Re: [Therion] : map-connection does not display if map is both offset and not offset

2020-11-15 Thread Marco Corvi

that was a nice remark.

i think that if you put scrap1 in map1 and scrap2 in map2, and then combine
in a final map containing
   map2 […] above/below

and select the final map, then you get scrap1 and scrap2 in place,
and also scrap2 offseted and the map-connection line


> I just discovered some behaviour that I did not expect.
> When a scrap has a point map-connection, any exports of that scrap have a
> dotted line from the 'true' location of the point map-location to the
> 'offset' location.  Right?
> These two examples show what is expected.  The first with a single copy of
> an offset map, and the second with two offset copies of the map.
> However, if there is also a copy of the map that is not offset, then all of
> the map-connection points are hidden.  I tried using the -visibility on
> option for the point map-connection, that that had no effect.
> The image below shows an example of this behaviour.
> Although it is not very often that I want to show a map both in its proper
> location and offset, it seems to me that one should be able to do it and
> also have the map-connection points display properly for the offset maps.
> Is this a bug perhaps?
> Bruce
Therion mailing list

Re: [Therion] Revisiting Breaking extended elevations on specific stations

2020-07-20 Thread Marco Corvi
i realized i was too naive:
the "principle" of the spanning tree is ok, but it is not enough.

suppose to have five legs at a station
and some of them belongs to loop(s).
Suppose that the user wants to have 6-7 7-8 together, and 20-7 7-21 together
but the two pairs separated, because of the way loops get extended.
and 7-45 attached to 6-7 7-8 at station 7.

the abstract picture i came up with was to replace a crossway station, like "7"
in the above example, with a complete graph (for 3-leg crossway this is trivial)

to make the story short i think therion syntax needs a way to specify that
6-7 7-8 and 7-45 share station "7" in the extended elevation and 20-7 7-21
share a separate station "7".

Therion mailing list

Re: [Therion] Revisiting Breaking extended elevations on specific stations

2020-07-16 Thread Marco Corvi
last weekend i completed the survey of a cave with some parallel close pits
connected through several "windows".
the last survey joined the previous surveys at seven stations.

needless to say, i was not able to tell therion how to break the centerline
for the extended elevation. Eventually i removed a few "equates"
(the loops closed quite well anyways)

extended elevation requires a spanning tree of the centerline graph.
"extend" is meant to tell therion how to break loops "removing" edges/legs.

I suspect that this semantics of "extend stop" is not sufficient because if the
user moves the data around (which is acceptable because in therion data can
be reordered) the result could be different.

I believe that we need a way the user tell therion how to construct the spanning
tree without ambiguities. The only solution i can see is telling which
edge to remove.
The drawback is that each station appears only once (at one node) in
the tree, and
there cannot be two stations "7" as in Tarquin's problem.

back to the problem i experienced:
what about an option to "equate" to tell therion that it must not be
used for the
extended elevation ?

Therion mailing list

[Therion] topodroid to therion

2018-12-04 Thread Marco Corvi via Therion
*The meaning I meant to convey was; I don’t think I have seen a description
of exactly the settings and workflow TopoDROID users should use if they
want to export their data for Therion to process, in one place, and step by
step.  No doubt the detail is in the TopoDROID user manual, but it is
scattered around, and interspersed with information that is not
particularly useful for Therion users.*

bruce, you are right. i misunderstood.
a therion wiki page, a sort of "howto use topodroid for therion", is
probably a good idea

*And little indication of what settings will make life pleasant or
unpleasant for Therion users.  Many of the default settings seem to be
Therion unfriendly, as evidenced by the examples posted on the Therion
forum over the previous year or so, and my own subsequent experimentations.*

this is probably because the default values of topodroid settings try to
fit the average cave surveyor/cartographer, and only a minority of them
uses therion.
anyways, i think that the therion-relevant settings are only a few

*I suspect what is missing is a user guide that describes what to do to
ensure a pleasant Therion experience with data generated by TopoDROID.
Your post from 3-4 December is the first time I recall seeing such a
targeted user guide format, and I am wondering if a Therion wiki page based
on your post might fill that gap. *

however, i do not expect my way to be the best and the only one. i do not
think there is a definitive way to work from topodroid to therion. the
process depends also on the environment (=cave) and resources (=android
device/distox). the wiki page might provide general rules and point to
program features that are important for the drafting of maps with therion
and cave project managing.

* I am happy to create the outline of a wiki page and fit it into the
Therion wiki structure somehow.  If I start something, maybe someone else
can fill in the gaps*

as i said, i think it's a good idea.
do it.
and i hope other users add in their advices

Therion mailing list

[Therion] topodroid to therion

2018-12-03 Thread Marco Corvi via Therion
i apologize the cut-n-paste, but i get post in digest
and i try to keep reply short.
- - - - - -

That is a good description.  I can see a wiki page developing from it. I
don’t think I have seen similar information before?

that info is in the user manual, more or less

It is a while since I played with TopoDROID.  Is it the intention that one
TopoDROID sketch produces, or is equivalent to, one matching pair of
Therion scraps (plan and elevation)?

yes, initially sketches were saved as th2 files. then i realized users were
drawing huge sketches (well over 1 km), so i turned to a binary format (and
a cache) to speed up opening (and saving) the sketches

I am interested in the data naming conventions you use, to facilitate the
tracing of parent and child object relationships (ie data files (TopoDROID
and Therion) through to survey and scrap, for example).

the survey name is the base name.

sketches append their name to that of the survey, separated by a dash, and
with suffix 'p' or 's'
survey name and sketch names can be chosen by the user (topodroid suggest
numbers for sketch names).
cross-section names are chosen by topodroid (eg "xx1" etc; there are four
patterns, if i'm not mistaken, for four different types of cross-section)

scraps take the name from the file
the xvi scale is almost 1:39.37 (the exact number is somewhere in therion

an exported data file (.th) contains input for all its sketches (.th2
files), and map commands.
however these are all under comment.

topodroid does not create the thconfig file

And I should just check exactly what you mean by ‘mid-line’?  I have always
been guessing. Is it the survey shot line that goes from ‘from station’ to
‘to station’?

midline = the set of legs

Therion mailing list

[Therion] topodroid to therion

2018-12-03 Thread Marco Corvi via Therion
Is there a workflow that is easy to use with ‘TopoDROID to Therion’
process, that also allows more than one scrap per survey trip file?  With
limited experimentation (and making assumption that TopoDROID ‘sketches’
might be approximately equivalent to Therion ‘scraps’), I have not yet
found a way that is easy to implement and encourages a naming convention
that eases tracing of scraps to their parent TopoDROID file.  And breaking
existing scraps into smaller scraps is a task I find unnecessarily tedious,
when one could just have drawn smaller scraps in the first place.

Am I missing something obvious?  What are experienced Therion users who
subsequently became proficient with TopoDROID as a data collector doing in
this space?

topodroid has many features requested by users that probably use other
programs than therion to draft their
cave maps,

anyways, i use therion for my cave maps, and here is what i do.

(0) a note3 with a stylus: reasonable compromise between the size of the
android and that of the caves (lucky surveyors might go for a 7" tablet)
(1) enable only drawing tools that are supported by therion, otherwise i
must go for metapost code
(2) each topodroid survey can have many sketches, and i usually draw
several sketches, except for very simple surveys.
(3) switch off fractional 'extend"
(4) switch off loop closure compensation: better see potential blunders
(5) i usually use "normal" line style, and the decimation button to
simplify them (if need arises)
(6) pre-exporting: check every sketch with joining sketches using the
sketch outline feature, and make then fit nicely
(7) it may happen that a sketch needs to be splitted in two, but this is
rare as i'm used to draw small sketches.
i never user sketch merge
(8) i use automatic station points, even if, unfortunately,
topodroid puts in all the stations in the convex hull of the sketch, and
there can happen spurious ones. i do not remember if midline hide helps for
this, however, midline hide is something i use only when the midline is
very messy, i usually go over the station points and remove those that do
not belong to the piece of midline of the skatch: this is easily done with
a "good" text editor
(9) i usually do not use "line continuation", but i fix the gaps between
wall lines with point line editings (snap to point and merge with line). i
sometimes use the feature that shifts a portion of a line, but i find often
easier to redraw the line and erase the old one.
(10) i have the feeling that outline is no longer very important to therion
(it is however for csurvey, but this is ot on this list), thus i do not pay
much attention that wall lines are properly oriented. anyways when i notice
a line should be reversed i do it, as it's quick
(11) automatic export because it's a nuisance to export each sketch
(12) ... other things i do not recall at the moment

Therion mailing list

[Therion] topodroid lines

2018-11-13 Thread Marco Corvi via Therion
sorry for the late reply (i read digest)

there is a setting in topodroid to set the spacing of line points.
units of screen pixels, i think (not sure, i should check)

there are also a couple of setting to control how cubics are generated

apks: besides google play store,
some are on the site (which is on google, but i suppose does not require

Therion mailing list

[Therion] boxed label

2018-09-24 Thread Marco Corvi via Therion
hi bruce,

this is a boxed u:label
basically it gets the string as picture,
its bounding box corners, and define the x and y to draw the box,
then draw the string picture

point 10 20 u:label -attr val 20

def p_u_label ( expr p,r,s,t ) =
  picture pic;
  pic := thelabel( ATTR_val, (0,0)) scaled s;
 pair q[]; numeric n[], m[], v;
 path bb;
 v := defaultscale;
 qO = ulcorner pic;
 q1 = lrcorner pic;
 nO := ypart q0 + 2.5 * v;
 n1 := ypart q1 - 1.5*v;
 m0 := xpart q0 - v;
 m1 := xpart q1 + 1.5*v;
bb := (m0,n0) -- (m0,n1) -- (m1,n1) -- (m1,n0) -- cycle;
draw bb  rotated r shifted p;
draw pic rotated r shifted p;
Therion mailing list

Re: [Therion] coloring

2018-07-17 Thread Marco Corvi via Therion
thanks bruce
Therion mailing list

[Therion] coloring

2018-07-17 Thread Marco Corvi via Therion
what about a scrap option "-color" that overrides the layout foreground
color ?

survey too could have a color option.

Therion mailing list

Re: [Therion] Therion Digest, Vol 151, Issue 3

2018-07-05 Thread Marco Corvi via Therion
in reply to markus question:

quick answer is 'no":

(1) semantics are different: therion is richer, topodroid has features of
its own.
(2) therion is OFFline (post)processing,
topodroid is ONline processing
(3) focus: large for therion, small for topodroid
(4) maybe something else


On Thu, Jul 5, 2018, 12:00  wrote:

> Send Therion mailing list submissions to
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> than "Re: Contents of Therion digest..."
> Today's Topics:
>1. from therion back to topodroid? (Markus Boldt)
> --
> Message: 1
> Date: Wed, 4 Jul 2018 18:51:39 +0200
> From: "Markus Boldt" 
> To: "List for Therion users" 
> Subject: [Therion] from therion back to topodroid?
> Message-ID: <003701d413b7$47897280$d69c5780$>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
> Hi,
> is there a possibility to get a topodroid-file from therion?
> Markus
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> End of Therion Digest, Vol 151, Issue 3
> ***
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[Therion] extend

2018-06-10 Thread Marco Corvi via Therion
i put together comments to all the posts
about "extend"

(1) yes, -1 = left, 1 = right and vert is in the middle (0)

(2) evaristo, with his proposal of idealized profile not only suggested a
way to control shortening, but that also allows stretching. that's good

(3) bruce described a procedure for a program to automatically decide how
to draw splays in the extended profile.
it's more or less what topodroid implements: at a station the range of
azimuths is divided into angular sectors one for each leg at that station.
a splay is "projected" using the leg of the sector its azimuth falls in.
(by the way, to really be in bad luck one need three vert in a row)

(4) a program may assign extends to splays automatically, but the user
should always be allowed to override what the program does.
(that's why a user can set extend also for splays, in topodroid)

(5) "cave length": in the (old) manuals i studied that the cave length is
"computed" measuring the length of an ideal line that goes thru the middle
of the passage.
now it is rather cumbersome to compute that line, and all the programs uses
the length of the midline, with some discount (duplicate in therion, L in
compass, and so on).
the problem, i think, is that cave length is not a thing that can be
so the numbers we give for cave length are an approximation of a fuzzy

Therion mailing list

[Therion] extend

2018-06-08 Thread Marco Corvi via Therion
i think that extend should take values in the interval [-1,1], ie also
fractional values, plus some special value such as "ignore" to open loops,
and "undefined" to let the program choose, because it's a nuisance to enter
a decimal number for every shot (legs + splays).
therion uses the left/right normal/reverse etc. solution,

and users should be allowed to set extend also for splays, if they need to.

for now, let's use left/right/vert, and ignore only to open loops

btw, are vertical extend considered in the computation of the cave length
by therion ?

Therion mailing list

Re: [Therion] Conflict between "extend ignore" command and inverse legs

2018-06-07 Thread Marco Corvi via Therion
I have commented all the splays "extend ignore", and Therion is doing
now a good job, ignoring the appropriate leg (extend ignore 83 92). All
the splays "extend ignore" was confusing the Therion compiler.

This data is an export from Topodroid, that incorporates the "extend
ignore" command before the splays shots. I will comment to Marco Corvi
on the problem.

@ Evaristo & Bruce:
what about a command "extend auto", which means let therion decide how to
extend the splay shot ?

for the moment therion parser could behave as if the command weren't there.

Therion mailing list

[Therion] Fwd: Extended elevation discussion

2018-05-08 Thread Marco Corvi via Therion
here is a short mail exchange with bruce about "extend"

i played a little with the extend command. there are many variations (1 and
2 are stations)
- placing it before the data or after them
- "extend ??? 1 2" or "extend ??? 2 1"
- with an "extend ???" in the data or not
- combining with "extend ??? 1"

not considering the variations on the theme when there are crossways and

and the interaction with "flip horizontal"

maybe someone with plenty of time (and patience) will go thru the analysis
of how therion handles these commands . . .

personally i use "absolute" extends the data. and it's been years now since
i used "flip" (in therion).

we moved from lrud to splay.
what about going from L/R to fractional extend (including nil to break
loops) ?


-- Forwarded message -
From: Bruce Mutton <>
Date: Wed, May 2, 2018, 21:48
Subject: Extended elevation discussion
To: Marco Corvi <>

Hi Marco

Glad you are spending time caving.  And is good to be disconnected

Yes, extend is mysterious.  Your commentary is insightful and appreciated.

   1. *Separating extend data from survey data:*   choice will depend on
   what is important to the map author.
   *Advantages* = like information is kept together, dissimilar information
   is kept separate; able to have many different extend elevation shapes for
   one survey.
   *Disadvantages* = you have duplication of survey leg enumeration for
   each extended elevation.  Sometimes every leg needs to be duplicated, but
   sometimes only at changes of extend ‘state’, so duplication can either be
   minimal or extensive, depending on the project.

   Enumerating extend stations and legs in the opposite direction (2 1) to
   what they are enumerated in the survey data (1 2) is usually OK. It often
   requires more explicit enumeration than if both progress in the same
   direction.  I have done it a number of times.  Sometimes ignores will only
   work in one direction, as I noted in the web page.

   1. Yes, I think *extend left/right may behave like revise*, I have
   thought that.  Pretty sure I have had cases where I have conflicting
   directions on the same leg, and the last one read will take precedence.  I
   tend to weed these out, as extend is unpredictable enough without leaving
   such things in the data!

   1. *Flip and left right normal reverse*: Good point, I had not thought
   of that.  However, I am always explicitly left and right myself.  While I
   have had some issues with flip, I don’t expect they are related to explicit
   extend directions.  What I do suspect is that some symbol alignments to not
   respond well to flip, and I suspect that implied joins of scraps (where
   line end points are snapped together within the same file) might tend to
   wreck flipped scraps.  That would be obviously user error if one scrap is
   flipped but not the other. The attached example from a few years ago shows
   what can happen if scraps are flipped.  I should go back and see if both
   scraps where flipped or only one!

This conversation might be useful to have on the forum.

Feel free to forward it to the forum if you like.


*From:* Marco Corvi <>
*Sent:* Wednesday, 2 May 2018 11:05 PM
*To:* Bruce Mutton <>
*Subject:* Re: Extended elevation page

hi bruce,

sorry for the late answer;

i was off caving in an area with no connection.

i looked at the extend page.

that''s fine with me.

recently i have been just following therion news, without spending much
time to check out things with examples, except in a few cases.

about extend:

1) i think it's not a good idea to separate leg data from leg extend,
because you have to write the leg "name" (the stations) twice.

what happen if you have "1 2" with data and "2 1" with extend ? i do not
know, i have to check when i get home.

2) i think that the syntax "extend right 1 2", might be a sort of revise,
ie, it overrides the previous value. again i have to check this too

3) normal/reverse may be better than left/right, when you use flip

that said i tend to use absolute extend (left/right), but maybe it's time
that i go relative.

extend is a diffucult topic, and your page is a good idea. there are many
different situations for "extend"; you may add the examples in subpages.


On Mon, Apr 30, 2018, 12:25 Bruce Mutton <> wrote:

Hi Marco

I sent this message to the Therion forum a few hours ago, and have not
received a mail back yet, so I am wondering if it is broken in some way, I
notice the website has been responding very slowly all day.  However I
could edit the wiki just fine.

Anyway, reason for this email is to let you know about the new Extended
Elevations <https://th

[Therion] Disto Data Recovery

2017-10-16 Thread Marco Corvi via Therion
topodroid can dump to a text file the data that are still in the memory of
the distox.

if you have a distox1  (A3 leica) it can also reset the hot bit and make
the distox resend the data.

both functions are "low level" (they access the memory), and not for common
it can help if you do not want, or cannot, do the survey again.

Therion mailing list

Re: [Therion] Linux and DistoX (Wookey)

2017-04-07 Thread Marco Corvi via Therion
So, thanks to me giving a competent person (who also doesn't own any
Windows or Android devices) a couple of distoX's that needed ...

At the moment this only works with python3 and distoX1, But Stuart
plans to use the topodroid codebase to work out the differences for the
X2 protocol (unless anyone has a doc for this already, or Marco can
tell him).


i may be not precise because i do not have the docs at hand.

the distox2 protocol is backward compatible.

therefore, getting the calib raw data from the distox2 is the same as in
distox1, namely two data packets, one for G, one for M.

the commands to toggle calib mode on and off are the same, too.

the computation of the calib coeff has changed a bit with firmware 2.2 (or
2.3, don't remember well) beat added three non-linear coeffs, and these are
written after the other 24.
there is a catch: in the distox1 those mem are set at 0xff (ie -1), so
these three coeff are written with 0 getting to 0xff.
the non-linear calib should not be used for older firmwares.

i have not changed the linux code, and
i do not think to have the time to do that.
i also understand you may not want to use android, but you can use the
android code and turn it in C++
the computational methods are very much C like, and the helper classes are
just basic linalgebra.

if you or stuart have any question, send me email

Therion mailing list

[Therion] Recovering data marked as sent from DistoX2

2016-03-23 Thread Marco Corvi

topodroid has a function to read the distox2 memory (and optionally save it
to a text file).
it is slow, and it has no way to know where the most recent data are. may
want to read it in small chunks.

cheers marco
On Mar 23, 2016 12:25, "Andrew Atkinson"  wrote:

> Hello
> Not strictly Therion, but..
> Somewhere I think I have read about how to get data from a DistoX2 once
> it has been marked as sent it is still in the memory. (My pelicase broke
> on the way out of the cave and the pda was flooded, luckily the Distox2
> survived) So I can see the data in the DistoX, so I can just type it in
> manually, but it would be better to get it off electronically, then all
> I have lost is the diagrams, which where not much, it is a grim bit of
> cave to survey.
> Anyway if anyone knows how to get the data to be resent, I would be most
> data, my web searching skills do not seem to be coming up with an answer
> thanks
> Andrew
> ___
> Therion mailing list
> Therion at
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[Therion] Shortcut to delete a line point

2016-02-04 Thread Marco Corvi
On Feb 4, 2016 11:20, "Владимир Георгиев"  wrote:
> A couple of questions:
> The Cave3D has an export function in ASCII and binary. What format does
it actually export for both options? Is it for internal use or it can be
reused from other apps?

they are both stl

> I have two working folders from two different caves, one is in the
default TopoDroid folder, the other is with a different name. I can't
change between them now, but it used to work some time ago. Now only the
default one is shown.
> There is no OK button, so I'm not sure it is accepting the new folder
name when I tap on it.

this is a bug.
thanks for pointing it out.

> On Wed, Jan 27, 2016 at 4:46 PM, Владимир Георгиев 
>> On Wed, Jan 27, 2016 at 4:36 PM, Marco Corvi 
>>> > How hard would it be to add one?
>>> not very hard.
>>> the most difficult thing is to come up with a nice way to interact with
the user, while keeping the interface simple.
>>> any idea?
>> ​Something like a shortcut Ctrl-Shift-D, which when pressed will delete
the currently selected point in a line. Then the next one gets selected, as
it currently is.
>> You will still have to click on a point initially to select it. When I
had to remove a lot of points for each one I had to right-click and select
the submenu item. It would be faster to click a point with the mouse with
one hand and press a keyboard shortcut to delete it :)
>> Not much of an issue if you do it a couple of times, only matters if you
have to repeat it more.
>>> > Does anyone know what part of the source handles the shortcuts for
>>> not sure what you mean.
>>> can you explain more ?
>> ​I meant that I could add it to the xtherion app and recompile it, but I
don't know what and where should be changed and how easy it would be.​
> ___
> Therion mailing list
> Therion at
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[Therion] Shortcut to delete a line point

2016-01-27 Thread Marco Corvi
On Jan 27, 2016 15:14, "Владимир Георгиев"  wrote:
> Hello
> When editing scraps I quite often delete line points. The only way is
through the right-click menu and a submenu and I miss having a shortcut for
that. It will make it much easier.
> How hard would it be to add one?

not very hard.
the most difficult thing is to come up with a nice way to interact with the
user, while keeping the interface simple.
any idea?

> Does anyone know what part of the source handles the shortcuts for

not sure what you mean.
can you explain more ?

> Vladimir
> ___
> Therion mailing list
> Therion at
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[Therion] KML Issues

2015-07-27 Thread Marco Corvi
hi nick,
there is the option"-disable splay-shots":
seems to work for kml exports.


On 7/27/15, Nick Bairstow  wrote:
> My "export model -o ##NAME##.kml" exports work fine but "export map -o
> ##NAME##.kml" sometimes works perfectly but other times I get small
> pieces/part of a cave missing.
> I have checked for walls/pillars with the tick mark the wrong way round and
> all look OK. I notice that other people have had issues with this a while
> back and even noticed that Andrew stopped using kml output. In all cases the
> compile runs with no warnings and the pdf output is fine.
> Am I wasting my time, is there a better way to get similar results.
> Also on the "model" outputs is there a way to show just centreline and not
> the splays, I see this question has been asked before but I could not see an
> answer.
> I really quite like the kml outputs as you can get the evenings survey into
> Google earth before the first pints half way down whist sat in the pub
> afterwards -not always 100% positioned at this point but it still looks good
> -
> Nick.

[Therion] wall coloring

2015-02-19 Thread Marco Corvi
this is for kevin's request.
not a solution,
just a proof of concept ... (without important details)

to color the wall you can re-define l_wall with a code metapost in the
layout, passing the R,G,B values after the path.
next set the layout color map-fg altitude to have the altitude stored in
the scraps.
(see sample thconfig)

finally have therion write the parent scrap R, G, and B, after the wall
path, and use 0,0,0 when it writes the scrap.
(see howto)

i'm attaching also the output cave.pdf.


i'm not sure how useful wall-coloring may be ... anyways i leave up to
therion developers whether to add a layout option to color wall, map-fg, or

cheers, marco
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[Therion] splays

2013-12-12 Thread Marco Corvi

i would like that splays in pdf having only the centerline ( no scraps ), are 
drawn with different color than legs.
any suggestion ?
( besides fiddling with the sources )
thanks, marco

[Therion] the volume of a cave

2013-02-27 Thread Marco Corvi

it just happened that i was asked to estimate the volume of a "cave"
(actually a small mine).

therion dxf export is a triangulated surface of the cave wall.
if the surface were oriented
it would be extremely easy to compute the volume.
(the surface of a real cave is always orientable: no klein cave).

all recent versions of therion produce nice-looking dxf.
i tried 5.3.5 and the volume seemed reasonable.
then i tried 5.3.11 and i got an unreasonable value (there is also 
a commented option for new 3d, and the result was even more unreasonable).

so i checked the dxf files.
it seems that none of them is oriented.
is it possible to make therion produce an oriented surface?

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[Therion] Metapost point blocks problems

2013-02-15 Thread Marco Corvi
maybe you should use thdraw only for the final picture, and draw/fill for the


 From: Jackson 
To: therion at 
Sent: Friday, February 15, 2013 6:53 PM
Subject: [Therion] Metapost point blocks problems

Hi all,

i have made a new definition for point blocks with metapost.
It only does what I want when the point is nearby the
center of the scrap/drawing. The further the point is away
from the center of the scrap the more random the stones are
Whats wrong with the definition of my "point blocks" ?

def p_blocks_FUND (expr pos,theta,sc,al)=
    T:=identity aligned al rotated theta scaled sc shifted pos;
    pickup PenC;
    picture pic, henge;
    path stone, edge;
    stone := 
    edge := ((-0.5u,-0.4u)--(-0.3u,-0.55u)--(0.2u,-0.2u)--(0.3u,0.4u));
    pic := image(
      thfill stone withcolor 0.90;
      thdraw stone;
      pickup PenD;
      thdraw edge;
    henge := image(
    for i=0 step 1 until 2 :
    thdraw pic
        rotated (uniformdeviate(360))
        scaled ((0.05u) randomized 0.1u)
        slanted 0.01u
        shifted ((0.01u,0.01u) randomized 0.5u);
    thdraw henge;

Best regards
Christian (jackson)
Therion mailing list
Therion at
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[Therion] Patch to disable threshold system

2013-01-28 Thread Marco Corvi

what about replacing the NS tests with <= instead of < and using vthreshold 90?
it's what i used to do before the distox epoch.


p.s. another option is to change the check on the vthreshold input value.

On Sun, Jan 27, 2013 4:41 AM PST cawa sorix wrote:

>Hi all,
>I had an issue with the threshold system, I have only survey with LRUD
>without any switch to NS system.
>At the beginning, I used 89.9 deg in place of 90 deg as workaround
>(tks Bruce), it works but it is not the best solution.
>So, I wrote a patch to disable the threshold system, I use it for 2
>months without any issue.
>To disable threshold just apply the patch and use :
>vthreshold -1 deg
>I push the patch on the savannah page (It seems savannah therion
>project is dead ??) :
>Free fell to test it :o)
>Therion mailing list
>Therion at

[Therion] preview below with many colors

2013-01-14 Thread Marco Corvi
hi bruce,

they sort of come from therion, but it's a bad hack.
it was just a proof-of-concept.
i was too lazy to play with the sources, so i did it by hand.

anyways, here is the recipe:
define one preview color not used elsewhere (just to find it easily), say [70 
20 20].
compile with debug (-d).
go in thTMPDIR and edit the tex file, search the preview color (0.70 0.20 0.20
in the example), and insert your colors before the maps
(you might have to rearrange their order as well).
run pdftex (the "final" step of therion compile): data.pdf is your map.

kind of awkward, isn't it ?
that's why i'd like to have it done by therion without any fiddling with the 
temporary files.

by the way, i also noticed the problem with preview-above, but i do not know
if it's therion or the reader.


 From: Bruce 
To: 'List for Therion users'  
Sent: Tuesday, January 15, 2013 8:04 AM
Subject: Re: [Therion] preview below with many colors

I presume the colours in your example did
not come from Therion?
But if they did, how to do?
BTW I think we still have a long standing
bug where by preview-above is always dark grey regardless of the user setting.
colour preview-above [80 0 40]  #should
be magenta, but preview above is still dark grey
Is it possible to fix?

From:therion-bounces at [mailto:therion-bounces at] On 
Behalf Of Marco Corvi
Sent: Wednesday, 9 January 2013
5:23 a.m.
To: List for Therion users
Subject: [Therion] preview below
with many colors
i'm making
a therion map with many colors for the maps previewed below.
attached is
a snapshot of the map (still in draft) in acroread.
with xpdf
does not look so good (... maybe my mistake).
it would
also be nice to have transparency in the below colors,
and that
the order of the below areas reflect that of the selected map(s)
better, altitude)
is it
possible ?
Therion mailing list
Therion at
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[Therion] point:passage-height

2013-01-14 Thread Marco Corvi
hi bruce,

passage-height goes with modes 2, 3, 4, and 5

dave might redefine the mpost macros scaling the label (lab) in a custom layout.


 From: Bruce 
To: 'List for Therion users'  
Sent: Saturday, January 12, 2013 7:57 PM
Subject: Re: [Therion] point:passage-height

The key to modifying the symbol definition
may lie in the file in the sources
Ie Here is the code from 5.3.9 as an
vardef p_label@#(expr txt,pos,rot,mode) =
  if (mode=1) or (mode=7): interim
labeloffset:=(u/8) fi;
  lab:=thelabel@#(txt, pos);
  if mode>1: pickup PenD fi;
  if mode=1:
    pickup pencircle scaled
  elseif mode=2:
  elseif mode=3: process_downlabel;
  elseif mode=4: process_updownlabel;
  elseif mode=5:
  elseif mode=6: process_boxedlabel;
  elseif mode=7:
process_label(pos,rot);  % station name
  elseif mode=8:
process_filledlabel(pos, rot);
  else: process_label(pos,rot); fi;
I have not looked into how it works, but I’m
guessing the ‘point height’ and ‘point passage-height’
labels are one of the ‘modes’ above, and that the processes called
are default metapost routines.  Too complicated for me to unravel.
BTW shouldn’t you be using ‘point
height’ to indicate the height of cobble banks, rather than ‘point
passage-height’? (Probably the same symbol size issue will apply).
Also, as a path to a possible work around,
I think the AUT symbol set includes the option to label ‘line pit’
(or is it ‘line wall:pit’)?  I have never managed to get it to
work – but have not tried too hard either.

From:therion-bounces at [mailto:therion-bounces at] On 
Behalf Of Dave Clucas
Sent: Sunday, 13 January 2013
12:59 a.m.
To: therion at
Subject: Re: [Therion]
Footleg - I'm not using the symbol to control the passage height, I'm
using it to show the depth of a trench in a gravel bank.
Vasily - I'm already using base-scale to control the size of other symbols
but this one is too big. I need to make it smaller without changing all the
symbols. The size is probably related to the font size but again I'm happy with
the font size for labels etc, I just want to change this particular symbol.
Dave Clucas
Therion mailing list
Therion at
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[Therion] preview below with many colors

2013-01-08 Thread Marco Corvi

i'm making a therion map with many colors for the maps previewed below.

attached is a snapshot of the map (still in draft) in acroread.
with xpdf does not look so good (... maybe my mistake).

it would also be nice to have transparency in the below colors,
and that the order of the below areas reflect that of the selected map(s)
(or, better, altitude)

is it possible ?

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[Therion] xtherion

2013-01-07 Thread Marco Corvi
that's why i can pick any filename i want :)

 From: Torsten Schnitter 
To: List for Therion users  
Sent: Monday, January 7, 2013 11:00 AM
Subject: Re: [Therion] xtherion

Did you change to "All files (*.*)" in the open dialog?
For me it works with no problems to open files without extension.
(I'm using Therion 5.3.11 and Windows version)


Marco Corvi  hat am 7. Januar 2013 um 10:41 
> this is just a minor nuisance,
> i noticed that when i want to open o file without extension
> with xtherion text editor, it tries to add the extension ".th" and says
> that it cannot find the file.
> marco
> ___
> Therion mailing list
> Therion at
Therion mailing list
Therion at
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[Therion] xtherion

2013-01-07 Thread Marco Corvi
this is just a minor nuisance,

i noticed that when i want to open o file without extension
with xtherion text editor, it tries to add the extension ".th" and says
that it cannot find the file.

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[Therion] color preview-below

2012-12-17 Thread Marco Corvi

with layout color preview-below i can set the color of the maps that are 
"below" in the
selected map, eg., 
   map ...
      map1 [10 10 m] below

maybe it would be useful to be able to shade the maps below by the map or by 
the altitude
as for the other maps.
it would make plan map of vertical caves more legible.

i could not change the color of the (outline of the) maps above.
for these too it would be nice to set the color by the map or altitude.

by the way what about a color option for the "below" and "above" maps ?
   map1 [10 10 m] below color [80 60 40]

thanks, marco
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[Therion] colour by map

2012-10-24 Thread Marco Corvi
i did not look in the source (thlayout.h): sorry, my fault.

and can also color by the scraps.
i rather use a feature (layout command) than a hack (inserted tex/mpost code).

by the way, i wish color by survey date (topo-date) will be implemented soon.

now i tried the layout command (5.3.10): had some problems.


 From: Martin Budaj 
To: List for Therion users  
Sent: Wednesday, October 24, 2012 4:15 PM
Subject: Re: [Therion] colour by map

In fact it's there, but in a form which is not easy to find using Ctrl+F



On Wed, Oct 24, 2012 at 3:06 PM, Stacho Mudrak  wrote:
> Well, after trying to implement this feature I realized, that it already
> works, but it is missing in therion book.
> Try:
> color-legend on|off
> in your layout.
> I am sorry for that.
> S.
> On 23 October 2012 12:56, Marco Corvi  wrote:
>> hi bruce,
>> not sure this answer your question.
>> and it's a hack, thus not something that should be used.
>> the real solution would be an implemented feature, as you asked.
>> anyways, i switch off  the color legend with
>> code tex-map
>>   \colorlegendfalse
>> endcode
>> marco
>> From: Bruce 
>> To: 'List for Therion users' 
>> Sent: Monday, October 22, 2012 1:56 AM
>> Subject: Re: [Therion] colour by map
>> >When you have coloured by map, in the header there Therion automatically
>> adds a legend of what colours go with each map. ...
>> >Is it possible to turn off the map colour legend without resorting to
>> > code.
>> Similar to my question re map-fg altitude
>> Perhaps we could have a new option
>> legend-map-fg [on|off] #with the (current) default as on.
>> Bruce
>> ___
>> Therion mailing list
>> Therion at
>> ___
>> Therion mailing list
>> Therion at
> ___
> Therion mailing list
> Therion at
Therion mailing list
Therion at
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[Therion] colour by map

2012-10-23 Thread Marco Corvi
hi bruce,

not sure this answer your question.
and it's a hack, thus not something that should be used.the real solution would 
be an implemented feature, as you asked.

anyways, i switch off  the color legend with
code tex-map



 From: Bruce 
To: 'List for Therion users'  
Sent: Monday, October 22, 2012 1:56 AM
Subject: Re: [Therion] colour by map

>When you have coloured by map, in the header there Therion automatically
adds a legend of what colours go with each map. ...
>Is it possible to turn off the map colour legend without resorting to code.

Similar to my question re map-fg altitude

Perhaps we could have a new option

legend-map-fg [on|off] #with the (current) default as on.


Therion mailing list
Therion at
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[Therion] Marked stations

2012-10-19 Thread Marco Corvi
hi bruce and john,

i played a bit with symbol-show/hideand triedi think ti think that i think that 
symbol-show group centerline
symbol-show point cave-station
symbol-hide point station:fixed

symbol-hide group centerline
symbol-show point cave-station
symbol-show point station:fixed

and others. a bit messy, but i think that

after playing a while one can get to show only fixed (and painted) stations,
or all the station except for the fixed ones,
and other combinations ...


 From: Bruce 
To: 'List for Therion users'  
Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2012 8:31 PM
Subject: Re: [Therion] Marked stations

In my experience there are significant issues with
station visibility control.  Some previous posts here 
-Original Message-
From: therion-bounces at [] On Behalf 
John Stevens
Sent: Wednesday, 17 October 2012 11:28 p.m.
To: List for Therion users
Subject: [Therion] Marked stations
I have been trying to just print the marked (and
painted) stations on my 
Used -
mark 1.0 1.18 1.46 fixed
mark 1.46 painted
to mark stations within the centreline in the .th file
I can show all stations with
symbol-show point cave-station
then I tried
symbol-show point station:fixed
but it didn't work, but no error occurred.
When I
symbol-show point cave-station
symbol-hide point station:fixed
it showed all points but the fixed ! so that bit is
working correctly.
Would also like it to show their station number, with
an option of altitude 
or position, but I may have to do this manually in the
plan rather than 
automatically from within the config file.
Therion mailing list
Therion at
Therion mailing list
Therion at
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[Therion] *** GMX Spamverdacht *** Re: Cavesystem - Addition of cavelenght

2012-10-19 Thread Marco Corvi
hi markus,

i usually do martin's way:
i often put extended section and plan of small caves on the same pdf,
and have a layout for the extended section that does not show the map-header.

you can do the same to put many cave plan on the same pdf, each with 

its own map header,

... and you can define layouts so that the north arrow and the scale bar
appear only on one header, or one has the north and another the scale bar
(sopposing the scale is the sama for all the maps, as well as the north).


 From: Martin Sluka 
To: List for Therion users  
Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2012 11:04 PM
Subject: Re: [Therion] *** GMX Spamverdacht *** Re: Cavesystem - Addition of 

On Oct 18, 2012, at 10:59 PM, Markus Boldt  wrote:

But may be there is a possibility….

Generate map1 first and place it to map2:

map-image ▷ include image
specified by  into map at location specified by  . For 
and alignment details, see map-header specification.

map-image 100 100 nw map1.pdf


Therion mailing list
Therion at
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[Therion] clashing areas

2012-09-13 Thread Marco Corvi
i tried with two scraps, one with the water the other with the blocks (or a 
block area).
the blocks are above or below the water depending on the order of the scraps in 
the map.

not sure this is what you wanted. 


 From: Graham Mullan 
To: List for Therion users  
Sent: Thursday, September 13, 2012 8:59 AM
Subject: [Therion] clashing areas

How do I get to show boulders or debris on the floor of a sump? Whether I put 
the debris area before or after the sump area, the rocks remain hidden by the 
water. In the end I hand drew some big boulders, after the water, which now are 
visible but also appear not to be wet.

Therion mailing list
Therion at
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[Therion] Training Course Guide for Therion from the UK Cave Surveying Group

2012-06-18 Thread Marco Corvi

i read your tutorial three times, and i agree with bruce.

i'm probably not completely new to therion, so i'm sort
of biased judging it, but,to me it is a very good intro to therion.

there is an emphasis of getting the cave data from distox.
this means to skip talking about the data-entry in xtherion, 

for instance. as well as other things.

but it's in the title that it is about therion AND distox, ...
and it makes sense, as it is something for the course you have

one thing in your tutorial made me think about:
you define a map even when there is one single scrap.
from therion book, this is not necessary, as therion
outputs the scraps of the survey if there is no map.
i must say that i use to do the same: whenever i have a scrap
i define a map for it.
next you add the second scrap to the map and must put in the 

"break". following my habits i  would have defined a new map
with the two scrap' maps ...

and i found that with the two scraps the break is needed, with
two maps there is no need for it. and much more about map
arrangements which is beyond this mail topic.

now i have a question (for anyone, not just footleg):
when is it better to use a map with two scraps, and when a map with
twp maps?

by the way, 

footleg, it's really a great tutorial. 

looking forward to see it complete.

 From: Bruce 
To: 'List for Therion users'  
Sent: Saturday, June 16, 2012 12:20 AM
Subject: Re: [Therion] Training Course Guide for Therion from the UK Cave 
Surveying Group

>Already I was unhappy with the way I introduced additional scraps in
>this training guide because it is not a simple case, and jumps in too
>much at the deep end. ...

>So the plan is to split off this guide on starting from actual DistoX
>data to cover the workflow of getting the data from PocketTopo into
>Therion, and write a more general Therion Tutorial starting with some
>more illustrative data and building up from the basics to more
>advanced concepts. The first guide will lead into the second to turn
>the beginner into an expert! 

Footleg, I really like the pace and style of your initial guide.  In a
straight forward way it gets the student to a real map and model in only a
few steps.  For me it is the key point of difference to what we have
already.  So don't make your revision too detailed or too comprehensive in
the introductory lessons. (Subject to live testing on Therion novices of


Therion mailing list
Therion at
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[Therion] help for extended start

2012-06-12 Thread Marco Corvi
i tried

extend ignore BDVv57 BDVv58
and drop point station -name BDVv58 at ... from the scrap


 From: Danilo Magnani 
To: List for Therion users  
Sent: Monday, June 11, 2012 9:41 PM
Subject: [Therion] help for extended start

first of all sorry for my english.

I need help: I want that the above/below map (dark map) join point BDVv38 (and 
start from) instead BDVv58.

I don't really know if my work is good, so any suggestion is welcome.


Therion mailing list
Therion at
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[Therion] How to extract the length of each centerline ?

2012-05-29 Thread Marco Corvi
hi xavier,

just export as database, say with output "cave.sql",
make a db with it: "sqlite3 cave.db< cave.sql".
open the db and select from the table centreline: "sqlite3 cave.db" and at the 

"select title, length from centreline;" 

or "select title, length from centreline where title not null;"
use ".schema centreline" to see the fields of the table,
".help"for help.


 From: Xavier Robert 
To: Therion  
Cc: stephane lips  
Sent: Tuesday, May 29, 2012 11:43 AM
Subject: [Therion] How to extract the length of each centerline ?

Hi all,

I am still working on the survey of the Jean-Bernard system in the French Alps. 
I have a bunch of different centerlines series, and I need to extract the 
length of each centerline to link them to the history of the 

I understood how to export the SQL database of the cave system, however, as I 
do not know at all how to deal with SQL databases, I wondering if there is 
there an easy way to extract this information with a command similar to "export 
survey-list" ? The best will be an output like "centerline_ID - Station_first - 
Station_last - Centerline_length - Topo_date" !



Therion mailing list
Therion at
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[Therion] wall + loch

2012-05-11 Thread Marco Corvi
played with footleg example,
stripped down even further.
looks like the issue has something to do with pit outline in touching the wall 
(no outline spec).
might be a bug with loch or lox export. must leave this to stacho

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[Therion] loch, again

2012-04-02 Thread Marco Corvi
too quick to send the mail and i forgot the second "request".

if you look closely at th eimage you might see some blue dots.
those are the locatios of the springs (actually not all of them, there are 

other more important springs near the lake, that i have not put in yet).

well, the request is for spring (and sink) features in loch.
another layer of visibility, like fixed stations, entrances, etc.

in case you wonder,i got the image fiddling a litle with loch sources:
i changed the lighting and the drawing of entrances and
entered the springs as very short caves with just the entrance.
quick hacks, but probably it's worth to have these features
fully implemented in loch.


[Therion] loch light

2012-04-02 Thread Marco Corvi
i think it would be useful to let he user turn on the light in loch.

the attached example is a loch model with dem and a geological map.

the screenshot has been reduced 2x2, and the map is a very approximate

drawing (a quick test to see if i could get something interesting). 

nevertheless it is nice to see the formations where the
caves are ... and the potential for more caves that lies down there.

without light the image is "flat".

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[Therion] symbol-show/hide group text

2012-03-27 Thread Marco Corvi
i need it when i prepare maps for publications:
i'm using scribus and include the pdf map as image but i prefer to add
the lettering with the fonts of the publication
(and not scale them with the image).

same for the map legend:
need layout command to insertonly the scalebar and north symbol.
(same for the symbol legend).


 From: Bruce 
To: 'List for Therion users'  
Sent: Tuesday, March 27, 2012 10:39 AM
Subject: [Therion] symbol-show/hide group text

What do people think about the idea of a new group to
allow showing or hiding of all labels/remarks/altitudes etc?
symbol-hide group text
symbol-show group text
Therion mailing list
Therion at
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[Therion] hyperlink point

2012-03-20 Thread Marco Corvi
i was considering linking to reports, publications, photoes, videos
from the maps. this would link these other resources to the map,
allowing the user to jump from the map to a report or a video and 

so on.

i would rather have iconic refs in the pdf (the "usual" file, picture, video

links could be turned off (to preapare maps for publications, with
a symbol-hide command.

not sure whether link should be a property of label/remark
i use these for the lettering (eg. pit depths).
maybe there are uses i do not foresee.

yes urls should be absolute or relative.
i do not now how pdf handles urls.
probably the smart people at adobe already thought about this issue.


- Original Message -
From: Bruce 
To: 'List for Therion users' 
Sent: Tuesday, March 20, 2012 3:18 AM
Subject: Re: [Therion] hyperlink point

>what about a hyperlink point ?

>  point x y link -url "..."

>to point to external resources from the pdf maps.

Thanks Marco
Users of our maps have been asking for this over here.
Needs to be able to point to absolute and relative paths as well as urls.
Perhaps -link or -url is just another property of point label, line label
and point remark?  After all, a point link is going to need similar
properties to labels (-align -text -scale, so -link or -url is just one

It would be nice if the link had an indicator that is visible on screen, but
not visible in the printed pdf.  Or maybe it is another property? 
-underline [on off] #default on for links and default off otherwise??


Therion mailing list
Therion at

[Therion] hyperlink point

2012-03-19 Thread Marco Corvi
what about a hyperlink point ?

  point x y link -url "..."

to point to external resources from the pdf maps.

[Therion] xtherion -close on

2011-06-23 Thread marco corvi
On Tue, 2011-06-21 at 18:21 +0200, Stacho Mudrak wrote:
> But in therion, syntax is different. It is:
> And I am not sure, whether therion accepts CP specification before the
> first point.
me neither.

in thbook it says that a data line can have one of the two format above.
maybe i missed the spot where it says that the first point of a 
line can be only in the first format.

not sure if thbook says it, but seems that in the sequence
  ... PT1
  CP1 CP2 PT2
in the piece of curve between P1 and P2, CP1 is the control point
on the side of P1 and CP2 that on the side of P2.

anyways thbook states what therion does, so it's up to the
implementation of therion.

i tested with 5.3.8:
it seems that therion implementation accept the first line
point in the second format, but it ignores the two control points.
this is enough for my needs at the moment.


[Therion] xtherion -close on

2011-06-16 Thread marco corvi
On Thu, 2011-06-16 at 15:25 +0200, Stacho Mudrak wrote:
> This point is added, because then the xtherion codes are much more simple.
> It is not needed for therion, but adjusting xtherion to work withou this
> extra point would be complicated.

when i import in xtherion file produced with qtopo
and i save the file the lines become not-closed.

that means that even xtherion
does not fully understand therion syntax.
that's kind of bad, because, so far, xtherion
is the only viable therion editor.  


[Therion] xtherion -close on

2011-06-13 Thread marco corvi
the line option "-close on" specifis that a line is closed.

when exporting maps, therion properly closes a line with
this option.

when xtherion loads the file, the line is "open" and the
checkbox "close" is unchecked.
if i check it, xtherion add a point to the line with the
same coords as the initial point.


[Therion] Duplicates including adding splays?

2011-06-13 Thread marco corvi
I agree with bruce.

also noticed that splay shots are used for the "depth".
it might make sense, but  i rather have the depth 
computed with the survey shots only.


On Mon, 2011-06-13 at 08:44 +1200, Bruce wrote:
> Hi Andrew
> Yes, when splay shots to an unlabelled station such as '-' are included in a
> dataset, such as when using a distoX or similar, the statistics do not make
> that much sense to me. I think it still works the way you describe in 5.3.7.
> To my way of thinking, splay shots are not part of the survey length (and
> therefore should not be duplicate either), they are analogous to LRUD.  IF
> they are to be reported, they should be separately reported as 'total splay
> length' and 'number of splay stations' (could be further broken down into
> 'surface splays' and 'cave splays' if one was being picky).
> If there were to be a compromise for the sake of simplicity I would prefer
> that therion exclude splay information from all the reported statistics (as
> it ignores LRUD, which are really just special splay shots), rather than the
> apparently selective way the splay shots are currently included. 
> Regards
> Bruce
> -Original Message-
> From: therion-bounces at [mailto:therion-bounces at] On 
> Behalf
> Of Andrew Atkinson
> Sent: Monday, 13 June 2011 6:10 a.m.
> To: List for Therion users
> Subject: [Therion] Duplicates including adding splays?
> Hello
> Therion 5.3.5 ubuntu 10.04
> In the attached file the following information is given about the survey
> title: RhinoPassage
> length: 189.07m (surface 0.00m, duplicated 24.58m)
> vertical range: 20.51m (from 1.27 at RhinoPassage at 20.38m to 
> 1.3 at RhinoPassage at -0.13m)
> north-south range: 92.47m (from 1.27 at RhinoPassage at 33.43m to 
> 1.53 at RhinoPassage at -59.04m)
> east-west range: 66.67m (from 1.53 at RhinoPassage at 66.67m to 
> 1.0 at RhinoPassage at 0.00m)
> number of shots: 281
> number of stations: 282
> The duplicate figure got me wondering, it seems to be counting the 
> splays but the length does not. As the duplicate none splays are only 
> about 10m.
> Maybe this is what is wanted, but I personally think that the duplicate 
> value should be the amount taken off the length by the duplicate flag? 
> Ie why is length treated differently to duplicate (something to do with 
> the way survex treated splays and duplicate as different, I think that 
> splays are not included in extend in survex)
> Maybe 2 figures would be better, duplicate length and duplicate splays.
> {probably best to ignore this next bit}
> Oh this leads to all sorts of thinks that are really not important, like 
> maybe giving the length of all the splays, and the number of stations, 
> is it really 282 or really 54. All depends on your definition I guess
> Andrew
> ___
> Therion mailing list
> Therion at

[Therion] strange scrap plotting

2011-04-12 Thread marco corvi
hi will,

bruce made quite a good analysis of your example.
i got the same result as he.

personally, i found that, while it is convenient to
separate scrap and data, it's better to organize the
project in small selfcontained chunks (say a few surveys or
pieces of them and their maps) that can be compiled 
(and debugged) individually.

next i put the chunks together, creating a survey 
hierarchy, with bigger and bigger maps, solving the
equate and the joins a piece at a time as i go up
in the hierarchy.

just my way to manage this complexity.
there are a few fine points, but this is the big

attached is a "revised" archive of your project:
the map with the drawings is included (selected) in the output:
1) equate station A2 at ... with a2 at ...: not sure this is correct
2) changed the station names in the scrap (just a quick fix)


-- next part --
A non-text attachment was scrubbed...
Name: ddc.tgz
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Size: 244971 bytes
Desc: not available

[Therion] map bug

2011-04-07 Thread marco corvi
On Thu, 2011-04-07 at 09:20 +0200, Stacho Mudrak wrote:
> Do I understand it correctly, that you want this upper outline in the
> shifted map not to be cropped out?


> Unfortunately, this is not a bug, it is a feature :)

i see.
however if it is cropped out i do not get immediately the
extend of the cave.

> By default, previews (above or below) in the maps are cropped out, they are
> there just for the information, how are passages above or below currently
> selected map situated.
> If you want to display this preview complete, you have two possibilities.
> You can add extra size to the paper by setting "overlap" in layout -
> unfortunately, it is not possible to set overlap just for the left page
> border. 

which happens to be my case: 
the cave is about 2.5 km (so far) and i have all the details already put
in ... so i do not want to flip it horizontally.

> So you will have to use probably some dirty trick, to fix this
> problem, e.g. adding some dummy symbol to the map, that will be drawn by
> white color and that will increase the scrap outline.

i will go for that ...
will try with an empty, or blank, label

> May be a mode, that will not crop preview outlines is also needed, but it
> will definitely take some time to implement.
thanks a lot.

[Therion] map bug

2011-04-07 Thread marco corvi
i'm composing the map of a new cave, and got that
a shifted map, may have the outline cropped out
in the final pdf.

see attached sample.

( a quick fix is really appreciated ! )

-- next part --
A non-text attachment was scrubbed...
Name: map_above.tgz
Type: application/x-compressed-tar
Size: 17121 bytes
Desc: not available

[Therion] Inkscape import/export plugins

2011-02-14 Thread marco corvi
On Sun, 2011-02-13 at 15:18 +0100, Thomas Holder wrote:
> Hi all,
> I wrote import and export plugins for Inkscape to edit th2-files. This 
> is particular useful to remaster existing therion-drawings with the 
> convenience of a quite modern vector-graphics application. The therion 
> line/point type annotation is stored in the object label (Object 
> Properties Dialog) and can also be altered with dialogs from "Extensions 
>  > Therion > Set..." menus.
> Download:
> Unsupported is the editing of lines with line point options, since there 
> is no concept in SVG for this. Such lines will be marked as read-only on 
> import.
> I will be happy for any feedback (if it works, if you find it useful).
that's interesting indeed.

import works.

line drawing is ok, and the line appears in the export with type "wall",
but when i change the label it's no longer exported.

i do not know anything about inkscape:
how to draw points ?
and areas ?


[Therion] distance problem with disto

2011-01-27 Thread marco corvi
hi bruce, 

i had a similar problem once, but it was in a pit with 
plenty of water, and on the spot i thought it was due to the water
splashing around ...

> >were all the "wrong" values exactly the same, or just similar ?
> As above, I don't know - I had assumed they would be 'identically
> incorrect'.
> >did it happen long ago, or recently ?
> Saturday 22 January 2011 NZ daylight time.

so this is probably the last survey in the distox memory, 
and it is still there.
just for curiosity (and record), could you dump it ?
[can prepare for you a win32 app to do that]

does pockettopo save to file the raw data exchanged with the distox ?


[Therion] Multiple layers of overlayed maps

2010-12-14 Thread marco corvi
Hi Bill,

maybe this helps 
note: the whole outline of 2 and 3 appear in 1.
maybe you raised an issue: 
maps at offset with no global preview, so that one can
specify to draw partial previews 

map main ...
  map23 [200 30 ft] above

map map23 ...
  map3 [200 30 ft] above

map map1 ...

map map2 ...

map map3 ...

On Mon, 2010-12-13 at 11:00 -0600, Bill Gee wrote:
> Hello everyone - 
> Therion 5.3 (stable) running on Fedora 14 ...
> I am working on a cave which has a very complex maze area.  Basically the 
> maze 
> area can be divided into either 3 or 4 layers (depending on how you draw it) 
> which are stacked on top of each other like a cake.  I want to produce a map 
> where the lowest part of the maze displays with the rest of the main passage, 
> and each higher layer of the maze is offset from the layer below it
> So far I have figured out how to get one layer to offset and have its outline 
> (the "preview", I think) display over the main passage.  Now I want to take 
> the next layer and have its outline display over the layer below.  Here is 
> what I think should happen in the .TH file:
> ===
> map MainCaveMap -title "Elkton Cave - Plan View" -projection plan
>   MainPassage at ElktonCave
>   UpperMaze at ElktonCave [200 30 ft] above
>   UpperMaze2 at ElktonCave [200 -100 ft] above
> endmap
> map MainPassage -title "Elkton Cave - Plan View" -projection plan
>   (many scraps, names removed for clarity)
> endmap
> map UpperMaze -title "Upper maze area" -projection plan
>   MazeA
>   MazeB
>   MazeA2
>   preview above MainPassage
> endmap
> map UpperMaze2 -title "More upper maze" -projection plan
>   MazeC
>   MazeD
>   preview above UpperMaze
> endmap
> When I compile the map, it draws the offset maps correctly,  However, ALL of 
> the outlines are over the MainPassage map.  I don't want that ...  I want an 
> outline of UpperMaze over MainPassage, then I want an outline of UpperMaze2 
> over UpperMaze.  I thought that is what would happen with the "preview" 
> directive.
> Does anyone have suggestion?
> Thanks - Bill Gee
> ___
> Therion mailing list
> Therion at

[Therion] surface and loch

2010-11-04 Thread marco corvi
therion accepts mere than one surface command, ie, many surfaces.
the loch export writes all of them.

loch reads all of them, and displays only the first ...
but it is "ready" to display all of them.

it would be nice to have all displayed ...
possibly cropped to stay beneath one "special" surface, say the DEM.


[Therion] distox

2010-08-02 Thread marco corvi
On Sat, 2010-07-31 at 01:43 +0100, Wookey wrote:
> +++ marco corvi [2010-05-04 16:58 +0200]:
> > On Mon, 2010-05-03 at 16:17 +0100, Wookey wrote:
> > > +++ marco corvi [2010-04-16 09:07 +0200]:
> > > > On Fri, 2010-04-16 at 04:49 +0100, Wookey wrote:
> > > > ...
> > ...
> > > 
> > > Thanx Marco. Beat's article on how to do the sums has now been
> > > published inthe CREG journal (I have a copy in front of me). So that
> > > means you can release the code and include it in topolinux.
> > 
> > asked beat, and just got his reply:
> > will try to update the sources with the implementation of
> > the calibration algo by next week.
> Any action on this yet? Shall I prod Beat too?

sources are on googlecode.


[Therion] plan cross-section

2010-07-20 Thread marco corvi
On Mon, 2010-07-19 at 23:40 +0200, Stacho Mudrak wrote:
> I am not sure, I understand your problem correctly, but would it help
> you, if cross section scraps could be also from other, than "none"
> projection?
that's fine for vertical caves, where cross-sections 
are horizontal and have projection plan. 

infact i changed the test in thdb2d to allow
scraps with projections "plan" as well as "none".
then i had to add the north symbol as image.

there might be similar problems for vertical
cross-sections ... 
(not sure how to go about that).


[Therion] plan cross-section

2010-07-19 Thread marco corvi
On Mon, 2010-07-19 at 17:20 +0200, Martin Sluka wrote:
> what about manual calibration of scrap using two stations and their x  
> and y difference or x, y coordinates?
> Martin
indeed there are station points in the scraps.
therion has their coords, 
so why input the X-Y numbers by hand ?

spare thought:
btw, something similar could apply to elevation scraps
for horizontal caves.
therion could get the plane(s) of projection from the
section line ... maybe this is kind of messy: associating
a section line to a scrap to define its projection type,
the vector normal to the line in the plane of the map ...
not well defined for extended elevations, in general.


[Therion] plan cross-section

2010-07-19 Thread marco corvi
seems that cross-section scrap must have a projection `none',
which means that therion cannot use stations to scale it "properly".

i had to draw a vertical cave, a sequence of pits, one
on top of the next. instead of drawing a plan, with plenty of
maps shifted to the side, i preferred to draw plan cross-sections
nearby the shafts as cross-sections (with a section line marking
their position on the pit).

i would also like to have one north symbol on the map,
to mark the orientation of all the plan cross-sections.

i did it fiddling with the sources, but a "more stable"
solution is appreciated.
thanks for the help,

[Therion] distox

2010-05-04 Thread marco corvi
On Mon, 2010-05-03 at 16:17 +0100, Wookey wrote:
> +++ marco corvi [2010-04-16 09:07 +0200]:
> > On Fri, 2010-04-16 at 04:49 +0100, Wookey wrote:
> > ...
> Thanx Marco. Beat's article on how to do the sums has now been
> published inthe CREG journal (I have a copy in front of me). So that
> means you can release the code and include it in topolinux.

asked beat, and just got his reply:
will try to update the sources with the implementation of
the calibration algo by next week.

> I had some trouble getting bluetooth to work with the distoX and my
> openmoko and then failed to get topolinux to run with the version of
> stdlibc++ installed and actually talk to the bluetooth serial device,
> so I took my netbook underground to experiment with instead, but then
> failed to get bluetooth association even though it had been working
> justfine the evening before.

communication is wrapped up in C++ classes,
the Serial class can be compiled into an executable to test the 
bt connection with the DistoX.

> So I didn't get to try it underground usefully. But I can see that
> some changes to the interface would be helpful. 

glad to improve it.
interface was based on Qt3, (opie), to support old hardware.

> Hopefully I'll have
> some more time to work on it in order to get it going usefully for this
> summer's expo.



[Therion] distox

2010-04-16 Thread marco corvi
On Fri, 2010-04-16 at 04:49 +0100, Wookey wrote:
> Here is a calib file. This one had 2 legs missing so has could of
> extra 'downs' at the end. Not sure if that's fatal. If not could you
> sned me back a set of numbers 

hi wookey,

attached are the calibration coeffs of your disto.
calibration shots are well distributed over the directions.
max error is about 0.5 deg.
did not play to get it lower.

-- next part --
0x85 0xf7 0x24 0x6e 0x1b 0x01 0x38 0xfe 
0xd4 0x02 0x9c 0xff 0xfa 0x6d 0xde 0xff 
0x28 0x02 0x54 0x00 0xde 0xff 0x20 0x6e 
0x72 0x03 0x4c 0x3a 0x1f 0x00 0x38 0xfc 
0xc1 0x00 0xbf 0xff 0xf4 0x3d 0xdd 0x00 
0xf2 0x00 0xbd 0x00 0x11 0xfd 0x66 0x40 
Calibration input data.
G: -500 -652 13492 M: -12999 -2730 20333 Set 1 0 0.2828
G: -1325 -826 -14090 M: -16320 1418 -20075 Set 1 0 0.1866
G: -762 -14254 1010 M: -14636 -21555 -1071 Set 1 0 0.1642
G: 519 -1249 13565 M: 8998 -2668 21935 Set 2 0 0.1428
G: 629 -14418 519 M: 7949 -23521 -841 Set 2 0 0.1617
G: 373 -1451 -14246 M: 6528 -410 -22795 Set 2 0 0.0967
G: 251 13346 -1761 M: 7589 23201 -592 Set 2 0 0.0714
G: 1937 -1061 13572 M: 2668 8065 22337 Set 3 0 0.3078
G: 1600 13377 1302 M: 909 23603 -5748 Set 3 0 0.0149
G: 1716 -14048 3143 M: 1659 -20137 13265 Set 3 0 0.1040
G: 1487 -409 -14326 M: -420 -9393 -22649 Set 3 0 0.1067
G: 1395 -865 13617 M: -1205 -10803 20943 Set 4 0 0.0135
G: 1251 -559 -14314 M: -3685 9476 -21848 Set 4 0 0.1386
G: 1271 -14439 -1120 M: -3216 -22350 -11650 Set 4 0 0.0085
G: 851 13446 -1026 M: -2726 22826 8863 Set 4 0 0.1975
G: -12354 155 2833 M: -25422 -8683 2791 Set 5 0 0.2728
G: -12266 -3580 997 M: -25788 -6124 -7455 Set 5 0 0.0476
G: -12173 -1550 -3982 M: -25586 7722 -4709 Set 5 0 0.3924
G: -12144 3252 -1297 M: -24797 5200 7845 Set 5 0 0.1863
G: 15206 -474 350 M: 23183 -9955 -674 Set 6 0 0.1935
G: 15193 247 -57 M: 23594 -1435 9080 Set 6 0 0.4293
G: 15171 47 -733 M: 23021 10079 412 Set 6 0 0.1536
G: 15187 -1001 -628 M: 22529 -693 -10099 Set 6 0 0.3304
G: 8035 -12408 2614 M: 4206 -24463 -2547 Set 7 0 0.1148
G: 7892 -1541 -12567 M: 3207 5014 -22927 Set 7 0 0.0031
G: 7725 11931 -1566 M: 4333 23569 5251 Set 7 0 0.3416
G: -6600 10973 -874 M: -19268 15568 7171 Set 8 0 0.1586
G: -6156 296 11412 M: -18288 -7120 15563 Set 8 0 0.2600
G: -6230 -11097 4209 M: -19168 -18104 -1787 Set 8 0 0.2282
G: -6368 -1388 -12014 M: -20190 6350 -15729 Set 8 0 0.1321
G: -7592 -1414 -11041 M: -11298 -7829 -21555 Set 9 0 0.0469
G: -7086 -11361 -1445 M: -8939 -23630 2028 Set 9 0 0.2939
G: -6673 -672 11065 M: -6973 4681 22283 Set 9 0 0.1346
G: -7001 10617 744 M: -9093 23046 -3118 Set 9 0 0.5066
G: 7938 1614 11609 M: 17923 8603 14881 Set 10 0 0.5835
G: 7763 11844 957 M: 17081 17108 -3959 Set 10 0 0.0085
G: 7533 -1293 -12754 M: 15759 -7844 -16635 Set 10 0 0.2165
G: 7656 -12852 -1879 M: 16994 -17962 2955 Set 10 0 0.1824
G: 8389 -12446 -804 M: 5492 -23579 4658 Set 11 0 0.2201
G: 8078 -239 11793 M: 5836 6631 22212 Set 11 0 0.1308
G: 8063 11643 1379 M: 4832 23667 -3015 Set 11 0 0.1207
G: 7806 -254 -12635 M: 3024 -6612 -22983 Set 11 0 0.1055
G: -8124 464 -10625 M: -23226 -5773 -12976 Set 12 0 0.2822
G: -7908 1 -116 M: -22602 12761 -5964 Set 12 0 0.0868
G: -7640 469 10336 M: -21242 7680 12426 Set 12 0 0.0769
G: -7599 -11301 582 M: -21641 -13137 6892 Set 12 0 0.2612
G: -7824 -11122 577 M: -12351 -22007 -6711 Set 13 0 0.1439
G: -7654 -1548 -11091 M: -12621 5741 -21009 Set 13 0 0.5156
G: -7583 10229 -1462 M: -11106 21701 6043 Set 13 0 0.1283
G: -7484 -236 10545 M: -10339 -7808 20272 Set 13 0 0.1033
G: 8768 -684 11343 M: 18752 -7616 14253 Set 14 0 0.2325
G: 8795 -12156 1194 M: 17525 -16715 -5818 Set 14 0 0.1296
G: 8171 -2153 -12309 M: 16406 4611 -16777 Set 14 0 0.0583
G: 7763 11863 -1520 M: 17103 17264 5527 Set 14 0 0.1799
G: 15081 -44 929 M: 23602 5172 -6109 Set 15 0 0.4988
G: 15124 422 -239 M: 23363 -5131 -7310 Set 15 0 0.3134

[Therion] distox

2010-04-14 Thread marco corvi
On Wed, 2010-04-14 at 12:22 +0100, Wookey wrote:
> +++ marco corvi [2010-04-14 09:18 +0200]:
> > hi wookey,
> Is there any reason you replied off-list? I'm sure this would be
> interesting to others.

i just clicked on the sender name out of abit.

> > the work on "my distox programs" is going on.
> > you can get the programs and dome docs on the page
> >
> OK. good stuff. I will download, build and test tonight if I can. 
> > important catch:
> > my programs are meant to work with single survey.
> > i rely on therion for the full cave(s) survey.
> > also i do not have a portable device to take in the
> > cave, so i do not focus much on working on-line,
> > but on working off-line.
> OK. I do, so maybe I can help with that. I think it's important to get
> something like the pocketopo functionality on non-windows devices. 

any help is very much appreciated.

> > recent changes (besides bug fixes), 
> > added pockettopo import/export (beat told me the file format
> > and we had an email exchange about how to address the
> > programs interoperability),
> > worked on compass export, and therion export.
> > reorganized some of the code.
> > not sure these are all online.
> OK. What's the deal with the calibration algorithm? Having that remain
> secret is going to be a problem. I thought the device could do its
> own calibration, but apparently it needs an external app? Perhaps we
> can adapt the SAP calibration code (which is Free) as it must be very
> similar. 

as far as i read, beat algo is better.
beat should have a paper published soon in CREG
describing the algo.
i believe that when it is published i can put
my reimplementation in the sources.

> What do you have and what have you agreed not to disclose? If
> it's just the code then re-implementation via an explanation of the
> algorithm should be fine.
> > i was considering dropping the QT3 support and work only 
> > with QT4 (better classes and easier interfaces).
> OK. I guess that is the way forward now. I guess that could be a
> problem for GTK-based devices with limited storage. 



[Therion] therion crash

2010-03-26 Thread marco corvi
i was playing with calibrate command, in the centerline block.

i put more than two numbers and therion crashes.
(i know that i'm supposed to put only one or two numeric args).

therion 5-3
gcc 4.1.2
libc 2.10.1


[Therion] DistoX and PocketTopo with Therion

2009-03-24 Thread marco corvi
On Tue, 2009-03-24 at 21:50 +1300, Bruce Mutton wrote:
> Hi there
> I have a Disto arriving hopefully in a few days, and looking ahead
> I’ve been tentatively trialling PocketTopo on my PC.

also i have a distoX.
i am writing a program to use it with linux.
(the programs runs also on windows).

export as therion, of course.

anyone interested to alpha test ?
(cannot guarantee, but is should not damage your distox)


[Therion] outline only

2008-06-18 Thread marco corvi

On Wed, 2008-06-18 at 12:10 +0200, Stacho Mudrak wrote:
> Just create a new map. For those maps that you want outline/shaded
> only prefix them with preview above/below.
> Example:
> map m
>preview above upper_passage_map
>preview below lower_passage_map
> endmap
> Note that onlu maps can be previewed, not scraps.
> Or did you mean something else?
thanks stacho,

just want i wanted.

is it possible to show labels (label points) in the preview 
above/below maps ?


[Therion] outline only

2008-06-18 Thread marco corvi

how does one make a cave map where some scraps 
are drawn in full details
and others with the outline only ?

thanks, marco

[Therion] Hopefully a bunch of new users; Optimum Data Managment

2008-04-23 Thread marco corvi

On Wed, 2008-04-23 at 08:11 +1200, Bruce Mutton wrote:
> Thanks Wookie.
> Can not believe paper is better, but then in the 6 months I've been learning
> Therion, it has improved a lot...  Any more information or examples
> appreciated.
> At present it's only my thconfig files that I think are messy and confusing.
> I'm working on making them very much more modular, a separate sub-thconfig
> file for every task.  
> A thought; being able to pass a variable between thconfig files or even from
> .th files to thconfig files could make things easier by avoiding, for
> example, changing the name of maps to match the cave name.  See the
> following example
> ...


i'm no expert about "data management", i can just tell what i tried
for a cave that's more than a few surveys/scraps.
it is still in a fuzzy shape, and it's just what i experienced
(ie, tested on caves, a few km long).

a directory for surveys, with a subdirectory for each survey
(each with its own thconfig, more on this later).
a second directory with subdirectories to group the surveys
together (each group with its thconfig).
finally other directories to put together the whole cave 
(with their thconfigs)

different thconfigs for different tasks (pdf maps, 3d model, etc.)

some "include thconfig" with the common layouts for the surveys
and groups and cave thconfigs. 

maps hierarchies to organize the scraps, and select/unselect to 
specify what to export

makefile to make what's needed.

one could create thconfigs on the fly 
(never tried: never had the need).


[Therion] vi

2008-02-28 Thread marco corvi

On Thu, 2008-02-28 at 17:52 +1100, Michael Lake wrote:
> Hi all
> Yep, My wife Jill uses vim to edit her Therion files and I use gvim.
i put an attempt of syntax file in my therion backroom

help is appreciated.

this sort of stuff (as well as martin emacs file)
could go in a contrib dir on therion wiki.
everyone could check out and improve.
is upload possible ?


[Therion] vi

2008-02-27 Thread marco corvi

On Tue, 2008-02-26 at 15:09 +, Martin Lüthi wrote:
> Hi again
> For the time being I put it on

tried it and think it is good.
really liked very much C-c C-c to compile with therion
then with a shell and xpdf -remote had the preview.

in my opinion it's good to upload it on therion website.
there might be a space for people contributions.

i started a syntax-file for vi,
but it far from satisfactory.

suggested stacho color (and shape) highlight for
xtherion canvas. if anyone is interested can send a
patch (just a "proof of concept", not a solution).


[Therion] vi

2008-02-26 Thread marco corvi

On Tue, 2008-02-26 at 14:03 +, Martin Lüthi wrote:
> Hi
> marco corvi writes:
>  > is anyone using vi to write therion files ?
> Not vi, but Emacs. I adapted the Python mode to work for Therion
> files. It now supports syntax highlighting and shell integration (C-c
> C-c runs therion in the background).
> The mode needs some cleanup. Let me know if anyone is interested.
thanks for the quick reply, martin.

i am interested.

i use vi, but i do not disregard emacs, and
think that syntax highlight makes editing therion
file so much easier ...


[Therion] scrap help needed

2007-12-06 Thread marco corvi
On Thu, 2007-12-06 at 11:51 +0100, Stacho Mudrak wrote:
> Quoting marco corvi :
> > by the way, is there a point for water_drop
> > (ie, vertical water flow) ?
> Not yet. I think it is a good idea to add this symbol. Have you seen somewhere
> how this symbol looks like?
just a dashed vertcal arrow, as in the attached sketch
(of course the symblo should be active only in elevation and x-section 

thanks, marco
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[Therion] scrap help needed

2007-12-06 Thread marco corvi
On Wed, 2007-12-05 at 23:06 +0100, Martin Sluka wrote:
> On 5.12.2007, at 19:36, marco corvi wrote:
> > in the process of drawing a not-so-big xelev scrap
> > got some wierd inside.
> > what's wrong ?
> simply - check attached files - two right most walls were -outline in
thanks martin,

yesterday, maybe was too tired (or too lazy, or both).


[Therion] scrap help needed

2007-12-05 Thread marco corvi
in the process of drawing a not-so-big xelev scrap
got some wierd inside.
what's wrong ?

th (abridged) and th2 (draft) are attached.
thconfig is a plain export of extended projection map.

by the way, is there a point for water_drop
(ie, vertical water flow) ?

thanks, marco

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encoding  utf-8
survey orione05 -title "fondo del vecchio rilievo"

date 2007.12.01
team "D. Bassani" compass clino tape
team "M. Corvi" notes

units length cm

data normal from to length compass clino left right up down
walls off

extend normal
# 1 = spit del pozzo = ultimo cap. orione04
1 2 1483   0  -901.5 2.0 16.0 0.5
3 2  170  62  -17.5  3.0 3.5 15.0 3.0
4 3  813  86  -151   47   5
# P 5
5 4  567 176.5 11.5  0.4 0.4 1.5 2.0
5 6  381  34.5 -58.5 0.5 0.2 1   0.5
extend reverse
6 7  240 166   -42   0.6 0.2 0.8 0.4
extend normal
7 8  396 350   -26.5 1.5 0   2   2
9 8  407 142   -49   0.2 3   10  1
10 9 102 154   -34   0   3   10  1.8
10 11  941  14 -27   0   0.8 1   2
11 12  139  76 -28   0.3 0.8 2   6
12 13  811  48 -24   1.5 3   10  1
14 13  198 252  64   2   2   12  20
14 15 1148   0 -90   0   6   23  10
16 15 1240 239  42   0.4 0   1   1.5
17 16  274 230  44   0   0.7 2   1.5
17 18  100  25 -57   0   4   2.5 18
data normal from to length compass clino
19 18 1668   0  90
data normal from to length compass clino left right up down
20 19  684 289  -6   4   3   20  1.5
20 21 1628 160  40   5   3   15  0.2
21 22  294   0  90   0   7   0   3.5
20 23  820  28 -27   0   5   15  1.7
23 24  153 107  -59  0   0.8 1.5 2.5


input orione05s1.th2

map orione05ms

# input orione05p1.th2
# map orione05mp
#   orione05p1
# endmap


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encoding  utf-8
##XTHERION## xth_me_area_adjust -128 -1443 1630 128
##XTHERION## xth_me_area_zoom_to 100
##XTHERION## xth_me_image_insert {0 1 1.0} {0 {}} gif/s1-5.gif 0 {}
##XTHERION## xth_me_image_insert {290 1 1.0} {-194 {}} gif/s5-12.gif 0 {}
##XTHERION## xth_me_image_insert {577 1 1.0} {-340 {}} gif/s11-14.gif 0 {}
##XTHERION## xth_me_image_insert {734 1 1.0} {-419 {}} gif/s15-20.gif 0 {}

scrap orione05s1 -projection extended -scale [-128 -606 528 -606 0.0 0.0 
16.6624 0.0 m]

line rock-border
  522.5 -433.5
  532.0 -423.5
  544.0 -425.5
  547.5 -429.5
  558.0 -427.0
  569.0 -425.5
  573.0 -431.5
  570.5 -440.0
  562.5 -434.0
  552.0 -435.5
  544.0 -442.0

line rock-border
  498.0 -414.0
  492.5 -417.0
  483.5 -413.5

line rock-border
  492.0 -438.0
  484.5 -423.5
  483.5 -413.5
  489.5 -408.0
  495.5 -406.5
  498.0 -414.0

line rock-border
  474.5 -458.5
  467.0 -447.0
  461.0 -435.0

line rock-border
  783.0 -510.0
  772.0 -530.0
  785.0 -545.0

line rock-border
  774.0 -552.0
  759.0 -535.0
  767.0 -516.0
  783.0 -510.0
  796.0 -520.0
  795.0 -538.0

point 903.0 -331.0 continuation -code "TBA6"

point 816.0 -462.0 water-flow -orientation 179.1

point 844.0 -424.0 water-flow -orientation 179.1

point 804.0 -526.0 station -name 14

point 788.0 -502.0 station -name 13

line wall
  851.0 -357.0
  851.0 -357.0 843.0 -374.0 834.0 -386.0
  825.0 -398.0 812.0 -412.0 812.0 -412.0
  smooth off
  812.0 -412.0 806.0 -422.0 796.0 -422.0
  786.0 -422.0 775.0 -426.0 775.0 -426.0
  smooth off
  760.0 -417.0
  738.0 -432.0
  711.0 -432.0
  697.0 -437.0
  669.0 -441.0
  669.0 -441.0 648.0 -440.0 644.0 -435.0

point 1403.0 -958.0 station -name 22

line wall -outline in
  1310.0 -791.0
  1310.0 -791.0 1306.0 -818.0 1302.0 -833.0
  1298.0 -848.0 1289.0 -881.0 1289.0 -881.0
  smooth off
  1289.0 -881.0 1286.0 -927.0 1281.0 -950.0
  1276.0 -973.0 1264.0 -997.0 1260.0 -1008.0
  1256.0 -1019.0 1258.0 -1035.0 1241.0 -1040.0
  1224.0 -1045.0 1198.0 -1046.0 1198.0 -1046.0
  smooth off
  1202.0 -1011.0
  1194.0 -971.0
  1194.0 -971.0 1205.0 -928.0 1205.0 -916.0
  1205.0 -904.0 1211.0 -868.0 1208.0 -862.0
  1205.0 -856.0 1203.0 -823.0 1203.0 -823.0
  smooth off
  1199.0 -775.0
  1190.0 -737.0

line wall -outline in
  1292.0 -1242.0
  1292.0 -1242.0 1287.0 -1233.0 1282.0 -1222.0
  1277.0 -1211.0 1283.0 -1192.0 1283.0 -1192.0
  smooth off
  1283.0 -1163.0
  1283.0 -1163.0 1292.0 -1153.0 1302.0 -1141.0
  1312.0 -1129.0 1319.0 -1115.0 1319.0 -1115.0
  smooth off
  1339.0 -1091.0
  1339.0 -1091.0 1358.0 -1067.0 1370.0 -1058.0
  1382.0 -1049.0 1392.0 -1041.0 1392.0 -1041.0
  smooth off
  1412.0 -1036.0
  1412.0 -1036.0 1419.0 -1028.0 1417.0 -1019.0
  1415.0 -1010.0 1413.0 -1003.0 1414.0 -996.0
  1415.0 -989.0 1416.0 -981.0 1416.0 -981.0
  smooth off
  1413.0 -970.0
  1431.0 -969.0
  1431.0 -969.0 1441.0 -974.0 1449.0 -979.0

[Therion] loch question

2007-02-16 Thread marco corvi
On Thu, 2007-02-15 at 14:56 +0100, Stacho Mudrak wrote:
> Quoting marco corvi :
> > does the loch-model export handles surface bitmaps
> > together with surface grids ?
> > i know that one can get a neat grey surface if he/she uses a grid.
> > is it possible to put a bitmap on it instead of the grey blanket ?
> Yes (if you have both (grid & bitmap) specified withing single surface  
> object).
> But unfortunatelly, it works only on Win32. I have not find out yet,  
> why it does
> not work on Linux (well very rarely it works on Linux also :).
> Have you tried on windows?

ok, i can create the lox file on linux and see it with loch on windows.
[ only with jpeg bitmap, not png ].
so probably it is a loch problem.

thanks, marco

[Therion] extended section

2007-02-12 Thread marco corvi
On Fri, 2007-02-09 at 14:48 +0100, Stacho Mudrak wrote:
> Hmmm, this situation is not yet correctly solved in therion. Every  
> station even
> in extended elevation has its unique coordinates. You have following
> possibilities:
> 1. Remove this problematic station from one of these two scraps (it is  
> not 100%
> solution, but should help)

it is not a satisfactory solution, indeed.
and it might not work.

> 2. Add not equate, but zero length (or 0.1 m) shot between these two
> stations (may be this will help, may be not).

i tried, but it does not help.

> There is simple way of solving this problem - adding an option for the  
> station,
> that is has to be extended from another station instead of taking absolute
> coordinates. 

this is ok.
thanks, marco

[Therion] extended section

2007-02-09 Thread marco corvi

i have a question.

i have a loop to adjust,
if i do not equate stations in extended section there is 
an altitude gap between them. of course therion does not know
they are at the same altitude (or depth).
if i equate, the drawing is awfully distorted because therion
tries to draw them at the same point.

is there a way to tell therion that two stations are at the same
altitude (depth) ? (but to draw them separately).

thanks, marco

[Therion] therion by examples

2007-02-06 Thread marco corvi
On Tue, 2007-02-06 at 13:01 +0100, Wolfgang Zillig wrote:
> Hi Thierry,
> I'm also using Grass for preparing my images and the DEM. So it would be 
> nice to share experience.
> Wolfgang
> thierrygonon schrieb:
> > I've put in the *FRENCH* section of wiki (I'm planning a translation, 
> > one day !!) about integration of Therion datas in OpenSource GIS, in 
> > this case, GRASS, and DEM use... If Wolfgang want some help...
> > I could help Marco, but don't have many time !!
> >
> > Thierry
> >
> > Wolfgang Zillig a écrit :
> >   
> >> I could add a passage about digital elevation models (DEM) and 
> >> airophotos, coordinate systems and transformations. But I'm not an 
> >> expert in these things, I just use some tools to do that ;-)
> >>
> >> Wolfgang
> >>


i think that the contribution to therion by examples on the wiki
are important and valuable. i tried to keep up with them but i 
probably have lost some (maybe many), but looking at it i got
the impression that it was getting less and less useful.

the best idea i can come up with is to freeze tbe on the wiki 
as it is, and put in a new version, which describes therion as
it is now (version 0.5.0), not as it was eight months ago !
any better option ?

i tried to put together a bundle with sources, html, 
and code for TBE, ... "as it is",

it is good that thierry and wolfgang can work on the integration of
therion with "geography". it is something i do not know much about.
