Re: [OT] Inspired by closing comments from the UBB thread.

2001-08-01 Thread Jay Jacobs

I'd second the original question, I've always embedded the SQL (what's the
S  for?) in the code, isn't that the point of the wonderful DBD::*
packages?  As far as modularizing database calls, there are a couple
reasons I've had problems with that.  I found the methods being rewritten
to handle about as many options as sql itself. (what if I want to sort
differently? what if I need a slightly different statement?).  My solution
is to embed SQL most of the time, modularize basic calls (get_user,
get_group type stuff).

In addition, I'd like to rebut the original statement:

not to mention the HTML embedded all throughout the perl (are they on

What's the alternative there?  Embed perl in the HTML?

On Wed, 1 Aug 2001, Barry Hoggard wrote:

 I think a lot of people's approach, including mine, is to have OO Perl
 modules for all database access.  In my code (I use Mason), a web page
 only gets its data through calls like this:

 my $obj = NAIC::User-(DBH=$dbh, EMAIL='[EMAIL PROTECTED]');
 my $groups_list = $obj-groups();

 That way any needed SQL changes, or even ports to a new database,
 don't have to be done everywhere in my code.

 On Wed, Aug 01, 2001 at 10:12:45AM -0500, Joe Breeden wrote:
  In his closing comments about UBB Kyle Dawkins made a statement that got me
  wondering. He said there's SQL embedded all throughout the Perl everywhere
  (who does this?! oh my god, are they on crack?).


  It would be interesting to know how other people have solved that problem.
  Currently, we are essentially using embedded SQL in our apps.

 Barry Hoggard

Re: [OT] Inspired by closing comments from the UBB thread.

2001-08-01 Thread Jay Jacobs

I wasn't clear enough... My point was more six one way, half dozen the
other.  For a public package, keeping dependancies down to a minimum is a
bonus, as well as keeping performance up by not having to pre-process html
looking for perl code.  It can come down to a choice between
maintainability and better performance (to whatever degree).  I don't see
any glue-sniffing symptoms from choosing embedded html in perl over
embedded perl in html.


On Wed, 1 Aug 2001, Perrin Harkins wrote:

  not to mention the HTML embedded all throughout the perl (are they on
  What's the alternative there?  Embed perl in the HTML?

 You could do that (Text::Template), or you could use a tool like Template
 Toolkit or HTML::Template.  See for a description of the
 available options.
 - Perrin

Re: [VERY OT] Inspired by closing comments from the UBB thread.

2001-08-01 Thread Jay Jacobs

On Wed, 1 Aug 2001, Kyle Dawkins wrote:

 Mixing HTML with Perl with SQL is bad and evil on every single possible

This bugged me... TMTOWTDI applies on so many levels.

The right way to do something is not always the technically best way
to do something.  If you work in a large corporate enviroment with many
hands in the development pot, then hey, I agree, and there should
probably be a corporate document stating the guidelines and restrictions
of developement.

If however you work in a two person company where you have barely enough
time to go to the bathroom let alone think about creating your own
database abstraction layer for a custom application and maintaining code
means changing a link once a month.  Then by all means embed away, and
take the quick development path over performance or maintainability.

On the other hand, if you are completely broke and work on a non-profit
project and the only system you have is a P200 with 64M of Memory, then
you may want to think about avoiding templating systems, and doing nothing
but a single module with embedded SQL with Perl and HTML.

There is always more then one way to do it, and there's usually more then
one right way to do it.  Let's keep that in mind.


Re: [VERY OT] Inspired by closing comments from the UBB thread.

2001-08-01 Thread Jay Jacobs

My apologies for beating this dead horse...

I am just unable to get my point across at all today.

On Wed, 1 Aug 2001, Kyle Dawkins wrote:

 Tom et al.

  This is, in my opinion, circular logic. Perhaps the reason that you
  barely have enough time to go to the bathroom is that you're
  writing the code the wrong way. :-) point with that scenario was that there is just too much work to
spend the time writing highly maintainable code that has only the simplest
of maintance tasks.

 Just because we use free and/or open source tools to build our code, doesn't
 mean we can write crap.  We have an obligation to do our duty to whomever we
 work for, and LEARN and apply that learning to our work.

   There is always more then one way to do it, and there's usually more
   then one right way to do it.  Let's keep that in mind.
  Agreed. However, Perl + HTML + SQL isn't one of the right ways! :-)

 Couldn't agree more.  Just because TMTOWDI doesn't mean that all of those
 ways are equal.  Most ways suck, in fact.

Granted, the world is full of incompetance, but if you spent your time
coding for a perfect world in every situation, you could still be working
on the write-up while the next guy is collecting the check for a finished
project and bidding on the next project, might not be bad code, might be
really good code, might really suck, who cares, it works, the customer is
happy and both businesses do well, the down side is some geek may have to
maintain it but they'll get to complain about crappy code and show their
rightousness on a public mailing list.

Don't get me wrong here, I agree with the perfect code... I'd absolutely
love to see a clean solution to embedded html/perl/sql that has fast
performance, fast development and easy maintainability.  I wish that the
technically best way always matched the right way.  And us righteous
developers decided how the world was run. But my misintrepreted point is
that there are situations in which this version of perfect code has no
place, even if I can't write them up in an email.

Content-Disposition to change type and action?

2001-05-29 Thread Jay Jacobs

I've got a form that will (should) send various formats back to the client
depending on form values.  They may want the results back in csv, pdf or
plain html.  The form always submits to a .html, and the browser usually
expects an html.

  I've tried setting $r-content_type and even $r-filename to try and get
the browser (ie 5 for now) to see it as a non-html file and do the
right thing.  Then I came across setting Content-Disposition:


This has an unexpected result, I get a pop-up asking me what I want to do
with the html document (save/exec), if I exec it, it asks me what I want
to do with the csv (save/exec).  I've never run across
Content-Disposition, anyone have a listing of what it does and the

How do other out there return other mime-types when text/html is


Re: Content-Disposition to change type and action?

2001-05-29 Thread Jay Jacobs

Ken's right and yeah, I wanted to stay away from Javascript and keep it
simple, it's not the doing of javascript that's bad, it's the redoing.

One thing that appears to work is setting the Content-Disposition header
value to inline;filename=\search.csv\. (instead of attachment).
IE5 seems to do the right thing with that, it pops up one box saying what
would like to do with search.csv?.  Doing a redir might be a better
option then to trust IE4 and NS+ to do it correctly... not to mention
trusting IE6 to do anything like IE5.

Thanks for the help,

On Tue, 29 May 2001, Ken Williams wrote:

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Steve Piner) wrote:
 My suggestion is to use mod_rewrite to create a mapping so that the
 actual file name doesn't matter. I have a rule in the Apache conf file:
 RewriteRule ^/reports/ /bin/ [PT]
 So going to would be
 the same as going to
 except if the page is to be downloaded, the browser will use the name

 That doesn't solve the problem, though.  The type of file is chosen in a
 form, and the action of the form is already set by the time that form is
 loaded.  I assume Jay doesn't want to use Javascript to change the
 action dynamically.

 My own preference would be to post to some generic script which
 redirects to another URL with the desired filename extension and proper
 disposition headers.

   Ken Williams Last Bastion of Euclidity
   [EMAIL PROTECTED]The Math Forum

Re: Appending Sessionid to all the urls

2001-05-24 Thread Jay Jacobs

Yeah, create a safe link jumping point.  Something that you'd link to
instead of the external link, and pass in the external link, without a
session_id so that the HTTP_REFERER won't have the session ID.

Don't rely on IP address for more reasons then you mentioned...

It might not hurt to implement some kind of time out feature too.  It's
you and a dagger against an army.


On Thu, 24 May 2001, stefan weiss wrote:


  A better way for session ids is to put them in front of the URI:
  These session ids are sticky as long as you only use relative paths in your
  html. Note: You may want to put your images in a directory that's not covered by
  this handler and use absolute paths...

 But wouldn't the session ID get sent to other (possible malicious) servers
 as well - in the HTTP_REFERER, if the user clicks on an external link?
 That might enable a script on that other server to grab your user's session.
 I guess you could add an additional check including the original user's IP
 address, but that's not really safe either. People working in the same
 company could spy on each other if they use the same HTTP proxy.

 Any known workarounds for this?


Re: Appending Sessionid to all the urls

2001-05-22 Thread Jay Jacobs

there's always more then one way...

DocumentRoot /usr/local/apache_mp/htdocs
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond /usr/local/apache_mp/htdocs/%{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteRule /?S=([^/]+)/(.*) /$2 [E=SESSION_ID:$1]

This sets $ENV{SESSION_ID} to the session ID, but also catches it, if by
some bizarre and unlikely circumstance your have a directory that matches
someone's Session ID.  In this case the session is:

Using mod rewrite also munges the $r-filename which helped things like
mason that looked for it (don't know if it still does).


On Tue, 22 May 2001, Joachim Zobel wrote:

 At 18:06 22.05.2001 +0800, you wrote:
 For instance when i access url
 i want all the urls to be appended in all the urls of that website..
 My qns is everytime i found that the session id is lost... through the
 many requests and responses.
 And the new url does not reflect on the client browser..
 Any one got any idea.. what wrong with my program??

 Wrong concept.
 Use a sid in the URL path like
 Use mod_rewrite to remove /sessionid-\w+
 Use only relative links.

 Thats it. You can get the sessionid by parsing $ENV{REQUEST_URI}


 ... ein Geschlecht erfinderischer Zwerge, die fuer alles gemietet werden
 koennen.- Bertolt Brecht - Leben des Galilei

Re: [OT] Perl Script Source Code...

2001-01-09 Thread Jay Jacobs

On Tue, 9 Jan 2001, G.W. Haywood wrote:

 Hi Allysson,
 On Tue, 9 Jan 2001, Allysson Flavio wrote:
  Is there a way to put in our client's server only compiled scripts
  or like???  Or can we change Perl source code to decript our files??
 I think you'd better read a book about C.
 Hi everybody else,
 Just asking, but am I the only one that gets a really bad feeling when
 people want to use Open Source Software to do things like this?  It
 seems kinda counter to the spirit of it all somehow.

I'd hope you're the only one, either that or I missed your point.  Do you
get paid for coding in perl?  How is that different then coding in perl
then wanting to sell the software and try to maintain rights and privacy 
on your creation?

I don't think C is a good point to bring up either, isn't gcc open-source
software?  It just so happens that C has built in protections for
source-code theft, and perl doesn't.  I don't think it makes a bit of
difference what tools you use, you should be able to take whatever steps
you think are necessary to protect your work.

as a side note, I've never felt a need to protect my perl source like
aforementioned, but I can think of a few circumstances where "protecting
source" is different the "hording the source".  You may just want to keep
the code covered to make it a little harder for someone (with a lot more
time then you) to figure out how to break it, you may want to hide a
hard-coded password, or just keep things black to stop folks from
wandering through because you wrote the application in 5 minutes between
phone calls and meetings and you're emberrassed you put out such awful
code, but it works, so run it.


Re: Mod_perl tutorials

2000-12-13 Thread Jay Jacobs

snip all other notes on it

I've seen a few folks say "my tuturial is at http://xxx", etc.  But it
would be great if someone could put them all in a single place (take23?)
with a blurb about each.

I've been trying to keep the email with the links to the various
presentations and tutorials for the moment when I have time to look at
them, but it'd be great to have a single location that I might have in my
memory when time is available.


Re: [me too] certification [Was: mod_perl advocacy project resurrection]

2000-12-08 Thread Jay Jacobs

  On Wed, Dec 06, 2000 at 01:22:26PM -0800, Randal L. Schwartz wrote:
   I mean, until I can demonstrate that people with certs are likely
   to get hired faster or make more money, what's the point?  As it is
   now, good mod_perl people are hard enough to find that the
   jobseeker already has the advantage.

"The jobseeker already has the advantage" is the key phrase.  I think the
general idea is to balance that out and broaden both the job market for
mod_perl folks, and the talent pool of mod_perl programmers.  At this
point, IMO certification is the end of the line, the destination.  What we
need is a path to the destination.  We want to generate enough interest
and (dare I say) marketability of mod_perl to warrant certification.  
Articles are helpful, but when was the last time you saw a corporate
big-wig reading TPJ or Perl Month?  I'm sure it happens, but what about
getting an article in the big trade rags?  Slipping something in
Ziff-Davis rags, the things that sit on their desk and coffee tables...

  I'd take a list of activities from your website, complete the
  activities, submit my code back to you, and let you grade me,


Copy and paste works wonders in the web.  You'd need heavy code-commenting
or a detailed explanation from the person (preferably in person) of the
code they "wrote".  It's the right path, just need to prepare for the
lowest common denomenator.

 I'd be a little less eager about the sort of simple multiple choice
 that would be easiest to automate, but even that would suffice.

Or a good combination thereof.

 I would love to be able to list on my resumé that I was Perl and
 mod_perl certified. How about publicity in the form of a page listing
 certified Perl/modPerl coders on take23, with contact info if they
 like? Great for getting those job offers.

From an employer's standpoint, that's an awful statement to read.  If I
hire a certified perl/mod_perl person, I'd like to believe that they're
with my company, and not reviewing other job offers continually, if
the site could evolve to "available certified folks"... that would
be a much better solution.  See point #1 above.

Jay Jacobs

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Re: Certification

2000-12-07 Thread Jay Jacobs

On Thu, 7 Dec 2000, Matt Sergeant wrote:

 On Thu, 7 Dec 2000, J. J. Horner wrote:
  If I'm way off base, please let me know.  I'm spending considerable
  brain power on this idea and if I'm wasting it, I need to know.  I
  don't have much spare brain power and I could use it to try to figure
  out my wife . . .
 Ask yourself this question: Are you in need of a mod_perl job? If so, I'm
 willing to bet that there are employers who would snap you up in a second.


On the flip side, if you're an employer looking for a good mod_perl
programmer, they're hard to find, and if you do find them, they're
quirky. ;)

I liked the idea of incorporating the local perl mongers groups into the
teaching/training/advocacy process.  I proposed it to my local group as a
possibility.  Perhaps it would help to get some standards though (similiar
to a certification process) that the groups could follow.  Perhaps areas
to cover, standard tests, etc.  Things that would lead a person to getting
really certified when/if such a thing exists.

Jay Jacobs

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RE: mod_perl advocacy project resurrection

2000-12-05 Thread Jay Jacobs

On Tue, 5 Dec 2000, Stas Bekman wrote:

 What we want is very simple. 
 1. We want many users, so they will thoroughly test the software and spot
 bugs asap, so we -- current users will get a better product.
 2. We want more developers, so they will write core mod_perl and 3rd party
 modules, again for us current users to re-use and save development
 time. The first item is directly linked to the second, as new developers
 come out from users.

I think a good first step in that direction is to have mod_perl modules to
do some of the basic things that early web developers want... a few really
well documented and tailored-for-newbies modules.  I think back a few
years to "Matt's Script Archive", and what that did for perl and
CGI. (Anyone for Apache::Formmail?)

Just some stuff to get the new developer interesting in figuring out how
to compile mod_perl, and to see the benefits of it.  It could even be done
with step-by-step examples, with gradually increasing functions.  ( "Now
move on to Guestbook-DBI" ... "Now add in Apache::Session for such-n-such
functions" )  Perhaps even offer the same modules under mason, embperl
axkit, etc. so folks can take a step in those directions too.

I just think back to the time when I started putting smarts-to-web and
these were the first steps I took, and I looked for that kind of hand
holding as I figured out how to make it work.

Jay Jacobs

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RE: Forking in mod_perl?

2000-10-04 Thread Jay Jacobs

I was just going to post that url to the guide also... But another option
I've come up with not listed in the guide is to use the *nix "at" command.  
If I need to run some processor intensive application that doesn't need
apache_anything, I'll do a system call to "at" to schedule it to run
(usually I pass in "now").  However, the drawbacks are that it's a
complete seperate process and passing complicated structures isn't worth
the time to think about using at.


On Wed, 4 Oct 2000, Geoffrey Young wrote:

  -Original Message-
  From: David E. Wheeler [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: Wednesday, October 04, 2000 3:44 PM
  Subject: Forking in mod_perl?
  Hi All,
  Quick question - can I fork off a process in mod_perl? I've 
  got a piece
  of code that needs to do a lot of processing that's unrelated to what
  shows up in the browser. So I'd like to be able to fork the processing
  off and return data to the browser, letting the forked process handle
  the extra processing at its leisure. Is this doable? Is forking a good
  idea in a mod_perl environment? Might there be another way to do it?
 the cleanup phase is also a good place to do extended processing.   It does
 tie up the child until the processing finishes, but it at least make the
 client think that the response is finished (so that little moving thingy in
 netscape stops moving around)
  TIA for the help!
  David E. Wheeler
  Software Engineer
  Salon Internet ICQ:   15726394
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   AIM:   dwTheory

RE: Question about $sth-finish;

2000-08-15 Thread Jay Jacobs

On Tue, 15 Aug 2000, Tom Mornini wrote:

 It is my understanding of the DBI docs that you only need to call
 $sth-finish when you DON'T fetch all the rows that the $sth has ready to

From "Writing Apache Modules with Perl and C":
  "You should still call finish() at the end of each series of fetches,
even though you are going to reuse the statement handler.  Failure to do
so can lead to memory leaks."

If I remember correctly, it also frees up any resources used by the
database (depending on db) for the query, like for sorting, joining,
etc.  But I can't quote a source for that one.

From my point of view, it never hurts to call finish()...

Jay Jacobs

Apache::Session Math::Currency thawing issue.

2000-06-19 Thread Jay Jacobs

  I'm trying to use Math::currency with sessions, and I've run into a
stumper.  I initialize variables and make them Math::Currency objects, and
display them just fine, but when I come back (unthaw the session) instead
of seeing the value I get the reference showing
"Math::Currency=HASH(0x86b022)" instead of the value as it showed the
first time through.

It's a reference going in, and a reference coming out, but for some reason
it doesn't like being stuck into Apache::Session.

I can work around it by testing if it's a Math::Currency reference, and
call Math::Currency-new.  But this seems a little silly.  Anyone seen
this before?

Jay Jacobs

Re: Apache::Session Math::Currency thawing issue.

2000-06-19 Thread Jay Jacobs

First off, I'm doing this becuase I need to store variables (in
currency) that are generated on a per-user session, for a short period of
time (3 to 5 requests).  I'm using a database back-end for the session.

I was initially wrong in my thinking about Math::Currency, and my solution
was to "stringify" the instance, so I only store "$10.45" instead of a
Math::Currency object.

Where do you put your "more permanent" data, and what constitutes "more
permanent" data?  I can't think of anything that would be faster/easier to
store and retrieve specific information related to that user or session.

I'd agree that the session needs to be handled carefully, but I think the
careful part is not leaving stuff in the session that doesn't need to be
there, instead of not using it.


On Mon, 19 Jun 2000, Shane Nay wrote:

 Okay, backup a second..., you're doing this... why?  Do you need a
 Math::Currency object stored inside the session?..., that could be quite a
 hefty object.  See, everything you write to a session you have to read back in,
 and any time you update any small part of it it has to re-write the whole
 record.  What storage mechanism are you using for sessions, Filestore,
 Database?  Generally I think it's a best practice to be careful about what
 you're stuff in your sessions, i.e. how much data you're putting in there.  A
 complete update of several objects could be pretty hairy since you have to do a
 complete re-write of that record whenever you change one small detail.  You
 also have to read in that entire session, and decompose it which could take a
 little while.  Basically you're adding quite a bit of overhead to your
 web-application.  Personally I like to keep my sessions really small, and put
 more permanent data elsewhere, does anyone else have a "best practices" sort of
 thing on what should/should not be stored in a session?  (This seems to come up
 almost weekly I think)
 (Also you should read up on freeze thaw, because they can't store _everything_)
 On Mon, 19 Jun 2000, you wrote:
I'm trying to use Math::currency with sessions, and I've run into a
  stumper.  I initialize variables and make them Math::Currency objects, and
  display them just fine, but when I come back (unthaw the session) instead
  of seeing the value I get the reference showing
  "Math::Currency=HASH(0x86b022)" instead of the value as it showed the
  first time through.
  It's a reference going in, and a reference coming out, but for some reason
  it doesn't like being stuck into Apache::Session.
  I can work around it by testing if it's a Math::Currency reference, and
  call Math::Currency-new.  But this seems a little silly.  Anyone seen
  this before?
  Jay Jacobs

RE: Apache::Session

2000-06-01 Thread Jay Jacobs

Mod_Rewrite does the same thing in a few less lines:

RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond /your/document_root/%{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteRule ^/S([^/]+)/(.*)/$2 [E=SESSION_ID:$1]

the RewriteCond statement just makes sure you don't (for some strange
reason) have a file/directory that is of the same name as the request, and
it's completely removable 

This also doesn't change the $r-uri value, but I find that kind of a

Jay Jacobs
LachNet Inc.

On Thu, 1 Jun 2000, Michael Nachbaur wrote:

 Well, from what I'm reading, it looks like you don't want it to create sessions for 
all images, CSS, et al on the first page load, right?  Instead of deleting sessions 
that aren't used, you could try just not serving sessions to documents that don't 
need 'em.
 Like in my setup, I've put in a PerlTransHandler pointing to a custom perl module 
I've created:
 PerlTransHandler  Apache::URISession
 Then, in Apache::URISession, I've done the following:
 package Apache::URISession;
  use strict;
  use Apache::Constants qw(:common);
  sub handler {
 my $r = shift;
 my $uri = $r-uri;
 my ($session) = $uri =~ m|/S([0-9a-f]{32})|;
 $uri =~ s|/S[0-9a-f]{32}||;
 my $filename = $r-document_root . $uri;
 $ENV{'SESSION_ID'} = $session if ( $session );
 print STDERR "SESSION: " . $session, "\n";
 print STDERR "URI: " . $uri, "\n";
 $r-filename( $filename );
 return OK;
 There might be another module that does this, but I wanted to embed the session key 
in the URL.  So, in this example, it'll redirect the user to an address like this one:
 It'll rip the session out, put it in ENV{SESSION_ID}, and continue processing.  I'm 
not sure if I should be returning an OK there or not (I'm new to using handlers), but 
it does the job.
 Also, keep in mind, I'm using the new Apache::Session which creates 32-character 
keys, which is why I'm doing the pattern match check like {32}.
 -Original Message-
 From: Niral Trivedi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Thursday, June 01, 2000 12:57 PM
 Subject: Apache::Session
 I need to clear myself on a small issue regarding Apache::Session.
 As per my understanding, Apache::Session will store session information
 in a backing store-either a flat file or in some database. And
 everytime, request comes in, it will check for sessionID in backing
 store and retrieve all information for that session. If request is new
 than it will create new sessionID and also create an entry in backing
 Now, only way to remove this information from backing store is to do
 'tied(%session_hash)-delete', Am I right? I mean is there any way we
 can remove these entries by setting 'time_out_interval' or something
 like that?? 
 Because if we do 'tied(%session_hash)-delete' then it will create new
 session for every request... So, I was thinking of not doing
 'tied-delete' but write a small cron script which runs at specified
 interval and removes entry from backing store which are older than some
 Because concept of 'time_out_interval' does exist in Apache JServ and
 other application servers..
 Any ideas, suggestions or pointers on this???
 Thanks again..

Re: talking about cookies (was: session something...)

2000-05-12 Thread Jay Jacobs

The issue isn't the technical aspects of the bug, or even the fact that
users don't have to turn off cookies to fix the bug... the issue is that
this, with help from the talented press, will cause more people to simply
disable cookies whether right or wrong.  

This ties back into a previous discussion about storing sessions (or
session_id) in a cookie and how reliable (or unreliable) that is.

Jay Jacobs
LachNet Inc.

On Fri, 12 May 2000, Keith G. Murphy wrote:

 "Jeffrey W. Baker" wrote:
  On Thu, 11 May 2000, Marc Slemko wrote:
   In reality, IE's recently publicized hole (which I reported to them, in a
   slightly modified form, months ago but they didn't see fit to release a
   patch...) doesn't change much.
   Hotmail?  Yahoo mail?  etc.  Your cookies for all those sites
   are vulnerable anyway due to the "cross site scripting" issue.  This
   particular hole in IE doesn't change things too much.  Sure, there may be
   the rare site that isn't vulnerable to cross site scripting.  But that is
   the very rare site, and most sites that think they aren't vulnerable are.
   Cookies are not secure and will never be secure.  I have said it before
   and will say it again many times before I die.  Unfortunately, it isn't as
   simple as saying "well, don't use cookies".  There isn't much in the way
   of alternatives for a lot of things...
  Cross-site scripting attacks are hard for most people to wrap their minds
  around.  There are a zillion sites that are vulnerable, mainly because
  they parrot back to the user whatever they submitted without doing any
  validation or HTML/URL escaping.  Then there are browser bugs that don't
  treat excaped character properly.  Sigh.
 Whether we're talking about the IE bug, or cross-site scripting issues,
 wouldn't the whole thing be solved by users turning *off* scripting and
 leaving the cookies *on*?  I.e., in what ways are cookies not safe if
 scripting is turned off?
 What great functionality is lost if users turn off their scripting?
 Of course, this may be an abstract question in terms of programming, if
 users *do* insist on enabling scripting.
 I do notice that both Microsoft and CERT, in their different ways,
 recommend that folks turn off scripting for best protection against
 cross-site scripting attacks:
 So maybe some will get the message.
 Though making ridiculous recommendations like avoiding "promiscuous
 browsing" (CERT's words) doesn't help.
 And MS's recommendation simply eliminates E-mail-based attacks using
 their product (Outlook), while leaving others exposed.  They make it
 ridiculously hard to turn off scripting, then show you how to do it only
 in a limited way.
 But it does seem like not even MS is saying "Don't accept cookies". 
 Though they're still pretty quiet on the latest IE hole.

Re: [Summation] 100% sessions?

2000-05-12 Thread Jay Jacobs

I really liked this solution... here is the simple mod_rewrite stuff I've
stuck into my httpd.conf to pull out the session_id:

RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond /your/doc_root/%{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteRule ^/S=([^/]+)/(.*)/$2 [E=SESSION_ID:$1]

When you set your session_id, be sure to prepend the "S=" to it.  I
figured that was a much better solution then just looking for 16
characters, although I put the !-f condition in there to test if it was a
file... by the slim chance that the S={session_id} pattern is actually a
real file... it could be done away with.

After this rewrite rule there will be a $ENV{SESSION_ID} variable set for
use in any application (regular cgi included)

This will also set the $r-filename to not include the session_id which
means that mason and the like won't break down looking for the file.

Note: This does NOT change $r-uri which will still contain the session
stuff in it.

Jay Jacobs
LachNet Inc.

On Thu, 11 May 2000, Gunther Birznieks wrote:

 At 01:21 PM 5/10/00 -0500, Jay Jacobs wrote:
 I embedded notes into this with a short book at the end...
 On Wed, 10 May 2000, Gunther Birznieks wrote:
   There is a strong reason for cookies only. Intranets and other controlled
 I'm trying to satisfy as many clents as possible in the chaos of the
 uncontrolled world of a public site.
 I was under the impression that this thread is about general session 
 architectures... and someone appeared to be arguing that there are no 
 situations where cookies alone would not cut it. The reality is that there 
 are quite a few developers who develop using cookies alone and accept it as 
 their user constraint. In an intranet with controlled users where the 
 business wants an app out quickly, they don't care about the flexibility 
 for the future especially if the apps are re-engineered to new business 
 requirements every 6 months anyway.
   User makes request:
  if a cookie exists with session_id
then verify it is a valid session_id
if a session-url exists remove it and rely on cookies
   Why would both exist?
 Becuase they're both set on an initial request, that way if the cookie
 fails, the session is still in the url... again, uncontrolled, sloppy
if session is expired   # timed expirations as a security measure
  auth them again if needed and/else redirect to requested page.
  else if a session_url exists with no cookie
verify validity and exipiration as above
  else if no cookie and no url session
new session, set cookie and set session-url
  timestamp the session for expiration.
   Other notes:
  Having to re-write site-wide urls seems like a bad idea.  It 
  negates any
   caching (on both server and client sides), and forces all the pages to be
   dynamic.  Relative links (although not the ../../prettiest thing) seems
   like the best route.
   I don't get this. It's still a different URL whether the id is at the end
   of the URL or the beginning. Also, the pages are not dynamic with
   mod_rewrite... mod_rewrite (in this case) is just acting upon a data
   structure on the server.  The HTML files are still served as HTML files
   whether the root dir is shown as a session id
   The caching that you are ruining is the proxy caching. But the browsers
   will still cache the HTML and images (one would presume that multimedia
   content -- which benefits the most from a proxy cache would not go through
   the URL mangling if possible).
 The thing about putting the session_id in the front is that the whole site
 can then just do *static* relative linking.  The problem isn't using
 mod_rewrite to get to the page, the problem is linking from that page to
 another while maintaining the session_id in the url.  If I'm understanding
 you wrong let me know, I'd be quite interested in a solution just using
 Of course, if you put the session id at the front of the URL, then the 
 relative links will all work (unless they are absolute with regards to the 
 However, it should be relatively easy to make this a lot cleaner in 
 conjunction with mod_rewrite... You have the URL (seen below) as 
 But there is no primer... If we change the URL to
 Then you can create a mod_rewrite rule that checks for /sessionid/(.*)endid/.*
 And then takes the equivalent of $1 and pushes it into an environment 
 variable (lets call it $ENV{SESSIONID}).
 Then have mod_rewrite strip the sessionid crap out of the URL and pass the 
 rest to the server as the TRUE url.
 Then even CGI scripts (not just mod_perl ones) can take advantage of using 
 the $ENV{SESSIONID} to see if a sessionid was stripped out.
 I'll talk about another advantage down below:
 And with caching... Let's say the site rewrites the url dynamically, so
 that the links are something lik

Re: [Summation] 100% sessions?

2000-05-10 Thread Jay Jacobs

  So as I see it there are essentially 2 *mostly* reliable ways, cookies
and url-rewriting.  Both have drawbacks and neither are 100%.  There
really isn't a way to cross-reference anything else (IP or login) becuase
there are valid reasons for a user to come from multiple ip addresses
during a session (albeit rare), and sessions may be needed without
requiring a user to login.
  It also doesn't make sense to try to rely on both cookies and
url-rewriting, that would just get sloppy and waste time.  The only thing
to do is to pick one or the other and deal with the drawbacks associated
with that...

- redirecting to a different site sends the session_id in the
HTTP_REFERER in some browsers, which ruins it for the rest of the world ;)
- requires site-wide url-rewriting or site-wide relative links (including
things like "../../index.html" which seems ugly IMO)
- users bookmarking with the session_id which may be expired on the server
side thus negating the bookmarked session.
- messes up logging unless a custom logging handler, or url-rewriting
before logging is implemented

- Turned off by user
- May be blocked all together by some proxies.

I'm sure I missed some points, but it's all I can think of at this

Jay Jacobs
LachNet Inc.

Re: [Summation] 100% sessions?

2000-05-10 Thread Jay Jacobs

I embedded notes into this with a short book at the end...

On Wed, 10 May 2000, Gunther Birznieks wrote:

 There is a strong reason for cookies only. Intranets and other controlled 

I'm trying to satisfy as many clents as possible in the chaos of the
uncontrolled world of a public site.

 User makes request:
if a cookie exists with session_id
  then verify it is a valid session_id
  if a session-url exists remove it and rely on cookies
 Why would both exist?

Becuase they're both set on an initial request, that way if the cookie
fails, the session is still in the url... again, uncontrolled, sloppy

  if session is expired   # timed expirations as a security measure
auth them again if needed and/else redirect to requested page.
else if a session_url exists with no cookie
  verify validity and exipiration as above
else if no cookie and no url session
  new session, set cookie and set session-url
timestamp the session for expiration.
 Other notes:
Having to re-write site-wide urls seems like a bad idea.  It negates any
 caching (on both server and client sides), and forces all the pages to be
 dynamic.  Relative links (although not the ../../prettiest thing) seems
 like the best route.
 I don't get this. It's still a different URL whether the id is at the end 
 of the URL or the beginning. Also, the pages are not dynamic with 
 mod_rewrite... mod_rewrite (in this case) is just acting upon a data 
 structure on the server.  The HTML files are still served as HTML files 
 whether the root dir is shown as a session id
 The caching that you are ruining is the proxy caching. But the browsers 
 will still cache the HTML and images (one would presume that multimedia 
 content -- which benefits the most from a proxy cache would not go through 
 the URL mangling if possible).

The thing about putting the session_id in the front is that the whole site
can then just do *static* relative linking.  The problem isn't using
mod_rewrite to get to the page, the problem is linking from that page to
another while maintaining the session_id in the url.  If I'm understanding
you wrong let me know, I'd be quite interested in a solution just using

And with caching... Let's say the site rewrites the url dynamically, so
that the links are something like:
A Href="/abcdef123456abcdef/index.html"Home page/a
Now, for whatever unforseen reason the session_id changes (they close
their account and reopen). They hit a page that is cached on their side
with these in there, all of sudden they're back on their old session which
is invalid now.  That doesn't exist if the link is "../index.html" or some
other relative link that is cached.

In addition I was also talking about server-side caching, with something
like mason where it's possible to cache a static document on the server
side to speed up the process.  Think of an "about" page talking about the
company history... the session will have to be active there, they may want
to look at their account info after that, but the about page is static and
should be cached if possible.

Again, I'm just trying to get a feel for the best way to deal with the
chaos of the browsers and their users.  I don't see any way to gaurantee
that 100% of the people will be able to use a session-based site while
also allowing 0 session-jumping with high-security and privacy.  And if I
can increase 91% serviced to 92% serviced while assuming the end-user just
figured out what "click here" means, I'll do it.

Jay Jacobs
LachNet Inc.

100% sessions?

2000-05-09 Thread Jay Jacobs

I've been perusing the archives on the topic of cookie vs. url vs. user
session tracking, and I can't find a solution that is 100% effective.

Here's the scenario... using Apache::Session::DBI on a public site, where
registered users can log in to get detailed information and "place orders"
online.  Non-registered users will get basic information and ideally
should be able to "place orders" that will have no real effect on the site
(i.e. shopping cart with no purchasing)

Here's some major concerns I groked from the archives:
cookies: disabled from proxies, or disabled for "security"
user-based: wouldn't solve non-registered user issue, nor site-wide
url: requires site-wide url-rewriting, insecure from HTTP_REFERER

My thought is to try to verify it from ip but that breaks when proxies
come from more than one ip (AOL), or when nat is in place covering
multiple client systems.  Also adding a lame security attempt, and put a
timed expiration on the server-side session after an hour or so.

I'm thinking of just relying on cookies, while not 100%, it's gotta be
close to 80 or 90% which may be good for this project.  But I figured
others had faced this same issue and had an ample solution...

Jay Jacobs
LachNet Inc.

Re: 100% sessions?

2000-05-09 Thread Jay Jacobs

On Tue, 9 May 2000, Jeffrey W. Baker wrote:
 Why is the session ID invalid just because they left for a week?  Ask them
 to authenticate again and take them right back to whatever they were
 On some sites bookmarking the URL with the session ID embedded is the
 optimal behavior.

Session-jumping is a key concern in my application, once a user logs,
they're going to be looking at sensitive information that pertains
directly to that user.  Sessions need to be timed and expire in a short
amount of time (30 mins or so) of inactivity.

If a registered user comes back after that time (from a bookmark or
refresh), I'm going to redirect them to the login page, and then putting
them to the originally requested document after they authenticate, just
like you said.

I just can't see tying in the ip address, or any other mechanism as being
100% effective for session management... 
