Re: Shale/JSF examples?

2005-08-22 Thread Craig McClanahan
On 8/21/05, Rick Reumann [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Craig McClanahan wrote the following on 8/19/2005 7:19 PM:
  Doing complete CRUD examples with Shale are definitely on my list of
  things I'd like to see/get done.
 Sounds good. Maybe I can help and in the process learn along the way:)
 What's the best list to post to in regard to shale stuff? I didn't see a
 list linked from so not sure if I should
 post to a JSF list? This list?

Shale is a Struts sub-project, so user-related questions are on topic
here, and development related topics (like adding examples) are
appropriate on the Struts developer list.  Prefixing your message
subjects with [shale] will help those who have message filters weed
out things they are not interested in.


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Re: [SHALE] Simple getting started-type question

2005-08-22 Thread Craig McClanahan
On 8/21/05, David G. Friedman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I hate to try to answer a question after Craig, but from my JSF newbie point
 of view, I didn't get an answer I'd want from his letter.  So, here's my try
 to help answer your questions.  Just keep in mind I'm re-reading (2nd time
 around) a JSF book so I'm no authority.
 MyFaces, JSF actually, doesn't care about action mappings, like Struts does.
 When a url comes in which maps to JSF (or Myfaces) such as a *.faces URL,
 JSF looks for a file matching that url but ending in .jsp, not .faces.
 That's how /usecases.faces maps automatically to /usecases.jsp.

FWIW, the actual mechanism is a little more flexible than this.  If
you are not using JSP as your view technology, you might want to
define a different suffix (for the scenarios where you are using
extension mapping, which is the preferred approach).  For example, you
can tell JSF to map the request index.faces to instead,
by setting the following context init parameter in your webapp.


The default for this parameter maps to .jsp, which suits the
majority of JSF users, but it doesn't restrict you from other

 Why does it do that?  The mapping of *.faces allows MyFaces/JSF to do the
 JSF tricks listed in the jsp file which could include bean auto-population,
 page redirects, validations, navigations, callback functions, templates,
 etc.  A tree is made of the JSF components from that page so further visits
 to that page don't require a rull re-parse of the page.  In my opinion, JSF
 navigation seems to care more about the direction of where to navigate next
 than how to come into a page.  You'll see loads of those 'where to next'
 ideas in the faces-config.xml file as 'navigation-rule' sections.

You don't actually *have* to be specific about where the navigation
request came from, or what the outcome value are ... you can either
leave those elements out of your navigation rule, or use one of the
wildcard expressions.  An example of this can be found in the use
cases webapp:


This navigation rule processes the specified outcome values
(subview$first, subview$second, or subview$third) no matter what
page you are currently on.

 A few useful tidbits of knowledge:
 1. Everything JSF starts inside the f:view tags.
 2. The *.faces don't have to map to *.jsp extension files. A servlet
 container configuration parameter allows you to specify the default
 extension to use so you could use something other than *.jsp for your actual
 files.  You can also change your incoming *.faces URL mapping to *.html to
 hide the fact that you're using JavaServer Faces.
 3. JSF can be sufficiently complicated to 'look at' if you haven't read a
 JSF tutorial or book so jumping into Shale could be even more confusing.
 Shale confuses me some and I've read a JSF book once (I'm on read #2 as I
 4. There are plenty of JSF tutorials at (I've read a
 few of them, I'm reading about Facelets now - kind of a 'Shale Clay'
 alternative.)  This includes a section on their front page entitled: Golden
 Collection for JSF Newbies.
 5. navigation-rules got a little confusing for me when looking at JSF with
 Tiles, especially with Shale's Tiles mapper.  I think it (Shale's Tile
 mapper) looks for a tile with a name very similar to the jsp name and if one
 isn't found, it skips tiles and looks for a regular jsp instead.  Craig
 could comment on that if I'm wrong or off slightly but I think I just read
 about that last week.

The precise rules are described in the JavaDocs for the mapper class,
but they are basically:
* Strip off any suffix on the specified to-view-id
* Look up the resulting value in the Tiles definitions
* If found, navigate to that Tile
* If not found, and if the to-view-id has a leading /, remove that
and try again
* If we still cannot find a Tile, delegate to the standard JSF
navigation handler

This basically lets you have any combination of Tile names and regular
page names as your destinations for navigation rules.

 6. In case you need it, myfaces is at  Tomahawk
 if the name of their set of custom add-on components, which you don't need
 if you are trying out JSF.  You can just use the MyFaces (non-Tomahawk
 stuff) implementation of JavaServer Faces.

Just for the record, the JSF RI is also available under an open source
license, at 

LookupDispatchAction-problem getting started

2005-08-22 Thread Tiller, Volker
Hi all,

I can't get started with the example about using LookupDispatchAction of Ted 
Husted, Tip #3 (
What is my error or can I get some working code ?

This is the problem:

The forward
 html:link forward=testit styleClass=menuitemtest it/html:link

ERROR DispatchAction:220 - Request[/test] does not contain handler parameter 
named 'method'.  This may be caused by whitespace in the label text.

Altering the global forward 'testit' to

forward name=testit path=/


javax.servlet.ServletException: Action[/test] missing resource 'button.add' in 
key method map







This is the code


public final class MyAction extends LookupDispatchAction {

private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(MyAction.class);

protected Map getKeyMethodMap() {
  Map map = new HashMap();
  map.put(button.add, add);
  map.put(button.delete, delete);
  return map;

public ActionForward add(ActionMapping mapping,
ActionForm form,
HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response)
  throws IOException, ServletException {
  // do add in add());
  return mapping.findForward(success);

public ActionForward delete(ActionMapping mapping,
ActionForm form,
HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response)
throws IOException, ServletException {
  // do delete in delete());
  return mapping.findForward(success);



public final class MyForm extends ActionForm {
private String prop;

public String getProp() {
return prop;

public void setProp(String prop) {
this.prop = prop;


+++JSP: /tiles/test.jsp

%@ page language=java contentType=text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1
%@ include file=taglibs.jsp%
!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN
meta http-equiv=Content-Type content=text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1
titletest LookupDispatchAction.../title

html:form action=/test
html:submit property=method
bean:message key=button.add/
html:submit property=method
bean:message key=button.delete/


button.add=add it all
button.delete=delete it all


forward name=welcome path=/
forward name=testit path=/


 action path=/test
forward name=success path=/

Thanks, Volker.

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displaying JSP errors on screen

2005-08-22 Thread Martijn Smit

Hello list,

Since I've upgraded struts a while back all my JSP generated errors are 
only seen at the console. How do tinker my config so that I see een JSP 
error in my browser once more?
I'm sorry to ask this question here, bus since the terms of my question 
are somewhat 'generic' I'm not finding any answers...

Thanks in advance,

31.69 nHz = once a year

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Re: displaying JSP errors on screen

2005-08-22 Thread Frank W. Zammetti

Hi Martijn,

Struts doesn't inherently do anything (that I'm aware of at least) to 
stop JSP errors from being displayed in the browser... in fact it's kind 
of unlikely it could since it's more or less out of the picture by the 
time the JSP is executing (taglib code notwithstanding).  Has anything 
else changed that could cause this?  Anything having to do with JSP 
error page or something like that?

And, a slightly more pointed question :) ... are you sure the errors you 
expect to see in the browser are really errors in the JSP? 
Generally-speaking, runtime JSP errors are rare (they certainly should 
be), and I'm assuming that's what we're talking about here rather than 
compile-time errors.

Frank W. Zammetti
Founder and Chief Software Architect
Omnytex Technologies

Martijn Smit wrote:

Hello list,

Since I've upgraded struts a while back all my JSP generated errors are 
only seen at the console. How do tinker my config so that I see een JSP 
error in my browser once more?
I'm sorry to ask this question here, bus since the terms of my question 
are somewhat 'generic' I'm not finding any answers...

Thanks in advance,

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Re: [SHALE] Simple getting started-type question

2005-08-22 Thread Frank W. Zammetti

Thanks to both of you, that definitely helped.

I'm going to go read a tutorial or two now... I actually have in the 
past, and also saw some code-intensive demos at two user group meetings, 
so I thought I had at least the JSF basics in my brain already... as it 
turns out, that might not be quite true :)  And in any case, this is the 
first attempt I've made at actually getting hands-on.


David G. Friedman wrote:


I hate to try to answer a question after Craig, but from my JSF newbie point
of view, I didn't get an answer I'd want from his letter.  So, here's my try
to help answer your questions.  Just keep in mind I'm re-reading (2nd time
around) a JSF book so I'm no authority.

MyFaces, JSF actually, doesn't care about action mappings, like Struts does.
When a url comes in which maps to JSF (or Myfaces) such as a *.faces URL,
JSF looks for a file matching that url but ending in .jsp, not .faces.
That's how /usecases.faces maps automatically to /usecases.jsp.

Why does it do that?  The mapping of *.faces allows MyFaces/JSF to do the
JSF tricks listed in the jsp file which could include bean auto-population,
page redirects, validations, navigations, callback functions, templates,
etc.  A tree is made of the JSF components from that page so further visits
to that page don't require a rull re-parse of the page.  In my opinion, JSF
navigation seems to care more about the direction of where to navigate next
than how to come into a page.  You'll see loads of those 'where to next'
ideas in the faces-config.xml file as 'navigation-rule' sections.

A few useful tidbits of knowledge:

1. Everything JSF starts inside the f:view tags.

2. The *.faces don't have to map to *.jsp extension files. A servlet
container configuration parameter allows you to specify the default
extension to use so you could use something other than *.jsp for your actual
files.  You can also change your incoming *.faces URL mapping to *.html to
hide the fact that you're using JavaServer Faces.

3. JSF can be sufficiently complicated to 'look at' if you haven't read a
JSF tutorial or book so jumping into Shale could be even more confusing.
Shale confuses me some and I've read a JSF book once (I'm on read #2 as I

4. There are plenty of JSF tutorials at (I've read a
few of them, I'm reading about Facelets now - kind of a 'Shale Clay'
alternative.)  This includes a section on their front page entitled: Golden
Collection for JSF Newbies.

5. navigation-rules got a little confusing for me when looking at JSF with
Tiles, especially with Shale's Tiles mapper.  I think it (Shale's Tile
mapper) looks for a tile with a name very similar to the jsp name and if one
isn't found, it skips tiles and looks for a regular jsp instead.  Craig
could comment on that if I'm wrong or off slightly but I think I just read
about that last week.

6. In case you need it, myfaces is at  Tomahawk
if the name of their set of custom add-on components, which you don't need
if you are trying out JSF.  You can just use the MyFaces (non-Tomahawk
stuff) implementation of JavaServer Faces.


-Original Message-
From: Frank W. Zammetti [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, August 22, 2005 12:53 AM
To: Struts User
Subject: [SHALE] Simple getting started-type question

Hi everyone,

I'm finally getting a little bit of time to look at Shale, with the
intent of doing the Mailreader app under it as I offered to do a few
weeks back... although I was thinking of writing a blog app instead
since I wanted to re-do mine anyway, but that is neither here nor there :)

I'm looking at the use cases app, as that seemed like the logical place
to begin... there's quite a bit in there, it's a bit overwhelming to
start, and, after just a few minutes of browsing, I have a question
already :)

Looking at index.jsp, I see a forward to usecases.faces.  My question
is, where is that mapping defined?  It's obviously winding up at
usecases.jsp, and I can see that .faces is mapped to FacesServlet in
web.xml, so it's straight-forward to an extent, but I'm not seeing in
the config files were something akin to a Struts path to /usecases is
defined.  I assumed it would be in faces-config.xml, but unless I'm
really missing something, it's not (by the way, I *DO* assume I'm
missing something there!).


Frank W. Zammetti
Founder and Chief Software Architect
Omnytex Technologies

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Frank W. Zammetti
Founder and Chief Software Architect
Omnytex Technologies

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Re: dynamic forward path?

2005-08-22 Thread Karin Schellner
thanks for this idea; I implemented it the way you suggested - with this 
solution everything is still configurable through the struts-config file 
as you are stating below ...

thanks a lot,

Laurie Harper wrote:

Karin Schellner wrote:

I am new to Struts and would appreciate your ideas for a solution to 
the following problem:

In my webapplication I have a login-form with a submit and cancel 
button. When the user clicks the cancel-button I would like to return 
him to the page he previously visited (before calling the page with 
the login-form). Using a forward in the action-mapping would redirect 
the user always to the same page (e.g., therefore I was 
thinking of storing the last visited page in the session and use it 
for a redirect, but then I would bypass the struts-config ... what do 
you think? Is there a possibility to achieve this in Struts?

The second option is the one you want. There's no way you can 
statically define a forward in struts-config that points to 'the page 
the user was on before this one'.

What you could do, though, is create a ReturnToPreviousPage action 
which redirects to the URL you stored in the session and have an 
action forward in struts-config pointing to that action. You still 
have to keep track of where that action should redirect to yourself 
(though the session or whatever). The advantage is that your 
struts-config is still declaratively declaring the behaviour -- and 
you can then change the behaviour (e.g. to always forward to the 
application home page instead of the previous page) by modifying the 
config. You also get the option to re-use the ReturnToPreviousPage 
action anywhere else you need the same behaviour.



DI Karin Schellner
Research Studios Austria - Digital Memory Engineering
ARC Seibersdorf research GmbH

Thurngasse 8/20, A-1090 Wien
M. +43.664.825-1105
T. +43.1.585-0537
F. +43.1.585-3741

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Re: LookupDispatchAction-problem getting started

2005-08-22 Thread Wendy Smoak

From: Tiller, Volker [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I can't get started with the example about using LookupDispatchAction
of Ted Husted, Tip #3 (
What is my error or can I get some working code ?

forward name=testit path=/

The 'method' parameter should be set to the _value_ from (not the key).  I'm not sure how to encode 
the spaces to do this manually, maybe method=add+it+all or 
method=add%20it%20all.  Or maybe the spaces will just work. (It's early...)

Here's what happens:
- the framework sees add it all as the value of the 'method' parameter
- it figures out that 'add it all' came from the 'button.add' property
- looks up 'button.add' in the keyMethodMap and finds 'add'
- calls the 'add' method in your Action

(Naming the parameter something other than 'method' may make things 
clearer-- maybe 'choice'.)

Wendy Smoak

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Re: [Friday] [somewhat-ajax-related] XMLHttpRequest scoping problems

2005-08-22 Thread Jeff Beal
I haven't actually tried having multiple simultaneous requests with
this, but it's not using the global namespace, so it should work:


function submitRequest(url,handler) {
  var req = null;
  if (window.XMLHttpRequest) { // Non-IE browsers
req = new XMLHttpRequest();
  } else if (window.ActiveXObject) { // IE
req = new ActiveXObject(Microsoft.XMLHTTP);
  req.onreadystatechange = function() { processResponse(req); },url,true)

function processResponse(asyncRequest) {
   if (asyncRequest.readyState == 4  asyncRequest.status == 200) {

On 8/19/05, David Durham [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi --
 There's been some traffic on this list involving XMLHttpRequests and
 javascript, and since it's Friday ...
 My problem: How to use multiple asynchronous requests simultaneously
 without using the global namespace.  For instance, I'd like to create a
 little DirectoryTree widget that I can drop in pages like so:
  script type=text/javascript
  new DirectoryTree(some_directory_name);
 Ideally, I could drop as many of these widgets on the page as I want.
 Then I have some javascript like so:
  DirectoryTree = function(directory, url) {
  execute(url, DefaultCallback);
 Here's an execute method that supposed to trigger some kind of action:
  execute(url, callback) {
  var cb = new callback();
  cb.request = new XMLHttpRequest();
  cb.request.onreadystatechange = callback.processResponse;, url, this.ASYNC);
  DefaultCallback = function() {
  this.request = null;
  function processResponse() {  + this.request);
 The processResponse() method alerts:  decorating: undefined.  I even
  DefaultCallback = function() {
  this.request = null;
  DefaultCallback.processResponse = function() {  + this.request);
 and got the same result.
 I'm somewhat experienced with Javascript and it's OO concepts and event
 handling, but not terribly so.  I think what's happening here is that on
 readystate change triggers the creation of a new
 'DefaultCallback.processResponse' object and therefore a new scope with
 no concept of the 'var cb = new callback()' scope.  Therefore, in order
 to get at the xmlrequest/response, I need to go through the global
 namespace or some other static-like namespace, which I don't really want
 to do because I'd like to avoid managing, say a queue of xml http
 requests.  I haven't looked through the xml http request stuff that was
 posted to struts sandbox (I think it's in sandbox, not really sure), but
 does anyone have ideas on this one, or can point me to some code or info
 with solution(s)?
 - Dave
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Re: How to Debug easier

2005-08-22 Thread Larry Meadors
Why not just use a debugger?

There are several very good free debuggers available - netbeans,
eclipse, jedit, ...

Simple to set up, and a bit less predictive to use. (By that, I mean
instead of trying to log what you think the problem might be, you can
examine it as it is running to SEE what the problem really is.)


On 8/21/05, C.F. Scheidecker Antunes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hello all,
 If I have a System.out.Println() statement on my Struts code where would
 that be written to?
 I would like to write stuff to either the console or the Tomcat log text
 file. How can I achieve that?
 System.out.println() does not seem to be doing anything.
 I want to know what it is going on at run time to make it easier to
 debug stuff.
 Any suggestions?
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Re: html:form not generating name= attribute

2005-08-22 Thread Haroon Rafique
On Saturday at 9:36am, DB=Don Brown [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

DB Ok, I looked at the 1.2.7 source, and indeed, it doesn't generate an 
DB id orname if xhtml mode is on.  You are correct, the styleId is a 
DB good workaround, especially if you use the commons-validator checked 
DB out from trunk.
DB Don

This is fixed in subverion:
and needs to be used with commons validator (latest subversion as well).

Haroon Rafique

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nested:text within nested:iterate -- problem

2005-08-22 Thread Anjishnu Bandyopadhyay
Hi all, 

I have a nested:iterate where I am iterating over a
list of objects. Each object has a property “label”,
which is being displayed as a textbox.

Now, I have a hidden field “hdnField”, for each row of

I want to call a javascript function “fnUpdate”
onChange of the textbox to update the hidden field.

So, I need to pass the index (row number) of the
particular row to the javascript function, so that,
the particular hidden field for the particular row can
be updated.

I am trying something as follows:

nested:iterate id=functionalities 
   name=functionalities indexId=indxFunc

 nested:text styleClass=label maxlength=100 
   name=functionalities property=label 
 nested:hidden name=functionalities 
property=hdnField indexed=true/

(The above code snippet is also in the attached .txt
file, in case there is a problem in reading).

But it is not identifying “indxFunc” for “nested:text”
in “nested:iterate”.  

It works fine for static tags like “img” or “a” in

eg. img src=find.gif onclick=fn('bean:write
name=indxFunc/'); / 

Any way to solve the problem?

A work-around is to update the hidden field in each
row just before submitting the form. But I was
wondering if the problem can be solved the way I am

Thanks for your time,

Do You Yahoo!?
Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around nested:iterate id=functionalities name=functionalities indexId=indxFunc

  nested:text styleClass=label maxlength=100 name=functionalities
property=label indexed=true
onChange=”fnUpdate('bean:write name=indxFunc/');”/

  nested:hidden name=functionalities property=hdnField indexed=true/


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Validator's indexedListProperty

2005-08-22 Thread Josh Cronemeyer

I've been playing with the indexedListProperty to validate what a user has
selected in my forms.  The problem I am having is that when an error message
gets returned, It does not get associated with the form element
(html:multibox property=test in my case).  I think the problem is that
the message comes back with a key of test[x] where x is the index of the
error.  If I just print out my error messages like this html:errors/ I can
see the error message, but html:errors property=test/ doesn't show
anything.  It seems like the html:errors tag should have an
indexedListProperty parameter as well so I can display my error messages
correctly.  What am i missing?


josh cronemeyer

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Re: displaying JSP errors on screen

2005-08-22 Thread Martijn Smit

Hi Frank,

Thanks for your time. In fact the 'errors' I expect are mostly 
bean:write tags where the expected object cannot be found in any of 
the scopes. I used to get those javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: Cannot 
find bean xyz in any scope in my browser but since I switched to 1.2.x 
they are all silent and I only see them in my Eclipse console. Which is 
quite ok, but this is itching for some time now.

Could be I'm barking up the wrong tree here and forgot to define a 
valve/logger/whatever in my context of overlooked some 'tinkering' at 
another config file which accidentally slipped in all my new projects...


Frank W. Zammetti wrote:

Hi Martijn,

Struts doesn't inherently do anything (that I'm aware of at least) to 
stop JSP errors from being displayed in the browser... in fact it's 
kind of unlikely it could since it's more or less out of the picture 
by the time the JSP is executing (taglib code notwithstanding).  Has 
anything else changed that could cause this?  Anything having to do 
with JSP error page or something like that?

And, a slightly more pointed question :) ... are you sure the errors 
you expect to see in the browser are really errors in the JSP? 
Generally-speaking, runtime JSP errors are rare (they certainly should 
be), and I'm assuming that's what we're talking about here rather than 
compile-time errors.

31.69 nHz = once a year

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Re: [JSF] using a jsp:forward to get to backing bean method?

2005-08-22 Thread Craig McClanahan
On 8/22/05, Rick Reumann [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm looking in my Core JSF book and I can seem to find out how to do
 something that I would think would/should be pretty simple...
 How do I use a jsp:forward to trigger a method in my backing bean?
 jsp:forward page=/mybackingbean.faces??{call fooBar method}???/
 I see how JSF uses h:commandLink for it's link but not sure how this
 helps with JSP forwards.

It doesn't ... if you want to fire the standard request processing
lifecycle, you need to actually submit the request.  Using
jsp:forward page=/foo.faces/ will cause /foo.jsp to be rendered
(assuming you are using the standard extension mappings), entering the
JSF lifecycle at the Render Response phase.

What problem are you trying to solve with jsp:forward that can't be
solved a different way?


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Re: displaying JSP errors on screen

2005-08-22 Thread Ulrich Elsner

are you using tiles as well? I experienced the same problem some time
ago, but only in tile-based .jsp, not in 'pure' jsp. I could not
pinpoint the exact time when this started since I wasn't working on
the display part at that time but one of the bigger changes I did
shortly before I noticed this was the switch from 1.1 to 1.2.4.

After some time I got used to looking in the console for problems so
eventually I just stopped looking for the reason. Sorry that I can
offer no help, but it might console pun not intended  you to know
that others have the same problem.


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Action[/UpdateDeleteColecao] missing resource 'button.delete' in key method map

2005-08-22 Thread Letícia Álvares Barbalho
Hey guys, how's everything?

I'm trying to call a LookupDispatchAction from a link, and I'm getting
the error above. I'd like you to help me find the reason...

my jsp is like this:

font size=2pre
%@ taglib uri=/tags/struts-bean prefix=bean %
%@ taglib uri=/tags/struts-html prefix=html %
%@ taglib uri=/tags/struts-logic prefix=logic %
[EMAIL PROTECTED] uri=; prefix=c% 
%@ page import=auge.conexao.ColecaoService %
%@ page import=java.util.* %
[EMAIL PROTECTED] contentType=text/html%
[EMAIL PROTECTED] pageEncoding=UTF-8%

!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN;

html:html locale=true
body bgcolor=white

span style=font-family:Sans-serif;

table width=100% align=center
trtd Coleção /td/tr
tr bgcolor=#00 td/td/tr

   html:form action=/ method=post focus=colecao  
 table border=0 align=center
 trtd width=50% Coleção /tdtd width=50%html:text
property=colecao value=${requestScope.col.colecao}
 trtd width=50% Descricão /tdtd
width=50%html:text property=descricao
td width=50% align=center
  html:link action=/
bean:message key=button.add/ /html:link
td width=50% align=center
  html:submit property=methodbean:message


My action is like:
font size=2pre
package auge.action;

import java.util.Map;
import java.util.HashMap;


import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession;
import javax.servlet.ServletException;

import org.apache.struts.action.Action;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionForm;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionForward;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionMapping;
import org.apache.struts.actions.LookupDispatchAction;

import org.hibernate.HibernateException;
import auge.conexao.ColecaoService;
import auge.bean.Colecao;
import auge.form.AddColecaoForm;

public class UpdateDeleteColecaoAction extends LookupDispatchAction {

  protected Map getKeyMethodMap() {
  Map map = new HashMap();
  map.put(button.add, update);
  map.put(button.delete, delete);
  return map;
  public ActionForward update(ActionMapping mapping,
  ActionForm form,
  HttpServletRequest request,
  HttpServletResponse response)
  throws IOException, ServletException {
  try {
  AddColecaoForm addColecaoForm = (AddColecaoForm) form;
  Colecao colecao;
  try {
  Long colec = Long.valueOf(request.getParameter(colecao));
  colecao = ColecaoService.getInstance().getColecao(colec);
  } catch (Exception e){
  colecao = new Colecao();
  if (addColecaoForm.getDescricao() != null) {
  return mapping.findForward(success);
  } catch(Exception e){
  return mapping.findForward(error);
  return mapping.findForward(error);
  public ActionForward delete(ActionMapping mapping,
  ActionForm form,
  HttpServletRequest request,
  HttpServletResponse response)
  throws IOException, ServletException {
  try {
  AddColecaoForm addColecaoForm = (AddColecaoForm) form;
  Long colec = Long.valueOf(request.getParameter(colecao));
  Colecao colecao = ColecaoService.getInstance().getColecao(colec);
  try {
  } catch(HibernateException e){
  // nada a fazer
  } catch(Exception e){
  return mapping.findForward(error);
  } finally{
  return mapping.findForward(success);

and my struts-config:

font size=2pre
action path=/UpdateDeleteColecao
forward name=success 
forward name=error  path=/pages/erro.jsp/

does anyone know why I'm getting this error? I'd appreciate any help. Thanks.

Letícia Álvares 

Re: displaying JSP errors on screen

2005-08-22 Thread Martijn Smit

Hi Ulrich,

Indeed i do use tiles. I haven't tried a pure jsp as all my pages always 
descend from some base.jsp which is defined in my tiles-defs. Hmm, but 
this is something I can work with. Never thought that it could be the 
tiles plugin... Perhaps some property I can set in the definition or the 
JspException is silently catched..

I'll get back to you..


Ulrich Elsner wrote:


are you using tiles as well? I experienced the same problem some time
ago, but only in tile-based .jsp, not in 'pure' jsp. I could not
pinpoint the exact time when this started since I wasn't working on
the display part at that time but one of the bigger changes I did
shortly before I noticed this was the switch from 1.1 to 1.2.4.

After some time I got used to looking in the console for problems so
eventually I just stopped looking for the reason. Sorry that I can
offer no help, but it might console pun not intended  you to know
that others have the same problem.


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messages help

2005-08-22 Thread draegoon Z

Sorry, but I've been reading archives all morning.

Using Struts 1.2.7

Setting up a system to catch all errors/messages on a page.

Getting the errors from my ActionForm:

ActionErrors errors = new ActionErrors();


Getting the ???bad_key??? from my ActionForm:

ActionMessages errors = new ActionMessages();


Results in: ???en_US.That username doesn't exist in our system. Please try 

Now I don't know what key it is telling me is missing,
when it is displaying the value from my messages resource.

I thought the problem was with using the property (system_name)
instead of ActionMessages.GLOBAL_MESSAGE, but that gave the
same results.

Also, I want to use the property name, so I can display next to the html: 
input tag.

A related question I have is:

I read somewhere (this morning) that once html:message is read/accessed that 
it is removed/deleted.

Is this true?
How then could one list all the errors/messages at the top of a page,
and then check for them to display next to the html: input tag?

My jsp reads:

%-- check for errors --%
   html:messages id=message_id header=errors.header 

   lic:out value=${message_id} //li

   %-- If not errors present... --%

   %-- check for messages (Globals.MESSAGE_KEY) --%
   logic:messagesPresent message=true
   html:messages id=message_id message=true 
header=errors.header footer=errors.footer

   lic:out value=${message_id} //li

Thanx in advance.

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Re: Action[/UpdateDeleteColecao] missing resource 'button.delete' in key method map

2005-08-22 Thread Wendy Smoak

I'm trying to call a LookupDispatchAction from a link, and I'm getting
the error above. I'd like you to help me find the reason...

It looks like something is sending (literally) 'button.delete' as the value 
of the 'method' param, instead of using value from

What HTML does this turn into?

html:submit property=method
bean:message key=button.delete/

Assuming your properties file is in place and properly configured, that 
should work.

Wendy Smoak

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Re: [JSF] using a jsp:forward to get to backing bean method?

2005-08-22 Thread Rick Reumann

Craig McClanahan wrote the following on 8/22/2005 12:50 PM:

It doesn't ... if you want to fire the standard request processing
lifecycle, you need to actually submit the request.  Using
jsp:forward page=/foo.faces/ will cause /foo.jsp to be rendered
(assuming you are using the standard extension mappings), entering the
JSF lifecycle at the Render Response phase.

What problem are you trying to solve with jsp:forward that can't be
solved a different way?

What I'm trying to figure out is the best way to handle setting up an 
initial page when someone goes to the welcome page defined in web.xml 
(ie index.jsp). What's the best way to handle this? On page 20 of Core 
JSF they give the example of doing something like jsp:forward 
page=/index.faces/ but I don't see how this would ever trigger a 
method in my backing bean?

For example, in this sample CRUD app I was wanting to load a list of 
employees right away that would show up on employees.jsp  I'm keeping 
this simple and will make this call to getEmployees in my 
EmployeeBacking bean, but I'm unclear about the best using JSF to fire 
this method and forward to the appropriate page when the user simply 
goes to foobarApp/index.jsp ?

Thanks for the help


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Re: [JSF] using a jsp:forward to get to backing bean method?

2005-08-22 Thread Michael Jouravlev
David Geary advised me to use rendered attribute of view of subview,
like this:
  f:subview id=step1 rendered=#{wizardBean.step1} 
You can stick whatever code you want into the method, and simply
return true. I don't know is there a better way to do this.


On 8/22/05, Rick Reumann [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 What I'm trying to figure out is the best way to handle setting up an
 initial page when someone goes to the welcome page defined in web.xml
 (ie index.jsp). What's the best way to handle this? On page 20 of Core
 JSF they give the example of doing something like jsp:forward
 page=/index.faces/ but I don't see how this would ever trigger a
 method in my backing bean?
 For example, in this sample CRUD app I was wanting to load a list of
 employees right away that would show up on employees.jsp  I'm keeping
 this simple and will make this call to getEmployees in my
 EmployeeBacking bean, but I'm unclear about the best using JSF to fire
 this method and forward to the appropriate page when the user simply
 goes to foobarApp/index.jsp ?

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Re: Action[/UpdateDeleteColecao] missing resource 'button.delete' in key method map

2005-08-22 Thread Letícia Álvares Barbalho
Well, I should be embarrassed by now. Actually, you're 100% correct: 
something is sending literally 'button.delete' as the value of method param, 
instead of the value from the .properties file. And this something would be 

It happens that I am not using html:submit buttons to call the dispatch 
action. Instead of it, I'm trying to use links, like this:

a href=javascript:void(0); onclick=javascript:dispatchIt(); 
property=method bean:message key=button.add//a

Well, if it worked like the html:button, it would send the method with the 
value from the bean. But it obviously doesn't. So, I put this js function to 
be called onclick:

function dispatchIt()

And that's causing the error. So, if the property=method doesn't work, and 
passing it literally doesn't work... that means I cannot use links to submit 
the form? Or am I doing it totally wrong?

Sorry, thanks.

On 8/22/05, Wendy Smoak [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I'm trying to call a LookupDispatchAction from a link, and I'm getting
  the error above. I'd like you to help me find the reason...
 It looks like something is sending (literally) 'button.delete' as the 
 of the 'method' param, instead of using value from
 What HTML does this turn into?
  html:submit property=method
  bean:message key=button.delete/
 Assuming your properties file is in place and properly configured, that
 should work.
 Wendy Smoak
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Letícia Álvares Barbalho

Re: [JSF] using a jsp:forward to get to backing bean method?

2005-08-22 Thread Rick Reumann

Michael Jouravlev wrote the following on 8/22/2005 2:41 PM:

David Geary advised me to use rendered attribute of view of subview,
like this:
  f:subview id=step1 rendered=#{wizardBean.step1} 
You can stick whatever code you want into the method, and simply

return true. I don't know is there a better way to do this.

So you would stick something like this on the index.jsp page? Ok I'll 
try that, thanks.

Maybe too soon for one, but is there a JSF 'best practices' out there 


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Re: [JSF] using a jsp:forward to get to backing bean method?

2005-08-22 Thread David Haynes

Rick Reumann wrote:

Craig McClanahan wrote the following on 8/22/2005 12:50 PM:

It doesn't ... if you want to fire the standard request processing
lifecycle, you need to actually submit the request.  Using
jsp:forward page=/foo.faces/ will cause /foo.jsp to be rendered
(assuming you are using the standard extension mappings), entering the
JSF lifecycle at the Render Response phase.

What problem are you trying to solve with jsp:forward that can't be
solved a different way?

What I'm trying to figure out is the best way to handle setting up an 
initial page when someone goes to the welcome page defined in web.xml 
(ie index.jsp). What's the best way to handle this? On page 20 of Core 
JSF they give the example of doing something like jsp:forward 
page=/index.faces/ but I don't see how this would ever trigger a 
method in my backing bean?

For example, in this sample CRUD app I was wanting to load a list of 
employees right away that would show up on employees.jsp  I'm 
keeping this simple and will make this call to getEmployees in my 
EmployeeBacking bean, but I'm unclear about the best using JSF to fire 
this method and forward to the appropriate page when the user simply 
goes to foobarApp/index.jsp ?

Thanks for the help

If I understand you correctly, you have something like: index.jsp does a 
jsp:forward to foo.faces (a jsf page).
If so, then I think the backing bean is invoked in foo.faces when the 
jsp:useBean is referenced. So, the backing store bean is already 
created *before* the foo.faces is rendered to the browser. At least, 
that's the way it is working for me...

As a quick test, you could create a test foo.faces that contains:
jsp:useBean id=foo
   jsp:getProperty name=foo property=*/

The bean has this: jsp:getProperty name=foo property =string/

and have the bean something simple like:

public class FooBean {
   priviate String string = foo;

   public FooBean() {

   public String getString() {
  return string;

   public void setString(String string) {
  this.string = string;


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Re: messages help

2005-08-22 Thread glenn . deschenes
Did you read this ?

Especially the section 4.2 Using a Custom Key.


22/08/2005 02:19 PM
Please respond to
Struts Users Mailing List


messages help

Sorry, but I've been reading archives all morning.

Using Struts 1.2.7

Setting up a system to catch all errors/messages on a page.

Getting the errors from my ActionForm:

ActionErrors errors = new ActionErrors();

Getting the ???bad_key??? from my ActionForm:

ActionMessages errors = new ActionMessages();

Results in: ???en_US.That username doesn't exist in our system. Please try 


Now I don't know what key it is telling me is missing,
when it is displaying the value from my messages resource.

I thought the problem was with using the property (system_name)
instead of ActionMessages.GLOBAL_MESSAGE, but that gave the
same results.

Also, I want to use the property name, so I can display next to the 
input tag.

A related question I have is:

I read somewhere (this morning) that once html:message is read/accessed 
it is removed/deleted.
Is this true?
How then could one list all the errors/messages at the top of a page,
and then check for them to display next to the html: input tag?

My jsp reads:

 %-- check for errors --%
html:messages id=message_id header=errors.header 
lic:out value=${message_id} //li

%-- If not errors present... --%

%-- check for messages (Globals.MESSAGE_KEY) --%
logic:messagesPresent message=true
html:messages id=message_id message=true 
header=errors.header footer=errors.footer
lic:out value=${message_id} //li

Thanx in advance.

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Re: [JSF] using a jsp:forward to get to backing bean method?

2005-08-22 Thread Craig McClanahan
On 8/22/05, Rick Reumann [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Craig McClanahan wrote the following on 8/22/2005 12:50 PM:
  It doesn't ... if you want to fire the standard request processing
  lifecycle, you need to actually submit the request.  Using
  jsp:forward page=/foo.faces/ will cause /foo.jsp to be rendered
  (assuming you are using the standard extension mappings), entering the
  JSF lifecycle at the Render Response phase.
  What problem are you trying to solve with jsp:forward that can't be
  solved a different way?
 What I'm trying to figure out is the best way to handle setting up an
 initial page when someone goes to the welcome page defined in web.xml
 (ie index.jsp). What's the best way to handle this? On page 20 of Core
 JSF they give the example of doing something like jsp:forward
 page=/index.faces/ but I don't see how this would ever trigger a
 method in my backing bean?

It won't.  Only a form submit will trigger those method calls.

 For example, in this sample CRUD app I was wanting to load a list of
 employees right away that would show up on employees.jsp  I'm keeping
 this simple and will make this call to getEmployees in my
 EmployeeBacking bean, but I'm unclear about the best using JSF to fire
 this method and forward to the appropriate page when the user simply
 goes to foobarApp/index.jsp ?

Grab Shale.  Make your backing bean implement ViewController.  Stick
the list setup logic in the prerender() method.  Smile, knowing that
this technique works not only for the welcome page, but for *any* page
to which you navigate (in Struts Classic terms, this is the kind of
thing that you use a Controller for in Tiles).  :-)

If you wanted to do it the hard way, you could set things up to
register a phase listener, and call your list setup logic in a before
render response event handler ... but that's the part Shale takes
care of for you.

 Thanks for the help


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(ultra-newbie) Cannot forward to a JSP within WEB-INF

2005-08-22 Thread Glen Mazza


I'm trying unsuccessfully, within an action-mapping, to forward to a 
UserQuery.JSP kept within the WEB-INF/pages folder of the web 
application.  (I'm intentionally placing it there to prevent direct 
access of this jsp from the browser.)

I'm getting a Tomcat 5.0.28 error as follows:

The requested resource (/myapp/WEB-INF/pages/UserQuery.jsp) is not 

(I've confirmed that the file is there.)  My action mapping is as follows:

forward name=Failure path=/WEB-INF/pages/LoginForm.jsp 
forward name=Success path=/WEB-INF/pages/UserQuery.jsp 


I'm sure I'm making an obvious mistake here.  Any enlightenment would be 
much appreciated.


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Re: (ultra-newbie) Cannot forward to a JSP within WEB-INF

2005-08-22 Thread Craig McClanahan
On 8/22/05, Glen Mazza [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  forward name=Failure path=/WEB-INF/pages/LoginForm.jsp
  forward name=Success path=/WEB-INF/pages/UserQuery.jsp

You are using redirects here, which causes the browser to make a
second request to the new URL.  It's not legal to make a request
directly to a JSP page (or any other resource) inside the /WEB-INF
directory; you have to use forwards instead.


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Re: [Friday] [somewhat-ajax-related] XMLHttpRequest scoping problems

2005-08-22 Thread David Durham

Jeff Beal wrote:

  req.onreadystatechange = function() { processResponse(req); }

yeah, I think this is what I was looking for.  Thanks.

- Dave

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Re: [JSF] using a jsp:forward to get to backing bean method?

2005-08-22 Thread David Haynes

Craig McClanahan wrote:

On 8/22/05, Rick Reumann [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Craig McClanahan wrote the following on 8/22/2005 12:50 PM:


It doesn't ... if you want to fire the standard request processing
lifecycle, you need to actually submit the request.  Using
jsp:forward page=/foo.faces/ will cause /foo.jsp to be rendered
(assuming you are using the standard extension mappings), entering the
JSF lifecycle at the Render Response phase.

What problem are you trying to solve with jsp:forward that can't be
solved a different way?

What I'm trying to figure out is the best way to handle setting up an
initial page when someone goes to the welcome page defined in web.xml
(ie index.jsp). What's the best way to handle this? On page 20 of Core
JSF they give the example of doing something like jsp:forward
page=/index.faces/ but I don't see how this would ever trigger a
method in my backing bean?


It won't.  Only a form submit will trigger those method calls.

Sorry to hi-jack this thread a bit, but I am confused. Can't the getter 
methods be enhanced to call the data population methods to do what Rick 
wants? By that I mean something like getList()  containing a List which 
is populated by a call to, say, populateList(). Sort of:

public List getList() {
   List list = populateList();
   return list;

The getList would be invoked during the jsp:useBean wouldn't it?

I'm probably missing something obvious here, but this seems so much simpler.


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Re: [JSF] using a jsp:forward to get to backing bean method?

2005-08-22 Thread Rick Reumann

Craig McClanahan wrote the following on 8/22/2005 3:38 PM:

Grab Shale.  Make your backing bean implement ViewController.  Stick
the list setup logic in the prerender() method.  Smile, knowing that
this technique works not only for the welcome page, but for *any* page
to which you navigate (in Struts Classic terms, this is the kind of
thing that you use a Controller for in Tiles).  :-)

If you wanted to do it the hard way, you could set things up to
register a phase listener, and call your list setup logic in a before
render response event handler ... but that's the part Shale takes
care of for you.

Ok, I'll try this with Shale, although I'm really surprised the 
framework (JSF) doesn't take care of this for you by default? In struts 
it's so simple, I simply forward to an Action that populates my 
employees. I'm still trying to get a handle on all of this and it seems 
like things are done so many different ways that's it's quite confusing. 
Complicating matters of course is every example I'm finding seems to 
deal with more advanced features that I don't care about at this time - 
I don't want the bells and whistles yet, just the meat:).

Making matter worse is that I do want to use Tiles. Bascially what I 
want is something very simple

User goes to

/webapp/index.jsp (or just /webapp - welcome file will be index.jsp)

This ends up bringing the user to a page...

/webapp/employees.jsp that looks like

  header (a tile)
menu  |
(tile)|  { display a list of employees }
  |  (body tile)

What is the standard way of accomplishing this in JSF? I'm looking at 
Geary's example in Core JSF with Tiles but that doesn't seem to help 
much in this case and I've been looking over the MyFaces tiles example. 
The former deals with Tiles in a more advanced example (nothing in the 
faces config) and the later deals with tiles where no business logic in 
any classes needs to take place.

I guess I'll try all this first without using tiles.


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Re: [JSF] using a jsp:forward to get to backing bean method?

2005-08-22 Thread Rick Reumann

David Haynes wrote the following on 8/22/2005 3:57 PM:

public List getList() {
   List list = populateList();
   return list;

The getList would be invoked during the jsp:useBean wouldn't it?

I'm probably missing something obvious here, but this seems so much 

I would think that I should be able to do this easily without having to 
use jsp:useBean? Heck, it seems like I'm taking two steps backwards 
now:) Funny how with Struts the goal was to move 'away' from making any 
calls to your business objects from the view.  JSF seems to encourage 
this? Trust me, I don't mind this - as long as it's clean and easy to 
maintain. Sort of funny, though, that if someone proposed this on the 
Struts list (having a JSP make a useBean call in order to get a List in 
scope) people would have a cow.


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Re: [JSF] using a jsp:forward to get to backing bean method?

2005-08-22 Thread David Haynes

Rick Reumann wrote:

David Haynes wrote the following on 8/22/2005 3:57 PM:

public List getList() {
   List list = populateList();
   return list;

The getList would be invoked during the jsp:useBean wouldn't it?

I'm probably missing something obvious here, but this seems so much 

I would think that I should be able to do this easily without having 
to use jsp:useBean? Heck, it seems like I'm taking two steps backwards 
now:) Funny how with Struts the goal was to move 'away' from making 
any calls to your business objects from the view.  JSF seems to 
encourage this? Trust me, I don't mind this - as long as it's clean 
and easy to maintain. Sort of funny, though, that if someone proposed 
this on the Struts list (having a JSP make a useBean call in order to 
get a List in scope) people would have a cow.

Hey! Don;'t take what I say a gospel. I'm just fumbling my way through 
like most others...


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Re: [JSF] using a jsp:forward to get to backing bean method?

2005-08-22 Thread Rick Reumann

David Haynes wrote the following on 8/22/2005 4:19 PM:

I'm just fumbling my way through 
like most others...

I can relate. Trust me you don't want me as your 'JSF running back' 
right now in JSF Fantasy Football. I've been fumbling in all my 
pre-season attempts at carrying the ball:) I think I'm averaging -20 


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Re: [JSF] using a jsp:forward to get to backing bean method?

2005-08-22 Thread Craig McClanahan
On 8/22/05, David Haynes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Sorry to hi-jack this thread a bit, but I am confused. Can't the getter
 methods be enhanced to call the data population methods to do what Rick
 wants? By that I mean something like getList()  containing a List which
 is populated by a call to, say, populateList(). Sort of:
 public List getList() {
 List list = populateList();
 return list;
 The getList would be invoked during the jsp:useBean wouldn't it?
 I'm probably missing something obvious here, but this seems so much simpler.

This would work (although you'd probably want to do some sort of
in-request caching so you don't call populateList() more than once),
but I tend to shy away from making getter and setter methods for
properties have side effects like this.  It's much clearer (well, to
me anyway :-) when pulling data from the model is explictly called out
in its own methods.


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Re: [JSF] using a jsp:forward to get to backing bean method?

2005-08-22 Thread Rick Reumann

Wendy Smoak wrote the following on 8/22/2005 4:28 PM:

Consider that Struts added services on top of Servlets and JSP... and 
now Shale is adding services on top of JSF. 

True. I keep forgetting the separation. I keep thinking JSF is to 
servlets/JSP as Struts is to servlets/JSP but I remember another post 
explaining how that really isn't the case.


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Re: Action[/UpdateDeleteColecao] missing resource 'button.delete' in key method map

2005-08-22 Thread Wendy Smoak

a href=javascript:void(0); onclick=javascript:dispatchIt();
property=method bean:message key=button.add//a

Well, if it worked like the html:button, it would send the method with the
value from the bean. But it obviously doesn't. So, I put this js function 

be called onclick:

function dispatchIt()

And that's causing the error. So, if the property=method doesn't work, and
passing it literally doesn't work... that means I cannot use links to 

the form? Or am I doing it totally wrong?

You're on the right track... but I admit to just hardcoding the text value 
for the

button. :)

Change it to method=Add (or whatever the value is from and it should start working.  From there, 
you can figure out how to retrieve the value for the right locale.  Without 
actually trying it, I think possibly c:set and msg:format (JSTL) and 
then use an expression inside the script.

Wendy Smoak 

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Re: Validator's indexedListProperty

2005-08-22 Thread Josh Cronemeyer
On Mon, Aug 22, 2005 at 11:18:50AM -0500, Josh Cronemeyer wrote:
 I've been playing with the indexedListProperty to validate what a user has
 selected in my forms.  The problem I am having is that when an error message
 gets returned, It does not get associated with the form element
 (html:multibox property=test in my case).  I think the problem is that
 the message comes back with a key of test[x] where x is the index of the
 error.  If I just print out my error messages like this html:errors/ I can
 see the error message, but html:errors property=test/ doesn't show
 anything.  It seems like the html:errors tag should have an
 indexedListProperty parameter as well so I can display my error messages
 correctly.  What am i missing?
 josh cronemeyer
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I've looked all over in the struts user guide and googled for information on
this.  It appears that while the validator can handle validation of indexed
beans in forms, the struts JSP taglibs cannot handle the resulting indexed
messages.  Could this be a bug?  It sure looks that way.

josh cronemeyer 

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Re: Action[/UpdateDeleteColecao] missing resource 'button.delete' in key method map

2005-08-22 Thread Michael Jouravlev
Seems to me that you do not really understand what
LookupDispatchAction is for and how does it work. Do you have property
file that maps button caption to button.add property name? Well,
even if you do, you do not have to use LookupDispatchAction, because
you use a link.

Use standard DispathAction instead. Or use something else, like
SelectAction, which works uniformly with pushbuttons, links and

Struts Dialogs:

On 8/22/05, Letícia Álvares Barbalho [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Well, I should be embarrassed by now. Actually, you're 100% correct:
 something is sending literally 'button.delete' as the value of method param,
 instead of the value from the .properties file. And this something would be
 It happens that I am not using html:submit buttons to call the dispatch
 action. Instead of it, I'm trying to use links, like this:
 a href=javascript:void(0); onclick=javascript:dispatchIt();
 property=method bean:message key=button.add//a
 Well, if it worked like the html:button, it would send the method with the
 value from the bean. But it obviously doesn't. So, I put this js function to
 be called onclick:
 function dispatchIt()
 And that's causing the error. So, if the property=method doesn't work, and
 passing it literally doesn't work... that means I cannot use links to submit
 the form? Or am I doing it totally wrong?
 Sorry, thanks.

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question about Struts html tags and Javascript getElementById

2005-08-22 Thread Gordon Hu
I am having difficulties referencing struts html tags through Javacript.
I am trying to validate 10 file upload boxes to see if the user has at least 
uploaded 1 file and also to validate the extension of the file (.jpg).
  trhtml:file name=uploadFilesActionForm property=uploadedFiles[0] 
accept=image/jpg, image/jpeg/html:file/tr
trhtml:file name=uploadFilesActionForm property=uploadedFiles[1] 
accept=image/jpg, image/jpeg /html:file/tr
trhtml:file name=uploadFilesActionForm property=uploadedFiles[2] 
accept=image/jpg, image/jpeg /html:file/tr
trhtml:file name=uploadFilesActionForm property=uploadedFiles[3] 
accept=image/jpg, image/jpeg /html:file/tr
..and so on
 I am trying to set up a Javascript function like the following:
 But it does not work.
Any ideas?

Re: question about Struts html tags and Javascript getElementById

2005-08-22 Thread Dave Newton

Gordon Hu wrote:

 trhtml:file name=uploadFilesActionForm property=uploadedFiles[0] 
accept=image/jpg, image/jpeg/html:file/tr

I am trying to set up a Javascript function like the following:
Any ideas?

What does the generated file upload HTML look like if you view source?


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Re: question about Struts html tags and Javascript getElementById

2005-08-22 Thread Gordon Hu
trinput type=file name=uploadedFiles[0] accept=image/jpg, 
image/jpeg value=/tr
trinput type=file name=uploadedFiles[1] accept=image/jpg, 
image/jpeg value=/tr
trinput type=file name=uploadedFiles[2] accept=image/jpg, 
image/jpeg value=/tr
trinput type=file name=uploadedFiles[3] accept=image/jpg, 
image/jpeg value=/tr
trinput type=file name=uploadedFiles[4] accept=image/jpg, 
image/jpeg value=/tr
trinput type=file name=uploadedFiles[5] accept=image/jpg, 
image/jpeg value=/tr
trinput type=file name=uploadedFiles[6] accept=image/jpg, 
image/jpeg value=/tr
trinput type=file name=uploadedFiles[7] accept=image/jpg, 
image/jpeg value=/tr
trinput type=file name=uploadedFiles[8] accept=image/jpg, 
image/jpeg value=/tr

On 8/22/05, Dave Newton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
 Gordon Hu wrote:
  trhtml:file name=uploadFilesActionForm property=uploadedFiles[0]
 accept=image/jpg, image/jpeg/html:file/tr
  I am trying to set up a Javascript function like the following:
 Any ideas?
 What does the generated file upload HTML look like if you view source?
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Re: question about Struts html tags and Javascript getElementById

2005-08-22 Thread Dave Newton

Gordon Hu wrote:

trinput type=file name=uploadedFiles[0] accept=image/jpg, 
image/jpeg value=/tr

I was asking as a subtle hint that there is nothing with an id of 
uploadedFiles making your JavaScript not do what you want it to.

On 8/22/05, Dave Newton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 

Gordon Hu wrote:

trhtml:file name=uploadFilesActionForm property=uploadedFiles[0]
accept=image/jpg, image/jpeg/html:file/tr
I am trying to set up a Javascript function like the following:
Any ideas?

What does the generated file upload HTML look like if you view source?

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Re: question about Struts html tags and Javascript getElementById

2005-08-22 Thread Ross Gibb
According to the docs,, the html:file 
tag will render and id tag with the attribute styleId.  Also, when I use 
getElementById I just call it on the document.  So what I think you are 
trying to do is so:

trhtml:file name=uploadFilesActionForm property=uploadedFiles[0] 
styleId=uploadedFiles1 accept=image/jpg, image/jpeg/html:file/tr
trhtml:file name=uploadFilesActionForm property=uploadedFiles[1] 
styleId=uploadedFiles2 accept=image/jpg, image/jpeg/html:file/tr
trhtml:file name=uploadFilesActionForm property=uploadedFiles[2] 
styleId=uploadedFiles3 accept=image/jpg, image/jpeg/html:file/tr
trhtml:file name=uploadFilesActionForm property=uploadedFiles[3] 
styleId=uploadedFiles4 accept=image/jpg, image/jpeg/html:file/tr

In javascript you should be able to get a reference to those nodes by 
calling document.getElementById(uploadedFiles1), for example.

That being said, what I showed you is not the way I would do it. Also, 
your property attributes look funny to me. I would do this.

trhtml:file name=uploadFilesActionForm property=uploadedFiles 
accept=image/jpg, image/jpeg/html:file/tr
trhtml:file name=uploadFilesActionForm property=uploadedFiles 
accept=image/jpg, image/jpeg/html:file/tr
trhtml:file name=uploadFilesActionForm property=uploadedFiles 
accept=image/jpg, image/jpeg/html:file/tr
trhtml:file name=uploadFilesActionForm property=uploadedFiles 
accept=image/jpg, image/jpeg/html:file/tr

(I think you'll want td/td surrounding the html:files, I omitted 
them for space).

Even without the id attribute you can still easily get a reference to 
these nodes in javascript

You could call a javascript function when the form submits, i.e. 
html:submit onclick=return verify(this.form);/. In the javascript 
you could get the reference to the html:file nodes like so:

function verify(form){
   /* this will return an array of the html:file nodes with 
property=uploadedFiles */

   var fileInputs = form['uploadedFiles'];

Some of my syntax could be wrong, but the jist of it should be correct.


Gordon Hu wrote:

I am having difficulties referencing struts html tags through Javacript.
I am trying to validate 10 file upload boxes to see if the user has at least 
uploaded 1 file and also to validate the extension of the file (.jpg).
 trhtml:file name=uploadFilesActionForm property=uploadedFiles[0] 
accept=image/jpg, image/jpeg/html:file/tr
trhtml:file name=uploadFilesActionForm property=uploadedFiles[1] 
accept=image/jpg, image/jpeg /html:file/tr
trhtml:file name=uploadFilesActionForm property=uploadedFiles[2] 
accept=image/jpg, image/jpeg /html:file/tr
trhtml:file name=uploadFilesActionForm property=uploadedFiles[3] 
accept=image/jpg, image/jpeg /html:file/tr

..and so on
I am trying to set up a Javascript function like the following:
But it does not work.
Any ideas?


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Re: question about Struts html tags and Javascript getElementById

2005-08-22 Thread Sudhaker Raj
This works in IE, Hope this helps. Thanks.

form name=myForm onsubmit=return checkMe(this);

trinput type=file name=uploadedFiles[0] accept=image/jpg,
image/jpeg value=/tr
trinput type=file name=uploadedFiles[1] accept=image/jpg,
image/jpeg value=/tr
trinput type=file name=uploadedFiles[2] accept=image/jpg,
image/jpeg value=/tr
trinput type=file name=uploadedFiles[3] accept=image/jpg,
image/jpeg value=/tr
trinput type=file name=uploadedFiles[4] accept=image/jpg,
image/jpeg value=/tr
trinput type=file name=uploadedFiles[5] accept=image/jpg,
image/jpeg value=/tr
trinput type=file name=uploadedFiles[6] accept=image/jpg,
image/jpeg value=/tr
trinput type=file name=uploadedFiles[7] accept=image/jpg,
image/jpeg value=/tr
trinput type=file name=uploadedFiles[8] accept=image/jpg,
image/jpeg value=/tr

input type=submit/


var checkMe = function(thisForm) {
return false;

On 8/22/05, Dave Newton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Gordon Hu wrote:
 trinput type=file name=uploadedFiles[0] accept=image/jpg,
 image/jpeg value=/tr
 I was asking as a subtle hint that there is nothing with an id of
 uploadedFiles making your JavaScript not do what you want it to.
 On 8/22/05, Dave Newton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Gordon Hu wrote:
 trhtml:file name=uploadFilesActionForm property=uploadedFiles[0]
 accept=image/jpg, image/jpeg/html:file/tr
 I am trying to set up a Javascript function like the following:
 Any ideas?
 What does the generated file upload HTML look like if you view source?
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Struts 1.2 - Using Tile Definitions as ActionForwards

2005-08-22 Thread lchalupa
I'm trying to use a feature of Tiles.

I'm using struts 1.2. I'm using Tiles Definitions maintained in a 
configuration file. 
I want to use the definition names in the strutsconfig file instead of a jsp 
I'm able to get this feature to work if I use an action to specify an 
actionforward with a parameter containing the tile definition name. This 
works fine.
I also want to specify tile definitions in Global Forwards. Is this suppose 
to work? Some of the Struts books lead me to believe it should. When I try 
it, I get an error saying it cannot find the page.

My first step is to find out if this feature is available for use.



Lee Chalupa

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Re: Struts 1.2 - Using Tile Definitions as ActionForwards

2005-08-22 Thread Robert Taylor

I'm using Struts 1.2.7 running in Tomcat5.x and it works for me.

action path=/myAction forward=main.tile /


lchalupa wrote:

I'm trying to use a feature of Tiles.

I'm using struts 1.2. I'm using Tiles Definitions maintained in a 
configuration file. 
I want to use the definition names in the strutsconfig file instead of a jsp 
I'm able to get this feature to work if I use an action to specify an 
actionforward with a parameter containing the tile definition name. This 
works fine.
I also want to specify tile definitions in Global Forwards. Is this suppose 
to work? Some of the Struts books lead me to believe it should. When I try 
it, I get an error saying it cannot find the page.

My first step is to find out if this feature is available for use.



Lee Chalupa

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RE: Displaying errors for all except one key

2005-08-22 Thread Chris Loschen
Hi again, everybody!

I promised I'd report back with results. I think the tag is working
quite well so far, and it turned out to be pretty simple to extend the
html:messages custom tag. I got the source code and overrode the
doStartTag() method. I left all the original source in place but added

//Were any properties to be excluded?
Configuration config = Configuration.getConfiguration();
String excludedProperties =
ArrayList excludedList = new ArrayList();
String[] excludedArray =
for(int i=0;iexcludedArray.length;i++){

The Configuration class reads a properties file and returns key-value
pairs. I wanted to set it up so that I could exclude more than one
property if I should need to, so I set up the comma-delimited list

Then a little further down I added this:

//exclude any properties not to be shown
if(excludedList!=null  excludedList.size()0){
ActionMessages tempMessages=new ActionMessages();
Iterator tempIt = messages.get();

That was it. The JSP code is actually simpler than it was before:

%-- Display Error Messages if the showErrors parameter is true --%
logic:equal name=showErrors value=true
logic:messagesPresent message=false
div class=errorMsgul
tbmtags:messages id=message message=false 
libean:write name=message//li


So I'm just displaying everything but I'm using my custom tag instead of
the default one from html:messages, and that custom tag does the
exclusions I need.

I do have a problem I should solve: in the case where the only error in
errors is one I need to exclude, it does get excluded but I also get the
empty div which displays a big red box on my page. Fortunately, that
happens very rarely. I guess I could extend messagesPresent as well to
take care of that.

Thanks again for the help. I really appreciate it.

Chris Loschen

-Original Message-
From: Chris Loschen 
Sent: Tuesday, August 16, 2005 9:52 PM
To: 'Struts Users Mailing List'
Subject: RE: Displaying errors for all except one key

Yes, I wouldn't be able to get away with the empty div tag -- it would
create a great big red box on my page which wouldn't be acceptable.

I'm working on extending html:messages, and it's working quite well (and
surprisingly easily) so far. I'll do some more testing tomorrow and if
all goes well, I'll post what I've done.

Again, thank you very much for your help.


-Original Message-
From: Kishore Senji [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, August 16, 2005 1:08 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: Displaying errors for all except one key

On 8/16/05, Chris Loschen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Thank you very much for the idea. I'm starting to wrestle with it.
 My first instinct is that I'm going to need to extend html:messages 
 because the JSP solution below wouldn't work (I think!) with the HTML 
 structure -- in other words, I'm going to end up with a new divul 
 for every new error instead of the single div and ul for the whole set

 that I need. But I couldn't rearrange it either because then if I have

 only the error I want to exclude, I still get the (now empty)
 Does that sound right?

If you have the something like this in your jsp, even if you have only
one error that you would want to exculde you will be left with only a

div class=errorMsg
  logic:iterate id=property name=errors
 logic:notEqual name=property
value=%=RIGHT_PANE_THRESHOLD_PROPERTY% type=java.lang.String
 html:messages id=message message=false
   libean:write name=message//li

If you don't like to display the empty div when there are no errors, you
would have to do some processing of the properties to see if you have
atleast one other property other than the one that you want to exclude
then only show the div and the errors. But anyway, is showing an empty
div that big of an issue?

 I'm tracking down the appropriate source code so that I can look at 
 the messages tag. I'm thinking that what I need to do is simply 

Re: Struts 1.2 - Using Tile Definitions as ActionForwards

2005-08-22 Thread Robert Taylor

Ooops. Responded without comprehending the entire message.
I haven't tried it with global forwards.



Robert Taylor wrote:

I'm using Struts 1.2.7 running in Tomcat5.x and it works for me.

action path=/myAction forward=main.tile /


lchalupa wrote:

I'm trying to use a feature of Tiles.

I'm using struts 1.2. I'm using Tiles Definitions maintained in a 
configuration file. I want to use the definition names in the 
strutsconfig file instead of a jsp path. I'm able to get this feature 
to work if I use an action to specify an actionforward with a 
parameter containing the tile definition name. This works fine.
I also want to specify tile definitions in Global Forwards. Is this 
suppose to work? Some of the Struts books lead me to believe it 
should. When I try it, I get an error saying it cannot find the page.

My first step is to find out if this feature is available for use.



Lee Chalupa

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Re: Struts 1.2 - Using Tile Definitions as ActionForwards

2005-08-22 Thread lchalupa
Thanks for the reply.  

Is the syntax you forwarded in the globalforwards
section of the config file? It looks like you are declaring an action. That 
works for me too.

I'm looking to do the same type of thing but in the globalforwards section.


On Mon, 22 Aug 2005 18:32:07 -0400, Robert Taylor wrote
 I'm using Struts 1.2.7 running in Tomcat5.x and it works for me.
 action path=/myAction forward=main.tile /
 lchalupa wrote:
  I'm trying to use a feature of Tiles.
  I'm using struts 1.2. I'm using Tiles Definitions maintained in a 
  configuration file. 
  I want to use the definition names in the strutsconfig file instead of a 
  I'm able to get this feature to work if I use an action to specify an 
  actionforward with a parameter containing the tile definition name. This 
  works fine.
  I also want to specify tile definitions in Global Forwards. Is this 
  to work? Some of the Struts books lead me to believe it should. When I 
  it, I get an error saying it cannot find the page.
  My first step is to find out if this feature is available for use.
  Lee Chalupa
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Lee Chalupa

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Re: How to Debug easier

2005-08-22 Thread Martin Gainty

I would urge you to strongly consider Oracle JDeveloper
with the caveat that *any* debugger is/are severely resource hungry for both 
diskspace and memory
If you want to run your app lite on it feet ..logging is still the best way 
to go

- Original Message - 
From: Larry Meadors [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To: Struts Users Mailing List
Sent: Monday, August 22, 2005 10:57 AM
Subject: Re: How to Debug easier

Why not just use a debugger?

There are several very good free debuggers available - netbeans,
eclipse, jedit, ...

Simple to set up, and a bit less predictive to use. (By that, I mean
instead of trying to log what you think the problem might be, you can
examine it as it is running to SEE what the problem really is.)


On 8/21/05, C.F. Scheidecker Antunes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hello all,

If I have a System.out.Println() statement on my Struts code where would
that be written to?

I would like to write stuff to either the console or the Tomcat log text
file. How can I achieve that?

System.out.println() does not seem to be doing anything.

I want to know what it is going on at run time to make it easier to
debug stuff.

Any suggestions?



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Re: How to Debug easier

2005-08-22 Thread Frank W. Zammetti
Wendy turned me on to JSwat... as someone who historically hasn't found 
much use for a debugger, I have to say it has been a joy to use.  And it 
is a fairly light app, certainly far lighter than a full IDE would be. 
If you develop under Tomcat, it attaches very easily too.  If anyone 
feels the need to use a debugger, I very much recommend JSwat.


Martin Gainty wrote:

I would urge you to strongly consider Oracle JDeveloper
with the caveat that *any* debugger is/are severely resource hungry for 
both diskspace and memory
If you want to run your app lite on it feet ..logging is still the best 
way to go

- Original Message - From: Larry Meadors 

To: Struts Users Mailing List
Sent: Monday, August 22, 2005 10:57 AM
Subject: Re: How to Debug easier

Why not just use a debugger?

There are several very good free debuggers available - netbeans,
eclipse, jedit, ...

Simple to set up, and a bit less predictive to use. (By that, I mean
instead of trying to log what you think the problem might be, you can
examine it as it is running to SEE what the problem really is.)


On 8/21/05, C.F. Scheidecker Antunes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hello all,

If I have a System.out.Println() statement on my Struts code where would
that be written to?

I would like to write stuff to either the console or the Tomcat log text
file. How can I achieve that?

System.out.println() does not seem to be doing anything.

I want to know what it is going on at run time to make it easier to
debug stuff.

Any suggestions?



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Frank W. Zammetti
Founder and Chief Software Architect
Omnytex Technologies

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Set the file name in html:file

2005-08-22 Thread Anuradha S.Athreya

In the JSP, I need to set the default file name in the JSP. 
I'm using  html:file taglib.
I'm retrieving the file name (to be set) from a bean. What is the syntax for

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'required' is undefined when using struts javascript validation

2005-08-22 Thread Tian Chi

I'm a newbie at using strus and have been trying to get client-side validation 
to work using Struts, but I 'm receiving a javascript error while trying to use 
'required ' validation rule. The error in IE and FireFox both say: 

Error: 'required ' is undefined 

When I look at the generated javascript, it seems the object 'required' is not 
defined in the following generated function. Can anyone give me some guidance 
how to resolve this? I'd really appreciate it.  Hope to hear from you soon.
function validateRequired(form) { 
var isValid = true; 
var focusField = null; 
var i = 0; 
var fields = new Array(); 
oRequired = new required(); 
for (x in oRequired) { 
var field = form[oRequired[x][0]]; 
... blah  blah  

Thanks in advance, 

 Start your day with Yahoo! - make it your home page 

Re: Set the file name in html:file

2005-08-22 Thread Jason Lea

Browsers don't allow you to set a file name, as it could be a security risk

eg set file name to be c:\windows\someimportantfile.txt then get the 
form to auto submit and send the file to the server

Anuradha S.Athreya wrote:


In the JSP, I need to set the default file name in the JSP. 
I'm using  html:file taglib.

I'm retrieving the file name (to be set) from a bean. What is the syntax for

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Jason Lea

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