Re: [Goanet] New report on CO2 in the atmosphere

2010-01-02 Thread Gabriel de Figueiredo

Happy New Year Twenty-Ten


Its what I've been saying in the past ...

Monsoon patterns also will change if there are no trees on the coast 
to initiate sea-breezes towards land. 

- Original Message 
> From: Mario Goveia 
> To:
> Sent: Fri, 1 January, 2010 4:35:39 AM
> Subject: [Goanet] New report on CO2 in the atmosphere
> ---
> ---
>                         Happy New Year Twenty-Ten
> ---
> If this research holds up to scrutiny all we probably need to do about CO2 is 
> to 
> plant more trees, especially in countries like India where vast areas have 
> been 
> de-forested and massive re-forestation needs to take place.

See what's on at the movies in your area. Find out now:

Re: [Goanet] Another song by Dr. Francisco Colaco

2010-01-02 Thread Eugene Correia

Happy New Year Twenty-Ten


Going my the title of the song, Oh Goa, and JoeGoaUK's mention that it says 
that "I am a Goan but was born in Canada." I have a feeling it is the song from 
The Legends, a cassette produced after the first International Goan Convention 
in Toronto in 1988. The cassette honoured Chris Perrry and Braz Gonsalves, who 
played at the convention. The song was sung by a professional singer (forget 
her name) and the lyrics are by Chris.
If anyone in Toronto or elsewhere has the cassette, it would be helpful to chec.

Eugene Correia

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Yahoo! Canada Messenger for the Web BETA at

[Goanet] Aitaracheo Katkutleo: Ailem Tum?

2010-01-02 Thread lino dourado

Happy New Year Twenty-Ten


  Ailem Tum?
 Yeo baye Yeo. Ailem nhoi tum? Mogan yevkar ditanv
Khoxem ailam, kitem haddlam vicharina tujea lagim hanv
Apttun-dopttun, voir-sokoll zaun xevttim pavlem marun danv
Kallokantlem ubharun uzvaddan vhortelem axea ballgitanv
Tum yetana, chomotkar gheun yetelem kai dista
Punn donunch disamni tujeo bhitorleo karnni zollkota
Tsumani, bhuimkamp buddtecho pavs borobor haddtta
Vetana, sonvsarechem nixontton korun porot veta.
 Boreaponnanchi dori tujea hatant keddnanch disli nam
Bhirankull zuzam, akantvadeanchim mostiponnam, unnav zainam
Ekvottan jiyeteleank, tujea sukhachi savlli bilkull melonam
Monis prani xantik axeta, hi tujean haddunk ghoddonam
Sang, keddna tum ekvottacho bhavtto gheun yetelem?
Ani monis kullak huskea mekhlem jiyeunk ditelem?
Vikalem varem, bhukechem vojem, piddent lastolem
Anik ek voros mog, xanti dinastana oxench somptolem?
Lino B. Dourado 


[Goanet] Gold and you

2010-01-02 Thread Mervyn Lobo

Happy New Year Twenty-Ten


This post is only because I earlier read the results of another net group I 
belong to.

That group had a competition at the beginning of last year to see if regular 
net readers could out do the new years 
predictions of the most famous astrologer in the country. Needless to say, 
regular net readers got more of their 
predictions right than the professional astrologer. My prediction, which I had 
long ago forgotten, was that gold 
would hit a new high in 2009. Needless to say, it did.

When I read that I had one of the winning prophecies, I wrote back to add that 
if anyone was interested, my 
'looking into the future eyes' had already seen another new high for gold in 
2010. If anyone is interested, I am 
willing to bet gold on this. As a note of caution, please do not come up with 
small bets..

Secondly, while reading the Report on Business section of, The Globe and Mail, 
2nd January, earlier this evening, 
my gold spotting eyes saw the following. This is part of an article that listed 
the best and worst investments of this decade.

Leading the best section was:
>Gold (+281%)
>Lifted from the pages of The Insatiable Investor Cookbook, here’s the recipe 
>for the perfect bull market in gold 
> (GC-FT1,096.20%): -Take one massive crisis in the global banking system; 
> - Add a sinking U.S. dollar; 
> - Mix in obscene amounts of debt-financed government stimulus that gets 
> people worrying about inflation in the 
> midst of a recession; - Sprinkle with widespread fear, mistrust and paranoia. 
> Heat for a year or so. When it pops 
> out of the oven, you have gold pushing $1,100 (U.S.) an ounce and ads on 
> late-night TV offering cash for your 
> unwanted fillings. D.P.  

Leading the worst currency performers was:
> U.S. dollar (-27%)
> How to ruin your currency in three easy steps: 1) Launch costly wars in Iraq 
>and Afghanistan, sending your deficit 
> into the stratosphere; 2) Import more goods than you export, and finance the 
> difference by selling bonds to the Chinese; 
> 3) Bail out banks, auto makers and anyone else who shows up in Washington 
> cap-in-hand. With U.S. government 
> printing presses running overtime and the dollar’s status as reserve currency 
> in doubt, the greenback (USD)
> lost about 20 per cent against a basket of currencies during the decade. Soon 
> even drug dealers won’t want to own it. J.H.  

Simple calculations indicate that any Goan who bought him/herself gold at the 
beginning of this decade has an asset worth
three times that if he/she held on to US dollars. The Goan house wife who 
bought gold was a more savvy investor than the
one who kept her money in savings accounts. For the sake of simplicity, I am 
not even going to introduce the effects of the
last decades inflation which ate up at the value of all those holding cash.

Lastly, at church today, I heard the priest read my favourite passage. 
According to tradition, the three gifts of the Magi were gold, frankincense and


Looking for the perfect gift? Give the gift of Flickr!

[Goanet] On religious discrimination, India next only to Iraq: US thinktank

2010-01-02 Thread Marshall Mendonza

Happy New Year Twenty-Ten


 Santosh Helekar:
 The title of the Times of India news story and in its text thoroughly
misleads readers in this regard. The excerpts in the post appended below
does worse.India figures high only when you count the 25 most populous
countries because of its very high social hostilities index and its

The Times of India report got the essence and gist of the Pew Report dead
on. The Pew Report is all about global restrictions on religions covering
198 countries. It studies government restrictions on religions (GRR) and
social hostility involving religion (SHR) and measures them on a scale of
1-10. India scores 5.1 in the GR Index and a high 8.8 on the SH Index. The
Telegraph too carries a similar report. Refer link

Santosh Helekar:
India figures very high only in the social hostilities index, which is
obvious because this index is skewed by hundreds of deaths due to war,
military action, and religious extremist, left-wing extremist and terrorist
violence in places like the Northeast and Kashmir, as indicated in the Pew

Nowhere does the Pew Report suggest or even indicate that so far as India is
concerned that India ranks high in the Social Hostility Index due to deaths
caused by war, military action, left wing extremism or terrorist violence as
the poster would like to mislead us into believing. It is the posters own
interpretation and conclusion to divert our attention from the core issue
viz.  persecution of religious minorities. Refer pages 45 to 48 which
details some of the incidents. Incidentally, out of the 7 states covered, 5
are/were BJP ruled staes and 2 are Congress ruled. This itself tells its own

Here are some excerpts from the report pertaining to India vis-a-vis other

1. Among all regions, the Middle East-North Africa has the highest
government and social restrictions on religion, while the Americas are the
least restrictive region on both measures. Among the world’s 25 most
populous countries, Iran, Egypt, Indonesia, Pakistan and India stand out as
having the most restrictions when both measures are taken into account,
while Brazil, Japan, the United States, Italy, South Africa and the United
Kingdom have the least. (pgs 2 & 3)

2. Under the GRR, India scores among the top 20% with a score of 5.1 . Under
the SHR, India scores an extremely high of 8.8  to be counted among the top
5%. Other countries in this categoy in order of ranking are Iraq,
Lanka,Sudan,Saudi Arabia. (pgs 22, 25 &28)

The Pew Forum’s Social Hostilities Index is a measure of concrete, hostile
actions that effectively hinder the religious activities of the targeted
individuals or groups.

3. As the chart on page 28 shows, nearly all of the 50 most populous
countries that are high on both measures of restrictions are in Asia or the
Middle East-North Africa region. Many of the restrictions in these countries
are driven by groups pressing for the enshrinement of their interpretation
of the majority faith, including through Shariah law in Muslim societies and
through the Hindutva movement in India, which seeks to define India as a
Hindu nation. (Additional examples of restrictions on religion in India can
be found on page 45 of the Methodology.)

4. The list of countries with very high levels of social hostilities differs
considerably from the list of those with the most restrictive governments.
Only one country, Saudi Arabia, appears on both lists.Several others that
are very high in social hostilities also score in the high range on
government restrictions; these include India, Indonesia, Pakistan, Iraq,
Afghanistan, Somalia and Israel.(page 19).

The report is a blessing in disguise for all of us Indians. We have the
choice of using it as a wake up call to rectify the situation or bury it and
pretend that all is well and hunky dory. It is upto each one of us to make
the choice.



[Goanet] Hindi is not the National language of India.

2010-01-02 Thread SHRIKANT BARVE

Happy New Year Twenty-Ten


Hindi is not the National language of India.

Shri. Saleel Kulkarni

Sub.: The information sought by Shri. Saleel Kulkarni under the Right to 
Act, 2005
Please refer to your letter dated 09-11-2009 on the above subject that was 
on 23-11-2009. In the letter you have requested for information in respect of 
the National
Language of India. With regard to the information sought vide point nos. 1 to 5 
of the letter,
we wish to state that there is no provision in the Constitution of India 
declaring Hindi as the
National Language of India.
Yours faithfully,
(Rakesh Kumar)
Director (Technical & Policy) and
Central Public Information Officer
Telefax 24617695

Shrikant Vinayak Barve

  The INTERNET now has a personality. YOURS! See your Yahoo! Homepage.

[Goanet] Ghost stories... and Goa

2010-01-02 Thread Frederick Noronha

Happy New Year Twenty-Ten


In the Goa of old (not exactly 'old', but even 20 years back... one
heard a lot about ghosts. Where are they now (I mean the stories), one
hardly hears of them...

Is it because people are too busy now, to keep reminding themselves
about ghosts?

Do you know of any good Goa-linked ghost stories?  Please share if you
have one. See below...

Stories of Mysterious Encounters: The Ghost in Goa.

Ghost asked for lift and caused an accident!

Haunted houses in Goa: A ghost story.

Near To Death

Old Man in the House

Frederick Noronha
Landline :: +91-832-2409490 Mobile :: +91-9822122436
784 Saligao 403511 Goa India

[Goanet] Mahanand acquitted in first case

2010-01-02 Thread Samir Kelekar

Happy New Year Twenty-Ten


What are Goa police upto?



[Goanet] Goa news for January 3, 2010

2010-01-02 Thread Goanet News Service

Happy New Year Twenty-Ten


Goa News from Google News and
Visit for the full stories.

*** Peddler being questioned, Goa cops say presence of drugs a
reality - Indian Express
probe girl's death at Goa music fest

*** Expect some upmove in Sesa Goa: Ambareesh Baliga -
V18, "For traders Sesa Goa is still a decent bet although there
was a dampener in between of the duty hike. ...

*** CD banned in south Goa - Herald Publications
Goa DM gags media

*** Sesa Goa ends on higher note - Hindu Business Line
eek high, but settled lower. This is indicative of recovery
through the year. ...

*** Top 10 party scenes in history - Reuters
utersIt became such a phenomenon that more than a few books were
written about the power of Goa in the '70s, the most notable
being Cleo Odzer's "Goa Freaks."

*** Harley-Davidson revs up to lure Indian fans - Financial
nancial TimesFor most Indians, the term "chopped hog" would
probably summon up visions of roast suckling pig in Goa, ...

*** Beach polo enthralls audience in Goa - Daily News & Analysis
ily News & AnalysisHundreds of tourists both foreigners and
locals thronged the Inter Continental The Grand Resort Goa
located at Raj Baga, Canacona, to witness the game. ...

*** Goa road to be repaired - Times of India
mes of IndiaDHARWAD: For those traveling from Dharwad to Goa via
Ramnagar, the nightmare of negotiating bad stretches will end
soon. The national highway No. ...

*** Ease CRZ norms for Goa, state tells Centre - Times of India
pecific amendment to the CRZ notification to ...

*** 12 accidents in Goa daily: stats - Herald Publications
rald PublicationsOn an average, Goa plays host to 12 accidents
everyday while one person is killed every 29 hours, statistics
provided by the traffic police reveal. ...

Compiled by Goanet News Service

Re: [Goanet] Coconut tree climbing device...

2010-01-02 Thread Victor Rangel-Ribeiro

Happy New Year Twenty-Ten


Dear Frederick,
 Without wanting to take anything away from this talented inventor, may I 
point out that the best and fastest coconut tree climbing devices are trained 
monkeys? They are used in some of the South East Asian islands and do an 
extraordinary job. I saw a documentary on this a couple of years ago, but can 
give you no other details. Perhaps you with your skills can ferret it out?
 We already have enough monkeys in our gardens, raiding fruit from our 
trees and breaking our tiles; perhaps if they learned to pluck our coconuts for 
us they would earn their keep. Unless, of course, they then begin to hurl 
coconuts on to our rooftops...

--- On Sat, 1/2/10, Frederick Noronha  wrote:

From: Frederick Noronha 
Subject: [Goanet] Coconut tree climbing device...
To: "Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!" 
Date: Saturday, January 2, 2010, 2:58 PM


                        Happy New Year Twenty-Ten


Of relevance to Goa...

Specially as coconut prices fall
Frederick Noronha
Columnist :: journalism :: editing :: alt.publishing :: photography :: blogging

[Goanet] COMMENT: Rape, blame and the tourism game... (Eric Randolph, in The Guardian)

2010-01-02 Thread Goanet News

Happy New Year Twenty-Ten


The Guardian, 27 December 2009


In Goa, a local politician has
implied rape victims are to
blame for assaults, exploiting
concern about the impact of

by Eric Randolph

When I was talking to a well-established journalist friend in
Mumbai the other day, he ran through what stories one might
expect from different regions in India. Mumbai was good for
business stories; Delhi for political and military goings-on;
the northeast for insurgencies and corruption. As for Goa,
there were rape stories and ... he paused ... "No, that's it.
Goa is rape stories."

Despite the air of facetiousness, he was not joking, and the
Goan government is acutely aware of this emerging image
crisis. There is the unresolved murder of UK schoolgirl
Scarlett Keeling in February 2008, the alleged rape of a
14-year-old German girl in October 2008, and in the last
month the claims by a 25-year-old Russian woman that she was
raped by a well-known politician.

For a state so dependent on tourism, these stories are bad
for business. Earlier this month, the state tourism minister
voiced his fears that Goa may soon "gain a reputation as the
rape capital of India", with a police force that is "either
grossly incompetent or influenced by other factors".

  Of course, three incidents do not create a "rape
  capital" in a country that records more than 20,000
  rapes a year (only a fraction of the real number),
  but in the tourism game, perceptions are

If the minister had hoped his words would stir his fellow
officers to action, he had not counted on the actions of one
Goa politician, Shantaram Naik, who stood up before India's
upper house in Delhi on 15 December to declare that cases in
which women hang around with strangers after midnight "are to
be treated on different footings". In doing so, Naik
triggered an international row, with the Russian consulate
writing a stinging letter of rebuke to the Indian government
and threatening a curfew for its citizens in Goa.

Naik's suggestion that the victim is somehow to blame is
depressingly familiar, the most famous example being the
comments by Australia's most senior Muslim cleric in 2006
when he compared rape victims to "uncovered meat" that young
men could not help but sexually assault. Such attitudes are
embedded in legal systems in Iran, Saudi Arabia and
elsewhere, where rape victims risk adultery charges if they
come forward, and at a less conspicuous level the world over
as the residue of long-established structures of patriarchal

  Despite their familiarity, it is always worth
  deconstructing such attitudes afresh. As the
  philosopher Slavoj Zizek argues in his recent book,
  Violence, such reasoning implies that men are
  entirely helpless in the face of sexual temptation
  and cannot be blamed for their ravenous instincts.
  Inadvertently, this gives far too much credit to
  western society by suggesting that its open
  attitudes to female eroticism are only made
  possible by the development of hitherto unknown
  levels of restraint, that western men have somehow
  evolved past the primitive state of males in more
  conservative societies. Otherwise, the nightclubs
  of Paris and London and New York would be home to
  apocalyptic scenes of endless, unstoppable sexual

In reality, the urge to rape is not some essential
characteristic of the male ego. The vast majority of cases
happen between people who already know each other, and are
the result of complex dynamics within those personal
relationships, coloured by embedded, but changeable, cultural
structures and triggered by individual humiliations,
insecurities and social pressure. Setting aside cases when
rape is used as an instrument of war or ethnic cleansing,
rape tends to be the most intensely personal of crimes.

That subjective core to the act is what permits a
manipulation of the facts by the accused, and yet there is
also a core of the incident -- the trauma experienced by the
victim -- that is purely objective. The fraught task for the
judicial system is to unpick the subjective account of the
specific circumstances of a case from the objective trauma
felt by the victim.

That Naik or others feel this highly delicate task can be
pre-judged by reference to general cultural trends is not
just an act of ignorance, but one which seeks to render the
victim's trauma irrelevant. There is a wider evil in Naik's
words, however, in his willingness to instrumentali

[Goanet] Coconut tree climbing device...

2010-01-02 Thread Frederick Noronha

Happy New Year Twenty-Ten


Of relevance to Goa...

Specially as coconut prices fall
Frederick Noronha
Columnist :: journalism :: editing :: alt.publishing :: photography :: blogging

[Goanet] Rachel Maddow rips Cheney a new hole

2010-01-02 Thread Mario Goveia

Happy New Year Twenty-Ten


Date: Fri, 1 Jan 2010 05:38:43 -0500
From: Venantius J Pinto 

You have not seen anything like this.
Observe the level of analysis, fact checking, quality of journalism.
Rachel Maddow rips apart Cheney, GOP attack machine

Mario responds:

For anyone to concoct an "analysis" to try and show that President Bush and 
Vice President Cheney were soft on international terrorism in any shape or 
form, compared with the fierce warrriors [snicker!] of the Obama administration 
would not even pass the smell test with most serious observers, who would LOL 
at this notion!

Even before reading it I knew the contents of this link that Venantius has 
posted on Goanet for reasons that escape me with respect to the Goanet Rules on 
relevence to Goa and Goans were bogus, distorted, and taken out of context, 
simply because of the reputation of the "analyst", Rachel Maddow, and the far 
left wing blog the Daily Kos, who are both well known in the US for 
deliberately distorted political spin from the far left wing taken out of 
context to make it sound reasonable and logical.

After reading the so-called "analysis" I believe I am right. 

One fact to remember is that anyone captured in the US, whether citizen or not, 
whether friend or foe, has to be tried under the US Constitution in either 
civil or criminal courts, with all the endless protections in favor of the 
miscreant and against the prosecution.

Thus the Blind Sheikh who planned WTC-I in 1993, Richard Reid, Zacarias 
Moussaoui and now Abdul Muttalab, must be tried under the most powerful 
protections ever devised by a country for the bad guys.

What the Obama administration has changed is to give foreign enemy combatants 
who were captured on foreign battlefields the same rights as those captured on 
US soil, instead of trying them under military tribunals in Gitmo.  These have 
never been granted the full protection of the US Constitution before, which 
includes full legal representation at taxpayer expense including appeals all 
the way to the Supreme Court.

Here are some of the most egregious examples from this so-called "analysis" in 
Quotes, followed by my comments:

Dick Cheney’s comments today probably the worst among them. He said, quote, "He 
seems to think if he gives terrorists the rights of Americans, lets them lawyer 
up and reads them their Miranda rights, we won’t be at war."

Comment: What Dick Cheney was talking about was foreign enemy combatants and 
not those captured on US soil.  He was criticizing the Obama administration's 
lax attitude towards international terrorism, by calling the  War on 
International Terror an "Overseas Contingency Operation" and calling 
"terrorism" a "man-caused disaster", all sophistries that are causing much 
amusement among the terrorists.

Remember Richard Reid, the so-called "shoe bomber"? Richard Reid was arrested 
December 2001, when a man named Dick Cheney was vice president. The Bush 
Justice Department let him, as they say, "lawyer up," and Mr. Reid later pled 
guilty in federal court.

Comment:  The Bush administration had no choice under the US Constitution, just 
as the Obama administration has no choice with respect to Abdul Muttalab the 
most recent terrorist who tried to blow up the Delta Airlines plane on 
Christmas Day.

Remember 9/11 co-conspirator Zacarias Moussaoui? Same deal. Given American 
rights, tried in the federal courts and convicted, all while a man named Dick 
Cheney was vice president.

Comment:  Since Zacarias Moussaoui was captured in the US the administration 
had no legal choice.

What President Obama is doing right now with this case is the same thing that 
was done with the same type of cases while Dick Cheney was vice president. But 
Dick Cheney isn’t letting anything like that hold him back, saying, quote, "Why 
doesn’t he want to admit we’re at war? President Obama’s first object and his 
highest responsibility must be to defend us against an enemy that knows we are 
at war."

Comment:  The problem with this "analysis" is that Cheney's comments are taken 
out of context.  He was not criticizing Obama for trying people captured on US 
soil under the US Constitution.  He was referring to enemy combatants who were 
captured on foreign battlefields being held at Gitmo
who did not qualify for trials on US soil under the US Constitution, like 
Khalid Sheikh Mohammad and another five of his colleagues, until the Obama 
administration decided to do so, with NO precedent in US history for doing so.

The Bush/Cheney administr


2010-01-02 Thread Mario Goveia

Happy New Year Twenty-Ten


--- On Fri, 1/1/10, Ivo da C.Souza  wrote:
> Scientifically, human life begins with the conception, therefore 
> abortion is a murder.

Date: Fri, 1 Jan 2010 21:08:58 -0800 (PST)
From: Santosh Helekar 

The U.S. National Academy of Sciences has clearly stated in a strong resolution 
that the above claim regarding human life "cannot stand up to the scrutiny of 
science", and that it is basically a "matter of moral and religious values". 
The academy's position has been supported in an independent petition by more 
than 1200 eminent scientists, including 6 Nobel Laureates, one of whom is David 
Baltimore, a current member of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences. They stated 
that this claim is "a misuse and a misunderstanding of science," and that 
"science cannot define the moment at which 'actual human life' begins".

Mario responds:

Once again we see the conflict between the self-serving needs of "science" as 
expressed by Santosh, amd of religion as expressed by Fr. Ivo.

They are both correct.  Abortion interrupts the process by which a human person 
is formed after that process has begun, but legally, early stage abortions for 
any reason are not considered murder in secular countries and some late stage 
abortions to save the live of a mother are legal as well.

As Santosh quotes a group of scientists, "science cannot define the moment 
at which 'actual human life' begins".

Is this because they can't, or because don't want to because it would devastate 
their scientific research programs and/or ideological and/or political 
philosophies if they did.

My questions are a) can these scientists deny that prior to the conception of 
an embryo there is NO CHANCE of the fruits of that process evolving into a 
fetus and eventually into a human person no matter how that is defined, and b) 
can these scientists deny that DNA tests can distinguish every embryo with 
virtually 100% certainty as being a human embryo, an embryo of some other 
species, or a non-living "thing"?

BTW, endorsements of scientific principles by scientists and Nobel Laureates 
from unrelated fields are not credible endorsements that should impress any 
serious observer.


Re: [Goanet] Rachel Maddow rips Cheney a new hole

2010-01-02 Thread Venantius J Pinto

Happy New Year Twenty-Ten


> No worries MD. To "accuse" with valid reason, in the context in which
> Maddow presented is an impossibility, other than if someone was to
> mistakenly attempt a tone analysis of her voice, or seek the "vociferous" in
> her delivery, or "glint/gleam" in her eyes, body angle, or something of that
> sort. But strange things happen in phenomenology.

Thanks for the warning. Hopefully, you did not intend it as a bait, and
hopefully it will be not be seen as such by anyone. It is what it is,
including what I said about "rips Cheney a new hole" --- perhaps not the
best of metaphors.


Message: 5
Date: Fri, 1 Jan 2010 22:41:03 -0500
From: MD 
Subject: [Goanet] Rachel Maddow rips Cheney a new hole

Rachel Maddow says:
Now, as is often the case in politics, when attacks from one side go
unanswered for a long time, when one side gets the platform all to
themselves, that side can sometimes get over-exuberant. They can
overplay their hand.

Quite true.  Expect counter responses, accusations etc. Mr. Pinto.


[Goanet] Another song by Dr. Francisco Colaco

2010-01-02 Thread JoeGoaUk

Happy New Year Twenty-Ten


Another song by Dr. Francisco Colaco
The title song of VCD  'Oh Goa' sung by Dr. Francisco Colaco 
with beautiful Goan Scenes in the background 
such as Panjim Church, Dona Paula, Saligao Church, Britona etc etc
The song says
I am a Goan but born in Canada..
OH GOA Sweet little Goa
Oh Goa, wonderful Goa
Oh Goa, I love you Goa
Bhangarachem Goa
Oh Goa, Sobit mojem Goa.
As I like the VCD, I wanted to do my  type of review for which I wrote to 
spirit for some info asking to name some of the background 
scene/places of the songs.  I also, seek the producer’s permission if I 
could make 5/6 minutes of trailer of the VCD (I only do it if I like it).  
Strangely, I never got a reply for my second email.
So, it took it ‘permission not granted’
OH Goa is a song VCD with other singers like Osvy Viegas, 
Young Chico, Luis Bachaan,  Prince Jacob, Coniie M, Buska, 
Mini Mario, Socoro De Sta. Cruz, Xavier Gomes, John D’Silva, 
Sonia & Spirit himself.

for Goa & NRI related info... 

For Goan Video Clips 

In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
For Hospital, Police, Fire etc

  The INTERNET now has a personality. YOURS! See your Yahoo! Homepage.

[Goanet] What Are We Waiting For? (By Carmen Miranda)

2010-01-02 Thread Mario Goveia

Happy New Year Twenty-Ten


Date: Fri, 1 Jan 2010 18:15:27 +0400
From: Arwin Mesquita 

Squeezed between the calamities of tourism and mining, Goa is on the brink,
says CARMEN MIRANDA, as she calls for change


What are we waiting for? For the next election, to recycle the same people
into power again?

Mario observes:

Carmen is absolutely correct in her situational analysis as we call it in 
business cycles.  However, where she goes from there is problematic.

To the question, "What are we waiting for?  For the next election...?" my 
answer would have to be YES!  THAT is where it all has to begin.  But you don't 
have to WAIT, for crying out loud.  DO SOMETHING to identify and help the kinds 
of politicians you think will take you in the direction you want to go.

Are you all deluding yourself that you have any other viable choice?

To the question, " recycle the same people into power again?" my answer 
would have to be NO!  THIS is what the problem has been all along since 1987 - 
electing and re-electing corrupt politicians.

If you look at it logically and not emotionally, ask yourself why corrupt 
politicians keep getting elected and re-elected in Goa?  Is this because the 
thoughts and feelings expressed by Carmen in the column under reference are 
shared by most Goans who show up on election day?


It is in our hands to systematically provoke a reform that will scare away
from public life those swindlers and crooks who are sucking the blood out of 

Mario observes:

I have absolutely no idea what this means in real life.  The swindlers and 
crooks ostensibly running Goa are hardly going to be "scared away" by emotional 
sentiments by non-resident Goans, however heartfelt.  There is only two things 
they care about: a) The next election results, and b) Lining their own pockets 
in-between elections.

BTW, in case anyone misunderstands my bucket of cold water, I, too, would LOVE 
to see a Goa exactly as Carmen has descibed IT MIGHT HAVE BEEN!

I just don't see her call for a French-style Revolution in Goa's future.

Re: [Goanet] You and Us in the New Year

2010-01-02 Thread Santosh Helekar

Happy New Year Twenty-Ten


--- On Sat, 1/2/10, Ivo da C.Souza  wrote:
> ***With this silly argument, all unborn babies could be
> killed, because they are not "human life" and abortion is
> not murder. Leave this silly argument only for you, not for
> us in this New Year...

Who is "you" and who is "us"? Goanet is a secular public forum. Goa is a 
multi-religious pluralistic society. There is a diversity of religious views 
among its people. Nobody can divide them into "us" and "you". I hope the new 
year does not see more such irrational attempts at division and demonization.





2010-01-02 Thread godfrey gonsalves

Happy New Year Twenty-Ten


On the  147th birth anniversary of Costancio Lucasinho Ribeiro (2.1.1863) a 
function was held under the auspices of the Tiatr Academy of Goa, under the 
stewardship  Mr Tomazinho Cardozo at the Black Box of the Kala Academy Panaji 
this evening.
Mr Ribeiro was the first musician director who staged the play "Italian Bhurgo" 
at the then Alfred Theatre in Bombay (now Mumbai) on 17.4.1892.  Most of his 
dozen plays were translations not original scripts.  The credit for orginal 
scripts goes to Joao Agostinho Fernandes "Pai Tiatrist" according to Mr 
Mr Uri Ribeiro the grandson of Caetano Paul accepted the portrait of Lucacinho 
Ribeiro presented by the TAG .  Another caricature of Lucacinho Ribeiro was 
presented by noted cartoonist Alexyz to the TAG which was well appreciated by 
the motely audience.
Mr John Claro gave paid rich tributes to the memory of Lucacinho Ribeiro and 
elucidated in details the history of this great man who unfortunately died at 
an young age on 23.1.1928
Mr Cardozo assured the members of the audience that TAG has formulated several 
schemes for promoting documenting " tiatr " and he appealed to the audience to 
promote these schemes to take tiatr to the national level.  Mr Cardozo also 
stated that the TAG has decided to celebrate the birth anniversary of Maria 
Regina Fernandes this year on 16th November, 2010  (16.11.1880) indeed she was 
the first woman to appear on stage on 22.11.1904 in a play staged by her 
husband Joao Agostinho Fernandes at a time when no woman even from the Marathi 
theatre would venture on stage for fear of social ostracisation.
Director of Information Mr Menino Peres the Chief Guest on the ocassion pleaded 
with the audience to see the tiatrs instead of looking down upon tiatr as a 
means of entertainment for the lowly placed. He said the Government has been 
giving a lot of encouragement and it is now time opportune for Goans to grab 
this opportunity.
Vice President of TAG Mr Roseferns also spoke on the ocassion.  The function 
was compered by Ms Cardozo and vote of thanks by Member Secretary 
Prominent among the audience was Teotonio Pereira ex MLA Fr Conceicao Silva of 
Mandur  Ana Maria Carolina Quadros Fernandes daughter in law of Joao Agostinho 
Fernandes and her daughter Sharmila Fernandes  Mr Octavio of Goa Social and 
Cultural Centre .
There was a brief entertainment programme but the ineffective sound system 
played spoilsport.
 This  writer earlier met both the spouse of Joaquim Ribeiro one of the three 
sons of Lucacinho Ribeiro the others being ( Teofilo and Caetano Paul ) Ms 
Cecilia D Souza and her son Bernand D Souza at their residence in Staywell 
Apartments at Khorlim Mapusa.  Speaking to this writer, she said she was 
pleased that Tiatr Academy of Goa was remembering Mr Ribeiro her grandfather . 
To enable the youngsters to understand the contribution of this icon the TAG 
could have a library etc named after Lucainho Ribeiro felt Mr  Bernard D Souza 
her son  a musician.  According to Cecilia the  family lived in Mahim and later 
after her husband Joaquim Ribeiro returned to Goa they moved to Khorlim .
When this writer visited the site of the house of  Mr Ribeiro at Sokolwado 
Assagao just beyond the primary school, it was noted that the 3000m2 plot did 
not have any vestiges of the house.  Accompanied by her son   the property is 
in dispute and there is nothing that remains of the house.  
On an earlier ocassion this writer spoke to the next of kin of Caetano Paula a 
great grandson Uri who resides at Pelewado Ucassaim.  He was happy to learn of 
TAG's function today and was proud to be there.
from the Black Box Kala Academy Panaji 
+91 98221 58584 (24 HRS)

  The INTERNET now has a personality. YOURS! See your Yahoo! Homepage.

Re: [Goanet] Leslie de Noronha

2010-01-02 Thread Eugene Correia

Happy New Year Twenty-Ten


Eric Pinto has thrown some light on Leslie de Noronha. I read him regularly in 
The Examiner, especially his criticism on theatre, and many of his poems. His 
first novel, The Mango and the Tamarind Tree, and later The Dew Drop Inn, were 
published by the Writers' Workshop. If I remember correctly Prof. Peter 
Nazareth did a review of his The Mango and the Tamarind Tree.
I saw him once from close range at a theatre performance. One day I was in the 
Bandra area and decided to visit someone who was related to my cousin and who 
often came to our home. He was working as a chef. When I was seating in the 
living room, I saw a photo and recognized the person. I asked the chef who was 
his master and he told me the name, Leslie de Noronha. He lived in a posh 
apartment opposite the Bandra seashore. The chef said Leslie hosted a lot of 
parties. It was later that I knew he was son of a well-known family that Eric 
Pinto has mentioned. 
Leslie de Noronha, if I remember correctly, worked for Glaxo as a research 
scientist. He was rarely seen in public. I did not personally know his 
lifestyle and I neither cared to ask the chef. The chef later got involved with 
an ayah from the area and later went to Kuwait.

Eugene Correia

Looking for the perfect gift? Give the gift of Flickr!

Re: [Goanet] Eduardo Faleiro

2010-01-02 Thread Eugene Correia

Happy New Year Twenty-Ten


In the report on Eduardo Faleiro getting an award, I read his daughter's name 
as Sonia Nisha. I know her as Sonia Faleiro and I am would like to know if she 
is now married.


Looking for the perfect gift? Give the gift of Flickr!

[Goanet] GOAN ACHIEVERS: Anthony de Mello (4 September 1931, Bombay, India - 2 June 1987, New York)

2010-01-02 Thread Frederick Noronha

Happy New Year Twenty-Ten


Anthony de Mello
>From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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For the cricket administrator, see Anthony de Mello (cricket administrator).
Book authored by the priest.

Anthony de Mello (4 September 1931, Bombay, India - 2 June 1987, New
York) was a Jesuit priest and psychotherapist who became widely known
for his books on spirituality. An internationally acclaimed spiritual
guide, writer and public speaker, de Mello hosted many spiritual
conferences. See below for the names of these programs which are
available on audio CD and film. He traveled to many countries to study
and later to teach, most notably Spain and the United States.

One can actually listen to a live de Mello Conference, "Wake Up to
Life", the only full-length Conference he ever allowed to be recorded.
Listeners across the globe, have found the program to be
life-changing. It also includes many principles of psychology and
psychotherapy; both of which de Mello practiced in his life. His main
objective in the program is "Awareness", waking up and being present
to reality; which means one can be happy, loving, and real right now.

The few talks which he allowed to be filmed, such as "A Rediscovery of
Life" and "A Way to God for Today," have inspired many viewers and
audiences since being released; and have been viewed by hundreds of
thousands of tv watchers throughout the United States, Canada, and
Central America; in colleges, universities, Newman centers, and
communities. De Mello established a prayer center in India. He died
suddenly in 1987. His works are readily available and additional
writings were published after his death.

In 1998, some of his opinions were condemned by the Congregation for
the Doctrine of the Faith. Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, who later became
Pope Benedict XVI, wrote for the Congregation:

'But already in certain passages in [his] early works and to a
greater degree in his later publications, one notices a progressive
distancing from the essential contents of the Christian faith. ...
With the present Notification, in order to protect the good of the
Christian faithful, this Congregation declares that the
above-mentioned positions are incompatible with the Catholic faith and
can cause grave harm.' [1]

His quite controversial paradigm for Catholic dogma is mainly because
many of his ideas were influenced by Thai Buddhist teacher and founder
of monasteries Ajahn Chah - who, some[who?] say, was a kind of teacher
to him. Despite the Church's condemnation, his works are popular
especially among those interested in Ignatian Spirituality.

Some editions of his books have since been supplemented with the
insertion of a caution:

'The books of Father Anthony de Mello were written in a
multi-religious context to help the followers of other religions,
agnostics and atheists in their spiritual search, and they were not
intended by the author as manuals of instruction of the Catholic
faithful in Christian doctrine or dogma.' [2]

[edit] Bibliography
Search WikiquoteWikiquote has a collection of quotations related to:
Anthony de Mello

* Audio CD-Set "Wake Up to Life" Live NY Conference. A complete
conference, the only one de Mello allowed to be recorded.
* On film "A Way to God for Today," a spiritual development
program where de Mello speaks directly to the viewer.
* "A Rediscovery of Life," live satellite broadcast with audience
and teleconference.
* "Wake Up! Spirituality for Today," 90 minutes of talks given
before a live audience.
* The Song of the Bird, 1984. ISBN 978-0385-19615-4
* Sadhana: A Way to God, 1984. ISBN 978-0385-19614-7
* Wellsprings, 1986. ISBN 978-0-385-19617-8
* One Minute Wisdom, Image, 1988. ISBN 978-0-385-24290-5
* Awareness, Image,1990. ISBN 978-0385-24937-9
* Taking Flight, 1990. ISBN 978-0-385-41371-8
* The Way to Love, 1992. ISBN 978-0385-24939-3
* The Heart Of The Enlightened, Image, 1994. ISBN 978-0-517-11474-2
* Awakening, Image, 2003. ISBN 978-0385-50995-4
* Contact with God, Image, 2003. ISBN 978-0385-50994-7
* One Minute Nonsense
* The Prayer of the Frog Vol. 1 & Vol. 2. In the English printing,
these are titled "Taking Flight" and "The Heart of the Englightened."
* Praying Naked: The Spirituality of Anthony de Mello (by J.
Francis Stroud, S.J.), Image 2005. ISBN 978-0385-51314-2

[edit] References

   1. ^ "EWTN Global Catholic Network". Retrieved 2006-11-24.
   2. ^ T.K. Thomas (April 1999). "The Prayer of the Frog Called into
Question at". The Ecum

[Goanet] A Tale of Two CDs

2010-01-02 Thread Tony de Sa

Happy New Year Twenty-Ten


Flash back to the past:

Circa 2007:

The government’s decision directing aided schools to
screen the CD had annoyed the Goa Church and Catholics
at large, who saw it as the BJP CM’s subtle way of
pushing the RSS’ communal agenda.

This controversial CD led to the downfall of the BJP Government or was
at least the major contributing factor.

Fast Forward into the future:

Circa 2009:

Calvert Gonsalves a Colva Panch and sometime 'journalist' produces a
CD titled "Dogui Bodmas" and there is also a mass uprising in the
village of Colva.

Once is happenstance, twice is coincidence.

The whole of Goa now waits with bated breath. Will the launching of a
third CD (which could be labelled "enemy action") be of earth shaking
import to Goa?

Just wondering.

(With apologies to Ian Flemming - for his quote "Once is happenstance, twice
is coincidence and the third time is enemy action- Gold Finger)

Tony de Sa
  M   : +91 9975 162 897
  Ph. : +91 832 2470 148
 = /  |


2010-01-02 Thread Ivo da C.Souza


   Happy New Year Twenty-Ten


From: "Santosh Helekar" 
<<< is a quote from the pre-eminent geneticist and Dean of Yale 
University School of Medicine, Dr. Leon Rosenberg, stating a position with 
which the National Academy agreed:

"The crux...of the bill before you is the statement"that present day 
scientific evidence indicates a significant likelihood that actual human 
life exists from conception." I must respectfully but firmly disagree with
this statement for two reasons: first because I know of no scientific 
evidence which bears on the question of when actual human life exists 
second because I believe that the notion embodied in the phrase "actual 
human life" is not a scientific one, but rather a philosophic and 
religious one.

If I am right in asserting that the question of when actual life 
begins is not a scientific matter, then, you may ask why have so many 
scientists come here to say that it is? My answer is that scientists, like 
all other people, have deeply held religious feelings to which they are 
entitled. In their remarks at these hearings however I believe that those
who have preceded me have failed to distinguish between their moral or 
religious positions and their professional scientific judgments".
***With this silly argument, all unborn babies could be killed, because they 
are not "human life" and abortion is not murder. Leave this silly argument 
only for you, not for us in this New Year...


[Goanet] Edurado Faleiro's award under a cloud

2010-01-02 Thread armstrong augusto vaz

Happy New Year Twenty-Ten


Hello readers
You decide for yourself
Here are two reports one published from Navhind times regarding Edurado
Faleiro getting the  Goan of the year award.
And the other old report about the Goan Global convention, held in Oman.
*Are former director of Indian Television (Doordarshan) and noted poet,, Mr
Yusuf A Sheikh, editor of ‘Konkonn Divo’ and Roman Konkani script activist,
Mr Ashok R Chodankar paying back Edurado Faleiro for the taking them as part
of the group to Oman on an all-expenses paid travel jaunt at the cost of the
tax payer?*
* *
* *
Edwardo wins Goan of the year
VASCO: Kalavistar, a premier organisation known for activities of bringing
people together has declared chairman of Universal Peace Federation of India
and Goa NRI Commissioner, Mr Eduardo Faleiro as the Goan of the Year 2009.
A committee chaired by Mr Clarance alias Kelly Furtado, a senior journalist
from Mormugao and comprised of *former director of Indian Television
(Doordarshan) and noted poet,, Mr Yusuf A Sheikh, editor of ‘Konkonn Divo’
and Roman Konkani script activist, Mr Ashok R Chodankar, cultural ambassador
of Kalavistar,* Mr Gopinath Shah and a noted stage artist and writer, Mr
Stanley Vaz unanimously selected Mr Eduardo Faleiro for this coveted honour.
Reacting to the declaration, Mr Eduardo Faleiro said, “With the advancement
of science and technology the whole world has become a small place and we
all are the members of one big family”, adding “we should, collectively try
to convert adversities into opportunities and work together for ushering in
peace and harmony in the society.”
His daughter, Ms Sonia Nisha said that she was delighted and the family felt
greatly humbled.
“I feel extremely happy that my father is involved in work which is noble
and his service is recognised by the society,” stated Ms Knight.
The selection committee has noted that Mr Faleiro is a visionary who has
offered valuable suggestions for planning the future of Goa and has worked
throughout the year for uniting Goans and the persons of Goan origin abroad
and for instilling in them a sense of belonging and love for the Goan soil.
As a person in public life, Mr Faleiro has shown tremendous interest in
improving the quality of life for the underprivileged in different parts of
Goa and that he has kept the Konkani language at his heart and played a
significant role in bringing understanding on issues related to the Konkani
One of the members of the selection committee, Mr Ashok Chodankar has said
that, Mr Faleiro who is a five time elected member of the Parliament has an
outstanding record of his work as a Union Minister in the Indian cabinet.
The Committee has also recorded overall credentials.
The former deputy speaker, Mr Simon D’Souza congratulated Mr Faleiro and
said that the service rendered to the Goan community, and the timely help
that came from him to the Goans in trouble during any foreign visit is
unique and highly commendable.
“During the year 2009, Mr Faleiro’s immediate response to a request during
such a problem brought much relief,” recalled Mr D’Souza.
Former Principal of MES College of Arts and Commerce, Mr Harischandra
Nagvenkar and Mr Yusuf A Sheikh described Mr Faleiro as a Goan genius who
has worked with unflinching interest throughout the year for asserting Goan
identity and for creating an atmosphere of peace and harmony.

Global Goan '09 Convention in Oman - 5-6 November 2009
In order to promote Goan art, culture and social interaction, and also to
provide an emotional link and platform for all the Goan diaspora to unite,
the Government of Goa has been periodically holding Global Goan Conventions.
These have been held previously in Goa, Portugal and Canada.

The Goan Community of Oman (GCO) has been requested to host the 2009 Global
Goan Convention. It is being organized under the patronage of The Hon’ble
Commissioner for NRI Affairs, Government of Goa and His Excellency the
Ambassador of India to Oman.

The Convention will be held at the Indian Embassy, Muscat on
Thursday-Friday, 5-6 November 2009, from 9 am to 5 pm. About 250 Goans from
all over the world, and more particularly those residing in GCC countries,
are expected to attend.

The theme of the 2009 Global Goan Convention is dedicated to The Gulf Goan.
Revolving around this theme, there will be presentations on various topics
including Overseas Goan Groups; Employment Opportunities and Conditions
abroad; Preserving and Promoting Goan Identity and Culture; Family Issues –
Education, Communication, Travel, Housing, Entertainment; Investment
Opportunities in Goa and Relocating back to Goa.

Besides speakers from various Goan grou


2010-01-02 Thread Santosh Helekar

Happy New Year Twenty-Ten


The testimonies copied and pasted in the post appended below were provided in 
support of a "Human Life Bill" introduced in the U.S. senate in 1981. This bill 
was never passed. It is in response to these testimonies that the prestigious 
National Academy of Sciences passed a resolution indicating that these personal 
opinions of witnesses who happen to be scientists or physicians had nothing to 
do with science. They were merely opinions based on religious beliefs or 
speculations. There were other scientists in those hearings who refuted those 
testimonies. For example, here is a quote from the pre-eminent geneticist and 
Dean of Yale University School of Medicine, Dr. Leon Rosenberg, stating a 
position with which the National Academy agreed:

The crux...of the bill before you is the statement"that present day 
scientific evidence indicates a significant likelihood that actual human life 
exists from conception." I must respectfully but firmly disagree with
this statement for two reasons: first because I know of no scientific evidence 
which bears on the question of when actual human life exists second because I 
believe that the notion embodied in the phrase "actual human life" is not a 
scientific one, but rather a philosophic and religious one.

If I am right in asserting that the question of when actual life begins is 
not a scientific matter, then, you may ask why have so many scientists come 
here to say that it is? My answer is that scientists, like all other people, 
have deeply held religious feelings to which they are entitled. In their 
remarks at these hearings however I believe that those
who have preceded me have failed to distinguish between their moral or 
religious positions and their professional scientific judgments.
.Dr. Leon Rosenberg

So, as you can see, what has been stated in the post appended below does not 
comport with reality. I would be happy to provide documentary evidence from 
authentic sources to back up all my statements in this thread.



--- On Sat, 1/2/10, Ivo da C.Souza  wrote:
> ***All documentation is from the scientists. Whom should we
> trust, Dr.Santosh, or the medical companies regarding
> cancer, or the scientists regarding the human life? I think
> that Dr.Santosh is misleading us in the New Year too (for
> the last six and half years I had to bear up with him). If
> Science cannot determine that a zygote is human life and not
> a bird (which is the specialization of Dr.Santosh), then
> Science is limited and impotent about the natural life
> itself. Dr.Santosh is trying to defeat all the statements
> coming from scientific circles as "bogus", fake, "garbage",
> "scientific illiteracy"... Enough is enough...


[Goanet] Panjim Table Tennis Club website launched

2010-01-02 Thread Sandeep Heble

Happy New Year Twenty-Ten


The website of Panjim Table Tennis Club ( ) was
launched by Shri V.M. Prabhudesai, Executive Director Sports Authority
of Goa, on New Year’s Day in the presence of SAG Asst. Secretary
(Programs)Navin Acharya, SAG Coaches Roy Athaide and Pravin Shirodkar,
committee members Uday Divekar and Hilary Fernandes, Former State TT
Champions Ajit Ghantker and Wilber Fernandes, and other TT Players.
Club Postcards were thereafter released to mark the commencement of
the 'Youth Year'.

On the occasion, the Club also announced a Talent Search Tournament
for non seeded players and the inauguration of a Table Tennis Robot
later during the month, which would be provided free of cost for
practice to Table Tennis Players along with other coaching facilities.
Earlier, Club President Chetan Kavlekar welcomed while Secretary
Sandeep Heble later proposed the Vote of Thanks.

Photographs available at:

yours sincerely
Sandeep Heble
Panjim Table Tennis Club

[Goanet] Lavani Videos from Bhatkanti with Milind Gunaji

2010-01-02 Thread Venantius J Pinto

Happy New Year Twenty-Ten


Perhaps our Goan Kalavants were as good.
Contemplate how those steps must be developing their thighs.
Lovely Marathi. Btw, make its a point o watch Bhatkanti videos from Gunaji.
---venantius j pintoLavani Videos from Bhatkanti with Milind Gunaji.

[Goanet] Colva CD case: A simple Test ( True or False?)

2010-01-02 Thread JoeGoaUk

Happy New Year Twenty-Ten


Colva CD case: A simple Test ( True or False?)

True or False?
1. The recent protest of the Colva villagers was in support of 
Fr. Diago Fernandes
2. The Controversial Audio CD ‘Dogui Bodmas’ is now banned  
all over Goa.
3. Broadcast/telecast of the Colva protest/violence footage 
is also banned
4. PI Edwin Colaco of Colva Police Station is now transferred 
to Agassaim
5. Popular Tiatrist/Cantorist Osvy Viegas sang one of the 14  songs
 in the CD.
6.  ‘Padriponn soddun tum Fr. Diogo Bailamcho Rumeo zala’  is said 
in one of the songs
7. The protesters/Mob stoned the CD Producer’s House
8. The CD has one song on the Priest and one song on the minister.
9. Fr. Diogo instigated the whole attack says the Producer.
10. A CD on CD is coming out soon titled 
‘Padrink Okman Korcho Nuim’ by JoeGoaUk

They protested as the Parishioners and not as the supporters
 of their Parish Priest.
The said CD only banned in South Goa, so one can buy or 
distribute in North Goa.
3. TRUE but banned only imposed on Goa365 as their footage 
say ‘supporters of Fr. Diogo..’
Colva PI Edwin Colaco w.e.f  31/12/09 transferred to GRP 
(Goa Reserve Police)
Osvy Viegas sang about 6 songs in the CD including one duet
6. TRUE 
Sang by OV in the song ‘Antacnhe Padri’
7.  for ans. Follow this link
There are about 3 on priests and  about 5 on Ministers
9.  Follow the link

Not JoeGoaUk but Mini Mario

So, how many you got right?

for Goa & NRI related info... 

For Goan Video Clips 

In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
For Hospital, Police, Fire etc

  The INTERNET now has a personality. YOURS! See your Yahoo! Homepage.

[Goanet] Passing away of Anselmo Cordeiro, ex-Saligao, Goa

2010-01-02 Thread Alba Fernandes

Happy New Year Twenty-Ten


Anselmo Cordeiro, ex-Saligao, Goa, residing in Nanaimo, BC, Canada passed away 
on Tuesday, December 29, peacefully with his family around him.
The family would like to extend their special thanks to all friends and family, 
in Canada and scattered around the world for their caring,  support and help 
through his illness. 

Attached is an Obituary with information on the Memorial Service.

Windows Live: Friends get your Flickr, Yelp, and Digg updates when they e-mail 

Re: [Goanet] Rachel Maddow rips Cheney a new hole

2010-01-02 Thread Mervyn Lobo

Happy New Year Twenty-Ten


Venantius J Pinto wrote:
> You have not seen anything like this.
> Observe the level of analysis, fact checking, quality of journalism.
> Rachel Maddow rips apart Cheney, GOP attack machine

venantius j pinto,
This Cheney guy has gone totally wacko after losing power. 

Like all wacko's, he is interesting. 

And especially so to republicans.


Looking for the perfect gift? Give the gift of Flickr!

[Goanet] Rachel Maddow rips Cheney a new hole

2010-01-02 Thread MD

Happy New Year Twenty-Ten


Rachel Maddow says:
Now, as is often the case in politics, when attacks from one side go
unanswered for a long time, when one side gets the platform all to
themselves, that side can sometimes get over-exuberant. They can
overplay their hand.

Quite true.  Expect counter responses, accusations etc. Mr. Pinto.


Message: 3
Date: Fri, 1 Jan 2010 05:38:43 -0500
From: Venantius J Pinto 
To: Goanet Mail list 
Subject: [Goanet] Rachel Maddow rips Cheney a new hole
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

You have not seen anything like this.
Observe the level of analysis, fact checking, quality of journalism.
Rachel Maddow rips apart Cheney, GOP attack machine
venantius j pinto


2010-01-02 Thread brian dsouza

Happy New Year Twenty-Ten


 Happy New Year to all

Let us write to the PM, CMs, President, Governors, Parliamentarians, MPs,
MLAs, Trade Unions, etc to see to it that from next year (2011) the 1st of
January is declared a National Holiday because the 1st of January is not
only celebrated by Christians but in recent years even Hindus are
celebrating. In most countries around the world including atheist China the
1st of January is a national holiday. New Year is celebrated all over the
globe with full energy and enthusiasm. The date has been decided after the
Gregorian calendar. The Gregorian calendar is the internationally accepted
civil calendar. It was introduced by Pope Gregory XIII, after whom the
calendar was named, by a decree signed on 24 February 1582.

Community Leaders of goan christians, mangalorean christians, marathi
christians, gujrati christians, etc should ensure that their community
members have reservations in government jobs in their respective states and
also ensure that community members are adequately represented in the defence
force, police force and the corridors of power i.e. parliament , state
assemblys, collectors office, municipalities, etc.

A Bad Parish Priest is the one who simply offers Mass in a routine style,
who preach uncontroversial piety or popular psychology, hear Confessions
passively, answer the phone and door, pay the diocesan assessment (the tax
on parish income)  and misuses church assets,wealth,resources,properties for
his personal benefit.

A Good Parish priest is the one who is an excellent homilist, thoughtful,
wise, theologically and liturgically astute, intellectually sound and of the
highest integrity, who asks thoughtful and probing questions, who expects
truthful and accountable behavior, who wrestles with the complicated
challenges of life, who behaves in a principled manner, who is NOT shallow,
silly, insecure, self absorbed, fiscally irresponsible, rude or greedy, who
uses church assets,wealth,resources, properties for the benefit of poor
Christian parishioners.

If a Bad Priest has been deputed to a parish, the parishioners will suffer.
If a Good Priest has been deputed to a Parish, the parishioners will

Those Christians who are operating with Hindu names are doing it to deceive
Hindus. Just as those Hindus who are operating with Christian names in call
centers are doing it to deceive christians in the west. Let those christians
who have hindu names, change their names to a suitable christian name and
prove they are True Christians.

Missionaries are most welcome to preach the Gospel of Christ but in the last
two decades some of the missionaries who have been receiving tons of foreign
donations are indulging in Allurement based conversions this is very sad.

Let the Clergy and Missionaries not ignore the opinions of the laity on
matters related to church or conversion activities.

In Europe the vatican, clergy, missionaries did not bother about the
opinions of the laity as a result Christianity has died in Europe. Europe
without Christianity is equal to Europe without God. Look at the past of
Europe when smaller countries like portugual or spain which were able to
conquer bigger lands in Asia, Africa, Americas and look at the present day
European Union which is struggling to defeat Taliban and look how the
european population is graying. Even the Vatican can’t do anything to revive
Christianity in Europe.

Check for information on world catholic news.

The Bible played an essential role in the creation of the United States, and
it continues to provide the moral compass for America. There is much
adversity in America, but this nation is blessed because it is predominantly
a Christian nation.

Brian D'souza

[Goanet] Daily Grook #598

2010-01-02 Thread Francis Rodrigues

Happy New Year Twenty-Ten


by Francis Rodrigues

a sweat breaks
as prices sink,
bad news makes
yr socks stink!

sheet-music,tab,lyrics,chords of great Konkani pop hits
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[Goanet] New Year Greetings!

2010-01-02 Thread Venantius J Pinto

Happy New Year Twenty-Ten


Sandeep--- May the spirit manifest itself ever stronger within you in the
New Year.
Tuji jyot soddanch jovoun/uzvadd diun. (Jyoti tumhare sadata jalein).

Cheerfulness keeps up a kind of daylight in the mind, and fills it with a
steady and perpetual serenity.  ---Joseph Addsion

venantius j pinto
Good humor is one of the best articles of dress one can wear in society.
---William Makepeace Thackeray

Message: 3
> Date: Fri, 1 Jan 2010 23:06:59 +0530
> From: Sandeep Heble 
> Subject: [Goanet] New Year Greetings!
> Dear friends,
> May you be blessed with happiness fun and cheer.

> Have a wonderful 2010
> warm regards
> sandeep