Re: reviewboard vs. gerrit

2011-01-12 Thread Patrick Hunt
Hi Thomas, we (apache project) don't control the infrastructure
supported by Apache, we are merely users. Support for git is a long
running discussion at Apache, I suspect you should direct these types
of issues to infrastruct...@.

Also, I did a quick search on the INFRA jira (you might look at the
GIT component there) and found the following already in place:



On Wed, Jan 12, 2011 at 8:23 AM, Thomas Koch wrote:

 I'm currently proposing gerrit as a tool to host GIT repositories at Apache.
 For evaluation I installed a gerrit instance at

 Gerrit not only does the same things as reviewboard (AFAIK), but also
 - directly commits to the official GIT repo when review is succesful
 - manages commit and review permissions
 - let you directly git push to itself - so no more git diffPATCH and upload

 But I don't have used gerrit in practice so far. It's only my impression, that
 it would much better serve the needs of the ASF. Gerrit is developed by google
 for the android project and also used by the eclipse foundation. Both projects
 have similiar legal and workflow requirements as the ASF.

 Best regards,

 Thomas Koch,

Re: Issues with attachments to wiki.

2011-01-12 Thread Patrick Hunt
Ok, great. How are we doing with moving over the wiki? Anyone been
working on that?

btw, Nigel pinged me last night, he wanted to remove the ZK tab and
make some other changes on the Hadoop site to reflect the fact that ZK
is now a TLP. I asked him to hold off for a bit while we finalize the
site/wiki but they'd like to make the changes soon.

What's the status on the web site? (ben?) I clicked on some links and
notice there are still some 404 results (right side nav for example).
Any chance we can finalize this soon? The board meeting is on the
19th, too late for that I'm guessing but I'd really like to have 940
finalized before the next one.



On Wed, Jan 12, 2011 at 9:02 AM, Mahadev Konar wrote:
 Yup. We already did. It works on the new cwiki.


 On 1/12/11 9:00 AM, Patrick Hunt wrote:

 Could you give this a try on the new cwiki?

Re: bylaws proposal

2011-01-12 Thread Patrick Hunt
Hi Ben, thanks for getting this rolling. Your committer suggestion
sounds fine to me. WRT to pre announcing, we are already giving
multiple days for a vote, also in the lead up to a release it should
be pretty obvious that one is imminent (we usually send out status
updates and such, plus the activity is pretty clear on the lists,
jira, svn, etc...). Adding more pre announce time will stretch out
the timeframes (and process) even longer, I'd rather we keep it as is
unless ppl think this is a big issue.

Would you mind creating a proposal page on the cwiki similar to what Pig did?



On Tue, Jan 4, 2011 at 9:17 AM, Benjamin Reed wrote:
 I really like the Pig bylaws. I would suggest using it as a starting point
 for ZooKeeper. One thing I would like to modify is the Committer section.
 Pig's bylaws state that the committer becomes emeritus if they haven't
 contributed in any form for 6 months. I would tighten that up and say if
 they haven't been actively involved in reviewing or committing. (They are
 after all committers.) I have made this change to the text.

 The other change that I would like, and did not add, is for some of the
 votes to have a requirement to pre-announce. Specifically for PMC,
 committer, and release it would be nice to give a week or two notice that a
 vote will be coming up, just so that interested parties don't miss it.


 here is the text:

 This document defines the bylaws under which the Apache ZooKeeper project
 operates. It defines the roles and responsibilities of the project, who may
 vote, how voting works, how conflicts are resolved, etc.

 ZooKeeper is a project of the Apache Software Foundation The foundation
 holds the copyright on Apache code including the code in the ZooKeeper
 codebase. The foundation FAQ explains the operation and background of the

 ZooKeeper is typical of Apache projects in that it operates under a set of
 principles, known collectively as the Apache Way. If you are new to Apache
 development, please refer to the Incubator project for more information on
 how Apache projects operate.

 Roles and Responsibilities
 Apache projects define a set of roles with associated rights and
 responsibilities. These roles govern what tasks an individual may perform
 within the project. The roles are defined in the following sections.

 The most important participants in the project are people who use our
 software. The majority of our contributors start out as users and guide
 their development efforts from the user's perspective.

 Users contribute to the Apache projects by providing feedback to
 contributors in the form of bug reports and feature suggestions. As well,
 users participate in the Apache community by helping other users on mailing
 lists and user support forums.

 All of the volunteers who are contributing time, code, documentation, or
 resources to the ZooKeeper Project. A contributor that makes sustained,
 welcome contributions to the project may be invited to become a committer,
 though the exact timing of such invitations depends on many factors.

 The project's committers are responsible for the project's technical
 management. Committers have access to a specified set of subproject's
 subversion repositories. Committers on subprojects may cast binding votes on
 any technical discussion regarding that subproject.

 Committer access is by invitation only and must be approved by lazy
 consensus of the active PMC members. A Committer is considered emeritus by
 his or her own declaration or by not reviewing patches or commiting patches
 to the project for over six months. An emeritus committer may request
 reinstatement of commit access from the PMC which must be approved by lazy
 consensus of the active PMC members.

 Commit access can be revoked by a unanimous vote of all the active PMC
 members (except the committer in question if he or she is also a PMC

 All Apache committers are required to have a signed Contributor License
 Agreement (CLA) on file with the Apache Software Foundation. There is a
 Committer FAQ which provides more details on the requirements for

 A committer who makes a sustained contribution to the project may be invited
 to become a member of the PMC. The form of contribution is not limited to
 code. It can also include code review, helping out users on the mailing
 lists, documentation, etc.

 Project Management Committee
 The PMC is responsible to the board and the ASF for the management and
 oversight of the Apache ZooKeeper codebase. The responsibilities of the PMC

 Deciding what is distributed as products of the Apache ZooKeeper project. In
 particular all releases must be approved by the PMC.
 Maintaining the project's shared resources, including the codebase
 repository, mailing lists, websites.
 Speaking on behalf of the project.

Re: Discussion - Clusterlib as a subproject for ZooKeeper

2011-01-12 Thread Patrick Hunt
On Wed, Jan 12, 2011 at 10:18 AM, Avery Ching wrote:
 Thanks for the suggestions on
 The reason why we thought it would be best as ZooKeeper subproject was
 because it is heavily dependent on ZooKeeper.

Subproj is fine if that's the way you want to go, just highlighting
these other possibilities.

 As for libmicrohttpd's LGPL, sorry if it wasn't more clear in the README,
 but we only link to it, we do not include the source code for libmicrohttpd.
  libmicrohttpd is only required if you want to build the Clusterlib http

Seems to me though that the UI is pretty useful, would be a good idea
to move to a category A license soonish.

I thought the fact that you detailed the license situation was great,
very helpful. Might be good to break down into sections; core, UI, ...
and be more explicit.

You should also take a look at Apache RAT (release audit tool), it can
scan your code for conformance to apache license guidelines, and look
for prohibited licenses, etc...


 On Jan 12, 2011, at 8:53 AM, Patrick Hunt wrote:

 Hi Avery, clusterlib looks like some great functionality, I don't see
 why we couldn't include it as a subproject (see one caveat I noticed
 below). I'd also like to point out that incubator is also a great
 option for the project. , have you
 considered that?

 According to the readme on GH a dependency exists on libmicrohttpd
 which is LGPL licensed. Unfortunately we (apache projects) cannot
 include LGPL licensed code, see category X here This dependency would have to
 be removed prior to adding the subproject.



 On Tue, Jan 11, 2011 at 5:34 PM, Avery Ching wrote:

 Sorry for the delay (meetings). I just threw it up on GitHub.



 On Jan 11, 2011, at 3:42 PM, Fournier, Camille F. [Tech] wrote:

 Is the code somewhere we can look at it right now?


 -Original Message-

 From: Avery Ching []

 Sent: Tuesday, January 11, 2011 2:02 PM


 Subject: Discussion - Clusterlib as a subproject for ZooKeeper


 We have been working on Clusterlib at Yahoo! and would like to contribute it
 as a subproject to ZooKeeper.  Clusterlib was developed as a next-generation
 platform for creating/coordinating search applications/services (including
 crawling, processing, indexing, and front end) at Yahoo!.  We suspect much
 of this work will be useful for others trying to build up
 large-scale/distributed applications that would like to coordinate and share
 the same semantics.

 Here is a (relatively) short summary of why Clusterlib was developed:

 Large-scale distributed applications are difficult and time-consuming to
 develop since a great deal of effort is spent solving the same

 challenges (consistency, fault-tolerance, naming problems, etc.).
  Additionally, coordinating these applications is typically ad-hoc and

 hard to maintain.  Clusterlib fills the gap by providing distributed
 application developers with an object-oriented data model,

 asynchronous event handling system, well-defined consistency semantics, and
 methods for making coordination easy across

 cooperating applications.  Some example applications might include a search
 engine, scalable file system, large-scale data cache, etc.

 Clusterlib is a middleware library for building distributed applications. It
 was designed to simplify the job of application developers and provides a
 set of distributed objects that all inherit from the same Notifyable
 interface. The set of distributed objects includes: Root, Application,
 Group, DataDistribution, Node, ProcessSlot, PropertyList, and Queue. In
 order to give context, each object is described briefly.

 * Root is a point-of-entry object at the top of the hierarchy in Clusterlib
 and manages its Applications. There is only one Root per Clusterlib

 * Applications are used as a namespace for managing Groups, Nodes,
 DataDistributions, Queues, and PropertyLists in a user-defined application.
 Using the application concept (as opposed to only having groups) makes
 accessing another Application's child objects explicit to developers.

 * Groups are a logical association of Clusterlib objects that can be nested.
 Since large-scale applications often require hundreds or thousands of nodes
 to operate, there might a node Group that has an alive child Group and a
 dead child Group that are each populated with their respective sets of

 * DataDistributions balance load and data across a set of objects.
 DataDistributions provide user-extensible key hashing to variable-sized hash
 ranges for user flexibility.

 * Nodes typically represent a physical or virtual node in an application. It
 has child ProcessSlots that can be used to reserve

Re: bylaws proposal

2011-01-12 Thread Patrick Hunt
Why don't we see if it becomes a problem and then add it to our
process rather than codifying in the bylaws. That work?


On Wed, Jan 12, 2011 at 3:36 PM, Benjamin Reed wrote:
 i've added it to the cwiki:

 i don't mean the pre-annouce time to stretch things out. it's really to make
 sure the status updates go out. as we get more committers we need to make
 sure that there is a heads up that something is coming so that if someone
 will be on vacation or something like that we can take it into account.

 the idea is that we would say: hey next month we will be having a vote that
 way interested parties can watch out for it rather than going on vacation,
 coming back, and finding out that a blocker was overridden and a flawed
 release has gone out.


 On 01/12/2011 09:21 AM, Patrick Hunt wrote:

 Hi Ben, thanks for getting this rolling. Your committer suggestion
 sounds fine to me. WRT to pre announcing, we are already giving
 multiple days for a vote, also in the lead up to a release it should
 be pretty obvious that one is imminent (we usually send out status
 updates and such, plus the activity is pretty clear on the lists,
 jira, svn, etc...). Adding more pre announce time will stretch out
 the timeframes (and process) even longer, I'd rather we keep it as is
 unless ppl think this is a big issue.

 Would you mind creating a proposal page on the cwiki similar to what Pig



 On Tue, Jan 4, 2011 at 9:17 AM, Benjamin  wrote:

 I really like the Pig bylaws. I would suggest using it as a starting
 for ZooKeeper. One thing I would like to modify is the Committer section.
 Pig's bylaws state that the committer becomes emeritus if they haven't
 contributed in any form for 6 months. I would tighten that up and say if
 they haven't been actively involved in reviewing or committing. (They are
 after all committers.) I have made this change to the text.

 The other change that I would like, and did not add, is for some of the
 votes to have a requirement to pre-announce. Specifically for PMC,
 committer, and release it would be nice to give a week or two notice that
 vote will be coming up, just so that interested parties don't miss it.


 here is the text:

 This document defines the bylaws under which the Apache ZooKeeper project
 operates. It defines the roles and responsibilities of the project, who
 vote, how voting works, how conflicts are resolved, etc.

 ZooKeeper is a project of the Apache Software Foundation The foundation
 holds the copyright on Apache code including the code in the ZooKeeper
 codebase. The foundation FAQ explains the operation and background of the

 ZooKeeper is typical of Apache projects in that it operates under a set
 principles, known collectively as the Apache Way. If you are new to
 development, please refer to the Incubator project for more information
 how Apache projects operate.

 Roles and Responsibilities
 Apache projects define a set of roles with associated rights and
 responsibilities. These roles govern what tasks an individual may perform
 within the project. The roles are defined in the following sections.

 The most important participants in the project are people who use our
 software. The majority of our contributors start out as users and guide
 their development efforts from the user's perspective.

 Users contribute to the Apache projects by providing feedback to
 contributors in the form of bug reports and feature suggestions. As well,
 users participate in the Apache community by helping other users on
 lists and user support forums.

 All of the volunteers who are contributing time, code, documentation, or
 resources to the ZooKeeper Project. A contributor that makes sustained,
 welcome contributions to the project may be invited to become a
 though the exact timing of such invitations depends on many factors.

 The project's committers are responsible for the project's technical
 management. Committers have access to a specified set of subproject's
 subversion repositories. Committers on subprojects may cast binding votes
 any technical discussion regarding that subproject.

 Committer access is by invitation only and must be approved by lazy
 consensus of the active PMC members. A Committer is considered emeritus
 his or her own declaration or by not reviewing patches or commiting
 to the project for over six months. An emeritus committer may request
 reinstatement of commit access from the PMC which must be approved by
 consensus of the active PMC members.

 Commit access can be revoked by a unanimous vote of all the active PMC
 members (except the committer in question if he or she is also a PMC


Re: 3.3.3 release

2011-01-25 Thread Patrick Hunt
Our typical process is to have a running fix release in parallel with
the trunk. So 3.3.3 was created in jira after 3.3.2 went out, 3.4.0 is
trunk. This catches any new issues that might need a fix release
(3.3.3). We triage the issues marked for the fix release (3.3.3) and
also apply those changes to the trunk. Only blocker bugs will hold up
the fix release once we get to a point where people think we should
release it (say a blocker gets fixed).

It sounds like we're at that point here, where a 3.3.3 release makes
sense, given 962 is fixed. Looking at 3.3.3 on jira there are
currently 2 open blockers, once these are addressed (fixed or
reprioritized) we could spin a release.

Any volunteers to be the release manager for 3.3.3?


On Tue, Jan 25, 2011 at 11:27 AM, Benjamin Reed wrote:
 the 962 bug we fixed was pretty severe. i would like to get a release out

 i was looking over the bugs tagged for 3.3.3 and almost all of them look
 like the should really be for 3.4. in my opinion only severe bugs should be
 back ported to previous releases, and most of the bugs marked 3.3 done not
 meet that criteria. back porting patches creates a burden on developers and
 committers and are also not tested by qa. i think we should avoid them.


Re: pushing the 3.3.3 bugs

2011-01-26 Thread Patrick Hunt
On Wed, Jan 26, 2011 at 10:27 AM, Benjamin Reed wrote:
 i would really like to get 3.3.3 out because of the fixes that just went in.

 there are quite a few bugs that are marked for 3.3.3, but i think they can
 all be pushed to 3.4.0.

Any non-blocker jiras are always pushed to the next release if they
are not resolved for the current release. What you are describing is
how we always do things. Blockers always hold up the release unless
specifically addressed otherwise (changing the severity or agreeing to
push it to a subsequent release).

 i would really like to push everything to 3.4.0 and then work on getting the
 3.4.0 release out. we haven't done a release from trunk in a while, but that
 is the only code that gets tested by hadoopqa. i think it is a bad idea to
 be releasing from branches that are not regularly tested.

That sounds fine. However we always maintain a fix branch in parallel
in case something critical (blocker) comes up before the trunk is

 going forward doesn't it seem like a better idea to only do a release from
 just a branch if it is something that pops up quickly right after a release.
 otherwise, we should be releasing from trunk and possibly doing a
 simultaneous release from a branch.

In theory that's how it should work. However the trunk release has
gotten stalled.

One way to un-stall things is for someone to step up and agree to be
release manager for 3.3.3 and 3.4.0 releases (doesn't have to be the
same person). That person is responsible for determining when the
release is ready, what's in the release, etc...


Re: pushing the 3.3.3 bugs

2011-01-26 Thread Patrick Hunt
On Wed, Jan 26, 2011 at 10:38 AM, Flavio Junqueira f...@yahoo-inc.comwrote:

 Ben, Your proposal in general sounds reasonable to me with the exception of
 do a release from just a branch if it is something that pops up quickly
 right after a
 release. I don't see a reason for binding it to time, and instead we could
 say that we will have a branch release if:

 1- there is an important bug fix that needs to be released
 2- we are not close to a trunk release

One problem with our current model is that we create a release placeholder
before we have a release manager for the release. What you are suggesting
makes sense to me, but it introduces another problem.

Today we create release placeholders as soon as we push out a release, we
always have placeholders for the upcoming fix/trunk based releases. This
gives us a place to hang JIRA issues off of, it allows us to triage new
issues and slate them for a particular release.

We could instead go to the model of having only trunk, no placeholder at all
for the fix and next major/minor release (3.3.3/3.4.0 today). Then, at some
point, a release manager could step up and volunteer to do a release, say
3.3.3, they would then be responsible for determining what's in the release.
They would work with the community to do this, in the end they (the RM) are
the arbiter for what's in/out of the release.

We could try this and see how it works. It would allow for what Ben is

EOD though it requires someone to step up and take on the responsibility of
being the RM. (hint hint :-) )



 On Jan 26, 2011, at 7:27 PM, Benjamin Reed wrote:

 i would really like to get 3.3.3 out because of the fixes that just went

 there are quite a few bugs that are marked for 3.3.3, but i think they
 can all be pushed to 3.4.0.

 i would really like to push everything to 3.4.0 and then work on getting
 the 3.4.0 release out. we haven't done a release from trunk in a while,
 but that is the only code that gets tested by hadoopqa. i think it is a
 bad idea to be releasing from branches that are not regularly tested.

 going forward doesn't it seem like a better idea to only do a release
 from just a branch if it is something that pops up quickly right after a
 release. otherwise, we should be releasing from trunk and possibly doing
 a simultaneous release from a branch.



 research scientist
 direct +34 93-183-8828

 avinguda diagonal 177, 8th floor, barcelona, 08018, es
 phone (408) 349 3300fax (408) 349 3301

Re: pushing the 3.3.3 bugs

2011-01-26 Thread Patrick Hunt
One other thing to keep in mind with this model. The RM is responsible for
backporting (or working with the author to backport) any issues that go into
a fix release. Today we require authors to provide patches for both the fix
branch and the trunk (for fixes). If changes are committed to the trunk, and
at some point a RM steps up to create a fix release, those changes need to
be applied to the fix branch. Granted, this seems to fit well with Ben's
original suggestion of limiting the number of fixes that go into fix
releases. It's a step away from what our users have come to expect though -
that we essentially maintain a fix release branch with most/all fixes, as
well as a new feature development branch (trunk).


On Wed, Jan 26, 2011 at 11:15 AM, Patrick Hunt wrote:

 On Wed, Jan 26, 2011 at 10:38 AM, Flavio Junqueira f...@yahoo-inc.comwrote:

 Ben, Your proposal in general sounds reasonable to me with the exception
 of do a release from just a branch if it is something that pops up quickly
 right after a
 release. I don't see a reason for binding it to time, and instead we
 could say that we will have a branch release if:

 1- there is an important bug fix that needs to be released
 2- we are not close to a trunk release

 One problem with our current model is that we create a release placeholder
 before we have a release manager for the release. What you are suggesting
 makes sense to me, but it introduces another problem.

 Today we create release placeholders as soon as we push out a release, we
 always have placeholders for the upcoming fix/trunk based releases. This
 gives us a place to hang JIRA issues off of, it allows us to triage new
 issues and slate them for a particular release.

 We could instead go to the model of having only trunk, no placeholder at
 all for the fix and next major/minor release (3.3.3/3.4.0 today). Then, at
 some point, a release manager could step up and volunteer to do a release,
 say 3.3.3, they would then be responsible for determining what's in the
 release. They would work with the community to do this, in the end they (the
 RM) are the arbiter for what's in/out of the release.

 We could try this and see how it works. It would allow for what Ben is

 EOD though it requires someone to step up and take on the responsibility of
 being the RM. (hint hint :-) )



 On Jan 26, 2011, at 7:27 PM, Benjamin Reed wrote:

 i would really like to get 3.3.3 out because of the fixes that just went

 there are quite a few bugs that are marked for 3.3.3, but i think they
 can all be pushed to 3.4.0.

 i would really like to push everything to 3.4.0 and then work on getting
 the 3.4.0 release out. we haven't done a release from trunk in a while,
 but that is the only code that gets tested by hadoopqa. i think it is a
 bad idea to be releasing from branches that are not regularly tested.

 going forward doesn't it seem like a better idea to only do a release
 from just a branch if it is something that pops up quickly right after a
 release. otherwise, we should be releasing from trunk and possibly doing
 a simultaneous release from a branch.



 research scientist
 direct +34 93-183-8828

 avinguda diagonal 177, 8th floor, barcelona, 08018, es
 phone (408) 349 3300fax (408) 349 3301

Re: pushing the 3.3.3 bugs

2011-01-26 Thread Patrick Hunt
On Wed, Jan 26, 2011 at 12:39 PM, Benjamin Reed wrote:
 this is an interesting read. i'm not a big fan of the even odd numbering
 scheme. i'm also unclear how it work. for example, lets say i signed up to
 be the RM for 3.4.0. i branch, stabilize the code, and then do a release.
 would i also be in charge of 3.4.1? i would hope the answer would be yes. i
 think the RM should have some long term commitment until they decide to
 retire the 3.4 series.

We wouldn't have to adopt everything, just the bits we like.

re 3.4.0 vs 3.4.1, a RM is responsible for a single release. It would
be up to that person to sign up for a subsequent release, or not.
Someone else would have to pickup the ball in that case. Another good
reason for having more committers.

 it would allow things to flow a bit better if the RM pulled patches from
 trunk rather than contributors having to work with two versions of code to
 do a patch. of course that puts more work on the RM.

This is what you were referring to in your follow-up email on this
thread, right? What you are saying here is what the RM would have to
do. Pull patches from trunk to include in the fix release. In some
cases though the RM would be on the hook to get the patch backported
(or do the work themselves). Hopefully this person would work closely
with the community to capture the patches they are interested in, but
eod it's up to the RM what they will include. Of course the PMC could
then reject the release  etc...



 On 01/26/2011 11:30 AM, Patrick Hunt wrote:

 FYI, this is a _really_ good read, perhaps we should try something like
 this, at the very least we should document our approach:

 On Wed, Jan 26, 2011 at 11:23 AM, Patrick  wrote:

 One other thing to keep in mind with this model. The RM is responsible
 backporting (or working with the author to backport) any issues that go
 a fix release. Today we require authors to provide patches for both the
 branch and the trunk (for fixes). If changes are committed to the trunk,
 at some point a RM steps up to create a fix release, those changes need
 be applied to the fix branch. Granted, this seems to fit well with Ben's
 original suggestion of limiting the number of fixes that go into fix
 releases. It's a step away from what our users have come to expect though
 that we essentially maintain a fix release branch with most/all fixes, as
 well as a new feature development branch (trunk).


 On Wed, Jan 26, 2011 at 11:15 AM, Patrick  wrote:

 On Wed, Jan 26, 2011 at 10:38 AM, Flavio

 Ben, Your proposal in general sounds reasonable to me with the
 of do a release from just a branch if it is something that pops up
 right after a
 release. I don't see a reason for binding it to time, and instead we
 could say that we will have a branch release if:

 1- there is an important bug fix that needs to be released
 2- we are not close to a trunk release

 One problem with our current model is that we create a release
 before we have a release manager for the release. What you are
 makes sense to me, but it introduces another problem.

 Today we create release placeholders as soon as we push out a release,
 always have placeholders for the upcoming fix/trunk based releases. This
 gives us a place to hang JIRA issues off of, it allows us to triage new
 issues and slate them for a particular release.

 We could instead go to the model of having only trunk, no placeholder at
 all for the fix and next major/minor release (3.3.3/3.4.0 today). Then,
 some point, a release manager could step up and volunteer to do a
 say 3.3.3, they would then be responsible for determining what's in the
 release. They would work with the community to do this, in the end they
 RM) are the arbiter for what's in/out of the release.

 We could try this and see how it works. It would allow for what Ben is

 EOD though it requires someone to step up and take on
 the responsibility of being the RM. (hint hint :-) )



 On Jan 26, 2011, at 7:27 PM, Benjamin Reed wrote:

 i would really like to get 3.3.3 out because of the fixes that just

 there are quite a few bugs that are marked for 3.3.3, but i think they
 can all be pushed to 3.4.0.

 i would really like to push everything to 3.4.0 and then work on
 the 3.4.0 release out. we haven't done a release from trunk in a while,
 but that is the only code that gets tested by hadoopqa. i think it is a
 bad idea to be releasing from branches that are not regularly tested.

 going forward doesn't it seem like a better idea to only do a release
 from just a branch if it is something that pops up quickly right after
 release. otherwise, we should

[VOTE] Bylaws for the Apache ZooKeeper project

2011-01-31 Thread Patrick Hunt
I propose that we adopt the bylaws proposed at
as the bylaws for the Apache ZooKeeper project.

In a self referential use of these bylaws I further propose that this
vote will be open for 6 business days and require +1 votes from two
thirds of PMC members (which works out to 4 votes).  All ZooKeeper community
members are  encouraged to vote, though only PMC votes will be binding.

Here's my +1 vote.


Re: New to ZooKeeper project

2011-02-04 Thread Patrick Hunt
Welcome! Sounds like you might want to work with Camille:

ZK java runs under cygwin, so that's an option as well.



On Thu, Feb 3, 2011 at 9:36 PM, Thiwanka Somasiri wrote:
     I am new to the ZooKeeper project and I need to know whether I can
 contribute to the project with a single computer which has Windows (64-bit)
 installed. And from which point should I start to contribute the project?



 A.S.Thiwanka Somasiri

 Skype : executionerwild
 MSN   :

ZooKeeper site updated for Apache Project Branding Requirements

2011-02-07 Thread Patrick Hunt
This morning I pushed a small set of updates to the site for Apache
Project Branding Requirements:

Let me know if you see any issues.



Re: release management and committer criteria wiki pages

2011-02-08 Thread Patrick Hunt
Ben looks like a good start to me. I made some additions to the
release management page that
I lifted from the httpd page (mainly on who/what it means to be a RM).

Committer criteria looks good as well, I added a few more details.
Also we should create a page at some point similar to this (what to do
once you are a committer):


On Tue, Feb 1, 2011 at 2:46 PM, Benjamin Reed wrote:
 i've added two new pages to the wiki about release management and committer
 criteria that i'd like to get feed back on:

 please feel free to comment. i also do not hold a lock on those pages, so
 PMC members, please feel free to update.

 there was something i noticed when doing the ReleaseManagement; the language
 in the ByLaws with respect to the Release Plan is a bit imprecise: Defines
 the timetable and actions for a release. The plan also nominates a Release
 Manager. I think it should be designates rather than nominates.

[DISCUSS] Move BookKeeper and Hedwig to the incubator

2011-02-15 Thread Patrick Hunt
I wanted to initiate this discussion (not a vote) so that we can work
out interest levels and all be on the same page.

These are our current contribs:


While most of these are relatively closely tied to ZK, in particular
BK and Hedwig are projects that are not directly related to ZK. Rather
they are users of the service, similar to say HBase.

From bk/hedwig perspective: I personally think that both of these
projects would benefit by moving to the incubator. They could build
their own distinct communities and could govern their own development.
Their own releases should not be directly tied to ZK releases. As
these projects gain momentum (bk is already being looked at by Hadoop
and others) this will be even more of an issue.

From zk perspective: While we could also make these subprojects of ZK
I don't think that's the right way to go. We (zk pmc) shouldn't be
governing these communities, that's what the incubator is for. The
incubator may seem daunting given the list of issues that need to be
resolved and the oversite provided, but I can tell you from personal
experience (whirr) that this is not as big a deal as it seems. I would
be willing to be a mentor for both of these projects if they were to
move to incubator.

From apache perspective: apache created the incubator specifically for
the reasons I'm citing and want to see new, distinct projects move
through that process, eventually to become a TLP.

Also, how does our (ZK) community recognize the contributions of those
primarily working on BK/Hedwig. Do we make them ZK committers? We
could, but committership on ZK is supposed to be reserved for those
making contributions to ZK itself (the code and community). Given that
BK/Hedwig are distinct codebases/users/community this doesn't really
fit and complicates some of the governance issues.

Please do give this some thought and respond with your insights.



Re: [VOTE] Release ZooKeeper 3.3.3 (candidate 0)

2011-02-21 Thread Patrick Hunt
FYI: if you make bulk changes (greater than 5 or so, typically this happens
during release time) to JIRA please do use the bulk change feature, and in
particular turn OFF email notification. Subsequently send out a single email
detailing the changes.


On Mon, Feb 21, 2011 at 3:46 AM, Flavio Junqueira wrote:

 Hi again, I'm sorry for raising yet another point. I also wanted to point
 out that we have a few jiras marked as blocked not included in the current
 candidate. ZOOKEEPER-880 is one of them, and Vishal asked us to consider it
 for 3.3.3. I think that either we conclude that it is not a blocker and
 leave it marked for 3.4.0 as it is currently, or include it in 3.3.3.


 On Feb 19, 2011, at 3:27 PM, Benjamin Reed wrote:

 (the previous email had the URL slightly incorrect)

 after much struggle! i've created a candidate build for ZooKeeper 3.3.3.
 this is a bug fix
 release addressing 13 issues (two of them extremely critical) -- see the
 release notes for details.

 *** Please download, test and VOTE before the
 *** vote closes 11pm pacific time, Tuesday, February 22.***

 one thing that has not been fixed in this release is that the docs still
 reference hadoop. this will be fixed in a future release.

 should we release this?


 ps - give that this is the first release there is more than likely
 i missed and given the severity of issues addressed it would be nice to get
 it out quickly. please review ASAP.


 research scientist
 direct +34 93-183-8828

 avinguda diagonal 177, 8th floor, barcelona, 08018, es
 phone (408) 349 3300fax (408) 349 3301

Re: [VOTE] Release ZooKeeper 3.3.3 (candidate 0)

2011-02-21 Thread Patrick Hunt
-1, in general looks good but I did notice a few things:

* the zookeeper_version.h file needs to be updated to version 3.3.3
* same with (
* the toplevel zk jar and all jars in dist-maven have not been signed,
they need to be

RAT passed so that's good.


On Sat, Feb 19, 2011 at 6:27 AM, Benjamin Reed wrote:
 (the previous email had the URL slightly incorrect)

 after much struggle! i've created a candidate build for ZooKeeper 3.3.3.
 this is a bug fix
 release addressing 13 issues (two of them extremely critical) -- see the
 release notes for details.

 *** Please download, test and VOTE before the
 *** vote closes 11pm pacific time, Tuesday, February 22.***

 one thing that has not been fixed in this release is that the docs still
 reference hadoop. this will be fixed in a future release.

 should we release this?


 ps - give that this is the first release there is more than likely something
 i missed and given the severity of issues addressed it would be nice to get
 it out quickly. please review ASAP.

Re: [VOTE] Release ZooKeeper 3.3.3 (candidate 0)

2011-02-22 Thread Patrick Hunt
Done. (hopefully this gives you some insight into why I've been
pushing for maven, not perfect but it does alot of this for you).


On Tue, Feb 22, 2011 at 7:58 AM, Benjamin Reed wrote:
 pat, do you mind updating the building section of
 these three items. signing the jar files is very unclear in the original
 doc. do i untar, sign, and retar? we don't do jarsigning?

 i'll do an rc1 this evening.


 On Mon, Feb 21, 2011 at 11:55 PM, Patrick Hunt wrote:

 -1, in general looks good but I did notice a few things:

 * the zookeeper_version.h file needs to be updated to version 3.3.3
 * same with (
 * the toplevel zk jar and all jars in dist-maven have not been signed,
 they need to be

 RAT passed so that's good.


 On Sat, Feb 19, 2011 at 6:27 AM, Benjamin Reed wrote:
  (the previous email had the URL slightly incorrect)
  after much struggle! i've created a candidate build for ZooKeeper 3.3.3.
  this is a bug fix
  release addressing 13 issues (two of them extremely critical) -- see the
  release notes for details.
  *** Please download, test and VOTE before the
  *** vote closes 11pm pacific time, Tuesday, February 22.***
  one thing that has not been fixed in this release is that the docs still
  reference hadoop. this will be fixed in a future release.
  should we release this?
  ps - give that this is the first release there is more than likely
  i missed and given the severity of issues addressed it would be nice to
  it out quickly. please review ASAP.

Re: [VOTE] Release ZooKeeper 3.3.3 (candidate 0)

2011-02-22 Thread Patrick Hunt

On Tue, Feb 22, 2011 at 7:59 AM, Benjamin Reed wrote:
 can you add this to the how to release wiki as well?


 On Mon, Feb 21, 2011 at 9:38 AM, Patrick Hunt wrote:

 FYI: if you make bulk changes (greater than 5 or so, typically this happens
 during release time) to JIRA please do use the bulk change feature, and in
 particular turn OFF email notification. Subsequently send out a single email
 detailing the changes.


 On Mon, Feb 21, 2011 at 3:46 AM, Flavio Junqueira f...@yahoo-inc.comwrote:

 Hi again, I'm sorry for raising yet another point. I also wanted to point
 out that we have a few jiras marked as blocked not included in the current
 candidate. ZOOKEEPER-880 is one of them, and Vishal asked us to consider it
 for 3.3.3. I think that either we conclude that it is not a blocker and
 leave it marked for 3.4.0 as it is currently, or include it in 3.3.3.


 On Feb 19, 2011, at 3:27 PM, Benjamin Reed wrote:

 (the previous email had the URL slightly incorrect)

 after much struggle! i've created a candidate build for ZooKeeper 3.3.3.
 this is a bug fix
 release addressing 13 issues (two of them extremely critical) -- see the
 release notes for details.

 *** Please download, test and VOTE before the
 *** vote closes 11pm pacific time, Tuesday, February 22.***

 one thing that has not been fixed in this release is that the docs still
 reference hadoop. this will be fixed in a future release.

 should we release this?


 ps - give that this is the first release there is more than likely
 i missed and given the severity of issues addressed it would be nice to
 it out quickly. please review ASAP.


 research scientist
 direct +34 93-183-8828

 avinguda diagonal 177, 8th floor, barcelona, 08018, es
 phone (408) 349 3300    fax (408) 349 3301

Re: [VOTE] Release ZooKeeper 3.3.3 (candidate 0)

2011-02-22 Thread Patrick Hunt
On Tue, Feb 22, 2011 at 9:38 AM, Flavio Junqueira wrote:

 I'm not sure why you say it is fine, Pat. If I try to compile with the
 candidate release, ant complains that build-contrib.xml is missing (and it
 is not where it is supposed to be). Compiling from trunk or one of the
 branches works fine, though.

Hi Flavio, can you be more specific? Because it's working fine for me:

cd zookeeper-3.3.3/src/contrib/bookkeeper
ant jar
 [echo] contrib: bookkeeper

Total time: 2 seconds


 On Feb 22, 2011, at 6:04 PM, Patrick Hunt wrote:

 I think it's fine - it's in src/contrib not contrib.

 On Tue, Feb 22, 2011 at 8:00 AM, Benjamin Reed wrote:

 i don't know why build-contrib.xml is missing. pat do you have any ideas?

 ant tar should grab it right?


 On Mon, Feb 21, 2011 at 2:02 AM, Flavio Junqueira

 Ben, I have a question. Even though the bookkeeper jar is there,

 build-contrib.xml is missing (ZOOKEEPER-956), and compiling fails without

 it. Is it supposed to be this way?


 On Feb 19, 2011, at 3:27 PM, Benjamin Reed wrote:

 (the previous email had the URL slightly incorrect)

 after much struggle! i've created a candidate build for ZooKeeper 3.3.3.

 this is a bug fix

 release addressing 13 issues (two of them extremely critical) -- see the

 release notes for details.

 *** Please download, test and VOTE before the

 *** vote closes 11pm pacific time, Tuesday, February 22.***

 one thing that has not been fixed in this release is that the docs still

 reference hadoop. this will be fixed in a future release.

 should we release this?


 ps - give that this is the first release there is more than likely


 i missed and given the severity of issues addressed it would be nice to


 it out quickly. please review ASAP.



 research scientist

 direct +34 93-183-8828

 avinguda diagonal 177, 8th floor, barcelona, 08018, es

 phone (408) 349 3300fax (408) 349 3301


 research scientist
 direct +34 93-183-8828

 avinguda diagonal 177, 8th floor, barcelona, 08018, es
 phone (408) 349 3300fax (408) 349 3301

Re: [VOTE] Release ZooKeeper 3.3.3 (candidate 0)

2011-02-24 Thread Patrick Hunt
See my comments I just sent to Flavio. I agree, if we go with
something like maven we should be able to have a source only release
artifact, plus a number of binary artifacts (push to maven, a separate
binary artifact, etc...). I've proposed maven in the past, but not
gotten much interest. Now that addl people are participating in the RM
task there may be renewed interest. ;-)


On Wed, Feb 23, 2011 at 4:55 AM, Thomas Koch wrote:
 Flavio Junqueira:
 The problem is that there is a path zookeeper-3.3.3/contrib/
 bookkeeper containing build.xml and source code. If you try to run
 from there, it will fail. I'm actually wondering why we have the
 source code both under contrib/ and under src/contrib/. The folder
 structure under contrib/ is different and it does look like it is not
 supposed to compile (hence my confusion), and I wonder why we need it
 in the release.

 The code dupliation of contrib and src/contrib is one of the annoyances when
 packaging ZooKeeper for Debian. You'd really do me a favor if you'd release a
 tarball without this duplication.
 (The biggest annoyance is the shipment of binary .jar files in every java
 project, not only ZooKeeper. - But things are getting better slowly with

 Best regards,

 Thomas Koch,

Re: zombie on zk precommit build machine

2011-02-25 Thread Patrick Hunt

usually this indicates that there is a zombie server hanging around:
 [exec]  [exec] ./zktest-st
 [exec]  [exec]  ZooKeeper server process failed ZooKeeper
server NOT startedRunning
 [exec]  [exec] Zookeeper_operations::testPing : elapsed 0 : OK

On Fri, Feb 25, 2011 at 10:41 AM, Nigel Daley wrote:
 which one?  I don't see any zombie.


 On Feb 25, 2011, at 10:03 AM, Patrick Hunt wrote:

 Guys, there seems to be a zombie on the precommit build machine, it's
 causing all the builds to fail. Can you take a look?



Re: zombie on zk precommit build machine

2011-02-25 Thread Patrick Hunt
zk.log (the log output of starting that server) was missing from the
artifacts. I just added it, which should allow us to better diagnose
this issue on subsequent failures.

Thanks guys!


On Fri, Feb 25, 2011 at 11:18 AM, Giridharan  Kesavan wrote:
 there is no stale process running on h7. I dont see any

 On Feb 25, 2011, at 11:14 AM, Patrick Hunt wrote:

 usually this indicates that there is a zombie server hanging around:
     [exec]      [exec] ./zktest-st
     [exec]      [exec]  ZooKeeper server process failed ZooKeeper
 server NOT startedRunning
     [exec]      [exec] Zookeeper_operations::testPing : elapsed 0 : OK

 On Fri, Feb 25, 2011 at 10:41 AM, Nigel Daley wrote:
 which one?  I don't see any zombie.


 On Feb 25, 2011, at 10:03 AM, Patrick Hunt wrote:

 Guys, there seems to be a zombie on the precommit build machine, it's
 causing all the builds to fail. Can you take a look?



Re: Interesting project on github - Noah

2011-02-26 Thread Patrick Hunt
Ya, I wondered about that too, esp given he mentions

(yes I'm aware that you can run Zookeeper in single server mode from
a single JAR file)

and Noah's stack requires (granted we require java):



On Sat, Feb 26, 2011 at 10:11 PM, Benjamin Reed wrote:
 what does he mean that zookeeper is big?


 On Sat, Feb 26, 2011 at 2:44 PM, Patrick Hunt wrote:

 Noah is a lightweight registry based on the concepts in the Apache
 Zookeeper project.


Re: [DISCUSS] 3.4.0 release plan of ZooKeeper.

2011-03-01 Thread Patrick Hunt
On Mon, Feb 28, 2011 at 11:22 PM, Thomas Koch wrote:
 there are many more issues in jira marked for 3.4.0. Do you plan to postpone
 those? What is the reason to do the 3.4.0 release now without those instead of
 waiting a bit more? Or what is already in 3.4.0 what needs to get out?

Hi Thomas, historically we block a release if it has blocker jiras
assigned. Anything short of that gets pushed out to a subsequent
release. Of course contributors can submit changes that are not
blockers prior to the release, these typically get included, but it's
up the the RM to make the call:


ZooKeeper patch builds failing due to java not found

2011-03-01 Thread Patrick Hunt
Nigel, Giri, any idea what's going on here?


for this error:
line 115: java: command not found


Re: IRC channel for zookeeper.

2011-03-01 Thread Patrick Hunt
I personally like the IRC channel, esp when someone needs a quick
answer to a question. However in general Apache frowns on making
decisions there. Best to use the mailing list and jira - keep in mind
that users/contributors may be spread across many timezones, not
everyone is online at the same time, IRC is not archived, etc...
Email/Jira addresses this.



On Tue, Mar 1, 2011 at 10:02 AM, Mahadev Konar wrote:
 Hi all,
  Just making sure that folks know about the IRC channel for zookeeper.
 Pat had created one long time ago.

 Its sometimes easier to have discussions on IRC rather than doing back
 and forth on the jira. Though we should make sure to post the
 conclusions on the jira.


Possible very serious regression in 3.3.3

2011-03-03 Thread Patrick Hunt
I'm seeing this with 3.3.3, which seems like a very serious issue:

Any insights, could someone triage this? Is this related to the QP
changes in 3.3.3?


Apache Sonar service now available from asfinfra

2011-03-04 Thread Patrick Hunt
This is cool:

Would be great to see ZooKeeper up there. Anyone interested to take
the lead on making this happen?


Re: PMC member criteria for ZooKeeper.

2011-03-08 Thread Patrick Hunt
On Tue, Mar 8, 2011 at 7:00 AM, Flavio Junqueira wrote:

 Most discussions apart from issues like new committers are open, and anyone
 in the community has the right to express an opinion, and I believe we in
 general do take opinions and suggestions into account. Consequently, I don't
 see much benefit in having a PMC member that does not have a set of
 responsabilities that is a superset of the of the ones of a committer.

Community members come and go, a sign of a healthy Apache project is adding
new committers and pmc members to ensure that the project continues to be
viable as this ebb/flow happens.

 At the same time, I don't see a reason for constraining PMC to be
 committers in the bylaws. I would much rather discuss each case
 individually, and evaluate the merit of the candidate accordingly.

We have clearly stated in the bylaws how one becomes a PMC member voting),
so I agree with you we don't need to update the bylaws. But it is a good
idea to outline how one becomes a PMC member and the criteria we (zk) use to
judge. Even if this is just a pointer to the links I sent earlier. (similar
to what we have for committers I
think this is what Mahadev was shooting for, get everyone on the same page;
current PMC members, new members as they are elected, and the community at


 On Mar 8, 2011, at 12:12 AM, Benjamin Reed wrote:

 i would like to the pmc to have more of a project management view. i
 think it would be great to have pmc members come up through the
 committer ranks, but i also think there may be potential pmc members
 that are more project management oriented than code oriented.

 for me an ideal pmc member would:
  - understand the project
  - have a good understanding for where the project should and
 shouldn't go, and be able to express that understanding
  - should vote on releases and be involved in release discussions
  - should participate in the mailing lists
  - have a good view of how zookeeper sits in the apache eco system
  - know what work is going on and identify areas of needed work

 a committer will do many of these things, but you could be the ideal
 pmc member and not be heavily involved in the coding, so making the
 pmc members a subset of the committers seems overly restrictive.
 actually it may be nice to have some members who don't have their
 heads down in the code so that they can take a broader view.

 so i guess the one attribute i would take issue with from your list is
 the patch reviews and contributions. a pmc member should be familiar
 with the work going on in the project, but patch reviews and
 contributions is squarely in the committers area of responsibility.


 On Mon, Mar 7, 2011 at 9:00 AM, Mahadev Konar wrote:

 Hi all,

  I have been thinking about what should be the criteria for PMC

 members for ZK. I do not have much experience with PMC member criteria

 for other projects except for Hadoop. In Hadoop we indirectly imply

 that a PMC member be a superset of a committer. Meaning more

 responsibilities than a committer, more responsibility towards project

 direction, more responsibilities towards projects day to day


  and here is what I had in mind for ZK (mostly explicitly stating what

 we have in Hadoop):

 A PMC member should be able to get involved in the day to day

 activities of the project

   - by day to day activities I imply

  -  release discussions

 -  code reviews/ could be any kind - documentation/ others (does

 not imply a deep understanding of the project), should be willing to

 contribute on any part of the project

 -  should be willing to work with new contributors and mentor

 them (mostly a superset of committer).

  - works well with other PMC members

 By the above I imply that a PMC member has a greater set of

 responsibilities that a committer and should be able to review (any

 contribution) and contribute towards ZK releases.

 What do others think?




 research scientist
 direct +34 93-183-8828

 avinguda diagonal 177, 8th floor, barcelona, 08018, es
 phone (408) 349 3300fax (408) 349 3301

Re: PMC member criteria for ZooKeeper.

2011-03-08 Thread Patrick Hunt
On Mon, Mar 7, 2011 at 9:00 AM, Mahadev Konar wrote:
  I have been thinking about what should be the criteria for PMC
 members for ZK. I do not have much experience with PMC member criteria
 for other projects except for Hadoop. In Hadoop we indirectly imply
 that a PMC member be a superset of a committer. Meaning more
 responsibilities than a committer, more responsibility towards project
 direction, more responsibilities towards projects day to day

Hey Mahadev, from an Apache perspective coding doesn't really come
into play, PMC is more about governance/legal/community than coding:
The key components are this:

The role of the PMC from a Foundation perspective is oversight. The
main role of the PMC is not code and not coding - but to ensure that
all legal issues are addressed, that procedure is followed, and that
each and every release is the product of the community as a whole.
That is key to our litigation protection mechanisms.

Secondly the role of the PMC is to further the long term development
and health of the community as a whole, and to ensure that balanced
and wide scale peer review and collaboration does happen. Within the
ASF we worry about any community which centers around a few
individuals who are working virtually uncontested. We believe that
this is detrimental to quality, stability, and robustness of both code
and long term social structures.

Further there is no requirement that a PMC member even be a committer.
A PMC member is a developer or a committer that was elected due to
merit for the evolution of the project and demonstration of
commitment. They have write access to the code repository, an mail address, the right to vote for the community-related
decisions and the right to propose an active user for committership.
The PMC as a whole is the entity that controls the project, nobody

What you are describing about coding/review is more Committership and not PMC.

 By the above I imply that a PMC member has a greater set of
 responsibilities that a committer and should be able to review (any
 contribution) and contribute towards ZK releases.

 What do others think?

Wrt to great responsibilities that's definitely true, however PMC
responsibilities are around governance, while Committer
responsibilities are coding/reviewing.


Re: PMC member criteria for ZooKeeper.

2011-03-08 Thread Patrick Hunt
Ben, what you are detailing is similar to my response to Mahadev. One
note though, from an Apache perspective PMC members need not even be
familiar with the project, take Hadoop as an example where Ian was
largely unfamiliar with Hadoop prior to joining their PMC.
legal/procedure/community building, these are all things that can be
done by someone familiar with the apache way, but not necessarily
familiar with the individual project (not that I'm advocating we pull
in non-zk community into the pmc, but just to highlight).

Another example is the IPMC (incubator pmc), any Apache Member may be
an IPMC member just by asking, and they are charged with the oversight
of the individual podlings.


On Mon, Mar 7, 2011 at 3:12 PM, Benjamin Reed wrote:
 i would like to the pmc to have more of a project management view. i
 think it would be great to have pmc members come up through the
 committer ranks, but i also think there may be potential pmc members
 that are more project management oriented than code oriented.

 for me an ideal pmc member would:
  - understand the project
  - have a good understanding for where the project should and
 shouldn't go, and be able to express that understanding
  - should vote on releases and be involved in release discussions
  - should participate in the mailing lists
  - have a good view of how zookeeper sits in the apache eco system
  - know what work is going on and identify areas of needed work

 a committer will do many of these things, but you could be the ideal
 pmc member and not be heavily involved in the coding, so making the
 pmc members a subset of the committers seems overly restrictive.
 actually it may be nice to have some members who don't have their
 heads down in the code so that they can take a broader view.

 so i guess the one attribute i would take issue with from your list is
 the patch reviews and contributions. a pmc member should be familiar
 with the work going on in the project, but patch reviews and
 contributions is squarely in the committers area of responsibility.


 On Mon, Mar 7, 2011 at 9:00 AM, Mahadev Konar wrote:
 Hi all,
  I have been thinking about what should be the criteria for PMC
 members for ZK. I do not have much experience with PMC member criteria
 for other projects except for Hadoop. In Hadoop we indirectly imply
 that a PMC member be a superset of a committer. Meaning more
 responsibilities than a committer, more responsibility towards project
 direction, more responsibilities towards projects day to day

  and here is what I had in mind for ZK (mostly explicitly stating what
 we have in Hadoop):

 A PMC member should be able to get involved in the day to day
 activities of the project
   - by day to day activities I imply
      -  release discussions
     -  code reviews/ could be any kind - documentation/ others (does
 not imply a deep understanding of the project), should be willing to
 contribute on any part of the project
     -  should be willing to work with new contributors and mentor
 them (mostly a superset of committer).
  - works well with other PMC members

 By the above I imply that a PMC member has a greater set of
 responsibilities that a committer and should be able to review (any
 contribution) and contribute towards ZK releases.

 What do others think?


Re: redirect old zookeeper site?

2011-03-20 Thread Patrick Hunt
Hm, no idea. I'll look into it.

On Fri, Mar 18, 2011 at 2:50 PM, Benjamin Reed wrote:
 good point! do you know how to do this pat?


 On Fri, Mar 18, 2011 at 2:30 PM, Sean Bridges wrote:
 The first result I get in google for zookeeper points to the old zookeeper 

 Can you get that page to redirect to or link to,

 I was looking to download 3.3.3, but there is no download link to
 3.3.3 from the old site.



Re: broken links on

2011-03-23 Thread Patrick Hunt
Thanks for pointing this out, I'll look into it - I suspect we didn't
put up the api docs when we moved the site (it's a separate step as
part of a release).


On Wed, Mar 23, 2011 at 8:01 AM, nicholas harteau wrote:
 is this the primary site now?  it looks like the api doc is a 404 in
 recent releases:

 from: = 404

 similarly, from: = 404

 -- (^-^)

Re: negotiated timeout

2011-03-24 Thread Patrick Hunt
Ted, you'll need to ask the hbase guys about this if you are not
running a dedicated zk cluster. I'm not sure how they manage embedded

However a quick search of the HBASE code results in:


// Set the max session timeout from the provided client-side timeout
conf.get(zookeeper.session.timeout, 18));


On Thu, Mar 24, 2011 at 4:00 PM, Ted Yu wrote:
 Do you want me to look at maxSessionTimeout ?
 Since hbase manages zookeeper, I am not sure I can control this parameter

 On Thu, Mar 24, 2011 at 3:50 PM, Patrick Hunt wrote:

 On Thu, Mar 24, 2011 at 3:43 PM, Mahadev Konar wrote:
  Hi Ted,
   The session timeout can be changed by the server depending on min/max
  bounds set on the servers. Are you servers configured to have a max
  timeout of 60 seconds? usually the default is 20 * tickTime. Looks
  like your ticktime is 3 seconds?
  On Thu, Mar 24, 2011 at 3:20 PM, Ted Yu wrote:
  hbase 0.90.1 uses zookeeper 3.3.2
  I specified:
  In zookeeper log I see:
  2011-03-24 19:58:09,499 INFO org.apache.zookeeper.server.NIOServerCnxn:
  Client attempting to establish new session at /
  2011-03-24 19:58:09,499 INFO org.apache.zookeeper.server.NIOServerCnxn:
  Established session 0x12ebb99d686a012 with negotiated timeout 6 for
  client /
  2011-03-24 19:58:09,499 INFO org.apache.zookeeper.server.NIOServerCnxn:
  Client attempting to establish new session at /
  2011-03-24 19:58:09,499 INFO
  org.apache.zookeeper.server.PrepRequestProcessor: Got user-level
  KeeperException when processing sessionid:0x12ebb99d686a012 type:create
  cxid:0x1 zxid:0xfffe txntype:unknown reqpath:n/a Error
  Path:/hbase Error:KeeperErrorCode = NodeExists for /hbase
  2011-03-24 19:58:09,499 INFO org.apache.zookeeper.server.NIOServerCnxn:
  Established session 0x12ebb99d686a013 with negotiated timeout 6 for
  client /
  Can someone tell me how the negotiated timeout of 6 was computed ?

Re: [ANNOUNCE] ZooKeeper Committer: Michi Mutsuzaki

2011-04-08 Thread Patrick Hunt
Awesome! Welcome Michi!


On Fri, Apr 8, 2011 at 5:28 PM, Mahadev Konar wrote:
 Hi all,

 The ZooKeeper PMC recently extended committer karma to Michi and he has
 accepted.  Welcome aboard Michi!


UltraESA - using ZK

2011-05-05 Thread Patrick Hunt
A very interesting product using ZK for group coordination:!/phunt/status/66173748109258755


Fwd: Centralized KEYS files on

2011-05-05 Thread Patrick Hunt
FYI: If you are a committer you should get your key(s) up asap:

-- Forwarded message --
From: Daniel Shahaf
Date: Thu, May 5, 2011 at 8:51 AM
Subject: Centralized KEYS files on

The following is now implemented:

If you login to and enter PGP key fingerprint(s),
then the corresponding keys will within a few hours be made available
under ,

at URLs such as the following: (my key) (all httpd
committers' keys).

This arrangement is independent of the PGP fingerprints in
^/committers/info/, it does not pull fingerprints listed there.

We recommend projects transition from KEYS files to /keys/group/$pmc.asc
files managed via

We have pre-filled this with the keys listed on the public pages (which are built from the information
in ^/committers/info/ in the private repository).  Some keys were not
added, you can add those manually.  You can edit or remove the listed
keys via

Documentation will follow on later; it's basically
enter the fingerprint or keyid in a format that 'gpg --recv-key' is
happy with.

Questions, patches, bugs, flames: to infrastructure@ (about id.a.o) or
site-dev@ (about the scripts generating the keys/ directory).

Thanks to pctony; bugs by me.


Re: zookeeper dev f2f meeting before or after the hadoop summit

2011-05-12 Thread Patrick Hunt
Ben, last year Yahoo was nice enough to host us. Are they doing again
this year? I heard some of the other hadoop related projects were
going to get together, should we try to sync up with them? Whichever
way you go this sounds like a good idea to me.


On Thu, May 12, 2011 at 11:03 AM, Eugene Koontz wrote:
 I'm looking forward to meeting other ZK devs. Thanks to Ben for suggesting
 it. Either before or after the Summit is fine for me.

Re: retreat from zookeeper

2011-05-19 Thread Patrick Hunt
Hi Thomas, I did notice that you had been making some personal changes
(all hail LI!) and I'm sorry to see you moving on. Flavio makes some
good points which I won't re-iterate, really I think it boils down to
perfect is the enemy of the good. It's great to chase perfection,
but on a day to day basis we're all striving to make things better.

I must admit I'm personally disappointed that the netty changes have
still not gone in. I had completed these changes some time back before
you raised issues and took on the effort of driving that to
completion.  There are a number of community members, not to mention
my employer, who are disappointed with _me_ as a result. (which takes
me back to my previous perfect enemy of good comment).

Best of luck!


On Thu, May 19, 2011 at 6:12 AM, Thomas Koch wrote:
 Flavio Junqueira:
 poorly designed system.

 Hi Flavio,

 thank you for your response. Please note that I do intend to appreciate the
 sound design of ZooKeeper in my talk. ZooKeeper is not poorly _designed_!
 However it is IMHO poorly _implemented_. And I also tried to excuse this by
 pointing out that ZK seems to be the first of its kind.
 ZK has explored new areas and provided insights that others can build upon

 The fact that many projects use ZK shows how important its service is and
 confirms my assumption that nobody else has provided something equivalent


 So today it's easy for me to point out shortcomings and take ZK for granted,
 but in fact it should not be forgotten that ZK is a piece of visionary work
 without precedent in its kind.

 Best regards,

 Thomas Koch,

Re: dev meeting agenda

2011-05-19 Thread Patrick Hunt
One agenda item: I think we should discuss the following list
(recently sent by Thomas) and boil it down into some action items
(jiras if they don't already exist) with assignee's where possible.
I've been discussing Maven support for a while, maybe this is a good
time to do it.


* The code is tightly coupled
* most so called Unit-Tests are actualy integration tests. They run the
whole application and test one specific functionality.

* no uniform configuration: command line parameters, system properties,
configuration file (java properties)
* configuration properties copied to static class members

* feature bloat on fragile foundation: e.g. chroot + automatic resubscribtion
does not work

* implementation unlike specification: allowed characters in path

* still on ant instead of maven (depends how you see ant vs. maven)

* circular object dependencies (e.g. ZooKeeper - ClientCnxn)

* methods with +100 lines of code and nested conditions depth well over 5

* general attitude against refactoring, no knowledge or appreciation of
effective java (Josh Bloch) or clean code (Robert C. Martin)

* magic numbers instead of enum

* still bound to inline copy of jute (HadoopIO, avro predecessor)
* even hand coded (de)serialization in leader election

* no client-only jar. Every client gets the full server code.

* unhandy API triggered (at least) two client API wrappers: zkClient, cages

* insane amounts of code duplication

* horrible, fragile thread programming: plenty of XYZ extends Threads
instead of
 - implements runnable
 - or better: executor framework
 - or much better: actors (see Akka)
 - leads to fear of refactoring, because nobody understands all
synchronization needs.

On Thu, May 19, 2011 at 9:17 AM, Benjamin Reed wrote:
 please respond to this email to add things to the agenda for the dev
 meeting. here are my items:

 item: we need to figure out a better way of managing recipes.

Re: post hadoop summit dev meeting

2011-05-19 Thread Patrick Hunt
Awesome, I'm excited to get together with the community. (I'd suggest
use whatever the BAHUG uses for meetups)


On Thu, May 19, 2011 at 9:16 AM, Benjamin Reed wrote:
 yahoo! will be sponsoring developer meetings for various projects the
 day after the hadoop summit. they need a head count to reserve the
 right room size and snacks.

 other dev meetings i've been to generally last around 2 hours.

 so, if that works for everyone i can setup a meeting on meetup. (is
 that what people use these days?) i'll start a new email thread to
 start collecting things to put on the agenda.


Re: commit process for zookeeper

2011-05-19 Thread Patrick Hunt
Great idea Ben, thanks.

On Thu, May 19, 2011 at 12:30 PM, Michi Mutsuzaki wrote:
 Hi Ben,

 Thank you for putting this up! I find it very helpful.


 On 5/19/11 12:17 PM, Benjamin Reed wrote:

 i've added a wiki page to document the commit process. they are the
 steps i follow, so hopefully i didn't miss anything :) i think it
 would be helpful for the new committers as they do their first
 commits. (welcome! thanks for sharing the work!)

Welcome Ted Dunning to the ZooKeeper PMC!

2011-05-26 Thread Patrick Hunt
Hi Folks,

I'm happy to report that the PMC has voted and Ted has happily
accepted to become a ZooKeeper PMC member!

Ted, welcome aboard! Please feel free to mention a little bit about
yourself, and congrats!


ZooKeeper and Maven builds

2011-05-26 Thread Patrick Hunt
I've uploaded a patch that adds maven build support:

If you can give it a try and comment on the jira I'd appreciate it.
I'd like to get this committed asap so that ppl can try it out more
easily and we can all hack on it more (ie improve the
build/dev/release processes).

You should be able to:
1) apply the patch to trunk (chmod +x the 2 scripts)
2) ./ test
3) ./ dist # see results in the dist directory



Re: Error in sending Message

2011-05-31 Thread Patrick Hunt
I looks like you are sending 1.7gig data in your message, which far
exceeds the default max that ZK enforces. See this:

Typically ZK is not used to send large data like this, usually you
want to store that data somewhere and use ZK to send a reference to
that file (a URL say).


On Sun, May 29, 2011 at 12:45 AM, Yosef Arraf wrote:
 Hi My Name is Yosef,

 I'm trying to work with Norbert that wraps ZooKeeper :

 As a test i'm running the NorbertJavaNetworkClientMain and
 I have a problem when i send a message from the Client to the server - in
 the zookeeper i;m getting the exception:
 * Unreasonable length = 1701999662
 at org.apache.zookeeper.server.NIOServerCnxn.doIO(

 And the server code never reach the message function handler

 can you help?


Re: zookeeper build error

2011-06-06 Thread Patrick Hunt
The main build also builds the c client/tests. You need autoconf for
that. Either install autoconf or try running just the java tests ant


On Mon, Jun 6, 2011 at 3:46 PM, Ma, Ming wrote:

 I tried to use the instruction to build zookeeper 
 using ant -Djavac.args=-Xlint -Xmaxwarns 1000 clean test tar and got this 
 build error. Has anyone seen this?

 /svnroot/hadoop/zookeeper-trunk/build.xml:901: Execute failed: Cannot run program autoreconf (in directory 
 /svnroot/hadoop/zookeeper-trunk/src/c): error=2, No 
 such file or directory
  at java.lang.ProcessBuilder.start(
  at java.lang.Runtime.exec(
  at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor4.invoke(Unknown Source)
  at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
  at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor4.invoke(Unknown Source)
  at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
  at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor4.invoke(Unknown Source)
  at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
  at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor4.invoke(Unknown Source)
  at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(

Re: Samle program for making any service highly available using zookeeper

2011-06-08 Thread Patrick Hunt
IMO one area in which we are particularly weak is good client side
user examples, so yes, please do submit! If you could add sufficient
supporting comments/javadoc/docs along with the example I think it
would be particularly helpful to end users.



On Wed, Jun 8, 2011 at 1:56 AM, Divya :P wrote:
 Hi ,

 We used zookeeper to make one of our service highly available. I have
 written a sample program which shows the usage of zookeeper to make the
 required service highly available .

 Can it be added it to examples package in the zookeeper code ?

 Thanks  Regards,

Re: Released versions in jira

2011-06-08 Thread Patrick Hunt
Click on versions on the left, then click on manage versions on
the right. Then click on release and give it the correct date of the

Can you do all that, or do you need to be admin?


On Wed, Jun 8, 2011 at 1:54 PM, Benjamin Reed wrote:
 ah dang. i'm sure that is my fault. we need to add that to the release
 process wiki. do you know how to do this pat?


 On Wed, Jun 8, 2011 at 1:06 PM, Camille Fournier wrote:
 Looks like our jira thinks we haven't released 3.3.3. Anyone know how to fix


Re: [jira] [Commented] (ZOOKEEPER-723) ephemeral parent znodes

2011-06-14 Thread Patrick Hunt
fyi: Flavio and I responded on jira.

On Tue, Jun 14, 2011 at 1:23 PM, Benjamin Reed wrote:
 good point, you can check the cversion of the parent. that was my big 

 to be honest i can go either way. it is cumbersome to have to do the
 firstChild, but i'm wondering if it is easier to explain and manage
 that in the code than saying that the znode will go away if there
 aren't any children left unless no child have been created. i don't
 have a strong feeling one way or the other, but i do lean towards the
 firstChild option.

 are there any others that have an opinion?

 On Tue, Jun 14, 2011 at 12:02 PM, Daniel Gómez Ferro (JIRA) wrote:


 Daniel Gómez Ferro commented on ZOOKEEPER-723:

 Couldn't that be checked with the cversion of the parent? I just find it a 
 bit ugly/cumbersome having that firstChild automatically created (that you 
 are probably going to delete right after creating any other child) but 
 that's mostly an aesthetic reason, so if you think its more robust having 
 the firstChild I'll provide a new version of the patch.

 ephemeral parent znodes

                 Key: ZOOKEEPER-723
             Project: ZooKeeper
          Issue Type: New Feature
          Components: server
            Reporter: Benjamin Reed
            Assignee: Daniel Gómez Ferro
         Attachments: ZOOKEEPER-723.patch

 ephemeral znodes have the nice property of automatically cleaning up after 
 themselves when the creator goes away, but since they can't have children 
 it is hard to build subtrees that will cleanup after the clients that are 
 using them are gone.
 rather than changing the semantics of ephemeral nodes, i propose ephemeral 
 parents: znodes that disappear when they have no more children. this 
 cleanup would happen automatically when the last child is removed. an 
 ephemeral parent is not tied to any particular session, so even if the 
 creator goes away, the ephemeral parent will remain as long as there are 
 the when an ephemeral parent is created it will have an initial child, so 
 that it doesn't get immediately removed. i think this child should be an 
 ephemeral znode with a predefined name, firstChild.

 This message is automatically generated by JIRA.
 For more information on JIRA, see:

Re: more about debian

2011-06-16 Thread Patrick Hunt
Sounds reasonable to me. Can that be done through Apache (ie do the
work on the Apache deb and use the result in Ubuntu/Ensemble) or it
has to be done directly through debian (or whatever one calls the way
it's currently being done).


On Thu, Jun 16, 2011 at 11:33 AM, Gustavo Niemeyer wrote:
 Given that ZK (and the rest of the hadoop ecosystem) will now have
 Apache created/maintained debian pkgs how/does that effect things?

 For us (Ubuntu/Ensemble), not much.  First, we want to have important
 software readily available.  Then, ZooKeeper is a dependency of
 Ensemble.  For one to be in the distribution, the other must be, so
 we'll continue to have packages well maintained.

 Gustavo Niemeyer

Re: QuorumTest.testFollowersStartAfterLeader

2011-06-21 Thread Patrick Hunt
Hi Eugene, that looks right to me. (did that fix it for you?)

In addition to the anti-pattern I mentioned earlier, another one to
look for is slow running tests -- often times a test will run slowly
that could be coded in a different way to run much more quickly.
Notice here that we don't even wait the second if the test is already
passing. Although we might run for a much longer time if needed. (this
all adds up when you have hundreds/thousands of tests).

btw, you might put that comment directly into your assert. Also take a
look at instead of assertTrue(false). (it's a nit


On Tue, Jun 21, 2011 at 2:03 PM, Eugene Koontz wrote:
 On 6/21/11 12:45 PM, Patrick Hunt wrote:

 Such uses of sleep are just asking for trouble. Take a look at the use
 of sleep in testSessionMove in the same class for a better way to do
 this. I had gone through all the tests a while back, replacing all the
 sleep(x) with something like this testSessionMove pattern (retry
 with a max limit that's very long). During reviews we should look for
 anti-patterns like this and address them before commit.


 Thanks a lot for bringing this up, Camille. I had exactly this problem
 (QuorumTest.testFollowersStartAfterLeader failing) yesterday and today .
 Would the attached patch be the fix in the spirit of the pattern you're
 describing, Patrick?


Review Request: automating log and snapshot cleaning

2011-07-07 Thread Patrick Hunt

This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:

Review request for zookeeper, Patrick Hunt, Benjamin Reed, and Mahadev Konar.


I like to have ZK itself manage the amount of snapshots and logs kept, instead 
of relying on the PurgeTxnLog utility.

This addresses bug ZOOKEEPER-1107.


  ./conf/zoo_sample.cfg 1141901 
  ./src/java/main/org/apache/zookeeper/ PRE-CREATION 
  ./src/java/test/org/apache/zookeeper/ PRE-CREATION 



test added, passing hudson qa bot.



Re: Review Request: automating log and snapshot cleaning

2011-07-07 Thread Patrick Hunt

This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:

The documentation (src/docs) need to be updated - specifically the cleanup 
section in the admin guide.

Have you considered hooking this into JMX or the 4letterwords? It would be nice 
for operators to get basic information. In JMX they could also control the 
settings... consider for a follow-on JIRA?


My personal belief is that this should be turned off by default - i.e. 
comment out the parameters in the sample config.


should this be in zookeeper or zookeeper.server ?


consider calling this something more descriptive - perhaps 
DatadirCleanupManager or similar...




use TimeUnit


perhaps this should be done in start?


move this check to the start method.

1) INFO level log if turned off
2) exit the thread if turned off


this formatting is not very nice, please adjust it a bit.


I see tests, which is great, however where is this method being called in 
ZooKeeper server code proper? (what I mean is the server doesn't seem to be 
running this)


given we are tracking the state shouldn't we be testing that here?


I would rather we check if the state is started. (log warning if not)


Zookeeper should be referred to as ZooKeeper


specify explicit default, 3?


specify explicit default - e.g. 0.


the docs should reflect that this only controls the number of snaps to 
keep, the logs are purged based on the corresponding purged snaps.


what does time refer to. elapsed time? what are the units.



- Patrick

On 2011-07-07 23:10:13, Patrick Hunt wrote:
 This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:
 (Updated 2011-07-07 23:10:13)
 Review request for zookeeper, Patrick Hunt, Benjamin Reed, and Mahadev Konar.
 I like to have ZK itself manage the amount of snapshots and logs kept, 
 instead of relying on the PurgeTxnLog utility.
 This addresses bug ZOOKEEPER-1107.
   ./conf/zoo_sample.cfg 1141901 
   ./src/java/main/org/apache/zookeeper/ PRE-CREATION 
   ./src/java/test/org/apache/zookeeper/ PRE-CREATION 
 test added, passing hudson qa bot.

Re: Review Request: automating log and snapshot cleaning

2011-07-07 Thread Patrick Hunt

 On 2011-07-07 23:34:13, Camille Fournier wrote:
  Are people just supposed to create their own new ZooKeeperPurger and call 
  start on it? I don't see any hooks for starting this anywhere, or even a 
  main method to use to start it. Would be nice to give that to people so 
  they have a utility they can run easily.

Heh, you beat me to it. ;-) I think it should be started by the server, but the 
config defaults should have it turned off (time=0) by default. (more in my 

- Patrick

This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:

On 2011-07-07 23:10:13, Patrick Hunt wrote:
 This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:
 (Updated 2011-07-07 23:10:13)
 Review request for zookeeper, Patrick Hunt, Benjamin Reed, and Mahadev Konar.
 I like to have ZK itself manage the amount of snapshots and logs kept, 
 instead of relying on the PurgeTxnLog utility.
 This addresses bug ZOOKEEPER-1107.
   ./conf/zoo_sample.cfg 1141901 
   ./src/java/main/org/apache/zookeeper/ PRE-CREATION 
   ./src/java/test/org/apache/zookeeper/ PRE-CREATION 
 test added, passing hudson qa bot.

Re: Review Request: automating log and snapshot cleaning

2011-07-07 Thread Patrick Hunt

 On 2011-07-07 23:40:32, Patrick Hunt wrote:
  ./src/java/main/org/apache/zookeeper/, lines 74-77
  move this check to the start method.
  1) INFO level log if turned off
  2) exit the thread if turned off

Sorry, meant exit the start method if turned off (don't start the timer/task).

- Patrick

This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:

On 2011-07-07 23:10:13, Patrick Hunt wrote:
 This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:
 (Updated 2011-07-07 23:10:13)
 Review request for zookeeper, Patrick Hunt, Benjamin Reed, and Mahadev Konar.
 I like to have ZK itself manage the amount of snapshots and logs kept, 
 instead of relying on the PurgeTxnLog utility.
 This addresses bug ZOOKEEPER-1107.
   ./conf/zoo_sample.cfg 1141901 
   ./src/java/main/org/apache/zookeeper/ PRE-CREATION 
   ./src/java/test/org/apache/zookeeper/ PRE-CREATION 
 test added, passing hudson qa bot.

Review Request: Support Kerberos authentication of clients.

2011-07-08 Thread Patrick Hunt

This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:

Review request for zookeeper, Benjamin Reed and Mahadev Konar.


Support Kerberos authentication of clients.

This addresses bug ZOOKEEPER-938.


  src/java/main/org/apache/zookeeper/ 87477df 
  src/java/main/org/apache/zookeeper/ d0e74fa 
  src/java/main/org/apache/zookeeper/ PRE-CREATION 
  src/java/main/org/apache/zookeeper/ e72105c 
  src/java/main/org/apache/zookeeper/ f77ac20 
  src/java/main/org/apache/zookeeper/ f2ab4a6 
  src/java/main/org/apache/zookeeper/server/ b690817 
  src/java/main/org/apache/zookeeper/server/ bab8998 
  src/java/main/org/apache/zookeeper/server/ e7e1846 
  src/java/main/org/apache/zookeeper/server/ c6ab5dd 
  src/java/main/org/apache/zookeeper/server/ deb1e7a 
  src/java/main/org/apache/zookeeper/server/ 80d2b99 
  src/java/main/org/apache/zookeeper/server/ 6d69073 
  src/java/main/org/apache/zookeeper/server/ 72af158 
  src/java/main/org/apache/zookeeper/server/ ec710cd 
  src/java/main/org/apache/zookeeper/server/ 52d3820 
  src/java/main/org/apache/zookeeper/server/quorum/ 969a482 
  src/java/test/org/apache/zookeeper/test/ PRE-CREATION 
  src/java/test/org/apache/zookeeper/test/ PRE-CREATION 
  src/zookeeper.jute 34eac78 





Re: dev meeting minutes

2011-07-13 Thread Patrick Hunt
Vishal (Kathuria) would you mind posting your ZK presentation? Perhaps
here as wiki attachment:
with a reference from minutes?



On Wed, Jul 13, 2011 at 8:56 AM, Benjamin Reed wrote:
 I don't know your approach to cluster reconfiguration, but I had a thought
 about it lately that may be rather trivial, if I didn't oversee anything.
 Cluster reconfiguration would need to be an operation that goes through the
 leader and gets acknowledged by a quorum. All operations following the 
 reconfiguration operation would need to be committed by the new quorum.

 I hope this idea might help and I didn't make a fool of myself. :-)

 Best regards,

 Thomas Koch,

 it would be nice if things were that simple. your idea only works if
 no failures happen. (lots of things are simple if no failure happens.
 code paths become nice and clean.) since we would like to deal with
 failures, things are a bit more complicated. at the heart of it is a
 reconfiguration request that gets committed using Zab.


Re: Review Request: automating log and snapshot cleaning

2011-07-19 Thread Patrick Hunt

 On 2011-07-07 23:40:32, Patrick Hunt wrote:
  The documentation (src/docs) need to be updated - specifically the cleanup 
  section in the admin guide.
  Have you considered hooking this into JMX or the 4letterwords? It would be 
  nice for operators to get basic information. In JMX they could also control 
  the settings... consider for a follow-on JIRA?
 Laxman Ch wrote:
 Fixed the documentation part.
 @Pat: I guess I'm not clear about how hooking into JMX or 4 
 letter-words will be helpful. Can you please explain this idea? I can takeup 
 this task in separate JIRA.

both JMX and 4letterwords provide insight to the operator into the runtime 
status of the system

what I was suggesting is that you could allow such insight into the cleanup 
task - for example is the process running, when the last time it ran, a history 
of the files cleaned up and when, stop the task, restart, etc...

- Patrick

This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:

On 2011-07-07 23:10:13, Patrick Hunt wrote:
 This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:
 (Updated 2011-07-07 23:10:13)
 Review request for zookeeper, Patrick Hunt, Benjamin Reed, and Mahadev Konar.
 I like to have ZK itself manage the amount of snapshots and logs kept, 
 instead of relying on the PurgeTxnLog utility.
 This addresses bug ZOOKEEPER-1107.
   ./conf/zoo_sample.cfg 1141901 
   ./src/java/main/org/apache/zookeeper/ PRE-CREATION 
   ./src/java/test/org/apache/zookeeper/ PRE-CREATION 
 test added, passing hudson qa bot.

Re: Review Request: automating log and snapshot cleaning

2011-07-19 Thread Patrick Hunt

This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:

This is looking pretty close!


I think something like


would be better here -- less ambiguous

(in general we need to cleanup our configuration naming/handling at some 


mention that this is new in 3.4.0 -- see some of the other parameters 
such as clientPortAddress for an example of how to do this.


something like the following?

the ..snapretaincount.. most recent snapshots ...


replace purges with deletes?


do you mean something like:

Default is 3. Minimum value is 3.

I think this would be a bit more obvious. Might also be good if we print a 
warning if user sets to less than 3 (and specify we are using 3)


can we add a class javadoc describing this class?


should be DataDirCleanupManager.class not nioservercnxn.class.


move this to QPC, check it there, print a warning if user sets below this, 
and set the config field to this MIN.


if we set this in the constructor we can define these as final.


rather than add a dependency on QPC, could we pass these 4 parameters into 
a constructor for this class? Notice how this also makes your tests easier (no 
need to meddle with config).

shouldn't we check the state before starting?


move this to QPC


I'd move this to the constructor of this class.


nit - formatting is a bit off, typ

if (foo  bar) {



- Patrick

On 2011-07-19 21:04:20, Patrick Hunt wrote:
 This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:
 (Updated 2011-07-19 21:04:20)
 Review request for zookeeper, Patrick Hunt, Benjamin Reed, and Mahadev Konar.
 I like to have ZK itself manage the amount of snapshots and logs kept, 
 instead of relying on the PurgeTxnLog utility.
 This addresses bug ZOOKEEPER-1107.
   ./conf/zoo_sample.cfg 1146568 
   ./src/docs/src/documentation/content/xdocs/zookeeperAdmin.xml 1146568 
 test added, passing hudson qa bot.

Re: Review Request: ZOOKEEPER-999 Create an package integration project

2011-07-19 Thread Patrick Hunt

This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:

1) src/recipes/election has been added recently to trunk, are changes needed 
there as well? (see my comments below - seems like if we separated out pkg 
building from regular build it would make this more explicit/obvious)

2) i've been wondering for a while, perhaps we should have different scripts 
for depending upon whether running in development mode and 
running in package mode. There's alot of cruft in there having to do with 
determining which mode we are in and then setting up appropriately (zkCli, 
zkServer, zkCleanup, etc...).


this was recently changed by ZOOKEEPER-1084 to either use the variable if 
passed, or use ../conf (but not ../etc)


in my case aclocal does not reside in /usr/local... (ubuntu natty) but 
rather /usr/share

can we determine this in some other way?


I think this is going to cause problems for our normal release - we don't 
compile the c bindings as part of this process. This should be separated out.

I think what we'd really need is to have separate targets for building the 
source artifact, and any additional binary convenience artifacts. Avro does 
this very successfully.

How about separating out the building of packages entirely from 
building/testing the java code? Say by having a separate build-packages.xml 
(ant build file) instead?


jdeb is listed as a default dependency, shouldn't this only be used for 
building, not default? (similar to say rat)


sorry, why do we need this in zkpython?


replace Hadoop with ZooKeeper


maintainer should be dev@zookeeper




zookeeper rather than hadoop?




dev@zookeeper ?






is there a way to not duplicate this? (a sample is also in conf)


the group used is hadoop? (seems fine, just wondering...)

- Patrick

On 2011-07-19 22:15:38, Patrick Hunt wrote:
 This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:
 (Updated 2011-07-19 22:15:38)
 Review request for zookeeper and Mahadev Konar.
 This goal of this ticket is to generate a set of RPM/debian package which 
 integrate well with RPM sets created by HADOOP-6255.
 This addresses bug ZOOKEEPER-999.
   ./bin/ 1141173 
   ./bin/ 1141173 
   ./bin/ 1141173 
   ./bin/ 1141173 
   ./build.xml 1141176 
   ./ivy.xml 1141173 
   ./src/contrib/build-contrib.xml 1141173 
   ./src/contrib/build.xml 1141173 
   ./src/contrib/zkpython/build.xml 1141173 
   ./src/contrib/zkpython/ivy.xml PRE-CREATION 
   ./src/contrib/zkpython/src/packages/rpm/spec/zkpython.spec PRE-CREATION 
   ./src/contrib/zkpython/src/python/ 1141173 
   ./src/packages/deb/init.d/zookeeper PRE-CREATION 
   ./src/packages/deb/zookeeper.control/conffile PRE-CREATION 
   ./src/packages/deb/zookeeper.control/control PRE-CREATION 
   ./src/packages/deb/zookeeper.control/postinst PRE-CREATION 
   ./src/packages/deb/zookeeper.control/postrm PRE-CREATION 
   ./src/packages/deb/zookeeper.control/preinst PRE-CREATION 
   ./src/packages/deb/zookeeper.control/prerm PRE-CREATION 
   ./src/packages/rpm/init.d/zookeeper PRE

Re: Review Request: ZOOKEEPER-999 Create an package integration project

2011-07-19 Thread Patrick Hunt

 On 2011-07-19 22:46:10, Patrick Hunt wrote:
  1) src/recipes/election has been added recently to trunk, are changes 
  needed there as well? (see my comments below - seems like if we separated 
  out pkg building from regular build it would make this more 
  2) i've been wondering for a while, perhaps we should have different 
  scripts for depending upon whether running in development 
  mode and running in package mode. There's alot of cruft in there having 
  to do with determining which mode we are in and then setting up 
  appropriately (zkCli, zkServer, zkCleanup, etc...).

What do you think of this idea (2 in particular?) I guess hadoop is fine with 
this mixed use? Perhaps we can take some ideas from there an apply?

 On 2011-07-19 22:46:10, Patrick Hunt wrote:
  ./bin/, lines 31-35
  this was recently changed by ZOOKEEPER-1084 to either use the variable 
  if passed, or use ../conf (but not ../etc)
 Eric Yang wrote:
 Hadoop stack software used the same pattern *_HOME/conf for configuration 
 directory.  This naming convention doesn't work when *_HOME/conf is collapsed 
 into a single directory, (i.e. /usr)  A proposal maded in HADOOP-6255 to 
 address this issue.  For packaged software, $PREFIX/etc/$project will be the 
 naming convention for configuration directory.  For developer, it will use 
 $PREFIX/conf for source code build.  This patch already merged change for 
 ZOOKEEPER-1084, it will honor $ZOOCFGDIR if it is defined.

we should look at moving to best practices, esp if hadoop already figured this 
out. Would you mind starting a ZK wiki page detailing both the bin/* scripts 
and how it fits into packaging? Or perhaps we can document it within the 
scripts themselves? I'd like to see us start deprecating (and eventually 
removing) the old ways of doing things an moving people to whatever our current 
best practices are.

 On 2011-07-19 22:46:10, Patrick Hunt wrote:
  ./build.xml, line 155
  in my case aclocal does not reside in /usr/local... (ubuntu natty) but 
  rather /usr/share
  can we determine this in some other way?
 Eric Yang wrote:
 I am fine to use /usr/share as default.  It is also possible to overwrite 
 this in  Conditional checking to set property is not pretty 
 in ant, it may be better to leave this as a property for now.

I'm fine either way - as long as it doesn't impact the ability for people to 
easily checkout the code and build. I wasn't sure how this would effect that.

 On 2011-07-19 22:46:10, Patrick Hunt wrote:
  ./src/packages/, line 131
  the group used is hadoop? (seems fine, just wondering...)
 Eric Yang wrote:
 I set the full stack of the software to be ownership by group hadoop for 
 easier file ownership management.

seems fine. Are you planning to participate in Bigtop? Would love to have you 
involved. It would be great to nail all this type of thing down so that it will 
be consistent. (or make it easy to configure if there's no consensus, ie figure 
out what ppl agree on and what not).

 On 2011-07-19 22:46:10, Patrick Hunt wrote:
  ./src/packages/templates/conf/zoo.cfg, lines 1-12
  is there a way to not duplicate this? (a sample is also in conf)
 Eric Yang wrote:
 How about generate conf/zoo_sample.cfg from 
 src/packages/templates/conf/zoo.cfg as part of the build process?

My concerns are: 1) make it easy for ppl to get started with development, 2) 
try to limit duplication, esp stuff we're likely to forget to update, 3) 
generated code should go into build (eventually target once maven is here)

perhaps a conf/zoo_template.cfg that could be used by 1), and generate into 
build/.../src/packages/templates/conf/zoo.cfg for use in packaging?

- Patrick

This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:

On 2011-07-19 22:15:38, Patrick Hunt wrote:
 This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:
 (Updated 2011-07-19 22:15:38)
 Review request for zookeeper and Mahadev Konar.
 This goal of this ticket is to generate a set of RPM/debian package which 
 integrate well with RPM sets created by HADOOP-6255.
 This addresses bug ZOOKEEPER-999.
   ./bin/ 1141173

Re: Review Request: ZOOKEEPER-999 Create an package integration project

2011-07-20 Thread Patrick Hunt

This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:

(Updated 2011-07-20 17:45:08.665910)

Review request for zookeeper and Mahadev Konar.


updated from Eric.


This goal of this ticket is to generate a set of RPM/debian package which 
integrate well with RPM sets created by HADOOP-6255.

This addresses bug ZOOKEEPER-999.

Diffs (updated)

  ./bin/ 1148587 
  ./bin/ 1148587 
  ./bin/ 1148587 
  ./bin/ 1148587 
  ./build.xml 1148587 
  ./ivy.xml 1148587 
  ./src/contrib/build-contrib.xml 1148587 
  ./src/contrib/build.xml 1148587 
  ./src/contrib/zkpython/build.xml 1148587 
  ./src/contrib/zkpython/ivy.xml PRE-CREATION 
  ./src/contrib/zkpython/src/packages/deb/zkpython.control/control PRE-CREATION 
  ./src/contrib/zkpython/src/packages/rpm/spec/zkpython.spec PRE-CREATION 
  ./src/contrib/zkpython/src/python/ 1148587 
  ./src/packages/deb/init.d/zookeeper PRE-CREATION 
  ./src/packages/deb/zookeeper.control/conffile PRE-CREATION 
  ./src/packages/deb/zookeeper.control/control PRE-CREATION 
  ./src/packages/deb/zookeeper.control/postinst PRE-CREATION 
  ./src/packages/deb/zookeeper.control/postrm PRE-CREATION 
  ./src/packages/deb/zookeeper.control/preinst PRE-CREATION 
  ./src/packages/deb/zookeeper.control/prerm PRE-CREATION 
  ./src/packages/rpm/init.d/zookeeper PRE-CREATION 
  ./src/packages/rpm/spec/zookeeper.spec PRE-CREATION 
  ./src/packages/templates/conf/ PRE-CREATION 
  ./src/packages/ PRE-CREATION 
  ./src/recipes/build-recipes.xml 1148587 
  ./src/recipes/build.xml 1148587 
  ./src/recipes/lock/build.xml 1148587 
  ./src/recipes/queue/build.xml 1148587 





Re: Review Request: ZOOKEEPER-999 Create an package integration project

2011-07-20 Thread Patrick Hunt

This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:

(Updated 2011-07-21 05:31:05.468929)

Review request for zookeeper and Mahadev Konar.


update from Eric


This goal of this ticket is to generate a set of RPM/debian package which 
integrate well with RPM sets created by HADOOP-6255.

This addresses bug ZOOKEEPER-999.

Diffs (updated)

  ./bin/ 1148587 
  ./bin/ 1148587 
  ./bin/ 1148587 
  ./bin/ 1148587 
  ./build.xml 1148587 
  ./ivy.xml 1148587 
  ./src/contrib/build-contrib.xml 1148587 
  ./src/contrib/build.xml 1148587 
  ./src/contrib/zkpython/build.xml 1148587 
  ./src/contrib/zkpython/ivy.xml PRE-CREATION 
  ./src/contrib/zkpython/src/packages/deb/zkpython.control/control PRE-CREATION 
  ./src/contrib/zkpython/src/packages/rpm/spec/zkpython.spec PRE-CREATION 
  ./src/contrib/zkpython/src/python/ 1148587 
  ./src/packages/deb/init.d/zookeeper PRE-CREATION 
  ./src/packages/deb/zookeeper.control/conffile PRE-CREATION 
  ./src/packages/deb/zookeeper.control/control PRE-CREATION 
  ./src/packages/deb/zookeeper.control/postinst PRE-CREATION 
  ./src/packages/deb/zookeeper.control/postrm PRE-CREATION 
  ./src/packages/deb/zookeeper.control/preinst PRE-CREATION 
  ./src/packages/deb/zookeeper.control/prerm PRE-CREATION 
  ./src/packages/rpm/init.d/zookeeper PRE-CREATION 
  ./src/packages/rpm/spec/zookeeper.spec PRE-CREATION 
  ./src/packages/templates/conf/ PRE-CREATION 
  ./src/packages/ PRE-CREATION 
  ./src/recipes/build-recipes.xml 1148587 
  ./src/recipes/build.xml 1148587 
  ./src/recipes/lock/build.xml 1148587 
  ./src/recipes/queue/build.xml 1148587 





Re: Review Request: ZOOKEEPER-999 Create an package integration project

2011-07-21 Thread Patrick Hunt

This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:

I ran ant deb successfully, although I have not yet tried to install it. I 
noticed a couple issues with the generated package.

shouldn't /etc/zookeeper contain zoo.cfg?

drwxr-xr-x 0/0   0 2011-07-20 22:41 ./etc/
drwxr-xr-x 0/0   0 2011-07-20 22:41 ./etc/zookeeper/
-rw-r--r-- 0/0 535 2011-07-20 22:41 
-rw-r--r-- 0/02161 2011-07-20 22:41 ./etc/zookeeper/
-rw-r--r-- 0/0 447 2011-07-20 22:41 ./etc/zookeeper/zoo_sample.cfg

shouldn't we be creating (if doesn't exist) the /var/lib/zookeeper directory? 
ZK does this currently, however I'm planning to file a bug for this - really we 
shouldn't come up if we can't find this directory (handles case of 
misconfiguration - we stop rather than start with an empty data hierarchy)

Can you add some documentation? Nothing fancy, perhaps a README_packaging.txt 
at the toplevel that describes the currently supported packages, some basic 
information about them, how to build ant deb etc..., additional requirements 
to build, etc... something basic to help out someone trying to build the 


ZooKeeper only supports sun jdk/jre, not openjdk

- Patrick

On 2011-07-21 05:31:05, Patrick Hunt wrote:
 This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:
 (Updated 2011-07-21 05:31:05)
 Review request for zookeeper and Mahadev Konar.
 This goal of this ticket is to generate a set of RPM/debian package which 
 integrate well with RPM sets created by HADOOP-6255.
 This addresses bug ZOOKEEPER-999.
   ./bin/ 1148587 
   ./bin/ 1148587 
   ./bin/ 1148587 
   ./bin/ 1148587 
   ./build.xml 1148587 
   ./ivy.xml 1148587 
   ./src/contrib/build-contrib.xml 1148587 
   ./src/contrib/build.xml 1148587 
   ./src/contrib/zkpython/build.xml 1148587 
   ./src/contrib/zkpython/ivy.xml PRE-CREATION 
   ./src/contrib/zkpython/src/packages/rpm/spec/zkpython.spec PRE-CREATION 
   ./src/contrib/zkpython/src/python/ 1148587 
   ./src/packages/deb/init.d/zookeeper PRE-CREATION 
   ./src/packages/deb/zookeeper.control/conffile PRE-CREATION 
   ./src/packages/deb/zookeeper.control/control PRE-CREATION 
   ./src/packages/deb/zookeeper.control/postinst PRE-CREATION 
   ./src/packages/deb/zookeeper.control/postrm PRE-CREATION 
   ./src/packages/deb/zookeeper.control/preinst PRE-CREATION 
   ./src/packages/deb/zookeeper.control/prerm PRE-CREATION 
   ./src/packages/rpm/init.d/zookeeper PRE-CREATION 
   ./src/packages/rpm/spec/zookeeper.spec PRE-CREATION 
   ./src/packages/templates/conf/ PRE-CREATION 
   ./src/packages/ PRE-CREATION 
   ./src/recipes/build-recipes.xml 1148587 
   ./src/recipes/build.xml 1148587 
   ./src/recipes/lock/build.xml 1148587 
   ./src/recipes/queue/build.xml 1148587 

Out of memory running ZK unit tests against trunk

2011-07-22 Thread Patrick Hunt
I've never seen this before, but in my CI environment (sun jdk
1.6.0_20) I'm seeing some intermittent failures such as the following.

Has anyone added/modified tests for 3.4.0 that might be using more
threads/memory than previously? Creating ZK clients but not closing
them, etc...

java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: unable to create new native thread
   at java.lang.Thread.start0(Native Method)
   at java.lang.Thread.start(
   at org.apache.zookeeper.test.QuorumBase.startServers(
   at org.apache.zookeeper.test.QuorumBase.setUp(
   at org.apache.zookeeper.test.QuorumBase.setUp(


Re: Review Request: ZOOKEEPER-999 Create an package integration project

2011-07-22 Thread Patrick Hunt

This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:

(Updated 2011-07-22 18:24:20.565434)

Review request for zookeeper and Mahadev Konar.


update 8 from eric


This goal of this ticket is to generate a set of RPM/debian package which 
integrate well with RPM sets created by HADOOP-6255.

This addresses bug ZOOKEEPER-999.

Diffs (updated)

  ./README_packaging.txt PRE-CREATION 
  ./bin/ 1148587 
  ./bin/ 1148587 
  ./bin/ 1148587 
  ./bin/ 1148587 
  ./build.xml 1148587 
  ./ivy.xml 1148587 
  ./src/contrib/build-contrib.xml 1148587 
  ./src/contrib/build.xml 1148587 
  ./src/contrib/zkpython/build.xml 1148587 
  ./src/contrib/zkpython/ivy.xml PRE-CREATION 
  ./src/contrib/zkpython/src/packages/deb/zkpython.control/control PRE-CREATION 
  ./src/contrib/zkpython/src/packages/rpm/spec/zkpython.spec PRE-CREATION 
  ./src/contrib/zkpython/src/python/ 1148587 
  ./src/packages/deb/init.d/zookeeper PRE-CREATION 
  ./src/packages/deb/zookeeper.control/conffile PRE-CREATION 
  ./src/packages/deb/zookeeper.control/control PRE-CREATION 
  ./src/packages/deb/zookeeper.control/postinst PRE-CREATION 
  ./src/packages/deb/zookeeper.control/postrm PRE-CREATION 
  ./src/packages/deb/zookeeper.control/preinst PRE-CREATION 
  ./src/packages/deb/zookeeper.control/prerm PRE-CREATION 
  ./src/packages/rpm/init.d/zookeeper PRE-CREATION 
  ./src/packages/rpm/spec/zookeeper.spec PRE-CREATION 
  ./src/packages/templates/conf/ PRE-CREATION 
  ./src/packages/ PRE-CREATION 
  ./src/recipes/build-recipes.xml 1148587 
  ./src/recipes/build.xml 1148587 
  ./src/recipes/lock/build.xml 1148587 
  ./src/recipes/queue/build.xml 1148587 





Re: Review Request: ZOOKEEPER-999 Create an package integration project

2011-07-22 Thread Patrick Hunt

This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:

The packaging code itself looks pretty good now. I've moved on to verifying the 
installation, however I see issues installing the deb on a clean ubuntu 10.10. 
Can you try generating the packages, install them and work through these? (ie 
test on ubuntu and rhel/centos).

1) the following during install:

Setting up zookeeper (3.4.0) ...
ln: creating symbolic link `/usr/etc/zookeeper': No such file or directory

2) I'm unable to start the server, seems like number of issues: a) why 
/usr/sbin/../etc/zookeeper for config, should just be /etc/zookeeper no? b) 
permission issues, notice I am running this as sudo.

sudo /etc/init.d/zookeeper start
 * Starting Apache ZooKeeper server zookeeper   
  JMX enabled by default
Using config: /usr/sbin/../etc/zookeeper/zoo.cfg
grep: /usr/sbin/../etc/zookeeper/zoo.cfg: No such file or directory
mkdir: cannot create directory `': No such file or directory
Starting zookeeper ... /usr/bin/../sbin/ line 109: 
/ Permission denied
/usr/bin/../sbin/ line 105: ./zookeeper.out: Permission denied



should we depend on either the jre or the jdk?



Would be nice to add - when I build where are the generated deb/rpm files 

Are there any requirements for building? (I don't think so, but I'm not 


It's great to document the source layout, could we also provide some detail 
on where things are placed on the install machine? (high level is fine).


missing license - is there a way to add comments here or no?




need license header here.

- Patrick

On 2011-07-22 18:24:20, Patrick Hunt wrote:
 This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:
 (Updated 2011-07-22 18:24:20)
 Review request for zookeeper and Mahadev Konar.
 This goal of this ticket is to generate a set of RPM/debian package which 
 integrate well with RPM sets created by HADOOP-6255.
 This addresses bug ZOOKEEPER-999.
   ./README_packaging.txt PRE-CREATION 
   ./bin/ 1148587 
   ./bin/ 1148587 
   ./bin/ 1148587 
   ./bin/ 1148587 
   ./build.xml 1148587 
   ./ivy.xml 1148587 
   ./src/contrib/build-contrib.xml 1148587 
   ./src/contrib/build.xml 1148587 
   ./src/contrib/zkpython/build.xml 1148587 
   ./src/contrib/zkpython/ivy.xml PRE-CREATION 
   ./src/contrib/zkpython/src/packages/rpm/spec/zkpython.spec PRE-CREATION 
   ./src/contrib/zkpython/src/python/ 1148587 
   ./src/packages/deb/init.d/zookeeper PRE-CREATION 
   ./src/packages/deb/zookeeper.control/conffile PRE-CREATION 
   ./src/packages/deb/zookeeper.control/control PRE-CREATION 
   ./src/packages/deb/zookeeper.control/postinst PRE-CREATION 
   ./src/packages/deb/zookeeper.control/postrm PRE-CREATION 
   ./src/packages/deb/zookeeper.control/preinst PRE-CREATION 
   ./src/packages/deb/zookeeper.control/prerm PRE-CREATION 
   ./src/packages/rpm/init.d/zookeeper PRE-CREATION 
   ./src/packages/rpm/spec/zookeeper.spec PRE-CREATION 
   ./src/packages/templates/conf/ PRE-CREATION 
   ./src/packages/ PRE-CREATION 
   ./src/recipes/build-recipes.xml 1148587 
   ./src/recipes/build.xml 1148587 
   ./src/recipes/lock/build.xml 1148587 
   ./src/recipes/queue/build.xml 1148587 

Re: FW: Does abrupt kill corrupts the datadir?

2011-07-27 Thread Patrick Hunt
ZK has been built around the fail fast approach. In order to
maintain high availability we want to ensure that restarting a server
will result in it attempting to rejoin the quorum. IMO we would not
want to change this (kill -9).


On Tue, Jul 26, 2011 at 2:02 AM, Laxman wrote:
 Hi Everyone,

 Any thoughts?
 Do we need consider changing abrupt shutdown to

 Implementations in some other hadoop eco system projects for your reference.
 Hadoop - kill [SIGTERM]
 HBase - kill [SIGTERM] and then kill -9 [SIGKILL] if process hung
 ZooKeeper - kill -9 [SIGKILL]

 -Original Message-
 From: Laxman []
 Sent: Wednesday, July 13, 2011 12:36 PM
 To: ''
 Subject: RE: Does abrupt kill corrupts the datadir?

 Hi Mahadev,

 Shutdown hook is just a quick thought. Another approach can be just give a
 kill [SIGTERM] call which can be interpreted by process.

 First look at the kill -9 triggered the following scenario.
In worst case, if latest snaps in all zookeeper nodes gets corrupted there
is a chance of dataloss.

 How does zookeeper can deal with this scenario gracefully?

 Also, I feel we should give a chance to application to shutdown gracefully
 before abrupt shutdown.

 Because SIGKILL gives the process no opportunity to do cleanup operations on
 terminating, in most system shutdown procedures an attempt is first made to
 terminate processes using SIGTERM, before resorting to SIGKILL.

 The application can determine what it wants to do once a SIGTERM is
 received. While most applications will clean up their resources and stop,
 some may not. An application may be configured to do something completely
 different when a SIGTERM is received. Also, if the application is in a bad
 state, such as waiting for disk I/O, it may not be able to act on the signal
 that was sent.

 Most system administrators will usually resort to the more abrupt signal
 when an application doesn't respond to a SIGTERM.

 -Original Message-
 From: Mahadev Konar []
 Sent: Wednesday, July 13, 2011 12:02 PM
 Subject: Re: Does abrupt kill corrupts the datadir?

 Hi Laxman,
  The servers takes care of all the issues with data integrity, so a kill
 -9 is OK. Shutdown hooks are tricky. Also, the best way to make sure
 everything works reliably is use kill -9 :).


 On 7/12/11 11:16 PM, Laxman wrote:

When we stop zookeeper through stop, we are aborting the
zookeeper process using kill -9.

129 stop)

130     echo -n Stopping zookeeper ... 

131     if [ ! -f $ZOOPIDFILE ]

132     then

133       echo error: could not find file $ZOOPIDFILE

134       exit 1

135     else

136       $KILL -9 $(cat $ZOOPIDFILE)

137       rm $ZOOPIDFILE

138       echo STOPPED

139       exit 0

140     fi

141     ;;

This may corrupt the snapshot and transaction logs. Also, its not
recommended to use kill -9.

In worst case, if latest snaps in all zookeeper nodes gets corrupted there
is a chance of dataloss.

How about introducing a shutdown hook which will ensure zookeeper is
shutdown gracefully when we call stop?

Note: This is just an observation and its not found in a test.




reminder to committers: new source files must have license headers

2011-07-27 Thread Patrick Hunt
In running the release audit for 3.4.0 branch I see a number of new
files w/o licenses:

in general new files must have license headers - this is esp the case
for source code, scripts, etc...

When adding new files to SVN be sure to review the license status of each.


Re: Review Request: ZOOKEEPER-999 Create an package integration project

2011-07-28 Thread Patrick Hunt

This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:

(Updated 2011-07-28 07:13:52.220703)

Review request for zookeeper and Mahadev Konar.


update 10 from eric


This goal of this ticket is to generate a set of RPM/debian package which 
integrate well with RPM sets created by HADOOP-6255.

This addresses bug ZOOKEEPER-999.

Diffs (updated)

  ./README_packaging.txt PRE-CREATION 
  ./bin/ 1151144 
  ./bin/ 1151144 
  ./bin/ 1151144 
  ./bin/ 1151144 
  ./build.xml 1151144 
  ./ivy.xml 1151144 
  ./src/contrib/build-contrib.xml 1151144 
  ./src/contrib/build.xml 1151144 
  ./src/contrib/zkpython/build.xml 1151144 
  ./src/contrib/zkpython/ivy.xml PRE-CREATION 
  ./src/contrib/zkpython/src/packages/deb/zkpython.control/control PRE-CREATION 
  ./src/contrib/zkpython/src/packages/rpm/spec/zkpython.spec PRE-CREATION 
  ./src/contrib/zkpython/src/python/ 1151144 
  ./src/packages/deb/init.d/zookeeper PRE-CREATION 
  ./src/packages/deb/zookeeper.control/conffile PRE-CREATION 
  ./src/packages/deb/zookeeper.control/control PRE-CREATION 
  ./src/packages/deb/zookeeper.control/postinst PRE-CREATION 
  ./src/packages/deb/zookeeper.control/postrm PRE-CREATION 
  ./src/packages/deb/zookeeper.control/preinst PRE-CREATION 
  ./src/packages/deb/zookeeper.control/prerm PRE-CREATION 
  ./src/packages/rpm/init.d/zookeeper PRE-CREATION 
  ./src/packages/rpm/spec/zookeeper.spec PRE-CREATION 
  ./src/packages/templates/conf/ PRE-CREATION 
  ./src/packages/ PRE-CREATION 
  ./src/recipes/build-recipes.xml 1151144 
  ./src/recipes/build.xml 1151144 
  ./src/recipes/lock/build.xml 1151144 
  ./src/recipes/queue/build.xml 1151144 





Re: Out of memory running ZK unit tests against trunk

2011-07-28 Thread Patrick Hunt
I tracked this down to a low ulimit setting on the particular jenkins
host where this was failing (max processes).

Specifically the following test was failing on trunk, but not on
branch 3_3, which concerns me

there haven't been any real changes to this test between versions, any
insight into why the server is using more threads in trunk vs


On Fri, Jul 22, 2011 at 10:58 AM, Patrick Hunt wrote:
 I've never seen this before, but in my CI environment (sun jdk
 1.6.0_20) I'm seeing some intermittent failures such as the following.

 Has anyone added/modified tests for 3.4.0 that might be using more
 threads/memory than previously? Creating ZK clients but not closing
 them, etc...

 java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: unable to create new native thread
       at java.lang.Thread.start0(Native Method)
       at java.lang.Thread.start(
       at org.apache.zookeeper.test.QuorumBase.setUp(
       at org.apache.zookeeper.test.QuorumBase.setUp(


Re: Out of memory running ZK unit tests against trunk

2011-07-29 Thread Patrick Hunt
Hi Laxman, you want to take a stab at it?

Can you followup with Flavio/Henry about the readonly issue? Shouldn't
such a feature only be enabled when R/O support is enabled? (my
assumption is that it should be off by default, on via configuration


On Fri, Jul 29, 2011 at 7:00 AM, Laxman wrote:
 In QuorumPeer, when the peer is in LOOKING state we are starting
 ReadOnlyZooKeeperServer in a separate thread. And we are shutting down this
 server even before startup which has no effect. Also, as this is not a
 blocking call QP keeps on spawning new servers.

 1) ReadOnlyZooKeeperServer.startup() need not be called in separate a
 2) ReadOnlyZooKeeperServer.startup() is not a blocking call. Need to
 introduce a method like Leader.lead(), Follower.followLeader()
 3) Shutdown should be called only after the a/m blocking call is returned.

 -Original Message-
 From: Patrick Hunt []
 Sent: Friday, July 29, 2011 6:24 AM
 Subject: Re: Out of memory running ZK unit tests against trunk

 Near the end of this test (QuorumZxidSyncTest) there are tons of
 threads running - 115 ProcessThread threads, similar numbers of

 Also I see ~100 ReadOnlyRequestProcessor - why is this running as a
 separate thread? (henry/flavio?)

 Regardless, I'll enter a 3.4.0 blocker to clean this up - I suspect
 that the server shutdown is not shutting down fully for some reason.


 On Thu, Jul 28, 2011 at 5:28 PM, Mahadev Konar
 Nice find Pat. I cant see a reason on why that should happen. Can we
 just do a stack dump and compare?


 On Thu, Jul 28, 2011 at 1:54 PM, Patrick Hunt wrote:
 I tracked this down to a low ulimit setting on the particular jenkins
 host where this was failing (max processes).

 Specifically the following test was failing on trunk, but not on
 branch 3_3, which concerns me

 there haven't been any real changes to this test between versions, any
 insight into why the server is using more threads in trunk vs


 On Fri, Jul 22, 2011 at 10:58 AM, Patrick Hunt wrote:
 I've never seen this before, but in my CI environment (sun jdk
 1.6.0_20) I'm seeing some intermittent failures such as the following.

 Has anyone added/modified tests for 3.4.0 that might be using more
 threads/memory than previously? Creating ZK clients but not closing
 them, etc...

 java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: unable to create new native thread
       at java.lang.Thread.start0(Native Method)
       at java.lang.Thread.start(
       at org.apache.zookeeper.test.QuorumBase.setUp(
       at org.apache.zookeeper.test.QuorumBase.setUp(


Re: FW: Does abrupt kill corrupts the datadir?

2011-08-01 Thread Patrick Hunt
Andrei, you might find this useful for such testing:


On Thu, Jul 28, 2011 at 4:14 PM, Andrei Savu wrote:
 I've been  doing some testing in the past for this scenario and I've
 seen no data loss over an extended period of time (a day).

 Testing steps:
 0. start an ensemble running 5 servers
 1. start an workload generator (e.g.  push a strictly increasing
 sequence of numbers to a queue stored in zookeeper)
 every few seconds: kill the cluster leader (-9) and restart

 You should be careful how you handle ConnectionLossException 

 You can find the code for this test here (executed against the trunk version):

 -- Andrei Savu /

 On Thu, Jul 28, 2011 at 9:05 AM, Benjamin Reed wrote:
 almost everything we do in zookkeeper is to make sure that we don't
 lose data in much worse scenarios. the probably of a loss in this
 scenario is really just the probability of a bug in the code. i don't
 think that kill -TERM vs kill -KILL changes that probability at all
 either way.


 On Thu, Jul 28, 2011 at 12:50 AM, Laxman wrote:
 Thanks for the responses Mahadev, Pat and Ben.
 I understand your explanation.

 My only question is Will there be any probability data loss in the scenario

In worst case, if latest snaps in all zookeeper nodes gets corrupted
 there is a chance of data loss.

if we use sigterm in the script, we would want to put a timeout in to
 escalate to a -9

 As Ben mentioned, even if we escalate to kill -9 to ensure shutdown, still
 we may have data loss. But the probability is very less by giving a chance
 to shutdown gracefully.

 Please do correct me if my understanding is wrong.

 -Original Message-
 From: Benjamin Reed []
 Sent: Thursday, July 28, 2011 11:40 AM
 Subject: Re: FW: Does abrupt kill corrupts the datadir?

 i agree with pat. if we use sigterm in the script, we would want to
 put a timeout in to escalate to a -9 which makes the script a bit more
 complicated without reason since we don't have any exit hooks that we
 want to run. zookeeper is designed to recover well from hard failures,
 much worse than a kill -9. i don't think we want to change that.


 On Wed, Jul 27, 2011 at 10:25 AM, Patrick Hunt wrote:
 ZK has been built around the fail fast approach. In order to
 maintain high availability we want to ensure that restarting a server
 will result in it attempting to rejoin the quorum. IMO we would not
 want to change this (kill -9).


 On Tue, Jul 26, 2011 at 2:02 AM, Laxman wrote:
 Hi Everyone,

 Any thoughts?
 Do we need consider changing abrupt shutdown to

 Implementations in some other hadoop eco system projects for your
 Hadoop - kill [SIGTERM]
 HBase - kill [SIGTERM] and then kill -9 [SIGKILL] if process hung
 ZooKeeper - kill -9 [SIGKILL]

 -Original Message-
 From: Laxman []
 Sent: Wednesday, July 13, 2011 12:36 PM
 To: ''
 Subject: RE: Does abrupt kill corrupts the datadir?

 Hi Mahadev,

 Shutdown hook is just a quick thought. Another approach can be just give
 kill [SIGTERM] call which can be interpreted by process.

 First look at the kill -9 triggered the following scenario.
In worst case, if latest snaps in all zookeeper nodes gets corrupted
is a chance of dataloss.

 How does zookeeper can deal with this scenario gracefully?

 Also, I feel we should give a chance to application to shutdown
 before abrupt shutdown.

 Because SIGKILL gives the process no opportunity to do cleanup operations
 terminating, in most system shutdown procedures an attempt is first made
 terminate processes using SIGTERM, before resorting to SIGKILL.

 The application can determine what it wants to do once a SIGTERM is
 received. While most applications will clean up their resources and stop,
 some may not. An application may be configured to do something completely
 different when a SIGTERM is received. Also, if the application is in a
 state, such as waiting for disk I/O, it may not be able to act on the
 that was sent.

 Most system administrators will usually resort to the more abrupt signal
 when an application doesn't respond to a SIGTERM.

 -Original Message-
 From: Mahadev Konar []
 Sent: Wednesday, July 13, 2011 12:02 PM
 Subject: Re: Does abrupt kill corrupts the datadir?

 Hi Laxman,
  The servers takes care of all the issues with data integrity, so a kill
 -9 is OK. Shutdown hooks are tricky. Also, the best way to make sure
 everything works reliably is use kill -9

Re: 3.4 Release.

2011-08-02 Thread Patrick Hunt
Eugene you saw my email about that test and ulimit right? Make sure
you have ulimit for max files and max processes  1k, that was the
issue I had (max proc was set to 1024).


On Tue, Aug 2, 2011 at 4:35 PM, Eugene Koontz wrote:
 On 8/1/11 7:49 PM, Mahadev Konar wrote:

 Looks like jenkins is still having issues. Until then we can fix the
 Open issues we have:

 ZOOKEEPER-1125: Intermittent java core test failures
 Vishal do you want to take this up?

 ZOOKEEPER-839: Ill upload a patch by tonight.

 ZOOKEEPER-1136. Ben would you be taking this up?

 ZOOKEEPER-1055. Eugene, do you have sometime to take a look at this?

 Hi Mahadev,
 I refreshed the patch for ZOOKEEPER-1055. I am having trouble getting
 QuorumZxidSyncTest to pass, on EC2. The test works locally with

 ant -Dtest.output=yes -Dtestcase=QuorumZxidSyncTest, though.

 This odd behavior is the topic of ZOOKEEPER-1125.


Re: 3.4 Release.

2011-08-02 Thread Patrick Hunt
What type of ec2 instance are you running on? I've seen some failures
due to underpowered/underresourced systems.

Is ObserverTest consistently failing?


On Tue, Aug 2, 2011 at 6:28 PM, Eugene Koontz wrote:
 On 8/2/11 5:26 PM, Patrick Hunt wrote:

 Eugene you saw my email about that test and ulimit right? Make sure
 you have ulimit for max files and max processes  1k, that was the
 issue I had (max proc was set to 1024).


 Thank you Patrick, no; I missed your earlier email about max processes. I
 increased my max processes to 10 by adding to /etc/security/limits.conf:

 ec2-user     soft     nproc         10
 ec2-user     hard     nproc         10

 It was great to see that QuorumZxidSyncTest passed after doing this (as well
 as ReadOnlyModeTest, which I neglected to metion, also failed before) .

 Unfortunately, now ObserverTest fails.

 So let me try increasing nofiles similarly and see if that helps (although I
 doubt this would be a factor, because it passed earlier with its currently
 limit of only 1024 max open files).


Re: 3.4 Release.

2011-08-03 Thread Patrick Hunt
Seems the observer (or the quorum itself) is failing to allow a client
to connect:

[junit] 2011-08-03 14:12:29,273 [myid:3] - INFO
[QuorumPeer[myid=3]/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:11229:QuorumPeer@701] - OBSERVING

[junit] 2011-08-03 14:12:29,359 [myid:] - INFO
[main:ZooKeeper@427] - Initiating client connection,
connectString= sessionTimeout=3
[junit] 2011-08-03 14:12:29,378 [myid:] - INFO
[main-SendThread():ClientCnxn$SendThread@888] - Opening socket
connection to server /
[junit] 2011-08-03 14:12:29,379 [myid:3] - INFO
- Accepted socket connection from /
[junit] 2011-08-03 14:12:29,379 [myid:] - INFO
[main-SendThread(localhost:11229):ClientCnxn$SendThread@814] - Socket
connection established to localhost/, initiating
[junit] 2011-08-03 14:12:29,380 [myid:3] - INFO
[NIOServerCxn.Factory:] -
Client attempting to establish new session at /
[junit] 2011-08-03 14:12:53,356 [myid:2] - INFO
[QuorumPeer[myid=2]/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:11228:Leader@419] - Shutting down

Notice that last line, ~24 seconds go by.

Please file a bug on this. Blocker for 3.4.0.

Can you try re-running your test, but modify it to attempt to have a
client connect to a non-observer in the case that connecting to the
observer fails? It would be interesting to see if this was an observer
specific issue or not. (another thing perhaps to try is just have the
existing client connect to a non-observer rather than the observer,
run it a bunch of times and see if it happens)


On Wed, Aug 3, 2011 at 7:16 AM, Eugene Koontz wrote:
 On 8/2/11 10:32 PM, Patrick Hunt wrote:

 What type of ec2 instance are you running on? I've seen some failures
 due to underpowered/underresourced systems.

 Is ObserverTest consistently failing?


 Hi Patrick,
    It's an m1.large. I have ulimit -a set so that open files and open
 processes are at 100,000.

  If I run ObserverTest on its own using the attached shell script
 (src/ ObserverTest), it usually fails within 20 iterations;
 (although in the following pastebin it took 38 iterations to fail).

 It always fails in the same place, at


Re: devops/admin/client question: What do you do when you rollback?

2011-08-05 Thread Patrick Hunt
On Fri, Aug 5, 2011 at 9:01 AM, Fournier, Camille F. wrote:
 Actuallly can I update the ConnectRequest protocol version number? If I 
 can do that, I can have the server only send back the indicating 
 ConnectResponse on clients with a higher protocol version. It doesn't look 
 like it's read anywhere right now.
 (Moving this to dev since we've moved to a dev discussion)

That's what I was going to suggest - upping the protocol version
number for new clients. New servers can respond with
ConnectionResponse2 if they see the new version, this response should
have improved semantics. Otw they can just respond with the old
version/resp. New clients will have to handle both types of responses.


 -Original Message-
 From: Fournier, Camille F. [Tech]
 Sent: Friday, August 05, 2011 11:57 AM
 To: ''
 Subject: RE: devops/admin/client question: What do you do when you rollback?

 Hmmm. I thought I had another way around this but I don't. We really didn't 
 write the client to be easy to encode other errors in the connection 
 result... I think any good solution will have to be in our 4.0 clojure 
 rewrite ;)


 -Original Message-
 From: Ted Dunning []
 Sent: Friday, August 05, 2011 11:51 AM
 Subject: Re: devops/admin/client question: What do you do when you rollback?

 If you get the lower zxid from the leader then you know that things have
 gone south.

 Likewise, if you get a lower epoch number from a node that thinks that it is
 in quorum then things are not good.  The definition of thinks it is in
 quorum is problematic of course.

 On Fri, Aug 5, 2011 at 10:57 AM, Fournier, Camille F. wrote:

 Oh blah, of course it won't be b/w compatible, because all the older
 clients would expire their sessions in the instance of a single zxid higher
 than the cluster zxid which I doubt most people want.

 Is there a way to check if the zxid of the client is higher than the
 current possible zxid after connection, and send the session_expired then?
 That would at least help us out most of the way.

 -Original Message-
 From: Patrick Hunt []
 Sent: Thursday, August 04, 2011 7:23 PM
 Subject: Re: devops/admin/client question: What do you do when you

 Sounds reasonable to me as long as it's b/w compatible (which it seems
 like it would be), anything we can do to improve this situation would
 be huge - I frequently see our support team trying to address this
 (e.g. the max count exceeded issue) with clients like hbase. Def plus
 for supportability.


 On Thu, Aug 4, 2011 at 4:11 PM, Camille Fournier
  I'm thinking of hacking it through the connectresponse session timeout
  (similar to the way we detect session rejected). I wrote up a prototype
  worked ok this way. Might could extend this hack to other things, using
  field as an encoded error msg, thoughts?
  On Aug 4, 2011 6:10 PM, Patrick Hunt wrote:
  Our error reporting server-client has always been weak. It's a PITA
  to debug in production because a lot of times when the client gets
  bounced it's not clear from the client side why (you end up having to
  search the server log - for example when maxClientCount is exceeded).
  It would be great to fix this, esp if the server could provide insight
  to the client about why (an error code/message perhaps). Doing it in a
  b/w compatible way might be tough though...
  On Thu, Aug 4, 2011 at 2:45 PM, Ted Dunning
  This is used normally to guarantee in-order data views.  If you get
  disconnected from one host in an advanced state and then connect to an
  of date slave, ZK automatically disconnects you to avoid letting you
  time go backwards.  Your situation is different of course.
  On Thu, Aug 4, 2011 at 7:05 PM, Fournier, Camille F. wrote:
  Right now the server just detects that the zxid is wrong, and calls
  on the client. The client logs:
  15:01:47,593 - INFO
   [main-SendThread(localhost:2181):ClientCnxn$SendThread@1159] -
  read additional data from server sessionid 0x131962b0054, likely
  has closed socket, closing socket connection and attempting reconnect
  (branch 3.3.3)
  I will poke around and see if I can figure out a nicer way to indicate
  condition. The expired state is perfectly fine for me in my use case.
  -Original Message-
  From: Patrick Hunt []
  Sent: Thursday, August 04, 2011 1:51 PM
  Subject: Re: devops/admin/client question: What do you do when you
  On Thu, Aug 4, 2011 at 10:29 AM, Fournier, Camille F. wrote:
   We had an issue here the other day

Re: Hadoop build machine update

2011-08-10 Thread Patrick Hunt
IIRC there was a way to trigger patch builds for all patch available
jiras (Nigel did this a while back) - Mahadev can you check with Giri?
If not we'll either have to trigger the build manually (committers
only) or the contributor would need to cancel patch then resubmit
(no need to reattach the patch file itself).

On Tue, Aug 9, 2011 at 11:01 PM, Mahadev Konar wrote:

  Ill definitely send out a note on what to do. You are right that
 folks might have to re upload the patches to the jira. The slaves are
 still not fully functional yet. I expect them to be fully functional
 tomorrow late evening (US time).

 Hope that helps

 On Tue, Aug 9, 2011 at 10:44 PM, Laxman wrote:
 Hi Mahadev,

 Do we need to resubmit the patches which were uploaded last week?
 Or Hudson will pick them up automatically?

 -Original Message-
 From: Mahadev Konar []
 Sent: Wednesday, August 10, 2011 8:14 AM
 To:; Giridharan Kesavan
 Subject: Re: Hadoop build machine update

 Thanks a lot Giri.

 I see something for ZK builds. Hopefully they'll be functional tomm.


 On Tue, Aug 9, 2011 at 7:35 PM, Giridharan Kesavan


 All the hudson slaves are back online. I was working on getting the build
 tools installed on all the new slaves and it looks like Its going to take
 some more time to change the build job configs before I could enable the
 pre-commit jobs.

 Will get the precommit and nightly build jobs back online tomorrow.


 On Tue, Aug 2, 2011 at 11:45 PM, Nigel Daley wrote:

  Great!  Thanks for getting the info.
  On Aug 2, 2011, at 8:05 PM, Eric Baldeschwieler wrote:
   Hi Folks,
   I've talked to the folks at Yahoo about the build machines and am
  to report that an end to the blackout is in sight.
   1) They need to reimage the machines, which is in progress and
  should be restored within a week (pessimistically).
   2) They plan to reach out to the apache infrastructure team and change
  the admin of these machines to remove yahoo from the admin loop.  This
  should avoid future outages and give apache more flexibility in managing
   I'm told they will be posting more details today or tomorrow.
  there is committed to maintaining quality support for Apache and is
  concerned about the outage and making sure it does not repeat.

Re: Hadoop build machine update

2011-08-10 Thread Patrick Hunt
You should be able to login to jenkins, try again:

$ hudson-jobadmin|egrep maha

You can trigger builds one-by-one, but it's somewhat tedious if
there's a large number. Goto the patch build job
and select build now the form will ask you for the jira number.


On Wed, Aug 10, 2011 at 1:19 PM, Mahadev Konar wrote:
  the pre commit builds are up! Thanks a lot to Giri.

 Pat, I do not have login on the hudson build machines -

 Giri tells me that we can trigger builds for all the patches by just 
 specifying a patch name one at a time?
 Do you know how to do that?


 On Aug 10, 2011, at 9:19 AM, Patrick Hunt wrote:

 IIRC there was a way to trigger patch builds for all patch available
 jiras (Nigel did this a while back) - Mahadev can you check with Giri?
 If not we'll either have to trigger the build manually (committers
 only) or the contributor would need to cancel patch then resubmit
 (no need to reattach the patch file itself).

 On Tue, Aug 9, 2011 at 11:01 PM, Mahadev Konar 

  Ill definitely send out a note on what to do. You are right that
 folks might have to re upload the patches to the jira. The slaves are
 still not fully functional yet. I expect them to be fully functional
 tomorrow late evening (US time).

 Hope that helps

 On Tue, Aug 9, 2011 at 10:44 PM, Laxman wrote:
 Hi Mahadev,

 Do we need to resubmit the patches which were uploaded last week?
 Or Hudson will pick them up automatically?

 -Original Message-
 From: Mahadev Konar []
 Sent: Wednesday, August 10, 2011 8:14 AM
 To:; Giridharan Kesavan
 Subject: Re: Hadoop build machine update

 Thanks a lot Giri.

 I see something for ZK builds. Hopefully they'll be functional tomm.


 On Tue, Aug 9, 2011 at 7:35 PM, Giridharan Kesavan


 All the hudson slaves are back online. I was working on getting the build
 tools installed on all the new slaves and it looks like Its going to take
 some more time to change the build job configs before I could enable the
 pre-commit jobs.

 Will get the precommit and nightly build jobs back online tomorrow.


 On Tue, Aug 2, 2011 at 11:45 PM, Nigel Daley wrote:

 Great!  Thanks for getting the info.


 On Aug 2, 2011, at 8:05 PM, Eric Baldeschwieler wrote:

 Hi Folks,

 I've talked to the folks at Yahoo about the build machines and am
 to report that an end to the blackout is in sight.

 1) They need to reimage the machines, which is in progress and
 should be restored within a week (pessimistically).

 2) They plan to reach out to the apache infrastructure team and change
 the admin of these machines to remove yahoo from the admin loop.  This
 should avoid future outages and give apache more flexibility in managing

 I'm told they will be posting more details today or tomorrow.
 there is committed to maintaining quality support for Apache and is
 concerned about the outage and making sure it does not repeat.



Re: Hadoop build machine update

2011-08-10 Thread Patrick Hunt
All the PA jira that have been updated since Jenkins went down, you
can find the list here:



On Wed, Aug 10, 2011 at 1:25 PM, Giridharan  Kesavan wrote:
 Do you have the patch number handy ? I can trigger the patch builds from the
 web UI this time. Pass on the jira numbers..

 Whatever patch that you guys submit from now on will be picked up by jenkins


 On 8/10/11 1:19 PM, Mahadev Konar wrote:

  the pre commit builds are up! Thanks a lot to Giri.

 Pat, I do not have login on the hudson build machines -

 Giri tells me that we can trigger builds for all the patches by just
 specifying a patch name one at a time?
 Do you know how to do that?


 On Aug 10, 2011, at 9:19 AM, Patrick Hunt wrote:

 IIRC there was a way to trigger patch builds for all patch available
 jiras (Nigel did this a while back) - Mahadev can you check with Giri?
 If not we'll either have to trigger the build manually (committers
 only) or the contributor would need to cancel patch then resubmit
 (no need to reattach the patch file itself).

 On Tue, Aug 9, 2011 at 11:01 PM, Mahadev Konar

  Ill definitely send out a note on what to do. You are right that
 folks might have to re upload the patches to the jira. The slaves are
 still not fully functional yet. I expect them to be fully functional
 tomorrow late evening (US time).

 Hope that helps

 On Tue, Aug 9, 2011 at 10:44 PM, Laxman wrote:
 Hi Mahadev,

 Do we need to resubmit the patches which were uploaded last week?
 Or Hudson will pick them up automatically?

 -Original Message-
 From: Mahadev Konar []
 Sent: Wednesday, August 10, 2011 8:14 AM
 To:; Giridharan Kesavan
 Subject: Re: Hadoop build machine update

 Thanks a lot Giri.

 I see something for ZK builds. Hopefully they'll be functional tomm.


 On Tue, Aug 9, 2011 at 7:35 PM, Giridharan Kesavan


 All the hudson slaves are back online. I was working on getting the build
 tools installed on all the new slaves and it looks like Its going to take
 some more time to change the build job configs before I could enable the
 pre-commit jobs.

 Will get the precommit and nightly build jobs back online tomorrow.


 On Tue, Aug 2, 2011 at 11:45 PM, Nigel Daley wrote:

 Great!  Thanks for getting the info.


 On Aug 2, 2011, at 8:05 PM, Eric Baldeschwieler wrote:

 Hi Folks,

 I've talked to the folks at Yahoo about the build machines and am
 to report that an end to the blackout is in sight.

 1) They need to reimage the machines, which is in progress and
 should be restored within a week (pessimistically).

 2) They plan to reach out to the apache infrastructure team and change
 the admin of these machines to remove yahoo from the admin loop.  This
 should avoid future outages and give apache more flexibility in managing

 I'm told they will be posting more details today or tomorrow.
 there is committed to maintaining quality support for Apache and is
 concerned about the outage and making sure it does not repeat.



Re: Question on test timeouts

2011-08-22 Thread Patrick Hunt
Can you both check your ulimits? I was seeing random failures when
max user processes was too low (1024, although this seems to be an
issue with server shutdown) Also if the open files is too low.

What does ulimit -a look like?


On Fri, Aug 19, 2011 at 11:02 AM, Vishal Kathuria wrote:
 Thanks Camille,
 Comforting to know I am not the only one seeing this, so it is not a 
 regression out of my changes.


 -Original Message-
 From: Fournier, Camille F. []
 Sent: Thursday, August 18, 2011 1:21 PM
 To: ''
 Subject: RE: Question on test timeouts

 The hammer tests always seem to fail for me too. I've started ignoring them, 
 which is probably not a good thing.

 -Original Message-
 From: Vishal Kathuria []
 Sent: Thursday, August 18, 2011 4:11 PM
 Subject: Question on test timeouts

 I apologize if I this is mentioned somewhere in the wiki and I missed it.

 For some tests, I see them pass and then fail because of a timeout. (This is 
 on a clean checkout from the trunk)
    [junit] Running org.apache.zookeeper.test.ObserverQuorumHammerTest
    [junit] Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Time elapsed: 35.899 sec

    [junit] Running org.apache.zookeeper.test.ObserverQuorumHammerTest
    [junit] Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 1, Time elapsed: 0 sec
    [junit] Test org.apache.zookeeper.test.ObserverQuorumHammerTest FAILED 

 Does anyone know what could be going on? The log doesn't say much about what 


more problems on apache jenkins CI.

2011-08-24 Thread Patrick Hunt
recent trunk builds have been failing due to some issue with the
findbugs jenkins plugin on build@. I've notified builds@ and turned
off the jenkins plugin for the time being, this should clear up the


Re: [ANN] gozk updated

2011-08-24 Thread Patrick Hunt
Nice! thanks for passing it along. I've updated the client bindings
wiki page to include:


On Thu, Aug 18, 2011 at 9:12 PM, Gustavo Niemeyer wrote:

 A significant update to gozk, the ZooKeeper bindings for Go, was just
 released.  Among other things, this update includes several small
 tweaks to Event handling to make it easier to produce correct code.

 gozk is an experiment we push as part of Ensemble at Canonical:

 API documentation is available at:

 The following changes and improvements were made.  Please read it
 through as there are incompatible changes.

 - Event channels will now receive Event rather than *Event.

 - STATE_CLOSED has been changed to 0 so that events obtained
  from closed channels can be more easily handled.

 - Session event channel is now buffered. You should still consume
  events from it if your application is long-living, though,
  for processing session expirations with re-connections or panics.
  If the session channel buffer fills up, the application will

 - Watch event channels will not receive transient events such as
  disrupt the workflow unnecessarily.  These events are still
  sent to the session event channel, though, and critical
  events such as STATE_EXPIRED_SESSION are still sent to
  watch channels.

  For a full description of how events are now handled, see
  the documentation:

 - Event now has Ok and String methods. The Ok method returns
  true if the event reports a usable connection to ZooKeeper,
  and String enables using critical events as errors.

  Combined, these methods enable simplified watch handling:

     event := -watch
     if !event.Ok() {
         err = event

 - Init and ReInit now take parameters in nanoseconds rather than
  milliseconds, sice that's the most used convention in Go. Make
  sure you update the calls.

 - Several functions were renamed for improved styling:

     zk.GetACL = zk.ACL
     zk.GetChildren = zk.Children
     zk.GetChildrenW = zk.ChildrenW
     zk.GetClientId = zk.ClientId

 Gustavo Niemeyer

 -- I never filed a patent.

Re: more problems on apache jenkins CI.

2011-08-24 Thread Patrick Hunt
builds@ jenkins seems to be borked - I had to turn off a number of
plugins before it started passing again. I've notified builds@ but
they are currently unable to clear the issue.

For the time being jenkins will not report findbugs/warnings/clover
results - however these tests are still running. We should be ok for


On Wed, Aug 24, 2011 at 9:52 AM, Patrick Hunt wrote:
 recent trunk builds have been failing due to some issue with the
 findbugs jenkins plugin on build@. I've notified builds@ and turned
 off the jenkins plugin for the time being, this should clear up the


Re: what happens when AuthenticationProvider throws an exception

2011-08-25 Thread Patrick Hunt
Probably should have caught up with all my email first... did you find
a resolution for this?

On Fri, Aug 12, 2011 at 11:00 AM, Fournier, Camille F. wrote:
 Hi guys,

 So debugging some fun issues in my dev cluster, I discovered that due to some 
 bad user data, my AuthenticationProvider was throwing a null pointer 
 exception inside the handleAuthentication call. This call is made inside of 
 NIOServerCnxn.readRequest, and there is no try catch block. So it bubbles all 
 the way up to the NIOServerCnxn run method, which only logs it. Eventually I 
 end up with the corrupted request buffer I sent earlier:
 2011-08-12 08:01:16,602 - ERROR [CommitProcessor:4:FinalRequestProcessor@347] 
 - Failed to process sessionid:0x5319dd2bf3403f4 type:exists cxid:0x0 
 zxid:0xfffe txntype:unknown reqpath:n/a
 2011-08-12 08:01:16,602 - ERROR [CommitProcessor:4:FinalRequestProcessor@354] 
 - Dumping request buffer: 0x504150

 I suspect this is due to the fact that, in the readPayload method, we don't 
 call clear on lenBuffer when an exception is thrown by readRequest.

 Obviously, I need to fix the exception that is being thrown by my 
 AuthenticationProvider, but do we want to put some try/catch logic around 
 that call? It seems like the error there is probably contributing to my 
 corrupted buffer problem.


Re: more problems on apache jenkins CI.

2011-08-26 Thread Patrick Hunt
FYI builds@ resolved the issue, I've reverted back to our previous
configuration and everything seems ok at this point.

On Thu, Aug 25, 2011 at 11:05 PM, Mahadev Konar wrote:
 Thanks Pat!


 On Wed, Aug 24, 2011 at 3:19 PM, Patrick Hunt wrote:
 builds@ jenkins seems to be borked - I had to turn off a number of
 plugins before it started passing again. I've notified builds@ but
 they are currently unable to clear the issue.

 For the time being jenkins will not report findbugs/warnings/clover
 results - however these tests are still running. We should be ok for


 On Wed, Aug 24, 2011 at 9:52 AM, Patrick Hunt wrote:
 recent trunk builds have been failing due to some issue with the
 findbugs jenkins plugin on build@. I've notified builds@ and turned
 off the jenkins plugin for the time being, this should clear up the


Re: Small patch for test classes to better support eclipse

2011-08-29 Thread Patrick Hunt
Warren, sounds good, would you mind submitting as a patch on a jira? thanks!

basically create a jira here and attach your patch:


On Mon, Aug 29, 2011 at 2:27 PM, Warren Turkal wrote:
 Here is a small patch to better support eclipse. It makes one of the base
 classes that doesn't include any tests get ignored by the JUnit4 test

 Please include, if possible.


 Index: src/java/systest/org/apache/zookeeper/test/system/
 --- src/java/systest/org/apache/zookeeper/test/system/
 +++ src/java/systest/org/apache/zookeeper/test/system/ 
 @@ -32,8 +32,10 @@
  import org.apache.zookeeper.ZooKeeper;
  import org.apache.zookeeper.server.quorum.QuorumPeer;
  import org.apache.zookeeper.server.quorum.QuorumPeer.QuorumServer;
 +import org.junit.Ignore;
  import org.junit.runner.JUnitCore;

  public class BaseSysTest extends TestCase {
     private static int fakeBasePort = 33222;
     private static String zkHostPort;

Re: zk keeps disconnecting and reconnecting

2011-08-31 Thread Patrick Hunt
Based on past experience I believe it's going to take a fix release or
two before 3.4 is rock solid, I personally think we should do a 3.3.4.
Notice there are 6 blockers currently listed in 3.3.4

I'd be happy to RM 3.3.4 if no one else is available to do it. My goal
would be to push out a fix release containing the current listed
blockers plus anything else that's currently available.


On Tue, Aug 30, 2011 at 4:45 PM, Benjamin Reed wrote:
 i have been wondering about 3.3.4. there are so many great bugs that
 were fixed in 3.4.0 that it isn't clear what we should put into 3.3.4
 or if we should even do it. the chroot bug does seem like a good one
 to do a 3.3.4 release for.


 On Mon, Aug 29, 2011 at 12:45 PM, Mahadev Konar 
  I will be cutting a branch this week some time. Just waiting for 
 ZOOKEEPER-999 to get in. Other than that, we are probably  2 weeks away from 
 the release.
  3.3.4 would be good even if we have 3.4 coming in a week or 2. Thats 
 because 3.4.0 might take sometime to stabilize and 3.3.4 would be a good 
 stable release (recommended for production use), until 3.4 stabilizes.
  Does that sound reasonable? Others?


 On Aug 29, 2011, at 12:38 PM, Fournier, Camille F. wrote:

 Yeah let's put it in 3.3.4. What's the plan for 3.4? I thought we were 
 almost ready for that.


 -Original Message-
 From: Mahadev Konar []
 Sent: Monday, August 29, 2011 2:10 PM
 Subject: Re: zk keeps disconnecting and reconnecting

 Do you think we should put the fix in 3.3.4? I think 3.4 might take a while 
 to stabilize, so 3.3.4 would be a good release to get this in.



 On Aug 29, 2011, at 10:50 AM, Fournier, Camille F. wrote:

 Well, it causes the problem you are seeing. If you set any watchers with a 
 chroot and then your client gets disconnected with these watches 
 outstanding, when you reconnect you will try to reset them and they are 
 probably on paths that don't exist (if you are creating everything under 
 path /kafka-tracking). So you get a notification about the watches 
 immediately after resetting them, which causes the string out of bounds 

 The only fix is to disable auto watch reset, and then have your own client 
 reset watches when it gets a reconnected event. I suspect it would be 
 easier for you to take a shot at fixing the bug than to rewrite your 
 client to handle this. Thomas provided a patch with tests that presumably 
 show the error, so all you need is a fix to make them pass.


 -Original Message-
 From: Jun Rao []
 Sent: Monday, August 29, 2011 12:39 PM
 Subject: Re: zk keeps disconnecting and reconnecting

 What's the impact of ZOOKEEPER-961? If it shows up, does that mean the
 client won't get any watcher events afterwards? If so, this sounds like a
 blocker for 3.4 release to me. What's the temporary solution for 3.3.3?

 Also, for the very first time that the ZK client gets disconnected, I saw
 the following entry in the log. It seems that the client can't ping the
 server for 4 seconds. The ZK server was up at that time and the load was
 minimal. What could cause the time out? Client GC pauses?

 2011/08/26 10:58:22.306 INFO [ClientCnxn]
 [main-SendThread(esv4-app27.stg:12913)] [kafka] Client session timed out,
 have not heard from server in 4001ms for sessionid 0x131f
 ddd84bc0006, closing socket connection and attempting reconnect



 On Mon, Aug 29, 2011 at 7:54 AM, Thomas Koch wrote:

 Fournier, Camille F.:
 Did anyone ever check resetting watches at client reconnect on a client
 with a chroot? Looking at the code, we store the watches associated with
 the non-chroot path, but they are set by the original request prepending
 chroot to the request. However, it looks like the SetWatches request on
 reconnect just calls get on the various watch lists from ZooKeeper, which
 don't have the prepended chroot.

 I haven't written a test but I would bet dollars to donuts this is the

 seems to be this:


 Thomas Koch,

Re: Review Request: automating log and snapshot cleaning

2011-09-01 Thread Patrick Hunt

This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:

(Updated 2011-09-01 16:40:46.185217)

Review request for zookeeper, Patrick Hunt, Benjamin Reed, and Mahadev Konar.


updated to 1107.5 patch


I like to have ZK itself manage the amount of snapshots and logs kept, instead 
of relying on the PurgeTxnLog utility.

This addresses bug ZOOKEEPER-1107.

Diffs (updated)

  ./conf/zoo_sample.cfg 1149082 
  ./src/docs/src/documentation/content/xdocs/zookeeperAdmin.xml 1149082 



test added, passing hudson qa bot.



Re: ZooKeeper cleanup / refactoring / scala migration

2011-09-02 Thread Patrick Hunt
Hey Thomas! I've raised a scala port a number of times previously,
most recently at the post-summit meetup: We discussed this shortly
both at the meetup and subsequently on list. Unfortunately there was
no consensus around building ZK on scala (or any other language other
than java -- Ted asked to port to clojure instead), in particular the
point was raised that we, the currently zk community, are a community
of ZK Java developers with no experience with scala (or clojure/c#(?)
for that matter).

What I think would be successful is for you to bring this to the
incubator - ZooKeeper-Scala: re-implement ZooKeeper in Scala.

A community of ZK scala developers could be grown there, see the
proposal guide, in particular we (ZK tlp) could sponsor this effort,
with the intent that upon successful graduation from the incubator we
pull in zk-scala as either a subproject or just part of the TLP but as
a separate release artifact from zk java server. see this link for

I'd be willing to be the champion and a mentor for this project in the



On Fri, Sep 2, 2011 at 7:12 AM, Fournier, Camille F. wrote:
 Hi Thomas,

 Here's my feedback:

 1. For any useful fixes you find here, please follow the normal procedures of 
 raising a ticket and attaching a patch. In my experience, static analysis 
 tools often carry with them a lot of irrelevant noise, but as long as the 
 changes you propose are clean and don't break backwards compatibility, I 
 would be happy to review and accept such changes.

 What I can't promise is that you will get much traction on trying to push a 
 patch with a huge number of fixes at once. Every line of code we have to 
 review increases the complexity of our job as reviewers. It would be great if 
 you could break these up into small patches and would definitely increase the 
 odds of the changes being accepted.

 We already have a reviewboard set up for zookeeper which you should plan to 
 use, and of course the hadoop build farm. If you believe additional analysis 
 tools would be useful in our build, please work with our build.xml and the 
 infra team to get the necessary tools installed. It doesn't do us much good 
 to fix things caught by your build server and then have them break again 
 because we don't have the tooling available.

 2. I doubt you will get much traction here on pushing changes back. I'm a big 
 fan of refactoring but at some point refactoring for refactoring's sake does 
 nothing but muddle the change history of a code base. Any refactoring that 
 needs to be done would be best done in conjunction with a fix or feature that 
 it helps to enable.

 3. Sounds like a fun academic exercise for you. Maybe you could start with a 
 Scala client that we could support. Not sure there's any benefit since Scala 
 can run Java code, but it could be interesting and maybe something we could 
 take back as a contribution if you wanted.


 -Original Message-
 From: Thomas Koch []
 Sent: Friday, September 02, 2011 9:16 AM
 Subject: ZooKeeper cleanup / refactoring / scala migration


 my university labs work has started yesterday. In the next two months I'll
 work on ZooKeeper. This work has three major goals

  - improve the maintainability of the code base
  - migrate ZooKeeper to scala and use actors for reliable concurrency
  - find other developers to collaborate on the scala version

 I plan to work in these steps:

  1. use static analysis tools to cleanup the java codebase
    ( checkstyle, pmd, findbugs, eclipse compiler warnings )

  2. decrease dependencies in the ZK java packages, break cyclic dependencies

  3. migrate components one-by-one to scala, starting with the leafs of the
 dependency graph

 I'd be happy if as much as possible of my work in steps 1. and 2. could also
 be useful for you. What would be a good strategy to go? I assume you're
 concentrating now on getting 3.4 out and don't have time for other things. Can
 I help on 3.4 blockers?

 I've set up a gerrit[1] (git based code review) and a jenkins[2] server for my
 project. Jenkins is armed with checkstyle, findbugs, pmd, copy-paste-detection
 and jdepends. I've carefully selected the checks run by checkstyle and pmd and
 would suggest that the remaining warnings should really be eliminated.

 Gerrit already hosts two changesets which eliminate nearly all eclipse
 compiler warnings. I'd be happy if you'd like to create an account at the
 gerrit instance (openid needed) and play around with it. I can also give you
 reviewer status which lets you push changes. Every change push will trigger a
 jenkins build.

 I've already proposed to infra@a.o that I'd help in setting up a gerrit server
 for the ASF if any project would be interested.


Re: [jira] [Commented] (ZOOKEEPER-1158) C# client

2011-09-02 Thread Patrick Hunt
Hi Andrew. If we can get the code to run successfully with Mono then
we'd can open an INFRA jira to make that happen (we don't admin the
Jenkins servers - builds@ handles that)

See this as an example of such a request:
In this case the request would have to be tailored to install mono on
Jenkins, etc...


On Fri, Sep 2, 2011 at 8:18 AM, Andrew Finnell wrote:
 There is an alternative to a Windows .NET build system. You can use Mono on 
 the existing Hudson Linux machine. I can setup a build file that will build 
 the client, if someone is able to install at least 2.10.4 of Mono on the 
 server and set MONO_HOME.


 On Sep 2, 2011, at 10:38 AM, Camille Fournier (JIRA) wrote:


 Camille Fournier commented on ZOOKEEPER-1158:


 Very exciting, thanks so much for pushing this back. I think we need to get 
 a .NET build for our build farm. We're already working on a windows C++ 
 build so hopefully this won't be too difficult. Which version of .NET is 
 this written against, 4.0?
 I'm going to have my team here try to apply and compile the patch. We use 
 3.5 though, so not sure we will be successful. Either way I think we can do 
 the code review since we're already using the old SharpKeeper

 BTW, the second patch should probably be submitted on top of the first, 
 instead of as a separate thing.

 C# client

                Key: ZOOKEEPER-1158
            Project: ZooKeeper
         Issue Type: Improvement
           Reporter: Eric Hauser
           Assignee: Eric Hauser
        Attachments: ZOOKEEPER-1158.patch, ZOOKEEPER-1158_2.patch

 Native C# client for ZooKeeper.

 This message is automatically generated by JIRA.
 For more information on JIRA, see:

Fwd: [PROPOSAL] Accumulo for the Apache Incubator

2011-09-02 Thread Patrick Hunt
FYI, another project using ZK -- woot!!! (note that they have their
own WAL - perhaps a good application for BookKeeper?)

-- Forwarded message --
From: Billie J Rinaldi
Date: Fri, Sep 2, 2011 at 8:45 AM
Subject: [PROPOSAL] Accumulo for the Apache Incubator


I would like to propose Accumulo to be an Apache Incubator project.
Accumulo is a distributed key/value store that provides expressive
cell-level access labels and a server-side programming mechanism that
can modify key/value pairs at various points in the data management
process.  It is based on Google's BigTable design and runs over Apache
Hadoop and Zookeeper.

Here is a link to the proposal in the Incubator wiki:

I've also pasted the initial contents below.

Billie Rinaldi

= Accumulo Proposal =

== Abstract ==
Accumulo is a distributed key/value store that provides expressive,
cell-level access labels.

== Proposal ==
Accumulo is a sorted, distributed key/value store based on Google's
BigTable design.  It is built on top of Apache Hadoop, Zookeeper, and
Thrift.  It features a few novel improvements on the BigTable design
in the form of cell-level access labels and a server-side programming
mechanism that can modify key/value pairs at various points in the
data management process.

== Background ==
Google published the design of BigTable in 2006.  Several other open
source projects have implemented aspects of this design including
HBase, CloudStore, and Cassandra.  Accumulo began its development in

== Rationale ==
There is a need for a flexible, high performance distributed key/value
store that provides expressive, fine-grained access labels.  The
communities we expect to be most interested in such a project are
government, health care, and other industries where privacy is a
concern.  We have made much progress in developing this project over
the past 3 years and believe both the project and the interested
communities would benefit from this work being openly available and
having open development.

== Current Status ==

=== Meritocracy ===
We intend to strongly encourage the community to help with and
contribute to the code.  We will actively seek potential committers
and help them become familiar with the codebase.

=== Community ===
A strong government community has developed around Accumulo and
training classes have been ongoing for about a year.  Hundreds of
developers use Accumulo.

=== Core Developers ===
The developers are mainly employed by the National Security Agency,
but we anticipate interest developing among other companies.

=== Alignment ===
Accumulo is built on top of Hadoop, Zookeeper, and Thrift.  It builds
with Maven.  Due to the strong relationship with these Apache
projects, the incubator is a good match for Accumulo.

== Known Risks ==
=== Orphaned Products ===
There is only a small risk of being orphaned.  The community is
committed to improving the codebase of the project due to its
fulfilling needs not addressed by any other software.

=== Inexperience with Open Source ===
The codebase has been treated internally as an open source project
since its beginning, and the initial Apache committers have been
involved with the code for multiple years.  While our experience with
public open source is limited, we do not anticipate difficulty in
operating under Apache's development process.

=== Homogeneous Developers ===
The committers have multiple employers and it is expected that
committers from different companies will be recruited.

=== Reliance on Salaried Developers ===
The initial committers are all paid by their employers to work on
Accumulo and we expect such employment to continue.  Some of the
initial committers would continue as volunteers even if no longer
employed to do so.

=== Relationships with Other Apache Products ===
Accumulo uses Hadoop, Zookeeper, Thrift, Maven, log4j, commons-lang,
-net, -io, -jci, -collections, -configuration, -logging, and -codec.

=== Relationship to HBase ===
Accumulo and HBase are both based on the design of Google's BigTable,
so there is a danger that potential users will have difficulty
distinguishing the two or that they will not see an incentive in
adopting Accumulo.  There are a few key areas in which Accumulo
differs from HBase.  Some of the desired features of Accumulo could be
incorporated into HBase, however the most important of these may be
unlikely to be adopted (see cell-level access labels and iterators
below).  It is a possibility that the codebases will ultimately
converge, but the number of differences at the current time warrants a
separate project for Accumulo.

 Access Labels 
Accumulo has an additional portion of its key that sorts after the
column qualifier and before the timestamp.  It is called column
visibility and enables expressive cell-level access control.
Authorizations are passed with each query 

Re: [PROPOSAL] Accumulo for the Apache Incubator

2011-09-02 Thread Patrick Hunt
Seems similar, see the proposal, there are a few sections that call
out the differences. (search for hbase)

On Fri, Sep 2, 2011 at 9:45 AM, Mahadev Konar wrote:
 Is this related to HBase? Or similar to it?


 On Fri, Sep 2, 2011 at 9:27 AM, Patrick Hunt wrote:
 FYI, another project using ZK -- woot!!! (note that they have their
 own WAL - perhaps a good application for BookKeeper?)

 -- Forwarded message --
 From: Billie J Rinaldi
 Date: Fri, Sep 2, 2011 at 8:45 AM
 Subject: [PROPOSAL] Accumulo for the Apache Incubator


 I would like to propose Accumulo to be an Apache Incubator project.
 Accumulo is a distributed key/value store that provides expressive
 cell-level access labels and a server-side programming mechanism that
 can modify key/value pairs at various points in the data management
 process.  It is based on Google's BigTable design and runs over Apache
 Hadoop and Zookeeper.

 Here is a link to the proposal in the Incubator wiki:

 I've also pasted the initial contents below.

 Billie Rinaldi

 = Accumulo Proposal =

 == Abstract ==
 Accumulo is a distributed key/value store that provides expressive,
 cell-level access labels.

 == Proposal ==
 Accumulo is a sorted, distributed key/value store based on Google's
 BigTable design.  It is built on top of Apache Hadoop, Zookeeper, and
 Thrift.  It features a few novel improvements on the BigTable design
 in the form of cell-level access labels and a server-side programming
 mechanism that can modify key/value pairs at various points in the
 data management process.

 == Background ==
 Google published the design of BigTable in 2006.  Several other open
 source projects have implemented aspects of this design including
 HBase, CloudStore, and Cassandra.  Accumulo began its development in

 == Rationale ==
 There is a need for a flexible, high performance distributed key/value
 store that provides expressive, fine-grained access labels.  The
 communities we expect to be most interested in such a project are
 government, health care, and other industries where privacy is a
 concern.  We have made much progress in developing this project over
 the past 3 years and believe both the project and the interested
 communities would benefit from this work being openly available and
 having open development.

 == Current Status ==

 === Meritocracy ===
 We intend to strongly encourage the community to help with and
 contribute to the code.  We will actively seek potential committers
 and help them become familiar with the codebase.

 === Community ===
 A strong government community has developed around Accumulo and
 training classes have been ongoing for about a year.  Hundreds of
 developers use Accumulo.

 === Core Developers ===
 The developers are mainly employed by the National Security Agency,
 but we anticipate interest developing among other companies.

 === Alignment ===
 Accumulo is built on top of Hadoop, Zookeeper, and Thrift.  It builds
 with Maven.  Due to the strong relationship with these Apache
 projects, the incubator is a good match for Accumulo.

 == Known Risks ==
 === Orphaned Products ===
 There is only a small risk of being orphaned.  The community is
 committed to improving the codebase of the project due to its
 fulfilling needs not addressed by any other software.

 === Inexperience with Open Source ===
 The codebase has been treated internally as an open source project
 since its beginning, and the initial Apache committers have been
 involved with the code for multiple years.  While our experience with
 public open source is limited, we do not anticipate difficulty in
 operating under Apache's development process.

 === Homogeneous Developers ===
 The committers have multiple employers and it is expected that
 committers from different companies will be recruited.

 === Reliance on Salaried Developers ===
 The initial committers are all paid by their employers to work on
 Accumulo and we expect such employment to continue.  Some of the
 initial committers would continue as volunteers even if no longer
 employed to do so.

 === Relationships with Other Apache Products ===
 Accumulo uses Hadoop, Zookeeper, Thrift, Maven, log4j, commons-lang,
 -net, -io, -jci, -collections, -configuration, -logging, and -codec.

 === Relationship to HBase ===
 Accumulo and HBase are both based on the design of Google's BigTable,
 so there is a danger that potential users will have difficulty
 distinguishing the two or that they will not see an incentive in
 adopting Accumulo.  There are a few key areas in which Accumulo
 differs from HBase.  Some of the desired features of Accumulo could be
 incorporated into HBase, however the most important of these may be
 unlikely to be adopted (see cell-level access labels and iterators

Re: 3.4 update.

2011-09-02 Thread Patrick Hunt
On Fri, Sep 2, 2011 at 10:46 AM, Mahadev Konar wrote:
 ZOOKEEPER-1149 - Pat any suggestion on if we just want to put this in
 release notes?

I think release notes are fine --- I'll take this.

 ZOOKEEPER-1159 - Anyone want to take this up?
 ZOOKEEPER-1159 - Vishal/Alex any update on this?

You listed 1159 twice, did you mean that?

 ZOOKEEPER-1107 - Pat/Laxman this seems ready to go right?

1107 is done, Laxman clarified my concern, I'll commit this later
today as long as there are no other objections.


Clover now running again on ZooKeeper trunk

2011-09-02 Thread Patrick Hunt
Clover has been re-installed on the hadoop# jenkins machines. I've
updated our job to again run clover against nightly ZK trunk.

Notice that our coverage has been declining over the past few weeks.
Not good. Committers please be sure that changes are accompanied by
adequate testing.


Re: Reviewboard, Gerrit was: ZooKeeper cleanup / refactoring / scala migration

2011-09-02 Thread Patrick Hunt
Thomas, checkout post-review from

I haven't used it against Apache rb, however I use it to great effect
inside Cloudera. It will allow you to cut the number of steps
significantly (I have small bash scripts wrapping post-review for the
various projects I contribute to).



On Fri, Sep 2, 2011 at 12:48 PM, Thomas Koch wrote:
 Fournier, Camille F.:
 We already have a reviewboard set up for zookeeper which you should plan to

 Hi Fournier,

 I'll use reviewboard for patches targeted for inclusion. However just for
 reference and to make you curious, I compare the steps necessary to create a
 review in reviewboard and in gerrit:

 - create a patch file
 - open web interface, log in
 - select project
 - select patch file
 - select reviewer group
 - select jira bug (lookup bug number in jira...)
 - copy summary from jira issue (or write from scratch)
 - enter . for description
 - publish

 - include issue number in commit message
 - git push gerrit
 ... That's it? That's it!

 Additionally gerrit also triggers jenkins, merges the change in the master
 branch once the review is finished and hosts your GIT repos with access
 control. There's also inclusion in mylyn to let you do reviews from eclipse...

 So if you like GIT you're invited to just play around with the gerrit

 Best regards,

 Thomas Koch,

Re: Review Request: Fix compiler (eclipse) warnings: unused imports, unused variables, missing generics

2011-09-02 Thread Patrick Hunt

This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:

Ship it!


- Patrick

On 2011-09-02 19:43:36, Thomas Koch wrote:
 This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:
 (Updated 2011-09-02 19:43:36)
 Review request for zookeeper.
 This addresses bug ZOOKEEPER-1170.
   src/java/main/org/apache/jute/ 213e203 
   src/java/main/org/apache/jute/ 3eb40ec 
   src/java/main/org/apache/jute/ f6d60d8 
   src/java/main/org/apache/jute/ 4e084e8 
   src/java/main/org/apache/jute/ 2977d3f 
   src/java/main/org/apache/jute/ 0adbd56 
   src/java/main/org/apache/jute/ b65e9a0 
   src/java/main/org/apache/zookeeper/ 626da04 
   src/java/main/org/apache/zookeeper/ 9a66743 
   src/java/main/org/apache/zookeeper/ 70f7623 
   src/java/main/org/apache/zookeeper/ 801969a 
   src/java/main/org/apache/zookeeper/ da17fcf 
   src/java/main/org/apache/zookeeper/ 789c481 
   src/java/main/org/apache/zookeeper/server/ 0690ce9 
   src/java/main/org/apache/zookeeper/server/ cd1347d 
   src/java/main/org/apache/zookeeper/server/ 30ebf68 
   src/java/main/org/apache/zookeeper/server/ 185c1e1 
   src/java/main/org/apache/zookeeper/server/ 80d2b99 
   src/java/main/org/apache/zookeeper/server/ c085bfb 
   src/java/main/org/apache/zookeeper/server/quorum/ ab3f288 
   src/java/main/org/apache/zookeeper/server/quorum/ fb9dbde 
   src/java/main/org/apache/zookeeper/server/quorum/ ee61a90 
   src/java/main/org/apache/zookeeper/server/quorum/ 61f1f70 
   src/java/main/org/apache/zookeeper/server/upgrade/ e3d0633 

Re: Clover now running again on ZooKeeper trunk

2011-09-02 Thread Patrick Hunt
Thanks Camille for looking into this! I also noticed that the kerberos
patch introduced a number of new compiler warnings, it would be great
if we could knock compiler warnings down to 0:


On Fri, Sep 2, 2011 at 3:57 PM, Camille Fournier wrote:
 Being the coverage obsessive that I am, I drilled into this and it
 looks like it's basically entirely the Kerberos patch that caused the
 coverage change. If we care I suspect there's a few edges there that
 could take unit testing. Everything else seemed to stay the same or go


 On Fri, Sep 2, 2011 at 2:47 PM, Patrick Hunt wrote:
 Clover has been re-installed on the hadoop# jenkins machines. I've
 updated our job to again run clover against nightly ZK trunk.

 Notice that our coverage has been declining over the past few weeks.
 Not good. Committers please be sure that changes are accompanied by
 adequate testing.


Re: ZooKeeper cleanup / refactoring / scala migration

2011-09-05 Thread Patrick Hunt
+1, having sonar would be nice although I've found that having tools
that no one pays attention to is not useful. The best way to combat
that is to integrate it into the build (e.g. hadoop QA bot).

On Mon, Sep 5, 2011 at 1:27 AM, Thomas Koch wrote:
 Hi Camille,
 We already have a reviewboard set up for zookeeper which you should plan to
 use, and of course the hadoop build farm. If you believe additional
 analysis tools would be useful in our build, please work with our
 build.xml and the infra team to get the necessary tools installed. It
 doesn't do us much good to fix things caught by your build server and then
 have them break again because we don't have the tooling available.

 I understand that ZooKeeper is moving to maven as soon as possible. Once the
 move has been done, I could help getting ZK in the ASF sonar instance.[1]
 After that we can fine-tune the analysis run on ZK.



 Thomas Koch,

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