 
> branches
>   2. Migration to Struts Action 2.0 should take hours, not days, weeks, but 
> probably not minutes.
> For Struts Action 1 users:
>   1. Struts Action 1.x will continue to be developed actively
>   2. Migration to Struts Action 2.0 should take days, using available 
> migration 
> tools and compatibility libraries
> I think this proposal is a good middle ground between folks that want WebWork 
> 2.2 with just package renaming, and others that want a completely new 
> framework.
> Please register your comments and if necessary, I'll call a vote so we can 
> decide this once and for all, and get back to coding.
> Don
> -
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Re: [action][Proposal] Architecture plan for Struts Action 2.0

2006-05-05 Thread Ted Husted

On 5/5/06, Michael Jouravlev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

The current versioning/naming system will force them, because it does
not make distinction between Classic and WebWork. Most users and/or
their managers know that higher version number means newer and better
product. Which is why I preferred "Classic" name for 1.x codebase. I
think that before 2.0 and 1.3 are released, it is still possible to
reconsider the names. That is, if 1.3 is still considered worth
working on.

Evidentally, Don, Wendy, Martin, James, and I all feel that 1.3 is a
worthwhile endeavor, since we all voted to support the Struts Action
1.3.2 beta release. A lot of work went into 1.3.x, and much of it
happened long after 2.0 was announced.


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Re: [action][Proposal] Architecture plan for Struts Action 2.0

2006-05-05 Thread Michael Jouravlev

On 5/5/06, Phil Zoio <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Michael Jouravlev wrote:

> On 5/5/06, Frank W. Zammetti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> If the existing branches can continue to develop, then the community
>> is not
>>   hurt by breaking compatibility, they are actually HELPED because the
>> merger yields a much greater value in the end, and people will probably
>> want to migrate despite the problems.
> I am trying to imagine a book title: "New features of Struts 1.3", and
> then another one on the same shelf "Struts 2.0: a definitive guide".
> Something does not feel right...
> This situation is worse than General Motors product line. Imagine GM
> 1.3 and GM 2.0 instead of Saab 9-3 and Chevrolet Malibu. Well, Saab is
> almost dead anyway.

For this reason, they should be separate projects which should be
allowed to evolve independently and indefinitely into the future (as
long as there are developers - such as yourself, apparently - who are
willing to do). There is no reason in my opinion why Struts 1.x should
not be allowed to become Struts (Classic) 2.x, 3.x, etc. at some point
in the future. It's life cycle should not be cut short by replacement
with WW. Insteady, they should be frameworks with parallel existence.
Let users decide when (if at all) to make the switch. Don't force it on

The current versioning/naming system will force them, because it does
not make distinction between Classic and WebWork. Most users and/or
their managers know that higher version number means newer and better
product. Which is why I preferred "Classic" name for 1.x codebase. I
think that before 2.0 and 1.3 are released, it is still possible to
reconsider the names. That is, if 1.3 is still considered worth
working on.

Sorry for hijaacing the Struts 2.0 thread. But Don mentioned 1.x first ;-)

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Re: [action][Proposal] Architecture plan for Struts Action 2.0

2006-05-05 Thread Phil Zoio

Michael Jouravlev wrote:

On 5/5/06, Frank W. Zammetti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

If the existing branches can continue to develop, then the community 
is not

  hurt by breaking compatibility, they are actually HELPED because the
merger yields a much greater value in the end, and people will probably
want to migrate despite the problems.

I am trying to imagine a book title: "New features of Struts 1.3", and
then another one on the same shelf "Struts 2.0: a definitive guide".
Something does not feel right...

This situation is worse than General Motors product line. Imagine GM
1.3 and GM 2.0 instead of Saab 9-3 and Chevrolet Malibu. Well, Saab is
almost dead anyway.

For this reason, they should be separate projects which should be 
allowed to evolve independently and indefinitely into the future (as 
long as there are developers - such as yourself, apparently - who are 
willing to do). There is no reason in my opinion why Struts 1.x should 
not be allowed to become Struts (Classic) 2.x, 3.x, etc. at some point 
in the future. It's life cycle should not be cut short by replacement 
with WW. Insteady, they should be frameworks with parallel existence. 
Let users decide when (if at all) to make the switch. Don't force it on 

With current product names and version numbers, 1.x does not stand a
chance (for new projects). I feel like improving 1.x, but I don't
think that it will make much sense. Should finish the WW book instead,
I guess.

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Re: [action][Proposal] Architecture plan for Struts Action 2.0

2006-05-05 Thread Michael Jouravlev

On 5/5/06, Frank W. Zammetti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

If the existing branches can continue to develop, then the community is not
  hurt by breaking compatibility, they are actually HELPED because the
merger yields a much greater value in the end, and people will probably
want to migrate despite the problems.

I am trying to imagine a book title: "New features of Struts 1.3", and
then another one on the same shelf "Struts 2.0: a definitive guide".
Something does not feel right...

This situation is worse than General Motors product line. Imagine GM
1.3 and GM 2.0 instead of Saab 9-3 and Chevrolet Malibu. Well, Saab is
almost dead anyway.

With current product names and version numbers, 1.x does not stand a
chance (for new projects). I feel like improving 1.x, but I don't
think that it will make much sense. Should finish the WW book instead,
I guess.

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Re: [action][Proposal] Architecture plan for Struts Action 2.0

2006-05-05 Thread Ted Husted

On 5/5/06, Frank W. Zammetti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

But that's precisely my point... isn't the best way to combine the
talents to "take the cuffs off", so to speak, and not worry about

Yes, and this is why the Ti proposal talks about two phases.

In the first phase, the projects "join forces" and create a common codebase.

In the second phase, we move on to brave new development.

There are people who are eager to get started on Phase 2, which is
understandable. There are many great ideas that we can explore. But, I
think the core group would like to complete Phase 1 first, and then
move on to Phase 2. The Phase 2 planning can continue, and we can even
start some whiteboards, but we need do first things first.


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Re: [action][Proposal] Architecture plan for Struts Action 2.0

2006-05-05 Thread Ted Husted

This sounds fine to me, Don.

I'd suggest annexing this to the original Ti proposal as a clarification.


On 5/5/06, Don Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Ok, let's just make this an official proposal and focus all of this discussion:

I propose that the architecture plan for Struts Action 2.0 includes the 

  1. A re-design of the API to simplify the framework the users see
  2. Backwards-compatibility support for WebWork 2 and Struts 1.x applications
  3. Continue to use XWork for a) compatibility reasons and b) the core
implementation of the new API
  4. A target GA release by August

This means for current WebWork 2 users:
  1. WebWork continues to apply bug fixes for the WebWork 2.1.x and 2.2.x 
  2. Migration to Struts Action 2.0 should take hours, not days, weeks, but
probably not minutes.

For Struts Action 1 users:
  1. Struts Action 1.x will continue to be developed actively
  2. Migration to Struts Action 2.0 should take days, using available migration
tools and compatibility libraries

I think this proposal is a good middle ground between folks that want WebWork
2.2 with just package renaming, and others that want a completely new framework.

Please register your comments and if necessary, I'll call a vote so we can
decide this once and for all, and get back to coding.

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Re: [action][Proposal] Architecture plan for Struts Action 2.0

2006-05-05 Thread Don Brown

Gabe wrote:

I am all for simplifying the API to the end developer, but I wonder if those
changes could be pushed to XWork in the form of an XWork 2.0, with, of course,
the Web specific portions being added to SAF 2. 

Agreed, and with my XWork developer hat on, XWork 2.0 will be required to 
support Java 5 properly, in alignment with the Java 5 target Struts Action 2 
decided on.


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Re: [action][Proposal] Architecture plan for Struts Action 2.0

2006-05-05 Thread Gabe

I am all for simplifying the API to the end developer, but I wonder if those 
changes could be pushed to XWork in the form of an XWork 2.0, with, of course, 
the Web specific portions being added to SAF 2. I see the reasoning behind 
creating a layer to hide XWork (everything the user uses is Struts 2), but I 
believe the logical conclusion of that reasoning is to move XWork as well to 
Struts rather than adapter layer. I won't elaborate because I have in other 
threads. ;-)

- Original Message 
From: Don Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Struts Developers List 
Sent: Friday, May 5, 2006 4:36:13 PM
Subject: Re: [action][Proposal] Architecture plan for Struts Action 2.0

Gabe wrote:

> Where XWork is in this proposal is a little vague. Would this proposal break
> the traditional division of roles between XWork and Webwork (Where SAF 2 is
> where webwork was)? If so, how so? Is this proposing that there be an adapter
> layer in SAF 2 to access XWork APIs? Would we be looking to push changes into 
> XWork?

XWork would be hidden behind the new API for new projects, but available for 
older ones or just those that want to continue working with XWork directly. 
Again, it is too soon to expect fully-fleshed out details, but remember the end 
goal of simplifying the API to a end developer.   That goal will drive any 


> Thanks,
> Gabe
> - Original Message 
> From: Don Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: Struts Developers List 
> Sent: Friday, May 5, 2006 4:04:35 PM
> Subject: [action][Proposal] Architecture plan for Struts Action 2.0
> Ok, let's just make this an official proposal and focus all of this 
> discussion:
> I propose that the architecture plan for Struts Action 2.0 includes the 
> following:
>   1. A re-design of the API to simplify the framework the users see
>   2. Backwards-compatibility support for WebWork 2 and Struts 1.x applications
>   3. Continue to use XWork for a) compatibility reasons and b) the core 
> implementation of the new API
>   4. A target GA release by August
> This means for current WebWork 2 users:
>   1. WebWork continues to apply bug fixes for the WebWork 2.1.x and 2.2.x 
> branches
>   2. Migration to Struts Action 2.0 should take hours, not days, weeks, but 
> probably not minutes.
> For Struts Action 1 users:
>   1. Struts Action 1.x will continue to be developed actively
>   2. Migration to Struts Action 2.0 should take days, using available 
> migration 
> tools and compatibility libraries
> I think this proposal is a good middle ground between folks that want WebWork 
> 2.2 with just package renaming, and others that want a completely new 
> framework.
> Please register your comments and if necessary, I'll call a vote so we can 
> decide this once and for all, and get back to coding.
> Don
> -
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> -
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Re: [action][Proposal] Architecture plan for Struts Action 2.0

2006-05-05 Thread Frank W. Zammetti

Don Brown wrote:
The purpose of this merger is not to create yet another framework or 
kill off competition, but to start collaborating as framework developers 
for the greater good of the general community.  By focusing on who can 
do what or why can't a project release something, you are missing the 
point.  The point is to collaborate to build a single Action-based 
framework that combines the talents of the Struts and WebWork teams, and 
hopefully more.  

But that's precisely my point... isn't the best way to combine the 
talents to "take the cuffs off", so to speak, and not worry about 
backwards-compatibility?  Why should those talents be shackled to that 
compatibility *IF* the existing frameworks are going to continue to be 
actively developed?  Your proposal explicitly states that SAF1 will do 
so... if the Webwork folks were to say the same thing, that to me 
removes the need to keep compatibility (and even if they didn't want to 
do that, which I agree is completely their choice, is the community big 
enough to warrant sticking with compatibility?).  That's my point.  I 
see it as a way to maximize the outcome of the merger.

> Yes, there will be compromises, and yes, we can't
"force" anyone to do anything, but we are here aren't we, so let's make 
the most of it.

Again, precisely my point.  There are a lot of good ideas being talked 
about... but many of them either can't be done, or can't be done to 
their full potential, if backwards-compatibility is still clung to.  If 
the existing branches can continue to develop, then the community is not 
 hurt by breaking compatibility, they are actually HELPED because the 
merger yields a much greater value in the end, and people will probably 
want to migrate despite the problems.

The purpose of this proposal is come to some sort of agreement of where 
we want to take Struts Action 2, so we can get back to work.

Of course, it'd be foolish for it to have any other purpose :)  I'm just 
raising one way that agreement might be reached sooner than later.  I 
might be wrong, but I'm putting it out there for discussion just the same.



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Re: [action][Proposal] Architecture plan for Struts Action 2.0

2006-05-05 Thread Don Brown

Gabe wrote:

Where XWork is in this proposal is a little vague. Would this proposal break
the traditional division of roles between XWork and Webwork (Where SAF 2 is
where webwork was)? If so, how so? Is this proposing that there be an adapter
layer in SAF 2 to access XWork APIs? Would we be looking to push changes into 

XWork would be hidden behind the new API for new projects, but available for 
older ones or just those that want to continue working with XWork directly. 
Again, it is too soon to expect fully-fleshed out details, but remember the end 
goal of simplifying the API to a end developer.   That goal will drive any changes.



- Original Message 
From: Don Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Struts Developers List 
Sent: Friday, May 5, 2006 4:04:35 PM
Subject: [action][Proposal] Architecture plan for Struts Action 2.0

Ok, let's just make this an official proposal and focus all of this discussion:

I propose that the architecture plan for Struts Action 2.0 includes the 

  1. A re-design of the API to simplify the framework the users see
  2. Backwards-compatibility support for WebWork 2 and Struts 1.x applications
  3. Continue to use XWork for a) compatibility reasons and b) the core 
implementation of the new API

  4. A target GA release by August

This means for current WebWork 2 users:
  1. WebWork continues to apply bug fixes for the WebWork 2.1.x and 2.2.x 
  2. Migration to Struts Action 2.0 should take hours, not days, weeks, but 
probably not minutes.

For Struts Action 1 users:
  1. Struts Action 1.x will continue to be developed actively
  2. Migration to Struts Action 2.0 should take days, using available migration 
tools and compatibility libraries

I think this proposal is a good middle ground between folks that want WebWork 
2.2 with just package renaming, and others that want a completely new framework.

Please register your comments and if necessary, I'll call a vote so we can 
decide this once and for all, and get back to coding.


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Re: [action][Proposal] Architecture plan for Struts Action 2.0

2006-05-05 Thread Don Brown
If the WebWork committers make the decision to continue developing WebWork 2.x, 
they are entirely free to do so.  If Struts Action 1 committers decide to 
continue developing Action 1, they are also free to do so.  However, if WebWork 
2 developers decide to stop work and focus completely on Struts Action Framework 
2, that is also their decision.

The purpose of this merger is not to create yet another framework or kill off 
competition, but to start collaborating as framework developers for the greater 
good of the general community.  By focusing on who can do what or why can't a 
project release something, you are missing the point.  The point is to 
collaborate to build a single Action-based framework that combines the talents 
of the Struts and WebWork teams, and hopefully more.  Yes, there will be 
compromises, and yes, we can't "force" anyone to do anything, but we are here 
aren't we, so let's make the most of it.

The purpose of this proposal is come to some sort of agreement of where we want 
to take Struts Action 2, so we can get back to work.


Frank W. Zammetti wrote:
I'm OK with this, from an end user perspective certainly, and from a 
(sort of I guess) framework developer as well.

However, you raise an interesting point in my mind...

"Struts Action 1.x will continue to be developed actively"

Ok... I personally like that.  However, why wouldn't it also be said 
that "Webwork 2.x.x will continue to be developed actively" too?  You do 
mention continuing to apply patches, but that's different.

The reason I ask that question is this...

There are a lot of API changes being bandied about.  Some are minor, 
some possibly major.  If ever there was a time to "get it right", so to 
speak, and in the process break backwards-compatibility, I would think 
now is the time.  Especially when the proposal includes active 
development of an old branch, so no one is "left behind", why not say 
the same for Webwork, and then drop the idea of compatibility for SAF2 

Obviously there has to be people in the Webwork community willing to do 
that too.

I think that would focus resources first of all... those that are 
working on SAF2 can do so without concern for SAF1 or even Webwork 2.x.x 
compatibility.  Secondly, it would allow all the "revolutionary" ideas 
to be included without issue.

Now, you might argue that keeping compatibility brings the existing 
communities along, and I don't disagree.  But, isn't that negated by 
making it official "policy", as it were, to continue developing the 
older branches as well?  The community isn't being "left behind" in that 

You might also argue that keeping compatibility, to the extent that it 
tends to limit the degree of change to the API, might act as something 
of a "governor" to the inevitable scope creep, and thereby keep things 
more or less on schedule.  Again, I wouldn't disagree, but I think there 
are other ways to do that which still allow the big changes to happen.

The only down-side I can see is if no one wants to continue work on 
Webwork 2.x.x.  Then that community suffers.

Any thoughts?


Don Brown wrote:
Ok, let's just make this an official proposal and focus all of this 

I propose that the architecture plan for Struts Action 2.0 includes 
the following:

 1. A re-design of the API to simplify the framework the users see
 2. Backwards-compatibility support for WebWork 2 and Struts 1.x 
 3. Continue to use XWork for a) compatibility reasons and b) the core 
implementation of the new API

 4. A target GA release by August

This means for current WebWork 2 users:
 1. WebWork continues to apply bug fixes for the WebWork 2.1.x and 
2.2.x branches
 2. Migration to Struts Action 2.0 should take hours, not days, weeks, 
but probably not minutes.

For Struts Action 1 users:
 1. Struts Action 1.x will continue to be developed actively
 2. Migration to Struts Action 2.0 should take days, using available 
migration tools and compatibility libraries

I think this proposal is a good middle ground between folks that want 
WebWork 2.2 with just package renaming, and others that want a 
completely new framework.

Please register your comments and if necessary, I'll call a vote so we 
can decide this once and for all, and get back to coding.


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Re: [action][Proposal] Architecture plan for Struts Action 2.0

2006-05-05 Thread Gabe

Thanks for drawing up a proposal. I suggest allow ample discussion time before 
this is called to a vote.

Where XWork is in this proposal is a little vague. Would this proposal break 
the traditional division of roles between XWork and Webwork (Where SAF 2 is 
where webwork was)? If so, how so? Is this proposing that there be an adapter 
layer in SAF 2 to access XWork APIs? Would we be looking to push changes into 


- Original Message 
From: Don Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Struts Developers List 
Sent: Friday, May 5, 2006 4:04:35 PM
Subject: [action][Proposal] Architecture plan for Struts Action 2.0

Ok, let's just make this an official proposal and focus all of this discussion:

I propose that the architecture plan for Struts Action 2.0 includes the 

  1. A re-design of the API to simplify the framework the users see
  2. Backwards-compatibility support for WebWork 2 and Struts 1.x applications
  3. Continue to use XWork for a) compatibility reasons and b) the core 
implementation of the new API
  4. A target GA release by August

This means for current WebWork 2 users:
  1. WebWork continues to apply bug fixes for the WebWork 2.1.x and 2.2.x 
  2. Migration to Struts Action 2.0 should take hours, not days, weeks, but 
probably not minutes.

For Struts Action 1 users:
  1. Struts Action 1.x will continue to be developed actively
  2. Migration to Struts Action 2.0 should take days, using available migration 
tools and compatibility libraries

I think this proposal is a good middle ground between folks that want WebWork 
2.2 with just package renaming, and others that want a completely new framework.

Please register your comments and if necessary, I'll call a vote so we can 
decide this once and for all, and get back to coding.


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Re: [action][Proposal] Architecture plan for Struts Action 2.0

2006-05-05 Thread Frank W. Zammetti
I'm OK with this, from an end user perspective certainly, and from a 
(sort of I guess) framework developer as well.

However, you raise an interesting point in my mind...

"Struts Action 1.x will continue to be developed actively"

Ok... I personally like that.  However, why wouldn't it also be said 
that "Webwork 2.x.x will continue to be developed actively" too?  You do 
mention continuing to apply patches, but that's different.

The reason I ask that question is this...

There are a lot of API changes being bandied about.  Some are minor, 
some possibly major.  If ever there was a time to "get it right", so to 
speak, and in the process break backwards-compatibility, I would think 
now is the time.  Especially when the proposal includes active 
development of an old branch, so no one is "left behind", why not say 
the same for Webwork, and then drop the idea of compatibility for SAF2 

Obviously there has to be people in the Webwork community willing to do 
that too.

I think that would focus resources first of all... those that are 
working on SAF2 can do so without concern for SAF1 or even Webwork 2.x.x 
compatibility.  Secondly, it would allow all the "revolutionary" ideas 
to be included without issue.

Now, you might argue that keeping compatibility brings the existing 
communities along, and I don't disagree.  But, isn't that negated by 
making it official "policy", as it were, to continue developing the 
older branches as well?  The community isn't being "left behind" in that 

You might also argue that keeping compatibility, to the extent that it 
tends to limit the degree of change to the API, might act as something 
of a "governor" to the inevitable scope creep, and thereby keep things 
more or less on schedule.  Again, I wouldn't disagree, but I think there 
are other ways to do that which still allow the big changes to happen.

The only down-side I can see is if no one wants to continue work on 
Webwork 2.x.x.  Then that community suffers.

Any thoughts?


Don Brown wrote:
Ok, let's just make this an official proposal and focus all of this 

I propose that the architecture plan for Struts Action 2.0 includes the 

 1. A re-design of the API to simplify the framework the users see
 2. Backwards-compatibility support for WebWork 2 and Struts 1.x 
 3. Continue to use XWork for a) compatibility reasons and b) the core 
implementation of the new API

 4. A target GA release by August

This means for current WebWork 2 users:
 1. WebWork continues to apply bug fixes for the WebWork 2.1.x and 2.2.x 
 2. Migration to Struts Action 2.0 should take hours, not days, weeks, 
but probably not minutes.

For Struts Action 1 users:
 1. Struts Action 1.x will continue to be developed actively
 2. Migration to Struts Action 2.0 should take days, using available 
migration tools and compatibility libraries

I think this proposal is a good middle ground between folks that want 
WebWork 2.2 with just package renaming, and others that want a 
completely new framework.

Please register your comments and if necessary, I'll call a vote so we 
can decide this once and for all, and get back to coding.


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Frank W. Zammetti
Founder and Chief Software Architect
Omnytex Technologies
AIM: fzammetti
Yahoo: fzammetti
Java Web Parts -
Supplying the wheel, so you don't have to reinvent it!

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Re: [action][Proposal] Architecture plan for Struts Action 2.0

2006-05-05 Thread Eric Molitor

Just as some people continue to use WebWork 1.xx (JIRA) I imagine
people will continue to use SAF1 regardless of how easy the migration
path is.

I always assume it would take a day or two to convert existing WW code
to SAF2 so at the end of the day just picking a direction is progress.


On 5/5/06, Michael Jouravlev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 5/5/06, Don Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ok, let's just make this an official proposal and focus all of this 
> I propose that the architecture plan for Struts Action 2.0 includes the 
>   1. A re-design of the API to simplify the framework the users see
>   2. Backwards-compatibility support for WebWork 2 and Struts 1.x applications
>   3. Continue to use XWork for a) compatibility reasons and b) the core
> implementation of the new API
>   4. A target GA release by August
> This means for current WebWork 2 users:
>   1. WebWork continues to apply bug fixes for the WebWork 2.1.x and 2.2.x 
>   2. Migration to Struts Action 2.0 should take hours, not days, weeks, but
> probably not minutes.
> For Struts Action 1 users:
>   1. Struts Action 1.x will continue to be developed actively
>   2. Migration to Struts Action 2.0 should take days, using available 
> tools and compatibility libraries
> I think this proposal is a good middle ground between folks that want WebWork
> 2.2 with just package renaming, and others that want a completely new 
> Please register your comments and if necessary, I'll call a vote so we can
> decide this once and for all, and get back to coding.
> Don

SAF1 could have future if migration to SAF2 were impossible or too
complicated.  But according to your plan, migration from SAF1 to SAF2
should take days. What is the point of keeping Action 1.x "to be
developed actively"?

I am not objecting, I am just asking. Trying to understand where I am ;-)

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Re: [action][Proposal] Architecture plan for Struts Action 2.0

2006-05-05 Thread Don Brown

Michael Jouravlev wrote:

SAF1 could have future if migration to SAF2 were impossible or too
complicated.  But according to your plan, migration from SAF1 to SAF2
should take days. What is the point of keeping Action 1.x "to be
developed actively"?

I am not objecting, I am just asking. Trying to understand where I am ;-)

It is more a question of committer time and energy.  There are committers that 
want to only work with Action 1, so even if there is a smooth upgrade path, 
Action 1 will continue to be developed.

Now, there is a difference between actively developed and simply supported.  The 
Struts PMC is totally committed to support Action 1, meaning bug fixes, security 
fixes, etc.  Whether Action 1 sees more releases with fancy new features is up 
to those that want to do the work.

Personally, I'll be supporting Action 1, but actively developing 2.  If Action 1 
keeps going, I might backport some things to it, however, to make the conceptual 
transition for the developer easier to 2.


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Re: [action][Proposal] Architecture plan for Struts Action 2.0

2006-05-05 Thread Michael Jouravlev

On 5/5/06, Don Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Ok, let's just make this an official proposal and focus all of this discussion:

I propose that the architecture plan for Struts Action 2.0 includes the 

  1. A re-design of the API to simplify the framework the users see
  2. Backwards-compatibility support for WebWork 2 and Struts 1.x applications
  3. Continue to use XWork for a) compatibility reasons and b) the core
implementation of the new API
  4. A target GA release by August

This means for current WebWork 2 users:
  1. WebWork continues to apply bug fixes for the WebWork 2.1.x and 2.2.x 
  2. Migration to Struts Action 2.0 should take hours, not days, weeks, but
probably not minutes.

For Struts Action 1 users:
  1. Struts Action 1.x will continue to be developed actively
  2. Migration to Struts Action 2.0 should take days, using available migration
tools and compatibility libraries

I think this proposal is a good middle ground between folks that want WebWork
2.2 with just package renaming, and others that want a completely new framework.

Please register your comments and if necessary, I'll call a vote so we can
decide this once and for all, and get back to coding.


SAF1 could have future if migration to SAF2 were impossible or too
complicated.  But according to your plan, migration from SAF1 to SAF2
should take days. What is the point of keeping Action 1.x "to be
developed actively"?

I am not objecting, I am just asking. Trying to understand where I am ;-)

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