MI Text cosmetics

2000-09-22 Thread David Eagle (WSA Cambridge)


In labelling roads with their respective names I have happened upon 
some rather shapely country roads. The labels I have added 
therefore look a little unsightly and angular (they are quite large). Is 
there a tool out there that will allow me to wrap these labels to a 
path (something along the lines of what you can do in Corel Draw)? 
Otherwise my options are to split the text up and position the 
words individually or I may indeed export the lot to Corel Draw...

Any thoughts?

Cheers, Dave

David A. Eagle
WS Atkins Consultants - East Anglia
Wellbrook Court, Girton Road, Cambridge, CB3 0NA.
Direct Dial Tel: (01223) 814090, Fax: (01223) 277529
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MI Sorting Browser Data

2000-07-05 Thread David Eagle


2 Questions really:

1) I have digitised 400 zone boundaries each with a unique number 
id. I did, however, digitise them in the wrong order, which means 
that the browser is a mess. Although this is not a problem is it 
possible to sort the id's from 1-400+ without physically affecting the 
mapped zones, much like you can in Excel with the 'sort data' 

2) Does anyone know of any software other than Postcode Plus 
supplied by AFD software which can be used to return Postcodes 
when given partial addresses? If any other packages are available 
do they also output a grid ref? Oh, and how much?

TIA oh saviours!

David A. Eagle
WS Atkins Consultants - East Anglia
Wellbrook Court, Girton Road, Cambridge, CB3 0NA.
Direct Dial Tel: (01223) 814090, Fax: (01223) 277529
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MI Carriage returns, extra!

2000-06-29 Thread David Eagle

I have a related question...Sorry to intrude Dany, I have a table full 
of data, one column of which is full of carriage returns, represented 
by a square symbol. Does anyone know how to delete them, either 
in MI or in Excel. They are more than an annoyance...

Cheers, Dave

On 29 Jun 00, at 10:20, Dany Bouchard wrote:

This has to be simple !
I am just trying to figure out if a text object textstring (returned by 
ObjectInfo(obj, OBJ_INFO_TEXTSTRING) has carriage returns.
Is there an easy way aside from looping through all characters and checking for 
carriage returns by converting each character using ASC() ?

Thanks in advance !


Dany Bouchard
DBx Geomatics
38 de l'Orbite
Hull, Québec
J9A 3C7
Téléphone/Telephone: 819.743.3870
Télécopieur/Fax: 819.775.3264
Courrier électronique/Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Page Web/Web site: http://www.dbxgeomatics.com/home.asp
Vitrine technologique SVG / SVG Technology Preview: http://www.dbxgeomatics.com/svg.asp

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MI Labelling with concentration

2000-06-29 Thread David Eagle


I have geocoded a number of responses to a survey by their 
postcodes (it would have been nice to use OS ADDRESSPOINT 
data but the addresses collected are too much of a mess to get 
any decent hit rate). As a result of this I now have in most cases 
one visible point on the map which actually represents between 5 
and 25 respondents living under that postcode. Is it possible to 
label each point visible with an 'expression' that will show the 
concentration of respondents at each point.

Sorry if this isn't very clear but its difficult to explain...

Thanks, Dave

David A. Eagle
WS Atkins Consultants - East Anglia
Wellbrook Court, Girton Road, Cambridge, CB3 0NA.
Direct Dial Tel: (01223) 814090, Fax: (01223) 277529
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MI Re: Update column SUM

2000-06-27 Thread David Eagle

Thanks to Bruce Napier and Laurent Frilleux for your prompt 
responses to my problem. Should anyone wish to do this in the 
future, these methods work:

1) Just add an extra column (integer) to your table using table - 
maintenance - table structure. 

Then use table - update column choose your table and your new 
column, get value from the same table. The value you add is 
RowID. This will update the column as you have asked.

2) In the mapbasic window type:
update table_name set column_name=rowid

Thanks again, Dave

On 27 Jun 00, at 9:43, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I have a number of polygons, well, over 200 actually.  Their names 
are featured in the browser in one column and I would like to 
update another with an incrementing number, 1,2,3,4,5,6,etc, so 
that each polygon has an individual ID ranging from 1 - 237. Is it 
possible to do this and if so how? Its probably possible with an 
SQL but I am unfamiliar with these...I've tried to edit the .dat file 
(but get a screwy output) and apend from other files but I can only 
append rows, not columns...Manual keying will take an age and I 
want to avoid that if I can.

TIA, Dave
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MI Update column

2000-06-27 Thread David Eagle


I have a number of polygons, well, over 200 actually.  Their names 
are featured in the browser in one column and I would like to 
update another with an incrementing number, 1,2,3,4,5,6,etc, so 
that each polygon has an individual ID ranging from 1 - 237. Is it 
possible to do this and if so how? Its probably possible with an 
SQL but I am unfamiliar with these...I've tried to edit the .dat file 
(but get a screwy output) and apend from other files but I can only 
append rows, not columns...Manual keying will take an age and I 
want to avoid that if I can.

TIA, Dave

David A. Eagle
WS Atkins Consultants - East Anglia
Wellbrook Court, Girton Road, Cambridge, CB3 0NA.
Direct Dial Tel: (01223) 814090, Fax: (01223) 277529
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MI Uk Enumeration Districts

2000-06-23 Thread David Eagle

Does anyone have or know where I can acquire Enumeration 
district boundaries for the UK, my only option being a freebie I'm 

TIA, Dave

David A. Eagle
WS Atkins Consultants - East Anglia
Wellbrook Court, Girton Road, Cambridge, CB3 0NA.
Direct Dial Tel: (01223) 814090, Fax: (01223) 277529
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MI Multi select SUM

2000-06-15 Thread David Eagle

Thanks guys...3 replies and 3 slightly different ways to do it! I 
couldn't quite get Toms to work though, it wasn't having it at all...
Anyway, thank you!

This is a very simple query select but I can't work out how to do it! I 
have a column which has a code within it refering to mode of 
transport...I want to select all the records that equal codes 
4,5,12,13 & 14...(These represent cars (with different no.s of 
passengers and mcycles)). I can select them individually with:

column = 14 but have tried numerous ways of multi selecting 
to no avail...Can someone please solve this simple but annoying 
problem for me...

TIA, Dave


To:     "'David Eagle'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:RE: MI Multi select
Date sent:  Thu, 15 Jun 2000 20:28:13 +1000

David, the key here is the word ANY...


From:   "laurentFrilleux"<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "David Eagle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:Re: MI Multi select
Date sent:  Thu, 15 Jun 2000 12:20:16 +0100


try to select your code by
select code =4 or code = 5 or code=

From:   Tom Manson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "'David Eagle'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:RE: MI Multi select
Date sent:  Thu, 15 Jun 2000 11:39:16 +0100

Try this:

column like any(2,3,14,etc)

I've only done this with character fields, but integer should also 


David A. Eagle
WS Atkins Consultants - East Anglia
Wellbrook Court, Girton Road, Cambridge, CB3 0NA.
Direct Dial Tel: (01223) 814090, Fax: (01223) 277529
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"unsubscribe MAPINFO-L" in the message body, or contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

MI Multi select

2000-06-15 Thread David Eagle

This is a very simple query select but I can't work out how to do it! I 
have a column which has a code within it refering to mode of 
transport...I want to select all the records that equal codes 
4,5,12,13 & 14...(These represent cars (with different no.s of 
passengers and mcycles)). I can select them individually with:

column = 14 but have tried numerous ways of multi selecting 
to no avail...Can someone please solve this simple but annoying 
problem for me...

TIA, Dave

David A. Eagle
WS Atkins Consultants - East Anglia
Wellbrook Court, Girton Road, Cambridge, CB3 0NA.
Direct Dial Tel: (01223) 814090, Fax: (01223) 277529
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MI Grid Thematic

2000-06-07 Thread David Eagle

Mapping brethren,

Having created a Grid thematic map, I would very much like to treat 
the fancy thematically coloured table that I have created as a 
normal raster layer...but can I do it? Can II presume that it is 
referenced in some way to a) The postcode file I generated it from, 
or b) The workspace it was generated in...because when I try to 
open it elsewhere it is simply a large blue square and no longer 
shows me any hotspots of population, rather annoying. What have I 
missed, any ideas? Is there a way of saving it as a conventional 

TIA from the frustrated one (and no doubt blind to the obvious!), will 

Rgds, Dave

David A. Eagle
WS Atkins Consultants - East Anglia
Wellbrook Court, Girton Road, Cambridge, CB3 0NA.
Direct Dial Tel: (01223) 814090, Fax: (01223) 277529
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MI *.pdf format

2000-05-30 Thread David Eagle

Dear all...

Having made a few maps to slip neatly into a report I find the 
printers would like the maps in *.pdf format. I have searched 
through the 'Save Window As' routine but to no avail! Does anyone 
know if MapInfo supports .pdf and how I can go about saving my 
plans in that format?

Thanks, Dave

David A. Eagle
WS Atkins Consultants - East Anglia
Wellbrook Court, Girton Road, Cambridge, CB3 0NA.
Direct Dial Tel: (01223) 814090, Fax: (01223) 277529
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MI Frame shape

2000-05-15 Thread David Eagle


Does anyone know how to change the shape of a 'frame' in a 
layout...i.e. any other shape than a square or rectangle, preferably 
a circle?!

Thanks, Dave

David A. Eagle
WS Atkins Consultants - East Anglia
Wellbrook Court, Girton Road, Cambridge, CB3 0NA.
Direct Dial Tel: (01223) 814090, Fax: (01223) 277529
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MI Coord conversion

2000-05-04 Thread David Eagle

Does anyone know of a simple and free coordinate converter, 
Lat/long to BNG eastings/northings primarily? Or indeed the 
formula to do such a calculation!

I thank you...

David A. Eagle
WS Atkins Consultants - East Anglia
Wellbrook Court, Girton Road, Cambridge, CB3 0NA.
Direct Dial Tel: (01223) 814090, Fax: (01223) 277529
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MI Deriving Coords for MapInfo

2000-05-03 Thread David Eagle


With all the GPS 'chat' lately I need to be careful here not to get 
heckled, but I am after some info if anyone can provide the goods?

There is a possibility of some work coming our way for which I will 
need some GPS hardware. With a very limited knowledge of such 
hardware I need to know what would potentially be the best 
equipment for what I see as essentially a fairly simple job.

Ultimately I want to translate some raw GPS lats/longs into 
MapInfo to create a database of, lets say street furniture, as an 

Our requirements: We wish to travel out to multiple sites and take 
fixes at those points of street furniture and then return to the office 
and translate the fixed eastings/northings, lat/long into maps. The 
hardware must therefore be able to store multiple fixes (is it 
possible to attach reference attributes to these features?). We 
would then like to download the info into a spreadsheet so that this 
could be transferred into MapInfo to create a spatial 
database of all the features (with associated attributes attached).

If possible I need to know rough hardware costs.
What the capabilities are of the unit(s).
How the data is stored internally and what level of detail is possible.
How the data is downloaded. Into a proprietary package? Into any 
package (if data is stored in a *.dbf format or a similar format)?

If anyone out there does such a task (I'm sure I only require a fairly 
simple hand held unit?!?), I'd appreciate some input. Will Sum of 
course! Thank you very much for your time folks


David A. Eagle
WS Atkins Consultants - East Anglia
Wellbrook Court, Girton Road, Cambridge, CB3 0NA.
Direct Dial Tel: (01223) 814090, Fax: (01223) 277529
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MI Boundary select on multiple tables

2000-05-02 Thread David Eagle

Dear all,

I'm sure this has to be simple...All I want to do is essentially a 
'Boundary Select' but I want to do it on multiple tables rather than 
just one. I have 30+ tables each containing a number of polygons. I 
have them all open in one workspace and I wish to query individual 
boundarys to pick up the number of polygons falling into each 
boundary from all of the tables. Any ideas?

TIA, Dave

David A. Eagle
WS Atkins Consultants - East Anglia
Wellbrook Court, Girton Road, Cambridge, CB3 0NA.
Direct Dial Tel: (01223) 814090, Fax: (01223) 277529
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Re: MI Date: Wed, 26 Apr 2000 10:02:26 -0500

2000-04-26 Thread David Eagle


Go to the drop down menu Map and then select Options at the 
bottom of the menu...Change the Area Units to Square Miles and 
select OK.

Now in your Mapper select the polygon in question, then click on 
the drop down menu Edit and then Get Info, again at the bottom of 
the menu...There's your answer, hope that helps...


On 26 Apr 00, at 9:02, Lathrop, Travis wrote:

How would one go about calculating the total area, sq. mi, a polygon
represents.  I have dug in the help file looking at the area function with
little success.

Travis Lathrop
Intercarrier Services
(816) 559-3014

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David A. Eagle
WS Atkins Consultants - East Anglia
Wellbrook Court, Girton Road, Cambridge, CB3 0NA.
Direct Dial Tel: (01223) 814090, Fax: (01223) 277529
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MI Coords

2000-04-12 Thread David Eagle

Just a quick observation really. Using the British National Grid 
coord system I have a browser full of eastings and northings. I 
selected Table > Create Points and chose the correct columns to 
pull out the coords. All Ok... If I now wish to change the location of 
these points as a few eastings/northings are incorrect. So I altered 
the info in the browser expecting the geographical entity to move to 
its new position, I was surprised that it didn't. I'm aware that to 
change the point locations I can select the point and click on Get 
Info and then change said coords, but this doesn't update the 
browser...Any ideas? Should I have gone about it differently?

TIA, Dave

David A. Eagle
WS Atkins Consultants - East Anglia
Wellbrook Court, Girton Road, Cambridge, CB3 0NA.
Direct Dial Tel: (01223) 814090, Fax: (01223) 277529
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MI Sangars

2000-04-07 Thread David Eagle

Me thinks our sandwiches are going to be a little warm!

David A. Eagle
WS Atkins Consultants - East Anglia
Wellbrook Court, Girton Road, Cambridge, CB3 0NA.
Direct Dial Tel: (01223) 814090, Fax: (01223) 277529
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MI Voronoy Polygons, what are they?

2000-04-04 Thread David Eagle

Mapping brethren,

Relating to the mails that were flying about this morning, what's a 
Voronoy polygon? According to a reliable source Voronoy was a 
mathematician who studied subjects closely related to Minkowski 
who did lots of work on four dimensional linear space & time. On 
this basis is a Voronoy polygon a four dimensional linear shape 
and if so how would this be represented assuming the 4th 
dimension to be time? Am I over analysing and completely missing 
the mark? Its bugging me now! Who knows, I may want to create 
one or two one day!

Thanks, Dave

David A. Eagle
WS Atkins Consultants - East Anglia
Wellbrook Court, Girton Road, Cambridge, CB3 0NA.
Direct Dial Tel: (01223) 814090, Fax: (01223) 277529
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SUM-MI Thematic saving!

2000-03-31 Thread David Eagle

Thanks for your help...I won't be doing that again, damn annoying  all the same though! Oh well thems the breaks another angle on  the learning curve...

Thanks again, Dave.

Heres a SUM for all

Problem: After selecting polylines by mouse-pick method I then  applied a ranges theme to them and saved my workspace. When I  opened the .wor later I got ":102) Invalid frame id 10" errrors or  variations of this error.

It isn't just me that has had this trouble either:
Date sent:  	Thu, 30 Mar 2000 10:22:37 -0700
From:   	Pam Curry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: 	David Eagle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:	Re: MI Thematic saving!

Hello David,
MapInfo should be able to preserve your thematic maps in the  workspace. I've had "invalid frame" errors, but only when my  thematics were based on queries created from mouse-pick  selections. If Mapinfo has a selection statement to generate the  query it seems to do okay, at least for me (MI5.5 on NT  workstation sp3).


Solution: Jacques Paris did some testing of this and had the same  problem, listed below are his solutions apart from the obvious 'Don't  do it'

From:   	"Jacques Paris" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: 	"David Eagle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:	RE: MI Thematic saving!
Date sent:  	Thu, 30 Mar 2000 13:49:19 -0500


I think that Pam is right. I made a thematic map of a selection of  objects,
created a layout with 2 frames (map and legend) saved the wor,  closed
everything, reopened the wor and got the same message as you  about frame 2
(the legend). As I am working with 5.5, I will say "that's it, you have  to
do with it."

Pam is also right on another point: MI can store in the wor a query,  not its
result but the "select..." generated by a query. When the wor is  open, the
results are generated by the query and anything can be done with  that

My recommendation : once you have made a selection for one set  of objects,
"save as" the selection with a new name, add the new table to your  mapper,
do the thematic on it.

Alternative: create a sql query that will pick up the objects of one  set by
their "names" and use it for thematic 1. Repeat for each group.

Good luck in your "misery"


David A. Eagle
WS Atkins Consultants - East Anglia
Wellbrook Court, Girton Road, Cambridge, CB3 0NA.
Direct Dial Tel: (01223) 814090, Fax: (01223) 277529
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(Fwd) RE: MI Thematic saving!

2000-03-30 Thread David Eagle

Thanks to all those who responded to my thematic mapping/workspace 
problems this morning. As a result I've managed to edit out the reference to 
Frame id 10 in the .wor and my workspace now opens, however, 
when I was editing it I noticed no reference to the thematic layers that
I've created as part of the map (previously saved into the workspace in 
question). Consequently when I launch the .wor all of the 
traditionally saved tables open now but low and behold no themed 
layers!? Any ideas why they are not saving into the workspace? I don't 
want to shut my system down because I will lose the work and 
have to start from scratch. Very annoying!

TIA, Dave

P.s - Will sum for all...

David A. Eagle
WS Atkins Consultants - East Anglia
Wellbrook Court, Girton Road, Cambridge, CB3 0NA.
Direct Dial Tel: (01223) 814090, Fax: (01223) 277529
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MI Thematic saving!

2000-03-30 Thread David Eagle

Mapping Pro's out there,

Is there any way of saving thematic features (e.g. I have a ranged 
thematic map), as a separate table? I think the problem of 
"workspace trouble" in my last mail stems from the fact that I am 
only saving the thematic layers within a workspace environment 
and not as separate entities...For some reason when I try to open 
my .wor the thematic layers are no longer there. If I can save them 
as layers (*.tab) there won't be a problem!


David A. Eagle
WS Atkins Consultants - East Anglia
Wellbrook Court, Girton Road, Cambridge, CB3 0NA.
Direct Dial Tel: (01223) 814090, Fax: (01223) 277529
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MI Workspace trouble yet again!

2000-03-30 Thread David Eagle

I arrive at work this morning and find a Workspace I spent a lot of 
time on last night won't open! The error message lists the path 
name and the *.wor name followed by:102) Invalid frame id 10

Does anyone out there know if I can solve this?
Please help...

David A. Eagle
WS Atkins Consultants - East Anglia
Wellbrook Court, Girton Road, Cambridge, CB3 0NA.
Direct Dial Tel: (01223) 814090, Fax: (01223) 277529
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Re: MI Centroid...

2000-03-10 Thread David Eagle

I thank you...Typically as obvious as expected but it is Friday 

On 10 Mar 00, at 16:42, laurent Frilleux wrote:


you have a solution, your table must be editable and you have to select the
polygon and click on the tool for editing the nodes so you can move you

Laurent Frilleux

Zolad Mini Parc Bat 2
912 rue de la croix verte
34198 Montpellier cedex 5
-Message d'origine-
De : David Eagle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date : vendredi 10 mars 2000 15:18
Objet : MI Centroid...

Ladies and Gentlemen, I have a no doubt simple question for you...

How do I change the location of a polygons centroid (probably
defeats the idea of it being a centroid!) More specifically I have
thematically created some bar graphs which once generated are
not where I wish them to be. Anyone know how I can drag them
into the right place?


David A. Eagle
WS Atkins Consultants - East Anglia
Wellbrook Court, Girton Road, Cambridge, CB3 0NA.
Direct Dial Tel: (01223) 814090, Fax: (01223) 277529
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"unsubscribe MAPINFO-L" in the message body, or contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

David A. Eagle
WS Atkins Consultants - East Anglia
Wellbrook Court, Girton Road, Cambridge, CB3 0NA.
Direct Dial Tel: (01223) 814090, Fax: (01223) 277529
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MI Centroid...

2000-03-10 Thread David Eagle

Ladies and Gentlemen, I have a no doubt simple question for you...

How do I change the location of a polygons centroid (probably 
defeats the idea of it being a centroid!) More specifically I have 
thematically created some bar graphs which once generated are 
not where I wish them to be. Anyone know how I can drag them 
into the right place?


David A. Eagle
WS Atkins Consultants - East Anglia
Wellbrook Court, Girton Road, Cambridge, CB3 0NA.
Direct Dial Tel: (01223) 814090, Fax: (01223) 277529
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"unsubscribe MAPINFO-L" in the message body, or contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: MI causing Windows NT to crash

2000-02-23 Thread David Eagle

Same thing happened to me last week, twice, when zooming 
too...Unsure what caused it , and it hasn't happened since but 
since then I am having lots of problems with MapInfo just dropping 
out on me... See attached for error message!


On 23 Feb 00, at 21:03, Steve McArthur wrote:

Every so often I have a problem with a table causing NT to completely
crash.  I'm suddenly booted out into a blue dos-like screen listing DLL
files and windows kernel files and a message saying something about
memory dump which updates to say memory dump complete.  There doesn't
seem to be any logic to what table causes this, other than when I have
identified what table is causing the problem packing that table seems to
solve it.

This crash never happens when doing any sort of intensive work, usually
just zooming in will cause it.  No other application will cause this
event and the crash will occur every time until the offending table is

I'm running the latest version of NT with service pack 5.

I'm running MI 5.5 and have had this problem under version 5, but have
not seen it under windows 95 or 98.

I'd be interested if anyone else has come across this phenomenon and if
they found a cause/solution.

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David A. Eagle (Graduate Analyst).
WS Atkins Consultants - East Anglia
Wellbrook Court, Girton Road, Cambridge, CB3 0NA.
Direct Dial Tel: (01223) 814090, Fax: (01223) 277529

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    File information ---
 File:  Error.jpg
 Date:  17 Feb 2000, 14:38
 Size:  16184 bytes.
 Type:  JPEG-image


Re: MI Using MapBasic to Open Variable Length Excel Files

2000-02-23 Thread David Eagle

I am looking to link excel spreadsheets to MapInfo too...I recently 
downloaded an *.mbx called PixShow which works great and I 
would like to link *.xls files in a similar way i.e. by clicking on a 
point and launching the data for that site. How this can be done I'm 
unsure...Is there such a utility in existence or is Curtis' script going 
to be my best bet?

TIA, Dave.

On 22 Feb 00, at 16:30, Curtis Linville wrote:


I am not a subscriber but was told that I might find an answer on the "L".
I am writing some MapBasic code in which I need to open Excel files as
tables.  Of course, this requires that I register the file prior to opening
it.  The problem is that the Excel files vary greatly in size, and the
registration requires a range of cells to be defined.  I need a way to
determine the range of the data in the Excel file prior to opening it in
MapInfo.  I know that MapInfo does this because this range is given in the
dialog box when one opens an Excel file manually.  I have searched and
cannot ascertain how this is accomplished.

Does anyone have any ideas?


Curtis Linville
Network Performance Engineer
AirCell, Inc.


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David A. Eagle (Graduate Analyst).
WS Atkins Consultants - East Anglia
Wellbrook Court, Girton Road, Cambridge, CB3 0NA.
Direct Dial Tel: (01223) 814090, Fax: (01223) 277529
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MI SUM - Query "Contains"

2000-02-17 Thread David Eagle

Dear all,

A quick summary of the responses I recieved for the interested 
parties is as follows:

Basically I have been alerted to the fact that the "Contains" 
operator is a geographic operator and therefore cannot query text 
strings...Typical! So heres what I should have done and have since 
done with complete success...

OS_Text Like "%Car Park%".

Marvellous! Thanks again all.


--- Forwarded message follows ---
From:   "David Eagle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Organization:   W S Atkins East Anglia
Date sent:  Fri, 11 Feb 2000 16:49:25 -
Subject:MI Query "Contains"

Ok, heres a problem which I have come accross before and gave 
up on...It's cropped up again, and I don't want it to beat me again 
so here goes...

It relates to the query function and is no doubt blindingly simple:

I have a browser full of info, Lndl_gaz (OS) to be precise. I want to 
select all of the items which mention Car Parks. I have tried the 

(Table Lndl_gaz)  OS_Text Contains "Car Park"

I get a data mismatch in expression and a syntax error! It seems 
that this is a logical way of trying to get a result but despite 
interrogating numerous help files, I am still failing...

If I manage this what would be really useful is working out how to 
perform the query relating to another table and therefore selecting 
all the car park entries that fall within a 3 Mile buffer circle that I 
have setup on another table

Any help would ease my frustration.
Rgds, Dave

David A. Eagle (Graduate Analyst).
WS Atkins Consultants - East Anglia
Wellbrook Court, Girton Road, Cambridge, CB3 0NA.
Tel: (01223) 276002, E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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"unsubscribe MAPINFO-L" in the message body, or contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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David A. Eagle (Graduate Analyst).
WS Atkins Consultants - East Anglia
Wellbrook Court, Girton Road, Cambridge, CB3 0NA.
Tel: (01223) 276002, E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To unsubscribe from this list, send e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and put
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MI Query "Contains"

2000-02-11 Thread David Eagle

Ok, heres a problem which I have come accross before and gave 
up on...It's cropped up again, and I don't want it to beat me again 
so here goes...

It relates to the query function and is no doubt blindingly simple:

I have a browser full of info, Lndl_gaz (OS) to be precise. I want to 
select all of the items which mention Car Parks. I have tried the 

(Table Lndl_gaz)  OS_Text Contains "Car Park"

I get a data mismatch in expression and a syntax error! It seems 
that this is a logical way of trying to get a result but despite 
interrogating numerous help files, I am still failing...

If I manage this what would be really useful is working out how to 
perform the query relating to another table and therefore selecting 
all the car park entries that fall within a 3 Mile buffer circle that I 
have setup on another table

Any help would ease my frustration.
Rgds, Dave

David A. Eagle (Graduate Analyst).
WS Atkins Consultants - East Anglia
Wellbrook Court, Girton Road, Cambridge, CB3 0NA.
Tel: (01223) 276002, E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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"unsubscribe MAPINFO-L" in the message body, or contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

MI Region Styles

2000-02-03 Thread David Eagle

Something that I have been wondering for a while now as it keeps 
cropping up. Is it possible to edit the Region Style > Pattern, I have 
had cases where I want polygons filled with diagonal/horizontal 
lines, however, I want to make the distance between those lines 
greater or smaller and not have to stick to the default width.

So, can you create your own fill patterns? Or edit the existing 
ones? If this is possible how about creating your own customised 

No rush on this one its just a query for the masses! Thanks 


David A. Eagle (Graduate Analyst).
WS Atkins Consultants - East Anglia
Wellbrook Court, Girton Road, Cambridge, CB3 0NA.
Tel: (01223) 276002, E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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"unsubscribe MAPINFO-L" in the message body, or contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

MI Aerial Photography

2000-02-02 Thread David Eagle

I have some aerial photography onto which I am overlaying other 
data...When I print it out though the photos are very dark. Is there 
any way within the mapinfo environment that I can adjust the 
brightness/contrast of these photos?

I have tried exporting the window as numerous file types and 
altering this in paint programmes which is sucessful but when I do 
this the quality of the picture is degraded and overlaid text 
becomes blocky...

Any Ideas would be welcome...
Thanks, Dave

David A. Eagle (Graduate Analyst).
WS Atkins Consultants - East Anglia
Wellbrook Court, Girton Road, Cambridge, CB3 0NA.
Tel: (01223) 276002, E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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"unsubscribe MAPINFO-L" in the message body, or contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

(Fwd) MI Workspace

2000-02-01 Thread David Eagle

Thanks to all those 'Workspace/Notepad' editor guru's out there 
with some extremely detailed answers...I can breath again!


My nightmare has occurred...

I accidentally deleted a table which was used in several of my fairly 
complicated workspaces yesterday and when I try to open them 
today, not only can they not find that one but they seem to have 
lost all the others too. When I go through the process of finding 
each table individually it gets so far and then tells me that it can't 
open one of my other tables which has never moved and I know is 
ok...Is there anyway of getting some tables disregarded within a 
workspace so that it will boot up as normal?

Er, thanks (again).

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--- End of forwarded message ---

David A. Eagle (Graduate Analyst).
WS Atkins Consultants - East Anglia
Wellbrook Court, Girton Road, Cambridge, CB3 0NA.
Tel: (01223) 276002, E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To unsubscribe from this list, send e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and put
"unsubscribe MAPINFO-L" in the message body, or contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

MI Workspace

2000-02-01 Thread David Eagle

My nightmare has occurred...

I accidentally deleted a table which was used in several of my fairly 
complicated workspaces yesterday and when I try to open them 
today, not only can they not find that one but they seem to have 
lost all the others too. When I go through the process of finding 
each table individually it gets so far and then tells me that it can't 
open one of my other tables which has never moved and I know is 
ok...Is there anyway of getting some tables disregarded within a 
workspace so that it will boot up as normal?

Er, thanks (again).

David A. Eagle (Graduate Analyst).
WS Atkins Consultants - East Anglia
Wellbrook Court, Girton Road, Cambridge, CB3 0NA.
Tel: (01223) 276002, E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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"unsubscribe MAPINFO-L" in the message body, or contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

MI (Fwd) Cosmetic Problem - Results

2000-01-31 Thread David Eagle
To all of those who have expressed an interest in the  solution...

I've had a few responses and have consequently solved the  problem for my purposes...heres a summary with the solution  I overlooked, and subsequently used at the top! It was a  pretty quick process of forcing the cosmetics on each layer I  had displayed...

Thanks again all !!!

Date sent:  	Mon, 31 Jan 2000 13:26:38 +
From:   	"Russel Lawley"  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:	MI Cosmetic Problem -Reply


to temporarily force a layer to display in certain colors use the
Layer control >>> display  button.

this sets all the objects in a mapper to a graphic setting of your

to permanently change the graphics, you need to manually select  the
objects, I use a DIY  suite of tools
that I use for bulk processing.


Brit. Geol. Survey

From:   	"Thake, Peter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: 	"'David Eagle'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Copies to:  	"'Mapinfo-L'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:	RE: MI Cosmetic Problem
Date sent:  	Mon, 31 Jan 2000 14:38:41 -


I think you may be stuck with the long tedious method unless you  can write
some MapBasic, but here are some other ideas:

1. Translate the OS data again using the universal translator utility  that
comes with MapInfo. This brings each Landline layer in as a  separate table
and the colour defaults to black. 

2. Or use a proprietary translator that lets you specify the colours  for
each layer. Some will also let you import the dxf or ntf format files  in as
one layer rather than many (sorry, I can't recommend any!).

3. Or try opening all the tables as usual. Then save a workspace.  Then open
the workspace (.wor) file in a text editor such as notepad. You can  then
edit this to make layers open in a particular colour etc by overriding  the
layer style. Try changing the linestyle for one table (Layer
control>display>style override)then saving the workspace: you will  see that
the workspace inserts text to make the line colour different  (something

Layer 5
Display Global
GlobalLine (1,2,16711680)  

You could use find and replace to add this to each layer.

Problem is that you may still need to do this for each map tile  unless you
have coverage for a larger area.

Hope this helps!

Kind regards,

Pete, Ordnance Survey, UK

--- Forwarded message follows ---
From:   	David Eagle 
Subject:	Cosmetic Problem
Date sent:  	Mon, 31 Jan 2000 12:16:14 -

A Monday question!

Does anybody know if it is possible to select more than one layer 
at a time in order to globally override the style of a particular 
area...? or do I have to go through each layer individually and rather 

I have OS Landline data (numerous individual layers) displayed in 
colour which I wish to display as black only so that the colour 
layers I am superimposing over the top are more prominent. I have 
tried a roundabout way of achieving this by printing the Landline in 
B&W and then only the colour layers by form feeding the same 
page into the colour printer but there is a mismatch in the layers 
(as I expected!).

Any ideas would be helpful!

TIA, Dave.
--- End of forwarded message ---

David A. Eagle (Graduate Analyst).
WS Atkins Consultants - East Anglia
Wellbrook Court, Girton Road, Cambridge, CB3 0NA.
Tel: (01223) 276002, E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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"unsubscribe MAPINFO-L" in the message body, or contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

MI Cosmetic Problem

2000-01-31 Thread David Eagle

A Monday question!

Does anybody know if it is possible to select more than one layer 
at a time in order to globally override the style of a particular 
area...? or do I have to go through each layer individually and rather 

I have OS Landline data (numerous individual layers) displayed in 
colour which I wish to display as black only so that the colour 
layers I am superimposing over the top are more prominent. I have 
tried a roundabout way of achieving this by printing the Landline in 
B&W and then only the colour layers by form feeding the same 
page into the colour printer but there is a mismatch in the layers 
(as I expected!).

Any ideas would be helpful!

TIA, Dave.

David A. Eagle (Graduate Analyst).
WS Atkins Consultants - East Anglia
Wellbrook Court, Girton Road, Cambridge, CB3 0NA.
Tel: (01223) 276002, E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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"unsubscribe MAPINFO-L" in the message body, or contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

MI Eastings & Northings, Concludes!

2000-01-28 Thread David Eagle

Here's the solution to the problem...

A big thanks to all those who have given me a helping hand:

Options> Show Mapbasic window
goto the window, enter
set coordsys table YourTableName
hit return.

This fix will only solve the problem for this session.

I now have a full list of Eastings & Northings...

Thanks again! 

--- Forwarded message follows ---
From:   "David Eagle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Organization:   W S Atkins East Anglia
Date sent:  Fri, 28 Jan 2000 10:00:27 -
Subject:MI Eastings & Northings Part II

Ok, many thanks to all of you who have replied to this annoying 
little problem. I'm getting there slowly...I now know that my initial 
mistake was in having the column flagged as an Integer, it should 
be a 'Float' it seems. To clarify for those who have asked the 
projection I am using is "British Coordinate Systems" - Category 
Member "British National Grid" with coordinate units expressed in 
Meters. After updating both columns again with the 'float' setting I 
atleast get a result but it seems there is a projection problem 

E.g. - When I select an object and go to Edit>Get Info, I get the 
following, Location X: 549,316.39m   Location Y: 256,640.97m. 
These are the figures I wish to grab and put in my table, however 
when I update I get the following for that point:
X: 0.184493   Y:52.1874
Major annoyance! Some of you have suggested entering a 
mapbasic command similar to the following "set coordsys table 
", not being familiar with MapBasic (in any way 
shape or form!) I am unsure what this is doing, and it doesn't work 
when I try it anyway.

If anyone can help, you know where I am...Thanks, to all have 
helped thus far anyway!



Another one for the masses!

I have geocoded over 100 addresses by Postcode. I now want to 
append the Eastings and Northings for each point to this table. I 
have created two extra columns and have flagged them as integers. 
I then have tried going to 'Table', 'Update Column' and then select 
the 'table to update', then the 'column to update' and then 'get value 
from' the same table, with the 'value' as centroidX(obj). I'm getting 
nowhere! I'm sure I'm on the right lines as it seems logical and I 
have gotten a semi-valid output but only when the column is 
flagged as a character...Er, help?!

Any help gratefully recieved!

David A. Eagle (Graduate Analyst).
WS Atkins Consultants - East Anglia
Wellbrook Court, Girton Road, Cambridge, CB3 0NA.
Tel: (01223) 276002, E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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"unsubscribe MAPINFO-L" in the message body, or contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
--- End of forwarded message ---

David A. Eagle (Graduate Analyst).
WS Atkins Consultants - East Anglia
Wellbrook Court, Girton Road, Cambridge, CB3 0NA.
Tel: (01223) 276002, E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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"unsubscribe MAPINFO-L" in the message body, or contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

MI Eastings & Northings Part II

2000-01-28 Thread David Eagle

Ok, many thanks to all of you who have replied to this annoying 
little problem. I'm getting there slowly...I now know that my initial 
mistake was in having the column flagged as an Integer, it should 
be a 'Float' it seems. To clarify for those who have asked the 
projection I am using is "British Coordinate Systems" - Category 
Member "British National Grid" with coordinate units expressed in 
Meters. After updating both columns again with the 'float' setting I 
atleast get a result but it seems there is a projection problem 

E.g. - When I select an object and go to Edit>Get Info, I get the 
following, Location X: 549,316.39m   Location Y: 256,640.97m. 
These are the figures I wish to grab and put in my table, however 
when I update I get the following for that point:
X: 0.184493   Y:52.1874
Major annoyance! Some of you have suggested entering a 
mapbasic command similar to the following "set coordsys table 
", not being familiar with MapBasic (in any way 
shape or form!) I am unsure what this is doing, and it doesn't work 
when I try it anyway.

If anyone can help, you know where I am...Thanks, to all have 
helped thus far anyway!



Another one for the masses!

I have geocoded over 100 addresses by Postcode. I now want to 
append the Eastings and Northings for each point to this table. I 
have created two extra columns and have flagged them as integers. 
I then have tried going to 'Table', 'Update Column' and then select 
the 'table to update', then the 'column to update' and then 'get value 
from' the same table, with the 'value' as centroidX(obj). I'm getting 
nowhere! I'm sure I'm on the right lines as it seems logical and I 
have gotten a semi-valid output but only when the column is 
flagged as a character...Er, help?!

Any help gratefully recieved!

David A. Eagle (Graduate Analyst).
WS Atkins Consultants - East Anglia
Wellbrook Court, Girton Road, Cambridge, CB3 0NA.
Tel: (01223) 276002, E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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"unsubscribe MAPINFO-L" in the message body, or contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

MI Eastings & Northings

2000-01-27 Thread David Eagle

Another one for the masses!

I have geocoded over 100 addresses by Postcode. I now want to 
append the Eastings and Northings for each point to this table. I 
have created two extra columns and have flagged them as integers. 
I then have tried going to 'Table', 'Update Column' and then select 
the 'table to update', then the 'column to update' and then 'get value 
from' the same table, with the 'value' as centroidX(obj). I'm getting 
nowhere! I'm sure I'm on the right lines as it seems logical and I 
have gotten a semi-valid output but only when the column is 
flagged as a character...Er, help?!

Any help gratefully recieved!

David A. Eagle (Graduate Analyst).
WS Atkins Consultants - East Anglia
Wellbrook Court, Girton Road, Cambridge, CB3 0NA.
Tel: (01223) 276002, E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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"unsubscribe MAPINFO-L" in the message body, or contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

MI Legend backgrounds

2000-01-27 Thread David Eagle

Help Listers!

Situation: Using aerial photography as a backdrop I have used 
some 'White' cosmetic items e.g. White dasked polyline to show a 
disused railway line.

Problem: However, when I generate a Legend you can't see the 
cosmetic item because the background of the legend is white too! I 
can quite sucessfully put a border around the legend but can't 
seem to find anyway of colouring in the background of the legend 
or importing a picture as the backdrop as you can do in some 
graph programs. No doubt I am missing the obvious, so can 
anyone show me where to click to get results?

Thanks in advance...

David A. Eagle (Graduate Analyst).
WS Atkins Consultants - East Anglia
Wellbrook Court, Girton Road, Cambridge, CB3 0NA.
Tel: (01223) 276002, E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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"unsubscribe MAPINFO-L" in the message body, or contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

MI Error - "Unable to save workspace"

2000-01-21 Thread David Eagle

Can anyone help...? I have just done a considerable amount of 
work and have a 'Layout' setup for printing. I have tried to save the 
workspace 'but' I get an error message which tells me I am "Unable 
to save Workspace". I'm sure there is a simple solution, but its yet 
to show itself to me!

Thanks in advance...

David A. Eagle (Graduate Analyst).
WS Atkins Consultants - East Anglia
Wellbrook Court, Girton Road, Cambridge, CB3 0NA.
Tel: (01223) 276002, E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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MI Masks: The solution!

2000-01-14 Thread David Eagle

Dear All,

An overwhelming response to my masks problem has given two 
main options:

The true masking solution:

In a new layer (or cosmetic) draw a polygon over the area you wish 
to view, (you may already have a polygon!) then draw
a bigger one over the area you wish to mask. Select the larger area 

Objects - set target on the larger area.

select the smaller area using ctrl + left mouse click


Objects - erase.

That will give you a single polygon with a hole in the middle the 
shape of your original polygon. Then save this doughnut polygon to 
a separate layer and move it on top of everything else thus 
masking external data and letting what you wish to see shine 

The Clipping version:

Select the polygon you have e.g. a district boundary with LandLine 
data overlaid. Select the district polygon:  Map > Clip Region, this 
will clip all of the surrounding data and show only that which falls 
within the polygon. N.B. - Apparently this is only a display function, 
you are not actually permanently clipping all your data...

Thanks again everyone who replied! The solutions solved my 
problem, good luck to those who inquired for their own purposes!!

David A. Eagle (Graduate Analyst).
WS Atkins Consultants - East Anglia
Wellbrook Court, Girton Road, Cambridge, CB3 0NA.
Tel: (01223) 276002, E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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MI Masks!

2000-01-13 Thread David Eagle

Thanks to all those who have responded to my 'Masks' query.
I no longer have a problem!

Thanks again...
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MI Masks?

2000-01-13 Thread David Eagle

As simple as it maybe I cannot work out how to create a 'Mask'. I 
have a polygon within which I wish to see the contents of other 
layers but outside of it I want to mask the data. Can anyone point 
me in the right direction?
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