Re: Review of Consciousness: Creeping up on the Hard Problem

2012-04-09 Thread
  Source of Consciousness.
Will Physics explain Consciousness?
Does consciousness begin on big bang  level?
Does consciousness begin on the quarks level?
In our earthly world there is only one fundamental
 particle -  electron.
Does an electron have consciousness ?
At first glance this seems to be a rather senseless questions.
 But  . . . . .
Energy is electromagnetic waves (em).
In 1904 Lorentz proved: there isn’t em waves without Electron
It means the source of these em waves must be an Electron
The electron and the em waves they are physical reality
Can evolution of life begin on electron’s level?
We say: Molecular biology & molecular evolution,
Cosmology & cosmic evolution.
If Universe evolve can electron evolve too ?
Does evolution of life begin on electron level ?
Origin of life is a result of physical laws that govern Universe
Electron takes important part in this work
Why does the simplest particle - electron have six ( 6 )  formulas:
E=h*f,   e = +ah*c,   e = -ah*c,   +E=Mc^2,   -E=Mc^2,  E= ∞ ?
Nobody knows
Why does electron obey five ( 5) Laws ?
a) Law of conservation and transformation energy/ mass
b) Maxwell’s equations
c) Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle / Law
d) Pauli Exclusion Principle/ Law
e) Fermi-Dirac statistics
Nobody knows.
Quote by Heinrich Hertz on Maxwell's equations:

"One cannot escape the feeling that these mathematical formulae
have an independent existence and an intelligence of their own,
that they are wiser than we are, wiser even than their discoverers,
that we get more out of them than was originally put into them."
Ladies and Gentlemen !
Friends !
The banal Electron is not as simple as we think and, maybe,
he is wiser than we are.
Once again: Brain and Electron.
Human brain works on two levels:
consciousness and subconsciousness. The neurons of brain
create these two levels. So, that it means consciousness and
 subconsciousness  from physical point of view ( interaction
between billions and billions neurons ). It can only mean
that the state of neurons  in these two situations is different.
How can we understand these different states of neurons?
How does the brain generate consciousness?
We can understand this situation only on the quantum level,
only using Quantum theory. But there isn’t QT without
Quantum of Light and Electron. So, what is interaction between
 Quantum of Light, Electron and brain ?   Nobody knows.
Therefore I say:
 we must understand not only the brain but electron too.
And when we understand  the Electron
we will know the Ultimate Nature of Reality.
According to Pauli Exclusion Principle
only one single electron can be in the atom.
If the atom contains more than one electron
(for example - two), this atom represents " Siamese twins".
Save us, the Great God, of having such atoms, such cells.
And therefore the human brain has only one Electron.
Each of us has an Electron, but we do not know it.
As the ‘Bhagavad Gita’ says:
Fools deride Me when I descend in the human form.
They do not know My transcendental nature and
 My supreme dominion over all that be.
 / Chapter  9. Text 11./
Where is the root of consciousness?
At what step does consciousness begin?
The consciousness begins on electron’s level.
An electron (quantum of light) has its own initial consciousness.
 This consciousness is not rigid, but can develop.
 The development of consciousness goes
 “from vague wish up to a clear thought”  / Veda./
== .
Best wishes
Israel  Sadovnik  Socratus
 Robert Milliken, who measured a charge of electron,
in his  Nobel speech ( 1923  ) told,  that he knew nothing
about the “last essence of electron”.
Does DNA Know Geometry ?
The verse: The world of electron.

But maybe these electrons are World,
where there are five continents:
the art,
and the memory of forty centuries.
/ Valery Brusov./

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Re: Two Mathematicians in a Bunker and Existence of Pi

2012-04-09 Thread
Where does the information come from?
 / Quantum Theory as Quantum Information /
Does information begin on the quarks level?
No. Quark cannot leave an atom.
Maybe does proton have quant of information?
No. Single proton has no quant of information.
Because information can be transfered only by
electromagnetic fields. And we don’t have a theory
about protono-magnetic fields.
In our earthly world there is only one fundamental
 particle -  electron who can transfer information.
Can an electron be quant of information?
Maybe at first glance this seems to be a rather senseless questions.
 But  . . . . .
Energy is electromagnetic waves (em).
In 1904 Lorentz proved: there isn’t em waves without Electron
It means the source of these em waves must be an Electron
The electron and the em waves they are physical reality
1900, 1905
Planck and Einstein found the energy of electron: E=h*f.
Sommerfeld found the formula of electron : e^2=ah*c,
 it means: e = +ah*c  and  e = -ah*c.
Dirac found two more formulas of electron’s energy:
  +E=Mc^2  and  -E=Mc^2.
According to QED in interaction with vacuum electron’s
energy is infinite: E= ∞
Why does the simplest particle - electron have six ( 6 ) formulas ?
Why does electron obey five ( 5) Laws ?
a) Law of conservation and transformation energy/ mass
b) Maxwell’s equations
c) Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle / Law
d) Pauli Exclusion Principle/ Law
e) Fermi-Dirac statistics
What is an electron ?
Now nobody knows
 In the internet we can read hundreds theories about electron
All of them are problematical
We can read hundreds books about philosophy of physics.
But how can we trust them if we don’t know what is electron ?
Quote by Heinrich Hertz on Maxwell's equations:

"One cannot escape the feeling that these mathematical formulae
have an independent existence and an intelligence of their own,
that they are wiser than we are, wiser even than their discoverers,
that we get more out of them than was originally put into them."
Ladies and Gentlemen !
Friends !
Electron is not as simple as we think and, maybe, he is wiser than we
We know, there is no information transfer
without energy transfer. More correct: there is no quant
information transfer without quant energy transfer.
And the electron has the least  electric charge.
It means it has some quant of the least information.
What can electron do with this information?
Let us look the Mendeleev / Moseley periodic table.
We can see  that electron interacts with proton
and creates atom of hydrogen.
 This is simplest design, which  was created by electron.
And we can see how this information grows and reaches
high informational level. And the most complex design,
 which was created by electron is the Man.
The Man is alive essence. Animals, birds, fish are alive essences.
And an atom? And atom is also alive design.
The free atom of hydrogen can live about 1000 seconds.
And someone a long time ago has already said, that if to give
suffices time to atom of hydrogen, he would turn into Man.
Maybe it is better not to search about "dark, virtual particles "
but to understand what the electron is,
because even now nobody knows what electron is.
In my opinion the Electron is quant of information.
 Was I mistaken?No !
 Because according to Pauli Exclusion Principle
only one single electron can be in the atom.
This electron reanimates the atom.
This electron manages  the atom.
If the atom contains more than one electron
(for example - two), this atom represents " Siamese twins".
Save us, the Great God, of having such atoms, such children!
Each of us has an Electron, but we do not know it.
Many years ago man has accustomed some wild
animals (wolf, horse, cat, bull , etc.)
and has made them domestic ones.
But the man understands badly the four-footed friends.
In 1897 J. J. Thomson discovered new particle - electron.
Gradually man has accustomed electron to work for him.
But the man does not understand what an electron is.
By my peasant logic at first it is better to understand
the closest and simplest particle photon /electron and
then to study the  far away space and another particles.
Best wishes.
Israel Sadovnik.  Socratus.
 Robert Milliken, who measured a charge of electron,
in his  Nobel speech ( 1923  ) told,  that he knew nothing
about the “last essence of electron”.
The verse: The world of electron.

But maybe these electrons are World,
where there are five continents:
the art,
and the memory of forty centuries.
/ Valery Brusov./

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God as an Atheist.

2012-04-09 Thread
   If your God is dead, try mine.
God as an Atheist.
  God as a Scientist : Ten Scientific Commandments.
 Can a Rational Individual believe in God ?
In other words:
Can God be atheist, governed by scientific laws?
Of course
Because if God exists, He/She/It would necessarily
to work in an Absolute Reference Frame and had set of
physical and mathematical laws to create everything
in the Universe.
If we find and understand this Absolute God’s House then
is possible step by step to find and understand God’s Physics
Laws, which Copernicus, Kepler, Newton, Maxwell, Planck,
Einstein and many others scientists discovered.
Has God known the formula: E=Mc^2 ?
If God has known the formula why HE / SHE /IT
didn't write it in His Bible?
The people created a God.
No one knows what the external characteristics
of this God are, a God who made himself known
with the name " I am who I am ".
Is it enough for us in the XXIc ?
Why wasn’t the formula E=Mc^2 written in the Bible?
===. .
Each religion uses a system of symbols
(images, metaphors, ancient myths and legends ,
beautiful stories) to explain its truth.
But Bernard Shaw wisely remarked :
“ There is only one religion,
although there are a hundred versions of it.”
It means that the source of all religion is one.
And I try to prove this idea with the formulas and laws of
physics. I don’t invent new formulas. I use simple formulas
which ,maybe, every man knows from school.
Is it possible? Is it enough?
Yes. Because the evolution goes from simple to the complex.
So, in the beginning we can use simple formulas and laws.
For this purpose I explain what the first law of Universe is,
and second law is and ...etc.
Step by step I create a logical system of the Universe.
= . .
How can God be Scientist?
Fundamental Theory of Existence: Ten Scientific Commandments.
1 The infinite Vacuum T=0K, E= ∞ ,p= 0, t=∞ .
2 The particle: C/D = pi, R/N= k, E = Mc^2 = kc^2, h = 0, c=0, i^2=
3 The spins: h =E/t , h =kb, h* = h/2pi
4 The photon, the inertia: h=1, c=1
5 The electron: e^2 = h*ca, E = h*f , c>1 electromagnetic field
6 The gravitation, the star, the time and space: h*f = kTlogW
7 The Proton:  (p)
The Evolution of interaction between Electron and Proton
a) electromagnetic
b) nuclear
c) biological
The Laws
a) The Law of conservation and transformation energy/mass
b) The Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle / Law
c) The Pauli Exclusion Principle/ Law
The test.
Every theory must be tested logically ( theoretical ) and practically
a) Theory of brain: Dualism of Consciousness.
b) Practice : Parapsychology. Meditation.
Best wishes
Israel Sadovnik Socratus
"God said, ‘Let there be light,’ and there was light."
It means:
The secret of God and Existence is hidden
  in the ‘ Theory of Vacuum and Light Quanta ‘.
I want to know how God created this world
I am not interested in this or that phenomenon,
in the spectrum of this or that element
I want to know His thoughts; the rest are details
  / Einstein /

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Who am I ?

2012-04-19 Thread
Cells make copies of themselves.
Different cells make different copies of themselves.
Cells  come in all shapes and sizes.
Somehow these different cells are tied between themselves
 and during pregnancy process of  9 months gradually ( ! )
and by chance ( or not by chance )  they change  own
geometrical form from zygote to a child.
Cells  come in all shapes and sizes, and then . . . they are you.
Cells  they are you  ( !? )
This is modern biomechanical /chemical  point of view.
Maybe 99% agree that ‘Cells - they are you .’
But this explanation  is not complete.
Cells have an energy / electrical potential.
Cells have an electromagnetic field.
Therefore we need to say:
‘ Cells  and electromagnetic field - they are you.’
Is this formulation correct?
Of course it is correct.
Bioelectromagnetism (sometimes equated with bioelectricity)
 refers to the electrical, magnetic or electromagnetic fields
produced by living cells, tissues or organisms.

What does it mean?
It means there isn’t biological cell without electromagnetic fields.
It means that in the cell we have two ( 2 ) substances:
matter and electromagnetic fields.
And in 1985   Richard P. Feynman wrote book:
QED: The Strange Theory of Light and Matter

The idea of book -  the interaction between light
( electromagnetic fields ) and matter is strange.

He wrote: ‘ The theory of quantum electrodynamics
describes Nature as absurd from the point of view
of common sense. And it agrees fully with experiment.
So I hope you accept Nature as She is — absurd. ‘
/ page 10. /
Once again:
 Cells  and electromagnetic field - they are you.
We  cannot understand their interaction and therefore
we don’t know the answer to the question: ‘ who am I ?’

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Re: Who am I ?

2012-04-20 Thread

  Quantum electrodynamics: Who am I ?
Can QED give the answer to the question: ‘ Who am I ? ’
To answer to this question allow me to take one biological cell.
The cell has two ( 2 ) substances: matter and electromagnetic
fields.   Then we need to understand :
Where did the matter and electromagnetic fields come from?
Do we need to search for two sources or enough one source ?
Matter and electromagnetic fields are some kind of energy.
But matter and energy were tied in one formula: E=Mc^2.
Therefore I will unite matter, energy  and electromagnetic
 fields in one simple question:
Where does E=Mc^2 come from ?
We have many sources of  E=Mc^2:
  F. Hasenohrl, A. Einstein, P. Dirac.

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From 1905 the SRT doesn’t give sleep.

2012-04-21 Thread
>From 1905 the SRT  doesn’t give sleep.
One postulate of SRT takes vacuum as reference frame.
Another postulate of SRT takes inertial reference frame (s).
Can we say what these two (2) reference frames are equal ?
No, they aren’t equal.
Why ?
Because all inertial reference frames are relative.
And vacuum as reference frame isn’t relative,
 it is motionless, fixed reference frame.
  / Michelson - Morley experiment. /
In one reference frame speed of ‘Electrodynamics Bodies’ is constant.
In another reference frame speed of ‘Electrodynamics Bodies’ is
And the  Lorentz transformations explain interaction between
 these two postulates.
"Einstein's special theory of relativity is based on two postulates:
 One is the relativity of motion, and the second is the constancy
and universality of the speed of light.
Could the first postulate be true and the other false?
 If that was not possible, Einstein would not have had to make two
 postulates. But I don't think many people realized until recently
that you could have a consistent theory in which you changed only
 the second postulate."
  / Lee Smolin, The Trouble With Physics,  p. 226.
First published in 2006. /


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Re: From 1905 the SRT doesn’t give sleep.

2012-04-21 Thread
Modified 01-10-11

Hans J. Zweig, With a PhD from Stanford, a masters degree
 from Brown and a B.A. from University of Rochester:
Newtonian physics is not the ultimate truth about the universe,
but neither is Einstein's Relativity. Newton did not know, or
an upper bound to motion. Einstein cannot simply have it that all
 is relative and at the same time that there is a unique hard upper
limit, c.

Einstein’s Special Relativity Theory (SRT) attempts to solve the
but it is invalid, as can be shown using several distinct approaches:
(1) through a logical analysis of the important concepts and
 thought experiments,
(2) through recently available empirical results in astronomy, and
(3) through a physical/ mathematical analysis of the foundation of
. . . . . . . . . . . .

The ultimate truth is still hidden from us but is somewhere
between these extremes.

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Re: From 1905 the SRT doesn’t give sleep.

2012-04-22 Thread
No, none of the postulates take the vacuum as a reference frame,
which doesn't make sense since a vacuum doesn't have a measurable
 rest frame (there are no landmarks in a vacuum that could be used
 to measure the "velocity of the vacuum" relative to anything else).

 One postulate does talk about the speed of light in a vacuum,
but they're still talking about the speed of light as measured
 in an inertial frame--"in a vacuum" is just there to specify
that it's not talking about a light beam moving through
some measurable medium like water or air.

One postulate says:
In vacuum the speed of  quantum of light is constant.
It is correct that ‘a vacuum doesn't have a measurable
 rest frame’. Why?
Because in vacuum the speed of  quantum of light is maximum
 and time is stopped, become infinite, unlimited.  It means that the
 reference frame of vacuum is also infinite, unlimited.
And infinity we cannot measure.
But this doesn’t mean that infinite vacuum doesn’t exist.
We have theories ( thermodynamics and quantum physics) which
explain us the  parameters of infinite vacuum.

Nope, all speeds are measured relative to a particular frame.

If we measure the speed of quantum of light in vacuum from
different inertial frames the result will be  the *same* - constant.


On Apr 23, 12:03 am, Jesse Mazer  wrote:
> On Sat, Apr 21, 2012 at 10:40 AM, <
>> wrote:
> > From 1905 the SRT  doesn’t give sleep.
> > 1.
> > One postulate of SRT takes vacuum as reference frame.
> > Another postulate of SRT takes inertial reference frame (s).
> No, none of the postulates take the vacuum as a reference frame, which
> doesn't make sense since a vacuum doesn't have a measurable rest frame
> (there are no landmarks in a vacuum that could be used to measure the
> "velocity of the vacuum" relative to anything else). One postulate does
> talk about the speed of light in a vacuum, but they're still talking about
> the speed of light as measured in an inertial frame--"in a vacuum" is just
> there to specify that it's not talking about a light beam moving through
> some measurable medium like water or air.
> In one reference frame speed of ‘Electrodynamics Bodies’ is constant.
> > In another reference frame speed of ‘Electrodynamics Bodies’ is
> > relative.
> Nope, all speeds are measured relative to a particular frame. But in
> relativity it works out that if you and I are riding in spaceships at rest
> in different inertial frames (so we are moving relative to each other), and
> we each measure the speed of the *same* light ray using our own rulers and
> clocks, we will each find that the ray travels at a speed of 299792458
> meters per second relative to ourselves (i.e. as measured in terms of
> distance/time by rulers and clocks at rest relative to ourselves). This in
> spite of the fact that in my frame, according to my rulers and clocks, the
> distance between your spaceship and the light ray is changing at a rate
> different than 299792458 meters per second (and you will say the same thing
> about me when you measure with your own rulers and clocks); I will explain
> the fact that you nevertheless measure the ray to be traveling at exactly
> 299792458 meters per second in terms of the fact that your rulers and
> clocks appear to be distorted relative to mine, with your meter-stick
> appearing shrunk relative to mine, your clock ticking slower than mine, and
> your "synchronized" clocks appearing out-of-sync in my frame (and again you
> will say exactly the same thing about my rulers and clocks relative to
> yours)
> So, in this sense the speed of light is "constant", because it has the same
> measured speed of 299792458 meters per second relative to all inertial
> frames. But the speed can still only be measured relative to a particular
> frame, and if you make use of a *non* inertial frame (an accelerating
> coordinate system like "Rindler coordinates", for example), the speed of
> light relative to that frame's coordinates may be quite different.
> Jesse

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Re: From 1905 the SRT doesn’t give sleep.

2012-04-22 Thread
If we measure the speed of quantum of light in vacuum from
different inertial frames the result will be  the *same* - constant.
Because all different inertial frames ( stars and planets of billion
s and billions galaxies ) exist in infinite motionless, stationary,
 fixed (rest) reference frame of Vacuum.


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Re: From 1905 the SRT doesn’t give sleep.

2012-04-23 Thread
   Einstein’s  SRT: what is it about?
One of Einstein’s postulate says that particle – quantum of light-
 moves in a straight line with constant speed c=1 in the vacuum.
So, in SRT we have one reference frame and it is vacuum.
But because Einstein took time as an constant length
(1 sec= 299,792,458 m) Minkowski decided to take this constant
time as a fourth coordinate and created his negative 4D continuum.
We don’t know what minus 4D continuum is and therefore
we lost the direction.
But the root of the SR theory is the postulate: the constant and
independent speed of quantum of light in the vacuum. (!)
The other root, the other Einstein’s SRT postulate says that
 movement is relative conception. The name of Einstein’s SRT is :
“ On the Electrodynamics of moving Bodies.” ( SRT).
Einstein wrote about moving of  ‘Electrodynamics Bodies’ (!)
It means he wrote about particles like quantum of light, electron. (!)
And then this other Einstein’s SRT postulate must be understand
as:  ‘every speed, even the speed of  quantum of light is relative.’
It means that quantum of light in a vacuum can have
 two kinds of motions: constant and relative.
SRT is theory about relativity of every particle’s speed,
 including the motion of particle - quantum of light. (!)
SRT explains only the behavior of Quantum of Light  (!)
 So, in my opinion, the essence of Einstein’s SRT  is hidden
 in the question: What will be happen if the particle –
quantum of light – changes its constant and straight
 movement in the vacuum?
All the best.
Israel  Sadovnik Socratus.

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Occam's Razor and the Scheme of Universe.

2012-04-23 Thread
Occam's Razor and the Scheme of Universe.
The principle states that:
"Entities should not be multiplied unnecessarily."
Now the Occam's Razor is in conflict with mainstream science.
At first I take the simplest reference frame -
- the Euclidean space ( 2D).
Now I will put a virtual - ideal particle in this 2D.
The 2D is a very thin and flat homogeneous space,
so my particle also must be thin and flat and symmetrical.
Can it be a very thin and tiny limited line- string?
No. In my opinion even this very thin and tiny line
under good microscope will be looked as a rectangle.
Can it be a very thin and tiny limited loop?
No. The geometrical form of a loop is too complex,
needs supplementary forces to create it.
Can it be a very thin and tiny limited circle?
>From all geometrical forms the circle is the most symmetrical.
The surface of a circle takes up the minimal area it can and
I will write it by formula: C/D= pi= 3.14. (!)
But I can put many particles there, for example,
Avogadro's number of particles: N(a). (!)
What is my next step?
If I were a mathematician I would say nothing.
But if I were a physicist I would say that 2D must have
some physical parameters like: volume (V), temperature (T)
and density (P). Yes, it seems the idea is right.
Then, volume (V) is zero,
temperature (T) is zero
but . . but density (P) cannot be zero if 2D is a real space
then its density can approximately be zero.
What can I do with these three parameters?
I have only one possibility, to write the simplest formula:
VP/T=R ( Clausius Clapeyron formula ! )
What is R? R is some kind of physical state of my 2D.
And if I divide the whole space R by Avogadro's
numbers of particles then I have a formula R/ N(a) = k,
then k ( as a Boltzmann constant) is some kind of
physical state of one single virtual- ideal particle. (!)
But all creators of Quantum theory said that this space,
as a whole, must have some kind of background energy (E).
And its value must be enormous.
But the background mass of every Avogadro's particles
in 2D has approximately zero mass, it is approximately
massless (M).
The detected material mass of the matter in the Universe is so small
(the average density of all substance in the Universe is approximately
p=10^-30 g/sm^3) that physicists say: ' More than 90% of the matter
in the Universe is unseen.'
And nobody knows what this unseen 'dark matter' is.
So, if I divide enormous energy (E) by approximately dark
massless (M) then the potential energy/ mass of every single
virtual- ideal particle ( according to Einstein and Dirac) is
E/M=c^2 (potential energy/mass E/M=c^2 ! )
( I don't know why physicists call E/M= c^2 'rest mass'
and never say potential energy/mass E/M=c^2 .)

In potential state my particle doesn't move,
so its impulse is h = 0.
My conclusion.
I have virtual- ideal- massless particle which has
geometrical and physical parameters:
C/D= pi= 3.14 . . . . , R/ N(a) = k, E/M=c^2, h=0.
All my virtual- ideal- massless particles are possible to call
' bosons' or 'antiparticles' . These bosons are approximately
massless but have huge potential energy/mass E/M=c^2 .
But I have no fermions, no electric charge, no tachyons,
no time, no mass, no movement at this picture.
Now, thinking logically, I must explain all the effects of
motions. And. . . and I cannot say it better than Newton:
'For the basic problem of philosophy seems to be to discover
the forces of nature from the phenomena of motions
and then to demonstrate the other phenomena from these forces.'
How can one single virtual- ideal particle start its movement?
At first, it will be right to think about some simple kind of
movement, for example: my particle will move in straight line
along 2D surface from some point A to the point B.
What is possible to say now?
According to the Michelson-Morley experiment my particle
must move with constant speed: c=1 and its speed is independent.
Its speed doesn't depend on any other object or subject, it means
the reason of its speed is hidden in itself, it is its inner impulse.
This impulse doesn't come from any formulas or equations.
And when Planck introduced this inner impulse(h) to physicists,
he took it from heaven, from ceiling. Sorry. Sorry.
I must write: Planck introduced this inner impulse (h) intuitively.
I must write: Planck introduced his unit (h) phenomenologically.
At any way, having Planck's inner impulse (unit h=1) my
particle flies with speed c=1. We call it photon now.
Photon's movement from some point A to the point B
doesn't change the flat and homogeneous 2D surface.
Of course, my photon must be careful, because in some local
place some sun's gravitation can catch and change its trajectory
I hope it will be lucky to escape from the sun's gravity love.
My photon can have other possibility to move. This second
possibility was discover by Goudsmit and Uhlenbeck
in 1925. They said the elementary particle can rotate
around its diameter using its own angu

Re: From 1905 the SRT doesn’t give sleep.

2012-04-23 Thread
If we measure the speed of quantum of light in vacuum from
 different inertial frames the result will be  the *same* - constant.
> Socratus

Yes, that's exactly what I said.

Why the result is constant ?
Because all different inertial frames ( stars and planets of billions
and billions galaxies ) exist in infinite motionless, stationary,
 fixed (rest) reference frame of Vacuum.
"Remember gentlemen, we have not proven
the aether does not exist, we have only proven we do not
need it (for mathematical purposes)"..
/ Einstein's University of Leyden lecture of May 5, 1920. /

On Apr 23, 2:17 pm, Jesse Mazer  wrote:
> On Sun, Apr 22, 2012 at 11:25 PM, <
>> wrote:
> > No, none of the postulates take the vacuum as a reference frame,
> > which doesn't make sense since a vacuum doesn't have a measurable
> >  rest frame (there are no landmarks in a vacuum that could be used
> >  to measure the "velocity of the vacuum" relative to anything else).
> >  One postulate does talk about the speed of light in a vacuum,
> > but they're still talking about the speed of light as measured
> >  in an inertial frame--"in a vacuum" is just there to specify
> > that it's not talking about a light beam moving through
> > some measurable medium like water or air.
> >    Jesse
> > ==.
> > One postulate says:
> > In vacuum the speed of  quantum of light is constant.
> Yes, but "in vacuum" does not mean "relative to the vacuum" here, it just
> means that the light ray in question is moving through a vacuum rather than
> some medium like air or water. The speed of the light ray is still being
> measured relative to whatever inertial reference frame you choose to use.
> > Because in vacuum the speed of  quantum of light is maximum
> >  and time is stopped, become infinite, unlimited.  It means that the
> >  reference frame of vacuum is also infinite, unlimited.
> By "in vacuum" do you mean "relative to a vacuum" rather than just "light
> traveling through a vacuum"? How would you to propose to measure the speed
> of light relative to the vacuum, or measure the speed of other objects
> (like the planet Earth) relative to the vacuum? If you can't measure these
> things then your statements aren't scientific ones, perhaps they are
> metaphysical beliefs of yours but you haven't given me any arguments for
> why I should agree with them.
> > And infinity we cannot measure.
> > But this doesn’t mean that infinite vacuum doesn’t exist.
> > We have theories ( thermodynamics and quantum physics) which
> > explain us the  parameters of infinite vacuum.
> Thermodynamics and quantum physics don't say that the vacuum has its own
> rest frame like a physical medium (a collection of air or water molecules
> for example), so the notion of "speed relative to the vacuum" would be
> simply meaningless in these theories.
> > Nope, all speeds are measured relative to a particular frame.
> > Jesse
> > If we measure the speed of quantum of light in vacuum from
> > different inertial frames the result will be  the *same* - constant.
> > Socratus
> Yes, that's exactly what I said.
> Jesse
> > ===
> > On Apr 23, 12:03 am, Jesse Mazer  wrote:
> > > On Sat, Apr 21, 2012 at 10:40 AM, <
> > >> wrote:
> > > > From 1905 the SRT  doesn’t give sleep.
> > > > 1.
> > > > One postulate of SRT takes vacuum as reference frame.
> > > > Another postulate of SRT takes inertial reference frame (s).
> > > No, none of the postulates take the vacuum as a reference frame, which
> > > doesn't make sense since a vacuum doesn't have a measurable rest frame
> > > (there are no landmarks in a vacuum that could be used to measure the
> > > "velocity of the vacuum" relative to anything else). One postulate does
> > > talk about the speed of light in a vacuum, but they're still talking
> > about
> > > the speed of light as measured in an inertial frame--"in a vacuum" is
> > just
> > > there to specify that it's not talking about a light beam moving through
> > > some measurable medium like water or air.
> > > In one reference frame speed of ‘Electrodynamics Bodies’ is constant.
> > > > In another reference frame speed of ‘Electrodynamics Bodies’ is

Re: From 1905 the SRT doesn’t give sleep.

2012-04-24 Thread

On Apr 23, 9:20 pm, Jesse Mazer  wrote:
> On Mon, Apr 23, 2012 at 12:45 PM, <
>> wrote:
> > If we measure the speed of quantum of light in vacuum from
> >  different inertial frames the result will be  the *same* - constant.
> > > Socratus
> > Yes, that's exactly what I said.
> > Jesse
> > =.
> > Why the result is constant ?
> > Because all different inertial frames ( stars and planets of billions
> > and billions galaxies ) exist in infinite motionless, stationary,
> >  fixed (rest) reference frame of Vacuum.
> > Socratus
> Your "because" is a non sequitur argument though--you haven't given any
> logical argument as to why a "rest frame of the vacuum" is needed, or
> whether there could be any way to experimentally test this idea. As long as
> any single inertial frame measures (1) that rulers moving relative to that
> frame are contracted by the length contraction factor of relativity, and
> also measures (2) that clocks moving relative to that frame are slowed down
> by the time dilation factor, and as long as this frame also measures (3)
> that light rays have the same speed c in all directions in that frame, then
> you can prove mathematically that these conditions 1-3 are sufficient to
> guarantee that all other inertial frames will also measure light rays to
> move at c relative to themselves if they use their own rulers and clocks.
> So although it's possible there is some "special" inertial frame like the
> rest frame of the "aether" or what you call the "reference frame of
> Vacuum", such a thing is in no way *needed* in order to guarantee that all
> inertial frames will measure light to move at c, all that's needed are that
> the 3 conditions I mentioned above hold in any one inertial frame (it
> doesn't matter which, since if they hold in any one they will hold in every
> other too). It would be mathematically impossible to come up with a theory
> where the conditions 1-3 above hold, but all inertial observers *don't*
> measure light to move at c in their own frame.
> > ===
> > P.S.
> > "Remember gentlemen, we have not proven
> > the aether does not exist, we have only proven we do not
> > need it (for mathematical purposes)"..
> > / Einstein's University of Leyden lecture of May 5, 1920. /
> > ==.
> I agree, but if a hypothesis is mathematically unnecessary and also leads
> to absolutely no new experimental predictions, it cannot really be
> considered an independent theory of physics, though one might adopt it as a
> sort of philosophical "interpretation", similar to Bohm's interpretation of
> quantum mechanics described at
> also makes no new testable predictions different from standard quantum
> mechanics). So, aether theories can be considered as philosophical
> interpretations of relativity, though some good arguments against the
> plausibility of such interpretations are offered 
> at!msg/sci.physics.relativi...
> Jesse
> > On Apr 23, 2:17 pm, Jesse Mazer  wrote:
> > > On Sun, Apr 22, 2012 at 11:25 PM, <
> > >> wrote:
> > > > No, none of the postulates take the vacuum as a reference frame,
> > > > which doesn't make sense since a vacuum doesn't have a measurable
> > > >  rest frame (there are no landmarks in a vacuum that could be used
> > > >  to measure the "velocity of the vacuum" relative to anything else).
> > > >  One postulate does talk about the speed of light in a vacuum,
> > > > but they're still talking about the speed of light as measured
> > > >  in an inertial frame--"in a vacuum" is just there to specify
> > > > that it's not talking about a light beam moving through
> > > > some measurable medium like water or air.
> > > >    Jesse
> > > > ==.
> > > > One postulate says:
> > > > In vacuum the speed of  quantum of light is constant.
> > > Yes, but "in vacuum" does not mean "relative to the vacuum" here, it just
> > > means that the light ray in question is moving through a vacuum rather
> > than
> > > some medium like air or water. The speed of the light ray is still being
> > > measured relative to whatever inertial reference frame you choose to use.
> > > > Because in vacuum the speed of  quan

Re: From 1905 the SRT doesn’t give sleep.

2012-04-24 Thread

why a "rest frame of the vacuum" is needed,
whether there could be any way to experimentally test this idea.
" The problem of the exact description of vacuum, in my opinion,
 is the basic problem now before physics. Really, if you can’t
describe the vacuum, how it is possible to expect a correct
of something more complex? "
  / Paul Dirac ./
The most fundamental question facing 21st century physics will be:
What is the vacuum? As quantum mechanics teaches us, with
 its zero point energy this vacuum is not empty and the word
 vacuum is a gross misnomer!
   / Prof. Friedwardt Winterberg /
 Wikipedia :
“ Unfortunately neither the concept of space nor of time is well
resulting in a dilemma. If we don't know the character of time nor of
 how can we characterize either? “
"Now we know that the vacuum can have all sorts of wonderful effects
over an enormous range of scales, from the microscopic to the cosmic,"
 said Peter Milonni
from the Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico.
Although we are used to thinking of empty space as containing
 nothing at all, and therefore having zero energy, the quantum
rules say that there is some uncertainty about this. Perhaps each
 tiny bit of the vacuum actually contains rather a lot of energy.
If the vacuum contained enough energy, it could convert this
into particles, in line with E-Mc^2.
/ Book: Stephen  Hawking. Pages 147-148.
By Michael White and John Gribbin. /
Somehow, the energy is extracted from the vacuum and turned into
particles...Don't try it in your basement, but you can do it.
/ University of Chicago cosmologist Rocky Kolb./
Vacuum -- the very name suggests emptiness and nothingness –
is actually a realm rife with potentiality, courtesy of the laws
of quantum electrodynamics (QED). According to QED,
additional, albeit virtual, particles can be created in the vacuum,
 allowing light-light interactions.
 Dark energy  may be vacuum
An experiment.
According to QED Electron in interaction with vacuum has
infinity parameters ( energy, mass  …etc )
Physicists do not understand what to do with infinite sizes,
and therefore they have invented "a method of renormalization",
 The method of renormalization is a method
" to sweep the dust under the carpet." / Feynman./
When the next revolution rocks physics,
chances are it will be about nothing—the vacuum,
that endless infinite void.
  -  Philosophy of ‘ Vacuum.’ ( Part 1 - My opinion.)
In beginning was Vacuum an Infinite / Eternal continuum.
Vacuum is not Empty space.
‘ Virtual particles’, ‘ dark matter’ and ‘zoo of elementary particles’
exist in the Vacuum.
Now (!) the physicists think (!) that the Universe as whole has
 temperature: T= 2,7K .  The parameter T=2,7K is not constant.
 It is temporal and goes down. In the future it will come to T= 0K.
The simplest question: Which geometrical form can have
the ‘ virtual particles’, ‘ the particles of dark matter’ ,
the  ‘ zoo of elementary particles’  in reference frame
 T= 2,7K - –--> T= 0K ?

The answer is: ‘ They must be flat particles.’
Because according to Charle’s law and the consequence of the
 third law of thermodynamics as the thermodynamic temperature
of a system approaches absolute zero the volume of particles
approaches zero too. It means the particles must have flat forms.
They must have geometrical form of a circle: pi= c /d =3,14 . . . . .
Best wishes.
Israel Sadovnik.  Socratus.

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Re: Who am I ?

2012-04-24 Thread
Thank you Mr. John Mikes.

My opinion.
Quantum electrodynamics: Who am I ?
In 1904 Lorentz proved: there isn’t em waves without Electron
It means the source of these em waves must be an Electron
The electron and the em waves they are physical reality
Can evolution of consciousness of life begin on electron’s level?
Origin of life is a result of physical laws that govern Universe
Electron takes important part in this work.
1900, 1905
Planck and Einstein found the energy of electron: E=h*f.
Sommerfeld found the formula of electron : e^2=ah*c,
 it means: e = +ah*c  and  e = -ah*c.
Dirac found two more formulas of electron’s energy:
  +E=Mc^2  and  -E=Mc^2.
According to QED in interaction with vacuum electron’s
energy is infinite: E= ∞
Why does the simplest particle - electron have six ( 6 ) formulas ?
Why does electron obey five ( 5) Laws ?
a) Law of conservation and transformation energy/ mass
b) Maxwell’s equations
c) Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle / Law
d) Pauli Exclusion Principle/ Law
e) Fermi-Dirac statistics.

   Nobody knows.
What is an electron ?
Now nobody knows
 In the internet we can read hundreds theories about electron
All of them are problematical.
We can read hundreds books about philosophy of physics.
But how can we trust them if we don’t know what is an electron ?
Quote by Heinrich Hertz on Maxwell's equations:

"One cannot escape the feeling that these mathematical formulae
have an independent existence and an intelligence of their own,
that they are wiser than we are, wiser even than their discoverers,
that we get more out of them than was originally put into them."
Ladies and Gentlemen !
Friends !
The banal Electron is not as simple as we think and, maybe,
he is wiser than we are.
Once again: Brain and Electron.
Human brain works on two levels:
consciousness and subconsciousness. The neurons of brain
create these two levels. So, that it means consciousness and
 subconsciousness  from physical point of view ( interaction
between billions and billions neurons and electron).
It can only mean that the state of neurons  in these two
 situations is different.
How can we understand these different states of neurons?
How does the brain generate consciousness?
We can understand this situation only on the quantum level,
only using Quantum theory. But there isn’t QT without
Quantum of Light and Electron. So, what is interaction between
 Quantum of Light, Electron and brain ?   Nobody knows.
Therefore I say:
 we must understand not only the brain but electron too.
And when we understand  the Electron
we will know the Ultimate Nature of Reality.

On Apr 25, 12:09 am, John Mikes  wrote:
> Socratus, and discussion friends:
> are we so simpletons, indeed? does a flat EM (field?) plus the 'variety' of
> cells constitute a 'person'? does it justify our psychological mistakes? (I
> mention deliberately those, not the regularities, to divert from 'rules we
> know').
> I think (?) a sort of "pattern" functionality (or rather: relations) may be
> needed and as I read in these discussions: nobody feels knowledgeable
> enough to go into that. This is the 'part' we did not (yet???) learn and I
> call it the complexity of a person within the wider complexity of
> everything.
> It is just NOT  *THIS AND THAT*.*  *
> Would you reduce us into - let us say - a million varieties of cells (OK,
> make it a billion) plus the one and only EM field - even if in a million
> variables of control in interference. I think (in the ongoing theoretical
> views) even the RNA has to be directed into directing the DNA - which still
> may be only one imaginary factor we speak about  for a genetic (?)
> ordering.
> And - all this in believing in 'atoms' and a 'physical world'. (And
> photons?)
> As I wrote within my diatribe "Science Religion" in 2003.
> I stick to my agnosticism, smile upon my 50+ years "actively and result
> fully" working as a chemist-Ph.D. and a polymer Science D.Sci. with my 38+
> patents and papers, books, and my journal published. Now, past 90 I can
> afford to 'not knowing' about what I was brainwashed into in college
> (1940-44).
> JM
> On Thu, Apr 19, 2012 at 5:59 AM, <
>> wrote:
> > Cells make copies of themselves.
> > Different cells make different copies of themselves.
> > Cells  come in all shapes and sizes.
> > Somehow these different cells are tied between themselves
> >  and during pregnancy process of  9 months gradually ( ! )
> > and by chance ( or not by chance )  they change  own
> > geometrical form from zygote to a child.
> > Cells  come in all shapes

A crazy thoughts about structure of Electron.

2012-05-04 Thread
A crazy thoughts about structure of Electron.
Electron isn’t a point.
Electron has a geometrical form.
Electron’s geometrical form isn’t static, isn’t firm.
Electron’s geometrical form can be changed by his own inner spin.
Electron’s own inner spin can be described with three ( 3 ) formulas:
Plank: h=Et,
Einstein:  h=kb,
Goudsmit-Uhlenbeck: h*=h/2pi.
The speed of photon is minimal : c=1.
The speed of electron is c>1
Quantum of light, photon and electron are one and the same
 particle in different conditions.
Where did electron come from?
Electron came from the Kingdom of Coldness: T=0K.
All the best.
Israel  Socratus

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Re: A crazy thoughts about structure of Electron.

2012-05-08 Thread

 Electron’s fine structure constant.
It is interesting to understand the Sommerfeld  formula:
 a= e^2 / h*c, where {a} is  fine structure constant: 1/137
Feynman  expressed  (a ) quantity  as
 ‘ by the god given damnation to all physicists ‘.
But the fine structure constant is not independent quantity,
it is only part of formula of an electron: e^2=h*ca .
The constant {a} is only one of three constants which
belong to the formula of electron: e^2=h*ca.
(a), (c), (h*) are three constants which created the electron.
And if we don’t know (a) then we don’t know what electron is.
Therefore in the internet is possible to find 100 different models
 of electron. For example.
The book "What is the Electron?"
Volodimir Simulik
Montreal, Canada.  2005. /
In this book:
‘ More than ten different models of the electron are presented here.
 More than twenty models are discussed briefly. (!!!)
Thus, the book gives a complete picture of contemporary theoretical
 thinking (traditional and new) about the physics of the electron.’

All of these models are problematical.
We can read hundreds books about philosophy of physics.
But how can we trust them if we don’t know what electron is.
And somebody wrote:
 If  I well remember Einstein once said about particle physics:
"why do we study some many particles?
 Understand really what is an electron would be enough."
. . .
‘ Finding the structure of the electron will be the key
 to finding the origin of the natural laws.’
By my peasant logic at first it is better to understand
the closest and simplest particle photon /electron and
then to study the far away spaces and another particles.
Best withes.
Israel Sadovnik  Socratus


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Matter and Form: when they are paradoxical.

2012-05-09 Thread
  Matter and Form:  when they are paradoxical.
Wood  is  itself a matter.
Wood is itself a form, a geometrical form.
A cupboard made of wood  is a real whole of form and matter.
Geometrical form and matter are 'grown together' in it.
No form exist without matter.
Nor can there be matter without form.
But in micro-physics, physicists took up another conception.
According to this doctrine matter does exist,
but the form is not a physical object.
 The form is disappeared from the physical reality.
 They works with a 'point'.
Isn’t physics a science of the matter, form, energy
 and motion ? Aren’t all these subjects  'grown together' ?
Take away one subject and you have all modern paradoxes
 in the physics.
Israel Socratus.

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Re: A crazy thoughts about structure of Electron.

2012-05-12 Thread
What is the electron configuration ?

Is the electron a photon with toroidal topology?


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Re: A crazy thoughts about structure of Electron.

2012-05-13 Thread
A New Limit on Photon Mass.


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Does somebody know what Vacuum is ?

2012-05-16 Thread
Does somebody know what  Vacuum is ?
Book : ‘Dreams of a final theory’ by Steven Weinberg. Page 138.
‘ It is true  . . . there is such a thing as absolute zero; we cannot
 reach temperatures below absolute zero not because we are not
sufficiently clever but because temperatures below absolute zero
 simple have no meaning.’
/ Steven Weinberg. The Nobel Prize in Physics 1979 /
‘If we were looking for something that we could conceive
of as God within the universe of the new physics,
this ground state, coherent quantum vacuum might be
 a good place to start.’
/ Book  ‘The quantum self ’ page 208  by Danah Zohar. /
And Paul Dirac wrote:
‘ The problem of the exact description of vacuum, in my opinion,
 is the basic problem now before physics. Really, if you can’t
describe the vacuum, how it is possible to expect a correct
of something more complex? ‘
Does somebody know what  Vacuum is ?

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Re: Does somebody know what Vacuum is ?

2012-05-17 Thread
Can Perfect Vacuum as a ' Nothing' as ‘ an Infinite Space’ as
 an Absolute Reference Frame have Concrete Physical Properties ?
One Concrete Physical Properties of Vacuum is Absolute Zero.
What is Absolute Zero ?
Classic Physics says: It is a dead space.
Quantum Physics says: It is not a dead space.
There are ‘ Virtual Particles’ exist.
  What is Absolute Zero ?
What is Absolute Zero ?
Where is a wise answer and where is a fool answer if these
two theories ( Classical and Quantum theories) are correct ?

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Einstein and Formulas.

2012-05-23 Thread
Einstein and Formulas.
Einstein said, that the scientist does not think with formulas.
But, dear Einstein, please see how nice to think
with the help of these formulas: you can imagine
 the whole picture of Existence’s creation.
§ 1. Vacuum:  T= 0K, E= ∞ , p = 0, t =∞ .
§ 2. Particles: C/D= pi=3,14, R/N=k, E/M=c^2, h=0, c=0, i^2=-1.
§ 3. Photon: h=E/t,  h=kb, h=1, c=1.
§ 4. Electron: h*=h/2pi, c>1, E=h*f , e^2=ach* .
§ 5. Gravity, Star formation:  h*f = kTlogW : He II -- > He I -- > H
-- > . . .
§ 6. Proton: (p).
§ 7. The evolution of interaction between Photon / Electron and
a) electromagnetic,
b) nuclear,
c) biological.
§ 8. The Physical Laws:
a) Law of Conservation and Transformation Energy/ Mass,
b) Pauli Exclusion Law,
c) Heisenberg Uncertainty Law.
§ 9. Brain:  Dualism of Consciousness.
§ 10. Test and Practice:  Parapsychology.  Meditation.
Best wishes.
Israel Sadovnik Socratus

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Einstein and Socratus.

2012-05-25 Thread
Einstein and  Socratus.
Einstein, you was mistaken using your Gravitation theory
to the all Universe as a whole.
The Gravitation theory doesn’t work in the Universe as a whole.
The Gravitation theory is a local theory.
 Because the detected material mass of the  matter in the
Universe ( the cosmological constant / the critical density)
is so small ( the average density of all substance in the
Universe is approximately p=10^-30 g/sm^3 ) that it
cannot  ‘close’ the Universe into sphere and  therefore our
Universe as whole must be  ‘open’, endless, infinite.
The Universe as a whole is an Infinite Pure Vacuum: T=0K.
More concrete:
§ 1.  Vacuum: T= 0K, E= ∞ , p = 0, t =∞ .
We have two (2) Worlds: Vacuum and Material and we need
to understand their interaction.

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Gravity and Vacuum.

2012-05-25 Thread
Gravity and Vacuum.
Einstein was mistaken using his Gravitation theory
to the all Universe as a whole.
The Gravitation theory doesn’t work in the Universe as a whole.
The Gravitation theory is a local theory.
 Because the detected material mass of the  matter in the
Universe ( the cosmological constant / the critical density)
is so small ( the average density of all substance in the
Universe is approximately p=10^-30 g/sm^3 ) that it
cannot  ‘close’ the Universe into sphere and  therefore our
Universe as whole must be  ‘open’, endless, infinite.
The Universe as a whole is an Infinite Pure Vacuum: T=0K.
More concrete:
§ 1.  Vacuum: T= 0K, E= ∞ , p = 0, t =∞ .
Another  argument:
One postulate of SRT says: the speed of quantum
of light in a Vacuum is a constant ( c= 299,792,458 km/ sec =1,
 Michelson-Morley experiment ).
In this movement quantum of light doesn’t have time.
The time is ‘stopped ‘ for him.
But this is possible only if his  reference frame – vacuum -
also doesn’t have time. It means that the reference frame –
 Vacuum is an Eternal Continuum.
One more argument.
According to QED when electron interacts with
 vacuum its parameters becomes infinite.
 This is possible only when Vacuum itself is an Infinite Continuum.
The  Infinity appears in many physical and mathematical problems.
Physicists don’t know that to do with ‘ infinite’ and therefore
we can read:
 Infinity is the cause of the crisis in Physics.
‘ A world without masses, without electrons, without an
electromagnetic field is an empty world. Such an empty
 world is flat. But if masses appear, if charged particles
appear, if an electromagnetic field appears then our world
becomes curved. Its geometry is Riemannian, that is,
 non- Euclidian.’
/ Book ‘Albert Einstein’  The page 116 . by Leopold Infeld. /

It means:
‘A world without masses, without electrons, without an
electromagnetic field is an empty world. Such an empty
 world is flat.’ – it is a Vacuum World.
‘But if masses appear, if charged particles
appear, if an electromagnetic field appears ‘ -
/ - in the flat vacuum - , /
‘ then our world becomes curved. Its geometry is Riemannian,
that is, non- Euclidian.’ –  it is Material World of our stars and
We have two (2) Worlds: Vacuum and Material and we need
to understand their interaction.
  All the best.
Israel  Sadovnik  Socratus

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Socratus: Metaphysics ( science and religion)

2012-07-10 Thread
Socratus: Metaphysics ( science and religion)
Physics and Religion:
a) T=0K
b) c/d=pi, R/N=k, E/M=c^2, h=0, c=0
Mathematics and Religion:
i^2= -1, e^ipi= -1
Biology and Religion: 
Practice and Religion: 
Meditation, Parapsychology.
Israel Socratus

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Physics and Tautology.

2012-08-01 Thread
Physics and Tautology.
Where did the masses for ‘ big bang ‘ come from ?
These masses came from surrounding space.
Where did these  masses from surrounding space come from ?
These masses came from ‘big bang’.
Why he is poor ?
Because he is stupid.
Why he is stupid?
Because he is poor.

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Flatness Problem: To call a spade a spade.

2012-08-06 Thread
  Flatness Problem: To call a spade a spade.
. .  . etc.
There are many different spaces: 2 dimension space, 3D space,
 4D,  5D . . . .. .10D, 11D  . . . . maybe more.
There are also ‘ closed’ and ‘open’ spaces.
There are many topological spaces too.
Which space has the Universe as a whole?
  It is fact: the  Universe  as a whole has exactly the
required  density of matter to be flat.
The average density of matter in the universe (even
 incorporating a dark mass and dark energy )  is equal  to
 or less than critical density  and therefore the universe
 as a whole is a flat infinite  continuum.
But the physicists refuse to admit this fact .
Why ?
Because they don’t know that to do with ‘ a flat infinite
 continuum’. And they ‘ burned ‘ the real infinite flat
cosmological continuum ( using different abstract models )
to rid it of its infinite flatness.
And from Einstein’s  time they discus about cosmological
constant that will close the flat- open Universe
into a close- sphere.
The  Universe as a whole  is an Infinite Flat Universe.
Only in some rare places the Infinite Flatness is breaked.
So, instead to say : ‘  It is fact: the Universe as a whole is flat,
they say: ‘To take the Universe as an infinite flat space - it is
impossible fact. There’s something wrong with the Universe. ‘
' But I don't want to go among mad people,' said Alice.
'Oh, you can't help that,' said the cat. 'We're all mad here.'
  / Lewis Carroll.
   Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. /

Vacuum is an Empty space between billions and billions Galaxies.
Now (!) the physicists think (!) that the Universe as whole has
 temperature: T= 2,7K .  The parameter T=2,7K is not constant.
 It is temporal and goes down. In the future it will come to T= 0K.
>From quantum point of view vacuum is some kind of Energy
space: E= ∞
The average density of matter in the universe (even
 incorporating a dark mass and dark energy )  is equal  to or
 less than critical density   ( p= 10^30g/sm^3 ) and therefore
 the universe  as a whole is a flat infinite continuum.
It is true we cannot reach the T= 0K and we also cannot reach
this  density ( p= 10^30g/sm^3 ) of vacuum.
But just because we cannot reach this Vacuum’s
parameters  does it mean that it cannot exist ?
If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it,
 does it make a sound?
If unseen virtual antiparticles can appear from vacuum  (!)
( Vacuum’s  fluctuations / transformation / polarization )
and we can observe them as a real particles doesn’t it mean
that vacuum itself is an Absolute  Reference Frame which
has its own physical parameter – Absolute Zero: T=0K.
The infinite space-vacuum is timeless, the eternity reign there.
All the best.
 Israel  Sadovnik  Socratus.

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Re: Physics and Tautology.

2012-08-06 Thread
   Physics and Tautology.
Where did the masses for ‘ big bang ‘ come from ?
These masses came from surrounding space.
Where did these  masses from surrounding space come from ?
These masses came from ‘big bang’.
Why is he  poor ?
Because he is stupid.
Why is he stupid?
Because he is poor.
 The  ‘big bang’ doesn’t give answer to the question:
where did  the  mass come from ?
To understand this we need go out from ‘ big bang’ .
But ‘ the big bang  theory is an effort to explain what happened
at the very beginning of our universe. Prior to that moment there
 was nothing;’
So, . . where do we go out ?
Israel  Socratus.


So, . . where do we go out ?
If we go out of mass then it can be only one possibility -
- we will enter into an empty space.
‘ A world without masses, without electrons, without an
electromagnetic field is an empty world. Such an empty
world is flat. But if masses appear, if charged particles
appear, if an electromagnetic field appears then our world
becomes curved. Its geometry is Riemannian, that is,
non- Euclidian.’
/ Book ‘Albert Einstein’ The page 116 . by Leopold Infeld. /


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Science is a religion by itself.

2013-01-04 Thread
Science is a religion by itself.
Becouse the God can create and govern the Universe
only using physical laws, formulas, equations.
Here is the scheme of His plane.
God : Ten Scientific Commandments.
§ 1. Vacuum: T=0K, E= ∞ ,p= 0, t=∞ .
§ 2. Particles: C/D=pi=3,14, R/N=k, E/M=c^2, h=0, i^2=-1.
§ 3. Photon: h=1, c=1, h=E/t, h=kb.
§ 4. Electron: h*=h/2pi, E=h*f , e^2=ach* .
§ 5. Gravity, Star formation: h*f = kTlogW : HeII -- > HeI -- > H --

> . . .

§ 6. Proton: (p).
§ 7. The evolution of interaction between Photon/Electron and Proton:
a) electromagnetic,
b) nuclear,
c) biological.
§ 8. The Physical Laws:
a) Law of Conservation and Transformation Energy/ Mass,
b) Pauli Exclusion Law,
c) Heisenberg Uncertainty Law.
§ 9. Brain: Dualism of Consciousness.
§ 10. Practice: Parapsychology. Meditation.
Best wishes.
Israel Sadovnik Socratus

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Re: Science is a religion by itself.

2013-01-08 Thread

On Jan 7, 6:42 pm, John Clark  wrote:
> On Fri, Jan 4, 2013 at 4:47 AM, 
> > wrote:
> > Science is a religion by itself. Why?
> > Becouse the God can create and govern the Universe
> > only using physical laws, formulas, equations.
> Then God must get very board because that really doesn't leave much for Him
> to do. Why do you even bother to invent Him?
>   John K Clark

I don't need ' to invent Him.'
He and His Souls are hidden in the formulas

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Re: Science is a religion by itself.

2013-01-08 Thread

On Jan 7, 7:53 pm, John Clark  wrote:
> On Mon, Jan 7, 2013 Roger Clough  wrote:
> > Theism, like atheism, is unprovable.
> Why is that? You're saying that even though God is omnipotent He is
> incapable of proving His existence to us. I can prove my existence to you
> but God can not. That seems a bit odd to me.
>    John K Clark

God is Atheist by His nature.


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Re: Science is a religion by itself.

2013-01-08 Thread

On Jan 8, 1:48 am, meekerdb  wrote:
> On 1/7/2013 10:47 AM, John Clark wrote:
> > On Mon, Jan 7, 2013>> wrote:
> >     > Consider God, a word for Mind
> > OK, I have a mind therefore I am God.
> > I said it before I'll say it again, for some strange reason that is unknown 
> > to me many
> > people are willing to abandon the idea of God but not the word G-O-D. Those 
> > letters and
> > in that sequence (DOG just will not do) MUST be preserved and it doesn't 
> > matter what it
> > means.
> An observation also made by Bertrand Russell,"People are more unwilling to 
> give up the
> word 'God' than to give up the idea for which the word has hitherto stood"
> Brent

In beginning was Word.
And the Word was written by the formula: T=0K.

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Re: Science is a religion by itself.

2013-01-08 Thread

On Jan 8, 12:42 pm, "Roger Clough" wrote:
> Hi meekerdb
> Russell was a brilliant logician, but that's all he was.
> >
> Brent

To have logical  mind is very good.
But our brain sometime works unconscious.


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Re: Science is a religion by itself.

2013-01-08 Thread

  Quantum electrodynamics + Biology = Who am I ?
Cells make copies of themselves.
Different cells make different copies of themselves.
Cells  come in all shapes and sizes.
Somehow these different cells are tied between themselves
 and during pregnancy process of  9 months gradually ( ! )
and by chance ( or not by chance )  they change  own
geometrical form from zygote to a child.
Cells  come in all shapes and sizes, and then . . . they are you.
Cells  they are you  ( !? )
This is modern biomechanical /chemical  point of view.
Maybe 99% agree that ‘Cells - they are you .’
But this explanation  is not complete.
Cells have an energy / electrical potential.
Cells have an electromagnetic field.
Therefore we need to say:
‘ Cells  and electromagnetic field - they are you.’
Is this formulation correct?
Of course it is correct.
Bioelectromagnetism (sometimes equated with bioelectricity)
 refers to the electrical, magnetic or electromagnetic fields
produced by living cells, tissues or organisms.

What does it mean?
It means there isn’t biological cell without electromagnetic fields.
It means that in the cell we have two ( 2 ) substances:
matter and electromagnetic fields.
And in 1985   Richard P. Feynman wrote book:
QED: The Strange Theory of Light and Matter

The idea of book -  the interaction between light
( electromagnetic fields ) and matter is strange.

He wrote: ‘ The theory of quantum electrodynamics
describes Nature as absurd from the point of view
of common sense. And it agrees fully with experiment.
So I hope you accept Nature as She is — absurd. ‘
/ page 10. /
Once again:
 Cells  and electromagnetic field - they are you.
We  cannot understand their interaction and therefore
we don’t know the answer to the question: ‘ who am I ?’
Where does electromagnetic field come from ?
In 1904 Lorentz proved: there isn’t electromagnetic field
( em waves )  without Electron
It means the source of these em waves must be an Electron
The electron and the em waves they are physical reality
Can evolution of consciousness  begin on electron’s level?
Origin of life is a result of physical laws that govern Universe
Electron takes important part in this work.
1900, 1905
Planck and Einstein found the energy of electron: E=h*f.
Sommerfeld found the formula of electron : e^2=ah*c,
 it means: e = +ah*c  and  e = -ah*c.
Dirac found two more formulas of electron’s energy:
  +E=Mc^2  and  -E=Mc^2.
According to QED in interaction with vacuum electron’s
energy is infinite: E= ∞
Why does the simplest particle - electron have six ( 6 ) formulas ?
Why does electron obey five ( 5) Laws ?
a) Law of conservation and transformation energy/ mass
b) Maxwell’s equations
c) Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle / Law
d) Pauli Exclusion Principle/ Law
e) Fermi-Dirac statistics.

   Nobody knows.
What is an electron ?
Now nobody knows
 In the internet we can read hundreds theories about electron
All of them are problematical.
We can read hundreds books about philosophy of physics.
But how can we trust them if we don’t know what is an electron ?
Ladies and Gentlemen !
Friends !
The banal Electron is not as simple as we think and, maybe,
he is wiser than we are.
 According to Pauli Exclusion Principle
only one single electron can be in the atom.
This electron reanimates the atom.
This electron manages  the atom.
If the atom contains more than one electron (for example - two)
 then this atom represents  a " Siamese twins".
Save us, the Great God, of having such atoms, such children. ( ! )
Each of us has an Electron, but we do not know it. ( ! )
Question:  Can consciousness be introduced into physics?
   Electron  gives the answer to this question.
  Brain and Electron.
Human brain works on two levels:
consciousness and subconsciousness. The neurons of brain
create these two levels. So, that it means consciousness and
 subconsciousness  from physical point of view ( interaction
between billions and billions neurons and electron).
It can only mean that the state of neurons  in these two
 situations is different.
How can we understand these different states of neurons?
How does the brain generate consciousness?
We can understand this situation only on the quantum level,
only using Quantum theory. But there isn’t QT without
Quantum of Light and Electron. So, what is interaction between
 Quantum of Light, Electron and brain ?
 Nobody knows.
Maybe therefore Michael Talbot wrote:
‘ Contrary to what everyone knows it is so, it may not be
 the brain that produce consciousness, but rather consciousness
 that creates the appearance of the brain -  . .  . .’
/ Book ‘ The Holographic Universe’  page 160. by  Michael Talbot./
We are cells + Electron.  ( ! )
We must understand not only the cells, brain but electron too.
And when we understand  the Electron
we will know the Ultimate

Re: Whoever invented the word "God" invented atheism.

2013-01-09 Thread
> Agreed, and I hope that truth is true .
> Richard
Truth is true !!!
 / Richard /
Very good proof.  . .
 . . . . and   . . ‘. . by Beauty that beautiful things are
beautiful . . .
by largeness that large things are large and larger things larger,
and by smallness that smaller things ate smaller . . . .
. . . by tallness one man is taller than another . . .
. . . . and the shorter is shorter by the same ; . . . . .’

about 2500 years ago Plato wrote.


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Re: Whoever invented the word "God" invented atheism.

2013-01-09 Thread

> > Can we say that physical particles are often localised volumes
> > that are full of "infinities of discrete number relations"
> Sounds to much physicalist for me (or comp).

Particles in the vacuum ( T=0K ) have no volumes
( according to the laws of thermodynamics )
therefore we think that they have  infinite parameters  .


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Re: Whoever invented the word "God" invented atheism.

2013-01-10 Thread

On Jan 10, 12:12 pm, Richard Ruquist  wrote:
> > Particles in the vacuum ( T=0K ) have no volumes
> > ( according to the laws of thermodynamics )
> Wrong

According to Charle’s law and the consequence of the
 third law of thermodynamics as the thermodynamic temperature
of a system approaches absolute zero the volume of particles
approaches zero too.


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Re: Whoever invented the word "God" invented atheism.

2013-01-10 Thread

On Jan 10, 6:22 pm, Richard Ruquist  wrote:
> wiki- Charles' law (also known as the law of volumes) is an
> experimental gas law which describes how gases tend to expand when
> heated.
> Richard- Thermodynamics of gases breaks down near absolute where most
> materials have already changed phase to liquid (usually BEC) or solid.
> Charles Law is inappropriate at or near absolute zero.
> On Thu, Jan 10, 2013 at 8:57 AM,
>  wrote:
> > On Jan 10, 12:12 pm, Richard Ruquist  wrote:
> >> > Particles in the vacuum ( T=0K ) have no volumes
> >> > ( according to the laws of thermodynamics )
> >> Wrong
> > According to Charle’s law and the consequence of the
> >  third law of thermodynamics as the thermodynamic temperature
> > of a system approaches absolute zero the volume of particles
> > approaches zero too.
> > ===…
> > --
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> > at Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

Charles Law is appropriate at or near absolute zero ,
because this law belongs to the particles of ' ideal gas' ,
it means that these particles  can exist in  the absolute vacuum:

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Science is a religion by itself.

2013-01-10 Thread
  Nobody has "seen" primary matter,
but the believer in it usually   attribute it a fundamental role in
our existence.

What is a primary matter from modern scientific point of view ?
It is  'quantum  virtual particles'  and ' cosmic dark mass and
The problem is that nobody explain their concrete physical parameters.
I explain this loss link.
The  ' quantum virtual particles '  have following concrete
C/D=pi=3,14, R/N=k, E/M=c^2, h=0, c=0, i^2=-1, e^i(pi)= -1.

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Re: Science is a religion by itself.

2013-01-10 Thread

On Jan 11, 7:24 am, "" 
>   Nobody has "seen" primary matter,
> but the believer in it usually   attribute it a fundamental role in
> our existence.
> ===.
> What is a primary matter from modern scientific point of view ?
> It is  'quantum  virtual particles'  and ' cosmic dark mass and
> energy'
> The problem is that nobody explain their concrete physical parameters.
> I explain this loss link.
> The  ' quantum virtual particles '  have following concrete
> parameters:
> C/D=pi=3,14, R/N=k, E/M=c^2, h=0, c=0, i^2=-1, e^i(pi)= -1.
> ===..
> socratus

Pre-universe ( pre-condition) is vacuum : T=0K
The Universe ( as a whole) is a double World:
next to Material World ( a few % of whole mass of the Universe)
exist Vacuum World ( with more than 90% of whole mass of the

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Re: Whoever invented the word "God" invented atheism.

2013-01-11 Thread
 The Universe ( as a whole) is a Double World: next to Matter World
( a few % of whole mass of Universe) exist Vacuum World
( with more than 90% of whole mass of Universe).
How can the more than 90% of Vacuum Mass in the Universe
(dark mass, dark energy, quantum virtual particles, particles of
ideal gas)
create a few % of Matter Mass, which give possibility to many
 and philosophers to say that God doesn’t exist ?


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Re: Whoever invented the word "God" invented atheism.

2013-01-11 Thread
What is vacuum?
 " The problem of the exact description of vacuum, in my opinion,
 is the basic problem now before physics. Really, if you can’t
describe the vacuum, how it is possible to expect a correct
of something more complex? "
  / Paul Dirac ./
The most fundamental question facing 21st century physics will be:
What is the vacuum? As quantum mechanics teaches us, with
 its zero point energy this vacuum is not empty and the word
 vacuum is a gross misnomer!
   / Prof. Friedwardt Winterberg /
 Wikipedia :
“ Unfortunately neither the concept of space nor of time is well
resulting in a dilemma. If we don't know the character of time nor of
 how can we characterize either? “
"Now we know that the vacuum can have all sorts of wonderful effects
over an enormous range of scales, from the microscopic to the cosmic,"
 said Peter Milonni
from the Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico.
Although we are used to thinking of empty space as containing
 nothing at all, and therefore having zero energy, the quantum
rules say that there is some uncertainty about this. Perhaps each
 tiny bit of the vacuum actually contains rather a lot of energy.
If the vacuum contained enough energy, it could convert this
into particles, in line with E-Mc^2.
/ Book: Stephen  Hawking. Pages 147-148.
By Michael White and John Gribbin. /
Somehow, the energy is extracted from the vacuum and turned into
particles...Don't try it in your basement, but you can do it.
/ University of Chicago cosmologist Rocky Kolb./
Vacuum -- the very name suggests emptiness and nothingness –
is actually a realm rife with potentiality, courtesy of the laws
of quantum electrodynamics (QED). According to QED,
additional, albeit virtual, particles can be created in the vacuum,
 allowing light-light interactions.
When the next revolution rocks physics,
chances are it will be about nothing—the vacuum,
that endless infinite void.


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Re: Science is a religion by itself.

2013-01-11 Thread
Book ‘Dreams of a final theory’.
/ By Steven Weinberg.  The Nobel Prize in Physics 1979 /
Page 66.
‘ Most scientists use quantum mechanics every day in they
 working lives without needing to worry about the fundamental
 problem of its  interpretation.
 . . .they do not worry about it. A year or so ago . . . . .
our conversation turned to a young theorist who had been quite
 promising as a graduate student and who had then dropped
out of sight. I asked Phil what had interfered with the
ex-student’s research. Phil shook his head sadly and said:
‘ He tried to understand quantum mechanics.’   (!)
Don’t try to understand quantum theory if you want to reach success.

Page 138.
‘ It is true  . . . there is such a thing as absolute zero; we cannot
 reach temperatures below absolute zero not because we are not
sufficiently clever but because temperatures below absolute zero
 simple have no meaning.’

My opinion.
It is true we cannot reach the zero temperature T=0K.
But just because we cannot reach this Vacuum’s
parameter,  does it mean that it have no meaning ?

If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it,
 does it make a sound?
If unseen virtual antiparticles can appear from vacuum  (!)
( Vacuum’s  fluctuations / transformation / polarization )
and we can observe them as a real particles doesn’t it mean
that vacuum itself is a real structure, that without vacuum
 we haven’t  matter world.
About that philosophy we are talking if we don't know
what is the vacuum,
what is the quantum particle ( they say it is math point),
what is an electron (electron has six formulas and many theories)
what is the reason of 'dualism of particle' . . . . etc ?
Well, that's Philosophy I've read,
And Law and Medicine, and I fear
Theology, too, from A to Z;
Hard studies all, that have cost me dear.
And so I sit, poor silly man
No wiser now than when I began.

 / Faust, lines 354–59. /

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Science is a religion by itself.

2013-01-12 Thread
  The Seven Hermetic Principles
1. The Universe is something Intellectual.
2. As above, so below.
3. From potential to active existence.
4. Everything in the Universe can vibrate.
5. Everything in the Universe has its cause.
6. Everything in the Universe has its opposite.
7. The Universe has its own rhythm.

 / Hermes Trismegistus /
Can these Seven Hermetic Principles be explained
 by physical laws and formulas ?


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Re: Science is a religion by itself.

2013-01-13 Thread
Is it possible to explain  ' monads' of Leibniz  or
Kant's  ' thing-in-itself ' from physical point of view ?

Is it possible to explain the  'philosophy of Idealism '
using physical laws and formulas ?


On Jan 13, 2:30 pm, "Roger Clough" wrote:
> Hi
> Not exactly prove but explain:
> 1. means that there is an intelligence beyond the universe
> 2. is not true according to Leibniz. Above is perfect, below is contingent.
> 3. According to Leibniz, all existence is active (because alive)
> 4. I have linked Leibniz to Sheldrake, and he speaks of morphic resonances.
> 5. Is the principle of sufficent reason.
> 6. Can't give a basis for this.
> 7. same as 4.
> [Roger Clough], []
> 1/13/2013
> "Forever is a long time, especially near the end." - Woody Allen
> - Receiving the following content -
> From:
> Receiver: Everything List
> Time: 2013-01-13, 01:22:32
> Subject: Science is a religion by itself.
>   The Seven Hermetic Principles
> =.
> 1. The Universe is something Intellectual.
> 2. As above, so below.
> 3. From potential to active existence.
> 4. Everything in the Universe can vibrate.
> 5. Everything in the Universe has its cause.
> 6. Everything in the Universe has its opposite.
> 7. The Universe has its own rhythm.
>  / Hermes Trismegistus /
> =.
> Can these Seven Hermetic Principles be explained
>  by physical laws and formulas ?
> ===?
> --
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> "Everything List" group.
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Re: Science is a religion by itself.

2013-01-14 Thread
I will try to understand situation from today  fashion physical point
of view.
Let us say that Plato's world of ideas is a dark mass
( because nobody knows that their are).

And Leibniz monadas and Kant's things-in- themselves are
quantum particles ( because nobody knows their physical parameters).

We can suppose that the dark mass (the world of ideas)
is consist of quantum particles (monads / things-in-themselves).

And then all these monadas / quantum particles were pressed
 together in . . . .  a 'singular point '   . . .  by some power.
But after some time they felt  themselves uncomfortable and
 . . . .  separated as a 'big bang'.

In this way we can understand the connection between physics and
philosophy of idealism  and the  existence ( from today point of
view)  .

If somebody didn't understand me I can explain the modern physical
 point of view  on existence in the other words.

You was born because your mother was pregnant,
and your mother was born because you was pregnant.

On Jan 14, 5:44 pm, Bruno Marchal  wrote:
> On 13 Jan 2013, at 07:22, wrote:
> >  The Seven Hermetic Principles
> >
> > =.
> > 1. The Universe is something Intellectual.
> > 2. As above, so below.
> > 3. From potential to active existence.
> > 4. Everything in the Universe can vibrate.
> > 5. Everything in the Universe has its cause.
> > 6. Everything in the Universe has its opposite.
> > 7. The Universe has its own rhythm.
> Hmm... This is already too much Aristotelian to fit with
> computationalism.
> > / Hermes Trismegistus /
> > =.
> > Can these Seven Hermetic Principles be explained
> > by physical laws and formulas ?
> We have first to explain the physical laws appearances, and formula,
> in comp, and thus in arithmetic. See (*) for a concise explanation.
> Bruno
> (*)

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Re: Science is a religion by itself.

2013-01-15 Thread

Physics and Metaphysics.

John Polkinghorne and his book ‘ Quantum theory’.
=== .

John Polkinghorne took epigraph for  his book ‘ Quantum theory’
the Feynman’s thought : ‘ I think I can safely say that
nobody understands quantum mechanics. ‘
Because, he wrote:
‘ ,we do not understand the theory as fully as we should.
We shall see in what follows that important interpretative
issues remain unresolved. They will demand for their
eventual settlement not only physical insight but also
metaphysical decision ’.
/ preface/
‘ Serious interpretative problems remain unresolved,
and these are the subject of continuing dispute’
/ page 40/
‘ If the study of quantum physics teaches one anything,
it is that the world is full of surprises’
/ page 87 /
‘ Metaphysical criteria that the scientific community take
very seriously in assessing the weight to put on a theory
include: . . . .’
/ page 88 /
‘Quantum theory is certainly strange and surprising, . . .’
/ page92 /
‘ Wave / particle duality is a highly surprising and
instructive phenomenon, . .’
/ page 92 /
In my opinion John Polkinghorne was right writing
what to understand and to solve the problems of the Universe:
‘ They will demand for their eventual settlement not only
physical insight but also metaphysical decision ’.
/ preface /
And, maybe, Aristotle was right separating the world and knowledge
on two parts: Physics and Metaphysics.
=== .
Somebody wrote:
The science will purify the religion of the “dross”.
I agree.
Best wishes.
Israel Sadovnik   Socratus.

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Re: the curse of materialism

2013-01-16 Thread
The Newtonian world cannot exist without Quantum world
and vice versa.
We cannot separate the Quantum theory from Classical theory,
the  Quantum world from  Newtonian  material world.
The quantum world as real as the physical matter world and
we need understand and celebrate their unity.
Where is problem ?
The problem is, that we don’t  know how to unite them together.
Why ?
Because we don’t know what Quantum world is and it is almost
impossible for us to believe that It can be Aristotle’s  metaphysical
Where is the key to solving this problem ?
The key has name. Its name is ‘ Quantum of Light’.
 ‘ All these fifty years of conscious brooding have brought me
 no nearer to the answer to the question, 'What are light quanta?'
Nowadays every Tom, Dick and Harry thinks he knows it,
 but he is mistaken. ‘
 / Einstein /

On Jan 16, 11:01 am, "Roger Clough" wrote:
> Hi
> You want to know why nobody understands QM ?
> Because QM is nonphysical, but is treated as being physical.
> This might be called the curse of materialism.
> [Roger Clough], []
> 1/16/2013
> "Forever is a long time, especially near the end." - Woody Allen
> - Receiving the following content -
> From:
> Receiver: Everything List
> Time: 2013-01-15, 11:20:20
> Subject: Re: Science is a religion by itself.
> Physics and Metaphysics.
> John Polkinghorne and his book ? Quantum 
> theory?.
> === .
> John Polkinghorne took epigraph for his book ? Quantum theory?
> the Feynman? thought : ? I think I can safely say that
> nobody understands quantum mechanics. ?
> Why?Because, he wrote:
> ? ,we do not understand the theory as fully as we should.
> We shall see in what follows that important interpretative
> issues remain unresolved. They will demand for their
> eventual settlement not only physical insight but also
> metaphysical decision ?.
> / preface/
> ? Serious interpretative problems remain unresolved,
> and these are the subject of continuing dispute?
> / page 40/
> ? If the study of quantum physics teaches one anything,
> it is that the world is full of surprises?
> / page 87 /
> ? Metaphysical criteria that the scientific community take
> very seriously in assessing the weight to put on a theory
> include: . . . .?
> / page 88 /
> ?uantum theory is certainly strange and surprising, . . .?
> / page92 /
> ? Wave / particle duality is a highly surprising and
> instructive phenomenon, . .?
> / page 92 /
> ==.
> In my opinion John Polkinghorne was right writing
> what to understand and to solve the problems of the Universe:
> ? They will demand for their eventual settlement not only
> physical insight but also metaphysical decision ?.
> / preface /
> And, maybe, Aristotle was right separating the world and knowledge
> on two parts: Physics and Metaphysics.
> === .Somebody wrote:
> The science will purify the religion of the ?ross?.
> I agree.
> ===.
> Best wishes.
> Israel Sadovnik Socratus.
> ===.
> --
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> "Everything List" group.
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Idealism, theology, and the world of science Options

2013-01-17 Thread
Descartes :  “ I think, therefore I am “
 Zen / Tibetan Buddhist monks : "I think not, therefore I am"
Why they say: ' Mind for others , no mind for me'  ?

Are they fool men or maybe
they know that there are two methods of cognitions.

Where does the information come from?

Information can be transfered only by electromagnetic fields.
In 1904 Lorentz proved: there isn’t em waves without Electron
In our earthly world there is only one fundamental
 particle -  electron who can transfer information.
Can an electron be quant of information?
What is an electron ?
Now nobody knows.

Big bang
About  “ big bang” is written  many thick  books.
But nobody knows the reason of the “Big Bang”.
   I know.
The action, when the God compresses all Universe
into his palm,  we named  ‘ a  singular point’.
And action, when  the God opens his palm,
we named the ‘big bang".
And the Catholic Church adopted the theory of  Big Bang
as a good proof of God existing. And Pope Pius XII
declared  this in 1951.

Does DNA Know Geometry ?
‘ Scientific knowledge is fundamentally paradoxical.’
  / someone /
‘. ., and many feel that physics is just the real deal about
metaphysics. ‘

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Re: Idealism, theology, and the world of science Options

2013-01-18 Thread
Does DNA have consciousness to create the double helix
from zygote to child ?


On Jan 18, 1:25 am, Richard Ruquist  wrote:
> On Thu, Jan 17, 2013 at 6:04 AM,
>  wrote:
> > Descartes :  “ I think, therefore I am “
> >  Zen / Tibetan Buddhist monks : "I think not, therefore I am"
> > Why they say: ' Mind for others , no mind for me'  ?
> > Are they fool men or maybe
> > they know that there are two methods of cognitions.
> > ===..
> > Where does the information come from?
> > Information can be transfered only by electromagnetic fields.
> > In 1904 Lorentz proved: there isn’t em waves without Electron
> > In our earthly world there is only one fundamental
> >  particle -  electron who can transfer information.
> > Can an electron be quant of information?
> > What is an electron ?
> > Now nobody knows.
> > ..
> > Big bang
> > About  “ big bang” is written  many thick  books.
> > But nobody knows the reason of the “Big Bang”.
> >    I know.
> > The action, when the God compresses all Universe
> > into his palm,  we named  ‘ a  singular point’.
> > And action, when  the God opens his palm,
> > we named the ‘big bang".
> Actually the name should be Meta-Bang for Metaverse creation
> and reserve the word Big-Bang for Universe creation.
> I agree that the Metaverse comes from a primordial 26d singularity.
> Richard
> > #
> > And the Catholic Church adopted the theory of  Big Bang
> > as a good proof of God existing. And Pope Pius XII
> > declared  this in 1951.
> >
> > =.
> > Question:
> > Does DNA Know Geometry ?
> I suspect that DNA came from the geometry of general relativity with
> torsion. Can you think of any other geometry the double helix could be
> based on by analogy?
> > ===...
> > ‘ Scientific knowledge is fundamentally paradoxical.’
> >   / someone /
> > ‘. ., and many feel that physics is just the real deal about
> > metaphysics. ‘
> > Bruno
> > .
> > --
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> > "Everything List" group.
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Re: Idealism, theology, and the world of science Options

2013-01-18 Thread
Did these  'algorithmically forms' by the chance created child from


On Jan 18, 12:27 pm, Richard Ruquist  wrote:
> DNA probably forms algorithmically
> On Fri, Jan 18, 2013 at 3:32 AM,
>  wrote:
> > Does DNA have consciousness to create the double helix
> > from zygote to child ?
> > ==.
> > On Jan 18, 1:25 am, Richard Ruquist  wrote:
> >> On Thu, Jan 17, 2013 at 6:04 AM,
> >>  wrote:
> >> > Descartes :  “ I think, therefore I am “
> >> >  Zen / Tibetan Buddhist monks : "I think not, therefore I am"
> >> > Why they say: ' Mind for others , no mind for me'  ?
> >> > Are they fool men or maybe
> >> > they know that there are two methods of cognitions.
> >> > ===..
> >> > Where does the information come from?
> >> > Information can be transfered only by electromagnetic fields.
> >> > In 1904 Lorentz proved: there isn’t em waves without Electron
> >> > In our earthly world there is only one fundamental
> >> >  particle -  electron who can transfer information.
> >> > Can an electron be quant of information?
> >> > What is an electron ?
> >> > Now nobody knows.
> >> > ..
> >> > Big bang
> >> > About  “ big bang” is written  many thick  books.
> >> > But nobody knows the reason of the “Big Bang”.
> >> >    I know.
> >> > The action, when the God compresses all Universe
> >> > into his palm,  we named  ‘ a  singular point’.
> >> > And action, when  the God opens his palm,
> >> > we named the ‘big bang".
> >> Actually the name should be Meta-Bang for Metaverse creation
> >> and reserve the word Big-Bang for Universe creation.
> >> I agree that the Metaverse comes from a primordial 26d singularity.
> >> Richard
> >> > #
> >> > And the Catholic Church adopted the theory of  Big Bang
> >> > as a good proof of God existing. And Pope Pius XII
> >> > declared  this in 1951.
> >> >
> >> > =.
> >> > Question:
> >> > Does DNA Know Geometry ?
> >> I suspect that DNA came from the geometry of general relativity with
> >> torsion. Can you think of any other geometry the double helix could be
> >> based on by analogy?
> >> > ===...
> >> > ‘ Scientific knowledge is fundamentally paradoxical.’
> >> >   / someone /
> >> > ‘. ., and many feel that physics is just the real deal about
> >> > metaphysics. ‘
> >> > Bruno
> >> > .
> >> > --
> >> > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google 
> >> > Groups "Everything List" group.
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> >> >
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> >> > at quoted text 
> >> > -
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Re: Idealism, theology, and the world of science Options

2013-01-19 Thread

  Does DNA know geometry ?
 Did DNA create child from zygote by the chance ?
The infinite monkey theorem states that a monkey hitting keys
 at random on a typewriter keyboard for an infinite amount of time
will almost surely type a given text, such as the complete works
 of William Shakespeare.
The probability of a monkey exactly typing a complete work such
 as Shakespeare's Hamlet is so tiny that the chance of it occurring
during a period of time of the order of the age of the universe
 is extremely low, but not zero.
 . . . . .
If there are as many monkeys as there are particles in the
observable universe . . . . the probability of the monkeys replicating
 even a short book is nearly zero.

It means that according to Probability theory it is impossible
to create by chance Intellect Existence during 14 billions years
 after ‘big bang’.

Another example.

Proteins With Only Left-Handed Components

The probability that an average-size protein molecule of the smallest
 theoretically possible living thing would happen to contain only
 left-handed amino acids is, therefore, 1 in 10123, on the average.
That is a rather discouraging chance.
 To get the feel of that number, let’s look at it with all the 123
 There is, on the average, 1 chance in –
that all of the amino acids of a particular protein molecule
would be left-handed!

Conclusion: No Conceivable Probability

We find that there is no lessening of confusion until one accepts
 the logic that “intelligent” systems could not arise without
an intelligent Designer.
According to the probability theory to create the origin of life
 from ' the soup ' of proteins by the chance  is 1 from 10^(-255).
This quantity is so small that it seems this way of creation
 is impossible : not by chance the existence began.
Does DNA have consciousness to create an intellectual child from

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Re: Idealism, theology, and the world of science Options

2013-01-19 Thread
‘ The ancients knew something that we have forgotten.’

Plato said that :
‘Our ancestors were far greater than we are today. ...’
' Our ancestors were nearer to the nature than we are'

And Gerald Crabtree, a geneticist at Stanford university
 wrote  on Tuesday 13 November 2012 :
‘Why it's unlikely we are more stupid than our hunter-gatherer

And someone wrote: ‘We are less intelligent than our ancestors’
Maybe our ancestors knew about ‘God particles’ very long time ago.

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Re: Idealism, theology, and the world of science Options

2013-01-20 Thread
What is DNA ?
DNA consist on  atoms and electromagnetic fields.
In 1904 Lorentz proved: there isn’t em field without Electron
It means the source of this em field must be an Electron
Then we need to write :
 DNA is atoms, electron (s)  and electromagnetic fields.
The simplest particle - electron have six ( 6 ) formulas
and many theories. In the other words, we don’t know
what electron is.
In my opinion, if we understand electron we will better
 understand DNA.

On Jan 20, 12:52 pm, Bruno Marchal  wrote:
> On 18 Jan 2013, at 09:32, wrote:
> > Does DNA have consciousness to create the double helix
> > from zygote to child ?
> Probably not. But the complex DNA+cytoplasm might have some
> consciousness on vaster scale. very hard to decide this today. Then DNA
> +cytoplasm might have the universal Turing machine consciousness,
> which might be trivial tough, and quite disconnected from our
> computational history. This might be trivial "consciousness". I am not
> sure.
> Bruno
> > ==.
> > On Jan 18, 1:25 am, Richard Ruquist  wrote:
> >> On Thu, Jan 17, 2013 at 6:04 AM,
> >>  wrote:
> >>> Descartes :  “ I think, therefore I am “
> >>>  Zen / Tibetan Buddhist monks : "I think not, therefore I am"
> >>> Why they say: ' Mind for others , no mind for me'  ?
> >>> Are they fool men or maybe
> >>> they know that there are two methods of cognitions.
> >>> ===..
> >>> Where does the information come from?
> >>> Information can be transfered only by electromagnetic fields.
> >>> In 1904 Lorentz proved: there isn’t em waves without Electron
> >>> In our earthly world there is only one fundamental
> >>>  particle -  electron who can transfer information.
> >>> Can an electron be quant of information?
> >>> What is an electron ?
> >>> Now nobody knows.
> >>> ..
> >>> Big bang
> >>> About  “ big bang” is written  many thick  books.
> >>> But nobody knows the reason of the “Big Bang”.
> >>>    I know.
> >>> The action, when the God compresses all Universe
> >>> into his palm,  we named  ‘ a  singular point’.
> >>> And action, when  the God opens his palm,
> >>> we named the ‘big bang".
> >> Actually the name should be Meta-Bang for Metaverse creation
> >> and reserve the word Big-Bang for Universe creation.
> >> I agree that the Metaverse comes from a primordial 26d singularity.
> >> Richard
> >>> #
> >>> And the Catholic Church adopted the theory of  Big Bang
> >>> as a good proof of God existing. And Pope Pius XII
> >>> declared  this in 1951.
> >>>
> >>> =.
> >>> Question:
> >>> Does DNA Know Geometry ?
> >> I suspect that DNA came from the geometry of general relativity with
> >> torsion. Can you think of any other geometry the double helix could
> >> be
> >> based on by analogy?
> >>> ===...
> >>> ‘ Scientific knowledge is fundamentally paradoxical.’
> >>>   / someone /
> >>> ‘. ., and many feel that physics is just the real deal about
> >>> metaphysics. ‘
> >>> Bruno
> >>> .
> >>> --
> >>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
> >>> Groups "Everything List" group.
> >>> To post to this group, send email to
> >>> .
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> >>>
> >>> .
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> >>> at
> >>>  Hide quoted text -
> >> - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -
> >> - Show quoted text -
> > --
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> > Groups "Everything List" group.
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Science is a religion by itself.

2013-01-20 Thread

I believe . . . . .you believe
your opinion . . . my opinion . ... . .
your meaning . . . my meaning . ..  . . .
The opinion of opinion . . . . .
The meaning of meaning . . . . .
And so is endless.
I Believe in Order to Understand.

St. Augustine, the Bishop of Hippo, said,
“I believe in order to understand”  (credo ut intelligam)
and centuries later, St. Anselm of Canterbury,
echoed his statement in similar fashion:
“I do not seek to understand in order that I may believe,
but I believe in order to understand.”
These great Christian thinkers understood the proper use of reason
 must be  preceded by faith in the proper object.
Not faith in ourselves or science,
 but faith in God, specifically in His revelation of Himself
 in His Son Jesus Christ.
Their statements echo the words of the writer of Hebrews
 when he said “By faith we understand that the universe
was formed at God’s command, so that what is seen was
 not made out of what was visible.” (Hebrews 11:3 – NIV)

I cannot believe in such method , in such way.
I need to understand in order to believe.
To believe in God, Souls . . .metaphysics . . .. etc
I need proof, scientific proof with physical laws and formulas.
Einstein said:
“ One thing I have learned in a long life:
that all our science, measured against reality,
 is primitive and childlike –
and yet it is the most precious thing we have.”

Why our science ‘is primitive and childlike’ ?
Because we don’t know the basic things:
what the vacuum is,
what the quantum particle is ( they say it is math point),
what an electron is (electron has six formulas and many theories)
what is the reason of 'dualism of particle' ? . . . . etc . . . etc.
After 30 years of thinking about that we call  ‘philosophy of physics
I wrote my ideas briefly: God is a Scientist and Atheist.
  Science is a religion by itself.
Because the God can create and govern the Universe
only using physical laws, formulas, equations.
Here is the scheme of His plan.
God : Ten Scientific Commandments.
1. Vacuum: T=0K, E= , p= 0, t= .
2. Particles:
C/D=pi=3,14, R/N=k, E/M=c^2, h=0, c=0, i^2=-1, e^i(pi)= -1.
3. Photon: h=1, c=1, h=E/t, h=kb.
... 4. Electron: h*=h/2pi, E=h*f , e^2=ach* .
5. Gravity, Star formation: h*f = kTlogW :
 HeII -- > HeI -- > H -- > . . .
6. Proton: (p).
The evolution of interaction between Photon/Electron and Proton:
  a) electromagnetic,
   b) nuclear,
   c) biological.
8. The Physical Laws:
a) Law of Conservation and Transformation Energy / Mass,
b) Pauli Exclusion Law,
c) Heisenberg Uncertainty Law.
9. Brain: Dualism of Consciousness.
10. Practice: Parapsychology. Meditation.

I am not physicist and not philosopher.
I call myself a ‘peasant’.
And if  a peasant can understand the Scheme (!)  of Universe ,
then everybody, using usual human logic, can understand too.
Best wishes.
Israel Sadovnik  Socratus.

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Re: the curse of materialism

2013-01-21 Thread
  Lecture : Scientific heresy.  Nov 1, 2011 in Edinburgh.
  / By Matt Ridley /
My topic today is scientific heresy.
When are scientific heretics right and when are they mad?
How do you tell the difference between science and pseudoscience?

Just this month Daniel Shechtman won the 2011 Nobel Prize
 in chemistry for quasi crystals, having spent much of his career
 being vilified and exiled as a crank
“I was thrown out of my research group.
They said I brought shame on them with what I was saying.”


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Re: the curse of materialism

2013-01-22 Thread
 Book:  What is your dangerous idea?
 / Edited by John Brockman /
Seeing Darwin in the light of Einstein;
Seeing Einstein in the light of Darwin.
  / by Lee Smolin.  /
   /  Page 115  /
Seeing Einstein in the light of Darwin suggests that
 natural selection could act not only on living things
 but on the properties defining the various species
 of elementary particles.
   /  Page 117  /
We physicists have now to understand Darwin’s lesson:
The only way to understand how one out of a vast number
 of choices was made, which favors improbable structure,
 is that is the result of evolution by natural selection.
   / Page 117 /
Now the only possible way of accounting for the laws of nature,
and for uniformity in general, is to suppose them results of
  / Page 118 /
And I believe that once this is achieved, Einstein and Darwin
 will be understood as partners in the greatest revolution
 yet in science, . . .
   / Lee Smolin.  /
On which biological level is  possible to use phrase:
 Darwinian natural selection, Darwin’s evolution ?
On which biological level does consciousness appear ?.

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Idealism, theology, and the world of science Options

2013-01-22 Thread

According to Harold Morowitz a structure of single cell
has 10^12 bit of  information
But cells are not  in the one and same state, they are different
then another cell has another 10^12 bit of information . .  .
The estimate for human cells in the human body is about 10^14.
 The number of cells in the body is constantly changing,
as cells die or are destroyed and new ones are formed.
It means that bits information  also constantly changing.
Can this unity between information and cells be chaotic ?
No,  we are called this process: ‘self organizing‘.
About ‘self organizing ‘.

It is amazing to me, that some can use the term "self organizing"
without shame, to describe mindless objects, in arguments that
 claim that the universe lacks both mind and self.

There just appears to be these massive blank spots
 in the thinking of those who wish to see this universe
as containing nothing but mindless objects, denying the existence
of self, while at the same time describing evolution as self.

It is an inversion of reality, they describe and not reality.
They would contend that the stone blocks of the pyramid,
self organized themselves into a complexity that exceeded
the complexity of the blocks themselves.

I am sorry, reality really does not work upside down
and backwards, even imagining it does, requires self-deception.

/  By  Da Blob  /

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Re: Idealism, theology, and the world of science Options

2013-01-22 Thread
 Very nice explanation.
There is only one small problem: It is too complex.
If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough
/ Albert Einstein. /

On Jan 22, 6:28 pm, Richard Ruquist  wrote:
> On Tue, Jan 22, 2013 at 11:32 AM,
>  wrote:
> > According to Harold Morowitz a structure of single cell
> > has 10^12 bit of  information
> > But cells are not  in the one and same state, they are different
> > then another cell has another 10^12 bit of information . .  .
> > ==.
> > The estimate for human cells in the human body is about 10^14.
> >  The number of cells in the body is constantly changing,
> > as cells die or are destroyed and new ones are formed.
> > It means that bits information  also constantly changing.
> > Can this unity between information and cells be chaotic ?
> > No,  we are called this process: ‘self organizing‘.
> > ==.
> > About ‘self organizing ‘.
> > It is amazing to me, that some can use the term "self organizing"
> > without shame, to describe mindless objects, in arguments that
> >  claim that the universe lacks both mind and self.
> > There just appears to be these massive blank spots
> >  in the thinking of those who wish to see this universe
> > as containing nothing but mindless objects, denying the existence
> > of self, while at the same time describing evolution as self.
> > It is an inversion of reality, they describe and not reality.
> > They would contend that the stone blocks of the pyramid,
> > self organized themselves into a complexity that exceeded
> > the complexity of the blocks themselves.
> > I am sorry, reality really does not work upside down
> > and backwards, even imagining it does, requires self-deception.
> > /  By  Da Blob  /
> Regarding self-organizing, In Bruno's words I postulate a Block
> Metaverse Quantum Mind that possesses consciousness and contains the
> forms of Plato from which come the principles and forms of
> self-organization.
> There may be as well little quantum minds associated with each 12d
> universe. But according to string theory, or perhaps my interpretation
> of it, each universe lacks its own compactification flux or fibrations
> (whatever) on which MWI type computations can be written. Only the 14d
> Metaverse has a 4 Dimensional Block Space with such volume-filling
> fluxes or fibrations for writing both all the quantum state
> possibilities in the future (so to speak- in the block metaspace the
> future is a space dimension) as well as all the happenings in the
> past. This is derived from 26d string theory separated into a 14d
> Many-World MW Metaverse and 12d MW universes, both containing
> supersymmetry.
> Richard
> "These manifolds offer several globally defined forms in terms of which
> vev-derived fluxes could be written that might drive the super-Higgs
> mechanism." 147 
> of
> > ===..
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Re: Idealism, theology, and the world of science Options

2013-01-22 Thread
over by Goudsmit and Uhlenbeck
in 1925. They said the elementary particle can rotate
around its diameter using its own angular inner impulse:
h * = h /2pi. So, when photon rotates around its diameter
it looks like a string ( open string) and this string vibrates.
My god, that is a strange technical terminology the physicists
use: ‘ vibrate, vibration’.
If I were a physicist I would say no ‘ vibrate, vibration’ but
‘ frequency’, ‘the particle rotates with high frequency’.
The frequency is a key to every particle, by frequency we know
the radiation spectrum of various kinds of waves.
Now I can say: then my photon starts to curl its rotation
goes with enormous frequency, faster than constant speed
of photon. Now its speed is c>1. We call it ‘tachyon’.
The tachyon’s spinning creates electric charge and
electrical waves and now we call it ‘electron’ or ‘fermions’.
So, in my opinion, virtual- ideal particle, photon, tachyon
and electron are only different names of one and the same
particle – quantum of light.
My particle is a circle. When this circle started to curl around
itself its form changed. Now it has volume and looks like a sphere.
What is the law between particle’s volume and energy?
I think: big volume – low energy, small volume – high energy.
The more speed / impulse > the more particle (as a volume)
compress > the more energy .
And when the speed decrease – - the energy decrease too –
but the volume of particle will increase.
My particle behaves like ‘ a springy circle’ (!)
This springy circle can curl into small sphere which must
have volume and therefore can be describe as a
‘stringlike particle with vibrations’ only approximately .
Springy particle - it means the particle is able to spring back
into its former position. In my opinion this is the meaning of
‘ The Law of mass/energy conservation and transformation’
Once more.
Quantum of light has potential energy (- E=Mc^2 ).
When it starts to curl around its diameter the potential energy
(- E=Mc^2 ) is hidden and we can observe its electronic
energy ( E=h*f).
But there is situation when this hidden potential energy goes
out and we can see its great active power ( + E=Mc^2 )
looking the destroyed cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
In my opinion the particle’s transformation from one state into
the other was legalized as ‘ The Law of mass/energy
conservation and transformation’.
Different conditions of particles are also reason of new
situation in 2D. Now the surface of 2D is changed.
On the one hand we have the spinning electron ( E=h*f)
On the other hand there are masses of Avogadro’s particles.
( kT logW )
The spinning electron changes the temperature of the
surface in this local area.
Now this local area has Debye temperature: Q(d)= h*f(max) / k.
In this space a grain of quantum gravity theory is hidden.
The scheme of quantum gravity is:
1. h*f = kT logW.
2. h*f > kT logW.
3. h*f < kT.

At first the temperature is going from T=0K to 2.18 K (−271 °C)
( at first kT logW is Helium II ).
Then the temperature is going from T=2.18 K to T= 4.2 K,
( kT logW is Helium I ).
And then the protons are created. . . . etc.

E=h*f - - -> He II - - -> He I -- -> . . . . - - > H . . . – - >
Plasma reaction... --> Thermonuclear reactions ...-->..etc.
( P. Kapitza , L. Landau , E.L. Andronikashvili theories).
(Superconductivity, superfluidity.)
Now on the one hand we have quantum of light/ electron.
On the other hand we have proton.
Their interaction creates atom.
This interaction is evolving process.
The conception of Time appears as a period of these two actions.
( star formation and atom creation}.

On Jan 22, 7:45 pm, Richard Ruquist  wrote:
> What could be simpler than splitting the 26 dimensions into two groups
> that are both superstring theories. It certainly is less complicated
> than General Relativity
> On Tue, Jan 22, 2013 at 1:38 PM,
>  wrote:
> >  Very nice explanation.
> >   Congratulation
> > There is only one small problem: It is too complex.
> > If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough
> >                                 / Albert Einstein. /
> > ==.
> > On Jan 22, 6:28 pm, Richard Ruquist  wrote:
> >> On Tue, Jan 22, 2013 at 11:32 AM,
> >>  wrote:
> >> > According to Harold Morowitz a structure of single cell
> >> > has 10^12 bit of  information
> >> > But cells are not  in the one and same state, they are different
> >> > then another cell has another 10^12 bit of information . .  .
> >> > ==.
> >> > The estimate for human cells in the human body is about 10^14.
> >> >  The number of cells in the body is constantly changing,
> >> > as cells die or are destroyed and new ones are form

Science is a religion by itself.

2013-01-24 Thread
  Belief . . . from history of physics.
  Many years Max  Planck was attracted with the
absolutely black body problem.
If quantum of light moving with speed c=1 falls in the area of
absolutely black body and does not radiate back, then “ terminal
dead “ will come. In order to save the quantum of light from ‘death ‘
Planck decided that  it is possible that quantum of light
 will radiate back with quantum unit (h ),  (h=Et )
This unit does not come on formulas or equations.
Planck introduced this unit from heaven, from ceiling.
Sorry. Sorry.
Scientists say:  Planck introduced this unit intuitively.
They say:  Planck introduced unit (h) phenomenologically
the movement founded by Husserl that concentrates on the
detailed description of conscious experience, without recourse
 to explanation, metaphysical assumptions, and traditional
 philosophical questions
So. Planck discovered the quantum of energy / action
 ‘without recourse  to explanation, metaphysical assumptions,
and traditional  philosophical questions’.
Many years Planck tried to find rational explanation for his unit
but without success.
We can read that unit (h) is an ’inner’ impulse (spin) of particle.
But what ’inner impulse’ means? We have no  answer.
There are 1000 books and millions articles about
‘philosophy of science’ but how can I believe them
 if they didn’t explain me ‘what quantum particle is’.
Our today’s belief in science is similar to the past belief
 in religion:‘ I believe because it is absurd.’
/ Tertullian. (ca.160 – ca.220 AD) /
( in science –  big bang,
 in religion - God create woman from Adam’s rib.)

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Re: Science is a religion by itself.

2013-01-24 Thread
mainly a timeless virtual MWI Block Space.
> But your question really is "what does a physical particle look like?"
> My answer is that they look like strings. But I have to admit that
> strings are still concepts in the regime of metaphysics. Of course,
> point particles are there as well.
> Richard
> On Thu, Jan 24, 2013 at 5:37 AM,
>  wrote:
> >   Belief . . . from history of physics.
> > =.
> >   Many years Max  Planck was attracted with the
> > absolutely black body problem.
> > If quantum of light moving with speed c=1 falls in the area of
> > absolutely black body and does not radiate back, then “ terminal
> > dead “ will come. In order to save the quantum of light from ‘death ‘
> > Planck decided that  it is possible that quantum of light
> >  will radiate back with quantum unit (h ),  (h=Et )
> > This unit does not come on formulas or equations.
> > Planck introduced this unit from heaven, from ceiling.
> > Sorry. Sorry.
> > Scientists say:  Planck introduced this unit intuitively.
> > They say:  Planck introduced unit (h) phenomenologically
> > ===..
> > Phenomenology.
> > 1.
> > the movement founded by Husserl that concentrates on the
> > detailed description of conscious experience, without recourse
> >  to explanation, metaphysical assumptions, and traditional
> >  philosophical questions
> >
> > ===…
> > So. Planck discovered the quantum of energy / action
> >  ‘without recourse  to explanation, metaphysical assumptions,
> > and traditional  philosophical questions’.
> > Many years Planck tried to find rational explanation for his unit
> > but without success.
> > We can read that unit (h) is an ’inner’ impulse (spin) of particle.
> > But what ’inner impulse’ means? We have no  answer.
> > ==.
> > There are 1000 books and millions articles about
> > ‘philosophy of science’ but how can I believe them
> >  if they didn’t explain me ‘what quantum particle is’.
> > Our today’s belief in science is similar to the past belief
> >  in religion:    ‘ I believe because it is absurd.’
> > / Tertullian. (ca.160 – ca.220 AD) /
> > ( in science –  big bang,
> >  in religion - God create woman from Adam’s rib.)
> > ==..
> > --
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Science is a religion by itself.

2013-01-27 Thread
What are we talking about ?
a) We don't know what 'virtual particles' are,
b)  we don’t know what electron is,
c)  we don't know what water is,
d) we don't know what entropy is,
e)  we don’t know what inertia is . . . . .etc
The concept of virtual particles are . . . 'an approximation scheme'

why electron has six (6) formulas and many theories ?
Nobody knows.

"Water is still not fully understood, although it is the basis
of our existence. I expect more surprises to be discovered
in the future."
/ SLAC scientist Anders Nilsson. /
"In my view, the work on water is yet another example of the
actual complexity of matter, this time within a simple liquid.
Modern X-ray work appears to be triggering a new understanding
of liquids and we may have only seen the beginning of a paradigm
shift in our understanding."
/ Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory director Jo Stöhr. / -- June 30, 2008

Henry Poincare named the conception of "entropy "
as a " surprising abstract ".
Lev Landau (Dau) wrote:
" A question about the physical basis of the
entropy monotonous increasing law remains open ".
Nobel laureate in chemistry 1909 Wilhelm Ostwald
wrote that the entropy is only a shadow of energy.
The mathematician John von Neumann said to
"the father of information theory" Claude Shannon:
" Name it "entropy" then in discussions
you will receive solid advantage, because
nobody knows, what "entropy" basically is ".

Someone wrote:
“An old professor of mine used to say
that anyone who can answer that question
what inertia is , would win a Nobel Prize. “
! !
What are we talking about ?
We are talking about   so called  'philosophy of science'.
Best wishes.
Israel Sadovnik.  Socratus
=. .

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Re: Science is a religion by itself.

2013-01-28 Thread
.Everybody creates his God according to his own image and spirit
If  triangles made a God they would give him three sides
/ Charles de Montesquieu . Persian Letters, 1721 /
There were people who  said ‘God ‘ and thought  about Zeus.
There are people who say ‘God ‘ and think about Holly Cow.
If physicists made a God they would give Him concrete physical
Can God create a Universe which physicists could not understand ?

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Re: Science is a religion by itself.

2013-01-29 Thread
" The most incomprehensible thing about the world is
   that it is comprehensible."
  /  Albert Einstein /

On Jan 29, 2:49 pm, Richard Ruquist  wrote:
> On Tue, Jan 29, 2013 at 2:33 AM,
>  wrote:
> > .Everybody creates his God according to his own image and spirit
> > If  triangles made a God they would give him three sides
> > / Charles de Montesquieu . Persian Letters, 1721 /
> >  #
> > There were people who  said ‘God ‘ and thought  about Zeus.
> > There are people who say ‘God ‘ and think about Holly Cow.
> > If physicists made a God they would give Him concrete physical
> > parameters.
> > Can God create a Universe which physicists could not understand ?
> > =.
> We live in such a universe. At least 96% of which cannot be
> understood, perhaps 100%.
> > --
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Re: Science is a religion by itself.

2013-01-30 Thread
About Infinity. / My opinion /
How could mere man comprehend infinity?
Infinity is the cause of the crisis in Physics.

Why is Infinity the cause of the crisis in Physics?
Because we don’t know what infinity is.
The concept of infinite / eternal means nothing to a scientists.
Infinity is no ‘more ‘, ‘ less’, ‘equally’ or  ‘similar’.
The Infinity is something  that could not be compared to anything.
 Considering so, scientists came to conclusion that the
infinity cannot be considered in real processes and they
 proclaimed  unwritten law:
 ‘ If we want that the theory would be correct,
 the infinity should be eliminated’  . . . .  by the
' method of  renormalization '  . . .  about which Feynman wrote
 ' using this method we can  these infinities sweep under a carpet '
and then Feynman asked:
‘ Who can confirm that the infinity conforms with reality of nature?’
  / Book:  The Character of Physical Law.  Lecture 7. /

I will try to explain ‘infinity’ as brief and simple as is possible.
There are billions and  billions Galaxies in the
 Universe, each of which has hundreds of billions of stars.
All these billions and billions Galaxies are divided by space,
 which we call ‘ Vacuum’.
This Vacuum is an  infinite and eternal continuum.
Why Vacuum is infinite ?
Because the sum of masses of all Galaxies (the cosmological
 constant / the critical density ) is as small that it cannot
‘ close’ the whole Universe into sphere and  therefore Universe
  as whole must be  ‘open’, endless, infinite.
Only in some small local parts of this infinite Vacuum continuum
some masses can gather together in an enough quantity to create
 stars, planets . . .etc.
Vacuum continuum is not a simple space
Physicists say that in vacuum ‘virtual particles’ exist and they
 can appear as real particles.  Nobody knows what they are.
Astrophysicists say that ‘dark mass- matter’ in vacuum is hidden.
This ‘dark mass- matter’ is not ordinary matter but ‘non normal’.
They say that more than 90% of the matter in the Universe
 is ‘non normal dark mass – matter’.
So, from ‘ virtual particles ‘ and ‘non normal dark matter ’ were
created  all billion and billion Galaxies, including our planet Earth
 and everything on it,  also including you, who reads  this email.
And because we don’t know what ‘ virtual particles ‘ and ‘dark matter’
 therefore we don’t have answer to the question: who am I ?
Best wishes.
Israel Sadovnik Socratus

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Re: Science is a religion by itself.

2013-01-30 Thread
Quantum biology: Do weird physics effects abound in nature?

Disappearing in one place and reappearing in another.
 Being in two places at once. Communicating information seemingly
 faster than the speed of light.

This kind of weird behaviour is commonplace in dark, still
 studying the branch of physics called quantum mechanics, but what
might it have to do with fresh flowers, migrating birds, and the smell
 of rotten eggs?
Welcome to the frontier of what is called quantum biology.

  ' Long time ago, when the life only began generated
 by the chance a molecule  had arisen   .  . . . . .
 . . . we are only descendants of these first molecules . . . . .
 . . .  all living beings on the Earth occurred from one
and the same  ancestors on the molecular level.'
  / Book: The Character of Physical Law.
  Lecture 4.  By R. Feynman /

And somebody said if we give to the simplest molecule
hydrogen enough time  then it will become a man
 ( maybe according to the law of evolution ) .

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Re: Science is a religion by itself.

2013-01-30 Thread
Biology- -  Evolutionary biology -  - Physics- - Biophysics -
Quantum biology  - Evolutionary biophysics on quantomolecular level.
( ! ? )

On Jan 31, 4:06 am, "" 
> Quantum biology: Do weird physics effects abound in nature?
> Disappearing in one place and reappearing in another.
>  Being in two places at once. Communicating information seemingly
>  faster than the speed of light.
> This kind of weird behaviour is commonplace in dark, still
> laboratories
>  studying the branch of physics called quantum mechanics, but what
> might it have to do with fresh flowers, migrating birds, and the smell
>  of rotten eggs?
> Welcome to the frontier of what is called quantum biology.
> ==..
>   ' Long time ago, when the life only began generated
>  by the chance a molecule  had arisen   .  . . . . .
>  . . . we are only descendants of these first molecules . . . . .
>  . . .  all living beings on the Earth occurred from one
> and the same  ancestors on the molecular level.'
>   / Book: The Character of Physical Law.
>           Lecture 4.  By R. Feynman /
> And somebody said if we give to the simplest molecule
> hydrogen enough time  then it will become a man
>  ( maybe according to the law of evolution ) .
> ===.

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Re: Science is a religion by itself.

2013-02-01 Thread

On Feb 1, 7:51 pm, Craig Weinberg  wrote:
> On Friday, February 1, 2013 12:26:43 PM UTC-5, rclough wrote:
> >  Hi 
> > Feynman was wrong.  Life isn't physics,
> > it's intelligence or consciousness, free will.
> If we understand that physics is actually experience, then life,
> intelligence, consciousness, free will, qualia, etc are all physics. How
> could it really be otherwise?
> Craig

In the name of reason and common sense:
How  could it really be otherwise?

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Re: How can intelligence be physical ?

2013-02-02 Thread

On Feb 2, 10:02 am, "Roger Clough" wrote:
> Hi and Craig, and all,
> How can intelligence  be physical ? How can meaning be physical ?
> How can thinking be physical ? How can knowing be physical ?
> How can life or consciousness or free will be physical ?

  In the name of reason and common sense:
  How can dualism be equal to idealism ?
To solve the problem of dualism of particle in physics is
equal to solve the problem of idealism in philosophy.
Dualism = Idealism.
Because in physics we have two ( 2) conceptions of  impulse:
a)  Newtonian/ Classical physics explains conceptions of impulse
 as an outside effect.
b)  Quantum physics explains conceptions of  impulse as
 an inside – inner effect.
What it means ?  My explanation.

According to Quantum theory the elementary particle quantum
 of light can be in three ( 3) states:

a) Quantum of light can be in potential state,
  then its inner  impulse and speed is zero: h=0,  c=0.

b)  Quantum of light can be in the state of constant and straight
 motion ( in vacuum)  then its inner  impulse according to Planck
 is h=E/t and according to Einstein it is h=kb. Einstein proved that
  h= E/t = kb =1
Using this impulse quantum of light moves  in a straight line
 with constant speed c = 299,792,458 m/sec = 1.
 We call such quantum of light - ‘photon’.
>From Earth – gravity point of view this speed is maximally.
>From Vacuum point of view this speed is minimally.
In this movement quantum of light behave as a corpuscular.

c)  According to Goudsmit and Uhlenbeck quantum of light
can rotate around its axis by its inner impulse  h* = h / 2pi.
 In such movement quantum of light has charge and produce
electric waves ( waves property of particle).
We call such quantum of light - ‘ electron’ . The speed of rotating
 electron is faster than when it moves in a straight line :  c>1.
The speed of rotating electron we call ‘frequency’ ( f ).
Now is possible ‘visual’ to understand the formula of electron’s
 energy: E=h*f.

  Quantum of light can be in three ( 3) states:
a) h=0 (potential state)
b) h=1 ( be as a photon in a straight constant movement)
c) h* = h/ 2pi ( be as an  electron  – rotates around its own axis)

The reason of these different kind of motions is its inner impulses.
What this mean?
It means that quantum of light has free will to choice in which state
to be.
To have possibility to choice needs some kind of consciousness.
This consciousness cannot be statically.
This   consciousness can develop.
 The development of consciousness goes, as ancient Indian Veda says,
 “ from vague wish up to a clear thought ”
It means that quantum of light not only object but subject too and
therefore I wrote:   Dualism = Idealism.
Of course, when we think about behavior of quantum of light  we need
 to take in attention its reference frame –  Infinite Vacuum: T=0K.
Best wishes.
Israel Sadovnik  Socratus.

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Re: Science is a religion by itself.

2013-02-04 Thread
 Brain –> Consciousness , Consciousness –> Brain.
Is consciousness a result of evolution or it is its fuel ?
 ‘ Contrary to what everyone knows it is so, it may
 not be the brain that produce consciousness, but rather
 consciousness that creates the appearance of the brain -  . .  . .’
/ Book ‘ The Holographic Universe’  page 160.
by  Michael Talbot ./
Isn’t it a strange contradiction ?
But maybe it means what brain obeys the  ‘dualistic law’ :
Brain - –> Consciousness ,  Consciousness - –> Brain.
Who knows ?

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Science is a religion by itself.

2013-02-05 Thread
   Alice in Quantumland
The theory of quantum electrodynamics describes Nature as absurd
 from the point of view of common sense.
And it agrees fully with experiment.
 So I hope you accept Nature as She is — absurd.
/ QED : The Strange Theory of Light and Matter
  page. 10.  by  R. Feynman /

‘ Many believe that relative theory tells us that ours
is a kind of Alice-in-Wonderland universe;  that this
revealed by the mathematician Einstein who discovered
that there is a fourth dimension,  . . . .. . .  that, in short,
everything is relative and mysterious. ‘
 / Book ‘Albert Einstein’ ,  page 4.  By Leopold Infeld ./

We still don't know that negative 4-D is.  (!)

In the other words:
Physicists show us the absurd and mysterious existence
 of nature as a real fact.
 I cannot believe that nature is absurd and mysterious.
 I think that their interpretations in  relative and
 quantum electrodynamics theories were  wrong.
' But I don't want to go among mad people,' said Alice.
'Oh, you can't help that,' said the cat. 'We're all mad here.'
  / Lewis Carroll.
   Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. /


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Re: How can intelligence be physical ?

2013-02-05 Thread
  I think that it is possible to understand the universe
using usual common logical thought.
We need only understand in which zoo (reference frame )
physicists found higgs-boson and 1000 its elementary brothers.



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Re: How can intelligence be physical ?

2013-02-05 Thread
 It is impossible using particle accelerators to understand
god-particles and the ultimate truth of nature as physicists hope.
To create particle accelerators is needed reference frame of vacuum.
It means that physicists take vacuum as a reflector of  the real (!)
structure of nature: the space between billions and billions galaxies.

But on the other hand,  today's  physicists refuse to take vacuum
 T=0K as real fundament of Universe.
‘ It is true  . . . there is such a thing as absolute zero; we cannot
 reach temperatures below absolute zero not because we are not
sufficiently clever but because temperatures below absolute zero
 simple have no meaning.’
/ Book : ‘Dreams of a final theory’  Page 138.
By Steven Weinberg. The Nobel Prize in Physics 1979 /
Does one physicist hand know that the other hand makes?
( maybe without vacuum the CERN is good place for formula-I
 competition . . ? ! )

On Feb 5, 3:43 pm, "" 
>   I think that it is possible to understand the universe
> using usual common logical thought.
> We need only understand in which zoo (reference frame )
> physicists found higgs-boson and 1000 its elementary brothers.
> socratus
> .

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Science is a religion by itself.

2013-02-06 Thread
  Alice in Quantumland
an allegory of Quantum Physics

(Below is a sample from the publisher's blurb)

 This story is physics told through a fantasy  allegory.
Alice falls through the screen of her television set and finds herself
 in Quantumland. This is a place where she encounters unusual
 who demonstrate to her the basics of quantum physics.
She meets electrons, whose positions must be uncertain unless they are
 moving rapidly
She visits the Heisenberg Bank and sees particles get short term
energy loans
She talks to the Uncertain Accountant who cannot make his books
because of energy fluctuations.
She meets the Quantum and Classical Mechanics at the Mechanic's
Institute and sees demonstrations of interference in their Gedanken
At the Fermi Bose Academy she is told how the Pauli Principle deals
with hundreds of identical electron students.
>From the Mendeleev Pier she explores the energy levels within an
She visits Castle Rutherford, the home of the nuclear Family.
The three Quark Brothers explain the composition of strongly
interacting particles.
In all of this there is only one equation.

   The Use of Allegory
Modern physics has given rise to some strange and marvelous concepts.
 They are not only strange, they are difficult to believe.
We cannot understand them, in that we cannot make them fit
 with our previous beliefs.
In that sense no one  understands quantum mechanics.
We are forced to take on board new and initially unbelievable facts.


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Science is a religion by itself.

2013-02-06 Thread
  Does somebody know what  Vacuum is ?
No, we don’t know what  Vacuum is.
 Paul Dirac wrote:
‘ The problem of the exact description of vacuum, in my opinion,
 is the basic problem now before physics. Really, if you can’t
describe the vacuum, how it is possible to expect a correct
of something more complex? ‘
The most fundamental question facing 21st century physics will be:
What is the vacuum? As quantum mechanics teaches us, with
 its zero point energy this vacuum is not empty and the word
 vacuum is a gross misnomer!
   / Prof. Friedwardt Winterberg /
Wikipedia :
“ Unfortunately neither the concept of space nor of time is well
resulting in a dilemma. If we don't know the character of time nor of
 how can we characterize either? “
"Now we know that the vacuum can have all sorts of wonderful effects
over an enormous range of scales, from the microscopic to the cosmic,"
 said Peter Milonni
from the Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico.
‘ All kinds of electromagnetic waves ( including light’s)
spread in vacuum  . . . .  thanks to the vacuum, to the specific
ability of empty space  these electromagnetic waves  can exist.’
/ Book : To what physics was come,  page 32. R. K. Utiyama. /
So, we know that the vacuum is very important conception in physics
and nature, but . . .  but . . . we don’t know what vacuum is, and
 is possible to have many speculations including metaphysical too.
For example:   Danah  Zohar  wrote:

 ‘It might even give us some ground to speculate that
the vacuum itself (and hence the universe) is ‘conscious’.
/ Book  ‘The quantum self ’ page 208. /
 ‘If we were looking for something that we could conceive
of as God within the universe of the new physics, this ground
 state, coherent quantum vacuum might be a good place to start.’
/ Book  ‘The quantum self ’ page 208,  by Danah Zohar. /

The question is:
 How is it possible to prove Zohar’s metaphysical  confirmation
 with physical laws and formulas?

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Science is a religion by itself.

2013-02-09 Thread
  How to describe the Universe as it really is ?
   In his " Scientific Autobiography" Max Planck wrote :
' The outside world is something independent from man,
 something absolute, and the quest for the laws which apply
 to this absolute appeared to me as the most sublime scientific
 pursuit in life. '

 What are these ' laws which apply to this absolute ' world ?
In the beginning Planck wrote, that " From young years
the search of the laws, concerning to something absolute,
seemed to me the most wonderful task in scientist’s life."
And after some pages Planck wrote again, that
" the search for something absolute seemed to me the
most wonderful task for a researcher."
And after some pages Planck wrote again, that
“ the most wonderful scientific task for me was
searching of something absolute."
And as for the relation between “relativity and absolute”
Planck wrote, that the fact of  " relativity assumes the
existence of something absolute" ;
"the relativity has sense when something absolute resists it.”
Planck wrote that the phrase " all is relative " misleads us,
 because there is something absolute .
And the most attractive thing was for Planck
“to find something absolute that was hidden in its foundation.”
And Planck explained what there is absolute in the physics:
a) The Law of conservation and transformation energy,.
b) The negative 4D continuum,
c) The speed of light quanta,
d) The maximum entropy which is possible
at temperature of absolute zero: T=0K.
I think that these four Planck's points are foundation of science.

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Re: Science is a religion by itself.

2013-02-10 Thread
 Why?  And why do you think science has made no progress since 1947?

Science made great technological ( !) progress since 1947,
but not ' philosophical progress ' (!).
We still haven't answers to the questiohs:
What is the negative 4D Minkowski continuum ?,
What is the quantum of light ?,
What is an electron?,
 What is entropy ?
. . . .  . etc. . . . .etc.
To create new abstraction ( quarks, big-bang, method
of renormalization . . . etc )  is not a progress.

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Re: Science is a religion by itself.

2013-02-11 Thread
I wrote that Planck gave answer to the questions:
How to understand Alice's Quantumland ?
How to describe the Universe as it really is ?

Does somebody disagree with Planck ?

On Feb 10, 7:46 am, "" 
>   How to describe the Universe as it really is ?
> =.
>    In his " Scientific Autobiography" Max Planck wrote :
> ' The outside world is something independent from man,
>  something absolute, and the quest for the laws which apply
>  to this absolute appeared to me as the most sublime scientific
>  pursuit in life. '
>  What are these ' laws which apply to this absolute ' world ?
> ==..
> In the beginning Planck wrote, that " From young years
> the search of the laws, concerning to something absolute,
> seemed to me the most wonderful task in scientist’s life."
> And after some pages Planck wrote again, that
> " the search for something absolute seemed to me the
> most wonderful task for a researcher."
> And after some pages Planck wrote again, that
> “ the most wonderful scientific task for me was
> searching of something absolute."
> ==..
> And as for the relation between “relativity and absolute”
> Planck wrote, that the fact of  " relativity assumes the
> existence of something absolute" ;
> "the relativity has sense when something absolute resists it.”
> Planck wrote that the phrase " all is relative " misleads us,
>  because there is something absolute .
> And the most attractive thing was for Planck
> “to find something absolute that was hidden in its foundation.”
> 3.
> And Planck explained what there is absolute in the physics:
> a) The Law of conservation and transformation energy,.
> b) The negative 4D continuum,
> c) The speed of light quanta,
> d) The maximum entropy which is possible
> at temperature of absolute zero: T=0K.
> ==.
> I think that these four Planck's points are foundation of science.
> =.
> socratus

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Re: How can intelligence be physical ?

2013-02-11 Thread

  The situation in ' philosophy of physics'.
‘ Suddenly I realized that a nagual did have one point to
defend - in my opinion, a passionate defense for the
'description of the Eagle', and 'what the Eagle does'.

"But what kind of a force would the Eagle be?"

"I would not know how to answer that.
 The Eagle is as real for the seers as gravity and time
 are for you, and just as abstract and incomprehensible."

Those are abstract concepts, but they do refer to
real phenomena  that can be corroborated. .   "

He said that the Eagle's emanations are an immutable
thing-in-itself, which engulfs everything that exists;
the knowable and the unknowable.

"There is no way to describe in words what the Eagle's
emanations really are,"  . . . .  .
. . . . . .  .   etc . . .
/ The Fire From Within. ©1984 By Carlos Castaneda.
Chapter 03 - The Eagle's Emanations. /
Their dialogue is a good example for description the situation
in ' philosophy of physics'  when the stupidity has  a mandate
 from the physicists  to explain us the ‘philosophy of physics’.

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Re: Science is a religion by itself.

2013-02-11 Thread
' global conservation of energy can't even be defined for
the universe '

It means that global conservation of energy is infinite .
And this infinite energy belong to the vacuum because  that
 more than 90% of mass ( dark mass/energy ) is hidden in the vacuum
How to understand vacuum's infinity ?
Vacuum's infinity has only one physical parameter: T=0K.

On Feb 11, 7:48 pm, meekerdb  wrote:
> On 2/11/2013 2:51 AM, wrote:
> > I wrote that Planck gave answer to the questions:
> > How to understand Alice's Quantumland ?
> > How to describe the Universe as it really is ?
> > Does somebody disagree with Planck ?
> Well for one thing it appears that global conservation of energy can't even 
> be defined for
> the universe (no timelike Killing field) - so it can hardly be the foundation 
> of physics.
> Brent
> > =
> > On Feb 10, 7:46 am, ""
> > wrote:
> >>    How to describe the Universe as it really is ?
> >> =.
> >>     In his " Scientific Autobiography" Max Planck wrote :
> >> ' The outside world is something independent from man,
> >>   something absolute, and the quest for the laws which apply
> >>   to this absolute appeared to me as the most sublime scientific
> >>   pursuit in life. '
> >>   What are these ' laws which apply to this absolute ' world ?
> >> ==..
> >> In the beginning Planck wrote, that " From young years
> >> the search of the laws, concerning to something absolute,
> >> seemed to me the most wonderful task in scientist s life."
> >> And after some pages Planck wrote again, that
> >> " the search for something absolute seemed to me the
> >> most wonderful task for a researcher."
> >> And after some pages Planck wrote again, that
> >> the most wonderful scientific task for me was
> >> searching of something absolute."
> >> ==..
> >> And as for the relation between relativity and absolute
> >> Planck wrote, that the fact of  " relativity assumes the
> >> existence of something absolute" ;
> >> "the relativity has sense when something absolute resists it.
> >> Planck wrote that the phrase " all is relative " misleads us,
> >>   because there is something absolute .
> >> And the most attractive thing was for Planck
> >> to find something absolute that was hidden in its foundation.
> >> 3.
> >> And Planck explained what there is absolute in the physics:
> >> a) The Law of conservation and transformation energy,.
> >> b) The negative 4D continuum,
> >> c) The speed of light quanta,
> >> d) The maximum entropy which is possible
> >> at temperature of absolute zero: T=0K.
> >> ==.
> >> I think that these four Planck's points are foundation of science.
> >> =.
> >> socratus- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

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Re: Science is a religion by itself.

2013-02-11 Thread
  How to understand Vacuum: T=0K ?
Physics (classical + quantum) lives under shadow of Vacuum.
I want throw light on this Vacuum.
Three theories explain the Vacuum T=0K :
a) theory of ideal gas because its temperature is T=0K,

b)  QED theory because this theory explain interaction
photon / electron not only with matter but with vacuum too,

 c)  Euler’s equation:  e^ i(pi) = - 1, because only in the
negative vacuum T=0K  can exist ‘ virtual imaginaries particles’
which Euler described by his formula:  e^ i(pi) + 1= 0.

d)  The global conservation of energy is infinite .
And this infinite energy belong to the vacuum because  that
 more than 90% of mass ( dark mass/energy ) is hidden in the vacuum
How to understand vacuum's infinity ?
Vacuum's infinity has only one physical parameter: T=0K.
This physical parameter is the key to understand the essence of
Without Vacuum T=0K  there isn’t Physics,
there isn’t Philosophy of Physics.
Best wishes.
Israel Sadovnik  Socratus.

On Feb 12, 7:15 am, "" 
> ' global conservation of energy can't even be defined for
> the universe '
> Brent
> It means that global conservation of energy is infinite .
> And this infinite energy belong to the vacuum because  that
>  more than 90% of mass ( dark mass/energy ) is hidden in the vacuum
> How to understand vacuum's infinity ?
> Vacuum's infinity has only one physical parameter: T=0K.
> =
> On Feb 11, 7:48 pm, meekerdb  wrote:
> > On 2/11/2013 2:51 AM, wrote:
> > > I wrote that Planck gave answer to the questions:
> > > How to understand Alice's Quantumland ?
> > > How to describe the Universe as it really is ?
> > > Does somebody disagree with Planck ?
> > Well for one thing it appears that global conservation of energy can't even 
> > be defined for
> > the universe (no timelike Killing field) - so it can hardly be the 
> > foundation of physics.
> > Brent
> > > =
> > > On Feb 10, 7:46 am, ""
> > > wrote:
> > >>    How to describe the Universe as it really is ?
> > >> =.
> > >>     In his " Scientific Autobiography" Max Planck wrote :
> > >> ' The outside world is something independent from man,
> > >>   something absolute, and the quest for the laws which apply
> > >>   to this absolute appeared to me as the most sublime scientific
> > >>   pursuit in life. '
> > >>   What are these ' laws which apply to this absolute ' world ?
> > >> ==..
> > >> In the beginning Planck wrote, that " From young years
> > >> the search of the laws, concerning to something absolute,
> > >> seemed to me the most wonderful task in scientist s life."
> > >> And after some pages Planck wrote again, that
> > >> " the search for something absolute seemed to me the
> > >> most wonderful task for a researcher."
> > >> And after some pages Planck wrote again, that
> > >> the most wonderful scientific task for me was
> > >> searching of something absolute."
> > >> ==..
> > >> And as for the relation between relativity and absolute
> > >> Planck wrote, that the fact of  " relativity assumes the
> > >> existence of something absolute" ;
> > >> "the relativity has sense when something absolute resists it.
> > >> Planck wrote that the phrase " all is relative " misleads us,
> > >>   because there is something absolute .
> > >> And the most attractive thing was for Planck
> > >> to find something absolute that was hidden in its foundation.
> > >> 3.
> > >> And Planck explained what there is absolute in the physics:
> > >> a) The Law of conservation and transformation energy,.
> > >> b) The negative 4D continuum,
> > >> c) The speed of light quanta,
> > >> d) The maximum entropy which is possible
> > >> at temperature of absolute zero: T=0K.
> > >> ==.
> > >> I think that these four Planck's points are foundation of science.
> > >> =.
> > >> socratus- Hide quoted text -
> > - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

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Re: Science is a religion by itself.

2013-02-12 Thread

On Feb 12, 8:41 am, meekerdb  wrote:
> On 2/11/2013 10:15 PM, wrote:
> > ' global conservation of energy can't even be defined for
> > the universe '
> > Brent
> > It means that global conservation of energy is infinite .
> No, it means it's undefined - there's no unique way to add up the energy from 
> different
> parts of a curved spacetime without an timelike Killing field - which 
> describes our universe.
> Brent

The energy from different parts of a curved space and time (!)
comes from infinite vacuum spacetime (!).

Mr. Brent, do you understand the difference between
spacetime and space and time?

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Re: Science is a religion by itself.

2013-02-12 Thread
Euler Identity within a new quantum theory.


On Feb 12, 7:35 am, "" 
>   How to understand Vacuum: T=0K ?
> ==.
> Physics (classical + quantum) lives under shadow of Vacuum.
> I want throw light on this Vacuum.
> Three theories explain the Vacuum T=0K :
> a) theory of ideal gas because its temperature is T=0K,
> b)  QED theory because this theory explain interaction
> photon / electron not only with matter but with vacuum too,
>  c)  Euler’s equation:  e^ i(pi) = - 1, because only in the
> negative vacuum T=0K  can exist ‘ virtual imaginaries particles’
> which Euler described by his formula:  e^ i(pi) + 1= 0.
> d)  The global conservation of energy is infinite .
> And this infinite energy belong to the vacuum because  that
>  more than 90% of mass ( dark mass/energy ) is hidden in the vacuum
> How to understand vacuum's infinity ?
> Vacuum's infinity has only one physical parameter: T=0K.
> This physical parameter is the key to understand the essence of
> Existence.
> =.
> Without Vacuum T=0K  there isn’t Physics,
> there isn’t Philosophy of Physics.
> .
> Best wishes.
> Israel Sadovnik  Socratus.
> ==.
> On Feb 12, 7:15 am, "" 
> wrote:
> > ' global conservation of energy can't even be defined for
> > the universe '
> > Brent
> > It means that global conservation of energy is infinite .
> > And this infinite energy belong to the vacuum because  that
> >  more than 90% of mass ( dark mass/energy ) is hidden in the vacuum
> > How to understand vacuum's infinity ?
> > Vacuum's infinity has only one physical parameter: T=0K.
> > =
> > On Feb 11, 7:48 pm, meekerdb  wrote:
> > > On 2/11/2013 2:51 AM, wrote:
> > > > I wrote that Planck gave answer to the questions:
> > > > How to understand Alice's Quantumland ?
> > > > How to describe the Universe as it really is ?
> > > > Does somebody disagree with Planck ?
> > > Well for one thing it appears that global conservation of energy can't 
> > > even be defined for
> > > the universe (no timelike Killing field) - so it can hardly be the 
> > > foundation of physics.
> > > Brent
> > > > =
> > > > On Feb 10, 7:46 am, ""
> > > > wrote:
> > > >>    How to describe the Universe as it really is ?
> > > >> =.
> > > >>     In his " Scientific Autobiography" Max Planck wrote :
> > > >> ' The outside world is something independent from man,
> > > >>   something absolute, and the quest for the laws which apply
> > > >>   to this absolute appeared to me as the most sublime scientific
> > > >>   pursuit in life. '
> > > >>   What are these ' laws which apply to this absolute ' world ?
> > > >> ==..
> > > >> In the beginning Planck wrote, that " From young years
> > > >> the search of the laws, concerning to something absolute,
> > > >> seemed to me the most wonderful task in scientist s life."
> > > >> And after some pages Planck wrote again, that
> > > >> " the search for something absolute seemed to me the
> > > >> most wonderful task for a researcher."
> > > >> And after some pages Planck wrote again, that
> > > >> the most wonderful scientific task for me was
> > > >> searching of something absolute."
> > > >> ==..
> > > >> And as for the relation between relativity and absolute
> > > >> Planck wrote, that the fact of  " relativity assumes the
> > > >> existence of something absolute" ;
> > > >> "the relativity has sense when something absolute resists it.
> > > >> Planck wrote that the phrase " all is relative " misleads us,
> > > >>   because there is something absolute .
> > > >> And the most attractive thing was for Planck
> > > >> to find something absolute that was hidden in its foundation.
> > > >> 3.
> > > >> And Planck explained what there is absolute in the physics:
> > > >> a) The Law of conservation and transformation energy,.
> > > >> b) The negative 4D continuum,
> > > >> c) The speed of light quanta,
> > > >> d) The maximum entropy which is possible
> > > >> at temperature of absolute zero: T=0K.
> > > >> ==.
> > > >> I think that these four Planck's points are foundation of science.
> > > >> =.
> > > >> socratus- Hide quoted text -
> > > - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -
> > - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

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Re: Science is a religion by itself.

2013-02-12 Thread
After proving Euler's identity during a lecture, Benjamin Peirce,
 a noted American 19th-century philosopher, mathematician,
and professor at Harvard University, stated that
"it is absolutely paradoxical; we cannot understand it,
 and we don't know what it means, but we have proved it,
and therefore we know it must be the truth."
Stanford University mathematics professor Keith Devlin said,
 "Like a Shakespearean sonnet that captures the very essence
 of love, or a painting that brings out the beauty of the human
 form that is far more than just skin deep, Euler's Equation reaches
 down into the very depths of existence."'s_identity

"it is absolutely paradoxical; we cannot understand it,
 and we don't know what it means, .  . . . .’
 . . .  but . . .
‘ Euler's Equation reaches down into the very depths of existence."

On Feb 12, 7:35 am, "" 
>   How to understand Vacuum: T=0K ?
> ==.
> Physics (classical + quantum) lives under shadow of Vacuum.
> I want throw light on this Vacuum.
> Three theories explain the Vacuum T=0K :
> a) theory of ideal gas because its temperature is T=0K,
> b)  QED theory because this theory explain interaction
> photon / electron not only with matter but with vacuum too,
>  c)  Euler’s equation:  e^ i(pi) = - 1, because only in the
> negative vacuum T=0K  can exist ‘ virtual imaginaries particles’
> which Euler described by his formula:  e^ i(pi) + 1= 0.
> d)  The global conservation of energy is infinite .
> And this infinite energy belong to the vacuum because  that
>  more than 90% of mass ( dark mass/energy ) is hidden in the vacuum
> How to understand vacuum's infinity ?
> Vacuum's infinity has only one physical parameter: T=0K.
> This physical parameter is the key to understand the essence of
> Existence.
> =.
> Without Vacuum T=0K  there isn’t Physics,
> there isn’t Philosophy of Physics.
> .
> Best wishes.
> Israel Sadovnik  Socratus.
> ==.
> On Feb 12, 7:15 am, "" 
> wrote:
> > ' global conservation of energy can't even be defined for
> > the universe '
> > Brent
> > It means that global conservation of energy is infinite .
> > And this infinite energy belong to the vacuum because  that
> >  more than 90% of mass ( dark mass/energy ) is hidden in the vacuum
> > How to understand vacuum's infinity ?
> > Vacuum's infinity has only one physical parameter: T=0K.
> > =
> > On Feb 11, 7:48 pm, meekerdb  wrote:
> > > On 2/11/2013 2:51 AM, wrote:
> > > > I wrote that Planck gave answer to the questions:
> > > > How to understand Alice's Quantumland ?
> > > > How to describe the Universe as it really is ?
> > > > Does somebody disagree with Planck ?
> > > Well for one thing it appears that global conservation of energy can't 
> > > even be defined for
> > > the universe (no timelike Killing field) - so it can hardly be the 
> > > foundation of physics.
> > > Brent
> > > > =
> > > > On Feb 10, 7:46 am, ""
> > > > wrote:
> > > >>    How to describe the Universe as it really is ?
> > > >> =.
> > > >>     In his " Scientific Autobiography" Max Planck wrote :
> > > >> ' The outside world is something independent from man,
> > > >>   something absolute, and the quest for the laws which apply
> > > >>   to this absolute appeared to me as the most sublime scientific
> > > >>   pursuit in life. '
> > > >>   What are these ' laws which apply to this absolute ' world ?
> > > >> ==..
> > > >> In the beginning Planck wrote, that " From young years
> > > >> the search of the laws, concerning to something absolute,
> > > >> seemed to me the most wonderful task in scientist s life."
> > > >> And after some pages Planck wrote again, that
> > > >> " the search for something absolute seemed to me the
> > > >> most wonderful task for a researcher."
> > > >> And after some pages Planck wrote again, that
> > > >> the most wonderful scientific task for me was
> > > >> searching of something absolute."
> > > >> ==..
> > > >> And as for the relation between relativity and absolute
> > >

Re: How can intelligence be physical ?

2013-02-13 Thread
 Euler's Equation and the Reality of Nature.
Mr. Dexter Sinister  wrote:
‘ I understand Euler's Identity,
and I know what it means, and I know how to prove it,
there's nothing particularly mystical about it,
it just demonstrates that exponential, trigonometric,
and complex functions are related.
 Given what we know of mathematics it shouldn't surprise
 anyone that its various bits are connected.
 It would be much more surprising if they weren't, that would
 almost certainly mean something was badly wrong somewhere.’

Mr. Gary wrote:
Mathematics is NOT science.
 Science is knowledge of the REAL world.
Mathematics is an invention of the mind.
 Many aspects of mathematics have found application
 in the real world, but there is no guarantee.
Any correlation must meet the ultimate test:
does it explain something about the real world?
As an electrical engineer I used the generalized
Euler's equation all the time in circuit analysis:

exp(j*theta) = cos(theta) + j*sin(theta).

So it works at that particular level in electricity.
Does it work at other levels, too?
Logic cannot prove it.
It must be determined by experiment, not by philosophizing.
Thinking about theirs posts I wrote brief article:
   Euler's Equation and Reality.
 Euler's Equation as a mathematical reality.
Euler's identity is "the gold standard for mathematical beauty'.
Euler's identity is "the most famous formula in all mathematics".
‘ . . . this equation is the mathematical analogue of  Leonardo
da Vinci’s Mona Lisa painting or Michelangelo’s statue of David’
‘It  is God’s equation.’, ‘ It is a mathematical icon.’
 . . . .  etc.
Euler's Equation as a physical reality.
"it is absolutely paradoxical; we cannot understand it,
 and we don't know what it means, .  . . . .’
‘ Euler's Equation reaches down into the very depths of existence’
‘ Is Euler's Equation about fundamental matters?’
‘It would be nice to understand Euler's Identity as a physical process
 using physics.‘
‘ Is it possible to unite Euler's Identity with physics, quantum
physics ?’
My aim is to understand the reality of nature.
Can Euler's equation explain me something about reality?
To give the answer to this question I need to bind
Euler's equation with an object - particle.
Can it  be math- point or string- particle or triangle-particle?
No, Euler's formula has quantity (pi) which says me that
the particle must be only a circle .
Now I want to understand the behavior of circle - particle and
therefore I need to use spatial relativity and quantum theories.
These two theories say me that the reason of circle – particle’s
 movement  is its own inner impulse (h) or  (h*=h/2pi).
 Using  its own inner impulse (h) circle - particle moves
( as a wheel) in a straight line with constant speed c = 1.
 We call such particle - ‘photon’.
>From Earth – gravity point of view this speed is maximally.
>From Vacuum point of view this speed is minimally.
In this movement quantum of light behave as a corpuscular (no charge).
 Using  its own inner impulse / intrinsic angular momentum
( h* = h / 2pi ) circle - particle  rotates around its axis.
  In such movement particle has charge, produce electric waves
 ( waves property of particle) and its speed ( frequency) is :  c>1.
 We call such particle - ‘ electron’  and its  energy is:  E=h*f.

In this way I (as a peasant ) can understand the reality of nature.
I reread my post.
My God, that is a naïve peasant's explanation.
It is absolutely not scientific, not professor's explanation.
Would a learned man adopt such simple and naive explanation?
Hmm,  . . .   problem.
In any way, even Mr. Dexter Sinister  and Mr. Gary
wouldn't agree with me, I want to say them
 ' Thank you for emails and cooperation’
Best wishes.
Israel Sadovnik  Socratus.
' They would play a greater and greater role in mathematics –
and then, with the advent of quantum mechanics in the twentieth
century, in physics and engineering and any field that deals with
cyclical phenomena such as waves that can be represented by
complex numbers. For a complex number allows you to represent
 two processes such as phase and wavelenght simultaneously –
and a complex exponential allows you to map a straight line
onto a circle in a complex plane.'

   /   Book:  The great equations.  Chapter four.
The gold standard for mathematical beauty.
Euler’s equation.   Page 104. /

Euler's e-iPi+1=0 is an amazing equation, not in-and-of itself,
 but because it sharply points to our utter ignorance of the
 simplest mathematical and scientific fundamentals.
The equation means that in flat Euclidean space, e and Pi happen
 to have their particular values to satisfy any equation that relates
 their mathematical constructs. In curved space, e and Pi vary.
   / Rasulkhozha S. Sharafiddinov . /

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Re: How can intelligence be physical ?

2013-02-14 Thread
 Intuitive Understanding Of Euler’s Formula

On Feb 14, 8:48 am, "" 
>      Euler's Equation and the Reality of Nature.
> =.
> Mr. Dexter Sinister  wrote:
> ‘ I understand Euler's Identity,
> and I know what it means, and I know how to prove it,
> there's nothing particularly mystical about it,
> it just demonstrates that exponential, trigonometric,
> and complex functions are related.
>  Given what we know of mathematics it shouldn't surprise
>  anyone that its various bits are connected.
>  It would be much more surprising if they weren't, that would
>  almost certainly mean something was badly wrong somewhere.’
>     Mr. Gary wrote:
> Mathematics is NOT science.
>  Science is knowledge of the REAL world.
> Mathematics is an invention of the mind.
>  Many aspects of mathematics have found application
>  in the real world, but there is no guarantee.
> Any correlation must meet the ultimate test:
> does it explain something about the real world?
> As an electrical engineer I used the generalized
> Euler's equation all the time in circuit analysis:
> exp(j*theta) = cos(theta) + j*sin(theta).
> So it works at that particular level in electricity.
> Does it work at other levels, too?
> Logic cannot prove it.
> It must be determined by experiment, not by philosophizing.
> ..
> Thinking about theirs posts I wrote brief article:
>        Euler's Equation and Reality.
> =.
> a)
>  Euler's Equation as a mathematical reality.
> Euler's identity is "the gold standard for mathematical beauty'.
> Euler's identity is "the most famous formula in all mathematics".
> ‘ . . . this equation is the mathematical analogue of  Leonardo
> da Vinci’s Mona Lisa painting or Michelangelo’s statue of David’
> ‘It  is God’s equation.’, ‘ It is a mathematical icon.’
>  . . . .  etc.
> b)
> Euler's Equation as a physical reality.
> "it is absolutely paradoxical; we cannot understand it,
>  and we don't know what it means, .  . . . .’
> ‘ Euler's Equation reaches down into the very depths of existence’
> ‘ Is Euler's Equation about fundamental matters?’
> ‘It would be nice to understand Euler's Identity as a physical process
>  using physics.‘
> ‘ Is it possible to unite Euler's Identity with physics, quantum
> physics ?’
> ==.
> My aim is to understand the reality of nature.
> Can Euler's equation explain me something about reality?
> To give the answer to this question I need to bind
> Euler's equation with an object - particle.
> Can it  be math- point or string- particle or triangle-particle?
> No, Euler's formula has quantity (pi) which says me that
> the particle must be only a circle .
> Now I want to understand the behavior of circle - particle and
> therefore I need to use spatial relativity and quantum theories.
> These two theories say me that the reason of circle – particle’s
>  movement  is its own inner impulse (h) or  (h*=h/2pi).
> a)
>  Using  its own inner impulse (h) circle - particle moves
> ( as a wheel) in a straight line with constant speed c = 1.
>  We call such particle - ‘photon’.
> From Earth – gravity point of view this speed is maximally.
> From Vacuum point of view this speed is minimally.
> In this movement quantum of light behave as a corpuscular (no charge).
> b)
>  Using  its own inner impulse / intrinsic angular momentum
> ( h* = h / 2pi ) circle - particle  rotates around its axis.
>   In such movement particle has charge, produce electric waves
>  ( waves property of particle) and its speed ( frequency) is :  c>1.
>  We call such particle - ‘ electron’  and its  energy is:  E=h*f.
> In this way I (as a peasant ) can understand the reality of nature.
> ==.
> I reread my post.
> My God, that is a naïve peasant's explanation.
> It is absolutely not scientific, not professor's explanation.
> Would a learned man adopt such simple and naive explanation?
> Hmm,  . . .   problem.
> In any way, even Mr. Dexter Sinister  and Mr. Gary
> wouldn't agree with me, I want to say them
>  ' Thank you for emails and cooperation’
> =.
> Best wishes.
> Israel Sadovnik  Socratus.
> =.
>  P.S.
> ' They would play a greater and greater role in mathematics –
> and then, with the advent of quantum mechanics in the twentieth
> century, in physics and engineering and any field that deals with
> cyclical phenomena such as waves that can be represented by
> complex numbers. For a complex number allows you to represent
>  two process

Re: How can intelligence be physical ?

2013-02-14 Thread
The learned men  confuse the mathematical tools with the
physical reality and therefore we have math-physical  fairy-tales.

On Feb 14, 5:39 pm, Bruno Marchal  wrote:
> On 14 Feb 2013, at 08:48, wrote:
> >     Euler's Equation and the Reality of Nature.
> > =.
> > Mr. Dexter Sinister  wrote:
> > ‘ I understand Euler's Identity,
> > and I know what it means, and I know how to prove it,
> > there's nothing particularly mystical about it,
> > it just demonstrates that exponential, trigonometric,
> > and complex functions are related.
> > Given what we know of mathematics it shouldn't surprise
> > anyone that its various bits are connected.
> > It would be much more surprising if they weren't, that would
> > almost certainly mean something was badly wrong somewhere.’
> >    Mr. Gary wrote:
> > Mathematics is NOT science.
> > Science is knowledge of the REAL world.
> > Mathematics is an invention of the mind.
> This is of course false in the comp theory.
> It is also intuitively false for most mathematicians.
> It is usually asserted by people confusing the mathematical tools,
> that we invent indeed, and the mathematical reality, which is really a
> sequence of surprising facts, that we discover.
> The use of "REAL world" is dogmatic physicalism. It proposes as a fact
> what is a theological or metaphysical hypothesis, and this condemns
> any attempt to be rigorous on the subject. It is as bad as using "God"
> as a gap explanation. It is the same mistake.
> Bruno
> > Many aspects of mathematics have found application
> > in the real world, but there is no guarantee.
> > Any correlation must meet the ultimate test:
> > does it explain something about the real world?
> > As an electrical engineer I used the generalized
> > Euler's equation all the time in circuit analysis:
> > exp(j*theta) = cos(theta) + j*sin(theta).
> > So it works at that particular level in electricity.
> > Does it work at other levels, too?
> > Logic cannot prove it.
> > It must be determined by experiment, not by philosophizing.
> > ..
> > Thinking about theirs posts I wrote brief article:
> >       Euler's Equation and Reality.
> > =.
> > a)
> > Euler's Equation as a mathematical reality.
> > Euler's identity is "the gold standard for mathematical beauty'.
> > Euler's identity is "the most famous formula in all mathematics".
> > ‘ . . . this equation is the mathematical analogue of  Leonardo
> > da Vinci’s Mona Lisa painting or Michelangelo’s statue of David’
> > ‘It  is God’s equation.’, ‘ It is a mathematical icon.’
> > . . . .  etc.
> > b)
> > Euler's Equation as a physical reality.
> > "it is absolutely paradoxical; we cannot understand it,
> > and we don't know what it means, .  . . . .’
> > ‘ Euler's Equation reaches down into the very depths of existence’
> > ‘ Is Euler's Equation about fundamental matters?’
> > ‘It would be nice to understand Euler's Identity as a physical process
> > using physics.‘
> > ‘ Is it possible to unite Euler's Identity with physics, quantum
> > physics ?’
> > ==.
> > My aim is to understand the reality of nature.
> > Can Euler's equation explain me something about reality?
> > To give the answer to this question I need to bind
> > Euler's equation with an object - particle.
> > Can it  be math- point or string- particle or triangle-particle?
> > No, Euler's formula has quantity (pi) which says me that
> > the particle must be only a circle .
> > Now I want to understand the behavior of circle - particle and
> > therefore I need to use spatial relativity and quantum theories.
> > These two theories say me that the reason of circle – particle’s
> > movement  is its own inner impulse (h) or  (h*=h/2pi).
> > a)
> > Using  its own inner impulse (h) circle - particle moves
> > ( as a wheel) in a straight line with constant speed c = 1.
> > We call such particle - ‘photon’.
> > From Earth – gravity point of view this speed is maximally.
> > From Vacuum point of view this speed is minimally.
> > In this movement quantum of light behave as a corpuscular (no charge).
> > b)
> > Using  its own inner impulse / intrinsic angular momentum
> > ( h* = h / 2pi ) circle - particle  rotates around its axis.
> >  In such movement particle has charge, produce electric waves
> > ( waves property of parti

Science is a religion by itself.

2013-02-15 Thread

 Schrodinger's cat
 and  “ The law of conservation and  transformation  energy/mass”
This law consist of  two  (2) parts:
 according to “ The law of conservation (!) energy/mass”
 Schroedinger's cat cannot die.
according to “ The law of transformation (!) energy/mass”
 Schroedinger's cat can change its image (geometrical form).
Of course,  it is impossible to separate these two parts of Law,

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Re: Science is a religion by itself.

2013-02-15 Thread

according to (a)+(b),
when the cat mass change in cat energy,
his image change,
the cat is already in life,
so there is life after death

 /  laurent.damois  /

On Feb 15, 12:28 pm, "" 
>  Schrodinger's cat
>  and  “ The law of conservation and  transformation  energy/mass”
> =.
> This law consist of  two  (2) parts:
> a)
>  according to “ The law of conservation (!) energy/mass”
>  Schroedinger's cat cannot die.
> b)
> according to “ The law of transformation (!) energy/mass”
>  Schroedinger's cat can change its image (geometrical form).
> c)
> Of course,  it is impossible to separate these two parts of Law,
> ==.
> socratus.

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Re: Science is a religion by itself.

2013-02-16 Thread
Schrodinger's cat ( as a quantum particle) is inseparable from
" The law of conservation and transformation energy/mass"
and this  unity  shows,  how QT is right,  saying that
 there is a life after death.

Do you really believe that Socrates?
I find you too obscure to understand properly.

 You are right saying
‘ I find you too obscure to understand properly.’
 “ The law of conservation and  transformation energy/mass”
  need's detailed explanation.
For example :
how to understand the unity between electron and
“ The law of conservation and  transformation  energy/mass”
during its interaction with vacuum ? . . . . .
 . . .  what was happened with electron during its interaction
with vacuum ?

 Renormalization   . . . .?

On Feb 15, 10:12 pm, "" 
>   Comment:
> according to (a)+(b),
> when the cat mass change in cat energy,
> his image change,
> the cat is already in life,
> so there is life after death
>  /  laurent.damois  /
> ===..
> On Feb 15, 12:28 pm, "" 
> wrote:
> >  Schrodinger's cat
> >  and  “ The law of conservation and  transformation  energy/mass”
> > =.
> > This law consist of  two  (2) parts:
> > a)
> >  according to “ The law of conservation (!) energy/mass”
> >  Schroedinger's cat cannot die.
> > b)
> > according to “ The law of transformation (!) energy/mass”
> >  Schroedinger's cat can change its image (geometrical form).
> > c)
> > Of course,  it is impossible to separate these two parts of Law,
> > ==.
> > socratus.- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

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Re: Science is a religion by itself.

2013-02-17 Thread
   Klein &Lachièze-Rey,
THE QUEST FOR UNITY – The Adventure of Physics.
Mathematics is an indispensable and powerful tool where it has been
 demonstrated that it applies to a real world experience. However,
 it is inappropriate and, as Dingle points out, potentially
to give credence to deductions arising purely from the language
of mathematics. The problem is that mathematicians now dominate
 physics and it is fashionable for them to follow Einstein’s example,
 with fame going to those with the most fantastic notions that defy
experience and common sense. So we have the Big Bang, dark matter,
 black holes, cosmic strings, wormholes in space, time travel,
and so on and on.
 It has driven practically minded students from the subject.
 There is an old Disney cartoon where the scientist is portrayed with
 eyes closed, rocking backwards in his chair and sucking on a pipe,
which at intervals emits a smoke-cloud of mathematical symbols.
Much of modern physics is a smoke-screen of Disneyesque fantasy.
 Inappropriate mathematical models are routinely used to describe
the universe. Yet the physicists hand us the ash from their pipes
 as if it were gold dust. If only they would use the ashtrays
“It seems that every practitioner of physics has had to wonder
at some point why mathematics and physics have come to be
 so closely entwined. Opinions vary on the answer.
 Bertrand Russell acknowledged
“Physics is mathematical not because we know so much about
the physical world, but because we know so little.” …
Mathematics may be indispensable to physics,
but it obviously does not constitute physics.”

 Klein & Lachièze-Rey,
THE QUEST FOR UNITY – The Adventure of Physics.

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Re: Science is a religion by itself.

2013-02-17 Thread
  Feynman about infinities and renormalization
So we really do not know exactly what it is that we are
assuming that gives us the difficulty producing infinities.
A nice problem !
However, it turns out that it is possible to sweep the infinities
 under the rug , by a certain crude skill , and temporarily we are
able to keep on calculating.
  / The Character of Physical Law.
Lecture 7. Seeking new laws, page 156.
By  Richard Feynman /


On Feb 16, 11:02 am, "" 
>   socratus
> Schrodinger's cat ( as a quantum particle) is inseparable from
> " The law of conservation and transformation energy/mass"
> and this  unity  shows,  how QT is right,  saying that
>  there is a life after death.
> Robittybob1
> Do you really believe that Socrates?
> I find you too obscure to understand properly.
>   socratus
>  You are right saying
> ‘ I find you too obscure to understand properly.’
>  “ The law of conservation and  transformation energy/mass”
>   need's detailed explanation.
> For example :
> how to understand the unity between electron and
> “ The law of conservation and  transformation  energy/mass”
> during its interaction with vacuum ? . . . . .
>  . . .  what was happened with electron during its interaction
> with vacuum ?
>  Renormalization   . . . .?
> ==.
> On Feb 15, 10:12 pm, "" 
> wrote:
> >   Comment:
> > according to (a)+(b),
> > when the cat mass change in cat energy,
> > his image change,
> > the cat is already in life,
> > so there is life after death
> >  /  laurent.damois  /
> > ===..
> > On Feb 15, 12:28 pm, "" 
> > wrote:
> > >  Schrodinger's cat
> > >  and  “ The law of conservation and  transformation  energy/mass”
> > > =.
> > > This law consist of  two  (2) parts:
> > > a)
> > >  according to “ The law of conservation (!) energy/mass”
> > >  Schroedinger's cat cannot die.
> > > b)
> > > according to “ The law of transformation (!) energy/mass”
> > >  Schroedinger's cat can change its image (geometrical form).
> > > c)
> > > Of course,  it is impossible to separate these two parts of Law,
> > > ==.
> > > socratus.- Hide quoted text -
> > - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -

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Re: Science is a religion by itself.

2013-02-18 Thread

On Feb 18, 12:19 pm, Bruno Marchal  wrote:
> Socratus, are you able to doubt that physics is the fundamental science?
> Bruno

 In Physics we trust.
 / Tarun Biswas /
 Of course, it is correct, because only Physics can logically
explain us the Existence and the Ultimate Nature of Reality.
But . . . but . . .
 . . .  . .
‘ . . .science is not always as objective as we would like to
 / Book: The holographic universe. Page 6. By Michael Talbot. /
Because  as Einstein said:
“ One thing I have learned in a long life:
that all our science, measured against reality,
 is primitive and childlike –
and yet it is the most precious thing we have.”
‘   . . . all our science, measured against reality, is primitive and

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Re: Science is a religion by itself.

2013-02-18 Thread

On Feb 18, 5:28 pm, Bruno Marchal  wrote:

> Quite wise statements indeed.
 But is that not a reason to be cautious
> with general statement like you did above in the Biswas quote ?
> Bruno
Oh, we are very careful.
We do every thing to escape infinity and nothingness.
And, indeed, who had no fear of the Infinite, of the nothingness?
But what to do if they exist ?
To cry or to laugh ?

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Re: Science is a religion by itself.

2013-02-19 Thread
On Feb 19, 3:51 pm, Bruno Marchal  wrote:
> In front of the infinite? To laugh.
> In front of nothingness? To cry.
> In between, a bit of both.
> Bruno
> - Show quoted text -

Nice, thanks.
By the way, your photos 'par Lydia Nash' nice too.
All the best.

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Re: Science is a religion by itself.

2013-02-19 Thread
. . .   the electric universe . . . ? !
Vacuum energy is some kind of  energy  in the infinite space
between billion and billion galaxies.
In this infinite space  virtual potential energy particles exist
 with energy: E=Mc^2.
Using inner impulse h*=h/2pi they appears from vacuum
 as phenomena with energy:  E=h*f
The effects of vacuum energy can be experimentally observed
 in various phenomena such as spontaneous emission
 the Casimir effect and the Lamb shift.

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Re: How can intelligence be physical ?

2013-03-05 Thread
ip between numbers
and shapes on a two-dimensional plane which does not and cannot
 really exist in the world we live in.
Beyond that, what he's saying is utter rubbish.
 For example:
These two theories say  me that the reason of circle – particle’s
 movement is its own inner impulse (h) or (h*=h/2pi).
Using its own inner impulse (h) circle - particle moves ( as a wheel)
in a straight line with constant speed c = 1.
 We call such particle - ‘photon’.
>From Earth – gravity point of view this speed is maximally.
>From Vacuum point of view this speed is minimally.
 In this movement quantum of light behave as a corpuscular (no

This is utterly meaningless.
 It's a jumble of words that pretends to be meaningful and
when in fact it's just a string of syllables strung together
nonsensical ways.
There's a lot that we know about how photons behave.
 There's also a lot that we don't know about photons.
This word salad tells us exactly nothing about photons.
 In the classic phrase, it's not even wrong: what it says doesn't have
 enough meaning to be wrong. What is the "inner impulse"
 of a photon according to this crackpot?
We can't know: the term isn't defined.
We are pretty certain that a photon is not a wheel rolling along.
Is that what the crank is saying? We can't be sure.
 And that's the problem with this kind of crankery.
As I always say: the very worst math is no math.
This is a perfect example.
He starts with a beautiful mathematical fact.
 He uses it to jump to a completely non-mathematical conclusion.
But he writes a couple of mathematical symbols,
 to pretend that he's using math.


On Feb 14, 8:48 am, "" 
>      Euler's Equation and the Reality of Nature.
> =.
> Mr. Dexter Sinister  wrote:
> ‘ I understand Euler's Identity,
> and I know what it means, and I know how to prove it,
> there's nothing particularly mystical about it,
> it just demonstrates that exponential, trigonometric,
> and complex functions are related.
>  Given what we know of mathematics it shouldn't surprise
>  anyone that its various bits are connected.
>  It would be much more surprising if they weren't, that would
>  almost certainly mean something was badly wrong somewhere.’
>     Mr. Gary wrote:
> Mathematics is NOT science.
>  Science is knowledge of the REAL world.
> Mathematics is an invention of the mind.
>  Many aspects of mathematics have found application
>  in the real world, but there is no guarantee.
> Any correlation must meet the ultimate test:
> does it explain something about the real world?
> As an electrical engineer I used the generalized
> Euler's equation all the time in circuit analysis:
> exp(j*theta) = cos(theta) + j*sin(theta).
> So it works at that particular level in electricity.
> Does it work at other levels, too?
> Logic cannot prove it.
> It must be determined by experiment, not by philosophizing.
> ..
> Thinking about theirs posts I wrote brief article:
>        Euler's Equation and Reality.
> =.
> a)
>  Euler's Equation as a mathematical reality.
> Euler's identity is "the gold standard for mathematical beauty'.
> Euler's identity is "the most famous formula in all mathematics".
> ‘ . . . this equation is the mathematical analogue of  Leonardo
> da Vinci’s Mona Lisa painting or Michelangelo’s statue of David’
> ‘It  is God’s equation.’, ‘ It is a mathematical icon.’
>  . . . .  etc.
> b)
> Euler's Equation as a physical reality.
> "it is absolutely paradoxical; we cannot understand it,
>  and we don't know what it means, .  . . . .’
> ‘ Euler's Equation reaches down into the very depths of existence’
> ‘ Is Euler's Equation about fundamental matters?’
> ‘It would be nice to understand Euler's Identity as a physical process
>  using physics.‘
> ‘ Is it possible to unite Euler's Identity with physics, quantum
> physics ?’
> ==.
> My aim is to understand the reality of nature.
> Can Euler's equation explain me something about reality?
> To give the answer to this question I need to bind
> Euler's equation with an object - particle.
> Can it  be math- point or string- particle or triangle-particle?
> No, Euler's formula has quantity (pi) which says me that
> the particle must be only a circle .
> Now I want to understand the behavior of circle - particle and
> therefore I need to use spatial relativity and quantum theories.
> These two theories say me that the reason of circle – particle’s
>  movement  is its own inner impulse (h) or  (h*=h/2pi).
> a)
>  Using

Re: How can intelligence be physical ?

2013-03-06 Thread
 Dear MarkCC.
Thank you for paying attention on my crackpottery article.
I like your comment.
Very like.
You say:
Create a universe with no matter, a universe with different kinds
 of matter, a universe with 300 forces instead of the four that
 we see - and e and π won't change.
Now Euler's equation plays a role in quantum theory.
In quantum theory there isn't constant firm quant particle.
The Pi says  that a point-particle or string-particle cannot  be
 a quant particle. The Pi says that that quant particle
 can be a circle and it cannot be a perfect circle.
If e and π  belong to quant particle then these numbers
can mutually change.
Doesn't it mean that Pi ( a circle ) can be changed into sphere?
Doesn't Euler's equationcosx + isinx in = e^ix can explain
this transformation / fluctuation of quant particle ?
You say:
What things like e and π, and their relationship via Euler's equation
tell us is that there's a fundamental relationship between numbers
and shapes on a two-dimensional plane which does not and cannot
really exist in the world we live in.

But this 'a fundamental relationship between numbers and
 shapes on a two-dimensional plane' can really exist
 in two-dimensional vacuum.

All the best.


On Mar 5, 9:57 pm, "" 
> Euler's Equation Crackpottery
> Feb 18 2013 Published by MarkCC under Bad Math, Bad Physics
> One of my twitter followers sent me an interesting piece of
> crackpottery.
>  I debated whether to do anything with it. The thing about
> crackpottery
>  is that it really needs to have some content.
> Total incoherence isn't amusing. This bit is, frankly, right on the
> line.
> ==.
> Euler's Equation and the Reality of Nature.
> a) Euler's Equation as a mathematical reality.
> Euler's identity is "the gold standard for mathematical beauty'.
> Euler's identity is "the most famous formula in all mathematics".
> ' . . . this equation is the mathematical analogue of Leonardo
> da Vinci's Mona Lisa painting or Michelangelo's statue of David'
> 'It is God's equation', 'our jewel ', ' It is a mathematical icon'.
> . . . . etc.
> b) Euler's Equation as a physical reality.
> "it is absolutely paradoxical; we cannot understand it,
> and we don't know what it means, . . . . .'
> ' Euler's Equation reaches down into the very depths of existence'
> ' Is Euler's Equation about fundamental matters?'
> 'It would be nice to understand Euler's Identity as a physical process
> using physics.'
> ' Is it possible to unite Euler's Identity with physics, quantum
> physics ?'
> My aim is to understand the reality of nature.
> Can Euler's equation explain me something about reality?
> To give the answer to this. question I need to bind Euler's equation
>  with an object - particle. Can it be math- point or string- particle
> or triangle-particle? No, Euler's formula has quantity (pi) which
> says me that the particle must be only a circle .
> Now I want to understand the behavior of circle - particle and
>  therefore I need to use spatial relativity and quantum theories.
>  These two theories say me that the reason of circle - particle's
> movement is its own inner impulse (h) or (h*=h/2pi).
> a) Using its own inner impulse (h) circle - particle moves
>  ( as a wheel) in a straight line with constant speed c = 1.
>  We call such particle - 'photon'.
> From Earth - gravity point of view this speed is maximally
> . From Vacuum point of view this speed is minimally.
>  In this movement quantum of light behave as a corpuscular (no
> charge).
> b) Using its own inner impulse / intrinsic angular momentum
> ( h* = h / 2pi ) circle - particle rotates around its axis.
>  In such movement particle has charge, produce electric waves
>  ( waves property of particle) and its speed ( frequency) is : c.
> 1. We call such particle - ' electron' and its energy is: E=h*f.
> In this way I can understand the reality of nature.
> ==.
> Best wishes.
> Israel Sadovnik Socratus.
> ==.
> Euler's equation says that . It's an amazingly profound equation.
> The way that it draws together fundamental concepts is beautiful
> and surprising.
> But it's not nearly as mysterious as our loonie-toon makes it out to
> be.
> The natural logarithm-base is deeply embedded in the structure of
> numbers, and we've known that, and we've known how it works
>  for a long time.
> What Euler did was show the relationship between e and the
>  fundamental rotation group of the complex numbers.

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