Re: Apache::ASP Mod_perl

2015-07-17 Thread Warren Young
On Jul 17, 2015, at 1:16 PM, Cris Boisvert wrote:
 Trying to get apache with asp and mod perl working.

On what platform?  Specifically, which versions of Apache, mod_perl, and Perl 
are you using?

 I get this error in the logs.
 [asp] [1349] [error] error compiling test.asp: Can't modify constant item in 
 scalar assignment at /var/www/site/test.asp line 16, at EOF -- , 
 /usr/share/perl5/Apache/ line 1466

I’ve never seen that one.  It means Apache::ASP couldn’t compile an *.asp or 
*.inc file, but I couldn’t say why.

What I can tell you is that Apache::ASP really hasn’t been updated 
significantly since the days when mod_perl was the standard way to deploy Perl 
web apps, which hasn’t been true for quite some time now.  The Perl world has 
moved on to Plack/PSGI and FastCGI instead, and mod_perl has been left to 
bit-rot.  It’s gotten to the point that RHEL 7 and its derivatives no longer 
even include mod_perl.

While all of this can be worked around, I can’t recommend going to the trouble 
if you don’t have a legacy code base to get working again, and not even then in 
most cases.

We ported our web app to Dancer.  It was quite a bit of work, but we’re very 
happy with the new framework.

I wrote a longish review of Dancer as compared to Apache::ASP here on this list 
about a year back:
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Re: Migrate existing Apache::ASP code from mod_perl to mod_fcgid?

2014-05-22 Thread Warren Young

On 5/21/2014 17:52, Josh Chamas wrote:

I built Apache::ASP back in the day when both PHP and Java were toys
(even Linux was half baked), and glue of the web and unix systems was
often perl, my first love of a language.

One of my requirements was in fact that the next framework be 
Perl-based, and only partly because we had all this code already 
written.  The other reason, of course, is that Perl remains a highly 
productive language for me.  I still reach for it first when writing 
anything scripty, despite knowing a dozen or so other languages that 
could also accomplish the task.

As Bjarne said[1], there are the languages everyone complains about, and 
the ones nobody uses. :)


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Re: Migrate existing Apache::ASP code from mod_perl to mod_fcgid?

2014-05-22 Thread Warren Young

On 5/22/2014 00:45, Tsirkin Evgeny wrote:

It seems like the Dancer is following the famous MVC/Ruby on Rails where
it can.

Dancer is actually a Perl reimplementation of a Ruby framework called 
Sinatra.  (Get it?  Dancer?  Sinatra?  Ahahaha.)

Dancer is very much *not* MVC, only V.

The problem with MVC systems is that they only work when you can write 
your M's and C's in the same framework, or connect directly to them. 
They also presume that there are M's and C's to be had in the first 
place.  I suspect a lot of MVC apps out there are actually contorted 
designs, twisting themselves into the rigid MVC container.

Apache::ASP and Dancer are both policy-free, in that they don't tell you 
how to design your app.  They just give you a bag of tools and say, Go 
to it!  For the sort of web app that doesn't fit well-established 
categories -- blogs, CRUD editors, etc. -- that's exactly what I want. 
Other examples are node.js, Nitrogen, Mason+Poet, and straight PHP.

Counterexamples are Rails, Catalyst, Drupal, Zope...  These all are more 
of a Framework-with-big-F.  They are prescriptive, telling you, Build 
your app this way and it will be a lot easier.  True only if your app 
speaks the framework's design language natively.

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Re: Migrate existing Apache::ASP code from mod_perl to mod_fcgid?

2014-05-22 Thread Warren Young

On 5/22/2014 11:01, Josh Chamas wrote:

You know I have not much followed the routing paradigms.  To me it seems
that this would be an area I would have solved with a mod_rewrite or a
mod_perl handler, changing up the URL destination on the back end.

Routing is more than just an abstraction between the implementation 
level and the presentation to the browser.  It forces you to consider 
your logical URL structure.

My Apache::ASP code just growed, like Topsy.  One page at a time, with 
no consideration of the interfaces exposed by the other pages.  There 
was consistency of design only to the extent that there was code 
copying, and then in decreasing fashion with respect to time, as the 
cloned pages diverged.

As soon as I started developing a system of routes in the Dancer port, I 
realized that I had an API.  It was sitting there the whole time, never 
identified in the Apache::ASP form, but there it was in the Dancer code, 
clear as day.  Once I'd formally extracted it, I spent a day redesigning 
it the way it should always have been.  The correct design popped right 
out, obvious as a green sky.

This happens because you have to describe your URL structure to Dancer, 
one URL per line.  Many fit in a single screen of text, so patterns jump 
out at you.

Example in Dancer pseudocode:

get '/' = ...
get '/login' = ...
get '/logout' = ...

prefix '/app' = sub {
get 'page1' = 
get 'page2' = 

prefix '/api' = sub {
del  'foo/:id' = ...
get  'foo/:id' = ...
post 'foo' = ...
put  'foo' = ...

get  'bar/:id' = ...
...same as foo...

The story this route structure tells is clear:

1. First you go to the top level page, which perhaps has a Log In link 
or button to send you to the /login page.

2. The /login page creates a session and bounces you to /app when you 
log in successfully.

3. There's a button or link somewhere that sends you to /logout, which 
destroys your session and sends you back to / or /login.

4. The app does CRUD-y things to foo and bar objects through 
/api/{foo,bar}, creating via PUT, reading via GET, updating via POST, 
and deleting via DELETE.  GET and DELETE require a record ID to tell the 
handler what to operate on, while PUT and POST must be fairly complex in 
what they will accept, so that the parameters cannot be marked as 
required in the route structure.

It's kind of like that Fred Brooks quote, Show me your flowcharts and 
conceal your tables, and I shall continue to be mystified. Show me your 
tables, and I won’t usually need your flowcharts; they’ll be obvious.

I wonder if Apache::ASP were to be made to work
with something like Plack, if it would pick up some routing potential on
the way (or maybe just a Plack way of doing things?)

I don't think so.  I believe a minimum-effort Apache::ASP Plack port 
would have only one feature relative to Apache::ASP v2, that being web 
stack independence.  From your perspective, the big difference is that 
you have to replace all the mod_perl Apache2::Foo stuff with Plack/PSGI 

To get a handle on what routing does for Dancer, say:

$ sudo cpanm Dancer
$ dancer -a foo

This generates a complete, self-contained sample app, suitable for 
hacking on directly.  That is to say, the file and directory structure 
it generates is suitable for production use.

The routing structure is in foo/lib/  You also use this file to 
define hooks, which are roughly equivalent to global.asa event handlers 
in Apache::ASP.  Script_OnStart is the same as Dancer's before hook, 
for example.  There is no direct equivalent of Session_OnStart, but you 
can build that into the before hook, too.  The Dancer equivalent to 
the Application_* event handlers is foo/bin/

If Apache::ASP were to get a routing system, I don't know that you'd 
necessarily want to put it in global.asa.  It works well for Dancer, but 
perhaps another design would make more sense for Apache::ASP, since 
global.asa has historical meaning.

Notice, by the way, that foo/lib gets added to @INC by foo/bin/ 
This solves another problem I had with Apache::ASP, which doesn't like 
you to define functions and classes in your *.asp files.  You end up 
creating *.pm files to hold all reused and complicated code.  Where then 
do you put those *.pm files so that mod_perl can find them?

In my Apache::ASP app, I ended up installing them into the system's 
site_perl directory, and then I could never remember the path to those 
files when I had to hand-hack one of these files on a production server 
to test a problem fix in the field.  With Dancer, the *.pm files are 
right there next to the rest of the app.

The most problem with Apache::ASP for by now is that it is tied to
with it's module reloading ,memory hogging problems.

Yes, always been a problem, but memory is so cheap! :)

I know you're joking, but RAM on VPSes isn't 

Re: Migrate existing Apache::ASP code from mod_perl to mod_fcgid?

2014-05-21 Thread Warren Young

On 5/20/2014 13:06, Josh Chamas wrote:

So where does this put you in the consideration of platform migration
etc? Plack, Mason, TT, etc.

Shortly after I started this thread, I decided to just try one of the 
alternatives, for education value if nothing else.

I narrowed my options to Dancer and Mason+Poet, as those are the only 
two popular, full-featured, actively-developed Perl web frameworks that 
still run under Perl 5.8, which we're going to have to support for years 
yet.  Mojolicious and Catalyst are the other main options, and they both 
require 5.10.

Mason is functionally quite similar to Apache::ASP, whereas I'd say less 
than 50% of Dancer directly maps to the ASP way of doing things. 
Nevertheless, I decided to start with Dancer purely because it has a 
more active mailing list.  I told myself that I would fall back to Mason 
if the Dancer experiment fizzled.  As it turned out, Dancer delivered in 
spades, so I never did spend any time with Mason+Poet.

About the only things in Dancer that map 1:1 to Apache::ASP -- or near 
enough that simple regexes can fix up most of the differences -- are the 
Request, Response and Session objects.

Dancer differs from Apache::ASP in pretty much every other way:

- There is no direct equivalent of Apache::ASP's Application and Server 
objects.  The features are all present in Dancer, but not collected 
together in the same way.  For example, $Server-Config('foo') is 
config-{foo} in Dancer.

(As a rule, Dancer function and object names are shorter than in 
Apache::ASP.  For another example, $Request-QueryString('foo') is param 
'foo' in Dancer.)

- Dancer's API is a DSL rather than idiomatic Perl as in Apache::ASP. 
This bothers to about the same extent that script blocks in an HTML 
file bother me.  Bouncing between languages adds a context switch while 
reading code; it's worst when you have blocks of code that fill a 
screen, so that you have to remember context of language A across a 
screenful of language B.

Apache::ASP can't throw stones, though, due to the mixing of Perl and 
HTML in *.asp files.  It's easier to wrap the Dancer DSL in a Perlish 
API than it is to avoid Perl code in *.asp files.

- Apache::ASP's URL handing is file-based.  That is, the mere existence 
of $webroot/foo.asp means http://server/foo.asp is a legal URL.  Dancer, 
like many newer frameworks, has a route-based URL system, meaning that 
you define your dynamic URL hierarchy in code, rather than in the 
filesystem.  (Static resource files are still mapped directly to URLs in 
Dancer, of course.)

The files your route handlers use to fulfill each request is entirely up 
to the you.  Some kind of straightforward 1:1 mapping (e.g. /foo/bar 
uses views/foo/ is sensible, but not by any means required.

- Dancer encourages you to separate your GET and POST handlers into 
separate routes, whereas with Apache::ASP, the path of least resistance 
is to put them both in the same file, for much the same reason that CGI 
scripts have GET and POST handling in the same file.  You end up with 
stuff like:

if ($Request-{Method} eq 'POST') {
# Examine $Request-Form to figure out what kind of POST it is,
# extract data from the form data, process it, etc.
else {
# Do something entirely different for GET

# Render page, either a fresh one for the GET case, or a response to
# a form submission in the POST case.

Separating your POST and GET routes reduces at least one indent level, 
and keeps mostly-unrelated code separate.  It also works better with 
Ajax-based code, since GET usually returns HTML, whereas POST will more 
likely return JSON.

- Dancer has built-in automatic data serializers for several common 
formats: JSON, XML, YAML, Data::Dumper...

This is great for Ajax code since:

return {
foo = 'some value',
bar = ( 'a', 'set', 'of', 'other', 'values' ),

...serializes naturally to a JSON object.  My Apache::ASP pages that 
returned JSON had to manually set Content-Type and manually call 
JSON::encode_json() to serialize my Perl objects for return from Ajax 

- Dancer offers many different templating systems, whereas Apache::ASP 
offers just the one.  Only one of the templating systems with a Dancer 
adapter on CPAN -- Mason -- works anything like the ASP templating 
language, in that it allows you to freely intermix HTML and Perl.  I 
initially tried using Dancer + Mason to minimize the amount of work 
needed to translate my ASP code, but after running into some 
difficulties I switched to Text::Xslate, and got hooked.

Systems like Xslate force you to collect all of the Perl code to build a 
page into one location, and write the template as a separate file.  This 
makes both the Perl and template code clearer, since you're not visually 
jumping back and forth between languages, as touched on above.

Template systems like this get you a lot of the benefits of the MVC 

Migrate existing Apache::ASP code from mod_perl to mod_fcgid?

2013-12-27 Thread Warren Young
mod_perl no longer builds against Apache 2.4[1].  Consequently, the RHEL 
7 beta doesn't include it[2].

The claimed replacement is mod_fcgid, but as far as I can tell from the 
Apache::ASP CGI page[3] the standalone CGI mode seems to require plain 
Perl scripts, not intermixed HTML + ASP/Perl files.

So, does this effectively kill Apache::ASP?  Is there another path 
forward, or should I be looking to migrate to some other framework? 


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Re: File upload problem / $Request-Form problem

2009-07-01 Thread Warren Young

Andrew Koebrick (ADM) wrote:

asp title:
cgi title: test title

Would I be correct in guessing that this Apache::ASP application is 
brand new, and hasn't been running successfully for some time in the 
same configuration?  If so, I would guess that you don't yet have 
Apache::ASP set up correctly.  Try the examples, and the generic 
troubleshooting steps you can find in the mailling list archives and the 

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Re: File upload problem

2009-06-30 Thread Warren Young

Andrew Koebrick (ADM) wrote:
( that the recommendation is to roll 
back to CGI v2.78.  

The docs are just giving that version as a known-working example.  I've 
successfully uploaded files to servers running v2.89 and v3.15.

I end up with an empty file on my server.

Empty, or missing?

If you're expecting to access the actual file-on-disk, rather just read 
the data via a file handle, you need to set

PerlSetVar FileUploadTemp 1

in your httpd.conf file.  Otherwise, Apache deletes the temp file it 
uses to hold the upload.  As an example of why you'd care, my code sets 
this configuration variable this because the first thing it does is 'mv' 
the file to its new permanent home in the filesystem.

If I try to read directly from 
request-Form I get the error:

Perl is case-sensitive, and the $ is not optional.  It's 
$Request-Form.  I typically do this at the top of pages that receive 
form posts:

if ($Request-{Method} eq 'POST') {
  my $form = $Request-Form;
  # process $form-{stuff} here

Being able to access the form values via $form saves a lot of typing.

 my $filename = $query-param(Identifier-upload);

I would only use to set up the file upload form, as described in 
the Apache::ASP docs.  I wouldn't continue to use it on the POST 
handling side like this.  Apache::ASP has its own mechanisms, which I'd 
trust more.  Using the shorthand above, you'd say

my $filename = $form-{Identifier-upload};


my $upload_filehandle = $query-upload(Identifier-upload);

Again, you're fighting Apache::ASP by doing things through that 
Apache::ASP already does.  If you want just the file handle, that's

$Request-{FileUpload}{upload_field}-{FileHandle} ASP-speak.  See

If you set the httpd.conf variable as above, the name of the file is in


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Re: newbie question

2008-09-22 Thread Warren Young

k0STEk wrote:

Function HrF (Link, Alt, Group)

Would you be surprised to learn that your newbie question is answered in 
the FAQ?

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Re: Apache::ASP Installation Issue

2008-08-19 Thread Warren Young

Randy wrote:

In the browser, I get the asp script.

That means Apache::ASP isn't even being called for the page, which is an 
Apache configuration problem, not a problem with Apache::ASP.  (Problems 
with Apache::ASP or the ASP pages themselves show up as complaints in 

In all of what you posted about your httpd.conf contents, I don't see 
that you've actually configured Apache to use Apache::ASP.  This is from 
the top of the configuration section of the manual:

PerlModule Apache::ASP
Files ~ (\.asp)
   SetHandler  perl-script
   PerlHandler Apache::ASP
   PerlSetVar  Global .
   PerlSetVar  StateDir /tmp/asp

I posted something much like it in my initial reply to you.  It applies 
just as well on Windows as on Linux.  Apache is Apache.

I don't seem to have a global.asa file anywhere on the server. 

I don't know that Apache::ASP fails to work without it, but you do want 
it.  Here's the default one:

Search for global.asa on for more on what it does.

Also see the documentation for the Global configuration option to see 
how to change where global.asa lives:

In the snippet above, it appears it's telling Apache::ASP to look in the 
same directory as your .asp files, which may not be a good thing if you 
want the contents of your global.asa to be secret.  You can use the 
Global directive to put global.asa outside the document tree, so Apache 
won't serve it.  Alternately, you can configure Apache to never serve *.asa.

Directory D:\Xxx\xx

Are you sure this section actually works?  From the Apache platform 
notes for Windows:

because Apache uses Unix-style names internally, you must use forward
slashes, not backslashes

What is the StateDir? Never heard of it.

It's in the manual:

By the httpd user to whom do you refer?

The user that Apache runs under.  It might not be your user account.  If 
you run it as a Windows service, by default, it runs as the SYSTEM user.

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Re: Apache::ASP Installation Issue

2008-08-18 Thread Warren Young

Randy wrote:

Any suggestions? (other than put it on a xxnix box)

The common wisdom says that Windows is easier to use.  In a lot of 
cases, this is true.

This is not one of those cases.  Apache::ASP is a native of *ix systems, 
and so it's far easier to install it there.  You usually don't have to 
set up Apache, mod_perl, or compilers on a Linux box...they're just 
assumed to be there, already working, or at least easy to install.  The 
lack of this support environment is what you're running into on Windows.

Even if you have an absolute requirement to use Windows for the final 
product, I would suggest getting started with Linux first.  That will 
give you necessary experience with Apache and Apache::ASP which will 
help you to understand the Windows instructions.

You don't have to get dedicated hardware for this, or install Linux. 
You can download all this, ready to go.  First, get VMware Player, here:

Now we need a VM.  Download VA-LAMP-vmware-*.zip from:

This VM is set up for basic Apache serving already.  There are several 
more steps required to add Apache::ASP support, but all are easy.  It 
might take 15 minutes, all told.

0. Install VMware Player.  It wants to reboot the host machine, but it 
isn't really necessary.

1. Extract the contents of the VM zip file to the place you want the VM 
to live.  You'll need 2.5 GB of disk space.

2. Open the VA-LAMP folder and double-click the VA-LAMP.vmx file you 
find inside.  This will start the VM in VMware Player.

3. After the VM boots -- it won't take long! -- you'll see it report the 
IP address that your LAN's DHCP server assigned it.  Write it down.  For 
the sake of the discussion below, we'll say it's

4. Put that IP address into a web browser to test that the VM is 
working.  You should see the VM's welcome page.

5. Say Start  Run and put \\\wwwroot into the Open field 
and hit Enter.  This will connect to the directory holding the content 
being served from the VM by Apache.  Log in as admin/admin when 
prompted.  You should see index.html.  Delete it, or move it off the VM.

6. Now we have to create the new Apache configuration file, and it's 
easier to do it in Windows and transfer it over, rather than transcribe 
it into the VM directly.  You'll need a Unix-aware text editor for this. 
 If you don't have one, I can recommend Notepad++, which is free:

Paste the text below into a new text file, adjusting the first two lines 
as desired.  If you're using Notepad++, say Format  Convert to UNIX 
Format.  Then save it out as \\\wwwroot\asp.conf to write a 
copy of the new configuration file to the VM's virtual hard disk.

-- 8 -- cut here - 8 -

ServerName my-first-apache-asp-server
DocumentRoot /var/www/html

Directory /var/www/html
Allow from all
AllowOverride None
DirectoryIndex index.asp
Options FollowSymLinks
Order allow,deny

IfModule mod_perl.c
PerlModule Apache::ASP

Files ~ (\.asp)
SetHandler perl-script
PerlHandler Apache::ASP
PerlSetVar Global /var/www/html
PerlSetVar StateDir /tmp/asp

-- 8 -- cut here - 8 -

7. Click back into the VMware Player window, log in as root/root, and 
give the following commands to set up Apache.  First, we'll blow away 
the default Apache config and put our new one in its place:

# cd /etc/apache2/sites-enabled
# rm *
# mv /var/www/html/asp.conf ../sites-available
# ln -s ../sites-available/asp.conf .

We've started with a minimal VM, so we don't have the C compilers and 
such on the system yet.  Let's go get 'em:

# apt-get update
# apt-get install build-essential

Now we need to set up CPAN:

# cpan

Answer the configuration questions, accepting all defaults.

Now we can install Apache::ASP and its prerequisites:

cpan install Bundle::Apache::ASP
cpan exit

Now, the clincher: we need to restart Apache, to load our new configuration:

# apache2ctl restart

This should run quickly and silently.  It if complains, you did 
something incorrect above.

9. Pop out of the VM (Ctrl-Alt), open your Unix-aware text editor again, 
ensure it's in Unix line ending mode, and write this:

% print Hello, world! %

Save it out as \\\wwwroot\index.asp and hit the refresh 
button in your web browser.  The page should change to say Hello, 
world!  If so, congratulations, Apache::ASP is working.  Continue on 
with the examples at

If all of this is too much for you to deal with, best just use Windows' 
own flavor of ASP.

Re: Peculiar problem with CompressGzip

2008-05-08 Thread Warren Young

Thanos Chatziathanassiou wrote:

enable CompressGzip on that specific directory.

What happens if you use mod_deflate instead?

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Re: Apache ASP question - RedHat Linux - Plesk8.2

2007-08-23 Thread Warren Young

hc_andy wrote:

I've created a sample test.asp (code below) 

Where did you put it?  What are the permissions on the file?  What 
happens if you copy it to test.html and replace the Write() call with 
plain old static text?

To get plesk/apache to display .asp pages, do
I have to enable something somewhere 

Plesk being Plesk, it should just work once you've installed the module.

If it doesn't, it can be a mess to find out why not, because Plesk likes 
to create alternate copies of configuration files in odd locations which 
it uses instead of the standard copy, which it leaves in place just to 
confuse you.  The only solution to this is to stop using Plesk and go 
old school.  (I am speaking as one who is strongly considering changing 
hosting providers for this very reason.)

$Response-Write(Hello, world!);

The syntax of your test file is fine.  The problem lies elsewhere.

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Re: apache::asp maintenance

2007-08-17 Thread Warren Young

Joshua Chamas wrote:

I plan to push another release in the next couple of weeks 

Did you mean to type months?  :)

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Re: apache::asp maintenance

2007-07-09 Thread Warren Young

Joshua Chamas wrote:

If you have other needs please let me know.

Well, for inertia reasons, we're still maintaining a lot of CentOS 3 and 
Red Hat Linux 9 type systems, with mod_perls of 1.99_07 and _09 vintage, 
which was before the big Apache2:: namespace reorg.  As a result, when 
installing Apache::ASP, I have to manually edit to 
remove all the '2's.  Also, the Apache2::ServerRec module doesn't exist 
on these systems, so I have to comment it out.  Apache::ASP then works 
just fine.

It would be spiffy if the library detected this situation and coped 

I tested this, and it works here:

eval {
# Try new Apache2 module requests first
require Apache2::RequestRec;
require Apache2::RequestUtil;
require Apache2::RequestIO;
require Apache2::Response;
require APR::Table;
require APR::Pool;
require Apache2::Connection;
require Apache2::ServerUtil;
require Apache2::ServerRec;
require Apache2::SubRequest;
require Apache2::Log;
eval {
# Alternative if above fails because system is old, but not
# so old that it's incompatible.
require Apache::RequestRec;
require Apache::RequestUtil;
require Apache::RequestIO;
require Apache::Response;
require APR::Table;
require APR::Pool;
require Apache::Connection;
require Apache::ServerUtil;
require Apache::SubRequest;
require Apache::Log;
} if defined $@;

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Re: apache-asp request querystring help

2007-06-25 Thread Warren Young

Spn wrote:

I have tried %=$Request-QueryString('MyEmail')% but it just write this to
the textbox, not the value.

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Re: apache::asp maintenance

2007-06-18 Thread Warren Young

Tsirkin Evgeny wrote:

I was interested to know what is the apache::asp  maintenance status?
Is it still maintained?Is it dead?
I have some applications here written in apache::asp and killing it ,for 
now ,is not
an option.So ,are there people, except me, that are interested in the 
module?Are there

people out there using this and maintaining it?

Well, on the one hand, the last update to the library was over two years 
ago, and the last post by its primary author was nearly a year and a 
half ago.

On the other hand, I'm not aware of anything so badly wrong with it that 
we need someone to step in and take over.  I think there are enough 
people using the library that it'd be valuable to see some new 
development, but I don't think the library is in danger of becoming 
irrelevant just yet.  It still works, and it's still useful as it is.

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Re: ASP/VBscript

2006-12-05 Thread Warren Young

Jaime Iniesta :: wrote:

Hi, I'm new on this list, my name is Jaime Iniesta and I live in Madrid,

I wanted to know if Apache::ASP lets you parse ASP/VBscript files on
Apache. I mean, will this page render on Apache::ASP?

Do they not believe in reading FAQs in Spain?

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Re: Apache::ASP Access!

2006-11-29 Thread Warren Young

hinanaseeb wrote:

i want to remove this facility from
global settings and want to allocate it to only those hosts which
request for it.How can i do that?

The same way you'd make anything specific to just one virtual host: put 
it inside the VirtualHost block.

If you want something stronger than that, for some reason, I suggest you 
start looking at virtualization.

Neither of these subjects is on-topic here.

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Re: Global not always global?

2006-10-24 Thread Warren Young

D. L. Fox wrote:

In .htaccess I have...

This is the only thing that stands out for me.  I wouldn't expect things 
like globals to work if you don't set up Apache::ASP in the main 
httpd.conf file, or some file it directly includes.  Per-directory 
configuration should only be used for overrides, not global behavior.

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Re: Apache 2 CPAN installation

2006-10-23 Thread Warren Young

teufboy wrote:

Syntax error on line 177 of /etc/apache2/httpd.conf:
Invalid command 'PerlHandler', perhaps mis-spelled or defined by a module
not included in the server configuration

It looks like mod_perl is broken.  Try:

$ rpm --verify apache2-mod_perl

If it prints anything, follow up on what it's reporting.  It might be 
that there is some file corruption, or missing files.

If it doesn't return anything, I'd check for an updated set of RPMs from 
your Linux distribution provider.  Are these official RPMs, or something 
you downloaded from a third-party web site?

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Re: asp host

2006-10-18 Thread Warren Young

D. L. Fox wrote:

Does anyone have a list of web hosts that support Apache::ASP? 

You're narrowing your scope unnecessarily here.  Unlike with the _other_ 
ASP, it isn't the case that Apache::ASP is either supported or it isn't. 
 It would be nice if it were preinstalled and configured, but that 
isn't necessary.  What you really must have are: 1) Apache; 2) 
permission to modify httpd.conf; 3) mod_perl; and 4) the ability to get 
arbitrary CPAN modules installed.  There are a whole lot of web hosts 
that fit that criteria.

There are a few web hosts that let you do all that without root access 
to the server, but I wouldn't recommend them.  You often have to involve 
their tech support droids to get things set up, and that usually results 
in too much hassle, as you've found out.  I imagine you're not in the 
market for a dedicated server.  Therefore, I would recommend any of the 
VPS sort of web hosts: ones that give you root access to a virtual 
machine so you can run CPAN yourself.

I've just been through this myself, so I can give you a few tips in 
selecting a provider:

1. Be sure to check versions of everything.  I briefly tried setting up 
Apache::ASP at one hosting provider that was still using Red Hat Linux 
7.3!  You probably have no idea how hard it is to get modern software to 
build on something that old.  Since new software is freely available, 
the Linux world tends to abandon backwards compatibility much more 
quickly than the commercial software world.  You want to find a host 
where the major pieces aren't more than a few years old.  You don't need 
to be bleeding edge, just avoid the overly conservatives ones.

2. A lot of cheap hosting providers keep their prices down by putting 
some pretty severe restrictions on the amount of RAM given to each 
customer.  64 MB is just not enough.  Even if you strip down MySQL and 
Apache to turn off all the space-for-time tradeoffs they have -- child 
prespawning in Apache, big caches in MySQL, etc. -- you'll still be 
running up against memory limits.  You might actually get it working, 
but you won't be able to run things like system updates while the web 
and database servers are up.  Start a second Perl interpreter instance, 
or a C++ compiler, or a tool like yum, and you're running the system out 
of memory again.  Apache::ASP does Bad Things (TM) when it runs out of 
RAM.  I'd say 96-128 MB is the smallest reasonable amount.  256 MB is 
plenty, ignoring application-specific overhead.

3. As for how to find such hosts, a Google search for Linux VPS will 
turn up dozens.  There are a few companies using OSes other than Linux, 
and some don't call it a VPS, but you'll get plenty of choices.  Just 
some names to demonstrate the variety out there: VPSLink, Linode, Web 
Intellects, and Verio.  Between those four, you can probably find a 10:1 
price ratio, a 5:1 base resource ratio, not a single control panel 
that's the same among them, wholly different management models  Look 
at those four, then look at another dozen before making your decision. 
There's a company out there with exactly the right feature balance for 
you.  There's too much competition for two companies to offer exactly 
the same service set.  We've got hyper-differentiation going on here.

bothered to contact me four or five times with a We're still working on 
it! type message. It took them less seconds to charge my credit card 
than it has days to get my account setup. 

Naturally.  Charging your credit card is a solved technical problem. 
One should not rely on someone else's tech support droids to solve 
technical problems.

I hereby posit the theory of the 4 Rs of Tech Support: Reboot, 
Reinstall, Replace, or Refuse to Acknowledge.  If your problem requires 
another solution, you're better off doing it yourself.

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Re: libapache-asp-perl

2006-08-18 Thread Warren Young

Marcelo Iepsen da Silva wrote:

I use the module libapache-asp-perl in debian stable version.
But I can't read asp files, have another configuration in httpd.conf
or other file?

Go to and read the manual.

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Re: Installation Errors

2006-07-19 Thread Warren Young

levik wrote:

When I browse to the
folder(located in my webroot) in IE I get HTTP 500 - Internal server error.

Look in Apache's error_log, then.  Post the entire error text if you 
don't understand it.  It could be many lines.

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Re: Installation Errors

2006-07-19 Thread Warren Young

levik wrote:

I did post my error log, didn't I?

Sorry, I missed it.

Here's the start of the relevant line:

[Wed Jul 19 08:46:07 2006] [error] [client] can't open file 
/tmp/asp/server/internal.lock: No such file or directory at 

It's looking for /tmp/asp/...  This isn't going to exist on a Windows 
box!  Change the line in httpd.conf referring to this to some temp space 
Apache can use.

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Re: Cleanly separating applications vs. presentation using Apache::ASP

2006-05-03 Thread Warren Young

Steve B wrote:

most notable design flaw is the tight integration
between the application and the display.   Perl code
is directly intermingled with the HTML page, making
the external management of the page elements nearly

You're right, there is a lot of religion on this topic.

The way I see it, you can't be pure either way.  You will always end 
up with some UI code in your application logic, or vice versa.  And I 
don't advocate trying to separate them as much as possible.  That 
leads to holy quests, where what is being tested is your purity by the 
standards of the particular priest you're following, not the soundness 
of your design.

What I do is look for reusable code, and blocks of closely related code, 
and put that into Perl modules.  The reusable code bit is obvious: no 
sense duplicating code, right?  But I'll also collect together many 
related functions and put them into a class, and make that a Perl 
module.  Most of these functions might be called from only one .asp 
file, so it's not a matter of reuse, but it is fair to say that all of 
these functions logically function together, so they should be kept 
together.  This makes the most sense when these functions don't have any 
reason to contain any HTML.

For instance, I have a layer between the database and the UI code in my 
current project, and the code forming that layer is in a single large 
.pm file.  They return raw data (hash references, arrays, etc.), which 
the ASP code then renders into a human-usable format.

The ASP code that calls these functions is a mixture of Perl and HTML: 
it might call a function in the module that returns an array of hash 
references, and use that to build an HTML table containing the data. 
That mixes some Perl code with my UI code, but that's fine.  What 
matters is that the meat of the application code is separate from the UI 

Another rule I have is that .asp files should contain mainly HTML.  Code 
sections in other languages -- Perl, JavaScript, etc. -- should never be 
longer than will fit in your programmer's editor window.  You should be 
able to see some HTML in the editor window at all times, because that 
helps you to keep your mind focused on the context of the application. 
When you're skipping over great swaths of foreign code to see how one 
HTML section works with another, you cannot see this flow.  I like to 
keep these sections of code shorter than 10 lines, if I can.  These 
snippets of code should be there just to glue pieces together, not to 
contain serious blocks of logic.

This isn't to say that I'll interrupt a block of, say, 30 lines of Perl 
code to spit out one pure line of HTML, just to divide that block and 
satisfy my previous rule.  In that case, I'll often put the HTML into a 
Perl print statement, just to keep the flow of the Perl code going. 
Again, it's about maintaining flow...don't confuse the code's reader by 
switching between languages more than necessary.

You satisfy all of these rules at once by minimizing the amount of Perl 
code that needs HTML interspersed, and the amount of HTML that needs 
Perl in it.

I guess what I'm saying is, separation of UI and application code is a 
high-level rule that you do not follow directly.  You follow many lower 
level rules that together create this effect, giving the illusion that 
you're following just this one high-level rule.  You have to think in 
terms of the low-level rules, because it turns into a matter of 
heuristics: you'll have two or more options, neither of which is wholly 
right or wrong, and you'll have to make some kind of choice between 
them.  Making that choice by following the high-level generalized rule 
can lead you into a mess, whereas weighing the many low-level rules 
against each other can make correct the path clear.

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2006-02-27 Thread Warren Young

Joshua Chamas wrote:

Do you know why it is that use utf8 is needed
at the top of each script?

No, I'm not sure.  At this point, I just know that there are pages 
where, if I remove the pragma, the UTF-8 characters get munged.  I 
haven't tried to localize the Perl constructs in which this happens.

What precisely were the problems that you were running into without this 

The most common symptom was what looked like double UTF-8 encodings. 
That is, Unicode characters that should have encoded as 2 bytes in UTF-8 
were showing up as 4 bytes.  I didn't try to reverse the double 
conversion to make sure this is what was happening, but I can't think of 
a more likely explanation for the symptom.

The opportunity here is that we could automatically add something like this
to the top of each page.

I'll consider investigating deeper.

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2006-02-23 Thread Warren Young
I finally got around to converting our Apache::ASP application so that 
it uses UTF-8 throughout, instead of Latin-1.  I learned a few things 
that aren't discussed in the archives, so I'm setting them down here for 
others to find.

1. It's best if you use newer Perls.  5.8.0 is adequate, but has known 
bugs in its Unicode handling.  When run under 5.8.0, our program 
exhibits a double UTF-8 conversion in one circumstance, while the other 
screens show the data correctly.  When the same program is run under 
5.8.5, all screens show the correct data.  While it's theoretically 
possible to get Perl 5.6.x to cope with UTF-8 data, I don't recommend 
messing with it.  A few years ago when I first tried using UTF-8, I was 
using 5.6 and had many problems with Perl smashing my data back to 
Latin-1 incorrectly.

2. Also use the newest mod_perl you can.  There are known Unicode bugs 
in mod_perl 1.99_09 and older.

3. You must say use utf8; at the top of each ASP file.  If you use 
$Response-Include(), each included file also has to say use utf8;. 
The same goes for any Perl modules you use, if you will be passing UTF-8 
strings through them.

4. mod_perl doesn't set the LANG environment variable unless you ask it 
to.  Perls 5.8 and newer use the LANG environment variable (among other 
things) to decide whether to use UTF-8 by default or not.  I didn't find 
it to be necessary to ask mod_perl to set this variable in my program, 
but it can't hurt to do it.  If nothing else, it's one less thing you 
have to blame if your pages aren't showing the right data.  In your 
httpd.conf, right after PerlModule Apache::ASP, say PerlPassEnv 
LANG.  This will pass your system's default value for LANG through to 
the mod_perl instances, and thus to Apache::ASP.

5. Ensure that your data source is passing UTF-8 data correctly.  In our 
program, the data comes in via an XML path, so we needed to inform the 
XML parser that the data is UTF-8.  Otherwise, the XML parser assumes 
it's Latin-1, and you get a double UTF-8 conversion.

6. Finally, you need to communicate that the data is UTF-8 to the 
browser.  This is done with the Content-Type HTTP header, which you can 
set in a number of ways.  I like to do it in a meta tag at the top of 
each file that will contain UTF-8 data:

meta http-equiv=Content-Type content=text/html; charset=utf-8

Alternately, if all documents on your server should be treated as UTF-8, 
there's an Apache configuration directive to force all output to be 
declared as UTF-8.

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Re: Install problem

2005-09-28 Thread Warren Young

Andrew Koebrick wrote:

[error] Can't locate Apache2/ in @INC



The current version of Apache::ASP assumes that you are using the new 
mod_perl 2.0 interfaces.  1.99_16 uses the old mod_perl 1.0 interfaces.

One option is to upgrade mod_perl.  The dependency net that package is 
caught in makes this a messy path.

The way I choose is to edit the file referenced in that error message 
(, changing all the Apache2s to Apache.  Then try 
starting httpd.  It will fail again, telling you one more module that it 
cannot find; edit the file again, and remove the line that references 
it.  httpd will start now.

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Re: migrating asp, .net application from IIS to apache

2005-05-04 Thread Warren Young
nsm100 wrote:
I have an application done using ASP, .NET using IIS Web server. The 
customer wants to migrate the application to Apache server. Whats the 
best option which involves less time in migrating to the Apache ? 
ChiliSoft or some other such commercial thing, if your time is not free. 
 Apache::ASP uses an entirely different programming language (Perl, not 
VB), though the programming model is the same.

This is covered in the documentation on
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2005-05-03 Thread Warren Young
sangeethvs wrote:
suggestions of installing BerkeleyDB.  But isn't that overkill.  Do 
we really need to install the DB_File and BerkleyDB modules to work 
with Apache::ASP?
There are alternate state storage models, but BDB is certainly a good 
choice.  I seem to recall that one of the options is a native Perl 
module (i.e. no C code, as in BDB) but that would be slower.

Bottom line, you definitely need some database layer to store the ASP 
state data.

What's wrong with installing BDB?  It's been around since before Linux 
became the biggest *ix, so it probably builds out of the box on your 
Solaris system.

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Re: Problem with PDF files

2005-04-25 Thread Warren Young
Jonathan Dixon wrote:
Files ~ (\.pdf)
   SetHandler  perl-script
   PerlHandler Apache::ASP
   PerlSetVar  Global /storage/t212
   PerlSetVar  StateDir /tmp/asp
   PerlSetVar  RequestBinaryRead On
This declares *.pdf files as being ASP files.  Apache::ASP is trying to 
interpret them directly!

What you want to do cannot be accomplished with this mechanism.  Try 
looking at the various Apache modules.

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Re: Arguments truncated semi-randomly

2005-03-04 Thread Warren Young
Joshua Chamas wrote:
This is an Apache/mod_perl API, 
Ah, that was the clue I needed.  From the mod_perl changelog, just one 
release past the one we are using:

fix $r-read to read all the requested amount of data if possible,
adjust the test TestApache::read to verify that [Stas]
I haven't tried it yet, but I'm confident this will squish the bug.
Thank you, Josh!  Your wisdom and patience are an inspiration.
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Arguments truncated semi-randomly

2005-03-03 Thread Warren Young
We have an ASP application which mostly works, but on one particular 
form, POSTed updates are randomly ignored.  I think we have the problem 
isolated, but we're stuck for another reason.  I'll take you through the 
debug process so you know what the situation is so far.

- The symptom is that when $Request-{Method} eq 'POST', our code goes 
through the hash referred to by $Request-Form looking to see what kind 
of 'POST' it has received.  In the failure case, we find that no form 
elements at all are present in the referred-to hash.  This is plainly 
why the update is being ignored.  The question is, why are there no 
arguments in the hash?

- We tried sniffing HTTP packets to see if there was a difference 
between the success and failure cases.  Viewed as a stream, there is no 
difference: the arguments are definitely going down the wire.  Here's 
the start of a typical HTTP POST request:

POST /bla.asp HTTP/1.0
Host: bla
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.7.5) 
Accept-Language: en-us,en;q=0.5
Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate
Accept-Charset: ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7
Keep-Alive: 300
Connection: keep-alive
Referer: http://bla/bla.asp
Cookie: session-id=03fab6464ed0a18ba861190243a9de9f
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Content-Length: 2343
I made it a quotation so my mailer wouldn't wrap lines.  Some names 
changed to protect the innocent. :)  The elipsis at the end indicates 
many other arguments.  This particular ASP page shows something on the 
order of 1200 check boxes in a grid, and there is one rXXX_zXX 
argument for each checked box.

- I set ASP's debug level to -1 and diffed the logs between the success 
and failure cases.  The only significant change is this one:

Success: read 2343 bytes, tried 2343 bytes
Failure: read 1387 bytes, tried 2354 bytes
That message is printed by ASP/, line 232.  This is plainly 
the culprit: the read() call above this line isn't returning the entire 
HTTP request in a single call.

The main reason I'm posting to the list is because it isn't clear to me 
what the cleanest way to fix this is.  I could hack some loop on that 
read() call, but I'd rather Josh chimed in on this one.

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Re: Cross-over between sessions

2004-12-29 Thread Warren Young
Patrick Conroy wrote:
(my $histtype, my $dsc, my $contactid, my $usrid, my $dbh) = @_;
You want
my ($histtype, $dsc, $contactid, $usrid, $dbh) = @_;
my $sth = $dbh-prepare($sql_inserthistory) or die Couldn't
prepare statement:  . $dbh-errstr;
For efficiency reasons, you should prepare that statement just once, and 
reuse it.  Possibly make it a global variable and init it in one of the 
OnStart event handlers.

But, I wind up getting a lot of history records from one user written
with the usrid of another user in a different session.
I don't see anywhere that you're using the $SessionID.
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Re: UTF8 - Who is wrong? Apache::ASP or mod_perl or Apache or Perl?

2004-12-16 Thread Warren Young
k_berov wrote:
Hi Boys. I think it's perl's fault, but if someone of you had such
problems and tell mi what is wrong, I will be very gratefull.
If you search the archives for a post I made less than a year back, you
will find that I documented some interesting conversion chains in my 
application.  You might find it helpful to read through it.

The core of the problem is that Perl does not run in UTF-8 mode by 
default.  It either tries to guess that it should use UTF-8 (e.g. the 
LANG environment variable) or it is told that it should use UTF-8 by
directive.  So for instance, the Apache::ASP Perl interpreter could be 
seeing a different environment than other Perl code on your system 
because of the way mod_perl works, and so it will convert incoming UTF-8 
to Latin-1.  Then if your httpd is configured to use UTF-8, it may try 
to convert Latin-1 back to UTF-8.

The thing to do is to carefully find all of the stages in your system by 
tracing data through the system.  Once you find all the transition 
points, you will know which code needs to be changed to enforce a pure 
UTF-8 data path.

It is interesting that Perl 5.6.1 does not make such problems
That's because Perl 5.6 made fewer attempts to convert data.  5.8 is 
more clever, which can be a problem as well as a benefit.

There should be no reason for this disaster to happen to me.
Sure there's a reason.  It's called Murphy's Law.  Cope with it.
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Re: Apache::ASP locking up

2004-11-19 Thread Warren Young
Christopher Hicks wrote:
You might be tripping over a bug in the db code.  
A bug in which db code?  If it's part of the open source underpinnings 
of Apache::ASP, why is the bug still there?  Why haven't you submitted a 

Can you try the Apache::ASP on a Fedora Core 2 or 3 machine?
We have no evidence that correlates the problem with platform.  Before 
we send a person out to a remote site to do an OS upgrade, we'd have to 
have a pretty good idea that it will fix the problem.

 try this out on a nonproduction box.)
Since we don't know how the box is being locked up, how could we test 
whether the OS upgrade helped?  Again, we have many, many other 
sites...surely if it was as simple as an OS issue, some of our other 
RH7.3 systems would also be locking up.

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Re: Apache::ASP locking up

2004-11-19 Thread Warren Young
Josh Chamas wrote:
What is the state of the system when it locks up?
These systems are installed in schools, so they're only being used from 
roughly 7am to 4pm.  This problem is happening within that window, while 
it is being used during the day.  We have never seen it lock up in this 
way over night.

Is the machine under load
To the extent that 5500 hits per day is load, yes.  :)
There seems to be a loose correlation between the problem and load: this 
site is one of the heaviest users.  We have heavier users, though, that 
aren't seeing the problem.

is a process spinning out of control, 
We don't notice a busied out CPU, if that's what you mean.  And, I 
wouldn't think anything is truly deadlocked, since all it takes is 
removing the ASP state directory to fix the problem.

is there any errors in the error_log that look interesting?  
No, but then we send a lot of stuff to error_log ourselves.  And, we 
don't have Debug turned up.  Should we?

Does restarting the web server help things without removing the /tmp/asp
or is removing that directory the only fix?  
If the details
you provided about /tmp/asp are before removing but after a freeze,
then I would say there is nothing that looks out of the ordinary there
that would raise concern on my side.
Hmmm...  Would having the files help?
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Apache::ASP locking up

2004-11-18 Thread Warren Young
We have a site where Apache::ASP appears to be locking up every few 
days.  If we rm -r /tmp/asp, the system begins responding again.

We've upgraded to the latest Apache::ASP, and it doesn't help.  The 
system is a Red Hat Linux 7.3 machine running Apache 1.3.27-4.  None of 
our many other sites are having this problem, to the best of our 
knowledge.  (They're not under our direct control.)  On the other hand, 
we have an incredible diversity in our installed systems.  So, there's 
no telling whether the problem is the machine's software configuration, 
or it's part of the environment the machine is being used in, or it's 
the users.

Here's what 'ls -lR /tmp/asp' says:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] root]# ls -lR /tmp/asp
total 48
drwxr-x---2 apache   apache   4096 Nov 18 05:03 00/
drwxr-x---2 apache   apache   4096 Nov 18 08:55 01/
drwxr-x---2 apache   apache   4096 Nov 18 09:31 02/
drwxr-x---2 apache   apache   4096 Nov 17 15:48 03/
drwxr-x---2 apache   apache   4096 Nov 18 09:24 04/
drwxr-x---2 apache   apache   4096 Nov 18 09:16 05/
drwxr-x---2 apache   apache   4096 Nov 18 09:24 06/
drwxr-x---2 apache   apache   4096 Nov 18 09:26 09/
drwxr-x---2 apache   apache   4096 Nov 18 09:16 0c/
drwxr-x---2 apache   apache   4096 Nov 18 09:16 0e/
drwxr-x---2 apache   apache   4096 Nov 18 08:51 0f/
drwxr-x---2 apache   apache   4096 Nov 18 08:51 server/
total 0
total 0
total 16
-rw-r-1 apache   apache  0 Nov 18 09:31 
-rw-rw-rw-1 apache   apache  0 Nov 18 09:31 
-rw-r-1 apache   apache   8192 Nov 18 09:31 
-rw-r-1 apache   apache  0 Nov 18 09:25 
-rw-rw-rw-1 apache   apache  0 Nov 18 09:35 
-rw-r-1 apache   apache   8192 Nov 18 09:35 

total 0
total 0
total 0
total 0
total 0
total 16
-rw-r-1 apache   apache  0 Nov 18 09:01 
-rw-rw-rw-1 apache   apache  0 Nov 18 09:34 
-rw-r-1 apache   apache   8192 Nov 18 09:34 
-rw-r-1 apache   apache  0 Nov 18 09:16 
-rw-rw-rw-1 apache   apache  0 Nov 18 09:16 
-rw-r-1 apache   apache   8192 Nov 18 09:16 

total 0
total 0
total 16
-rw-r-1 apache   apache  0 Nov 18 08:51 application.dir
-rw-r--r--1 apache   apache  0 Nov 18 09:35 application.lock
-rw-r-1 apache   apache   8192 Nov 18 09:35 application.pag
-rw-r-1 apache   apache  0 Nov 17 15:05 internal.dir
-rw-r--r--1 apache   apache  0 Nov 18 11:38 internal.lock
-rw-r-1 apache   apache   8192 Nov 18 09:35 internal.pag
The only thing that looks out of place to me is that the *.pag files 
here are larger than some others I looked at.  This site gets an average 
of a about 5500 hits per day.

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Re: file upload status bar (a la yahoo attachment status bar)

2004-10-22 Thread Warren Young
V.I. wrote:
Please, tell me would be my best options to
display the upload status as the files are being
We ended up writing a Windows uploader that worked outside the HTTP 
stream.  This works in our situation because we have tight control of 
the clients, we are uploading huge files that could cause problems with 
the CGI upload method anyway, and we have a custom server program 
running alongside Apache anyway.

Another option we looked at are any of several Java-based upload 
mechanisms.  These work, but none of them was better than our custom 
uploader for our purposes.

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Re: Help!

2004-10-07 Thread Warren Young
Mike Cantone wrote:
might be using up a lot of memory, 
Stop guessing and measure!  Does your platform have a top command?  You 
can use that to see CPU time and memory usage.  If not, you may have sar 
or some other system load testing utility.

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Re: View contents of loaded global.asa

2004-07-15 Thread Warren Young
Nicholas Schuetz wrote:
Does anyone know how I can view the contents of the global.asa loaded durring
That would be chasing the symptom, not the cause.
Instead, convince yourself directly that the global.asa you think is 
running is in fact being compiled.  Add something like this to 

print STDERR Oooga booga\n;
When I reference check_db_connection () from one of my asp files I get an
undefined sub routine error.
You could say this instead of the above for more info:
print STDERR Oooga booga , ref \check_db_connection, \n;
It should say Oooga booga CODE.
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Re: Large file upload problems

2004-05-07 Thread Warren Young
Josh Chamas wrote:
you might consider using
the mod_perl interface directly for the file uploads, by first disabling
Apache::ASP's file upload processing:
What is the benefit from doing this?

And then using the Apache::Request interface to get the $apr-upload data.
I tried to install Apache::Request, but it complains that it doesn't 
work with mod_perl2 yet.

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Re: Large file upload problems

2004-05-06 Thread Warren Young
Ian Cass wrote:
I guess you could play with this...
... and see if you can get using it.
Wouldn't you know it, but Lincoln Stein proposed something similar when 
I reported the problem to him.  He says he'll be making that section of 
the code use Math::BigInt, which appears to be a related module.

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Re: Large file upload problems

2004-05-04 Thread Warren Young
Stuart Johnston wrote:
Try setting this at the top of your script:

What is $TempFile?  Do you mean something under $Request-{FileUpload}? 
 Perhaps $Request-{FileUpload}{file}-{TempFile}?

There is a mod_perl module you might find helpful:
Hmmm...too many server configuration requirements.  I need to do this on 
multiple servers that are already set up.

Also, we use a java applet for upload which give a progress meter as 
well as some other features:
Interesting, but its focus on multiple file uploads makes it suboptimal 
for our simple needs.

Sorry, I don't have any suggestions on your other question.
That third one is the killer.  If I can't get past the 2GB limit, it 
doesn't matter how easy or efficient the solution is.

I think what I'm going to do is step outside HTTP/ASP altogether.  I've 
got this hammer, so all my problems are looking like nails.  HTTP is 
primarily a file download protocol; I'm swimming against the stream to 
use this protocol for uploads.  I think I'll write a native program that 
will use a more appropriate protocol to upload the file.  This won't be 
onerous for our purposes.

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Large file upload problems

2004-04-30 Thread Warren Young
I have an ASP page that needs to accept files which are typically rather 
large.  (Average 2GB +/- 1GB.)  These files ultimately need to be stored 
in a particular place in the web server's file system.  I've set it up 
so that the temp file is kept around, so that I can simply do a 
system(mv $tempfile $target) within the ASP code to move the uploaded 
file into place.

That works, but there are a number of weaknesses I've run into:

1. Since $tempfile is on the system disk and $target is on a big RAID 
array, the move incurs a lot of extra disk I/O.  Is there a way to tell or Apache::ASP to use a directory on the RAID array instead of 

2. There seems to be no upload progress indicator, at least with 
Mozilla.  Is there a way that I can insert some code that gets run right 
after the first HTTP header on the upload gets processed, so I can pick 
off the expected file size?  If so, I could pop up a window with my own 
progress bar.

3. Something in the chain is barfing if the file is too large.  The 
limit seems to be just under 2GB.  Here's the spewage I get in the log 
for a 1.99GB file:

[Fri Apr 30 20:47:31 2004] [error] [client] Malformed
called at (eval 109) line
called at (eval 107) line
called at (eval 106) line
called at /usr/lib/perl5/5.8.0/ line
415!!CGI::init('CGI=HASH(0x8ba6b58)','undef') called at
/usr/lib/perl5/5.8.0/ line 286!!CGI::new('CGI') called at
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.0/Apache/ASP/ line
81!!Apache::ASP::Request::new('Apache::ASP=HASH(0x824ce84)') called
at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.0/Apache/ line
called at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.0/Apache/ line
called at -e line 0!!eval {...} called at -e line 0!, referer:
I'd guess some bit of code along the path is treating the Content-Length 
header as a signed 32-bit value.  This is a Linux 2.4 system, so it can 
handle large files.  What code is to blame here?

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Re: Undefined subroutine

2004-04-19 Thread Warren Young
Søren Tauber Lassen wrote:
Rename it to, and put it in the same directory as your 
global.asa.  Say use files at the top of global.asa.  Restart the web 

sub loadFileText
Within, say require Exporter; and read the documentation on 
the Exporter module to find out how to use it to export loadFileText 
into the global namespace.
This should probably be another Perl module, not a *.pl file.

require ../../cgi-bin/soren/;
If you need routines from here, you shouldn't need a require or 
use statement here if is loaded from another module that does 
load in

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Re: Perl editor

2004-03-15 Thread Warren Young
John Drago wrote:
Just out of curiosity, what editor do you folks normally use when
writing perl?
vim with syntax highlighting enabled.

What editor do you used when writing perl inside HTML in ASP-style?
Ditto, with these additions to my .vimrc file:

function SetupASP()
exe set syntax=aspperl
call SetTS(2)
au BufEnter *.html call SetTS(2)
au BufEnter *.asp call SetupASP()
au BufEnter *.inc call SetupASP()
au BufLeave *.html call SetTS(4)
au BufLeave *.asp call SetTS(4)
au BufLeave *.inc call SetTS(4)
The tabstop changes aren't essential.  I just like less indenting with 
HTML, because it gets so deeply nested, especially with embedded ASP code.

Have you heard of the OptiPerl Visual IDE?  I have been using it for
some time and really like it.
But it isn't vi!  It isn't an editor if it isn't vi.  :)

Of course, when I'm just logged in over SSH I use pico when I can (never
quite got the vi commands down).
Time you learned...

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Re: UTF-8 problems ....

2004-03-12 Thread Warren Young
Josh Chamas wrote:

 PerlSetEnv LANG $LANG

Does this resolve the UTF8 issues?
It probably will.  I really like it that you can keep the same LANG 
variable as the system uses.  I wouldn't like to have hard-coded it.

Right now, the stable version of my program has worked around this issue 
simply by building in understanding of where the conversions between 
UTF-8 and ISO 8859 occur.  In my development version, I had intended to 
try for keeping data UTF-8 through the entire pipeline, so I will try 
this.  Thanks.

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Re: Application_OnStart not getting called

2004-03-09 Thread Warren Young
Josh Chamas wrote:

This is a good point, and was the basis for the original implementation,
that the application starts when the first visitor registers a session.
This was the definition of the original Application_OnStart event
in the ASP model.
That's reasonable.

If I understand things correctly, the real need is to calculate 
something once per application, 
More accurately, the new event would be for calculating something when 
the web server first comes up.

I was able to actually use the current Application_OnStart in my 
situation once I understood how it actually behaved.  The consequence is 
simply that I have to nuke the StateDir every time I change 
Application_OnStart's implementation, to force that event to be re-run.

If I were still working on the code, this would be a fair annoyance. 
The difference with new event is that it would run every time the parent 
web server comes up, regardless of whether the application is 
considered to be restarting.  Restarting the web server to make new 
changes appear isn't a problem at all.  I have to do it often already, 
since much of my code is in Perl modules, which don't get reloaded when 
they change.

  Global_OnStart or Global_OnCompile ( Global_OnStart seems consistent )
Global_OnStart is good.

which would be executed when the global.asa is compiled for the first time.
If one wanted this to occur just once per server start, then running 
to get it compiled there would be the trick, otherwise it would be executed
just once per httpd process.
I was thinking Global_OnStart would be in lieu of getting Loader 
working.  Once you get Loader working, code at the end of global.asa has 
this once on Apache startup behavior, doesn't it?

The only gray area would be if you changed global.asa.  It gets 
recompiled in this case.  Would Global_OnStart be re-run?  I suppose it 
could work either way.

It may be that necessarily Global_OnStart would have to occur before 
or $Session is set up ( effectively before Application_OnStart or 
Session_OnStart )
effectively.  Would this event still be useful if this is the case?  
Yes, that's still useful.

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Re: Application_OnStart not getting called

2004-03-08 Thread Warren Young
Josh Chamas wrote:
Currently, Application_OnStart only runs when the first Session gets
initialized, and again after the last Session expires.  Theoretically,
this could never happen if your application is always busy.  A big
difference between Apache::ASP, and IIS/ASP is that sessions persist
by default beyond the web server stop/start by writing to StateDir.
Aha!  That's the ticket.  If I nuke my StateDir, Application_OnStart() 
is called right when the first session is created.

The requests for this have been sporadic, and
it has never been one of my top priorities, should it be?
If the current behavior is useful for others, then it might be nice to 
have a new event that has the behavior I expected.  No rush, this is 
mostly a syntax issue.  (Reasoning below.)  The top priority is simply 
to document the actual behavior of Application_OnStart.  The current 
docs are misleading.

If the current behavior is of no use to anyone, then Application_OnStart 
should be modified to behave the way the docs currently imply. 
Aparently this will increase logical compatibility with IIS/ASP, 
generally a good thing.  If it will take a long time to get around to 
doing this feature, the current behavior should be documented, possibly 
with a link to this thread in the mail archives for workarounds.

instead of calculating once per server start, it will be calculated
once per web process initialization of global.asa.  

if you are
using script preloading with Loader(), then you will actually get this
calculation done during the parent web process init, 
On reading the first quote, my question was, How is code in 
Script_OnStart() different from code at the end of global.asa?

I suspect the second quote hints at the answer: code at the end of 
global.asa runs only once if compiled in the parent httpd, whereas 
Script_OnStart() always runs once per httpd child creation regardless of 
whether global.asa is already compiled when the child starts.  Yes?  And 
if so, there is no difference between them when global.asa must be 
re-compiled for every httpd child, excepting order of events.

I had Loader() working on my stock RH7.2 systems, but it broke in RH9 
for reasons I haven't bothered to chase down yet.  I'll try re-enabling 
it later.  If it works, it's a fix for my problem.  The syntax is 
wanting compared to Application_OnStart, but I can live with that.

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Re: Automatic recurring events (think cron for ASP)

2004-03-08 Thread Warren Young
John Drago wrote:

d) Use a cron job to execute code that sends an http request to
an ASP page on the server? (Even though this works great, it seems wrong
This is the right way.

All the cron job has to do kick off the event:

	*/5 * * * * wget -O /dev/null http://localhost/dosomething.asp

All the code to actually dosomething is on the ASP side, hence you have 
access to all the ASP variables.

The main problem with this method is that you may need to hide 
dosomething.asp in an .htpasswd protected directory so outsiders can't 
call it.  Use wget's --http-user and --http-passwd flags to call the 
protected script.

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Application_OnStart not getting called

2004-03-04 Thread Warren Young
I have some code I'd like to run just once when Apache::ASP comes up the 
first time; it computes a value that never changes over the life of the 
application.  For some reason, this event never seems to be called.

I dug into the Apache::ASP code a bit, and the only thing that struck me 
is how deeply buried the call to Application_OnStart seems to be. 
Perhaps one of the many conditions wrapping this call is faulty?

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Semi OT: UTF-8 handling

2004-02-25 Thread Warren Young
It seems that the UTF-8 support in Perl is still transitional.  By that 
I mean that there are situations where you can find strings being 
converted back and forth between UTF-8 and the local character set 
(Latin-1 in my case) several times as it passes through the system.

Here's a chain I've observed on one of my machines:

   DB - daemon - HTTP - ASP - Browser
 Latin-1  UTF-8  Latin-1   UTF-8
(View with a fixed-space font.)

DB is a special-purpose database we use; there's some Latin-1 encoded 
data in it.

daemon is a background process written in Perl that sits between the 
special database and the Apache::ASP code.  When it pulls the data in 
from the database, Perl upconverts the data to UTF-8 on systems like Red 
Hat Linux 9 where the LANG variable is set to something like en_US.UTF-8.

The daemon uses HTTP::Daemon to interface with the ASP code.  We do it 
this way for reasons that aren't germane to the discussion.  What's 
important is that in the ASP code, the LANG variable is unset for 
whatever reason.  Therefore, Perl seems to convert the UTF-8 encoded 
data back into Latin-1, probably within the HTTP parsing code.  It's 
clear, at least, that it's in Latin-1 throughout the ASP processing.

The data finally seems to be converted back to UTF-8 by Apache before 
sending it off to the browser.  Presumably this is because modern 
browsers advertise UTF-8 support.

Right now, we're coping okay with these conversions.  The only concern 
is that the conversion from UTF-8 back to Latin-1 is unnecessary.  Some 
day, we wight decide to go in and force things to maintain the data in 
UTF-8 all the way through the chain beyond that first conversion, for 
efficiency.  Does anyone know how we can force Perl to keep the data in 
UTF-8 format, even when the LANG variable isn't set?

Incidentally, we see a different conversion chain on Red Hat 7.2, which 
uses Perl 5.6.1 and Apache 1.3.  The data seems to stay in Latin-1 until 
sometime within the ASP code, where it's converted to UTF-8.  Very 
strange, but since the last conversion is the only one that matters to 
our code, it works out for the best in our case.  Just FYI, for the mail 
archive diggers. :)


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Re: The Freakiest thing...

2004-01-12 Thread Warren Young
Josh Chamas wrote:

Better yet, if you have common subs that you want to share between 
 scripts, put them into the global.asa file,

...or put them into a Perl module, which you can place in the same 
directory with the global.asa file.  Import the library with a 'use' 
statement at the top of global.asa.  We have an Apache::ASP application 
with dozens of subroutines, all stored in pm files.  The only code in 
the ASP files are the bits completely unique to that page's function.

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Re: AW: Internal server error when viewing sample asp scripts

2003-09-12 Thread Warren Young
Uwe Riehm wrote:
Maybe for the time being a quick and dirty hack could be a solution to this:
just search / match in the input file for some of the most used keywords of 
VBScript and in case one of those is found stop all the processing and output 
such an error message. 
A refinement on the idea: only do the check if the Perl interpreter 
fails.  It would just be a best guess as to why the interpreter died, 
rather than being a proactive nanny-bot second-guessing your code with a 
low-end parser.

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Re: AW: Internal server error when viewing sample asp scripts

2003-09-12 Thread Warren Young
Josh Chamas wrote:

However, I disagree with the premise that this will help the end user
confusion.  Most initial posts on this subject are with an internal
server error resulting, as the developer has not yet set Debug 2 or 3
which are the settings which will result in a verbose HTML message
going to the browser.  So we still need to ask what is in the error_log.
Perhaps the suggested Apache config in the getting started docs should 
set Debug to 3.  I know I personally started out just copy-pasting from 
the docs when setting up Apache::ASP.  I didn't start changing things 
until I gained a few clues, and that didn't happen until after my code 
started generating sane pages.  I wouldn't have minded verbose errors in 
the browser when I was a newbie, since they can be turned off later.

I wouldn't even discuss the debug option in the getting started docs. 
Just leave its meaning for newbies to discover later, when they're ready 
to start taking the reins into their own hands.

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Re: Script preload fails on RH9 setup

2003-05-29 Thread Warren Young
Josh Chamas wrote:
I believe the mod_perl 2 on RedHat 9 is a pretty early dev release.
True.  They shipped the _07 release, which dates back to September of 
last year.

Try upgrade to the latest mod_perl 1.99_xx.  I know that decent Perl
section support was only added more recently.
I just installed the _09 release from source, and the problem persists. 
 I haven't rebuilt Apache from source.  That's still stock.

Perhaps I need an Apache::compat directive in there somewhere?

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Re: Script preload fails on RH9 setup

2003-05-29 Thread Warren Young
Warren Young wrote:
Syntax error on line 1059 of /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf:
I should mention that line 1059 is the /Perl line.

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Re: Script preload fails on RH9 setup

2003-05-29 Thread Warren Young
Josh Chamas wrote:
In your perl section, you could try, no strict qw(subs);
No dice.

This seems like a bug on Apache::PerlSection, and you might report
it to the mod_perl list if you get this to work.
That was enough of a clue to fix it.  I pounded out the use strict at 
the top of and everything's working beautifully. 
Naturally this is not a final solution, but it will suffice for my 
immediate purposes.

I will go ahead and post about the bug to the mod_perl list.

Thanks again, you two.

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Re: Mainframe Question

2003-03-18 Thread Warren Young
crazyday55109 wrote:
7.0 and Apache 2.x.  I am trying to find a way to run ASP's on it but 
I have been working with Sun and they cannot run in a VM atmosphere.  
The ChiliSoft software will only run in an Intel environment.  
This implies that you already have these ASP pages, and that the script 
parts are written in VB.  Apache::ASP uses Perl for the scripting, so 
you'd have to rewrite that code to use Apache::ASP.

If the code isn't too complex or voluminous, this rewrite may not be 
much more than a straightforward mechanical exercise to someone who 
understands both languages.  If there's a lot of it or if it's hairy 
code, you'll probably be best off looking into one of the VB-based 

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