More On US Military Buildup, War Threats In Central/South Asia [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG

2002-01-11 Thread Rick Rozoff


[With permanent U.S. bases for bombing and
surveillance missions, radar installations, and rapid
deployment of special forces and Marine combat teams
in Pakistan proper, in geographically important
Baluchistan in particular, as well as in Uzbekistan
and Kyrgyzstan (on the Chinese border), the U.S. and
its Western allies are within immediate striking
distance of China, Russia, Iran and India, as well as,
with the naval build-up in the Arabian Sea/Indian
Ocean, of the Eastern entrance to the Persian Gulf.   
No small wonder that Russia and others are, as a
headline in yesterday's Guardian delicately phrased
it, edgy.]   

The Hindustan Times

Pak urges US to vacate air bases for mobilisation 
New Delhi, January 11 

Pakistan is said to have notified the United States
that the bases that it was using in Jacobabad and
Pasni might be needed to put the Pakistani air force
on a war footing, a senior Pakistani military official
said late last month. 
A report in the Washington Post says that the
Pakistani government, faced with a fresh confrontation
with India, has quietly been discussing with the US
how long its military plans to remain at the four
Pakistani air bases that have been key components of
the war in Afghanistan. 

According to the report, Pakistani officials said
their government at first indicated that it wanted the
US to give up two of the four bases that it has been
using to fight the war. In response, the US military
is shifting its operations from Pakistan to other
locations, such as newly obtained bases in Uzbekistan
and Kyrgyzstan, officials said. 

Confirming the account a US general said, "There's
been some talk of that." But he also said the US need
for the bases is waning. "As we continue to improve
the capabilities of the airport at Kandahar, staging
from other bases in Pakistan might be less of a
requirement for us," he said. "In other words, we
could fly from other places directly into Kandahar." 

A senior Pakistani military official was quoted as
saying that the two bases in question were partially
reclaimed by Pakistani forces, before formal notice
had been given to the United States. 

"It was such an emergency situation that the Pakistan
air force was ordered to move straight into the
airports while the discussions with the US officials
on this subject were held later," the official said.
"We are now co-sharing the two air bases with American

One reason for that rushed movement, he said, was that
Pakistani officials realized they had incorrectly
assumed that the US military presence in Pakistan
would force India to restrain its military

However, Asad Hayauddin, a spokesman for the Pakistani
embassy in Washington, denied that any Pakistani
military aircraft were moved. Rather, he said, his
government notified the United States late in December
that if hostilities broke out with India, the
Pakistani military planned to move forces onto some of
the bases currently being used by US forces. 

According to a Pakistani official, the Pakistan
military originally argued that it would need to evict
the US forces altogether from the bases in Jacobabad
and Pasni, but after extensive negotiations between
senior officials, it agreed to let some US forces
remain there. 

The United States has deployed Special Operations
teams, Marine combat search-and-rescue teams, support
aircraft and units of the 101st Airborne Division to
four bases in Pakistan. 

Pakistani military officials said they plan to share
the bases in Jacobabad and Pasni, but let the US
military retain exclusive use of the less-developed
airfields in Dalbandin and Shamsi. 

At the Jacobabad base, located 300 miles northeast of
Karachi, the US military has carried out extensive
construction and repair work and installed its own
radar equipment. In the coastal town of Pasni, 180
miles west of Karachi, more than a dozen US military
helicopters were seen parked last week. Pakistani
officials said that if war comes with India, their air
force may want to use the Pasni airport to interdict
Indian naval activity. 

The two bases that are of less interest to the
Pakistani military are in the province of Balochistan,
near Afghanistan. The Dalbandin airfield, 170 miles
southwest of Quetta, has been used as a forward
refueling base for US Special Operations helicopters
flying into Afghanistan. The smaller Shamsi airstrip
is believed to be used by only a few Special
Operations units.

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Bulgaria Proves Itself To NATO - In Afghanistan [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-01-11 Thread Rick Rozoff


January 10, 2002

Bulgaria must become a part of the anti-terrorist
front in Afghanistan, President Petar Stoyanov said 

President Petar Stoyanov carried out two consecutive
working meetings at the presidential office. Firstly,
he received the British Gen. Sir Jeremy Mackenzie, who
is the current consultant on the Bulgarian Plan 2004
for reforms in Bulgarian Army, and after that the
received the leader of the European Commission
delegation to Bulgaria Dimitris Kurkulas. President
Petar Stoyanov and Gen. Mackenzie expressed their
position about the forthcoming participation of
Bulgarian servicemen in the peacekeeping operation in
Afghanistan. President Petar Stoyanov said that
Bulgaria should be a part of the anti-terrorist front,
while the British General, who is a former Deputy
Supreme Commander of the NATO forces in Europe, said
that the inclusion of Bulgaria in the operation would
be a "showcase" of the joint participation. According
to President Petar Stoyanov and Mackenzie, the reform
in Bulgarian Army must have the support of Bulgarian
society, and on the other part, taxpayers in the
member countries of NATO should know about the social
price that Bulgaria must pay for the reform. Speaking
to Agency, Gen. Mackenzie said that the new
variant of Plan 2004 was better, and added that the
chances of Bulgaria for an early membership of NATO
were unknown for him, although it was sure that
Bulgaria was making every effort to fulfill the
requirements for membership. He emphasized that the
problem with the SS-23 missiles was internal and its
development would not influence the opinion of the
Alliance for the reforms in Bulgaria. Dimitris
Kurkulas said to President Petar Stoyanov that
according to him Bulgaria was making efforts in the
right direction as for joining the European Union.
Speaking for Agency, he said that European
Union was completely committed to the process of
joining Bulgaria to the European Union.

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NATO Hopeful Romania Sends Troops To Afghanistan [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-01-11 Thread Rick Rozoff


China Central Television

["The six-million-dollar cost of their six month
mission will be covered by the Romanian Defense
According to World Bank figures, Romania's per capita
income for the year 2000 was $1,670, putting it 110th
in the world.
Along with Bulgaria (116th), which is also using
public funds for a military mission to Afghanistan,
Romania is one of two poorest nations in NATO's
candidate pool.]

Romanian Troops to Head for Afghanistan  
FRI, JAN 11, 2002  
About 48 Romanian servicemen will fly to Afghanistan
for a peacekeeping mission on Friday, Chief of the
General Staff Mihail Popescu told the Romanian news

Romanian troops, as part of the 5,000-strong
International Security Assistance Force (ISAF), will
help the Afghan interim government in keeping order in
Kabul and training local security forces. 

The troops are equipped with a C-130 Hercules
transport aircraft and five trucks. The
six-million-dollar cost of their six-month mission
will be covered by the Romanian Defense Ministry. 

The ISAP will be led by Britain, which is contributing
1,800 troops for the first three months. The other 17
states signed up to the Afghan force are: Austria,
Belgium, Bulgaria, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany,
Greece, Italy, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway,
Portugal, Romania, Spain, Sweden and Turkey. 

Editor:Liu Hongji Source:Xinhua  

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Americans To Stay? [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-01-11 Thread Rick Rozoff


[When friends fall out. The following reflects
Islambad's opinion rather than my own, but is
insightful in many ways nevertheless.]

The Frontier Post (Pakistan)
January 11, 2002

Americans to stay?

Soothsayers are proving terribly right. 

They had said the Americans were coming to Afghanistan
to stay. 

They had the experiences of Bosnia, Kosovo and the
Gulf War in mind. 

The Americans are continuing their military presence
in Bosnia and Kosovo despite the crises that prompted
it having long dissipated. 

And even as the Gulf War that drew their military
intervention ended more than a decade ago, they keep
holding on to their bases in Saudi Arabia, citing an
untenable Iraqi threat to its neighbouring Arab

The soothsayers were saying once the Americans land at
a place, they squat there and keep spreading
themselves by constantly shifting the goalposts.This
now seems about to happen in this region. 

As the Americans are inflicting finishing strokes on
the Taliban and Al-Qaeda apparatus in Afghanistan,
credible reports have begun appearing in the media
that they are planning a long-term presence in the

They are reportedly building an airbase in Kyrghyzstan
to accommodate up to 3,000 troops, warplanes and
support aircraft, and upgrading bases in Uzbekistan
and Pakistan where their forces are stationed. 

Inside Afghanistan, the recent reinforcement of the
1,500 marines by the 101st Airborne Division’s troops
at Kandahar airport is also being viewed as a pointer
to a long US presence there, as such regular army
troops are deployed to hold territories for months, if
not years. 

This American presence in and around Afghanistan is
being promoted on the pretext that Afghanistan’s
interim government needs help to maintain security and
root out remnants of the Al-Qaeda and Taliban forces. 

No doubt, Hamid Karzai’s is a wobbly administration,
badly hamstrung in imposing its control over governors
and warlords. 

This explains the Kandahar governor’s refusal to hand
over to Washington the three senior Taliban ministers
who surrendered to him and whom he has released under
his general amnesty for the Afghan Taliban. 

But none of these things can become a valid
justification for any long-term presence. 

The real US motives are easily discernible. 

These are to establish a strong presence in this
strategically important region, rich in oil and gas
resources, for promoting its strategic, political and
commercial interests. 

For these very reasons, this American move has all the
potential to throw the region into intense major
powers’ rivalry and embroil it in painful frictions,
tensions and conflicts. 

Iran, Russia and China in particular would not brook
any such US presence in their neighbourhood. 

The Russians have already come out strongly against

This American presence would also potentially hurt
badly the as-yet fragile international anti-terrorism
coalition, and may even spell its demise. 

The Americans should not be oblivious either of the
public anger their presence could touch off, leading
to germination of terrorist propensities among
fanatical elements. 

After all, rabid extremist outfits like Al-Qaeda drew
their sustenance largely from the Arab public anger at
the continued US military presence in Saudi Arabia. 

It is for the Americans to ponder over the negative
impact their military presence could have on them. 

As for us, we cannot afford to reap their
ill-considered move’s bad harvest. 

We have burnt our fingers once by hosting their
military presence in the 1960s. 

That incurred us Soviet anger. 

But the Americans returned the compliment by
abandoning us when India invaded us in 1965. 

For their betrayals in our most critical times,
despite our pandering to their wishes blindly in their
hour of need, they have left our people completely
disillusioned with them, a sense now being sharpened
phenomenally due to their tilt towards India which is
poised to thrust war on us. 

The government should remain cognizant of this public

In no event should it allow a long-term American
presence on our soil that could also incur us the
displeasure of our tested friends like China. 

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What's New About This World Order? [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-01-11 Thread Rick Rozoff

January 10, 2001

[Former King Simeon the Second of the House of
Saxe-Coburg Gotha, dressed as a prime minister for
this year's Royal Nordic Ball.]

Premier Simeon Koburg-Gotha inaugurated the conference
Bulgaria - Dream Area 

Premier Simeon Koburg-Gotha inaugurated the first
conference on tourism Bulgaria - Dream Area today.
Speaking for Agency, he said that tourism
would be an extremely prospective branch having a
great potential, and reminded the commitment of his
government to providing the legal basis for
development of tourism in Bulgaria including
crediting, taxation policy and licensing. According to
Simeon Koburg-Gotha, one of the biggest advantages in
developing tourism would be creating new jobs, and
again emphasized the necessity of cooperation between
government, local authorities, and business
representatives. He spoke about the new tourism bill,
which was harmonized with the European laws, and which
stipulated easier crediting and a new strategy for
training personnel. Newly elected President Georghy
Parvanov did not attend the forum. Speaking on his
behalf, the Chairman of Communication Group Maxim
Behar read his address to the participants in the
forum. In his letter, Georghy Parvanov expressed his
conviction that cooperation with the American partners
in tourism would continue in the future. The special
video-message of the former American President Bill
Clinton was also played on the forum. In its message,
Clinton congratulated President Petar Stoyanov and the
newly elected President Georghy Parvanov, and
expressed his regret for not being able to attend the
forum in person. According to Behar, the former
American Governor Bob Miller, who was the co-organizer
of the forum, has taken upon himself the commitment to
organize the second forum by the end of 2002.
Vice-Premier and Minister of Economy Nikolay Vasilev
also addressed the participants of the forum and said
that development of tourism would depend mainly on
private initiative. He reminded that tourism in
Bulgaria has registered an increase in 2000 and 2001,
and said that it could register increase also in 2002.

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Re: BBC: Russia tension over US bases [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-01-11 Thread STEVE KACZYNSKI


I am afraid it is too late for them to make a genuine complaint about it. 
They should have known that if they let the US establish bases in former 
Soviet republics, these would not be a temporary thing. After all, that is 
what imperialism does.  But Putin was too busy taking advantage of the 
post-September 11 situation to crack down in Chechnya.

Steve K.

>From: Stasi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: BBC: Russia tension over US bases [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]
>Date: Thu, 10 Jan 2002 00:59:41 -
>Thursday, 10 January, 2002, 07:49 GMT
>Russia tension over US bases
>US promises rewards for support in Afghanistan
>The speaker of the Russian lower house of parliament, the Duma, has 
>expressed his opposition to the setting up of any permanent American 
>military bases in Central Asia.
>The speaker, Gennadiy Seleznev, said during his visit to the Kazakh 
>capital, Astana, that such move would be undesirable for Russian interests.
>"As members of the Commonwealth of Independent States collective security 
>agreement, we should not take any unilateral decisions without mutual 
>American troops have been using bases in Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and 
>Kyrgyzstan since the start of the US-led campaign in Afghanistan.
>New challenges
>Mr Seleznev's comments follow earlier statements by the Russian President, 
>Vladimir Putin, who said he was not against American military presence in 
>the region.
>   Uzbek President Islam Karimov (left) is a close American ally
>But analysts say the close co-operation of the US military with Central 
>Asia's governments over Afghanistan poses new challenges to Russia.
>Many in the Russian military and nationalist circles fear Washington's 
>growing influence in what Moscow traditionally regards as its sphere of 
>But Central Asian states, and notably Uzbekistan, see the new post-Taleban 
>realities as a chance to lessen their dependency on Russia.
>They also regard it as an opportunity to tighten screws on radical Islamic 
>groups, such as Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan (IMU), which have been 
>operating from Afghanistan.
>The Uzbek Government has accused it of responsibility for planting a series 
>of car bombs in Tashkent in 1999.
>Central Asians also expect the US to provide significant political and 
>financial rewards to boost their struggling economies.

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Philippines: Up To 1,000 US Troops To South [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-01-11 Thread Rick Rozoff


[How many birds can be killed with one anti-terrorism
And how much longer before the Clark Air Force and
Subic Naval bases are reactivated?]

Philippines debates more U.S. troops
By Rufi Vigilar

MANILA, Philippines (CNN) --The Philippine government
is considering a U.S. proposal to send a full military
battalion to the Southeast Asian nation's troubled

A confidential source said the U.S. military
deployment could comprise "up to a thousand troops"
who would set up a counter-terrorist training camp for
Philippine soldiers in Sibuco, Zamboanga del Norte,
some 500 miles (800 km) south of Manila.

The arrival of U.S. troops would take place "in
phases" starting this month, the source added.

Armed Forces spokesman General Edilberto Adan
confirmed the U.S. proposal but stressed the precise
details of the deployment was "still tentative."

"The plan has been tabled by the U.S.," Adan told CNN
from the main Philippine military headquarters in Camp
Aguinaldo, where the matter was being discussed, "but
nothing will be done without a mutual agreement with
the Philippine government."

A military battalion basically comprises some 500
soldiers, with about 100 each in five companies --
three rifle units, one heavy equipment unit, and
another unit based at headquarters.

A battalion could include hundreds more soldiers "if
artillery, armored, and special weapons complements
are added," a Philippine army colonel said.

The successive arrival and exit of U.S. troops in the
Philippines in recent months has fueled speculation
they may be allowed to participate directly in
operations against guerrillas from the Muslim
extremist group Abu Sayyaf in the south.

Abu Sayyaf
Abu Sayyaf have held hostage American Christian
missionaries Martin and Gracia Burnham and Filipino
nurse Deborah Yap for more than seven months.

The U.S. has put Abu Sayyaf on a list of terrorist
groups with suspected links to the al Qaeda network of
Osama bin Laden.

Philippine officials, however, have repeatedly
stressed that arriving U.S. troops would be limited to
training an elite Philippine counter-terrorist force
known as the Light Reaction Company.

The latest batch of 25 U.S. military trainers arrived
Thursday in Zamboanga, about 530 miles (850 km) south
of Manila, a week after eight officers arrived in

A training camp is being set up in Malagutay, just
west of Zamboanga, where the Armed Forces Southern
Command is based.

General Adan said barracks for U.S. military trainers
will also be set up in Basilan Island, an Abu Sayyaf
stronghold just off the coast of Zamboanga, where the
military believes the hostages are being held.

The Armed Forces spokesman, however, stressed the
barracks "will not be a separate camp but within a
Philippine military camp."

The Burnham couple and the Filipino nurse are the last
of scores of captives the Abu Sayyaf seized in four
separate incidents beginning in May last year. More
than a dozen hostages were beheaded, including
American tourist Guillermo Sobero.

"There's a great deal of concern from the parents of
the Burnhams that their children would perish," said
Rep. Todd Tiahrt of Kansas, the Burnhams' home state.

Tiahrt paid a visit to Philippine President Gloria
Macapagal-Arroyo last week to express the U.S.
government's concern about the Abu Sayyaf hostages and
to monitor the training of Philippine troops in the

The congressman's Manila visit follows talks on the
hostage crisis held with Arroyo when she visited
Washington in November.

Though the U.S. government has not set a deadline for
the Philippine government to subdue Abu Sayyaf, Tiahrt
said "there have been too many deadlines" set by the
Philippine military last year which had not been met.

Tiahrt also downplayed the expected arrival of more
U.S. troops in the Philippines in the coming weeks,
saying they are part of a "long-term commitment
against terrorism" that "goes beyond the Burnhams."

Should the Burnhams be rescued, counter-terrorist
training for Philippine troops should continue, he

Tiahrt, a member of House Appropriations Sub-Committee
on Defense, explained the long-term goal of both the
U.S. and Philippine governments is "eliminating the
fear of terrorism."

The U.S. government has pledged more than $70 million
in military aid to the Philippines this year as part
of its global counter-terrorist campaign, following
the September 11 suicide attacks on New York and

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McCain-Lieberman Traveling War Circus Demands Iraq Be Attacked [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG

2002-01-11 Thread Rick Rozoff


Senators call for military action in Iraq 
By Paul Garwood
Associated Press Writer

should consider attacking Iraq and ousting Saddam
Hussein after ending its campaign in Afghanistan,
senior U.S. senators said Wednesday. 
The comments came as Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., and
several other senators visited this aircraft carrier
in the Arabian Sea. 

McCain told a reporter that Iraq presents "a clear and
present danger" to the United States. 

"I think Iraq is going to have to be considered" as a
target after Afghanistan, McCain said. 

McCain is touring the region with eight other
senators, including Joseph Lieberman, D-Conn. 

Lieberman said that for many Americans, the war
against terrorism will not be over until Osama bin
Laden has been killed or captured. 

Chuck Hagel, R-Neb., said the United States should
have international backing for any military action in
Iraq, but it is clear the Iraqi president is a threat
and "is going to have to go." 

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FYROM: KLA 'Reactivating,' Issuing New Threats [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-01-11 Thread Rick Rozoff


Rebels Displeased by Macedonia 

By Ermira Mehmeti
Associated Press Writer
Friday, January 11, 2002; 7:52 AM 

TETOVO, Macedonia –– The disbanded ethnic Albanian
rebel army that launched an insurgency last year
announced Friday it was "reorganizing and
reactivating" its units and accused the Macedonian
government of ignoring a peace accord.

In a communique delivered to The Associated Press, the
rebels' self-styled National Liberation Army warned
the troubled Balkan nation's Slavic majority to grant
minority ethnic Albanians more rights under the
Western-brokered agreement or face the possibility of
fresh conflict.

"Just as the Slav Macedonians do not feel any
commitment to the agreement, we – the members of the
NLA – as of today are forced to declare that we have
no commitment toward the agreement whatsoever," the
statement said.

"We have proved that we are ready to live freely and
in peace with an agreement," it said, but added: "We
have proved that we can fight for our rights."

The rebel force handed in its weapons to NATO troops
in October and said it was disbanding in a show of
good faith after the leaders of Macedonia's rival
ethnic groups signed the peace accord, which ended
months of conflict that began in February 2001.

But the slow implementation of the accord has angered
ethnic Albanians, who have accused Macedonian
political leaders of stalling on constitutional
changes that would give the minority greater rights
and recognition.

"We have respected our part of the agreement. We have
been fair in the implementation of the whole
agreement," the NLA statement said. "The Slav
Macedonian bloc has avoided any kind of agreement with
us. It has neglected and finally blocked the signed
agreement and basically has completely ignored it.
They have basically made it nonexistent."

"Every effort of ours to preserve the agreement has
failed," it said.

The statement, which was signed simply by "the
spokesman for the NLA," accused Macedonian authorities
of using the past several months to purchase weapons,
arm paramilitary groups and step up patrols in ethnic
Albanian settlements.

It warned the Macedonian government to cease patrols
in villages where ethnic Albanians form a local
majority "until all rights of our people are put into

"We warned Slav Macedonians' police and military
forces that we will take no responsibility for their
security," it said.

There was no immediate reaction from the Macedonian

The changes envisioned under the peace accord would
grant the ethnic Albanian minority a greater role in
the police, parliament and educational systems and
expand the official use of the Albanian language.

Ethnic Albanians account for nearly a third of
Macedonia's population of 2 million. 

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Fw: [pttp] Jan 18 & Jan 25 - Lumumba-Kabila Commemoration [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-01-11 Thread mart


- Original Message - 
Sent: Friday, January 11, 2002 12:41 
Subject: [pttp] Jan 18 & Jan 25 - 
Lumumba-Kabila Commemoration

  Vieques Support Campaign E-mail 
-Forwarded message, courtesy of the V.S.C.-   THE 
AND FORUMSby Elombe 
Brath   As the commemorative dates near of the 
assassinations of Patrice Lumumba 
and  Laurent Kabila, the first prime minister 
of the Democratic Republic of the  Congo and his eventual successor, 
activities for memorial programs in their  memories are being planned 
to focus public attention on the ongoing struggle  for the control of 
what many well-informed people believe to be the "richest  territory on 
the planet", the Congo.  For over the last four centuries European 
explorers and exploiters have been  competing among themselves as to 
which one of them would hold sway over 
the  vast territory (the third largest country 
in Africa) whose mineral wealth  was so immense that 19th century 
observors claimed that it was a "geological  scandal" for one country 
to be so abundant with natural resources.  Osagyefo Dr. Kwame 
Nkrumah, the founding father of Ghana's 
independence, has  made expansive analyses of the wealth extracted 
from the Congo by 
western  nations, leaving the amount of debt owed 
to the Congolese 
people to be  determined, in his tremendous 
Neo-Colonialism: The 
Last Stage of  Imperialism and The Challenge 
the Congo. And Dr. Walter Rodney also cited  the Congo as one of the 
prime examples to sustantiate the thesis of his  classic book How 
Europe Underdeveloped Africa. Besides the much 
widely aknowledged 
rubber, ivory, palm 
oil and copper, 
resources from the Congo have ranged 
and varied from such extreme of importance as the uranium 
taken  the 
Shinkolobe mines that was utilized by the 
Manhattan Project to make the  
atomic bombs that 
were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki to copal, 
to  make congolene to process kinky hair from its natural African texture and  
fashion into a straightened facsimile of Caucasians and Asians proper. 
  The first plunder stolen from the Congo 
were its most important naturalresource - its people, who were kidnapped and 
transported to Europe,  Portugal in particular, while others were sent 
to  be enslaved in their  colonies in the Caribbean and South, 
Central and North America. This 
was  foIlowed by the European division of 
Africa at the infamous Berlin  Conference of 1884-85, when the Congo 
was given to King Leopold II of  Belgium as a personal gift for his 
part in organizing the colonization of  Africa. The U.S., sitting as an 
observor at the Berlin Conference, gave 
the  final arrangement the blessings of 
President Grover Cleveland and 
his  administration.  Under the 
Belgian monarch's brutal 23-year reign, over 10 million Congolese  
people were killed while undergoing forced labor to collect rubber and 
ivory  which enriched Leopold to the sum of more than $10 million (in 
those  days.)Leopold's atrocities became so outrageous that they were 
denounced  vehemently, initiating protests by two African-American 
clergymen, George  Washington Williams and William Sheppard, followed 
by abolitionist Frederick  Douglass and the famed American author Mark 
Twain, along with Britain's  brilliant and prolific anti-colonial 
author Edmund Morel and the Irish  activist Roger Casement. The outrage 
caused such a clamor  that Leopold's  embarrassed  European 
allies forced him to transfer his ownership of  so-called "Congo Free 
State" to the Belgian state. This act  officially  transformed the 
territory into a colony of the government in Brussels that  was to be 
known as the Belgian Congo.  From 1908 until 1960 the Congo was 
subjected to the imperialist desires of  such U.S. capitalists as 
Thomas Fortune Ryan and his Intercontinental Rubber  Company, and 
mining  interests headed up by such luminary American financier  
families as the Guggenheims, Baruchs and Rockefellers, among others. 
During  these years American and Belgian multinational 
corporations  The national liberation struggle led by Patrice 
Lumumba and his Congolese  National Movement (MNC) brought Belgian 
colonial rule to an unexpected end  when Brussels was forced to accede 
to the independence demands of the  Congolese people on June 30, 1960. 
With the second largest Black nation on  the African continent, and one 
of its most geostrategically  located -  centrally, the axiomatic 

Re: McCain-Lieberman Traveling War Circus Demands Iraq Be Attacked [WWW.STOPN...

2002-01-11 Thread TOOLGT


In a message dated 1/11/2002 4:38:27 AM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Lieberman said that for many Americans, the war
against terrorism will not be over until (Ariel Sharon) has been killed or captured. 

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Letter On War Crimes [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-01-11 Thread Rick Rozoff


Letter to the "El Paso Times" published. 

The El Paso Times
El Paso, TX
Thursday, January 10, 2002 
  Clean up messes 
  Thanks for the Jan. 2 editorial "U.S. must
help solve unexploded-ordnance problem," regarding
unexploded ordnance from cluster bombs used in
  I agree that the U.S. should lead the effort
to clean up the messes it creates. I only wish that
the editorial had gone farther when discussing our
illegal bombardment of Kosovo to include the
radioactive uranium ammunition used in "tankbusters."
The radioactivity has been attributed by some to have
caused premature cancers or deaths in a number of
peacekeepers stationed there. 
  Also, the editorial should have included the
deliberate bombing of factories such as the massive
petrochemical complex in Pancevo which resulted in a
massive release of thousands of gallons of toxic
chemicals such as PCBs, ethylene dichloride and
hydrofluoric acid into the Danube River (Europe's
longest waterway) and surrounding ground-water table. 
  Despite the much-promised aid for cleanup
that was to be forthcoming with the replacement of
Slobodan Milosevic with more "Western-friendly"
leaders, very little has actually materialized,
leaving a large section of southeastern Europe
poisoned, and an economic engine for the entire
Balkans disabled. 
Michael Pravica
Las Vegas, N.M 

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It's Called Military Occupation [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-01-11 Thread Rick Rozoff


[Joining an ever expanding list of Western-occupied
garrison state colonies, including Bosnia, Kosovo,
Sierra Leone and Macedonia.]

Friday January 11, 11:12 PM
Afghan troops withdrawal from Kabul in line with
Afghan troops left the streets of Kabul for their
barracks in line with the interim government's
commitment to hand over responsibility for the
capital's security to police and international
General Din Mohammad Jurhat, a senior security
official in the interior ministry said around 5,000 to
6,000 Northern Alliance soldiers had left the city
over the past three days.
"Around five or six thousand soldiers have left Kabul.
More will leave Kabul in a week," he told AFP.
"Another five or six thousand divided between the
police and the military will remain."
Interior Minister Yunus Qanooni on Wednesday ordered
the Afghan military to quit Kabul within three days
and leave the city's security duties to Afghan police
and an international peacekeeping force.
The arrangement was formalised in the Military
Technical Agreement (MTA) signed last week between the
international community and the interim authorities.
The MTA specified that security in the capital would
be left in the hands of a fledgling police force and
specially-authorised Afghan military units backed by
the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF).
A senior aide to the country's former king Mohammed
Zahir Shah welcomed the troop pull-out.
"It is a positive step towards avoiding confrontation
and competitions. It makes the city securer," former
army general Abdul Wali, who is also the son-in-law of
the former monarch, said by telephone from Rome.
Northern Alliance troops interviewed by AFP Friday
said they were forbidden to carry weapons outside
their barracks and that some of their comrades had
already been sent home on leave.
Earlier in the day Major Guy Richardson, the British
spokesman for the ISAF confirmed the withdrawal had
"What the interim administration has said is those
people who are from outside Kabul should return from
whence they came," he said.
"This from HQ-ISAF's perspective is good because they
(the interim administration) are taking it a stage
further than what is specified in the MTA.
"We are delighted with the interim administration's
compliance with the MTA."
At Bala-e-hisar Fort southeast of the capital, Jan
Mohammad, 38, a deputy to commander Haji Mohammad
Almas, told AFP that troops were withdrawing from the
centre of Kabul.
"Yes, it's the last day and it will be finished," he
Brigadier Mohamad Ghani said most of the troops under
his command were withdrawing to Parwan province
northwest of Kabul, and to Logar province to the
"We have most of our soldiers in Logar now on a
security mission," Ghani said.
ISAF sources told AFP that a comprehensive
intelligence blueprint on the security situation in
Kabul would be developed over the coming weeks.

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From The Heartland Of Freedom, Democracy, Human Rights [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-01-11 Thread Rick Rozoff


[And the war against international terrorism: Great

Friday January 11 5:59 AM ET 
Children Back to Belfast School After Riot
By Louise McCall
BELFAST (Reuters) - Roman Catholic girls returned to a
school beset by violence in north Belfast Friday after
a night of sectarian rioting injured more than 30
police and soldiers.
``I can´t believe we´ve returned to the bad old days
again, but I have no car and this is the only way I
can take my child to school,´´ said a Catholic mother
who gave her name as Mary, holding her daughter
Catherine´s hand as she walked to the Holy Cross
Catholic girls´ school.
Thursday night and Friday morning, Catholic and
Protestant youths hurled scores of petrol bombs, acid
bombs, rocks and homemade ``blast bombs´´ at police
and troops keeping them apart in the flashpoint
Ardoyne area.
More than 30 police officers and soldiers were injured
and six cars were burned in the ugliest sectarian
clashes in Northern Ireland in months.
One Catholic mother said Protestants taunted her as
she walked her niece to school, but there were few
Father Aidan Troy, chairman of the school's board of
governors, said most Holy Cross pupils had returned.
``I´m so relieved that the children are in school.
I´ve been into the school and some of them are upset
and some are very quiet but the majority are there and
that´s what we called for,´´ he said.
Hard-line Protestant politician Billy Hutchinson said
Ardoyne residents did not want to be ``political
pawns´´ and the latest dispute was not about Holy
Cross School.
At least eight armored police Land Rovers lined the
Ardoyne Road, where houses of pro-British Protestant
loyalists face the Catholic Holy Cross school. A
police helicopter hovered overhead and police on foot
kept a watchful eye under rainy skies.
Police said they hoped for calm after the riots and
had adopted what a police source called a ``softly,
softly approach.´´
The school was closed Thursday after a dispute nearby
the day before prompted the riots.
Politicians and community leaders had spent the day
trying to calm passions in the run-down district, but
their efforts were in vain as hundreds of youths took
to the streets.
A police spokesman said 31 police and three soldiers
were injured in the clashes, and one policeman and one
soldier had to remain in hospital, but gave no further
Police said some 90 petrol bombs were thrown by the
rioters, 44 by pro-British loyalists, while seven cars
were hijacked and six set alight, police said.
Police fired plastic riot-control bullets as the
security cordon became stretched by the escalating
The trouble was sparked Wednesday afternoon by an
altercation between a Catholic woman and a Protestant
woman as Catholic parents went to collect children
from Holy Cross.
Holy Cross, located in a Protestant enclave bordering
a Catholic neighborhood, was at the center of ugly
confrontations during a 12-week protest by Protestant
residents last year.
Television viewers around the world were shocked by
images of young girls guarded by riot police and
troops as they ran a gauntlet of hate walking to
Northern Ireland ended 2001 with some hope of progress
in solving the conflict between Protestants and
Catholics which has cost 3,600 lives -- a quarter of
them in north Belfast -- over more than 30 years, but
gulfs between the communities remain.  

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West Teaches Savage Tribesmen Humanitarian Values [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-01-11 Thread Rick Rozoff


ABC News

Morning Arrival Expected 
for 20 Al Qaeda, Taliban Prisoners
Jan. 11  
— The first group of 20 al Qaeda and Taliban prisoners
is due to arrive today at a U.S. military base in
Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. 

Thursday, the shackled, hooded prisoners were flown
out of Kandahar, Afghanistan, in a U.S. Air Force C-17
amid tight security and great secrecy. They were then
transferred to a C-141 transport plane at the Incirlik
Air Base in Turkey for the flight to Cuba.
The prisoners were all chained together and
outnumbered 2-to-1 by guards armed with stun guns. On
the plane, they were chained to their seats, military
officials said. 
Pentagon officials told ABCNEWS the prisoners might be
sedated if necessary, and reports from a number of
media outlets said the prisoners would be fed by their
guards and would be provided portable urinals.
"There are among these prisoners people who are
perfectly willing to kill themselves and kill other
people," Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld said,
adding that those overseeing the transfer have been
authorized to use "appropriate restraint."
Since the war in Afghanistan began, al Qaeda and
Taliban prisoners have staged bloody uprisings against
their captors at least twice. In November, CIA
operative Johnny "Mike" Spann became the first U.S.
combat casualty in Afghanistan during a revolt near
the city of Mazar-e-Sharif. 
Humane, Not Comfortable
Once in Cuba, the prisoners should not expect much
more in the way of creature comforts. 
"We have no intention of making it comfortable," said
Gen. Michael Lehnert, commander of Joint Task Force
160, which is in charge of the prisoners. "It'll be
humane, but we are not working towards comfortable."
Amnesty International has voiced concerns over the
photographs of chained and hooded prisoners boarding a
U.S. military plane in Kandahar on Thursday and of
reports that the prisoners would be sedated during the
"All those in U.S. custody following the military
operations in Afghanistan must be treated humanely,
with full respect for international standards," an
Amnesty statement said. 
The Pentagon said detainees would be treated in
accordance with the Geneva Convention rules on
The prisoners will be housed first in temporary
"outdoor cells" until a permanent detention facility
is built. U.S. officials hope to build 220 temporary
cells initially and eventually 2,000 permanent ones to
hold war detainees.
A spokeswoman for the Red Cross in Geneva today said
officials of the Swiss-based international human
rights group will have unrestricted access to the
specially-built jail in Cuba and private interviews
with the inmates. 
It is not yet clear how many of the 364 Taliban and al
Qaeda prisoners will be brought to Guantanamo Bay.
However, officials say American John Walker was not on
Thursday's flight. Walker was captured along with
other Taliban fighters in northern Afghanistan in
U.S. Forces Arrive in Philippines
In other developments:
   An initial force of about two dozen U.S. special
forces arrived in the Philippines to assist the
government's efforts to crack down on Abu Sayaf, the
militant Islamic group with links with al Qaeda. About
100 more U.S. troops are expected to arrive later this
   The Pakistani government has been discussing how
long the United States plans to remain at four
Pakistani bases with U.S. officials, according to a
report in The Washington Post.  Pakistan has been
concerned about domestic unrest and escalating
tensions with neighboring India.
   Recovery efforts at the remote site in Pakistan
where a U.S. KC-130 cargo plane crashed Wednesday
continue. None of the bodies of the seven Marines on
board have been recovered
   In a warning to Iran, President Bush said Thursday
the United States would "deal with them
diplomatically, initially," if Iran tried to
destabilize neighboring Afghanistan. The warning
followed reports that Tehran, concerned about the
perceived pro-Western stance of the new Afghan
administration, was giving safe haven to fleeing al
Qaeda members in a bid to fight Western influence in
the region.
ABCNEWS' Andrew Morse and Bill Blakemore in Kandahar,
Afghanistan, and Rebecca Cooper and Jason Ryan in
Washington contributed to this report.  

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Re: Letter On War Crimes [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-01-11 Thread mart


The article mentions the use of D.U. in so called "tankbusters" It should be
noted that the vast majority of D.U. tipped cruise missiles and bombs were
not used against tanks and armoured vehicles.. Most were used against
buildings, particularly civilian hospitals, train stations, factories
and apartment blocks.
- Original Message -
From: Rick Rozoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, January 11, 2002 10:00 AM
Subject: Letter On War Crimes [

 Letter to the "El Paso Times" published.

 The El Paso Times
 El Paso, TX
 Thursday, January 10, 2002
 Clean up messes

 Thanks for the Jan. 2 editorial "U.S. must
 help solve unexploded-ordnance problem," regarding
 unexploded ordnance from cluster bombs used in

 I agree that the U.S. should lead the effort
 to clean up the messes it creates. I only wish that
 the editorial had gone farther when discussing our
 illegal bombardment of Kosovo to include the
 radioactive uranium ammunition used in "tankbusters."
 The radioactivity has been attributed by some to have
 caused premature cancers or deaths in a number of
 peacekeepers stationed there.

 Also, the editorial should have included the
deliberate bombing of factories such as the massive
 petrochemical complex in Pancevo which resulted in a
 massive release of thousands of gallons of toxic
 chemicals such as PCBs, ethylene dichloride and
hydrofluoric acid into the Danube River (Europe's
 longest waterway) and surrounding ground-water table.

 Despite the much-promised aid for cleanup
 that was to be forthcoming with the replacement of
 Slobodan Milosevic with more "Western-friendly"
 leaders, very little has actually materialized,
 leaving a large section of southeastern Europe
 poisoned, and an economic engine for the entire
 Balkans disabled.
 Michael Pravica
 Las Vegas, N.M

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NORAD Twins Glow With WWII Nostalgia [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-01-11 Thread Rick Rozoff


[Fighting the good fight and waging the Good War to
defend Western Kandahar.
The U.S. and its wholly-owned subsidiary may not have
fought 'shoulder-to-shoulder' since they slugged it
out together in the aptly named Devil's Brigade in
WWII, but the NATO neighbors bombed the civilian
infrastructure - and the civilians themselves - of
Yugoslavia with wild abandon in 1999.
Canadian cannon fodder? Heavens no.
Chretien's Foreign Legion - under U.S. control and not
command, mind you - is fighting shoulder to shoulder
with its fraternal equal in the already conquered,
defenseless Afghan city of Kandahar.
And Big Brother smiles approvingly.]

The Toronto Star
Jan. 10, 05:35 EDT Canada, U.S. to fight together,
Mitch Potter
When Canadian troops join U.S. forces in Kandahar next
week, it will be the first time the two countries have
fought shoulder to shoulder since the fabled Devil's
Brigade battled its way to Rome in World War II.
"What makes this assignment stand out in Technicolor
is the fact that it's just us and the Americans in
Kandahar, side by side," said retired Maj.-Gen. Lewis
MacKenzie, a veteran of nine Canadian peacekeeping
"To find anything comparable you have to go back to
the days of the Devil's Brigade, which was half
Canadian, half American, a force of 4,000 in total,
going into Italy and becoming the first Allied
soldiers to walk into Rome."
And while the U.S. will lead those combined forces,
MacKenzie dismissed caterwauling about loss of
Canadian sovereignty and fears our troops may be used
as cannon fodder as "just plain wrong."
"The fact is Canada will control the destiny of its
own forces. The confusion comes from a lack of
understanding of two clearly defined NATO terms
—`Operational Command´ and `Operational Control.´ Some
people are using them interchangeably but they are
very different things.
"Our troops will be under Operational Control of the
Americans. That means the U.S. commander cannot change
the rules of engagement without first securing
permission from Canada. It also means everything
happens within each country's normal chain of
Operational Command, MacKenzie explained, is not on
the table for this mission. "If we gave them command
rather than control, it would be saying `Do with them
as you wish.´ Some people may be confused by this
important distinction, but the military is not. NATO
has operated this way for a long time, and it works
But just how Canada's marching orders — including a
call to help hunt down and destroy pockets of Taliban
and Al Qaeda resistance — will translate on the ground
of Kandahar is anyone's guess.
Barely a month ago, the ancient Afghan city of 300,000
ethnic Pashtuns on the south-central desert plain was
the last bastion of the nearly routed Taliban and its
one-eyed leader, Mullah Mohammed Omar.
Today, Kandahar is still very much a city of men with
guns, but now the toting happens under the fragile
governorship of tribal warlord Gul Agha Sherzai, whose
own reign of terror during the Afghan civil war of the
early 1990s helped pave the way for the Taliban
revolution to follow.
Gul Agha wasted little time in ordering media from the
city upon first taking control. Omar, meanwhile, is
somewhere just over the horizon, laying low in any of
three central Afghan provinces or Peshawar, Pakistan,
depending on whom you believe.
Unlike the giddy liberation of Kabul, Kandahar fell in
relative silence. It slipped from the hands of one
Pashtun leader to another in what Guardian
correspondent Peter Beaumont called "the most Afghan
of fashions. Not with the predicted bloodbath, but
with the quiet evaporation of the Taliban's most
senior commanders and a change of allegiance among the
rank and file, many of whom had been press-ganged from
the countryside."
Doling out envelopes of Pakistani rupees to ensure the
loyalty of competing commanders, Gul Agha appears as
firmly in control of his corner of Afghanistan as can
be thought possible. 
Reports this week from Kandahar describe a nervous
return to pre-Taliban norms: weekly dogfights, once
banned because of the gambling involved, again thrill
the populace; the flying of kites, another Taliban
taboo, dance each Friday over the city's skies.
Yet Kandahar remains very much a city of men with
Kalashnikovs and rocket launchers, handheld weaponry
is as ubiquitous as cellphones in downtown Toronto.
And though banditry on the roads linking Kandahar with
Kabul and Herat remains a threat, a trickle of
refugees with nothing left to lose has begun to make
its way back from the border middens of neighbouring
But perhaps most noteworthy is what hasn't happened:
with the devil they knew toppled by the devil they
knew before him, battle-scarred Kandahar residents
have largely welcomed the patrols of U.S. Marines and
Special Forces with benign hope. Though as many as 300
Al Qaeda fighters are said to re

NATO Reciprocity: US Bailed Out By - Norway [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-01-11 Thread Rick Rozoff


[The Atlantic Community in the Mediterranean.
What's geography got to do with geopolitics?
As European NATO jets patrol the skies of the U.S.
eastern coast and Norwegians fill in for the U.S. in
the latter's 'geostrategically' vital waters off the
coasts of Italy, Lebanon, Libya and Yugoslavia, U.S.
submarines are freed up to "limp back" to Norwegian
ports hours after the sinking of the Russian submarine
The Kursk.
And to prowl the seas off the coasts of Russia, China,
India, Iran, Cuba, Colombia, Venezuela, Vietnam, Iraq,
Malaysia and a host of other countries.]

The Norway Post 
Friday, 11.1.2002
10. January 2002  
Norwegian sub on NATO patrol in the Mediterranean 
The Norwegian Navy's submarine "KNM Uthaug" with a
crew of 22 is leaving Friday to join the NATO fleet on
patrol in the eastern Mediterranean.  
These waters were earlier patrolled by US naval
vessels, but these are now released because of the US
operations in Afghanistan.
NATO has taken over, and has asked Norway to supply a
The submarine is the second Norwegian naval vessel
taking part in the patrolling of the Meditarrenaen.
The frigate "KNM Narvik" has been a part of the NATO
contingent since December.

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Fw: [CubaNews] Terrorists' arrival doesn't faze Cubans [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-01-11 Thread mart


- Original Message - 
From: Walter 
Sent: Friday, January 11, 2002 12:08 PM
Subject: [CubaNews] Terrorists' arrival doesn't faze 

"Talibanishment" really more and moreaccurately describes what 
Washington isdoing to its uncharged prisoners of war.Please take the 
time to read the viciousglee with which those involved describethe 
conditions they are planning for thecapitive who are being transported 
thesethousands of miles from their 
homeland.Consider these two 
paragraphs alone:Officials here 
describe the temporary facilities constructed at this remote seaside 
installation as cells, but the units appear more cage-like: 6-by-8-foot 
rectangles with concrete-slab floors, simple roofs and sides of chain-link 
fencing that, officials admit, will probably let the rain in."I 
would call it a cell . . . an outdoor cell for adetainee," said Col. Terry 
L. Carrico, who will supervise security at Camp 
X-Ray.Have no 
doubt that the people of Cuba arefully aware of what the United States 
isdoing with these prisoners, as VanessaBauzá's article documents 
well.Rather than clutter your e-mailboxes withthese items 
separately, I'm posting themall in one malodorous bunch. However 
youshould read them carefully. Were it not for the legacy of past 
fightsfor democratic rights, for legal rights,and for prisoners' rights 
in the UnitedStates, the conditions which these menfrom Afghanistan will 
receive, are whatWashington would like to see in the USwere it able to 
impose them! Well worthsharing with and explaining to others.(And 
this is NOT to suggest that theconditions in US jails are anything 
tosing praises about, by the 
way!!)==Terrorists' arrival 
doesn't faze CubansBy Vanessa BauzáHavana BureauJanuary 11, 
2002Guantanamo, Cuba· Despite years of mistrust and tensionacross 
the heavily mined perimeter that divides an Americanmilitary installation 
from Communist territory, a top Cubangeneral said he was "confident that the 
current tranquillityon the border" will not be disrupted by today's 
expectedarrival of Taliban and al-Qaida prisoners at the U.S. 
NavalStation at Guantanamo Bay.In a rare interview, Gen. José Solar 
Hernández, second incommand of the Cuban army's eastern troops, said Cuba 
hadnot beefed up its elite Frontier Brigade in anticipation ofthe 
prisoners' arrival."We haven't taken any additional measures," Solar 
Hernándezsaid on Thursday. "We hope the Americans will take a numberof 
high security measures. On our side we have taken all themeasures already to 
resolve whatever contingency may occur."Cuba considers the U.S. Naval 
Station on the island'ssoutheastern tip occupied territory and has long 
demandedthe military leave. But under a 1934 treaty, both sides needto 
agree that the United States will leave. In protest,President Fidel Castro 
refuses to cash the rent checks,$4,085 annually, preferring to keep them as 
"historicdocuments," Solar Hernández said.Despite their demands for 
the base's return, Cuban officialshave been uncharacteristically diplomatic 
about the arrivalof what could eventually be thousands of Taliban 
andal-Qaida prisoners."The Americans are using this territory to 
resolve aproblem. We don't think this is anything against ourcountry, it 
is not an aggression," Solar Hernández said.Though Cuban and U.S. 
military officials speak occasionallyby telephone to resolve minor border 
problems, SolarHernández said there had been little communication on 
theprisoners."You are probably more informed on the Afghan prisoners 
thanwe are," he said.In a brief tour of the Cuban-controlled border 
area, SolarHernández led a group of journalists to the only access 
gateinto the northeast corner of the U.S. base. Because U.S.officials 
are not allowed off the base, the gate is onlyused by 10 Cubans who started 
working there before the 1959Cuban Revolution, when relations between the 
countries werefriendly.Here the no-man's land narrows to the width 
of a chain linkfence, topped with concertina wire. On one, Cuban 
soldierskeep guard under the sign "Republic of Cuba -- freeterritory of 
the Americas."Beyond the fence a few yards away, beyond a high fence, 
U.S.soldiers occupy their own watchtower, painted in camouflageexcept 
for a U.S. flag. The Marines' logo, an anchor andtheir slogan, Semper Fi, 
decorate the grassy hill below. ANavy helicopter swept over the base, and 
three Marines in anarmored car came to the border to hoist the U.S. 
flag.About 20 miles down the perimeter at the Los Maloneslookout, 
Solar Hernández pointed out the tents and barrackson the eastern edge of the 
45-square-mile base where tens ofthousands of Cuban and Haitian rafters were 
held in 1994 and1995. He said about 40 U.S. militar

Re: Letter On War Crimes [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-01-11 Thread cube321



And I'm sure, then, the article would not have been printed. It' 
called free speech; that is, "free" for the rich, at a cost for the rest 
of us. 

On 11 Jan 02, at 12:01, mart wrote:

> ---
> The article mentions the use of D.U. in so called "tankbusters" It should be
> noted that the vast majority of D.U. tipped cruise missiles and bombs were
> not used against tanks and armoured vehicles.. Most were used against
> buildings, particularly civilian hospitals, train stations, factories
> and apartment blocks.
> mart
> - Original Message -
> From: Rick Rozoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Friday, January 11, 2002 10:00 AM
> Subject: Letter On War Crimes [
>  ---
>  Letter to the "El Paso Times" published.
>  Letters
>  The El Paso Times
>  El Paso, TX
>  Thursday, January 10, 2002
>  Clean up messes
>  Thanks for the Jan. 2 editorial "U.S. must
>  help solve unexploded-ordnance problem," regarding
>  unexploded ordnance from cluster bombs used in
>  Afghanistan.
>  I agree that the U.S. should lead the effort
>  to clean up the messes it creates. I only wish that
>  the editorial had gone farther when discussing our
>  illegal bombardment of Kosovo to include the
>  radioactive uranium ammunition used in "tankbusters."
>  The radioactivity has been attributed by some to have
>  caused premature cancers or deaths in a number of
>  peacekeepers stationed there.
>  Also, the editorial should have included the
> deliberate bombing of factories such as the massive
>  petrochemical complex in Pancevo which resulted in a
>  massive release of thousands of gallons of toxic
>  chemicals such as PCBs, ethylene dichloride and
> hydrofluoric acid into the Danube River (Europe's
>  longest waterway) and surrounding ground-water table.
>  Despite the much-promised aid for cleanup
>  that was to be forthcoming with the replacement of
>  Slobodan Milosevic with more "Western-friendly"
>  leaders, very little has actually materialized,
>  leaving a large section of southeastern Europe
>  poisoned, and an economic engine for the entire
>  Balkans disabled.
>  Michael Pravica
>  Las Vegas, N.M

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Whites irritated by independent-minded black leader... [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-01-11 Thread cube321


On 10 Jan 02, at 2:17, Stasi wrote:


Daily Telegraph

Military 'will not accept Mugabe defeat'
By Peta Thornycroft in Harare and Tim Butcher in Johannesburg
(Filed: 10/01/2002)

ZIMBABWE'S military hinted strongly last night that it would refuse to
accept the result if President Mugabe loses the election in March.

Mugabe has total support of the military for his re-election
As Mr Mugabe finally set March 9-10 as the dates for the presidential vote,
the military and secret police issued a thinly veiled threat.

"The security organisations will only stand in support of those political
leaders that will pursue Zimbabwean values, traditions and beliefs for
thousands of lives lost in pursuit of Zimbabwe's hard-won independence,"
said Gen Vitalis Zvinavashe, the defence forces commander.

"[The president] is expected to observe the objectives of the liberation
struggle. We will therefore not accept, let alone support or salute anyone
with a different agenda." The armed forces statement appeared to be part of
a concerted campaign by Mr Mugabe's supporters to ensure that their leader
is re-elected.

Parliament met late into the night to consider a raft of legislation
designed to lessen the chances of an opposition victory. The measures would
ban foreign correspondents, register local journalists and give police
sweeping powers to search and arrest opponents of Mr Mugabe.

The general sought to increase pressure on opposition MPs by asking
parliamentarians to "enact laws that protect our sovereignty and
independence and that serve the interests of the majority of Zimbabweans".
The ruling Zanu-PF has suspended regular parliamentary procedures to make
way for an extended sitting to begin fast-tracking the bills.

Critics say the planned Access to Information Bill is a draconian measure
designed to constrain the independent media, including barring foreigners
from working in the country as correspondents. In Zimbabwe, the government
runs television and most radio stations. There is only one independent
newspaper. Critics say it is anxious to keep anything but its own line from
the public.

The security laws would give police wider powers of search, arrest and
detention, require stringent permits for public meetings. Both bills would
outlaw verbal or written criticism of Mr Mugabe that could "engender
hostility and hatred" of him. Most of the new measures carry large fines and
terms of imprisonment.

The president faces his toughest political battle in the election against
the opposition Movement for Democratic Change. Analysts say Zanu-PF has seen
its popularity fall as human rights abuses, including political killings and
forced seizure of white farmland, have increased.

The military have long been accused of offering logistical support to
squatters who have led the often violent invasion of white-owned farms that
the government has slated for redistribution to landless blacks. They are
also said to have profited from Mr Mugabe's military adventure in the
Democratic Republic of Congo.

The MDC managed to win a majority in a vote on Tuesday on the so-called
General Amendments Bill after Zanu-PF MPs failed to attend in sufficient
numbers. The bill would have banned local independent monitors from the
presidential election.

"The government wants to play down its defeat, but effectively it cannot
bring the bill back to parliament during this current session," the MDC
spokesman, Learnmore Jongwe, said. In the event of it being forced through,
"we will no doubt have to seek the interference of the courts."

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Former Yugoslav Republics Form Joint NATO Alliance [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-01-11 Thread Rick Rozoff


[Anyone familiar with Zbigniew Brzezinski's volume The
Grand Chessboard: American Primacy And Its
Geostrategic Imperatives will be acquainted with one
of his key theses, that an "expanding Europe" -
explicitly under NATO control - will. though always
under the domination of the U.S. (NATO, according to
Brzezinski, exists for no other reason), be defined by
a "Franco-German" axis.
 It's painfully obvious which member of this dyad is
meant to prevail - and it's not the decadent 'frogs,'
whom he despises almost as much as he does the
Russians, whom he overtly banishes from Europe
A joint Croat-Slovene military sub-unit could only
benefit one nation; to wit, that which currently has
military forces deployed abroad in at least eight
nations, five of them non-European.  
But of course the assault upon and disintegration of
the former Yugoslavia was initiated by then FDP West
German Foreign Secretary Hans-Dietrich Genscher, and
then signed on to by the Bush Sr. administration (on
the prompting of those stellar humanitarians Bob Dole
and Jesse Helms) shortly thereafter.
My apologies for the 'history lesson,' but it never
hurts to refresh our memories.] 

Slovenia Proposes Defense Agreement With Croatia
LJUBLJANA, Jan 11, 2002 -- (dpa) The Slovene
government on Thursday okayed an initiative on defense
cooperation with Croatia, the STA news agency
The initiative refers to an inter-government agreement
which should provide the basis for cooperation between
the two countries' armed forces within the
Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe
(OSCE) and the United Nations.
The agreement is to include courses, seminars, and
military meetings between the armed forces of the two
ex-Yugoslav republics focusing on defense and security
"This would provide the platform for a friendly and
mutually useful cooperation between Slovenia and
Croatia," the Slovene government said in a statement.
Both states wish to become NATO members in the near
future, and the Alliance's policy is not to accept
candidates that have not solved all open issues with
its neighbors.
Zagreb and Ljubljana have still not ratified the
accord aimed at solving a border dispute that was
signed last summer by the two prime ministers,
Croatia's Ivica Racan and Slovenia's Janez Drnovsek.
(C)2002. dpa Deutsche Presse-Agentur

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Enron plot thickens [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-01-11 Thread Nicholas Camerota


Music to my ears: a quartet [below] from today's Chicago Tribune. Figured it best to send this, rather than 4 separate reports.
Even though "Accounting may prove hard to criminalize," strikes a discordant note, Enron's activities surely sound illegal--even to the utterly tone deaf. The question is whether there will be a deafening chorus of denunciation from the media and the public. I'm certainly ready for a rousing rendition of "Jail To The Chief!" 
But (to mix the metaphor), in the parlance of Watergate, "the toothpaste is out of the tube," and we can take some small pleasure in watching Bush & Co. try to squeeze it back in.
Finally, on this subject, The Public i features a special report, "Enron executives who dumped stock were heavy donors to Bush," posted Wednesday at  - NC
*From the update desk of Tribune Daywatch - Friday, January 11th


>ENRON PLOT THICKENS. Enron Corp.'s auditor, Arthur Andersen LLP, admits destroying an untold number of documents relating to the firm. And the White House says Enron Chairman Kenneth Lay last fall contacted two Cabinet officers about the firm's pending 
>Accounting may prove hard to criminalize: 
>Andersen in hot seat: 
>David Greising: Andersen shreds trust. 


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Somalian president: US is terrorizing us [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-01-11 Thread Barry Stoller


Reuters. 11 January 2002. Somali Ruler Says Country 'Terrorized' by U.S.

KHARTOUM -- The president of Somalia's transitional government said
Friday that his people had been "terrorized" by a U.S. propaganda
campaign portraying the country as a possible haven for Osama bin
Laden's followers.

President Abdiqassim Salad Hassan told Reuters television that fears of
U.S. military strikes were hindering efforts to bring peace to the
country, considered by Washington as a potential target in its war on

"People are terrorized by this campaign of propaganda against Somalia,"
Abdiqassim said in an interview in the Sudanese capital Khartoum, where
he was attending a summit.

"People are terrorized to see the largest country in the world threaten
this poor country that has been ravaged by civil war for 10 years," he

Abdiqassim reiterated his position that there are no bases of bin
Laden's al Qaeda network or other extremists in Somalia, and appealed
for help from Washington to stabilize his anarchic homeland.

"We want to unite our country, and have for that the help of the
international community, so that Somalia will not be a breeding ground
for future terrorists," he said.

Abdiqassim said his fledgling government had set up a committee to
combat terrorism and arrested several suspects, but its efforts were
being hampered by a lack of resources.

Illustrating the government's problems, officials say they have not been
able to pay civil servants for four months and the information minister
has only one working telephone line.

Abdiqassim warned that warlords opposed to his attempts to unite Somalia
were keen to exploit the United States' sudden interest in his country
to strengthen their bid overthrow his administration, the most serious
attempt to establish a central government for a decade.

"For their own interest, they want to see America involved in Somalia,
Somalia bombed, and then for them to take over power like the Northern
Alliance did in Afghanistan," he said.

Diplomats say warlords who watched the Northern Alliance rebels gain
power in Afghanistan with the help of U.S. military might are seeking a
repeat performance in Somalia.

"But Somalia is not Afghanistan. The transitional national government is
not Taliban. I am not Mullah Mohammad Omar," the president said.

A team of U.S. officials visited aides to opposition warlords in the
southern town of Baidoa for talks about the war on terror last month,
raising fears among aid workers that a hasty intervention could stir
further turmoil.

Raising the specter of a disastrous U.S. humanitarian intervention in
Somalia in the early 1990s in which more than 20 American servicemen
were killed, Abdiqassim said the United States should fight terrorism by
pursuing peace, not war.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Barry Stoller

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Russia to increase presence in Central Asia [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-01-11 Thread Barry Stoller


AFP. 11 January 2002. Russia to increase presence in Central Asia.

DUSHANBE -- Moscow called Friday for an increased Russian presence in
central Asia to counteract heavyweight US military deployments in the
former Soviet republics.

"We must do everything in our power to make the Russian presence in the
region more perceptible and more effective," said Gennady Seleznev,
leader of  the Russian lower house, the Duma, after meeting with Tajik
President Emolali Rakhmonov in Dushanbe.

Seleznev also called for an end to the US military campaign in
Afghanistan and reiterated that Russia was against establishing US or
NATO military bases on a longterm basis in Central Asia.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Barry Stoller

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Fw: Fathom Newsletter -- Global Affairs [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-01-11 Thread Francisco Javier Bernal


Maybe somebody is interested in some RAND propaganda

> * Free Seminar *
> TALIBAN, a free seminar from RAND, analyzes modern trends in insurgency 
> movements for the intelligence community and looks specifically at the 
> role of refugees in supporting the Taliban. The seminar is free; simply 
> follow the checkout process to enroll:

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Re: Milosevic wants NATO on trial [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-01-11 Thread Richard Roper


> Subject: Re: Milosevic wants NATO on trial
> To: 
> In-Reply-To:

> Nancy,
> we agree, but a theme song of Western propaganda 
> was
> how closely THEY worked with Mr.Milosevic, which we
> have repeatedly heard from time to time beaten out
> on
> the propaganda drums in Britain -  bong, bong, boom,
> bong,  "there it goes again!" - the reason being to
> whip up desire for "Intervention" - - "the West
> isn't
> doing enough!  Since then we've heard a different
> variation - " Milosevic says how much the West
> cooperated with him, he''ll say so at his trial!",
> an
> extension of the same theme,
> --- Nancy Hey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > ---
> > 
> > Yes, I don't think this would be a good angle for
> > Mr. Milosevic to take, to
> > claim that Western leaders "worked closely with
> > him".  I don't know when Western
> > leaders ever worked "with" Yugoslavia, clearly
> their
> > greatest crimes were
> > committed by working AGAINST Yugoslavia!
> > 
> > Mager Lee wrote:
> > 
> > > ---
> > >
> > > "Commentators believe Milosevic hopes that by
> > calling Western leaders as
> > > witnesses he will be able to humiliate them and
> to
> > show that they worked
> > > closely with him during much of the 1990s as the
> > old Yugoslavia broke apart
> > > in bloodshed."
> > >
> > > Not this pathetic theory again! The BBC said
> last
> > week that the killing of
> > > 107 Afghan villagers could prove "embarrassing"
> > for the US. Now Milosevic
> > > might be able to "humiliate" western leaders?
> Even
> > if one is to accept the
> > > implication that the only thing western powers
> did
> > that was morally wrong
> > > was to "work closely" with Milosevic (a horrific
> > lie which is sickening for
> > > anybody who experienced Krajine, Djakovica, Nis,
> > Novi Sad and so on ad
> > > nazium (I know it's not a word, but it should
> > be!), why is it only an
> > > "embarrassment" for them, yet Milosevic's role
> > (still assuming one accepts
> > > the lies) is described as "genocidal",
> "monstrous"
> > and "tyrannical"?
> > >
> > > Perhaps this is the sort of thing we can expect
> on
> > television in the future:
> > >
> > > Interviewer: "So, Madeleine Albright, what was
> > your most embarrassing moment
> > > as Secretary of State?"
> > >
> > > Albright " well, there have been many,
> > it's a difficult job with
> > > so many eyes on you waiting for you to slip up,
> > especially being a woman!
> > > Perhaps the time I attended the NATO 50th
> > anniversary gathering and I
> > > discovered that one of the other ladies was
> > wearing the same shoes as me!
> > > That left me a little red-faced, I can tell you!
> > Possibly I would say the
> > > *most* embarrassing however was the time when
> > dropped cluster bombs in
> > > Nis marketplace on a busy afternoon in 1999,
> > massacring the shoppers and
> > > leaving the survivors terribly maimed. I
> certainly
> > get a little hot under
> > > the collar when that one is brought up!
> > "
> > >
> > > Interviewer: "No! The SAME shoes?? How awful!"
> > >
> > > -Original Message-
> > > From: Barry Stoller
> > [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > > Sent: 09 January 2002 20:16
> > > Subject: Milosevic wants NATO on trial
> > >
> > >
> >
> > > The information contained in this message is
> > confidential and is intended
> > > for the addressee only. If you have received
> this
> > message in error or there
> > > are any problems please notify the originator
> > immediately. The unauthorised
> > > use, disclosure, copying or alteration of this
> > message is strictly
> > > forbidden. This mail and any attachments have
> been
=== message truncated ===

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Israeli Breaches of Cease-fire [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-01-11 Thread Miroslav Antic
Title: Message




  Palestinian National 
  Office of the 
Breaches of Cease-fire 
19.00hrs Wednesday January 9
19.00hrs Thursday January 10
President Arafat’s speech on December 
16, 2001 
and its historical content, the occupation forces continue to occupy parts of 
Palestinian controlled areas & impose a military siege on the Palestinian 
territories including main and dirt roads. The breaches of cease-fire continue 
as well as the Israeli army and settler induced aggressions as detailed 
occupation forces breached the cease-fire [8] times:
Palestinians were wounded and [6] were arrested. [20] Trees were uprooted or 
burnt down & [30] Dunams were bulldozed. [77] Palestinian homes were 
demolished & [6] vehicles & [4] establishments were destroyed. 
Palestinian controlled areas were invaded [3] times and bombarded [4] 
occupation forces stationed at Bido military checkpoint tortured tens of 
Palestinians trying to reach their homes.
& AL Birah: 
The occupation forces continue to occupy & impose a blockade on the city. 

The occupation forces continue to impose a blockade on the city, opened fire at 
Palestinian houses causing damage & stormed in 
The occupation forces detonated two vehicles near Fawwar triangle, closed down 
the triangle, Dora road and the entrance of the refugee camp and prevented 
Palestinians from reaching the area. 
The occupation forces arrested six Palestinians near Nahel Oz 
occupation forces asked the Palestinian DCO to evacuate the offices of the 
Palestinians naval DCO.
the cover of heavy gunfire, The occupation battle tanks invaded and demolished 
seventy Palestinian houses & two National Security posts & opened fire 
at Tal AL Sultan area. They also stormed in the fishing port and confiscated all 
the equipment. 
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For New York Area Serbs [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-01-11 Thread Miroslav Antic
Title: Message



Martin Luther King Jr.'s Birthday7:00 P.M.At the A.N.S.W.E.R. 
Office39 West 14 Street, Suite 206On Tuesday, January 15th, scores 
of activists from the New York metropolitan area will be meeting at the 
office of International A.N.S.W.E.R. to plan a massive organizing effort 
over the next 17 days, to draw thousands of people to a February 2nd protest 
against the World Economic Forum (WEF).  The meeting will begin at 7:00 
P.M. at 39 West 14th Street, Suite 206. International A.N.S.W.E.R. 
is a broad coalition of organizations and activists who have come together 
over the past four months to rally public support for social and 
economic justice as an alternative to war. The coalition is sponsoring a 
major, legally-permitted protest in front of the Waldorf Astoria, where from 
February 1 through February 4, several thousand corporate CEOs, bankers 
and politicians will be attending the WEF.If Dr. King was alive, there 
is no doubt that he would be helping us to send the World Economic Forum the 
message that the people of New York City and of the world desperately 
need jobs, healthcare, housing and human needs - not poverty, exploitation 
and war.For more information on the planning meeting or the anti-WEF 
protest contact A.N.S.W.E.R. at (212) 633-6646, or check the website at 
to find organizers in your area or to become one 
today!--Send replies to [EMAIL PROTECTED]This is 
the ANSWER activist announcementlist. Anyone can subscribe by sending 
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WSWS: US bases pave the way for long-term intervention in Central Asia [WWW.STOP

2002-01-11 Thread Stasi


Friday, January 11, 2002 2:23 PM

World Socialist Web Site

WSWS : News & 
Analysis : The US War in 
US bases pave the way for long-term intervention in Central Asia
By Patrick Martin11 January 2002
Back to screen version | Send this link by 
email | Email the author
Recent statements by US government officials and reports in the American and 
international press indicate that the Bush administration and the Pentagon are 
carrying out a military buildup in Central Asia whose object is not merely 
support for the ongoing conflict in Afghanistan, but a permanent military 
presence in the oil-rich region.
The US government has acquired basing or transit rights for passage of 
warplanes and military supplies from nearly two dozen countries in Central Asia, 
the Middle East and their periphery, a projection of American power into the 
center of the Eurasian land mass that has no historical precedent.
On January 9, US military personnel showed off the latest acquisition, a huge 
air base being built in the former Soviet republic of Kyrgyzstan, a landlocked 
country which borders China, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan, and was once 
virtually inaccessible as far as American imperialism was concerned.
The new base, on 37 acres at the airport in Manas, 19 miles from the Kyrgyz 
capital of Bishkek, is to be a major military hub. It now has temporary barracks 
for 300 members of the 86th Rapid Deployment Unit, who are building facilities 
that will eventually house 3,000 military personnel. The Manas base will service 
fighter jets, C-130 cargo planes and KC-135 refueling planes. Last month the 
Kyrgyz parliament gave its approval to unrestricted American use of the 
facility, including combat missions in Afghanistan and elsewhere.
Pentagon officials said the new base in Kyrgyzstan, only a few minutes flying 
time north of Kabul, would give them the flexibility to continue the war in 
Afghanistan even if the escalating conflict between India and Pakistan makes it 
more difficult to use the bases in the latter country, which are currently major 
staging areas for US operations.
Four KC-135s will arrive next week, along with a squadron of F-15E fighter 
jets by the end of January. A US officer working at Manas told the press, “In 
addition to the air force, there will be ground troops. This will be the first 
air base that will offer serious support to Operation Enduring Freedom,” the 
official name for the US war in Afghanistan. British, French and Danish forces 
will be stationed at Manas in addition to American troops.
New US base agreements have also been concluded with Pakistan and two other 
former Soviet republics, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. US warplanes are already 
deployed at Kandabad air base at Karshi, Uzbekistan, backed by 1,000 US ground 
troops, and a US military assessment team has visited three potential bases in 
Tajikistan, at Kulyab, Khojand and Turgan-Tiube. American forces are stationed 
at several locations in Pakistan, and combat engineers are improving runways and 
erecting housing and other facilities for what is clearly intended as a 
long-term stay.
Four other former Soviet republics—Armenia, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan and 
Kazakhstan—have pledged various forms of direct military cooperation with the US 
attack on Afghanistan. Armenia and Azerbaijan granted overflight rights, which 
are critical for operations in landlocked Central Asia. They were rewarded 
December 19, when Congress, at the urging of the Bush administration, lifted a 
decade-long embargo on military aid to the two countries.

Bases and pipelines

Kazakhstan, which holds the lion’s share of the oil wealth of the Caspian 
basin, is reportedly offering several locations for possible US military bases. 
Turkmenistan is viewed as the prime location for the terminus of largely 
US-financed pipelines which would bring the oil and gas reserves of the region 
to the world market, possibly running across Afghanistan and Pakistan to the 
Indian Ocean.
Locations of other US bases in the region include Camp Bondsteel, the 
headquarters for US military forces in Kosovo, in the former Yugoslavia; 
Bulgaria, also regarded as a potential site for a pipeline to bypass the 
chokepoint of the Turkish straits; Turkey, where Incirlik Air Base has been used 
for a decade to carry out bombing attacks on Iraq; and Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, 
Qatar, Bahrain and Oman in the Persian Gulf.
In Qatar the US has built, in virtual secrecy, a huge $1.5 billion airbase at 
Al Adid whose 15,000-foot runway is one of the longest in the Gulf. Construction 
began after a visit by Clinton’s defense secretary William Cohen in April 2000. 
Qatar already hosts pre-positioned equipment for a US Army brigade.
While US forces were initially stationed at Qatar in conjunction with the war 
against Iraq in 1990-91, a top Pentagon official said last year that the Qatar 
base was “not focu

Xinhua: Chinese FM Spells out China's Policy on Africa [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-01-11 Thread Stasi



Friday, January 11, 2002 3:24 PM


  Chinese FM Spells out China's Policy on 



  Xinhuanet 2002-01-11 


   ¡¡ADDIS ABABA, January 11 (Xinhuanet£¬by Li Dawei ) -- Chinese 
  Foreign Minister Tang Jiaxuan said here on Friday that China attaches 
  great importance to Africa and it will continue to enhance its friendly 
  relations and cooperation with the continent. 
  In order to further the China-Africa relations, China would 
  continue to support the establishment of the African Union (AU) and the 
  implementation of the New Partnership for African Development (NEPAD) on 
  the continent, said Tang in his speech delivered at Ethiopian 
  International Institute for Peace and Development. 
  "Establishing the AU and independently formulating and implementing 
  the NEPAD represent the new attempts made by African countries to 
  collectively take on their challenges," he said. 
  "This remarkable act gives full expression to the strong resolve of 
  the African people in going along with the world's trends to seek peace 
  and development," the minister added. 
  The Chinese government will build on its good cooperation with the 
  Organization of African Unity, deepen cooperation with the AU in future, 
  and support the AU to play bigger role in realizing peace and stability 
  and promoting integration on the African continent, Tang noted. 
  He called on the international community to take concrete measures 
  to jointly support the smooth implementation of the NEPAD. 
  Talking about the Sino-Africa Cooperation Forum to be held thisyear 
  in Addis Ababa, Tang said the Chinese government will maintain close 
  contact and consultation with Ethiopia and other African nations, and 
  jointly help secure a complete success for the next meetings of the forum. 

  As the host country, Ethiopia has reportedly established a special 
  preparatory committee and actively begun preparations for the forum. 
  Concerning the issue of expanding China-Africa economic cooperation 
  and trade, the foreign minister said the Chinese side will explore new 
  approaches to cooperate with African countries, focusing on the areas of 
  agriculture, infrastructure building and human resources development. 
  The Chinese government has drawn out the "Go Global" strategy in a 
  timely manner to support Chinese enterprises to go abroad formutually 
  beneficial cooperation, said Tang, adding that the Chinese government will 
  continue to provide assistance within its capacity to African countries. 
  He also said that China would continue to support African countries 
  to participate in international affairs on an equal footing, saying China 
  will continue to enhance its consultation and cooperation with African 
  countries in international affairs and coordinate the positions on such 
  issues as peace, development,anti-terrorism, global security and the 
  establishment of a new international order. 
  "We support a bigger role played by African nations in 
  international affairs including increasing their say and representation in 
  the U.N. Security Council," said Tang. 
  He said China supports the legitimate propositions and reasonable 
  demands of African countries in the new round of multilateral trade talks, 
  urging the international community, particularly the developed countries, 
  to take more steps to accommodate the interests of African countries, 
  increase input in Africa's development and honor their commitments to the 
  settlementof the debt problem. 
  Before giving his speech, the Chinese foreign minister held talks 
  with his counterpart Seyoum Mesfin on the issues of bilateral relations 
  and further cooperation between the two countries in the future. Enditem 
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Business this week [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-01-11 Thread Miroslav Antic
Title: Message


Business this weekJan 10th 2002From The Economist print edition 

Restarting computer 
Compaq Computer, 
the world's second-largest PC maker, said that surprisingly 
strong fourth-quarter sales, particularly in Europe, would produce a modest 
profit rather than the expected loss. The turnaround might even improve the 
chances of Compaq's proposed merger with Hewlett-Packard. 
SAP, Europe's 
leading software company, said that sales in the fourth quarter had exceeded 
analysts' expectations, topping euro1 billion ($885m).
America's Justice 
Department confirmed that it was pursuing a criminal investigation into events 
surrounding the bankruptcy of Enron, the erstwhile energy-trading giant. 
The company has close links with the Bush administration.
Season of no 
AOL Time Warner 
is to write off as much as $60 billion in the first quarter thanks to new 
rules over accounting for “GOODWILL”. The write-off reflects some of the 
company's expensive dotcom acquisitions. It also forecast that advertising 
revenues would decline for at least the first half of the year, confirming the 
miserable outlook for all media companies.
AT&T is to 
take a provision of $1 billion in the latest quarter, mainly to pay for 10,000 
job cuts. The telecoms giant has already laid off half this number and the rest 
will go in 2002. Merrill Lynch, an investment bank, also said it would 
take a charge of $2.2 billion in the quarter, the cost of 9,000 
Accenture, the 
world's biggest management consultancy, reported that profits for its latest 
quarter were up by 11% over a year ago to $258m and that it had made its 
highest-ever quarterly revenues. Perhaps, at a tough time for many businesses, 
Accenture was able to provide valuable advice on downsizing.
EasyJet showed 
the bullishness of Europe's low-cost airlines with plans to buy 75 new passenger 
jets worth some $4 billion. In an effort to secure a favourable deal, easyJet 
signalled that it would consider buying from Airbus Industrie rather than 
Boeing, the usual supplier to no-frills carriers.
Mediterranée, a French resort group, said it would report losses for 2001 of 
euro70m ($62m); the company blamed the effects of a sagging world 
economy, compounded by the events of September 11th. Others blamed a weak 
business plan.
Mitsubishi and Hyundai unveiled plans to develop and produce an 
engine to power a range of smaller cars. Significant cost savings are expected 
as adaptations of the power unit could come to propel more than 1m 
The Detroit motor 
show was dominated by gloom over expected job cuts at Ford, the world's 
second-biggest car maker. The Bush administration also announced a new push to 
encourage the development of fuel-cell-powered vehicles.
See article: 
Fuel cells and cars
Out of the 
Patricia Russo, charged 
with reviving Eastman Kodak's fortunes in the digital age, left after 
less than nine months as chief operating officer and president and returned from 
whence she came, to Lucent Technologies. She will become chief executive of the 
struggling telecoms-equipment company.
Vizzavi, a 
European Internet portal that came rather late to the game, said its chief 
executive and 100 other staff would go. The joint venture between Vodafone and 
Vivendi Universal cost some euro1.6 billion ($1.4 billion) to set up but 
has attracted fewer subscribers than hoped for and has had trouble making 
Investor indifference 
met Vivendi Universal's stockmarket offer of a 5% stake in the company. 
Shares fell below the opening price, leaving the two banks underwriting the deal 
stuck with big holdings.
Alcoa, the 
world's biggest aluminium firm, launched a bid for the 60% that it does not yet 
own of Norway's number two aluminium concern, Elkem, valuing the company 
at some $850m. Elkem described the offer as “very bad”. Norsk Hydro, 
Norway's leading aluminium maker, agreed to pay euro3.1 billion ($2.8 
billion) to Germany's E.ON for its VAW aluminium unit, to make it the world's number three 
aluminium company.
Yves Saint Laurent 
said that he would hang up his hat. The ageing haute couture guru 
expressed disillusionment with today's more commercial fashion 
See article: 
Yves Saint Laurent retires






Stockmarkets around the 
world have continued their steady recovery since the post-September 11th lows, 
as investors hope for a swift end to America's recession. Both American and 
European markets have gained, though Japan is less perky.
See article: 
Is irrational exuberance in the air again? 

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Bush Fuels Oil Conspiracy Theory [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-01-11 Thread Miroslav Antic
Title: Message


Bush Fuels Oil 
Conspiracy Theory Ted Rall, AlterNetJanuary 10, 
Conspiracy theories are funny things: the wackier they sound, the more likely 
they are to be true. The fires of September were still burning when I, among 
others, suggested that the Bush regime's Afghan war might have more to do with 
old-fashioned oil politics than bringing the Evil Ones to justice. 

Little did I know how quickly I would be proven right. 

The Taliban government and their Al Qaeda "guests", after all, both were at 
best bit players in the terror biz. If the U.S. had really wanted to dispatch a 
significant number of jihad boys to meet the black-eyed virgins, it would have 
bombed Pakistan. Instead, the State Department inexplicably cozied up to this 
snake pit of anti-American extremists, choosing a nation led by a dictator who 
seized power in an illegal coup as our principal South Asian ally. 

Moreover, the American military strategy in Afghanistan -- dropping bombs 
without inserting a significant number of ground troops -- all but guaranteed 
that Osama would live to kill another day. 

So the Third Afghan War obviously isn't about fighting terrorism -- leading 
cynics to conclude that it must be about (yawwn!) oil. Bush and Cheney were 
both former oil company execs, after all, and National Security Advisor 
Condoleezza Rice was corporate counsel at Chevron. Unbeknownst to most 
Americans, oil fields dot northern Afghanistan near its border with 
Turkmenistan. But the real jackpot is under the Caspian Sea. Between confirmed 
and estimated oil reserves, Kazakhstan is destined to become the world's largest 
oil-producing nation, and will one day dwarf even Saudi Arabia. 

For the U.S., more production means cheaper oil, lower production and 
transportation costs, and higher corporate profits. The Kazakhs would be happy 
to work with us, but their oil is frustratingly landlocked. The shortest and 
cheapest of all possible pipelines would run from the Caspian to the Persian 
Gulf via Iran, but lingering American resentment from the 1980 hostage crisis 
has prevented U.S.-aligned Kazakhstan from getting its crude out to sea. Plan B 
is a 1996 Unocal scheme for a trans-Afghanistan pipeline that would debouche at 
the Arabian Sea port of Karachi. 

As Zalmay Khalilzad co-wrote in The Washington Quarterly in its Winter 2000 
issue, "Afghanistan could prove a valuable corridor for this [Caspian Sea] 
energy as well as for access to markets in Central Asia." Khalilzad has an 
unsavory past. As a State and Defense Department official during the Reagan 
years, Khalilzad helped supply the anti-Soviet mujihadeen with weapons they're 
now using to fight Americans. During the '90s he worked as Unocal's chief 
consultant on its Afghan pipeline scheme. 

According to the French daily Libération, Khalilzad's $200 million project 
was originally conceived to run 830 miles from Dauletebad in southeastern 
Turkmenistan to Multan, Pakistan. Multan already possesses a link to Karachi. 
Partly on Khalilzad's advice, the Clinton Administration funded the Taliban 
through Pakistani intelligence, going so far as to pay the salaries of 
high-ranking Taliban officials. The goal: a strong, stable authoritarian regime 
in Kabul to ensure the safety of Unocal's precious oil. 

In 1998, after Taliban "guest" Osama bin Laden bombed two American embassies 
in east Africa, Unocal shelved the plan. Chief consultant Khalilzad moved on to 
the Rand Corporation think tank. Considering the Taliban irredeemably 
unreliable, Clinton withdrew U.S. support. But as the newly-minted cliché goes, 
everything changed after 9-11. Now the Taliban are gone, replaced with a 
U.S.-installed interim government. 

Rising energy prices helped push the economy into recession; perhaps 90-cent 
gas will work where interest rate cuts failed. Once again, the pipeline plan is 

Did Bush exploit the Sept. 11 attacks to justify a Central Asian oil grab? 
The answer seems clear. On Dec. 31, Bush appointed his special envoy to 
Afghanistan: Zalmay Khalilzad. "This is a moment of opportunity for 
Afghanistan," the former Unocal employee commented upon arrival in Kabul Jan. 5. 
You bet it is: Pakistan's Frontier Post reports that U.S. ambassador Wendy 
Chamberlain met in October with Pakistan's oil minister to discuss reviving the 
Unocal project. 

And a front-page story in the Jan. 9 New York Times reveals that "the United 
States is preparing a military presence in Central Asia that could last for 
years," including a building permanent air base in the Kyrgyz Republic, formerly 
part of the Soviet Union. (The Bushies say that they just want to keep an eye on 
postwar Afghanistan, but few students of the region buy the official story.) 

Many industry experts consider Unocal's revived Afghan adventure fatally 
flawed and expect the U.S. to ultimately wise up and pursue an Iran deal. But 
thus f


2002-01-11 Thread Miroslav Antic



by Sherman H. Skolnick 1/9/02 


 Sometimes when you know a lot of the facts and details, it is 
 difficult to escape the idea that you are looking at a sinister 
 scheme. Of course, skeptics and deniers will quickly label you a 
 "conspiracy theorist", even if you are not, thus dismissing what you 

 What high level powers do, on a regular basis, cannot simply be a 
 device concocted for a one-time trick. The ultra-rich obviously 
 "breathe together". So, it fits the historical definition of to 
 "conspire". What they do, day by day, year by year, and century by 
 century, is simply their method of operation. Their way of enriching 
 themselves and controlling those of the middle income. Once in a 
 while, their natural collusion is interrupted, sometimes only 
 temporarily, by an upheaval led by the better educated group, the 
 middle class, a Revolution.

 Starting in the 1990s, even before that, two groups made their plans 
 as to the Caspian Sea energy area, Afghanistan, and the southern 
 Balkans. Oil engineers obviously knew that in a few short decades, the 
 oil reserves of Saudi Arabia will be played out. A growing market for 
 oil and natural gas is Pakistan, Red China, and points east, like 

 The Caspian area is there to be exploited. Oil, natural gas. One 
 pipeline was planned through the southern Balkans, the split-apart 
 area formerly called simply Yugoslavia. Standing in the way was a 
 strongman, Slobadan Milosevic, who took over more or less with the 
 demise of long-time dictator Marshal Tito who with an iron fist kept 
 the ethnic and religious groups in check. Milosevic was once 
 considered charming and popular. Toppling him started with the Henry 
 Kissinger design of wrecking the Yugoslav banks. Kissinger & 
 Associates have been a nest of clever snakes fronting for Big Oil and 
 dictators and butchers worldwide.

 So, building on the natural friction between ethnic and religious 
 groups in Yugoslavia, became the excuse for the U.S./British attack on 
 the Belgrade government. The supposed justification, trumpeted in the 
 oil-soaked, spy-riddled monopoly press, was the primarily fraudulent 
 stories of "massacres". In the Spring of 1999, that became the reason 
 for bombing and invading Serbia and their province of Kosovo.

 If not so bloody and tragic, the whole event would be laughable. 
 Mighty military and economic forces of the West pulverized a once 
 united nation which had no air force or navy worth noting, and an army 
 no match for the invaders. Furthermore, Serbia was traditionally 
 pro-U.S. if not also pro-British. In thousands of years, Serbia never 
 attacked or invaded any other country.

 In violation of the Geneva Convention, to which the U.S. and Britain 
 are signatories, U.S./British forces knowingly bombed and 
 missile-attacked hospitals, schools, and churches.  They bombed 
 structures on the Danube, for months thereafter blocking river 
 commerce for a whole section of Europe. The Serbian Radio/Television 
 Building in Belgrade was directly targeted and many of those inside 

 Who would rightfully dare prosecute the U.S./British leaders as war 
 criminals? The International tribunals, made up of yesmen and cowards, 
 are a dead letter.

 Think about it. If Serbia had an air force and a navy like the U.S., 
 surely they had the right, yes, the duty, to in return, bomb and 
 missile attack the United States. Fair is fair. Hey, the press fakers 
 said it was a WAR.

 The attack on Serbia benefitted, some say intentionally, the 
 Kosovo/Albanian dope traffickers. Whether you like or dislike what he 
 says or does on other matters, notice something: U.S. Senator Joseph 
 I. Lieberman (D., Conn.), became the unregistered lobbyist for the 
 dope-traffickers, the KLA, the Kosovo Liberation Army. Lieberman, who 
 also ran for Vice President in the year 2000, made speeches fronting 
 for the KLA. [I have rejected the strong warning of Lieberman's 
 cohorts, who demanded I shut up about this, yet they know I am an 
 independent, a loyalist for neither political party.]

 The blitz against Serbia began right after President Bill Clinton, 
 impeached by House of Representatives resolutions, was turned loose 
 from an Impeachment trial by the U.S. Senate. Some contend key 
 Senators caved in after having been blackmailed. Head of the Senate 
 Judiciary Committee, Senator Orrin G.Hatch (R., Utah), reportedly was 
 about to be caught up in the Olympics bribery scandal. The monopoly 
 press covered up this and financial and other scandals implicating 
 several U.S. Senators which would have dirtied up Senators at the time 
 of the Impeachment Trial. Chief Justice William Rehnquist, conducting 
 the Senate hearing in an imperial gold-stripped robe, was himself 
 subject to being blackmailed, such as with

US economy faces 'significant risks' [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-01-11 Thread Bill Howard


[Via Communist Internet... ]

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.US economy faces 'significant risks'

Mr Greenspan's comments took analysts by surprise

The US economy is showing signs of recovery but still faces significant risks in the
short run, according to the US Federal Reserve chairman Alan Greenspan.

It seems to me that he's keeping the door open for rate cuts

Carey Leahey, Deutsche Bank Securities
"Recent signals about the current course of the economy have turned from unremittingly
negative through the late fall of last year to a far more mixed set of signals
recently," he said in a prepared text for a speech to be given to businessmen in San

"But I would emphasize that we continue to face significant risks in the near term,"
he added.

Speculation had been growing that Mr Greenspan would use the speech to say that the
worst of the current economic slowdown had passed.

More rate cuts to come?

But analysts said his relatively cautious comments implied that more interest rate
cuts could be on the way.

"It's a little more negative on the economy than I expected," said Carey Leahey,
senior economist at Deutsche Bank Securities in New York.

"It seems to me that he's keeping the door open for rate cuts."

"I'm surprised about the overall message," said Hugh Johnson, chief investment officer
at First Albany.

"The comments we have seen from other Fed officials have suggested they believe an
economic recovery is on the horizon. The tone of Greenspan's remarks is markedly

Share prices on Wall Street fell back after Mr Greenspan's views became known.

The main Dow Jones share index fell back below the 10,000 level, and eventually closed
down 80.33 points at 9,987.53.


In November last year the National Bureau of Economic Research, a panel of senior
economists, declared that the US economy had entered recession in March.

The move brought an end to a decade of sustained growth.

In an attempt to revitalise the flagging economy, the US Fed cut interest rates 11
times last year to 1.75% - their lowest level for 40 years.

But in recent weeks, economic commentators had begun to see signs that the downturn
has started to 'bottom out'.

Consumer confidence has begun to rise, orders to manufacturing and service firms have
increased, and the housing market has remained strong.

But Mr Greenspan said he did not believe the evidence was conclusive.

"Despite a number of encouraging signs of stability, it is still premature to conclude
that the forces restraining economic activity here and abroad have abated enough to
allow a steady recovery to take hold."

He said the key to the economy's revival would be when US firms showed signs of

"The broad contours of the present cycle have been, and will continue to be, driven by
the evolution of corporate profits and capital investment."

The latest unemployment figures released last week showed the jobless rate rose to
5.8% in December, and Mr Greenspan said this rate is likely to continue to rise even
after the recovery begins.

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US Military Ensconces Itself In Kyrgyzstan [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-01-11 Thread Rick Rozoff


"We have a one year agreement. But one year may not be
enough." This signals the effective end of the
Shanghai Forum and any tentative efforts by Russia,
China, India and the five former Soviet Central Asian
nations to set up a joint defense arrangement for
regional - and global - purposes. 

Western global military reach and unilateralism can
proceed unimpeded.] 
Friday January 11 3:02 PM ET 
Kyrgyzstan Ready to Extend U.S. Base Deal BISHKEK,
Kyrgyzstan (Reuters) - Kyrgyz President Askar Akayev
said Friday his ex-Soviet Central Asian republic would
be ready to extend a one-year agreement on hosting a
U.S. military base for operations in Afghanistan. 
The United States and its allies in the global war on
terrorism are planning to deploy by February up to
3,000 troops and some 40 warplanes at the Manas
airport outside the Kyrgyz capital. Kyrgyzstan, a poor
mountainous nation of 4.5 million, does not border
Afghanistan but is close to it. 
``We have a one-year agreement. But one year may not
be enough. It is possible that next autumn we will
extend the agreement,´´ Akayev said on national
Kyrgyzstan, the target of cross-border raids by
Islamic guerrillas in 1999 and 2000, has
enthusiastically embraced Washington's campaign to
root out Afghanistan's radical Islamic Taliban and
invited U.S. forces to launch operations from its
Akayev, who received the green light from Kyrgyzstan's
former colonial master Moscow to host U.S. troops,
said the decision was also likely to reap economic
benefits by boosting cooperation with the world's
wealthiest country. 

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Comments on military threat to Somalia [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-01-11 Thread Rick Rozoff


[Somalia, sitting astride the key choke point
separating the Red Sea from the Gulf of Oman, leading
into the Arabian Sea, on which the country has a
lengthy coastline - in fact Somalia has Africa's
longest and most strategic coastline - is an extremely
advantageous place to be for nations like the U.S. and
Germany which desire to control important shipping
lanes and deploy naval vessels throughout the Middle
East and Southern Asia.] 

"People are terrorized to see the largest country in
the world threaten this poor country which has been
ravaged by civil war for 10 years." 

Friday January 11 11:51 AM ET 
Somali Ruler Says Country 'Terrorized' by U.S. By
Matthew Green 
KHARTOUM, Sudan (Reuters) - The president of Somalia's
transitional government said Friday that his people
had been ''terrorized'' by a U.S. propaganda campaign
portraying the country as a possible haven for Osama
bin Laden's followers. 
President Abdiqassim Salad Hassan told Reuters
television that fears of U.S. military strikes were
hindering efforts to bring peace to the country,
considered by Washington as a potential target in its
war on terror. 
``People are terrorized by this campaign of propaganda
against Somalia,´´ Abdiqassim said in an interview in
the Sudanese capital Khartoum, where he was attending
a summit. ``People are terrorized to see the largest
country in the world threaten this poor country that
has been ravaged by civil war for 10 years,´´ he said.

The United States says it is gathering more
intelligence on Somalia, fearing Islamic militants may
have exploited the lack of a strong central authority
to pursue their activities far from the eyes and ears
of government. 
Abdiqassim reiterated his position that there are no
bases of bin Laden's al Qaeda network or other
extremists in Somalia, and appealed for help from
Washington to stabilize his anarchic homeland. ``We
want to unite our country, and have for that the help
of the international community, so that Somalia will
not be a breeding ground for future terrorists,´´ he
Abdiqassim said his fledgling government had set up a
committee to combat terrorism and arrested several
suspects, but its efforts were being hampered by a
lack of resources. 
The government was inaugurated in 2000, but still only
controls parts of the capital Mogadishu and other
patches of territory, competing with warlords who
flourished after the fall of military ruler Mohammed
Siad Barre in 1991. 
Illustrating the government's problems, officials say
they have not been able to pay civil servants for four
months and the information minister has only one
working telephone line. 
Abdiqassim warned that warlords opposed to his
attempts to unite Somalia were keen to exploit the
United States' sudden interest in his country to
strengthen their bid overthrow his administration, the
most serious attempt to establish a central government
for a decade. ``For their own interest, they want to
see America involved in Somalia, Somalia bombed, and
then for them to take over power like the Northern
Alliance did in Afghanistan,´´ he said. 
Diplomats say warlords who watched the Northern
Alliance rebels gain power in Afghanistan with the
help of U.S. military might are seeking a repeat
performance in Somalia. 
``But Somalia is not Afghanistan. The transitional
national government is not Taliban. I am not Mullah
Mohammad Omar,´´ the president said, referring to the
Taliban leader who sheltered bin Laden, wanted for the
September 11 attacks. 
A team of U.S. officials visited aides to opposition
warlords in the southern town of Baidoa for talks
about the war on terror last month, raising fears
among aid workers that a hasty intervention could stir
further turmoil. 
Raising the specter of a disastrous U.S. humanitarian
intervention in Somalia in the early 1990s in which
more than 20 American servicemen were killed,
Abdiqassim said the United States should fight
terrorism by pursuing peace, not war. 
``It was unfortunate for the Somali people, and for
the American servicemen killed in 1993, but we hope
that this time another sort of Restore Hope will come
to Somalia,´´ he said. ``Instead of bombing Somalia,
America will come as a friendly country and will lead
the efforts of the international community to rebuild

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BBC: Iran hits back at Bush [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-01-11 Thread Stasi


Friday, 11 January, 2002, 16:31 GMT 







The BBC's Emil 
Petrie"The Iranian government has denied it's a 
haven for Bin Laden's men"


President George W 
Bush"[Iran] needs to be an active part of the 
Iran hits back at 
Iran opposes the West's military role in 



By Jim MuirBBC Tehran 

Former Iranian President Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani has angrily denounced a 
statement by US President George W Bush that Iran must co-operate in the US-led 
war against terrorism. 
Speaking at Friday prayers in Tehran, Mr Rafsanjani described Mr Bush's 
statement as "rude and impudent", and said it would be "counter-productive". 


  How does [Bush] dare speak to our nation in such a rude 
  and impudent manner?... Such threats do not have the intended 

  Hashemi Rafsanjani As much as anything else in Mr Bush's remarks, Mr 
Rafsanjani objected to Iran being told it must do this and it must do that. 
Threats and blackmail, Mr Rafsanjani said, might work with people who were 
afraid of the Americans. But Iran had a long history of revolutionary resistance 
to American pressure, and adopting such a tone would have the opposite effect of 
that intended. 
Influential figure 
Mr Rafsanjani, twice president and currently head of an important 
constitutional body, the Expediency Council, is a pillar of the Iranian 
establishment. He was clearly voicing the view of the regime as a whole. 


  Hashemi Rafsanjani: A long-standing critic of US 
  policyEarlier, the Iranian Foreign Ministry had denounced US 
suggestions that Iran might have permitted fugitives from the al-Qaeda movement 
to cross the border from Afghanistan and seek refuge in Iran. 
The ministry also took issue with the presence of Western military forces in 
Afghanistan, saying that their interference was a destabilising factor hampering 
the establishment of peace in the country. 
Iran is clearly concerned about the intervention of foreign forces on its 
doorstep. It was critical of the Western-led campaign from the outset. 
Radical groups 
Iran is also aware that its own support for radical Middle East groups that 
Washington regards as terrorists could make it a target for eventual attention 
once the Afghan affair is concluded. 
Both in Tehran and Washington, counsels are divided. 
There are elements on both sides that would like to use the current crisis to 
improve relations between the two countries, and others who would resist any 
such effort. 
It is a very fluid situation, and hard to predict which way it might go. 

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Correction on Somalia [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-01-11 Thread Rick Rozoff


Sorry for the earlier error. Somalia separates the Red
Sea from the Gulf of Aden. The Gulf of Oman leads into
the Persian Gulf.

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Singapore: American Troops Targetted In Bomb Plots - BBC [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-01-11 Thread Stasi


Friday, 11 January, 2002, 13:02 GMT

'Americans targeted' in Singapore

The bomb plots were said to be well developed

Suspected Islamic militants arrested in Singapore were plotting attacks on
US servicemen, the Singapore Government said on Friday.

One plan was to blow up a shuttle bus carrying US personnel between a naval
base and a local underground station, a government statement said.

"The plan was apparently developed and ready for activation"
Government statement

Another plan was to bomb US naval vessels off Singapore, the statement said.

Fifteen suspects were arrested last month, but two have since been released.

Details of the plans - including a surveillance video of one of the
targets - were discovered at the time of the arrests, the home affairs
ministry said.

"The plan was apparently developed and ready for activation," the statement

It said eight of the men had received weapons training in al-Qaeda camps in

Indonesia 'links'

The 13 men are being held under the country's controversial internal
security act, which allows for detention without trial.

The government has said the suspected militants belonged to a group called
Jemaah Islamiah, which it said was part of a larger network with cells in
Malaysia and Indonesia.

According to a report in Friday's Washington Post newspaper, US and
Indonesian officials believe hundreds of al-Qaeda fighters trained at a camp
in Indonesia last year, and fear sleeper cells could soon be activated

Authorities in Indonesia acknowledged last month that there were ties
between al-Qaeda and local Islamic groups on the island of Sulawesi.

However officials have publicly denied the existence of militant training

But according to unnamed officials quoted in the Washington Post report,
there was a camp on the island last year, hidden in thick jungle near the
port city of Poso.

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Fw: [CubaNews] Cuba Licensing - The Real Story [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-01-11 Thread mart


Forward from mart.
Please distribute 
- Original Message - 
From: Walter 
Sent: Friday, January 11, 2002 10:04 PM
Subject: [CubaNews] Cuba Licensing - The Real Story

From: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Sent: Friday, January 11, 
URGENT!Folks:Senator Byron Dorgan (ND) is scheduling hearings to 
investigate OFAC (the office within the Treasury Department that both grants 
travel licenses to Cuba and sends out fines to those who are caught 
traveling illegally) and its administration of travel regulations on January 
29th, (less than two weeks away!) in response to widespread inconsistencies 
along with massive 'irregularities' and a recent trend of alarming license 
denials, or non-response to applications and inquiries which have been 
reported in licensing procedures for travel to Cuba. It appears OFAC (Office 
of Foreign Asset Control) is taking 'creative license' in its interpretation 
of the regulations in their issuance/conditioning/refusal of licenses.  
Reflecting constituent pressure, there is an also strong and growing 
movement in Congress to redress this issue, or to scrap travel restriction 
altogether. In two recent votes, congress voted to withhold the use of 
public money in the prosecution of any U.S. citizen who traveled to Cuba 
unlicensed and suffered harassment or penalty fines by OFAC as a misuse of 
public funds.In order for Senator Dorgan to conduct these hearings, he 
needs factual information on people's experiences with trying to get a 
travel license from OFAC. We need to demonstrate the variety of requests, 
and the variety of responses given by different individuals to similar 
requests by OFAC personnel to show how arbitrary these determinations 
actually are.  Therefore, we need you to fill out the following 
questionnaire and return it to Senator Dorgan's aides Brian Moran 
([EMAIL PROTECTED]) as soon as possible, as these hearings are 
scheduled to commence January 29th, and they needs time to process them into 
data.The questions reflect the basic type of data we are seeking, 
preferably with as much detail as possible -- verbal follow-up, 
conversations, etc., and especially about exactly what the license request 
is for.  It would help if we could get copies of the license request 
and any correspondence received from OFAC in time for the hearings. You are 
invited to submit written testimony to be entered into the record.If 
possible, we ask you to copy them to [EMAIL PROTECTED] to make sure we also 
have a database which we can use to begin to make sure that OFAC is not 
impeding what should qualify as legitimate travel.  Our copies will be 
kept confidential and only shared with the legal team investigating this 
issue. For people who have traveled without licenses and would like to 
report their adventures with enforcement, we need that testimony also. Your 
name will not be used without your full permission, but your story is part 
of what must be told for Congress to understand the nuances of this policy 
and its affect on ordinary people, in real life.Given Bush's recess 
appointment of Otto Reich, that circumvented congressional approval, to the 
top State Department post for Western Hemispheric Affairs and the 
ultra-hardline stance he has on the maintaining the embargo, it is 
particularly important get a lot of individuals and organizations to sign 
the petition to Congress on ending the travel ban, to write their 
congressional reps. and to give testimony about their licensing process/ or 
letters from OFAC: fines levied, etc.Finally, I also want to give you 
all the link to an International Policy Report that Wayne Smith recently 
updated on the legal and historical particulars of the travel ban, which may 
be of interest to you all as well. That report is 
. For us, much is at stake, as hearings without factual information 

on the depth of how difficult it is to navigate OFAC, could mean 

the system will only deteriorate further. 
PLEASE participate, this is really an opportunity we 
cannot refuse to move towards our goal of reclaiming our 

unrestricted freedom of travel, and keeping our access to 

Cuba from narrowing or even being further restricted under 

the pretense of these new antiterrorist provisions. 
that you share this survey with anyone else you may 
know who has had licensing problems.  PLEASE RETURN 
LATER THAN JANUARY 25. The hearing will be held on 

January 29.  
StateName (if 

Annan: Apologist For Morocco, West [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-01-11 Thread Rick Rozoff


[That this former UN Envoy to NATO and
Albright-selected operative would be the recipient of
last year's Nobel Peace Prize ranks with Time Magazine
making Adolf Hitler its man of the year in 1938.
As nominal head of the UN, Annan has only one job to
perform in relation to the Western Sahara: To demand
that French and U.S. armed Morocco get out post haste
and stop trying to change the demographics, a la
Indonesia in East Timor earlier.
Instead, the traveling salesman of world imperialism
attacks the Polisario Front and advocates for the
occupying monarchy.]

Saturday January 12, 8:16 AM
Annan backs call for release of Moroccan POWs from
Western Sahara
UN Secretary General Kofi Annan called on the
Polisario Front to release more than 1,350 Moroccan
prisoners of war seized during its struggle for the
independence of the Western Sahara.
In a report to the Security Council, he noted that
most of the prisoners had been held for more than 20
years and described their continued detention as "a
serious humanitarian issue".
Annan said the situation of Saharan refugees living in
camps at Tindouf in neighbouring Algeria was also "a
matter of growing concern".
In a separate letter to the council, Morocco's
ambassador to the United Nations, Mohammed Bennouna,
accused Polisario of using the prisoners of war as
propaganda tools.
On January 2, Polisario said it had released 115
Moroccans at the request of Spanish Prime Minister
Jose Maria Aznar as a gesture to mark the new year and
the end of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan.
Bennouna said their release was "consistent with the
pattern" of Polisario's policy of using prisoners "for
political and propaganda purposes by releasing them in
dribs and drabs."
Bennouna denied that Morocco was holding any Polisario
prisoners, and he asked the Security Council to
"continue its efforts to secure the prompt and
unconditional release of all the Moroccans detained in
camps in Algeria."
Annan said the release of the Moroccans -- like the
release in November of 25 Saharans held by Morocco --
was a "positive development". He urged both sides to
help the UN High Commissioner for Refugees with
confidence-building measures.
Polisario fought a 15-year guerrilla war in Western
Sahara after Morocco annexed the former Spanish colony
in 1976.
The two sides agreed to a ceasefire in 1991 and asked
the UN to organise a referendum on the political
future of the territory, but since then they have been
at loggerheads over the composition of the electoral
Their failure to reach an agreement that would enable
the referendum to take place has cast doubt on the
future of the UN peacekeeping mission in the Western
Sahara, known as MINURSO.
In his report, Annan recalled that the two sides had
held separate meetings with his special envoy for the
Western Sahara, the former US secretary of state James
He said he would report to the council next month with
a recommendation on the mandate of MINURSO, which
expires February 28.

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Ottawa 'Offended': Excluded From Killing And Dying In Afghanistan [WWW.STOPNATO.

2002-01-11 Thread Rick Rozoff


[For the record, my mother and almost all of my -
extremely large - family are Canadians. My spleen on
this issue is really a cri de coeur for a country I
had once hoped was sovereign.]
"Jenkins told Hoon in the House that Britain had
'offended' Canada by excluding it from the force so
that it could involve as many EU members as possible
at the 'expense' of its long-standing NATO ally."

Jan. 11, 01:00 EDT Britain denies snubbing Canadian
troop offer
Tory sees EU bias in Afghan plans
Kevin Ward
LONDON — Britain's defence minister says military
planners did not reject Canadian participation in the
United Nations peacekeeping force in Afghanistan as he
tried to lay to rest suggestions yesterday of a rift
with Canada over the mission.
Geoff Hoon told the House of Commons that Britain had
hoped Canadian engineers would be part of the force in
the Afghan capital of Kabul, despite charges by
British newspapers and a Conservative MP that Canada
has been slighted by the minister's military planners.
"There has been some comment about Canada's generous
offer of an infantry battle group," Hoon said in a
statement. "Their offer was not rejected. We were
simply unable to accept it in its entirety from the
The Times of London reported this week that there was
"deep resentment" over the exclusion of a Canadian
presence in the peacekeeping force of 5,000 soldiers.
The Daily Mail joined in yesterday, reporting that
"Britain's handling of the affair has infuriated the
Canadian government."
But Canadian officials in Ottawa and London say
there's no friction between the two governments over
the makeup of the British-led International Security
Assistance Force.
Tory defence critic Bernard Jenkin said Canada's
participation fell victim to a push for a strong
European element as a chance to get a so-called euro
army off the ground. The European Union is trying to
get a 60,000-strong army together for similar
operations by next year, a force the Tories oppose.
`(Canada´s) offer was not rejected. We were simply
unable to accept it in its entirety from the outset.´
British defence minister Geoff Hoon
Jenkin told Hoon in the House that Britain had
"offended" Canada by excluding it from the force so
that it could involve as many EU members as possible
at the "expense" of its long-standing NATO ally.
Canada, a key contributor to past U.N. peacekeeping
operations, had offered 1,000 light infantry troops to
the mission.
Defence Minister Art Eggleton acknowledged the impact
of European politics on the makeup of the peacekeeping
force when he announced Canada was sending 750 troops
to fight alongside U.S. forces in the Kandahar region
of Afghanistan earlier this week.
A three- or four-member Canadian military
reconnaissance party could leave for Afghanistan as
soon as this weekend to scout the region around
Kandahar, defence officials say.
Eggleton said Canada had been going back and forth
with the British over a role in the Kabul force since
before Christmas. The British suggested Canada send
200 engineers immediately, then follow up with the
infantry battalion in three months, but Canada said
Hoon told the House that Britain had hoped to use
Canadian engineers from the start of the peacekeeping
mission in Kabul, then allow Canada's infantry troops
to replace British soldiers after several weeks.

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Goebbels In Hollywood: War Movies Strike Back [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-01-11 Thread Rick Rozoff


Daily Telegraph
"No one goes to the western for a history lesson." 

War movies strike back
(Filed: 12/01/2002) 
After September 11, Hollywood thought the public would
lose its appetite for action-packed war films. But the
suprise success of movies such as Black Hawk Down -
which tells the story of the US military's ill fated
raid on Mogadishu in 1993, shows us something
startingly different, says Miranda Carter 
IN the aftermath of September 11, Hollywood - in
common with the entire American entertainment industry
- needed to have a big rethink. Within a few days of
the attacks, the release dates of a number of action
films, including Arnold Schwarzenegger's Collateral
Damage, the story of terrorists trying to bomb a
skyscraper, were indefinitely delayed. Brian Grazer,
an influential Hollywood player and producer of Apollo
13 among other films, announced that American
audiences would now be expecting escapism, comedies
and "dramas about family love". His words have been
much quoted. The continuing success of the Harry
Potter movie and The Lord of the Rings, which is
currently at number one in the US box-office charts,
seems to suggest that he was right. Patriotic fare:
Black Hawk Down 
In November, however, in an unprecedentedly direct
attempt to woo Hollywood, George W Bush's senior
political adviser Karl Rove went to Los Angeles for a
"war summit", to discuss how the film industry could,
among other things, "show the heroism of American
armed forces". Only a few weeks later, it was
announced that a new big-budget war film, Black Hawk
Down, was being brought forward from its original
release date of March 2002, to open in late December
2001. Another war film, Behind Enemy Lines, a
fictionalised account of the 1995 shooting down of a
US pilot behind Bosnian Serb lines - and how he
successfully escaped his would-be captors - came out
just before Christmas. In its first week, Behind Enemy
Lines came second only to Harry Potter at the American
box office. 
It is Black Hawk Down, however, that is the real
story. The film has an intriguing pedigree as Ridley
Scott's follow-up to his triumphant Gladiator and
rather less successful Hannibal; it is produced by
Jerry Bruckheimer, who is known for a string of noisy
"popcorn flicks" including the totemic Top Gun and the
lamentable Pearl Harbor. Bruckheimer quickly
identified the appetite for war movies in the wake of
the September 11 atrocities when he said: "It's about
revenge. People want to get back at the guys who did
this, to feel empowered." Black Hawk Down is based on
the best-selling book by Mark Bowden about the 1993
raid on Mogadishu in Somalia by American special
forces made up of Delta Force operatives and young and
largely inexperienced US Rangers. The mission was to
kidnap two advisers of General Mohammed Farrah Aidid,
the Somali warlord and clan leader whom the US
regarded as the greatest obstacle to peace in the
region. It became the US Army's biggest firefight
since Vietnam. It was also an extraordinary military
disaster in which two Black Hawk helicopters were shot
down in Mogadishu itself, two more were disabled, and
18 American soldiers and more than 1,000 Somalis died.
The next day the bodies of several American soldiers
were dragged naked through the streets of Mogadishu by
angry crowds. Reading Bowden's book, it is hard to
imagine how one could turn this event into the kind of
exciting, patriotic fare to which American audiences
might flock without actually rewriting history - or,
at the very least, leaving an awful lot out. 
That, of course, is pretty much exactly what Scott and
Bruckheimer have done. They have eliminated all but
the most cursory of explanations of the context of the
raid, of why the soldiers were unprepared, and why the
Somalis were so furious. Black Hawk Down is a
well-made action-war movie. There is virtually no
character delineation of the soldiers; the Somalis are
a ferocious black wave, a crowd of careering extras
straight out of Zulu. The hideous confusion, deafening
noise and brutality of battle are exhaustingly
portrayed with an unvarnished vividness that recalls
the first 20 minutes of Saving Private Ryan. There is
no overt flag-waving, but the film carries an
unmistakable message. The operation was a noble
failure: it showed the strength of the American army.
Through it all, the soldiers were stoic and brave.
Casualties were caused in large part by the Rangers'
loyalty to one another, and their determination to
"leave no man behind". 
Bowden has announced himself pleased with the film.
But his book, almost despite itself, paints a far
broader and more ambiguous portrait of the
circumstances surounding the raid and reaches a rather
different conclusion. Although he is deeply
sympathetic to and admiring of the soldiers, and is
unwilling to apportion blame, his account shows that
the raid was part of a largely ill-planned change of
policy pursued by the new 

NATO Cohorts To Share Gibraltar Colony [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-01-11 Thread Rick Rozoff


[Self-determination and the rights of non-contiguous
subjugated peoples 
- e.g., Corsica, Ireland, Canary Islands, Greenland,
Diego Garcia, French Guiana, Guam, the Azores, the
Malvinas, the Marshall Islands, French Polynesia, the
Dutch Antilles - are only raised when NATO wants to
bomb and fragment a defenseless non-member.] 

UK and Spain close to Gibraltar solution Giles
Tremlett in Madrid 
Saturday January 12, 2002
The Guardian 
Britain and Spain have found a potential solution to
their 300-year-old row over who owns Gibraltar,
through the simple procedure of sharing it
indefinitely, it was reported yesterday. 
Although neither Britain nor Spain was officially
prepared to confirm the news, both said they believed
they were still on track to sign an agreement that
would put an end to the row by the summer. Spain's
acceptance of an open-ended power sharing deal,
reported in Spain's El Pais, would be a big shift from
its historic demand for the return of Gibraltar to
Previous potential deals, all unacceptable to the vast
majority of Gibraltarians, had always included a fixed
period of power sharing followed by a Hong Kong-style
handover to Spain. The handover, under a Spanish
proposal which has been on the table for a decade,
would have happened within 50 to 100 years. 
The problem with the new solution, which would imitate
the co-sovereignty that France and a Spanish
archbishop share over the tiny Pyrenean mountain state
of Andorra, remained, however, whether the people of
Gibraltar could be persuaded to back it. The Foreign
Office has explicitly promised that any deal that
affects sovereignty would be put to a referendum of
the Rock's 30,000 inhabitants. 
"We want an agreement... that Gibraltarians can be
convinced to accept," a spokesman at the British
embassy in Madrid said yesterday. Gibraltarians have
always fiercely opposed any deal that might give Spain
a say in their future. Fifteen years of isolation
under General Franco - who sealed the frontier between
the Rock and Spain - and more than 20 years of
officially sanctioned harassment by Spanish border
guards since then have done nothing to dispel the
mistrust. Spain took a first timid step towards
winning hearts and minds when, at a November meeting
between the foreign secretary Jack Straw and the
Spanish foreign minister Josep Pique, it agreed to
give Gibraltar 100,000 extra phone lines and provide
some health services to the people there. 
Spanish officials said yesterday they were aware any
deal would have to be approved by the people of
Gibraltar. "Our agreement, however, will be with
Britain," a foreign ministry spokesman said. El Pais
reported that officials on both sides believed that,
even if it was rejected by the Gibraltarians, a deal
between the two countries would still amount to
significant progress in the dispute, which continues
to cause problems in Brussels with Spain blocking some
EU legislation because of its impact on Gibraltar.
Officials from both sides were meeting yesterday to
thrash out the agreement, to be signed by Mr Straw and
Mr Pique in the summer. A spokesman at the British
embassy said sovereignty was the main item on the
agenda. "We always said sovereignty is one of the
aspects. It is what it is all about," he said. 
When Gibraltarians last voted, in 1967, on whether
they wanted to join Spain, 44 people were in favour
while 12,138 were against. 

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Britain Pours Fuel On Nuclear Fire [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-01-11 Thread Rick Rozoff


[Pardon the coarseness of the expression, but a
retired Pakistani general months ago said that his
country was "the condom used by the United States to
penetrate Afghanistan and now we'll be flushed down
the toilet." 
Similarly, Great Britain's former Ethical Foreign
Policy and NATO's Humanitarian Intervention were the
prophylactics employed to destroy Yugoslavia and
reinsert British colonial and U.S. neocolonial power
in Northwest Africa. 
Having now rehabiltated Western imperialism and
established NATO as military master of the world, all
the fluffy New Age sloganeering can be thrown out in
tomorrow's trash. 
War and global destabilization are, after all,
supremely profitable, and no death merchant worthy of
his name would miss out on such a splendid

£1bn arms push to India 
· Blair criticised over deal days after promoting
peace · 60 Hawk jets in package promoted by ministers
Richard Norton-Taylor and Ewen MacAskill Saturday
January 12, 2002 
The Guardian 
The government is mounting an intensive campaign to
boost arms sales to India, including 60 Hawk jets
worth £1bn, in spite of the danger of the
India-Pakistan dispute over Kashmir spilling into war
and destabilising the entire region. 
The arms push comes only a week after Tony Blair
visited India and Pakistan. He expressed the hope that
"we can have a calming influence" and warned of the
"enormous problems the whole of the world would face
if things went wrong". 
BAE Systems, makers of the Hawk, is confident of
striking a deal with the Indians. Ministers have been
pressing India behind the scenes to clinch the
British arms companies will be prominent at an arms
fair in New Delhi, Defexpo 2002, devoted to naval and
land warfare. On offer at the exhibition next month
will be howitzers, anti-aircraft guns, missiles and
Sales of arms to India would contravene the ethical
guide lines adopted by Labour soon after it came into
power. The government is supposed to take into account
any threat to regional stability. Geoff Hoon, the
defence secretary, has been pressing India to make a
decision on the Hawk deal. John Prescott, the deputy
prime minister, is scheduled to visit India next month
for a conference on sustainable development but he is
also expected to raise the Hawk deal, which he
championed during a visit to New Delhi last year. Mr
Blair has also been asked to throw his weight behind
the Hawk campaign. Downing Street, after reviewing the
request, decided it was not opposed in principle to
the sale but that, politically, it would be unwise for
the prime minister to be involved. The head of the
Indian army, Sunderajan Padmanabhan, said yesterday
that the build-up of Indian and Pakistan forces along
the border had brought the two "quite close to an
actual war" and his country was ready for it. The
build-up follows an attack on the Indian parliament by
Kashmiri separatists that India claims were backed by
Pakistan. Sixteen people were killed in Kashmir
yesterday, mainly in shoot-outs between the Indian
army and security forces and Kashmiri rebels. A
spokesman for the Pakistan high commission in London
yesterday said Pakistan was "very concerned" at the
arms build-up: "India has overwhelming support in
conventional weapons. India has increased its defence
spending by 28% in the last two years whereas Pakistan
has virtually frozen its defence budget in the same
period. "Any build-up of Indian equipment will
aggravate the situation as it will tilt the balance
even more in favour of India and encourage
Britain imposed an effective arms embargo on Pakistan
three years ago. Although the US lifted its arms
embargo late last year after Pakistan helped the US in
the war in Afghanistan, the Pakistan high commission
spokesman insisted the British embargo was still in
place, with requests for spare parts being delayed. 
Richard Bingley, spokesman for the Campaign Against
the Arms Trade, said yesterday: "It is diabolical that
just days after Tony Blair was promoting peace in
India, his government uses taxpayers' money to fund
activity which could achieve the exact opposite."
Britain will have one of the biggest pavilions at the
New Delhi fair. The pavilion is being organised by the
Defence Manufacturers Association with financial
support from Trade Partners UK, a government body
funded by taxpayers. 
Alan Sharman, the association's director general, said
yesterday that 30 British companies would attend,
along with officials of the government-funded defence
export services organisation. The exhibition's
brochure says that "with the recent political
developments in the south-east Asian region" India is
increasing its defence budget. The Society of British
Aerospace Companies is separately sending a delegation
to India next month. Several hundred BAE Systems' jobs
at the production line in Brough, East Yorkshire - in
Mr Prescott's constituency - will be at risk of 

U.S. Military To Reconquer Philippines [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-01-11 Thread Rick Rozoff


[We didn't 'fight' the Spanish-American War for
nothing, of course. The Afghans are seeing history
repeat itself according to the Filipino model
currently as a matter of fact.] 

Manila may use American troops 
John Aglionby, south-east Asia correspondent Saturday
January 12, 2002 
The Guardian 
Manila is considering a US "battle plan" to send up to
1,000 special forces troops to help fight a
long-running Islamist insurgency in the southern
US media quoted "confidential sources" yesterday as
saying that the deployment could comprise a full
military battalion - up to 1,000 troops. 
However, Manila said that nothing had been decided and
indicated that the assistance may be as small as a
tenth of the figure touted. The Philippines president,
Gloria Arroyo, stressed that any US involvement would
be in a training and supply capacity, although troops
would be allowed up to the frontline. She said Manila
was not asking the US to fight but that it was more
practical for them to be nearer the frontline. 
Many Filipino politicians fear the US could assume a
combat role, despite laws forbidding suchinvolvement.
Several dozen US soldiers have been in the Philippines
for a few months, preparing for a larger force and
training Filipino troops. The soldiers are operating
mainly on the islands of Mindanao and Basilan. More
than 5,000 Filipino troops are fighting the Abu Sayyaf
Islamists as well as renegade elements of the Moro
National Liberation Front and Moro Islamic Liberation
Front in the southern islands. Abu Sayyaf is holding a
US missionary couple and a female Filipino nurse. They
have killed many captives, including an American. A US
military spokesman, Lieutenant Commander Jeff Davis,
said American troops were unlikely to become involved
in combat. Meanwhile in Singapore yesterday, the
government released a video, sketches and notes found
in an al-Qaida leader's house in Afghanistan detailing
possible terrorist targets in the island city state,
including US military personnel, the US embassy,
British and Australian high commissions, and a list of
US businesses. Singapore said yesterday that the plan
was ready to be implemented. · France has jailed a
Frenchman of Algerian descent with links to al-Qaida,
officials said. Ahmed Laidouni, 34, who had apparently
trained in an al-Qaida camp in Afghanistan, was
arrested on Christmas Eve and jailed for violating a
1999 judicial order forcing him to report to the

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Re: Richard: On Latvia ( or: Why I hate Gorby) [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-01-11 Thread Hcottin


They (before-Gorbachev leaders in the USSR)  were for socialism. Can you imagine them all taking money today from the bourgeiosie and saying nothing about the death of socialism in the USSR? I guess I can't. 

I am passionately on the side of the working class around the world. Those who oppose it or who lend themselves to defending capitalism are the enemies of the children of the world, they are the enemies of freedom and dignity. 

I cannot imagine anyone who I respect working consciously for the foundations and think tanks taking blood money to live and "work," as Michial Gorbachev does. He is a class enemy. If he were not, he'd be criticising everything; poverty, the wars in Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, the World Bank, the IMF, WTO. 

He's be organizing Russians to take back their nation by force of arms from the felons who are destroying it. He's be in the streets of Moscow and (I hate this name) St. Petersberg (Leningrad, for goodness sake, LENINGRAD!!), with the workers, on strike, looting the food stores, defying authorities. Organizing, fighting, agitating. 

He'd be telling the world that the USSR came to the aid of the Marxist government in Afghanistan because the US and Pakistan was supporting the feudal brutal Mujahadeen. He'd be saying that that government gave women freedom, educated the children, was trying to bring Afghanistan out of the 7th century. And the US, in its most expensive CIA contra war EVER destroyed it.supporting the Taliban and the Northern alliance and the heroin trade. Gorbachev would talk truth. Silence. he is silent. 

I don't know who you are, Richard, but you must remember the part in John Reed's Ten Days that Shook the World in which a revolutionary soldier stopped a bourgeois group from promenading across a bridge and walking past the building that housed the Bolshevik government. When they asked to pass, he refused them, saying that either you were with the proleatiat or the bourgeoisie, and the only people who could pass were with the proletariat. 

Or do you know the US labor song, Which Side Are you On? 

That is what this is about. This isn't about whether you think it was nice to have Glastnost or Peristroika, it is about how these policies helped lead to the destruction of the USSR and led to the wholesale death of the Soviet people. And the end of revoulionary movements everywhere. 

This temporary cessation of the foward movement of the working class will have cost several hundred million lives around the globe by the time the workers of the world finally organize revolution.

Under socialism ,one can't afford to have well-intentioned policies. One must fight agaisnt bourgeois tendencies and resist the imperialists who are always going to try to annihilate socialism. 

That cretin Fukayama talked about an end to histroy. The Enlightenment was stopped. Capitalism won, all was ducky for the rich. It was not; but in the 1980s and 1990s capitalism spread around the world like a terrible scourge and the revolutionary immune system that was found WHILE THE USSR WAS STILL EXTANT was destroyed. 

Now that the capitalist system is globally tanking, now that the overproduction in every nation is choking the economies, now that the only real profits can be found in war, now the working class will be waking up. In Argentina, the left has put aside their differences and is talking and working together. In the US, young people are joining together to fight for civil liberties and agaisnt war. These are small, but indicative developments. 

Are you  familiar with the Turner Thesis? This is the final appication of it. The US has rub out of frontiers, the capitalists can't invest many more places, the system has really outlived its usefulness, and   Gorbachev isn't on the same page as those who know this. He worries about pollution. That's nice.  So does the Sierra Club and the Boyscouts, but they aren't on the side of the working class, and neither does that "great leader" you admire.

I will stop. 

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