Re: [abcusers] Keyboard layout

2003-11-17 Thread Guido Gonzato
hello, if you're interested I may add this feature in JedABC. What OS 
are you using?
  Guido =8-)

Guido Gonzato, Ph.D. guido . gonzato at univr . it - Linux System Manager
Universita' di Verona (Italy), Facolta' di Scienze MM. FF. NN.
Ca' Vignal II, Strada Le Grazie 15, 37134 Verona (Italy)
Tel. +39 045 8027990; Fax +39 045 8027928 --- Timeas hominem unius libri
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[abcusers] Announcement: Making Music with ABC Plus online

2003-10-17 Thread Guido Gonzato
Hello there,

I've temporarily re-joined the list to announce that my new manual 
Making Music with ABC Plus is online. You can download the English and 
Italian versions from Many thanks to 
Norman Schmidt who helped me with the English version.

The manual is released under the GNU GPL: feel free to share it with 
anyone. That said, please consider making a small donation, or at least 
a postcard...

If you wish to make a translation, you're more than welcome: the LaTeX 
sources are there for you.

Ciao a tutti,
  Guido =8-)
Guido Gonzato, Ph.D. guido . gonzato at univr . it - Linux System Manager
Universita' di Verona (Italy), Facolta' di Scienze MM. FF. NN.
Ca' Vignal II, Strada Le Grazie 15, 37134 Verona (Italy)
Tel. +39 045 8027990; Fax +39 045 8027928 --- Timeas hominem unius libri
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[abcusers] struck by enlightenment

2003-08-04 Thread Guido Gonzato
Hello eveybody,

last friday I was biking to the grocery store, when I was struck by a
minor enlightenment experience.

Suddenly, it occurred to me that I was making a mistake, one of the worst
a computer scientist can ever make: duplication of effort. That is, there
is no point maintaining Current state of ABC applications and
Typesetting Music with ABC (soon to become Making Music with ABC
Plus, with full abcMIDI support).

Then it occurred to me that lately I'm neglecting some other important
projects I'm working on in favour to ABC. Then again, that it's been a
while since I last wrote a patch for other people's software. And I've put
all my geology work on hold.

In short, I'm devoting too much time to ABC. Therefore, it's time to take
some time off: I'm going to unsubscribe from the list.

I'd like to stress that I'm not slamming the door behind me: I simply
prefer to employ my little spare time in other ways. You can contact me
privately, but please note that I'm not going to work on ABC standards
any more.

Good luck to you all, and have a nice summer.

 Guido =8-)

Guido Gonzato, Ph.D. guido . gonzato at univr . it - Linux System Manager
Universita' di Verona (Italy), Facolta' di Scienze MM. FF. NN.
Ca' Vignal II, Strada Le Grazie 15, 37134 Verona (Italy)
Tel. +39 045 8027990; Fax +39 045 8027928 --- Timeas hominem unius libri

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[abcusers] (OT) about Turbo Pascal...

2003-08-03 Thread Guido Gonzato
On Fri, 1 Aug 2003, Bernard Hill wrote:

 Beacuse it broke all possible Pascal standard in existance.
 Not at all. It was successful for a different reason entirely.

only your opinion: there's a vast literature on the subject.

 It took ISO Pascal, smashed it to the ground, burnt it, turned it to
 ashes, spit on it, peed on the remains and the rain swept them away.
 Rubbish. Forgive me for being so abrupt but only in one area was TP not
 compliant with ISO pascal. (GOTOing out of a procedure was legal in ISO
 and has never been implemented to this day in Pascal or Delphi).

- (opinion) I would appreciate it if you tried and be a little more

- (fact) the two of us were wrong when we referred to ISO Pascal; we should
have talked of ANSI Pascal, or more precisely, ANSI/IEEE770X3.97-1983

- (fact) I only have Turbo Pascal 4. Its manual (volume I, Appendix B) 
lists 21 exceptions and 28 extensions to ANSI Pascal. It should be enough
to qualify Turbo Pascal as non-ANSI compliant.

- (fact) there's a vast literature on the impact of Turbo Pascal on the
market and on theoretical computer science. You may be interested to read
what Professor Niklaus Wirth thought about Turbo Pascal. Please consider
visiting the library nearest to you.

- (opinion) in general, attaching a bit of doubt to one's statements is a
good policy.


Guido Gonzato, Ph.D. guido . gonzato at univr . it - Linux System Manager
Universita' di Verona (Italy), Facolta' di Scienze MM. FF. NN.
Ca' Vignal II, Strada Le Grazie 15, 37134 Verona (Italy)
Tel. +39 045 8027990; Fax +39 045 8027928 --- Timeas hominem unius libri

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Re: [abcusers] Added starter...

2003-07-31 Thread Guido Gonzato
On Wed, 30 Jul 2003 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I was going to suggest that we add a new header field called K:) to contain
 key signatures whose use is limited to .073 percent of possible ABC users.
 (Yes, it DOES resemble a smiley face, and there may be a reason for that.) of the best ever read on this list :-

Guido Gonzato, Ph.D. guido . gonzato at univr . it - Linux System Manager
Universita' di Verona (Italy), Facolta' di Scienze MM. FF. NN.
Ca' Vignal II, Strada Le Grazie 15, 37134 Verona (Italy)
Tel. +39 045 8027990; Fax +39 045 8027928 --- Timeas hominem unius libri

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Re: [abcusers] Revising the ABC standard.

2003-07-31 Thread Guido Gonzato
On Wed, 30 Jul 2003, Barry Say wrote:

 How are we going to reach decisions on a new standard?

I don't think we'll ever reach decisions this way.

 How come the proposal by Guido was suddenly expanded? 

because I got overwhelmed by Irwin's burning desire to revolutionise ABC,
so I gave up... now I'm writing documents that concentrate on _existing_
extensions to the standard. And I'll keep contributing bug reports and
bits of code here and there.

 Shall I now post my version on a website and call it revision IV? 

might as well do it.

 Are we going to vote? 
 If so who votes?.

very interesting question. Since ABC users are several thousands and
members of this list only a few dozens (maybe), it would be
fair/logical/democratic if someone set up a voting system on a well-known
web page (ie, It could
contain questions like:

  Would you like the K: field to support ?   [ ] yes  [ ] no
  Could the u: field be removed from ABC?[ ] yes  [ ] no

and so on. This would give developers clear indications as of what the
majority of users want. It goes without saying that if developers don't
want to implement changes/new features, all this is void.

Unfortunately, I can't write a line in PHP/Java/Perl, so I'm afraid I
cannot add this voting page to my site.

My .02 C.

  Guido =8-)

Guido Gonzato, Ph.D. guido . gonzato at univr . it - Linux System Manager
Universita' di Verona (Italy), Facolta' di Scienze MM. FF. NN.
Ca' Vignal II, Strada Le Grazie 15, 37134 Verona (Italy)
Tel. +39 045 8027990; Fax +39 045 8027928 --- Timeas hominem unius libri

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[abcusers] Announcement: Current state of ABC online

2003-07-31 Thread Guido Gonzato

I have released the first version of Current state of ABC, formerly
known as A proposal for ABC extensions or what I called it.

It's explicitely targeted at abcm2ps, abcMIDI, and BarFly. These are
arguably the best ABC applications there are, but comments are welcome and
I'm ready to include other programs - as long as you provide me with notes
such as this will not work with XXX.

This document _is not a standard draft_! It only deals with _implemented_
features that are not covered in 1.7.6, although I didn't include advanced
abcm2ps features like staff breaking, multicolumn, etc. Also, abcMIDI
coverage is incomplete. This guide is only useful to those who want to
know what they can do in practice with ABC.

  Guido =8-)

Guido Gonzato, Ph.D. guido . gonzato at univr . it - Linux System Manager
Universita' di Verona (Italy), Facolta' di Scienze MM. FF. NN.
Ca' Vignal II, Strada Le Grazie 15, 37134 Verona (Italy)
Tel. +39 045 8027990; Fax +39 045 8027928 --- Timeas hominem unius libri

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Re: [abcusers] Announcement: Current state of ABC online

2003-07-31 Thread Guido Gonzato
On Thu, 31 Jul 2003, I. Oppenheim wrote:

 Couple of things that caughed my attention:
 Field name header tune elsewhere Examples and notes
 I:information  yesyesG:flute
 T:titlesecond yes  yes   M:3/4, M:4/4
 I didn't find these examples very helpful...
 While you at it, please explain to me what is the use
 of the G: field?

ooops - typo. Used by ABC database apps.

 \ continuation character; next w: field is part of
 the same line
 Barfly does not support this form:
 w: Sa-ys my au-l' wan to your aul' wan\
 w: Will~ye come to the Wa-x-ies dar-gle?

thanks. Too bad for barFly, it breaks 1.7.6. I'll add a note.

 In fact, the semantics of \ are now not portable at
 all. That was the main reason to completely redefine
 the continuation mechanism in the upcomming standard.

that's only your opinion. Jean-François' implementation is consistent and
works very well. I'm ready to change my mind when I see evidence that
proves the contrary.

 These form won't be allowed in the new standard

when the new standard becomes reality, and when applications support it,
I'll modify the text. Remember: I only cover _existing_ implementations!

 !repeatbar! and !repeatbar2! are not implemented
 in abcm2ps, as far as I know.

right, they're ignored. I'll add |/| and |//|.

 I would appreciate a more detailed explanation of
 the %% directives.

I surely will, it's a very important topic to cover.

Perhaps further explanation will not hurt. The whole point of my document,
as opposed to yours, is: If I were the author of Finale, or Mozart,
Sibelius NoteWorthy Whatever, and had to write an ABC export filter, what
should I do?

It cannot honestly be disputed that abcm2ps is one of the best music
typesetters around, even beyond the ABC standard. Having worked with it
and abcMIDI for quite a while, and having plugged the few holes using
abcpp, I found myself making scores + MIDIs of medium-high complexity that
some of my friends cannot make even with XXX and YYY (two commercial
packages for Windows). (I cannot put them online, they're from copyrighted
material.) I'm no longer interested in theory: _in practice_, abcm2ps and
abcMIDI can replace commercial software that costs non negligible amounts
of money.

When other applications become as good as these two, I'll be happier than
today. But _standards are less important than people's needs_. If good
applications were forced to change, say, sensible (to classical musicians)
keys like K:Gm to K:Gm ^f_B__d=A, I see no other option than ABC forking:
official ABC for folk musicians, Bozo ABC (or whatever) for classical

  Guido =8-)

Guido Gonzato, Ph.D. guido . gonzato at univr . it - Linux System Manager
Universita' di Verona (Italy), Facolta' di Scienze MM. FF. NN.
Ca' Vignal II, Strada Le Grazie 15, 37134 Verona (Italy)
Tel. +39 045 8027990; Fax +39 045 8027928 --- Timeas hominem unius libri

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[abcusers] Changing !..! to *..* or $..$ or ?..? or...

2003-07-29 Thread Guido Gonzato
On Tue, 29 Jul 2003, Ray Davies wrote:

 be encouraged but not if it messes up the abc of the original folk users. I
 vote to change the !--! usage to *--* or some other unused symbol.

good. Since breaking backwards compatibility with thousands of tunes is
apparently no longer a problem, I vote to change 'A' 'B' 'C'... to 'LA'
'SI' 'DO' ... :-)

  Guido =8-)

Guido Gonzato, Ph.D. guido . gonzato at univr . it - Linux System Manager
Universita' di Verona (Italy), Facolta' di Scienze MM. FF. NN.
Ca' Vignal II, Strada Le Grazie 15, 37134 Verona (Italy)
Tel. +39 045 8027990; Fax +39 045 8027928 --- Timeas hominem unius libri

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Re: [abcusers] ABC Standard 2.0 revision III

2003-07-28 Thread Guido Gonzato
On Mon, 28 Jul 2003, Tom Keays wrote:

 on 7/28/03 2:55 PM, I. Oppenheim wrote:
  I hereby publicly release the third draft revision of
  the ABC 2.0 standard:
 I'm confused now.  I thought Guido Gonzato was doing this.

for several reasons I decided to give up, and Irwin has taken over. I'm
going to rename and change my old revised standard to make it something
like, 'State of the art of current ABC implementations'. That is, I plan
to document major existing extensions to the old 1.7.6 draft.

  Guido =8-)
Guido Gonzato, Ph.D. guido . gonzato at univr . it - Linux System Manager
Universita' di Verona (Italy), Facolta' di Scienze MM. FF. NN.
Ca' Vignal II, Strada Le Grazie 15, 37134 Verona (Italy)
Tel. +39 045 8027990; Fax +39 045 8027928 --- Timeas hominem unius libri

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[abcusers] Anyone used u:?

2003-07-25 Thread Guido Gonzato

as you know, Irwin Oppenheim and I are trying to put together a proposal
for ABC 2 standard. I have a simple question: has anybody actually seen
the u: (lowercase u) field in ABC files? We are considering whether
leaving it out.

Suggestions are highly appreciated.

  Guido =8-)

Guido Gonzato, Ph.D. guido . gonzato at univr . it - Linux System Manager
Universita' di Verona (Italy), Facolta' di Scienze MM. FF. NN.
Ca' Vignal II, Strada Le Grazie 15, 37134 Verona (Italy)
Tel. +39 045 8027990; Fax +39 045 8027928 --- Timeas hominem unius libri

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Re: [abcusers] Anyone used u:?

2003-07-25 Thread Guido Gonzato
On Fri, 25 Jul 2003, Bernard Hill wrote:

 as you know, Irwin Oppenheim and I are trying to put together a proposal
 for ABC 2 standard. I have a simple question: has anybody actually seen
 the u: (lowercase u) field in ABC files? We are considering whether
 leaving it out.
 Suggestions are highly appreciated.
   Guido =8-)
 You're going to have to remind us what u: does, I can find no mention of

from the 1.7.6 draft:

$ As a short cut to writing accents or other symbols which avoids the !symbol!
$ syntax (see Accent above), the letters H-Z and h-w and the symbol ~ can be
$ assigned with the U: and u: fields (the U: defines how the symbols are
$ printed and the u: defines how they are played).

  Guido =8-)

Guido Gonzato, Ph.D. guido . gonzato at univr . it - Linux System Manager
Universita' di Verona (Italy), Facolta' di Scienze MM. FF. NN.
Ca' Vignal II, Strada Le Grazie 15, 37134 Verona (Italy)
Tel. +39 045 8027990; Fax +39 045 8027928 --- Timeas hominem unius libri

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[abcusers] Help - getting ABC files on BarFly

2003-07-24 Thread Guido Gonzato

I need your help for a problem I just can't solve myself. I need to test
lots of ABC files on major applications, and I have no problem when it
comes to Linux or Windows ones. I also run BarFly under the BasiliskII
Macintosh emulator (incredible piece of software, BTW).

I can't convince BarFly to open ABC files that it didn't create itself. I
mean, I download ABC collections from the net, put them in /tmp, access
that directory and see the ABC files as feature-less icons. I can't open
these file with BarFly, Note Pad, anything. Moreover, copy and paste
between Linux and the BasiliskII box doesn't work.

Is there a way to load external ABC files in BarFly?

Thanks in advance,
 Guido =8-)

Guido Gonzato, Ph.D. guido . gonzato at univr . it - Linux System Manager
Universita' di Verona (Italy), Facolta' di Scienze MM. FF. NN.
Ca' Vignal II, Strada Le Grazie 15, 37134 Verona (Italy)
Tel. +39 045 8027990; Fax +39 045 8027928 --- Timeas hominem unius libri

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Re: [abcusers] Version 2.0.0 voice overlay and lyrics

2003-07-24 Thread Guido Gonzato
On Thu, 24 Jul 2003, John Fattaruso wrote:

 As someone primarily interested in typesetting choral music, I was very 
 interested in the voice overlay capability with the '' syntax that 
 emerged in abcm2ps some time ago. Many times in choral music we will 
 have a vocal line splitting into two or three lines for only a few 
 measures here and there, and abc shouldn't require defining a whole 
 different voice for just those few measures.
 I did not see any mention of this capability in the new 2.0.0 standard, 
 however. Maybe I missed it?

in the draft proposal I published I decided to stick to feratures that are
already implemented by major applications only. '' is a very useful
feature (I'm a singer too), but AFAIK only abcm2ps supports it. Irwin
Oppenheim has extended the draft proposal with a more aggressive stance,
please wait while we're fixing it.

  Guido =8-)

Guido Gonzato, Ph.D. guido . gonzato at univr . it - Linux System Manager
Universita' di Verona (Italy), Facolta' di Scienze MM. FF. NN.
Ca' Vignal II, Strada Le Grazie 15, 37134 Verona (Italy)
Tel. +39 045 8027990; Fax +39 045 8027928 --- Timeas hominem unius libri

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Re: [abcusers] Use of ! (and another source issue)

2003-07-23 Thread Guido Gonzato
On Tue, 22 Jul 2003, Jean-Francois Moine wrote:

 to me it seems OK: as long as major developers add this feature (and I
 imagine it's very easy to implement), I can see no reason not to include `
 in the standard.
 Yes, very easy: I had to change only 3 characters in the parser...

I was sure you would add it easily... Jef, you're great :-)

 Guido =8-)

Guido Gonzato, Ph.D. guido . gonzato at univr . it - Linux System Manager
Universita' di Verona (Italy), Facolta' di Scienze MM. FF. NN.
Ca' Vignal II, Strada Le Grazie 15, 37134 Verona (Italy)
Tel. +39 045 8027990; Fax +39 045 8027928 --- Timeas hominem unius libri

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[abcusers] About the choice of '!'

2003-07-21 Thread Guido Gonzato
On Mon, 21 Jul 2003, Bernard Hill wrote:

 Interestingly enough, I can't find any mention of the use of * for 
 right justified line breaking in Guido's ABC 2.0 draft.  This draft 
 spec tentatively calls for the use of ! for this purpose.
 Probably because it wasn't in 1.x...

whenever I considered adding a new feature in the draft, I turned my
attention to stuff already implemented by important applications. Being
'!' in abc2win, I supposed this was the way to go. It's also been added in
abcm2ps, too, and I suppose more applications will follow suit.

BTW - Jean-François, how do you tell whether '!' is a line break or the
start of a decoration?

 Guido =8-)

Guido Gonzato, Ph.D. guido . gonzato at univr . it - Linux System Manager
Universita' di Verona (Italy), Facolta' di Scienze MM. FF. NN.
Ca' Vignal II, Strada Le Grazie 15, 37134 Verona (Italy)
Tel. +39 045 8027990; Fax +39 045 8027928 --- Timeas hominem unius libri

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Re: [abcusers] Use of !

2003-07-18 Thread Guido Gonzato
On Fri, 18 Jul 2003, David Webber wrote:

 Forgive me if I have missed any other suggestion along the following
 lines but could we not define the syntax (something like)
 U:! newline
 U:! flag
 in the header to define whether ! means a newline or a !pp! type
 flag.   This would enable different writer to use either convention
 for future abc files as they wish.
 One could be the default for the future (and I'd prefer the latter
 as it is more generally useful) but people should be encouraged to
 make it explicit either way.  If absent, software would have to try
 and cope with a best guess.
 Just an idea.  Guido?

my opinion counts nothing, or at least much less than developers'. Apart
from that, I think a better solution would be to consider '!' a newline if
not followed by 0-9A-Za-z; a flag otherwise. From a developer's
perspective, this should be very easy to implement.

My .02! (newline)

Guido =8-)

Guido Gonzato, Ph.D. guido . gonzato at univr . it - Linux System Manager
Universita' di Verona (Italy), Facolta' di Scienze MM. FF. NN.
Ca' Vignal II, Strada Le Grazie 15, 37134 Verona (Italy)
Tel. +39 045 8027990; Fax +39 045 8027928 --- Timeas hominem unius libri

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Re: [abcusers] New standard(s)

2003-07-18 Thread Guido Gonzato
On Fri, 18 Jul 2003, Tom Novelli wrote:

 P.S.  I'm working on an Abc viewer for Linux/svgalib.. it could be adapted
 to Windows as a replacement for Abc2win - then there'd be no excuses :)
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can't wait to see it... :-)

 Guido =8-)

Guido Gonzato, Ph.D. guido . gonzato at univr . it - Linux System Manager
Universita' di Verona (Italy), Facolta' di Scienze MM. FF. NN.
Ca' Vignal II, Strada Le Grazie 15, 37134 Verona (Italy)
Tel. +39 045 8027990; Fax +39 045 8027928 --- Timeas hominem unius libri

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Re: [abcusers] Use of !

2003-07-18 Thread Guido Gonzato
On Fri, 18 Jul 2003, David Webber wrote:

 That doesn't work.   Cf a new line of the form
 a b c d |!a b c d |

right. But this is ugly syntax. Sooner or later, someone will have to say
for goodness sake, Joe, when you write ABC remember that end-of-line
bangs MUST be followed by a space (or whatever). If computer languages
were as anarchist as ABC, we'd have a hard time convinging a computer do
what we want, wouldn't we? :-)

  Guido =8-)

Guido Gonzato, Ph.D. guido . gonzato at univr . it - Linux System Manager
Universita' di Verona (Italy), Facolta' di Scienze MM. FF. NN.
Ca' Vignal II, Strada Le Grazie 15, 37134 Verona (Italy)
Tel. +39 045 8027990; Fax +39 045 8027928 --- Timeas hominem unius libri

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Re: [abcusers] random-access-like...

2003-07-17 Thread Guido Gonzato
On Thu, 17 Jul 2003, Jack Campin wrote:

  Richard's tunebook is the only ABC file I've got on this machine that
  requires me to increase BarFly's memory allocation above the default
  (and it's very slow to load).
  This is the old Mac systems issue, is it, of having to specify memory
  for each program individually ?
 It's not a big problem for any modern machine.  I think I could
 probably use your file as is even on my usual library-transcribing
 laptop (with all of 12Mb), but I try not to allocate more memory
 to programs than is strictly necessary.

Richard's collection loads in no noticeable time using JedABC; and I can
jump to whatever tune I want instantly. On a 400Mhz, 64 Mb RAM Celeron :-)

  Guido =8-)

Guido Gonzato, Ph.D. guido . gonzato at univr . it - Linux System Manager
Universita' di Verona (Italy), Facolta' di Scienze MM. FF. NN.
Ca' Vignal II, Strada Le Grazie 15, 37134 Verona (Italy)
Tel. +39 045 8027990; Fax +39 045 8027928 --- Timeas hominem unius libri

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[abcusers] Cleaning up ABC files?

2003-07-17 Thread Guido Gonzato

I'm a bit fed up with hearing of broken / non-standard ABC collections.
I'm ready to volunteer to fix some of them. I'm prepared to:

  - download collections distributed as single big ABC file

  - fix old-style + + chords 

  - fix end-of-line bangs ! as far as it's possible

  - renumber all tunes in the collection if needed

  - send the fixed collection back to its maintainer.

I'm not going to fix wrong ties (eg, e2-f) and in general all common
errors I find browsing collections - unless I find a quick way to have
abcpp do it.

Is anyone interested?

  Guido =8-)

Guido Gonzato, Ph.D. guido . gonzato at univr . it - Linux System Manager
Universita' di Verona (Italy), Facolta' di Scienze MM. FF. NN.
Ca' Vignal II, Strada Le Grazie 15, 37134 Verona (Italy)
Tel. +39 045 8027990; Fax +39 045 8027928 --- Timeas hominem unius libri

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[abcusers] Fixing legacy ABC

2003-07-16 Thread Guido Gonzato
On Tue, 15 Jul 2003, Richard Robinson wrote:

 It woul be a start. I fear the only real answer (or not even that) would be
 for some masochistic altruist^H^H^H^H wonderful person to write a Windows
 app providing similar functionality, to which people could be encouraged
 to upgrade in order to solve compatability problems.

using abcpp I've fixed lots of legacy ABC files. It would be nice if there
were a web-based translation service based on abcpp. I have no
experience on writing web applets; any hints?

  Guido =8-)

Guido Gonzato, Ph.D. guido . gonzato at univr . it - Linux System Manager
Universita' di Verona (Italy), Facolta' di Scienze MM. FF. NN.
Ca' Vignal II, Strada Le Grazie 15, 37134 Verona (Italy)
Tel. +39 045 8027990; Fax +39 045 8027928 --- Timeas hominem unius libri

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[abcusers] random-access-like...

2003-07-16 Thread Guido Gonzato
On Wed, 16 Jul 2003, Richard Robinson wrote:

 It's kind of a propaganda/advocacy point rather than a
 technical details issue, but maybe it could do with at least being
 mentioned ?

sure, I will.

 Given that ABC is tet-line-based, *can* a program go straight to a tune,
 random-access-like, without having read all the intervening lines ?

random-access-like... yes, it's possible. My JedABC has an index mode
that does what you want; so does BarFly in Split Screen Mode.

  Guido =8-)

Guido Gonzato, Ph.D. guido . gonzato at univr . it - Linux System Manager
Universita' di Verona (Italy), Facolta' di Scienze MM. FF. NN.
Ca' Vignal II, Strada Le Grazie 15, 37134 Verona (Italy)
Tel. +39 045 8027990; Fax +39 045 8027928 --- Timeas hominem unius libri

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Re: [abcusers] abc2win vs. ABC...

2003-07-16 Thread Guido Gonzato
On Wed, 16 Jul 2003, Iain (Jethro) Anderson wrote:

 I use this abc for obtaining, sending, transcribing and printing tunes - I 
 use emacs/xemacs as editor with abc-mode and then to produce top quality 
 printed music I use jcabc2ps - what is *wrong* with the abc2ps's ?? - I 
 like to use software that does one job - but does it very, very well.

nothing wrong: abcm2ps is one of my favourite pieces of software _ever_.
In my view, it's so good and well thought-out that the standard should
follow it closely. 

However, the ancestor abc2ps is painfully outdated; yet many people still
use it - probably ignoring the existence of its successors.

  Guido =8-)

Guido Gonzato, Ph.D. guido . gonzato at univr . it - Linux System Manager
Universita' di Verona (Italy), Facolta' di Scienze MM. FF. NN.
Ca' Vignal II, Strada Le Grazie 15, 37134 Verona (Italy)
Tel. +39 045 8027990; Fax +39 045 8027928 --- Timeas hominem unius libri

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[abcusers] Announcement: abcMIDI 2003-07-14 released

2003-07-15 Thread Guido Gonzato

Seymour strikes again. His latest release of the fine abcMIDI suite is
available as source from, while binaries for
Windows and Linux can be downloaded from

Please help us find any remaining bugs.

  Guido =8-)

Guido Gonzato, Ph.D. guido . gonzato at univr . it - Linux System Manager
Universita' di Verona (Italy), Facolta' di Scienze MM. FF. NN.
Ca' Vignal II, Strada Le Grazie 15, 37134 Verona (Italy)
Tel. +39 045 8027990; Fax +39 045 8027928 --- Timeas hominem unius libri

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[abcusers] Announcement: ABC 2.0.0 draft online

2003-07-14 Thread Guido Gonzato

for those interested, I have uploaded the A proposal for a new ABC 2.0.0
standard (rev. 14/7/2003) on my site. Have a look:

It took me quite some time to get this unimpressive thing together, so

  * only constructive criticism please!
  * if you find a bug, please provide a fix and examples
  * many things are still missing, I know. I strived not to include
  application-dependent features (and it caused me pain: you know what I
  * small steps lead forward; giant leaps often make you stumble.

Enjoy, and _please_ read it twice (at least) and count to 100 (at least)
before flooding the list with your comments...

  Guido =8-)

Guido Gonzato, Ph.D. guido . gonzato at univr . it - Linux System Manager
Universita' di Verona (Italy), Facolta' di Scienze MM. FF. NN.
Ca' Vignal II, Strada Le Grazie 15, 37134 Verona (Italy)
Tel. +39 045 8027990; Fax +39 045 8027928 --- Timeas hominem unius libri

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Re: [abcusers] abcm2ps?

2003-07-13 Thread Guido Gonzato
On Sat, 12 Jul 2003, Rickard Blixt wrote:

 I have tried to download abcm2ps, but it seems like I don't get any .exe file.
 (This concerns the compiled, ready-for-Windows-version.)
 Can anyone help me to get started?

this is what the archive contains:

backup:[guido]$ unzip -l
  Length Date   TimeName
   165376  07-08-03 13:10   abcm2ps-3.6.4/abcm2ps.exe
17982  10-26-99 20:45   abcm2ps-3.6.4/License
12371  07-07-03 10:39   abcm2ps-3.6.4/Changes
 1081  01-27-01 08:16   abcm2ps-3.6.4/INSTALL
  193  01-18-03 14:10   abcm2ps-3.6.4/sample3.eps
12056  05-19-03 11:29   abcm2ps-3.6.4/
 1390  06-03-01 17:58   abcm2ps-3.6.4/
 2065  10-26-99 20:48   abcm2ps-3.6.4/
 3825  09-14-01 18:11   abcm2ps-3.6.4/
 3066  07-17-02 20:57   abcm2ps-3.6.4/
 3501  11-22-02 10:24   abcm2ps-3.6.4/
 3725  05-20-02 09:18   abcm2ps-3.6.4/
 2080  06-25-03 08:25   abcm2ps-3.6.4/
 3030  11-26-02 17:07   abcm2ps-3.6.4/
  553  10-26-99 20:47   abcm2ps-3.6.4/fbook.fmt
   59  10-26-99 20:47   abcm2ps-3.6.4/fonts.fmt
  147  08-19-01 08:48   abcm2ps-3.6.4/landscape.fmt
  812  10-26-99 20:49   abcm2ps-3.6.4/tight.fmt
32083  01-27-01 08:04   abcm2ps-3.6.4/abc-draft.txt
18318  06-29-03 16:47   abcm2ps-3.6.4/features.txt
16479  07-03-03 08:49   abcm2ps-3.6.4/format.txt
 3677  07-03-03 08:41   abcm2ps-3.6.4/options.txt
   303869   22 files

as you see, the first file is the binary you want.

  Guido =8-)

Guido Gonzato, Ph.D. guido . gonzato at univr . it - Linux System Manager
Universita' di Verona (Italy), Facolta' di Scienze MM. FF. NN.
Ca' Vignal II, Strada Le Grazie 15, 37134 Verona (Italy)
Tel. +39 045 8027990; Fax +39 045 8027928 --- Timeas hominem unius libri

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Re: [abcusers] ABC examples with bang?

2003-07-11 Thread Guido Gonzato
On Fri, 11 Jul 2003, Bernard Hill wrote:

 Good grief, is anyone ever going to put all this lot together? It's not
 in the official standard or the draft extension. How are developers
 supposed to work with this mish-mash?

I missed this one (a single uppercase 'Z' meaning 1 measure rest), but
a lot of information is contained in my 'Typesetting Music with ABC'
Incidentally, it's going to become 'Making Music with ABC' because I want
to cover abcMIDI and BarFly.

I'll add the 'Z' thing.

  Guido =8-)

Guido Gonzato, Ph.D. guido . gonzato at univr . it - Linux System Manager
Universita' di Verona (Italy), Facolta' di Scienze MM. FF. NN.
Ca' Vignal II, Strada Le Grazie 15, 37134 Verona (Italy)
Tel. +39 045 8027990; Fax +39 045 8027928 --- Timeas hominem unius libri

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[abcusers] Announcement - abcpp 1.3.0 released

2003-07-10 Thread Guido Gonzato

I have uploaded abcpp 1.3.0 to It
supports two new command switches:

  -b: remove single '!'
  -k: change single '!' to !break!

this should be useful for 'fixing' abc2win files and make them compatible
with bang-less applications.

  Guido =8-)

Guido Gonzato, Ph.D. guido . gonzato at univr . it - Linux System Manager
Universita' di Verona (Italy), Facolta' di Scienze MM. FF. NN.
Ca' Vignal II, Strada Le Grazie 15, 37134 Verona (Italy)
Tel. +39 045 8027990; Fax +39 045 8027928 --- Timeas hominem unius libri

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[abcusers] ABC examples with bang?

2003-07-08 Thread Guido Gonzato

I've been unable to find ABC files with the much-talked-about bang (!) for
breaking lines. Could any good soul send me some examples? It's for
extending abcpp to deal with this beast.

Thank you,
  Guido =8-)

Guido Gonzato, Ph.D. guido . gonzato at univr . it - Linux System Manager
Universita' di Verona (Italy), Facolta' di Scienze MM. FF. NN.
Ca' Vignal II, Strada Le Grazie 15, 37134 Verona (Italy)
Tel. +39 045 8027990; Fax +39 045 8027928 --- Timeas hominem unius libri

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[abcusers] Was: Re: ABC examples with bang?

2003-07-08 Thread Guido Gonzato
On Tue, 8 Jul 2003, Phil Taylor wrote:

 That's a classic example of everything we don't like about abc2win.
 The VMP files contain not only bangs, but every garbage variant
 of abc you can think of, and consequently are unusable to any other
 program unless you do a considerable amount of editing first.  It's
 such a pity because the material is excellent.

preprocessors exist because humans _must not_ bother with tedious work!
I'm going to extend abcpp to make it possible to filter as much junk as
possible out of ABC files. I suppose abcpp would be usable by a Web
applet, so that people can fix broken ABC files via a webpage.

 Guido, if you want some abc tunes which contain bangs but are otherwise
 quite carefully transcribed, try Banoffi's site at:

thank you!

  Guido =8-)

Guido Gonzato, Ph.D. guido . gonzato at univr . it - Linux System Manager
Universita' di Verona (Italy), Facolta' di Scienze MM. FF. NN.
Ca' Vignal II, Strada Le Grazie 15, 37134 Verona (Italy)
Tel. +39 045 8027990; Fax +39 045 8027928 --- Timeas hominem unius libri

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[abcusers] Announcement - abcpp 1.2.5 available

2003-07-07 Thread Guido Gonzato
Hello all,

I've just uploaded version 1.2.5 of the abcpp preprocessor. I have added
the option of converting old-style chords (that is, '+' delimited) to
'normal' chords (bracket delimited). I found an old ABC file with such
chords and couldn't typeset it.

As soon as I get some sample ABC files with the infamous '!' end-of-line
thing, I'll add the option of removing this painfully incompatible feature
from the input.

Grab sources and binaries for Linux and Windows from

 Guido =8-)

Guido Gonzato, Ph.D. guido . gonzato at univr . it - Linux System Manager
Universita' di Verona (Italy), Facolta' di Scienze MM. FF. NN.
Ca' Vignal II, Strada Le Grazie 15, 37134 Verona (Italy)
Tel. +39 045 8027990; Fax +39 045 8027928 --- Timeas hominem unius libri

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[abcusers] Modular ABC

2003-07-03 Thread Guido Gonzato
On Wed, 2 Jul 2003, I. Oppenheim wrote:

 Application dependent meta information such as page
 width, font colour, midi track no could also be
 standardized, but in a meta standard that is separate
 and does not interfere with the abstract ABC standard.
 The ABC standard itself should only deal with purely
 musical elements.

this the what I'm doing in the new draft I'm preparing! I kept musical
information and low-level details completely separated. So, don't worry.

 Therefore I think the ABC standard should be highly
 modular; ABC software should be able to implement a
 minimal amount of ABC in a well defined way that is
 still standard compliant. The software developer is
 then able to clearly indicate which ABC modules are
 supported and which not.
 Stuff such as bagpipe notation, modal key signatures,
 microtonal accidentals, tablature support could go in
 separate modules that are optional.

this is a _very_ sensible proposal! I'll keep to the basics for now, but
I'll add a comment reporting your suggestion.

  Guido =8-)

Guido Gonzato, Ph.D. guido . gonzato at univr . it - Linux System Manager
Universita' di Verona (Italy), Facolta' di Scienze MM. FF. NN.
Ca' Vignal II, Strada Le Grazie 15, 37134 Verona (Italy)
Tel. +39 045 8027990; Fax +39 045 8027928 --- Timeas hominem unius libri

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Re: [abcusers] codepages

2003-07-03 Thread Guido Gonzato
On Wed, 2 Jul 2003, I. Oppenheim wrote:

 The ABC standard itself should make it possible to
 specify the code page in which the text inside the ABC
 tune is coded. It is probably safe to assume iso8859-1
 (Latin-1) as default, if nothing is specified by the
 user. This way the user could also choose e.g. Unicode
 as codepage.

Irwin, although I see your point I'm afraid I disagree with you. It looks
like most users want to keep ABC and low-level details - especially
computer-related details - completely separate.

In the draft, I didn't mention codepages, iso and some such. I'm sure
95% of ABC users would not understand what it's all about. All I wrote is
that ABC tunes are written using characters: A-Z, a-z, and some symbols.
Everything outside this range is taken care in the 'Low-level details'

Please wait for the draft...

 Guido =8-)

Guido Gonzato, Ph.D. guido . gonzato at univr . it - Linux System Manager
Universita' di Verona (Italy), Facolta' di Scienze MM. FF. NN.
Ca' Vignal II, Strada Le Grazie 15, 37134 Verona (Italy)
Tel. +39 045 8027990; Fax +39 045 8027928 --- Timeas hominem unius libri

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[abcusers] About BarFly m: macros

2003-07-03 Thread Guido Gonzato
On Wed, 2 Jul 2003, I. Oppenheim wrote:

  m: ~n3 = n{o}n{m}n
 Phil, thank you for sharing this, this is a wonderful
 idea! I strongly suggest to include this mechanism in
 the upcomming standard. Guido, what do you think?

My personl view is that extensions are always welcome if the make life
easier, but calling them 'standard' is only possible if/when they are
actually implemented by a large number of applications. Remember, I
believe in 'de facto' standards.

I think that m: is a wonderful and very useful extension to the standard,
but AFAIK BarFly is the only program that supports it. In my view, macros
shouldn't be part of the notation, and should be implemented using
external tools like preprocessors. But that's just an opinion. I think
I'll extend abcpp to add m: support.

That said, if all developers are willing to implement m: in their
programs, that't fine. Otherwise, abcpp will do the job for them.

 Guido =8-)

Guido Gonzato, Ph.D. guido . gonzato at univr . it - Linux System Manager
Universita' di Verona (Italy), Facolta' di Scienze MM. FF. NN.
Ca' Vignal II, Strada Le Grazie 15, 37134 Verona (Italy)
Tel. +39 045 8027990; Fax +39 045 8027928 --- Timeas hominem unius libri

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Re: [abcusers] Barfly on other platforms

2003-07-03 Thread Guido Gonzato
On Wed, 2 Jul 2003, Jon Freeman wrote:

 I'd guess you are on Linux and don't know what could work with that but,
 with help from Phil Taylor, I did manage to get Barfly running on a Win PC
 using an emulator caled Executor. I liked it a lot - IMO, it's the best of
 the dedicated abc programs where you can type in the abc, see a score, play
 a tune (and do things like get a suggested mode/key) that I have tried. I
 wasn't prepared to pay $150 for the emulation software though and was
 limited to 1 month to try Barfly as a result.

I use BarFly successfully on a wonderful, free emulator called BasiliskII
which runs nearly everywhere. Please feel free to contact me for

 Guido =8-)

Guido Gonzato, Ph.D. guido . gonzato at univr . it - Linux System Manager
Universita' di Verona (Italy), Facolta' di Scienze MM. FF. NN.
Ca' Vignal II, Strada Le Grazie 15, 37134 Verona (Italy)
Tel. +39 045 8027990; Fax +39 045 8027928 --- Timeas hominem unius libri

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[abcusers] Free notation program for Windows - let's write it...

2003-07-03 Thread Guido Gonzato
On Wed, 2 Jul 2003, Donald White wrote:

 I am using runabc.tcl (or runabc.exe) on both my PC and on Linux as a
 front end to abcm2ps and gsview, and it is extremely easy to use. To a
 novice user, once it is setup, you hit display and it generates a pdf
 file directly and launches gsview32.exe (on Windows).

I also used it, it's nice. I remind you that my JedABC, too, makes the
dreaded command line invisible to the user!

 I think the biggest thing lacking on Windows is an open source graphical
 score editor.  I use abcm2ps extensively for generating music for church,
 and I have a large library of ABC worhip music, but I can interest anyone
 else in learning the syntax and writing music in a text editor.

I tried to convince Joerg Anders of NoteEdit fame to make a QT-only
version of his wonderful program (this will make it possible to compile it
under Windows), but unfortunately there are technical problems... too bad.

Any talented programmer experienced with QT or FLTK...?

 Guido =8-)

Guido Gonzato, Ph.D. guido . gonzato at univr . it - Linux System Manager
Universita' di Verona (Italy), Facolta' di Scienze MM. FF. NN.
Ca' Vignal II, Strada Le Grazie 15, 37134 Verona (Italy)
Tel. +39 045 8027990; Fax +39 045 8027928 --- Timeas hominem unius libri

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[abcusers] My point of view on the abc standard

2003-07-02 Thread Guido Gonzato
On Tue, 1 Jul 2003, I. Oppenheim wrote:

 So, Jef and Guido, what do you think? Are you willing
 to discuss your ideas with us?

I'll just give you my point of view. Since the latest draft three years
ago, the so called 'committee' hasn't produced a single line of text;
please correct me if I'm wrong. In the meantime, skilled developers like
Jean-François quietly kept on working. As a result, we now have abcm2ps,
which is arguably one of the best (_the_ best?) music typesetters on
earth. Seymour Shlien has resumed working on the abcMIDI suite, adding
many changes that make it more compatible with abcm2ps. Phyl Tailor
enhanced his wonderful BarFly - too bad it's neither free nor
multiplatform. On my part, I wrote abcpp which allows me to write portable
ABC files; and managed to convince Joerg Anders to add ABC support in

We're almost there. I'm finishing a document I named A proposal of ABC
2.0.0 standard; it includes the latest 1.7.6 draft (verbatim), and adds
the least common denominator of multivoice support, low level details
(e.g. %%stuff), portability issues, some ABC examples, and so on. Then I
point out that there are details that inherently only make sense in
printed music, others in played music; I'm covering those too.

I'm also working on extending my manual Typesetting Music wit ABC, that
some of you liked so much - thank you for the nice words! - to change it
so that it's called Writing Music with ABC. That is, I'm adding a second
part covering playing ABC files in addition to typesetting them.

In my humble opinion, when we have an ABC typesetting and an ABC player
application that are powerful, free, multiplatform, and compatible with
each other, we automatically have a 'de facto' standard. At that point,
other applications will have better try and follow the new standard for
their own good.

I'll say that again, we are almost there! Seymor is working on some
details I reported to him; when he's done, abcm2ps and abc2midi will
support virtually the same ABC (2?) syntax.

To sum up, call me the coordinator if you wish; but bear in mind that
you're free to toss my work and dedication out of the window if you wish,
I'll not get upset. I just believe that with a bit of coordination - I did
nothing more than this - we'll soon have the new standard.

My .02 Ec.

 Guido =8-)

Guido Gonzato, Ph.D. guido . gonzato at univr . it - Linux System Manager
Universita' di Verona (Italy), Facolta' di Scienze MM. FF. NN.
Ca' Vignal II, Strada Le Grazie 15, 37134 Verona (Italy)
Tel. +39 045 8027990; Fax +39 045 8027928 --- Timeas hominem unius libri

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[abcusers] About the ABC home page

2003-07-02 Thread Guido Gonzato
On Wed, 2 Jul 2003, Bert Van Vreckem wrote:

 Indeed. Guido, what do you think of this? If you want I can give you 
 Admin permissions for the abc project. At least part of your abcplus 
 project would fit nicely in the abc project if the new standard kicks 
 off. I should also have some time in the near future to update the 
 webpage unless anyone else feels an uncontrollable urge... ;-)

it looks like some people are already inclined to call me the
president... please wait! You still have to read what I'm writing. Then
we'll have to discuss some points, I suppose; make changes, additions,
you'll call me names :-), etc.

I find it interesting what some people pointed out: that is, that a
developer (say, Jean-François) should not be the coordinator beacuse of
conflict of interest. We Italians are well aware of this problem... (look
at that [EMAIL PROTECTED] of our [EMAIL PROTECTED]@!! prime minister, Berlusconi). 
While I
personally think that Jean-François is so smart, so kind, and has so much
common sense that he could be a perfect coordinator, I also realise that
he's really busy coding his programs.

I'm neither a talented programmer nor a great musician. All I can say is
that I always struggled to keep ABC developers in contact, writing
suggestions for improving compatibility; I study lots of different music
examples to try and figure out new ABC implementations.

And I do all this beacuse I believe that ABC makes the world a better

So, please wait for the new ABC 2 proposal; I'm probably going to publish
it next week.

  Guido =8-)

Guido Gonzato, Ph.D. guido . gonzato at univr . it - Linux System Manager
Universita' di Verona (Italy), Facolta' di Scienze MM. FF. NN.
Ca' Vignal II, Strada Le Grazie 15, 37134 Verona (Italy)
Tel. +39 045 8027990; Fax +39 045 8027928 --- Timeas hominem unius libri

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[abcusers] Catering for ABC Windows users

2003-07-02 Thread Guido Gonzato
On Wed, 2 Jul 2003, Bert Van Vreckem wrote:

 Good point. While Guido's abc manual deserves all the praise it gets, it 
 is rather Linux-centric. But Guido is a Linux man, so perhaps someone 
 else should write a section on how to set up abc under Windows. I use 

sorry, but... my guide is admittedly abcm2ps-centric, but makes no
difference between Windows and Linux. For example, in Section 1.5 I
explain how to install the tools under Windows and Linux.

Some people wrote me to suggest that I should make a self-contained
installation program for Windows that includes everything one needs:
typesetter, player, editor, preprocessor. As soon as we have the next
stable releases of abcm2ps abc abcMIDI, I'll be happy to oblige.

  Guido =8-)

Guido Gonzato, Ph.D. guido . gonzato at univr . it - Linux System Manager
Universita' di Verona (Italy), Facolta' di Scienze MM. FF. NN.
Ca' Vignal II, Strada Le Grazie 15, 37134 Verona (Italy)
Tel. +39 045 8027990; Fax +39 045 8027928 --- Timeas hominem unius libri

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Re: [abcusers] Accented characters in lyrics (abc2ps)

2003-07-01 Thread Guido Gonzato
On Tue, 1 Jul 2003, I. Oppenheim wrote:

 I prefer typing [\'a] over [aacute;] If you prefer
 the latter, why not write a preprocessor that converts
 it back to \'a

it already exists, I wrote it: abcpp (
But it's much simpler to use TeX-like sequences. IMHO.

 Guido =8-)

Guido Gonzato, Ph.D. guido . gonzato at univr . it - Linux System Manager
Universita' di Verona (Italy), Facolta' di Scienze MM. FF. NN.
Ca' Vignal II, Strada Le Grazie 15, 37134 Verona (Italy)
Tel. +39 045 8027990; Fax +39 045 8027928 --- Timeas hominem unius libri

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Re: [abcusers] ABC 1.7 standard?

2003-06-30 Thread Guido Gonzato
On Mon, 30 Jun 2003, I. Oppenheim wrote:

 I agree entirely.
 Jef and Guido, are you willing to take this noble task
 upon you?
 I vote for you!

I (Guido) agree. It's a sweet burden...

  Guido =8-)

Guido Gonzato, Ph.D. guido . gonzato at univr . it - Linux System Manager
Universita' di Verona (Italy), Facolta' di Scienze MM. FF. NN.
Ca' Vignal II, Strada Le Grazie 15, 37134 Verona (Italy)
Tel. +39 045 8027990; Fax +39 045 8027928 --- Timeas hominem unius libri

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Re: [abcusers] Accented characters in lyrics (abc2ps)

2003-06-30 Thread Guido Gonzato
On Tue, 1 Jul 2003, I. Oppenheim wrote:

 This should also be addressed in the upcomming ABC

I have already written a paragraph about it.

 To use accented letter, type the following:
 \`a  = a with grave
 \'a  = a with acute
 \a  = a with umlaut
 \^o  = o with circumflex
 \~n  = n with tilde
 \,c  = c with cedilla

and many others. A more complete list will be available in the upcoming
ABC 2.0.0 draft.

  Guido =8-)

Guido Gonzato, Ph.D. guido . gonzato at univr . it - Linux System Manager
Universita' di Verona (Italy), Facolta' di Scienze MM. FF. NN.
Ca' Vignal II, Strada Le Grazie 15, 37134 Verona (Italy)
Tel. +39 045 8027990; Fax +39 045 8027928 --- Timeas hominem unius libri

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Re: [abcusers] Drum notation

2003-06-24 Thread Guido Gonzato
On Mon, 23 Jun 2003, janus meuris wrote:

 But I recently ran into a problem, and I found no cure for it in any doc I 
 found :
 I need to write drum partitions (notes,clefs,-...) , and found nothing to do 
 I found out (due to the Noteedit discussions) that Noteedit has the features
 to do it, but can it be done in abcm2ps, and if not, can it be added ?
 I didn't look into the code yet, so perhaps I should look for drummer notes

as of version 3.6.1, abcm2ps has limited drum support. If you can write
code, I strongly suggest that you contact Jean-François Moine
([EMAIL PROTECTED]) to help him add drum notation to abcm2ps.

 PS : I'm using the 'stable' version abcm2ps-2.11.3 (May 5, 2002) and I see
 no real reason to go to version 3 yet. Or is there one ??

well, that depends on your needs. The 3.x.y series has far more features
than 2.11.3, and I need these, but if 2.11.3 fits the bill for you... as
they say, if it ain't broke, don't fix it.

 Guido =8-)

Guido Gonzato, Ph.D. guido . gonzato at univr . it - Linux System Manager
Universita' di Verona (Italy), Facolta' di Scienze MM. FF. NN.
Ca' Vignal II, Strada Le Grazie 15, 37134 Verona (Italy)
Tel. +39 045 8027990; Fax +39 045 8027928 --- Timeas hominem unius libri

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[abcusers] Announcement: NoteEdit 2.2.2 released

2003-06-19 Thread Guido Gonzato

release 2.2.2 is out, featuring many bugfixes and enhancements in ABC
export. The sources and RedHat RPMs (in a couple of days) are available

Test and enjoy!

  Guido =8-)

Guido Gonzato, Ph.D. guido . gonzato at univr . it - Linux System Manager
Universita' di Verona (Italy), Facolta' di Scienze MM. FF. NN.
Ca' Vignal II, Strada Le Grazie 15, 37134 Verona (Italy)
Tel. +39 045 8027990; Fax +39 045 8027928 --- Timeas hominem unius libri

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Re: [abcusers] abcm2ps

2003-06-06 Thread Guido Gonzato
On Fri, 6 Jun 2003, Forgeot Eric wrote:

 When I used abcm2ps for viewing the note, I realized there isn't
 in the standard, nor in abcm2ps (it seems) an option to avoit
 printing / displaying a part. I think it would be relevant with
 the %%staves option 

abcpp is there to help you! Have a look at the attached score, which
contains abcpp directives to exclude voices when needed.

  Guido =8-)

Guido Gonzato, Ph.D. guido . gonzato at univr . it - Linux System Manager
Universita' di Verona (Italy), Facolta' di Scienze MM. FF. NN.
Ca' Vignal II, Strada Le Grazie 15, 37134 Verona (Italy)
Tel. +39 045 8027990; Fax +39 045 8027928 --- Timeas hominem unius libri

Description: GNU Zip compressed data

[abcusers] Big news - Note Editor does ABC!

2003-06-06 Thread Guido Gonzato

at last I managed to convince Joerg Anders to include ABC support in his
wonderful Note Editor

There you are some excerpts from our email exchange:

 On Wed, 4 Jun 2003, Guido Gonzato wrote:
  I'm very happy you're considering ABC support!!! :-)))
 Yes, but I found still a serious problem: You cannot
 build tuplets over different long note groups:
 X: 1
 K: C % key signature
 L: 1/4 % default length
E (3FG A A  A | E (3A3/2A/2 E A |
 ^  ^
 neither so  |   nor so |

 This circumvents all swing music :-(

that's an idea for extensions. Developers, what do you think?

 On Thu, 5 Jun 2003, Guido Gonzato wrote:
  oh my gosh - thank you!!! I'll test it as thoroughly as I can. May I write
  to the ABC users mailing list to announce this prerelease?
 Yes, if some of them want to help to test the ABC export.
 But please don't forget to mention: It is a pre-release! Talk about
 the restrictions!


 On Thu, 5 Jun 2003, Guido Gonzato wrote:
   This circumvents all swing music :-(
  I'll report this to the two main developers and I'll get it added; it
  shouldn't be hard to implement. I'll let you know.
 If you like: On:
 there is a noteedit-2.2.0 preview which
 exports already a lot of elements to ABC music.
 Perhaps you have some annotations.
 Notes and Rests and keysigs and timsigs including
 chords, slurs, ties, multiple voices should work.
 The same holds for all bars types.
 Also: equality  tuplets should work.
 Avoid clef, key signature and time signature changes!

so, please go download and try it out! To export to ABC, select
File/Output Params... then choose the ABC Music tab.

Today I'll put RPMs of this preliminary NoteEdit version on my page,

Many many thanks to Joerg Anders!!!

Have a good weekend,
 Guido =8-)

Guido Gonzato, Ph.D. guido . gonzato at univr . it - Linux System Manager
Universita' di Verona (Italy), Facolta' di Scienze MM. FF. NN.
Ca' Vignal II, Strada Le Grazie 15, 37134 Verona (Italy)
Tel. +39 045 8027990; Fax +39 045 8027928 --- Timeas hominem unius libri

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Re: [abcusers]quest - compiling abcm2ps on Mac

2003-05-29 Thread Guido Gonzato
On Wed, 28 May 2003, John Chambers wrote:

 | Do you see anything else?
 My jcabc2ps clone has a flock of little extensions.  The biggie  is

John, what you wrote is really mouth-watering... I hope Jean-François will
manage to include most (if not all) of your extensions.

I've been waiting for years to see the merge of existing abc2ps clones. It
looks like the time has come at last.

God bless you!

 Guido =8-)

Guido Gonzato, Ph.D. guido . gonzato at univr . it - Linux System Manager
Universita' di Verona (Italy), Facolta' di Scienze MM. FF. NN.
Ca' Vignal II, Strada Le Grazie 15, 37134 Verona (Italy)
Tel. +39 045 8027990; Fax +39 045 8027928 --- Timeas hominem unius libri

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Re: [abcusers] Request for aliases for notes.

2003-04-06 Thread Guido Gonzato
On Sat, 5 Apr 2003, Ananda Murthy R S wrote:

 In Indian music we use Sa, Re, Ga, Ma, Pa, Dha, Ni instead of CDEFGAB. Is it 
 possible to provide an aliasing command so that we can use SRGMPDN instead of 
 CDEFGAB. If this is possible, then, it would be of great advantage to notate 
 Indian music.

do you know abcpp? You may use definitions like these in your ABC file:

#define SA C
#define sa c
#define RE D
#define re d

then write the rest of your ABC files like this:


if this is too unconfortable, I'l be happy to add a new feature to JedABC
so that you type 'S' and get 'C', 'R' - D, and so on.

 Guido =8-)

Guido Gonzato, Ph.D. guido . gonzato at univr . it - Linux System Manager
Universita' di Verona (Italy), Facolta' di Scienze MM. FF. NN.
Ca' Vignal II, Strada Le Grazie 15, 37134 Verona (Italy)
Tel. +39 045 8027990; Fax +39 045 8027928 --- Timeas hominem unius libri

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[abcusers] going to hospital

2003-03-14 Thread Guido Gonzato

I'm going to hospital to have my nose operated on, so I'll be away for at
least a couple of weeks.

Ciao a tutti, see you soon,
Guido =8-)

Guido Gonzato, Ph.D. guido . gonzato at univr . it - Linux System Manager
Universita' di Verona (Italy), Facolta' di Scienze MM. FF. NN.
Ca' Vignal II, Strada Le Grazie 15, 37134 Verona (Italy)
Tel. +39 045 8027990; Fax +39 045 8027928 --- Timeas hominem unius libri

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Re: [abcusers] re : ANNOUNCEMENT - Typesetting Music with ABC available

2003-03-10 Thread Guido Gonzato
On Mon, 10 Mar 2003, Jack Campin wrote:

 ...but *please* include a warning that this is not ABC and should not be
 allowed to escape to anywhere that somebody might pick it up under the
 impression it was.
 Package-specific hacks involving %% lines are okay, this is something
 different and will confuse the hell out of almost all ABC software

I surely will.

Guido =8-)

Guido Gonzato, Ph.D. guido . gonzato at univr . it - Linux System Manager
Universita' di Verona (Italy), Facolta' di Scienze MM. FF. NN.
Ca' Vignal II, Strada Le Grazie 15, 37134 Verona (Italy)
Tel. +39 045 8027990; Fax +39 045 8027928 --- Timeas hominem unius libri

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Re: [abcusers] re : ANNOUNCEMENT - Typesetting Music with ABCavailable

2003-03-09 Thread Guido Gonzato
On Sat, 8 Mar 2003, Forgeot Eric wrote:

 A little comment :
 In page 16 :
 Do not mistake chords for something completely different! If you
 want to get something like this:
 /.../ these are not chords, but different voices on the same
 staff. This will be the subject of Section 4.
 Now it's possible to achieve this with abcm2ps :
 [c2e3] B2 e [A2c4] G2 |
 I don't think you talk about that in your manual (this *very* nice
 feature helped me much when I was reluctant to write a new voice
 for only 2 notes in such a chord)

this is the first useful suggestion - I'll add a section about this subject.

   Guido =8-)

Guido Gonzato, Ph.D. guido . gonzato at univr . it - Linux System Manager
Universita' di Verona (Italy), Facolta' di Scienze MM. FF. NN.
Ca' Vignal II, Strada Le Grazie 15, 37134 Verona (Italy)
Tel. +39 045 8027990; Fax +39 045 8027928 --- Timeas hominem unius libri

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Re: [abcusers] abcm2ps and EPS

2003-03-09 Thread Guido Gonzato
On Sun, 9 Mar 2003, Forgeot Eric wrote:

 So, my question is what kind of application can I use in order to
 include a proper eps image in an abc file ?

I used xfig under Linux. It seems to produce very compact EPS files.

Guido =8-)

Guido Gonzato, Ph.D. guido . gonzato at univr . it - Linux System Manager
Universita' di Verona (Italy), Facolta' di Scienze MM. FF. NN.
Ca' Vignal II, Strada Le Grazie 15, 37134 Verona (Italy)
Tel. +39 045 8027990; Fax +39 045 8027928 --- Timeas hominem unius libri

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Re: [abcusers] Renaissance notes, anyone?

2003-03-07 Thread Guido Gonzato
On Thu, 6 Mar 2003, Forgeot Eric wrote:

 Hello, it's still a work in progress, but you can look at :

that's _very_ nice - if you need assistance converting your existing font
into PostScript, feel free to contact me.

 Guido =8-)

Guido Gonzato, Ph.D. guido . gonzato at univr . it - Linux System Manager
Universita' di Verona (Italy), Facolta' di Scienze MM. FF. NN.
Ca' Vignal II, Strada Le Grazie 15, 37134 Verona (Italy)
Tel. +39 045 8027990; Fax +39 045 8027928 --- Timeas hominem unius libri

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Re: [abcusers] Renaissance notes, anyone?

2003-03-07 Thread Guido Gonzato
On Thu, 6 Mar 2003, John Walsh wrote:

   Is there documentation that explains abc2ps fonts and how to
 write them, or is this something one should learn by reading the code? I

I'm going to release the English version of my manual today. It contains a
section about using non-standard fonts with abcm2ps (many thanks to Eric
Forgeot for the information he sent me).

 Guido =8-)

Guido Gonzato, Ph.D. guido . gonzato at univr . it - Linux System Manager
Universita' di Verona (Italy), Facolta' di Scienze MM. FF. NN.
Ca' Vignal II, Strada Le Grazie 15, 37134 Verona (Italy)
Tel. +39 045 8027990; Fax +39 045 8027928 --- Timeas hominem unius libri

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[abcusers] ANNOUNCEMENT - Typesetting Music with ABC available

2003-03-07 Thread Guido Gonzato
Hello there,

a very kind chap, Norman Schmidt, helped me translate the missing parts.
Now the English translation of my Creare spartiti con ABC is available

The manual is freely available under the GNU GPL license. That said, if
you think it's useful to you a small donation would be highly appreciated.

I rely on your feedback for corrections, additions, observations and so on.

  Guido =8-)

Guido Gonzato, Ph.D. guido . gonzato at univr . it - Linux System Manager
Universita' di Verona (Italy), Facolta' di Scienze MM. FF. NN.
Ca' Vignal II, Strada Le Grazie 15, 37134 Verona (Italy)
Tel. +39 045 8027990; Fax +39 045 8027928 --- Timeas hominem unius libri

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[abcusers] Renaissance notes, anyone?

2003-03-06 Thread Guido Gonzato

with very little effort, abcm2ps could typeset scores using
Renaissance-style notes; that is, those fancy square or diamond-shaped
notes. To this end, we'd need two things:

1) disable the proportional spacing of notes. This probably calls for a
new abcm2ps %%command and/or command-line option, which I cannot
implement. I'm sure that Jean-François would be kind as usual :-)

2) new note shapes, which I could easily write as new PostScript routines.

As a matter of fact, I don't have much time and I would't start this new
task unless someone's interested. So, my question is: does anybody want
this feature?

 Guido =8-)

Guido Gonzato, Ph.D. guido . gonzato at univr . it - Linux System Manager
Universita' di Verona (Italy), Facolta' di Scienze MM. FF. NN.
Ca' Vignal II, Strada Le Grazie 15, 37134 Verona (Italy)
Tel. +39 045 8027990; Fax +39 045 8027928 --- Timeas hominem unius libri

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Re: [abcusers] Renaissance notes, anyone?

2003-03-06 Thread Guido Gonzato
On Thu, 6 Mar 2003, Christian M. Cepel wrote:

 Are shapenotes Renaissance?  I thought they went back to plainchant 
 notation.  (this is probably why I only barely passed Music history last 
 sem and prolly won't this sem)  

AFAIK, plain chant used several types of neumes, i.e. the square neumes on
a four-line staff still used for Gregorian chant. I came across many
examples of Renaissance sheet music written with shapenotes. I'm not an
expert, but I'm pretty sure that music was written that way.

 Guido =8-)

Guido Gonzato, Ph.D. guido . gonzato at univr . it - Linux System Manager
Universita' di Verona (Italy), Facolta' di Scienze MM. FF. NN.
Ca' Vignal II, Strada Le Grazie 15, 37134 Verona (Italy)
Tel. +39 045 8027990; Fax +39 045 8027928 --- Timeas hominem unius libri

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Re: [abcusers] Adding PostScript fonts?

2003-02-14 Thread Guido Gonzato
On Fri, 14 Feb 2003, Forgeot Eric wrote:

 oups, it seems I forget to post this one after typing it...
 If you're using ghostscript... 
 you put in /fonts/ your new fonts
 (ex : Hansagotisch.pfb, maybe there are also other definitions, I

wow, that looks GREAT! BTW, it's amazing how you guessed the type of font I
meant to install.

Thank you very much,
  Guido =8-)

Guido Gonzato, Ph.D. guido . gonzato at univr . it - Linux System Manager
Universita' di Verona (Italy), Facolta' di Scienze MM. FF. NN.
Ca' Vignal II, Strada Le Grazie 15, 37134 Verona (Italy)
Tel. +39 045 8027990; Fax +39 045 8027928 --- Timeas hominem unius libri

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Re: [abcusers] about Signore delle cime

2003-02-11 Thread Guido Gonzato
On 10 Feb 2003, Alain Henry wrote:

 I'm sorry about my quick typing.  here is a corrected version, with the
 two verses we sing.  The score is adapted (simplified) for our choir,
 using some notes from the tenor line when bass is too high.  Thus this
 is not the true bass.  Also I have problems with the second sentence of
 the second verse.  Number os syllables does not match well the score. 
 You can hear it live at the web site of the Italian Alpine Army Corps
 (hope i translate well from my French)

right, the Alpini. I too served as an Alpino in the Army!

 Guido, I'd be happy for a translation in English, and thanks for the

er... if I'm not asking for too much, I'd like to post all parts... then
I'll do the job of translating and documenting the tune. I'll eventually
publish it (_only_ with your permission) on my abcplus page.

 Guido =8-)

Guido Gonzato, Ph.D. guido . gonzato at univr . it - Linux System Manager
Universita' di Verona (Italy), Facolta' di Scienze MM. FF. NN.
Ca' Vignal II, Strada Le Grazie 15, 37134 Verona (Italy)
Tel. +39 045 8027990; Fax +39 045 8027928 --- Timeas hominem unius libri

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[abcusers] about Signore delle cime

2003-02-09 Thread Guido Gonzato
On 9 Feb 2003, Alain Henry wrote:

 Example from one of the piece sung at my choral 
 T:Signore delle cime - basse
 K:G clef=bass octave=-1
 G2 G G | F2 F3/2 F/2 | E E E E | B,2 B,2 | C2 D D |
 w: Di-o del cie-lo, Si-tgno-re del-le ci-me, un no stroa
 G2 G F | A, A, A, A, | B,2 B,2 | E2 E E | A,2 A,2|
 w: mi-co hal chie-stoal-la mon-ta-gna. Ma Ti pre-ghia-mo,
 F2 F F | B,2 (B, A,) | G G E E | B,2 B,2 | C C D D | G2 G2 |
 w: ma ti pre-ghia-mo:_ su nel pa-ra-di-so, su nel pa-ra-di-so
 C2 C C | B,2 E2 | C C D D | D4 | (G,4 | G,2) z2 |
 w: la-seia-loan-da-re per le tue mon-ta_-gne._

this seems truly amazing to me - Signore delle cime crossed the
(presumably northern) Italian borders and is sung somewhere else!

Do you know what this song is all about? It's a mountain mourning song,
often sung at funerals when somebody dies in a mountain accident. It's
extremely popular over here in northern Italy. Sadly, I had to sing it when a
friend of mine died at 19 falling from a cliff. Also, I personally met the
author, Maestro Bepi De Marzi, a famous choir conductor.

The excerpt you sent to the list contains spelling mistakes. I'd be very 
grateful if you sent all parts to the list; I'd correct the Italian text
and add an English translation.

 Guido =8-)

Guido Gonzato, Ph.D. guido . gonzato at univr . it - Linux System Manager
Universita' di Verona (Italy), Facolta' di Scienze MM. FF. NN.
Ca' Vignal II, Strada Le Grazie 15, 37134 Verona (Italy)
Tel. +39 045 8027990; Fax +39 045 8027928 --- Timeas hominem unius libri

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RE: [abcusers] online abc previewer

2003-02-09 Thread Guido Gonzato
On Sun, 9 Feb 2003, Wil Macaulay wrote:

  Actually, I just built abcm2ps for Mac OSX - 
 it compiled without any changes.  However I no longer have a
 development system for OS 9.  If anyone is interested I can make
 it available

yes, you could send it to me and I'll make it available at the abcplus site.

 Guido =8-)

Guido Gonzato, Ph.D. guido . gonzato at univr . it - Linux System Manager
Universita' di Verona (Italy), Facolta' di Scienze MM. FF. NN.
Ca' Vignal II, Strada Le Grazie 15, 37134 Verona (Italy)
Tel. +39 045 8027990; Fax +39 045 8027928 --- Timeas hominem unius libri

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Re: [abcusers] Any chance of print outs in bass clef?

2003-02-09 Thread Guido Gonzato
On Sun, 9 Feb 2003, John Chambers wrote:

 Alain Henry wrote:
 | X:1
 | T:Signore delle cime - basse
 | M:4/4
 | L:1/4
 | Q:100
 | K:G clef=bass octave=-1


 I've seen that octave=-1 notation, but I  haven't  implemented  it,
 because  I  don't understand it.  Anyone know what it means, and what
 programs implement it?

it's used by abc2midi to produce notes an octave lower. The latest abcm2ps
accepts this extension and just ignores it.

Guido =8-)

Guido Gonzato, Ph.D. guido . gonzato at univr . it - Linux System Manager
Universita' di Verona (Italy), Facolta' di Scienze MM. FF. NN.
Ca' Vignal II, Strada Le Grazie 15, 37134 Verona (Italy)
Tel. +39 045 8027990; Fax +39 045 8027928 --- Timeas hominem unius libri

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[abcusers] Adding PostScript fonts?

2003-02-06 Thread Guido Gonzato
Hello all,

I use abcm2ps but my question is applicable to all ABC to PostScript
converters. We all know that PostScript has those nice 35 fonts, which
ought to be enough for everybody. But what if I wanted to use some other
weird font?

So, I'd like to know: 1) is it possible to add a new font to GhostScript,
and how? 2) how can *abc*2ps use this new font, if at all possible?

   Guido =8-)

Guido Gonzato, Ph.D. guido . gonzato at univr . it - Linux System Manager
Universita' di Verona (Italy), Facolta' di Scienze MM. FF. NN.
Ca' Vignal II, Strada Le Grazie 15, 37134 Verona (Italy)
Tel. +39 045 8027990; Fax +39 045 8027928 --- Timeas hominem unius libri

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Re: [abcusers] 8va notation, abcm2ps

2003-01-07 Thread Guido Gonzato
On Fri, 3 Jan 2003, Christopher Myers wrote:

 Does anybody know how (if possible) to put octave notation, e.g.
 8va basso - - - - - -  
 into abc so that abcm2ps can render it?  I tried making it lyrics, and
 that didn't quite look right, as it tried to line up each word with
 the notes above, and I don't need that to happen, obviously.
 I'm rendering a 4 part score (fife quartet) and usually, the 8va basso
 is understood for the bottom part, but I want to remove any ambiguity.

I'm not really sure what you mean. I suppose the 8va basso - - - - - - 
indication that is found on some piano scores, which denotes that a
certain number of notes are to be played an octave lower.

Abcm2ps doesn't have this indication, but it's really easy to add it using
the existing 8va new decoration (see as template. Try this:

%  -*- Abc -*-
% This file provides a few decorations for abcm2ps
% (from Jean-Francois Moine)
% -- draw octava indication
%%postscript /eoct {
%%postscriptM 0 6 rlineto currentpoint stroke M
%%postscript[6] 0 setdash 30 add 0 rlineto currentpoint stroke M
%%postscript[] 0 setdash 0 -6 rlineto stroke
%%postscript } bdef
%%postscript /octava {  % usage: len x y octava
%%postscriptexch -9 add exch 2 copy 
%%postscriptM 0 10 rmoveto /Times-Roman 16 selectfont (8) show
%%postscript/Times-Roman 12 selectfont (va) show eoct
%%postscript } bdef
% -- start / stop of octava indication
%%deco 8( 5 - 24 0 0
%%deco 8) 5 octava 24 0 0
%%postscript /octavab {  % usage: len x y octavab
%%postscriptexch -9 add exch 2 copy 
%%postscriptM 0 10 rmoveto /Times-Roman 16 selectfont (8) show
%%postscript/Times-Roman 12 selectfont (va) show
%%postscript/Times-Roman 16 selectfont ( bassa) show eoct
%%postscript } bdef
% -- start / stop of octava bassa indication
%%deco 8b( 5 - 24 0 0
%%deco 8b) 5 octavab 24 0 0
%%postscript /octavaa {  % usage: len x y octavaa
%%postscriptexch -9 add exch 2 copy 
%%postscriptM 0 10 rmoveto /Times-Roman 16 selectfont (8) show
%%postscript/Times-Roman 12 selectfont (va) show
%%postscript/Times-Roman 16 selectfont ( alta) show eoct
%%postscript } bdef
% -- start / stop of octava alta indication
%%deco 8a( 5 - 24 0 0
%%deco 8a) 5 octavaa 24 0 0
%%postscript /coctavaa {  % usage: len x y coctavaa
%%postscriptexch -9 add exch 2 copy 
%%postscriptM 0 10 rmoveto /Times-Roman 16 selectfont (con 8) show
%%postscript/Times-Roman 12 selectfont (va) show
%%postscript/Times-Roman 16 selectfont ( alta) show eoct
%%postscript } bdef
% -- start / stop of con octava alta indication
%%deco c8a( 5 - 24 0 0
%%deco c8a) 5 coctavaa 24 0 0
%%postscript /coctavab {  % usage: len x y coctavab
%%postscriptexch -9 add exch 2 copy 
%%postscriptM 0 10 rmoveto /Times-Roman 16 selectfont (con 8) show
%%postscript/Times-Roman 12 selectfont (va) show
%%postscript/Times-Roman 16 selectfont ( bassa) show eoct
%%postscript } bdef
% -- start / stop of con octava bassa indication
%%deco c8b( 5 - 24 0 0
%%deco c8b) 5 coctavab 24 0 0
X: 1
T: Prova
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
K: C

Needless to say, abc2midi will not be able to use these new decos.

If this is what you meant, I'm happy.

 Guido =8-)
Guido Gonzato, Ph.D. guido . gonzato at univr . it - Linux System Manager
Universita' di Verona (Italy), Facolta' di Scienze MM. FF. NN.
Ca' Vignal II, Strada Le Grazie 15, 37134 Verona (Italy)
Tel. +39 045 8027990; Fax +39 045 8027928 --- Timeas hominem unius libri

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Re: [abcusers] 8va notation, abcm2ps

2003-01-07 Thread Guido Gonzato
On Tue, 7 Jan 2003, Christopher Myers wrote:

 * I can make notation that looks like this:
 by simply putting K:treble-8 but the 8 is too small for my taste.
 Perhaps I'm being too much of a perfectionist here, but if there's a way
 to do what I want, I'd very much like to try.

being a perfectionist is the engine of civilization (sometimes...) well, I
have found a quick solution that involves a minor modification to the
source. Grab the abcm2ps source archive, unpack it, then edit the file
draw.c. At line 2619, you'll read:

PUT2(/Times-Roman 10 selectfont %.1f %.1f M (8) show\n,
 x, y);

all you have to do is change this line as:

PUT2(/Times-Roman 16 selectfont %.1f %.1f M (8) show\n,
 x, y - 3);

then run ./configure, make, and make install as usual.

I suppose Jean-François will find a way to make it possible to customise
even this small detail... or I'll see to it.

 Guido =8-)

Guido Gonzato, Ph.D. guido . gonzato at univr . it - Linux System Manager
Universita' di Verona (Italy), Facolta' di Scienze MM. FF. NN.
Ca' Vignal II, Strada Le Grazie 15, 37134 Verona (Italy)
Tel. +39 045 8027990; Fax +39 045 8027928 --- Timeas hominem unius libri

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[abcusers] Merry Christmas

2002-12-22 Thread Guido Gonzato
There you are a beautiful, nearly unknown Christmas song. It's especially
dear to me beacuse I used to sing it as a lullaby to my newborn baby boy,
two years ago. The Italian lyrics are very poetic, I tried to translate
them decently.

X: 1
T: Coro della notte
T: (The Night Chorus)
C: Pietro Alessandro Yon (1866 - 1943)
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
Q: Largo 1/4 = 50
%%staves [1 2 3 4]
V: 1 clef=treble   name=Soprano
V: 2 clef=treble   name=Alto
V: 3 clef=treble-8 name=Tenor
V: 4 clef=bass name=Bass
%%MIDI program 1 54
%%MIDI program 2 54
%%MIDI program 3 54
%%MIDI program 4 54
K: D
[V: 1] |: FF z/F/ G/F/|[M:3/4]EF2|AA A/A/|[M:2/4](c/B) _B/|
[V: 2] |: DD z/D/ D/D/|[M:3/4]CD2|FF F/F/|[M:2/4]^EE |
w: Dor-mi, ch\'e su te ve-glia gi\'a tut-to il Pa-ra-
[V: 3] |: AA z/A/ B/A/|[M:3/4]AA2|dd d/d/|[M:2/4](d c/)c/ |
[V: 4] |: dd z/d/ d/d/|[M:3/4]Ad2|dd d/d/|[M:2/4]GG  |
[V: 1] [M:3/4]AA2|[M:4/4]GG z/F/ G/A/ |[M:3/4]GFA |
[V: 2] [M:3/4]FF2|[M:4/4]EE z/^D/ E/E/|[M:3/4]=DDA|
w: di-so; dor-mi, ti splen-de~in vi-so un
[V: 3] [M:3/4]dd2|[M:4/4]BB z/B/ B/c/ |[M:3/4]BAd |
[V: 4] [M:3/4]dd2|[M:4/4]ee z/B/ e/A/ |[M:3/4]ddf |
[V: 1] cA B/F/  |A3|[M:4/4]FF z/F/ G/F/|[M:3/4]EF2|
[V: 2] ^GF F/D/ |E3|[M:4/4]DD z/D/ D/D/|[M:3/4]CD2|
w: rag-gio tut-to d'or. Dor-mi, dor-mi Fan-ciul-lo,
[V: 3] cc d/B/  |c3|[M:4/4]AA z/A/ B/A/|[M:3/4]AA2|
[V: 4] ^ef d/=e/|A3|[M:4/4]dd z/d/ d/d/|[M:3/4]Ad2|
[V: 1] AA A/A/|[M:2/4](c/B) _B/|[M:3/4]AA2|
[V: 2] FF F/F/|[M:2/4]^EE |[M:3/4]FF2|
w: ri-po-sa il cor-po san-to;
[V: 3] dd d/d/|[M:2/4](dc/)c/  |[M:3/4]dd2|
[V: 4] dd d/d/|[M:2/4]GG  |[M:3/4]dd2|
[V: 1] [M:4/4]GG z/F/ G/A/ |[M:3/4]BBc|(dc/=c/ B/_B/|
[V: 2] [M:4/4]EE z/^D/ E/F/|[M:3/4]GGA|A2G  |
w: lie-ve, lie-ve ti cul-lo col fre-sco
[V: 3] [M:4/4]BB z/B/ B/d/ |[M:3/4]dde|d2d  |
[V: 4] [M:4/4]ee z/B/ e/=d/|[M:3/4]ggg|f2g  |
[V: 1] AA z/G/  |F3 :|[M:4/4]z3 z/A,/|FF z/F/ G/F/|
[V: 2] F/D/ E z/C/  |D3 :|[M:4/4]z3 z/A,/|DD z/D/ D/D/|
w: mi - o re-spir. In al-to un che-ru-
[V: 3] (d/B/) c z/A/|A3 :|[M:4/4]z3 z/A/ |AA z/A/ B/A/|
[V: 4] aaA  |d3 :|[M:4/4]z3 z/A/ |dd z/d/ d/d/|
[V: 1] [M:3/4]EF2|AA A/A/|[M:2/4](c/B) _B/|
[V: 2] [M:3/4]CD2|FF F/F/|[M:2/4]^EE |
w: bi-no tra-e da-la ce-tra
[V: 3] [M:3/4]AA2|dd d/d/|[M:2/4](dc/)c/  |
[V: 4] [M:3/4]Ad2|dd d/d/|[M:2/4]GG  |
[V: 1] [M:3/4]AA2|[M:4/4]G/G/ F^Ac|[M:3/4]dB z/B/ |
[V: 2] [M:3/4]FF2|[M:4/4]E/E/ CFF |[M:3/4]FG z/G/ |
w: d'o-ro un ac-cor-do di-vi-no per
[V: 3] [M:3/4]dd2|[M:4/4]B/B/ ^AcA|[M:3/4]Bd z/d/ |
[V: 4] [M:3/4]dd2|[M:4/4]e/e/ fff |[M:3/4](b/a/)g z/g/| 
[V: 1] Azz   |A/G/ FE  |F3|]
[V: 2] Fzz   |EDC  |D3|]
w: te, san-to Pa-stor.
[V: 3] (d/e/d/c/d/B/)|(c/B/) AA|A3|]
[V: 4] azz   |AAA  |d3|]
W: Sleep, the Heavens are watching over you.
W: Sleep, your face brights with a golden ray of light.
W: Sleep, sleep Baby, let your sacred body rest;
W: Gently, I gently rock you with my fresh breath.
W: Above, an angel plays his golden harp
W: he plays divine chords for you, o sacred Shepard.

Merry Christmas to all and your families.

  Guido =8-)

Guido Gonzato, Ph.D. guido . gonzato at univr . it - Linux System Manager
Universita' di Verona (Italy), Facolta' di Scienze MM. FF. NN.
Ca' Vignal II, Strada Le Grazie 15, 37134 Verona (Italy)
Tel. +39 045 8027990; Fax +39 045 8027928 --- Timeas hominem unius libri

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Re: [abcusers] abc drum notation and abc2ps

2002-11-15 Thread Guido Gonzato
On Thu, 14 Nov 2002, Christopher Myers wrote:

 1) Can I use an X for a note head?

no, unless you redefine the PostScript code that draws noteheads. If you
can't do it yourself, I may consider experimenting - but don't hold your

 2) Can I put multiple slashes across the stem of a note? (I think that's

no, unless you write an ad-hoc PostScript routine. As above...

 3) Can I render a grace note without the tie? (That's a 'flam').

yes, using the %%graceslurs 0 command in the ABC source, or the -G 0
switch in the abcm2ps command line.

 I'm sure there are other things too, but those are the biggies the Drum
 Sergeant came up with last night.
 Thanks in advance!

that's all right. Ciao,
   Guido =8-)

Guido Gonzato, Ph.D. guido . gonzato at univr . it - Linux System Manager
Universita' di Verona (Italy), Facolta' di Scienze MM. FF. NN.
Ca' Vignal II, Strada Le Grazie 15, 37134 Verona (Italy)
Tel. +39 045 8027990; Fax +39 045 8027928 --- Timeas hominem unius libri

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Re: [abcusers] JedABC

2002-11-04 Thread Guido Gonzato
On Mon, 4 Nov 2002, Eduardo Gallego wrote:

 I've a question: do you know if somebody has ported JedABC (and the 
 subsequent programs) to OS X?
 If not I'll try and if I succeed  will tell you something.

JedABC will run on all platforms where the Jed editor runs, with no

I gather from the Jed home page (
that a port to Mac OS X doesn't exist yet. Being OS X a Unix-ish OS,
compiling Jed shouldn't be a problem though.

If you can compile on your machine, please do: you'll be able to use
JedABC, and will have the opportunity to contribute a Jed binary package
to the author of Jed. Please let me know.

 Guido =8-)

Guido Gonzato, Ph.D. guido . gonzato at univr . it - Linux System Manager
Universita' di Verona (Italy), Facolta' di Scienze MM. FF. NN.
Ca' Vignal II, Strada Le Grazie 15, 37134 Verona (Italy)
Tel. +39 045 8027990; Fax +39 045 8027928 --- Timeas hominem unius libri

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Re: [abcusers] new abcpp release

2002-11-03 Thread Guido Gonzato
On Fri, 1 Nov 2002, Bert Van Vreckem wrote:

 Guido Gonzato wrote:
  I have released version 1.2.2 of the abcpp preprocessor. Changes include:
 Damn! And I only just downloaded and installed 1.2.1 yesterday! ;-)
 Great program, by the way. Is the fact that preprocessor directives 
 start with a # intentional? If I designed it, I would probably have made 
 them start with %%, the traditional way of writing `special' comments in 

I intentionally designed it using '#' as it's standard for preprocessors.
I'm glad you like it, but please don't call it a great program... ;-)
it's just a quick hack that shows how limited a programmer I am. All other
ABC packages are great programs, IMO!

Thank you for your interest,

  Guido =8-)

Guido Gonzato, Ph.D. guido . gonzato at univr . it - Linux System Manager
Universita' di Verona (Italy), Facolta' di Scienze MM. FF. NN.
Ca' Vignal II, Strada Le Grazie 15, 37134 Verona (Italy)
Tel. +39 045 8027990; Fax +39 045 8027928 --- Timeas hominem unius libri

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[abcusers] new abcpp release

2002-10-31 Thread Guido Gonzato

I have released version 1.2.2 of the abcpp preprocessor. Changes include:

- the ability to define empty macros, i.e.

#ifdef MIDI
#define L16 [L:1/16]
#define L16 

- Italian documentation.

abcpp is free software released under the GPL. Source and binaries for
Linux and Windows can be downloaded from

 Guido =8-)

Guido Gonzato, Ph.D. guido . gonzato at univr . it - Linux System Manager
Universita' di Verona (Italy), Facolta' di Scienze MM. FF. NN.
Ca' Vignal II, Strada Le Grazie 15, 37134 Verona (Italy)
Tel. +39 045 8027990; Fax +39 045 8027928 --- Timeas hominem unius libri

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[abcusers] jcabc2ps source?

2002-09-23 Thread Guido Gonzato


I'd like to provide Win32 binaries for jcabc2ps, and I've been trying to
download the source from Sourceforge. No way. I've also searched on Google -
nothing. I'm not prepared to waste more than 40 seconds on this...

Could anyone point me to the sources? I'll make the binaries available on
the abcplus page.

 Guido =8-)

Guido Gonzato, Ph.D. guido . gonzato at univr . it - Linux System Manager
Universita' di Verona (Italy), Facolta' di Scienze MM. FF. NN.
Ca' Vignal II, Strada Le Grazie 15, 37134 Verona (Italy)
Tel. +39 045 8027990; Fax +39 045 8027928 --- Timeas hominem unius libri

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Re: [abcusers] a request to talented programmers

2002-07-16 Thread Guido Gonzato

 Well, I think you did not look carefully at my home page ;). Did you
 ever try 'tclabc'? Indeed, the job goes slowly, because abcm2ps eats
 most of my time, but this tools should offer you quite the same
 features as noteedit or rosegarden, with only the simple Tk graphic

yes, I did check out! The thing is, I can't compile tclabc because
my development machine has a half-working sound card. /dev/sequencer
doesn't work, which means that I have serious problems with MIDI in general.
And my boss will not buy me a new PC...

 Guido =8-)

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[abcusers] about the GPL

2002-07-09 Thread Guido Gonzato

On Tue, 9 Jul 2002, John Chambers wrote:

 Anyway, you can read lots about this at and
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excellent and very clear explanation! Thank you.
 Guido =8-)

Guido Gonzato, Ph.D. guido . gonzato at univr . it - Linux System Manager
Universita' di Verona (Italy), Facolta' di Scienze MM. FF. NN.
Ca' Vignal II, Strada Le Grazie 15, 37134 Verona (Italy)
Tel. +39 045 8027990; Fax +39 045 8027928 --- Timeas hominem unius libri

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[abcusers] a request to talented programmers

2002-07-08 Thread Guido Gonzato


Windows users have this little gem called NoteWorthy Player
(, a brilliant MIDI player that
also shows the music notation. AFAIK, such a tool is not available to Linux
users, and an equivalent Windows program which is open source doesn't exist

Isn't there a talented programmer who would like to write a program like
this? Needless to say, it should also be able to save the music in ABC

 Guido =8-)

Guido Gonzato, Ph.D. guido . gonzato at univr . it - Linux System Manager
Universita' di Verona (Italy), Facolta' di Scienze MM. FF. NN.
Ca' Vignal II, Strada Le Grazie 15, 37134 Verona (Italy)
Tel. +39 045 8027990; Fax +39 045 8027928 --- Timeas hominem unius libri

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Re: [abcusers] a request to talented programmers

2002-07-08 Thread Guido Gonzato

On Mon, 8 Jul 2002, Laurie (ukonline) wrote:

 Do you explicitly require that it plays music that is in NWC format?

no, I don't think it's important; just MIDI.

  Guido =8-)

Guido Gonzato, Ph.D. guido . gonzato at univr . it - Linux System Manager
Universita' di Verona (Italy), Facolta' di Scienze MM. FF. NN.
Ca' Vignal II, Strada Le Grazie 15, 37134 Verona (Italy)
Tel. +39 045 8027990; Fax +39 045 8027928 --- Timeas hominem unius libri

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Re: [abcusers] a request to talented programmers

2002-07-08 Thread Guido Gonzato

On 8 Jul 2002, Laura Conrad wrote:

 are a couple of possibilities.  Have you looked at Rosegarden?  It's
 not perfect as a MIDI player, but it does play MIDI and show notation.
 Noteedit is more of a notation editor than a MIDI player, but it's a
 good program, and does import MIDI files.

I haven't had a look at Rosegarden for a while, and I'm compiling it right
now. Too bad it doesn't support ABC.

Thanks for the tip,
   Guido =8-)

Guido Gonzato, Ph.D. guido . gonzato at univr . it - Linux System Manager
Universita' di Verona (Italy), Facolta' di Scienze MM. FF. NN.
Ca' Vignal II, Strada Le Grazie 15, 37134 Verona (Italy)
Tel. +39 045 8027990; Fax +39 045 8027928 --- Timeas hominem unius libri

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Re: [abcusers] ABC on a PDA

2002-07-03 Thread Guido Gonzato

On 3 Jul 2002, Laura Conrad wrote:

 Has anyone done this, and do they have any tips for getting used to
 typing ABC on that keyboard?
 I did a test file this morning, and I believe I can eventually get
 used to the split keyboard, but the caps lock shifting the numbers,
 and the distance some of the symbols ABC uses are from the home typing
 position seem pretty wierd.
 I was assuming I would just do the proofreading when I get back to the
 desktop, but if anyone has a good setup for entering and also
 checking the ABC, I'd be happy to hear about it.

Hello Laura,

I've transcribed some short tunes with my Palm. I'm using PalmABC without an
external keyboard, and IMHO it's simply a pain. It's *very* slow, compared
to a real keyboard. I have tried to come up with some ideas, but unless
someone writes a dedicated editor for PDAs I don't think there are

Just my experience, I'm sorry I can't help you out.

 Guido =8-)

Guido Gonzato, Ph.D. guido . gonzato at univr . it - Linux System Manager
Universita' di Verona (Italy), Facolta' di Scienze MM. FF. NN.
Ca' Vignal II, Strada Le Grazie 15, 37134 Verona (Italy)
Tel. +39 045 8027990; Fax +39 045 8027928 --- Timeas hominem unius libri

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Re: [abcusers] Announce: new ABC manual

2002-07-02 Thread Guido Gonzato

On Mon, 1 Jul 2002, Henrik Norbeck wrote:

 Ma é molto interessante leggere un manuale di abc in italiano!
 Cosí posso imparare come tradurre parole musicali in italiano.
 Io non posso tradurre in inglese adesso, perché ho un bambino
 di due mesi, e non c'é molto tempo per altre cose. Ma, Guido,
 penso che il tuo inglese sia meglio che il mio italiano...

EH? Che sorpresa, what a surprise! Il tuo italiano e' assolutamente
perfetto! Your Italian is spotless!

Never mind not being able to give me a hand, I too have a little kid and I
know what it means :-)))

One page per day or so, I'm slowly translating the manual. It may be ready
before the end of the summer.

 Guido =8-)

Guido Gonzato, Ph.D. guido . gonzato at univr . it - Linux System Manager
Universita' di Verona (Italy), Facolta' di Scienze MM. FF. NN.
Ca' Vignal II, Strada Le Grazie 15, 37134 Verona (Italy)
Tel. +39 045 8027990; Fax +39 045 8027928 --- Timeas hominem unius libri

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Re: [abcusers] Announce: new ABC manual

2002-06-28 Thread Guido Gonzato

On Thu, 27 Jun 2002, Ulf wrote:

 Excellent work !!! Congratulations!
 I'll stick to the Italian version. It is extremely easy to understand. 
 You are a most skilful teacher.

thank you so much, Ulf. I hope people will like the English version when
it's ready.

 Guido =8-)

Guido Gonzato, Ph.D. guido . gonzato at univr . it - Linux System Manager
Universita' di Verona (Italy), Facolta' di Scienze MM. FF. NN.
Ca' Vignal II, Strada Le Grazie 15, 37134 Verona (Italy)
Tel. +39 045 8027990; Fax +39 045 8027928 --- Timeas hominem unius libri

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[abcusers] Announce: new ABC manual

2002-06-27 Thread Guido Gonzato


I have nearly finished a new manual: Typesetting Music with ABC,
preliminary version available in PDF format from

I usually write my stuff in English, but this guide is written in Italian.
Therefore, it won't be much useful to English speakers; however, an English
version is in the works. If anyone can help me translate the guide into
English, please contact me.

  Guido =8-)

Guido Gonzato, Ph.D. guido . gonzato at univr . it - Linux System Manager
Universita' di Verona (Italy), Facolta' di Scienze MM. FF. NN.
Ca' Vignal II, Strada Le Grazie 15, 37134 Verona (Italy)
Tel. +39 045 8027990; Fax +39 045 8027928 --- Timeas hominem unius libri

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[abcusers] Announce: JedABC v. 1.9.0 available

2002-06-24 Thread Guido Gonzato


I have released version 1.9.0 of Jed ABC. This release features improvements
in the documentation, minor bugfixes, and the ability to extract a voice
using the new external filter abc2prt.

Get it from I hope you'll like it.

 Guido =8-)

Guido Gonzato, Ph.D. guido . gonzato at univr . it - Linux System Manager
Universita' di Verona (Italy), Facolta' di Scienze MM. FF. NN.
Ca' Vignal II, Strada Le Grazie 15, 37134 Verona (Italy)
Tel. +39 045 8027990; Fax +39 045 8027928 --- Timeas hominem unius libri

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[abcusers] Otche Nash

2002-06-24 Thread Guido Gonzato

There you are. Sorry for not providing the original Russian lyrics, but
writing them is way beyond my ability. Also, if you have suggestions about
better ways to transcribe the Russian lyrics into our alphabet, I'll be glad
to accept them.

% Otche_Nash.abp   -*- abc -*-
% Written for Jean-François Moine's abcm2ps, 
% Edited by Guido Gonzato [EMAIL PROTECTED], 24 June 2002
% Typeset with:  abcm2ps -c -O= Otche_Nash.abp
%%pageheight 29.7cm
%%pagewidth  21cm
%%topspace   0cm
%%topmargin  1cm
%%botmargin  0cm
%%leftmargin 1cm
%%titlespace 0cm
%%titlefont  Times-Bold 24
%%subtitlefont   Times-Bold 16
%%composerfont   Times 12
%%vocalfont  Times-Roman 14
%%partsfont  Times-BoldItalic 13
%%textspace  1cm
%%staffsep   2cm
%%musicspace 1cm
%%vocalspace 0.5cm
%%measurebox 1
%%measurenb  0
%%scale  0.7
X: 1
T: Otce Nash
T: (Pater Noster)
C: Nikolaj Kedrov Sr.
Z: Edited by Guido Gonzato [EMAIL PROTECTED], 22 June 2002
M: none
L: 1/4
Q: Adagio
%%staves [1 2 3 4]
V: 1 clef=treble name=Soprano
V: 2 clef=treble name=Alto
V: 3 clef=treble-8 name=Tenor
V: 4 clef=bass name=Bass
K: C
% 1 - 2
[V: 1] !pp!E2 E !breath!E4 |EEE F4|
w: Ot- che nash, i- je ye- si na ne- be- seh,
[V: 2] !pp!C2 C !breath!C4 |CCC C2 B,2|
w: Ot- che nash, i- je ye- si na ne- be- seh,_
[V: 3] !pp!G2 G !breath!G4 |GGG G4|
w: Ot- che nash, i- je ye- si na ne- be- seh,
[V: 4] !pp!c2 c !breath!c4 |ccc d4|
w: Ot- che nash, i- je ye- si na ne- be- seh,
% 3
[V: 1]  G2 GG !breath!G2|
w: da svya- ti- tsya i- mya Tvo- ye,
[V: 2] B,B,B,B, D2 CC !breath!C2|
w: da svya- ti- tsya i- mya Tvo- ye,
[V: 3]  G2 GG !breath!G2|
w: da svya- ti- tsya i- mya Tvo- ye,
[V: 4]  e2 ee !breath!e2| 
w: da svya- ti- tsya i- mya Tvo- ye,
% 4 - 5
[V: 1]  G2 FFE F4  |F F2 F2 F2 EG !breath!D2 |
w: da pri-i-dyet tsar-stvi-e Tvo-ye, da bu-dyet vo-lya Tvo-ya
[V: 2]  C2 CCC C4  |C C2 C2 C2 CC !breath!B,2|
w: da pri-i-dyet tsar-stvi-e Tvo-ye, da bu-dyet vo-lya Tvo-ya
[V: 3] GG(c_B) B2 AAG A4|A A2 A2 A2 GG !breath!G2|
w: da pri-i-dyet tsar-stvi-e Tvo-ye, da bu-dyet vo-lya Tvo-ya
[V: 4]  f2 fff f4  |f f2 e2 d2 ee !breath!g2 |
w: da pri-i-dyet tsar-stvi-e Tvo-ye, da bu-dyet vo-lya Tvo-ya
% 6
[V: 1] D2 DDDE F2 E D2 C2 !fermata!D4   |
w: ya-ko na ne-be-si i na zye-mgli.
[V: 2] B,2 BBBC C2 C B,2 C2 !fermata!B,4|
w: ya-ko na ne-be-si i na zye-mgli.
[V: 3] G2  A2 G G2 A2 !fermata!G4   |
w: ya-ko na ne-be-si i na zye-mgli.
[V: 4] g2 ggge d2 e g2 a2 !fermata!g4   |
w: ya-ko na ne-be-si i na zye-mgli.
% 7
[V: 1] !pp!E2  F2 F F2  |
w: Chlyeb nash na-sush-nyi dashd nam dnyes
[V: 2] !pp!C2  C2 B, B,2|
w: Chlyeb nash na-sush-nyi dashd nam dnyes
[V: 3] !pp!G2  G2 G G2  |
w: Chlyeb nash na-sush-nyi dashd nam dnyes
[V: 4] !pp!c2  d2 d d2  |
w: Chlyeb nash na-sush-nyi dashd nam dnyes
% 8
[V: 1] FF G2  G2 F2   |
w: i a-sta-vi nam do-lghi na-sha,
[V: 2] B, B, D2  C2 C2|
w: i a-sta-vi nam do-lghi na-sha,
[V: 3] GG G2 GGc_B B2 A2  |
w: i a-sta-vi nam do-lghi na-sha,
[V: 4] dd e2  f2 (fe) |
w: i a-sta-vi nam do-lghi na-sha,_
% 9 - 10
[V: 1] F2 FEG !breath!D2 DE F2   |FFF (E2 C) (D2 C2) D4|
w: ya-ko-je i myi a-sta-vlya-yem dol-jni-kam_ na - shim,
[V: 2] C2 CCC !breath!B,2 B,C C2 |CCC (C2 A,) (B,2 A,2) B,4|
w: ya-ko-je i myi a-sta-vlya-yem dol-jni-kam_ na - shim,
[V: 3] A2 GGG !breath!G2 GG A2   |AAA G3 (G2 E2) G4|
w: ya-ko-je i myi a-sta-vlya-yem dol-jni-kam na - shim,
[V: 4] d2 dee !breath!g2 ge d2   |ddd e3 g4 g4 |
w: ya-ko-je i myi a-sta-vlya-yem dol-jni-kam na-shim,
% 11
[V: 1] z EEE (E2 G2) ccBA G2 F2 E2 |
w: i nye ve-di_ nas va i-sku-she-ni-ye,
[V: 2] z CCC E4 EEEF (GC) (CB,) C2 |
w: i nye ve-di_ * nas va i-sku-she-ni-ye,
[V: 3] z GGG c4  (cG) G2 G2|
w: i nye ve-di_ nas va i-sku-she-ni-ye,
[V: 4] z ccc (c'2 b2) aagf e2 d2 c2|
w: i nye ve-di_ nas va i-sku-she-ni-ye,
% 12
[V: 1]
!pp!DD G2 D G2|CD E4 E4 E4   |E2 E4 |]
w: no i-zba-vi nas ot lu-ka va-go. A-min!
[V: 2]
!pp!CC C2 C C2|CC (C2 A,2) B,4 C4|B,2 C4|]
w: no i-zba-vi nas ot lu-ka_ va-go. A-min!
[V: 3]
!pp!AA G2 A G2|AA (G2 E2) G4 G4  |G2 G4 |]
w: no i-zba-vi nas ot lu-ka_ va-go. A-min!
[V: 4]
!pp!ff e2 f e2|ff c4 g4 c4   |G2 C4 |]
w: no i-zba-vi nas ot lu-ka va-go. A-min!
% End of file

Guido Gonzato, Ph.D. guido . gonzato at univr . it - Linux System Manager
Universita' di Verona (Italy), Facolta' di Scienze MM. FF. NN.
Ca' Vignal II, Strada Le Grazie 15, 37134 Verona (Italy)
Tel. +39 045 8027990; Fax +39 045 8027928 --- Timeas hominem unius libri

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Re: [abcusers] Otche Nash

2002-06-24 Thread Guido Gonzato

On Mon, 24 Jun 2002 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 When the tranlation is entered in the ABC, will someone post the ABC for it

yes, I'm waiting for the Russian lyrics that Laurie will get from a friend.
I'll add them to the source, then repost it.

  Guido =8-)

Guido Gonzato, Ph.D. guido . gonzato at univr . it - Linux System Manager
Universita' di Verona (Italy), Facolta' di Scienze MM. FF. NN.
Ca' Vignal II, Strada Le Grazie 15, 37134 Verona (Italy)
Tel. +39 045 8027990; Fax +39 045 8027928 --- Timeas hominem unius libri

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Re: [abcusers] page layout in abcm2ps - SOLVED

2002-06-10 Thread Guido Gonzato

On Mon, 10 Jun 2002, Atte Andre Jensen wrote:

 Only thing: I don't have a file ps2pdfwr at all. Could the same be
 achieved by calling psdpdf with -sPAPERSIZE=a4 or something like that?

yes, I think so. Please let me know, so that I can include this information
in the guide Typesetting Music with ABC I'm writing.

 Guido =8-)

Guido Gonzato, Ph.D. guido . gonzato at univr . it - Linux System Manager
Universita' di Verona (Italy), Facolta' di Scienze MM. FF. NN.
Ca' Vignal II, Strada Le Grazie 15, 37134 Verona (Italy)
Tel. +39 045 8027990; Fax +39 045 8027928 --- Timeas hominem unius libri

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Re: [abcusers] resons for using abc

2002-06-04 Thread Guido Gonzato

 Tue, 4 Jun 2002, Atte Andre Jensen wrote:

 * free
 * stuff like my songbook (server generated pdf's in 12 keys) are AFAIK not
 really possible using Finale
 * runs on any platform
 * small file size
 * works on my Palm (and I typed quite a few songs during public
 * speed? I think I'm faster in abc than I used to be in encore, but I'm
 not sure...


- very readable notation
- implementations are very compact (say no to MusiXTeX ;-)
- in many cases, it creates publication-quality sheet music.

 Guido =8-)

Guido Gonzato, Ph.D. guido . gonzato at univr . it - Linux System Manager
Universita' di Verona (Italy), Facolta' di Scienze MM. FF. NN.
Ca' Vignal II, Strada Le Grazie 15, 37134 Verona (Italy)
Tel. +39 045 8027990; Fax +39 045 8027928 --- Timeas hominem unius libri

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Re: [abcusers] Annotations

2002-05-15 Thread Guido Gonzato

On Sun, 14 Jul 2002, Luis Pablo Gasparotto wrote:

 Is there someway or some character to tell abc2abc, abcm2ps and 
 abctab2ps that a text string between quotes should not be parsed as a 
 guitar chord?
 I've seen something about it in abc-draft.txt provided with abcm2ps. In 
 Annotations section there's a few symbols to do this and give format 
 values (_^). But it don't seems to be implemented in any abc to abc or 
 abc to ps program.

to my knowledge, jaabc2ps is the only application that handles _^ in text
annotations correctly. It would be very nice if those routines were
incorporated in other ABC programs (Jean-François, qu'en penses-tu? :-)

  Guido =8-)

Guido Gonzato, Ph.D. gonzato at sci . univr . it - Linux system manager
Universita' di Verona (Italy), Facolta' di Scienze MM. FF. NN.
Ca' Vignal II, Strada Le Grazie 15, 37134 Verona (Italy)
Tel. +39 045 8027990; Fax +39 045 8027958 --- Timeas hominem unius libri

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Re: [abcusers] Transpose and GUI development

2002-05-06 Thread Guido Gonzato

On Mon, 6 May 2002, Ulf wrote:

 I am still working on a graphical user interface for jcabc2ps. I was adding a 
 scale widget today - a slider which sets the transpose level.
 Another question:
 Is there anybody who works with Linux (or some other Unix) who wants to test 
 my graphical user interface to jcabc2ps / abc2ps?

I do, please! Feel free to consider me one of your beta testers.

  Guido =8-)

Guido Gonzato, Ph.D. gonzato at sci . univr . it - Linux system manager
Universita' di Verona (Italy), Facolta' di Scienze MM. FF. NN.
Ca' Vignal II, Strada Le Grazie 15, 37134 Verona (Italy)
Tel. +39 045 8027990; Fax +39 045 8027958 --- Timeas hominem unius libri

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[abcusers] new ABC+ draft ready

2001-12-04 Thread Guido Gonzato


I have finished writing the new ABC+ draft. This is how I proceeded:

  - I checked out other notations and programs (MusiXTeX, PMX, M-TX, MUP,
  and Lilypond) to study their approach and solutions;
  - I kept ABC+ 100% upwards compatible with the ABC draft 1.7.6;
  - I introduced unofficial but already existing extensions, like %%staves
  and some such;
  - I added long fields (e.g. Index:) and commands (e.g. \move{-1.5,0}) to
  overcome current limitations.

As it is now, the new draft needs careful examination by a selected group of
developers; when its rough edges are smoothed out, it will make it to the
net and to this list.

I was going to send the draft to the following people who were interested:

  - Simon Wascher [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  - Christoph Dalitz [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  and of course
  - Jean-Francois Moine
but I'm sure I forgot somebody. If anyone is interested in _constructive_
criticism, please write to me off-list and I'll add you to this list. By
constructive I mean this: if you find an error in something I wrote,
saying ha! this is nonsense! isn't enough; you should provide a working

Waiting for helpers.
  Guido =8-)

Guido Gonzato, Ph.D. gonzato at sci . univr . it - Linux system manager
Universita' di Verona (Italy), Facolta' di Scienze MM. FF. NN.
Ca' Vignal II, Strada Le Grazie 15, 37134 Verona (Italy)
Tel. +39 045 8027990; Fax +39 045 8027958  ---  Timeas hominem unius libri

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[abcusers] FYI - work in progress

2001-11-19 Thread Guido Gonzato

Hello all,

since no one else raised her hand, I have taken the sweet burden on my
hefty shoulders: I've started writing the new ABC draft.

Design goals:

  a) 100% upwards compatibility with current ABC;
  b) main target is western classical music;

  c) explicitly designed for computer input/output;
  d) 100% upwards compatibility with _most_ existing software.

I hope to succeed. When it's ready (don't hold your breath), I'll post it to
the list for comments and public munching and digestion.

 Guido =8-)

Guido Gonzato, Ph.D. gonzato at sci . univr . it - Linux system manager
Universita' di Verona (Italy), Facolta' di Scienze MM. FF. NN.
Ca' Vignal II, Strada Le Grazie 15, 37134 Verona (Italy)
Tel. +39 045 8027990; Fax +39 045 8027958  ---  Timeas hominem unius libri

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Re: [abcusers] (Attention please) - starting the new ABC draft

2001-11-12 Thread Guido Gonzato

On Fri, 9 Nov 2001, Jack Campin wrote:

  This is what I thought I'd do:
 1) study other notation languages carefully to see their approach and
 2) if a feature is implemented by other notation languages (M-Tx, MUP,
Lilypond, CMN, etc) and is desirable, then steal that feature using
an ABC-compatible syntax;
 No.  ABC is a *notation* not a notation language.  You can't just add
 features because they do fun things with machines that generate pixels
 on paper, regardless of what they mean in terms of sound.  Any new
 feature must take implementability on a player program into account.


While I don't see the big difference between the terms notation and
notation language, don't worry: I'm thinking very high level, and I'm not
going to specify anything in terms of printed vs. played.

 3) if a feature has already been implemented by one or more applications,
then give precedence to that particular implementation rather than
reinventing a nicer but theoretical wheel;
 Only if that feature isn't so specific to that implementation's rationale
 or architecture that it would cause major headaches for fundamentally
 different implementations.


 4) if a feature is desirable but unimplemented by any ABC application,
tough: insert it in the draft anyway.
 I think these need to be fenced off into a separate part of the document.

good suggestion, I will.

 I would add:
 5) Every proposed feature must be given a clear semantics directly in
terms of audible phenomena or the mechanics of performance.
 That is, *no* new features of the let's add this cute squiggle variety.

I'll need your help here. I'll state clearly what my musical background is,
and what the fields are where I need other people's contributions.

  Guido =8-)

Guido Gonzato, Ph.D. gonzato at sci . univr . it - Linux system manager
Universita' di Verona (Italy), Facolta' di Scienze MM. FF. NN.
Ca' Vignal II, Strada Le Grazie 15, 37134 Verona (Italy)
Tel. +39 045 8027990; Fax +39 045 8027958  ---  Timeas hominem unius libri

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[abcusers] blasphemy! A separate project...?

2001-11-12 Thread Guido Gonzato

On Fri, 9 Nov 2001, Richard Robinson wrote:

  Another approach is to ignore all existing implementations and create an
  altogether new syntax.
  No, please no ! ! ! ! !
 Well ... maybe this might be worth someone's while ? Being an altogether
 new syntax, it wouldn't be ABC; but we could migrate to it, if it works
 better ;-)
 But, it would be a separate, different, project.

ha - caught you red-handed! ;-) Blasphemy! Another project...?

Let me tell you the dark side of my ABC point of view: ABC is _very_ nice,
but is _way_ too limited. It was designed with too little goals in mind. As
a real-world musician, I want to tweak current ABC so that it can do my
choral scores reasonably well. As a computer guy, I already have a new
syntax ready that just waits to be put down on paper...

I let you guess the reasons why I didn't put it down on paper. But if you're
interested, wave your hand at me.

  Guido =8-)

Guido Gonzato, Ph.D. gonzato at sci . univr . it - Linux system manager
Universita' di Verona (Italy), Facolta' di Scienze MM. FF. NN.
Ca' Vignal II, Strada Le Grazie 15, 37134 Verona (Italy)
Tel. +39 045 8027990; Fax +39 045 8027958  ---  Timeas hominem unius libri

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Re: [abcusers] dynamics

2001-10-24 Thread Guido Gonzato

On Tue, 23 Oct 2001, Taral wrote:

 This is exactly my intent with libabc. If all goes well, I'll probably
 go and put it on sourceforge somewhere.

two sites are already set up for you:

1)  - standard ABC
1)  - ABC with extensions for classical

Please consider contributing to both projects... please!
Guido =8-)

Guido Gonzato, Ph.D. gonzato at sci . univr . it - Linux system manager
Universita' di Verona (Italy), Dipartimento Scientifico e Tecnologico
Ca' Vignal II, Strada Le Grazie 15, 37134 Verona (Italy)
Tel. +39 045 8027990; Fax +39 045 8027958  ---  Timeas hominem unius libri

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Re: [abcusers] dynamics

2001-10-22 Thread Guido Gonzato

On Sat, 20 Oct 2001, Aaron Newman wrote:

 I read in the FAQ that there is no way now to do dynamics in the official
 ABC language.  How are people handling this?

the FAQ should be updated. In actual fact, many ABC applications support
dynamics; abcm2ps, jaabc2ps, abc2midi, to name but a few. Please check out
the ABC draft,

 I am working on a (yet another) free ABC music editing and display program,
 and for some reason I overlooked this originally.

that's very good! What kind of application are you writing? I hope it's not
yet another abc2ps clone... in that case, it would probably be a better idea
contributing code to existing programs like abcm2ps or jaabc2ps.

Also: have you checked out Note Editor, ?

It's an astounding graphical music editor, but it lacks ABC export. If
you're a talented programmer, you might consider helping that project.

 Also, I would also like the language to be able to handle jazz, so I would
 be adding some additional note ornaments ('doits', falls), how is this

I can't help you here. It looks like most ABC programmers add their own
extensions to ABC to make it suitable for classical music or else, so adding
decos for jazz would be just fine. (IMHO.) It breaks the standard, though.

Guido =8-)

Guido Gonzato, Ph.D. gonzato at sci . univr . it - Linux system manager
Universita' di Verona (Italy), Dipartimento Scientifico e Tecnologico
Ca' Vignal II, Strada Le Grazie 15, 37134 Verona (Italy)
Tel. +39 045 8027990; Fax +39 045 8027958  ---  Timeas hominem unius libri

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[abcusers] new abcMIDI RPMs available + other stuff

2001-10-22 Thread Guido Gonzato


you can grab the abcMIDI RPMs and updates to JedABC + abcpp from the AbcPlus

Guido =8-)

Guido Gonzato, Ph.D. gonzato at sci . univr . it - Linux system manager
Universita' di Verona (Italy), Dipartimento Scientifico e Tecnologico
Ca' Vignal II, Strada Le Grazie 15, 37134 Verona (Italy)
Tel. +39 045 8027990; Fax +39 045 8027958  ---  Timeas hominem unius libri

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Re: [abcusers] RPMs for abcMIDI

2001-10-18 Thread Guido Gonzato

On Wed, 17 Oct 2001, James Allwright wrote:

 (b) Does anyone else have a desire to maintain an RPM for abcMIDI ?

here I am, I'll be happy to build and maintain RPMs on my page. abcMIDI's
too good not to have RPMs...

Guido =8-)

Guido Gonzato, Ph.D. gonzato at sci . univr . it - Linux system manager
Universita' di Verona (Italy), Dipartimento Scientifico e Tecnologico
Ca' Vignal II, Strada Le Grazie 15, 37134 Verona (Italy)
Tel. +39 045 8027990; Fax +39 045 8027958  ---  Timeas hominem unius libri

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Re: [abcusers] abcpp JedABC

2001-10-05 Thread Guido Gonzato

On Fri, 5 Oct 2001, Philip J Headford wrote:

 Is there a UK source for these, please?
 The Italian Connection is extremely slow.

I think I'll open an account with Sourceforge next week, please be patient.

Guido =8-)

Guido Gonzato, Ph.D. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Universita' di Verona, Dipartimento Scientifico e Tecnologico 
Ca' Vignal 2, Strada le Grazie 8, 37134 Verona (Italy) 
Tel.: +39 045 802 7990 - Fax: +39 045 802 7929

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[abcusers] (Correction) ANNOUNCE: abcpp, an ABC preprocessor/converter

2001-10-02 Thread Guido Gonzato

following the announcement of abcpp, there you are its home page:
which I forgot to mention in my previous message...

   Guido =8-)

Guido Gonzato, Ph.D. ggonza at tin dot it - Linux system manager
Universita' di Verona, Dipartimento Scientifico e Tecnologico
Ca' Vignal II, Strada Le Grazie 15, 37134 Verona (Italy)
Tel. +39 045 8027990; Fax Tel. +39 045 8027958

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[abcusers] (Correction) ANNOUNCE: JedABC

2001-10-02 Thread Guido Gonzato


following the announcement of JedABC, there you are its home page:

which I forgot to mention in my previous message...

   Guido =8-)

Guido Gonzato, Ph.D. ggonza at tin dot it - Linux system manager
Universita' di Verona, Dipartimento Scientifico e Tecnologico
Ca' Vignal II, Strada Le Grazie 15, 37134 Verona (Italy)
Tel. +39 045 8027990; Fax Tel. +39 045 8027958

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[abcusers] ANNOUNCE: JedABC

2001-10-01 Thread Guido Gonzato


this is to announce the first official release of JedABC (a.k.a. ABC mode
for Jed). From its help file:

  JedABC is an extension to the JED editor that turns it into a powerful and
  easy to use IDE (Integrated Development Environment) for ABC files, with
  full integration with players and previewers. It's similar in concept to
  BarFly or runabc, with several advantages. JedABC works on Windows and
  Linux, and possibly other Unix variants.

JedABC is free software released under the GNU GPL.

Please let me know your impressions, criticisms, and suggestions.
  Guido =8-)

Guido Gonzato, Ph.D. ggonza at tin dot it - Linux system manager
Universita' di Verona, Dipartimento Scientifico e Tecnologico
Ca' Vignal II, Strada Le Grazie 15, 37134 Verona (Italy)
Tel. +39 045 8027990; Fax Tel. +39 045 8027958

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