Re: SA not picking up rules from /var/lib/spamassassin/

2010-01-13 Thread Shaun T. Erickson
On Wed, Jan 13, 2010 at 10:11 AM, Geoff Soper
> OK, I'm slightly confused as to what the advice is here. Is there consensus
> on SAREs? Should I still use them (via the channel list described at
> ) or is it better not to
> use them? I get the impression that there is consensus on the OpenProtect
> channel being a bad thing.

I have been using the list here, with good results. Of the two groups
of rules he lists, I regularly update the first group and only updated
the second group once (just to get them - they aren't updated any
more, so no point in pulling them regularly):

Re: SA not picking up rules from /var/lib/spamassassin/

2010-01-13 Thread Shaun T. Erickson
On Wed, Jan 13, 2010 at 8:53 AM, Geoff Soper
> I've now added the
> channel which contains recommended SAREs rules and all is working!

I thought I read that no one should be using openprotect as it's
hoplessly out of date. ??

Re: Should I use greylisting

2007-01-25 Thread Shaun T. Erickson

> Personally, I didn't like the added delay for first-time mails, which is
> why I chose to greylist only on blocklists, but for a minimal effort my
> spam was significantly reduced.

what are you using to greylist based on blocklists?

I use maRBL. The latest version lets me greylist (I use sqlgrey, but
there are others) anyone who is found on whatever RBLs I configure it
to check, and any connection that comes from a Windows box (the vast
majority of which are botnet zombies). It has had an immense impact on
the amount of spam that gets through to be looked at by SA & clamav.
I've been very happy with it.

Lint messages from sa-update

2007-01-09 Thread Shaun T. Erickson

Both of my systems reported:

Subroutine __CTYPE_HTML_head_test redefined at
/tmp/.spamassassin25471WRu8v8tmp/, rule __CTYPE_HTML,
line 6.
Subroutine __FROM_EBAY_head_test redefined at
/tmp/.spamassassin25471WRu8v8tmp/, rule __FROM_EBAY,
line 6.
Subroutine __HAS_RCVD_head_test redefined at
/tmp/.spamassassin25471WRu8v8tmp/, rule __HAS_RCVD,
line 6.
Subroutine __THEBAT_MUA_head_test redefined at
/tmp/.spamassassin25471WRu8v8tmp/, rule __THEBAT_MUA,
line 6.
Subroutine SUBJECT_DIET_head_test redefined at
/tmp/.spamassassin25471WRu8v8tmp/, rule SUBJECT_DIET,
line 6.
Subroutine __AOL_FROM_head_test redefined at
/tmp/.spamassassin25471WRu8v8tmp/, rule __AOL_FROM, line
Subroutine FROM_BLANK_NAME_head_test redefined at
/tmp/.spamassassin25471WRu8v8tmp/, rule
Subroutine __CT_TEXT_PLAIN_head_test redefined at
/tmp/.spamassassin25471WRu8v8tmp/, rule
__CT_TEXT_PLAIN, line 6.
Subroutine __MIME_VERSION_head_test redefined at
/tmp/.spamassassin25471WRu8v8tmp/, rule
__MIME_VERSION, line 6.
Subroutine __RATWARE_0_TZ_DATE_head_test redefined at
/tmp/.spamassassin25471WRu8v8tmp/, rule
__RATWARE_0_TZ_DATE, line 6.
Subroutine __TOCC_EXISTS_head_test redefined at
/tmp/.spamassassin25471WRu8v8tmp/, rule __TOCC_EXISTS,
line 6.
Subroutine __NONEMPTY_BODY_body_test redefined at
/tmp/.spamassassin25471WRu8v8tmp/, rule
__NONEMPTY_BODY, line 10.

These weren't fatal, the rules were loaded and amavisd restarted, but
I'm not used to getting output from my script. Is something wrong
here, or are these redefinitions harmless?

Re: No hits on SARE rules.

2007-01-01 Thread Shaun T. Erickson

On 1/1/07, Shaun T. Erickson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Ok, this is interesting. :)

The follow-up to this is that I just got spam that was hit by the SARE
rules, so it's working now. Additionally, Razor2 & DCC are now
working, as well. So the only mystery is why everything installed
where it did. I'm guessing that since it's a standalone build of perl,
that it compiled it's prefix (/usr/local/perl-5.8.8) into every module
as I built and installed them via CPAN, using that version of perl ...
just a guess.

Btw, thanks for the help everyone. It was your combined knowledge that
helped me get it running.

Re: No hits on SARE rules.

2007-01-01 Thread Shaun T. Erickson

Ok, this is interesting. :)

I removed all SA installations, except for the one under /usr/local/perl-5.8.8.
I moved my sa-update-keys directory to
I modified my nightly script to use /usr/local/perl-5.8.8/bin/sa-update.
I ran my nightly script.

Now it has re-downloaded all of my sare rules and so forth to

When I run amavisd debug-sa, it now finds all the rules that were just
downloaded to the above location. I presume I can get rid of the now
useless and never used copies that are under /var/lib/spamassassin/...

I'm not used to seeing everything under the perl install though ...

Re: No hits on SARE rules.

2007-01-01 Thread Shaun T. Erickson

On 1/1/07, Gary V <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

When you run amavisd debug-sa does it say you are using?:
Module Mail::SpamAssassin  3.001007


Have you run 'sa-update'? I'm wondering if you have files in

Yes, I see stuff in there, and in the directories I see the normal SA
rules and the SARE rules.

If so, you should see something similar to:
dbg: config: read file /etc/spamassassin/init.pre

That's where it goes astray (?) and uses everything from

Re: No hits on SARE rules.

2007-01-01 Thread Shaun T. Erickson

Ok. I'm starting to understand this now. I've built perl 5.8.8 and
pointed my existing amavisd-new at it, by editing its first line. I
then added, via CPAN, any module it complained was missing, each time
I tried to run it, until it no longer complained of anything missing
(that was required, anyway - I seem to have a fair number of optional
modules that start like auto::something that I'm missing and not sure
how to get).

amavisd is definitely looking at perl 5.8.8 as is evident from it's
out put. In fact it's using
/usr/local/perl-5.8.8/etc/mail/spamassassin/ as it's config
file and the *.pre files it's using are in the same directory and the
rules it's loading are in /usr/local/perl-5.8.8/share/spamassassin. It
doesn't appear to be reading any other

I'll work on removing any other versions of SA on the system, except
the one under perl 5.8.8. What else can I do to get this to work? I
think I'm making progress at least. :)

Re: No hits on SARE rules.

2007-01-01 Thread Shaun T. Erickson

On 1/1/07, Gary V <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

You must be running SA 3.1.4 or older and amavisd-new 2.4.2 or older.

Nope. SA 3.1.7 & amavisd-new 2.4.4.

I see in amavisd, the line you suggested I add is actually there, but
commented out, as a comment there indicates that SA should be able to
handle this on it's own.

This is a RH9 system (my client won't let me upgrade). I had
previously built perl 5.8.7 and installed it in /usr/local/perl-5.8.7
and changed the first line of amavisd to point to it instead of the
system perl. Is changing that one line sufficient to insure that that
version of perl is the only one that amavis will use for everything
perl (including SA)?

Since I have some indication that there might be a problem with that
version of perl, I'm now building 5.8.8 and will point amavis at that.
Anything else I should do? Of course, I'll install all needed module
into this new version, via CPAN.

Re: No hits on SARE rules.

2007-01-01 Thread Shaun T. Erickson

On 1/1/07, Shaun T. Erickson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

What am I doing wrong?

I just ran amavisd with the debug-sa option, and as near as I can
tell, it appears to only be using the original ruleset - and doesn't
even seem to know that I am pulling new rules down with sa-update.

I must have missed some important configuration step somewhere ...

No hits on SARE rules.

2007-01-01 Thread Shaun T. Erickson

I have two identically (or so I thought) configured mail servers, each
pulling down SARE rules (successfully, I might add). One of them shows
hits on SARE rules all the time - the other one, never. Aside from
simply configuring sa-update to pull the rules down, I'm wondering if
there is something I've forgotten to do, on the one server, to
actually put them into effect - aside from restarting SA, which has
been done numerous times. SA is called by amavisd-new, in both cases,
which is restarted any time the rules are updated.

What am I doing wrong?

Re: SA-UPDATE and recent branches/3.1 rules? or Did I miss an SA version update?

2007-01-01 Thread Shaun T. Erickson

Regardless of the reason, is my SA now broken, and in any case, how do
I recover from this?

spam from "kntr" top level domain

2006-12-16 Thread Shaun T. Erickson

I'm seeing hundreds of connection attempts from systems claiming to be
in the kntr top level domain, on a client's mailserver. I haven't seen
these on my own server. Is this new, or are they just finally getting
around to a server I admin, so I'm now noticing it? Anyone else seeing

Re: rules_du_jour question

2006-10-29 Thread Shaun T. Erickson

On 10/29/06, Leander Koornneef <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

In my experience, using the default sa-update channel, the openprotect
channel, auto-whitelisting, proper bayes training(!), pyzor, razor,
dcc, SPF
and DNS blacklists wil get you a spam detection rate >99%.

I'm doing all that, now, I think. The auto-whitelisting seems to be
happening on it's own (it does say 'auto' after all, lol), as I see
the auto-whitelist file in amavis' .spamassassin directory growing.
Likewise, I see the bayes_* files growing, as well. At some point,
when it has seen enough stuff, it will just kick in on it's own, yes?
I have a feeling that that will not be for quite some time though, as
virtually all the spam never makes it onto my system, thanks to the
postfix rules I have in place. Amavis/Clamav/Spamassassin have an easy
job here. ;) I will have to train it on spam that it misses though. I
think I saw a way to have the amavis account pull down and train on
the contents of my 'missed_spam' imap folder, via fetchmail ...

Also, I generally use X-Spam-Level = 3 as the cutoff value in my
email client
to filter spam out of my Inbox. I rarely have any false positives.

I currently have mine set at 5, but I might go lower after I see how
it works for a while.

Re: rules_du_jour question

2006-10-29 Thread Shaun T. Erickson

On 10/29/06, Leander Koornneef <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

If you are using spamassassin 3.1, you can use sa-update to get the SARE
rulesets from the channel provided by
This negates the necessity to run rulesdujour alongside sa-update. This
channel consists only of "safe" rules.

Ok. I've set that up and run it and now I have the standard set or
rules and the safe sare rules under "/var/lib/spamassassin/3.001007".

Two questions:

Do many people use the non-sare rulesets that I see are available via
ZMI_GERMAN)? Are those something I'd still likely want to get via

rules_du_jour restarts amavisd-new after it runs, but sa-update
doesn't. Do most people run it out of cron and simply append an
(without the quotes, of course) " && /etc/init.d/amavis reload" to the
command line? Or is there another, more preferred method?

Sorry for sounding clueless. I've never tried using rulsets other than
what came with SA before. :)

rules_du_jour question

2006-10-28 Thread Shaun T. Erickson

I've just downloaded this and set it up. I see there are MANY rulesets
I can choose from, but I have no idea if they are all 'safe' (not even
sure what I mean by that). Is there a subset of all these rulesets,
that "everybody" uses, or does everyone use all of them? How do you
decide which to use and which not to use?

Re: Confused about getting plugins to work.

2006-10-28 Thread Shaun T. Erickson

On 10/28/06, Shaun T. Erickson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

The current problem is that Pyzor times out trying to contact it's
remote server:

Because this server ( - which I got from multiple
tries at running 'pyzor discover' - isn't responding. This one
( - which I got after googling the problem a bit -
responds instantly, so pyzor is working now.

Now on to see if I can get dcc working. :)

Re: Confused about getting plugins to work.

2006-10-28 Thread Shaun T. Erickson

On 10/28/06, Clifton Royston <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

  Did you run the "discover" mode on Razor yet?  You need to manually
run that (as the user and with the home directory Razor will be running
as, in your case amavis) for it to latch onto some servers to use.

Yes, and Razor2 is working fine now.

The current problem is that Pyzor times out trying to contact it's
remote server:

-sh-3.00$ pyzor -d check < /tmp/,S
calculated digest: 925c4bff8e17dd59686ea225f2d2a962e0d8f972
sending: 'User: anonymous\nTime: 1162081338\nSig:
ce252b1b6d494ce8e66bc268402a36ad444cc7a0\n\nOp: check\nOp-Digest:
925c4bff8e17dd59686ea225f2d2a962e0d8f972\nThread: 17857\nPV: 2.0\n\n'  TimeoutError:

Seems to happen each time.

Re: Confused about getting plugins to work.

2006-10-28 Thread Shaun T. Erickson

On 10/28/06, Theo Van Dinter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

If you want to see Razor debug output, run a
message through in the way I mentioned before, ala:

spamassassin -D razor2 < message_file > /dev/null

will show you only razor2 debug output (most of which will look like output
from "razor-check -d", btw).

Ok. After moving the .razor home directory to amavis' home directory,
where amavis kept trying to recreate it, chowning/chgrping to amavis,
it seems to be running just fine, except that I'm not seeing any
indication of it in the headers. I think this is because amavis won't
mention it unless it gets a hit, which razor hasn't done ... yet.

Re: Confused about getting plugins to work.

2006-10-28 Thread Shaun T. Erickson

On 10/28/06, Theo Van Dinter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Sat, Oct 28, 2006 at 03:12:16PM -0400, Shaun T. Erickson wrote:
> Yes, I've gone to the SA site, and read what I can find on these three
> plugins, but it's still not clear to me how to enable them and see
> that they are actually being used.

The short version is to uncomment the loadplugin lines in the *.pre files,
and then do "spamassassin --lint -D" and see that the plugins are loaded.

I was discovering that on my own ... glad to see I was on the right
track, and that I'm not totally clueless after all. :)

Ok, concentrating on razor for now ... I removed "use_razor 1" from, since you said it isn't needed. I just have the module
loaded in init.pre. When I run the lint command, I see that it says:

[22571] dbg: razor2: local tests only, skipping Razor

I tried setting "local_tests_only 0" in, but lint says it
can't parse that, so I removed it. I haven't yet found where to enable
this, and I'm not sure why I have to, as documentation I've read says
it's on be default.


Confused about getting plugins to work.

2006-10-28 Thread Shaun T. Erickson

I am setting up a new server to replace an old one. The old server ran
a version of spamassassin prior to it's use of plugins.

I've got my new server up and running (CentOS 4.4) nicely, with
amavisd-new (v2.4.3) calling spamassassin (v3.1.7), and SA's default
settings are tagging most spam as such.  I want to add pyzor, razor
and dcc to the mix.

Yes, I've gone to the SA site, and read what I can find on these three
plugins, but it's still not clear to me how to enable them and see
that they are actually being used.

Let's start with razor. In /etc/mail/spamassassin/init.pre, I added:

loadplugin Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::Razor2

In /etc/mail/spamassassin/, I added:

use_razor2 1

I made razor a home directory of "/etc/mail/spamassassin/.razor". I
had the perl-Razor-Agent-2.40-1.2.el4.rf rpm installed, but that
didn't seem to provide the razor-admin command, so I installed the
razor-agents-2.40-1.2.el4.rf rpm, which did. I then ran:

razor-admin -home=/etc/mail/spamassassin/.razor -register
razor-admin -home=/etc/mail/spamassassin/.razor -create
razor-admin -home=/etc/mail/spamassassin/.razor -discover

I then restarted amavisd-new.

I see no indication that razor is actually being used, nor do I see
any errors in my maillog.

For pyzor, I loaded the plugin in init.pre and added "use_pyzor 1" in I created a home directory for it and added "pyzor_options
--homedir /etc/mail/spamassassin/.pyzor" to I then went to

pyzor --homedir /etc/mail/spamassassin/.pyzor discover

except that I don't seem to have the pyzor command on my system, nor
can I find an rpm that includes it, to install. So, I've commented out
the pyzor entries in and init.pre for now.

As for dcc, I enabled the plugin in init.pre and added "use_dcc 1" to but I saw no effect and have commented those entries out for

I'm rather confused at this point and it would seem that I don't know
what I'm doing. I don't remember these being at all difficult to set
up, in the pre-plugin days, but I doubt it's an SA problem. More
likely, I'm seriously lacking clue and I'm hoping someone here can

Thank you, in advance.

Re: Book has gone to press

2004-10-07 Thread Shaun T. Erickson
Martin Schröder wrote:
On 2004-10-07 10:37:32 -0400, Chris Santerre wrote:

"Release date November 1999"
Yes, it should be at the press by now. :-)
Best regards
PS: If it applies to SA3, the description should mention that.

Hmm. When I go to that link, it says the release date is October 2004. 
What are you looking at?


Re: Book has gone to press

2004-10-07 Thread Shaun T. Erickson
Chris Santerre wrote:

How does this book compare to the O'Reilly book, by Schwartz?