Re: [expert] problem running sound as non-root user?

2001-04-02 Thread b5dave

On 03-Apr-2001 David E.Fox wrote:
> I'm surprised no one has mentioned the permissions on the 
> audio devices themselves. What, for instance, are the permissions
> on /dev/dsp? If it's set to (for example) -rw-- root audio then no
> wonder you can't use the device as a non-root user.
> You could circumvent the issue and just chmod 666 your audio
> device files (/dev/audio, /dev/sequencer, /dev/dsp etc.) if you don't
> expect someone telnetting in and sending stuff out your sound card in
> the middle of the night and waking you up :).
 If you didn't set them to 640
> (i.e., 
> -rw-rw--' then you wouldn't have been able to access them even if you
> did
> change the group info.
Well, we are all working with the setup mandrake gives us. I have a stock
LM 7.2 install and you will note below that Mandrake made the one user
(sundance) the owner of the "special" [audio] files (it might be worth
remembering that /dev or device files are special files, none of which are
executables per se.)

crw---1 sundance audio 14,  14 Sep 27  2000 admmidi0
crw---1 sundance audio 14,  30 Sep 27  2000 admmidi1
crw---1 sundance audio 14,  46 Sep 27  2000 admmidi2
crw---1 sundance audio 14,  62 Sep 27  2000 admmidi3
crw---1 sundance audio 14,  12 Sep 27  2000 adsp0
crw---1 sundance audio 14,  28 Sep 27  2000 adsp1
crw---1 sundance audio 14,  44 Sep 27  2000 adsp2
crw---1 sundance audio 14,  60 Sep 27  2000 adsp3
crw---1 sundance audio116,   0 Sep 27  2000 aload0
crw---1 sundance audio116,  32 Sep 27  2000 aload1
crw---1 sundance audio116,  64 Sep 27  2000 aload2
crw---1 sundance audio116,  96 Sep 27  2000 aload3
crw---1 sundance audio116,   1 Sep 27  2000 aloadSEQ
crw---1 sundance audio 14,  13 Sep 27  2000 amidi0
crw---1 sundance audio 14,  29 Sep 27  2000 amidi1
crw---1 sundance audio 14,  45 Sep 27  2000 amidi2
crw---1 sundance audio 14,  61 Sep 27  2000 amidi3
crw---1 sundance audio 14,   4 Sep 27  2000 audio0
crw---1 sundance audio 14,  20 Sep 27  2000 audio1
crw---1 sundance audio 14,  36 Sep 27  2000 audio2
crw---1 sundance audio 14,  52 Sep 27  2000 audio3
crw---1 sundance audio 14,   7 Sep 27  2000 audioctl

The "c" indicates a character device: the whole thing is, first, a MAKEDEV
issue. Only after that does it become a chmod issue. But still, the "rw"
perm on the device is obviously sufficient for me (user==sundance) to have
full access to sound (since I own it) and is the way Mandrake
set things up. It's not quite clear whether the suggestion is that this
represents a potential remote security exploit, but if so, then that is
surely a mistaken suggestion. /dev files are all *special* files, and
none of them are directly executable AFAIK.

The thing with the above setup, all other things being equal, is that
adding a new user after the fact, say sundown, to the audio group would
likely be a "no joy" affair. Had I added several users during the LM
install, it seems like the owner would have been root, the group "audio",
all users put in the "audio" group, and the perms something like
crw-rw. Does anybody else find it a bit odd the way Mandrake set this
up for the lone sundance user?



RE: [expert] localhost address and cups conflict

2001-03-22 Thread b5dave

On 22-Mar-2001 Jeff Malka wrote:
> Anyway when I try to install a printer under kups it won't let me
> saying it can detect no parallel ports.  Yet in /dev there are files
> named lp0, lp1 and lp2.  So it is a matter of cups not seeing my
> parallel port.


> Then I had a brainstorm that may be the clue to the problem based on
> the error message above.
> Shortly after I installed Mandrake 7.2, I wanted to customize it and
> changed the default name "localhost.localhost" (which would show up on
> the top of some utility apps) to "Jeff_PC".
> Now, when I enter in a browser the URL http://localhost:631  it could
> not find the cups page.  BUT, when I tried http://jeff_pc:631/admin,
> that opened up the admin page for cups.  So, maybe cups is not working
> because it's files are hardwired to look for "localhost" where now I
> have "Jeff_PC". 

Yep, had the same problem originally.

> Problem is I no longer remember how I changed the localhost name or
> what the original default was (localhost or localhost.localhost).  I do
> recall that Drakeconf accepted the change but did not implement it and
> I had to change an ascii config file somewhere.
> Anyone able to help me out of this muddle I got myself in?

You're on the right track. Note that I no longer use cups for several
reasons, but when I did get it working the problem was indeed a hostname

Your starting point would be /etc/hosts. On a standalone machine, after 
the initial install, it will look like:   localhost.localdomainlocalhost
the format being 
Yours might now look like:   localhost.localdomain   Jeff_PC
or perhaps:   Jeff_PC.localdomain   Jeff_PC
(I'm not sure just what the Mandrake tool changes)

Note that all the network services read this file on boot up and modify
their own config files accordingly. Personally, I suspect CUPS screws up
in this regard: I had to explicitely specify the hostname in
/etc/cups/cupsd.conf to get things working. This also requires
restarting cups as root:
# /etc/rc.d/init.d/cups restart

Be careful, though, if you plan on manually changing /etc/hosts without
rebooting. You would have to restart networking, and perhaps other
individual networking services ... postfix comes to mind.
# /etc/rc.d/init.d/network restart

Although I despise rebooting, changing the hostname is one time when it
can save some headaches.

Also, when you run Kups, there's a menu item "configure hosts" where you
can enter the hostname. Even when I got that right, I could not configure
my printer via Kups ... same crap as you got: "no parallel port on this
computer" nonesense. The web tool, however, did find lp0 (lpt1) no
problem. I think kups is broken ... it seems to think lpt1 is lp1 even
though your parallel port devices start at lp0.

Hopefully the above hints are sufficient for you to get cups working.
Please log everything you try, and if you succeed, please tell us exactly
what you did to get it working. Thanks.



RE: [expert] Lyx doesn't work with CUPS

2001-01-25 Thread b5dave


>If I try to print directly from lyx with  the lpr command, nothing

The first place to look for CUPS related gotchas & fixes is this series
of FAQ's:

A search on "lyx" there narrows it down to FAQ (7). Your problem is
documented and there's a fix.


RE: [expert] Problems with 2.4.0 and the reiserfs and supermount

2001-01-18 Thread b5dave

For what it's worth,  ReiserFS was only merged into the 2.4.1-pre8
kernel yesterday. (see:
It never was in the 2.4.0 source. This may not help your supermount
patching though. Just passing on some info; my kernel patching experience
is limited to smooth sailing ... no troubleshooting.


>Even though the install let me install the os on my reiserfs partitions,
>the kernel that were booted from (2.4.0) didn't seem to have reiserfs in
>it, since it errored on mounting my root disk (seems it tried to mount
>it as ext2, even if I haven't had ext2 on this machine at all, in fact,
>the only fs that has ever been on any of my new disks is reiserfs)
>The reiserfs patch and the supermount patch can't be applied to the same 
>kernel, I can only use one of them, because when trying to add the second
>I get errors (this I can understand, files are being changed by one of 
>the patched and the other one doesn't recognize the files).

Re: [expert] Linux worm...?

2001-01-18 Thread b5dave

The list went down, although there seem to be conflicting reports just as
to when (see the thread "Security Lists"). I received the "slocate"
advisory on Dec 18, and then nothing untill today (the glibc advisory).
Yet there were very many Mandrake advisories during that period that I
would see posted on linuxtoday. Vincent seems to have fixed the problem
(god bless him). 

Personally, I suspect their list software, "sympa", sucks rocks. There are
newbies out there administering fairly high volume lists without a hitch,
yet I'm sure our gracious Mandrake friends have a far higher level of
expertise. All the Mandrake lists seem buggy as hell; there are often long
delays is posts being listed (up to 1+ days), so you'll find a buch of
people responding to some post, and we end up with a cascade of redundant
answers. I've had at least three posts that just fell through some crack.
It's got to be the sympa software.

>I did subscribe to the Mandrake security announcement list, but I never
>get anything from it. Whats up with that?

RE: [expert] Linux worm...?

2001-01-18 Thread b5dave

Yes, I know this list isn't the forum within which to debate this issue,
but there is a great danger in our midst, and I promise to be terse.

Marc, what you desire and suggest corresponds exactly with the mindset of
those powerful entities who want to establish ubiquitous e-commerce on
*our* internet: they want to own and control the internet. They represent
*big* money and influence *big* government. The collection of "evil"
crackers, script kiddies, and spammers is *nothing* compared to the
entities that are lobying to rule *our* internet. Those large
commercial entities will invoke the "evil" of the crackers and spammers
for their purposes only, and you can bet that their proclamations will be
cleverly veiled in rhetoric about "maintaining the purity of the
Internet". I think we should focus on security. Internet-wide systems and
controls designed to hinder crackers are just what big business wants. I
think we will be seriousy fucked if big business manages to implement
such systems and controls. And if this Armageddon comes to be, I'll be
pointing the finger at the multitude of Linux distros that even allowed 
insecure setups, and at the moment, that's just about all Linux distros.


On 18-Jan-2001 Mark Weaver wrote
> Seriously's about darn time that something SERIOUS be done
> about and WITH these people that are a great big pain in the arse to the
> rest of the world that HAVE a real life and a descent direction for that
> life.

RE: [expert] ram issue(continued)

2001-01-18 Thread b5dave


I'll tell you right off the bat that I'm in a real foul mood tonight, and
I'm not at all certain why. But responding to your post might be
theraputic (sp??).

#1: The ability to edit files is essential in any Unix variant, be it
Linux, Solaris, BSD, etc, etc.

#2: The Operating systems mentioned or suggested in #1 are only suitable
for those people who have the willingness and ability to learn how to
edit files (at the very least!)

#3: Most of the people in the world do not have either the willingness nor
the ability to learn how to edit a file.

#4: Your posts suggest that you are like most of the people in the world.

#5: Most of the people in the world would find Windows or the Macintosh
more suitable.

#6: As #5 will have many people on this list in fits, just let me say
that for every computer literate type, there are two associated parents,
four associated grandparents, innumerable sisters and brothers, cousins,
nieces and nephews, etc. To suggest that tech savy, or even
semi-competent computer users are in the minority should be both an
obvious and trivial observation.

#7: Given #1 - #6, and if they obtain in your case, I think it's
reasonable to ask why *you* are choosing the Linux route? I know my mother
is far from being expert "pointer-and-clicker", yet even the expert
"pointers-and-clickers" from the Windows world, as certified and highly
paid as they sometimes are, are completely lost when computer use means
brain use.

#8: In Linux, computer use means brain use. In Windows, that is not
necessarily the case. If you want your computer to be nice & easy, then ,
by all means, stick with Windows. That is what Windows was meant for. The
same goes for the Mac. Just because Linux users need to be be at
least semi-smart is no reason why you should be denied a satisfying PC
experience. Microsoft and Apple design computers for most of the people
in the world, people just like you.


On 19-Jan-2001 chronos . wrote:
> To Chris-
> No I have absolutly no experience editing files. So go flame away. I am
> a newbie and I dont understand sue me.
> You started somewhere too. Kick me off the list for all I care. Excuse
> me for not being a genius.
> On Thu, 18 Jan 2001 15:00:05 -0500 "D. Stark - eSN"
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>Except I think the fella is using grub.
>>First off, run this from a command line:
>>[dstart@fweeble ~]$ cat /etc/lilo.conf
>>Just the cat part, mind you. If you DON'T have a file called
>>you installed grub as your boot loader. All of the great advice
>>has offered up to this point is for naught. Were I you, at this point,
>>say screw it all and reinstall, this time choosing LILO as your boot
>>(why did Mandrake include grub? freedom of choice?). Were I you. Who
>>it may solve the ram issue. If it doesn't then Chris' great advice
>>will work.
>>You're a newbie, I betcha. Don't worry, we all start somewhere. I was
>>enough to room with a net.god in college. I know sending people to
>> is my answer to most tech questions, but you might want to
>>spend some time reading up here:
>> (mandrake users
>>Seriously, a good place to go to keep from killing yourself. If you
>>like a good deadtree guide, check out O'Rielly's
>>_Learning_the_UNIX_Operating_System_. It's a very good book to get you
>>up to
>>speed on the basics. From there the specifics become a lot easier to
>>Make sure to learn to use 'grep' and 'less' as well. They're your
>>Derek Stark
>>IT / Linux Admin
>>xt 8952
>>-Original Message-
>>[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Chris Spencer
>>Sent: Thursday, January 18, 2001 2:29 PM
>>Subject: Re: [expert] ram issue(continued)
>>On 18 Jan 2001, chronos . wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I`m running mandrake 7.1 and I have 128 for ram but it only sees 64
>>> of my
>>128. I went to and found the following- edit tittle
>>kernel (hd0,0)/boot/vmlinuz root=dev/hda1 then append mem=128M to the
>>end of
>>it. The problem is I type pico then tittle linux and it gives me a new
>>then I type kernel etc. and all it does is places a file

Re: [expert] Cups is winning the battle

2001-01-18 Thread b5dave


It would appear I'm totally irritated and irritating tonight (sigh).

Glad you got it sorted out, and replying to your own e-mail is not bad
form if it adds useful and relevant info to your original post, which, in
this case it does. But the form of your post is rather incoherent, as you
are attributing to me, at least,  the entirety of *your* last post. Maybe
it's the way the quoting in your email program is set up. But, hell, I can
live with that. 

I really wanted to know if my suggestions regarding your   
/etc/cups/cupsd.conf file were of any value.

On 19-Jan-2001 Jerry Sternesky wrote:
> On Thursday 18 January 2001 20:39, Jerry Sternesky wrote:
> OK Bad form replying to your own email.  
[and Jerry's previous post]
> On Tuesday 16 January 2001 10:41, b5dave wrote:
> OK cups is alive and staying alive.  I also get the ghostscript rpms
> t-shirt, I forgot I had the install cd in the drive and after select
> printerdrake. Bam!  I was a member of the club.
[etc  snip]

No, b5dave (me) didn't write any of that!

I'm not dissin' you, Jerry, and I can appreciate the euphoria of
overcomming CUPS problems, but your quoting of our exchange has even *me*
confused as to who said what. I like to think of these exchanges as
reference material for other users. The issue of whether one should place
the quote before or after the reply may never be resolved, but both
methods can be clear about who said what.

peace ... love  LSD.   It's all good. Sorry about my complaining.
It's all good.

(I guess I should now sign all my posts as b5dave since there are several
other "Dave's" on the list ... and perhaps update my medication ...)


[expert] To mail list experts re this list

2001-01-18 Thread b5dave

Looks like I'm complaining again (sigh) about a free, perhaps volunteer
service from which I have no real right to expect anything. Still...

I'd really like to know if it's just me, or are we all in some
significant time warp here. I've had posts on this list delayed more than
24 hours, and a few haven't shown up at all. Today, I've been posting
since 17:32 pm and it's now 20:25 pm; none have shown up yet. I've never
experienced a 3 hour delay on any other list; 5-7 minutes was the longest
delay I've known, and 30 secs to 1 minute has been the norm.

Sure, instant gratification or resolution is desirable in our times, but
there are other consequences that these delays entail. Consider my post
of Jan 17th with subject "Failed message delivery". O.L. Plaine Jr
provided the explanation. For many hours after this, others responded
that they were experiencing these same "Failed message delivery" messages.
Then Chris Spencer essentially repeated Mr. Plaine's explanation. The
result of the approx 3 hour+ delay on the list resulted in 3 redundant
messages out of a total of 5 messages. Aside from my initial post, nobody
knew what anybody else was posting during "the time warp".

Now, anybody who follows this list, and who takes a moment to think about
it, will realize that every single thread suffers the same sort of
redundancy. I have no math genius, but I think that the volume of traffic
on this this could be less than half of what it is if the typical delay
were reduced to some reasonable level. Moreover, the reduced redundancy
would make it a much more valuable resource and reference.

So much for the philosophy. My pragmatic side tells me something's askew
here, and, assuming that the Mandrake people who maintain these lists
care about what they do (I have every reason to believe they do very
much), then I'm compelled to think that the list software (sympa) is very
defective (a 3 hour delay is surely not bandwidth related, right?).

My question, then, is just what you "mail list software" experts out
there think about all this? Is "sympa" broken? Should we petition
Mandrake to change list software? Am I being completely unresonable? Has
Rod Serling moved into my appartment? Clearly this delay business is
driving me nuts, and I really need some sympathy. BTW, "sympa" is French
slang or short for "sympathique", meaning friendly, or nice; it's somewhat
different from the English "sympathetic".


Re: [expert] Security Lists

2001-01-18 Thread b5dave

Okay, well the Security Announce is working for me gain; just got the
glibc advisory. Thanks for the work Vincent, and sorry if I was overly


Vincent wrote:

> At this point the going is slow to find a fix because that individual
> is gone for the week, but rest assured we are trying to get this fixed

Re: [expert] RPM updates

2001-01-18 Thread b5dave

-Uvh will update rpms that already exist on your system, but if the rpm
doesn't already exist on your system, it will do the same as an -ivh
(i.e., install the new rpm). In this sense, -ivh is redundant. -Fvh will
*only* update rpms that already exist on your system.

On 18-Jan-2001 Mark Weaver wrote:
> So then it's better to do the -Uvh instead of the -Fvh?

[expert] Failed message delivery

2001-01-17 Thread b5dave

Hi folks,

Since a few days, whenever I post to the list I get an e-mail from
[EMAIL PROTECTED] that starts like:

The msg to [EMAIL PROTECTED], had delivery problems due to unknown
recipient or host:
[etc etc etc]

This is too weird. My posts work, but who the hell is [EMAIL PROTECTED]
and why are my posts being bounced to that address? This only happens on
this list; all other e-mails or other lists work fine. Anyone else
getting this?


RE: [expert] Win4Lin 2.0 - J'ai 2 répertoires /usr/src/linux/

2001-01-17 Thread b5dave

Tout est beau; c'est normal. Le répertoire linux est un lien symbolique à
linux-2.2.17. Le système va toujours chercher pour le répertoire linux.
Ce dernier pourait, par exemple, etre lié à une différente version du
"kernel" pour raisons d'expérimentation. Si tu fais un "ls -la" dans le
répertoire /usr/src tu vas voir quelque chose comme:

$ ls -la
total 3
drwxr-xr-x5 root root  128 Dec 11 05:46 ./
drwxr-xr-x   20 root root  440 Dec 11 12:59 ../
drwxr-xr-x7 root root  141 Dec 11 05:19 RPM/
lrwxrwxrwx1 root root   12 Dec 11 05:36 linux ->
drwxr-xr-x   17 root root  575 Dec 11 05:36 linux-2.2.17/
drwxr-xr-x4 root root   81 Dec 11 05:46 php-devel/


contenant :


/usr/src/linux   (en italique d'ailleurs... je ne sais pas ce que cela 
contenant également :

Résultat, je ne sais pas lequel utiliser, s'il y en a un de trop, si tout
est, bref, je suis paumé.

Quelqu'un pour guider l'aveugle ? Merci.

Re: [expert] Security Lists

2001-01-16 Thread b5dave


> No, that is not the case at all.  It's not useless and it's not
> dangerous.  We're just having some difficulty with it.

Sorry, but I must disagree. One expects to be the first notified
of Mandrake security issues when one is subscribed to
Mandrake's security-announce. There's an implied if not explicit
expectancy that the list should be sufficient for being alerted to
Mandrake security issues. I'm not saying the list has always been
useless and dangerous, and I'm not saying the list will always be
such. But the list has been down for just about a month, and as far as I
can tell, is still down. So at present, assuming the list is still
down, it is indeed useless and dangerous simply because people expect
it to be both functional and current. It is analogous to some virus or
trojan disabling my system's local security warnings.


RE: [expert] Removing SCSI devices?

2001-01-16 Thread b5dave

Nice! It's all good. Thanks. The reason html mail is problematic has to
do with one of the basic *nix philosophies, i.e., one tool for one job.
Every *nix/linux mail program expects (more or less) to get some sort of
text format. Html, on the other hand, is generally handled by a web
browser. Consequently, if one is using a real and bonafide mail program,
html mail will end up looking something like this:

> > My system(Mdk7.2) was installed with SCSI option.
> However,
> >since I 
> >decided to remove the SCSI drive, I just removed the
> drive(while
> >adapter is still plugged in) then immediately I get the
> kernel
> panic at 
> >boot. 
> > 
> > What do I have to do for the system to boot up when the
> drive( and 
> >adapter) is removed? 
> > 
> > Thanks 
> > 
> > 
> >

All this nonesense, I'm sure, is the result of Microsoft shenanigans. If
you are posting from Outlook*, then it wouldn't be surprising that M$ has
the web browser integrated into it, and everywhere else it can: that,
indeed, was the strategy M$ used to wipe out Netscape, and the basis of
the DOJ's/States' legal action.

Note also that M$, and even Netscape, often default to sending a plain
text email message with an html copy as an attachment. This too is a
*bad* thing. Turning *off* the html attachment is a *good* thing.

Plus you end up using way more badwidth than is needed, and this affects
us all: wasting or abusing bandwidth is a bad thing.


Re: [expert] Security Lists

2001-01-16 Thread b5dave

if it's any help, the last advisory I got was the "slocate" one of 
Dec 18/2000.


> We're looking into it.  I have my suspicions that something has
> changed with sympa and it is rejecting the mails silently so this
> didn't actually come to my attention until about two days ago.  We
> hope to have it fixed ASAP.

RE: [expert] Security Lists

2001-01-16 Thread b5dave


> Has anyone else been seeing traffic on the Security lists?

I joined both the Mandrake security announce and security discuss lists
just before the new year, and there was some brief traffic. Since then,
however, nothing. Last week linuxtoday ( was
full of Mandrake security updates, and there has yet to be a peep about
these on the Mandrake security lists. It seems that these lists are
pretty useless, if not dangerous.


RE: [expert] Cups is winning the battle

2001-01-16 Thread b5dave

On 16-Jan-2001 Jerry Sternesky wrote:
> It seems I am having lots of problems with cups.  When I installed
> Mandrake 7.2, it found my epson 777 printer and set it up as a 740. 
> There were no drivers for 777.  I got a great test page and since then
> I haven't been able to do a thing with it.

My LM7.2 install didn't find my old HP Deskjet 520 on lp0 so I tried to
setup printing post install. I'm on a simple single non-networked box.

> It seems that the cups dameon just stops running.

I was getting the same thing. IIRC, somewhere in the docs it mentioned
that some minutes after you start the daemon, it checks back with
/etc/cups/cupsd.conf but I could be way off base here. Nonetheless, 
manually editing cupsd.conf fixed the dying daemon problem for me. None of
the config tools would worked because the install left me with an unusable
cupsd.conf file  entries like ServerName were still remmed out. I
could start the daemon (# /etc/rc.d/init.d/cups start), but, like
you say, it would die after a few minutes.
> After I start the machine I do a service cups status, I get back it's
> running and a pid number.  After about 5 minutes, the status returns
> cups is stopped. I restart it and 5 minutes later it's stopped.  I am
> really at a loss here.  

Unless Till (he's the resident CUPS guru) has the fix for you, I'd
suggest you first take a quick look at your /etc/cups/cupsd.conf file ...
along with a 'man cupsd.conf'.

> When I use a client and netscpae to connect to http://"server":631 I get
> to the cups setup and the printer is there and configured, but I am
> unable to print a test page because not located, so I
> know I have a network issue to resolve with addressing

I could well be wrong, but this sounds more and more like a bum
entry in your cupsd.conf file.

> Since I will be scouring how-to's and faq's if anyone has some good
> ones besides the ones on to point me to I would
> appreciate it.

There's a pile of FAQ's here:

plus the various resources at:

> BTW this machine is current as of 1/15 with all the updates for 7.2.

Pretty well the same thing here, so .

I should also mention that I'm pretty certain PrinterDrake or Drakprint
or whatever it's called is broken. Going that route, you'd be asked to
insert your install CD, and, without warning, the program would proceed to
wipe out your updated Ghostscript rpms, replace them with the ones from
the CD, and promptly barf. Myself and at least two others have "been
there, done that".

Do let us know how you get this worked out because, as you can see, the
whole mess isn't particularly clear to me either, and there aren't a
whole lot of people jumping in with concise solutions. Personally, I'm
ready to revert back to the old lpd/lpr system because the two fonts I
most often use for printing from Wordperfect come out slightly better the
old way.


RE: [expert] Removing SCSI devices?

2001-01-16 Thread b5dave

Okay, I'll be the bad guy.

Yo, Kim TK, sending html mail to a list is considered by many to be rude,
offensive, a bad idea, in bad taste, and may also be a loss of face on
your part.

You will have a better chance of getting help by not offending the people
you are seeking help from. I'd suggest you try to figure out how to turn
off your html mail; the world would be a better place.  :-)


Re: [expert] PLEASE FIX REPLY-TO in this list!!!

2001-01-15 Thread b5dave

Bob is talking specifically about the *digest* version of the list. My
"reply-to's" work fine, but I *don't* get the digest version. Is there
anyone here with the digest version with the same problem as Bob? I may
be wrong, but I'm assuming that Viktor didn't catch the *digest* aspect
of Bob's complaint. If I'm wrong, Viktor, please accept my apologies.

On 15-Jan-2001 Viktor Lakics wrote:
> This is a *REPLY* to your message. It goes to
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] I think your email client does not
> handles that correctly...FYI, I use mutt under LM7.2.
> Viktor
> On Mon, Jan 15, 2001 at 03:28:02PM -0500, Bob Puff@NLE wrote:
>> Would someone PLEASE fix the REPLY-TO address for the digest of this
>> list?!  Replies get sent to "expert-request", which then fail.
>> Bob

[expert] Cups removal precedure?

2001-01-11 Thread b5dave

Okay, look,  I don't want to get into the plusses or minusses of
CUPS. I've paid my CUPS dues, and would like to go back to lpr for now.
Sure I think lpr is brain dead, and I think CUPS is the future of
printing in *nix. But for *now*, I would really like to wipe CUPS from my
system and replace it with the lpr system.

I have a stock LM 7.2 install (with the latest security upgrades). Can
someone please tell me what CUPS packages I need to "rpm -e" and what
lpr packages I need to "rpm -Uvh --test" ??

Please? Thanks.


Re: [expert] Adding TrueType fonts to LM 7.2

2001-01-10 Thread b5dave

Hate to be a party pooper here, but adding fonts to LM 7.2 and adding
fonts to Wordperfect (7-8) for Linux are two entirely different things. In
Wordperfect, font rasterization (both display and printing) is handled by
Wordperfect exclusively, and it does not support True Type. But you can
find Type 1 fonts with better 'hinting' than those supplied on the
Wordperfect for Linux CD; indeed the Type 1 fonts supplied with
Wordperfect for Windows, with OS/2, and with Applix are generally
superior. There is, however, at least one utility to convert tt fonts to
type 1 if you're feeling adventurous.

The best documentation I've found on the subject is here:

For other WP for Linux docs, see:


On 10-Jan-2001 Marsden MacRae wrote:
> "D. Stark - eSN" wrote:
>> Derek Stark
>> IT / Linux Admin
>> eSupportNow
>> xt 8952
> Thanks! that was very helpful. We use Linux WordPerfect here, and the
> lawyers want to add fonts.
> Marsden

Re: [expert] problems with network

2001-01-02 Thread b5dave

As root try:
# services --status-all
Any Chain input will be listed. And if you see a line that says "USAGE: 
pmfirewall [command]" then your uninstall didn't work. If you need to
manualy uninstall, you'll find it under /usr/local/pmfirewall, as well as
references in your rc scripts:
#grep -i -r pmfirewall /etc/rc*
I use it with a ppp connection so it is started in /etc/ppp/ip-up.local.
With eth0 I figure it would just be started in /etc/rc*, but I could be
wrong about that.

If it is indeed running, it must be misconfigured. I remember there
being options for a gateway, as well a specific IP's to allow. I don't
have a network, so I can't help you there.I've had great success with the
program however.

Good luck.

On 02-Jan-2001 Tib wrote:
> I stopped it, uninstalled it, and flushed all the ipchains rules. It
> /should/
> be a clean setup again like I had before. But still it acts like I said
> before: only icmp gets forwarded through it and data in general is
> extremely
> slow.
> Tib
> On Wed, 3 Jan 2001, Mike MacCana wrote:
>> You can stop pmfirewall when its installed by running
>> service pmfirewall stop
>> Which clears the rules and set them to deny. Did you read the 
>> documentation fully? Its a neat utility, so don't give up on it yet.
>> If you must use ipchains directly, then...
>>  ipchains -F input
>>  ipchains -F output
>>  ipchains -F forward 
>> Wil do the trick...
>> Mike
>> --
>> Mike MacCana Support Consultant  
>>   C Y B E R S O U R C E
>>Level 9, 140 Queen St Melbourne 3000
>> Ph : +61 3 9642 5997 Fax: +61 3 9642 5998
>> On Tue, 2 Jan 2001, Tib wrote:
>> > Ok! here's some fun that's been causing me to lose my hair in chunks
>> > because
>> > I've been ripping it out. I checked out PMFirewall as someone
>> > mentioned, and
>> > had initially set it up. Everything seemed fine. However, even though
>> > I ran
>> > ipchains -L and it said there were no rules in place, it seems that
>> > NOTHING but
>> > icmp packets are allowed through the network anymore. I've smashed my
>> > head
>> > against my route table and other things but I just can't figure it
>> > out. Nothing
>> > gets forwarded but icmp, everything else is no route to host (from
>> > the machines
>> > inside the network that would use the address for eth0 as a gateway),
>> > furthermore, it would seem that eth0's performance has been
>> > compromised as well
>> > for some strange reason, data throughput of ANY kind is extremely
>> > slow even
>> > though pingtimes are fantastic. I uninstalled pmfirewall and backed
>> > out every
>> > other change I can think of, I've shut down and brought up the
>> > network,
>> > re-added routes the way they were before, and overall exhausted my
>> > brain with
>> > this problem, can someone help please???
>> > 
>> > 
>> > Tib
>> > 
>> > 
>> > 
>> > 

RE: [expert] KMail: import files (OT?)

2000-12-31 Thread b5dave

What you've got with your xfmail setup, as you've described it, are "mh"
type mailboxes. I have the same thing. You want to convert your "mh"
mailboxes to "mbox" type mailboxes.

The docs for Kmail talk about a conversion utility (mh2kmail) "that's
included with the source", which seems to mean cvs, as Kmail is
otherwise only available as part of the kdenetwork package. 

For other means of conversion see:  (not much help)


man packf   (this seems to be *the* utility, but I've not used it)


On 29-Dec-2000 Guido Milanese wrote:
> I do not know if this question is OT -- if so, please forgive me.
> I had been using xfmail for some time, after migrating to Linux. Now I 
> find the new version of KMail very stable and reliable, so I'm using 
> this other program. 
> The problem: xfmail archives mail making a folder for each category you 
> want, and mail is stored with numbered files under each directory (e.g. 
> /home/guido/mail/mandrake/1, /home/guido/mail/mandrake/2 and so on). 
> Kmail does not use one file for each message, but archives mail using 
> one "large" file for each category, so there will be only one 
> directory with "large" files, e.g. /home/guido/Mail/mandrake.
> Question: is there a program to merge the old mail files (xfmail 
> output) with the new ones (kmail output)? or should I write a little 
> utility do perform this task?
> thanks!
> guido, italy
> --
> E-Mail: Guido Milanese <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Vocal Ensemble Ars Antiqua, Genova, Italia
> Homepage:
> + + + + + + NON NOBIS DOMINE + + + + + + +
> --

Re: [expert] Recursive symlinks in /usr/bin?

2000-12-29 Thread b5dave

Weird. I *do* have /usr/bin/mh which seems to duplicate the contents of
/usr/bin, and both directories have mh -> ./ . A security thing maybe??


On 29-Dec-2000 Larry Marshall wrote:
> Tom Eastman wrote:
>> [tom@celleste bin]$ ls -ld /usr/bin/mh
>> lrwxrwxrwx1 root root1 Dec 29  2000 /usr/bin/mh ->
>> ./
>> Why is there a symlink in /usr/bin called mh which points straight back
>> to /usr/bin???
>> Is this kind of recursive symlink a bad thing?  or can I just ignore
>> it?
> Can't imagine why it's there or how it could be useful.  For what it's
> worth, I have no such link on my system.  Any idea what mh is or is
> supposed to be?
> Cheers --- Larry

Re: [expert] Desktop device icons, folders, etc, don't work

2000-12-24 Thread b5dave

Wow! Is that the result of installing every language available?

On 24-Dec-2000 Pierre Fortin wrote:
> Praedor Tempus wrote:
>> Could someone please use an editor and view the device kdelnk in their
>> Desktop directory (preferably from KDE 2.0, 2.0.1 or 2.1) and post the
>> contents?
> Without a CD in the drive, I get the non-intuitive:
> Error -KDesktop
>  Unable to enter file:/mnt/cdrom.
> (X)  You do not have access rights to
>  this location.
>  [  OK  ]
> With a CD, it's fine.
> KDE2.0...
> Cd-Rom.kdelnk:
># KDE Config File
> [KDE Desktop Entry]
> Comment=CD-ROM device
> Comment[br]=Trobarzhell lenn CD-ROM
> Comment[ca]=Dispositiu de CD-ROM
> Comment[cs]=CD-ROM mechanika
> Comment[da]=CD-ROM Enhed
> Comment[de]=CD-ROM Laufwerk
> Comment[es]=Dispositivo lector de CDROMs
> Comment[et]=CD-ROM seade
> Comment[fi]=Tiedostosysteemi
> Comment[fr]=Périphérique lecteur de CDROMs
> Comment[ga]=Gaireas Dlúthdhiosca ROM
> Comment[gl]=Dispositivo CD-ROM
> Comment[hr]=CD-ROM ureðaj
> Comment[hu]=CD-ROM meghajtó
> Comment[id]=CD-ROM Anda
> Comment[is]=Geisladrif
> Comment[it]=Lettore CDROM
> Comment[lt]=CDROM árenginys
> Comment[nl]=CDROM drive
> Comment[no]=CDROM enhet
> Comment[pl]=Urz±dzenie
> Comment[pt]=Dispositivo com Sistema de Ficheiros
> Comment[ro]=Lector CDROM
> Comment[sk]=CD-ROM mechanika
> Comment[uk]=ëÏÍÐÁËÔ ÄÉÓË
> Comment[wa]=Éndjin lijheu di plakes lazer
> Icon=cdrom_supermount.xpm
> Type=Link
> URL=/mnt/cdrom  
> Floppy.kdelnk:
># KDE Config File
> [KDE Desktop Entry]
> Comment=Floppy Device
> Comment[br]=Trobarzhell pladennigoù
> Comment[ca]=Dispositiu de disquet
> Comment[cs]=Disketová mechanika
> Comment[de]=3½-Zoll Laufwerk
> Comment[es]=Dispositivo disquetera
> Comment[et]=Flopiseade
> Comment[fi]=Tiedostosysteemi
> Comment[fr]=Lecteur de disquettes
> Comment[ga]=Gaireas flapach
> Comment[gl]=Dispositivo lector de disquetes
> Comment[hr]=Disketni ureðaj
> Comment[hu]=Hajlékonylemez meghajtó (floppy)
> Comment[id]=Isi Disket Anda
> Comment[is]=Disklinga drif
> Comment[it]=Unità floppy
> Comment[lt]=Diskeliø árenginys
> Comment[nl]=Floppy drive
> Comment[no]=Diskett enhet
> Comment[pl]=Urz±dzenie
> Comment[pt]=Dispositivo com Sistema de Ficheiros
> Comment[ro]=Lector de dischete
> Comment[sk]=Disketová mechanika
> Comment[uk]=äÉÓËÅÔÁ
> Comment[wa]=Mineu di plaketes
> Icon=3floppy_supermount.xpm
> Type=Link
> URL=/mnt/floppy 
> HTH,
> Pierre


RE: [expert] Desktop device icons, folders, etc, don't work

2000-12-23 Thread b5dave

On 24-Dec-2000 Praedor Tempus wrote:

> Could someone please use an editor and view the device kdelnk in their 
> Desktop directory (preferably from KDE 2.0, 2.0.1 or 2.1) and post the 
> contents?  Specifically, if you have a functional floppy, zip, or
> harddrive device icon on your desktop, please post the text contained in
> the kdelnk for in it Desktop/. 
> For my non-functional Zip Drive kdelnk, for instance, it reads:
> [Desktop Entry]
> Dev=/mnt/zip
> FSType=supermount
> Icon=3floppy_mount
> MountPoint=/mnt/zip
> Type=FSDevice
> UnmountIcon=3floppy_unmount


Sure. Note that I don't use the KDE environment, but I did install the
whole thing so that I could use all the KDE apps from the Enlightenment
WM. So the kde config files I'm posting are *unaltered* from the initial
install of 7.2 and may be of some use to you. The following are under

$ less CD-ROM
[Desktop Entry]

$ less Floppy.kdelnk
[Desktop Entry]

peace, dave.

RE: [expert] fstab entry for supermount

2000-12-23 Thread b5dave

On 24-Dec-2000 Praedor Tempus wrote:
> In trying to fix my problem with desktop devices not working, I altered
> my fstab for cdrom, zip, and floppy to eliminate the supermount and made
> them the old-fashioned manual mount devices.  I would like to go back to 
> supermount but cannot recall the syntax and there is no backup fstab
> with the supermount entries in them.  

If it's any help, here's the unaltered supermount fstab entries from last
week's 7.2 install:

/mnt/cdrom /mnt/cdrom supermount fs=iso9660,dev=/dev/cdrom 0 0
/mnt/floppy /mnt/floppy supermount fs=vfat,dev=/dev/fd0 0 0



RE: [expert] Unmount supermount without reboot

2000-12-22 Thread b5dave

See one of the most explicit and simple man pages ever written:
$ man supermount

On 22-Dec-2000 Viktor Lakics wrote:
> Does anyone know how to unmount (suspend supermounting) a supermounted
> removable disk without editing out the corresponding entry in fstab and
> reboot? Eg. to use ext2fsck on a zip disk?
> Thanks:  Viktor
> Viktor Lakics
> Through the Internet:
> Get free email and a permanent address at


Re: [expert] 'Use hard drive optimizations' does what?

2000-12-21 Thread b5dave

On 22-Dec-2000 Andrew George wrote:
> On Fri, 22 Dec 2000 13:57, A V Flinsch wrote:
>> On Thursday 21 December 2000 21:17, b5dave wrote:
>> > So the burning question is: Does anybody have the hdparm command in
>> > their rc scripts or elsewhere???
>> I have the following at the end of rc.local
>> # hdparm stuff
>> echo -n "Harddrive optimizations"
>> /sbin/hdparm -c 1 -d 1 -k 1 /dev/hda
>> /sbin/hdparm -c 1 -d 1 -k 1 /dev/hdb
>> /sbin/hdparm -c 1 -k 1 /dev/hde
> Oddly enough I discovered that even though I had a hdparm line in rc2.d,
> rc3.d and rc4.d...I had to add the line to rc.local to get it to work

Hmmm.  What service scripts in rc2,3,4? Runlevels 0,1,2,and 6 mean
your machine is on its way down or just plain down. Runlevel 4 isn't
really used. The only two runlevels of interest are 3 (which boots you
into a console), and runlevel 5 which boots into the xdm graphical logon
screen. In other words, rc2 and rc4 don't count. If your setup was booting
into a graphical logon then you were booting into rc5, and your hdparm
entry in rc2, 3, or 4 would never work. Note that the runlevels are *not*
sequencial; booting into rc.5 (runlevel 5 == graphical logon) will kill
all prior stuff and just start the rc.5 stuff. The files in those rc.*
directories either start with an S or a K. The K means kill and the S means
start. OOF, that was a mouthfull.

But, again, I'm now really curious to know what scripts Mandrake was
screwing with in rc.2, rc.3, and rc.4. WTF was Mandrake doing here?



Re: [expert] X 4.0.2 and the RPM database

2000-12-21 Thread b5dave

Not sure what you mean by "...what looks like ..". Rebuilding the database
restores/updates the dependancy issues, *tries* to resolve duplicate
entries, and so forth. Are you having problems installing or "-e" ing
some rpms? When you say "looks" are you being literal? Please don't think
I'm being facetious here; I'm *not*. I'm just trying to cover the bases. If
you want it to look ordered is some way, and right after an install an 'rpm
-qa' is indeed pretty well ordered, then there are tools for that. I would
certainly agree that an un-ordered "rpm -qa" is next to useless.

Personally I don't find uppercase files being sorted before lowercase ones
usefull at all. Plus, why call it 'Eterm' when 'eterm' does the same work?
Hell, I still don't know why they called it .Xdefaults instead of
.xdefaults. There, that feels better. :-/

I pretty well have a *term constantly displaying all my installed rpm's.
I've used the same command since RH 4.2
$ rpm -qa | sort -fd | less

It's probably too late for me to put an alias in ~/.bashrc (like alias
rpms='rpm -qa | sort -fd | less') because I can type the longer version as
fast as the the alias!! Anyway, if I've completely misunderstood you, I
apologize: it wouldn't be the first time I've missed the mark. Yet surely
it could be useful given the peculiarities of Drakupdate or whatever that
dangerous contraption is called.


On 22-Dec-2000 MichaelM wrote:
> b5dave wrote:
>> # rpm --rebuilddb
>> Don't worry, it takes a while.
> Nope. Still getting what looks like an old RedHat database =(


RE: [expert] X 4.0.2 and the RPM database

2000-12-21 Thread b5dave

# rpm --rebuilddb
Don't worry, it takes a while.


On 22-Dec-2000 MichaelM wrote:
> I'm sure I'm not the only one to be bitten by this, but for those out of
> the loop, the binaries for XFree86 4.0.2 over-write the RPM database, 
> making RPM related stuff nigh on impossible.
> The question is, is a fix available, or even possible?

Re: [expert] 'Use hard drive optimizations' does what?

2000-12-21 Thread b5dave

Alex wrote

> I have the following at the end of rc.local
># hdparm stuff
> echo -n "Harddrive optimizations"
> /sbin/hdparm -c 1 -d 1 -k 1 /dev/hda
> /sbin/hdparm -c 1 -d 1 -k 1 /dev/hdb
> /sbin/hdparm -c 1 -k 1 /dev/hde

and .

Bill wrote:

>I've got mine as the last line of rc.sysinit. It works.

Well if either one of you guys says that the install did indeed append
that to either script, then that makes my initial question about a
possible kernel parameter moot, and that's one more mystery solved. I'm
perfectly happy with that.  :-)

ps Bill. Is that x-vcard attachment a *nix thing? I think I may have got
one recently from an associate and flamed them for sending me yet another
proprietary M$ attachment. OOPS!


Re: [expert] 'Use hard drive optimizations' does what?

2000-12-21 Thread b5dave

Yes, I understand. In lieu of "engaged" I should have said "setup" ,
because somewhere there would have to be a line like:
'hdparm -m 8 -d 1 -u 1 -c 1 /dev/hda' to ensure that it is set on
subsequent re-boots. If you think you have it set, just try # hdparm -tT
/dev/whatever and look at the buffered disk reads. I went from something
like 4 MB/sec to 19.88 MB/sec. I figure its some DMA setting in
the kernel config that relates to the mobo's ide chipset. There's a whole
slew of block device settings in .config which is kinda why I wanted to

I'm positive I checked that off during the install, but hell, who knows.
As Eric suggested, the only reasonable place to put the command would be
somewhere under /etc/rc.d like runlevel 3 or 5 or rc.local (which is where
I've put it).

So the burning question is: Does anybody have the hdparm command in their
rc scripts or elsewhere???


On 22-Dec-2000 Amit Bapat wrote:
> hdparam is not a daemon that runs, it just sets some parameters to be
> used 
> for your HD
> Original Message Follows
> From: b5dave <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: [expert] 'Use hard drive optimizations' does what?
> Date: Thu, 21 Dec 2000 18:32:28 -0500 (EST)
> I initially thought that install option would engage hdparm since the
> warning is the same, but hdparm was definitely not running.. That leaves
> the kernel. Does anyone know what config options get set?
> Thanks
> Dave.
> -
> 21-Dec-2000
> 18:32:28
> -
> _
> Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at


RE: [expert]

2000-12-21 Thread b5dave

The background is called by xsetroot in /etc/X11/xdm/Xsetup_0 (the
comments in there suggest there are "issues" with kdmdesktop/kdedesktop.)
The rest of the screen is defined in /etc/X11/xdm/Xresources


On 21-Dec-2000 a r wrote:
> Hi!
> Does anyone know which file contains the details of the screen you see
> when
> the login manager loads?
> I want to change the background and there seems to be a bug in  kcontrol
> that stops you from saving changes to the background eg if you want to
> replace the blue screen with a .png or .jpg, (you can enter them but it
> resets once you leave the login manager option).
> Thanks
> __
> FREE Personalized Email at
> Sign up at


RE: [expert] cups not working properly

2000-12-21 Thread b5dave

Read the text file. These are LM7.2 rpms are are supposed to work 'out of
the box".

On 21-Dec-2000 Vic wrote:
> Cool,. where can I find the url of this site?
> On Wed, 20 Dec 2000, b5dave wrote:
>  Also Till setup a site with upgraded
>> drivers which won't be part of Mandrake updates as they are not
>> security
>> related. I've had no need to try these however.
>> Dave


[expert] 'Use hard drive optimizations' does what?

2000-12-21 Thread b5dave

I initially thought that install option would engage hdparm since the
warning is the same, but hdparm was definitely not running.. That leaves
the kernel. Does anyone know what config options get set?



Re: [expert] cups not working properly

2000-12-21 Thread b5dave

The latest CUPS info by Till, along with discussions is here:

Check out FAQ(7) where there's info about the many KDE printing issues.
The A4 thing seems to be a known bug. Note also that there's been a lot of
fixes to all the associated CUPS files that will never be in Mandrake
updates because they are not security related. The drivers and the
ghostscript stuff is all very recent. Till has the stuff here:

Although I have a crappy HP deskjet 520 (circa 1993), I tried the
GIMP-CUPS driver and it looked like I was out of ink. I had fantastic
results with the Foomatic drivers. For your Epson Color Stylus 600 you
should try scrolling way down past "Epson Color .." to "Stylus 600"
where you'll find several the foomatic drivers. You can setup a printer
name for each driver if you want ... one may be better for text, the other
for colour pictures. For apps that won't let you choose which (like KDE
apps it seems), select one as default.

If you can't work things out, I think Till lurks in the general forum at

Good luck.

On 21-Dec-2000 Praedor Tempus wrote:
> It seems to be both a printer driver issue AND a printer hardware
> problem.
> I built and installed the gimp-print 4.1.0 package and changed my epson 
> driver to that.  Now I can print from konqueror and kmail but, again,
> the 
> printing is partial - even though I have a new black ink cartridge
> installed, 
> I am getting ONLY color - no black (this may be the hardware - I am
> going to 
> have to take the printer out of its hole and do a close exam to see if
> the 
> print heads are clogged).  As for the driver - even though I have 720dpi
> selected as default, the printout is more like 180dpi or 360dpi.  
> The gimp-print driver works MUCH better than the native driver.
> Another thing is that the default page size keeps going to A4.  I keep 
> selecting letter and saving and hitting OK but it insists on defaulting
> to 
> A4.  I changed this as root to letter too - through kups and qtcups.  
> How do I make letter the default that will stick?
> On Wednesday 20 December 2000 10:21 pm, you wrote:
>> I'm running the stock konqueror from Enlightenment with the kde libs
>> installed all from LM 7.2. (KDE 2.0.x). I have the same upgraded CUPS
>> as
>> you. I can print from Konqueror just fine.
>> If you're printing off the page, your CUPS print driver is probably
>> misconfigured. From the kups utility you can configure the driver with
>> your paper size, resolution etc. You might also try a different driver
>> ...
>> each printer has several choices. Also Till setup a site with upgraded
>> drivers which won't be part of Mandrake updates as they are not
>> security
>> related. I've had no need to try these however.
>> Dave
>> On 21-Dec-2000 Praedor Tempus wrote:
>> > I am running KDE 2.1, cups-1.1.4-7.1mdk
>> >
>> > I thought I had cups setup properly for my Epson Color Stylus 600.
>> > I can print out test pages and I just succeeded in printing (sort of)
>> > an
>> > email from kmail - sort of because it all ran off the top of the page
> -- 
> Against stupidity, the gods themselves contend in vain
> ---
> praedor


RE: [expert] cups not working properly

2000-12-20 Thread b5dave

I'm running the stock konqueror from Enlightenment with the kde libs
installed all from LM 7.2. (KDE 2.0.x). I have the same upgraded CUPS as
you. I can print from Konqueror just fine.

If you're printing off the page, your CUPS print driver is probably
misconfigured. From the kups utility you can configure the driver with
your paper size, resolution etc. You might also try a different driver ...
each printer has several choices. Also Till setup a site with upgraded
drivers which won't be part of Mandrake updates as they are not security
related. I've had no need to try these however.


On 21-Dec-2000 Praedor Tempus wrote:
> I am running KDE 2.1, cups-1.1.4-7.1mdk
> I thought I had cups setup properly for my Epson Color Stylus 600.
> I can print out test pages and I just succeeded in printing (sort of) an
> email from kmail - sort of because it all ran off the top of the page
> and
> didn't print all the message text - all it produces is the KDE graphic
> and 
> the From and To email addresses.  Message body text isn't produced.
> In spite of this very limited "success" printing, I find it completely 
> impossible to print from konqueror.  I tried repeatedly to printout a
> webpage 
> I was reading but nothing ever comes of it.  I checked the cups
> error_log 
> file and it contains:
> E [20/Dec/2000:21:20:20 -0700] PID 16396 crashed on signal 11!
> E [20/Dec/2000:21:20:20 -0700] PID 16397 stopped with status 1!  
> This is produced each time I try to print from konqueror.
> So, cups isn't working properly.  How does one fix this?  Every time I 
> attempt to print from konqueror, konqueror freezes up for about 30 or 40
> seconds before cups gives up.
> -- 
> Against stupidity, the gods themselves contend in vain
> ---
> praedor


[expert] CUPS + LM 7.2 install/config comments

2000-12-18 Thread b5dave

Hi all (hope your there too, Till)

After an LM 7.2 install/print struggle, I'd like to pass on a few printer
related 'gotcha's' that I believe are problematic. I'll try and be as
terse as I can (I have trouble being terse). Comments are most welcome.

#1: /dev/lp0 vs /dev/lp1

When I upgraded from redhat 5.2 to 6.2 there was a big deal about how
*now* the first parallel port is lp0, in lieu of lp1. I seem to remember
the reason being kernel related, but it may have been my own redhat ==
linux subconscious. During my install of LM 7.2 I automatically chose lp0
as the parallel printer port and the install did *not* see the printer.
Moreover, the CUPS documentation suggests that, in general, parallel
printers are on lp1. Also, the "add printer" wizard from the kups tool
still tells me I don't have a printer (it's on lp0 and working great now),
and the wizard's parallel port list only shows "parallel port #1". I
suspect both the LM 7.2 install routine and the kups wizard are broken in
this respect, and if this is the case, then the many people fleeing from
the redhat 7.0 mess to Mandrake might have some serious headaches.

#2:  CUPS http://localhost:631/adm

Although this tool does see lp0, I suspect it will work if and only if you
have a good /etc/cups/cupsd.conf file. At the moment, this
http://localhost:631/adm does *not* work here, although I managed to get
it to work very briefly during a blitz 'trial & error" session. I think it
has to do with the "broadcasting" entries in the cupsd.conf file (see
below). Nonetheless, this tool, which can configure your cupsd.conf file,
will be useless unless you have a working cupsd.conf file to begin with.
If I'm mistaken here, please let me know, because my default cupsd.conf
file from the LM 7.0 install had all the important entries remmed out.

#3:  The /etc/cups/cupsd.conf file / 

I think this file could use a few more comments, or be fully docummented
elsewhere. CUPS is new, and a 'man cupsd.conf' assumes a degree of
knowledge (as it should) that was not needed with the admittedly
'brain-dead'  LPD. After 4 years of battling with redhat, I like to think
that I'm no longer a total Linux newbie. But, like many Linux users, I
don't administer a multi-machine network, and the occasional comment
relating to a single loopback system would be very helpfull. "Should
broadcasting be on? Should I be broadcasting to The comments
certainly do not have to be comprehensive; a *single* sentence aimed at the
home user who is not on a LAN, nor a LAN administrator, would be
appropriate, I think, since a whole lot of mandrake/CUPS users are one
home machine. Of course, that is what the wizards are for. But if the
wizard is broken, or if it assumes underlying knowledge of the system,
then that wizard is worse than useless. I think the kups "add printer"
wizard is both broken and dangerous: you need to be lucky for it to work.

(and aren't you glad I wasn't verbose?)

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RE: [expert] Replicated messages have multiple causes... PLEASE

2000-12-18 Thread b5dave

So Pierre, why the hell are you posting twice? OOF. Bad joke, sorry! I'm
sure everyone here greatly appreciates and *needs* your troubleshooting:
we're suffering from some serious schizophrenia. A concensus might be that
anyone posting from M$ Lookout! should be banned for life (at least).

I was wondering what sort of delays people are getting in their posts. I'm
in Montreal and, although I've only joined the list since the rather
disastrous weather hit, my posts don't come back to me for 1 - 3 hours!
I've become accustomed to 30 sec - 1 minute on other lists.


On 19-Dec-2000 Pierre Fortin wrote:
> I have analyzed just over 250 messages from Cooker and Expert lists.  Of
> those,
> there were 20 duplicated and 3 triplicated messages.
> NOTE:  If you are receiving this message from both the list and
> should investigate your mailer, settings and/or habits for one or more
> of causes
>#2 and up since you were discovered in this sampling as being a possible
> contributor to the problems.
>>From my short sampling, these are the causes of message replication I
>>came up
> with...
> CAUSE 1:  "user 500"  You should correct your parsing
> to
> distinguish between "To:", "Envelope-To:" or any other "*-To:" (anchor
> regex to
> line start, or stop processing headers) so as not to create more copies.
> Also,
> is there any chance your parsing is triggering on any other headers...?
> Note: "*-To:" was added to the list at the last moment because as I
> wrote this
> message, a duplicate (see 2b) arrived containing "Reply-To:" as the only
> discernable clue to the duplication.
> CAUSE 2a:  sender is using M$ Outlook Express configured to send an
> "Envelope-To:" header.  This is possibly one of the causes of the
> duplicates; if
> so, removing this header might help.  Alternatively, lower-casing the
> "T" in
> this header might be another solution, if that's possible.  The correct
> solution
> is most likely in Cause 1.  Not every user of M$ Outlook Express sends
> this
> header, so it must be configurable.
> CAUSE 2b:  sender is using "Internet Mail Service (5.5.2650.21)" with a
> "Reply-To:" header.  See cause 2a for solution.
> CAUSE 3a:  sending to more than one addressee. 
> Examples:
> CAUSE 3b:  sending to both "To:" and "Cc:"
> Example:
> CAUSE 3c:  sending with BCC: which is not detectable from the messages
> we get.
> PLEASE, PLEASE, PRETTY PLEASE  make the necessary corrections to
> whatever
> piece you control so that we can all maximize our enjoyment of these
> lists.
> Hoping this makes a difference,
> Pierre
> PS to yavin owner:  any chance the above causes 2a-3c can also be
> accounted for
> in your "user 500" code...?

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Re: [expert] CUPS exasperation

2000-12-18 Thread b5dave

Yes, thanks go to John. I posted to and got a even
better solution from Till. The WP driver for the Tektronix Phasor 140 is
fully compatible with all the CUPS drivers. Apparently the postscript
passthrough is not colour friendly.

Refer to:


On 19-Dec-2000 Kelley Terry wrote:
> On Monday 18 December 2000 03:02 pm, you wrote:
>> > Hi,
>> Although my setup is not exactly the same as yours, I had some similar
>> problems, such as the cupsd stopping as soon as you try to print
>> something.
>> One thing I found is that in some cases, the program you are printing
>> from
>> may be set to provide output in the raw printer format, but cups
>> expects
>> the output in postscript and tries to generate printer code. The
>> solution
>> may be to set up Wordperfect to print "passthru postscript" and set the
>> destination to be the printer you set up in cups.  I just tried this on
>> a
>> remote Windows printer thru Samba and it works.
> Thank you!  I have been trying to figure this one out myself and you
> just 
> solved it for me!

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[expert] CUPS exasperation update

2000-12-18 Thread b5dave

In reply to myself,

Been doing some debugging;

The kupsdconf utility was not writing to /etc/cups/cupsd.conf. Almost
everything was remmed out including ServerName etc. After some manual
editing I have partial success.

Problem: If I try to print from Wordperfect, it issues a command like:
lpr -Pdeskjet520 /tmp/_pp_005957_8 (as listed from ps -aux)

This kills the cups daemon instantly. The cups log ends with:
cupsd[5643]: REQUEST localhost - - "POST / HTTP/1.1" 200 77
and a ps -aux shows the daemon as gone. No further errors are logged (and
I'm in debug mode).

What does work is printing from Nedit. It issues a:
lpr -J "" , although what shows up with ps -aux is:
parallel:/dev/lp0 6 sundance 1
perl /usr/lib/cups/filter/cupsomatic 6 sundance 1

So, does anybody have Wordperfect printing or any idea what might be
causing it to kill cupsd?



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[expert] CUPS exasperation

2000-12-18 Thread b5dave


I really need to be able to print from Wordperfect 8/Linux real soon now
or I'm sunk. (essay deadlines etc)

With LM 7.2  Cups 1.1.4-7.1 local HP Deskjet520 on /dev/lp0 
stand-alone dial-up system, with loopback working.

I just can't get cups working properly. The kups program says can't connect
to server. I've managed to configure my deskjet via the web config tool
and the test page printed okay. I was also able to print from nedit. But
the setup just won't stick. The daemon just dies after a very short time
and my printer config is gone. Running chkconfing --list shows cups on at
the appropriate run-levels. If I run "service cups start" or
"/etc/rc.d/init.d/ cups start" I get an OK but if I immediately run lpinfo
-v I get "Unable to connect to server: connection refused. All this is
being done su'd to root with printer always on.

Running kupsdconf as root I get:

# QObject::connect: No such slot
QObject::connect:  (sender name:   'unnamed')
QObject::connect:  (receiver name: 'unnamed')

I just spent the whole day reading all the docs, and trying everything
possible. I had updated cups using drakupdate and thought that may have
been screwy so I downloaded the three rpms, uninstalled cups (rpm-e
--nodeps), cleaned up the leftover directories, re-installed, and SNAFU.

I'm now completely out of ideas and out of steam. Used redhat for 4 years
and I'm starting to miss the old lpd.  :-(

Thanks in advance for any help.


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