Re: [hlcoders] idea: hell, limbo, spectators killing fest and others dimensions.

2004-08-30 Thread Jeffrey \"botman\" Broome
tei wrote:
Multidimensional server.
The Half-Life mod Richochet already supported this concept.  You could
have multiple one-on-one matches going on at the same time on the same
server.  Each player would see only one other player even through there
might be 16 players physically connected to the server.
Players would advance/decend in a ladder fashion so that the good
players would shuffle to the top of the ladder (to play against each
other) and the poorer players would shuffle to the bottom.
Jeffrey "botman" Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] RE: Incoming Msg

2004-09-01 Thread Jeffrey \"botman\" Broome
Alfred wrote:
[ Converted text/html to text/plain ]
[ Details.hta of type application/octet-stream deleted ]
INCOMING  Everyone get their heads down!!!  :)
Jeffrey "botman" Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] RE: Incoming Msg

2004-09-02 Thread Jeffrey \"botman\" Broome
Stephen Micheals wrote:
Everyone just ignore these virus mails there filtered out
automatically so talking about them is pointless.
It's not pointless, it's FUN!  :)
Jeffrey "botman" Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] CS bugs

2004-09-02 Thread Jeffrey \"botman\" Broome
Josh wrote:
I might be asking in the wrong place, redirect me if I'm wrong. I was
wondering where CS bugs could be reported or if they even could.
Counter-Strike bugs should probably be reported in the Steam forum...
Jeffrey "botman" Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] Public-Enemy server crash bug (infinite loop in valves hlds code)

2004-09-15 Thread Jeffrey \"botman\" Broome
Daniel Hofer wrote:

How can it be possible that a simple origin change causes an infinite
loop? Somehow the area linkedlist got corrupted, probably theres
something I don't know yet about origin changes? ^^
Are you using UTIL_SetOrigin() to change the origin of an entity (or are
you just setting pev->origin directly, which is a BAD thing)?
Jeffrey "botman" Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] using metamod to get client rates

2004-09-16 Thread Jeffrey \"botman\" Broome
Matt Judge wrote:
I am guessing searching for anything to with rates on google is a dead
loss so I shall ask directly here.
Can someone suggest a way that my metamod plugin can check client rates?
By 'rates' I assume you are talking about ping time.
Look in cdll_int.h at the hud_player_info_t structure.  I believe this
is only available client side though (which won't help a server side
metamod plugin).
ClientConnect() on the server gives you the IP address of the client.
You can always implement your own PING code to ping the client and store
the average ping time based on those calculations.  Just use the
standard Half-Life ping protocol instead of using ICMP ping since the
Half-Life ping will give you a better match with the engine's ping
calculations (which includes the latency of the engine packet turn
around time instead of just the ICMP IP stack turn around time).
Jeffrey "botman" Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] Resizing Models

2004-09-18 Thread Jeffrey \"botman\" Broome
Adam "amckern" Mckern wrote:
i only think u can resize the bounding box, but some
one that might know more, might answer this better for
Actually, the hit boxes DON'T get rescaled at run-time...
(doesn't ANYBODY use to search for stuff anymore?)
Jeffrey "botman" Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] Shield

2004-09-25 Thread Jeffrey \"botman\" Broome
Freecode wrote:
If a shield is on the ground its a valid entity and its classname is
"weapon_shield" but when u pick it up the entity is removed. Now but
you still have the shield why isnt it an entity? And Besides checking
users viewmodel is there any way of checking if a player has shield?
It doesn't have to be an entity attached to the player (more entities =
more lag), it can just be a different skin or body group on the already
existing player.  You just need to set a member variable flag somewhere
in the CBasePlayer class that says "Hey!  I'm carrying the shield".
Have you checked to see if the 'skin' changes when picking up the shield?
Jeffrey "botman" Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] Newbie question

2004-09-25 Thread Jeffrey \"botman\" Broome
Juan Fernando Mora Muñoz wrote:
In the HL Multiplayer, where the mp.dll goes? cause when i run it from
steam, and i search for it after
i can find any mp.dll, just in the DMC and ricochet... but i want to mod
HL multiplayer...
See these...
Another question,
Im just starting to see the source code, and i'd try to change gordon model
player.mdl and use one of the
counter strike guerilla.mdl, i search in all the code to replace it, and i
put it under the models directory too
but, it keeps loading the gordon model, and yes, im sure its loading the
dll cause i create a entity from
a tutorial too and its being loaded and used... im missing something of
course but i cant find what, thanks!!
The Counter-Strike player models and the Half-Life multiplayer models
are NOT interchangeable (you can't use one for the other).  The CS
models use 9 way blending which isn't supported by the existing code in
the SDK.  You can do a search for "half-life 9 way blending"
to find some links.
Jeffrey "botman" Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] Shield

2004-09-25 Thread Jeffrey \"botman\" Broome
Adrian Finol wrote:
Having a shield is a state. When you pickup a "weapon_shield" it removes
that entity and then sets the picker's m_bOwnsShield (part of CSPlayer)
to true.
It's that what I said?  ;)
Jeffrey "botman" Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] Shield

2004-09-26 Thread Jeffrey \"botman\" Broome
Freecode wrote:
so would anyone have the shield offset?
No.  You'll have to find it yourself.
Jeffrey "botman" Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] Parsing Player Information

2004-10-12 Thread Jeffrey \"botman\" Broome
McCormack, Chris wrote:
The spec for the rcon protocol was posted by alfred a while back to
this list. Google for it.
No need to google it, here's the thread you want...
Jeffrey "botman" Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] Does HL2 have built-in metamod-like functionality?

2004-10-12 Thread Jeffrey \"botman\" Broome
Alfred Reynolds wrote:
It will be true (just as soon as I write it). Details will be sent to
the list when something is available.
Now that Half-Life2 is done, poor Alfred is the only one at Valve who
still has work to do!  :)
Jeffrey "botman" Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] Does HL2 have built-in metamod-like functionality?

2004-10-12 Thread Jeffrey \"botman\" Broome
voogru wrote:
Is it me, or did Alfred's reply before the original mail get in? I see his
reply at 1:50 PM, while Pavol's mail got in at 1:54.
When you send email, the time on the client's machine is used for the
timestamp (not the sending email server's time, the recipient's email
server's time or the recipient's machine's time).
Notice how I sent this message from the future!  ;)
Jeffrey "botman" Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] Does HL2 have built-in metamod-like functionality?

2004-10-12 Thread Jeffrey \"botman\" Broome
Andrew Foss wrote:
Yes he did, read the date, dec. 25
Sent: Saturday, December 25, 2004 2:59 PM

mm no you didn't =S maybe its the time from the server? =?
Juan Fernando
No, I think Juan is correct.  It might depend on the email client you
are using.  Notice that the hlcoders archive post...
...shows the email dated as "Tue Oct 12 11:56:01 2004"
So, it's probably different for different folks.
Jeffrey "botman" Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] Does HL2 have built-in metamod-like functionality?

2004-10-14 Thread Jeffrey \"botman\" Broome
Pavol Marko wrote:
Nothing is perfect:
They both look like perfect ragdoll simulations to me.
Notice that no joints are hyperextended (bent backwards).  Bodies come
to rest in realistic positions based on the mass of the components of
the system.
Not perfect would be joints that bend the wrong way, or joints that
aren't bent when gravity should have made extremties fall to a lower
surface (i.e. the "legs sticking horizontally out in the air" syndrome
when somebody dies on a set of stairs in Half-Life).
Jeffrey "botman" Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] Does HL2 have built-in metamod-likefunctionality?

2004-10-14 Thread Jeffrey \"botman\" Broome
Florian Zschocke wrote:
Assuming that both are dead and the second ss wasn't taken "in flight":
just what do you call the second picture then? It being more realistic
that a dead body has legs sticking vertically in the air then when they
would stick horizontally in the air?
I'm making the assumption that the second screen shot shows a body
flying through the air due to an explosion.
Now if Half-Life2 would implement detachable limbs that fly though the
air in the same general direction as the body and have ragdoll
simulation on them as well, that would be pretty cool.
Then you could pick up someone's leg after it had been blown off their
body and whack them over their head with it!  :)
Jeffrey "botman" Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] Looking for plugin coders

2004-09-29 Thread Jeffrey \"botman\" Broome
Shane Robinett wrote:
This plugin development will be largely for stuff we want in HL2, but
some work is available in HL1.
You might want to wait until the Half-Life2 SDK is actually done and
publicly available before you start designing what any HL2 plugins are
going to be capable of doing.
Just because you think something should be possible, doesn't mean that
it will be.  Also, there might be things that are possible in the HL1
SDK (i.e. exploits) that aren't possible in the HL2 SDK.  It's usually
best to know what you can do before you start trying to do it.
Jeffrey "botman" Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] Looking for plugin coders

2004-09-29 Thread Jeffrey \"botman\" Broome
voogru wrote:
While you're here Eric, how about a response on the issue with the exploit
related to playing cs with an unlimited amount of STEAMID's and being
virtually unbannable?
I'm sure that Valve still has people working on cheats and exploits in
Half-Life even as Half-Life2 gets closer and closer to being released.
The Valve guys work pretty hard to get rid of exploits as soon as they
can, especially if those exploits allow people to play online when they
haven't purchased the game (i.e. keygens and such).
Jeffrey "botman" Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] sdk for css?

2004-10-07 Thread Jeffrey \"botman\" Broome
K. Mike Bradley wrote:
What's all the hub bub?
Is Valve releasing something?
The Counter-Strike: Source BETA is now over.  Valve will make CS: Source
available through Steam starting today.
Half-Life2 is still pending Vivendi's release candidate approval and
won't be released through Steam or available in stores until Vivendi
gives the "go ahead".
The Half-Life2 SDK will be available through Steam (but obviously not
before it's ready).  Whether this will be before, at the same time as,
or after Half-Life2 is available through Steam will probably depend on
whether Valve now wants to release the SDK before the game is available.
 My guess is not.  If this is the case, then when the SDK is released
depends on when Vivendi get's their shit together and approves the
release of the game.  Whether this is "any time soon" depends on what
your definition of "any time" is (since, as Einstein often pointed out,
time is a relative thing).
Jeffrey "botman" Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] sdk for css?

2004-10-08 Thread Jeffrey \"botman\" Broome
Brian Irelan wrote:
CS is never final. And its not $50, its free. (With HL2)
Oh God!  You mean Valve is going to be updating Counter-Strike for the
next 100 years?  ;)
Jeffrey "botman" Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] Sniper Drift/Sway

2004-10-18 Thread Jeffrey \"botman\" Broome
Jonathan Dance wrote:
I've been looking to implement sniper drift and have been having some
trouble trying to find a good reference. I've been playing around with
pev in the weapon code (pev->v_angle), but it doesn't have any effect.
I'm guessing that this is because this isn't sent to the
client--although the client executes the code also. I considered doing
an event or something but I'm not sure what I'd put there anyway.
Try looking at the "head bob" stuff in the client (as that effects the
view offset).  It's in the view.cpp file of the cl_dll folder.
Jeffrey "botman" Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] HL2 Gold

2004-10-18 Thread Jeffrey \"botman\" Broome
Ruari O'Sullivan wrote:
so, Valve...
...when's the SDK?
Alfred already said...
"It should be soon (weeks, not months), we are working on it right now."
Jeffrey "botman" Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] Register protocol in win32 hl2://

2004-10-20 Thread Jeffrey \"botman\" Broome
Bruce "Bahamut" Andrews wrote:
bah, Epic have NOTHING on VALVe...
...except $1,000,000.00 contests for MOD authors.  :)
Jeffrey "botman" Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] Register protocol in win32 hl2://

2004-10-20 Thread Jeffrey \"botman\" Broome
Dave Sanders wrote:
And horrible amounts of unrealscript legacy code that you have to dig
through to find anything.  Each version seems to get worse, and worse.
True.  Hopefully UE3 will remove lots of the "dead wood" in UnrealScript
code.  Much of the UnrealScript code in UT2004 hasn't changed since
UT!!! (and I mean the original, not UT2003)
Though, I really like mutators.  I'm just getting back into HLCoding
since I last messed around with it in 99/2000. (my third time back on
this list. :)  Is there an equivalent to UT mutators in the next
In Half-Life, metamod plugins are about as close to mutators as you can
get.  Since the game code and the engine code are separate DLLs in the
Half-Life universe, the game code (MOD) authors would have to implement
some mechanism for "plugin" extensions to the game code (for example,
being able to change the accuracy of a weapon via a plugin).  There
wasn't a engine/game DLL API that allowed this type of plugin extension
in HL1 and I doubt something like this would be supported by the HL2
SDK.  Any MOD that wanted to support these types of extensions could do
so without too much trouble (perhaps even allowing a scripting system
like LUA to make things a little easier on non-coder type people).
Jeffrey "botman" Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] What MSVC version do you use/have?

2004-10-21 Thread Jeffrey \"botman\" Broome
Ruari O'Sullivan wrote:
VC++ 6.0 here, though if the whole SDK compiled for windows under gcc
(say mingw) that'd be cool too.
Heh-heh!  Yes, that would be cool wouldn't it?  ;)
/me laughs at my own private joke
Jeffrey "botman" Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] What MSVC version do you use/have?

2004-10-21 Thread Jeffrey \"botman\" Broome
Jorge Rodriguez wrote:
If Half-Life 2 is gold and VGUI2 is part of HL2 and thus the HL2SDK,
and if the technology is stable enough to include in the most popular
online game of all time, then I personally see no reason not to allow
mod developers to use it in HL1. Otherwise, Valve is shrinking back on
their commitment to back their modding community.
You are making the assumption that VGUI2 used in Half-Life2 is the same
as VGUI2 (BETA?) used in recent Half-Life Steam updates.
My guess is that the current VGUI2 code isn't backward compatible with
Half-Life1 and back-porting it to work with the older engine wouldn't
provide a significant ROI (return on investment).  Having VGUI2
available for a Half-Life1 MOD probably isn't going to attract that many
more people to the Half-Life engine (and thus provide some additional
revenue for Valve).
At some point, support for older game must discontinue.  I would imagine
Valve is still seeing some royalties checks for Half-Life1 sales
(Counter-Strike, Day of Defeat, etc.) heck, even Gearbox still gets an
occasional royalty check for Opposing Force, but once Half-Life2 becomes
available to consumers, I would predict that Half-Life1 sales fall to
next to nothing.
Jeffrey "botman" Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] HL2 Dev CPU Requirements

2004-10-21 Thread Jeffrey \"botman\" Broome
Brian "Satertek" Irelan wrote:
You have to have a widescreen LCD monitor like all the guys at Valve.
...and you have to drive a Ferrari, like all the guys at Valve!  ;)
Jeffrey "botman" Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] HL2 Dev CPU Requirements

2004-10-21 Thread Jeffrey \"botman\" Broome
Jeff Fearn wrote:
I bet you're kicking yourself you took that job at at Gearbox and
didn't hold out for a job offer from Valve! Must be hell being forced
to slum it in a Porsche!
Yes.  Sadly, here's the only Porsche that I can afford...
Jeffrey "botman" Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] What MSVC version do you use/have?

2004-10-22 Thread Jeffrey \"botman\" Broome
Andrew Foss wrote:
GCC is _not_ old.GCC is used more often than VC. it's free, and is
continually improving.
A basic makefile for those of us running cygwin envs, linux, and the
BSDs is not that difficult, right?
What?  I think you're replying to the wrong message.  There was nothing
in HoundDawg's post about gcc and nothing in the reply to his message
about gcc either.
Where did the rant about gcc come from?
Here's another topic since people seem to be in the mood to post to this
list recently...
Realistically, how long do you think it will take a team to release a
MOD for Half-Life2 after the SDK and game is made available to the
public (and I'm talking about a MOD as something other than just
changing the firing rate of the shotgun and releasing that as a MOD,
i.e. something with brand new weapons, brand new maps, etc.)?
My bet is that it will take about 3 to 4 months for MOD developers to
get completely up to speed on the new tools and code.  Add in another
month or two for testing, bug fixing, and tuning.  I'll predict that the
first full MOD for Half-Life2 won't release a BETA version until at
least May 2005.
Does anyone have any expectations of releasing any full blown MOD any
sooner than that?  :)
Jeffrey "botman" Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] Removing Grenades From a Player

2004-10-23 Thread Jeffrey \"botman\" Broome
Matt Judge wrote:
I have a function which will remove all the weapons from a player
(including Night Vision and Back Pack).  Can anyone give me some
pointers to remove smoke and HE grenades without forcing the player to
use them?
Your own MOD?  Some other MOD?  More details?
Jeffrey "botman" Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] Coders Update for Source Mods???

2004-10-25 Thread Jeffrey \"botman\" Broome
Bruce "Bahamut" Andrews wrote:
...that has to be the dumbest idea ever.
Wow.  I've heard people at Valve called all kinds of things.  I don't
think I've ever heard them called dumb.
I would say the Valve guys and gals are pretty darn smart (but that's
just my opinion).
Jeffrey "botman" Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] [OT] [RANT] [REQUEST] Trimming posts

2004-10-27 Thread Jeffrey \"botman\" Broome
Dave Sanders wrote:
Please.  If anyone at Valve is reading this thread.  Please.  Please.
Release the SDK.   We obviously need something to work on... :)
Yes.  Even if it's not done, even if it won't compile, even if it's
written in COBOL, even if it's only a single line of code from the
smallest header file, even if it's just a COPYRIGHT comment.  We want an
SDK that we can't do anything with!!!  :)
Here, I'll get you started...
//= Copyright © 1996-2004, Valve LLC, All rights reserved.

Jeffrey "botman" Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] [OT] [RANT] [REQUEST] Trimming posts

2004-10-27 Thread Jeffrey \"botman\" Broome
Hasan Aljudy wrote:
you have teh SDK? what about me?!!!1 :'(
Yes, here's some of the incredible AI code...
if (CanSeeEnemy())
   ShootGunsAndShit();  // pow! pow!
   KickDownDoorAndYell("DIE FREEMAN!");
if (EnemyDead())
Jeffrey "botman" Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] [OT] [RANT] [REQUEST] Trimming posts

2004-10-29 Thread Jeffrey \"botman\" Broome
Hmmm... If Source was written from-scratch...
Does this mean Source was begun in '99?
Possibly.  If there is a header file that has some content that hasn't
changed since 1999, then yes, the copyright extends back to the time
that is was first created.
Jeffrey "botman" Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] Possible release of the SDK today.

2004-11-05 Thread Jeffrey \"botman\" Broome
Ben Davison wrote:
Looks like only mapping tools.
Yes, but it also has "Documentation" and that's a good thing (assuming
it's something similar or better than the .doc files that came with the
Half-Life 1 Full SDK).
Jeffrey "botman" Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK released

2004-11-05 Thread Jeffrey \"botman\" Broome
Martin Otten wrote:
The initial version of the Source SDK has been released.
You need to own a Source game to have access to the SDK.
"You need to own a Source game", is the SDK *NOT* going to be available
to someone who has a Steam account, but doesn't own a Source game?
Jeffrey "botman" Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK released

2004-11-05 Thread Jeffrey \"botman\" Broome
Kevin Gerry wrote:
Question here...
WHERE is the SDK to DL?
Maybe I'm blind here?
It's Steam.  Updating is automatic.  I'm assuming if you own a Source
game (CS:Source is currently the only one available to play), just look
in your Steam folder for the SDK (Steam\SteamApps\\sourcesdk).
If you don't own CS:Source (like me), you don't have the HL2 SDK.  :(
Jeffrey "botman" Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] Source SDK released

2004-11-05 Thread Jeffrey \"botman\" Broome
Hasan Aljudy wrote:
hmm, bortman, I thought you worked with valve? don't you have access
to the whole half-life source (including engine)?
"I thought you worked with valve?"
I work for Gearbox Software.
"don't you have access to the whole half-life source (including engine)?"
No comment.
Jeffrey "botman" Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] height2normal.exe

2004-11-06 Thread Jeffrey \"botman\" Broome
Justin Krenz wrote:
Anyone find any documentation on this tool and how to use it?
Just a guess, but I'd assume that tool converts a height map (for
terrain) to a normal map.
Did you try...
height2normal.exe input_heightmap_file output_normalmap_file the MS-DOS Prompt window?
Jeffrey "botman" Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] Does Valve compress files?

2004-11-09 Thread Jeffrey \"botman\" Broome
Gregor Brunmar wrote:
Will Valve support some sort of backup of HL2? Lets say I buy and
download HL2 via Stream and backup the files to some CD-R:s, external
harddrive or somewhere else. Then after some months I format my
harddrive. Can I then just take my backup-files and copy them to the
Steam-download folder, even if both Steam and HL2 have had updates after
my backup? It would be a little anoying having to download 2.5 Gb twice
or more, just because you didn't go out and buy a boxed copy :(,29387,&PHPSESSID=70a1a62e5be709505c5ea64e20807a57
Jeffrey "botman" Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] Odd collisions when entity size.x is greater than 4

2004-11-10 Thread Jeffrey \"botman\" Broome
tei wrote:
A question:
BBOX rotate on half-life?
No.  Bounding boxes are axis-aligned in Half-Life (just as they are in
Quake).  That's why making a "prone" bounding box is rather difficult
since you can't rotate the box in the direction the player is facing.
Jeffrey "botman" Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] Debugging question in HL2

2004-11-11 Thread Jeffrey \"botman\" Broome
David Nelson wrote:
[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
I noticed in the Documentation of HL2 on the Developer console it says, "If
HL is started with an attached debugger.." it outputs it to the debugger.
Ok so what debuggers work with this.  If I start it with my .net VC++
debugger it'll send the info strait to the debugger?  That would be cool.
I presume it uses OutputDebugString...
Jeffrey "botman" Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] Installing Valve games not within from Steam

2004-11-11 Thread Jeffrey \"botman\" Broome
tei wrote:
Its what you get if you share .EXE files.
Say no to share .EXE files.
You must not install very many Windows applications that you download
from the internet.  I don't know of a single Windows install program
that isn't an .exe file.
Maybe you only install Open Source programs and download the source code
and build everything on your machine.  Me, I prefer to just download
stuff from sites that I trust, install it, and be done with it in less
than 5 minutes, instead of downloading source (if it's available),
re-configuring for my specific machine hardware/compiler/whatever,
building the source, searching the internet for problems encountered
during build, discovering that I need a newer version (or older version)
of the gcc compiler, downloading and installing it (remember, you HAVE
to download the gcc source and use a previous version of gcc to build
the new version since you don't trust any of the mirrors that have
pre-built binaries), rebuilding the application that I had originally
tried to build 2 hours ago, blah, blah, blah.
In the meantime, I have already gone out, seen a movie, had a beer or
two with some friends and enjoyed myself instead of fighting with trying
to build everything from source code.
Jeffrey "botman" Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] A Half-life wiki?

2004-11-15 Thread Jeffrey \"botman\" Broome
Hasan Aljudy wrote:
hl2world provide support the stolen build .. so um. they're not really
a good citizen :P in the comunity
Good point.  They've got a bunch of stuff on faceposer.exe.  How do they
know anything about faceposer if it hasn't been released yet?
I definitely won't support or contribute to a site that supports stolen
code and I encourage everyone else here on this list to do the same.
Jeffrey "botman" Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] A Half-life wiki?

2004-11-15 Thread Jeffrey \"botman\" Broome
Vyacheslav Djura wrote:
I can host Half-Life wiki. On Lots of space and
If you build it, they will come.  Don't wait for somebody to say "Yes,
that's great.  Let's do it.", just do it yourself and let people know
about it.  If nobody puts anything up after a month or two, you can
remove it (if you need to).
Jeffrey "botman" Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] A Half-life wiki?

2004-11-17 Thread Jeffrey \"botman\" Broome
Vyacheslav Djura wrote:
Can you tell in a brief what exactly should contain wiki site, because
I am not 100% what to do.
Start here...
There's a PHP wiki...
...TWiki...  (it's Perl script based)
...and many other Wiki's are available (do a search on "wiki")
Just install Wiki on your server (it may require MySQL as a database
backend), then set up a front (main) page with a couple of areas that
you want people to add information to.  I would suggest having the main
page be something like this (in Wiki Format)...
--- Half-Life2 Wiki ---
HalfLife2Mapping - Information on Half-Life2 Level Design (Hammer,
compile tools, etc)
HalfLife2Modeling - Information on Half-Life2 Modeling (weapons,
characters, faceposer, etc)
HalfLife2Texturing - Information for Half-Life2 Texture Artists
HalfLife2Coding - Information on Half-Life2 Coding (SDK Source Code
tutorials, etc)

...then tell everyone about it and let people start adding details to
those pages.
Jeffrey "botman" Broome
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[hlcoders] So, what do you think of Half-Life2?

2004-11-17 Thread Jeffrey \"botman\" Broome
I spent some time playing Half-Life2 last night.  I thought it might be
several days before I would be able to get authorized on Steam, but it
only took me about 5 or 10 minutes to get though.  The content took a
little while to unlock (I had the Special Edition DVD), but after about
10-15 minutes, I was ready to play.
I haven't gotten that far into the game yet (I played about 2 hours or
so last night), but I really like what I've seen so far.  Up until now,
my favorite game of all time in terms of gameplay, storyline, and
interactivity with the world was Duke Nukem 3D.  Half-Life2 has
definitely surpassed that in all areas.  Actually, it has blown
EVERYTHING else away!
Valve, I'd just like to say, "You guys and gals TOTALLY ROCK!"
Excellent game.  Well worth the money spent on it and well worth the
time waiting for it.
I can't wait for Half-Life3!  :)
Jeffrey "botman" Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] Debugging multiplayer mods

2004-11-22 Thread Jeffrey \"botman\" Broome
Draco wrote:
 Hey Botman, You gunna make bots for source?
Yes.  That's the plan.  Just waiting on the SDK Source code.
/me whistles nonchalantly.
P.S. HEY VALVE!  Please add a fix in the first update for Half-Life2.
When I ESCape from the game into the menu, the sounds don't pause.  For
the love of all that's holy, PLEASE STOP the looping, looping, looping,
looping, looping, looping, looping, looping, looping, looping.  It's
slowly driving me insane.  :)  Thanks.
Jeffrey "botman" Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] Debugging multiplayer mods

2004-11-22 Thread Jeffrey \"botman\" Broome
Bob Aman wrote:
Also, I tend to get this micro-lag in the game as well, I'll be getting
50 FPS, and then all of a sudden it drops to 2 or 3 for no good
reason, the sounds start looping, and then it goes back to full
speed.  Also annoying.  Anyone else seeing this?
Yes, a whole bunch of people have seen it...
Jeffrey "botman" Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] So, what do you think of Half-Life2?

2004-11-29 Thread Jeffrey \"botman\" Broome
Tony "omega" Sergi wrote:
If I remember correctly, that's simply because hl2 leads directly into hl3,
like a two-part movie, kinda like kill bill vol 1 and vol2, it was all the
same movie, but split into two films for the sake of time.
I must have missed the part where Alyx says...
"Gordon... it's your baby!"  :)
Jeffrey "botman" Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] Any word on the SDK?

2004-11-30 Thread Jeffrey \"botman\" Broome
Teddy wrote:
Has anyone heard any news on the SDK, since valve announced it'd be
out this week? I've been keeping tabs on most of the popular hl2
sites, but i'm bursting to find out when the SDK will be out.. it's
been a long year of waiting & i can't believe it's about to be over!1
Put this link in your web browser...
...refresh every 5 seconds.  You'll know when it's released before
everyone else will.
Jeffrey "botman" Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] compiling the sdk

2004-12-01 Thread Jeffrey \"botman\" Broome
Jorge Rodriguez wrote:
Woah!! Calm down, my friend. Just because Valve uses another compiler
doesn't mean that you are barred from compiling the game. Eventually
someone will make a good ANSI-compliant port... sounds like a job for
Yeah, I'll be working on that too (besides doing a bot for Source).
It's too bad Brothers In Arms is in crunch mode right now.  I'm spending
12-14 hours a day, seven days a week, at the office and have little time
for anything else besides sleeping and eating.
I'll probably have to wait until the Christmas holidays to get into some
serious Source hacking.
Jeffrey "botman" Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] SDK - Valve vs. Epic

2004-12-02 Thread Jeffrey \"botman\" Broome
ChessMess wrote:
Ahh let me clarify. I wasn't meaning the actual code and whatnot, I'm
talking about SDK/Mod Support. Such things as Epic releasing all the
video tutorials and whatnot. What they do to empower the MOD community
vs what Valve is doing.
I personally, and maybe this is because I'm new, expected a bit more
in terms of tutorials and documentation from Valve with the release of
HL2 and the large amount of lead time they had. Thus I posed this
question to see if that viewpoint was right, wrong, half-right,
half-wrong, etc.
Valve has always been supportive of the modding community, but not
always in a public manner.  If you had a question about how something
worked in Half-Life, you could email the developers directly and get a
response back pretty quick.
Epic seems to be more publicly oriented toward trying to improve their
mod community by providing tutorial videos and reference information on
the website.  Basically encouraging as many people as
possible to MOD their games in an effort to make the games more popular.
 The easier you make something to do, the more likely people are going
to try their hand at it.
Valve has recently begun making developer documentation available on the website.  And, of course, there are many 3rd
party websites that provided documentation, tutorials, etc. for games
from both of these companies.
With Half-Life, I don't think that Valve knew that the modding community
would become as huge as it has.  Since Half-Life was Quake based, much
was already known about the engine and how entities worked because
people had figured out much of this already for Quake.  Jumping from a
Quake MOD to a Half-Life MOD wasn't that huge of a leap, since QuakeC
code was fairly similar in function (but not structure) to Half-Life code.
Epic didn't initially have a huge modding community either, but since
the Unreal engine of today is very similar to the original engine used
to create the first Unreal game, people have had lots of time to
understand how things work in the Unreal engine and what can be done
with UnrealScript.
Epic seems to put forth a little more effort into trying to draw more
people into the Unreal modding community (by providing video tutorials,
MOD and map contests, etc).  Valve doesn't really need to do this since
a bazillion people are already playing Half-Life MODs and creating
Half-Life MODs of their own.  It's almost like Half-Life games have some
kind of "dark matter" black hole effect that tends to suck people into them.
I believe that over the past couple of years, Valve has spent more time
and effort trying to provide modding information to the public and have
hired people that have this task as a main part of their job.
You have to remember that Valve was pushing to make Half-Life2 publicly
available and didn't have much time to spend developing tutorials and
documentation.  I imagine that over the next few months you will see
more and more of this type of stuff coming directly from Valve (more
than likely though VERC), but you will also see lots of this information
coming from the Half-Life modding community itself.
Also, with Steam, it will be very easy for Valve to distribute news and
links to this type of information when it becomes available.  Valve, in
essence, is able to "push" this content to the entire gaming community
to encourage more people to get involved in this kind of thing.  Before
Steam (as with the Unreal universe), the people playing the games have
to actively seek out modding information, and many people just aren't
that skilled at being able to use search engines to track down exactly
what they want and they don't visit (or don't know about) many of the
gaming news sites that make some of this information available to the
Is Epic better at encouraging MOD development than Valve?  Possibly, but
Valve now has the resources to improve in this area and I wouldn't be
surprised if this status changed over the few months or years.
I really look forward to seeing what the Half-Life community will be
able to accomplish using the Source engine (as I'm sure Valve is also).
 Having "true" Physics, multiplayer vehicles, sophisticated
animation/blending/facial expression systems, and a large community to
begin with sets the foundation for some very interesting possibilities.
Jeffrey "botman" Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] HL2 Modders Resource Link List

2004-12-02 Thread Jeffrey \"botman\" Broome
ChessMess wrote:
I'd like to ask the community veterns out there what thier favorite
URLS are for modding news, tutorials, and documentation.  Covering
coding specifically, and mod development in general.
About the only ones you really need are:
Jeffrey "botman" Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] Question on Plugin Interface

2004-12-02 Thread Jeffrey \"botman\" Broome
Alfred Reynolds wrote:
Yes, read the game dll code and copy it. We haven't provided a sample of
this because it will be pretty involved. We have discussed providing
some interfaces to help manage entities between mods and plugins, but
nothing concrete has come out of it yet.
How would the plugin know anything about the MOD's CBaseEntity class
(like what member variables it has, etc.)?
Isn't this the same problem that metamod has with Counter-Strike
plugins?  The CS CBaseEntity class member variables are only known to
Valve and you can't create a metamod plugin that lets you get at the
member variables of a MOD that you don't have the source code to (not
without creating pointers to PrivateData space and overwriting random
locations in memory).
Jeffrey "botman" Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] Community Shared Code Base

2004-12-03 Thread Jeffrey \"botman\" Broome
HoundDawg wrote:
Couldn't the proposed wiki support this?
Yes.  Show me the wiki!  :)
Jeffrey "botman" Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] Client/Server System

2004-12-04 Thread Jeffrey \"botman\" Broome
Matthias Buchetics wrote:
Hi everybody,
I am completely new to Half-Life Modding or Modding in general. I
started playing around with the code a little bit but I am still
confused about what to change where when it comes to the client/server
architecture HL uses even in the singleplayer mode. For example the
sample mod tutorial where you're going to change the speed of the
rocket launcher. Why are those changes made on the server side?
I noticed that HL1 used the same architecture, are there any good
documents on that?
See this excellent paper by Yahn Bernier on Client/Server networking...
Things that are created and maintained on the client are things that
should not influence gameplay (collisions, kills/deaths, etc.)  Client
side controlled entities should be used for "eye-candy" type stuff
(glass breaking, ambient sounds, etc.)
The server keeps track of, and maintains things that are "important" to
all clients (like players and rockets).  Each client runs a simulation
of where it thinks other players are (called client-side prediction).
When the client shoots a weapon at another player, this information
(where the shot came from, where it was going, what time the shot
occurred) gets sent to the server.  The server then determines if the
shot hit another player based on it's previous knowledge of where each
player was located (on the server at that point in time).
Kills only occur if the server knows that a shot fired from that point
in space toward another point in space at that time would hit something.
 In the meantime, the client can still play client side effects like
muzzle flashes, sounds, bullet impacts on surfaces, etc.
You basically want to keep "important" stuff on the server and replicate
the location/rotation of these things to all clients (that need to see
them) as often as necessary to get "good" gameplay.  Note that some
things should be replicated frequently (things that are REALLY important
or things that more rapidly or change direction rapidly) to keep the
client simulations as accurate as possible.  Things that aren't as
important or don't move as quickly can be replicated less often and
still have a fairly accurate client simulation of what's happening on
the server.
Jeffrey "botman" Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] Client/Server System

2004-12-04 Thread Jeffrey \"botman\" Broome
r00t 3:16 wrote:
If I understand "botmans" post correctly.
This might not be as technical as botmans explanation
The rocket launcher is on the client side, because the client needs to know
about it.
If there was no code about a rocket launcher on the client side, the client
would not be able to use it.
I think you are over simplifying things.  Did you read Yahn's
Client/Server network document that I linked too earlier?
If not, read that first, then come back.
Things that must be replicated on other clients must be created by the
server.  The server is the "middle-man" between all clients.  Things
don't go from one client directly to another client (that would be a
peer-to-peer architecture like Doom3 was supposed to be).  The server
will create the object, then notify all clients that  a new thing has
been created and they will need to create a client-side copy of it.
When a player is created, the client that "owns" this player will
control the movement of the player (but the server can reject this
movement, for example if the player collided with something else while
moving).  All other players on the client are just simulations of where
the client believes that those players currently are.  The server is the
only one that knows for sure exactly where everything is in the world at
any point in time.
When a player does something on the client (moves, jumps, fires a
weapon), the client sends a network packet to the server that tells the
server what the client wants to do.  The client can begin simulating
this movement while waiting for the server to process the network packet
that was just sent.  If the player fires a weapon that needs to create
another object (like firing a rocket launcher).  The client sends that
command to the server, the server creates a rocket, then the server
sends a packet back to the client that tells the client to create a
client-side copy of that rocket.  The rocket begins moving on both the
server and the client (hopefully in the same direction and at the same
speed).  The client simulates where the rocket goes, but the server is
the only one that is trusted about what happens to the rocket.  When the
rocket collides with something on the server, the server tells the
client that the rocket hit something and the client can being playing
the explosion effects, playing sounds and drawing blast mark decals.
The client isn't allowed to do anything that will effect the outcome of
the game (because the client CAN'T be trusted).  Everything that happens
that must be "authoritative" MUST happen on the server and clients will
be sent this information as quickly as possible over thier network
connections.  Obviously people with faster network connections will get
the data faster than people on 14400 baud dial up connections will.
This latency between when something happens on the client and gets sent
to the server or when something happens on the server and gets sent to
the client is commonly referred to as lag.  Lag can be caused by many
things.  You might have a low bandwidth network connection to the server
(like a dial-up connection).  You might have connected to a server with
a very slow CPU (it takes a long time for the server to process a packet
and send back a response).  You might have connected to a server with a
fast CPU, but there are lots and lots of clients on that server, each
one taking up a good percentage of the total network bandwidth from that
server.  You might also have a internet connect that goes through lots
and lots of gateways and routers between your location and the servers
location.  Each gateway or router take a small amount of time to forward
the packet along.  If you have a lot of stops in between, even with a
high speed network connection and a fast server, you may have high latency.
Jeffrey "botman" Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] get what player is looking at in plugin?

2004-12-04 Thread Jeffrey \"botman\" Broome
john smith wrote:
Is there a way to get the vector the player is looking at in a plugin?
Convert the edict rotation to a vector?
Jeffrey "botman" Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] sourcesdk.gcf question

2004-12-05 Thread Jeffrey \"botman\" Broome
Vyacheslav Djura wrote:
P.S. Why VALVe doesn't compress any .gcf files? :-/ This would save a
lot of time and money for users with low-bandwidth (dial-up). Respect
people who have bought license versions of your game in undeveloped
countries which do not have broadband in every house.
I believe they ARE compressed WHILE you are downloading them.  Once they
have been downloaded, they are uncompress to the hard disk for fast
access later when they need to be read.  No sense waiting for 10,000
textures to uncompress when you are trying to load the game since disk
space is SO cheap now adays.
Jeffrey "botman" Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] Alive / Dead status?

2004-12-05 Thread Jeffrey \"botman\" Broome
Manip wrote:
Any way to get a player's alive/dead status?
Did you try IGameResources::IsAlive( int index )?
Jeffrey "botman" Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] Plugin supported Interface Factories...

2004-12-05 Thread Jeffrey \"botman\" Broome
> v- HELP -v
> I STILL haven't determined a method to get each player's "origin" and
> "angles" in a plugin.  The best I have found so far is to use the
> ICollideable::GetCollisionOrigin() and ICollideable::GetCollisionAngles()
> for each client (ICollideable is available through the edict_t structure
> using GetCollideable() function).
> ^- HELP -^

Oppps, forgot to say why I need help.  :)

The ICollideable gives you the proper origin, but the angles are always zero
(I assume because Source uses AABB and the bounding box of players don't

Anybody figured out how to get 'origin' AND 'angles' for each player on a
server via a plugin?

Jeffrey "botman" Broome

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Re: [hlcoders] Plugin supported Interface Factories...

2004-12-06 Thread Jeffrey \"botman\" Broome
Ronny Schedel wrote:
Try to load the nonworking interfaces with gameServerFactory
instead of interfaceFactory. Especially IServerGameDLL needs
Ah, cool.  I didn't even think about that.  Muchas gracias.
Jeffrey "botman" Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] HL2 Modding - What you need and where to start

2004-12-06 Thread Jeffrey \"botman\" Broome
ChessMess wrote:
It would appear that I need to look to the community to provide what
I had thought would have been provided in the SDK?
Yes.  There are a limited number of engineers at Valve.  There are other
things that they are working on.  The community, however, has hundreds
of people who "bootstrapping" off of what other community people have
learned.  You best bet is to find an active community Half-Life2 forum
(Wavelength and VERC are the best), and ask questions.  Valve engineers
do reply to posts at VERC.  There are many experience coders in the
Half-Life community that can help you understand how things worked in
Half-Life and that may help lead you to information that you are looking
for about Half-Life2.
Maybe I'm not seeing everything, or maybe its not clear to me where
to start or how to properly start. Both possible and probable given
that I'm new to all this.
Start with the existing Single Player or Multiplayer SDK source code.
Pick ONE thing that you want to understand (for example "How a player
gets spawned into the game") and walk through the source code to see how
this is done in Source (again having some understanding of how Half-Life
did this will help you understand Half-Life2).  DON'T try to understand
everything at once.  It can't be done.  Pick one simple thing and change
it (for example "Spawning the player with half (or twice) the normal
health).  Figure out how to do that, then move on to some other simple
thing (like changing the number of shells the shotgun spawns with or
changing the amount of damage a weapon does, etc).  Again, don't try to
change 100 things at once, you'll just create too many problems and will
probably just frustrate yourself.
What I need is a 'Hello World' type tutorial, something that would
allow me to understand the basics of creating a mod, all the pieces
and parts that make one up and how they relate to each other. Also
I'd like more in-depth documentation on the classes and entities that
come with HL2.
The community will probably create these types of tutorials over the
next few weeks.  The problem is that the experienced coders that are
working on a MOD are spending most of their time trying to understand
how things work and probably don't have a lot of time to create working
tutorials (it's amazing how much time creating a "idiot-proof" tutorial
takes).  There will probably be less experienced people creating
tutorials, but be warned, many of these tutorials will be incomplete, or
just plain won't compile.  The tutorials that are "less than complete"
will assume that you know how to fill in the blanks and fix any problems
with them (this is where a Wiki site becomes a HUGE advantage because
someone else can correct a tutorial that's wrong or incomplete).
It's just going to take time for the community to get up to speed and
gain critical mass.  Once the learning curve has been overcome, you
should see more and more tutorials showing up on VERC, Wavelength, and
other places.
Jeffrey "botman" Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] Gmail & Mailing Lists

2004-12-06 Thread Jeffrey \"botman\" Broome
John "bKT" Bellone wrote:
Does thunderbird do something similar to gmail in conversations? I
haven't found it yet (I haven't really been looking though).
View->Sort By->Threaded
Jeffrey "botman" Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] Plugin supported Interface Factories...

2004-12-06 Thread Jeffrey \"botman\" Broome
Ronny Schedel wrote:
Did you tried IServerGameClients::GetPlayerState()?
There are some angles too... I dont know, maybe
it helps you.
No, I didn't try it last night because I didn't know how to load the
IServerGameClients interface.  After Ronny's reply, I'm assuming I can
load it using gameServerFactory().  I'll try it tonight and see how it goes.
Jeffrey "botman" Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] Naming format for Server Plugins

2004-12-06 Thread Jeffrey \"botman\" Broome
Marcelo Bezerra wrote:
I guess the new standard is serverplugin_myname
At least it is what the sdk suggest (the sample is serverplugin_empty).
I would agree.  The above is much less ambiguous than "xxx_sp".  What is
"sp" ?  Server Plugin?  Single Player?  Super Powered?  :)
Jeffrey "botman" Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] Plugin supported Interface Factories...

2004-12-07 Thread Jeffrey \"botman\" Broome
Ronny Schedel wrote:
Did you tried IServerGameClients::GetPlayerState()?
There are some angles too... I dont know, maybe
it helps you.
Using IServerGameClients didn't help either.
It looks like the only way to get the 'origin' and 'angles' of players
via a plugin is to access the GetAbsOrigin() and GetAbsAngles() from the
CBaseEntity class.  Resolving the member variables and functions with
CBaseEntity class at compile time in a plugin also seems to be a small
pain right now.  :)
Jeffrey "botman" Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] Using UTIL_ and te_ functions

2004-12-07 Thread Jeffrey \"botman\" Broome
Ronny Schedel wrote:
Vector direction = origin + Vector(0, 0, 100);
The server shows some warnings, it tells me, x and y are out of range,
but the effect is shown. Wierd :\
I would have thought the direction would be a normalized vector (i.e.
length = 1.0).  Maybe you should normalize the 'direction' vector before
creating the effect and see if that helps make things better.
Jeffrey "botman" Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] loading times

2004-12-07 Thread Jeffrey \"botman\" Broome
Christopher McArthur wrote:
So If I start the game with the debugger, on game launch and level launch I
am greeted with tens of thousands of "First-chance exception" spamming my
output->debug window and making the game take up to 5 minutes to load
It sounds like you have some exceptions enabled that you should not...
Jeffrey "botman" Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] Plugin supported Interface Factories...

2004-12-07 Thread Jeffrey \"botman\" Broome
Ronny Schedel wrote:
Hmm, I get valid results (non zero) for CPlayerState::v_angle.
You can get the origin from ICollideable::GetCollisionOrigin().
Ah!  Okay, I was grepping for "angles" not "angle".  I notice that
'kills' and 'deaths' is in there too!
Jeffrey "botman" Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] Using c_baseplayer in a server plugin

2004-12-09 Thread Jeffrey \"botman\" Broome
Josh wrote:
This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
Has anyone been able to do this?  Is this even possible?  There are a LOT of
functions that I would like to have access to, and it was possible to use
similar functions in HL1.
If I am not mistaken, the C_Whatever classes are client-side versions of
the CWhatever classes on the server.  Member variables that need to be
replicated between CWhatever on the server and C_Whatever on the client
are indicated by "CNetworkVar", so that this replication happens
You shouldn't be trying to access anything from C_Whatever in a server
plugin (since the server plugin is running on the server).  You should
be trying to access the CWhatever server-side version of these classes.
 But you shouldn't actually be accessing these at all since MOD authors
can change the CBaseEntity, CBasePlayer, etc. classes and add/remove
member variables or functions without your knowledge.  You will assume
you know what is contained within these classes when in fact, you do
not.  This is what Alfred mentioned just a few posts ago about making
your server plugin "fragile".  You are tring to do something which you
should not be doing.  :)
Jeffrey "botman" Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] Using c_baseplayer in a server plugin

2004-12-09 Thread Jeffrey \"botman\" Broome
Ronny Schedel wrote:
These are bad news :\
So, how can I change the velocity of a player without
class access?
You can't.  This isn't the Half-Life engine!  :)
Jeffrey "botman" Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] Using c_baseplayer in a server plugin

2004-12-09 Thread Jeffrey \"botman\" Broome
Jay Stelly wrote:
You should let us know what data you are trying to access in your
plugins so we can add it to an interface and implement it in HL2DM &
That's easy.  EVERYTHING!  Every member variable of every class should
have an interface function to Get and Set it!  :)
Jeffrey "botman" Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] Using c_baseplayer in a server plugin

2004-12-09 Thread Jeffrey \"botman\" Broome
Jeffrey "botman" Broome wrote:
Jay Stelly wrote:
You should let us know what data you are trying to access in your
plugins so we can add it to an interface and implement it in HL2DM &

That's easy.  EVERYTHING!  Every member variable of every class should
have an interface function to Get and Set it!  :)
No, seriously, stuff from the old entvars_t structure would be nice...
vec3_t  origin;
vec3_t  velocity;
vec3_t  angles; // Model angles
vec3_t  avelocity;  // angle velocity (degrees per second)
vec3_t  punchangle; // auto-decaying view angle adjustment
vec3_t  v_angle;// Viewing angle (player only)
int fixangle;   // 0:nothing, 1:force view angles, 2:add 
int modelindex;
int viewmodel;  // player's viewmodel
int weaponmodel;// what other players see
vec3_t  absmin; // BB max translated to world coord
vec3_t  absmax; // BB max translated to world coord
vec3_t  mins;   // local BB min
vec3_t  maxs;   // local BB max
vec3_t  size;   // maxs - mins
int movetype;
int solid;
int skin;
int body;   // sub-model selection for studiomodels
float   gravity;// % of "normal" gravity
float   friction;   // inverse elasticity of MOVETYPE_BOUNCE
// animation stuff (optional?)
int sequence;   // animation sequence
int gaitsequence;   // movement animation sequence for 
player (0 for none)
float   frame;  // % playback position in animation 
sequences (0..255)
float   animtime;   // world time when frame was set
float   framerate;  // animation playback rate (-8x to 8x)
bytecontroller[4];  // bone controller setting (0..255)
byteblending[2];// blending amount between sub-sequences 
// render effects (would be nice to do glowshell on people! he-he)
int rendermode;
float   renderamt;
vec3_t  rendercolor;
int renderfx;
float   health;
float   frags;
int weapons;  // bit mask for available weapons
float   takedamage;
int deadflag;
vec3_t  view_ofs;   // eye position
int spawnflags;
int flags;
float   max_health;
float   armortype;
float   armorvalue;
int waterlevel;
int watertype;
float   maxspeed;
float   fov;
int oldbuttons;
Some of these are already implemented via interfaces, but I didn't want
to take the time to go through and weed out the ones that were already
Jeffrey "botman" Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] Using c_baseplayer in a server plugin

2004-12-10 Thread Jeffrey \"botman\" Broome
Nicholas Rhead wrote:
But shouldn't the mod authors be extended those
classes rather than modifying them directly? And if
they do that will just mean we would have to recode
our server plugins.
If you expose code to MOD authors, you can bet that some of them will
change it.
Gooseman should have used the entvars_t 'team' variable for teams in
Counter-Strike, but he didn't do this.  Instead he decided to add the
team to the CBasePlayer class (I presume), making it inaccessible to
metamod plugin authors.
Just because coders "should" do something a certain way, doesn't mean
they are going to.
Jeffrey "botman" Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] would like to post on this list

2004-12-10 Thread Jeffrey \"botman\" Broome
Igor Murashkin wrote:
Hi, I'd like to post on this list, my email is
Um, okay.  You just did!  YAY!!!  :)
Jeffrey "botman" Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] True-Type Font Resources

2004-12-11 Thread Jeffrey \"botman\" Broome
Tony "omega" Sergi wrote:
It's quite nifty this time around that we can load and render true-type
fonts, however I noticed that TTF creation packages are not free.  I was
wondering the name of the application Valve used internally to create their
TTF font resources, and if they know of any good, free tools.  I'd hate to
see such a great feature go to waste because it cost money to create the

Indeed -> repost.
Your google-fu skill leaves much to be desired, grasshopper.  :)
The first hit has links to
...and this...
Jeffrey "botman" Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] HUD, fonts, and everything else not showing up

2004-12-13 Thread Jeffrey \"botman\" Broome
Or maybe we want to see how people who developed the game would write
multiplayer code? No, that can't be it. It must be because we're lazy
Not having an example means you learn more (you learn more from failures
than you do by copying what someone else has done).  Also, not having
something you can copy-and-paste from encourages everyone to create
their own unique interface rather than having 100 MODs all using exactly
the same layout and button arrangement (see "Counter-Strike clone" for
examples).  :)
But, yeah, basically coders are lazy and will happily copy what someone
else has done rather than trying to invent the wheel themselves (even if
they could invent a much better wheel with a little bit of extra work).
Jeffrey "botman" Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] GameFrame

2004-12-13 Thread Jeffrey \"botman\" Broome
Ronny Schedel wrote:
Just use a thread.
Eek!  Are the engine functions in the listen server and dedicated
server thread safe?
Jeffrey "botman" Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] Netcode and Vehicles

2004-12-14 Thread Jeffrey \"botman\" Broome
Teddy wrote:
Someone's gonna hafta try to cut down the netcode of the vehicles alot
before we can feasibly use them in multiplayer
Knowing what I know about other physics engines (not knowing all that
much about Havok), flying vehicles usually require less bandwidth to
keep the client and server in sync with each other because they have
simpler physics properties.  Wheeled vehicles tend to have more contacts
with the ground and have things like complex suspension/steering which
all need to be replicated between the server and all clients.
If you are making a futuristic MOD (like UT2004), make all of your
vehicles flying vehicles (or very low hovering vehicles).
If you're doing a Road Rally kind of MOD, or a Demolition Derby kind of
MOD, best of luck to you.  :)
Jeffrey "botman" Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] Netcode and Vehicles

2004-12-14 Thread Jeffrey \"botman\" Broome
ChessMess wrote:
What about a Racing boat mod?
Are they flying boats?  ;)
Jeffrey "botman" Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] Netcode and Vehicles

2004-12-14 Thread Jeffrey \"botman\" Broome
ChessMess wrote:
So basically what your saying is Vehicle based mods are a no go for
the source engine?
A few ground based vehicles should be fine, I would imagine.  Water
based vehicles are probably less complex physics-wise than wheeled
vehicles.  Flying vehicles would be the least complex.
I don't think you could create a multiplayer MOD with 32 boats in it or
32 dune buggies and be able to run on anything but a LAN (no matter
who's engine and physics tech you're using).
Valve is the only one that can give you details about how much bandwidth
a particular vehicle uses (other than you measuring the network
utilization yourself).
Remember that the more clients you have the more replication that has to
occur for each vehicle (i.e. 1 vehicle x 1 client = 1x usage, 1 vehicle
x 2 clients = 2x usage, 2 vehicles x 2 clients = 4x usage, 32 vehicles x
32 clients = 1024x usage).  This is an oversimplication, of course, but
you get the general idea.
Jeffrey "botman" Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] Netcode and Vehicles

2004-12-14 Thread Jeffrey \"botman\" Broome
ChessMess wrote:
I find this incredibly troubling considering that a main focal point
of our mod is vehicular in nature (Hydroplane Racing). Can someone
from Valve comment on this situation and what if any steps they are
taking to help address this problem?
Just out of curiosity, how many clients does HydroRacers support on the
BF1942 engine?
Jeffrey "botman" Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] Netcode and Vehicles

2004-12-14 Thread Jeffrey \"botman\" Broome
Tony "omega" Sergi wrote:
C&c renegade. Heh
I've been in 64 player games, and the whole thing is about vehicles, and I
get 20 latency or so.
Course, it's a totally different engine, and a lot older now.. but ;)
Yeah.  I'm thinking more along the lines of Havok, Karma, etc. physics
engine type vehicles which are usually more complex in terms of joints,
constraints, contacts, replusors, etc.
UT2004 does a pretty good job of getting multiple Karma vehicles going
in a multiplayer level at once, but their physics "properties" are
fairly simple.  And the game has been tuned pretty well to pass the
minimal amount of entity physics data over the network to keep the
clients and servers relatively in sync with each other.
Jeffrey "botman" Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] Updated SDK source code?

2004-12-21 Thread Jeffrey \"botman\" Broome
Nicholas Rhead wrote:
It would be extremely helpful to have a rather more
detailed changelog.
Beyond Compare ( does a REALLY good job
of comparing one source directory tree to another source directory tree.
Simply save off your current source code to a backup directory, create a
MOD using the latest SDK, run Beyond Compare on the two main directories
and it will show you what has changed.  :)
Jeffrey "botman" Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] Updated SDK source code? - Incl list of files changed

2004-12-23 Thread Jeffrey \"botman\" Broome
Chris Adams wrote:
Does anyone have any suggestions for putting these new changes into our
own code?
If you have the money to buy Araxis Merge, it does a REALLY good job of
helping you merge 2 (or 3) source code directory trees together.
Beyond Compare also does a pretty good job of merging 2 source code
trees together.
Simply extract the new SDK source code out to a temporary directory, and
run the merge between your code and the latest code, pick and choose the
things you want to merge in, and merge them.
Jeffrey "botman" Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] mailinglist archives?

2004-12-27 Thread Jeffrey \"botman\" Broome
Beppo wrote:
Before I ask questions discussed here a thousand times already...
Normally it is mentioned in the sub, but, well, it only shows the
unsubscribe information and nothing more.
So, does this list has an archive somewhere?
Look at the VERY last line of every email sent to this email list.  :)
Jeffrey "botman" Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] HL2dm SDK

2004-12-27 Thread Jeffrey \"botman\" Broome
Teddy wrote:
Do you mean we as in the royal we? Or have you been working on hl2dm
all this time?
I thought you were the guy from shadowphoenix ben, now i'm all confused
I think the important part of that email is...
"From Adrian Finol"
(Adrian works for Valve, ben was just forwarding Adrian's response.)
Jeffrey "botman" Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] CS:S as SDK mod base

2004-12-27 Thread Jeffrey \"botman\" Broome
Knifa wrote:
PS: Can anyone tell me how to make a new thread for mailing lists? I'm
sort of new to these things.
Send a new message (not a reply) to:
Jeffrey "botman" Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] CS:S as SDK mod base

2004-12-28 Thread Jeffrey \"botman\" Broome
ChessMess wrote:
Beppo... Gmail has pop3 access so you can still pull down the emails
to your hard drive for storage, while enjoying the benefits of Gmail
grouping and ease of use. The benefit of using Gmail for this list
can't be stated enough...seriously! Its something you really have to
try to fully understand. Cmon Mikey... try the cereal  (or drink the
Kool-aid).   :)
If the "benefit" you're referring to is threaded discusions, any decent
email client can do that as well.  For example, in Thunderbird, just use...
View->Sort by->Threaded
View->Threads->Collapse All Threads get the same collapsed threaded view that GMail gives you by default.
Now if only I could configure GMail to NOT thread discussions and leave
things sorted by date, then I would be more happy.
Jeffrey "botman" Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] map command(HL1 question)

2004-12-31 Thread Jeffrey \"botman\" Broome
Draco wrote:
I have a slight problem with my MOD(for HL1), the map command is
broken by some buggy code for a radar and some other tidbits I have in
the code. What I need to do is find a way to shut these things off
when the map command is called, but I can't find where exactly it is
called. Could someone please point out where it is? thanks
The "map" command is handled by the engine.  The MOD DLL code never sees
any of this.
You can use ServerActivate() and ServerDeactivate() in client.cpp to
know a map has been loaded and when a map is being unloaded (respectively).
Jeffrey "botman" Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] Source Engine Curios

2005-01-01 Thread Jeffrey \"botman\" Broome
I have noticed that there's a lot less "evil" in the Source SDK than in the

Although this one does include some "bullshit", and stuff that "sucks".

But the best comments are the descriptions of the npc_ entities...

// Purpose: Dr. Kleiner, a suave ladies man leading the fight against the
//   combine while constantly having to help his idiot assistant Gordon

// Purpose: Implements d0g, the loving and caring head crushing Alyx

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[hlcoders] First-chance exception spam in Visual Studio Output window...

2005-01-03 Thread Jeffrey \"botman\" Broome
I was creating some Wiki documentation over the weekend and I wanted to
start building a MOD from scratch so that I would have exact wording on
Dialog boxes and whatnots.  So, anywho, after deleting MyMod directory
and deleting SteamApps\SourceMods\botman folder, and using "Reset Game
Configurations" to flush everything from Steam.  I "Create a Mod" in the
"C:\MyMod" directory and name the mod "botman".
I open up Game_SDK.sln in Visual Studio .NET 2003, change to the
"Release SDK", build the solution, it copies the client.dll and
server.dll to the Mods "bin" directory.  I start things up from the
Steam "Play games" dialog by double-clicking on my MOD name.  Everything
runs fine, I start the vehicles map, shoot my gun a few times, then quit.
Then I switch to the "Debug SDK" solution, delete the client.dll and
server.dll files from my Mod's "bin" directory, build the solution and
the debug .dll files show up fine.  I set the Debugger properties on the
"hl" project to:
Command: c:\program
Command Arguments: -dev -game "c:\program
files\valve\steam\steamapps\SourceMods\botman" -allowdebug
...right click on "hl" in the Solution Explorer and do "Debug->Start new
instance".  Everything starts up fine, but I get (literally) thousands
of exception messages...
Microsoft C++ exception: common::CErrorCodeException
It's been a few weeks since I ran a Mod in the debugger, but I don't
seem to remember getting all that before, but I did remember somebody
posting a message to this list about a month ago saying they were
getting LOTS of "exception" messages, and I replied that you can turn
off some of the exceptions using "Debug->Exceptions" in Visual Studio
.NET 200, but you can only turn off stuff that Visual Studio recognizes
(like stack overflow, illegal instruction, or array bounds exceeded,
etc).  common::CErrorCodeException is something being raised by the
engine and isn't something I can turn off.
I did notice that if I create a server plugin for a Valve game (like
CS:S or HL2DM), I get a few common:CErrorCodeException messages when
starting up, but I don't get the 1000's of message that I get when I
start my own MOD.
So, to make a long post even longer, does everybody get 1000's of these
execption messages in the Visual Studio Output window when running their
MOD in the debugger, or do I just have something not set up right?
P.S. I did try adding "-steam" to the "Command Arguments" before
starting the debugger, but that doesn't seem to make a difference, I
still get the same behavior.
Jeffrey "botman" Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] Objects, Physics, and Gravity Concepts

2005-01-03 Thread Jeffrey \"botman\" Broome
HoundDawg wrote:
With the introduction of the physics engine in HL2, I'm curious if there is
someway to have gravity affect physics?  In HL2 SP, I noticed it really
doesn't.  How?  Well, you could pull out a pistol and still snipe with it...
there is no gravity play on it (no arc).  But, then again, tossing other
objects (cans or boxes), it does.
Bullet weapons in Half-Life2 are instant hit (no gravity/physics
applied).  Weapons like hand grenades have gravity applied to them.
So, the point to the question, is if a sports MOD (e.g. football style)
could be made to where the ball is thrown like an object or bullet from a
gun and have gravity affect it's physics?  Then, take the same thing, and
adjust the gravity setting to a more low-gravity setting, would the gravity
and physics change (e.g. football in space)?
If a sports MOD (US football style) created an entity with the same
physics as a hand grenade, it would also be effected by gravity.
Reducing the gravity in a level would reduce the rate at which the
entity would fall toward the ground (so it would tend to stay in the air
Also, is there a way to specify the center of gravity with possibly an
entity for mappers to place in a map?  For example, having an asteroid with
gravity in it's center allowing you to walk around it and still be on the
ground, rather than having a "world is flat" type of feeling.
Gravity normally moves in the -Z direction (down) in the world.  There
shouldn't be any reason that a level designer couldn't specify multiply
"points of gravity" and have each of those points effect entities that
were near them (the entity would be attracted to the gravity location
instead of being attracted in the -Z direction).  This would allow you
to create multiple "planets" that somebody could walk around.  If you
make the "pull" of the gravity point negative, you could create empty
spherical rooms and be able to walk around on the inside of the sphere
(ala Serious Sam levels).  You are basically creating a "black hole"
gravity point that sucks things in, or pushes things away.
Not sure if anyone has been testing things like this, if so, some input on
your findings would be nice to hear.  Thanks.
This sounds like something like Spirit Of Half-Life2 could use (assuming
anybody ever creates it).  :)
Jeffrey "botman" Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] Objects, Physics, and Gravity Concepts

2005-01-03 Thread Jeffrey \"botman\" Broome
r00t 3:16 wrote:
But suppose you wanted it so players who shoot weapons had to
compensate for distance, aiming a little ahead of a running player
Is the source engine able to do this?
I think it probably depends on how fast you want the bullets to move
through the air.
If you make bullets a true entity (with gravity and collisions, etc),
then you have to update their location as they move through the world
(applying gravity, checking for collisions, etc.).
Calculating the height change due to gravity over a given period of time
is pretty straight forward high school physics (use if you
want the math).
The real issue is that things that move VERY fast through the world
don't get their position updated often enough to follow the path of a
true parabola.  You get something like this (excuse the ASCII graphics)...
Game Ticks (StartFrame) at the 'v's
 v   v  v   v
   /  \
 /  \
   /  \
 x  x
The 'x' object follows the path of a parabola but because you are not
ticking the engine at 1000's of times per second, you wind up with
discrete locations along the curve (at the points in time where you can
calculate where the entity will be at that time).  If you are only
checking for collisions at these points in time (or doing line/hull
checks from the previous point in time to the current point in time),
you will miss hitting entities that don't lie along your discrete path
(like at the top of the arch in this case).
You can modify the calculations so that you do your own "stepping"
between discrete points in time to create a true parabolic curve and do
your own collision checking to see if an entity was collided with, but
this can be somewhat time/CPU consuming.
There's a pretty good O'Reilly book called "Physics for Game Developers"...
...if you are really serious about creating realistic physics in games,
you should definitely get that book (I hope your math skills are REALLY
strong).  :)
Jeffrey "botman" Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] Struggling with pointers

2005-01-05 Thread Jeffrey \"botman\" Broome
Crusty Jacks wrote:
-- [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ] I've got a pretty
decent programming background, but my math skills are lacking.  This
has not really been a problem for me until digging into the 3d math
used by hl2. I'm having trouble with the vectors, matrixes, Qangles,
etc.  Can anyone suggest some resources to brush up on these topics?
Would some of these algorithms be covered in a College Algebra
course?  Or are they more of a trig topic?
On a side note, when it comes down to planning out some logical steps
such as vector math, transforming local to world space coordinates
should one map it out on paper first?  Would a graphing calculator
such as the TI-83 help with planning out these steps.  Once you've
got the math worked out on paper you'd then translate it to C++.  Is
this the recommended method? has some wonderful articles on 3d mathematics...
Like this one on Vectors and Matrices...
And this one on 3D rotations...
Once you get those down, jump into Quaternions (used quite a bit in
skeletal animation)...
Jeffrey "botman" Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] Shaders...

2005-01-05 Thread Jeffrey \"botman\" Broome
[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
would you mind taking me off your  list.thankyou
Read the bottom line of every email sent from this list...
v-- That stuff down there ---v
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^--- That stuff up there ^
Jeffrey "botman" Broome
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Re: [hlcoders] Problems for a first timer, please read

2005-01-05 Thread Jeffrey \"botman\" Broome
Jeffrey Moss wrote:
When the actual mod is compiling, what seems to be the very last
step, I get this final error (scroll down to the bottom):
I don't know if this is any help, but...
All of these failed with the same error message about unresolved symbols
in std::[EMAIL PROTECTED] After some searching and a discussion
with rac on irc i found that i had no anywhere and no* in /usr/lib/gcc-lib/ only /usr/lib/gcc-lib/libstdc++.a
and and /usr/lib/* Remerging gcc with
USE="-static" generated the proper libraries and fixed the other ebuilds
that were failing. Reproducible: Always Steps to Reproduce: 1.
USE="static" emerge gcc 2. emerge fam-oss or other packages that depend
from here...
(found using and searching for "time_put_w")
Jeffrey "botman" Broome
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