Re: Should we add `a * b` for vectors?

2017-10-03 Thread Enamex via Digitalmars-d
On Thursday, 28 September 2017 at 01:58:24 UTC, Walter Bright 

On 9/27/2017 4:21 PM, Manu wrote:
but I see no advantage to it over D's approach (the reverse 
operand lookup scheme).

I couldn't find anything focused on D's overloading resolution 
scheme (or anything with the specific term "reverse operand 
lookup"). Can you elaborate?

Re: C++ / Why Iterators Got It All Wrong

2017-09-06 Thread Enamex via Digitalmars-d
On Sunday, 3 September 2017 at 09:24:03 UTC, Ilya Yaroshenko 
1. Contiguous tensors. Their data is located contiguously in 
memory. Single dense memory chunk. All strides between 
subs-tensors can be computed from lengths.

2. Canonical tensors. Only data for one dimension is dense, 
other dimensions has strides that can not be computed from 
lengths. BLAS matrixes are canonical tensors: they have two 
lengths and one stride.

3. Universal tensors. Each dimension has a stride. Numpy 
ndarrays are universal tensors.

Can you elaborate?

Re: C++17 Init statement for if/switch

2017-08-17 Thread Enamex via Digitalmars-d

On Wednesday, 16 August 2017 at 14:19:59 UTC, SrMordred wrote:

On Tuesday, 15 August 2017 at 21:05:09 UTC, bachmeier wrote:
On Tuesday, 15 August 2017 at 20:31:50 UTC, Jonathan Marler 

Without alot of usage, it will just be an esoteric construct 
that looks confusing to the average developer.

That is correct. After a while it gets tiring to see a 
neverending stream of complexity added to the language while 
things that would actually help (like IDE support) do not get 
any attention. As a general rule, if it's being added to C++, 
it's probably a bad idea.

There are two thinks of c++ that I miss a little on D:
- Structured binding
- Uniform initialization

But in general, I agreed with you.

Initialization in D is pretty uniform now though. What corners am 
I missing?

It's usually:

 name = (args);

Structured bindings... I think C++ did it badly, actually. They 
had the {...} syntax fr object construction that worked 
everywhere and using the same for deconstruction would've allowed 
for quite natural tuples, which manifest almost as language-level 
constructs by then (with the help of 'auto' in template 

Re: The X Macro using D

2017-07-21 Thread Enamex via Digitalmars-d

On Thursday, 20 July 2017 at 22:02:32 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:

On 7/20/2017 2:21 PM, Stefan Koch wrote:

Please tell me this is not going to get into dmd :)
templates are so much more expensive then macros.
(Well, for now :) )

Those templates can and should be replaced by CTFE.

If you like, present the CTFE solution. Should be fun!

How about this (if I'm not mistaken, this's only one template 
instantiation per tuple-type&extracted-index):


import std.typecons: tuple, Tuple;
import std.algorithm: map;
import std.array: array;

enum regm_t {
AX, BX, CX, DX, DI, SI, None

enum tym_t {
uchar_, ushort_, ulong_

enum Ydata = [
tuple("AH",   4, regm_t.AX,   tym_t.uchar_),
tuple("AL",   0, regm_t.AX,   tym_t.uchar_),
tuple("AX",   8, regm_t.AX,   tym_t.ushort_),
tuple("BH",   7, regm_t.BX,   tym_t.uchar_),
tuple("BL",   3, regm_t.BX,   tym_t.uchar_),
tuple("BP",  13, regm_t.None, tym_t.ushort_),
tuple("BX",  11, regm_t.BX,   tym_t.ushort_),
tuple("CH",   5, regm_t.CX,   tym_t.uchar_),
tuple("CL",   1, regm_t.CX,   tym_t.uchar_),
tuple("CX",   9, regm_t.CX,   tym_t.ushort_),
tuple("DH",   6, regm_t.DX,   tym_t.uchar_),
tuple("DI",  15, regm_t.DI,   tym_t.ushort_),
tuple("DL",   2, regm_t.DX,   tym_t.uchar_),
tuple("DX",  10, regm_t.DX,   tym_t.ushort_),
tuple("EAX", 16, regm_t.AX,   tym_t.ulong_),
tuple("EBP", 21, regm_t.None, tym_t.ulong_),
tuple("EBX", 19, regm_t.BX,   tym_t.ulong_),
tuple("ECX", 17, regm_t.CX,   tym_t.ulong_),
tuple("EDI", 23, regm_t.DI,   tym_t.ulong_),
tuple("EDX", 18, regm_t.DX,   tym_t.ulong_),
tuple("ESI", 22, regm_t.SI,   tym_t.ulong_),
tuple("ESP", 20, regm_t.None, tym_t.ulong_),
tuple("SI",  14, regm_t.SI,   tym_t.ushort_),
tuple("SP",  12, regm_t.None, tym_t.ushort_),

static auto Y(size_t idx, T...)(Tuple!(T)[] ts) pure nothrow {
// I thought to try something like assumeUnique here
// but was thinking of the Rust semantics in doing so
// Not sure if this leads to spurious allocations at
// the points where Y is used. Is there someway to tell them,
// even if the target type is const or immutable
// that this returned array is brand new with no other 

// around?
return ts
.map!(x => x[idx])

enum {
Xtab = 0,

// Register number to use in addressing mode
private __gshared const(char)*[24] pseudotab = Y!Xtab(Ydata);

// Register number to use in addressing mode
__gshared ubyte[24] pseudoreg = Y!Xreg(Ydata);

// Mask to use for registers affected
__gshared regm_t[24] pseudomask = Y!Xmask(Ydata);

// Table for type of pseudo register variable
private __gshared const(tym_t)[24] pseudoty = Y!Xty(Ydata);

Re: Compilation times and idiomatic D code

2017-07-15 Thread Enamex via Digitalmars-d

On Saturday, 15 July 2017 at 15:58:12 UTC, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
On Saturday, July 15, 2017 11:10:32 Enamex via Digitalmars-d 

The issue has to do with how each invocation of a range-based 
function tends to result in a new template instantiation, and 
it's common practice in D to chain a bunch of templated 
function calls together. For instance, if you have


The type is getting progressively longer and more complicated, 
because when the function template is instantiated, it's 
instantiated with the type from the previous function call, so 
it's wrapping the previous type, and you get a new type that 
has the name of the type of its argument embedded in it. It's 
like if you keep wrapping a container inside another container.


- Jonathan M Davis

This was quite insightful, thank you.

All that time I'd assumed that 'symbols' as linkers used them 
were constant length :T

Just to be clear: 100% of that bloat resides in the symbol table? 
So the current proposed remedy is to hash symbols above a length 

Besides the symbol problem though, does the template 
instantiation explosion problem imply as many duplicated function 
bodies corresponding to the new type symbols?

Re: Compilation times and idiomatic D code

2017-07-15 Thread Enamex via Digitalmars-d

On Friday, 14 July 2017 at 22:45:44 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:
Here's a further update to the saga of combating ridiculously 
large symbol sizes.

So yesterday I wrote a new module that also heavily uses UFCS 
chains. My initial draft of the module, once I linked it with 
the main program, particularly with a UFCS chain that has led 
to the 600MB executable sizes seen above, caused another 
explosion in symbol size that actually managed to reach 100MB 
in *one* symbol, triggering a DMD termination complaining about 
possible infinite template recursion. :-D  Funnier still, 
temporarily simplifying part of the chain to bring symbol sizes 
down, I eventually got it below 100MB but ended up with linker 
segfaults and ELF errors because the huge symbol was too 
ridiculously huge.

Eventually, it drove me to refactor two Phobos functions that 
are used heavily in my code: std.range.chunks and 
std.algorithm.joiner, using the same "horcrux" technique (see 
Phobos PRs #5610 and #5611). This, together with some further 
refactoring in my own code, eventually brought things down to 
the 20MB range of executable sizes.

Then an idea occurred to me: the reason these symbol sizes got 
so large, was because the UFCS chain preserves *all* type 
information about every component type used to build the final 
type. So, by necessity, the type name has to somehow encode all 
of this information in an unambiguous way.  Now, arguably, 
DMD's current mangling scheme is at fault because it contains 
too many repeating components, but even if you disregard that, 
the fact remains that if you have 50+ components in your 
overall UFCS chain, the symbol length cannot be less than 50*n 
where n is the average length of a single component's type 
name, plus some necessary overhead to account for the mangling 
scheme syntax. Let's say n is on average 20-25 characters, say 
round it up to 35 for mangling syntax, so you're still looking 
at upwards of 1700+ characters *minimum*.  That, coupled with 
the current O(n^2) / O(n^3) mangling scheme, you easily reach 
megabytes of symbol length.  We can compress the symbols all we 
want, but there's a limit as to how much compression will help. 
At the end of the day, you still have to represent those 50+ 
components *somehow*.

But what if most of this type information is actually 
*unnecessary*?  To use a range example, if all you care about 
at the end of the chain is that it's a forward range of ubyte, 
then why even bother with multi-MB symbols encoding type 
information that's never actually used?  Maybe a little 
type-erasure would help, via hiding those 50+ component types 
behind an opaque runtime OO polymorphic interface.  Phobos does 
have the facilities of this, in the form of the InputRange, 
ForwardRange, etc., interfaces in std.range.interfaces.  In my 
case, however, part of the chain uses another generic type (a 
kind of generalization of 2D arrays). But either way, the idea 
is simple: at the end of the UFCS chain, wrap it in a class 
object that inherits from a generic interface that encodes only 
the primitives of the 2D array concept, and the element type. 
The class object itself, of course, still must retain knowledge 
of the full-fledged type, but the trick is that if we insert 
this type erasure in the middle of the chain, then later 
components don't have to encode the type names of earlier 
components anymore.


I have some stupid questions:

- What does everyone mean when they say 'symbol' here? I'm 
probably misunderstanding symbols gravely or it's something that 
DMD in particular handles in a strange way.

- What type information are being kept because of UFCS chains? 
Doesn't that mechanism simply apply overload resolution then 
choose between the prefix and .method forms as appropriate, 
rewriting the terms?
Then it's a problem of function invocation. I don't get 
what's happening here still. Does this tie to the Voldemort types 
problem? (=> are many of the functions in the chain returning 
custom types?) It doesn't make sense, especially if, from your 
indirection workaround, it looks like it would work around the 
same but without the bloat problem if we unlinked the chain into 
many intermediate temporary parts. So how is this a type 
information issue?


Re: Request for a more powerful template specialization feature

2017-07-15 Thread Enamex via Digitalmars-d
On Friday, 14 July 2017 at 19:49:05 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu 

On 7/14/17 2:19 PM, data pulverizer wrote:
template Construct(R: Union{double, int}, W: Union{string, 
char, dchar})

template Construct(R, W)
if ((is(R == double) || is(R == int))
&& (is(W == string) || is(W == char) || is(W == dchar))

It would be good to get comments and suggestions before I 
write a DIP.

An effective way of improving the state of affairs would be to 
create a PR that makes the constraint easier to read and write, 

among!(R, double, int) && among!(W, string, char, dchar)

In fact it's surprising it hasn't been proposed yet.


But specializations are quite different from constraints, no? 
Constraints wouldn't help when the template name is overloaded 
and passes the constraint checks of several different template 
implementations; specializations narrow things down for overload 

Unless I'm misunderstanding the OP or everyone else in the thread 
somehow :/

Re: D easily overlooked?

2017-07-14 Thread Enamex via Digitalmars-d

On Friday, 14 July 2017 at 09:02:58 UTC, Stefan Koch wrote:

On Friday, 14 July 2017 at 08:57:17 UTC, Wulfklaue wrote:

A recent article where github programming languages popularity 
and migration got analysed was very interesting but it showed 
one noticeable thing:


The beauty of D lies in it's holistic approach.

The one unique feature to point out would be CTFE which is not 
to be found in other compiled langauges.

constexpr does not even come close since it cannot return 
literals :0

There's Red: (to my understanding, you can 
execute arbitrary Red (*) code in macro context; which is 
basically CTFE+macros).

(*) Right now it accepts Rebol code because of implementation 
limitations; the spec says Red code though and the developers 
says this is planned.

Re: DIP 1009--Improve Contract Usability--Preliminary Review Round 1

2017-06-28 Thread Enamex via Digitalmars-d

On Wednesday, 28 June 2017 at 12:34:59 UTC, Moritz Maxeiner wrote:

On Wednesday, 28 June 2017 at 12:17:36 UTC, Enamex wrote:

`out(return > 0, "message")`?

Yes, see [1]

It has the already used `typeof(return)` going for it, though.

A big point against it IMO would be its moving further from 
signal that a function scope is exited at that line (instead it 
be a variable assignment which is meh (usage in a contract check 
is OK

since we're already outside the function)).

`out(someCond($), "message")`?

Overloading symbols with context dependent meaning is one more 
step into obfuscation.


So using either `out` or `return` or `$` or whatever to always 
refer to the return value of the function. Just something 
that's already relevant and used instead of `__result`.

Well, `__result` is already implemented and usable, so I would 
argue it is thus relevant.

It's not used in the wild yet though :T

R foo(Args...)(Args args) {
out(return > bar && ensured(return), "foo() fudged its 

Contracts inside function bodies should not be allowed imho.


I was going with the current 'Proposal' syntax in the DIP's 
document. There

a more recent proposal here?

Re: DIP 1009--Improve Contract Usability--Preliminary Review Round 1

2017-06-28 Thread Enamex via Digitalmars-d

On Sunday, 25 June 2017 at 17:20:51 UTC, Timon Gehr wrote:

On 25.06.2017 17:46, Petar Kirov [ZombineDev] wrote:

On Sunday, 25 June 2017 at 12:10:02 UTC, Timon Gehr wrote:

On 25.06.2017 13:37, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
out(result){ assert(result > 0); } // exists

out result => assert(result > 0) // more of the same

out(result; result > 0) // better

out result => result > 0 // not much worse

out(result; result > 0, "worse enough")

Also, what Guillaume said.

Why do we need to name the result at all?

Any conflicts with using
`out(out > 0, "message")`
`out(return > 0, "message")`?
Or even
`out(someCond($), "message")`?

So using either `out` or `return` or `$` or whatever to always 
refer to the return value of the function. Just something that's 
already relevant and used instead of `__result`.

This could even be naturally extended to having an implicitly 
declared 'result' variable for functions (which could help in 
optimizations maybe? Something like always having NRVO possible) 
called `out` or `return`.

R foo(Args...)(Args args) {
out(return > bar && ensured(return), "foo() fudged its 

// ...
return = blah;
// ...
static assert(is(typeof(return) == R)); // of course; this's 
old syntax


C++ Metaclasses proposal

2017-06-27 Thread Enamex via Digitalmars-d

I thought a bit on possible patterns in D to accomplish the same 
without string mixins.

For example, defining the prototype `Foo_` then mixing in `mixin 
MyMetaclass!Foo_ Foo`.

Got stuck trying to 'forward' (or copy the implementation of) 
functions in `Foo_` into `Foo` after modifying them, though.

Besides trying to do it in D (please try still!), what do you 
think of the idea? In general and say versus a robust macro 
system with some level of access to CTFE? Or even just a good 
macro system (someone began discussing this on the reddit thread; 
talking about Racket macros).

Re: Idea: Reverse Type Inference

2017-06-03 Thread Enamex via Digitalmars-d
On Wednesday, 24 May 2017 at 15:02:05 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer 
In fact, you could simulate overloading of return values based 
on IFTI instantiation:

void fooImpl(ref int retval, int x) { ... }
void fooImpl(ref string retval, int x) { ... }

T foo(T)(int x) { T t; fooImpl(t, x); return t; }
int x = foo(1);
string y = foo(2);


What am I doing wrong?

Re: Interesting paper on composing type definitions

2017-03-06 Thread Enamex via Digitalmars-d
On Monday, 6 March 2017 at 01:37:18 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu 

On 3/4/17 10:36 PM, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
-- Andrei

An idea inspired by this paper would be a type Sum such that 
Sum!(A, B) stores both states of A and B and the joint API 
offered by the two. Would be a good exercise in applying 
introspection. Also, when there are clashing primitives, Sum 
might offer the option to make one of the types "dominant", 
eliminate the function from the joint interface, or disallow 
composition altogether. -- Andrei

I haven't read the paper yet but doesn't that sound exactly 
opposite to what 'sum types' is usually used to mean?

The value of the variable has to be either A or B. If it stores 
the status of both then it's basically a struct, right?

Probably I'm misunderstanding your point on composition and 
'joint API'.

Re: If Statement with Declaration

2016-11-06 Thread Enamex via Digitalmars-d
On Sunday, 6 November 2016 at 05:07:10 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu 

The declaration with "if" seems to be a recent fashion. I've 
first seen it in Go and now C++17 took a shine to it - A DIP would do good to cite that related work.

It seems a low impact feature. Also, the Go/C++ syntaxes seem 
suboptimal to me because they are stuttering:

if variable := fun(); variable != 42 {

or (C++):

if (auto variable = fun(); variable != 42) {

Why does the word "variable" need to appear twice? It seems 
simpler to allow punctuation around existing syntax:

// possible future D
if ((auto variable = fun()) != 42) {

Defining a variable in an expression wouldn't be allowed 
everywhere (but might be contemplated later as an possibility, 
which is a nice thing about this syntax).


I remember an old suggestion/DIP allowing 'with' statements to 
introduce/declare symbols/variables.

Might be a cleaner extension to existing language:

with(auto x = f()) if(foo(x)) {}
else with(auto r = root(t)) if(leaf(r) || blah < bar) {}

Re: Fallback 'catch-all' template functions

2016-09-01 Thread Enamex via Digitalmars-d

On Thursday, 1 September 2016 at 05:37:50 UTC, Manu wrote:

So, consider a set of overloads:

  void f(T)(T t) if(isSomething!T) {}
  void f(T)(T t) if(isSomethingElse!T) {}
  void f(T)(T t) {}

I have a recurring problem where I need a fallback function 
like the bottom one, which should be used in lieu of a more 
precise match. This is obviously an ambiguous call, but this is 
a pattern that comes up an awful lot. How to do it in D?

I've asked this before, and people say:

  void f(T)(T t) if(!isSomething!T && !isSomethingElse!T) {}

Consider that more overloads are being introduced by users 
spread out across many modules that define their own kind of T; 
this solution is no good.

An easy workaround with a bit of boilerplate would be:

void f(T)(T t) {
static if(isSomething!T) {
// special impl
else {

void fallback_f(T)(T t) { ... }

Re: How about a special null template parameter?

2016-08-19 Thread Enamex via Digitalmars-d

On Friday, 19 August 2016 at 23:12:39 UTC, Engine Machine wrote:

On Friday, 19 August 2016 at 22:20:09 UTC, Enamex wrote:
On Friday, 19 August 2016 at 18:25:06 UTC, Engine Machine 


Something like this:

class Type(T: typeof(null)) { //< L1 (specialization)
int x;

class Dog {}

class Type(T) : Type!(typeof(null)) { //< L2 (`typeof(null)`)
static if(is(T: Dog)) //< L3 (`is(MyType: IntendedType)` 
or `is(MyType == ExactType)`)

int y;

What you're looking for is "specialization", on line "L1". 
Also some corrections on lines "L2" and "L3"

How is this any different, besides adding meaningless 
complexity, to inheritence as it already is?

Um, not sure what you mean. This isn't suggesting adding 
anything; it's already legal/compiles.

Re: How about a special null template parameter?

2016-08-19 Thread Enamex via Digitalmars-d

On Friday, 19 August 2016 at 18:25:06 UTC, Engine Machine wrote:

So we can create types relationships easier:

class Type(T) : Type!null
   int x;
   static if (T is Dog)
   int y;

Type == Type!null (!null implicit, only if defined in the above 
way. Essentially an alias is created for us automatically)

Type(T) : Type!nullinherits only if T is not null(or a type 
that inherits from itself,  which would then be valid).

Type!Dog inherits from Type/Type!null.

Type!T inherits from Type/Type!null as long as T != null.

Members in base(null) are not re-included in derived(e.g., int 
x; isn't include in Type!Dog because it's already there from 

Something like this:

class Type(T: typeof(null)) { //< L1 (specialization)
int x;

class Dog {}

class Type(T) : Type!(typeof(null)) { //< L2 (`typeof(null)`)
static if(is(T: Dog)) //< L3 (`is(MyType: IntendedType)` or 
`is(MyType == ExactType)`)

int y;

What you're looking for is "specialization", on line "L1". Also 
some corrections on lines "L2" and "L3"

Re: Fact checking for my talk

2016-08-14 Thread Enamex via Digitalmars-d

On Sunday, 14 August 2016 at 18:57:14 UTC, ZombineDev wrote:
Ok, maybe it's a matter of taste and opinion, but I consider 
them to be bad design (idea-wise, not implementation-wise) 
because they're sort of the opposite of DbI and compile-time 
duck-typing. Maybe they fit nicely in Rust's world but they're 
definitely something I would want NOT to use. Concepts/traits 
are useless when you have DbI, because you can implement them 
in a library if you need dynamic dispatch (e.g. 
std.experimental.allocator.allocatorObject, std.typecons.wrap, 

Can you demonstrate it through the example you linked to?

And sorry, what's DbI again? :D

Re: Fact checking for my talk

2016-08-14 Thread Enamex via Digitalmars-d

On Sunday, 14 August 2016 at 18:05:12 UTC, ZombineDev wrote:
OTOH, they're used in more places in their standard library, 
than mixins are used in Phobos, because of the lack of variadic 
templates, because in Rust you can't generalize over 
mutability, like you can in D with `inout` and also because of 
the stupidly designed trait system (e.g. see [9]).

I'm confused by your example. How exactly is Rust's trait system 
'stupidly designed'?

From my understanding of Rust macros, they're kind of like the 
AliasSeq algorithms in std.meta (because they're declarative), 
but instead of operating on sequences (e.g. template arguments 
lists) they operate on Rust's AST (e.g. statements and 

The AliasSeq algorithms are defined recursively for obvious 
reasons, but they rely on branching and a lot of obviously not 
declarative code in their definition. :?


Re: DIP1000: Scoped Pointers (Discussion)

2016-08-10 Thread Enamex via Digitalmars-d

On Wednesday, 10 August 2016 at 20:36:38 UTC, Dicebot wrote:

- Please submit pull requests to adjust the markdown document 
if you want to propose any improvements (mentioning 
@WalterBright and @andralex for confirmation).

Personally I wouldn't recommend directly submitting pull requests 
for improvement suggestions. Keep those in the forum/git 
discussions (maybe open an RFC issue on GitHub?) with the pull 
requests only after enough people have commented on the 

(I just don't want to have to follow several PR threads for every 
single improvement suggestion to every DIP in its final comment 

Re: This fellow is writing an operating system in D live

2016-08-10 Thread Enamex via Digitalmars-d

On Wednesday, 10 August 2016 at 14:03:22 UTC, Wild wrote:

Thanks for posting a link to my lastest VOD :)
Here is all of my past streams:
You should be able to watch the whole development of PowerNex 
from those videos.

If anybody wants to read the code it is located here:

Are they available on Youtube or something similar? I can't find 
a way on to decrease the resolution and it's 
putting a lot of strain on my connection.

If you're narrating it I could probably follow along at 480p or 
something. And the code is apparently open source so I can see 

Re: [DIP] In-place struct initialization

2016-08-03 Thread Enamex via Digitalmars-d

On Wednesday, 3 August 2016 at 20:30:07 UTC, deadalnix wrote:
On Sunday, 31 July 2016 at 14:38:33 UTC, Lodovico Giaretta 
I support this idea of extending curly-brace initializers. It 
would be very useful and less ambiguous than parenthesized 

Curly braces are already extremely overloaded. They can start a 
block statement, a delegate literal, a struct literal and I'm 
sure I forgot something.

Well, this extended case would fall under "struct literal". And 
personally I'm against starting function literals with just a 
brace (always use `(){...}` instead).

Re: [DIP] In-place struct initialization

2016-07-31 Thread Enamex via Digitalmars-d

On Sunday, 31 July 2016 at 07:10:46 UTC, cym13 wrote:
The proposed change is litteraly just equivalent to the already 
existing struct initialization, just made usable:

struct S {
int a;
int b;

auto s = S(b:42);
// equivalent to
S s = { b:42 };

Having the possibility to initialize structs without tying them 
to a variable
proves useful when combined with functions that take this 
struct but those

functions aren't directly impacted by the change.

I suggest extending the existing `S s = {field: value}` syntax to 
allow specifying the type itself next to the field list and make 
it usable generally everywhere.

So, instead:

takeThing(Thing{ field: val, num: 43 });

It shouldn't clash with anything else, I think.

Re: What is the current progress on "Safety and Memory Management"?

2016-07-16 Thread Enamex via Digitalmars-d

On Saturday, 16 July 2016 at 21:45:17 UTC, maik klein wrote:
I was actually thinking of contributing something bigger as 
part of my bachelor thesis. (Not sure if I am allowed to do 

What I wanted to do is to translate a big part of Rust's std to 
D. Stuff like Rc, Arc, Box, Optional + all the necessary tools 
for ownership semantics.

Also implement data structures that work with ownership 
semantics (Rc, Box, Arc etc)  like Vec, HashMap.

Add ownership semantics to phobos, for example a lot of stuff 
in phobos can't be used with non copyable types. (A lot of 
things rely on copying)

I have already implemented a small part of Rusts std but it 
felt like that I was the only one interested in this. (I am 
aware of RefCounted, Unique, Nullable etc)

I would definitely put some spare time into researching this a 
bit more if there is some interest.

That sounds very interesting. You mean to encode Rust-like 
ownership semantics at runtime for a complete alternative stdlib 
in D?

Re: Allocator troubles

2016-07-16 Thread Enamex via Digitalmars-d

On Friday, 15 July 2016 at 18:44:26 UTC, Luís Marques wrote:

I'm not having success trying to use the allocator API.
void main()
enforce(alloc.make!int !is null);

enforce(alloc.make!int !is null);
writeln("OK 1");

I get a segmentation fault before "OK 1", actually. I'd have 
expected all enforce checks to pass in this snip, but they don't 
after the first `deallocateAll()` so I'm misunderstanding the 
semantics big time.

Go's march to low-latency GC

2016-07-07 Thread Enamex via Digitalmars-d

^ reposting a link in the right place.

Re: C++17 is feature complete

2016-07-07 Thread Enamex via Digitalmars-d

Some updates:

Especially interesting are the mentions of 'accepted' 
features/proposals for 'C++20', including:
- `operator.` (opDispatch) which /might/ even make it into C++17 
given push by some international body; also includes some facets 
of `alias this` as it's hoped to be a core part of some of the 
reflection proposals [1]
- designated initializers (from C) (D's static initializers but 
tied to struct names and usable anywhere `MyStruct{ field2: 0, 
field1: 'a' }`;

and some requiring 'further thought' like:
- discriminated unions (even full-blown pattern matching); [2]
- 'overload sets as function arguments' (basically the delegate 
pattern in D for passing a lazily determined member function 
pointer (or an untyped closure in general));
- contracts ('expects = in' and 'ensures = out()' but they take 
one big boolean expression; a bit more complicated than in D, but 
they're adding them in, not taking them out) [3]
- 'parameter packs outside templates' which could go several ways 
from being basically native tuples with dedicated syntax, to 
almost (? not sure about differences in the proposal's 
specification vs behavior in D) the same thing as alias tuples in 
D now. [4]

I tried to focus on stuff already in D and stuff people are 
asking to add to D and the differences between the languages in 
them. I'll stop if it's deemed too off-topic :/


Re: Logical location of template instantiations

2016-07-01 Thread Enamex via Digitalmars-d

On Friday, 1 July 2016 at 12:08:49 UTC, Lodovico Giaretta wrote:
On Friday, 1 July 2016 at 11:45:12 UTC, Robert burner Schadek 
IMO, this is one of these places where theory meets practice. 
Do what works, write a comment explaining the problem, and 
move on ;-)

Yes, well, I successfully bypassed my issues with this thing, 
but I wanted to share my thoughts about the need to express 
this kind of thing (i.e. to give a template instantiation the 
privileges of the instantiating module), and to know if someone 
else has some opinion on this matter.

Yeah. I don't know if it's _needed_ by enough people or by the 
language, but a way to force templates to be hijacked while being 
instantiated (not at point of definition but at instantiation; 
though I imagine this might prove troublesome for reflection and 
template identity, somehow) if we want to. The default hygienic 
behavior is great, but bypassing it when needed is not.

Re: C++17 is feature complete

2016-06-29 Thread Enamex via Digitalmars-d
On Tuesday, 28 June 2016 at 19:27:36 UTC, Ola Fosheim Grøstad 

On Tuesday, 28 June 2016 at 18:50:25 UTC, Enamex wrote:
Also, C++17 is 'getting' Modules and Concepts Lite later in 
tech specs... that don't even have working drafts according to 
this [] (but have experimental 
implementations in Clang and VC++, at least).

Modules is not part of C++17, it is on a separate track. 
Concepts are also not part of C++17.

Maybe it would be a good idea to not complain so much about 
languages you guys don't know much about.  I suggest focusing 
on making D better instead.

That's what I said. They're not in the C++17 spec but we won't be 
waiting for C++Next for them, hopefully.

And I complained about nothing; and know little about _any_ 
language; still so much to learn.

Re: C++17 is feature complete

2016-06-28 Thread Enamex via Digitalmars-d
On Monday, 27 June 2016 at 19:47:14 UTC, Ola Fosheim Grøstad 

On Monday, 27 June 2016 at 19:39:20 UTC, luminousone wrote:

OpenCL is for micro threading, not simd.

What is your point? Clang++ vector extensions use OpenCL 
semantics, so you need to look up the OpenCL spec to figure out 
what it supports. It is not well-documented in the Clang 

Are you trolling me?

Please, no need to.

Also, C++17 is 'getting' Modules and Concepts Lite later in tech 
specs... that don't even have working drafts according to this 
[] (but have experimental 
implementations in Clang and VC++, at least).

C++17 is feature complete

2016-06-26 Thread Enamex via Digitalmars-d

Added stuff like:
  - a very limited destructuring syntax (structured bindings) 
(use case is for tuples; but likely to use a new reserved 
function name for general struct destructuring (like 'get<>()' or 
  - template arguments that accept constant values of any type 
whatsoever 'template';

  - 'constexpr if';
  - specified order of evaluation for function calls and any 
syntax with arguments (including built-in operators on primitive 

Re: [OT] Swift removing minor features to piss me off

2016-05-02 Thread Enamex via Digitalmars-d

On Friday, 29 April 2016 at 12:06:40 UTC, Nick Treleaven wrote:
A complication with the delegate way is break/continue/return 
in the statement block, but I suppose it already works for 

I'm curious: what does this actually lower to when compiling?

Re: [] new forum design

2016-01-22 Thread Enamex via Digitalmars-d
On Monday, 18 January 2016 at 10:20:13 UTC, Vladimir Panteleev 
On Monday, 18 January 2016 at 10:20:13 UTC, Vladimir Panteleev 
- Disabled text-size-adjust (font size inflation on mobile 

- Removed font size changing depending on window width
- Tweaked forum and group index background colors
- Various fixes, including:
  - "Current thread" and other labels not fitting in the search 

  - Height calculations for the split view modes
  - Restrict breadcrumbs to one line

2. Page width, especially in horizontal-split mode

As mentioned above, the navigation has been made narrower and 
the content wider, and the horizontal-split view mode can fit 
73 characters at its widest. Hopefully this should be 
sufficient. If not I posted some ideas here:

As I posted in the previous thread, it would be:

- GOOD if you are as specific as possible in what can be 

I'm not sure if this's the same for everyone but the forum on 
mobile is unusable for me now. The thread titles are so squished 
next to the Last Post column that barely 2 words, max, show from 
the title. I forgot (yes) how it'd been in the old design but 
maybe have the 'columns' aligned horizontally in the new design 
on narrow screens?

Re: Expression-bodied functions

2016-01-02 Thread Enamex via Digitalmars-d

On Friday, 1 January 2016 at 00:27:49 UTC, ZombineDev wrote:
By the way, a very similar language feature was approved and 
implemented for the upcomming DMD 2.070 release. It allows you 
to use a short syntax for function templates:

alias add = (a, b) => a + b;
// Shorthand for:
// auto add(T1, T2)(T1 a, T2 b) { return a + b; }

IFTI makes it look like a regular function call:
writeln(add(3, 4.5));

It works for free functions, but I'm not sure if it would also 
work for member-functions (methods).

IMHO, anything like that is just a tangential 'fix' to the fact 
that D's design rests on commands like 'return' to leave scope 
and return values.

Something like

auto add(auto x, auto y) { x + y }

would be much more wholesome IMO. (The 'funcName(auto arg)' 
syntax is just a convenience suggestions; the important part is 
'{ x + y }').

That said, it does fix something that 'alias' should've been able 
to do from the beginning. I'm not sure what else but I think 
there other places where alias needs '= I!(stuff)' identity 
template to accept the 'stuff'.

Re: Efficient binary search using two-way comparisons

2015-11-29 Thread Enamex via Digitalmars-d
On Saturday, 28 November 2015 at 20:04:11 UTC, Andrei 
Alexandrescu wrote:
While reading Okasaki's bool on persistent data structures, I 
found (page 14) a reference to a nice idea applicable to binary 
search using D's two-way "less than" comparisons.

Any takers?


Looks really simple. I could try? Though I'll probably come 
asking here about contribution procedures and stuff (especially 
that I can't, not possibly, compile Phobos or anything close to 
it with tests and such).

Re: Type helpers instead of UFCS

2015-09-12 Thread Enamex via Digitalmars-d
On Saturday, 12 September 2015 at 20:40:35 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe 

On Saturday, 12 September 2015 at 20:37:37 UTC, BBasile wrote:

- code completion in IDE. It'will never work.

Why not? I haven't actually tried it, but it seems like a 
pretty easy problem, except perhaps with complex templates.

- noobs, code is unreadable.


There's the bigger problem that extending a type via UFCS is 
'open'; there can always be more functions where the first 
parameter accepts that type you're using.

With a dedicated syntax, specific functions/groups-of-functions 
could be easily recognized as extensions of a type and could even 
be made to be recognized by templates (when the type is passed as 
type parameter or alias param) even though they're not in its 
definition. Kinda like type classes.

But, anyway...

Re: Rust style memory management

2015-09-12 Thread Enamex via Digitalmars-d

On Saturday, 12 September 2015 at 20:17:04 UTC, Freddy wrote:
So I saw this video: and 
was amazed. Is there any way we can implement this in D? What 
language extensions would be required?

My idea on implement this would be to add 3 new pointer (and 
array) types : [owned,shared immutable,borrow mutable] and 
depend on casting raw pointers to the new types.


There's been:

And at least one earlier proposal that's been accepted already. 
It requires the '@safe' annotation to work and is quite limited 
to anything more general. Although the basic opinion was that it 
covered a large proportion of the inherently unsafe cases that 
Rust aims to cover compared to C++ or unsafe D (but Rust's 
approach is more 'safe by proof' vs D's 'safe by prohibiting 
known unsafe').

Re: A collection of DIPs

2015-09-07 Thread Enamex via Digitalmars-d

On Monday, 7 September 2015 at 14:44:05 UTC, nx wrote:

Don't kill me, I'm just trying to help...

You can report issues and create pull requests :)


- Your point against undisciplined UFCS: Completely agree.

I'm writing a 'DIP' that I'm probably never gonna submit to add 
"extension interfaces" (my syntax ATM is leaning towards "alias 
class/interface") that add callable-with-method-syntax free 
functions in a way that they're treated as native parts of the 
supporting type (one case: when passing the type name into a 
foreign template they're picked up as if they were methods 
instead of being out-of-scope).

In a (very big) way, they're stolen whole-sale and are being 
adopted to fit from Rust's traits.

- Null-coalescing operator: No. Pattern matching and a 
`std.typecons.Option(T)` would do better IMHO and are more 

- I've stayed away from UDAs but your points make me finally want 
to stay away a bit more. (except for a small side project but, 
well, necessities)

- Managed~unManaged pointers: needlessly complicated. Just 
provide a non-GC 'new'. What wouldn't that solve as well as your 
`type*` vs `type^` pointers? (btw, `^` wouldn't conflict with the 
xor-operator as I understand it. `!` is already used both as a 
unary prefix and binary infix operator).

- Not sure about `alias this`/`opCast`. I just use `opDispatch` 
whenever I need something more complicated than alias this (not 
much at all).

- I VERY strongly believe in the inherent superiority of 
kebab-case compared to CamelCase and snake_case. KEBAB-CASE FOR 

- I hated D's module system at first. I still hate that I have to 
create separate files just to have a small internal 
namespace-separation. But I like being able to just go find 
something in a file in a project based on its compile-time path 
(granted, good design should enforce this but...). I dunno; on a 
fence about it.

- `__traits(callerName) & __traits(callerChain) & 
__traits(callerPath)`: I want a `__traits(instanceContext, 
symbol)` that returns an alias allowing me to access all 
compile-time info on surrounding symbols to the passed one (which 
are local to the /instance/ so include imported names and local 
types and such). That would solve SO MANY THINGS with template 
adventures. Not sure on what it'd make worse, though.

- Partial lock for arrays: Sounds complicated for D's current 
analysis abilities. But sounds cool.

- pragma(inline): ABSOLUTELY. The idea that `pragma(inline)` 
verbatim tells the compiler precisely nothing hurts my OCD so 

- Old attributes got a space in the keyword list. There were 
proposals to shift them all to `@` syntax but it stalled early on.

- Runtime reflection: Hmmm... Runtime UDA's sound suspiciously 
like a type-state system. Complicated, interesting.

- Templates are obvious enough as they are IMHO.

- Friend classes: Um, maybe make a separate MyTypeImpl 
struct/class that takes a MyType instance and initializes itself 
with a pointer and through it you can access all the private 
stuff you want? (MyTypeImpl would be in the same module as 
MyType, of course.)

Good stuff ;)

Re: "else if" for template constraints

2015-09-04 Thread Enamex via Digitalmars-d

On Friday, 4 September 2015 at 15:52:08 UTC, Enamex wrote:
The biggest problem, I think, is that a template can has 
multiple 'predicates' to agree to be instantiated, but only 
some of them can mutually exclusive (the specialization syntax 
produces mutually exclusive ones, the if-constraints don't).

template Bar(T) {
static if( is(T == int) || is(T == string) || ... ) {
else static if( stuff ) {
// other stuff
else {
template return; // I know my T took whatever your type 
was but I actually don't match, please exclude me from your 
list for this instance...


On second thought, it wouldn't help as much as I'd thought with 
overloading problems. What we want is a 'which template has more 
'&&'ed expressions in its constraint?' which sounds pretty awful. 
I have no idea how this could work :/

Especially given that D's constraints are way more open than, 
say, Haskell's, in their checking; though ironically not their 
declaration/implementation (D is open because it checks for 
structural conformance of a struct instead of nominative & 
structural; but it's more restricted because it easily only 
checks for structure of the type as declared, with no way to 
attach recognized-to-the-constraint ad-hoc interfaces to a type 
like Haskell's with type-classes).

Re: "else if" for template constraints

2015-09-04 Thread Enamex via Digitalmars-d
On Monday, 17 August 2015 at 13:18:43 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer 
I was just looking at fixing this 


How often are you writing overloaded templates, and you want to 
say "if it doesn't match anything else, do this"? I'd love to 
see some form of syntax that brings template constraints in 
line with tried-and-true if/else statements.

One way to do this is to lexically order the if constraints, 
and if any of them start with "else", then they are mutually 
exclusive with the immediately preceding constraint for the 
same symbol (just like normal else).

So for example, you'd have:

void replaceInPlace(T, Range)(ref T[] array, size_t from, 
size_t to, Range stuff)

if(isDynamicArray!Range &&
is(Unqual!(ElementEncodingType!Range) == T) &&
!is(T == const T) &&
!is(T == immutable T))
{ /* version 1 that tries to write into the array directly */ }

void replaceInPlace(T, Range)(ref T[] array, size_t from, 
size_t to,

Range stuff)
else if(is(typeof(replace(array, from, to, stuff
{ /* version 2, which simply forwards to replace */ }

looks much better IMO. Can we do something like this? I'm not a 
compiler guru, so I defer to you experts out there.


The biggest problem, I think, is that a template can has multiple 
'predicates' to agree to be instantiated, but only some of them 
can mutually exclusive (the specialization syntax produces 
mutually exclusive ones, the if-constraints don't).

Thinking about it from this angle, I believe the most flexible 
and sensible solution would be to support a sort of "early 
return" from a template. Thus:

template Bar(T) {
static if( is(T == int) || is(T == string) || ... ) {
else static if( stuff ) {
// other stuff
else {
template return; // I know my T took whatever your type 
was but I actually don't match, please exclude me from your list 
for this instance...


template Bar(T) {
static if( is(T == float) || is(T == int[]) || ... ) {
// Bar!float/Bar!(int[]) stuff
else static if( OTHER_OTHER_stuff ) {
// other other stuff
else {
template return; // I know my T took whatever your type 
was but I actually don't match, please exclude me from your list 
for this instance...


Re: Interesting user mistake

2015-09-03 Thread Enamex via Digitalmars-d
On Thursday, 3 September 2015 at 16:46:30 UTC, Andrei 
Alexandrescu wrote:
we should disallow during tokenization the sequence "=", "+", 
whitespace. Surely it's not a formatting anyone would aim for, 
but instead a misspelling of +=.


Wasn't the original design for these operators in whichever 
language started them actually the swapped form? In any case, I'd 
personally choose to warn against any operator sequence without 
separating whitespaces if the sequence isn't in fact one operator 
(like "=!" (non-warn: "= !") vs "!=", and "=&", and a lot others, 
given operator overloading).

Looking again, it's mostly the fault of OpAssign operators, isn't 

Re: Review needed for the EnumSet template

2015-09-02 Thread Enamex via Digitalmars-d

On Thursday, 3 September 2015 at 00:12:06 UTC, BBasile wrote:

Memebers should be notified.

It's not a big stuff but it's neither a small addition.
The thing is there.

Slightly tangential question: in your "superset" enumset package, 
what's the use of 'static' annotation on a free function (was the 
first function I saw in the file, I believe)?

Re: Dazz new description for D

2015-09-01 Thread Enamex via Digitalmars-d

On Monday, 31 August 2015 at 07:57:46 UTC, wobbles wrote:
I'd remove the "joy to write and easy to maintain" bit. That's 
personal opinion.

Could use the "Systems scripting with native performance" as a 
tag line though. It's nice!

My, slightly altered, version:
D is a multiparadigm systems programming language with deep
static introspection that lets you choose exactly what to 


Systems scripting.
Native performance.

I'm somewhat boring in public but anyway, I'm voting for this ;)

Dazz new description for D

2015-08-31 Thread Enamex via Digitalmars-d
Some posters on reddit remarked that D's sales pitch on the 
website is unnecessarily long and unindicative.

I'm only making a suggestion; suggest others or comment on this 

D is a multiparadigm systems programming language with excellent 
static introspection that lets you choose exactly what to pay 
for. D is a joy to write and easy to maintain: it's 
systems scripting with native performance.

Turned out too long :/

Re: Ruby 3.0 to have immutable strings by default / C++ heading towards "generic all the time".

2015-08-24 Thread Enamex via Digitalmars-d

On Thursday, 20 August 2015 at 22:07:10 UTC, John Carter wrote:

Pity that concepts looks to be a very painful syntax for 
expressing what D does so clearly.

One big difference is that C++1z concepts are supposed to allow 
looking for external functions, not only methods. That would 
require some kind of principled hijacking of templates in Dlang 
(or else the constraint template would keep looking for the 
functions, called by ufcs, either inside the type of in the 
templates declaration position). I haven't managed to work that 
out yet except by using mixins :/

Re: Rant after trying Rust a bit

2015-08-05 Thread Enamex via Digitalmars-d

On Friday, 24 July 2015 at 21:44:42 UTC, Tofu Ninja wrote:

But the part that I don't think makes sense for

 auto a = {return 4;};

to type "a" to a function pointer. I would expect {return 4;} 
to be treated as a function(not a function pointer). With it 
being treated as a function, I would expect it to be called 
with optional parens and type "a" to an int. I would expect auto

  a = &{return 4;};

to type "a" to a function pointer, which makes much more sense 
to me. But that's not how function literals work right now. 
Treating {return 4;} as a function(not a function pointer) 
makes a lot more sense and allows

 alias a = {return 4;};

to work as well, which is simply a function declaration.

Not crazy about your last point, TBH. Personally I really dislike 
function literals being _just_ `{ ... }` and as a matter of 
principle only write `(){...}` when I need one. `{}` to me can 
only mean blocks that are part of the current scope, but they're 
sometimes that and sometimes lambdas, depending on whether they 
had any `return`s and are in a place to be assigned a name or 
immediately called :/

A related thing is having _some way_ to quickly return a value 
from inside an invoked function literal without `return`. Somme 
stuff can't be done in a one-liner and need _two_(ish) lines and 
have to write, say, `{ Type myval, myres; res_by_ref(myval, 
myres); return myres; }()` instead of `{ Type myval, myres; 
res_by_ref(myval, myres); myres }` (expression-oriented) or `(){ 
...; => myres; }()`(hypothetically). Point is, writing `return` 
in the middle of a function and having it return _only_ from a 
lambda breaks the flow, I believe, same as in C++.

Re: Rant after trying Rust a bit

2015-08-05 Thread Enamex via Digitalmars-d

On Wednesday, 5 August 2015 at 14:21:13 UTC, jmh530 wrote:

On Wednesday, 5 August 2015 at 06:03:14 UTC, rsw0x wrote:

This thread is really long so I didn't read all the posts. 
Sorry if this has been mentioned.

Don't worry, I don't recall anybody talking about it. 
Nevertheless, plugins aren't unique to Rust: GCC and Clang 
allow plugins. Nevertheless, I think that the Rust C++ plugin 
you posted was cool. Reminds me of Rcpp.

Oh, it _is_ talked about a lot. Just normally called 'syntax 
extensions' (the most used aspect of the plugin system), so it 
_is_ used. Though because it relies on compiler internals 
everything released as a plugin is only usable on Nightly.

Re: Rant after trying Rust a bit

2015-08-03 Thread Enamex via Digitalmars-d

On Friday, 31 July 2015 at 09:37:10 UTC, Jonathan M Davis wrote:

On Friday, 31 July 2015 at 04:47:20 UTC, Enamex wrote:
Right now docs say that `delete` is getting deprecated but 
using it on DMD .067.1 gives no warnings.

There are no warnings because it hasn't actually been 
deprecated yet.

- Jonathan M Davis

GC and memory management in general are inadequately documented. 
There're doc-pages and answers on SO and discussions on the forum 
about stuff that (coming from C++) should be so basic, like how 
to allocate an instance of a struct on the heap (GC'ed or 
otherwise) or how to allocate a class on non-managed heap (still 
don't get how `Unique!` works; does it even register with the GC? 
How to deep-copy/not-move its contents into another variable?), 
or on the stack, for that matter (there's `scoped!` but docs 
again are confusing. It's somehow stack-allocated but can't be 

Eventually deprecating it while leaving it now without any 
warnings (though the docs warn; offer no replacement) seems like 
it'd be more trouble than it's worth down the line, since it's 
not a feature addition or even full deprecation but -AFAIU- a 
replacement of semantics for identical syntax.

Re: Last call for AliasSeq

2015-08-02 Thread Enamex via Digitalmars-d

On Friday, 24 July 2015 at 08:51:04 UTC, Marc Schütz wrote:
Martin has just merged the rename of `TypeTuple` to `AliasSeq` 
into the stable branch, which will be released soon. If anyone 
wants to change the name again, please open a PR immediately, 
this is the last chance.

Slightly non-sequitur question: Does this whole thing mean that 
tuple literals are never going to be implemented? The DIP I found 
mentioned most often is from 2013...

Re: [OT] Rust discussion about uniqueness/mutability

2015-07-31 Thread Enamex via Digitalmars-d

On Wednesday, 14 May 2014 at 14:47:24 UTC, David Nadlinger wrote:
It's not directly related to the discussion we are currently 
having, and to most of us regulars their debate will appear to 
be somewhat trivial, as the distinction is so explicit in D and 
we don't have automatic borrowing. But maybe a look at a 
similar situation (but with different terminology) will lead to 
some nice ideas, so I figured I'd post this here.


How is it explicit in D? Something to do with shared/const? But 
the default-owned/borrow vs explicit unique-borrow (but `&mut`) 
in Rust /are/ explicit, while in D anything passed to a function 
is by default either a completely independent copy or a shallow 
copy of a reference that needs mutex'ing or a const-qualified 
view to be safe.

Asking, not arguing, 'cause I'm new to D and a bit confused. I 
hope replying to old topics is okay...

Re: Rant after trying Rust a bit

2015-07-30 Thread Enamex via Digitalmars-d

On Friday, 31 July 2015 at 03:41:35 UTC, Enamex wrote:

Mostly my experience, so far. If I have to choose the 'most 
important' things that Rust has that I'd *definitely* want in 
D, I'd pick (in order):

* A really nicely integrated package manager like Cargo that 
goes seamlessly hand-in-hand with DMD.


Ouch. Actually forgot second most important point (right before 
DDMD): a ~99.99% @nogc Phobos and better documentation for GC 
stuff. Right now docs say that `delete` is getting deprecated but 
using it on DMD .067.1 gives no warnings.

Re: Rant after trying Rust a bit

2015-07-30 Thread Enamex via Digitalmars-d

On Wednesday, 22 July 2015 at 18:47:33 UTC, simendsjo wrote:

Long rant ahead - a bit dipsy..

TL;DR: Rust has momentum, manpower and tooling. Tooling 
matters.  Safe defaults.  Ergonomics like expressions and 
deconstructing rocks.

But again... After playing a bit with Rust, I feel it lacks a 
lot in expressive power. D has templates, template mixins, 
alias this, string mixins, opDispatch etc. In my little time 
with Rust, I've seen several pages of generic constrains that 
is expressible in a couple of lines with D. I've seen 
copy/pasted code that just isn't necessary when you code in D.

Anyways - my little ramblings after trying the Rust programming 
language while I haven't used D in a long, long while (But I'm 
still here now, as I'm not sure Rust is able to express 
everything that is possible with D). Looking forward to 
following D again :)

Mostly my experience, so far. If I have to choose the 'most 
important' things that Rust has that I'd *definitely* want in D, 
I'd pick (in order):

* A really nicely integrated package manager like Cargo that goes 
seamlessly hand-in-hand with DMD.

* An attribute or something that makes it explicit to the 
compiler that this type is a 'one time use' deal, and /exactly/ 
one-time-use (or, to be practical, zero-or-one times). Copying 
instances of objects of that type is done by `.dup`. (Like a 
non-Copy type in Rust currently.)
* Sum Data Types (`enum`s in Rust and `data D = VarA | VarB` in 
Haskell). As well as:
  * Pattern matching. `Algebraic!` is okay but pattern-matching 
that goes with it isn't PM.

But maybe that's for D 3.0 in 2030 or maybe another language... 
(I just want SML with at least D's speed T_T. I already got 
something /very roughly/ akin to ML's functors from D's template 
and mixin magic...)

Re: Rant after trying Rust a bit

2015-07-27 Thread Enamex via Digitalmars-d

On Monday, 27 July 2015 at 19:21:10 UTC, Tobias Müller wrote:

trait A {...}
trait B {...}

trait C : A,B { }

impl C for T { }

fn myFunction(c: C) {...}


Has to be:
fn my_function(c: &C) { ... }
actually, because trait objects can only be passed by 

Re: Rant after trying Rust a bit

2015-07-26 Thread Enamex via Digitalmars-d

On Sunday, 26 July 2015 at 15:21:32 UTC, Timon Gehr wrote:

On 07/25/2015 02:18 PM, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

On 7/23/15 4:47 PM, Ziad Hatahet via Digitalmars-d wrote:

On the other hand, Rust does not require parenthesis around if

Yet it requires braces around the arms. Rust taketh away, Rust 

back :o). -- Andrei

It's arguably a better trade-off.

Yeah. Instead of sometimes requiring just parentheses and 
sometimes them and braces. It's also less error-inducing. I 
rather like it though it's not exactly a functionality thing.

Re: Last call for AliasSeq

2015-07-26 Thread Enamex via Digitalmars-d

On Friday, 24 July 2015 at 10:35:35 UTC, Tofu Ninja wrote:

On Friday, 24 July 2015 at 08:51:04 UTC, Marc Schütz wrote:
Martin has just merged the rename of `TypeTuple` to `AliasSeq` 
into the stable branch, which will be released soon. If anyone 
wants to change the name again, please open a PR immediately, 
this is the last chance.

Here are the final results of the poll if any one cares...
AliasTuple  3.08333
AliasList   2.85
Aliases 2.71667

Why is the poll at odds with the supposed-to-be-final decision?

Re: Rant after trying Rust a bit

2015-07-25 Thread Enamex via Digitalmars-d

On Saturday, 25 July 2015 at 09:14:04 UTC, Jonathan M Davis wrote:

. . .
auto foo(alias pred, R)(R r)
if(testPred!pred && isInputRange!R && !isForwardRange!R)

auto foo(alias pred, R)(R r)
if(testPred!pred && isForwardRange!R)

and be turning it into something like

template foo(alias pred)
auto foo(R)(R r)
if(isInputRange!R && !isForwardRange!R)

auto foo(R)(R r)
. . .
- Jonathan M Davis

The example(s) is confusing me. `foo!(first)(second);` isn't 
really an alternative to `foo(first, second);`. Am I misreading 

Re: Rant after trying Rust a bit

2015-07-25 Thread Enamex via Digitalmars-d

On Thursday, 23 July 2015 at 15:03:56 UTC, Dicebot wrote:
At the same time one HUGE deal breaker with rust traits that 
rarely gets mentioned is the fact that they are both 
constraints and interfaces at the same time:


It kills all the necessity for hacks like RangeObject and is 
quite a salvation once you get to defining dynamic shared 
libraries with stable ABI.

This is probably my most loved feature of Rust.

Sorry, I don't quite get this. How is the most loved feature of 
Rust (that interfaces are also constraints for generics), a *deal 