Re: [ha-Safran]: Book Discussion - titles needed

2003-06-25 Thread Shmuel Ben-Gad
Shalom Safranim.

I am sending this on behalf of a graduate student at my university. She is
interested in knowing if anyone on HaSafran has any books to recommend on
Judaica librarianship in the twentieth century (epsecially historical
studies, I believe).  I have drawn a blank, I'm afraid. Please help her if you
can. I have copied her on this message.

  B'chavod rav.

      Shmuel Ben-Gad,
  Gelman Library,
  George Washington University.

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RE: [ha-Safran]: Judaism and cults

2003-07-02 Thread Shmuel Ben-Gad
I don't know that it is censorship. No library, so far as I know,
prohibits ("censors") any publication but no library buys everything and
libraries  use standards like  accuracy, quality, and the purpose and clientele
of a particular library. Our library, for example, does collect a certain
amount of anti-semitic materials because of a history course offered here
on the subject. That doesn't mean all libraries should collect such material,
however, in my opinion.  With all due respect, I think being blanketly
against "censorship" tends  not allow us to fittingly judge and evaluate.

          Shmuel Ben-Gad,
  Gelman Library,
  George Washington University.


HaSafran - The Electronic Forum of the Association of Jewish Libraries

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[ha-Safran]: New book

2003-07-08 Thread Shmuel Ben-Gad
Shalom Safranim,

I thought some of you might be interested in the forthcoming book by a
professor at the Univesity of Trent who used to teach at my university.

  B'chavod rav,

  Shmuel Ben-Gad,
  Gelman Library,
  George Washington University.

A Centaur in Auschwitz: Reflections on Primo Levi's Thinking

By Massimo Giuliani
Foreword by Richard Brilliant

add to cart $60.00 Cloth 0-7391-0663-5 September 28, 2003 120pp
add to cart $24.95 Paper 0-7391-0742-9 September 28, 2003

In A Centaur in Auschwitz, Massimo Giuliani sheds new light on Primo
Levi's rational, demythologizing approach to suffering and survival.
Whether working in narrative or poetic form, Levi grappled with the
ambiguities and complexities of innocence and guilt, triumph and loss.
Giuliani presents a powerful new means to understand Levi's thought:
employing the neologism of salvaction (conveying "salvation" through
one's own "action"), Giuliani has developed a "star of salvaction"--a
diagram in the shape of a star of David, in which each of the six points
leads to a strategy Levi learned for seeking meaning, and thereby
salvation, in the misery of Auschwitz. This unique book, with its concise
overview of Levi's expression and development as a writer, reveals Primo
Levi for what he was: scientist, intellectual, Jew, human, and dedicated
seeker of the roots of human dignity.

About the Author
Massimo Giuliani is Professor of Jewish Studies at the University of
Trent, Italy, and Adjunct Professor of Philosophy at George Mason
University in Fairfax, Virginia.

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RE: [ha-Safran]:English children's Israel magazine k-8

2003-09-03 Thread Shmuel Ben-Gad
Another online source is  It provides  a
national religious perspective different than the leftist Ha'Aretz and the
center or center-right Jerusalem Post.

  Shmuel Ben-Gad,
  Gelman Library,
  George Washington University.


HaSafran - The Electronic Forum of the Association of Jewish Libraries

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[Ha-Safran] new book - the King's way

2003-10-21 Thread Shmuel Ben-Gad
Shalom Safranim,

I thought this event and the book it celebrates, Derech haMelech (The
King's Way) might be of interest to some on the list.  Hillel Weiss is a
well-known professor of Hebrew at Bar Ilan University.

-- Forwarded message --
   At Motzaey Shabbat Bereshit

   Rosh Hodesh Heshvan

   25 October 2003

   We will held a special evening

   devoted to a new great book by

   Prof. Hillel Weiss

   King's Way

   The event will take place in
   Heichal Shelomo,
58 King George St., Jerusalem,
next to the
   Great Synagogue at
   8:30 P.M.


   Moshe Shamir, awarded with the Israel Prize

   Arye Stav, editor of Nativ, the best political review of the country

   Prof. Arye Eldad, M.K.

   and Prof. Hillel Weiss
   the author

   Yosef Dayan

   The event is under the auspices of Nativ, Lishkat HaGazit and the 
Forum of the 3 Commandments

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[Ha-Safran] New Historians

2003-10-23 Thread Shmuel Ben-Gad
Shalom lachem.

Regarding the "new historian" mentioned by Mr. Katz, I think it worthwhile
topoint out that the scholar Efraim Karsh has challenged the worth of
at least some of their work (e.g. in his book "Fabricating Israeli history
: the 'new historians.'"

          Shmuel Ben-Gad,
  Gelman Library,
  George Washington University.

Mme de Gramont...was called before the Revolutionary Tribunal  to stand
trial for her life.  "Had she ever aided the aristocrats who had escaped
abroad?" the court asked her.  Mme. de Gramont knew that if she answered
yes she would be guillotined at once. For some seconds she looked at her
judges in silence, then, "I was going to answer no," she said, "but life
is not worth the lie."--as related by Whittaker Chambers in Life magazine,
September 15, 1947.


HaSafran - The Electronic Forum of the Association of Jewish Libraries
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RE: [Ha-Safran] New Historians

2003-10-27 Thread Shmuel Ben-Gad
Of course my main point is that the "new historians" views are
seriously controverted within academia, as Professor Karsh's wrtitings and
the other scholars I mentioned indicated.  Another example is Yehoshua
Porath, emeritus profesor of Middle East History at Hebrew University who
wrote an essay quite critical of one of the new historians school, Tom
Segev, in issue 9 of Azure magazine.  Indeed the editorial in that issue
of Azure might also be of interest to people.

              Shmuel Ben-Gad,
  Gelman Library,
  George Washington University.

Mme de Gramont...was called before the Revolutionary Tribunal  to stand
trial for her life.  "Had she ever aided the aristocrats who had escaped
abroad?" the court asked her.  Mme. de Gramont knew that if she answered
yes she would be guillotined at once. For some seconds she looked at her
judges in silence, then, "I was going to answer no," she said, "but life
is not worth the lie."--as related by Whittaker Chambers in Life magazine,
September 15, 1947.


HaSafran - The Electronic Forum of the Association of Jewish Libraries
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RE: [Ha-Safran] New Historians

2003-10-28 Thread Shmuel Ben-Gad
I hadn't intended ot write on this again, but , with all respect, I
cannot agree with Mr. Katz's dismissing reviews that appear in ideologiclaly
committed publications. (I leave aside the fact that the new historians
themselves tend to left-wing views which many say inform their own
historical work.)  Left of center publications like
the New York Review of Books and the Nation,and the New Republic
sometimes have excellent book reviews in my opinion.I think the same can
be said for right of center publications like Commentary and the American
Spectator. Ind ealing with Jewish matters, should we be dismissive of
reviews in the journals Tradition and Reform Judaism? I think I
would be crippling myself as a librarian if I was dismissive of them.

      Shmuel Ben-Gad,
  Gelman Library,
  George Washington University.

Mme de Gramont...was called before the Revolutionary Tribunal  to stand
trial for her life.  "Had she ever aided the aristocrats who had escaped
abroad?" the court asked her.  Mme. de Gramont knew that if she answered
yes she would be guillotined at once. For some seconds she looked at her
judges in silence, then, "I was going to answer no," she said, "but life
is not worth the lie."--as related by Whittaker Chambers in Life magazine,
September 15, 1947.


HaSafran - The Electronic Forum of the Association of Jewish Libraries
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RE: [Ha-Safran] New Historians

2003-10-29 Thread Shmuel Ben-Gad
Methinks Mr. Katz doth protest too much.  But I wish him shalom rav

  Shmuel Ben-Gad,
  Gelman Library,
  George Washington University.

Mme de Gramont...was called before the Revolutionary Tribunal  to stand
trial for her life.  "Had she ever aided the aristocrats who had escaped
abroad?" the court asked her.  Mme. de Gramont knew that if she answered
yes she would be guillotined at once. For some seconds she looked at her
judges in silence, then, "I was going to answer no," she said, "but life
is not worth the lie."--as related by Whittaker Chambers in Life magazine,
September 15, 1947.


HaSafran - The Electronic Forum of the Association of Jewish Libraries
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[ha-Safran]: Heritage Book Event: The Last Days

2003-11-03 Thread Shmuel Ben-Gad
I am no familiar with the auhtor or his books, but the message below does
sound intriguing, I think...

  Shmuel Ben-Gad,
  Gelman Library,
  George Washington University.

The Heritage Foundation invites you to a Book Event

The Last Days

featuring author Joel C. Rosenberg

Osama bin Laden is dead.  Saddam Hussein is buried.  Baghdad lies in ruins.

Now the eyes of the world are on Jerusalem as Jon Bennett - a Wall Street 
strategist turned senior White House advisor - his CIA partner Erin McCoy 
and the U.S. Secretary of State arrive in the Middle East to meet with 
Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat.  On the table: a dramatic and potentially 
historic Arab-Israeli peace plan.  At the heart of the proposed treaty is 
the discovery of black gold deep underneath the Mediterranean - a vast and 
spectacular tract of oil and natural gas that could offer unprecedented 
riches for every Muslim, Christian, and Jew in Israel and Palestine.

So begins The Last Days, the sequel to Joel Rosenberg's previous 
bestseller, The Last Jihad.  Drawing upon his work with influential world 
leaders and firsthand involvement in international political issues, he 
lays out a provocative scenario of a post-Saddam era.  A skillfully 
scripted cat and mouse game of daring plans and political intrigue, 
Rosenberg delves deeply into the psyches of men who will stop at nothing to 

Joel Rosenberg is a writer and communications strategist who has worked 
with some of the world's most influential leaders in business, politics and 
media.  Rosenberg is President of November Communications, Inc., and has 
helped clients in national political campaigns and conventions, economic 
and business conferences and the Middle East Peace Summit at Camp David.  A 
former political columnist for WORLD, the nation's foremost conservative 
weekly magazine, Mr. Rosenberg's work also has been published by the Wall 
Street Journal, Investor's Business Daily, USA Today, Los Angeles Times, 
Readers' Digest, and National Review.

Thursday, November 13, 2003
12:00 noon

Hosted by

Bridgett Wagner

Director, Coalition Relations,
The Heritage Foundation

The Heritage Foundation's Lehrman Auditorium
RSVP Online <>  or call 
(202) 675-1752
All events can be viewed live from our Home Page 

Books will be available for purchase and to be signed by the author.

214 massachusetts ave., ne | washington, dc | (202) 546-4400

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[ha-Safran]: A new book

2003-11-12 Thread Shmuel Ben-Gad
Shalom Safranim.

I thought you might be interested in knowing about the
recently-published book "A Centaur in Auschwitz:  Reflections on Primo
Levi's Thought" by Massimo Giuliani, who formerly taught at my university
and is now a professor of Jewish Studies at the Univerity of Trento in
Italy. The publisher is Lexington Books and there is a hardcover edition
for $60 (ISBN 0-7391-0663-5) and a paperback for $22.80 (ISBN 0-7391-0742-9).

  Very truly yours,

              Shmuel Ben-Gad,
  Gelman Library,
  George Washington University.


HaSafran - The Electronic Forum of the Association of Jewish Libraries

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Re: [ha-Safran]: Accreditation Announcement

2003-11-13 Thread Shmuel Ben-Gad
This raises a question in my mind:  Has any thought ever been given in the
AJL to having an analagous process for non-SSC-type libraries, or is there
no call for that sort of thing?  I was just wondering.

  Shmuel Ben-Gad,
  Gelman Library,
  George Washington University.

HaSafran - The Electronic Forum of the Association of Jewish Libraries

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2003-12-18 Thread Shmuel Ben-Gad

I thought the new web site described below might be of interest to you.

  Shmuel Ben-Gad,
  Gelman Library,
  George Washington University.

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Thu, 18 Dec 2003 11:48:16 -0500 (EST)
Subject: [IsraelEldad] It's Live went live today.

The first book offered is Eldad's Road to Full Redemption.

By next week, Jabotinsky's Samson should be posted.

The books are for sale at extremely inexpensive prices.

All proceeds go to tzedekah.

Please encourage your friends to visit and purchase.

HaSafran - The Electronic Forum of the Association of Jewish Libraries

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[ha-Safran]: I Maccabees in Hebrew

2003-12-23 Thread Shmuel Ben-Gad
Shalom Safranims,

If anyone know of a Hebrew translation of the extant Greek text of I 
Macabees that is in print, please let me know.

 Chanukah sameach.

  Shmuel Ben-Gad
  Gelman Library
  George Washington University

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RE: [ha-Safran]: I Maccabees in Hebrew

2003-12-24 Thread Shmuel Ben-Gad
Dear Dr. Weinshank,

Thank you.  I realize the original Hebrew text no longer exists, but I
thought there might be some modern Hebrew translations of the extant Greek

  Chanuaka sameach.

  Shmuel Ben-Gad,
  Gelman Library,
  George Washington University.

HaSafran - The Electronic Forum of the Association of Jewish Libraries

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[ha-Safran]: Hebrew edition of 1 Maccabees

2004-02-22 Thread Shmuel Ben-Gad
Shalom Safranim,

You may recall that some time back I asked about Hebrew translations of I
Maccabees.  One of my respondents mentioned a new one published by Yad
Ben-Zvi.  Below is a message from them in case any on the list are

  B'chavod rav.

  Shmuel Ben-Gad,
  Gelman Library,
  George Washington University.

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Wed, 18 Feb 2004 16:24:31 +0200
From: yohai <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Hebrew edition of 1 Maccabees

Shmuel Ben-Gad

Sorry for the lengthy delay in replying to your email of Feb. 5.

Yes, 1 Macc. has just been published in a Hebrew translation with commentary
and annotations.

The catalogue price is $25, and shipping to the US by surface mail is $5 per

If you wish to order a copy please send a prepaid order (with cheque) to

Distribution Department
Att. Orna Binyamin
Yad Izhak Ben-Zvi
POB 7660 Jerusalem
91076 Israel

Should you prefer to pay by credit card, you may send all details: Type of 
card, no., expiry date, to that address.

For further information (or ordering via email) please contact Orna at: 
bookstore @


Yohai Goell
English publications coordinator

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Re: [ha-Safran]: Books on Antisemitism

2004-03-24 Thread Shmuel Ben-Gad
I suggest The Return of Anti-semisits by Gabrield Schoenfeld.  The author
spoke at the DCJCC recently.

  Shmuel Ben-Gad,
  Gelman Library,
  George Washington University.

HaSafran - The Electronic Forum of the Association of Jewish Libraries

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[ha-Safran]: Halakhah and the spaying of animals

2004-04-15 Thread Shmuel Ben-Gad
Shalom safranim.

I hope everyone had a good Pesach.

Someone has asked me about this question.  Apparently there is a group in
Israel concerned about animal overpopulation and some orthodox rabbis have
come out against the spaying or neutering of animals.  Pray, would anyone
know about this in particular and, more generally, about the Halakhic position,
if any, on the spaying animals?

  B'chavod rav.

  Shmuel Ben-Gad,
  Gelman Library,
  George Washington University.

  "Rid myself of the accumulated errors and untruths."
--Robert Bresson

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[ha-Safran]: Two lectures at George Washington University

2004-04-18 Thread Shmuel Ben-Gad

Both are on April 19th:

1)  "Sephardi Jews in the Holocaust" by Aron Rodrigue, Professor of Judaic
Studies and History at Stanford University, 4:30-6pm. Marvin Center, room
301 (801 21st Street, NW)

2) "From Hatred to Love" by Walid Shoebat, formerly a Moslem member of the
PLO, now a Christian Zionist at 7:30pm.  Marvin Center, room 405.

  B'chavod rav.

              Shmuel Ben-Gad,
  Gelman Library,
  George Washington University.

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Re: [ha-Safran]: Regarding Halakhah and the spaying of animals

2004-04-18 Thread Shmuel Ben-Gad

I thank everyone who responded ot my query.  I alos found helpful 
Encyclopedia of Jewish Medical Ethics
by Avraham Steinberg.

Shavua tov.

Shmuel Ben-Gad,
Gelman Library,
George Washington University.

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a book club suggestion and a question

2004-07-25 Thread Shmuel Ben-Gad
Shalom Safranim,

I have recently read The Rosendorf Quartet bythe Israeli  writer Natan
Shaham and think it owulf be fine for some book clubs.  (There is an
English translation in print, I believe.)  it is about a Jewish musivcian
who flees gemrany for Eretz Yisrael in the 1930s.  there are five
sections, each one narrated by a memeber of the quartet he founds in
Israel and a fifth by a writer who befriends them.   An intelligent

Also, I have a request.  If anyone knows of where one might get acid free
book plates printed up in California, please email me off the list if you
have the time.

  B'chavod rav.

  Shmuel Ben-Gad,
  Gelman Library,
  George Washington University.

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and are not necessarily endorsed by the AJL
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Re: [ha-Safran]: Dictionary of Judean Aramaic

2004-07-27 Thread Shmuel Ben-Gad
Thanks for drawing our attention to the Orwelian subject heading.  Judea is 
verboten, apparently..

Shmuel Ben-Gad,
Gelman Library,
George Washington University.

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Re: [ha-Safran]: Books about Israel - a list

2004-08-17 Thread Shmuel Ben-Gad
Dear Ms. Schmulowitz

One is Battleground:  Fact and Fantasy in Palestine by Samuel Katz, ISBN 
0929093-13-5 for $17.95.

Very truly yours,

Shmuel Ben-Gad,
Gelman Library,
George Washington University.
"Yet do not cast all hope away. Tomorrow is unknown."--Legolas

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and are not necessarily endorsed by the AJL
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[ha-Safran]: a query about the 17th World Zionist Congress

2004-08-17 Thread Shmuel Ben-Gad
Shalom safranim.

I have a quotation in Hebrew from Ze'ev Jabotinsky's address to the 17th 
World Zionist Congress in 1931.  If anyone has access to records of the 
Congress, and it is not a bother, would you please let me know in which 
language the address was given?  (Jabotinsky mostly spoke in Hebrew, but 
sometimes, I believe,  in Yiddish and German on these occasions.)

B'cahvod rav.

Shmuel Ben-Gad,
Gelman Library,
George Washington University.
"Yet do not cast all hope away. Tomorrow is unknown."--Legolas

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and are not necessarily endorsed by the AJL
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[ha-Safran]: FrontPage magazine:: Librarians For Terror by Lee Kaplan

2004-08-18 Thread Shmuel Ben-Gad
Shalom Safranims,

I thought this might interest you.

  B'chavod rav.

  Shmuel Ben-Gad,
  Gelman Library,
  George Washington University.

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and are not necessarily endorsed by the AJL
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[ha-Safran]: Israel HighWay Launch: September 9th

2004-09-22 Thread Shmuel Ben-Gad
Shalom Safranim,

I thought some of you might be interested in this "e-zine" on Israel.

  Shana tova.

      Shmuel Ben-Gad,
  Gelman Library,
  George Washington University.

From: Deborah Laufer
Sent: Tuesday, September 07, 2004 11:13 PM
Subject: [v'dibarta] Israel HighWay Launch: September 9th

To: High School Principals

Dear Chaverim,

 All of us are concerned that our students' knowledge of modern
Israel and the Arab-Israeli conflict is not what it should be. As a
member of the Advisory Board of the Israel HighWay, a new electronic
publication on Israel for high school students, I am pleased to notify
you of its launch this Thursday (please see below). Please take a look
at this new "e-zine."  A lot of effort has gone into it, and we hope you
will like it. Please bring it to the attention of the students in your
schools and have them subscribe (free!) to it.

 Kol tuv,


Rabbi Jeremiah Unterman, Ph.D.
Association of Modern Orthodox Day Schools and Yeshiva High Schools
MSDCS-RIETS, Yeshiva University
500 W. 185th Street, Suite 413
New York, NY 10033
fax: 212-960-5228

Israel HighWay Launch Date:

Thursday, September 9th

The Conference of Presidents will be launching its new email
publication, the Israel HighWay, on Thursday, September 9, 2004. The
Israel HighWay is a weekly email publication that will reach out to
high-school-age youth with an engaging, informative and exciting format.

Following the success of the Daily Alert ( ) and
Israel Campus Beat ( ), we recognized a need for
a publication for students at the high school level.  Students, even
those in Jewish day schools, were found not to know the history or
contemporary situation in Israel.  It is often too late to wait until
they get to campus to educate them.  As a result, consultations were
held with a wide variety of educators, various teen groups, individual
schools and students.  All agreed that this is a vital undertaking for a
much-neglected yet important sector of our community. In addition, the
discussion with the Jewish Community Center Association (JCCA) led to a
request that the publication be continued during the summer months so it
could be used by day and overnight camps.  The Israel HighWay is
sponsored by a grant from the Avi Chai Foundation.

Our goal is to educate students and to prepare them for the challenges
they will likely face on campus. Some of the features of the Israel
HighWay include an in-depth examination of an issue in each edition, a
project of the month, interactive components, articles by American and
Israeli students describing activities in their schools relevant to
Israel as well as their experiences on Israel programs, and sections on
Jewish or Israeli sports, music, arts and technology. We want to impress
upon Israel HighWay readers the importance of Israel on many levels, and
to instill in them a love for Israel and pride in its accomplishments
over the years. In addition to exploring the context of today's
important issues, we will highlight Israel's many and diverse
contributions to society.

Based on the feedback of our Advisory Board and Student Advisory
Committee we have gone through several drafts and designs, making
adjustments and improvements with each issue.  A current sample issue is
located at .

In conjunction with the Israel HighWay, we will establish a website
together with the Israel Advocacy High School Coalition which will serve
as a repository of all resources, including materials, publications and
programmatic information for high school students, information on Israel
programs, as well as sample curricula that teachers can adapt for their
use. An important feature will be a discussion guide related to the
Israel HighWay that can be used by teachers or parents to engage
students in meaningful discussion.

The Israel HighWay will be launched on Thursday, September 9, 2004. It
will be sent out via email on Thursday mornings so that schools and
organizations can forward it to their membership either by email or fax
over the course of the day. When a holiday begins on a Wednesday or
Thursday, we will send out the Israel HighWay on Tuesday mornings.

We are now preparing our initial email distribution list. To ensure that
your membership receives the Israel HighWay, please send all email
addresses to us immediately. Either send us the individual addresses of
your members, or send us one designated recipient who will then forward
the Israel HighWay to your internal lists. Once launched, the Israel
HighWay will have a subscription management page so that individuals can
subscribe directly or update their email information.

Please submit all email addresses to receive the Israel HighWay to Malky
Tannenbaum at [EMAI

[ha-Safran]: Ordering israeli films

2004-11-24 Thread Shmuel Ben-Gad
Shalom Safranim.

I apologize for bothering th elist with this again, but, if memory
serves, one or two people recommended distributors for obtaining Israeli
films.  I am afraid I did not save those messages but now have to
order some Israeli films not available through Amazon.  If anyone can
easily send me this information, please do so.  I shall be most grateful.

  B'kavod rav.

  Shmuel Ben-Gad,
  Gelman Library,
  George Washington University.

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[ha-Safran]: American Jewish History

2004-12-15 Thread Shmuel Ben-Gad
Shalom Safranim.

Professor Margaret Norwood has issues of American Jewish History for 
1999-2003 that she is willing to donate for the price of postage.  If 
interested, please email her at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   Chanukah sameach (just barely).

  Shmuel Ben-Gad,
  Gelman Library,
  George Washington University.

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Re: [ha-Safran]: what is Jewish?

2005-02-16 Thread Shmuel Ben-Gad
I do not mean to underestimate the possible difficulties of defining
Jewish, but if there really can be no basic working definition or
standards of what is Jewish, Judaica, etc. for the AJL, what is to stop
the AJL from recommending, and even giving awards to, so-called
Messianic Jewish literature?  (Just to be clear: I am not a Messianic
Jew and would not support this.)

  Shmuel Ben-Gad,
  Gelman Library,
  George Washington University.

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Re: [ha-Safran: Flowers in the Bible

2005-03-03 Thread Shmuel Ben-Gad
Perhaps this would help:

Plants of the Bible / by Harold N. Moldenke and Alma L. Moldenke.
Author/Contributor: Moldenke, Harold N. (Harold Norman), 1909-
Publisher/Date: London : Kegan Paul, 2002.
Series (Searchable only by keyword): Kegan Paul library of religion and
Description: xix, 328 p., [36] p. of plates : ill. ; 27 cm.
Subjects: Plants in the Bible.
Notes: Facsim. of ed. published: Waltham, Mass.: Chronica Botanica
Company, 1952.
  Includes bibliographical references and index.
Other Authors/Contributors: Moldenke, Alma L. (Alma Lance), 1908-

ISBN: 0710307659

  Shmuel Ben-Gad,
  Gelman Library,
  George Washington University.

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Re: [ha-Safran]: Shekhinah

2005-03-08 Thread Shmuel Ben-Gad
As to point 2, Hebrew is the older and more inclusive word so I do not
see any reason to object to it unless the lore she cites orginates, as
far as is known, after the exile of the ten northern tribes.

  Shmuel Ben-Gad,
  Gelman Library,
  George Washington University.

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and are not necessarily endorsed by the AJL
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[ha-Safran]: a new book about the Kingdom of Israel

2005-04-11 Thread Shmuel Ben-Gad
Shalom Safranim,

I thought some of you might be interested in a book just published in
Israel, Kes vaKheter (Throne and Crown) by Yosef Dayan.  It is
published by the Lishkat Hagazit Academy of Government (25 King George
Street, Jerusalem  94261;  Mr. Dayan is one
of the founders of the academy. So far as I am aware, it is the first
extended treatise since the founding of the Zionist movement arguing
for the restoration of the Hebrew monarchy. On the back cover are
these comments from Professor Hillel Weiss of Bar Ilan University (I
hope my translation is not too wretched):

"The book is a step-by-step ascent--through an excellent analysis,
acute and penetrating of the intensifying political and cultural
reality in the State of Israel in our times--to the Hebrew-Jewish
essence that is latent in the kingdom of the House of David.

"In the darkness the engulfs us, Dayan's books is like a lamp that
shines in the darkness."

To order or find out price and shipping costs, the thing to do is to
phone (02 622-3078), fax (02 624-5396, or email ([EMAIL PROTECTED] Lishkat HaGazit.

  Chodesh tov.

  Shmuel Ben-Gad,
  Gelman Library,
  George Washington University.

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RE: [ha-Safran]: Convention venue

2005-07-06 Thread Shmuel Ben-Gad
I also cast my vote for seriously considering college campuses as
future venues.  It seems to me a sensible and practical idea.  People
who do not want to room there can always use a nearby hotel.

  Shmuel Ben-Gad,
  Gelman Library,
  George Washington University.

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and are not necessarily endorsed by the AJL
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[ha-Safran]: RAMBI vs. Index to Jewish Periodicals

2005-08-03 Thread Shmuel Ben-Gad
Shalom Safranim.

Please allow me to solicit your opinion on this:  Do you think there is
a good reason for a library to subscribe to the Index to Jewish
Periodicals (available now online for Ebsco back to 1988 for $850)
since RAMBI is available for free?  I am debating whether or not to
subscribe to the Ebsco product.  We have been getting it in print for
quite a while.

My thanks in advance for any advice.

  B'chavod rav.

  Shmuel Ben-Gad,
  Gelman Library,
  George Washington University.

"Try and simplify your ideas, my friend.  The affair is plain and
serious."-Krag in A Voyage to Arcturus by David Lindsay.

Re: [ha-Safran]: RAMBI vs. Index to Jewish Periodicals

2005-08-04 Thread Shmuel Ben-Gad
Dear Ms. Rapp,

That is a good question.  I just went to RAMBI and used the advanced
search and searched for Moment as a source, only getting ninety-two
records and got even fewer for Hadassah. So I suppose they index these
selectively.  So I think that if one wants cover-to-cover coverage of
more popular English language periodicals, maybe the Index to Jewish
Periodicals is better.

  B'chavod rav.

  Shmuel Ben-Gad,
  Gelman Library,
  George Washington University.

"Try and simplify your ideas, my friend.  The affair is plain and
serious."-Krag in A Voyage to Arcturus by David Lindsay.

- Original Message -
From: Andrea Rapp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thursday, August 4, 2005 9:11 am
Subject: Re: [ha-Safran]: RAMBI vs. Index to Jewish Periodicals

 > Shmuel, I had not heard about RAMBI, but a quick look at the
 > website seems to suggest that it indexes scholarly, research
 > journals rather than popular journals like Moment, Jerusalem
 > Report, Hadassah, correct? (I'm asking because I get the Index to
 > Jewish Periodicals for our synagogue library; it's kind of
 > expensive, but it's useful for our purposes).
 > Andrea

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Re: [ha-Safran]: RAMBI vs. Index to Jewish Periodicals

2005-08-04 Thread Shmuel Ben-Gad
I thought some other people on the list might be interested in this
response (for which I thank Ms. Jones).

  Shmuel Ben-Gad,
  Gelman Library,
  George Washington University.

Date: Thu, 04 Aug 2005 10:08:59 -0400
Subject: Re: [ha-Safran]: RAMBI vs. Index to Jewish Periodicals

I have not tried the IJP via Ebsco, but the old version was terribly 
problematic in terms of search capabilities. That said, it does cover 
numerous periodicals not covered by either Rambi or Ethnic Newswatch: Rambi 
has a more academic focus; Ethnic Newswatch covers a few major American 
newspapers (primarily weeklies) from each major American ethnic group (but 
has them full-text); and IJP covers all kinds of small quarterlies, 
organization publications, and a wide range of denominational publications, 
though perhaps strongest in Black Hat-through-Modern Orthodoxy. All three 
are useful for different things.

My two cents. Hope it helps.


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[ha-Safran]: Commentary digital library

2005-08-19 Thread Shmuel Ben-Gad
Shalom Safranim,

Pray, does anyone have this  or has anyone used it and, if so, what do
you think of it?

  B'chavod rav.

  Shmuel Ben-Gad,
  Gelman Library,
  George Washington University.

[ha-Safran]: Ha-Zevi

2005-11-02 Thread Shmuel Ben-Gad

Thank you for letting us know about the latest addition to the fine
Historical Hebrew Newspapers web site. A professor here had this
comment which I thought I should pass on,"I accessed the site, but when
I clicked the link for the new newspaper (Ha-Tzvi, etc.), it gave me
the newspaper listed on top of it, Ha-Melitz. Tried it many times, but
no success."

  B'chavod rav.

      Shmuel Ben-Gad,
  Gelman Library,
  George Washington University.

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Re: [ha-Safran]: Three Wishes

2006-03-06 Thread Shmuel Ben-Gad
I think what Mr. Wise proposes should be carefully considered by the
leaders of the AJL.

  Shmuel Ben-Gad,
  Gelman Library,
  George Washington University.

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and are not necessarily endorsed by the Association of Jewish Libraries (AJL)
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Re: [ha-Safran]: Censorship

2006-05-18 Thread Shmuel Ben-Gad
I am no attorney, but I think Andrea Rapp, thank goodness, is correct
the constitutional protection of free speech applying only to restraints
of the government.  Mr. Katz's examples of segregated restaurants, etc.
nothing to do with speech.

  Shmuel Ben-Gad,
  Gelman Library,
  George Washington University.

"And in the place where there are no men, strive to be a man."
 --Pirke Avot 2:6

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[ha-Safran]: Performance Education textbooks

2006-08-15 Thread Shmuel Ben-Gad
Date: Sun, 13 Aug 2006 12:59:54 -0400

Shavua tov, safranim.

If any of you have comments on, or know of reviews or critiques of, two
of the textbooks published by Performance Education, would you please
let me know? The textbooks are "The Cold War Across the Globe" and "The
Middle East."

   B'chavod rav.

  Shmuel Ben-Gad,
  Gelman Library,
  George Washington University.

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[ha-Safran]: RAMBI

2006-10-10 Thread Shmuel Ben-Gad
Shalom Safranim,

We are planning to withdraw our print copies of Reshimat Ma'amarim be 
Mada'e ha-Yahadut simce it is now available for free online as 
RAMBI.  Before doing so, I thought I would like to anyone on the list 
who would recommend not doing so to please explain why. I do not want 
to something I shall regret!

  Chag sameach.

      Shmuel Ben-Gad,
  Gelman Library,
  George Washington University.

"The world is indeed full of peril, and in it there are many dark 
places; but still there is much that is fair, and though in all lands 
love is now mingled with grief, it grows perhaps the greater."
 --Haldir of Lothlorien

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[ha-Safran]: Position announcement

2006-11-13 Thread Shmuel Ben-Gad
and decision-making.
Fluency in written German.
Cataloging experience.
Evidence of significant coursework in Judaic Studies.

Review Date:
Review of applications will begin on January 2, 2007 and will 
continues until the position is filled.

Application Procedure:

To be considered please send a letter containing a brief statement of 
interest, submit an assessment of skills related to qualification in 
the basic qualification, a curriculum vitae and complete contact 
information for at least 3 reference to:

Emma Mosby
Manager, Gelman Library System Administrative Services
The Gelman Library Administration Office
The George Washington University
The Melvin Gelman Library
2130 H St. NW, Room 201
Washington, DC  20052

The University and department have a strong commitment to achieving 
diversity among librarians and staff.  We are particularly interested 
in receiving applications from members of underrepresented groups and 
strongly encourage women and persons of color to apply for this position.

The George Washington University is an equal opportunity/affirmative 
action employer.

  Shmuel Ben-Gad,
  Gelman Library,
  George Washington University.

"The world is indeed full of peril, and in it there are many dark 
places; but still there is much that is fair, and though in all lands 
love is now mingled with grief, it grows perhaps the greater."
 --Haldir of Lothlorien

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[ha-Safran]: Dictionary of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

2006-11-22 Thread Shmuel Ben-Gad

Regarding Ms. Rapp's query, I am unfamiliar with this work but asked 
a colleague at our library, who  is our collection development 
librarian for the Middle East, about it.  He wrote me (and I send 
this along with his permission), "The book... is the translation of a 
French work and is definitely tendentious, favoring the Palestinian 

  B'chavod rav.

  Shmuel Ben-Gad,
  Gelman Library,
  George Washington University.

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[ha-Safran]: The Jerusalem Talmud: A New Edition (from

2006-12-04 Thread Shmuel Ben-Gad
Israel National News)
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The Jerusalem Talmud: A New Edition

   By Hana Levi Julian and Hillel Fendel

A new edition of the Jerusalem Talmud has been published with an 
index that meets the needs of the most rigorous researcher and allows 
the layman to become almost as knowledgeable.

The new one-volume edition of the ancient sacred text includes seven 
new indices, including a subject index of some 27,000 entries 
covering topics such as labor laws, insurance, prison, abortion, 
kidnapping and righteous gentiles. Another index covers some 6,000 
Biblical verses.

“In this way, the Jerusalem Talmud has become an open book for sages, 
researchers, Rabbis and ordinary laypeople, who are now able to 
explore in depth any subject which interests them,” said attorney Zvi 
Preisler, co-editor of the new edition together with Rabbi Shmuel Havlin.

The new volume's introduction explains, "The Jerusalem Talmud is the 
Land-of-Israel version of the six orders of the Mishnah - the 
distillation of all that the Land of Israel sages reflected upon and 
taught in the approximately 200 years after the codification of the Mishnah."

A team of Talmudic scholars examined the entire Jerusalem Talmud for 
seven years, Preisler said, in order to create the comprehensive indexes.

“Even in the age of the internet, in which it is possible to find 
every word of the Holy Scriptures through a database search, there is 
a great advantage to an index of this kind,” commented the editors.

The Talmud is comprised of the Oral Law, known as the Mishnah, and a 
collection of discussions and rabbinic interpretations of the Law, 
known as the Gemara. The Mishna and Gemara together complete the 
Talmud - of which there are two.

The Jerusalem Talmud, written in both Hebrew and Aramaic, predates by 
some 200 years the Babylonian Talmud, which the Sages wrote after the 
Jewish exile from the Land of Israel.

"As is well-known," the introduction states, "the Jerusalem Talmud 
was outshadowed over the course of many generations by the Babylonian 
Talmud, and was not even available to many of the early Sages - yet 
redemption has finally been achieved for the Jerusalem Talmud with 
the publication of a modern and precise edition of the entire work."

The new edition of the Jerusalem Talmud is published by Ketuvim 
Publishers of Jerusalem, which can be emailed at "[EMAIL PROTECTED]".

  Shmuel Ben-Gad,
  Gelman Library,
  George Washington University.

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[ha-Safran]: 1972 Encyclopaedia Judaica: to keep or to withdraw?

2007-01-03 Thread Shmuel Ben-Gad
Shalom Safranim.

I would be interested in knowing, please, what libraries are doing 
with the first edition of the Encyclopaedia Judaica once the new, 
second edition has arrived.  Is there any good reason to keep the 
older edition, in your opinion?  I am especially interested in what 
research and university libraries decide to do and why since that is 
the sort of library I work in.

My thanks in advance for your counsel.

  Very truly yours,

  Shmuel Ben-Gad,
  Gelman Library,
  George Washington University.

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[ha-Safran]: Todah.

2007-01-04 Thread Shmuel Ben-Gad
I would like to thank all those who weighed in on my question 
concerning to keep or not to keep the first edition of the 
Encyclopaedia Judaica.  Most counselled to keep it.

  Shmuel Ben-Gad,
  Gelman Library,
  George Washington University.

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RE: [ha-Safran]: 1972 Encyclopaedia Judaica: to keep or to withdraw?

2007-01-17 Thread Shmuel Ben-Gad
My thanks to Marion Stein for her message (attached) and for her 
permission to send it on to the list since I know there are those on 
the list interested in the responses I have been receiving.

  Shmuel Ben-Gad,
  Gelman Library,
  George Washington University.

Date: Mon, 15 Jan 2007 17:16:17 -0500
From: Marion Stein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

We are keeping it for sure.  The 1972 has so much richness that is
totally missing from the new edition.  NO PICTURES TO SPEAK OF, for one
thing.  Marion Stein , Librarian  A J Heschel HS.  Manhattan

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[ha-Safran]: Israel Studies

2007-01-17 Thread Shmuel Ben-Gad
Shalom Safranim.

I write on behalf of a colleague who is looking for a comprehensive 
list of college and university Israel Studies programs  in the United 
States.  We have checked the standard college guides (Peterson's, 
College Blue Book,,etc.) to no avail.  If you have  any leads, please 
let me know.

  B'chavod rav.

      Shmuel Ben-Gad,
  Gelman Library,
  George Washington University.

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[ha-Safran]: Re-opened and redefined search for a Judaica Curator

2007-02-12 Thread Shmuel Ben-Gad
Ability to create positive relations with donors and support groups.

Experience, Knowledge, Skills and Abilities Preferred:
Experience with Re:Discovery™.
Knowledge of Dspace, Greenstone, or other digital repository systems.
Experience planning, researching, and preparing exhibits.
Record of successful fund raising and donor cultivation.
Ability to apply systems thinking and use teamwork in problem-solving 
and decision-making.
Fluency in written German.
Cataloging experience.
Evidence of significant coursework in Judaic Studies.

Review Date:
Review of applications will begin on March 26, 2007 and will 
continues until the position is filled.

Application Procedure:

To be considered please send a letter containing a brief statement of 
interest, submit an assessment of skills related to qualification in 
the basic qualification, a curriculum vitae and complete contact 
information for at least 3 three references to:

Emma Mosby
Manager, Gelman Library System Administrative Services
The Gelman Library Administration Office
The George Washington University
The Melvin Gelman Library
2130 H St. NW, Room 201
Washington, DC  20052

Only complete applications will be considered

The University and department have a strong commitment to achieving 
diversity among librarians and staff.  We are particularly interested 
in receiving applications from members of underrepresented groups and 
strongly encourage women and persons of color to apply for this position.

The George Washington University is an equal opportunity/affirmative 
action employer.

  Shmuel Ben-Gad,
  Gelman Library,
  George Washington University.

"The world is indeed full of peril, and in it there are many dark 
places; but still there is much that is fair, and though in all lands 
love is now mingled with grief, it grows perhaps the greater."
 --Haldir of Lothlorien

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[ha-Safran]: Colloquium

2007-03-19 Thread Shmuel Ben-Gad
Shavua tov, Safranism.

A collleague sent this to me and I thought it might be of interest to 
some on the list.


"The Intellectual Life of Yiddish-Speaking Workers:  Socialist
'Enlightenment' and Self-Education in New York, 1890s - 1920s"

Tony Michels

George L. Mosse Associate Professor
of American Jewish History
University of Wisconsin-Madison

Wednesday, March 28, 2007
12:00 NOON

SLIS Commons
4207 Helen C. White Hall
University of Wisconsin-Madison

Professor Michels published A Fire in the Hearts: Yiddish Socialists
in New York (Harvard, 2005), which won the Salo Baron Prize for the
best book in Jewish Studies (awarded by the American Academy for
Jewish Research.  He is currently at work on a new book on Jewish
Communists in the U.S.

Co-Sponsored by the Center for the History of Print Culture in Modern
America, School of Library and Information Studies, Department of
History, the Center for Jewish Studies, and the Religious Studies

Christine Pawley Ph.D.

Associate Professor, School of Library and Information Studies

Director, Center for the History of Print Culture in Modern America

University of Wisconsin-Madison
4234 Helen C. White Hall
600 N. Park St.
Madison, WI 53706

phone: 608 263-2945/608 263-2900
fax: (608) 263-4849

  B'chavod rav.

  Shmuel Ben-Gad,
  Gelman Library,
  George Washington University.

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[ha-Safran]: The Shofars of the Revolt

2007-03-19 Thread Shmuel Ben-Gad
The Shofars of the Revolt, by Zev Golan, published this month by the 
Jabotinsky Institute in Israel, tells of the members of Brit 
Habirionim, Betar and the Irgun who set out every Yom Kippur from 
1930-1947 to blow the shofar at the Kotel despite the British 
prohibitions. The book includes interviews with dozens of the young 
men who blew the shofars, young and elderly women who smuggled 
shofars and the commanders who coordinated the operations, beginning 
with Rabbi Moshe Segal in 1930; it tells the stories of their 
actions, arrests, escapes from jail, deportations to Africa and other 
Underground operations they were involved in.

The Shofars of the Revolt (in Hebrew; 225 pages, with many 
photographs) can be ordered for NIS 88 (includes VAT and shipping) 
from the Jabotinsky Institute in Tel Aviv: Tel. 03-6210642, Fax. 03-5285587.

The Jabotinsky Institute will hold a ceremony to mark publication of 
the book, Sunday night, March 18, at 6 PM in the Jabotinsky Museum, 
King George 38, Tel Aviv (first floor). Speakers (in Hebrew) include 
MK Prof. Arye Eldad, author Zev Golan, Jabotinsky Inst. director 
Yossi Ahimeir, and veteran Irgunists Sika Aharoni (who was with David 
Raziel in Iraq) and Ephraim Even.  Entrance is free.

  Shmuel Ben-Gad,
  Gelman Library,
  George Washington University.

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[ha-Safran]: A talk by Zachary M. Baker

2007-04-18 Thread Shmuel Ben-Gad
The I. Edward Kiev Judaica Collection
Gelman Library System
The George Washington University

cordially invites you to a talk given by

Zachary M. Baker,
Reinhard Family Curator of Judaica and Hebraica Collections,
Stanford University Libraries

on the
Taube-Baron Collection of Jewish History and Culture
and the
Samson/Copenhagen Judaica Collection

Wednesday, May 9, 2007
3:00 p.m.
I. Edward Kiev Room
Gelman Library, rm. 710

Professor Salo Wittmayer Baron (1895-1989) of Columbia University, 
held the first Jewish History chair established in the United States 
(1930-1963). His 20,000-volume collection was purchased by Stanford 
in 1985 and includes Hebrew editions of the Bible dating from the 
15th century, rare volumes of Jewish literature and history from 
Eastern Europe and around the world, works on Jewish Americana, 
Jewish anthropology and sociology, and thousands of pamphlets and journals.
The Samson Collection, acquired by Stanford in 2003, includes close 
to 2,000 works printed in over 115 locations from 1517 to 1939. These 
books cover a wide range of topics, including Bible and Talmud texts 
and commentaries, Jewish law and ritual, Jewish liturgy, rabbinical 
responsa, treatises on Jewish law (halakhah), scientific works in 
Hebrew, kabbalah, apologetics, bibliography, the sciences, ephemeral 
publications relating to the Jewish communities of Denmark and other 
Northern European countries, and even poetry. The books in the Samson 
Collection belonged to the Jewish Community of Copenhagen, Denmark, 
until the early 1980s, when they were purchased by Herman R. Samson, 
a native of Copenhagen.

For more information, call
(202) 994-7549 or email [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  Shmuel Ben-Gad,
  Gelman Library,
  George Washington University.

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Perhaps this book review will be of interest.

2007-06-11 Thread Shmuel Ben-Gad
want you to be all shocked and broken up if it does happen," 
Yair responds that if it occurs, "we will all be shocked and broken 
up - even you, who expects it to happen."

The Title
A sneak at the book's last pages imply that Grains of Sand is named 
for what Gush Katif started out as, and what the book's heroes fear 
it will again revert to. In truth, however, a passage 20 pages 
earlier provides what is probably a more accurate explanation for the 
title - and an on-the-mark prediction of today's events to boot:

Efrat sighed. "It's hard to... be a Jew, and even harder to be a Jew 
in Gush Katif in the month of Sivan 5765 (June 2005)." ... Efrat 
picked up a handful of sand and stared at it as she let the grains 
fall between her fingers and stream to the ground... "Sand," she 
mused to herself. "Tiny grains of sand. So light and so small, any 
breeze can uproot them and cause them to fly distances away." She 
paused. "Yet these same grains prevent a mighty sea from flooding the 
country." She gazed at the darkening sky over [the Arab city of] Khan 
Yunis. "We too are grains of sand; small and weak - the government 
can move us, yet we prevent the Arabs from flooding the country with 
mortars and Kassam rockets. When we are out of here and the army is 
out too, the Arabs will bring explosives in from Egypt without anyone 
to hinder them. From our northern communities, they'll be able to hit 
the city of Ashkelon... We are sand," she murmured. "No more and no 
less. Just sand."

The failed march from Kfar Maimon is recounted in the book, and so 
are the rallies, and the short-lived campaign to wear orange stars, 
and the Shabak attempts to recruit Jewish youths, and the atmosphere 
in school, and much more - all through the eyes of a family in the 
thick of the events. But most poignant of all is the book's end - the 
beginning of Part II of the family's life - where Efrat describes to 
her diary how the soldiers are struggling with her brother, and 
helicopters are buzzing overhead, and - "now the soldiers are coming for me!"

Was this the end? The writer herself later did National Service in an 
elementary school with many children from Gush Katif, helping them 
with their studies - particularly English, unsurprisingly. She is now 
studying to be a teacher of English and Bible. Her father has still 
not found work - though this may be about to change, he has just 
learned - but the family of seven children, on the whole, has 
adjusted well. They are considering either building a new permanent 
home in Nitzan, if they can afford it, or moving to a Yesha community 
in the Jerusalem area. "The State of Israel took a step backwards 
with the Disengagement," Shifra's father feels, "but we are still 
ideologically inclined, and we would like to help stake the Jewish 
People's claim to this land."

Grains of Sand, an innocently-told account of a suspended dream 
amidst continued hopes for Redemption, is published by Mazo 
Publishers and available at, as well as select bookstores 
in Jerusalem and Barnes & Noble in the US.

  Shmuel Ben-Gad,
  Gelman Library,
  George Washington University.

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[ha-Safran]: Mo'ed: Annual of Jewish Studies

2007-06-13 Thread Shmuel Ben-Gad
Shalom safranim.

We have been having trouble initiating a subscription and ordering
past issues. No on there seems to be sending us their supplier code.
If anyone has any counsel, please respond to me directly.

B'chavod rav.

Shmuel Ben-Gad,
Gelman Library,
George Washington University.

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[ha-Safran]: A review of the new Encyclopaedia Judaica from

2007-07-02 Thread Shmuel Ben-Gad
 pioneering British 
Reform religious leader for more than half a century (one passing 
reference in an article on his son!) or the West London Synagogue. 
The search engine reveals no reference to John Rayner or the Liberal 
Jewish Synagogue, to Tony Bayfield, Albert Friedlander, David 
Goldberg, Jonathan Magonet, or Julia Neuberger. (American rabbis of 
no greater distinction and French rabbis of lesser distinction have 
been given entries.)

There is no mention of Limmud, or of the Littman Library of Jewish 
Civilisation, no article on the Leo Baeck College, no indication that 
JewsÂ’ College is no longer functioning as a rabbinical seminary (the 
last date in the article is 1995).

One advantage of the e-book Encyclopaedia is that each article 
contains key words (many of them proper names), for which articles 
can be accessed simply by clicking on the link. This opens up the 
possibility of a continuing process of discovery, in which each 
article leads immediately to many others. Some quirks in the system 
remain, however.

Clicking the name of Abraham Joshua Heschel in the article on Eliezer 
Berkovits produces only the 19th-century Chasidic rebbe, not the 
20th-century theologian. A search for “haskalah” yields 175 names 
associated with this movement of Jewish Enlightenment, but not the 
main article.

Despite such minor (and easily correctable) problems with the search 
engine for the e-book version, the ease of finding material makes it 
seem preferable as a research tool to the printed volumes. While 
there is no substitute for holding the actual volumes with their 
maps, tables, illustrations and photographs, some might conclude that 
it would have been a wiser decision to publish this new edition only 
in a readily updateable and correctable e-book or on-line edition.

Rabbi Saperstein is principal of the Leo Baeck College

  Shmuel Ben-Gad,
  Gelman Library,
  George Washington University.

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2007-09-25 Thread Shmuel Ben-Gad
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Shalom Safranim

I am sorry I didn't send this official George washingtomn University 
press release before:


Hill Brings Extensive Knowledge of Hebraic Scholarship to University

The George Washington University's Gelman Library System is pleased 
to announce that Brad Sabin Hill will become the curator of the I. 
Edward Kiev Judaica Collection in December, 2007. Hill comes to GW 
with extensive knowledge and experience in Hebraic and Judaic 
bibliography and librarianship.

"I am delighted to welcome Brad Hill as curator of GW?s Kiev 
Collection," said Steven Mandeville-Gamble, head of the special 
collections department at Gelman Library. "In his capacity, Hill will 
work with students and faculty - as well as scholars from around the 
world - to help them gain access to and effectively interpret the 
rich content of this collection."

Prior to joining GW, Hill served as dean of the library and senior 
research librarian at the YIVO Institute for Jewish Research in New 
York (2002-2007). He also has held positions in Britain and Canada, 
as librarian and fellow in Hebrew Bibliography at the Oxford Center 
for Hebrew and Jewish Studies (1996-2001), as head of the Hebrew 
Section of the British Library (1989-1996), and as curator of Rare 
Hebraica in the National Library of Canada (1979-1989).

Hill has authored a number of books and articles on Hebrew 
bibliography and booklore, including Incunabula, Hebraica & Judaica 
and Hebraica from the Valmadonna Trust. He has published studies on 
Hebrew typography and Hebrew libraries, as well as on Yiddish 
manuscripts and bibliography. Hill was curator of several rare 
Hebraica exhibitions in Ottawa, London, and New York, including a 
display of early Hebrew printing and Spinozist writings in Yiddish. 
Formerly a member of the Oriental Faculty of the University of 
Oxford, Hill is a fellow of the Royal Asiatic Society and a senior 
associate of the Oxford Center for Hebrew and Jewish Studies.

The I. Edward Kiev Judaica Collection at GW was established in 1996 
with the donation of the personal library of Rabbi I. Edward Kiev, 
late chief librarian of Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of 
Religion in New York. The original donation of about 18,000 books, 
pamphlets, periodicals, and manuscripts, as well as graphics, 
artifacts, maps and Jewish music, has grown to over 22,000 volumes.

Comprising both Hebraica and western-language Judaica, GW's Kiev 
Collection covers the range of Jewish studies, from biblical exegesis 
and rabbinic texts to archeology, Jewish history, and modern Hebrew 
literature. Together with German-Jewish scholarship and extensive 
Judaic bibliographic literature on which Kiev was an expert, the 
collection holds Hebraica printed over the last five centuries and is 
especially rich in books from Central and Eastern Europe. The Kiev 
Collection is housed in its own reading room in The Gelman Library.

For more information about The Gelman Library System, visit or call (202) 994-6455.

   Shana tova.

  Shmuel Ben-Gad,
  Gelman Library,
  George Washington University.

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[ha-Safran]: A new biography of Ze'ev Jabotinsky in Italian.

2007-10-01 Thread Shmuel Ben-Gad
Imparare a sparare :
vita di Vladimir Ze'ev Jabotinsky padre del sionismo di destra /
Author(s): Pinto, Vincenzo, 1974-
Publication: [Turin, Italy] :; UTET libreria,
Year: 2007
Description: xxi, 370 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.
Language: Italian
Standard No: ISBN: 9788802076775; 8802076774; LCCN: 2007-357384

  Shmuel Ben-Gad,
  Gelman Library,
  George Washington University.

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Re: [ha-Safran]: New Facebook Application: My Hebrew Name

2007-10-10 Thread Shmuel Ben-Gad
Thank you Mr. Richamn. I have added it.

By the way, a number of librarians at my place have Facebook accounts 
and this has been advertised as another way for patrons to make 
contact with us should they wish to.  ( I have a link to our 
catalogue on my profile as well.)

  Shmuel Ben-Gad,
  Gelman Library,
  George Washington University.

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RE: [ha-Safran]: Position Announcement

2008-01-21 Thread Shmuel Ben-Gad
I think wanting to know the salary range before applying is eminently 
sensible.  I do not understand why a potential employer would  be 
secretive about it.

 Shmuel Ben-Gad,
 Gelman Library,
 George Washington University.

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[ha-Safran]: Help with Shoah survivors in Canada and Yiddish

2008-01-23 Thread Shmuel Ben-Gad
Shalom safranim.

A doctoral student at Clark University has e-mailed me.  She has 
given me permission to write to the list concerning her queries to 
me. She writes, in part, "My dissertation research will deal with the 
social history of Holocaust survivors in postwar Canada. As per my 
department's requirements, I have undertaken the study of Yiddish (as 
well as French)."  She is  looking for suggestions on resources that 
might help in her study of Yiddish and also is interested in 
assistance in researching her topic.  I thought perhaps some of our 
Canadian colleagues in particular might be able to help with the 
latter especially.

If you wish to assist her,, please e-mail her directly. The student's 
name is Adara Goldberg and her e-mail address is [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Gratefully yours,

 Shmuel Ben-Gad,
 Gelman Library,
 George Washington University.

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[ha-Safran]: I thought this piece form Artuz Sheva might be

2008-02-17 Thread Shmuel Ben-Gad
ncient hatred and it is very disturbing." The problem, 
as explained by Rabbi Di Segni, is that anything done in the name of 
Israel engenders a reaction of hate.

Grossman, one of the Turin invitees, told the La Repubblica newspaper 
that he is "opposed to the culture of boycotts, because the essence 
of culture is dialogue."

 Shmuel Ben-Gad,
 Gelman Library,
 George Washington University.

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RE: [ha-Safran]: Social network venues for AJL

2008-06-04 Thread Shmuel Ben-Gad
I, too am on Facebook.  The only thing to keep in mind, I think, is 
that it might evolve where people will be checking both Hasfran and 
the Facebook group and there may be messages on one and not the 
other.  This might cause confusion and have people taking more time 
(because checking tow places) to keep abreast of what is happening in AJL.

 Shmuel Ben-Gad,
 Gelman Library,
 George Washington University.

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Re: [ha-Safran]: Encyclopedia of Race and Racism

2008-08-26 Thread Shmuel Ben-Gad
Thank you fro alerting us to this, Mr. Bernstein.  I like the way you 
frame the question of professional ethics, "ethical obligation is to 
put all items out there for our users or to put
factual items out there for them." Given that it is an encyclopedia 
which people can lreasonably expect to be factual, I respectfully 
submit it should not be put on the shelves of most libraries.

     Shmuel Ben-Gad,
 Gelman Library,
 George Washington University.

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and are not necessarily endorsed by the Association of Jewish Libraries (AJL)
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[ha-Safran]: a book review from The Jewish Press

2008-10-06 Thread Shmuel Ben-Gad
Please excuse the shameless self-promotion, but I thought the book 
reviewed might be of interest.

Features » The Book Shelf»
More Articles By Shmuel Ben-Gad
Shmuel Ben-Gad
Posted Sep 17 2008
Title: The First Tithe:  Memoirs and Edifying Discourses of the 
Hebrew War forFreedom
Author:  Israel Eldad. (Translated by Zev Golan)
Publisher: Jabotinsky Institute
Reviewed by Shmuel Ben-Gad

The publication of this translation 58 years after the memoir's first 
appearance in Hebrew is a signal event for Anglophone readers 
interested in the history of Zionism and the founding of the modern 
State of Israel.

The late Dr. Eldad is arguably the most significant and influential 
intellectual figure of the Zionist right. Born in Galicia in 1910, 
Eldad was profoundly rooted in Hebrew culture.  He grew up in a 
relatively traditional home and his father was an intellectual and a 
Zionist.  Eldad attended a Hebrew-speaking high school and was a 
student at the rabbinical seminary in Vienna (though he never was 
ordained). He was also philosophically educated, receiving his 
doctorate from the University of Vienna.

This memoir covers 1938 - 1948, his first decade (hence "first 
tithe") of prominent public activism, beginning with an address to a 
world conference of the Revisionist Zionist youth movement, 
Betar.  He was a leader in Betar and upon immigrating to the Land of 
Israel in 1941, joined the underground led by Avraham Stern, the 
Fighters for the Freedom of Israel (FFI).  After the British 
assassinated Stern, Eldad became its chief educator and theoretician 
and eventually a member of its central command until the FFI was 
dissolved with the establishment of the state in 1948.

Eldad was a strong personality and a singular thinker and this is a 
vivid memoir, not a dispassionate history. It has a number of moods: 
lyrical, joyful, bitter, self-critical, and regretful.  In this book 
at least, Eldad is no dry logician but often draws insight from 
concrete events and uses incidents or anecdotes to bring out more 
general points.

In this approach Eldad seems to have been influenced  (as 
he much was) by the great poet Uri Zvi Greenberg, of whose mentality 
Eldad says, "Everything is a symbol, coming to tell not of itself but 
something else."  Eldad had no use for a Zionism that merely tried to 
solve the "Jewish problem" by  creating a safe refuge and saw such a 
state as an end in itself. The Zionism of Eldad (and Stern) was a 
revolutionary national liberation movement.

  In the memoir he defines it thus; "The return of the nation to the 
homeland and establishment of the Kingdom of Israel as an instrument 
of and an expression of the collective Hebrew creative 
force."  Stern's underground was opposed to any foreign rule in the 
Land of Israel. Thus it regarded Britain - which held the League of 
Nations mandate for "Palestine" and whose official policy since May, 
1939 was a strict limitation on Jewish immigration and on land sales 
to Jews - as an enemy to be fought and expelled, not a legitimate 
authority to be placated or pressured.  It saw that Britain was 
weakened by its fight with Germany and declared war upon it while the 
establishment Labor Zionist Haganah, and even the Revisionist 
underground Irgun, encouraged Jews in Israel to enlist in the British 
army to fight Hitler. Eldad argues that had more joined the FFI in 
the fight in the early 1940s, Britain could have been expelled and 
the Jews of Europe would have had a place to which to fle

Eldad celebrates the fact that the FFI and the Irgun eventually drove 
the British out, but he is melancholy about their failure to undo 
the  partition of the homeland imposed by Britain and, later, the 
United Nations; its feeble, futile efforts to liberate the Old City 
and eastern parts of Jerusalem; and its quiet acquiescence to the 
Labor Zionists becoming the official government of the new state, 
rather than seizing power and establishing the Kingdom of Israel. In 
this, he is more critical of the FFI than of the Irgun, and more 
critical of himself than of the FFI as a whole. Which is not to say 
he is gentle towards Labor Zionism, the Hagana, Chaim Weizmann, David 
Ben-Gurion, Golda Meir and other lesser-known figures.

Indeed, while some might consider Eldad a romantic nationalist, on 
the evidence of this memoir he was no sentimentalist about human 
nature. Even amidst his praise of his comrades in the FFI, he is not 
blind to personal faults.  Eldad seems a pretty shrewd judge of 
character and his character sketches of both the famous and the 
unknown can be very interesting.  Even more arresting are 
observations that could just as easily be made today (e.g. "I wonder, 
is this a law of our Nationalist movement - that our leaders reach a 
certain apex and

[ha-Safran]: Pray tell, do you think we should purchae this

2008-10-06 Thread Shmuel Ben-Gad
pricey tome?
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Business wargaming : securing corporate value / Daniel Oriesek and 
Jan Oliver Schwarz.
Author: Oriesek, Daniel F.
Imprint: Gower Publishing Ltd / Ashgate Pub Co (32519) , 2008
Volumes: 001
Pages: 134 p
LC Class: HD30.26
Original List: USD114.95
Current List: USD114.95
ISBN: 0566088371, 9780566088377
LCCN: 2008010608

[ Request ]

* Table of Contents
* Blackwell Information
* Subjects
* Non Subject Parameters
* Library Activity
* All Library Activity

Daniel F. Oriesek and Jan Oliver Schwarz provide the first 
comprehensive look at wargaming as a business tool in a book that 
explores the anatomy and success factors of a typical wargame. The 
authors explain how and when wargaming can be used to test 
strategies, plan and prepare for crises, manage change or increase 
your organization's ability to anticipate and adapt for the future.
Business wargames are sophisticated but they are also very demanding 
in terms of time and resources. This book will enable you to assess 
the potential value of the technique for your own organization, to 
understand what you will be committing to and develop an informed 
business case and brief for working with the organization that will 
facilitate the game.

 Shmuel Ben-Gad,
 Gelman Library,
 George Washington University.

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[ha-Safran]: Bialik and Sokolow

2008-11-17 Thread Shmuel Ben-Gad
Shalom safranim!

A student at our university is interested in doing research in Israel 
on Bialik and Nahum Sokolow. If any of you know where their official 
archives are in Iisrael (if they are there), please e-mail me so I 
can pass on the information to him.

 B'chavod rav.

 Shmuel Ben-Gad,
 Gelman Library,
 George Washington University.

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Re: [ha-Safran]: Gale response to AJL criticism of Article on

2008-11-17 Thread Shmuel Ben-Gad
Dear Ms. Dubin,

I am grateful for the work you and the others did on this.  In my 
opinion, though, Gale's response was inadequate.  The point is that 
Zionism is not racist and should never have been, nor continue to be, 
included in the encyclopedia. Adding other national movements to the 
encyclopedia, it seems to me, is no solution at all,  Nationalism is 
not, ipso facto, racial. let alone racialist.If Gale wants to discuss 
national movements, I think they should have a separate encyclopedia 
for that subject.

 Respectfully yours,

 Shmuel Ben-Gad,
 Gelman Library,
 George Washington University.

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[ha-Safran]: Publisher apologizes to critics of Zionism entry

2008-11-17 Thread Shmuel Ben-Gad
Publisher apologizes to critics of Zionism entry
November 13, 2008

NEW YORK (JTA)—The publisher of an encyclopedia of racism apologized 
to Jewish groups that criticized its entry on Zionism.

Gale, whose Macmillan Reference USA imprint is the publisher of the 
Encyclopedia of Race and Racism, apologized on its Web site this 
month to groups that believe it failed to adhere to standards of 
fairness and balance in its entry on Zionism. The entry asserts that 
because Zionism defines Jew by descent, it is "an ideology of race."

The Zionist Organization of American and the American Jewish 
Committee both complained about the article to Gale, which also 
publishes an updated edition of Encyclopaedia Judaica. In its 
message, Gale directs readers to the Web sites of both those 
organizations while promising to supplement the online version of the 
encyclopedia with articles describing alternative perspectives on Zionism.

The ZOA called those measures insufficient.

"We appreciate Gale/Macmillan's apology to those who, like us, are 
appalled by the falsehoods in the existing chapter equating Zionism 
with racism and its undertones of anti-Semitic bigotry that help to 
delegitimize Israel's right to exist," the ZOA wrote. "But there is 
only one way for Gale/Macmillan to rectify the wrong, and that is to 
withdraw the chapter from the online and print editions of the encyclopedia."

 Shmuel Ben-Gad,
 Gelman Library,
 George Washington University.

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[ha-Safran]: More on the Encyclopedia of Race and Racism

2009-02-17 Thread Shmuel Ben-Gad
f The Natural History of Iceland is ready to 
pay for a chapter on "Snakes," he will eventually find a busy 
virtuoso to volunteer for the job.) Mr. Moore shifts the perspective 
of his appointed expert on Zionism from present to past by saying 
that Ignatiev "explains" how "the Zionists emphasized the chosen 
people theme" to gain political support. Now Moore, unlike Ignatiev, 
does at least know that the claim to chosenness is by no means 
peculiar to the Jews. (Indeed, he makes a great show of foolish 
erudition to indicate this.) But since, by his own admission, he does 
his abstruse research into what Jewish people believe by browsing 
"orthodox websites," he remains entirely ignorant of the fact that 
most Zionists vigorously and persistently rejected the Jewish i
dea of "chosenness" in favor of "normalization" and becoming "a 
nation like other nations." That is precisely why a great many 
orthodox Jews condemned Zionism as a thinly-veiled form of assimilation.

What makes the Jewish version of chosenness, like the Jewish version 
of nationalism, uniquely abhorrent in Moore's view is that, via 
Zionism, it has "influenced the State of Israel to divide its 
citizens into racial categories and grant privileges to Jews while 
discriminating against others."

One feels very much like the patient schoolmaster in a school of 
idiots in responding to this calumny. Mapmakers must find it boring 
to place the Mississippi River always in the same location, flowing 
south from Lake Itasca in Minnesota to the Gulf of Mexico; alas, 
boring or not, it must be done. All citizens of Israel, regardless of 
religion or ethnic origin, are equal before the law. That law accords 
full political, civil, and human rights to all its people, including 
the more than one million Arab citizens, some of whom serve in the 
Israeli parliament and cabinet. Israel also happens to be the only 
country in the world to have sought out and brought to its shores, 
entirely on its own initiative, tens of thousands of black Africans 
for purposes other than slavery, granting them full citizenship. 
There have never been apartheid laws in Israel. Jews and Arabs use 
the same buses, clinics, government offices, universities, theatres, 
restaurants, soccer fields, and beaches.

If the charge of racism (without which people like Moore would be 
rendered virtually speechless) is directed specifically against 
Israel's Law of Return, here are relevant aids to reflection and 
comparison. The Armenian constitution seeks "the protection of 
Armenian historical and cultural values located in other countries" 
and permits individuals "of Armenian origin" to acquire citizenship 
through "a simplified procedure."

The Lithuanian constitution proclaims: "Everyone who is ethnically 
Lithuanian has the right to settle in Lithuania."

The Polish constitution stipulates: "Anyone whose Polish origin has 
been confirmed in accordance with statute may settle permanently in Poland."

And the Ukrainian constitution promotes "the consolidation and 
development of the Ukrainian nation" and provides for "the 
satisfaction of national and cultural and linguistic needs of 
Ukrainians residing beyond the borders of the State."

If the ire of Moore is aroused by Israel's being a Jewish state, why 
does he not direct it also against Britain, a Christian state, with 
an official Protestant church, a Protestant monarch, a Protestant 
state education system? Other Christian states with numerous 
non-Christian citizens are Denmark, Finland, Greece, and Norway. And 
let us not speak of all the states whose names begin with "Islamic 
Republic of..." or "United Arab..."

If the blackening of Israel's name by the Ignatievs and Moores were 
merely another instance of what Hazlitt called "the ignorance of the 
learned," we could dismiss it with a sigh of disgust. Unfortunately, 
in the present climate of opinion, such defamations are something 
worse, and their authors are potential accessories to murder.

In the aftermath of the Mumbai barbarities, the Indian police have 
conjectured that probably none of the killers had ever seen a Jew or 
an Israeli before they took pains to find them (in a city of almost 
twenty million souls), torture them, and murder them. But they may 
well have heard or read declarations, even in encyclopedias, that 
Jews are racists and Israel the devil's own experiment station.
Sincerely yours,

Edward Alexander, Professor emeritus, University of Washington
Paul Bogdanor, writer

Posted by Ruth at 12:29 PM | OUTPOST

 Shmuel Ben-Gad,
 Gelman Library,
 George Washington University.


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Re: [ha-Safran]: Gale Racism Encyclopedia follow-up

2009-03-10 Thread Shmuel Ben-Gad
Thank you for pursuing this. I hope it bears fruit.  In my frank 
opinion, unless they remove the article from the online version and 
at least make some good faith effort to minimize the damage caused by 
the entry in the print version,, they will not be responding adequately.

 Shmuel Ben-Gad,
 Gelman Library,
 George Washington University.


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[ha-Safran]: New Pesach Hagaddah. Dr. Eldad was one of

2009-03-16 Thread Shmuel Ben-Gad
leaders of the Lechi underground
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Shalom Safranim!

 >From Yisrael Medad's blog:

Tuesday, March 03, 2009
The Eldad Haggadah
The Eldad Hagadah has been published.

Yesterday, we were at the Knesset offices of Professor MK Arieh Eldad 
on the occasion of the publication of a Pesach Haggadah accompanied 
with selections culled from his father's writings. His father, 
Professor Israel Eldad, was a thinker, philospher and ideologist of 
the national Zionism camp.

My idea, we found some 100 articles, columns, and lectures that were, 
in one way or another, connected to the holiday of Pesach (Passover) 
and from these, Yeudah Etzion edited them into the traditional text 
of the book. It is some 130 pages long with 50 pages in a second part 
including the full texts of some 20 articles from which material was taken.

To order, call 052-5665744

Commerical orders at Udi, 052-8319976

Posted by YMedad at 8:33 AM
Labels: Arieh Eldad, Haggadah, Israel Eldad, Pesach

     Shmuel Ben-Gad,
 Gelman Library,
 George Washington University.


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[ha-Safran]: The Encyclopedia of the Arab-Israeli Conflict:

2009-03-25 Thread Shmuel Ben-Gad
a Political, Social and Military History
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Dear Ms. Bergman,

I checked with a colleague who has read it who said, "it is expensive 
and not very good."

I can get more details from my colleague if you wish.

  Very truly yours,

     Shmuel Ben-Gad,
 Gelman Library,
 George Washington University.


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[ha-Safran]: Gale's Encyclopedia of Race and Racism

2009-03-31 Thread Shmuel Ben-Gad
A colleague who attended the Computers in Library conference said 
Gale was promoting it there.

   Shmuel Ben-Gad,
   Gelman Library,
   George Washington University.


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[ha-Safran]: Nekudah in Engglish

2009-04-19 Thread Shmuel Ben-Gad

A student, who is researching the effect of Gush Emunim, Amana, and 
the Yeshah Cuncil (Moetzet Yesha)  on Israeli politics is wondering 
if there is an English version of the magazine Nekudah. I do not 
think there is, but if you happen to know, please tell me.

 B'chavod rav.

 Shmuel Ben-Gad,
 Gelman Library,
 George Washington University.


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[ha-Safran]: Encyclopedia of Race and Racism

2009-04-22 Thread Shmuel Ben-Gad
Unfortunately, a favourable review of the Encyclopedia of Race and Racism
has appeared  in the March 2009 issue of College and Research Libraries.

 Shmuel Ben-Gad,
 Gelman Library,
 George Washington University.


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[ha-Safran]: Early Hebrew detective stories

2009-05-07 Thread Shmuel Ben-Gad
Shalom safranim.

Some years back, I heard Batya Gur z"l speak and she mentioned 
someone who wrote detective stories in Hebrew. I believe this was 
early in the twentieth century.  Alas, the name of the author eludes 
me.  If anyone knows, would you please let me know?

 B'chavod rav.

     Shmuel Ben-Gad,
 Gelman Library,
 George Washington University.

The answer:  David Tidhar


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[ha-Safran]: A worthy Facebook cause

2009-06-15 Thread Shmuel Ben-Gad
Shalom Safranim,

I thought someof you might want toknow that it is possible, on 
facebook, to join the cause, Remove Zionism from "Encyclopedia of 
Race and Racism"!

   B'chavod rav.

   Shmuel Ben-Gad,
   Gelman Library,
   George Washington University.


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[ha-Safran]: Remove Zionism from theEncyclopedia of race and

2009-06-17 Thread Shmuel Ben-Gad
Racism case on facebook
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Shalom Safranim.

If you have trouble locating it and want to, please feel free to go 
to my Facebook page, click on information, and  cast your eyes ot the 
far left.  A link will be tehere. (And there is no need to befriend me!)

   B'chavod rav.

   Shmuel Ben-Gad,
   Gelman Library,
   George Washington University.


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Re: [ha-Safran]: If you could name one good book

2009-07-13 Thread Shmuel Ben-Gad
One possibility is the historical novel about the Maccabees, My 
Glorious Brothers by Howard Fast.

   Shmuel Ben-Gad,
   Gelman Library,
   George Washington University.


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Re: [ha-Safran]: Robert Spencer ( on ALA

2009-07-13 Thread Shmuel Ben-Gad
Islam Panel,
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Thank you for sending this out. I have heard Mr. Spencer speak once 
before and he presented a rational case in a calm manner.

   Shmuel Ben-Gad,
   Gelman Library,
   George Washington University.


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Re: [ha-Safran]: Robert Spencer ( on ALA

2009-07-13 Thread Shmuel Ben-Gad
Islam Panel,
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A typical profile in cowardice on the part of the ALA
  Shmuel Ben-Gad,
  Gelman Library,
  George Washington University.


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[ha-Safran]: More on the Encyclopedia of Race and Racism.

2009-07-27 Thread Shmuel Ben-Gad
My colleage, David Ettinger, wrote a letter to College and research 
libraries responding to their review of the encyclopedia.  He raised 
the issue of its treatment Zionim snd made mention of Gale's response 
to the AJL.  For those interested in reading it can be found in the 
July, 2009 issue (v. 70, n. 4) on page 314.

   Shmuel Ben-Gad,
   Gelman Library,
   George Washington University.


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[ha-Safran]: Online screenings of Home Game

2009-07-27 Thread Shmuel Ben-Gad
This is a documentary about the last basketball game played in Gush 
Katif as the espulsion was nearing.

Original Message -
 >From  Avi Abelow 
Date  Thu, 23 Jul 2009 08:40:22 -0400 (EDT)
Subject  12TFF - Watch HOME GAME Online for FREE Now

2nd Av 5769, July 23rd, 2009

Shalom Shmuel ,

Thank you for your interest in this special online launch of Home Game.

The making of this movie and its promotion has become a big part of 
my life because it is so important to me that more and more people 
care. It's not about politics, not about religion but about raising 
the level of empathy for fellow Jews who, still today, carry the 
burden and pay a heavy price for a political decision that really 
effects all of us,to this day, but paid mainly by them.

The Frinds of Gush Katif organization, that helps the Gush Katif 
families and communities rebuild, is the sponsor of this special 
online launch of Home Game working together with the 12Tribe Films 
Foundation and the website

The movie will available online for FREE during the 9 days:

Please watch it and pass on the following information to everyone you know:

To commemorate the 4th anniversary of the Gaza pullout, or expulsion 
as opponents call it, Home Game: The Movie is now available online 
for FREE during the "The Nine Days", which begins on July 22nd and 
ends with the close of the fast day of the 9th of Av that falls out 
on July 30th.

Watch the movie, forward it on to your friends, relatives and 
community lists, see how you can help these families and communities 
rebuild at and send us your feedback about this 
moving and important film:

Click here to watch Home Game today

Thie movie is  most appropriate activity for the 9 days, in general, 
and Tisha Ba'av specifically.

Learn more about this special FREE online launch here.

Watch the trailer here.


Avi Abelow

Founder and CEO
12Tribe Films Foundation
Facebook me:
Twitter me: avirach
Movie Documents on Scribd:
Israel Advocacy -

12Tribe Films Foundation is a "For Impact" 501c3 non-profit 
organization dedicated to promoting creative projects about the 
Jewish people and the land of Israel that connect, entertain, and inspire.

 Shmuel Ben-Gad,
 Gelman Library,
 George Washington University.


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[ha-Safran]: A site for films about Israel

2009-08-03 Thread Shmuel Ben-Gad

   Shmuel Ben-Gad,
   Gelman Library,
   George Washington University.


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[ha-Safran]: Voice/Vision Holocaust Survivor Oral History Archive

2009-08-19 Thread Shmuel Ben-Gad
Shalom Safranim.

I thought this might be of interest to some.

Voice/Vision Holocaust Survivor Oral History Archive
"The Voice/Vision Holocaust Survivor Oral History Archive exists to 
maintain a collection of oral testimonies of those who survived the 
Holocaust and make these widely accessible for educational purposes. 
Through interlibrary loan, the Internet and community outreach, we 
make the oral testimonies and transcriptions available to 
researchers, students and the general public."

I have put it a link to it on my Holocaust research guide at

  B'chavod rav.

     Shmuel Ben-Gad,
 Gelman Library,
 George Washington University.


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Re: [ha-Safran]: No more assigned classics

2009-09-14 Thread Shmuel Ben-Gad
In my opinio nitis a very bad idea.  Literature, at its best, can 
elevate the spirit.  I doubt the typical seventh and eight gradr will 
siply stumble upon such literature.

   Shmuel Ben-Gad,
   Gelman Library,
   George Washington University.


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Re: [ha-Safran]: Gale Racism Encyclopedia let-down

2009-09-15 Thread Shmuel Ben-Gad
Shalom Mr. Jaffe,

Thank you very much for your missive and your attempts to deal with 
the publisher.  I personally would favor the AJL issuing a strong, 
official statement.

   B'chavod rav.

   Shmuel Ben-Gad,
   Gelman Library,
   George Washington University.


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Re: [ha-Safran]: Gale Racism Encyclopedia let-down

2009-09-23 Thread Shmuel Ben-Gad
My colleage, David Ettinger suggests that individual librarians 
communicate their displeasure to their Gale ales repesentatives.

   Shmuel Ben-Gad,
   Gelman Library,
   George Washington University.


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[ha-Safran]: Your proposed meeting to discuss the

2009-10-16 Thread Shmuel Ben-Gad
Encyclopedia of Race and Racism
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Dear Mr.. McLaughlin

On behalf of myself and my colleague David Ettinger, I am taking the 
liberty of responding to your kind offer of meeting about the Zionism 
article in The Encyclopedia of Race and Racism.  Dr. Ettinger has 
read this message and fully concurs with it as do George Washington 
University professors Bernard Reich and Walter Reich.

We both appreciate your offer, as our library's Gale sales 
representative, to meet and discuss this issue with us but, in fact, 
much discussion with Gale has already occurred and we think the time 
now is for proper action, not more discussion.  We realize that, Gale 
being a large publisher, this matter may not have filtered down to 
you and, again, we appreciate your offer.  Rather than meet, however, 
perhaps a better use of time would be for me to forward you 
separately a  message from
from Lee Jaffe of the University of California at Santa Cruz  (I have 
received his permission to do so) which explains at least some of the 
discussions that have already taken place.  In addition we recommend 
an article by Gideon Shimoni, emeritus professor at the Hebrew 
University which can be found at 

I realize that it can be embarrassing for any individual or 
organization to publicly admit an error, but I still hope that Gale 
will do what is proper:  acknowledge the error, disown the inaccurate 
article, and remove both articles on Zionism from the electronic 
version of the encyclopedia and the original article from future 
printings and editions of the paper version.  (I assume there are as 
yet no subsequent printings that include the second article.) Simply 
putting an accurate article in the encyclopedia to "balance" an 
inaccurate article, as Gale has done, is not really a good and proper 
solution.  As a librarian, I wish to refer people to authoritative 
encyclopedias in order to receive accurate information.  The 
"solution" Gale has adopted is thus actually no solution at all and 
reflects a philosophy that will reduce an encyclopedia to simply a 
compendium of arguments, even false and outrageous ones, as opposed 
to a reliable source of accurate information.  The entry,
in my view, is a stain on Gale's reputation and makes me, personally, 
less confident in consulting any of its works or advising others to do so.

Thank you for your interest and openness and for affording us the 
opportunity to communicate our views on this issue.

I  am, sir,

   Very truly yours,

   Shmuel Ben-Gad,
   Gelman Library,
   George Washington University.


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[ha-Safran]: New Anti-Semitic Textbook: Polygamy in Israel

2009-10-29 Thread Shmuel Ben-Gad
 >From the Arutz Sheva news service. (I personally would like to see 
the AJL issue a strong statement of condemnation of this book as well 
as Gale's Encyclopedia of Race and Racism to the press generally. So 
far, as I understand it, a statement on the encyclopedia was only 
sent to the magazine American Libraries which refused to publish it.)

New Anti-Semitic Textbook: Polygamy in Israel
by Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu

A new textbook introduced into a Sydney, Australia school charges 
that "much modern conflict in the world is related to the reactions 
of other groups to the Jewish people." The author, Christopher 
Hartney of the University of Sydney, also wrote that polygamy is 
"commonly practiced in the Jewish State."

Bedouin men practice polygamy but the author did not refer 
specifically to them, leaving the impression that Jews follow the 
practice. Polygamy among Jews has been prohibited by rabbis for 
centuries and is illegal in the State of Israel. However, the 
government has made an exception for Bedouins, citing it as a 
religious freedom.

Hartney's stab at Jews as being involved in most modern conflicts in 
the world, among other slurs against Jews, caught the attention of 
Jewish students, who complained to authorities. The author also wrote 
that the Passover holiday involves slaughtering lambs, [a smearing 
the lintel on the front door with blood," rituals that are described 
in the Bible but which are not practiced today.

Sacrificing animals was performed in the Holy Temples until the 
destruction of the Second Temple nearly 2,000 years ago.

Jewish leaders in Sydney expressed fear that the book, which already 
has been distributed to 5,000 students, will fuel anti-Semitism.

The publisher of the textbook, Cambridge University Press, said it 
will "review" the objections, although the Jewish Board of Deputies 
has demanded that the current edition of the book be withdrawn.

"It is alarming that a book which is widely used in schools across 
New South Wales could contain so many inaccuracies and such appalling 
statements - one of which is in the realm of racial vilification," 
said Board of Deputies chief executive Vic Alhadeff.

   Shmuel Ben-Gad,
   Gelman Library,
   George Washington University.


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[ha-Safran]: Fwd: Gale encyclopedia update

2010-01-13 Thread Shmuel Ben-Gad
Dec. 28, 2009

Mr. Ini kindly gave me permission to forward his informative message.

 Shmuel Ben-Gad,
 Gelman Library,
 George Washington University.

-- Forwarded message --
From: Gilead Ini 
To: "Bernard Reich

Gale to Commission Independent Board to Conduct Thorough Review of 
the Encyclopedia of Race and Racism

STAMFORD, Conn., Dec. 17 /PRNewswire/ -- Gale, part of Cengage 
Learning, will commission an independent board to examine the factual 
accuracy, scholarly basis, coverage, scope, and balance of every 
article in The Encyclopedia of Race and Racism. This step is being 
taken to address concerns from several organizations regarding one of 
the nearly 400 articles in the work, "Zionism," by Noel Ignatiev. The 
groups questioned the lack of articles regarding other nationalist 
movements in the encyclopedia, as well as the accuracy of, and 
support for, certain statements in the Zionism article.

Gale originally published The Encyclopedia of Race and Racism under 
its Macmillan imprint in 2008, with the goal of creating a 
comprehensive survey of anthropological, sociological, historical, 
economic, and scientific thought about race and racism in the modern 
era. An independent editorial board of subject matter experts defined 
the table of contents, and under the direction of the editor in 
chief, nominated authors and ensured that articles were peer-reviewed 
by scholars and academics.

Based upon recommendations of the new independent board, and in 
accordance with Gale's own publishing standards, Gale may retain, 
revise, remove or commission material as necessary to ensure the 
integrity of the encyclopedia. Gale will also update the content in 
the electronic edition on an ongoing basis, effectively building a 
new edition dynamically.

"Gale's goal is to provide a broad range of viewpoints and 
authoritative information to its readers," said Frank Menchaca, 
executive vice president and publisher of Gale. "In response to a 
serious debate as to the authoritative nature of any of our published 
content, we believe that the most appropriate response is not to 
quickly suppress a particular point of view, but rather to engage in 
rigorous review, informed debate, and dedication to continuous improvement."

Gale has already taken several steps to address concerns about the 
article authored by Noel Ignatiev on Zionism, including commissioning 
a 10-part composite article, "Nationalism and Ethnicity," which 
includes a new article on Zionism, as well as evaluations of cultural 
nationalism in Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America, North America and 
the Middle East, and a closer analysis of Pan Arabism. The composite 
is being made available at no charge, in both print and digital 
forms, to all customers who purchased the encyclopedia.

About Cengage Learning and Gale

Cengage Learning delivers highly customized learning solutions for 
colleges, universities, professors, students, libraries, government 
agencies, corporations and professionals around the world. Gale, part 
of Cengage Learning, serves the world's information and education 
needs through its vast and dynamic content pools, which are used by 
students and consumers in their libraries, schools and on the 
Internet. It is best known for the accuracy, breadth and convenience 
of its data, addressing all types of information needs - from 
homework help to health questions to business profiles - in a variety 
of formats. For more information, or

SOURCE Cengage Learning


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[ha-Safran]: review of The Israel Test by George Gilder

2010-01-13 Thread Shmuel Ben-Gad
tely needs to hear Gilder's message.

It is also important to note Gilder often conflates Jews with 
Israelis. While the majority of Israelis are Jews, less than half of 
all Jews are Israelis. At times, Gilder appears to forget this - 
particularly when discussing the unparalleled Jewish achievements in 
modern history.

Still, The Israel Test is a critically important read. The test, 
itself, should serve as an important guide to understanding the 
ideology and guiding philosophies of leaders on the world stage.

 Shmuel Ben-Gad,
 Gelman Library,
 George Washington University.


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[ha-Safran]: Agranat Commission report

2010-03-08 Thread Shmuel Ben-Gad
Shalom Safranim,

A professor is looking for a complete English translation of the 
Agranat Commission  report on the Yom Kippur War.  It seems to be 
available in The Israeli-Arab Reader:  A Documentary History of the 
Middle East Conflict, edited by Walter Laqueur and Barry Rubin.  If 
anyone happens to know of anywhere else it is available, please 
e-mail me directly.

   B'chavod rav.

   Shmuel Ben-Gad,
   Gelman Library,
   George Washington University.


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[ha-Safran]: An Israeli film

2010-03-21 Thread Shmuel Ben-Gad
Shalom Safranim.

I have not yet seen this film, but it sounds fascinating and I 
thought some of you might want to know about it:

   B'chavod rav.

   Shmuel Ben-Gad,
   Gelman Library,
   George Washington University.


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[ha-Safran]: A new Israeli book on women terrorists

2010-03-22 Thread Shmuel Ben-Gad
Shalom Safranim.

A brand new Israeli book on women terrorists is out. Information is 
available at:


   B'chavod rav.

   Shmuel Ben-Gad,
   Gelman Library,
   George Washington University.


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[ha-Safran]: URL for the book on women terrorists

2010-03-23 Thread Shmuel Ben-Gad
Shalom Safranim.

Here is the correct URL for information about the book.  Sorry the 
one I sent previously is no longer operative.

  B'chavod rav.

 Shmuel Ben-Gad,
 Gelman Library,
 George Washington University.


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[ha-Safran]: Judisches Lexicon

2010-04-08 Thread Shmuel Ben-Gad
Shalom Safranim.
X-Authority-Analysis: v=1.1 cv=y+tbl+pgjD85AC0RC2zTiF8go2AgkSUZvDTCp5uBjks= c=1 
sm=0 a=kj9zAlcOel0A:10 a=Rbkyo50JXqmaGVJAYUhP0A==:17 a=8CAVyC_u:8 
a=Vt2AcnKq:8 a=pSZzf3RB:8 a=5TxEgG_02onCTbfAXxkA:9 
a=2KbeUNh6XKfSpYLxMX0A:7 a=F5r334mz7fV7SCkyEpgCpNjfXnQA:4 a=CjuIK1q_8ugA:10 
a=jBBXyxu59ZoA:10 a=Rbkyo50JXqmaGVJAYUhP0A==:117
X-Cloudmark-Score: 0
X-Mailer: QUALCOMM Windows Eudora Version
X-Spam-Score: 1.30 (*) [Tag at 7.00] MISSING_SUBJECT,SPF(neutral,0)
X-CanIt-Geo: ip=; country=US; region=OH; city=Reynoldsburg; 
latitude=39.9549; longitude=-82.7693; metrocode=535; areacode=614;,-82.7693&z=6
X-CanItPRO-Stream: lists (inherits from default)
X-Scanned-By: CanIt (www . roaringpenguin . com) on
X-Listprocessor-Version: 8.1 -- ListProcessor(tm) by CREN

Our library received the following query about the Judisches 
Lexicon.  I am sorry to say we do not own it, so I am unable to 
answer his question with certainty.  If anyone can do so and has the 
time, would you please e-mail Mordechai Goldberger directly?  His 
e-mail address is   Here is Mar Goldberger's message:

"My library at home contains the Judisches Lexicon in 5 (five) 
volumes. Vols I & II reprinted in 1928, vols III in 1929, Vol IV (as 
IV/1)& Vol V (as IV/2) in 1930. The Lexicon was published in 4 
volumes in 1927. Is my copy identical to the original Lexicon?
"Thank you, M. Goldberger, Givatayim Israel"

     Pesach sameach.

 Shmuel Ben-Gad,
 Gelman Library,
 George Washington University.


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[ha-Safran]: Re: Gale's official response to the criticisms

2010-04-08 Thread Shmuel Ben-Gad
of its Encyclopedia of Race and Racism
X-Authority-Analysis: v=1.1 cv=0UlR9Czu668I0eXMyLHigKWn+OyLjOz56zOl0XCIY6Q= c=1 
sm=0 a=kj9zAlcOel0A:10 a=Rbkyo50JXqmaGVJAYUhP0A==:17 a=S94AfVWn:8 
a=Vt2AcnKq:8 a=pSZzf3RB:8 a=0oYtexF8pzgZRq2hP_YA:9 
a=rav1Okyk2AEjKVyIprIA:7 a=euA2zaUsDpf_rJ8ZRvDJ80nSBEUA:4 a=CjuIK1q_8ugA:10 
a=Qjw26Ta6IEEA:10 a=Rbkyo50JXqmaGVJAYUhP0A==:117
X-Cloudmark-Score: 0
X-Mailer: QUALCOMM Windows Eudora Version
X-Spam-Score: 1.30 (*) [Tag at 7.00] MISSING_SUBJECT,SPF(neutral,0)
X-CanIt-Geo: ip=; country=US; region=OH; city=Reynoldsburg; 
latitude=39.9549; longitude=-82.7693; metrocode=535; areacode=614;,-82.7693&z=6
X-CanItPRO-Stream: lists (inherits from default)
X-Scanned-By: CanIt (www . roaringpenguin . com) on
X-Listprocessor-Version: 8.1 -- ListProcessor(tm) by CREN

Dear Mr. Hancox,

Thank you.  While I still plan to meet with you as arranged, I 
confess that the official Gale response, which you kindly sent,  in 
no way restores my confidence in its judgement and therefore the 
reliability of its products.

It strikes me that the official reply lacks coherence.  Gale 
recognizes (finally) that nationalism is not the same as racism, but 
instead of removing its one article on a national movement, it plans 
to include artciles on other national movements and so, at least 
implicitly,slur them as well!  This might have a certain plausibility 
if it renamed its work The Encyclpedia of Nationalism and Racism or 
something of the sort, but, even here, there would be an implicit 
connection maintained between the two phenomena.  My suggestion would 
be for the removal of the articles on Zionism from the current 
encyclpoedia and, if Gale wishes, the publication of a completely 
separate encyclopedia on nationalism in which accurate articles on 
Zionism would be completely appropriate.

Also, Gale has nowhere acknowledged the flAwed nature of the original 
article which it keeps, unchanged, in the encyclopedia.

  Very truly yours,

 Shmuel Ben-Gad,
 Gelman Library,
 George Washington University.

"The world is indeed full of peril, and in it there are many dark 
places; but still there is much that is fair, and though in all lands 
love is now mingled with grief, it grows perhaps the greater."
--Haldir of Lothlorien

- Original Message -
From: "Hancox, Matthew (Gale)" 
Date: Monday, April 5, 2010 10:28 pm
Subject: RE: Meeting
To: David Ettinger 
Cc: Shmuel Ben-Gad 

 > I look forward to speaking further tomorrow. Below is a link to the
 > official response to the criticism on the Zionism article just in case
 > you hadn't already seen the announcement.
 >  See you tomorrow, Matt


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Re: [ha-Safran]: Book Title Question

2010-04-27 Thread Shmuel Ben-Gad
Perhaps From Time Immemorial by Joan Peters?

   Shmuel Ben-Gad,
   Gelman Library,
   George Washington University.


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