Re: This week's summary

2003-11-05 Thread Piers Cawley
Leopold Toetsch [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Piers Cawley [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Parrot Calling Convention Confusion
 ... -- I thought they were exactly the same as an unprototyped call,
 but you invoke the return continuation (P1) instead of P0, the other
 registers are set up exactly as if you were making an unprototyped
 function call.

 Unfortunately the call and return conventions are *not* symmetric - yet.
 S. Fdocs/ppds/pdd03_calling_conventions.pod.

Well, yeah, but Dan's said they will be. [ Gives Dan a
Paddingtonesque Hard Stare ]

This week's summary

2003-11-03 Thread Piers Cawley
The Perl 6 Summary of the week ending 20031102
It's Monday morning, the croissants have been baked, the focaccia is
glistening with all the extra virgin olive oil I poured on it as it left
the oven and, in the airing cupboard, a raisin borodinsky slouches
towards full proof (thought at the rate it's currently rising it'll
probably be Tuesday before I can bake it off), what better time could
there be to pause and write a summary?

So, I'll kick off with perl6-internals because, well, it's on the
summary checklist (which goes something like: 1. Wibble about the
weather or something before; 2. Start with perl6-internals; 3. Continue
with perl6-language if it saw any traffic; 4. Make announcements,
suggest people give money to the Perl Foundation; 5. Make sure Leon
Brocard gets a mention; 6. Aspell; 7. Mail PODs to and
a text version to perl6-announce; 8. Profit!)

  NULL Px Proposal
Right at the end of the previous week, Melvin Smith suggested having the
initial 'empty' PMC registers all point at a global PMCNull which would
throw an exception if you tried to invoke any of its methods. Which
sounds weird, but it does mean that you get a real exception instead of
a segfault, and exceptions are so much more trappable. Dan liked the

Melvin later posted a patch implementing the idea, which Leo Ttsch
fixed up slightly an applied.

  Parrot Calling Convention Confusion
Steve Fink is having problems using an unprototyped call to a prototyped
function, which he thinks is a reasonable thing to do (and I think I
agree with him; I can imagine cases where you have a function pointer or
something where you don't know its exact prototype, but you do want to
make a call to it so you'd be forced to make an unprototyped call.).
Melvin Smith disagrees with him. Steve then went on to point out that
he's still getting failures when the function is both declared and
called in an unprototyped fashion. According to Leo, this is because
unprototyped returns are neither defined nor implemented. Which is odd
really -- I thought they were exactly the same as an unprototyped call,
but you invoke the return continuation (P1) instead of P0, the other
registers are set up exactly as if you were making an unprototyped
function call.

  A clash of symbols
Arthur Bergman, Ponie stablemaster, popped up to point out that
definitions like

#define version obj.version

(found in include/parrot/pobj.h if you're interested) did some scary
things to Perl_utilize in the Perl 5 core. Steve Fink stuck his hand
up to being the person who added the version field (which is apparently
rather handy if you're debugging the Garbage Collection (GC) system. Leo
fixed things by applying a s/version/pobj_version/g patch.

  Storing external data in PMCs
Arthur popped up again asking for help with implementing a Perl5LVALUE
PMC. It turns out that the API doesn't quite support what he needs.
After a certain amount of discussion of various options Arthur proposed
a Parrot_PMC_attach_data(Parrot, PMC, *void) extension to the API. He
didn't *quite* get what he wanted, but he got something very like it
later in the week.

I did like Arthur's reasons for starting the serious Ponie effort by
working on Perl5LVALUEs though: [because] it is so obscure that it's
hardly used anywhere and is limited to a few small areas in the core.

  Screaming Pumpkins Ahoy!
On Monday, Leo declared that yes, Melvin Smith's proposed Halloween
'Screaming Pumpkin' Parrot release would be happening. Various people
promised extra goodies, and a few problems were sorted out with some

Features were frozen on Wednesday and Parrot 0.0.13 Screaming Pumpkin
was released upon a cowering world at 2003103114:11:46 precisely. For
all the astonishing speed of the release cycle, there's a lot of good
stuff to be had in the screaming pumpkin, check out Leo's announcement
for details. -- Leo's announcement

  Header Dependencies
Jrgen Bmmels wasn't entirely happy with the way Parrot's headers are
set up. Apparently there are some nasty dependency (and crypto
dependency) issues. He proposed fixing up the headers as much as
possible to eliminate these issues. Dan and Leo thought it would be
nice, but Dan thought there wouldn't be that much point in doing it as
things would probably decay, and pretty much everything internal should
just be using parrot.h, and everything external should be using extend.h
or embed.h.

Jrgen Bmmels triggered a quick bout of tinderbox fixing, as various
different hardware 

This week's Summary

2003-10-28 Thread Piers Cawley
The Perl 6 Summary of the week ending 20031026
Where does the time go? It seems like only yesterday that I was sat
hiding Leon Brocard in the first letters of the first 11 body paragraphs
of the last summary. Now, here I am, on the train, typing away in a
desperate attempt to get this mailed out before Wednesday. Let's start
with perl6-internals again.

  Object Freezing
Whoever would have thought that freezing objects would be so
controversial? Object freezing is when you take an object and generate a
'frozen' representation of it that can be used to make a copy of the
original object. It's what Storable, Data::Dumper and YAML (to name
three Perl 5 modules) all do more or less successfully. (Most of the
time there's no problem, the tricky case is a composite object which
involves a circular data structure. Consider this:

Ring - A - B - C - D
^  |

(It's not *quite* a purely academic example, I can point to at least one
text editor that uses a similar data structure).

When you come to freeze your ring, you need some way of detecting the
cycle and generating a finite representation that works. This isn't the
only problem; thread safety is hard, for instance.)

Dan's set some fairly stringent requirements on whatever mechanism is
used for freezing. The most important/stringent is the requirement that
(because freezing during object destruction will be a possibility)
object traversal is not allowed to use additional memory for that

Dan is convinced that we can do this using the Garbage Collector's
object traversal system. Leo Ttsch is equally convinced that we can't.
The resulting thread is rather meaty and hard to summarize without
massive amounts of cut and paste so I'll just point you at the root
message. The upshot is that we're doing it Dan's way; Glorious Leader
continues to trump Pumpking Patchmonster.

In another subthread there was a good deal of misunderstanding about XML
declarations and parsing, which got cleared up surprisingly quickly.

  Object Instantiation
Dan had a moment of clarity and declared that the Parrot Way to
instantiate an object in class Foo will be:

  new P5, .Foo

All we need now is a working implementation. And, apparently, knowing
what class a class is a member of might be handy, but Dan's punting on
(ignoring the heck out of) that one.

  A less controversial API addition
In the middle of the discussion about object freezing, Dan popped up
another thread to discuss how to invoke Sub/Method PMCs from C code. So
Leo implemented Parrot_runops_fromc_args(), but he's not exactly happy
about the name. Regardless of the name, having this implemented is
rather spiffy.

  Old Big Problems before New Big Problems
Melvin Smith popped up with a rant about the Parrot development effort's
tendency to rush off to implement new stuff before making double sure
about the 'old' stuff is actually complete and robust. To which I can
only say Hear! Hear! Dan agreed, and threatened to give Melvin the
pumpkin after Leo had finished with it.

  Class metadata for PIR/assembly files
Donning his designer's cap again, Dan posted a rough spec for class
metadata declarations in PIR and pasm files. It looks pretty decent to
me. Melvin Smith made a few telling comments though, so it looks like
Dan's post isn't quite the final word on the matter.

  Class creation in bytecode
Mere moments after the metadata post, Dan went on to spec out the
assembly language needed to support it.

  Open Patches
Leo pointed everyone at, the list of open Parrot
patches and asked for a volunteer to go through and make sure that the
list is in agreement with reality.

  Leo's notes on objects and classes
Leo posted a list of thoughts about how classes and objects will work in
Parrot and offered a suggestion about using OrderedHashes to handle

  Unifying vtables and method invocations
Leo wondered if we should arrange things so that PMC vtables could be
invoked in the same way as in methods on Parrot level objects are
invoked. Dan answered that it won't be quite like that, but it will be
close. (Yay! A reflective programmer writes).

  More fixed number assignments
So, it turns out that adding PMC classes to the core breaks binary
compatibility. Which needs fixing. Dan asked for volunteers. I'm afraid
I don't know what fixing it would entail.

Plotz (the Pol(l)y-Lingual Opcode Translation for the Z-machine) is Amir

This week's summary

2003-10-22 Thread Piers Cawley
The Perl 6 Summary of the week ending 20031019
Lumme! Another week, another summary.

Every week (almost) we start with the perl6-internals list, so here

  An Evil task for the interested
Our Glorious Leader, Dan Sugalski, last week asked for volunteers to
work on making ordered destruction work. (Ordered destruction is where
the system tries to ensure that 'parent' objects get destroyed before
any of their children). Jeff Clites announced that he'd got a partial
implementation working.

Neither Leo Ttsch nor Jrgen Bmmels were sure that the approach Jeff
was taking would be the Right Thing in the long run, proposing instead a
more general iterator mechanism.

  Perl 6 Sub calling
Bringing the perl6 compiler (in languages/ back to live, Steve Fink has
committed a 'rather large' patch which implements a subset of the
Apocalypse 6 subroutine signature rules. The implementation is
apparently very ad hoc and shouldn't be regarded as the final word. But
it looks like a very good start to me.

  Website timeliness
Responding to Matt Fowles' observation that the parrot website is rather
behind the times, Robert Spier let slip that there would soon be a
revised website that will be easy for everyone to send patches to, and
which would be much easier to have multiple maintainers of different
areas of the site.

Of course, there are still a few 'technical chunks' that need to get
finished before it's ready to unveil, but it's good to know that work
continues in this area. Thanks Robert. -- Mike Scott's Parrot Wiki

  Dynamic oplibs
Chances are, you've never really needed a fortytwo operator, or even a
what_do_you_get_if_you_multiply_six_by_nine operator, and you
certainly don't need them cluttering up the parrot core. Which is why
Leo Ttsch has implemented those ops as a dynamically loadable ops

Admittedly, you're highly unlikely to load this particular ops library,
but the underpinning tools for dynamic loading of ops libraries are new
and potentially very useful.

Rather later in the week, once he'd got dynamic loading of ops working
in all the runtime cores, Leo posted an 'intermediate summary' which
explains how things work.

  Oplips, pmclibs, function libs
Dan has been thinking about the problems that can arise with dynamic
loading. One issue is that, if you have separate files for each PMC
class, opcode library and parrot function library, things get unwieldy
very quickly, and if you're not careful you'll exhaust the OS file
descriptor pool. Which would be bad. So, he asked for a sanity check
before going on to work out a scheme for bundling libraries into larger
files. Leo agreed that Dan was talking sense, so I expect we'll be
seeing some design in this area soon.

  Instantiating objects
It's been a busy week on the parrot front for Dan. On Wednesday he
outlined his thinking on instantiating objects, with the aim of getting
single inheritance objects up and running. This sparked a good deal of
discussion, but nothing was actually agreed.

  Redoing IMCC macros
Surprisingly, Jrgen Bmmels opened up a can of worms when he redid
IMCC's macro support to use a hash lookup instead of a linear search
through an array. This sparked a good deal of discussion about the right
scoping, which hash implementation to use, and whether IMCC should be
closely entwined with the interpreter.

  Fixed opcode numbering infrastructure
Dan checked in a patch to fix opcode numbers for the core ops,
deliberately breaking the JIT in the process. Leo wasn't happy. After a
bit of back and forth, we now have fixed opcodes, but the implementation
isn't quite what Dan originally did.

There was also some discussion of how many opcodes really needed to be
fixed; after all, in the presence of dynamically loaded oplibs, you
can't nail every opcode down. Leo worried that dynamically loaded oplibs
don't play well with JIT, and making it work would probably need a total
rewrite of the JIT core, but Jrgen didn't think it was all that bad.

  Applying the Pumpking Patch
 Release pumpking  Steve Fink
 Release pumpking  Leopold Toetsch

In other words, Steve Fink has stepped down from the rle of Parrot
Pumpking and handed the his mantle on to Leo Pumpking Patchmonster
Ttsch. I'm sure I'm not alone in wishing to thank Steve for his
sterling work as our release manager. Nor, I'm sure, am I alone in
wondering where Leo finds the time.

This Week's Summary

2003-10-14 Thread Piers Cawley
The Perl 6 Summary of the week ending 20031012
Good afternoon readers. You find me sitting comfortably and tired after
a vaguely frantic week involving large amounts of new (and huge)
equipment, the delivery of a new Mini Cooper, and four days offline at a
large format photography workshop (photos will be going online soonish,
if you're interested). All of which hopefully goes some way to
explaining the fact that I've only just started writing the summary at
ten to four on Tuesday.

We start (and finish) with the internals list.

  New PMC compiler
Leo Ttsch isn't exactly happy with the current classes/ PMC
compiler. He outlined the drawbacks as he sees them, proposed a scheme
for reimplementing it, and asked for comments. Dan said that so long as
the resulting code is clearer than the current PMC compiler, Leo should
go for it. So he did.

  The Status of Language, Credit Where It's Due
Melvin Smith has added a LANGUAGES.STATUS file in the languages/
subdirectory and asked for language authors to add summaries of the
various language subdirectories to the file.

Fresh from this success he added a CREDITS file for giving credit where
it's due. Rumours of an entry reading

N: Leon Brocard
D: Running Joke

are (currently) false.

Later in the week, LANGUAGES.STATUS was extended to cover both the
languages found in languages/ but any other languages that people were
working on and making available outside the Parrot distribution for
whatever reason.

  Binary MMD vtable functions are go
Dan's solved an off by one error with multimethod dispatch and checked
everything in, so now Parrot has working two argument multimethod
dispatch. Hurrah! There's still lots it doesn't do mind, but getting
started is always good.

  Attacking the Unicode Monster
Dan's searching for a Unicode Monster Wrangler. ICU is now building on
enough platforms that the time has come to build an encoding and
chartype library for it. Volunteers gratefully received.

Jeff Clites and Michael Scott have both been poking at it a bit;
hopefully they'll be able to put their heads together and emerge with
something wonderful.

  More NCI stuff
Dan's been a busy boy this week. Parrot now comes with
library/postgres.pasm, an interface to libpq (the C library that talks
to Postgres). These NCI interface files are currently built by hand. Tim
Bunce wondered if it might be possible to ExtUtils::XSBuilder to
generate PASM from C header files instead of XS code. It was generally
agreed that this would be a cool thing, but it's not been done yet.

  The Parrot Stack and Z-Machine
Amir Karger is working on getting his head 'round the Z-Machine (The
virtual machine that runs Zork and the other Infocom games, amongst
others) by writing code to translate Z-code into a Perl executable. He
came up with a problem with saving and restoring the stack in order to
save the game state.

Leo's been giving the Reference PMC a hard look and, as a result,
suggests adding a couple of handy ops, deref and ref (which finds
the type of the thing the reference refers to) to use with them. Melvin
Smith pointed out that, actually we only needed one of Leo's proposed
ops. On the other hand, as Nicholas Clark pointed out, ref avoids the
need to grab another PMC register, which may cause a register spill. On
the gripping hand, Melvin argued that spillage is pretty rare with the
number of registers Parrot has.

  The program's ending! DESTROY everything!
Jrgen Bmmels found a subtle bug where objects that had active
destruction weren't having their destroy functions called correctly (at
all) when parrot terminated. After a couple of goes round the 'this
would be so much easier if we were all in the same room
misunderstanding' loop, the Right Thing was settled upon and

  An interesting task for the evil
One of the things that Dan would really like to be able to promise with
Parrot's GC is ordered destruction. Taking a leaf out of my lightning
talk on complexity management, he noted that we just need to order the
PMCs before destroying them, to make sure we don't call the destructor
for a PMC before we destroy the things that depend on it and asked for
volunteers to implement it.

Dave Mitchell spoilt the understatement party by pointing out that, in
the presence of circular dependencies things got a little more
complicated (but not that much more complicated, Dan claims).

Nobody's actually volunteered yet.


This week's summary

2003-10-06 Thread Piers Cawley
The Perl 6 Summary of the week ending 20031005
Hello, good evening, and welcome from the teeming metropolis that is
Newcastle/Gateshead, home of The Angel of the North, the Winky Eye
Bridge, the ham and pease pudding stotty and freezing your extremities
off on a Saturday night down the Bigg Market.

This isn't (yet) a permanent move, but I'm here, my laptop is here, and
there's a summary to write so let's get on with it shall we?

As per always, we'll start with the internals list.

  Disassembler issues
Marcus Thiesen had some problems getting the disassembler working (it
was throwing segfaults, never a popular behaviour). Leo Ttsch (who
else?) fixed it.

  Pondering proper parameter passing
The argument passing discussion continued. Leo suggested some changes to
PDD03 for Dan to bear in mind when he rewrote it. (Something that was
only going to take a few hours last week. Dan? I don't wish to nag you

  Multimethod dispatch function installation issues
Dan's in the process of writing the the Multi Method Dispatch (MMD)
subsystem (at least the parts needed for operator overloading) and is
scratching his head over what to do when a Multimethod is defined that
references some other class that hasn't yet been loaded. He asked for
the list's assistance in choosing one of two alternative approaches. The
list refused to choose (no surprise there), and suggested a third

  Library Loading an initialization sequence
Dan is also working on what happens when PMCs are loaded -- how they are
initialized etc -- so he posted a long message documenting his current
thinking in this area.

  MANIFEST failings, and how to overcome them
There's been a few language checkins recently that have broken the
MANIFEST, Robert Spier asked for a little help writing a MANIFEST
checker which could be used as part of the CVS checkin which would make
CVS refused to check anything in unless the MANIFEST was also up to
date. Garrett Goebel came up with the goods and now, anyone attempting
to check something in that invalidates the MANIFEST will be made to fix
it before proceeding. Which is nice.

  Testing Parrot IO (PIO)
Last week, Michael Scott submitted a bunch of tests for the Parrot IO
subsystem. This week, Jrgen Bmmels responded and he and Michael
thrashed out some of the issues arising.

  Waiting for the great renaming
Leo Ttsch and others are working on getting things ready for when
everything gets moved around and IMCC starts getting built as the one
true parrot.

  LVALUE casts considered scary
Andy Dougherty found a problem building Parrot with Sun's Workshop
compiler, which doesn't like having casts as lvalues. Leo proposed a
(mistyped fix) and then ended up implementing a macro,
LVALUE_CAST(type, value) to do the job reliably. So, if you find
yourself wanting to use a cast as an lvalue when working on Parrot, use
LVALUE_CAST instead.

  Parrot on AIX
Adam Thomason has taken on the task of getting Parrot to build on an IBM
RS/6000 running AIX 4.3 with VisualAge C 6. He submitted a patch which
fixes most things, but there's still one failing test (something to do
with negative zero). His big patch was applied, and there's now a little
debate about whether -0 should be a valid value. Later in the week, Adam
tracked down what was causing the -0s.

  Parrot gets Perl regular expressions
Actually, Parrot gets pcre.imc: Leo Ttsch has wrapped libpcre, the Perl
Compatible Regular Expression library that almost every language out
there (except Perl of course) uses for its regexes. Leo thinks it might
be useful for bootstrapping Perl6 rules. Dan doesn't want to have PCRE
in core, or for it to be required for any part of building parrot, so
the wrapper will be available in our current 'catch all' directory for
such things, runtime/.

  Parrot on Itanium
Aldo Calpini is busy bringing parrot up on an Itanium box. It's not
quite there yet, but it's getting there. Thanks Aldo.

  The beginnings of an extension mechanism
Dan's checked in the first part of the extension code for parrot, which
lives in extend.c and which will be documented in docs/extend.pod. For
now, Dan's post is the only extant documentation.

  Safe mode for Parrot -- Call For Volunteers
Dan reckons it's time to start on getting a safe mode for Parrot, which
will (eventually) need a lot doing. However, the initial bit is thought
to be relatively simple. Dan asked for a a volunteer with enough
appropriately shaped tuits to 

Re: The Block Returns

2003-10-03 Thread Piers Cawley
Dan Sugalski [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 On Thu, 2 Oct 2003, Mark A. Biggar wrote:

 Austin Hastings wrote:

  But that imposes Ceval()/C pretty frequently. Better to provide
  some lower-level hackish way to agglutinate Blocks.

 Isn't this one of the prime examples of why CPS is being use, it allows
 for Tail Recursion Optimization.  With TRO all your worries about
 overhead do to the wrap go away.

 This isn't why CPS is being used under the hood. (Nothing in perl 6
 propmted CPS) I wouldn't necessarily count on being able to do tail calls
 here either, as they potentially alter the semantics, or at least the
 introspectable environment, of the program as they make frames go away.

I'm vaguely hoping that modules will be able to declare that they
don't need to access a 'strict' caller and that they'll be happy
with a return from caller that skips any tail calls. Then, if the
Perl 6 compiler sees that all modules in play have declared
themselves in this fashion it'll use optimized tail calls. However,
thinking about that I'm not entirely sure how it could be done with a
single pass compiler.

Re: The Block Returns

2003-10-03 Thread Piers Cawley
Dan Sugalski [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 At 11:55 PM +0100 10/3/03, Piers Cawley wrote:
Dan Sugalski [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  On Thu, 2 Oct 2003, Mark A. Biggar wrote:

  Austin Hastings wrote:

   But that imposes Ceval()/C pretty frequently. Better to provide
   some lower-level hackish way to agglutinate Blocks.

  Isn't this one of the prime examples of why CPS is being use, it allows
  for Tail Recursion Optimization.  With TRO all your worries about
  overhead do to the wrap go away.

  This isn't why CPS is being used under the hood. (Nothing in perl 6
  propmted CPS) I wouldn't necessarily count on being able to do tail calls
  here either, as they potentially alter the semantics, or at least the
  introspectable environment, of the program as they make frames go away.

I'm vaguely hoping that modules will be able to declare that they
don't need to access a 'strict' caller and that they'll be happy
with a return from caller that skips any tail calls. Then, if the
Perl 6 compiler sees that all modules in play have declared
themselves in this fashion it'll use optimized tail calls. However,
thinking about that I'm not entirely sure how it could be done with a
single pass compiler.

 I think it's reasonable to allow you to mark your subs as being able
 to be tail-called out of. Subs with no lexical variables should be
 safe to call out of as well, though that's a bit dodgier. OTOH, it's
 not like too many folks walk up their call chain.

Actually, that makes a good deal more sense than my suggestion. As
for hook functions, they probably want to hide themselves from
Ccaller anyway, or hooking a single function in a call chain could
cause introspective programs to fall over.

This week's summary

2003-09-29 Thread Piers Cawley
The Perl 6 Summary of the week ending 20030928
This week, on perl6-internals, stuff was said, code was written, Leo
Tötsch was the patchmonster, life got some colour, Amir Karger needs to
work harder if he wants to be mentioned in the summary again, Dan
Sugalski was our glorious leader.

Meanwhile, on perl6-language, Larry's back (yay!), Austin Hastings'

If you've enjoyed this summary please send lawyers, guns and money to...

Ah heck! Try as I might, I can't get away with that can I? Here's the
real thing, starting with perl6-internals

  parrot -t gets fixed
Will Coleda had some problems that parrot -t didn't seem to solve.
This prompted Leo to take a look at the -t behaviour, which, whilst
not actually *leaking* memory, nevertheless used an awful lot of it. So
Leo fixed things up and posted an explanation of what got fixed. It
looks to me as if said explanation might come in handy for anyone
wanting to know how to play nice with the garbage collector. (The
essential rule seems to be Whatever you do, don't turn off garbage
collection, you might have to jump through a few extra hoops when it's
on, but trust us, it's worth it.)

  Pondering argument passing
The prototyped and unprototyped parameter passing powwow perpetuated
itself this week. It was decided/reiterated that all flattening happens
in the caller and all binding happens in the callee. Steve Fink and Leo
finally managed to get onto the same wavelength. Dan emphasised that
passing everything in a PerlArray is the Wrong Thing. Parrot acquired a
setp Ix, Py op, which does indirect register addressing.

Scary thought of the week: mutable default values.

  Trig functions for vtables
Dan started collecting a list of trig functions to hang off PMCs. After
an initial bit of quibbling about whether trig functions were really
necessary, Leo Tötsch pointed out that they would be reached via a
secondary vtable, akin to doing $obj-{vtable}{trig_funcs}{sin} (but
not implemented in Perl.)

  All hands to the pumps!
Leo Tötsch has been running the parrot test suite and looking for memory
leaks. Things are not looking good. It looks like we'll be seeing a
bunch of patches to patch the leaks soon. At least, I hope will will.

  Notes from the Captain
Dan has been thinking hard about stuff. In particular, he's been
thinking about namespaces and calling/return conventions. He's still
undecided about how we're going to handle namespaces. The Calling/return
conventions however have been settled (but not written up formally yet).
Essentially, calling a subroutine and invoking a return continuation are
pretty much indistinguishable, so returning a bunch of values will use
the same mechanism as passing in a bunch of parameters.

Leo Tötsch is a scary man. 'Inspired' by Damian Conway's Acme::DWIM
module, he's perpetrated Parrot::DWIM. You're better off not knowing.

  Loading up bytecode segments
Now that we have dynamically loaded bytecode segments, Dan specified how
they should be auto execed on loading (for running set up code etc). Leo
and Dan had a short discussion about whether Dan's spec was the Right
Spec, the two proposals were deemed equivalent, so Dan's spec was the
one that gets implemented.

  Another trivial language
Marcus Thiesen announced that he had ported another language to Parrot:
URM -- 'Universal Register Machine' which is a teaching language used in
German universities.

Dan's wrapped ncurses in parrot using NCI and used that to redo
examples/assembly/life.pasm (which was originally written by Dan, but is
often misattributed to Leon Brocard) as
examples/assembly/ncurses_life.pasm, adding colorized goodness.

  Lightweight Languages 2003 CFP
The Lightweight Languages conference LL3 has a Call For Papers out now.
Dan posted it to the list.

Meanwhile, in perl6-language
  Larry Wall is in the house
Larry popped up on the list for the first time in ages, answering
questions about macro arguments and autovivification.

  Pondering parametrized operators
Austin Hastings wondered about making parametrized operators. The
example he gave was an infix version of strncmp. I can't see what's
wrong with doing strncmp $this, $that, cmplen = 4, but Austin
proposes a scheme where one could write Dough eqn(4) Douglas and
have it return true. Various other possibilities were discussed.

Acknowledgements, Announcements, Apologies
Sorry it's late.

This week's summary

2003-09-23 Thread Piers Cawley
The Perl 6 Summary of the week ending 20030921
Deadlines, I love the sound they make as they fly past.

Those of you who receive this summary via mail may have noticed that
this summary is a little late, with any luck it will make up for its
tardiness by being inaccurate and badly written as well.

I'm going to reinstitute the tradition of starting with the internals
list this week, so without further ado:

  Pondering argument passing
Steve Fink pondered passing parameters properly, with a prototyped Perl
6 example. Perl 5 certainly, and Perl 6 possibly, allow you to ignore
any function prototype by calling the function like f(1,2). Steve had
concerns about what to do in the presence of 'splatted' argument lists.

sub foo(@a, $b) {...}

@generated_arglist = ([1,2,3], 2);

Calling foo(@generated_arglist) will throw an error, because the
function is expecting an array followed by a scalar. However, you can
get around that by using the * (splat) operator, which tells Perl to
wait until runtime and then treat @generated_arglist as if it were a
list of arguments to the function, and check its contents against foo's
parameter list. In Perl 5, if you had a prototyped function sub foo(@$)
{...} you would work around the problem by calling it as
foo(@generated_arglist), but I have digressed a long way already.)

I'm not entirely sure I got what this thread was about. I've just had a
chat with Dan about it on IRC, and I think I'm a little wiser, but the
thread that arose from Steve's post gave me the impression of people
talking past each other a little.

  Feature Freeze for 0.0.11
Steve Fink announced that Parrot was feature frozen in the wee small
hours of Monday morning (at least it was Monday morning if you live in
GMT; it was still Sunday if you're in Steve's timezone). Everyone set
about tidying things up, nailing bugs and generally getting Parrot's
house in order for a public release.

  Some Parrot people are disgustingly young
In a move calculated to annoy your summarizer, Dan Sugalski pointed out
that Piers is now twice the age of Brent Dax. I thought it was bad
enough back when I was working with Leon Brocard, who is also
disgustingly young, but at least he was old enough to drink beer and
vote. (It's very important that you do the former before the latter

  Parrot musical chairs
Some time after the next Parrot release everything's going to get moved
around in the parrot directory tree so things make a little more sense.
Dan laid out his vision. Leo liked it. Looks like it'll be happening.

  Sorting out dependencies
Andy Dougherty has been shaking the parrot tree with different versions
of Perl and found some incompatibilities between the jako and perl6
languages and Perl 5.005. A few patches and skipped tests solved that.

  Attaching Debuggers
Nicholas Clark passed on the concerns of a nameless interlocutor who had
expressed a desire for a Perl debugger which could attach itself to a
troubled running process. This is, after all, something that gdb can
already do for C programs. Dan punted on details, but thinks it should
be possible to implement. It's definitely post 0.0.11 though. Michal
Wallace pointed out that Python is very 'hooky' and supports this.

  Various fixes
Because most of the week was spent under a feature freeze, the vast
majority of this week's threads have been the kind of short lived
Patch! Applied! bugfix threads. Suffice to say, lots of bugs and
niggles got stamped on by the usual heroes plus a few more heroes for
good measure.

  Parrot 0.0.11 Doubloon Released
Parrot 0.0.11 got released on Saturday, narrowly missing International
Talk Like a Pirate Day. It was almost immediately superceded by version which fixed a slight oversight and introduced a new bug.
Breaking my 'midnight GMT cutoff' rule, the latest version, released is
actually, which deals with the fact that Parrot isn't set up to
handle 4 part version numbers. -- The We really can't handle these version
   numbers release

Meanwhile, in perl6-language
  Disposable optimization
The increasingly poorly named Next Apocalypse thread went off into
discussing the possibilities of disposable optimizations that could get
thrown out when invariants that they depend on no longer hold. This
rapidly developed into serious blue sky stuff that I can't help but
think is a little premature. Fascinating certainly, but I would like a
working language before we got off making it do all sorts of clever
optimization stuff.

Re: This week's summary

2003-09-16 Thread Piers Cawley
Leopold Toetsch [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Piers Cawley [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 ... spending the morning of your 36th birthday

 Happy birthday to you and us.


Re: Next Apocalypse

2003-09-15 Thread Piers Cawley
Luke Palmer [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Also, the standard library, however large or small that will be, will
 definitely be mutable at runtime.  There'll be none of that Java you
 can't subclass String, because we think you shouldn't crap.

Great. But will it also be possible to add methods (or modify them)
to an existing class at runtime? You only have to look at a Smalltalk
image to see packages adding helper methods to Object and the like
(better to add a do nothing method to Object that find yourself doing
C$thing.do_that if $thing.can('do_that') all the time...)

Re: Macro arguments themselves

2003-09-15 Thread Piers Cawley
Luke Palmer [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Alex Burr writes:
 In theory you could write one as a perl6 macro, although it would be
 more convenient if there was someway of obtaining the syntax tree of a
 previously defined function other than quoting it (unless I've missed

 There is a large class of cool optimizations possible when you combine
 notifications with storing the syntax tree at runtime, so I think it
 will be possible to get the syntax tree of a previously defined
 function.  Probably just a method on Code objects.

I'll be very disappointed if you can't get the syntax tree at
runtime, though I have the feeling that it might require a
compilation switch of some sort.

Re: Macro arguments themselves

2003-09-15 Thread Piers Cawley
Austin Hastings [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 --- Luke Palmer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Alex Burr writes:

  But I confidently predict that no-one with write a useful
  partial evaluator for perl6. The language is simply too big.
 Then again, there are some very talented people with a lot of free
 time in the Perl community; I wouldn't count it out.

 That looked to me like a Damian troll, hoping that DC would pop up
 and say, Oh, no. It can be done in six lines of P6. See: ...

No fair trolling someone when he's on holiday.

Re: Next Apocalypse

2003-09-15 Thread Piers Cawley
Luke Palmer [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Piers Cawley writes:
 Luke Palmer [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  Also, the standard library, however large or small that will be, will
  definitely be mutable at runtime.  There'll be none of that Java you
  can't subclass String, because we think you shouldn't crap.
 Great. But will it also be possible to add methods (or modify them)
 to an existing class at runtime? 

 Parrot supports it, so I don't see why Perl wouldn't. 

 You only have to look at a Smalltalk image to see packages adding
 helper methods to Object and the like (better to add a do nothing
 method to Object that find yourself doing C$thing.do_that if
 $thing.can('do_that') all the time...)

 Agreed completely.  Plus, there are some cool things you can do by
 mutating methods of Object, like implementing auto-rollback variables.
 (A6 Clet foo() behavior).


Re: Next Apocalypse

2003-09-15 Thread Piers Cawley
Simon Cozens [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Piers Cawley) writes:
 Great. But will it also be possible to add methods (or modify them)
 to an existing class at runtime? You only have to look at a Smalltalk
 image to see packages adding helper methods to Object and the like

 People get upset when CPAN authors add stuff to UNIVERSAL:: :)

More fool people.

Re: Next Apocalypse

2003-09-15 Thread Piers Cawley
Austin Hastings [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 There's a growing body of interesting work on what's essentially
 disposable or partially-useful optimizations. Given the dynamic
 nature of most of the languages we care about for parrot, throwaway
 optimizations make a lot of sense--we can build optimized versions
 of functions for the current structure, and redo them if the
 structure changes.
 This isn't entirely an easy task, however, since you can't throw
 away or redo a function/method/sub/whatever that you're already in
 somewhere in the call-chain, which means any optimizations will
 have to be either checked at runtime or undoable when code is in
 the middle of them.

 Why is this?

 Given that threads are present, and given the continuation based
 nature of the interpreter, I assume that code blocks can be
 closured. So why not allocate JITed methods on the heap and manage
 them as first class closures, so that the stackref will hold them
 until the stack exits?

Ooh, cunning.

This week's summary

2003-09-15 Thread Piers Cawley
The Perl 6 Summary for the week ending 20030914

Welcome to this week's Perl 6 Summary. And what better way could there
be of spending the morning of your 36th birthday than by reading
through a bunch of old messages in a couple of mailing lists and
boiling them down into a summary?

Hmm... you have a point. Still, I'd just spend the day feeling slightly
guilty if I did that. And I'd spend more than just the day feeling
guilty if I did that, but thanks for the offer.


Continuing the thread of So little was said we might as well get it
over with and move onto the meat of the week, we'll start this week
with the language list.

  Dispatch on context
Piers Cawley wondered about doing multiple dispatch based on context and
came up with a scheme which involved wrapping multimethods in a simple
method that would 'reify' context so that it could be used as a
multimethod argument. Luke Palmer came up with a better notation for
handling class arguments to multimethods than Piers's suggestion...

  Next Apocalypse
In a transparent (and successful) attempt to generate some traffic on
the language list, Jonathan Scott Duff wondered when the next Apocalypse
was due. (If anyone's reading this who isn't up to speed on the Perl 6
design process, Apocalypses are Larry's design documents which describe
the syntax and semantics of Perl 6. In theory they reflect the structure
of *Programming Perl*, but the order may vary slightly).

Dan Sugalski popped up with an answer Not for a while. The thing is,
the next Apocalypse is objects, and judging by the amount of time it
took Dan to get object internals finalized (hah!) over on
perl6-internals, getting objects right in Perl 6 is going to take a
time. Dan thought that Damian may well get Exegesis 7, formats, out
sooner. (Apocalypse 7 boiled down to the following: See Damian).
However, Damian is currently on holiday for the first time in too long,
Dan hoped (and I agree) that Damian wouldn't answer for a few weeks.

There was general agreement that getting objects right deserved as much
time as it needed. Luke Palmer dropped a few hints though (and made your
summarizer happy by noting that 'the standard library will definitely be
mutable at runtime'.

  Macro arguments themselves
Alex Burr responded to a question about Macro arguments that Luke Palmer
posed on the second of August (you have to love the dizzying pace of
life on perl6-language). Alex suggested the partial evaluation might be
handy but predicted that nobody will write a useful partial evaluator
for Perl 6 as the language is 'simply too big'. The thread went on to
discuss ways of getting at syntax trees from precompiled code and
whether or not Alex had been serious in his prediction.

  Meanwhile, in perl6-internals
  Of AST And YAL
At the back end of last week, Leo Tötsch announced that he was looking
into the AST (Abstract Syntax Tree) interface to Parrot by implementing
parts of Yet Another Language (YAL). What's been done so far looks
remarkably impressive, and Leo wondered whether to commit the changes.
He noted that the work was currently totally standalone and could be
distributed as a tar file instead.

Michal Wallace liked it, noting that he'd like to merge in all the
pirate code generation stuff. James Michal DuPont suggested using the
redland RDF API, and representing the syntax trees with RDF. Not being a
fan of XML (Who is?) Leo was unconvinced, worrying that he wasn't keen
on having an external library in such a central place in Parrot. James
pointed out that RDF isn't necessarily XML, and that the redland API
wasn't quite the same as the redland library.

Meanwhile, Leo put a YAL distribution up on his web page.

The How to do serialization right thread rumbled on. Threads continue
to make things hard.

  Parrot Z-Machine
Amir Karger continued his investigation of what would be needed to get
Parrot emulating the Z-machine. Later in the week he announced that he
was about to start coding. Go Amir!

  Moving IMCC
Everyone admits that languages/imcc is the wrong place for something as
central to Parrot as IMCC. Leo wants to make a top-level imcc directory.
Dan wants to move the current top-level C code to a core directory and
move the IMCC stuff into that directory as well (without an imcc
subdirectory). Quite what the Right Thing is hasn't yet been decided so
IMCC remains in the wrong place. Robert Spier thought that we should
wait 'til after the next Parrot release anyway.

  Leon Brocard Speaks!
Leo Tötsch noted

Dispatch on context

2003-09-08 Thread Piers Cawley
So, I was wondering about how to do multidispatch based on the
context in which something is called, which leads me to wonder if
there's going to be a way of reifying calling context so I could

  method whatever($arg1, $arg2) 
{ my multi whatever ($self, Scalar $context:
 $arg1, $arg2) { ... }
  my multi whatever ($self, Array $context: 
 $arg1, $arg2) { ... }
  whatever($_, want(), $arg1, $arg2) }

Just wondering.

This week's summary

2003-09-08 Thread Piers Cawley
The Perl 6 Summary for the week ending 20030907
Welcome to the last Perl 6 summary of my 35th year. Next week's summary
will (in theory) be written on my 36th birthday (a year of being square,
so no change there then). I'll give you fair warning that it might be
late, though it probably won't. Newcastle University has, in its
infinite wisdom decided to have its students enrolling on that day so
Gill will be off up to Newcastle to register leaving me at home with
nothing to do but keep the house tidy in case a buyer wants to come and
look at it, so sitting in one place with a laptop writing a summary
seems like a good strategy.

As last week's 'world turned upside down' approach of starting with
perl6-language was such a success we'll do the same again this week.

  The language list gets some traffic shock!
Jonadab the Unsightly One replied to Abhijit A. Mahabal's message from
the first of August concerning junctions and set theory.

Meanwhile, on perl6-internals
  Serialization is Hard!
Last week's discussion of serialization sparked off by Leopold Tötsch's
suggestion of a vtable-dump mode *really* got into its stride this
week. It turns out that getting this right is a Hard Problem in the
presence of threads.

Dan's plan for serialization involves using the GC's object graph walker
to work out what to serialize when you tell Parrot to dump a PMC. Leo
worried that this would essentially stop the garbage collector running
during serialization which could be tricky if the serialization process
tried to allocate any memory.

Dan and Leo ended up in a protracted, but polite, argument about

At about 45 entries into the thread, Leo produced a summary of the
various options and issues associated with them. -- Leo's summary

  File Spec
Leo Tötsch commented on Vladimir Lipskiy's implementation of a
File::Spec like tool for Parrot. (File::Spec is Perl's tool for dealing
with filenames and paths in a platform independent fashion). Michael
Schwern pointed at Ken Williams' excellent Path::Class module which
gives you actual file and directory objects which he reckons has a much
better interface than File::Spec.

Gordon Henriksen posted a great discussion of using notifications to
implement weakrefs. Rather wonderfully he used the notification system
itself as a good example of why dying object notifications were a good

  Parrot 100% GNU .NET
Danger. Here be Licensing Issues. I don't do Licensing issues.

The main thrust of the discussion was what kind of library would ship
with Parrot. Dan's answer is worth reading, if only for the That's a
swamp I don't have enough castles for line. -- Dan's take on the library

  You are in a maze of keyed variants, all similar
This seems to have been a week in which Dan and Leo spent a good deal of
their time politely disagreeing with each other. This time they were
disagreeing about the need for all the keyed variants of Parrot's

Dan outlined the reasoning behind demanding keyed variants of every
operation in a PMC's vtable (Executive summary: A combination of speed
and space reasons). Leo still doesn't seem convinced but, for now,
Pumpking trumps Patch monster.

  Parrot Z-machine
Amir Karger's post from last week about implementing the Z-machine (the
VM that runs Infocom and other text adventures) got de-Warnocked this
week. Nicholas Clark explained that doing the Z-machine 'properly' would
require some bits of Parrot that weren't actually there yet,
specifically dynamic opcode loading and dynamic bytecode conversion.
This led to a discussion of how to get those things implemented.

  PIO Questions
Benjamin Goldberg posted a long list of issues and suggestions about
handling character type and encoding on Parrot IO objects. Jürgen Bömels
said that there were indeed issues, that he'd be dealing with them as
tuits allowed and that patches are welcome.

  How to dynamically add a method to a class
Joseph Ryan had asked how to add a method to a class at runtime. Dan
explained what was supposed to happen (each class has a 'backing
namespace' associated with it which contained all the class's methods).
Leo asked for a few details about how that would look in Parrot

A little later, Joseph reported what appeared to be a bug in the way
IMCC handles .namespace. It appears that IMCC is working as designed,
the question is whether the design is doing the Right Thing.

  Proposed amendment to chartype 

This week's Perl 6 Summary

2003-09-01 Thread Piers Cawley
The Perl 6 Summary for the week ending 20030831
Welcome to this week's Perl 6 summary. This week, for one week only I'm
going to break with a long established summary tradition. No, that
doesn't mean I won't be mentioning Leon Brocard this week. Nope, this
week we're going to start by discussing what's been said on the
perl6-language list this week.

Now that's out of the way, we'll continue with a summary of the
internals list.

  Continuation Passing is becoming the One True Calling Style
Jos Visser had some code that broke in an interesting fashion when
find_lex through an exception, so he asked the list about it. Leo
Tötsch explained that exceptions and old style subs don't play at all
well together. It seems to me that the total and utter deprecation of
subs using the old style calling conventions is not far distant.

  Embedding Parrot in Perl
Luke Palmer has started to learn XS in the service of his project to
embed Parrot in Perl. Unsurprisingly, he had a few questions. He got a
few answers.

  Implementing ISA
Leo Tötsch has implemented isa. The unfashionably lowercased chromatic
argued that what Leo had implemented should actually be called does.
Chris Dutton thought does should be an alias for has. Piers Cawley
thinks he might be missing something.

  More on constant PMCs and classes
Leo Tötsch's RFC on constant PMCs and classes from last week continued
to attract comments about possible interfaces and implementations.

  A miscellany of newbie questions
James Michael DuPont a bunch of questions and suggestions about bytecode
emission, the JIT and about possibly extracting the Parrot object system
into a separate library. Leo supplied answers.

  What the heck is active data?
Dan clarified what he'd meant when he talked about Active Data. His one
sentence definition being 'Active Data is data that takes some active
role in its use -- reading, writing, modifying, deleting or using in
some activity'. The consequences of such data are far reaching; even if
your code has no active data in it, Dan points out that you still have
to take the possibility into account, or solve the halting problem.

Benjamin Goldberg seemed to think that you didn't need to solve the
halting problem, you could just add scads of metadata to everything and
do dataflow analysis at compile time. I look forward with interest to
his implementation.

Matt Fowles wondered why active data necessitated keyed variants of all
the ops, asking instead why we couldn't have a prepkeyed op to return
an appropriate specialized PMC to use in the next op. Dan agreed that
such an approach was possible, but not necessarily very efficient. Leo
Tötsch disagreed with him though.

TOGoS wondered if this meant that we wouldn't know whether set Px, Py
did binding or morphing until runtime. (It doesn't. set always simply
copies a pointer). In an IRC conversation with Dan we realised that some
of this confusion arises from the fact that set_string and friends
behave as if they were called assign_string; to get the expected
set_string semantics you'd have to do:

new Px, .PerlUndef
set_string Px, some string

Hopefully this is going to get fixed.

  Mission haiku

Nicholas Clark
To make some kind of mark
Committed haiku.
Don't you.

Yes, I know that's not a haiku. It's a Clerihew. I suggest that anyone
else who feels tempted to perpetrate verse on list restrict themselves
to a sestina or a villanelle, or maybe a sonnet.

I also note that POD is a lousy format for setting poetry in.

  Jürgen gets De-Warnocked
Jürgen Bömmels had been caught on the horns of Warnock's Dilemma over a
patch he submitted a while back. It turns out that he'd been Warnocked
in part because both Leo and Dan thought he already had commit rights.
So that got fixed. Welcome to the ranks of Parrot committers Jürgen,
you've deserved it for a while.

  Parrot Z-machine
New face Amir Karger wants to write the Parrot Z-machine implementation
and had a few questions about stuff. So far he's been Warnocked.

Dan described how Parrot's notification system would work, and what that
means for weak references. Michael Schwern thought the outlined
notification system would also be awfully useful for debugger watch
expressions. Tim Bunce worried about some edge cases.

  MSVC++ complaints
Vladimir Lipskiy (who's been doing some stellar work recently on various
build issues amongst other things) found some problems trying to build
Parrot with MSVC

The Perl 6 Summary

2003-08-26 Thread Piers Cawley
The Perl 6 Summary for the week ending 20030824
Another week, another Perl 6 summary. I'm running late writing this and
I don't care because I spent the bank holiday weekend at a folk festival
and didn't get back 'til Monday evening.

Predictably enough, we'll start with the shenanigans in perl6-internals.

  Timely Destruction: Luke Palmer's Scheme
The timely destruction meme just won't go away. This week Luke Palmer
suggested a possible improvement to Parrot's current scheme (Parrot
keeps a counter of 'eager' objects needing timely destruction, and a
language's compiler emits conditional sweep opcodes at appropriate
points. In Perl's case, for instance, the conditional sweeps would be
triggered on scope exit, other languages may have different

Luke's scheme involves terminating the DOD (Dead Object Detection) run
if every outstanding eager object is found alive at any point in the
run. For added performance, there would also be a 'high priority' flag
on all objects. The idea is that the high priority flag could be used to
ensure that, during a sweep, the paths through the object group that are
likely to lead to an eager object get checked first, hopefully ensuring
that the sweep gets terminated as quickly as possible in the case
where no eager objects need to be finalized.

The proposal was discussed, but I don't think anyone has gone so far as
to implement anything based on the scheme.

This discussion led Klaas-Jan Stol to ask what the heck timely
destruction was, anyway. This sparked a longish discussion, covering
what timely destruction is all about, why you'd want it, and why having
it could be problematic.

  The String API
Benjamin Goldberg is concerned with 'a number of shortcomings in the
[string] API' and outlined the problems he sees, along with some
proposed improvements. Luke Palmer generally liked the ideas, but Leo
Tötsch had concerns about some of Benjamin's proposals. The discussion
that ensued got fairly technical. (One of these days I'm actually going
to go and get my head properly around the details of the various
encodings and charactersets. And then I'll probably go insane.)

Dan also thought that Benjamin was confusing language level strings with
low-level strings, and that this was a Bad Thing. He outlined the
difference between language level (PMC) and low-level (Parrot S
register) strings, and explained what each was appropriate for.

  Making the Perl 6 Compiler use Continuation Passing Style
Allison Randal sent in a patch to switch languages/perl6 -- Parrot's
(incomplete) Perl 6 Compiler -- over to using Continuation Passing
Style, which is a useful step in the right direction. Leo applied it.

  Fun with search_lex
Jos Visser (who in an earlier post confided that he's working on writing
a parrot compiler back end for his personal 'computer language
personality disorder: Comal', and that he does this for 'therapeutical
value') wants to generate some parrot code that is capable of searching
the lexical pads for the existence of a lexical. His current code tries
to look up a lexical and catches the exception when the lexical doesn't
exist, but this is apparently very slow. So, he proposes an op,
search_lex which, instead of throwing an exception, returns a null PMC
if the lexical is not found.

Leo Tötsch wasn't convinced by the need for the op, but he is looking
into why the exception handling route is so slow (indeed, he seems to
have found the reason, now he's trying to fix it).

  Syntax Highlighting
Inspired by Luke Palmer's cunning, core.ops parsing vim syntax
highlighter, Andy Bussey wrote something similar for the KDE Kate
editor. Now, if someone could modify pasm.el, the Emacs highlighting
mode to use the autogeneration trick too...

  RFC: Constant PMCs and Classes
Leo Tötsch kicked off a discussion of the handling of constants within
Parrot and proposed adding a bunch of functions for creating constant
strings (symbols?) within the core. He also proposed a system for
creating constant classes. In the ensuing discussion I think the
proposals for strings were pretty much accepted, but it's not yet known
if the proposal for constant classes is quite the Right Thing.

  Should Tom Locke target parrot?
Tom Locke is about to start on a project to create a new language and
wondered if Parrot might be a good target VM for him. In short, we think
so. But we would, wouldn't we?

  More fun with set/assign
The semantics of set in Parrot are, somewhat complex. Leo Tötsch
showed a fragment of code which got a value from out 

The Perl 6 Summary

2003-08-18 Thread Piers Cawley
Perl 6 Summary for the week ending 20030817
Picture, if you will, a sunny garden unaffected by power cuts, floods,
plagues of frog or any of the other troubles that assail us in this
modern world. Picture, if you will, your summarizer sat in this garden
with a laptop on his knee, cursing the inability of LCD display
manufacturers to make displays that are legible in sunlight. Picture
your summarizer returning to the comfortable chair in the shade of his
book room casting around for a witty and original way to open another
Perl 6 summary. Picture him giving up and starting to type. Here's what
he writes:

We start, as usual, with the the internals list.

  Tail call optimization
Leo Tötsch has started to work on getting IMCC to detect tail calls and
optimize them to either a simple jump or an invoke. If you're not sure
what tail call optimization is I can recommend Dan's What the heck is a
tail call? article on the subject. -- What the heck?

  Leo's QUERIES from last week
Last week, Leo bundled up a bunch of outstanding questions for Dan, and
Dan answered them. Benjamin Goldberg queried Dan's answer about
find_method, which, if I'm reading things correctly is currently
implemented in the interpreter. Benjamin argued (convincingly I thought)
that, although the method hashes needed to be stored in the interpreter
structure, find_method should be implemented on default.pmc,
allowing for different classes/languages to override its behaviour.

  Why ~ for xor?
Michal Wallace wanted to know why ~ maps to both unary bitwise-not and
binary bitwise-xor in IMCC; he expected xor to be ^ and ^^. Leo
explained that it was, at one point at least, the way Perl 6 did it but
that he'd stopped keeping up with the developments in perl6-language. He
noted that, if the Perl 6 operator had been settled, then IMCC should
use that. A quick skim of my copy of *Perl 6 Essentials* tells me that
Perl 6 now uses +, +| and +^ for bitwise and/or/xor, with ~,
~|, ~^ for stringwise and/or/xor. -- My review of *Perl 6 Essentials*

  Raising Hell
Michal Wallace's Py-Pirate project continues to exercise the edges of
Parrot as he implements more and more of Python's semantics. This time
he needed to know about raising (and catching) exceptions. In particular
he wanted to be able to catch an exception when find_lex failed to
find an appropriately named variable. (Currently, a find_lex failure
doesn't raise an exception, it just kills Parrot). Jos Visser told him
that there were plans to have find_lex throw a real, catchable
exception, or maybe just return undef. See last week's summary for a
pointer to that discussion.

  Pirate status and help with instances
Michal Wallace announced that he had just finished an all night coding
spree and that Py-pirate could now handle:

*   functions (closures, recursion, etc)

*   Global variables

*   tuples (but they turn into lists)

*   dictionaries (create, setitem, getitem, print)

*   list comprehensions

*   raise (strings only)

*   try...except (partial)

*   try...finally

*   assert

(At this point, I think we should all pause for moment of wild

However, he was having a few problems with instantiating objects of a
class. (For those who don't know, Python instances are created by
calling the Class as if it were a function). Leo Tötsch noted that
almost nothing would work, since Parrot's classes and objects weren't
actually finished yet. He agreed with others in the thread who reckoned
that Python classes could be made to work by subclassing the standard
class.pmc to allow it to respond to an invoke by by creating a new
instance. Easy! Michal muttered something about faking classes with
closures but I don't think he went through with it.

  Packfile fun
So long, it's been good to know you.

  Approaching m4
Leon Brocard, Sean O'Rourke and James Michael DuPont looked on in awe as
Bernhard Schmalhofer announced that he'd been working on implementing m4
in Parrot. According to Sean, the implications are staggering... Sure,
plenty of compilers can bootstrap themselves, but how many can generate
their own configure scripts via autoconf? With p4rrot, we may live to
see this dream.

One does worry about Sean's dream life.

  Call and return conventions
TOGoS has been thinking about the workings of the Parrot calling
conventions. He wondered if there was a case for making calling and
returning look exactly the same, allowing for cunning stunts with fake
continuations in P1. Luke Palmer really 

Re: The Perl 6 Summary

2003-08-18 Thread Piers Cawley
Robin Berjon [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Uri Guttman wrote:
MS == Melvin Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
   MS This has been a major stumbling block for me in getting back
 the   MS motivation to help with Parrot again.
 so if that helps salve your wound, i am sure you contributions (past
 future) to parrot are welcomed and appreciated by the parrot community
 (pretty much those on these lists)

 I second that. The imperatives of book production are mercantile, and
 have nothing to do with one's excellent participation in an Open
 Source effort, irrespective of the quality that a given editor may
 normally have.

 I'm certain that when a more definitive book is started, there will be
 much more time to ask all the interesting people for input. Please
 don't lose your motivation :)

Speaking of books. I keep mulling over the idea of attempting to
write a 'Soul of a New Machine' type book for Parrot and Perl 6... 

Re: Apocalypses and Exegesis...

2003-08-15 Thread Piers Cawley
Iain Truskett [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 * Alberto Manuel Brandão Simões [15 Aug 2003 00:36]:
 On Thu, 2003-08-14 at 15:19, Iain Truskett wrote:
  Much like Perl 6 Essentials then?
  I must say that its chapter 4 is the clearest look at
  the perl 6 syntax (as it was at the time of writing)
  that I've seen yet.

 Yeah. I would like to read it. But as I think syntax will
 change, I'm not thinking on buying it.. ;-/


 Of course, you need a Safari subscription, but they quite
 useful things.

 I imagine purchasing it physical copies would be more common
 on p6-internals as over half the book is Parrot and related

I think the chapter on the Perl design philosophy is definitely worth
the reading of. I just wish the book had wider margins so I can make
notes as things change. (Dan's already made, and signed a correction
on page 93 for me :)

This Week's Perl 6 Summary

2003-08-14 Thread Piers Cawley
Perl 6 Summary for the week ending 20030703
Ooh look, it's another Perl 6 summary. Doesn't that man ever take a
I think he took one last month. 
Is it in Esperanto this week? 
I don't think so. 
Does Leon Brocard get a mention? 
It certainly looks that way. 
Does it start with the internals list again? 
I think it does, in fact, here it comes now.

  Approaching Python
Discussions (and coding) of the Parrot implementation of Python
continued this week. Michal Wallace is working on taking a preexisting
(but incomplete, it's a proof of concept only) python parse tree -
parrot code generator and rejigging it to generate code for IMCC.
Assuming the initial rejig is doable, Michal surmises that getting a
complete python compiler will be 'just' a matter of fleshing out the
rest of the visitor methods, 'and then dealing with the C-stuff.'

Actually, the main strand of this discussion dealt with ways of
extending IMCC to help optimize the translation of stack based code to
code that uses registers more efficiently (register unspilling as
Benjamin Goldberg called it), which should help with any bytecode
translator based efforts.

  Semantics of clone for PIO-objects
Jürgen Bömmels' work on the Parrot IO system continues to find edge
cases in Parrot's memory management subsystem. As initially written, a
clone call adds a reference to a ParrotIO object, but that object is
neither garbage collected nor refcounted, and it gets destroyed when its
first reference is destroyed. The problem can be solved by allocating a
new ParrotIO in the clone call, but Jürgen had some questions about how
to handle various things like what to do with buffering or position

Jos Visser offered a suggestion involving indirection and reference
counting which met with (at least) Melvin Smith's approval.

  Making 'make' less verbose
Leo Tötsch checked in a patch to make make's output rather less verbose.
After the patch, the make process only echos the name of the file being
compiled, and doesn't spam your terminal with the entire compiler
commandline (the compiler warnings do that). Some people liked this.
Others didn't.

  Don't trace system areas in sweep ops
One of the things we discussed at the Parrot BOF was how to solve the
'bogus objects' problem when doing timely destruction sweeps (The 'bogus
objects' problem is when the stack walk code detects chimerical objects
through holes in the C stack (hmm... if anyone has a good drawing of
this?)). After much discussion we came to the conclusion that the trick
was to only walk the system stack during DOD (Dead Object Detection)
runs that got triggered via resource starvation.

This works because There is nothing unanchored and alive beyond the
runloop's stack. Brent Dax was impressed, but then, he wasn't at the
BOF so he doesn't know how long it took us to get to the answer.

  User defined events
Klaas-Jan Stol wondered if there would be some way of generating and
posting user defined events. Uri Guttman thought that there probably
would be.

The language implementation insanity continues!

Stephen Thorne announced that he's working on implementing a PHP parser
and is seriously considering targetting Parrot. He asked for pointers to
good docs on how to go about doing so. He worried a little about
bootstrapping as well.

Luke Palmer and Simon Glover were forthcoming with lots of useful
answers and pointers.

  Why Parrot uses Continuation Passing Style
In a delayed response to a question from Klaas-Jan Stol, Dan has posted
a long message on the reasons for choosing Continuation Passing Style as
Parrot's calling convention. It's definitely worth the read if you're at
all interested in the reasoning behind Parrot (and the reason that my
copy of *Perl 6 Essentials* has a signed correction from Dan).

  IMCC supports the Parrot Calling Conventions
Leo announced that IMCC's brand of assembler, PIR (I can't remember what
it stands for, Parrot Intermediate Representation perhaps). Of course,
there are things it doesn't quite do yet (tail call detection, only
preserving 'necessary' registers...) and it's somewhat lacking on the
test front, but it's a start. Yay Leo!

  Another task for the interested: Coverage
Dan threw out another 'task for the interested' this week. At present we
don't have a complete set of coverage tests for the parrot opcodes, nor
do we even know why opcodes do have coverage. Volunteers to fix this
state of affairs (start with a coverage report 

This Week's Summary

2003-08-14 Thread Piers Cawley
Perl 6 Summary for the week ending 20030810
Another week, another summary. How predictable is that?

In keeping with the predictability, we'll start with the internals list.

  Set vs. Assign
T.O.G of Spookware has an issue with the way IMCC treats =;
sometimes an = means set and sometimes it means assign, which
TOGoS finds confusing. What he(?) finds even more confusing is that
sometimes set has assign semantics.

Dan agreed that this was somewhat confusing, and pointed out that there
was a third possible semantic, clone.

Luke Palmer agreed with TOGoS and suggested that it would be useful if
the assign like behaviours of of set were moved over to becoming
assign like behaviours of assign.

Benjamin Goldberg wasn't even sure that set and assign were good
names for those behaviours in the first place. He proposed three
behaviour classes; mutate, alias and create. The general feeling
seemed to be that Ben's approach was a good way forward, but I don't
think anything has actually been implemented along these lines yet.

  Generic code generator?
Not content with his efforts in porting Python to Parrot, Michal Wallace
floated the idea of a generic code generator for parrot that everyone
could use. Stephen Thorne liked the concept, but worried that it
wouldn't necessarily play well with languages that allowed eval
$aString. He proposed that, whatever the code generator got written in
should be a language that would be self-hosting.

Joseph Ryan argued that, instead of coming up with a new meta-language
for the GCG (Generic Code Generator), we should use something like XML
or YAML as a way of dumping the AST (Abstract Syntax Tree) with
standardized node names. Dan (who has a 'deep personal loathing for
XML') was all for just building a standard datastructure and passing
that into the code generator. (ASTnode.pmc anyone?). He also suggested
that having some way of doing AST transforms would be handy, as many
languages would want to get hold of the AST and munge it in some way
before it went any further (Lisp macros are the canonical example of
this sort of thing).

Following the discussion, Michal and Klaas-Jan Stol apparently spiked
out a prototype that used s-expressions.

Your summarizer wonders if there's any overlap between this and treecc.
Maybe I've just misunderstood what treecc was all about.

  Calling convention questions
Vladimir Lipskiy had a couple of questions about how the calling
conventions worked. Dan and Leo supplied the answers, Vladimir pointed
to the section of pdd03_calling_conventions.pod that had caused the
confusion, and Dan went and fixed the docs.

  Infant Mortality
Every so often, perl6-internals ends up talking about the Infant
Mortality Problem -- the possibility of an object being marked as dead
by the GC system before it's even been fully initialized. Benjamin
Goldberg addressed himself to the problem this week by proposing a
generational Garbage Collector. I'm not sure anyone was convinced that
his proposed use of a generational collector to avoid having to walk the
C stack was the Right Thing, but nor do I think anyone's averse to
trying a generational collection scheme to see how performance stacks

  Packfile stuff
Dan outlined some things we need to add to the packfile format and the
sub header in order to get things ready for more language work. He, Leo
and the usual suspects thrashed out the implications ( and will finally get removed from the distribution for
example), but I don't think a final bytecode and sub header format have
been decided upon yet.

  Parrot on Win32?
Valery A.Khamenya wondered if there was any news on getting a ready to
run win32 Parrot distribution. Jonathan Worthington has volunteered to
start work on producing regular build snapshots. Yay Jonathan!

  Bitwise string ops
Leo Tötsch checked in the beginnings of bitwise operators for strings
and dropped a huge hint that it'd be good if someone could finish things
up. Vladimir Lipskiy took the hint, but felt a good deal of pain trying
to produce appropriately formatted diffs until he worked out how to do
the equivalent of cvs diff -c in WinCVS (hopefully the same trick can
be used to do cvs diff -u, which is the preferred diff format of

  Dynamic PMC classes
Discussion of the appropriate interfaces for the dynamic loading of PMCs
continued apace. Leo committed his current implementation, stressing
that it wasn't final, but it is at least something to work on.

Sometimes I worry 

This week's Perl 6 Summary

2003-07-29 Thread Piers Cawley
Perl 6 Summary for the week ending 20030727
Welcome to another in the ongoing series of Perl 6 summaries in which
your faintly frazzled summarizer attempts to find a native speaker of
Esperanto to translate this opening paragraph in honour of the huge
amount of money (1371 Euros) raised for TPF during the YAPC::Europe
auction, when the official language of both and's
websites were auctioned off as one lot. Somewhat to the surprise of
everyone, the winning bid was for Esperanto. As Jouke Visser just
commented on IRC, the price was well worth paying just to see the looks
of panic on the faces of Mark Fowler, Leon Brocard and other
worthies as the price of keeping the website English (and changing's website to English in the process) shot up beyond the reach
of their collective pocket.

Meanwhile, we'll return to English and start with the internals list as

Junior reporter: Mr Macmillan, what caused your greatest difficulties
in your time as UK Prime Minister?

Macmillan: Events dear boy, events.

Whilst I'm not sure Dan would fully agree with Macmillan, there was a
certain amount of concern about Events (well, event handling). Damien
Neil is still convinced that asynchronous IO is the Wrong Thing, but he
hasn't convinced Dan, and (in this at least) it's Dan's opinion that
counts. -- Dan ditches the cranky reply

  Memory system issues
Jürgen Bömmels' work on the aforementioned Asynchronous IO system means
that he's been getting rather more involved with the internals of
Parrot's memory allocation and Garbage Collection system than he
intended. He had a few questions, which Dan answered.

  Splitting core.ops
Brent Dax announced that the patch splitting core.ops into a slightly
more logical set of smaller files has been committed. This occasioned a
small flurry of discussion and a smaller flurry of patches to ensure
that all the new .ops files had their associated documentation files

  Parrot docs translated to Japanese
Koichi Sasada, a Japanese university student has translated the Parrot
Primer into Japanese and put it on his website. He wanted to know if he
could publicise the translation. This summary is (at least in part) his
answer. -- In English -- In Japanese

  PMC methods
Luke Palmer can't stop thinking of other ideas as he works on
implementing lazy PMCs. His latest idea relates to accessing methods on
PMCs without having to generate scads of new opcodes (Personally, I
don't see what's wrong with using the object stuff for getting both PMC
vtable (C) methods and methods that are implemented in Parrot itself.)
Luke proposed a few ops which he reckons will solve the problem.

  objects.t Failures
Simon Glover tracked down a problem with the objects.t test file that
had been failing on some, but not all platforms. It turns out that the
class_hash wasn't included as part of the root set, which meant that the
garbage collector could try to reclaim it before it got used. Which is
bad. He supplied a two line patch to fix the problem. Which is good.

Dan made with the D'oh!, commenting that he'd known he'd forgotten

  RFC: Cleaning up the ParrotIOLayer API
Jürgen Böemmels has reached a point in his redoing of the Parrot IO
subsystem that he wanted to remove and/or rename several of the old
methods so he posted an RFC explaining what he intended to do and asked
for comments. Gregor N. Purdy had some comments, mostly to do with the
data structures involved (with particular reference to strings) but
other than that there has been no further comment.

  Parrot Emits an Executable
Daniel Grunblatt checked in a patch to make parrot generate native
executables. There are caveats about what must be done in order to get a
working executable and the original patch needed to have a few wrinkles
ironed out, but this looks like a fantastic start to me.

  Approaching Python
Michael Wallace wondered about the issue of compiling python to parrot.
He wondered if it would be possible to make use of the existing Python
compiler module which generates python bytecode from a parse tree. He
wondered if it'd be worthwhile modifying it to generate parrot bytecode.
The discussion which followed covered various options for handling
Python code, ranging from bytecode transformation to translating the
source code into Perl 6 (which is probably the least likely to save Dan
from pie).

I'm not sure if a particular approach was chosen, but Michael 

The Perl 6 Summary

2003-07-21 Thread Piers Cawley
Perl 6 Summary for the week ending 20030720
Welcome back to an interim Perl 6 Summary, falling as it does between
two conference weeks; OSCON and YAPC::Europe. For reasons involving
insanity, a EuroStar ticket going begging, and undeserved generosity I
shall be bringing my conference haul up to 3 for the year. Yay me! Now
if I can just finagle a talk into the schedule I will have spoken at all
three too. I'll certainly have heckled at all three...

  The State of the Onion
Tim Howell wondered if Larry's State of the Onion address to OSCON would
be available anywhere. Robert White Camel Spier didn't rest on his
laurels, but posted a link to Larry's slides and transcript. Chromatic
popped up with a different link, which neatly combines slides and
transcript. However, they both lack the funny balloon pony which I gave
Larry just before the talk. Maybe there will be video later.

  A Small Perl Task for the Interested
A few weeks back, Dan asked for volunteers to improve Parrot's build
system. Lars Balker Rasmussen stepped up to the plate and offered a
simple wrapper. Josh Wilmes seems to be somewhat sceptical about the
whole endeavour, pointing at libtool as an illustration of the size of
the problem.

Parrot is in the process of getting an env PMC, for accessing
environment variables. Dan and Leo's discussion of the patch took in
iterators and the wisdom of caching values. In the end, Dan prevailed
and the environment PMC doesn't cache values.

  Dan on threading
Yes, [there is some plan of how threading will work in Parrot]. (Though
there's some disagreement [as] to the solidity and sanity of the plan)

Dan went on to outline the plan.

  Event handling
Event handling appears to be the topic of the week. The consensus seems
to be that getting it right is hard. Lots of people offered constructive
suggestions and/or problem cases. I sat on the sidelines and trusted
them to get it Right (a strategy which seems to pay off remarkably
often, thankfully).

Damien Neil was rather less sure of the wisdom of Parrot's events and
asynchronous IO model, arguing for a system based on threading. Dan was
unconvinced. I don't think Damien was convinced either.

  IMCC sub names are not labels
Luke Palmer had some problems with using continuation passing style
subroutines in IMCC. Leo initially pointed out that IMCC didn't support
CPS, then he fixed it so that it did (sort of, the user still has to do
a chunk of the work, but sometimes that's a good thing).

In an example of synchronicity, Will Coleda had a similar problem. Leo's
fix helped him too, and he went off to continue hacking on TCL. (It
helps me too, I have this cunning plot you see...)

  More on targeting GCC
In last week's summary I wondered what Tupshin Harper was talking about
when he suggested emulating a 'more traditional, stack-oriented
processor'. This week, Tupshin wished that 'people had the decency to
tell me how insane [the idea] is'. Dan obliged, telling Tupshin that he
was insane (but he did it with a smile).

The problem boils down to GCC's assumptions about the 'shape' of the
stack. GCC assumes a conventional, contiguous area of stack memory
filled with stack frames. Parrot assumes a garbage collected chain of
continuations, which is about as far as you can get from GCC's beliefs.

  Parrot_sprintf not recognizing 7 in precision
mrnobo1024 posted a patch to fix a minor niggle with Parrot_sprintf.
Leon Brocard applied it.

  Problems with new object ops
Dan has started adding real classes and objects to Parrot. (Yay!)

Simon Glover found some bugs. (Not entirely unexpected)

Simon also sent in a patch fixing the bugs. (Yay! Yay! and thrice Yay!)

  The big core.ops split
Brent Dax has started work on splitting core.ops up from being the
second largest file in the Parrot distribution (108k) into a total of
10, rather more narrowly defined .ops files. Benjamin Goldberg wondered
if this would be a good time for tidying up the parrot directory
structure (at the very least, he called for moving the source files into
a src subdirectory).

Dan asked for a volunteer to rough out a move plan coving which files
move where and what the new directory structure would look like, which
would allow the CPAN jockeys to rearrange things in such a way that the
various files remember their histories.

Josh Wilmes posted a monster patch to unify the various copyright
notices attached to the files 

This week's summary

2003-07-15 Thread Piers Cawley
Perl 6 Summary for the week ending 20030713
Welcome once again to the Perl 6 Summary, in a week of major
developments and tantalizing hints.

Starting, as usual, with what's happening in perl6-internals

  Targeting Parrot from GCC
Discussion in the thread entitled 'WxWindows Support / Interfacing
Libraries' centred on writing a Parrot backend to GCC. (No, I have no
idea what that has to do with the thread subject.) Tupshin Harper, Leo
Tötsch and Benjamin Goldberg discussed possibilities and potential
pit/pratfalls. At one point, Tupshin suggested emulating a 'more
traditional stack-oriented processor' and I don't think he was joking...

  Timely destruction and TRACE_SYSTEM_AREAS
Jürgen Bömmels' rewrite of Parrot IO is causing some problems with the
garbage collection (IO handles are the canonical examples of resources
that need timely destruction).

Leo tracked down the source of resource leak to a problem with handles
being found on the C stack. Jürgen wasn't happy about this (he's not
keen on the stack walking approach to garbage collection). He proposed
that we get rid of the stack walk in favour of some other solution to
the infant mortality problem and offered a few candidates. Leo said that
he didn't like walking the C stack, going so far as to state that
Timely destruction and solving infant mortality don't play together or
are mutually exclusive - in the current approach. Dan hasn't commented
on this yet.

  Parrot is not feature frozen
There was a certain amount of confusion as some old email with the
subject 'Parrot is feature-frozen until Wednesday' made its way into a
small number of inboxes sowing confusion as it went. Suffice to say,
Parrot is not currently feature frozen, though Steve Fink did say that
he was considering a point release once the imcc/parrot integration was
complete. If Dan gets objects and exceptions finished, then it might
even warrant a 0.1.0 version number rather than 0.0.11

  Perl* Abstraction
Luke Palmer has finally started to implement his Infinity PMC and has
noticed a lot of redundant code in the Perl* classes. He also noticed
that Parrot doesn't seem to have the distinction between container and
value that has been confusing people on the language list.

  Fun with ParrotIO
First, Jürgen Bömmels sent in a patch to excise integer file descriptors
from Parrot except when they are managed via ParrotIO PMCs. Leo applied

Clinton Pierce thought that this patch meant that a Win32 bug could be
closed in the Parrot bug database. This sparked a discussion with Leo,
and Jürgen, but I'm not entirely sure of the status of the bug...

  Jako groks basic PMCs
Gregor N Purdy seems to have started working on Jako again, and checked
in some changes allowing Jako to manipulate PMCs. People agreed that
this was cool.

  I want a Ponie!
The [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list was announced and I'll be
summarizing it as of next week when I've joined, caught up, and
generally recovered from America.

What's Ponie? Ponie is 'Perl On New Internal Architecture' or, as Thomas
Klausner put it, A version of Perl 5 that will run on Parrot, which
was announced by Larry at his OSCON 'State of the Onion' address.

Discussion of Ponie on the perl6-internals list centred on the What is
ponie? question, with a certain amount of Why ponie-dev, not
perl6-ponie? thrown in for good measure.

Brian Ingerson announced that he'd set up a Ponie Wiki, Leon Brocard
pointed at the use.perl story announcing Ponie, and your summarizer
punted on writing a description of the project himself. -- More on Ponie -- Ingy's Ponie Wiki -- use.perl announcement

Leo Tötsch checked in the beginnings of an exceptions system. Then he
checked in the beginnings of an events system.

Meanwhile, in perl6-language
There were all of 6 messages, all of them discussing the effects of
aliasing an array slice.

  Perl 6 Rules at OSCON
No, wait, that should be Perl6::Rules.

For his last talk at OSCON, Damian spoke about Perl6::Rules, his
implementation of Perl 6's rules system in pure Perl 5. And oh boy was
it tantalizing. He showed us something actually running a large chunk of
Perl 6 matching semantics, complete with handy debugging information,
diagnostic dumping and all the other useful stuff.

When we were all gagging for him to release it to CPAN immediately, he
told us that it wasn't finished yet; that he'd implemented it all 

This Week's Summary

2003-07-08 Thread Piers Cawley
Perl 6 Summary for the week ending 20030706
Welcome to this week's Perl 6 Summary, coming to you live from a
gatecrashed Speakers' lounge at OSCON/TPC, surrounded by all the cool
people like Dan Sugalski, Lisa Wolfisch, Graham Barr and Geoff Young,
who aren't distracting me from writing this summary at all.

10 minutes later, after the arrival of James Duncan and Adam Turoff, I'm
still not being distracted. Oh no... Leon Brocard's just arrived, which
helps with the running joke, but not with the 'getting the summary

So, we'll start as usual with the goings on in perl6-internals.

  More on Parrot's multiple stack implementations
Dan pointed out that, although Control, User and Pads share the same
stack engine, Pads should be implemented using a simple linked list. He
also confessed that all the register backing stacks should share an
implementation, but that he'd been too lazy to macro things up properly.

  Building IMCC as parrot
Leo Tötsch posted an initial patch to make IMCC build as the parrot
executable. And there was much Makefile debugging.

  Parrot IO work
Work on Parrot's IO system was ongoing this week.

  Parrot Exceptions
Discussion of possibly resumable exceptions continued, and morphed into
a discussion of the workings of warnings when Benjamin Goldberg wondered
if warnings were being implemented as exceptions.

The aren't. I think Benjamin was being confused by Perl 6's fail
function which can either issue a warning and return undef to its
caller's caller, or throw an exception, depending on a pragma whose name
I can't for the life of me remember.

  Parrot's build system.
Last week Dan asked for help writing a configuration and build system
that would allow per-C-file compiler flag overrides and various other
complexities. This week Alan Burlison worried that this approach looked
'*very* suspect'. This sparked a discussion of the proper way to do
interrupt safe queueing, reentrant code and other scary things.

I may be misreading what's being said in the thread, but it seems that
the scariest thing about the whole issue is that there's no portable way
of doing the Right Thing, which leads to all sorts of painful platform
dependencies and hoopage (From 'to jump through hoops', anything which
requires you to jump through a lot of hoops has a high degree of
hoopage. For the life of me I can't remember if it was me or Leon
Brocard who coined the term).

Swamps were mentioned. Monty Python skits were quoted. Uri Guttman was
overtaken by (MUAHAHAHAHAHA!) megalomania.

  Klaas-Jan Stol Explains Everything (part 1)
Last week I mentioned that I didn't know what Klaas-Jan Stol was driving
at when he proposed a general, language-independent argument PMC class
and hoped that he would provide an explanation, with code fragments.

This week, Klaas-Jan came through, and I think I understand what he
wants. Go read his explanation and see if you understand it too. It's to
do with when a parameter should be passed by reference or by value.
Parrot currently assumes that Strings and PMCs are passed by reference,
and that integers and floats are passed by value.

There was some discussion of whether support for optionally passing PMCs
by value should be added at the parrot level or whether individual
language compilers should be responsible for calling the appropriate PMC

  Moving ParrotIO to PMCs
Jürgen Bömmels is working hard on moving Parrot's IO-system to a fully
garbage collected PMC based system. He posted an initial patch
transforming ParrotIO structures into PMCs using a simple wrapping

The patch had problems because the new ParrotIO PMCs were marked as
needing active destruction, which could lead to problems with files
being closed twice and memory structures getting cleaned up twice. Which
is tends to make memory leak detecting tools a little unhappy. This bug
proved to be easy to fix. But then another one reared it's head and has
so far proved rather harder to fix.

  Jako gets modules (sort of)
Gregor N Purdy announced that he's added rudimentary module support to
his Jako little(?) language. A little late he announced that he'd added
rather less rudimentary module support.

  Stupid Parrot Tricks
Clinton Pierce, shooting for his 'mad genius' badge announced that he'd
implemented a simple CGI script in Parrot BASIC. Everyone gasped. Robert
Spier decided that the time may have come to start playing with
mod_parrot (embedding Parrot in Apache) again. -- that BASIC CGI URL


This week's summary

2003-06-30 Thread Piers Cawley
The Perl 6 Summary for the week ending 20030629
Welcome to the third of my US tour Perl 6 summaries. Once again I'm
pleased to report that the denizens of the Perl 6 mailing lists continue
to make the life of a touring summarizer an easy one by not posting all
that much to the lists. So, I can sit here in my room at the Shaker Inn
in Enfield and marvel at the traffic noise outside, wonder about the car
next door with the New Hampshire plates reading PERLFAN, and just
generally appreciate the loveliness of the room.

But, while I'm doing that, I should start with perl6-internals

At the end of last week, Dan outlined his thoughts on how exception
handling will work in Parrot. This week, people talked about it.
Discussion revolved around how much information should be attached to an
exception and how/whether we should support resumable exceptions.

  More on Continuation Passing
Last week I said that I get the strong feeling that Leo Tötsch isn't
entirely happy with the new Continuation Passing Style. This week Leo
corrected me; I hadn't noticed that the speed issues had been addressed
by the latest changes to parrot (in fact the current CPS implementation
is faster than the old invoke/ret scheme.

Sean O'Rourke addressed Leo's problem with the Perl 6 Compiler tests
failing by saying that the compiler should really be ported to use CPS
rather than implementing a new variant of the Sub PMC that uses the old
scheme. Leo reckoned that such a port wasn't currently doable because
IMCC needed to be modified to use the CPS scheme, which would also
involve reworking the register allocator. Given Leo's prodigious rate of
implementation, this may have already happened.

  IMCC/Parrot leak
Clinton A. Pierce had reported a memory leak in Parrot, but tracked it
down to a situation where he was doing:

.arg 0
call _foo

And forgetting to take the 0 off the stack. However, even after he'd
fixed that, he had segfault issues, and posted a (largish) code fragment
that tweaked the bug.

It appears that Parrot wasn't throwing warnings when stacks get to big,
just failing silently. Leo added a check for too deeply nested stacks,
which at least avoids segfaulting on logic bugs.

Leo and Dan discussed other places where such limit checking should be
put in place. Dan also muttered something about turning stack chunks
into PMCs, allowing for the garbage collection of stack frames. Leo also
muttered about the proliferation of stack implementations in Parrot
(there are five) and thinks it should be possible to have one general
stack engine.

  Making + a unary operator
Bernhard Schmalhofer found a problem with the Perl 6 implementation.

print +42, \n;

printed '42', but omitted the carriage return. He fixed this by making
+ into a unary operator as well as a binary operator and sent the
patch to the list, where it was applied. Good catch Bernhard.

  ParrotIO File-Descriptors
Jürgen Bömmels is in the process of porting the IO subsystem from its
current mem_sys_alloc/free based implementation to the sunny, garbage
collected, uplands of a PMC based implementation. However, he's run into
a problem; some of the operations in op.ops use integer File
Descriptors, grabbing information from a table in the interpreter
structure. This gets in the way of garbage collection, since any integer
could be a file descriptor.

Jürgen proposed removing the integer file descriptors and mandating that
ParrotIO PMCs be the only way to access IO (including the standard
STDIN, STDOUT and STDERR). He proposed adding get_std[in|out|err] ops
to get at the standard streams.

Dan suggested that Jürgen Just Do It; the current IO system being more
than slightly hackish, it was essentially put in place until something
better came along.

  Small Perl task for the interested
Want to get involved in the Parrot development process? Don't know much
about Virtual Machine design and implementation? Do know Perl? Dan has a
small but interesting task for you.

At present, Parrot gets built without any compiler level optimizations
turned on because files like tsq.c can't have any optimizations turned
on (tsq.c is the thread safe queue module, which is annoyingly
execution-order-dependent because it has to operate safely as interrupt
code potentially interrupting itself).

Dan would like a version of which can build a makefile (or
whatever build tool we end up using) with per-C-file compiler flags, and
it needs to be possible to override those flags, per file, by the
platform configuration module.

Interested? David Robins seems to be, and 

Re: Perl6 Daydreams (on topic but frivolous)

2003-06-28 Thread Piers Cawley
Rafael Garcia-Suarez [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Jonathan Scott Duff wrote in perl.perl6.language :
 My only dream is that by this time next year we have a fully-
 functional-people-can-use-it-in-production Perl6.  It doesn't even
 have to be 100% complete; I think just 85% would be enough if it were
 the right 85%.

 20% would be enough if it's what it takes to get 80% of the job done ;-)

Eggzackerly. I'm looking forward to getting the rules/grammar engine
up and running in Parrot. (Hell, getting a rules/grammer engine up and
running in pure perl5 would be a good start)


Re: Exceptions

2003-06-27 Thread Piers Cawley
Luke Palmer [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 This is more of a language thang, so I've redirected your message
 there [here].

 The most fundamental feature throwing an exception is that it transfers
 program execution from the call site. Allowing the caller to resume
 execution at that site is a very dangerous form of action at a distance.

 According to you. :-)

 I think you'd be better off a giving the caller an explicit way to
 inhibit throwing an exception. That is, use program design rather than
 language features to provide this functionality. e.g., a delegate:
 $ex = new My::Exception: ...;
 die $ex
   unless .delegate  .delegate.should_ignore_ex($_, $ex));
 Not only is the above pattern clearer to read and less afflicted by
 action at a distance, but it provides a wider bidirectional interface.

 It also has high inertia and is pretty verbose for error reporting.
 The thing about reporting errors is that it needs to be short, easy to
 type, easy to think about, or else people won't do it.  Everyone did
 error checking in Perl 5 because it was a simple little Cor die.

 But I think you've got one thing right: giving the exception thrower
 control.  The thing about Cdie is that it denotes a fatal error --
 saying Cdie in a function is basically saying I can't continue
 after this... so you Iprobably shouldn't be allowed to continue it.
 If an error isn't fatal, you're supposed to use Cwarn.

What's being said is I can't continue after this with the data and
code as they are. I can envisage Perl code running in a Smalltalk
like environment where catching such an exception would throw up a
debugger allowing the programmer to alter either a variable, the
exceptional code, or just faking a return value and either retrying or
continuing. This kind of approach makes for a remarkably powerful way
of doing, say, test first programming. You just write your test and
start the test suite running, when this throws an 'unknown method
exception' or whatever, you use the debugger to implement/stub out the
method in question, retry, and repeat until the test stops throwing

 So, maybe what's needed is a Cwarn catcher (CWARNCATCH... eew),
 where Cwarn would throw an exception object with an attached
 continuation.  And of course, if a warning reached the top of the
 stack without being caught, it would print itself and invoke its

In theory a thrown exception can include everything that's known about
the runstate of your program at the time the exception was thrown. And
it can't know how that information may be used by some handler up the
chain. This implies to me that the correct behaviour when throwing a
generic exception is to bundle up all the information available and
leave it up to the catcher to decide what to do with it. Yes, this
does mean that the catcher might be able to do some Really Stupid
things, but if you don't open the door to Mr Stupid you are in danger
of slamming it in the face of Mr Powerful.

It seems to me that Perl's usual approach in such situations has been
to leave the door unlocked...


Re: Lightweight Object Existance Proxies

2003-06-25 Thread Piers Cawley
Further to the lightweight proxy thing, one of the things that proves
to be something of a pain in Pixie is writing 'self replacing'
proxies, where, once something is actually fetched from the database,
the proxy should go away. You can't simply assign to $_[0] (at least
in Perl 5) because that doesn't change every container that contains a
reference to the proxy. Right now, we do it with evilness like 

%{$self} = %{$the_real_object}

which, whilst it fixes the Doesn't change everywhere issue, can
cause problems when classes track their instances.

So, the question is, if I do:

class Proxy {

  method AUTOLOAD($methodspec) {
$_ := .get_the_real_thing;
.DISPATCH($methodspec); # Or whatever restarts the dispatch sequence

(Where C$methodspec is a handwavy object that encapsulates all the
information that Perl collects for dispatch purposes, hopefully
including at least context, methodname and parameters).

Will the proxy replace itself everywhere at a stroke, or will it do
the replacements piecemeal, replacing each reference to the proxy as
it tries to invoke a method on it?


This week's summary

2003-06-23 Thread Piers Cawley
The Perl 6 Summary for the week ending 20030622
Welcome to my first anniversary issue of the Perl 6 Summary. Hopefully
there won't too many more anniversaries to celebrate before we have a
real, running Perl 6, but there's bound to be ongoing development after
that. My job is secure!

Because I can't think of anything better to do, I'll start with the
action on the perl6-internals list

  Converting parrot to continuation passing style
The ongoing effort to convert Parrot to use/support continuation passing
style (CPS) at the assembler level continues. Jonathan Sillito offered
another patch implementing the require support, which Dan liked and

Klaas-Jan Stol wondered what he'd missed; last time he looked Parrot
wasn't doing continuation passing. He asked why Dan had chosen to go
down that route. Dan answered that he had realized that we had to save
off so much state that we essentially had a continuation anyway.
Explicitly going with continuation passing just made things more formal,
and wrapped up all the context saving behind a straightforward
interface. He promised a more detailed explanation later.

  Portable way of finding libc, unbuffered reads
Clinton Pierce noted that the following code:

loadlib P1, /lib/
dlfunc P0, P1, system, it
set I0, 1
set S5, ls

just works, which simultaneously pleases and scares him silly. He
wondered if there was a good way of finding the standard C library on a
Unix system without scary hardwiring as in the fragment above. He also
wondered if there was an 'official' way of getting an unbuffered read
via parrot.

Jens Rieks came up with a gloriously evil way of finding libc. The
theory goes that Parrot is linked against libc, so you just have to
dlopen the running image and you can call libc functions to your
heart's content. To dlopen the running image you need to pass a NULL
pointer to the underlying loadlib so he offered a patch to core.ops
which interpreted an empty string as a pointer to NULL. Leo and Dan were
impressed and the patch (or something similar) was applied. I get the
feeling that Dan wants to do something a little less hacky to access the
current executable though...

Clint noted that the dlopen the running image by passing a null pointer
trick doesn't work with Windows, but outlined a workaround for that too.
Jen Rieks suggested a better Windows workaround.

Nobody came up with an approved way of doing getc, but once you have
libc loaded you can just use its getc.

  OO, Objects
If you look in a fresh from CVS parrot directory you'll now find
object.ops, which will be the cause of much rejoicing in many places.
Dan's nailed the object spec down enough that he's started implementing
a few of the required ops. As he points out, what we have is hardly
sufficient, but everyone's got to start somewhere, the journey of a
thousand miles begins with but a single step, etc.

Judging by the number of comments (none), everyone was stunned into

  More CPS shenanigans
I get the strong feeling that Leo Tötsch isn't entirely happy with the
new Continuation Passing Style regime. He's worried that the P6C tests
break, and that CPS subs are some 3 times slower for calling the sub.
This led into a discussion of what context really must go into a
continuation, whether we can get away with different classes of
continuation (hold more or less contextual information) and other ways
of possibly speeding things up.

I'm not sure Leo has been entirely convinced, but I'm confident that
Dan's not going to change his mind about this.

Leo later submitted a large patch which unifies the various subroutine
related PMCs to take into account CPS.

Now that the rules for subs/methods etc are settling down, Dan outlined
his thoughts on exception handlers. If I'm understanding him correctly,
an exception handler is just a continuation that you invoke with the
exception as its only argument. There were no comments by the end of the

Meanwhile in perl6-language
The language list was quiet again. Maybe everyone was doing face to face
things at YAPC. Or on holiday. Or something.

  printf like formatting in interpolated strings
Remember last week I mentioned that Luke Palmer had made a cool
suggestion about printf like formatting in string interpolation? (He
suggested a syntax like rx/expression but formatted(formatspec)/,
which I for one quite liked).

Edwin Steiner wasn't so keen, noting that Luke's suggestion was actually
more verbose than rx/sprintf formatspec, expression/. He wasn't

Re: Dispatching, Multimethods and the like

2003-06-17 Thread Piers Cawley
Adam Turoff [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Damian just got finished his YAPC opening talk, and managed to allude
 to dispatching and autoloading.

 As it *appears* today, regular dispatching and multimethod dispatching
 are going to be wired into the langauge (as appropriate).  Runtime
 dispatch behavior will continue to be supported, including things like
 AUTOLOADER and the like.

Whoah! The wired in dispatch rules are going to be runtime dispatch
rules, but with potential compile time short circuiting where the
compiler knows enough stuff (frankly, I'm not sure I'd expect to see
compile time short circuiting in perl 6.0, maybe in 6.001 or whatever)

 As of January, the thinking is sub DISPATCH {} will handle runtime
 dispatching behaviors, including autoloading, but easily accomodating
 value-based dispatching, AOP style pre/post methods, and whatnot.  

 Unfortunately, Damian said that the design team isn't saying much about
 this, because the semantics aren't quite worked out yet, especially with
 the interaction between autoloading and other dynamic dispatching

 Yes, this is a *big* issue.

Yeah, but it's a late binding one.


Re: an idle question: returning from a nested call

2003-06-16 Thread Piers Cawley
David Storrs [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 So, as I sweat here in the salt mines of C++, longing for the
 cleansing joy that Perl(5 or 6, I'd even take 4) is, I find myself
 with the following problem:

 Frequently, I find myself writing stuff like this:

 void Ficp400::SaveRow(long p_row) 
   // if p_row is marked as deleted, return
   if (GetStatus(row)  FLX_ROW_DELETE) { return; }


 As a general rule, I don't like comments.  When I see a comment, I
 want to turn it into a function name.  So, I keep wanting to be able
 to write the above code like so:

 void Ficp400::SaveRow(long p_row) 


 Now, in C++ (or P6, FTM), I could make this work via a macro, but
 that's ugly.  In P6, I could make it work by passing the current
 continuation down to Return_If_Is_Deleted and call the continuation if
 the row is in fact deleted, but that will require an extra param.  Is
 there a way to make it work as written?  I'm thinking maybe the
 Ccaller object would have something that would allow me to jump to
 the right point (i.e., caller[2]).

Something in Damian's talk this morning reminded me that:

   void Ficp400::SaveRow(long p_row) {
   when row_is_deleted { }

Will do a magic return. I do wonder if it'll simply return from
SaveRow, or from the innermost enclosing Cgiven


This week's Perl 6 Summary

2003-06-16 Thread Piers Cawley
The Perl 6 Summary for the week ending 20030615
Welcome to the last Perl 6 Summary of my first year of summarizing. If I
were a better writer (or if I weren't listening with half an ear to
Damian telling YAPC about Perl 6 in case anything's changed) then this
summary might well be a summary of the last year in Perl 6. But I'm not,
so it won't. Instead, I'm going to try and keep it short (summaries
generally take me about 8 hours on an average day, and I really don't
want to lose 8 hours of YAPC thank you very much).

It's getting predictable I know, but we'll start with the internals list

  Class instantiation and creation
Dan continued slouching towards full OO and outlined the issues involved
with setting up classes and asked for people's opinions. People offered

  Writing Language Debuggers
Clinton Pierce wanted to know how to go about writing language level
debuggers in Parrot. (This man is unstoppable I tell you.) He offered
some example code to show what he was trying to do. Benjamin Goldberg
had a style suggestion for the code, but nobody had much to say about
Clint's particular issue.

  Converting Parrot to continuation passing style
A lot of this week's effort was involved in getting support for the
Continuation passing style function calling into Parrot. Jonathan
Sillito posted a patch. This lead to a certain amount of confusion about
what needs to be stashed in the continuation and a certain amount of
bemusement about the implications of caller saves rather than callee
saves (in a nutshell, a calling context only has to save those registers
that *it* cares about; it doesn't have to worry about saving any other
registers, because its callers will already have saved them if they

Dan ended up rewriting the calling conventions PDD to take into account
some of the confusion revealed.

I think the upshot of this is that the Parrot core now has everything we
need to support the documented continuation passing calling conventions.
But I could be wrong.

  Segfaulting IMCC for fun and profit
Clint Pierce's BASIC implementation efforts continue to be one of the
most effective bug hunting (in code and/or docs) efforts the Parrot team
has. This time, Clint managed to segfault IMCC by trying to declare
nested .subs using the wrong sorts of names. Leo Tötsch explained how
to fix the problem. It seems that fixing IMCC to stop it segfaulting on
this issue is hard, since the segfault happens at runtime.

  Passing the time
Clint's BASIC can now place chess! Not very well, but we're in 'dogs
dancing' territory here. Bravo Clint! There was applause.

Meanwhile in Damian's YAPC address...
  New DISPATCH method
Last week Ziggy worried about multimethod dispatch not being good
enough. This week at YAPC, Damian announced DISPATCH, a scary magic
subroutine which allows you to define your own dispatch rules.
Essentially it gets called before the built in dispatch rules, beyond
that, I know nothing.

Sorry, no link for this.

Meanwhile in perl6-language
  Ziggy's obsoleted thread
Last week I mentioned that Adam Turoff had worried a little about
multimethod dispatch, and wanted to know if it would be possible to
override the dispatch system in an easy way. This week, he outlines the
sorts of things he might want to do.

See above for the resolution. Details don't exist just yet, but we'll
get there.

  Type Conversion Matrix, Pragmas (Take 4)
Michael Lazzaro posted the latest version of his Type Conversion Matrix
and asked for comments and hopefully definitive answers. There was a
small about of discussion...

  Returning from a nested call
Whilst idly 'longing for the cleansing joy [of] Perl', Dave Storrs
wondered how/whether he could write a method that would return from its
caller. Answer: Yes, use leave.

  printf like formatting in interpolated strings
Edward Steiner wondered about having some way to to printf like
formatting of numbers in interpolated strings. Luke Palmer (who just
told me he's embarrassed about something I wrote about something he said
last week, but I'd forgotten it) came up with a cool looking suggestion
in response.

Acknowledgements, Announcements and Apologies
Well, that wraps up my first year of summary writing. Thanks to everyone
for reading, it's been fun.

I have one announcement to make: As of next week, there will be no
obligatory reference to Leon Brocard -- I'm getting bored of it, you all
must have been bored with it for months...

If you've appreciated this 

Re: *Tap Tap*

2003-06-09 Thread Piers Cawley
Nicholas Clark [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 On Mon, Jun 09, 2003 at 09:56:06AM +0100, Piers Cawley wrote:
 Is this thing on? No messages since last Wednesday. Which admittedly
 makes a summarizer's life a good deal easier...

 It looks like it is.

 However, your life may be easier this week only, given that many
 armed and dangerous minds have been meeting up on the perl whirl, and
 may be about to unleash fearsome new concepts to the world. So it may
 only be the calm before the storm. Or I may be wrong.

Ah well, I'll be in Florida for the next one, hopefully I'll be able
ask some of said dangerous minds what on earth they're talking about.

Anyhoo, time to get this week's summary mailed out.


This week's summary

2003-06-09 Thread Piers Cawley
The Perl 6 Summary for the week ending 20030608
It's another Monday, it's another summary and I need to get this
finished so I can starting getting the house in order before we head off
to Boca Raton and points north and west on the long road to Portland,
Oregon. Via Vermont. (I'm English and as the poem comments, the rolling
English road is A rare road, a rocky road and one that we did tread //
The day we went to Birmingham by way of Beachy Head. Just because I'm
in America doesn't mean I can't take an English route to OSCON)

We'll start with the internals list this week (and, given that there are
only 18 or so messages in my perl6-language inbox, we may well stop

  Building IMCC as parrot
It's been pretty much decided that IMCC will soon become 'the' parrot
executable. Josh Wilmes, Robert Spier and Leo Perl Foundation grant
recipient Tötsch are looking into what needs to be done to make this
so. It's looking like the build system may well see some vigorous
cleanup action in this process.

  The Horror! The Horror!
Clint Pierce continued to expand on the internals of this Basic
implementation. The more I see of his pathological examples, the gladder
I am that I escaped BASIC as quickly as possible. Still, kudos to Clint
once more for the effort, even if it is a tad embarrassing that the most
advanced language hosted on Parrot is BASIC. (On IRC Leon Brocard and
others have been heard to remark that they're? unlikely to go all out at
a real language until Parrot has objects. Dan?)

  The Horror! The Horror! Part II
The timely destruction thread still doesn't want to go away. Dan has
been heard muttering about this on IRC. Eventually, he did more than
mutter on IRC -- he stated clearly on list that 'We aren't doing
reference counting' and that as far as he is concerned the matter is

Dan's blog also has another of his excellent What The Heck Is posts,
this time about Garbage Collection. - What the Heck is: Garbage Collection

  The Continu(ation)ing Saga
Jonathan Sillito posted a longish meditation on Parrot's new
continuation passing calling conventions. He wondered if, now we have
continuation passing, we really needed the various register stacks that
were used in the old stack based calling conventions. Warnock's Dilemma
currently applies.

  Clint Pierce, IMCC tester extraordinaire
Over the past couple of week's Clint Pierce has been porting his BASIC
implementation over to run on IMCC. In the process of doing so he's been
finding and reporting all sorts of IMCC bugs and/or misunderstandings
and Leo Tötsch (usually) has either been correcting Clint's assumptions
or fixing the bugs he's found. I've mentioned a few of these exchanges
that generated longish threads in the past, but that hasn't covered
everything that's been found, discussed and fixed. It's been great to
see this sort of dialogue driving the design and implementation forward
based on the needs of a real program.

The thread I've linked to below is another exchange in this ongoing
dialogue. Clint found a way of reliably segfaulting IMCC. Leo fixed it.
And on to the next.

  And, on the subject of list stalwarts...
Jürgen Bömmels is still working away at the Parrot IO (PIO) subsystem.
In this particular patch, he's gone through the Parrot source replacing
occurrences PIO_fprintf(interpreter, PIO_STDERR(interpreter, ...) with
the better factored PIO_eprintf(interpreter, ...), which as well as
eliminating repetition, helps to keep the IO code slightly easier to

Leo applied the patch. (Although it's not mentioned explicitly
elsewhere, Leo continues to keep up his astonishing productivity with
various other patches to Parrot)

  Make mine SuperSized
Bryan C. Warnock continued to discuss issues of the size of Parrot's
various types, particularly the integer types that get used within a
running Parrot. Bryan argues that these should ideally use a given
platform's native types, worrying about guaranteed sizes only at the
bytecode loading/saving stage. Dan and others commented on this (Dan
essentially said that he understood what Bryan was driving at but wasn't
quite sure of the way forward, and outlined his options). Discussion

  Call invoke call?
Jonathan Sillito submitted a patch which changes invoke to call,
adds some PMC access macros and updates the tests. He and Leo Tötsch
discussed things for a while and I think the patch is in the process of
being rewritten as result of that discussion.


Re: Cothreads

2003-06-03 Thread Piers Cawley
Michael Lazzaro [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 On Monday, May 26, 2003, at 06:10 PM, Dave Whipp wrote:
 So, in summary, its good to have a clean abstraction for all the
 HCCCT things. But I think it is a mistake to push them too
 close. Each of the HCCCT things might be implemented as facades over
 the underlying othogonal concepts of data management and execution
 management (hmm, we mustn't forget IO and other resource managers).

 Yeah, that.

 What I STRONGLY SUGGEST WE AVOID is a situation where _some_ of
 those interfaces are object-based, using new Thread: or similar,
 and others of those are trait or keyword based, such as coro foo
 or sub foo is coroutine, and others are implicit and invisible

I would be very, very surprised to see a situation where you don't
have an object interface to the various things which are more usually
made with the various bits of syntactic sugar. A nice, consistent OO
API for these things will make the life of macro/refactoring
brower/SmalltalkLikeIDE/whatever author so much easier.


This week's Perl 6 Summary

2003-06-03 Thread Piers Cawley
The Perl 6 Summary for the week ending 20030601
Another Monday, another Perl 6 Summary. Does this man never take a
holiday? (Yes, but only to go to Perl conferences this year, how did
that happen?)

We start with the internals list as usual.

  More on timely destruction
The discussion of how to get timely destruction with Parrot's Garbage
Collection system continued. Last week Dan announced that, for languages
that make commitments to call destructors as soon as a thing goes out of
scope, there would be a set of helpful ops to allow languages to trigger
conditional DOD (Dead Object Detection) runs at appropriate times.
People weren't desperately keen on the performance hit that this entails
(though the performance hit involved with reference counting is pretty
substantial...) but we didn't manage to come up with a better solution
to the issue.

  Bryan C. Warnock, patchmonster of the week
Bryan C. Warnock seems to be attempting to outdo Leo Tötsch in the
patchmonster stakes this week. He put in a miscellany of patches dealing
with the Perl based assembler, opcode sizes, debugging flags and
probably others. Most of them were applied with alacrity.

  The Perl 6 Essentials book
Dan Sugalski gave a rundown of how the Perl 6 Essentials book came
about, what's in it and all that jazz. He started by apologizing for not
mentioning it before, but he thought he had. This led Clint Pierce to
wonder if there was something up with Dan's Garbage Collection system.
The existence of the book probably goes some way to explaining Leo
Tötsch's relative silence over the last few weeks. Nicholas Clark
wondered if it explains why Parrot doesn't have objects yet. Brent Dax
wondered when it would be available (by OSCON this year apparently).

  IMCC, PASM and constants/macros
Clint Pierce had some big headaches with moving his BASIC interpreter
over to IMCC owing to problems with .constant which is legal for the
assembler, but not for IMCC. Leo Tötsch pointed Clint at IMCC's .const
operator. Bryan Warnock wondered if IMCC and the assembler's syntax
couldn't be unified. Leo noted that it wasn't quite that straightforward
because .constant declares an untyped constant, but .const requires
a type as well. It turns out that .const wasn't quite what Clint
needed, so Leo pointed him at .sym and .local which do seem to do
what he needs.

  3-arg opens
Bryan Warnock wondered if

open I3, temp.file, r

was valid code. Answer, no, the right way to do it is the Perlish open
I3, temp.file, . Jürgen Bömmels promised more and better
documentation for the Parrot IO system. Eventually.

  Smaller PMCs
Leo Tötsch's work on the new PMC layout continues apace. I'm afraid I
don't quite understand what's going on in this area, which does make it
rather tricky to summarize things. It seems to have a good deal to do
with memory allocation and garbage collection... Leo thinks that it's
the right thing, but there seem to be issues involved with good ways of
allocating zeroed memory.

  An experimental Wiki for parrot development
Mitchell N Charity has put up an experimental Wiki for Parrot and primed
it with a few things. Stéphane Payrard pointed out that it's rather hard
to make a WikiWord from, for example, PMC. (10 points to the first
person to email [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the expansion of PMC).

  IMCC packfile bug
While toying with, Luke Palmer discovered that it doesn't want
to play with IMCC generated .pbc files. Apparently this is because we
currently have two bytecode file formats. Leo Tötsch thought the problem
lay with which is old and slow and doesn't produce 'proper'
parrot bytecode. Leo also thought that the way worked wasn't
actually any use. Dan reckoned the time had come to ditch
too, and reckoned there was a case for renaming IMCC as parrot since it
can run either .pbc or assembly files. Leo liked the idea, but is
concerned about the state of the Tinderbox.

  Method Calling
Dan tantalized all those waiting eagerly for objects in Parrot by
discussing how to make method calls. This, of course, means a few new
ops, called findmeth, callmeth and callccmeth for the time being.
Jonathan Sillito had a few naming consistency issues with the ops. Dan
agreed there were issues and asked for suggestions for an opcode naming

  Simple Constant Propagation in IMCC
Matt Fowles posted a patch to add simple constant propagation to IMCC.
Essentially this means that, say

set I0, 5
set I1, 2
set I2, I1
add I2, I0


Re: Ruminating RFC 93- alphabet-blind pattern matching

2003-04-03 Thread Piers Cawley
Luke Palmer [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 On Thu, Apr 03, 2003 at 07:29:37AM -0800, Austin Hastings wrote:
 This has been alluded to before.
 What would /A*B*/ produce?
 Because if you were just processing the rex, I think you'd have to
 finish generating all possibilities of A* before you began iterating
 over B*...
 The proper way would be to first produce all possibilities of length n 
 before giving any possibility of length n+1.
 I haven't spent a milisecond of working out whether that's feasible to 
 implement, but from a theoretical POV it seems like the solution.

 Well, I'm not certain there is really a proper way.  But sure, your
 way is doable.

 use Permutations permutations compositions;

 # Generate all strings of length $n
 method Rule::Group::generate(Int $n) {  # Type sprinkles :)
 compositions($n, [EMAIL PROTECTED]) == map {
 my @rets = map { 
 } zip(@.atoms, $_);
 *permutations([EMAIL PROTECTED])

 How's that for A4 and A6 in a nutshell, implementing an A5 conept? :)
 I hope I got it right

For bonus points:

method Rule::Group::generate_all($self:) {
for 1 .. Inf - $i {
yield $_ for $self.generate($i);

Hmm... I wonder if there's a way of making the basic 'generate' method
lazy too.


This week's Perl 6 Summary

2003-03-31 Thread Piers Cawley
The Perl 6 Summary for the week ending 20030330
Welcome once again to the gallimaufry that is a Perl 6 summary.
Unfettered this week by the presence of feline distraction we plunge
straight into the crystal clear waters of perk6-internals.

  Iterator proof of concept
People must really like Leo Tötsch's Iterator proposal and patch. There
was only one comment about it this week (from Leo, so I'm not sure if it
counts) asking for thoughts about a possible Ref or Reference class.

Zach Lipton announced that he has Bonsai up and running on the Parrot
CVS repository. This gives us a shiny new way of looking at the history
of the distribution. Thanks Zach.

  BASIC, IMCC and Windows
Clinton A Pierce had problems trying to get IMCC building correctly
under Win32 in order to generate a binary distribution for the win32
platform. He finally brought up a working IMCC on Friday and asked for
comments about what a binary distribution should look like.

Inspired by the argument processing in Leon Brocard's uniq(1)
implementation, Jonathan Scott Duff presented a getopt macro for Parrot
programmers. Benjamin Goldberg had a few suggestions about how to make
things a little more flexible.

  Patch to examples/assembly/cat.pasm
Paul Duncan offered a patch to examples/assembly/cat.pasm which would
cause it to terminate when it received a ctrl-D.

  IMCC and scientific notation
Having got IMCC working in a win32 environment, Clinton A Pierce
discovered that IMCC didn't understand scientific notation, but the
parrot assembler does. Leo Tötsch pointed out that it sort of does, but
instead of 1e20 you have to write 1.e20. Joseph Ryan wondered if
handling scientific notation wasn't really a job for individual
compilers, but Clint and Mark Biggar explained why this wasn't a good
idea. As Mark said, in a world with BigFloats you don't want to have to
expand 1e2048 into a 2049 character string if you can possibly help it.

  RT spam
Someone claiming to be Marla Hurley crawled out from under a stone and
took it upon themselves to offer credit to the perl6 RT installation.
Thanks. We needed that.

Meanwhile, over in perl6-language
The language list was again busier than the internals list this week,
but volume has fallen on both lists. (If you don't count an off topic
thread on the internals list, which I haven't, there were only 22
messages there this week. And very few patches from Leopold Tötsch, I
hope he's all right.)

  is static?
Discussion of static/state variables continued. Arcadi Shehter wondered
if it made sense to attach but properties to closures. I confess I
didn't really understand what he was driving at. Austin Hastings and
Larry saw something in it, and the question shifted to ways of doing
state variable initialization, which in turn led to possible changes in
the various control of flow keywords. As Larry pointed out, if you have
a static variable:

   state $variable

Then, assuming that you need 'undef' to be a possible value for your
variable, you need some way of doing once and only one initialization of
that variable.

   state $variable;
   ONCE_AND_ONLY_ONCE { $variable = $initial_value };

The problem is that INIT and CHECK blocks happen too early; in the code
above, $initial_value may well not be set, if your state variable is set
up inside a closure this becomes even more likely. Larry reckons that
the most useful initialization semantics appear to be 'just in time'. In
other words you want initialization to happen on the first actual call
to a closure. But FIRST {...} is already taken, so Larry is
considering renaming FIRST and LAST to ENTER and LEAVE, freeing up FIRST
to mean my very first time. Freudian analysis was discouraged.

  Argument initializations
Michael Lazzaro summarized the various different and proposed assignment
operators available in Perl 6, including a proposed ::= for 'only
assign to uninitialized variables'. Michael wondered how these could be
used in method signatures and proposed some changes to the signature
system as set out in Apocalypse 6. People were dubious about this, with
Damian saying I don't think that allowing 20 different types of
assignment in the parameter list of a subroutine actually helps at all.
I'm not sure Michael is convinced yet.

Michael Lazzaro asked if anyone was actually working on P6ML (a project
name that popped up last week in the 'XML is too hard for Programmers'
thread) and if there was any idea of what such a project would 

Re: This week's Summary

2003-03-26 Thread Piers Cawley
Matthijs van Duin [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Apologies for nitpicking, but you misspelled my name as Mattijs 4
 times in the summary.  The right spelling is Matthijs :-)

Argh! Kill me now. Please. Damn, damn and double damn. I say, Simon
old chap, you couldn't fix that on the site could you?

Expect an apology in the next summary to go with this one.

I'm very, very sorry.


Re: list manners question

2003-03-26 Thread Piers Cawley
Paul [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Hi all.

 I note that quite often I find myself wanting to express agreement or
 disagreement with some point made on the list, but without anything of
 value to add other than a vote on the matter. When this happens I
 usually ~try~ to bite my metaphorical tongue and just file the
 information away while deleting the message, at least until I can
 contribute meaningfully.

I think it's worth saying 'me too' to something if it's sat there with
no responses for a couple of days. If only to help the poster (and
summarizer, he said selfishly) of the horns of Warnock's Dilemma. If
there's ongoing debate then it's unnecessary.


This week's Summary

2003-03-25 Thread Piers Cawley
The Perl 6 Summary for the week ending 20030323
Assuming I can tear myself away from stroking the cat who has just
magically appeared on my chest and is even now trying to wipe his dags
on my nose, welcome one and all to another Perl 6 summary, which should
go a lot quicker now that Sully has moved off and let me see the screen.
He'll be back though. But before that happens we'll start with

  Speed question: save/restore vs push/pop
Benjamin Goldberg wondered about how many saves it takes to be slower
than one pushx. Steve Fink pointed out that save and pushx are not
interchangeable as they push things onto totally different stacks
(save pushes onto the generic user stack, pushx push onto type
specific register frame stacks). Leo Tötsch ignored this difference
(which Ben was apparently aware of) and did some tests which showed
that, on his local architecture and core, 2 saves were slower than one
push. On Dan's machine, it took 3 saves to be slower than one push. Dan
also pointed out that, on some architectures, there's a subtle win with
saves because a push would dirty the L1 and L2 caches while the save
wouldn't. (On SPARC at least, apparently).

  Baby Steps in porting IO to the PIO architecture
Last week, Leon Brocard posted his implementation of the uniq(1) Unix
utility to PASM. This week, Jürgen Bömmels' ongoing project of moving
Parrot's IO operators from the STDIO library to Parrot's own PIO library
(which is asynchronous and a combination of lovely and scary by all
reports.) broke this because PIO didn't have any read buffering
capabilities, which means that the readline op didn't work.

On Monday, Jürgen had write buffering working, which Dan applied with
alacrity while making noises about needing to finish up the
documentation for Parrot's asynchronous IO system. There was some debate
on whether a PIO flush should force a write to the disk, or simply
ensure that all the buffers were flushed to the OS. Nicholas Clark
discussed some issues he'd had with Perl 5.8's PerlIO system, and the
need for two different kinds of flush, or more succinctly, the need to
distinguish 'flush' from 'sync'. Dan was convinced by this argument and
Steve Fink seconded the decision.

Then, on Sunday, Jürgen released a patch which got read buffering
working. Dan had a few problems with it and the patch hadn't been
applied by the end of the week. I'm sure it'll go in like a greased
weasel once that's been fixed though. -- Jürgen adds write buffering -- Nicholas discusses different types of flush -- Jürgen adds read buffering

  PBC Object Files
Michael Collins wondered if it might be a good idea to come up with a
parrot 'object file' specification. I liked Michael's description of an
object file as 'a file that contains compiled instructions plus a
section with a table that maps subroutine/constant labels to their
corresponding byte offsets within the file.' Leo Tötsch's answer was
'not yet'. Apparently the basic functionality is there but there are
some cleanups and a couple of opcodes needed.

  Parrot binaries
Ask Bjørn Hansen posted to say that he'd been trying to make an RPM
.spec file for parrot and had noted the lack of a make install target.
He also wondered about the permissions of various files in the
distribution, which seem somewhat cockeyed. Steve Fink posted a patch
which covered some of this (or at least the make install and RPM issues)
with tools which would generate RPMs and asked for comments on his work.
Leo Tötsch liked it and offered a couple of suggestions -- Steve's working patch

  Some comments on PDD 14 Big Numbers
Mark Biggar, who implemented the original Big* packages for Perl had
some suggestions about Parrot's big number handling based on PDD 14.
Benjamin Goldberg wondered if it would be a good idea to design our
BigInt type so that we could replace the maths engine with a different
engine so that users could pick which ever engine they prefer as
configuration option, and so that new maths engines could be added
without having to make wholesale changes.

  99 bottles of beer on the wall
Douglas Hunter appears to have noticed that, up until now, Parrot had
lacked a vital program -- one which would output the lyrics to that well
known song, *99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall*. So, being a community
spirited kind of chap, he implemented just that and posted it to the
list. A few people quibbled about his style (unnecessary labels, that
sort of thing). Leo Tötsch pointed out, with the aid of some IMCC output
that the optimizer caught those issues 

Re: is static? -- Question

2003-03-24 Thread Piers Cawley
Matthijs van Duin [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 On Sat, Mar 22, 2003 at 10:24:09PM +0200, arcadi shehter wrote:
  sub a {
  state $x;
  my $y;
  my sub b { state $z ; return $x++ + $y++ + $z++ ; }
  return b;   # is a \ before b needed?

will all b refer to  the same $z ?

 yes, they will

Are you sure about that. If state is declaring a lexically scoped
alias to a property of the block/sub, then each invocation of a will
generate a different block/sub b, which implies that the various b
instances won't share the same $z property.

 does it mean that this is legitimate  sub a {
  state $x;
  my $y;
  state sub b { state $z ; return $x++ + $y++ + $z++ ; }
  return b;   # is a \ before b needed?

 No, since you can't refer to $y in that sub (perl 5 actually allows
 you to do that but gives a warning 'Variable %s will not stay
 shared' - but I hope perl 6 will simply give a compile-time error)

Personally I would hope that it would correctly close over
$y. Especially if, as you claim, $z would be shared by all values of
b. Otherwise there's no way to get that particular behaviour. 


Re: grab-bag questions

2003-03-24 Thread Piers Cawley
David Storrs [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:


 Apologies...I actually put them into one mail deliberately, because I
 didn't want to burn more mindspace than necessary...people could skim
 all my questions at once, answer those they were interested in, and be
 done. I didn't think about how this would impact the summaries.

I confess I've been bitten by the 'grab bag' thing before and didn't
sit back and notice that, whenever there was such a post, the summary
dealing with it got muddy. Your list of questions was the first time
I've actually thought about why that was.


Re: survey page? [OT, was Re: is static?]

2003-03-18 Thread Piers Cawley
Michael Lazzaro [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 As much as people hated it, I think the P6 Operators thread was
 *quite* beneficial.  It lead to the saving of ^ xor, and the hyper
 syntax, and quite a few other improvements, and got things pinned down
 squarely.  I wouldn't mind seeing more of that level of disciplined
 debate, but it's difficult to pull off.

What I hated about the P6 Operators thread was the repetitiveness. And
having to summarize it. That was definitely painful.


This week's Perl 6 Summary

2003-03-18 Thread Piers Cawley
 an Int. Or maybe it plays one on TV.

This thread is still very much underway as I write this summary, so
attempting to summarize it is akin to summarizing a book when you're
halfway through it; you're never quite sure what are the important bits.
Hopefully things will be a little nearer resolution next week and you'll
get a more coherent summary of the conclusions. -- the inference subthread -- My head hurts

  Signatures zones and line noise
Brent Dax wasn't keen on the new syntax for declaring whether parameters
were optional, positional, named or variadic (greedy) and wondered if we
couldn't use something prettier (wordier) with named traits ($x is
optional etc). Damian thought that would be 'uncomfortably prolix' with
default values ending up a long way from their owners. Paul and Brent
proposed allowing

multi substr(Str $str, $from = $CALLER::_ is optional
   $len  = Inf is optional,
   $new is optional) {

but Damian pointed out that this could lead to badness because, in a
signature the is would bind to the variable, but in a normal variable
declaration and assignment the is would bind to the value, which would
be confusing. There was some discussion of appropriate names for the
other 'linenoise' in signatures, specifically the choice of name for the
* type. The three front runners appear to be 'variadic', 'greedy' and
'slurpy/slurpificatious'. I like 'greedy', but then I'm close to the
person who proposed it.

  In which Luke Palmer gets ignored
Luke Palmer had things to say about Appendix C of the apocalypse,
specifically to do with temp/let and with caller and Continuations.
Maybe what he said on these subjects was completely uncontroversial, but
nobody has replied to either of them yet. -- temp/let -- Continuations

  Multi promotion
Richard Proctor wondered what would happen if you declared a multimethod
with the same name as a previously declared normal sub/method.
Specifically he wanted to know if the new declaration would
automagically turn the old one into a multimethod. Michael Lazzaro
thought not. As did Damian and Larry. Damian provided a summary of the
rules for subroutine/method dispatch, which look wonderfully
subvertable. Piers Cawley wondered if it would be possible to get at a
'dispatcher' object and/or override it in a lexical scope, nothing that
sometimes, he scares himself. Nicholas Clark seemed to think Piers
wasn't completely insane before going on to talk about wrapping and
unwrapping in the case when the wrapper has itself been wrapped. Larry
seemed to think that unwrapping should still do the right thing even if
the wrapper being removed is itself wrapped. -- Dispatch rules (OK?)

  Wrappers vs. Efficiency
In the Apocalypse, Larry talked about the performance implications of
generalized function wrappers and brought up the idea of subroutine
traits which would mark a sub as unwrappable, giving is inline as an
example. John Siracusa asked that whatever the 'specific definition for
speed' is that forbids runtime wrapping, it shouldn't be spelled
'inline' (though inline may imply don't wrap me please). A few people
agreed, but things mostly got left vague.

  Macro invocants
Dave Whipp wondered about using macros to do things like:

my Database $db = MySqlDatabase.connect(...);
$ * FROM Foo WHERE LIKE a%b;

by implementing select as a macro. Larry thought so, but you would
have to export the macro into the calling context. Larry added that you
would probably implement that particular functionality by treating
.select as an infix macro with a specially parsed argument on its
right hand side (the SQL statement). David thought this was a little
clunky and proposed macromethod as a way to avoid the export
requirements. Luke Palmer was unconvinced and it went back and forth a
few times.

Larry wasn't convinced by David's suggestion either, commenting that
'mixing such compile-time semantics with a notation that supposedly
mandates run-time dispatch is a recipe for a certain amount of confusion
no matter how well we do it.'

  Overloading multis on constness of parameters
Joe Gottman wondered if it would be possible to overload multimethods
based on the const-ness of a parameter is the same way C

Re: A6: Signature zones and such

2003-03-14 Thread Piers Cawley
Brad Hughes [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Piers Cawley wrote:
 Nope, send it to TPF as discussed. It's what I've said in all the
 summaries after all. I just hope that a chunk of it ends up in Larry's

 Does anyone know if TPF is set up to allow earmarked contributions?

Dunno. But I'm merely expressing a preference. TPF can do with it what
they will.


Re: A6: Strict signature checking - was: Complex Parameter Types

2003-03-13 Thread Piers Cawley
Damian Conway [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Austin Hastings wrote:

 But what's the vision for p6? My expectation is that the
 type-checking stuff will be heavily used
 1- Large scale projects.
 2- CPAN modules.
 I expect that the folks who want to do one-liners will still want to
 able to say Cperl6 -MCPAN whatever
 So the strict bits have to be forgiving of the non-strict

 To me that's a contradiction in terms. Strictness can't be forgiving.
 At the risk of stating the obvious, that's the whole point of strictness:
 to be strict.

 What we're suggesting is that if you want to be non-strict, don't use types.
 After all, they're optional.

 But, (I hear you say), I may not have a choice! If the Cruel Module
 Author chose to use types, then I'm forced to do so too. That's not

 And you're right. The module author gets to determine the interface of
 their module. And if they determine that that interface will provide
 type-safety, then you have to respect that. Just as if they decided
 that it would have an OO interface, or would set PRE and POST
 conditions on calls, or would only take named arguments.

 Because the author of the module is *relying* on that interface to
 ensure the correctness of their code; to prevent inappropriate data
 being passed to their subroutines. Typing is yet another way in which
 they can relax, knowing that the wrong type of data will be headed off
 at the (compiler) pass.

 To me, the way around this is NOT to force interface contracts down to
 some lowest common denominator, but rather to document what is
 expected, and then allow the developer to accept responsibility for
 stepping on his crank.

 Yep. And the way for the client of some module to accept that
 responsibility is to put in an explicit conversion.

Of course, a module author could always layer on a 'non strict'
version of the interface that did the type conversions itself before
passing them into the more stringent internals.

 But at the bottom, the C++ problem is a problem of its own making --
 people want coercion. Just like me. I want coercion. I want the ability
 to take advantage of the really nifty, carefully written code available
 from dedicated, rigorous hackers like this Conway fellow. But I want to
 do it as a slap-dash hack with no thought given to type stuff.  How?

 By distinguishing a parameter that *requires* a particular type, from
 a parameter that *ensures* a particular type (by coercion if
 necessary). I've suggested that using Cis copy semantics should
 indicate make whatever I'm actually given into one of these, if you
 can, whereas reference semantics say this must already be one of
 these (by their very nature, since an aliased parameter *is* the

 Alternatively, one might imagine a separate and explicit trait that
 specifies that a parameter is allowed to coerce its corresponding
 argument to it's own type.

But this would be better. And implementable relatively easily as a
macro if it weren't availabe in the core I would have
thought. Hm... it might be interesting/useful to implement a set of
macros to allow developers to define and export their own traits:

   trait foo (...) is ParameterTrait {

(There's almost certainly a better syntax available mind). 


Re: A6: Signature zones and such

2003-03-13 Thread Piers Cawley
Damian Conway [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 And don't write off the Perl Foundation yet. TPF is just about to do a
 survey of what people think they (TPF) should be funding. If you
 believe Larry and/or myself and/or other members of the design or
 implementation teams are worth sponsoring, I'd certainly urge you to
 respond to that survey when it's announced (and, yes, I'll inform the
 mailing list when that happens).

Well... I've finally got my act together and invoice ORA for the
summary money that's destined for TPF and I would dearly love to see
all of that lump of cash go to Larry. I'd certainly like them to
continue to fund the development of Perl 6 if only because I wouldn't
have to change that stanza of the summary.


Re: A6: Signature zones and such

2003-03-13 Thread Piers Cawley
Simon Cozens [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Piers Cawley) writes:
 Well... I've finally got my act together and invoice ORA for the
 summary money that's destined for TPF and I would dearly love to see
 all of that lump of cash go to Larry.

 Yay, another attempt to confuse me and ORA's payments division. ;) I'll
 see what can be done.

Nope, send it to TPF as discussed. It's what I've said in all the
summaries after all. I just hope that a chunk of it ends up in Larry's


Re: A6: overloading multis on constness of parameters

2003-03-12 Thread Piers Cawley
Joe Gottman [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Will it be possible in perl6 to overload multis on the const-ness of a
 parameter, like C++ does?  For instance,

multi getX(Foo $self:) returns Int {...} #const version
multi getX(Foo $self: is rw) returns Int is rw {...} #non-const version

If getX were called on a const Foo object then the first getX would be
 called, and if it were called on a non-const Foo object the second one would

Speaking of multis and constants, Greg McCarroll wondered on IRC if
this would work:

multi factorial (Int 0) { 1 }
multi factorial (Int $n) { $n * factorial($n-1) }

Disregarding the fact that you should really write that as:

sub factorial (Int $n) {
my multi tail_fac ($result, 0) { $result }
my multi tail_fac ($result, $n) { tail_fac( $result * $n, $n - 1 ) }
tail_fac(1, $n);

(Assuming you want to do it recursively that is...)


Re: A6: Signature zones and such

2003-03-12 Thread Piers Cawley
Michael Lazzaro [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 On Wednesday, March 12, 2003, at 11:14  AM, Damian Conway wrote:
 Larry wrote:

 : I agree. As long as it's not Cis slurpy!
 Of course not.  We're trying to encourage the use of line noise,
 and discourage the use of the long variants, so the long one would
 have to be Cis slurpificatious.

 Riiight! Thank-you, General Haig.

 Of course, Cis variadic (my own preference for the name of this
 trait) would probably have much the same effect. ;-)

 Can we get a final answer, for the (documented) record?

 @list is variadic
 @list is slurpy
 @list is greedy
 @list is slurpificatious
 @list is slurptacular
 @list is bloated

  @list is greedy



This week's Perl 6 Summary

2003-03-11 Thread Piers Cawley
The Perl 6 Summary for the week ending 20030309
Ooh look, it's another of those Perl 6 Summaries where Piers tries to
work a gratuitous reference to Leon Brocard into a summary of what's
been happening to the Perl 6 development process this week.

As tradition dictates, we'll start with all the action from

  Object Specs
With his great good taste and impeccable timing, Dan Sugalski managed to
release his second draft of an Object spec at 22.27 GMT on Sunday March
the second. Which meant that, strictly, the root message of this thread
doesn't belong in this summary. To which I say 'Tosh!'

Brent Dax wondered how this spec coped with classless OO languages like
JavaScript and whether such languages would have to fake things with
anonymous classes. It seems that faking it is going to the 'right' way.

Erik Bagfors asked for a clear example of the difference between
attributes and properties, and between class and object variables. Dan
didn't actually offer an example, but explained that properties are
'runtime assigned name values pairs that are stuck on a variable', while
attributes 'correspond to instance variables or slots in other object

Dave Whipp wondered about the semantics of creation and destruction of
objects with a long list of questions. Dan replied that there was a
'Class Spec' forthcoming at some point too. The Object spec concerns
itself with 'just the behaviour of objects that already exist'.

Some further discussion of this happened in perl6-language, but Dan
dragged it back into perl6-internals. I shall follow his example by
summarizing those subthreads here, whilst muttering rude words under my
breath about people make a poor summarizer's life so hard.

Garrett Goebel (not Göbel, as I mistakenly spelt it last week) wondered
about serialization and persistence and wondered whether a 'pure Parrot'
serialization scheme would be possible, allowing one to serialize Perl,
Python, Ruby etc objects at the Parrot level. Dan pointed out that there
were freeze and thaw vtable entries for PMCs, and said that he had
some 'sketches of necessary core functionality to make it feasible'. It
looks like simple 'data objects' will be simple to serialize at the
parrot level.

Sam Vilain suggested a whole bunch of extra things to be associated with
Objects. Dan noted that all of Sam's suggestions were actually things
that belonged with Classes rather than objects, with the exception of
what Sam referred to as 'associations'. Garret asked for some
clarification of what Sam was talking about, tying it to something Sam
had said in perl6-language about 'exporting object relationships in a
sensible and consistent manner', so Sam did a brain dump which outlined
a scheme for persisting almost anything in a language neutral manner
(requiring more or less complicity on the part of some languages) with
loads of neat ideas in it. Dan liked the ideas, but isn't going to go
the whole way (probably). Dan also implied that Parrot's
serialize/deserialize methods would make use of the GC system to make
sure that everything gets dumped properly, once and only once, solving
the problem of cyclic references (YAY! An OO Persistence tool writer

Dan released the next iteration of his tentative object spec on Sunday
(but a little earlier this time). He and Uri Guttman spent the rest of
the day thrashing out some issues and clarifying some terminology. Dan
is threatening a glossary with the next try at an object spec.

(Dan just suggested on IRC that I summarize these threads as 'Dan
muttered incoherently about objects again. Folks generally humored him.'
Which I would never do of course; I'm English and I know how to spell
'humour'.) -- Object spec (try 2) -- Garrett's first question -- Sam Vilain's suggestions -- Garrett asks for clarity -- Sam's brain dump. -- Object Spec (try 3)

  IMCC and multiple source files
K Stol wondered whether it was possible to write multi-file IMCC
programs. Leopold Tötsch answered that, whilst there's no Parrot linker
as yet, but by the time we read his post we could use the .include
macro to glue source files together.

  Patch Roundup
Jason Gloudon added some more ops to the sun4 JIT core. His patch was
applied, along with most of Steve Peters' patches from last week. Jürgen
Bömmels patched the print ops to use pure PIO (Parrot IO) rather than a
scary stdio/PIO hybrid. Dan applied this one with alacrity (I 

Apo 6: Typo in grammar

2003-03-10 Thread Piers Cawley
Larry says that 

   sub foo { ... }

is equivalent to 

   sub foo will do {...}

But then goes on to give the grammar for subroutine definitions as:

rule lexicalsub :w {
lexscope type?
subintro subname psignature?

rule packagesub :w {
subintro subname psignature?

rule anonsub :w {
subintro psignature?

which won't match C sub foo will do { ... } . I presume this is
another of those cases where the rules should be:

rule lexicalsub :w {
lexscope type?
subintro subname psignature?

rule packagesub :w {
subintro subname psignature?

rule anonsub :w {
subintro psignature?

and rely on semantic analysis to catch the error and throw a sensible


Re: Object spec

2003-03-05 Thread Piers Cawley
Garrett Goebel [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Several people have mentioned a desire to see Perl6 and Parrot facilitate
 object persistence. Should such issues be tackled in Parrot? Will there ever
 be a Parrot Object Database that we can serialize our Perl, Python and Ruby
 objects into, to be used at some later date in code written in Jako?

 If an appropriate parrot topic, I'd be especially interested to hear the
 thoughts of people like Sam Vilain, Dave Rolsky, Piers Cawley, and others
 who've already spent a great deal of tuits tackling these issues.

All I want is good object serialization. So I can say to an object
'write yourself to this stream' and have that do the right thing (ie,
all the objects that are reachable from an object are serialized
before that object, with any cycles broken. It's not much. The trick
is defining the protocol of our stream classes so that we capture
enough information. 

For bonus points it would be nice to be able to serialize a class so
that one could send an object of an arbitrary class down a stream and
know that, even if the object is later deserialized in a system which
doesn't have the appropriate modules the object can still work. But
that's probably something you'd do in a stream filter. 

Oh yeah, and 'Object' should have an Cinstantiate_from($stream)
method, or what would be the point?

Once I have a simple, stream based serialize/deserialize mechanism
it's relatively easy to add pretty much any datastore management
mechanism I want on top of it.

Oh yeah, for extra bonus points, I'd like to be able to override the
way Perl manipulates instance variables so I can track whether an object
is modified during its 'in memory' time, that way I can write a
storage system that's efficient about which objects it writes back to
the database on a commit. (I can work scary mojo with having every
object carry 'round a flattened copy of its old self, but that's
rather expensive...)

Note that I only need to do this when a database manager is in place,
and I only need the override on unmodified, managed objects. Most of
this stuff is available, at a cost (to both speed and programmer
sanity) in Perl right now, but I really, really want nice


This week's summary

2003-03-03 Thread Piers Cawley
The Perl 6 Summary for the week ending 20030302
Welcome back to another episode in the ongoing saga that is the Perl 6
development process (or at least my attempt to describe it).

We kick off with perl6-internals.

  IMCC calling conventions
Piers Cawley attempted to describe tail call optimizations, why they
were a good thing and why a caller saves calling convention made such
optimizations easier (possible?). He wondered if he hadn't just
succeeded in muddying the waters still further. Jerome Vouillon appeared
to understand what Piers was going on about and pointed out that a
caller saves scheme also helps with exception handling. Benjamin
Goldberg wondered about Perl 5's goto func semantics which can be
looked at as a 'sort of' tail call (except you don't actually get much
of an optimization with Perl 5 as it stands) and proposed a callee saves
scheme for doing tail call optimization which didn't optimize away an
unnecessary pair of save/restores. Dan pointed out that, while goto
func (which is sort of like tail call optimization in Perl 5) would
have to be supported, tail call optimization made more sense if you
didn't have to use any special syntax to make use of it.

  A couple of easy questions...
David (Cuny?) wondered how he could determine the data type of an
arbitrary PMC and whether there were any pre-built Windows binaries of
Parrot available. Leon Brocard pointed him at the typeof operator in
answer to the first question but punted on the second. Leo Tötsch also
pointed at typeof. David noted that it didn't seem to be available in
his 0.0.9 installation and was recommended to use the CVS version, and
discussion drifted toward wondering when Parrot 0.1.0 would see the
light of day. (Not before at least one of either objects or exceptions
is implemented apparently).

Nobody answered the 'pre built Windows binary' part of David's question.

  More on optimizing the JIT with IMCC
In last week's summary I mentioned that Sean O'Rourke had suggested
getting IMCC to store a control flow graph in bytecode, which the JIT
could use to optimize things more effectively. Sean read this and
pointed out that it wasn't his idea but was actually an area of active
research and gave a pointer to some information. He also pointed to a
USENIX paper which discussed adding a full data-flow compiler into a JVM
which could then generate code that ran faster than a lightweight JIT,
especially for long-running programs. Sean's original link was to a
subscription only site but Jason 'Research wants to be free' Gloudon
found a public version of the paper. Dan was fascinated, but was worried
about availability of engineering time, not wishing to presume on Leo,
Daniel and everyone who's done JIT work.

Dan said that he'd 'rather have a lower-overhead JIT with a win for
shorter programs than a high-overhead one with a win for long-running
programs'. Leo pointed out that, at the moment we already have a high
overhead JIT with most of the cost paid at load time and showed some of
these costs. Dan and Leo then discussed what kind of metadata would be
needed from IMCC (or some external tool) in order to improve matters.

Meanwhile, the original 'Using IMCC as JIT optimizer' thread continued
as Leo committed some more changes both to code and to the documentation
in jit.pod. The new version of the JIT optimizing IMCC should be
platform independent and apparently runs 95% of Parrot's tests on an

Phil Hassey wondered why we even had a set number of registers in the
JVM in the first place. He wondered if it would be possible to have each
block of code declare 'I need 12 registers for this bloc' and let the
JIT system do the appropriate register spilling magic with the system
registers. Leo said that this is approximately what the JIT optimizer
does at the moment and outlined some of the problems associated with it.

Angel Faus had some questions and suggestions about the optimization
approach that Leo was taking, with particular reference to the amount of
copies to and from memory and proposed an efficient way forward.
Nicholas Clark wondered if some of Angel's suggestions mean that imc
(IMCC source code) had now usurped the role of parrot bytecode and
muttered something about premature optimization and the lack of objects,
exceptions, IO or a Z-code interpreter. Leo bridled slightly at
'premature optimization' and wondered what was important about a Z-code
interpreter ('Z-code interpreter' is, according to Nicholas, 'obfuscated
shorthand for dynamic opcode libraries and reading foreign

Toward the end of the week, Leo checked in a final patch related

This week's summary

2003-02-25 Thread Piers Cawley
The Perl 6 summary for the week ending 20030223
Another week, another Perl 6 Summary, in which you'll find gratuitous
mentions of Leon Brocard, awed descriptions of what Leopold Tötsch got
up to and maybe even a summary of what's been happening in Perl 6 design
and development.

Kicking off with perl6-internals as usual.

  Strings and header reuse
Dan responded to prompting from Leo Tötsch about the use and reuse of
string headers. The problem is that most of the string functions that
produce modified strings do it in new string headers; there's no way of
reusing existing string headers. This can end up generating loads of
garbage. Dan's going through the various string handling ops and PMC
interfaces working out what needs to do what, and documenting them, as
well as adding in versions of the ops that take their destination string
headers as an argument. Dan hopes that 'we can make the changes quickly
and get this out of the way once and for all', leading Robert Spier to
mutter something about 'famous last words'.

  PXS help
Tupshin Harper has been trying to use an XML parser from within Parrot
and started off by looking at the PXS example (in examples/pxs) but had
problems following the instructions given there as his compiler spat out
errors by the bucket load. Leo Tötsch thought that PXS was probably
deprecated and the native call interface (NCI) was the thing to use.
Being Leo, he provided a port of the PXS Qt example to NCI. Although PXS
appears to be out of sync with the parrot core, nobody was entirely sure
whether it should be removed.

  Bit rot in parrot/language/*
Tupshin Harper had some problems with some of the language examples not
working well with the most recent versions of Parrot. Leo Tötsch
addressed most of the issues he raised, but there are definitely issues
with the interpreter and the languages getting out of sync.

  Macros in IMCC (part 2)
Jürgen Bömmels extended the macro support in IMCC, implementing
.constant and adding some docs. The patch was promptly applied.

  [RFD] IMCC calling conventions
Leo Tötsch posted an RFD covering his understanding of the various
calling conventions that IMCC would have to deal with which sparked some
discussion. I'm now confused as to whether function calls in Parrot will
be caller saves, callee saves, or some unholy mixture of the two.

  Parrot performance vs the good, the bad and the ugly
Tupshin Harper decided to port primes.pasm to C and Perl 5 to compare
results. Parrot came out very quick indeed. (Close to C). For bonus
points he then took a python primes algorithm that had been ported to C
and ported that to Parrot as well. In full on, all stops pulled out,
knobs turned to 11 mode, Parrot came in at about 50% slower than C and
around 14 times faster than Python. There was some muttering about the
demo being rigged. However, Jim Meyer redid the Perl and Python
implementations to use a loop that duplicated the algorithm used in
primes.pasm and, whilst it improved their performance somewhat, Parrot
was still substantially faster.

This probably won't be the test that's run when Dan and Guido face the
possibility of custard pies at 10 paces or whatever the performance
challenge stake stands at now.

  Mmm... spaceships...
Leon Brocard patched examples/assembly/life.pasm to use a small
spaceship as its starting pattern. Apparently because it 'can provide
hours of enjoyment at conferences if projected onto a big screen while
answering parrot questions.' Nobody thought to ask him how a spaceship
was going to answer Parrot questions, but Leo Tötsch applied the patch.

  Using IMCC as JIT optimizer
Apparently, Leo Tötsch finds it unbearable that 'optimized compiled C is
still faster than parrot -j' so he's been experimenting with adding
smarts to IMCC, making it add hardware register allocation hints to its
emitted bytecode. Sean O'Rourke liked the basic idea, but reckoned that
the information generated by IMCC should really be platform-independent,
suggesting that it'd be okay to pass a control flow graph to the JIT,
but that hardware register allocation for a specific number of registers
would iffy. He suggested that another option would be for IMCC to 'just
rank the Parrot registers in order of decreasing spill cost', then the
JIT could just move the most important parrot registers into
architectural registers.

Dan thought the idea was 

This week's Perl 6 Summary

2003-02-17 Thread Piers Cawley
The Perl 6 summary for the week ending 20030216
Welcome to the all new, entirely unaltered, all singing, all dancing
Perl 6 summary. Your beacon of reliability in the crazy world that is
Perl 6 design and development.

Another quiet week. Even quieter than last week in fact, unless my mail
spent some of the time up the spout, but I don't think so.

So, as is traditional, we kick off with perl6-internals

  CGP - The Computed Goto Prederefed Runloop
Last week I mentioned that nobody seemed to have commented on Dan's bet
with Guido van Rossum that Parrot would outperform Python by OSCON 2004.
(I also missed the fact that the penalty for losing the bet now involves
cream pies as well as $10 and a round of drinks...). After I posted the
summary to the mailing lists, Leopold Tötsch informed me that he had
commented indirectly by announcing his new, improved, ludicrously quick
runloop that combines computed GOTOs and predereferencing. Whatever that

This week, Leo and Nicholas Clark worked out how to combine the
blistering pace of the JIT core (for operations that had been translated
into hand hacked machine code) with the blistering pace of the CGP
runloop (for the other ops). As far as I can tell, this involved turning
the idea 'inside out', the VM actually starts up running JIT compiled
code and calls out to the CGP core to execute non-JITable sequences of
ops. The numbers for this approach look fantastic (quite stunningly
quick...) So Leo checked it in. -- Some numbers -- Check in notice

  Optimized runloops and threading issues
Last week we were reminded that JIT and predereferenced runloops don't
work in a threaded environment. This week Jerome Vouillon pointed out an
approach that looks like it could fix that (it seemed to convince Leo).
Dan (possibly playing mail catchup) said he was okay with having to fall
back to the old fast core (as opposed to the current, stupidly fast
core) in the presence of threads, but Leo seem to think that, using
Jerome's scheme we'll be able to have our cake, eat it and still throw
the cream pie at the Python team. Huzzah!

  keyed_int issues
Leo Tötsch had wondered about why {get,set}_type_keyed_int vtable
methods needed to take an INTVAL* value instead of a plain INTVAL as
it introduced some possibly unneeded conditional code, a stack variable
for the key and made life hard for JIT code. It looks like the pointer
is a holdover from an early approach to doing multidimensional keyed

  Changes to the calling convention and other fallout
Dan returned from the Sebastapol Perl 6 meeting with a few announcements
and one change in the parrot calling convention (how many calling
conventions have we had now?).

  Macro support in IMCC
Jürgen Bömmels announced that he'd implemented macro expansion in IMCC
(Yay Jürgen!). Leo liked it, but requested a few changes before he'd
check it in, so hopefully, some time soon the mainline IMCC will have
macros, which is very nice.

Meanwhile, in perl6-language
Almost all the discussion was about the difference between arrays and
lists. Deborah Ariel Pickett came up with a good list of questions about
arrays and array references in scalar and list contexts, which Michael
Lazzaro answered (very neatly I thought) with a list of their different
contextual behaviours. Deborah extended Michael's list to hashes and
hashrefs in a reasonably obvious way. Smylers came up with a possible
new sigquote (after paraphrasing): We should limit new features to
those that arise from a desire for the functionality rather than a
desire to use up 'spare' syntax. (Okay, it's not exactly *snappy*, but
I think it's important). -- Deborah's questions -- Michael's answers

And that wraps it up for the language list. I'm sure it'll pick up again
soon though. There are rumours of a draft apocalypse in the next couple
of weeks, and presumably that implies a real apocalypse soon after.
Assuming we haven't had another kind of Apocalypse in the mean time.

Announcements, Acknowledgements and AnotherWordBeginningWithA
This week's summary was again prepared in the comfy chair with
surprisingly few distractions apart from the late arrival of mail from
Leon Brocard announcing that he'd implemented a brainf*ck compiler in
brainf*ck, but that didn't really happen this week so I've got no excuse
for mentioning Leon's name in this 

Re: Language Discussion Summaries

2003-02-05 Thread Piers Cawley
Smylers [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Miko O'Sullivan wrote:

 The idea of discussion summaries has been well received, ...

 I read this thread over the past couple of days.  It's only today that,
 having thought about it, an objection occurred to me.  I've no problem
 with people summarizing threads, but with this bit:

 The summaries will be located at


 I read the Perl 6 language list with a news-reader, which conveniently
 shows new articles when it's run.  People subscribed to read this by
 e-mail get similar service.  I don't want to have to remember to check a
 webpage on a regular basis just to see if anything new has cropped up

 Couldn't thread summaries just be sent to this list?  Piers would almost
 certainly link to them in his weekly summaries -- he has done previously
 when people, most notably MikeL, have posted ad hoc summaries of
 particular topics.

That's definitely a good idea. With the added advantage that, if a
reader wants, the whole thread is immediately accessible for further


Re: Arrays: Default Values

2003-02-04 Thread Piers Cawley
Rick Delaney [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 I'd also like to point out that ruby has defaults for hashes but
 assigning nil (the equivalent of undef) does not set the default; delete

Yeah, but Hashes aren't Arrays. And vice versa.


Re: Arrays: Default Values

2003-02-04 Thread Piers Cawley
Aaron Sherman [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 On Wed, 2003-01-29 at 14:54, Jonathan Scott Duff wrote:

 Can someone give me a realish world example of when you would want an
 array that can store both undefined values and default values and those
 values are different?

 my @send_partner_email is default(1);
 while $websignups.getline {
   ($id) = /UserID: (\d+)/;
   if /Source: External DB With No Privacy Policy/ {
   @send_partner_email[$id] = undef; # No answer given
   } elsif /Spam Me: Yes/ {
   @send_partner_email[$id] = 1;
   } else {
   @send_partner_email[$id] = 0;
 # If you were not in the websignups list, you signed up before privacy
 # policy, so we spam you (default=1)

 In this case, there's a true shrug answer, which is hard to deal with.
 We need to do something later on with the undefined case (no answer was
 given, and no spam warning issued). This sort of logic deferral is
 common to many uses of undefined values (or NULL) in databases, even
 when columns have defaults that are non-null.

In this case surely you're better off doing this with a state object.

  class UnspecifiedState {
method maybe_send_mail($user) { go_get_more_info }

  class SendMailState {
method maybe_send_mail($user) { generate_and_send_mail_to($user) }

  class NoSendMailState {
method maybe_send_mail($user) { }

  my @send_partner_email is default(;

  while $websignups.getline {
($id) = /UserId: (\d+)/;
when /Source: External DB With No Privacy Policy/ {
  @send_partner_email[$id] =;
when /Spam Me: Yes/ {
  @send_partner_email[$id] =;
otherwise {
  @send_partner_email[$id] =;

in other words, when you have to deal with tristate logic, make it
explicit tri state logic.


Re: Language Discussion Summaries

2003-02-03 Thread Piers Cawley
Allison Randal [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Miko O'Sullivan wrote:
 Therefore, I propose that members of the language list provide summaries
 of the discussions in the group.  Each summary describes a proposed idea
 feature of the language, then summarizes the list's feelings on the idea.
 Different opinions will be presented.  The summaries will also attempt to
 provide a feeling for the weight of opinion, e.g., most people felt this
 way, some people felt differently, etc. The summaries will also link to
 the original threads so that readers can peruse the raw data.

 Go for it. It might not catch on, but it's worth a try. Keep in mind
 that Piers' summaries already cover a good part of this, but if you do
 it right you might make his job easier. :)

Hell yes. Actually my summaries run on a different 'clock' to thread
summaries; I'd expect thread summaries to get written after a given
thread has pretty much died down (or at least started repeating itself
too often) whereas my summaries get produced to a weekly timetable,
which isn't necessarily the same as the threads (see the last few
summaries where the same thread has appeared repeatedly)


Re: arrays, hashes unified indexing syntax impact on futurevariat ion s on other collection types [x-bayes]

2003-01-30 Thread Piers Cawley
Garrett Goebel [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 From: Piers Cawley [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Garrett Goebel [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  And what's to prevent that collection object from handling: 
  my $queue =;
  my $index_of_foo = $queue['foo']; # undef if no foo in queue.
 Because I also want to be able to access 
$nth_foo = $queue[$n]
 Which I thought was so blindingly obvious as not to need stating.

 Never underestimate blindingly obvious when I'm involved ;)

 $idx_of_foo = $queue['foo']; # named lookup
 $nth_foo= $queue[600];   # ordered lookup

 One is SvPOK the other SvIOK...

 Can't we handle both and still have the ordered lookup be fast?

No. Because in general we don't know what's in the brackets until
runtime. And then we don't know in what context to evaluate what's in
the brackets. Because, in Perl unlike in many other OO languages that
don't have a syntactic distinction between array and hash lookup, a
value can happily have both a numeric *and* a non-numeric value. Which
out ages ago. The only reason I suggested that it didn't matter was
because I'd forgotten about the cases where having both arraylike and
hashlike behaviour was useful. 


Re: More Array Behaviors

2003-01-28 Thread Piers Cawley
Damian Conway [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Dave Whipp wrote:

 OK, I've assimilated all that (though it still feels wrong). I think you are
 saying that of the following, the 4th is an error.
   my @d = @x but Foo; # error: no values involved in this assignment

 Correct. Although presumably this:

  my @d = @x »but« Foo;

 is okay.

 I think that the thing that confused is that Cis Vs Cbut distinction was
 introduced as compile-time vs run-time. It seems that this distinction is
 not relevant.

 Let's say it's an approximation to the true.

 Lets see if I apply this to objects. Objects are variables


 (they contain attributes).


 All access to objects is via (scalar) references:


 these references, being values, can have Cbut properties.


 When a method is invoked on an object, that method has an invocant,
   enables the method to see the Cbut properties on that reference.


 If an object wants to have properties that apply to all references
   (to a given instance), then that property must be defined as an attribute
 of the object.

 Yes. At least, for the new opaque objects. Because there's no way
 to ascribe the necessary Cis property to them.

Bugger. I was hoping that Perl 6 was going to make a Pixie like Object
database easier to write; looks like I'm wrong. One of the things
Pixie does is to attach its control data by magic to the object itself
(rather than any particular variable pointing to it). This lets us do
all sorts of useful stuff without invading the object since we know
that it will carry our metadata around it. Please, consider making
but properties attach to the target of a pointer rather than to the
pointer itself. And if you don't want to do that, I'd say that there
is a need to be able to specify some new kind of property that does
attach to the target. 


Re: Spare brackets :-)

2003-01-28 Thread Piers Cawley
Damian Conway [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 This may sound like a silly idea

 It's been suggested previously.

 Has anyone considered removing with the syntactic distinction between
 numeric and string indexing -- that is, between array and hash lookup?

 Yes. We rejected the idea.

 In particular, it would seem that
 would be just as easy for the compiler to grok as

 Sure. But then is this:


 an array or hash look-up???

Decided at runtime?


Re: More Array Behaviors

2003-01-28 Thread Piers Cawley
Dan Sugalski [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 At 8:46 AM + 1/28/03, Piers Cawley wrote:
Bugger. I was hoping that Perl 6 was going to make a Pixie like Object
database easier to write; looks like I'm wrong. One of the things
Pixie does is to attach its control data by magic to the object itself
(rather than any particular variable pointing to it). This lets us do
all sorts of useful stuff without invading the object since we know
that it will carry our metadata around it. Please, consider making
but properties attach to the target of a pointer rather than to the
pointer itself. And if you don't want to do that, I'd say that there
is a need to be able to specify some new kind of property that does
attach to the target.

 Given the current implementation (And I hear rumors that you lurk on
 the internals list, Piers... :) 

Nah, that's someone else with the same name and writing style.

 I think we can manage something like this. Might require a drop to
 assembly somewhere, perhaps hidden behind a function rather than
 with syntax, but it should be doable...

Breaths sigh of relief


Re: Spare brackets :-)

2003-01-28 Thread Piers Cawley
Dan Sugalski [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 At 8:47 AM + 1/28/03, Piers Cawley wrote:
Damian Conway [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
   Sure. But then is this:


  an array or hash look-up???

Decided at runtime?

 How? People use strings as array indices and ints/floats as hash
 indices, and count on autoconversion to Make It Work.

Nope. The count on the fact that, at runtime you'll know whether $ref
is a hash or an array. But I'm not actually arguing for this, just
pointing out that it's not necessarily impossible (just way harder to


Re: More Array Behaviors

2003-01-28 Thread Piers Cawley
Damian Conway [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Piers Cawley wrote:

 Bugger. I was hoping that Perl 6 was going to make a Pixie like Object
 database easier to write; looks like I'm wrong. One of the things
 Pixie does is to attach its control data by magic to the object itself
 (rather than any particular variable pointing to it). This lets us do
 all sorts of useful stuff without invading the object since we know
 that it will carry our metadata around it. Please, consider making
 but properties attach to the target of a pointer rather than to the
 pointer itself.

 Errno. That's rather the whole point of Cbut properties [*].

 However, if your class returns a reference to an object and that reference
 has the appropriate value properties ascribed to it (i.e. stuck on the
 *reference*), then any access through that reference (or through any
 subsequent copy of it) will see those properties.

 So your magic Pixie would look something like

   class Pixie {

   method new($class: %args) {
   return $class.SUPER::new(%args)
   but Magic('whatever');

   # etc.

 [*] People, we just *have* to find better names for these things!
  I'd suggest we henceforth call them value properties (for Cbut)
  and referent properties (for Cis).

Hmm... Here's Pixie's interface:

   my $pixie ='dbi:foo:bar', $user, $pass);

   my $cookie = $pixie.insert($some_arbitrary_object);

   # Time passes, we forget everything but the value of $cookie

   my $pixie ='dbi:foo:bar', $user, $pass);
   my $locked_object =
 $pixie.get_with_locking_strategy( $cookie, );

When $locked_object is collected, Pixie unlocks it in the
database. If, while $locked_object is in scope something else tries to
fetch an object with the same cookie (from within the same thread)
then Pixie hands 'em a reference to the same object. Right now Pixie
keeps a handle on everything by attaching 'ObjectInfo' objects to
every object that comes under its control so it can keep track of
what's going on (it's a two way link, the object has a normal ref
(via magic) to the objectinfo, which has a weakref back to the object
itself, so when the object goes out of scope, the objectinfo goes out
of scope too, triggering unlocking and other such stuff). 

So, if Pixie::get_with_locking_strategy looks something like:

  method get_with_locking_strategy( $self: $oid,
Strategy $lock_strategy ) {
return $self.cache_get($oid);

CATCH Exception::NotInCache {
  my $flattened_object =
$$oid, $lock_strategy);
  my $obj_info =$self)
  my $real_obj =
Storable::retrieve($flattened_object) but PixieInfo($obj_info);
  return $real_obj;

  method cache_get( $oid ) { 
my $info = %.cache{$oid} // die;
return $info.real_object;

Will every copy of the value of $real_obj have the PixieInfo property?
Am I going mad, or is order really that important? My initial idea was
to do the Cset_real_object and Ccache_insert and then just do
Creturn $real_obj but PixieInfo($obj_info), but then, if I
understand you correctly, the Info object's back reference to the real
object wouldn't have a PixieInfo property, which would in turn mean
that cache_get's return value wouldn't have the property and Bad
Things would happen. It seems counterintuitive that the order of
operations in this case should be so important.

Or am I missing something?


Re: A proposal for separable verbs.

2003-01-27 Thread Piers Cawley
Austin Hastings [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 --- Joseph F. Ryan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 If the final design stays the way it is now, there really won't be
 a lexer.  Instead, a perl6 grammar parses the data, and builds up
 a huge match-object as it, well, matches.  This match object is then
 munged into the optree.

 With this in mind, I'll say it again:

 Let's support separable verbs. 

 Here's how:

 # Note my arbitrary selection of _ as separation indicator. Feel free
 to replace this with something more appropriate:

 sub if($test, block) 
   _ elsif ($test, block) is optional is floating is multi
   _ elsunless ($test, block) is optional is floating is multi
   _ else (block) is optional is fixed
   while (!$args[0].test) shift;

Mmm... Smalltalk style message specifiers here we come...

 method Bool::ifTrue (trueBlock) _ ifFalse (falseBlock);

 ($a == $b).ifTrue { do_this() }
ifFalse { do_that() }

I really like this idea or something like it.


This week's Perl 6 Summary

2003-01-27 Thread Piers Cawley
 that Graham had some
interesting things to say about language design. The discussion that
followed was mostly off topic (in the sense that they weren't talking at
all about Perl 6). Graham's paper is interesting though.

  Array/Colon question
Michael Lazzaro wondered about the seemingly different meanings of colon

print $FH : $a;# $FH is an indirect object
@a = 0 .. 10 : 2;  # @a is (0,2,4,6,8,10)

and wanted to know when : meant 'step' and when it designated an
indirect object. Brent Dax helped clear things up. Essentially : is a
'supercomma' and different operators and functions interpret what comes
after the supercomma in different ways. .. treats it as specifying a

  Multiple Dispatch by Context?
Piers Cawley wondered if it would be possible to specify a multimethod
by context as well as by parameter types. Dan Sugalski managed to hole
the proposal below the waterline with a neat set of multidispatch
declarations that led to a horrible ambiguity. Thomas A Boyer pointed
out that Ada can handle such ambiguities but that it was a complete pain
to implement and voted against using return type for multiple dispatch.

Who's Who in Perl 6
Ah... um... I appear to be lacking an answer set this week.

Announcements, Acknowledgements and Apologies
I'm afraid to have to announce that, as of this week I can no longer
donate the fee for these summaries to the Perl Foundation it's currently
my only source of income. On the positive side, now that I don't have to
spend 8 hours a day working for someone else I should be able to get the
Summary mailed out to the Perl 6 lists on a Monday from now on.

Thanks to everyone who sent me mail about my redundancy. No matter how
good it feels not to have to get up at 5.50 every morning with the
prospect of not getting home again 'til at least 18.40 it's still a
terrible shock to lose your job. Thankfully we look to be in a much
better position this year than we were last time I was out of work; I'm
hoping that, if I can get a few more freelance writing gigs and maybe a
little consultancy I'm not going to have to go back to the 4 hour
commutes for the foreseeable future.

Thanks too to everyone who's given me answers for the Who's Who section
since this summary started. I'm sorry to be retiring it for now, but as
new blood filters into the Perl 6 community I hope I'll be able to
restart it some time further down the road.

If you appreciated this summary, please consider one or more of the
following options:

*   Send money to the Perl Foundation at and help support the ongoing
development of Perl

*   Get involved in the Perl 6 process. The mailing lists are open to
all. and
are good starting points with links to the appropriate mailing

*   Send feedback, flames, money, job offers or concrete proof either
way about Iraq's weaponry to [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Re: Arc: An Unfinished Dialect of Lisp

2003-01-24 Thread Piers Cawley
Adam Turoff [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 On Wed, Jan 22, 2003 at 10:16:50AM +, Andy Wardley wrote:
 On Tue, Jan 21, 2003 at 12:55:56PM -0800, Rich Morin wrote:
  I'm not a Lisp enthusiast, by and large, but I think he makes some
  interesting observations on language design.  Take a look if you're
  feeling adventurous...
 I can't help feeling slightly deflated.  Given the chance to re-design
 Lisp from scratch, the tasks on the top of my TODO list to address would 
* getting rid of some/all those damn parenthesis
* renaming cons/car/cdr to something meaningful
 Alas, these are about the only parts he's not changing.  He promises that
 Arc will have a syntax one day, but there isn't one yet.

 These slides are over a year old.  There hasn't been much of Arc since
 Paul Graham's early musings on it.  But one of the things he did do was
 rename lambda to fn.  This is proof that the holy grails can be tossed
 out of the window.

 The problem with cons/car/cdr is that they're fundemental operations.
 Graham *has* learned from perl, and is receptive to the idea that
 fundemental operators should be huffman encoded (lambda - fn).  It
 would be easy to simply rename car/cdr to first/rest, but that loses
 the huffman nature of car/cdr.  

ISTR that he was also a fan on the 'composibility' of car and cdr,
giving operators like (caar list), which means (car (car list)). I can
see where he's coming from, but I can also see that those tricks could
also be dismissed as clever dickery.

Multimethod/multisub thought...

2003-01-23 Thread Piers Cawley
In my quest to eliminate as many explicit conditionals from my code as
possible, I found myself wondering if Perl 6's multidispatch mechanism
would allow one to write:

   sub gmttime ( $time = time() ) is in_scalar_context {
  strftime( $perls_default_time_format, $time );

   sub gmttime ( $time = time() ) is in_list_context {

where 'in_scalar_context' and 'in_list_context' are place holders for
better syntax. 


Re: Why Cmap needs work

2003-01-22 Thread Piers Cawley
David Storrs [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 On Tue, Jan 21, 2003 at 03:52:30PM -0800, Dave Whipp wrote:

  $a = sub ($a, $b) { ... }
  $x = - ($y, $z) { ... }
 The pointy-arrow doesn't buy anything here.

 IMHO, it's actually a loss.  I have yet to come up with any mnemonic
 for pointy arrow means sub that will actually stick in my brain.
 Every time I see this construct, I have to stop in my tracks and
 mentally flip through the reference manual.

Personally, I think it looks a bit like a lambda on its side (and if
we're going to have unicode operators then I'd not be unhappy to see
'real lambda' being an equivalent to '-'.


Re: L2R/R2L syntax

2003-01-21 Thread Piers Cawley
Graham Barr [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 On Mon, Jan 20, 2003 at 07:27:56PM -0700, Luke Palmer wrote:
  What benefit does C ~  bring to the language?
 Again, it provides not just a null operator between to calls, but
 rather a rewrite of method call syntax.  So:
   map {...} ~ grep {...} ~ @boing;
 is not:
   map {...} grep {...} @boing;
 But rather:{...}).grep({...});

 This is not a for or against, but there is something that has been
 bugging me about this.

 Currently in Perl5 it is possible to create a sub that has map/grep-like
 syntax, take a look at List::Util

 If the function form of map/grep were to be removed, which has been
 suggested, and the ~ form maps to methods. How would you go about
 defining a utility module similar to List::Util that uses the same
 syntax as map/grep but without making the subs methods on the global
 ARRAY package ?

Well, I very much hope that the function form won't be going away;
functional style is bloody useful dammit and I don't want to be forced
to add line noise just to make those who have a woody for
orthogonality happy. Anyhoo, if it *does* go away, then it should be
possible to set up an appropriate set of multiply dispatched generic

  sub reduce ( block, $init, *@array ) is multi {
@array.reduce(block, $init);

  sub reduce ( block, $init, Collection $collection ) is multi {
$collection.reduce(block, $init);

  sub reduce ( $expr is qr/Perl::term/,
   $init, *@array ) is immediate, is multi {
@array.reduce( $expr, $init);

  sub reduce ( $expr is qr/Perl::term/,
   $init, Collection $collection ) is immediate, is multi
$collection.reduce($expr, $init);

Though I'm sure Damian will be long eventually to correct my
syntax. I'm getting this weird feeling of deja vu though...


Re: TPF donations

2003-01-21 Thread Piers Cawley
David Storrs [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 On Fri, Jan 17, 2003 at 04:21:08PM -0800, Damian Conway wrote:
 Paul Johnson wrote:
  Well, I'll be pretty interested to discover what cause is deemed more
  deserving than Larry, Perl 6 or Parrot.  The P still stands for Perl,
 True. But I suspect that TPF's position is that, to many people,
 Perl 6 is far less important than mod_Perl, or DBI, or HTML::Mason,
 or POE, or PDL, or Inline, or SpamAssassin, or XML::Parser, or
 YAML, or the Slashcode, or any of a hundred other projects on which
 their job depends on a daily basis.
 Supporting those efforts is important too, and TPF has only limited

 Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the one thing that all those
 projects have in common...well...Perl?  And isn't Larry the guy to
 whom we owe the existence of Perl?  I'm not fortunate enough to be
 using Perl in my job, but I'm still more than happy to pony up for a
 donation, purely from gratitude.

 This is something along the lines of the applied research vs basic
 research question.  What Larry is doing pretty much amounts to basic
 research that will help all of these other projects in the long run.

I shall certainly be thinking long and hard about passing the
payments to TPF if Larry's not being funded this year (if I should
become a member of the copious free time club there'll be no thought
necessary I'm afraid, income is income). Which reminds me, I need to
check (as I have naively assumed) that the money is automagically
being paid to TPF without my having to muck about with invoices and
the like. Hmm...

Seriously, I think that not putting some funding Larry's way is a big
mistake. I'm not saying he should be the only recipient of funds, but
he *is* a special case.

Re: L2R/R2L syntax

2003-01-21 Thread Piers Cawley
Michael Lazzaro [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 On Tuesday, January 21, 2003, at 12:26  PM, Piers Cawley wrote:
 Though I'm sure Damian will be long eventually to correct my
 syntax. I'm getting this weird feeling of deja vu though...

 When I come home from work each day, I can see my dog eagerly waiting
 at the window, just black snout and frenetically wagging tail visible
 over the sill.

 I often think Larry and Damian must feel that way about this group.
 Poor, comical beasts, but so eager and well-meaning.  We greet them so
 enthusiastically when they've arrived, it's hard for them to get too
 mad at us.  Even when they discover we've peed on the carpet while
 they've been gone, and they have an awful mess to clean up.

Heh. I wouldn't mind, but I'm getting the very strong feeling that
this is about the third time we've returned to this particular pile of
vomit and spread it around differently.

Everyone, please don't take that perjoratively, I just saw the
opportunity to extend Mike's metaphor further than it should be
expected to go, and I took it.

Right, back to the summary.


Re: L2R/R2L syntax

2003-01-18 Thread Piers Cawley
Brent Dax [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Mr. Nobody:
 # I have to wonder how many people actually like this syntax, 
 # and how many only say they do because it's Damian Conway who 
 # proposed it. And map/grep aren't specialized syntax, you 

 IIRC Damian also supports Unicode operators (and may have originated the
 idea), and obviously many people don't like them.

 # could do the same thing with a sub with a prototype of 
 # (block, *@list).

 Great.  That could mean it won't work right for

Actually, it will, as I have discussed the LAST TIME this bloody
subject came up. Multiple dispatch is your friend.

   map (block, *@list) { }
   map (block, @array) { block ) }

etc. Remember most of this will be set up by default anyway, when you
come to implement MyCustomArrayLikeThing you *may* have to add a few
function definitions, or the fact that MyCustomArrayLikeThing inherits
form Array may just fix it for you anyway.

Re: L2R/R2L syntax

2003-01-18 Thread Piers Cawley
Damian Conway [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Brent Dax asked:

  @a ~ grep { ... } ~ @b
 Is the same as
  @b = grep { ... } @a


 As in...
  class Array {
  method grep (Array $ary: Code $code) returns Array {
  method grep (Code $code: Array $ary) returns Array {

 No. As in:

  sub grep (Code|Hash $selector, *@candidates) is multi {...}

  class Array {
  method grep(Array $self: *@candidates) {...}

 Multimethods don't belong to classes; they mediate interactions
 *between* classes.

Will the 'is multi' actually be necessary? Just curious.

Re: L2R/R2L syntax

2003-01-18 Thread Piers Cawley
Mr. Nobody [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 --- Michael Lazzaro [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Friday, January 17, 2003, at 11:00  AM, Simon Cozens wrote:
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Michael Lazzaro) writes:
  ...the absence of the commas is what's special.  If they were normal
  functions/subroutines/methods/whatever, you would need a comma after
  the first argument
  This is plainly untrue. See the perlsub documentation, which talks 
  creating your own syntax with the  prototype. You can do all this in
  Perl 5, and it saddens me that some of the people redesigning Perl 
  know what Perl can do.
 No.  I said it was _special_, not _impossible_.  You're creating your 
 own syntax -- that's exactly my point.  Cmap, etc. are using an 
 invocation syntax _slightly_ different from the vast majority of other 
 cases -- one that skips a comma.  Yes, it's a special case that exists 
 because of the prototype and the special case caused by '', which is a 
 special case precisely so that there can be *any* way to emulate the 
 special case Cmap syntax.  But whether we like the perl5 Cmap 
 syntax or not, we should at least recognize that it's not regular.

 The  syntax is going to be special no matter what. It has the power to turn
 a bare block into a subref:

 sub foo ($x) { }
 sub bar (x) { }
 foo { }; # hash
 bar { }; # sub

Have you been reading the Apocalypses? Both of those are blocks, as
discussed in (I think) Apocalypse 2.

Re: L2R/R2L syntax

2003-01-18 Thread Piers Cawley
Damian Conway [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Piers Cawley wrote:

Multimethods don't belong to classes; they mediate interactions
*between* classes.
 Will the 'is multi' actually be necessary? Just curious.

 That's still being discussed. *Something* is necessary. But it may
 be that, instead of:

   sub handle (Window $w, Event $e, Mode $m) is multi {...}

 one will write:

   sub handle (Window $w: Event $e: Mode $m:) {...}

 That is, if it's a Csub (or a method, for that matter) and
 you specify that it has multiple invocants, then it's a multimethod.

 The advantage, of course, is that this potential syntax confers much
 finer control over which parameters participate in the multiple
 dispatch. For example, if that had been:

   sub handle (Window $w: Event $e, Mode $m:) {...}

 then the dispatch would only be polymorphic with respect to
 $w and $m.

 The *disadvantage* of this syntax is that it confers much finer
 control over which parameters participate in the multiple dispatch --
 which may make it harder to achieve predictable dispatch behaviours
 for specific multimethods.

 Another disadvantage is that it's easier to miss those trailing colons
 (or confuse them with semicolons), whereas an explicit Cis multi is a
 much clearer signal of intent.

I really don't like that fine grained syntax I'm afraid. And I'm not
entirely sure you actually gain anything from it do you? 

Another option, 

  sub handle (Window $w, Event $e, Mode $m) is dispatched($w, $m) {...}

is explicit, but disgusting. 

I also find myself wondering if functions called with: 


should be *required* to be singly dispatched on $foo and saying that
mulitply dispatched functions/generics/whatever should look like
normal function calls:

   bar($foo, $baz); # May be multiply dispatched

But I can't begin to offer reasons for this beyond a vague gut

Re: Array Questions

2003-01-14 Thread Piers Cawley
Michael Lazzaro [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 On Thursday, January 9, 2003, at 03:24  AM, Damian Conway wrote:
 Michael Lazzaro asked:
class FileBasedHash is Hash { ...stuff... };
my %data is FileBasedHash('/tmp/foo.txt');

my $path = '/tmp/foo.txt';
my %data is FileBasedHash($path);

 Great -- then I have only one more question, I think.  In the words of
 a certain cartoon character, what's *this* button do?

my $b is $a;

Compile time error. 'is' is a compile time property, scalar values

Re: Array Questions

2003-01-14 Thread Piers Cawley
Damian Conway [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Michael Lazzaro wrote:
 Which, in turn, implies that the lines:
my Foo $a; # (1)
my $a is Foo;  # (2)
my Foo $a is Foo;  # (3)
 are all subtly different.  (2) and (3) (auto)instantiate a Foo, but
 (1) does not.

 Correct. Though the instantiated Foo is the implementation object and
 not directly accessible (just as the implementation object in a Perl 5
 tie isn't).

 BTW, Cmy Foo $a is Foo is just sick!
 (i.e. I'll *definitely* be using it ;-)

Surely anyone who does C my Array @foo , or C my Scalar $foo 
will be using it, albeit indirectly.

Re: Disappearing code

2003-01-14 Thread Piers Cawley
Damian Conway [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 John Siracusa asked:

 Has there been any discussion of how to create code in Perl 6 that's there
 under some conditions, but not there under others?  I'm thinking of the
 spiritual equivalent of #ifdef, only Perlish.
 In Perl 5, there were many attempts to use such a feature for
 debugging and
 assertions.  What everyone wanted to do was write code like this:
 debug(Doing foo with $bar and $baz);
 foo($bar, $baz);
 And then have the entire call to debug() just plain disappear when
 program was run with a certain flag, or when a particular constant was set,
 or whatever.  The closest we got in Perl 5, AFAIK, was stuff this:
 use constant DEBUG = 0;
 debug(Doing foo with $bar and $baz) if DEBUG;
 foo($bar, $baz);
 But all those if DEBUGs or DEBUG s were a pain.  So I'm
 wondering what
 the solution will be in Perl 6.

 Something like this:

   module Debug;

   my $debugging = 1;

   method import ($debug) { $debguuging = $debug }
   sub debug is immediate is exported (@message) {
   return $debugging ?? { print $*STDERR: @message; } :: {;}


   use Debug;

   debug(Doing foo with $bar and $baz);

 and to deactivate the debug statements:

   use Debug 0;

   debug(Doing foo with $bar and $baz);

 Immediate subroutines are executed as soon as they are parsed (i.e. they're
 like named BEGIN blocks).

 Returning a closure/block from an immediate sub called in a void context
 (as Cdebug is in the example above) causes the immediate sub call to be
 replaced -- during compilation! --  by the returned closure/block.

So, one could implement 'assert' in the same package with something

   sub assert is immediate is exported 
 ( rx/expr/ expr ; $message = Assertion failed  )
   return $debugging ?? { expr() || die $message } :: { ; }

For bonus points one could have the assertion die if it's called in a
non void context, but I'll leave that as an exercise for the
interested reader.

Re: This week's Perl Summary

2003-01-14 Thread Piers Cawley
Buddha Buck [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Mr. Nobody wrote:

 If you and Damian think you'll get me to leave p6l this easily,
 forget it.
 I've seen far worse flames than that.

 While you were the person that Damian lost his sense of humor at,
 Piers didn't identify you in this part of the summary.  So I don't
 think Piers was trying to get you to leave.



Re: Variable Types Vs Value Types

2003-01-13 Thread Piers Cawley
Dan Sugalski [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 At 1:10 PM + 1/6/03, Piers Cawley wrote:
Dan Sugalski [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  An object is a data type, as much as an array or hash is a data type,
  but that doesn't make an array an object. [insert obligatory all men
  are Socratese quote here)

I really hope you're wrong here Dan. At least in that particular
case. Being able to inherit from Array or Hash or whatever as a
neater way of implementing, say, Tie semantics would be remarkably useful...

 Well, you'll certainly be able to use delegation to get in the way if
 nothing else. 

Go on, how would delegation help in the case where you want to be
subclass Array so as to be able to do:

my TiedArraySubclass @foo;

Re: Variable Types Vs Value Types

2003-01-10 Thread Piers Cawley
Damian Conway [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 attriel wrote:

 my Basket $c = $a no $c's type:  Basket (of Object)
X  ^
|  |
  $a's type:   Set  of   Apple
 my Basket of Apple $c = $aok $c's type:  Basket of Apple
^ ^
| |
  $a's type:  Basket of Apple
 Now, just to be sure I didn't miss a step:
 That second entry is wrong, sin't it?  it should be OK? no b/c:
 C's Type : Basket of Apple
 A's Type :   Set  of Apple

 Quite correct. I messed up A's type. :-(

 Could the Secret Maintainers of Perl 6 Truth please update that for
 the records.

If you want me to doctor the summary you're going to have to do better
than a simple 'please' mate. I want personal tuition on making
presentation software actually *enhance* the presentation...

Re: This week's Perl Summary

2003-01-08 Thread Piers Cawley
Steve Fink [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 On Jan-04, Leopold Toetsch wrote:
 Damian Conway wrote:
 Piers Cawley wrote:
 But, of course, modesty forebade him from thanking the tireless Perl 6
 summarizer himself, for his sterling efforts wading through the morasses
 that are P6-language and P6-internals
 Remembering e.g. perl6 operator threads, brrr, I just can say ...
 Thank-you, Piers!

 Me3. But watch out -- you are single-handedly responsibility for the
 sanity of hundreds of us, and are therefore responsible for anything
 we might do in this unnatural state.

I accept no responsibility for any such actions, and reserve the right
to cease producing summaries at any time (but not in the foreseeable
future). Now, I've got the perl6-internals section of the
christmas/new year summary written, hopefully I'll have the
perl6-language and other bits written and mailed out later today. Hang
in there people.


Re: Array Questions

2003-01-07 Thread Piers Cawley
Mark J. Reed [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 On 2003-01-07 at 11:31:13, Mr. Nobody wrote:
 .length is unneeded, since an array gives its length in numeric context, so
 you can just say +@a. 
 Unneeded, but harmless.

 grep shouldn't be an array method either, it should be
 like the perl5 grep, as it is often used on lists, grep /foo/, keys %h is
 far more readable than @{[keys %h]}.grep(/foo/).
 Didn't we already have the left-to-right vs. right-to-left discussion?
 Regardless of how grep works when it's not invoked as a method, it
 most definitely should be invokable as one on arrays.  It would probably
 be defined in a superclass rather than in Array itself, assuming Array
 is a specific subclass of a more general collection class
 (be it List or Collection or whatever), but that doesn't matter as long
 as you can call it on an array.

 Also, some of the line noise in your unreadable example comes from your
 mixing method syntax with other syntax.  No need to do all that @{[keys %h]}
 stuff - it would just be %h.keys.grep(/foo/), which looks pretty darn readable
 to me.

Or, even

   %h.grep(- $pair {.key =~ /foo/})

depending on what you actually want (assuming that grep treats %h as a
list of pairs...)

Re: Variable Types Vs Value Types

2003-01-06 Thread Piers Cawley
Dan Sugalski [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 An object is a data type, as much as an array or hash is a data type,
 but that doesn't make an array an object. [insert obligatory all men
 are Socratese quote here)

I really hope you're wrong here Dan. At least in that particular
case. Being able to inherit from Array or Hash or whatever as a
neater way of implementing, say, Tie semantics would be remarkably useful...

Re: This week's Perl Summary

2003-01-05 Thread Piers Cawley
Paul Kienzle [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Piers Cawley wrote:

*   Thanks to everyone who has given me feedback as a result of these
summaries. It's really good to know that people finding these things
 Me too.  I find I no longer read the list because I can pick up the
 few relevant bits from the summary
 and follow them up in makeshortlink.  Can I just get your summary and
 drop the rest of the subscription?

Just subscribe to [EMAIL PROTECTED]


This week's Perl 6 summary

2002-12-24 Thread Piers Cawley
The Perl Summary for the week ending 20021222
Hello, good morning and welcome to the Christmas edition of the Perl 6
summary. For some reason I have convinced myself to sit here on
Christmas Eve writing a summary for all you crazy kids out there who
hang on my every word. Plus, it beats wrapping all the presents and last
minute panic shopping.

So, let's get perl6-internals out of the way first.

  The Road to 0.0.9
The first half of the week saw a feature freeze in the run up to the
release of Parrot 0.0.9, so people spent their time trying to track down
and fix various tinderbox issues and other bugs.

Steve Fink worked on trying to get the NCI (Native Call Interface) tests
to work properly.

Simon Glover and Leo Tötsch worked on tracking down a GC bug that was
causing problems for the scratchpad tests.

Andy Dougherty is having problems getting languages/perl6 to pass its
tests. Apparently part of the problem is that the undef function isn't
fully defined.

Andy also found problems with sprintf and 64 bit INTVALs (fixed by Brent
Dax), PMCs and 64 bit INTVALs (fixed by Leo Tötsch), PerlHashes and
gcc-2.95.3 and 2.8.1 on Solaris (confirmed as a problem with other
versions of gcc on Solaris by Joshua Hoblitt), dependency issues between
Jako and IMCC from a clean directory and problems with the Jako life

Bruce Gray sent a pile of fixes for Win32 systems, covering GC and build

  Compiling to ParrotVM
Klaas-Jan Stol is thinking of writing a compiler that targets Parrot for
his Bachelor's in Computer Science, probably a TCL compiler, and he
asked for suggestions and tips.

David Robins made a few suggestions and pointed out that parrot is a
moving target. Dan protested that it wasn't moving that much (If I
'adn't nailed it to the perch, it'd've muscled up to them bars and...
VOOM!) and said that he thought a TCL to Parrot compiler would be
great. Will Coleda put up a URL for his first pass at such a beast and
asked that we be gentle with him (he put up a URL for his second pass
later, which is the link below). Gopal V pointed out that IMCC may be a
better target than Parrot assembly as that took care of register
allocation and generally helped programmers retain their hair and also
suggested that, if the compiler was written in C then DotGNU's TreeCC
would be worth looking at. Tanton Gibbs, who is working on a C++
compiler agreed that TreeCC is 'an extremely nice system' that he
recommended highly.

  Register scanning
Apologizing for reopening the register scanning can of worms, Steve Fink
wondered about the requirement that all Parrot GC implementations scan
all hardware registers for live pointers. Apparently this is a real
problem with, for example, the IA64 architecture. He proposed that
configure probe for systems that would support register scanning GC, but
that the default implementation should use a 'registration' system. He
followed this up with a 'naive' implementation of such a system. Jason
Gloudon suggested another scheme that I'm afraid I didn't understand to
implement 'accurate' GC.

  Returning a new PMC from ops
David Robins wondered about the cleanest way to return a new PMC from an
op. He and Leo Tötsch thrashed it out.

  Parrot v0.0.9 Nazgul released
Steve Fink announced the release of Parrot version 0.0.9, aka Nazgul
complete with a long list of new features, and the usual call for
further assistance. Well done everyone. As Steve says, Parrot is getting
dangerously close to being really usable...

Meanwhile, in perl6-language
It was quiet... too quiet. Only 48 messages in perl6-language, maybe
we're all keeping quiet so as not to distract Larry from writing the
next Apocalypse.

  Comparing Object Identity
This thread (along with every other thread in the language list this
week) continued from last week. Dan pointed out that using long lived
object IDs (ie. unique for all time) would be expensive, and reckoned
that the basic approach should be fast and good enough for the common
case. Piers Cawley wondered if doing object 'identity' comparison with a
method (eg: $$other_obj);) wasn't actually the best way
forward. (Piers had been applying his OO rule of thumb -- if you're not
sure of how to do something, take a look at a Smalltalk image). Dave
Whipp proposed an adverb syntax ($a eq : ID $b) which would be

   $a eq:i

Re: is it required to use type declarations?

2002-12-18 Thread Piers Cawley
Dave Storrs [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 On Mon, Dec 09, 2002 at 03:58:54PM -0700, Luke Palmer wrote:
  From: Dave Storrs [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  My understanding was that in Perl6, you could use pretty much anything
  for a hashkey--string, number, object, whatever, and that it did not
  get mashed down into a string.  Did I have this wrong?
 By default they're keyed by strings.  You can smack a property on them
 to key them by something else, though:
 my %sparse is keyed(Int);
 my %anything is keyed(Object);  # or UNIVERSAL

 Hmmm...maybe this is a good time to bring up something that's been
 bothering me for a while.

 It seems like Perl6 is moving farther and farther away from Perl5's
 (almost) typelessness.  

It depends what you mean by typed. Perl has always had strongly typed
*values* (which strike me as being a damn sight more useful than
typed variables). In a language with typed values, being able to
declare a typed variable is useful for a few reasons:

* After watching things in a profiler, you sacrifice programmer
  flexibility by typing a couple of variables as a way of giving the
  Optimizer something to get its teeth into (if you have a typed
  variable then you can limit the amount of runtime checking you have
  to do in favour of compile time checks)

* For setting up multiply dispatched methods and functions. Consider
  the example below (which I know I've used before).

  sub grep ( (Rule | Block) $selector, @*args ) { @args.grep($selector) }
  sub grep ( (Rule | Block ) $selector, Collection $collection ) {

  sub grep ( WeirdSelector $selector, @*args ) {
  grep $selector.as_block, *@args;

  Because we can declare the types of the function parameters we can
  let the language sort out the dispatch for us. Without typed
  parameters and multi dispatch those three function definitions

  sub grep ( $selector, $first, @*args ) {
  if @args.length {
  return [ $first, @args ].grep($selector);
  else {

  method Object::grep ($self: $selector {
  [ $self ].grep($selector);

  Which, to my way of looking at things is deeply ugly.

* And last and least, for 'strictness'. Personally I think this is
  the least useful choice; the programmer sacrifices flexibility for
  having the compiler catch errors that would be more usefully caught
  in a test suite. And to make matters worse, if you want the
  compiler to catch the errors you have to make *everything*
  explicitly typed, and and life's too short for buggering about like
  that thank you very much.


Re: Comparing Object Identity

2002-12-16 Thread Piers Cawley
Dave Storrs [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 On Fri, Dec 13, 2002 at 09:32:02AM -0800, Michael Lazzaro wrote:

 FWIW, I favor the latter.  

I found myself mulling over:


Which seems to work reasonably well, and I'd be rather surprised if
it clashed with anything with different semantics...

Re: Comparing Object Identity

2002-12-16 Thread Piers Cawley
Aaron Crane [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Piers Cawley writes:
 I found myself mulling over:
 Which seems to work reasonably well, and I'd be rather surprised if it
 clashed with anything with different semantics...

 I quite like it.  It also has the advantage of disallowing the equivalent

   my $stored_identity = $;
   # Time passes...
   if ($ == $stored_identity) {
   # Massive breakage ahoy

Ah, sorry, I thought that went without saying. So I didn't say
it. That's actually the problem that led me to come up with .is in
the first place.

 There just isn't any way you can get .is() to compare identities at
 different times.

Indeed. I'm definitely liking it the more I think about it. Someone
will be along to say 'but I use Cis in *all* my classes!' soon,
mark my words.

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