[JBoss-user] jboss-web nested depends does not seem effective

2004-06-08 Thread Julien Viet
This seems not to be used during the deployment to add the required 
dependencies from the web container
to the target MBean.

In the code WebMetaData#getDepends is not used anywhere (unless I miss 


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Re: [JBoss-user] MBean questions

2004-03-11 Thread Julien Viet
On Mar 11, 2004, at 11:42 AM, Sternagel Annegret (MPI/ADB) wrote:


I have 2 questions about MBeans:

We have an MBean that looks every 30 seconds in the database if there 
is an action to perform.
If there is an entry for an action, the action will be performed, this 
may take several minutes.
Maybe there are a lot of action entries in the database which should 
be performed sequential.

1. If we use the javax.management.timer.Timer and register for 
notification every 30 seconds, what happens if a notification occures 
and the MBean is still busy performing one action ?
Is the notification scipped ? (would be ok)
Are the notifications waiting ? (up to an overflow ?)

yes, if you want to avoid it you need to have a construct like :

  import EDU.oswego.cs.dl.util.concurrent.Mutex;
  private final Mutex mutex = new Mutex();
  public final void run()
if (mutex.attempt(0))
 catch(InterruptedException ignore)

2. We would like to create several instances of this service on JBoss 
startup, dependent on a configuration located in the database, and 
maybe change it during runtime. These instances should look at 
different specific action entries.
Is it possible to create several MBean instances at runtime using the 
JMX-interface ?
What's the best way to provide the information to the MBean instance 
which action entry each instance should look for ?
E.g. write an AbcFactoryMBean that creates the MBean instances,
add the action-information to the ServiceName
or set a propery with the action-information ?

why not package the different instances as services in xxx-service.xml ?

We use jboss 3.2.3.

Any ideas appreciated.


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Re: [JBoss-user] deployment question

2004-03-11 Thread Julien Viet
in that case your component in A using the session bean in B just needs to get it through JNDI and use it
either by local reference or by global reference (simpler)

in A :

BeanLocalHome home = (BeanLocaLHOME)new InitialContext().lookup("MySessionBeanInB");

simply that


On Mar 11, 2004, at 10:27 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I just need to call a method on a session bean packaged in EAR B, from EAR A. 
In EAR A i have a web application which needs to call a business method on a Session bean packaged in EAR B (which is packaged in a jar file inside the ear). 

By the way, congratulations on JBoss Nukes. I just took a look at it. And it looks great! 


Harm de Laat 
The Netherlands 

Julien Viet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent by: [EMAIL PROTECTED]10-03-2004 21:21Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]To[EMAIL PROTECTED]ccSubjectRe: [JBoss-user] deployment questionwhat kind of access ?

 On Mar 10, 2004, at 3:08 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 > Hi all,
 > I have two ear files.
 > In EAR A i need to access a sessionbean which is in EAR B.
 > How can this be achieved?
 > Thanks in advance,
 > Regards,
 > Harm de Laat
 > Informatiefabriek
 > The Netherlands

Re: [JBoss-user] deployment question

2004-03-10 Thread Julien Viet
what kind of access ?

On Mar 10, 2004, at 3:08 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi all, 

I have two ear files. 

In EAR A i need to access a sessionbean which is in EAR B. 

How can this be achieved? 

Thanks in advance, 


Harm de Laat 
The Netherlands 

[JBoss-user] Nukes-1.0 released

2004-03-04 Thread Julien Viet
Hello all,

We are proud to release nukes-1.0 :

. jboss-3.2.3+hsqldb all in one version
. mysql version
. src version
it is available at  



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[JBoss-user] test from my account

2004-02-03 Thread Julien Viet
test from my account

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[JBoss-user] test

2004-02-03 Thread julien viet

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[JBoss-user] test from www.jboss.org

2004-02-03 Thread julien viet
test from www.jboss.org

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Re: [JBoss-user] Death of the deadlock

2003-12-11 Thread julien viet
> The jury is still out on that one. :-)
> I would say that using EntityLockMonitor helps give you an impression of
> whether things are locking the way you think they are.
> If you see bigger numbers in the monitor than you would expect, then
> this gives you an indication that things are going awry.
> Generally I don't think locking should cause problems unless you have
> many concurrent writes to the same set of data.
> I noticed one interesting thing in the code for JBoss 3.0.4 though.
> Basically for read-only methods, the lock manager still locks the
> object, but only for the duration of the invocation.

the strategy is QueuedPessismisticEJBLock, there is a ReadWriteLock
strategy that you can try by changing the lokcing policy in the config of
your bean.

> Even this approach is a little overzealous, because an object doesn't
> need to be locked for concurrent reads, only if a write operation is
> taking place.
> This can be achieved using two types of lock; read locks and write
> locks.  It looks like in later versions of JBoss, a better read/write
> lock strategy is used.
> Is this correct?
> On Wed, 2003-12-10 at 19:05, Bill Burke wrote:
>> Cool. So you actually found the EntityLockMonitor useful?
>> Bill
>> Pete Beck wrote:
>>> Hi everyone.
>>> For the benefit of mankind, I've just written an article on our
>>> experiences with JBoss and tackling deadlocks:
>>> http://i3t.org/members/article.jsp?articleId=1595209
>>> It seems to be a frequent issue for people so I thought it might be
>>> useful for the archives and it might save future deadlockees some time.
>>> Kind regards,
>>> Pete Beck

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Re: [JBoss-user] Optimistic locking and Commit Option A

2003-11-25 Thread julien viet
no, unless you have a distributed cache (am I not wrong on that ?)


> Hi all,
> I have just been reading through the docs about using optimistic
> locking.
> According to the docs, to use optimistic locking, you must also use the
> "instance per transaction" policy.
> However, the docs also state that you cannot use commit option "A" with
> instance per transaction.
> Therefore is there any way to use optimistic locking with commit option
> A?
> Thanks,
> Pete Beck

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Re: [JBoss-user] Caching issue?

2003-11-13 Thread julien viet
what as is the transactionnal attribute of doSomething() ?
is the getItems() method tagged as readonly in jboss.xml ?

> Hi,
> I have an issue that I want to understand before I try and fix it...
> JBoss 3.2.2, Commit Option A...
> I have a SLSB method something like...
> public void doSomething(){
>   Collection c = OrdersEJB.getItems();
> }
> If these method is called at the same time by two different clients, the
> first one works the second gives me an error because the OrdersEJB.getItems()
> returns a collection that includes the 'item' that has already been deleted
> by the first client, and I try to use it.  Part of the stack trace
> 2003-11-13 16:38:49,707 ERROR [org.jboss.ejb.plugins.LogInterceptor]
> TransactionRolledbackLocalException in method: public abstract java.sql.Date
> com.prometricssoftware.CHaS2.ejb.core.diaryqueue.QueueLocal.getActionDate(),
> causedBy:
> javax.ejb.NoSuchObjectLocalException: Entity not found: primaryKey=102
> org.jboss.ejb.plugins.AbstractTxInterceptor.invokeNext(AbstractTxInterceptor
> .java:158)
> org.jboss.ejb.plugins.TxInterceptorCMT.runWithTransactions(TxInterceptorCMT.
> java:267)
> org.jboss.ejb.plugins.TxInterceptorCMT.invoke(TxInterceptorCMT.java:128)
> org.jboss.ejb.plugins.SecurityInterceptor.invoke(SecurityInterceptor.java:11
> 8)
> org.jboss.ejb.plugins.LogInterceptor.invoke(LogInterceptor.java:191)
> org.jboss.ejb.plugins.ProxyFactoryFinderInterceptor.invoke(ProxyFactoryFinde
> rInterceptor.java:122)
> org.jboss.ejb.EntityContainer.internalInvoke(EntityContainer.java:490)
>at org.jboss.ejb.Container.invoke(Container.java:700)
> org.jboss.ejb.plugins.local.BaseLocalProxyFactory.invoke(BaseLocalProxyFacto
> ry.java:375)
> org.jboss.ejb.plugins.local.EntityProxy.invoke(EntityProxy.java:38)
>at $Proxy468.getActionDate(Unknown Source)
> ..now if I switch to Commit Option B for the 'item' EJB, I don't get this
> error, and all seems to work as I expect it to.
> Phil

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Re: [JBoss-user] Read only CMR Collections?

2003-11-11 Thread julien viet
yes it works well.

> What about using filters to begin/commit transactions?
> Neal Sanche wrote:
>> Hi Alexey,
>> Oh, I am definitely using the servlet container in the same VM, and
>> although it's probably a really bad idea, I've been using Local
>> objects in my web view layer instead of constantly making value
>> objects all the time. This works fine until CMR collections are
>> involved. Beginning a transaction is really not a good thing in the
>> web view layer. Even in the web controller/model layer I've decided
>> not to use transactions, instead calling session beans to handle any
>> CMR accesses.
>> Oh well, I guess the spec has us all hogtied. I'll have to look into
>> what value objects can provide me with regard to CMR collections,
>> then.
>> -Neal
>> On November 10, 2003 03:03 pm, Alexey Loubyansky wrote:
>>> First, it is the spec requirement.
>>> Second, do you run Servlet container in the same VM as JBoss? If
>>> so, you could begin/commit transaction in the web layer and no need
>>> for value objects.
>>> Neal Sanche wrote:
 Hi All,
 I've found recently that it's becoming increasingly painful to
 avoid the 'CMR Collection cannot be modified outside of a
 transaction' when navigating down CMR many relations. Navigating
 down a 1 to 1 relation works fine. The thing is, all I'm trying
 to do is easily display information in web pages. I find myself
 constantly creating little 'value' classes that contain non-cmr
 collections just to get around the errors. I must be missing
 Is there a way to flag CMR lookups as read-only so JBoss doesn't
 get cranky about requiring transactions all the time?
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Re: [JBoss-user] getting multiple JMX attributes

2003-11-09 Thread julien viet
You will assign a string array with :


see org.jboss.util.propertyeditor.StringArrayPropertyEditor

> Hi,
> When developping a MBeanService component, how to get
> multiple attributes from a -service.xml file ?
> for example, how to do something like :
> john doe foo bar 
> and to retrieve all "aParam" attributes, according to
> the fact that there can be 1-N parameters ?
> Does :
> /**
> * @jmx.managed-attribute
> */
> public void setUsedParams(String[] params)
> is a valid method signature ?
> =

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Re: [JBoss-user] MBean persistence

2003-10-22 Thread julien viet
You need to use model mbeans to have the attributes persisted. Most of the
time we use XMBeans in Jboss which are a model mbean implementation.

The JMX specification talks about it in the model mbean chapter. Otherwise
you can have a look in the testsuite at
testsuite/src/resources/jmx/xmbean/user2/values2-xmbean.xml which declares a
persistent mbean using serialization.


> Hi all,
> I have a few standard MBeans which have some jmx-managed attributes.
> I would like to make these attributes persistent. Where can I find some
> info on how to do this?
> Thanks,
> Harm de Laat
> Informatiefabriek
> The Netherlands
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Re: [JBoss-user] How to check commit option ?

2003-10-16 Thread julien viet
You can try the JMX console and look at the EJB instance cache to see how
many instance it contains. After the optiond-refresh-rate has been reached,
the number of instances in the cache should be zero.


> AFAIK, it is not logged anywhere. But you could play with
> optiond-refresh-rate.
> alex
> Ramrakhiani, Vikas wrote:
>> Does jboss logs commit option some where?
>> I have changed the default commit option to D in standardjboss.xml file, but
>> I am not sure if it has come into effect.
>> Is there a way to check it ?
>> thanks for your help,
>> vikas.
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Re: [JBoss-user] Filewriter and EJB

2003-10-16 Thread julien viet
I think you are not supposed to access the file system directly in an EJB. I
suppose this is a session bean ?


> We have some code in a EJB someone else wrote.
> When I pull it into my IDE (IntelliJ), it tells me that FileWriter is not
> allowed in EJB?
> Any ideas?
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Re: [JBoss-user] No hair left, help is needed on$Proxy23.NoSuchMethodError

2003-08-26 Thread julien viet
You can figure it out by going in the JMX agent view and on the
UnifiedLoaderRepository mbean you can give it the name of the class and it
will return the URL from which it was loaded.


The operation name is displayClassInfo

> Hi Alex,
> Thank you for responding.
> Would you know a way to find out from which directory/jar the class gets
> actually loaded?
> If so I could probably embed that piece of code and do a System.out.println
> of the directory/jar
> from which it is loaded.
> Regards,
>  Cor.
> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Alexey
> Loubyansky
> Sent: Tuesday, August 26, 2003 14:38
> Subject: Re: [JBoss-user] No hair left, help is needed on
> $Proxy23.NoSuchMethodError
> Could it be that there is some other version of the class in the
> classpath that does not have this method?
> alex
> Cor Hofman wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> No response yet, so let me toss in a suggestion.
>> Could it be that this is a classloader issue?
>> Regards,
>> -Original Message-
>> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Cor Hofman
>> Sent: Monday, August 25, 2003 20:56
>> To: Jboss
>> Subject: [JBoss-user] No hair left, help is needed on $Proxy23.
>> NoSuchMethodError
>> Hi all,
>> Your help is much appreciated on this one, because this one is driving me
>> nuts!
>> java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: sendEmail2Businesses
>> [Mon Aug 25 20:43:50 CEST 2003] at $Proxy23.(Unknown Source)
>> [Mon Aug 25 20:43:50 CEST 2003] at
> sun.reflect.GeneratedSerializationConstructorAccessor64.newInstance(Unknown
>> Source)
>> [Mon Aug 25 20:43:50 CEST 2003] at
>> java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(Constructor.java:274)
>> [Mon Aug 25 20:43:50 CEST 2003] at
>> java.io.ObjectStreamClass.newInstance(ObjectStreamClass.java:759)
>> [Mon Aug 25 20:43:50 CEST 2003] at
>> java.io.ObjectInputStream.readOrdinaryObject(ObjectInputStream.java:1621)
>> [Mon Aug 25 20:43:50 CEST 2003] at
>> java.io.ObjectInputStream.readObject0(ObjectInputStream.java:1264)
>> [Mon Aug 25 20:43:50 CEST 2003] at
>> java.io.ObjectInputStream.readObject(ObjectInputStream.java:322)
>> [Mon Aug 25 20:43:50 CEST 2003] at
>> java.rmi.MarshalledObject.get(MarshalledObject.java:135)
>> [Mon Aug 25 20:43:50 CEST 2003] at
> org.jboss.ejb.plugins.jrmp.interfaces.HomeProxy.invokeHome(HomeProxy.java:25
>> 8)
>> [Mon Aug 25 20:43:50 CEST 2003] at
>> org.jboss.ejb.plugins.jrmp.interfaces.HomeProxy.invoke(HomeProxy.java:182)
>> [Mon Aug 25 20:43:50 CEST 2003] at $Proxy22.create(Unknown Source)
>> [Mon Aug 25 20:43:50 CEST 2003] at
> org.companion.tag.crm.EmailBusinessThread.load(EmailBusinessThread.java:71)
>> [Mon Aug 25 20:43:50 CEST 2003] at
>> org.companion.tag.EmailThread.run(EmailThread.java:52)
>> I have 2 installation. On 2 of them the above exeception is never thrown.
> On
>> the third one I keep
>> getting this NoSuchMethodError Exception at $Proxy23., which I
>> cannot explain.
>> Unfortunately this is our production environment.
>> The situation is the following:
>> I am running JBOSS 2.4.6. From within a servlet I create a thread and
> within
>> the thread
>> I call the method EmailCrmSession.sendEmail2Businesses().
>> EmailCrmSession is a stateless Session bean which sends Emails.
>> Now what is going on?
>> Your input is much appreciated.
>> Regards Cor.
>> ---
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Re: [JBoss-user] Message to User about JBoss Startup Complete

2003-07-24 Thread julien viet
The started field could be added as an attribute on the
ServerImplMBean mbean.

Actually there is no way to know,
though it is possible to know when the server starts because it sends a JMX
notification at this moment.


MR> Hi Gurus,
MR> Objective
MR> Since my web server and all other services start prior to JBoss, I want to 
MR> provide a notification to user through the web UI, saying that the services 
MR> are starting, if the user tries to access the application before the App. 
MR> server is up.

MR> To Know
MR> ===
MR> What I wanted to know is, is there any API exposed from which we can know 
MR> about the JBoss server startup. So I can access this API at regular 
MR> intervals from UI, and re-direct the URL once the JBoss start has completed 
MR> successfully.

MR> Thanks
MR> Muraly

MR> ---
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Best regards,
 julienmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [JBoss-user] ApplicationDeadlockException on read-only methods

2003-07-23 Thread julien viet
with QueuedPessimisticEJBLock, read-only shorten the duration of the lock, it does
not remove it. it locks the bean for the duration of the call
instead of the duration of the transaction.


CM> As I understand it, methods marked as read-only on an entity bean shouldn't try 
and lock the bean when they are called. So, if I have two instances of an entity bean 
(same bean class, different
CM> PK), they can call read-only methods on each other at the same time.

CM> So, can anyone explain why I'm seeing ApplicationDeadlockExceptions on read-only 
methods in my application? Example stack trace:

CM> org.jboss.ejb.plugins.lock.ApplicationDeadlockException: Application deadlock 
detected: Two or more transactions contention.
CM> at 
CM> at 
CM> at 
CM> at 
CM> at 
CM> at 
CM> at 
CM> at 
CM> at org.jboss.ejb.plugins.TxInterceptorCMT.invoke(TxInterceptorCMT.java:104)
CM> at 
CM> at org.jboss.ejb.plugins.LogInterceptor.invoke(LogInterceptor.java:191)
CM> at 
CM> at org.jboss.ejb.EntityContainer.internalInvoke(EntityContainer.java:483)
CM> at org.jboss.ejb.Container.invoke(Container.java:674)
CM> at 
CM> at org.jboss.ejb.plugins.local.EntityProxy.invoke(EntityProxy.java:38)
CM> at $Proxy80.getUrlPathNoSlash(Unknown Source)
CM> at 

CM> getUrlPathNoSlash() is, as far as I can tell, marked as read-only, and it's 
basically just a call to a CMP accessor with a little bit of string parsing

CM> relevant chunk of jboss.xml

CM>  PageLocationEntity
CM>  ejb/cms/PageLocationEntity

CM>   get*
CM>   true

CM> Can anyone help, or point me in the right direction?

CM> thanks,

CM> Chris

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Re: [JBoss-user] problem in deploying MBean via mBean-service.xml

2003-07-11 Thread julien viet
you need to use the depends tag :


MMnc> hi all,
MMnc> i am trying to deploy a standalone MBean by
MMnc> using myMbean-service.xml

MMnc> i drop the jar file in the \server\default\lib directory
MMnc> and i have added the  myMbean-service.xml into the 

MMnc> in the initialization, my MBean looks for a JMS connectionFactory via JNDI

MMnc> but at the time of deployment, it cannot find one..

MMnc> my guess is that JMS stuff is loaded AFTER my MBean is loaded, since when
MMnc> i deploy my webapp as part of webapplication, everything works fine..

MMnc> are there any solutions to this if i want to deploy my mbean as standalone 'app'?

MMnc> or only solution is to declare my mbean in the jboss-service.xml instead of 

MMnc> thanx in advance and regards
MMnc> marco

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 julienmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re[2]: [JBoss-user] How to get reference to XMBean

2003-07-10 Thread julien viet
and you can have the xmbean name by implementing the MBeanRegistration interface
on the managed resource.

SMS> Querying the MBeanRegistry should work:

SMS> import javax.management.ObjectName;
SMS> import org.jboss.mx.server.ServerConstants;
SMS> import org.jboss.mx.server.registry.MBeanEntry;
SMS> import org.jboss.mx.server.registry.MBeanRegistry;

SMS> Object[] args = {xmbeanName};
SMS> String[] sig = {ObjectName.class.getName()}
SMS> MBeanEntry entry = (MBeanEntry)
SMS> mbeanServer.invoke(ServerConstants.MBEAN_REGISTRY, "get", args, sig);
SMS> Object xmbean = entry.getResourceInstance();

Best regards,
 julienmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [JBoss-user] How to get reference to XMBean

2003-07-10 Thread julien viet
I agree, but that would be specific to the xmbean implementation.
usually a managed resource is not aware of the surrounding model mbean.

That might be done with a specific interface in jboss mx, like

interface XMBeanAware
void setXMBean(XMBean xmbean);


Thursday, July 10, 2003, 12:02:04 PM, you wrote:

EJ> Is there any way to get a reference from within a managed object to the
EJ> surounding XMBean? The managed object is an MBean and may in rare cases
EJ> need to modify the MBeanInfo provided by the XMBean on its behalf.

EJ> --
EJ> Eric Jain

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EJ> Download & eval WebKing and get a free book.
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 julienmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [JBoss-user] JBoss and Lucene search engine

2003-07-03 Thread julien viet
you could simply wrap it in an mbean, having a background thread
peeriodically optimizing the index.

you can have a look at :


PB> Has anyone integrated Apache Lucene into JBoss?

PB> What would be the best way to do it?

PB> Is there JCA adaptor?

PB> Thanks,
PB> Pete

Best regards,
 julienmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [JBoss-user] JBossQL & LIMIT, OFFSET

2003-06-05 Thread julien viet
it works it 3.2

 --- [EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit : > Are LIMIT &
OFFSET supported in JBossQL in 3.2.x? Or
> just in 4.x? I can't 
> find where in the code it's supported (haven't tried
> to use it yet).
> Dave 

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Re: [JBoss-user] Authentication for JMX management browser

2003-04-02 Thread julien viet
yes, uncomment


  An example security config that only allows users with the
role JBossAdmin to access the HTML JMX console web application



JBoss JMX Console

in deploy\jmx-console.war\WEB-INF\web.xml


in deploy\jmx-console.war\WEB-INF\jboss-web.xml

then you can setup login with properties file in deploy\jmx-console.war\WEB-INF\classes


SS> Hey all,

SS> I am using jboss-3.0.0 and wants to have the authentication mechanism
SS> for JMX management browser. Right now, anybody can go to
SS> http://:8082/ and can perform any kind of operation like
SS> removing all messages from queues, removing beans etc.

SS> Is it possible when somebody access jmx management browser, a login
SS> window pops up for username and password??

SS> Any ideas??

SS> Sanjeev

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[JBoss-user] http session cookie

2003-04-02 Thread julien viet

I am facing this problem :

when an anonymous user connect to the web site and get its session.
This one is persisted through a Cookie (JSESSIONID) with a maxage
of -1.

on subsequent calls if I want to change this maxage to another
value let's say 1000 for instance, it does not work and
the JSESSIONID cookie stays the same.

the goal is to implement the "remember me" feature
on the web site.

I've noticed that when maxage not -1, the cookie is shared
by mutliple instance of Internet Explorer. That's why
I want to use that.

I know I can set the default value used by jetty by setting
org.mortbay.jetty.servlet.MaxAge in context param but
in that case I will have only the other effect.


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Re: [JBoss-user] Query optimization

2003-04-01 Thread julien viet
k> Hello I've one simple question:

k> I want to optimize a query to return pages of 10 elements x page (and 
k> here no problem).

k> Problems are these:

k> 1) Can I use Collection.size() to calculate the total page number , 
k> without loosing in performance?

yes, all keys are already fetched and size can be computed

k> 2) If I want to get the third page, do I have to iterate 20 elements 
k> before getting the first ValueObject?

you can or you can use JBossQL paging to do that :

However current implementation will skip the 20 first results for you. i.e.
if you're using small collection size you won't have bad performances

between 1 -1000 elements : at most twice the time
between 1000 - 1 : at most 5
over : I don't recommend it.

k> Thanks in advance,
k> kiuma

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 julienmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [JBoss-user] jboss website

2003-03-28 Thread julien viet
soon, I forgot lot of things in that area. My fault, I'm guilty !
tonight probably.

JMF> the website seems not to be setting it's Content-type, so my proxy is
JMF> defaulting it to text/plain and my browser shows me the source.

JMF> any chance of getting the Content-type set?

Best regards,
 julienmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re[2]: [JBoss-user] cache question?

2003-03-20 Thread julien viet
AFAIK finder always get pk from the db and then can retrieve
other fields from cache or db according your commit option.

finder + cache would require load all data from table +
having an in memory finder algorithm.


RK> hi,

RK> I've tested caching outside of this routine and this is working. I've to 
RK> change my routine to use it.

RK> but other question. my entity bean has two finders:
RK> - findByPrimaryKey()
RK> - findByName()

RK> why findByName() calls will be send to the db and not checked in the cache 
RK> of the bean?

RK> Rafal

RK> At 13:18 20.03.2003 +0100, Rafal Kedziorski wrote:
>>I have following problem.
>>my client calls session facade for ceating a new user. this session facate 
>>check permissions and call other session bean which calls:
>>- create new group
>>- create new user
>>- get permissions id's
>>- add permission to user

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 julienmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [JBoss-user] Retrieving large lists

2003-03-18 Thread julien viet
on you finder use a read-ahead strategy on-find or on-load + a load-group
that contains only the field you need to load.

with latest xdoclet :

 * @jboss.query
 *signature="java.util.Collection findSomething()"
 * @jboss.load-group

 plus on each cmp field that needs to be loaded you tag :

 * @jboss.load-group

 this configuration will load entities by bunch of 10.


PB> Hi,
PB> My application frequently needs to grab a large number of entities from
PB> the database to populate drop down lists.

PB> The current method I use, is to use a CMP finder which returns a bunch
PB> of entities.  I then iterate through the list grabbing the values I need
PB> to populate the list.

PB> But, it is too slow!

PB> I usually need only two fields from each entity, and the overhead of
PB> converting each row into a bean is high.

PB> I am using the read-ahead optimisation.

PB> My only option to speed this up seems to be a SQL+JDBC solution.

PB> Does anyone have any better suggestions for me?

PB> Thanks,
PB> Pete

Best regards,
 julienmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re[2]: [JBoss-user] Using my Custom MBean to monitor my application

2003-03-17 Thread julien viet
Hello Marco,

Monday, March 17, 2003, 3:11:49 PM, you wrote:

>> There is no dtd for the *-service.xml file format, it would 
>> need to be a
>> schema anyway.
>> I can never remember the constructor argument format, but if 
>> you look in
>> the system module at org.jboss.system.ServiceCreator it is not hard to
>> figure out.
>> I'm not well acquainted with servlets.  I don't think they are exposed
>> individually as mbeans.  Before jboss 4 I can't think of a 
>> way to make an
>> mbean depend on a package being deployed already.  You might 
>> be able to use
>> the  element in *-service.xml to make the servlets 
>> deploy before
>> any of the mbeans.
>> If all the configuration info for your mbean comes from the 
>> servlet, you
>> might consider simply creating the mbean in code in your servlet init
>> process and dispense with the *-service.xml.

MMnc> exactly, that is what i want to do.
MMnc> Fact is that i want to see my MBean in JBoss jmx console. So, for seeing it 
there, i should
MMnc> deploy it in a .sar file...  but if i want to initialize it with servlet 
properties, i should do it in the servlet.
MMnc> So, how can initialize my MBean in the servlet and see it in JBoss jmx-console?

you can do that in init() and destroy methods() of your servlet.

Create a managed class with your properties, instantiate it
in init() and register it to the MBeanServer.

In destroy() unregister that mbean.

Then your servlet takes its values in that class instance.

If you want to use lifecycle you have to deal with ServiceController
mbean manually.


ServletConfig cfg = new ServletConfig();
// configure
// register and start service manually
MBeanServer server = MBeanServerFactory.findMBeanServer(null).get(0);
server.registerMBean(cfg, cfg.OBJECT_NAME);
   new Object[] {cfg.OBJECT_NAME},
   new String[] { ObjectName.class.getName() });


MBeanServer server = MBeanServerFactory.findMBeanServer(null).get(0);
   new Object[] {cfg.OBJECT_NAME},
   new String[] { ObjectName.class.getName() });

MMnc> there is some piece (of code?) that i am missing: either how to create an MBean 
and register it
MMnc> with the default server or how to deploy it with a sar file and initialize in my 

MMnc> which is simpler? anyway, i don't know how to do both...

MMnc> do u have any suggestions?

MMnc> thanx in advance and regards
MMnc> marco

>> On 2003.03.17 07:10 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>> > hi all,
>> > i am little novice with JBoss JMX and i wanted to ask
>> > few questions.
>> > 
>> > I have written my own Custom MBean to monitor properties 
>> loaded in the
>> > servlet of my web application.
>> > i have written a .sar file which contains .class files as well as
>> > jboss-service.xml.
>> > 
>> > Now, in the constructor of my MBean, i should pass some 
>> initialization
>> > parameters (the properties
>> > loaded in the servlet); so, i have to add an entry to my
>> > jboss-service.xml.
>> > Not only, but those properties should be the ones loaded in 
>> my servlet.
>> > So this looks like my MBean
>> > should not be created until my webapp is started (in the 
>> init() method of
>> > hte servlet i have to create
>> > the MBean by passing properties loaded in my servlet).
>> > 
>> > But, i m little lost...since i don't even know the DTD of
>> > jboss-service.xml.
>> > 
>> > Can anyone of you help me in sorting out what i have to do 
>> so that i can
>> > monitor
>> > my servlet thru my Custom MBean?
>> > 
>> > to me it looks like i have to:
>> > - add an entry in jboss-service.xml to specify the initialization
>> > parameters of t he constructor
>> > - add an entry so that my MBean is NOT created until my servlet is
>> > started
>> > - then?
>> > 
>> > thanx in advance and regards
>> > marco
>> > 
>> > 
>> > 
>> > 
>> > 
>> > > -Original Message-
>> > > From: Mistroni Marco (NET-IMN/Espoo) 
>> > > Sent: 17 March, 2003 13:56
>> > > To: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'
>> > > Subject: jboss-service.xml DTD
>> > > 
>> > > 
>> > > hi all,
>> > >   anyone can point me to where i can find the DTD for 
>> > > jboss-service.xml?
>> > > 
>> > > i have to specify a constructor for an MBean that accepts 
>> > > input parameters and
>> > > i don't know how to do it
>> > > 
>> > > can anyone help me?
>> > > 
>> > > thanx and regards
>> > >   marco
>> > > 
>> > > 
>> > > 
>> > > > -Original Message-
>> > > > From: ext Kevin Conner 
>> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> > > > Sent: 17 March, 2003 11:55
>> > > > To: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'
>> > > > Subject: RE: [JBoss-user] Axis & JBoss - Client Stubs 
>> Not Portable ?
>> > > > 
>> > > > 
>> > > > Hiya Nicholas.
>> > > > 
>> > > > > I have been working with Axis & JBoss for a while and
>> > > > > I am finally getting around to putting toget

Re[2]: [JBoss-user] Velocity, Servlets, and Local EJBs

2003-03-06 Thread julien viet
I commited such a filter for nukes, for the same usage.
In cvs /nukes/nukes/src/main/org/jboss/nukes/servlet/TransactionFilter.java

In fact you have to wrap local calls in a transaction
unless you don't want to iterate on cmr collections.

If you have ideas on the same topic, please share them.


DS> TransactionServletFilter: on entry start a transaction and on exit 
DS> commit it.

DS> -dain

DS> On Thursday, March 6, 2003, at 11:46 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>> I want to use Velocity.  I would like my Servlet to simply place my 
>> Local
>> EJBs inside of the Velocity template's context and then the template 
>> call
>> methods on the EJB.  That's the simplest way, but I know that each 
>> call to
>> getXXX() would most likely require a new transaction.  So, is it 
>> better to
>> put value objects into the context or can I set up a transaction so 
>> that all
>> getXXX() calls would occur within the same transaction?
>> Thanks,
>> Michael
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Best regards,
 julienmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [JBoss-user] Element type "auto-increment" must be declared.

2003-02-26 Thread julien viet
your dtd is not the good one, your cmp file doctype must
reference the 3.2 dtd and not the 3.0


RP> Hi,

RP> I'm using jboss-3.2.0RC2 and I want to auto-increment
RP> my PK in MySql.  I followed the format in
RP> jbosscmp-jdbc.xml:


RP> and I keep getting the errors 'Element type
RP> "auto-increment" must be declared'.  Any hints?

RP> Thanks in advance!

RP> Rene

RP> The exact error:

RP> 2003-02-26 18:15:14,102 INFO 
RP> [org.jboss.ejb.EntityContainer] Starting
RP> 2003-02-26 18:15:14,713 ERROR
RP> [org.jboss.metadata.XmlFileLoader] XmlFileLoader: File
RP> process error. Line: 8. Error message: Element type
RP> "entity-command" must be declared.
RP> 2003-02-26 18:15:24,107 ERROR
RP> [org.jboss.metadata.XmlFileLoader] XmlFileLoader: File
RP> process error. Line: 9. Error message: The content of
RP> element type "defaults" must match
RP> 2003-02-26 18:15:24,117 ERROR
RP> [org.jboss.metadata.XmlFileLoader] XmlFileLoader: File
RP> process error. Line: 2092. Error message: Element type
RP> "auto-increment" must be declared.
RP> 2003-02-26 18:15:24,117 ERROR
RP> [org.jboss.metadata.XmlFileLoader] XmlFileLoader: File
RP> process error. Line: 2093. Error message: The content
RP> of element type "cmp-field" must match
RP> 2003-02-26 18:15:24,157 ERROR
RP> [org.jboss.ejb.EntityContainer] Starting failed

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 julienmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[JBoss-user] Nukes going live

2003-02-17 Thread julien viet
JBoss.org powered by Nukes on JBoss is going to be soon.


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Re[2]: [JBoss-user] jboss_3_1.dtd

2003-02-13 Thread julien viet
I tried 3.2RC2 yesterday, I couldn't deploy because
I was using 3.2 specific features for cmp that are not
in 3.0 dtd.

In addition xdoclet was generating 3.0 dtd in xml instances.

So I think xdoclet should generate files with system id that
refer to 3.2 dtd and jboss must also have the 3.2 dtd available.

thanks, julien

DJ> So, I should update the xdoclet template that generates this, right?

DJ> Do we ship an xdoclet copy with jboss? Should we? Or maybe provide one?

DJ> david

DJ> On 2003.02.13 00:53 Scott M Stark wrote:
>> The 3.2 extensions have already been placed into a jbosscmp-jdbc_3_2.dtd
>> Scott Stark
>> Chief Technology Officer
>> JBoss Group, LLC
>> - Original Message - 
>> From: "Brian Wallis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> Sent: Wednesday, February 12, 2003 8:57 PM
>> Subject: Re: [JBoss-user] jboss_3_1.dtd
>> On Thu, 13 Feb 2003 15:12, Scott M Stark wrote:
>> > I'm renaming this to jboss_3_2.dtd for the 3.2 release. I'll fix the
>> > XmlFileLoader entity resolver which is where this should be handled at
>> that
>> > time.
>> Will jbosscmp-jdbc_3_0.dtd also be changed and will the old version (as
>> it 
>> existed in 3.0.x) still be there? It has been updated (but not renamed)
>> with 
>> (at least) the optimistic locking changes in 3.2RC1.
>> thanks,
>> brian wallis...
>> ---
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Re[2]: [JBoss-user] Application Deadlock Exception - only happens on JBoss

2003-01-27 Thread julien viet
numbers are only even :
3.0, 3.2, 3.4, etc

BM> Blatant newbie question:
BM> what is the structure of jboss releases. I can't see a jboss 3.1 anywhere. Has 
this been skipped?
BM> thanks,
BM> Brian
BM>   - Original Message - 
BM>   From: Bill Burke 
BM>   Sent: Friday, January 24, 2003 5:57 PM
BM>   Subject: RE: [JBoss-user] Application Deadlock Exception - only happens on JBoss

BM>   jboss 3.2 and higher support deadlock retries.
BM> -Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Aleksandr Shneyderman
BM> Sent: Friday, January 24, 2003 12:07 PM
BM> Subject: RE: [JBoss-user] Application Deadlock Exception - only happens on 

BM> You might have a better luck with later versions of jboss (3.2),
BM> the version you use does not have automatic retriala fter the 
BM> deadlock occurs.

BM> I just saw a post (I think from Scott Starks) listing the versions
BM> that support automatic retrial feature. It was literally a couple 
BM> of days ago searc archives for it if you want to know exactly 
BM> the version numbers.

BM> Alex.

BM>   -Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Brian McSweeney
BM>   Sent: Friday, January 24, 2003 11:13 AM
BM>   Subject: [JBoss-user] Application Deadlock Exception - only happens on JBoss

BM>   Hi guys,
BM>   This is an error that I've seen before myself with apps deployed on JBoss 
BM>   in work. When trying to run the xpetstore application I found that 
BM>   this exception occurs again. Asking the moderator of the xpetstore list 
BM>   he informed me that this exception only occurs with JBoss and he never 
BM>   gets it with weblogic. The doesn't always occur. I can post the source to 
BM>   of the exception if needed.  Any help is greatly appreciated. Cheers, Brian.

BM>   My system is JBoss 3.04_tomcat4.1.12 .

BM>   The following is the output of the exception when junitee test is run and 
BM>   a failure occurs:

BM>   testMyOrders(xpetstore.services.petstore.PetstoreTest) 
BM>   0.734 sec 

BM>   List of errors and failures 

BM>   testMyOrders(xpetstore.services.petstore.PetstoreTest) 
BM>   Error=javax.ejb.TransactionRolledbackLocalException: Application deadlock 
BM>   detected: Two or more transactions contention.; CausedByException is: 
BM>   Application deadlock detected: Two or more transactions contention.; 
BM>   CausedByException is: 
BM>   Application deadlock detected: Two or more transactions contention.; 
BM>   CausedByException is: 
BM>   Application deadlock detected: Two or more transactions contention. 

BM>   junit.framework.AssertionFailedError: 
BM>   Error=javax.ejb.TransactionRolledbackLocalException: Application deadlock 
BM>   detected: Two or more transactions contention.; CausedByException is: 
BM>   Application deadlock detected: Two or more transactions contention.; 
BM>   CausedByException is: 
BM>   Application deadlock detected: Two or more transactions contention.; 
BM>   CausedByException is: 
BM>   Application deadlock detected: Two or more transactions contention. 
BM>   at xpetstore.services.petstore.PetstoreTest.testMyOrders(Unknown Source) 
BM>   at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) 
BM>   at 
BM>   sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:39 
BM>   ) 
BM>   at 
BM>   sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl 
BM>   .java:25) 
BM>   at junit.framework.TestCase.runTest(TestCase.java:154) 

Best regards,
 julienmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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JBoss-user mailing list

Re[2]: [JBoss-user] unable to deploy my application to JBoss-Jetty: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.mortbay.j2ee.session.JGStore

2003-01-20 Thread julien viet
try http://www.mail-archive.com


HT> jboss-dev has ~16000 messages and there is no seach facility on sf for
HT> mailing lists.
HT> Can you jsut tell me how to fix that prob?
HT> thanx

HT> -Original Message-
HT> From: Jules Gosnell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
HT> Sent: 20 January 2003 05:07
HT> Cc: jboss
HT> Subject: Re: [JBoss-user] unable to deploy my application to
HT> JBoss-Jetty: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
HT> org.mortbay.j2ee.session.JGStore

HT> search this list's and jboss-dev's archive, I've already answered this 
HT> question,

HT> Jules

HT> Herve Tchepannou wrote:

>>I'm trying to deploy an application that I've successfully deployed on
>>JBoss-Tomcat, but Im receiving the following errors:
>>java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.mortbay.j2ee.session.JGStore
>>at java.net.URLClassLoader$1.run(URLClassLoader.java:198)
>>at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
>>at java.net.URLClassLoader.findClass(URLClassLoader.java:186)
>>at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClassInternal(ClassLoader.java:315)
>>at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method)
>>at java.lang.Class.forName(Class.java:217)
>>at org.mortbay.j2ee.session.Manager.initialize(Manager.java:249)
HT> ava:167)
HT> (JBossWebApplicationContext.java:293)at
HT> org.jboss.jetty.JBossWebApplicationContext.startHandlers(JBossWebApplication
HT> Context.java:270)
>>at org.mortbay.http.HttpContext.start(HttpContext.java:1763)
HT> .java:471)
HT> java:85)
>>at org.jboss.jetty.Jetty.deploy(Jetty.java:414)
>>at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor10.invoke(Unknown Source)
HT> l.java:25)
>>at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:324)
HT> tcher.java:284)
>>at org.jboss.util.jmx.MBeanProxy.invoke(MBeanProxy.java:174)
>>at $Proxy4.deploy(Unknown Source)
HT> er.java:435)
HT> ntScanner.java:656)
HT> .java:507)
HT> (AbstractDeploymentScanner.java:212)
HT> bstractDeploymentScanner.java:225)
HT> stractDeploymentScanner.java:202)
>>22:23:40,387 INFO  [JBossWebApplicationContext#/xpetstore] using
>>Distributable HttpSession Manager: org.mortbay.j2ee.sessio

HT> This email has been scanned for all viruses by the MessageLabs SkyScan
HT> service. For more information on a proactive anti-virus service working
HT> around the clock, around the globe, visit http://www.messagelabs.com

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HT> ___
HT> JBoss-user mailing list
HT> https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/jboss-user

Best regards,
 julienmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [JBoss-user] OT: J2EE Blog Software?

2003-01-19 Thread julien viet
I will adapt jounal module for nukes on jboss soon.


HH> Is there any good Open Source J2EE based blog software out there?

HH> Sorry that this is offtopic...

HH> Hunter

HH> ---
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HH> Get a guide here:http://ads.sourceforge.net/cgi-bin/redirect.pl?thaw0030en
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HH> JBoss-user mailing list
HH> https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/jboss-user

Best regards,
 julienmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re[2]: [JBoss-user] CMP 2 - 2 Questions

2002-12-21 Thread julien viet
mbn> On Wed, Dec 18, 2002 at 01:33:27PM -0800, Nicholas wrote:
>> I am using JBoss 3.0.4 and developing a large number
>> of CMP 2 beans in a preliminary proof of concept.
>> Based on the new Local interfaces in EJB 2, can anyone
>> recommend a source for an updated pattern
>> implementation for Session Facades ? It seems like I
>> simply need to generate value objects to return to the
>> clients (in this case some clients will be servlets,
>> others will be rich clients) and I was hoping I could
>> save some coding time...

mbn> Xdoclet can make VO-objects for you (the new beta).

I know but why have duplicate code ?

UserEJB : name, username, etc...
UserVO : name, username, etc...

and have a session bean doing silly things like :

SessionEJB :
getUserByID(int id)
  UserLocal user = home.findByPrimakryKey(id);
  return user.getVO();

>> The second question is, what do I need to do to make
>> JBoss log the SQL is issuing agains the database from
>> the CMP 2 engine to the consle or a file ?
>> Thanks !
>> //Nicholas
>> =
>> Nicholas Whitehead
>> Home: (973) 377 9335
>> Cell: (201) 615 2716
>> Work: (212) 622 5639
>> ---
>> This SF.NET email is sponsored by: Order your Holiday Geek Presents Now!
>> Green Lasers, Hip Geek T-Shirts, Remote Control Tanks, Caffeinated Soap,
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>> T H I N K G E E K . C O M   http://www.thinkgeek.com/sf/
>> ___
>> JBoss-user mailing list
>> https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/jboss-user

Best regards,
 julienmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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JBoss-user mailing list

Re[2]: [JBoss-user] CMP 2 - 2 Questions

2002-12-21 Thread julien viet
mbn> On Sat, Dec 21, 2002 at 02:23:04PM +0100, julien viet wrote:
>> I am currently working on jboss forum application and we
>> try to get rid of value object by using local directly
>> in web layer.
>> On that purpose we have two interceptors that allow
>> bulk retrieval of value of a cmp bean though it local interface.
>> For instance with a local :
>> local l = some_way_to_have_a_local();
>> // will retrieve all values of bean
>> // and store them in a cache at the beginning
>> // of invocation stack
>> System.out.println(l.getValue1());
>> // will hit the cache
>> System.out.println(l.getValue2());
>> and you have the same behaviour than value objects.
>> if you want to see it, it's in applications module, org/jboss/forums/cache
>> the interest is to avoid duplicate code with silly value-objects
>> and their creation in session facades.
>> julien

mbn> But where is the transaction started?

in a separate servlet filter. nevertheless you don't
need absolutely to start a transaction since it's only
read operations.

>> N> I am using JBoss 3.0.4 and developing a large number
>> N> of CMP 2 beans in a preliminary proof of concept.
>> N> Based on the new Local interfaces in EJB 2, can anyone
>> N> recommend a source for an updated pattern
>> N> implementation for Session Facades ? It seems like I
>> N> simply need to generate value objects to return to the
>> N> clients (in this case some clients will be servlets,
>> N> others will be rich clients) and I was hoping I could
>> N> save some coding time...
>> N> The second question is, what do I need to do to make
>> N> JBoss log the SQL is issuing agains the database from
>> N> the CMP 2 engine to the consle or a file ?
>> N> Thanks !
>> N> //Nicholas
>> N> =
>> N> Nicholas Whitehead
>> N> Home: (973) 377 9335
>> N> Cell: (201) 615 2716
>> N> Work: (212) 622 5639
>> N> ---
>> N> This SF.NET email is sponsored by: Order your Holiday Geek Presents Now!
>> N> Green Lasers, Hip Geek T-Shirts, Remote Control Tanks, Caffeinated Soap,
>> N> MP3 Players,  XBox Games,  Flying Saucers,  WebCams,  Smart Putty.
>> N> T H I N K G E E K . C O M   http://www.thinkgeek.com/sf/
>> N> ___
>> N> JBoss-user mailing list
>> N> https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/jboss-user
>> -- 
>> Best regards,
>>  julienmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> ___
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>> Yahoo! Mail : http://fr.mail.yahoo.com
>> ---
>> This SF.NET email is sponsored by: Order your Holiday Geek Presents Now!
>> Green Lasers, Hip Geek T-Shirts, Remote Control Tanks, Caffeinated Soap,
>> MP3 Players,  XBox Games,  Flying Saucers,  WebCams,  Smart Putty.
>> T H I N K G E E K . C O M   http://www.thinkgeek.com/sf/
>> ___
>> JBoss-user mailing list
>> https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/jboss-user

Best regards,
 julienmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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JBoss-user mailing list

Re: [JBoss-user] CMP 2 - 2 Questions

2002-12-21 Thread julien viet
I am currently working on jboss forum application and we
try to get rid of value object by using local directly
in web layer.

On that purpose we have two interceptors that allow
bulk retrieval of value of a cmp bean though it local interface.

For instance with a local :

local l = some_way_to_have_a_local();
// will retrieve all values of bean
// and store them in a cache at the beginning
// of invocation stack
// will hit the cache

and you have the same behaviour than value objects.

if you want to see it, it's in applications module, org/jboss/forums/cache

the interest is to avoid duplicate code with silly value-objects
and their creation in session facades.


N> I am using JBoss 3.0.4 and developing a large number
N> of CMP 2 beans in a preliminary proof of concept.

N> Based on the new Local interfaces in EJB 2, can anyone
N> recommend a source for an updated pattern
N> implementation for Session Facades ? It seems like I
N> simply need to generate value objects to return to the
N> clients (in this case some clients will be servlets,
N> others will be rich clients) and I was hoping I could
N> save some coding time...

N> The second question is, what do I need to do to make
N> JBoss log the SQL is issuing agains the database from
N> the CMP 2 engine to the consle or a file ?

N> Thanks !

N> //Nicholas

N> =
N> Nicholas Whitehead
N> Home: (973) 377 9335
N> Cell: (201) 615 2716
N> Work: (212) 622 5639

N> ---
N> This SF.NET email is sponsored by: Order your Holiday Geek Presents Now!
N> Green Lasers, Hip Geek T-Shirts, Remote Control Tanks, Caffeinated Soap,
N> MP3 Players,  XBox Games,  Flying Saucers,  WebCams,  Smart Putty.
N> T H I N K G E E K . C O M   http://www.thinkgeek.com/sf/
N> ___
N> JBoss-user mailing list
N> https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/jboss-user

Best regards,
 julienmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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JBoss-user mailing list

Re[2]: [JBoss-user] Jetty - access custom JAAS Principal

2002-11-28 Thread julien viet
you can do :

if you are LoginContext explicitely to get authentication you
can do :

LoginContext lc = new LoginContext("my-context");
lc.login(); // authenticate here
(used in forums application)

otherwise :


that will give you all the Principal filled by
the login modules during the commit phase of the authentication


Thursday, November 28, 2002, 8:14:21 AM, you wrote:

JB> Wonne,

JB> As far as I know, I don't think this is going to be possible in the immediate 
future. The web container uses an AuthenticationManager that it looks up in the ENC to 
authenticate users, and the
JB> only method that is exposed by that entity is  isValid (Principal p, Object 

JB> The principal that is used by the web container is always the JBossUserPrincipal. 
The info from the principal is extracted by the security backend during the isValid() 
call, which will invoke
JB> your custom login module if the subject/principal has not yet been authenticated 
or isn't in the cache. Your custom classes only ever interact with the security 
backend, and never with the web
JB> container directly.

JB> So, I don't really think we could provide access to your custom principal from the 
web layer without changes to the JBoss security layer. Of course, as always, Scott may 
have some further insight
JB> into this ...

JB> cheers,
JB> Jan

>>I am using custom JAAS loginmodule for both my web and ejb container, which 
>>authenticates just fine. The login module creates a custom Principle with >some 
>application specific attributes.

>>I now want to access that custom Principal object from within my web >container, but 
>request.getUserPrincipal only returns an 

>>How can I acces our customized principal? Is it possible?

JB> --

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JB> https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/jboss-user

Best regards,
 julienmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [JBoss-user] Does CMR Collections have to be accessed (iterated) inside a transaction?

2002-11-05 Thread julien viet
yes they have.

 --- Victor Batista
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> a écrit : > Hello!
>   I am developing two entity beans which have a
> relatinship 1-N (One User can
> have Many Roles).
>   I have also a Facade session bean to handle the
> business operations. I have
> declared the Transaction property of my beans
> (Entity and session) as
> "Supports". The methods which insert or update data
> are declared as
> "Required". I don't want read-only operations to be
> executed inside
> transactions.
>   I have one method (getUser) which returns a VO with
> the User data and calls
> the relation method (getRoles() which returns a
> Collection of Roles). As
> this is a read operation, I don't want a transaction
> to handle this method.
> Although I am having one exception when I try to
> iterate the list of roles
> returned by the getRoles method
>   java.lang.IllegalStateException: A CMR collection
> may only be used within
> the transction in which it was created
>   Does CMR collections have to be accessed inside
> transactions?
>   Thanks in advance,
>   Victor Batista
> This sf.net email is sponsored by: See the NEW Palm 
> Tungsten T handheld. Power & Color in a compact
> size!
> ___
> JBoss-user mailing list

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[JBoss-user] (no subject)

2002-11-03 Thread julien viet
forum people,

I have updated forums with security concerns.

If you are using 3.0.4 :

It are using a login-config that you have to set up
before running it. The snippet is in the class

If you are using HEAD :

1.You can use SecurityService.java instead and
uncomment code, it sets up the login config at deploy
time by
calling XMLLoginConfig mbean.

2.Also you have to changes stuff in
and switch the interceptor stack configurations.

I will detail more tomorrow in "forum on jboss" about
roles, etc...
(because forums are offline now)


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JBoss-user mailing list

Re: [JBoss-user] lookup java:comp/env/

2002-10-27 Thread julien viet
java:comp/env/-- is private to each ejb and is defined
by the ejb-ref and ejb-local-ref in the bean, what you
should do instead is :

in your ejb-jar.xml for the bean that references
CompanyUser bean through java:comp/env/ejb/CompanyUser


plus information according to the bean :
ejb-ref-type, local-home, local


of course we assume that you two beans
are in the same jar deployement.

otherwise you don't specifu ejb-link and
use jboss.xml instead to make the link
to the bean.

 --- Derek Lin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> a écrit : >
> The short name will work ok.  (Because it is the
> JNDI name).  But having the short name working is
> definitely more convenient.
> I might have found out what the problem is.  I think
> it's my misunderstanding of ejb-ref.  I read some
> more on it.  If I am not wrong, ejb-ref is used to
> refer to OTHER ejb's.
> So I have it in my company bean:
> * @ejb:ejb-ref ejb-name="CompanyUser"
> view-type="local"
>  * @ejb:ejb-ref ejb-name="CompanyUser"
> view-type="remote" 
> After that, this line of code works:
> CompanyUserLocalHome home =
> CompanyUserUtil.getLocalHome();
> However, I am not 100% sure when CompanyUserUtil now
> can access the long name
> (java:comp/env/ejb/CompanyUserLocal), I mean, then
> ejb-ref entry is done in my Company bean (in the
> ejb-jar.xml), not the CompanyUserUtil (there is no
> entry for CompanyUserUtil in the ejb-jar.xml).  Any
> thoughts?
> -- Derek
> - Original Message - 
>   From: Rick LaBanca 
>   Sent: Saturday, October 26, 2002 8:02 PM
>   Subject: Re: [JBoss-user] lookup java:comp/env/
>   I had this same issue. I Think it may be correct
> that the ejb doesn't have access to this absolute
> path you are trying, but not positive.
>   Anyway, the utility class generated by xdoclet
> makes two string constants, one of them is the short
> name you used succesfully. 
>   My xdoclet was using the longer name too, but I
> changed something in my class or specs and it
> started making a util class that used the shorter
> name. I don't have the code in front of me (not at
> work now), and I really didn't know then what
> exactly fixed it. Hope that's a clue.
>   I find the namespace issues to be confusing to
> begin with (for most people, the roles of a separate
> person being an app assembler and deployer are
> mythical!)
>   rick
> From: Derek Lin 
> Sent: Saturday, October 26, 2002 9:20 PM
> Subject: [JBoss-user] lookup java:comp/env/
> I have found that
> won't work with JBoss.  Instead, I have to use
> initialContext.lookup("CompanyUserLocal").
> In my jboss.xml, there is this entry:
>  CompanyUser
>  ejb/CompanyUser
> CompanyUserLocal
> I can see how
> initialContext.lookup("CompanyUserLocal") is
> working, but can't see why
> will not work other than the fact the JBoss is not
> supporting it.  It is supposed to be a standard. 
> More importantly, it is the way Xdoclet generates
> its util classes.
> Any thoughts?
> -- Derek

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JBoss-user mailing list

Re: [JBoss-user] Can my ant-task wait for JBoss to deploy?

2002-10-25 Thread Julien Viet
I don't know if such ant task exists but you can code it by invoking
the MainDeployer mbean to deploy your deployment (because it's synchronous).

- Original Message -
From: "Thorbjørn Ravn Andersen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, October 25, 2002 4:22 PM
Subject: [JBoss-user] Can my ant-task wait for JBoss to deploy?

> I would like for my "ant deploy" task - which currently just copies
> files into server/default/deploy - to wait until JBoss has finished
> deploying and is ready to serve again, as I have a status page I would
> like to be automatically checked to confirm that things are ok, before
> continuing.   Jetty reports a 404 until things are fully deployed :(
> Can this be done?   Or can I make Jetty wait to serve the request until
> the whole system is ready again?
> [If this is in the pay-documentation, please say so.  My work does not
> have a credit card :( ]
>   Thorbjørn Ravn Andersen  Scandiatransplant
>Skejby Sygehus, indgang 3
>   +45 89 49 53 01  DK-8200 Århus N
>   http://biobase.dk/~tra
> ---
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Re: [JBoss-user] Port 8082

2002-10-24 Thread julien viet
try http://localhost:8080/jmx-console

 --- Joao Pedro Clemente <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> a
écrit : > 
> I have the same behaviour, with 3.0.3...
> -- 
>   Joao Pedro Clemente
>   jpcl @ rnl.ist.utl.pt
> On Thu, 24 Oct 2002, Kazandjian Erik wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > I'v installed JBoss 3.0.2 and tried to connect to
> poret 8082 to have access
> > to the JMX agent, but I get no response. Does
> anybody know what I might do
> > wrong ?
> >
> > Erik
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Re: [JBoss-user] JUnitEE and test local interfaces

2002-10-22 Thread Julien Viet
no you can't, what you have to do is to propagate testcase in a bean that's
in the same deployment unit of your other beans.

we do such test in forum application, you can have a look to
it extends EJBTestCase and use a bean from jboss.blocks to do that.

- Original Message -
To: "Jboss-Users (E-mail)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, October 22, 2002 2:13 PM
Subject: [JBoss-user] JUnitEE and test local interfaces

> Hello all,
> I tried test my local EJB with JUnitEE servlet, but I get only
> ClassCastException when I try cast to local-interface.
> Has anybody experience with testing local-interfaces ?
> May I call local-interface from WEB-application ( JSP/Servlets ) ?
> thank's
> vlk
> My environment :
> Windows 2000
> JDK 1.3.1_02
> JBoss 3.0.3 with Jetty
> JUnitEE 1.5.1
> --
> Vladimir Kralik
> Asset Soft Banska Bystrica
> ---
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Re: [JBoss-user] Rading a file from Ejb

2002-10-19 Thread julien viet
Once I've used a JNDI impl over file system.
that works and it is simple.

 --- Dmitri Colebatch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> a écrit : >
Why not have a environment parameter that contains
> the directory from which
> to load the file?  That way you could put the file
> whereever it suits,
> without having to put it in JBoss's classpath.
> cheers
> dim
> - Original Message -
> From: "Rodrigo Chandía" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Saturday, October 19, 2002 8:33 AM
> Subject: Re: [JBoss-user] Rading a file from Ejb
> > Ok, It is working.
> >
> > I tried once again and It loaded the file. (?!)
> >
> > Anyway, Is this a good way (a portable way, that
> is) to load a file from
> > inside an EJB?
> >
> > Regards,
> >
> > Rodrigo Chandia
> >
> > El Viernes 18 de Octubre del 2002 06:00 PM,
> Rodrigo Chandía escribió:
> > > Deare Jboss-users:
> > >
> > > In my app I need to read a file from inside a
> Session Bean. Initially I
> > > thought the best way would be to simpli stick
> the file into:
> > >
> > > $JBOSS_HOME/server/default/conf
> > >
> > > and then use
> > >
> > > InputStream is =
> getClass().getClassLoader()
> > >
> .getResourceAsStream(FILE_LICENSE_NAME);
> > >
> > > but it does not seem to work because I keep
> getting null (I guess I am
> not
> > > getting the same class loader log4j gets :P )
> > >
> > > So my question is, is it possible to do it this
> way?
> > > What is the recommended (portalbe) way to do
> this from an EJB?
> > >
> > > Regards,
> > >
> > > Rodrigo Chandia
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
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> > >
> >
> >
> >
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[JBoss-user] problem using an destination in an application

2002-10-09 Thread Julien Viet

 I am working on an application that uses a 
JMS destination specified in jboss-app.xml
Deploying is fine :
creates destination (in jboss-app.xml)
creates another service (in 
creates beans (in jars)

starts destination
starts another 
Undeploying does not respect the same order and 
therefore creates a undeploy problem :
stop destination
stop beans
stop another service
destroy destination -> error : destination still 
used (by a MDB)
destroy beans
destroy antoher service
anyone has a clue ? why ordering is not good 
I tested with head, 3.0.3 and 3.2beta

Re: [JBoss-user] remote deploy

2002-09-11 Thread Julien Viet

you can use the mbean MainDeployer MBean and ivoke it with an URL (it's JMX

- Original Message -
From: "Emerson Cargnin - SICREDI Serviços" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, September 11, 2002 1:31 PM
Subject: [JBoss-user] remote deploy

> is there a way to deploy an ear file remotely, without using ftp, maybe
> using jmx or ant task ???
> --
> Emerson Cargnin
> SICREDI - Tel : 3358-4860
> ---
> In remembrance
> www.osdn.com/911/
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Re: [JBoss-user] EJB/MBean communication

2002-09-05 Thread Julien Viet

I don't know, but JMX is not part of J2EE 
applications, that's what David means.

  - Original Message - 
  Greg Turner 
  Sent: Thursday, September 05, 2002 2:57 
  Subject: Re: [JBoss-user] EJB/MBean 
  No.  Since not all app servers have JMX. 
  Herve Tchepannou wrote: 
  Seems to be a propriatary approach... I don't 
want my EJB to contains proprietary core, which will make them non 
portable. Is there any standard way to access JMX from EJB? Julien 
Viet wrote: 
>look in the jboss sources : 
>it's described how to use it. > > >- 
Original Message - >From: "Herve Tchepannou" 
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> >Sent: Thursday, September 
05, 2002 11:07 AM >Subject: Re: [JBoss-user] EJB/MBean communication 
> > > > >>What's that? is there any 
doc available about NonSerializableFactory? >> >>Julien 
Viet wrote: >> >> >> >>>you could 
use maybe the NonSerializableFactory and bind your mbean into 
>>> >>> >it. > > 
>>>- Original Message - >>>From: "Herve 
Tchepannou" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> >>>To: "JBoss User 
Group" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> >>>Sent: 
Thursday, September 05, 2002 10:31 AM >>>Subject: [JBoss-user] 
EJB/MBean communication >>> >>> >>> 
>>> >>> >>> >>>>What 
is the best and portable way to access a MBean from an EJB? 
>>>> >>>>I was wondering if I can lookup any 
of my custom MBean via JNDI from my >>>>EJB ? (it seems to 
be cleanest way). >>>>If not, how can I attach a MBean to 
the JNDI tree? >>>> >>>> 
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>>>> >>>> >>>> 
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>>> >> >> >> 
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  -- Greg Turner, JBoss Authorized Consultant 
  Tiburon Enterprise Systems http://www.tiburon-e-systems.com 
  Box 1171 Tiburon, CA 94920 415-332-3363   

Re: [JBoss-user] EJB/MBean communication

2002-09-05 Thread Julien Viet

if you bind the MBean not in the EJB (but in another mbean for instance
or the mbean can bind itself in the tree) your EJB will be without
"proprietary" code.

- Original Message -
From: "Herve Tchepannou" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, September 05, 2002 1:18 PM
Subject: Re: [JBoss-user] EJB/MBean communication

> Seems to be a propriatary approach...
> I don't want my EJB to contains proprietary core, which will make them
> non portable.
> Is there any standard way to access JMX from EJB?
> Julien Viet wrote:
> >look in the jboss sources :
> >server/src/main/org/jboss/naming/NonSerializableFactory.java
> >it's described how to use it.
> >
> >
> >- Original Message -
> >From: "Herve Tchepannou" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Sent: Thursday, September 05, 2002 11:07 AM
> >Subject: Re: [JBoss-user] EJB/MBean communication
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >>What's that? is there any doc available about NonSerializableFactory?
> >>
> >>Julien Viet wrote:
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>>you could use maybe the NonSerializableFactory and bind your mbean into
> >>>
> >>>
> >it.
> >
> >
> >>>- Original Message -
> >>>From: "Herve Tchepannou" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >>>To: "JBoss User Group" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >>>Sent: Thursday, September 05, 2002 10:31 AM
> >>>Subject: [JBoss-user] EJB/MBean communication
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>>What is the best and portable way to access a MBean from an EJB?
> >>>>
> >>>>I was wondering if I can lookup any of my custom MBean via JNDI from
> >>>>EJB ? (it seems to be cleanest way).
> >>>>If not, how can I attach a MBean to the JNDI tree?
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>---
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> >>>>cell phone?  Get a new here for FREE!
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> >>>>___
> >>>>JBoss-user mailing list
> >>>>https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/jboss-user
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>___
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> >>>Yahoo! Mail : http://fr.mail.yahoo.com
> >>>
> >>>
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> >>>https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/jboss-user
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>
> >>
> >>
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> >>
> >
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Re: [JBoss-user] EJB/MBean communication

2002-09-05 Thread Julien Viet

look in the jboss sources :
it's described how to use it.

- Original Message -
From: "Herve Tchepannou" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, September 05, 2002 11:07 AM
Subject: Re: [JBoss-user] EJB/MBean communication

> What's that? is there any doc available about NonSerializableFactory?
> Julien Viet wrote:
> >you could use maybe the NonSerializableFactory and bind your mbean into
> >
> >- Original Message -
> >From: "Herve Tchepannou" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >To: "JBoss User Group" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Sent: Thursday, September 05, 2002 10:31 AM
> >Subject: [JBoss-user] EJB/MBean communication
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >>What is the best and portable way to access a MBean from an EJB?
> >>
> >>I was wondering if I can lookup any of my custom MBean via JNDI from my
> >>EJB ? (it seems to be cleanest way).
> >>If not, how can I attach a MBean to the JNDI tree?
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>---
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> >>cell phone?  Get a new here for FREE!
> >>https://www.inphonic.com/r.asp?r=sourceforge1&refcode1=vs3390
> >>___
> >>JBoss-user mailing list
> >>https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/jboss-user
> >>
> >>
> >
> >___
> >Do You Yahoo!? -- Une adresse @yahoo.fr gratuite et en français !
> >Yahoo! Mail : http://fr.mail.yahoo.com
> >
> >
> >---
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> >cell phone?  Get a new here for FREE!
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> >https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/jboss-user
> >
> >
> >
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Re: [JBoss-user] EJB/MBean communication

2002-09-05 Thread Julien Viet

you could use maybe the NonSerializableFactory and bind your mbean into it.

- Original Message - 
From: "Herve Tchepannou" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "JBoss User Group" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, September 05, 2002 10:31 AM
Subject: [JBoss-user] EJB/MBean communication

> What is the best and portable way to access a MBean from an EJB?
> I was wondering if I can lookup any of my custom MBean via JNDI from my 
> EJB ? (it seems to be cleanest way).
> If not, how can I attach a MBean to the JNDI tree?
> ---
> This sf.net email is sponsored by: OSDN - Tired of that same old
> cell phone?  Get a new here for FREE!
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Re: [JBoss-user] Serializable inner classes as CMP fields

2002-08-21 Thread Julien Viet

that's it.
even if you have the same class (serialID didn't change) it will fail
because Class
won't have the same identity. Maybe the problem comes from tehe fact
that the engine deals with not the deployment classloader.

- Original Message -
From: "Ole Husgaard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, August 21, 2002 11:34 AM
Subject: Re: [JBoss-user] Serializable inner classes as CMP fields

> Oisin Kim wrote:
> > I don't think I'll have a chance to read the code for JBoss, so I think
> > I'll join you in coding around it, do you (and other users on ths list)
> > think I should submit this as a bug?
> Looks like the same as bug #563120, see:
> I'm not an expert on these issues, but I think that the
> problem is that on hot deploy another classloader load
> the new class. But the datasource that does the
> deserialization is still using the old class.
> Best Regards,
> Ole Husgaard.
> ---
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Re: [JBoss-user] Serializable inner classes as CMP fields

2002-08-21 Thread Julien Viet

I got the same problem once with 3.00, I checked the code and
it comes from the fact that the JBossCMP can't do the
work because of distincts class definitions. Once your application
is reloaded your classes are not compatible with what see cmp engine.

 At this time I was not very aware about thread context classloader so I
check about that . But imho that could be solved by jbosscmp using it ? am I
right ?

 Lot of people will tell you not to use serializable custom class because of
issues, but for short term storage I think it's good and worth to be used.

 Nevertheless, I dropped using custom serializable class because of that.


- Original Message -
From: "Oisin Kim" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, August 21, 2002 8:49 AM
Subject: [JBoss-user] Serializable inner classes as CMP fields

> Hi All,
> Just a short question about something thast seems a bit weird to me,
> about CMP fields in Jboss.
> My setup is JBoss-3.0.1RC1 Tomcat,  Win 2000, JDK 1.3.1_01.
> I have a CMP field which is a serializable object, the object is an
> inner class PNF.States (it's a public inner class).
> It looks something like this then:
> Public PNF{
> public static class States implements Serializable
> {
> file://some stuff here
> }
> }
> Once I've deployed an application, run it and then make changes to the
> code, I do a redeploy which looks fine. But when I try to use the bean I
> get the exception below,  and I have to reboot Jboss to get it to be
> able to use this class correctly after that initial first run( which
> goes perfectly ), its as if Jboss thinks there are two versions of the
> PNF.States class, and that the one in the DB is different to the one in
> code.
> The exception I get looks like this:
> 11:42:11,687 ERROR [LogInterceptor.error]
> TransactionRolledbackException, causedBy:
> java.sql.SQLException: Got a
> net.aurium.components.context.interfaces.PNF$States: 'PNF' while looking
> for a net.aurium.components.context.interfaces.PNF$States
> at
> org.jboss.ejb.plugins.cmp.jdbc.JDBCUtil.coerceToJavaType(JDBCUtil.java:4
> 57)
> at
> org.jboss.ejb.plugins.cmp.jdbc.JDBCUtil.getResult(JDBCUtil.java:327)
> at
> org.jboss.ejb.plugins.cmp.jdbc.bridge.JDBCAbstractCMPFieldBridge.loadArg
> umentResults(JDBCAbstractCMPFieldBridge.java:350)
> Is this a bug or a problem with my code?
> I have tried to make the outer class implement serializable too but that
> makes no difference.
> Any help is greatly appreciated!
> Many thanks,
> Oisin
> ---
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Re: [JBoss-user] Launching Swing Applications from JBoss 3.0.0

2002-08-16 Thread Julien Viet

it would be funny to have my login session as a SFSB and my files as Entity
CMP ;-)

- Original Message -
From: "Holger Baxmann" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, August 16, 2002 2:19 PM
Subject: Re: [JBoss-user] Launching Swing Applications from JBoss 3.0.0

> for my purposes is jboss at first a webos, maybe running on what you would
> call a server :)
> bax
> - Original Message -
> From: "Dave Smith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Friday, August 16, 2002 7:58 PM
> Subject: Re: [JBoss-user] Launching Swing Applications from JBoss 3.0.0
> > An intresting read but I fail to see how this is usefull in all but the
> > most trival example. When a JFrame starts it uses the DISPLAY enviroment
> > variable (UNIX systems) to determine where to display it. So if I am
> > running a local JBOSS container on my system then it would be good for
> > rapid protyping but for the field?
> >
> > I have not had alot of sleep this week, please enlighten me on other
> > uses for this or if I am way off base.
> >
> >
> >
> > On Wed, 2002-08-14 at 15:17, Dimitri Pissarenko wrote:
> > > Hello!
> > >
> > > I've coded a very simple example of how one can launch a Swing
> > > application with a Jboss Mbean.
> > >
> > > If someone is interested, look at
> > > http://www.geocities.com/dapissarenko/jboss_swing.html
> > >
> > > Regards
> > >
> > > Dimitri Pissarenko
> > >
> > >
> > > ---
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Re: [JBoss-user] unbinding with a federated context

2002-08-15 Thread Julien Viet

I don't think I am wrong because same code with 
lookup works.
BTW I use a flat namespace.
here are two snippets of code on 
lookup :

else if (ctx instanceof 
{    // 
if (((Reference)ctx).get("nns") != 
CannotProceedException cpe = new 
throw cpe;    
}    result = 
new ResolveResult(ctx, name.getSuffix(1)); // that will trigger 
NamingContext to ask the federated Context to lookup the 
value } 
unbind :

else if (ctx instanceof 
{    // 
if (((Reference)ctx).get("nns") != 
CannotProceedException cpe = new 
throw cpe;    
} else    
// its going 
throw new NotContextException(); // the code goes here when unbind executes 
and lets no further chance to the federated context to 
} } 
else .

  - Original Message - 
  Scott M 
  Sent: Wednesday, August 14, 2002 6:51 
  Subject: Re: [JBoss-user] unbinding with 
  a federated context
  This would happen in the naming convention in the 
  A context did
  not use '/' as the compound name seperator. You 
  have to be careful
  when using string names across federated 
  namespaces as it may
  not make any sense, or at least work the way you 
  expect. What
  type of naming service is bound under 
  Scott StarkChief Technology 
  OfficerJBoss Group, LLC
- Original Message - 
To: jboss-user 
Sent: Wednesday, August 14, 2002 1:03 
Subject: [JBoss-user] unbinding with a 
federated context

Hi all,
 I have on question about naming. I am 
using a federated context through ExternalContext service.
My issue is about unbinding something in my 
federated context via NamingContext :
 For instance, if my context is bound 
under A and in my context I have an object bound under B
 The following code works :
ctx = (Context) new 
InitialContext().lookup("B"); // got a NamingContext and then my 
ctx.unbind("B"); // unbind on my 
 But the code that one doesn't work at all 
new InitialContext().undind("A/B"); // here I 
unbind directly in the NamingServer
 I gave a look at the code and unbind 
throw a NotContextException instead of forwarding
the unbind to the federated 
  Is it normal behaviour ? a feature 
planned long ago but never achieved, or bug ?

[JBoss-user] unbinding with a federated context

2002-08-14 Thread Julien Viet

Hi all,
 I have on question about naming. I am using a 
federated context through ExternalContext service.
My issue is about unbinding something in my 
federated context via NamingContext :
 For instance, if my context is bound 
under A and in my context I have an object bound under B
 The following code works :
ctx = (Context) new InitialContext().lookup("B"); 
// got a NamingContext and then my context
ctx.unbind("B"); // unbind on my 
 But the code that one doesn't work at all 
new InitialContext().undind("A/B"); // here I 
unbind directly in the NamingServer
 I gave a look at the code and unbind throw a 
NotContextException instead of forwarding
the unbind to the federated context.
  Is it normal behaviour ? a feature planned 
long ago but never achieved, or bug ?

Re: [JBoss-user] CMR & local interfaces

2002-07-31 Thread Julien Viet

You can't use relationship outside the deployment 
(i.e ejb-jar.xml) scope
which has defined it.
The common solution is to use value objects to 
export data for client :
simple java classes that reflects 
class DogVO { ... }
class OwnerVO { ... DogVo 
dog; ... }
and usually you put an accessor for getting VO in 
an session bean
like :
OwnerVO getOwner(int ownerId) { ... }

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Wednesday, July 31, 2002 10:59 
  Subject: [JBoss-user] CMR & local 
  I am a newbie in EJB 2.0, and I don't understand 
  how to
  access to my relations from the client side 
  relationships seem to work with local interfaces 
  I have 2 entity bean : 'owner' and 'dog', and a 
  relationship between themselves : a dog has one 
  owner, and 
  one owner has (only) one dog.
  In my OwnerBean class, I define a getDog() method 
  return a DogLocal interface, so I can't get it 
  from my client !
  How can I do ?

Re: [JBoss-user] topic service within an ear

2002-07-08 Thread Julien Viet

I think it should not be hard to change, just move the createDestination()
call from create()
in start() in the JMSContainerInvoker.

- Original Message -
From: "David Jencks" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, July 08, 2002 4:05 PM
Subject: Re: [JBoss-user] topic service within an ear

> MDB shouldn't rely on the existence of outside objects until the start
> step.  How hard would this be to change?
> david jencks
> On 2002.07.08 14:57:17 -0400 Julien Viet wrote:
> >  I want to pack a topic service within my ear.
> >
> >  The problem is that the topic is created and registered in JNDI after
> > my MDB checks for its existence.
> >
> >  The Topic service binds in startService() and MDB check existence of
> > topic in createService().
> >
> >  Therefore MDB creates a temporary topic and after my Topic can't be
> > bound.
> >
> >  Is there a solution for that ?
> >
> >
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >  I want to pack a topic service
> > within my
> > ear.
> >  
> >  The problem is that the topic is
> > created and
> > registered in JNDI after  my MDB
> > checks
> > for its existence.
> >  
> >  The Topic service binds in
> > startService() and MDB check existence of topic in
> > createService().
> >  
> >  Therefore MDB creates  > face=Arial
> > size=2>a temporary topic and after my Topic can't be bound.
> >  
> >  Is there a solution for that
> > ?
> >  
> >
> ---
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[JBoss-user] topic service within an ear

2002-07-08 Thread Julien Viet

 I want to pack a topic service within my 
 The problem is that the topic is created and 
registered in JNDI after  my MDB checks 
for its existence.
 The Topic service binds in 
startService() and MDB check existence of topic in createService().
 Therefore MDB creates a temporary topic and after my Topic can't be bound.
 Is there a solution for that ?

[JBoss-user] sharing bean parent class deployment unit

2002-06-27 Thread Julien Viet

Whenever a ejbean in an application has a class 
which extends a class
packaged in a .jar :
|--foo.jar <- FooBean extends 
|--util.jar <- SomeClass
is there something special to have this working 
I know that using the classpath manifest 
should fine for that
but I've read lately 
that one can get rid of that, i.e, classpath manifest
is not mandatory anymore.
I have an app. that is done in a such manner with a 
classpath manifest.
Everything was ok until today when I got latest 
3.0.1rc1 from cvs and
I got a error a deployment because SomeClas has not 
been found.

Re: [JBoss-user] Template Application: no /servlet directory

2002-06-27 Thread Julien Viet

on sourceforge.net :

- Original Message -
From: "John Hogan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, June 27, 2002 9:01 AM
Subject: Re: [JBoss-user] Template Application: no /servlet directory

> were can I get the Jboss 3.0 Quick Start Guide?  Thank you.
> JohnH
> - Original Message -
> From: Patrick Hubers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Thu, 27 Jun 2002 09:50:51 +0200
> Subject: Re: [JBoss-user] Template Application: no /servlet directory
> >
> > --Op 26-06-2002 16:10 -0400 schreef Mike Monette:
> >
> > > I'm reading through the Jboss 3.0 Quick Start Guide, and I've
> > > the template application.  Page 16 refers to a src/servlet directory,
> > > but the template application has no such directory.  Am I missing
> > > something, or is this a known mismatch between the documentation and
> > > application?
> >
> > I had the same problem. Creating an empty servlet directory does the
> >
> > _
> > Patrick Hubers
> >
> > Solve IT
> > Postbus 5063
> > 3502 JB Utrecht
> >
> >
> >
> > ---
> > Sponsored by:
> > ThinkGeek at http://www.ThinkGeek.com/
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> >
> --
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[JBoss-user] Transaction object is null in JDBCStoreManager

2002-06-22 Thread Julien Viet

I have a NullPointerException in 
because of a null transaction returned by the 
transaction manager
line 213 of JDBCStoreManager : int status = 
here tx object is null
I am using jboss Branch_3_0.
any ideas ?

Re: [JBoss-user] Question about B2B and

2002-06-18 Thread Julien Viet

Ejb-ref is bound to java:comp/env so getting an ejbHome is
ctx.lookup("java:comp/env/" + name); where
name is enclosed in ejb-ref-name tag.
But you can retrieve an ejbHome from global jndi without prefixing with

in your caller : home = ctx.lookup(name);

for the called in jboss.xml  ... name ...

therefore you don't have to redeploy you caller each time.

- Original Message -
From: "Duarte Nuno Loreto" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, June 18, 2002 4:10 PM
Subject: [JBoss-user] Question about B2B and 

> Hello!
> On the project I'm working on, we have several EJBs that constitute the
> application ("core" from now one). We also have other EJBs that contain
> business logic ("add-ons" from now on). We are using
> JBoss2.4.6_Tomcat-4.0.3.
> One of the EJBs on the core has code to dinamically call EJBs on the
> add-ons. The core EJB reads from a XML file the name of the add-on class,
> the method and necessary parameters and calls it.
> The purpose of the application includes adding new add-on EJBs and call
> just by adding entries to the configuration XML file (that is not
> it resides on the $JBOSS_DIS/conf/ directory).
> Now we have a problem. We are packing the core EJBs and add-on EJBs on the
> same .ear. We want to break up this in to applications and deploy them
> separatly. So that more add-on EJBs can be deployed without having to
> redeploy the core. But we are facing a problem...
> The descriptor of the core EJB that makes the dynamic invocations seems to
> need the  tag for each one of the add-on EJBs. So, adding a new
> to the add-on group would always force us to redeploy the core module with
> the new descriptor.
> Is this really necessary? Is there any way we can deploy core with no
> ejb-refs and make core know about the new EJBs as we deploy them?
> I thank you for reading my question. Hope to hear from you.
> Duarte Loreto
> --
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[JBoss-user] problem with object serializable in cmp pluggin

2002-06-15 Thread Julien Viet

Hi all,
Maybe someone can help me on that 
I am using jboss_3_0_0 tatg in CVS.
I have a CMP2 entity whose one field is a 
serializable object. I deploy, test, everything works
I change something in the object, I redeploy then I 
have an SQLException from the cmp2 engine :
java.sql.SQLException: Unable to load a ResultSet 
column into a variable of type org.sample.value'
at $Proxy132.getObservers(Unknown 
Source)    at 
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native 
Method)    at 
at $Proxy124.observableChanged(Unknown 
Source)    at 
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native 
Method)    at 

Re: [JBoss-user] CMR

2002-06-14 Thread Julien Viet

I understand why Dain, it is because the EntityCreation interceptor invokes
the ejbPostCreate()
as any other business methods of the bean by making a new Invocation in the
interceptors chains.

- Original Message -
From: "Dain Sundstrom" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, June 14, 2002 2:13 PM
Subject: Re: [JBoss-user] CMR

> Julien,
> You are right; this is the same problem. The problem you were having,
> could happen in any business method.
> -dain
> Julien Viet wrote:
> > I have had a similar problem but it was in an ejbPostCreate method. I
> > it yesterday
> > and cvs has been updated in head and jboss3.0.0.
> >
> > The problem might come from the findByPrimaryKey which trigger a
> > synchronisation and
> > the synchronisation for cmr is lost after that he consequence is that
> > cmr
> > field is not updated.
> >
> > So you should give a try with cvs.
> >
> > Julien
> >
> > - Original Message -
> > From: "Andre Selton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Sent: Friday, June 14, 2002 8:48 AM
> > Subject: Re: [JBoss-user] CMR
> >
> >
> >
> >>--- Phil Cornelius <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>
> >>>This bug was fixed last night.. you have to get the
> >>>latest source from cvs.
> >>>
> >>>
> >>  Phil, please answer this to me.
> >>  This is leting me crazy, I am for one week halted on
> >>my project because of this.
> >>  I have a 2 entity with a relationship 1-N bettwen
> >>them. 1 Company has N departaments.
> >>  On Company I have the methods who make the
> >>relationship with departament :
> >>
> >>public abstract Collection getDepartaments();
> >>public abstract void setDepartaments(Collection
> >>departaments);
> >>
> >>  Then I have this function on my Bean who receives a
> >>primary key to the departament and load the
> >>correspondent Departament using his local interfaces.
> >>Then it add it on the collection of departaments.
> >>
> >>public void getNames(Integer id) throws
> >>RemoteException {
> >>try {
> >>InitialContext ctx = new InitialContext();
> >>DepartamentLocalHome departament_lh =
> >>(DepartamentLocalHome)
> >>ctx.lookup("java:comp/env/ejb/DepartamentLocalHome");
> >>DepartamentLocal departament_l =
> >>departament_lh.findByPrimaryKey(new
> >>DepartamentPK(id));
> >>Collection c= getDepartaments();
> >>c.add(departament_l);
> >>setDepartaments(c);
> >>} catch (Exception e) {
> >>System.out.println(e.getMessage());
> >>}
> >>}
> >>
> >>  But this is not working.
> >>  I can not set the relationship on the database
> >>table. If I update the database using SQL ("update
> >>table Departament set companyid=1" for example) the
> >>relationships are loaded ok. This is the
> >>getDepartament on this funcions return the list ok.
> >>But when I call setDepartament not only the new
> >>departament is not added to the list but all other
> >>ones are with NULL.
> >>  I only want to know of you if this is the problem
> >>solved on CVS last night.
> >>
> >>
> >>>Yours
> >>>Phil
> >>>
> >>>- Original Message -
> >>>From: "James Compton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >>>To: "'[EMAIL PROTECTED]'"
> >>>Sent: Friday, June 14, 2002 9:16 AM
> >>>Subject: [JBoss-user] CMR
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>>Hi
> >>>>
> >>>>We are trying to use CMR in JBoss here, but are
> >>>>
> >>>unsuccessful in our
> >>>
> >>>>attempts. Basically, as an example, in a
> >>>>
> >>>User-Address relationship we have
> >>>
> >>>>the foreign key to Address in User. Thus we create
> >>>>
> >>>a CMR in this and it
> >>>
> >>>>creates the 2 tables with only the foreign key to
> >>>>
> >>>Address in the User
> >>>table.
> >>>
> >>>>But, when you try to create a User and and Address
> >>>>
> >>>using the prop

Re: [JBoss-user] CMR

2002-06-14 Thread Julien Viet

I have had a similar problem but it was in an ejbPostCreate method. I fixed
it yesterday
and cvs has been updated in head and jboss3.0.0.

The problem might come from the findByPrimaryKey which trigger a
synchronisation and
the synchronisation for cmr is lost after that he consequence is that the
field is not updated.

So you should give a try with cvs.


- Original Message -
From: "Andre Selton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, June 14, 2002 8:48 AM
Subject: Re: [JBoss-user] CMR

> --- Phil Cornelius <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > This bug was fixed last night.. you have to get the
> > latest source from cvs.
> >
>   Phil, please answer this to me.
>   This is leting me crazy, I am for one week halted on
> my project because of this.
>   I have a 2 entity with a relationship 1-N bettwen
> them. 1 Company has N departaments.
>   On Company I have the methods who make the
> relationship with departament :
> public abstract Collection getDepartaments();
> public abstract void setDepartaments(Collection
> departaments);
>   Then I have this function on my Bean who receives a
> primary key to the departament and load the
> correspondent Departament using his local interfaces.
> Then it add it on the collection of departaments.
> public void getNames(Integer id) throws
> RemoteException {
> try {
> InitialContext ctx = new InitialContext();
> DepartamentLocalHome departament_lh =
> (DepartamentLocalHome)
> ctx.lookup("java:comp/env/ejb/DepartamentLocalHome");
> DepartamentLocal departament_l =
> departament_lh.findByPrimaryKey(new
> DepartamentPK(id));
> Collection c= getDepartaments();
> c.add(departament_l);
> setDepartaments(c);
> } catch (Exception e) {
> System.out.println(e.getMessage());
> }
> }
>   But this is not working.
>   I can not set the relationship on the database
> table. If I update the database using SQL ("update
> table Departament set companyid=1" for example) the
> relationships are loaded ok. This is the
> getDepartament on this funcions return the list ok.
> But when I call setDepartament not only the new
> departament is not added to the list but all other
> ones are with NULL.
>   I only want to know of you if this is the problem
> solved on CVS last night.
> > Yours
> > Phil
> >
> > - Original Message -
> > From: "James Compton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Sent: Friday, June 14, 2002 9:16 AM
> > Subject: [JBoss-user] CMR
> >
> >
> > > Hi
> > >
> > > We are trying to use CMR in JBoss here, but are
> > unsuccessful in our
> > > attempts. Basically, as an example, in a
> > User-Address relationship we have
> > > the foreign key to Address in User. Thus we create
> > a CMR in this and it
> > > creates the 2 tables with only the foreign key to
> > Address in the User
> > table.
> > > But, when you try to create a User and and Address
> > using the proper
> > methods,
> > > the foreign key column is not populated. And
> > furthermore, when you try to
> > > get the AddressLocal from the UserLocal, it is
> > null.
> > >
> > > My question is: is CMR working correctly in JBoss
> > 3?
> > >
> > > Regards,
> > >
> > > James
> > >
> > > James Compton
> > > Web Developer
> > > web: www.bluecycle.co.uk
> > > eMail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > phone: +44 (0) 2079225148
> > > fax: +44 (0) 2079225020
> > > address: Union House, 182-194 Union Street,
> > London, SE1 0LH
> > >
> > >
> > >
> >
> ___
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> > > ___
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> > >
> >
> https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/jboss-user
> > >
> >
> >
> >
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> > Developer's Conference
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[JBoss-user] Adding a context programmatically in Jetty Service

2002-06-04 Thread Julien Viet

Hi all,
 I would like to add programmatically a 
Context to the Jetty Web server in my MBean.
I see a method addContext(..,..) in 
jboss.web:Jetty=0 MBean but I don't see some methods
to remove that context later when my MBean will 
 I don't want to create a .war on the disk and 
deploy it with the MainDeployerMBean because
I just want something very basic and 
 Maybe what I want to do is not the right way 
to do that ?
 Could someone help me ? thanks.