Re: [translate-pootle] versioncontrol moving to translate toolkit

2007-09-14 Thread Lars Kruse

> the following set of patches and the described svn commands are a proposal
> for the move of the versioncontrol features to the translate toolkit.
> [...]

any opinions about the patch?


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Re: [translate-pootle] versioncontrol moving to translate toolkit

2007-09-14 Thread Lars Kruse

> I'm sorry. We're very busy preparing for software freedom day tomorrow.

never mind - it was just a reminder - there is no need to hurry ...

> I committed everything you sent in the previous mail to svn trunk with
> revisions 6528-6530.



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Re: [translate-pootle] How do I know Pootle is working

2007-10-10 Thread Lars Kruse

> Hi. I signed at to help translating things 
> about ccHost to Spanish. However, I have no idea if my suggestions were 
> stored, are waiting for approval, dismissed, accepted, returned for 
> improvement, etc. 

you should be able to see your suggestions when you log in and take a look at
the respective strings. This works, or?

> Each time I go to the project page I see the same 
> statistics and I don't know how to see my contributions so far.

If I don't mix it up now, you will not see your suggestions in the statistics
overview (only translated/fuzzy/untranslated), until someone with the
appropriate rights approved your suggestions. This kind of setup is the current
default for pootle installations.
Maybe it could be helpful, to send a mail to the maintainer (?) of the Spanish
translation of ccHost and ask him to approve you suggestions. (if you think,
that this is appropriate)


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[translate-pootle] Keeping track of changes (was: How do I know Pootle is working)

2007-10-11 Thread Lars Kruse

> So we're failing here in the community building.

Additionally I would think, that the missing reporting features for important
changes also impair potential peer reviews.

Maybe the following thoughts can start a discussion that could end up in a
specific feature request to be added to the bugtracker?

what are possible changes and who would be interested?

1) changing a translations: the previous translator (for a discussion?)

2) adding a suggestions: people with the permission to approve suggestions

3) approving a suggestion: all contributors of suggestions for the translation

The language/project maintainers could be interested in all of the above
changes, too.

How to publish these changes:

A) via a recent-changes page (similar to wikis) - filtering for
projects/languages could be useful

B) notification mails for interested/subscribed users

any other ideas?


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Re: [translate-pootle] pootle versioncontrol

2007-10-19 Thread Lars Kruse

> Any help in getting git+Pootle work together will be greatly 
> appreciated. (btw, the irc#pootle help has been fantastic :)

hehe - thanks for your patience and efforts in testing it!
I found the missing part of the version control patch, that was only here on
the systems, where I tested the version control support - but it never made its
way to the repository :(

It is now committed as revision [6641].

Please check, if git now works for you!

---	(Revision 6528)
+++	(Arbeitskopie)
@@ -744,12 +744,14 @@
 molink = {"href": moname, "text": self.localize('MO file')}
 if "update" in linksrequired and "admin" in self.rights:
-  if versioncontrol.hasversioning(os.path.join(self.project.podir, self.dirname)):
+  if versioncontrol.hasversioning(os.path.join(self.project.podir,
+  self.dirname, basename)):
 # l10n: Update from version control (like CVS or Subversion)
 updatelink = {"href": "index.html?editing=1&doupdate=1&updatefile=%s" % (basename), "text": self.localize('Update')}
 if "commit" in linksrequired and "commit" in self.rights:
-  if versioncontrol.hasversioning(os.path.join(self.project.podir, self.dirname)):
+  if versioncontrol.hasversioning(os.path.join(self.project.podir,
+  self.dirname, basename)):
 # l10n: Commit to version control (like CVS or Subversion)
 commitlink = {"href": "index.html?editing=1&docommit=1&commitfile=%s" % (basename), "text": self.localize('Commit')}
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Re: [translate-pootle] Running Pootle as non-root

2007-11-05 Thread Lars Kruse

> I've successfully installed Pootle on a shared host, but I can't get it 
> working.
> I'm facing two problems, as far as I can see:
>  1.- I should edit the Apache configuration file to add a virtual host.
>  2.- I can only run PootleServer as root.
> As for problem 1, I might ask my ISP to add it for me. But, how do I work 
> around problem 2?

If I am correct, then the only thing requiring root permissions is the port,
that you are trying to use. (only root can bind to ports below 1024)

Do you use the default port (8080)?
You can use the "-p" option to change the port to something >= 1024.

Or is there another problem?


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Re: [translate-pootle] Running Pootle as non-root

2007-11-05 Thread Lars Kruse

> I get this error:
> [my_server]$ PootleServer --prefsfile=pootle/pootle.prefs --port=8080
> 2007-11-05 14:40:00: Listening on port 8080
> 2007-11-05 14:40:00: To use the server, open a web browser at 
> 2007-11-05 14:40:00: Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/jToolkit/web/", 
> line 613, in getserver
>   File "/usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/jToolkit/web/", line 160, 
> in getserverwithprefs
>   File "/usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/jToolkit/", line 428, in 
> parsefile
>   File "/usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/jToolkit/", line 418, in 
> parse
>   File "/usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/jToolkit/", line 312, in 
> handleindents
>   File "/usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/jToolkit/", line 225, in 
> raiseerror
> ParserError: invalid indentation at line 441, char 9 (token '\n   ')
> 2007-11-05 14:40:00: Error initializing server, exiting: invalid indentation 
> at line 441, char 9 (toke n '\n   ')

it looks like there is a wrong indentation in your preferences file (e.g.
/etc/pootle/pootle.prefs or pootle.prefs in your Pootle directory) in line 441.

Wrong indentation could mean:
 - mixing tabs and spaces
 - too many/few spaces/tabs in that line (look at the lines above, too)

Did you change the preferences file manually?


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Re: [translate-pootle] Running Pootle as non-root

2007-11-06 Thread Lars Kruse

> Yes, I modified it, but I've just replaced it with the default file and
> it's not working either:
> [...]

I took a look at your preferences file and it seems to me, that the entries for
"Korean", "Romanian" and "Turkish" are not indented in the same way, as the
other lines (one space is missing). Maybe that is the problem?
Are your sure, that this file was part of a pootle release?
If yes: which one?


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Re: [translate-pootle] How/where to specify source/base/original language

2007-11-06 Thread Lars Kruse

> We have setup Pootle and everything is working, we only experience one 
> problem: when using the online editor, the 'Original' text is not displayed.

I am not sure, if I understand you. Maybe you could send a screenshot?


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Re: [translate-pootle] How/where to specify source/base/original language

2007-11-07 Thread Lars Kruse

> So let me rephrase my question:
> We have a lot of .po files for the english language. Example from wizard.po 
> file:
> msgid "addressField"
> msgstr "Full Address"
> We have added languages to the project using the same .po file but with 
> empty msgstr:
> msgid "addressField"
> msgstr ""
> So my question is: how does pootle determine where to get the original 
> msgstr from.
> Currently the 'Original' field shows the msgid "addressField" which does not 
> help much translating.

As far as I know, this design is not the common way of using po-files. Usually
the "msgid" is the english text and the "msgstr" contains the translation.
With your way of doing it, it will be hard for common tools to recognize, which
translations are outdated or fuzzy, or?

Maybe you could use a kind of mapping instead? For example a file that combines
your short names (e.g. "addressField") and the english translations? This could
be the source for the po-files.

just a thought ...


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Re: [translate-pootle] Error sending mail: All recipients refused

2007-12-09 Thread Lars Kruse

> > > Both the smtp server and the "from" address are right. Does it require a
> > > password?
> >
> > I'm fairly sure that this is a configuration issue for your SMTP server.
> > Is there anything else on your machine using that mail server that is
> > able to send mail out?
> The SMTP server has been working fine. We have mailing lists and
> dynamic websites that use that server everyday.
> However, Pootle and our SMTP server run on different hosts... Is there
> any problem with this? All of our websites are hosted on a shared
> host, except our Pootle installation (which has its own server).

as you pointed out later, this sounds like a mail server configuration issue. If
the mail server and the pootle server are not part of a private subnet, then the
mail server will surely require some authentication before relaying arbitrary
(otherwise I would call it an "open relay", which would be bad)

Maybe you want to try if the mail server accepts mails from the pootle host by
opening a smtp session manually?
Just do:
 telnet $mailserver 25
and then:
 MAIL From: $your_from_address
and finally:
 RCPT To: $some_destination_address

I assume that the mail server will reject the recipient, since it is not
managing the destination domain.

As far as I can tell, pootle does not support smtp authentication for these
cases. So maybe you want to use something like "ssmtp" or "estmp" for relaying
the mail to the mail server. These programs support smtp authentication and act
as a local mailserver (relay only).

hope that helps,

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Re: [translate-pootle] Error sending mail: All recipients refused

2008-01-11 Thread Lars Kruse
Hi Gustavo,

> Lars, I've installed ssmtp and it works fine; however, I'm still
> getting the same error in Pootle when someone tries to create an
> account; do I have to do something else?
> Anyways, /usr/bin/mail is a softlink to /usr/sbin/ssmtp

just to make sure, that I understand you correctly:

1) did you configure "AuthUser" and "AuthPass" in ssmtp.conf? (otherwise your
real mail server would (?) still refuse to relay mails for other domains)

2) did you manually try to send a mail to an external domain (not managed by
your mailserver) via ssmtp?
 e.g.: echo foo | ssmtp -s "subject bar" [EMAIL PROTECTED]


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Re: [translate-pootle] Error sending mail: All recipients refused

2008-01-12 Thread Lars Kruse
Hi Gustavo,

> I configured AuthUser and AuthPass, and I could send emails after
> configuring ssmtp.

hm - it looks, like I will run out of ideas quite soon ...

just another two questions:

1) you surely did not forget to reconfigure the smtp server in pootle to
point to "localhost"?

2) please try to run the attached python script ("python") on the
pootle host. You should change the sender and recipient mail address to some
realistic values (the domains may not be the ones that are managed by your mail
What is the output?
Does the mail arrive at its destination?

good luck,
import smtplib

smtp = smtplib.SMTP()

refused = smtp.sendmail("[EMAIL PROTECTED]", "[EMAIL PROTECTED]", "test")

print "Refused recipients: %s" % (refused,)

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Re: [translate-pootle] Error sending mail: All recipients refused

2008-01-13 Thread Lars Kruse
Hi Gustavo,

> > 1) you surely did not forget to reconfigure the smtp server in pootle to
> > point to "localhost"?
> Oh, sorry, I didn't set it to "localhost". However, I've corrected
> that entry, restarted Pootle, but it's not working yet: When I create
> an account, I get message shown in the attached screenshot, but I
> never receive the activation email.

is this output of pootle different from the previous output (without using
a local ssmtp)?

> > 2) please try to run the attached python script ("python") on
> > the
> > pootle host. You should change the sender and recipient mail address to some
> > realistic values (the domains may not be the ones that are managed by your
> > mail hub).
> > What is the output?
> > Does the mail arrive at its destination?
> I've attached the output and the email doesn't arrive at its destination.

the output looks like ssmtp is not running.

Can you check it with something like "netstat -lpn"?


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[translate-pootle] PyLucene v2 support

2008-01-22 Thread Lars Kruse
today I tried to run pootle while pylucene v2.2 is installed on my machine.

Sadly, an exception was raised with the following output:

  File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/Pootle/", line 259, in handle
page = self.getpage(pathwords, session, argdict)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/Pootle/", line 325, in getpage
return indexpage.ProjectLanguageIndex(self.potree, projectcode, session)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/Pootle/", line 258, in
__init__ languages = self.getlanguages()
  File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/Pootle/", line 286, in
getlanguages languageitems = [self.getlanguageitem(languagecode, languagename)
for languagecode, lang uagename in languages]
  File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/Pootle/", line 295, in
getlanguageitem language = self.potree.getproject(languagecode,
self.projectcode) File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/Pootle/",
line 311, in getproject self.projectcache[languagecode, projectcode] =
projects.TranslationProject(languagecode, projectcode, self)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/Pootle/", line 115, in
__init__ self.initindex()
  File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/Pootle/", line 789, in
initindex self.updateindex(pofilename, optimize=False)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/Pootle/", line 800, in
updateindex pofilenamequery = self.searcher.makeQuery([("pofilename",
pofilename)], True) File
"/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/translate/search/indexer/", line
556, in makeQuery query = indexer.QueryParser.parse(search, fieldName, analyzer)
TypeError: descriptor 'parse' requires a 'PyLucene.QueryParser' object but
received a 'str'

Since I never tried to use pylucene v1.x with pootle (and installing it would
be quite time consuming), I can only guess that this problem is caused by
changes of the pylucene interface from v1.x to v2.x.

This is also indicated by the following mailing list message:

The attached patch would ignore to use PyLucene v2.x. Thus it would allow
people to run pootle even if PyLucene v2 is installed.

It would be great, if anyone with a working innstallation of PyLucene v1.x
could try, if the current pootle code works with it. This could prove that the
current issue with PyLucene is version-dependent.

Any other ideas?

Should I commit the patch?

Index: Pootle/
--- Pootle/	(Revision 6926)
+++ Pootle/	(Arbeitskopie)
@@ -757,9 +757,28 @@
   yield self.pofilenames[index]
   index += 1
+  def check_indexer(self):
+"""test if there is a supported indexing engine
+PyLucene v2.x is not supported yet, since the arguments of QueryParser changed
+if not indexer.HAVE_INDEXER:
+return False
+lucene_version = indexer.indexer.LUCENE_VERSION
+if lucene_version.startswith("1."):
+return True
+# PyLucene v2.x is not supported yet
+return False
+except AttributeError:
+# any other indexer is ok
+return True
   def initindex(self):
 """initializes the search index"""
-if not indexer.HAVE_INDEXER:
+if not self.check_indexer():
 self.indexdir = os.path.join(self.podir, ".poindex-%s-%s" % (self.projectcode, self.languagecode))
 class indexconfig:
@@ -775,7 +794,7 @@
   def updateindex(self, pofilename, items=None, optimize=True):
 """updates the index with the contents of pofilename (limit to items if given)"""
-if not indexer.HAVE_INDEXER:
+if not self.check_indexer():
 pofile = self.pofiles[pofilename]
 # check if the pomtime in the index == the latest pomtime
@@ -846,7 +865,7 @@
   def indexsearch(self, search, returnfields):
 """returns the results from searching the index with the given search"""
-if not indexer.HAVE_INDEXER:
+if not self.check_indexer():
   return False
 searchparts = []
 if search.searchtext:
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Re: [translate-pootle] PyLucene v2 support

2008-01-23 Thread Lars Kruse

> The current code definitely still works with PyLucene 1.9.1 which I have
> here. I also tried with your patch applied, and it continued to work.

thanks for testing!

> > Should I commit the patch?
> Yes, please apply.

ok - I did it

> I would however like it if we can upgrade to the
> newer API, as the installation of the older versions are horrible, and I
> guess we are missing out on several improvements to PyLucene made since
> those old versions. But I guess this is what you are busy with, right?

yes - but these changes will take place in the toolkit.
As far as I can see, the current state of the pootle code will "magically"
start working again with PyLucene v2, as soon as a new toolkit with these
changes will be released. This will take some more effort for me, but I want to
do it very soon ...


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Re: [translate-pootle] A few questions :)

2008-02-02 Thread Lars Kruse
Hi Sebastien,

> SVN Integration:
> We have successfully imported then checked out our svn dir (the "po"  
> dir) and it's working fine for commits.
> But the "update" link (left to "commit" link) doesn't work, or at  
> least in doesn't work when there is nothing to get from the svn repo.
>  From debugging and stracing, it looks like it choke on the .pending  
> file (only the .po files are under svn, the .pending file show up as  
> "?" if you do svn status).

I don't know this specific problem. Could you send us the respective logs?


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Re: [translate-pootle] Make commits from command line

2008-02-29 Thread Lars Kruse
Hi Normando,

> I want to make commit from command line. I can make commits through cron 
> scripts, but I want through pootle, because add a message about 
> translator and translated strings.

I am not sure, if you want to do the commits via command line or via pootle.

For command line: make sure, that you use the appropriate system user (e.g.
"pootle") to avoid trouble with file permissions and ownership.

For commits via the pootle web interface take a look at:

I hope this helps,

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[translate-pootle] sending registration mail: missing error message in jToolkit

2008-03-05 Thread Lars Kruse

due to a missing /etc/hosts file I stumbled upon a small bug in jToolkit, that
is used by pootle.
Since jToolkit is not actively developed anymore, I am not sure, where to put
the attached patch, that would fix this issue ...

The problem is simply, that pootle silently (!) fails to send a registration
mail if the mail server name (defined as "smtpserver" in pootle.prefs) cannot be
resolved. An error message should be appropriate, I guess.

Is this an issue, that can be fixed by pootle? Or is there any way to update
the jToolkit? Or is jToolkit still being developed? I just could not see any
messages on their mailinglist for 18 months ...
But maybe the issue is not worth a fix at all ...

thanks for your time,

--- jToolkit/ 22:35:29.0 +
+++ jToolkit/  2008-03-05 22:51:18.0 +
@@ -114,6 +114,7 @@
   if errorhandler is not None:
 errmsg += ": %r" % errorhandler.exception_str()
   except socket.error, msg:
+errmsg += "Socket Error: failed to connect to '%s': %s" % (smtpserver, msg)
 if errorhandler is not None:
   errmsg += "Socket Error: %r" % errorhandler.exception_str()
   if smtp.sock:

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Re: [translate-pootle] Translate Toolkit & Pootle in the Google Summer of Code

2008-03-18 Thread Lars Kruse

> Translate Toolkit & Pootle have made it into the Google Summer of Code!
> We're quite excited as this is our first year.

that sounds great!

> You can read the synopsis of our application and selected projects [1]
> or check out the ideas page [2].  If you have another project idea then
> please discuss it with us on the mailing list.
> We're not just looking for students but also mentors.  So if you've
> worked on the code and have a fairly good understanding of Pootle or the
> Translate Toolkit then you are a mentoring candidate for us.

I would be happy to mentor or to assist in mentoring someone for one of these
two proposals:
 * Pootle OpenID and other data sharing and logging
 * Migrate Pootle off jToolkit

I am not completely familiar with every detail of the pootle code, but I guess,
it would be sufficient.

Should people who would be willing to mentor or to assist add themselves to the
"ideas" wiki page? Or did anybody think of a better way of organizing it? :)


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Re: [translate-pootle] Error after update

2008-03-22 Thread Lars Kruse

> In /var/log/pootle there is the folllowing message:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/usr/sbin/PootleServer", line 23, in ?
> from Pootle import pootle
> ImportError: No module named Pootle

first you could check, if the package was removed during the upgrade (should
not happen, of course):
 dpkg -l | grep pootle
The output will start with "ii", if the package is installed.
If the output starts with "rc", then it was removed during the upgrade.
If there is no output at all, then it was completely removed (purged) or never
installed (at least not as a debian package).

Then you should check, if
If it does not exist: maybe you deleted it accidently somehow?
Install it again:
 aptitude reinstall pootle

If the previously mentioned file exists, then your python settings seem to be a
little bit weird. In this case you should send us the output of the following:
 echo "import sys; print sys.path" | python

Hopefully this helps, 

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Re: [translate-pootle] [PATCH] Support for the Mercurial version control system

2008-03-26 Thread Lars Kruse
Hi Miklos,

> i think the only popular vcs today that is unsupported by Pootle is hg.
> so i've made a patch to add support for it :)

that is great!

> patch attached, any feedback is appreciated.

The code itself looks fine to me.

I am not used to mercurial, so I just downloaded a mercurial repository as an
 hg init test
 cd test
 hg pull
 hg update

Then I switched to the translate directory and tested the "getcleanfile"
 python storage/versioncontrol/ SOME_DIR/test/mercurial/

The resulting error message was: 
 abort: mercurial/ not under root

This problem seems to be fixed after replacing "self.location_rel" with
"self.location_abs" in "getcleanfile" in "".

So I guess, that mercurial needs the absolute file location (in contrast to git
and darcs). But I could not verify this for the "update" and the "commit"
function in "", since I don't have a real repository for testing.

Could you check, if everything works after replacing the two
occurrences of "location_rel" with "location_abs"?

I noticed another thing while going through the code: in "commit" the location
of the specific file is not used. I guess, this results in a commit of the
complete local working copy, or? This behaviour would be different from the
other interfaces (svn, cvs, ...) .Could you check that, too, please?

It feels great to see the number of supported systems growing!


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Re: [translate-pootle] [PATCH] Support for the Mercurial version control system

2008-03-27 Thread Lars Kruse
Hi Miklos!

> i would recommend using hg clone , that will make hg push work
> without any additional url. (and Pootle uses this feature)

ok - nice to know!

I uploaded your combined patches to the trunk repository as r7106.

Now there are already six supported versioncontrol systems - great!


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Re: [translate-pootle] Search facility

2008-04-08 Thread Lars Kruse

> > Our translator has asked whether there is a way of searching for a 
> > specific string within the interface.  I've tried using the metadata for 
> > a specific string as a search term (e.g. searching on 
> > "basic.src#IDD_FIND_DIALOG.RID_OK.okbutton.text") but Pootle doesn't 
> > return a result so obviously that field is not part of the search data.
> We could look at including this search field, especially if we have
> indexing enabled on the server. For traditional gettext projects this
> might not be so useful, but probably won't harm anyone. Lars, what is
> your opinion on this?

I guess, this would only change the following:
- (indexing-)database size: not critical
- index generation time: only notable during first initialization
- search time: insignificant (as far as I understand lucene and xapian)

Thus the impact of this feature should be acceptable.
(I never tested indexing with big projects, thus I can only suppose these

> My only concern is that we probably need a more
> powerful search form to avoid unnecessary matches from places where
> people are not interested. Ideally people should be able to specify
> search fields (source, target, notes, locations).

Yes - this enhanced search form would be necessary.
Improvements regarding the search interface are part of one of our Summer of
Code applications. That would help in this case, of course ...


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Translate-pootle mailing list

Re: [translate-pootle] How to search for untranslated and fuzzy and setting limits?

2008-05-05 Thread Lars Kruse

> For searching you really want to run against Lucene or Xapian as tehy
> are much faster, Xapian unfortunately only works on the Pootle version
> in trunk/

I think, it was not merged, yet. I have to resolve performance issues of the
testing installation with the openoffice PO-files before we can do it.


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Re: [translate-pootle] How to search for untranslated and fuzzy and setting limits?

2008-05-05 Thread Lars Kruse

> I haven´t been able to install PyLucene in Debian
> Etch. There is a nice how-to at
> but I get errors when I try to install jcc, so I can't
> use the latest version of pyLucene. (The error lies in
> the instalation of sun-java5-bin, perhaps because my
> system was Sarge, upgraded to Etch.)

I recently wrote that how-to. I would be happy, if you could solve your problem
and describe your solution there ...

Another option: maybe you could just install a fresh etch installation in a
chroot via debootstrap. There you can build it following the how-to. Afterwards
you could probably move the result of the build into your original sarge/etch
system. (just guessing ...)

> When I try to compile  PyLucene 2.2.0-1 with gcj, I
> can't seem to figure out how to configure the Makefile
> correctly. I have installed gcc 3.4 as recommended,
> but I can't figure out what is the proper value for
> GCJ_HOME in the Makefile. On my system, I don't have a
> directory at /usr/local/gcc-3.4.4 or anything similar.
> If anyone has compiled PyLucene on Debian Etch using
> gcj, could you please send me the Makefile that you
> used.  

I am not sure, if I ever compiled PyLucene with gcj. But at least the following
binary package worked in my (also upgraded) sarge/etch system:
You just need to move the content of the python directory to the appropriate

I hope, that helps ...

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Re: [translate-pootle] plans for a script to auto-populate .po files

2008-05-27 Thread Lars Kruse
Hi Suresh,

> Just checking to see if the group is interested to see a  script, which 
> can be invoked by a user with adequate permissions for
> uploading a GNU/Standard style project to Pootle.

Do you intend to add this to the Pootle web interface?
Or is it an independent script that should ease the maintenance of pootle

> The script supports Bazaar, CVS, Darcs, Git, Mercurial and Subversion
> revision control systems.(Also not sure if somebody is already working on
> such/similar script.)

Just to make sure, that I understand you correctly:
1) The user/administrator would enter the type of RCS (svn/cvs/git/bzr/hg) and
the repository URL into the pootle web interface.
2) The script does a "checkout" (or however it is called for the various RCSs)
of a local working copy.
3) Refresh the pootle cache and statistics.

Did I get your point?

> 1. Some RCSs (git/hg) don't allow fetching only the po contents, we need 
> to bringover the whole project directory.
> - Solution - Bring over child project WSs and from there update the 
> Pootle.

for me it would not matter so much, if there would be other files around, too.
At least I would not see a good solution how to avoid this waste of space.


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Translate-pootle mailing list

Re: [translate-pootle] plans for a script to auto-populate .po files

2008-06-01 Thread Lars Kruse
Hi Suresh,

> 1. Brings over a child workspace from parent RCS
> 2. Checks for PO dir, (removes whole WS and aborts if PO dir not 
> there. )
> 3. Removes the non PO files

Just to make sure, that I understand you correctly:
- you would remove non-PO files to save disk space
- later RCS updates (e.g. "svn update") refer to the specific PO files. This
works well with the current RCS interface in the toolkit.

Maybe I don't get the whole picture, but this sounds like it could be difficult
to add new languages to the project, or?
Could it be easier to just keep the non-PO files instead? Then new languages
would appear automatically via the RCS update.

Just my first thought - maybe I misunderstand something ...

> 4. Checks the PO dir and determine the format (std/gnu)
> 5. If gnu format, lang codes are expanded from iso639 po name, 
> is std, from dir names of po files
> 6. Gets the current list of languages supported by Pootle
> 7. Adds the new languages to Pootle
> 8. Adds the new PO files, merges older ones in Pootle.
> 9. The new languages & po files are refreshed in Pootle
> Once we have this, we can start working on a project wise PO commit 
> script from Pootle end...

this will surely be a necessary step - also regarding "update".

> I will update the group weekly about the progress in this front.

great - thanks for your thoughts!


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Re: [translate-pootle] Problems creating a project.

2008-06-10 Thread Lars Kruse
Hi Manuel,

> I have installed a Pootle server.

How did you install it? (rpm/deb/tar.gz/svn?)
Which version did you install?

> In my installation the directory are in
> /usr/lib/python2.5/site-package/Pootle, and under this directory is
> another called "po". After read the documentation, I can't find
> anything about where pootle would be create the work projects
> directories, or anything relationated with this.

you should take a look at the pootle.prefs file (its location depends on your
setup). The default configuration contains all necessary information for
configuring the service.
I guess, you are looking for "podirectory".

> All the directory of pootle has the "root:root" uid:gid.

Depending on your setup, you will have to change the owner of the "po"


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Translate-pootle mailing list

Re: [translate-pootle] Committing with git

2008-06-22 Thread Lars Kruse
Hi Christian,

> Well, that server is running Debian stable, so yes, this might very
> well be related. 

yes - git before v1.5.3 definitely does not work with the current pootle trunk.

> We'll consider updating git but, well, the server is meant to remain
> as "stable" as possible and introducing a backported package might be
> too much of a challenge...if we want to make this server an official
> server of the Debian project, some day.

The bug that was mentioned above
( contains a patch
( that should fix
your problem in a quick-and-dirty way (but it works).

It seems, that the discussion about the support for git v1.5.2 (and earlier) is
not over, yet.
So there is at least the possibilty that this fix will make it into the
translate toolkit trunk (after cleaning the patch up).

Maybe you could answer two questions:

1) does the above patch fix your problem? (I am not sure, if anyone tested git
v1.4.x, yet ...)

2) Would it be possible for you to use a patched translate toolkit? Or
do you want/have to stick to the official debian packages?


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Re: [translate-pootle] Still problems committing with git

2008-07-01 Thread Lars Kruse

> > Does this solve bug 347 properly? (Do we now support the older versions
> > of git?) I would just like to document this properly.
> Unfortunately no:
> $ ~/git/git/git --git-dir git/setup/.git --work-tree git/setup add HACKING
> Unknown option: --work-tree
> $ ~/git/git/git --version
> git version 1.5.2
> for <1.5.3 you still need to manually chdir() to the repo, perform the
> operation and then chdir() back. And that's already done by
> ;-)

I am not sure, if I get the complete picture of the state of the git support.
Please correct me, if I am wrong about something:

1) the current implementation does not work without the "--work-tree" parameter
(e.g. with the two patches that were sent by Miklos (30.6.2008))

2) git v1.5.3 (or higher) behaves as expected -> it is specified/documented to
need both "--git-dir" and "--work-tree" for any operation outside of the
current directory

3) for git v1.5.2 (and before) we have to change to the (base of the?) local git
repository before executing git

If these three assumptions are valid, then I would see the following
alternative solutions:

- applying Miklos patches to the current git support
- adding a second module for git support (e.g. that would
include the ugly os.chdir workarounds. We have to keep both in sync until
we will finally remove support for git<=1.5.2. The current module for the
Lucene indexing engine is splitted in a similar way, so I don't see problems in
implementing this.

- adding the os.chdir workaround to the current git interface and removing all
occourences of --git-dir and --work-tree.

- applying Miklos patches to the current git support
- ignoring incompatibility with git<=1.5.2

Personally I would prefer (A) over (B) due to the cleaner code (in the
long-term). But of course, I would not mind (B), too.
The current version of git in debian stable seems to imply that (C) is not a
good option for us, or?

Any opinions?


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Translate-pootle mailing list

Re: [translate-pootle] Still problems committing with git

2008-07-02 Thread Lars Kruse

I just committed Miklos' patches for the git module as r7710.
This should fix problems with git v1.5.3 (or higher).
(I did it, since I did not notice any objections ...)

> > I think if we want to support Debian stable, then we have to support
> >, since that's the official version Debian comes with. There are
> > major changes between 1.4.x and 1.5.x, and - to be honest - I'm not too
> > motivated to write code for <1.5.x.
> > 
> > So I would vote for C).
> > 
> > Just my two cents.
> I think these are very valid comments. This whole conversation is about
> a bug anyway, and git is (as you mention) previously unsupported. If the
> code to support older git versions is available, we obviously use it,
> but I'm not too concerned about halting anything just to support all
> versions.

I agree. Thus I will add a module for git<1.5.2 within the next days.
I hope, that it will work for git 1.4.x, too.
If it does not work for git 1.4.x, then we will just ignore this issue until
people report real demand, I guess.


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Translate-pootle mailing list

Re: [translate-pootle] Still problems committing with git

2008-07-03 Thread Lars Kruse

> > If the code to support older git versions is available, we obviously use it,
> > but I'm not too concerned about halting anything just to support all
> > versions.
> I agree. Thus I will add a module for git<1.5.2 within the next days.
> I hope, that it will work for git 1.4.x, too.

I just committed the additional git module for versions prior to 1.5.3.
The version control interface will choose the module that fits to your locally
installed version of git.

Since I am not actively using git, I could only test the "getcleanfile"
function of the interface (for git: "cat-file" (v1.4.4) or "show" (v1.5.3)).
The other functions like "update" and "commit" are not tested, yet.
I would be happy, if someone could check these features as well.

I just closed the bug report. Please reopen it, if necessary.


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Translate-pootle mailing list

Re: [translate-pootle] Search enhancements

2008-07-14 Thread Lars Kruse
Hi Julen,

improving the search interface is a great thing - thanks for your work!

> I've created a wiki page[4] for the purpose, so feel free to
> add/remove/edit any information you see necessary. Lars, you're
> probably the person who better knows this stuff so your help and
> comments would be very welcome.

I added specific points for the indexing support.

Hopefully it helps!


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Translate-pootle mailing list

Re: [translate-pootle] Problems to upgrade/commit in mailman.pootle

2008-07-17 Thread Lars Kruse
Hi Piarres,

sorry for the trouble, but it looks, like you are the first one who tries to
use bzr in a real life situation with pootle. So please don't be disappointed,
if we need one or two more mails for fixing all problems, that could occour ...

> As I said to friedel and Clytie in IRC I have trouble to update/commit
> the translation of Basque mailman in pootle [1].
> As I see and I checked with the admin (clytie) I have enough rights to
> make these actions.
> Logs in browser:
> Commit:
> [Errno 2] No such file or directory

this one is (embarrassingly) trivial:
replace "bzw" in translate/storage/versioncontrol/ (line 59) with "bzr"

(I just uploaded the fix in r7782)

> Update:
> [BZR] cat failed for
> '/root/stable/messages/eu/LC_MESSAGES/mailman.po': bzr: ERROR: Not a
> branch: "/root/stable/messages/.bzr/branch/".

here I can't see the problem immediately.
Please try to run the following in a shell on the server:
 bzr cat /root/stable/messages/eu/LC_MESSAGES/mailman.po
 python -m \

both commands should output the content of the respective file from the
Maybe you - as a bzr user - can suggest a fix, if one of these commands does
not work on your system?
(they are working in my testing setup)

thanks for your report!

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Translate-pootle mailing list

Re: [translate-pootle] Problems to upgrade/commit in mailman.pootle

2008-07-17 Thread Lars Kruse

> Is that (r7782) stable enough for me to push an update? What all do I
> need to update?

I did not follow the progress closely, so I can't judge.
Regarding this specific fix it is really just about changing one letter, so you
could easily do it manually.

> > both commands should output the content of the respective file from the
> > repository.
> > Maybe you - as a bzr user - can suggest a fix, if one of these commands does
> > not work on your system?
> > (they are working in my testing setup)
> Just to explain briefly... As root and in root's ~ I did a 
>   branch lp:mailman/stable mailman

I guess, you meant "bzr branch ..." - this worked here.

> followed by a...
>   bzr checkout mailman/ stable

this resulted in an error for me:

 bzr: ERROR: File exists: u'/home/lars/other-sources/examples/stable/.bzr':
  [Errno 17] File exists: '/home/lars/other-sources/examples/stable/.bzr'

Do you know, what could cause this error message here on my system?

Just to make sure, that we are talking about the same thing:

 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/other-sources/examples$ bzr --version
 Bazaar (bzr) 1.5
  Python interpreter: /usr/bin/python 2.5.2
  Python standard library: /usr/lib/python2.5
  bzrlib: /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/bzrlib
  Bazaar configuration: /home/lars/.bazaar
  Bazaar log file: /home/lars/.bzr.log

Do you have any ideas, how I could reproduce your setup?


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Translate-pootle mailing list

Re: [translate-pootle] Problems to upgrade/commit in mailman.pootle

2008-07-18 Thread Lars Kruse
Hi Cristóbal,

> > >   bzr checkout mailman/ stable
> > 
> > this resulted in an error for me:
> > 
> >  bzr: ERROR: File exists: u'/home/lars/other-sources/examples/stable/.bzr':
> >   [Errno 17] File exists: '/home/lars/other-sources/examples/stable/.bzr'
> > 
> > 
> > Do you know, what could cause this error message here on my system?
> you're absolutely sure you didn't have soemthing called "stable" in
> that directory before? Other than that, I can't imagine why you
> would've gotten that.

sorry for me not reading the error message carefully: you are right, there was
a cruft directory left from a previous attempt.
Now the command works as expected.

> garp is a fairly vanilla Ubuntu box.
> > Do you have any ideas, how I could reproduce your setup?
> > 
> Install the most recent Ubuntu using the "alternate" iso and selecting
> a CLI install. Install pootle from the Ubuntu repos. Update the
> translate toolkit to translate-toolkit-1.2-alpha4. You'd then be where
> I am now.

I installed the bzr package from ubuntu hardy - this is v1.3.1, so it should
match your setup pretty well.

For me the following command still works with this older bzr version:
 python -m \

So I can't explain, why it fails on your side.

1) Maybe you could apply the attached patch and run the same command again?

2) Does the directory /root/stable/messages/.bzr/ exist in your system?

I guess, we will fix this problem soon ...

Index: translate/storage/versioncontrol/
--- translate/storage/versioncontrol/	(Revision 7748)
+++ translate/storage/versioncontrol/	(Arbeitskopie)
@@ -216,9 +216,11 @@
 # remove the base directory (including the trailing slash)
 location_rel = location_abs.replace(basedir, "", 1)
 # successfully finished
+print "RCS dir found: '%s' - '%s' - '%s'" % (rcs_dir, location_abs, location_rel)
 return (rcs_dir, location_abs, location_rel)
 # this should never happen
+print "FAILED to find RCS dir: '%s'" % rcs_obj
 return None
 def _self_check(self):
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Translate-pootle mailing list

Re: [translate-pootle] Problems to upgrade/commit in mailman.pootle

2008-07-19 Thread Lars Kruse
Hi Cristóbal,

Am Sat, 19 Jul 2008 14:08:55 -0400 schrieb Cristóbal Palmer

> > 1) Maybe you could apply the attached patch and run the same command again?
> > 
> Patch applied.
> I then tried:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~# python -m
> /root/stable/messages/eu/LC_MESSAGES/mailman.po
> Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python2.5/", line
> [..]

here I expected, that my patch would output a line of text.
Are you sure, that you are using the right module?

maybe do the following:

1) check the module location:
 python -v -m 2>&1 >/dev/null | \
  grep -m 1 versioncontrol

2) check the patch:
 grep "RCS dir found" ???/translate/storage/versioncontrol/

> > 2) Does the directory /root/stable/messages/.bzr/ exist in your system?
> > 
> Yes:
> [..]

interesting: here on my side, this directory does not exist.
Maybe you could send me the content of your local directories, so I can
reproduce the error with your data?


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Translate-pootle mailing list

Re: [translate-pootle] Problems to upgrade/commit in mailman.pootle

2008-07-20 Thread Lars Kruse

Am Sun, 20 Jul 2008 13:27:18 +0200 schrieb Miklos Vajna
> On Thu, Jul 17, 2008 at 10:39:37AM +0200, Lars Kruse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> > sorry for the trouble, but it looks, like you are the first one who tries to
> > use bzr in a real life situation with pootle. So please don't be
> > disappointed, if we need one or two more mails for fixing all problems,
> > that could occour ...
> Given that I think I'm the author of the problematic code, I tried to
> reproduce, and I guessed this will be realted to have the po files
> outside the Pootle dir, just like the problem we recently fixed in git.

somehow I have a similar feeling here, too: in this case /var/lib/pootle/foo
is a symlink to a sub-directory of the repository structure (instead of
direct symlinks to po-files). I never tested this with a version control system,
with meta-data (".bzr") only at the top level (in subversion the ".svn"
directories exist in every sub-directory of the repository).

> Though I can't reproduce that so easily bzr cat outside the repo works
> fine here both with absolute and relative paths.

same for me.

> However, I have 1.5 installed (I can't remember what version did I have
> when I wrote the original code), and Cristóbal has 1.3. Maybe this is
> the difference?

I installed bzr 1.3.1 for testing (taken from But I still couldn't reproduce


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Translate-pootle mailing list

Re: [translate-pootle] RFE: use "--author" when committing to a GIT repository

2008-07-20 Thread Lars Kruse

Am Sun, 20 Jul 2008 13:37:01 +0200 schrieb Miklos Vajna
> On Mon, Jul 14, 2008 at 10:49:54PM +0200, Christian Perrier
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > This comes from a discussion I just had with the maitnainers of dpkg
> > (the Debian package management utility), which we're about to add on
> > Debian'sPootle.
> > 
> > They want to give proper credit in their changelog file, to authors of
> > translations.
> > 
> > Tehrefore, they suggested using the "--author" switch of "git commit"
> > and put the translator's name there.
> > 
> > Would it be possible to use this, additionnally to what's already put
> > in the commit message?
> > 
> > It could even be possible to use the real name of the translator, and
> > not only his|her nickname on the Pootle server.

> First, sorry for the slow answer, I was on vacation. :)

it also slipped out of my memory - thanks for coming back to it!

> Second, this is on my TODO for a very long time. Given that now I see
> that this may be useful for others as well, I'll give it a try. I don't
> think it'll be hard to do.



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Translate-pootle mailing list

Re: [translate-pootle] RFE: use "--author" when committing to a GIT repository

2008-07-20 Thread Lars Kruse
Hi Miklos,

Am Mon, 21 Jul 2008 00:01:44 +0200 schrieb Miklos Vajna
> On Sun, Jul 20, 2008 at 04:27:38PM +0200, Lars Kruse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> > > Second, this is on my TODO for a very long time. Given that now I see
> > > that this may be useful for others as well, I'll give it a try. I don't
> > > think it'll be hard to do.
> > 
> > great!
> Here it is.

hehe - that was fast!

> The status of the backends:
> * cvs: ignore
> * darcs: use darcs record --author
> * bzr: use bzr commit --author
> * hg: use hg commit --user
> * git (and git_old): use git commit --author
> * svn: ignore

I noticed two minor issues:
 - git: use "if author" instead of "if message" :)
 - svn: the argument "author" has to be optional
and two (optional) "improvements" (IMO):
 - darcs/hg: only use '--author' if it is non-empty
 - use named arguments when calling "commitfile"

I guess, it is ok for you, that I changed these in your patch and uploaded it
as r7809. Please take a close look to check, if I did it correctly.

Thanks for your work, Miklos!


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Translate-pootle mailing list

Re: [translate-pootle] Problems to upgrade/commit in mailman.pootle

2008-07-22 Thread Lars Kruse
Hi Cristóbal,

Am Sun, 20 Jul 2008 18:37:51 -0400 schrieb Cristóbal Palmer
> [..]
> > > > 2) Does the directory /root/stable/messages/.bzr/ exist in your system?
> > > > 
> > > 
> > > Yes:
> > > [..]
> > 
> > interesting: here on my side, this directory does not exist.
> > Maybe you could send me the content of your local directories, so I can
> > reproduce the error with your data?
> > 
> Please see
> -and-
> the first is the result of the 'bzr branch lp:mailman/stable mailman'
> and the second is the local checkout of the first.

I was able to reproduce your problem with your files.
The problem seems to be the existence of the directory "stable/messages/.bzr".
If I move it away, then the problem disappears.
Do you know, how this directory was created? Maybe through any bzr actions
(commit, ...?). Maybe it could even be a bzr bug? (less likely ...)

I have to admit, that I don't have any experience with bzr, so maybe someone
can give me a pointer to the specification of the layout a bazaar repository?
Otherwise I don't know how to tackle this problem :(


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Re: [translate-pootle] RFE: use "--author" when committing to a GIT repository

2008-07-22 Thread Lars Kruse

Am Mon, 21 Jul 2008 17:24:48 -0700 schrieb Daniel Schafer
> [..]
> Could we use properties to store author information in SVN?  For  
> example, we could add `--with-revprop pootle:author=${author}` to the  
> commit operation.  While this does not change the svn:author (standard  
> properties can't be modified using --with-revprop), it does store who  
> the real author is, and a script could later on move pootle:author to  
> svn:author.

good idea!

> Such a patch would look like this:
> [..]

the code looks fine to me. If nobody has objections, then I will commit it in
the evening.

Does anybody have a similar idea for cvs?


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Re: [translate-pootle] RFE: use "--author" when committing to a GIT repository

2008-07-23 Thread Lars Kruse

> Nice Dan! And thanks Lars for taking the time to integrate this.

hehe - I did not do it, yet :)
Thanks for reminding me!
It is uploaded as r7847.

I changed "pootle:author" to "translate:author", since the versioncontrol code
is part of the translate toolkit and can be used by other tools, as well.

> I've never seen anything like properties in CVS. I suppose that one will 
> just have to live without such properties when using CVS?

Ok, I guess, we can live with this limitiation.


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[translate-pootle] Bug #434: move merging and the Pootle versioncontrol interface to the toolkit

2008-07-23 Thread Lars Kruse
following a discussion on IRC yesterday, I started a wiki page describing a
possible interface for the requirements of bug #434

Please take a look at and add your comments!


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Re: [translate-pootle] Bug #434: move merging and the Pootle versioncontrol interface to the toolkit

2008-07-23 Thread Lars Kruse

> Please take a look at and add your comments!

sorry - I forgot the most important piece of information - the URL:


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Re: [translate-pootle] svn path in installation instructions

2008-08-03 Thread Lars Kruse

> On the installation page [1], there is an example of checking out trunk in a
>  block that gives the path as
>  I had pasted that
> into a terminal window when I got that error.

you did not mention the specific error, but I guess, it was something like "URL
doesn't exist".

I fixed the wrong subversion repository URL on that wiki page.
Please try it again!

have fun,

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Re: [translate-pootle] Searching for fields on beta

2008-08-07 Thread Lars Kruse

> >> Anyway, server up and running now.
> >
> > Still down. The memory issue on indexing is a concern.

I did some tests regarding this issue. The outcome was, that indexing causes
all of the po files to be loaded. These files partly stay in memory (cached),
thus eating it up while creating an index of a project like openoffice.
So: the basic problem is the growing cache. During an index rebuild the problem
is just more likely to be triggered than under usual circumstances.

@Friedel: please correct me, if I my poor memory mixed something up ...

> The same problem again. We should consider giving the option to build
> indexes when Pootle is not running

yes - that would be a highly desirable feature.

> it's true that has only 512MB of RAM but it's still a
> major issue that the server goes down.

sadly the whole server runs on only 512M. To reduce the risk of eating up all memory (even for the main instance of
pootle), I limited the memory usage of beta via ulimit to 384M.
(see /etc/init.d/pootle in the beta chroot)


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Re: [translate-pootle] Pootle and Version Control

2008-09-22 Thread Lars Kruse
Hi Urso,

> I am currently working on a VMWare Virtual Machine (VM) for as a Pootle
> Server. (I started last week a discussion/question about a ready made Pootle
> server on Virtual Machine.
> I am making a VM  based on SuSE Linux.

I could imagine, that a debian based image could be easier to prepare due to
their scriptable bootstrapping tools (debootstrap, live-helper) and their quite
current pootle packages. But SuSE surely has something similar, I guess ...
Anyway: you do the work - so you decide :)
It is a great project - however it is done ...

> Does someone has recommendations for the choice of a version control system?
> If it were to me, I would use subversion. But I would like to know if there
> are any pitfalls discovered in the combination Pootle/Subversion.?
> Suggestions??
> What about bazaar, cvs, git and others?  I can remember that Sayamindu (if I
> am correct) was working on a version control (issue) around Pootle... but I
> am not sure if I understood well.

Right now there are no specific issues with the different supported version
control systems, as far as I know. So this should not influence your decisions.

If I understand you correcly, then you want to encourage people to try out
pootle in this a pre-installed "package"/image, to check if it suits their
needs. In this case I would definitely install all the version control
programs, that are available in SuSE. They do not interfere with each other -
so you don't loose anything.

Btw: with the indexing engine it is different: there you can only choose one of
xapian/pylucene. If I remember correctly, then the translate toolkit would
prefer xapian over pylucene, in case both are installed.

> I am working on a small VM which can host a small amount of language (having
> Pootle footprint in mind).

The footprint mainly depends on the size of projects - not so much on the
available languages. But this can reconfigured by the user later, anyway - so it
is no problem ...

> If I succeed I will try to make this available somewhere on Internet.
> The VM is 4GB big and I have been told that this size could be a problem at
> SourceForge (for instance).
> Suggestions??

I guess, you thought about compressing the image?
Did you create a list of the SuSE packages, that can be removed from the
pootle image?
Do you need X / KDE / Gnome?

I hope, this helped,

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Re: [translate-pootle] Question about admin user adding users

2008-10-09 Thread Lars Kruse
Hi Samuel,

> Take a look at the attached file.  If I'm logged in as an administrator 
> who can normally see and submit the /admin/users.html page, and I load 
> the attached file in my browser (with the server names in the source 
> code correct, of course), and I fill in the form and hit "Save changes", 
> will it add only that one user, or will it delete all other users?

snippet from Pootle/

362 for key, value in argdict.iteritems():
363   if key.startswith("userremove-"):
364 usercode = key.replace("userremove-", "", 1)
365 if self.hasuser(users, usercode):
366   raise NotImplementedError("Can't remove users")

Essentially this code would remove (if it would be implemented) only the users,
which are passed via an "userremove-foo" variable. Thus submitting your almost
empty user page would not do any harm.
Someone please correct me, if I am wrong ...

Anyway: good question!


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Re: [translate-pootle] Pootle version control problems with distributed version control systems

2008-11-12 Thread Lars Kruse
Hi Wynand,

> The version control system in Pootle does not work well with distributed 
> version control systems (git, Mercurial, Bazaar, Darcs).

Thanks for taking the time to analyze issues with the distributed version
control systems!
I did some part of the version control code, but I don't have any experience
with a distributed VCS. I am glad, you step in, to fill this gap!

> [...]
> Now consider what happens if we have two modified files - file_1.po and 
> file_2.po - in our Pootle project.
> The user attempts to update file_1.po.
> Pootle:
> 1. loads file_1.po into memory,
> 2. reverts file_1.po to the version that was checked out from the 
> version control repository,
> 3. updates file_1.po from the version control repository,

just a note: I think, for mercurial/git/bzr/darcs this causes an update of the
whole working copy (not just a single file).

> This won't work, because file_2.po is modified; making it impossible to 
> reliably pull new revisions from the version control repository.

I am not sure, if I fully understand the problem.
Do distributed VCS really have a problem to run an update, if the local working
copy contains modified files?

I tried the following here in an example mercurial repository:
 hg up -r 6142  [replace this with a non-current revision]
 echo foo >SOMEFILE [this file should have changed since above revision]
 hg up

As far as I noticed, this did not cause any unexpected behaviour.
beware: I just assume, that I know, what I am doing :)

Maybe I do not understand, what exactly you mean with "breaks"?

> Our solution is to keep two project directories:
> 1. The Pootle project directory,
> 2. The version control project directory.
> In this way, Pootle will always be able to update the version control 
> directory. It can also update individual files as the need arises.

This would solve the potential problem, that you described above.

> This solution seems wasteful, but there is a good reason: at some point, 
> we *might* (don't take this as a commitment) want to store the projects 
> in a database. Then it will be necessary to have external version 
> control directories to do merging.

sounds good to me.

> Opinions? Alternative suggestions?

All in all, your approach should be the right way to allow pootle to connect
files to an upstream repository without (console) intervention of the local
system administrator (for the initial checkout and regular updates).
It would - of course - require a good amount of development effort. But I
consider this feature to be essential in the long term.

However: it would be great, if you could explain the detail of the "break", that
you described, so that I can fully understand the problem.

thanks for your ideas,

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Re: [translate-pootle] Pootle version control problems with distributed version control systems

2008-11-12 Thread Lars Kruse
Hi Asheesh,

> >> Now consider what happens if we have two modified files - file_1.po and
> >> file_2.po - in our Pootle project.
> >>
> >> The user attempts to update file_1.po.
> >>
> >> Pootle:
> >> 1. loads file_1.po into memory,
> >> 2. reverts file_1.po to the version that was checked out from the
> >> version control repository,
> >> 3. updates file_1.po from the version control repository,
> >
> > just a note: I think, for mercurial/git/bzr/darcs this causes an update 
> > of the whole working copy (not just a single file).
> "git checkout $file" can reset a file to the last-in-git version on a 
> per-file basis.  I think "hg revert" and "bzr revert" do the same there.

ups - my comment was a little bit ambiguous.
Yes - revert/checkout does a file-based reset.
But for hg/bzr/darcs/git/cvs (i.e. all except svn) this revert is followed by a
directory-based "update" in the current translate-toolkit code.
I just wanted to point out, that during step (3) the file "file_2.po" is also
merged with the current state in the VCS upstream repository. I am not sure, if
that was important for Wynand's example.

> >> 4. BREAKS
> >>
> >> This won't work, because file_2.po is modified; making it impossible to
> >> reliably pull new revisions from the version control repository.
> >
> > I am not sure, if I fully understand the problem.
> > Do distributed VCS really have a problem to run an update, if the local
> > working copy contains modified files?
> Not that I've seen.  I'd appreciate more examples in this discussion, like 
> the one you gave that shows it doesn't seem to be a problem.
> Furthermore, this issue isn't strictly related to DVCSs, I think.  Doesn't 
> handle this in the general case?

I lost you here: could you point me to this


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Re: [translate-pootle] Pootle version control problems with distributed version control systems

2008-11-13 Thread Lars Kruse

>  From Lars's response:
> I just wanted to point out, that during step (3) the file "file_2.po" is
> also merged with the current state in the VCS upstream repository. I am not
> sure, if that was important for Wynand's example.
> That is really the problem. If other files are merged during an update, 
> one is likely to end up with corrupted translation files, since any 
> local changes will cause conflicts.

For now there is no locking during merge/update, thus conflicts can arise due
to a bad timing.
See more below.

> I wasn't really clear with the problem I explained.
> With git, things go wrong if you modify files in your Pootle project 
> which have also been modified in the source repository. You can see the 
> problem below:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/workspace/test_area/poupdate/source_repo$ vi
> abc.po
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/workspace/test_area/poupdate/source_repo$ git
> commit -a
> Created commit 69c409c: adw
>  1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/workspace/test_area/poupdate/source_repo$ cd ..
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/workspace/test_area/poupdate$ cd test_repo/
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/workspace/test_area/poupdate/test_repo$ vi
> abc.po
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/workspace/test_area/poupdate/test_repo$ git pull
> remote: Counting objects: 5, done.
> remote: Compressing objects: 100% (3/3), done.
> Unpacking objects: 100% (3/3), done.
> remote: Total 3 (delta 1), reused 0 (delta 0)
>  From /home/wynand/workspace/test_area/poupdate/source_repo//
>b219733..69c409c  master -> origin/master
> Updating b219733..69c409c
> abc.po: needs update
> error: Entry 'abc.po' not uptodate. Cannot merge.
> 1. Here I edited abc.po in the source repository and committed the change.
> 2. Then I edited abc.po in Pootle's repository.
> 3. Then I tried to pull changes.
> 4. git complained.

Thanks for explaining!

The current code in translate/storage/versioncontrol/ does the following during
an "update":
1) git checkout FILENAME
2) git pull REPO_ROOT_DIR

Step (1) reverts local changes. Local modifications are preserved in pootle's
memory at this moment. They get merged after step (2).

Pootle would do the following for a "commit":
1) git add FILENAME
2) git push

Your example shows, that it is necessary to "update" before "commit". The same
issue is valid for subversion and probably also for the other VCS.

Maybe we should change pootle's code to do an update before commit by default?

Did I get your point now?

> Thanks for the feedback Lars & Asheesh. I think we'll implement the 
> proposed solution. I hope it won't take too much time to make it work.

this would be a great step forward!


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Re: [translate-pootle] Pootle version control problems with distributed version control systems

2008-11-13 Thread Lars Kruse

> > Your example shows, that it is necessary to "update" before "commit". The
> > same issue is valid for subversion and probably also for the other VCS.
> >
> > Maybe we should change pootle's code to do an update before commit by
> > default?
> >
> >
> > Did I get your point now?
> Hey, you really wanted to say another thing, didn't you? If Pootle
> does as you say all the last work will be lost!!

I guess, we misunderstand each other here. See below.

> IMHO the things are that way:
> Suppose you have the version 59 of the file translation.po. The
> translation.po changes in the vcs, and before you update the local
> copy with the newest 60 version (created after synchronize the
> translation.po with a new .pot file), Pootle makes changes to the
> local 59 copy, so for Pootle this is the new 60 version that it is not
> the same as the vcs one.
> So when Pootle tries to commit (in git is pull, isn't it?) ...

from my understanding, you mean "push".

> ... the translation.po it fails, because the two files (vcs one and Pootle
> one) have the same version number, the 60.

That's why I proposed, that the update should happen before commit/pull.
Otherwise any VCS will refuse to commit an outdated local copy.

> And of course, before a local update (syncronize with the vcs version), you
> have to do a commit to save into the vcs the latest changes made in Pootle.

as I stated before, an "update" (in the way it is currently implemented in the
translate toolkit) will do this:
1) store the current state of the file in memory
2) revert local changes of the file
3) update the file from the repository
4) merge the previously stored content of the original local file with the new
   file, that came from the repository
This procedure allows us to do the merging with regard to translation units
instead of trusting the line-based merging of the respective VCS.
See Pootle/ (line 542) and Pootle/ (line 646) for

I do not see the data loss here, that you mentioned in the beginning.
Could you elaborate, please?

> If you have a .pot file, there is no problem. If first you make a
> backup of the local modified translation.po (local 60 version bis),
> and then you update the local copy downloading the newest .pot file
> from the vcs, and also the version 60 of translation.po replacing the
> local 60 version  (this should be a way of forcing doing this, but I
> only know a few commands of svn). Then you could move the backup
> (local 60 version bis) replacing the downloaded translation.po, making
> it the new 61 version of translation.po, and finally you locally merge
> it with your latest .pot file (the vcs one). Finally you only have to
> do a commit to save the changes in the vcs.

po files and pot files are currently updated separately.
Assuming, that both the po and pot file in the repository are in sync, this
should not cause problems.
Could you provide a specific recipe to reproduce a potential problem, please?

> But sometimes you don't have any .pot file, so we have a great problem
> here. The only solution in this case is to use a Translation memory,
> that saves all the translations made by the Pootle users. Then when
> updating, if the file is updated (forcing the update, because the two
> files are 60 version) with a newest version from the vcs, Pootle
> should run an automatic translation with exact matching using the
> translations saved in the database in order to try to maintain the
> translation level of the file. Just after that Pootle should make a
> commit (or a pull in git), to save the changes in the vcs.

I think, this basically matches the current implementation, that I described
above as step 1 to 4.
Or am I wrong?

> I think this is the only way. I hope this will be helpful.
> Ah. And of course, this things should be automated to avoid human
> intervention.

Yes, I agree, that Pootle should always do an update before commit to avoid
the problem, that you described in the beginning of this mail (caused by the
outdated local file).

> Another thing, is there any way to making translation memories in
> Pootle, and importing and exporting them as TMX files??

This is beyond my knowledge. I guess, someone else will answer this
question ...


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Translate-pootle mailing list

Re: [translate-pootle] Pootle version control problems with distributed version control systems

2008-11-14 Thread Lars Kruse

[shortening the reply a bit ...]

> > Assuming, that both the po and pot file in the repository are in sync, this
> > should not cause problems.
> > Could you provide a specific recipe to reproduce a potential problem,
> > please?  
> I don't understand this question. I think I have considered all the
> potential problems here.

My question was based on our misunderstanding. Thus it became obsolete.

> ...
> But I have to point that keeping the local file with changes in
> the memory could be a bad idea if the computer or server that hosts
> Pootle unexpectedly loss the energy supply.

You are right, this feels a little bit scary. But right now I can't think of a
simple way how to avoid this potential problem. I guess, it would involve
maintaining a kind of work-in-progress queue - which feels a little bit like
overkill considering the small probability of this kind of failure.
Any implementation ideas are warmly welcome, of course!

thanks for your comments!

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Re: [translate-pootle] search by phrase in Pootle

2008-11-26 Thread Lars Kruse

> I've made some tests and noticed that this only happens when using an
> indexing engine. But looking at the code all seems fine.
> indexer.make_query is called with the second argument (require_all) as
> True, which is the default, and according to the common indexer
> specification:
>  @param require_all: boolean operator
>  (True -> AND (default) / False -> OR)

there are three code lines calling "make_query" in the function "indexsearch".
As far as I understand, the first one (line 1019) evaluates the search text. It
uses "OR".
Later the search text query is ANDed with the filename query.

I guess, the behaviour would change, if the "make_query" call in line 1019
would pass "True" instead of "False" as the second parameter.
Could your (Aijin) try this, please?

Would AND be the desired behaviour for the text search field?


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Re: [translate-pootle] search by phrase in Pootle

2008-11-27 Thread Lars Kruse

> I installed Pootle 1.2 and the code line seems different. (the first 
> make_query is located on the line 914)
> I changed the parameter of first make_query in indexsearch to "True". 
> However it didn't work well. The result is neither OR nor AND. After 
> changing, I only got strings which contains 'pootle'.

my fault - I did not have a test setup at hand, thus my guessing went wrong ...

> > Would AND be the desired behaviour for the text search field?
> >   
> I think so, if you input 'pootle server' in search window, you should 
> only get the result containing 'pootle server'.
> AND was default behavior in previous versions of Pootle.

I just commited revision 9020. It splits the search input into words (separated
by whitespace) and appends each word to the "AND" query,
I tested it with a xapian engine and with Pootle and the toolkit at revision
8822 due to some issues, that I did not investigate at that moment. But I
assume, it should work well with HEAD, too.

Just to make sure, that I did not neglect anything: is a simple "split" call the
right approach to separate words in a language neutral way?
(see line 1020 in Pootle/

Just to clarify the current behaviour of the search field:
1) every word search is "partial" and case-insensitive - thus "poot" will find
2) Multiple words get splitted into single words. The single queries are
partial, too. They are combined by "AND".
3) The order of multi-word queries does not matter: a search for "admin pootle"
will return "Pootle Languages Admin Page" (and others).
4) Multiple word input can be a mixture of source and target strings: a search
for "remove sprache" will return "Remove Language" which is translated to
"Sprache loeschen"

Do you think, that this detailed description of the search processing would be
suitable for the "searching" wiki page[1] of Pootle? Then I could add it
there ...

I would appreciate any comments!



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Translate-pootle mailing list

Re: [translate-pootle] search by phrase in Pootle

2008-11-28 Thread Lars Kruse

> > I just commited revision 9020. It splits the search input into words
> > (separated by whitespace) and appends each word to the "AND" query,
> > I tested it with a xapian engine and with Pootle and the toolkit at revision
> > 8822 due to some issues, that I did not investigate at that moment. But I
> > assume, it should work well with HEAD, too.
> Thank you for this, Lars. I guess things should work on trunk, but we
> need to test and confirm at some stage. Do you consider this good enough
> to backport to the 1.2 branch for the release of 1.2.1?

Yes - I don't see any potential problems.

> > Just to make sure, that I did not neglect anything: is a simple "split"
> > call the right approach to separate words in a language neutral way?
> > (see line 1020 in Pootle/
> It is the best we can do without going into lots of work. The bigger
> question is perhaps how Lucene and Xapian splits/tokenises words. We
> might want to get closer to that, rather than doing the 100% correct
> thing.

As far as I remember, there is not an obvious way to use the tokenize function
of xapian separately. I just used it indirectly during indexing.
For Lucene, I don't know this at all.
I will take a look.

> > Just to clarify the current behaviour of the search field:
> > 1) every word search is "partial" and case-insensitive - thus "poot" will
> > find "Pootle"
> > 2) Multiple words get splitted into single words. The single queries are
> > partial, too. They are combined by "AND".
> > 3) The order of multi-word queries does not matter: a search for "admin
> > pootle" will return "Pootle Languages Admin Page" (and others).
> > 4) Multiple word input can be a mixture of source and target strings: a
> > search for "remove sprache" will return "Remove Language" which is
> > translated to "Sprache loeschen"
> > 
> > Do you think, that this detailed description of the search processing would
> > be suitable for the "searching" wiki page[1] of Pootle? Then I could add it
> > there ...
> > 
> > 
> > I would appreciate any comments!
> > 
> > regards,
> > Lars
> > 
> > [1]
> I think we can definitely add it there. There are some definite
> differences between the indexed search and the pogrep search, so it
> would be good to document them well.

I will add a table with examples to the wiki page.

> I think there is still another way to really improve things: if we can
> obtain possibly relevant results quickly from the indexer and use a real
> GrepFilter to filter out the less relevant ones from there. This would
> get the behaviour much closer to the non-indexed search, but still with
> a good speedup, I think. Does this sound doable, Lars? Should we try to
> do that for Pootle 1.2.1?

I did not realize deficiencies/differences of the indexing-based search for
now. So I am not sure, how this would improve the search. Maybe we can discuss
this, when we have a table comparison of the search results in the wiki page.
I will do my half today in the evening ...
Regarding possible work on this topic: until christmas I will barely find time
to work on this. If this delay suits to the release date of 1.2.1, then I can do
it afterwards.

have a nice day,

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Translate-pootle mailing list

Re: [translate-pootle] Problem with names of PO Files

2009-05-21 Thread Lars Kruse

Am Thu, 21 May 2009 15:37:41 -0400
schrieb Evelyn Eastmond :

> However, when I go to the Pootle interface, I see the label
> 'Scratch.po' instead of 'ar.po', and it's an empty file.  Scratch.po
> does not actually exist as a file anywhere in the Pootle filesystem,
> but it still insists in showing me that on the web interface, instead
> of showing me the newer ar.po file.

just a wild guess: did you try to restart the pootle server?
As far as I remember, Pootle uses a cache for the project files.

hopefully this helps,

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Translate-pootle mailing list

Re: [translate-pootle] Python problem while installing 1.3 beta on FC10 server

2009-09-19 Thread Lars Kruse
Hi David,

> [...]
> Installing index for pootle_notifications.Notices model
> Any ideas per chance? Thanks if so, :)

could you try to install "strace" and run "strace -o strace.log ./PootleServer"?
The log file would help to track down the problem, I guess ...


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