Re: Intuitiveness of programming languages/paradigms

2009-11-24 Thread Derek M Jones


I'm sure Lindsay could design a language, but it might only be
an imagined intuitive-to-him language.

apologies if i misunderstand, but if you are saying that the devil is
in the details, i fully agree, and that is what i mean by logic being
non-intuitive, and similarly programming. in other words, having a
DWIMNWIS language is not easy.

What I am trying to say is that Lindsay might only design a language
that is intuitive to his declarative memory.  When he gets to
use it in practice he might not find it intuitive at all (ie, his
procedural memory might not get on with it at all).

Derek M. Jones tel: +44 (0) 1252 520 667
Knowledge Software Ltd
Source code analysis

Re: validation of complexity metrics as measure for ease of comprehension?

2009-12-10 Thread Derek M Jones


metric is useful to predict bugs, but I often hear the further 
interpretation that complexity actually causes more bugs (or inhibits 
their fixes) because the code is harder to understand.

That interpretation seems to need stronger validation than the 
correlational studies.

The problem with many of these correlational studies is that many of the
metrics correlate to lines of code.

I thought this forum might know of some studies 
that approach this.  For example has anyone tried to measure the impact 
of (e.g.) higher cyclometric complexity on the speed of fixing a bug in 

No studies that I know of and of course it would depend on the kind
of bug.

I wonder how cyclomatic complexity effects the time for a genetic
algorithm to fix faults:

An alternative explanation of the correlation might be that complexity 
metrics measure the difficulty of work (ie difficulty of the work is 
driving both the complexity and the bugs, at the same time).

There has been some interesting work done by John Sweller on what
he calls cognitive load:

Derek M. Jones tel: +44 (0) 1252 520 667
Knowledge Software Ltd
Source code analysis

Re: validation of complexity metrics as measure for ease of comprehension?

2009-12-10 Thread Derek M Jones


The cost, to the reader, of obtaining the information is also
an important issue.

That paper might be a good starting point for a discussion of
what would be a meaningful information content measure in
comparing software source code.

If the software was written by French speakers the identifier
names and comments would probably have very low information content
for me.

An experiment I ran at the 2007 ACCU conference found that developers
used variable name information to make precedence decisions.

What is the information content of:

x + y  z

compared to say:

num_foo + num_bar  bit_seq

which presumably contains less information than:

number_of_foo + number_of_bar  bit_sequence

for somebody who does not know what num_foo is likely to be
an abbreviation (because they may not speak English or
be familiar with common developer usage).

Does: x + y  z have the same information content as: x + y + z?

If the software was an application dealing with sewage management
(and lots of other domains) any application related information
contained in the source would be mostly invisible to me.

Why am I reading the source, what information am I trying to
obtain?  Is the wood hidden by the trees (this is really a cost
of extraction issue)?

Derek M. Jones tel: +44 (0) 1252 520 667
Knowledge Software Ltd
Source code analysis

Re: models of creativity in programming

2010-03-23 Thread Derek M Jones


I think that the role of creativity in programming is vastly

I have to disagree, I think it is vastly underestimated.

This is only because you live in a world (ie, academia)
here the aim is to be creative.

Most algorithms are very simple and frequently used.
In fact developers seem to have a small repertoire of techniques
they use most of the time.

Which is also what composers do (since that has been used already, but also 
painters - a better analogy in IMHO). It's what makes your style.

My contribution to the numbers program is 1,000 lines of
dull code.  I say no point spending time to make it
interesting to read.  The only code that readers might
find interesting was not written by me.  I needed a hash
table library and so found the source of one
via the web, plus a hash function written by somebody else.

I have found various other source libraries that might be of use
to me and I plan to continue to write dull code.

For instance, 'numbers' is a project I am currently working on

The creative part of this project is figuring out what constitutes
an interesting number and how it might best be matched against.
The code is trivial, as it is in most commercial projects.

Derek M. Jones tel: +44 (0) 1252 520 667
Knowledge Software Ltd
Source code analysis

The Open University is incorporated by Royal Charter (RC 000391), an exempt charity 
in England  Wales and a charity registered in Scotland (SC 038302).

Re: Overviews of the psychology of programming?

2010-05-25 Thread Derek M Jones


Does anyone have a good suggestion for an overview of the psychology of

I would suggest reading a book on cognitive psychology if you
are interested in mental events happening in less than a 100
second time frame and a social sciences book for longer time frames.

Cognitive Psychology by Eysenck  Keane is a good read.

I attempted to provide an overview of cognitive issues applicable
to programming in:

I have done little reading on the social sciences side and cannot
suggest any introductory books.

Derek M. Jones tel: +44 (0) 1252 520 667
Knowledge Software Ltd
Source code analysis

The Open University is incorporated by Royal Charter (RC 000391), an exempt charity 
in England  Wales and a charity registered in Scotland (SC 038302).

Fwd: Introducing Red-R: visual programming for R

2010-11-01 Thread Derek M Jones


I think readers of this list will be interested in the following
visual programming interface to R.

 Original Message 
Subject: Introducing Red-R: visual programming for R
Date: Sat, 30 Oct 2010 16:07:05 -0700
From: Anup Parikh
Newsgroups: gmane.comp.lang.r.packages

Dear R-Packages Mailing List,

The Red-R development team would like to introduce Red-R: a user
friendly visual programming and data analysis framework for R.

Red-R makes the advanced functionality of R available to the
non-computational users by hiding the computational complexity behind
a visual programming interface. In addition, Red-R improves analysis
readability and data sharing to facilitates better communication in
inter-disciplinary teams.

Analyses are performed by visually linking a series of widgets
together that read, manipulate, and interactively display data. These
pipelines, representing both the data and analysis, can be easily
shared with others. Red-R can also generate reports in odt, html and
latex to help better document and share results.

Red-R is an extension of Orange (, a data
mining framework written in Python and Qt. Red-R accesses all the
functionality and data in R, using the Python interface for R provided
by RPy2 ( This framework is highly
flexible and can be extended to include virtually all the functionally
R packages currently offer.

If you maintain an R package and are interested in created a GUI
interface please don't hesitate to contact us. We would be happy to
provide any help in creating the Red-R packages.

We would like to thank all those that helped test the software over
the last year and a half and welcome any feedback/suggestions from the
R community.

Please visit the Red-R webpage ( for more information.

Thank you,
Red-R Development Team
Anup Parikh (
Kyle R. Covington (

Derek M. Jones tel: +44 (0) 1252 520 667
Knowledge Software Ltd
Source code analysis

The Open University is incorporated by Royal Charter (RC 000391), an exempt charity 
in England  Wales and a charity registered in Scotland (SC 038302).

Mozilla data visualization competition

2010-11-18 Thread Derek M Jones


This data visualization competition does not seem to
be getting much publicity:

Derek M. Jones tel: +44 (0) 1252 520 667
Knowledge Software Ltd
Source code analysis

The Open University is incorporated by Royal Charter (RC 000391), an exempt charity 
in England  Wales and a charity registered in Scotland (SC 038302).

Aggregator for ppig people blogs

2011-01-06 Thread Derek M Jones


Various people working in the psychology of programming
have blogs.  It would be useful if there was an aggregator
that made them all available in the same place.

There is one for R:
and the ACCU have one:

Perhaps a psychology of programming blog aggregator page could
be added to the ppig site?

Derek M. Jones tel: +44 (0) 1252 520 667
Knowledge Software Ltd
Source code analysis

The Open University is incorporated by Royal Charter (RC 000391), an exempt charity 
in England  Wales and a charity registered in Scotland (SC 038302).

Re: Aggregator for ppig people blogs

2011-01-07 Thread Derek M Jones


some initial list is here:

Apart from yours the links either don't work or have no
recent entries.  The next issue of the ppig newsletter
should include an updated list.

Here is mine:

Anybody else?


On 07/01/2011 04:26, Derek M Jones wrote:


Various people working in the psychology of programming
have blogs. It would be useful if there was an aggregator
that made them all available in the same place.

There is one for R:
and the ACCU have one:

Perhaps a psychology of programming blog aggregator page could
be added to the ppig site?

Derek M. Jones tel: +44 (0) 1252 520 667
Knowledge Software Ltd
Source code analysis

The Open University is incorporated by Royal Charter (RC 000391), an exempt charity 
in England  Wales and a charity registered in Scotland (SC 038302).

Re: Redefining the word language

2011-03-02 Thread Derek M Jones


By that criterion, printf is definitely part of the C language.

printf is not part of the C syntax or semantics, it is a function
defined in a library.

Fortran and Pascal are examples of languages where the I/O is
defined to be part of the syntax/semantics of the languages and
not as functions defined in a library (although are likely to
get mapped to calls to some sequence of internal library calls).

The language/library distinction is important for the compiler,
which in one case has to recognise certain character sequences and
perform special processing of them and in the other just handles
a construct the same as any other function call.

As a compiler writer I don't regard printf as being part of the language
but as part of the library.  The average user is unlikely to make
this distinction and view the language as being whatever they can be
guaranteed to get out of the box when they obtain a conforming

The definition of 'language' depends on who you are talking to.

Derek M. Jones tel: +44 (0) 1252 520 667
Knowledge Software Ltd
Source code analysis

The Open University is incorporated by Royal Charter (RC 000391), an exempt charity 
in England  Wales and a charity registered in Scotland (SC 038302).

Re: Visual and text languages

2011-03-10 Thread Derek M Jones


There is a lot of scattered research on visual languages... some more

The best book I know of on visual language is:
Understanding Comics: The Invisible Art by Scott Mccloud

Derek M. Jones tel: +44 (0) 1252 520 667
Knowledge Software Ltd
Source code analysis

The Open University is incorporated by Royal Charter (RC 000391), an exempt charity 
in England  Wales and a charity registered in Scotland (SC 038302).

Re: Experiment idea?

2011-05-19 Thread Derek M Jones


I'm looking for an idea for an experiment to run.

I'll be at the Software Craftsmanship event at Bletchley Park next week 
( with a crowd of 
experienced programmers with time on their hands.

I have rune experiments with similar types of people in similar
environments.  You have to keep it simple and paper and pencil
type experiments seem to work.

Some ideas and scripts to generate subject question sheet here:

I have an unfounded hypothesis that there's something cognitively different about 
Test-Driven Development, compared to regular development, but I don't know 
how to test that. Can anyone suggest an experiment I could run with a couple of groups 
that help to shed light on the subject?

Sounds too complicated to run in this environment.

Derek M. Jones tel: +44 (0) 1252 520 667
Knowledge Software Ltd
Source code analysis

The Open University is incorporated by Royal Charter (RC 000391), an exempt charity 
in England  Wales and a charity registered in Scotland (SC 038302).

Re: Experiment idea?

2011-05-19 Thread Derek M Jones


I have rune experiments

No doubt relevant to the developers of Gnome :-)

One year of the ACCU conference I did stay in a hotel
that was opposite the cemetery containing Tolken's grave.

Talking of user interfaces, developers often have smart phones
and given the some software the experiments could be
run on these.  The screen size would limit things a bit.

An interesting project for somebody this summer :-)

Derek M. Jones tel: +44 (0) 1252 520 667
Knowledge Software Ltd
Source code analysis

The Open University is incorporated by Royal Charter (RC 000391), an exempt charity 
in England  Wales and a charity registered in Scotland (SC 038302).

Re: studies of source code line purposes?

2011-10-06 Thread Derek M Jones


along the lines of a thought i've had of late why is there so much
*code*!?, i wonder if anybody has tired to study programs and
categorize the source code into purposes, so we could get a feel for

This is a very fundamental question.

Jorma Sajaniemi came up with one of the few ideas addressing
this issue, roles of variables:

Derek M. Jones  tel: +44 (0) 1252 520 667
Knowledge Software Ltd
Source code analysis

The Open University is incorporated by Royal Charter (RC 000391), an exempt charity 
in England  Wales and a charity registered in Scotland (SC 038302).

Making empirical data+code available

2012-02-16 Thread Derek M Jones


Continuing on the theme of empirical research.

There is a growing trend for researchers to make their
experimental data available.

Promise is probably one of the more well known sites:

What is also needed is the code used to analyze it.
I have been having a hard time trying to get the numbers
reported in some papers from the data that has been made

You can find mine here (only the 2011 experiment has all the code
needed to perform the analysis; I'm working on fixing that):

I hope list members will reply with where their own data can be

Derek M. Jones  tel: +44 (0) 1252 520 667
Knowledge Software Ltd
Source code analysis

The Open University is incorporated by Royal Charter (RC 000391), an exempt charity 
in England  Wales and a charity registered in Scotland (SC 038302).

Re: Making empirical data code available

2012-02-16 Thread Derek M Jones


A couple of researchers I have contacted to obtain data
told me that they have either lost it or did not make an
effort to keep it.

Having someplace that people could automatically upload their
data to might help preserve more of it, as well as making
life easier for other by cutting down on search time.

A while back I was asked to prepare an area on the PPIG website where people 
could upload data for public consumption (surrounded by appropriate caveats of 
course). The data I was preparing for didn't ever turn up so the area remains 
hidden, but I can certainly expose this in some way if people wish to use it.

Derek M. Jones  tel: +44 (0) 1252 520 667
Knowledge Software Ltd
Source code analysis

The Open University is incorporated by Royal Charter (RC 000391), an exempt charity 
in England  Wales and a charity registered in Scotland (SC 038302).

Re: Making empirical data+code available

2012-02-16 Thread Derek M Jones


There's the corresp() function in library(MASS)
and Fionn Murtagh's code to go with his correspondence analysis
book is available over the web.

This is very common practice with R books.

While playing with the data, I was struck by two prominent
lines I kept seeing:
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
2 3 3 8 1 7 3 3
   ^   ^

I don't suppose it has any significance at all for your results,
but I wonder why the loc_written data were so clumpy.

That 8 caught my eye, it should be 7 (a typo).
I checked the other numbers and they are correct.

What this is saying is that developers don't have a clue how many lines
of code they have read/written (see extract of question below).
In places they are not even consistent and there is a poor correlation
with experience (0s indicate no answer given, which should really be

How many lines of code would you estimate you have \fBwritten\fR in
different languages over your career:
.IP i)
.IP ii)
.IP iii)
.IP iv)
.IP v)
.IP vi)
.IP vii)
.IP b)
How many lines of code would you estimate you have \fBread\fR in
different languages over your career:
.IP i)
.IP ii)
.IP iii)
.IP iv)
.IP v)
.IP vi)
.IP vii)

Derek M. Jones  tel: +44 (0) 1252 520 667
Knowledge Software Ltd
Source code analysis

The Open University is incorporated by Royal Charter (RC 000391), an exempt charity 
in England  Wales and a charity registered in Scotland (SC 038302).

Re: Making empirical data code available

2012-02-18 Thread Derek M Jones


I prefer to think that somebody who knows more about statistics than
me will find something significant that I missed:

Willingness to Share Research Data Is Related to the Strength of the 
Evidence and the Quality of Reporting of Statistical Results

Derek M. Jones  tel: +44 (0) 1252 520 667
Knowledge Software Ltd
Source code analysis

The Open University is incorporated by Royal Charter (RC 000391), an exempt charity 
in England  Wales and a charity registered in Scotland (SC 038302).

Re: studies of naming?

2012-03-26 Thread Derek M Jones


Wondering if anybody knows of research that tries to get the word out
that naming is important. Or proves that naming isn't important! Maybe

There is of course:

Operand names influence operator precedence decisions

There was some naming issues involved in:
Classification and grouping into aggregate types

nobody makes still little mistakes the way I do. Anyway, there are
things in the programming language world that make me cringe. They
look to me like highway train wrecks, if you'll pardon the metaphor,
sneaking around looking for a place to happen.

Picking two off the top of my head:
Scala: val vs. var. One letter difference?!

At the difference was at the end that has less attention paid to it.
The second part of:
has some experimental evidence that differences at the start of
an identifier improve recall performance.  Paper and data should
be up at the end of the week.

Knockout JS: viewmodel instead of, gosh, say, just model?!

-Mr. Tempest in a Teapot.

and now you get get a phonetic transcription of that:

Derek M. Jones  tel: +44 (0) 1252 520 667
Knowledge Software Ltd
Source code analysis

The Open University is incorporated by Royal Charter (RC 000391), an exempt charity 
in England  Wales and a charity registered in Scotland (SC 038302).

Re: studies of naming?

2012-03-29 Thread Derek M Jones


Given that many programmers have been trained to believe that opportunism
is bad, it is also likely that observation of programming evokes

Are many programmers taught anything and if they are does it go in
one ear and out the other?

I think most developers pick up a rag bag of habits that work.

Also one thing about analyzing code is that you quickly learn that what
developers say they do and what they actually do often have little
in common.

Derek M. Jones  tel: +44 (0) 1252 520 667
Knowledge Software Ltd
Source code analysis

The Open University is incorporated by Royal Charter (RC 000391), an exempt charity 
in England  Wales and a charity registered in Scotland (SC 038302).

Re: Corpus of Java source code with JUnit

2012-05-25 Thread Derek M Jones


I'm looking for a corpus/collection of Java source code. The corpus

This is one of the better ones:

should comprise multiple projects that come with JUnit test cases that
pass and have good test coverage.

This is the flying pig part of your request.

I want to test a new programming construct that is supposed to shorten
programs without making them harder to understand. In the first instance

How do you plan to measure understanding?

Derek M. Jones  tel: +44 (0) 1252 520 667
Knowledge Software Ltd
Source code analysis

The Open University is incorporated by Royal Charter (RC 000391), an exempt charity 
in England  Wales and a charity registered in Scotland (SC 038302).

Re: Corpus of Java source code with JUnit

2012-05-25 Thread Derek M Jones


should comprise multiple projects that come with JUnit test cases that
pass and have good test coverage.

This is the flying pig part of your request.

Wouldn't it be possible in theory?

I'm sure you can find plenty of Java software that comes with some
kind of test suite.  Unit test level and/or good coverage, possible
in theory.

As for flying pigs, I'm sure they could be genetically engineered to
grow wings.  Power to weight ratio is the big problem.  Perhaps they
could be taught to climb trees and throw themselves off like flying

That requires some info on the programming construct: I'm adding
indirect anaphora to an extension of Java. Anaphora is a backward
relation to a referent previously mentioned in the text, e.g. He in
James Gosling invented Java. He does not work for Sun anymore.
Indirect anaphora is a backward relation to a referent that has not yet
been mentioned in the text but is related to a previously mentioned
referent. The relation can be a semantic or a conceptual one. In An

Sounds a bit like name binding in lambda calculus.

I used an account of indirect anaphora resolution from cognitive
linguistics as kind of a blue print for implementing indirect anaphora
in an extension of Java. The underlying assumption is that the so-called

There is also a big underlying assumption that there is enough locality
of reference to make a new construct supporting anaphora worthwhile.
This might apply in some domains, scientific computing springs to mind.

Too much use of anaphora will create lots of ambiguity.
Jim killed the man with the telescope (who was the telescope the
murder weapon?)

To figure out whether the implementation of the compiler matches the
theory as well as how humans understand text/source code, a controlled
experiment could be used. IDEs provide functions like go to
declaration to allow a programmer to get more info on a program
element. One could count how often a programmer uses such functions for
indirect anaphors, i.e. how often a programmer asks the IDE to present
the referent of an indirect anaphor because he is not able to resolve it
himself. The more often a programmer asks for the resolution of a
referent, the lower his understanding of indirect anaphors in source code.

or the more ambiguous the anaphora were, or because other information
was required, or that option was easier to use, or the programmer did
not understand the language construct, ...

Derek M. Jones  tel: +44 (0) 1252 520 667
Knowledge Software Ltd
Source code analysis

The Open University is incorporated by Royal Charter (RC 000391), an exempt charity 
in England  Wales and a charity registered in Scotland (SC 038302).

Re: Electronic copies of spreadsheets already seeded with errors

2012-07-09 Thread Derek M Jones


I am looking for electronic copies of spreadsheets that have already
been seeded with errors.  If anyone has copies of spreadsheets that

You might try the European Spreadsheet Risks Interest Group

have already been seeded with errors or has a link to a corpus that
has such kind of spreadsheets, I would greatly appreciate if they can
assist me on the same.

Thanks in advance,


Derek M. Jones  tel: +44 (0) 1252 520 667
Knowledge Software Ltd
Source code analysis

The Open University is incorporated by Royal Charter (RC 000391), an exempt charity 
in England  Wales and a charity registered in Scotland (SC 038302).

Re: longitudinal studies of the development of programming expertise

2012-09-28 Thread Derek M Jones


Another limitation we have is that our data is not longitudinal across
individual students' studies but rather longitudinal across the
development projects and the development of the factory itself. Our
project cycles are approximately seven weeks long and students come and
go over those seven weeks.

If you have timing at fine granularity you might like to compare
activity duration with the pattern seem in this commercial data set:

Is your data made available for download?

Derek M. Jones  tel: +44 (0) 1252 520 667
Knowledge Software Ltd
Software analysis

The Open University is incorporated by Royal Charter (RC 000391), an exempt charity 
in England  Wales and a charity registered in Scotland (SC 038302).

Re: emotions and programming

2013-02-17 Thread Derek M Jones


I was wondering is anyone has come across work looking at the emotional 
response people have to programming?

What emotions are you interested in?
This study looked at risk attitude of professional developers
as an explanation for coding decisions:

I have been running some studies with undergrads and looking at the emotion 
they report they experience and why. I'm hoping to locate this the literature 
an it is proving quite tricky to search for in digital libraries!

Enjoyment is a much underrated emotion in all work activities
(at least for the people who are good at it).

Derek M. Jones  tel: +44 (0) 1252 520 667
Knowledge Software Ltd
Software analysis

The Open University is incorporated by Royal Charter (RC 000391), an exempt charity 
in England  Wales and a charity registered in Scotland (SC 038302).

Empirical data wanted

2013-02-21 Thread Derek M Jones


I'm working on another book: 

and am after empirical data.  If anybody can point me at publicly
available data or is willing to send me data that I can make public
it would be much appreciated.

For those of you who missed the discussion last time around
my previous book attempted to use results from cognitive psychology
to understand developer characteristics:
and also had a strong empirical flavor.

You can read about my own experimental work + and data here:

Derek M. Jones  tel: +44 (0) 1252 520 667
Knowledge Software Ltd
Software analysis

The Open University is incorporated by Royal Charter (RC 000391), an exempt charity 
in England  Wales and a charity registered in Scotland (SC 038302).

Re: Forty Years of Research on Personality in Software Engineering: A Mapping Study

2015-02-08 Thread Derek M Jones


Are there some references that link personality to external/observable
behaviour of software engineers?

The following experiment tried and failed to obtain
a particular kind of link:

Or simply work on external/observable behaviour of software engineers?
By external/observable behaviour, I meant when observing someone
working, can we know her personality?

Kind regards,

Le 2015-02-07 16:07, Luiz Fernando Capretz a écrit :

Dear Huw,

Thank you for your relevant question; I don't see it as criticism at
all. There should be no dogmas in science.

Your statement is right, NT types are abundant among software
developers. But ST types are even more prevalent. Given that there are
more ST than NT types among the general population, the percentage of
NT software engineers stands out.

Nevertheless, there are significant discrepancies in the distributions
and percentages of software engineers across the 16 MBTI types.
Moreover, the software engineering profession has diversified
enormously  in the last 20 years, compared to mainly computational
programming of 30-40 years ago, thus attracting myriad types of people
performing specialized jobs. Those discrepancies tend to be exacerbated.

Now, trying to answer your question
I am an advocate for cross-disciplinary research and borrowing
perspectives from other areas, which give us the potential to address
important issues in software engineering, thus should be encouraged.
Please take a look at:

However, when it comes to human beings, things get really complicated.
Psychology is there to help us.


Luiz Fernando Capretz

On 06/02/2015 5:30 PM, Huw Lloyd wrote:

Thank you for sharing your work, Luiz.

It's interesting that MBTI remains a strong typological schema.  If I
recall my MBTI distributions correctly, the high percentages of NT
personalities represents an impressive concentration.

Perhaps for the sake of this quiet list-serve, are you able to
elaborate on a question I was considering whilst skimming your paper,
please.  In your final considerations, you (collectively) write:

the amount of research on the effects and influences of personality
in the field is relatively small. The evidence is weak and in many
cases inconclusive. More research is required if we want results that
can influence the practice of software development.

My question is, what influence does personality research in the
contexts of various practices have, i.e. are there examples of
transformative contributions?  I have witnessed personality-based
knowledge being usefully applied at an interpersonal (consulting)
level, but the impression I have is that perhaps you have something
broader in mind (such as interviewing for personality types etc)?

I intend no criticism in the question, I'm merely curious.


On 6 February 2015 at 20:03, Luiz Fernando Capretz wrote:

Dear Colleagues,

I thought you’d be interested in a systematic literature review
on human factors and personalities in software engineering along
the past 40 years.

I am providing you with the following article link, which allows
free access to the article:

Please use this link to download a personal copy of your article
if you are interested in that topic; you are also welcome to
email the link to other colleagues.

Anyone who clicks on the link until 14^th /March/2015 - no sign
up or registration is needed - just click and read!

Luiz Fernando Capretz, Ph.D., P.Eng.
Professor of Software Engineering
Assistant Dean (IT  e-Learning)
Western University
Department of Electrical  Computer Engineering
Thompson Engineering Building (TEB 345)
London, Ontario, Canada - N6A5B9
Tel. 1 519 6612111 x85482 tel:1%20519%206612111%20x85482, Fax 1
519 8502436 tel:1%20519%208502436

Derek M. Jones   Software analysis
tel: +44 (0)1252 520667

Re: What human factors influence programming errors?

2015-02-09 Thread Derek M Jones


Dear Huang,

This quote suggests that you are considering personality as orthogonal to
cognition.  Is this so, and, if so, what is to be gained by doing so,

The general view is that cognition is the set of engines that get driven
by higher level functions, such as personality.

This simplistic model is complicated by the interactions and mutual
feedback between components.  I will leave it to others to stick their
neck's out and put numbers to the level of interaction.


On 9 February 2015 at 14:40, Huang Fuqun 黄抚群 wrote:

Dear Colleagues,

I thought you would be interested in *what types of human factors
influence programming errors*. We recently did a systematic review and
conducted a controlled experiment to examine this problem. Some interesting
findings were obtained. The paper is published on *Science of Computer
Programming*. You may access it through the following link:


I'm allowed to share the acceptance version with friends and colleagues,
please see the attached file.

We are now conducting extending research on this topic. Your comments and
advice are welcomed.

Best regards,

Fuqun Huang, Ph.D.

The Ohio State University
Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Scott Laboratory W 382
Columbus, Ohio, USA

Derek M. Jones   Software analysis
tel: +44 (0)1252 520667

Re: What human factors influence programming errors?

2015-02-09 Thread Derek M Jones


If you're interested in 'higher level functions', I can commend vol. 4 of
the collected works of L.S. Vygotsky (The History of the Development of
Higher Level Functions).  You will not find all the answers here, but you
will find a promising way of thinking about the problems and how to study

I'm not sure if there is a strong connection between the collected
works of somebody who died in 1934 and the current discussion.

Books that I found useful include:

Cognitive Psychology: A Student's Handbook,
by Michael Eysenck and Mark T. Keane
Cognitive Psychology and its Implications
by John Anderson


On 9 February 2015 at 15:22, Derek M Jones wrote:


  Dear Huang,

This quote suggests that you are considering personality as orthogonal to
cognition.  Is this so, and, if so, what is to be gained by doing so,

The general view is that cognition is the set of engines that get driven
by higher level functions, such as personality.

This simplistic model is complicated by the interactions and mutual
feedback between components.  I will leave it to others to stick their
neck's out and put numbers to the level of interaction.


On 9 February 2015 at 14:40, Huang Fuqun 黄抚群

  Dear Colleagues,

I thought you would be interested in *what types of human factors
influence programming errors*. We recently did a systematic review and
conducted a controlled experiment to examine this problem. Some
findings were obtained. The paper is published on *Science of Computer
Programming*. You may access it through the following link:


I'm allowed to share the acceptance version with friends and colleagues,
please see the attached file.

We are now conducting extending research on this topic. Your comments and
advice are welcomed.

Best regards,

Fuqun Huang, Ph.D.

The Ohio State University
Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Scott Laboratory W 382
Columbus, Ohio, USA

Derek M. Jones   Software analysis
tel: +44 (0)1252 520667

Derek M. Jones   Software analysis
tel: +44 (0)1252 520667