[Hardhats-members] Greetings Hardhats

2005-03-02 Thread Mark Street

I have been following the list over the past month or so.  Things seem to be 
heating up over the past week and I feel I know enough about the group and 
its projects now to contribute.

I have installed Vista on my Internet exposed Linux server and have worked 
through about 80% of the installation process.

My background is somewhat unique in that I am a chiropractor on staff in a 
FQHC in a small rural city in Northern California, management is very 
interested in what Vista can do.  I am also a Linux professional and teach 
all Linux System Administration courses at the local college.  Not being a 
programmer by training I can hack myself out of a jam in most interpreted 
programming languages.

I am still trying to figure out all the different facets and organizations of 
this project and how they all fit together

One question I do have.

Is there a wiki or collaborative documentation project for Vista?

As I was working through the Installation manual I noted some inconsistencies, 
order and or relevance issues in some of the steps.  It might be helpful to 
start such a resource.  Mailing lists are great, but you have to keep up and 
reference the pearls of wisdom as you see them.

Mark Street D.C., RHCE
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Re: [Hardhats-members] Greetings Hardhats

2005-03-03 Thread Mark Street
On Thursday 03 March 2005 06:27, Bhaskar, KS wrote:
> There is not a Wiki that I know of.

Would there be intrest in a wiki for collaborative documentation?

> Also, when you say you have gone through 80% of the installation, do you
> mean loading the software on the PC so that it runs, or do you mean 80%
> of what it takes to get you to using VistA as an application?

Let's just say I am almost through the OpenVista on GT.M on Linux Installation 
and Configuraton Manual.

> By the phrase "Internet exposed", do you really mean that you are
> running VistA on a system that is not behind a firewall (i.e., your
> firewall is on the same machine that VistA is on)?  If you are using
> GT.M as the database, please review
> http://sourceforge.net/docman/display_doc.php?docid=2125&group_id=11026
> which discusses the GT.M security model.

The firewall machine is running Vista also, I will review the security model.

> I hope you will be able to make it to the next VistA Community Meeting,
> in Cambridge, MA, April 7-10
> (http://worldvista.org/meetings/calendar/index.html).

I wish.
Mark Street, RHCE
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Re: [Hardhats-members] Greetings Hardhats

2005-03-04 Thread Mark Street
On Friday 04 March 2005 08:02, Bhaskar, KS wrote:
> [KSB] If you are still in the process of setting up GT.M and the
> environment (vs. configuring VistA itself), let me suggest a much faster
> alternative.

Wow, much faster.  Scratching through the Hui install and config was a 
learning experience.  I am sure it will come in handy soon.  I scratched the 
networked box and installed it on my laptop so I can work on it anywhere.

Now, where does the faster install leave me in the grand scheme of things?  I 
would assume I have to configure users, volumes, Mailman, etc. again from the 
command prompt as in the installation and configuration guide.  The 
architecture is still a bit fuzzy.  On to the VDL.

Is there a specific order in which to install packages to bring up a basic 
system?  I assume Fileman is going to be my friend.

The wiki is a good thing, mediawiki is a nice package.  Thanks!  I have 
already contributed.

Mark Street, RHCE
Key fingerprint = 3949 39E4 6317 7C3C 023E  2B1F 6FB3 06E7 D109 56C0
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Re: [Hardhats-members] Greetings Hardhats

2005-03-04 Thread Mark Street
World Vista seemed like the logical location.


I Agree, there should be a main location so as to not duplicate efforts. 

On Friday 04 March 2005 12:18, Nancy Anthracite wrote:
> Which wiki did you contribute on?  If we have 3 or 4 of these wikies (sp?)
> we are all going to continue to not know where to turn.  At the moment
> there is Kevin's non-wiki, which is fine with me for now since I am
> wiki-shy, and then I think we ought to have a "main wiki" or wikies
> specializing different things or something like that.
> What do some of you think?
Mark Street, RHCE
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[Hardhats-members] Setting/attaching kernel parameters

2005-03-04 Thread Mark Street
I went back to my original VISTA install of from the Hui source and continued 
to work through Section 9 - Non-^ARJTGTM Configuration.  I am now entering 
Section 10 - Parameters.

Question:  Do I set the kernel parameters the same way I set the DOMAIN NAME 
in the previous section 9?  I ran an inquiry of the current kernel system 
parameters as stated in the documents and a few of the entries need to be 
changed DNS IP, etc.

I understand using INQUIRE, but how do I use ENTER OR EDIT FILE ENTRIES to 
change the specific parameters.  I can't seem to find where they are using 
the ENTER OR EDIT hierarchy.

Mark Street, RHCE
Key fingerprint = 3949 39E4 6317 7C3C 023E  2B1F 6FB3 06E7 D109 56C0
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Re: [Hardhats-members] Setting/attaching kernel parameters

2005-03-04 Thread Mark Street
Never mind... after entering ENTER OR EDIT I had to choose my DOMAIN NAME, 
after which I was presented with all the KERNEL SYSTEM PARAMETERS, which I 

Still finding my way around fileman...  I will shut up now 

On Friday 04 March 2005 20:04, Mark Street wrote:
> Question:  Do I set the kernel parameters the same way I set the DOMAIN
> NAME in the previous section 9?  I ran an inquiry of the current kernel
> system parameters as stated in the documents and a few of the entries need
> to be changed DNS IP, etc.
> I understand using INQUIRE, but how do I use ENTER OR EDIT FILE ENTRIES to
> change the specific parameters.  I can't seem to find where they are using
> the ENTER OR EDIT hierarchy.
Mark Street, RHCE
Key fingerprint = 3949 39E4 6317 7C3C 023E  2B1F 6FB3 06E7 D109 56C0
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[Hardhats-members] Getting closer...

2005-03-06 Thread Mark Street
Well, getting more comfortable with Fileman and have all 12 sections of 
Install and Configuration Manual configured on my host.

Just for kicks I fired up the CPRS client and tried to connect as a regular 
user I created.  Well, when the connection was made I see the login for 
access and verify codes as well as information about the host, volume, etc. 
as well as the port.  The port said /dev/null, is that correct?  Anyway, the 
access and verify didn't work.

This is getting exciting.
Mark Street, RHCE
Key fingerprint = 3949 39E4 6317 7C3C 023E  2B1F 6FB3 06E7 D109 56C0
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[Hardhats-members] Allocating Keys - Users

2005-03-06 Thread Mark Street
How can I allocate keys to a user AFTER I have declined to answer YES to 
allocate them when creating a user?

Mark Street, RHCE
Key fingerprint = 3949 39E4 6317 7C3C 023E  2B1F 6FB3 06E7 D109 56C0
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Re: [Hardhats-members] Getting closer... made it.

2005-03-06 Thread Mark Street
Well, I have crossed over.  We have lift off.  I have successfully logged into 
CPRS with a user access and verify code.

I will head back to hardhats and Kevin Toppenberg's site for a little post 
configure cleanup bliss.

Do I deserve a beer yet or is there alot more work to do  Still exploring 
Fileman's menus...

On Sunday 06 March 2005 20:18, Nancy Anthracite wrote:
> Mark, it sounds as if you have been following the Hui manual for
> configuration, which I have not done, but I would suggest that you look at
> the Hardhats web site under "Projects" and be sure that you have everything
> set that it covers starting with step 31.

Mark Street, RHCE
Key fingerprint = 3949 39E4 6317 7C3C 023E  2B1F 6FB3 06E7 D109 56C0
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Re: [Hardhats-members] Allocating Keys - Users

2005-03-06 Thread Mark Street
Now that I have slogged through the manual where is my handy dandy cheat sheet 
for administrative tasks?  Did I see some system file editing options that 
had a graphical curses based format similar to creating users.

On Sunday 06 March 2005 20:39, Nancy Anthracite wrote:
> Using D P^DI or D Q^DI to allocate keys is covered in the same document
> about installing VistA on Cache after step 31.

Mark Street, RHCE
Key fingerprint = 3949 39E4 6317 7C3C 023E  2B1F 6FB3 06E7 D109 56C0
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2005-03-06 Thread Mark Street
I could not set this initially as it kept failing.  The manual basically said 
make an inquiry then enter or edit.  When I try to enter or edit it dumps me 
back to OPTION.


Select OPTION:


Mark Street, RHCE
Key fingerprint = 3949 39E4 6317 7C3C 023E  2B1F 6FB3 06E7 D109 56C0
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[Hardhats-members] CPRS access from outside network

2005-03-07 Thread Mark Street
After configuration with GTM on my internal network I was able to connect
with CPRS to the server and login without a problem.

At my work location after I set the server location and try to fire up
CPRS it hangs without a login prompt.  I have a hole punched in my
firewall to allow access from my work location on the outside interface on
my server.

I was wondering, when I startup a TCP listener in gtm, does it listen on
all interfaces or just internal/private?

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Re: [Hardhats-members] CPRS access from outside network

2005-03-07 Thread Mark Street
netstat revealed that GT.M is listening on all interfaces.  *.9200

I have made note a some type of log file found in vista's home dir that
seem related to tcp connections.

The files have the name - XWBTCPC.mjo, XWBTCPC.mje and XWBTCPL.mjo

The latter seems like it keeps a running log, the former .mjo file seems
to log per attempt.

The contents of the file is;


Now, I know I have some issues with keys and locked menu items that I have
to clear up still.  I am sure I have some work to do with DUZ levels to
get this cleared up.

Thanks for the input!

Bhaskar, KS said:
> I believe GT.M listens on the "first" interface, whichever that happens
to be.  Something like netstat should tell you once you open a listener.
> -- Bhaskar
> On Mon, 2005-03-07 at 08:45 -0800, Mark Street wrote:
>> After configuration with GTM on my internal network I was able to connect
>> with CPRS to the server and login without a problem.
>> At my work location after I set the server location and try to fire up
CPRS it hangs without a login prompt.  I have a hole punched in my
firewall to allow access from my work location on the outside interface
>> my server.
>> I was wondering, when I startup a TCP listener in gtm, does it listen
on all interfaces or just internal/private?
> ---
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Re: [Hardhats-members] CPRS access from outside network

2005-03-07 Thread Mark Street
Thanks for the reply Nancy.  At this point this is a testing environment
for me.  I just want to get it to work.  I promise I will button it up
tight, in the meantime this is the only way I can test and configure from
a remote location.

Nancy Anthracite said:
> The connection between CPRS and the server is not secure unless you have
> something to secure it.  Also, the server is set to a port, say 9200 and
> client will seek the server on that port but the reply will be on a
random port specified by the client, which is problematic unless they
are on the same network likely inside the firewall with both client and
server having a
> "trusted relationship."
> Kevin tried to change the code to fix it to not reply on a random port. 
I used his changes on my system and it has not worked.
> The latest release of VistA from February includes CPRSChart and server
> patches that allow for the use of a single port but it is not secure. 
At least you should be able to connect through a firewall, but you may
not want
> to do it until the connection is secured by port forwarding or some form of
> VPN.  Meanwhile, I am hoping to get some help finding out where we I
have gone wrong in trying to effect a solution with older versions of
CPRS.  I would like to be able to do it with the CPRS used with the VA

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Re: [Hardhats-members] set HL COMMUNICATION SERVER PARAMETERS fails

2005-03-07 Thread Mark Street
I have not rundown the database as my servers run for months without 
rebooting.  I have the rundown alias defined for the vista user to do it.  So 
what the heck, I shutdown taskman, and RPC listener then I tried to rundown 
the database...  ooops.

/home/vista/2.5/g/mumps.dat -> File is in use by another process.
%GTM-W-MUNOTALLSEC, WARNING: not all global sections accessed were 
successfullyrundown.  H, similar error with mupip -integ.

Anyway, I have sucessfully assigned my SA account mega keys.  I am still 
having problems with locked menus with some assigned keys.  It appears the HL 
COMM menu is locked, when I try to access the menu it drops me back to 
OPTION.  I am working on how to UNlock some of the menu items like HL.

Still scratching it out..

On Monday 07 March 2005 19:34, Kevin Toppenberg wrote:
> Have you rundown your database?  Whenever the gremlins
> start knocking, it often helps to rundown the
> database.
> --- Mark Street <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I could not set this initially as it kept failing.
> > The manual basically said
> > make an inquiry then enter or edit.  When I try to
> > enter or edit it dumps me
> > back to OPTION.
> >
> > Input to what File: HL COMMUNICATION SERVER
> >
> > Select OPTION:
Mark Street, RHCE
Key fingerprint = 3949 39E4 6317 7C3C 023E  2B1F 6FB3 06E7 D109 56C0
GPG key http://www.oswizards.com/pubkey.asc

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Re: [Hardhats-members] set HL COMMUNICATION SERVER PARAMETERS fails

2005-03-07 Thread Mark Street
On Monday 07 March 2005 20:01, Bhaskar, KS wrote:
> Kevin
> Why do you suspect a database issue rather than an application logic issue?
>  In any case, if there is a suspected datbase issue, do a mupip integ on
> it.

OK, interesting.  Unfortunately I haven't done my homework on journaling.
mupip integ
File or Region: /home/vista/2.5/g/mumps.dat
/home/vista/2.5/g/mumps.dat -> File already open by another process.
Resource temporarily unavailable
%GTM-I-MUSTANDALONE, Could not get exclusive access 
to /home/vista/2.5/g/mumps.dat
%GTM-E-INTEGERRS, Database integrity errors

> Also, Mark, if you are powering down your PC, you should shut down
> processes first.  Or run journaling.  Or both.

I don't power down my servers unless the power goes out.

Mark Street, RHCE
Key fingerprint = 3949 39E4 6317 7C3C 023E  2B1F 6FB3 06E7 D109 56C0
GPG key http://www.oswizards.com/pubkey.asc

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Re: [Hardhats-members] set HL COMMUNICATION SERVER PARAMETERS fails

2005-03-07 Thread Mark Street
On Monday 07 March 2005 05:24, Greg Kreis wrote:
> What is the value of your DUZ(0) variable?  If you type HL at the prompt
> for the file, does HL COMMUNICATION SERVER PARAMETERS appear in the
> list? (I would expect FM to not show it as a default if you don't have
> the privileges to see it, but entering HL will help confirm that.

Well, I did not set the DUZ variable when I entered fileman.  I have set it to 
1 when creating users.

Press  to see more, '^' to exit this list, OR

Well, actually there were 21 choices for HL     

> Mark Street wrote:
> >I could not set this initially as it kept failing.  The manual basically
> > said make an inquiry then enter or edit.  When I try to enter or edit it
> > dumps me back to OPTION.
> >
> >
> >Select OPTION:

Mark Street, RHCE
Key fingerprint = 3949 39E4 6317 7C3C 023E  2B1F 6FB3 06E7 D109 56C0
GPG key http://www.oswizards.com/pubkey.asc

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Re: [Hardhats-members] set HL COMMUNICATION SERVER PARAMETERS fails

2005-03-07 Thread Mark Street
Thanks for the insight David

On Monday 07 March 2005 06:56, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> As I recall, if the file dumps you like that, it is because the global it
> is stored in is undefined.  what do you get when you type
> WRITE ^HLCS(869.3,0),!

GTM>WRITE ^HLCS(869.3,0),!

%GTM-E-GVUNDEF, Global variable undefined: ^HLCS(869.3,0)
Interesting, undefined, why do I see it in Fileman?

> If you get an undefined then you need to set up the global.
> The following command will do no harm if you already have the global, and
> And if you don't, it will initialize the File Attribute note.


%GTM-E-UNDEF, Undefined local variable: U

> > I could not set this initially as it kept failing.  The manual basically
> > said make an inquiry then enter or edit.  When I try to enter or edit it
> > dumps me back to OPTION.
> >
> >
> > Select OPTION:

Mark Street, RHCE
Key fingerprint = 3949 39E4 6317 7C3C 023E  2B1F 6FB3 06E7 D109 56C0
GPG key http://www.oswizards.com/pubkey.asc

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Re: [Hardhats-members] set HL COMMUNICATION SERVER PARAMETERS fails

2005-03-08 Thread Mark Street
Well, I had to sleep on it last night and regroup.  After a fresh look at it 
this morning I killed all mumps processes, fired it all back up again and did 
a clean rundown.  The rundown was successful.  I then did a mupip integ, the 
database was clean.

I started taskman and listener, background filers and HL filer monitor without 
a hitch, then I logged in with both D ^XUP and D P^DI to try and ENTER OR 
EDIT the HL COMMUNICATION SERVER PARAMETERS.  I still get dumped back to an 
OPTION prompt or a GTM prompt.

Now, I am not fixated on this issue but setting this parameter is in the HUI 
config manual.  Every other parameter that I had to set in the manual worked 
without a hitch.

Oh well, I am still learning.

On Tuesday 08 March 2005 04:30, Bhaskar, KS wrote:
> If you have structural integrity errors with the database, then bets are
> off with regard to correct operation of application code.
> Let's take this one step at a time: What does mupip integ say when you run
> it?

Mark Street, RHCE
Key fingerprint = 3949 39E4 6317 7C3C 023E  2B1F 6FB3 06E7 D109 56C0
GPG key http://www.oswizards.com/pubkey.asc

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Re: [Hardhats-members] set HL COMMUNICATION SERVER PARAMETERS fails

2005-03-08 Thread Mark Street
On Tuesday 08 March 2005 03:18, Nancy Anthracite wrote:
> Just because it says "Locked with " next to something in a menu does not me
> it is currently locked.
> Have you seen the instructions on Kevin's web site about how to assign
> yourself every key?  http://www.geocities.com/kdtop3/ under "Adding
> Security Keys"?

Yes, I have assigned my SA account the long list of keys, but I have also read 
that assigning your self keys may not automatically grant access to said menu 
items.  I have done some looking around the keys management menus to try to 
learn more.

> Did you look at D ^ZTMON to be sure Taskman shut down all of the way?


> Have you gone through beyond step 31 in the Install instructions on the
> Hardhats web site for Installation on Cache to be sure all of those things
> are OK?

I will go back to hardhats and double check.

> On Tuesday 08 March 2005 12:54 am, Mark Street wrote:
> > I have not rundown the database as my servers run for months without
> > rebooting.  I have the rundown alias defined for the vista user to do it.
> > So what the heck, I shutdown taskman, and RPC listener then I tried to
> > rundown the database...  ooops.
> >
> > /home/vista/2.5/g/mumps.dat -> File is in use by another process.
> > %GTM-W-MUNOTALLSEC, WARNING: not all global sections accessed were
> > successfullyrundown.  H, similar error with mupip -integ.
> >
> > Anyway, I have sucessfully assigned my SA account mega keys.  I am still
> > having problems with locked menus with some assigned keys.  It appears
> > the HL COMM menu is locked, when I try to access the menu it drops me
> > back to OPTION.  I am working on how to UNlock some of the menu items
> > like HL.
> >
> > Still scratching it out..
> >
> > On Monday 07 March 2005 19:34, Kevin Toppenberg wrote:
> > > Have you rundown your database?  Whenever the gremlins
> > > start knocking, it often helps to rundown the
> > > database.
> > >
> > > --- Mark Street <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > I could not set this initially as it kept failing.
> > > > The manual basically said
> > > > make an inquiry then enter or edit.  When I try to
> > > > enter or edit it dumps me
> > > > back to OPTION.
> > > >
> > > > Input to what File: HL COMMUNICATION SERVER
> > > > PARAMETERS//
> > > >
> > > > Select OPTION:

Mark Street, RHCE
Key fingerprint = 3949 39E4 6317 7C3C 023E  2B1F 6FB3 06E7 D109 56C0
GPG key http://www.oswizards.com/pubkey.asc

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Re: [Hardhats-members] OK, I can't seem to figure this out

2005-03-08 Thread Mark Street
From the Xdialog box I believe you have to 'install' onto the thumb drive 
before you can 'run'.

On Tuesday 08 March 2005 12:26, Jim Drash wrote:
> I know what I am doing in many OS (Linux, Windows, other *ixs) and I
> can't figure what I need to do to make the latest VivA from the open
> vista pages in sourceforge.  I have live-DVD and it boots up knoppix
> just fine.  I want to "run" the application using my usb thumbdrive.
> I fire up a shell,  cd to /usr/local/OpenVisa and then run ./vista  I
> pick "run" from the dialog box and then nothing happens for a very
> long time.  Then a dialog box pops up asking me for a directory.  I
> tried /mnt/sda1 (my usb drive). I get an error saying that
> /mnt/sda1/d/. missing
Mark Street, RHCE
Key fingerprint = 3949 39E4 6317 7C3C 023E  2B1F 6FB3 06E7 D109 56C0
GPG key http://www.oswizards.com/pubkey.asc

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[Hardhats-members] SemiVivAFOIAGold20050212

2005-03-08 Thread Mark Street
Now that I have scrapped through the circa 2003 stuff it is time to give the 
latest and greatest a try.

1.  Does this release run under Fedora Core 3?

2.  I would rather not utilize the vista script with Xdialog as I am accessing 
the server with no X binaries or libraries installed.  Can I do this with 

I recall the previous posts about making the script use a curses based 
interface but I just want to place source, dat and objects of the tarball 
and start configuration.

Is the vista install/run script an attempt to simplify/installation of 
Mark Street, RHCE
Key fingerprint = 3949 39E4 6317 7C3C 023E  2B1F 6FB3 06E7 D109 56C0
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Hardhats-members mailing list

Re: [Hardhats-members] SemiVivAFOIAGold20050212

2005-03-08 Thread Mark Street
OK, that clarifies it.  GT.M/Vista seems to run on FC3 just fine with Security 
Enhancements not configured.  I will start a new config and see how things go 
now that I have Fileman initialized.

One note, on the hardhats.org site Projects/install notes, the instructions 
are rather windows centric. ; )

On Tuesday 08 March 2005 15:08, Bhaskar, KS wrote:
> > 1.  Does this release run under Fedora Core 3?
> [KSB] It has been reported as running on FC3.  However, FC3 may have a
> default setting that prevents processes from executing code from heap
> (malloc'd) space.  Since GT.M is a true compiler and M requires dynamic
> compilation of code, if turned on, this setting must be turned off.  I
> don't have personal experience with FC.
> > 2.  I would rather not utilize the vista script with Xdialog as I am
> > accessing the server with no X binaries or libraries installed.  Can I do
> > this with SemiVivA?
> [KSB] Short answer: yes.
> Long answer: you don't need to use the /usr/local/OpenVistA/vista script
> to run VistA on GT.M, on either VivA or SemiVivA.  All it does is set up
> a bunch of environment variables using Xdialog for user interaction.
> Check the script for the environment variables it sets (and note that it
> calls /usr/local/gtm/gtmprofile).  Minimally, you will need to set:
> $vista_home (needed if you wan to use the global directory
> at /usr/local/OpenVistA/g/mumps.gld; tnot needed if you create your own
> global directory) to point to something
> like /home/mark/myVistA/VistA20050212 if the database is
> at /home/mark/myVistA/VistA20050212/g/mumps.dat, dynamically created
> source routines are in the directory /home/mark/myVistA/VistA20050212/r
> and dynamically compiled object files are to go
> in /home/mark/myVistA/VistA20050212/o.
> $gtm_dist to point to /usr/local/gtm, the directory where GT.M is
> installed.
> $gtmgbldir to point to the global directory,
> i.e., /usr/local/OpenVistA/g/mumps.gld.
> $gtmroutines to point to
> "/home/mark/myVistA/VistA20050212/o(/home/mark/myVistA/VistA20050212/r)
> /usr/local/OpenVistA/o(/usr/loca/OpenVistA/r) $gtm_dist"
> So the following should allow you to execute VistA successfully:
> To install Vista (look out for inopportune line breaks caused by mail):
>   mkdir -p /home/mark/myVistA/VistA20050212/{g,o,r}
>   gzip -d 
> >/home/mark/myVistA/VistA20050212/g/mumps.dat
> To run VistA:
>   source /usr/local/gtm/gtmprofile
>   export vista_source=/usr/local/OpenVistA
>   export vista_home=/home/mark/myVistA/VistA20050212
>   export gtmgbldir=$vista_source/g/mumps.gld
>   export gtmroutines="$vista_home/o($vista_home/r)
> $vista_source/o($vista_source/r) $gtm_dist"
>   $gtm_dist/mumps -dir
> Have fun!
> -- Bhaskar
> ---
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Mark Street, RHCE
Key fingerprint = 3949 39E4 6317 7C3C 023E  2B1F 6FB3 06E7 D109 56C0
GPG key http://www.oswizards.com/pubkey.asc

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Hardhats-members mailing list

Re: [Hardhats-members] SemiVivAFOIAGold20050212

2005-03-08 Thread Mark Street
I plan to do just this very thing.  I have been doing this all day in between 

1.  I am still learning the different sources for Vista documentation on the 
web.  One thing I was a bit intimidated by at first was the different sources 
and not knowing exactly where to start or where to go next  which is why 
I mentioned the wiki.

2.  I am still learning the different strengths of those that contribute on 
the hardhats list.

The geocities.com/kdtop3 site and hardhats.org are both very good resources 
with lots of information.  Sifting through for relevance can be a bit 
challenging. which is why I initially went for the HUI doc and installed 
from source.  

Would the wiki be the best place?

On Tuesday 08 March 2005 16:57, Kevin Toppenberg wrote:
> Mark,
> You take good documentation where you can get it.  You
> are in a great position to help us improve our
> documentation.  I did this somewhat when I was
> figuring it out also.  It is hard to remember what you
> don't know, and the order that you had to learn it.
> If you could help with non-windows centric
> documentation, we would be very grateful.  "Help the
> next guy."
> Kevin
> --- Mark Street <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > OK, that clarifies it.  GT.M/Vista seems to run on
> > FC3 just fine with Security
> > Enhancements not configured.  I will start a new
> > config and see how things go
> > now that I have Fileman initialized.
> >
> > One note, on the hardhats.org site Projects/install
> > notes, the instructions
> > are rather windows centric. ; )
> >
> > On Tuesday 08 March 2005 15:08, Bhaskar, KS wrote:
> > > > 1.  Does this release run under Fedora Core 3?
> > >
> > > [KSB] It has been reported as running on FC3.
> >
> > However, FC3 may have a
> >
> > > default setting that prevents processes from
> >
> > executing code from heap
> >
> > > (malloc'd) space.  Since GT.M is a true compiler
> >
> > and M requires dynamic
> >
> > > compilation of code, if turned on, this setting
> >
> > must be turned off.  I
> >
> > > don't have personal experience with FC.
> > >
> > > > 2.  I would rather not utilize the vista script
> >
> > with Xdialog as I am
> >
> > > > accessing the server with no X binaries or
> >
> > libraries installed.  Can I do
> >
> > > > this with SemiVivA?
> > >
> > > [KSB] Short answer: yes.
> > >
> > > Long answer: you don't need to use the
> >
> > /usr/local/OpenVistA/vista script
> >
> > > to run VistA on GT.M, on either VivA or SemiVivA.
> >
> > All it does is set up
> >
> > > a bunch of environment variables using Xdialog for
> >
> > user interaction.
> >
> > > Check the script for the environment variables it
> >
> > sets (and note that it
> >
> > > calls /usr/local/gtm/gtmprofile).  Minimally, you
> >
> > will need to set:
> > > $vista_home (needed if you wan to use the global
> >
> > directory
> >
> > > at /usr/local/OpenVistA/g/mumps.gld; tnot needed
> >
> > if you create your own
> >
> > > global directory) to point to something
> > > like /home/mark/myVistA/VistA20050212 if the
> >
> > database is
> >
> > > at /home/mark/myVistA/VistA20050212/g/mumps.dat,
> >
> > dynamically created
> >
> > > source routines are in the directory
> >
> > /home/mark/myVistA/VistA20050212/r
> >
> > > and dynamically compiled object files are to go
> > > in /home/mark/myVistA/VistA20050212/o.
> > >
> > > $gtm_dist to point to /usr/local/gtm, the
> >
> > directory where GT.M is
> >
> > > installed.
> > >
> > > $gtmgbldir to point to the global directory,
> > > i.e., /usr/local/OpenVistA/g/mumps.gld.
> > >
> > > $gtmroutines to point to
> "/home/mark/myVistA/VistA20050212/o(/home/mark/myVistA/VistA20050212/r)
> > > /usr/local/OpenVistA/o(/usr/loca/OpenVistA/r)
> >
> > $gtm_dist"
> >
> > > So the following should allow you to execute VistA
> >
> > successfully:
> > > To install Vista (look out for inopportune line
> >
> > breaks caused by mail):
> > >   mkdir -p
> >
> > /home/mark/myVistA/VistA20050212/{g,o,r}
> >
> > >   gzip -d  > >
> > > >/home/mark/myVistA/VistA20050212/g/mumps.dat
> &

RE: [Hardhats-members] Open Source Programmer Alleges Linux Misus e

2005-03-17 Thread Mark Street

Read the GPL

If you modify a program that is licensed under the GPL and then
re-distribute or sell that program to a customer or entity you must
release the changes made to the source code to the community under the

There is nothing in the GPL that says you can't sell the your version of
the program, but you must release your changes to the community.  You
benefitted from the source code to build your program so the community
deserves to benefit from your additions and changes also.

And I quote  ``Free software'' is a matter of liberty, not price. To
understand the concept, you should think of ``free'' as in ``free
speech,'' not as in ``free beer.''

"Free software is a matter of the users' freedom to run, copy, distribute,
study, change and improve the software. More precisely, it refers to four
kinds of freedom, for the users of the software:

* The freedom to run the program, for any purpose (freedom 0).
* The freedom to study how the program works, and adapt it to your
needs (freedom 1). Access to the source code is a precondition for
* The freedom to redistribute copies so you can help your neighbor
(freedom 2).
* The freedom to improve the program, and release your improvements to
the public, so that the whole community benefits (freedom 3). Access
to the source code is a precondition for this."

Modules are a different story.  Proprietary modules don't neccesarily use
or change GPL code or programs, they merely interface with the GPL program
indirectly.  This happens in the Linux kernel, if a proprietary or closed
source module is used ... say for a video card driver, the kernel is said
to be 'tainted' by the proprietary driver.

Aylesworth Marc A Contr AFRL/IFSE said:
> I'm not a lawyer but the way I read it  is if you modify a program with
> the
> GPL then the program has to also be licensed under the GPL. The only way
> to
> get around this seems if you have modular code the only thing that has to
> be
> GPLed is the module that has the original program in it.
> Thanks
> Marc Aylesworth
> C3I Associates
> Joint Battlespace Infosphere Team
> 525 Brooks Rd
> Rome, NY 13441-4505
> Tel:315.330.2422
> Fax:315.330.7009
> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Kevin
> Toppenberg
> Sent: Thursday, March 17, 2005 1:21 PM
> To: hardhats-members@lists.sourceforge.net
> Subject: Re: [Hardhats-members] Open Source Programmer Alleges Linux
> Misuse
> Does GPL require that they provide they enhancements
> they made, or just the source code of what they
> started with?  If the latter is the case, I don't see
> what the big deal is.  It's not like others can't get
> their own copy of the source code from SourceForge.
> Kevin
> --- Nancy Anthracite <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> http://news.zdnet.com/2100-3513_22-5621156.html?tag=nl.e589
>> ... Interesting RE enforcement of the GPL in court.
>> --
>> Nancy Anthracite
> ---
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Re: [Hardhats-members] Linux question: Setting up DVD for backup

2005-03-20 Thread Mark Street
Whoa, quite a bit here...

1.  Windows bites, do it our way or the highway.
2.  Samba - Get yourself the book by John Terpstra - Samba 3 By Example - 
Practical Exercises to Successful Deployment.
Download my smb.conf tutorial file and have a go at joining that domain
If you would like I can give you access to one of my Linux Admin courses 
online.  You can study the Samba material to see if it clarifies things a 
little.  Samba is a huge subject, especially if you are going to deploy with 
500+ uses.  I highly recommend the book. 

I don't think that will solve your problems though, you need to backup the 
Linux server.
3.  See number 2 above.
4.  You can share your private key/identity with the client and you will not 
have to supply a password when you execute your command.  You could do this 
with linux boxes easy, windows would be a hassle.  In Linux I could issue the 
command,  scp -r /var/data/* [EMAIL PROTECTED]:mydata/

5.  Oh yeah... you could install a DVD writer, CDR or an additional HDD or 

Here are a couple tools for you.  Mondo Resuce 

I use another command line program from a cron job called rdiff-backup - 
http://www.nongnu.org/rdiff-backup/  It can take a snapshot of your 
filesystem whenever you tell it to, it also keeps diffs on all files that 
have been changed since the last backup.  You can actually restore a file 
from a specific date and time.  I snapshot at 3:10am onto a spare drive in 
the machine, I also snapshot my databases every hour.  You can use Mondo to 
create an entire system backup onto CD, HDD, NFS or DVD - 

Keep yourself clear of Windows and your choices will be plentiful and your  
difficulty will be diminished.

Setup another Linux Samba Server for the Windows clients/users to store their 
data on, then back that one up with the tools above. 

Have Fun!!!... and test your backups regularly to make sure you are indeed 
backing up your data.

On Sunday 20 March 2005 14:36, Kevin Toppenberg wrote:
> I know this question is a bit off-topic for the board.
>  If you all have a better place for me to ask, just
> let me know.
> I need a reliable backup solution for my linux server.
>  Here are methods I have explored, unsuccessfully so
> far.  Let me first mention that our office also has a
> new Windows Server running our billing package.  My
> initial thoughts were to copy my linux data to the
> Windows server, and then let their backup process save
> my data.
> 1. Install Services for Linux (SFU) put out by Windows
> onto our Windows server.  I then created a NFS share.
> I can view the directory contents of the Windows share
> from my linux box, but for the life of me I can't get
> write permission.  You have to run a Windows
> namemapper to map linux users to Windows users, and
> then give that user write permission.  Sounds easy.  I
> can't get it to work.  The permission system on NTFS
> is a bit complex to me.
> 2. Run a Samba server on my linux box.  When I do
> this, I can see the drive from a Windows laptop, and I
> might even be able to write to it (I can't remember).
> But when I try to find the file when browsing from the
> Windows Server, I can't find it.  Not sure if I have
> to join Windows "domain" to work.  This descends into
> a murky realm for me of ActiveDirectories.  Also, I'm
> not sure if my iptables is filtering out the samba
> ports etc.
> 3. Run a Samba client on my linux box.  I haven't
> tried this, but again I worry that I would have to
> discover how to join the Windows "domain" and be
> validated.
> 4. Get scp to work on my Windows server, and scp the
> needed data up.  This would probably work, but I would
> need to use and 'expect' script to supply the password
> etc if it is going to be automated.  This seems a bit
> klunky, and will probably be my last resort.
> 5. Install a DVD writer on my linux box.  This is what
> I am currently trying to do.  I successfully installed
> a new USB 2.0 IO card, and have now plugged the drive
> in.  I'm lost as to what to do now.  I have read
> multiple web sites, and I'm overwhelmed.  Right off
> the bat the install demos talk about possible kernel
> upgrades etc.  It seems that cdrtools is one route to
> use.  I would have to purchase a commercial license.
> The money is not such an issue, but I would want to be
> sure it was going to work.
> 6. Purchase and install tape backup system for the
> linux box.  This may well be a great options, but I
> have no experience with this.
> If anyone has 

Re: [Hardhats-members] Linux question: Setting up DVD for backup

2005-03-22 Thread Mark Street
I didn't receive KS Bhaskar's reply referenced below, my comments are below, 
snipped for brevity.

On Tuesday 22 March 2005 06:56, Nancy Anthracite wrote:
> My impression is that K3B is very smart, much smarter than I am, thank
> goodness!  But, you generally need to start K3b as root if you want to
> consistently have joy in Mudville!

So true, it takes some tweaking to get permissions just right for a mere 
mortal user to record CD's.  Let us not forget that the GUI tools are merely 
front ends for the command line tools from cd/DVD record tools.


A system administrator has much more flexibility with command line tools when 
it comes to automating tasks.

> On Tuesday 22 March 2005 09:13 am, Bhaskar, KS wrote:
> > Most likely, a DVD connected via a USB port will show up as a SCSI
> > device, with a name like /dev/sda or /dev/sdb.  However, to burn a
> > CD/DVD, you don't mount it (there is no file system to mount on a blank
>> disk).

It depends on the linux distribution but most newer distributions recognize 
USB CD drives as SCSI devices, they are labeled as /dev/scd0

I worked with a Latitude laptop this weekend and installed Debian Sarge and 
Fedora Core 3, both distros recognized the attached USB CD/RW as /dev/scd0.

Your USB mass storage devices, jump drives, cameras, etc. will show up 
as /dev/sda, /dev/sdb, etc.

> > Generally, if you power up the USB drive first, then boot the PC, k3b
> > will find and recognize the drive.  Also, as root, you can execute
> > "cdrecord --scanbus" to find the "SCSI" drive number for your CD drive.

Most newer Linux distributions automatically recognize USB devices and make 
them available on boot.  Again, it depends on your Linux distro as to how 
much work will be involved.

> > Mark and/or Crawford may want to correct me here, or expand on the
> > explanation, because my understanding of how USB is mapped to SCSI, and
> > how CD/DVD-ROM drives are handled on Linunx is shallow.

There is some difference how CD/DVD devices are handled in the version 2.4 
Linux kernel and 2.6 version, especially USB devices.  2.4 kernel has a SCSI 
emulation layer that was rather clunky, ide_scsi which allowed IDE devices to 
emulate SCSI devices, Linus didn't consider the interface elegant so it was 
reworked in 2.6.  There are some hard feelings on both sides between Linux 
and the author of cdrecord.  Too technical for my ears.

Mark Street, RHCE
Key fingerprint = 3949 39E4 6317 7C3C 023E  2B1F 6FB3 06E7 D109 56C0
GPG key http://www.oswizards.com/pubkey.asc

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Re: [Hardhats-members] Linux question: Setting up DVD for backup

2005-03-23 Thread Mark Street
7; entry, such as

         /usr/bin/X11/xhost +

    remove that line. (Note that the 'xhost' command may be in a
    different directory tree on your system.) If such a line remains
    intact, anyone on the network can talk to the X server and
    potentially insert commands into windows or read console keystrokes.

    October 31, 1996

    Anyone running xhost+ who has a valid IP of another user running
    xhost+ can capture their screen image. Using a simple script and the
    domain of an IP address, an individual can increment through
    multiple IP addresses, and determine which computers are running
    xhost+. An attacker can then setup a script to screen capture at
    given intervals throughout the day and save the images for review.
    This vulnerability is undetectable and can be run at any time.

    Enabling X11 Access Control (Fixing xhost +)

    The number 1 rated high risk system vulnerability noted by the
    recent ISS audit of BNL was the use of "xhost +" or an open X
    display. Using "xhost +" allows anyone the ability to watch your
    keystrokes, capture windows and insert command strings into your
    windows. This situation is particularly bad when you have root
    access to a machine.  There is no legitimate reason to run "xhost +".

    Vulnerability Note VU#704969
    X servers may have insecure default configuration of xhosts

    Many X Windows emulators are configured to allow any remote X client
    to open windows on the X server. On command-line based systems the
    equivalent configuration is generated by executing "xhost +". This
    configuration is insecure because attackers may be able to connect
    to the X server and monitor keystrokes or inject commands into X
    windows sessions.

    CERT® Advisory CA-1995-07 SATAN Vulnerability: Password Disclosure

    Avoid using the xhost mechanism, but use xauth and MIT magic cookies
    or better. Otherwise, unauthorized users can see and manipulate
    everything that happens with the screen, keyboard and mouse. Of
    course, this can also be a problem when you are not running the
    SATAN program at all.

    SANS PC Xwindows Security Notice 2004/10/06

    It has come to our attention that some University IP space has
    recently been scanned for TCP port 6000, used to serve up
    X-sessions. We have reason to believe that many WINDOWS computers
    running various X software (Xwin32, eXceed, and others) are being
    compromised by having the equivalent of "xhost +" set.


    X, when run with access permissions disabled (e.g., in "xhost +"
    mode) will happily provide access to Xevent queues to anyone who
    requests it. Since X events include keystrokes, window resizing and
    (re)drawing, mouse movements, etc. (pretty much any user interaction
    that comes to mind), it's *TRIVIAL* to do things like take screen
    snapshots, move or resize windows, grab keystrokes, etc. We have
    positive evidence from other Universities that keystrokes *are*
    being captured.

Mark Street, RHCE
Key fingerprint = 3949 39E4 6317 7C3C 023E  2B1F 6FB3 06E7 D109 56C0
GPG key http://www.oswizards.com/pubkey.asc

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Re: [Hardhats-members] Re: Another option plus RE: Linux question: Setting up DVD for backup

2005-03-23 Thread Mark Street
On Wednesday 23 March 2005 11:20, Kevin Toppenberg wrote:
> Bhaskar said that there is a command like 'mupip
> --backup' that achieves this.

mupip backup

You are then prompted for a REGION 

From what I can tell it will handle the extra parameters on the command line.  

mupip backup US /backup/vista

Mark Street, RHCE
Key fingerprint = 3949 39E4 6317 7C3C 023E  2B1F 6FB3 06E7 D109 56C0
GPG key http://www.oswizards.com/pubkey.asc

This SF.net email is sponsored by Microsoft Mobile & Embedded DevCon 2005
Attend MEDC 2005 May 9-12 in Vegas. Learn more about the latest Windows
Embedded(r) & Windows Mobile(tm) platforms, applications & content.  Register
by 3/29 & save $300 http://ads.osdn.com/?ad_idh83&alloc_id149&op=click
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Re: [Hardhats-members] Re: (NEWS)EDS: Linux is insecure, unscalable

2005-03-24 Thread Mark Street
Agreed, FUD pure and simple.  Does this stuff belong on the Hard Hat's list?

On Thursday 24 March 2005 10:42, Crawford Rainwater wrote:
> Hmmm, consider that Microsoft is involved in a study that is finding its
> results against Linux...can we say perhaps slightly biased!?!
> Throw in Sun with Solaris, though they are moving towards Open Source
> avenues recently...
> EMC is oriented to UNIX and M$ based...
> Dell...well, they only resell with M$ on board...
> EDS as consultants...oops, that is a contradiction I think. ;-)
Mark Street, RHCE
Key fingerprint = 3949 39E4 6317 7C3C 023E  2B1F 6FB3 06E7 D109 56C0
GPG key http://www.oswizards.com/pubkey.asc

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Discover which products truly live up to the hype. Start reading now.
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[Hardhats-members] Feedback on manual Vista FOIA GOLD install document.

2005-03-24 Thread Mark Street
I am going to place this in the Wiki eventually, I will add more basic command 
detail and other details later after I go back through my notes and .history 
file.  Feedback appreciated.

Manual Installation of Vista FOIA GOLD source on Linux.

1. Create a vista user
2. Edit vista users environment
3. Obtain Vista FOIA GOLD archive
4. Place Vista archive contents onto filesystem
5. Begin Configuration of Vista
1.  Create a vista user

useradd vista
adduser vista

2.  Edit vista user's environment - We have to add the paths to Vista's 
routines and gtm.  Here is an example of a .bash_profile file for the vista 
user.  It assumes you are installing Vista into the user vista's home 
directory /home/vista and your are installing gtm into /usr/local/gtm.

You can either add the portions to your vista user's existing .bash_profile or 
replace it with this example
##  BEGIN 
# .bash_profile

# Get the aliases and functions
if [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then
. ~/.bashrc

# User specific environment and startup programs



## OpenVistA specific environment ##
export gtm_dist=/usr/local/gtm
export gtm_log=/home/vista/log

export gtmgbldir=/home/vista/g/mumps.gld
export gtm_vista=/home/vista/
export vista_home=/home/vista
export gtmroutines="$vista_home/o($vista_home/r) $gtm_dist"

alias GTM="$gtm_dist/mumps -direct"
alias gtm="$gtm_dist/mumps -direct"
alias mupip="$gtm_dist/mupip"
alias gde="$gtm_dist/mumps -r ^GDE"
alias lke="$gtm_dist/lke"
alias dse="$gtm_dist/dse"
alias rundown="$gtm_dist/mupip rundown -r \"*\""

export PATH=$PATH:$gtm_dist
#  END 

3.  Obtain and unpack the Vista FOIA GOLD archive from sourceforge.

4.  Place Vista routines and gtm on the filesystem.

After you unarchive the Vista archive referenced above you will have two 
directories, gtm and OpenVistA.  First we need to make sure the ownership of 
all files in gtm and OpenVistA are owned by their proper users.

From the directory in which you UNarchived the files run;

chown -R root.root gtm
then change the file and dir ownership on the Vista routines to the vista 
chown -R vista.vista OpenVistA

Now, move the files to their proper locations on the filesytem

mv gtm /usr/local/

Change your current working directory into the OpenVista directory and copy 
all the Vista files to the vista user's home dir /home/vista.

cd OpenVistA

mv * /home/vista/ 

5.  Begin Configuration of Vista

Mark Street, RHCE
Key fingerprint = 3949 39E4 6317 7C3C 023E  2B1F 6FB3 06E7 D109 56C0
GPG key http://www.oswizards.com/pubkey.asc

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Re: [Hardhats-members] (NEWS)EDS: Linux is insecure, unscalable

2005-03-24 Thread Mark Street
Oooops  Open mouth, insert foot.

EDS: Linux 'strategically important'
24 March 2005

Outsourcing specialist EDS said it was "proactively engineering" Linux into 
its product portfolio, backtracking on previous statements that the 
open-source software was insecure and unscalable.

Resistance is futile

On Thursday 17 March 2005 09:40, Dan wrote:
> http://www.zdnet.com.au/news/software/0,261733,39184795,00.htm
> "Large enterprises should not use Linux because it is not secure enough,
> has scalability problems and could fork into many different flavours,
> according to the Agility Alliance, which includes IT heavyweights EDS, Fuji
> Xerox, Cisco, Microsoft, Sun, Dell and EMC. "  (more)

Mark Street, RHCE
Key fingerprint = 3949 39E4 6317 7C3C 023E  2B1F 6FB3 06E7 D109 56C0
GPG key http://www.oswizards.com/pubkey.asc

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[Hardhats-members] Manual Installation of OpenVista SemiVivA FOIA Gold

2005-03-24 Thread Mark Street
I placed my installation HowTo on the wiki under Installation Guides, 
Installation How To VistA GT.M Linux.


Vista Infrastructure configuration documentation seems a bit thin on the Wiki.  
Would it be possible to merge some of the old "Installation and Configuration 
Manual" and material from the hardhats.org 'projects' section to the wiki.  
Specifically - Kernel, Fileman, Taskman, Mailman, RPC Broker, CPRS.  Any 
other portions I am leaving out?  Is the OpenVista on GT.M on Linux - 
Installation and Configuration Manual a dead document, circa 2003 or does it 
still have some life in it?

As I scratch through yet another install and configuration cycle I would like 
to tie each of these together so beginners can get a Vista system installed 
and basic configuration on Linux in a minimal amount of time and minimal 
amount of agony and hair loss  Although some, including myself realize 
there is a lot more agony to come...

Mark Street, RHCE
Key fingerprint = 3949 39E4 6317 7C3C 023E  2B1F 6FB3 06E7 D109 56C0
GPG key http://www.oswizards.com/pubkey.asc

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Re: [Hardhats-members] Manual Installation of OpenVista SemiVivA FOIA Gold

2005-03-25 Thread Mark Street
Which specific guides would you like moved to the Wiki?  I have used them as 
well as the Installation Guide and hardhats to get up and going, so they may 
as well be in 1 convenient location.

As for the install script, throw it at me and I will give it a whirl.

On Friday 25 March 2005 10:56, Kevin Toppenberg wrote:
> Have you see the collection of installation guides I
> put together at:
> www.geocities.com/kdtop3
> (And if anyone can figure out how to move these to the
> wikki, I think they would be better there...)
> Are you interested in trying my installion script
> system.  I need a tester, and you would be an ideal
> candidate.  I used it for my configuration on my
> production system, and it worked well for me.
> Let me know
Mark Street, RHCE
Key fingerprint = 3949 39E4 6317 7C3C 023E  2B1F 6FB3 06E7 D109 56C0
GPG key http://www.oswizards.com/pubkey.asc

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Re: [Hardhats-members] Linux question: Setting up DVD for backup

2005-03-25 Thread Mark Street
gt; >
> > stable
> >
> > > > bleeding
> > > >
> > > >   or
> > > >
> > > > rpm http://rpms.xcyb.org/redhat/9 athlon stable
> > > > bleeding
> > > > rpm-src http://rpms.xcyb.org/redhat/9 athlon
> >
> > stable
> >
> > > > bleeding
> > > >
> > > >   depending on the architecture.
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > On Wednesday 23 March 2005 07:34 am, Kevin
> > > >
> > > > Toppenberg wrote:
> > > > > After the great advice given on this board, I
> >
> > have
> >
> > > > > decided to get k3b going.  I did cdrecord
> > > >
> > > > --scanbus,
> > > >
> > > > > and sure enough my DVD is there.
> > > > >
> > > > > I got the k3b source from:
> > > > > http://www.k3b.org/
> > > > >
> > > > > The problem is that I need to compile it from
> > > >
> > > > source,
> > > >
> > > > > because there is no recent precompiled binary
> > > > > available for RH9.  I have never done this
> >
> > before,
> >
> > > > so
> > > >
> > > > > I am a bit timid.
> > > > >
> > > > > I have extracted the source files to a
> >
> > directory,
> >
> > > > as
> > > >
> > > > > the instructions advice.  The next step is to
> > > > > configure the source with:
> > > > > # ./configure
> > > > >
> > > > > But here is my screenlog:
> > > > >
> > > > > [EMAIL PROTECTED] kdt0p]# cd dvd+rw-tools/
> > > > > [EMAIL PROTECTED] dvd+rw-tools]#
> > > > > [EMAIL PROTECTED] dvd+rw-tools]# ls
> > > > > btcflash.cpp dvd+rw-mediainfo.cpp
> > > >
> > > > growisofs.o
> > > >
> > > > >  Makefile.m4
> > > > > dvd-ram-control.cpp  dvd+rw-tools.spec
> > > >
> > > > index.html
> > > >
> > > > >  rpl8.cpp
> > > > > dvd+rw-booktype.cpp  growisofs.1
> >
> >
> > > > >  transport.hxx
> > > > > dvd+rw-format.cppgrowisofs.c
> > > >
> > > > Makefile
> > > >
> > > > > [EMAIL PROTECTED] dvd+rw-tools]#
> > > > > [EMAIL PROTECTED] dvd+rw-tools]# ./configure
> > > > > -bash: ./configure: No such file or directory
> > > > > [EMAIL PROTECTED] dvd+rw-tools]#
> > > > >
> > > > > What am I doing wrong?
> > > > >
> > > > > Thanks
> > > > > Kevin
> >
> > __
> >
> > > > > Do You Yahoo!?
> > > > > Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam
> > > >
> > > > protection around
> > > >
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> ---
> > > > > This SF.net email is sponsored by: 2005
> >
> > Windows
> >
> > > > Mobile Application Contest
> > > >
> > > > > Submit applications for Windows
> >
> > Mobile(tm)-based
> >
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> > > >
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> > > >
> > > > distribution. Enter today at
> http://ads.osdn.com/?ad_id=6882&alloc_id=15148&op=click
> > ___
> >
> > > > > Hardhats-members mailing list
> > > > > Hardhats-members@lists.sourceforge.net
> https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/hardhats-members
> > > > --
> > > > Nancy Anthracite
> ---
> > > > This SF.net email is sponsored by: 2005 Windows
> > > > Mobile Application Contest
> > > > Submit applications for Windows Mobile(tm)-based
> > > > Pocket PCs or Smartphones
> > > > for the chance to win $25,000 and application
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Mark Street, RHCE
Key fingerprint = 3949 39E4 6317 7C3C 023E  2B1F 6FB3 06E7 D109 56C0
GPG key http://www.oswizards.com/pubkey.asc

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Re: [Hardhats-members] Need help setting up tightVNC server

2005-03-25 Thread Mark Street
vncserver listens on 5901

That would be vncviewer poweredge.tmedgroup.com:2
supply the password for the server and boom.  Instant INSECURE access.

but why. when you have a secure way of running graphical applications 
tunneled through ssh.

ssh -Xf [EMAIL PROTECTED] /usr/bin/k3b

You only need 1 hole (port 22) through the firewall with that command, pure 
ssh baby.  We could use port forwarding with SSH to secure VNC.. how 
about we save that for another day.

On Friday 25 March 2005 14:47, Kevin Toppenberg wrote:
> I want to use tightVNC on my server so that I can do
> remote graphical administration.
> I can run the server.  Here is a screen log:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] bin]$ ps
> 24453 pts/100:00:00 bash
> 24601 pts/100:00:00 ps
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] bin]$ vncserver -name vistaserver
> New 'vistaserver' desktop is poweredge.tmedgroup.com:2
> Starting applications specified in
> /home/kdt0p/.vnc/xstartup
> Log file is
> /home/kdt0p/.vnc/poweredge.tmedgroup.com:2.log
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] bin]$ ps
> 24453 pts/100:00:00 bash
> 24610 pts/100:00:00 Xvnc
> 24630 pts/100:00:00 gconfd-2
> 24631 pts/100:00:00 ps
> But when I try to connect with a tightVNC viewer from
> another computer, I get an error "Failed to connect to
> server."
> I suspect that my iptables local firewall is blocking
> the port.  But how do I determine what port to try to
> open?  The TightVNC viewer allows one to specify the
> port, but I don't see how to do that on the server
> side.
> Thanks
> Kevin
> P.S. is this a security risk?  To use this at home, I
> would have to expose that port to the internet.
> Kevin
> __
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Mark Street, RHCE
Key fingerprint = 3949 39E4 6317 7C3C 023E  2B1F 6FB3 06E7 D109 56C0
GPG key http://www.oswizards.com/pubkey.asc

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Hardhats-members mailing list

Re: [Hardhats-members] Need help setting up tightVNC server

2005-03-25 Thread Mark Street
A quick google brought this up.


On Friday 25 March 2005 17:16, Kevin Toppenberg wrote:
> Is tightVNC also a security risk?  Does it use the
> same port?  I think i may have been runing vnc server,
> and tightvnc viewer.  I assume these are different?

Same animal, different flavor, both are INsecure.  Tight has extra compression 
algorithms for bitmaps to improve performance over slow links.

> Of note, when I ran the apt-get, the first thing it
> did was to uninstall my "obsolete" vnc.
> I have done X forwarding before, and it was quite
> painful.  In kate, I would press Ctrl-F for find, and
> then wait 10-15 seconds for the dialog box to draw.
> And I have high-speed internet on both ends.
> Also, I was hoping to use my desktop with all its
> icons etc. and also the startmenu.  I hate having to
> remember the path and name of all the apps I want to
> run.

Mark Street, RHCE
Key fingerprint = 3949 39E4 6317 7C3C 023E  2B1F 6FB3 06E7 D109 56C0
GPG key http://www.oswizards.com/pubkey.asc

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Hardhats-members mailing list

Re: [Hardhats-members] On apt and yum (was Re: Linux question: Setting up DVD for backup)

2005-03-25 Thread Mark Street
Command line rules with these tools.  GUI is nice but real work gets done 
under the covers.

For a very good repository with just about any software package you will ever 
need I recommend.  http://dag.wieers.com/home-made/apt/

Read about it and read the getting started section to edit your apt 
sources.list then go to town.

On Friday 25 March 2005 17:41, Crawford Rainwater wrote:
> Kevin (and others):
> On the topic of apt vs. yum my thoughts and experiences here:
> apt is originally meant for Debian based systems or dpkg's.  Synaptic is
> the GUI for apt, and I highly recommend NOT using it from personal
> experience and others' experiences.  Most of the time, it crashes, so
> the good old command line works wonders here.
> yum is YellowDog Update Manager.  YellowDog is RH for PPC's, hence it is
> more tuned to rpm's.  It is very much like apt as well, but again, it is
> designed specifically for rpm's to be used on RH, Fedora, CentOS, and
> YellowDog.
> Kevin, install yum on the RH box and point it to the RH 9.0
> repositories.  Mark mentioned that in a prior post on this thread.  From
> there, use yum as root, take it from there.
> --- Crawford
> Linux+, LCP, LPIC-1, RHCT

Mark Street, RHCE
Key fingerprint = 3949 39E4 6317 7C3C 023E  2B1F 6FB3 06E7 D109 56C0
GPG key http://www.oswizards.com/pubkey.asc

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Re: [Hardhats-members] FW: New White Paper

2005-03-26 Thread Mark Street
Why not make it available without having to reveal any marketing information?

On Saturday 26 March 2005 09:47, HITS wrote:
> For anyone interested, we have published a new White Paper "From Zero to
> GUI; From paper charting to EHR" which is designed to provide information
> to the small clinic/facility which is still considering and wondering just
> what flavor of EHR on which to spend their money.  The questions, answers,
> and steps will provide guidance no matter which EHR/EMR is chosen.
> Rodney H. Kay
> President
> Healthcare Informatics Technology Services, Inc.
> 360-981-4000

Mark Street, RHCE
Key fingerprint = 3949 39E4 6317 7C3C 023E  2B1F 6FB3 06E7 D109 56C0
GPG key http://www.oswizards.com/pubkey.asc

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Hardhats-members mailing list

Re: [Hardhats-members] Manual Installation of OpenVista SemiVivA FOIA Gold

2005-03-27 Thread Mark Street
OK, I gave it a go.  Fresh FOIA Gold source, edited the XMLScript, moved mumps 
files, etc. and stored them in the 'r' directory.
do ^TMGmake


%GTM-E-ACTLSTEXP, Actuallist expected
At M source location Run^TMGXINST

..  I took a peek at TMGXINST.m no ideas from the error message.

On Friday 25 March 2005 15:20, Kevin Toppenberg wrote:
> Download all the files into your personal source files
> directory.
> Then edit the file XMLScript.  Change the values you
> see there that pertain to my institution, and change
> them to your relevant values.
> ** Note: This will low-level install a system.  So
> make sure you are in a practice system that you don't
> mind starting from scratch with.
> Then go into GT.M., do this:
> GT.M>do ^TMGmake
> then
> I would choose the roll-n-scroll method for now.  It
> lets you post screen logs of errors.
> Select the XMLScript file.
> It should then run.  But its been several months since
> I last worked with it, and things many have changed in
> the interum.  Let me know what you think.

Mark Street, RHCE
Key fingerprint = 3949 39E4 6317 7C3C 023E  2B1F 6FB3 06E7 D109 56C0
GPG key http://www.oswizards.com/pubkey.asc

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Hardhats-members mailing list

Re: [Hardhats-members] Manual Installation of OpenVista SemiVivA FOIA Gold

2005-03-27 Thread Mark Street
That worked.  Off I go

On Sunday 27 March 2005 18:49, Kevin Toppenberg wrote:
> Try: do ^TMGXINST()
> There are some optional values that can be passed.
> But if they are not given, then there must be the
> empty parentheses.  Sorry about that.

Mark Street, RHCE
Key fingerprint = 3949 39E4 6317 7C3C 023E  2B1F 6FB3 06E7 D109 56C0
GPG key http://www.oswizards.com/pubkey.asc

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Hardhats-members mailing list

Re: [Hardhats-members] Manual Installation of OpenVista SemiVivA FOIA Gold

2005-03-27 Thread Mark Street
Better, but still a an error at the end.

Now, I will check your % globals.. Done

So I guess this is 'Goodbye'.

   |  ERROR . . .   |..
   +---+ :
   | Error executing code: | :
   | do ZTMGRSET^TMGMGRST(.Answers)| :
   +===+ :

 | [*] XML Script|..
 +---+ :
 | Done with execution of user XML script.   | :
 |   | :
 | See you later...  | :
 | Note: Script was not completed.   | :
 +===+ :

Exiting XML Scripter.

Clean shutdown completed. Goodbye.

On Sunday 27 March 2005 18:54, Kevin Toppenberg wrote:
> I just looked at my code to be sure.  If you have
> trouble with: do ^TMGXINST(), try this:
> do Run^TMGXINST()

> --- Kevin Toppenberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Mark,
> >
> > Try: do ^TMGXINST()
> >
> > There are some optional values that can be passed.
> > But if they are not given, then there must be the
> > empty parentheses.  Sorry about that.
> >
> >
> > ... I need to make a readme file.

Mark Street, RHCE
Key fingerprint = 3949 39E4 6317 7C3C 023E  2B1F 6FB3 06E7 D109 56C0
GPG key http://www.oswizards.com/pubkey.asc

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Re: [Hardhats-members] Linux question: Setting up DVD for backup

2005-03-27 Thread Mark Street
You are not using fedora.us or livna I hope.  Personally I use freshrpms.net 
and dag.

Here are the sites in my RH9 box yum.conf file and sources.list.

name=Red Hat Linux $releasever base

name=Red Hat Linux $releasever updates

name=Fedora Legacy utilities for Red Hat Linux $releasever

name=Red Hat 9 Dag Wieers' repository

# Red Hat Linux 9
rpm http://ayo.freshrpms.net redhat/9/i386 os updates freshrpms
# Red Hat 9 - Fedora Legacy
rpm http://download.fedoralegacy.org/apt redhat/9/i386 os updates legacy-utils
# Dag
rpm http://apt.sw.be redhat/9/en/i386 dag

On Sunday 27 March 2005 19:36, Kevin Toppenberg wrote:
> --- Mark Street <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Comments below
> -snip-
> > Since Red Hat stopped supporting that distribution
> > with bug fixes and updates
> > sometime ago you really should take a look at
> > http://fedoralegacy.org for
> > your updates and bug fixes, I am sure you can add
> > their repository to your
> > apt sources.list file.  They have repositories of
> > packages for the
> > distributions of Red Hat and Fedora that are not
> > actively being supported by
> > Red Hat.
> On the DAG RPM repository
> (http://dag.wieers.com/home-made/apt/FAQ.php#D) he
> says that his repository is not compatible with
> fedora.us
> So could I just put the fedora site into my
> YUM/apt-get config file, and the patches would be
> applied when I enter YUM update?
> I'm a little confused.
> Thanks
> Kevin
> __
> Do you Yahoo!?
> Yahoo! Small Business - Try our new resources site!
> http://smallbusiness.yahoo.com/resources/
> ---
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Mark Street, RHCE
Key fingerprint = 3949 39E4 6317 7C3C 023E  2B1F 6FB3 06E7 D109 56C0
GPG key http://www.oswizards.com/pubkey.asc

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Re: [Hardhats-members] Re: Re: [Hardhats-members] Re: Re: [Hardhats-members] FW: New White Paper

2005-03-28 Thread Mark Street
You have to go to his website, fill in his form with your information and he 
will mail you the white paper.

Simple..  No thanks.

On Monday 28 March 2005 08:34, Nancy Anthracite wrote:
> Sorry for being dense, but what form?  If you sent one with your original
> email to Hardhats, I didn't receive it.  I will check the mailing list on
> SourceForge.
> On Monday 28 March 2005 11:04 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > The white paper is available now.  When the form is emailed to me, I
> > respond to the email address given with the white paper as an
> > attachment.

Mark Street, RHCE
Key fingerprint = 3949 39E4 6317 7C3C 023E  2B1F 6FB3 06E7 D109 56C0
GPG key http://www.oswizards.com/pubkey.asc

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Re: [Hardhats-members] CPRS and Linux and wine

2005-03-28 Thread Mark Street
Why why why why  Just burn some frogskins and get VMWare, run it as a 
virtual machine on your Linux box and run CPRS in its native environment, 
that's what I do on my laptop.

I gave up on Wine in 1998, although I did purchase CrossOver Office by 
CodeWeavers, codeweavers.com.  You may want to see if it will run inside 
their version of Wine.

Personally I hope CPRS gives way to other more flexible cross platform and web 
based clients, written in python, java, etc.

On Monday 28 March 2005 02:57, Doctor Bones wrote:
> I realize that everyone pretty much has written off CPRS and wine with
> linux.
> Well, I decided to give a try for grins and giggles
> And guess what!
>  It doesn't work.
> But... I have been thinking about it and I think I might be able to
> get it to work.What is the farthest anyone has gotten it to work?
> I have gotten up to a point where it is making a nasty winsock call
> WSASetBlockingHook.  Which is not used in the current version of
> winsock.  And there is a "fix" for it.
> I have more than used up my free time for this week
> I am studying to take Step 2 of the USMLE... so... must study more.
> But, I am hoping to put some time into this each week.
> Should I continue along this line, is this a valid helpful thing to do?
> Has anyone else gotten past the WSASetBlockingHook Error?

Mark Street, RHCE
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Re: [Hardhats-members] Towards a "shrink-wrapped" VistA

2005-03-29 Thread Mark Street
I was waiting for someone who has been here a bit longer than I to say 
something like this.

I am swamped at work right now but I am taking 5 days off.  I have mirrored 
hardhats, Kevin's Config stuff from his IP and kdtop websites onto my laptop.  
I plan on scratching out basic configuration steps as outlined in Hardhats 
and I hope to ask for clarification and order on some of the steps.

I like the idea of an installation script that prompts the user for essential 
information, and takes care of the gory details under the covers.  I plan to 
give the Kevin's configuraiton script another go now that I have 3 servers to 
play with.

On Tuesday 29 March 2005 10:58, Kevin Toppenberg wrote:
> With the recent interest on this board of several
> newcomers in getting VistA, I am again brought to the
> Sorry about the shouting, but we have some
> knowledgable people on this board, and it seems that
> nothing is really being done to solve this problem.
> Unless we can significantly make this easier, only the
> very brave and persistent will get it working.
> It seems to me, that during the low-level installation
> process, that the only thing a new user really needs
> to change is the machine name.  Why can't we make sit
> down at the next conference and complete a basic
> config on a system.  We could use generic names for
> installation institution etc etc.  Then use this to
> create our CD-ROM/DVD that is distributed. Then write
> a short program that would change the stored name of
> the linux box to match the current user's system.
> This would get a user up and running.  Then, using the
> menu system, they could go back and edit institution
> names, add new users, etc, etc.  But it would be a
> WORKING system early on.
> I would really like to make significant progress on
> this by the end of the Boston conference.
> Let me slightly change topics here for a minute.
> Bhaskar once made a point to me, that I would like to
> consider here.  (I'll add my thoughts here too.) We
> have "demos" which show interested people what the
> system can do, and then there are full installs.  If a
> user is going to use a system in their office, they
> either need to pay someone knowledgeable to install &
> support their system, or they need to become
> knowledgeable themselves.  I.e. if we make the system
> extremely easy to install, and it can get itself up in
> the air automatically, then suddenly we will have
> people flying an airplane, so to speak, that they
> really don't know how to control.  And they will
> likely crash. I know that I have my system essentially
> configured, but it is very helpful that I have learned
> how to fix problems with fileman etc.
> I think I will still come down on the side of wanting
> an install wizard that does all the hard configuration
> work, but I'd be interested in other's feedback.
> Kevin
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Mark Street, RHCE
Key fingerprint = 3949 39E4 6317 7C3C 023E  2B1F 6FB3 06E7 D109 56C0
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[Hardhats-members] CPRS connection & GT.M on Linux Configuration Documentation

2005-04-03 Thread Mark Street
Well, back from a few days out of town.  Boy have things been busy.

I downloaded the latest version of CPRS Jan 05 and tried to connect to
both my server and my other server that Kevin setup this weekend.

No go.  Both servers have a listener running on 9200 and 9210 respectively.

CPRS starts, stalls for a second, flashes the user interface, then
crashes.  No Vista Sign On Screen for Access and Verify codes.  Poof gone.

That didn't happen with the old HUI stuff.  I lucked out the first go round.


I have emulated Nancy's Fileman, Taskman, Mailman, configuration
documentation on hardhats/projects and made it Linux, GT.M specific.  It
still needs some cleanup and clarification in spots but it is done.  I
will probably post it to the Wiki tomorrow.  If I can figure out why I
can't get CPRS to connect. : |


I checked the error trap with D ^XTER, there is an error logged when
trying to connect but only an empty <>

ex. 173)  <>  16:42:22  VAH,ROU14765  0

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Re: [Hardhats-members] Installation Summary/Questions or there and back a newbies journey and partial FAQ

2005-04-03 Thread Mark Street
What is this in KERNEL SYSTEM PARAMETERS?  I see GREEK in the list.  I am
mucking around trying to pick up where my error is and I saw this.

>From Vista FOIA GOLD source... I seem to note that there are alot more
parameters to set in this version than in the older HUI code.

 Do you want the entire 11-Entry LANGUAGE List? y  (Yes)
   Choose from:


Kevin Toppenberg said:
>> Mano said:
>> 2 I want to know how to write in Greek (um... I mean
>> enter data in
>> Greek).
> I don't think that GT.M supports the unicode character
> sets that would be needed for the non english
> characters.

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Re: [Hardhats-members] CPRS connection & GT.M on Linux Configuration Documentation

2005-04-04 Thread Mark Street
On Sunday 03 April 2005 17:02, Nancy Anthracite wrote:
> Which version of CPRS are you running?  Do you have the right permissions
> so Linux isn't killing you?  Did you look at chapter 2 carefully and try

Well, is the version.  How could Linux kill me?  It may well be the 
death of me Linux.  Don't tell me I have wasted the last 11 years of my 
life on it only to perish.

> all of the tricks and check that the Windows firewall isn't up as well as
> whatever software firewall you are running on your Windows side and you
> have the router right.  This sounds like a security/firewall thing, not
> like a CPRS/VistA program thing to me.

No firewall on the client, No firewall rules for the internal network.

Turned off firewall code on the server, still no go.

I will go back to my configuration it must be me.  Damn, there is 
definitely a learning curve happening here.

Mark Street, RHCE
Key fingerprint = 3949 39E4 6317 7C3C 023E  2B1F 6FB3 06E7 D109 56C0
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[Hardhats-members] Linux GT.M Error message

2005-04-04 Thread Mark Street
Well, I finally tweaked it enough to get some sort of error message. 
Things are going downhill fast...  I have 20+- mumps processes running and
error messages every second or so.

... I think I broke something...  You never learn if you don't break

Error message below.

$ZROUTINES="/home/vista/o(/home/vista/r) /usr/local/gtm"
$ZSTATUS="150376532,ERR2+10^%ZTMS,%GTM-F-GTMASSERT, GT.M V5.0-FT01 Linux
x86 - Assert failed /usr/library/V50FT01/src/mlk_prcblk_add.c line 44"
$ZVERSION="GT.M V5.0-FT01 Linux x86"
%ZTERZE="LOGRSRC+3^%ZOSV, Error while zlinking
%ZTME="LOGRSRC+3^%ZOSV, Error while zlinking

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Re: [Hardhats-members] Linux GT.M Error message

2005-04-04 Thread Mark Street
Bhaskar, KS said:
> Is GT.M writing messages in your system log?
> This looks like GT.M may be doing a periodic ZSHOW dump (refer to
> Programmers Guide on documentation of ZSHOW, which is a GT.M command).
> What is causing GT.M to do a ZSHOW?  It could be a mupip interrupt (USR1
> signal) that has a signal handler that executes a ZSHOW.  It could be a
> line of code somewhere that is executing it in a loop.  It could be a
> runtime error in a loop.
> How did you "tweak" the application?

No, the errors were written to the vista user's home dir.

I did not "tweak" the source code.  All interaction/configuration was done
through GTM> using D P^DI and D ^XUP.

Here are my kernel parameters.

PKI Server:
This environment is running Vista-FOIA-GOLD-February 2005

  Edit? NO//
You made it.

  Edit? NO//
System ID:

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Re: [Hardhats-members] Linux GT.M Error message

2005-04-04 Thread Mark Street
Well, I guess I can rule out the database. does this output look OK
for a virtually empty system?  Hmmm.  Back to square 1 and back down the
yellow brick road.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] vista]$ mupip integ
File or Region: g/mumps.dat

No errors detected by integ.

Type   Blocks Records  % Used  Adjacent

Directory   2 338  49.511NA
Index 835  111752  57.66410
Data   11125419872155  90.922108764
Free  909  NA  NANA
Total  11300019984245  NA108774

Michael Zacharias said:
> If it is an assert failure as indicated in $ZSTATUS, the problem could be
> with
> the database.  The offending line of code is at ERR2+10^%ZTMS which is
> trying
> to get a lock on ^%ZTSCH("ER")"
> gtm> ZP ERR2+10^%ZTMS
>  L +^%ZTSCH("ER") H 1 S ZTERROH=$H
> I would try stopping all of your mumps process to get stand alone access
> to the
> database, then perform a mupip rundown followed by a mupip integ.  This
> will
> report any DB errors.  If there si something, then this gives you a place
> to
> start.  If not, at least you can rule out the DB...

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[Hardhats-members] mumps strangeness continues - Taskman problem?

2005-04-05 Thread Mark Street
I am probably going to start this install over but I thought I would put this 
out here in case it helps.
Here is the information that Taskman has:
 Operating System:  GT.M (Unix)
 Volume Set:  ROU
 Cpu-volume Pair:  ROU:strellen
 TaskMan Files UCI and Volume Set:  VAH,ROU

 Log Tasks?
 Default Task Priority:
 Submanager Retention Time: 0
 Min Submanager Count:
 Taskman Hang Between New Jobs: 0
 TaskMan running as a type: GENERAL

 Logons Inhibited?:  N
 Taskman Job Limit:  
 Max sign-ons: 1000
 Current number of active jobs:

End of listing.  Press RETURN to continue:

### strange error below starting taskman 

%GTM-E-JOBFAIL, JOB command failure
%GTM-I-TEXT, Error redirecting stdout (creat) to _ZTM0.mjo
%SYSTEM-E-ENO13, Permission denied
%GTM-E-JOBFAIL, JOB command failure
%GTM-I-TEXT, Failed to set STDIN/OUT/ERR for the job
%GTM-E-LABELEXPECTED, Label expected in this context
%GTM-E-ERRWZTRAP, Error while processing $ZTRAP


[EMAIL PROTECTED] vista]$ ps waxu | grep mumps | wc -l
[EMAIL PROTECTED] vista]$ ps waxu | grep mumps | wc -l


Are you sure you want to stop TaskMan? NO// YES
Shutting down TaskMan.

Should active submanagers shut down after finishing their current tasks? NO// 

[EMAIL PROTECTED] vista]$ ps waxu | grep mumps | wc -l


[EMAIL PROTECTED] vista]$ rundown
/home/vista/g/mumps.dat -> File is in use by another process.
%GTM-W-MUNOTALLSEC, WARNING: not all global sections accessed were 
successfully rundown
[EMAIL PROTECTED] vista]$ killall mumps
[EMAIL PROTECTED] vista]$ killall mumps
[EMAIL PROTECTED] vista]$ killall mumps
mumps: no process killed
[EMAIL PROTECTED] vista]$ rundown
%GTM-I-MUFILRNDWNSUC, File /home/vista/g/mumps.dat successfully rundown

[EMAIL PROTECTED] vista]$ mupip integ
File or Region: g/mumps.dat

No errors detected by integ.

Type   Blocks Records  % Used  Adjacent

Directory   2 338  49.511NA
Index 835  111956  57.74310
Data   11145819909428  90.935108951
Free  705  NA  NANA
Total  11300020021722  NA    108961

Mark Street, RHCE
Key fingerprint = 3949 39E4 6317 7C3C 023E  2B1F 6FB3 06E7 D109 56C0
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[Hardhats-members] Vista Configuration on Linux and GT.M

2005-04-06 Thread Mark Street
I placed the Linux specific HOWTO on the wiki as a link from the end of 
Installation of GT.M on Linux.


It still has some touching up to do.

Mark Street, RHCE
Key fingerprint = 3949 39E4 6317 7C3C 023E  2B1F 6FB3 06E7 D109 56C0
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[Hardhats-members] CPRS and VistA FOIA Gold

2005-04-06 Thread Mark Street
Does anyone have VistA FOIA Gold configured and running on GT.M Linux and the 
ability to connect to VistA with the latest release of CPRS from Feb 09, 
Mark Street, RHCE
Key fingerprint = 3949 39E4 6317 7C3C 023E  2B1F 6FB3 06E7 D109 56C0
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Re: [Hardhats-members] Linux GT.M Error message

2005-04-06 Thread Mark Street
The kernel parameter was the problem.  I reset the kernel parameter listed 
below and mumps is behaving well again.

Thanks Lloyd.

On Tuesday 05 April 2005 13:22, Lloyd Milligan wrote:
> I had not noticed this reply when responding earlier today to the reported
> error.  Below Mark Street shows -
> This field should be set to NO in order to bypass the code that refers to
> routine ^%ZOSVKR.

Mark Street, RHCE
Key fingerprint = 3949 39E4 6317 7C3C 023E  2B1F 6FB3 06E7 D109 56C0
GPG key http://www.oswizards.com/pubkey.asc

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Re: [Hardhats-members] Fwd: TeamSpeak at the WorldVistA Meeting

2005-04-07 Thread Mark Street
No problem here.  Fedora Core 3 with ts2_client_rc2_2032

server and password found here.

On Thursday 07 April 2005 12:23, Crawford Rainwater wrote:
> What is your connection settings there?  Been trying to connect (using
> the Linux client, first time here with this) with no luck.
Mark Street, RHCE
Key fingerprint = 3949 39E4 6317 7C3C 023E  2B1F 6FB3 06E7 D109 56C0
GPG key http://www.oswizards.com/pubkey.asc

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[Hardhats-members] Trying to get some debugging info with - DO DEBUG^XWBTCPM

2005-04-08 Thread Mark Street
I am still attempting to connect with CPRS and I am getting this error with 
SemiViva FOIA Gold.  Any clues?

At column 25, line 9, source module /home/vista/r/XWBTCPM.m
%GTM-E-DEVPARUNK, Deviceparameter unknown
At column 33, line 40, source module /home/vista/r/XWBTCPM.m
%GTM-E-DEVPARINAP, Device parameter inappropriate to this command

Before running this entry point set your debugger to stop at
the place you want to debug. Some spots to use:

or location of your choice.

IP Socket to Listen on:
Mark Street, RHCE
Key fingerprint = 3949 39E4 6317 7C3C 023E  2B1F 6FB3 06E7 D109 56C0
GPG key http://www.oswizards.com/pubkey.asc

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Re: [Hardhats-members] Trying to get some debugging info with - DO DEBUG^XWBTCPM

2005-04-08 Thread Mark Street
Would I call that at the GTM prompt?


On Friday 08 April 2005 12:47, Greg Woodhouse wrote:
> What is the value of ^%ZOSF("OS") on your system? It looks like the
> Broker is trying to use the open parameters specific to DSM.
> Incidntally, if I may be allowed a small soapbox here, I find it very
> annonying that something so basic as TCP/IP should require a syntax
> that is completely system dependent. MUMPS badly needs a standard
> sockets API.

Mark Street, RHCE
Key fingerprint = 3949 39E4 6317 7C3C 023E  2B1F 6FB3 06E7 D109 56C0
GPG key http://www.oswizards.com/pubkey.asc

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Re: [Hardhats-members] Trying to get some debugging info with - DO DEBUG^XWBTCPM

2005-04-08 Thread Mark Street
GT.M (Unix)^19

Funny thing is, after I ran the initial DEBUG command and got all the errors, 
it continued on asking which port I wanted to listen on.  I hit CTRL C and 
entered the command again and did not receive the initial error, it accepted 

I also set DEBUG on the client side, I can see it echo the connection 
information and local port etc. but it still crashes the client immediately 

I am going to configure SemiViva .4 tonight on a different port and see if I 
have better luck.

On Friday 08 April 2005 13:50, Greg Woodhouse wrote:
> Just write it
> >>W ^%ZOSF("OS")
> VAX DSM(V6)^16
> --- Mark Street <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Would I call that at the GTM prompt?
> >
> > GTM> ^%ZOSF("OS")
> >
> > On Friday 08 April 2005 12:47, Greg Woodhouse wrote:
> > > What is the value of ^%ZOSF("OS") on your system? It looks like the
> > > Broker is trying to use the open parameters specific to DSM.
> > --- Mark Street <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > I am still attempting to connect with CPRS and I am getting this
> > > error with 
> > > SemiViva FOIA Gold.  Any clues?
> > > 
> > >                 S XWBTDEV=% O XWBTDEV:(TCPDEV):60 ;Special
> > > open
> > >                                        ^-
> > >                 At column 25, line 9, source module
> > > /home/vista/r/XWBTCPM.m
> > > %GTM-E-DEVPARUNK, Deviceparameter unknown
> > >                 S XWBTDEV=$P U XWBTDEV:(NOWRAP:RECORDSIZE=512)
> > >                                                ^-
> > >                 At column 33, line 40, source module
> > > /home/vista/r/XWBTCPM.m
> > > %GTM-E-DEVPARINAP, Device parameter inappropriate to this command
> > > 
> > > Before running this entry point set your debugger to stop at
> > > the place you want to debug. Some spots to use:
> > > 
> > > or location of your choice.
> > > 
> > > IP Socket to Listen on:

Mark Street, RHCE
Key fingerprint = 3949 39E4 6317 7C3C 023E  2B1F 6FB3 06E7 D109 56C0
GPG key http://www.oswizards.com/pubkey.asc

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[Hardhats-members] Domain inquiry error on first run after

2005-04-08 Thread Mark Street
I decided to go back through things and reconfigure.  This is a Red Hat Linux 
9 box with FOIA SemiVivA GOLD source.  Funny little error here when printing 
out an inquiry of my newly set domain name.  NOTE, the error only occurs the 
first time the command is issued.  If I back out and re-issue the sequence no 
error is reported and the query is output normally.


Select DOMAIN NAME: streetchiro.com
Include COMPUTED fields:  (N/Y/R/B): NO// BOTH Computed Fields and Record 
 (IEN)  . S (%,%1)=$ZGETDVI($I,"TT_ACCPORNAM")
At column 14, line 44, source module /home/vista/r/_ZIS4.m
%GTM-E-FNOTONSYS, Function or special variable is not supported by this 
operating system


Mark Street, RHCE
Key fingerprint = 3949 39E4 6317 7C3C 023E  2B1F 6FB3 06E7 D109 56C0
GPG key http://www.oswizards.com/pubkey.asc

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[Hardhats-members] A learning experience, Live with SemiViva .4 on Linux/GT.M with CPRS

2005-04-09 Thread Mark Street
I think I have the Linux/GT.M install down to a T.  After installing and 
configuring the old HUI code, the SemiViva GOLD and now WorldVista 
SemiViva .4.

I have another working system on my server running SemiViva .4 with successful 
connection with the proper CPRS client from Windows.

This is a key point.  The CPRSChart client MUST match the CPRSChart  server 
version or it won't work properly.  I have to go back and check my notes for 
the version on the server...  I can't recall the menu that gave me that 

Thanks for all the help hardhats, I am learning a tremendous amount.  Now that 
I understand some of the middle layer I can start to explore some lower level 
stuff and upper level stuff.

Mark Street, RHCE
Key fingerprint = 3949 39E4 6317 7C3C 023E  2B1F 6FB3 06E7 D109 56C0
GPG key http://www.oswizards.com/pubkey.asc

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[Hardhats-members] CPRS on CrossOver Office - Errors and Access Violations

2005-04-09 Thread Mark Street
VistA Server = OpenVistA SemiVivA .4

CPRSChart version =
OS = Fedora Core 3, fully patched
Latest CrossOverOffice Trial Version

Command from the CPRSChart directory
~/cxoffice/bin/wine CPRSChart.exe CCOW=DISABLE s=streetchiro.com p=9210

I receive a dialog box for the rich*.dll which I click through.  Login to 
VistA without a problem.

When I click on the Labs tab or Reports tab I get a dialog box which says:

Access violation at address 777E925C in module 'oleaut32.dll'.  Read of 
address 0016.

I can click through it and continue using CPRS when Labs is clicked.  When 
Reports is clicked the Access violation re-appears and all CPRS window menus 
are locked, the tabs still function normally, even Labs and Reports.  I have 
to kill the client by closing the window as I can't access the FILE, EDIT, 

Mark Street, RHCE
Key fingerprint = 3949 39E4 6317 7C3C 023E  2B1F 6FB3 06E7 D109 56C0
GPG key http://www.oswizards.com/pubkey.asc

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Re: [Hardhats-members] OpenVistA on GT.M

2005-04-09 Thread Mark Street
So glad it helped!  If you want, sign up for a login on the wiki and 
contribute to what is there, correct it, add to it clarify it.

I just added the CPRS keys and tab assignment to the end of the configuration 

I am thinking of breaking the long file into relevant sections on the wiki.

1.  Setting OS Mumps Routines and Objects
2.  Setting a Domain
3.  Setting an Administrator Account
4.  Setting an Instituion and Facility
5.  Setting Administration Menus and Devices
6.  Setting Taskman, Mailman and RPC Broker
7.  Setting CPRS keys and tabs.

On Saturday 09 April 2005 15:51, Bill Garrett wrote:
> Just wanted to say thanks to all for the work on the VistA projects.  I
> just finished installing VistA on GT.M in Fedora Core 3 using the
> 'OpenVista SemiVivA FOIA Gold 20050212' package at WorldVistA.  I
> followed the instructions in the 'Installation How To VistA GT.M Linux'
> located here:
> http://openforum.worldvista.org/~forum/index.php?title=Installation_How_To_
> Because of everyone's contributions, things were much easier than they
> could have been, and a search of this mailing list answered every
> question/issue I encountered.  Getting CPRS working only took a couple
> of extra steps (an extra fix for the NULL device, adding the COR tab,
> and setting the RESTRICT PATIENT SELECTION field to no).
> I captured a transcript of the whole process I can forward to anyone who
> might want it...
> Thanks again!
> Bill Garrett
> ..
> ---
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[Hardhats-members] Vista Configuration of DEVICES - Failed CPRS connection

2005-04-11 Thread Mark Street
I am trying to troubleshoot remote connection of CPRS.  This is the same
problem I was experiencing with my first installation of the HUI VistA.  I
can connect to my vista server with both CPRS through wine and CPRS
running on windows on my private network (

If I try to connect from outside my private network (my server has two
interfaces, int. and ext.) I don't get a sucessful connection, I do get a
file created XWBTCPL.mjo in vista's home dir the error message in the file

So I go back to my configuration and recall that we configure 4 devices. 
Just for kicks I go in and see if there is a 'home' device... from the 64
or so devicesnone noted.  Then I say well, it has to be one of the
devices I configured.


>From what I understand only 1 device can be the signon system device.


Answer 'yes' if this device is the primary device amoung those
device entries that have the same $I and VOLUME SET(CPU).
If answered 'YES', this field identifies that this entry is the primary
device among those device entries that have the same $I with the same

Among those device entries that have a common $I and CPU, only one of
these entries can have this field set to 'YES'.  If none of the common
device entries are set to 'YES', the default device will be identified by
the first device on the CPU x-ref.  The default device is used when the
device handler is invoked with $I as the device to be selected.

Choose from:

Does anyone know how I would set the HOME DEVICE and is that the same as

Maybe I need a little clarification on how RPC Broker interfaces with the
different devices when a connection comes in on the interface where RPC
listener runs.  From what I recall i can setup more than 1 listener, so
technically I could have a listener on different ports for the same

The GT.M specific devices are;

GTM-UNIX-BROWSER   HFS/CRT (GT.M-Linux) /tmp/ddbr.txt
   GTM-UNIX-CONSOLE   Console (GT.M) /dev/tty
   GTM-UNIX-HFS   Host File Server (GT.M) /home/huivista3/tmp/hfs.dat
   GTM-UNIX-IMAGING WORKSTATION   BROKER /usr/local/spool/ws.dat
   GTM-UNIX-MESSAGE P-MESSAGE-HFS   xmhfs.dat xmhfs.dat
   GTM-UNIX-NULL   Bit Bucket (GT.M-Unix) /dev/null

One other point on this, when I am editing my devices I cannot change the
GTM-UNIX-HFS device from /home/huivista3/tmp/hfs.dat, it prompts me with a
Replace? at the end of the line and does not let me change the value.

Am I supposed to have the hfs.dat database set somewhere?

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Re: [Hardhats-members] Boston wrap-up.

2005-04-11 Thread Mark Street
Let's not forget to mention and promote Postgres, MySQL,
Interbase/Firebird, Ingres compatability as well.

Maury Pepper said:
> Two items got blurred together.  There is a possibility that GT.M will be
> ported to MAC OS X.  On the recent GT.M survey, it was one of the items
> one could vote for as a future enhancement.  Also, Brian Lord and Jeff
> Abbott did this port about two years ago but the work was lost when the
> laptop used for development was "redeployed" for other uses.  He says they
> can do it again when time allows.
> The other item is that Bhaskar mentioned that Fidelity's banking product
> would be available in the future with an optional Oracle backend database
> along with the current GT.M version.  Institutions will have a choice
> which version they want based on their needs and the performance specs.
> - Original Message -
> From: "Nancy Anthracite" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: 
> Cc: "Ignacio Valdes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Sunday, April 10, 2005 11:31 PM
> Subject: Re: [Hardhats-members] Boston wrap-up.
>> Ignacio, I think it will be ported to the MAC, not Oracle.  At the
>> meeting I
>> heard two programmers had done it a  few years ago and no longer have
>> their
>> code, so the hope is to do it again.
>> On Sunday 10 April 2005 07:54 pm, Jim Self wrote:
>>> Ignacio,
>>> In the article you wrote: "announcement that GT.M will be ported to
>>> Oracle".
>>> Is that an error? If not, what does it mean?

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Re: [Hardhats-members] Vista Configuration of DEVICES - Failed CPRS connection

2005-04-11 Thread Mark Street
rough a
> firewall/router problem."  Supposedly newer versions
> of CPRS have been modified to fix this problem.  I had
> a patch that specified a callback port--but I don't
> think it ended up solving the problem either.
> > If I try to connect from outside my private network
> > (my server has two
> > interfaces, int. and ext.) I don't get a sucessful
> > connection, I do get a
> > file created XWBTCPL.mjo in vista's home dir the
> > error message in the file
> > FILE".
Mark Street, RHCE
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Re: [Hardhats-members] Vista Configuration of DEVICES - Failed CPRS connection

2005-04-11 Thread Mark Street
I don't think my hypothesis below is correct,  I can use the same CPRS client 
to login to the VA Demo system from behind the firewall at work.  I don't 
know  I hope some of this rambling helps.

On Monday 11 April 2005 17:21, Mark Street wrote:
> So, fire up those Delphi IDE's and sift through the code.  This client may
> be programmed to work only on one subnet.  It grabs it's IP from its host
> and passes it to the server regardless of whether it is behind a NAT'd
> firewall or not.  I don't know  Someone with more brains than I can
> take a peek.
Mark Street, RHCE
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[Hardhats-members] Way to load bogus/demo patient information

2005-04-13 Thread Mark Street
Is there a database of bogus/demo patient information that I can load into my 
SemiViva .4 system for demo purporses?

Mark Street, RHCE
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Re: [Hardhats-members] Failed CPRS connection -- breakthrough?

2005-04-13 Thread Mark Street
I knew the code monkey's would come through comment below.

On Tuesday 12 April 2005 18:50, Kevin Toppenberg wrote:
> Mark may well be onto the source of the firewall
> problem.  In the file WSockc.pas, in the function
> NetStart, I see starting at line 716, a message that
> is construction like this:
>   send IP address + port + workstation name and wait
> for OK
> **BUT** the IP address passed is a LocalName variable
> -- which is the **local** ip address.
> Thus is seems that the client is telling the server
> both the IP address and the port for server to call
> back on.
> That doesn't seem to be designed right.  Shouldn't the
> server detect where the signal came from, and then
> just send back to that IP address?

YES, if the client is sending out PRIVATE addresses that are not routeable on 
the PUBLIC network, the first firewall or router they run into they will 
probably be dropped.  I know my firewall is setup to not allow OUTgoing 
packets with an INTernal or PRIVATE address space.  The offending packets get 
droppped before they hit the EXTernal interface on the firewall.  Let the 
firewall figure it out, don't pass the internal private address space into 
the call back.

> So to look at a part of Mark's log (with added
> comments)
> > APR 9,[EMAIL PROTECTED]:57:24  Got an inbound connection...
> > XWBTDEV("KEY")="CONNECT|h11130730440|"
> --
> Above we seem to have a signal coming in from
> --
> > APR 9,[EMAIL PROTECTED]:57:24  LEN={XWB}00060|
> > APR 9,[EMAIL PROTECTED]:57:24  X=, XWBVER=1.108, LEN=00048,
> > MSG=TCPconnect^^33560^mobile.geekdoc.org^
> --
> But the RPC message is asking the server to call back
> to
> --
> > APR 9,[EMAIL PROTECTED]:57:24  Final
> MSG='TCPconnect^^33560^mobile.geekdoc.org^'
> > APR 9,[EMAIL PROTECTED]:57:24  Entering 'callback' mode
> > APR 9,[EMAIL PROTECTED]:57:24  Entering the loop: X
> > APR 9,[EMAIL PROTECTED]:57:24  About to listen for
> > connection...
> --
> --
> So it seems that the server should be changed to
> ignore the requested callback IP, and just send it
> back to the incoming address.
Mark Street, RHCE
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Re: [Hardhats-members] BIG NEWS re HealtheVet- St. Petersburg Times

2005-04-13 Thread Mark Street
Another one.


On Wednesday 13 April 2005 09:53, Nancy Anthracite wrote:
> VA faces another computer problem
> By PAUL DE LA GARZA and STEPHEN NOHLGREN Published April 13, 2005
> A report done for the administration suggests that the VA's
> multibillion-dollar plan to upgrade its system is "not realistic."
> A $3.5-billion computer overhaul at veterans hospitals across the country
> is poised to fail unless the Department of Veterans Affairs makes drastic
> changes, according to a closely guarded government study obtained by the
> St. Petersburg Times .
> http://www.sptimes.com/2005/04/13/Worldandnation/VA_faces_another_comp.shtm

Mark Street, RHCE
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Re: [Hardhats-members] Way to load bogus/demo patient information

2005-04-13 Thread Mark Street
I think that is what I will do.  As a side, in your Config script you wrote is 
there a way to split out the different functions so the user could choose a 
specific function?  Similar to a case menu or something.

What are some of the core packages that I should look at installing for my 
demo of a small health center?  I browsed through the packages last night and 
I have almost completely configure m2web.

The Pharm Bar Code Medication Admin looks pretty cool.  We were talking about 
that in a meeting the other day.

On Wednesday 13 April 2005 11:09, Kevin Toppenberg wrote:
> I think that the Hui had a bogus database at one
> point.
> It was full of patient names like this XXYZETHSF
> It wasn't all that helpful to me.
> Why not just put in a few patients of your own?

Mark Street, RHCE
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Re: [Hardhats-members] Way to load bogus/demo patient information

2005-04-13 Thread Mark Street
On Wednesday 13 April 2005 11:50, Kevin Toppenberg wrote:
> I don't understand what you mean.  Are you talking
> about a case function in the M language?  Or about how
> to set up the menu/option system?  Or are you
> referring to functionality in my config-scripting
> system?

I am referring to the functionality of the config-script.  Specifically the 
ability to pick and choose what function to use.

> > What are some of the core packages that I should
> > look at installing for my
> > demo of a small health center?  I browsed through
> > the packages last night and
> > I have almost completely configure m2web.
> What are your goals?  Are you preparing to become a
> VistA installer?  Or is this a hobby?  Or did you have
> a site in mind to help?  I wouldn't venture into
> learning a package unless I had to!

Well, from what I heard at the Boston meeting there is going to be a need for 
installation specialists for specific packages and global VistA installation.  
I guess at this point it would have to be considered a hobby.

Mark Street, RHCE
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[Hardhats-members] Visit Location - Where do I set them.

2005-04-13 Thread Mark Street
I now have a System Administrator, Clinic Coordinator, Physicians, Nurse, 
Director of Admissions and several patients defined.

Where do I set the Visit Location on my SemiViva .4 D ^XUP???  I have 
several individuals for the 'location' Dr's Chang, Smith, Leslie.    
Maybe I can add a facility or something

How can one add/define user and person classes.  I am venturing into the 
Access Control portion which seems like a morass or sticky goo.  I can't 
believe how many options there are for creating a user sheesh.

I am offended, there is no chiropractor provider or complementary class!!

I am now to the point where I can fire up the VistA server running on my 
laptop and connect to it from one of the client's at the clinic using CPRS.  
I want to demo the system to the Medical Director and the COO in the not too 
distant future.

Mark Street, RHCE
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[Hardhats-members] VistA and PhoenixPM.org - Openhre.org

2005-04-13 Thread Mark Street
I stumbled across PhoenixPM.org awhile back and made note of it.  Turns out 
they are trying to develop an open source Practice Managment suite for a 
group of small rural medical centers and hospitals here in Northern 
California with some grant money.

Since they are just up the road a piece I contacted the gentleperson who is 
heading the project questioning if he considered VistA, he says he knows the 
worldvista folks well, in fact WorldVista supposedly submitted a proposal for 
the phoenix project but didn't make the final cut.  H.  Who really is 
WorldVista and why didn't they make the cut!!!

Anyway, he has sent me two E-mails today wanting to come down and check out my 
demo VistA server this Friday.

So, what is the hierarchy?  Is there a structured organization?  Who from 
WorldVista bids on these projects?  How is this technology being marketed and  
presented to these people?  Are the medsphere.com people the pro's?

Things are still sort of foggy at this point although I did learn a bunch 
by listening in to the meeting in Boston.  Thanks Nancy!!!

Mark Street, RHCE
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[Hardhats-members] Link Manager Not Running

2005-04-14 Thread Mark Street
I am wandering the Systems Manager Menu hierarchy tonight getting more 

Where would one turn on the Link Manager.  I haven't seen anything in my 
Incoming filers running => 1TaskMan running
Outgoing filers running => 1***LINK MANAGER NOT RUNNING!!!***

Mark Street, RHCE
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[Hardhats-members] Changing $I parameter on DEVICE - GTM-UNIX-HFS

2005-04-14 Thread Mark Street
When initially configuring the last install I was stumped... and still am... 
as to how to change the GTM-UNIX-HFS parameter $I.  It prompts me with a 
Replace after the parameter but no way of changing it.

Select DEVICE NAME: GTM-UNIX-HFS  Host File Server 
(GT.M) /home/huivista3/tmp/hfs.dat ROU

LOCATION OF TERMINAL: Host File Server (GT.M)  Replace
$I: /home/huivista3/tmp/hfs.dat  Replace

Mark Street, RHCE
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[Hardhats-members] 9494 Menus ... phew.

2005-04-15 Thread Mark Street
Damn, this is one hell of a large hierarchy.

Captured all 9K or so menus and I would like to categorize them based on their 
prefix.  Some are single entries, others have variations of the prefix.  If I 
could break them down to say 20 or 30 general groups it would help me 
understand where to go to configure specific aspects of my system. 


... etc.

Are these documented somewhere???.  I know... eventually I will ask enough 
stupid questions someone will tell me to RTFM..

I am starting to input custom procedures and such so I am looking at visit 
flow and all required parameters for a specific function, encounter, note, 

Mark Street, RHCE
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Re: [Hardhats-members] Commission issues proposed EHR certification requirements

2005-04-19 Thread Mark Street
I hate subscription links.


On Tuesday 19 April 2005 09:18, Nancy Anthracite wrote:
> We can look and comment and see if VistA will fit the mold that lots of
> docs are going to want it to fit in before agreeing to adopt it.
> Commission issues proposed EHR certification requirements
> By Joseph Conn
> The Certification Commission for Healthcare Information Technology has
> released for public comment a proposed set of requirements for certifying
> EHR systems for use in ambulatory-care settings.
> http://www.modernphysician.com/news.cms?newsId=3430

Mark Street, RHCE
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[Hardhats-members] How many Secondary Menus can be assigned?

2005-04-19 Thread Mark Street
I was wondering if there is a limit to how many Secondary menus can be 
assigned to a user?
Mark Street, RHCE
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Re: [Hardhats-members] He isn't heavy he is VistA and lots of whats... a rant... and a song...

2005-04-20 Thread Mark Street
On Tuesday 19 April 2005 22:14, Doctor Bones wrote:
> Not necessarily because I don't believe it is true... After having vista
> use me as a punching bag for a couple of months I sort of believe it :).

I hear ya brother.  I take it in small chunks.  I get tired and fatigued to 
the point of exhaustion then I stop all things VistA and go about my 
normal business.  I let my brain mull it over and ferment like a fine Greek 
wine.  Then I go back for another chunk and start the whole process again.

> I think this is a problem with DOCUMENTATION!!!
> Even the configuration stuff of Kevin's, Mark's, Nancy's, OpenHui et
> all... DOESN'T REALLY EXPLAIN WHAT IS GOING ON. Notice I didn't mention
> the VA's stuff... that is coming up.

Agreed!!!  I think once one starts to understand what is going on they are so 
elated to get to some sort of summit they simply pack up their knowledge 
about 'why' and 'what' is going on and move on up towards the summit.  I for 
one am trying to give a little bit back by contributing to the Wiki... it is 
a work in progress.  We can put up the structure and fill in the spaces as we 

> I want to know what specific fields mean... what am I entering... why
> isn't it allowing me to enter a specific field.
> What combination of field entries will do the thing I want.

Keep molding the clay in your hands until it gets soft enough for you to mold 
it how you want.

Join the club Mano, I think we are in the same class at this point in time.

Mark Street, RHCE
Key fingerprint = 3949 39E4 6317 7C3C 023E  2B1F 6FB3 06E7 D109 56C0
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[Hardhats-members] Vista-Office - 'theoretically' works with GT.M?

2005-04-23 Thread Mark Street

Is his last statement valid?

Will or can we get an early peak at the codebase for VistA-Office?  Any 
resources for what is going in and what is being taken out?

>The VA is modifying its VistA software for physician offices, and that 
>version is expected to become available in July, said Mike Ginsburg, project 
>manager for the VistA-Office EHR at the Iowa Foundation for Medical Care, 
>which is managing the conversion of VistA from an inpatient to outpatient 
>setting as part of a contract with the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid 
>VistA-Office EHR would be made available free over the Internet, but doctors 
>won't be able to run the application unless they license MUMPS, a database 
>programming language from third-party vendors, Ginsburg said. That cost will 
>vary depending on who is selling the license, the size of the implementation 
>and number of users. Ginsburg estimated the cost to small and medium-sized 
>practices would run in the four figures.

>Open-source versions of MUMPS are available, and "theoretically" will work 
>with VistA, Ginsburg said.
Mark Street, RHCE
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Re: [Hardhats-members] VistA Web

2005-04-22 Thread Mark Street
I went with the .doc for the installation manual.

If you trust my VistaWeb archive at http://oswizards.com/VistAWeb.tar.gz

On Friday 22 April 2005 15:04, Nancy Anthracite wrote:
> I will put it all on my server shortly and anyone who can't get it from the
> VA site can send me an email and I will send you the info about how to get
> it. I am on a snail speed line right now, so Jim, wait for a couple of
> hours and I will get back to you. KPDF worked like a charm for me.  Maybe
> you need an apt-get update & upgrade. :-)
Mark Street, RHCE
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Re: [Hardhats-members] VistA Web

2005-04-22 Thread Mark Street
It looks to me like it is pretty much Windoze 2003 specific.  Too bad

Software Requirements from the installation document.

Windows Server 2003 Enterprise, configured with the role of Application Server
Internet Information Services (IIS) 6.0 (installed by default as part of the 
Application Server role)
Microsoft Visual J#.NET 2003 runtime component
.NET Framework 1.1 (part of the Windows Server 2003 operating system default 
FTP services and an FTP folder (to be used as a staging location for updates 
to VistAWeb)
SMTP Virtual Server
.NET Framework 1.1 is installed by default on Windows 2003 systems. Services 
packs and updates to all three components are available through Microsoft 
Windows update (http://windowsupdate.microsoft.com).
Web Extension Services set to allow ASP.NET extensions (see Figure 2)

On Friday 22 April 2005 11:49, Nancy Anthracite wrote:
> Well, then I guess we will have to just figure out how to do that - tunnel
> it or whatever.  We have only begun to fight!
> Actually, since the Hui project folks gave me that nice bound copy of the
> documentation, I think they have it going, but I think they said it uses an
> IIS server, which means we will have to see about Apache and all of that,
> too.  It may be written with VB Script or something.  I really haven't
> looked at it at all since I have been working on getting the CPRS/Wine
> problem licked - which we are finally making some progress on, I
> think/hope.
Mark Street, RHCE
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Hardhats-members mailing list

Re: [Hardhats-members] Vista-Office - ..worldvista..openvista...opensource... off-topic eh?

2005-04-23 Thread Mark Street
It is called context Mano. maybe it was lost in translation and nuance.  
public domain software is different than open source software which is 
different than free software.  Open Source is thrown around very loosely 
these days.

There are a lot of licenses out there, the license is what matters  Unless 
you want to read the 50 page EULA from other 'Open Source' projects ; )

Relax public domain is about as open source as you can get.  No licensing 
what so ever.

From the article... and I quote:
"Technically, however, VistA and VistA-Office EHR are public-domain software, 
not open source. Public-domain software means that anyone can obtain VistA's 
source code under the Freedom of Information Act and can then alter it. 
However, the VA keeps tight control over VistA's development and doesn't 
accept programming contributions from outsiders."

On Saturday 23 April 2005 04:57, Doctor Bones wrote:
> I realize, that I am doing nothing but muckraking at the moment...
> and, I know that I am NOT by any means a core vista person or
> personality. BUT...
> I am offended that we call openvista, openvista... it isn't covered by
> the GPL or another license that ensures development happens in the open.
> HENCE the open for the OPEN source.  I realize I may be going off half
> cocked here and the connection was bad but from the meeting in
> Boston... I remember someone from world vista saying that they want to
> ensure that developers who develop code are not bound to release it as
> open source.  ALTHOUGH it is a really good idea and we really appreciate
> it.

Mark Street, RHCE
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[Hardhats-members] VistAWeb on Linux

2005-04-23 Thread Mark Street

I decided to give Apache and 'mono' http://www.mono-project.com a shot trying 
to get VistAWeb to run on my linux laptop box that runs VistA  no joy 
yet.  I have mono installed and Apache configured correctly, the .NET/ASP 
test applications that come with mono run just fine. so I know it works.

When I call VistAWeb from the web browser the application throws compile 
errors.  From the code I have looked at it looks to be coded Windows 
specific.  More examination of the code base is required by someone who 
knows .NET/ASP, additionally change all DOS paths to unix paths.  I'm in over 
my head as all the technical manuals from the VA are Windows 2003 specific.

BUT, Apache with mod_mono may be the way to go if VistAWeb is to run on an 
alternative platform.

Mark Street, RHCE
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Hardhats-members mailing list

Re: [Hardhats-members] Vista-Office - ..worldvista..openvista...opensource... off-topic eh?

2005-04-24 Thread Mark Street
Well, riddle me this.. and I just didn't fall off the turnip truck.

Several board members of WorldVista also have a commercial interest in the 
success of VistA, along with a few outside commercial vendors who have the 
dough to throw at this immense project.

How many code bases are there now?  FOIA, HUI, WorldVistA, OpenVistA?  From 
where I sit Medsphere with it's hired talent and marketing power has a leg 

1.  WorldVista is the organization - OpenVista is the codebase. (T/F)
2.  What specific 'open source' license(s) are being considered for 
3.  What boundaries in the fine print of the GPL are of concern to the 
WorldVista organization?

The boundaries that separate what's yours from what's ours would be similar to 
genetically modified corn or cotton seeds being carried by natural or other 
means from your field into my field.  I imagine the concept will have to be 
similar to proprietary binary modules plugged into the Linux kernel, or 
binary only distribution of commercial components.

Anyway you look at it, your's vs. our's does not foster broad community 
support,  involvement and innovation.  Look to the Apache project, PHP and 
the Linux kernel of models that have succeeded in this regard.

Like I have seen on a signature on Linux Today one must first understand 
recursion to understand recursion. 

On Saturday 23 April 2005 15:56, Maury Pepper wrote:
> Yes, the line must have been staticky. WorldVistA will definitely be
> putting an open source license on OpenVistA.  Which license it will be is
> under discussion. GPL has both fans and critics, and in the fine print,
> it's not exactly clear where the boundaries are that separate what's yours
> from what's ours when it comes to packages bundled like VistA, written in
> code like M[UMPS].
> Kevin's comment is correct, and that is why it's important to pick a
> license that will allow add-ons that are clearly distinct from VistA.  That
> said, we also want a license that will foster a strong central repository
> -- not a fragmented one.
> A reminder: comments regarding this topic are welcome on the discussion
> list vista-open-source: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/vista-open-source
Mark Street, RHCE
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Re: [Hardhats-members] VistA licensing.

2005-04-24 Thread Mark Street
Agreed Jim.  From the same Larry Rosen article, "Why the Public Domain Isnât 
License".  Remember, Larry is a lawyer, he thinks and writes like one too...  
He has presented at our Linux Users Group in the past.

"There is one exception to this in section 105 the Copyright Act.  Works 
written by the U.S. government cannot obtain copyright protection and so are 
automatically in the public domain.  Obvious examples of this are court 
decisions and Congressional statutes.  Be careful, though.  This exception 
applies only to works created by employees of the U.S. government, not 
typically by contractors to the government.  University researchers and 
government laboratories doing work for the government ordinarily own 
copyrights in their works and can license them to third parties."

On Sunday 24 April 2005 21:16, Jim Self wrote:
> I don't see a disagreement. I haven't seen any of the experts claim that
> public domain IS a _license_. It seems more of a license void.
> The FOIA VistA sources are in the public domain because they were produced
> by the federal government. The rosenlaw article claims that individuals
> cannot place software in the public domain, so it would seem that a license
> is necessary to cover contributions of software to OpenVistA from outside
> of the government.
> Maury wrote:
> >Apparently there's room for disagreement even between "experts".  I've
> > found interesting
> info on this site: www.rosenlaw.com/pubs.htm.  One of the documents, "Why
> the Public Domain Isn't a License" www.rosenlaw.com/lj16.htm specifically
> takes on this issue.
> >Just thought I'd lob another grenade into the tent.
> >
> >
> >- Original Message -
> >From: "Jim Self" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >To: 
> >Sent: Sunday, April 24, 2005 7:43 PM
> >Subject: RE: [Hardhats-members] VistA licensing.
> >
> >>I don't understand why suddenly there is so much repetition on this list
> >> of the mistaken notion that software in the Public Domain is not Open
> >> Source. It is surely the oldest form of Open Source and has been
> >> accepted as such since the term "Open Source" was originated. It was
> >> explicitly added to version 1.2 of the Open Source definition.
> >>
> >> Please see http://opensource.org/docs/definition.php
> >>
> >>>VistA is Public Domain, not Open Source, always has been, always (at
> >>> least should) will be.
> >>>
> >>>-Original Message-
> >>>[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
> >>> Ignacio Valdes
> >>>Sent: Sunday, April 24, 2005 4:38 PM
> >>>To: hardhats-members@lists.sourceforge.net
> >>>Subject: [Hardhats-members] VistA licensing.
> >>>
> >>>I would suspect that the license would have to come down to either GNU
> >>>GPL or FreeBSD type-license. Now, deciding between the two: let the
> >>>games begin!  :-)
> ---
> Jim Self
> Systems Architect, Lead Developer
> VMTH Computer Services, UC Davis
> (http://www.vmth.ucdavis.edu/us/jaself)
> ---
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> ___
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Mark Street, RHCE
Key fingerprint = 3949 39E4 6317 7C3C 023E  2B1F 6FB3 06E7 D109 56C0
GPG key http://www.oswizards.com/pubkey.asc

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Re: [Hardhats-members] Segmentation fault

2005-04-27 Thread Mark Street
Is your filesystem full??  run the  df command.

Strange, but I believe the vista line 78 is referring to the vista script you 
execute when start using Bhaskar's installation and run script.

Here are lines 76-78 of that script.  Looking at that, the error message makes 
a bit more sense.  It still doesn't address why you received the seg fault.

if [[ -z $3 ]] ; then $gtm_dist/mumps -dir ; else $gtm_dist/mumps -run $3 ; fi

On Tuesday 26 April 2005 05:29, Anna Joseph wrote:
>           Enter ?? for more actions
> DD Detailed Display
> RT Results Display
> PT Print Form 513
> CM Add Comment
> Select Action: Quit// /usr/local/OpenVistA/vista: line 78:  4319
> Segmentation fault      $gtm_dist/mumps -dir
> What is this /usr/local/OpenVistA/vista: line 78:  4319 Segmentation fault
>      $gtm_dist/mumps -dir?

Mark Street, RHCE
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GPG key http://www.oswizards.com/pubkey.asc

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Re: [Hardhats-members] Need help setting up M2web

2005-05-02 Thread Mark Street
On Monday 02 May 2005 10:47, Kevin Toppenberg wrote:
> My Apache is working.  It is serving this site:
> I don't know how to tell the version number.

This is a Red Hat box.  Just call a page that doesn't exist.  Or use your rpm 
tool to get the version.

Apache/2.0.40 (Red Hat Linux)

# rpm -q httpd

I will take a peek at the installation/configuration source.  I started to 
configure m2web on my RH 9 box and never completed it.  As I recall the 
instructions were for Debian Linux but are applicable to most any 
distribution as we are dealing with Apache here.

On Saturday 30 April 2005 14:29, Kevin Toppenberg wrote:
> I'm having trouble setting up M2web.  I know nothing
> about cgi, so bear with me please.
> Jim sent me these instruction...
Mark Street, RHCE
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Re: [Hardhats-members] Need help setting up M2web

2005-05-02 Thread Mark Street
> > ...
> >
> > >P.S. Could you post where I can get the code from,
> >
> > and where the API is documented?
> >
> >
> > Basic documentation on the view2 query engine can be
> > found at
> > http://vista.vmth.ucdavis.edu/notebook/index/26.html
> >
> > If you have downloaded m2web recently then you
> > already
> > have the source code. If not:
> > http://vista.vmth.ucdavis.edu/notebook/index/48.html
> >
> > The entry point for application programmers is
> > go^view2ht. We assume that local variables will be
> > defined to reflect the CGI environment, for instance
> > htUser is the number of the current logged in user
> > and
> > the user's authorization code is in htUser("Auth").
> > If
> > you are attempting to use the viewer from a non-web
> > context, look in ^htCGI1 to see what MUMPS variables
> > would be defined or look in ^view2ht and ^view2htS
> > to
> > see which are actually used.
> > =
> >
> > I also looked at the instructions in the
> > m2web-vsta-install.html file
> >
> > The above instructions, however, require Apache2 to
> > be
> > installed.  I think I have just plain Apache.
> >
> > I found these (apparently older) instructions:
> > http://vista.vmth.ucdavis.edu/notebook/index/12.html
> > That seem target at plain Apache.
> > But these describe a different directory setup.
> >
> > Also, I'm not clear about what linux users I need to
> > set up.  It looks in some of the instructions that
> > there is a vista user.  Other places I think I saw a
> > m2web user.  Are those required.
> >
> > I know I'm being slow, but if someone could walk me
> > through this I'd appreciate it.
> >
> > Thanks
> > Kevin
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > __
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Mark Street, RHCE
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Re: [Hardhats-members] Need help setting up M2web

2005-05-02 Thread Mark Street
I just got mine working.  http://vista.oswizards.com/echo

After you make it through my instructions of setting up your apache config 
make sure all your directory ownership and permissions are consistent and 
correct.  Also make sure that your gtm_routines variable is set correctly in 
the m2web.cgi script.  that one got me as mine is different than what is 
provided with the m2web package and the source as provided from openvista 

On Monday 02 May 2005 10:47, Kevin Toppenberg wrote:
> My Apache is working.  It is serving this site:
> I don't know how to tell the version number.
> I have not tried to use any of the CGI scripts.  How
> would I do that?
Mark Street, RHCE
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[Hardhats-members] Mumps textbook/reference?

2005-05-02 Thread Mark Street
I would like a mumps text/reference of some sort.  I took a peek on Amazon and 
there are 2 I believe.  Can anyone recommend either one or none?  Any other 

Mark Street, RHCE
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Re: [Hardhats-members] Need help setting up M2web

2005-05-02 Thread Mark Street
No problem.  Let me clean it up and make it pretty.  I will resubmit it to you 

On Monday 02 May 2005 14:53, Jim Self wrote:
> Thanks Mark,
> I will add that to the M2Web notes after I have reviewed it more closely.
Mark Street, RHCE
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Re: [Hardhats-members] I've got the slow CPRS blues.....

2005-05-07 Thread Mark Street
OK, you have peeked my interest.

What are the specs on your 'commercial grade' DSL.  Symmetrical or 
Asymmetrical, 768Kbps?

What VPN are you using?

1.  There is an overhead with VPN.
2.  Pushing data UPstream on a DSL circuit that is capped at 128Kbps can be 

On Saturday 07 May 2005 19:08, Kevin Toppenberg wrote:
> --- Thurman Pedigo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > ... There was a time I ran POTS and 56k modem with
> > excellent performance.
> Hmmm... I am having a hard time figuring out all this
> bandwidth stuff.  We are also running a billing
> software package which could be eating up all the
> bandwidth.  Someone suggested that I set up some
> bandwidth monitoring.  This is really what I need to
> do.  But I'm not quite sure how to do it.  Currently
> our confuration is like this:
> DSL modem-->VPN firewall/router-->PC's
> I think that to run sophisticated monitoring, I would
> need to insert a linux box with two network cards
> between the DSL modem and the VPN firewall.

Mark Street, RHCE
Key fingerprint = 3949 39E4 6317 7C3C 023E  2B1F 6FB3 06E7 D109 56C0
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Re: [Hardhats-members] Vista in the News: Medical Economics

2005-05-24 Thread Mark Street
This stuff is referred to Fear Uncertainty and Doubt.  Fair and Balanced??  
Get used to it, it will only get worse as there is market share and money 

Beware of the tech press, too bad they don't come to the folks at WorldVistA 
for some straight scoop instead of someone who probably knows little of VistA 
is about.

The folks at WorldVistA should strive to set the record straight, voice their 
message loud and voice it often.

Welcome to the big leagues..

On Tuesday 24 May 2005 08:33, Kevin Toppenberg wrote:
> There is an article about VistA in Medical Economics
> magazine, in the May 20,2005 edition, page 40.
> The link to the site should be www.memag.com  But when
> I try it right now, their server is not responding.
> There is some misinformation, namely they quote a
> "consultant" that claims that in order to run the
> mumps database, on must buy a "$50,000-$100,000"
> server.  They then quote others disputing this claim,
> but I think it is unfortunate that they even put that
> WRONG info in the article.
> Kevin
> P.S.  I just tried the web site again, and its working
> now.  Here is the URL
> http://www.memag.com/memag/article/articleDetail.jsp?id=161588
Mark Street, RHCE
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Re: [Hardhats-members] How do I start?

2005-05-25 Thread Mark Street
No offense, but Linux is the kernel, the kernel is Linux.  The Fedora Core 2 
distribution is still supported and there is nothing wrong with it.  I run 
GT.M on my old Red Hat 9 box without a problem 466 Celeron with 512 RAM.

I run "bleeding edge" Fedora Core 3 servers without a hitch.  I haven't lost 
much blood running Red Hat/Fedora.  But this isn't the place for distro wars.  
If you are running a machine with a recent version of the Linux kernel on it, 
chances are you can run GT.M and VistA.  It doesn't matter which distribution 
of Linux you are running.

Go to the Wiki young man, read the wonderful works of Nancy, Kevin 
Toppenberg and my little howto on getting GT.M on Linux going.  After 
getting everything installed you will have some different questions.

Welcome to the incredible journey.. that never ends. now where is my 
Mumps reference book... 

On Wednesday 25 May 2005 08:53, Nancy Anthracite wrote:
> First, do you have anything you are in love with on your Fedora 2 machine? 
> If no, why not start by getting yourself an up to date version of Linux
> version.
> Rat Hat and Suse have Enterprise versions.  It have been thinking that
> might be nice to my feet wet with one of those that a hospital or perhaps a
> practice installing VistA-Office might like to use for that reason as it
> will have support guaranteed to be available.
> Red Hats non-enterprise offspring is Fedora, as you know, and tends to be a
> "bit bleeding edge" as others more than me have said. (One with a name
> beginning with a B comes to mind, and my son as well.)
> Then there is Suse, and I would like to have someone comment on Suse as you
> can download it for bargain use vs. the Enterprise version.
> Also, maybe some know about the quality and depth of the support available
> to a large enterprise for the other distros.
> On Wednesday 25 May 2005 10:27 am, Alberto Odor wrote:
> > Well, I'm decided to give OpenVistA as much time as I can. I downloaded a
> > lot of stuff yesterday like:
> >
> > 1. OpenVistA VIVA FOIA Gold 20050212.iso
> > 2. OpenVistA SemiVIVA FOIA Gold 20050212.tar.gz
> > 3. GT.MAcculturation0.3.iso
> >
> > I have a Linux Server with Fedora2 I can use as I only use it for
> > testing. (Linux is not my strong point)
> > I also have a Windows Server and a couple of PCs with WindowsXP I can
> > use.
> >
> > If you would like to have a DEMO site, how would you start? Please
> > elaborate as much as you want to ;)
> >
> > Once I have a Demo site, I plan to try and make an installation from the
> > VA files on GT.M. (I also have Cache's demo disk - one user version).
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > Alberto Odor, MD
> > Mexico City
Mark Street, RHCE
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[Hardhats-members] Wiki Woes - Spam Protection Filter

2005-05-25 Thread Mark Street
I logged into the Wiki today and tried to make some edits to some of the docs 
and I was greeted with a friendly spam protection filter error message.

Spam protection filter
From OpenVistA Wiki

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Mark Street, RHCE
Key fingerprint = 3949 39E4 6317 7C3C 023E  2B1F 6FB3 06E7 D109 56C0
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Hardhats-members mailing list

Re: [Hardhats-members] How do I start?

2005-05-25 Thread Mark Street
Believe it or not I found that site this past weekend!!  I noticed the powered 
by GT.M also. ; )

I'm not gone, just have a case of the Mump(s).

On Wednesday 25 May 2005 13:38, Jim Self wrote:
> Mark Street wrote:
> >Welcome to the incredible journey.. that never ends. now where is
> > my Mumps reference book...
> The best reference is Ed de Moel's "MUMPS by Example" - online version is
> at http://www.jacquardsystems.com/Examples/
>  and I just found a link to a new version that I don't recall seeing before
> It says I am visitor #752 and powered by GT.M and update 12-Mar-2005.
> Good job Ed. :)
Mark Street, RHCE
Key fingerprint = 3949 39E4 6317 7C3C 023E  2B1F 6FB3 06E7 D109 56C0
GPG key http://www.oswizards.com/pubkey.asc

SF.Net email is sponsored by: GoToMeeting - the easiest way to collaborate
online with coworkers and clients while avoiding the high cost of travel and
communications. There is no equipment to buy and you can meet as often as
you want. Try it free.http://ads.osdn.com/?ad_id=7402&alloc_id=16135&op=click
Hardhats-members mailing list

Re: [Hardhats-members] On Linux distributions (was Re: How do I start?)

2005-05-26 Thread Mark Street
On Thursday 26 May 2005 07:51, Greg Woodhouse wrote:
> Well, that might be a LITTLE strong. For example, X11 isn't party of
> the kernel, nor is bash, little things like mv, cp, tar, etc., etc.
> (much less libraries like libc). Does that mean that these things are
> all "icing on the cake"?

And I for one am glad they are NOT part of the kernel.  Think of the whole 
thing as a model of a distant universe with the kernel in the middle.  It is 
the nature of things.

This is the reason why some in the community refer to Linux as GNU/Linux.

What would 'Linux' be without the GNUutilities and tools wrapped around the 
kernel?  What would any OS be without the universe of utilities wrapped 
around the kernel.  Some kernel's are monolithic, some are micro-kernel 
based  you make the choice.

It is an ever expanding universe of applications, drivers and utilities 
spinning around the kernel  this is referred to as a distribution when 
someone grabs the parts and pieces they want, wrap them around the Linux 
kernel, package them up and release them to the community.  Like a present 
from me to you.

The beautiful thing about GNU and Linux is that one has the 'freedom of 
choice' to do with GNU/Linux what they may.


> --- Crawford Rainwater <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > The only difference of doing RedHat and/or SuSE vs. Debian or (insert
> > another non-commercial distribution name here) is the commercial
> > enterprise support offered.  As Mark said, Linux is the kernel, the
> > kernel is Linux.  Distributions are the "icing on top of the cake" in
> > my
> > honest opinion.

Mark Street, RHCE
Key fingerprint = 3949 39E4 6317 7C3C 023E  2B1F 6FB3 06E7 D109 56C0
GPG key http://www.oswizards.com/pubkey.asc

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