Re: Need help identifying a crash source

2017-07-21 Thread Ronald Rosell via 4D_Tech
Kirk, something seems odd about this code.  Toward the end you have:

If ($key#"")


QUERY([KVP]; & ;[KVP]dir=$dir;*)


End if

That last Query([Table]) would bring up the query editor.  I’ve never tried 
doing that at the end of a string of Query parameters.  Either I have specified 
query parameters (the last one NOT ending in ;*) or I bring up the query table 
by referencing just the table and no parameters.

Perhaps this is what you need?

If ($key#"")


QUERY([KVP]; & ;[KVP]dir=$dir)



End if

Ron Rosell

> On Jul 21, 2017, at 9:58 PM, Kirk Brooks via 4D_Tech <> 
> wrote:
> I need some ideas on a problem.
> I'm getting a crash when a method runs. The method itself isn't the issue,
> I think, because it gets called literally hundreds of times in a given
> session. Here it is:
> C_TEXT($1;$2;$dir;$key)
> $key:=$1
> $dir:=""
> If (Count parameters=2)
> $dir:=$2
> End if
> ASSERT($key#"";"No key for a KVP find.")
> If ($key#"")
> QUERY([KVP];[KVP]key=$key;*)
> QUERY([KVP]; & ;[KVP]dir=$dir;*)
> End if
> The crash is happening as soon as the query runs when it's called in the
> context of a process that I spin up for a specific task. Now as I say this
> method is called frequently. I tried running it with the same parameters it
> gets in the crash scenario with no problem. This surprised me. So just for
> fun I ran the datafile through MSC and it comes back some errors in an
> index not related to this table at all. I repair it all anyway and still
> get the crash.
> I try some different source records for the process even though the lookup
> that's being performed is the same for all of them. I still get the crash.
> So, I'm looking for other avenues to explain what might be going on here.
> -- 
> Kirk Brooks
> San Francisco, CA
> ===
> *The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do
> nothing.*
> *- Edmund Burke*
> **
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4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)

Need help identifying a crash source

2017-07-21 Thread Kirk Brooks via 4D_Tech
I need some ideas on a problem.

I'm getting a crash when a method runs. The method itself isn't the issue,
I think, because it gets called literally hundreds of times in a given
session. Here it is:




If (Count parameters=2)


End if

ASSERT($key#"";"No key for a KVP find.")

If ($key#"")


QUERY([KVP]; & ;[KVP]dir=$dir;*)


End if

The crash is happening as soon as the query runs when it's called in the
context of a process that I spin up for a specific task. Now as I say this
method is called frequently. I tried running it with the same parameters it
gets in the crash scenario with no problem. This surprised me. So just for
fun I ran the datafile through MSC and it comes back some errors in an
index not related to this table at all. I repair it all anyway and still
get the crash.

I try some different source records for the process even though the lookup
that's being performed is the same for all of them. I still get the crash.

So, I'm looking for other avenues to explain what might be going on here.

Kirk Brooks
San Francisco, CA

*The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do

*- Edmund Burke*
4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)

Re: Use of Objects vs Global Variables (Was 'Arrays vs Objects...)

2017-07-21 Thread David Adams via 4D_Tech
On Sat, Jul 22, 2017 at 12:56 PM, John Baughman via 4D_Tech <> wrote:

> Lacking a computer science background too.

> My point is that none of the hammers are evil nor should any “be avoided
> like the plague”. Each has a place in my tool shed. I have a very basic
> understanding as to why a global variable can be problematic. For this
> simpleton it is all in one’s overall approach to the task at hand… less is
> best.

Most of you won't know this, but I used to live in the same town as John
and we would go to lunch regularly. Coding would come up a lot. I have to
say, John and I tended to disagree about pretty much everything, top to
bottom. And, for what it's worth, I can't think of a person I've met who
more easily took up new tools and languages and managed to come up with
novel solutions that were good for his customers. He's also taken over Flex
and 4D projects I started, so he knows where I've buried the bodies ;-)
Anyone that enjoyed John's popular "Tips & Tricks" presentations years back
at the Summit should remember that John is, above all, pragmatic, not

So, I know perfectly well that when I tell John he's "wrong", he'll ignore
me ;-)

The evils of globals come up faster when you have messy code and/or
multiple coders. Same with bad parameter passing, etc. You can put up a ton
of scaffolding to trap and handle coding mistakes. Or you can just not make
mistakes and strip out all of the guardrails.
4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)

Re: Use of Objects vs Global Variables (Was 'Arrays vs Objects...)

2017-07-21 Thread John Baughman via 4D_Tech
I always get amused whenever the discussion on the NUG turns to the evils of 
global variables. Lacking a computer science background most of the discussions 
in this vain go way over my head. I am a self taught 4D guy who over the years, 
for reasons I know not why, have taken a minimalist approach
to writing code. To me it is like going to the tool shed for a hammer. I always 
look for the smallest hammer that will get the job done...

No hammer = no variables
Finishing nail hammer = local variables
Regular hammer = Process variable
Sledge hammer = Global variable

The only reason I reach for the regular hammer is if for whatever reason I am 
unable to pass around my local variables either as parameter values or 

I rarely need to use the sledge hammer. I have found them useful for constants 
that are set at login, to provide a means for one process to report status back 
to the process that created it, or to store process numbers when multiple 
process are running at the same time and need to be aware of each other. 

As for globals used as constants, they are like that great set of tools hanging 
on my peg board. Rarely used but are always there in the same place should I 
need them. 

My point is that none of the hammers are evil nor should any “be avoided like 
the plague”. Each has a place in my tool shed. I have a very basic 
understanding as to why a global variable can be problematic. For this 
simpleton it is all in one’s overall approach to the task at hand… less is 

My 2 cents


> On Jul 20, 2017, at 10:22 PM, Nigel Greenlee via 4D_Tech 
> <> wrote:
> Global Variables.
> Regardless of the relative merits of Arrays vs Object. I would like to relay 
> my dislike in general of Glol variables. I have been work with 4D since 
> before the concept existed-since 4D V2(Globals came in with V3). Yes i am one 
> of the old boys.
> Back then we did not have multiple processes and when V3 arrived we were all 
> amazed and in awe of the abilityich to have multiple processes and I think we 
> all went mad for interprocess(global) variables.(i think we all had singing 
> dancing palettes on the screen doing fancy things to update themselves from 
> other processes). 
> Now if we were working in Javascript the concept of a global variable would 
> very much be considered something to be avoided like the plague. Global 
> variables are extremely useful but also extremely prone to problems, and over 
> the past couple of years-any javascript tutorial tells you to try and avoid 
> them, in 4D  I  have really cut down on my use of them.
> In my opinion a global variable should in general only be used for two things.
> 1) You want to set a value(or group of values) and through the life of the 
> programme they do not change once set(so here you are using them like a 
> constant)
> 2) You want to maintain an array that will be written to by multiple 
> processes.
> With point 2 you must protect the arrays with semaphores so only one process 
> alters the arrays at any one time-and often where these are used there might 
> be other ways to do it.
> I have just this week been dealing with 2 different structures where the 
> liberal use of interprocess arrays has lead to problems. Problems that do not 
> show up in testing and probably show that that the way the routines has been 
> used has changed over time. In both cases-different companies-different 
> programmers-different stuff an error shows up just occasionally. In one of 
> those systems discussion with the client shows that the usage of interprocess 
> variables has caused ‘strange’ unexplained un-investigated things to happen 
> where process A is changing the contents of <>Variable just at the point when 
> process B is about to send the contents of <>Variable that process B had set 
> to a document (‘sometimes we get a situation where the same order document is 
> created twice’!!)..and they have just restarted the machine to get rid of the 
> problem in the past(a practice that means you think the problem is 4D not the 
> way the code is written).
> Simply protecting the handling so only one process at a time can modify the 
> interprocess variables and arrays would have avoided all this. I suspect the 
> original programmer never intended the functionality to be running in 
> multiple processes at the same time and used interprocess arrays to (I think) 
> make it easier to display the data on a form that is in a different process. 
> Beyond the idea of a form in a different process i don’t see any purpose in 
> the arrays in this case being interprocess-they are being constantly changed 
> and as such should at best have been process arrays, In fact in a modern 
> context(this was written way before that) where we have been able to pass 
> pointers to local variables since 4D V11(??-maybe it was before that) I would 
> generally argue that programming using locals is much better-and 

Re: Use of Objects vs Global Variables (Was 'Arrays vs Objects...)

2017-07-21 Thread Robert McKeever via 4D_Tech
I doubt that they would let you through customs, David.

> On Jul 21, 2017, at 6:01 AM, David Adams via 4D_Tech <> 
> wrote:
> On Fri, Jul 21, 2017 at 10:35 PM, Pat Bensky via 4D_Tech <
>> wrote:
>> My 2 cents:
>> According to a recent 4D blog entry, using the new object notation option
>> will speed up your objects significantly:
> Sounds great!
> Before this becomes the new "for loops are faster", let's take a moment to
> remember that speed only matters when things are slow. And mostly, things
> aren't slow now. Heck, you can do silly things that would have hurt a lot
> years ago and never notice now. So, yeah, speed is sometimes interesting,
> but it's only important when it's important. That's not that often for most
> programs.
> It's always easy to lose track of proportion too:
> "Such and so makes you twice as likely to get attacked by a bear!"
> What does that mean? Does that mean your risk rises from 1/1,000,000 to
> 1/500,000 or from 1/10 to 1/5? Same proportion, pretty big difference in a
> day-to-day sense.
> Tip: Don't go to BC covered in salmon guts. Just saying.
> **
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Bob McKeever 
McKeever's Software Wizardry
Port Coquitlam, B.C.

4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)

Re: Resizing Window in Code keeping Background Image centered

2017-07-21 Thread Robert Livingston via 4D_Tech
Thanks for jumping in, Tim.

I am actually using V16 and so I generally use the V16 documentation.

But the link that Keisuke provided me to explain RESIZE FORM WINDOW happened to 
be a link to V15.4 documentation, immediately before CALL FORM arrived on the 
scene. So I was in that link when I then launched a search for CALL FORM which 
came up empty handed, so I was confused. 

Appreciate being put back on the path.


… SET WINDOW RECT is not the command to resize the window,
it is (since v2004) a command to resize the form. 

but since RESIZE FORM WINDOW does not take the window reference as an argument …

> On Jul 21, 2017, at 10:02 AM, Timothy Penner  wrote:
>> CALL FORM is capitalized so as to suggest to me that it is a command in 4D.
>> But I can find no such command.
> CALL FORM is a v16 command (first created in v15R5):
> -Tim

4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)

Re: Put a button in an email that won't open a web page

2017-07-21 Thread Jim Labos - infobase via 4D_Tech
My bad I misunderstood your question.

It seems what you want is for the user to be able to click on the button in
the email and only sent an email and be taken to a webpage that first time.
After that any click on button in the email would only send an email.

Yes the URL will send the user to a browser by default. Then if you do not
respond (you do not have to but the browser will timeout at some point) it
would be disconcerting to the user.

So yes best thing is to present an HTML page.

I do not think there is a way to not have the browser timeout if webserver
does not respond.

So since the user is always sent to the browser you should respond
appropriately with an HTML page. Emails can be sent irregardless of that.


Jim Labos - infobase

Jim Labos - infobase
View this message in context:
Sent from the 4D Tech mailing list archive at
4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)

Re: [off] Age bracket of this group (USA) :)

2017-07-21 Thread Tom Dillon via 4D_Tech
Chip Scheide via 4D_Tech wrote:

>Robert Fripp, and King Crismon are touring!

They're playing with Trapeze here in Moab. Or maybe I've just been out in the 
sun too much this summer.

   Tom Dillon   825 N. 500 W.
   DataCraft   Moab, UT 84532   720/209-6502
   Smart is knowing which way to look when crossing a one way street.
   Wise is looking both ways anyway. --- Sunastar

4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)

Re: [off] Age bracket of this group (USA) :)

2017-07-21 Thread Chip Scheide via 4D_Tech
BTW - one of my favorite eno albums :
My life in the bush of ghosts

particularly : The Jezebel spirit
(safe for work)
(Video NSFW official video)

On Sat, 22 Jul 2017 01:51:51 +1000, David Adams via 4D_Tech wrote:
>> Robert Fripp, and King Crimson are touring!
> Chip,
> Dang, that takes me back. Amazing guitar player in concert..but I haven't
> seen him in any lineup since the 1980's. Tony Levin is great on base, of
> course. Fripp grew up on Polka music, which explains (in part) why his
> guitar sound is so unusual. He's the Eddie Hazel of Polka ;-) For a sample
> of his more energetic guitar solo style, track down "Baby's on Fire" off of
> "Here Come the Warm Jets", if you don't know it. Not Polka.
> **
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Gas is for washing parts
Alcohol is for drinkin'
Nitromethane is for racing 
4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)

Re: Put a button in an email that won't open a web page

2017-07-21 Thread Jim Hays via 4D_Tech
Hi Jim,

How do you avoid responding with a web page?
Can you give a simple example for me to start with?

For example, the first time they click the Confirm button in an email, we
might still open a web page to give them some feedback.
Then, they can decide they don't want the extra feedback of the web page,
and can wait for the "receipt" email.
From then on, we would like to prevent the web page from opening when they
click the Confirm button in the email.



On Fri, Jul 21, 2017 at 1:24 PM, Jim Labos - infobase via 4D_Tech <> wrote:

> Without knowing the details of what you are doing I can only say that the
> button will just act like any URL to a server. What you do with the URL and
> respond to it is entirely up to how the server responds.
> I regularly send out emails with buttons linked to a URL. I use 4D
> Webserver
> and trap the URL and depending on the encoding parts I run whatever code
> required.
> I need not respond with a Web page at all. In that case however the user
> may
> get confused if you have not alerted them previously (in the email) of what
> to expect when clicking on the button.
> If for instance the button text reads: "Click here to receive an email from
> us" with added instructions below or above the button stating that the
> email
> may take up to 24 hours to come (or whatever time interval you deem fit).
> Of course all this is dependent on  you having control of what the Web
> server does.
> Cheers
> Jim Labos - infobase
> -
> Jim Labos - infobase
> --
> View this message in context: http://4d.1045681.n5.nabble.
> com/Put-a-button-in-an-email-that-won-t-open-a-web-page-
> tp5753240p5753272.html
> Sent from the 4D Tech mailing list archive at
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4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)

Re: Put a button in an email that won't open a web page

2017-07-21 Thread Jim Labos - infobase via 4D_Tech
Without knowing the details of what you are doing I can only say that the
button will just act like any URL to a server. What you do with the URL and
respond to it is entirely up to how the server responds.

I regularly send out emails with buttons linked to a URL. I use 4D Webserver
and trap the URL and depending on the encoding parts I run whatever code

I need not respond with a Web page at all. In that case however the user may
get confused if you have not alerted them previously (in the email) of what
to expect when clicking on the button.

If for instance the button text reads: "Click here to receive an email from
us" with added instructions below or above the button stating that the email
may take up to 24 hours to come (or whatever time interval you deem fit).

Of course all this is dependent on  you having control of what the Web
server does.


Jim Labos - infobase

Jim Labos - infobase
View this message in context:
Sent from the 4D Tech mailing list archive at
4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)

RE: Resizing Window in Code keeping Background Image centered

2017-07-21 Thread Timothy Penner via 4D_Tech
> CALL FORM is capitalized so as to suggest to me that it is a command in 4D.
> But I can find no such command.

CALL FORM is a v16 command (first created in v15R5):


4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)

RE: [off] Age bracket of this group (USA) :)

2017-07-21 Thread Dennis, Neil via 4D_Tech
> here come the warm jets - full album

I must be younger of the older group... I think I was 4 when this album was 
released :)



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4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)

Re: Use of Objects vs Global Variables (Was 'Arrays vs Objects...)

2017-07-21 Thread Kirk Brooks via 4D_Tech
Nice post. I very much agree with pretty much all your points. A few things
I'll add:

Functions: yes! A lot of IP vars I see in old code are used to make values
available that used to take measurable time to derive. Lots of them can be
replaced with a short function to just go get the current value of
whatever. This is a fine solution for user entry situations. In a tight
loop I'd collect all that data first into local vars prior to starting the

On Fri, Jul 21, 2017 at 1:22 AM, Nigel Greenlee via 4D_Tech <> wrote:

> I suspect the original programmer never intended the functionality to be
> running in multiple processes at the same time and used interprocess arrays
> to (I think) make it easier to display the data on a form that is in a
> different process.

​Triggers also. I find IP vars in triggers which are generally useless, or
worse, on 4D server because the trigger code always runs on the server
which has no knowledge of the client IP vars.

Same problem with using IP vars as semaphores. It worked way back in the
day and doesn't break noticeably when running. ​

> Most code i write now is ‘self contained’ -I attempt to set all values
> used in the method is passed in to the code -either as parameters or an
> object or a pointer to something so that i end up with something more like
> a javascript function. Myreturn:=MyMethod(something;something;something).
> Using this style of coding means i am far more likely to get an error if
> there is one EVERY TIME rather than a head scratching randomly appearing
> one and my code does not rely on the perceived value of a variable.
​I find this very true. The time spent writing the method to manage its own
variables may be a little more up front but you never have to come back to
it unless you are actually changing the method. It also makes it easier to
test code. ​

Kirk Brooks
San Francisco, CA

*The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do

*- Edmund Burke*
4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)

Re: [off] Age bracket of this group (USA) :)

2017-07-21 Thread Chip Scheide via 4D_Tech
btw - here :

here come the warm jets - full album


On Sat, 22 Jul 2017 01:51:51 +1000, David Adams via 4D_Tech wrote:
>> Robert Fripp, and King Crimson are touring!
> Chip,
> Dang, that takes me back. Amazing guitar player in concert..but I haven't
> seen him in any lineup since the 1980's. Tony Levin is great on base, of
> course. Fripp grew up on Polka music, which explains (in part) why his
> guitar sound is so unusual. He's the Eddie Hazel of Polka ;-) For a sample
> of his more energetic guitar solo style, track down "Baby's on Fire" off of
> "Here Come the Warm Jets", if you don't know it. Not Polka.
> **
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> FAQ:
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Gas is for washing parts
Alcohol is for drinkin'
Nitromethane is for racing 
4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)

Re: [off] Age bracket of this group (USA) :)

2017-07-21 Thread Chip Scheide via 4D_Tech
tickets went on (pre) sale here this morning at 9am for Nov 20th show
I bought at about 10:30 - mostly sold out already

probably sold out by the time the public offering is available.

On Fri, 21 Jul 2017 09:59:14 -0400, Chip Scheide via 4D_Tech wrote:
> To all,
> Since the age bracket of this group falls into the correct range...
> Those of you in the US might want to know, and check your local listings
> Robert Fripp, and King Crismon are touring!
> (and apparently have been touring for most of this year.
> Band line up:
> Robert Fripp (well... everything  :)
> Tony Levin (bass)
> Bill Rieflin (many instruments)
> Jakko Jakszyk (guitar)
> Mel Collins (Sax)
> Jeremy Jezza (many instruments)
> Droms:
> Gavin Harrison, Pat Mastelotto 
> One (of many) site to see if they will be in your area:
> ---
> Gas is for washing parts
> Alcohol is for drinkin'
> Nitromethane is for racing 
> **
> 4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)
> FAQ:
> Archive:
> Options:
> Unsub:
> **
Gas is for washing parts
Alcohol is for drinkin'
Nitromethane is for racing 
4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)

Re: [off] Age bracket of this group (USA) :)

2017-07-21 Thread Chip Scheide via 4D_Tech
I do know that song and album  :)
love it!

On Sat, 22 Jul 2017 01:51:51 +1000, David Adams via 4D_Tech wrote:
>> Robert Fripp, and King Crimson are touring!
> Chip,
> Dang, that takes me back. Amazing guitar player in concert..but I haven't
> seen him in any lineup since the 1980's. Tony Levin is great on base, of
> course. Fripp grew up on Polka music, which explains (in part) why his
> guitar sound is so unusual. He's the Eddie Hazel of Polka ;-) For a sample
> of his more energetic guitar solo style, track down "Baby's on Fire" off of
> "Here Come the Warm Jets", if you don't know it. Not Polka.
> **
> 4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)
> FAQ:
> Archive:
> Options:
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> **
Gas is for washing parts
Alcohol is for drinkin'
Nitromethane is for racing 
4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)

Re: [off] Age bracket of this group (USA) :)

2017-07-21 Thread Kirk Brooks via 4D_Tech
Some friends saw them here recently and said the show was very good. The
album they are supporting is on iTunes - you can stream it with a
subscription. Esp. interesting as I'm reading Weigel's book, "the Show That
Never Ends." Cranky, perfectionistic old bastard Fripp - would fit right in

On Fri, Jul 21, 2017 at 6:59 AM, Chip Scheide via 4D_Tech <> wrote:

> To all,
> Since the age bracket of this group falls into the correct range...
> Those of you in the US might want to know, and check your local listings
> Robert Fripp, and King Crismon are touring!
> (and apparently have been touring for most of this year.
> Band line up:
> Robert Fripp (well... everything  :)
> Tony Levin (bass)
> Bill Rieflin (many instruments)
> Jakko Jakszyk (guitar)
> Mel Collins (Sax)
> Jeremy Jezza (many instruments)
> Droms:
> Gavin Harrison, Pat Mastelotto
> One (of many) site to see if they will be in your area:
> ---
> Gas is for washing parts
> Alcohol is for drinkin'
> Nitromethane is for racing
> **
> 4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)
> FAQ:
> Archive:
> Options:
> Unsub:
> **

Kirk Brooks
San Francisco, CA

*The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do

*- Edmund Burke*
4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)

Re: [off] Age bracket of this group (USA) :)

2017-07-21 Thread David Adams via 4D_Tech
> Robert Fripp, and King Crimson are touring!


Dang, that takes me back. Amazing guitar player in concert..but I haven't
seen him in any lineup since the 1980's. Tony Levin is great on base, of
course. Fripp grew up on Polka music, which explains (in part) why his
guitar sound is so unusual. He's the Eddie Hazel of Polka ;-) For a sample
of his more energetic guitar solo style, track down "Baby's on Fire" off of
"Here Come the Warm Jets", if you don't know it. Not Polka.
4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)

[off] Age bracket of this group (USA) :)

2017-07-21 Thread Chip Scheide via 4D_Tech
To all,
Since the age bracket of this group falls into the correct range...
Those of you in the US might want to know, and check your local listings

Robert Fripp, and King Crismon are touring!
(and apparently have been touring for most of this year.

Band line up:
Robert Fripp (well... everything  :)
Tony Levin (bass)
Bill Rieflin (many instruments)
Jakko Jakszyk (guitar)
Mel Collins (Sax)
Jeremy Jezza (many instruments)
Gavin Harrison, Pat Mastelotto 

One (of many) site to see if they will be in your area:
Gas is for washing parts
Alcohol is for drinkin'
Nitromethane is for racing 
4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)

Re: Use of Objects vs Global Variables (Was 'Arrays vs Objects...)

2017-07-21 Thread David Adams via 4D_Tech
> if you have 3 ways to do something

I'd go with the way I found easiest and, ideally, made the simplest to
understand code. If one of the choices was obviously stupid or inefficient,
I'd probably skip it. But, honestly, clear code is super important. I'll
leave the fancy stuff for when it's needed. And even then, it usually
smells wrong to me. I was writing something last week that was just *crazy*
complicated. It was making my head hurt, tons of 2D arrays...nuts. I added
what amounts to a temporary table and then queried against it. Boom! The
task of preparing the summary data is now a nice clean task. The task of
analyzing the data is now a distinct task, also nice and clean. The overall
brain power required to sort through this stuff is way, way lower. It's
just better. It actually runs faster, but that wasn't a factor. It didn't
matter it took five minutes or all night.

When stuff is getting so complicated that I can't follow it easily or
figure out how to test it, I'm bound to screw it up. That's usually a time
to look at the problem again and come up with a different line of attack.
Breaking things into smaller pieces, trying a different approach, figuring
out what I don't understand so that I can simplify things, etc.

Speed per se? I don't think about it much. Until I have to. Which isn't
often. And fancy code tricks are not even in my top five approaches to
speed problems these days.
4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)

Re: Use of Objects vs Global Variables (Was 'Arrays vs Objects...)

2017-07-21 Thread Peter Jakobsson via 4D_Tech

On 21 Jul 2017, at 16:48, David Adams via 4D_Tech <> wrote:

> * No. You do not need classes. Modules do not require OOP, OO came out of
> earlier work and embraced modules and extended them. I'm just talking about
> module-level scope and data hiding, not OO

Ok, you could be onto something there. 4D often find ways to implement greater 
degrees of articulation in a unique “4D way” that doesn’t come with a whole lot 
of productivity baggage. I’ll suspend judgement till I see the killer feature - 
I might like it ;)

> Don't really know what you mean by 3G and 4G languages

Basically: statefull vs stateless, high level vs low level, integrated 
(language/DB/UI) vs dis-integrated.



4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)

Re: Use of Objects vs Global Variables (Was 'Arrays vs Objects...)

2017-07-21 Thread David Adams via 4D_Tech
Hey Peter, just a quick response to a couple of things:

* Don't really know what you mean by 3G and 4G languages. If memory serves
me, this was more of a marketing term from the 1980s or so than any kind of
real technical distinction.

* No. You do not need classes. Modules do not require OOP, OO came out of
earlier work and embraced modules and extended them. I'm just talking about
module-level scope and data hiding, not OO.  (I'm being far less ambitious
than you give me credit for!) Sadly, 4D's components don't really fill this
role well and are, for most of us, pretty hard to work with.
4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)

Re: Use of Objects vs Global Variables (Was 'Arrays vs Objects...)

2017-07-21 Thread Peter Jakobsson via 4D_Tech

Well, I’m afraid I’ll have to take the pariah role here and politely disagree 
with you all :-)) - or at least present an alternative perspective in which 
“globals” play a very powerful and unique part.

Lets think this all through for a moment. As is relevant to this topic, we can 
notionally consider the data that an application ‘consumes’ in 2 distinct 

 • persistent data structures
 • non-persistent data structures

The first of these are basically represented by pre-prepared classes which we 
call “tables". We can instantiate an instance of that class and manipulate that 
instance implicitly using commands like CREATE RECORD, QUERY and SAVE RECORD. 
The second are represented - on the one hand - by a library of pre-prepared 
classes that the ID gives us like forms, form controls, etc and on the other 
hand by the data oriented language elements, i.e. locals, interprocess globals 
and process globals (of which 4D data objects are a subset of each).

Now, if 4D gave us the facility to scope a process level global variable to an 
arbitrary set of methods (or even forced us to do so) then it would have 
effectively have re-invented the concept of the language class as appears in OO 
languages. You’d have to formally define the class, formally define its 
properties and methods, formally instantiate it and maintain a reference to the 
particular instance you’re using at a given moment. You would not be able to 
support user interface elements implicitly with the class’s data (as we can 
with native 4D), you’d have to either give your class its own UI and all the 
supporting methods it needed to drive it (which would only work from within 
that class) OR create the plumbing to connect an independent form class so that 
it can be driven by the data in your “tightly scoped” business logic module.

Remember, we already have ‘modules’ in 4D which have their own privately scoped 
variable space in the form of 4D components. So if - on top of that - 4D 
supported “components within components” I suggest we’d have an unmitigated 
architectural clutter who’s language structure became increasingly ambiguous 
and unwieldy. The “living hell” of globals being broadly scoped might actually 
seem like an attractive problem to have by comparison (for many of us anyway).

On 21 Jul 2017, at 14:32, David Adams via 4D_Tech <> wrote:

> But, yeah, globals are bad. They make your life a living hell because
> someone changes something and now "unrelated" parts of the program break

David, I think you may be impacted by this ‘scoping issue’ disproportionately 
compared to many developers since you appear to do a lot of “Red Adair” type 
troubleshooting work where you’re parachuted into a crisis situation and have 
to start stabilising, refactoring and growing an existing codebase 'back to 
health’. (Just an observation from your posts - I may be completely wrong on 
that of course !). I can definitely see how a more formal modular environment 
would help in that situation. But how many of those databases would have 
existed in the first place if their original developers had been forced down 
the more formalised route ? In my own experience of visiting customer sites, 
not many. Also, I’d posit that your problem isn’t a lack of language support, 
it’s simply deficient design (by your predecessors) which would in fact have an 
even more adverse impact in an environment of the complexity you’re promoting.

On 21 Jul 2017, at 10:22, Nigel Greenlee via 4D_Tech <> 

> Most code i write now is ‘self contained’ -I attempt to set all values used 
> in the method is passed in to the code -either as parameters or an object or 
> a pointer to something so that i end up with something more like a javascript 
> function

Nigel - this would be an admirable objective for the most part if it weren’t 
for the one big elephant in the room that separates 4D’s “4GL” heritage from 
its 3GL contemporaries and that is its huge dependence on and leverage 
of……statefulness ! I urge people not to dismiss it because it’s where we get 
all our productivity from in the first place.

Having thought about this a great deal over the years, I came to the conclusion 
that we could split our entire codebase into 2 distinct types of method: 
stateless and stateful. In the case of the former, yes it is a good idea to do 
as you say and make the code as “self contained” as possible. However in the 
case of the latter, it’s positively counterproductive because we are dealing 
with an implicit non-persistent data structure and it’s more efficient just to 
make that data structure explicit to maintain state between methods. There are 
also other benefits:

 • the business logic more auditable because we’re decoupled the data from the 
code that manages it
 • we don’t need a myriad of parameters everywhere or random properties buried 
away in an object
 • the compiler sees it and can assist with formal 

Re: Put a button in an email that won't open a web page

2017-07-21 Thread Jim Hays via 4D_Tech
Hi Lutz,

I agree completely - having the short message pop up is good instant
feedback.  And although the email is sent immediately, you never know if it
might be delayed or blocked.
I've made this argument with the customer, but I didn't think of the
possibility of delayed or blocked email, which will undoubtedly happen.

In this case, the some of the recipients are going to be getting a lot of
these emails, and are looking for minimizing the actions they need to take.
We can't stop the web page from coming up, but we can start out by having
it stay open, and let the user close it.
We can give the users the option to have it automatically close after N
seconds in the future (assuming window.close() or similar works going
It can also remind them to watch for the email and make sure it isn't
caught in their spam folder.

A good 2 cents!

- Jim

On Fri, Jul 21, 2017 at 3:30 AM, Epperlein, Lutz (agendo) via 4D_Tech <> wrote:

> Hi Jim,
> Sorry if this this is not a very helpful answer for you, but ..
> I think it isn't a very good idea to have a button (in an email or
> whatever) the user have to press and nothing happens immediately. Some
> seconds, minutes, hours later the user gets the answer, usually he doesn't
> realize what's going on, I think. And opening and closing a browser window
> immediately maybe will lead to calls to the IT department: "I think my
> workstation is infected"
> A suggestion: The browser window will open with a short message, informing
> the user that he will get an acknowledgment email later. The email is for
> the records and contains additional information.
> But maybe I'm totally wrong with these advices because I don't know your
> exact use case, the context and so on ... So these are only my 2 cents
> Regards
> Lutz
> > -Original Message-
> > From: 4D_Tech [] On Behalf Of Jim
> Hays via
> > 4D_Tech
> > Sent: Thursday, July 20, 2017 8:33 PM
> > To: 4D iNug Technical <>
> > Cc: Jim Hays 
> > Subject: Put a button in an email that won't open a web page
> >
> > TL;DR:
> >
> > Click a button in a typical marketing email.  It always opens a web page.
> > Is there any way to have the button click send a message to a (web)
> server
> > without having a web page open?
> >
> >
> > Details:
> >
> > Send an email with a button in it.
> > The recipient clicks the button to confirm an agreement.
> > The 4D Server then sends a followup email indicating the confirmation is
> > received.
> >
> > The email is in HTML format.
> > The button has an href that points back to the 4D web server.
> > 4D server sends the confirmation received email.
> >
> > That's all working nicely.
> >
> > Our href looks like this:
> >
> 5358CBB76FAED5
> > 9F44B32DEEA97B22F3B4
> > "
> >
> > Because we are doing a simple web call, the user's default browser opens
> up
> > with a web page.
> > This is what we are trying to avoid.
> >
> > As far as I know, stuffing javascript into an html email is a big no-no.
> >  (We don't know what mail client the recipient will use.)
> >
> >
> > Bonus if you read this far - some cool HTML email tools!
> >
> > markup language to generate compatible html mail
> >
> >
> > test html in up to 70 mail clients
> >
> >
> > Thanks for any ideas!
> >
> > Jim Hays
> > **
> > 4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)
> > FAQ:
> > Archive:
> > Options:
> > Unsub:
> > **
> **
> 4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)
> FAQ:
> Archive:
> Options:
> Unsub:
> **
4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)

Re: Use of Objects vs Global Variables (Was 'Arrays vs Objects...)

2017-07-21 Thread Chip Scheide via 4D_Tech
On Fri, 21 Jul 2017 23:01:56 +1000, David Adams via 4D_Tech wrote:
> let's take a moment to
> remember that speed only matters when things are slow.
if you have 3 ways to do something

1 - this works, but takes X time
2 - this works too, take a bit more coding, but takes X/2 time
3 - this works, takes X/n time, and takes no more additional time to 
code then 2
(where n = some number larger then or equal to 2)

Which should you use?


Gas is for washing parts
Alcohol is for drinkin'
Nitromethane is for racing 
4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)

Re: Use of Objects vs Global Variables (Was 'Arrays vs Objects...)

2017-07-21 Thread David Adams via 4D_Tech
On Fri, Jul 21, 2017 at 10:35 PM, Pat Bensky via 4D_Tech <> wrote:

> My 2 cents:
> According to a recent 4D blog entry, using the new object notation option
> will speed up your objects significantly:

Sounds great!

Before this becomes the new "for loops are faster", let's take a moment to
remember that speed only matters when things are slow. And mostly, things
aren't slow now. Heck, you can do silly things that would have hurt a lot
years ago and never notice now. So, yeah, speed is sometimes interesting,
but it's only important when it's important. That's not that often for most

It's always easy to lose track of proportion too:

"Such and so makes you twice as likely to get attacked by a bear!"

What does that mean? Does that mean your risk rises from 1/1,000,000 to
1/500,000 or from 1/10 to 1/5? Same proportion, pretty big difference in a
day-to-day sense.

Tip: Don't go to BC covered in salmon guts. Just saying.
4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)

Re: Use of Objects vs Global Variables (Was 'Arrays vs Objects...)

2017-07-21 Thread Pat Bensky via 4D_Tech
My 2 cents:

According to a recent 4D blog entry, using the new object notation option
will speed up your objects significantly:

"Good news, now you have a mean to get rid of all those OB Get
 and OB SET
 in your
code! And you know what? The code execution is *10 times faster with the
object notation* compared to OB Get


You'll need to be using v16r4 I believe. But even if you're not on v16 yet,
it's worth keeping in mind.


On 21 July 2017 at 09:22, Nigel Greenlee via 4D_Tech <>

> Global Variables.
> Regardless of the relative merits of Arrays vs Object. I would like to
> relay my dislike in general of Global variables. I have been working with
> 4D since before the concept existed-since 4D V2(Globals came in with V3).
> Yes i am one of the old boys.
> Back then we did not have multiple processes and when V3 arrived we were
> all amazed and in awe of the ability to have multiple processes and I think
> we all went mad for interprocess(global) variables.(i think we all had
> singing dancing palettes on the screen doing fancy things to update
> themselves from other processes).
> Now if we were working in Javascript the concept of a global variable
> would very much be considered something to be avoided like the plague.
> Global variables are extremely useful but also extremely prone to problems,
> and over the past couple of years-any javascript tutorial tells you to try
> and avoid them, in 4D  I  have really cut down on my use of them.
> In my opinion a global variable should in general only be used for two
> things.
> 1) You want to set a value(or group of values) and through the life of the
> programme they do not change once set(so here you are using them like a
> constant)
> 2) You want to maintain an array that will be written to by multiple
> processes.
> With point 2 you must protect the arrays with semaphores so only one
> process alters the arrays at any one time-and often where these are used
> there might be other ways to do it.
> I have just this week been dealing with 2 different structures where the
> liberal use of interprocess arrays has lead to problems. Problems that do
> not show up in testing and probably show that that the way the routines has
> been used has changed over time. In both cases-different
> companies-different programmers-different stuff an error shows up just
> occasionally. In one of those systems discussion with the client shows that
> the usage of interprocess variables has caused ‘strange’ unexplained
> un-investigated things to happen where process A is changing the contents
> of <>Variable just at the point when process B is about to send the
> contents of <>Variable that process B had set to a document (‘sometimes we
> get a situation where the same order document is created twice’!!)..and
> they have just restarted the machine to get rid of the problem in the
> past(a practice that means you think the problem is 4D not the way the code
> is written).
> Simply protecting the handling so only one process at a time can modify
> the interprocess variables and arrays would have avoided all this. I
> suspect the original programmer never intended the functionality to be
> running in multiple processes at the same time and used interprocess arrays
> to (I think) make it easier to display the data on a form that is in a
> different process. Beyond the idea of a form in a different process i don’t
> see any purpose in the arrays in this case being interprocess-they are
> being constantly changed and as such should at best have been process
> arrays, In fact in a modern context(this was written way before that) where
> we have been able to pass pointers to local variables since 4D V11(??-maybe
> it was before that) I would generally argue that programming using locals
> is much better-and that could be local objects or local arrays. These
> really show that an interprocess array was used for convenience where it
> was not really needed and changes to code did not include a proper
> assessment of the impact-just because you can do something and it works
> once does not mean it is tested or fit for purpose.
> In most of my code over the past few years I have moved so far away from
> <> variables that if i have more than a few-maybe a variable holding the
> user name or something like that which does not change(and even there I use
> a function ..UTIL_GetUser(“Name”)..). I have even moved largely away from
> process variables and arguable could move further from them by not using
> variable names on screen objects. Convincing clients to let me change their
> code and actually changing it is not