
2000-11-11 Thread David Bitterman
Don't forget that many techno and experimental shows from Motor Lounge will
also be archived on the website via their technical arrangement
w/ the club.


Waldorf Microwave

2000-11-22 Thread David Bitterman
>From what I've understood through some recent interactions w/ some German
friends the waldorf and Nord stuff sits around over in Germany like crazy. A
bunch of these cats have nords and microwaves sitting by the wayside while
they rock out on there MC-303 groove boxes??!!!?? Pretty entertaining info
eh? I always opted for the prior more powerful sound design tools. Although
some of Rolands more SERIOUS peices sound real good I've always found them
somewhat of a Crayola palette. I guess in the end it's just what you're
into. Anyways, they had a few used microwaves for sale for around $250-$300
US and said you can find them all over the place in the $200-$500 range. So
If you have any connections at all (including an internet one) maybe it's
worth it to search around Germany awhile.
   And if anyones wondering what this has to do with Detroit Techno, we all
write techno all over the 248, 313, and 519 area codes, we just hosted some
Germans in to perform a little and to witness Detroit and its techno, and
its a discussion of the instrumentation used to make techno music. Nuff


Detroit Techno-Whats new?!

2000-11-22 Thread David Bitterman
Yo what up man. Just some info on the more swedish/UK side of the techno
thing. Obviously the Hybrid thing you knew about-Cari Lekebausch and his
whole crew. Well they evolved. Unfortunately hybrid went +8 (deep freeze)
and started releasing some "aight" electro and tech-house-dub stuff on the
side. Drumcodes came up. Adam Beyer started producing some bizarre dirty and
experimental techno ala "pyrotechnics" and "remainings 3".  Joel Mull came
up with his label "Inside" and did some memorable releases. Mull is part of
a new crew along with people like Henrik B, and Thomas Krome. There is a
stable of labels run by a gentleman named Johan Bacto. He kind of runs 6 or
7 labels around sweden and elsewhere. Then there is the Glenn Wilson
revolution.  Glenn is the UK equivalent of a bacto running 6 or seven labels
in his own time. His flagship (in my opinion) is the Planet Rythm label. He
works with people like Thomas Krome, Slobodan, Headroom, Dilated Audio, many
others. Definately check out "wider universe" on compound. A lot of Dirty
nasty raw hard techno. Ah my other favorites...Skunkworks (the label)
Hardcell is pretty sweet. And Alexander Kowalski on the Klanzerampt label is
totally bad ass. And Can't forget G-Force. But Im giving away all my info!
Oh no! Anyways, What does this have to do with Detroit Techno? Almost
everyone I know producing modern techno music in this city who DJs loves
just about all these types of records. Futhermore many connections are being
forged in the ever expanding world of global techno. It shouldnt be too long
before you see their work out on Detroit based labels. Peace-

New Detroit Stuff:

New Global Stuff:

and whatever else. There are many more. Just look around. Use the net. 

RE: Pressing tricks

2000-12-06 Thread David Bitterman
BTW, one of the labels that pressed dual stereo tracks side by side was
called "parallel fx".
Didn't like the record that much so I returned it. Took me a few to catch
onto the title.
"Parallel FX". Git it? I sure hope you do! -


RE: Linguist

2000-12-06 Thread David Bitterman
I have to say that linguistic mail was once of the funnier things I have
seen via email. Cheers! -


RE: Any reason....

2000-12-07 Thread David Bitterman
Any reason my techno/trance post is not getting posted??? I responded to the
"did we influence trance" post. The first two times there was some language
and it did not get posted. The third time I edited/censored it. I hope it
shows up as I hope that thoughts and ideas are not being edited/censored as
well. Thank you-


RE: race debate is so basic and not that deep

2000-12-11 Thread David Bitterman
Is anyone else getting a ing headache from this "not black enough"
thread? Cmon people, evolve. Evolve. Get the  out of the murky waters of
the evolutionary turmoil that is the programming of attachment to the
various things that make you different. How deep, soulful, or spiritual you
are depends on your individual level of insight, evolution, experience, and
interpretation. Not on any of the attributes your culture tells you you
should stand seperate and strong on. I hate this. Isn't it Mike Banks who
told you, "do not allow yourselves to be programmed." Anybody else see that
the "man" lives inside of your head in the form of your own ego? He's black,
white, yellow, red, every ing color that a human w/ an ego could
possibly be. So PLEASE, can we stick to the ing music and at least
somewhat interesting and related topics of discussion!!!-



2000-12-12 Thread David Bitterman
I would like to ask if anyone else on this list has had their posts
intentionally omitted? There are several posts I have sent in on various
things and about half of them get posted. The ones that don't are a little
more extremely opinionated but are in no way out of line. I have heard of
this and other lists being edited and I WARN anyone against having their
content edited. Would you really like somebody else choosing and omitting
your information? In effect, electronically thinking for you?? Basically a
"group brain" defense mechanism, run by a unconscious agent?

I say this as I know of various people who have been "removed" or banned
from posting. While I don't know the exact nature of their posts I can only
say that I can't imagine it being grounds for their removal from this list,
especially considering they are some of the only people I know in this city
writing some innovative, free form electronic music (when I say free-form I
mean not necessarily being or attempting to be derivative of traditional
"Detroit" techno. Whether or not its' being techno makes it derivative of
"Detroit techno" is more a subject up the ally of the list members no doubt.
I tend not to worry about such things ;)! and please remember the world is a
vast and expansive place and to trace the roots of anything will ultimately
lead us down the path to that endless beginning which is and always will be
everything. the awnser

2000-12-14 Thread David Bitterman
I'll solve the mystery. A cat I knew a while back purchased He does in fact also own He's a web
designer and plays around on a bit of gear, although to my knowledge he's
never completed a track. Just turns knobs in his free time.  Originally he
was going to hook up the page with tracks and mix sets from all his friends,
and promote general techno and house events in the city.  Needless to say
everybody was excited as this domain name could attract ALOT of attention.
Dan Sordel (spelling??) of Motor searched and got the owners contact
information. He approached the said owner and offered a few thousand dollars
(I believe) to buy the domain. Knowing the name was important the owner did
not sell, but they entered into a business agreement to do the page
   Now this next part of the story is ruff. This cat is an old friend of
mine. We aren't that close anymore, though we still talk from time to time.
It isn't a direct result of this thing, but the situation
is representative of a pattern of behavior. No more specifics said about
that. He had just about every good web designer in the Detroit area offering
to design the page. He had at least a dozen qualified offers and submissions
thrown his way. Didn't accept any of them. He wanted to do the page himself.
He was of the idea that the page had to completely blow your mind when you
went there. None of the designs met his "standards" while in the meantime
the page went completely untouched. I tried to let him know that it IS just
a web page, and that web pages don't bring about enlightenment and we should
go ahead and design something. He got me involved with many people,
including Dan from Motor, with this project and in the end did absolutely
NOTHING. You don't know how much time I've had repairing stupid little
situations and getting out from under that damn project. It was talked about
and talked about and in the end NOTHING happened.
   It could have been an excellent vehicle for the current generation of new
Detroit producers. It could have been a medium to tell the world (SHOW the
world) what's really going down in Detroit. As of now it seems it mine as
well be a squatter who owns the page. What will become of it, I claim to
know nothing.  All I know is that even mention of it in the circles of
friends I travel in has become taboo. Peace-

D (bit) the awnser

2000-12-15 Thread David Bitterman
Sure it's just a name. And I don't know if it's only about the visitors. I'd
say it's more about the content. But anyways, it's pretty general knowledge
that certain domain names have attention getting power.  Some stand out more
than others. Personally I like some more obscure names. for
example. But has an extremely commercially viable name.
That's not commercial as in "selling" or "selling out" as so many people
here seem to like to talk about, it's commercial in the sense of being a
potentially major traffic area to many interested parties. And that's in my
opinion what the page should be. A content LOADED, well designed,
non-political, non-partisan information center for EVERYTHING related to
electronic media and art (emphasizing on the music of course) that is going
down in the metropolitan Detroit area, and all of it's global associations.

P.S., I believe that site gets thousands (multiples) of hits every week
(many of those are 1st time visitors) just from the name, with nothing

AGAIN, those are old numbers as I have NOTHING to do with this page.


D (bit) 

RE: the awnser

2000-12-15 Thread David Bitterman
I'll solve the mystery. A cat I knew a while back purchased He does in fact also own He's a web
designer and plays around on a bit of gear, although to my knowledge he's
never completed a track. Just turns knobs in his free time.  Originally he
was going to hook up the page with tracks and mix sets from all his friends,
and promote general techno and house events in the city.  Needless to say
everybody was excited as this domain name could attract ALOT of attention.
Dan Sordel (spelling??) of Motor searched and got the owners contact
information. He approached the said owner and offered a few thousand dollars
(I believe) to buy the domain. Knowing the name was important the owner did
not sell, but they entered into a business agreement to do the page
  Now this next part of the story is ruff. This cat is an old friend of
mine. We aren't that close anymore, though we still talk from time to time.
It isn't a direct result of this thing, but the situation
is representative of a pattern of behavior. No more specifics said about
that. He had just about every good web designer in the Detroit area offering
to design the page. He had at least a dozen qualified offers and submissions
thrown his way. Didn't accept any of them. He wanted to do the page himself.
He was of the idea that the page had to completely blow your mind when you
went there. None of the designs met his "standards" while in the meantime
the page went completely untouched. I tried to let him know that it IS just
a web page, and that web pages don't bring about enlightenment and we should
go ahead and design something. He got me involved with many people,
including Dan from Motor, with this project and in the end did absolutely
NOTHING. You don't know how much time I've had repairing stupid little
situations and getting out from under that damn project. It was talked about
and talked about and in the end NOTHING happened.
  It could have been an excellent vehicle for the current generation of new
Detroit producers. It could have been a medium to tell the world (SHOW the
world) what's really going down in Detroit. As of now it seems it mine as
well be a squatter who owns the page. What will become of it, I claim to
know nothing.  All I know is that even mention of it in the circles of
friends I travel in has become taboo. Peace-

D (bit) 


2000-12-20 Thread David Bitterman
P.S. - Yall missed the Bijou barmitzfah (spelling??) so yall aint no sh * t!

Just Fu (CK) ing 

(and also testing language filters)


RE: OT/Gear talk?? Probs??

2000-12-22 Thread David Bitterman
Does OT stand for "over technical" or something? I would hope there wouldn't
be to much of a problem with this on a "techno" music chat list. I
understand how it could get annoying and that this list is a more conceptual
one. It's just that I find to many of the gear lists to be dry, and too many
people post links to mediocre music. Not that I'm claiming anything of
myself here, but it would be nice to be able to have some gear chat in a
more mutually understanding and respectful forum. Just my two cents. Peace-

DBIT  vr 2.0 coming in the new year. New
interface. No more long intros. Content is king. 

RE: Mastering + Manufacturing info

2001-01-08 Thread David Bitterman

Yo. The site is

There's a link to it on the new MIF site but the new MIF site is not
finished. If anyone wants a preview they can go there, but the splash page +
the loader page are TOTAL BS. They will be changed in a week. Anyways, check
out indiecentre for reviews and contact info. Peace-


RE: Tone shifting, phantom sound, etc...

2001-01-09 Thread David Bitterman
I usually don't drop in on these types of discussions, but this one caught
my attention.  

  I work with electronic music production/Djing as well as other forms of
media production (web/graphics). Before my electronic music days I played
all kinds of instruments (guitar, drums, bass, piano, horns, etc...) so I
have a background in traditional forms of "quantised" melody and music.
  I was fascinated for a period of time by the fact that when listening to
relatively simple minimal tracks (minimal as in harder techno minimal, not
explicitly minimal music) my mind, groove, movement, was swayed by melodies
often not present in the tunes themselves. Not that I was off in some
fantasy realm making fluffy trance realities, but there were melodies
implied or suggested by various rhythmic elements of the music, or by the
mind of the listener themselves. I also found that many of the melodies were
opposing dualities. The experience of being swayed between two poles. This
can sometimes be found in simple bass lines moving between two primary
tones, notes, or keys. Sometimes a third step thrown in for transition. I
think it also has a lot to do with the four/four structure. Also, out of
repetition the mind has a need to create variance. John Lilly performed an
experiment with a tape loop of the word "cogitate" being played to a room
full of psychologists for about 15 minutes.  They were instructed to record
the various word changes every time the tape changed. None of them knew that
the tape was a static loop.  About 90 percent of the group came back with a
list of at least ten changes. This was an official psychological experiment
using other psychologists as the lab rats. How elementary for the mind to
need to split a repetitive non-melody into the opposition of two. Moving
from the static "one" of nothing to the newly created "two" of something. I
was always curious about this. I think much of the melodic projection is
also based on the timbrality, tuning, and harmonics of the instruments (drum
sounds, synths, etc..) being used. Therefore the melodies and shifts seem
intimately related to the actuality of the piece itself and therefore more
inherent, as in exisiting, yet not quite manifest.
   Parmahansa Yogananda, an old spiritual teacher from the east used to talk
about inventions like this. He would say that the "potentiality" of the
invention existed inherently in the fabric of reality. Its physical
operation was in line with the laws of engineering and physics. To him the
inventor was a person whose inner workings had become so highly in tune with
this potential structure in reality that they become the tool to manifest
   Quick comment on the DE9 reference. I agree completely that Rich's use of
the effects on the tracks brings to light through expression a kind of
transitional state between two things (w/ reference to the use of delay).
This transitional state is quite possibly the result of years of listening
to mixes. Mixes falling off, exposing the difference between the two
records, and then realigning. But the over use of this effect CAN become
overly manifest, overly static, and a little boring. No diss to Rich. Trust
me, he's one of my utmost favorite DJs of all time.  But I remember hearing
him a couple of times when the delays seemed to be used so often, and at
such an obvious transitional point in the break down and mixing in of the
next record that it gave me a not so faint reminder of a time where parties
were a night of snare roll cresendo after snare roll cresendo, this being
the primary exciting agent of the peaks in tracks. You know how boring this
got. Build up, build up, build up, then nothingor a raised cut-off or
resonance. Of course those with skill, such as Rich, know that a build up is
nothing if there's nothing to build up to! Anyways, just my two cents! Have
fun with it. -


losing control

2001-01-18 Thread David Bitterman
Rob Hood remix rocked. 


2001-01-24 Thread David Bitterman
For those who don't know MAX/MSP is a pimpin programming environment which
can be used to process midi and audio in all kinds of previously unthinkable
ways. People also use this program to control lighting rigs, networked
computers, and in some cases even smart houses.

The thing you've got to remember is that MAX is a programming environment.
When Opcode licensed it from Cycling '74 they packaged it as a musical
software program and sold it. I couldn't believe they didn't build more core
objects such as midi sync modules, BPM translaters for sequencers, and
better sync support for interface w/ standard sequencers. I had to construct
objects containing 20 objects and various variables just to get certain time
code in and out of the program.

Usually what I think you find are various software engineers/people with
enough time on their hands/programming tolerance to sit around and
understand the whole program. After that they educate others on it's
operation and assist with basic module construction. Not that hard really. I
have some people who wanted to pay me to sit around and learn it. Don't
think it'll go down quite that way, but I would probably require payment in
order to sit around and learn that beast from scratch.

Other gripes...MAX uses Opcodes "Time Stamper" technology. This passes basic
midi clock and time code on from a sequencer via OMS to MAX. Unfortunately
the only sequencer to date which uses Time Stamper is Opcodes Studio Vision
Pro. And if you know what's up Opcode MAY be ill ill fated thanks to World
Dominance fantasizing guitar mongers Gibson. Anyways, there may be work
arounds to this time code issue, but when I asked the head of an electronic
music dept. out in a cali university (friends w/ David Z., inventor of the
prog.) for help I received several pages of straight code, and lots of weird
SMPTE routing in and out of interfaces, along with a humble "I'm not really
sure if this will work".  Again, I know the program can be beautiful, but it
sure helps to have people around you who truly understand it! My buddy goes
to the Expression School for New Media out in San Fran and he says although
they have MAX around the school he can't find a single instructor or student
using it for midi/audio. It's controlling intelligent light set-ups and what

MSP is MAX's audio set of objects for processing samples ala autechre and
various experimental sounding crews.

The whole set-up is great, and I challenge anyone to get into it. Someday I
will probably finally integrate it into my set-up. In the meantime I'll tell
anyone who wants to attempt to grapple with it what I know, hand them the
1100 pages of printed manual I have, and let them go to town! Peace -

"check out the new Live Wire Records release from Detroit, MI, arriving in
stores March 2001"
Previews online @ 

RE: New Detroit Label + web links

2001-01-27 Thread David Bitterman
Just wanted to let yall know about another new Detroit label about to drop,
Live Wire Records, focusing on harder and experimental styles of techno.
These artists aren't brand new, only new to you. If you like harder or
experimental techno check out the preview tracks, available at the link
below. Both MP3 and Real Audio versions are available for listening. Send
any feedback to me. The record is being master at The Exchange, and pressed
at MPO, so the production quality should be tops.

Another installation from the New Detroit Techno families.

related sites: (under construction till Feb. 1st)\ 

Broken web links to New Detroit Release (now fixed)

2001-01-28 Thread David Bitterman
I apologize for the repost. It seems in my poor little keystrokes I
unwittingly omitted a semi-important detail of a web address, a certain

For a preview of the new release from Detroit based label Live Wire Records
please visit

Harder techno with an experimental bent.



Craving some old acid house

2001-01-28 Thread David Bitterman
Anyone know where I can get a GOOD mix tape of some older acid house and
chicago jacky type tracks? I don't have much to listen to and would like a
good mix of it, while simultaneously attempting the feat of avoiding to much
cheese. Any suggestions?



2001-03-27 Thread David Bitterman
Hi! I'm subscribed to the digest, so if anyone could reply to me directly I
would really appreciate it. Does anyone know the EXACT dates of the Love
Parade 2001? I could ask a few Germans, but I need to know in the NEXT FEW
HOURS, and I have a very early morning @ work already!! Every site I find is
in all german!

If anyone knows, mail me directly @ [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thanks in advance!-


tech-no at DEMF?

2001-04-19 Thread David Bitterman
Just to throw this out there, did anyone else know that for no more than the
price of air fare the DEMF was offered Joel Mull, Cari Lekebausch, Mistress
Barbara, Christian Smith, Marco Corola, and a handful of others, and they
said they had absolutely no interest? I could be wrong about this next part,
but I believe there was some offer of sponsoring a stage as part of the
package as well. So much for total diversity as a bunch of seriously pro
level techno gets dissed! -

Just spreadin info. Don't hate me! (or maybe, "you can hate me now!")



art vs. get rich quick scheme

2001-04-20 Thread David Bitterman
ok. First let me say that just because you don't personally understand or
vibe with harder or experimental techno styles doesn't mean it's a "get rich
quick" scheme. These artists have become quite adept at manipulating dance
floor experiences, and by and large they are DJs. Nothing wrong with
understanding your own experience on the floor and learning to manipulate
that experience for your own/ others enjoyment.

Second of all, I work with this music as well as listen to it (and have
worked with acoustic music as well), and I can tell you that if I analyze
their music against any other form of electronic music, the amount of
innovation vs. preexisting structure, the amount of uniqueness in the
productions, the amount of personality expressed, is all very much equal.
There are melodies, basslines, drum structures, synth and sonic experiments,
interest in new computer editing techniques, and just all over a balls-y
group that wanted to warp their mind against speaker stacks world over. Just
cause you don't understand or vibe with this more stripped down, minimal or
experimental approach doesn't make it a get rich quick scheme.

Third, I'd imagine you probably like a lot of disco house, or what some may
call deep house (I like genuinely deep house). Ripping of a disco sample,
transposing it, filtering it, and dropping it over a dance beat, then having
someone come into the studio and play a sax solo over it is NOT innovation
and is much more of a get rich quick scheme, in my opinion (and no, it's not
all of a sudden different cause you have a big name).

Let all of this stand to say that there is a wealth of diversity in today's
electronic music scene, and many of us will vibe with different aspects of
it. Just cause you don't understand something or like it doesn't make it
"cheap". Otherwise you would be the one my friend, and I'm sure you won't
make that claim! My point in bringing up the Swedes was just that I was
personally dissapointed that they were not playing. Not that it's an
injustice that they weren't included in the DEMF. Sorry for any
misunderstandings. -


Music + math

2001-04-21 Thread David Bitterman
Honestly, if you're really good at math, and that's your thing, you could
probably handle some more fundamental programming environments for music. I
know there are books out there that teach you to build music objects and
program sequences in C code. If you're familiar with C and are good at math
you could probably do well with that. One level up are graphical programming
environments such as cycling '74's MAX/MSP bundle. As I think of it, the way
you're going to be applying numbers to create music may be different than
the way you're thinking about it. Rather than looking into applications of
the numbers in a traditional composition environment, you might find that
you are applying your knowledge of higher math to programming sound
structures and constructing sequencing environments from which you can
compose and manipulate. One list that may be good for this is the microsound
digest I belong to. Don't read it that much myself, but people on the list
do work with numbers (some). Also if you haven't, check out Cycling '74 's
web site for info about the MAX and MSP programming environments. Peace-


[313] RE: posts not goping through?

2001-05-25 Thread David Bitterman
I've posted three times w/ regards to after events occuring at Forans Irish
Pub this weekend and none of them have gone through? What the h*ll is up
with this? 

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[313] Moby, underground techno

2001-07-25 Thread David Bitterman
I think the message was aimed more towards the POP headliners such as Moby,
Oakenfold, Underworld, etc.., NOT at their more underground stage partners.

Point being if I flip through the MAJOR FM radio stations I may pass that
shitty Moby track on a POP station. I'm not going to catch "slak" or
"Elektrostatik" EVER on those same stations.

Needless to say, I meet these dumb azz f*ckin promoters from time to time
and consider them mostly a disease. They have no concept whatsoever. They
are just trying to make a buck and be cool at the same time. Throw a bunch
of names on a flyer, add whatever local talent is pandering to you, hire a
bunch of stupid light systems, and voila. Instant success party. Personally
I'd rather shoot myself in the foot than attempt to throw a party of that

It was in a recent Autechre interview that they discussed art without a
dissident edge, basically saying that without that propulsion away from the
establishment or from compromise the art isn't really communicating anything
revolutionary or otherwise.

I think these people (wack promoters) should go get a job at a burger joint
and contribute more to society. I won't tell you what I REALLY think they
should go do...


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[313] Marketinbg techno + house to the masses

2002-03-01 Thread David Bitterman
Lets not forget how much popular music is programmed.

i.e. Someone writes the melody, someone else the lyrics, the vocalist or
"performer" performs the tune. And nice music directors and A&R people and
pop producers put the whole thing together.

We take "this feeling" from this music, combine it with "these thoughts"
from lyricist, get "this popular performer" to sing it. Boom, it's a hit.

from catchy melodies to sappy lyrics, it's all in the marketing report.

Not to be to cynical, but I can't help but notice that that whole N-Sync "no
strings attached" thing was a total sarcastic grin in the face of those who
know by the industry execs. I mean, let's be a little more obvious!

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