Re: CS>Free Book Available

2000-12-31 Thread V. Richter
Thank you very much.  The methods of CS Generation represented on this list
are many and diverse, and anyone not interested in the HVAC method at all
would not be interested in the level of detail you provided.  I'm a
fledgling HVAC CS maker using a 15,000V 30ma neon sign transformer.  I'm
very interested in all the details about the options and results of
different production techniques.  I already found I can vary the primary
voltage by installing an inexpensive 600W light dimmer switch on the
primary.  When I get all my metering hooked up, I'll know what variables I
can control and start experimenting.  I make a gallon at a time and have
made a few gallons so far.  It's crystal clear, approximately 10ppm by Hanna
Pure Water Tester indication after about 4 hours of production with constant
stirring.  I don't have an idea of particle size.  There is a tyndall effect
which is easily seen in daylight conditions.

Thanks for your info.  The 15ma current density per probe is something I'll
keep in mind as I try different things with the cone method.

Vince Richter

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2000-12-31 Thread Karl Kristianson
>Karl, Several weeks ago you were kind enough to post some info about
HGH source. I am wondering what benefits you and your wife have found
due to taking HGH. Thank you, Nancy


HGH (human growth hormone), when taken as a supplement to restore more
youthful levels, will cause:

1. The loss of fat (but only if you have too much!).
2. The growth of muscle (These effects will cause you to be slimmer, but
not necessarily to lose much weight.)
3. Increased skin elastisity, and thickened skin (which gets thinner
with age.).
4. The regrowth of numerous organs that atrophy with age, including the
thymus gland, which, as you age, will virtually disappear.

It is the single most powerful thing that you can take for the apparent
reversal of aging.

As with anything, you can get too much of a good thing. If it is taken
in excess (something that is very, very difficult to do if you take it
orally in the form of colostrum), something that some bodybuilders have
done by injection; it can cause permanently enlarged joints in the
hands, and skull. This is because at the end of puberty, the ends of the
bones permenantly seal off, so the bone can't grow longer. If it can't
grow longer, it will grow outward. So far as I know, this has only
happened to people taking large quantities by direct injection.

With me, the muscles in the arms and legs have increased by a large
amount, my stomach came in several inches, my butt rose quite a bit, 80%
of my wrinkling disappeared (an effect I have not read about in the
literature much). This implies that it reverses the cross-linking that
causes wrinkles, something that until recently was thought to be

Hope this helps!

Karl Kristianson

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Re: CS in eyes

2000-12-31 Thread RAINISAGE
Well, .. I have a generator from silvergen. I follow the directions 


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Re: CS in eyes

2000-12-31 Thread russ e rosser

What method do you use?  Tx. --Russ
On Sun, 31 Dec 2000 10:49:46 EST writes:
> I vote for clear. I use store bought steam distilled water. Never 
> made 
> anything other than clear cs.
> Hanan
> --
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Re: CS>Re:A little humour...OT

2000-12-31 Thread RAINISAGE
That was wonderful, thank you.

Thank you also for the food reply. I do try to eat healthy and read every 
label. It's just getting so hard to find anything that doesn't have something 
harmful in it. 

I also buy organic vegetables as much as possible. I have no clue where to 
get organic meat though, I'll have to scope that out.

I also give my son rice and oat milk. They do have some here that do not 
contain canola oil.  The Pacific brand fat free rice milk actually has 
acidopholus in it.

I buy Amy's brand pizza and Italian frozen meals a lot. All the ingredients 
are organic (I hope).

Happy New Year to You!!


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Re: CS>constipation

2000-12-31 Thread Judith Thamm
A glass of plain water only first thing in the morning and a fresh
pear about an hour after the evening meal.   Very reliable.

Then make sure you don't let fluid level down in the future - that
means no dehydrating drinks like coke and other sodas - water, water
water - lots and lots - then not constipation ever.  Coffee is
dehydrating too - anything sugar filled sucks out water.


- Original Message -
From: Christiane Osowiecki 
Sent: Saturday, December 30, 2000 3:33 AM
Subject: Re: CS>constipation

> Tracy,
> Thanks for the prune hint!  I use that on my son, but prunes are
very high
> in potassium, and my daughter can't have them because her kidney
> process the potassium. ~:-{
> I'm glad to hear that your daughter is handling the hospital stay
well.  I
> too, have spent years (literally) in the hospital with my daughter,
and I
> know all to well the perils that come with each stay.  I want to
> you with your stand with the doctors, and CS.  Keep up the good
work!  We
> are the advocates of our children, and if we don't care for them,
who will!?
> You have been in my thoughts and prayers often since your first post
> the admission.  Please continue to keep me posted!
> God bless,
> Christiane
> - Original Message -
> From: Nick Grant 
> To: 
> Sent: Friday, December 29, 2000 1:06 AM
> Subject: CS>constipation
> > Hi again
> >
> > I used to use prune juice OR cook prunes, cool, then mash up and
> them
> > finely, then freeze them in ice block cubes.  All my kids just
loved them
> > and they worked so well.  They added bulk and fibre, but gave
> motions,
> > not runny ones.  Prunes are excellent for constipation.
> >
> > Tracy.
> >
> >
> > --
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> >
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> > List maintainer: Mike Devour 
> >
> >

Re: CS>drugs

2000-12-31 Thread Judith Thamm
Children's Tylenol contains Aspartame!

Go to .  Although Sandra is in Sydney, you can ask
questions.  Dr Sandra Cabot has St Mary's Thistle in her LivaTone
tablets.  It is a herb one thinks of first in association with liver.
[Sybum marianum]


- Original Message -
From: Nick Grant 
Sent: Friday, December 29, 2000 7:32 PM
Subject: CS>drugs

> Hi Christiane
> My 2 and a half year old also has liver problems due to her
disorder.  At
> the moment she is being given, codeine, morphine, tramadole, and
> else as well, to control the pain of a broken femur.  I am freaking
> about all the drugs, and have told them to stop all but the
tramadole, and
> just give morphine incraments when absolutely necessary.  Do you
know what
> drugs cause the liver the most problems.  I know that
panadol/tylenol cause
> problems so I have told them NO PANADOL, but what about the others.
> else know.  Also what could help the liver cope with all this?
> Thanks
> Tracy
> --
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Re: CS>What does everyone eat these days??

2000-12-31 Thread Judith Thamm
Dear Hanan,
We have been certified Organic growers for some time - we eat organic,
I follow quite a lot of Dr Hulda Clark's regimen - make my own soap,
shampoos and I have created my own deodorant - NOT an antiperspirant.

Make my own bread - given up prepared foods, buy tinned food only if
by specific companies that use our own un-mangled Australian foods
that are not grown in sewerage waste water.

Buy organic meats - changed from what to cook to just have a healthy
juice - 2 carrots, one celery stick and a fat slice of rock melon
ditto pineapple - and that makes a meal - eg lunch or evening if we
had a main meal at lunch.  Even old fuss pot husband has come to
realise how filling an 8 ounce glass of just juice is.  The rock melon
or rock melon and pineapple are essential when you want to break
someone else into juice as a meal - the flavour is fantastic.

Treated rellies to rock melon, pineapple and lots of watermelon
yesterday as a thirst quencher pre-dinner drink - more converts.

Changing your lifestyle to rare if ever fast foods or prepared foods
is a pain at first - but soon you will find no probs making your own
eg icecream - again I created my own - using safe products.

I bake - I'm partial to Spelt four at the moment - Vita-Spelt it's
called.  Both whole and white available.

Our shopping is always heavy on safe fruits and vegetables.  Natural
grains by choice - and processed avoided.

Tea is green tea or green tea with paw paw leaf for me - my husband
likes his with caffeine in it.  No coffee.  I use a great many herbal
teas - some I mix myself - I find guarana and siberian ginseng

I made a batch of echinacea throat lozenges - but they were a
problem - I made this lovely big batch that I thought would last for
months - but my husband attacked them with great vigour - despite
threats, discussions [...@#$@%???] and ultimatums [or is it
ultimata?].  I have not made another batch since but I made a sun
infused jar of garlic honey instead - that does not have the same
appeal so it is there when I want it ;)!

For a time, my husband would not walk round with me shopping as I tend
to speak my thoughts out loud when I read the crap in products - like
canola oil in rice milk!!! What for???  To make it as toxic as milk?

Now he has tasted organic meat, he has become very fussy too.  I think
it is a case of reawakening your taste buds from bland to exciting by
using sea salt, fresh ground pepper, fresh or safely dried herbs - not
irradiated etc that you become a gradual convert to a change in
lifestyle.  A little more work means better, tastier eating.

Plan ahead for ready to eat meals - your own heat and eat can be
prepared by doing twice as much and storing one for a day or two and
eating the other immediately.

It's only a problem at the beginning!  Good health!  Good eating!


> Gosh, with all the crud in our food, I'm at a loss at the grocery
> Any ideas?
> Hanan
> --
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CS>Re:A little humour...OT

2000-12-31 Thread Judith Thamm
Sad, but true... ;)


'Twas the month after Christmas, and all through the house
Nothing would fit me, not even a blouse.
The cookies I'd nibbled, the eggnog I'd taste
All the holiday parties had gone to my waist.
When I got on the scales there arose such a number!
When I walked to the store (less a walk than a lumber).
I'd remember the marvelous meals I'd prepared;
The gravies and sauces and beef nicely rared,
The wine and the rum balls, the bread and the cheese
And the way I'd never said, "No thank you, please."
As I dressed myself in my husband's old shirt
And prepared once again to do battle with dirt--
I said to myself, as I only can "You can't spend a winter disguised as
a man!"

So, away with the last of the sour cream dip,
Get rid of the fruit cake, every cracker and chip
Every last bit of food that I like must be banished
'Till all the additional ounces have vanished.
I won't have a cookie, not even a lick.
I'll want only to chew on a long celery stick.
I won't have hot biscuits, or corn bread, or pie,
I'll munch on a carrot and quietly cry.
I'm hungry, I'm lonesome, and life is a bore---
But isn't that what January is for?
Unable to giggle, no longer a riot.
Happy New Year to all and to all a good diet!

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Re: CS>mice

2000-12-31 Thread Marilyn Caldwell
I buy a product made by Catchmaster at Wal-Mart.  It is a bated glue board
which is supposed to be non-toxic.  You get 4 boards about 4" by 8" in one
package.  You place them where you think the mice are and the mice stick to
the board and can't get away.  The mice are still trying to move when you
catch them, and they die a slow death, however, you do not have to worry
about where they are and how they smell if you would have poisoned them.  It
is also good for insects.

- Original Message -
From: "Tony Moody" 
Sent: Sunday, December 31, 2000 2:42 AM
Subject: CS>mice

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2000-12-31 Thread BROOKS BRADLEY
To the entire Silver-List membership:
I wish to take this opportunity to express very
profound thanks
to the many of you who sent me emails recommending various rewcipients
for a donation/grant.  I received an ENORMOUS number of
Every one had some merit.  However, from among the many which met the
legal requirementsI had to make some difficult choices.
Unfortunately, with only nine awards to make---and so many
qualifiers---there were many deserving causes/organizations that did not
benefit.  I wish we were able to do more in this area.  Those among you
who recommended casuses/organizations which were selected.have,
already, been notifiedso each of you know whether or not your
selections resulted in an award.
Again, my deepest thanks to you all... and may your good
wishes for others be transformed into energies directly beneficial to
Sincerely, Brooks Bradley.
p.s.  For any interested list members in the FT.W./Dallas
metroplexthe feature article on our Prairie Dog restoration program
for the Dallas Nature Center, ran in the Saturday, Dec. 30th issue of
the Dallas Morning News (Metro-Section).

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Re: CS>Free Book Available

2000-12-31 Thread Frank Key

The HVAC method most often used for tests here in my lab and the method Ron 
Gibbs used was what you would call the 'cone' method. I can not really comment 
much on the other methods, other than to say we looked at them and made a few 

Ron's machine used 10.5KV @ 30 ma. I have built and test machines that ranged 
from 5.0KV to 15.0 KV and tested current densities at the 'cone' electrodes 
that ranged from 1.0 ma to 30 ma per electrode. Ron liked 15 ma per electrode 
to minimize ionic, but at the sacrifice of particle size. At the time we had 
only begun to do particle size distribution tests, none of which made it into 
his book. All the real particle distribution work happened after Ron's death. 
along with most of the ionic project that I was working on when Ron got ill.

What we did learn is that the first order determinant for particle size is 
current density at the 'cone' electrode. Practical values of the current is 
from 5 ma to 15 ma per electrode. There are many things that affect current 
density, such as applied voltage, geometry of the electrode, conductivity of 
the water (mostly due to ionic content), and temperature.

The lab tests were conducted with equipment that we designed and built in our 
own shop. The electrode holders were made from a combination of ceramic and 
stainless steel and could accommodate up to 10 'cone' electrodes.  A single 
plate center electrode that measured about 1" x 4" was situated horizontally 
in the water between two rows of 5 wire electrodes made from 0.080" fine 
silver wire.  This stuff is not cheap to produce, and probably would cost 
several thousand dollars just for the electrode holders if someone tried to 
manufacture this design to sell. I can not imagine that it would cost 
effective. It would probably be easier to put some pictures on the web site if 
anyone is interested in this level of detail.

The wire electrodes could be removed in pairs to adjust the total number of 
electrode "points" that would divide the current from the HV transformer. The 
current per electrode 'point' was thus varied by changing the number of 
electrodes and by selecting the current rating of the HV transformer.

The transformers used are of the "neon" type, meaning they employ an internal 
magnetic shunt with an air gap to essentially produce a limited constant 
current output on the secondary. This type transformer can be operated with 
the secondary shorted and the primary current will reach its maximum value and 
go no higher. A normal (non-shunted) transformer would over current and 
overtemp and eventually burn out under the same conditions. So basically, the 
"neon" type transformer is perfectly suited to driving the highly variable 
load of a cs generator.

I should mention that this research is years old now. All of what has been 
discussed above will produce cs that is 75% to 95% ionic depending on process 

This is probably more detail than anyone cares to hear about.

frank key

> Frank,
> Thanks for your postings and responces to specific questions.  I've enjoyed
> your information and am filing it for future reference.  Here's yet another
> question.
> Could you give any generalities on which HVAC methods are best for colloidal
> silver production and how the different methods vary the results.  Let's
> say, 10,000V and up to 15,000V for the voltage to limit the scope.  I know
> you scientific types aren't in your comfort zones with generalities, in
> general; but in this case I believe it has it's place.  For example, There
> is a "both silver electrodes immersed" HVAC method (which has a variable of
> surface area of immersed electrode).  There is a "one electrode immersed and
> one arc" method (which has a variable of the one electrode's wet surface
> area).  There is a "cone" method for which the wet surface area of the
> electrode is inherently minimized and only dependent on the geometry of the
> end of the electrode.  The cone method, of course, is where the distance
> from the electrode to the water is shorter than the arc distance but not
> below the surface of the water.  The elecrodes attract the water and pull it
> up to continuously touch the electrodes.
> I realize this could occupy a lengthy paper and I'm not trying to impose on
> you for that.  Any experience you have gained relative to the above would be
> greatly appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Vince Richter
> --
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2000-12-31 Thread RAINISAGE
So am I to assume ashing is a bunch of cockadoodee? Someone who contacted me 
about getting involved with blue green algae posted the "ashing" question to 
me. Sounded pretty weird to me too.


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2000-12-31 Thread Marsha Hallett

> Anyone hear of or experience this with the use of CS. Supposedly something
> about having too much cs can cause you to leave silver residue on your bed
> linens.
> Please Respond
> Hanan

Boy, THAT`s a new one!! Been using cs for the best part of five years now,
and the only thing icky on my sheets are all the hairs of my sheddy Pug

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Re: CS>Free Book Available

2000-12-31 Thread V. Richter

Thanks for your postings and responces to specific questions.  I've enjoyed
your information and am filing it for future reference.  Here's yet another

Could you give any generalities on which HVAC methods are best for colloidal
silver production and how the different methods vary the results.  Let's
say, 10,000V and up to 15,000V for the voltage to limit the scope.  I know
you scientific types aren't in your comfort zones with generalities, in
general; but in this case I believe it has it's place.  For example, There
is a "both silver electrodes immersed" HVAC method (which has a variable of
surface area of immersed electrode).  There is a "one electrode immersed and
one arc" method (which has a variable of the one electrode's wet surface
area).  There is a "cone" method for which the wet surface area of the
electrode is inherently minimized and only dependent on the geometry of the
end of the electrode.  The cone method, of course, is where the distance
from the electrode to the water is shorter than the arc distance but not
below the surface of the water.  The elecrodes attract the water and pull it
up to continuously touch the electrodes.

I realize this could occupy a lengthy paper and I'm not trying to impose on
you for that.  Any experience you have gained relative to the above would be
greatly appreciated.


Vince Richter

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2000-12-31 Thread Harold Rand
Your dispatch is unreadable

Re: CS in eyes

2000-12-31 Thread Dean T. Miller
Hi Christiane,

On Sun, 31 Dec 2000 10:36:47 -0800, "Christiane Osowiecki"

>When I first started making CS, I was told that a brown, plastic, peroxide
>bottle was good to store CS in.  Sometimes, I put my clear CS in it, and
>when I go to use it a few days later, it has turned yellow, or brown.  Do
>you know what would make that happen?  Thanks for all your help,

Hmm.  I have no idea why it would turn brown.  I haven't checked the
type of plastic bottle H2O2 comes in.

I happen to store my CS in various containers -- sometimes leaving it
in the 1 quart preparation container for days.  The small containers
are vitamin bottles (glass) from GNC, Thompson and others.  They're
usually brown (this is for convenience, not the color -- they're about
the only small glass bottles I get).  The large containers are 2 liter
pop bottles, mostly green colored (my son likes Mountain Dew).

-- Dean -- from (almost) Duh Moyn  (CDP, KB0ZDF)

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CS>Unidentified subject!

2000-12-31 Thread Ron
Read some good comments about the good "doctor" at:

Post 3643 & 3673

Re: CS>On Making CS Using AC

2000-12-31 Thread Trem
Hi Hanan,

What they're speaking of is HVAC (High Voltage Alternating Current) at about
10,000-15,000 volts.  Our generator operates on AC wall current but is what
one would call an LVDC (Low Voltage Direct Current) generator.  The wall
current is converted to DC internally.  The two types of generators are
completely different in their operation.

- Original Message -
Sent: Sunday, December 31, 2000 10:30 AM
Subject: Re: CS>On Making CS Using AC

> O.K. Bare with me, I'm a bit retarded when it comes to electricity, I'm
> handy with plumbing though.
> When you speak of AC are you talking about plugging a generator into your
> electrical wall outlet?
> If so, I bought my generator from silvergen and thats what I do - plug it
> into the socket.
> Am I missing something?
> Hanan
> --
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2000-12-31 Thread Black

Several weeks ago you were kind enough to post some info about HGH source.
I am wondering what benefits you and your wife have found due to taking HGH.

Thank you,

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CS>On the Production and Form of Silver Particles in CS

2000-12-31 Thread ROGALTMAN
In a message dated 12/31/00 11:38:05 AM EST, writes:

<< Subj: RE: CS>Free Book Available 
 Date:  12/31/00 11:38:05 AM EST
 From: (James Osbourne, Holmes)
 Hi Frank, et al,
 What is Ron basing his statement on?
 I think you will find that CSpro believes that the sol made by their HV
 equipment produces very little "ionic" silver.

JOH: I have a suspicion that the production of Ag+ may be proportional to the 
production of NO3- which is generated by the arc in (one method of) producing 
 Marx believes that the effects of dissolved silver are not known and prefers
 to avoid creating Ag + in his sols.

I know of no one who will disagree with the idea that dissolved silver is
 much more reactive with other ions than a silver sol, and therefore has
 greater potential for creating undesired reaction products.   Ionic silver
 has been responsible for most cases of Argyria in the literature.
JOH: If Ivan is correct, generating Ag+ would be beneficial because this is 
the only form of silver which the body can absorb. If Bruce is worried about 
Ag+ causing argyria, I think his concern may be unnecessary because of the 
tiny amount of Ag+ available from CS as opposed to the virtually unlimited 
amount of Ag+ available from silver salts. In addition, I think there is 
merit in accepting the simple explanation (with regard to argyria, for 
example) until it can be demonstrated that a more complex explanation is 
 The definition of  "ionic" has never been agreed upon by this list's
 participants.  Webster's unabridged, 2nd Edition says that an ion is a
 charged atom or group of atoms, and specifically mentions the gain or loss
 of an electron as creating the charge.  It means nothing about how that
 charge came to be, or other factors relevant to the behavior of the "ion" in
 any given environment.
 I have proposed defining "ionic, dissolved silver" to mean a single atom of
 silver with its outer shell missing one electron, and a silver sol to mean a
small cluster of atoms bearing a positive charge.

JOH: I'm with you on that issue.
 How a positive charge is generated on a cluster of Ag is created-- if indeed
 that is the case--is still a mystery to me.
 For the past several years most writers have held that electro-generated
 silver sols have a positive charge and are composed of a small clump of
 atoms.   How that charge originates has never been explained to me in a
 manner that I can understand.

JOH: One of the things to keep in mind is that the silver anode should not be 
thought of as completely monolithic with regard to the uniformity of the 
atoms it contains. Beside impurities, there are atomic misalignments, and 
even the presence of micro-cracks. These lattice irregularities will produce 
non-uniform force fields which result in potential asymmetries in the local 
atomic structure. The net effect of which is to cause atomic clusters to 
break-off preferentially at the expense of those atoms which are held 
together within a more uniform force-field. In thermodynamic terms, the 
surface free energy at any given moment (interfacing with the water) is 
changing. This non-uniformity can account for the fact that the immersed 
electrode HVAC CS process operating at thousands of volts has enough 
potential to tear apart atomic clusters which have less asymmetry (and thus 
produce CS that, in general, has a smaller particle size) than that produced 
from a simple LVDC process. The above examination is aimed at the solid phase 
only, other factors can effect particle size in the aqueous phase such as 
stirring, and controlling current are also important and have been discussed 
from time to time. Roger


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Re: CS>Free Book Available

2000-12-31 Thread Frank Key

I will try to respond by item.

> Hi Frank, et al,
> What is Ron basing his statement on?

Since Ron has passed away, it may be best to let his book speak for him.
> I think you will find that CSpro believes that the sol made by their HV
> equipment produces very little "ionic" silver.

The cs produced by CSpro Ultra Pro equipment that we tested is 90% ions, 10% 
particles. I bought one his machines years ago to experiment with a 
commercially available machine. I considered his to be one of the better units 
available. Many technical measurements have been made on the cs produced by 
the Ultra Pro machine. I have designed and built several generations of 
equipment that is based on the same HVAC method. They all produced a product 
that ranged from 75% to 95% ionic.

> Marx believes that the effects of dissolved silver are not known and prefers
> to avoid creating Ag + in his sols.

I cannot speak for what he knows.
> I know of no one who will disagree with the idea that dissolved silver is
> much more reactive with other ions than a silver sol, and therefore has
> greater potential for creating undesired reaction products.   Ionic silver
> has been responsible for most cases of argyria in the literature.

I do not believe ionic silver causes argyria. If it did, I would have argyria 
by now, and I do not. Salts of silver and specifically silver nitrate are the 
probable cause.
>  Dissolved silver produces no Tyndall effect; try it with silver nitrate of
> any concentration.  CSpro sol demonstrates a pronounced Tyndall.

An entire paper could be writen on Tyndall effect and what its relevance is to 
a cs product. I would not call the Tyndall effect 'pronounced', only modest 
for that product. A reasonably good way to quantify Tyndall effect is to use a 
turbidity meter and read in National Turbidity Units (NTU).
> Since everyone agrees that Ag + will certainly react with the abundantly
> present Cl minus to produce a relatively harmless and insoluble salt, first
> in the stomach, and, if it were to be absorbed without reacting in the
> stomach, then in the blood.
> That would render useless 90 % of the CSpro sol.  My anecdotal experience
> with the CSpro HVAC sol shows it to be highly potent against fungi,
> bacteria, and virons in man.

This is really a statement of how effective the 10% particles are. I believe 
the CSpro sol is a fine product and it's effectiveness in unquestionable good. 
However, I believe it is the silver nanoparticles that produce the result. 
Even sols containing as little as 0.1 ppm of particles can produce remarkable 

The only way to get better results is make the particles smaller and raise the 
percent of particles vs ions. Particle size distribution by volume is what 
matters (it cannot be measured using a TEM).

Particle size distribution requires a Photon Correlation Spectrometer (PCS). 
We have literally thousands of size distribution plots made with this type of 
equipment. At some point these may posted on the web site.

> The definition of  "ionic" has never been agreed upon by this list's
> participants.  Webster's unabridged, 2nd Edition says that an ion is a
> charged atom or group of atoms, and specifically mentions the gain or loss
> of an electron as creating the charge.  It means nothing about how that
> charge came to be, or other factors relevant to the behavior of the "ion" in
> any given environment.

In the context of colloidal silver, ionic silver can be precisely defined and 
an explanation is found in the paper titled "Ions, Atoms and Charged 
Particles" available in pdf format at
> I have proposed defining "ionic, dissolved silver" to mean a single atom of
> silver with its outer shell missing one electron, and a silver sol to mean a
> small cluster of atoms bearing a positive charge.

A small cluster of silver atoms is a particle of silver, and it has a negative 
charge (zeta potential) when in a water of low ionic content, not a positive 
charge. See the paper referred to above.

> How a positive charge is generated on a cluster of Ag is created-- if indeed
> that is the case--is still a mystery to me.

The particles are not positively charged, only the ions. The paper explains 
the difference between 'ionic charge' and 'particle charge' which are two 
entirely different things.
> For the past several years most writers have held that electro-generated
> silver sols have a positive charge and are composed of a small clump of
> atoms.   How that charge originates has never been explained to me in a
> manner that I can understand.  That is in large part due to my lacking a
> fundamental grounding in the pertinent science, but also due to conflicting
> assertions by highly qualified professionals.

The ions have a positive charge, the particles have a negative charge (zeta 
potential). Again see the paper.
> There needs to be standardization of working  definitions:  If the
> "particle" is defin

Re: CS>On Making CS Using AC

2000-12-31 Thread RAINISAGE
O.K. Bare with me, I'm a bit retarded when it comes to electricity, I'm very 
handy with plumbing though. 

When you speak of AC are you talking about plugging a generator into your 
electrical wall outlet?

If so, I bought my generator from silvergen and thats what I do - plug it 
into the socket.

Am I missing something?


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CS>On Making CS Using AC

2000-12-31 Thread ROGALTMAN
In a message dated 12/30/00 9:48:48 PM EST, writes:

<< Subj: Re: CS>Free Book Available
 Date:  12/30/00 9:48:48 PM EST
 From: (Erwin Hanke)
 Found the free booklet very interesting.  One question.  - It is stated 
 "All of the highest 4-star rated colloidal silver products tested were 
 produced utilizing the AC process.  How does one go about making colloidal 
 silver using AC?
 To err is human, sour grapes, da vine.
 Erwin >>

Erwin: Check the archives. You'll find a mountain of info there. Roger

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2000-12-31 Thread RAINISAGE
Anyone hear of or experience this with the use of CS. Supposedly something 
about having too much cs can cause you to leave silver residue on your bed 

Please Respond


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CS>mice problem

2000-12-31 Thread Terry Wayne
Try putting out pie pans full of diet Coke. Even if
the Aspartame doesn't get them, a mouse cannot burp,
so (I'm told) the gas in Coke will cause them to
rupture internally. Tell us how it works.
Terry Wayne

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RE: CS>Free Book Available

2000-12-31 Thread James Osbourne, Holmes
Hi Frank, et al,

What is Ron basing his statement on?

I think you will find that CSpro believes that the sol made by their HV
equipment produces very little "ionic" silver.

Marx believes that the effects of dissolved silver are not known and prefers
to avoid creating Ag + in his sols.

I know of no one who will disagree with the idea that dissolved silver is
much more reactive with other ions than a silver sol, and therefore has
greater potential for creating undesired reaction products.   Ionic silver
has been responsible for most cases of Argyria in the literature.

 Dissolved silver produces no Tyndall effect; try it with silver nitrate of
any concentration.  CSpro sol demonstrates a pronounced Tyndall.

Since everyone agrees that Ag + will certainly react with the abundantly
present Cl minus to produce a relatively harmless and insoluble salt, first
in the stomach, and, if it were to be absorbed without reacting in the
stomach, then in the blood.

That would render useless 90 % of the CSpro sol.  My anecdotal experience
with the CSpro HVAC sol shows it to be highly potent against fungi,
bacteria, and virons in man.

The definition of  "ionic" has never been agreed upon by this list's
participants.  Webster's unabridged, 2nd Edition says that an ion is a
charged atom or group of atoms, and specifically mentions the gain or loss
of an electron as creating the charge.  It means nothing about how that
charge came to be, or other factors relevant to the behavior of the "ion" in
any given environment.

I have proposed defining "ionic, dissolved silver" to mean a single atom of
silver with its outer shell missing one electron, and a silver sol to mean a
small cluster of atoms bearing a positive charge.

How a positive charge is generated on a cluster of Ag is created-- if indeed
that is the case--is still a mystery to me.

For the past several years most writers have held that electro-generated
silver sols have a positive charge and are composed of a small clump of
atoms.   How that charge originates has never been explained to me in a
manner that I can understand.  That is in large part due to my lacking a
fundamental grounding in the pertinent science, but also due to conflicting
assertions by highly qualified professionals.

There needs to be standardization of working  definitions:  If the
"particle" is defined as the silver alone, then according to most writers it
is positively charged.  If the cluster of negative hydroxyl ions said to
attach to the positive silver cluster is included in the definition "charged
particle"  then the aggregate has an overall negative charge.

In describing how CS disables pathogens, most writers describe the effect of
a positive charge.  If the silver clump is surrounded by negative hydroxyl
ions, how does the positive charge come to bear?

It has also been stated that most bacteria are negative.  If bacteria are
negative shouldn't they repel the negatively charged silver-hydroxyl ion

Forgive me speaking so generally and  for not having cites to support my
assertions;  the material from which I draw is not well organized, and I am
presently too committed to other matters to compile and compare it in
sufficient detail to offer a useful description  of the different proposals.

I do know that Bruce Marx of Capri,  unless he has very recently change his
position, holds that the sol produced by his HV devices produces very little
monatomic dissolved silver.


James Osbourne Holmes


 -Original Message-
From:   Frank Key []
Sent:   Saturday, December 30, 2000 8:04 PM
Subject:Re: CS>Free Book Available

That is referring to the HVAC process, usually using 10,000 to 12,000 volts
Commercial grade units such as the Ultra Pro from CSPro uses this process.
CSPro unit is a very nice mechanical packaging job. You can also build your
own using a high voltage neon sign transformer. Best if you have machine
facilities available to make the electrode holders, etc. This is not really
hobbiest project. The serious voltages involved can turn you into a crispy
critter in no time.

As Ron points out, it makes a reasonable good cs product which is about 90%
ionic silver and 10% particles.

frank key

> Found the free booklet very interesting.  One question.  - It is stated
> "All of the highest 4-star rated colloidal silver products tested were
> produced utilizing the AC process.  How does one go about making colloidal
> silver using AC?
> To err is human, sour grapes, da vine.
> Erwin

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CS>Storing CS in Plastic Containers

2000-12-31 Thread ROGALTMAN
In a message dated 12/30/00 6:58:35 PM EST, writes:

<< You said that you spray from a plastic spray bottle.. I was
 under the impression (remember I'm a newbie) that CS should not be stored in
 plastic. I thought that it could only be stored in dark glass (brown or
 blue).  Anyone..please correct me if my information in incorrect.
 I hope I've helped,

Christiane: It depends on the quality of CS produced. Generally, the higher 
quality CS can be stored in plastic containers. For example, the HVAC CS I 
make is stored in plastic containers with no problems. Roger 

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Re: CS in eyes

2000-12-31 Thread FHLew
Greetings to all Silverlisters.

 Harold wrote:

   < I wonder if anyone there might venture an opinion as to 
whether is is safe to spray CS into my eyes when I get up in the morning It 
is almost stuck shut in the morning from dried something during the night. >

   I have a friend  complaining of inflammed conjuctiva. She wears contact 
lenses which are cleansed by immersing in an ocular lotion
 overnight. I suggested Colloidal Silver drop instillation to both eyes at 10 
PPM in distilled water  as often as she wishes and that the contact lenses to 
be cleansed by  overnight immersion in Colloidal Silver.. I hear no more of 
ocular complaints from her to-date. I prefer the  more gentler mode of drop 
instillation where the eyes are concerned.

 The sticky stuck eyes often seen in the morning are due to the 
concretization of fibrinous exudate due to Potassium [K] deficit. The latter 
can also manifest in the form of mucous catarrh. For my paediatric cases, I use 
 potentised Potassium Chloride [ Kalium Muriaticum  6x] . For adults,  K salt 
is another alternative. K salt [ a US product ] available in Malaysia, is a 
combination of potassium gluconate, potassium acetate and mono-potassium 
phosphate. The K salt is dissolved in distilled water and is refrigerated. The 
chilled solution is taken as desired.
   The benefits of K salt:

   * Removes excess Sodium in cells
   * Build new tissues
   * Diuretic action: Counteracts water
 retention [ edema and puffy eyes ]
   *Replaces electrolytes in the body
   *Regulates kidney functions
   * Prevents cough and colds
   * Removes chest congestion
   * Strengthens the immune system 
 [ Colloidal Silver has this property]

  Potassium [K] is one of the most important minerals in the human 
body,being indispensable in tissue protein synthesis and enzymatic 
processes,helping to maintain intra-cellular pH and the regulation of kidney 

With regards

CS>Re: color of CS

2000-12-31 Thread Christiane Osowiecki
I do purchase my distilled water from a drug store, so that could very well
be my problem.  I, personally have found that the yellow stuff tastes bad
and doesn't work as well.  This is not by any scientific standards, or
testing...just from personal experience...


- Original Message -
From: Ted Windsor 
Sent: Sunday, December 31, 2000 7:40 AM
Subject: Re: CS in eyes

> Hi Christiane:
> I have yet to make a yellow color CS, I use a Polar Bear distiller, yet
> of my friends sometimes get yellow CS, they purchase their distilled water
> a drug store,  it is my oponion that the distilled water makes the
> There are some who use yellow dye in their CS and charge a higher price
> promoting that yellow is better. I leave it up to the indivudal member on
> list to decide, what is better.
> Blessings
> Ted
> Christiane Osowiecki wrote:
> > > Good, clear CS can be stored in anything that holds water.  The dark
> > > glass is needed for CS that has a yellow color.
> > >
> >
> > Most of my CS is completely clear, but every once in a while I get a
> > batch.  I haven't been able to figure out why that happens, because as
> > as I can figure, I am doing the exact same thing.
> >
> >
> > Christiane
> >
> --
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> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS in eyes

2000-12-31 Thread RAINISAGE
I vote for clear. I use store bought steam distilled water. Never made 
anything other than clear cs.


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS in eyes

2000-12-31 Thread Ted Windsor
Hi Christiane:
I have yet to make a yellow color CS, I use a Polar Bear distiller, yet several
of my friends sometimes get yellow CS, they purchase their distilled water from
a drug store,  it is my oponion that the distilled water makes the difference.
There are some who use yellow dye in their CS and charge a higher price
promoting that yellow is better. I leave it up to the indivudal member on the
list to decide, what is better.

Christiane Osowiecki wrote:

> > Good, clear CS can be stored in anything that holds water.  The dark
> > glass is needed for CS that has a yellow color.
> >
> Most of my CS is completely clear, but every once in a while I get a yellow
> batch.  I haven't been able to figure out why that happens, because as far
> as I can figure, I am doing the exact same thing.
> Christiane

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS in eyes

2000-12-31 Thread Christiane Osowiecki
> Good, clear CS can be stored in anything that holds water.  The dark
> glass is needed for CS that has a yellow color.

Most of my CS is completely clear, but every once in a while I get a yellow
batch.  I haven't been able to figure out why that happens, because as far
as I can figure, I am doing the exact same thing.

> > Some plastics aren't good, because they can leach chemicals into the
> CS over time (a relatively long time).  However, soda (pop) bottles
> are okay to use to store CS (they're designed to hold acidic solutions
> for a long time).

When I first started making CS, I was told that a brown, plastic, peroxide
bottle was good to store CS in.  Sometimes, I put my clear CS in it, and
when I go to use it a few days later, it has turned yellow, or brown.  Do
you know what would make that happen?  Thanks for all your help,

> -- Dean -- from (almost) Duh Moyn  (CDP, KB0ZDF)

I get a chuckle from your "Duh Moyn" thing every time! ~:-}

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Re: CS>Unsubscribe/Yahoo Mail cannot allow page deletion

2000-12-31 Thread Erwin Hanke
In front of each message is a block.  By checking the block in front of 
each message you wish to delete, you can delete a bunch at a time.  Also, 
at the bottom of your list of messages is a message that reads Check 
All.  By clicking on the message, all of the messages are checked.  You can 
now click on any individual messages that you DO NOT want to delete, which 
leave the other messages checked.  Now click on the "Delete" button and 
voila, those messages you want deleted are gone.


At 04:20 PM 12/30/2000 -0800, you wrote:

This is some real BS, you purchase a mail service that
then gives you no way to delete a page at a time. This
is false advertising: the service does not work as
advertised.!!! Now my 25 MB mailbox is now full and I
cant spend 8 hours deleting each letter one at a time.

Re: CS>mice

2000-12-31 Thread RAINISAGE
Speaking of cockroaches, (I manage apartments) cat nip works wonders. Buy it 
loose, put it in cheesecloth. The roaches can't stand the smell and quickly 
vacate - I don't even have to give them a 30 day notice!. Don't know if this 
works on ants or mice.


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2000-12-31 Thread Tony Moody
Cats eat mice, and snakes eat mice! 
However, I'm told: Sprinkle borax powder under furniture and along next
to the skirting boards. They walk on it, lick it off their feet;
apparently it does nasty things to their digestion. Supposed to do in
cockroaches too. 
Don't leave any CS out for them 'cos it might undo the borax damage :)

Judith Thamm wrote:
> Ted, .
>  Pray do tell how do you feed aspartame to mice?  With ants you tip it
> in their hole - with mice there is no hole specifically when they
> build up to plague proportions - they live on top of the ground and
> just cling together out of light during the day - one lot we couldn't
> trace in the house - drove us crazy - we eased out a bookcase and
> there were 50 or so clinging together behind it
> They eat everything - clothes, tupperware, furniture coverings - I'd
> love to feed them poison now - but until a plague is declared, we are
> not allowed to buy baits with strychnine or the like in it.
> Judith.

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