Re: [Assam] Assamese as an Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Economic

2005-09-02 Thread utpal borpujari
Great News. Can anyone provide me with Santanu Baruah's e-mail id. As a fellow Assamese, I will be proud to highlight his achievement in the Indian media. - Utpal
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assam mailing list

Re: [Assam] Freedom of speech censored?

2005-09-02 Thread BBaruah

Speech,thought,theories,lifestyle,sexual preference, artforms--should 
  be left to individual choice--i.e. if the state thinks it has now grown 
  up.mmMuslims, who want to live under the Islamic 
  Sharia Law and who resort to incendiary speech, were told recently to 
  get out of Australia as the government targeted radicals in a bid to 
  head off potential terror attacks.Do you think that the free 
  speech rights have been trampled on by the Australian 
Mike's question is rather wide. In civilised countries personal laws are 
usually respected so long onelivesin peace with his or her 
neighbour. It is both a matter of give and take and tolerance. As it is no 
longer possiblefor a homogeneous population to live inclinical 
isolation in any progressive civilised society today; liberalism must 
prevail over racial, linguistic, religious and other differences which 

Deka's question has specified one area: free speech.Free speech does 
not connote absolute freedom of speech; it is hedged'.Recently the 
UK Governmenthas brought about new legislation to prevent acts of 
terrorism by incendiary speech or otherwise.

As a democracy Australia has the benefit of the rule of law.If someone is 
aggrieved by an infringement of the laws of free speech, he can seek recourse in 
theCourts. In 1991,Lord Donaldson, a former Master of the Rolls of UK, 
found a Cabinet Minister gulty of contempt law for defying a court order and 
deporting a man from Zaire while the case was pending in court. He observed "It 
would be a black day for the rule of law and the liberty of the subject if 
ministers were not accountrable to the courts for their personal actions.

Muslims today are not strictly governed by Sharia law in any country. For 
example, Muslims in India are subject to the Indian Penal Code rather than the 
harsh Quaranic laws of crime. 


assam mailing list

Re: [Assam] Nice Headline /from AT

2005-09-02 Thread Chan Mahanta
Title: Re: [Assam] Nice Headline /from


Glad to hear of your thoughts.

To give you a short but apropos answer, as far as I am concerned,
I am a power hungry person. Isn't that obvious? Did you have to ask me

But it is really not about me. I propose this for Assam's
betterment. Not that it is a personal ambition for myself ( I left
'India - A Good Place to Leave' --remember?), I am merely expressing
it for many others who do not have the voice nor the liberties to
express it in so many words.

I propose this because I can read the handwriting on the wall--a
gift that I believe I ought not to waste, like many of you other fine
and otherwise able people do. It saddens me to see that.

Assam has all the ingredients to better its lot: Resources,
talents, a long history of an ability to stand on its own, until the
colonialists changed its course. All it needs is the liberty to go
retool its mechanisms to make itself over into a modern, progressive,
democratic ( unlike desi-demokrasy that is) nation. But for that it
needs a course of chemotherapy first. It needs too destroy its
cancerous cells and rejuvenate its vitals--its people and their

It could have been done as an autonomous entity within a truly
federal arrangement in the Indian Union, that the people of Assam
trusted India with at independence. But trust was broken by an all
powerful, centrally controlled India, which steadily and deliberately
destroyed the federal concept. Assam was turned into a colonial
holding to be exploited to serve India's interests, while Assam
languishes, being used and abandoned.

Rajen, you are a very able and articulate person by any
standard. Why don't you explain to us, how you arrived at your
assessments as expressed in your note?

and why you see in these aspirations of Assam I expressed

 A: Bad
for Assam
 B: Bad
for India
 C: My
Dictatorial ambitions
Dictatorial ambitions of others in Assam

I am particularly baffled by your question  What you will gain.
Obviously you don't see any gain, perhaps only losses. I hope you will
articulate what they are, for Assam and for India.

If you can explain them, you might make a good case for Assam's
continued subservience to a Centrally controlled India .

I am challenging you to do the explaining Rajen. If you don't
it would appear that all you are good for is asserting your own
personal biases without any basis to back them up with.

Take care.


At 10:32 PM -0500 9/1/05, Barua25 wrote:
Do you
believe it will hurt India, and thus in your infinite goodness
do not want to see that? Or do you think if Assam is set free it
become the basket case of the world? Or are you paranoid about the
lungi-menace ?

Which one Ram :-)?

think the only reason you want to free Assam from India is to grabe
power for Assam by yourself like they are doing in
Burmah.But why do you want to rule Assam like a dictator? What
good will come out ofit? What you will gain? Why is this hunger
for power?

Original Message -
Ram Sarangapani [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Chan Mahanta [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Thursday, September 01, 2005 9:41 PM
Subject: Re:
[Assam] Nice Headline /from AT


 At 3:14 PM -0500 9/1/05, Ram Sarangapani wrote:
 Hi C'da,
 Hope you had a nice trip out West.

 *** Yes, indeed. Had a great trip. Thanks.

  Since the two are so intertwined, we obviously
cannot separate the

  That is a serious problem. One of the reasons Assam seeks to
 out of the tangled mess that is India. It will be good for India,
 better for Assam.

 Do you believe it will hurt India, and thus in your infinite
 do not want to see that? Or do you think if Assam is set free it
the basket case of the world? Or are you paranoid about the
 lungi-menace ?

 Which one Ram :-)?

  Its not just reforms (for developement or growth),
you posts reflect
 the utter lack of faith in desi-demokrasy, elekshuns, and
system of
 governance in India.

  And with good reasons. I did not use to be so. I too was
 'pucca' desi-patriot. But I got wiser, and I learned how to read
 handwriting on the wall. Not just in this case, but in most all
 areas of life too. And it has served me well, and thus my

 ELEKSHUNS are a tool, a mean for selecting a team to mind
 collective affairs. If that slate of the elected are unable
 deliver, then such
 elekshuns deserve to be shunned. They are not icons on to
 inviolate, to be held up on a pedestal like yet another
 People deserve to throw out the effective system and adopt a
 reliable one.

 # By developing a modern and fair constitution for assam

 # By having campaign finance regulations that have teeth and
 are enforceable. Assam elekshuns are controlled by outside
 interests thru BLACK MONEY that desi-demokrasy is
impotent in curbing.


[Assam] Fwd: Katrina relief

2005-09-02 Thread J Kalita

--- Sanjib Bhuyan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Date: Thu, 1 Sep 2005 21:49:23 -0700 (PDT)
 From: Sanjib Bhuyan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Katrina relief
 By now we all know of the devastation - both
 physical and mental - that Katrina brought to the
 Crescent City of New Orleans, and the gulf coasts of
 Mississippi and Louisiana. The scale of death and
 destruction has surpassed all past natural disasters
 here in the U.S. and Katrina's effect is being
 compared to last December's tsunami. According to
 news reports tsunami affected people are still in
 camps, so you know it'll take a long time to recover
 for people in New Orleans and all other affected
 areas.  These Katrina victims desperately need help
 - from all of us - now and in future.
 As far as I know, there has been no community-wide
 effort to organize any relief effort to aid the
 victims of Katrina at this point by the Assamese
 community.  Nonetheless, I urge each and all of you
 to extend you’re helping hands and wallet in any
 shape or form you could master.  For instance, my
 family is taking advantage of our employers'
 matching funds policy and donating money to the
 American Red Cross.  I'm sure many of you are
 already doing similar things; if not, please do so
 ASAP.  According to most relief agencies, such as
 the Salvation Army and the American Red Cross, they
 need money and not any material; however, people can
 sign up with Salvation Army to join its human
 volunteers going to the hurricane affected areas. 
 NJ residents can donate bottled water to National
 Guards – take it to any NG armory.  Residents of
 each state should contact their respective state
 Dept of Homeland Security to find out how they can
 If there is enough interest and commitment in the
 Assamese Community to carry out a Katrina Relief
 Drive (doesn’t have to be through a concert or other
 event, just collect money and decide how to give),
 let's do it regionally as it'll be difficult to do
 it nationally, e.g., NJ/NY/PA, or CT/MA, or CA, TX,
 FL, Canada/Toronto, etc. (I urge those of us in the
 NY/NJ/PA region to contact me immediately if there's
 such interest.).  We may also want to join hands
 with other Indian organizations in their effort to
 aid the victims of Katrina.  
 Thank you for your sympathy, empathy, and care for
 the people of New Orleans and the Gulf Coasts of
 Mississippi and Louisiana.  May God bless them all,
 Sanjib Bhuyan
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Re: [Assam] More accurately, AN ASSAMESE adviser to the US president. What?s cooking?

2005-09-02 Thread umesh sharma
seems like a good beginning of a new challenge for Santanu-da.

UmeshBartta Bistar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

NRI to become President Bush's advisor's~advisor

Thursday, 01 September , 2005, 11:25

Washington: The Bush administration will have an Indian-origin official to advise the President as White House announced its intention to nominate Santanu K Baruah as an Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Economic Development. 
The announcement came on Wednesday as a communiqué saying that White House "intends" to nominate Baruah as the Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Economic Development. 

The Oregon-based former management consultant is currently serving as the Chief of Staff for the Economic Development Administration at the Department of Commerce. 
Prior to joining the Administration, he was a Senior Management Consultant for Performance Consulting Group in Portland, Oregon. 
Earlier in his career, Baruah has also worked for the Secretaries of Interior and Labour. He received his Bachelor's degree from the University of Oregon and his master's degree from Williamette University. 

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Re: [Assam] Yahoo! UK Ireland - Story - News | Oddly Enough | Robotdog - man's best friend or a no-fat nag?

2005-09-02 Thread umesh sharma
it may be a matter of funding also. The French govt did not fund the Black hole telescope project and NASA is doing - maybe becos NASA has the funds to take risk with something futuristic. Also like in case of Pig Heart doctor from Assam, the locals may not understand the hi-fi science behind the research and may label it utopian. 

Red tape is ofcourse a problem. Some may have seen the heartbreaking movie "Ek doctor ki maut" - A scientist's death - by Pankaj Kapur -- based on a real story of an Indian scientist who commited suicide when his superior took credit for his back breaking and innovation.

The movie showed - ofcourse - a happy ending - the scientist catching a plane to the West to work at a lab . Maybe thats what is happening now - thanks to internet communication.

UmeshChan Mahanta [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
At 2:53 PM +0530 9/1/05, mc mahant wrote:In India they first ask you "DO YOU HAVE Past Experience of doing a thinglike this?"Then if you do not show "Past TRACK RECORD" ,and are not properlyregistered--you are SUMMARILY rejectedmm It is a tricky issue.Past track record and experience for a PUBLIC project could not be downplayed or dismissed. It would be entirely different if a PRIVATE party wishes to take the risks with an unknown entity without a demonstrable track record, because there might be incentives, such as cost savings, innovative solution, possibility of getting things done sooner, or other such reasons.That luxury does not exist for public servants , who could be held accountable.HOWEVER, the accountability of public servants in Indian governance in general, and more
 specifically in the Assam context, is non-existent, and the work produced by entities with 'experience' and 'track-record' is dismal.In that the 'track-record' and 'past-experience' prerequisites are little more than a smoke-screen for unbridled corruption, most of the time.From: Yahoo! UK  Ireland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]To: assam@assamnet.orgSubject: [Assam] Yahoo! UK  Ireland - Story - News | Oddly Enough |Robotdog - man's best friend or a no-fat nag?Date: Thu, 1 Sep 2005 00:41:29 GMTUmesh ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) has sent you a news articlePersonal message text:my new room mate is working on a Robotic Fish for the Navy. Designing thefins right now. Incidently,
 MIT Museum did show a film that theirArtificial Intelligence Lab was working on a big robot fish - and thattheir lab was initially at Carnegie Mellon and later moved to MIT in 60s.This guy is a robotics grad. of Carnegie M. Another (French) is working ona telescope to view Black Holes -even though they do not emit light. Thelens will measure X-rays which are emitted by Black holes. And I thoughtFrench were good at Fashion only! The paper for this lens was written by aFrecnhman but their govt didnt fund the research. Is such a thing happeningto Indian researchers too?UmeshNews | Oddly Enough | Robot dog - man's best friend or a no-fat nag? storage, less Spam, built-in anti-virus - all for free with
 Yahoo!Mail* mailing listassam@assamnet.org mailing listassam@assamnet.org
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Re: [Assam] Freedom of speech censored?

2005-09-02 Thread Chan Mahanta
Title: Re: [Assam] Freedom of speech

Kamal's question is a rather vague one, directed towards
justifying certain
acts and attitudes towards people of the Muslim faith that
bedevil a number of people of India, who identify themselves with
Hindu nationalism, regardless of whether they believe in the undefined
tenets of Hinduism.

* What exactly is 'incendiary'? What is its definition?

If it is definable and defined,in a society where there is a
track record of trustworthiness of civilized and timely
law-enforcement and justice, and where a majority of a truly
democratic polity accepts it within the bounds of a Constitution, one
might say it is the prerogative of that society to establish BOUNDS to
such speech as maybe detrimental to that society's well being.

But in the absence of such safeguards, such infringements to
free-speech will be anything but tyranny of the majority in the guise
of democracy.

Now I take the liberty of suggesting to our good friend Kamal,
that perhaps he ought to pose the question to people like:

 A: Pat
Prabin Thogadiya
Balsaheb Thackerey
Ayatolla Whoever

What better way to get practical advice than from practising

At 8:13 AM -0400 9/2/05, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Speech,thought,theories,lifestyle,sexual preference,
artforms--should be
left to individual choice--i.e. if the state thinks it has now grown

Muslims, who want to live under the Islamic Sharia Law and who
resort to
incendiary speech, were told recently to get out of Australia as
government targeted radicals in a bid to head off potential terror

Do you think that the free speech rights have been trampled on by
Australian govt?


Mike's question is rather wide. In civilised countries
personal laws are usually respected so long
onelivesin peace with his or her neighbour. It is
both a matter of give and take and tolerance. As it is no longer
possiblefor a homogeneous population to live inclinical
isolation in any progressive civilised society today; liberalism
must prevail over racial, linguistic, religious and other differences
which dividehumanity.

Deka's question has specified one area: free
speech.Free speech does not connote absolute freedom of
speech; it is hedged'.Recently the UK Governmenthas
brought about new legislation to prevent acts of terrorism by
incendiary speech or otherwise.

As a democracy Australia has the benefit of the rule
of law.If someone is aggrieved by an infringement of the laws of free
speech, he can seek recourse in theCourts. In 1991,Lord
Donaldson, a former Master of the Rolls of UK, found a Cabinet
Minister gulty of contempt law for defying a court order and deporting
a man from Zaire while the case was pending in court. He observed
It would be a black day for the rule of law and the liberty of
the subject if ministers were not accountrable to the courts for their
personal actions.

Muslims today are not strictly governed by Sharia law
in any country. For example, Muslims in India are subject to the
Indian Penal Code rather than the harsh Quaranic laws of


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Re: [Assam] Yahoo! UK Ireland - Story - News | Oddly Enough | Robotdog - man's best friend or a no-fat nag?

2005-09-02 Thread umesh sharma
it may be a matter of funding also. The French govt did not fund the Black hole telescope project and NASA is doing - maybe becos NASA has the funds to take risk with something futuristic. Also like in case of Pig Heart doctor from Assam, the locals may not understand the hi-fi science behind the research and may label it utopian. 

Red tape is ofcourse a problem. Some may have seen the heartbreaking movie "Ek doctor ki maut" - A scientist's death - by Pankaj Kapur -- based on a real story of an Indian scientist who commited suicide when his superior took credit for his back breaking and innovation.

The movie showed - ofcourse - a happy ending - the scientist catching a plane to the West to work at a lab . Maybe thats what is happening now - thanks to internet communication.

UmeshChan Mahanta [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
At 2:53 PM +0530 9/1/05, mc mahant wrote:In India they first ask you "DO YOU HAVE Past Experience of doing a thinglike this?"Then if you do not show "Past TRACK RECORD" ,and are not properlyregistered--you are SUMMARILY rejectedmm It is a tricky issue.Past track record and experience for a PUBLIC project could not be downplayed or dismissed. It would be entirely different if a PRIVATE party wishes to take the risks with an unknown entity without a demonstrable track record, because there might be incentives, such as cost savings, innovative solution, possibility of getting things done sooner, or other such reasons.That luxury does not exist for public servants , who could be held accountable.HOWEVER, the accountability of public servants in Indian governance in general, and more
 specifically in the Assam context, is non-existent, and the work produced by entities with 'experience' and 'track-record' is dismal.In that the 'track-record' and 'past-experience' prerequisites are little more than a smoke-screen for unbridled corruption, most of the time.From: Yahoo! UK  Ireland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]To: assam@assamnet.orgSubject: [Assam] Yahoo! UK  Ireland - Story - News | Oddly Enough |Robotdog - man's best friend or a no-fat nag?Date: Thu, 1 Sep 2005 00:41:29 GMTUmesh ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) has sent you a news articlePersonal message text:my new room mate is working on a Robotic Fish for the Navy. Designing thefins right now. Incidently,
 MIT Museum did show a film that theirArtificial Intelligence Lab was working on a big robot fish - and thattheir lab was initially at Carnegie Mellon and later moved to MIT in 60s.This guy is a robotics grad. of Carnegie M. Another (French) is working ona telescope to view Black Holes -even though they do not emit light. Thelens will measure X-rays which are emitted by Black holes. And I thoughtFrench were good at Fashion only! The paper for this lens was written by aFrecnhman but their govt didnt fund the research. Is such a thing happeningto Indian researchers too?UmeshNews | Oddly Enough | Robot dog - man's best friend or a no-fat nag? storage, less Spam, built-in anti-virus - all for free with
 Yahoo!Mail* mailing listassam@assamnet.org mailing listassam@assamnet.org
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Re: [Assam] Assamese as an Assistant Secretary of Commerce forEconomic Development.

2005-09-02 Thread umesh sharma

Can something be done about it?

"Unfortunately, few second generation 'markhowa' children or youth or adults find the goings on in Assam or in India of much interest."

UmeshChan Mahanta [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
At 10:04 PM +0530 9/1/05, mc mahant wrote:How we wish he joins assamnet as active member.mmRecently we had the pleasure of meeting Santanu's mother, right here in St. Louis, related to Utpal and Pinkie Goswami and an old classmate of Elly Baideu.. She must be a proud mom, as we all are for Santanu's achievements.Unfortunately, few second generation 'markhowa' children or youth or adults find the goings on in Assam or in India of much interest.From: Ram Sarangapani <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>To: "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>CC: assam@assamnet.orgSubject: Re: [Assam] Assamese as an Assistant Secretary of Commerce forEconomic Development.Date: Thu, 1 Sep 2005 10:06:13
 -0500That is really good news. Congratulations Mr. Santanu K Baruah.On 9/1/05, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote: Washington: The Bush administration will have an Indian-origin official to advise the President as White House announced its intention to nominate Santanu K Baruah as an Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Economic Development. The announcement came on Wednesday as a communiqué saying that White House "intends" to nominate Baruah as the Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Economic Development. The Oregon-based former management consultant is currently serving as the Chief of Staff for the Economic Development Administration at the
 Department of Commerce. Prior to joining the Administration, he was a Senior Management Consultant for Performance Consulting Group in Portland, Oregon. Earlier in his career, Baruah has also worked for the Secretaries of Interior and Labour. He received his Bachelor's degree from the University of Oregon and his master's degree from Williamette University. - - a community of all the RECs ___ assam mailing list mailing listassam@assamnet.org mailing listassam@assamnet.org mailing listassam@assamnet.org
		Can't remember an address in your address book? Enter the first few letters and Address AutoComplete will automatically finish it. Get Yahoo! Mail___
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Re: [Assam] Nice Headline /from AT

2005-09-02 Thread Ram Sarangapani

Thanks for the solutions you provided. 

  That is a serious problem. One of the reasons Assam seeks to get
 out of the tangled mess that is India.

OK that is one reason. What are the other ones? All along you have
maintained that this demand for independence in NOT because of lack of
development  growth, but something more intrinsic. I guess that would
be Assamese identity  preserving Assamese culture.

Or do you think if Assam is set free it will become the basket case
of the world? Or are you paranoid about the lungi-menace ?

Oh!, I think it will definitely become a satelite of Bangladesh. That
is just a geographical truth. There simply are more B'deshis and what
better place for them to come to and settle down than the fruited
plains of Assam?

I wonder what then will happen to the Assamese identity  culture.
Wonder what will happen to these demands for growth  development. We
know of course it can never be better than Dacca at the most.

Am I paronoid about the 'lungi menace'. Heh! heh! Paronia is an
affliction of an imagined horror or menace. But this the real McCoy,
C'da :). It may some difficulty for B'deshis to come over now, but in
an 'independent Assam' it will be cake walk for B'deshi.

Your solutions is actually a red-carpet welcome to them B'deshi. All
you need is wear their national attire, the 'lungi' to make them feel
all the more welcome :):)

Elekshuns:. People deserve to throw out the effective system and
adopt a more  reliable one.

Did I read that right? Are you now putting the onus on 'PEOPLE' to
change a system? How is that possible? You are the people's champion.
You have always maintained that they had no recourse, etc.

Each point of your solution requires that active participation of
'people'. The people are the ones that need to make these changes
isn't it?

  # By developing a modern and fair constitution for assam

What, 25 + years wasn't enough to come up with a draft?. Even the
Iraqis may be ahead of the curve here. Today's world, the best thing
to do is to copy such things from other countries. My suggestion would
be to forget writing and developing such a thing, instead just copy
the US Constitution, and promote it as an 'independent Assam' effort.
Of course, the new leaders don't have to follow that dang thing.

# By having campaign finance regulations that have teeth and
are enforceable. Assam elekshuns are controlled by outside business
interests thru BLACK MONEY that desi-demokrasy is impotent in curbing

Are we discusssing campaign finance, PAC money etc in US, business
influence in the US. For a moment, I got lost.

But, I am back. Noble goals no doubt. I am with you here. Of course,
you are expecting the 'people' correct all this, right?

Or, are you expecting this from the new leaders of this independent
Assam - who BTW have a great track record of murder, looting,
kidnappings, and amassing great wealth.
Like you, I think these great leaders will change overnight, and
transform into knights in shining armor.

# By adopting a candidate selection process that is not beholden to the

Another good idea. About a year ago, some people in Houston put up a 
candidate ( Berry) for Mayoral elections. (key word local elections).
The guy was almost certain to win for the republican side - but, here
comes Tom Delay and few others, and they categorically told Berry to
withdraw - as they had a better candidate. He withdrew promptly
(people were just shocked). So, what the high command says, gets done,
whether it is DC or Dispur.

system must be re-tooled to attract and enable the able from Assam
to run for office. And the management must not be automatically go
to the largest vote-getter, qualified or not.

C'da. I share your frusturation. But this ain't going to change.

This 'hoi saar, nohoi saar' attitude requires an attitudinal change in
people. A change in the mindset.
The need to understand democracy and how to assert for rights
recognize the responsibilities. Thats an education by itself.

An executive style of government instead of the feeble and impotent
parliamentary kind practised in  India would be a good alternative.

You mean, the CEO type that GW has. Maybe so, maybe so.

# A thorough overhaul of the judiciary is crucial, with local people
as judges, and not foreign ones, sent in to serve at Guwahati for
sins in their native lands.

At first sight, this sounds great. But if one were to look a little
deeper - you will find WHY the framers of the British, India, and even
the US constitutions, wanted to  make sure that is isn't the case.

When locals are judges in a panchayat or a district court, thats fine
-as they understand the local situations better than outsiders.

But locals for State High courts is not always a good idea.  Why,
simple reason is that local judges may have conflicts of interests as
they may know the attorneys, the 

[Assam] Government Saw Flood Risk but Not Levee Failure

2005-09-02 Thread cmahanta
Title: E-Mail This


This page was sent to you by:

Message from sender:
"Government Saw Flood Risk but Not Levee Failure" And so much for engineering determinism --- from the world's most advanced and wealthy nation. cm 


| September 2, 2005

Federal Response:
Government Saw Flood Risk but Not Levee Failure


Despite all the warnings, Hurricane Katrina overwhelmed the very government agencies that had rehearsed for such a calamity.




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Re: [Assam] Nice Headline /from AT

2005-09-02 Thread umesh sharma

I can agree with these points of yours. Someone told me that judiciary in USA works fast becos the court has juries to decide the verdict - and then the judge to say if their decision is valid - and then someone else alsoon it. So that one decision has the power of decision of three Indian courts-- so there is very less appeal in US - and so decisions fast and criminals convicted.


C-da wrote:

# By changing the administrative system, where a demagogue  that can draw large numbers of vote gets to be that important minister, in charge of  managing those complex affairs of state, riding herd/hard over his  itinerant IAS minions going 'hoy saar, hoy-saar' failing which they might end managing a bankrupt undertaking at Jokaisuk. The system must be re-tooled to attract and enable the able from Assam to run for office. And the management must not be automatically go to the largest vote-getter, qualified or not.  An executive style of government instead of the feeble and impotent  parliamentary kind practised in India would be a good alternative.  # A thorough overhaul of the judiciary is crucial, with local people as judges, and not foreign ones, sent in to serve at Guwahati for sins in their native lands. # Complete overhaul
 of the police system with civilian oversight, who will be trained to SERVE the people, and not RULE over them like the desi-coloninal system in place. Police will have adequate  educational qualifications with adequate compensation for a dignified lifestyle. And police staff shall NEVER again be menial house-servants for MLAs, ministers and bureaucrats.Barua25 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Do you believe it will hurt India, and thus in your infinite goodness do not want to see that? Or do you think if Assam is set free it will become the basket case of the world? Or are you paranoid about the lungi-menace ?Which one Ram :-)?I think the only reason you want to free Assam from India is to grabe power for Assam by yourself like they are doing in Burmah.But why do you want to rule Assam like a dictator? What good will come out ofit? What you will gain? Why is this hunger for power? 

- Original Message - 
From: "Chan Mahanta" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: "Ram Sarangapani" [EMAIL PROTECTED]; "Chan Mahanta" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, September 01, 2005 9:41 PM
Subject: Re: [Assam] Nice Headline /from AT
 Ram:   At 3:14 PM -0500 9/1/05, Ram Sarangapani wrote: Hi C'da,  Hope you had a nice trip out West.   *** Yes, indeed. Had a great trip. Thanks.Since the two are so intertwined, we obviously cannot separate the issues.   That is a serious problem. One of the reasons Assam seeks to get  out of the tangled mess that is India. It will be good for India, and  better for Assam.  Do you believe it will hurt India, and thus in your infinite goodness  do not want to see that? Or do you think if Assam is set free it will  become the basket case of the world? Or are you paranoid about the  lungi-menace ?  Which one Ram :-)?Its not just
 reforms (for developement or growth), you posts reflect the utter lack of faith in desi-demokrasy, elekshuns, and system of governance in India.   And with good reasons. I did not use to be so. I too was a  'pucca' desi-patriot. But I got wiser, and I learned how to read the  handwriting on the wall. Not just in this case, but in most all other  areas of life too. And it has served me well, and thus my confidence.ELEKSHUNS are a tool, a mean for selecting a team to mind your  collective affairs. If that slate of the elected are unable to  deliver, then such elekshuns deserve to be shunned. They are not icons on to themselves,  inviolate, to be held up on a pedestal like yet another desi-god.  People deserve to throw out the effective system and adopt a more  reliable one.  How? # By developing a modern and
 fair constitution for assam  # By having campaign finance regulations that have teeth and are enforceable. Assam elekshuns are controlled by outside business  interests thru BLACK MONEY that desi-demokrasy is impotent in curbing.  # By adopting a candidate selection process that is not beholden to the  'high-command'. Remember how Bhupen Hazarika proudly announced that he will do whatever his 'Atalji' told him, whatever this masters in the 'high command' had in store for him? But BH is not an exception to the rule. He is the norm. Others have been actually worse. Is that democracy in your book Ram?  # By changing the administrative system, where a demagogue  that can draw large numbers of vote gets to be that important minister, in charge of  managing those complex affairs of state, riding herd/hard over his  itinerant IAS
 minions going 'hoy saar, hoy-saar' failing which they might end managing a bankrupt undertaking at Jokaisuk. The system must be re-tooled to attract and enable the able from Assam to run for office. And the management must not be automatically go to the largest vote-getter, 

Re: [Assam] Assamese as an Assistant Secretary of Commerce forEconomic Development.

2005-09-02 Thread Chan Mahanta
Title: Re: [Assam] Assamese as an Assistant Secretary of

At 4:46 PM +0100 9/2/05, umesh sharma wrote:

Can something be done about

*** Why?

I don't see any need for it. A few may develop an interest. That
is their choice. Others are citizens of a different country, raised in
a different culture, minding their own futures. Why do you need to do
anything about it? Aren't Indians able to mind their own business?
From what I read all the time, Indians are interested in minding
pother peoples' business more than their own. Good thing our children
are not like that.


Unfortunately, few second
generation 'markhowa'
children or youth or adults find the goings on in
Assam or in India of much interest.


Chan Mahanta [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
At 10:04 PM +0530 9/1/05, mc mahant wrote:
How we wish he joins assamnet as active member.

Recently we had the pleasure of meeting Santanu's
mother, right here in St. Louis, related to Utpal
and Pinkie Goswami and an old classmate of Elly
Baideu.. She must be a proud mom, as we all are
for Santanu's achievements.

Unfortunately, few second generation 'markhowa'
children or youth or adults find the goings on in
Assam or in India of much interest.

From: Ram Sarangapani
Subject: Re: [Assam] Assamese as an Assistant
Secretary of Commerce forEconomic Development.
Date: Thu, 1 Sep 2005 10:06:13 -0500

That is really good news. Congratulations Mr. Santanu K

On 9/1/05, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Washington: The Bush administration will have
an Indian-origin official to advise the
President as White House announced its
intention to nominate Santanu K Baruah as an
Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Economic
 The announcement came on Wednesday as a
communiqué saying that White House
to nominate Baruah as the Assistant Secretary
of Commerce for Economic Development.

 The Oregon-based former management consultant
is currently serving as the Chief of Staff for
the Economic Development Administration at the
Department of Commerce.

 Prior to joining the Administration, he was a
Senior Management Consultant for Performance
Consulting Group in Portland, Oregon.

 Earlier in his career, Baruah has also worked
for the Secretaries of Interior and Labour. He
received his Bachelor's degree from the
University of Oregon and his master's degree
from Williamette University.

 - - a community of all the RECs

 assam mailing list

assam mailing list

assam mailing list

assam mailing list

remember an address in your address book? Enter the first few letters
and Address AutoComplete will automatically finish it. Get Yahoo! Mail

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Re: [Assam] What is Six Sigma ?

2005-09-02 Thread Dilip/Dil Deka
Keep it up. The key to success in such endeavors is for the champions to maintain the enthusiasm andget all employees enthused. The common cause of failure is lack of support from the management.
Dilip Deka, Houston TX[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
What is Six Sigma ? Six Sigma stands for Six Standard Deviations (Sigma is the Greek letter usedto represent standard deviation in statistics) from mean. Six Sigmamethodology provides the techniques and tools to improve the capability andreduce the defects in any process. It was started in Motorola, in its manufacturing division, where millionsof parts are made using the same process repeatedly. Eventually Six Sigmaevolved and applied to other non manufacturing processes. Today you canapply Six Sigma to many fields such as Services, Medical and InsuranceProcedures, Call Centers.Six Sigma methodology improves any existing business process by constantlyreviewing and re-tuning the process. To achieve this, Six Sigma uses amethodology known as DMAIC (Define opportunities, Measure performance,Analyze opportunity, Improve
 performance, Control performance).Six Sigma methodology can also be used to create a brand new businessprocess from ground up using DFSS (Design For Six Sigma) principles. SixSigma Strives for perfection. It allows for only 3.4 defects per millionopportunities for each product or service transaction. Six Sigma reliesheavily on statistical techniques to reduce defects and measure quality. Six Sigma experts (Green Belts and Black Belts) evaluate a business processand determine ways to improve upon the existing process. Six Sigma expertscan also design a brand new business process using DFSS (Design For SixSigma) principles. Typically its easier to define a new process with DFSSprinciples than refining an existing process to reduce the defects.Six Sigma incorporates the basic principles and techniques used inBusiness, Statistics, and Engineering. These three form the core elements ofSix Sigma. Six Sigma improves the process
 performance, decreases variationand maintains consistent quality of the process output. This leads to defectreduction and improvement in profits, product quality and customersatisfaction.Six Sigma methodology is also used in many Business Process Managementinitiatives these days. These Business Process Management initiatives arenot necessarily related to manufacturing. Many of the BPM's that use SixSigma in today's world include call centers, customer support, supply chainmanagement and project management.Key Elements of Six SigmaCustomer requirements, design quality, metrics and measures, employeeinvolvement and continuous improvement are main elements of Six SigmaProcess Improvement.The three key elements of Six Sigma are: Customer SatisfactionDefining Processes and defining Metrics and Measures for Processes· Using and understanding Data and Systems· Setting Goals for ImprovementTeam Building
 and Involving EmployeesInvolving all employees is very important to Six Sigma. The company mustinvolve all employees. Company must provide opportunities and incentives foremployees to focus their talents and ability to satisfy customers. Defining Roles: This is important to six sigma. All team members should havea well defined role with measurable objectives.What are be doing out here in Guwahati Refinery ?We have hired consultant M/s TQMI, New Delhi for giving the training toBlack belts, Green Belts and Champion.After that we have selected 5 BBs and 17 GBs for doing project with the help guidance from M/s TQMI. Out of 22 projects we are able to complete 17projects in time and is awaiting certification.The projects were both related to technical improvements and systemimprovements ( Finance( customer delight), Materials ( shorteningprocurement time), Mantainence ( downtime of machineries ).After
 COmpletion ?The completed projects are sent to M/s TQMI for forwarding to MOTOROLAUNIVERSITY for certification.What we have achieved ?Already one person from Digboi refinery has qualified as BLACK BELT. So hecan take up projects for system improvements.SO HOPING FOR THE RESULTS !! ___assam mailing listassam@assamnet.org
assam mailing list

[Assam] see movie - Widows / Water in Canada etc; Sati supporters?

2005-09-02 Thread umesh sharma

Just saw this news about movie Water getting accepted for the first time abroad. I have been sceptical about Deepa Mehta's movie Fire - on lesbianism as a cure for Indianhousewife's drudgery - but this movie seems a true portryal of atleast some of the inmates of hostels of widow/rape victims. I hope someone makes a movie on Devdasi system in the South as well.

Also I read that female trafficking is the second largest global criminal business worldwide - after drugs. Why not a movie on that?Females from East Asia and East Europe seem to be coming to the West in large numbers. Infact some Russian girls applied for rooms here - landlord later disclosed that Russian Mafia is active in DC supplying Russian blondes to Govt officials etc who come to DC for short stays. 

The following rebuttal of Water movie by Swadeshi Jagran Manch person - seems to right up the ally of Sati supporters :
who says that it is no point in raising the issue of plight of some widows just becos some of them like it alone. He gives the example of his own mother who raised him alone but it is likely that she had the resources and the protection of her family. A lot of youngwidows are left out to fend for themselves. Internationally - such widows and women left by their husbands are the ones who enter prostitution . This Swadeshi Jagran Manch should take a course in Gender studies at Harvard etc - since noone talks about it at length in Indiaatleast. He should also read about Ishwar Chandra Vidya Sagar - who married a widow in the 19th century and started the widow remarraige movement in Bengal.

Any comments?


PS: Maybe some widow committed Sati long ago - out of some sort of strange feelings, as supposedly did the queens of Rajasthan when their husbands were doomed to die fighting and so they got themselves dead by flames --- but in normal circumstances why should a woman have to live a life of misery in a hostel for widows or get her committed to flames - when the men are NOT to?

		To help you stay safe and secure online, we've developed the all new Yahoo! Security Centre.
		To help you stay safe and secure online, we've developed the all new Yahoo! Security Centre.___
assam mailing list

Re: [Assam] Government Saw Flood Risk but Not Levee Failure

2005-09-02 Thread umesh sharma

It is surprising that so many people are dying even after the announcement that ALL must leave the cities being hit by Katrina. Seems there is much more to people's intelligence than mere school level education - since nearly ALL are literate in US and have money enough to buy TVs and hire buses to leave the city. Still about 100,000 remained in the city and thousands are supposed to be dead.






This page was sent to you by: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Message from sender:"Government Saw Flood Risk but Not Levee Failure" And so much for engineering determinism --- from the world's most advanced and wealthy nation. cm NATIONAL / NATIONAL SPECIAL  | September 2, 2005 Federal Response: Government Saw Flood Risk but Not Levee Failure By SCOTT SHANE and ERIC LIPTON Despite all the warnings, Hurricane Katrina overwhelmed the very government agencies that had
 rehearsed for such a calamity. 


  1. Editorial: Waiting for a Leader 2. Op-Ed Columnist: A Can't-Do Government 3. Op-Ed Columnist: The Storm After the Storm 4. Basics: How to Make Phone Calls Without a Telephone 5. Editorial: Life in the Bottom 80 Percent » Go to Complete List  


Copyright 2005 The New York Times Company | Privacy Policy 

  ___assam mailing listassam@assamnet.org
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Re: [Assam] Government Saw Flood Risk but Not Levee Failure

2005-09-02 Thread Dilip/Dil Deka

There are two reasons for the able bodied people staying behind.
Some did not take the warnings seriously despite the Louisiana governor "begging" people to leave New Orleans. I read the story of tourists flying into N.O. on Saturday just before the hurricane landed.
Others did not have the means to leave - no cars or no money for gas.
The first group is the majority since you can see inpicturesthat a large number of cars are still in the city under flood water .

Anyway, Texas as a neighbor is doing all it can by opening all large public places to the victims. Many Houston businesses are also hiring some of the victims to let them settle in Houston. The Houston Mayor estimates there are 100,000 victims shelteredin Metro Houston. Read today's Houston Chronicle to find out about the effort in Houston - are doing as much as possible, through donations and volunteer work.

Dilipdaumesh sharma [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


It is surprising that so many people are dying even after the announcement that ALL must leave the cities being hit by Katrina. Seems there is much more to people's intelligence than mere school level education - since nearly ALL are literate in US and have money enough to buy TVs and hire buses to leave the city. Still about 100,000 remained in the city and thousands are supposed to be dead.






This page was sent to you by: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Message from sender:"Government Saw Flood Risk but Not Levee Failure" And so much for engineering determinism --- from the world's most advanced and wealthy nation. cm NATIONAL / NATIONAL SPECIAL  | September 2, 2005 Federal Response: Government Saw Flood Risk but Not Levee Failure By SCOTT SHANE and ERIC LIPTON Despite all the warnings, Hurricane Katrina overwhelmed the very government agencies that had
 rehearsed for such a calamity. 


  1. Editorial: Waiting for a Leader 2. Op-Ed Columnist: A Can't-Do Government 3. Op-Ed Columnist: The Storm After the Storm 4. Basics: How to Make Phone Calls Without a Telephone 5. Editorial: Life in the Bottom 80 Percent » Go to Complete List  


Copyright 2005 The New York Times Company | Privacy Policy 

  ___assam mailing listassam@assamnet.org

How much free photo storage do you get? Store your holiday snaps for FREE with Yahoo! Photos. Get Yahoo! Photos___assam mailing listassam@assamnet.org
assam mailing list

Re: [Assam] Assamese as an Assistant Secretary of Commerce forEconomic Development.

2005-09-02 Thread Ram Sarangapani

 I don't see any need for it. A few may develop an interest. That is their
 choice. Others are citizens of a different country, raised in a different
 culture, minding their own futures. Why do you need to do anything about it?

While I agree there may be some merit to what you said (above). Umesh's response
  Can something  be done about it? 

 could have been triggered by what you wrote earlier:

 Unfortunately, few second generation 'markhowa'
 children or youth or adults find the goings on in
 Assam or in India of much interest.

The keyword 'unfortunately' could send the message that 'something'
ought to be done. If as you say its a 'good thing are children ...',
then how can it also be 'unfortunate'.

BTW: I think it would be a good thing for our children to take an
interest in whats going on back home.

 Aren't Indians able to mind their own business? From what I read all the
 time, Indians are  interested in minding pother peoples' business more than
 their own.

Are they? Is that a national trait attributable just to Indians, and
since Assamese are also Indians for the moment, to the Assamese as
well. Thats quite an indictment. :)


 Unfortunately, few second generation 'markhowa'
 children or youth or adults find the goings on in
 Assam or in India of much interest.
 Chan Mahanta [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 At 10:04 PM +0530 9/1/05, mc mahant wrote:
 How we wish he joins assamnet as active member.
 Recently we had the pleasure of meeting Santanu's
 mother, right here in St. Louis, related to Utpal
 and Pinkie Goswami and an old classmate of Elly
 Baideu.. She must be a proud mom, as we all are
 for Santanu's achievements.
 Unfortunately, few second generation 'markhowa'
 children or youth or adults find the goings on in
 Assam or in India of much interest.
 From: Ram Sarangapani
 Subject: Re: [Assam] Assamese as an Assistant
 Secretary of Commerce forEconomic Development.
 Date: Thu, 1 Sep 2005 10:06:13 -0500
 That is really good news. Congratulations Mr. Santanu K Baruah.
 On 9/1/05, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Washington: The Bush administration will have
 an Indian-origin official to advise the
 President as White House announced its
 intention to nominate Santanu K Baruah as an
 Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Economic
  The announcement came on Wednesday as a
 communiqué saying that White House intends
 to nominate Baruah as the Assistant Secretary
 of Commerce for Economic Development.
  The Oregon-based former management consultant
 is currently serving as the Chief of Staff for
 the Economic Development Administration at the
 Department of Commerce.
  Prior to joining the Administration, he was a
 Senior Management Consultant for Performance
 Consulting Group in Portland, Oregon.
  Earlier in his career, Baruah has also worked
 for the Secretaries of Interior and Labour. He
 received his Bachelor's degree from the
 University of Oregon and his master's degree
 from Williamette University.
  - - a community of all the RECs
  assam mailing list
 assam mailing list
 assam mailing list
 assam mailing list
 Can't remember an address in your address book? Enter the first few letters
 and Address AutoComplete will automatically finish it. Get Yahoo! Mail

assam mailing list

Re: [Assam] Government Saw Flood Risk but Not Levee Failure

2005-09-02 Thread Chan Mahanta

Seems there is much more to people's intelligence than mere school 
level education - since nearly ALL are literate in US and have 
money enough to buy TVs and hire buses to leave the city. Still 
about 100,000 remained in the city and thousands are supposed to be 

Dilip explained some of it.

But do you not realize, even after watching all that news coverage, 
that not all or even the most ( I don't buy Dilip's characterization 
here--even though I have watched perhaps 30 minutes of TV coverage so 
far) in serious trouble are either  the able bodied, or the 
economically able ?

Only thing you did not throw in this time was your racial / gender or 
religious stereotyping.

Umesh, it is about time, more so after a year in Harvard, that before 
you shoot off these seat-of-the-pants  conclusions and judgements, 
exercise your reasoning abilities a tad bit more.

Good luck,


At 6:09 PM +0100 9/2/05, umesh sharma wrote:

It is surprising that so many people are dying even after the 
announcement that ALL must leave the cities being hit by Katrina. 
Seems there is much more to people's intelligence than mere school 
level education - since nearly ALL are literate in US and have money 
enough to buy TVs and hire buses to leave the city. Still about 
100,000 remained in the city and thousands are supposed to be dead.


assam mailing list

Re: [Assam] Assamese as an Assistant Secretary of Commerce forEconomic Development.

2005-09-02 Thread Chan Mahanta

  could have been triggered by what you wrote earlier:

 Yes, I agree that I might have contributed to that--to an extent.

It would be nice, if the 'markhowa' progeny took 
more interest in the goings on in the lands of 
their 'matamoh' ( foremothers--you heard it here 
first :-)). Not unfortunate. Bad choice of word 
on my part.

But our discourses being the never ending story 
it is, all connected to words written or 
attitudes displayed, bound by context, it is also 
not difficult to assess where Umesh's sentiments 
lie. In that his response was not necessarily the 
sole product of my unfortunate use of the word 

   Aren't Indians able to mind their own business? From what I read all the
  time, Indians are  interested in minding pother peoples' business more than
  their own.

 I do stand by that assessment Ram. It is a 
desi-cultural trait. South Asian in general. In 
that it does extend to some Kharkhowas too, even 
though my assessment here is that it is to a 
lesser extent than some other desis.

  Thats quite an indictment. :)

Do you dispute that?  Regardless, rest assured, 
you are entitled to your opinion too. Far be it 
for me,the not-so-humble anti-Indian kharkhowa, 
than to deny you, the desi-patriot, that right to 
disagree :-).

Also, on the issue of the ethnic Assamese being 
tarred and feathered together with other Indians 
, on account of geographical boundaries or forced 
bondage, isn't exactly a defendable argument. As 
you might have noticed, I explained to someone 
calling me an Indian, that it is an incorrect 
perception: I WAS an Indian national. That was 
thirty years back. Today I am an American 
national. And my ethnicity is Assamese. I don't 
know how I could be labeled an Indian :-).


At 12:49 PM -0500 9/2/05, Ram Sarangapani wrote:

  I don't see any need for it. A few may develop an interest. That is their
  choice. Others are citizens of a different country, raised in a different
  culture, minding their own futures. Why do you need to do anything about it?

While I agree there may be some merit to what 
you said (above). Umesh's response
   Can something  be done about it? 

  could have been triggered by what you wrote earlier:

  Unfortunately, few second generation 'markhowa'
  children or youth or adults find the goings on in
  Assam or in India of much interest.

The keyword 'unfortunately' could send the message that 'something'
ought to be done. If as you say its a 'good thing are children ...',
then how can it also be 'unfortunate'.

BTW: I think it would be a good thing for our children to take an
interest in whats going on back home.

   Aren't Indians able to mind their own business? From what I read all the
  time, Indians are  interested in minding pother peoples' business more than
  their own.

Are they? Is that a national trait attributable just to Indians, and
since Assamese are also Indians for the moment, to the Assamese as
well. Thats quite an indictment. :)


  Unfortunately, few second generation 'markhowa'
  children or youth or adults find the goings on in
  Assam or in India of much interest.

  Chan Mahanta [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  At 10:04 PM +0530 9/1/05, mc mahant wrote:
  How we wish he joins assamnet as active member.

  Recently we had the pleasure of meeting Santanu's
  mother, right here in St. Louis, related to Utpal
  and Pinkie Goswami and an old classmate of Elly
  Baideu.. She must be a proud mom, as we all are
  for Santanu's achievements.

  Unfortunately, few second generation 'markhowa'
  children or youth or adults find the goings on in
  Assam or in India of much interest.

  From: Ram Sarangapani
  Subject: Re: [Assam] Assamese as an Assistant
   Secretary of Commerce forEconomic Development.
  Date: Thu, 1 Sep 2005 10:06:13 -0500
  That is really good news. Congratulations Mr. Santanu K Baruah.
  On 9/1/05, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Washington: The Bush administration will have
  an Indian-origin official to advise the
  President as White House announced its
  intention to nominate Santanu K Baruah as an
  Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Economic
   The announcement came on Wednesday as a
  communiqué saying that White House intends
  to nominate Baruah as the Assistant Secretary
  of Commerce for Economic Development.
   The Oregon-based former management consultant
  is currently serving as the Chief of Staff for
  the Economic Development Administration at the
  Department of Commerce.
   Prior to joining the Administration, he was a
  Senior Management Consultant for Performance
  Consulting Group in Portland, Oregon.
   Earlier in his career, Baruah has also worked
  for the Secretaries of Interior and Labour. He
  received his Bachelor's degree from the
  University of Oregon and his master's degree
  from Williamette University.

Re: [Assam] Government Saw Flood Risk but Not Levee Failure

2005-09-02 Thread umesh sharma

I'm sorry but I do not have access to Cable TV like you do. Only after writing me earlier mail I was able to see CNN today at Montgomery college and realize that most of the victims were poor and black. However, I do not see any reason for your accusations of my supposed bias. Maybe it is how you stereotype me.


PS: I like to analyse and find some solution -- you did not suggest any solution -- here is mine: 
The school system of such places should have programs for not only the students but also community members --- simulation exercises about how to respond in case of such calamities. Esp in coastal areas where such cyclones etc regularly occur.
I'm told that in schools kids have a fire drill (saw a Hollywood movie about Schwartzernegger as a school teacher -showing that). 

Chan Mahanta [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
U:Seems there is much more to people's intelligence than mere school level education - since nearly ALL are literate in US and have money enough to buy TVs and hire buses to leave the city. Still about 100,000 remained in the city and thousands are supposed to be dead.Dilip explained some of it.But do you not realize, even after watching all that news coverage, that not all or even the most ( I don't buy Dilip's characterization here--even though I have watched perhaps 30 minutes of TV coverage so far) in serious trouble are either the able bodied, or the economically able ?Only thing you did not throw in this time was your racial / gender or religious stereotyping.Umesh, it is about time, more so after a year in Harvard, that before you shoot off these seat-of-the-pants
 conclusions and judgements, exercise your reasoning abilities a tad bit more.Good luck,c-daAt 6:09 PM +0100 9/2/05, umesh sharma wrote:C-da,It is surprising that so many people are dying even after the announcement that ALL must leave the cities being hit by Katrina. Seems there is much more to people's intelligence than mere school level education - since nearly ALL are literate in US and have money enough to buy TVs and hire buses to leave the city. Still about 100,000 remained in the city and thousands are supposed to be dead.Umesh___assam mailing listassam@assamnet.org
		How much free photo storage do you get? Store your holiday snaps for FREE with Yahoo! Photos. Get Yahoo! 
assam mailing list

Re: [Assam] Assamese as an Assistant Secretary of Commerce forEconomic Development.

2005-09-02 Thread umesh sharma

I'm sure you would be surprised to hear that Chinese Americans have been at the forefront in ensuring that US trade with China develops . Some Chinese American professors are even going on leave to help improve Chinese economy. Atleast some of them are second generation or third generation ones. Same for Taiwan. 

This fact is highlighted by the Indian media time and again and they lament that Indian Americans are not doing their bit for India to that extent. 

UmeshChan Mahanta [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Ram: could have been triggered by what you wrote earlier: Yes, I agree that I might have contributed to that--to an extent.It would be nice, if the 'markhowa' progeny took more interest in the goings on in the lands of their 'matamoh' ( foremothers--you heard it here first :-)). Not unfortunate. Bad choice of word on my part.But our discourses being the never ending story it is, all connected to words written or attitudes displayed, bound by context, it is also not difficult to assess where Umesh's sentiments lie. In that his response was not necessarily the sole product of my unfortunate use of the word unfortunate.  Aren't Indians able to mind their own business? From what I read all the time, Indians are interested in minding pother peoples' business more
 than their own. I do stand by that assessment Ram. It is a desi-cultural trait. South Asian in general. In that it does extend to some Kharkhowas too, even though my assessment here is that it is to a lesser extent than some other desis. Thats quite an indictment. :)Do you dispute that? Regardless, rest assured, you are entitled to your opinion too. Far be it for me,the not-so-humble anti-Indian kharkhowa, than to deny you, the desi-patriot, that right to disagree :-).Also, on the issue of the ethnic Assamese being tarred and feathered together with other Indians , on account of geographical boundaries or forced politicalbondage, isn't exactly a defendable argument. As you might have noticed, I explained to someone calling me an Indian, that it is an incorrect perception: I WAS an Indian national. That was thirty years back. Today I am an American
 national. And my ethnicity is Assamese. I don't know how I could be labeled an Indian :-).c-daAt 12:49 PM -0500 9/2/05, Ram Sarangapani wrote:C'da, I don't see any need for it. A few may develop an interest. That is their choice. Others are citizens of a different country, raised in a different culture, minding their own futures. Why do you need to do anything about it?While I agree there may be some merit to what you said (above). Umesh's response " Can something be done about it? " could have been triggered by what you wrote earlier: "Unfortunately, few second generation 'markhowa' children or youth or adults find the goings on in Assam or in India of much interest."The keyword 'unfortunately' could send the message that 'something'ought to be done. If as you say its a 'good
 thing are children ...',then how can it also be 'unfortunate'.BTW: I think it would be a good thing for our children to take aninterest in whats going on back home.  Aren't Indians able to mind their own business? From what I read all the time, Indians are interested in minding pother peoples' business more than their own.Are they? Is that a national trait attributable just to Indians, andsince Assamese are also Indians for the moment, to the Assamese aswell. Thats quite an indictment. :)--Ram "Unfortunately, few second generation 'markhowa' children or youth or adults find the goings on in Assam or in India of much interest."  Umesh Chan Mahanta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote: At 10:04 PM +0530 9/1/05, mc mahant wrote:
 How we wish he joins assamnet as active member. mm  Recently we had the pleasure of meeting Santanu's mother, right here in St. Louis, related to Utpal and Pinkie Goswami and an old classmate of Elly Baideu.. She must be a proud mom, as we all are for Santanu's achievements. Unfortunately, few second generation 'markhowa' children or youth or adults find the goings on in Assam or in India of much interest. From: Ram Sarangapani To: "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" CC: Subject: Re: [Assam] Assamese as an Assistant  Secretary of Commerce forEconomic Development.
 Date: Thu, 1 Sep 2005 10:06:13 -0500  That is really good news. Congratulations Mr. Santanu K Baruah.  On 9/1/05, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Washington: The Bush administration will have an Indian-origin official to advise the President as White House announced its intention to nominate Santanu K Baruah as an Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Economic Development.  The announcement came on Wednesday as a communiqué saying that White House "intends" to nominate Baruah as the Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Economic Development. The Oregon-based former
 management consultant is currently serving as the Chief of Staff for the Economic Development Administration at the Department of Commerce.   Prior to joining the Administration, he was a 

[Assam] Katrina deaths Americans' Geographical ignorance?

2005-09-02 Thread umesh sharma

A question which arose in my mind was that : Is theAmerican disdain for geographical knowledge responsibel for a mismanagement in handling the hurricane saftey measures by the citizens and officials?

National geographic Society's survey of 1998 shows:

BBC report of 2002

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Re: [Assam] Katrina deaths Americans' Geographical ignorance?

2005-09-02 Thread Chan Mahanta
Title: Re: [Assam] Katrina deaths  Americans'
Geographical ignor

At 9:46 PM +0100 9/2/05, umesh sharma wrote:

A question which arose in my mind was
that : Is theAmerican disdain for geographical knowledge
responsibel for a mismanagement in handling the hurricane saftey
measures by the citizens and officials?

 What do you think Umesh? And can you elaborate on why you think
what you do?

National geographic Society's survey of
1998 shows:

BBC report of 2002


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Re: [Assam] Assamese as an Assistant Secretary of Commerce forEconomic Development.

2005-09-02 Thread Chan Mahanta
Title: Re: [Assam] Assamese as an Assistant Secretary of

At 9:51 PM +0100 9/2/05, umesh sharma wrote:

Where there is a will there is a

 Right. But the will does not fall from the sky. It is
developed. If the desi-emigrants' progeny are apathetic about the land
of their forefathers, that might be because the parents didn't care
about to it to begin with, or did not care to inculcate the will in
their progeny. There are of course more than one reason for that. But
what I cite is certainly one.

China has a far poor track record -
starting with the Tiannmen Square massacre.

 It is another typically broad-brush judging from tiny

Then they still have a non elected

 That goes to prove that 'elected' regimes cannot
necessarily produce results, particularly when the election
system is as defective as the desi one is. 'Election' cannot and do
not produce progress by itself. It is merely a process for
selecting the drivers of engines of progress. If the drivers, the
pilots are inept or untrained or undisciplined or operate in an
environment of low expectations or no expectations, then you cannot
possibly get to your destination, can you?

and One Child policy - and lotsof
corruption at top level .

 But still they still left India decades behind in a short
span of time, didn't they?

Even then Chinese Americans are finding ways to do things for
their place of birth.

 What does that tell you?

ALL the Indian AMerican kids - born
in USA I have met -- all find it rude when I say that they are NOT

 That is a nuanced matter. The label 'Indian' has more than
one meaning.
Their reactions might be dependent on the context you judged them
on. Perhaps some of their customs, their food habits are
subcontinental. Perhaps they look sub-continental. They certainly are
not Indian Nationals. Their social, religious, cultural mores may not
be Indian like anymore.

But most of all, to judge someone on the basis of a chance or
short encounter is indeed RUDE. Perhaps your experiences are results
of such judging.

Why? Becos here everyone is known
by the land of their origin.

 Really? How many people do you know in the USA enough
to make that judgement U?

Also many NRI girls are going back
to India to become film actresses- such as Bipasha Basu
(Canadian), Ruby Bhatia (Canadian) , Katrina kaif (UK)

 Really? That sure as heck is a surprise for me. Obviously
you know a heck
of a lot more about our children than the likes of myself do

Anyway, tell me U, does MANY consist of Bipasha Basu (Canadian),
Ruby Bhatia (Canadian) , Katrina kaif (UK) ? I am a statistically
challenged person. In fact I barely passed the subject in college. But
even I know that your assessment is ridiculous. Either your
knowledge of the English language, or your statistical savvy requires
a lot of work.


Chan Mahanta [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Are you or the desi-media suggesting here that India's
condition is a result of
its expatriates or their progeny not returning to invest
in the emigrants' country? And the opposite being the true about

If so you are deluding yourselves. The fact of only a few
NRIs or their children
are returning to India is a result of Indian governance (
or more precisely non-governance), its bureaucracy, its corruption and
Indian society's
suffocating religio/cultural attitudes of judging others
on flimsy evidence or tiny sampling. Second-genners particularly
detest their desi-kins' proclivity for lecturing them on everything
from morality to religion to language, personal grooming, to study
habits and everything else in between. Does that ring a

Women particularly do not want to return to India. I
hope you had noticed that by now. And if not, I would suggest you
observe things more carefully.


At 9:08 PM +0100 9/2/05, umesh sharma wrote:

I'm sure you would be surprised to hear that Chinese
Americans have been at the forefront in ensuring that US trade with
China develops . Some Chinese American professors are even going
on leave to help improve Chinese economy. Atleast some of them are
second generation or third generation ones. Same for Taiwan.

This fact is highlighted by the Indian media time and
again and they lament that Indian Americans are not doing their bit
for India to that extent.


Chan Mahanta [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 could have been triggered by what you wrote earlier:

 Yes, I agree that I might have contributed to that--to an

It would be nice, if the 'markhowa' progeny took
more interest in the goings on in the lands of
their 'matamoh' ( foremothers--you heard it here
first :-)). Not unfortunate. Bad choice of word
on my part.

But our discourses being the never ending story
it is, all connected to words written or
attitudes displayed, bound by context, it is also
not difficult to assess where Umesh's sentiments
lie. In that 

Re: [Assam] NRI kids - one last time - results of lecturing by me

2005-09-02 Thread Chan Mahanta
Title: Re: [Assam] NRI kids - one last time - results of

I do not see anything wrong has occured by discussing the
consequences of rash acts by individuals and showing
some issues in Indian culture in a positive light.

 Discussion usually requires at least two willing
participants. Otherwise it could become a rude lecturing, or
just a boring nuisance.

If your landlord is receptive to your teachings , he would not
find you rude. But if he were not so, you could be shunned or avoided
like a contagious disease, or even be looking for a different

At 10:23 PM +0100 9/2/05, umesh sharma wrote:

After C-da's comments on lecturing to
NRI-kids by their cousins in India - and their reluctance to go to
India for this reason - I'd like to mention for the last time the
effect of my discussion with my NRI-room mate and

Knowledge about Genital Herpes: He was so
surprised that even while sitting in the subway Metro train - he
checked up the NIH website 9National Inst. of Health) on his
mobile phone (Verizon allows that) and checked all the info about the
disease. He is grateful to me for this info - as just yesterday he was
owning that he did all that physical activity (I will not
go into the detail again as I have been advised not to) becos noone
told him about the serious incurable nature of these

He has got a renewed interest in Hindu
religious scriptures - after I narrated the story of Sri Krishna's
life. He had been told some gooble-dy-gook that Krishna was a Don Juan
and adultrer (if someone has such an opinion I'll be glad
todiscuss). Then , First he went to the book store to buy a copy
of Mahabharat but couldn't find a cheap copy in large bookstore
(Border) so he then downloaded and printed out the story of Mahabharat
from the web. 

Then after seeing me walk in the sun to
the Siva Vishnu temple 3 miles away on Sunday - he got enthused
about the idea of combining pilgrimage and exercise. Then, hee
went to the DC public library and got video cassettes issued - of a
Mahabharat shot and acted by US actors . Much better than the one by
BR Chopra.

My NRI landlord is now toying with the
idea of marriage -- ever since I refused togowith him and
his colleagues - to a stripper's club in Adam's Morgan area in DC-
saying that ALL the girls I know at Harvard - find the idea revolting
and that it promotes female exploitation. More details for those who
might be interested.

I do not see anything wrong has occured
by discussing the consequences of rash acts by individuals
and showing some issues in Indian culture in a positive


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Re: [Assam] NRI kids - one last time - results of lecturing by me

2005-09-02 Thread umesh sharma

I agree that counselling is an art - just like parenting - perhaps. There is always a possibility of being treated like the desperate salesman of raincoats in the Sahara desert. An art to be cultivated -- most of all - by the parents of the kids. Parents are the first teachers of the child.

UmeshChan Mahanta [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I do not see anything wrong has occured by discussing the consequences of "rash" acts by individuals and showing some issues in Indian culture in a positive light.

 Discussion usually requires at least two willing participants. Otherwise it could become a rude lecturing, or just a boring nuisance.

If your landlord is receptive to your teachings , he would not find you rude. But if he were not so, you could be shunned or avoided like a contagious disease, or even be looking for a different apartment.

At 10:23 PM +0100 9/2/05, umesh sharma wrote:

After C-da's comments on lecturing to NRI-kids by their cousins in India - and their reluctance to go to India for this reason - I'd like to mention for the last time the effect of my discussion with my NRI-room mate and landlord.

Knowledge about Genital Herpes: He was so surprised that even while sitting in the subway Metro train - he checked up the NIH website 9National Inst. of Health) on his mobile phone (Verizon allows that) and checked all the info about the disease. He is grateful to me for this info - as just yesterday he was owning that he did all that "physical activity" (I will not go into the detail again as I have been advised not to) becos noone told him about the serious incurable nature of these diseases.

He has got a renewed interest in Hindu religious scriptures - after I narrated the story of Sri Krishna's life. He had been told some gooble-dy-gook that Krishna was a Don Juan and adultrer (if someone has such an opinion I'll be glad todiscuss). Then , First he went to the book store to buy a copy of Mahabharat but couldn't find a cheap copy in large bookstore (Border) so he then downloaded and printed out the story of Mahabharat from the web. 

Then after seeing me walk in the sun to the Siva Vishnu temple 3 miles away on Sunday - he got enthused about the idea of combining pilgrimage and exercise. Then, hee went to the DC public library and got video cassettes issued - of a Mahabharat shot and acted by US actors . Much better than the one by BR Chopra.

My NRI landlord is now toying with the idea of marriage -- ever since I refused togowith him and his colleagues - to a stripper's club in Adam's Morgan area in DC- saying that ALL the girls I know at Harvard - find the idea revolting and that it promotes female exploitation. More details for those who might be interested.

I do not see anything wrong has occured by discussing the consequences of "rash" acts by individuals and showing some issues in Indian culture in a positive light.



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[Assam] From Aji

2005-09-02 Thread Chan Mahanta

Ooooh! BJP seeking ULFA help to dethrone Congress. Is that a surprise 
or eruption of 'pragmatism' ?

Kalorw kal, bismoy kal, horinai seleke baghor gaal :-).

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Re: [Assam] NRI kids - one last time - results of lecturing by me

2005-09-02 Thread Chan Mahanta
Title: Re: [Assam] NRI kids - one last time - results of


Who is talking of parents?

I was talking of an FoB desi or desi kin 'discussing' the virtues
of Indianness or attempting to inculcate desi-goodness, or counseling
second genners abot how to live their lives.

Big difference U. I am surprised you missed the whole


At 10:41 PM +0100 9/2/05, umesh sharma wrote:

I agree that counselling is an art - just
like parenting - perhaps. There is always a possibility of being
treated like the desperate salesman of raincoats in the Sahara desert.
An art to be cultivated -- most of all - by the parents of the kids.
Parents are the first teachers of the child.


Chan Mahanta [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I do not see anything wrong has occured by discussing
the consequences of rash acts by individuals and
showing some issues in Indian culture in a positive

 Discussion usually requires at least two
willing participants. Otherwise it could become a rude
lecturing, or just a boring nuisance.

If your landlord is receptive to your teachings , he would
not find you rude. But if he were not so, you could be shunned or
avoided like a contagious disease, or even be looking for a different

At 10:23 PM +0100 9/2/05, umesh sharma wrote:

After C-da's comments on lecturing to NRI-kids by their
cousins in India - and their reluctance to go to India for this reason
- I'd like to mention for the last time the effect of my discussion
with my NRI-room mate and landlord.

Knowledge about Genital Herpes: He was so surprised that
even while sitting in the subway Metro train - he checked up the NIH
website 9National Inst. of Health) on his mobile phone (Verizon
allows that) and checked all the info about the disease. He is
grateful to me for this info - as just yesterday he was owning that he
did all that physical activity (I will not go into the
detail again as I have been advised not to) becos noone told him about
the serious incurable nature of these diseases.

He has got a renewed interest in Hindu religious
scriptures - after I narrated the story of Sri Krishna's life. He had
been told some gooble-dy-gook that Krishna was a Don Juan and adultrer
(if someone has such an opinion I'll be glad todiscuss). Then ,
First he went to the book store to buy a copy of Mahabharat but
couldn't find a cheap copy in large bookstore (Border) so he then
downloaded and printed out the story of Mahabharat from the

Then after seeing me walk in the sun to the Siva Vishnu
temple 3 miles away on Sunday - he got enthused about the idea
of combining pilgrimage and exercise. Then, hee went to the DC
public library and got video cassettes issued - of a Mahabharat shot
and acted by US actors . Much better than the one by BR Chopra.

My NRI landlord is now toying with the idea of marriage --
ever since I refused togowith him and his colleagues - to
a stripper's club in Adam's Morgan area in DC- saying that ALL the
girls I know at Harvard - find the idea revolting and that it promotes
female exploitation. More details for those who might be

I do not see anything wrong has occured by discussing the
consequences of rash acts by individuals and showing some
issues in Indian culture in a positive light.



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[Assam] Four women molested/paraded naked - TOI

2005-09-02 Thread Ram Sarangapani
This type of sordid tale keeps repeating every so often. This time
there is difference, the victims happened to be higher caste

Many netters who think that victims are always the low caste may want
to think twice. Though caste may play a role in such incidents, the
bigger role is the lack of education and tolerance across castes and

All said and done, this is a darn shame.

SURAT: Four women of a family were beaten up and allegedly molested
and then paraded across the village halfnaked by villagers at Gunsvel
in Bardoli taluka of Surat district.

All this for a piece of disputed land which Manohar Ramanandi, a
priest, and his family members refused to vacate. The incident
occurred on the eve of Janmashtami when about 40 people entered the
house of the priest and beat up the women.

The priest's wife Meeru Ramanandi (45), their daughters Preeti (16)
and Meera Shah (25) and sixyear-old son Parth Shah and another woman,
a relative, were present in the house when the incident occurred.
Social worker Geeta Shroff said, The accused disconnected the
electricity supply and then entered the house and sexually molested
the women and girls inside.

The villagers alleged that the family had stolen some valuables from
the temple and wanted the priest to relinquish work. The victims later
managed to call up their relative, who informed Shroff about the
treatment meted out to the Ramanandi family.

The police did not lodge a complaint and insisted on wrapping up the
case after mutual understanding between the two parties, she alleged.

When contacted, deputy superintendent of police P V Vyas said, I am
not aware of any such incident, Shroff alleged. Even the police are
trying to dispose the case as they are afraid of taking on the
villagers, she added.

We will take this up with the State Human Rights Commission and will
not rest till justice is done to the victims,'' she said.

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Re: [Assam] From Aji

2005-09-02 Thread Ram Sarangapani

 Ooooh! BJP seeking ULFA help to dethrone Congress. Is that a surprise
 or eruption of 'pragmatism' ?

Maybe some kind of political calculation on the part of the BJP. The
fact that ULFA can be easily bought (probably also sold),  and that
they have no principles left is whats being exploited.

The Bangladeshis, then the Pakistani ISI have had a go with ULFA, why
should the BJP be left out?

Thoroughly amused.


On 9/2/05, Chan Mahanta [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Ooooh! BJP seeking ULFA help to dethrone Congress. Is that a surprise
 or eruption of 'pragmatism' ?
 Kalorw kal, bismoy kal, horinai seleke baghor gaal :-).
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Re: [Assam] Government Saw Flood Risk but Not LeveeFailure

2005-09-02 Thread Barua25

I think what you are witnessing is a Close 
Encounter ofAmerica of A Third Kind. This shows that America is good a big 
things like, bringing Germany to its knees, dropping a nuclear bomb or 
twoin Japan,attacking Iraq with a 100 billion dollar budget 
etc.But in this total failure of the Federal Govt handling of 
aNatural Disaster during its first week where hundreds of Americans are 
still dying ina major American city, Americans may berealizing for 
the first time that maybe America need to change its focus from flexing 
its muscle all over the world as the unrivaled Super Power to caring its own 
poor citizens, that there may be some truths in what the Environmental 
scientists are saying to say, that Natural Disasters are not necessarily 
programmed by the Creator but may happen due to a evolutionary process 
ofglobal warming etc. I think this disaster, or rather the failure to 
handle this disaster in time, will have great consequence for the American 
Rajen Barua .

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Friday, September 02, 2005 12:09 
  Subject: Re: [Assam] 
  Government Saw Flood Risk but Not LeveeFailure
  It is surprising that so many people are dying even after the 
  announcement that ALL must leave the cities being hit by Katrina. Seems there 
  is much more to people's intelligence than mere school level education - since 
  nearly ALL are literate in US and have money enough to buy TVs and hire buses 
  to leave the city. Still about 100,000 remained in the city and thousands are 
  supposed to be dead.
  Umesh[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:






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Message from 
sender:"Government Saw Flood Risk but Not Levee 
Failure" And so much for engineering determinism --- from the 
world's most advanced and wealthy nation. cm NATIONAL / NATIONAL SPECIAL 
 | September 2, 2005 Federal 
Response: Government Saw Flood Risk but Not Levee Failure 
Despite all the warnings, Hurricane Katrina 
overwhelmed the very government agencies that had rehearsed for 
such a calamity. 



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Re: [Assam] Freedom of speech censored?

2005-09-02 Thread Chan Mahanta
At 5:56 PM -0700 9/2/05, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Content-type: text/html; charset=us-ascii
Content-language: en
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Content-disposition: inline

Mine was a pin-pointed question. I am glad that Bhubanda of UK has 
set forth a fitting reply. Rights, in any democracy, are not 

 I don't know that anyone one dispute that.

BUT, 'incendiery', 'inflamatory' etc. are  adjectives that mean 
little, unless they are DEFINED.

Inflammatory speech that is calculated as a call to the murder of, 
and violence against innocents has never been considered protected 
speech under the First Amendment clause of the US Constitution.

 I wonder where Pat Robertson's call to assassinate Chavez of 
Venezuela would fall. If I remember correctly,the great leader of 
democracy and its self-appointed standard bearer around the globe , 
GWB, said that Pat Robertson is entitled to his opinion -- that 
simple. Was it in defense of free speech or was it in defense of 
political expediency? That is the conundrum of the day. Just like the 
Australian question that is.

Therefore, free speech has its own parameters. The Supreme Court of 
the US had already expressed the principle that there were limits to 
excercising the right of free speech. In fact, in a case 
titled, Schenck versus US, the SC of the US opined that  The most 
stringent protection of free speech would not protect a man falsely 
shouting fire in a crowded theatre and causing a panic. 
Inflammatory speech that is calculated as a call to the murder of, 
and violence against innocents has never been considered protected 
speech under the First Amendment clause of the US Constitution.


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Re: [Assam] From Aji

2005-09-02 Thread Chan Mahanta
At 5:33 PM -0500 9/2/05, Ram Sarangapani wrote:

  Ooooh! BJP seeking ULFA help to dethrone Congress. Is that a surprise
  or eruption of 'pragmatism' ?

Maybe some kind of political calculation on the part of the BJP.

 Come on Ram! The BJP? Would it do something like that? They are 
Hindus man. :-).

fact that ULFA can be easily bought (probably also sold),  and that
they have no principles left is whats being exploited.

 Isn't that awful? I tell you, these Assamese 'terrorists' are 
something else. Would you believe they would even deal with them RSS 
'terrorists', and that too in the sly? I don't know Ram--it must be 
Koli Jug or something. Where have principles gone to? Hai bidhata! 
Faat diya boxumoti, patale' lukawn!! Tsk, tsk!!!

You really opened the floodgates of my pent up emotions this evening Ram :-).

The Bangladeshis, then the Pakistani ISI have had a go with ULFA, why
should the BJP be left out?

Come now Ram. Don't be so hard on the BJP. They may be just another 
bunch of scoundrels without principles, but they are YOUR scoundrels.

You got to to watch out though. You have left your guard down again 
to let me get those punches to the belly in :-).


Thoroughly amused.


On 9/2/05, Chan Mahanta [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Ooooh! BJP seeking ULFA help to dethrone Congress. Is that a surprise
  or eruption of 'pragmatism' ?

  Kalorw kal, bismoy kal, horinai seleke baghor gaal :-).

  assam mailing list

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Re: [Assam] From Aji

2005-09-02 Thread Ram Sarangapani

 Come now Ram. Don't be so hard on the BJP. They may be just another
 bunch of scoundrels without principles, but they are YOUR scoundrels.

My scoundrels? C'da, by now you should have known I am totally
apolitical. I don't have pet parties nor peevs. Lets assume the BJP
has no principles, but what on earth happend to the saviors of
Assamese independence?

But isn't it atleast a tad surprising that ULFA born out of lofty
ideals (not lack of economic development or growth) of Assamese
identity, culture, blah , blah, would stoop so low as to cavort with
the likes of BJP.

Isn't it a tad surprising that the ULFA would even think of
influencing desi-elekshuns. What exactly is happening?
Is the ULFA trying to contest the elekshuns vicariously thru the BJP
in a country they detest?

C'mon C'da, they have just been bought - lock, stock  barrel. I could
even understand their connection with India haters like the ISI and
the B'deshi, but the BJP

The world will never cease to surprise us. Still have my guard up. In
fact, I think you have let your guard down atleast a couple of times
today - well its Friday, and you are resting after a long week.  I
understand. :):).


On 9/2/05, Chan Mahanta [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 At 5:33 PM -0500 9/2/05, Ram Sarangapani wrote:
   Ooooh! BJP seeking ULFA help to dethrone Congress. Is that a surprise
   or eruption of 'pragmatism' ?
 Maybe some kind of political calculation on the part of the BJP.
  Come on Ram! The BJP? Would it do something like that? They are
 Hindus man. :-).
 fact that ULFA can be easily bought (probably also sold),  and that
 they have no principles left is whats being exploited.
  Isn't that awful? I tell you, these Assamese 'terrorists' are
 something else. Would you believe they would even deal with them RSS
 'terrorists', and that too in the sly? I don't know Ram--it must be
 Koli Jug or something. Where have principles gone to? Hai bidhata!
 Faat diya boxumoti, patale' lukawn!! Tsk, tsk!!!
 You really opened the floodgates of my pent up emotions this evening Ram :-).
 The Bangladeshis, then the Pakistani ISI have had a go with ULFA, why
 should the BJP be left out?
 Come now Ram. Don't be so hard on the BJP. They may be just another
 bunch of scoundrels without principles, but they are YOUR scoundrels.
 You got to to watch out though. You have left your guard down again
 to let me get those punches to the belly in :-).
 Thoroughly amused.
 On 9/2/05, Chan Mahanta [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Ooooh! BJP seeking ULFA help to dethrone Congress. Is that a surprise
   or eruption of 'pragmatism' ?
   Kalorw kal, bismoy kal, horinai seleke baghor gaal :-).
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