Re: [Hardhats-members] problem setting verify code
I had an identical problem. One was for a user with the last name of Nida. The other was for a user with the last name of Oric. Both were only 4 letters long, so I figured there was a problem handling the 4 letters. I must note that the problem was in CPRS. When I had then log in through SSH directly into VistA, they could set the Verify Code without a problem. -Shaun Madhavi Bagepalli wrote: Hi all, I have encountered a problem while setting the verify code for a new user. I get the following error - "Name cannot be part of code Enter a new VERIFY CODE:" I tried a verify code that did not include the name of the user and I still get the same error. Can someone help me here? Thanks Madhavi _ Express yourself instantly with MSN Messenger! Download today - it's FREE! --- This email is sponsored by: IT Product Guide on ITManagersJournal Use IT products in your business? Tell us what you think of them. Give us Your Opinions, Get Free ThinkGeek Gift Certificates! Click to find out more ___ Hardhats-members mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED] --- This email is sponsored by: IT Product Guide on ITManagersJournal Use IT products in your business? Tell us what you think of them. Give us Your Opinions, Get Free ThinkGeek Gift Certificates! Click to find out more ___ Hardhats-members mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]
[Hardhats-members] Login to Core Applications
I know that this is easy, but I'm still working on understanding the menu setup for users. Right now, I have been able to get VistA accepted as SSH only (no CPRS). I also got it past the security issues. There is a single SSH username/pass for the entire clinical group and a user for each person in the group. The users click on the VistA icon which starts up the SSH program and logs in automatically, taking them right to the ACCESS CODE prompt. They log in and get: Core Applications Device Management Menu Management Programmer Options Operations Management Spool Management System Security Taskman Management User Management FM VA FileMan HL7 Main Menu Manage Mailman They type Core Applications to get to a prompt that lets them do the common work of admitting patients, entering vitals, writing prescriptions, and so on. I would like that Core Applications menu to be the first menu they see. Also, I would like to customize it for each role. For instance, a clerk would see: Enter a Patient Schedule a Patient View Schedule Then, a nurse would see Enter Vitals View Vitals Enter Lab Data A provider would see Enter Vitals View Vitals Order Lab Enter Lab Data Enter Prescription View Prescriptions Those are just examples. But, I think it explains what I'm being asked to do. It is coming from a Unix/Windows Server point of view. The users are in groups or roles. The groups/roles decide what menu items they can see. When they log in, they get the primary menu for their group/role. -Shaun --- This email is sponsored by: IT Product Guide on ITManagersJournal Use IT products in your business? Tell us what you think of them. Give us Your Opinions, Get Free ThinkGeek Gift Certificates! Click to find out more ___ Hardhats-members mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Re: [Hardhats-members] Will CPRS run on Linux with WINE?
My experience with Wine and Winsock is that if the problem is with Winsock, don't use Wine. The native Winsock and WSock32 dlls do not work with Wine. Also, the builtin Winsock dlls do not work very well in anything except Win98 mode. I made an incorrect assumption that TransGaming (a variant of Wine) worked better. I have been told that it doesn't. -Shaun Nancy E. Anthracite wrote: Oh yes, we have. It has been tried fairly recently as well. Codeweavers would be happy to evaluate what it will cost to make it run for $2500. But with a java based replacement on the way, hopefully next year, I am not sure it is worth it, but I'll still throw in $50 if you want to work on that $2500. On Monday 18 October 2004 07:13 pm, Kevin Toppenberg wrote: Has anyone tried to get CPRS to run under linux with WINE? I have not played with WINE, but I have come across some articles that make it seem powerful. I think the key factor would be the winsock code that will be heart of CPRS connectivity. I don't know if WINE has that part of windows implementated I read that WINE can use native windows .dll's, so may that could get it working. Has anyone tried this? Thanks Kevin ___ Do you Yahoo!? Declare Yourself - Register online to vote today! --- This email is sponsored by: IT Product Guide on ITManagersJournal Use IT products in your business? Tell us what you think of them. Give us Your Opinions, Get Free ThinkGeek Gift Certificates! Click to find out more ___ Hardhats-members mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED] --- This email is sponsored by: IT Product Guide on ITManagersJournal Use IT products in your business? Tell us what you think of them. Give us Your Opinions, Get Free ThinkGeek Gift Certificates! Click to find out more ___ Hardhats-members mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Re: [Hardhats-members] Login Security
Thanks. I implemented everything mentioned and I will show it as the next meeting. I think they will like it. As it is now, having abandoned CPRS, I can set up multiple Vista databases on one server - each connecting to a different port. I can use linux boxes in the remote locations running simple SSH to connect. I have met all HIPAA security issues brought up. I think I'm finally done and it won't be a full year on this until next week. -Shaun K.S. Bhaskar wrote: Ben -- The best advice I was ever given when learning to play pool was to call my shots, "Watch this." How could I possibly live up to the expectations set by a statement like "Your best information will be coming from Bhaskar soon?" 8-] Shaun -- If what you are trying to do is create a user who can do nothing on the system other than run VistA, what Ben has is an excellent example of how to set up a user who does nothing other than run VistA. As soon as s/he logs in, s/he runs VistA, and as soon as s/he exits VistA, s/he is logged off the computer. The only suggestion I would have is to trap signals and prevent the user from getting to the shell, with something like trap exit SIGINT SIGTERM SIGQUIT SIGHUP and prevent a SIGSUSP with something like stty susp \000 Put these right at the beginning of the shell script. GT.M by itself is not designed to be a login shell, and I am amazed that it even partially worked for you. I am not sure I like Ben's choice of /usr/local/gtm/log for $gtm_log. I would keep /usr/local/gtm and everything under it unchanged, and point $gtm_log somewhere else, such as /var/log/gtm or /var/log/gtm/ (remember to create it first with mkdir). If you are concerned about users pressing ^C when running VistA, the recommended way is to trap it in M application code. If this is not permitted, then instead of starting VistA with mumps -run ^ZU, start it with mumps -run ^xyz where xyz.m is something like: xyz Use $P:(NoCEnable) Do ^ZU Quit If between Ben and me we have not answered your question, please ask it again. Regards -- Bhaskar On Mon, 2004-10-11 at 18:13, Benjamin Irwin wrote: Your best information will be coming from Bhaskar soon, but I have included my start up information in the following two files. I have a user named "vista". The .bash_profile follows: --- # .bash_profile # Get the aliases and functions if [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then . ~/.bashrc fi # User specific environment and startup programs PATH=$PATH:$HOME/bin export PATH unset USERNAME /usr/local/gtm/VISTA exit --- Note the "exit" at the very end of the ".bash_profile" this is the Unix command that is performed when the user is done running the script "/usr/local/gtm/VISTA". The "/usr/local/gtm/VISTA" script follows. --- #!/bin/bash # export gtm_dist=/usr/local/gtm export gtm_log=/usr/local/gtm/log export gtmgbldir=/usr/local/gtm/vista/g/mumps.gld export gtm_vista=/usr/local/gtm/vista export PATH=$PATH:$gtm_dist # export gtmroutines="$gtm_dist($gtm_dist) /home/biskate/swa(/home/biskate/swa) $g tm_vista/o($gtm_vista/r/A $gtm_vista/r/B $gtm_vista/r/C $gtm_vista/r/D $gtm_vist a/r/E $gtm_vista/r/F $gtm_vista/r/G $gtm_vista/r/H $gtm_vista/r/I $gtm_vista/r/J $gtm_vista/r/K $gtm_vista/r/L $gtm_vista/r/M $gtm_vista/r/N $gtm_vista/r/O $gtm _vista/r/P $gtm_vista/r/Q $gtm_vista/r/R $gtm_vista/r/S $gtm_vista/r/T $gtm_vist a/r/U $gtm_vista/r/V $gtm_vista/r/W $gtm_vista/r/X $gtm_vista/r/Y $gtm_vista/r/Z $gtm_vista/r/_)" # mumps -run ^ZU --- The last line in this script starts MUMPS and runs the ^ZU routine. Any exit from the VISTA software (^ZU) will cause the script to end and return to the calling Unix startup script. That causes the Unix "exit" command to run and ends the users Unix session returning the user to the Unix username and password. Hope this helps. Ben *** This electronic mail transmission contains confidential and/or privileged information intended only for the person(s) named. Any use, distribution, copying or disclosure by another person is strictly prohibited. *** NOTE: Ce courriel est destine exclusivement au(x) destinataire(s) mentionne(s) ci-dessus et peut contenir de l'information privilegiee, confidentielle et/ou dispensee de divulgation aux termes des lois applicables. Si vous avez recu ce message par erreur, ou s'il ne vous est pas destine, veuillez le mentionner immediatement a l'expediteur et effacer ce courriel. --- This email is sponsored by: IT Product Guide on ITManagersJournal Use IT products in your business? Tell us what you think of them. Give
Re: [Hardhats-members] Login Security
I've been trying to get the shell to be GTM. I set it up in /etc/passwd, but the bash_profile wasn't parsed yet. So, it work. Also, once I got the shell to be gtm, I haven't figured out how to pipe D ^ZU into it as the first (automatic) command. Even if I get that working, can't they kill D ^ZU and type D ^XUP at the GTM prompt? I'm answering questions for HIPAA computer guys, so I know they'll ask that. -Shaun Benjamin Irwin wrote: Shaun, If you use the command line D ^ZU, the system will ask for your Access and Verify codes, using the standard security entry. Security is better accomplished so that the Unix (Linux) shell script that is run when a user logs into Unix runs GTM and the routine ^ZU. That way when the user logs out of Vista, they are also logged out of Unix and they never see the programmer prompt (MUMPS Prompt). GTM>D ^ZU Welcome to OpenVista Volume set: ROU:10 UCI: VAH Device: /dev/pts/0 ACCESS CODE: -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of CS Wagner Sent: Monday, October 11, 2004 1:38 PM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: [Hardhats-members] Login Security I've been asked a question I can't find the answer to... Without using CPRS in any way, can login security be set up in VistA for command-line (GTM) use? As it is now, it asks IDENTITY? and you can type any name you like. -Shaun --- This email is sponsored by: IT Product Guide on ITManagersJournal Use IT products in your business? Tell us what you think of them. Give us Your Opinions, Get Free ThinkGeek Gift Certificates! Click to find out more ___ Hardhats-members mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED] --- This email is sponsored by: IT Product Guide on ITManagersJournal Use IT products in your business? Tell us what you think of them. Give us Your Opinions, Get Free ThinkGeek Gift Certificates! Click to find out more ___ Hardhats-members mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED] --- This email is sponsored by: IT Product Guide on ITManagersJournal Use IT products in your business? Tell us what you think of them. Give us Your Opinions, Get Free ThinkGeek Gift Certificates! Click to find out more ___ Hardhats-members mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]
[Hardhats-members] Login Security
I've been asked a question I can't find the answer to... Without using CPRS in any way, can login security be set up in VistA for command-line (GTM) use? As it is now, it asks IDENTITY? and you can type any name you like. -Shaun --- This email is sponsored by: IT Product Guide on ITManagersJournal Use IT products in your business? Tell us what you think of them. Give us Your Opinions, Get Free ThinkGeek Gift Certificates! Click to find out more ___ Hardhats-members mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Re: [Hardhats-members] Vista without CPRS
I've been searching and I cannot find the Broker Development Kit. I have a strong feeling it will become a non-issue as I have to demo this on Monday. I will have to do it without CPRS, using only text-based menus. I want to state that I put 'free' in quotes because it isn't really free. I started working on this in November of last year. At the rate I'm going (about 2-3 months per problem I've run into), it is going to take 4-5 years to get the demo functioning properly. Factoring cost of time and labor, it will be much cheaper to buy a commercial EMR system. -Shaun Nancy Anthracite wrote: wsockc.pas appears to be in the Broker Development Kit. Exactly what that means for editing it, etc., I am not sure. -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of CS Wagner Sent: Tuesday, September 28, 2004 12:39 PM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: [Hardhats-members] Vista without CPRS Which version of CPRS are you using? I got OR_30_187_SRC.ZIP and it has no reference to LocalPort (and does not have wsockc.pas). Is CPRS incremental, so I have to download the first version and overwrite files with each version after that to ensure I have it all? -Shaun Roy wrote: The code is acutally in the RPB Broker so you would have to modify it to use a specific port rather than a "random" port. The code is in wsockc.pas, the port for the callback is actually set by the client. Look for LocalPort in the code and you will see how the RPC Client gets this port, it sends the port to the host (VistA) along with the ip address so the host (VistA) knows where to do the call back. The process is rather simple, an initial connection is made and the client sends the necessary info to the host, the host forks off a process to perform the callback to the client, this forked process is the one used for all subsequent IP communiation to the client. I hope this helps. - Original Message - From: "Nancy Anthracite" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent: Sunday, September 26, 2004 6:59 AM Subject: RE: [Hardhats-members] Vista without CPRS Is that with the RPC broker components in the Delphi code, or, as I would guess, in the M code? How would I find it? Can you think of a string I could search M code for to hone in on it? -- i.e., you got to do better than that, Roy, for us newbies!!! ;-) -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Roy Sent: Sunday, September 26, 2004 12:34 AM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: [Hardhats-members] Vista without CPRS It is in the winsock code. - Original Message - From: "Kevin Toppenberg" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent: Saturday, September 25, 2004 6:32 PM Subject: Re: [Hardhats-members] Vista without CPRS Shaun, The server side is written in M, and the windows client is written in Delphi pascal. I wouldn't advise you to try to pick through all that M code--it's pretty ugly if you ask me. I was thinking that someone else on the list might know right how to do it. Kevin --- CS Wagner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: I worked on that for the past couple weeks and I haven't even found a starting point. I wrongly assumed that CPRS was written in C or C++. It appears to be in M. Since I can barely recognize M at this point, I can't work on the code. -Shaun Kevin Toppenberg wrote: How difficult would it be to modify the source code so that a specific port is used for the call back, rather than a random port. I would think that finding the code would the difficult part. But after found, I would think that specifying a given port would be straightforward. Kevin --- CS Wagner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: It is becoming clear that we cannot use CPRS with our network security. __ Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! Mail - 50x more storage than other providers! --- This SF.Net email is sponsored by: YOU BE THE JUDGE. Be one of 170 Project Admins to receive an Apple iPod Mini FREE for your judgement on who ports your project to Linux PPC the best. Sponsored by IBM. Deadline: Sept. 24. Go here: ___ Hardhats-members mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED] --- This SF.Net email is sponsored by: YOU BE THE JUDGE. Be one of 170 Project Admins to receive an Apple iPod Mi
Re: [Hardhats-members] Vista without CPRS
Which version of CPRS are you using? I got OR_30_187_SRC.ZIP and it has no reference to LocalPort (and does not have wsockc.pas). Is CPRS incremental, so I have to download the first version and overwrite files with each version after that to ensure I have it all? -Shaun Roy wrote: The code is acutally in the RPB Broker so you would have to modify it to use a specific port rather than a "random" port. The code is in wsockc.pas, the port for the callback is actually set by the client. Look for LocalPort in the code and you will see how the RPC Client gets this port, it sends the port to the host (VistA) along with the ip address so the host (VistA) knows where to do the call back. The process is rather simple, an initial connection is made and the client sends the necessary info to the host, the host forks off a process to perform the callback to the client, this forked process is the one used for all subsequent IP communiation to the client. I hope this helps. - Original Message - From: "Nancy Anthracite" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent: Sunday, September 26, 2004 6:59 AM Subject: RE: [Hardhats-members] Vista without CPRS Is that with the RPC broker components in the Delphi code, or, as I would guess, in the M code? How would I find it? Can you think of a string I could search M code for to hone in on it? -- i.e., you got to do better than that, Roy, for us newbies!!! ;-) -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Roy Sent: Sunday, September 26, 2004 12:34 AM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: [Hardhats-members] Vista without CPRS It is in the winsock code. - Original Message - From: "Kevin Toppenberg" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent: Saturday, September 25, 2004 6:32 PM Subject: Re: [Hardhats-members] Vista without CPRS Shaun, The server side is written in M, and the windows client is written in Delphi pascal. I wouldn't advise you to try to pick through all that M code--it's pretty ugly if you ask me. I was thinking that someone else on the list might know right how to do it. Kevin --- CS Wagner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: I worked on that for the past couple weeks and I haven't even found a starting point. I wrongly assumed that CPRS was written in C or C++. It appears to be in M. Since I can barely recognize M at this point, I can't work on the code. -Shaun Kevin Toppenberg wrote: How difficult would it be to modify the source code so that a specific port is used for the call back, rather than a random port. I would think that finding the code would the difficult part. But after found, I would think that specifying a given port would be straightforward. Kevin --- CS Wagner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: It is becoming clear that we cannot use CPRS with our network security. __ Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! Mail - 50x more storage than other providers! --- This SF.Net email is sponsored by: YOU BE THE JUDGE. Be one of 170 Project Admins to receive an Apple iPod Mini FREE for your judgement on who ports your project to Linux PPC the best. Sponsored by IBM. Deadline: Sept. 24. Go here: ___ Hardhats-members mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED] --- This SF.Net email is sponsored by: YOU BE THE JUDGE. Be one of 170 Project Admins to receive an Apple iPod Mini FREE for your judgement on who ports your project to Linux PPC the best. Sponsored by IBM. Deadline: Sept. 24. Go here: ___ Hardhats-members mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED] __ Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! Mail Address AutoComplete - You start. We finish. --- This SF.Net email is sponsored by: YOU BE THE JUDGE. Be one of 170 Project Admins to receive an Apple iPod Mini FREE for your judgement on who ports your project to Linux PPC the best. Sponsored by IBM. Deadline: Sept. 24. Go here: ___ Hardhats-members mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED] --- This SF.Net email is sponsored
Re: [Hardhats-members] Vista without CPRS
Thanks. I got it and it is Pascal code now - not M. I was directed to the .kid files before, which definately are not the CPRS source code. -Shaun Nancy Anthracite wrote: Hi. I think I must have sent him the information for the wrong version because he should have found it, but for the 23-15 version go to then software, packages, order entry results reporting, then programs, the -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Kevin Toppenberg Sent: Tuesday, September 28, 2004 11:42 AM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: [Hardhats-members] Vista without CPRS Shaun, The code is freely available on the VA FTP server **Nancy, can you supply the URL? I will tell you that you will have to have Delphi professional ($300) to compile it. I think I have that version, and I would be willing to put in an hour or two to try to get it compiled for you if you want. Kevin --- CS Wagner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: I assumed that was the case, but I cannot get my hands on the CPRS source code. I've asked twice if it is available and both times I was pointed to some M code in a .kid file. -Shaun Roy wrote: The code is acutally in the RPB Broker so you would have to modify it to use a specific port rather than a "random" port. The code is in wsockc.pas, the port for the callback is actually set by the client. Look for LocalPort in the code and you will see how the RPC Client gets this port, it sends the port to the host (VistA) along with the ip address so the host (VistA) knows where to do the call back. The process is rather simple, an initial connection is made and the client sends the necessary info to the host, the host forks off a process to perform the callback to the client, this forked process is the one used for all subsequent IP communiation to the client. I hope this helps. - Original Message - From: "Nancy Anthracite" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent: Sunday, September 26, 2004 6:59 AM Subject: RE: [Hardhats-members] Vista without CPRS Is that with the RPC broker components in the Delphi code, or, as I would guess, in the M code? How would I find it? Can you think of a string I could search M code for to hone in on it? -- i.e., you got to do better than that, Roy, for us newbies!!! ;-) -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Roy Sent: Sunday, September 26, 2004 12:34 AM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: [Hardhats-members] Vista without CPRS It is in the winsock code. - Original Message - From: "Kevin Toppenberg" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent: Saturday, September 25, 2004 6:32 PM Subject: Re: [Hardhats-members] Vista without CPRS Shaun, The server side is written in M, and the windows client is written in Delphi pascal. I wouldn't advise you to try to pick through all that M code--it's pretty ugly if you ask me. I was thinking that someone else on the list might know right how to do it. Kevin --- CS Wagner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: I worked on that for the past couple weeks and I haven't even found a starting point. I wrongly assumed that CPRS was written in C or C++. It appears to be in M. Since I can barely recognize M at this point, I can't work on the code. -Shaun Kevin Toppenberg wrote: How difficult would it be to modify the source code so that a specific port is used for the call back, rather than a random port. I would think that finding the code would the difficult part. But after found, I would think that specifying a given port would be straightforward. Kevin --- CS Wagner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: It is becoming clear that we cannot use CPRS with our network security. __ Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! Mail - 50x more storage than other providers! --- This SF.Net email is sponsored by: YOU BE THE JUDGE. Be one of 170 Project Admins to receive an Apple iPod Mini FREE for your judgement on who ports your project to Linux PPC the best. Sponsored by IBM. Deadline: Sept. 24. Go here: ___ Hardhats-m
Re: [Hardhats-members] Vista without CPRS
I assumed that was the case, but I cannot get my hands on the CPRS source code. I've asked twice if it is available and both times I was pointed to some M code in a .kid file. -Shaun Roy wrote: The code is acutally in the RPB Broker so you would have to modify it to use a specific port rather than a "random" port. The code is in wsockc.pas, the port for the callback is actually set by the client. Look for LocalPort in the code and you will see how the RPC Client gets this port, it sends the port to the host (VistA) along with the ip address so the host (VistA) knows where to do the call back. The process is rather simple, an initial connection is made and the client sends the necessary info to the host, the host forks off a process to perform the callback to the client, this forked process is the one used for all subsequent IP communiation to the client. I hope this helps. - Original Message - From: "Nancy Anthracite" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent: Sunday, September 26, 2004 6:59 AM Subject: RE: [Hardhats-members] Vista without CPRS Is that with the RPC broker components in the Delphi code, or, as I would guess, in the M code? How would I find it? Can you think of a string I could search M code for to hone in on it? -- i.e., you got to do better than that, Roy, for us newbies!!! ;-) -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Roy Sent: Sunday, September 26, 2004 12:34 AM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: [Hardhats-members] Vista without CPRS It is in the winsock code. - Original Message - From: "Kevin Toppenberg" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent: Saturday, September 25, 2004 6:32 PM Subject: Re: [Hardhats-members] Vista without CPRS Shaun, The server side is written in M, and the windows client is written in Delphi pascal. I wouldn't advise you to try to pick through all that M code--it's pretty ugly if you ask me. I was thinking that someone else on the list might know right how to do it. Kevin --- CS Wagner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: I worked on that for the past couple weeks and I haven't even found a starting point. I wrongly assumed that CPRS was written in C or C++. It appears to be in M. Since I can barely recognize M at this point, I can't work on the code. -Shaun Kevin Toppenberg wrote: How difficult would it be to modify the source code so that a specific port is used for the call back, rather than a random port. I would think that finding the code would the difficult part. But after found, I would think that specifying a given port would be straightforward. Kevin --- CS Wagner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: It is becoming clear that we cannot use CPRS with our network security. __ Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! Mail - 50x more storage than other providers! --- This SF.Net email is sponsored by: YOU BE THE JUDGE. Be one of 170 Project Admins to receive an Apple iPod Mini FREE for your judgement on who ports your project to Linux PPC the best. Sponsored by IBM. Deadline: Sept. 24. Go here: ___ Hardhats-members mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED] --- This SF.Net email is sponsored by: YOU BE THE JUDGE. Be one of 170 Project Admins to receive an Apple iPod Mini FREE for your judgement on who ports your project to Linux PPC the best. Sponsored by IBM. Deadline: Sept. 24. Go here: ___ Hardhats-members mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED] __ Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! Mail Address AutoComplete - You start. We finish. --- This SF.Net email is sponsored by: YOU BE THE JUDGE. Be one of 170 Project Admins to receive an Apple iPod Mini FREE for your judgement on who ports your project to Linux PPC the best. Sponsored by IBM. Deadline: Sept. 24. Go here: ___ Hardhats-members mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED] --- This SF.Net email is sponsored by: YOU BE THE JUDGE. Be one of 170 Project Admins to receive an Apple iPod Min
Re: [Hardhats-members] RE: Vista without CPRS...
I must say that 99% of my frustrations come from the difficulty of finding and reading the documentation. For instance, I had no idea what the 'Add a User' command was when I started. The VA has a great volume of documentation online, but it is broken up by cryptic module names. I had to scan through each and every file on the site until I found something that looked like it might work. Luckily, Nancy sent me a document that had XUSERADD right at the top. Next, adding a patient... I don't know what module that would be in. I just want the command. After scanning a bunch (over 50) of possible docs, I found mention of DG ADD PATIENT. I tried that and it worked (of course, I still don't know what 10-10 Data is or how to add an outpatient). Side note: You cannot easily search PDF and Word documents online. It would be SO much nicer if all the documents were in HTML. I assume that the DG on DG ADD PATIENT means something to those who know the modules, but it means nothing to me because I haven't found a document that lists all the module names and what they do. I know that would be a huge list, but it could be made nicer by listing only the top 10 most used modules at the top. The same with the commands - a list of the top 20 most used commands (and what they do) would be nice. Because I am a software engineer, I recognize the problem too well. This is like trying to convert a Windows user Linux (sans GUI). They may have used DOS and they know that 'dir' will list a directory, but that won't help them figure out that it is 'ls' in Linux. Once they figure out a few commands, telling them to read the man page is a waste of time because the manual is written specifically for those who already know how to use Linux, not for those trying to figure it out. The popularity of Linux is directly related to the translation of the manuals from tech-speak to plain English. I think that Vista has the ability to become more popular as the manuals are translated from cryptic module groups with cryptic file names into plain English. Also, like Linux, there is the version-specific threat. A document about using Fedora may give wrong information to a Debian user, just like a document about VistA might give wrong information to an OpenVista user. -Shaun Kevin Toppenberg wrote: Shaun, Well, my sympathies are with you. I don't know if it will help, but I compiled the following top level menus into a supermenu called "adam". It helped me explore the menu options for registering patients, having nurses add vitals etc. You will have to ignore the " Good luck. EVE EVE 1 ORMGR CPRS OR OE/RR MENU CLINICIAN DOC MAG SYS MENU IMG XUKEYMGMT KEY OR OE/RR MENU NURSE NURS FBAA MAIN MENU PHAR DG REGISTRATION MENU REG TMG TEXT MENU TEXT TIU MAIN MENU TRANSCRIPTION TRAN GMRVMGR VITL OR OE/RR MENU WARD CLERK WARD WVMENU WO YSMANAGER YSM ECTMGR PX PCE CLINICIAN MENU --- CS Wagner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: I've actually been attempting to get Vista to a state where we can use it in production since last November. So, it is almost a year now. It took a very long time to get it installed properly because I didn't realize that M was picky about spacing and the commands kept failing. I then had a major headache getting CPRS to allow users to log in, but got that taken care of for all but one user. His last name is Nida. I set him up the same as everyone else and on the old install and the new one, he is the only one who cannot use CPRS. In the end, firewall issues with CPRS made me give up on that and I'm back to the basics - adding a patient, scheduling the patient, entering patient visit and lab data. As for contracting this to someone else, that isn't easily available. This is merely a grant study on setting up a distributed EMR system for rural clinics. There isn't much money in it. The choice of Vista came because so many of the people here work at the VA. -Shaun Kevin Toppenberg wrote: Shaun, It sounds like you are in the midst of doing a production installation. That is going to be difficult if you are learning the system as you go. Have you thought about contracting with one of the support companies to help with the installation, education etc. etc. process. I have been working with the system for 6-9 months now, and am just starting to get comfortable with the system. I wonder if you are biting off too much at one time. We'll help you as we can, but it takes time. Kevin --- CS Wagner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: I will send you what I can this week. I currently know how to log in. I have until the end of the week to learn how to add clerks, nurses, and providers. Then, get the clerks to enter patients and schedule visits. Then, get the nurses and providers
Re: [Hardhats-members] Vista without CPRS
I worked on that for the past couple weeks and I haven't even found a starting point. I wrongly assumed that CPRS was written in C or C++. It appears to be in M. Since I can barely recognize M at this point, I can't work on the code. -Shaun Kevin Toppenberg wrote: How difficult would it be to modify the source code so that a specific port is used for the call back, rather than a random port. I would think that finding the code would the difficult part. But after found, I would think that specifying a given port would be straightforward. Kevin --- CS Wagner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: It is becoming clear that we cannot use CPRS with our network security. __ Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! Mail - 50x more storage than other providers! --- This SF.Net email is sponsored by: YOU BE THE JUDGE. Be one of 170 Project Admins to receive an Apple iPod Mini FREE for your judgement on who ports your project to Linux PPC the best. Sponsored by IBM. Deadline: Sept. 24. Go here: ___ Hardhats-members mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED] --- This SF.Net email is sponsored by: YOU BE THE JUDGE. Be one of 170 Project Admins to receive an Apple iPod Mini FREE for your judgement on who ports your project to Linux PPC the best. Sponsored by IBM. Deadline: Sept. 24. Go here: ___ Hardhats-members mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Re: [Hardhats-members] Vista without CPRS
That is great. I'll get the non-gui version and see how that flies. As for the VPNs, I don't have a choice there. The hospital only allows their VPN to be used. They monitor the network for rogue VPN activity and shut down the ports of any VPN listeners. If I were to set up my own VPN on the Vista server, it would only take a day or so before the MAC address was banned from the network. As for VMWare et al, that is not allowed with this project. I had to fight a major uphill battle to get them to allow purchasing Windows to run the GUI version of CPRS. The initial project plan requested a free OS for both the server and clients. After proving that it would cost way too much to get CPRS to run on Linux, they caved on the fact that purchasing new client PCs will include the Windows OS - so it isn't really an added expense. -Shaun Nancy Anthracite wrote: You believe you will find documentation for the non GUI version of CPRS in the web site right next to the CPRSGui documentation - CPRS List Managers Version is it I think. John Zimmer is a fan of the non-GUI interface as I recall. CPRSGui did not come into existance until the mid-90s to my knowledge, so you won't be much behind the times. I gather you have tried various VPNs, or do you have one already that isn't cooperating? How about Win4Lin, or VMWare run on Linux? The VMWare is $165 and I believe Win4Lin is $80. -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of CS Wagner Sent: Friday, September 24, 2004 10:32 AM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: [Hardhats-members] Vista without CPRS It is becoming clear that we cannot use CPRS with our network security. Is it possible to effectively use Vista without CPRS? I can easily set up SSH accounts for each user so that gtm starts when the login. I assume that setting the primary menu in Vista will change what they see once gtm starts. I just don't know what menus to give the different people (nurses, providers, clerks...). I also haven't found user's documentation. Everything is directed toward the administrator/programmer, not the average user. So, I'm afraid I'll have to set aside a lot of time to write documentation while I'm trying to learn what to do. What I'm trying to get done right now: * Have a provider SSH in and immediately get to a patient selection screen where he can view/edit patient info * Give nurses the same menu - is there any function for a nurse to hand-off the patient to a provider without having the nurse log off and having the provider log back in and select the same patient? * Have clerks SSH in and immediately get to a screen to add patients or schedule visits for existing patients. If I can get to that point, my history has included years of making graphical front-ends for telnet/ssh menus (written in Cobol and/or Ada). I will be able to do the same for this without the loop-back security headache of CPRS. -Shaun --- This SF.Net email is sponsored by: YOU BE THE JUDGE. Be one of 170 Project Admins to receive an Apple iPod Mini FREE for your judgement on who ports your project to Linux PPC the best. Sponsored by IBM. Deadline: Sept. 24. Go here: ___ Hardhats-members mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED] --- This SF.Net email is sponsored by: YOU BE THE JUDGE. Be one of 170 Project Admins to receive an Apple iPod Mini FREE for your judgement on who ports your project to Linux PPC the best. Sponsored by IBM. Deadline: Sept. 24. Go here: ___ Hardhats-members mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED] --- This SF.Net email is sponsored by: YOU BE THE JUDGE. Be one of 170 Project Admins to receive an Apple iPod Mini FREE for your judgement on who ports your project to Linux PPC the best. Sponsored by IBM. Deadline: Sept. 24. Go here: ___ Hardhats-members mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Re: [Hardhats-members] Vista without CPRS
I would be interested in looking at a text version of CPRS, but it is my understanding that CPRS does not allow you to add patients. So, I will still need to set up accounts in Vista for the clerks to SSH in and easily add patients as well as add visits for existing patients. With a text version of CPRS running through SSH, I can set that up as the default shell for physicians and nurses - understanding that in many of the smaller sites the nurse is also the clerk, so they will need to be able to quit CPRS and quickly get into Vista to add patients. -Shaun Kevin Toppenberg wrote: There is a text version of the CPRS if you can connect to your server via telnet or ssh. Let me know if you are interested. Its probably not what people want right now. Kevin --- CS Wagner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Our problem is that we have a firewall on our network where the Vista server is. The client side has a firewall also where CPRS is. CPRS requires a connection from the server to the client on a randomly generated port. To allow for that, we'd have to basically remove the entire client-side firewall. Sure, we can only ports 5,000 and up, but that's still a huge hole in the firewall. We tried the VPN route, but that led to yet another issue. The server's network does have VPN, but it is highly restricted. There is a lot of paperwork involved in getting an account set up. Once done, we'd have another problem - the client's computer won't be able to use the client-side network anymore. That means that they'd have to have a CPRS computer on VPN and a regular computer off the VPN for everything else. As for tunneling on SSH, that would be the #1 solution if CPRS ran well on Linux. We could tunnel into the Vista server on port 22 and display the X-CPRS on the client's machine. We could also upgrade CPRS easily by only upgrading it on the server and not going client to client. But, the major dawback is getting CPRS to run on Linux without paying out so much money that we'd be better of buying some other EMR system. -Shaun Joseph Dal Molin wrote: What is the issue regarding your network will be good to know should others have a similar setup? And dumb question...did you try setting up a VPN and tunneling...?? Joseph On Fri, 2004-09-24 at 10:32, CS Wagner wrote: It is becoming clear that we cannot use CPRS with our network security. Is it possible to effectively use Vista without CPRS? I can easily set up SSH accounts for each user so that gtm starts when the login. I assume that setting the primary menu in Vista will change what they see once gtm starts. I just don't know what menus to give the different people (nurses, providers, clerks...). I also haven't found user's documentation. Everything is directed toward the administrator/programmer, not the average user. So, I'm afraid I'll have to set aside a lot of time to write documentation while I'm trying to learn what to do. What I'm trying to get done right now: * Have a provider SSH in and immediately get to a patient selection screen where he can view/edit patient info * Give nurses the same menu - is there any function for a nurse to hand-off the patient to a provider without having the nurse log off and having the provider log back in and select the same patient? * Have clerks SSH in and immediately get to a screen to add patients or schedule visits for existing patients. If I can get to that point, my history has included years of making graphical front-ends for telnet/ssh menus (written in Cobol and/or Ada). I will be able to do the same for this without the loop-back security headache of CPRS. -Shaun --- This SF.Net email is sponsored by: YOU BE THE JUDGE. Be one of 170 Project Admins to receive an Apple iPod Mini FREE for your judgement on who ports your project to Linux PPC the best. Sponsored by IBM. Deadline: Sept. 24. Go here: ___ Hardhats-members mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED] --- This SF.Net email is sponsored by: YOU BE THE JUDGE. Be one of 170 Project Admins to receive an Apple iPod Mini FREE for your judgement on who ports your project to Linux PPC the best. Sponsored by IBM. Deadline: Sept. 24. Go here:
Re: [Hardhats-members] Vista without CPRS
Our problem is that we have a firewall on our network where the Vista server is. The client side has a firewall also where CPRS is. CPRS requires a connection from the server to the client on a randomly generated port. To allow for that, we'd have to basically remove the entire client-side firewall. Sure, we can only ports 5,000 and up, but that's still a huge hole in the firewall. We tried the VPN route, but that led to yet another issue. The server's network does have VPN, but it is highly restricted. There is a lot of paperwork involved in getting an account set up. Once done, we'd have another problem - the client's computer won't be able to use the client-side network anymore. That means that they'd have to have a CPRS computer on VPN and a regular computer off the VPN for everything else. As for tunneling on SSH, that would be the #1 solution if CPRS ran well on Linux. We could tunnel into the Vista server on port 22 and display the X-CPRS on the client's machine. We could also upgrade CPRS easily by only upgrading it on the server and not going client to client. But, the major dawback is getting CPRS to run on Linux without paying out so much money that we'd be better of buying some other EMR system. -Shaun Joseph Dal Molin wrote: What is the issue regarding your network will be good to know should others have a similar setup? And dumb question...did you try setting up a VPN and tunneling...?? Joseph On Fri, 2004-09-24 at 10:32, CS Wagner wrote: It is becoming clear that we cannot use CPRS with our network security. Is it possible to effectively use Vista without CPRS? I can easily set up SSH accounts for each user so that gtm starts when the login. I assume that setting the primary menu in Vista will change what they see once gtm starts. I just don't know what menus to give the different people (nurses, providers, clerks...). I also haven't found user's documentation. Everything is directed toward the administrator/programmer, not the average user. So, I'm afraid I'll have to set aside a lot of time to write documentation while I'm trying to learn what to do. What I'm trying to get done right now: * Have a provider SSH in and immediately get to a patient selection screen where he can view/edit patient info * Give nurses the same menu - is there any function for a nurse to hand-off the patient to a provider without having the nurse log off and having the provider log back in and select the same patient? * Have clerks SSH in and immediately get to a screen to add patients or schedule visits for existing patients. If I can get to that point, my history has included years of making graphical front-ends for telnet/ssh menus (written in Cobol and/or Ada). I will be able to do the same for this without the loop-back security headache of CPRS. -Shaun --- This SF.Net email is sponsored by: YOU BE THE JUDGE. Be one of 170 Project Admins to receive an Apple iPod Mini FREE for your judgement on who ports your project to Linux PPC the best. Sponsored by IBM. Deadline: Sept. 24. Go here: ___ Hardhats-members mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED] --- This SF.Net email is sponsored by: YOU BE THE JUDGE. Be one of 170 Project Admins to receive an Apple iPod Mini FREE for your judgement on who ports your project to Linux PPC the best. Sponsored by IBM. Deadline: Sept. 24. Go here: ___ Hardhats-members mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED] --- This SF.Net email is sponsored by: YOU BE THE JUDGE. Be one of 170 Project Admins to receive an Apple iPod Mini FREE for your judgement on who ports your project to Linux PPC the best. Sponsored by IBM. Deadline: Sept. 24. Go here: ___ Hardhats-members mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]
[Hardhats-members] Vista without CPRS
It is becoming clear that we cannot use CPRS with our network security. Is it possible to effectively use Vista without CPRS? I can easily set up SSH accounts for each user so that gtm starts when the login. I assume that setting the primary menu in Vista will change what they see once gtm starts. I just don't know what menus to give the different people (nurses, providers, clerks...). I also haven't found user's documentation. Everything is directed toward the administrator/programmer, not the average user. So, I'm afraid I'll have to set aside a lot of time to write documentation while I'm trying to learn what to do. What I'm trying to get done right now: * Have a provider SSH in and immediately get to a patient selection screen where he can view/edit patient info * Give nurses the same menu - is there any function for a nurse to hand-off the patient to a provider without having the nurse log off and having the provider log back in and select the same patient? * Have clerks SSH in and immediately get to a screen to add patients or schedule visits for existing patients. If I can get to that point, my history has included years of making graphical front-ends for telnet/ssh menus (written in Cobol and/or Ada). I will be able to do the same for this without the loop-back security headache of CPRS. -Shaun --- This SF.Net email is sponsored by: YOU BE THE JUDGE. Be one of 170 Project Admins to receive an Apple iPod Mini FREE for your judgement on who ports your project to Linux PPC the best. Sponsored by IBM. Deadline: Sept. 24. Go here: ___ Hardhats-members mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Re: [Hardhats-members] Linux question: remote desktop sharing
I wasn't clear... When you open a remote file in Kate, it copies the file to a local temp file automatically. When you save, it copies the local temp file to the remote site. That is how it is able to allow you to edit without the lag. If you wanted to, you could also open a remote file from one location, then use 'save as' to save it to another (or local) location. I should also point out that you can use many custom layout formats for things like C, Perl, PHP, Java, and such. It highlights the text and, if you have the latest version, allows you to collapse program blocks. -Shaun Kevin Toppenberg wrote: Shaun, Yes, Kate is the editor that I like as well. I have just found out that I can do what you have been doing. I didn't know about the saving locally setting though. How do I do that? Kevin --- CS Wagner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: SSH with X tunnel. All GUI stuff pops up on your local terminal. It is secure (because of SSH), but there is a delay. I use Kate with my KDE desktop. It fetches files and saves them in temp files for me to work on, then sends the changes back to the server when I'm done. It is seamless, so I don't have to upload/download all the time. Also, working on local files means there's no delay. -Shaun Kevin Toppenberg wrote: Hello all, I have taken an offcast PC and made a linux server out of it. I want to do my future VistA development on it. Furthermore, I would like to be able to work off of it when I come to the OpenVistA conference. I can ssh into it and work that way, but I would like to be able to use a NICE editor (i.e. I hate 'vi')... so I have started thinking about setting up remote desktop sharing. When I have done web searches for this, it seems that the technology is "vnc". My redhat 9 book, however, says that vnc transmits passwords in plaintext, and that one would need to tunnel it through a ssh shell for security. Its sounding a bit complicated. Is there an easier, but secure, way to share the server desktop? Also, it seems that the VNC system is sending screenshots of the server's desktop. But I wonder, didn't someone mention on the list recently about another way, i.e. the X11 system sends remote draw commands etc rather than sending simple graphic images of the desktop? Thanks Kevin ___ Do you Yahoo!? Declare Yourself - Register online to vote today! --- This SF.Net email is sponsored by: YOU BE THE JUDGE. Be one of 170 Project Admins to receive an Apple iPod Mini FREE for your judgement on who ports your project to Linux PPC the best. Sponsored by IBM. Deadline: Sept. 24. Go here: ___ Hardhats-members mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED] --- This SF.Net email is sponsored by: YOU BE THE JUDGE. Be one of 170 Project Admins to receive an Apple iPod Mini FREE for your judgement on who ports your project to Linux PPC the best. Sponsored by IBM. Deadline: Sept. 24. Go here: ___ Hardhats-members mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED] ___ Do you Yahoo!? Declare Yourself - Register online to vote today! --- This SF.Net email is sponsored by: YOU BE THE JUDGE. Be one of 170 Project Admins to receive an Apple iPod Mini FREE for your judgement on who ports your project to Linux PPC the best. Sponsored by IBM. Deadline: Sept. 24. Go here: ___ Hardhats-members mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED] --- This SF.Net email is sponsored by: YOU BE THE JUDGE. Be one of 170 Project Admins to receive an Apple iPod Mini FREE for your judgement on who ports your project to Linux PPC the best. Sponsored by IBM. Deadline: Sept. 24. Go here: ___ Hardhats-members mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Re: [Hardhats-members] Linux question: remote desktop sharing
SSH with X tunnel. All GUI stuff pops up on your local terminal. It is secure (because of SSH), but there is a delay. I use Kate with my KDE desktop. It fetches files and saves them in temp files for me to work on, then sends the changes back to the server when I'm done. It is seamless, so I don't have to upload/download all the time. Also, working on local files means there's no delay. -Shaun Kevin Toppenberg wrote: Hello all, I have taken an offcast PC and made a linux server out of it. I want to do my future VistA development on it. Furthermore, I would like to be able to work off of it when I come to the OpenVistA conference. I can ssh into it and work that way, but I would like to be able to use a NICE editor (i.e. I hate 'vi')... so I have started thinking about setting up remote desktop sharing. When I have done web searches for this, it seems that the technology is "vnc". My redhat 9 book, however, says that vnc transmits passwords in plaintext, and that one would need to tunnel it through a ssh shell for security. Its sounding a bit complicated. Is there an easier, but secure, way to share the server desktop? Also, it seems that the VNC system is sending screenshots of the server's desktop. But I wonder, didn't someone mention on the list recently about another way, i.e. the X11 system sends remote draw commands etc rather than sending simple graphic images of the desktop? Thanks Kevin ___ Do you Yahoo!? Declare Yourself - Register online to vote today! --- This SF.Net email is sponsored by: YOU BE THE JUDGE. Be one of 170 Project Admins to receive an Apple iPod Mini FREE for your judgement on who ports your project to Linux PPC the best. Sponsored by IBM. Deadline: Sept. 24. Go here: ___ Hardhats-members mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED] --- This SF.Net email is sponsored by: YOU BE THE JUDGE. Be one of 170 Project Admins to receive an Apple iPod Mini FREE for your judgement on who ports your project to Linux PPC the best. Sponsored by IBM. Deadline: Sept. 24. Go here: ___ Hardhats-members mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Re: X through SSH (was Re: [Hardhats-members] hostname error (Linux guru needed))
If you are running plain Fedora on both boxes, X tunneling is turned on by default. You can remove it from the server by changing the value of X11Forwarding in /etc/ssh/sshd_config from 'yes' to 'no'. By default, it is 'yes'. If it is set to 'no', you cannot forward X through any command on the client. Now, if you are using SSH from Windows, you must have some sort of X engine running for the X display. I don't use Windows, so I don't know if there are any free ones. I think there is one that runs on top of CygWin. -Shaun Crawford Rainwater wrote: On Wed, 2004-09-08 at 10:11, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Message: 6 From: "Nancy Anthracite" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Subject: RE: [Hardhats-members] hostname error (Linux guru needed) Date: Wed, 8 Sep 2004 12:04:31 -0400 Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Do you know how you can get the GUI version to run on SSH? My son set up our machines so that happens, but I have no idea how. It may be a Fedora Core 2 feature or a feature of the new kernel? I can use the command for any program that is GUI on the machine I am SSHing in with to one of our other machines, and the GUI will come right up. It is like mini VNC, and MAGIC. Per memory, I believe is would be "ssh -X" to establish an X forwarded session from a remote machine to your local machine. However, as I mentioned before, the TUI version of that "redhat-config-network" is virtually the same as the GUI version, just no mouse, point-n-click action (tabs and enter instead). --- Crawford --- This SF.Net email is sponsored by BEA Weblogic Workshop FREE Java Enterprise J2EE developer tools! Get your free copy of BEA WebLogic Workshop 8.1 today. ___ Hardhats-members mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Re: Local loopback (was RE: [Hardhats-members] hostname error (Linux guru needed))
It is also important to note that you should not add another line to your hosts file. I've seen this sort of setup: localhost.localdomain localhost Only the last line for each IP address is read. If you want to hardcode a domain name (or similar) to the loopback, you must do it on the same line as: localhost.localdomain localhost I discovered this while troubleshooting why a Fedora box was spending about 5 minutes trying to start sendmail. -Shaun Crawford Rainwater wrote: On Wed, 2004-09-08 at 10:11, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Message: 7 From: "Marc Aylesworth" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Date: Wed, 8 Sep 2004 12:10:31 -0400 Subject: RE: [Hardhats-members] hostname error (Linux guru needed) Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] At the top put localhost.localdomain localhost and leave the kdtop line alone this might help=20 Actually, the above line is needed in Linux. This is the local loopback address since Linux is natively a networking operation system. Taking this out will cause issues. Sorry, forgot to mention that part earlier. --- Craford --- This SF.Net email is sponsored by BEA Weblogic Workshop FREE Java Enterprise J2EE developer tools! Get your free copy of BEA WebLogic Workshop 8.1 today. ___ Hardhats-members mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]
[Hardhats-members] CPRSChart Source Code
I am working on a firewall issue with CPRS. From what I can tell, it creates a listener port for a loop-back with the Vista server by using the generic Windows "give me a listener port" routine. That routine has the ability to limit the range of the port. I'd like to limit it to something small, like 8000-8010. Then, I only have to open that small range in the firewall. In order to do that, I need the source code. Is there any public access to the code or CVS for CPRSChart? -Shaun --- This SF.Net email is sponsored by BEA Weblogic Workshop FREE Java Enterprise J2EE developer tools! Get your free copy of BEA WebLogic Workshop 8.1 today. ___ Hardhats-members mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]