Re: save dialogue stuck

2004-02-22 Thread J. Landman Gay
On 2/22/04 10:03 PM, Friedrich F. Grohmann wrote:

I am now thinking of moving to Rev and you mention 5500 cards come close 
to the limit. This is indeed very, very bad news for me. I rushed to 
check the Rev  documentation and it says that the maximum number of 
objects in a stack is "unlimited." Admittedly I'm getting confused. The 
stack in question has now 1.2 MB. Is this too much for Rev under OS X? 
No, not at all. I should explain more. There is no theoretical limit to 
the number of cards, and you can create as many cards as you like within 
the limitations of your hardware and RAM. There are two things, however, 
that make very large database stacks less practical in Revolution than 
they were in HyperCard.

The first is that HyperCard is disk-based; you can have very large 
stacks that run in a very small amount of memory because each card loads 
as needed. Revolution loads the entire stack into RAM at once, which 
makes it run much faster, but which also requires that the user have as 
much RAM as the stack takes on disk (plus a little more for the engine.) 
It doesn't sound like memory is a problem yet with your stack, though.

The second thing that is much different is the "find" command which is 
commonly used in HyperCard to search a card-based database. HC used its 
famous "hint bits" to create an incredibly fast search. Revolution does 
not use hint bits and Rev's card and field searching is noticeably 
slower than HyperCard's. This was the primary limitation I was talking 
about. If you are using typical HC search routines to look up words in 
your dictionary, you may find in very large stacks that the "find" 
command becomes too slow to be suitable. Under these conditions, it is 
usually recommended that MC/Rev be used as a front-end to a more 
traditional, dedicated database.

However, if you are using a custom indexing routine rather than using 
"find", you may be just fine.

Scott Raney used to recommend that stacks not go above 3-5,000 cards or 
so before being moved to a more formal database. That isn't a hard 
number, just a suggestion. I always took it to mean that performance 
slowed enough after that to make a difference. Speed would also probably 
depend on how many objects and backgrounds are in the stack

Finally, try setting the HCAddressing property to false. You don't need 
it in Rev. I don't really think this will make all that much difference, 
but I usually do it anyway. It does affect some aspects of stack 
behavior sometimes, and you don't need it to be true when working in 

I was not aware of this property and happily followed your suggestion. So 
far, saving works fine and hopefully stays that way. 
So that made the delay go away? That's good to know. :)

Jacqueline Landman Gay | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software   |
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Does anyone actually USE the Animation Builder?

2004-02-22 Thread Judy Perry
But in my class, they still suck a bit in OS 9...  Maybe not as much as in
X, but still sucky IMHO...


On Sun, 22 Feb 2004, Rob Cozens wrote:

> >I also think this is an OSX only thing,
> >It's generic to all Mac OS versions, AFAIK.
> Upon further testing, I'd like to retract that last statement.
> I remembered my animations as "jumpy" in Mac OS 9; however, compared
> to the same animation on OS 10.2, they are indeed much smoother.
> --

use-revolution mailing list

Re: save dialogue stuck

2004-02-22 Thread Scott Rossi
>> You mentioned this was a fairly large stack, as Rev goes. 5,500 cards is
>> pretty much the limit in Rev. A stack this size will normally take a
>> while to save. 

> To be honest, this statement struck me like lightening. One of the HC
> stacks I use most often has more than 30 000 cards and stands at 5.9 MB.
> ...
> I am now thinking of moving to Rev and you mention 5500 cards come close
> to the limit. This is indeed very, very bad news for me. I rushed to
> check the Rev  documentation and it says that the maximum number of
> objects in a stack is "unlimited." Admittedly I'm getting confused. The
> stack in question has now 1.2 MB. Is this too much for Rev under OS X?

I just now created a new stack and ran a script to generate 30,000 cards
that all have a shared group.  Took about a minute or so to run.  No problem
here on OSX.

 lock screen;repeat for 3;create cd;end repeat;answer "done"


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Development & Design

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Parentheses

2004-02-22 Thread Thomas McGrath III

On Feb 22, 2004, at 6:42 PM, David Vaughan wrote:

On 23/02/2004, at 9:00, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Date: 23 February 2004 5:20:08 GMT+11:00
Reply-To: How to use Revolution <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Your right about the ^ being a caret/carrot.
But what then are the left and right angle brackets called besides 
and right brackets or less than/greater than???

any ideas???
The nearest to a formal name for left and right angle brackets is 
guillemet. Normally, these appear as << >> and are used in European 
languages but the single form, a single guillement, is also used in 
typography. However, the guillemet is actually quite a bit smaller 
than the angle bracket used in most computer character sets while 
typographers also use a taller, less-angled version called well 
actually I don't know what that one is called (Tall Guillemet? Slim 
Guille?), so someone still has room to enlighten me. It seems 
perfectly good to me to keep calling them left and right angle 
brackets, or else you will sound like you are navigating in a rally 
for a manic in a Citroen.

use-revolution mailing list

Thomas J. McGrath III
1000 Killarney Dr.
Pittsburgh, PA 15234
use-revolution mailing list

Re: # actually the short way returns an error / PARENTHESES

2004-02-22 Thread Thomas McGrath III

On Feb 22, 2004, at 5:13 PM, Ken Ray wrote:

According to Wikipedia, the () [], {} and 
are all considered to be "brackets", but the common names are:

() Parentheses
[] Square Brackets
{} Braces
<> Angle Brackets
with alternate names as follows:

() Round Brackets, Curved Brackets, Parens, Fingernails
[] Crochets (in Great Britain, apparently)
{} Curly Brackets
Just FYI...

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software
Web Site:
-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Thomas McGrath III
Sent: Sunday, February 22, 2004 8:41 AM
To: How to use Revolution
Subject: Re: # actually the short way returns an error / PARENTHESES
< Carrot >
{ Bracket }
[ Square Bracket ]
( Parenthesis )
\ Back Slash
/ Forward Slash
~ Tilde
All cool stuff


On Feb 22, 2004, at 3:36 AM, Malte Brill wrote:

What is the english name of these <>?
Thomas J. McGrath III
1000 Killarney Dr.
Pittsburgh, PA 15234
use-revolution mailing list
[EMAIL PROTECTED]> revolution

use-revolution mailing list

Thomas J. McGrath III
1000 Killarney Dr.
Pittsburgh, PA 15234
use-revolution mailing list

Re: save dialogue stuck

2004-02-22 Thread Friedrich F. Grohmann
I highly appreciate Jacqueline's comments sent on 21.2.2004 10:30. At the 
very beginning she wrote:

>You mentioned this was a fairly large stack, as Rev goes. 5,500 cards is 
>pretty much the limit in Rev. A stack this size will normally take a 
>while to save. 

To be honest, this statement struck me like lightening. One of the HC 
stacks I use most often has more than 30 000 cards and stands at 5.9 MB. 
It is a dictionary which works flawlessly and as swift as I could wish in 
tandem with another stack containing text. As a matter of fact, it is 
still growing in size. In more than four years of frequently daily and 
intensive use, I had a single case of card corruption which, if I 
remember correctly, had to do with some mechanical mishap not with the 
operation of the stack itself. This problem was dealt with very easily.

That's my experience with HC. Despite the size, despite different scripts 
 in the stacks I develop for my research and also for teaching purposes 
(things like Chinese, Devanagari or Tibetan), these stacks are reliable 
and a joy to use. 

I am now thinking of moving to Rev and you mention 5500 cards come close 
to the limit. This is indeed very, very bad news for me. I rushed to 
check the Rev  documentation and it says that the maximum number of 
objects in a stack is "unlimited." Admittedly I'm getting confused. The 
stack in question has now 1.2 MB. Is this too much for Rev under OS X? 

> I've also noticed that sometimes you have to move the 
>cursor outside the window and back again before it will redraw, so the 
>shape you see may not always tell you what the actual state is. Try 
>moving the mouse to check, before resorting to a second "save".

I've done that. It didn't help.
>Since this is an imported HC stack, there may be other problems too. It 
>is very important to compact the stack in HC at least twice in a row 
>before importing it to Revolution, especially one this large. If the 
>stack was not thoroughly compacted before import, there could be lots of 
>extraneous junk in there that is slowing down the save process in Rev. 
>This seems a likely culprit to me.

I cannot imagine that this is the problem here. Years ago I learned 
through the HC list, I seem to remember even through some of your 
contributions, about the advantage of compacting twice in a row after 
sorting the cards of a stack. Since the stack in question here is another 
dictionary project of mine and needs to be sorted when new cards have 
been added, the sort button script includes double compact. The copy I 
opened in Rev was a sorted stack.

>Finally, try setting the HCAddressing property to false. You don't need 
>it in Rev. I don't really think this will make all that much difference, 
>but I usually do it anyway. It does affect some aspects of stack 
>behavior sometimes, and you don't need it to be true when working in 

I was not aware of this property and happily followed your suggestion. So 
far, saving works fine and hopefully stays that way. 

Thank you so much for your help.

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Making a 'droplet' application?

2004-02-22 Thread Sarah Reichelt
You will need to set up an AppleEvent handler in your stack script that 
recognises when a document is dropped on it, gets the name of the 
document(s) and processes them. You may also need to set up a defined 
file type. I think there have been discussions about this on the list 
in the past, so search the archives as well as checking the docs for 

On 23 Feb 2004, at 7:52 am, Ian Wood wrote:

Hi all,

I'm making a workflow app to batch process files.  With the help of 
the list archives I've got my head around drag and drop so that a list 
of files from the Finder can be dragged into a field, then every item 
in the field gets processed-

on dragDrop
set the text of me to the dragData["files"]
--call the function that does the processing at this point
end dragDrop
What I would like to do is make this even more transparent by dropping 
files onto the app icon, in the same way that you can with AppleScript 
droplets.  I can't see anything in the docs or list about this, and am 
wondering if it is even possible with Rev 2.1.2.

Workaround- make an AppleScript droplet that takes the list of dropped 
files and launches the Rev app, but this is kind of inelegant...

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Scrolling a Card?

2004-02-22 Thread Scott Rossi
>> polling mouse events
>> (repeat while the mouse is down...) hogs the processor.
> Unless you have a background process that needs time in your app, it
> doesn't really matter if the processor gets hogged for a bit (and OSX
> should take care of other processes ok) -- but it might be interesting
> to code it that way.

In the past, another important concern for constructs such as "repeat while
the mouse is down" or "repeat until the mouse is up" was that the mouseup
event would sometimes get overlooked in the repeat handler.  I don't know if
this issue was ever addressed at a lower level but the possibility of
missing a mouse event, as well as the additional processor use, were
significant reasons for avoiding the aforementioned type of script.


Scott Rossi
Creative Director

Tactile Media, Multimedia & Design

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Scrolling a Card?

2004-02-22 Thread Frank Leahy
On Monday, February 23, 2004, at 12:19  AM, 

Hmmm...couple of things:

1) I might try to convert it to a mouseMove because polling mouse 
(repeat while the mouse is down...) hogs the processor.

Unless you have a background process that needs time in your app, it 
doesn't really matter if the processor gets hogged for a bit (and OSX 
should take care of other processes ok) -- but it might be interesting 
to code it that way.

2) It doesn't appear to have bounds. What happens if you try to drag 
image past the hScroll or vScroll limits of the scrollbars? Does the 
stop it automatically? Does it throw an error?

Ken N.

Setting the scroll negative will pin it to zero, and setting it > max 
will pin it to max.  Notice too I get the current value of the scroll 
each time through the loop, so that once it's pinned mouse movement in 
the opposite direction will start scrolling right away.

-- Frank

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Graphic Rotation

2004-02-22 Thread Alejandro Tejada
Sun, 22 Feb 2004 15:59:13 -0600
Christopher Mitchell wrote:

> >> It is true that the polygon needs to be regular,
> which really leaves a
> >> lot to be desired... you can't rotate non-regular
> vector art, and you
> >> can't rotate groups of art regular or not.  so
> the things you're
> >> rotating are pretty limited.

In RunRev, look at the function:

Different programmers has posted to this list (and
Metacard list) handlers to rotate poligon graphics.

In my website (look the direction at the foot
of this post) you could find a stack named
graphic transformations, that shows the use of
matrices to scale, rotate and skew poligon graphics.


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use-revolution mailing list

Re: Parentheses

2004-02-22 Thread David Vaughan
On 23/02/2004, at 9:00, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Date: 23 February 2004 5:20:08 GMT+11:00
Reply-To: How to use Revolution <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Your right about the ^ being a caret/carrot.
But what then are the left and right angle brackets called besides left
and right brackets or less than/greater than???
any ideas???
The nearest to a formal name for left and right angle brackets is 
guillemet. Normally, these appear as << >> and are used in European 
languages but the single form, a single guillement, is also used in 
typography. However, the guillemet is actually quite a bit smaller than 
the angle bracket used in most computer character sets while 
typographers also use a taller, less-angled version called well 
actually I don't know what that one is called (Tall Guillemet? Slim 
Guille?), so someone still has room to enlighten me. It seems perfectly 
good to me to keep calling them left and right angle brackets, or else 
you will sound like you are navigating in a rally for a manic in a 

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Scrolling a Card?

2004-02-22 Thread Ken Norris
Hi Frank,

> Date: Sun, 22 Feb 2004 00:02:42 +
> From: Frank Leahy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: Scrolling a Card?

> Here's code I use to scroll an image in the direction that the mouse is
> moving.
Thanks, I'm looking it over.

Hmmm...couple of things:

1) I might try to convert it to a mouseMove because polling mouse events
(repeat while the mouse is down...) hogs the processor.

2) It doesn't appear to have bounds. What happens if you try to drag the
image past the hScroll or vScroll limits of the scrollbars? Does the engine
stop it automatically? Does it throw an error?

Ken N.

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Database GUI logic

2004-02-22 Thread hershrev
Thanks, Jan.
On Sunday, February 8, 2004, at 07:37 AM, Jan Schenkel wrote:
--- hershrev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
All functions work except update. (PostgreSQL)
Can you pinpoint under which circumstances it doesn't
work? A recipe or even a sample stack would help the
RunRev crew fix the problem.
Query 1
SELECT * FROM dataBase A
Field 1= last_name Field 2=  first_name
Field 1, Connected to last name and selected last_name , field 2, 
connected to first name and selected first_name.
Now if update is checked , when modified the text of one of the fields 
it is modified in the db's, if not checked update db, and do it by 
I just connect the fields and create 3 buttons, 1 go to previous, 2 go 
to next  and 3 update , I change the info , click the update button and 
the info doesn't change in the db.

How do switch between query's ? In other words once
I need a SELECT and
sometime I need an INSERT and so on.
If you need to execute a query without changing the
sql that is already in the query, use the undocumented
  revExecuteWithQuery ,
For example, suppose we have a query named "Snafu",
and we want to execute an SQL statement in the
database it is connected to :
  put "INSERT INTO Foo VALUES('BAR')" into tSQL
  revExecuteWithQuery "Snafu",tSQL
Qk question, there is already a Query in the query building, what is 
the point of rewriting a Query ? should be
revExecuteWithQuery( "Snafu")  with the query it already contains ?

Also the bottom line about the same code needs to be
written as put
revSelect(or Form)Query(..).into field a put
revSelectQuery().into field b and so on and then
to write an UPDATE
SQL on all concatenated fields with revExecuteSQL
and with some playing
around its also portable to different db's.
Or maybe to put all the info at once into a variable
or an Array and
the select from it cell by cell?
I'm not sure I quite understand the first part of what
you're getting at, but it is always possible to save
data in an array or a custom property set as the user
makes changes.
What I meant is , if connecting every field to a Query , and writing 
Query's for them , wouldn't be better to just write a Query to store in 
variable and then in every field put a
on event
   get item 1(for every field a different item)
end event
or for every field a Query for itself e.g. put revFormQuery 
(,,myDbid,"SELECT last_name FROM database WHERE pk ="& myPk)
the pro's , portable , the cons I don't know . If there are please 
enlighten me
Then at the click of a button, you can go through the
values in the array or custom property set, and build
an sql statement that you can then execute to make all
the changes at once.
Put the following into your card script :
on closeField
  # first check if it's a db-linked field
  if the cREVGeneral["database"] of the target is true
See what youre trying to do , but isn't cREVGereral [] a profile 
property? because I set a field , connected to the db ,tried it but 
# extract which field it is linked to
put the cREVDatabase["linkcolumn"] of the target
into tColumnName
# now save the new data in custom prop set
set the uDBChanges[tColumnName] of me to the text
of the target
  end if
end closeField
And finally, I looked over this script a couple of times , I just don't 
grasp exactly what your doing over-here . Yes I got the point . 
concatenating the field names with the data and creating an SQL 
statement. but not the detail  how it should be done , somehow I didn't 
get it . Currently I'm focusing on doing it not with connected fields 
for the reason mentioned above. AND every thing is geared towards a 
standalone app.
I was thinking of some kind of on closeField to put the field name 
after fieldnameVar and the data after dataVar  and like to concatenate 
line by line . The question how do I match both lines of both var's ? I 
sure you have something better then this.
Thanks a million hershrev.
on UpdateDB
  # save the currently selected custom prop set
  put the customPropertySet of me into tOldCPSet
  set the customPropertySet of me to "uDBChanges"
  # check which fields have been changed
  put the customKeys of me into tColumnNames
  # prepare data for the final sql statement
  repeat for each line tColumnName in tColumnNames
put the uDBChanges[tColumnName] of me into
put tColumName & "=" & tNewData & comma after
  end repeat
  delete char -1 of tFieldsAndValuesList
  # exercise : get the primary keys and table
  put "FOO" into tTable
  put "foo_id" into tPrimaryKey
  put "12345" into tPKValue
  # now merge all this into the sql statement
  put merge("UPDATE [[tTable]] SET
[[tFieldsAndValuesList]] WHERE
[[tPrimaryKey]]=[[tPKValue]]") into tSQL
  # finally execute the sql statement
  revExecuteWithQuery "Snafu",tSQL
  # restore the selected custom prop set
  set the customPropertySet of me to tOldCPSet
end UpdateDB
I'll leave it as an exercise to react to mouseUp on

Re: Graphic Rotation

2004-02-22 Thread Jim Hurley

The tmpanel loaded and is very nicely designed, but the contents come
up with a lot of html tags and the only live url is for the first demo.
  looks like some great stuff in here hiding among the tags.
On Feb 22, 2004, at 12:28 PM, Scott Rossi wrote:

This issue has been on the list before. The following script may be 
helpful. It will rotate an arbitrary set of graphic points through an 
arbitrary angle. A number of people contributed to it.

I have used a button name "Pivot", with a grab me handler, to  use as 
the point of rotation.

On mouseUP
   --Rotate a polygon "myPoly" about a button "Pivot" by 45 degrees
   rotatePoly "myPoly",the loc of button "Pivot", 45
end mouseUP
On rotatePoly theGraphic, thePivot, theAngle
  put the points of graphic theGraphic into tPoints
  put item 1 of thePivot into xPivot
  put item 2 of thePivot into yPivot
  put empty into newPointList

--Set points relative to pivot 
  repeat for each line tLine in tPoints
put (item 1 of tLine)- xPivot & "," & (item 2 of tLine)- yPivot & 
return after tRelPoints
  end repeat

  put sin(theAngle* pi/180) into S
  put cos(theAngle * pi/180) into C
  --Rotate coordinate axes
  repeat for each line tLine in tRelPoints
put round(C*(item 1 of tLine)+ S*(item 2 of tLine) + xPivot)& 
comma after rotPtlist
put round(-S*(item 1 of tLine) + C*(item 2 of tLine)+ 
yPivot)after rotPtlist
put return after rotPtList
  end repeat

  set the points of graphic theGraphic to rotPtlist

end rotatePoly

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Graphic Rotation

2004-02-22 Thread Christopher Mitchell
If by this you mean non-standalones would be more impressive, he 
doesn't have the runtime environment on his machine .

On Feb 22, 2004, at 4:28 PM, Scott Rossi wrote:
I think some
standalone demos of these would better impress upon my java friend 
RunRev is not a toy gui maker.
In fact, the reverse may be more accurate.
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Graphic Rotation

2004-02-22 Thread Scott Rossi
Recently, Christopher Mitchell wrote:

> I think some of the math routines could be replaced by native functions
> now in rev (like atan) but it's really neat!  Was this imported from
> HC, or are all the little cards that each hold one image (regular hc/mc
> icons) part of the optionally included graphics in the app builder?

As you surmised, this was originally an HC stack originally created by Carl
(I think it was '97), which was modified to work with MC/Rev (importing of
HC stacks is rarely straightforward).  It could probably be adapted to
rotate almost any object using the functions included in the stack script.
Just need the correct math.

> I think some 
> standalone demos of these would better impress upon my java friend that
> RunRev is not a toy gui maker.

In fact, the reverse may be more accurate.


Scott Rossi
Creative Director

Tactile Media, Multimedia & Design

use-revolution mailing list

RE: # actually the short way returns an error / PARENTHESES

2004-02-22 Thread Ken Ray

According to Wikipedia, the () [], {} and <>
are all considered to be "brackets", but the common names are:

() Parentheses
[] Square Brackets
{} Braces
<> Angle Brackets

with alternate names as follows:

() Round Brackets, Curved Brackets, Parens, Fingernails
[] Crochets (in Great Britain, apparently)
{} Curly Brackets

Just FYI...

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software
Web Site: 

> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of 
> Thomas McGrath III
> Sent: Sunday, February 22, 2004 8:41 AM
> To: How to use Revolution
> Subject: Re: # actually the short way returns an error / PARENTHESES
> < Carrot >
> { Bracket }
> [ Square Bracket ]
> ( Parenthesis )
> \ Back Slash
> / Forward Slash
> ~ Tilde
> All cool stuff
> Tom
> On Feb 22, 2004, at 3:36 AM, Malte Brill wrote:
> > What is the english name of these <>?
> Thomas J. McGrath III
> 1000 Killarney Dr.
> Pittsburgh, PA 15234
> 412-885-8541
> ___
> use-revolution mailing list
>> revolution

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Graphic Rotation

2004-02-22 Thread Christopher Mitchell
I got it to work with an internal reload of the demos channel.  rev 
2.1.2 .  This is some very interesting stuff in here all right.  I 
think some of the math routines could be replaced by native functions 
now in rev (like atan) but it's really neat!  Was this imported from 
HC, or are all the little cards that each hold one image (regular hc/mc 
icons) part of the optionally included graphics in the app builder?

very cool stuff, all of it.  This is a totally different application of 
the environment than I'd seen up until this point and I think some 
standalone demos of these would better impress upon my java friend that 
RunRev is not a toy gui maker.

On Feb 22, 2004, at 4:08 PM, Scott Rossi wrote:
Recently, Christopher Mitchell wrote:

The tmpanel loaded and is very nicely designed, but the contents come
up with a lot of html tags and the only live url is for the first 
looks like some great stuff in here hiding among the tags.
Works fine here. What version of Rev are you using?

Alternatively, you can try this:

  go url "";


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Multimedia & Design
use-revolution mailing list
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Graphic Rotation

2004-02-22 Thread Scott Rossi
Recently, Christopher Mitchell wrote:

> The tmpanel loaded and is very nicely designed, but the contents come
> up with a lot of html tags and the only live url is for the first demo.
> looks like some great stuff in here hiding among the tags.

Works fine here. What version of Rev are you using?

Alternatively, you can try this:

  go url "";


Scott Rossi
Creative Director

Tactile Media, Multimedia & Design

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Graphic Rotation

2004-02-22 Thread Christopher Mitchell
and clicking on the demo stacks channel button a second time reloaded 
it and it is working smoothly. must have been a glitch the first time.

On Feb 22, 2004, at 12:28 PM, Scott Rossi wrote:
Recently, Christopher Mitchell wrote:

It is true that the polygon needs to be regular, which really leaves a
lot to be desired... you can't rotate non-regular vector art, and you
can't rotate groups of art regular or not.  so the things you're
rotating are pretty limited.
You might want to look at our Tangram demo stack -- you may be able to 
something there to your needs (math routines developed by Carl 
Enter the following in your message box and scroll to the bottom of the

 go url "";


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Multimedia & Design
use-revolution mailing list
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Graphic Rotation

2004-02-22 Thread Christopher Mitchell

The tmpanel loaded and is very nicely designed, but the contents come 
up with a lot of html tags and the only live url is for the first demo. 
 looks like some great stuff in here hiding among the tags.

On Feb 22, 2004, at 12:28 PM, Scott Rossi wrote:
Recently, Christopher Mitchell wrote:

It is true that the polygon needs to be regular, which really leaves a
lot to be desired... you can't rotate non-regular vector art, and you
can't rotate groups of art regular or not.  so the things you're
rotating are pretty limited.
You might want to look at our Tangram demo stack -- you may be able to 
something there to your needs (math routines developed by Carl 
Enter the following in your message box and scroll to the bottom of the

 go url "";


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Multimedia & Design
use-revolution mailing list
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Com ports

2004-02-22 Thread Sarah Reichelt
You should get back three lines: your original query "AT", a blank line 
and then an "OK" so don't give up after the first line comes back.

Just guessing, but if you send "at" to the port and get back an "ok" 
that should indicate you have a modem attached...

At 03:45 PM 2/20/2004, you wrote:

I didn't get an answer before, so I'm still hoping...

How can I query to find out if a Com port has a modem?

Ken N.
use-revolution mailing list

Re: [ANN] UnixCal - Mac OS X only

2004-02-22 Thread Sarah Reichelt
On 21 Feb 2004, at 2:04 am, Peter T. Evensen wrote:

Cool app!   It's been a while since I read it, but does it say Meri 
and Pippin met Treebeard on 2/20?
People have worked it all out based on a few dates (Shire dates & their 
conversions), phases of the moon and days spent in various places. I 
had a book of Lord of the Rings maps once that dated every stage along 
the way.
But you didn't include the French, German, Croatian and Russian 
No, that would have involved going down into sub-folders which wasn't 
worth the effort for me. Feel free to add this yourself :-)

use-revolution mailing list

Making a 'droplet' application?

2004-02-22 Thread Ian Wood
Hi all,

I'm making a workflow app to batch process files.  With the help of the 
list archives I've got my head around drag and drop so that a list of 
files from the Finder can be dragged into a field, then every item in 
the field gets processed-

on dragDrop
set the text of me to the dragData["files"]
--call the function that does the processing at this point
end dragDrop
What I would like to do is make this even more transparent by dropping 
files onto the app icon, in the same way that you can with AppleScript 
droplets.  I can't see anything in the docs or list about this, and am 
wondering if it is even possible with Rev 2.1.2.

Workaround- make an AppleScript droplet that takes the list of dropped 
files and launches the Rev app, but this is kind of inelegant...


use-revolution mailing list

Re: Reading Dan's Book

2004-02-22 Thread Jeanne A. E. DeVoto
At 1:36 AM + 2/21/2004, Douglas Mackay wrote:
put "1|Task A|A|Pending|8/31/03|8/31/03|Note for Task A" into URL

"file:MyToDo.txt" but the message box come up with a Script compile error:
Error description: Expression: bad factor, What does this mean  ? 
what am I doing wrong ? when I open thos file with notepad the file 
is empty

anyone explain  to me please what a "bad factor" is
It means there's something wrong with the syntax when Revolution 
tries to parse the statement. (For example, if you try to divide a 
number by a letter.)

This statement works fine for me in the message box. Are you sure 
you're putting the whole thing on one line? (There shouldn't be a 
line break after the word "URL", just in case.)

Also, double-check the quotes. If "1|Task 
A|A|Pending|8/31/03|8/31/03|Note for Task A" isn't surrounded by 
double quotes, you will get a "bad factor" error because Revolution 
will think the slashes are operators and try to do division.
jeanne a. e. devoto ~ [EMAIL PROTECTED]
use-revolution mailing list

Reading Dan's Book

2004-02-22 Thread Douglas Mackay
I am reading volume 1 of Dans book on page 287 ( or 313 in pdf)  he says " 
I just type the following line into the message box and hit Enter. The file will then

contain one task I can work with as a starting point. Notice that I set this task's 

item (the first item in the line) to 1 since it's the first and so far only task in 
the file.

put "1|Task A|A|Pending|8/31/03|8/31/03|Note for Task A" into URL

"file:MyToDo.txt" but the message box come up with a Script compile error:
Error description: Expression: bad factor, What does this mean  ? what am I doing 
wrong ? when I open thos file with notepad the file is empty 

anyone explain  to me please what a "bad factor" is 

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Graphic Rotation

2004-02-22 Thread Scott Rossi
Recently, Christopher Mitchell wrote:

> It is true that the polygon needs to be regular, which really leaves a
> lot to be desired... you can't rotate non-regular vector art, and you
> can't rotate groups of art regular or not.  so the things you're
> rotating are pretty limited.

You might want to look at our Tangram demo stack -- you may be able to adapt
something there to your needs (math routines developed by Carl Manaster).
Enter the following in your message box and scroll to the bottom of the

 go url "";


Scott Rossi
Creative Director

Tactile Media, Multimedia & Design

use-revolution mailing list

Re: # actually the short way returns an error / PARENTHESES (OT)

2004-02-22 Thread Christopher Mitchell
But not all circumflexes should be pointy, and since standard ascii 
doesn't allow for combining characters how was this intended to be 
useful as a character on a computer keyboard?  (just thinking outloud, 
as someone very familiar with using alt-key combinations and accents, 
including circumflex, this has always seemed like a second-best choice 
for what would be on the 6 key - and just following as a vestige of 
typewriters that actually allowed a back-up & overstrike)

On Feb 22, 2004, at 10:12 AM, Thomas McGrath III wrote:
circumflex is the language reference for ^ (shift 6) but is also 
referred to as the caret key.

On Feb 22, 2004, at 10:36 AM, Marian Petrides wrote:

Actually a caret  is  a ^  (shift 6 on your keyboard).  Is "carrot" 
the correct jargonese or just a misspelling of "caret?"


On Feb 22, 2004, at 9:45 AM, Thomas McGrath III wrote:

< > are angle brackets in typography! but in computer jargon they 
have always been called carrots around here


On Feb 22, 2004, at 7:09 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

What is the english name of these <>?
I thought these are called "angle brackets" ? :)


use-revolution mailing list

Thomas J. McGrath III
1000 Killarney Dr.
Pittsburgh, PA 15234
use-revolution mailing list
use-revolution mailing list

Thomas J. McGrath III
1000 Killarney Dr.
Pittsburgh, PA 15234
use-revolution mailing list
use-revolution mailing list

RE: Discrete Browser version 1.5g6

2004-02-22 Thread MisterX
added the historical and status to the home page.

just for those who like new things
I left unhidden the XOS language GUI managers... It's unifinished
(* just started today - dont expect much - got much more to


2 weeks snowboard session - all interested - im renting a chalet in
switzerland in Verbier or Davos and splitting the costs. Free firework or
sauna RunRev sessions! (7-20 March)

> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of MisterX
> Sent: Sunday, February 22, 2004 18:54
> To: How to use Revolution
> Subject: Discrete Browser version 1.5g6
> Here is the long awaited upgrade
> of the Discrete Browser version 1.5.
> Registration no longuer required for downloads! ;)
> Upgraded to PHPNuke 7.1 and revised site logo!
> cheers
> X
> Read the help field, it will help!
> ___
> use-revolution mailing list

use-revolution mailing list


2004-02-22 Thread FlexibleLearning
Your right about the ^ being a caret/carrot.
But what then are the left and right angle brackets called besides left 
and right brackets or less than/greater than???

any ideas???


Angle brackets (open and close).

use-revolution mailing list

Discrete Browser version 1.5g6

2004-02-22 Thread MisterX
Here is the long awaited upgrade 
of the Discrete Browser version 1.5.

Registration no longuer required for downloads! ;)
Upgraded to PHPNuke 7.1 and revised site logo!


Read the help field, it will help! 
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Does anyone actually USE the Animation Builder?

2004-02-22 Thread Rob Cozens
I also think this is an OSX only thing,

It's generic to all Mac OS versions, AFAIK.
Upon further testing, I'd like to retract that last statement.

I remembered my animations as "jumpy" in Mac OS 9; however, compared 
to the same animation on OS 10.2, they are indeed much smoother.

Rob Cozens
CCW, Serendipity Software Company
"And I, which was two fooles, do so grow three;
Who are a little wise, the best fooles bee."
from "The Triple Foole" by John Donne (1572-1631)
use-revolution mailing list

Re: # actually the short way returns an error / PARENTHESES (OT)

2004-02-22 Thread Thomas McGrath III
circumflex is the language reference for ^ (shift 6) but is also 
referred to as the caret key.

On Feb 22, 2004, at 10:36 AM, Marian Petrides wrote:

Actually a caret  is  a ^  (shift 6 on your keyboard).  Is "carrot" 
the correct jargonese or just a misspelling of "caret?"


On Feb 22, 2004, at 9:45 AM, Thomas McGrath III wrote:

< > are angle brackets in typography! but in computer jargon they 
have always been called carrots around here


On Feb 22, 2004, at 7:09 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

What is the english name of these <>?
I thought these are called "angle brackets" ? :)


use-revolution mailing list

Thomas J. McGrath III
1000 Killarney Dr.
Pittsburgh, PA 15234
use-revolution mailing list
use-revolution mailing list

Thomas J. McGrath III
1000 Killarney Dr.
Pittsburgh, PA 15234
use-revolution mailing list

Re: save dialogue stuck

2004-02-22 Thread Dom
Friedrich F. Grohmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I imported one medium sized HyperCard stack (approximately 5500 cards)

That's not "medium" for me ;-)

As you are switching from HC to RR, think about another strategy...
If there is lot of repeatitive data, why not resort to text (or bin)
data outside the stack, and have the stack only as a front end?

Also, when I'm struggling with an "old" HC stack, I am often happy to go
with a fresh new RR stack. sure, you have to "collect" the HC scripts
and translate them into Transcript. But there are a number of tools in
HC for that purpose!

Also again, I often "comment out" the hypertalk scripts, and translate &
test them one at a time...

HTH, Dom

Vous parlez français ? faites un tour sur le groupe francophone !
Jetez un oeil sur RevoBlog  !
use-revolution mailing list

Re: How could i Post binary data to perl cgi?

2004-02-22 Thread Dave Cragg
At 1:29 am -0600 22/2/04, Chipp Walters wrote:

Contact Dave Cragg about this. We've been working with him to do 
just what you want in the last couple >months.
I've contacted Al off list about getting this working.

For everyone else, a beta version of libUrl incorporating multipart 
form support (and some other things) will be available soon. I just 
need to get the documentation in order.

use-revolution mailing list

Re: # actually the short way returns an error / PARENTHESES

2004-02-22 Thread Malte Brill
hi opie and all,

>GEEZ!!  I did it again!!!

 I always say brackets ( is that []? ) when I mean parentheses [ is that
()?]. What is the english name of these <>? If you happen to see me saying
something about brackets it is always possible I mean parentheses and vice
versa... :-(

> In the example I sent, there is a precedence problem.

I was pretty confused about that problem and if I remember correctly 1.1.1
compiled and ran the non parenthesis version.. I might be wrong there.

> P.S. Don't know what kind of graphic that pointer1 my
> test, although it compiled correctly with the above...*my* pointer1
> didn't seem to rotate...

Needs to be a regular polygon. (I had to look it up, because it didn´t
rotate here either.)



use-revolution mailing list

Re: # actually the short way returns an error / PARENTHESES

2004-02-22 Thread Christopher Mitchell
It is true that the polygon needs to be regular, which really leaves a 
lot to be desired... you can't rotate non-regular vector art, and you 
can't rotate groups of art regular or not.  so the things you're 
rotating are pretty limited.

and my results from rotating things I created with the weird paint tool 
experience shall not even be discussed.

btw I don't know that we call these <> delimiters anything in English.  
They are simply less-than/greater-than signs.  I know, however, they 
they are typographer's quotation marks as << >> around the world.

On Feb 22, 2004, at 2:36 AM, Malte Brill wrote:
hi opie and all,

GEEZ!!  I did it again!!!
 I always say brackets ( is that []? ) when I mean parentheses [ is 
()?]. What is the english name of these <>? If you happen to see me 
something about brackets it is always possible I mean parentheses and 
versa... :-(

In the example I sent, there is a precedence problem.
I was pretty confused about that problem and if I remember correctly 
compiled and ran the non parenthesis version.. I might be wrong there.

P.S. Don't know what kind of graphic that pointer1 my
test, although it compiled correctly with the above...*my* pointer1
didn't seem to rotate...
Needs to be a regular polygon. (I had to look it up, because it didn´t
rotate here either.)


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