Re: [Vo]:ILENRS-12 at WM

2012-07-09 Thread noone noone
The cigarette box sized reactor core is the one used in the home ECAT that 
produces 10 kW at around 80C. This is my understanding from what Rossi has 

The new high temperature E-Cat reactor core is said to be even smaller, but has 
more shielding.

 From: Axil Axil
Sent: Sunday, July 8, 2012 11:29 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:ILENRS-12 at WM

Jed said:
He also got himself into enormous trouble several times.
He takes great risks, sometimes for no reason it seems to me. Such as when he
made the 1 MW reactor. I cannot understand him! He is the most baffling person
I have ever encountered.
Axil said:
So soon you forget. His first customer absolutely required
the 1 MW power factor.
As I posted in the past, a 1 MW thermal reactor is the
ideal reactor size for a drone with a 100 HP electric engine operating with a
thermal to electric conversion ratio of 15%. 
Now that the Rossi core operates at 600C, the
thermodynamic efficiency is up to 45%. And these playing card pack size 10 KW 
numbered at about 100 cores, this new drone LENR power supply can be packaged
in a volume that is less than that occupied by a current drone engine. 
This saves the volume now reserved for long duration sized
fuel storage tanks.
Such a LENR drone can take off from the us and get to the patrol
zone anywhere in the world in just a few days saving the hassle of field
support and fuel logistics, stay on station for a year and return back to its
base in the US for a quick refueling and be back on station in less than a
Cheers:   Axil

On Sun, Jul 8, 2012 at 9:39 PM, Jed Rothwell wrote:

Chemical Engineer wrote:
At this point I will agree with inventor.  I am anxiously waiting to see 
independent results of what has been invented and whether I will be impressed 
with his business and technical acumen.

In his previous ventures he showed a lot of business and technical acumen. Not 
much lately.

He also got himself into enormous trouble several times. He takes great risks, 
sometimes for no reason it seems to me. Such as when he made the 1 MW reactor. 
I cannot understand him! He is the most baffling person I have ever 

I do credit him with taking a world-changing concept and moving it forward in 
his own unique way...

Yup. I wish he would use more conventional methods.

The one thing I have learned is that you should not underestimate him. It is 
easy to make fun of him or dismiss some of his outlandish claims, such as the 
one about making monoisotopic Ni cheaply. His statements are often 
contradictory so they cannot all be true. It is all too easy to dismiss him as 
a nut or a con-man.

As with Steve Jobs you have to low-pass filter his input. Sometimes people 
such as Jobs say all kinds of crazy, deluded or manipulative things. Sift 
through this, filter out the garbage, and you may find great ideas worth 
billions of dollars. Say what you like about Jobs, he was one of the most 
brilliant businessmen in U.S. history. He had a wonderful feel for design. He 
was like Charles Freer; not a great artist himself but one who recognized and 
collected great art with an unfailing eye.

When dealing with people it is essential you learn to forgive their faults and 
embrace their contributions.

- Jed

Re: [Vo]:ILENRS-12 at WM

2012-07-09 Thread noone noone
Rossi stated on his blog that he has used radio frequency generators all along, 
but that in the past they were internal. In one of his early tests I heard 
there was a box that had tesla coil written on it.

 From: Axil Axil
Sent: Sunday, July 8, 2012 3:34 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:ILENRS-12 at WM

And yet Brillouin Energy‘s President and Chief Technical Officer Robert E. 
Godes has selflessly posted critical help on Rossi's web site that has enabled 
Rossi to develop his latest reaction approach; and Rossi was grateful for it. 
The same is true for the advice he got from NI and his first government based 
Since you know him so well, please explain this dichotomy in rossi's 
relationships with people; what makes a person a snake and a clown and what 
makes a person a valuable friend. 
Cheers:  Axil

On Sun, Jul 8, 2012 at 1:42 PM, Jed Rothwell wrote:

Axil Axil wrote:

The 1 MW plant is on the market. If you want data, you need money.

You need $1.5 million. That is an absurd sum of money, and the 1 MW reactor is 
an absurd machine. A single unit from it would suffice.

If I had $1.5 million I could probably try to replicate Rossi from scratch, 
the way Defkalion now claims they did. I might not get the same high 
performance Rossi has, but it would probably be high enough to attract enough 
real money to finish the job. Several groups are trying to do that, with mixed 

Whatever it costs to replicate independently, it would be better than trying 
to deal with Rossi directly. He is a great inventor in many ways, but as a 
businessman he is impossible to deal with. He is a control freak. The way he 
treated the people from NASA was outrageous. It was unspeakable! They talked 
about it at WM. Rossi might have gotten millions of dollars in funding 
practically overnight. Instead, he threw them out and he thew away the 
opportunity in a momentary fit of pique. Just because he could not bring 
himself to admit the outlet pipe was plugged up with crud. This is idiotic, 
self-defeating egomania. It is very sad.

Heck, the way he treated me was outrageous. He and Krivit deserve one another, 
like two scorpions in a bottle.

Rossi is personally nice. He is a lot more honest and forthright than you 
might think based on his blog postings. He blabs and blusters a lot, but his 
core claims are all correct as far as I know. Most have been been 
independently verified by his collaborators, who are a long-suffering group of 
stalwart people. They have done much for him and in return he has often given 
them a sharp kick in the . . . genitals. (I want to maintain the proper 
academic decorum.) 

Rossi deserves a huge amount of credit for pushing this field along, using 
techniques pioneered by himself, Arata and Piantelli. He deserves billions of 
dollars -- if that's what he wants. But his temper and periodic fits of pique 
make him impossible to do business with. (A fit of pique is an old 
expression meaning acting badly because your pride is hurt.)

Rossi is his own worst enemy. He suffers from the inventor's disease that 
has defeated so many others in cold fusion and in other fields throughout 
history. People try to help him but he blows them away, and mistrusts them, 
because he has had so many bad experiences in the post. Most of his bad 
experiences in the last few years have been entirely his own fault.

- Jed

Re: [Vo]:ILENRS-12 at WM

2012-07-09 Thread noone noone
Why doesn't the NASA folks post this report? It would be great for it to be 
posted so they could share their side, and Rossi could share his side.

 From: Jed Rothwell
Sent: Sunday, July 8, 2012 1:42 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:ILENRS-12 at WM

Axil Axil wrote:

The 1 MW plant is on the market. If you want data, you need money.

You need $1.5 million. That is an absurd sum of money, and the 1 MW reactor is 
an absurd machine. A single unit from it would suffice.

If I had $1.5 million I could probably try to replicate Rossi from scratch, the 
way Defkalion now claims they did. I might not get the same high performance 
Rossi has, but it would probably be high enough to attract enough real money to 
finish the job. Several groups are trying to do that, with mixed results.

Whatever it costs to replicate independently, it would be better than trying to 
deal with Rossi directly. He is a great inventor in many ways, but as a 
businessman he is impossible to deal with. He is a control freak. The way he 
treated the people from NASA was outrageous. It was unspeakable! They talked 
about it at WM. Rossi might have gotten millions of dollars in funding 
practically overnight. Instead, he threw them out and he thew away the 
opportunity in a momentary fit of pique. Just because he could not bring 
himself to admit the outlet pipe was plugged up with crud. This is idiotic, 
self-defeating egomania. It is very sad.

Heck, the way he treated me was outrageous. He and Krivit deserve one another, 
like two scorpions in a bottle.

Rossi is personally nice. He is a lot more honest and forthright than you might 
think based on his blog postings. He blabs and blusters a lot, but his core 
claims are all correct as far as I know. Most have been been independently 
verified by his collaborators, who are a long-suffering group of stalwart 
people. They have done much for him and in return he has often given them a 
sharp kick in the . . . genitals. (I want to maintain the proper academic 

Rossi deserves a huge amount of credit for pushing this field along, using 
techniques pioneered by himself, Arata and Piantelli. He deserves billions of 
dollars -- if that's what he wants. But his temper and periodic fits of pique 
make him impossible to do business with. (A fit of pique is an old expression 
meaning acting badly because your pride is hurt.)

Rossi is his own worst enemy. He suffers from the inventor's disease that has 
defeated so many others in cold fusion and in other fields throughout history. 
People try to help him but he blows them away, and mistrusts them, because he 
has had so many bad experiences in the post. Most of his bad experiences in the 
last few years have been entirely his own fault.

- Jed

Re: [Vo]:ILENRS-12 at WM

2012-07-09 Thread Jed Rothwell
Axil Axil wrote:

 So soon you forget. His first customer absolutely required the 1 MW power

I do not think so. I have heard Rossi is the one who wanted to make such a
large reactor. But who knows. Rumors swirl around Rossi and the facts
seldom come to light.

- Jed

Re: [Vo]:ILENRS-12 at WM

2012-07-09 Thread Jed Rothwell
Chemical Engineer wrote:

I guess those previous successes were pre-petroldragan and those thermo
 electric generators from Leonardo since I would not consider those wildly
 successful ventures.

No, those were failed ventures. He succeeded with bio-fuel powered Diesel

Most successful entrepreneurs such as Rossi or Jobs fail more often than
they succeed. Jobs went through a whole batch of bad ideas such as the Lisa
computer and the NeXT computer. Edison also spent years of his life and
much of his money on failed ventures such as magnetic ore separation.

- Jed

Re: [Vo]:ILENRS-12 at WM

2012-07-09 Thread Harry Veeder
On Mon, Jul 9, 2012 at 9:08 AM, Jed Rothwell wrote:
 Axil Axil wrote:

 So soon you forget. His first customer absolutely required the 1 MW power

 I do not think so. I have heard Rossi is the one who wanted to make such a
 large reactor. But who knows. Rumors swirl around Rossi and the facts seldom
 come to light.

 - Jed

Rossi's first customer was to be Defkalion.


Re: [Vo]:ILENRS-12 at WM

2012-07-09 Thread Abd ul-Rahman Lomax

At 10:29 PM 7/8/2012, Axil Axil wrote:
So soon you forget. His first customer absolutely required the 1 MW 
power factor.

According to?

As I posted in the past, a 1 MW thermal reactor is the ideal reactor 
size for a drone with a 100 HP electric engine operating with a 
thermal to electric conversion ratio of 15%.

Great. The 1 MW device we were shown was many individual smaller 
reactors. A shipping container is not going to be stuffed in a drone. 
If there really is such a customer, what they would want delivered 
would be a single reactor, or a small number of them, with a contract 
for the delivery of more. They would not want someone with Rossi's 
background and resources putting together the combination, wasting 
time and money on efforts not actually needed.

Now that the Rossi core operates at 600C, the thermodynamic 
efficiency is up to 45%.

According to?

 And these playing card pack size 10 KW cores, numbered at about 
100 cores, this new drone LENR power supply can be packaged in a 
volume that is less than that occupied by a current drone engine.

According to?

I'll answer here. According to Rossi, then with Axil Axil drawing 
conclusions from Rossi's reports.

This saves the volume now reserved for long duration sized fuel storage tanks.

And the original point has now been buried. The point is that the 
original 1 MW reactor is not what someone would want, who wanted to 
do what Axil imagines as the purpose.

Such a LENR drone can take off from the us and get to the patrol 
zone anywhere in the world in just a few days saving the hassle of 
field support and fuel logistics, stay on station for a year and 
return back to its base in the US for a quick refueling and be back 
on station in less than a week.

Summary: if anyone can build a LENR reactor with performance 
characteristics like those claimed, countless applications become possible.

This is belaboring the obvious, avoiding the obvious.

It all depends on Rossi.

Okay, there is a little more, there are now apparently independent 
business people working on the problem. But we don't know what they 
have actually found, and they are also secretive. That's not a 
complaint. They have the right to be secretive.

But secrecy has a consequence that cannot be avoided. We can't trust 
rumors and claims when the truth is a secret.

Indeed, secrecy on cold fusion, in 1989, on the part of Pons and 
Fleischmann, was a critical factor that allowed the general physics 
community to -- improperly -- reject cold fusion. That secrecy may 
have been justifiable for commercial reasons, but ... it also allowed 
an atmosphere of suspicion and mistrust to flourish, and the result 
was that cold fusion did not get the continued massive research 
funding that might have been necessary to break through ignorance of 
the mechanism, and which is still needed, probably, even though 
secrecy is not much of an issue any more (for the Pons-Fleischmann 
Heat Effect).

And replication remained difficult for years, for similar reasons, 
and thus the intellectual property being protected became 
worthless. Even though the FPHE is definitely real, and that's 
practically a certainty. Real, but impractical, so far.

Unless Rossi's claims are real, which looks very shaky. (And that's 
not the FPHE, it is obviously a different process, possibly LENR, and 
some LENR theories do claim a mechanism that might work with NiH. 
Storms is predicting that the ash with NiH is deuterium. Not 
immediately easy to detect in a hydrogen environment where deuterium 
is always an impurity, but with long operation at high power, it 
should be easy to confirm this prediction. Trivial, in fact. That is 
the kind of work that has made fusion of some kind -- mechanism 
still unknown -- highly likely as what is happening with PdD 
experiments. Helium was the ash, demonstrated by correlation with 
heat across many experiments and research groups.) 

Re: [Vo]:ILENRS-12 at WM

2012-07-09 Thread Axil Axil
We will know soon enough. Rossi says he will release a description,
pictures,  and data about his “new” design in a matter of weeks.

Here is what he has to say about this subject.

1.  Dear Andrea Rossi,

The PESN article was very interesting. It speculated on a higher
temperature eCat (1000C?). Since the melting point of nickel is 1,453C, I
suspect you will be limited in temperatures beyond 1000C. Still, there are
thermodynamic advantages of producing steam above 600C but still
technological challenges (for the turbine designers) in using it. Looking
forward to your report on the current testing. An eCAt cooktop would be
wonderful (as mentioned in the PESN article). Applications appear to be

2.  Andrea Rossi

July 3rd, 2012 at 7:31

Dear Steven N. Karels:
As you correctly said:
Let’s wait for the report.
Warm Regards,

1.  Prof. Azimuth

July 7th, 2012 at 2:57

Please ing. Rossi post some pictures of your twenty 600° reactors at works.
Warm (600°) Regards
Prof. Azimuth

2.  Andrea Rossi

July 7th, 2012 at 4:56

Dear Prof. Azimuth:
Photos will be published along with the report.
WQarm Regards,

1.  Greg Leonard

July 8th, 2012 at 1:08

Dear AR,
There have been references to the newest Ecat (600C) models as ‘solid
I have great difficulty in imagining how micro/nano particles of Ni in an H
or H2 gas could be regarded as ‘solid state’.
Do you regard the Ecat2 as solid state?

I am, as always, full of admiration for your innovation and hard work
Greg Leonard

2.  Andrea Rossi

July 8th, 2012 at 3:14

Dear Greg Leonard:
We will give all the possible information about the high temperature E-Cats
in the Report.
Warm Regards,

On Mon, Jul 9, 2012 at 2:28 PM, Abd ul-Rahman Lomax a...@lomaxdesign.comwrote:

 At 10:29 PM 7/8/2012, Axil Axil wrote:

 So soon you forget. His first customer absolutely required the 1 MW power

 According to?

  As I posted in the past, a 1 MW thermal reactor is the ideal reactor size
 for a drone with a 100 HP electric engine operating with a thermal to
 electric conversion ratio of 15%.

 Great. The 1 MW device we were shown was many individual smaller reactors.
 A shipping container is not going to be stuffed in a drone. If there really
 is such a customer, what they would want delivered would be a single
 reactor, or a small number of them, with a contract for the delivery of
 more. They would not want someone with Rossi's background and resources
 putting together the combination, wasting time and money on efforts not
 actually needed.

  Now that the Rossi core operates at 600C, the thermodynamic efficiency is
 up to 45%.

 According to?

   And these playing card pack size 10 KW cores, numbered at about 100
 cores, this new drone LENR power supply can be packaged in a volume that is
 less than that occupied by a current drone engine.

 According to?

 I'll answer here. According to Rossi, then with Axil Axil drawing
 conclusions from Rossi's reports.

  This saves the volume now reserved for long duration sized fuel storage

 And the original point has now been buried. The point is that the original
 1 MW reactor is not what someone would want, who wanted to do what Axil
 imagines as the purpose.

  Such a LENR drone can take off from the us and get to the patrol zone
 anywhere in the world in just a few days saving the hassle of field support
 and fuel logistics, stay on station for a year and return back to its base
 in the US for a quick refueling and be back on station in less than a week.

 Summary: if anyone can build a LENR reactor with performance
 characteristics like those claimed, countless applications become possible.

 This is belaboring the obvious, avoiding the obvious.

 It all depends on Rossi.

 Okay, there is a little more, there are now apparently independent
 business people working on the problem. But we don't know what they have
 actually found, and they are also secretive. That's not a complaint. They
 have the right to be secretive.

 But secrecy has a consequence that cannot be avoided. We can't trust
 rumors and claims when the truth is a secret.

 Indeed, secrecy on cold fusion, in 1989, on the part of Pons and
 Fleischmann, was a critical factor that allowed the general physics
 community to -- improperly -- reject cold fusion. That secrecy may have
 been justifiable for commercial reasons, but ... it also allowed an
 atmosphere of suspicion and mistrust to flourish, and the result was that
 cold fusion did not get the continued massive research funding that might
 have been necessary to break through ignorance of 

Re: [Vo]:ILENRS-12 at WM

2012-07-09 Thread Chemical Engineer

My concern is that rossi is reading the same technical papers you are and
making claims that fit the theories so your comparisons will always seem
reasonable.  We are at the point that we need independent hard data that he
and DGT have managed to generate thousands of times more power than others.

On Monday, July 9, 2012, Abd ul-Rahman Lomax wrote:

 At 10:29 PM 7/8/2012, Axil Axil wrote:

 So soon you forget. His first customer absolutely required the 1 MW power

 According to?

  As I posted in the past, a 1 MW thermal reactor is the ideal reactor size
 for a drone with a 100 HP electric engine operating with a thermal to
 electric conversion ratio of 15%.

 Great. The 1 MW device we were shown was many individual smaller reactors.
 A shipping container is not going to be stuffed in a drone. If there really
 is such a customer, what they would want delivered would be a single
 reactor, or a small number of them, with a contract for the delivery of
 more. They would not want someone with Rossi's background and resources
 putting together the combination, wasting time and money on efforts not
 actually needed.

  Now that the Rossi core operates at 600C, the thermodynamic efficiency is
 up to 45%.

 According to?

   And these playing card pack size 10 KW cores, numbered at about 100
 cores, this new drone LENR power supply can be packaged in a volume that is
 less than that occupied by a current drone engine.

 According to?

 I'll answer here. According to Rossi, then with Axil Axil drawing
 conclusions from Rossi's reports.

  This saves the volume now reserved for long duration sized fuel storage

 And the original point has now been buried. The point is that the original
 1 MW reactor is not what someone would want, who wanted to do what Axil
 imagines as the purpose.

  Such a LENR drone can take off from the us and get to the patrol zone
 anywhere in the world in just a few days saving the hassle of field support
 and fuel logistics, stay on station for a year and return back to its base
 in the US for a quick refueling and be back on station in less than a week.

 Summary: if anyone can build a LENR reactor with performance
 characteristics like those claimed, countless applications become possible.

 This is belaboring the obvious, avoiding the obvious.

 It all depends on Rossi.

 Okay, there is a little more, there are now apparently independent
 business people working on the problem. But we don't know what they have
 actually found, and they are also secretive. That's not a complaint. They
 have the right to be secretive.

 But secrecy has a consequence that cannot be avoided. We can't trust
 rumors and claims when the truth is a secret.

 Indeed, secrecy on cold fusion, in 1989, on the part of Pons and
 Fleischmann, was a critical factor that allowed the general physics
 community to -- improperly -- reject cold fusion. That secrecy may have
 been justifiable for commercial reasons, but ... it also allowed an
 atmosphere of suspicion and mistrust to flourish, and the result was that
 cold fusion did not get the continued massive research funding that might
 have been necessary to break through ignorance of the mechanism, and which
 is still needed, probably, even though secrecy is not much of an issue any
 more (for the Pons-Fleischmann Heat Effect).

 And replication remained difficult for years, for similar reasons, and
 thus the intellectual property being protected became worthless. Even
 though the FPHE is definitely real, and that's practically a certainty.
 Real, but impractical, so far.

 Unless Rossi's claims are real, which looks very shaky. (And that's not
 the FPHE, it is obviously a different process, possibly LENR, and some LENR
 theories do claim a mechanism that might work with NiH. Storms is
 predicting that the ash with NiH is deuterium. Not immediately easy to
 detect in a hydrogen environment where deuterium is always an impurity, but
 with long operation at high power, it should be easy to confirm this
 prediction. Trivial, in fact. That is the kind of work that has made
 fusion of some kind -- mechanism still unknown -- highly likely as what
 is happening with PdD experiments. Helium was the ash, demonstrated by
 correlation with heat across many experiments and research groups.)

Re: [Vo]:ILENRS-12 at WM

2012-07-09 Thread Axil Axil
Could Rossi be using FUD as a weapon against DGT just before the release of
their product?

Fear, uncertainty and doubt, frequently abbreviated as FUD, is a tactic
used in sales, marketing, public relations,  politics and propaganda.

FUD is generally a strategic attempt to influence perception by
disseminating negative and dubious or false information. An individual
firm, for example, might use FUD to invite unfavorable opinions and
speculation about a competitor's product; to increase the general
estimation of switching costs among current customers; or to maintain
leverage over a current business partner who could potentially become a

The term originated to describe disinformation tactics in the computer
hardware industry but has since been used more broadly.  FUD is a
manifestation of the appeal to fear.

What is the FUD here? Why would a licensee spend millions of Euros to
franchise a product when there is a much superior product that may be soon
available in just a few weeks?


On Mon, Jul 9, 2012 at 2:29 PM, Chemical Engineer cheme...@gmail.comwrote:


 My concern is that rossi is reading the same technical papers you are and
 making claims that fit the theories so your comparisons will always seem
 reasonable.  We are at the point that we need independent hard data that he
 and DGT have managed to generate thousands of times more power than others.

 On Monday, July 9, 2012, Abd ul-Rahman Lomax wrote:

 At 10:29 PM 7/8/2012, Axil Axil wrote:

 So soon you forget. His first customer absolutely required the 1 MW
 power factor.

 According to?

  As I posted in the past, a 1 MW thermal reactor is the ideal reactor
 size for a drone with a 100 HP electric engine operating with a thermal to
 electric conversion ratio of 15%.

 Great. The 1 MW device we were shown was many individual smaller
 reactors. A shipping container is not going to be stuffed in a drone. If
 there really is such a customer, what they would want delivered would be a
 single reactor, or a small number of them, with a contract for the delivery
 of more. They would not want someone with Rossi's background and resources
 putting together the combination, wasting time and money on efforts not
 actually needed.

  Now that the Rossi core operates at 600C, the thermodynamic efficiency
 is up to 45%.

 According to?

   And these playing card pack size 10 KW cores, numbered at about 100
 cores, this new drone LENR power supply can be packaged in a volume that is
 less than that occupied by a current drone engine.

 According to?

 I'll answer here. According to Rossi, then with Axil Axil drawing
 conclusions from Rossi's reports.

  This saves the volume now reserved for long duration sized fuel storage

 And the original point has now been buried. The point is that the
 original 1 MW reactor is not what someone would want, who wanted to do what
 Axil imagines as the purpose.

  Such a LENR drone can take off from the us and get to the patrol zone
 anywhere in the world in just a few days saving the hassle of field support
 and fuel logistics, stay on station for a year and return back to its base
 in the US for a quick refueling and be back on station in less than a week.

 Summary: if anyone can build a LENR reactor with performance
 characteristics like those claimed, countless applications become possible.

 This is belaboring the obvious, avoiding the obvious.

 It all depends on Rossi.

 Okay, there is a little more, there are now apparently independent
 business people working on the problem. But we don't know what they have
 actually found, and they are also secretive. That's not a complaint. They
 have the right to be secretive.

 But secrecy has a consequence that cannot be avoided. We can't trust
 rumors and claims when the truth is a secret.

 Indeed, secrecy on cold fusion, in 1989, on the part of Pons and
 Fleischmann, was a critical factor that allowed the general physics
 community to -- improperly -- reject cold fusion. That secrecy may have
 been justifiable for commercial reasons, but ... it also allowed an
 atmosphere of suspicion and mistrust to flourish, and the result was that
 cold fusion did not get the continued massive research funding that might
 have been necessary to break through ignorance of the mechanism, and which
 is still needed, probably, even though secrecy is not much of an issue any
 more (for the Pons-Fleischmann Heat Effect).

 And replication remained difficult for years, for similar reasons, and
 thus the intellectual property being protected became worthless. Even
 though the FPHE is definitely real, and that's practically a certainty.
 Real, but impractical, so far.

 Unless Rossi's claims are real, which looks very shaky. (And that's not
 the FPHE, it is obviously a different process, possibly LENR, and some LENR
 theories do claim a mechanism that might work with NiH. Storms is
 predicting that the ash with NiH is deuterium. Not immediately 

Re: [Vo]:ILENRS-12 at WM

2012-07-09 Thread Abd ul-Rahman Lomax

At 01:29 PM 7/9/2012, Chemical Engineer wrote:


My concern is that rossi is reading the same technical papers you 
are and making claims that fit the theories so your comparisons will 
always seem reasonable.  We are at the point that we need 
independent hard data that he and DGT have managed to generate 
thousands of times more power than others.

Accurately stated, though with an incorporated assumption.

We need. Yes, we need that data if we are to come to firm 
conclusions. Whether or not we need firm conclusions is a personal 
matter. I don't. I can muddle along for the rest of my life without 
this possible energy source, and without knowing if Rossi's reactor 
truly generates significant power.

The problem is that Rossi et al don't *need* to provide us with that 
data. We aren't paying them. They have no obligation to us.

Some players are scientists or others not playing for personal gain. 
They may have needs, but I don't see that Rossi is about to help them 
meet them. He doesn't care about them, he's shown that again and again.

I'm just pointing out what's so, and sometimes what is possible, an old habit. 

Re: [Vo]:ILENRS-12 at WM

2012-07-09 Thread mixent
In reply to  noone noone's message of Mon, 9 Jul 2012 00:02:29 -0700 (PDT):
The cigarette box sized reactor core is the one used in the home ECAT that 
produces 10 kW at around 80C. This is my understanding from what Rossi has 

The new high temperature E-Cat reactor core is said to be even smaller, but 
has more shielding.

If more shielding has been used it could be an indication that more nuclear
reactions are occurring in the higher temp unit. That in turn implies that the
ratio of nuclear reactions to heat output is variable, which in turn implies
that some form of f/H is involved in the process. I.e. besides nuclear
reactions, there must be an additional heat generating mechanism (such as f/H


Robin van Spaandonk

Re: [Vo]:ILENRS-12 at WM

2012-07-09 Thread mixent
In reply to  Abd ul-Rahman Lomax's message of Mon, 09 Jul 2012 13:28:02 -0500:
Storms is predicting that the ash with NiH is deuterium.

In order to produce D you need an either n+p or p+p. The former implies a WL
reaction. The latter an f/H reaction. If f/H is involved then is unlikely to be
much D remaining because the reactions consuming D (such as p+D = He3) are
faster than the p+p reaction by many orders of magnitude.

Robin van Spaandonk

Re: [Vo]:ILENRS-12 at WM

2012-07-09 Thread Abd ul-Rahman Lomax

At 04:42 PM 7/9/2012, wrote:

In reply to  Abd ul-Rahman Lomax's message of Mon, 09 Jul 2012 13:28:02 -0500:
Storms is predicting that the ash with NiH is deuterium.

In order to produce D you need an either n+p or p+p. The former implies a WL
reaction. The latter an f/H reaction. If f/H is involved then is 
unlikely to be

much D remaining because the reactions consuming D (such as p+D = He3) are
faster than the p+p reaction by many orders of magnitude.

Storms is proposing H + H + e - D. His general mechanism is a line 
of nuclei with electrons in between, confined in a resonant crack. he 
writes the reaction that way to emphasized that the electron is 
actually incorporated in the fusion, with protons as fuel. With 
deuterons, it is not sucked in. D + e + D - He-4. With a mixture of 
D and H, he predicts tritium. D + e + H - T. Looks like the electron 
is incorporated.

I have some serious problems with his mechanism. Just noting that he 
does predict deuterium, and it's not impossible, and would be 
difficult to detect until there was substantial build-up.

He-3 isn't observed. Tritium is.

Predictions of reaction cross-section based on standard fusion 
reactions could be wildly off. The concentration of D in the hydrogen 
would be very small at first. I.e., natural incidence.

Frankly, though, I have trouble remembering stuff I don't understand. 
Maybe I remember it wrong. This is Storms new paper, it's up on the web.

Re: [Vo]:ILENRS-12 at WM

2012-07-09 Thread Jojo Jaro

Sigh , more stale regurgitations from the self-appointed expert of LENR.

Quite frankly, I hang on to Axil's every post as his posts have been useful 
in advancing the current state of knowledge of LENR.  Infinitely more than 
what I can say about your posts.  There is only one poster whose posts I 

In case you are not aware, this forum gives liberal license for people to 
speculate, and that is exactly what many people here are doing - speculate. 
And in case you don't know, wild speculations is a reason why this forum 
exists.  Furthermore, in case you've been living in a cave, Speculations are 
useful in broadening our horizons to other possibilities.  (I especially 
enjoy Jones' wild speculations.)

Please please please, stop regurgitating what has already been covered ad 
infinitum in this forum.

Yes, we need a definitive test from Rossi.  Yes, Rossi is unbelievable. 
Yes, Rossi is a con man.  Yes, there is no proof for LENR in drones, etc etc 
etc etc etc etc .  EVERYONE knows that.  We don't need your superior 
intellect and analytical skills to regurgitate this for others.  Say it once 
and be done with it.  That would help those of us who are 


Group:  Forgive the highly emotional response, but Lomax is starting to 
irritate me with his wordy (but devoid of substance) posts.  Reminds me of 
the way Mary Yugo irritated most of us.

After having sinned in this area, I now ask for absolution from the group.

- Original Message - 
From: Abd ul-Rahman Lomax

Sent: Tuesday, July 10, 2012 2:28 AM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:ILENRS-12 at WM

At 10:29 PM 7/8/2012, Axil Axil wrote:
So soon you forget. His first customer absolutely required the 1 MW power 

According to?

As I posted in the past, a 1 MW thermal reactor is the ideal reactor size 
for a drone with a 100 HP electric engine operating with a thermal to 
electric conversion ratio of 15%.

Great. The 1 MW device we were shown was many individual smaller reactors. 
A shipping container is not going to be stuffed in a drone. If there 
really is such a customer, what they would want delivered would be a 
single reactor, or a small number of them, with a contract for the 
delivery of more. They would not want someone with Rossi's background and 
resources putting together the combination, wasting time and money on 
efforts not actually needed.

Now that the Rossi core operates at 600C, the thermodynamic efficiency is 
up to 45%.

According to?

 And these playing card pack size 10 KW cores, numbered at about 100 
cores, this new drone LENR power supply can be packaged in a volume that 
is less than that occupied by a current drone engine.

According to?

I'll answer here. According to Rossi, then with Axil Axil drawing 
conclusions from Rossi's reports.

This saves the volume now reserved for long duration sized fuel storage 

And the original point has now been buried. The point is that the original 
1 MW reactor is not what someone would want, who wanted to do what Axil 
imagines as the purpose.

Such a LENR drone can take off from the us and get to the patrol zone 
anywhere in the world in just a few days saving the hassle of field 
support and fuel logistics, stay on station for a year and return back to 
its base in the US for a quick refueling and be back on station in less 
than a week.

Summary: if anyone can build a LENR reactor with performance 
characteristics like those claimed, countless applications become 

This is belaboring the obvious, avoiding the obvious.

It all depends on Rossi.

Okay, there is a little more, there are now apparently independent 
business people working on the problem. But we don't know what they have 
actually found, and they are also secretive. That's not a complaint. They 
have the right to be secretive.

But secrecy has a consequence that cannot be avoided. We can't trust 
rumors and claims when the truth is a secret.

Indeed, secrecy on cold fusion, in 1989, on the part of Pons and 
Fleischmann, was a critical factor that allowed the general physics 
community to -- improperly -- reject cold fusion. That secrecy may have 
been justifiable for commercial reasons, but ... it also allowed an 
atmosphere of suspicion and mistrust to flourish, and the result was that 
cold fusion did not get the continued massive research funding that might 
have been necessary to break through ignorance of the mechanism, and which 
is still needed, probably, even though secrecy is not much of an issue any 
more (for the Pons-Fleischmann Heat Effect).

And replication remained difficult for years, for similar reasons, and 
thus the intellectual property being protected became worthless. Even 
though the FPHE is definitely real, and that's practically a certainty. 
Real, but impractical, so far.

Unless Rossi's claims are real, which looks very shaky. (And that's

Re: [Vo]:ILENRS-12 at WM

2012-07-09 Thread Abd ul-Rahman Lomax

At 09:50 PM 7/9/2012, Jojo Jaro wrote:

Sigh , more stale regurgitations from the self-appointed expert of LENR.

I must say I'm consistently impressed by people who claim that I 
irritate them by regurgitating stuff, who complain about the 
bandwidth burned, and who then copy all of it. Don't like what I 
write, fine. Your privilege. But don't then shove it back into 
everyone's face, adding your own useless ravings, asking for 
absolution at the same time.

Or do. I suppose that's your privilege, too. Does it serve you?

Group:  Forgive the highly emotional response, but Lomax is starting 
to irritate me with his wordy (but devoid of substance) 
posts.  Reminds me of the way Mary Yugo irritated most of us.

After having sinned in this area, I now ask for absolution from the group.

[lots o stuff, including a copy of the mail Jojo was complaining 
about, deleted] 

RE: [Vo]:ILENRS-12 at WM

2012-07-09 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
Jojo sez:


 Group:  Forgive the highly emotional response, but Lomax is starting to
 irritate me with his wordy (but devoid of substance) posts.  Reminds me
 of the way Mary Yugo irritated most of us.

 After having sinned in this area, I now ask for absolution from the group.

If you wish absolution, my son,
Say three Hail Mary's tonight.
Then look at yourself in the mirror, 
and repeat
There by the grace of God go I

Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:ILENRS-12 at WM

2012-07-08 Thread Jed Rothwell
Axil Axil wrote:

The 1 MW plant is on the market. If you want data, you need money.

You need $1.5 million. That is an absurd sum of money, and the 1 MW reactor
is an absurd machine. A single unit from it would suffice.

If I had $1.5 million I could probably try to replicate Rossi from scratch,
the way Defkalion now claims they did. I might not get the same high
performance Rossi has, but it would probably be high enough to attract
enough real money to finish the job. Several groups are trying to do that,
with mixed results.

Whatever it costs to replicate independently, it would be better than
trying to deal with Rossi directly. He is a great inventor in many ways,
but as a businessman he is impossible to deal with. He is a control freak.
The way he treated the people from NASA was outrageous. It was
unspeakable! They talked about it at WM. Rossi might have gotten millions
of dollars in funding practically overnight. Instead, he threw them out and
he thew away the opportunity in a momentary fit of pique. Just because he
could not bring himself to admit the outlet pipe was plugged up with crud.
This is idiotic, self-defeating egomania. It is very sad.

Heck, the way he treated *me* was outrageous. He and Krivit deserve one
another, like two scorpions in a bottle.

Rossi is personally nice. He is a lot more honest and forthright than you
might think based on his blog postings. He blabs and blusters a lot, but
his core claims are all correct as far as I know. Most have been been
independently verified by his collaborators, who are a long-suffering group
of stalwart people. They have done much for him and in return he has often
given them a sharp kick in the . . . genitals. (I want to maintain the
proper academic decorum.)

Rossi deserves a huge amount of credit for pushing this field along, using
techniques pioneered by himself, Arata and Piantelli. He deserves billions
of dollars -- if that's what he wants. But his temper and periodic fits of
pique make him impossible to do business with. (A fit of pique is an old
expression meaning acting badly because your pride is hurt.)

Rossi is his own worst enemy. He suffers from the inventor's disease that
has defeated so many others in cold fusion and in other fields throughout
history. People try to help him but he blows them away, and mistrusts them,
because he has had so many bad experiences in the post. Most of his bad
experiences in the last few years have been entirely his own fault.

- Jed

Re: [Vo]:ILENRS-12 at WM

2012-07-08 Thread Guenter Wildgruber

this seems like a benign description  of what is going on.

I hypothesize that Rossi inhabits his own world, which is in conflict with ours.
As such it is backed by its own 'reality', which maybe coexists with ours. Or 
See eg Philip K Dick, who believed in a world where time is nonexistent. 
Everythhing happens at the same time.
Why? Because of that he could manage his inner world, where exactly that 
But this does not pass the smell-test of intersubjectivity.

Now Rossi's ambitions seem distinctly different from Karl May or PKD, in that 
he aims to directly alter our physical reality, not only our imagination.

As such, I find him interesting.
As an inventor, well , he is on the level of PKD in the best case.
Take my word.


 Von: Jed Rothwell
Gesendet: 19:42 Sonntag, 8.Juli 2012
Betreff: Re: [Vo]:ILENRS-12 at WM


Rossi is his own worst enemy. He suffers from the inventor's disease that has 
defeated so many others in cold fusion and in other fields throughout history. 


Re: [Vo]:ILENRS-12 at WM

2012-07-08 Thread Axil Axil
And yet Brillouin Energy‘s President and Chief Technical Officer Robert E.
Godes has selflessly posted critical help on Rossi's web site that has
enabled Rossi to develop his latest reaction approach; and Rossi was
grateful for it. The same is true for the advice he got from NI and his
first government based customer.
Since you know him so well, please explain this dichotomy in rossi's
relationships with people; what makes a person a snake and a clown and what
makes a person a valuable friend.

Cheers:  Axil

On Sun, Jul 8, 2012 at 1:42 PM, Jed Rothwell wrote:

 Axil Axil wrote:

 The 1 MW plant is on the market. If you want data, you need money.

 You need $1.5 million. That is an absurd sum of money, and the 1 MW
 reactor is an absurd machine. A single unit from it would suffice.

 If I had $1.5 million I could probably try to replicate Rossi from
 scratch, the way Defkalion now claims they did. I might not get the same
 high performance Rossi has, but it would probably be high enough to attract
 enough real money to finish the job. Several groups are trying to do that,
 with mixed results.

 Whatever it costs to replicate independently, it would be better than
 trying to deal with Rossi directly. He is a great inventor in many ways,
 but as a businessman he is impossible to deal with. He is a control freak.
 The way he treated the people from NASA was outrageous. It was
 unspeakable! They talked about it at WM. Rossi might have gotten millions
 of dollars in funding practically overnight. Instead, he threw them out and
 he thew away the opportunity in a momentary fit of pique. Just because he
 could not bring himself to admit the outlet pipe was plugged up with crud.
 This is idiotic, self-defeating egomania. It is very sad.

 Heck, the way he treated *me* was outrageous. He and Krivit deserve one
 another, like two scorpions in a bottle.

 Rossi is personally nice. He is a lot more honest and forthright than you
 might think based on his blog postings. He blabs and blusters a lot, but
 his core claims are all correct as far as I know. Most have been been
 independently verified by his collaborators, who are a long-suffering group
 of stalwart people. They have done much for him and in return he has often
 given them a sharp kick in the . . . genitals. (I want to maintain the
 proper academic decorum.)

 Rossi deserves a huge amount of credit for pushing this field along, using
 techniques pioneered by himself, Arata and Piantelli. He deserves billions
 of dollars -- if that's what he wants. But his temper and periodic fits of
 pique make him impossible to do business with. (A fit of pique is an old
 expression meaning acting badly because your pride is hurt.)

 Rossi is his own worst enemy. He suffers from the inventor's disease
 that has defeated so many others in cold fusion and in other fields
 throughout history. People try to help him but he blows them away, and
 mistrusts them, because he has had so many bad experiences in the post.
 Most of his bad experiences in the last few years have been entirely his
 own fault.

 - Jed

RE: [Vo]:ILENRS-12 at WM

2012-07-08 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
From Axil:


 Since you [Jed] know him so well, please explain this dichotomy
 in rossi's relationships with people; what makes a person
 a snake and a clown and what makes a person a valuable friend. 
A razor's edge.

Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:ILENRS-12 at WM

2012-07-08 Thread Jed Rothwell
Axil Axil wrote:

 And yet Brillouin Energy‘s President and Chief Technical Officer Robert E.
 Godes has selflessly posted critical help on Rossi's web site that has
 enabled Rossi to develop his latest reaction approach; and Rossi was
 grateful for it. The same is true for the advice he got from NI and his
 first government based customer.

Yup. He is sincere about expressing thanks and giving credit to others.
Effusive, even. Also, unlike many self-made inventors, he is open to ideas
and suggestions from other people. He does not suffer from the not
invented here syndrome. One person who knows him better than I do said he
reads everything and he will ask for help from anyone, if he thinks that
will contribute to reaching his goals. I have heard he learned a great deal
from NI and there might still be a fruitful relationship between them. I
would not mind being a vendor to Rossi such as NI. That could be a very
fruitful relationship. I would not want to be a business partner or

As far as I know he has been quite open and fair with people such as Levi,
Essen and Kulander. They are not business partners. They have not
complained about him, and they have nothing to complain about. He never
followed through on his proposed research contract with U. Bologna, but
that is his prerogative. A businessman can decide that a contract is not in
his best interests and cancel before the final commitment deadline. That's
a normal and legit thing to do.

He is an impressive businessman and a brilliant engineer and inventor.
Unfortunately, he has serious faults, such as being sloppy with equipment,
and thin-skinned. As I said, he could not bring himself to admit that the
people from NASA were right and he was wrong, and the test failed. That was
pure egomania. It was an idiotic, self-destructive fit of pique. He should
have apologized, fixed the problem, and called them back in. They offered
to come.

This was the test described by Krivit, in a report that is correct as far
as I know. Krivit often gets things right, and I am always willing to give
him credit. I cited him in my recent paper. He has the same problem Rossi
has: he often gets it right, but sometimes his ego causes him to make
drastic mistakes, and you never tell whether you are dealing with Dr.
Jekyll or Mr. Hyde.

Since you know him so well, please explain this dichotomy in rossi's
 relationships with people; what makes a person a snake and a clown and what
 makes a person a valuable friend.

In my personal experience it varies from day to day, or from hour to hour,
like the weather in Pennsylvania. * I personally have been in his favor in
the morning, on the outs by afternoon, and back in his good graces the next
day. It depends on his mood. If he reads this message I am sure to be in
the doghouse tomorrow.

He has difficulty knowing friends from enemies. In my opinion he has
difficulty judging other people's intentions and capabilities. This is
unimportant example, but he rejected a visit by me because I insisted on
bringing my own instruments, and he welcomed a visit by Krivit who set no
such conditions. Some people who knew this was happening at the time warned
him that Krivit sometimes makes trouble. I think I would have done a better
job. I might have found the same result that Krivit did: no evidence of
heat. But at least I would have measured this objectively with outside
instruments leaving no doubt in anyone's mind about the result. That is
better than trying to prove the issue by guess and by golly and by making
fun of Rossi's ability to speak English as a second language.

Rossi does not want anyone to use outside instruments to establish a clear
claim one way or the other. As he says, no tests! That is what he told
me, which is why I did not go. Most people assume that he says this because
he is a fraud and he is hiding the truth. That assumption is entirely
reasonable. If I knew nothing about him, and I had not seen data from his
long suffering supporters, I would assume this. I think the situation is
more complicated. I agree with Mike McKubre who says Rossi wants most
people to think he has nothing, because he does not want serious
competition. Ed Storms says that if he were Rossi, with the technology in
hand, he would say nothing to anyone except investors under NDAs. He would
keep it strictly confidential. That would be a legitimate business
strategy. What Rossi is doing is kind of like that, with the added strategy
of spreading confusion and rumors that the machines do not work. That is *
not* a legitimate business strategy. It is borderline unethical.

While it is okay to say nothing, it is not okay to circulate misleading
information. Granted, this kind of deception is quite common, and has been
used by mainstream organizations such as IBM since forever. If you are
going to engage is such practices, you cannot complain when people say you
are untrustworthy or you appear to be con-man.

Rossi has no right 

Re: [Vo]:ILENRS-12 at WM

2012-07-08 Thread Jed Rothwell
OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson wrote:

  Since you [Jed] know him so well, please explain this dichotomy
  in rossi's relationships with people; what makes a person
  a snake and a clown and what makes a person a valuable friend.

 A razor's edge.


It might also be compared to quantum entanglement. All of us  who try to
deal with Rossi play the role of Shrodinger's cat. It is impossible to know
-- even in principle -- whether you are presently alive or dead to him.
After a while you stop caring, which is why, for example, I am typing this
message. Or . . . am I?!?

See also: Steve Jobs Reality Distortion Field --

A reality distortion field. In [Job's] presence, reality is malleable. He
can convince anyone of practically anything. It wears off when he's not
around . . .

. . . [J]ust because he tells you that something is awful or great, it
doesn't necessarily mean he'll feel that way tomorrow. You have to low-pass
filter his input. And then, he's really funny about ideas. If you tell him
a new idea, he'll usually tell you that he thinks it's stupid. But then, if
he actually likes it, exactly one week later, he'll come back to you and
propose your idea to you, as if he thought of it.

This is the mark of genius and also of a sociopath. Jobs was both.

- Jed

Re: [Vo]:ILENRS-12 at WM

2012-07-08 Thread Harry Veeder
In a business setting I would say the operative word is ally rather than friend.


On Sun, Jul 8, 2012 at 5:04 PM, Jed Rothwell wrote:
 OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson wrote:

  Since you [Jed] know him so well, please explain this dichotomy
  in rossi's relationships with people; what makes a person
  a snake and a clown and what makes a person a valuable friend.

 A razor's edge.


 It might also be compared to quantum entanglement. All of us  who try to
 deal with Rossi play the role of Shrodinger's cat. It is impossible to know
 -- even in principle -- whether you are presently alive or dead to him.
 After a while you stop caring, which is why, for example, I am typing this
 message. Or . . . am I?!?

 See also: Steve Jobs Reality Distortion Field --

 A reality distortion field. In [Job's] presence, reality is malleable. He
 can convince anyone of practically anything. It wears off when he's not
 around . . .

 . . . [J]ust because he tells you that something is awful or great, it
 doesn't necessarily mean he'll feel that way tomorrow. You have to low-pass
 filter his input. And then, he's really funny about ideas. If you tell him a
 new idea, he'll usually tell you that he thinks it's stupid. But then, if he
 actually likes it, exactly one week later, he'll come back to you and
 propose your idea to you, as if he thought of it.

 This is the mark of genius and also of a sociopath. Jobs was both.

 - Jed

Re: [Vo]:ILENRS-12 at WM

2012-07-08 Thread Chemical Engineer
He is an impressive businessman and a brilliant engineer and inventor.

At this point I will agree with inventor.  I am anxiously waiting to see
independent results of what has been invented and whether I will be
impressed with his business and technical acumen.

I do credit him with taking a world-changing concept and moving it forward
in his own unique way...

On Sunday, July 8, 2012, Harry Veeder wrote:

 In a business setting I would say the operative word is ally rather than


 On Sun, Jul 8, 2012 at 5:04 PM, Jed Rothwell 
  OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson orionwo...@charter.netjavascript:;
   Since you [Jed] know him so well, please explain this dichotomy
   in rossi's relationships with people; what makes a person
   a snake and a clown and what makes a person a valuable friend.
  A razor's edge.
  It might also be compared to quantum entanglement. All of us  who try to
  deal with Rossi play the role of Shrodinger's cat. It is impossible to
  -- even in principle -- whether you are presently alive or dead to him.
  After a while you stop caring, which is why, for example, I am typing
  message. Or . . . am I?!?
  See also: Steve Jobs Reality Distortion Field --
  A reality distortion field. In [Job's] presence, reality is malleable.
  can convince anyone of practically anything. It wears off when he's not
  around . . .
  . . . [J]ust because he tells you that something is awful or great, it
  doesn't necessarily mean he'll feel that way tomorrow. You have to
  filter his input. And then, he's really funny about ideas. If you tell
 him a
  new idea, he'll usually tell you that he thinks it's stupid. But then,
 if he
  actually likes it, exactly one week later, he'll come back to you and
  propose your idea to you, as if he thought of it.
  This is the mark of genius and also of a sociopath. Jobs was both.
  - Jed

Re: [Vo]:ILENRS-12 at WM

2012-07-08 Thread Jed Rothwell
Chemical Engineer wrote:

 At this point I will agree with inventor.  I am anxiously waiting to see
 independent results of what has been invented and whether I will be
 impressed with his business and technical acumen.

In his previous ventures he showed a lot of business and technical acumen.
Not much lately.

He also got himself into enormous trouble several times. He takes great
risks, sometimes for no reason it seems to me. Such as when he made the 1
MW reactor. I cannot understand him! He is the most baffling person I have
ever encountered.

 I do credit him with taking a world-changing concept and moving it forward
 in his own unique way...

Yup. I wish he would use more conventional methods.

The one thing I have learned is that you should not underestimate him. It
is easy to make fun of him or dismiss some of his outlandish claims, such
as the one about making monoisotopic Ni cheaply. His statements are often
contradictory so they cannot all be true. It is all too easy to dismiss him
as a nut or a con-man.

As with Steve Jobs you have to low-pass filter his input. Sometimes
people such as Jobs say all kinds of crazy, deluded or manipulative things.
Sift through this, filter out the garbage, and you may find great ideas
worth billions of dollars. Say what you like about Jobs, he was one of the
most brilliant businessmen in U.S. history. He had a wonderful feel for
design. He was like Charles Freer; not a great artist himself but one who
recognized and collected great art with an unfailing eye.

When dealing with people it is essential you learn to forgive their faults
and embrace their contributions.

- Jed

Re: [Vo]:ILENRS-12 at WM

2012-07-08 Thread Chemical Engineer
I guess those previous successes were pre-petroldragan and those thermo
electric generators from Leonardo since I would not consider those wildly
successful ventures.

What I would like to believe about Rossi is that through his previous
losses he realized they can take it all away but you still have your own
inner strength and experience to create something useful for the world.
This will make a great story for the history books.  What I do not want to
believe is that he just took some scientist's publishings and slapped
together a contraption and has made grandiose claims.  That MW e-cat took
alot of time to fabricate and pipe together.  I just wish he did not have
that 300-500 kW generator parked beside it.  There were no water pumps or
instrumentation that would have required that much power.

Steve Jobs tried to make the personal computer personal.  Many more
people bought PCs.  I believe he has finally succeeded with the Iphone and
Apple's bottom line reflects this.  I just dropped mine and broke the glass
but it is still working!  I tell people it is my screen saver.

On Sunday, July 8, 2012, Jed Rothwell wrote:

 Chemical Engineer javascript:_e({}, 'cvml',
 ''); wrote:

 At this point I will agree with inventor.  I am anxiously waiting to
 see independent results of what has been invented and whether I will be
 impressed with his business and technical acumen.

 In his previous ventures he showed a lot of business and technical acumen.
 Not much lately.

 He also got himself into enormous trouble several times. He takes great
 risks, sometimes for no reason it seems to me. Such as when he made the 1
 MW reactor. I cannot understand him! He is the most baffling person I have
 ever encountered.

 I do credit him with taking a world-changing concept and moving it
 forward in his own unique way...

 Yup. I wish he would use more conventional methods.

 The one thing I have learned is that you should not underestimate him. It
 is easy to make fun of him or dismiss some of his outlandish claims, such
 as the one about making monoisotopic Ni cheaply. His statements are often
 contradictory so they cannot all be true. It is all too easy to dismiss him
 as a nut or a con-man.

 As with Steve Jobs you have to low-pass filter his input. Sometimes
 people such as Jobs say all kinds of crazy, deluded or manipulative things.
 Sift through this, filter out the garbage, and you may find great ideas
 worth billions of dollars. Say what you like about Jobs, he was one of the
 most brilliant businessmen in U.S. history. He had a wonderful feel for
 design. He was like Charles Freer; not a great artist himself but one who
 recognized and collected great art with an unfailing eye.

 When dealing with people it is essential you learn to forgive their faults
 and embrace their contributions.

 - Jed

Re: [Vo]:ILENRS-12 at WM

2012-07-08 Thread Axil Axil
 *Jed said:*
*He also got himself into enormous trouble several times. He takes great
risks, sometimes for no reason it seems to me. Such as when he made the 1
MW reactor. I cannot understand him! He is the most baffling person I have
ever encountered.*
*Axil said:*

So soon you forget. His first customer absolutely required the 1 MW power

As I posted in the past, a 1 MW thermal reactor is the ideal reactor size
for a drone with a 100 HP electric engine operating with a thermal to
electric conversion ratio of 15%.

Now that the Rossi core operates at 600C, the thermodynamic efficiency is
up to 45%. And these playing card pack size 10 KW cores, numbered at about
100 cores, this new drone LENR power supply can be packaged in a volume
that is less than that occupied by a current drone engine.

This saves the volume now reserved for long duration sized fuel storage

Such a LENR drone can take off from the us and get to the patrol zone
anywhere in the world in just a few days saving the hassle of field support
and fuel logistics, stay on station for a year and return back to its base
in the US for a quick refueling and be back on station in less than a week.

Cheers:   Axil

On Sun, Jul 8, 2012 at 9:39 PM, Jed Rothwell wrote:

 Chemical Engineer wrote:

 At this point I will agree with inventor.  I am anxiously waiting to
 see independent results of what has been invented and whether I will be
 impressed with his business and technical acumen.

 In his previous ventures he showed a lot of business and technical acumen.
 Not much lately.

 He also got himself into enormous trouble several times. He takes great
 risks, sometimes for no reason it seems to me. Such as when he made the 1
 MW reactor. I cannot understand him! He is the most baffling person I have
 ever encountered.

 I do credit him with taking a world-changing concept and moving it
 forward in his own unique way...

 Yup. I wish he would use more conventional methods.

 The one thing I have learned is that you should not underestimate him. It
 is easy to make fun of him or dismiss some of his outlandish claims, such
 as the one about making monoisotopic Ni cheaply. His statements are often
 contradictory so they cannot all be true. It is all too easy to dismiss him
 as a nut or a con-man.

 As with Steve Jobs you have to low-pass filter his input. Sometimes
 people such as Jobs say all kinds of crazy, deluded or manipulative things.
 Sift through this, filter out the garbage, and you may find great ideas
 worth billions of dollars. Say what you like about Jobs, he was one of the
 most brilliant businessmen in U.S. history. He had a wonderful feel for
 design. He was like Charles Freer; not a great artist himself but one who
 recognized and collected great art with an unfailing eye.

 When dealing with people it is essential you learn to forgive their faults
 and embrace their contributions.

 - Jed

Re: [Vo]:ILENRS-12 at WM

2012-07-07 Thread Akira Shirakawa

On 2012-07-04 23:00, Jed Rothwell wrote:

I do not know why it is #12

Maybe 12 stands for 2012 ?

By the way, I posted here to point that apparently a Popular Science 
writer was there and will be doing a 4000 words feature story.



Re: [Vo]:ILENRS-12 at WM

2012-07-07 Thread Terry Blanton
On Sat, Jul 7, 2012 at 7:52 PM, Akira Shirakawa wrote:
 On 2012-07-04 23:00, Jed Rothwell wrote:

 I do not know why it is #12

 Maybe 12 stands for 2012 ?

 By the way, I posted here to point that apparently a Popular Science writer
 was there and will be doing a 4000 words feature story.


Unfortunately, very few people believe Rossi is being honest and
forthright.  He is gradually losing his followers and admirers. He
needs to promptly show some actual test data, and pictures of the 20
supposed 600C test units.

Scummed to the Man w/ the $$$.



Re: [Vo]:ILENRS-12 at WM

2012-07-07 Thread Axil Axil
The 1 MW plant is on the market. If you want data, you need money.

*Dear Antonella:
You are right, anybody can buy a 1 MW plant and make all the tests he wants
and obviously anybody is free to give information to anybody regarding a
property of his.
Warm Regards,

On Sat, Jul 7, 2012 at 9:18 PM, Terry Blanton wrote:

 On Sat, Jul 7, 2012 at 7:52 PM, Akira Shirakawa wrote:
  On 2012-07-04 23:00, Jed Rothwell wrote:
  I do not know why it is #12
  Maybe 12 stands for 2012 ?
  By the way, I posted here to point that apparently a Popular Science
  was there and will be doing a 4000 words feature story.

 Unfortunately, very few people believe Rossi is being honest and
 forthright.  He is gradually losing his followers and admirers. He
 needs to promptly show some actual test data, and pictures of the 20
 supposed 600C test units.

 Scummed to the Man w/ the $$$.



Re: [Vo]:ILENRS-12 at WM

2012-07-05 Thread Jed Rothwell
Here is an uninformative report on the conference:

I would say more about the conference but I figure the proceedings will
soon be available so it is better to let the authors speak for themselves.
If the proceedings are delayed I will ask the people at WM to send me the
PowerPoint slides. They collected them on the chairman's computer. I will
upload them or send them to interested parties. Papers are better than
slides so let's wait.

There was a lot of talk about potential commercialization including a
discussion by a guy from Switzerland, Nicolas Chauvin, about making cold
fusion powered cars. That may seem premature but Chauvin is a smart cookie
doing a lot of preliminary groundwork in automotive transportation with
cold fusion heat engines that might be well worthwhile.

- Jed

Re: [Vo]:ILENRS-12 at WM

2012-07-05 Thread Jed Rothwell
Here are the list of attendees:

- Jed

[Vo]:ILENRS-12 at WM

2012-07-04 Thread Jed Rothwell
I attended the International Low Energy Nuclear Reactions Symposium
(ILENRS-12) at The College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, Virginia. I
just got back. The website for the conference is here:

I do not know why it is #12 or where the other 11 have been. Anyway, it was
one of better cold fusion conferences I have been to lately. Reasons:

New people. There were ~50 participants and I have never met about half of
them. Many of them are spring chickens, in their 40s and 50s. One was an
actual undergraduate!

Interesting presentations and informal discussions, particularly by Rob
Duncan, the people from NASA and the people from WM who are just getting
started in the field. As I have said before, you gotta love NASA people.

A high level of enthusiasm. Progress has been made lately, and -- equally
important -- there seems to be a lot of funding by the standards of cold
fusion. People are getting equipment and permissions to do research.

Peter Hagelstein presented a comprehensive version of his latest theory. I
do not understand it but people who do were impressed. He calls this a
complete theory compared to the toy theories he has presented in the
past. He has gone through dozens of iterations.

Rob Duncan described various projects now underway at U. Missouri. They
want to be certain of the results before they announce them, but it is
apparent that they are doing a lot of solid fundamental research in
cooperation with the ENEA and others. Energetics Technologies has relocated
from Israel to the U. Missouri commercial incubator where they are doing
commercial-type RD less open to discussion, more targeted to getting

As has been the case for the last few years, Rossi was the great absent
influence. I think it is only a matter of time before various people
replicate him. Piantelli has been more cooperative with various scientists
in recent years, I suppose because of his rivalry with Rossi. As McKubre
says, we all took a long hard look at Ni-H results thanks to Rossi, and
that includes results from both Rossi and Piantelli.

The proceedings from this conference will be made available at various web
sites including The organizers are pushing the participants
to submit papers quickly, within a few weeks. I think that is a good idea.

- Jed