Family emergency -- equipment for sale

2001-10-31 Thread David Hatfield

Oh, how the mighty are fallen!!  Yesterday I spent a great deal of time and
energy trying to defend my use of zooms against the dreaded Visigoths of
prime lenses (:-)).  Today, due to a family emergency, I am forced to sell
my equipment in order to raise some ready cash.

Thought I’d give the users of this list first shot before I put them on the
infamous eBay.  (Although after yesterday’s thread I’m not sure just how
much interest there will be here for my zooms! ;-) )

Up for sale are:

NEW MZ-S body with BG-10 battery grip  Both were purchased at the end of
August, the camera from Beach Camera, the battery grip from Adorama.  Both
will come in their original boxes and the MZ-S has a blank warranty card.  I
’m asking $800 for BOTH.  (BTW – this body is one of the later ones with the
serial # beginning 478.  I’ve not had ANY of the problems talked about
on this list – frame overlap, meter problems, mirror lock up, etc.)

Mint Tokina AT-X af Pro 20-25 f2.8 zoom  purchased 8/22/01 from Camera
world for $650 this lens for all intent is new, having been on my camera
less than a half dozen times.  It will come in its original box with all
included paperwork (I’ll send my registered warranty card), lens case, caps,
etc.  I’m asking $400 for this one.

Mint Tokina AT-X af Pro II 28-70 f2.6-2.8 zoom  this has been my normal
lens and has seen the most use but is in absolute MINT condition.  I’m
asking $275 for this one and it, too, will come in its original packaging
with all original accessories.

Mint Tokina AT-X af Pro 80-200 f2.8 zoom  this baby is a fantastic zoom.
In absolutely mint condition I’ve had it for about 9 months and it’s in
PERFECT condition.  It will also come with all its original packaging and
equipment.  I need $375 for this one.

Mint Sigma 105 f2.8 EX macro  if you’re into macro photography this is the
lens to have.  Not only is it a great short tele/portrait lens, it’s one of
the few on the market that will let you go 1:1 on your film with no
accessories.  It is tack sharp whether at macro or at 105mm!  This one is as
new and will, as all others, include all original packaging and materials. I
need $200 for this one.

I would ask that any buyer be willing to pay $10 towards USPS priority
insured shipping in the CONUS, $15 to Canada (sorry, I can only ship to the
US or Canada).  I will accept cashier’s checks, money orders or Pay Pal.

If you have questions or want to make a purchase, you can contact me off

Again, all this equipment is in like NEW condition and will come to you just
like it came from the original supplier.

If you’re interested in anything I need to hear from you soon.  I’ll be out
of touch between the 12th and 21st of November and anything not sold by the
12th will end up on eBay.

My heart’s breaking at having to give up this equipment but family needs
take priority over personal pleasure.

My loss will, hopefully, be your gain!

Dave Hatfield
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RE: Heading to Italy (was: RE: Only using my prime lenses - I promise)

2001-10-31 Thread David Hatfield

Buono Sera, Gianfranco,

I'd love to get the opportunity to visit with you while in Italy!  I will be
in Naples between the 13th and the 18th.  I'm not sure, however, how I might
arrange it.  I am a Southern Baptist minister and I am coming over to work
with a US military church that we are partners with.  As a result I will be
at their mercy for transportation and activities.  In addition, I will be
traveling with three other individuals from my church.  Most of my work with
them will be done in the evening so I will be doing some sightseeing during
the days.  If you will mail me your phone number perhaps once we get there I
can phone and arrange some time to visit and get acquainted.

This will be my fourth visit to Napoli and I absolutely love the area and
the people!  If my wife and I could afford it we would move there
immediately!  There is just something unique about the people of Southern
Italy that is so fresh and open.  I speak molto poco l'Italiano so what a
treat it would be to get to spend some time with someone so familiar with
the area!



-Original Message-
Behalf Of Gianfranco Irlanda
Sent: Wednesday, October 31, 2001 5:16 PM
To: David Hatfield
Subject: Heading to Italy (was: RE: Only using my prime lenses - I promise)

David Hatfield [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm heading to Italy in two weeks and plan on taking
 nothing by my 28-70 and 20-35.  I'll see what happens.

Hi David,

Any chance we can meet?
I'm in Naples (well, in Ercolano, but it's so close that you
cannot part one from another...).

Make a great connection at Yahoo! Personals.
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RE: Only using my prime lenses - I promise

2001-10-30 Thread David Hatfield

I don't know, Bruce (et. al.).  Seems to me that zooms are finding their own
spot in today's photographic world.  Years ago the argument for using primes
centered on the fact that they were generally a higher quality lens that
what you could find in even the highest priced zooms.  I don't believe that
to be the case anymore.  Today's technology and production have brought zoom
quality to a point that, if placed side by side, few if any could pick out
shots made with primes as opposed to those made with zooms even at the
highest magnification.

Zooms are a great tool.  They allow me to compose, shoot and recompose at a
moments notice without having to waste time finding just the right spot to
shoot from (assuming, of course, that my next shot will be from the same
angle).  The creative process still resides with me.  It's only the
equipment that is different.  I still have to determine the best angle,
framing, exposure, etc. for each shot whether I use a zoom or a prime.  If I
use a good quality zoom then the quality of the shot will come directly back
to my capacity as a photographer, not to the nature of the lens.

I currently carry four lenses in my bag  the Tokina ATX-pro 28-70 f2.6-2.8
(my normal lens), a Tokina ATX-pro 20-35 f2.8, a Tokina ATX-pro 80-200
f2.8 and the Sigma 105 EX f2.8 macro (my only non-zoom) used primarily for
macro shots since it produces 1:1 without attachments.  The quality of these
lenses easily matches even the best primes and none of them releases me from
having to think about how I'm composing my shot.  They simply allow me the
ease of altering that composition without having to dig in my bag so often.

Zooms?  I love 'em!!

Dave Hatfield

-Original Message--
Behalf Of Bruce Dayton
Sent: Tuesday, October 30, 2001 12:15 PM
Subject: Re: Only using my prime lenses - I promise

Certainly an interesting observation.  I have been somewhat resistant to
using zooms much for fear of the same thing happening to me.  I really only
have one zoom that I take now (Tokina 28-70 f:2.8) and find that I don't
want it to be the default lens.  But for how things fit in the bag, it is
easiest to leave on the body.  There are a few cases where the zoom is
handy - basically when the subject keeps running around (kids, soccer,
birthday party).  Other than that I have tried to stick with the primes.  I
have been toying with getting a wide zoom, but your post gives me something
to think about.

Bruce Dayton
Sacramento, CA

- Original Message -
From: aimcompute [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Pentax Discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, October 30, 2001 10:05 AM
Subject: Only using my prime lenses - I promise

 Hi everybody,

 Wanta start a discussion about zooms vs. primes? :-)

 I was out meandering around yesterday looking for autumn fall color shots
 and the thought occurred to me that my prime lenses have seen too little
 lately.  I usually have a zoom attached as the default lens... why?
 Convenience maybe, or maybe I'm afraid I'll miss a shot because I had a
 lens on-body when I needed a 200mm.  When I do use a prime lens, I
 immediately take it off and put the zoom back on, in part, because the
 is FAT and is harder to get in/out the lens pocket of the camera bag.

 I was blinded by a flash of insight and did some self-examination.  Yes, I
 things aside, I started thinking about how I have been shooting with a
 and realized how hindering to creativity it seems to be for me.  Even
 the 28-200 does wide angle, when was the last time I consciously thought
 about using it that way.  Or composed with it purposely at 28mm?  I can't

 What's happening is when I see a scene I consider shooting, I adjust the
 focal length [FL] :-) until I'm happy with what I see in the viewfinder
 snap the picture.  I feel likes it's turning me into a point and shooter.
 haven't been using the wide-angle capability to it's full advantage, for
 instance, I could be using the short-focussing distance and greater DOF to
 my advantage composition-wise.  I should be looking for those shots, and I
 DID when I purposely put a 28mm prime on, BEFORE I had a zoom.  Same with
 longer lenses.  With the zoom, I'm just using it to get closer, instead of
 thinking about how a long lens compresses things and then using it as a
 composition tool.  And with the relatively small maximum apertures of the
 zooms, I think I've been missing shots a faster lens would allow,
 if I did not have a tripod.

 So... I've decided to take my zooms out of the camera bag for an
 period of time, at least a month, maybe forever unless it's a family
 vacation.  I will only use a M 28mm, FA 43mm, FA 100mm macro, and M 200mm.
 I hope to see a difference in the results, both in quality and

 Tom C.
This message is from 

RE: Only using my prime lenses - I promise

2001-10-30 Thread David Hatfield

As in most cases, Shel, I agree with your analysis.  However, I'm not sure
that I understand your reasoning as to why a prime should be deemed better
for street shooting than a zoom other than perhaps its size and weight could
give it some advantage over a larger zoom.  On my MZ-S the AF zooms I use
are extremely easy to use and, in my opinion, add to street shooting since
they allow me to approach some subjects even closer than I could with a
prime without getting into their personal space.  I will admit, however,
that that big, 77mm eye pointed at someone can be somewhat intimidating
and hard to disguise.  I'm heading to Italy in two weeks and plan on taking
nothing by my 28-70 and 20-35.  I'll see what happens.

As to enlargement size, I regularly go to 11x14 and frequently 16x20 and am
very pleased with what I get in return.  Poster size or larger?  That's when
I start thinking view camera and then, of course, primes are the only way to
go (unless I've missed the fact that Rodenstock now makes a great zoom with
a Copal shutter).

Photo manipulation?  Don't do it, never have, never will.  (Oops!  Never say
never.  I'm real interested in that new Canon FS4000US scanner BH is
selling for $874 right now).

As to the varifocal issue, with today's AF capabilities even on the most
basic cameras, the time it takes to compose, focus, zoom, re-focus with a
zoom lens generally should always be far faster than compose, focus, CHANGE
LENS, re-compose, re-focus with a prime.  However, since speed isn't the
real issue here, you are correct in your definition of a true zoom lens and
the accompanying issue of having to re-focus at varying focal lengths.  I
can't speak for others but with my various Tokina's this hasn't been a
problem since they respond extremely fast, especially on the MZ-S.

WELL, since it appears that I'm the only one on this end of the pool, I
guess it's time for me and my zooms to slink off into the corner and play
another game of FreeCell.


BTW, Shel - I don't care what anybody says, I don't think you look anything
like Hannibal Lecter.  I was thinking more along the lines of Abby Hoffman,
but, of course, that's just my opinion!

-Original Message-
Behalf Of Shel Belinkoff
Sent: Tuesday, October 30, 2001 4:40 PM
Subject: Re: Only using my prime lenses - I promise

Well, all this prime v zoom stuff is useless without consideration of
the type of photography that's involved.  For fast street shooting, a
prime wins.  For static subjects it can be argued that either is fine.
For portraits a zoom can be a wonderful tool.

And then we have to consider how the final photo ends up.  Will it be a
smallish family snap sitting in a 5x7 frame on someone's desk, or will
the photo be used in an exhibition at a size large enough to make any
small error or quality difference quite noticeable, or will the
photographer manipulate the hell out of the negative with photo editing

Unlike David, I do not believe that a zoom will match a prime in quality
except, perhaps, at certain focal lengths or apertures, but certainly
not over the entire range.

And then, let's define what a zoom lens is.  My understanding is that
when focused one can use the full range of focal lengths without having
to refocus.  That's a true zoom. Most zoom lenses on the market these
days are variable focal length lenses, and are extremely slow to use
because when moving from one focal length to another, the lens must be
refocused in order to maintain critical sharpness.  Maintaining
sharpness and critical focus with a heavy, slow lens is, for most
people, a difficult task - certainly not as easy as with a smaller,
lighter, faster, prime lens.

So, whether one is better than the other really depends on many

David Hatfield wrote:

 You may be right on the BW issue.  I don't shoot that much 35mm BW
 I do shoot some and haven't noticed any particularly glaring problems with
 the various 400 speed BW films I shoot with my zooms.
Shel Belinkoff
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RE: Only using my prime lenses - I promise

2001-10-30 Thread David Hatfield

Good luck on your choice Bruce.  Whichever lens you choose I will say that I
use the 20-35 far less than the 28-70.  Whichever lens you go with you're
looking at $500-600.  That's no small change to invest in a lens that might
just set in your bag the majority of the time.

I'm going to Italy in a couple of weeks and will be taking the 20-35 and the
28-70 with me.  When I get back, if you haven't made up your mind by then,
I'll drop you a line and let you know how much use I got out of both lenses.


-Original Message-
Behalf Of Bruce Dayton
Sent: Tuesday, October 30, 2001 4:49 PM
Subject: Re: Only using my prime lenses - I promise


Thanks for your input and comments on this lens.  There aren't that many
choices in this type of lens for the Pentax shooter.  I suspect I have two
quandries, the Pentax vs. Tokina (speed and flare issues) and zoom vs.
prime.  I have some thinking and evaluation to do to see if I would actually
use the zoom if I got it.


Bruce Dayton

- Original Message -
From: David Hatfield [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, October 30, 2001 2:37 PM
Subject: RE: Only using my prime lenses - I promise


 I've been very pleased with the lens so far.  I've only had it about 4
 months so I haven't had a great deal of time to utilize it under extreme

 Close focusing will get you down to about 1.5 feet, though, at the focal
 range this lens provides that's more than adequate in the situations I've

 Yes, flare can be an issue, just like it is with the 28-70, but I don't
 it as overly exaggerated on this or any of my Tokina lenses.
 use of the provided lens hoods will eliminate the flare in all but the
 extreme cases.

 I'm extremely pleased with the results I get.  If you're not familiar with
 it you might want to go to;
 you'll find 10 other user reviews listed for this lens.  Don't be fooled
 the 3.9 out of 5 rating it receives, though.  Read the reviews and you'll
 find that, except for a couple of disgruntled individuals who submarine
 lens, those who have it and use it are very pleased with its performance.

 You'll also find good reviews of the Pentax SMCP-FA 20-35 f4.0 which is, I
 assume, the lens you're comparing this with.  Frankly, my decision to go
 with the Tokina came down to two factors  the larger f2.8 aperture and
 consistent 77mm filter size that allows me to purchase one set of filters
 use on all three of my Tokina lenses.

 Hope this helps a little.


 -Original Message-
 Behalf Of Bruce Dayton
 Sent: Tuesday, October 30, 2001 3:33 PM
 Subject: Re: Only using my prime lenses - I promise


 Since you have one of the lenses I was looking at, I would be curious how
 you feel about the ATX 20-35 f2.8.  How is the close focusing, distortion
 and flare.  My ATX 28-70 Pro II does *not* focus close and I really have
 watch the flare.  I was trying to compare the Tokina to the Pentax.

 Thanks for your input.

 Bruce Dayton

 - Original Message -
 From: David Hatfield [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, October 30, 2001 12:52 PM
 Subject: RE: Only using my prime lenses - I promise

  I think it's great that in this, like in most things in life, people can
  the same thing while approaching it from totally different angles (kind
  like photography, huh?).  If you learn the basics - learn to see;
  think; learn to plan; be ready for the unexpected; etc. - then
  generally becomes inconsequential apart from what you're comfortable
  I've used zooms all my photographic life (25+ years) even when they were
  terrible!  I've grown accustomed to their feel and style.
  Who knows, some day I might pick up that LX I was talking about a few
  back, get a good prime and start learning all over!
  -Original Message-
  Behalf Of Bruce Dayton
  Sent: Tuesday, October 30, 2001 2:10 PM
  Subject: Re: Only using my prime lenses - I promise
  I'm not arguing your points at all.  I am not concerned about the
  quality specifically.  It has more to do with me.  Years ago, I moved
  Practica screw mount match needle body to a Canon A-1 (quite a jump).
  the body was quite capable, I found that it wasn't my style.  I almost
  taking pictures.  I finally sold it and got an Olympus OM-1 with 50mm
  I think the point has more to do with usage and style rather than the
  ability of a zoom or prime to produce a great image.  I'm with Shel
  find that I personally work better with a prime than a zoom.  Not that I

RE: Only using my prime lenses - I promise

2001-10-30 Thread David Hatfield

I've learned something new, today, Bob - I HATE prune juice!

I'm envious of your 4x5 capabilities.  I tried medium format for a while but
didn't find that it offered that much over 35 for the type shooting I do.  I
would like to try some 4x5 stuff but have been reluctant to invest the $$$
needed to get started.

I like your compromise of the Horseman and may give that some consideration
as time goes by, but, at my age, of course, there may not be much time :)!


-Original Message-
Behalf Of Bob Rapp
Sent: Tuesday, October 30, 2001 4:53 PM
Subject: RE: Only using my prime lenses - I promise

Know that you have had your prune juice, I should mention that I
always tried to accomplish with 35mm what I would expect in medium format.
Likewise, in medium format what I would expect in large format.
I once had all and, speaking of intoxicating, nothing matches a
fine-grained 4X5 negative. I have since cooled down and have a Horseman VHR
that I use for medium format. It offers the flexibility of a view and ease
as a range-finder.



-Original Message-
Behalf Of Bob Rapp
Sent: Tuesday, October 30, 2001 2:47 PM
Subject: RE: Only using my prime lenses - I promise

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of David Hatfield
Sent: Wednesday, October 31, 2001 6:41 AM
Subject: RE: Only using my prime lenses - I promise
From David Hatfield

I don't know, Bruce (et. al.).  Seems to me that zooms are finding their
spot in today's photographic world.  Years ago the argument for using primes
centered on the fact that they were generally a higher quality lens that
what you could find in even the highest priced zooms.  I don't believe that
to be the case anymore.  Today's technology and production have brought zoom
quality to a point that, if placed side by side, few if any could pick out
shots made with primes as opposed to those made with zooms even at the
highest magnification.

There is some truth to the above. Film for 35mm point and shoot cameras
dominate the consumer film market. As a result, the emulsions that were
prominent prior the New Era are gone. The above would not apply in the
case of Kodachrome 25 and Pamatomic X. Older members of the list will recall
the day that Kodachrome 25 was the prominent film found at all grocery store
checkouts and the only colour film was Kodacolor 100 for 126.

The difference between a zoom and prime are noticeable when using BW. The
eye is easily intoxicated by the colour where it is the sharpness in a BW


-Original Message--
Behalf Of Bruce Dayton
Sent: Tuesday, October 30, 2001 12:15 PM
Subject: Re: Only using my prime lenses - I promise

Certainly an interesting observation.  I have been somewhat resistant to
using zooms much for fear of the same thing happening to me.  I really only
have one zoom that I take now (Tokina 28-70 f:2.8) and find that I don't
want it to be the default lens.  But for how things fit in the bag, it is
easiest to leave on the body.  There are a few cases where the zoom is
handy - basically when the subject keeps running around (kids, soccer,
birthday party).  Other than that I have tried to stick with the primes.  I
have been toying with getting a wide zoom, but your post gives me something
to think about.

Bruce Dayton
Sacramento, CA

- Original Message -
From: aimcompute [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Pentax Discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, October 30, 2001 10:05 AM
Subject: Only using my prime lenses - I promise

 Hi everybody,

 Wanta start a discussion about zooms vs. primes? :-)

 I was out meandering around yesterday looking for autumn fall color shots
 and the thought occurred to me that my prime lenses have seen too little
 lately.  I usually have a zoom attached as the default lens... why?
 Convenience maybe, or maybe I'm afraid I'll miss a shot because I had a
 lens on-body when I needed a 200mm.  When I do use a prime lens, I
 immediately take it off and put the zoom back on, in part, because the
 is FAT and is harder to get in/out the lens pocket of the camera bag.

 I was blinded by a flash of insight and did some self-examination.  Yes, I
 things aside, I started thinking about how I have been shooting with a
 and realized how hindering to creativity it seems to be for me.  Even
 the 28-200 does wide angle, when was the last time I consciously thought
 about using it that way.  Or composed with it purposely at 28mm?  I can't

 What's happening is when I see a scene I consider shooting, I adjust the
 focal length [FL] :-) until I'm happy with what

RE: ZX series eyecups

2001-10-29 Thread David Hatfield


Don't know what you consider a kings ransom but BH carries the eyecups for
$22.50 each (prince's ransom, maybe?).

As to your customer service issues - Hear, Hear!!  I agree totally!  On
occasion it seems as though some camera stores put in their job
requirements, Must be capable of rudeness at a moments notice.


-Original Message-
Behalf Of John A. Hufnagel
Sent: Monday, October 29, 2001 6:37 AM
Subject: ZX series eyecups

Well... I finally lost my *^#@ eyecup from my ZX-5n, at a camera store
(a lousy one at that... I'll go there later.)  Can someone point me to a
source of replacements that don't cost a kings ransom?  I'll probably
wind up getting 2 or 3, just in case.  Thanks.

soap box Now my camera store rant.  You would have thought that a
camera store would want to attract your business... But not in this case
it seems.  My nomination of Worst Store Of The Week goes to Beach Camera
of Maine in Greenbrook, NJ.  I went in there with my camera, which I
bought from them, to gather some more data on this lens compatibility
problem I'm having.  I've never met a more rude or discourteous persons
with regards to customers in general... Not to mention he put my FA50mm
f/1.4 in his cabinet by mistake and almost didn't want to return it to
me!  I wanted to try and give the my business as they have a decent
selection of used glass there and are local (support the local guys),
but I'll NEVER go back there again.  Someone forgot what customer
service is all about over there. /soap box

-- John
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RE: Re[2]: Approaching Animals, was: Allergy Shots

2001-10-28 Thread David Hatfield

So, Bob,

We take it you' re trauma ward physician that specializes in gorilla attacks
and you're running a little low on business at the moment?


-Original Message-
Behalf Of Bob Walkden
Sent: Sunday, October 28, 2001 1:59 PM
To: Cotty
Subject: Re[2]: Approaching Animals, was: Allergy Shots


if it's a gorilla, especially a big one with a grey hairy back, stand
as tall as you can, stare it right in the eye and beat your chest as
loudly as you can. Calms them down no end!




Sunday, October 28, 2001, 7:43:05 PM, you wrote:

 I found, however, that if I did not make eye contact
with an animal and if I acted as if I was going to walk by them,

 If it's a cat, squint repeatedly, and look away a few times. This makes
 them feel less threatened :-)

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RE: LX on eBay -- worth buying?

2001-10-25 Thread David Hatfield

Thanks, Shel!

You and William in your first two responses to my question have given me
just the incentive I needed to wait a while.  I do think an LX will be
somewhere in my future since I do enjoy the tactile experience of a manual
camera, but probably not at the moment.  When I decide to take the plunge,
I'll drop you a line.

Thanks again!


-Original Message-
Behalf Of Shel Belinkoff
Sent: Thursday, October 25, 2001 11:32 AM
Subject: Re: LX on eBay -- worth buying?

David ...

The question is for what purpose would you use the LX?  Will it serve
you well? Have you ever held and shot with an LX?  If not, before
spending $$$ on as ~AS-IS~ camera, which happens to be an early model,
you might want to think about getting your hands on one.

The LX will add nothing to your photography except a unique metering
system which has value in limited circumstances, and some nice (and
useful finders, depending on what you shoot) and screens.  It will,
however, add immeasurably to your enjoyment of photography ~IF~ you
appreciate its feel, build quality, and manual focus cameras and lenses.

I'd suggest you find an LX and use it for a while, and then, if you like
it, buy a newer model, with a serial number above 535.  It won't
cost you that much more having all the latest LX features would be a

There are many questions that you should ask about any used LX that
you're considering.  I'd be happy to send you a list if you'd like.

David Hatfield wrote:

 So here's my question [...]
 After watching this discussion list for a few
 months now and hearing the various opinions
 thrown about regarding the LX, I'm wondering
 if you LXr's out there could give me a few
 short reasons why this might be a good investment.

 I'm currently using the MZ-S (absolutely LOVE IT
 having replaced my PZ-1P with it!) and am wondering
 if this would really add that much to my bag to
 warrant the $440+ expense that winning this auction
 would require.

Shel Belinkoff
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RE: LX on eBay -- worth buying?

2001-10-25 Thread David Hatfield

Thanks, David!

Didn't know this was a fellow PDML'r or I would have just asked for info
direct.  I think I'm going to take Shel's advice, though, and wait until I
have a chance to get my hands on an LX to try out for a while before making
a purchase.  I've never had the opportunity to actually use the LX so before
investing $400+ I think I need to get some in hand experience to see if it's
something I really want to invest in or if it would just become a neat, but
expensive, paper weight in my office.

As to the vision thing - I hear and understand!  At 52 my attitude is, Who
cares about depth of field, does it have a good range of diopter adjustments
in the viewfinder?

Anyway, thanks and good luck on this and further auctions!

Dave Hatfield (parson on eBay)

PS  this might also be a good list to have from PDML members - what's your
user ID if you use eBay so we can help each other out?

-Original Message-
Behalf Of David P. Chernicoff
Sent: Thursday, October 25, 2001 12:29 PM
Subject: Re: LX on eBay -- worth buying?

The LX listed on ebay is mine. I've decided to get rid of all of my manual
focus bodies (just keeping a PZ1 and PZ1p) because I've discovered what
looks in focus to me often isn't (function of aging and already bad
vision). I don't have the problem with focus when I wear contact lenses,
just when I wear glasses (which is 95% of the time). I may end up selling
those bodies too and just go with an MZ-S and my digital stuff.

That being said, I will be putting a complete LX kit (body, multiple MF
lenses, AF280 flash, winder, and other LX specific accessories) up for
auction this weekend. The LX body in that auction was given a thorough
rebuild (not just a CLA) by Pentax USA to the most recent set of LX
standards (which was pretty expensive) in February of 2001.

I don't want to discourage you from bidding on this auction, and the price
for the package I list this weekend will be pretty steep (if it doesn't go
as a package I will part it out). But I just wanted to keep a fellow PDMLer
in the loop.


At 11:14 AM 10/25/2001 -0500, David Hatfield wrote:
So here's my question  there's this nice little LX with a 50mm f 1.4 lens
on eBay right now ( ) with
about 2 hours left to bid.  After watching this discussion list for a few
months now and hearing the various opinions thrown about regarding the LX,
'm wondering if you LXr's out there could give me a few short reasons why
this might be a good investment.

I'm currently using the MZ-S (absolutely LOVE IT having replaced my PZ-1P
with it!) and am wondering if this would really add that much to my bag to
warrant the $440+ expense that winning this auction would require.

OK  you've got two hours to convince me (or outbid me!).
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RE: Cheating

2001-10-24 Thread David Hatfield


I've always wanted to hear from someone who actually used a Kiev88 and get
their opinion since I have frequently considered purchasing one.  I've often
heard, though, of serious reliability issues with them and wanted to get the
input of someone with hands-on experience.

I'd love to have your opinion.  Since this is considerably OT for this list
if you want to reply off list just write me at [EMAIL PROTECTED]



-Original Message-
Behalf Of Sas Gabor
Sent: Wednesday, October 24, 2001 6:22 AM
Subject: Re: Cheating


On 21 Oct 2001 at 1:26, J. C. O'Connell wrote:
 Any of you all use equipment other than
 Pentax at times?

I use:
- Kiev88 with 3.5/45, 2.8/80 and 2.8/150.
(also have a 4.5/300 and 3.5/65, for sale)
- Ricoh 500GX rangefinder
- the family's Canon Prima Mini II

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RE: Funny OT: Canon ad

2001-10-23 Thread David Hatfield

Gee,  and all this time I thought poorly focused, poorly composed, poorly
lit pictures screamed amateur!  If I had only known!!

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RE: MZ-s

2001-10-22 Thread David Hatfield


If you can cancel your order with Ritz you might want to check the following

Ritz's price is $279 for the flash with NetPhoto offering it at $209.  It's
still order it and we'll ship it to you when it comes in but it is about
$70 cheaper allowing for shipping costs.


-Original Message-
Behalf Of Mark Cassino
Sent: Sunday, October 21, 2001 10:49 AM
Subject: Re: MZ-s

I can only say that I've used my Mz-S quite a bit, and have no problems to
report.  I very often shoot with the 2 second mirror pre-fire, and that's
caused no problems.

As for film jaming on re-wind - that has not happened on my Mz-S but I have
had it happen a couple of times with my Pz-1p, but these were rolls that
had been partially used, re-wound, and then re-loaded and advanced to their
former setting.  I think that the film itself may jam under some

Now - if only I could find an AF360FTZ to have flash compensation I'd be
really happy.  (I have one on order with Ritz camera, but apparently they
cannot get them from Pentax.)


At 09:23 PM 10/16/01 -0400, you wrote:
I have decided to take the plunge and trade in my Z1p and MZ5n for the
Having heard about overlapping frames and the rewind giving up and LCD
wonkers when using 2 sec mlu, I am just a little bit reluctant, have any of
you heard of corrective  measures that Pentax has undertaken to solve these

Thanking you all in advance
Nicolas Colarusso
Montreal, Canada.
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- - - - - - - - - -
Mark Cassino
Kalamazoo, MI
- - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - -
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RE: Great Deal on a 67 kit, Hurry

2001-10-04 Thread David Hatfield

Too late!  It's gone.  Wish it had been me!

-Original Message-
Behalf Of tom
Sent: Thursday, October 04, 2001 4:59 PM
Subject: Re: Great Deal on a 67 kit, Hurry

Mark Dalal wrote:

 Hey Folks,

 If you've wanted a 67, you can't pass this one up:

Especially with that 28mm.

What up with your other email?

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PZ-1P for sale

2001-10-01 Thread David Hatfield

If anybody’s interested I have a like new PZ-1P for sale on eBay right now.
If you’d like to see it go to  or do a
seller search for parson.

Contact me for more info.

Dave Hatfield
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