[FairfieldLife] Re: FFL under observation

2006-04-28 Thread TurquoiseB

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "shempmcgurk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB  
> wrote:
> > 
> > Whatever. I think you just like to believe
> > that I "embellish" because you chose to 
> > settle for a boring life.
> Oh, I'll readily admit to leading a boring life...
> But, hey, that's why you hep cats have the responsibility to those 
> of us who live vicariously through you to be as truthful and as 
> honest as you can in the "stories" that you relate to us 'cause 
> it's all we losers have!

I can recommend only that you read Road Trip Mind
(http://www.ramalila.net/RoadTripMind). There is
not a word of fiction in it. Everything described
in that book took place exactly as described. 

But you won't believe it, and that's neither my
fault, nor my business. As a writer or as someone
on a spiritual path, I don't have to anchor myself
to the limitations of others. 

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[FairfieldLife] Who's hotter: Vanessa Kerry or Jenna Bush?

2006-04-28 Thread shempmcgurk


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[FairfieldLife] Re: was John Hagelynch - now Charlie Leib

2006-04-28 Thread lurkernomore20002000

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> Clarification: Tobi Fineblum, no relation to Tobi Warwick Lieb, was 
> to Ted Weissman. She died several years ago of cancer.

Thank you.


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[FairfieldLife] Re: was John Hagelynch - now Charlie Leib

2006-04-28 Thread lurkernomore20002000

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
Emily is fine. She has been married to Bryan Kelley for years. Her 
> Tobi's husband Charlie Lieb is the one who passed away. Toby was 
married to
> Ted Weisman.


I just turned 50, and maybe my mind is losing it's edge.  It sounds 
like you are saying that Emily Warwick had a sister "Toby", as in Toby 
Finebloom.  But this is not right.  Emily Warwick only had a brother, 
Charlie, as far as I know.  Am I missing something?

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[FairfieldLife] Re: was John Hagelynch - now Charlie Leib

2006-04-28 Thread lurkernomore20002000

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> This is  unreal--talk about rumors!  Anybody want to play 
> As far as I know, Emily Warwick is alive and well, and I don't think 
> anybody indicated otherwise.  Were you joking here, Lurk? I can't 
> really tell.  Either that, or you can play Jewish Geography with the 
> best of 'em. I think you missed your calling, it definitely should 
> been genealogy.
> Sal

Maybe you could follow "mainsteams" post better than I could.  Emily's 
name was mentioned as the sister of Toby, or so it seemed.  Just 
forget it.  I hope everyone is alive and well.  Mazel Tov, Yom Tov, 
Good Yontuf, and anything else which may apply.


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[FairfieldLife] Re: Nothing wrong with this picture

2006-04-28 Thread shempmcgurk

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


> The American standard of living is bloated, consumes too much 
> and needs to "ground out."  This could have been done somewhat 
> painlessly but that's apparently not what the right wing has in mind.

I wasn't aware that the American Right Wing set the gas consumption 
agenda of the American Left (or any "Wing" for that matter).

Pray tell, Bhairitu, King of the Conspiracy Theories, exactly how do 
they go about doing this?

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[FairfieldLife] Re: FFL under observation

2006-04-28 Thread shempmcgurk

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "shempmcgurk" 
>  wrote:
> >
> > Barry:
> > 
> > I don't read all of your posts only because I don't have the 
> to.
> > Of those that I read, I do so because I admire your writing 
> skills, 
> > particularly your ability to express the unique and interesting 
> ways 
> > in which you view the world.  
> > 
> > You are also an "honest" writer.  What I mean by that is your 
> > writing comes off as reflecting your inner thoughts very well; 
> > you're able to put into concrete words very abstract concepts 
> > obviously exist on a deep level of your mind. Not many people 
> > bring those out to the surface in such a clear, concise and oh-
> > entertaining way.
> > 
> > But it is this very characteristic at honesty that sometimes 
> > you away.  What I mean by that is your tendency to embellish.  
> When 
> > you are in the midst of expressing one of your wonderful 
> or 
> > points, I suggest you will fill in a gap with an embellishment 
> > the subject at hand.  It becomes too convenient for you to 
> > squeeze in a made-up tidbit instead of doing otherwise.  You 
> > into temptation...especially when the tidbit, completely under 
> your 
> > control, can be shaped and formed exactly as you want it to be.
> > 
> > But it is your inherent honesty that gives you away.  Because 
> > you do embellish, it is an obvious break from your normal train 
> > of "honest" writing; when it happens the "something is off" red 
> > light goes off quite easily and it then stands out like a sore 
> thumb.
> > 
> > Sometimes I don't think that's such a bad thing if it's innocent 
> > enough.  No harm done if a minor embellishment makes your point 
> flow 
> > better or is amusing to the reader.  But I suggest that if the 
> item 
> > is too important that sometimes it's also going to come back and 
> > bite you on the ass.
> > 
> > I don't for a minute suggest you do it to the extent that the 
> > protagonist in the following movie does it, but Stephen Glass -- 
> > reporter for "The New Republic" -- is portrayed so perfectly in 
> the  
> > wonderful movie "Shattered Glass" (based on the true incidents 
> > surrounding his life at that magazine).  At first, he took a few 
> > shortcuts in his reporting that no one noticed.  So he kept 
> it 
> > more and doing it more frequently in each article he wrote 
> > soon, he was writing complete articles out of whole cloth.
> > 
> > Ironically, I think you're lucky because unlike Stephen Glass 
> whose 
> > editors let him get away with it, you have a Judy Stein looking 
> over 
> > your shoulder virtually every crossed T and dotted I that you 
> write 
> > and she won't let you get away with anything.
> > 
> > She keeps you kosher.
> Whatever. I think you just like to believe
> that I "embellish" because you chose to 
> settle for a boring life.

Oh, I'll readily admit to leading a boring life...

But, hey, that's why you hep cats have the responsibility to those 
of us who live vicariously through you to be as truthful and as 
honest as you can in the "stories" that you relate to us 'cause it's 
all we losers have!

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Nothing wrong with this picture

2006-04-28 Thread shempmcgurk

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


> >  
> >
> >>"counter culture" were into things like "Small is Beautiful" and 
> >>survivalism (the non-right wing variety) and know how to do a 
> >>    
> >>
> >of the 
> >  
> >
> >>things you mention there.
> >>    
> >>
> >
> >
> >
> >Did you continue them and, if not, why?
> >  
> >
> These were skills and concepts you learn.  You  don't have to 
> them all a the  time.
> >Are you still living like that today?  Or, as I suspect, do you 
> >drive a gas-consuming vehicle?
> >
> >Which one, pray tell?
> >
> >  
> >
> A Subaru Forrester.


Not very impressive from a polluting point of view.

Perhaps you can get your own house in order before you start blaming 
sweet, innocent oil companies:


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[FairfieldLife] Re: Nothing wrong with this picture

2006-04-28 Thread sparaig

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The American standard of living is bloated, consumes too much 
> and needs to "ground out."  This could have been done somewhat 
> painlessly but that's apparently not what the right wing has in mind.

Haven't you seen "Left Behind" and "Left Behind II" etc?

It doesn't matter. Only the good stewards who exploited the land will 
be lifted up anyway.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: FFL under observation

2006-04-28 Thread authfriend

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "shempmcgurk" 
>  wrote:
> >
> > Barry:
> > 
> > I don't read all of your posts only because I don't have the time 
> to.
> > Of those that I read, I do so because I admire your writing 
> skills, 
> > particularly your ability to express the unique and interesting 
> ways 
> > in which you view the world.  
> > 
> > You are also an "honest" writer.  What I mean by that is your 
> > writing comes off as reflecting your inner thoughts very well; 
> > you're able to put into concrete words very abstract concepts 
> > obviously exist on a deep level of your mind. Not many people can 
> > bring those out to the surface in such a clear, concise and oh-so-
> > entertaining way.
> > 
> > But it is this very characteristic at honesty that sometimes 
> > you away.  What I mean by that is your tendency to embellish.  
> When 
> > you are in the midst of expressing one of your wonderful thoughts 
> or 
> > points, I suggest you will fill in a gap with an embellishment of 
> > the subject at hand.  It becomes too convenient for you to 
> > squeeze in a made-up tidbit instead of doing otherwise.  You fall 
> > into temptation...especially when the tidbit, completely under 
> your 
> > control, can be shaped and formed exactly as you want it to be.
> > 
> > But it is your inherent honesty that gives you away.  Because 
> > you do embellish, it is an obvious break from your normal train 
> > of "honest" writing; when it happens the "something is off" red 
> > light goes off quite easily and it then stands out like a sore 
> thumb.
> > 
> > Sometimes I don't think that's such a bad thing if it's innocent 
> > enough.  No harm done if a minor embellishment makes your point 
> flow 
> > better or is amusing to the reader.  But I suggest that if the 
> item 
> > is too important that sometimes it's also going to come back and 
> > bite you on the ass.
> > 
> > I don't for a minute suggest you do it to the extent that the 
> > protagonist in the following movie does it, but Stephen Glass -- 
> > reporter for "The New Republic" -- is portrayed so perfectly in 
> the  
> > wonderful movie "Shattered Glass" (based on the true incidents 
> > surrounding his life at that magazine).  At first, he took a few 
> > shortcuts in his reporting that no one noticed.  So he kept doing 
> it 
> > more and doing it more frequently in each article he wrote until, 
> > soon, he was writing complete articles out of whole cloth.
> > 
> > Ironically, I think you're lucky because unlike Stephen Glass 
> whose 
> > editors let him get away with it, you have a Judy Stein looking 
> over 
> > your shoulder virtually every crossed T and dotted I that you 
> write 
> > and she won't let you get away with anything.
> > 
> > She keeps you kosher.
> Whatever. I think you just like to believe
> that I "embellish" because you chose to 
> settle for a boring life.

Says Barry, embellishing.


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Maharishi university of management
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[FairfieldLife] Re: FFL under observation

2006-04-28 Thread TurquoiseB

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "shempmcgurk" 
> Barry:
> I don't read all of your posts only because I don't have the time 
> Of those that I read, I do so because I admire your writing 
> particularly your ability to express the unique and interesting 
> in which you view the world.  
> You are also an "honest" writer.  What I mean by that is your 
> writing comes off as reflecting your inner thoughts very well; 
> you're able to put into concrete words very abstract concepts that 
> obviously exist on a deep level of your mind. Not many people can 
> bring those out to the surface in such a clear, concise and oh-so-
> entertaining way.
> But it is this very characteristic at honesty that sometimes gives 
> you away.  What I mean by that is your tendency to embellish.  
> you are in the midst of expressing one of your wonderful thoughts 
> points, I suggest you will fill in a gap with an embellishment of 
> the subject at hand.  It becomes too convenient for you to perhaps 
> squeeze in a made-up tidbit instead of doing otherwise.  You fall 
> into temptation...especially when the tidbit, completely under 
> control, can be shaped and formed exactly as you want it to be.
> But it is your inherent honesty that gives you away.  Because when 
> you do embellish, it is an obvious break from your normal train 
> of "honest" writing; when it happens the "something is off" red 
> light goes off quite easily and it then stands out like a sore 
> Sometimes I don't think that's such a bad thing if it's innocent 
> enough.  No harm done if a minor embellishment makes your point 
> better or is amusing to the reader.  But I suggest that if the 
> is too important that sometimes it's also going to come back and 
> bite you on the ass.
> I don't for a minute suggest you do it to the extent that the 
> protagonist in the following movie does it, but Stephen Glass -- a 
> reporter for "The New Republic" -- is portrayed so perfectly in 
> wonderful movie "Shattered Glass" (based on the true incidents 
> surrounding his life at that magazine).  At first, he took a few 
> shortcuts in his reporting that no one noticed.  So he kept doing 
> more and doing it more frequently in each article he wrote until, 
> soon, he was writing complete articles out of whole cloth.
> Ironically, I think you're lucky because unlike Stephen Glass 
> editors let him get away with it, you have a Judy Stein looking 
> your shoulder virtually every crossed T and dotted I that you 
> and she won't let you get away with anything.
> She keeps you kosher.

Whatever. I think you just like to believe
that I "embellish" because you chose to 
settle for a boring life. 

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: was John Hagelynch - now Charlie Leib

2006-04-28 Thread Rick Archer

Clarification: Tobi Fineblum, no relation to Tobi Warwick Lieb, was married
to Ted Weissman. She died several years ago of cancer. 

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: was John Hagelynch - now Charlie Leib

2006-04-28 Thread Rick Archer

on 4/28/06 7:00 PM, lurkernomore20002000 at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "mainstream20016"
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> It is ironic that a rumor of Charlie Leib's passing is faint and
> almost imperceptible, as
>> Toby (sister of Emily Warwick) and Charlie Leib have been featured
> numerous times in
>> high-profie media pieces covering the TM Movement.   Would anyone
> care to confirm the
>> rumor ?
> Wait. Are you saying Emily Warwick passed away?  And isn't (or wasn't)
> she the sister of Charlie Warwick, who married Donna Lieberman (both
> alive and well in Champaign, Il., I believe).  Toby Finebloom passed
> away I know.  She was the sister of Susie Finebloom. Toby was married
> to,...I can't remember, but he was a movement notable.

Emily is fine. She has been married to Bryan Kelley for years. Her sister
Tobi's husband Charlie Lieb is the one who passed away. Toby was married to
Ted Weisman.

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Nothing wrong with this picture

2006-04-28 Thread Bhairitu

shempmcgurk wrote:

>--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>In a message dated 4/28/06 4:38:00 P.M. Central Daylight Time,  
>>>[EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
>>>As it  should be: in this land of gas-guzzlers and SUV-drivers, 
>>>would be out  of place if Chevron DIDN'T see profits  soar.
>>>Good for them.
>>>Maybe they should be  rewarded, I see where Shell, who I think 
>merged with 
>>>Chevron, is going to  expand one of their refineries to be the 
>biggest in the  
>>>I hope they  build it near the shore so that when sea levels rise 
>20 feet due 
>>>to global  warming it will be inundated. 
>>>It is, in Port Arthur Texas. Have a horse and buggy? When that  
>one goes 
>>>under so will most of the refineries. Can you grow your own food, 
>weave  your own 
>>>fabric, do without medicine?How far can you walk daily and how 
>much can  you 
>>>carry on that walk. Interstate commerce will cease and no trucks 
>will fill  
>>>your stores with goods you depend on. How do you heat your house? 
>>Maybe you weren't born yet but in the late 1970's many of us in 
>>"counter culture" were into things like "Small is Beautiful" and 
>>survivalism (the non-right wing variety) and know how to do a lot 
>of the 
>>things you mention there.
>Did you continue them and, if not, why?
These were skills and concepts you learn.  You  don't have to practice 
them all a the  time.

>Are you still living like that today?  Or, as I suspect, do you 
>drive a gas-consuming vehicle?
>Which one, pray tell?
A Subaru Forrester.

>Remember: Chevron and Exxon don't consume the gasoline they are 
>producing for you.
I buy my gas at Venezuela owned Citgo.  Viva Chavez!  :)

>> Living in earthquake country you are supposed 
>>to be prepared for such things.   It's probably even good to have 
>>chemical toilet and cook stove you can use outdoors.  As for 
>>why do you think some of us studied ayurveda?   There are even 
>>for herbs that grow in the west  that work similarly to Indian 
>herbs.  I 
>>go for a walk every day and during the 1970's jogged as far as 9 
>>And we could probably recycle a lot of plastic that isn't going to 
>>disappear anytime soon.  An EMF bomb would also put everyone back 
>to the 
>>dark ages unless you've got a some solar generators and tech 
>>(laptop, etc) stashed in a Faraday cage.  Though it wouldn't 
>surprise me 
>>if the metal casings on a lot of gear would block EMF.
>>The American standard of living is bloated, consumes too much 
>>and needs to "ground out."  This could have been done somewhat 
>>painlessly but that's apparently not what the right wing has in 
>Gee, I'd love to know what YOUR consumption habits are...
I'm always on a diet :(

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Nothing wrong with this picture

2006-04-28 Thread Bhairitu


>In a message dated 4/28/06 5:24:59 P.M. Central Daylight Time,  
>>It  is, in Port Arthur Texas. Have a horse and buggy? When that  one goes  
>>under so will most of the refineries. Can you grow your own food,  weave  
>your own 
>>fabric, do without medicine?How far can you walk  daily and how much can  
>>carry on that walk. Interstate  commerce will cease and no trucks will fill  
>>your stores with  goods you depend on. How do you heat your house? 
>Maybe you weren't  born yet but in the late 1970's many of us in the 
>"counter culture" were  into things like "Small is Beautiful" and 
>survivalism (the non-right wing  variety) and know how to do a lot of the 
>things you mention there.   Living in earthquake country you are supposed 
>to be prepared for such  things.   It's probably even good to have a 
>chemical toilet and  cook stove you can use outdoors.  As for medicine 
>why do you think  some of us studied ayurveda?   There are even guides 
>for herbs  that grow in the west  that work similarly to Indian herbs.  I  
>go for a walk every day and during the 1970's jogged as far as 9 miles  
>And we could probably recycle a lot of plastic that isn't  going to 
>disappear anytime soon.  An EMF bomb would also put everyone  back to the 
>dark ages unless you've got a some solar generators and tech  equipment 
>(laptop, etc) stashed in a Faraday cage.  Though it  wouldn't surprise me 
>if the metal casings on a lot of gear would block  EMF.
>The American standard of living is bloated, consumes too much  resources 
>and needs to "ground out."  This could have been done  somewhat 
>painlessly but that's apparently not what the right wing has in  mind.
>Good for you! I'm glad you are a survivalist. Hope you don't  count on a 
>government to protect you and your rights in such a chaotic state.  Because by 
>this stage it surely will be survival of the fittest. Not a time for  being 
>passive and peace loving. If you think gangs are bad now, just wait!  As  for 
>Ayurveda, well , I guess it's better than nothing until you get  sick.
For the chaos I have the tantric siddhis.  Stambhan comes in a little 
handy for stopping roving gangs or one can distract them with a little 
Uchattan.  And then there is alway Maran if they get too out of hand.  :)

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Condom and Dirt - Found in Pepsi bottle

2006-04-28 Thread MDixon6569

In a message dated 4/28/06 7:05:55 P.M. Central Daylight Time, 
After 5 
  weeks in India -- this was around '82 -- I remember that the only time I 
  felt relaxed was when I boarded the Pan Am 747 and was sitting on the 
  tarmac at Dehli airport.  Although still in the country of India, I 
  felt enveloped in the womb of western technology and felt completely 

I know exactly the feeling! I couldn't wait to 

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: was John Hagelynch - now Charlie Leib

2006-04-28 Thread Sal Sunshine
This is  unreal--talk about rumors!  Anybody want to play telephone?  As far as I know, Emily Warwick is alive and well, and I don't think anybody indicated otherwise.  Were you joking here, Lurk? I can't really tell.  Either that, or you can play Jewish Geography with the best of 'em. I think you missed your calling, it definitely should have been genealogy.


On Apr 28, 2006, at 7:00 PM, lurkernomore20002000 wrote:

Wait. Are you saying Emily Warwick passed away?  And isn't (or wasn't) 
she the sister of Charlie Warwick, who married Donna Lieberman (both 
alive and well in Champaign, Il., I believe).  Toby Finebloom passed 
away I know.  She was the sister of Susie Finebloom. Toby was married 
to,...I can't remember, but he was a movement notable.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Nothing wrong with this picture

2006-04-28 Thread shempmcgurk

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> In a message dated 4/28/06 5:24:59 P.M. Central Daylight Time,  
> >It  is, in Port Arthur Texas. Have a horse and buggy? When that  
one goes  
> >under so will most of the refineries. Can you grow your own 
food,  weave  
> your own 
> >fabric, do without medicine?How far can you walk  daily and how 
much can  
> you 
> >carry on that walk. Interstate  commerce will cease and no trucks 
will fill  
> >your stores with  goods you depend on. How do you heat your 
> >
> Maybe you weren't  born yet but in the late 1970's many of us in 
> "counter culture" were  into things like "Small is Beautiful" and 
> survivalism (the non-right wing  variety) and know how to do a lot 
of the 
> things you mention there.   Living in earthquake country you are 
> to be prepared for such  things.   It's probably even good to have 
> chemical toilet and  cook stove you can use outdoors.  As for 
> why do you think  some of us studied ayurveda?   There are even 
> for herbs  that grow in the west  that work similarly to Indian 
herbs.  I  
> go for a walk every day and during the 1970's jogged as far as 9 
> daily.
> And we could probably recycle a lot of plastic that isn't  going 
> disappear anytime soon.  An EMF bomb would also put everyone  back 
to the 
> dark ages unless you've got a some solar generators and tech  
> (laptop, etc) stashed in a Faraday cage.  Though it  wouldn't 
surprise me 
> if the metal casings on a lot of gear would block  EMF.
> The American standard of living is bloated, consumes too much  
> and needs to "ground out."  This could have been done  somewhat 
> painlessly but that's apparently not what the right wing has in  
> Good for you! I'm glad you are a survivalist. Hope you don't  
count on a 
> government to protect you and your rights in such a chaotic 
state.  Because by 
> this stage it surely will be survival of the fittest. Not a time 
for  being 
> passive and peace loving. If you think gangs are bad now, just 

I wonder how well Bhairitu's survivalist talents will serve him 
unless he takes advantage of the second amendment...

>  As  for 
> Ayurveda, well , I guess it's better than nothing until you get  

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Maharishi university of management
Maharishi mahesh yogi
Ramana maharshi



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[FairfieldLife] Re: Nothing wrong with this picture

2006-04-28 Thread shempmcgurk

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 
> >In a message dated 4/28/06 4:38:00 P.M. Central Daylight Time,  
> >[EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
> >
> >
> >
> >As it  should be: in this land of gas-guzzlers and SUV-drivers, 
> >would be out  of place if Chevron DIDN'T see profits  soar.
> >
> >Good for them.
> >
> >Maybe they should be  rewarded, I see where Shell, who I think 
merged with 
> >Chevron, is going to  expand one of their refineries to be the 
biggest in the  
> >world.
> >
> >
> >I hope they  build it near the shore so that when sea levels rise 
20 feet due 
> >to global  warming it will be inundated. 
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >It is, in Port Arthur Texas. Have a horse and buggy? When that  
one goes 
> >under so will most of the refineries. Can you grow your own food, 
weave  your own 
> >fabric, do without medicine?How far can you walk daily and how 
much can  you 
> >carry on that walk. Interstate commerce will cease and no trucks 
will fill  
> >your stores with goods you depend on. How do you heat your house? 
> >
> Maybe you weren't born yet but in the late 1970's many of us in 
> "counter culture" were into things like "Small is Beautiful" and 
> survivalism (the non-right wing variety) and know how to do a lot 
of the 
> things you mention there.

Did you continue them and, if not, why?

Are you still living like that today?  Or, as I suspect, do you 
drive a gas-consuming vehicle?

Which one, pray tell?

Remember: Chevron and Exxon don't consume the gasoline they are 
producing for you.

>  Living in earthquake country you are supposed 
> to be prepared for such things.   It's probably even good to have 
> chemical toilet and cook stove you can use outdoors.  As for 
> why do you think some of us studied ayurveda?   There are even 
> for herbs that grow in the west  that work similarly to Indian 
herbs.  I 
> go for a walk every day and during the 1970's jogged as far as 9 
> daily.
> And we could probably recycle a lot of plastic that isn't going to 
> disappear anytime soon.  An EMF bomb would also put everyone back 
to the 
> dark ages unless you've got a some solar generators and tech 
> (laptop, etc) stashed in a Faraday cage.  Though it wouldn't 
surprise me 
> if the metal casings on a lot of gear would block EMF.
> The American standard of living is bloated, consumes too much 
> and needs to "ground out."  This could have been done somewhat 
> painlessly but that's apparently not what the right wing has in 

Gee, I'd love to know what YOUR consumption habits are...


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Maharishi university of management
Maharishi mahesh yogi
Ramana maharshi



   Visit your group "FairfieldLife" on the web. 
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[FairfieldLife] Re: Nothing wrong with this picture

2006-04-28 Thread shempmcgurk

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer 
> on 4/28/06 4:58 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > In a message dated 4/28/06 4:38:00 P.M. Central Daylight Time,
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
> >>  
> >>>  
>  As it   should be: in this land of gas-guzzlers and SUV-
drivers, it
>  would be out  of place if Chevron DIDN'T see profits  soar.
>  Good for them.
> >>> Maybe they should be  rewarded, I see where Shell, who I think 
merged with
> >>> Chevron, is going to  expand one of their refineries to be the 
biggest in
> >>> the  world.
> >>> 
> >> I hope they  build it near the shore so that when sea levels 
rise 20 feet due
> >> to global  warming it will be inundated.
> >> 
> > It is, in Port Arthur Texas. Have a horse and buggy? When that 
one goes under
> > so will most of the refineries.
> > 
> So ultimately, they¹re self-destructing.
> > 
> > Can you grow your own food, weave your own fabric, do without 
medicine?How far
> > can you walk daily and how much can you carry on that walk. 
> > commerce will cease and no trucks will fill your stores with 
goods you depend
> > on. How do you heat your house?
> > 
> Passive solar and wood.

How polluting is wood compared to, say, unleaded gas being burned in 
a car?

> Too bad Bush didn¹t put the trillion dollars the Iraq war will 
> cost into a moon landing scale effort to achieve energy self-

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Maharishi university of management
Maharishi mahesh yogi
Ramana maharshi



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[FairfieldLife] Re: Condom and Dirt - Found in Pepsi bottle

2006-04-28 Thread shempmcgurk

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> In a message dated 4/28/06 2:34:54 P.M. Central Daylight Time,  
> The only  place in India that I wasn't bothered by the hustlers was 
> when we went to  Triguna's "office" in the poor part of Dehli.
> Shemp, Triguna's office was fine and a few other places also.  I 
just hated 
> having to be on guard the whole time I was  there.

That's how I felt, too.  See my post on the 747.

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Maharishi university of management
Maharishi mahesh yogi
Ramana maharshi



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[FairfieldLife] Re: Condom and Dirt - Found in Pepsi bottle

2006-04-28 Thread shempmcgurk

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> In a message dated 4/28/06 12:07:38 P.M. Central Daylight Time,  
>   By the the way, each year  about 10 women tourists get raped in 
> India has  become very unsafe of women tourists.  One of the 
> could be due to  a repressed and patriarchial culture in most 
parts of  india.
> Ten, is that all? That is actually quite lower than I would  
think. Actually 
> my comment was about how many people hustle a living in  India. 
Tourists are a 
> prime target. Ever been there? Almost every body you deal  with 
looks at you 
> like you are the bank and I'm gonna get some money! In  Rishikesh, 
I had a 
> Purusha warn me and a friend about a scam in New Delhi in  
Connaught Circle, 
> where somebody flicks something on your shoe that looks like  Bird 
Sh*t and then 
> another guy runs up to you wanting to clean it off for a few  
rupees. Sure 
> enough, my friend and I went through this particular place and a  
guy came running 
> up to me and pointed out what looked like BS on my white shoes  
and asked to 
> clean it off. I told him to get lost or I would call the police 
and  that I 
> was aware of the scam. This is just one scam . People are always 
looking  for a 
> way to squeeze a few rupees out of each tourist. If it was just 
an  occasional 
> thing it would be laughable, but it is non stop from the time you 
get  off 
> the plane till the time you get on to leave. Condom in the Pepsi 
bottle  just 
> makes me think the scam artists are setting their sites higher 
these days.  Sue 
> the Bastards!

After 5 weeks in India -- this was around '82 -- I remember that the 
only time I felt relaxed was when I boarded the Pan Am 747 and was 
sitting on the tarmac at Dehli airport.  Although still in the 
country of India, I felt enveloped in the womb of western technology 
and felt completely protected.

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Maharishi university of management
Maharishi mahesh yogi
Ramana maharshi



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[FairfieldLife] Re: was John Hagelynch - now Charlie Leib

2006-04-28 Thread lurkernomore20002000

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "mainstream20016" 
> It is ironic that a rumor of Charlie Leib's passing is faint and 
almost imperceptible, as 
> Toby (sister of Emily Warwick) and Charlie Leib have been featured 
numerous times in 
> high-profie media pieces covering the TM Movement.   Would anyone 
care to confirm the
> rumor ?

Wait. Are you saying Emily Warwick passed away?  And isn't (or wasn't) 
she the sister of Charlie Warwick, who married Donna Lieberman (both 
alive and well in Champaign, Il., I believe).  Toby Finebloom passed 
away I know.  She was the sister of Susie Finebloom. Toby was married 
to,...I can't remember, but he was a movement notable.



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Maharishi university of management
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Re: [FairfieldLife] Nothing wrong with this picture

2006-04-28 Thread MDixon6569

In a message dated 4/28/06 5:24:59 P.M. Central Daylight Time, 
  is, in Port Arthur Texas. Have a horse and buggy? When that  one goes 
  >under so will most of the refineries. Can you grow your own food, 
  weave  your own >fabric, do without medicine?How far can you walk 
  daily and how much can  you >carry on that walk. Interstate 
  commerce will cease and no trucks will fill  >your stores with 
  goods you depend on. How do you heat your house? >Maybe you weren't 
  born yet but in the late 1970's many of us in the "counter culture" were 
  into things like "Small is Beautiful" and survivalism (the non-right wing 
  variety) and know how to do a lot of the things you mention there.  
  Living in earthquake country you are supposed to be prepared for such 
  things.   It's probably even good to have a chemical toilet and 
  cook stove you can use outdoors.  As for medicine why do you think 
  some of us studied ayurveda?   There are even guides for herbs 
  that grow in the west  that work similarly to Indian herbs.  I 
  go for a walk every day and during the 1970's jogged as far as 9 miles 
  daily.And we could probably recycle a lot of plastic that isn't 
  going to disappear anytime soon.  An EMF bomb would also put everyone 
  back to the dark ages unless you've got a some solar generators and tech 
  equipment (laptop, etc) stashed in a Faraday cage.  Though it 
  wouldn't surprise me if the metal casings on a lot of gear would block 
  EMF.The American standard of living is bloated, consumes too much 
  resources and needs to "ground out."  This could have been done 
  somewhat painlessly but that's apparently not what the right wing has in 

Good for you! I'm glad you are a survivalist. Hope you don't 
count on a government to protect you and your rights in such a chaotic state. 
Because by this stage it surely will be survival of the fittest. Not a time for 
being passive and peace loving. If you think gangs are bad now, just wait! 
As  for Ayurveda, well , I guess it's better than nothing until you get 

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Maharishi university of management
Maharishi mahesh yogi
Ramana maharshi



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Re: [FairfieldLife] Nothing wrong with this picture

2006-04-28 Thread Rick Archer
Title: Re: [FairfieldLife] Nothing wrong with this picture

on 4/28/06 4:58 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

In a message dated 4/28/06 4:38:00 P.M. Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
As it   should be: in this land of gas-guzzlers and SUV-drivers, it  
would be out  of place if Chevron DIDN'T see profits  soar.

Good for them.
Maybe they should be  rewarded, I see where Shell, who I think merged with Chevron, is going to  expand one of their refineries to be the biggest in the  world.

I hope they  build it near the shore so that when sea levels rise 20 feet due to global  warming it will be inundated. 

It is, in Port Arthur Texas. Have a horse and buggy? When that one goes under so will most of the refineries. 

So ultimately, they’re self-destructing.

Can you grow your own food, weave your own fabric, do without medicine?How far can you walk daily and how much can you carry on that walk. Interstate commerce will cease and no trucks will fill your stores with goods you depend on. How do you heat your house? 

Passive solar and wood.

Too bad Bush didn’t put the trillion dollars the Iraq war will ultimately cost into a moon landing scale effort to achieve energy self-sufficiency.

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Maharishi university of management
Maharishi mahesh yogi
Ramana maharshi



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Re: [FairfieldLife] Nothing wrong with this picture

2006-04-28 Thread Bhairitu


>In a message dated 4/28/06 4:38:00 P.M. Central Daylight Time,  
>As it  should be: in this land of gas-guzzlers and SUV-drivers, it  
>would be out  of place if Chevron DIDN'T see profits  soar.
>Good for them.
>Maybe they should be  rewarded, I see where Shell, who I think merged with 
>Chevron, is going to  expand one of their refineries to be the biggest in the  
>I hope they  build it near the shore so that when sea levels rise 20 feet due 
>to global  warming it will be inundated. 
>It is, in Port Arthur Texas. Have a horse and buggy? When that  one goes 
>under so will most of the refineries. Can you grow your own food, weave  your own 
>fabric, do without medicine?How far can you walk daily and how much can  you 
>carry on that walk. Interstate commerce will cease and no trucks will fill  
>your stores with goods you depend on. How do you heat your house? 
Maybe you weren't born yet but in the late 1970's many of us in the 
"counter culture" were into things like "Small is Beautiful" and 
survivalism (the non-right wing variety) and know how to do a lot of the 
things you mention there.  Living in earthquake country you are supposed 
to be prepared for such things.   It's probably even good to have a 
chemical toilet and cook stove you can use outdoors.  As for medicine 
why do you think some of us studied ayurveda?   There are even guides 
for herbs that grow in the west  that work similarly to Indian herbs.  I 
go for a walk every day and during the 1970's jogged as far as 9 miles 

And we could probably recycle a lot of plastic that isn't going to 
disappear anytime soon.  An EMF bomb would also put everyone back to the 
dark ages unless you've got a some solar generators and tech equipment 
(laptop, etc) stashed in a Faraday cage.  Though it wouldn't surprise me 
if the metal casings on a lot of gear would block EMF.

The American standard of living is bloated, consumes too much resources 
and needs to "ground out."  This could have been done somewhat 
painlessly but that's apparently not what the right wing has in mind.

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Maharishi university of management
Maharishi mahesh yogi
Ramana maharshi



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Re: [FairfieldLife] Nothing wrong with this picture

2006-04-28 Thread MDixon6569

In a message dated 4/28/06 4:38:00 P.M. Central Daylight Time, 

As it 
   should be: in this land of gas-guzzlers and SUV-drivers, it 
  would be out  of place if Chevron DIDN'T see profits 
  soar.Good for them.Maybe they should be 
rewarded, I see where Shell, who I think merged with Chevron, is going to 
expand one of their refineries to be the biggest in the 
world.I hope they 
  build it near the shore so that when sea levels rise 20 feet due to global 
  warming it will be inundated. 

It is, in Port Arthur Texas. Have a horse and buggy? When that 
one goes under so will most of the refineries. Can you grow your own food, weave 
your own fabric, do without medicine?How far can you walk daily and how much can 
you carry on that walk. Interstate commerce will cease and no trucks will fill 
your stores with goods you depend on. How do you heat your house? 

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Maharishi university of management
Maharishi mahesh yogi
Ramana maharshi



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Re: [FairfieldLife] Nothing wrong with this picture

2006-04-28 Thread Rick Archer
Title: Re: [FairfieldLife] Nothing wrong with this picture

on 4/28/06 4:31 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

In a message dated 4/28/06 2:38:12 P.M. Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
As it  should be: in this land of gas-guzzlers and SUV-drivers, it 
would be out  of place if Chevron DIDN'T see profits soar.

Good for them.
Maybe they should be rewarded, I see where Shell, who I think merged with Chevron, is going to expand one of their refineries to be the biggest in the world.

I hope they build it near the shore so that when sea levels rise 20 feet due to global warming it will be inundated. 

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Maharishi university of management
Maharishi mahesh yogi
Ramana maharshi



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Re: [FairfieldLife] Choice of language: the HEART of freedom of speech!

2006-04-28 Thread Sal Sunshine
Maybe he could try learning to speak it first.


On Apr 28, 2006, at 1:41 PM, shempmcgurk wrote:

Bush Says Anthem Should Be in English

Re: [FairfieldLife] Nothing wrong with this picture

2006-04-28 Thread MDixon6569

In a message dated 4/28/06 2:38:12 P.M. Central Daylight Time, 
As it 
  should be: in this land of gas-guzzlers and SUV-drivers, it would be out 
  of place if Chevron DIDN'T see profits soar.Good for 

Maybe they should be rewarded, I see where Shell, who I think 
merged with Chevron, is going to expand one of their refineries to be the 
biggest in the world.

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Maharishi university of management
Maharishi mahesh yogi
Ramana maharshi



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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Condom and Dirt - Found in Pepsi bottle

2006-04-28 Thread MDixon6569

In a message dated 4/28/06 2:34:54 P.M. Central Daylight Time, 
The only 
  place in India that I wasn't bothered by the hustlers was when we went to 
  Triguna's "office" in the poor part of Dehli.

Shemp, Triguna's office was fine and a few other places also. 
I just hated having to be on guard the whole time I was 

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Maharishi university of management
Maharishi mahesh yogi
Ramana maharshi



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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Condom and Dirt - Found in Pepsi bottle

2006-04-28 Thread MDixon6569

In a message dated 4/28/06 12:07:38 P.M. Central Daylight Time, 

    By the the way, each year 
  about 10 women tourists get raped in india.
      India has 
  become very unsafe of women tourists.  One of the reasons could be due to 
  a repressed and patriarchial culture in most parts of 

Ten, is that all? That is actually quite lower than I would 
think. Actually my comment was about how many people hustle a living in 
India. Tourists are a prime target. Ever been there? Almost every body you deal 
with looks at you like you are the bank and I'm gonna get some money! In 
Rishikesh, I had a Purusha warn me and a friend about a scam in New Delhi in 
Connaught Circle, where somebody flicks something on your shoe that looks like 
Bird Sh*t and then another guy runs up to you wanting to clean it off for a few 
rupees. Sure enough, my friend and I went through this particular place and a 
guy came running up to me and pointed out what looked like BS on my white shoes 
and asked to clean it off. I told him to get lost or I would call the police and 
that I was aware of the scam. This is just one scam . People are always looking 
for a way to squeeze a few rupees out of each tourist. If it was just an 
occasional thing it would be laughable, but it is non stop from the time you get 
off the plane till the time you get on to leave. Condom in the Pepsi bottle 
just makes me think the scam artists are setting their sites higher these days. 
Sue the Bastards!

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Maharishi university of management
Maharishi mahesh yogi
Ramana maharshi



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[FairfieldLife] Re: FFL under observation

2006-04-28 Thread sparaig

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "shempmcgurk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "sparaig"  wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "shempmcgurk" 
> wrote:
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "sparaig"  
> > > >
> > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB  
> wrote:
> > > > >
> > > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter 
> > > wrote:
> > > > > >
> > > > > > p.s. i love it when the "anon's" insult behind their
> > > > > > veil of obscurity. 
> > > > > 
> > > > > Any ID that starts with 'anon' is *automatically*
> > > > > placed in the Pissant Bin, so I haven't been read-
> > > > > ing any of their comments. Don't find that I miss 'em.
> > > > >
> > > > 
> > > > True. No-one who finds a need to hide their identity could 
> ever have 
> > > > any worthwhile information...
> > > >
> > > 
> > > I have two words for you:
> > > 
> > > Deep Throat.
> > >
> > 
> > Who I had in mind, actually...
> >
> So, I suppose you were extremely unhappy with the resignation of 
> Richard Nixon?  Because without Deep Throat's revelations it would 
> probably never have happened...

Irony-challenged, aincha...

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Maharishi university of management
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Ramana maharshi



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[FairfieldLife] Re: Choice of language: the HEART of freedom of speech!

2006-04-28 Thread authfriend

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "shempmcgurk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  
> wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "shempmcgurk" 
> > wrote:
> > >
> > > Although I'm sure that the majority of you think I'm a big 
> > who 
> > > claims to be all-knowing on any subject under the sun, the one 
> > thing 
> > > I WILL claim to be an expert on is language rights and how they 
> > > pertain to freedom of speech and freedom of _expression_ (this is 
> > > because I am a Canadian who dealt on a political level with 
> > language 
> > > issues in that officially bilingual country).
> > > 
> > > And the one thing I will say to you is: the language you speak 
> is a 
> > > free choice that lies at the heart of protected speech under 
> > > first amendment.
> > > 
> > > Of course Bush is NOT saying that a law should be passed 
> requiring 
> > > the National Anthem to be sung in English and, certainly, as a 
> > > leader he can certainly suggest to people how they can exercise 
> > > their free choice in speech...BUT, as a sworn defender of the 
> > > constitution, he has, I believe, a moral obligation to REMIND 
> > > that language and CHOICE of language is, indeed, protected free 
> > > speech.
> > 
> > Excellent point, Shemp.
> > 
> > But he didn't, and he won't.  And I'll bet you a buck
> > when some clown comes up with legislation to require
> > the National Anthem to be sung in English, he'll
> > support it.
> > 
> > He's already in enough trouble with his right-wing
> > constituency.
> >
> It will be interesting to see how the left-wing reacts to this as 
> well.  It has been my experience that the left-wing is as clueless 
> as the right-wing when it comes to the question of language.

The left, of course, supports singing the National
Anthem in Spanish and finds the objections to it
ludicrous and offensive.

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Maharishi university of management
Maharishi mahesh yogi
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[FairfieldLife] Nothing wrong with this picture

2006-04-28 Thread shempmcgurk

As it should be: in this land of gas-guzzlers and SUV-drivers, it 
would be out of place if Chevron DIDN'T see profits soar.

Good for them.


Chevron Earnings Soar 49 Percent to $4B By MICHAEL LIEDTKE, AP 
Business Writer 
Fri Apr 28, 10:20 AM ET
SAN RAMON, Calif. - Chevron Corp.'s first-quarter profit soared 49 
percent to $4 billion, joining the procession of U.S. oil companies 
to report colossal earnings as lawmakers consider ways to pacify 
motorists agitated about rising gas prices. 

Chevron released its results Friday after two of its biggest rivals, 
ConocoPhillips and Exxon Mobil Corp., already provoked public 
outrage with similarly large first-quarter profits. Combined, the 
three oil companies earned $15.7 billion during the first three 
months of the year.

San Ramon, Calif.-based Chevron's net income for the three months 
ended in March translated into $1.80 per share, two cents above the 
average estimate among analysts polled by Thomson Financial. It 
compared to a profit of $2.7 billion, or $1.28 per share, in the 
same January-March period last year.

Revenue totaled $54.6 billion, a 31 percent increase from $41.6 
billion last year.

Investors cheered the results as Chevron shares gained $1.22, or 2 
percent, to $61.20 in early trading on the New York Stock 

If not for continuing production problems caused by Hurricanes 
Katrina and Rita last summer, Chevron said it would have made an 
additional $300 million — an amount that would have generated the 
highest quarterly profit in the company's 127-year history.

As it was, the performance marked the fourth consecutive quarter 
that Chevron has earned at least $3.6 billion as the company 
continued to capitalize on oil prices that have climbed above $70 
per barrel since the first quarter ended.

The run-up recently has pushed gasoline prices above $3 per gallon, 
much to the frustration of consumers straining to pay their bills 
and politicians looking to win votes in an election year.

As Congress discusses tax changes that threaten to crimp the 
industry's profits, oil executives have been emphasizing that their 
companies have been investing in projects that will eventually 
increase oil supplies — something that could help lower prices.

Chevron raised its capital and exploratory budget by 76 percent in 
the first quarter to $3 billion. The company also it acquired a 5 
percent stake in a joint venture that plans to build a refinery in 
Jamnagar, India that could process up to 580,000 barrels of oil per 
day. Chevron is considering boosting its stake in that refinery to 
29 percent.

"Our company is in an excellent position to continue adding value 
for our stockholders and helping to satisfy the energy needs of the 
world economies," Chevron Chairman David O'Reilly said.

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Maharishi university of management
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[FairfieldLife] Re: Choice of language: the HEART of freedom of speech!

2006-04-28 Thread shempmcgurk

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "shempmcgurk"  
> wrote:
> >
> > Although I'm sure that the majority of you think I'm a big mouth 
> who 
> > claims to be all-knowing on any subject under the sun, the one 
> thing 
> > I WILL claim to be an expert on is language rights and how they 
> > pertain to freedom of speech and freedom of _expression_ (this is 
> > because I am a Canadian who dealt on a political level with 
> language 
> > issues in that officially bilingual country).
> > 
> > And the one thing I will say to you is: the language you speak 
is a 
> > free choice that lies at the heart of protected speech under the 
> > first amendment.
> > 
> > Of course Bush is NOT saying that a law should be passed 
> > the National Anthem to be sung in English and, certainly, as a 
> > leader he can certainly suggest to people how they can exercise 
> > their free choice in speech...BUT, as a sworn defender of the 
> > constitution, he has, I believe, a moral obligation to REMIND us 
> > that language and CHOICE of language is, indeed, protected free 
> > speech.
> Excellent point, Shemp.
> But he didn't, and he won't.  And I'll bet you a buck
> when some clown comes up with legislation to require
> the National Anthem to be sung in English, he'll
> support it.
> He's already in enough trouble with his right-wing
> constituency.

It will be interesting to see how the left-wing reacts to this as 
well.  It has been my experience that the left-wing is as clueless 
as the right-wing when it comes to the question of language.

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Maharishi university of management
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[FairfieldLife] Re: Condom and Dirt - Found in Pepsi bottle

2006-04-28 Thread shempmcgurk

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Well it's about time that the average Indian hustler go after  
something big 
> instead of the tourists!

The only place in India that I wasn't bothered by the hustlers was 
when we went to Triguna's "office" in the poor part of Dehli.

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Maharishi university of management
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[FairfieldLife] Re: FFL under observation

2006-04-28 Thread authfriend

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "shempmcgurk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

> Barry:
> I don't read all of your posts only because I don't have the time 
> to. Of those that I read, I do so because I admire your writing 
> skills, particularly your ability to express the unique and 
> interesting ways in which you view the world.  
> You are also an "honest" writer.  What I mean by that is your 
> writing comes off as reflecting your inner thoughts very well; 
> you're able to put into concrete words very abstract concepts that 
> obviously exist on a deep level of your mind. Not many people can 
> bring those out to the surface in such a clear, concise and oh-so-
> entertaining way.

I'd suggest that very few of Barry's "concepts"
are all that deep, actually, when you look at
them closely.  Barry works very hard to make them
*sound* deep, and because he has writerly skills,
he often succeeds if you just read his posts

They also look a lot more shallow when you realize
how much inconsistency and illogic there is among
these "deep" concepts.

They don't stem from underlying principles, in
other words; they are constructed opportunistically
to fill the need of the moment.  The need in
question is usually to put somebody down and exalt
himself, whatever the context.

> But it is this very characteristic at honesty that sometimes gives 
> you away.  What I mean by that is your tendency to embellish.  When 
> you are in the midst of expressing one of your wonderful thoughts 
> or points, I suggest you will fill in a gap with an embellishment 
> of the subject at hand.  It becomes too convenient for you to 
> perhaps squeeze in a made-up tidbit instead of doing otherwise.  
> You fall into temptation...especially when the tidbit, completely 
> under your control, can be shaped and formed exactly as you want it 
> to be.

Words are more important to Barry than reality.
If he can figure out a way to say something
elegantly and forcefully, it doesn't *matter*
to him whether it's true or not or even whether
it makes any sense logically.  He constructs his
world with his writing, and whatever he writes
*becomes* his reality.

> But it is your inherent honesty that gives you away.  Because when 
> you do embellish, it is an obvious break from your normal train 
> of "honest" writing; when it happens the "something is off" red 
> light goes off quite easily and it then stands out like a sore 
> thumb.

I think that's the real Barry trying to get out
from under all the protective defense mechanisms
and phoniness.  On a conscious level, he doesn't
give a fig about honesty, he cares only about
making himself look good at that particular
moment and in that particular context.

> Ironically, I think you're lucky because unlike Stephen Glass whose
> editors let him get away with it, you have a Judy Stein looking 
> over your shoulder virtually every crossed T and dotted I that you 
> write and she won't let you get away with anything.
> She keeps you kosher.

Well, let's say that I try to see to it that the
"Not kosher" label keeps getting applied when

Staying kosher is not a priority for Barry in any

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Maharishi university of management
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[FairfieldLife] Re: Condom and Dirt - Found in Pepsi bottle

2006-04-28 Thread jyouells2000

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Well it's about time that the average Indian hustler go after 
something big 
> instead of the tourists!
Wait, I thought --- Ah, never mind  


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[FairfieldLife] Re: FFL under observation

2006-04-28 Thread shempmcgurk

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> > > > > p.s. i love it when the "anon's" insult behind their
> > > > > veil of obscurity. 
> > > > 
> > > > Any ID that starts with 'anon' is *automatically*
> > > > placed in the Pissant Bin, so I haven't been read-
> > > > ing any of their comments. Don't find that I miss 'em.
> > > 
> > > True. No-one who finds a need to hide their identity could 
> > > ever have any worthwhile information...
> > 
> > I have two words for you:
> > 
> > Deep Throat.
> The issue with regard to whether to bother to 
> read 'anon' posters on FFL is, as far as I'm 
> concerned, is based on past performance. If,
> after several months now, I realize that a 
> particular poster has consistently wasted 
> the time it took me to read his or her posts,
> then why bother to ever read them in the
> future? So far, with no exceptions, *all* of
> the people who have ever posted using one of
> the 'anon' accounts have fallen into the 
> "complete waste of time" category, so in the
> Pissant Bin they go, and in the Pissant Bin
> they stay. 
> It may actually be a facet of the desire to
> remain anonymous. If you're afraid of people
> in the TM movement knowing who you are when
> you post, how likely is it that what you say
> is worth reading, eh?
> You may notice, Shemp, that so far you haven't
> made it to the Pissant Bin. That's not because 
> you don't meet the "insignificant" definition 
> of 'pissant' -- most of the time you do. It's
> just that even though *most* of what you write 
> is time-wasting, every so often you say something 
> funny, and a good laugh is IMO never a waste of 
> time. So you get the benefit of a doubt that
> the humorless pissants have not earned.  :-)


I don't read all of your posts only because I don't have the time to.
Of those that I read, I do so because I admire your writing skills, 
particularly your ability to express the unique and interesting ways 
in which you view the world.  

You are also an "honest" writer.  What I mean by that is your 
writing comes off as reflecting your inner thoughts very well; 
you're able to put into concrete words very abstract concepts that 
obviously exist on a deep level of your mind. Not many people can 
bring those out to the surface in such a clear, concise and oh-so-
entertaining way.

But it is this very characteristic at honesty that sometimes gives 
you away.  What I mean by that is your tendency to embellish.  When 
you are in the midst of expressing one of your wonderful thoughts or 
points, I suggest you will fill in a gap with an embellishment of 
the subject at hand.  It becomes too convenient for you to perhaps 
squeeze in a made-up tidbit instead of doing otherwise.  You fall 
into temptation...especially when the tidbit, completely under your 
control, can be shaped and formed exactly as you want it to be.

But it is your inherent honesty that gives you away.  Because when 
you do embellish, it is an obvious break from your normal train 
of "honest" writing; when it happens the "something is off" red 
light goes off quite easily and it then stands out like a sore thumb.

Sometimes I don't think that's such a bad thing if it's innocent 
enough.  No harm done if a minor embellishment makes your point flow 
better or is amusing to the reader.  But I suggest that if the item 
is too important that sometimes it's also going to come back and 
bite you on the ass.

I don't for a minute suggest you do it to the extent that the 
protagonist in the following movie does it, but Stephen Glass -- a 
reporter for "The New Republic" -- is portrayed so perfectly in the  
wonderful movie "Shattered Glass" (based on the true incidents 
surrounding his life at that magazine).  At first, he took a few 
shortcuts in his reporting that no one noticed.  So he kept doing it 
more and doing it more frequently in each article he wrote until, 
soon, he was writing complete articles out of whole cloth.

Ironically, I think you're lucky because unlike Stephen Glass whose 
editors let him get away with it, you have a Judy Stein looking over 
your shoulder virtually every crossed T and dotted I that you write 
and she won't let you get away with anything.

She keeps you kosher.

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Maharishi university of management
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[FairfieldLife] Cincinnati Enquirer- The Maharishi effect, named for Maharishi Mahesh Yogi...'

2006-04-28 Thread Robert Gimbel

Cincinnati Enquirer - Cincinnati,OH,USA  ... In transcendental meditation circles, that's known as the Maharishi effect, named for Maharishi Mahesh Yogi,        Click on:   Experiment would use meditation to fight crime
		Talk is cheap. Use Yahoo! Messenger to make PC-to-Phone calls.  Great rates starting at 1¢/min.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Chlorophyll, Lymph and Milk

2006-04-28 Thread Jason Spock

   Chlorophyll      World famous nutritionists have long confirmed and recommended the nutritional value of Chlorophyll. Today, through hi-tech extraction processes scientists are not only able to extract concentrated Chlorophyll from Alfalfa leaves but also maintain the active enzymes and minerals for our nourishment and better health.  The followings are scientific findings by three Nobel Pize recipients on Chlorophyll:In 1912, Dr. Alexis Carrel, stated that "Cells are immortal" His research shows the importance of cleansing off toxin in order to rejuvenate health.  In 1915, Dr. Richard Willstatter discovered the chemical structure of Chlorophyll, a network of Carbon, Hydrogen, Nitrogen and Oxygen atoms surrounding a single Magnesium atom.  In 1930, Dr. Hans Fischer unraveled the chemical structure of Haemoglobin and was surprised to find out that it was almost the same as the chemical structure of Chlorophyll.  K-Link UIE Liquid Chlorophyll is extracted from the plant alfalfa, known for its highly valued nutrients.The Chlorophyll in alfalfa contains antioxidants, which can help reduce free radicals in our body.  Free
 radicals weaken our body, making us more susceptible to sickness.  Free radicals are an active oxidized substance,generated by our own body through metabolism (breakdown of food and oxygen), that will destroy protein, lipid and DNA.  It will affect normal cells to change and cause various diseases to the human body.  Free radicals are major contributor to aging.  Leave me a message  Model No.:  500ml Liquid
 ChlorophyllView Larger Picture   Detailed Product Description  Specifications:Chlorophyll is the green pigment of plants which is rich in natural minerals, vitamins, protein trace elements, micro nutrients and phytochemicals, All of which are essential in regulating the PH balance in our body. The K- liquid chlorophyll is derived from Alfaalfa leaves which are known for their high chlorophyll content. This tonic food inhibits bacterial growth, improves digestion, dental health, and prevents external and internal Infections. It accelerates the healing process eliminates body
 odour, improves blood circulation and metabolism and detoxifies contaminants in the body. It protects the body from twenty-two different diseases. It improves and enhances our natural energy state thereby resulting in improved health and well being. Dharma Mitra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  Date: Wed, 5 Apr 2006 08:22:55 -0700Subject: [FairfieldLife] Chlorophyll, Lymph and Milk     Yogis have remarked that chlorophyll greatly improves the function of the brain and positively facilitates intellectual/psychic abilities.  They also mention that it facilitates milk production, something many women are still desirous of after pregnancy and may require the assistance of either a wetnurse or may
 choose to feed their newborn 'formula' instead.      My questions to you are at what stage in her growth is the most opportune time for this chlorophyll to have its positive influence to facilitate milk production:  before pregnancy, after pregnancy, during pregnancy, pubescence, pre-pubesence?  In your work in developing countries, or in any basic necessities programs you know of in developing countries, are chlorophyll-rich foods emphasized as curative, remedial or milk enhancing for young families?      Here are some notes on chlorophyll and its effect on milk production and other magnificent influences upon
 human evolution:     Yoga gives great credence to chlorophyll and its influence upon the pineal gland, producer of serotonin and many other subtle mind chemicals that facilitate our evolution as humans.  Take the opportunity to spend days, weeks drinking freshly juiced vegetables throughout your day, especially the yellow, green and blue ones, broad leafies such as collard greens,  bundles of joy such as broccoli and squash.  You can and will experience the difference chlorophyll will make.          Vegetarians produce more lymph because they get chlorophyll from grass and other green vegetation, and that is why their brains are more developed than those of non-vegetarians. Those who consume animal protein [neglecting green vegetation] suffer from want of lymph because animal protein contains very little chlorophyll. Tigers and cats are carnivores, which is why they produce less milk. Cows and buffaloes produce much more milk because they take chlorophyll from green grass and green vegetation.    Maximum lymph is produced from food which contains a lot of chlorophyll, such as green vegetables and especially the tips of the stems of creepers. Granivorous animals
 produce much milk, while carnivorous animals, such as dogs, give very little milk.    Lymph is produced from animal protein also, but because animal protein produces a lot of heat in the human body, the lymph is quickly converted into semen. Monkeys and deer produce much lymph, but it is not

[FairfieldLife] Re: Condom and Dirt - Found in Pepsi bottle

2006-04-28 Thread Jason Spock

       Big_Bwana, it sounds like an African name.  Do you know Swahili or some African language.?         By the the way, each year about 10 women tourists get raped in india.         India has become very unsafe of women tourists.  One of the reasons could be due to a repressed and patriarchial culture in most parts of india.  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Date: Fri, 28 Apr 2006 12:26:03 EDTSubject: Re: [FairfieldLife]
 Condom and Dirt - Found in Pepsi bottle    Well it's about time that the average Indian hustler go after something big instead of the tourists! 
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Maharishi university of management
Maharishi mahesh yogi
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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Why the Future Doesn't Need Us (Long)

2006-04-28 Thread Vaj

On Apr 28, 2006, at 12:18 PM, TurquoiseB wrote:

> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Apr 28, 2006, at 11:14 AM, Peter wrote:
> >
> > > A sentient man-made robot/machine would be mind
> > > boggling. If it was intelligent, watch out! So many
> > > possibilities to consider.
> >
> > The disturbing thing to me is that the sceintists in AI who are
> > *seriously* talking about robot species are not talking about
> > initially uploading the entire consciousness of a human to the
> > robot, but merely the instinctual, thinking mind. No higher
> > intellect, no fine discriminating intellect (buddhi) and no
> > conscience. At one of the first Mind and Life conferences the
> > Dalai Lama stated that once some material matrix becomes
> > available to hold consciousness, consciousness will be able
> > to incarnate into this new species. And of course by the time
> > we get to that stage, the ability to self-replicate, a
> > relatively mechanical process, will have already been
> > mastered.
> >
> > There are a number of yogis who have talked of future Buddhas who
> > appear to be made of some silicon or crystalline material.
> >
> > We will already, quite soon, have computers the size of cells.
> > Injectable. It's coming sooner than we think.
> But true AI is never gonna happen. I work with some
> of the best AI nerds in the world, and they can't even
> delineate the problem, much less propose a approach
> to solving it. It's a pipe dream.

If it can be imagined, it can happen.

Wait till someone learns how to produce, measure and control prana.  
To a large extent the preliminary research on this was already  
started until the researcher who developed it was jailed by the FDA  
and all his books burned in the late 50's. Fortunately for us his  
research was all sequestered in a time capsule at Harvard for 50 years.

That 50 years is "up" next year.

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Maharishi university of management
Maharishi mahesh yogi
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Re: [FairfieldLife] Condom and Dirt - Found in Pepsi bottle

2006-04-28 Thread MDixon6569

Well it's about time that the average Indian hustler go after 
something big instead of the tourists!

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Maharishi university of management
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[FairfieldLife] Re: Why the Future Doesn't Need Us (Long)

2006-04-28 Thread TurquoiseB

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Apr 28, 2006, at 11:14 AM, Peter wrote:
> > A sentient man-made robot/machine would be mind
> > boggling. If it was intelligent, watch out! So many
> > possibilities to consider.
> The disturbing thing to me is that the sceintists in AI who are  
> *seriously* talking about robot species are not talking about  
> initially uploading the entire consciousness of a human to the
> robot, but merely the instinctual, thinking mind. No higher 
> intellect, no fine discriminating intellect (buddhi) and no 
> conscience. At one of the first Mind and Life conferences the 
> Dalai Lama stated that once some material matrix becomes 
> available to hold consciousness, consciousness will be able 
> to incarnate into this new species. And of course by the time 
> we get to that stage, the ability to self-replicate, a 
> relatively mechanical process, will have already been  
> mastered.
> There are a number of yogis who have talked of future Buddhas who  
> appear to be made of some silicon or crystalline material.
> We will already, quite soon, have computers the size of cells.  
> Injectable. It's coming sooner than we think.

But true AI is never gonna happen. I work with some 
of the best AI nerds in the world, and they can't even
delineate the problem, much less propose a approach
to solving it. It's a pipe dream.

What we need to be aware of and worried about is on
a *much* smaller but more dangerous scale. The single-
purpose chips that "make decisions" that affect the
health or safety of humans. More and more of them
are being developed and relied upon every day. And
more and more of them are failing and creating danger
for people every day. Some have estimated that the 
machines in hospitals kill nearly as many people as 
the diseases do. 

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Maharishi university of management
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[FairfieldLife] Barry is Brahman

2006-04-28 Thread anon_astute_ff

What is so wonderful about Barry is that he exemplifes the living
truth of the Paradox of Brahman.  "Without Exception" but "There are 
exceptions". In the Infinite flexible mind of UNC, truth has no
boundaries, its beyond all dualites of truth and falseness, it 
simply is what Barry decides it its "In the Moment". Its a huge thrill
to soak up his shakti charged, infinity vesseled, boundary 
breaking, crazy-wisdom words.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> with no exceptions, *all* of
> the people who have ever posted using one of
> the 'anon' accounts have fallen into the 
> "complete waste of time" category, 


Fri, 14 Apr 2006 09:40:40 -0700

> Maybe you can take the Boddhisattva Movie Vow -- to remain
> unenlighteened life after life until all sentient beings 
> have seen all of these movies.

Wonderful concept!  I give you fair warning...I plan
to steal this idea...  :-)


Mon, 10 Apr 2006 10:50:57 -0700

 anon_couscous_ff wrote:

> I see too that Jed McKenna has a new book (new to me).
> Has anyone figured out who this guy is writing under 
> thus pseudo-name?

Hey couscous,

I know we've had our disagreements and all, but damned
if you haven't made me buy two books in one day.  :-)

You're good at finding books that sound interesting.
And at introducing them here in a really neat way,
one that makes you want to read the book. Really.

Keep it up.  I'm in France with my library still in 
transit, somewhere on a ship between Bushland and here,
and with not enough interesting stuff on my bookshelves
to keep me busy. I'm definitely going to order these two 
books and read them. Thanks.

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[FairfieldLife] Dead insects - in Coca Cola bottle

2006-04-28 Thread Jason Spock

 TOP STORIESApr 28, 2006Dead insects in bottle, Coca Cola fined Rs 1.2 lakhFriday April 28 2006 20:23 IST   PTI  NEW DELHI: In yet another “eye-opener” judgement, Coca Cola was on Friday ordered by a city consumer court to pay over Rs one lakh after a man found dead insects in an unopened bottle of “Sprite” advertised as the company’s top product in the soft drink market.“It seems that giant companies have only focussed their eyes on their one-point programme
 - make money. For that end they will even play with the public’s health,” district consumer redressal forum (North) comprising president K K Chopra and members R K Prabhakar and Neeru Mittal said.The complainant had registered the case against Coca Cola Company, Atlanta, USA; Hindustan Coca Cola Manufacturing Co Pvt Ltd; local manufacturer Moon Beverages Ltd and Suri Cold Drink, the retail outlet from which the complainant had purchased the contaminated drink.Directing Coca Cola and its three Ancilliaries to pay the damages “jointly or severally”, the forum directed them to pay Rs one lakh to the consumer legal aid fund here and Rs 20,000 towards the complainant towards mental agony caused to him.This judgement follows an earlier one by the same forum ordering identical compensation against soft drink major Pepsico after a consumer chanced upon a condom in a sealed ‘Pepsi’ bottle.The complainant, Atul Khattar, a resident
 of Malka Ganj here, had on August 10, 2003, purchased the bottle from the outlet near Sarai Rohilla locality in the capital.Khattar, who then happened to take a glance at the sealed bottle, was shocked to find dead insects floating in the “chilled” fizz.Subsequently, Khatter filed a complaint with the district forum seeking over Rs five lakh damages for negligence and deficiency in service.In defence, Coca Cola categorically denied any liability towards the complainant claiming that the brand “Sprite” was not their product. The court effectively countered this argument by annexing as proof certified copies of prints taken from an authorised cola website advertising “Sprite” as a “Youth Icon” possessing “a straightforward and honest attitude”.It further warned Coca Cola of legal action regarding perjury for deliberately attempting to mislead the court by submitting “false affidavits” before it. “Cola has avoided and denied in their
 affidavits aspects of manufacturing of the soft drink, and the filing of false affidavits before this forum makes it a clear-cut case of perjury,” the court said.It brushed aside Cola’s contention that the bottle may have been manufactured by unscrupulous people bent on spoiling the company’s reputation.“Coca Cola is vicariously responsible for the spurious manufacturing of ‘Sprite’ and cannot absolve itself from the prescribed standards of purity as per relevant law,” the forum observed.It also directed the soft drink major to the complainant pay Rs 3,000 as litigation costs        
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[FairfieldLife] Re: Why the Future Doesn't Need Us (Long)

2006-04-28 Thread anon_astute_ff

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Apr 28, 2006, at 11:14 AM, Peter wrote:
> > A sentient man-made robot/machine would be mind
> > boggling. If it was intelligent, watch out! So many
> > possibilities to consider.
> The disturbing thing to me is that the sceintists in AI who are  
> *seriously* talking about robot species are not talking about  
> initially uploading the entire consciousness of a human to the robot,  
> but merely the instinctual, thinking mind. No higher intellect, no  
> fine discriminating intellect (buddhi) and no conscience. At one of  
> the first Mind and Life conferences the Dalai Lama stated that once  
> some material matrix becomes available to hold consciousness,  
> consciousness will be able to incarnate into this new species. And of  
> course by the time we get to that stage, the ability to self- 
> replicate, a relatively mechanical process, will have already been  
> mastered.
> There are a number of yogis who have talked of future Buddhas who  
> appear to be made of some silicon or crystalline material.
> We will already, quite soon, have computers the size of cells.  
> Injectable. It's coming sooner than we think.

UN staff: There is new famine in Africa, war in the middle east and
terrorist acts in Kashmir.

UN Security Council: OK, Call up GBSD (General Buddha Silicon
Dynamics) and have them send 1000 of the the S.at.VA 108 models of the
Buddha to each hot spot. Whats the production time currently?

UN staff: 2 days.

UN Security Council: OK, Lets Roll.

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Maharishi university of management
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[FairfieldLife] Condom and Dirt - Found in Pepsi bottle

2006-04-28 Thread Jason Spock

 TOP STORIESApr 28, 2006Click Home to get Latest
 EditionArchives Dated: 27 April 2006Condom in sealed bottle; Pepsi fined Rs 1 lakhThursday April 27 2006 00:00 IST   PTI  NEW DELHI: Soft drink giant Pepsi has been ordered to pay over Rs
 1 lakh compensation by a city consumer court after a man found a condom inside a sealed bottle of the company.‘‘This case is an eye-opener for others who are engaged in manufacturing soft drinks and are required to maintain the prescribed standards of purity in public interest during the course of their business activities,’’ consumer disputes redressal forum (north) comprising president KK Chopra and members RK Prabhakar and Neeru Mittal said.Terming the case ‘‘rare’’ with a serious bearing on the public health, the court directed Pepsico India Holdings Ltd to pay Rs 1 lakh towards the consumer legal aid fund and Rs 20,000 as damages to the complainant.Complainant Sudesh Sharma, a resident of Ujhani village here, had purchased two bottles of Pepsi from a retail shop near Kashmere Gate in the capital in year 2003.He started suffering from severe dyspepsia and headache, followed by insomnia, after drinking from one of the
 bottles. His condition worsened over a period of time and he had to seek medical treatment. Meanwhile, Sharma, on inspecting the bottle from which he had drunk, found dirt and other contaminants inside it.Even worse, Sharma was shocked to find a condom inside the other Pepsi bottle, which was still sealed.Staunchly denying any negligence on its part, Pepsi maintained in court that the bottles may have contained spurious products illegally marketed under its brand name.To this, the court held that the soft drink major had failed in its ‘‘bounden duty’’ towards its customers by not taking any deterrent action against such unscrupulous persons who pass off spurious products as Pepsi’s. Further, the court rejected as a ‘‘lame excuse’’ Pepsi’s objection that it could not be held liable in the case as it did not have any authorised dealers in the vicinity of Kashmere Gate.Dismissing Pepsi’s argument that Sharma
 had not submitted any proof of purchase of the bottles, the court observed that it was not a practice in the open market among shopkeepers to issue receipt or cash memo whenever a person purchased one or two bottles.The forum also directed the company to pay Rs 3,000 as litigation costs.        
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Re: [FairfieldLife] Why the Future Doesn't Need Us (Long)

2006-04-28 Thread Vaj

On Apr 28, 2006, at 11:14 AM, Peter wrote:

> A sentient man-made robot/machine would be mind
> boggling. If it was intelligent, watch out! So many
> possibilities to consider.

The disturbing thing to me is that the sceintists in AI who are  
*seriously* talking about robot species are not talking about  
initially uploading the entire consciousness of a human to the robot,  
but merely the instinctual, thinking mind. No higher intellect, no  
fine discriminating intellect (buddhi) and no conscience. At one of  
the first Mind and Life conferences the Dalai Lama stated that once  
some material matrix becomes available to hold consciousness,  
consciousness will be able to incarnate into this new species. And of  
course by the time we get to that stage, the ability to self- 
replicate, a relatively mechanical process, will have already been  

There are a number of yogis who have talked of future Buddhas who  
appear to be made of some silicon or crystalline material.

We will already, quite soon, have computers the size of cells.  
Injectable. It's coming sooner than we think.

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Maharishi university of management
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[FairfieldLife] Re: John Hagelynch

2006-04-28 Thread jyouells2000

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "lurkernomore20002000"
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "jyouells2000"  
> wrote:
> > > Interesting. A meditator friend called me this evening. He said 
> he got
> > a letter today from  Dr. H. asking for donations for some new 
> building
> > or other. He couldn't remember the details. So he gets paid and he
> > does ask for some
> > 
> > 
> >Sure it wasn't for the new Student Union/Dining Hall.  Asking for 
> 5.8 mil. of which they've raised 3.2.  Evidently Vincent Arguro 
> alone made a dontation of 500K.  I remember Vincent from here in the 
> midwest.  Looks like he went on to found a medical imaging company, 
> Vital Images which appears to be a very sucessful publicly held 
> company.
> lurk
> >
Sounds like a likely candidate. 

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Maharishi university of management
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Re: [FairfieldLife] Why the Future Doesn't Need Us (Long)

2006-04-28 Thread Peter

A sentient man-made robot/machine would be mind
boggling. If it was intelligent, watch out! So many
possibilities to consider.

--- Vaj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Why the future doesn't need us is an article by Bill
> Joy, Chief  
> Scientist at Sun Microsystems. In this article, he
> argues (quoting  
> the sub title) that "Our most powerful 21st-century
> technologies -  
> robotics, genetic engineering, and nanotech - are
> threatening to make  
> humans an endangered species." The article was
> published in the April  
> 2000 issue of Wired Magazine. Joy warns:
> "The experiences of the atomic scientists clearly
> show the need to  
> take personal responsibility, the danger that things
> will move too  
> fast, and the way in which a process can take on a
> life of its own.  
> We can, as they did, create insurmountable problems
> in almost no time  
> flat. We must do more thinking up front if we are
> not to be similarly  
> surprised and shocked by the consequences of our
> inventions."
> The essay has been compared by The Times to Albert
> Einstein's 1939  
> letter to then US President Franklin D. Roosevelt,
> warning him of the  
> possibility of the Nazis inventing the atomic bomb.
> http://www.primitivism.com/future.htm
> Why the Future Doesn't Need Us
> Bill Joy
>  From the moment I became involved in the creation
> of new  
> technologies, their ethical dimensions have
> concerned me, but it was  
> only in the autumn of 1998 that I became anxiously
> aware of how great  
> are the dangers facing us in the 21st century. I can
> date the onset  
> of my unease to the day I met Ray Kurzweil, the
> deservedly famous  
> inventor of the first reading machine for the blind
> and many other  
> amazing things.
> Ray and I were both speakers at George Gilder's
> Telecosm conference,  
> and I encountered him by chance in the bar of the
> hotel after both  
> our sessions were over. I was sitting with John
> Searle, a Berkeley  
> philosopher who studies consciousness. While we were
> talking, Ray  
> approached and a conversation began, the subject of
> which haunts me  
> to this day.
> I had missed Ray's talk and the subsequent panel
> that Ray and John  
> had been on, and they now picked right up where
> they'd left off, with  
> Ray saying that the rate of improvement of
> technology was going to  
> accelerate and that we were going to become robots
> or fuse with  
> robots or something like that, and John countering
> that this couldn't  
> happen, because the robots couldn't be conscious.
> While I had heard such talk before, I had always
> felt sentient robots  
> were in the realm of science fiction. But now, from
> someone I  
> respected, I was hearing a strong argument that they
> were a near-term  
> possibility. I was taken aback, especially given
> Ray's proven ability  
> to imagine and create the future. I already knew
> that new  
> technologies like genetic engineering and
> nanotechnology were giving  
> us the power to remake the world, but a realistic
> and imminent  
> scenario for intelligent robots surprised me.
> It's easy to get jaded about such breakthroughs. We
> hear in the news  
> almost every day of some kind of technological or
> scientific advance.  
> Yet this was no ordinary prediction. In the hotel
> bar, Ray gave me a  
> partial preprint of his then-forthcoming book The
> Age of Spiritual  
> Machines, which outlined a utopia he foresaw - one
> in which humans  
> gained near immortality by becoming one with robotic
> technology. On  
> reading it, my sense of unease only intensified; I
> felt sure he had  
> to be understating the dangers, understating the
> probability of a bad  
> outcome along this path.
> I found myself most troubled by a passage detailing
> a dystopian  
> scenario:
> The New Luddite Challenge
> First let us postulate that the computer scientists
> succeed in  
> developing intelligent machines that can do all
> things better than  
> human beings can do them. In that case presumably
> all work will be  
> done by vast, highly organized systems of machines
> and no human  
> effort will be necessary. Either of two cases might
> occur. The  
> machines might be permitted to make all of their own
> decisions  
> without human oversight, or else human control over
> the machines  
> might be retained.
> If the machines are permitted to make all their own
> decisions, we  
> can't make any conjectures as to the results,
> because it is  
> impossible to guess how such machines might behave.
> We only point out  
> that the fate of the human race would be at the
> mercy of the  
> machines. It might be argued that the human race
> would never be  
> foolish enough to hand over all the power to the
> machines. But we are  
> suggesting neither that the human race would
> voluntarily turn power  
> over to the machines nor that the machines would
> willfully seize  
> power. What we do suggest 

[FairfieldLife] Re: FFL under observation

2006-04-28 Thread Jason Spock

       It depends on the character of the Forum you interact with.  In some mature forums, you can tell your identity. But in immature loony-bins like this one might feel squeamish about showing identity.         A few Rabid dogs in this forum bit me severely.  Surely can't trust anyone here and reveal one's identity.  ShempMcGurk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  Date: Fri, 28 Apr 2006 14:56:54 -Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL under observation     > > > >True. No-one who finds a need to hide their identity could > > > >ever have any worthwhile information...> > > > I have two words for you:> > > > Deep Throat.    So, I suppose you were extremely unhappy with the resignation of Richard Nixon?  Because without Deep Throat's revelations it would probably never have happened...   
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Maharishi university of management
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[FairfieldLife] Re: FFL under observation

2006-04-28 Thread shempmcgurk

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "sparaig" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "shempmcgurk"  
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "sparaig"  wrote:
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB  
> > > >
> > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter 
> > wrote:
> > > > >
> > > > > p.s. i love it when the "anon's" insult behind their
> > > > > veil of obscurity. 
> > > > 
> > > > Any ID that starts with 'anon' is *automatically*
> > > > placed in the Pissant Bin, so I haven't been read-
> > > > ing any of their comments. Don't find that I miss 'em.
> > > >
> > > 
> > > True. No-one who finds a need to hide their identity could 
ever have 
> > > any worthwhile information...
> > >
> > 
> > I have two words for you:
> > 
> > Deep Throat.
> >
> Who I had in mind, actually...

So, I suppose you were extremely unhappy with the resignation of 
Richard Nixon?  Because without Deep Throat's revelations it would 
probably never have happened...

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Maharishi university of management
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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: John Hagelynch

2006-04-28 Thread Rick Archer

on 4/28/06 8:05 AM, Patrick Gillam at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> --- Rick Archer wrote:
>> I didn't. It was done in Photoshop by Sam Leib, son of Charlie (deceased)
>> and Tobi Leib. 
> I took some accounting classes at MIU from a
> Charlie Leib. If it's the same man, I'm sorry to
> learn he's gone.

Died of cancer last year.

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Maharishi university of management
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[FairfieldLife] Re: was John Hagelynch - now Charlie Leib

2006-04-28 Thread mainstream20016

It is ironic that a rumor of Charlie Leib's passing is faint and almost imperceptible, as 
Toby (sister of Emily Warwick) and Charlie Leib have been featured numerous times in 
high-profie media pieces covering the TM Movement.   Would anyone care to confirm the
rumor ?

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Patrick Gillam" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- Rick Archer wrote:
> >
> > I didn't. It was done in Photoshop by Sam Leib, son of Charlie (deceased)
> > and Tobi Leib. 
> I took some accounting classes at MIU from a 
> Charlie Leib. If it's the same man, I'm sorry to 
> learn he's gone.

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Maharishi university of management
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[FairfieldLife] Re: John Hagelynch

2006-04-28 Thread Patrick Gillam

--- Rick Archer wrote:
> I didn't. It was done in Photoshop by Sam Leib, son of Charlie (deceased)
> and Tobi Leib. 

I took some accounting classes at MIU from a 
Charlie Leib. If it's the same man, I'm sorry to 
learn he's gone.

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Maharishi university of management
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[FairfieldLife] Re: John Hagelynch

2006-04-28 Thread lurkernomore20002000

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "jyouells2000" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

> > Interesting. A meditator friend called me this evening. He said 
he got
> a letter today from  Dr. H. asking for donations for some new 
> or other. He couldn't remember the details. So he gets paid and he
> does ask for some
>Sure it wasn't for the new Student Union/Dining Hall.  Asking for 
5.8 mil. of which they've raised 3.2.  Evidently Vincent Arguro 
alone made a dontation of 500K.  I remember Vincent from here in the 
midwest.  Looks like he went on to found a medical imaging company, 
Vital Images which appears to be a very sucessful publicly held 


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Maharishi university of management
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[FairfieldLife] More ideas for your summer reading list

2006-04-28 Thread Vaj

Some more book ideas for your summer reading list:

Boomeritis: A Novel That Will Set You Free by Ken Wilber

In Buddha's Kitchen : Cooking, Being Cooked, and Other Adventures in  
a Meditation Center
by Kimberley Snow

Cave in the Snow : Tenzin Palmo's Quest for Enlightenment
by Vicki Mackenzie

Also by the above author, The Boy Lama -- by Vicki MacKenzie (I  
believe this may have been reprinted as Reincarnation: The Boy Lama
by Vicki Mackenzie ). It's the story of the rebirth of Tibetan Lama  
Yeshe in the west.

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Maharishi university of management
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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL under observation

2006-04-28 Thread Vaj

On Apr 28, 2006, at 6:25 AM, sparaig wrote:

> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "shempmcgurk"  
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "sparaig"  wrote:
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB   
> wrote:
> > > >
> > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter 
> > wrote:
> > > > >
> > > > > p.s. i love it when the "anon's" insult behind their
> > > > > veil of obscurity.
> > > >
> > > > Any ID that starts with 'anon' is *automatically*
> > > > placed in the Pissant Bin, so I haven't been read-
> > > > ing any of their comments. Don't find that I miss 'em.
> > > >
> > >
> > > True. No-one who finds a need to hide their identity could ever  
> have
> > > any worthwhile information...
> > >
> >
> > I have two words for you:
> >
> > Deep Throat.
> >
> Who I had in mind, actually...

I never took you as a Linda Lovelace fan...

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[FairfieldLife] 'Awakening: The Modern Heresy'

2006-04-28 Thread Robert Gimbel

    AIA Home   Reflections Metta's Reflections  Awakening: The Modern Heresy   There are many factors contributing to our inability to recognize our Original Nature and our own inherent state of Natural Awareness. Perhaps the greatest of these
 is our addiction to the process of searching for meaning and truth. In our modern Western culture, we have often cleverly cloaked and disguised this addiction with a rationalization that it is the journey, not the destination, that is important.While it is vitally important to recognize that:  Reality is continuously manifesting through a dynamic and on-going process of unfolding, and in an Infinite universe, we may never actually arrive at a final destination or end point, ...we often lose sight of the inherent completeness and perfection of Reality, as it is, within the present moment, and we use the popular metaphor of a spiritual journey as a way of justifying our restless wandering and searching for an elusive and mysterious Essence that seems to be missing from our lives.  By convincing ourselves that there is
 something noble and humble in never arriving at our spiritual destination, we rob ourselves of the opportunity to recognize our own essential and fundamental nature, and doom ourselves to living within a perpetual state of psychological and spiritual homelessness.   In fact, I believe an assertion that one has experienced an Awakening or Realization has become the ultimate modern heresy, for this declaration challenges and sabotages the accepted, intellectual assumption that we must be forever journeying toward a distant and unreachable destination.   In many Eastern religious traditions, however, there is a much greater willingness to accept the possibility that experiences of Awakening may actually be a legitimate insight into, or recognition of, the fundamental and essential nature of Reality. I have begun to suspect that, in most cases, this openness and willingness -- at least to consider the radical possibility we
 might one day awaken into a liberating recognition of our innate and Original Nature -- may be an essential precursor to the actual experience of Realization, itself.   Without this willingness to accept the possibility that we might one day actually experience a stunning Realization of who and what we really are, we will be forever destined to wander in search of a Reality that, ironically, is inherent within the immediacy of the present moment.See also:  Awareness and Consciousness Completeness and Perfection Present Moment Reality Realization and Insight Seeing Seeking ©1997-2000, Metta ZettyAll Rights Reserved.
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Maharishi university of management
Maharishi mahesh yogi
Ramana maharshi



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[FairfieldLife] Re: FFL under observation

2006-04-28 Thread TurquoiseB

> > > > p.s. i love it when the "anon's" insult behind their
> > > > veil of obscurity. 
> > > 
> > > Any ID that starts with 'anon' is *automatically*
> > > placed in the Pissant Bin, so I haven't been read-
> > > ing any of their comments. Don't find that I miss 'em.
> > 
> > True. No-one who finds a need to hide their identity could 
> > ever have any worthwhile information...
> I have two words for you:
> Deep Throat.

The issue with regard to whether to bother to 
read 'anon' posters on FFL is, as far as I'm 
concerned, is based on past performance. If,
after several months now, I realize that a 
particular poster has consistently wasted 
the time it took me to read his or her posts,
then why bother to ever read them in the
future? So far, with no exceptions, *all* of
the people who have ever posted using one of
the 'anon' accounts have fallen into the 
"complete waste of time" category, so in the
Pissant Bin they go, and in the Pissant Bin
they stay. 

It may actually be a facet of the desire to
remain anonymous. If you're afraid of people
in the TM movement knowing who you are when
you post, how likely is it that what you say
is worth reading, eh?

You may notice, Shemp, that so far you haven't
made it to the Pissant Bin. That's not because 
you don't meet the "insignificant" definition 
of 'pissant' -- most of the time you do. It's
just that even though *most* of what you write 
is time-wasting, every so often you say something 
funny, and a good laugh is IMO never a waste of 
time. So you get the benefit of a doubt that
the humorless pissants have not earned.  :-)

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Maharishi university of management
Maharishi mahesh yogi
Ramana maharshi



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[FairfieldLife] Re: FFL under observation

2006-04-28 Thread shempmcgurk

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "sparaig" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB  wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter  
> > >
> > > p.s. i love it when the "anon's" insult behind their
> > > veil of obscurity. 
> > 
> > Any ID that starts with 'anon' is *automatically*
> > placed in the Pissant Bin, so I haven't been read-
> > ing any of their comments. Don't find that I miss 'em.
> >
> True. No-one who finds a need to hide their identity could ever have 
> any worthwhile information...

I have two words for you:

Deep Throat.

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Maharishi university of management
Maharishi mahesh yogi
Ramana maharshi



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