Re: lingo-l Hi-res printer fonts

2004-06-24 Thread Roy Crisman
Wouldn't the problem be the resolution you are printing at?
I mean, if you are using POM to print the director screen, you have only 
the number of pixels as the screen size.  If you want to print a 800x600 
screen at 1200dpi, then it is up to you to make up a lot of pixelsor 
end if with a postage stamp size image.

At 09:03 AM 6/24/2004, you wrote:
Have you tried other fonts? Perhaps those that you are using are lacking 
the outlines or something. Newer verions of quark support both TrueType 
and you have any font tools that will let you get any more 
info about what is included with them? I have ATM at home (just lite 
version here) and I belive it can give you some info about a font... It 
used to be that PS fonts could be a pain in quark cause if you aren't 
printing to a PS printer, the screen fonts would be used instead - causing 
less than optimal output. What ver of quark are you using, perchance?

Colin Holgate wrote:
I need to get a high-res (1200 dpi) printer font for Chinese and
Cyrillic--we need to do high-quality print output. Does anybody have any
ideas how to get those? I've only dealt with on-screen fonts.
Either TrueType or Postscript fonts should do all that automatically.

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Re: lingo-l Fontmapping on the fly (is Chat)

2004-06-24 Thread Roy Crisman
At 03:55 AM 6/24/2004, you wrote:
At 11:31 Uhr +0100 24.06.2004, James Newton wrote:
That means using 20 times the bandwidth.
you're right.
there's always a disadvantage, when doing such things for lazyness reasons ;-)
the only backdoor left for me now would be to recommend stripping the html 
header and the font tag before sending and adding it after receiving, but 
I confess, that would be even more hackish... ;-)

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RE: lingo-l The Xtras

2004-06-21 Thread Roy Crisman
this may not apply any more, but it was once recommended to NOT include 
Xtras that you don't need.  Maybe with today's processors it isn't that big 
a deal, but if you're not using PNG's, why have all that code at the ready.


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RE: lingo-l The Xtras

2004-06-21 Thread Roy Crisman

BTW, Petro: the MUI xtra is not needed for projectors unless you
explicitly use it in your code. The UIHelper Xtra is mostly used in
authoring. It has some neat features for 'tool movies' (such as opening a
cast member's default editor or bringing authoring windows to the front).
This Xtra (and the name has bounced around a bit from 8.5-mx-mx04) also is 
part of the solution for ending the CPU Hog with an

on idle
  sleep 1

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Re: lingo-l Can I use a xtra so I won't have to install Quicktime?

2003-01-30 Thread roy crisman
I THINK that this only happens if you use sound channel 1 or 2.  If you use 
3-8, the sound isn't interrupted by creating or forgetting a MIAW.

Give it a try, at least.


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Re: lingo-l Movie transparency

2003-01-30 Thread roy crisman
To the best of my knowledge, and despite QT having alpha or transparency in 
their spec, you cannot actually have transparent, alpha-like behaviour from 
QT.  You can mask, but not transparency.

Maybe instead of trying to answer your question I should ask you to be more 
specific:  do you care what kind of video it is, do you mean 1-bit masking, 
or true 256 level alpha, etc.?


At 03:58 AM 1/30/2003 -0500, you wrote:
What type/format can I render out a movie in after effects in order to
have transparency within director?


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Re: lingo-l Change ScreenRes in Win XP

2003-01-22 Thread roy crisman
don't know how to do it, and am greatly suspicious of people who think they 
ought to change my screen resolution (1600x1200 or greater) and move all my 
damn icons around.


At 10:36 PM 1/22/2003 +, you wrote:

Hey all,
Trying to simply change the user's screen res using DMX and Win XP.
Tried BuddyAPI, no luck  --- tried changeres from DMTools, again, no luck.


Any tips would be great.  TIA.

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Re: lingo-l Cast Members and Case

2003-01-20 Thread roy crisman

I would like to know how to tell Director 8.5 that cast member A is
different from cast member a.  How do I do this?

compare the charToNum()'s

put charToNum(A) = charToNum(a)
-- 0


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Re: lingo-l upgrade price

2002-11-30 Thread roy crisman
Well, they could price fairly by which case the PC version 
which didn't change much would be about $25 a copy, and the Mac version 
which had to be overhauled in india, could cost $3000 or so a copy...

I wonder what the sales volume per platform is today.  Charted back in 
time, too.


At 06:14 PM 11/30/2002 -0600, you wrote:

You know, I just realized there's no osx/mac version of flash comm. SO,
being that the price is with a flash comm server, and that's only win, is
it fair that both platforms be the same price?

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Re: lingo-l find behavior shortcut

2002-11-29 Thread roy crisman

 Can someone remind me if there is a keyboard shortcut to find sprites 
that use
 a behavior selected in the Cast? The context menu for a behavior's cast 
 has Find in Score, and repeating that does the trick, but it seems like 
 should be a keyboard shortcut, and also one for
 Find in Score Again.

(With the cast member selected), use Command-H

In D8+ (or did the change happen between 8 and 8.5?), you have to keep 
jumping back to bring the cast to the top-front when you CTRL-H.  Prior to 
that, you could CTRL-H a bunch of times and it would just step through all 
the instances.

So just remember to keep the mouse over the cast-menu-bar or cast-member to 
reselect that in-between CTRL-H's.


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Re: lingo-l OT - Best agencies or ways to seek freelance or contract work

2002-11-18 Thread roy crisman
I see a lot of shorter contract stuff advertised at (UK and 
Australia versions)

The following IT vacancies have been advertised new today. Visit Jobserve 
UK at


At 08:34 AM 11/18/2002 -0800, you wrote:
Hi there

I am currently out of work and seeking freelance or contract work doing
director or flash development in the South West area of the UK (or anywhere
else if remote working is possible).

If anyone can suggest any good agencies (if such a thing exists) or any good
resources for finding work of this type I would be extremely grateful.

Examples of my work can be seen at

Thanks in advance


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Re: lingo-l Definite Bug in IML32.dll/DirAPI.dll v8.5.1.104

2002-11-12 Thread roy crisman
The non-standard upgrade was the instruction set that I got from Macromedia.

They (Tom) posted a link to the technote with the instructions for the two 
new net xtras (for development and shockwave).

Installing them alone caused errors.

Macromedia Tom said Oh yeah, you'll need these two dll files and pointed 
me to them.

That fixed the New Net Xtra problem, but caused this debugger issue.

I'm pretty sure Tom also mentioned using the wish list as a bug reporting 
listfinding that address took enough time, you mean i've got to go much 
around their site looking for a bug-report address, too?


At 05:51 PM 11/11/2002 -0500, you wrote:


1) I don't think wish-director is the place to report bugs

2) Where did you get new DLLs?  Did you use a standard upgrade 
install?  Were you going from 8.5 to 8.5.1, or did you just grab some DLLs 
and do a home-upgrade?  Because if so, you probably have a number of 
things out of whack and I wouldn't be surprised if it doesn't work.

Maybe I'm misunderstanding what you said you did, but you're describing a 
non-standard upgrade.

- Tab

At 05:25 PM 11/11/02, roy crisman wrote:
Last week I installed the 2 new Networking Xtras, and the 2 new DLL's 
(IML32 and DIRAPI) in my Director 8.5.1 PC Win2000 developing environment.

On 3 different Win2000 PC's with D8.5.1.

Now, I can no longer use the debugger when an error happens (clicking 
[script] or [cancel] is ok, but not [debug]).  I also can't use the 
debugger by setting a breakpoint.

When I try to, I get a WindowsUI message:

Director 8.5  (it's 8.5.1, of course)
A fatal error has occured.  Director will quit now.

To help narrow down the problem, I created a new movie, with only

on startmovie
  a = 1
  b = 2
  c = 3

in a movie script.  Setting a breakpoint on the second line causes the 
crash above.

I CAN however open the debugger window via the menu or CTRL-`, but it's 
blank, of course.

It's entirely possible that I've somehow screwed things up somewhere 
else, but since my computer at home is doing the same thing, I'm 
beginning to suspect that I couldn't have possibly screwed something up 
twice the same way (3 times when you count the other work computer that I 
saw the behavior on but it's currently out of commission due to hardware 

some testing happens

Switching back to the old IML32.dll and DirAPI.dll and 2 network Xtras, 
and the Debugger does not 'fatal error'.

Switching just the IML32 and DirAPI to the new versions, and it errors again.

For reference (cut n pasted version numbers from the info box):

New DirAPI.dll version:
New IML32.dll version:
(cause crash)

Old DirAPI.dll version:
Old IML32.dll version:
(no crash)

This problem on Win2000 PC's D8.5.1 has been reported to wish-director AT 


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Re: lingo-l Definite Bug in IML32.dll/DirAPI.dll v8.5.1.104

2002-11-12 Thread roy crisman
At 10:58 PM 11/11/2002 +, you wrote:

- Original Message -
From: roy crisman [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Last week I installed the 2 new Networking Xtras, and the 2 new DLL's
 (IML32 and DIRAPI) in my Director 8.5.1 PC Win2000 developing environment.

Yeah, you shouldn't do that. The files were released to fix a bug in
Shockwave that does not, and never has, affected either the authoring
environment or projectors. I don't know why the technote tells you to copy
the files to your Director folder as well as Shockwave, but it's clearly

At least, I'm assuming you're referring to this:

Although it doesn't mention an update to any DLLs, just the Xtras. Where did
the updated DLLs come from?

Updating just the two Xtras caused an alert-type message in Director (and 
Shockwave, I believe), because they were also supposed to be paired with 
the two new DLLs.  Macromedia Tom pointed me to the two DLL's when I whined 
about it not working on another list.


I had to reinstall Director as a result of this (didn't back up the old
files), but I got an error on startup (as did at least one other poster on
m.d.l). Fortunately, the Xtras do fix the Shockwave problem. However, I
don't know why they haven't updated the standard download yet (auto-update
doesn't work reliably as stated in the technote (at least not immediately):
you have to apply the patch manually to every system).

- Robert

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lingo-l Definite Bug in IML32.dll/DirAPI.dll v8.5.1.104

2002-11-11 Thread roy crisman
Last week I installed the 2 new Networking Xtras, and the 2 new DLL's 
(IML32 and DIRAPI) in my Director 8.5.1 PC Win2000 developing environment.

On 3 different Win2000 PC's with D8.5.1.

Now, I can no longer use the debugger when an error happens (clicking 
[script] or [cancel] is ok, but not [debug]).  I also can't use the 
debugger by setting a breakpoint.

When I try to, I get a WindowsUI message:

Director 8.5  (it's 8.5.1, of course)
A fatal error has occured.  Director will quit now.

To help narrow down the problem, I created a new movie, with only

on startmovie
  a = 1
  b = 2
  c = 3

in a movie script.  Setting a breakpoint on the second line causes the 
crash above.

I CAN however open the debugger window via the menu or CTRL-`, but it's 
blank, of course.

It's entirely possible that I've somehow screwed things up somewhere else, 
but since my computer at home is doing the same thing, I'm beginning to 
suspect that I couldn't have possibly screwed something up twice the same 
way (3 times when you count the other work computer that I saw the behavior 
on but it's currently out of commission due to hardware issues).

some testing happens

Switching back to the old IML32.dll and DirAPI.dll and 2 network Xtras, and 
the Debugger does not 'fatal error'.

Switching just the IML32 and DirAPI to the new versions, and it errors again.

For reference (cut n pasted version numbers from the info box):

New DirAPI.dll version:
New IML32.dll version:
(cause crash)

Old DirAPI.dll version:
Old IML32.dll version:
(no crash)

This problem on Win2000 PC's D8.5.1 has been reported to wish-director AT MACR.


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Re: lingo-l List archives?

2002-10-25 Thread roy crisman
At 11:12 AM 10/25/2002 +0200, you wrote:

Am 25.10.2002 10:51 Uhr schrieb Brad Hile unter [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Is there a searchable archive of this list available somewhere? I need to
 find a special mail which got lost in my own archive.

 the headers say:
 I also have this bookmarked:;

Sorry, I don't get this header. And on penworks there is no link to an
archive. Thank you very much


you probably get it, but your mail program probably hides it.



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Re: lingo-l Help with lists **bad getaProp

2002-10-22 Thread roy crisman
But wouldn't [#someProp:0] or [#someProp:VOID] still report that a valid 
value is there when he seems to be saying that it isn't?


At 12:11 AM 10/22/2002 -0500, you wrote:
Lots of hoops for a simple concept.  use findPos()

 Can you store a zero in your list to show the absence of an object,
 rather than storing VOID as the value?

 If you can do that, then as Tab said, you can tell the difference
 between you conditions.  You need two checks, first to see if the if
 the property exists, then if the property exists then you need to
 check if the value is 0.  Something like this:

 on GetMyValue someProp, aPropList
 theValue = getAProp(aPropList, someProp)
 if voidp(theValue) then
 alert(No such property  someProp)
 return #errorNoSuchProperty -- or do whatever you want for this case
 end if
 if theValue = 0 then
 alert(No object available for  someProp)
 return #errorNoSuchObject -- or do whatever you want for this case
 end if
 return theValue  -- OK, return the value


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RE: lingo-l Re: 8.51 Crashing in Windows 2000 (all Winsults accepted)

2002-10-17 Thread roy crisman
Sharon Moeller [EMAIL PROTECTED]  said:

The problem is not your pc.  The problem is certain bugs in director on
a 2000 machine.  I have found that an imported flash file will crash
director on a 2000 machine in the running environment.  I have also
found that a sound file, created in Sound Forge, that has markers in it,
will also crash director.

I had a Win2K sound related problem, too.  I wasn't using markers or 
anything, but I did resample the sounds in SoundForge.
After 2 to 48 hours of automated testing, the projector would lock 
upsometimes a CTRL-ALT-DEL would be able to bring up the taskmanager 
window, sometimes there was nothing to do but physically turn the machine off.

I found that importing the sounds so they were no longer external .wav 
files solved the problem.


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RE: lingo-l Re: 8.51 Crashing in Windows 2000 (all Winsults accepted)

2002-10-17 Thread roy crisman
And I'd suggest you log virtually every action in your project and use this 
to narrow down where it's locking up.


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Re: lingo-l Script defaults

2002-09-28 Thread roy crisman

Unless of course she's doing a touchscreen, or many other things.

Don't assume you know enough about the situation to scold others.


At 04:05 PM 9/26/2002 +0100, you wrote:
Hi Sharon

Sorry I have no idea how to change the default however:-

The design guidelines for both Mac and PC require that you use the on
mouseup event to trigger actions,

the on mousedown event should be used to do things like change the
button image to the downstate.

While you may prefer some other way, nearly if not all of your users
are going to be used to being able to roll off a button in the down
state and not have the action initiate (try it anywhere).

Breaking this expected action is seen as bad.

Hope that helps.


- Original Message -
From: Sharon Moeller [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, September 26, 2002 3:33 PM
Subject: lingo-l Script defaults

  Is there a way to change the default of on mouseUp me when clicking
on a
  sprite to create a script to on mouseDown me.  I prefer to put
  on the mouseDown rather than the mouseUp.
  Sharon Moeller
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RE: lingo-l the itemDelimiter Part II

2002-09-25 Thread roy crisman

sOldDelim = the itemDelimiter

sOldDelim is the CHARACTER STRING, not a pointer.

sOldDelim will stay that character unless you explicitly change sOldDelim


At 02:37 PM 9/25/2002 -0400, you wrote:
Hi Howdi-Tzi  Colin...

Thanks for the replies.  I think WthmO is right in that my variable
sDelimSave wasn't a global.  (Shame on me.)  However, consider this movie

global gID

on startMovie
 gID = the itemDelimiter

on someBehaviorCalledFromSomewhereInTheMovie
 the itemDelimiter = h

on stopMovie
 the itemDelimiter = gID

What I'm questioning is this:  When the movie starts up, gID is a global
that records whatever the itemDelimiter is.  Then, somewhere along the
lines, the itemDelimiter is set to h.  When the user quits the projector,
the itemDelimiter is set back to gID.  BUT, since the itemDelimiter was
changed to h,  could the value of gID change to h during the movie,
since gID is a pointer to what the itemDelimiter is?  That seems to be what
was happening for me, i.e. gID isn't permanently set, but rather a pointer
to whatever the itemDelimiter is at a given time.

- Michael
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Re: lingo-l Just out of curiosity (repeat loop)

2002-09-25 Thread roy crisman

I'd also be careful of:

repeat with i = 1 to thisList.count

because this is depending upon thisList to not change size, and is actually 
slower than:

iMax = thisList.count
repeat with i = 1 to iMax

because you're not accessing the .count of the list multiple times.


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Re: lingo-l fileio/projectors

2002-09-10 Thread roy crisman

At 09:44 AM 9/10/2002 -0500, you wrote:
On Tuesday, September 10, 2002, at 02:28 AM, Fabrice Closier wrote:

Ok guys,
but what about my questions?

I rather thought Buzz and I answered them. Were you reading different notes?

I mean that according to M technotes, the Fieio xtra needs to be put into 
the xtra list from popupmenu, but option include into movie or dowload 
if needed needs to be both unchecked.

I didn't write that technote and Buzz didn't either. We're right, it's 
not. Select Include in projector and forget about making a separate 
folder. It's superfluous. When you mark any given Xtra to be included in 
the projector, it is... included... in... the projector. Hence the name of 
the option. That means you don't have to make an Xtras folder that 
includes that Xtra.

There are reasons for NOT doing the include method, and for having the 
external folder, too.  But you don't need to do both.


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Re: lingo-l miaw question

2002-08-22 Thread roy crisman

tell myWindow to SendAllSprites(#handler, var1, var2)


At 11:30 AM 8/22/2002 +0200, you wrote:
Am 22.08.2002 10:00 Uhr schrieb g r i m m w e r k s unter

  I've been trying to get the miaw to call a function to a text sprite within
  it -- but everytime I tell the window to do the handler, I get 'no 
  as a response.

If I get you right you do something like

Tell myWindow to call()

I have experienced problems with this syntax before, I guess the stage tries
to do the call first and then the tell.

Try making a movie script in the miaw like

on callMyFunction
   Call(...whatever you want to call)

In your main movie write

Tell myWindow to callMyFunction

Regards, Florian
  Can I only set globals for the damn thing to see?
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lingo-l CTRL-ALT-DELETE again

2002-08-21 Thread roy crisman

Once I thought about this a bit, I realized it's not as easy (post-Win98) 
as I thought.

We use the Microsoft Management Console Snap-In (MMC Snap-In or something 
like that) to configure what things are visible in the start menu, and you 
can even lock out all the options in the thing that pops up when you do 
CTRL-ALT-DELETE, but if the keyboard has those keys, you still get that 
window popping up no matter what.  It's too 'important' to the OS to 
disable completely (as far as we've figured out) to disable completely.

Our kiosk is going to have a keyboard which has a switch in the back which 
disables those keys in order to allow a service tech to use the same 
keyboard.  The earlier solution was a custom keyboard for the user which 
didn't have those funky keys on it and a keyboard line splitter to a 
separate keyboard (which can be a pain in the neck when you want to service 
the kiosk).


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Re: lingo-l ctrl alt delete

2002-08-20 Thread roy crisman

check out the MCC Snap In I think it's called...built in functionality of 
the NT-branch of the windows tree.

Or for non-NT-branch windows, StormWindows will do it (along with lots more).


At 01:45 PM 8/20/2002 -0500, you wrote:
On Tuesday, August 20, 2002, at 12:53 PM, stacey wrote:

I am currently trying to use buddy api- but for whatever reason, i can't get
it to recognize that combo - or even control or alt keys- I am using
controlDown...putting the focus on the stage...

That won't work -- by the time you've detected that sequence in Director 
you're on the way to force quit. You need to block it before it gets there.

If there isn't a native function in BAPI to trap the sequence you'll have 
to use an Xtra (assuming there is one) or some kind of third-party utility 
that locks out the sequence on the Windows system level.

  Warren Ockrassa |
  Director help | Free files | Sample chapters | Freelance | Consulting
Author | Director 8.5 Shockwave Studio: A Beginner's Guide
Published by Osborne/McGraw-Hill

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RE: lingo-l better to make spritenum a property or use me.sprit enum?

2002-08-17 Thread roy crisman

but can't you do the same contrived goofiness with me.spritenum?

And why are you bothering to set spriteNum to me.spriteNumthat's 
already given to you by the act of property spriteNum.

I admit that this is 95% preferencethough I don't understand why people 
demand to have two different properties on a behavior to get the spriteNum 
or always use me.spriteNum which I believe has been shown to be slower.

I always default to

property spriteNum

on whatever
   thisAttrib = sprite(spriteNum).whatever


You don't need to tell the behavior that spriteNum = me.spriteNum...that's 
given by the act of declaring property spriteNum.

The only time I specifically use me.spriteNum is when a particular behavior 
is known to be something that will be inherited...because as an ancestor, 
it won't have that property spriteNum.  So, I can understand 'preparing for 
inheritance' and defaulting to me.spriteNum, but I've used that so seldom, 
that I don't bother.


At 02:39 PM 8/15/2002 -0700, you wrote:
I prefer to not use spriteNum as a property. Here is an example, albeit 
contrived, of what is improper about it. The thing to bear in mind is that 
the terms spriteNum and rect are a Lingo key word...

Here is a demo behavior...
property spriteNum
property rect

on beginSprite(me)
   spriteNum = me.spriteNum
   rect = sprite(spriteNum).rect
   put Rect  =   rect

on doit1(me)
   put spriteNum

on doit2(me)
   put me.spriteNum

on setIt(me)
   spriteNum = 7
   rect = sprite(me.spriteNum).rect
   put Rect  =   rect


Now, from the message window...

-- StartUp Rect  = rect(11, 87, 61, 152)

sendSprite(1, #doit1)
-- 1

sendSprite(1, #doit2)
-- 1

sendSprite(1, #setIt)
-- Rect  = rect(-142, -4, -142, -4)

So, you can see that the property spriteNum value has been set to 7, yet 
the sprite is in channel 1. This is an undesirable situation that is very 
easily avoided by not using key words as properties. 
sprite(me.spriteNum).rect is straightforward to use but has become 
convoluted due to the usage of keywords as properites.

Why set oneself up for the error for the possibility of this trouble? It 
is just as easy to use...

property pSpriteNum
property pRect

and keep me.spriteNum alone and happy.

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Re: lingo-l is there a cross platform border Xtra?

2002-08-17 Thread roy crisman

This BTW is why art directors need to make up their minds *before* the 
program is written. ;)

And why they need to work hand in hand with the programmers (same with 
sales people) instead of just tossing stuff over the wall to the 
programmers and going home.

They think it's just a wall.  They don't realize it's actually 2 walls, 
each 20 feet high and 30 feet apart.

With a moat in the middle.

Filled with alligators.

And flying airborne blood-sucking leech-bat-frogs.


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Re: lingo-l Opening an .exe file

2002-08-17 Thread roy crisman

How about:

Open Drive:\pathname\filename.exe (on the PC)


open (the pathname  filename.exe) if it's next to the projector?

I just tried
open c:\winnt\notepad.exe
and it worked just fine to launch my notepad.exe in the windows directory.


At 02:49 PM 8/17/2002 -0400, you wrote:
I am trying to open an .exe file (the Shockwave Installer or the QuickTime
Installer) from within a movie. I have tried open, play and go to and all
tell me Frame not defined Obviously I am not doing this right. Director
Help says open (whichDocument with) whichApplication but what application
do you use to open an .exe file?

Thanks in advance,

George Carlile

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Re: lingo-l video question

2002-07-31 Thread roy crisman

At 11:56 AM 7/30/02, Paul Fletcher wrote:
Hi guys, just a quick question.

Is it possible to blend images on to a playing .mov file?
ie. A 3D animation moving down a street and then blend people onto that
street on the fly?

Thanks in advance


Absolutely.  Just set the QT video to NOT play Direct To Stage.  Then you 
can do whatever you would do with any other sprite over the animation.

This may impact performance.


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Re: lingo-l **still have** problems to attach castlib in windows

2002-07-31 Thread roy crisman

I'm not convinced that the .cst is necessary...depends on your code.  Makes 
it a bitch when you protect them and they turn into .cxt's if it is 
required to be that way.

Sounds like your problem is in the drive variable...

MAYBE the mac is getting it's full day supply of vitamin : while (as 
Howdy will remind us) Bill Gates is stealing an extra \ in the Win side.

You have two choices:

Keep dropping little clues for us to try and guess what the heck you are 
doing, OR maybe post a little more code so we don't have to guess...depends 
on how much time you want to spend feeding us clues...


At 12:37 PM 7/31/2002 -0300, you wrote:
Hi Howdy...

I did what you sugest but the problem still there, only in windows.

on 7/29/02 12:56 PM, Howdy-Tzi at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  At 09:04 -0300 07/29/2002, Rodrigo Peres wrote:
  Does anyone knows what could be wrong??
  If the cd is the right one them
  AttachCastLib(baixacast, drive  baixacast)
  AttachCastLib(altacast, drive  altacast)
  You need to include the file extension as well -- particularly on
  Windows. Without that .cst extension Director's likely, on Win, to
  not know that you have actually attached a cast file.
  Rename the casts so they all have .cst extensions, even on Mac, and
  try again like:
  AttachCastLib(baixacast, drive  baixacast.cst)
  AttachCastLib(altacast, drive  altacast.cst)
  Should do it...


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Re: lingo-l shut down a kiosk?

2002-07-18 Thread roy crisman

Start logging everything that's going on in your kisok, then when you find 
it down you can see what the last thing that was done.


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Re: lingo-l shut down a kiosk?

2002-07-18 Thread roy crisman

No, no, no.

I'm doing it in my current kiosk.

Every significant thing (such as added into my generic button class) that 
happens logs to a file.  WRITES to a file.  As it happens.

So, when external .wav files were completely locking up my kiosk (had to 
turn the computer off, half the time), I could eventually see that the last 
thing done was the command before the sound playing command.

You'll write to the hard disk file a line which tells you what the last 
successful line of code is...which quickly points you to the next line of 
code which may be your problem.

and write to a log (same, different, whatever) the information from your 


At 09:06 PM 7/18/2002 +, you wrote:

Start logging everything that's going on in your kisok, then when you 
find it down you can see what the last thing that was done.
That's a great idea...unfortunately I'm already doing that as well.  The 
problem is that most times the computer is turned off.  If the comp. loses 
power, then Dir. just quits with it and doesn't know to write before closure.

Is it possible to write a .txt file describing where in the movie Dir. is 
immediately before a script error?  --Probably pretty basic, but my brain 
is a little fried at this point.


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Re: lingo-l IPIX Xtra for Director ??

2002-07-18 Thread roy crisman

I believe they stopped selling it about 3 weeks after I used it in a 
project in 2001.

They've had a pretty rough ride lately.

I'd suggest giving them a call directly...sometimes we get too caught up in 
looking at web pages when most companies don't have any problem helping out 
a potential customer.

But, I think they may no longer be selling it.


At 01:34 PM 7/18/2002 -0500, you wrote:

Does anyone know about the availability or lack thereof of the IPIX xtra for
Director.  I have a potential project requiring the use of this technology
(for CD) and am beginning to look into the possibilities.  I went to the
website for IPIX and apparently it exists, but couldn't find any more about

Thanks in advancd,

Geoffrey B. Holland
Interactive Multimedia Specialist
K-fx², Inc.
v: 225.927.4463

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RE: lingo-l Using Buddy API's baEncryptFile

2002-07-01 Thread roy crisman

You can also protect stuff with some of the MPEG codecs.  The Indeo one 
should do that for you.


At 01:22 PM 6/28/2002 -0400, you wrote:
Hi Howdi-Tzi and Neil...

Thanks for the responses.

  As a user who would want to do something like that myself, I have to
  ask you why you feel it's necessary.

It's not necessary at all.  I just thought it might be a good way to
control/protect the assets on the CD, but your explanation convinced me not
to do it.

My project must stay as mpg's, so I can't try the QT solution, but thanks
anyway for the advice.

- MM

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Re: lingo-l preventing double projector loading

2002-07-01 Thread roy crisman

At 13:49 -0400 06/28/2002, Charlie Fiskeaux II wrote:

Didn't work; has anyone used it successfully before?

I use it, but it isn't necessarily the most reliable (on the PC side, at 
least).  I've been able to quadruple-double-click 2 or 3 copies open before 
one is apparently open enough for the INI setting to stop more from opening.


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Re: lingo-l Editable fields

2002-06-12 Thread roy crisman

copyToClipboard and pasteClipboardInto may be helpful, too.


At 08:24 AM 6/11/2002 -0500, you wrote:
At 21:37 -0400 06/10/2002, DrEvil wrote:

How can I enable a user to paste text data that has been copied
elsewhere into an editable field in a movie? Thanks!

Believe it or not you don't have to do anything special. The 
editShortCutsEnabled property defaults to true in Director, and it allows 
users to hit ctrl/cmd-v to paste, and ctrl/cmd-c to copy, just like 
anywhere else in the universe.

I suppose, if you want to provide a button or something, you could get the 
ASCII code for that metakey sequence and experiment with a sendSprite call 
to a behavior attached to the #text or #field sprite in question.


  Warren Ockrassa |
  Director help | Free files | Sample chapters | Freelance | Consulting
Author | Director 8.5 Shockwave Studio: A Beginner's Guide
Published by Osborne/McGraw-Hill
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Re: lingo-l Rounding (unusually)

2002-06-10 Thread roy crisman

This is called a Ceiling function.  The opposite, where you want to lop off 
the non-integer part is called a Floor function.

Looking in my Math library of code, I see that my Floor and Ceiling 
functions aren't correct, so let's see

I just leveraged the working Floor function to create the Ceiling 
function.  This is hopefully a little easier to read that a huge string of 
math operations (I'll leave it to someone else to test which is faster).

-- Floor  Ceiling v1.1
-- Director 8.5

--   Floor (round any non-integer down) and Ceiling (round any non-integer 
up) fn's
--   returns the integer value
--   nothing
--   none
--   none
--   Floor(float)
--   Ciling(float)
--   none
-- OWNER:  roymeo
--  010426-roymeo  v1.0  from [EMAIL PROTECTED]
--  020607-roymeo  v1.1  corrected ceiling function in response to Lingo-L 


on floor x
   return integer(x - .5)

on ceiling x
   if x  integer(x) then
 return (floor(x) + 1)
 return integer(x)
   end if

At 10:01 AM 6/5/2002 -0700, you wrote:
if x  integer(x) then x = x+1

Colin Holgate wrote:
  put integer(1.9 + 0.5)
  -- 2
  Pranav Negandhi
  Unfortunately that would not work out:
  put integer(1.0 + 0.5)
  -- 2
  The goal was to let 1.0 be 1.
  Here's something that does work, but I feel sure there's something
  simpler (it can be simpler in two lines, but just for the fun of it
  I'm trying one line):
  put n - (n - integer(n-.5)) + 1 * ((n - integer(n-.5))0)
  It may take a moment or two to see why it works.
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Re: lingo-l lingo-lJob advice...sorry off topic please help

2002-06-09 Thread roy crisman

Here's a job post from a brit place that I getI've seen a LOT of 
Director jobs come by an here in the past 6 months.


// The following IT vacancies have been advertised new today on our web
// site on
// To receive 'Jobs by Email' for other professions send a blank email
// to:
// Please note, for jobs listed below that are based in the UK it is
// unlawful to employ a person who does not have permission to live and
// work in the UK. Unless the advert states otherwise, please ensure you
// have this permission before applying.

// Your Domain limits the size of email messages which can be sent.
// We have sent only a maximum of the top 1000 Adverts as posted in the issue.
// You can now alter your Email Subscription filter using the
// Jobserve Candidate features. Log in to use the new service.
Ty: Contract
Po: Macromedia/Lingo Designer
Sk: Contractor required for educational CD ROM work. Must have
experience of educational software and must have extensive recent
Macromedia Director and Lingo exp for CD ROMs (the client will
need to see examples of work). Unfortunately we cannot accept
applications from candidates with out recent educational CD exp.
Please send CV with a brief outline of educational CD-Rom exp.
Lo: London
St: 2 Weeks
Du: 6 months
Ag: Lorien
Cn: Daniel Halstead
Te: 0207 654 1114
Fa: 0207 654 1011
Re: JSDH50039290

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At 04:40 PM 6/9/2002 +0100, you wrote:

Sorry to be off topic but need ur help

Im a multimedia developer mainly director but know many other apps too.

I live in Bristol but moving to London.

Does anyone know where I could look for jobs in London. Anyone know the
best way too look for this sort of field

I really appreciate the advice.

Thanx people...


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Re: lingo-l [Q] How to trap Close action for MIAW

2002-05-30 Thread Roy Crisman

.forget() is the command you want to get rid of the window from memory.

Just make sure that that isn't directly (in the MIAW) or indirectly (MIAW 
calls a handler in the stage which will try to return to the MIAW when 
completed) being called from the MIAW itself, but rather do something were 
the MIAW sets a global which is polled by the stage and .forget() it when 
the global is set from the stage.

roy crisman

At 07:26 PM 5/24/2002 -0400, you wrote:

I am getting a name of the directory and the name of the file from the 
Flash movie within the Director projector to open a MIAW by using this 
line of code...

on openThis temp
  theDelimiter = getDelimiter(integer(string(temp).char[1..1]))
  theDirName = getDirName(integer(string(temp).char[2..2]))
  theFileName = getFileName(integer(string(temp).char[3..4]))

  thePath = the moviepath  theDirName  theDelimiter  theFileName
  put thePath
  if string(temp).char[3..3] = 1 then
dotIs = offset(., theFileName)
window(theFileName.char[1..dotIs - 1]).fileName = thePath
window(theFileName.char[1..dotIs - 1]).open()
window(theFileName.char[1..dotIs - 1]).windowType = 8
fxObj = xtra(FileXtra3).new()
fxObj = 0
  end if

That is working just fine... I am getting different new windows on 
different clicks from Flash movie file...

The problem is... when I close that MIAW window by clicking on the [X] 
button the name of that window still exists in the windowList, which means 
that the window is still in the memory...
So... I was thinking if there is any way I could trap that close action, I 
could put this code to close and remove from the memory...

window(theFileName.char[1..dotIs - 1]).clse()
window(theFileName.char[1..dotIs - 1]).forget()

That's what I can think of to solve the problem...
I'd appreciate if there is any other way to close and forget that window...

Thanks a lot...

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Roy Crisman
Senior Macromedia Programmer

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Re: lingo-l parsing excel data

2002-05-22 Thread Roy Crisman

I believe in an app where I'm importing data from Excel spreadsheets which 
were exported as tab-delimited, I run a parseOutQuotes on the data as it is 
read in (either line-by-line or file-by-file).

Works great, othervise.


At 07:48 PM 5/21/2002 -0700, you wrote:
Hello list,

i am currently working on a program that will ultimately be a search engine
for media elements.  In its final form, i will build a custom interface to
input data, but for the moment, i need to parse data that is easily exported
from Excel.

Two likely possibilities - CSV or TAB delimited.  Some of my data contains
commas, so Excel inherently puts quotes around these elements.  I am parsing
this data into a property list.  (Thanks to Irv for his article on data cast
members - fit this app perfectly).  Two questions:  Do I need to check for
quotes around the data before it parses and eliminate them if they exist?
Should I just check the first character and if it is , then eliminate the
first and last char or is there and easier way?


Craig Taylor
Managing Director

Renegade Digital Media Inc.
30 Summerset Drive
Barrie, ON, L4N 9L7
C: 416.930.5206
T: 705.733.1996 | F: 705.733.0503

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Roy Crisman
Senior Macromedia Programmer

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Re: lingo-l Interesting Question...

2002-05-22 Thread Roy Crisman

And instantiated scripts will also pass.

So if a global holds the reference to an instance of a parent script, that 
code-object will continue to be available, even though the 'cast member' 
which holds the script for it isn't in the new movie.


At 11:45 AM 5/22/2002 -0500, you wrote:
At 17:05 +0100 05/22/2002, Jayp wrote:

Does that mean globals from my MAIN movie will pass to the subordinate
shockwave movie?

If the two files are running under the same shock session, yes. That is, 
if movie 1 did a play movie, go movie or gotonetmovie, yes, the globals 
pass, just as they do in a projector or author session.


  Warren Ockrassa |
  Director help | Free files | Sample chapters | Freelance | Consulting
Author | Director 8.5 Shockwave Studio: A Beginner's Guide
Published by Osborne/McGraw-Hill
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is for learning and helping with programming Lingo.  Thanks!]

Roy Crisman
Senior Macromedia Programmer

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lingo-l Rotate, Height, Width, and ACK

2002-01-25 Thread Roy Crisman

Since I just butted my head up against this, I thought I'd share this with 

the .width and .height properties of a sprite on stage are of the 
un-rotated image.  If you need the real 'width' of the rotated sprite, you 
have to do the math your self, subtracting the left from right, etc.

Below is an example, of a long menubar shaped sprite, which when rotated 
45 and then 90 degrees, still reports the width and height that the 
unrotate image had.

Only stumped me for a day or two of heavy trigonometry.

-- Welcome to Director --
put sprite(1).rect
-- rect(237, 229, 680, 265)
put sprite(1).width, sprite(1).height
-- 443 36
put sprite(1).rotation
-- 0.
sprite(1).rotation = 45
put sprite(1).rotation
-- 45.
put sprite(1).rect
-- rect(289, 78, 628, 417)
put sprite(1).width, sprite(1).height
-- 443 36
sprite(1).rotation = 90
put sprite(1).rotation
-- 90.
put sprite(1).rect
-- rect(439, 26, 477, 469)
put sprite(1).left, sprite(1).top, sprite(1).right, sprite(1).bottom
-- 439 26 477 469
put sprite(1).width, sprite(1).height
-- 443 36
sprite(1).width = sprite(1).width * 0.25
put sprite(1).rect
-- rect(440, 191, 476, 303)
sprite(1).height = sprite(1).height * 0.25
put sprite(1).rect
-- rect(454, 191, 463, 303)

Now, if you'll excuse me, I've got to go call my highschool trig teacher 
and tell her that I lowe her.


Roy Crisman
Senior Macromedia Programmer

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