RE: [313] Derrick May track ID

2000-09-27 Thread mee-thod

> 'You cant hide from yourself' 
everywhere u go... there U R!

ahh wisdom ;)

plush viper

australia- dates 313 peeps

2000-09-28 Thread mee-thod

hey :)

Rumours are milling faster than flour here...
Does ANYONE have rumoured dates and locations for...
reecloose (heard 21st- adelaide.. any other dates?)
theo parrish
larry heard
common factor

review of Pullen in sydney anyone? Surgeon & R in Melbourne?

thanks :)

-it's in the way that you groove it-

designer music...norm talley

2000-10-02 Thread mee-thod

just listening to problemz- designer music and there's a sample which i
first heard on THE most xlnt norm talley 12" on city boy records.

anyone know where it comes from originally?


-it's in the way that you groove it-

Re: [313] BT

2000-10-02 Thread mee-thod

> Actually I am not that dumb. :)  I meant Marilyn. I have the names confused
> - that's my 22 hour working day for you. My bad for choosing a career where
> you get paid $2 an hour or something.

yeah! tsk tsk cyclone ;)
let's have a quiz and see how many know the capital of australia! or how
many states and territories there are. After the olympics about 1% of list
members should get it right ;)

now onto other off topic subjects...

why r chicken maryland pieces 3 times the size they used to be?

*sigh* so sweet to lower the tone,

-it's in the way that you groove it-

Re: [313] R: [313] women and electronic music

2000-10-06 Thread mee-thod
> > think its just the
> > appealI mean it obviusly appeals more to men
> > than women. So considering
> > that female djs are already scarce, couple that with
> > the macho appeal of
> > technothere you have it! No women djs!
> So you're saying that girls like soft, "girly" music
> instead? Maybe girls just aren't as creative, or are
> concerned with other things... I dunno... 

Yeah I think so... 
I think it's to do with the breasts and the womb. Maybe the larger the
breast size the less into techno they are (implants aren't included
here). I think it's also a womb thing coz when a women sheds the lining of
her uterus every month she also sheds brain cells, only a few but it adds

And it's totally linked to the fact that while a boy becomes a
man at 18 it takes a girl about 60 years to become a woman.

Yes, it's definitely a girl womb thing. 
Or maybe... it's 2000 years of institutionalised societal oppression and


-it's in the way that you groove it-


2000-10-06 Thread mee-thod


so definitely 2001
are there DEFINITE dates? (memorial wot when who why?)
i know jason asked but i missed the response if there was one.


-it's in the way that you groove it-

Re: [313] Women In Techno.

2000-10-08 Thread mee-thod

badass is a bad thing or a good thing?
i've never seen DJ Rap play but her music doesn't grab me and her
background could be termed as 'charmed'. 

but this isn't 313. K.Hand now there's one super star funk machine!

-it's in the way that you groove it-

Re: [313] Ford and Atkins

2000-11-09 Thread mee-thod

> what does everyone think about this?

i think it is amusing and sad.
highlights the contradictions in culture i see when i look at the
usa. (plank own eye yeah yeah)

ford- the corporation that systemised worker exploitation. a founder who
was a facist. an organisation that deskilled it's workers. and had no
qualms in laying people off between model runs. 

would we have techno without this? i don't think so..
detroit wouldn't be detroit (now that's stating the obvious)

maybe i burden the music with unreasonable expectation.
maybe music is music after all and there is no message.

maybe the sonic revolution is silent,

-it's in the way that you groove it-

Re: [313] Opinions..

2000-11-11 Thread mee-thod

> The techno scene in Melbourne is splintering along the neo-rave (younger,
> more European-influenced) and neo-Detroit (US-influenced,
> cross-generational, more club-based) crowd. I wonder if this has happened
> elsewhere?

Shoot me down with a flame gun, my vibe about Mebourne and techno is that
it's behind in the 'social' evolution/devolution' of the scene. That is
the fragmentation that has existed in Sydney for years is only happening

This is not a good or bad thing simply an observation. People in Melbourne
are definitely much friendlier ;)

-it's in the way that you groove it-

RE: [313] Ford and Atkins

2000-11-11 Thread mee-thod
On Thu, 9 Nov 2000, Peter B Leidy wrote:
> hear where youre comin from - but i think with that sort of utopian
> expectation from a heartless capitalist economy - you're bound for
> disappointment.

and so any movement for change will ultimately fail.
When innovators can't see, or can't move, outside the structure they set
themselves up for failure.

I don't think that selling a track to Ford is going to have the 'utopian'
desire of opening people's minds and ears to the soudns of detroit. It
will simply validate ford's place in society as a corporate entity. Pat on
the back to ford for picking up on the music of the people trying to break
free from the bullshit they pimp. If corporations r trying to coopt or
appropriate the groove, you know your are on a good groove... that's when
u have to stay true.

*sigh* woteva,


Re: [313] Detroit Raves??

2000-11-29 Thread mee-thod

Yes thislist is about music and not drugs but raves aren't about drugs
it's about atmosphere. don't believe all the bullshit u read  and see in
the media... propaganda *grin*

and who cares if they r about drugs anyway?!

we are adults with brains and can make intelligent informed decisions
about both music and drugs... hell! and atmosphere.

this might not be the right list for this dood but it may be... i'd love
to go to a RAVE (ie. huge party with lasers) and hear *sigh* stardancer
(have done in fact) or... any of the HUGE DETROIT ANTHEMS!

reality... do do do do do do do do do

-it's in the way that you groove it-

.> here ends the self-righteous whinge about self-righteous anti-drug
anti-personal responsibility propaganda pimped by white boy american
'democracy' >.

deep house list?

2000-12-07 Thread mee-thod

Hi :)

Is there a list that talks about deep house? Or whatever you want to call
the music that kdj and theo prrish (and like) make.

Thanks :)

-it's in the way that you groove it-

Re: [313] err...

2000-12-07 Thread mee-thod

darwin's ancestor in a primordial soup bid suggested:
> could go on and on.  So invite someone to say, the techno movement has
> ___.  fill in the blank.

the techno movement arose from the youth of detroit seeking to locate
themselves in a future that was different from the urban decay of the

-it's in the way that you groove it-

Re: [313] err...

2000-12-08 Thread mee-thod

mee mused:
> > > the techno movement arose from the youth of detroit seeking to locate
> > > themselves in a future that was different from the urban decay of the
> > > present.

otto tapped:
> Techno was born because there were people that were *not* apathic,
> because there were people that heard a certain sound and ran with it.
> People that were actively pursuing a goal, because there were people
> that just went out and made music, set up labels and distribution
> companies, DJed, threw parties and whatnot, all just for the fun of it.
> People that stuck with it, despite odds being stacked heavily against
> them in the 80s and early 90s. 

that's wot i said.

-it's in the way that you groove it-

Re: [313] Re: [Re: [313] RE:313 hoodies/313 HO Gear]

2000-12-11 Thread mee-thod

there seems to be implication that there is something wrong with being a

what's wrong with being a ho?

-it's in the way that you groove it-

Re: [313] not black enough...

2000-12-11 Thread mee-thod

lks wrote:
> Well...I think the biggest concern with dance music is that it becomes
> synonymous with the trippy drug scene.  We're definitely moving towards
> that.

i think the biggest concern is electronic music selling out to
corporates who take control of the music to sell as a commodity to
further their own agenda. 

we r definitely beyond moving towards and in that...

who cares whether those ppl, the corporates who control the media (coz
they do) consider it synonymous with the triippy drug scene?

i think if that is a concern we r already buying into the corporate crap
trap. drugs use is commodity they use to sell products (ibiza inc) and
marginalise people (crack ho). 

can someone please explain to me why it is such a bad thing to have links
with drugs and music? it's obviously as cultural thing i haven't figured
out. drugs and music have always been linked. doesn't mean you need one
for the other. i don't 'respect' techno less coz some dude smoked a joint
(or woteva) when playing with the 303. I don't respect techno less coz
some dude DIDN'T smoke a joint (or woteva) when playing wioth the 303.

Prozac dope drugs woteva. I think the drugs line is a red herring.

-it's in the way that you groove it-

Re: [313] not black enough...

2000-12-11 Thread mee-thod

> Hey, what's wrong with bringing a little "trippiness" into the music??  
> I personally would love to see something like goa-style trippiness and 
> experimentation explored in Detroit techno.  I've heard hints of it in a few 
> things and its been quite fun. 

i think a lot of the earlier stuff.. i dunno... that UR stuff, has
elements that i can see 'goa' borrowed from in later years and
focussed on. Personally, i think that without the other sounds to balance
it the music of 'goa' is quite duo-dimensional and ultimately

-it's in the way that you groove it-

goa, 303, 313, heavy metal

2000-12-12 Thread mee-thod
On Mon, 11 Dec 2000, [iso-8859-1] Nick Walsh wrote:
> Goa is related to heavy metal music and gets it's
> sound from that... It doesn't have much to do with
> previous forms of electronic music (ie detroit
> influenced) at all...

Really? First I've heard that, might wanna tell all the goa heads in aus
the same thing too. what do u base this on?

The oveerworked 303 sounds and other acid squigglies (tech term
folks) don't really make me think heavy metal.


Re: [313] fwd: UR and NYE

2000-12-18 Thread mee-thod

A friend is going to the uk for nye, I think she'd really dig UR and

What r the venue and price details? r tickets still available?


-it's in the way that you groove it-

Re: [313] cityscapes.

2000-12-19 Thread mee-thod

> if i wanted to get a feel of the ambience prevalent in detroit on a day to
> day basis, what would best make up a soundtrack for modern living?

i have never been to detroit but
soundtrack for modern day living, and i am from a city 'designed for the
future' ;)

modern life
landcruising- carl craig
modern summer streets
mahogany brown- moodymann (radio and sunshine) *sigh*
modern winter trees
tango'n'vectif- mu-ziq


Re: [313] Bass booty ?

2000-12-21 Thread mee-thod

> Another thing I'd like recommandations on is booty - I'm currently waiting
> for my copy of DJ Assault's Belle Isle Tech, other representative records
> for that style ?

that 'little dick' song, whoever wrote it

would u like some sexist drivel with your bass? yes please!

i had a considered mail about the whys and wherefores of bollocks bass,
but i figured i needed to respond on the level of the music.

all they have to do is cut the lyrics but then all those hormonal
adolescent boys/men/grrls won't be interested, *sniff* *snort* *dribble*

-it's in the way that you groove it-

OT- sarah jones- your revolution

2001-01-03 Thread mee-thod

313ers r a pretty informed bunch so...
I am looking for more information on Sarah Jones, the poet/vocalist in dj
vadim's 'your revolution'. I wanna know if she's done other stuff.

thanks :)

-it's in the way that you groove it-


2001-02-06 Thread mee-thod

ok so any tips on cheaper places to stay.
i am no IT person and the exchange rate is peso equivalent.

thanks for the url's ian. useful. :)

-it's in the way that you groove it-

Re: [313] not techno- sorry- but interesting

2001-02-08 Thread mee-thod

> just heard from a co-worker who was done in our
> "family" store watching TV and she said there was an
> "almost" attempt on bush's life . its breaking
> news now.they shot him in his leg after they saw
> his gun

bloody idiot spoiled it for the rest of us.
now no one else will get a chance

-it's in the way that you groove it-

Re: [313] Previous v Present turnouts in Detroit

2000-06-07 Thread mee-thod
> besides the fact that i'm too much of an airhead to remember exact records...

wot r u saying is you let the music take you and are not fixated on
impressing by spotting tracks. ;)

it's message of the music u remember.


-it's in the way that you groove it-

[AR] Re: [sub] claude young review? (fwd)

2000-06-08 Thread mee-thod

claude young adelaide review of sorts.
i wasn't there. collective headache i think.

-it's in the way that you groove it-

venue: awful
sound: awful
turntables: awful (broken headshell)
turnout: awful
supporting djs: peter finger, t_com and bundi 2 thumbs up! devious one 
thumb down (too hard)
claude: good.. cept the rest of the event put me in such a bad mood i 
didint want to stay around for longer than an hour into his set.


Sydney- Flash- Claude Young & Carl Craig

2000-06-11 Thread mee-thod

confirmation that all 612 313 agents were wiggling. u know who u r ;)

hmm... to gather one's thoughts.
I am still in a daze to see two of my favourite artists in the same night
at the same venue is a rare treat.

I was sitting down for i don't know how long after carl craig had finished
unable and unwilling to move, suspended reliving the every moment of his
set. sad puppy ;)

and it seems a good place to begin

last time i saw CC play was in 96 (?) when he was djing in australia, it
may have been his first visit (cyclone?). he blew me away and this time he
did it again.

i thought it was very paperclip people-esque, maybe given the opening
bassline was from '4 my peeps' (a personal fav of mine).

CC was scheduled ot play for 1.5 hours. I don't know about anyone else but
he seemed to play for only 45 minutes. Maybe I just wanted it to never
wanted it to stop. i can't say more coz it blew me away, as usual.

CC was very much the 'star' on the night. wot with the very lovely, but
somewhat annoying, 'honeyz' dancing on the podium. This and the APALLING
crowding are my only whinges. two chicks dancing on a podium waving
ribbons about while we the people were barely able to breathe. if it was
for my peeps then we should have had space to move. with a live
performance i consider the music maker to be telling a story and the
crowd/ the dancer to be retelling that story through dance. i couldn't
tell my story and that was kinda sad, especially coz CC's music always
seems to tell my story so well. another thread another time another list

Claude Young was bloody excellent as one has come to expect. Definitely
not a repeat of the sad circumstance of Adelaide a few days ago. He kept
it true and everyone was with him all the way. I'll leave trainspotting to
the folks who know.

All the DJs I heard reminded me of why it is I love this music and why I
believe. And better, they dragged me from my flu fouled state and made me
the soppy mees I am right now :)

-it's in the way that you groove it-


2000-06-12 Thread mee-thod

> I think I have ascertained where that misinformation came from - it wasn't
> the Sydney promoters and Carl understood that he was playing for an hour, he
> said so. That's what he said he was booked for. They said 2 hours here on
> the street and that struck me as odd as the average length of a live show of
> this kind (cf Luke Slater and DJ Spooky) is 45 - 60 minutes.

it's coz the dj schedule posted up on walls all over the party, and in the
local free rag, said 1.30-3am :)

he may have only be booked for an hour but the schedule didn't reflect

-it's in the way that you groove it-

Re: [313] Overseas members

2000-06-13 Thread mee-thod

> Concerning the overseas members like the Dutchmen and myself: I hope we will
> also be able to purchase the T-shirts and get them send to us. 

I think the idea is that we will be able to get transfers if we like so we
can actually get tshirts that fit. knowing as I do how annoying it is to
wear 'the dress' tshirt or 'the snug around arse tight around tits folds
of fabric at waist' tshirt. 

how r we doing this voting thing eric?

-it's in the way that you groove it-

RE: [313] Sydney- Flash- Claude Young & Carl Craig

2000-06-13 Thread mee-thod
On Tue, 13 Jun 2000, Gwendal Cobert wrote:

> Sorry, I'm a bit new to all the scene, so...
> "Throw" : the Paperclip People track ?
> "I feel love" : the Donna Summer track ???
> Gwendal

btw the 1982 remix by patrick cowley, of i feel love, is amazing


Re: [313] moodyman

2000-06-18 Thread mee-thod

> does anyone know if the moodyman track called "shade of jae" (spelling???) 
> is still available. it was a one sided track... i think i remember hearing 
> something about it being limited.

all the kdj one sided pressings have been repressed of late and you should
be able to get hold of it. i heard it when it was first out and passed it
over coz it didn't sound so great *ducks* ;) ahh well...

-it's in the way that you groove it-

Re: [313] Re: all this racism stuff (fwd)

2000-06-18 Thread mee-thod
> > I guess it's reverse racism.... whatever man
> b) there is no such thing as "reverse racism"..again racism implies a 
> level of power that is _instituitonalized_ people who are in an oppressed 
> group simply do not have that level of power at their disposal to be 
> racist...

i agree that there is no such thing as reverse racism. i disagree that the
oppressed are not able to be racist.

racism is the belief/opinion/view that one race is superior.

one doesnot have to be in a position of power to hold that belief. one
does not have to be in a position of power to exercise that belief. one
may have to be in a position of power to implement institutional racism,
but that is not the same thing.

racism knows no colour. it is indiscriminate. it only looks for ignorance
and arrogance. kinda like all prejudice really.


-it's in the way that you groove it-

Re: [313] GIrls and Detroit

2000-06-18 Thread mee-thod
> I find it very interesting that more girls aren't into this type of music.

opportunity and the doormat principle, or...

Maybe the reason grrls/chicks don't APPEAR to be into techno is coz they
can't get t-shirts that fit? hell if i could, I'd be wearing my musical
taste. what's the deal with planet e and femme shirts btw? no
info on the site.

Seriously (though my point about tshirts is serious), the sexism in da
scene gets bloody boring. Maybe babes, less forward than you and me, can't
be arsed to stand up to the crap?

That said, there are a lot of women into electronic music. A lot may
be taking a backseat but they are no less influential or
important. Cyclone writes about the music, and I gotta say people all over
OZ respect her work and look for it (troo!). I am the only person
playing detroit techno (on radio) where I live and I know people
are listening and taking notes. Another friend is doing it for the deep
dark junglist crew. We might not be making the music but we
are suggesting what people should listen to.

I'd rather be staying low and pushing a solid groove than selling out and
shouting out (and some sistas are doing that too). This is only a
small pocket of Australia. Expand that state 2 state, nation 2 nation and
raise the influence...

And I gotta say there's nothing wrong with dancing. The woman
wiggling at DEMF was obviously an inspiration to all, from reading
the 313 demf posts. Music is made for movement.


Re: [313] Old recording techniques...

2000-06-21 Thread mee-thod

Ryan, i think it was, mentioned the atmosphere of of recordings of jazz
and blues. 

I had this notion that part of the reason I liked the sounds of analog
tape and vinyl was coz they recorded EVERYTHING. The atmosphere included
the inaudible range of frequencies that we still respond to. Certainly the
old CDs would cut those frequencies out (space or something). Is this
still the case with digital recordings?

-it's in the way that you groove it-

Re: [313] Detroit Techno & Art

2000-06-22 Thread mee-thod
Hey :)

> A discussion on the relationship between Detroit techno and art movements
> would be cool, actually. Or has this been done before? It would be
> interesting.

it's not directly related to detroit techno but there's an exhibition
currently on at the NGA called 'techno art'. It's the work of an melbourne
based artist, susan cohn.

they have electronic music playing throughout the exhibition, which makes
sense in that both draw on modern industry as an influence. Cohn has said
she likes to use material or objects she sees in everyday modern
(industralia) life and create them into pieces of jwelery (bit more
besides that but u get the drift). Some of her pieces which are really
onteresting are her survival kits; which include a condom, a telephone
(tinsy wire piece), a magic pill that will save you but can only b used
twice, hearing devices. She also has pieces which take the functional idea
of a penciil or a walkman and make them pieces to wear with no function,
except to look good. Anodised metal shaped like a walkman, but it doesn't
work *grin*. Then there are her works that are fine wires you clamp to
your face to help reduce lines or correct unseemly facial expressions,
'braces' for your face.

Hmmm... very interesting and close to home for you cyclone.


-it's in the way that you groove it-

AUS content- retail online

2000-06-30 Thread mee-thod
ASKEW wrote:
> The recent U.R sleeves have some pertinent information about chain stores 
> like Sanity. Good for your wallet/purse, not good for the music scene.
> Support the stores that support the music.

werd. hassle here is that we wanna buy local and buy political, which
isn't always an easy task. I find it easier to deal with record stores and
people rather than online ordering.

red light district in adelaide. bundi has said that he'll do mail order
and he's sound.

reachin'records in sydney will post stuff down to you and play stuff over
the phone. very good.

I am waiting for the store in perth to cave into east coast demands for
mail order!!! *hint*


-it's in the way that you groove it-

RE: [313] Chicago/Detroit/France

2000-07-06 Thread mee-thod

> My two pence:
> St. Germain (Ludovic Navarre), Frederic Galliano, and A Reminiscent Drive 
> are three French artists that also have been stepping in line with Detroit 
> for some time now. Anyone care to comment?

I forget that france even has electronic music producers (til i
pull out the vinyl). I think of France as being a place where hiphop has
been able to stay true and develop. The language lends itself to the rhyme
and meters of rap. More importantly for me, there has been a continued
strong focus on the political and social comment.

I can think of more austrian (viennese) artists who reflect and build on
the detroit/chicago influence. Not that I can remember them now... apart
from memory foundation :)

-it's in the way that you groove it-

french question

2000-07-06 Thread mee-thod

is it source or source lab?
i had a notion that the label 'source records' was from austria or ... not

-it's in the way that you groove it-

Re: [313] st germain - detroit

2000-07-24 Thread mee-thod

'from detroit to st germain' ludovic navarre to st germain
it's kinda like a best of tracks from 92 to 96.

F Communications.
available in OZ through Creative Vibes CVOS 1010

i think it's a solid retrospective.

-it's in the way that you groove it-

Re: [313] Theo Parrish last night

2000-08-01 Thread mee-thod

> "Took me all the way back way back way back way back"

one of my favourite tracks of all time, every time.

wonder if he'll make it down this way soon?

-it's in the way that you groove it-

Re: [313] Pubahs on Jive...Dan's ?

2000-08-04 Thread mee-thod

> Has anyone caught the video clip for Sandwiches. For the last couple of 
> weeks, I been seeing it on a few channel over here in Australia. It's pretty 
> cool, good for a chuckle.

pity about the music eh?
the marketing push is hardcore.

-it's in the way that you groove it-

Re: [313] Jive = BMG??(was:Pubahs on Jive...Dan's ?

2000-08-08 Thread mee-thod
> *shrug* Overall I think the song is about nothing more than having fun, 
> being happy for all those involved with the Pubahs and the track, & not 
> worrying about who is what to what paycheck-that will be worried and dealt 
> with if the time ever comes & belong to those involved.
> BUT like anything,once you start dissecting something too much-it loses its 
> guts.

I agree that the song is nothing more than having fun (pretty boring fun
imo, i want to like it but it's just flat).

I really believe if a track is good it will stand up to 'dissection'. You
can pull the track apart and take appreciation in each element. Marvelling
at the brilliance the artist possessed in putting the sounds together in
just such a way. Even the way they'll put stuff in especially so the
listener can hear the shift and congratulate themselves on being clever
enough to pick it up *grin* love that.

And if a track is good enough to handle that kinda interrogation it just
gets better and better.

-it's in the way that you groove it-

melbourne- rolando details

2000-08-11 Thread mee-thod

could someone help me out and tell me where and when?
thanks :)

-it's in the way that you groove it-

Re: [313] Sound Signature news

2000-08-14 Thread mee-thod

> Can u ask that nice lil birdy to repress pandemonium stuff as well? and KDJ 
> nr1,
> since thats the last one i need ..

the kdj repressings have all happened yeah?

-it's in the way that you groove it-

Re: [313] Underground (was Re: [313] Pooh-blahs)

2000-08-17 Thread mee-thod

The Discography quote is interesting (must read the book) but it kinda
reads like a cop-out. It's a standard angle imo.
Of course, underground has been appropriated as a marketing tool. Remember
those words 'alternative' and 'progressive'?

But just coz a language has been stolen doesn't mean you can't still
own it.

When I think of underground i think of staying true to yourself
and the music you are trying to make, or if your are playing others'
music... getting in touch with what they are about and understanding
where they r coming from and staying true to the way they want to be
represented. underground is close to the roots.

When i think of underground I always think of it as an utopian place, or
state of being. and i think of the curtis mayfield track... 

-it's in the way that you groove it-

Re: [313] Message to the majors?

2000-09-04 Thread mee-thod

I don't know the real deal here, call me a cynic but...

is pepsi better than coke?
nike over reebok?
a major is a major and to get to where they are they've got an agenda
and that doesn't include the message in the music.

that some ppl think the track transcends scenes means they r already
thinking in those kinda terms.

making money is funky and i'd not decline universal's help if i was
going up against sony, helps to have a organisation who thinks in the same
way on your side. but they do think the same.


-it's in the way that you groove it-

Australia- Stacey Pullen

2000-09-12 Thread mee-thod

Does anyone have complete tour dates for SP in OZ?

Thanks :)

-it's in the way that you groove it-

Re: [313] Let's Talk Techno

2000-09-16 Thread mee-thod
On Fri, 15 Sep 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> And yes, I do know Juan Atkins, Kevin Saunderson,
> Black Dog, and some others are not on here, and I think

Ok, your time starts now :)
I'd really like to know how you can contemplate omitting Juan Atkins from
your list.

I don't think people like Carl Craig, Theo Parrish, or KDJ would get the
props for innovation without Juan Atkins laying the foundation. And he's
still doing it.

In fact, I was talking abut this the other day. And it was decided that as
marvellous as Carl Craig is , his music is not truly innovative.

That's if we decide innovative is music that breaks boundaires, provokes
thought and advances the 'cause'.


-it's in the way that you groove it-

Re: [313] Let's Talk Techno

2000-09-17 Thread mee-thod

> What do u mean by "truly innovative".  I think that
> there is nothing in between something that is
> innovative and something that is not.  Innovative is
> just making changes in anything established.  So i
> cant see why Carl Craig isn't innovative, u just have
> to listen to "Innerzone orchestra Programmed". 

yeah i think i am splitting hairs on this one :)

On wot cyclone says about album and 12". I kinda think of an artist as
innoavative rather than tracks. but yeah bug in the bassbin

plit enz,

-it's in the way that you groove it-

Re: [313] Let's Talk Techno

2000-09-18 Thread mee-thod
Holly wrote:
> tapes of dr. eich have provoked years of thought in me. the music makes me
> think and feel and move and groove. if that is the purpose, it has been
> acheived with me . what exactly is your 'cause'?

ahhh don't think this is the forum for MY manifesto actually ;) it's a
lil too hardcore.

however, 'the cause' which i was alluding to is electronic music pushing
boundaries, provoking thought, breaking down established musical forms,
advancing sonic tools... usual stuff that i figured most ppl into
electronic music r into... as opposed to breaking the top40 being a
motivator basically (not that there's anything wrong with that blah blah).

> and for how long do you have to dwell on the old masters before the new
> masters can receive credit for their own work? if you continually throw
> back to the originators, you are never moving forward. we all know how
> great juan's contribution has been. i don't think that means that no one
> who has been influenced by him can be called an innovator.

Absolutely, and I don't think anyone was suggesting this.

Remembering where you have been doesn't stop you from moving
forward. Respecting a source doesn't stop you creating and leaping off
that point.

> i am not sure what your 'cause' is, but to me it definitely seems contrary
> to moving toward a positive musical future.

well, if u don't know what it is how can u be sure it's contrary to wot u
r on about ;) tsk tsk


-it's in the way you groove it-

Re: [313] Let's Talk Techno

2000-09-18 Thread mee-thod

> I just don't get the Moby is a pioneer argument myself.
> You know the story of that album, don't you? Moby went out to his local
> chain store bought two CDs of old blues/gospel samples and thought aha and
> viola. 

and picked tracks where he wouldn't have to pay the artist or their family
for the rights. may be wrong on this groove, but it rings true.

now isn't there some other dude who did this kinda thing back in the way
back and moby is also just ripping off this dude. someone with hardcore
trainspotting history prolly could help out here ;)

-it's in the way that you groove it-