[Marxism] 5,000 rally in Jordan 'bread and freedom' demo:

2011-01-22 Thread Dennis Brasky
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*5,000 rally in **Jordan** 'bread and freedom' demo: *

More than 5,000 people rallied in Amman and other cities after weekly
prayers on Friday against Jordan's economic policies, demanding "bread and
freedom" and that the government resign.

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[Marxism] Pakistani relatives of drone victims to sue CIA

2011-01-22 Thread Dennis Brasky
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[Marxism] Tunisia's Deposed President - Corrupt, Anti-Democratic, and One of America's Close Friends

2011-01-21 Thread Dennis Brasky
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Tunisia's Deposed President -- Corrupt, Anti-Democratic, and One of America's
Close Friends

> Across the Middle East and Central Asia, U.S. allies are invariably corrupt
> dictators, maintained in power by lavish patronage and the military.
> clip –
> Officially, the Obama administration greeted Tunisia’s “Jasmine
> Revolution”—named after that country’s national flower—with open arms,
> calling for free and fair elections as the United States scrambled to get
> aboard the democratic bandwagon.
> However, celebration is restrained in Washington. There’s serious concern
> about who will take the place of Zine el-Abidine Ben Ali, the corrupt,
> 74-year-old dictator, who, until the end, was considered an important
> American ally in the war against terror.
> Assuming the Tunisian military actually agrees to hold free elections (not
> at all a sure thing), will the generals really throw open the doors to all
> political groups? Nationalists? Islamists? Marxists? Anti-militarists? What
> forces will roil to the surface after decades of political repression? Will
> they throw in their lot with America’s war against terror, or join the ranks
> of those in the Middle East who increasingly see what’s going on as
> America’s war against Islam?
> Full -
> <
> http://www.alternet.org/story/149566/tunisia%27s_deposed_president_--_corrupt%2C_anti-democratic%2C_and_one_of_america%27s_close_friends?page=entire
> >

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[Marxism] Why Duvalier Returned to Haiti: He needs more money

2011-01-20 Thread Dennis Brasky
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Why Duvalier Returned to Haiti: He needs more money
Posted on January 20, 2011 by James Ridgeway

It’s hard to make sense of Duvalier’s return to Haiti. But there is  one
plausible explanation. Baby Doc wants money. He already has looted the
country of millions of dollars.Now he needs more.

  Yesterday Alice Speri and Ezra Fieser in the Christian Science Monitor

One of the most logical reasons for Duvalier’s return is financial. The
riches he accumulated by allegedly robbing the Haitian government have
vanished, leaving him with a modest life in a small apartment in Paris
reportedly paid for by loyal supporters.

But, of the hundreds of millions of dollars that he reportedly pilfered
Haiti’s state coffers, an estimated $6.2 million remains in a Swiss bank
account that has been frozen since 1986.

A Swiss law set to go into effect Feb. 1 ­ the law on returning illicit
dictator funds ­ will allow the Swiss government to return that money to
Haitian people. Last May, the head of international law at the Swiss
ministry told reporters that the Swiss government would likely apply the
to the Duvalier funds.

There was a caveat: If Haitian authorities had the opportunity to
and prosecute Duvalier, the Swiss law could not be used. Hence, if
made a brief appearance in Haiti ­ he had a return ticket for Thursday ­
could go back to France and claim the money.

“If he went to Haiti and was not prosecuted, he could have returned and
I was there and they had their chance,”says Reed Brody, counsel for
Human Rights Watch and a former prosecutor in Haiti. Duvalier `may have
gone hoping that he would not be detained and could come back to France and
claim the $6.2 million.”

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Re: [Marxism] Cheney: Obama has learned that Bush policies were right

2011-01-19 Thread Dennis Brasky
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On Wed, Jan 19, 2011 at 1:13 PM, Richard Menec  wrote:

> Cheney: Obama has learned that Bush policies were right
> <
> http://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/138341-cheney-obama-has-learned-from-experience-that-bush-moves-were-necessary
> >

*The vindication of Dick Cheney*

*By Glenn Greenwald*


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[Marxism] Tunisia Has "Electrified People Across the Arab World"

2011-01-18 Thread Dennis Brasky
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[Marxism] Just a Nut Job

2011-01-18 Thread Dennis Brasky
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 Just a Nut Job

Posted on January 18,
by James Ridgeway |

You could almost hear the collective sigh of relief coming from the right
when accused Tucson shooter Jared Lee Loughner was revealed to be just
another disturbed young man, clearly suffering from untreated mental
illness. After all, conservative commentators leaped to point out, if the
guy is a nut job, then all the right-wing political attacks on Democratic
Party office holders and candidates for office didn’t have any or much
effect on the shooting.

That interpretation of events seems to have taken hold in the public mind.
Most people don’t think there is any connection between the Tuscon shooting
and what the pollsters call “political discourse,” according to the
released Tuesday morning.

The public overwhelmingly sees the country’s political discourse as negative
in tone – 82 percent say so, including three in 10 who say it’s “angry.”
Still there’s a division, 49-49 percent, on whether it’s created a climate
that could encourage political violence.

On the Tucson shootings specifically, 54 percent of Americans do not think
the political discourse contributed to the incident, while 40 percent think
it did. Those who do see a connection divide on whether it was a strong
factor, or not strong.

The survey more generally finds blame for the political tone spread across a
variety of groups. Half the public says the Tea Party political movement and
its supporters, as well as political commentators on both side of the
ideological divide, have “crossed the line” in terms of attacking the other
side. Forty-five percent say the Republican Party and its supporters have
done the same; fewer, 39 percent, say so about the Democratic Party.

Now, this doesn’t make much sense to me. Jared Loughner may be mad, but
there’s clearly a method to his madness. He may be psychotic, but his
psychosis manifested itself in a particular way. After all, Loughner
didn’t attack members of his family. He didn’t go postal at the workplace.
He didn’t shoot up the military recruiters or the college that rejected him.
No. When he picked up his legally obtained assault weapon, he chose to
try and assassinate a member of the United States Congress. And not just any
old member, but one who had been targeted, singled out for political attack,
reviled by the right wing. And this amidst a call by several
right-wing figures for their followers to become “armed and dangerous” to
defend their liberties against such Democratic party usurpers as Gabrielle
Giffords. How can you say this attack is unrelated to the current American
political culture?

Full - http://unsilentgeneration.com/2011/01/18/just-a-nut-job/

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[Marxism] The US/Israeli Coup in Beirut

2011-01-16 Thread Dennis Brasky
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*The US/Israeli Coup in Beirut*

*By Mike Whitney*

The United States and Israel have executed a stealth coup that has
precipitated the collapse of Lebanon's unity government.

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[Marxism] Egypt is Not Tunisia, But...

2011-01-16 Thread Dennis Brasky
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Egypt is Not Tunisia, But...

Saturday 15 January 2011

by: Emad Mekay   |  *Inter Press Service |

clip -

Cairo - "Where can I find a Tunisian flag?" The question flooded Egyptian
blogs, tweeter and Facebook pages minutes after news that popular protests
had forced out long-time Tunisian dictator Zine el Abidine Ben Ali.

Egypt is feeling the ripple effect from Tunisia already. Egypt’s 85 million
people constitute a third of the Arab population. Until Tunisians ousted
their autocratic ruler Friday evening after his 23 years in power, Egypt, a
regional trendsetter, was seen as the first candidate for regime change by
popular uprising in the Arab world.

John R. Bradley penned a book in June 2008 predicting a revolution in Egypt.
He said the country was slowly disintegrating under the twin pressures of "a
ruthless military dictatorship" at home and a flawed Middle East policy in

In his book, ‘Inside Egypt: The Land of the Pharaohs on the Brink of a
Revolution’, Bradely argued that Egypt was "the most brutal Arab state where
torture and corruption are endemic" and it would therefore be "the next
domino to fall" to popular anger. The book was banned in Egypt.

Today the view from Cairo is that the military-backed regime of 82-year-old
President Hosni Mubarak is far more formidable, and more subtle, than the
brutal regime of Ben Ali that alienated its own people, and failed to handle
the unrest when it first erupted Dec. 17. Mubarak’s supporters say he
carries the public with him, and has a wide support base that includes the
army and many businessmen.

"We should remember that he has survived at least three assassination
attempts and hundreds of protests and demonstrations against food prices and
other issues," says Khaled Mahmoud, an independent analyst. "Mubarak is
simply much stronger than Ben Ali, and enjoys the backing of the country’s
most powerful institution; the army."
full --   http://www.truth-out.org/egypt-not-tunisia-but66899

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[Marxism] Tunisia - "This is what victory looks like"

2011-01-16 Thread Dennis Brasky
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[Marxism] U.S. journalists back away from supporting Assange

2011-01-15 Thread Dennis Brasky
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U.S. journalists back away from supporting Assange By NANCY A. YOUSSEF

clip –

WASHINGTON -- WASHINGTON-Not so long ago, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange
could count on American journalists to support his campaign to publish
secret documents that banks and governments didn't want the world to see.

But just three years after a major court confrontation in which many of
America's most important journalism organizations file briefs on WikiLeaks'
behalf, much of the U.S. journalistic community has shunned Assange - even
as reporters write scores of stories based on WikiLeaks' trove of leaked
State Department cables.

Some say he is responsible for what's arguably one of the biggest
U.S.national security breaches ever. Others say a man who calls for
transparency has been too opaque about how he obtained the documents.

The freedom of the press committee of the Overseas Press Club of America in New
York City declared him "not one of us." The Associated Press, which once
filed legal briefs on Assange's behalf, refuses to comment about him. And
the National Press Club in Washington, the venue less than a year ago for an
Assange news conference, has decided not to speak out about the possibility
that he'll be charged with a crime.

With a few notable exceptions, it's been left to foreign journalism
organizations to offer the loudest calls for the U.S. to recognize
WikiLeaks' and Assange's right to publish under the U.S. Constitution's
First Amendment.

Assange supporters see U.S. journalists' ambivalence as inviting other
government efforts that could lead one day to the prosecution of journalists
for doing something that happens fairly routinely now - writing news stories
based on leaked government documents.

"Bob Woodward has probably become one of the richest journalists in history
by publishing classified documents in book after book. And yet no one would
suggest that Bob Woodward be prosecuted because Woodward is accepted in the
halls of Washington," said Glenn Greenwald, a lawyer and media critic who
writes for the online journal Salon.com. "There is no way of prosecuting
Julian Assange without harming investigative journalism."

full --

* *

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[Marxism] a graphic example of what NYC budget cuts mean for subway riders (video)

2011-01-15 Thread Dennis Brasky
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[Marxism] Why does health care in Cuba cost 96% less than in the US?:

2011-01-15 Thread Dennis Brasky
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*Why does health care in **Cuba** cost 96% less than in the **US**?: *

Life expectancy of about 78 years of age in Cuba is equivalent to the US.
Yet, in 2005, Cuba was spending US$193 per person on health care, only 4% of
the $4540 being spent in the US. Where could the other 96% of US health care
dollars be going?

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[Marxism] Jordanians march against inflation:

2011-01-15 Thread Dennis Brasky
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*Jordanians march against inflation: *

Thousands vent anger in Amman and other cities against government's
inability to rein in prices and poverty.

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[Marxism] Tucson and double standards

2011-01-15 Thread Dennis Brasky
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*Can You Imagine? Double Standards and Doublethink

By June Terpstra, Ph.D.

January 14, 2010 "**Information Clearing
*" **-- As* Sarah Palin whines about liberals blaming her for the recent
Arizona tragedies, thus focusing those tragedies on her rather than the
victims and their families, I ask you to imagine pundits and politicians
saying what she has said about so called terrorist tragedies. In a recent
video Palin says, “After this shocking tragedy, I listened at first puzzled,
then with concern, and now with sadness, to the irresponsible statements
from people attempting to apportion blame for this terrible event.” Has the
American media, military and government done nothing but blame Islam and
Muslims for the last ten years? Since September 11 we listened with shock
and then sadness to the irresponsible statements from people like Palin
Limbaugh, Hannity, O'Reilly, Savage, Coulter, and Ingraham apportioning
blame to all Muslims.

Palin also said, “No-one should be deterred from speaking up and speaking
out in peaceful dissent…by being intolerant of differing opinion and seeking
to muzzle dissent with shrill cries of imagined insults.” Really, does this
mean that the oppressed Palestinian, Iraqi and Afghani or the American
anti-war advocate can now speak and be heard without being called a
terrorist or terrorist supporter? Is she advocating diversity or even, god
forbid, multi-culturalism?

Palin also has attempted a very controversial doublethink strategy by
reintroducing the term, "blood libel" which historically some used to
reference a myth that Jews murder Christian children to use their blood in
Passover matzo. The Zionists want an apology because, like the term
holocaust, they believe it should only be used for their propaganda.
However, I would like to introduce that term for all Muslims and those from
invaded and occupied lands fighting for their liberation. They have been
“blood libeled” with the label of “terrorist”.

Doublethink, according to George Orwell's novel, Nineteen Eight-Four, means:

... the power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one's mind
simultaneously, and accepting both of them. ...To tell deliberate lies while
genuinely believing in them, to forget any fact that has become
inconvenient, and then, when it becomes necessary again, to draw it back
from oblivion for just so long as it is needed, to deny the existence of
objective reality and all the while to take account of the reality which one
denies—all this is indispensably necessary.

The media is full of Doublethink stories today about the alienated, perhaps
bi-polar, maybe schizophrenic Jared Loughner who would have been arrested if
he were Black, Latino or Middle Eastern when he ran that red light before
shooting six people in Tucson, AZ. Can you imagine stories about Khalid
Sheikh Mohammed being a lonely bi-polar guy who could have been saved if
someone had just said hello or given him a hug as was suggested at a
memorial service in Tucson yesterday about Loughner?

The discourse of the media and political establishment’s response to the
recent attacks in Arizona is a fascinating study in double standards and
double think methodologies. In their coverage of alleged attacker, Jared
Loughner’s parents they recount that his, “Mother 'almost passed out right
there' while father sat in the road and cried”. Can you imagine hearing this
about Mohammed Atta’s parents? No, they are Muslim and do not have any
humanity to discuss in US media.

We are also being treated to a discussion on the political opportunities
President Barack Obama faces in his national memorial service for the dead
of the Arizona shooting tragedy. Somehow I missed this media discussion
about political opportunism during the ten years of unending September 11

I would like to turn the double standard around using some of the quotes
that William Rivers Pitt reminded me of today in his article, “The Wrath of
Fools”. For example, Ann Coulter’s, "My only regret with Timothy McVeigh is
he did not go to the New York Times building."(Ann Coulter, New York
Observer, 08-26-02) Can you imagine a journalist such as Helen Thomas saying
her only regret is Mohammed Atta did not go the White House or the CIA
plantation at Langley? After all, a Lebanese-American such as Thomas cannot
even call a European occupier a European without being censored.

Finally, one of my favorite quotes: "Two things made this country great:
White men & Christianity. The degree these two have diminished is in direct
proportion to the corruption and fall of the nation.. Every problem that has
arisen (sic) can be directly traced back to our departure from God's Law and
the disenfranchisement of White men” (State R

[Marxism] Tucson and double standards

2011-01-15 Thread Dennis Brasky
Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

*Can You Imagine? Double Standards and Doublethink

By June Terpstra, Ph.D.

January 14, 2010 "**Information Clearing
*" **--


*As* Sarah Palin whines about liberals blaming her for the recent Arizona
tragedies, thus focusing those tragedies on her rather than the victims and
their families, I ask you to imagine pundits and politicians saying what she
has said about so called terrorist tragedies. In a recent video Palin says,
“After this shocking tragedy, I listened at first puzzled, then with
concern, and now with sadness, to the irresponsible statements from people
attempting to apportion blame for this terrible event.” Has the American
media, military and government done nothing but blame Islam and Muslims for
the last ten years? Since September 11 we listened with shock and then
sadness to the irresponsible statements from people like Palin Limbaugh,
Hannity, O'Reilly, Savage, Coulter, and Ingraham apportioning blame to all

Palin also said, “No-one should be deterred from speaking up and speaking
out in peaceful dissent…by being intolerant of differing opinion and seeking
to muzzle dissent with shrill cries of imagined insults.” Really, does this
mean that the oppressed Palestinian, Iraqi and Afghani or the American
anti-war advocate can now speak and be heard without being called a
terrorist or terrorist supporter? Is she advocating diversity or even, god
forbid, multi-culturalism?

Palin also has attempted a very controversial doublethink strategy by
reintroducing the term, "blood libel" which historically some used to
reference a myth that Jews murder Christian children to use their blood in
Passover matzo. The Zionists want an apology because, like the term
holocaust, they believe it should only be used for their propaganda.
However, I would like to introduce that term for all Muslims and those from
invaded and occupied lands fighting for their liberation. They have been
“blood libeled” with the label of “terrorist”.

Doublethink, according to George Orwell's novel, Nineteen Eight-Four, means:

... the power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one's mind
simultaneously, and accepting both of them. ...To tell deliberate lies while
genuinely believing in them, to forget any fact that has become
inconvenient, and then, when it becomes necessary again, to draw it back
from oblivion for just so long as it is needed, to deny the existence of
objective reality and all the while to take account of the reality which one
denies—all this is indispensably necessary.

The media is full of Doublethink stories today about the alienated, perhaps
bi-polar, maybe schizophrenic Jared Loughner who would have been arrested if
he were Black, Latino or Middle Eastern when he ran that red light before
shooting six people in Tucson, AZ. Can you imagine stories about Khalid
Sheikh Mohammed being a lonely bi-polar guy who could have been saved if
someone had just said hello or given him a hug as was suggested at a
memorial service in Tucson yesterday about Loughner?

The discourse of the media and political establishment’s response to the
recent attacks in Arizona is a fascinating study in double standards and
double think methodologies. In their coverage of alleged attacker, Jared
Loughner’s parents they recount that his, “Mother 'almost passed out right
there' while father sat in the road and cried”. Can you imagine hearing this
about Mohammed Atta’s parents? No, they are Muslim and do not have any
humanity to discuss in US media.

We are also being treated to a discussion on the political opportunities
President Barack Obama faces in his national memorial service for the dead
of the Arizona shooting tragedy. Somehow I missed this media discussion
about political opportunism during the ten years of unending September 11

I would like to turn the double standard around using some of the quotes
that William Rivers Pitt reminded me of today in his article, “The Wrath of
Fools”. For example, Ann Coulter’s, "My only regret with Timothy McVeigh is
he did not go to the New York Times building."(Ann Coulter, New York
Observer, 08-26-02) Can you imagine a journalist such as Helen Thomas saying
her only regret is Mohammed Atta did not go the White House or the CIA
plantation at Langley? After all, a Lebanese-American such as Thomas cannot
even call a European occupier a European without being censored.

Finally, one of my favorite quotes: "Two things made this country great:
White men & Christianity. The degree these two have diminished is in direct
proportion to the corruption and fall of the nation.. Every problem that has
arisen (sic) can be directly traced back to our departure from God's Law and
the disenfranchisement of White men” (Sta

[Marxism] readings on US support for death squads in Angola, Mozambique in 1980s

2011-01-14 Thread Dennis Brasky
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  I recently asked for and received wonderful suggestions for readings on US
policy in Central America in the 1980s - thank you. Can anyone recommend
books or articles on US support to Savimbi/UNITA in Angola and to the
terrorist RENAMO in Mozambique during those years?

Thanks again

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[Marxism] The Weight of Dead Generations

2011-01-13 Thread Dennis Brasky
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fro portside.org --

> The Weight of Dead Generations
> By Steve Fraser and Joshua B. Freeman
> New Labor Forum
> Spring 2011 issue
> http://newlaborforum.cuny.edu
> [** The following piece will appear in New Labor Forum's
> Spring 2011 issue. To subscribe to New Labor Forum, please
> visit http://newlaborforum.cuny.edu or call 212-642-2029.]
> clip -

> Marx was wrong.  He famously declared that "the tradition of
> all dead generations weighs like a nightmare on the brains
> of the living." But it turns out that, for some, the
> remembered past can act like a tonic, an inspirational
> elixir, even a promissory note about how what once was might
> be again.  Over the course of American history, popular
> movements of resistance and rebellion have sometimes
> resolutely turned their backs to the future in concerted
> efforts to return to some mythic golden age.  Others have
> enlisted their collective recollections of the past to
> fashion an emancipated new way of life.
> As the sesquicentennial of the Civil War begins, we are
> reminded of this plasticity of historical memory and the way
> it gets deployed to resolve contemporary dilemmas.
> Commemorations of the Civil War functioned for generations
> in the South, to reinforce commitment to the Confederacy's
> "Lost Cause."  "Confederate Balls," reenactments of
> Jefferson Davis's inauguration, and the like had a political
> purpose in solidifying core beliefs about white supremacy,
> states' rights, and loyalty to the region's all-white
> Democratic Party. Around the turn of the twentieth century,
> when the hot- blooded emotions of the war had finally cooled
> enough, the "Lost Cause" got nationalized and found a home
> in the North as well.  There it served to turn a conflict
> over freedom and slavery into a shared national tragedy that
> hid the country's ugly racial pathology.
> In the South, that distinctive recall of the past at the
> same time worked to replenish the soil of social
> subservience, leaving the Southern oligarchy of landlords,
> merchants, and their political facilitators in charge.
> Still, for legions of true believers in the "Lost Cause" it
> was empowering, firing resistance to Reconstruction and all
> subsequent attempts to end American apartheid.  For a long
> century, most white Southerners reveled in their peculiar
> version of the past, used it to define their moral
> imagination, and mobilized politically on its behalf; but
> they were imprisoned by it, unable to envision a future that
> would liberate them from hierarchies of the South's caste-
> based political economy.  Already, the sesquicentennial has
> shown us there's life still left in that old dog: Haley
> Barbour, the governor of Mississippi, recalls that life in
> 1960s Yazoo City wasn't all that bad as the White Citizens
> Council kept the Klan at bay, and Virginia's governor
> "forgot" to mention slavery in his sesquicentennial
> proclamation. Dream and nightmare!
> Using and being used by the past is hardly unique to
> partisans of the Old South.  Take the Tea Party. Memories of
> its revolutionary-era forefathers-no matter how fantastical
> the images of that revered past may be- incite among Tea
> Party partisans an enthusiasm to restore an idealized world
> of self-reliant heroism. Government-whether it's King
> George's or Barack Obama's-is the great enemy; dependency
> its toxic seduction. No one actually contemplates donning
> knee breeches and pinafores, however.  Rather, for Tea Party
> followers the nearest historic exemplar of what they want to
> see restored is a kind of Disneyland version of small
> town/suburban yesteryear:  nuclear families, conventional
> marriage, home ownership, Christian morals, cultural and
> racial homogeneity, and economic self-sufficiency.  One
> might call this the twenty-first century version of a
> romanticized family capitalism; profoundly sentimental
> insofar as it ignores how utterly dependent that suburban
> arcadia was on an intricate network of federal, state, and
> local government programs and bureaucracies.
> Like those who once rallied to "The South Shall Rise Again,"
> the Tea Party rises in righteous resistance to reclaim the
> way we never were.  It draws its energy from an imaginary
> past.  But that same fantasy disarms it.  After all, what
> helped set off the uproar a year or so ago were government
> bailouts of Wall Street fat cats.  Tea Party militants,
> however, have reset their sights not on big business and
> finance-such anti- capitalism cuts to close to home-but on
> the leviathan state, in particular what's left of its
> social-welfare apparatus.  Back to the future may tickle the
> fancy and win votes but, without a real alternative to
> corporate capitali

[Marxism] just when you thought that Zionist racism had hit rock bottom ...

2011-01-13 Thread Dennis Brasky
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Zionist comic book portrays activist Palestinians (and allies) as vermin,
reminiscent of Nazi

I wondered what it was about the evil serpent-the colors of the Palestinian
flag- that looked so familiar to me?  Where on earth did they get the
inspiration to portray the Palestinian and international human rights groups
that support the BDS movement as a big, fanged, serpent? As vermin? (And
then I remembered I had seen it in different (Genesis inspired) anti-Semitic
propaganda about ‘conniving’ Jews, and thought, why not just call them all
“cockroaches ” and get it over with? )

A comic book for children, this is really beyond muzzling.  This is about
preparing for eradication.


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[Marxism] Tunisia anger grows as 50 reported killed in riots:

2011-01-11 Thread Dennis Brasky
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Anger over a crackdown on protesters in Tunisia grew Tuesday as a union
official said 50 were killed in three days of unrest while artists and
hospital staff joined demonstrations.

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[Marxism] 15 Men Decapitated in Acapulco - The Unreported War in Mexico

2011-01-11 Thread Dennis Brasky
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*15 Men Decapitated in **Acapulco**
The Unreported War in **Mexico*

*By Mike Whitney*

The war on drugs is a fraud, but its costs are quite real. Just ask any of
the family members of its 30,000-plus victims.

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[Marxism] Glenn Greenwald - interesting proposition on "taking out" would-be terrorists

2011-01-11 Thread Dennis Brasky
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For those who believe that leading right-wing figures are inspiring violence
(whether of the kind that just occurred in Arizona, things like
or even calls for Assange's murder), shouldn't they be treated the same way
American citizen Anwar al-Awlaki is:  *i.e.*, targeted by the U.S.
Government with due-process-free assassination for inciting
the mentality justifying Obama's assassination program necessarily extend to
other Americans accused of "inciting" violence with their political speech?
While it's true that American officials -- once the assassination efforts
were leaked -- began passing claims to journalists that Awlaki had an
"operational role" in Terrorist plots, there has been no evidence presented
of that, and the concern overwhelmingly with Awlaki is that he inspires
violence with his political speech.  If presidentially-decreed assassination
is justified against him, why not other American leaders accused of inciting
violence?  Shouldn't the President order them taken out, too?**



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[Marxism] The CIA File on Luis Posada Carriles

2011-01-11 Thread Dennis Brasky
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On Tue, Jan 11, 2011 at 4:53 PM, National Security Archive

> National Security Archive Update, January 11, 2011
> The CIA File on Luis Posada Carriles
> A Former Agency Asset Goes on Trial in the U.S.
> For more information contact:
> Peter Kornbluh - 202/994-7000 or nsarc...@gwu.edu
> http://www.nsarchive.org
> Washington, DC, January 11, 2011 - As the unprecedented trial of Cuban
> exile Luis Posada Carriles begins this week in El Paso, Texas, the National
> Security Archive today posted a series of CIA records covering his
> association with the agency in the 1960s and 1970s. CIA personnel records
> described Posada, using his codename, "AMCLEVE/15," as "a paid agent" at
> $300 a month, being utilized as a training instructor for other exile
> operatives, as well as an informant. "Subject is of good character, very
> reliable and security conscious," the CIA reported in 1965. Posada, another
> CIA document observed, incorrectly, was "not a typical 'boom and bang' type
> of individual."
> Today's posting includes key items from Posada's CIA file, including
> several previously published by the Archive, and for the first time online,
> the indictment from Posada's previous prosecution--in Panama--on charges of
> trying to assassinate Fidel Castro with 200 pounds of dynamite and C-4
> explosives (in Spanish).
> "This explosive has the capacity to destroy any armored vehicle, buildings,
> steel doors, and the effects can extend for 200 meters...if a person were in
> the center of the explosion, even if they were in an armored car, they would
> not survive," as the indictment described the destructive capacity of the
> explosives found in Posada's possession in Panama City, where Fidel Castro
> was attending an Ibero-American summit in November 2000.
> The judge presiding over the perjury trial of Posada has ruled that the
> prosecution can introduce unclassified evidence of his CIA background which
> might be relevant to his "state of mind" when he allegedly lied to
> immigration officials about his role in a series of hotel bombings in Havana
> in 1997. In pre-trial motions, the prosecution has introduced a short
> unclassified "summary" of Posada's CIA career, which is included below.
>  Among other things, the summary (first cited last year in Tracey Eaton's
> informative blog, "Along the Malecon") reveals that the CIA anonymously
> warned former agent and accused terrorist Luis Posada of threats on his
> life.
> A number of the Archive's CIA documents were cited in articles in the
> Washington Post, and CNN coverage today on the start of the Posada trial.
> "The C.I.A. trained and unleashed a Frankenstein," the New York Times quoted
> Archive Cuba Documentation Project director Peter Kornbluh as stating. "It
> is long past time he be identified as a terrorist and be held accountable as
> a terrorist."
> Visit the Archive's Web site for more information about today's posting.
> http://www.nsarchive.org
> THE NATIONAL SECURITY ARCHIVE is an independent non-governmental research
> institute and library located at The George Washington University in
> Washington, D.C. The Archive collects and publishes declassified documents
> acquired through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). A tax-exempt public
> charity, the Archive receives no U.S. government funding; its budget is
> supported by publication royalties and donations from foundations and
> individuals.
> _

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[Marxism] At least 14 dead in Tunisian riots over rising food prices:

2011-01-10 Thread Dennis Brasky
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*At least 14 dead in Tunisian riots over rising food prices: *

In the strongest sign to date authorities may be ready to make some
concessions, Tunisia's Communications Minister Samir Labidia said in an
interview broadcast on al Jazeera television that the government would
respond to people's grievances.

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[Marxism] Thousands of Egyptian Muslims Show Up as "Human Shields" to Defend Coptic Christians From Terrorism

2011-01-09 Thread Dennis Brasky
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Thousands of Egyptian Muslims Show Up as "Human Shields" to Defend Coptic
Christians From Terrorism

Saturday 08 January 2011

by: Zaid Jilani

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On New Year’s Day, a devastating terrorist
a Coptic church in Egypt killed 21 people and injured 79 others.
the identity of the culprits was not known, it was assumed that they were
Muslim extremists, intent on targeting those they saw as heretics. Religious
tensions immediately rose in the country, and angry Copts stormed streets,
battled with police, and even vandalized a nearby mosque. The riots
and heightened
tensions  between the Muslim and
Coptic communities was likely what the terrorists wanted — to divide the
Egyptian community and create sectarian strife between different religious

Yet by Coptic Christmas Eve, which took place Thursday night in Egypt,
things had changed completely. As Egyptian Copts attended mass at churches
across the country, “thousands” of Muslims, including “the two sons of
President Hosni Mubarak,” joined them, acting as “human shields” to protect
from terrorist attacks by extremists. The Muslims organized under the slogan
“We either live together, or we die
together,”inspired by
Mohamed El-Sawy, an Egyptian artist:

Egypt’s majority Muslim population stuck to its word Thursday night. What
had been a promise of solidarity to the weary Coptic community, was
honoured, when *thousands of Muslims showed up at Coptic Christmas eve mass
services in churches around the country and at candle light vigils held
outside. From the well-known to the unknown, Muslims had offered their
bodies as “human shields” for last night’s mass, making a pledge to
collectively fight the threat of Islamic militants and towards an Egypt free
from sectarian strife.*

*“We either live together, or we die together,”* was the sloganeering genius
of Mohamed El-Sawy, a Muslim arts tycoon whose cultural centre distributed
flyers at churches in Cairo Thursday night, and who has been credited with
first floating the “human shield” idea. Among those shields were movie stars
Adel Imam and Yousra, popular preacher Amr Khaled, the two sons of President
Hosni Mubarak, and thousands of citizens who have said they consider the
attack one on Egypt as a whole. *“This is not about us and them,” said Dalia
Mustafa, a student who attended mass at Virgin Mary Church on Maraashly. “We
are one. This was an attack on Egypt as a whole, and I am standing with the
Copts because the only way things will change in this country is if we come

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[Marxism] Algerian riots resume over food prices:

2011-01-08 Thread Dennis Brasky
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Police deployed around mosques and football matches suspended amid protests
over food prices and unemployment

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[Marxism] Richard Falk - Israel is gearing up for another major offensive into Gaza

2011-01-08 Thread Dennis Brasky
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> Israel is gearing up for another major offensive into Gaza, yet the world
> community still remains bafflingly silent.
> Richard Falk: Hopes of Gaza Cast in Lead
> It is mainly through civil society acts of defiance, like the Mavi Marmara
> and the Freedom Flotilla, that offer the appropriate responses to the
> injustices occurring in Gaza [EPA] It is dismaying that during this dark
> anniversary period two years after the launch of the deadly attacks on the
> people of Gaza - code-named Operation Cast Lead by the Israelis - that there
> should be warnings of a new massive attack on the beleaguered people of
> Gaza. The influential Israeli journalist, Ron Ren-Yishai, writes on December
> 29, 2010, of the likely prospect of a new major IDF attack, quoting senior
> Israeli military officers as saying "It's not a question of if, but rather
> of when," a view that that is shared, according to Ren-Yishai, by
> "government ministers, Knesset members and municipal heads in the Gaza
> region".
> http://english.aljazeera.net/indepth/opinion/2011/01/2011147844745636.html

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[Marxism] Cathie Black and the Demise of Public Education

2011-01-08 Thread Dennis Brasky
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Cathie Black and the Demise of Public Education

Saturday 08 January 2011

by: Christopher Lawrence, t r u t h o u t | News Analysis

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The appointment of Cathie Black - the Hearst magazine executive with zero
education experience - as New York City schools chancellor is further
evidence of the complete collapse of the 20th century model of liberal
public education in the US. The cynical compromise between Mayor Bloomberg
and his liberal opponents to appoint an educator as deputy chancellor only
serves to highlight the obvious message: education is a business that is too
lucrative in these difficult times to leave to teachers and communities. It
now seems inevitable that we will move to a dual education system not seen
since the days of legal segregation, with minorities and the poor shuttled
through a system of for-profit institutions emphasizing standardized
testing, uniform lessons and rote learning.

It is remarkable how quickly the liberals caved. Maybe this is because of
the way pro-business education reformers co-opted the traditional liberal
discourse of equality and civil rights. Or maybe it's the money. It is
heart-warming to see the captains of industry, hedge fund managers and
politicians across the political spectrum lining up to bankroll an attempt
to level the playing field for the poor. This equalization is a noble cause,
and one that is difficult to criticize. Unfortunately, it is also a scam.
Once again, the rich are preying on the hopes of the poor in order to
further their monopoly on wealth and power. The education reforms enshrined
in the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB), like charter schools, increased
testing and subcontracted tutoring and provided a huge opening for private
education entrepreneurs, even as public school budgets are repeatedly
slashed. If anyone had any doubts about the true intentions of these
corporate conquistadores, the announced departure of current New York City
schools chancellor Joel Klein to Murdoch's News Corp in order to pursue
opportunities in the "education marketplace" makes clear their objectives.

School reformers focus on the racial "achievement gap" as a source of social
inequality. This is naive at best and a red herring at worst, distracting us
from the real causes and remedies of inequality. Education, in itself, is
neither a cause nor a solution to the systemic problems of racism and
poverty in the US. The promise to prepare all students for college seems
admirable, until one realizes that the "colleges" where most students are to
be sent are for-profit diploma mills where students graduate, if at all,
with high debts and few prospects of a well-paying job. As for charter
schools, a recent
that more fail than succeed. Those that do are invariably the
beneficiaries of generous private grants that guarantee funding at much
higher levels than those of regular public schools. No matter. The
attraction of charters continues as poor people, accustomed to the indignity
of lining up for lottery tickets, continue to hope for that lucky break.
When reformers promise us that "every child can succeed," they are
trafficking in cheap platitudes. True success would involve a redistribution
of wealth, the creation of decent jobs and a commitment to real equality.

But to think of these reforms in terms of education misses the point. Their
real goals are cutting costs and increasing profits. Education reforms have
been marketed by demonizing public school teachers and their unions. As
systemic inequality and unemployment grow, teachers have become the
scapegoats for an economic system in crisis. Demands are growing for an end
to job security and other benefits and the firing of teachers based on poor
student test scores, despite the fact that the most relevant variable in
test scores is poverty, not teaching. In charter schools, these problems
have been addressed through increased "productivity" (such as longer teacher
hours for less pay) and the elimination of job security and benefits. Many
charters do not even offer teachers a pension.
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Re: [Marxism] Aflockalypse

2011-01-07 Thread Dennis Brasky
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Is it possible that the process of environmental destruction and species
extinction has progressed to the point where quantitative change has or is
about to become qualitative? If so, we will be entering an era of wars not
for oil, but for water and against millions of refugees who will be fleeing
flooded coasts and newly hostile climates. A new meaning for the phrase,
"socialism or barbarism".

On Fri, Jan 7, 2011 at 9:39 AM, Louis Proyect

> 'Aflockalypse': Here's Why We Should Really Be Concerned About the
> Huge Bird and Fish Die-off
> By Tara Lohan, AlterNet
> Posted on January 7, 2011, Printed on January 7, 2011
> http://www.alternet.org/story/149440/

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Re: [Marxism] NYTimes.com: Aspiring to Musical Power and Glory

2011-01-06 Thread Dennis Brasky
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Love Me, I'm a Liberal
By Phil Ochs

I cried when they shot Medgar Evers
Tears ran down my spine
I cried when they shot Mr. Kennedy
As though I'd lost a father of mine
But Malcolm X got what was coming
He got what he asked for this time
So love me, love me, love me, I'm a liberal

Once I was young and impulsive
I wore every conceivable pin
Even went to the socialist meetings
Learned all the old union hymns
But I've grown older and wiser
And that's why I'm turning you in
So love me, love me, love me, I'm a liberal

> A new documentary about Phil Ochs, a great singer/songwriter if there ever
> was one.--Tom
> MOVIES | January 05, 2011
> Movie Review | 'Phil Ochs: There but for Fortune': Aspiring to Musical
> Power and Glory
> "Phil Ochs: There but for Fortune" is Kenneth Bowser's documentary about
> that protest singer's complicated and tragic life.
> http://www.nytimes.com/2011/01/05/movies/05phil.html?emc=eta1

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[Marxism] 40-000-crabs-join-slew-of-animal-death-mysteries - is the revolution too late?

2011-01-06 Thread Dennis Brasky
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[Marxism] New York Times Book Review Excludes Black, Latino Critics

2011-01-06 Thread Dennis Brasky
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 by Randy Shaw - Jan. 05‚ 2011

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 The latest example of the sad decline of the New York Times Book Review
under editor Sam Tanenhaus is its January 2, 2010 edition on “Why Criticism
Matters” that excludes African-American and Latino critics. Citing the
importance of the critic as cultural arbiter, the Times asked six critics to
address the subject – none of whom were black or Latino. Further, the back
page of the section cites seven cultural critics who inspired the issue’s
theme: all seven are white men. We have previously discussed the Book
Review’s neo-conservative agenda in its promoting a praiseworthy review of a
book unfairly attacking Hampshire College; now it is defining critics as our
leading cultural arbiters while ignoring the perspectives of the
African-American, Latino and Asian-American critics whose outsider status
has often resulted in salient critiques of the elite white culture trumpeted
in the Times. It should be considered remarkable that in 2011 the New York
Times Book Review would put out an issue on cultural criticism that excludes
no representatives of the leading ethnic and racial minority groups of the
United States. Sadly, this exclusion, particularly for Latino critics, is
par for the course.

full --   http://www.beyondchron.org/news/index.php?itemid=8785

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[Marxism] Green Party Says Cuomo Fiscal Plan Recycles Failed Policies

2011-01-06 Thread Dennis Brasky
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*Green Party of New York State*

Green Party Says Cuomo Fiscal Plan Recycles Failed Policies

The Green Party blasted the Emergency Fiscal Plan outlined by Andrew Cuomo
in his State of the State Message as a continuation of the failed policies
of previous administrations of both major parties.

"Andrew Cuomo is reading from the same 30-year old major party script, which
says the bad economy and fiscal problems are the fault of big government and
the solution is to cut taxes and spending. It's the same old banker's agenda
to make take capital off the tax roles and make labor pay all the taxes.  The
result has been an unprecedented concentration of income, wealth, and power
in a tiny elite and stagnant or declining income, wealth, and public
services for the rest of us. Wall Street blew up the economy, but Cuomo
wants to blame public employees," said Howie Hawkins, the Green Party's 2010
gubernatorial candidate and recently elected co-chair.

Peter LaVenia, the other co-chair of the Green Party, added that "Cuomo is
using this crisis to advance a 'shock doctrine" on NY just like the bankers
and Wall Street had been doing with the IMF and third world countries for
decades. Slashing public spending for essential services and selling off
public assets to pay off debts and deficits only works for looting the
economy. Cuomo is continuing the bipartisan push to bail out Wall Street at
the expense of Main Street. How is his austerity plan supposed to help an
upstate described 4 years ago by Spitzer as part of Appalachia? Cuomo is
advocating class war on behalf of the rich, and we think it's time working
NYers fought back. "

"We say that the problem is concentrated wealth and power and the solution
begins with progressive tax reform to make the rich pay their fair share of
taxes again so government can invest in what the people want: secure jobs,
good schools and health care, clean energy, and a sustainable environment,"
Hawkins said.

full article -*www.gpnys.org*

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[Marxism] Roger Goodell's Message to NFL Players and Fans: Drop Dead

2011-01-04 Thread Dennis Brasky
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Goodell's Message to NFL Players and Fans: Drop Dead
by Dave Zirin | January 3, 2011


Leave it to NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell to end a thrilling NFL regular
season on a sour, ugly note. As football fans, sports radio devotees and
chat-room obsessives gathered Monday to discuss the playoff seedings,
Goodell issued an ill-timed letter

[1]laying out the state of negotiations with the NFL Players Association.
Both sides are striving to secure a new collective bargaining agreement and
avoid labor Armageddon, but based on Goodell's letter, that's where the
similarities end.

In the letter, Goodell seems to be following a tried-and-true strategy:
blame the union and sow resentment between the fans and the players they pay
to watch. But in taking a closer look at his musty missive, Goodell also
establishes himself as a stalking horse for a broader, systemic strategy
being used by governors and captains of industry across the country. It’s a
strategy that for all the focus-tested language has one end-goal: getting
workers to work harder for less.

First, blame the economy: Goodell writes: "Economic conditions have changed
dramatically inside and outside the NFL since 2006 when we negotiated the
last CBA. A 10 percent unemployment rate hurts us all. Fans have limited
budgets and rightly want the most for their money. I get it." Does he get
it? There is nothing about lowering prices for tickets, concessions or
parking. Instead he goes on to blame the greedy unions for making decent
wages and benefits as the reason there may be no football in 2011. As
Goodell writes, "Yes, NFL players deserve to be paid well. Unfortunately,
economic realities are forcing everyone to make tough choices and the NFL is
no different." This is the sporting version of something far broader and
more pernicious, as public sector workers are becoming the Willie Hortons of
our economy. They have become the 2011 scapegoat of choice as politicians
impose the coming austerity. AFSCME has even started a campaign called "No
More Lies  [2]" to counter the
myths of the greedy unionists destroying state budgets.

Goodell goes on to lay out his vision for a brighter future. This brighter
future includes players not only playing for less but also working more. As
Goodell writes, "An enhanced season of 18 regular season and two preseason
games would not add a single game for the players collectively, but would
give fans more meaningful, high-quality football." Then without irony and
with no transition, Goodell leaps right into his deep care and concern for
players' health, writing, "Our emphasis on player health and safety is
absolutely essential to the future of our game." Yes, play longer but
nothing is more essential than the health of the players. As Pittsburgh
Steelers Wide Receiver Hines Ward said in comments aimed at
[3], "If you were so concerned about the safety, why are you adding two more
games? They don't care about the safety of the game They're hypocrites."

Then Goodell goes after the salaries of rookies, calling for a "rookie pay
scale." He writes, "All we're asking for is a return to common sense in
paying our rookies. Other leagues have done this and we can too." This is
also ridiculous if not immoral. Any sport where each play can be your last
should reject any notion of a pay scale. Players in this most violent of
games should be able to make as much as the market will bear and not a penny

Goodell finally ends with some blather about wanting to achieve this kind of
"forward looking CBA" and "protecting the integrity of the game." But there
is no integrity in Goodell's vision: only the same blueprint for workers we
are seeing across the country: work more, take less. I am sure that there
are many who would read this with little sympathy for NFL players as
workers. But please consider: a typical NFL career is three and a half
years, and as NFL player Scott Fujita said to me, "We're the only business
with a 100 percent injury rate." The ratings for the NFL this season have
never been higher and no one ever paid hundreds of dollars to see Jerry
Jones stalk the sidelines.

But it's even bigger than all of that. Goodell finishes this ill-timed
screed by writing, "This is about more than a labor agreement. It's about

Re: [Marxism] US Evangelical Fundamentalism

2011-01-01 Thread Dennis Brasky
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On Sat, Jan 1, 2011 at 2:11 PM, Dan  wrote:

> The US disease known as Evangelical Fundamentalism is a direct threat to
> working class autonomy and emancipation. In the US, tapping into the
> Evangelical vote is done by Republicans. Rather than trying to engage
> with such elements, US Marxists should be extremely wary of the
> pernicious effects of religion which is always concerned with
> establishing authoritarian rule and protecting the powers that be.
> Cases involving born-again Christian teachers refusing to teach
> evolution are becoming as frequent as burqa-clad teachers telling
> children that women should "dress modestly". Both are pilling up in the
> European Court of Human Rights, despite clear precedents showing that
> the ECHR upholds secularism.

I suppose this means that the US left should have refused to support and
build the movement against Jim Crow in the 1950s and 60s since it was lead
predominantly by Black Christian ministers.

To mention in the same breath and thus equate the struggle by victims of
racism and xenophobia with the oppressive fundamentalism of racists and
xenophobes is to completely miss the distinction of which side are you on,
which I would list as the starting point for revolutionaries.

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[Marxism] Alexander Cockburn - Honor the WikiLeakers

2011-01-01 Thread Dennis Brasky
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Honor the WikiLeakers

Friday 31 December 2010

by: Alexander Cockburn, t r u t h o u t | Op-Ed


When it comes to journalistic achievements in 2010, the elephant in the room
is WikiLeaks. I've seen many put-downs of the materials as containing "no
smoking guns", or as being essentially trivial communications to the State
Department from U.S. diplomats and kindred government agents around the

Now, it's true that the cables were legally available to well over 1.5
million Americans, who had adequate security clearance. But trivial? Don't
believe it. The cables show the daily business of a mighty empire acting in
manners diametrically opposite to public pretensions. The cables form one of
the most extraordinary lessons in the cold realities of international
diplomacy ever made public. Normally, scholars have to wait for 10, 20, even
50 years to gain access to such papers.

The WikiLeaks documents show that the picture of the international business
of the United States offered by the major U.S. media to the public is an
infantile misrepresentation of reality. The efforts being made by Attorney
General Eric Holder to bolster secrecy and espionage laws show that the U.S.
government, led currently by a man who pledged "transparency," wants the
American people to remain in blissful ignorance of what its government is
actually doing.

The alleged leaker of the WikiLeaks files, Army Private Bradley Manning,
currently being held in solitary confinement in sadistic conditions, should
be vigorously applauded and defended for exposing such crimes as the murder
of civilians in Baghdad by U.S. Apache helicopters. The WikiLeaks
Afghan-related files are a damning, vivid series of snapshots of a
disastrous and criminal enterprise.

In these same files, there is a compelling series of secret documents about
the death squad operated by the U.S. military known as Task Force 373, an
undisclosed "black" unit of special forces, which has been hunting down
targets for death or detention without trial. From WikiLeaks we learn that
more than 2,000 senior figures from the Taliban and al-Qaida are held on a
"kill or capture" list, known as Jpel, the joint prioritized effects list.

Julian Assange and his colleagues should similarly be honored and defended.
They have acted in the best traditions of the journalistic vocation.

The U.S. began the destruction of Afghanistan in 1979, when President Jimmy
Carter and his National Security Adviser, Zbigniew Brzezinski, started
financing the mullahs and warlords in the largest and most expensive
operation in the CIA's history until that time. Here we are, more than three
decades later, half-buried under a mountain of horrifying news stories about
a destroyed land of desolate savagery, and what did one hear on many news
commentaries earlier this week? Indignant bleats often by liberals, about
WikiLeaks' "irresponsibility" in releasing the documents, twitchy questions
such as that asked by The Nation's Chris Hayes on the "Rachel Maddow Show":
"I wonder ultimately to whom WikiLeaks ends up being accountable."

The answer to that last question was given definitively in 1851 by Robert
Lowe, editorial writer for the London Times. He had been instructed by his
editor to refute the claim of a government minister that if the press hoped
to share the influence of statesmen, it "must also share in the
responsibilities of statesmen."

"The first duty of the press," Lowe wrote, "is to obtain the earliest and
most correct intelligence of the events of the time, and instantly, by
disclosing them, to make them the common property of the nation ... The
Press lives by disclosures ... For us, with whom publicity and truth are the
air and light of existence, there can be no greater disgrace than to recoil
from the frank and accurate disclosure of facts as they are. We are bound to
tell the truth as we find it, without fear of consequences -- to lend no
convenient shelter to acts of injustice and oppression, but to consign them
at once to the judgment of the world."

*Alexander Cockburn is co-editor with Jeffrey St. Clair of the muckraking
newsletter CounterPunch. He is also co-author of the new book "Dime's Worth
of Difference: Beyond the Lesser of Two Evils," available through

*Copyright 2010 Creators.com


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[Marxism] The Phantom Menace: Fantasies, fal sehoods, and fear-mongering about Iran’s nucl ear program

2010-12-31 Thread Dennis Brasky
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> *The Phantom Menace: Fantasies, falsehoods, and fear-mongering about **
>> Iran**’s nuclear program*
>> Dec 31, 2010 01:32 am | Nima Shirazi
>> "To tell deliberate lies while genuinely believing in them, to forget any
>> fact that has become inconvenient, and then, when it becomes necessary
>> again, to draw it back from oblivion for just so long as it is needed, to
>> deny the existence of objective reality and all the while to take account of
>> the reality which one denies — all this is indispensably necessary."
>> - George Orwell, Nineteen Eighty-Four
>> Facts rarely get in the way of American and Israeli fear-mongering and
>> jingoism, especially when it comes to anti-Iran propaganda. For nearly
>> thirty years now, U.S. and Zionist politicians and analysts, along with some
>> of their European allies, have warned that Iranian nuclear weapons
>> capability is just around the corner and that such a possibility would not
>> only be catastrophic for Israel with its 400 nuclear warheads and
>> state-of-the-art killing power supplied by U.S. taxpayers, but that it would
>> also endanger regional dictatorships, Europe, and even the United States.
>> If these warnings are to be believed, Iran is only a few years away from
>> unveiling a nuclear bomb...and has been for the past three decades.
>> Fittingly, let's begin in 1984.
>> http://mondoweiss.net/2010/12/the-phantom-menace-fantasies-falsehoods-and-fear-mongering-about-irans-nuclear-program.html?utm_source=Mondoweiss+List&utm_campaign=da99c10e0e-RSS_EMAIL_CAMPAIGN&utm_medium=email#comments

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[Marxism] 8 Smears and Misconceptions About WikiLeaks Spread By the Media

2010-12-31 Thread Dennis Brasky
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> 8 Smears and Misconceptions About WikiLeaks Spread By the Media
> Alternet/ By Julianne Escobedo Shepherd and Tana Ganeva
> December 31, 2010
>  Shredding the corporate media's malicious attacks on WikiLeaks
> The corporate media's tendency to blare misinformation and outright
> fabrications has been particularly egregious in coverage of WikiLeaks. As 
> Glenn
> Greenwaldhas
>  argued, mainstream news outlets are parroting smears and falsehoods
> about the whistleblower site and its founder Julian Assange, helping to
> perpetuate a number of "zombie lies" -- misconceptions that refuse to die no
> matter how much they conflict with known reality, basic logic and
> well-publicized information.
> Here are the bogus narratives that keep appearing in newspapers and on the
> airwaves.

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Re: [Marxism] books on Nicaragua/El Salvador in the 1980s

2010-12-28 Thread Dennis Brasky
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On Tue, Dec 28, 2010 at 10:20 AM, Ismail Lagardien wrote:

> Dennis
> Would you care to share information/suggestions you receive, please. I
> teach two
> courses in International Relations in the spring.
> Cheers
> Ismail
> Voices From the Other Side – Keith Bolender – US terrorism against Cuba

A Faustian Bargain; U.S. Intervention in the Nicaraguan Elections and
American Foreign Policy in the Post-Cold War Era
by William I. Robinson
Westview Press, 1992

Weakness and Deceit: US Policy and El Salvador  By Raymond Bonner

Our Own Backyard: The United States In Central America, 1977-1992

By William M. LeoGrande

David and Goliath

By William Robinson

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[Marxism] Don't spin the Civil War

2010-12-27 Thread Dennis Brasky
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Don't spin the Civil War
By E.J. Dionne Jr. The Washington Post Sunday, December 26, 2010


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[Marxism] books on Nicaragua/El Salvador in the 1980s

2010-12-27 Thread Dennis Brasky
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I would appreciate hearing from comrades (off list) as to suggestions for
readings about US policy towards Nicaragua and El Salvador in the 1980s for
a Political Science course entitled US Foreign Policy in the post WW2 Era -
"Why do they hate us?"

Dennis Brasky

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[Marxism] Julian Assange to use £1m book deals f or legal fight

2010-12-27 Thread Dennis Brasky
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WikiLeaks founder says he had to sell rights to autobiography to cover legal
costs and keep website afloat


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[Marxism] Returning to the castles of Seville (Ishbeelyah).

2010-12-26 Thread Dennis Brasky
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*Returning to the castles of Seville (Ishbeelyah).*

*Imagine what an uproar there would be if Muslims declared the following: *

We long to return to Spain, from which we were expelled centuries ago. We
long to return to the Gardens of Cordoba (in Arabic: Qurtuba). We agonize
with every breath to re-inhabit the castles of Seville (Ishbeelyah). In our
veins, there runs an eternal longing to walk again in the footsteps of our
forefathers in Zaragoza (Saraqusta). We yearn to once again cultivate the
orchards of Valladolid (Balad Al Waleed). We shall strive, by military means
if necessary, to see the blessed day when we can tread along the
rose-scented pathways of the splendid palace of Al Hambra (Al Hamraa) in
Granada (Ghirnata). Every stone and every particle of sand in that Iberian
holy land belongs to me and to my people, exclusively. No Spaniard terrorist
has the right to obstruct the will of God and deny my family the legal title
to the land of our ancestors. It is God who had given us Andalucía (Al
Andalus), and it is God who promised us that we, the exiles, shall return to
it once again.

I would indeed have to be a certified lunatic if I had meant a word of the
above. Yet, the only difference between my disease of the mind and that of
the millions of Jewish Israelis who claim to have "returned" to Palestine is
that in my case, at least, the monuments and Arab names I am referring to
are real and do actually exist today. It is incontestable that the direct
ancestors of my people built a great Islamic civilization in Spain.

On the other hand, Zionist archaeologists have failed after digging up every
conceivable corner of Palestine for the last 62 years to excavate a Jewish
artifact or building or temple remotely matching the grandeur of any of the
visible relics of Andalucía.

How is it conceivable for otherwise rational people to entertain - let alone
accept and adopt - the twisted Zionist logic about a Jewish "return" to a
"promised land" after so many thousands of years of supposed separation? How
can these people allow Israeli politicians to use such religious nonsense as
a justification for the contemporary and ongoing catastrophe being inflicted
upon the millions of guiltless Palestinian inhabitants of that land?

Adapted from "A Terrible Disease of the Mind", written by Zaid Nabulsi and
published online at



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[Marxism] Moustafa Bayoumi, "The Race Is On: Muslims and Arabs in the American Imagination"

2010-12-26 Thread Dennis Brasky
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Moustafa Bayoumi, "The Race Is On: Muslims and Arabs in the American

The irony is that while Arabs and Muslims are increasingly racialized as
black (in ways that approximate Cold War images of African-Americans),
African-Americans are emerging in popular culture as leaders of the American
nation and empire. Moreover, this depiction revolves fundamentally around
the idea of black friendship with Muslims and Arabs, a friendship not among
equals but one reflecting a modified projection of American power. This
image appears to seek to transform the image of the United States itself.
Consider two different films in this regard: The Siege (1998), again
starring Denzel Washington, and The Kingdom (2007), starring Jamie Foxx. . .
. Race, nation and empire. Their mixing, in the end, describes a
complicated, if not confused, situation. On the one hand, as they suffer
social exclusion, Arabs and Muslims are increasingly racialized. But the
same gesture, in a post-civil rights era world, somehow manages to
Americanize them. Arab and Muslim Americans signify both the incompleteness
and the human triumph of the project of the American nation.
African-Americans are cast at the same time in sheltering roles, protecting
the nation, those vulnerable and good Arabs and Muslims, and the empire.
Such representations simultaneously prove that true equality has been won
and that there exists an enduring need for civil rights thinking in the
United States. What is largely missing is the recognition that black
heroism, for it to be truly noble, must not be staged on the backs of
another people. What is required is the critical consciousness that would
build an alliance between Arabs, Muslims and African-Americans against
global and domestic aggression and terrorism. (To be fair, The Kingdom hints
toward this consciousness at the end.) In the absence of that idea, such
representations in fact coopt the struggle for racial equality into the
project of an unequal nation and that of an expanding empire.


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[Marxism] Paul Street - "The President and the Climate: Reflections on Progressive Obama Delusion

2010-12-24 Thread Dennis Brasky
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Paul Street, "The President and the Climate: Reflections on Progressive

Just what did Barack Obama and his spinners do to the critical faculties of
so many leading American progressives?


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[Marxism] solidarity with activists targeted by the government!

2010-12-23 Thread Dennis Brasky
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> solidarity with activists targeted by the government

Max Ajl -

> http://www.maxajl.com/?p=4617
> As many of you may know, the FBI has lately been targeting Palestine
> solidarity activists. People call it a witch-hunt, and like the witches,
> these activists will be innocent of whatever the government charges them
> with, if it bothers to charge them with anything. They are guilty of
> something else that they should be proud to be guilty of: struggling against
> the neo-colonial wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, Palestine, and beyond.
> I had not mentioned this inquisition here before, but they have now
> delivered a subpoena to Maureen Murphy, my editor at *Electronic 
> Intifada
> *, who is responsible for tamping down my verbosity and also helping to
> run the most important electronic newspaper serving the Palestine solidarity
> movement. This subpoena comes in the wake of house-raids and other subpoenas
> across the Midwest, through which some two dozen anti-war activists have
> been targeted.
> Historically, Democratic administrations have been the ones to repress
> civil liberties and anti-war organizing with the firmest hand. The Obama
> administration is no exception, and its thuggish, anti-democratic nature
> should be clear if it wasn’t before. The Obama administration is not
> yielding to an oppressive atmosphere of Islamophobia and rightist
> chauvinism. It is fomenting it. It is not struggling against those seeking
> to prevent it from reforming the system. It is struggling against those
> seeking to reform or destroy the system.
> As Maureen stated in a press release, “Along with several others, I am
> being summoned to appear before the Grand Jury on Tuesday, January 25th, in
> the Dirksen Federal Building in Chicago.” Those who have been summoned have
> so far refused to appear before the grand jury. There have been no arrests,
> nor indictments. The government has not mentioned any crimes that it may be
> investigating.
> To be subject to political harassment is a badge of honor. It means you are
> destabilizing power. Our job now is to make sure that badge of honor remains
> just a badge and not a burden. As the wars escalate in Af-Pak and Gaza is
> being once again pummeled by the Israeli-American air force, the empire’s
> courtroom is trying to intimidate those who are resisting those policies.
> Don’t let them. Let’s push back.
> [More information available at www.stopfbi.net]

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[Marxism] music makes you smarter?

2010-12-22 Thread Dennis Brasky
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I can think of at least one person on this list who would argue that it
certainly hasn't helped me, but nevertheless, an interesting thesis.

> http://www.alternet.org/story/149288/why_listening_to_music_makes_you_smarter?page=entire

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Re: [Marxism] Chris Hedges interviewed by Amy Goodman

2010-12-22 Thread Dennis Brasky
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On Wed, Dec 22, 2010 at 2:14 PM, Manuel Barrera  wrote:

> Dennis: "Where would they find such a quest Manuel?? I didn't say that they
> were ready to sign up as Bolsheviks - they may never reach that point. . ."
> It was an actual question not a challenge, Dennis. I do wonder if there is
> a new and different way that a revolutionary leadership may emerge and if
> some of the political maturation among people like Greenwald and Hedges
> might be an influence. I have heard several on this list point out (a) we
> have a tremendous crisis of leadership in the working class and oppressed
> communities (certainly agree) and (b) that any mass movement development
> will likely see the emergence of a leadership in, let's say, less than the
> traditional conceptions within which so many of us have been schooled.
> Just asking...
> Manuel
Comrade - I didn't take it as a challenge - in fact, I was also asking

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Re: [Marxism] US Cables Portray a Different Side of Brazil's Lula da Silva:

2010-12-19 Thread Dennis Brasky
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On Sun, Dec 19, 2010 at 10:08 PM, Joaquín Bustelo wrote:


I know some class-reductionist, workerist comrades don't like it because
it isn't a comic-book simple "class against class" situation with all
the workers, peasants and honest professionals and intellectuals lining
up on one side, all the bosses, strikebreakers, scab herders and their
stooges in academia and the media on the other.

Bustelo creates a straw argument. I fully understand and support every
positive step and micro step taken in South America, as well as the Middle
East and everywhere else against imperialism, no matter who leads it  I do
not equate a Lula, Kirchner, Ahmadinejad, with imperialism and fully support
any and all moves toward a united Latin America. But I also do not try to
prettify these individuals, movements or governments (ANC) and all of their
policies in the name of anti imperialism.

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[Marxism] "Richard Holbrooke Represented the Worst of the Foreign Policy Establishment"

2010-12-19 Thread Dennis Brasky
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[Marxism] opposition from leading left Obama supporter

2010-12-19 Thread Dennis Brasky
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While a Marxist analysis would not concentrate so much on individual
personality traits, this possibly reflects an important break within the
left supporters of Obama camp --

An Historical View from the "Sanctimonious" Left
By Carl Bloice - BlackCommentator.com
Editorial Board Black Commemtator - December 16, 2010

clip -

Smarting from the complaints within his own party about the tax deal he and
the Republican leadership had hatched, an increasingly defensive President
Obama said," this is the public option debate all over again." Then, he
claimed, that while he was able to pass a meaningful reform, progressives
had instead viewed it as "weakness and compromise" that there was no public
option in his healthcare plan. "Now, if that's the standard by which we are
measuring success or core principles, and then let's face it, we will never
get anything done." "This is a big, diverse country," Obama said. "Not
everybody agrees with us. I know that shocks people." "This country was
founded on compromise. I couldn't go through the front door of this
country's founding," he added. "And you know, if we were really thinking
about ideal positions, we wouldn't have a Union." When I read those words my
first thought was: that's not how Abe Lincoln viewed it.

full -

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Re: [Marxism] US Cables Portray a Different Side of Brazil's Lula da Silva:

2010-12-19 Thread Dennis Brasky
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On Sun, Dec 19, 2010 at 1:20 PM, Joaquín Bustelo wrote:

> On 12/16/2010 11:08 PM, Dennis Brasky wrote:
> > The leaked U.S. cables, which chronicle Lula's eight years in power, show
> a
> > leader all too willing to placate Washington and double-cross fellow
> > leftists throughout the region.
> Why is it that when American imperialism does something to create
> divisions and conflicts between Latin American nations and leaders, some
> leftists unfailingly seem to fall for it?
> Oh, I know the supposed "logic" involved: class against class. Lula did
> not represent a true-blue proletarian program, so f*** him and the horse
> he rode into town on.
Brazilian troops in Haiti - a trifle less than "a true-blue proletarian

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[Marxism] WikiLeaks' lesson on Haiti:

2010-12-19 Thread Dennis Brasky
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*WikiLeaks' lesson on **Haiti**:

What the US embassy cables reveal about Washington's malign influence should
make Latin American nations quit the UN force


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[Marxism] US Cables Portray a Different Side of Brazil's Lula da Silva:

2010-12-16 Thread Dennis Brasky
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*US Cables Portray a Different Side of **Brazil**'s Lula da Silva: *

The leaked U.S. cables, which chronicle Lula's eight years in power, show a
leader all too willing to placate Washington and double-cross fellow
leftists throughout the region.


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Re: [Marxism] Visa, Mastercard and PayPal's funding Illegal Israeli Settlements? Priceless.

2010-12-16 Thread Dennis Brasky
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On Thu, Dec 16, 2010 at 12:14 PM, S. Artesian wrote:

> Think you're missing the point, JB... that being that while Mastercard et
> al
> disqualified, [and even seized, no?] contributions made to Wikileaks on
> "legal" grounds, the same corporations are quite happy to allow
> contributions to illegal projects.
Precisely - at least you're not going senile!

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[Marxism] Glen Ford - The left and Obama-trauma

2010-12-15 Thread Dennis Brasky
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[Marxism] What a Disgrace!! - Islamophobia and France's NPA

2010-12-15 Thread Dennis Brasky
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> Islamophobia and France's NPA
> December 15, 2010 --
> http://socialistworker.org/2010/12/15/islamophobia-and-the-npa
> Last week, 12 activists in France's New Anti-Capitalist Party
> (NPA)--including Ilham Moussaid, whose candidacy for regional elections
> caused controversy because of the fact that she wears a hijab--resigned from
> the organization.
> John Mullen, a member of the NPA in the Paris region, answered questions
> for Australia's *Socialist Alternative * about the
> issue of Islamophobia in France, and the debates within the NPA that led to
> these resignations.
> FIRST, COULD you elaborate on what caused the 12 members to resign and the
> contours of the debates within the NPA about the rights of its Muslim
> membership?
> ILHAM WAS chosen as one of a list of candidates in the regional elections
> last year. This decision was made in the region--the NPA is very much a
> federal organization. The NPA was attacked from all sides for giving in to
> Islamists and fundamentalists, and for abandoning secularism.
> The party's national spokesperson Olivier Besancenot defended Ilham's right
> to be a candidate, but a vocal minority inside the NPA is hostile to having
> members with hijabs. For the upcoming conference, this minority has put
> forward a motion that hijab wearers can't be candidates for the party.
> A counter-motion defends equal rights for all members to apply to be a
> candidate, and a third motion suggests a dreadful compromise--that hijab
> wearers can be candidates if approved by special commissions.
> The group of comrades of which Ilham is part, near Avignon, hasbeen running
> dynamic campaigns on local issues, including the question of Islamophobia. A
> campaign against them inside the party has worn them out, and rather than
> fight at the conference, they have chosen to continue their activism outside
> the party. It's very sad.
> The very real and slowly growing support they have had from a minority of
> comrades around the country has not been enough to keep them in our party.
> WHEN MOUSSAID resigned, she said, "We need to concentrate on what unites
> us, on the fight for equality between men and women, and not to say we
> should all dress the same way, that you can't wear a headscarf because
> otherwise you're not a feminist." What do you say to those who are arguing
> that wearing the hijab is "an assault on feminism"?
> THE MAJORITY of the left in France believe that the hijab is an assault on
> women's rights, and this position quickly moves into the prejudice that
> Muslim women in France are more oppressed than non-Muslim women, that the
> experience of women in Saudi Arabia is merely an extreme case of an
> oppression which is inherent in Islam, and other such ideas.
> Muslim and Arab men are then presented as the major source of women's
> oppression and contrasted with the progressive white values of Republican
> France. So opposition to religious practices on the basis of progressive
> values can easily turn into a thinly disguised form of racism--and often
> does.
> In fact, if Muslim women in France suffer oppression, get mostly low-paid
> jobs and bad housing, this is not usually because of their husbands and big
> brothers, but because capitalism wants cheap labor, and treating ethnic
> minorities badly is good for profits.
> Pieces of clothing have symbolic meanings in all cultures. In many
> cultures, women must cover their breasts, and men must not wear dresses. In
> Sikh culture, men must not cut their hair. And in many Muslim cultures,
> women must cover their hair. When French women cover their hair to please
> their God, they are not saying "treat me as an inferior."
> There is another point: in France, where anti-Arab and anti-Muslim racism
> is at a high level (which has a lot to do with France's imperial past and
> neo-colonial present), wearing the hijab is about showing you are proud to
> be a Muslim (and often, proud to be an Arab) in a fairly hostile situation.
> Tragically, the opinion of the women who wear the hijab, or the niqab, is
> practically never asked. "Enlightened" left anti-sexists speak for them and
> tell them how they should dress. It's an old colonial tradition, telling
> oppressed groups what is good for them.
> THE RIGHT-wing government of President Nicolas Sarkozy, with the support of
> the Socialist Party, recently banned the wearing of the hijab in state
> schools and the public service, and the full veil is now illegal in the
> streets. How is this issue being exploited by France's politicians, and how
> prevalent is racist abuse of Muslims in France today?
> A FEW months ago, researchers sent to French companies applications for
> jobs accompanied

[Marxism] Israel thinks we're "very powerful." So keep us strong

2010-12-15 Thread Dennis Brasky
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There are many good causes for comrades to contribute to. In my opinion, EI
is at the top of the list! - Dennis Brasky

> 14 December 2010
> Now we know why Israel is trying to shut down The Electronic Intifada.
> Recently I wrote to you and other friends about the 
> attack<http://electronicintifada.net/v2/article11651.shtml>on The Electronic 
> Intifada by NGO Monitor, an extremist Israeli group that
> works with the Israel's far-right government and wants to shut us down.
> At a 9 December press conference at the Israeli Foreign Ministry, hosted by
> Deputy Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon, the head of NGO Monitor said:
> "... we also see this combination between *a very powerful organization
> called the Electronic Intifada*, and the people who are involved in that,
> a gentleman by the name of Ali Abunimah in particular, who appears on many,
> many campuses and frameworks, preaching the Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions
> and one-state, eliminate-the-State-of-Israel solution..."
> Of course NGO Monitor distorts the truth, and tries to misrepresent what we
> as a publication do and what I as an individual say, but they are right
> about one thing: *we are powerful*, because the original news and analysis
> published by The Electronic Intifada empowers activists all over the world
> who are working for justice, equality and respect for universal rights in
> Palestine.
> We're a small publication, standing up to the might of Israel and making a
> big difference by educating thousands of people every day.
> I am privileged to work with an incredible editorial team, and The
> Electronic Intifada counts on dozens of first class reporters, writers and
> activists. We can do this work and withstand these attacks only because of
> the support of people like 
> you<http://electronicintifada.net/v2/article11662.shtml>.
> You make us *powerful* and Israel has noticed.
> To remain strong and independent in 2011 we must raise $100,000 by December
> 31. We've already raised almost $30,000, but we still have a long way to go.
> Be *powerful* and make a tax-deductible 
> donation<http://electronicintifada.net/v2/article11662.shtml>today!
> With thanks on behalf of The Electronic Intifada Team
> Ali Abunimah
> PS: You can read more about our 
> campaign<http://electronicintifada.net/v2/article11662.shtml>,
> and revisit some of the great articles that have made Israeli so mad! Donate
> Now <http://electronicintifada.net/v2/article2162.shtml>.

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[Marxism] Thesis on Jewish 'privilege' rebuked, sparking row

2010-12-14 Thread Dennis Brasky
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Author of Master’s Thesis Critical of Jewish Narcissism to be Electrocuted
on Christmas Day; Parents’ Plea for Stay of Execution Denied By Prime
Minister Harper, Who Declares “Jews are My Johns”

Thesis on Jewish 'privilege' rebuked, sparking row

12.09.2010 | The National
 Academics are calling the Ontario government’s condemnation of a university
student thesis an attack on scholarly freedom, but those offended by the
controversial paper insist they won’t let “hate” hide behind the veil of

Jenny Peto’s 100-page thesis argues that today’s Jews of European descent
“enjoy white privilege” and maintain a victim identity by participating in
“hegemonic” Holocaust remembrance programs such as the March of the Living,
during which young Jewish people visit Poland and Israel. The University of
Toronto accepted the defended thesis and awarded a master’s degree to the
29-year-old, who is an activist associated with the Coalition Against
Israeli Apartheid group. She’s also Jewish and a descendant of Holocaust

The thesis, entitled The Victimhood of the Powerful: White Jews, Zionism and
the Racism of Hegemonic Holocaust Education, describes Israel as an
apartheid state.

It has provoked intense debate online, in academia and even the political
realm. Progressive Conservative MPP Steve Clark raised it in the legislature
Tuesday in response to sharp criticism in the Jewish community, calling it
“shockingly anti-Semitic.” Citizenship and immigration minister Eric Hoskins
likewise condemned the thesis in the legislature saying he was “greatly
disturbed and, in fact, disgusted,” when he read media coverage about it.

In a statement to the Post on Wednesday, Mr. Hoskins stood by his
condemnation: “I rose in the House to condemn all anti-Semitism, a
particularly vile and pernicious form of discrimination,” he said. “The
lessons to be learned from the Holocaust are pivotal, not just for the
Jewish community, but for all Ontarians.”

Ms. Peto responded to the criticism by saying her academic freedom was under
attack. “I never could have imagined an MA thesis getting this much
attention,” she said. “But given my reputation as a vocal critic of Israel …
I am never surprised to be attacked by pro-Israel groups or pro-Israel
politicians, for that matter.”

“Students and researchers should be able to research and publish on
controversial matters without the fear of attacks from the government.”

It is certainly unusual for a student’s work to be challenged by elected
representatives, said Michiel Horn, a York University history professor and
author of Academic Freedom in Canada: A History.

“I know not of a single case where a master’s or a phD paper has been
subject of discussion in the legislature of any province in Canada,” he

“This is hardly the forum,” he added, insisting that politicians should not
be perceived to be tearing apart a thesis that has already been vetted by
two university experts.

University of Toronto provost Cheryl Misak said most if not all
dissertations from the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, where Ms.
Peto studied, are scrutinized by a panel of experts who must grill the
student and pose all kinds of “obstacles” to the argument. Though she wasn’t
present at Ms. Peto’s thesis defence, she says she’s confident the process
met the high standards set by the institution.

“They’re called defences for good reason,” she said. “The thing that
concerns me is that this is a piece of student work and it’s part of a wider
educational project. It’s important to remember that.”

Anyone who disagrees with a thesis, paper, book or statement and might find
it offensive, can offer counterarguments, she said.

“That’s what freedom of expression is, that’s how it ought to unfold,” she
said. “Condemnation is not really how expression is done.”

But as far as Peter Shurman is concerned, all hate should be condemned — and
hate is exactly what he believes this particular thesis is.

“I am sure that the legislature is a place to discuss anything that affects
the general wellbeing of the people of Ontario,” said the Thornhill MPP who
was part of Tuesday’s condemnation. “I’m not sure Ontario is an appropriate
place for preaching hate.”

He hasn’t read the paper, but nonetheless owes it to his largely Jewish
constituents to defend Israel on their behalf, he said.

Read more:

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[Marxism] Hawaii's Legal Case Against the United States

2010-12-13 Thread Dennis Brasky
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*Hawaii's Legal Case Against the United States*
Jon Letman, Truthout: "Imagine if you grew up being told that you had been
adopted, only to learn that you were, in fact, kidnapped. That might spur
you to start searching for the adoption papers. Now imagine that you could
find no papers and no one could produce any. That's how Dr. David Keanu Sai,
a retired Army Captain with a PhD in political science and instructor at
Kapiolani Community College in Hawaii, characterizes Hawaii's international
legal status. Since 1993, Sai has been researching the history of the
Kingdom of Hawaii and its complicated relationship to the United States."


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[Marxism] Glenn Greenwald's interview with Nir Rosen on his new book "Aftermath" of US wars

2010-12-13 Thread Dennis Brasky
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> http://www.salon.com/news/opinion/glenn_greenwald/?source=newsletter&utm_source=contactology&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Salon_Daily%20Newsletter%20%28Not%20Premium%29_7_30_110

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Re: [Marxism] Obama Isn't Spineless, He's Conservative

2010-12-12 Thread Dennis Brasky
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On Sun, Dec 12, 2010 at 2:28 PM,  wrote:

> The republicans will show you there is worse on January 1st
> George Anthony

While the Repubs will go farther and faster at dismantling the social safety
net, it's the Dems that disappointed and demoralized so many that they have
withdrawn from the political arena (a reported 29 million '08 Obama voters
did not vote last month). This enables the Repubs to come back. Marxists
call this a dialectical interaction.

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[Marxism] Would Obama Prosecute Martin L. King Jr. for WikiLeaks' Revelations of War and Environmental Crimes?

2010-12-07 Thread Dennis Brasky
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Would Obama Prosecute Martin L. King Jr. for WikiLeaks' Revelations of War
and Environmental Crimes?



Or to put the question differently: Would Martin Luther King Jr. support and
defend Julian Assange's efforts to inform the public about war and corporate
environmental crimes?

Last night I watched "The Great Debaters" with Denzel Washington again, and
it occurred to me that during the arguments given in support of civil
disobedience that Julian Assange, publisher of WikiLeaks.org, is practicing
civil disobedience and that the Obama administration is on the wrong side of

For much of his crusading career, Martin Luther King Jr. was regarded by the
U.S. Justice Department and Hoover's FBI "an enemy of the state," a
"terrorist", and a "communist".   Many more accusations were made against
him for his attempt to shed light on human suffering that had its violent
roots in the acceptance of racism. Most people remember King for his
demonstrations against segregation and racism, but what the history books
conveniently leave out is his equally strong opposition against the Vietnam

Here is a passage taken from his "Beyond Vietnam: A Time to Break
delivered April 4
th, 1967.  When asked about Vietnam, he replied:

 They asked if our own nation wasn't using massive doses of violence to
solve its problems, to bring about the changes it wanted. Their questions
hit home, and I knew that I could never again raise my voice against the
violence of the oppressed in the ghettos without having first spoken clearly
to the greatest purveyor of violence in the world today -- my own
government. For the sake of those boys, for the sake of this government, for
the sake of hundreds of thousands trembling under our violence, I cannot be

Today, I have no doubt that, like Julian Assange, Martin Luther King Jr.
would be opposed to the unnecessary occupation of Afghanistan and Iraq.  He
would question the interests of Big Oil in these regions and he would also
defend Julian Assange's WikiLeaks revelations on corporate crimes committed
against nature and human beings, the exposure of toxins and pollution of our
air and water.

While Eric Holder spends his time prosecuting a Martin Luther King activist
for exposing corporate and war crimes via WikiLeaks that would otherwise
remain secret, he turns a blind eye to BP executives who've literally
destroyed the Gulf sea life and the economy of the Gulf, which is
understandable since he used to defend oil companies.

History will show that Obama's Justice Department prosecutes individuals who
believe the invasion and occupation of Afghanistan and Iraq are morally and
legally wrong. Holder argues that WikiLeaks is putting troops at risk.
Martin L. King would reply to Holder: "The use of military violence, for any
reason, gives opponents fuel for criticism and risks harming others."

One thing is for certain: President Obama is no Martin Luther King Jr. in
that one must practice what one preaches in campaigns, and he is no
environmentalist.  As TruthOut
"The Obama administration has doled out billions of dollars in stimulus
money to some of the nation's biggest polluters and granted them sweeping
exemptions from the most basic form of environmental oversight... The
administration has awarded more than 179,000 'categorical exclusions' to
stimulus projects funded by federal agencies, freeing those projects from
review under the National Environmental Policy Act, or NEPA."

As Mark Karlin, Editor of Buzzflash, put it, on shutting down
WikiLeaks: President
Obama hangs an iron curtain between U.S. citizens and the Truth.

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[Marxism] All Quiet on the Western Front - Once Not so Quiet

2010-12-06 Thread Dennis Brasky
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All Quiet on the Western Front - Once Not so Quiet

Victor Grossman, Berlin Bulletin No. 15,

from portside -

On December 5th one or two hundred people left a movie theater in Berlin,
mostly silent and deeply moved though the film they had seen was first
released in 1930. This American-made epic had lost none of its extremely
emotional appeal . It was "All Quiet on the Western Front" and the date of
its showing here was no coincidence. Exactly eighty years earlier, to the
day, Joseph Goebbels, later to become Hitlers notorious propaganda minister,
had led 200 Nazis in violently preventing the showing of this same film. At
the shout of Goebbels, who was in the balcony, the Nazis, storm troopers
without their brown uniforms and some of the many newly-elected deputies to
the Reichstag, blew whistles, attacked the rest of the audience and then let
hundreds of white mice out of cardboard boxes to scurry through the rows.
The police tried to restore order, at least some of them did, but this
proved impossible and the showing was stopped. Then five or ten thousand
Nazis waiting outside joined Goebbels in a march and rally in the downtown
area. The tumults continued for a whole week, after which the Censorship
Office, made up of Nazi sympathizers or men fearing the growing Nazi
pressure, bowed to the demands of several pro-Nazi states to have the film
banned altogether in Germany. This was a first major success of the Nazis
and was accompanied by an obscene barrage of propaganda against this
"defamation of our boys in uniform" by the "Jews in Hollywood" and in Berlin's
"elite" West Side.

A half-year later, after protests by prominent writers, artists and
anti-Nazi political figures, permission was reluctantly granted to show the
film to small private audiences, but only in such a radically cut version
that much of the political punch was gone. This strange law, a compromise
applying to a single film, was soon canceled, yet the attempted conciliation
of the important German market for American films resulted in only cut film
versions being distributed to all other countries as well. The film was
totally forbidden in many countries, including France, Austria and Australia,
and was eviscerated even in the USA, despite its two Oscars as best film
and, for Lewis Milestone, best director. A final wish of Milestone was to
have the film restored to its original length and principles. It took two
decades after his death in 1980 before this was finally achieved.

The film shown last Friday was the original, uncut version with German
sub-titles. Before it began, two historians described what had happened in
1930, which had made this a major step in the Nazi take-over of German
culture and, two years later, of the whole country, resulting in the
destruction of both. One historian told the tragic story of Hanns Brodnitz,
the manager of the Mozart-Saal, which he had turned into a leading art film
center, highlighting such film greats as the young Rene Clair ("Under the
Roofs of Paris") and Charlie Chaplin's masterpieces. But after the Nazi
attacks on his theater and the exploding level of anti-Semitism in
Germanyhe lost his job and, before long, all jobs. His attempts to
escape to the
USA were in vain and in 1938 he went into hiding. Only after five years,
when he dared to leave his last hiding-place, was he caught and sent to
Auschwitz, where he was murdered in a gas chamber a few days later. His
autobiographical book on film culture during Germany's Weimar Period (after
1919) was not released in 1933 because of the Nazi takeover and was soon
destroyed, but a surprising find of the galley proofs a few years ago made a
new edition possible.

Two major thoughts certainly went through the minds of many in the audience
last Friday. One was a swift understanding of why not only Nazis and not
only German super-patriots hated the film and its terrifying portrayal of
the horrors of war, with occasional questioning by the soldiers as to why
and to whose benefit they are suffering, shooting and dying. One scene,
where the hero, played by Lew Ayres, bitterly regrets killing a French
soldier lying next to him, is unforgettable. The glories of "fighting and
dying for one's country," so mercilessly satirized and exposed by the film,
went against all the efforts by nearly every government in those years to
honor the dead in such a way that the next generation would dutifully follow
in their fatal footsteps.

The other thought surely going through the heads of so many in the audience
was not unrelated: They are at it again! Not only the heavy-booted pro-Nazi
groups marching through one city after another in Germany, for they are
still a small minority and face unrelenting resistance by anti-fascists. But
even more menacing

[Marxism] Secret U.S. Manipulation of Climate Talks Revealed in WikiLeaks Cable

2010-12-06 Thread Dennis Brasky
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Secret diplomatic cables released by WikiLeaks have revealed new details
about how the United States manipulated last year’s climate talks in
Copenhagen. The cables show how the United States sought dirt on nations
opposed to its approach to tackling global warming, how financial and other
aid was used to gain political backing, and how the United States mounted a
secret global diplomatic offensive to overwhelm opposition to the
"Copenhagen Accord." We speak to Bolivia’s ambassador to the United Nations,
Pablo Solón. Several of the cables addressed Bolivia’s opposition to the
U.S.-backed accord.


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[Marxism] So Much for Left Wing “Solidarity” in South America

2010-12-06 Thread Dennis Brasky
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So Much for Left Wing “Solidarity” in South America


In Oliver Stone's recent documentary *South of the Border*, leftist regimes
in Latin America are depicted rather idealistically.   In country after
country, Stone interviews the region's leaders who criticize the United
States and present a common anti-imperialist front.  Yet, while it's
certainly true that politics has taken a decisive leftward shift from
Venezuela to Bolivia and beyond, many differences and tensions remain.
That, at any rate, is the impression I got when I read U.S. diplomatic
cables released by whistleblower Wikileaks.

Previously, in a couple of online articles, I analyzed internal political
fissures within the top echelons of the Brazilian political leadership.
U.S. cables reveal that some members of the Lula administration harbored
suspicions about Venezuela's Hugo Chávez, and, more often than not, saw eye
to eye with Washington when it came to wider South American geopolitics.
While these revelations are surely eye opening, it now appears as if they
may be just the tip of the iceberg.

Take, for example, the case of Argentina.  Publicly, the nation's power
couple, Néstor and Cristina Kirchner, has embraced Hugo Chávez and the
region's leftist "Pink Tide."  Yet in 2007, the U.S. Embassy in Buenos
that Néstor was engaged in a kind of diplomatic double game: on the
one hand, the Argentine president sought to "stake out a position for
himself close to Chávez," while also maintaining a close working
relationship with the U.S. on particular issues such as counter-terrorism.
The U.S. Embassy saw Kirchner as a kind of latter-day, independent Charles
de Gaulle, a politician who would maintain a "balance" in relations between
Venezuela and the U.S.

Full --  http://blog.buzzflash.com/node/12043

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[Marxism] Evading a shutdown, WikiLeaks mobilizes Twitter supporters

2010-12-05 Thread Dennis Brasky
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Evading a shutdown, WikiLeaks mobilizes Twitter
By Blake Hounshell  Sunday,
December 5, 2010 - 1:58 AM http://wikileaks.foreignpolicy.com/

In a bid to stay one step ahead of the governments,
to shut down its operations, WikiLeaks mobilized its vast base of
online support Saturday by asking its Twitter followers to create copies of
its growing archive of hundreds of classified State Department cables.

By late afternoon Eastern time, more than
200had answered the call,
setting up "mirror" sites, many of them with the name
"wikileaks" appended to their Web addresses. They organized themselves
organically using the Twitter hashtag
in a virtual show of solidarity reminiscent of the movie *V is for Vendetta*.
In that 2005 film, a Guy-Fawkes masked vigilantee inspires thousands of
Londoners to march on the Parliament similarly disguised -- while it blows
up in front of their eyes. Presumably, many of these people believe they are
facing the same sort of tyranny that V, the film's protagonist, fought

Critics of WikiLeaks have called on the Obama administration to shut down
the site, but now it's clear that doing so would be a difficult task indeed.
The *New Yorker*'s recent
Julian Assange, the organization's mysterious founder and front man,
that "a government or company that wanted to remove content from WikiLeaks
would have to practically dismantle the Internet itself." WikiLeaks has also
massive, heavily encrypted "insurance" file on
*The Pirate Bay*, a sympathetic website, which presumably contains also
250,000-plus cables and would be released into the wild if anything happens
to Assange.

As my FP colleague Evgeny Morozov
aggressive action like arresting or killing Assange could spawn the rise of
a vast, permanent network of radicalized hackers "systematically challenging
those in power – governments and companies alike – just for the sake of
undermining 'the system'." That could prove an extremely dangerous threat to
the global economy and diplomatic sphere.

Evgeny offers the sensible suggestion that governments try to steer
WikiLeaks into a more productive direction. "It is a choice between
WikiLeaks becoming a new Red Brigades, or a new Transparency International,"
he writes, arguing that a responsible version of the organization could pose
more of a challenge to closed regimes than to the West. "Handled correctly,
the state that will benefit most from a nerdy network of 21st-century Che
Guevaras is America itself."

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[Marxism] donate to support WikiLeaks and Assange!

2010-12-04 Thread Dennis Brasky
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[Marxism] Controversial Drug Given to All Guantanamo Detainees Akin to "Pharmacologic Waterboarding"

2010-12-02 Thread Dennis Brasky
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*Controversial Drug Given to All Guantanamo Detainees Akin to "Pharmacologic
> Waterboarding"*
> A two-month investigation lead by Truthout's Jason Leopold and Jeffrey Kaye
> reveals for the first time that the Defense Department forced all "war on
> terror" detainees at the Guantanamo Bay prison to take a high dosage of a
> controversial antimalarial drug, mefloquine, an act that an Army public
> health physician called "pharmacologic waterboarding."
> The US military administered the drug despite Pentagon knowledge that
> mefloquine caused severe neuropsychiatric side effects, including suicidal
> thoughts, hallucinations and anxiety. The drug was used on the prisoners
> whether they had malaria or not.
> Interviews with mefloquine and malaria experts and a review of
> peer-reviewed journals and hundreds of pages of government documents show
> there were no preexisting cases where mefloquine was ever prescribed for
> mass presumptive treatment of malaria. The use of the drug in this manner
> may have violated a provision in the anti-torture statute related to "mind
> altering substances or other procedures" that "profoundly disrupts the
> senses or the personality."
> <
> http://www.truth-out.org/controversial-drug-given-all-guantanamo-detainees-amounted-pharmacologic-waterboarding6558
> >

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[Marxism] Wikileaks and the New Global Order

2010-11-30 Thread Dennis Brasky
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*Wikileaks and the New Global Order*

The new WikiLeaks disclosures will help to dent many assumptions


*By Jonathan Cook**
The Wikileaks disclosure this week of confidential cables from United
Statesembassies has been debated chiefly in terms either of the damage
Washington's reputation or of the questions it raises about national
security and freedom of the press.

The headlines aside, most of the information so far revealed from the
250,000 documents is hardly earth-shattering, even if it often runs starkly
counter to the official narrative of the US as the benevolent global
policeman, trying to maintain order amid an often unruly rabble of

Is it really surprising that US officials appear to have been trying to spy
on senior United Nations staff, and just about everyone else for that
matter? Or that Israel has been lobbying strenuously for military action to
be taken against Iran? Or even that Saudi Arabia feels threatened by an
Iranian nuclear bomb? All of this was already largely understood; the leaks
have simply provided official confirmation.

The new disclosures, however, do provide a useful insight, captured in the
very ordinariness of the diplomatic correspondence, into Washington's own
sense of the limits on its global role -- an insight that was far less
apparent in the previous Wikileaks revelations on the US army's wars in
Afghanistan and Iraq.

Underlying the gossip and analysis sent back to Washington is awareness from
many US officials stationed abroad of quite how ineffective -- and often
counter-productive -- much US foreign policy is.

While the most powerful nation on earth is again shown to be more than
capable of throwing its weight around in bullying fashion, a cynical
resignation nonetheless shines through many of the cables, an implicit
recognition that even the top dog has to recognise its limits.

That is most starkly evident in the messages sent by the embassy in Pakistan,
revealing the perception among local US officials that the country is
largely impervious to US machinations and is in danger of falling entirely
out the ambit of Washington's influence.

In the cables sent from Tel Aviv, a similar fatalism reigns. The possibility
that Israel might go it alone and attack Iran is contemplated as though it
were an event Washington has no hope of preventing. US largesse of billions
of dollars in annual aid and military assistance to Israel appears to confer
zero leverage on its ally's policies.

The same sense of US ineffectiveness is highlighted by the Wikileaks episode
in another way. Once, in the pre-digital era, the most a whistleblower could
hope to achieve was the disclosure of secret documents limited to his or her
area of privileged access. Even then the affair could often be hushed up and
make no lasting impact.

Now, however, it seems the contents of almost the entire system of US
official communications is vulnerable to exposure. And anyone with a
computer has a permanent and easily disseminated record of the evidence.

The impression of a world running out of American control has become a theme
touching all our lives over the past decade.

The US invented and exported financial deregulation, promising it to be the
epitome of the new capitalism that was going to offer the world economic
salvation. The result is a banking crisis that now threatens to topple the
very governments in Europe who are Washington's closest allies.

As the contagion of bad debt spreads through the system, we are likely to
see a growing destabilisation of the Washington order across the globe.

At the same time, the US army's invasions in the Middle East are stretching
its financial and military muscle to tearing point, defining for a modern
audience the problem of imperial over-reach. Here too the upheaval is
offering potent possibilities to those who wish to challenge the current

And then there is the biggest crisis facing Washington: of a gradually
unfolding environmental catastrophe that has been caused chiefly by the same
rush for world economic dominance that spawned the banking disaster.

The scale of this problem is overawing most scientists, and starting to
register with the public, even if it is still barely acknowledged beyond
platitudes by US officials.

The repercussions of ecological meltdown will be felt not just by polar
bears and tribes living on islands. It will change the way we live -- and
whether we live -- in ways that we cannot hope to foresee.

At work here is a set of global forces that the US, in its hubris, believed
it could tame and dominate in its own cynical interests. By the early 1990s
that arrogance manifested itself in the claim of the "end of history": the
world's problems were about

[Marxism] In Defense of WikiLeaks!

2010-11-30 Thread Dennis Brasky
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Tuesday, Nov 30, 2010 06:31 ET
WikiLeaks reveals more than just government secrets

By Glenn Greenwald 

clip -

The WikiLeaks disclosure has revealed not only numerous government secrets,
but also the driving mentality of major factions in our political and media
class.  Simply put, there are few countries in the world with citizenries
and especially media outlets more devoted to serving, protecting and
venerating government authorities than the U.S.  Indeed, I don't quite
recall any entity producing as much bipartisan contempt across the American
political spectrum as WikiLeaks has:  as usual, for authoritarian minds, those
who expose secrets are far more hated than those in power who commit heinous
acts using secrecy as their principal

First we have the group demanding that Julian Assange be murdered without
any charges, trial or due process.  There was Sarah Palin on on Twitter
illiterately accusing
a stateless group run by an Australian citizen -- of "treason"; she
thereafter took to her Facebook
pageto object
that Julian Assange was "not pursued with the same urgency we
pursue al Qaeda and Taliban leaders" (she also lied by stating that he has
"blood on his hands":  a claim which even the Pentagon admits is
Townhall's John Hawkins has a column this
"5 Reasons The CIA Should Have Already Killed Julian Assange."
That Assange should be treated as a "traitor" and murdered with no due
process has been strongly suggested if not outright urged by the likes of Marc
Seth Lipsky 
Jeffrey Goldberg
column and also
illiterately accusing Assange of
*The Wall Street

The way in which so many political commentators so routinely and casually
call for the eradication of human beings without a shred of due process is
nothing short of demented.  Recall Palin/McCain adviser Michael Goldfarb's
the CIA failed to kill Ahmed Ghailani when he was in custody, or Glenn
Reynolds' morning demand  -- in
between sips of coffee -- that North Korea be destroyed with nuclear
weapons ("I say nuke ‘em. And not with just a few bombs").  Without
exception, all of these people cheered on the attack on Iraq, which resulted
in the deaths of more than 100,000 innocent human beings, yet their thirst
for slaughter is literally insatiable.  After a decade's worth of American
invasions, bombings, occupations, checkpoint shootings, drone attacks,
assassinations and civilian slaughter, the notion that the U.S. Government
can and should murder whomever it wants is more frequent and unrestrained
than ever.

Those who demand that the U.S. Government take people's lives with no
oversight or due process as though they're advocating changes in tax policy
or mid-level personnel moves -- *eradicate him!*, they bellow from their
seats in the Coliseum -- are just morally deranged barbarians. * *There's
just no other accurate way to put it.* * These are usually the same people,
of course, who brand themselves "pro-life" and Crusaders for the Sanctity of
Human Life and/or who deride Islamic extremists for *their* disregard for
human life.  And the fact that this mindset is so widespread and mainstream
is quite a reflection of how degraded American political cultural is.  When
WikiLeaks critics devote a fraction of their rage to this form of mainstream
American thinking -- which, unlike anything WikiLeaks has done, has *
actually* resulted in piles upon piles of corpses -- then their
anti-WikiLeaks protestation should be taken more seriously, but not until
full --


[Marxism] A trailer for Our Story, an important presentation by Mustafa Barghouthi,

2010-11-28 Thread Dennis Brasky
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> Israeli Occupation Archive has posted 1 new item(s):
> * Mustafa Barghouthi: Our Story
> ___
> Mustafa Barghouthi: Our Story
> http://www.israeli-occupation.org/2010-11-27/mustafa-barghouthi-our-story-video/
> A trailer for Our Story, an important presentation by Mustafa Barghouthi,
> documenting Palestinian history, the Occupation, the dispossession and
> displacement of the Palestinian people by Israel from 1948 to the present
> day.
> ___

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2010-11-26 Thread Dennis Brasky
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*"For those of us who live here, it is something we take for granted. But
visitors from abroad cannot believe their eyes."*

Under the guise of the deceptively mundane name "Amendment to the
Cooperative Associations Bill," the Constitution, Law and Justice Committee
of the Israeli Knesset (Parliament) has finalized a bill intended to bypass
previous rulings of the Israeli High Court of Justice. If this legislation
is approved by the Knesset plenum, it will not be possible to describe it as
anything other than an apartheid law.

If it becomes law, the amendment will give the "acceptance committees" of
communal villages the authority to limit residence in their towns
exclusively to Jews.

Using polished and sanitized language, the bill would allow such committees
in small rural suburbs to reject applications from families that "are
incompatible with the social-cultural fabric of the community, and where
there are grounds to assume that they will disrupt this fabric."

The segregation of Jews and Arabs in Israel of 2010 is almost absolute. For
those of us who live here, it is something we take for granted. But visitors
from abroad cannot believe their eyes: segregated education, segregated
businesses, separate entertainment venues, different languages, separate
political parties ... and of course, segregated housing… Such separation
only contributes to the growing mutual alienation of Jews and Arabs.

Several courageous attempts - particularly in mixed cities and regions -
have been made to change the situation, bridge the rifts and promote
integration. These range from efforts to develop mixed educational
frameworks, to joint economic ventures and other interventions intended to
foster good neighbourly relations based on equal opportunity. Until now,
these attempts addressed a situation of *de facto** *segregation. From
today, however, such segregation will be fully enforced by the law of the
land, to the shame of Israel.
* *

*Adapted from "**Segregation of Jews and Arabs in 2010 Israel is almost
absolute", written by** Amnon Be'eri Sulitzeanu, the co-executive director
of the Abraham Fund Initiatives, which promotes coexistence and equality for
Israeli Jews and Arabs. Published by Ha’aretz on Oct. 29, 2010. See full
text **at*:

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[Marxism] The FIRE Next Time: End-Game for the Elite’s One-Way Class War

2010-11-26 Thread Dennis Brasky
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By Chris Floyd -


Michael Hudson has consistently been one of the best guides through the
labyrinth of lies that surround the monumental act of elite thievery known
as the “economic crisis.” Patiently and perceptively, he applies his
economic expertise to the realities behind the blather, laying out – in
grim, heart-sinking detail – how our great and good are using the crisis
they created to move in remorselessly for the final kill on any dreams of a
decent life for the rabble – that is, the 99 percent of us who fall outside
the golden circle of the rentier class.

So when Hudson speaks, we should pay serious heed. And his latest piece in
CounterPunch  is heedful –
and heart-sinking – indeed. We are, he says, entering the end-game of a
decades-long process of wealth transference in which the entire burden of
sustaining society – a degraded, hollowed-out, inhumane society – and a
bloated, belligerent militarist oligarchy falls entirely on working people
and the poor, while the elite reap all the profit.

Hudson sees yet another manufactured crisis hitting the battered system next
spring: the “debt” crisis, when Republican legislators and Blue Dog
Democrats refuse to raise the federal debt ceiling, “forcing” a most willing
(yea, eager) Barack Obama to effect an “historic compromise” to “save” the
government from closure and collapse: a flat tax.

You should read Hudson’s entire analysis, which is set up carefully with
very pertinent historical background, but here are some disturbing excerpts:

The danger the United States faces today is that the government debt crisis
scheduled to hit Congress next spring (when Republicans are threatening to
vote against raising the federal debt limit as the government deficit soars)
will provide an opportunity for the wealthy to give a *coup de grace* on
what is left of progressive taxation in this country. A flat tax on wage
income and consumer sales would “free” the rentiers from taxes on their
property. …

The flat tax actually would tax wage earners much more steeply than the
wealthy, whose income it would largely exempt! … The tax does not fall on
“empty” pricing in excess of value – what the classical economists termed
“economic rent,” that element of price (and income) that has no counterpart
in actual cost of production (ultimately reducible to labor) but is a pure
free lunch: land rent, monopoly rent, interest and other financial fees, and
insurance premiums. This economic rent is the major return to wealth. It is
grounded in the finance, insurance and real estate (FIRE) sector.

The effect of untaxing the FIRE sector is twofold. First, it increases the
power of wealth, privilege, monopoly rights and property over living labor –
including the power of hereditary wealth over the living. Second, it helps
“post-industrialize” the economy, creating a “service” economy. A service
economy is mainly a FIRE-sector economy.

And now for the end-game, the kabuki theater in which the FIRE-breathing –
or rather, FIRE-*bought* -- politicians of both parties finally give the One
Percenters what they’ve always wanted: *everything*.

The wealthy want just what bankers want: the entire economic surplus
(followed by a foreclosure on property). They want all the disposable income
over and above basic subsistence – and then, when this shrinks the economy,
they want the government to sell off the public domain in “privatization”
giveaways, and they want people to turn over their houses and any other
property they have to the creditors. “Your money or your life” is not only
what bank robbers demand. It is what banks themselves demand, and the
wealthy 10 per cent of the population that owns most of the bank stock.

And of course, the wealthy classes want to free themselves from the share of
taxes that they have not already shed. The flat-tax ploy is their godsend.

Here’s how I think the plan is intended to work. Given the fact that voters
have already rejected the flat tax in principle, it can only be introduced
by fiatunder crisis conditions. Alan Simpson, President Obama’s designated
co-chairman of the “Deficit Reduction Commission” (the euphemistic title
given to what is in reality a “Shift Taxes Off Wealth Onto Labor”
commission) already has suggested that Republicans close down the government
by refusing to increase the federal debt limit this spring. This would
create a fiscal crisis and threat of government shutdown. It would be a
fiscal 9/11, for the Republicans to trot out their “rescu

[Marxism] The passing of a great man: Chalmers Johnson, critic of empire

2010-11-22 Thread Dennis Brasky
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[Marxism] anti-Semitism and the Israel-Palestine conflict - assessing the claim of double standards

2010-11-21 Thread Dennis Brasky
Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

>> Stephen R. Shalom: anti-Semitism and the Israel-Palestine conflict -
>> assessing
>> the claim of double standards
>> http://www.israeli-occupation.org/2010-11-19/stephen-shalom-anti-semitism-and-the-israel-palestine-conflict/
>> As it becomes increasingly difficult to justify Israel's treatment of the
>> Palestinian people, Israel's apologists -- whether based in Israel or at
>> pseudo-academic centers such as the Yale Initiative for the
>> Interdisciplinary
>> Study of Anti-Semitism -- resort to another line of defense: namely, they
>> accuse
>> Israel's critics of being anti-Semitic. Not the sort of classic
>> anti-Semitism
>> found for example in Hamas's Charter, but instead the anti-Semitism of an
>> anti-Israel double standard.

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[Marxism] Taibbi: How Can We Expect Wall St. Thieves to Stop Stealing Unless We Throw Them in Prison?

2010-11-20 Thread Dennis Brasky
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> Taibbi: How Can We Expect Wall St. Thieves to Stop Stealing Unless We Throw
> Them in Prison? By David Sirota
> http://www.alternet.org/story/148916/taibbi%3A_how_can_we_expect_wall_st._thieves_to_stop_stealing_unless_we_throw_them_in_prison
> With financial fraud now so sophisticated and pervasive, we clearly need
> zero-tolerance solutions to change Wall Street's culture.
> *November 18, 2010*  |
> Often, the most provocative ideas arise after swigs of whiskey. This is
> especially true when a *Rolling Stone* reporter is around -- and, as I
> recently learned, it's all but guaranteed when that Rolling Stoner is Matt
> Taibbi, aka the heir to the magazine's gonzo throne.
> I had the chance to hang with Taibbi last week after he spoke to a Denver
> audience about his new book, "Griftopia," which argues that Wall Street's
> bubble-bailout cycle has been one of the greatest -- and least prosecuted --
> crimes in history. His presentation was serendipitously timed, coming the
> same week as a local Bonfire of the Vanities-esque scandal was underscoring
> the speculator class's privilege. In Colorado's own Bonfire of the Rockies,
> a local prosecutor had just reduced hit-and-run charges against a fund
> manager because the prosecutor said a felony would have "serious job
> implications" for the Sherman McCoy in question.
> Over drinks in my living room, Taibbi and I pondered the financial Masters
> of the Universe and their maddening infallibility. I asked him why they
> never fear facing legal consequences. Do they believe they're untouchable?
> Or do they know law enforcement won't pursue them?
> "They're not afraid because other than Bernie Madoff, when was the last
> time someone on Wall Street faced any real punishment?" he responded. "Sure,
> a few go to jail once in a while, but they're usually out in a few months
> and then on the speaking circuit. That's not exactly a deterrent against bad
> behavior that's making you millions."
> Deterrence -- it's the vaunted idea behind "tough on crime" sentences for
> violent offenses. Lock the door, throw away the key, and the theory says
> that heinous acts will be prevented.
> However, things haven't worked out that way because the toughest "tough on
> crime" policies are most focused on crimes of passion, derangement and
> destitution -- crimes that are often not calculated and therefore not
> deterrable. This is probably one of the reasons why the murder rate has been
> higher in death penalty states than in non-death penalty states, leading
> most criminologists to conclude that capital punishment does not hinder
> conventional homicide.
> But what about crimes of economic homicide? These are the opposite of
> crimes of passion. When, say, a speculator securitizes bad mortgages and
> peddles them to pension funds as safe investments, that fraud involves
> exactly the kind of calculation that might be deterred via the prospect of
> harsh punishment.
> "What if a bank CEO was given life without parole?" I asked Taibbi. "What
> if instead of country club jail, one of these guys was shown experiencing
> prison like a regular convict? That would have to stop some of the worst
> stuff, right?"
> "Right, and go a step further," Taibbi countered. "How about putting a few
> of them in the electric chair? Are you telling me Goldman Sachs execs aren't
> then going to change?"
> We both busted out laughing -- and hard. Not at the truth behind the
> theorizing, but at the idea that any of it would actually happen today. In
> 2005, Washington couldn't even pass a post-Enron proposal to hold CEOs
> legally liable for their companies' corporate tax fraud. So the notion that
> the same money-dominated capital will now subject CEOs to anything remotely
> "tough on crime" is, well, far-fetched.
> And yet, the hypothetical is compelling, isn't it? That's because it
> highlights how our society misapplies deterrence -- and how it might apply
> the concept more successfully.
> The necessity of such a criminal justice shift should be obvious. With
> financial fraud now so sophisticated and pervasive, we clearly need
> zero-tolerance solutions to change Wall Street's culture. Indeed, without
> true shock-and-awe deterrence, most regulatory reform will likely be an
> ineffectual thumb in the economic dike -- just as the thieves desire.

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[Marxism] Ramsy Baroud - who decides how the oppressed should fight their oppression?

2010-11-18 Thread Dennis Brasky
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clip -

Violence and nonviolence are mostly collective decisions that are shaped and
driven by specific political and socioeconomic conditions and contexts.
Unfortunately, the violence of the occupier has a tremendous role in
creating and manipulating these conditions. It is unsurprising that the
Second Palestinian Uprising was much more violent than the first, and that
violent resistance in Palestine gained a huge boost after the victory scored
by the Lebanese resistance in 2000, and again in 2006.

These factors must be contemplated seriously and with humility, and their
complexity should be taken into account before any judgments are made. No
oppressed nation should be faced with the demands that Palestinians
constantly face. There may well be a thousand Palestinian Gandhis. There may
be none. Frankly, it shouldn't matter. Only the unique experience of the
Palestinian people and their genuine struggle for freedom could yield what
Palestinians as a collective deem appropriate for their own. This is what
happened with the people of India, France, Algeria, South Africa, and many
other nations that sought and eventually attained their freedom.

full --

> http://www.truth-out.org/who-decides-how-oppressed-should-fight-oppression65044

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[Marxism] Jonathan Cook - Palestinians will be t he losers – again

2010-11-18 Thread Dennis Brasky
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> By Jonathan Cook - 17 Nov 2010
> *Palestinians will be the losers – again*
> clip -
> Watching the peace process between Israel and the Palestinians drag on year
> after year without conclusion, it is easy to overlook the enormous changes
> that have taken place on the ground since the Oslo Accords were signed 17
> years ago.
> Each has undermined the Palestinians’ primary goal of achieving viable
> statehood, whether it is the near-trebling of Jewish settlers on Palestinian
> land to the current numbers of half a million, Israel’s increasing
> stranglehold on East Jerusalem, the wall that has effectively annexed large
> slices of the West Bank to Israel, or the splitting of the Palestinian
> national movement into rival camps following Israel’s withdrawal from Gaza
> in 2005.
> Another setback of similar magnitude may be unfolding as Barack Obama
> dangles a lavish package of incentives in the face of Benjamin Netanyahu in
> an attempt to lure the Israeli prime minister into renewing a three-month,
> partial freeze on Jewish settlement construction in the West Bank.
> full --

> http://www.israeli-occupation.org/2010-11-17/jonathan-cook-obama%E2%80%99s-bribe/

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[Marxism] Democrats and the rule of law

2010-11-14 Thread Dennis Brasky
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concerning Obama's decision to deny due process to accused terrorists and
the double standards of the liberal commentariat -
Democrats and the rule of law

By Glenn Greenwald 

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Obviously, those who screamed bloody murder over Bush/Cheney Terrorism
policies but now justify or at least acquiesce to the same policies when
implemented by Obama have serious issues with partisan loyalties trumping
honest advocacy.  But it's when the Obama administration reverses itself --
such as with the torture photos -- that one's intellectual honesty is most
conclusively tested:  one's beliefs and principles can't shift with Obama's
reversals if they're to be meaningful or credible.  The same issue applies
here:  shouldn't anyone who defended Holder's original decision on the
ground that it was compelled by the Constitution, the rule of law and our
values now vocally denounce Obama for his profound violations of those same
doctrines?  If the Obama administration merited praise last November for
upholding the Constitution, the rule of law and our values with civilian
trials, then it must be true that they're now violating the Constitution,
the rule of law and our values by denying them.  Isn't that a rather serious

full article --

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Re: [Marxism] Israel and "apartheid" - it's just rubbish

2010-11-13 Thread Dennis Brasky
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On Sat, Nov 13, 2010 at 8:47 PM, Ismail Lagardien wrote:

> this is one battle we have lost...
> we have do deal with it!
> it's over - they can slaughter a thousand arabs (i am not an arab nor a
> muslim),
> and NOTHING will come from it
> we have to deal with it
> reply -

Well, if you say so, I guess all of us fighting all the battles against
imperialism, racism, sexism and environmental destruction should heed your
advice and throw in the towel.


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[Marxism] why the term "apartheid" is justified for Israel and the role of The Wall

2010-11-13 Thread Dennis Brasky
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On Fri, Nov 12, 2010 at 8:36 PM, Jewbonic  wrote:

> Jewbonics has posted a new item, 'my student group received a letter. we
> write
> back.'
> Two freshman at Cornell University did not like the posters for the Joseph
> Dana
> talk that my student group, United for Peace and Justice in Palestine,
> recently
> hosted. They disliked it so much that they wrote us a letter, and because
> one of
> them placed it in the public domain on her blog (Shalom from Home) I am
> quoting
> it in full:
> Carl,
> We recently came across a poster for the UPJP event, Anarchists Against
> the
> Wall. The poster's message, "SMASH ISRAELI APARTHEID," offended us
> personally as
> supporters of Israel and Jews. The message implies that  Israel is an
> Apartheid
> state and Israel's supporters condone the alleged Apartheid.
> Israel is not an Apartheid state. Apartheid is a legally enforced system
> that
> institutionalizes segregation, discrimination, and oppression based on
> race,
> gender, sexuality, or religion. The Separation Barrier and laws in Israel
> do not
> discriminate based on race, gender, sexuality, or religion, as Palestinians
> live
> on both sides of the wall, and  Palestinians in the West Bank have their
> own
> government, the Palestinian Authority. Along with the Palestinian
> government in
> the West Bank, Arabs in Israel have full citizenship and voting rights, and
> 14
> out of the 120 members of the Israeli Parliament are Arab. The Israeli
> government is aware of the inconveniences the Barrier poses to residents of
> the
> West Bank and is working to find a more advantageous long term  solution;
> however, the safety of the Israeli people is paramount.
> The "Wall" itself is actually only about 5% cement wall, which comes out to
> approximately 10 miles, built to prevent sniper shootings that were
> frequent
> in those selected areas. The Security Barrier has been extremely effective
> in
> halting attacks on Israeli citizens. Between 2002 and 2003, when major
> portions
> of the Barrier was constructed, there were 30% fewer attacks by terrorists
> from
> the West Bank and 50% fewer Israelis were murdered. The effectiveness of
> the
> Barrier has continued in even greater magnitudes today.The posters for this
> event blatantly incite  hatred toward Israel by feeding Cornell students
> misleading information about the status of Palestinians in Israel and the
> West
> Bank.
> This use of propaganda is unfair and uncomfortable for students like me
> who
> feel a strong connection to the State of Israel. For students who have  not
> yet
> formed a connection or a strong opinion with either side, their  opinions
> will
> easily be manipulated by the depiction of Israel as an Apartheid state.
> It is our hope that you will find validity in our concerns and we can work
> together to find a solution to this problem, to educate Cornell  students
> about
> the conflict while representing facts as clearly as  possible and without
> bias.
> Jordana Gilman and Rachel M--
> This is anthropologically interesting in a number of ways. The editorial
> commentary located on the student's blog is even more interesting, if not
> exactly heartening ("tearing down the anarchist with our own bare hands"?
> This
> after a 7th grade teacher strangled Rae Abileah a few days ago in New
> Orleans).
> Below is our response:
> Dear Jordana and Rachel:
> Thank  you once again for your letter, and sorry for the delay. We
> understand
> your anger and frustration with the words on our poster. We know that  they
> are
> harsh, and that characterizing Israel as an apartheid state may  be
> perceived as
> vitriolic. However, we also think there may be  significant
> misunderstandings on
> your part of (1) the facts on the  ground; (2) the policies of the Israeli
> state; and (3) our group’s  mission and outlook, and that discussing those
> misunderstandings and  misperceptions may help you to better understand the
> poster and why the  use of the word “apartheid” may be more appropriate
> than
> you seem to  think (incidentally, we took the graphics from Anarchists
> Against
> the  Wall).
> On  (1): You assert that the wall is only 10 percent concrete. That may be
> true, but the remainder is razor wire, motion sensors, guard towers, and
> machine-gun turrets. It is a “fence” approximately the width of a
>  four-lane
> highway. The International Court of Justice (ICJ) ruled that  the proper
> word to
> use to describe this structure is a wall. The ICJ  also ruled that the
> portions
> of it that are not on the Green Line--i.e.  the pre-’67 borders--are
> illegal.
> That is perhaps 84 percent of the  wall. The Court’s ruling reflects the
> understanding that territory may  not be annexed by means of war, as 

[Marxism] Bank of America Is in Deep Trouble, and There May Be Financial Disaster on the Horizon

2010-11-11 Thread Dennis Brasky
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Bank of America Is in Deep Trouble, and There May Be Financial Disaster on
the Horizon

Its stock value has dropped 40 percent since April, and the bank is mum on
what losses it's hiding on its $2.3 trillion balance sheet.

Alternet/ Joshua Holland

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Will Bank of America be the first Wall Street giant to once again point a
gun to its own head, telling us it'll crash and burn and take down the
financial system if we don’t pony up for another massive bailout?

When former Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson was handing out trillions to
Wall Street, BofA collected $45 billion from the Troubled Asset Relief
Program (TARP) to stabilize its balance sheet. It was spun as a success
story -- a rebuke of those who urged the banks be put into receivership --
when the behemoth “paid back” the cash last December. But the bank’s stock
price has fallen by more than 40 percent since mid-April, and the value of
its outstanding stock is currently at around half of what it should be based
on its “book value” -- what the company says its holdings are worth.

“The problem for anyone trying to analyze Bank of America’s $2.3 trillion
balance sheet,”
columnist Jonathan Weil, “is that it’s largely impenetrable.”
Nobody really knows the true values of the assets these companies are
holding, which has been the case ever since the collapse. But according to
Weil, some of BofA’s financial statements “are so delusional that they
invite laughter.”

Full article --


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[Marxism] Tissue, Skin, Bone and Organ Harvesting at Israel's National Forensic Institute Body Parts and Bio-Piracy

2010-11-08 Thread Dennis Brasky
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Tissue, Skin, Bone and Organ Harvesting at Israel's National Forensic
Institute Body Parts and Bio-Piracy

By Nancy Scheper-Hughes Exclusive CounterPunch Report October 25, 2010

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Editorial Note: Nancy Scheper-Hughes is professor of anthropology at the
University of California, Berkeley, where she directs the doctoral program
in medicine and society. Since 1996, she has been involved in active field
research on the global traffic in human organs, following the movement of
bodies, body parts, transplant doctors, their patients, brokers, and kidney
sellers, and the practices of organ and tissue harvesting in several
countries - from Brazil, Argentina, and Cuba, to Moldova, Israel and Turkey,
to India, South Africa, and the United States. She is a co-founder of Organs
Watch, an independent, medical human rights, research and documentation
center at UC Berkeley.

What follows is her detailed report on the tissue, skin, bone and organ
harvesting conducted for many years at Israel's L. Greenberg National
Institute of Forensic Medicine, a.k.a. The Abu Kabir Institute, under the
aegis of its former director and current chief pathologist, Dr. Yehuda Hiss.
Long before Donald Boström leveled allegations of organ-harvesting from
Palestinians in the Swedish tabloid, Aftonbladet, in August 2009, causing
furious accusations of "blood libel," Dr. Scheper-Hughes had already
interviewed Dr. Hiss and had on tape the interview that forms part of her
report here.

Dr. Scheper-Hughes says her purpose here is to refute the controversial
official statements of the Ministry of Health and the IDF that while there
may have been irregularities at the National Forensic Institute, they have
long since ended. To this day, she says, they have failed to acknowledge,
punish, or rectify various medical human rights abuses, past and present at
the National Forensic Institute. While many of the allegations are widely
known, the testimony by Israeli state pathologist and IDF (reserve) Lt. Col.
Chen Kugel has never been published in English and his allegations are known
only within Israel. Dr. Scheper-Hughes invited Dr. Kugel to speak publicly
on this topic in the U.S. on May 6, 2010.

There are three lawsuits ongoing in Israel at the present moment concerning
the Forensic Institute and Dr. Hiss. Two concerns alleged abuses against the
dead bodies of Israeli citizens. The third concerns Rachel Corrie, a U.S.
citizen who was killed in Gaza in 2003 while protesting the demolition of
houses. Transcripts of court proceedings show that Corrie's autopsy was
conducted in contravention of an Israeli court order that an official from
the U.S. Embassy be present. These transcripts also show Dr. Hiss conceding
that he had kept samples from Corrie's body without her family's knowledge.
Dr. Hiss also testified that he was uncertain where these samples now are.
For his part, Dr. Kugel asserts that abuses at the Institute continue to
this day.

The Scheper-Hughes article takes care to note Dr. Kugel's description of his
former mentor, Dr. Hiss, as a man who saw himself as willing to take great
personal and professional risks "to serve a noble end. to help the
war-wounded victims of terrorist attacks," with his actions "as something
sublime, or even heroic, as a modern-day Robin Hood."

full -- http://www.counterpunch.com/hughes10252010.html

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[Marxism] "our targeted assassinations are morally superior to theirs"

2010-11-07 Thread Dennis Brasky
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Since “targeted” murders are illegal, one would expect outcry. One would
expect it, but it never comes. Again, compare “targeted assassinations” of
the resistance when they are simply going about their business in their own
land versus “targeted assassinations” of illegal settlers in the West Bank
undoubtedly carrying out war crimes. Or, actually compare the response,
especially on the liberal left: hand-wringing about the barbarity of one set
of killings, quietude about another (and the silence amidst the killing of
northern Gaza, too). Look at the ziggurat of racist institutions,
practices, and mindsets that contribute to erasing one death while blaring
about the other on White House lawns, op-ed pages, and even the progressive
press, and wonder: what is the point of contributing to that cacophony,
while remaining noticeably mute when Israel takes out the people struggling
in whatever benighted, ineffectual, palsied way they can for Palestinian

full --


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[Marxism] The verdict on Iraq - destroying an entire country and culture, erasing collective memory

2010-11-07 Thread Dennis Brasky
Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

 Dismantling the Iraqi State, Destroying an Entire Country
> Destroying Iraqi culture, erasing collective memory
> By Dirk Adriaensens
>  Global 
> Research,
> November 5, 2010
> *The United Nation's Human Rights Council in Geneva reviews the human
> rights record of the United States on the 5th of November 2010, on the
> occasion of the Ninth Session of the Universal Periodic Review (UPR), 1 to
> 12 November 2010. The following is a presentation given by Dirk Adriaensens
> in Geneva on 3 November.*
> Just days after the devastating attacks of 9/11 Deputy Defense secretary
> Paul Wolfowitz declared that a major focus of US foreign policy would be
> “ending states that sponsor terrorism”. Iraq was labelled a “terrorist
> state” and targeted for ending. President Bush went on to declare Iraq the
> major front of the global war on terror. US forces invaded illegally with
> the express aim to dismantling the Iraqi state. After WWII focus of social
> sciences was on state-building and development model. Little has been
> written on state-destruction and de-development. We can now, after 7 years
> of war and occupation, state for certain that state-ending was a deliberate
> policy objective.
> The consequences in human and cultural terms of the destruction of the
> Iraqi state have been enormous: notably the death of over 1,3 million
> civilians; the degradation in social infrastructure, including electricity,
> potable water and sewage systems; over eight million Iraqis are in need of
> humanitarian assistance; abject poverty: the UN Human rights report for the
> 1st quarter of 2007 found that 54% of Iraqis were living on less than $1 a
> day; the displacement of minimum 2.5 million refugees and 2.764.000
> internally displaced people as to end 2009. One in six Iraqis is displaced.
> Ethnic & religious minorities are on the verge of extinction. UN-HABITAT, an
> agency of the United Nations, published a 218-page report entitled State of
> the World’s Cities, 2010-2011. Prior to the U.S. invasion of Iraq in 2003,
> the percentage of the urban population living in slums in Iraq hovered just
> below 20 percent. Today, that percentage has risen to 53 percent: 11 million
> of the 19 million total urban dwellers.
> full article --

> www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=21781

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[Marxism] Our Big, Fat, Invisible Wars

2010-11-06 Thread Dennis Brasky
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*Our Big, Fat, Invisible Wars *
Jon Letman, Truthout: "One can only assume that the White House offered
[Jon] Stewart a one-on-one with Obama on the condition that there was to be
absolutely no mention of the wars, the troops, terror threats, predator
drones, Guantanamo, the Taliban, al-Qaeda, Iran, North Korea or anything
with even the slightest whiff of war."


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[Marxism] "The US to Gaza Initiative and the Hillel Controversy at Rutgers"

2010-11-06 Thread Dennis Brasky
Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

> By Deepa Kumar
> Last night I attended a fundraiser for the US to Gaza mission that intends
> to bring humanitarian aid to the people of Gaza. It was an incredible
> success. About 150-200 mostly young people had crowded the hall, most of
> whom stayed on past 10 pm to listen to the invited speakers. The presence of
> so many students who had chosen to attend the event despite intimidation by
> those claiming to represent Rutgers Hillel was truly heartening. Colonel Ann
> Wright, who was one of the featured speakers, said that this was one of the
> largest and most well attended of such fundraising events she has been to.
> Hillel's line of attack was predictable. In a press release Andrew Getraer,
> the executive director of Rutger's Hillel, argued that there were "serious
> legal issues" involved. First on the list was the claim that the "blockade
> runners will attempt to deliver goods, services or technical assistance to
> Hamas, a designated Foreign Terrorist Organization (FTO)." This is a
> standard rhetorical ploy: trot out the bogeyman of Hamas in order to obscure
> and paper over the horrendous conditions under which Palestinian people in
> Gaza live. In fact, the press release does not once make reference to these
> conditions and why it is so urgent and important to raise money for this
> humanitarian crisis. Instead, it asserts that "Hillel is vehemently opposed
> to this event."
> Full article --
> http://mrzine.monthlyreview.org/2010/kumar051110.html

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[Marxism] NYC 11/9 - The Arabs and the Holocaust, the Arab Israeli war of narratives: Gilbert Achcar, Amira Hass, Rashid Khalidi

2010-11-05 Thread Dennis Brasky
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The Arabs and the Holocaust – the Arab Israeli war of narratives: Gilbert
Achcar, Amira Hass, Rashid Khalidi

The Arab Israeli War of Narratives


Professor of  Development at SOAS, London

Author of  *The Arabs and the Holocaust *

*and *


*Haaretz *correspondent for the Occupied  Palestinian Territories* *

Author of  *Drinking the Sea at **Gaza** *

*Moderated by Rashid Khalidi *

Edward Said Professor of Arab Studies at Columbia University

Sponsored by the Middle East Institute and the

Center  *for *Palestine Studies

Tuesday, 9 November 2010

6:00PM – 8:00PM

Room 1501 ~ International Affairs Building

420 West 118 Street

between Amsterdam and Morningside

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[Marxism] Why ARE so many modern British career women converting to Islam?

2010-10-30 Thread Dennis Brasky
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Tony Blair's sister-in-law announced her conversion to Islam last weekend.-
She is just one of a growing number of modern British career women to do so.
Here, writer EVE AHMED, who was raised as a Muslim before rejecting the
faith, explores the reasons why.


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[Marxism] Manufacturing Mayhem in Mexico: From Nixon to NAFTA and Beyond

2010-10-28 Thread Dennis Brasky
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  Written by Chris Floyd Thursday, 28 October 2010 08:58
clip --

Ben Ehrenreich at the London Review of Books has written one of the best
articles on the current situation in Mexico that I have seen. Thousands of
people are dying there, caught up in a sinister nexus where all the main
players -- drug cartels, their officials backers (and servants), the various
Drug Warriors on both sides of the border, the corporations profiteering
from the Drug War, the august and respectable financial institutions who
move the money for both the cartels and their official antagonists, and the
American and Mexican politicians who happily game the murderous system for
their own cynical advantage -- are reaping huge rewards, while a whole
society is being destroyed.

As Ehrenreich points out in the succinct but detailed historical background
he provides, the current Drug War-fueled destruction is just part and parcel
of a larger assault on the underpinning of Mexican society -- a wider
campaign that includes brutal economic war, and the relentless
militarization of society on both sides of the border. On the U.S. side, it
is again a thoroughly bipartisan affair, ranging from Richard Nixon to
Clinton's NAFTA and beyond.

Unfortunately, the article is not one of those that LRB makes available to
non-subscribers every month. Fortunately, your correspondent happens to be a
subscriber, so below are some extensive excerpts from Ehreneich's superb

full ---


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[Marxism] Obama Administration Handed Over Detainees Despite Reports of Torture

2010-10-24 Thread Dennis Brasky
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Obama Administration Handed Over Detainees Despite Reports of Torture

Saturday 23 October 2010

by: Angus Stickler


President Barack Obama’s government handed over thousands of detainees to
the Iraqi authorities, despite knowing there were hundreds of reports of
alleged torture in Iraqi government facilities.

Washington was warned by the United Nations and many human rights
organisations that torture was widespread in Iraqi detention centres. But
the Bureau of Investigative Journalism can reveal the US’s own troops
informed their commanders of more than 1,300 claims of torture by Iraqi
Security forces between 2005 and 2009.

*Prisoner Handover*

In July 2010, the US completed the handover of 9,250 detainees to the Iraqi

It would be a clear violation of international law, drawn up by the United
Nations Convention Against
by the US in 1994, for any government to transfer detainees to a
regime at whose hands they face torture or other serious human rights

However, the 1,365 cases of alleged torture by the Iraqi authorities found
by the Bureau, raise questions as to why the US government handed over
detainees to these authorities.

Human rights organisations have expressed outrage at the revelations.
Professor Novak, the UN Rapporteur on Torture told the Bureau: “If the
United States forces handed over detainees to Iraqi jurisdiction, despite
the fact that they were at serious risk of being subjected to torture, that
is a violation of Article 3C of the Convention Against Torture of which the
US is a signatory.”

He said there should be a full and thorough investigation to ascertain
whether any of the detainees handed over to the Iraqi authorities by the US
have been abused.

“The burden of proof is on the US to prove that they can categorically state
that the detainees they are handing over are not at risk of torture.There
should be an investigation to look into the fate of those individuals to see
whether they have been abused.”

It is likely that the detainees handed over could face torture. Many of the
reports in the logs detail complaints of brutality reminiscent of Saddam
Hussein’s regime. They include accounts of detainees being whipped with
cables, chains, wire and pistols and being burnt with acid and cigarettes.
Some accounts describe people having electric shocks to their genitals,
fingernails ripped out and fingers cut off. In other cases, the documents
report men being sodomised with bottles, hoses and raped.

One of the worst cases relates to a man held in an underground bunker and
tortured for two months in Diyala Prison, run by the Iraqi Ministry of

March 25 2006
His hands were bound/shackled and he was suspended from the ceiling; the use
of blunt objects (pipes) to beat him on the back and legs; and the use of
electric drills to bore holes in his legs.

Malcolm Smart, director of Amnesty International’s Middle East and North
Africa Porgramme said: “This adds further weight, if it were needed, that US
authorities committed a serious breach of international law when they handed
over thousands of detainees to Iraqi security forces who, they clearly knew,
were responsible for widespread and systematic torture. It is our view that
the current US administration is complicit in torture.

“The US authorities, like all other governments, have an obligation not only
to ensure that their own forces do not use torture, but also that people who
were detained ans are bieng held by US forces are not handed over to other
authorities who are likely to torture them.”

He continued: “The US failed to respect this obligation in Iraq, despite the
great volume of evidence available from many different quarters showing that
the Iraqi security forces use torture widely and are allowed to do so with

The US military records add to a body of evidence gathered by the
international community concerning allegations of torture within Iraqi state

*Evidence of Abuse *

In 2008 the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq
(UNAMI)warned, “Ongoing widespread
ill-treatment and torture of detainees by Iraqi
law enforcement authorities, amidst pervasive impunity of current and past
human rights abuses, constitute severe breaches of international human
rights obligations.”

Despite this, on January 1 2009, the Iraq-United States Bilateral Security
Agreement came into force. This provided for the release and transfer from
US jurisdiction of detainee

[Marxism] Association for Civil Rights in Israel on democracy’s heart attack (Long)

2010-10-23 Thread Dennis Brasky
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Association for Civil Rights in Israel on democracy’s heart attack
> October 22nd, 2010 | by Jesse Bacon
> From the Association for Civil Rights in Israel, reprinted by permission.
> Ed’s note: This is long, but close enough to our mission to warrant
> reprinting in full. Here you have the definite guide to anti-democracy bills
> in the Israeli Knesset, some that will be familiar to readers of this blog,
> some that even close followers of Israeli democracy will be unaware of. Did
> you know that the Israeli Parliament (Knesset) might consider banning face
> veils? Or that there was a bill to restrict the Israeli cinema? Or that
> Israel’s embattled political opposition faced further restrictions in one
> bill that passed its first reading?  None of these bills have passed as of
> yet. But they offer a window into what the next outrage might be and clearly
> illustrate the steep downward trendlines of Israeli democracy. No doubt not
> all of these bills will become law, but each will do their part to send a
> message to Israel’s political and national minorities and oppressed groups
> about where things are headed. And exactly none of them will be mentioned
> next time an official Israeli film festival comes to town, or the next time
> an Israeli or American leader goes on about our shared democratic heritage.
> Harming Democracy in the Heart of 
> Democracy
> News
> A Position Paper Ahead of the Knesset’s Winter Session
> Update:10/5/2010
> by Attorney Debbie Gild-Hayo
> October 2010
> http://www.acri.org.il/eng/story.aspx?id=769

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[Marxism] Suicide terrorism, the "violent nature of Islam", and the role of foreign occupation

2010-10-23 Thread Dennis Brasky
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*It's the Occupation, Stupid*
> Extensive research into the causes of suicide terrorism proves Islam isn't
> to blame -- the root of the problem is foreign military occupations.
> **October 22, 2010** "**Foreign 
> Policy*
> *" -- -Although *no one wants to talk about it, 9/11 is still hurting
> America. That terrible day inflicted a wound of public fear that easily
> reopens with the smallest provocation, and it continues to bleed the United
> States of money, lives, and goodwill around the world. Indeed, America's
> response to its fear has, in turn, made Americans less safe and has inspired
> more threats and attacks.
> In the decade since 9/11, the United States has conquered and occupied two
> large Muslim countries (Afghanistan and Iraq), compelled a huge Muslim army
> to root out a terrorist sanctuary (Pakistan), deployed thousands of Special
> Forces troops to numerous Muslim countries (Yemen, Somalia, Sudan, etc.),
> imprisoned hundreds of Muslims without recourse, and waged a massive war of
> ideas involving Muslim clerics to denounce violence and new institutions to
> bring Western norms to Muslim countries. Yet Americans still seem strangely
> mystified as to why some Muslims might be angry about this situation.
> In a narrow sense, America is safer today than on 9/11. There has not been
> another attack on the same scale. U.S. defenses regarding immigration
> controls, airport security, and the disruption of potentially devastating
> domestic plots have all improved.
> But in a broader sense, America has become perilously unsafe. Each month,
> there are more suicide terrorists trying to kill Americans and their allies
> in Afghanistan, Iraq, and other Muslim countries than in all the years
> before 2001 combined. From 1980 to 2003, there were 343 suicide attacks
> around the world, and at most 10 percent were anti-American inspired. Since
> 2004, there have been more than 2,000, over 91 percent against U.S. and
> allied forces in Afghanistan, Iraq, and other countries.
> Yes, these attacks are overseas and mostly focused on military and
> diplomatic targets. So too, however, were the anti-American suicide attacks
> before 2001. It is important to remember that the 1995 and 1996 bombings of
> U.S. troops in Saudi Arabia, the 1998 bombings of the U.S. embassies in
> Kenya and Tanzania, and the 2000 bombing of the USS Cole in Yemen were the
> crucial dots that showed the threat was rising prior to 9/11. Today, such
> dots are occurring by the dozens every month. So why is nobody connecting
> them?
> full --
> http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article26664.htm
> **

> *Robert A. Pape teaches at the University of Chicago and is co-author,
> with James K. Feldman, of Cutting the Fuse: The Explosion of Global
> Suicide Terrorism and How to Stop 
> It.
> *

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[Marxism] Spitting in the Face of U.S. Troops

2010-10-20 Thread Dennis Brasky
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Spitting in the Face of U.S. Troops by Mark Engler
Dissent October 14, 2010

clip -

Last week, the Supreme Court took up a case regarding a right-wing
fundamentalist pastor, Fred Phelps, whose anti-gay congregation has taken to
protesting at military funerals, carrying signs that read "Fag Troops" or
"Thank God for Dead Soldiers." Phelps doesn't seem to care whether or not
the dead soldiers in question were actually gay. He believes that the
killing of U.S. troops in Iraq and Afghanistan is the result of America's
immorality and its tolerance for abortion and homosexuality-the latter
supposedly expressed in the military's "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy.

The father of one Marine killed in Iraq sued after his son's funeral was
protested, beginning a long legal battle. The Supreme Court ultimately heard
arguments about whether his family's right to grieve in peace should be
taken into consideration in constraining the free speech of Phelps's

I'll put aside the legal issues involved in this case going to the Supreme
Court. (That the current court is taking on any free speech case probably
bodes ill for civil liberties.) Instead, I want to consider for a moment the
concept of demonstrating at military funerals-or targeting returning troops
in general with protests.

The idea that the people rallying outside military funerals are "Fags Die,
God Laughs" adherents of the religious Right, rather than godless leftists,
will be a shock for many Americans, especially conservatives. It contradicts
a deep-rooted myth.

A persistent narrative about the Vietnam War is that anti-war protesters of
the 1960s and 70s vilified the troops, spitting in their faces upon their
return to the United States. This storyline was perhaps most memorably
presented by veteran John Rambo in the now- classic film First Blood. When
he breaks down at the end of the movie, Rambo explains resentfully:

I come back to the world, and I see all those maggots at the airport,
protesting me, spitting. Calling me baby killer and all kinds of crap! Who
are they to protest me?! Who are they?! Unless they've been me and been
there and know what the hell they're yelling about!

I like Rambo as a series of action movies, and I've written about the
franchise's conflicted politics. But this point is definitely one that
Rambo's writers get wrong. Historian Jerry Lembcke, author of The Spitting
Image: Myth, Memory, and the Legacy of Vietnam, has done a very convincing
job of debunking the story of spat-upon soldiers. As Jack Shafer summarized
in an article for Slate, Lembcke

  investigated hundreds of news accounts of antiwar activists spitting on
vets. But every time he pushed for more evidence or corroboration from a
witness, the story collapsed-the actual person who was spat on turned out to
be a friend of a friend. Or somebody's uncle. He writes that he never met
anybody who convinced him that any such clash took place.

While Lembcke doesn't prove that nobody ever expectorated on a
serviceman-you can't prove a negative, after all-he reduces the claim to an
urban myth. In most urban myths, the details morph slightly from telling to
telling Lembcke uncovered a whole lot of spitting from the war years,
but the published accounts always put the antiwar protester on the receiving
side of a blast from a pro-Vietnam counterprotester. Surely, he contends,
the news pages would have given equal treatment to a story about serviceman
getting the treatment. Then why no stories in the newspaper morgues, he

full --http://dissentmagazine.org/atw.php?id=288

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[Marxism] Why “Breaking the Silence” is Shor t-Listed for the Sakharov Prize

2010-10-20 Thread Dennis Brasky
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The Magnes Zionist - Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Why “Breaking the Silence” is Short-Listed for the Sakharov

There is a lot of pain and suffering in the world, and there are a lot of
human rights violations. The European Parliament's Sakhorov Prize is
"intended to honour exceptional individuals [and groups] who combat
intolerance, fanaticism, and oppression. Like Andrei Sakharov himself all
the winners of the prize have shown how much courage it takes to defend
human rights and freedom of expression."

To understand why "Breaking the Silence", an organization of IDF combat
veterans, is short-listed for the prize, one only need read the Wall Street
Journal's editorial
the group and the Europeans for short-listing them.

The problem is not so much the organization's work, which makes sweeping
accusations against Israeli soldiers….

False. The organization does not make accusations, much less sweeping ones.
It collects testimonies from IDF soldiers, both veterans and those on active
duty, that report human rights abuses that they witnessed or participated
in. Hundreds of testimonies (some in English translation can be read
have been collected and subjected to a rigorous verification process. To
date, not a single question mark or doubt has been raised about any of the
testimonies. At the same time, the IDF Spokesperson's office, which has
itself relied on the organization's testimonies in its investigations, has
changed its story time and time again on incidents and policies, e.g., the
use of white 
the Gaza Operation or the bombing
of the Gazan 

Full article ---


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[Marxism] Juan Cole -Top Ten Questions about Chi le Mine Collapse: Was it Nixon-Kissinger’s Fa ult?

2010-10-19 Thread Dennis Brasky
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Juan Cole -Top Ten Questions about Chile Mine Collapse: Was it
Nixon-Kissinger’s Fault?

Clip –

The corporate mass media (especially television) did not treat the Chilean
mine collapse as a labor story but rather as a feel-good human interest
story. It not only avoided asking hard questions about why the near-disaster
occurred and why the mine workers could be treated like guinea pigs by their
employers, it actively obscured these questions. I saw a psychobabbling
guest of Tony Harris on CNN actually talking about how the Chilean
government is the father figure for the miners and their supporters and
people are turning to it for succor and inspiration. I threw up a little in
my mouth.

So here are the questions that a social historian would ask about the sorry
episode, and which I never heard anyone on television news ask during all
the wall to wall coverage:

Full --


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[Marxism] "8, 000 Demonstrate in Tel Aviv against Racist Laws and Population Transfer Exercises"

2010-10-19 Thread Dennis Brasky
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"8,000 Demonstrate in Tel Aviv against Racist Laws and Population Transfer

Some 8,000 people marched through Tel Aviv to the Ministry of Defense on 16
October 2010, in protest against the racist laws being promoted by the
Israeli government and the Israeli security forces' population transfer
exercises. A long list of organizations, movements, and political parties
participated in the demonstration, including the Hadash Party,
Hithabrut-Tarabut, and the Negev Coexistence Forum for Civil Equality,
amongst others.


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[Marxism] WikiLeaks' Biggest Document Dump Yet Coming Monday:

2010-10-16 Thread Dennis Brasky
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On Monday, the whistle-blower website WikiLeaks will release nearly 400,000
pages worth of classified U.S. Army documents on the war in Iraq, making it
the single largest military leak in U.S. history.


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[Marxism] American Science's Racist History Still Haunts the World

2010-10-16 Thread Dennis Brasky
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American Science's Racist History Still Haunts the World
By Michelle Chen Colorlines October 10, 2010

 Early in America's crusade to spread the wonders of modern medicine, a
group of researchers in Guatemala did something unspeakable in the name of
science. Documentation of the project is just now coming to light, more than
60 years later, and it reads like a horror novel: Hundreds of men
systematically infected with syphilis and other sexually transmitted
diseases in an effort, endorsed by both the U.S. and Guatemalan governments,
to research the effectiveness of drug treatment.

 Researchers exposed men to disease with varying degrees of intent. At
first, Guatemalan health official Juan Funes selected prisoners in Guatemala
City as subjects because prostitution at the penitentiary would likely yield
fresh infections. But the researchers used more invasive tactics as well.
The Washington Post reports, 'in other cases, doctors put infectious
material on the cervixes of uninfected prostitutes before they had sex with
prisoners.' When they needed more infections, they took more aggressive
measures-'direct inoculations made from syphilis bacteria poured into the
men's penises and on forearms and faces that were slightly abraded - or in a
few cases through spinal punctures,' according to the research of the
historian who broke the story, Susan M. Reverby (interviewed recently on
Democracy Now!).

 Many, but not all, of these people-who included prisoners, soldiers and
mental patients-were given penicillin to test its effectiveness as an
after-sex treatment of syphilis, a disease that that can result in blindness
or death. Medical personnel carried out similar studies on gonorrhea, which
can lead to intense pain and infertility, and chancroid, which causes
genital ulcers.

 The archival documents suggest the experiments didn't raise significant
ethical qualms in Washington. The surgeon general at the time was quoted as
saying, 'You know, we couldn't do such an experiment in this country.'

 Well, in a way, they could. A bizarre element in the story is the
connection to another shameful chapter in the history of American medicine.
The man behind the infection of incarcerated Guatemalans, Dr. John Cutler,
had a hand in the infamous Tuskegee experiments as well.

full --

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