Re: CS>Re:electroporation.

1999-11-23 Thread Marshall Dudley
Debbie McDonald wrote:

> wrote:
> I did take my medications and herbs as usual BUT I kept a
> > cordless phone in my lap so I could call 911 in case electroporation. set in
> > since I live alone
> So how would you know electroporation is setting in??  Deb

There is no simple answer because it increases the effects of any toxins.  If 
drink a beer you may get drunk as if you drank 20 beers.  If you smoke, you may
get nicotine poisoning. If you eat garlic, you could get very sick as if you ate
20 times as much.


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Re: CS>Help! Quick tutorial...

1999-11-23 Thread Mardicon8
In a message dated 11/23/99 8:00:07 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes:

<< Just so you remember, nobody can *prove* this stuff is safe for
 *anything*, let alone use during pregnancy, *IF* your standards of 
 proof are those of mainstream medicine, the FDA, or liability law. >>

Oh, I understand.  The other side, of course, is that we cannot trust how 
safe the stuff "they" give us is, either.  I have had several "offers" of 
antibiotics in the last five months due to "some" white blood cells in the 
urinary tract.  I felt/believed that there wasn't an infection, and sure 
enough, there wasn't.  But they are so quick.

it was just irritation due to a passing kidney stone.  (well, more than one!) 
 Life isn't safe, but we live it anyway!!!  I know the silver helps, at the 
very least.  I've experienced that.  I just hate to "experiment" with a 
growing baby inside.  I don't want him/her coming out blue skinned
(okay, so I exaggerate!, LOL)  

I've been taking quite a bit of cs for a lot of months.  About a month ago, 
the whole family (who is sloppy about taking it) got sick with colds.  I am 
the only one that didn't get it.  

Anyway, thanks again for the info!!!

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1999-11-23 Thread Debbie McDonald
Do any of you using this technology still have your amalgam fillings?
I have been afraid of putting more mercury into my brain etc ???  Deb

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Re: CS>Re:electroporation.

1999-11-23 Thread Debbie McDonald wrote:
I did take my medications and herbs as usual BUT I kept a
> cordless phone in my lap so I could call 911 in case electroporation. set in
> since I live alone 

So how would you know electroporation is setting in??  Deb

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1999-11-23 Thread DeathBH
In response to personal experiences with electroporation;

I take two different "maintenance" medications every day of my life; I 
borrowed a friends silver pulser from Beck - used it way beyond what you were 
supposed to (didn't know any better at the time); I am still alive to tell 
about it.  I agree, this same friend that loaned me the unit; has met Beck on 
several occasions at shows and he said that the same thing mentioned in 
another post here - Beck is mainly just trying to be safe.  FYI, what I did 
after that - I did take my medications and herbs as usual BUT I kept a 
cordless phone in my lap so I could call 911 in case electroporation. set in 
since I live alone - to date - nothing - so use your own judgment.


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Re: CS>Help! Quick tutorial...

1999-11-23 Thread M. G. Devour
Diane wrote:
> This is a great explanation  you have given us.  I'm printing it out
> to  hold hands with as I try my next batch of "pure" cs.

Thanks. I'm glad it helps.

> I am just particularly nervous now about the purity of the cs, as I
> found out I'm pregnant.  So all the fear sets in.  Will this hurt
> me, the baby, the kids? 

Just so you remember, nobody can *prove* this stuff is safe for
*anything*, let alone use during pregnancy, *IF* your standards of 
proof are those of mainstream medicine, the FDA, or liability law.

Please consult a health care provider that you trust and be sure you 
are making a fully informed decision before using any information you 
find here or elsewhere on line. The risk and the responsibility rests 
squarely on *your* shoulders.

Beyond that, I'm sure folks are willing to share their experiences 
and whatever they know or have heard, but nobody can tell you what 
you should do.

Having kids is a wonderful part of life.  I'm happy for you.

Be blessed,

Mike D.

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[   ]
[Speaking only for myself...  ]

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RE: CS>Liver damage??? ;0/

1999-11-23 Thread James Osbourne, Holmes
No, electrocution is much more likely than an explosion. 
James Osbourne Holmes

-Original Message-
From: []
Sent:   Tuesday, November 23, 1999 3:05 PM
Subject:Re: CS>Liver damage??? ;0/

  As for right now, I am starting at the beginning.  I am liable to blow 
myself up trying to figure this all out.

Donna Earnest

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Re: CS>Help! Quick tutorial...

1999-11-23 Thread Joel Prantle

I am 6 weeks pregnant and was advised not to take CS for the first
trimester. As I understood, the body might treat the baby as something
foreign and the CS will will try to build up immunities to it and
possibly cause a miscarriage.


 I am just particularly nervous now
> about the purity of the cs, as I found out I'm pregnant.  So all the fear
> sets in.  Will this hurt me, the baby, the kids?  Ugg.
> Thanks again,
> Diane
> --
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Re: CS>Help! Quick tutorial...

1999-11-23 Thread Mardicon8


Now I see what I wasn't doing and should have been, while making the 
non-saline cs.  I'll go for it again.

This is a great explanation  you have given us.  I'm printing it out to  hold 
hands with as I try my next batch of "pure" cs.  

I did get a tiny sore in my mouth, on my gum about 3 - 4 days ago, and I kept 
swishing my mouth with the saline cs.  It had a little white spot, so was 
infected.  I scraped myself with the toothbrush.  duh.
Anyway, it's almost totally gone now.  I assume the cs helped.  But, I know 
it has helped with other situations.  I am just particularly nervous now 
about the purity of the cs, as I found out I'm pregnant.  So all the fear 
sets in.  Will this hurt me, the baby, the kids?  Ugg.

Thanks again,

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Re: CS>Liver damage??? ;0/

1999-11-23 Thread Marsha Hallett

> James,
>   As for right now, I am starting at the beginning.  I am liable to blow 
> myself up trying to figure this all out.
> Donna Earnest

Dear Donna, No! Don`t blow yourself up! Who`d I write to??? sob boo hoo...

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Re: CS>Liver damage??? ;0/

1999-11-23 Thread Donna2424
  As for right now, I am starting at the beginning.  I am liable to blow 
myself up trying to figure this all out.

Donna Earnest

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RE: CS>Peroxide in ears/ouch

1999-11-23 Thread James Osbourne, Holmes
An ENT  specialist, and quickly.
James Osbourne Holmes

-Original Message-
From: []
Sent:   Tuesday, November 23, 1999 12:21 PM
Subject:Re: CS>Peroxide in ears/ouch

What would you suggest for a child with ruptued ear drums ?

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CS>Re:Curses-more change!?

1999-11-23 Thread Rob Lowe
Curses, every time I start to feel comfortable-(health wise) using
something, along come the 'smarties' who make me want to change!!
As a family we changed from using butter to a combination of canola & butter
on the advice of a health professional.
Now that Canola is a virtual no! What can we safely use instead?

Our local butter marketing people have used the slogan; "Butter eaters make
better lovers" Perhaps they know something that we don't!
Perhaps they may be right!!
But until someone proves one way or another, what am I going to us on my
toast every morning, & put on the kids sandwiches?

- Original Message -
From: "2001 TV VCR" 
To: ; 
Sent: 23 November 1999 7:36 PM
Subject: Re: CS>jewel weed, fleas, soy oil

> Hi Yvonne:o,
> I have been using olive oil for everything for
> years.  Mostly salad dressing and soups.  I
> heard that studies indicate that the high
> consumption of this oil by people in the middle
> east may explain why the rate of heart attacks
> in those countries is so low.
> Because of the high price of organic I always
> buy extra virgin olive oil at the supermarket.
> Since the olives are probably sprayed with
> chemical insecticides I often wonder if this
> stuff is almost as bad as regular refined
> vegetable oil.
> Bil
> - Original Message -
> From: O2 Communication 
> To: ; 
> Sent: Monday, November 22, 1999 4:06 AM
> Subject: RE: CS>jewel weed, fleas, soy oil
> > Great news re. fleas - should surely work for dogs as well?
> >
> > During nutrition training some years ago, I leanred from Dr Don Lawson
> (USA)
> > that one should only cook with olive oil and butter (monosaturates) as
> > compared with the polyunsaturates which, when heated, become
> carcinogenic...
> > and that's how we've cooked, very healthily ever since ...!
> >
> > Yvonne:o)
> >
> > -Original Message-
> > From: []
> > Sent: Friday, November 19, 1999 3:15 PM
> > To:
> > Subject: CS>jewel weed, fleas, soy oil
> >
> >
> > To those asking about jewel weed, here is a link with a great
> > I
> > have used it all my life to prevent problems after touching poison ivy.
>  > HREF="";>jewel weed, poison ivy, poison
> ivy
> > cure, folk medicine
> >
> > As to the discussion of cats, do you know about using brewers yeast
> > prevent fleas.  In PA, I give each cat 1/4 teaspoon a day mixed with
> canned
> > cat food.  I do this March through November, and they never have fleas
> now.
> > But you must start early, before there are any fleas around, or the
> > will move off the cats onto you.
> >
> > I had used Canola oil because it was recommended by Nutrition Action
> as
> > the best, until I recently read many horrible things about it.  By the
> way,
> > did you know it is in most peanut butters?  So I switched to Soy oil
> because
> > soy is supposed to be so good for you.  But now someone said there are
> > dangers with soy oil.  Could anyone explain what the problem is with soy
> > oil?
> > Karen
> >
> >
> > --
> > The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> >
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> >
> > To post, address your message to:
> > Silver-list archive:
> > List maintainer: Mike Devour 
> >

RE: CS>silver producing bacteria

1999-11-23 Thread James Osbourne, Holmes
Great, now all we need is for them to share genes with common pathogens and 
they will all commit suicide or become totally resistant to Ag. 
James Osbourne Holmes

-Original Message-
From:   Corvus Corax []
Sent:   Tuesday, November 23, 1999 12:13 PM
Subject:CS>silver producing bacteria

A strain of bacteria that can manufacture tiny crystals of silver has been
reported by Swedish scientists.

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Re: CS>Re: "Death"

1999-11-23 Thread M. G. Devour
> What are your opinions of companies that sell 10 ppm cs for so much
> money? Freedom of capitalism, but most consumers do not realize how
> simple it is to make their own CS.

We had a discussion of this just last month that wasn't too pretty.

I think the best thing anyone can do is make sure the information
about how to make and use CS is as widely available and of as high a
quality as possible. You don't even need to talk about what the "bad
guys" are doing. 

That's called competition.

When they can't make more than one sale to a customer and almost
nobody comes to them in the first place, they'll get the market's

Be well,

Mike D.
[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[   ]
[Speaking only for myself...  ]

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Re: CS> O.T. Re:peroxide in ears

1999-11-23 Thread Creston
> Was it food grade?   There are often preservatives in other.
Unlikely---but certainly possible---that  it was the stuff itself.
> James Osbourne Holmes

No, it was not food grade, it was the 3 or 3.5 %. However, prior to using
it, I did correspond with the party (who I consider reliable) and was told
that they used the regular household type. This person and I had no problems
using it, but again, my spouse did.


Do You Yahoo!?
Bid and sell for free at

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Re: CS>Peroxide in ears/ouch

1999-11-23 Thread DMNGIRLLAN
What would you suggest for a child with ruptued ear drums ?

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Re: CS>Re: "Death"

1999-11-23 Thread M. G. Devour
> I wrote:
>> Please avoid religious discussions and outright evangelization. 

Chuck wrote:
> Amen!


giggling quietly and rocking in the corner...

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[   ]
[Speaking only for myself...  ]

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CS>silver producing bacteria

1999-11-23 Thread Corvus Corax
A strain of bacteria that can manufacture tiny crystals of silver has been
reported by Swedish scientists.

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Re: CS>Re: "Death"

1999-11-23 Thread June Narber Harrison
Was someone preaching? I think I must have missed this. :)
What good is it to preach anyway, isn't everyone just going to do their own
thing anyway??
What are your opinions of companies that sell 10 ppm cs for so much money?
Freedom of capitalism, but most consumers do not realize how simple it is to
their own CS.

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CS>Re: Donna/electroporation

1999-11-23 Thread Katarina Wittich
Hi Donna,
it means that the cell walls open when electricity is applied to them -- so
toxins get out -- which is good -- but other substances might get in so you
need to be carefull of what is in your body at the time of using the zapper.
I wouldn't smoke and use the zapper -- just in case.
Take care,

>   >>
> Katarina,
>   What does electoporation mean exactly?  If I could just quit smoking I
> would love to try one of these devices.  I still have the one that someone
> made me and have never tried it.
> Donna
> Donna Earnest
> This email contains only my opinion and should not be taken as medical advice.

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Re: CS>Help! Quick tutorial...

1999-11-23 Thread Joel Prantle
Thanks for the information Mike,  I'll keep trying!!


M. G. Devour wrote:
> Oops.
> I should have added that you can save some time by reserving a
> quarter of your last batch to act as "starter" for the next. The
> initial conentration of CS particles will chop a big chunk off the
> startup time.
> Be well,
> Mike D.
> [Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
> [   ]
> [Speaking only for myself...  ]
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
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> with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.
> To post, address your message to:
> Silver-list archive:
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Re: Brooks/pulser

1999-11-23 Thread Katarina Wittich
Dear Brooks,

Wow, that's really interesting. I would trust your experiments more than my
doctors hearsay -- even though he claims it is from the horses mouth. I will
actually tell him this and see what he says and get more details on this
study that he said proves it doesn't happen. My guess is that it was a test
tube study --not in vivo.

Thanks for the warning -- it's funny -- I'm sort of uncomfortable with the
pulser anyhow -- I was using it for a while and don't really know why I
stopped -- it didn't make me feel better or worse -- although if I wore it
for much more than two hours I started to feel kind of buzzy and dehydrated.
Maybe it's because I was also using my herbs -- as per my doctor. Very
Thanks again,

>  Dear Katarina.
> I would be VERY careful in my appraisal of your doctor's
> that cell poration is not to be regarded as a major consideration.  We have,
> repeatedly, been able to induce "toxin-based" unconsciousness in canines, in
> experimental researches relating to this phenomena..  Fortunately, we were
> equipped to detoxify them, all, before permanent damage occurred.  Such
> gneralizations, in the absence of supporting documentationdo appear to be
> quite unprofessional..and potentially dangerous, if taken as proven fact.
> Sincerely..
> Brooks Bradley.
> Mar

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1999-11-23 Thread Katarina Wittich
Hey Marshall,
that's interesting -- I didn't know that only 10% of people actually are
affected by electroporation.

My doctor is "friends" with Beck and what he says is that Beck had one
patient who had aids who took a large number of very strong aids drugs while
using the pulser over a long period of time and that that person died. It
wasn't clear what he died from, but Beck wanted to be careful. However,
according to my doctor, recent studies at UCLA show that electroporation
doesn't relaly happen.

I have no idea but I do believe in being careful -- so I slowly tried using
my herbs closer and closer to the time when I used the pulser, with no
harmful effect.

I'll try to ask my doctor who did the study -- but I bet he won't remember.
Take care,

> Perhaps, but Beck claims on a tape that I have that a friend of his died from
> it.  However he said only 10% or so of the people suffer from it, so for most
> people it won't happen.
> Marshall

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Re: CS>Re: "Death"

1999-11-23 Thread Charles King
On Tue, 23 Nov 1999 10:53:43 +, "M. G. Devour"  wrote:

>> Please avoid religious discussions and outright evangelization. 

Let's all get together and sing pumpkin carols.

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Re: CS>Help! Quick tutorial...

1999-11-23 Thread M. G. Devour

I should have added that you can save some time by reserving a
quarter of your last batch to act as "starter" for the next. The
initial conentration of CS particles will chop a big chunk off the
startup time. 

Be well,

Mike D.

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[   ]
[Speaking only for myself...  ]

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Re: CS>Help! Quick tutorial...

1999-11-23 Thread M. G. Devour
Hello Teresa and hello Diane!

> Everytime I try to make CS, it turns out grey and has this stuff
> that sticks all over the negative rod. 

I think it's time for a *real* simple tutorial that covers some of 
the basics of the two simplest processes.

The first thing to do is distinguish between the salt and no-salt 

Adding a drop or two of saline, or "a few grains" of salt, as some
recipes call for, makes your water quite conductive. So current flows
right away, lots of silver particles are generated right from the
start, and the whole process takes only a few minutes to generate
useable concentrations of CS.

The product is clear to slightly milky and no significant deposits
form on the electrodes. The epitome of simplicity!

The downside to this technique is that it's been widely reported it
makes particles much larger than those created by other methods. It
is claimed that these are not as safe as we want. The other result of
larger particles is less shelf life. There is frequently fallout in
the bottom of the bottle after a few days to a couple of weeks.

See for Peter Lindemann's 
discussion of salt vs. no salt.

That being said, and much to the horror of the purists among us
, I will say that a lot of folks have used this method with
good results and no problems (that we know of) to date. 

I started off that way and have since switched to no-salt. I wouldn't
hesitate to use such CS if I needed to, but to be cautious I'd
probably go back to my no-salt preparation when I could.

But, what about the no salt methods? How are they different?

Bigtime differences are that they are *slow*, and that you have to 
deal with the gunk that accumulates on the negative electrode.

The basic no-salt recipe goes something like this:

Start with the purest water you can get. Steam distilled in jugs from
the grocery store is usually adequate, barring occasional quality
control problems.

Make sure eveything is clean and *very* well rinsed. Usually you
would wash and rinse everything as you normally would, then follow
up with at least two rinses in distilled water. Don't handle the
business end of the silver wires or touch the inside of the glass so 
you don't get salt or oils from your skin on things. 

Pop the wires into the glass, using whatever arrangement you've 
chosen to keep them a fixed distance apart and straight. Attach the 
power and ...  and ... err ... sit and wait. 

After a length of time that will vary by the purity of your water,
temperature, voltage, electrode spacing, and possibly the phase of
the moon (no lie!), you will see the process begin working. This 
stage could take anything from 20 minutes to maybe an hour.

You'll then see the electrodes start to change color and texture. The
positive electrode, the one that's donating the silver, will go grey 
and then a sort of soot-like black as the surface becomes rough on a 
microscopic level. A faint, wispy cloud of silver particles will 
start to come off the surface. The negative electrode will turn grey 
and start to accumulate a fuzzy looking "fluff" of silver particles 
that have fallen out of suspension and are clinging there.

Most recipes tell you to remove the electrodes from the water, being
as careful as you can not to disturb the "fluff", and wipe them off.
Stir the CS to distribute the cloud of particles that form around the
positive wire. Then put the wires back in place and let the process
continue. Repeat these steps every once in a while (5 to 20 minutes?)
until you decide to stop the run.

If you get a little of the fluff in the CS, don't worry. You can let 
it settle and pour off the rest, or you can filter the product 
through unbleached coffee filters.

One misunderstanding some beginners have had is stirring the fluff
*into* the CS. The result is a grey, muddy looking product that I
would not consider safe.

The total time from the first wisps of silver from the positive wire 
to when you stop the run varies widely depending on many other 
details of the recipe which I won't cover here, since there are so 
many variations and we haven't settled on any single arrangement.

There are several ways to know that you're really making CS and to 
decide when to stop the run...

Shine a narrow beam flashlight or inexpensive laser pointer through
the water. If you see the beam clearly, you are seeing the Tyndall
effect. That's the light being scattered by all the little particles
of silver in the water. If, looking closely, you can see visible
"sparklies" in the beam, it means you're running for too long or at
too high a current, and are generating some big particles. 

Another useful tool is to put a milliammeter of some sort in series
with your electrodes to monitor the current. The initial current
gives you a relative measure of your water purity. The ending current
helps you get the same approximate concentration from batch to batch.
And if your batteries are dead you'll notice tha

RE: CS>Liver damage??? ;0/

1999-11-23 Thread James Osbourne, Holmes
Hi Donna,

If you have lots of time in relation to money, you might come out ahead 
building your own.  Yes, the total cost of the components is significantly 
less that the assembled machine.  But, if you account for all of the time 
you will spend locating, order, and fabricating, you will find it is 
probably cost effective to buy the machine.

The Marx HVAC machine is basically a 10KV center-tapped secondary with a 
120 V primary, a timer,  with a switch to bypass the timer for manual 
operation, a circuit breaker for protection, a fan, and a fan option switch 
and an off/on switch.

The secret is in the electrode configuration, and according to Bruce, the 
thing is very tweaky.   I think that good silver can be made by a variety 
of processes.  I do not know what is best.  My main technical sources are 
Bruce, Brooks and Ivan, with lots of others too.

Good luck with your decision process, if you have specific questions I will 
try to answer them or refer them to others.

James Osbourne Holmes

-Original Message-
From: []
Sent:   Tuesday, November 23, 1999 8:42 AM
Subject:Re: CS>Liver damage??? ;0/

  Did you build your own HVAC generator?  I have been looking at them,
including the one from Bruce Marx but the price is kind of high for me 
now.  I am just starting to look into this again.

Donna Earnest

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Liver damage??? ;0/

1999-11-23 Thread Donna2424
  Did you build your own HVAC generator?  I have been looking at them, 
including the one from Bruce Marx but the price is kind of high for me right 
now.  I am just starting to look into this again.

Donna Earnest

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Re: "Death"

1999-11-23 Thread M. G. Devour
A gentle reminder everyone -- from the list rules:

> To keep things going smoothly, we've found it helpful to prohibit
> or restrict certain subjects and behaviors. ...
> Please avoid religious discussions and outright evangelization. 

Be well,

Mike Devour
silver-list owner

Jeannine wrote (in private e-mail to Bil):
> it's my signature and only a moron would make a comment like that 

Bil wrote:
> Either way I think that you should turn to God.  

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Help!

1999-11-23 Thread Donna2424
In a message dated 11/22/1999 7:01:49 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes:

<< I have been listening and learning and decided to make my own CS.  I got
 the silver rods from Marsha and followed the directions to make it with
 the 3 9v batteries.  Everytime I try to make CS, it turns out grey and
 has this stuff that sticks all over the negative rod.  At first I bought
 some distilled water and after I tried it I looked at the label and it
 said it was distilled through reverse osmosis ( I believe they use salt
 in the process) Now I got some water that says steam distilled and it is
 still turning out grey and yucky looking.  What am I doing wrong???  How
 can I get the yellow CS??
 Someone PLEASE help me
I will give this a shot until the techies jump in here.  If the stuff hanging 
off the one wire is black that is ok.  You must carefully clean the wire off 
at intervals to keep it clean.  As for the color the people on the list will 
want to know the following.
1.  How far apart are you spacing the wires
2.  How long are you running it for
3.  what are you making it in?
4.  How much water is being used and how much of the wire is in the water.
They can get a clearer picture if you include all the details.

Donna Earnest
This email contains only my opinion and should not be taken as medical advice.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>Re: H>B>/pulser

1999-11-23 Thread O2 Communication
Yes and electroporation apparently magnifies effects - for example, one
aspirin might have the effect of 20 or one beer would have the effect of 20
beers on the system!


-Original Message-
From: Marshall Dudley []
Sent: Monday, November 22, 1999 11:20 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Re: H>B>/pulser wrote: Katarina,

>   What does electoporation mean exactly?  If I could just quit smoking I
> would love to try one of these devices.  I still have the one that someone
> made me and have never tried it.
> Donna

>From what I understand the current causes cells to become more open to
passing into them.  Any toxins, or drugs then tend to have more effect than
normally would.  According to Beck, a friend of his died after eating garlic
zapping with his unit.  I have not heard that the Clark unit can cause the
thing, but I really don't know.


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>Ptemarin

1999-11-23 Thread O2 Communication
Remember also that anti-perspirant deos contribute to breast cancer - they
block off the natural 'elimination of toxins' process.

-Original Message-
From: Liz Pavek []
Sent: Sunday, November 21, 1999 6:32 AM
Subject: CS>Ptemarin

I had a "Pan-hysterectomy" fourteen years ago. Everything was removed, and I
was placed immediately on the strongest premarin they make.  Ten years
later, I lost a breast to breast cancer, and the doctors admitted that the
premarin was probably responsible. Yet they continue to prescribe it.  Did
you know that premarin is the most heavily prescribed medication in the
United States?  Is it any wonder there's been such an increase in breast


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Re: "Death"

1999-11-23 Thread 2001 TV VCR
To the person who has the word "death" in his
(or her) e-mail address and blocked my e-mail

Again, not to be rude, I don't think that commenting 
on a word which most people would hardly believe
is part of someone's actual name qualifies me as 
moron.  It seemed very obvious that you are 
trying to make a statement.  If this is your name
then I am very sorry.  Either way I think that you
should turn to God.  

God Bless you,


- Original Message - 
Sent: Monday, November 22, 1999 3:00 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Re: NIZORAL & Diflucan

> NO 
> it's my signature and only a moron would make a comment like that 

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Re: Current Limit Resistor

1999-11-23 Thread 2001 TV VCR
Hi Katarina,

In answer to your CS current limiting question
Go to Radio Shack or any electronics parts
distributor and ask for a 1/2 watt, 8.2k
(8200 ohm) resistor.  Also get two of the
alligator clips that are designed to snap onto
the ends of your meter probes.  Get one red
and one black if possible (test clips)

Just cut ONE of the wires going to your silver
electrodes.  Now simply attach each end of the
resistor to one of the wires.  "In series" means
that the electric current will have to flow through
the added device, similar to adding a small
diameter water pipe "in series" with a larger
pipe to limit the water flow.

Now wire in the meter (set to milliamps) in series
with the resistor.  Here is the diagram:

wire -> -ResistorMeter-> To silver

Use the alligator clips to add the meter in series so
that you can disconnect it if necessary to measure
battery voltage or something.  To reconnect the
"open" wires when the meter is not used you can
attach a clip lead (available in bags of five for a
couple of bucks).

If you have any other questions please give me
your phone no. and  what time is best and I will
call you.  E-mails take me forever to compose.

Have fun,


- Original Message -
From: Katarina Wittich 
Sent: Monday, November 22, 1999 8:34 AM
Subject: CS>Re:Bil/resistor

> Hi Bil,
> that is exciting -- I would love to limit the current on my pulser.
> So do I buy a resistor at Radio Shack? and what exactly do I ask for?
> Then once I have it I just cut the wires and strip them a little and then
> can wire in both the meter and the resistor? Can I wire the resistor to
> meter and then the outside two wires to the pulser lead and the one to the
> electrode?
> I think I'm going to get all this stuff and start experimenting soon.
> Thanks for your help.
> Take care,
> katarina
> > Date: Sun, 21 Nov 1999 21:02:02 -0800
> > From: "2001 TV  VCR" 
> > To: 
> > Subject: Re: CS>METERS & Current Limiting
> > Message-ID: <008e01bf34b7$069ee780$8dd4d...@x2001>
> > Content-Type: text/plain;
> >  charset="iso-8859-1"
> > Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
> >
> > To Jeff and all,
> >
> > The output of the Bob Beck approved pulsers/
> > CS makers is 27 VDC (pure DC, no pulsing) if
> > you use the correct jack (CS).
> >
> > To limit the current to a maximum of 2 to 3 mA
> > (depends on how strong you make the CS)
> > when using 27 or 30 VDC just wire a 8200 ohm
> > resistor (any wattage will do) in series with one
> > of the leads going to the silver.
> >
> > Don't worry about cutting one of the wires to
> > wire in the resistor and your meter (mA scale).
> > This will not affect the operation in any way
> > other than to limit the current (resistor).  The
> > benefits far outweigh the slight damage (change
> > of appearance!).
> >
> > If you still have questions let me know.
> > Good luck,
> >
> > Bil
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
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> To post, address your message to:
> Silver-list archive:
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>jewel weed, fleas, soy oil

1999-11-23 Thread 2001 TV VCR
Hi Yvonne:o,

I have been using olive oil for everything for
years.  Mostly salad dressing and soups.  I
heard that studies indicate that the high
consumption of this oil by people in the middle
east may explain why the rate of heart attacks
in those countries is so low.

Because of the high price of organic I always
buy extra virgin olive oil at the supermarket.
Since the olives are probably sprayed with
chemical insecticides I often wonder if this
stuff is almost as bad as regular refined
vegetable oil.


- Original Message -
From: O2 Communication 
To: ; 
Sent: Monday, November 22, 1999 4:06 AM
Subject: RE: CS>jewel weed, fleas, soy oil

> Great news re. fleas - should surely work for dogs as well?
> During nutrition training some years ago, I leanred from Dr Don Lawson
> that one should only cook with olive oil and butter (monosaturates) as
> compared with the polyunsaturates which, when heated, become
> and that's how we've cooked, very healthily ever since ...!
> Yvonne:o)
> -Original Message-
> From: []
> Sent: Friday, November 19, 1999 3:15 PM
> To:
> Subject: CS>jewel weed, fleas, soy oil
> To those asking about jewel weed, here is a link with a great picture.
> I
> have used it all my life to prevent problems after touching poison ivy.
 HREF="";>jewel weed, poison ivy, poison
> cure, folk medicine
> As to the discussion of cats, do you know about using brewers yeast to
> prevent fleas.  In PA, I give each cat 1/4 teaspoon a day mixed with
> cat food.  I do this March through November, and they never have fleas
> But you must start early, before there are any fleas around, or the fleas
> will move off the cats onto you.
> I had used Canola oil because it was recommended by Nutrition Action
> the best, until I recently read many horrible things about it.  By the
> did you know it is in most peanut butters?  So I switched to Soy oil
> soy is supposed to be so good for you.  But now someone said there are
> dangers with soy oil.  Could anyone explain what the problem is with soy
> oil?
> Karen
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
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> To post, address your message to:
> Silver-list archive:
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 