[Goanet] Tumi Konknni Uloitale?

2010-08-19 Thread lino dourado
Tumi Konknni Uloitale?
Agostachi vis tarker
Bharotache ghottnuken
Konknni atthve volerin
Zal’lo dis!
Vhoile panvddear
Konknni Mata
Zoi-zoi ghaitana
Tumi Konknni Uloitale?
Sonvsarbhor ximpoddlole
Konknni avoyche bhogkt
Vhodda dobhajean
Konknni dis
Anondan monoilo
Podam ghavun nachle
Khaile piyele
Eka-mekha thaim
Gozali kortana
Tumi Konknni Uloitale?
Konknnichea mellavean
Ekvottan bhavponnan
Machier Konknnin
Favo purtem
Lokam sangata
Vosrean karriavoll polletana
Tea vellar
Tumi Konknni Uloitale?
Lino B. Dourado
 EKVOTT: Global Goans Unity
(The Voice of the Goan Diaspora Worldwide)Global Goenkar, an online quarterly 
magazine edited and  published  by  Kenelm Santana Lopes,  based in Bangalore 
can be downloaded at the URL below. Please Copy Paste it into your browser


[Goanet] Daily Grook #789

2010-08-19 Thread Francis Rodrigues

by Francis Rodrigues

her goose was missing
to her great bad luck,
then it began hissing
and we saw her duck!

*GREAT ALL-OCCASION GIFT* http://www.KonkaniSongBook.com

sheet-music,tab,lyrics,chords of great Konkani pop hits
GOA: PEDRO FERNANDES: Tel.2226642 FURTADOS: Tel.2223278


[Goanet] Goan Voice UK: Daily Newsletter: 19 Aug 2010. Highlights

2010-08-19 Thread Eddie Fernandes

World Goa Day - 10th Anniversary Message from Rene Barreto. Photo. 

Passage to India by Shobha (Italian photographer). Photo. 

Toronto. Death: Melissa Lopes (ex-Tanzania). Photo

London. Death: Doreen Nunes (ex-Nairobi).
Notice to Atanasio Monserrate, others for bid to free accused

Girish Karnad withdraws resignation from Goa panel

A massage for hands and feet - but done by fish!

UK: Putney's Ma Goa Gets Thumbs Up From Chiswick Dinners

Canada: Leaves' Eyes - One-Off Show In Goa Announced

India: Enemy Property Bill seeks to stop indiscriminate purchases

Goa takes to fishing, hook, line and sinker

Norway: Goa for the dissolute alternative lifestyle

UK: Retirement is no reason to slow down

To Goa govt, with love from jail and hospital inmates

Goa: Weekly Weather & Exchange Rates

For full details go to


2010-08-19 Thread goanint

Goenkars !!

A post from Quebec Goan Associations on the occasion of Worl Goa Day. 



Dear Rene,

I would like to wish Goans around the world over a memorable Goencho Dis
(World  Goa Day). We, the members of the Quebec Goan Association salute 
you for  your efforts to unite the community, keeping and celebrating Goan 

The Quebec Goan Association celebrated the WGD on August 15, 2010 with a 
large turn out and celebrated with a mass by Fr. Sunny.

We would like to acknowledge Felix D'Sa's initiative for starting the WGD 
Picnic-in-the-park in Montreal.

We call upon all Goans around the world to come together in celebrating 
and keeping our unique culture alive. Viva Goa! Viva Konkani!


  Wishing you all a Very Happy World Goa Day!!!

Sincere Regards,

Mary Silveira
Quebec Goan Association 


rene barreto

Goanworld : http://worldgoan.blogspot.com/


[Goanet] Karnad reconsiders, will stay on jubilee council

2010-08-19 Thread Goanet News Service

Karnad reconsiders, will stay on jubilee council
TNN, Aug 20, 2010, 06.31am IST

PANAJI: Playwright and Jnanpith awardee Girish Karnad is back on the Goa 
Golden Jubilee Development Council.

Karnad reconsidered his decision to withdraw from the high-level council 
following an assurance from chief minister Digambar Kamat that artistic 
freedom would be protected and that incidents like the attack on 
Sanskrit scholar and artist Jose Pereira would not recur.

Speaking to TOI on Thursday, Karnad said CM Digambar Kamat spoke to him 
and requested him to withdraw the resignation. Karnad said the CM 
explained to him that he came to know of the incident much later as he 
(CM) was out of station at the time. Karnad said he was upset with what 
had happened to Pereira.

“The chief minister assured me that he would not allow such incidents to 
occur again,” the actor said. “That is good enough, I feel, the rights 
of artists need to be protected and artistic freedom supported by the 
state,” Karnad who has Konkani origins, said. “It is the duty of every 
government to protect secular traditions as enshrined in our 
constitution,” he added.

Karnad had withdrawn from the panel protesting the state’s inaction 
after 80-year-old Pereira had come under attack for his painting 
exhibition from the Hindu Janajagruti Samiti (HJS) three weeks ago.

“He has acceded to my request to be on the committee,” Kamat told TOI 
adding, “I made a sincere appeal and I am happy that he (Girish Karnad) 
has agreed to continue on the council.”

Karnad said he would be on the Raghunath Mashelkar-led council which was 
constituted last month to frame a “Goa Vision Document 2035”, to decide 
on what shape Goa should take 25 years hence. Karnad’s absence was felt 
at the council’s first meeting held earlier this week in Pune.

Earlier Karnad, in his resignation letter to the chief minister, had 
said, “Let me say how deeply shocked I am to hear of the attacks by 
self-styled standard-bearers of Hindu culture on the works of Jose 
Pereira, a scholar and artist of eminence.” He had added, “I am 
horrified that private vigilante groups should be permitted to take the 
law into their hands while the state stands mute and the police express 
inability to protect the exhibition of his work.”


[Goanet] All religions are not equal

2010-08-19 Thread damodar vinayak bale
  Respected editor,
Religion is " Faith ".Humans are equal all over.It is the ill willed 
politicians who create the problems for harmonious living.So was the 
partitition of India,with one nation "Pakistan" with Islamism as the nation's 
religion and Bharat as "secular".So those humans who believed more in 
faith,have a nation and those who have faith in humanism have also a nation. 
There is no use misusing religion for human sentiments.
   With best regards,
   Damodar Bale,
   11-Winton Road,
   East Brunswick,
   NJ 08816. 

[Goanet] World Photography Day - My take

2010-08-19 Thread JoeGoaUk
World Photography Day - My take

Today we visited the News Photo Exhibition organized by 
Photo Journalists of Goa at ESG Panjim.
At the entrance, both the gates were closed  and 
there were two security guys though.
It could easily drive visitors away (seeing no gate is open).
It has lovely photographs which you may have seen 
already  that appeared in local dailies over the year.
It has ‘good catch of fresh water fish’ 
‘Salt water fish at Caranzalem’, Crying Mickky, 
aerial view of old  Patto bridge (not taken from 
a helicopter but on top of Mariegold Hotel nearby),  
Hospital Patient in the corridor whose dripping bottle 
hooked at the shutter door and CM passing by etc etc
There is a separate section of photos by students.
The first prize winning pic was my choice of First Prize too.

Where as journalists section, I go for ‘old Patto Bridge’

CM in his comment in the visitors’ book says 
‘It ws better than last year’
On the occasion, here is my take.
Not that good but all are new and  Most Captured Today.
Setting Sun view through trees
Mushrooms on the tree
Meet me at old Anchor not at Mobor
a typical  village scene
I think, soon I will join Saldanha, Fernandes and others
And those of you Ramesh, Sitaram, Kaxinath etc go  here
And it takes upto to two at a time
Always judge the book by it’s cover
CID Crime Branch, Dona Paula
Watch Dog at night 
Pilar Junction goes green

foreign Dept:
Where they are off to?
To - Roadside Fruits eating Contest?
Love me tender love me true
Mam, may I join you?


for Goa & NRI related info... 

For Goan Video Clips 

In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
For Hospital, Police, Fire etc

Re: [Goanet] All religions cannot be equal

2010-08-19 Thread Santosh Helekar
A lot of the material in the post appended below has been selectively lifted 
verbatim from a blogger named Siddhartha from Bangalore, without giving him 
credit, without putting his text in quotation marks, and without providing a 
link to one of his webpages containing this text. Please see for example:

Moreover, the funny thing is that what he has quoted from Gandhi vindicates the 
secular pluralistic position of both Gandhi and the Indian constitution i.e. 
all religions are equal - equal before the law and equally good.



--- On Wed, 8/18/10, Ivo  wrote:
> ***This is not a value judgment given by Manmohan Singh, it
> is alien to his
> speech. How can Manmohan Singh have a say on this topic?
> When we take part
> in the interfaith dialogue, we share our religious
> insights, precisely
> because our religions are not equal. This is a crass,
> supine blunder. The
> believers of different religions pledge to work for harmony
> and peace, for
> the human integral development.We come together on the
> concept of "Kingdom
> of God" ("Ramarajya" or "Golden Age"). The task of
> establishing the Kingdom
> of God, the New Society is not a monopoly of Christian
> communities. The
> Kingdom is the concern of everyone: individuals, society,
> and the world.
> Christian communities are called to work, in solidarity
> with others, for the
> establishment of a New Society, the Kingdom of God.
> <<...just as all human beings are equal. When
> > we view each other as equals, we try to live in
> harmony.
> **Yes, all human beings are equal (in humanity and human
> rights), before the Law. Yet India
> does not recognize it in practice. (Manmohan Singh, Prime
> Minister of India). Manmohan Singh is not giving a
> value-judgement about world religions, but a
> socio-political-legal statement. Would he accept that
> Sikhism and polythetistic Hinduism are "equal", equally
> good, equally acceptable to him? Would you accept that
> Hinduism, agnosticism and atheism (which is based on faith,
> not in science) are equallly good? Atheism, agnosticism,
> marxism are called "quasi-religions".
> > 
> > Great thinkers such as Vivekananda and Mahatma Gandhi
> have also
> > espoused the equality of all religions.
> ***You are absolutely wrong.
> 1. The Constitution of India does not says that "all
> religions are equal", or equally good.
>  "WE, THE PEOPLE OF INDIA, having solemnly resolved to
> constitute India into a SOVEREIGN SOCIALIST SECULAR
> DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC and to secure to all its citizens:
>  JUSTICE, social, economic and political;
>  LIBERTY of thought, expression, belief, faith and
> worship;
>  EQUALITY of status and of opportunity;
>  and to promote among them all
>  FRATERNITY assuring the dignity of the individual and the
> unity and integrity of the Nation;
>  IN OUR CONSTITUENT ASSEMBLY this twenty-sixth day of
> OURSELVES THIS CONSTITUTION". The art.14 says: "Equality
> before law: The State shall not deny to any person equality
> before the law or the equal protection of the laws within
> the territory of India Prohibition of discrimination on
> grounds of religion, race, caste, sex or place of birth".
>  2. Swami Vivekananda and Mahatma Gandi spoke always in the
> context of communal harmony:
>  "As different streams, having their sources in different
> places, all mingle their water in
>  the sea, so, O Lord, the different paths which men take
> through different
>  tendencies, various though they appear, crooked or
> straight, all lead to
>  Thee."
>  In his speech in Chicago, Swami Vivekananda said: "I will
> quote to you, brethren, a few lines from a hymn which I
> remember to
>  have repeated from my earliest boyhood, which is every day
> repeated by
>  millions of human beings: "As the different streams having
> their sources in
>  different paths which men take through different
> tendencies, various though
>  they appear, crooked or straight, all lead to Thee."
>  The present convention, which is one of the most august
> assemblies ever
>  held, is in itself a vindication, a declaration to the
> world of the
>  wonderful doctrine preached in the Gita: "Whosoever comes
> to Me, through
>  whatsoever form, I reach him; all men are struggling
> through paths which in
>  the end lead to me."
>  "Sectarianism, bigotry, and its horrible descendant,
>  fanaticism, have long possessed this beautiful earth. They
> have filled the
>  earth with violence, drenched it often and often with
> human blood, destroyed
>  civilization and sent whole nations to despair. Had it not
> been for these
>  horrible demons, human society would be far more advanced
> than it is now.
>  But their time is come; and I fervently hope that the bell
> that tolled this
>  morning in honor of this convention may be the death-knell
> of all
>  fanaticism, of all persecutions

[Goanet] Despite Scandals, Indian Mining Bosses Thrive - NYTimes.com (MINING IN INDIA)

2010-08-19 Thread Ruby

Ah, the Cult of Impunity up to no good!

[Goanet] "All religions cannot be equal"

2010-08-19 Thread Cajetan Alvares
*As a secular pluralist, I believe that one's religious views are* *his/her
own problem, as long as they do not cause harm to humanity.
What if Religion DOES harm society and humanity?
As is in Somalia, Indonesia, the poor north part of Nigeria, etc (with the
exception of help with petrol $ countries)
To know about that religion one simply has to visit www.wikiislam.net
Some knowledge is better than no knowledge, and Santosh will then stop
repeating to keep Fr Ivo happy.
For Fr Ivo said: Let Santosh not repeat the blunder again and again...

Re: [Goanet] Goan saint update: You can help a Goan achieve justice

2010-08-19 Thread Frederick Noronha
Hi Aggie, You got it wrong... saints don't need sainthood. It's the
people beneath who need it. As a symbol, as a flag, as a
revalidation... whatever. --FN

PS: Now, is some Goanetter going to volunteer to write a
"sociological" paper on the process of sainthood and Goa? This comment
has some pointers to such dynamics

Frederick Noronha

On 18 August 2010 18:54, Agilio Pereira - Abacus Systems UK Ltd
> Hey George,
> What happens if does become a Saint and joins
> all the other Saints. Do they have a club or
> something that gives them better opportunities
> whether in Heaven or in Hell? Do you know
> where he is? Heaven or in Hell or are you and
> all the Catholics just guessing. Has he done
> enough to please God. What do you yourself
> know about him.

[Goanet] Choose your religion

2010-08-19 Thread Ivo

--- On Wed, 8/18/10, U. G. Barad  wrote:

Concluding line used by Fr. Ivo confused me more on Catholic religion 
 >after reading contradictory statements which are available >at: 

Hope Fr. Ivo trashes out all the 20 points written against
Christianity as religion in the web-link provided herein above.

Here are 6 good reasons to convert to Christianity:


Here is why one might want to abandon Hinduism:

***Give your reasons and choose your religion. People have different reasons 
to embrace Christianity. God has revealed himself through the prophets and 
through Jesus of Nazareth. Jesus is the only true Incarnation of God. He 
could say: "The Father and I are one" (cf.Jn 10:30). People have different 
reasons to leave Hindu religion.
Hindus are born in Hindu religion and are Hindus by birth. Catholics are not 
born "catholics-christians", they become catholics through the sacrament of 
Baptism.They are initiated by their parents, who are responsible for thir 


[Goanet] All religions cannot be equal

2010-08-19 Thread Ivo

--- On Wed, 8/18/10, Frederick Noronha  wrote:

I disagree with Santosh's attempts to mix both up, or the suggestion that 
one's religious views would be decided by the State's approach to a 
>[parallel] matter.

>... As a secular pluralist, I believe that one's religious views are
his/her own problem, as long as they do not cause harm to humanity.
All I have been saying is that, as the Prime Minister stated, the
secular Indian constitution rightly holds that all religions are

What is funny is that Santosh does not understand that according to the
Constitution of India, alluded to by Mohan Singh, all religions are equal 

the Law; therefore, all have to be equally respected. It does not mean that 

religions are equally good. Even atheism, agnosticism, marxism, which are

"quasi-religions", in the expression of Paul Tillich, are to be respected. 

does not mean that theism and atheism are equally good, because, being

contradictory terms, they would destroy each other, and nothing would have

remained... Both cannot be equally good. This is illogical, irrational, 

Let Santosh not repeat the blunder again and again...



[Goanet] vVideo composed for WORLD GOA DAY

2010-08-19 Thread goanint

Friends of Goans !! 


A few more videos for WORLD GOA DAY 2010 

Words to follow  ..YOUNG PERRY - WORLD GOA DAY
 ... sing along !!  Come celebrate   


Another Video composed especially for WORLD GOA DAY 

rene barreto

Goanworld : http://worldgoan.blogspot.com/



[Goanet] ALEXYZ Daily Cartoon (20Aug10)

2010-08-19 Thread alexyz fernandes

***  Dr Oscar Bachao Abhiyan  ***

"C'mon Oscar DO IT for Goa"


To enjoy the visual cartoon please visit: www.alexyztoons.com
Site sponsored by www.goasudharop.org

[Goanet] Intellectual and culinary communion with mushrooms-An unique first hand expert Goan ethno-Termitomycophilic experience

2010-08-19 Thread JoeGoaUk
[Goanet] Intellectual and culinary communion with mushrooms-An unique first 
hand expert Goan ethno-Termitomycophilic experience
Dr. Nandkumar Kamat, 
I was wondering if these were also edible mushrooms
Found last year and may discover again soon


for Goa & NRI related info... 

For Goan Video Clips 

In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
For Hospital, Police, Fire etc

[Goanet] Goa news for August 20, 2010

2010-08-19 Thread Goanet News Service
Goa News from Google News and Goanet.org
Visit http://www.goanet.org/newslinks.php for the full stories.

*** BSE Sensex seen higher; Idea, Sesa Goa eyed - Reuters India
un Oil India and GAIL India will be on the radar after DNA
newspaper ...

*** Prospective Nifty entry boosts Bajaj Auto, Reddy's, Sesa Goa
- Economic Times
0 from October 1, scrips of these companies ...

*** Cairn cash outflow can derail Sesa's expansion plan - Daily
News & Analysis
ily News & AnalysisBy Shubhashish 

*** Karnad withdraws resignation from Goa panel - Sify

*** Bajaj Auto, Gillette India, Sesa Goa, Idea, Unitech: India
Stocks Preview - Bloomberg

*** Six Goa students evicted from hostel for ragging - Sify
ix-students-suspended-for-ragging-45713">Goa: Six students
suspended for ragging

*** Goa only international airport sans police station: Manickam
- Times of India
ledged police station at Dabolim airport. ...http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&usg=AFQjCNHmnIUb1DrxgFL-pdjeTaOxrsb8IA&url=http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/goa/Goa-only-intl-airport-sans-police-station-Manickam/articleshow/6334311.cms

*** Goa takes to fishing, hook, line and sinker - Sify
eat sport in Goa. It is generating increasing interest among the
local people and those ...http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&usg=AFQjCNGaG-MpXQClwEXKSuKnHamUwimZ3A&url=http://sify.com/news/goa-takes-to-fishing-hook-line-and-sinker-news-national-kitlubjajbd.html

*** Identification jackets for journalists in Goa - Hindustan
ndustan TimesThe Goa government will provide special jackets and
badges to journalists covering riots and other law and order
situations, a senior government official on ...http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&usg=AFQjCNFz6riQ1cvMKDpwY9GrrenYMs2ZFw&url=http://www.hindustantimes.com/Identification-jackets-for-journalists-in-Goa/Article1-589032.aspx

*** S Goa DM left red-faced - Times of India
aning of the road ...http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&usg=AFQjCNENd5CLC04to101NOQasou7aeS2Rw&url=http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/goa/S-Goa-DM-left-red-faced/articleshow/6334450.cms

Compiled by Goanet News Service

Re: [Goanet] A request to all active contributors to Goanet

2010-08-19 Thread Santosh Helekar
This Jim Fernandes is now abusing Dr. Teotonio D'Souza because of another of 
his personal problems, in this case with Dr. D'Souza, and totally unrelated to 
the current thread. Fernandes is also misleading Goanetters about the simple 
fact that I had merely cced a few posts on a Goanet thread to him, and to 
another Goan mailing list. I have already given him permission to cc or post 
whatever posts of mine he is referring to as spam. Upon reading them, all 
objective Goanetters will realize what kind of a joke this fabricated personal 
issue is, and where the problem lies.



--- On Thu, 8/19/10, Jim Fernandes  wrote:
> It's not 'bogus' personal issue. It's
> a fact.
> Any GoaNetter wanting copies of the SPAM I received, can
> write to me privately and I shall be glad to forward the
> crap to whoever who is interested. I should point though,
> that the SPAMMING has stopped after a relentless fight.
> I don't like to bring in third parties in my discussions -
> since Senhor Helekar brought in Teotonio into this thread, I
> have some serious issues with the credibility of Teotonio's
> views and his writings about the Portuguese.
> If Teotonio disliked Portuguese rule in Goa, please go ask
> him why he took Portuguese citizenship. I wouldn't go to
> Teotonio for any sort of advice, considering he didn't
> practice what he preached.
> Jim F
> New York
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Aug 19, 2010, at 8:17 AM, Santosh Helekar 
> wrote:
> > The sad false insinuation appended below from a poster
> called Jim Fernandes is because of the bogus personal issue
> .,
> ...
> > 
> > Cheers,
> > 
> > Santosh
> > 


[Goanet] Lebanon scrap controversial show

2010-08-19 Thread U. G. Barad

Interested members could click the link provided here below: 


Best regards,

U. G. Barad

Re: [Goanet] Can Jose Pereira be anti-Hindu?

2010-08-19 Thread Ivo

--- On Wed, 8/18/10, U. G. Barad  wrote:

Concluding line used by Fr. Ivo confused me more on Catholic religion 
 >after reading contradictory statements which are available at: 

Hope Fr. Ivo trashes out all the 20 points written against
Christianity as religion in the web-link provided herein above.
***These issues are funny. They do not characterize Christianity. U.G.Barad 
enjoys criticising the Christians.

I do not know well his deeper conections. Goanetters may know them well.

[Goanet] All religions cannot be equal

2010-08-19 Thread Ivo

From: "Santosh Helekar" 

Scholars who understand and respect the constitution of India, such as
the prime minister of India  reject the claim that the concept that
"all religions are equal" is wrong in a secular country.
Please see: http://pmindia.nic.in/speech/content.asp?id=524

When we say our Constitution is secular, we mean that it espouses the

separation of religion from politics and governance. Equally, it means
that the Constitution accords equal status to all religious faiths.
The idea of equality is important
...All religions are equal,...

***This is not a value judgment given by Manmohan Singh, it is alien to his
speech. How can Manmohan Singh have a say on this topic? When we take part
in the interfaith dialogue, we share our religious insights, precisely
because our religions are not equal. This is a crass, supine blunder. The
believers of different religions pledge to work for harmony and peace, for
the human integral development.We come together on the concept of "Kingdom
of God" ("Ramarajya" or "Golden Age"). The task of establishing the Kingdom
of God, the New Society is not a monopoly of Christian communities. The
Kingdom is the concern of everyone: individuals, society, and the world.
Christian communities are called to work, in solidarity with others, for the
establishment of a New Society, the Kingdom of God.

<<...just as all human beings are equal. When

we view each other as equals, we try to live in harmony.
**Yes, all human beings are equal (in humanity and human rights), before the 
Law. Yet India
does not recognize it in practice. (Manmohan Singh, Prime Minister of 
India). Manmohan Singh is not giving a value-judgement about world 
religions, but a socio-political-legal statement. Would he accept that 
Sikhism and polythetistic Hinduism are "equal", equally good, equally 
acceptable to him? Would you accept that Hinduism, agnosticism and atheism 
(which is based on faith, not in science) are equallly good? Atheism, 
agnosticism, marxism are called "quasi-religions".

Great thinkers such as Vivekananda and Mahatma Gandhi have also
espoused the equality of all religions.

***You are absolutely wrong.
1. The Constitution of India does not says that "all religions are equal", 
or equally good.
 "WE, THE PEOPLE OF INDIA, having solemnly resolved to constitute India 
its citizens:

 JUSTICE, social, economic and political;

 LIBERTY of thought, expression, belief, faith and worship;

 EQUALITY of status and of opportunity;

 and to promote among them all

 FRATERNITY assuring the dignity of the individual and the unity and 
integrity of the Nation;

 IN OUR CONSTITUENT ASSEMBLY this twenty-sixth day of November, 1949, DO 
says: "Equality before law: The State shall not deny to any person equality 
before the law or the equal protection of the laws within the territory of 
India Prohibition of discrimination on grounds of religion, race, caste, sex 
or place of birth".

 2. Swami Vivekananda and Mahatma Gandi spoke always in the context of 
communal harmony:

 "As different streams, having their sources in different places, all 
mingle their water in

 the sea, so, O Lord, the different paths which men take through different
 tendencies, various though they appear, crooked or straight, all lead to
 In his speech in Chicago, Swami Vivekananda said: "I will quote to you, 
brethren, a few lines from a hymn which I remember to

 have repeated from my earliest boyhood, which is every day repeated by
 millions of human beings: "As the different streams having their sources 
 different paths which men take through different tendencies, various 

 they appear, crooked or straight, all lead to Thee."
 The present convention, which is one of the most august assemblies ever
 held, is in itself a vindication, a declaration to the world of the
 wonderful doctrine preached in the Gita: "Whosoever comes to Me, through
 whatsoever form, I reach him; all men are struggling through paths which 

 the end lead to me."

 "Sectarianism, bigotry, and its horrible descendant,
 fanaticism, have long possessed this beautiful earth. They have filled the
 earth with violence, drenched it often and often with human blood, 

 civilization and sent whole nations to despair. Had it not been for these
 horrible demons, human society would be far more advanced than it is now.
 But their time is come; and I fervently hope that the bell that tolled 

 morning in honor of this convention may be the death-knell of all
 fanaticism, of all persecutions with the sword or with the pen, and of all
 uncharitable feelings between persons wending their way to the same goal".

 3. Gandhi propagated the notion of Sarvadharma Samabhava, the equality of 
all religions. This is an important notion,

[Goanet] Intellectual and culinary communion with mushrooms-An unique first hand expert Goan ethno-Termitomycophilic experience

2010-08-19 Thread Dr.Nandkumar Kamat
Intellectual and culinary communion with mushrooms-An unique first hand
expert  Goan ethno-Termitomycophilic experience

As if SHE had heard my prayers, the Mother Earth suddenly began blessing me
by producing bountiful crops of edible Termitomyces mushrooms at my common
house at Bondir, Santa Cruz, a phenomenon which I had never seen for 40+

See the latest crops (august 2010) which I managed to save for filming and

Crops inside our garden


Crops over larger area


The latest record shows that since September 2008, I have now  three
species-Termitomyces globulus, Termitomyces robustus and Termitomyces
petaloides sp.nov. all from an area of less than 300 sq.mts…..

My garden then became a living mycological laboratory for me, having done
still and videophotography of the fruiting phenomena since 2008 and also
detail biological studies in our mycology laboratory at Goa university…

The videoclips at least those loaded on You Tube are certainly the only
videos so far available on this genus and species from anywhere in the
world!. Filming on the spot without professional gear was difficult.. more
so at night…

Last year we found a novel species –Termitomyces petaloides sp. Nov, Kamat,
Desouza and Priolkar under finalization…we are sending it to either
Mycological research (UK), Fungal diversity (Hong Kong) or Mycotaxon (USA) …

Imagine, a novel mushroom species , new to science from one’s garden…

That was not all.. Mother Earth was challenging me with new questions and

I had spotted nocturnal activity of land snails on these mushrooms. This
year I videofilmed it. This adds a new dimension to our current
understanding of the tropical food chains…watch these three short clips, the
only such films in world/India, so far…we are studying biological and
ecological significance of this trophic behaviour and the results would be
published separately




Besides, after such a bumper crop after taking care to leave behind half the
mushrooms for maintenance of the ecosystem and to permit the termite workers
to reinoculate their fungal combs.. why not have a feast?

See our collection used for consumption as well as scientific studies….


Goa has a rich tradition of Ethomycophagy…

We cook at least 50 recipes from wild edible mushrooms…

So after harvesting the crop from my garden I interviewed my wife  Melinda
on the culinary art of cooking these wonderful species…

How to cook “olamis” –some tips from Melinda…this is just glimpse, there is
more to come on this delicious subject


The intellectual and culinary communion would continue…we expect a few more
crops in September, then probably in December and early January…

Dr. Nandkumar Kamat, GOA

Re: [Goanet] Indian independence Day

2010-08-19 Thread Tony de Sa
Liberation, Annexation, Conquest, whatever one may choose to call it, is a
matter of semantics. The de facto situation today is that the transfer of
power from Portugal to India has taken place and no world court or world
opinion and much less the opinion of a few die hards on Goanet is going to
change the status quo.

So let us live with it and make the best of it. The aim of every Goan should
be to try and make it a better place, for you and for me and for everybody.
Else migrate to Swindon, Mississauga, Macau, Australia, US or anywhere else
which offers you shelter and hospitality, but may I remind you, "Mid
pleasures and palaces though you may roam, there's no place like home. Home
Sweet Home"


Tony de Sa.  tonydesa at gmail dot com   M   : +91 9975 162 897  Ph. : +91
832 2470 148


[Goanet] As India Celebrates-Six Deadly Sins That Plague India+ the seventh sin

2010-08-19 Thread Bernado Colaco
Arre baliga from where ever you are Nehru wanted to show dadagiri in Goa 
therefore he created this invasion thing via another ghanti Menon. If Nehru 
to live today he would rue the fact what the invasion of 61 has caused to Goa. 
Please do not bring Salazar into this debate!


"The seventh sin was the invasion of Goa by bharat. For decades Goa has faced  
moribund governance by the new rulers of neo colonial Goa."  BC
Actually,Nehru in 1961 was atoning for his sin of not integrating Goa into 

sooner in 1947/48 like the "police" action in Hyderabad from the Nizam!He was 
atoning for trying to reason with the Tinpot,Crackpot Dictator and 
Megalomaniac,Salazar(hero to some)  into having a negotiated settlement.
On a recent visit to Portugal,we were surprised that Salazar was forgotten and 
no one wanted to talk about him anymore.Even the Pont de Salazar was renamed to 
Pont 25 de Abril!
Finally Portugal got freedom and democracy only in 1974 and was rid of it's 

[Goanet] Indian independence day

2010-08-19 Thread Bernado Colaco
There was no transfer of power in 1961, in fact Goans were robbed of any power 
they had before 1961. The invasion caused a large scale menace to Goans.


Words like "invasion" and "Liberation" are rather value loaded, in my
view. What is needed, in my view, is a closer and more realistic look
at how the transfer of power in 1961 affected Goa and her people. FN

[Goanet] An offering on 'World Goa Day' from a heart that beats for Goa....A Poem Marinella Proenca

2010-08-19 Thread goanint
Friends !

I share Marinella s offering   -  a heart that beats for Goa !


An offering on 'World Goa Day' 
from a heart that beats for GoaA  Poem.In Genuflection 
by Marinella Proença on Thursday, 
August 19, 2010 at 1:49pm

..In Genuflection
 Marinella Proença

Oh Land Alive!
Your beauty we see:
Of golden sands embracing thee
Full bodied waves
  crash by yourside
Always return; never say "Goodbye".
Your silky rivers
ribbons of life-
In moonglow, they travel by night
Gently plough through land to behold:
Mangrove forests
 precious and old.
Green fields sow a design
 of patchwork quilt
Rows in line:
Soft breeze brushing
   waves of shimmering shine-
Consumes the eye, with relief sublime.
Wooded hills rise
   from warm bosom ofearth
Blessed with bountiful fruit of worth
Rainbows arch across silvery space-
Star-light peeping through mid-night blue lace-
Lusty rain-showers
cleansing all sin:
Cloudburst renewing
detoxifying from within.
End of day all lit up by Light
Fiery sky of pink hues
secrets of twilight
But before that there is Sunset-
Of gorgeous Goan warmth:
Hot disc of molten gold
Sinking gently, far beyond-
Eyes stare across Ocean's waters
Lock in
   as the scene unfolds
Soft whispers hum on salty breeze...
Levitating the Goan Soul.

From the Book- 'Heart Beat'


rene barreto

Goanworld : http://worldgoan.blogspot.com/


2010-08-19 Thread goanint

Goenkars !



Location201 S Rengstorff Ave,
Mountain View, CA 

Californiangoans will join hands with other Goans around the world 
in  celebration of World Goa Day.So come join us and Celebrate all the things 
that  make us Proud To Be Goans.Invite all your friends and let them enjoy 
our culture  and heritage.

Highlights of the event will be:- Soccer, volley Ball, Tug of War, Running 
Races, Three Leggeed race, Lemon and Spoon Race. 
We will also have a Goan Barbeque and plenty of drinks.  





rene barreto

Goanworld : http://worldgoan.blogspot.com/



Re: [Goanet] A request to all active contributors to Goanet

2010-08-19 Thread Santosh Helekar
Sorry for not noticing some questions that Admin Noronha had asked. Here are my 

--- On Thu, 8/19/10, Frederick Noronha  wrote:
> Also, will your study be covering:
> 1. Partly moderated lists (where some of the members are
> moderated)?

There is no technical difference between such a list, and an already included 
list wherein most members are moderated, but the moderators, administrators, 
owner(s) and some members may not be.

> 2. Lists whose public archives are not publicly available?

If I don't have access to them, I cannot use them.

> 3. Non-publicised, by-invite-only CC lists which are run without 
> >server-based software, but which function as un-unsubscribeable "mailing 
> >lists" of sorts?

Yes. I will use lists to which I have access.

> Incidentally, the first real sociological study on Goanet,
> for those who might be interested, is here:
> http://lists.whatwg.org/pipermail/goanet-news-goanet.org/2003-August/000276.html

I remember reading this excellent scholarly article on Goanet. But this is a 
qualitative description of the activities of the Goan cyber-commmunity. What I 
have initiated is a quantitative cyber-Goa-focused study of formation of social 
networks involving such things as word frequencies, sizes of networks, number 
of nodes, number of connections, evolution of networks and of shared terms and 
topics over time, etc. I am attaching privately to Admin Noronha a copy of a 
research paper detailing a related but different version (and a little bit more 
computationally sophisticated version) of what I am talking about.




Re: [Goanet] A request to all active contributors to Goanet

2010-08-19 Thread Santosh Helekar
Hi Admin Noronha,

Thanks for letting me know that Brittos and BSG-Goa, of which I am not a member 
are public access unmoderated special purpose Goan mailing lists without rules. 
I can certainly use them.



--- On Thu, 8/19/10, Frederick Noronha  wrote:

> On 19 August 2010 17:47, Santosh
> Helekar 
> wrote:
> > 4. An unmoderated general purpose list without rules.
> > I do not have access to an unmoderated special
> > purpose list without rules. Otherwise, I would
> > have included that as well.
> How about
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/brittos
> or
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/bsg-goa
> Even if these don't exactly fit what you're looking out
> for, I'm sure
> there would be others too. See
> http://wikiwikiweb.de/MailingListsInIndia
> Also, will your study be covering:
> 1. Partly moderated lists (where some of the members are
> moderated)?
> 2. Lists whose public archives are not publicly available?
> 3. Non-publicised, by-invite-only CC lists which are run
> without
> server-based software, but which function as
> un-unsubscribeable
> "mailing lists" of sorts?
> Incidentally, the first real sociological study on Goanet,
> for those
> who might be interested, is here:
> http://lists.whatwg.org/pipermail/goanet-news-goanet.org/2003-August/000276.html


[Goanet] "All religions cannot be equal"

2010-08-19 Thread icsouza

 Santosh Helekar  wrote: 
> --- On Wed, 8/18/10, Frederick Noronha  wrote:
> >
> >I disagree with Santosh's attempts to mix both up, or the suggestion that 
> >one's religious views would be decided by the State's approach to a 
> >>[parallel] matter.
> >
> This is Admin Noronha's fabricated view of what my attempts have been.
> He has tried to put words in my mouth twice now. So once again, my
> attempts have nothing to do with what he is claiming here. I don't
> know how to be more clear than I have already been in this thread. Let
> me now just say flat out that I have never suggested that "one's
> religious views would be decided by the State's approach to a
> [parallel] matter." I don't even understand what this statement he has
> put in my mouth means.
> As a secular pluralist, I believe that one's religious views are
> his/her own problem, as long as they do not cause harm to humanity.
> All I have been saying is that, as the Prime Minister stated, the
> secular Indian constitution rightly holds that all religions are
> equal. I don't care what Fr. Ivo's parochial Catholic beliefs, Dr.
> Barad's parochial Hindu beliefs or Admin Noronha's parochial
> Atheist/Agnostic beliefs are on this matter.
**What is funny is that Santosh does not understand that according to the 
Constitution of India, alluded to by Mohan Singh, all religions are equal under 
the Law; therefore, all have to be equally respected. It does not mean that all 
religions are equally good. Even atheism, agnosticism, marxism, which are 
"quasi-religions", in the expression of Paul Tillich, are to be respected. It 
does not mean that theism and atheism are equally good, because, being 
contradictory terms, they would destroy each other, and nothing would have 
Let Santosh not repeat the blunder again and again...

Re: [Goanet] A request to all active contributors to Goanet

2010-08-19 Thread Jim Fernandes

It's not 'bogus' personal issue. It's a fact.

Any GoaNetter wanting copies of the SPAM I received, can write to me  
privately and I shall be glad to forward the crap to whoever who is  
interested. I should point though, that the SPAMMING has stopped after  
a relentless fight.

I don't like to bring in third parties in my discussions - since  
Senhor Helekar brought in Teotonio into this thread, I have some  
serious issues with the credibility of Teotonio's views and his  
writings about the Portuguese.

If Teotonio disliked Portuguese rule in Goa, please go ask him why he  
took Portuguese citizenship. I wouldn't go to Teotonio for any sort of  
advice, considering he didn't practice what he preached.

Jim F
New York

Sent from my iPhone

On Aug 19, 2010, at 8:17 AM, Santosh Helekar   

The sad false insinuation appended below from a poster called Jim  
Fernandes is because of the bogus personal issue .,




[Goanet] A request to all active contributors to Goanet

2010-08-19 Thread Frederick Noronha
On 19 August 2010 17:47, Santosh Helekar  wrote:
> 4. An unmoderated general purpose list without rules.

> I do not have access to an unmoderated special
> purpose list without rules. Otherwise, I would
> have included that as well.

How about

Even if these don't exactly fit what you're looking out for, I'm sure
there would be others too. See

Also, will your study be covering:

1. Partly moderated lists (where some of the members are moderated)?

2. Lists whose public archives are not publicly available?

3. Non-publicised, by-invite-only CC lists which are run without
server-based software, but which function as un-unsubscribeable
"mailing lists" of sorts?

Incidentally, the first real sociological study on Goanet, for those
who might be interested, is here:

[Goanet] FW: Goan saint: Your help is urgently needed

2010-08-19 Thread Bernardino De Almeida
It is real shame for the church of Goa, why we can't get Bl. Jose Vaz a saint. 
A great missionary for Srilanka. I Can't understand why the church is so blind 
to this open fact. My question is Does the colour of our skin matters for the 
saint hood? Bl. Jose Vaz became all things to all man.
Fr. Bernardino

From: cyril.deso...@gmail.com
Date: Tue, 17 Aug 2010 23:06:47 -0700
Subject: Goan saint: Your help is urgently needed
To: cyriljohn.deso...@gmail.com

Hi, Please go through this petition. 

Sign it if you feel the cause worthwhile.Pass it on to others you think will 
agree with this petition.


From: George Pinto 

Mon, Aug 16, 2010 at 9:49 AM
Subject: [Goanet] Goan saint: Your help is 
urgently needed
To: Goanet 

Please sign the 
petition below to the Pope and help get a Goan canonized (saint). Please 
to your family and friends.

The 300th anniversary of the death of Blessed 
Joseph Vaz (born Goa, India) is fast approaching on January 16, 2011. Our 
Naik Vaz Institute has worked to publicize his life and Cause since 1980, when 
we incorporated in California as a 501(c)(3) in the State  of California. 
 We ask for your support of our new Petition to the Pope, His Holiness 
Benedict XVI, asking that Blessed Joseph Vaz be canonized for the 300th 
anniversary of his death.

In the year 2000, we organized a Petition to 
Pope John Paul II to have Blessed Joseph Vaz canonized as a Martyr without the 
final miracle during the Grand Jubilee of Christianity like hundreds of other 
Martyrs from Spain and China. Blessed Joseph Vaz merits the designation of 
Martyr for having lived and died under persecution.Cardinal Simon Pimenta of 
Mumbai personally  took our Petition to the Pope. Archbishop Henry D'Souza 
flew to Rome and met with the Prefect of the Sacred Congregation for the Causes 
of the Saints to support this Petition.

Canonizations are in part a 
result of an outpouring of support from ordinary people. The Pope can grant the 
exception to the miracle for the case of a Martyr if enough people show that we 
care. Your signature to this Petition will help to send the people's support to 
the Pope for Blessed Vaz' long delayed and just canonization. Together we can 
make this canonization happen.

Please sign the online petition which will 
be sent to Pope Benedict XVI: "Make Blessed Joseph Vaz a Saint" hosted on the 
web by PetitionOnline.com, the free online petition service, at:


300 years is a 
long wait for a Catholic Saint and Blessed Vaz could be on the verge of being 
canonized with your support. Please sign the petition and forward to your 
and friends to sign. All welcome to sign (i.e. you do not have to be 



Saraswati Giese and George Pinto
Joseph Naik Vaz Institute


Re: [Goanet] A request to all active contributors to Goanet

2010-08-19 Thread Santosh Helekar
The sad false insinuation appended below from a poster called Jim Fernandes is 
because of the bogus personal issue that this poster has created against me out 
of whole cloth. It is also because he has no clue what this research is about, 
and is completely ignorant about how such research is conducted. He is 
deceiving Goanetters about my intentions, and about the simple fact that one 
does not need to have them cc their posts to me in order to create a mailing 
list, if that was my intention. 

The reason I have requested Goanetters to cc their Goanet posts to me is 
explained in the following response to Teotoniobab on Goa Research Net:

Hi Teotoniobab,

Thanks for your interest in the study. I can access all the final
posts in this forum on the web. But there is a technical reason for my
asking prospective participants to cc me their posts, in addition.
Without revealing it in any great detail because such disclosure has
the potential to affect the outcome of the study, I can say that I am
attempting to compare apples with apples here, and to avoid comparing
apples with oranges, given the fact that my focus is social
communication networks formed in 4 different kinds of public mailing
lists around common topics, interests and preferences. The 4 kinds of
lists are:

1. A moderated general purpose list with rules.

2. A moderated special purpose list with rules.

3. An unmoderated general purpose list with rules.

4. An unmoderated general purpose list without rules.

I do not have access to an unmoderated special purpose list without
rules. Otherwise, I would have included that as well.



Please see - http://groups.yahoo.com/group/goa-research-net/message/6408



--- On Wed, 8/18/10, Jim Fernandes  wrote:
> Jeevan R,
> The sad thing is that the original requester on this
> thread, is using GoaNet to legalize his method of building
> another of his SPAM lists. I have been there - so I know
> it.
> If one wants to conduct research on GoaNet postings, the
> researcher can simply go data-mining on GoaNet archives. Why
> have all this elaborate ploy? Now do you see where I am
> coming from?   :)
> --
> -
> Seb dc,
> Contrary to popular belief, I view 'crab mentality'
> phenomenon as simply a natural survival process. 
> Crabs are simply trying to escape from the bucket by using
> whatever method they see fit. It has nothing to do with
> bringing down a stronger crab by a weaker crab in a bucket,
> where all crabs in the bucket face certain death.
> Given my above views on survival instincts, I don't
> understand what crab mentality you are talking about in this
> situation  The desired information is already out there
> in GoaNet archives.
> Jim F
> New York.

Re: [Goanet] Goan saint update: You can help a Goan achieve justice

2010-08-19 Thread Inacio DSilva
Hi Agilio,
Don't know about heaven or hell or about any Saint's club in heaven. What I do 
know is that, if Blessed Joseph Vaz is ordained a saint, it's acknowledgment 
that a fellow Goan has been recognized for the good he's done. For the hope or 
inspiration he's provided to many. 
In other words, he is a Goan hero, a symbol, that Goans can look up to with 
pride. The Goan youth today need such heroes. With all the news of rampant 
corruption & how immoral people have become, such symbols are needed to give 
hope & inspiration.

With regards to the work he has done, I don't know enough. As a young boy 
playing football, I was not fortunate to watch Pele play the sport. Me & my 
friends knew that he was the best in the sport, all by word of mouth. For us he 
was a legend. We believed & wanted to be as good as him, if not better. Players 
like him & Maradona gave us dreams of working hard to be the best. Generations 
down the line will also never see Pele or Maradona play. True, there are 
videos, but the quality of videos during their time do not do justice to their 
skills. Still, their legend will live on.

So let those in heaven or hell worry about themselves. Let us glorify our 
heroes, not for those in heaven or hell, but for those Goans, that come long 
after the bones of you & I have turned to dust, and when they learn about the 
history of our beloved motherland, they can be proud that indeed, there were 
extraordinary Goans who excelled & triumphed & did Goa proud. If knowledge of 
such heroes inspires even one Goan to be a better human being or excel in their 
work, then I think they've played their part.

Would it not be nice if Goan parents tell their children tales of our heroes 
with pride rather than have them crib about corrupt Goans and tell them that 
there is no hope for Goa?

Best Regards,

On 18/08/2010 14:24:53 +0100, "Agilio Pereira - Abacus Systems UK Ltd" 

Hey George,

What happens if does become a Saint and joins all the other Saints. Do they 
have a club or something that gives them better opportunities whether in Heaven 
or in Hell? Do you know where he is? Heaven or in Hell or are you and all the 
Catholics just guessing. Has he done enough to please God. What do you yourself 
know about him.


On 18/08/2010 05:13, "George Pinto"  wrote:

Stunning. In less than two days, nearly 300 hundred signatures! We had hoped to 
have a reasonable number of petition signors to present to the Vatican 
Ambassador (Papal Nuncio) in Washington, D.C. to send to the Pope. You are 
making it happen and as a signor to the petition, you will always be a part of 
history in the Vatican's records for this just cause.

Don't miss this opportunity to help a Goan saint achieve his rightful honour 
after 300 long years. If Blessed Vaz is canonized a saint it will be due to 
people like you who helped his cause.

You have made it the People's Petition. Please do not stop. Please forward to 
your friends and family and request them to sign the petition below. You do not 
have to be Catholic or Goan to sign. Thanks to all who have signed so far.

Please sign your First AND Last name to the petition.


The 300th anniversary of the death of Blessed Joseph Vaz (born Goa, India) is 
fast approaching on January 16, 2011. Our Joseph Naik Vaz Institute has worked 
to publicize his life and Cause since 1980, when we incorporated in California 
as a 501(c)(3) in the State of California. We ask for your support of our new 
Petition to the Pope, His Holiness Benedict XVI, asking that Blessed Joseph Vaz 
be canonized for the 300th anniversary of his death.

Canonizations are in part a result of an outpouring of support from ordinary 
people. The Pope can grant the exception to the miracle for the case of a 
Martyr if enough people show that we care. Your signature to this Petition will 
help to send the people's support to the Pope for Blessed Vaz' long delayed and 
just canonization. Together we can make this canonization happen.

Please sign your First AND Last name to the petition.


300 years is a long wait for a Catholic Saint and Blessed Vaz could be on the 
verge of being canonized with your support. Please sign the petition and 
forward to your family and friends to sign. All welcome to sign (i.e. you do 
not have to be Catholic).

Please sign your First AND Last name to the petition.



Filomena Saraswati Giese and George Pinto
Joseph Naik Vaz Institute

[Goanet] 50 escape unhurt, bus skids off road

2010-08-19 Thread samir umarye
Samir Umarye

About 50 passengers had a lucky escape when a bus skidded off the road
near the Amona bridge on Wednesday morning.
According to reports, the mishap took place at about 9.30 am, when the
bus (GA-03-X-0051) was proceeding from Sanquelim to Panjim via Amona.
As the bus reached the other side of the bridge, the driver lost
control and the vehicle skidded off the road.
About 50 passengers in the bus, however, escaped unharmed.
The approach road on both sides of the bridge has sunk due to heavy
traffic, posing a threat to motorists.
Moreover, locals have also expressed unhappiness over the sand
extraction work under the bridge and fear that this activity could
damage the bridge.


2010-08-19 Thread samir umarye
Samir Umarye

About 47 shops were flooded in the market area at Sanquelim due to
heavy rains on Tuesday night, causing an initial estimated loss of Rs
8 lakhs.
Bicholim witnessed a heavy downpour on Tuesday night and the rains
continued till the wee hours of Wednesday, flooding the Sanquelim
To make matters worse, authorities were compelled to open all four
gates at the Anjunem dam, as the water had touched the danger levels.
Sensing danger, a number of people tried to retrieve their belongings
from the shops. While some managed to salvage some of their
possessions, others could not do so.
Most shops in Sanquelim market were flooded by early Wednesday
morning, as rainwater destroyed clothes, groceries and other goods in
the shops.
The Sanquelim market area was most affected by floods, specially since
the market has structures on all sides, making it difficult for water
to flow elsewhere.
Later in the morning, authorities used pumps to remove rainwater from
the market area.
Angry shopkeepers accused the government of failing to address the
problem on time.
“Despite investing huge money on a retaining wall and a pump house in
the market, the floods continue to destroy our goods. These measures
are useless and it is just an eye wash,” complained an affected
shopkeeper, Sandeep Kanekar.
Incidentally, officials from the Irrigation Department were not alert
enough to start the lift irrigation pumps as the rainwater began to
rise in the Sanquelim market area.
The pumps were started under the supervision of engineers, but only
after rainwater entered the shops.
Rainwater also entered in houses at low-lying areas in  Vithalapur,
Maulingtad and surrounding areas.
According to Chief Engineer (Water Resource) Sandeep Nadkarni, the
flood was caused not just because of rains in the State, but also due
to heavy rains in the Ghats.
“The floods were caused as there were heavy rains in the Ghat region,”
explained Nadkarni. “The retaining wall along the Walwanti river is
not completed, but will be taken up shortly. With the retaining wall,
the problem will be solved.”
Bicholim Mamlatdar Pramod Bhat, Mayem MLA Anant Shet and other
government officials visited the site and took stock of the situation.
Speaker Pratapsing Rane on Wednesday visited Sanquelim market area to
take stock of the situation. He was accompanied by Engineer Nadkarni,
Sanguem Municipal Council Chairperson Anand Naik, SMC Chief Officer
Bhanudas Naik and other councilors.
Former Sanquelim sarpanch Praveen Blaggen claimed that flood
precautionary measures undertaken by the government at a cost of Rs 22
crore in Sanquelim were washed away in the floods.
Meanwhile, low-lying areas in Bicholim, including Bandarwada,
Gaonkarwada, Bordem main road and near Shantadurga High School were
also submerged due to heavy rains on Tuesday night.
Rainwater also entered the fields at Mulgao, Shirgao, Latambarcem,
Nanora and Kudchirem area, causing losses to the farmers.
Elsewhere, a huge tree fell on a road at Chodan where heavy rains
snapped off electricity wires disrupting power in the area.
In the evening, the toilet of the police outpost at Dodamarg was
damaged when a tree came crashing down on it. The Bicholim fire force
officials went to the site and cleared the debris.

[Goanet] Mopa villagers served notices to curb freedom of expression on Independence day

2010-08-19 Thread sebastian Rodrigues


Please see the original text of these highly incriminating police notices at 
the links below:



[Goanet] Booklet calls CM’s bluff on tax collec tion (Daily Herald)

2010-08-19 Thread rajendra kakodkar
 Booklet calls CM’s bluff on tax collection (Daily Herald)
Chief Minister Digambar Kamat may have painted a rosy picture on  collection of 
taxes by the government, during the last financial year, in the recently 
concluded assembly session, but the government’s own figures speak otherwise.
Kamat had stated in the assembly that the collection of taxes by the Commercial 
Taxes Department was best in comparison to the recent years.
In reality, the collection of several taxes has been much less than the revenue 
collected in 2008-09.
Figures in the recently released booklet called “Goa – Economy in Figures – 
2010”, compiled by the Directorate of Planning Statistics & Evaluation, show 
the State has drastically fallen behind in collection of revenue.
The booklet gives statistical indicators as at the time of statehood in 1987 
and those for the years 2008-09 and 2009-10.
According to figures provided in the booklet the state has fallen short by Rs 
101.82 in collection of the customs revenue. In comparison to the collection of 
Rs 776.32 crore in 2008-09, the State has managed to collect only 674.50 in 
Even the Central Excise revenue has gone down by a huge margin of Rs 202.47 
crores. In 2008-09, the State had collected Central Excise of Rs 386.88 crore 
while in 2009-10 it managed to collect only Rs 184.41 crore.
The collection of sales tax / value added tax (VAT) has also fallen short by Rs 
2.64 crore. In 2008-09, the revenue collected was Rs 1131.65 cr compared to 
1129.01 crore in 2009-10.
As an impact of reduction in sales tax collection, the state share of sales 
tax/ VAT has also fallen short by Rs 18.48 crore. In 2009-10, the local ST/VAT 
collected is Rs 1051.78 crore which was 1072.9 crore a year before.
Besides this, the State has also failed to collect Rs 200 crore as green cess 
on mining transport, which was announced in the State Budget in 2008

[Goanet] Fw: World Goa Day 10 NOT OUT - KARACHI , PAKISTAN

2010-08-19 Thread renebarreto



- Forwarded Message 

 deborah santamaria 

World Goa Day 10 NOT OUT

Dear Family and Friends.
>From the attached link  you can view our World Goa Day 10th Anniversary 

You may see quite a few fimaliar faces. 



[Goanet] Scholarships

2010-08-19 Thread Venantius J Pinto

The UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education is an international institute
for water education that was established in 2003.
Successful students will receive 3 MSc degrees from UNESCO-IHE, TU Dresden
and UPC Barcelona. A number of attractive fellowships will be available,
which will cover tuition fees and living expenses.

More scholarships at:


[Goanet] Students’ Council Installed at St. Xavier’s

2010-08-19 Thread ST. XAVIER'S COLLEGE OF ARTS, SCIENCE & COMMERCE -MAPUSA - GOA - INDIA - 403507 (0832-2262356-www.xavierscollege-goa.com)

Students’ Council Installed at St. Xavier’s

On 13th August, 2010, the Students’ Council of St. Xavier’s College was 
installed at a simple ceremony presided over by the Principal, Dr. (Fr.) 
Walter de Sá in the presence of Vice-Principals, Prof. Ursula Barreto, 
Prof. Herwin Furtado, the Cultural Coordinator, Prof. Katelyn Gonsalves 
and Prof. Aaron Fernandes.

Mr. Salil Rao (TYBBA) was elected as the General Secretary, Ms. Megha 
Rai as Joint Secretary and Ms. Aliuska Lawrence as Cultural Secretary. 
The Office bearers and all the C.Rs pledged to work as a team towards 
further development of the College, and undertook the responsibility to 
help students to abide by discipline, to adopt clean classroom contest, 
Earth Hour by switching off electric power for 15 minutes every day, and 
to provide thought for the week, besides organizing other cultural and 
academic programmes.

The principal extended full support to the Council and reminded them of 
their duties and responsibilities as students who were being trained to 
become enlightened and responsive citizens.

The entire proceedings were ably coordinated by both the Vice-Principals 
with the assistance of the teaching and non-teaching staff.

[Goanet] KONKANI ROCKS at Campal with LORNA (Also - Sonia Shirshat, Tomazin Cardoz, Sidhanat Buyao, Webly Goes etc

2010-08-19 Thread JoeGoaUk
KONKANI  ROCKS at Campal with Lorna (Also - Sonia Shirshat, Tomazin Cardoz, 
Sidhanat Buyao, Webly Goes etc
World Goa Day
It’s on 20th Aug. 2010 6pm onwards
Gonsalves Mansion
Opp. Kala Academy
Lorna with her brass band

Supported by 
Goa Tourism, Go Goa, Tiatr Academy, Kingfisher, Aparant,
GHRSSIDC, Creative designer lounge, Airsonic, JoeGoaUk etc
Tomazinho Cardozo & Sonia Shirsat
Special Appearance: Singer/Composers
Sidarth Buyao & Webly Gomes 
Tickets: 499, 199 & 99


for Goa & NRI related info... 

For Goan Video Clips 

In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
For Hospital, Police, Fire etc


2010-08-19 Thread JoeGoaUk

I do agree,
it's  a 'death trap' 
Traffic often get jammed on this only link/road.
Some pics of the road/Causeway
Today’s GT also has the Letter with  this pic

GT must have taken it from here 



21 year old Nimesh Kholkar is the latest casualty of the treacherous
Ribandar – Panaji road. The stretch of road from the Goa Institute of
Management right to Panaji is in a pathetic state. The potholes are
countless. The repairs over the years have been sub-standard. PWD Minister
Churchill Alemao recently visited Ribandar and saw for himself the awful
state of the road.
The reckless speeding and overtaking by buses on this road especially on the
Ribandar – Panaji causeway is a matter of great concern. While buses race,
precious lives are being lost. Overtaking is officially prohibited on this
stretch of the road, yet the transport and traffic authorities continue to
turn a blind eye. How many more lives will have to be lost before the
authorities awaken? Will they finally act only after one of their family
members fall under the wheel?
Aires Rod


for Goa & NRI related info... 

For Goan Video Clips 

In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
For Hospital, Police, Fire etc

Re: [Goanet] Indian independence Day

2010-08-19 Thread Frederick Noronha
Anesimo, Do you really believe what you wrote about Nehru and the
Nobel? Btw, why didn't Gandhi get a Nobel? Was it because Richard
Samuel Attenborough, Baron Attenborough, CBE, was yet to make his film
on the subject?

While contemporary India does have a lot of problems, I'm not sure
that a sneering, looking-down-upon attitude helps in any way.

Words like "invasion" and "Liberation" are rather value loaded, in my
view. What is needed, in my view, is a closer and more realistic look
at how the transfer of power in 1961 affected Goa and her people. FN

Frederick Noronha

On 17 August 2010 19:07,  wrote:
> Dear Goanetters
> Gandhi would have committed suicide if he was alive today. He had a vision 
> for Independent India, Not that of mass CORRUPTION, POVERTY, CASTEISM, BAD 
> GOVERNANCE and INDiSCIPLINE. He would have handed over the country to BRITISH 
> for administration.
> NEHRU could not get the NOBLE PRIZE because of INVASION OF GOA! It was a 
> curse on him and others who planned it as all of them died soon after.
> 50th anniversary of INVASION of GOA this year.A day of mourning or 
> celebrations!

[Goanet] SMILE..................... IT'S WEEKEND (19/08/2010)

2010-08-19 Thread CAJETAN DE
An elderly patient (Simao) needed a heart transplant and discussed his options 
with his doctor (Dr. Pereira).

Dr. Pereira: Mr. Simao, we have three possible donors, tell me which one you 
want to use: 
One is a young, healthy athlete who died in an automobile accident. 
The second is a middle-aged businessman who never drank or smoked and who died 
in his private plane. 
The third is a Lawyer who just died after practicing law for 30 years.”

Simao: Well, I’ll take the Lawyer’s heart, 

After a successful transplant, the doctor (Dr. Pereira) asked the patient 
Dr. Pereira: Why you have chosen the donor only the Lawyer and not others?

Simao: It was easy, I wanted a pitiless heart, which has never bothered a 
person's look but only his money, and the selfish heart that hadn't been used 
for the betterment of others at all.
Cajetan de Sanvordem

Re: [Goanet] Can Jose Pereira be anti-Hindu?

2010-08-19 Thread Santosh Helekar
--- On Wed, 8/18/10, Frederick Noronha  wrote:
>I disagree with Santosh's attempts to mix both up, or the suggestion that
> one's religious views would be decided by the State's approach to
> a [parallel] matter. 

This is Admin Noronha's fabricated view of what my attempts have been. He has 
tried to put words in my mouth twice now. So once again, my attempts have 
nothing to do with what he is claiming here. I don't know how to be more clear 
than I have already been in this thread. Let me now just say flat out that I 
have never suggested that "one's religious views would be decided by the 
State's approach to a [parallel] matter." I don't even understand what this 
statement he has put in my mouth means.

As a secular pluralist, I believe that one's religious views are his/her own 
problem, as long as they do not cause harm to humanity. All I have been saying 
is that, as the Prime Minister stated, the secular Indian constitution rightly 
holds that all religions are equal. I don't care what Fr. Ivo's parochial 
Catholic beliefs, Dr. Barad's parochial Hindu beliefs or Admin Noronha's 
parochial Atheist/Agnostic beliefs are on this matter.




Re: [Goanet] Some anti-plagiarism software

2010-08-19 Thread Santosh Helekar
This post of mine is a balanced and fair response to a flame bait and 
gratuitous personal attack already published on Goanet, the link to which is 
provided below:



"Seeing" your "spam mail", and what you have written about the science of 
cancer in it "on this" spam "list" made my jaw drop"."  You do not understand 
what you READ "or" write:)) You stand on the shoulders of experts "like" me 
without digesting, and make yourself famous. It is like those Goan professors 
who copy western "people" and novelists because of their white skin, "and" 
Ph.D. students who do not tell us that there were only a few temples in Goa, 
and they "were" all on the hills. When the Portuguese boats fired canons some 
canon balls accidentally destroyed "the" temples. And the inquisition ""was 
because only a few criminals had to be punished. It is like not knowing the 
fact that our grandmother knew "about" cancer cure, and "that she was an 
accurate scientist. We called it "petoita murre" when permission was not asked 
"to" self-plagiarize.

This tells a "supurlo" goencar like moi why all Goanetters think that your 
posts "are" crackpot posts, and that you are not an animal-trainer in the three 
ring circus that is "Goanet":)):)):))  Thanks "for" admitting that you could 
either "be" an animal-trainer or a clown.

Can "you" tell us the name "of" the person who registered your spam post on the 
internet, and "its" registration number? This "is" like breaking a Goanet rule, 
or not knowing that all you need to do for pneumonia "is" drink chicken soup"." 
Moderators and Goanetters"," please excuse my to-the-point explanations. 
Gilbert, ALL Goanetters know that I AM a ring master "in" THIS circus, and you 
are not "an" animal-trainer.

As you said to another Goan "in" answering THE questions I had asked you in my 
last post, "If in the process, I publicly question your upbringing and the 
integrity of your parents and your family, that will not be my fault". This is 
like finding a loophole in "the" legal definition of cancer cure because you 
"are" a cancer therapist, and continuing "to" use that hole instead of curing 
cancer:)):-))(())(() It is also the same as when you said on another 
registered "or" unregistered spam mail "that" you sent to your friend and 
bodyguard that you "will publicly respond to (his) abuse and may even escalate 
it with statements that will make a sailor blush."

In Part 2 of this post I "will" explain what happens when things get hard at 
night in the middle of a worldwide recession"," and there is no supporter"."



--- On Thu, 8/12/10, Gilbert Lawrence  wrote:
> Santosh, thanks for asking me the questions. And then
> answering them for me
> yourself.
> To quote YOU! Here is what YOU recently wrote to another
> Goan:  "Of course, as
> you know I treat Goanet as a three ring circus anyway. More
> crackpot posts on it
> the merrier."
> So, you concede that your posts are crackpot.  With the
> above
> comment, you answer many of questions you put to me.
> This, after telling us how
> learned you are and how highly skilled your writings.
> Santosh, thanks for the honesty about yourself and your
> posts. If you think
> goanet is a three-ring circus, do you consider yourself an
> animal-trainer or a
> clown?  You are certainly not a passive observer watching
> from the stands.
> Very nice way for a very intelligent guy to spend in a
> three ring circus,
> up-teen hours a week, week-after-week over the last
> several decades. Goa's
> scientist is  slandering himself ... and the rest of us.
> Now before you get bent our of shape. Yes I intially used
> the phrase "crackpot
> post". Based on past performance, your friend (provides
> protection when things
> get hard) may even accuse you of plagiarism (for re-using
> my word). Yes I know
> that is daft; but that is his logic. That is why I
> directed that term of
> "crackpot post" specifically to him - your friend (provides
> protection when
> things get hard).
> Regards, GL


Re: [Goanet] A request to all active contributors to Goanet

2010-08-19 Thread Jim Fernandes
Jeevan R,

The sad thing is that the original requester on this thread, is using GoaNet to 
legalize his method of building another of his SPAM lists. I have been there - 
so I know it.

If one wants to conduct research on GoaNet postings, the researcher can simply 
go data-mining on GoaNet archives. Why have all this elaborate ploy? Now do you 
see where I am coming from?   :)

-- -

Seb dc,

Contrary to popular belief, I view 'crab mentality' phenomenon as simply a 
natural survival process. 

Crabs are simply trying to escape from the bucket by using whatever method they 
see fit. It has nothing to do with bringing down a stronger crab by a weaker 
crab in a bucket, where all crabs in the bucket face certain death.

Given my above views on survival instincts, I don't understand what crab 
mentality you are talking about in this situation  The desired information 
is already out there in GoaNet archives.

Jim F
New York.

--- On Mon, 8/16/10, Seb dc  wrote:

> From: Seb dc 
> Subject: Re: [Goanet] A request to all active contributors to Goanet
> To: goanet@lists.goanet.org
> Date: Monday, August 16, 2010, 1:27 AM
> Good one Jeevan!! Its crab mentality
> at work here...
> I say go ahead Santosh, even President Pandurang will be
> proud of you:-)
> hAVE a nICE dAY
> Seb
> **
> From: Jeevan R 
> Why is it 'SAD' to extend ones skills from one discipline
> to another?
> On Sun, Aug 15, 2010 at 6:28 AM, Jim Fernandes 
> wrote:
> > Well said Bosco.
> >
> > This guy is now expanding his skills from neurotix to
> socialogical
> research. How sad !!!
> >
> > Jim F
> > New York.
> >
> > --- On Sun, 8/15/10, Bosco D 
> wrote:
> >

Re: [Goanet] Goanet Digest, Vol 5, Issue 874(UNITED WE STAND)

2010-08-19 Thread John Gomes

We are fortunate to have with us the old tradition of cancani Theatros, and 
with someone like Tomazinho Cardozo and a whole family of talented 
actors,singers,script writers and directors,I have no doubt that our English 
plays by Kala Mogi will eventually surpass the Mumbai plays we had to rely 
on.That too with innovative sets,original scripts with powerful , hard hitting 
socially  relevant messages, with finesse and humour thrown in!
This was evident in the latest offering United We Stand played out to a packed 
house at the Kala Academy.Tomazinho has all the right experiences and ideas and 
organisational skills as seen in the Free invitation play starting right on 
time (No matter people still rolling in),personally supervising everything from 
control of invitees/crowd, beautiful brochures giving all relevant 
information,to passing the hat at the interval to cover costs! Love of 
Theatre,Jazz,the Arts will not bow to crass commercialisation and other factors 
trying to smother it. That is the salvation of humanity.

[Goanet] Climbing course

2010-08-19 Thread Communicare Trust

Dear students,
These classes are being conducted by a good friend of mine.
If you have children, they might like to try it out.
Have a great day.
Nalini Elvino de Sousa

Learn to Climb and Boulder these Holidays and have great fun

Indoor Wall Climbing is an excellent adventure sport. Six sessions of 
climbing will teach you the basics and introduce you to this very 
challenging sport. You will learn to climb a vertical wall as well as an 
overhang. You will learn to ‘Spot’ and also a few fun games to play on 
the wall!

Schedule of Courses:
Course 1 (Ganesh Holiday)
Batch 1: 6th Sept to 11th Sept, 11:30am to 12:30pm
Batch 2: 13th Sept to 18th Sept, 11:30am to 12:30pm
Cost of Course: Rs. 1,700/- for 6 sessions
Last date for registration: 23rd August 2010

Course 2
8 session program for adults and kids (minimum age 7 yrs)
5th Oct to 25th Nov, Tuesdays or Thursdays
Timing: 5:00 pm to 6:00 pm
Cost of Course: Rs. 2,000/- for 8 sessions
Last date for registration: 15th September 2010

Course 3
Weekend climbing program for individuals and families
Saturday 1:30 pm to 4:30 pm
Sunday 10:00 am to 1:00 pm
Please call in advance to book your time slot.
Rs.350/- per hour for a one-time session and a Quarterly option of 
Rs.2000/- per quarter +

Rs.150/- per hour.

Number of climbers per batch: Min. 4 and Max. 5

Location: Zoswaddo, Socorro, Bardez, Goa.

Call or e-mail for more details:
Kim Sabir; 9422438186 and 8975841178
E-mail: kimsa...@gmail.com
Olivia Colaço; 9823128184

Complete the following form
I wish to register myself / child / ward 

 Course 1:  Batch 1    Batch 2   for the 6 session climbing course.

 Course 2:  Tuesday    Thursday  for the 8 session climbing course.

Parent / 
Guardian_ Address___

Fees received:  Cash  Cheque (Cheques to be made out in favour of 
Hakim Sabir)

[Goanet] GOA SUDHAROP: Celebrating Goa's biodiversity - Part 11

2010-08-19 Thread George Pinto
In this multi-part series Miguel Brazanga, who resides in Goa and is involved 
in a number of volunteer activities with various groups and organizations, 
shares some of his knowledge of Goa's little known biodiversity. The following 
is posted with his permission in connection with GOA SUDHAROP's "YEAR OF THE 

Agricultural biodiversity
Agricultural biodiversity encompasses the variety and variability of animals, 
plants and micro-organisms which are necessary to sustain key functions of the 
agro-ecosystem, its structure and processes for, and in support of, food 
production and food security. (FAO, 1999)

These locally diverse food production systems are under threat and, with them, 
the accompanying local knowledge, culture and skills of the food producers. 
With this decline, agricultural biodiversity is disappearing and the scale of 
loss is extensive and with the disappearance of harvested species, varieties 
and breeds goes a wide range of unharvested species.

•  More than 90 per cent of crop varieties have disappeared from farmers' 
fields due to mechanization promoting monoculture and large scale production of 
rice, wheat, corn and potato to the exclusion of other food crops during the 
“Green Revolution” of the 1960s and 1970s;

•  Half of the breeds of many domestic animals have been lost or destroyed to 
promote high milk yielding breeds as done in “Operation Flood” of the “White 
Revolution” of the 1970s and 1980s.

•  In fisheries, all the world's 17 main fishing grounds are now being fished 
at or above their sustainable limits, with many fish populations effectively 
becoming extinct during the “Blue Revolution”.
The genetic erosion of agricultural biodiversity is also exacerbated by the 
loss of forest cover, coastal wetlands and other 'wild' uncultivated areas, and 
the destruction of the aquatic environment. This leads to losses of 'wild' 
relatives, important for the development of biodiversity, and losses of 'wild' 
foods essential for food provision, particularly in times of crisis. 
Fortunately for the human race, the world is turning back to its good old ways 
through a growing Organic Agriculture movements world wide [See www.ifoam.org; 
www.ofai.org; www.pgsorganic.in], re-introducing mixed cropping and multiple 
cropping and actively promoting agricultural biodiversity in all its meanings.

To be continued .

[Goanet] MTNL was duped by own staffers - Mumbai - INDIA

2010-08-19 Thread Ruby
Tell us about this Telcom.


[Goanet] Daily Grook #788

2010-08-19 Thread Francis Rodrigues

by Francis Rodrigues

tho a high-keyed
veggie pretender,
elvis really did
love meat tender!

*GREAT ALL-OCCASION GIFT* http://www.KonkaniSongBook.com

sheet-music,tab,lyrics,chords of great Konkani pop hits
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[Goanet] South Goa Collector left Red-Faced trying to help mining lobby

2010-08-19 Thread rajendra kakodkar

Read the news in today's Times of India given below, which shows there is no 
co-ordination between govt departments. The letter to keep the matter in 
abeyance was sent by revenue secretary on 9/8/2010. The principal recipient of 
letter was the Collector himself. How did he not receive it for 9 days in 
Margao whereas the recipient of copy, the Dy. collector, Quepem promptly 
received it on 11/8/2010? 
The road from Tilamol to Cotarli is proposed to facilitate mining traffic. The 
PWD under pressure from miners had sought police protection for survey. The 
collector who is also under influence of miners tried to help them out by 
providing police. He has always been saying in the last two years that he has 
no police available to control mining traffic and to challan overloading and 
speeding by truck drivers from Orissa and Zharkhand.
The lcollector sent the letter on 17/8/2010 and delivered to locals on same day 
late evening through police asking them to be present themselves on 18/8/2010 
at 11am at his Margao office. Why this haste? Does it not imply excessive 
interest on part of collector and point to pressure/influence from interested 
people, the 12 miners as stated by Collector himself in his order of 10/4/2010? 
Can any hearing be held without giving sufficient notice? The miners probably 
expected that the locals would find it difficult to attend at such a short 
notice and hoped to get ex-parte order for police protection.
Incidently, the land acquisition for this road for mining is taken up merely on 
the basis of a letter from MLA, who has no executive powers. Locals have 
questioned why PWD did not carry out any studies to arrive whether the road is 
needed for public urpose. The secretary, Revenue upheld this as PWD did not 
complete the procedures they are supposed to complete and hence kept the land 
acquisition under abeyance. Incidently, the task of planning mining roads was 
taken away from the PWD and was given to a steering committee formed by mines 
department vide order of 3/6/2010. PWD taking decisions without taking the said 
committe into confidence is also another case of lack of cordination. 
Incidently it has also come to notice that the Goa-PWD has no procedures for 
planning a road. Whereas Central-PWD has a clearcut procedure manual to follow. 
Why is there no procedure? No body in PWD seems aware. A RTI application is 
being made seeking written or approved or implied procedure.  
TOI news:
MARGAO: In a classic instance that effectively dramatized the lack of 
coordination between government agencies, the PWD requisitioned the collector 
for providing police protection for its personnel for demarcating the alignment 
for the four-laning of Tilamol-Curchorem road when the government has already 
kept the project in abeyance. 

This came to light during a meeting chaired by south Goa collector G P Naik on 
Wednesday of affected Curchorem residents opposing the four-laning of the road. 

It may be recalled that Curchorem residents had recently chased away PWD 
officials demarcating the area for widening the road. 

Naik, also the district magistrate, had convened the meeting hoping to persuade 
the agitators not to obstruct the PWD officials in their task. This puzzled the 
Curchorem residents who were informed by government officials that the 
four-laning had already been kept in abeyance. 

Naik maintained that he was unaware about the work being kept in abeyance and 
insisted that the residents fall in line. To Naik`s embarrassment, a resident 
produced a copy of the letter by the revenue department addressed to the south 
Goa collector pointing out that the project had indeed been kept in abeyance 
"till the matter is approved by the steering committee" constituted by the 
directorate of mines and geology. 

Left red-faced, Naik gave the PWD officials a dressing down for the faux pas, 
while the protestors walked away. 
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[Goanet] Home truths about India

2010-08-19 Thread Rajan P. Parrikar
To Goanet -

Essay by Dr. Atanu Dey -

"Allow me to locate India in the present global context a little 
more realistically. The picture that emerges is not as rosy as 
the newspapers would have your believe. There’s a very 
sensible reason for a reality check, which I will go into presently."

